Newspaper Page Text
C1T1 KKju. kvuiii run liLK. Oulrul. ARCPRfBTT nriLT llofJ-R OP FXTR V wid'i H ?or aale in It"* :??. nth inra<l near Pitt* aveane. K. H. LVOi OW 4 CO., 3 1'iua aired and Js taw eeneu tee nth street. 4 ?OS WASillNiJTOS HEIOHTS, N K 4 R I Ml J\ ? superb e't i'>i *liiiirn 'Of *e?sr?. > harlee O't OJW an I Jaii'ei iiordM Bennett, '?niv 4U minute* t.> w?!i Wet,- K euam moneni doul fe Mansion and ground* r? *il or u Int *?rv I..W. OflifM U I'saa ?4?ae|aiid 3J aat bvvvniei i.ih street V. K n*.w m-Y Jr. l|H>lt NAI.k?A KOCH UTORY HIOIl STOOP BROWN I1 stouo iiousa. -?ix.V)*iul. in MxtieHi su.-et near J'aru avenue; tcHM <???()?; i*1"' "?"?/, i r P,,'ni ,r Ifi" ? I >! Xi'liu litis- Apply 10 jAl'Olf (JtjUh.l, MJ t?M six tieth street For sai.r-thb vau'abi.b r.or wrrn bcilo. in?. 1 Prince silent, corner ?>i .tott street; lot 3$ let i * inch* 1 bj U6 feet iuuiu:e ttt 23x \> aJbltlgtoO alt. H r?t KiU?< A-rol SALC-OBBVr BvRUUV: BF>T HO0.?B ? in Ninth waist, three story bish loop bi i?n stone front. om i v improvement ami eonvenlcuca, no trade; aua> wi'iiii. JAM .* PKiDt, .'w i*ud.wn tlritlt L^OIt SAl.K-A r 11KKK oTOBY BRli'K liOt'SK IV I inc Mil!ii w.iru ; tool lo? ation. lot 2 x. ; lor 3". OJ, U sola within Uio u xi I nay* JU H. fcl'ELli, TA Bieecker street BRtiOKLfX PROPtMH ''Uil AND TO LK1 UK.ltcTaL'- car OK, BIGHT POOIH, TWO l?u due II till: Of t cl.i?* J .ntuuies from ferrie- |>U':.?ii jui iii-ii> -*iiis. n.t i.i \ingtoO av?. uuc, between l'aiciieii avi-iiuc ami Broadway. f|H> l?Kr?"?"> CLAftON AVENUE, HIRE hTORY 1 fra ..i- bi-uine it Home; Is loom ?, 13 pjntrt^s water on eaeii Boor; < ewly pap trod and paintc ?; rent $3U pi-r m> n il: hai a irom Ut- K lib uvcuue fart. J. a. Uai.l a. aO >, Si'j i rank in a venae. WKSTt HKCTKR COV*TV PMOPKRTV FOR s VI,K A > l> TO If E\T. IPOB SAL'.-A Mi>.-r UhLtlHTKt'L t'OUNTHV r M-at, in s-earadalc, We?tcb??ter county; baicuit it* praornt ov. iier 34 Ku.i pariS-uUrs a'i i Phn ouraptu wltn ADA Mm HA II HV, li)*? Broildwav mnr.h i! or. Ij^OH *Al.K?123 \CKI-S I.AND, WITH llWK(.l.l>0 J? Uoiine and uutbtuldliig*. two uiii ?? !?:.:? ni Yontura, Bi-w Yor!? B" ton an: ?i .ii:r<-al railr-i d ri; is tbroapB t*: ii c fita:n? -jine of t * rtue?t bulldlne ?iie? in VV m C trHcr county: *in tx> nnrt l)a?cil ? a bargain on liberal terms Ad<lro>? oW??ali, Hofht oWce. ______ TTOl'HK ;i? LI'. ?Af KYS, THREK-fOURtHS OP A Xl mile Irom Ocpot and tn-arh eiuli e?u ronmi, yttic and cailar; <-arria>{? wa-ti and fervantu' honwj t'lirdi fi auu lawn; near i. r-e cbor 'iea; rent 350 per month. 1>. ?TimMO im*|i..i or C. V. AJtuBfiS N. bJ9 it .Mark s aveiiae, Mravklyn. ri'O I KT-AT IIROGO'S SICK AND PKLHA* I BrW|<e, ?e%oral l.and-ome Villas; have water I'rontg on the ouihI: fine -ludr irteijpoja tt?-nin?; ba-hmg and boating: ti- y deairab e locaii.?n; pcriectly bealtby; ane hour tfo ii >e v Y ,r* by Poru-tle?tar raiiroyi; will rent l w to tirn rta? pari #*. Apply at ?*. LUnlhlABO iCn.'*. l< rimmbers mreel. rro i t?at yoskkk-*, v n x.TanTruLt,y ro 1 cv d. cemole cly lurnl-hed CotUjo, with grounda and ?ia.> e aliaelieil. I;ir the mmmer. t>i a '?mail ro*ptni. ??bl? lamilr; li?? ail mndei !? improvem ni*; rent low to a par.^ ?!io will Buard a rutins gentli-man. AJdre-a tb <KMUit. ileruld I piown Br.iiu b olhre. YO!4KKtS _1-.'5 ACRKS HIGH OP.OCNO fOK BALK at a low figure to tin e estate. K. O. 4 i bKOW.N, 90 Broadway. JKKI-KY lirv, IIOHOKKV, : 11 !;? O \ C1W %\0 BKR(iK\ Kk.Ui KHIAI'K. To or iicane. TO HR\T-lARGE MAM8IOX, Fl'lRISHROt TWO aeres ornanieuial kirouiam, can lutfo noune. urn n hou?e. pori- siirini< water, *c ; on I'uli'ude*. opuoelta Hiteeii!h "treei. New York, an I within -6 nilnuie^ nf Stewart'* Broun wav *tor-: J ? ininu'es from ClirlMti i her aim rttt.-e.lav itruet lurrie* via i-.levati r; r?-iit low Uine ceptable ten uil Adare^a HoBkSii-AD. Ueratd oliice. PROPERTY OIT OI<" T.'IK ( 1T> FOR 8AL.K OU TO RE\T. ARAItr. CMaM'E.? a CHiJlCK PA KM Oh 42 VfRRB. In Uut.-K? (.-riiin'y fill carilen m Pcnnivlvaii.a , tor ante, with to?K. t'rop*. Ac.; very rleh. imi.-oiti lac J ; rnnning ??t r fln?, -nb-tantlal Imiidinj- -. *.oti ? d *>? i in*, lurae harn, <? rriaac riou?-. pie t-r/ hfnn?-ry, Ac ; nice orctiaru ch ipt iroit: location o- snrpai el for beauty and hi-altnloineja: otic mi e .rutn a 1 iv- Hour. JahmK t. wn 1'4 h< uin :rom Pbila ielpnla: I ni'? AM 14 aaMirnaer traiiw dam a1, hours to >-w ?ork. ? be iut.i fu Home; cash market; Inn- roads: iliiilinn iwnoi oy ?ne aentietnan M vears; price. in< Inning i ?o itn iior?e?, in Ce#*, 11 tv I'd e una i'arrfa,e. Harm ?i two Wagnna Parmi e luiplcmo-iLiami ooi? wlr $ '""i;$3, i?i ca Ii: haiMiicc?i?% >ut.iv I I !'?.hV KALk t. i ll n-t eeveitiwntu Mrcet \ew Y rk or a tdri* mi o.iut L. WALKKu ytiakertown. Bucks cou-ity. Pa. ATERT BKAVTIPCL COCXTRY S AT OS THE 111 -><>n. near >ya.-k. oue ti< ur irom 'lie city, lor aaie or io rent. tu'ni?W i . inolern Imu-e eoiiiaioiMg ii riMims. c.jiuina dinit Mnierli u-w of nvrr mid moun tain. per lee i ly t.e?i hy; tniit* in Kreal ?s:i. v un I atwnd.ii ) ; warden un.nted Ur -e lawo. well -.i'a<ird: pleasurr walKa of are it extent; Co laae f ,i tfmdcntr; pastaraire mm .ar. f hirn A) acre? ot land: notnutg on wa river c?a ex.-ei it in all tnai is demri-d tor a coun.rv ftaieac*. Address *> K. UkA.H, -.yac*. ... V. AB AHIKl'L PARM. 44 ACRXi; OOOD Hul SK. 12 room^; oti.halii iiies (oinpiro ; pi. i orchard irntt. rsoBinp *i er, to mi (es a is1 ant Iiu.f. irom two r .il road depots: terms aceoiumod.itint. > II on or address tfc.- owm-.-. A i.i. \ .- ? i ?. ii 11 . > n*b.-rr v itreei. N k IT mOLEWOOD?K*OII JINK 1 POR TWO OR 71 Ibrre m,, r,.nip e'eiy fnrrii-h d i.ome, with ??? of hi ?c an l ea lair.-, cow. garden and giound .5 ?eees, Wfji ?t,icllf<l witli Iruit. getaf.t'? ao<3 l>r.Ul.ry), billiard room. ac.; io a ?ru-?.I priratr lamiv onl. at mo.rri.le rent Apply to AKCillBALJ lAlbOK, H> t liureb sur. it 4 VEKT ti '"s'tlt ab1.T UOCATElf ;? K V.-HOBR HO J\ tul or lioardina il .u e. aalen ill lusi iiu I'Cjc i. 4 ., ?ns lioar tr .ui ci.v. to let, *.. n?uitrauoii rtttus. Ad dress i. W. U.. 2,'J Pearl atreer. XPLKa^ANT HOUR H)R P, OPl. IN' MO! F.RATK etreaat^tauoaa; fo.iy m.iiut?i in Maw Jaraey; near l??ot i burette?, cbooli. ac.. mre II rents; u-autiH'l bail .Ink'alien rrcin ?,4 to 3U-.I S I1 ba paid fair in 4ui^ <?ay to sit pafefcaaars Bi Canal atrat ttM ML A BBACrirfL cot At; ? ro tub bio prb -A mouili, at l.uU.eiiom I'ara. .v. J.; nuuniea Iroin Hot ai Barclay streai. Ap,.iy w J. l'i*fc..NlU ?, itii Braaiway. A VNT RtSUiEM F., W At:riE- IN fUt'TT, . (art*!). M?T. cu.t.v atioit -In: new <H coan; (.".lit.'iv :ti i eb4ra<ttiK p * c "i minwt* irom lerry, rtimi lnu4; tK, W'-irtn urcr ( ?' ? ; t.> tlunp aa ????!?. 1) ^ kI n triul <wn. AUfc-iRArti.K two ?To V BACK Ml: NT, IB I'lUUB < i itaua, Willi Tcinnila troal < aiaaiawdlitg iR* *!*??? ?? ^ itir laudx: pa vitwtm Mai iluiu 1', acr?;car rtage ti Ui. I .v > roa i -ti. t. I T CORN A A B on niaio Righwaj: lirer a . J muu'-*>r *i w. . a?-r?'-. tcku ? J i 'bard; will i ?.r rmu twin ah?<l. A J? 111 .>, A.S, UO'irr. ? <wii?ail N V., ?c L&Wia HE.ii II. Attorney, >7 P?. t yUu, SitV rl A ?TORIA-llOU-K. 13 BoollS. BHACTirELl.T .\ k..u j- I ? Ramam -ir-'i t ?,? raat ??:.?ap uiil< ten mii u .*?' mil ir .m l<i?i ar.a.u*. op;. y fa J. V il. LAWalEBt ><arJ*il?tr el A v I ' AHI.K H IMiINO Ml IK AT BFR6I-.S J* ''?'?? hill tn* <il at a .ar-ri.tre to a caatl ?immni r i?, i:i ?. tr? i aas. Addrtai UAMJL. >n, .?x !? / Herald offir BEAI lit . i.l.Y 11 L" ATKi> ON CR i N NV: ? 11 i ore, ?,!ni(sr icnt. a nit.* r !l u?- a i la k' (a.4<:i: -fijii.- a ? I irci ? ? h ? int in.i fc.i ?u.iu ; |>rt?. ?- <?. 1 ui.-- . MOttTtBBR, I t-rvM tormr t i:> l, in trt?a? r< / 'ON-fcll ?. ?. lilTi, :CU< * ABOI 1 ?;W.. IMJ Tt'l'K V.' !<??? ai.J .1. ii .< km.. ;n ot anolwiJa. . 1j mo.toliav. i(..M t?v Hi .[ w; , $? >...!? ami '.a Men 111 tliraa v??r*, wi:J m. >. .- a I a<? a ?l i r, Bmltjaaui you. i t??n i..; : . t? L??t *na a an I )i A. It. at ".M i Snrtt a ? ru-, ? ?_*. <i:>i*ir?cc ?p| T. I OBBl lX ? ( O.. AU'll iNa. IUI, aril.E hELf. I', at pabii"" aaiil'.o, mi l.? anl ?.ti TbarcUy. JW.IV -* >-i?. *' l?'CIUCt I*. M ill I u. Illli I it,.I ? ?Irfut Co:uKe<, t<> e o-t a-i ri>ta ??'. ims p p?i!v in iMiaatiialiv ?tt?a *4, i.i< taxov ??." :v:^ aim ?tn t? wiihiR lg m awi-a1 ?aik oi lur u.'n: tnt*-. i ?tt ??rj !? ii to . Wbiu i nil ?: >. t. Map <1.111: tin ur,,pert/ nut intvM *? about re? rr< : t* tu, iii m,U , arefea?era. F''?K * A* r fT ? ?uitt.,(.i>N . a I i r.iif. i r,E fan- r- - .<? ic?. mx mi.: >wait fr?w? #ei> *; o?? ?~r* ot imi . An?lv laid u?it: tiail ?nn ?ha4# u >?; : ri.^ aarriaje h< ne. lui. par.lcnlarf it W ?? bETM.jCkm, 171 KraatiwajN t'Oil A! I -Al [?i-I.V. W.KH Sr-MI'IID A T X tr i: ra-is ti?n. a 'hn'mnu alaar o< ibte? acr *; ?ItTatr1; tjr-uibr; : ?r <a a, ri?<?l Minat ti tin; tai U. mr; i. in. w m- t ?i| ja'a outlMi i itnjta. gar jcii, lia.'. < ;a 4aa**i< ?l X * 1 <? .muf. JaM . ?> I'Hi E 2M .'fc Fum hit i - ? r i ? i<; ?? I- i r a ? <?e.vrb not rt I- "Tl ;i i?ri immt on ari-ma* l?. SS ten ?a Blatter ii lb i,i ? r? i". nbn<a will ha ?o t v?rf low - f lartMr |ori,cular? au >r- *i H it. tiot J?W E. at tffl r, Srw V . < I/OH ?U ;s? OR^KH or ?XBCU10BR * ti J tia?' ? ?? *ffr?*t ??rrit?r?. a tiaei wf.n.4, i?n*6 ?a i ha acnM>*lcr irn?. r.jr. ewniart i.u Macrf, in tha ? ? t C'l?' lrr, >ii ii? .Nor.lii i u BaWriNMl, ?i^,u. l.i a it in v. ?? V ra J, *? ?u.nmr taw h?ari of tM oa ii an<> ? !? iti. <? I'jik v I,?i.,t* For nirrh r ra.-t-ea *i? r ? TO ,| H<?N< 4 %l??t *.<, Ra 1 rint ? r?at, R'lw V r*. or H. *. I. .Hit AH. Enntawo**!. M. J. !,'/,! I! ? il . ? tl.T AT n vv ? WllOB, 1*0 J ??r.v i<>airat>i? Uottri'*, oi U riMMMtanb (tmtaatai By faorM iara t<i>?a Mm**: win !>? ranxi 11? to e-mi tenae i ln>i ari ai hi it-.- l..,? lumi inca i .? pmuf. Ml I i .a J way,u< J. U. Hi iPh i > k- v?m* ,| IpOR SAI K AT A HABOAIN-TUK ^OICH PI, A TBI ! I Moit 1. in^aira or ?i. jii ? to >, 121 Lilian; *ir> at, or_A._i/KRAt'l?. Scotch I'laina j J|?l)RBIt?H"B MUCSK TO I.ET- FiR ?RAM>> i 1 . oathr ort. i on.i >?w Hav a ' a.'roal; i?n Ua ??r?ole. A pi rt..- nci;. Ml I.K l.".? IT XootBp >?. Conn., urJTiUH rt. f L , 7J Hr Mwiy, Sew Ton. LU'llMMil I) HOC - K To I RT FOR THK 8f:AM)?.; 3' pwa- un v >u.ia:*?l ?.n I ?. rj ?? _ Ard., t Va"' rk ? 11 MtliKbiMlbttrt ?? Jaki*, m ,ii. pai; P ut nai k on io BFAT a j no * two ?u. t i ? ?, h i tarsi U? : - 0. i . m. aj ? A . lib* i K.IO*, t.Mf .,anop?\or ^ ar??ai W. AVr.BV Katani.i. i tioi.'Bl lAMM-dftii *< hi s, favor ably mi. _ fat?><l, *?ry low ror e*?h; ntm aiklrraa Wi.'H k< I.a ? &. ???.. i ? al, utBi mfupHi row* -?'.vi "-ai, vb v di antaiu r Ju < o?utry aata a .1 iiwal-infa to t?t. < allar(1??. am in* my liat ar a4draaa / ua>B? , Mar> raaown. H. J. ?**<).? Kt-<ToWM. H. J to ERT, fOH THK ft I, ?*i K JII f*,.a>n a oicaiy ittrol?h<-'l l!ou?a v. iloa reor.t, w.i?ara<o?ata baia. i. famh ir-?an.i ctnirai alcii f >,1 ? ittr A?. trt-a Till-" AVB.-f?. r?a. ??? ? ipent, Morristaan ^ o' WM. u. ? hafmi. <, Jlawisa v?.?a. M PROPKRTY OUT OH* TIIK TITT FOR 8ALH UK TO KKST. _ /ABAVQE, *. J. IBPECIALTT).-BBBT. KBAWW OB v F year, ?otue handsome, fully inruiabej BeaWencea, on m >uutmn (southerly * one) or ridge oppoalte; extaia give view*, e ict ilent neighborhood*. ii a M tL1 oA WAI.L!S,30 Pine ItfWt ORANGE. N. J?A GENTLEMAN OWM.VO A street, with tots nleelv i/raded nejr depot. Is de airout of a party to u-W by buying a part or helping u? mi. rove ihe -?n ? ?r tlkMVM btfMKumi nntiseir, liberal arrangi-uii nt: no amenta. Addre*. 'or UtN? daya. 0. E , Gerald office. TO LET-N A HA NT, FOB TlfK HFABON. ORB OP the most desirable H u*e?, thnrouulilv lunn hed. Apply to C. H. UlUaO.N. 17b i>f v^unUIre street, Boatow. rjH) Fir "It FOR fAlii'-TIIRKK BEaPI*IPUL i Country Villas, 16 ininu't ftom Sew York, on (trie of New .lawn iiul'roid; uliiiJo tiuea. lawn, iruit of all : klo.ii; flue view, Posting un I flshin* wKfcln imjMt er house: healthy location. Apply to ?. 8. aHBPHHBU, : lit Broadway. _ j TO LET?FOR I'llK sfasob, at jiaximsm t. U I. .! I a large . arm hou?o, 12 room*: plenty of abtdc; gar den; carriage bouva ami etab'e, with two acre* ot Inna: 1'. inlln trom depot 'Ireat N'e<k). Addrese C'llABLEa 1 w KnuEt.s, Ureal Acck, nt JOHN hr-MjeRsoN. Mau- < ha-iset, L. I, _ _ I rrO LET-FOR THK SEASON, A < ENTLEM * V8 I place near I'ug'owcod, N. I.; larue lawn and gar den; hou^e witli every ett* convcnuceu. Apyly to aK< ill AU) iaYLOU, lli< hurou iitecl, rpo LET?OX Til?, NORTH SHORE OP I.ONO 1 Island, one of tlij most elaaaut re-lleuces in the , vicinity ot St* Vora; reui low. ibHiii, Ko-iyn U i. fTO RENT?HOl'?K ?*N ITtDSOJC RTVER. IS MiLr3 1 fr rm city; landicapa and ? ?t<-r view ot t> mileaj i location un urp..-..- l lor health; inn'' room-. A, ply to i ? il W. ul V. \Va?ljin*tou dotel, .No. 1 Broadway. _________ I rPO RENT?AT I.O\(l HRANCrl. N J . THK IIANO. 1 suinest an.i tm>?t convenient i'nt'tii;e or. the shore I facing she sea elegan'Jv in;:u hi d large Ice house tilled; kitchen garden, 11 c hutting Ac.; will bo reined to a pri\? o faiuily. AiiUcu A., box 4til Post office. I ?OBKAT HAROAIM OFF"-1'.!.P -F 1 R*t ' 1 -?? acres, half mile Mpwart < <>n triti i'ark iii-pot. K I.; icrmieavy; or wnleachatum lor citv i.o:s on caau b?si3. t L.?TAlf, 3u >itnton ?treet ibaac- , t DC fit. 11K AL JEST ATB TO BXCHAjlQB. A PINE LA HUE HOI P, WITH OROLSD8, FOR j -V a lo, r> t or asrhau e, at Ki c.Jand 1 a<e; acccs* 1 by boat or rail; it very lieMlUiy. p ?*?ain pluo . PaVso.N A PaCl., 3S l orilamli ?tr. et, X. T. I I FUCR STOXtY BRICK. HOUgl'., WITH 11 * R j'V Uiree utor.v uric*, near Tenth avouuu and Koriy tblrd ?lr?ei, $17 .? i. io exctianve lor low price t Brooalvtt Aiou??. UlJi.BKRT i'Ki.K, 2oa Wt?t Thirty-'ourlh street. 1 SMA LP ACM l IF .IV N Al RK' ' OR J\ lt.?a), wiih hoiiMi an 1 barn a, on elev.itfU vu>uod( 1 tr<.nutit; aii l near Kucklanrt Lake: acce-.^ in rail or ..oat; will hcH. ei1 huti?'e or i ent. it app.ied .or m>oB. rAY.s0.s A PAtL, Hi. rtlaitdt ttrcct j * C? R.NER r.-UT i ONTaIM O PIVK BI IU>IN(J iV lota, demrably located, caah pri-e $i5(nm; nnln eambered; excaau^e lor good farm within flttv inl.e^ of >ew York. A. m.uviy\ l-i, isu >aaaaa mtaat i IRK PHOPKBTY-RKAR CUV. BF.ST SKW JKR J\ lev railroad occupied a? Farm; very Uenirable, enhanctnc inveatnicnt; will excUaugo i?r i*iui,eriy xlTot iiiV present income. Addreaa uWNtR, 131 West Thirty-uigfiUi ttreet. ? j C1HOICE LOTS FREE AN D CLEAR, TO f X'sHANOB J lor Riunoi, fcwn u MacbiiK'ti ami .VercbauUioe ol all kinds. AndreiMi 11. B. boxl.' Herald office. f^OR 8AL -O.M WMST THIKTV KOtKIH SillSfcT, i an at r.ictivc hUn utoop engiuh b* ? nicnt nrown ?ton" ll>u?e; price #.0 0; woul 1 take country or Krooalyu Houim worth ?T.'iOi or ibernal>ouu In part payment. Hul.Mh.* BituTHi'Ka. No. 48 La-t 1 wenty-ihird street. F"0R SALE OR EXCHANGE?FOUR SIX 8TOKY Tenement Hounea, in f-veiiih ward. In good cwder, paving at the rate ol P per sent (irr 41,num. lnijuiro of UafCrt, RONU * CAut.. 3:9 UroaJway. I.^Oit s \Li: ok ;.X?'U *N<: -Mm s r VKBMiV. 5. V . I twos orv Hona-\ i>u 1 t three years; eight r nma; 5'JxIO) ??>??? 01 g oiiii'l; outbuiidiug. iruit, Ac. Adur> as HUlLhV, Uer.?M o.Mee. \TiW and OH l'!Ah..K TKMEM -NT ROU8BH TO ! 0.v exchai *e fof itu.i tlntr l.o.- ulso three story brica . Houae. weil ren* 1. 1 Br-o.klyn. tlr^t 11101 l?.>g. 3", eijultv It. <*?, to hcii.u k* lor ? i y or Com i r* property, tiue icunibered. J. 1. L- tic .Ai'i, 7iU i igliin avenue. I'O I.\| nA.NOK??? HI'DSON -1KKET (TBIB1TY 1 le.ise three story Urn : o'so. |,e ich Farm, Michi gan; Toluapie Proirerir hi t'.iicagu. J Mi-.b iJltOW :nt NO, S71 Broadway. X^ALCABUK CHTCAOO PNOPKRTIKB, IMPfOTEO V am'unimproved. In the ciiy and liasuhurba, toex rhanire for other pr pc lies Owin rj now In New York. Apply 10 P, U. A C. 8. UKUViX ?J Bioidnar. TITAfTPD?A FIRST CLASS HOI 8E OM llFTII fill ?? Madt-on av ' ue$. betw*en Fortieth and H xtv tutu street- or il on side atreet adja eat to tiiutwo avronet, 1, r v? es rnener or 1 in il eth iN. J.; im rroTe 1 property will be r.ven and eaalt also it required. Call ou owner. S' J t ulion s*r. et, r< om 4. \X"II'I. TARS 8MAL1. VIKGISIA PAr.V PO . PRETTY ?> Cotta/e a id itroun la ai isuo. A; ujn C. C. WAV 1.*M? A AIMaK, :??> Falion *tr-e\ New York, REAL KTAIK W iVflCD. TI'ANTK ?FOR CAill, \ POI R 8 ORY 25 K(->T tt llocse, wiih extension near Fit n 11'nuo an l al>?ve 1 urt> ?a -nd ?ir> et. trice $ 00oto tJJ, 01. A l ore-s I*. . ,, Reraei I. pt< w n .^raio n othre. TO LKT H'R !!l -alNt'ss* PI UPOsiKS. A. ?TWO PLtXMD l.OFrs, WIVD \\s A|X rrrarel *1 11 aa abuadaoce ol ateaia ant e'evaior: terms Bod rate In i re ?,n premnas i r?t n-ie. 1 weoty-mntb aud Thirtieth eta. Br.KMA.VN K < II.III.E K. a _|o? r TO l.r.r is NO ? Ml!:, 1 WILLIAM J\ . street, w.'ll I,. , nd atlii ?ui?dlo light m lunlao ?g bu?.;n ?s; rentvrylow Inq 1 e ol I HUB A.' UA P N . V. 17 C< ul e sirt et. A _*7 0uS<l ON YABICK SIBEET. nkar CANAL f\? air>et. to rcat low; large sf>ow wiiMl?w<; good tboroagaiare. JAkk< Plt.i K. ji?' l.uti?.on street. A ?T') Ri.M 1 V CANAL Si It EI. r, GOOD STORE ^\. sud UwetllMi excellent lo-atioa lor b ar .in* h'i'iae : uio.!< ra:e rent lo a tenant. JaUi PttK h. .1*1 Uudson stieer. "a ?ia) ??t"- per rT TptilToIb lofts fo" le a re ?'V ? oa leektn in airaet; thr.>u.-h, 1%S tret, to Snniea sir. et; t-t Mlt t I -tu near 1 ? a t ost i.ffi. e power 1 au be h? i also Hasetuent an 1 <>i sr. about >t teet de-o JAMtif I Kit E, .UU i n ;?<,!? .tri c'. A ?sTO.-tM NOS. ISO AND M WKRT STRBK' TO J\ ? rent or lease ? e'oee to People < line iteamlioals and Paei 1c ?*a.l a.earn hip lo - very sons! in'iai. it.'wle. rat rent J Ml S PRICK, >10 1.Itdsoa atreet. a _lORN K ^TuRB, WllH ChLLAB AX!) IX J\ ? Bootm eve atore, to rent or leaae; central lota* loili moleiate rent; s o several ^iniii loreaoo ids nrret*. JABh- 1'i.lCK, XI0 nndaon street. -TWO FI E ' IS TO L A E >-H FIF'Y FCCBTM ktieet. near ix v< u?; iiltet ? '? r e ?a: v.ird. ,1 \MI' ? PHI h, ^ I) Hudson -tree;. /?Ill- *P S ' X N.. H?R llQl fiB ?-? LAOER) I t.i rent?A ith el e K sitae he I. m l.'Ata atrctt, near F.-xatll avenue; r nt t- '? P r oioutn CHli t, ?i llwl ort stre't. /^hI*a"p" BclTDiNa oi wEbt ?iOAMRino \j r nt ..r 1 as<. - uitab'.e lor ;i*i>t reanu aetnrlngrs P ? < ii a at onr? .< * n. > H PHICF, SO tuidson aireet. l.-K K ?<??! ?)K OFFiCK MIC l,T FORM'Hrl); w at low ir a no*< I" 'fabln loeati n tor msnrsn-e. 1 f?ui: *"r or iiwvar. Koom t*. ?j Hroadway I LMtrt -ireet. A. !) OR CKFl'RM^lBli ? Fa BLURB, r Fk-or* Hi lift 1 Room, with Fixture*: Sample K> (ho, Ko? In t kl-vi Offlraa, I ri >-m-in- l'ck I'.' in, all be low K>njrt<-:uib ( re:t. Ayp'jr at ol uast >mtb itrcet, basement I ov r . fiTORF. ANI) M NT, Wl t 11 MM* Ij Pow* . i.? let. Itm b fcW VOKK tTilH Vo\\ Kit ?:?>*Pa.vT, M Ann etreet, rbotn A. Ctulx HTORk T*> LKi-m HIRDtTFXCr, BtAB O Tmn^ntlit i w?-*t ?Me; ihvw wln fow, ?oit ..ile fur am* lt*hi hti?me?. r< tit |n??. H ? CON IJlT I # Fa-t I w?'t tl crKiM "rowlH- riti.ii \ ? <? a* hob*j-, ?i ir.1 ii w. ii Hrhlal K'.om-, laree and ewiall. in Ontr* \< I MBMWR t? V. HAUL, ISJ Ma rtraat CEOO^D FT.oon. IN PKRF?!CT OKDfcR, SUITABLE O lor inr li*l??. nn*tne?a, will I rented inw; al?o ?m ill Ultr, ?*m? ?!??'. frunt, r?n| $1>' W I I MAS ? ai<tn*B, mi BTWklwt>y. rrto LWT?WITH KTBAB FOWP.B griLDIMi: 1WKS. I fv ft u.l #)i<1 Bteraatn a?*n<i?. two > '.V< ? I wet) In tit I. A i>|iiy ?? 'ffle ? 4ft I ?Ve.| Lumber Yard. Twenty aeronJ ?tr<e? ard lueenlh a*. 'f'J i>Rr-T?!K hP\CI'/r PT'>P', SS-nfMrtT AV . I line: iSlllt bet in de^ttt, with twi l-ralta afeoM - ati table mr mrniiur*. j i no< ilff r ? Ma. or miii r ii.?b nea? with u n ?*> w ?,i<fi ;(iti >.j>, ?? ?? aa ? fl? tan ? ? nifrfcne. At? 17 to JuH* Fi.TTK >< K, I.S.W Jtroadway. rro Lr.r-F;R-r cm ? pv iu" 4 *1* -*>i I ton atreet. near Bower? aae.r lor a wtiotaBi* lbi*r fen?ine?a tin-ui-a la lor any etna ?i UtiMia liiiwii ?t wa>e It tiae, tfctrd Boor. TOBtbT-'l** BA kr .KT Altti fiuiilifltil >? H?. kid a ? ?tre?t: about t :?e? 4 ?p. bran an** 91*4 by ati imt< rter 01 Ueman w|r.e? t?r aevaral >??'*; CIO.t?ai xK-ati i?; r??? a*' 1 r< 1.1 PBUJK. 3B ?tn???n rtreei. I'O LRT OB U Vv"r? I ntK bfuBT iiilt B*B( 11-1% . las, roarBl varick ?tr?#t. near t ami nraa*. be for maanfa- < >rv ; ?lter?it i? nil a b itaat. wiarat*-!/ or ;?#?' aer; wi 11 *i r. " ? ' ? if. riv? LRr ?>r Li w.-th:: rira *it>t.r bcildixj I r9ani tl X?w Uowerr, aoeurr <.I M,^<t. a ur' ? wtvti #?i>r>> Aiitl Ba*?eijt, wit a*i''ii /a trauljt. Aipi> u? R. a *"UBJ.vj>. ,J1 >i??u -trect I ETKMSO TXr.M.l-Al UA- AM. Ill 1-ATF-hT >li?4 fcVKI * NIOilT. TO RR*IT?A rOR^BB nTOBB AMD BASKMKKT, Tit'i Dwelling iiiu*'.'- on #;* 1 arenue: ana ?tuaii ore . r. nt * 1 It I K A u. a V s?7 <-tvh ar. n HUBBB PO'VKB, rtrrtiBV SIXMs THBP.B tl ?i "t'*. l?t <!!i'ar>; yat.i rnoii; llittii ^.1 fir unj,; hid I'ii nrv j?1 in nif. iwwr, 3Bi', two ?t*? II . a ViN'/Ltif", ut Miutii ?ra?Uwl>iiaM'b>tr|r. t>i iTU BtBK'.l, I I.?TO UC , A PA M.OB ' ?tour, iu J1V1 or uti'urnliiud, ?i?itat.!? lor dr? ? milting or uttier .gut butiDoa. (oo l IvCjii^a, real low; H'.nr i u reqatred. FAST BlNfll STBtrP, BFAK BBOADWAr.-AN eWaant P trior J>"loot, Uaaij^.uielji turn -tied, woui4 b? lat tor mmeM purKr" umi ?? lawi nery or arec Biaaini. ar ?nna claati buatoaas. wbera only a aiaaU Mga m raiiiured. 11Q F.AST TW m KC?B HTRKWT.-HIB I I'.J nUfie.l k??ini m> let i? ?en:>fm*a witiu ui Bbi4i<i. ceairai io<.aiion; riaiWKii r?i|Ukre4 Q"1 CIXIH a * H N t B, KK\fl TWUBIT HFCO.N0 ?)? 11 wet?I ?rsr* fr> nt Ro<.m er1 hull llnorn n. >n aectiur. tamUbcd ui' uiimrumb j i far U-at HotraKs jro juarr._ KurnlelieU. 1 w FLFfl ASTT.Y FTTR*r*HRD HOUSE TO LET A for the >uiiinwr o* yet*. near < i r?i1 (It ? n ,r <t 1 dene ? F^iit vert !?>w for ifce *pply *? *" JON** 53 K*f?t TWintJ MCMf _ i N BLEOASTL* FCItSMMBD ?-F??OT COJl?,?tL A alone Kwvllma. ?.! mimbly looetedon MurrHT ' ' . ?,,ly *j,30a \l Fiue *r?*i or Jr A WHOM! OH PART OF A HUU^B lO L_T A nlabed. with umito. ua?, Mn for hum inquire ?t J A C< > B ObSWKINM. a 9 Lt?ri>h aeeima. - 4 NHATI.y AN 1 C?M FOR tA BLV FO KNI H KD. A Houm; 30 ro unc excellent location, near wa*n- | ineton aqua re and Fittn avenue; partly ?R1 wm? li aider*. rent inoderum. Addrese OOOD Ol 1 will u NlTY. Herald Cptcwn Branch odloe. i ~i _T ? LET, I'D t.M BED OR FOR 8ALR, W1J" ' A. or wl.hout the euuerb Furniture, an elMnnoy bollt. planned, flniehed and located mmlhim a>?* J"?? t.rov.11 aiooe 1 melting, on Forty tit b rtNNt, iK?r Fi,tn avenue; price or rent low. Office* 11 rinn aux-i and 3J KaM seventeenth street^ K. t*1 EVKNl-ON, Jr_ ! mo RfcST FOHNUIHE0-4 TIIkKK 8TO-V HIOB ; I -loop llou-**. 111 We ? 1 welt'tb street; all modem iiu Drov?-?(.?? 111 s: pttrt pivment iu board udeMred- apply to llr. ?;!?' > V i R. IP Aim Street. . S7? 111 A ?FOUR Si OR V H OWN STONK HOU8B, 1 SJ. vMI. lully fnrnlahed, ?u 1 mm fourth atreet wiTr howYy; '""on ???ur.h atreet, , hi. tr-aeeoud aire f elan Mo wu Fi/tb avenue. hi reduced r?n a. auu.v, ai?j ??? " 0, i,Uii? Broadway. CniaraUitfd, A KICK BRICK UOOSP., FOR OKB FAMILY. 1?4 A Kon-th a.reor, near Sixth_oro?er>2t 1 mcnU;?^o l ncUfcb mood; rent $701a year, uroctr ai tne comer will aliow It. _______ --? j T-IrkNTOV I.Y $900?ONB OF TUE .MOST OhSIR A . able lion -e* (n tnlacttv for a small eentr.U neighborhood: modern Improvement*, perteet order. Apply room H. * Warren Hww- i A -TO MNr.THB M>t'R SToRY B 'OWN \ . Homo No. .? F.nst Forty sevaniti a reet. near ? ?'?'* avenue; c,e<v improvement ami convenience; ID flna order; Willi posies-'j'lJ-%lE3 PRiCB,t0? Hudnonrtreet ' ?"~1to "rrnt, on WRST kid -, kktfral. A . Houaoa. at moder ite renu witil "lcf h* near by ; ?? ry TT?Ai.L MODKBN HOI'SK. DOWS tOWW, WKM ' A all lmprurementa, 10 rent. ?t a re^U' t'oi' ? ^ ?Jjj' Ir .m Ian month. Apply iinuiedjateiy to JAHt-S fKltr, 200 HuJMii street. "? T r 11 1 Y SIX I H B1R'? B ". OS hKV**TU AVjj* A nue (Kix d Iccation - L)tpiruhl? a(b? atone ',we''" iiw, onfy a b.rraiu. Office, S3 .-?it fcJevcutejnith V? K. ? "4 ? \| AIiHON aV I' N iJ R, N E A R T111H' 1K T11 A. street'?I o let, nniurnishe I * 'i^^'vear specia y a.lhiiteil tor boaidun? Iiouae; reutei la.-'l. jear for 2?<) r**T?i BOW, *>j; O'lKW, lurtfo un-l iiuili Art ViHuatW^ ?jMt TwoBUF iMrd ? reft 1T1 A RI I'M ?TO I KA? U KOR A lEHM *?K YKA*?W, \ Ha?.w, wt?arw;B,'R iBMfaar Kiat- inr'ralied ana uninrniabed. Appiy to A. PAiliEY. 5^a ^lxth arenne. ... rpo IjKT cheap?tub HAHoaoMn yomv AT^.l<Vt I Pnifhih baMcmexrt brwvvn 8t?w 1 oitf?c * o. oi vitat ?i w^lW ?reet^w?on ? ittd -ml .sixth ?veniw* con ta mn"l8 1aT?e wlih e^ery auiteu for a tauilty boarding lioii'w; rent ?i,6utt Apply to A. aoUBIKi'Ua, '.'J? sixth avenue. j ? Rf >f-A PINK TI1REK SroRYHlOH P.OOP I 1 brown aione llou-a, 11 '?""JfL iBixiern improvemcuia Hi?h * <1KA*, W ?l*ln ??? _ j dt> y ~ FK t MOXT .?iO IjKT <>R FOR .-ALK, SEV !"?? | ral new llonac?. fliiiahed wlih all modern tin pr.vemen *. In EfuMv-aecond st.?et, betwein artiiucJL ami H. l-ooa ?i tticui. Owner, B. KlLt A1R1CK, Baat SeTenty-nlntli wrwt : ^ | rr / v/A ?? AK?U1-T0 LET TO A I1K8T $1.1 (Ml clasa tenant, iho threa atory brown aloMi ii n\e i't W "t Forty* eventu a r< et n''iir MXih a^ellll?, gagloca lo? APPIV to WM Kl? N M-.V. '.o. 4 r.ue ,t. FCBSI8UBO ROOM# ,VSDAPARTHEM? TO LET. ~i laboiTprost BBDBOtiM OR a IMRIOR and A Bedroom to let. In Brooa yn, well lo-niahed. wnh all tnniern improteinenta: reference*exenanfeo- a* d"e? Mra. R IW, 137 Hoyt atreet, Broon yn. j . PA ;TWI xrs?ABA'LY fubbi h D. FOR out A tl< men ..Illy; ^o 4. hast Twenty third atreet; con vciiieiit to every r Uroad *" c>v- i 4 I.A >V III' Rl N 0 CONFIXhMHNT, <' v N MA\i. A A comicTtahle itoom. on flrat floor, with a lirjt el.saa nurae. Addreea lira ^Ali ?uN, box IH Herald office. 1 LAUY HVS a HANDSOMhL\; FUKMillhD \ Iront Parlor or a Parlor and Meilroom. on ie< ond ,C,r ?b?tu "a. hoi and cold water: terms ?1) i er * ee a^ also a l?rt enn tin I a ' ointortabm no?r>? at ni<ltrite ?nuvriitIe icea. at M feuih street Uouae and Urn t)? strictly piIvave. Call at'er lio^.ocU. T-LA"t"o U MX 90MKL.Y FCR.MBnKD RCOM TO A leVio one or two gentlemen:every private laintir term* u?'<ierate. tall at >o. l^J t*?t Bixi-enth meet 1 v KU4JANTLT riRMSHfl) 8BOOND FLOOR A re mmunlcatlng reonia, en ?ulte rr ?lngtv. be li r'. )m attarh.d. amp e cioaeta. wlihout bo4rd ''!"Zht?ry brown ktone. WWc.l Fonvvhird atreet, wear HUB av. ~i T it j,-VINO PI ACf ?A ThIKD f UKIK, FUK A ti!i-h< t, en ?uiP* or alncle Booma; rent low; alio ? ploasan on Inurth floor_ 7?pkivatb famI'-y wii.1. let a mckly icr A Ol bed I loor. ,oti?lalln? ot mo rooms tW'tJ"'or iiarateiy. private balh. plenty clo-.-t rtaooi. In brown , Mone hfiuae. iO . wewty mic .n.l atreet. | "a la 1i.^7haM'I?4'??? LV ?l RMHMBU HOUM TO A l^t to ' ne or two gentlemen; ?"ry ,c2:',r,| I pnva'.? lamtly; tartua moderate. Call at No. l-e t?at MXIee.itii >Ueet T PKW SEA I LT rURSI H D O ?M9 'R'l^*11 C?)N <\ Tenlncea tor hou- .eepln#. cnrenlenc to .rarii and atairc. termVlow; all tinprovemenK; hottle quiet; adulta only. ?? < e?t ililrty tali J atreet_ ? grcoiD riyOOB two rqcark boob^ wjtij A ample eloaet*. ef?leri?. ele.n ami eo? .stable, a haii hn. m trout, w..ul<i be u e i a* a atnoam./ room, rent ?rtl"rate. Appi.r at !?i W?*t TweltU atreet. t I AttJF NKA1LY FUR-JlSHPD FKOXT I 4K)M, A loVentlemeil! *aa. not and ?? wee*ly; aoiaiier . ??m $3 ?e?Aly. IBiweetiweo tie b street, near Sixth aven??_ A I.ADY LIT1NO AIOSB HA<4 rU KieHBI) OR A unfumtatied Ko iBi? to let to gentleman a?4 la t?J--T rinfl* Nil laxneni wtfli' but tlrat e asa partiee tietd ap oo V4 e?t 1 .ur'y thir . -tr. et. n-ar Rroailway. _ _ - TAiiiBirw>.;.L MM|'? poop on sEf-oNii \ Wtf'T. to h *tliwat botrd: rinimti* lt ?t and fid water ;mo.leri. n u- Ion-coevenlent to ears. So. 4 ' an >e?t I laee c? harlee atreet. a nP.aTLY riiR>IS,lfcO ROOM A^l? B DROtiJI. A witbpantriei e tftnan and wife of m<-n # 41 per we"K : front hull Roum. |2 flu. ItU ner cntb avenue, near lwen*!eth air pet 4 PRIV^TR FAMILY WILL L!:T TWn HASD A iwnelv r?r?i?tied I'.oomv together or ai? y, tleme i; n i?, bntti. Ac.; re'erem ea l*? ia>t Twelttll Mmet, between TalrJ and Fnnrtb eeenoea. a _NI< ELY FI RM IIKD BO??B FOB OKS11 K> A. or gentle n*en an i tnet,- wlrue. alaoaree^o i.,?;, Moem tor a i rote*alo ia. gentle man: rec- ntlv occii Zl by^n xC .ciaii; ref rer214 l ,?t rh rtee. n -t , HiiffiND rt.uop. iwo stfCARB B-ioiis WI.H \ auntie clo-rf-t'; orderly, clean and eomferUbU; a i all I loom trtmt. wonM b<i uaed m t ? e255M?!ifii {!iih oiffloor; rent moderate. Apply at 11) W.rt rwclftb a. "Bet, ? I ? A-HARDflOMRLT ri'RM II :il) INiOMS, on HKO. . qi?i dnor ?>n? T or !.xt?tnfr btlh tttachrd; ?ii< Ik r.,r n par < m ventl? men or s nve rii-d c .ttpfe; othcra vii thirl flu-<r: t nvate Nuolly. So. 74 Islington ivmw. h!-: I It A HI. K ICIIIIMH. WKU. f ' U N IP Hi I>. TO I, .T. ? l >') 2' KaM l*?m e'!i ? ml: ?la? an t-xua-h. il k. a 4-ntl?t or ptijeiclari reiereac-a. L'i?* w i.K.r-ix'K.Ni BH? rnit hocm* 1 k<>< ptiu. in houw wMi uwuar nulr. Call, Iri.m ?to If anil 2 to J. at IC i fe-HwautjnxU> ureel near i.** IBk'luB aVenu.% F'I'rmshkd front roo* and rrn bedr >om. lurrfi- Hoeett; two Room*. flr?. Ii. '?r: b?lll. Ar.; hall*. $!; sliM pln .? "<? -o SIM) IC i*C Kii Uscntt. ureet, birce door* (rum I'nin < ? Hotel. /iK >Tl *.MKN ok k.<miiJk~<i C ? N in Af? O*. I I modal**! with pri-m at *o. 9 Vane* tiUee. u? >r Blceciier nr^t-v invuv N . > l.H LY I cltK In ifsd RiKjWX, rot J J fitiU unnartitviM orriii le riileuie;!; rtrtt ? In-itlna i.i the rilv; inrce rl'iKti, running *il?r ? o i pmete n.ittx. I.hl BroaJwjty HHM>- M> l.t FURK|?HKD KOOMM To KLUT, erfth ? u? !>oar<1 3S w*nt KvMermli arreaL J"i aA i?TwiZ>> ?t mi ^liaiito t Im'I No^tw. iblrl n ? . ir. r.t. ? pirate!/ or tngwtl i r. >MI llil ?? kiwrr. ? .t?r .uj < ?)>'? cloeeie In rich; > ale ii 'i'"! ir.trencc*. Ajjtvm it. A., IJeraiJ I j i mi r. a> i ?>?<??? VKKtT HfKMRHKR RLOOR TITRKK ROoM*, ie cl? et*. water at..I every ?on*MM?M IK RfMe> kr>fiN? lo a re ?l?ec all ? eo.ip.e; ictu | 4 i> r m nth. lu ... in p?v?uta aveoje Mr r iwiwr (Mil 'I O l> ? ft" ItN I llr.l)-\ sM Al7t,~KMnTr? r WUS f I a >d kaet ru/m .ti'l front hal i<rdrium?mnijli' r t? ? r Api>l* at li?> Kee lurtjr-nrit ? reet, tMiwe-ia L< ? n/t?in aBJ fuurtll ari-ua' t. rrtl I.H-IS PRIVMI. .- If) i, MC l? MACTd< U .AL I .tr- t i??ir <l'K>r? <'r<nti W**Mn,.-tn wiuare Park. !?<?? Ir lamiMie I l o >me, ihtnt il June J. witn li*. Hot ao<J >:-i w?t?r. TiH, ft t N I ? A XJIKI.T rtfiil III I) RIXlM. Will! 1 un> l^Hiril. ?? *??! ??m'n n> t pr.VMte laimlT. ihw? n; r ,n '..r . ?.? t.ome ;?.l at Ho. 1ATI l- a.l TVNvnrtslk Mi at f|'? OIAROU > t RNrsiiRD Mf.i;t?XU MTOI t rRf>!?r I Ri om*, ? it I in b.iril, lii a private I?m:I f. leim? r?> |?.in Ib:e . reierr.n :- r?-iu r?d .it rtn uili ?v?nn?. (? ROOM4, rVKRI II U Wiril A L MVtRIIR ? e>-? for honivkepp . f, iu:*4Ia< trwing inachine; t>rrne buuee, rent I m. ,\j. I Mutiou ?tr?al, o?ar UlAocaer. C n AVIRL'K, IM MfcA* TWENTV-*IR.ST ?THKET ? I 'ornl-hei i M uinsii'j rear, atutfle or ?? ?ulte t batn eu eaeti tVoor . rctereMte* (klH IIIIF.f, N'? 44 r?W IXIORS Wl T (j? ? ' itroa4*ay. -Ko a< to isl. I unUhe.1, wi'h?u t/aArtl, '<> laml ien or veiiltsai<-n every atii.n, pa.d U? vuin- i tort and eieaiiime". felereBveeescbeiefe* 1 i)1H ?TRKkT, M1WKKR R?;0. D ASH IIJIKD i u avenue*. 7*1. ? ll-.ii.!* .ui< ly iuriu??i*'l larjie ?ec ou t flovr 'rout loiiki ihot mill eobi w.ii?r, M g'ntlen?ri witho'H Imerd i liall Room. (iwJ eaih. ??'? EAHT TWENTY THIRD #UIK- I1. t>?l liOI.'Mh i< OR A M?W PLA<. leeifttl/ tarntahe.l Hourt or auiin renu->i, erilho-H | boer-; meal# *e vuJ to ruowe ? order H ii?eire?l. e??rjr app 'iniKi. tit m rieiIv Hr Iclees ihnpiau eon. en ot ? fine hotel. I ?t oeine l-'?e ?a?en-?ive. te e?V taliy eoeeeiuenl lor bu-iu??e ?k? or uwiuliti% el tlube 4 ~ CI-fTON 1't.ACK, OtJRMlR DSSVERSITy t't plar,.... a ielt ol t?n of iinei trout lio line, ?r.B haU', ?ii?oryk!" l, 'ernai moderate^ KIHMHIIKU KOOJtIM AM O A?AHTMKHT8 TO LIT. 47 WEST TWENTY-NINTH 8TBJLET.-A LAHOE "T I Room on first Dikt in private house, with all mod ern improvements, ou very moderate terms. JQ CLINTON PIACR.-A I. A ROC, JURY BOOM, tO nicely turui?h?tl. with Mi eptng Apartments ad joining, to let, to oue or two gentlemen. (>l eglufi?NVn,1,,"h7/ j-q n J*li%R 8*?ADWAY._KU Mxtcrsioti) to ivi i*1??' <ll>re? r<iori>atij Room-, 1 .rjfo or stneil^u.r al?i other niahrd throughput! ' ??<* newlj luV 1 JO HAS I' TWi MTY PltHT BTBRBT, OPPO ITR > 1*1 ?> (ipiiuercy Park Hotel. ?Mesautiy furnished ; |o?M io let, in suite or singly, to (ninMi well Break fust, it JesiroJ; superb pliy^.uinN Uttlce, wilt) all , conveniences. nna w at forty sixth street. corner op ?\J\' Broalivny.?A laoy and gentleman or two gen tlemen can be aoeominodated with two nicely furnished i trout Uouuis, for >uhi lioiiMikeepins. on nr-tOoer. AJA WEST TWKNTT-SKCOND BTBKBT.-Fl'R a i i" nin'i'-l. ;i lurge R< oil) on second floor; rent S3 75 per week: is li.til Himi ooui aaJoining, $2 .0 per week; neltihliorliood i xcel'.ent VIVVIIISHED HOOMft \1I? AJPART SIEXT8 TO LET. VI'l.OOR TO I KT IMM K PI *TKLY?COM PHI8INQ four rooms.newly painted sml in bes r putr, ?n ? io j private h,iuso Iwj Cliuiou place: terms moderato. Apply en premium. _____ \WKNTI01lt?IP YOU WANT A FRENCIT PI.AT call an I see tho>e in 1 birty-tourih street; mx roofosi , Imnrovementa: $.t i to $??). .oO .KM rt. iiALIt, Ti Wi lit tnirty-fourth street and '.95 Sixth avenue. at qak^evookt tiu et, look at onc J\ Mco Rooms on first floor mint ?,cheap rent: very nice tenants .ecu >y otlior floor*. TO LET, UPPER PART OK nOt'SK 4t0 WEST ? Twenty-eighth street; five rooms and bathroom; low rent to a enmll famitv. Apply on itie premise -. C1H01CF. APARTMENTS TO L T-OP T11REB OR > tour rooms each, saitame for gentleman ui.d wire or >m it amity: waie.-, separate mis meter and ?f|?er oonven.encss. Noa. ~'J and 35 King street, between Mac dougal and Vitrick. I "I7LEOANT FRENCH Pi AT?OT rt lyUll .vBI.E i'j -uthus In?titu;lon, slxtu ay?, eortier ol i wclith street; jW f?-et da^p; mx trout rooms, ?60 niouihly. In qtnro in tHO 6a.ik. ipiRsT PL'lOR AMD BASFM {NT, SIX B<? M.-i: ALL j r linprovemen s an i in uoo 1 or'ler; rent, Ktonr. four rooms and tiatbrooin, We<i Forty tourih street J. e.. i.i>A?'o? AFi, 7J3 Elghtu avenue^ FI.OOR?THIRD, 81X E'.OJH: IOMBN. IN Hl.jH i Sloop housn ast He.venteenth *t e-'t, between Btovyejuiit wiuare and Third avenue; newly painted; no bill up. TO LET?TO A SMALL FAMILY. THE 1 UIR > F..OOU of 21 .-sixth avonne three rooint; gad and water. Pos MXMOII 1st Ol Ju ie. TO LET?FIRST FLOOR TN NO. 2 WKSV THIR. teenth street, for private residence or lltflit btwlness narpoi s. good loeition; on door from Filth avenue; firrmrly oceupicrt by urc?smakcr. inquire on tlio premises. T, LET?F.R8T FLOOR, .'n'pfl LI XtNOTOV AVRNPR, in tlrst el??< order: nit iroproyemenis. Inquire ou second tloir oi 0. .-<HIF. , 41 Water ftreol TO LET?FIR TAND 1IA RMHNt FLOoit , t<j> EAST Twenty -eighth sin-et; seven rnnms; ?as, ran.-e. *<? ; ?enaiate number an J entrance by lmeli: rent $+4. Other Apartments. t,U. D1..IJ9 fcsst Tweltth street. , ri'O LET?IN PLKASAKT LOCATION, FOt'lt NICK I Hoom?, second floor; fas and water; rent $!*>; or Would rem I-ower l ai t. six rooms, $3J Apply at -'i0 Ks?t Nine, v-second street, near Second aveuue. rro LET?A Vi RV INK KLOOK IN BROWN STONE 1 hritiae. N ?. 14? East Mttv thlr i street, near Lciltig ton ayenM; tow rent ton small family. I r|V> L*T? FRiHiMI FLATS AT REDUCED RENTS, 1 trotn$35lo ? ?0 per month; newli pnlBted; iu com- | rlefe order; all improvements: on Lexington avenuo. mittire ai 24 Wesi >orty-tklrJ stre t. rpo L I ~nillT CU^I UAROK FRBVCU FUT1, 1 all modern itncrovcineiitii; ail lisht rooms: ianlior in huildiotf. inquire at building 36 Went Kitteentli si. rro lk '?Kf.AT, Fin i SVOftV. IN A DRIOABLI 1 locadty. cor matins of seven rooms 'ina all conveu ieneev Apply in mar et, 4t)tf hourth avenue. rpo nk \ -i r part oFb"?~OW* dTONB FRONT 1 hon e ou West Forty sixth s reel s ven roo ns be side-bith and I lundrv ; owoer occupies tiulauee: im niedi ite poiiea^ioa Ap^ly to JAMiio PKIt'fa, i'UU Cud son street. rno RENT-PART of * cmall H?)CKB 6f. WE-f 1 Tenth street In a s nail fjintl v : ret<-reuee required. rro RiCNT-AS PL OANT FLAT, UOjlSMTTNtf OF 1 pnlor, lilirarv dminv room, kitclien, tnreo heil rooms and bat uootn: also two servants' rooms on ton floor, an.I iriv .e cellar; newlv an i eomoleely !ur. ni-ho'i wi'liia -i\ weeks; Furniture /or sale, r nl I 10 per month; only vrlncipnis and d sn.i-ed tn pur chase tur.ilture ueed itibwer TAYLOR. I! ra'..l oitlee. ITPPKR II AI F. 7 FIV E RO 'Mh[ OF ELKO ANT J private residence, only $55; asaoriment ot t renrh F ats, irom $3J0 to tl <?? , ir. t houses a? 'rr?my re duced rcil:.lIs. LIONr.L F .O'.-.HLltjll, WdThiM av. /Ill NINTH hTBKB', JUST WL8T ?>F l!?>ADWO. *)?? b ee tian :eome floors fifteen rooms, separate or t sether; dealrao e t..r lodeuu asartnieiitt; will bo t me 11 >w to a de-trabl? pany. inquire ot OKlSWoLD, 7?1 llr..aawav. rQ FA T 9PI1 STR-Rr Ft.W DOotiS WEST OP OO Hr,,adw iv?K'epsnt Par or Floor wttn extension ; al o third iicKir front K. in sui'ubie for family or sen tleman. >o. I i'orsyih street, s.uooa lHl KAST PIFTYNIN h SIRKET. CORNER OP A" I Fork av-oik*.?Parlor ana H-nomeius S8H; B< ''. ond Floor, fly rooms, #10: i Mr-1 P o->r. rt?e romus, 1*0 p?-r mon n. Call at oneo and see the ap irnnents. ?<IABPKH? WANTKDi ! IFvRLOR FLOOR?TilII >? LAROE ROOMS. H AND- i sonvely furnished: iri\s:e bathroom eloaats, i <? , wi:h private ta i e , also it" ms lor sentlemen, witbont boar.l; referen -n. Jfi ha?t Twentielli street. IDhllitAiLiluial BOOH, WI H c"o?tfs?AND hot wi er. 'o let. wltfi t: ! rtn- moderate, refer eaces. US West t Iftaenlb arset IHA^U-OM IV FURNI.U.D IU :oM. OS Ml t>ND flix.r aiuaiv or en sulie, all convenient >. to "t. with Botrif. fir c? nple, at |15 per week. 151 West Fifteenth street Iitlock east ijf brosdwa'y. "ill 1<BT 1 weittu nre t -Two handso oelv tu nt>hei| conneet. Intr Room', parlor floor, foe lemillcs or party ot senile. u>en;a|.n lanre aid sto a 11 Rooms on t:iird floor; Urst class Hit ir rt ? mo er tfe i-rtees. i p. osr Rooi "an i AL<'f>v?!. beat"iri'LLT I furnistied, with flrst e as? Board in a amal temdv; mnvuer rat ?? it haet rturty-seeond street, between I ttth and Ka'itson avenae*. it BL'iCKS FROM BRO\DWAY~HVtlLl!.s" or. ?i ?: *|e ce itle ne n <? in l>** Jirrninmi '!iM e.thflr-t Ctsss Ho.ird: home C iiwlorta int ple.i?ai t Koonu Lible board -rs taken, fli >4 fourth -tr- e*. I) O.t rriRM *? OKT ?? Mint. WITH OOoD BOAtO, _ in email fam I? who hi* p. rmaneni * hat il, nt >(l. 'i H ?.! T* ? nt> ?*th itr'at, n<ar BioaUvra.) ; trrtu* $-10 $ 0 per we* k. if rowTeri fiooiif, h_nm>.^*kly rtTS" _ Bi?b?d. >n *e<ond door, ?Ql'abte f. r cmtn and * f>.-pa>-? I.I tantieme wi n fir <vittl<>Ql Board lo calicii (rood. HW fff>t K evervti Mreet. ?i co:\k:.:v hTKFt-r. ova door fk^m O I- u^h. A i-entlom? i .in.! *ile ..r a v mis ladj an be ?? toninn.'U.? I ??l n Hi a- j iu a private utility when >h f arr n ? ntfi>r l oir cr . ( f^sr TW.-.K IKTII H: *KKT. H < M OHO Mv. I.Y 4r in-nlfhfl t:(w)ni? >.!???, with or with'.tt oar : to (ri nd roan a'id wife ,.n i ?l!i -Is ftntl in> n . day ko?rd?ri ae<M?n<>di ted. r i,i,n?>y S k skTm ah hi ' < k ~k.?plkah isr ?? lor ? n ? o ? i* ? iimrr ed coople-or .1 few ? n - * u nt'eanni ? i?-t, ni-eiv mrnUBa i, on iuo<l ?t*'t u rmc ?t el ent Boa'd gu ruiMd *J* iO?8 Pi-.? W KK rOR ROOM*, WITH BO*R|>: ?Iiw J r.i i'U- ? ijrnm J.lele n?l ? low; Uot aod cold water n ro..m? >o ? ?oa ii W.?luiutou *}uare. thira diu r irom J* <c I'.uk il atrejt 9WRRT riri .NTT-riRST htrki r. >>.ai iifni nvfniM".?H nil*.m? Ml of fooqM at?-i ruM Kooum lor ten !???>??; r?ieren<*? exchanged. 1(1 tVWEIUr.V I'l.A- < . HEAR HHOVnWA*.? I' ' rt front ?o ? n . *1\ ?n f 16 an i fi?. for I w.? r.?r na, nlh Board; no chi ilrcn: ?liicle Boom, $?, tia'??i ;? pet.pto, $: per d v : ai?. labia Boar l, ft i w st >W" Brr-rotBTii s>trk; r-Rictli v I ? forftlabei front Piri.?r. ?ailtat>l* i,rn nu?in,-i and wife or iwocrit ? ?>????. with <>r alth-.tii B. ar*. i i w cut twe ?; v r \ vrii HTJiKF.r, " .vkar I t Ri *d*iv ~ i i.rur-h" i iu rf-nr, wnh0rt Boards l Ii iirmrt.1: dculi*! * or pfajwci U4 Odi.o : rtf. ri lue ? r|#ir .1 I I r11 RTB F.r, 217 WKHf.-M.RJA.IT M*0* I I '{.???? with amsfe lo i?t ?*r* Board: imi?. ahlo l?.r vtiBtl?m?n and ?ivr? aad l?n*l? Keiitlrmc-n ; r?f ?rrnra*. 1 ( ? ? XTR. Kl m Wt-f.-IIAMMO* I.* .I K. I 1 nt?heil Raom* lnl?l Ti'ti Board, lo ?? n >>? ren lrm?tt and wir?: tiiou?ru i?pr<jvrui?n ? trriw r aMi. iiiia. 1 I HI STR ? I T SO. IJt T.-IAR' K K?. I f p n'lf mrni<h"'i Room*: al?o Boo?? f fi?nit ? m?n,wit(l B.urd h .u?" taki- and atWn innes Br-t cl tumm?r Mfi rri?r.-ne?-f, UTH ST u r.r K??. XI, R1 rXTRKK hTKNIrt l\|l Itrh'h ? ?') !??? -rfm'l??ma ihlr?i floor In it Room, ai a ?inif,a H.oin*. I ? *on?rm n, wtih ^()ol Utile. l?rin? r< **inar> <>; rWMVBCM rcqnlrrd. |C FAST K.KfV ixrn Rfp. KT.-WlfH BO A 1:0, !?> after Jun" I, Itilrd and iirlb (k?,r Ii . ina^i ? n mtr pr.Ci-n; rrttrramu rr , tirej. 1 <l ifM; tw xtr roi.rim ktrbkt.-* lf. \ ?> gtn ir iarnti.n>.i Boom* to lot, wi'U ?r witiiont i .>af.i. to , ft I-'ui ii and wtvi? 'or *. .* ?> ??i ti?iu< n; Umij* mod- rate. 4il WhuT TlllRrV riBST HTBKBT. H rWKF.K ?? I Firtn avei.u.i and Rrua I ??>.? Oeairabia fitr nuliod ll irtfl ? to-?il. vr,.n R' ard, on Mi nil an I thti J floor*: nurafct l?r lamt i< < or ?itula . ?um riu r pr mi*, r<l?ro?e*? ?xcl?4fiM<t. ') ) WESI rotJUTBRMTII l*!fBST. ? DfcxIKABLB _i R oim, (Mwu l A< or, from, an I otiior Ricau to r nt, wtUi Iloa'd, i ramilfei <?r ?itj|jlc geuitoMen; i'.t a lioo pl- a iNt. r??o.?!i'.ua i ?>4I WAVKRV T BLI'JF..?UAKDROKFI.T Fi'R. ? w til had R' n* on aauond u?? tlitr I, wi i la/,-? ?towi?, with a.-. r I. tut vummrr or lij Hi? j-?ar. s) j? .it., m ?n;nt.-HANnio*Rr.r foknibhcd ?- ? Ro >?u* l? ATI ll ?>I 'Vitii it hoard, at IMlBrr pricca. I'ouvatiieii: I* (larairj road. 1 tl?IU 8TRKB!", NO l?H WRBf.-PI.R\A?iir CU A* to !??, with M<>?ri?. un v?iy r?a*ona>i:a vruia, in a pri>aic boardma boii??; iab??i onard lui .* (i?iO nTHiii T. WB r. :,U--iiaM) omki.t H'r. ? '' ni.i ed i.ixiihi olft. with llr tr'n- Moafd, tu fen UattMn ? >l th -ir *?.??? or tin', l? g> n .vhmm. h ART ntftATV TIIIRU MH Rt.-OMt M.'.Bn *.'? ro.i.a ? oi in, overlooking Ma lAon iliar?; . a.-to I'trloi <i.i Bed ootn on mnond lliwr wnu . v i >? t rai?r?M?A eaciiuitfi d boakdiri) wawtki*. _ _ on ba t TWKNry-rnufr hthkbt.? rsirari.h <)vl Rooms wlih Hoard. sultuhle for a eeatiouiAB aud wifa or two muanBoB; also Table Heard. oq wkst rwrnty-.skvkhtfi btrbbt.?room! to rent, with or without Board, in it flr*t c ass i>ri vaie house at moderate price*; also l'arlor for Bby*r ciau; reference exeh. nued. J44. VVI' T ,,TH ST"E T, RKFI TEH?FINB l.vHGl ? ?"f and tmuli R >onvs wltii :n dcm conveniences; pro fessional inn Im ooolt: neat attendant* ami first class table at reaeoiiable prices to desirable people. OCril 8TIIEKT, 7? WEST.?Dhfll It ABLE KOOM", ???? with or without Hoard,ior familiesorgei?t!emen. citiier perm in cat or transient; iiierul arruuBuinent* for summer; table Bnarl for two; re. deuce*. ?Jf? WK T TWENTY SEVENTH 8TRKKT. NRAR Broadway.?Handsomely wnlili '4 itooms t? let, wi'h H aul; bousa, loentlon and table first dene; ta le bourdcru accommodated; rek ruoueaexchanged. UQ * >, <2 \.\D 11 WEST KOCRTEKNi n BTRBKT,? OOt Room* to let. witb Board, CD mite or sinaly. per manent or trausiotit: house and a oomMouation* first class; terms moderate fur summer namiius. OQTII HTB' Bf, we T 114, BKTWEKN BROAD 00 wav ami sixth avenue.?Handsomely tnrnished baok Parlor and Room on tlurd (loir, with Hoard' suit able <nr t ?uhcmoii or gentleman and wie; $1810S-V for two; I taoie and location ttrat class. On west iw ntysixiii street.? nic Lf i ? )>' mnii hel suit* and sing e Rocnn; very deidrab a location; ho el accommodation*, with hoiuo comforts; | table excellent! terms reason able. j E \ft? NINTH SfRBBT, tlCAR BRUADWAV.-TO 'l" le', ivuli Board,one large l.'oom, suitable tor gen tlcioan and "ire; rto rm tr gentlemen; Jay boarder* eccommo aied; references exo ian/ed. A I WEST TW NiV- INTH ' IXFiir.-TO RENT. A | r I. vi ry handsome fult <>f Rooms. on *o< ond floor, wnh or withou; Hoard, also p< ?.?nt Irout Room, fourth i.o >r; ImsUm vi'rr convenient and central. A] WE T TillRTY KIK i11 SIBEKI.-TWO U BD 'i i eotnuiy iftruished Itooms to let, ?itlt Board; terra* very moderate; reterenees exchanged. I A O East i EOT 11 NilthEf, BETWa^* BROADWAY tO and Dmve SI'T Id ee.? Newly furnished rioorns 1 n first and * con?J doors, ivitn ,-<>od Board and alien i ance. to famides or single uentiumen. 4 1 W/'.ST NINTH sTRU.Br.?TWO IsftBOR CoN J r iiccnnK ttootna. nicely lurntvmd. on second doer, to let t'> four peraons. with Hoar'i; J6 SO per week ; al -o one on third floor; hot and co .i water. An wkst Tin tTY-i'iprii ar-?L\ror, hand XI ?oini'iy ru nishel front Rooms, r>n second .ind fonrtTi Honrs, containing Itrae clo^-ts, wltn Hoird; also null Room I'ontalo n? cl ^cu; every con.enience i?r sln Blo (cut.eneun. Uefercneus. K1 W; BT 1WBNTY-FIITW STRKET, BEAR MADT ?'l son snmre ?elegant suit ol lorntstled Rnonn, with private table; will rou. low for summer inomnr. rn EAST WPfY-BlNTH HTRHliT, NBvR OBNTRAL ?'?' PBrtt ? Peasant Rooms to lei, wuh Board, in a ?mall American family. | l'*7 WEST THIRTY-EIGHTH STRBST.?AN UM SU U I aSy hanilsome four b Kloor. wiih private table; a'so a Iron;. Parlor and Bedroom and the ttiird F oor en lihi'rai ei m* lo responsible, lor the autuiuer or by the year. QO SEVENTH AV'.NUf.-A VaRY Pl.EAS.WT | 0?> sccond flo?.r front Koom, furnishc 1, with or witli ou Iioard. lor a Kcnllna)an and wii?i or two uemleincn in private tami y; hath and all co1.violence* on uuie ; tionr relerc ices given and require I. inn last l Wr N iY . mii > sTitfcE*.?Room-i to 1 ul/ let. with Hoard, sinfly or en sal e; location very desirable; ruforenuca. i "III BAST NI.n E r r.ENTII STREET, J It near Broadwar. Handsomely furnished Pooms, with (lrsi class Hoards 1 central and elegant location, uomier nnces. IO/k EAST MNKTE NTH STHB i.~\ PI.BAHANT . I mO a ?e and 'mail Room, who first class i card. 1')- I, XING ON AVR.SIf'R, CORN! R TWENTY JO*J mnih street.?To let, with or without i.osrd, do ible ,ino sincl ? it nfns, vcrv hand'o nely furnished, scooad .hi > tbird fj.urs, Ursi ?. 1mm house and tabic; terms nio icrale. T^O WKST FORt'V-l'IRST ^TREET.?8 CO D I?Jf" floor o('four nice room*, with first c!a?* Board: al?o ha' I Parlor and B u.rooin; would in ike nice office torcentlst or doctor; liberal table; ?u turner pi ices, ret i rence. 1 U() Wi T IT 11RTY-FOURTH ST?' KT, B TWREN Jl)_ Seventli avenu? an ? Rroadwav ? lo let, " til Itoard, In a private tanitly. one or two newly anu hauU tomciy furnisbed Boom*. I I7Q MaWS n AV .NI'H.?D ''I '\BI b rooms J / d uble and 'ingle, with (rood table, at Mrs. K. II. JENKINS'. *?1 .1 W#sT "FORrV rSIRD STRKRT. ?AN F.!,E L, I ^ aantly fa'ni^bed ti om, parlor fl .or, suits hie or two itentlemek, <IS lor iwo. with excellent Hoard a so s lame Roo h, with goo el s*t*. hoi and cold wat r, 91m >? iifibie oartics would find borne comiorts; refer eace*. 9| ) EA-JT THTRTT- RVKNT'I PTIt ? "T, NEAR ?i 1 ?' i bird avenuo. - v baad<ome Parlor on ttrFi floor. ! Rtrni'hed', vi ry low rent to ?,n.e' persons, with or wiili out Hoard. i i) 1 i VM FORTT-TBIRD bTrRKT.?jTloT LT Z1 I tnrotslied Rooms with Board: larae clout and hall r..o>n s tached location firil cla?<; only a tew d.i'f* wen of Hroadway. ill Q WRsf MFTT-THfft# hTR> FT.-oBNTLRHaM ? I and v* ir< can Itar? of pie not o .m?, withcxe lient table, ei-, Ac., for $1* anl flHaweek; advertiser owns the bouse. HAST THIK I Y-riR.fV PTBKF.T.?R1C EY faruisbe l Room* o l -t, with Hoard. 2i)i) WKXT T.V "N I V-K' >I'R I H HTItRi T.?TO L ? T, with Hoird. a rood ? iel f->ur li story . onm, niee<v InrnislMt; tew Boarder*; food lo * ion refer en' c<. ojn WK8T IwTStTwTB STKh t-IIAND. ' ?/ *niii -.r farulabed leens. dmrlo and il ulde, wi ll all convenieaccK. to let. wttb Board; pri e* cee iiuciv low lor accutumoCation* offered; retarcBce* exchange 1. 220 or 1 WKKT THIRTY KirailR -rUP.Ri.-A O'S. JL'l I* tieman and wt'e or vm l' i^itlMWn. rmpi U Mr IM re?, wanting tlairy. e<jH turu'.li.J It * .? .< H i. I anl a home, caL ?>1 " ? A-T FOCRTRHNTH KTRi:P.r.-N*WLY Ft'H. ?>!?) Imic k Parlor ami Sxten-ion. with prittl* Lb' hroom, !.>r *ln :'e i or /antlemin an I wife, with eupertar OrrmiM Hoard; pleaaant aeigUouiho ?l; rei.-renctsa reqalrcd. _________________ Ml 7 WK T TW*~StY-^?0OJ?O RTRBRT.?SRWLY ? 111 and handoin*'* faiiuioed ntid ulnrlo Ro tn?, with Board; libera. fnM* and a plcaaant batoe; 1 .cation Minu-pa-'-Td ; frim low oti/l wi T?tr riKrn nnEEr. ibtwes ? Eh'hfh and in'h a*?nnr?.?IV?!r?bl* lurnmlii't R.hhii" io h?t, with all convcniencea. or without Board, > n r,'a?>r. ibl? tarict 4(|ll *'? <0*0 AVK.SOR.-* WIDOW WILL I. T 1 eloati an 1 realtor" ablr turm-h..l Rixmt wi>h or ?? it' -tit H i.-.l in two or m ir?> n> n alao rice Room i r Duriir 1 eoupic. i ? I all wei it on BR ? ?V P a UK i?"RoV*~?1-R^HHKI?OR~ J\ KUKNIHMKD n <i l> , w.tft flr?; <it-a R itrd. to rmtiaiaen or ffrntleman an i h i tamiiv ?f Ameriaan a.iuiU; referrnee* rxiiian/rd Apoi* ?' IM >?<i .'lat at A II \N.?-<.M '.I,Y PI'RNfgtIRD FLOOR, RTIRR i\ or ?wpnrato, with B ar-l. or vat - tamile. tor ?um of Won vnaivauw- term* *, r? tow. Apply It ?*SN Il.vM. Srtii Kki ?en j third -ircet. Hoarder* wa t n. 2>? hast sixtt-second ? tK-'-t. nnar Third avenu*.?An elegant farnnh.d R?o<n fur tw.. rei.n?men or a married ecuple with Bout 1 In a ma iJewWb fami.y. I^iu ?? vpimi ant?.-fhei. iRFORtufinTTop f'r-t cla-? It *rdi t in nlti i't ,? fetrlir. J.O. I.tlt 'S, Board Dtree'ory, l,lfS Bros I wa*. vrr ei.y FrRsisiiKD hoomr, with or without i> H art. or f r Itrbt bnn?tteeiiin,{. VO.iKW II. BOAR ??.?IWO HARI'MOWR ROOM.A 1 t.t tn a family or t<> r-ntlrman and wtf?; no it? J? -i .n ;o I .nr. n >rm< ino?l rate AddrCM A. C., box ifit i pt.iwi Hra ioh oPir.e. BOARD AMD LOOOI?U WARTRD. a 'lASUK FR )NT ASD COKIIKCTIRO HAf.L .1 t.'ootn, Iir.kitu anMtl. wanted, wttfc Hniii I, forihr<-fl aial A Inl-Mil ai< I elnkl of 'our. rrf< reitci * Ad<lr<>??, with term It .tl itO.kxK?UcratloHka Board wa*i>d-by a hoy. in a qmrt and ?mall aintlr llelna in ? (food and Ti? ?r n' .<?? litr, *.ier? t ?'? arc uo >tber boarder hi Bedrtmn and PitUn* I! .-n req Irrd. .iMrr?s with fail pariM?l?ra. !?(??. 1t>?, It raid Uptown Jranch ortlca. fiK(N>KliYR BOARD. i Q9 n isroR ptr^by, rk-v ki.vv'-okktlb? I *j wndenrteiY nandanRiPly ftwn ?he?l I'ooa* on il .? . r ok i with flr?i claw can Ik ac. lwailM44tMt Wtl.l.fl. I NEAT FRONT Hi>OM ro VOCRSRL.r ATRMITH h rw wly tiiraiaheJ) f'elel. MCf>afhatn Hree'. .?? t r ?lav or |3pfr we 4; u?.*r City Ualta: J I'e-ii oti; ; ai wayi ,p,-a. P" Mil r HOT. f., f T' I,TO?' S It KT, NEAR I ? Prow l*ijr tu^ir.i * centre. h>.repeat!; RtMiwa, ftk! upwi?r! n w lainny Mm . !l ie .llulii^ rouuu; M?-al? at .o.? pri<- ??: h j.el o?en at al> noart / 1R| I rhN[?KN II?IU ?. RO >.141 RROADWAT, CO >. ' ?er 01 T. sn:? -ittn ?tr ?n lior.ip. . n plan - a teairabla k.. ,i.m it tea lit. at moderate price*, lor Hi ?wmrn r I'irv hot t~i i > n n!Tr~r o a r? way* an i> Efotrnf *!r . 1. -??. with or without 1 oar.l #t u? $3 t r W.-?k; t> *?' f-r ay WttB Buajtil <>|n-u e.l uiiut. Hel craacea eaei. t?;? d. / ' 'IV HO UP I 171. 176 AMiTtT HI K CK~n 'T ?'r t,nir ree.fwav. ?.0-?? Roome, witft ex<wl P at Mhir faiitforj ?.n?le, 96 to >12 p*r i*. &i f B* per day: or ifjnet froaud*. T A rtKRRE HOUd.t, ONr. BLOCK W OP CI TY I i 11 M. M P 1 r 1 tireef.? ran?!ent 'oard, f 2a day | I ?*ni"u , 67 to 61 1 a w e* j K(?.it<, wllfta ?: board, Vc. adar. *? t *1 a ????*; lAini!* ?? W? pI an-l pi -?a dnj, i i to fig a week, no ly a>nl aplendidly liifaiPfi COLMTNT BtlARA a ritiVAri: fariey, reshdtso at rf.imiuRO, ! I#. I can acc. mmo'iati one or two gentlemen .r A pcptl'-man an l wila wiih t.earl; 10-ailou nnaar- ! pea e I tor Itca <It and awiveiiMitoe all improvement* 111 tiouat and witliiii tl*? nunc e< ?**!* tni'? .tcpo'* ?v?.r, hihti.iar. H#teVi>tiee^ f f>natid repi rpi. Aodre n 1# %6 K. t. .* 1 il H?rat.| A tjl, II' HlltlNO CHAHMINU HUHM. flh fREA r-t, Jy trmn ft.,; Man-ion. hroj.i acree boaiinc bit li ?ni?, .-eery I mtrjr. to the pretty ? p6mm*. with trutt and .m-ikI t..r |irint?o hat. rtt i,.-., t.W Browuway. At W xt.iMitJiO, UtR I IP LAND.?A fRlVATR J\ family of reHa-Mtieai v?ni a :ro.nioo l?|i> a t?w ??nar(t. 9f* ..aring ttie ???a??tt with tlrit <: a<* ':own? and tatilo; o' ?a.i i :<m, ooaiitK, oathtnc au l ft 'lilt*: txerr t re ? |111 .rain*, ai e >ti<Mtte train Inm^e two l.i'iik. iMm an 1 t^.. ??!? Irom it e I'av ilo i?, varciy of eeenary an-1 what adhradt .fea an> ?'H pa* e4. parw..? wide (RraadP :nu?ie A t be* Oil> ret. r-'oee* gteeu. AddreM 0 J. K, uara < 1 otiica. I COtTSTRV BOARD. 4 HtTIT OK RfiOUi TOORT BR OR BKPABATKLY, lor ifentlenaeu; JO minutes lro"a iJAert* street: boat> inn, Ashing. battling; cr on-i anil piano; 96 ami %!. A0 dresa box ? Po?t office, Orecnvitle, N. 3. ArKW SIMOI.E OENTLEMKM OR GEWTLfeM AJ? ?*"'? wlteeun be ai eommo i.ued with Board in PM .-ale: 45 minu es Irom New York via Krio Railroad; Nuvd rooms ? ml good bou rd; rofereuccj exctiauged. Houl of fice box ISA Passaic, a. J. * KAMI! V OK THREE PHRBONS AND TWO OOIL J\ dr n won d like lo be accommodated with tfonril on the Unison, between Plshkili and Neir ftsmbtmr. s?ii e terms and distune from depot. A-Jdreaa w. WI LI a MM, bo* 1SS I lei a 111 office. AVBHV Df.SlRABLK PLAOK FOR COUNTRY Board?U a large t irm hone-. ri?nr Peekskill; atoo accommodations lor horses. i-'or rr-eren-e Inquire of Mrs. labi'iff, 48 Univer-ity piasu, or of Mr. HiitelMn noil. 44 Maiden I sue. or address box 780 Pqst oftleo, Peefcsklil. Westchester coaaiy. W. Y. AN INTERESTING SKKIK8 OP AKTICLEB IM iiomn Journal, out to-day, (firing nil tin- necessary Inhumation concerning Country Hoar it Prl<*o seven cents; at all respectable new* "tend*. B(i,\rd W\NTED-KOtt GENTLEMAN, WIPE AND twochtllren (six and el<ht years old), In Mo coun try, on * ill nitor; Long l-iand snore preierrad; house mud be dirnctly on t'le wafer. Ado i ess, stating leraxt, it., box 106 Herald Uptown Branch ofllee. /10UNTRY BOARD W VNTED?BY A t? f NTLB M A W. \J vviui mid child IJ? years old. wlthla on* boar of >i'\v York. Address, with lowest termi, C. a., Herald office. _____ /MM'VTItY BOARD?ONE 1101 ? FROM CITY, B* VJ Harlem Railroad 1 location pious inf. quiet. he*t*by a'id verv con violent to stati n; large, airy Room* ana good sliado. lnon rj at 44 Wi st Sixteenth ireet. /'OlNTItY HOARD WAN IK I)?BY THHBK ADUUTH. \J on the water's ed -o, with In one bonr'? ri le of NevV Tork ?y boat. Iddrcse, suiting terms and particular*, J. is. B.,box i.UOi l'o*t often. / lOUN I'llY BOARD.?A OBNTLEMAN. WITH A small iitnitiv. own mi.' a country seat near h.tmUt* wood. N I. three minutes from depot, often uway from li ?me. would accommodate a jinall tauiilv only wbo would pav liberal y: horses, carriage, cow* poultry, Ac. Aadro.?s box 2.9 2 Pos,, office. /sot M lit It vr:i Hi i A I'iNO, HATH I Mil AND V n-lilue, hoti-e within 10) tent ef the Sound, Pros pect Point, one ml'i! from Mumnroneek station, .V mln ii is irom elt* by New da veil tlulrout; Iftacrea lanil; orclmrif. lawn, garden, siado; superior table: Ana rooms; pla/.itw; elegant views ana driyee; ??ohtlte; no monauiio' s: nuiple stabling; n i mi reasonable. Attoreua P., box 4.16/ Netv York Po.stofllcj. t tOL'NTBY BOA RO?AT NEW BRIOHTOlf, fl I. A few l anil escan ne aceomiBOdated with Bocrd: fha In.iwe is in adulK'lillul locality, three minmoV walls !ro,u the land n_" trruis modcraie. Apply to Mrs. t. T. DL'N , York avenue. ^ /lOUNTitY HOARD WAN I ED. ?A YOUNO MAM want-i good count ry Board, ivltb bathing ae.cnmino dation-. witlWn 4?luiuuteslfoin *:"y Hall: price t7 t*|8 per w ek; references exchange '. AduresH, ?iattn? full particulars, PL&A A.\ i HoMil, box 3,404 Post office. Now Yoik tlOONTRY BOARD?O* A FARM AT TAT-KILL; J ipleo lid drives, staolln^ lor hor-ea. flrst class Board and Koo.ns, prices to -uit tbo Uines. AJJiese W. El. MaoILTo.n', CatakiU, N. v. /tOOD HOARD CAN BE HAD AT A FARM rlOOH8 IT on tli" bank* of the liud-on ha? lfi miles ol river view: Koo.l ;aiilo. p.entv ol iruitin l amn. AdJrues J. C. FfoilhR, Marlborough, (,'ister county M. Y. /lARRI-ON'S, OP POSIT C WhST POINT?LO<ATIOM V3T unsurpassed; large house ; beautiiul groonde; han-1 i iiuc Rooin<, en siiiu) or ?inyly ntabliug couv. aieut to i>i!o. aJ iron J H. CROFI, box 5 H A TiNOS- >V HUDSON. ? PARTIKS DE.S1R1NGI good Hoar i ami tin'1 ae-oininoilatloBs and goo'l stanlln;'. 45 minute - irom New York, atmoderae price a, please aildren KOOK IDfc, Hastings. HI. DSON RIVER HAH.RO VD?HOARD AT APINB mansion, twenty minutei out. ten irom depot hu;ti ground; rttio views, ilrivi-s, shale, lawns, gar.len, Cro. inn water and gas. Address Post oft! e box fyM, or call at 'Z7 William street, room M. from 11 to 1. ]ARO . COUNTRY RKHIDENCK ON THE HIJD-OV J torty miles from New iork : convenient to can; well siisile.1 ,-rou ids; tin ? ri rer and mi u ifaln view: splendid lake tor boiting a d llsliim.': lour pleasant rooms; Uoia 1st Mine. A iUre-s UkNRY TATE, Montrose, N. r. M,tt' BOROUOli, ON THE lll'lliiO.N.- Pl.KAKAN'f Kooina, with Hoard, on * farm IS minu es' ritla lr.1.11 landing: a e.mi forrv tiutn New llitintiurg. Ad dress EDWARD JAOKaOM. Marlborough, Ulster ooanljr, N. Y. NYACK. ON TIIR H0MO.V. elljhtfnl Booms a id good B.iard ean be obtained at nn ele-a,ii p ivato mansion; pem v of shade, trun, Ac. Address M. J. ??., post ufllce bo* 49, Nj :iek. N. V. XEAR riiB SOUND. 3S MILK f?OM M"-W YORK, on Sew Haven Rallroid, halt mile fYom deont, mugnitlectit location; elevataa. sltaly, retired-Very I irge. eh gHnt private Hoti?a. with all tnot tn con?e.i beautUul rooms lo atlon, hou-e and roonsnti* ?orpas?ed; sUbllng. Address 0. W. s>.. Post odica. Da rlen. t'onn. ON THK HUDSON. -A PEW fAMILTRH, DESIRING goo I Board, can bo accommodated on a iruit larm. three miles north of N wbnrg; location healthy. Gall on or ad J i ess H. W. M tJiir LuT, Newbnrg tN. Y.) Post ufllce, h >x I9? lor one vreok. SE\*li>E B'lARD-T'IR?h IttioMil I* A PRIVATB tamliy; rood surf mil still bsthinc, a-hinr, Aii.; l-r.n-reasonable. Apply at 147 e ast 1 iitrtv s^veiiih et. St'MMl R BOARD ERA?THE I'MtERBIONED HA* ample accomtno la ion? tor a party ol ten or tweivo eitv u< arders. l.i a plea-ant loca ltv Kor terms ani fnrtber ptrtieu ars a<ldress WKI.LiNUTuN Bl t Ublt, lleusouvi.le, Greene county, N. Y. qsWO SMALI. FAMILIES Wt-HIIN?} TO sPBNI) THB I Mirami r in the couulr\ can tlnd -uperior aeeoin moilatious uit out ot a village >n the llmisolt. Kail par bculars by Inqairing at 83 fturd >ireet, <ew York. VVANr.-.D?sL MMKR POARD,' FOR WoTAtiflJESL f? wi ii seven small eb'idren srd tntinima: a>n*i r<e wi Inn tnree ko?rs' ride Irotn the eitv. Athlrcs, stating terms, t' box v,S34 I'uet ? fllte. New York. f ?tV"ANTK ?O'iOD COI'NIRY BOARD NOT TO EX II <eedlH hours' ride from New York on the Kew Haven,: arlem >r Rivr Ha Irnwi. lor a lady, tinee children and nurse. Addreu, unti. May "U, H., c ire O. Ditsoii A Co., Boston. Mass. \V ANTKD-N't-AK Hf? I ITY O >OD R'lABD PDR A ?t yr.ii ig gentleman: frns moderatet eity refer. hm?ii sue I. Address W. K.. bo* 111 Herald L'ptewrt Branch otitce ISIS -BY A YOCNO UERMaN OBNTLBRDl Board and I.ilginz In the co intrv. witnin one hoar's ride from the city; a p a> e on '.he Hudson t,n t r: ?! Addres-, wttn partteuUis, J.. J. W., box 4.V4 Kew York Post office. \v 70R9PARTLY PI'RVISHED ROOMS TO UKT IV A heal hy, retire J eonn ry h? ne, I'-, miles Itom Mount Ki-eo ta ni, on Harlem Rallr<ad. ond -* irni s IrouM Cr. ton l.ik ? his I'arm of IM \ r * ai?.i ) >r sue. term- rea-wnable Ai'.M. a i K-lilEU 0, We.h li.-I, Mount K sco, We*tchest?r countv. N. Y. a(7MMRR IlKSOKTS. IT f?\R\T'M8 t RPKIJS'J*.?ORtVD 0*IOl? tlOTKf, j\ will op?n Jun* I, tor tha reception ot naest*. J. U. HKXU.1.N A CO.. FwyrteWH ? ?PRKWIi M P H>T ll'HSS, 1MMKMATKLV OS J\ ? th? .-'inn I. M minute* tro-n < -ntral deoot or Post; be eh ha hunt fl-hini- Irntil t no i and teref; no m<N|Ullne<. PLfMiTuft, St kMI Forty Ktnui Hrtci, coroar MMtwi iwm. ? A?HO UK JOURNAL OCT TO-HAY. ? UlTn lull Informal! n r luccrnilf rummer KCsortA, places, price* and particulars. Price sasan cent*. II Bliffvtoid nor be, o* thk hvdb pa?k road. miU'? from P- u/hkfp^le. N V.: will bo ?pan o .iimuicr t?>erJ?r* tie lat i,! June. P A. JuV, rourh?eep?J?, S. V. /lATflKILL *O0*TAlNH.-ORA*T fOCM, slrj. ate i t .m ml es from the Ian tla/, with pccomino 'a tioti? lor .IW?u <?t<. Partie* wishing to entries Mooing for t be sca-on must applv earl*. For terra* As.. addrtsft A. I OKAS . Proprietor. ( oumll. S t. / ' A 1 A !' 11 < i T I' I (I \ r.: HOI-! I urn,!. V1 tan i Falls, x. V.on nanks of iho llo is. n wtd Hi oren-d .I?n? I. F >- particular* inline at or addruaJ WEMTWORL \ ND HOIKU ,V'? T.,rk. i^Ain tikw iioc?x, #rm?i taimv, R, t ? r ow open f?H th? frommn lation ol a limited nom tier or ?u*w *end lor clrcumr A FIRMAS. Proprietor. r.AIil UOUaK, Rebooiey Mo ur. lain lorings. N. J. Open J ant I. Favorable arrangement* for June. splendid mountain * ciiery. Mr J. w nil. M * n i.f *"i nt the Coleman t!on<e, txery Wetlne?Uy irom 11 to a o'cloex. Hotei, kknimokk, utikoo i.akr. coop/.r* |i)*n. >' T., mil l'? opened Jiiim I.? in~o t'm opentna tM?spacious,tie<vl. itiriMi'1, bcatitllnl and citarininoy IvitM lloute in lie >nmini,r*l 187?,fev er il ad<uiwnal iitlrKliiin- I,are l?<:n art,id) on Uio en hi, croquet front*:*, on the w.-<\ an I jufl ?croil ?:he?li)iit streM, ? liou-e, or thr*e a dure*combined, lor the lurihcr accomtnod ill in of ?ue?i-,; ib-se ? ooUin tlnru nine rooiiM, and can bn let as three ?ei> irate o.>t t?^e?, or the ro >ni* can be rente l in salt*. There n a fine lawn I t tr'.ni of them# l? t sffoi !'?< v'.af f r.diii: forcMllrcii a?d line spnea tor cr.>onet partiest, nead lor Urcjlar*. jAMfcri RUXTAB Proprietor. M A AVTXH HOUMR. ISATaWAv. M. J., a nn.Bft; Iteinicr MaUeawsn at ? P. M froin Hsr l?(r street; tleliiitiiial -ail; %?< . I eountrr B aril; r?Uaci| fc?cielf; p???pn ir prio-s. Ad lr> < :is ;tt><ue. or J. IHO.VP. j( . UJH. J60 I'UltMl strept, .Nf w Vork. _____ voew'iii > hotiu at ??iitwfior>. n. j., wir.r. il open June I lor u'ti^sta F. r psrlimtnrs apply ,.l lliRliou l. Mrs. M. R. WlaH'lJI, I'rnpr rt" ?. Now FO ' THK COUNTRY ?O K OF 'IIF, I,CAD m? ?timnier re?ori? of lh? eoiintry will i.^er *er* low prices lor May und June. Address H. ?. II.. Ilersli utile*. _____ J>ATIMON HOf Kl., NKW BRIMIII ON, H r la NOVT open; early boarders taken nt re ineed ra'e*. call oil or sd Ire-ui K. F. CuLK, Proprietor, larmurly ol >t> Mara's Hotel. 1?i;ABOUT HOCSR, Tankers, on th? find .on. nnw o.-?rij Rid^kfif.i.o parr hotri, vowoPr >-\iA win 'awl ??|tr"?d. to?it of t.'orllarnlt and l> snrosvs streets; ? Mlnau-s trnm >?w Vtnt A HK<itANSO>, Propria lor. ro?t. tnce a.ldreM. Ila<;kenssek, N J. St. VAKKt IIOTRl., jNew Hnj-ht^n. Staten tslani, oaiy i?> mlti Jiei from \*w Vor*. i)c. Ca k f a Jo|| mri s. Proprietors. TTIIITRO STAT1 * ROThl., RiRaMmII i RI.MtH, ?1'J' '!?*" ,,>r reception of en^ ? t- lune I, W7.\ J A*, si M \it?lN. Proprietor. Dia ;rim< ot roonn islll bo sent on applt ath.n. WtKiiishUR; pavii.itin. wfyin.-BfRo, u i ? Thla m?Kniflteni .mei will tie opened rsrly In Mar . ransiltcK tlosiriMM lo l. a*e Ifeeclty in vls? wlil t)? liberally dta't with, this hotel la?laiivati^ijrriiuiited, oreri'io.* the ocean not raoelvos Its eoohnit bra^atss la porfec iv heaiihy. trca trom all mslarion? itlft'1, a'e gantiy e'la.pixd an i la kept urat e.iaai. i ?i n tias ??" nraa* n. ??. ?.*,aL