OCR Interpretation

The New York herald. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1840-1920, May 19, 1875, Image 4

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030313/1875-05-19/ed-1/seq-4/

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MECKLIIXJ ?'j I?'(i.
fhe Programme Provided by the Histor
ical Committee of Mecklenburg.
Ulitev Proeeuiou, Oritiuos Poeni, Firt
worii ud i Bioqaet.
Horse Hacing, Ballooning and
Sports o 1 Antiquity.
CHABLOTTI, X. C., May IT. I"*4
Tharaday wlU be a great day id the history ot
north Carolina. Concord and Lexington wul be
outrivalied in point o< glitter and display. Pat
riotic mountaineer* aad citizens of gentler birth
announce their intention of swelling tba throng
that la to commemorate the flrat pulse of free
dom and the flrst blood of martyrdom one hun
dred years ago. orators will be here in number*
to miu*e warmth aad energy into the mutttude
by stirring addresses and larvent expressions of
loyaity to the bond that unites us ueneatti the
erer widening shad* of the Stars and Stripes.
I*oets will carry us through ail the ?cene? of a
century. Military proceasions, citizen parade*,
tne blazing rocket, the roar of cannon, toe em
bailiahmenta of art and nature?the entwining of
leavea and flowers with the national bunting?
will render ua conspicuous forever among the cit
izens of the Old North state. And then the mar
tial straias from a hundred bands, the urlgnt ?un
ahine. the lovely landscapes, adorned with rich
ness and beauty?nil will tend. It la hoped, to
render the occa&ion instructive, peaceful and joy
ful. All will not be with us, lor. as y uu are aware,
many thine we are about to celebrate the wrong
lay, ltl? our famous bard of Knauikatte. Tavl^rd,
who will, of course, strictly keep the 31st, and
Ire off his own aquio*.
But to return to the/Sle on Thursday next. The
programme Is an extensive one, and will be thor
oughly carried out, the details of which are as fol
One hundred guns at sunrise and r.uutn^' of city
ae^s, under coarge of the ArtUlerv Coram it tea.
to march at teu o'clock A. M . grand procession,
through the principal streets of the city, under
rge oi Chiei Marshal and thirty Assistant Mar
?hals, as loilows
Military Compares.
Fire Companies.
Masonic Lodges.
Odd Felloes.
Kniguts or i y bias.
Uuoa Templars.
Faions ?>: Husbandry.
County Organizations.
Other Asaociations of City, Couuty. State anl
Press Organizations.
Various Centennial Committees.
Accompanied oy Vauous Baud* oi Music, and
their own special Banners, Em
blems and Insignia.
The proceaalon will oe lorme i in the following
Military companies on both sides of Sooth
rrion stieet, rignt firont resting in iront of Cen
tra Hotel.
Fire companies on We>>t Tiale stree: and on
Church street, opposite fireman's Hail.
Grand iouges. county organizations, other city,
count* and Stat* a*eoci*tion*. and citizens' and
press organizations on East Trade street.
Masonic Lodges. Ouu Fellows, Knight* of
Pythiaa ana oood Templars, on North Tryou
street, from the square to be followed l>v banu of
mnaic, with military company, to be assigned oy
Chief Marshal, as guard of r.onor or escort.
In carriage*, tie following:?
The Hrestoent of to* (Juitea states.
Governor of Tennessee aad stafT. Governors of
Hher state*.
Governor of North Caro lna and stair.
United states senator* and supreme and Snpt
nor Jndgea ot North Carolina.
Mayor oi the city aad otiier invited guests, ora
tors and reader, accompanied by commttt-es.
Parade to be through principal street*, to arrive
?t the speaking rrounds at twelve o'clock M.
After tne various companies and organizations,
Ac., have been arranged ny tne thiei Mar* al and
assistants, tne Ceuteamal wtli oe openea witn
prayer by tee coapiain. Kev. ltobert Ha;i Morri
aon, D. D., alter whtc* reading or the Mention
burg Declaration of Independence or K Oaies,
jouowed by adureaa** oy Hon. Julge Kerr am
otaera. Alter ih* addresses there win ot. at
Ih ee o'clock P. M.. a grand barbecu*. After
which military ana Ore company oispiav.
At nigh', at seven o'clock, grand torch.ight pro
ce-s.on with Chinese lanterns. emblem*. irana
Carencies, Ac. After wmch addresses win be .le
vered from the stand In Inde pendence square,
on toe sue ot lb* original Declaration of Mar Ju.
l.Ti, corners of Trade and Trron streets. T ere
will oe general illuminations ot the house- on prin
cipal street*.
Toe celebration to conclude witn a grand pyro
technic diapiay, consisting of beautifoi emblems,
figore*. moft< es Ac., appropnste to ta* occasion,
unaer cnarge of toe Artu.ery Committee.
rax onajtn maashaLs.
TM Grand Marshal*, so lar as known now, arc:?
Choef Maratoil?General Josepn E. Johnston.
AsnMaiU Marthait?General W. C. Levis. Cen
tral A. M. scales. General k. F. Bote. General
Bryan Grime-. General Thomas L. Cncgman and
>nerai W. ft Cox. all of Mono Carolina; G?nern
iohu*on Hagood, General 11. c. Butl-r and Gen
try J. B. Kershaw, or south Caroliaa: General
lonn B. Ooroon, of Georgia; General Tb?o. Bre
rara, of Plartoa; Dr. ?. Meckieaburg Folk, of
Sew Tort, and captain 4. B. Ho?e, ot Nortolk.
Ttteae gent ameo have po*itiv*ly promised to
attend and act.
Wttb a patriotic leeUng mat 1? to be npp.added
the oid Pint Virginia regiment of infantry and
tne Richmond Howitxen nave un iniuiOu?i? a* reed
to attend the anaivernary celebration of tbe Meek
icaburc Declaration of Independence her-, on tbe
o>tb mat. Tbi? movement tain part una to the
effort* or ex-Confederate General Brad er T.
Jobnaon, aow tM Colonel of t ie Kirn Virginia
refcuent, who take* a lively interest in every*
tbing that concerts toe Mecklenburg celebration,
and who, otring to family connection* and tit* in
tne .North State, la familiar with all the bmtorical
incident*, reminiscence* and data ol tbe famooa
ivent about to be commemorated.
TIM regiment acquired an enviable reputation
tor valor and soldleny attainment* during the
*t* war. It figured extensively aa a military
Kganlxalon previoaa to 1861, composed or t&e
?onth and chivalry of toe Oid Dominion. Sou a
irter tie battle ofMaaaaaaait waa reviewed by
Prince Napoleon, who complimented the One
pbyalque and military appearance of the men
rei7 highly. The Prise* remarked, however, that
irhUa taey looted quite respectable in front
ike aaata of their pantaloon* were rather ragged
to waicb the Mator responded, "The men. Tour
Excellency, never expeet to ahow that portion
?r their aniform to tne enemy." It waa preaent at
anil Ran, nnBer OeMei P. T. Moore, who waa
wonaded ta that engagement, and aiterward In
ail tne battiea In Virginia. flrat under Colonel
IFiliiaa H. Pry, and tfeea Colonel Frederick L.
?klnnar. Tne present regiment is largely com
poeed of young man, but la malniy offl
tered by old saidiers who aerved In It
Ibroacboat the war. The Colonel (Cen
tral Bradley T, Jonnaoni came to Virginia
nun a Maryland company In 1M1, became colonel
el tba Pirn Maryland regiment, which he com
nanded during Jackaon'a valley campaign and
?Oa batuea around iUanmond. lie waa promoted
to tba ewiuaud of a brigade in the campaign or
ian?eutiteqnently the Maryland Una?and waa in
?ative service until tba clone or the war. Jtabonld
** menaoned that tba famoua Patt Wooda, wd
*aa lmpnaoned m tba Capitol errpt tor thraablng
Cengranaman Porter, waa the celor bearer or
tbe Pint Virginia regiment, %nd that be aaved
?nd amed off that gag rrom the fled of Appomat*
u>x at tbe aarreaaer. Patt goea to charlotte to
aelebrate tba Oeateaaui or Bortb Carolina.
thb aowmiaa
went lata nettva aarviae in tne late war. under
tba command ef Captain George w. Randolph,
afterward Confederate aaorstary of War, and ta
eeleorated aa having bean at tba eat tie ot Betnei,
where II op*B*d the fight by fir lag tbe Brat anot.
it lemainea in tag field to tbe war'a clone, and
Baa a epleMUd reeord as a gauaat aad brave oom
In addition to tbe fBgaiax exersiae* there are to
? k* 141 Oa earn it tmft m, ?r ?UI*a tBe Uow s;
pn /i..taiu * t? at raufoi
. rim iur. n?4nt^4a?. V?i ia- Ilr-t Mar*?
Tl.nlpu ?? l ?? *0; r llfHil
1 ifa?(| wf I I'l? .>| ? ltt| #, 1V?
Net. tWc.iHd rai*?? iuv urt ? .?; ? n ??? 'B*
I ftvcoQ i it <r%* on*-' kt?t ili??<. raos- < 14" |iur ??
f .ui: *U> t? the m cwttd bono, ball out* Hiiti or
? > **> .
-?*co??t t t>. f: at? iat. Mi .*??!ir#t lie ? --
CiU' NIM UMt '!U <?*?.?* a ?J k'l *?;?>?? and
a t<af ail* <l i*D >l "T *f <w.o|i ra<*>?
I ?'?Mk#uQi?< .-tafc*- ?,.?<?? ?f t<a* : uiite
kttii. imi tares* nt lr?; fWi mm ?i t ?
?fcouu a ? *? iu r*>t>*e I'M mi ?' ikt Mttw;
tnr.,* iu an.
loin l?ay frMa*. MB* Jk-MM Ra?e~ciab
pm -c ijuo; rw ia th ? v ii ??(?> ; difii# race ;
?ll* NIK . *r r l> tu ka 4Mm IHf* Ml 4l HMtM
n??i: l?#at a*lt*r (fldH -???-?t*d rao*?s?l.t??f
i r*?e?Ciut? pur? t- *<: < a- aaa euei* ?I ft
uitf Boreee eat* ra I* b* ?>M !? r *l.(?< la
carry tBeir pro^e.- ? ?ija? itr 9'M. aliuweu T
st*; fi?r ii l*a: ior t *? .? i*!ik? w aoT
tatKMNfla aiK INIt UNtDI l!ir U'!|X'|I||I
iMH"ha'rl; at -r t?* ?*>*. tay >urp<?? ???r
tBe amouai rmrif4 ta >?* tor to gi> ?>? ta* ?c
oad li<>rm?, laird r?i ?- ?m*?!a't?a tare* |jaa:
|M Iu ih- .*?? 'Hit aM lit i? (It HtH ??t?? ; (a?
I iui ?? <ia?u; ior uor?e? 'hat Bar* rua ?n i Bot *ua
Orai money dariac ta* a?**tta?. Tno** Waui
on<*a a lo?*il T l.?.: i?m ?i .?? : three t.iae? la
| iOi,
la all clab pura.s eatraace :i*e.
A walk ?\et ><r atatmut.Bi ika t*i<l autmaa a
B> r ?* to Brat nuMt unit
Uinta la da* umi dmm at ik* Jao**1
at four o'ci??fc I' N ta# day j?r?ntt?i ? IM ra r.
If ibi* ra<-#? ar? nut n?. i at tut n -ar ta r'f
Bituuia? ?iil t.' ai?????! a?t#r i'<#* a a ? iaa??.
Lntii?< la ta# caaitaaul *<a4a mm* at >M
?*rmar)'i offlca at bib* uV? i P. H Mar M
i ib:s.
Maraa an<l (aKmna aU i**4 tBra* {*oaa 'a.
I have taai rrtaraad t'vm a vtaii t? taa M't-na
Pars." or **r t.roau la ..ItBa Pair af'BTarailBa*
a?oa> oaa MM ?at at tti? -uuiuaa* ara aitramur
of iryoi itrr*'. It K riart'4 kf it* ?n ?f tM
Chariot**. C.?ut?M. ami Aa^aai* K*tiro?tt. wtoca
pa<a cioa* to tae iktrta< ? rat* rmwaiti ra
train* wtU t>a rua to tfc* part Jonni ta* m",
jutn aa<i 21at or IB* accoiacao lattui mt t i?<aa ?Bu
d*a re io witnaa ta* race. Ifca *i<.?or* roi
tata* lortf-Sf* aeraa. Ik* ra. * c ara* ta a Bait
tun* viiipa*. IB* tract la of r*4 eiav a?? w ta
rood coBdition. Tt?* f raad ataao vtu a**t aad
aoeltcr at>. ut l.'joo p?o?i*. t>?t tB*r* la a'aadia#
room oatatd* or tblrt ttaiaa tbat aaaiaar. Ta*
CenU DoiBi *xercis*a vtii iak* p %> * la Fi r?i
Hall. wBicta looka large *o u?B ta boid I.M*
gait* a aamticr of Hue bora** Bar* already b**a
enured tor th- Bpprv?aeBia? racea: A. M Hitca
cock, of ><*w Yurk. ua i *? MoMi* luriut.'. Hay
Lin* and Laiula H.; MettiBtar. oi ttaitiiaor*. aa < *?
K*ii Jackson. Charley CBcataan. Mrat t han ?* and
Mat tip 0.: Mr. M.iuav. of Au.'u?ia ua.. Baa *at*r*d
Vandal. Jr. and KirkpatricB. t.**'d**otti*ra not y*t
named ; Major Barry, of Vort diatrtct, ft. C, *at*re
Xutre uame; Colonel TtoaBa* ft. Bacoa, of Ka>ei4,
S. C., vui b* iter* ob ftatarday witB ire la*
! racer a.
a cock rtuar.
The following tiandbill la eonapicuoItaly p at* 1
and distributed alt over town:?
xoRTu I'aaoLiaa Ta. ??> th ca?iiaa.
There win be a main of . luueht >-iwea K.>rth
an i s,,ut!i Car-i iu* i r J.gu on th u id ? n<: a> ? on
I i ni h fliitit, at Charlotte. N ? . on the l?th T tti aod II-t
or Mar. t"75.
tucii to aliow t?ea*y one cocka. wrih at froa few ta
sis pound-, and io flahi all that tsiuia.
Tlien, asaln, *e underatand that Mr. Henry L.
Groner intend* aendtir up a balloon o? the aifhi.
The ralloon will be aboat twenty teet In Belgbt
and tiiirt> -six feet id c rcutnflerenc* at tb? bottom,
and will i<o up with a irrand diaplar ut flrevotk*.
I'niortnnateiy it la not atated wtetBer Mr. Oroaer
ta Koine to come uown affata. Ii h* propo*** to
plav the Romulus and go up to stay, tne Meckl*a
burg matter at the a^coal Centennial will ba
more mythical than ever.
THe cotumemoratlon exercue* will take place
at the Fair Grounds, about a mue and a BaU oat
of town.
Puilapelfhia. May 17, 1?7S?
However it may be with tbe date o. Ma? 30,
1776, in me blsrory oi North Carolina, tner* is at
iea?t do doubt tbat oa May 81, of toe tain* year, tbe
Mecklenburg people pat forth a declaration of
their position in regard to the mother country,
and in mat paper sketched an outline or ft ?ml
polity lor themselves, to be fined oat as even's
migbt de'ermme. There is as llltie doubt mat
the ?ngusn government was iu,ly I a formed of tots
at tr>e time, and mat Martin, tbe Royal Ooveroor,
?ent forward to me Colonial Offlce, in legitimate
Siscbarge of bit duty, a publsued copy of the
paper thus <s?oed, wlta Hi* own report
of tnc circumstances aai possibly bi* comments.
Attention I* naturally tamed to tbat report la
tne nunt lor evidence regarding tne History ot tr.e
sotb of Mar. ior u seems bat rational tbat wntiog
within so few days of that event no sbcaid alio
ref-r to it, am to tt.e declaration tben made, or
to some previous report or feu own on the subject.
Natnra.lv. therefore, the Royal Governor's re
port or tne occurrences attending the is?ue or tbe
paper o: May 21, becomes or conseanonce la tftu
loqa ry. Bat waere Is It? It has supped oat
of sight. It nas disappeared from Its ap
propnae corner In the Brl lau Record Offlce, and
no e>e? seem sharp enoujn to say wnere it naw
lies Hidden?whether in tbe rorgotten rab-lab of
aone garret, wnether reduced to aaaes and soat
tered years since in some anremembered conds
gratiou, or woetuer carefully treasured by some
siy gatherer ot tnc secrets or the past. It appeara
that this document was in the archives of tne Brtt
is . Colonial Offlce down io tbe time when oar gov
ernment was represented la London by Andrew
Stevenson, or Virginia, wno held th? post of
CnrM Sra'ei Minister from 1SJ4 to 1M1.
It was withdrawn wniie Mr. Stevenson was nor
representat ve, *nd the records or the Colonial
Offlce indie ite that it was issued at the request of
tbe Minister or t? some person wno e application
for it bad received his support. Apparently tbe
usage of tbe offlce required tbat nome guarantee
or that son sboald oe given for the sft'ety or doc
uments so withdrawn, tne Record Offlce contem
plating tsat papers thus leaned were construct
ively la tbe eu?tody of the Minuter, and boning
bim responxibie for their return. In this now the
honor of the iHeventon lamily is Implicated la the
loas or this very prectoaa document.
Mr. Stevenson was not in active politics tor tbe
remainder of ms lire after his retara from London;
and it has been generally thought that bis papers
bad remained to tft* present time untouched in
the boxes in whlca they cam* with him across
tne Atisa'ic. Perhaps tbe lost report was In one
oi tnose boxes. It w?? cerrainiy there ir the paper
withdrawn f'om trie Colonial Offlce was withdrawn
for tne Minister's ass; wnno If it was witndrawn
ror any otber person and subsequently returned
oy him to the Minister and Inftivertently re
tained bv this gentlemao, then also It was sure
to b? jacked away wi-h the same oozes. As
?tther theory, therefore, gave a bigt probability
tbat the document was among tbs Minister's pa
pers, Its valoa seemed to jastiry aa effort to exam
ine them, or to laara If any otber had examined
Ascertaining that the papers were la tbe coito
dy of the Minister's son, senator Stevenson, of
Kentuckv. and acting under tno instruction to
"Had tbe paper If possible," I went to Covington
and called upon the Senator at bis bouse.
??I nave my fathers pspers," be sftiOt directly
tbe object of my visit was stated.
"And may I inquire their condition t"
"ooatrarilr to waat yon have been informed,
they have not remained aaopeaed aince ibfttr re*
turn from London."
"Tney have been examined then*"
"Tea," replied tue Senator, "They are all in
aoearate order, and tne con ten ta of every box la
known. Indeed, tbey were all methodically eoplad
out and bound under tbe directions of my ratfear
daring his lite."
"You say, sir, that the oontants of tba boxes are
known t"
"Tee, sir."
'?Can yoo, then, give me any Information or tbe
paper aoied at the colonial Offlce. aa withdrawn
, bj the conaent ot under tbe reaponsiotlity of your
fata-i?the ratort or the Royal Oovernor of North
Carolina on the transactions of May <1, UTt t"
"Tbat doonmeat," sain the ftenator, -is not
[ among W other's paper a."
H re wa? ih jiiruut destruction of tat theories
01 sover* Juu.iti tu tbe byways or uutorr.
?But 10 iu Mead?" tie continued; and here
gu.n tlie 1 or esmed an suddenly opened to tue
; ??( iv tb.it U the paper itself was not in
Covington there wis at least some iiiat or tta bm
itin in its stead i? a memorandum which states
Ui*t tn neb the paper was withdrawn under the
??Mrtiwa of my father tt was nut withdrawn for
his -* >? at lor tne dm of another peraon whose
ua? la 'here riven."
?Aoi vou remember ihit name, of course?"
".\o: I have fb'Kotten tt."
It s emed to be ;? t for inference that the memo,
raadnm ??s inaooeeelble. and that tue lapse of
the -#n?u r'* memory thns attain opened the gulf
tbi separated the Inquirer from all trace or clew
t? Oovaruor Martin's report. At leaat Mr. bte
w?s? . old illicit do further step for the re
rotary of tse forgotten name than a visit to Mr.
?tn amiu Kosn, of Philadelphia, who was
hecreiarr of Legation at London during a
portion of Mr. Meveason'a incumbency.
w*e that 11 poriant memorandum mialaidt Or
wor* the papers in such order after all that refer
?ar eo?id bo: readily be rasder Or was it de
r*a Lot to communicate the name* As to insist
on p ? of ihu natuie might Dave seemed to
peah r ? inwaMgatioa beyond tbe limits of polite
iaterc??arae your cornepoadeni preferred to sc
c'? tbe cae# presented by Mr. fttcvenson ax seem
iua M indicate that neither i s paper nor any
i??i atMB ?i ita wueresbout* could be obtaiood
m is? gun, and therefore took leave of tho
* visit t*> ncxjaMtN ncen.
Hat t ? ?a?g**tion of tbe name oi Mr. Kunb was
net f. r,<ur.. aud your correspondent left by the
?rat train for Phi edelpbia. and called upon Mr.
it isfi at i? n u?e in I'hMtout street. Mr. Kuab,
ta uj ? invalid, tonheed to bla room and com*
i* vi to ate but rew persons. waa courteoualy
eager to render nil the a-siatance In hia power.
At wbat j?te.'' he .aid, -was tbe paper with*
drawn ?"
?I do net kaow the precise date,"' I answered;
"n>>i lae it hitherto seemed to me material."
'Mr.,*' he aald, -it >? vary important, nt leaat if
the event is t>> eono>' 'c t with my term oi s?iw
vice at ibe ).? notion. I r 1 waa not there during
the whole <n Mr. atevenaoa'a term."
"If yon nave any knowledge of tbe withdrawal
?r .u i a paper It of courae occurred wbiie you
?ere tber*
"Hut it I have n<>t such knowledge the converse
dooa cot follow; only tl the date were known It
would net only determine nt onee whether any
knowledge of the lutije- i oa my pnrt were possi
ble, bnt might m?o connect it with aome clearly
remembered cir> unuuace.*'
? Mat Mr. Mrveaaon. tne .senator, referred to a
conversation with yon. in which, aa he thought,
you remembered tne name oi the peraon lerwhoae
n<* tuts paper wa? withdrawn."
-Me l. ?tilie I we- la tbe Legation, there wera
bir two person* in 1. ndoa wao were there in
eearca o doraaaente relating to tbla oouatry.
Three were Mr. Bredaead, of Mew York, and Mr.
Howard, ef Oeorgia. Kach oi these gentlemen
euaer came on behali oi the governmenta of their
Pute* or they c ame wtih credential*from their
.ita.e goveramenta, and obtained, conaeqaeatl/,
a I. the aeai?taace 'ram tne Lefeuea May may
have railed lor."
"thf re were no otter* f
"K ne Mat 1 remember."
"Waa there any oae Ul the aaae ef Peter
force V'
"Xo one."
Mr. laaa eeemed uaahie te help the inquiry in
any fruitful direction and I withdrew?aa further
tn advaaee for my juarney, exoept la having
ahown thai the ladtraiiene watch aoemad te
proaine a Utile ware in reality without vaiaa.
Kunxo cm thj joint ccMurmm or th*
*rw noLtn hoeamr.
A meeting of IK joint hunker BtU UnMiilit
Committee of th? ?w Knglaad -o. ieu w?? said
ybatorthy, 11 tho ofllce o' a irrmi'i StlUuga, Xu.
M William street. citirou laaa ? H Bony to IM
cbatr. the objoct 01 tu meeiiag to preparo
torir report to pretest 10 n? ?aaatiBg ui mo
Bociett. Which WlH HM ?*. I'fiBi ?iw? oa
m<Ur oeeaiav next. i" trnnit for anenaiag too
( eateantai at im on 00 iko I'm of Juaa. *ir*a?iy
bo-wriu ?ixn a*e aBd aeveaiy ot?ao?-ro bate iu
airhtaa their ?etern> bbuob to go ob an? partic.
pate ib tbe The committee baa
OB toiormal ?? 0 - ' :ifi to go by hi
oB B cuarur a atoBm-r aBd i??> ob the Boot
or go OB Wltl tB* Olil Guard BBd psf lip IB B bofly
?t tho t ommon wealth Hotel. Ob w tiuB or Aiaor
man liili Bga H waa r??. i?0<l lo OBK??. ro. m.i at
1bo lummoaweaub Hotel, aad Mr Dtthoo, of the
commutoe, ?m aoiBoriiea to pro<red to Hosiob
on ^oturdav aad ?r air*' detaiia eo aa to aecuro
pood acco miaod4 uo&a. Tne roamnioe raeolvo4
to make tne trip b? tho Fail IU*er aieamera, md
It l? expected that ro. y w u emb# ? will 10 a mo
excursioB, war n u DxoO at $4 oat b tor tb? round
trip. Tbe Old <;uara viu tot aa 'tioir tacort aod
i>e ace mpuuioa 1 >y the Nib'B H> giment Band.
Tito co-hmirtae eep*ciali? rroMeet mat alt tBo
mem here 01 too .New Kngund hoclirty aaali a taad
tba me"tiBg at l>a moaico'a ob l-rida* eveaiBg.
wnen New England ta?-n wuatag to participate
can be n acted aa memoora ot tho soottty and pro
ceed to tho Hob.
tbs xxw axxxdmxmt-m to twm uutut cods.
rndtr data or tba third toataa t General Orders
No. it, wales hart b*en istaed rrou the state Ad
ju aot General's oBca, eoatoto tba BBtBdaiBii
to tne Military Coda, paaood oa tho aeth of IBM
section M of tba new lav aye down ina
nauBer to wbien too Ka i?nai t.uard la ia ao ro
cruitod. lha torm of *b W(BI#BI m C?a raar*.and
no uiiuor <>r parson u>ar n>rtrD?o taara of h?r?
li to i?e etiro 1??, aslcaa, u tn* torio^r c?w, ?i'a
tnacoaaoBtof ma pliant or ruaraiaa. lu tooaii
tia* wnate U>al* at a Bu i?g>in< n or oattailou or
gauizationa arparate <:o poaMa <>r la aii'rj aiay
t>o formed ana attacord to ar'?a<i*a or <ilrloi?na.
Mcnon 14 fiTea tba autaoar of troooo oi ??
p?oi?a which abaii conati* .1- too taottcai un tf
in oacb arm 01 tua ?<-r?ua and tba 01 ai-.IT
olllecra and uon-eommiaalcB?d oM era .orminf tho
soo'.ion li praacriboa tba pertowml vhlcb abaii
form ? oatiaiioa.
section 26 run (era tna raak of aajor r*">aral
Upun tno ad)Buau gaaarai and aa * ia?l "M too
corpa 01 ad|k an * gaBrrai taara a iail ha aa aa
aiatant aa.utant fanarai witn IN raaa 01 ro uari,"
Whatever mat rntana a- w r.j inuiiia a.f
arterwjri tnat eacn u*iaioi, i? to i.?t? an aa
aiatant auibtant Keuarai tin in* r?aa 01 ct4onai|
ana more macular atili. each or>ga<ia i* to M| o
vidoa wita an aa? <taut adjauai (0B0r?L H
refolar mlilU^r orfaoiaa loaa >.ri?ade? aro ?n>
titled to an artin* aaaiataatad u'ai.t reaorat **? ?
HocUod 21 Kiraa tua rant of i.?-n?r <0 too ia
apoctor (job 1 al, and **?? mat ? u tba rjm >4
laapertura K?nerai tn^ra-t>?> t>e aa a?al tarn la
?Doctor general wttn too rabk of rotoo* . aa i ? a.,
ao aa?iauul Inapector goncra w.ta luo raha f
cuiOD^l. wdo 1 hali ^e the vcnarhl iBa. ? ct r of r fta
practice," Ac. fralr im* ?a a tu at aaauiitarr
ii,einod lor rraatiog tBa on e of ia?p*? '?? of aa<
kairy. Eva v ao i.ai ano?a aha* an aaporiwr
general la. bht a ir^nerai in-pe ,r mutt i>otoaf to
tba marmaa or aome c eil ia ntui oa oot aaooh
to tno ariay. JCauoar m it aaowa ia a ran air
clea tUBt taara ia aaca a tbiag ao a corpa of toopo?<
lora |<enenil.
Hootion 42 ?aya that "<m 'be anpr < a of tho
commaoder-in rnior -n r? taat tiori.ande# ir?m
tna appropna'.una oia.ie lor nuiitaif pur. ^ra a
auin not exrec'liag H&.'jou ib our < aa .. ar fur
aorvioaa aod eiptnaaa ia aa<ritB.u.ng nfla laagaa
aod promonag rifle pratuco la tha hat oaa
Guar J."
Hocuon ?7 givaa to tb? ooi m?a-ir g oAcon f
reniuenta or MitaliOB* th* ??.?**???: a.paa' ag
ordnance aer?aaot? baapuai .tawarta a*a Imi
inaio 1 a 1 nere ia i.oiuunr saw ia tuia aoac BMat;
bat certbiniy It ia a uove. dt? to i?a?a ta**? oar
rhhtofBcrr* auDJtel t< i.? r?r.t. i aa tlita lav
dueai at iba piaaturo or rapri< a of tut '<b?im
log oOo*r. Mintarr -ni ?. m. appoiiaiota'.- ?ra
Kotarned t?y antirair diff rtut iu.-a. aa<i 11 a Mho*
in tna < axtom H ioaa <-bb i-o ta*?a r n? aa w or
by mere oporhtioB of tue ?wpwlor'awW or caprico
It ia an aroitrary act 01 powai taat taatrar uuagbt
of In tne a my
Moctioaa m, Tl, T2 ahd \ti ptaaMlb ior tbe t ration
of .National Guard offlrara. >?cti n iu gitea to
tba rhitate'i man. m.tead o< aaliwrm ar.d mbi^
mmita. tT par bead for Bou-comu<iaa??Ba? aacarh,
in laiciai.a and privat?-a wbo aBaii haaa oMhSal
wit n tnalr r-?, active corpa dnriBg tua year
sect on ia# corara an immenae ?p?oa. it gifaa
to diviaioa oommaBdara lot power of ftrtooi f
maaterinir a regimani, latkaiioo, or t>?itart ihtv
tne militia lorcea. Abd aiao ordera taa mparu
aora of tna coun'y in whMh ?Beb corpa ah ail ao
located, on demand ol the eoeashdaBi, to aract
or rent a *oitat>ia hmoiy for aoch Jorc? 1m
Board of A.dermen aud Mayor o- ,"*e? >o?a Bra
diracted and an borned to purciiaae or fhH
grouDda ior tna aractlon ?' huildinga foi1
and uri lrooma for uaa and occupation fcy.tha ha
tional unard. AnC tbe cut antborit-ea ara ?ir#?tad
to levy a tax <?n tba coonty to corer tha ahtl%ya
to t?a incurred on accouat of ?uctt ?r?or^*!.f,.
Tne raat o toe anactmant la <#tut?< to aMttari
oi tna aarfica wnicn ought to it* khtuod
mora than t ; years hgo.
To tbb Editor of the Herald:?
In jour renew of ?? Sherman's Memoirs" what
purports to be a statement of the manner in which
General l oin was killed is given, from which It
appear* that Sherman called General Howard's
attention to a group ol offio rs on Pine Mounts in,
and "ordered him to compel It to keep uuder
cover." Will you permit one who was attached to
General Howard's headquarters, and who was by
his side daily on toe Atlanta campaign?one who,
with Howard and other officer*, sut our horses
beside the Filth Indiana battery that fired the
latal shot?to give the true story ftom my notes
made that morning and published In a Western
dally a few weeks aiterward ? There certainly
la a grievous error either In jour review or in
Sherman's description of the tragedy. General
Sherman was not there and cunld not have seen
the shot fired. General Sherman may have,
however, as he rode to the rear, where he met
Howard, called hit attention to wnat he (Howard)
wonld aee when oar party reached General David
Stanley's iront: The facts?in which I am aure I
will be sustained In tne matn by Generals Howard
and Stanley and the staff officers present?are
these :?
On June 14 General Howard and staff left their
headquarters lor the front, where Stanley's di
vision of Howard's (Fourtn) corps bad broken
camp and were awaiting the order to attack Pine
Mountain. It was just after sunrise. A mtle or
two In rear of the advance Howard met Snerinan,
but the conversation between them 1 did not
hear, as the two generals conversed aside. How
ard and stuff joined Stanley and his staff on the
roid, in full* view of Pine Mountain, and as we
drew rein and exchanged greetings Stanley ex
?'Howard, do you see that group up there on the
crest of the mountain? 1 wonder who they are."
We all brought our field glasses to bear upon
the point Indicated and could plainly see three
persons standing in front ot a line of breastworks
and a larger group In the background. We could
not tell whether they were omcers or privates,
but as it was evident that tney were watchlug our
movements Stanley suggested that a lew shots
be tired to drive them under cover. . Howard, who
had suggested that perhaps Btsr.oi) Polk was In
the party, made no objections, when Stanley
turned to Captain Simonson, his chief of artillery,
with the remark:?
"M uonson, can't you unitmber, put a shot into
the group and give tne Bishop a morning saluta
tion F"
? I'll try!" was Slmonson's laconic replv. And
away he galloped to the rear. A few minutes
later a section of tar Filth Indiana battery
(Mmonson'*) was uniimbered within twenty feet
of us. Tne Lieutenant signced the gun and the
?noi exploded over and to th* runt of the group.
Here iuj mem rr fails uie, but my impression is a
secoud shot was sigh ed and bred by tne
Lica'euant with ni> better effect. Simonson, when
tn? sun had been reloaded, demounted and said.
"Here, Lieutenant, lei me try It" He took the
rati* ? and tno tnes.-enger of death sped on its
mission. Our glares were bent upon t he group
and we observed a commotion as the snot took
etf?ci iu me group that scattered to (ne rear.
White Winona u was upon his knees sighting tin
guu for a other discharge. Captain Leonard, chief
Of Howard's ?iirna! corps. siting on nis norae be
side me. read tne Confederate signal code that
our officer* hud interpreteJ at Lookout Mountain
and oanglit tn- word*
"General polk 1* killed 1" With a took of amaze
men i Leouard turned to Howard and Stau.ey
and ex> .aiaied :?
"itisaop Polk la killed I"
??Wnat*" esc.aimed Uoward} "have yon Inter
pret tne stguai correctly f"
e.?, General; smionson'a last shot killed him.
Taev ?re Meaning it along the Hue."
1 be toung ineo or the sisff woo were cracking
jok-s ina antiv cease u, ana lor a moment noue
spoke. Then Howard said
??H ell, a < n-r an has laiien. Such is war."
Jus i n*u Miuonson caught the words, "Biaoop
poik la kiiifu!"
He * - sighting the gun. and, lifting his eyes,
that glared .eariuii*. exclaimed
"What is toa:. Leonarut"
"Bishop Pot* is killed! Your laat shot did it.
The* are signalling u over the mountain," 1 re
SimotiHoii'a head dropped upon the "vent,'*
wnsre it reeled a moment. Ihen, raising his
eyes he exclaimed
?ihaok'.od! Yesterday t ey killed mv dear
brotnrr; i nave kiilej a lieutenant general and
um avenged I"
* unout ii.?? urging tue piece Simonson .arose,
remounted ai d jun.ed tne staff, siieuilv hp re
paired to ii ? regular duties, ami, the line oelng
oimeu we advanced stowiy against tne m >un
i veiy uut si aa leeilng that ne wonld navo
rejoiced na i ?ome other than Louisiana's figur
ing Bishop g tie cown belore slnjonsoo'a
?ret and oaly snot. ihe enemy was
ao damoratiMO teat he evacuated tue mountain,
and hau an nour ai'.erwaru we stood u,.ou the
a; ot mere Pola l it aud saw ihe ground .tinned
with his biouti. Aoayort?o alter poo Simon
eon, the only om> of us wuo rejoiced at (he Blsuop'a
oeaih, tell, shot on tne skirmish line In Ackworth
Turn was tBe Con ederacy avenged. It is possi
ble liiat General Sherman had ueen to the iront
that iij< r .i g. and, ?e?iug tne group rcierreu to,
?roered iiowar i to <ns|>er?e it: bat certain it la
tnat ae wa? nowhere Bear Howard when Sinion
aon'a snot feu for toe ueart of LeonldJ*. t'oii, the
&*ot.ug U shop. J. D.
Ki?' wax. May is, 1ST*.
irm to* nucrica at tu nitiujux ASSO
Tie Kaufe Commute# of tbi National Rifle Aa
?oetatloB bi# mad* i uamoer it cnangei and
moultcatiob# ib ill rule# governing practice at
Creeun oor. a jic# are given ueiow. Contrary to
ai? csaioia practice la now permitted at teree
raogee at Ue tame Urn*. Tma change will norue
vlit uMrnie tM probBtiiliui# 01 accident*; but
It afara# men amp e accommodation# to tr.e
great*/ tocr#a?iu< number* of m -rnmnen wbo
bv? *ieit tae raagea. Ill National Guard are
Uuvei gra oitou'lj tbe uae of tbi ranges on
tire* ia/i ta tM week.
uatition rui rurnm
L ttoa nip alt r**<l??<tr arid ue <p?a lor practice
daily mmi;mmbi?d aader tie leiioartn# rtgula
U > ia itua* ?iU be vpaa ai) '? uta uaoara of the ea
kkkUvu ? it., ii a? wear (Mir i aJ/a. wbra rr*iil.iug
? loMIMt vi">a luudlit ikudiiit ant lrh.an it
?i>) be Ml b/ a??u.ur,? J IB* >aiMBaJ uuarj aaae# to
1 bee* ?UI be M artac el *e r*M? be lore til. or
ana/1 r. m
e a a a a a e e
t?Mne> m mm re.
?arbert n?uu?o ua* ml ae atloaai 'laard. or
a?r*4 i* iiH iam i m mwur* win b? pr ,v?j. j
tbrwaflk ifc* bti#ale att4 |n,t,?ti na^n-.tit jl rile
kixiM ae* mikvO karp ? aa b oganu.ti.,Ua
tbt* t*,.i b?* lam** Ma .r ladivtuaei praeuee b/ tae
Baaeaal uaaM
turtw ea> a< ua a a
Metabeee ?? >??< t... t??Mi won pay tbelr era raia
?Bare m ? aaae- ?? u.iu# Ute ?iaad.
naaada ai 4i?*r*a ta eel' tar*t at ib* lr<l < laea
tar#*t? Bt*i taa? nebMi ai ike tiring bi.iat bv
i*m ait I It* aiM#aai?it tail aa? ? baa ttril n. t to
ii'MiMt aaaaa, *laat' ia raaa taara ara a barai'M
b?ra i lb' aaa*?e <*a.uae ta?r ?? t.? ate# piaee la urua
ea e ta BB-.ee *u a* ?.|aa raaaa< w tBm It
N ail be r??ae -?e?ra4 >b<( a?uaa la ?ra a war tar
ana; MlMib aaabaa tae baapena n.oaat t? hare
a . .f i t .?.a ? laaa M fa pitaj It Iwl aw< a .e? In -ae a>>ar
HfM MrM e?l >B?Mla' r?ai tat a leiaai tf tMBaf I
tat.m r? a i be a< < tuawa)* i aatlntaa H wfeM a
aaar?*f ta ? a u i. a butu tBe i?abtr ?a ib? urg.ta
aa t lae Beer a a* I* ta a? '*e ? Hi. ??.*? bnu .a w.ti
laa Ai ti a > > i> '?*!<? ?? I <e ?!??? a.l iwiBa i*e aiaaiaa
?l lilaftw a ttt ?ai<-b?? be an a lag a> liteteiae#
|a INei ?? Baa laifat MM M aba* P?|e#l .e He aaeeriB
NMHi i?* ? arn ?? ? nan
aaaeeaate ?e ac UI ib .
la alt '-*a?a a* . '"*a: ?l ai >a>i aeaea l*rf?u iriti
b* Ian b?i??*a iB> an a b**a'*"bBa tae Brtaaiaai
4 ai >at m ? ee a>a* .> ?"*?? M i.e* rra?
owiaa -? <a tBa <aw ?a ibe aB*nea#B4*ai la ae
ih rua* ? ?? ,?| *4 t a'!Ba aiaaiari
B> U I''?? e 'aao a I let* via*? b ate * aB atl ttbuaal
??ib?i ?* tar* ta to i* aa><i ? bay ? eat ebu rorra.
*f .? lift. ? Ialar. ut..? e?M al ubr a?ba? al*wea
?ta l?i>iaii aal Uar?ieit la? raaa* wlm aael hf
eiaai ?rii>? .i a near* IB* Ba.tt* an. be
e?aiB?>al W be* oat* > ?aa a a? IB* <aata ii we bed a in
bee- blab? tBa le b***aei w rib? aia< f- Tar
fla ? it, M <m i?ee, a* aa atBaB ?Na*a 4a aember aa
uaat b* r??t??fe a.iwtai if tae iraaupa ??a fri
?*>? aatb... w Btif ? '?? B??*-a*d b* MM .a*e' ?ra f
fine b. ?? ?*?. Ma . ra< we ?itl I e> I* Baa4 ba, ;er4a
lar?*t? I laa m,. ae e<*4 b<e IB* UMr<l n?? aalillall
B r IB* f ? , ?*??? a* .aaaar 4era a.t iar.ai*
aaee b. IB* ir ia?? ?>ti be M tBe aare.aa ?? t*e aaea
fit-.'a rrJr^.aM ?ai?rea I a aa.1 Ml M<el??1
?M t b trader a .?B*e lie fee* m a*l aaad bj Wm*a
?a? ;nr if. at mi baBa lelwet-"* _
? araau i la i ai ta i area ll aa ? b* Ml FBfde. aad V
ailt Iirn I ?<i.a Ik>lt ?
lera*'t I ia n ?* >tr4< n ta 11 .1 B*i rar4a ead B?
at m*i aad I '*S t a 4* 9at* H le II ? *>oee A. *.
i araatt I .m t el Bi ?a* Ja * ? a?*l? bl B? jrarl*. IT lb
? * e raeia i'0 ? i t* I e'rlael F m. . -
la/#, naalaitb rarBal. ? B?J * bi B?< yard*. 17 la
? at mil er t ? 'rttaa I ta I tt ? bae# I" *. _ .
larrbleMieiWiail* t * aad ? ei #Bt Tarda. IT le
?#t I.Bai ra.it iratab ? a* e a *m#|
IlE MB Ta*ai??* a ill*## aaiw br aa falo*a ?
erf*?a i a 4 I ei U a.rda f, * eta ? e? ??< ford#. #Bd
M lu M ai <?? tir *a ir<* * la W a a.ear. A. 1.
I area a I ead i at AM tenia f # aad lai B?# ferd*. lad
IT le fTal eai fBr talrtaaill a II a etMa b A Ii
I ai#e i ii jt:?i rt' ia T, ? aad ? #1 I?' Taeda bBd
IT ia it at I e?i a area if ? I 'a II a -. h* b
iar?ea I ta I at hw aaa la- rarda I, la I# ai ?? r##l#,
aad A) ?i?* rardt ir <*a I ?a I ? ?i 'b f. ? ...
. ar**!# I la I a IB and a> /area. II ?a I# *1 HO r#rdB
?ad Met lb tarj. ir*aa I ia?ea <<a?
iaraete I k lit)? laialMrla uw <? II ?9?#tBB
?ad ft. at I ?w ?ard* iram I le ? #'eieah f. m
aBBatta# ta Mb* u#
IMb^ laager a^aa. ia *Ba?# tBe beaaal bt##b ma#t be
?T TH* WKW TOIll, *H?-t? i * ! i
The monthly ra ettag ?i ?h* liirece ? of *m
Sew York v hr^p Transportation At
held yesteru y aitrru >on la t?r r ?ui
of tbe ;i-i rut a. *t No. It* ?>*n
street. There tn birlf i quo'an tf
directors pre-ent. Tne ti rutif ? inm nr
presented the names of nin uor rrm? and Indi
viduals for confirmation a* memt>eni<?f tM umci
atlun. Tbe Board approved tbe MM ami cob
stltated tbe nominee* regular memi^r*. vr.
John T. Heur.r propoaud that Mr. ffiillaa f. Kid
der, of the Arm 01 William F. Kidder M ( A, t?
elected a member or the Boaid of Director*,
In the room of the late Mr. George c. Co uni. aud
the motion was adopted. 1 ne AsMstsnt Merttsrt
then read & letter from Mr. J. B. Hartlett, the sec
retary or the new Boston c tesp Transportation
Association, in which thankh were conveyed to
the New York organization Tor the ai l wtitch it*
members nad given toward the formatio i or tne
Eastern society. The following resolutions were
aiterwara adopted: ?
Whereas we believe the eitle* of the I ??tern #t* r?
have an interest identical with our own in the att ain
ment ot'cheau unit <juleiv trati?iioriaiion i" an I Irolu tbv
West; aud whereas tuo Iipih II ? ol cuuwri iuo in een
erai measures ten iln?' to direct an i uiiln iui the <? -ui
merce ot .ho country In the d.nlred channel*. apart Irom
the health!' local rivalry that limy o:lierwi? .nut. i? ?
matter ot paramount consideration
ttesolveu, That the eonxratu.*:lons and gooJ will of
tbl* association be tendered to the ciu-ap ? r.<nrt?
tion Association uf Uiis otl, which wa- so ?ue.s-s:ully
Inaugurated on the 28th u t.
Kejolvea. mat the secretary he Instructed to forward
a cod.v ot this resolution to the Secretary of to* ttostun
Mr. Lees, the General Secretary of the Associa
tion, men presented u le'tur froiu Mr. ttichard l*.
Morgan, sr., ibe well known civil engineer, who
was Ui? projeotor ot 'hi; Hudson River liaiiwin.
Tne writer snowed mat tna present r.ulroad cor
porations are overcoming, by their bign cnurges
tor tretgiit, the advantages winch this citv
has us an entrepot from its geographical
position. He allowed that as tne railroaos
itoni Chicago to the East ihrough our Mate mse
udva -tasre of the long-conriuueo closing of tne
lanes and me Erie Canal during the wluter
months to Increase their rates ior ire gtn, the.
oiverr from our city much of the Internal com
merce winch ought to come nere. ih ia, he-sald,
.Philadelphia aud haluincre are being made t>r
the railroads ol this state, as well as bv
those wiicn end in the cities named, to
attain equal option unities ? witu New York;
uud tins is beiug done in spite ot ti e obstacle*
winch mountains, aividunr Philadelphia .mu
Baltimore from ihe West, present to the passage
ol railrond.i. Mr. Morgan a so nndr another
reason ior New York to lie alarm d at the policy
ol the existing railway corporations In Mm met
ti at if me irelght rates are not cheapened trotn
the West when the Mississippi improve
ments are completed, New Orieaus may supersede
our city as tne main exporting place or tM pro
ductions oi that valley. Already, he -ays. are
towuoats trai.sportini? mucn Height from St.
Lotus to New Orleans at prices witn wn cti tne
railroads to the hast do not try to c rapete. Fi
nally, Mr. Morgan suggests a rtnedy in tbe con
struction of
trom the Mississippi Kiver or a point in Iowa, in
widen State is the centre oi tne Mississippi
region, to this city. lie 1 says tnst cue
present rallwuis i'lotn here to the West have to
overcome grades ol forty and 01 fifty leel; hut
that his intimiitu knowledge oi the ? ay lioni Ne-v
Yoi k to the Mississippi etiaiiies him to declare
thai a railway can be uuilt between inese t' r.uini,
which will not have to overcome grades of more
than lliteon icct in coming east, nor of more than
twenty-five feet going west. Alter a statement
of lacts which bis exocrlenco has taU/Ut
him. Mr. Morgan states that upon such a rail
way as be advises to be constructed I reign t might
be rolled irom C a leu go to New York ar a chutge of
the equivalent oi the weight oi a nushei ot wheat'.
But he said tnat the i'eight cars must ne hunt iu
some proper proportion to the loads tbey are to
carry, Instead of a* tney are at present, being mide
very little less in weight than tneir lad toads;
and tne ruiiway must uc well ballasted. Mr. toor
ga.i aiso shnned that tbe average cost ol bring
ing a busnel of wheat irom ciucago to New York
is now tl.teen cents and that uuder no circum
stances wou d it through railway, operated prop
erly, need to . barge more than ien < ents.
a letter irom Mr. F. W. Pcckaam supporting Mr.
Morgan's statements was also presented to ike
Board, ana ootu communications were referred to
tne conMdei atlon oi the committee on Hallways.
Mr. Merwiu moved that preparations be made
to have the association repiesenteu ut tbe corning
mee:lh( oi the National Board of Trade, ro be neld
m Fhiladelpnia on June 15. Mr. Henrv moved
tbat a commute.' of live -bouid r>e
sen to the meeting. Both motions were adopted
and the President appointed Messrs. ueor^e
Merwm, John F. Henry, F. B. TharDer. Charies
VVatrous and K. It. Durkee to compose tne delega
tion. Mr. B. P. Baker, tbe President of the asso
ciation, was alterwar i added to the committee,
it wss then decided tnur roe association snail he
represen'ed at the liunker liill centennial cele
bration by a committee of three persons. Tbe
ua ncs of tils delegates were not announced, but
tne matter of t^eli selection was referred to the
executive committee oi the Bourd;
CUKU>iilt? UAStS.
Bridget flevner died st Bellerne Hospital ves
terday morning under sacs circumstances as to
wamnt Coroner Oroker in holding uu inquest.
Coroner Cr Iter wia yesterday notified to hold
an Inquest en the body ol Mrs. Filburn, woo died
suddenly at No. iSi Third avenne.
An officer of the Mntn preMnct round Eilzabeth
Clark under the front stcop or No. 3* Eighth ave
nue, early yesterday morning, suffering irom the
effects of a flr. sue was removed to the station
house, where sue died in a tew moments alter
havlug been taken Id. She was mirtv-four years
ol a . p.
Tne bodv or a male infant was round In an ash
barrel in West Tnirteenth street.yesterday morn
At eleven o'clock yesterday morning Coroner
Woltmati held an inquest in the case 01 Kate
Hunt, who was burned to death at the Are at No.
47 Oliver sneet on tbe 6to intt. 1 i,e jury len
dcied a veruici ol death from acciuental causes.
Frederick Brunner. a cntld three years 01 atre.
fell into a tub 01 hot water last Monday, at No. 277
First avenue, and was scalded to de itli.
Oarl Kitdratn, ol No. fi03 East Fourteentn
street, committed suicide yesterdar by taking
laudanum. Ue nai been out or employment all
w titer, and stated tnat he was tir?o o. living,
since it n as so (ilfflcult a matter t? keep soul and
booy togemur. coroner Croker will hold an in
quest la tlii) case.
A woman aoont forty years old, named Mary
Evans, ot Newark, N. J., while walking yesterdsy
on Parkinson avenue, near the Flugerboard road,
Clifton, was accosted by a man representing him*
self to bo a poiic orn er, who arres ed her and
took her to a lonely place in the woods, win-re she
?a? brutally ontratr-d by himself anu flee other
ruffian-. she was aiterwa'd lound br the police
aud taken to Police Headquarters at stapieton,
win-re the surgeon. Dr. Lee. tuaue an examination
of h?r condition, and pronounced tne case to De a
serious one. The woruan was sent to the Smith
laormary at Tomitkin.sv.iie tor treatment.
Yeaterday forea< on County Physician Dodd, of
Newark, was not,tied by the station master at
Orange that during tbe previous night Mrs.
E izaoetB Batto, a well known lady of $ast
Orange, was killed at the Walnut street cross
ing or the De aware, Lackawanna and Western
Hailroad, whin, like the crossings in
Sewer* or the Pennsylvania Railroad, is
entlreiv nngtmdcd. Mr*. i:att > was struck
uf me .ocotuotive aud nornbly mutilated.
sii? wh pi-ked up alive and pia ed on a wagon
wild tne inteoti n or temoval to the hospital, not
?ae dim aoo i a ter atattin^, and the oody was
tt a akeu to er resid nee. Ills stated that
?hen a; ti s' hl'ig the cms<ini no whistle or *ig
am su? kin 1 was m und d. Agreeauly to his
pr?uuee '?> M <uc > taWfc until saieguards are
i fovmel in. I?.?d will, It ia assumed, oruer au
MMI ant tne (acta officially recorded. Mrs.
?<no was oity ?ear. ot age, a wluow, ana leaves
eeverai growo t?i> cuU.tren.
A suit for raise imprisonment, In which Mrs.
Anaa By ties was plaintiff and Benjamin J. Button
09 euditit, has been on trial for several daya past
la tae Circuit Court, at Jersey City, before Judge
kaapp. 1 he ease was given to tbe jury at eleven
o'clock oa Monday torenoon, and at Ave in the
afternoon the jnry came Into court witn the an
aottnce.Hcnt tnat it was impos-lble lor them
t< ?|i?e. "Nothing is itnnossible," retorted the
Jatgt, >ui dc directed tneoi to retire, sa>lngtlias
the* could i,e furnished with refreshments
at taetr own expense, as it wouid be illegal to
supply rem an i.ent- at the expense of the county.
Mr Murfar, o e or the Jurora, objected to receiv
log an/ r--,i ?h i,?nt?, as In tnat case h said the
ju- w nid n >1 a/ee at all. Other memoera of.
tne jury aisu oojecred to refresh men rs, an J <1 vote
ol tn? ury oenig taaen on tne question it was de
ft ieo by ? fote 01 ? to 4 that re lest.ments shoo d
not o-allowed Anout eight o'clock in toe even
ing tne eight members ? h. formed tne majority
yie. ied sal re.resnments were obtained, ihe
jar? were <.?t au uignt, aud at eleven o'clock ye
t : Ja> f.r*n.a>n 1 her came into c un witb a ver
a let it tbe p tat a 1 iff, attesting uamagas al M .7*0,
IS SHARKLY coming?
*?fKUL initn to wm.coM* him back To
*rv nun c-anxot tell?mb. fish ub
T' alio T?i iMtnrnit,
A 4mi?uI iron Havana, publtaheu yesterday,
ait uurci th t H arke?, tie murder r, had lor*
Havana <>? ilia craaceni City in coarse of Deteo
iIva i?a* ir?, ami w >. qj? ua his way i N?w York,
i tir trtMrbl City |? one or t'ie Clyde line ol
ataiw era and i?f Havana for New York on aatur
day la-t. >b* la expected to arrive nere to-day 01
?? in. rr. w. As there la conaiderable anxiety la
official circle* here tu welcome Sharker oack to
dia old <iuar:era in the Tomba and to irovide
; Ma gratuitously wuh a good, atrong piece 01
rope whica ?UI ead all bis adveuniree. a
rter ol the Hti.aLD <-.i led upon Dlstrlo*.
Attoroer I'helpa y<??tetd*y afternoon to aacertaln
?nattier be l??d r?-i-eiVtid a iy offlclal news ol
*aarker*a surrender. Onr handsome and genlai
imtrtct aimjiaa*. although immersed in legal
uocaneats, vm yet luitBedia.eiy ready to giva ta<
mortiiaii n ?oilcited.
? i have received no despatch whatever,? ha
aald aeei?iveiy, do not oeiiove Mat the
aaaonaoaaaa you re er to is auth-n ic. It Shar
k"j ii?4 beei surrenders 1 uui *ero BOW on lilt
war t?> New I nra I atiou.d hav? t> ici aure to uav?
received in ornmion to thai elT'Ct,"
?Did i u expect hnaraey'a surrender laal
week t"
a knotty irorkm.
"I had no expectation whatever .n tbe aubjeeti
for |i la -impii impoositile to loreio11 t n- art-loo of
tue M iuriii rotirunenl, to whom no decision on
tin* m piirati n f'.r bt ? surrender nax been re
ferred. It ia *er> uueert I i win*tiier the applica
tion will ?s niatiK'ii iy ti.o Spun Mi government,
or now aoo'i tun d ? i- on will >c rendered."
??uo von ti.ink sortlcum, Mii e iia* elapsed to
allow ol a decision ??"? r ?nii<M" ti by tnis time?"
'tin, ve?: inn ton know t.iat the >pnniso an
tfcorities ar.- no' am to move rapidiv In ? lie e mat*
tara Sharkey BMiat have be*n lourorflvo weeks
in Havana n >w and tbe daciaion migbt nave even
arrived ov mall.''
'1 premium there's no danger ot bis escaping
? On.no: Davies is a vary good detective. Ht
Is pui .lc.il iriv valuable in iiiis ci-,e iroin oenift
tl.orouabiy iiuulia w:th >i>aii;sn maimers und
cut*idnis. Ho ia 'be asms man who returned tbe
anions picture by m> rdlo to sp.nn, and, as no
seemed to be tlior<> tfblv competent lor tnta taaic,
l in ruateu it to bite.''
"And vou uav* uo decided expectation of Shar
ke>'* aurrettderf"
"No. 1 have ? one mv beat id making the appli
cation, and ilio decision now v^ta witn tue Span
lab government."
" l?o ymi know wliet. er tue .itai- Department
lm-i maue any demano upon the >pauisli govern,
ment lor Mliarkey'a extradition
"I nave iitsen in coinujuiucatloii with Mr. Ki?t
on tne .subject and waa advi-en i>v lu.n tint at
anplicutlon of lira kind would nor be proper, at
n<> extradition treaty ezisia bemeen tne twe
"And wbat did Mr. Flab baae thia oplnloi
upon t"
-lie irave no reasona, but 1 presume that H
wouu not be cous.dere'i advlaaoio to give Spain
BBjr irrouud lor deinundin^ tue aui render ol
otfen era a^aiuat. ibe >paniaii laws now in till*
country, rue milter rc><M aimoly on my own
uppiicati ?n aa Diairict Attorn' v of tne city ol
New York."
it will pi obably be icitieiuoered that the morion
lor a new trial in Siiarici 'a case win still pending
wii n be ??'?eaped. Hi'noe rue motion wouid nave
tone araued oa his return?if lie suonld return?
belore the Supreme court, Oeueral Term.
as to &lagirie Jordan, who Is a true heroine, aa
sacrillcfni.' ua any ever personated ou tbe nraire?
who joopaidized her liberty, ber honor, lier bap
omen, to save tne wretcu wirn aitertvard repaid
her \\itit black ingratitude and inuumari urn
tallt>?it may be interesting to know mat rde in
diet men l agaiaat ner for abetting Sli.irkey m hia
escape win piobably never be tried avain. .sua
wu- once tried und tne ^ury dHagre. o. and the
sentimeutality ol our juries and tn?ir unwii.ing
neis to convict a young aim lairly attractive
woman who guzea upon them witn tearful eyea
are si well establlaned that the jatiiclai auihoru
ties do not think a conviction could oa ootained.
Tnrouurti his dastardly condu t toward rua noera.
tor sharkev naa 'orieded the little s\mpatuy ne
ever nad in New York, and now tnere is a univer*
aai deaue lor atarn. retributive Juatice.
The trial of James Klely for tbe n.urOer of Joha
Mona an cn tbe 17th or March was concluded la
the lirookl)n City Court, Part 2, before Judge
Rejuoids, yesterday. Tbe case hav.ng been
closed ou bott\ (idea at tbe opening 01 tbe court
yesterday morning. Mr. Jonn Cooney, of counsel
lor tbe defence, proceeded to present the caae
for the accused in an eloquent argument
upon tne lair of Justifiable homicide, wqico
occupied nearly two hours. District Attorney
Britton followed at urea, length in remtation at
tue theory oi jos ideation, and tnereupou Judge
Keynoius charged tne jury upon the questions in
voived in the :acia and circumstances of the
homicide. Tt la aeluoni tnat a case 01 this char
acter i- tried in tbe city courts, aud it is now c<>n.
tended by tne counsel lor the prisoner that a
senoua variance was made lrotn tbe strict
condition ui law iu this state witu reuur4
to jutuiilcation, l?a?u)uctt as Jud^e Reynolds,
adopting tM dictation o' the District Attorney,
cna.ged trie jury tbat the great persouai injury of
tne fctututs winch ambortzes a re-ort to nomlClde
In Heif-defence must amount to a Itlonloas uxsuuit
and tiutterr.
lnc prisoner was convicted by the Jury, afrer a
deliberation or two hours. nuUer this charge, ot
manslaughter in the third degree, winch luvoives
a punishment not exceeding lour years' imprison*
A stay was granted, and tbe case is likely to go
nD on appeal for a decision In tbe last resort upou
exception of prisoner's counsel.
At ten minutes past twelve o'clock on Tuesdaj
morning Officer Golden, o( tbe Sixtb precinct,
be. rd cries ol ?'murder!" -police!" Ac., issuingfron
a window on tbe second floor of No. 104 Park street
and immediately hurried to the spot. Be fount
tbat Bernard Molloy, who keeps a urinking saloon
in tbe atore floor, bad gone up stairs to the apart
menu occupied by his sister, a widow, Mrs,
Lavous, ut'i made a desperate asaauit upon her.
aeit and ber son. on entering her apartiuents he
made inquiries aa to tne whereabouts of bsi
ton :>:cii las. >lie replied bv asking him
what he wanted wltn ber eon at that tate hour.
Angered, apparently, by her reiusai to state
where tue boy was, be seised her 'jy tbe ihroar
and beat her in a dreadful manner. Mr.-. Lavon*
at the titr.e Molloy entered ber sleeping routa
was in bed. Her cries lor help brought ner son,
Nicholas, 10 ner assistance irom an adjoining bed
cimmoer, wuere tie was sleeping. Ue tushed
upon Molloy Id tbe darkness, supposing him s
a: ranger. in the struggle young Lavona re
ceived several stub wounds?one over tue
nab' eye and < ne in tbe left ear; un
right ear was almost cut in twain by tits brutal
assa<iant. On receiving the stab over tbe right
eye be sank to Hie floor, crying, "Mother. 1 am
staobed." Molloy tben rusiied ir?m tue room and
made his escape oy the nack stars, Office!
Goiuen conveyed the injured persons to the station
house. The boy Nicnoias was subsequently taken
to re Park Hospital, where his wounds were
dressed by Dr. 'Ihomas Smith. About three
o'clock in tbe morning officer Golden succeeded
in arresting woiloy in Worth street, tie was
taken to court yesterday morning and was com
mitted by Judge Sherwood, in uefauit ot
bail, lor felonious assault wim intent to kdi.
Tbe German Taxpayers and Property Owners'
Central Organization, wno have previously ad
dressed tbe Legislature, asking lor the appoint
men; of a cnarter commission, nave prepared
another memorial on the subject. Mow tbat the
Governor has called the attention of the Legisla
ture' to tnis matter tsey urgently request tne pas
sage of an act providing ior tne uppointmeot o;
such a Boaro, to oe couiooscd oi competent . er
? on*, witu authority to prepare a cnartei or ?uc?
amendments to tbe present charter as the inter
ests ot tne city may require. WutOfe suouid oe suo>
mitted to the next Lbf'.alat ure. 1 bey also ask tn*|
such charter or amendments oe submitted to Um
vote of the people.
Tbe following were the sales of New York aity
property yesterday:?
saw vona cm ?bopebtv?sr a. b. mcllkb a.sd sob.
1 11 b. ?. h. and lease or lot Ma Kast ?7tti St., s.
?..8i 'tte. ot .tn av.; (loelet les-e ior^'y?ar?,
troin May, 18/1, ground rant tliM per annutu, lot
2o*iu0.5; W. H. rts/ard $13 000
4 lot* on n. s. ot cfttn St., a/a ft e. oi 7th av., each
zsaluo; a. Samuel.... 40,000
BT HCon K, CAUr.
4 lots on n. i. ot t chnylcr it., went oi Cortlandt av.,
known on the map ot Moms stebijins' prot>?r:y
as AOS. 41, 41. 44 and 41. mis each. *>. Hot
risaola; J. A. Nicholson ,. ISM
at in LCliLoW ABO CO.
1 3 a bk. b. and 1., No. 414 West 14iU at., x. ? . 225 ft
e. ot 10th av.. lot 2;.xi 3.1, Patrick JleOanald 10,001
av SLiEcasa axn sow.
141.1). ib. and 1. oi w. 4. or Madison aV? 80 ft n.
of 73d st, lot V/.2SVJ; Mary .Mm Moors, second
mortgage 17,001
ay a. v. bahni ti.
lis and b> b. 1 h. and l on s, ? 01 <44 si, 111 It
or fa at., letMUio.li a, t, buffet 4i

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