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FLEETWOOD PARK. First Day of tlie Spring Trotting Meeting. Tornado Maiil ilic Winner of the 2:50 Pursr sad Lady Blanche the IM Race. Under a combination of f.Ue m-st auspicious ctr cuiwiw^i Fleetwood threw open Itegnt-yea. [erdavandweW-on,.-a -Ur ti.rMowag public to Xt* peis.nt eachwaro. T be event ha J Ion* beeu looked torws-d 10, and tt*e saecesa wbi- ?characterised i - every feature ahouid be very gralll.wn* t > the new management. Bverywbere about ^wb!?! conTie there ?re change* to be observed whlcli I l0rre unusual comuieudaiion. lm?ro\emeat> .re numerous, both in the grounds ana on tbe stands. Times nave i>e?n righted. and. luauig the ola anuuiar appearance, ore now very tttvracUve. mere la a treanneaa all over tbe part In the bulld ugs ana ?urroumilngs ibat was inaiked ?ud commented upon oy ?he thousands coagre. ga.ei within Its gates yesterday. Nature rarely smiles more aweetlr than sue did on this occaaion. Enticed b? the genial sun und the nature of spo't preaented, as well as their ralta tn the prom ises made regarding me direction 01 tbe amaze ment. tie lair ladles of Goiham turned out in toice great nuinocra gracing thst portion o. ta. grand .tana sec atari lor their exclnaive oae Others garnered on the balcony ol the club house, making a pretty framework ln that direction to the busy scenes and in-created gatherings on tbe right of tne grounds anu in the fleid bolo*. Tne deslriibj tbe Fleetwood management to cultivate tne p sue of I' dies Is wise, and will prove amolj ?.?n,T .. ..." .. ??? - ebarm of woman In outdoor reunions. out t. e admirably arranged programme, and rneir ?aroeatness in eaforclng the rules and keeping tn mind all tbe perplexing minutie necessary lor ? succeaaiul reault speaks well for a brUllftat and satiaiactory meeting. Aaong those m attendance were many gentle men of weal'h and influence. Loving a horse aud aeil'&uny iu men exn'oltlona ot speed as *ere noticed yesterday, they will lather at ail trotting tuorney* neir the city, if tney caa feel assured tne ruwdf element will not be permuted to asse: t its offensive strength nor to brusn too near the n-spectab e and reirned. This they feei U now tne rase at Fleetwood. and ao tnere is buo little dount that in all aood time tae trotting reunions mere will be just a< orlllunt as tbe grand gather lugs make Jerome Tart in tne summer and autumn snch an attractive i>U e. Tne judges of tne day were Major Morton aud yT a &, Fost. ot Goshen, N. V.. ana Mr. Milium It ?arks of Brooklyn. men of rare experience and excellent judgment iu ail trotting matters. THE l'lKST THor. This was lor a purse ol $1,000, for boraea that iaa never beaten ->:50. divided into three parte ;ue urst horse winning $450, tne second tZOO and be third $110. 'Ihere were eighteen entries ? race, but lour ef them withdrew, leaving .our i* son's ^'";t ^cC"ru ,|ln spian'a bay gelding black ge.dlng > lUcan, job" i^ Carter. C. 11. liswk. Ueorge Stcnuj.1 >^ay i,an Mace's Mci>onaid's sray mare i n a ruare ?efleif bay mare Ma ad ? ? Vesta j. H. snep Ho2.e,rt ftosie Charles k lireenN brown tffle Deans. petting ?Q tbe race untU flrat heat Then Maud became ^t odds. l&e horses scored tne favorite at ou***- n ur peiore or more han weut off in a i%e word waa given, an Uit cioie De. itiaifgaag mMiner. ca ^ BeQ Bruc^ 1h, L^een *? n? n#a.T t)V a leDktU, ft DCCK lurmtr winniftg ui? lQira. In "tut? tocond aiTiauw second and un Frlvateer Maid T" ^ tnud tTe otners stra??Un? after second -Maudi third . ron, ,nd Kepl lte mem. Maud soon oQ tde 0Aqtgtretch, lead to tue uo'at jI ron ado Maid took when ahe broke UP a " # fleani> These tbe lead, oiose.y loiioweo u,^ c jj TorDaJo kiliJ tW,? SLrt length, true l>eana second, winning by a eaori lena . |(K)|. pUce iu ttl0 nana third- A cbuni r uecoming a great p.tung, juruado Maul tne third nvorue oyer the o ner ^ 4 rulh Dp tne i?ai ib galoot DO-.r ori at me feead of someetretea 'raai io^h ?crttcu l^noia* uiuii tmrd. i'o? Effle Deans was ?*c"^ ine mare Roele'e sbliy ttmeoi the ueat waa i-J-- e v?ata. out was cat down at tne quar a^ a la lne nexc Koaie was a!*0*''* ' a,?taneeu lor ruania.. ar*?^adBo?raiVdrwon tUe lounn neat_ana race. Maud :r,ri"?rt"rt;. ?...?^ t..?. .owing u it in,,?*T. _ T.,-. spbiso Mianso? tSTS^rv^A Kr^o lainl; ttl1' beat three in C. 8. orecn'abr. m. lornado Maid 4 111 u. Mace'so.m. MKad..... ^...-----;; ; 3 4 w 2 I. Troai's s. g. T. B. Freacb s ? % . I. (ioiaamit.i a b. a. Kflie D*aa 4 i F. J. M Uinnia ^?*.hrttC^ . ...... ? 6 s ? io. Sterrlti s t>. m. ? . 5 7 ? ? r. o'couner's bia. a. ^Icao 7 U 7 f> J. Splaii's b. R. ?'*Wk.. ? p" "' jll." 9 8 11 v L. ? McDoBxle a jr. m. Pnv?teer Mai?..^ # #a U &(eft|tl * K* CArwr. ?????? ? ? ? ? . T. b. Jonuaou's b. in. <. nrisiina Kobi. ibor. ton'a U in. \ li " ??B. Sn.,.nera-s b n.; M *? l"au K. ?. Bent s b. m. $ lohti L. LOty's o. ib. Fearl. or. P Manee'a o. g. *{? W. S. Br.oM- Oik. g. Fat Mc ann dr. I. T. Kogera' r. g. ar' Quarter. Ha J/. JSt * 1-1* ? 2itt iecoad heat " ? \'\ lhiia beat ^ \-\i i:U fcuurtL He* M ltl* ?u?r^u thk mcOND TROT. T?n rior?e? were eatertd lur tht? rtc^t WDtclj fi Ior A parte $2,uCj. lor Dors#? thu Defer SSJm SJtiuJm?? ?iu0 ??SL"25J. %JOO to tne Ihird ana l"1hlrnesa. Of t ie raue heats, beat three In Uve, in heraes*. ten eatriea Bine came totr.e post. ?ar mare Lydu raompson. 4 fray abiding ?'!? ,De po,,i sales u. o.u..?; "t o???j ?? gjiri sissa gfeHsM H sstfwg ?? "?"srasr n'snmx S3US? S?5s*i ? ^iSSISWl "St lag o.?ck ?nd cbaOitK tno*? w ufibe. He won tt.e n-.t very ea-iiT n> two 11 . tsTisrfjrtv .i? act, th* 11' 'if'e.liir'thirtf* 10. easnj. Mav Hird seo. Q.I, I'lin Ke??er >.ni. u. latter wou the aecond pftisiiiis. TaM fm* third at<u Oiusria* ureen tue lourtb prue. nme, 2317 34. roe loboWlug is a -CMMARY. i.Hf Dat ?PurA? taU'M), for aor?t? tfc^. aet? ? "!; |i.w? o tM nrs.. $.'0 ,to tbe ttoo io K?? fiiii i tiua $2uo to rue fourth | V?ri3; nuiVueaia, oest iu live, ln uarnese. r>Tiuae. >an Macb. m. Biaacue 2 l i i . L baser s b | Ml fcrtW * ? ? ? L KoUy'a %? *? Tanaer ?v> ' " i ? .1 i lobn MorbUj's e. a-?-hari^?Ureen 4 ? i 4 j. waiaer'a oil m. May Biro ? ? a a J. lrtitti's g- m. Sea F?<nm J ? J g?rgeut'a b. in. Ladji banker ? 6 < ? ^ ThotBton'* r. g Hojal <.eovge # 7 ? e J. L. Doty'a ?? ?? Lyai* ihooipa^n $ ? ??*. * ?. ureeo'a b. g- Maj.r Beot dr. Quar-wr. IlalJ. Milt. E !;r 53 *c?ad heal * * UHX 3:4 - " j,ii a:itH "Oie.l, wwaa baa sixeutrtee, and ar*ce between sixteen liSl buries. Tne following were a few of the pool sales at Johnson's last night uu the trots to-day:? ?j:3i nrmsa. Arthur $50 Uenrge H. Mitchell 20 ' 17 v* alter 20 16 l ielii M -*? TEAM RACE. llarrv Spank?r and mute $00 1 ticie Uii; aua mate -j Field Si 30 LOUISVILLE JOCKEY CLUB RACES. SXCOND DA V. Lor IS' U.LK. MajrlS, 1873. The attendance at tk< races to-day wan larger. Tuo traog was in flue order, but dusty. 1 i.i-i lUt ic?ran urxAxotit stake.-*For two year-oM colts: eai'ft. p. p.: Association to adil two; second horse 10 receive si0??: dash ol bull a mile <"iose<i M?tt twcnty-iour nominations, or ?lu<h thirteen Mtarteu. A joi-ti start wit* nude. Vagrant look the lead ut once, aoit came m winuer oy tsree lengtus. X. J. Nichols" i>. g. v^rant. 'J .rears old. Oy Vircii, out of l.azj. t>r imp. Scythian 1 Jonl 1'unk's or.- years old, by Virgil, out of t -rk. Of Lexington 2 William Murphy's en. e. Kus* Butler, a years olu, 1 ? War Dance, out 0/ Princes* Royal, by imp. Sovereign 3 McUsury Mewnor'a ch. c. eougressuian, 2 years olu, b\ War Dunce, out Of Saratoga 0 Ci. A', stewards cn. c. Maitulstic, 2 years old, by I'lanet, out of Luilame 0 A. ICeene Klchards' ch. c. Bazuar, 2 years old, by Jack Maione, out of Ivy Leal 0 Jauies A. Grinateau's b. c. Mettle. 2 years old, bv Melbourne, out or Leoule's dam 0 Wilium4 .v. Owlngs'ch. c. Creeumoor, 2 years old, by Aitteroid. out ol snap. Target 0 A. B. Levrw i < o. s o. c. Piuo, 2 years old. by 1'iauet, out of Imp. Eleanor 0 A. fcCeeue Kicnaras' u. c. Urit, 2 years old. by Meioouiue. out ol Wagonette 0 Williams k, owlngs' b. c. Melnotte. 2 >ears old, l>y deibourae, out ci Woodiord Belle 0 1). btrurerc'a b. c. t'eylon. 2 years old, by Aste roid, i'Ul of Vandalia 0 cottrlli's 0 c. Mediator, 2 years old, oy Daniel ttovne. out of Meanness 0 Time?60>?. In rue pools Melnotte and ( reedmoor sold lor S36 against $Si ior ttie Held. The winner. Vagrant. Bold last in toe pools. second lues.?Purae $800; aecond to receive $20J: itio mile neat*. junt after the *t?rt Williams A Owiugs' Oxmore louied Exrel auu, forcing him against toe ience. almost u amounted his rider. who cleverly recov ered his seat amid Cheers but loat several lengths. Tu? neat *u< au exciting oue. the horses fc queutlv bunching and all running very evenly. Arizona wou 111 3:37.'*. A protest was entered on in- part <>1 txcel. and oxmore was ru*ed out and nis rider suspended. Tne second heat was easily won by Arizona, in the last time 01 3:36%, John 1 rank in's b. 111. Arizona, 7 years, by Lexington, not 01 Zone 1 1 E. D. Harper's b. c. Excel, 4 years, by En dorser. out of Xanutra 2 2 B. U. Thomas' on. f. Uatem, 4 years, bv Aus tralian, out of Uira 3 3 Bedding & Bros.' Transfer, by Jack Mulone... 4 4 v\ iliiams & owinga' oxmore t 0 lime. :s:87und3:35>a. In the pools Arizona nau the call: Excel was aecond choice and Hazem third. Tnini> IIacx,? Purse $2o0: dash of one mile and an eighth. Tne scan was a good one, but Caivln imme diately took the lead and came in the winner by three lengtns. P. vcGrath's br. c. Calvin, 3 years old, by Tip per iry, out of l.ucy Kowier 1 UoUu-'ou. 51orgau ft r^.'s br. c. Astral, 4 years old, oy Asteroid, ou< >>f Laurn Wmtu 2 Lo^an <t Brucc'a ch. r. Oeorgie Bowmau, 4 years okl. oy L-xiRcton, out 01 Annie 0 S D. >wigerr'ti ch. c. K&;>pt, 4 years old. by Planet. out 01 Lair Barry 0 M.>:u?ail. b> Jack Ma lone 0 Mary h, by Voucher 0 Cen 1 urr, ny Censor 0 Nelly Kui^'ii . by Huruer's Lexington 0 1 .adc Qreenfleld, br lionme Scotland 0 Brake mun. by Jack Malone 0 St. ueorge. by w ar Danee 0 Modoc, oy Muggins 0 trilistcr. b> huqmrer 0 wnisper, by Planet 0 Tin e, t:68V Calvin was tne favorite over the Held. TBOTTING AT BALTIMORE. Baltimore, Md., May 18,1876. The trotting over tue lierrtng Run Course com menced to-day. The track was m good condition and the weather was fine. First Race.?h'or horses that have never beaten 2:30; mile heats, three in Ave; purse 11,000; seven started:?Annie Collins, Oranze Biessotc, Albert, Jack Draper, Oray Cm?f. Snowball and White Cloud. Albert *0:1 in three s.ralgnt heats. Anuie coliins coming in second and Jack Draper toird. lime. 2:30H?2:30?2:30. ? conli race.?For horses that have never beaten 2:40; mi e beats, three !n Qve: purse The starters were Cat rol.ton (late Captain J*cn), Clilton, Jacob Larian and F?nole. C.l ton won tne two neats and carrouton the others. C.ntoa took second money and Larian tnird. Fan nie was distanced in tae flrat heat. Time, 2:36?2 ae -2:8?? 2:83?8:3t. MThtlC PARK RACES. Boston, May 18. 1876. Two good races took place to-day at the Mystic Park May meeting. In the three minute race tne black gelding J. G. Blaine won. Time, 2:a6X?2 -MX?2:34V. In tne J:33 race the cnaestnut gelding Colonel Barnes won. Time, 22:3?S?2:3?^ WESTO-V9 WALK. Yesterday at the Rink, although the attendance of spectators to vitnesa the extraordinary exhibi tion of physical endurance by E. P. Weston waa not qolte so la ge as usaal. yet there were audi cie'nt present to give ttie plucky p<>aeatnan seme encouragement to pursue lua weary way. Hia 126' ? mile waa scored at Sh. 4om. 49f. and the 120th at about ten o'clock, his intention taen being to waik until between two and tnree thla morning before resting again. SHIPPING NEWS OCEAN STEAMERS. cutis or DztAunns >bom kkw tout fob tu months or mat and ;r*t >*ea? .Nm'n .ZWfi. alf--\ Denmark H<v >CTth-? Ma.v Ma ?* mi i ulaiaua ?iy fftatpoaua Nay W A scholien.... i Way ? ltv 01 K.ctimuBu | May Battle.... v<iy Halretia iMay kthlepMI May (WW F Oilmi,... Cut ? l brii- wi*.. f*TPt Brit innir tiii? ?? rarla. Ma" V.?v Mav May MhV May Mar Mar Neeaar Mar Slav June June June J una Juie June Tune J una June <noe June I Que June J una J one J una J me Jana J naa Joua OfUe. t? Broadway. 4Bgwiii)c (ireao 1 - ilruaawiv fl broad war. X Broa.iwar 1U Broad* ar il. ireriiooi.. i* KroAdwar ' Dlvernool.. #51 Bruadorar. irlmow 7 B- .win:* Drafa i Bowlloi <?reen 4 iowltnr ureea si Broad wav Nlriwdirar. 1.1 Broadway Broad war ltf Uroadwar. v. Hroadwar ixindon. . Urerpoo... Ulaofuw . Hamriurc ?totternaio Llv? Hrem-n Ll*erpoot . narnfuri. KntteMarr' LivprnooL. Liverpool. 1 l.irero'joi. !iarr? Br? n>en. .. j H wuni ;re?m (ilaatuw. Liverpool Liverpool.. Gia?wow... Hanifinrr . tiwpooi iveraool. i .ivrtool.. trnrnen. . t.B'VOW. .. Ivarooou Hampurr.. Civerooo'.. Lnren?m,i. l.'vert?0?i Havre Bremen. Binwow.. lianMn 7 BowitntGrajn Broad wav. 4 Bowimr oraan 72 Broad wit. ci Broadway. t? l?ro?oway. 15 Broao war. BrnalwaT. I Bownna Green * Bowunc Greea * H?wuna Green 61 Br .adwar IV Broai we y. 15 Broaa war. W Broao wa7. 8 Broad war Bf.wnnr Grata ?t Br.jaawa*. 1 Broadway :? LiveraooL- It Bro.iuwar Liverpool >IA Broadway. Bolivia * vommr Bothnia .?'ate of Indiana . ihnnneta Germanic fitr ?.! Cheater... The yue*n Moae Kirata Ai.rratBia ?*oiiim?ranla Arrla ? C'lt* (?! Karl? ... f rain P#-re:re Doaaa... Hate a: Gear*U. Oellert Caitle 01 tf of Bartta... mr notion to captains ok vk ner.s bntkr mo the FORT or NEW YORK AT NIOIIT.-The Jlf Yob* H(bai.? ha? adopted a diattataUUn/ Coetoa alfbt (i?Dal lor oae oa board the Hsbald ? tan* yacht, ahow lag wlslie buralarrba colors rad. greta, rad. enaatlng trom oae t? tbo other ?? aaet'aislnB. and can ha aaan err. era! milei diatan:. laptaloe of vaaaala apoa etalag tbla Mcaal will obiftra u< hjr praparln* any mar ma aawi they may bar* for tba xbip >'aw* Department at tba Hmma fjr Peraoo deairoua ?f coauaoaloatinc with vewali arriviag at .v*w York can do ?o by addretaiM to aaoli raaaeM cara at Hiuu) aawt yaeht, piar No 1 Baat Klrer. Naw York. l?ttori raatlred from aU parta of the world tod promptly dallvarad. bnpliaataa ara ra quirsd. ALMANAC FOB NEW YOBK?THIS DAT. SC!? AND MOON. I HIOH WATtK Son rues 4 40 | Oot. lalcntl. ? morn fun aeta 7 13 | SiH'lr Hook, mora Moun iai?.. ..tiiora ? c? j Met, uat* morn ? 82 ? 47 t IT PORT OF SEW YORK, MAY 18,1875. (LEANED. Steamer WjaennriF Br, formb, UrarpoiI via Que. UIU.IVB?Wiiiiamj A Uutan. ( ^nwnr cotUisuua, jiaad. harana?Wm F Clyde A - ;aaru?r Old DotaUiloa. Wa.Iter, Norfolk, City Fata: and otr.iOiOii dtaamiaiu to. buamar Ar.nia *'?aa."vt..trinti?a. Ua^?A AMo* a^uiua?*?.ter Oa-. .?, *, juntw Uti-aaklon, . mw?taiilMi,?tu*n, PauAdBi aota^^ aaM? lifl steamer Bevenv. Pierce. Itilladeiohia?James UanJ. | Steamer ulaucu?. Bearw. l u^r,,[, -h c U'uiock ? ship .Niagara (Br), McFarlane. Liverpool?Henderson Bre? Hai k l til) tAust), Paoleiich, Yokohama mid Ulo^s? I slocovlcb A Co. Hji W Lottie Stewart iBr), Sinclair, Liverpool?Know A Burgt Hark Angelina (Ital), I.utruuo, Cork or Fulinoutts ? I Lauro. storev A Co, Hark an IJoiiieiiico (Ital). Astengo, Cork or Falmouth foronlera?Sli?eovich ji Co. Kurk Fruitier* (tier), Jacbens. Richmond?Fuucb. i Idrr A Co. Kris Curacou Br). Faulkuer. Curacou?Joa Foulke'i Sous. m Iu- Annie W Barker, Suotvmiu, Hto Grande do Sul? Miller A H. uirlitm:. sebr t'.flte .1 imnious, IJarringion, I'ort Spain?U Trowbridge'* Soils. . rlir John shay, Nicker.sou* King-ton, Ja?Y !( Solo- 1 mou ? i'o. -ihr Mary Vweli, Nowell. C4ir<lena.s?Broit, *ou A C.j. s'obr Mark Pendleton, Pendleton. t uracoa?II W iauid i A < t>. Schr E A fi VI Hind*, Hill, Cat Island?B .1 Weuberg, selir Mary M, Vuriay, Uoveiuoi'? Harbor? B J Wan- 1 berir m tir J i.C'ru?stef <Br), I'ruiislay, Nt John*. NF?C W j Bertum m lir Mocking Hlrd (Br), Bradley, Charleston, SC?P l ! Nevius A sun. sebr Nellie Porier. Howard. Warlungtou, NC?W K Hininati, Schr Ma 1*1 F Maple*, liurrill. Wiluiingiou? Brett, Son A Co. M-lir Kaie V Ailkeiis, Brower, Oeorgetowu, DC?Over ion * Haw kin*. Schr A H .-hull!, 1'uncau. Baltimore?William Clial mere chr Hi ok Sinnecktou, Dickinson. Philadelphia?A Day ion A Co. sebr Fashion, Carburrv, New Haven?Cartwnghi A Doyle. M'ar -,uiic Burton. Buriey, Stamford?Siamiord Manu tac turinir Co. .-loop Henry Uesuer, Shand. New Haven?R?*.v. A Bro. ARRIVALS. BXPOHTED BT TUB HKltSLD STEAM YAC'HW AND HERALD WUITESTONE TELKUKAPH UNI. Steuuier Russia (Bri. Cook. Llvcroool May 8, via Cueenstown Hth, with uidsr uhd passengers to C G May 15, Ut 4.' 12, lou Si St. passed a Cunard slenmer houud E; 17tb, lat 41 22, lou 62 11, pas?ed u White Mar steamer bonud I'.. Steamer Kti-ia tiler), Meier, Hamburg Mav 6. and Havre Sin. with mdse and SUO passe uuers to Kuubardl A ?Jo. May li lat 4J UT Ion in passe,i a large lcebenr. and in Ion 50 several small ones; 17tfl, lat 41 ? 1, Ion 57, passed a While Mar steamer. !>onnd K; Maine day. lat 41 l?. Ion 64 34, pa<.-ed baric Keloriner. o'' \ uruiouth. NS. lh Kri?ia arrived ai Sandy llook at 8 I'M. Mcamer ulle ile Tarm irr), Lucheanei, Havre May 8, with md<4 and 67 paasemrern to Oeorge Mackenzii". Mav II, pam-d steamer Canada (Hi). Hum Ixiudon lor New VorK. 17th, paiied tour steamer*, supposed ot the An vbor. Cuuard, While sut and Ueueral XrauMtUBtic lines. hU-amer Ueorite Kider, Read, Richmond. City Point and >or!olk. witu ind?c ?ud pu??euuer-> to the Old Do minion it. aui?hiu ' o .-nip Emerald Isle. Williams, Liverpool April 20, with mJ-ie to latiscott, Bro< A ?)o. ,-lii!) Wellliiiriou (of Windsor, NS), CaTiDglon, Liver pool 46davs, wiih salt to J W Klwell A Co >hlpCnrav in. ilaifleld. Livarpool <k'> days, with salt to lhoma* Uuiiham's Nephew A Co. Had heavy west erly g^les; lo?l several sails. Ship itiemla lot Si John. NB). Kossiter. Havre 45 days, in tialiaat to master; anchored at Sandy Hook tor orders. Burk Krna (Nor), EllerLsen, christian!* 49 days, in : ballast to '1 rtens, Bockuiunn A Co; anchored at sandy Hook W>r orders, bark Abmu B (of Windsor, NS), CoffllL, Calharlen 13 duvs. with suitar uCW Bertcau. Brig Nellie Ware, Ashhury, Caibanen 12 days, wttli < sugar to J O Ward A Co. schr O Curtis, Cur tin, \'ireinia. | SenrOrean Wave, Zelutt, Virgiuiu. fchr J C Bowers, Lonustreet, Virginia. (-cbrAnn A Hannah, Cook, Philadelphia for Naa- ! i tucket. | schr M A Trainer. Austin, Bangor, S days, in bal- i lu-: to.l.'iuiesA Mailock. ,-cbr IVllije Irving ilsherman). Beam, 7 days out, clean: May Is, O U Converse, used tk) years, ot Kast Chnt'iaiu died suddenly of heart disease; hu body is ! still on b.iaid. sch>- llenry Friend (fisherman), Thomas, 6 days out, with UUi bbl* of inuokerel. -i br Cliocorna <flf her man), Clements, 7 days oat. with ; 2r& bbls macuere1. ,-cbr (te?.rule vl illurd llisherman:, WilUrd, 24 hours ; out. wilh 'JM lib Is inuckerel. . *9" Steamer Baltic (Br), which arrived 17th, report*:? j IIhv lu. lat 4'J?Jt, Inn 2ilo7, sp^ke hark tiur ton (Br>, ir iui ' LiverpiM.ll lor Montreal: 14th. Ia< 42. Imi&JOS. pas.e I ?ev. | eral fcetenrs; 15th, lat 4131, h?u 57 *W, u brig riirgi d , steamer. Liouud K ; l?th. 354 miiea cast of .-atidy Hook, suamer Celtic (bri. hence lor Liverpool. aj^Hark Robert A ( hapman (ot bwchetttn, Ituther tori!, winch arrived 17th from Havre mid anchored at t-audy Hook, received orders and called tor MitauiiebL a^-clir (leorge A Lmlly ot Yarmouth, Me). wUKh arrived 17th, from l'oint-n-I'itre, is touud to Poriiuud, i May 12. oil iiutt ras. dur^nir a siiuali, sprung aleak, tusk- < ing about 2 tXW stroaes per hour. PASsUD raKOoiid IUL.L, UATi BOUND SOCTK. Steamer Neptune. Berrv. Boston tor New York, with i mdsc and pusiengers to the Metropolitan Steamship Co. j bieauier city oi Kitenuurg, Springer. >e w iljaiorl lor New York, with mdse and caaaeageri Meamer uaiatea, Walden, l'rovuenie tor New *ork, wtib itiuse and passeneers. steamer Tillie. hwing. New London tor New York, with uidse and oasseucers. Schr Klia Frances, Bulger, Windsor, N?, ria Tarpaulin Cove lor ?>?? Vork 12 days, wltn plaster to Jed *rye A Co. Schr Charles Miller. Rogers. Oeorges Baoks for New York, 10 days, with ll*h to Kogers A Co. schr 'ieorue Moon, Titus. Ueorges Bauks for New Ywk, with ti?n to oixler. Schr Harvest. Chase. New London tor N'ew York. schr Ira Bliss. Fletcher. Providence for New Vork. fcur Ann S carl, carl, New Haven tor New Yori. Schr oeorgie u Loud. Clark, Portland lor New York. fcckr Wm J4 i.verelt, Clark, Providence for Alliaoy. -cur Julia A Berkle. Anderson, Providence tor New York. schr <ieorge 8 Reppller, Lynch. Providence for Elisa beth port benr Alaska. Thorudlke, Portland lor New York, with lumber to e H smith A Co. tchr Mott Weeks, Providence tor N'ew York. schr James Holuirs, Ryder, Ellsworth lor New Voik, with staves to oner. Schr Xebec. Kobins. New Bedford lor New York. Schr -arah. Norwood. Providence (or New York. Schr Wm Boardman. Ryder, Providence for New York. Scnr Ka e A Mary. Cogswei.. Pawtucket for BondoaL sclir Wiuona, Eaton, .sew London lor New York. f chr Laura s Hatch, Eallay. New London lor New York. Schr Velocipede. Rogers, Desr Island tor New York, with tlsh to Moon A Lamplirer, schr Etnaa. Cook, rail Kivcr for New York. ;>cnr Ada uerbcrt. All?-n. N?w Bedlord lor N'ew York, schr Panny Fern. Eatun. Providence tor >ew York. Schr Marta E Hern, ?owler. New Haven for N'ew Y'ork. Scnr Mary > mma. Nichols. Northport tor New York. Schr ennuv Siae, >'laon. Bridgeport lor New York. schr A >* Peaae. Dee, Portlaud. IX tor N'ew Yora, with stone to order. Hear K Kunyon, Campoell. Hartford tor Maw York. >?< br Eliza. Kelly. Sottthpo.-t Tor New York. 8<hr -earsville, St Oeurce tor New York. 0 s< nr Julia Ann. Howard. New hedtord for N'ew York, rcbr Crusade, Mulien, Biantford tor Poughkeepeie. 1 St nr.Iacnim. Eane. Providence lor N'ew Yori. i-chr Thomas P Ball. Baynor, i'roviaeace tor New Yarn >ehr John Price. Nickerson. Rockport for New York, wltn stone to order. Schr Sharp shooter. Clark, Cold Spring for New York, schr < nailenge. Mur-hall. Boston for New York. Scbr Rebecca Florence. BJchardm Providenoa for Naw York. schr Loon. Hubbard. Somerset for New Y'ork. Scbr Ann P Sipple. Ua ,er. ew Beafnrd for >ew York. Scbr Oeo R Markla, Shropshire Providence lor Llixa ketbport Scbr AB?<.n Brown. Mills, Derby for Hoboken. Schr Henrietta Lvadon. Prornleuee tor Ainpoy. tchr sila? Wright. Young. Provuence for New'York. fcbrH B Diverty. Nickerson. Providence lor Mew York. rchr Clara Post. Ferris. Purtchcster for New York. Schr O C Acken. Tomius. stainiord t'orNe>v Yora. BOCN'O KA-T. Steamer Olaacua. Bearae. New York for B,.ston Brig Minnie Mtilsr. Raynor, Port Johnsou for Fort land. s'jnr Battle Lou. Wrigbt. New Y'ork for Bartford. Schr Pell a C Vougbt. Bailock.. New Y'ora tor Hartford. Bel r Oeorge W Olover. rcrry. Weeha?*#n tor forts* mouth scbr Joeepb Potts, Terry. Hoboken for Providence. scnr Hatua S Coiuns. Tribble l.iizabethpori tor Hart ford. Schr D Ellis. Torrev. New Yorg for Portsmouth. Scbr Nightingale. Yonng, Hoboken lor Providejee. scnr Salmon Waahburn, Hathaway. Fluabethport for Taunton. Scnr *m T Elmer (new), Tribble, Ambov lor Bartford. Schr spray. Mott. KllzabctbDort tor Fall River. schr i XKcatte. Rackett. blUabetnport for Newport. Sebr.toha tockham. Hart. Hobokea for Provi :?a ? schr H D Hsrt, Murphy, ilohoaen tor Boston. sebr J Paine, Raynor. weehewken fir 8 iston. Scnr ELia J Raynor. Ravnor, Hoboken for Provi dence Sebr Pointer, Seers, New York for Providence. Scbr ciara a Rogers, Rogers New York tor Windsor fotlt Schr John M Ball. Ball. New York lor Oloncester. schr Mloanas. Heaney. Elliabeihport for Prorlitenee. Schr J H Yonmsna. B .rrett, Hoboken lor Providence, bchr Die* Williams, Williams. Philadelphia for Provi dence i . ehr R O shannon, Wilson. New York lor Providenoe. Pchr Man. Meale. Now York tor Ureenwien. Schr bake. Moamee. New Yore tor oreenwiah. schr Sadie Barton, Palmer New York tar Stamforo. SAILED. _&ttai?ere * UcoDiin fBn. for U?erpool: Btelntna'nn (Belf) Antwerp: ' ?In at bin Hav?u.t on! Dominion, t Rlrnmond. Ac; atilb H M tfnrktauu Mr, Bremen; b*r(i ' Brother* Havana. Ceret o?r . centric: Lady Uittita iMn, London; Nellie I uneat, Bremen u de Zaldo, Napaa la Utanda ; Lvnnaur (tae). cronttadt: bnu H-irah Cro wail, st Jobn^, PR; J A iioraer. Baruaaoe KtchelConer, do: Frame or), i ori Don Jacinto. MonttrUto; achr tffl- J alromon*. fort Spain. ship Annie Bmiav Br irom Liverpool, which from ianij Hoot 17tb. ia boun i to lai&iatrt. MAR IT III L AlLiCELLAN'I. Kgr see cabia D?w*. fTBiKtM Ciruriiii. froat Unli tor Montreal (btfore reported). aabore at Matane. got off tint bitrli tide, t>ut iit<lc mi much water tbat ?h* htdtolx- rnn n-bore to Mve o?r rrom mninif ihe engine room le mil of waier. >Ats (Hn ftrtrn, tana, ol VtirbtTen, hta l-aan pur- I c line J uy Jobn r Riehitriaor. and ?rl I t,e flrtci at X(? Hediord tor a wb*l!ne Voyage in tne IndXin ticeaii, uu dar tut command of ('apt ? liuria- u Kobome, tormeriy >o the whanu* wrrica, out who bit lately been an ga^ed in tne merchant bullion* ?iii Cjwii-cot Br,, at Hostou from Melbourne, re portc-Keb -t lai ?? .-?. toaiSSi W, oumu?'a traie H orn > >V. io*t (tore b-i wurka and tor ward houae. ?rn* i.iaxiK Vorao (term, lownwnil 'before re ported) sailed from Alexandria. Va. on ib? 13th luat for ?u ton with a cargo of coai an J encountered a iqnaii near ttte oi?aib oi tne Pototnar> in wbieb tne iott bar turemaat a>id oiainmaat. and with mlatenoaaat pat late Norfolk for r<ipairt. rent Maid or tsa Miar, Smith from Baracoa for New York waa ctptUcd in a hjuait ?th mat J be crew ware ta*en off tin- wreck on th? sth by uara Hint. troua >aw York, which arrived at lltvmj* nth. One ot the crew, a i.ermau. *m loat. .he tiaid of the Mitt wee 1*4 tone tegi?t?r. and bant tt Biiawvrih In ijfj. whence the Mind. ?ctt Wutiti. Swinerton. from Liverpool tor X?w York, wiiK-b put into Me, litb. in dlitrejt bad loat and ?pilt (all*, carried away tore and toaiu ftffa. ted tprnug tieat. Ac dunn* l*?v? <veetlitr. ct* Can a ftortr '3t), noon from Ntwtort for tat ?ana atiiod rrom rayai Anril a. put ot?t i*n te tut tern mw n?|in|. tad ttued tf au> iti. tctt iiruti wtl ?tiii tt tiKUofl tkundaf WMWW. tt toe itr a* toe leati at rex ?*?. llvi aurt-Bark Imc Lincoln (of Bi oaswiek), Capt Jordan, iroin boston lor Liverpool. witu grain, 1? now ii."> i'?w< <>ut and feurs art- euter:ain>-d tor her *atetv. -lie reamer* 627 tou*. wa-i built In 18M, and ia owned uy C skoiileld and others. (ii.OMKKTFK. Muv 18? -ehr* Dictator und Clara R. Chapman arrived here to du ?' with the crow ot the ?chr J. 0. frriend. sunk by the t rench bar* Clementina ofl ileorge's Hank on Maturoay morning. 'he Friend was owned here bv snvwurd iir-tlieri. nhe wuh valued at S.sutio. and wa>i insured lor 8M75, on the vessel, and $*UU ou the outfits Halikax. Mav IS? Steamer Hibernian arrived thi* murnitw trom Liverpool, via Queenstown, and reports experiencing a strong wind durlug the whole passage, on the 13th in?i, lat 47 '.(1, Ion 4S <0. passed several ice b r'H and encored fields oi loose ice- on th" lHli. had thick t k anil heavy lee. The pttesen/era for Newfound land In the Hibernian remain here for the | re*ont. the steamer laipiuu. which iett for angland itt noon to day, not intending io cull at ,-t .kihus owing to the reports of ice. The scaling steamer Merlin arrived to day from New foundland an t l"aves t?-nlf htlbr Portland. M br Marv Alice arrived her-- cm (hi' 15ih fr^in Har l instoii. with |iari ot the. ur.'n saved Iroin steamer VI bauilira. * telegram from North Sidney !<? night reports the ice " ifisiiiK in on cape Breton ports again by strong easterly winds. At tar north as can be seen ice is in \ tew. Uci.aKi', May IS?Two vessels are reported ashore at Cape i*t>at and one at Matane. Steamer Polynesian niaile a rouiarkubiv oulck run iroin l.'Islet to Esther Point. <'apt Brown k -ui the ioi lnwlng telegram to her aeent*:?"All well. .Ship und envines are us perfect as when we ielt Quebec." I'M?The vessels reported ashore at Cane Chat are the narks Earl ol fclgin and Nortec, anil ships Rimug Sun and Irene. The snip reported ashore at Mataue la the "Harewood" (Bri, Blanch, from Liverpool. Launched? At South BrU;ol, May 12. from the v?.rd of A A M lianage. a steamer of about 100 tons, named Albert brown, she was built for Wells i t'o. of Bristol. Ai Hath. Mav 17, by Thomas J Southard it Sons, a flue ship of about l7dJ tons, named Charles Dennis, owned by the builders. Captain Kezer, late ot bark Vesuvius, com mands her. This makes the hundredth vessel Mr. South ard has buitt. At Baltimore, 17th inst, yacht Colonel K .T Chais'y was launched froui Brustar's yard, she is 21 feet long nnd 10 leet w Ide, and is expected to prove a last sailer. The new yacht and the vachr Muttle then took a sail to gether around the White Koeks and return. NOTICE TO MARINERS. LIGHT AT PPTCU CAP CA.VA!,. The Lighthouse Board gives notice that on and after i Jnne 10, next, two lights will be exhibited Horn ship lan 1 terns placed on low structures, one at each end of the i Dutch Ciap Canal. James Klver, Va. Ui.UTUOt.'Sl DLSTROTkD Notice has beeu received Irom the government ot the I Dominion ot Canada tiiat the Lighthouse at Port Malt land, Luke Erie, was destroyed uy Are on the :J0th of April last, mid thai a temporary light will be shown until a new lighthouse shall bo erected. ALTERATION IN TDK UAROGR LIGHT AT 9ANTANDKR, SPAIN. Notice is gl?er> of the following chaugos iu the harbor | light nt Ssntaudert? It U situ tted on the SW angle of the otllee of the enp. tain of the. port, on the ens! of Cftlderon mole. The tower Is rectangular, and if painted a dark straw color, ?ud the lantern, which Is of brass, is of the uatural color of j the metal The light is tixod red. elevated HI, h;et above 1 the level of the sea and Is feet above the iand. and in c'oar weather is visible 3 miles over an arc of 1A3 ?JI from l'oint San Martin t which bears from the light - 70 2.1 K), around bv the south toward the north, embracing all the bav, wt'h ihe exception ol that portion ouecured by the cnstle and Point -Sun Martin. The entrance to the port Is divided Into two channels by Mouro Island, tbe one to the eastward beli.g the larger Vessels entering the port by the latter channel can 1 stand tn to the southward and south west ward of file j island without danger until the lght on t'ie Calderon mole ia sighted heyoud Point San Martin, when they : 10us change the course to avoid running on Quebranta* ! Bank. Vessels enterlnsr bv ?he smaller or western channel, usiug I 'erJa light, should also change the course the mo ment tlie light on Calderon mole is sighted, keeping in th? centre of the chstiuel as tar as Promontory Point. 1 Position?Lat 4.1 27 52 N. Ion ii 31 W. ilea rings magnetic. Variation, 18 deg SO min westerly { in 187S. WHALEMEN. Arrived at tlonolulu April 10. ship Fnropa.-VcKenzie. SB, from a cruise, with 250 bt>Ucoast oil (aud sailed Uth ! for Atctic Ocean I Sailed irotndo April IS, *oit> st Oeorire. MrKcnale, NB, ; fiir Arctic Oeean: Uth. hark .lava - I. Kl?her. NB. fordo, j H ir* Adeaue Uihbs. i'oriusn. sailed from St. Helena March SI for New Bedford, took on freight SV bnis. oil irum bark llesdeinona; ll)7bb!?. sp oil from bark Mntts- 1 poisett; in do from bark LotiUa. all of New Bedford ; tm ! bbls. oil from br'rx Gray bound, of Wesiiort. A letter from f'unfain tiltford. ofiiar1^ Mercury, of N II. reports ber at Mauritius April 2. with ^"0 bbls s|> and .Mil do ivh oil, all told. H* the up-etriiig ol a boai on Crozets, 1 Domingo Uaspard, a Portuguese shipped at I'ayul, was drowned. A letter from Pi Helena, April 12, report* the shipment of 125 bbU Jp and OMdo hpbk oil trom bark Sarah. 3t>7 ; do ?p irum bark Ceorge A .Su<an, and 140 do do from bark ocean, all or NB. bv Herman schr Bailer, which i tailed for New Bedford April 6. spoke.N. St'hoolshlD Mercurr, rruWin " Map in ?>? ? sIi?o1>n!lS".^yii,"t?g,tu*Sara'iJ Wefd. 8E of ^Iiip c>eii Mr' Icllan, Hticoler, irom New r - c Fran iw? April C. lat 5.' 3 .v. Ion 19 sow for S*n U^lfenfil^*,rCIBC1''U lor MouwvUU* May S, U**?- ?? laf ? r?t r Ton 2; lit.'f?m Llv'rp001 for **w York. April a. r?b 26. lit Xarrb2c! iat"r?; S^lo'"'# i^W XcW York for Bomb?r. U$ i'"n-"?m Liverpool for Sbrdlac. April April ig?>',,WU L?a<,on '? Wilmlagion, AltfoWjJf1, fr0m *,r?*D for X?U? Amarlca, *!&2i'?VljSftSlSW*" '<* Cork, NOTICE TO MERCHANTS and CAPTAINS ,^er^h4?to' ?UiDPll? Menu anj ?hipmar.nrj art in. formed That by telegraphing to thj Hkrild Burean. ,v0 4o Flaat 8tr?. * 0r w th" Par^ o- Scrloe, the arrival* at aal departure from I u vXu tra^lo^ wUhn,h?7- ?' Amtrtctn "0 ?" rorel,a ,hf * rnlt#1 *u*?- th< 'WH be C 1 . OWJ free of char*. a?i pttbaih#t *mTln? " ??<1 from Freneb anj -Vediterranein port, win find thr Part* oflls. the m!?. economical and MpMltiowfer telegraphing new* OI R CABLE SHIPPING NEWS^ "" w? k ?"???? taKssjr"*1''1"*?-*??. ?."?ro*" ""m" O'l!" (if). ?o,.r,. ,B" a",o,t <->? ?^!F?.'??!Zi?t?.iuu ",M"" JSK.V V??2?r~' ?? "" "" ?>. MM, *"IM? ??? *" u" *?" <"?> ? aim arrived 1Mb. JJO Ay, fteamtr City of Pari. f*r? tibbctf*. Jfew Tnrk for Liverpool ?r.:rz*u?;'n-jT"- ~-r <-?? Jil"""'Cr-Am?' ???!"? Hy.?? rVu?,u-M?4 M aaiu a?,. K? "u" "" ? taSfii1"* "* ? ???-? <?-?. 1 0"?>0*. Mav 11-A bottl* w?? Diokad op at Marmort M]r*' mm**K? :-"*A<J*i?m??ftom v ion 12 W ? r7 "??? April U. latss . ion J2 If. [Xo tmm! 0f that n*m? hat b*ta r# portad at kau?d from Earop* for Amareaj. foreign porta F0^r?/:bl.A8- -^ b?? LUtla Aaaia m?. nM.6ldV;^T;K^mVk3rKPTri?f'><)kr fBr).V "* X*w HiiitiV ?"? - from Hrit'oa. tl? ?nr M,reh "~tn ??0"' Ooodaiu CrMkatt. P?rt- ?hip* *fricana 'Brl Jordan, *r\f ? York rar m'a? *II*J?? '*'n?r^ ^ ^ r? ? arvlll (Hr vcimL'.!?0' '?i t?nd?n Frank J# ??-ii r? Affl|ffr(lM|* Tabor J Arln #r?r rfft isba -ssS l,lJXwn' y?- ??r 17?S?u?d. brif China <sr, rvm?nny^uSS Xf?w 'slnlUc,er' *no; Mrk rym.D. Yoaa*. to, Ko.tou, id*. ?nd oth.r. rapor," fcv^dlnA"?* Wv?wtS?' '?,blp Urt 1"rttd" no-tiZ? 3"U*?r AprU *? *hl,> v^,D*?d Kant?r. P,n. from '"i'w PolU bftrt BoflJJ <*?>? Soraa.?n, KiVoaL1" Apr" "-8-,1#d b??'k Kata WilUamr, nala. taa Arrival Ji?t, earner Prad> 'Br). Tbo ii*? I lr.r^M /' i ,n(l Avoniaore, f'ortlau, tor aarrau ffw. Cn?nt"?-I ni KrroU, for Srw vork; Araiiar Vi\ su3p. ?s5-,Sil: iilrt^; f.2?4inJTO'. YiAa."S4 .Liverpool. arrived 12lb, disg, for Portland. 0; scbr Ot *-|o, Holder, trom Suu FraDcl?:u, arrived Idtli. Havana. Atav 17? Arrived ttoamer Williauisport. Wil letta, New Orleans achr Monadnnek, Maker, out stoamer Aii-tni, iloraiu, Bockport (: ; brig Jessie ithynas, Willi*, -t Jonu, NB; schr John ?. . aulord, conary. New York. Also urrived 17?h. steamers Cuba, Mclnfoah. New York ; 18th, City ot Vera Ciuz, lJcukcn, do; liark. Elua, (lover, do. ii w.irAX. May 17?Arrived, brig Lochiel <Hr>. Ham. 01 entuegos; 13th. ateumcr Hibernian (Br), Arcbcr, liver pool; brigs John I) Tupper <Br>. iteese, New York; Ara bel (Bri. ripniu /on Liverpool, ns. May 17?Arrived. brigs Samuel Mulr and 1) F brown. Hmton. Me.sswa, April 2y? In port, bri? Fidelia, Wliita. to "all Sdth tor Palermo, to load tor Philadelphia, New York or Boston. Manila, Murch 27?Stilled, ship Ironside. (Br), Spencer, Boston. MmaffAMR, May 17?Arrived, brig M ?! Wllber (Br). J.imh. New York. p a Lie r No, April 28?Sailed, lurk Natnl 'Mr), Short, Philadelphia (belorc reported for New Vorki. I'l.Ai.-ri'.K Covk May 17?Pa Mod steamer Nyanza, St. John for Montreal; Kubra Mary Jane, Pietou, for Bev erly, Mm*; Ilea flower, Puim lor Portland. Qi tiH. Mav 14?Arrived at Point Levi, steamer Mo r.-ivlmi iBr , Graham. Liverpool for Montreal. MiA -i.iiii. April h?Hailed, *lilp Silver 'iigle, Cane, New \ork ; Sell, (>nrk liilpuasund, Kellev, do. In port April It, ship litan. Kerr), uuc; schr Santos, Bryant, do. Sa*ak tso. Mureli 27? in port, bark ldella Berry, Tur ner, for Dngllsh Channel. Simon's Hav, April &?In port. ship Sac-anieuto. Kane, reps; bark* Kthun Allen, Hardy, for Boston; Jas Mc Carthy. Gould, for do. >t Vincknt, April 19?Sailed, hart Excelsior (Br), Wil liaiUR, Pensaeola. Sauiu. May 7?bailed, bark Neversink, Jarvis, Nt'ir York; 10th, ???chr N K Amex. Acnoru. north of Hattera*. m Andrews, NB, May 17?Arrived, sohr Dalscy, Port land. Mb Cleared 17th?Schr Ned, Harrington, Mnino. St John, NH. May 17?Arrived, brill Maggie, Boston, with torctopma-t earned away. . Also arrived I7tli, bark 'l'J outtiurd, Woodworth, Liv erpool. sailc I 18th?Briix Kmlly Raymond, Clenfuegos. cleared ISili?Scnr Aniiie W. Boston. , TAMArAVK (, April 5?In port, bark Qilue, Butahelder, Boston. Table Hav, April 0?In port barks Cabarfeld (Br), Prater,tor Auckland; Beunlon, Emerson, fromMonte video; brig T heraick. Roup, troin Boston, arrived March 24; sclirs Tohann ((ieri, Bovsen, for New York; Arlon (GerJ, Toug blood, for do. IPer Rteamer Russia. I Antwur, May 5? Arrived, John Mils, Melvln. Buenos Ay ret sailed 4th. Levanter, Vesper, New Yolk. Sailed Ironi I'lu-tilng Roads April 30, Clara Eaton, Mer rjm.ui. Philadelphia. ALicANTe, April 2DL?Sailed, Papa Glacomo, Lauro, New York. Bristol, May C.?Sailed, Dolpbin, Smart, Wilmington, NC. Harrow, May 0. ?Sailed, Besila Parker, Parker, Dal liousle. BoRDtArx. May 6.? Sailed, Ptollna, Federigo, New Yori. Bona, April m)?Sailed, Soi, Cat-ace, Philadelphia, Barcelona, Muv I ?Arrived, Favorite. Aruat, Savan nah; 2d, Aurora Canto, New Orleans. Cute, May 1?Arrived, Mary Ulbbs, Whlttemore, Now York. Cadiz. April "9?Arrived, Wm M Jone.H. Davis, Almerla. CorutUACKX, Muy 2? lussei, Sinus. Paepcke, Dantzeo for New Yoik. Cai'k Towk. April 7?Sailed, Cabirteld, Froser, Auen laud ; ytli, Keuniou. tmumon. Minitevideo. i aiiliaki, April 27?Sailed. ltu*i, Sluonettl, New York; 2y h. Madagascar, Bronooviob, do. Uuxhatkm, -Mav 5?Arrived, Suevla (s), Franzen, New York. IM' at Kingston, May 8, Canopus, Lange, San Kranelseo. Hi'al, .May k? Passed, an Italian bark, from New York for (tott?rilani off 6th, Neptuu. Struve, from Hamburg for Philadel phia. Glasgow. May 6?Arrived, Ethiopia. n>. New York, bailed from the Clyde tith, GUroy, Morris, San Fran cisco. Gknoa. May 4?Arrived. Mirra. Mareeca, New York; S:h, Matlre e FiKll, Scarpali. ao. Havur. May 6?Cleared, W L Burroughs, Smith, New York. lit the roads Sth, (I C MMev, Colson. from Samarang. Hull, Mav 8?Arrived. Brixlrene. uven?n Bail River. hiiAUKKoK, April 28?Cleared, l'reden, Nielsen, Aiuer Icn. ? I.ivrri-ool, May 6?Sailed, Palm (s), Pearse, St Jobn, NH. cleared 7th, Tarpeian, Souuk. Richmond, Va; Coro net. Hr< mi, s>vdmM\ CB I.o'.ojs. Mav B? Arrived. Ireshope, Bailie. New lora ; Jetr.-r-oit Borden, Aii.l-r.-on. N?-w tirleans; 7tli. Oscar, Alin, do; Matilda Christian, l.inlstrom. Mobile; Liver pool, Lambert, New York (and entered out to return;; Centurion. Tavlor, Suu >raucl?co; ?tb. i lien Brouse. Young, New York; Greece is>. Tboinas. do laud entered out to ri lurti); Sinus. Knudseji, Sew Orleans. Kntered out 7th. Western fbiei. Hill, lor Yokohama, t lcared Tib. i.'anuila s). Sumaer, New York. >a.led ITotn t<raveseud titli, Joutsen, Ekland, l'ensa co'u (and anchored at I'i-al Sihi. Maassldis, May S? sailed. Kinnia t Alice, Gibb* Phila delphia. Mcsrika, April 30?Sailed, Fideua, White, Palermo. I'alkkwo. April 27?Arrived, Assyria <j;, Donaldson, Met-slnu and sailed May I for New York). sailed April 2/, Fritz, Uankensch, Boston; 29th. Beau tiful Star, ?;oode Sew York i'i.rvocrii. May 5?Off, Competitor. Kuhn, from New York lor Bremen. off the start tith. Pilgrim, Fowle. from Shields lor Uontr k'oSB _ Krtal. May 7?Arrived. A F Stonoman, Cain, Savan nah; Asia. Veyerdlck, do; Pellan, KuLr, do; Mdgar, Be vendue, to. ? _ St Hri.fva, to April 22-Arrlved, Anna L Taylor. Percl val. Port Klizubeth for Boston. Iralkb, May B?Sailed, t-.liisiff. Hague, New York. Watrrford, Mar 8? Arrived, Caatelar, Lnnd Philadel phia. Dovkb, Mav 10?The Adolth. ot Brenien, tor Phila delphia. KOt ashore near Duneeuess I.lgiilbou-e on WcO ueeiav evtmnir. but was a.?l?ted off to deeper water br boatmen. Lett ?U right at high water. Flsinobb. May t? The C U Uax;ltln\ Gilkev. from Savannah, whleh has been towed here bv a ste.imer, after grounding on the hctir, Is to be examined bv a diver. Fatal. April W?Baik K A Cochran (Aiuer), Symni's. froiu Philadelphia tor KWlnore. whleh putln bere April 18 leaky, an i witb inaloiuast sprtimr and other dan ages bas discharged her cargo und is repairing. the Jennie H. from Troon tor Deiuerara. wnich put In here Marcu *0. leaky, has ditcharsed all bc-r cargo, ex cepr a suflicieul uuaniiiy for builast. and Is havine her upper woru caulked as low down us possible by listing: on survey she was tound not to be making water; the waster intends to reload and proceed. Holthrao. May 8?The Savadora, Spanish ship, M ?adora. trom Savannah for Liverpool (pitch pine). Is ashore at ('wmvran: five i.'et of water In hold; crew sate on shore ; likely to be a total wrccl;. l.ivfSFoo; Mar C?The report of the Sth instof the l.ldorado. from san Francisoo, having grouaded when docxlng was erroneous. Qixemstown. May <?The Proaperlle, Norwe/ian brig, from New York, lor Kacter. has lieen brought in d?re llct bv cbiet ofheerand part erewof the Maria Wakefield. The Aarla WaKelelJ transferred ner chief ofBrer and 8 men to the derelict >t-rwerian bna Proeoerite on May 4 ft) miles W of s< illy. 1h- Prosperite bad stern and halt rails on port aiiie, with maintop^allantanart and ra?tn> topsallvar.i, carried away; vessel making little water; she bad sundrv other damans aboa; decks, all sua tauiel apparec tu- from collision. AMERICAN PORrS. ALEXANDRIA, May 17?Arrived. ateamer K B Knight, Kew York. I Sailed??ohr Ellis L smith Ea*t Cambridge. A PPoNAto, May 15?sailed, ?cl>ra -hamrock, Trov, Haverstr?w; Henrietta. McAlinden. Maw York. I BOSTON. Ma*.' S-Arrtvul, bark Adeline C Adam*. . Collum. Uaiveiton; brm B-u Br). ^ehc. nitwua ""-brs ! Paul Seavar (Fr). Ponce: Maud We hater. (Viffvina. New , finivroi. Pin; l?ariu? EdSy,; Priui i; Dow, ; wa.e, Alexaudr.a l< I. ilmiiinoiMi Velaor. Wood Uridyl, . W| iV W Mu'ui'.ri-i Williams, Weehawnen; Marv B iMTti. R iberls. do; H B M? -uuilev, Cli?ney. do: Ala* i ka Ciar*. do: oruiuibo. Ouptill. lli.Ookeu; And raw P ? ters Cook. do: William,C Be'". Forester. <to. j Also arrived, bark \lirto N iAn<), Bnroma. Sinrma; 1 schr* M.ircla * Lfwis Uwis, Baltimore : uelia Brown, Hall. Rondjnt: O W Baldwin. Brev*?'er, no B P Vn aitr. Ware. Holioten: OR lliintiniton, Ki?her. do: V L Hick man. Hickman. Weebav. ken: X /i Rand Eianey, do: Bonny Kuat. Kaiier, i-altiinore. Cleared?Stealer* Dominion (3r), Claroeuti, Yar , m.>ath, NS: Josephine iBr\ McFarland, l-i Kara: Geo Appold. Loiand. t!a>tim>r?: bark -i*r (Jue.-ii Br, f'rims. fori; or Ka!:i outh: tria l-anwln* <Br. McLevt, , M Pierre Murtinluur. tchr< illial.etn f>a Hart Low,, PR . llrav*. f'ou. Iiarti: Marncslbo.-laciacu. St , Pierre Martiniane: lloctor. Oaiv*?ron; Cobai I Kt. Baker. New York: (ko, s.indv Hook. I B <L 11M. int. Mav atalp /oilu Rutherford tBr). O'Neal, Liverpool. Cleared? Bark* Vaniton, S'orih. Weat fndlei: Pa'adm (Art;. Joties. 8t .1 ohII*. PK atld hoth ?ld>. I nth?Arrived, ?t??m-r? DJ Fnler, Priea. Charleston; Bl.ickstone. lialietr, Providence: Zodiac, Sa year. Wu? i minfton; Lonisa. Walker, Boanoke River. V: Ralaifh, Minrer, do; ahip - ulmte (Br>. .-mall, Lobos Island ; scbra John T M tnson, Mauson. Bos'on: hdward Ooran. War 1 ronton. do: Korest Oak. Parker ,V*w Haven: Jamei Banerthwnlte. Wolf. Philadelphia: Armenia Bartleit, Maitb. do. sarah A Kced. iinptli, do; fophia oodfrav, R W Toll, Shropshire. do; Carmine Ueiiaal, Dilka, do- A C Lvou. Lvoti, ilobokcn; Alex Wiley, B*ar,? i chump, New York. Cleared?steamers Hstteraa. Swift ?w York: Onto rara Remold?. do; Ratrish, oilrer. Wilmlnfon: barks St Acnello dull. (Saraii'Io. Vawrr (Irnlandj; Haiana Sler . Hiucnen. Kottardam; briif Intecridad Mp), Ln?k, arcalo'ia. ?cnr* Maiviu. > ob?rt*. Barhadof; Addle ? Chadwirk. Atklnt, Port da Tranca; Mary t Panwick. Richard*. Bo*t>>n: A l>?nik-\ J >ue*. Stw Yor<; K H At wood, iiiukeii. Boston: i lebard Peter?on Bn?Uab, do: E*te Collin. Matthawi, Charla?ton : KUna robin. Bar Bett Jersey City. cal'.ed-smp Lint* Rom; bark* Condor, Hani and I Blajt'* Coontv. _ KRi:n wick, iia. Mar 11?Claarad. Mhra Timothy Field, i.e.and. Ctmdan, Ma; 11th, saraB B. Btrout. X?w nOOTHB*Y, May IS?ArrHred. ?chr? Ahrarado, With atn, BluehiU tor Phlladeluhla: Calvin. Oove, Wlndaor, : Si j. lor do: Juna. Terry. Marhia* for Saw York. Utb?*rrtvaJ, acbr May Hay, Watarman, KouKport tor I Sew York, UANO >K. May li?fiaitad, acbr Naliia Carr, rranoli, >?? York via wimerport HATH, May ic?sailed, achra Only Bon. Ma dar. rblla deinina: Ja< A Deputy, McVahan. Xew York. 17th -f-.iited. ?ehv Plora Condon, Charleston. Bhi-TOU Maj Iis-Arrivad, ?team>:r Mlddlaaax, Ht?b : bard. New > -rk : aloop Marv (tray. Hraah. ?ot>oken. sailed??ohr Harvaat, Cofwtn. >aw Vork; tioop Kred Brown, Wilton, do t'HAi'.I.e-iON, Mav It?Clearad, achr Emilia K Bird aail. Warren, Wilm ngton, UeL i Hati^i? chr E A n a vs. smith, Danen. 0*. I Kill?Arrived, sciir Mary Mank:u N#w York. iSih?Arrived, -teauier Champion. Locksrood, Xaw ! York; s-'Br Mrrorer. Hrown. do ihasbeao raportad ar 1 rivp.i nth). i /il?o iirrlvjd lStU. steamar Fanlta. Phliadalphla: achrt I L A It Duiiovan. Oouovan, Bath, Mc; Windward, sta ples. New York. . sailal?itvamer ^'outh Carolina, Niokerson, New : York. DARIEN, Iia, May lJ-Arrirad. barks Vaau (Oar), Manner, London; J r Whitney Br), Bp-car. Boston. 14ih--Arnveo. ?ohr E a Hay??. Smith, sarannab. r Asr ORh.ES WicH, May li?Bailed, scur UiUa O I Weui. i\ *iu. >i.w Yora. _ PlvuB ,\NDlXA, Mar 9?Arrived, achri Abbic Buriley, ; Parker, savannah; oavtd Clarkson Ireland, St Maryi, | oa. i l Hh?Arrived, schr Jad Frra. Langley. Bt Maryi, Oa. Ji?u?An-.veu, schr Acuta libbetti, nirua, Charry : fiaur sailed?Brlf i.och l.omond. Oilcbrirt. Aaplnwall. . 1116?Arrived, sroamer North Point, Smith, Naw \orE I tan i Cissr.'a name uav :o return Kal.1, R1VKK. Mjv'ifl?Arnro'J, a:hra Emma M Ooi. Case, and Uacliei Jana. Katon. Hobonen. iftb?jailed. achr u M .vntiionr. kt y WEai, Mar if?In poti orif Marda <*or). irotn Mlr.ntitlan lor U'laenttuirn, nearly raady for sea. to tall in a io? da>s. Mobile. Mav i?? Arrived, K?r Annie A Booth, Bay la*. e<v iror*. I _.NW QBLKaXI, May ll-Arrirtd, iteamir Marfare*. Baktr. uaraua, Mc.oared- >uiio?r Yaroo, Barratt, PhilMalphia via liavjiM; ship >v<Mi?rD ABipira. OrocUr. i>i?aruwoi: bark *a ^.' Maua.Urt, g*aa, MMaaitawai aaftf wiUii'Miui, a i.'Ocraa. May ia- vrriy?d ?pnr? OeorMtu Law. rente. Robliwoa. New York s Clara-Q Loud, Fouriur. ' "ulleTdJhlp Preston <Hr), North, Liverpool; ba*? MicTiele (Ja.atnla dtali, Ferrer*. tifiioA. SorTUWasr Mnv ih-Arrived. iMM Charles J Lord, Col too. Havana; ship >#rthMP?Ji ??? Havre; brig Kfllth Hull, Bunker, Boston, acbri J I'mtL:, Uillhi: Norma, Tohaaco. hnffl Nolihoi-K, May H?Arrived, bark Man# (Nor), from A Sailed'?German war brig Undine, lor Brrmti'l*. , N. W BEDFORD. May 10? sailed. echra Auli T SlppUJ, Bacon: Naihanlcl Holmea, Holland; Laura Kobiusou Kot'lnaon; Entire, Klnuaar. and Julia Ann, Howell, Ne* Y,l7ti??Koiled. H. hrn 11 N Miller. Mlllor; Lottie Beard Perry, and Yoihik Teaser, Mocwui. Philadelphia; Xeweo '<(?7lli?Arrived,"ehr IV D Marvel, O'Keefc. Georgetown M|8th?Arrived. sehr Golden Eai?lc. New York. Mailed? e.lirs Sarah I lizabetli. ihoiuas B Smith, Join l.ozier aud i'- H Dai-linn. N? ? York. , .. . M-WP IKI Mil*' It!. I'M?Arrived ill the lilglit, scln Ttioiiius T i OOP.-)'! sleeder. I'rovldenco lor New \ ork. Alito. K'lir l.vM'Ulrt I'-luruoye, teve. Providence toi i '"i\*U?Arrive!',1vd'i' l\Vnllace Blackford. Kedmou. Qrecnporl. to loud llsii t'or New Vnrk. ,, ? .. ANii. scbis Ntcunor, Hokuii, Warren lor New York Caroline a ? 'ornolia, Lord, .-otiierwt tor do: Ami r sii? nleVBaeon, New Bailor.! for do; Joliu Haleli. Banna i ' Provideiti'-e for do; ,lo??pn Ro-rers. Rogers. Elizabelli port lor l all tllver; M-ir-.u* K^!*ir?i r#ll/nr vZi' Vn?r'i So; aloop Westerl Myers, Kail Ri\er tor -New \orl (and nil railed ITil". Sailed? Sehrs sunny -liower. Ward, tall "1**' J" New York; Allen Gurnev. Gurney, Providence tor do tfloop i'red is row n, Wilson, Providence vl* Bristol loi ''"vlso, wlirs A U Lawaon. FiUoatrlck, Provl lenoe tut Verplauk's Point ; Vllett, Hlachlord. New York for Bo* i ton: s W Ponder. Thrush r. Taunton lor New >orK> i Julia A Tate, 'fate. Providence fordo; W lilt*?Foam, Mil ! liken. do lor Halthoore: Man-uni Muuaon. Dayton rwr New York; Thomaa 1' Hall. Rider, and Artist, Forester. I Providenep ior do; ?> f ciiarlre. Treletuao. Taou I ton fordo- Justice. Caswell, Nurragansett Pier for do. liili, # AM?Arrived In the nlirhi, aenrs M M Mernwan, , Burt. t'lvmoiith, NO, for Providence taftor discharging , purt ut cirjo here;; Murla L Dernmock, Kuowlton, Den l uvsvllle, lor order*. a ? NOttWriCIl. Mav 17?Arrived, sclir* J M BraHjari. S a. Applegute. and >ainuel Woller, Uobokon; D W .M*rgao, N nT: W?f i OX DO N, Mav 17?Arrived, sclirs Cornelius, Newburg lor N'orwicli; Sliepuard Mount, ?iul J L Him, i New On rit: Palladium. ? HzabetUpori; Harriet Thomas, I Alosnndrla lor Allyn'a Point. ^ ? i Nj-.W llAVh.V, Mav 17?AiTived. ecbrs Vesi*r, Spen. ! oer. Ponce: ?'lmi II Kelly, CrowuU, Cbarleaton; Palla i dluin. Rvdcr. Hoboken. _ , - ! poKT'DiaboVEHV. May 10?Arrived, ablp Camlio Ca ' vonr (Peruv), Souza. Oalljo. . . , * PJ'^NSACOI.A, Mav 15?t'leared, bark Atlantic (Sot), | Olsen. Monti (Scotland) , pnXLAOELPKIA, .May 17?Cleared. Br sblp Cbloe (no; I Chin j), Dook, lireuicn _ , ? istii-Arrived, si^uiucrs Juniata, Oatnarlne, New 1 lean' via Hivana: OeorRe 11 stout, l ord. New York, S i' liiddie, Pearee, do; bark treanian Uennl*. jcott, . YarmoutU NS brlu (George E Dale. Pierce, bigua jfechn Scio. Smith, Windsor, N.m; M H Bead, Benson. Mattai ^ ^ Alto arrived, brig Ida L Ray, llaakcll. Martinique; i sclirs. Pha.'lie Morton. Plte., Siigna ; i ieo <?*bor?. fltroUt, ^ near Isl ; David NiekcN, Wyman: B'ue Hill; We?t Uen ! ins Kelly, Hi,stoii; OK ItVymoud, Kellv. Bath; Albert t larence, lluws, Portland; Trios ? orden, churbnck, ! Fall itiver: Briitna. \\ rijrlit l^eebyllle. N;'. I cleared?sieuiner Kxprrlment. Alieu, New York, baric ! Home (Hn, Valentine, Havre; brigs udorilla, Hoilan l, Sanuu ; M Klino illr . Calfrev. Jordan Itiver. Hyperion, I I eland, (.'ardeua?: sclir-, Wm SScoil, Barrett, i aibarlen; j M II Itead, Benson, New Bed lord; .lohn A Orltlln, hoater, ' ^Al'so'elearcd. bark Ouinenoe Massune (Ital). Merello, ; Torn or Kaitnoutu; fir g Callao, ueeinan. Mataarai: K'tirs lienrv Preacott, Morrinian, st Lucia, Llzxia ' JlewfV. Davis. Ltabou; B P Crocker Uardiu*, i d'ace; Montana, Bcarse. Boston; s a Hoffman, Hoffinsn, Uo via Alexandria; Jitmes A Persons, \oiiog, dodo. Sailed?Hark AhKen dlus), lor Bella-it. Nkw Casti.k Hfll., Mav li? AM?x-lirs ure?on. ftona New York for Wilmington. OeL. pawpd ,?I? Sellis Annie <ius. from Blue llill; Marle>ta ftlton. troi? Bath, and Anna.I Longhlia. ironi Providence, parsed np '?s'*.hr""'"ifie Crowell. for Jacksonville, anchored off lie re last ni-lit, util proceeded down this AM. ship ('hloe. nt Bremen; ha k .^iccolnno (Jt), for CorK (.r Falmouth tororderv. and hark? Ferraro. Becoado. loi do. and I', H Duval. t"r Bremen, passed down In tow 1JNoon?'i'"" litrlit hou ? steamer IrU now taninx up. Not ilnsolso pa?inK either w?y. PM?Barki Emllle 'i:er , lor Bremeu; AttUla (Nor' \arhaa; and Meridian, lor Bremen, paased down tnt? PM : 8' hooners Llla T Little, tor Providence, and Anil acaniioti. ior Warren;|uiaied Jown thU PM. |i> i a .vik; Hkkakitatkr, May IS, AM?Bark AJiltar* went to eca at 830 thla AM. sehr Kutb 11 Baker, from Matanzas, as before. ship Hchaldis unchaosted. ?'eanier Alt*marl<; arrived (rom Styr iork at 7:^1 fM?Schr Tlio? G .Smith sailed for Philadelphia vii Chester at II AM. , . sit aiuer Abbutsford (Br), Irom Liverpool, patsed in at 8 PoitTLAM). May 1^?Arrived, brig D W Cochrane (Br). Nova Scott*. ... . Cleared?HriK Mlnuie tBr<, Georgetown, PKI;acftr ueo Amos, Sand*' lloo<. , < _ _ PROV11>KNCI', May 17?Arrived, achrs VT D Hilton. Newton. Georcetown, t>0; Hdwin Post. Rustin. Ullza* beihnort; Mad Anthony. Rotliar F.-ances Corwin, De lanv. mid ? arrie Pennv. Benson, \arplank s Point; K S D?:in White, Cedar llill, NY: Willow Harp. Horton. Hoii lont; Buckeye. Lewa. Olasco, NY: dL, LoyeU, wee hawken: A T Rowland. Rowland, HoookMi J Ponder. Jr. Brown. Weebaw ken . Jatnea H tonug, Barrett; Peni' avlv.inia. Jones, and Hlckinan. Coleinan. Hoboken tor Paw tucket; Colon. New York; (loop Unity, Derrick, Ho boken . _ _ _ , Below?Sclirs Suri<e. and B P Woolaey. suited? Sclirs Wm Yoorhl*. Uoldsmith. Haverattawj Prndcnce, Halaey : lieik- Seaman, Steelman; John war. ren Mciiar: Albert. Pharo. Bintbam ; Weet WUid, UM?| Dcc?>ur (lakes, lianer; Om-ar F llawley, Tyler, and New Reirulos. Dewart. New York. ? ___ paWU CKKI. May 17?Arrived, schrs George w Cam minus. Bou t, Weehawken: Imogcne Divarty, Oandy, Hoooken: Hickman. Coleinan. do: Qulc ?on Jo- J s lerry. Ksvnor. do; Bob Blair, Klavalahd, and Amos BrUiis. Dunn, liaverstraw. Sailed?Sonr J G Fell, Nickerson. Naw York. KXCH MONO, May 14? Arrived, sehr Lain Lynn, u? lev. New York. . . .. . Sal'ed?oehr.1 3 Ivin^. Ingercoll. New York. ban FKASCI-?:o. Mav Vi-Amved har* rtmaa^ Uirh Departure Bay brigs J D Ford, Jenks, HoaolulB; Nautilus, Mclsaac. lahltl. M-?u? Sailed?Bark lieorga Mooa. Brand. Manila. . 17th-Arrived, ihip Khandtan (Br), Kelly. Newoaatla, ^Cleared?ship Brldgewatar. SpatUdlnt, Port Town ^Phli?Arrlrad, bark Hertnon (Br\ Mann, Ron* Konf. saVannaU. May H?Arrived, steamer San Jacinto, Hjizur.:, Sew Vor?. _ . _ _ A . Alto arrived, tchi Ht H Burnham. Bajn*f, Boaloo. tleered?Barks Apolonla t*p). -oolas. Port .Maho?; Valparaiso (Spi, Roics, uarcelona; sehr M B Miller Yoftntf .>1 Johu. SB. _ _ - - Also cleared, pehrs Annie Bllas, Stimmtra. Boston; C C I Berrr. >eav^v. Ro#ton. _ Arrived l7'tb-Hcbrt Rumc flun, Qiichrift, Bofton Cbarlie Bucki. Biviey, Oa ... Cleared 17th-Barit Aaron Gondoy (Br), Bcorllla J'#VAi . Arrived ai Tybee 17th (before reported armed at 9ai yannah Hth). bark coiiuubus tderi. Ihider ??jra. SAiILLA. May 10?Arrived, sehr Jas Yoaug. Young. , Philadelphia Cleared?sehr Satilla. Rivers. Bath. Me. ! rroslNUTOX. Mav 17?Arrived, solir* Wm S Mooai. Hawkins. Penne sfieflleld. and Mary Matt, Irom Ron doai: Hydranaea. ' lara. New Yort; Jeunie Rlia, Nor I ton. Sew London, to load aranlte lor Maw lark. v iNK\AKD isAVKX, Ma.v 17-Arrived. ??hr Lily French. Irom Baltimore lor Boston: Dor-tta Kaon. ' Mlddletown tor do; Mary R Soraere Boi'oi lor Ala* andria' lieleu, Calaia for Philadelphia: fcloulee. Ella worth lor do; R C lliomas and Almada w indaor lot Now Vora; Wlillam Canea, Rockport. Mas', tor do May Day. toekpon. Me. (or do: Mary bands Wiacaaae tor do . Li/Jtie B Me\ 10hoi Jof?ln?. N- tor do. : sailed?All before reyrted cjeept tehrs 'inward ant Amerira ? rtr'. and the above arrivals. WILMINGTON. Nc, May l*-cieared, sehr 9 P Brown. T'Is*h?Arrived f*teatn?-r? Regulator. Jones, Maw York; Lucille. Bennett. Baltunore. . .. Cle.ired?Barks Atua/ooe tOer). Baltaer. CrnOftadt; Clio (Ger), Stbuop. Liverpool: sebn a K Perry. Looka , at Pierre; H TTownsend. Wilder. New\ork. Sailed?Meatner Cult Stream. Jones New York. WARKHAM. Mas 14?Arrived, *ehre Robert Bantar, Bulsc. Aibanv: Anaier, BasiK!. Naw York. WakRKs, May U-Arrlvad. acnr Mary H Mimia. far i rl?, KlUao.'ihport. Sailed?sehr Ne anor, Horan. New ^ork.'ERLY. Msv 1??Arrived. Sehr Reaalaf BB S?m Adams PMiadelphlA. . _ vvicKF'ird May 14?Sailed, sohr XUta Pharo. Wat I T'th?arril^S. sehr B D Pltti, Williamson. Hoboken. ?5 iUili fiff&U II1 EKBKEEEBK Lrhi%ih?i BREWERY, EIGQTKEVTH STREET. between' StVEVTtl AXD EIQUTH AVES'CES SRW~ YORK _ Afamoim TONIC ASD INVIOORAToR. and 4 promut ami ra.ilcal cur* tor n.-n?r?l debility, ift pon'ij, lo*-> or streRtrtli ?'ii app?-tift, wa*tlD7 ?ad wi-akrir^ ol iTirr uagcrlptioii ?WI*OfK?Tr.R'S 11* IMI'UH PHITK uf LiM.. AS it HI) A. tt>e fr^il and onlv ^tire t'nr < otMuutplioo 1'RT IT Prl<???. $1 nod II iwr bottle I'rfpireJ onlv by VfiXtnK*If;K 1 Cu? Cfienmtf 36 lohu litre* t, ?>? 4'ork. ABHOI.UI K DIVORCE* oBlAl.NfcO FR'JM DlfFKIV en! ntfttnt; ler ?i a vervw ii*r?; aewrt.oa. *0-. lift cientcatue on puuneitT requtr?u ; cb?rg.s until di vorce i-riiitli'il; fllvioe tr??. M. HuUrih, Attorntf. IM <trna.l*r?r. \USOMTE DIVORCER OBTAlXKD FKOH OIF lereot no piioUcitr; ndvict rre*-. notary fubllc; jwl?or:? procured! Ktticrni !nw ?uit* maingvJ. rt E 1 KINtr. Lawy*r, 3J3 Broadwaf,reiidema cftlecu Ji.n 0 t *? Muh-.a jtr??t DKBILflY. W AE.NfcBrs^ic. WllfCHgrfER'i"T?ttririO PILL, I ?ocrtain ana w iy cur# tor >orrout u?Mlur, W?ak ? i.m Ma.. toc.fU tor .-.J r?tr? wito p*rf?ct ?ueo??\ rv . lumor lni.>rm?t!on tooa tor a circular. ?*nci ?? o*. bo*, ?jt bot ?? IV. tty uia:i tasu/elj- nm< J. wit a j?u *4 i*etion? fur o?c fnparcct oniv hr vfufvUiMalR1 ?.o.. S'i Joint <tr?>r, ,s?w Vnrk. ^rnoxAs *, Aajff w. rs Er ?r?r.Kt, m ?*m#