Newspaper Page Text
THE NEW YORK HERALD. PRICE FOUR CENTS. BIKE (TORY FOR ADVERTISERS* r,i0?-Hnh nnd -^th columns. rrhi'f}}~JWI UTU l"'' MxlIi column. S/. l iVi i Fauh?Slgtn column.* WANTED?Ski om> Pauic ? Fourth and fifth Ou!U'llM>. B"AIl" >Nu LODGING WANTED?Ssco.Nft I'AOS? ruth column. BOARD?flttrnstn Pack?Fifth column. BROOKLYN UK A L ESTATE 1'OIC 8Al.E-Sl.COND Pauk?First column. ?UMNUHH OPPoRTUNITIES-FifTH rtc*. Pr,. . MtH'IOKfc?SUVhNTH l'.Wil ?>|xlll Column. J .r? AM) TOBACCO?Eighth Pakk?-Ixth column. HT* 1(1'.AT. E lAlli FOR SALE?.-lu o.vp Pagi-First . column. OLKItKS AM) 8ALESMKX?Twklftu Pag).?tilth col _ UI1IU sjLOl III NO?Eighth Paoc?Slxlh column. COaciiiij-.N AND (jaItDhNLlls--i'n 11.1 in Pack?Flfih a mi sixth co'iiuiiim. Cf)\sTVVisE ST dam.-(I I I'fl-N.ini PAf;n-Thlrd column. COC'Nl'RY HOAUD? 1'agi ? I'ulh Hud sixth Col* umua. pKNi'I>TnV?Bioiiib Paiik?Hixtli column. j)'U DOOI>;?Kii;st I'Atii:? Filth colt<:nii. DvVJ.ELINi; llol'SES lOLKI, Kl'i.MSIIED t\D UN ?..,!BHi?',f,v" 1'a..pi-Third column. EUROl j.AN .ST AMSU1P8?-Ni.sfii I'AUt?Secoud und tlilril column*. ?i*J ?UJ/'}?,*n,nt" Pack?I'oartli column. FI.NANt IaL-Fhtu Pu.k. I OK SALE?I IBM I'ai.i ?-ixthcolumn FURNISHED ROOMS AM) A I'A Iff \l T.NT8 TO LKT? PIIBki*?fi?? *???Third uml lour til columns. B.p?!'r"l!,T Pauk-KHiu column. FtCKNt 11 ADVhill 1SEMLNT8?Twki.ftu Pack?Sixth column. ULLP W ANTED ?'? EM ALLS?Twf.i.?-tu Pag^?Third ?ud fourth columns. or>L'L'iWA/!i rf '.f.'rNI ALES?Niktji Park?Fourth column. llORSIv-. I AUI5lAiiKS, AC.?Fib.- 1 Pagk?Third, lourth and tilth columns. ''auk-fiiir column. HOUSE*, ROOMS, At;., WANIKD-FiRST PACi:-?ixttt colutiiii. i1VJf?F> "s * Pag*?Sixth column. 4 K KMC I I'll V, llOKOKEN, HlDsON CI lY AND BKR QKN REAL TATE rOK SAL:-?SKCOND I'auk? i' column. FrJSJ 'i v1? I*a*:k?Kifrli column. L ?0M?- .as, I'ai;?:?First column. yf^'.'iYr1 ""r 'a???Sixth column. SA*?iiin!lA 1 RLs?Ei?:bti? l'AOK-stxth column. m'1>}}}!J.'sIal?Eighth i'ai.k Hxth column. ui'. . PAI?^I1*F.,J I'auk?Pilili column. Wll.l.lNM.V AND DREHSMAIil.MI?Kmsr PiCF ? FillU column. MISCELLANEOUS A DVE RTIS E M E NTS?Tkkih Paok Sixth column. " \M\*1,,n ^S-^iTTfNTn P ?f:K?Sixth column. !-i 1 AGK?Hrnt column. riANOPOBTEi), OUGAN8, Au-Nurva PAOB-rifth column. PR/^W/JIJK!1.Etciitti J'ARF-SlTth column. PROFESSION A I. si | IT A llONs W A NTEX)?re. M VUiS? oorvJTA.'K^? ''A0K?'ri??"d Column. PROPEEJ\ UlTT OU 111 . CU V i'OR KA.TE OR TO or* a 1 tS". rir?t'rONl> l ir t and ?60011 (I columns. REAL K81AIK to bXC'ilANOE?Kkcomi Page?iteeund column. Ksi'ATE WANTED?Sxcomb Pag*? Second col umn. RR W.vbds? First Pack?First column. HAIjI.H at AUt,i'lON ?Ninth 1'aui;?Ftrit and second column*. StTl'A'lIO.SS W ANTED?FK M ALES?ELErEKTH Pagii and TwittriH Paiik?First, second and third col umns. 81T0AHO.V8 WAVTED-MaLES?1-wxtrra Paue an<1 fl"l'co uinns. BtLCiAIi NOi IUK.S?KiKiiT 1'ace?First and second columns. 8PORTI (l-DOOS. UI 1(1)8, 4C.-FIB3' PAGX-'fhlrd column. ETORAOii?Eicnrn PACK-Slxlh < ol"mn. nKu?v IS?Su''">u '.'ai.*?blxUi column. Itic ?i. 'iii. S? ?T" l ourih column. !?/! 1 TV. L rr. f.r ^A???Third column. 10 LB1 POIt UllSlNKoS 1 UttPO ii:??SCCOMO Pa<;? iccond column. TRAVKI.I.ER8' (il'lDE?Nivric Pagi?Third aad fourth eoluraua. D*FORM IIKD ROOMS AND APARTMENTS TO _ . .I'll l?iMtcoxn 1'aok?Fourth column. umn T<J Pl'K,'UAd'';?^Eighth Pagi?Sixth col *ATi;UK8, JEWELRY, AO.?Kicurn Pago?vixi!i col* WTSTCllcSTER COCNTY PROPERTY l-OR SALE OR ? AfinSi Bt. u ?vl> Pack?First column. ? ACH1S, STEAM ho ATS, AC. ?Iiicutu Faux?Sixth eol PBRSOHAIs. A ?Y IM'ORMATI'.N OF UI IIA Wll.l. HI. "Il.AIM.V ni..rVL0, oa.,hv hflr ,istcr, ELLA FAIRBANKS. No. 118 Weet 1 hirty-Ilrst street. HEU.E W -SEND ADDRESS TO TREMONT 1IOIT8E to Bad Clltxen" or JEROMB. CI I 0KOIE COOLIE SI N!) HER ADDRIJSS TO FOX. I an old friend, to the Fifth Avrnup Hotel. JS WANTED CONCERN ISO J MtfKS i ' ot t,ie ^.ii'or'a Snug llarlor, who icit the in ?tituliou 111 September lust osU-UMbly to shiI noon the Jakes. Address Rev. CBARi.hS J. JONLS Now Brtg^'ou, Blchmond county. N. T. Tnformatiox wvnie') ? ji- riii n\lf brother J 01 Martha ( orynll, tormei ly Martha MoLean, wile rf ThOiuas F. I oryell. deutiat. lornirrly of Philadelphia or S,ir"oLrv"'f.M '"P,r??eni*tives. will conmunlca 0 wttn HL.-SKX D. pAVInv Attorney at-Law. No. 211 Hoiitb hixth nte*M, l'hilad#?intn?, ac or they will 2i??tr ol ftouiettiintf to their atj vani*rfc. P8ETTT LADY IN BLACK -UOI OI T IN forrtii ? venue, lound jrentlem: n .-tandlni; up: fried hiir.l !?> get you a se^t; if agreeable would lie pirn-c-l with ,o?r acqualn'ance Adure.s A. V. B., hox3,ail'o?t pKT.-*YOP WILL KfLL VI IF YO[ WRITE AGAIN farm ?* )T"**rd,A' Vou hfivo misunderstood m* action*. WtU be there. More tnau ever. OllADu. YftS_ir VERY UNPLEASANT TO-DAY SAY To morrow, ramo time. ref.LL. 1 OQJ. -BOTH DULY RECEIVED; WAS SI< K~; J . ? ?? T. well again: thanks tor news; make It to tn >rr w. It possible; rery Impatient. LOST .\\n Fill >ii, OOT-W dfcemrfr, NE \R I'OL'RTn Vvf'-Tlr J and Thirty-third street, a full M/.e-l si>i?* Doff, all While, except a lipbt brown spot on one side: responds '' 'r,'.ta< A11* IniorniAiion or rolurn 01 the ???.?'? ^ liberally rewarded. Address SFOfTh WOOD, 4/ wall street * I ] 08T?IN A SIXTH AVFM E RAILROAD CAR, ON J u?e mornlnv of the 17th in?t , it small packet ot Fi,t>aifv?l,L#..vf",".h? ?? Thw owner. If returned to W. II COtTEKILL, .(1 NaK^n street, by tne lid Inst a re??onable reward will i>e paui. I OUT?A DAHK ORKEN LEATHER PCR^E. IN SIX Ji teenlli street betw-en Irvlnu' place and (Jniun ?Ouare. Anybody returning lh<- came to ??. 107 Last Butaenth street will recoive a liberal reward. CTOLKN-A PROMISSORY NOTE. OF Wilton TUB F H A eol.y:- "?ii I?. I'arkcrsburg. W. Va.. April 8", 18.5. Three mnn hs after date we promise to pay to the orderof ourselves twemr-fUe hundred dollars, for value received ; neifoilahle sad pavable at the Im? a. rUrs and traders' National Buns, New york. Hlgned Frager k hps eln. Indorse ). Prs?> r A F.psteln. M. Fried! ???.?? All Per-Marecautirsned against buying said note PRAOEK A hl'STKIN, Parkersburg. W. Va , or care of Meaarg. KL'RZMAN A YEABAN, attorneys at last ?M Broadway, New Vork. HKU VUI>?4. RBWARD.~l.OHT, A KM A 1.1. PAC K AdR OK l.I f. ? ' iit*. iviurn to Braudieiu i:ou.?, %?.w Vi,rk. No ?I'in'Wm itkod. u-C RR*ard AND NO QTTF.STIOX8 APKRD. ?P*' liost. i>n Rroadw.iy, Ttmday, 18tb, ? *ii?er Wat-ih The llnder will receive tlm aLoxe rfwinl by r^iuruin* It to T. It. <tiHBRTT, l7t_WIIHam street. UJ1/| RRWARP -UTOI.VN FH"M VANDKMHtLfS ?T11 ' " I.andinir, Maten Inland. on the 17'h lu-t., ? IS), tunt *9?io?t, painted white Inttde an 1 out, brown innwal"?, ? narrow tiiue atrlpe around her branded on innHtr of atern Applv to <IH,way, Sta>eu lslau'i Railway lerry. toot ot WhlMMDitreet <*>?>11 ?EWARD.-MMT, on m VOAT, FROM 27 V ?"" Kant Tbirtv ehfhth Mreet, n Parrot. 'Hit- M*trl will t>0 paid to any peraoti returning ttlo Kama. ar/\ BEWAi:n.-sroLK\ fkom 211 west ti? rn. V"'" tj-flrat ttreet. Motulav. May S, one velvet FasatM, twn black ?uk Nmri?, with other ar ieie? of elntnlna ami Jewelry; W? will le pai'l fur the aboto 11* >. I article*i no ?|Bt?ft?R* aaked. Addreaa J. K. C* S' ?v <?t 1 ?enty tirat atrect, Nt* York. HPEdAI. MITK K?. a -1111.4 epBAKfl FOR ITtfIXt'.?O* AI.L TMOHR J\ , v.-i.t have given OoUdii'a < onvamptton Jelly ? tan I nave heard ot no oae w bo not cured. Lot I.-* tjoum;, \ta t 4r?.k Mreet, ,iw >r.i ani tub eniied to he,o;t uie, 1*<1U of May, 1371, A ft h idtey, N..iar> Public. 4 > ard.-wf. r:?? -?r? > mt.i.v amk hif aii jn j\ M m . th?la ir?f Ve? Tirk tooitr Vienna Ball ? Iia delieate pertntna *??! *k >iare prophesy, f.' >??> f.a ?urpri?e trie fii?u?ti n*. Ki>r ?.ile bv all ?4' ? ;<i4i.t, t. f'. I)HK XM. A ('(?., Baltimore. ATlRJtriOX RA fr.RO AD COMPANIES ? PUNCH i\ ??.'!>< or i'ri:? Itckeu printed I'lieapcr and mi better f> ?< 1 *? the Ml I K??POW r \ N 11:1 Ml NO B.^TADI.1811. ???? r ili-raid Biiildin#, N< tv York, than anywhore fin AI'V RRTIrtP. IN rilR NFWARK MORNIKO RBOI*. t?r ihoi 1.ij EMll?h morning papor putiiiaiicl iu ft- ?? ft, .V J. \ --htan\ i.ottpry -Ni;xr drawing Mtr J1. Oerriinn trurernmi-at drawlii|t*. Prlaaacaohed ?P" Wofimtifin Kiven. ? \i IHM \NV, k t o., Banker*. :s m l n Na??id ?re?t Pon ofllce bo* l.Uti. A -KKMr.TKV 1-TaTi< I.OTTKRV. HINOI.R MM ??T. Havana plan. ?lraw? Mm 29 *VW,Ontl c??h gflti. Ti i?*t?. till; halvr? ?j; qnartei-, righilii, |i ?ir<ut*r? trre p. i;. IlKVI.IN, 1.1 jt,..iini' ana giiieial a;''it !#Wfterty "treee, Sew ^ urk. ? -Rl-VAl, IIAVA*A l.orrKI'V, KKSTl'KV f?!N. J\ ? gle number l?nterv Pri/c*raaked und informa V .1 -riven t' I'll t ODOR Zm UOIJI1, Uli >a?MH strMt. I" ??i orttce bi * A~ R'?, M, IM \ A V v I.OTTF nr op ( |-Rt, At A Y 2rt: . tfi I'lizet, am .1'niina to tIJO.OOt. ami Kenttieky Rnn .Ingle nntntier. <ii*tiihuiion 01 May a. cir* v .>*ra ot Inioriuatlou wnt iree. BvTlM A co., 196 Broadway. a fORTLNR FOR ?I-WV?)M|V0 MONTIII.V J\ ? ?*>?** Mav Hi. Caplt'il oio.; mcood. mr-,1 HI; third. i.nrih, jnm), 7,17m aniaiior 4.14,', I whole anuiuutiilK to $JNi imi. Neveruodtponol \i 11 ? <fl It, t> fur W>. 2r> lor > ?>. Agent* wanted, Lt*i 1 -I lliio mailed free, ennnhnm mil Bertlea. m*+ A. I.t.N t !?<?. 7? Vin**u itrect Nil" tufk. HPKCIAI. NOTICKS. A? ROTAI. HAVANA LOTTERY. . Draw ings every 16 days. Next drawing Mav ML One Prize ot $luo,0no One Prize of fto.O 0 One Prize of . .. SA.HIO Two Prizes ol SIU.IXK) each 211.0(H) One I'ri/.e of 5,1100 Ten prizes of 91,OOOeuch lOri*) 820 other pri/.o?, amounting to 27.UK) Prizes cashed. Circmars, vvltTi full particular* seut fioe. 1*. C. DEVLIN, t>tattou< r and r.enmnl Asteut, 80 . Iburty street, New York. A?SODA WATER. MINERAL WATSB8, OIMQSB . Ales. sparkittiR Wines; manufacture of complete ouidtsoi Apperitus and Materials, wiili Hill instiuc flout: nil departments of manufacture bottling and dts fieiisinu; exclusive Kishi-< In destrabie territory; caia uRnestrue. J.HIN MATMIEWs, FirstHveuuc, iwenty sixth and Twentr sevenih streets, New York A -OFFICIAL DRAWING- OK THE KENTUCKY . state ami Shelny College Lotteries. B KM r CJi V ?TA1K. KXTHA CL4St. S73 ? MAT 18, WS. 49, 45, 74. 73, 03, 23. lift, H, 27, X 04, 71. SUSI.liV. KI1PA tl.iF" rtifl?MAV 18. 1H7?. 09. 3s, 31, 'V. 7, 17, 72, W, 41, It. 9, 6. KkNiursr. ri a? 574?mai in, 1S75. 14, SI, 03, 07. CI, fi, 4. CO, 20, 47. 67. 18, 62. ? niur. ftxss 390? *at 18, 1375. i>, 74, W-. W. !W. l'J, 34. 31, 06, 23, S, 27, 5". ,t. s. SMITH 4 (JO. Managers, Covins ton, Ky.: i'ojt otllce box it.,Si, New York. A? IMItK*, KMKRSON A CO.. AGENTS FOR . Kentucky State Lotteries, drawn daily. Royal Havana Lottery, drawn every 17days. Kentucky . ingle Number Lottery, drawn May 29. ITS. l'rl/cs cas'-ied. Inlnnnatlou Itirnisiied ami circulars sent Uy ad .'renins PAttKS A CO., 18J Broadway, room 4: Post office bi>x 5,2/2. Private ofllee attached. < Mice hour-, 7 A. M. till 7 P. M. __ I ?AUTHORIZED AOKNT KENTUCKY STATE 2\ ? Lotteries, ,t. CLT'Tfe. 200 Rroadwny. a.?Onicial dreviuc of the Kentucky State Lotteries, Simmons Dickinson A Co. Managers. 1BM1CCKT, Kt7nx ( Li's *o. 333? HAT 18. 1371. 77, 14, 5. 70, 48, 67, 78. 78, M. 4.', 4, 3, 47, 5ft KBHT0< ?* CLASS NO. SJ4?MAT 18. 1R75. ? 34, 43, .'(6. 69, C7. S3. SO. 48 45, 21. 17. 29, 20. ? 1HKV. KITHA CLASS NO. 419?HAY 18. 1875. 52, 7", 21, 70, 28, 64, 34. 11, 62, 38. .'0. 18, 1!>, CO. HXMRT. nuts MO. 42<>??AT lit 1876. 78, 64, 6, 20, 39, 58, 64. 2. 40, 46: 22, 51. S9. V nil iulorinatlon b.\ applying to or addressing T. CLUTK, 20 H'wuy. first floor, rear ofllee, or 1'. o. B, 4,209. a.?Simmons, Dickinson A Co.'s (irand monthly distribution of the Kentucky Stale Lottery, on Ha vana plan, to be drewn May 29; niso Itovul llaraoa of Cuba drawn May 26. hull inlorniailon by appiv imrto or addrcaainn J. l.Ll'TK, Auiliorixed Agent 200 way, or Host ortlce box 4,969. A?favors for thk okiiman?nkw costumb ? Mottoes iu*t recehed; nlso puro Candi?s and rteil cIouh rhocolulo Caramel-., packed in tin boxes; 40 cents per box. R. V. (Hit; OS'S, corner Twenty-second street and ltroaclway. B U* TODAY. Kentucky State Single Number Distribution. S500.UW IN GIFTS. Capital, $r>(),O00; smallest, $:0?ell cash. Gilts paid in lulL Drawing certain (or money refunded) on HAY 29. Tlckfctn, 910; halves, S3; quarters, J2 CO. TUuMAS H. UAY.S A CO., 609 Broadway, New York. |>OOKS and ACCOUNTS INVESTIGATED, HAL JJ ancort and cloeed by an cftlcicnt accountant; terms fixed by )ob or day. Address It., box 3,432 I'ost office. DI.iBA.SRS OF MKM AND IMPORTANT MKDICAI. and Surcical rases a specialty. HENRY A. DAN IELS, M. D,, 144 Lexington av., near Twenty ninth st nAVANA LOTTh.ItY. ? J481 000 IN PRIZES EVERY fifteen days. One prize of. fino.ttoo one prize of. 981.000 One prize of 2-V*t,0 Two, flO.OfH) ea<;h.,., JO.inx) One prize oi 6.IKX) Ten, 91.000 each I0,o0t) 111 prize*. $.Mnieach. 55500 7I5. $3<)each 2l4,f?i Prizes cashed, circulars ol inlormatioii nee. HicUeit price pal l ior Spanish Rold an l Governin.-nU. T. It. MAkiINLZ A ('</., Hankers, 10 Wall sL (rear basement), N. V. Post ofllee box 4,&a. Havana lottery. S48.i,i?)i distributed In prized May 26. 1 Prize $100,WJ 1 Prise of so.uou 1 Prise of S Prizes. each Of SW.UOO 20.000 1 Prize ol 8.?W 10 Prise*, each ot $1.000 n**1 820other Prises, amounting to 2<QLU tl Circular* ol Information furnished lr?-e. Orders ailed. Prizes rn.iii< (l. punish Hank Notes, Doubloons and governments purenmed. TAYLOR A CO. linkers. 11 Walt street, New Vor',.. TJ"BNXL'OKY SCATS LOTTI.RY. SINftLM XCMBER SCHEME, (Authorized by special act or the Legislature/* For the Benefit of the University of Padocah. $300,000 to tio distributed among the holder* of Ticket FIRST JPBIZK, $<S0.00a The drawing to tako piece at Covington, Ky , Mar 2t, "l878. No discount oi Prise*?Every Prize paid In fall. SIMMON'S, DICKINSON A CO., Mauagcr*. Scheme. 1 Prise ofW,00nu.-~r. $5fi<vi0 1 Prise of ai, mis. ?MU0 1 i'ris ? of lu.oo-H lO.Ow) ft Prise* of torn) are in Prtzr? of !M? are M.P00 fit) pris>*of l,0toare sw.ik*" ?> Prise* of 600 are ...... M.000 fa) l'ris I* of *30 arc 12.500 ino l'rtze< of KiOare 10.0m) 6,U)0 rriz * of luare X.uDJ Approximation Prise*. 4 of $3,001) approximating to SSO.OIO are $11001 4 d1 l,r.2.i approximating to 30,OU) are tJOi 4 of i,JGu approximating to 10,uuuare 4,t>.S B.28U Prizes, amoonting to $3U0.Q0CL Whole Ticket*. $10; Helve*. $> Qaarters, $3 rA Remember, that every Pnze 1* drawn and payable In fall, without deduction. These drawing are never post poned, but take placo regularly the last ?atitrdsy of each month, Send for circular. Address all order* to SIMMONS, ?CKIWMO.V A CO.. I'ovingfon Ky. \r ?$3CU,000 CASH OIlTa A.. Whole Tickets, $11 Kentucky State Single Nuntier Lottery, mi Havana plan, drawn May 29. 1S75. Circular* sent. re? PAKE*. HSKUiOM A I'IK Agent*. ISO Broadway, room 4. l'osi offlce liox 5.271 TOltD A TAYLOR, OtlAND AND CHRYSTIR STREPTS. J English body uruswl* SI .10 and $1 74 English ami American lapestry $1 00 and 1 \"H Ornos OF THF. NEW YORK MUTVAL OAsLIOHT t 'omranv. No. 'Mi inien sonar*, northeast corner of Fourth a\< hue and Sixteenth street. Naw YoaS. May 18. 1S7\ At a meetin* of the *??>< kbo1.ltr-.oi tin* Company tieM this day, the fallowing named tientli iaen eero unaut ironslv elected directors tor ttie ensuing vrar:? C. K. OABRI-ON, ?. I ottff J I OitRKST, (!, \ A N IJKRB41.T, Mil MAM K. HiiY, JOM.IMl HACK Kit, CIIMtl.i:. FLACK, ANDREW V. r-Ti" T, W1I,l,IAM R. GARRISON, JOSEPH 8EUOMAN. ARIItl it LEaRY, JOHN P. K N>K|II, C. \ANDM'" itl I. r lr.. JONATHAN THOUNti, ROHKKf I.. CKtWrORIL J. R. Polil). LAWR1.NCK Wi-.IUI, and 'or Inspector*of the next annual election:? BOHERT M. QALLAWAY, Ml >k Tl MER W AKD, II. I . IIA ill IIT. CHARLES PR \Ok, .-em-tary and Treasurer. ( )' TU* BOARD OF EXCISE, 309 MIL berrv street. ? The Board of Excise in and far the city of New York gives public notice tliat it wilt lie in pension daily (Son <iaysexcepted) during the month ot May for the purpose ot receiving applications lor licenses for the ensuing year to *ell strong and spirituous liquor*, wines, al- and beer in accordance wiih the lawsot the Mate of New York, at the toliowina rates of l|i on-e le??. which have b?en osubllitiod In conformity with chapter SH ot the Laws ot 187 4. viz. Cla-<s I.?For tlrst cW?s hotel*, rettanrants, *atoon?, Ac., the sum of $2?0. Clas?2.?Pnr r' l oiid cUa* hotels, restaurants,, Ac . the <aui of H1*) Clas. a? or all other places where strong and spirit uoas ii'ii orsate *cld and diunk upon Hie preoiines, the gum ot'S75 t:i*ss 4.?Kor storekeepers, rtrggcltts and *11 place* wh re stronc and spirituous llnuor? are ?,iid In (jnentlt es le i, iIi.iii flvo gai o ?? a; a lime, and not uru.ik up?u HiO premises, the sum <if$,1'. r,a-? .V? I -r aii placet where ale an<l beer only are s..i.l, mo.i no *irong or *|itrituous wires or liquors tl>e sum ot $Hk cja?s & -For a'l places where ale and beer onlv are ?o'd. not to he drnnk upon the prfmt?es, ttie ?U!n of $' ). Clsss 7 ?foi all places where wine, <si<- and t-eer only, and no Intoxicaiiug liquors, are aoid, to be <irunk upon the premih??, Hie sum of $.'*1. The amounl of the license lee In e*ch case must ac eoninanv the npoiicatkn. Parties rectlving a license wdl lie farnLhed with a eopv or the law regulating thn ?a:e of Intoxicating l.quor*. and a nuut compiiaoce tlu rewith mil t? re Qiiirrd. Attention 1* directed tn the provisions of the law rels. tlvc to closing on ike tiabbatli, and lrom I to a A. M. other ' *tlo"licen?e will he rranted to kn i?n proprietors ef. or places used f >r, honses of pnotUutioii, gauiblini., or any immoral or nnlawiul porpoae. Notice is alao given tiiat a boo* for I he registry of ci input lit* for vlolauon* ot Klclw Us s la open lu this oflico. . . . No person Is authorized to receive jny tsTtnen' on account of this Heard except at its ?.?tll-? una dti'ing of fice hours. Office hour* from 5*. M. to 4 P. M. JAMKS L KTF.W^ItT. I). I?. T. M\R-'HAUU WM. II STINF.H, U<jinitii-.iioti?rs ot Ftreise. Nvsr Yowr. May 1,1 (f*i)/\/| Ann ?KKNIITCKT Hism* Jtt'wnrn I?tplU,UIIH, hc.tlerr, draws May 31 For circu lars or Intormatlon in all iet{allxed lotteries address kI UK A CO., 1.M7 Broadway, room O. (?.iTnn fWWl -KENTUCKY STATE; PT50CR !*l?)oU."Uy? number*; Havana plan. To be drawn Mnv 39, t*7A Liberal olseouot toclnb*. B. NA.HAN, Mo. 4 (ilisey Building, I ortlsndt ?treet. Af!>7Q it7 /{H -*mvmr $r\Tw iot. I I 'lt/i tery. Teirnerar eotni'lngtloD. Iiriwn oxerv day at OovtngtOW, Ky. l ickets SU). f ^aud f!A0 l.lheral rtlaconnt to olabs B. nmhan. Agent. No. t (Mloer Buildiag, t:orllai?dt nraftt. New Vi.rk SPORTING?DOGS, BIRDS, AC. FOR 8ALB?DICK, FULL BROTHER TO DL'KE, the chamoton red Irian setter ot America: one black and tan Gordon Setter; one liver colored Spaniel; hIso Terriers, Ac. Dogs ami pedigrees to bo veil at i B. 11ALh'd, '.'OS) Fulton strset. I/OR SALE?AN ENGLISH THOROUGHBRED PUG l1 l>og, one year old. Address FUG, Herald i:piuwu Branch office. ~ VflK TliKir. AUCTION AND FRENCH POOLsT SOLD EVERY /V. morning at id and evening at 7 at the S ?* W YORK 'IV lir EXCHANGE. 15 West Tweiltv <Ighth street, on the running race* at Louisville, Ky. ; also on the trot* at Fleetwood Park. FRENCH POOLS OPEN at 7 A. M. and close at3:1.1 P. M. special ATTENTION paid to commissions bv mail or telegraph. KNTRInU AND RESULTS received from special cor respondent by telegraph. KELLY, BLISS * 00. A UCTION AND FRENCH POOLS sold AT NOUIII JV west corner ol Broome struct and Bowery, on tne Louisville, Ky? aud Fleetwood Park Races. UEOROK SHAN. H -FRENCH AND AUCTION' POOLS SOLD TIIM ? evening aud every morning and evening during tlin meeting at Johnson's Pool Room*, corner ot Mronl wajanuTwcnty-elgtitn street*, on tho tunning Races at I outsville. Ky. (three races each dav>: pa titular attention paid to all order* by mall or messenger: lu I returns each day by Western Union Telegraph omce at rooms; Pool Room open at 7 o'clock A. M..t French Pools cloje at 3'lft P. .VI. W. II. A T. R. JOHNSON. CP8INO M: ETING, FLEETWOOD PARK, MAY 13. ?J 19. 211, 21. Trottng commences 1 o'clock sharp, each day. SECOND DAY?WEDNESDAY. May l!>.?Purse #1,MO; 2::;i class.?John Trout, b. g. Huviluud; Wright A Nor cross, blk. * Lotti<*ir ; John . Doty, br. g. Wlndemire: M. Roden, br. g. James ll. t'oleinaii: Isaac Ilernsleui, r. g. Waller; .lohn Murphv, br in. t.adv Dahlman; Thomas O'Connor, lilk. g. Black Prince; Moses Whipple, b. m. lady White: I'aimt Mme, blk. g. Arthur: Thomas h. /'U .iie, br, g. JoO Clark; C. W. Mitchell, b. g. Gourde li. Mitchell. No. 4?Purse $i,oin; double teams.?I'. A. Cam, Carrie N. ami Lady Woods; W. s. lhouu, Plill O'Noll, Jr., and tred. fyler; Peter Munee. Canterrello aud Gideon; Alex. Fater&on, Lady Burnhum and hourth of Julys James Goldiug, Harry Spanker and Nod I orrcst; Daniel Mace, Li'titno Case anil I tide Bill. THIRD DAY. No. ft? rurse $1 500: 2:94 class ?John Trout, s. m. Ladv Whitman; ??. 8. Wright, blk. g. Ned Forrest: Benlntulu Mace, b. m. Lennie ' use: W. S. Thorns, i-. g. Fred Trior; M Koib n, s. u. lan Hrvant (for merly Reserve); John Murphy, b. g. MatTanner; isuao Wooornir, b. ff. CatakUi: George V. Whltaun. b. in. Pau line ; B. J. Anderson, r. in. Kosa Sonbprg; llirain Howe, t>. g. Prince; A, B. l>? llart, br. in. Ilauuah D; W. C, Trim Die. br. in. Zephyr; J. Goldsmith, b. in. Efflc Dean. ho. C?i!:U class.? Benjamin Mace, w. g. Crown Prince if homas O'Connor, t>. g. George; William H. Har rison, s. in. Misie; 11. Kelly, br. g. launer Boy; Daniel .Mace, br. g. Vanity Fnir: J. C. rckurson. b. g. Evereit Bay; Nortnorp A Martin, b. g. .Mystic; W. 0. Trimble, s. Ui. Muaie ; UnarlesK. Oreen, a. g. George B. Daniels. FOURTH DAY.?No. 7?Purse $1,00j; 2:H.i class.-James Dougrey, g. m. Sieepy Mary; A. Vanierbllt, b. m. Katie lltighes; J. P. Glluert, blk. wt. Little Dorrit; Alex Patter son, b. g. William Walsh; Robert Thornton. b. in. Vesta; '1'. ll. hephurd, b. in. Rome- Robert Dcmpier, ch g. Simon; John 8. Baker, b. ui. Geneva; J. Goldstar.h, u. g. Rescue, No. 8?Purse $3,001); 2:20 class.?Ben! Mace, g. ft. Hope ful: >1. Koden, b. g. Henry; John bplau b. g. Kansas Chlet; Daniel Mace. b. g. -enstitlon. btcivards of the meeting?Mr. Shcppnrd F. Knapp, Joseph Elliott, S. A. Mills, F. T. Barker, Edward Kear ney, John H, llarbeck, Jr., vauiucl 'i'ruesdeii, H, l'errl g.iu. James Wallaco mi I Arthur (Hllendcr. No gt ntlenian allowed In the ladies' section of tho grand stand nnlcs* in company with a lady. All mem bers must wear tholr bacges. Special train leaves Grand Central Depot at2o'olock; also tram at 11 :ll> A. M aiiilJ:'iO I'. M. ADMlsslON $1. JOHNSON BROS., Proprietors. Denies Tai.i.max, Superintendent. Ill case ot postponement Hags will bo raised on Starte vant aud Brower Houses. HOH8?S, tARUlAGBK. ?(', At auction to-morrow (Thursday), nt 11 o'clock, nt III West Fourteenth street, pair id carriage Horses, It; hands :t, 6 years old, and were raised in Kentucky Irom thoronsh br. il st jck . no better or liaudsomer pair: bright Day: no white: long nccks: tine limbs: high knee nctiou: and cost six months ago $3 500: sold by tbo owner tor no other reason than the want ol use: warranted kind and gentle in all Work snd without speck, spot or bteini?li In any place or particular;a rare prportunitv to purchase a large ami uncommonly beauiltul pair o" thoroughbred carriage horses. Cr.u be seen at the stable. 1 ?BREWSTER A CO., OF BROOME ST HER I', J\. Carriage and Roa I Wagons We are now exhibiting ut our wareroorea. Filth avenue and Fourteenth ^treei, tho production ot our factory during the past winter moiitris. comprising a large varletv of Carriages in styles now fashionable in I'aris and London, together with the lighter veiiicles especially adapted tc> otir own roans. In seasouabb' carriages u>ay be leumi the ue west designs in Landaus, Landaunta. Cabriolon. VlctLrias, Grand Vlc.orias, Barouches, TiMk-ria, T Carta, I>oj Carts, Phaetons, Pony Phaetons. Spider Phaetons. The-o in i rent variety of styles, exquisitely finished in tlic sottest French moroccos and in fashionable ?hu les of Blue, Brown, Marocn, Oreen and Chocolate, We are alau ex'nluung all varieties ot tho BREWS.KK WA .Or?, Including onr Improved sule bsr. which enables as to produce the best riding light wagon eVer made and the onlv sole bsr\savon rre ? troni iter" and vibratli>n Our improvement ad Is nptlung to the weight and gives additional strength and curity. In so letting an in spection o* our stoc* ise beg to assure the public thit lu e\'cflleaco ot design and workmanship it lias never been eyuu.led In thk' -vontry. Our revised Price List may bo had on app ioailon. BRr-W-'TKR A CO.. of Bruome street. An elegant landkp on eight si-rings. ui l ie lo order bv MILLION A GCIRT. ol PARIS, AT AUCTION, on HMkAY, MA* 2L AT It O'CLOt K, BY VAN TAOftFXl A KKAKNhV, A DC HONKERS, AT III KIR VARI llll, 113 HAST Til I It TK I.N 1II, > KA R FOl'R H AVKMIB. The above Carriage wai imported taut December at a coat or $-YAH. n*ed only a few tunc*, aul can be bought at PltiY a: k s> A IK and seen at Auction Mart A T BAKKHR A SON'S A CITY AtCTIO.N MART AND NEW TORI TAT TERSALL'S, corner of Broadway and Thirty ninth afreet. Major f it a hlks w. barki.k, ai'ciionker. BEUl l Alt HALKS OP llO.iBiS, CARRIAGES, AC. EVERY HKDVKSIiAV AND .-AllUDAY, AT U O'CLOCK. TWKNTY-FOI'R HOURS ALLOWED FOR TRIAL on every horse *wUI under warrantee. Tilts IS Til h ONLY ALCTlON MART IN TIIP. State having the proper facilities tor Allowing horses on sale, vi*. ? large driving ring. entirely nudrr cover and plenty ot room 'or examination, CAT A LOU I R Or 8 a LK THIS DAT, AT II O'CLOCK. PAIR OF (MALE AM) FEMALK) SMAIt., WHITI Fox Terrier*, bred fr.m the purot imp. rtrd stock; very rare and Iw-aiitl*ul; arc champion ratter*. AMKR THE AltoVK. COLONFL I'. J. OONKKLLT'S " (OF 11? ul KI N STI'.F.KT, OKKM ANTOWN, PA.) rirrfl orkat unpakaleklf.d saa.* OF Tilt fa*ie*t green trotter* is THE world, JCST AREIVF.D from Kentucky, AM) COMPRISING SKVRsThEN HKAlMhat ran trot In from .1 minutes down to 2:4*I. and including the get of Lloni'i, Wirchc* ter Ungues' Kdwin i orrest. Mauihrino, Pilot Jr.; ell splendid oriver*. and warranted *otinn ami kind. DIKING THE pa*t letv flay* this lot lie* Item ridden aft?r by ever eighty gentlemen. wiionutc all i \prrwil themselves a* being more tnan satisfied Willi the repre sentation* made by Colonel Connelly. CAI ALOGIIES, WlT" lull pedigrees, at sale. lMMKDlAThLY AFl.iBabOve will I* otT. red TIIIKrV IOP and no top Road Watfons, Depot ard Bn*ine?s Wagon*. Rockaways, CariUge*. Ac.; new a d atruod hand Harness. FULf. DKSCRIPI D)ll at aale. SALF.S .> r. v'KR postponed on arc nnt of wentlier. "? WUl-T RtXKIYED FROM FACIOKY, it ? Elegant T CART, CABRIOLET. ROCKAWAT* AND PnNY P.IAETON8. Latest designs and flnr-t iioalitr. A. S. FLANDRAC, 572 and3*4 Brocme street (old stand of Brewster A Cow). VBEAOTIFUL SORREL MARR, HAM 111.ETONIAN* stock, ral?ed In Orange county, New York state, 15'? hand* high, ?tx yeara old. very stylish dnrer. flow ing mane ami tail, and handvme; afrat I of nothing; can be driven by any lady or chil l; free from ? ce and wamn'ed sound, kind and true. For furtner Iniorina tiou arpl) *' ?" Rleerg-r ? r?<t, prii nte sta&le*. A ?FOR SALK?A FAIN OT" B.\Y TrfOrilNO 1 1. ll< t sea. American S arstot"X, raised In Waferfowa, Jert r?on eoiintr. N. Y.; full brother*. I.Vj hand* lugn. bandlvear* oil; flowing man"* and tall*, all back point*.-ran trot a mile to mad wagon In Jc.vior no Hal"; thov nut the present owner 01,0)0 fcnd will b? sod tor leas than hail tlieir >alue; tic v arc ?ound. kind and true in a I kind* ot harness: do not shy or pnll and can be driven by any iimht person. For further particulars inquire at pi n if- -table 3 II f'?kcr ?ire.-t in the rear. ?LAND Al I.EI ' Alth.V F, C.,l PK. T WO . wlteel Dog Carf, D? |K>t W aron, second hand. Im Biet.*e variety of Pony Phaeton*, my own make, at re duced price*. H AM, l'f Kasi Fourth street 4 -FOR HAI.K-A CAR-LOAD < V HORSES; KV.V. i young nftd fit for any hneifivai; are warranted In evei \ re-peet, ami m good trial allowed. 242 Stan ton street. S< LI INi; oi'T 'TiK^I.?DOCTOR'S PfTAITON, . e\len?ton lop Park ?"ha?c?ti* side bar Buggies top and t'o top Kxiires?. Grocery Maker and light itesa Wai-'on*. three-quarter Trit? *. 3W Hudson street. VERY STYLISH RAY COt PF. HOBSF, 10 HARD!*, for f.VO; h.iy Mar-. 1% hands, 2;.N) Trotter, ai-o top Ru'jgv anl Pliaelon cheap. 1-4 West Nine teenth street. 4 <NMkTt?K?4lV, HA VIVO BO PKRMANRNT IS* or convenient e for the <ame, tleMres to hire, for six mnn-!i* a pair ol' s'iail> famliv llor-ea, w I Hi Carriage. The wor? will ho nominal and th* greatest eare ntiar an'eo.l ot hor?e?, harness anil carriage; satisfactory reference! given. Address box 8"3 Post office. New York. AI.ARrtF, FIRST* STABLE TO LF.T f)R . Ica?e for te m of years; suitable for two private partie* or ?mall cliit>: po?*e?* on immediately. 142 West Thirty -eventh street, near Broadway. AN M.miaNT TIIRNOI'T AT ACCTIOSf.-CAl* HB seen until Friday at A* en's stable, U.'dh street, w"ft ot Fourth nvennet \olonteer Colt, a rrar!< 01,1; Brew?ter top Wagnn. good a* new; also top Wagon, by ?.o<lwin * Cln.; Harness. Ac., to !y? sula at ARC 11. JOHN. SuN's Thifteenffc street, on Friday. A SPLENDID PAIR OF TOCN1 CARtlAOE Dorses, It! hand* 3 loahe*. to be sold at auction to morrow (Thursday), at 11 o'clock, at 111 Wast Fourteenth street. A? FOR S \I.R, A FKRT SMALL PONT, SAFR I'OR . children to ride or drive; i? live years old, and warranted perfect InaTery resoeot 24- stanton street A ?I Ot FIR, OB A00OVNT OF MY lll'SBABD'H J\ ? death, four Horses, suilaMe lor ?tiv kind ol bust, lie**; sohl at a sncriflea Imiuira at J7l Bo ver>,u| pu site Fifth street Im rear. HORSKK, CAKKIAOKS, ?F. A GENTLEMAN, GOING TO EUROPE, WILL SELL his 'turnout at ? bargain; beautliul bay Horse, 7 year* old; Warranted sound ami kind; t.fa-t ; lop Buggy awl Uarn*as; also a beautuul Pony Pttaeton; separately. Private stable, M east Twelfth .trect, be tween Broadway and University place. A?TO CLOSE PASTS'KIt RH IP?THREE HORSES, ? youuv and sound, lit tor truck. groccr, farming, Ac. j $45, $&J, #113. Ne ticcom offer relusi-d; rouat b? sold. A POSY PHAETON ESTABLISHMENT WAMTBD? To niro for the summer; must be stylish ami com plete; leaihcr top Phaeton, gentle Horse, tor ? lads'* u?e. Address with lull particulars, 11. C., box 1'A Herald oftice. A BP-'WSTKK fOP BROOME STREET) FULL spring Hoad Wagon. also u (op side-bar Road Wagon nml Harm-is, will bp sold at a bargain hi private stable II f.ast Tenth street, between i>iflit avenue aud university place. AT A Is AC n IK ICE?ONE NBtf TWO-SBAT CARRI age or Depot Wa^on: tob on bank seat: can be Med 'with one or I wro seats; cost #Jou; will bo sola lor $2< 0. at KMi Spring street. ABA CRT Kit JR.?$5), $55. $7.); THREE HO BSE 3 at I lug for want of UAe; not hall value ; bnv More, for farmer, $rt': too business W<igon, top and no top Butigy, Harness cheap. 171 West Thirty second street^ A ?ONE OK THE FINEST DAPPLE GRAY MARKS . \ . hi llic city for saddle or haruou), 15'. hands lilah, 6 years old; also a line brown Horse; warrautod sound and kind. No. t> Wen Thirteenth street. A? FuB SALE. A PAIR OK PARK ROAM HOUSES. ? tit for iee man. truck or laner beer; six and seven yeaMold. Also five other Horses, fit for all purposes; a trial allowed, luquire at 41 Great Joaoi street for Con tractor. ? A ? FOR SALE, A BEAUTIFUL BAY MAKE C YEARS uVi old. lft>4 liands high: lias been driven bv a lady lor ihe past year; one top pony Phaeton and slnsle llrir fiess; nUo. one top Wagon. Pole and Mialts; slnale and Houble Harness; single s<at trotting Hugou: will be sold low for cash on aocount of leaving the cltr. Inquire at W BROWN'S pnvato stable, No. 13 Fitlcenlh street three doors east. of Kitth avenue. A BAKC.AIN.?GENTLEMEN'S COMPLETE TITRN outs hay I'thau Horse, sound aud kind, trot 2:-M> rare; btauiitul 11ktit side bar leather top Wauon, bast makers; good new fine Harness, B'unkets, Robes, Ac.; also two-seated Park Phaeton, shitting top, made Brew stor. Private stable, No. t> West Nineteenth street, near Tilth avenue. A FAMILY CARRIAGE (CaBRIOLRT). TWO HEATS, tor one or two homos; shaits mid pule: all in com plete order ; bnllt by .John Lawrence, of liroadw :iv ; will be sold for $1M5: very cheap. LEl~ BABTLEif, iti West Forty fourth street A LADY'S TURNOfT FOR SALE?AT A BARGAIN: beautiful Kentucky Mare; stylish ?nd pleasant driver; 7 years old; warranted aeund and kind, haud some pony Pliaetou. Private stable Hit Vandain street A?I AUTHORIZE ON ACCOUNT OF MY HUS s band's death the sa'e otthre? (3i Horses: fit for any busluoss; sold at auy price. 400 (irand street, rear. 4 ?$180 FOR A MBAUTIFPL SHIKIINO LEATHER /\ ? top Wagoa and tine set covered mounted Harness; best citv maker; cost $55U;'ull as good as new. Inquire ot the steward ol Clali. No. 8 Eighteenth street, one door east of Fifth avenue; also on? fine top Pony Phae ton and Harness to match; Trotting Wagon and double Harness, all a.< good as new: sold cheap for oaah. Agar load ok western Just ar rived this morning: are suitable for iruekmen, farmers, grocers, or any kind of buslncs*; irom 15 to 17 hands huh: are warranted sound and young, and a good trial allowed; p-ice trotn $70 to $150. At :>? South Filth avenue, between Houston aud Bleeckcr streets. Board for horsks.?plenty ? f pasture; good care: road horses driven H'de-ured. W.M. T. (MRP NTEIl, Rod Spring, Glen Cove, L. I rt ?JC8T RECEIVED FROM FACTORY l_'. Elegant LANDAUS, L\NDAtJLETS, Latest designs and finest quality Wilh IMPORTED MOROCCO AND TOP LEATHER. A. H. KLANDRAIT. 87.' and 374 Broouio street (old stand of Brewster A Co.) C^ARBIAGK.S. I1ARNES ', AC.?BARGAINS.?EVERY /' stvle for eitv and country use.?New and second band Carriages on consignment .'or sale cheap. MAM' KACTUgERS' U.N ION UAKUIAUE BbPOStTOBY, 634 Br<>ad u a v. / 1ARUIAOES.?A LAP.OR "TOCK OF PHAETONS, \ > Rocka ways, t >p aim no top Buggies, depot and other Wan^ns of my own Iiiasc at manufacturers prices. OlIAttLKn URIiaK, 141 West Broadway. CTOl'PE HOBOES FOR SAI.E ? A BROWN HORSE, 3 J years old. 1C hand* high al*oone lla.v Horse, 16,' fl years old; botli sound an I Kind; stylish and good drivers. l?.i West fllteenth street. S'LKGANT BAROUCHE, Bl'lLT BY MINER k STE a vens. i h re i'-q part Kit clarbnob. ni ilt by misbr a Stevens; elegant Park Pliocton, bv Miner k btevens; top ponv I'b.ietona. basket Phae ons, coupes. Coupe Ktckaways. top ro.t I Wagons, Uepot Vt a^-utis. Rocka %vav". bnalnes* Wagons, Horses of all kiuds, Ac., Ac. at very low pnee*. by VAN TA Sri.I, A KKVRNRY, no and lit East Thirteenth street BlOR sale?MAIL PHAETON, ALMOST NEW, English pattern: can be used tor two or lour bor?e?; also Lea t dara. fonr-in hand. Whip, all complete,oworr having no further use for it. Adores* A., box 481 I'uat otllce. U?OR S'ALK-A GOOD CANADIAN PONY. IS HANDS, 1' 6 rears old ; tret* and pleasant driver; snitublt tor anv light work; price $!*?: warranted every way. King street, near Hudson. T.IOR SALE?AN BLBOAMT BaDDLE irOKSK. 15); r hands liliih; has t>eon ridden bv a ladv for nearly two years; pertec ly pents?\also a urewster Clarence, satin lined, in gooa running order; wtil t.o sold very elieap; can be '0>'n bet re ll A. M. and after S P. M. Apply at No. 135 Weal Fourteenth street T.10R SALE?SEVERAL VERY HI PBRIOR YOUNG I1 Road Horses: s ri- tiy llrst class, iiinh bred s'ock; fine sue, color, atyle and action: speed 3 minutes to 3:4D. . O. H. IjEaVH T. Flushing. L. L F'O : StLE?BEAPTimfi PONY, IS HANDS, (,EN tle. mr ladies or cliiMrcn to ride or drive; Pbactuu, Ilarncsa, Side .-addle, Ac. James D. RAY, 41 Liberty street For HAiiR?one hai,f pia.vo box bugot, but little used, verj cheap; price $75; alto una clar enre front Coup*, at X7I Seventh avenue. P^OB PAL*?A BRF.WSTKR, OF BltOOMK STRRliT, no top Road Wagon, in periec; order, at No. ItiJ tVi-t fifteenth atreet. F'OR NALE-A OOOD TIORSR FOB KXPKFSN. milkman, grocer or other lulu work. $TX No. 2w Wnt 1 wetit> -sixth atreet. f^iiR H?LK?AN ELEOANT PARK PIIAkTOM, M*HE l1 by Hrewster A t'o.. and a .stiver's f'oupe, ho'li In first class order.very cheap. Can te seen at private (table. I an cast Nineteenth steeet, lor a few day*. IlOB SALE-TO CLOPK AN E TATK, ONE PAIR Of carriage Horses. hav- and brown; three-quarter t'lar enre. Kreit 1'bactou and lignt Wnjron; also Karnes*, HInktell, Kobes, fl'ltlp*. Ac. App'y ai private stable, No. Id fca?l Thirty-ninth street. FJOB PU.B-A FIRST CLASS PR I I'ATE COUPR, very Utile used. inade by Wood Bros. t'au l>c ?eeu at S38 Weat Twenty ?evonth street. FM?B SALE?A FINE CITT BUILT BIO { BAR TOP ffu"n, with Pole and Hhafl.?, all gold mounted and in flrat clasa order i price tEO; also a fine suikv, prico $50. Apply at private stable ZliWot Mtteenlli street. I-OK P VLE?A OhNTI.KMAV* Tl ItNOI I, CoMPRIS T tug florae, Wagen, Harness, Ac.; ? rerythitig in fine condition and a* rood at new; any one wishing to buy can have a t! edited bargain. a? owner has no use tor It. ^pplv at MeOeary'* restaurant, 'J4 W alitor ?tre?t. T/OR PALE CH K AP?TWO TOP ANI? ONh BO K D P Was'<n, l?est city maker*; also Iron .Safe. .'iOWa.sU. ingtnn street. I7IOB s AI<R OHIv\r-ONI.r FOB WANT OF UsB, J stvllst. roan Horse, hands high. 6 year* old: 111 lur any work. 13S Perry atreet, in tbe store. IJIOR HAl.K FOR WANIOF I'SE?A IlfrtH RREHBAT r fteltling. with black poluts. lull mane and tail, sis Sears o',| splendltl driver; lull? warranted. Apply to l i-Kl.EV Park Stables. .-,ju>-second street, near J M ait Hon svenua_ TpOR HALE AT A BAROAIN-A VF.P.T PTYM If I Tnrnont. consisting of yoUng team. Ill, hau ls. !\ ami 6 years old, Morgan Horses. with Minn' Boa,! Wagon, pole and shall*. B ankets, Robes, Ac.; Mil horse are perlccllv matched, free and stylish driver*, and ?,ir. ranted perfect, wiibout fault or Mannish: any latin / of gentleman wishing a One team or turnout will p]"*se examine: no jockeys or dealers to ed apply. Can be seen at the'table ot N. B. CUI IKI.l.l., I ou.teen; U ?treat, and leoili ty- ne VOR HALE?TIIR HANDSOMEST POKY TURNOUT I' In the cityr Kentucky Mack Horse. 1.1 hauls, 7 years sound and kind, trot Aminutct: Phaeton. he?t city tracer; Harness, Ac hardly soiled. No. K West Nine teenth street. I e ir Filth avenue, prtva'e stable. A I'INK A DIUVEK AS ANY M\N CAN r hit 10' Ifnd': trots close to 3 mlnn'es; 'b.wv vti'Cpcr. ' r,o iod work llorse, elieap luquira, lor two days, at tne 'eed store, "o II ml son street. 1,-tOR BAI.K?FAHT TOUNU PTALMOM, ? TEARS r old, I Mi hands high; has never been trained; Is sound and kind in evt ry re?pect j a mire foal getter; s'rcil hv Hoitott H?y; Is half brother to <)eor?e Miller. A<ldrc<?, Im>% X<jH Now \ork Post fiHee. T'lii: HAl.E?A Bl A' K M SRR, 10 TEARS OI,D, I* I hunds hl-.'h. ami gray norse. 5 years ol,l. 14^ harnia high ; SOflml atul klnti; w,.rk singlo or double. Apply to ,T. 11 I'll S, 1"?* Hleecktr etreel, Irorn 11 A. M. to 6 P. M. for thrc-Q lay*. Hsull HAIjR ritEAP?THREE HORSES, BUITABMi tor country use. Apply at coal yard, ?8U Washm, MM KfWt LMR.iT rr ST \BEES FOR RENT.?AMPI,E C"At L risge room, stills (or five hor?e* fine Kesnl-n, ? i ,r fuseliman: No. isi West Flllieth street. Apply to Pit. ST I V Kit. U \csey ?lrc<>t or <K? West I orir ?? venlfi sin- t I/oR s*'K on UCIAMI tiif. or,n rstab F Itsheti livery Hunle Property No. Finh ave nue, Brooklyn; room lor flfty horse* Apply to U. U. sTo.N k. I'-l Itroadway, >ew York. HARVF.SS.-Tnr: riir{APR8T HARNESS HTf>RK IN New York ; nootl Huagv Harness, hand mat!*, tl/; good tlroi'er*' Harness, good Mllk'nan's harness, |M>; good Ooubl* Trncfc Harncsa *.?*): gooil nuble blan ket, ? I M'. IMease call and examine lor vonrsetyea. FIsUKB A OaiOBNh, ;| Barclay street. New York. HORSES FOR HAI.K-TWP.VTY FINK YOUNO llorse*, just from Indiana It lo 17 bands high: flva to seven years old; all sound and kind, laquira at IM Nor'"!k street. U(.R-( WAGON ANH HA NI tS, Oil W LI, BK ?'?Id se!>:trately; can be seen at work. Applv at ?ir>Nl ,'S I kprei*. :*f> sum **. '??. bct .eau I riy I ?? Jyud aui Fur ., third streets. tlORHKB, CAHKIAOKD, CC. I BON STAB LI F1TTINO&? ALL TUB LATEST IM proveme uts, of our own make; good, smooth castimrs from No. 1 In n. fltfby skilled workmen, ('all and set specimen* or send lor au lllus rated catalogue, ire-. JANUS A KIR1LAND, Nos. 8. 10 and I.' Beadt ftreet TP YOU WANT A RRLIABLK COUPE OR FAMILY i Horse, ko htm. at .-.table 1S8 Km Fortr-drst street; also Harness. handsome Phaeton and stivers' Wagon; all or either at Jour price?uow. I IVP.RY STABLE FOB 8 ALE.-THE LRASK OP A J sutall stable, partly stocked: iia-cto>*<* good busl ness: only want* attention. Apply to AlcBttiDE, ?i Amity street, or at 4UJ West street. T ADY'S OR GKNTI.E MAN'S TDBMOITT CIIKaP. tJ Haud-otne, stviish gray Horse, ir> hands, fast, rating, sound, kind ami proiupt: pleasant ?li ner; *i'!e-bur top wagon and no ion Pony PhaetM, both -;ooJ at new; Harness, Ao. BONNEAu. 174 Centre siieet, np stairs. ONF. 8IX-KH AT COCPK BOCKAWAY. ONE R WC oocne, one I andan one (;lar< n< i-, one scat Park I'll acton, t '.vim xteusion top Phscions, Kockaways of nil ?trie', top and open Pony Phaetous, ne>\ an I second ha no; -11 top and o.icti Una' Wagons, bv best city makers; Bulkivs Uy.Oaflery: ona ske:t ton Wagon. top and on.1 ii express Wagon*. one ve nd Kand Coupe, Depot Wagons, on ? Side Seal single nil Moubln Harness. Ac. WM. II. oH^ Y. z() to it Wooster street. PASTURE A'I' FORDHAM ?FINE r A STORK, WITII running stream In every field. A.I Mcr.U" LAY, Fordnatn, or (ib'J Washington street, comcr of Chnrlos. New York. ROOKAWAYI. PONY PBABTOIV8 AND DEPOT Wagons in large variety at low prices, to eloee the stock. MRAl'UCY, PUA V A C< ft-"i Kroadwav. QJECOND HAND OARHIAOKH. i urtain Coach, I Barouche, Cabriolets, | Oenpeiette*. TCait, I Two wheeler, Mo-top Phaeton. I Half-top lliafton. Two pony 1't.aetoa*. very little used and cheap. BUKWSTRR A CO., Fifth avenue, corner Fourteenth st QPEED AND STYf.R.?FOIt SALR, A UANDSOME k_> coal black Hor?<\ 7years, lSVt hands high; trot-i in three minutes; suitable lor ladv or gentleman; war ranted parted Appiy at stable 65 First street. CTAIII.RS TO RENT. ?NICE BRICK 8TAHI.KS, WITH 0 lolts; stalls for two to oi-'lit houses moderate rent. .i aMi s PRICE, aiO Hudson street SM. PRENDBROAST, OF WR8TFIKLD, CHA . ttii|ua County, N. Y? h.u soino fine pairs of conch and single Horses at Farnsn ortb's mable, '.'Jl West Kitty iourib street. SECOND HAND CARRIAGES. Clar*nee, I Coupe, Landau, Dog Cart, Coach, I Phaeton. Top Wagon, I Victoria, I'.ockaway, I Mall I'liat-ton BRADLEY, PRAY A CO., ftftH Broad war. rp CART. BY RRBWRTEB t CO. J. "lop \\ agon, by Dusenl'ury. Two-wheel Cart, imported. All in good order. J1KADLKY, ?R*Y A CO., 29 Union square TO LET?PBIVATB BTABLB (AT A SACRIFICE) 1M East Tbirtietli street: four tingle and OBO txix stall; stable separate irom coachhouse; apartment') foreoauh man. Apply to I.. COHEN', tailor, nextc'oor. rrO BENT.?FOR FIVE OR SIX MONTHS', FROM i June I, tin' elokani private Stal Is, Mo. IJ8 hast Nineteenth street Apply on the premises. THE WINDSOR WAGON, 1 by Brewstcr, of Twenty-fifth street Attention li lnritod to our new and Improved method of hnngniK side bar Wagons, pr.'iiniiuced by the owners ot the finest road stock as ' the fastest wagon" lor speed lng yet produced. Tbe one man leather top Wagon of thisdescrrpiiou. wol^'hiin 111 lbs., combine*. In an un equatleddnrreo. the. essential element-sot ^irengtli and stllfnPtis. Another variety ol tins wagon, lor pleasure drtvinz, combines all the oaso ol tbe elliptic spring, with greater steadiness and nbsonee of the dtsagewiatile swaying motion, while It is hong as low ns the ordinary hail spring wa?on. J. B. MRKWWTER i Ci?., (old house of Brewster). 14ft Bast Twenty flltfi st V'ertieal steel plates inserted in uxlo beds: our shaft Couplings are perlee'. TO OWNERS OF (IORSF.8 AND CATTLB.-UM TO bias' Derby t'otidition Powders, warranted stipori'ir to any other or no pay. Tney expel worms and bots, Bllav lever, give a :lne. loose coat, cleanse the nrittaiy organs, increase the appeiltn an i add to tha milk of cows. iliev are warranted liarnile-s. ^old by the Druggists. Saddlers and at. the Depot, 10 Park plai c. TV'ANTEP to PCRCHAHK?A V~si*K HID KB A R ?? top Wagon. Browstor's or stl.-cr'i tua'te; in good order. Address, with lowest cash price, lOP WAUON, box 14-5 liorald Uptown Branch ottlce^ TITANTED?A PONY BIO; PONY MUST BE VEItY >> handsome and not oyer M Inches high. Address MAItSIl. 94 New Church street, near sector. \V~anTkiV-Vast horse oit tkam, tup vyTgon, T? Ac., iii exi hnnge for two sot.erh oil I'sinitn^s. lately sold tor gold. Address i APTAI.N, Herald office. "|1 PAN TED--A FAMILY HOBSB, \BOIT 19 HANDS ?? Uli; must be in every war ?o\ ti l and reliable. Cull on or address TlltiMAS MANA1IAN.77 I'uaiiest TITAN TED?A FIN K i KA M OF POnTsB, ABOUT 14 VV ban Is. kind enoaflt to be driven bv a lady, and must als.i be good tor saddle. Aildrets JOHN S1MON SON, boxSUl Post office. New York. IVANTED-A SKCOND HAND hOCKAWAY COt'PB. ?? In lool ordor. Address, with lowest price, for cash, DARTMOUTH, box IM Bifid ogee. O TRUCK* AN 0 3 II ? AV Y HOltShS FnR 8ALK? () With work, No. ^JI Washington street Inquire from 10 to 12 A. M. mi* doom. A ??CBDETTB SMITH HAS DAILY A (WARD I?t A. PLAY ol in LATEST IMPORTED FASHIONS at hi* PA1 TERM BAZAAR 91* BROADWAY. between Twentieth ami Twenty-tlrst street*; *1 Ut? l-ATKfil I' 1'aTTEiiNS coniiuntly on hand ; CLOTH MODEL" witn every pattern; CL' il1NU anil KITTING by experlencel artist*. CN A rphtSTca rVetsT ) ureat aprini: op?.-niny of Carpet*. Oilcloth*. Window Shale*, Lambrequins. Mat*, Mattlo: Ac., at very low price*. English Velvet. at $1 75 per rani. Tapeatrv Bru**el*. at 91 peryar.1. lhree plv, at*i per yard. Ingrain, at 36c.. 4 c. an I fiflc. per yard. All other Rood- at equillv low price* A large Mock ot I nrnltiire, lo per ceut clicaper than anv other hoove In the city. All good* *Iuppcd tree. J>. KEI.f.Y, (suoce**or to 11. O'Farrell), 511 and 514 Eighth a venae between Thirty-tilth and Thirty-sixth *treet*. TV* ET GOODS?FI.VF. CASSIMKRE3, CLOTHS, SATX TV net*. Repellar.ts, Flannel*, Kob Roy*. Ac. Good bargain* this week to eioae. WILLIAM HAl'IIKWS, &4 Catherine itrect. NIl.UXF.HV AIVU 0IIKM.HAKI\?0. \C ARD.?REMOVED. OAYNOR'S SPECIALTIES, Corset* and I'ournour*. I'rora Broadway. corner of Twelfth street, to 64U txtta atenue, between Ihirtv. seventh and Thirty cuhih *treel*. ,v R. ? A uerfet tit euarjnieed to every atvle of fit?lire, l hildreir* Coraeta, WaL<t*. Shoulder llracc*, Abdominal Supporter*; term* re a sou aide. MA I SO N WALTON. fl$l BROADWvY. ABOVE rjfloN wimire, importer*, will open on Tuursday a um of Paru BuniieUt and Hat* jn*t received. uTRHimak U?DEURAAF A COCHRANE, He ISirud tN West 1?c"n.y third *tre?t, between sixth and scventn avtiue*. I he lowest price* to be found. Tfle largest and molt varied Mock ol Furniture. Also Matlie*?s, -prtng Red*. Cornices. Ao., a' DEOKAAt A OOCHRANK'S. A." Furniture, Carpet* and Red 'tnft, at B. M. COW PERTIIWAII * I'o.'.s, 155 una IJ7 Chatham ctrcel An immense stock and law price*. % I.AROK ASSORTMENT OF CARPETS, FTRNI. /V turc and Reddliu. at lowest cash price*, at O'FAlt. RELL'S exteu*i*? silcsroom*, 4IH Eighth avenue, be I tween Thirtieth and Tlitrty-tirst atreet*. Payment* taken weekly or monthly. rm> ATM FAMII.* WILL SELL, FOR I.MMEtH ate ca.*h, richlv carved Parlor Mat. In damask aatln and fcroeatel, co?l $7M. tor $'.110; do , $150; 7>* octave tiieiowat Piano. $300; rarior Table*. Hookea*e*. Writing Iie*?K Library Table*, Turkish flolt, $li*l; elaborate and plain Bedroom set*. consisting inlaid and silt B?d stead*. Oreksnii t'a.-ic*. Commode*, W a* n.stands. Ac., $.V> and $ 1 i5, *ingl? Bedrtead*. Bureau*, hair and spring Matlrc**e*. rep au<i haircloth Suits, $-5 $40; Extension lable. RuiTet, I hurs. in leather; Silverware, tsir Chair*. Lounge<, Oil Painting*. imported nron/ei, t ar pet*. Ac. N. B.? A poaitlve elian.e. Call, five story brown stone private re*ldeuae 47 West IfftU il, ] between Oth and Mil era AT HO WE-T 23D 8TREET, IlEIWERN HTI1 AND 7lli avenne*.?A private family, declining house keeping. will ?*lt all their cltv made Furniture. Ac.? natneiv. Grand l>u< he** atld pompadour Diawuii Ho >m suit, covered in crimson, bine und silver satin. e0*t $li it, lor $J> P; one do.. $lilli Mario An'oinette Suit*, colored rep?, cost $ t >i, for |il; plain Suit. ?*'1' Redroom i suli. witn nr? ??i? n?ei, eo?t $400, for $^'''; one do.. $iuo, walnut uit. $6); I'iauoioric, cost $310. lor $.VV?, stool, ( over, Ac : Rrnnr.ea Oil Painting*. Buffet, tzten ?ion lahle* t'liair*. Mirer W?re. I'hina Hare, Ac., Ac. Wl>l lie sold iu lurgo or s^iall lot*, to *uit pareha-era. for cish. H.?l'ail before purchasing. IJu West lid *troet 4 RARE OPPORTUNITY FOR H009EKP.KPERH iV Private family will sell at a sacrifice their elensot Household i ?rniture, Ac. ?Magnilleent latest style P*r I lor -uit, iu ratln, co*t $>*?, for $.flO: one, $W: brocalel and rep ri?t?. $7.V $.v, $:?; Carnet*. I'alntu:**, Bronjte*, roievoiHl Pianoforte, Ac.; *l?o Chamber set*. Bed ?foa l*. Bureau*, ?'a-lntund*. Mittr. s*?*; library, dtntne Furniture, Jle. 4 ?H, before pur ba*lng elsewhere, al private retKlence 21 East 30th *t _ ( 4~NO, L?PARI-'IR BEDS, AT fMIT?7.* PARLOR Bed Depot 4J East Thirteenth street, s'ofa. Rnreau ;ind Bookcase Bed* tor cash or on lastaiineuu; al*o l'ur> lor f uit*. _ ClAiriT% i Furnltnre, Beds, Bcddtna. Ac. Payments tsken by the werk or month. Terui* eaiy. KF.LT.Y ft CO^ comer of Twonfv flfth street arid ?l?ih avenue. JH RNITI RE, CaRPET-i AND BRDllINO?CHKAP for cash, and hv weekly and monthly payments, at Bendali'a old stand, lit Hudson *ireet,corner Canalt also ytorage hir Uoiwls, C. E. CANnqM. /1 K<?Ri?K A. 0LAKBR, 747 BROADWAY-fopdlab *r*tem of pavnente for pnrohaalng Ann Furniture, t arpeta. Mirror*. UphoUfry, Parlor Red*., Ac . at re in -.1 price*, llotue* and aparunenla furnUhed to order. Lord a tayi.or-orasd and cukystib bta? Kimliaii Bu,iy RruMcIs, $1 50 and |l 75. bufiuli end 4??rles.i r*ae*<rv. il and $11& rou ralik ACi'U.KcnON OF 1,025 DIFFERENT POSTAOR Stuuips fur Mia; price $iD. Adores, >1 it iiersir office. AKpr.i-;vDii> distillery liqcor store, best nu?in*ss location. lor sale cheap: :ilso cnrn?r Liquor otores on all nusinesa streets, dow ntowa Restau. ii.. MlTl.'ilKLi.'s Store Agency, 77 C-edar street. A FINK CIOaR STORB FOR SALE LOW; ALSfl .V 1'nper an'l statloncrv Store ; s'mi < onlectioneries. Fruit stores Coimtry H<.f??lItakertas,Cotfra an I i'n? Saloon*. MIIVlltJl.L'S store Agency. 77 Codur street. A FINh C.ROCKRY RTOlkl FOR SALE AT A GREAT ?\ barjaitt; also fee Stores, best locutions In Brook lyn : some to let; Meat Market*. first .? ?.* light Manotac. tlirit>tj Busine-*. MilVlli-. 1,1,'M Store Ageucv, 77 Cedar St. 4 UARDWARR AND HOUSE Fl'RNISUINO Hl'SI 1V lie** at le*s HiIIII cost.?stock w< I! selected an I ? lie able fixtur * llrstCla--; well c?tabU*h<:?l oil o'i ? of the Icudiiu avenue* Address A. 0. BKLiON, lleraid l|? town BrUMh office. A JEWELRY SHOP nut SALE-71 Ul.BECKER sit cot, corncr of Broadway. AN IUOAWT UPRIGHT BLACK WALNUT SlluW 1\ c.i . sui.aidn tor in nt' outdoor purposes; prico low. Apply at No. 1M liilrd avciitu AN ESTABLISHED I 11'.ST CLASS WEST MIIK fnlt. oer Orooatv. well tiit.'ii up, full ?lock cbot e gooil?; line llorse and Wagon; average business, ?'?> a day, chear. rent: prl<? bargain. Inqure or (.'AMPIiKSii x i n.. Auctioneer*. w| .Ninth street, head ot Fourth ??. A WELL stock; O OROi'KKT STORK FOR SALR - V cheap?Store, room" and cellar rent trie and an In. come ot S2S | ei loon h (owner lias lour years' lea?c> from two binding*; a treat bar-ialu. tiH'i highlit avs*1 mi'!, Iiutcher all09, A? BXPRRSS GROCRItY. Rl'SINRSS, BAKRR'S ? Milk Vender's. Depot. Delivery and p'attorm spring Waitoii*. new and secon I hand, irom $Jo to $175; i>m) top Buggy. 91I1; at 246 Spring street. AFIP.ST CLASS SAMPLE ROOM-DOWN TOWN; day trade; four years' lease; rent verv low; lante business iloae ; settlement of an esiata causes ihia sale. LUOIi), Broadway. "IfOR SA Lh?DESKS. SHOWCASES, DRUG DRAW, r ers. Tables. Cots, Stoves, Chairs, Sash, Partltloni, office Railings. rejdy lor immediate iut>. Apply ij JAM KS 11 < ? L??J J., M Commerce street. F'MIR SU.K?SI2.0I) A LONG ESTABLISHED wholesale Wine and Liquor Buttling Business, in eluding trade Mark, Sin.'k, fixture*. Tuols. lanK H?. chine. I'ress, stamps. Dies, Ac.; evrrvtMng conuecled wuli a lirsc eta.'* e*tali lshmeut un>l in perfect order; now doing well; owner going to the I'acirtc coast. 1)11' .1 CL IM'ISS, ,r>J4Sixth avelliu. F^OR SALE?C10AR STORK, FDR $275 IF SOLO to day ; rent $y> per month. 1,226 liroidway. I"?OR SALE?OENTLIiMEN'S HAT AND MILLINERY Business, with stock and fixture*, on Fulton street, Htookhn; will be disposed ut" on reasonable terms, in cons>3i|iience of the ill health of the owner. Addresj* \V., UeraUl Brooklyn Branch ottlce. pOR SALE?A SECOND HAN D F! KRPROOF 8AFK. ] _PtjIl,li* S. .tUSIlCli. 41 CUffsireek I^OR SALF.-THB FIXTURES OF A LIQUOB AND 1 tiger beer saloon. No. 1,17A second avenue. E^or sale?corner crocery, on third avk. 11110, rent $>0 a moutli, worth tlUO; hall cash or mortnaijc taken in pa> incut. lui^uire iu cigar store, No. (M lliird avenue. L"H>R SALE?A LIQL'OR AND Ll'NOil ROOM, DOING 1 a good busines*; sold oil neconnt ot slckuess; long lease; Tow rent. Address l>. K., Herald office. FORSALK-ACOALYARI) AND FIXriTRES; LKA8R 2ri years; the improvements pay the ttili rent; might exchange for goo J city Property. :ifll I'earl street TJ'OK SALE?AN OLD CORNER LIQUOR STORB, I having other buslneaa to attend to; a bargaiui term*ea*v. Apoly at l?t i'rince street. 1J10R SALE -AN OLD ESTABLISHED HIRST CLAS3 I1 Board Int.' Moit?e: full of ifood paying hoarders: to bo sold ata sucritlce on account of a death; no agents uee.l aiiplv. Address M. S., Herald office. f^OR SALE?A WELL LOCATE!' LAflER nEFR AND Liqtrir Saloon dotal a too I business, situated lit Kast Twcnty-iecond street, one door west ot Third are nue, the present owner ticlinr engaged 111 another busi. nev* which previ nt? lain attendiug to both. Call at UT Ka?t Twe 111> -second streci. ITtOR SALE-AN OLI> ESTABLISHED JEWELRY J. Store, with Stock, Fixtures. lonrf I.ea o, Oood Will. Ac., Ac., at a bargain lor cash : rem a mere ncwnal sum: location excellent, with a fine jobbing trale; tne most satisfactory reasons given for *eliinL'. Address, will: real na'iie, ior tlireei uys, MORllAN Tin FAN V, hut 227 Herald office. |>0R SAL!-;?A "FIRST C LASS 1>R It(T" STORB; AN r nnnsnal ohsnco tor a 11 rungist or physician. Apply at 2*5 ihird avenue, from into 11 A. M. mi l * to? F. M. L'Olt SALI ?A FIRST ' l.\. S WAICll AMD JEifT r elrv estabil hmaiit, with Sto"t an 1 Fixtures, ah i* ated in tho handsomest ricinuv ot NewTork. at S4,0i>) to VstiOl). Inquire of l'. WAASKK, 63 Nassau street. Tj^INR MAHOll.VNY OFFICE It Vll.INO, COUWTRU* I and shelving. Llllie's sioall Sate and Samj le Trunks for *sle. tio Keade street, up -lair*. IjIOB SAI K OR TO LET-WITH FIXTURES, A FAM. 1 ily Liq nor Store, to a Rood m iglitiorhoo 1. for par* tlcniars apply, for two days, at Sll East eighth street. Sicknesstue c;.use ot selling. /GROCERY STORE FOlt SALE?THE STOOK AND \T Fixtures of a first class store 011 the beat psri of Third avenue will he sold at a facilitate, a tlno chance tor auv 01.e wishing to k > into the ousamas. U., llerald I'ptowu Branch office. /SROCEKY STORK FOR S41.lf( IIfiAP?8PLENDIf? \JT location and good neighborhood, dolnc a gcrsi ca?t? boslneasi gootl rooius lor housekeeping; stock fl.-stcla?( and all new. SC9 East Tnirty-tourih street. Marble soda water apparatus, all sttlbsi Ottawa Beer fountain* and Extract, at reduced price*, at J. M WHlfFlELD A SUVd Waruroouu, :4u. 2ft.' Water street MARRRT OS THIRD AYRNITR FOR SAI R-WIfR Property lor sale or exchange, or without; n food chance lor a butcher. Addresa, nam* and ad dress, A. A B.. boi 111) Post ?.tllc?, Yorkvill*. QArBs FOR SALE CtlRAP.-A I.AROK SAFE. TWO O inedln? Sates and one small *>ate; Herring's. Lilllo'sand Wilder s make, at S. O. yHltk. a, 72 Maideu lane. Tiik rixTCRKs or a ulicuek'S shop, neaklit now. at 61 Mil., *ireet. lor Mir cheap. W'lKK OARER FOIt SAI E.-FOl It BBCOXIt IIA!?r? il Are Wire Obit* for ?al?, IH" fttlttrh. PUTTIER A STVMITS M A N I FAC I'l K IXU Oolll'A.Nk', l.rxln^ton iTonuc, corner Fortjr-flrstaireet. ?i \ in m i: \ . A"*N OTIS KLFVATOR FOR flAI.R-ATPI.T TO P. Lonllard A Co.. It Ckarabara street. lor om week.. PARTIES DESIR1NO TO M A N'C 1 AOTURK. OR TTIH aceiioy to sell, ? No. 1 Sectiofisl Satety Dollar, will please lend address to 8. T. K., Herald i.dlc#. Ungixk foit hai.k chrap7?oan b&hebn nrx? Fi tituif at American Kx;rt? rompany**, Houi ?treot. a?l niunt be removed Saturday of this week, lii-iir,' tli4p !are>l for a lawr one. In ,ulre at U AMI* TON, Will rHHU.L A UO.'s, utr.-oiL IVAMTBD-A OOOD KNurSE I.ATHS, TO 8WI*i? 16 to ?> Inches and tura 10 to 11 faat Address J. W ? 11., Herulu otllee. \\/ANTED?SECOND HAND OR MEW CPBKIHT If hnctne. 8 or 10 home power. Address, with full particular* 51A It I IN KALUFYKl.-CU'd au.ts, it Fulton a i reel f-A OtWk WORTH OF SECOND HAND RNGtJTKH, OV.I/UU Boileia, Lathes, Planers, gfcapers, Drill*, ncrrw Machines, Capola. I'rnne, hmerjr Grinders, Ao ; iireat vnnetv at low prices; xoine hcary Too la. II, ii. l (HiiKTs, Ktvrlnctr aud Cou tractor, ll? Libera street, D' i r Urr euwiob. hol'SKS, lUMIMs, A(? AVANTED. In this Citjr and BrooklfB, a C0MPI.BTR1.T FPRNISKRD FI.AT OR HOt??15 j\ wanted, lor Mir inanwr nr loneer. by a small, careful tamily; roteranoa u?lM?tl?HkM. Adtre*s, with term* an.i location, HfcXAHhD, box 1*4 herald office. _______ T LAI'Y TEATIIBR WI Ib1s~ A KBU.s IsHPD J\ Apartment. in the \lelnlty of Madi am Wftftr*, suit able tor ^t\1:11; irs. .m In thj lairnazes; reiersucca, sa A. X .loi 111 llcraU ofllre. ~i QF.NTl.E* AN DRSTKBH A Vl-I.LY F0K*ISHRI? A House, in fond order and In iroo.l localIon. until October I. lit a nominal rent- t.Tiniir small and ane* ceptio'iah'e in av-re rc-pr t: anv party (join* out of town for the summer can have their Ii. u-c well cared for during tlioir absence. Addict K. M. k., ueratil otlire. ___ "a -tern and Soi boob wanted or walC J\, or llmad atieetiioar i vciianie roouis; unotrrp. tiooaliic mhIiu-cs. ai!?ir?? with lull iiarucviara, K1.L.I ^ box HO Herald ..ftloe. ___________ F" ltJRNIXHF.D HOt sK W \N I Kl>?TOWJt OR COI N* trv. taka care ol or l> .irdownar in len ol r?uij bidirxt raiptcUMlltjr. AddreM U. it< raid oftce. \irANTED-P\RI.'?i; AND BBDROOM. WITH P1!T. Yl vntr bathroom. *c.. attachfil, on <m i>?ar Fitih avr. nn^, l?etwc?n K(?Ate?llth and I wruty tUIrd strtetA A4? drai" box .1 l?l Fort oWce. W. "^'yb0?A_N11'B BOOM, WITHOUT BO A Rl?. I * a |iri\*ic family: prior nm in tx ce*l |.\ pc r weak; location it l to !>o aL.i.? 1 uiiiHisutli ?treci. AiidrcM P. B., 11 eta id ufflca. TIJANTKD, Room -Ta I.IDV ?<H Ll?"l IKK X ROol yy In a r>'*peciablr lamllr, althcr ilerm m or I nifiun. Inexcbaiyre "T Usaons in i frmnn and Muaia u. W. h., box II*. HrralU Cptowu Branch ?rtlca. lit Ilia Country. -tlTA^ TP.D- rrRNtSiIF.D cottaob, vr ir tnn Vf cltr; u uat be neatlr an t lullv farnUheil in.I at ? rM">na 'v r?nt, win hi-i>< i tn*r-nt it ?uHed. A I.Iran, utatlnt lull pariteulftra, prica, Ac., TBa?, i>ok 1U liaraUt oflica. IMXTHHtTHH. t (tt^rLFMAN WANTM TO TABK TIIRER IRS. J\ Mt>? ft week flro?> a Herman vnnni IMj. Addre?% with particular<. D. U , box 167 l ost oftlce. AritKNCH qkntlkman. a obaduatb or tub L'nlTtrsltv of I'arl*, wlahea to giee le<?oa? it French, Mn<tc an.l SinviiiK In ax< liante lor Board, either in New \ oric ctt* on untrr. AUdraaa K. ToliKB', U Eaat Tenth ctrcel mo EXI'KRIBNI BD f E M' I f F Rs. ? W A N'T K D, PRK^C. A deut for temtle c i\"f to. rpnnaylvanla, aalar* $1.0)0; ai?o pre?ti|rot f. r at t ??.t t'ourianiuit fomaw cotlara on Income, two Harvard trradiwlri l*r l?otro? Ini echooia near Saw York; otipei ior MilntMi Im OWy Khmil; <e*rral BipiHt la lie* tve fouthera <ch?nl?; tw? Oarman lailie* near Nee York: ?- <rr?l Imtlanfor maf ?, South and near New \ ork ; demen t lor aalaMn ?e*-' -1 is Rood Skilled .-- dioaie. tbouiu aup'r at Amar ??* Hrhii tl MiMaH. ti l?"ad at, J. W. S4jtit**Mii??4?i i, AelvBti