Newspaper Page Text
Cooka, &?? UtttOBRI PLACE-A BI'.SPf'OMBLB ?lit AS ntaineoek. wwdier and Ironer; three your* and BVX ?nU?j' vc?i n e uoui lw? la*t employer. <1 wks r 61HT ST.?A RESPECT*BLR ENGLISH ?j girl ba flr*t clioe coot In ? prlvm*; ooontry preferred: good i?ler?r;ice. JON83 ST.?A RE PBCTABLf*' WOMAN AS COCK, waaner aud ironer; good reference*. 177 JONKSsT., IS TilE REAR.?A ItlSPeCTABLK Zt woman a? cook, washer and irouer; eity or coun try ;goo<i reference. Piease call. 17 1ST MR. BOOM 4.-A MWCTAjM,*?_??* 1 I girl as goo. cook or Uumiruiw; u a good washer a ltd Ironer; good relerence. Tfi WE T Ifll'H ST. -A BKKPEOTABbE PERbON A "J .) cook; understand- lur WunIu. kj. 'lioionwnW: J?oald KMiHt with like washing ii required goo I oHy u lerenco. 777i BLKhCKEit ETREKT, B> FLOOR, KIIOBT. 20 A mosi competent woman thoroughly under?tand< h r husiiie?J in all |tthr?iicne?, n m >st excellent baker of pa t '?'? ?uuw excellent baker ol bread, d y?i?ra best city run cnoei Jrom last place. _ . fVi WB^r Id) H 8T.-A.fl FfRftT OLA S * COOK; Wf" 2j I rt^rttancU hrr business in all Its objection to III best iriereiiee. < ml or address. o7i Morr st-A cowp trnt wovan ok up ZZ Flint principle* ill a small fainilv a s.n rt olntanro til tlio country ; i a wood cook ?ud baarr; gocd refer ence. Call or ttddre-s lor two tiny*. *??? WOOSTEK ST.-A YOI \? FK Mil WOMAN, '!?) lately landed, an first c'M< cook; under* and* Eugll-h cooling: g' >>d remrenco. Call tot two i ays on *V 1 ST 3l> ST.?A FIRST CI.AS , COl K IN V V J'-Y ZO respect: highest letercncc given. Apply to -Ufs. ClIlTlalkllKX __ cin DI SHItOS ES 1.? V IJEBPEC'TABLE WOMAN / I as tlrxt c!a'? coo* and to aasl-t in washing and ironing If required; nu oh|eouon to ihc country; beat rcterence. <;j1i for two day*. ___ OO HOBATIO H? 1% THB STORE.?A TOOWI8Jtt tt O as clu.ia cook, washer and Ironer; good baker; first claas city ruicrcii'^ __ or ouakk st.?a protest\nt ip)LMOJ|p ?jO woman as cook aud a*M*t at washing and iron ing: beat reiercnos. _ tin VV RT mil ST.?A RESPECTABLE GIRL AS OO cook and to assist with washing; nooMectlon to boarding h' ui ; city ci'Uiitry; best city feicrcitce^ EAST 33O ST.?A KK^PKOTABLE WOMAN AB . flrst class r< ijk:: uinlcrstttiidd h.r bu.-;lna?? tnoi ouglily; licstciy 40 4 1 fiTil AV. (h v Til A N?3 4 1 'I MM ?A RHIhtTA t. i blc girl a* good rook, waxlier and lronpr; also icr ?laler aanur # and to (lo upjt .ir? worn; would like to go together; good reference. ?CI gagnn bt., BKAB ORB UW10H ST. ?* "E O'lj k pec table woman :is Or?t cla?? coo la an excol lent Daker; pood relcrcncc. - nu 1ST AV., NO. II.-A tlHtMVN GIRL AS Pllt>T Ot) clasi cook in a private family. fht PABT 41ST ST ?A BhBPEOT BI.F, WOStANAS 57 Vr"t c"m cook m a private family ; .lx year,' c.ty relerence. /?O WEST 44TI1 ST. ?A BKSPECTABI.B flIHL A8 O,") co?h. vraaher and Ironer; how city r.iereuea. 777 WIST WASHINGTON PL A 0 E-TWO YOU KO f)4 girls one to cook ana ?asisl In the wartsna, lho ether as chauiutniiaid an.l wiii.rew; k>o I reference*. Krvii ST ? A PROTESTANT WOMAN AS COOK, T 2i washer and ironer; i? a good baker; good refer ence; would go in the country. Oil PI'IMIY St., N h A R III -t'V IV.O It M'Kt.r O." able vonnB girlA (*Mrr?. one a? good conk, wanner and ironer tl? o'.her as . ha.rbermal l or nurw; city or SouaUyTm a small Au.crl:aii family; good > lty relor tnve. ? - ? Tf\hf WEST I8TH -T-AS FjPST CLASS COOK; 107 understand* ail Klnd? of .amily.eookini; ana de? would insist with Hie w.i'hinit; no objection to ti e conniry or to a prtvato boufdiug House; nv?u???' reference. _ T/\Q W1HT 40 II ST.?TWO Al.SA.TT.Mt PROTBS lUO tan' tir:&; one a.< cook; understands French and >in "can eookini; the o bcr us chambermaid; rood reference#. ? 108 WEST 40 II ST.?A Y< UNO OTHL AS COOK _ and toas-ist with the washing; country or city; good relerence. "777r? WhST 15 II BT.. Bf AR. T<1P FI OOB.-A RT |l).1 speetablo wonnn *? Orit class cook; no objeo tion o a ^tlort astuncc In tho country, i an ue tee.i lor two days. _ _ .. ? Ififi 7T1I AV, BETWK'N 16MI ANI> 17TII S/S., 1 09 secotm noor.-A first rate < o?.k In a rnyate fam IIy: wou d do some waslimg; is a good baker, city oi conuiry ; Denl city reiurcw-rs. WEST I5TH ST.. BBTWl E> 6T.I AND 71U , , 4 it- front b.t"<T.i<j!>r. A woman ?? cook, w-?u eraBd Ironer: rood cl y 111 113 wnce. WEST 4^1' H ST.?AS flrtOll l O'lK; Wlt-L AS ?Ut w<tti the wajliing and beitreler i-i O EA-T 26TH ST. (i'KKStNT V.VI'LOYBR'ck?A 11 young woman ? cook; ^nlly capapw. . w'ut NKAR ?TH AT? A BHSPEOr I l;> able ro :n3 woman ?o cook, wash and Iron; w o-l citv re er?ue?; no objection to go a itiort dUtance In the ceuniry. II - ItTH BT., BBIWKRfl ? H AM? 7TII AVS-A J I;> rriip?cisDlc worn in as flr*t clan ccok; under ntmli balur.1.* an I pastri.f anti ail lis brauches- best ref r rcDce; no ob.cction tu tb? countfy. 11 * IOTT HTBBKr. PIUT FLOOlt UP *TAIB?. ' |.') _\n Aiuti au woman to go in c untry aa ux>k, ?w isber and ironer. 1 lO WK T I6TH ST.?A RF.SP CTABLR PROTES i 11 tan- <? r a? ? c ; nr(Jir tanfl* meat* ^nd sours; I a crted taker, pr^^ate lamiiy or boarding house: *co-i r e fe re ace. ? , ,A flit WIO *T? BASEMENT A BB V ? TA I !?) blr woman *? coefc : Wl.ling t? as 1?t willinthe wsshtni; anderwandi all kinds of deocrti i.nd ?.u s, ? o oi)e-tion to private boaruing house; beat city rctcr ? |,| W' ST Z01 M ST., RCIND lic.LIfc?A 1 E PI.CT 12 I able H#2li-h woram as; oo ard to ats atwiih training: besi c.ty relerewce. Call for two day*. r a \\ i J tSD hT ?A OOH KtfT Wf* "j _ r man wo ihorougi.Iy W?4errai?ds aU kirds of <m ?? .1.?? Ol 1 oUI ry an i same a i coo* ; will Uk tif nfiro -r??r"e of the kitchen; no ehpfftnin to a tirst i a < bo irdlfi'i oirusi; ci y or country; beitciiy und cooutry reference. - "t?m BLDR1IKJB XT.. SECOND KT^'OR. BACK |ol) room.?A respect*l'le womm ?r '""J1" drc?e; no oi fcUon to a private boarUWg how*, a an be it .u lor Ire dare. 1Q1 WEFT l?:n sr.-* BFRPBCTABLC WOMAJJ 1 #>1 first flat" cook in * i>ri*al? lamliy l? a *t.o-t fca. r:?ooWcct.. lotto ? .?Urjto - ' ? WhS! 44 H rff.-A KE P O.ABLE WOMAN 1,W> a*g< ' "?in?* _ too WK l B D ST.. IN TUB BT.AR-A MtfKT J at,'* e^i'or d woman in a first claw private lam ily ss co'hi : good tt !ere"C". _______________ 1... ?>*?' 1TTH BB FEiWB N ?TH ANOTHI 't*' ars.?A r'*pecfsM? weman nsroo-l c ok.under atsiKli Fngilsh an 1 American aookln*. gotxt retereuce II repaired. *1 11) w*fi a-rir ?t . hrtw t n r,nr anii 7 u 1 r-j'?v?? * riri to c<ik, waaii and iron in a (mat prlvata lunilly; best city relet onri?. I j ?? 1 FBI HWICM FT.?AS AN ORiiBR COOK. J to 1 11I4 ?n i.>r thre? 4vi ?| Wl.sf :l) ST. ? A lOWI'KTt v?rni'To WO ?*Jl ri4'i M ?li- * clar* l.n.iwi co k: tbor->G<rblv and*rs:?i>d< #11 kind! oT laml'y; city or lOUJltry; boat city nl^rcac*. 1 ,-| IAKT up KT.-A Tolfjfo"mSTU (iooi I I'M c!i nrn'k. verr ?iMxl wailicr and Iroaer; or to go ??! by 'he disv or week. j 1 m\F\ wkst TTTii fr.. tirrosn rixw*, back J?>?> room ? A r?-n?rtr.t>l? jfirl atplain coot, w.ohi-r and ironer; v ?>lr"i'r?ncu ICC FAST 42P ST.-a COOD H.Al* CO'?K. 1?M| ?.i?lirr *nil lr<>:ier rfi r nc>? tr.m la?t place. 1 ~\(t tK*T nil T.-a REFPi ?TaBI.- W()>U* .!?)?" a? flr?t clam rook; un.|?'r?Unl? h r hn-ine>t tlmron-'h.*; on objection to a pri*jt* boardinx tu,u>e; ltd r>ferenM. . 1?> r.A:.l :stll .-T.-A RlPPRCTABLB SMART, I'J'f tidy itlrl at Oral eta*-* cook; U a food t re .t ?a?r; ii?l"r-'?nd? coekma in all it* branchial noetjietloa to a t)rl\'a:? boarding hoRaa in city ?r country be ? rflereiv#. -|/^(\WAV r.f'T PLACK, REAR.?A RKAT, COW. ll)U rl torook. ?j?h ad iron orOob se % W'k 5 ct y o. ronntr*; gotrtl reft ranee. 1/|" WF-r l?TIt * Rl -l'F?T ? Itt.K WOMAN |U.) ga goo l plain conk and tr> aaaist w.lh the wa?h Jrg and irtwinT; beat city reference __ IPC K*sr mi KT.?A VOCN I WOMAN AS Cl OK; IUO undar-'^Ttti nrl rn?its?i cooklug; can ia?e ca.e ..I 4 in--. . iiy "r country. - Kill writ Mt'H ST.. TtiP IXOOR.?A x i.m.'.v AS Zlli ?nek vastier and Imner or to do gen r*l hou?? w<.r\ nhera >liv cau bavc tier daughter, IJ j?ars o.d; ?>.:??< ?ce* *Wk I WBRT a II *T.. BfifWRRN TCH A D 8Tn Z\t I kv> . In the ?tore ?Arespectable jroii g womin a< e^rsltci'i C"ok ; no oblection to wasntffe in I ironing; 8->o.' bread and pa .try baker; good cilr rtiaranca. Coll o itdrtM. _ KA't S5tR ST-AS FIRfTOt.AH# (S*Of.l9ll) I ?') I < ok ; niclersttnils I onin< an I (ardinff; or would ta*o cliar^e ot tba tiuUM ii reijuirad; good city Kcterenca. ______ 1< 1 WI5ST IjTH ST., ntONT ROOB.-AH MRST class coi k ina prira'r family; 'tnoer'-tandi all k !n 1 > 'ii 1.1 k i c, irvr rn and fie care olbutter; rUv or Couoiry ? besr city re/en-nce. Call tor two day*. _ *>1 7 EAHT 25TH ST., FIK.^ PI>(iOR -A RRSPKOT I I atli :lrl ? fir?t c!ns? cooks e n do all kindu of rooking, uo ob)?c ion to do tt?i naihlng for a smalt famllv. *)'>(? FA!,t * Tit PT.-A TOUNO WOWA.H A3 dmi-" rook In a pri?nte ftimllr; will do wasatug and Irrntng or awl?t; tnod citr reference. 9>)(1 WR-rr ISTM *r -A Prn I KSTANT OIRL AS ?"' good f? *in cook aivt to do the etar e washinpi lf.?,t m l bm uii mater; no obiect'on to tha country; good relerenee. 2?H\ hA?f limt ST. (I'RR.oENT F.MrUtyHt'W ? ?' ' A re-p>>ci.iti!? voont rmm toe. o*. ??asii ami tron . no ob eeiton to Jo general housework in a ttnall trirat* fionnv. ?>? > 1 WF.ST tl*T ST.-A R V. ? T KOT A Dt.P T t'Nll ? I girl '? -to pi?-n eookini. wast n? .mo Ironing r br:i?e?or? in a -nial. prlvat* laiuily; willing and outlg tiig, <ood citr rtterema. t)<i?) wisi i?rn *r._A Rf^rr-CTABt.R s- rth t ? ? of Ireland-trt aa food plain cork, *a? er and Irntfr no obr ctn.ti to no b^uacwork In a amaU priva-a faggily i bent out leititaea. JWmTIOJH W A!*T*UJ? rr. .n A 1. K *. Cooki. Ac. 04K1 F.AST 2H) 8T., BOOM t-A RESPECTABLE Zj Zlit woman p? flrat cla?* rock IB ? private tioar :luf born*-, wnlinif and obliging; rttprtnec rroni lust place. f)')A WKSi MiU fiT.?A iXjMPKTBnT yoobc ?i.-T- *omin M coo's ? uii crsMiidii tier biuiMtM ia a l it* branohea; be t citv releren (J')U J-ASI 46NI 81'.. BBTWhES 2D AN4> 3I? avh.? ? jAw') A respectable voting girl as good pJuiu cook, wa*hcr and miners best city reiereueo. CWfl ?:AST ?rir ST., KIR*T fioor, back flOW room ?\ respectable woman a? cook. washer and ironer m u private family; good city retereu***. 01H wrf T j9Tn hT -A RESPECTABLE PR I KS ' t int woman n? flr*t ctnsj cook; underpaid* bread on ! pa?trv; first ci?s.-i referuBce. ?)?!/? WEST aoTH 8T.?A8 0' >OD PLAIN COOK, ! _,?>() waller and ironer; wojild go a exhort distance I in the couutry, good citv reference. ! 9QU WB8T "30 ?f.?V VI.HY RESPI OTABIJ? 01RI? a* good p!ain cook: would anoint witli was'iim? ami ironii'.'; in a ?m v i unvtui atiuly preferred: a good home more au object liiaii wage.-; very bent city j rol'-'ri-n ;e. | (>?>(} W 8T MTIT ST., TOP FI.OOB A RFSW.CtT ? al>lc woman a* flrat clan- cook in a prlva'e fam ily; understand* her butiue** in all lt? brandies: iw an excellent tfread ami roll maker; first ola** c;ty rifer cnce t) |-j vvrcsr istw ht., in the rkap.-a r". J- rl spectAb'e woir<au n* uoo l cook and would a**l*t wi h the washing and ironing; BO objection* to tl>o country, good city re ercnoo. 411 i W' STSOTH ST.?A RB8PS?'TABLK YOONO Al "T woman as goo I o oh, wn?l>cr and ironer in a vmall family: food city reference from hfr la?t place. f) |C 18'* AV., IN THE STOKK.-TWO RESPi-Xr. ? )?) able young gl'l*t one as cook, washer and ironer- the other > huiuberuiaid and ?.litres*; vood reference. f)i f* BAST MTIf ST., srCOND FLOOR, BACK J.TU rootn.?A r'speotabio woman as flrat class cook; {;ood city reterea es. iM Q WK T 41 ST HT.?A TOP NO WOMAN A" OOOD _/ TO cooi ; would assist with the washing; no objec tion to the country ; ne t city reference from lust place. O/in EAST 28TH ST. ?A 111 8PRCTABLE OIRL AS T'' plain conn, wnoher and ironer in a private fam ily : good reference. n-li WKST I7TII hT., BRTWREN 71 H AND firil Jj' av-\, in the r*ir.?* resportnbln worn in toC0"i>', vi ??h an l iron or /to jren-ral koniework in ;? ?mali pri. vale rami v : n.> obiecilon to llio country; city reierencc. Can b" ?"en for tw<J days. Qfll 10TH AV.. BETWf'.EN 24TII AND -iiTTJ fiTS.? ? ?' w i wo r?'*pee?n' le (jirla to <ro t-i^etner or wnv ratpiv: one ,i? hh excellent gro eoflh an I bnken wuiitd iisti" w!ib toc wurtiina of a ?mill nriratn faniilv; w v. cral-vcaia'refi<renc iroin on' plneci a rood family tb't Ke?pc lelp low applv tnc other a* competent waitress; would a?*tst with the chamlwrwoTK of a sm 11 private fam ly ; both kave ?oim| ritv re cr.'nce ; no o^ Jtc ions to ao to the eountry lor tbc aunnner mon h* tf re(|U>rerl. i)Z I WKST ?1II PT.?A RJ 8PKOTAW,E WOMAB jC't'r a*? o I pla:n roofc and bread l>a!t :r; City or country; w Ulna and oblhfinsf. ORE "ASTWTn T?A RB'RBCTABLE SWEDISH ^tJ') eirlaacook; city refeieoces. 4?/T7 7TII A V.?TWO RRSPKOT\BLE WOMVJI (TO. ?*> I lether); on n* cook wegher and Irnner: the oth "? a* Mir o and cltnmbermi'd or to do hoo?eworK in a -mall private lumuy; city or country : best city refer ence*. O/JO ,i,T lV "R'rWR"V 15"H AND IflT'T STK.?A t;4liie S.-ocn Kirl aJ w od COek I* a good laundreM: Iscapnhle for h r w,,rk; no objection lo tiiu country, t'al' in toe fancy atore. 9>7f\ K A ST SOT t ST.?A KE8P <Tr A BUI WO>?A* AS ?. I W cook in a small fa ilv; wool asv*t !n ?ra*n imr. iren n; ant e.Mieral housework; best cltjr refer ence*. Call tor two day*. <;Qi) wm IOTH ST. rORVI. R S-II W.? K RE. 1 ~ *pcctable middle aged woman a* cook, waxber anJfroner; boarding houg preferie-l; boot city raier c njn. f)Q(\ 3D AV., mrWIFB 22D A">"D 'J3D ^T-.-A RR speetfl'de Proteotant woman a? cook ;i? an ex ce'le- r eo" . ? h:i* f<e*t city r fereiice none i ut a private f.tni1!* n*ed apply. OQ1 7TU AV?* REVP f.TABti'' OIW, AS IRST ^?'1 ciiv-a o?jok ; flr^t claas elty reference. Call for twoday* 1 AV. THIRD FLOOR. PROBT POOMF.? . ?"'x ? rcape.efabfc woman as eook ami to aaaiitt with tne wartime;?x ycat*' ret reaes iro-n ia*i place. 0(i(\ 7r <v._v p-dtmtibt wom*.v a pt.aiv i-oo'i, w.i*her and mm f or w old do i'j{ it bou'-etvork in a ?ma 1 private f .m ly; reference. ?>rv- v *st r?rn t>T.? as kndi.hh vcha* as ? llr*' flr-t -lamcook; a hotel o reatnur^n! ?r private lionf l'i g house; thorouahlv uncerstanda ail braoohei >,f the bu*iiiei<: eo. ii r?'t?renen. ?}f\Q yA - r 2 '? H ST., IN TO K ?two YOI'NO OUn *iri*; one as coot-, w isher ird ironer. ah<l the other n* hambermtiid an I wnitres*; hav, no Objection to h ? conutrv r>e?t cfty refere ;eo Qin ' ?'TOOTH ST. BETWEEN 1ST AND JO AVS ? ?? '" wi t-'irl*. to live tici'hcr; Co k 'horaunh'r nndev<-ta;nij all lin I* of cookin-; cliamb-ricai i will n -i ' i ? ? a'tin - up^ u table; n. ob| et on to a flr<t boariln* hn?ae: cny or country ; go d city reierences. ?no kast 39r'i sr._a ROFi-.riable Torvo ft I ? > ?irl asTrUcla*" cook in i orivatc family: tfi.od cit.v reier? nee imm her l?*t place Q1 J EAST *r H sT.-A fJ RWAN Oil!I, AS COOK ? ' I r in an Ka?)i?b or French family; al-ocanwarh ann iron. Q r^VVsl 60TI1 sr.,~f?rp KLOOR.?A YOt'iva OI?' elrl as p ain cook. wa?h--r atxi 'roncr; ni'.lin^ and obliuiui<; eily rei rcncc. fall for two day*. <ji? i vs si'? sr., sfccovo pr/>ot.-\ it. Oi'l ? p. i 'able e ri fo > ook an I do llie washing of a ?mall f*au y. t it cltv reference. qihi w ?t *>rn fT., B'twf'-n 8 " A*D tTn ?J? \t avs. * <oont virl *? Roosl eook and flrat clata wa.Ucr .-nJ ironer; uool elty reterenc -. 04)9 wxrr iitii bt.-a y rxo uirl ak noon ? > U& plTln, wusher and irone ; at?o a irir! a* waltres'; cith-r in a private bosrdl ?? bog* or larrily; rood citv refrrrncs lrom present emoloyer. QQi KAST JJ'M eT.? V RPIPI ClABUB BOM AH ?7 r ?- n?-st cia i i fooJ city rt'l Ptticr* from ln't. !?''?? H r ?8rn sr-TWO flMIRR ; ONE AS ? r-i>ok v. i-her-mil ironer: t e other a* c'mn'b r in.iid and mitlf'l an I ???? t In wnthing and Ironing; bea fit?- r fereoec from their la t p ace. wkst norn st ? a RferKcrtM.t Toirso ? )i)w cirl a* pliUa took, wnaiier Bud ironcr; best city tfftmw. OtT-ii)' a v.. NKVli fsTH rTf ?A Vi;?T Cl.'S* ??>>?) crok: i r. leratands meats. gume. soup*. Jellies; beat city reference*. ?!?>,?; i ju ht ST., top fi.oor. front.?a r??. ? jOu aocctolde cirl " ecok; la a *00,1 wantier and iron r; |W1 city r ierewrei from list pi?. o?je wr r ?rn n'.-t RRbPKCTARLB woman ? >#??) c*flr*t cl *<>?? k goalee rr thommrNlv iin d?r?tand? lirr tri.-ln< -?: city ,r ronmri ; good ief?rence. Oi)Q Rk'TMDST.-A l'ROTKMr A N'T t'OiK I'v. i ?)? lO tlerat* .la all kltMH rf r< up*. m'att, came, naatrv ami deaa?rta ot *11 Mm'*; an e.\i client bread and | M-t ul' maker, ?lio ? Aral cl?M waitress; titters; best city ; re > reuce. _ OQlJ WS T 4.-th ST., RKTRTBRN S n AND ?f??~ Pth ?** ? A re??M'r!a!i|fl woman a* gnnfi e<> ,n; flrat I'M * waeber an ", irouer. beat city re erence iruro bar teat fiao*. _____ >) | o fast ?ni KT,-t v-rxi'tsm'i.' ro core 'Itu wa?h ami Iron: no obl??cti' 11 ?o do reneral hou??wo!-*: would so in th? country tor tbe rnmm r; rl"> reierepre. ? >!' h$T two day*. <l|il WB<TI'.R T.-A KKSi'Ki I A Hi,I'. WOMAN ? i I ?> i< good cook ; wiillne to so to the country; good reference. _ ?? i 7 WK-T 3#TH ST.-A PROTESTANT YoCNf? wa O'r I umii a? Arst cl**a rook; coo<1 b?Lcr; good city reference. BMW wmi >>ell. '>l(i i:*NT ?'0 ST.?A *OTHRR A5D DACOIIT-R, ?j1fj mi oat Iionm lanihir; t'i* mother I* an excel lent Cook; iin.ler-tinrt* her tn<lMM perfectly i wotil t do part jI tlic washing; tie dauunU-r to no wailing or to take cure o? crow n,' cliildrea; very b??tuty refcrtu. e? I am employer! Q-n WK T 2*>TII rr.. 1 tfiKM >LOOJt?A RK i)' 'n apectable irlrI a? cook in a private Muiiiy-.tin it r^t-ind* all Un l? of cooking and deaKrt:c oJ city ref erence trom la?t place. I A?T RADNOR HT., > KAR G Ft > N D. ? A #)l)l inH*dle-?ccd Protectant w< men a< frat cla-? rein ; ttwleratanda neiU.MIM H-liie* and all kinil- of f;tii? y pa trr; is" a superior t ak r; g.-od city and reen try relttence. tall tor two 'laya QQQ PAST irrn ST. PTR T PI.OOK, TRONT ?>F room.?A re^pe^tatdo ronng *r<vn?n n? rood cook, wa her and irone- or w. aM do ehamticrirork .? ve 'v |..nd ol cbildrca; to go In tba couutry; good rcl ? ranee. ?TlV AV.. NPAK J4TH RT. ? A8 Fife**"CLA84 trench cook ; g"o>l city reference?. i n/1 7T11 AV,?A RRgPKOt AtliK WOMAN AN tUU coo* in ?mall private family; city or country; be?t city reference a 117 rast writ, nIXr ibt at.?a^ f,xi? Ti, t"?I lent cook : would do the coamo wa*lilnn; rood bre<i'l and btaent mak-r; wlltln<x to go in Ilia c.u.iti/ to* tha snmmar: beat ci.y r?f?-renr*. | 11 *7 Wi Sr f3l? ST.-A ttP^PKCTAHt,*! W?M R t'" I at tirat l'-a< ???>* ; Do objection to the country; on? year'* reference. tnii iir : ?t? n; ar ht at., bak--.ry.?t p ?. 'it/-' fact German eo*'k. mkldNt age. arialies m steady p!ar<s In a flna p-ivate la n ;ty. tic PAST !7iU ^R?A RK8PP.CTABl<'' oiri. as Tit) flmt cla?< co<ik and to aaal*i with tha unfiling; no ?bleatlun to the country . beat reference. 4 1/' WE8T ?I> T-A HPfll'f OTABLR tMRf, ^S I U eook and to a*?i?t with ihe wi-tmii an I ironing; good city references; no obiocnei:* to the onuntry. 44)1 ffl'.XT '.:n ST, 12 ROC' RV STO ' R ? A CoRPR. mI tent womtn ?? snot cook. wa<her and ironeri no objection to ? private bo?r.lln? liomei fond r?er euce* 44)O EAST ITl IT ST.?AS FIRsT t l,A?S Cf?OK IN iO a lintel ir boarding home -, nr. obiectli.n to .he conntr* or a reitautent; ue*t city ratereuea trom l??t enipl.iyer. ? _____ 4 t)C HAST MTU ST., BKTW PN AV. A AND 1ST J**J at. -A? reipeciablc cook lately lro>n t.*; good wanner and irotier, no cb;ect ou to Uie conmryi good retereoce 4?)7 ?Ttl *T? BRTWP.RN S.10 AND JtTIl ST-.?A Z I re?p?can? girl to .lo plain fookw*. w.ialttog ac I ironing mr a <tiiaM lamily; gt>ed < Hy re>?r- ?c<>. ToQ f aU PT' R *R _0 Proieaiant woman ??- good puU:i ooofc. wajli r ?nd iroiKvr. tour yeara' ou reier. ueea. -104 BirrATIO N? WAXThlJ-rK W AI.K-. t ojx. Ac. ^4 Q ,1 WEST 45TH 8T? BEl WKEN 9T1I AND 10T1I /?IT avt... bat-* room.?A r?.-i>?r*twoman as first ela-t eooft - understands cooking in all It* brunch *s would d?> ? inhluK and ironing; city or country; ill yarn ri tcrenee. Call f?r two days. J ?J7 FAST 17TM ST., THIRD l-LOOR.?A COMPR ~t ?> I tenr woman ai f1r*t clans coo: in a hoarding hou-e or restaurant; cay .ir country; good Clijr refer ouco. < aii lie m o lor > wo oay.i. 4.1 o west s;d st.-a RESPt CTable woman ai r?> good cook and to assist in tho washing; good reference. Call for uv ? da.vs. J,| 4 ?1H AT., BEIWREX S4TH AMD BOTH ? TS.? * t"T A middle-aged woman us flrst clitsa cook; uml r stnnds the buatnaaa thoroughly 1 cun make soups, jstlies; will no in the country Call two flavg. 4 |C WEST 40 I! ST., FIR T Pr.OOt.-V RR ~tO spectable woman as plain cook, washer nd lroner; Wo trill do general houactwiiK In a sma'.l family. 4 A Q we r MTU st.-a respectable young t J O woman aa good cook in a private family; la a nr t class washer and ironer; nnderstanda all kind* of family Ml log; willing aiul oblig tig; beit city retVrctice. A Sft " Ksr ur> 8T rwo stairs up fiwnt rtt)\) room.- A Protestant girl at i.'.ilti cook, wu? icr and Ironer. Call or address for two days. AfiO WEST UO T., BKT* I N O H AM) KITH avs.?A y'.uug _ 1 rI as c . .k, washer an<l lrouer; goo I city reference ; no objection to the coa.itry. A 0TH "x < K,,n* ???* respect*. Dijyoung TOO woman >* tr>>'? I cook ana excellent bu cr; country profem 1; would assist 111 coarno waanlne; ref erences. raapvctablc >nr. aicook in a pr vate unilv; no objection to a short dis ance 111 the country: six*' be?! c 11jr reference. r.()|| WB8T 4TTH ST., flB r F' O K.?A GERMAN ? n/t/ Protcatant girl ns cook, v a?ltcr and ironer 111 a ?m til Atuc.i ic hi latuiiv. r.'^Q r>rH AV.-A rkpkctablr. competent ? O woman at cook 1 a Irani I prh.Ve family: nn dorstanda Mr baattt?* tHorolwnly 1 bent city reference. r A A an a v., BKTWEl'N MIST and '2D 8T8.?TWO tJ'TT roapectablc 'trla: on.: iiaplnin cook, washer and ironer: the oili?r to do cbamberwork au>t to aaglat with the washing; /ood city reference. CUO 211 A.V., near 3isr r.? V KE.'IPOTABLH girl a* cook* will ?mH| with tile washing and ironing; no objection to the country; best '?tty reference. EAQ HUDSON ST., NEAR 8TH AT AS F.XPE RI. ??U.j ttHCd <l>Tiiian woman an fl>*st I'liiu cook ; wouiil like to liitvo lull charge ot the kitchen in a prlvuto lami ly j ticut city reterenoe. Address COoK. 2D AV-' ,l,r 8T.?A RKSPI5CTAUL". OIRL ? "Jt: as cook: would d<> the coarsc wathlOZ; city or country: good city reiercnco. ITT AV.?AS COOK ALSO chambermaid and waitress pood reference. ftje 101 H AV.-AN ETC Lf.R NT GIRL AS COOK, liTd wniher and lroner in a 1'umlly whore there is n other girl; best city reference. Call on or lidireso, tor twoiiays. MAGG1 MoCANN. 71 - aril AV-A LAI Y r.RAYINOTOW^ TRBTIMT 4 I ?' week In June, wishes to And gool homes fi r lour servsn's, namelycook, waitress or chamhermal 1, s' amjtre*? and Inuudrea-t. all of ? horn she can well rec ommend. Apply lor two davs, between "Mil 11. 631 70 - 3D AY., BETWEEN ?TH AND 46TTf S S.?AS I Zi ?1 cook in a private family ; It a good laundress; good city references. 7tQ 9D AV, vhAR40Tn ST.?A YOUNG 01 )L AS liO pluin c.iok aid to as l?t with the w??iiins," no nblection to the country; has three yeara' reference. m?ni AY., Bl.TW' EN 81 ST AND ?3D IK, TOP floor, in the nack.? A reapectable rnung girl as cook, washer and ironer with a small fainilv, or my o'hor work; good referenco trom last ptjtco. Call for one dav. Q"11 71 If AY-A R^SPKOTABLR WOMAN AS Oil cook, wa?her and ironer in a private Aiu"ricun tanilly; best cIt.v references. 8?>:": 2D AV.. RETWEI N ?TH AND? H ST ?A ?'?1 respe d.iole woman a? flrst c ass couk ; city rcf 12 Q rr r 1~iT AY., BRTWRHN <71H AND 4TIT ?TS., ( ?)?/ (list floor. Iront rcom. ? A re?rect ble woman as pi 1 in cook an lA ssi-t with the washing anil iro <inir, or wonln nodairv work; no ot?Jec ion to the 0 nntry; good city reterence. Oil eTn AV ? B"TWK N SHT AN I 51t) STS. ?'ll irmg third belli.?v Prote<tin* woman s*iroo 1 n'nin cook; wili ng to assist wi n wattling; good city references. (\ui be seen till suited. (lie ATI I AV?AS GOOD PI.AIV C>OK IN A Pltl ? M#) vato lamily; good city reference;. Call tor two days. 1 'J')4* BROADWAY .?A R"SP CTABI.E Y'lCNG 1? worn in :u ? privf te fainilv as cook: no o'i'cc tion to assist w th a ittle waablng; It a very go d co >k; first ? I iss city re oreiico. o oon 3D AV . NKAB l:i II KV.-A RK IM.CT ? .?Ml ?' a >le girl as plain euok; It a good washer and ironer; rcierenc.ea 4>OID :tl? AV, BEIWEFN 'KHII AND 131 >T Z.O in st*.?At plain cook, washer and Ironer; wi.l> ing an.I obliging; city r ?iciences. AUASTi I)?BY, A RK8P".CTABLR ENGLISH it woman, a iI'iiiIhd ; ia a good cook, washer and Ironer. Ciili at uortheatt corner HCtU at. and lutav., Ilariem. (hamhermalds, Act. JONES HT.-A hESPECTABL' GIRL AS CHAM Jj lMHnai'1 and w aitress; good city reference OQ WL -T 3'D S KKSP CTABI.E YOUNG ?,?) girl a.s chambermaid and waitreai; no.objcction to a Dos riling hotue. ? tl?? WEST '4TII ST.? A RFHP.'.CT \ BLT GIRL AS ? chambermaid and waitress; would go to the coun try for the; over five yean' Ocs city reier? nce. 0 I W ST I3TII ST., PtiURTH FLOOH. IN KE t R.? ?>+ A r* peetabie voting !*irl at chamb-Ttna <1 and waitress; two yea a' good teftrence. Call lor two days. 4(| UNION .-VLAW .PR'- EnT EMPIOYER' ).? ?I" As chambermaid and waltreas, or at chambermaid and p ain sewer. 1AQ Kt-I tT. {PRI -I NT . WP-i 'YERV 1 -A lUsj la?1v won d Ilk i. set a place in a private fam ily for-a eh-nitiertnaid an 1 teamstresa who h is lived with ner a long time. WE-T 4I.>T ST.? As Clf?MRERM AID AND waitrea- anl to ataist with the waaliiug and iron ran, Call trow Witt * Tjows?r jotn st.-a youn i girl as cham JlZiberniaid and w .?tr'as. or would a titt with tbe wathing; city or eouniry ; good reference. no wvsr 30 h -T.-% rou ? girl as ciiam 1 I <if bermsio and wniircss i t as cbatub rmaid and io assist with wa-hing aad ironing; bea cry reference. Call to-day. l lYi * * T W St. MIR 4TH AT.-i IK?p'ltiiT. .11*' able vi u ig cirl. lately landed, at chambermaid or wa treat in a private family. I all lor two day*. 1 f/J F.?ST no ST.. IAST PLACE. - A I t) respectable girl ns chaml>erniald and waitress; w King to at-ist in wa?hiug and irouiuc Beit city re fjreucis. 1 in EAST lllll ST. A EMKNT EUlOR.?A RE. I I'' speclable co'ored girl as chambc rtnald or lo do c-n ral hi.u-cwurk hi a ?mall fatuily ; goo<t teiercnce. Cail or a lores* 10G HQ WE.iT *)TH sr.. NRAK ITM AV.?A CO*. O pefc nt ywtng woman us ciiaini>erin ud in a rri vain atnily. ?oul 1 a??i.t with any itlicr klua ol work if req'iirca: city reference ?. nil tor twoda) ?. 1 1 Q l.\ T IIT!I HT.. RIREMP \ r-( R! specta M? I IO ro oreil <?irl a? chambermaid and warr i?. ..r j 00 liouv?vorK id ?nni.i taintiy; u.'-t cttjr refer ? nee. IIS WK?T 1?tii 8T-\ RESPECTaBI.K WHO .1 I O *riri *? rhMnilx-rniaiil nn 1 aiindrcw, ?r .aun ire-a a i f lu a pr.vate laim.y , good City reit renee* tr^ai lust >hw. IIO Wi.HV 4SD ST-A rROTKSTANT 01RL AM ilO chambermaid and waitr*?; food r. te rence. 1|(| DRKFNWKM AV* K kmpec TA Hf,! VOtMO 1 I ?/ l*rote?t ir? girl lo do rhamhorw rk or chamber work and waiting in a <inall lauiily; jour rears city ra'erence troni lat pive. 19- W -r 41c HI. (PRE E*T EMPI.OYE'N.-A I?youn* girl ai chambermal I an 1 WjittrcM uf to u<? rare of c:..idreu, wi. >u. and obliging Call or ad it re <?. lt?f? CLIJfTOff I* ACE ROOM" A-A IaU t nmw woman ai chambermaid and ivattrr-- In ? private lami y: i;<> objection t'? go to the country . !ic*t city reference. iilQ WBHT li/il JT.-A RK-PKCTABLE flIRL TO I > do chambe.-wiirk and waiting or rbambarwork and 10 tako care 01 > li.. ' ren ; go<ni city rrterciu a. 1l)| L'XIKGTUN AV. (PRRsEKf EM PI-' Yf.R'm.? ' I?ll A an 1 a ?h"rt limp trinii fcDg.and) ?f chamber muM and to 00 ur>-ta<r* work. IQ.i w T-JSiTi t,r._wt> RMPRCTARLKTrr" ?,???*: '?>'? ona ? ? ctntBiberiT'aM nnd wnltroM an.! te a^l?? ?iih the washing *oo Ironing the otl?er aatinr?e; no objectn n t.>jfo in til's country, good etty reference. -!??? west urn sr. .third FLoop?a TOi RO 1?> I ra<pcctabl" *irt ?? do ehamberwor* acd Unc waa iiif; good city reference. ? 1 I () WP-T HIT - -A TOCNO C.TRL A CH\M I't ~j brmaul and to aast?t in waiting- good city rr !? trtacr, 1 ".A * i sr MTii nt., reTam.- A Tot S<; OtRI, ah I?.MI ctisrrlieririat I and ? M willing to a-*ljt with fie care ol children: good ( ity reference . Wd T KJIH Sl.-A RR PECTARL OlRti TO I l*)w 00 rtiair.Vrwork or light housework; city ur C'Hi'itry ; good 1 aferenca 1 r>) wit t S't> s rehpectabls toTjvo I?i?> girl a? chambermaid and waitr ?a or t.. tako care of Children . can be w^il recommenced. ?1 - | WBHl St I'll "T. OROC) RY *:OIU;<-.A R'-:. I?)r ?|.c"t/*lile rirl a* rhmlMnMtili won'it naai tin waitng: a tirivitc boar?!ing iioute: city reference. 1PLU R^?I .'VTH nr.-A VBKY rmpigtari.r IOO girl a* ciiainbem;:^ I and MmitrtM ?r to do wuting i" ? *m?tl tanilly: can doa'lkin l* of family rewin ? on Whec'cr A Wilm.n'l machine: pr^fcra a goo I home more tliun ivaaet. #?e yea.-V retrrcn. c. 1 ro WIRT MPT ST.-AH C IAMB RM AID AND lt)( ' witlirao or ntirte, or todogeaaral houtaworit iu a (man family; bcit rttertnee. 1 ,".11 e<nr ?rn Vt.~a rsrprctabi.r ro so 1 ?) ? 7 girl to do i:hamtrerwor!i and waitli g: Hvobj"0 lion totne conntry: ?>??-1 ? sti raiercnce. litA WRIT ,WTH *T.-A VOLNO 'JtRt, A? f HAM in?? berimi.t and waltri?a? in a prlrntc f .milno oh' 10 the eoim try b'*t elty reteren-6 ir. m ta? employer. 1,.- WRPT 8WH IT.-A YODRtl 0(R1< A8 CHAM. 1U*? hernial.t and oraltre^ 1 witiiog to awia' In waalilag an 1 ironin t, *(?> i reWireaca. <|| \ I WP.8T MTH ST. ? A PIR T rl.AH fHtMf'l R. malt and aeaaiitr*^; Would anuit in niiivliuf uudroa; boaiattv rnier?nae? WTl'ATIONJ WAWTOP-rHAIiES. < dit. Oftfl EABT arm ST.-A RE'PECTAPLE YOFK? i'"' cirl, witli references, as chamber.naid and wittwa 9|\Q WEST 19TII ST.-\ OOMPPTENT GIRL AS ^vO chambermaid and walutts; good reference. nnn baky t/rra sr. rim rtoot, front.-a respectable girl !? do c:iamberw?>rk and plain ac'.* Ing; city <ir country; country preferred ; tour year*' reference from a si pi ice. 919 WKsr sern sr., between nil ash sth jL I Ju a vs.?A rcan<etat>l ? girl as clia'nhermaiil aii'l waitress or war re s alone; tiest r.'ferencea from her la?t placc; no oOiecti.m to the country. me WK r IOTH T.?A coon, R^HPRrTABLB Zj '?> gtrl as chambermaid an.! to do central 0<iu?a work: best c?t v role rem-.-, ('ail n>r two dars. 91 7 WEST MT I 8T,?A R'.-SPFC "A H LR OIRt. \S ^ 1 I chimbcrmftld nnd waitress: willing to assist with lh.i wa hii'g and i?"onInj: city reference. 991 RABT >8TM ST. (r;K<-\r EMFLOYR : w _ I A re pcot.'ible Protectant 'tirl an chambermaid and waitress; willing to make hcr-elf generally useml. 99 J_ WK 'T 17! H ST., KB WKKV 7TII AN-D giil Zj?.-t hvs. ? a voungFtrl 1. chambermaid auti wait K* tu a nice family; highly recui uucuJiM. 99 1 W T srrn .sr., BOOM 12.?A B 'gf?CT??r,B ?ri'l ?< chambermaid aud waitress; wood o.ty reference i-om last place. 99 ft >ABT 4fi I'll P.. BETWf K V 21) AN D 3D A Vc ? ? ?j t) A respectable vouncqlrl as chambermaid and \v 11 re s or chmnLeruniid and laundrwi; best eity rei Cre nco. 997 N?\WA K AV.. HO S0K8B, N. J.-AN AMER Zj_j I lean girl to do cliamber.vork or niln 1 a baby, or would <10 housework of a small private family. 9O9 BAND .ST., BROOKLYN -AN AMERICAN girl to do chsWbrrwork and waiting; lo objec tion to tho country ; wuiild lik j to go to U >ston; beat city refcrenco. 20ft BAST 29TH BT.?A YOUNO OIRL AS CIMM ?? ' bermni I an I ir.tltres-i: would do general house wort in a small family ; is willing and obliging. 2>jq bart u n bt., first ii.ook?>s cham ? ??/ bermni f and to assist with wu-sbtng and iroB?tig; good reierenee. 90Q w : p MT8 RT.. It I- A n HOOK, FIRST ?0<7 floor, font.?\ ijcrman sriri. speaks (rood kn 7. I sh, as chambermaid in a first cla: s liotel ur boarding house 9'I(1 RAST MTU Ht\, KIR T FLOOR.-J* RBSFl OT ??'1) abie vonng rirf a* chambermaid and to n-MSt with the washing and ironing; tity roierence. Call or address. 9JO W' ST 19riI ST., lt^*R.-\ YOUNO PROTK< tant nornin us chambermaid nr to wait on cfclliircn an.I do plain sewing; b. st city references. 2 4 fr WK.sT 27Pfl ST.?A YOCNO OIRIi AS Ofl '?? 11) bcrmald and waitress or fo do chamtierwork and sewing, no objection to travelling; best city refer ence. 91/' W ST ?7rn ST., ROOM 18-A YOUNO (? IRL> ?"I\J aschaint ermaid au.l waitress gooi retereuec. 9/1 Li KA8T 57TII feT.-A r l>PKt T ARI.K OI'U. AS Z. ID ehnmbcrm;iit ami waitress in a private family; best <tty reference. Call tor two day a 0A7 nB AV? 'IE31, Kt.OOR.-A RK8FKCTA A.T I ble younsr ?rirI as ehtmbericaiil and waitress; no objections o tho country : leant reference*. 2 ft 9 AY. A.?A Yf'UNfl OIRL. AS CHAMBERMAID and waitress is willing t.? assist 111 wasltlug: eity or country good reference. 2r.r kasr j d st., top floor.?a yocncj girl ? ' asoliamb rmaid mitl waitress. Of;/' W v T 35TH ST.-A yoi'NO GIRL TO DO cbambcrwnrk or assist in the care of clii'dren: not be"ii lonit in the country; no objection to go to the country; city rctereucc. 9U/? W ST 20TI1 MT.. CP TWO BTAl'tS, FRONT ?0\) rooms. ? A yoing cirt as cbamboruiiud and waitress or to take c ro 01 children o/y wk t rsr.i sr.-v rkspi'.-tahl ? y<>cng Ow l" (tirl as eh iniber.nald in a nice private family; wiillnz and obliging. 0||(; EAST llTTil sr.. SECOND FLOOR?AT0D>0 Oi'-' American irirl ss chambermaid and waliresis would take care of children. Of I/' KAST S9TII sc.. BE WE N 1st and 2D ar^.?A rcspectabla young girl as chamoermaid and watli-t'hs in i pntate family: no objection to a short distance in tlie country: g.-.od city reference. OfW? WRUT 4HTST -V YOCMJ CIRL AS CHAM 1)\7f ) bermaid and wsitre s an I to assist In tbu wash ing; is wi hug and obltpng; best city reloroncs. OMO l'*^r f-'TH St --V R SPtri Mtr.YCLM! ?l Vt'J jrlrl as cbnmbarmaid : three year's best ciiv ref erence; no ob.ectioii to tbo couu'ry for tLe summer months. Ol/l KAsT ft'H ST.?A RESPECTABLE YOUNO Ol'l ?r<rl s? cli'iinberm ltd and to do plain sewkut or take care of fowiiK chi dren; good ciiy reference. '-Ill KK T '-tTtl -A YOI Nil 01 RI. AS Cll AM ? > I I Oerin iid ?nl waitress in a |'rival? family; good city ref-rence. Call or address. EA.-r sarii vT.? a bkspectablp. YOCVa Oil) girl as cbmnbrrmaiil and waitrcsi or as chum be rnu 111 and t<i do fin>< washinv an I ironinu in a pri vate fa ml y. good city riderenco trim her last place. QW{ EAST l!TH ST.?A YOUNG WOMAN AS O 11) eti mbe maid and waitress in a private family ; best city reference. ? all for two days. QIQ KAsT aoni sr.?A respeptaml^ young ? ?l?' girl to dochambcrwork and aaiiat with washing and ironing. 099 KA-T S3D ST.?A PR')TKSrAN'T GIRL AS ? )i_ cbair.barmtkl and laundrvssor aa 1 hambermaid and w <it-e?s: hss nearle live year*' city espi-rwiM*. 099 WEhl SST> BY. (PPB.SRNT R*PLOYf?R'S).-TWO ? irfris, one as rlum ermaid and waitress, tho ether as laundress sood rn? retrrence. <>.>/? I* AST /.5TII BT ?A RK PECTABLt YOUNO girl a? chainberm tid and w.iitr-s< in a nrlvaie fanny, or as elamtie m 11 and to ta*e care of growing cfnldreo; would a > In tne < oun.ry lor the summer; good city reternnc". Call or address. 090 BAST 9TIT T? FIRST FLOO -.-TWO RR ? J spectnbie yon-ig girl< to go together; un? as chsmberm li I waitress, the other f.> take care of children and do plain sewing: no o'>j?cli<in to a aiiort distance in .be conntri . good reference trom last place. QiJA EAR.' 17TH nr.?A RKBPBCTABLR YOUNG f??)VI girl aa 1 hambermaid and waitress; relsrencse. ? all tor t->o day*. o?m Rwr 3 n hi., bk wkrh i^r and jd avs., ?>?>>/ three Hl??nU up. f>on'.?v n *p<>eiiib!-? woman mi pn^iin erm Id and to a- let with growing eh 11 ren; l :? l (11/ rvlerenoe from la?: pluco. Call lor two day*. QQ(? IKIT irra ST.. THIRD FLOOR, FRONT.?A 00<" rrapeMabl ? girl *a chauilcrmaid and waitu a*; beat city reterencea. ?HO KASr THI ST.?A RKSPECfABfJE GIRL TO ? ?"l w do .hainoerw jik and ? city or coBntrj ; tort city Mtrcact. O 14 W r I'D sr.?A VOCNd AMERICAN OfftL ? lit) aa i.tiarab rmaid and; U will in,; j.< ! oblige In*. Q |?J KART ?T'I ST.?A RKSPECTABLK Yol'NO ?> !?J ;ai a-cf uiiil.rrni.ii I ? nil wmtr or to do geu ?ral hoawworfc well rec mmended t.y la<t employer. **17 FA8T *5? W.?A KKSPfeTARLR TOCNO 0*r I rlri a* chambermaid and waitreaa; no < biro Hon to the country. # ? t f C| RaRT MTII ST.. FIRST FLOOR, FROVT,?\ ? > * *" reapectabl.i voting girl a* ciiaml* nnaid Inn private fanu.y .be* city nfereu.'o. C ill I n two 4ay?. *)!%*) '?a r orii st.?a rorno of i. t<? do O^'?i reneral c!iam'err, ork in ,i prira; i lamilj or i i >. ! ..vdihu DOM*. Call >>r a lire-a. I 11?> RAAT OTH NT., THIRD FI.OOR. FRONT.?A ML r"???-,? ?' 'able girl a? hnmbcrmtld and to a??ut ?tih w* bloc and Ironing: I* willing and no oblecOon to tM country; l*?t ci:/ reierenco from la^t plac<'. Ca 1 or adlrcaa. 4(lO 1 AST I0TH ST, TUfRD Ff.OOR, FRONT.-?A *r"??i rea lictalde flri a* chambermaid and waiirr?; N will ng ami nbtigiig: no ?.?>> > tinn l?i 111* countrr: b< "i cl y reteren e trom lut and lurinrr place. < ill or addrra?. AtU' w ST .|I? ST -TWO GIRLS: ONP. AS OIMM M'l) berinjid ami iho other to do housework: retcr* enrca. 117 IT '-T ??T1I FT.?A RR8FF.CTARL". OTRL To 'til do llifhi chaniberw..rk or mltia ehlhiren; no t?b le'tion to the coanny. tail or two da?*. 417 W HT 4 rTil sr.. IN THR IOK"RV.-t Rf I I rr<"' table vonnu jirl at g.> d chambermaid a Ml waitr?ti. will ??ist witn waalim,'; four jeara' relet rn ? iroin her iaat plac?. /lift w RT MTII tT. RE V R HI TI.DISa-V t" IO y"Un? American clrl aa chsr.iberinaiil and wsuw rc?a: good ri terei ce. Call for two day*. I i>?> WKST S?rn HT.-A RESPECTABLE YGA'XO I O girl, aged ifl rear*, a* chambermaid or would make herarlt Kmerallv uaeiul In a private laaily. JtlQ WR -T 4*1 H HT.-A Rfc^P I ARI<R AM' Rf t/h*r rnn ?lrl to do I gitt rbinrh rn , rl . 1 - w?n >] 1?Kt' rare ..r cnilflri n; no obiecti< 0 Ui tUo country; 1 .1 City rr'emnee. A.ldrr?t. ,1 ?;'> WBST U ) ST.. HECOND Ft OOR. Rt: *:t r.-apeclabla young woman a* chambrrmald and wattr?**or tnimil with wathing: ? nold ha* ? no objev-tlon to (o a abort dlotance in tli<< conntry. Ai'di e.?a. a ri> wi nr3isT ?t.. top fuhir.-a RESpki'T ?f?M# abloetrl to do oluinbr'-work and Wmflng, or Wonld do lr n*?work in a vmall private family ; < ~?t eity r'lerenee. ? rx(i ItTII ST. BKTWr N mt AND 10TTI AVS? l-MI In the Mors.?A re-p <iable girl to do chamber work and wailing in a private fhmily; b it city r?-icr ?DC0. ? A f'O W ST S3D ST., bVKR |OTH AT.-A TOI NJ t'IO Protr ant girl of reapee ability a? ehatnlfr maid and \?.iitr?n? or to a?m?t wliu the care of children; good refer**?* inn 7rn at -a neat, iiiit otnr, to do char torwortt and wa -ing or ehatnberwork and wishing. ia willli f an I obliging; beat city^ace. fall lor i wo dn.v*. en>) wk t an st.-a respictabi.b v k;no tJU'l g rl for ehamoerworlt and to db plai > aewmg, fp 1 city rueren e. Call lor one dar. ?1l(l RT.. THIRD FLOOR, RACK ??M' r?iom---A ronng Pro'*- ?ot woman, lately landed, a*a emhermntd in a privatt lamily. i'M to gem lor twodav*. rO'l 1ST AV.. ( ?>R\EH FAST SID ST.-A I FSPEO able girl a~ chambermaid and wa.treaa in a ?m ill private lamll.r : no ob|?ctloB to tbo country; city raierence. ' W -ISTTtrH ST.-A RR Pf'.CTABr,B TOUNO ? girl to do rbamherwaiH and waiuug vnibng w i aaaka ber^eifgecara Iv aaaluL MTPATIOW WAITRIUFENALRjl. , rbawiifrinsWi, lie. P.xt) WEST ftlsT fcT., HEAR?A VOUNO 0?Rfc, ?'?'J lately landed, ?s chambermaid, or <roold iniud CblMren nn L fiTH AV.- A RESPECT VBU: ioi:no wo sj'/r man ?. chambermaid and Htmitrtii; un dor-tau<J? drcssuiaklagi would wait on a iauy or mlud growiuff children; five year*'city refa.eoco iruin last place. 71- CTH AV (IN THE UriJ.IM KV STORE). ? !? I l? * twee 11 ntit and Ost mi?A young (tlrl an chain le-rmso and waitress; bast city rulcrencc. Cau It ura Iroji ?till 3. Q{|Q 3D AV, MfflU WtH AND 80TTI RTI,, O'JrO tip floor.?A vnuiu Protestant t,irl a* chamber maid aii! operator ou machine. C|| I <TH AV.. BKTWEUN 51ST AND 52u RTH., IX ''II th? afor*?.?A reepeetat'a yonng elrl us chamber niai i or nurse; willing and obllgtitr. "'all or ad iresi. 01 flTH AV.-\ REspECTABfiE YOCNCJ OTBL AS ?M 'I chambermaid and wait re m; beat city reference from la it place. QOO sth at.?a tocno cirlto do c 11 a m b e 1 worn an! woshiag, or aaaM \v;th the care of children; best references. Qfitl S ' AV. -A CK -TPl :1 Aitr.I' YOCNG I. iKf, AS II S *'Ui?nii?'rmii'l and *litre * in a private faniuys ix willing ic h<-ist in In.' kitchen ihf 11 rue two days of the Wi ek if f. 'iuir?;<!-. city or country; rest city reference. OfiQ ItAHT 58TH ST.. NEAR 3D AV.?A RESPECT. ?MJ> a- :? vciii IV,' (Tin. H y?ara old. Utah landed, aa caaniberrivul and Call from 10 A. M. to 0 P. M. 1 -I OQ 2D AV.. BETWEEN .'irii AND COVH ?tC 1 ? A -j ?' -A youns alt'l to il ? ? upttuirs work And wait ins or io tike earn of children; is willing and obliging city or country; city r< fcrcncu. O Ant) 3D AV., CORNER 111TM ST.. GROf! RRY. ? ?(?> A yon iib gfH, 13 yc:( rs old, to do chain be ? work and waiting; good reference from ia-t place, t ,.il for two days. \ VOt NO 'URIi AS CHAMBERMAID; WOT I.I) lA assist in tluflavaahini; best < Jt? reference. Address CHAMft KM A f H; box U't Herald Uptown Braecti oftlce. Dretimakct'i anil ^raiuitrene?> 4 q SPRIV# ST.. OVI'R THE STORE.?A \..fTNO H ?) rlrl n> seamstress; u'ottld take 'Are of children or do Uulttcb.imbcrwork; would go to the country or l-u roue. ni TORBf ST.?A COM P?-TENT OPERATOR ON ''I Whc ler A Wil?on'a machine wlsiic* a lew mora rngaaeuictits ov i r >1 uy .0' week; understands ttii kinds of HIBuly aewlng. Call or addrena. K| j WEST .ID -T.?A I.ADT TO FEW FOR A I" r (lre-Miiaki r hv th? week; ar as ?eaiiiatrc?a in * prlvat' fHtntly. I'all or address for two davs. |A/; EAST l.iTU .ST.-A RKSPECTABLE MIDDLE I'") aured womin as ?eani>lreM- would attend to up children and inak.* herself vctiTallv uwful; city or ? oiiutry; guoJ retercBccs. Call un or address Mrs. Blii.Kii. 1(M WE^T 24TH ST.-A CfifjORED DRKS^MAKER 1^ t to travel isiUi a family for the sutnuser. Call for two days. M.> EAST I vrif ST. AN KXPERTKN'l I DKE.-S 'maker dctirea a lew more enRagi-meuta by die day or week. 1 #TH Av?A COMPETENT SEAMSTRESS; 4 w" cn'c and fits loifics' and children's divui; ope rates on V\ heeler A WlUoii's machine . references. K'l EAST 321) ST.-A- NURSE As D-EAMSTKKliS I U4 or seam t-o? anl do iiKht chaniberwurk; l. ?t city re.crencc CaH for two da;, & "I** K WEST IfiTII ST.-A PERSON* THoROUOllLV I\l'J rompefent: undortrtands ladles'uiidergarmrnts andchil reu s c othing; no utijcotiun to go.ns i.ut b> (Ue day, good reference. Of|Q EAST 28TH BT. (RINO PDPRTH BEIT.) ? A3 ?\f ~ sea??tre?? ami dressmakert can cut. tit and operate on .our ma hincs; will wait enalaJv. rdo light chainhcrwork; city or country. O'lQ East 5irn ST.?A RESFECrABLS (URL ?-*)?/ m aeatnsireaa; wou.d assist in cnamocfWora; no o'./ection to take care of children; bessctty refer enoe*. t)FLU WEST 37 Til ST.. EIR-T FLOOR, BACK. ?t)\) room 3.?a firs' claaa dre sniauer wi-.nea a le w more cm; .k'cineat.i by the day; cuts uuJ ulins iu all tbo latest styles. ORO WEST 15TH T.?AS SEAMSTRESS AND ?')0 maid in a private family is .i flr^t class trim mers no objection to lunt chainberwom if desired. f)A>7 We ST S3) ST.. IN THE REAR.?A VOCNO wT* I Ami ri'-au tsirl in a private fumil) as sesins'.rc < o>- chtunbermaiJ and waitre-s; understands Wheeler A Wilson's machine. A 1R 7X11 AV - iN "TfRE.-ACOMPETENT DR' SS I tO ma .er wishes work in families bvthedi.yor would tnke wcr t home; tlrst class reference; terms mmierute Ca.Ion or address D .K,->.sM AKI P. 4 Q/? 81 If (V.-A SEAMSTR SB WOI I.D I.IKB "tOII a tew customers bythedsv or week. Call on or addre:* T. C. t?, up .-.tu rs in the bairdrc -tiug saloon. Q(?ft 3D AV., HlVin MT-1 AND fiSTU STS.?A i ''U lierinoi w< man to work in a private lamilv by the d iy oi weea. la a dressmaker and iioes all kioda of sewlnv. hits In rowu machine. (|(H) CiH AV., NEAR Mrtt ST.. IN THE MILLI. ?/?'?/ nerv at ore.?A competent seauietreee. won un dcratands dres^maktng, in a private family. K'X.'t op- r. ator; would wait on a lady or aasist with cbambir. wort; go hI refer -nca. t PHRtVCT DRESSMAKER. WHO I1AS HAD jA years ot experience ar, cutting no t fitting, wtaiieaa tew more euragemeat* be tbc day. A4dreaa K A., box 191 Herald I'ptowu iltauch other. A FtsIIIONABLE DRE SMaKBK, WhtfCOr ? AN? J\ trim? in an 'h ? st > les, would l;ke sii feataveraent iu a private lantilft Irom fl 4J a day. AdJrcaa J. W., ilux Ity neral 1 I pt >wn it am h -.fflcr. TlfANTED? HY A REtrROrARLK VROTESTANT ?> ttlrl. a situation as s.'unstress or la-It's maid; n> ob(ection to travel. Addicts S. J., Ilcrald I ptown Branch office. fl*ANTED?A SiraATfOft AS SEAMiTRESN AND Til " do light upstairs work by a respectable American ni.tow no obiectlon to go out ttie city; beatr"fen ms. Address SEAMaTKK s, ite-al.i Brooklyn Bran.n c-fUce. General ItouxeiTorlc, Ac, 0 JONES ST.? V RBHI'ECT ABf.R W(>M A\ TO DO ireneral houtwork in * piivate fkmtiy; reference*. nllKI (V BY ftP, !<>P KI.OOR.-A TOrjfU UEK man itirl to irrnrr* h n?cwork ULKOXAKP ST.. FIRST FT 0 It. FRO* ROOM.? A r?"perfnl.l<? woman to Jo g?neral housework in ? private f?M iljr; no objection to Hie countrr. or KINO ST.. FIRST FLOOR, REAR?A RUP Cr" *>*) a';ie viiiw ?lrl to 'l" general Im , ?>? r'% in i small nriwa family: bea cttv ri.icrfocc. Call or ad \ ilrc?i (or one day. ?T I Sl> AT., ROOM 11. IFIUDFI OOR.-A RF..->rkf'T i I *1 able L-irl to do Tenerat lumwswor*; In a go J wa?ber and ironer; bestctty reference. 8n im AV.-A RE I'KCTABLK IIIRI. TO DO I.KinT ? ) housework; is t( oJ cj .k, waiter ana i.onur; good ciiy reference. mfr HH AT.?A RKSPF.CTABLB TOUNO WOMAV ? I ttotieral h us. i*>r* or *< cbambcrm.iid aim! to aseist with the nasiiim: in a ?mail la ally. 1117 WB?T 1ST '1K-V HI .SPMJTABI.R filer, rO I'M do general hnasewnrk lu a anMtl pnyate lam,ly. I fan br ie?n at last < mplovcrN. ?|/?7 WK8T ISTH ST. (I t/f -I NT hWPhOYKRH).? MM Todo t:pst)ilr= no-* an I plsin wwtn? nn CI? ARLTO.-* BT-A RR-iPKfTA ttl.R TOI'SO ?i trlrl todo general hon?es?ork; U * -nod cook, WMlitt and tronor; good city referMce. 11 fi WMT WTR ST. REAR.?A fiOOD STBOVO III) vmman to do hi tuc* .>rk; Is willia , anl oblige irr. Call tor two days. I |Q wkht'mth nr.. TorFi7?oR.-A rf>~p" cta~. 1 I ?"? Me young womvi to do general b u-?_?ork in .? 'mi family: hestclty r^t-rfn^o^ 1IIA WE*T m *T? RETWKF.X gTHAM? 7TH | I _U ?*?.?A comoetent woman to 4o the light b n?e *-ark ol a small family; willing to iuak? lie rat It u*iui; in city. I fOQ BURT ST.. second rr.onp.-A RURKCr" I aMe girl to do gen-ral hon^ w. r* it; ? una!! pri vate tataii? ; i" ?t city ref<*r*ne?. TOO WK^T ?TB Sr. ?A TO! NO i IF TO HO lOtl rru^rsl housework food waxber and irooers country preferred; Rood ril?rviic?k 1 in WEST ?i;H ST.? ROOM M.?A RfcSPRCTARMf I H; glri to do general housework; k > ,d city rtier ?nre. . 1 4 . ? vr T I.ITH FT. \ Till RO <IRI.. I 4TKI.T ll-j landed, to maki tiemli generally n.cful in a umali priva ? family. l^T~|Iinr larii ST., near id At., second I I r f, >r.? \Protc-itaiit ?otn?n to do ii<*n?ral house work in a *mall tami'y; c ty or country. 1 A "WEST 33TH St.-A_ R?tSPE?TTA?I.? OfRI, TO IT?' do irfneral hoo.ow-irk. or rbatnbcrwork aim w^itloc: willmcand obitgtnK; citv reference*. 1 I 7 I' 1 ST S2f? ^T ?A resri.CTABI.R VOI !fr? III elrl lo do tr ntrai housenork in a small p.r.ate lani!'}-?. bes; rit? reRrencr. 1 I AST riOlHTOH <T.. ROOM 1 . - A TOBMI ii'rmjn girl -o do een< r<?i housework. 1 -ft WEST ssrn RT. RKTWnri cm AND 7TIF I'M* ?v< , second flight np.fNR respectahle UtacriCfin Proteatant clit >o do Keniral h..tiwwork i >r an old couple in the eoRtttry; two ytar*' retarenc* only. i Z.A tin Voi: v( VoMARTUTSLt iO t: laaded, to doceneral h 'i?<work. 1 c- WKBT I7TII ' T.?A RRSPi f ta I'l.K <H"L TO !???) do general hon?? work in ? i nrate rami;r, #c at pluln cool-, wafher and; conmry preh rreu ; go <4 elty i?ierfnc? _ _ 17<f k\-t ism ft., i niFT no >R.- a nrspicT 1 I V ?Me j onng woman to do bousewur*. T7<"! EAST I'lTII ?T? RASKMENT.?AR ELDKRf.T JLI U s>omn i want* a ultuatlon to do liwiit hoo>eworK ; no v ttl. n . a eood home mora of an object than big!) n.W. (Mil or address. _ IQtl MOTT?T., SBCOWD FI.oor, IR THE Rf-' A It.? I <7.? a respectable yonni woman to do grueial honi"S?ririt. "r winld do upttain wort; city or c an try ; ?oo<l rei'crencn. tint) WEST 19V! ST., 8F.CORD n.oor OP,?A reanecubl*ywB ?;ri to do hon??w rk *r,()d plsin ceok, w??her an t irener: willing and obllfing; good ctiy reference. tint wi sr ?<rrn ^t? m: ar tth av._a otRr. todo general housework In ? atniil pn?ate family ? be-t city wltHiwt Ofie WBHT MIH Sr-AN RMOLIBH PRO TK9* tnnt wom'sn to do general IgUMVott in ? ? mail family; good city rricreucr*. OA|? BAflT MTH -T -A RRPPPOTaM-H TOOXfl ?gtrl 11 am^t in itgbt houNwork au.l Ult care ofcbiidren. KITr ATI?l!kM Wm?TBV.rB?Atl!?. Omonil llonacwork. 4m. on7 WEST 3<TH .ST.?A BK*P CTABt.E UrDDLK ~ "I aged Kcotei) woman to do ttgbt house work in a small prt\au: family, ur would lake cat* of one or iiri walking children. 910 EAST 2XTH ST.. BASRMKST.-A RESPKC ? I ? faMe young girl to do general housework or * sn-all private family; 1* a ko<?i cq?k, ss and lronsr; Mat from laet pint. Ol 7 WSSr 571'U ?T.. nKTWRFH RROAOWAT ANI) I I 7th nv.?a respectable irfrt. lately landed, to Co general housowork Itt a -mail private tamlly. oiQ bast i:,rn hi, fKCOvn floor.--a rk. ? 1 O spectahle yor'tig girl to Uo housework ia a email family, good reierenee. . (H>() Wl'ST 18TH 8T., TOP PLOOR, PROVT room.?A (l.-rinan girl to >1o general housework, in au American family: best city references 9Q9 WR3T JO I H ST.?A RESPKO'ABtiB TO0N.5 girl to do general hovuewoik In a pmau> tauiily; beat city reference. QQ I WsT ?|RT ST., TOP FLOOR. BEAB.?A RP *-?> r apeetab'e y nng girl lately lauatd, to do gcco. ral housework: wifiin? and obliging. 90 4 CTIl ST-a. BE PiCTABLR YOI7NQ OIRfi 1" either to do light housework or to take, cart) of cb'Ulrm; no obJocUon to go Ui the country ? coou city reference ik OOQ PAST 65V1I ST.-A GOOD, WILUNO AND ' )'j (ftltglng girl to do general housewo'k in a smalt private family or upstairs' work; good olty reference. 9J.7 west 31ST sr., near sth av.-a rr peot 1 I a' > voiiue woman to do general boiuewurk m a small private tainT v; good reference. OKI W"ST 39TII ,^r._A ronsa 011:1. TO no G .N ?''.1 eril liouMwor'i In 1 -tnail private finally; ci;y orcountrv; basicity reference. ___________ OCA WK-T36TH ST.. IB .TUB MILK ITftlft-A German girl to <lo general housow . k;goodref 9P') ? 1 1 :? ? ST., roi* PI IIOR, BACK ROOM.?A J ^ii0';irl to doge ..era hou?ework; beet city reftrercf. OftQ PAST lor.l 8T? KKAK 1.1T AV., FIRST flo ?r.? \ yon? woman to rto jcnersl bous<v work : la a go.- 1 plain cook, washer and ironer; good ref erence. ( ill lor iwoiluys. 979 DIUSOIf sr.. REAR.?A RE^PECABL'J ? I ? young woman to do general house work, in x ?mall family ; no ob.ieciijn to the country. 97Q AT. A IN THE TORE?A GIRL TO DO *? I ?" goneral iwu-cwork; good reference. 97H AV-. nBST FLOOR. FItONT.?A RE S'~\J ??peclabla girl to ilo general boU,??work; Ik .t rel'erencea. ?>] I EAST ?ITH ST.. IN THE STORE.-* RB~ ??1 I apMtable young arirl to do genoral t!ou!tework : i? a good plain cook, wuahvr aud lron.-r; beat city ret MWCM. OT 9 P.APT 1ITH ST.-A BKSPi CTABI.B TOl'.VO ? > I mj girl to do liouwacork aud washing. Call for two daya. Ol I E\ST 720 ST.-A COMPETENT PERSON TO ?' ' ? do general Uounework lu a small family; best city refereuce. ')1 V AST mil ST, RECORD FLOOR, BA<K. ?'1<? room 3. ?A mrl to do general bou-ewurk or a< good cook, ?a.tber nnd iruutr; njilci.Jul UaKer;r.o card* un.-i\vered; good iwbrrnee. A resneclaWe uirl loaogeneral h. uioworkor upaulra work in a small t'annlv 0?>9 EAST 23rH r-T. ? A liKM'Ki TAH1.K TOCNO, Birlto do general bmitewori lu a ?uiali private family. Call or ad.tre-s. QQQ lAttMl ST ?A 14V CEUHtX Ol"L TO ? )?>0 do s>'?ei ai h.iusework >u asiuail pnvatu (ami'> ,? good reference. ?JQO 3:) AT., BE rtV"' S 27 If ?NI> 28"H ?*&, ? >Ow tirst tloor, front room.?a res|>eetabUyoung clrii to do irncrai bouse work iu ? private lainily; buitcity ri'loreuce. 8T1I A\.?A T0l)\0 OI' I. TO I/O Ol.KKKAlj hMwwortj beateiiy reierenee. ^1') WI'S' fijTIf ST., NK 1 R 9TH AV-A RESPECT-' IO nM? elt l 10 do ??encrsl liuu-ewoi k in a small family; willing and obliging; w>d mereuoe. Call for ttvooave. 7H1 AV.-A vol NU GIRL TO DO GENERAL housework: good city re erenee. 400 414 A 9fJ WP8T '2D ST.?A Re sI'KCTABI.K WOMAB) "J to do don^:worW by the day or week: good ref. 4 47 WKHt ?rril ST. -A RESPECTABLE BKtiUSS woman t? do rencral bo:isework. -?)(? (iR' 1-NWffH sr.-A Kl-'SPKCTABLE WIDOW woman.* ho has one clril tiiree yoara old. ft* dogeneral nii-ewiwk In a 'maHtamily: not airald ol' work; country pre 1 ried; l?'-t ?t re.ercnceg. r?l- WtXT 29ru-sr.. Fl.tvr rb^pkot .)???/ aui" girl, lately landed, in a private tainllv .il willing and obliging ; no objection to work, t atiorad dreat. BAST ma ST.?A RE-PECTAB1.E WOMAM" ? >?J 10 do gen ral housework; u willing and oblig ing; best city reierenee <i7H ?TH AY ? CM*<* or VI ST.. FIRST IJ I U floor ?v res nee table girl todo general houae* Work: is a good washer, or wool I take c.ire ot cliil iir-n: ix wilurg a-ol .n.-iging; no ohjcctioa to tbe coun try: haatood reierencea. 79c S'? AV. iBINO ECOKD BELU?-A RESPCCT I At) at>le girl to do lleht honaework; n ? objection to go a ehert distanee in the country; good city reference. gill 3D AV.. BErWEEK t'? n AND WTH STS -A O'"'/ re?t?c.ab!c youuti 4irl to do gctieral hoti?: w ork ; i? a ifo >d vi jsiii r .?:i 1 u ?aor. un cb oetion to tbe country; .ood citv rtle;*e!ice l.oin MgUMace. QilO 3!' AV.-A Bl.SflfcCTABLR tilRL TO D;? OUO general bju e ? .rk in a prival family; eooA wi-tu r au.i Ironer; Bret <!?*?? reference, also girl jujt tended. _ ____ nuQ A v.?A rOLNO FKGUSH OIKL (? ATBLT ? IOO arrived III thii couutrv-' to do light housework in a private miuiO, in this <i ) , beet reierenee. Call until engaged. 1 nQQi> *v-. BfcTWKKN MTU AND fi.TH HTr?._A ItVtJO girl, lately land.M. tj do get.erai honseworx in a suiall family. 1 1111 ST> AY., WEST ro::.VF.R or RT.rTI T.. TOP l.ll" floor.?A rettwrtaK* vonng widow to do een era' hoinpyrort: ?\.-u. ? to Uk? Dei ba'iy. eight months ol' along; wUJ|??towork tor b>>srd : city or coentry ; nnderstand? all work ?"all Ix-fore l> o'clock or after *. 1 >D BETW^.BJI T6T11 AND 77TH UTS., I.?)???" lot tloor ? youiu girl to do lieuae-.vark; la m c ??l watbei jou ironer; . a .-!*> raierenee troia last pit c. A RESPECTABLE COLORED OIBL TO DO or:N J\ oral boa -work or as cnaial-ert'i iid end wai re s. ? .|r< ?J, lor tnodays, MARY H.. Ilui'ald Lpto>vu Braacik ?Ace. HiiuitketiMii, >Vc? 1! ISTH ?r.-k TOl'VO l ll.f, A <".??'O Iff l?) 01 ? hrrriuldk-1> oii mi .ml hlghlv a roMpti^bed, .tt hcu?fk" i er; wuivw^pB fa. ally pr.-erred. <;?H all 70 SD ft, r\RI,"tt A Torino r.At>T, IO ?-.!n a* -f! amt rol uc l, a? li<;ueekee:ur Ca'l be iween Uunrt 6 only. ___________ | >)1 CI AHLHa *r.?-TW(> A MKRICAN WIDOWS I u 1 imot.i r nn.t itmiitit) r> t> k erri honsc r <r * wl.owor in to take chart.n it a hnum duxing ifcj at n'uc; <>( t It iily. Can fee tecu thn weak lf?K bI.EF.CK HH .. rrnsT rLO0R.-V VBtb JIM atC'?mj4^hfl French a 1y a-h >u?. kecpsr to a 805 A WK<T?rn r . parlor pr,o r.-a voi s. wif.iiw i! rn n? rf> m i?keeper, Wldower'a fnuiilT prarerred. Call ter Uirer day*. Mr?. KRABMKB. ? wnii 'v i 'i>r, op nrari sT\xr?TNt?, wisiinn J\ to meet ?tth a gvnt'cman who w!J %?t r li*rtaa p itinu ai bin ^keeper or nma reapactabia buaineaa* a-..: A A.. li. rai l I'ptown (franco rfllca. a Torso nr.R*A!? i.Ar>T. Kl>rrArnr>. wa^ A pn,|;ii.i u wid ?w.-rN lamilv aa nouvXntpor. Al i r ? s - v* . box H? Herald ptnwtl Rraiieh office. ? L'nr as hol'sekrrprh or i.advs <-..m Miiion; would taka ohar.-o of a hoii'w wra family wlaluat to trareU anl wi ukl !'>?ri har employer fi uJOt rt-ieronccaeacaaiiK "d. Ad .rea< II ??I r.I.. UerAld atflea. A LADT OP KDl'CAT!OS AWO FKVIRKHKNT AS ;\ n nrrtT oi :nv i o*if on n-t ??nt*. ?. ritv r.ifcr m oi. Addreas i*MIIMHA, bjx IT H?rala rlB? <?. MlDIlLK AQF.D aVKRICAK "MIOW VI HOC t kt >?!>< r or companloa i?>r a wliawrr; ?- ^ tni'<r*>e or would do 'if entire w?r* ?*c. pt wa<.iliw) f-r * lamilv ot two: h ,:li wage* not r.i > ! a%ob,ect a< a quirt home in or neir \aw Tark; go..J ra.'ereaoa. All.!: I.i A BKO >V H, (tathM K. Iiamulif <*(<? <)(> K*>r r*rn pt-\ rorvo oirl as t.vpi. ,_i I dr< (w #*l t? with rhanibtrw rk ta i private (i mt\y ftv hi e..untrv"I r r*i?cp. 7| CMARLBS ST.- ^ HRXT f I, I.AI NDRi: -I I I t<? do up Kulii's* Bite la. ? * in tha aiaii': aiaaaer or to to out bv Ute day; h*? reieresce. ? rjn SSTI' st.. WEAK ?T?? av.-A Torita GIKf. A< I O l.tflttdreaa or *o a*?nt with cr.aiubi-rwur??: (Mat cit? r. ten nc?. I 77 Lexington at., rimsp.K or ifr n ft -m I I i fli-?t cln?.t la'ii?lro? m ? i'ri**t<> mmily; tborouab I ly competent lo her works keatcfty reti-rmca. no WK?r iwru ST.?A VOI NG O'ttl. A3 F1K9T ? ? ria-? '(*nndre?* over aereu >aar< of be^t cur rewreace. Call umay. lie *K<r III r. m Alt r-TH av.-a or. I 1 ?? ahfe wotniMi to i .ut by the da? as laudrcM or to take work home ;jh- reteraticc. lift macdouoat, .t .\ pir-t clahITTauiT i 1 IU drev 'Olt.'lta*. Inland ironing to do at her I own ho'is', tor li*fl e- ma gentlemen 110 WKUT MO ?T.?AH AXKRTCAM WOM AN' AS 11'/ latin\re?j or clesiKr; (o?d retorence. Apply t.? | orad.ireas *ii McOONAt.i'^ j ]i(i wt-sr 13TB pt. ? ?i Fta-iT run ! lit/ l.iun ire?A tn ? nrlrit.e fam'*, hue ever ???*?:? rear* reiereact* trom i**t ptaoe. i;?!! vt ad!rata isr v?od-<S* I 111 VMT arrw ?t., ?iro*0 floor. ho>c 11 ? I r room.?A tievlr ?nina(> a a !annin*?a, uo ot?> i??tioB go in the country: *a> l city refrr^r<-? | 1'1"> Wt?T WTH KT. ?A RR PfC'AHIl WOMA* j lO'l aa #r?t <"!a?a ianodrei?t ao ?Maatloa <? ?fc? M|hk chamberwork; lKfi?t - oy ???<er?n - u i fer ff ?? Jaj v orn ?T., ircui?i> fi.oor. a r r~ . . .. .?r? .1 !auu4r?M ?J?? ? ~ ? I ky '0 or wa<>iL *-* **?' ??i 14