Newspaper Page Text
FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL The Stock Market Still Unsettled and Fever ill), with Lower Prices. GOLD STRONG AT 116 1-4. The Money Market Easy and Capital Abundantly Offered. GOVERNMENT BONDS FIRM. Wall Stbeet, \ Tcesdat, May 18?6 P. M. | The market closed with a decidedly bearish fe?ilair in nearly all financial oirclea, and there was little disposition to look on the oricht Bide, notwiths:anding the acknowledged pres ence ul Investors, wao are baring and laicing stocks from the street at what they couceive to be low prices. Brte was the chief bone of comeution, but, after opening at 26 and selling f to 26>4 and down to 25*, and after all the H Qgffle of the day, en led at 25*. Lace Shore was J ewise a polDt of attack and was succe-sfully p.essed down from 67* to.66*, closing at 66*. Pacific Mall continued to be a doobtml object of consideration, yet tell off, on salts oi about 6i),000 shares, from 38* to 37*. me last transaction was at 37*. Western Union opened at 76*, ad vanced to 77 and declined to 76*, closing at 76*. Union Pacific was steady at 76 a 76*, receding to 76*, and ending at 75*. New York Central sold it 105* a 106* a 105. Delaware and Lackawanna responded to the general depression by selling it 118* a 118* a 118* a 118*. Wabash tpened at 11*, but was knocked down to 9*. Northwest common sold at 39* a 39. The pre ferred stock went off to 63*. St. Panl closed at 86* lor tbe common, and 56* for the preferred. Atlantic and Pacific Telegraph was firm at 25* a 25* on reiterated reports recently published con cerning the success of the Faraday. Panama, after selling at 144. ended at 142*. Other changes will be found elsewhere. ADVANCE AMD DECLINE. The following are the changes for twenty-four bburs:? advance.?Atlantlo and Pacific Telegraph. *: Panama.*; Quicksilver, *; District of Columbia 8.65 bonds, *. uecu.nk.? Atlantic and Paclfio preferred, l: New York central. *; Hannibal and St. Joseph, *; Lake Shore, *; Northwest common. *; Ohio and Mississippi, *; Pacific Mall, *; Rock l-laud. *;St. Paul, *;do., preierred, *; Wabash, 1*; Union Pacific. *; Western Union. *; Missouri Pa cific, 1*; Erie, in London (two days), 3 percent. The stocks that remained stationary were C., C. and I. c.; Delaware and Lackawanna, Eriq and Harlem. THE SALES TO-DAT amounted to about 262,000 shares, woich were represented among tne most active securities is follows:?New York central and Hudson, S00; Erie, 61,600; Lake Shore, 68,000; North western, 11.000; do. preferred, 300; Rock Island, 6,300; Pacific Mai!, 49.300; St. Panl, 1,400; do. preferred, 60?;ohlos, 3,100; Western Union, 29,200; Wabash, 10,000; Union Pacific, 10,600; Panama, 700. OPENING, HIGHEST AND LOWEST PRICES. The lollowlng table shows the opening, highest and lowest prices of the day Opening. Highest. Lowest. New York Central 106* 105* 106 Erie 26 26* 25* Lake Shore 67* 67* 68* WabMSti 11* 11* 9* Northwestern 39* 39* 39 Nortuwestern prel 54 64 63* Rock Island 104 104 103* Mil. ana St. Paul 35 * 36 36* klli. and St. Paul pref.... 57 67 56* Dhio and Mississippi.... 24* 24* 24* Sew Jersey Central..... 110 no lio Del.. Lack, and Western 118* 118* US* union Pacific 76 76* 75* C., c. and I. C 6* 6* 6* Western Union 76* 77 76* Atlantic and Pacific TeL 25 * 25 * 25* Pacific Mail 38* 38* 37* Panama 142* 144 142* CLOSING PKIC'iS?3 P. M. .M A St P of... 86* A 56* C, C. C A Ind... 66 a 67 C, i. * I C .. r* a 5* 1 !' ? IB* ' IT OeU L A W....II8* A IIS* DUt Col S-6i's.. 74* a 74* Krte 26* . 26* Hot W .t "ow?r. 17* a 18* Han 1 s? Jo 4 a 14* j\CAuit tx lio >101 L e Shore..,. 66* A 66'. Amer a* (S* ? ot>4 Mien Central... 67 ? 68 t n 1 ipreu.... M* a S2 N y ? n?r v>> . it* Weil*.forgo Ex 68* a 8?* N T C A U K....I14* a 106 ? ? A'6 a li<6* N.JerCan 110 * 1M* 8le? A Pitta.... W a KB Ohio A Miaa.... ;4* a 24* hi A K W SI a SP4 I'anama 140 a 14; 5hl A N W pf. ,V* a 64 To! a War. y* . 19 Chi A R I Iu3* a US* IJBion l ac 78* ? !6 Mil A 8t Paul.. :6* I .-6$S Pacife Mai'.... 37* ? 87* Went Cn Tel... 76*'? 76* At A Pac Tel... 26* a 28* ? int-amvai-. .. 16* .1 17 THE GOLD MARKET. The price at tue opening was 118 and at tha close lie,*. Sales meanwhile were made at 116% a lie*, if tnere be a pool in the market Its oper ations are both udrolt aud exceptional. Inasmuch aa It gives indications of larger patience and a desire to work in consonance with natural causes. Lelt to themselves it is predicted that in lime the latter will caase the advance wlileh Is ? rxiected, and thus establish a price that cor responds more accurately tnan at present with the law of supply and demand. Tbe carrying rate vras 1 per cent, and the borrowing rate 1 and 1.64 per cent. Loans were also made flat. WEEKLY CLEARING BOUSE STATEMENT. Currency exenanges f$7,166.388 Cnrrencr imlanoes.. 5,838,173 'iold exchanges 6,413.070 Sold balances 876,01s THE MO.NET MARKET. Loanable capital continues abundant, and the ratee on call loans to-day were 2 snd 3 per cent. Commercial paper u unchanged, most of the busi- I less being on toe basis of 4 and 6 per cent. For* sign exchange was easy at the close, no specie having been engaged for to-morrow, and there being no indications ttat the borrowing rates of gold would be snch as to give trouble to cus tomer*. Prime asiunz races were tor sterling 487 snd 490; selling rates, 4.S6 a 4.88 >4 and 4.89 a 4.X9*. Relchmarks, a 94\ and 9??{ a 95X; cables, 90; irime Pana 4.14)? and MIX; other rates, 6.16* snd 6.12*. # TBI cwrran states triapcrt. The balances in the United States Treasury at .he doss 01 business to-day in Washington were it toilows:?currency, $4.woo,MO; specie deposits if legat tenders lor the redemption of certificates >1 deposit, f M. 131.000; coin, $92,382,037; including join certificates, $21,060,700; outstanding legal idBdsra, $.78,0^1,760; internal revenue receipts t?-iay, 1196.910; customs receipts, (491,21a. The Assistant Treaaaror pai<l oat $82,000 on account ! >1 merest and $157,100 in redemption of flve twsaty bonds, OOriBKMBST BOND*. District of Columbia tbrse-sixtj-flvss were mors active a?d advanced to 74)(. ? despatch was re seived irom A>l?any stating (hat ma Governor bas ugn a the bm which aBtliwrises savings banks to ?vast in securities on which the laltn of the gov irament is p>e<i?ca. other bonds closad Arm at the folio* ng <1 miations: rmted States currency iixss, 124 ? a 124 i; Jo. do., lMl, registered, 122 , a ttklf: do. do.. <10., eoupoa. 124 a 124 s,; do. flve tweauea. 1662, registersd, lie* a 117; do. do., do., coupon, 114\ a 117; do. do., 1664. registered. 117JK a 111; do., do.. do~ eonpoa, 117T, alls*;do. ao., 1666, registered, 119'? .1 il!"?; do. do., do., cob ? p'0. 120 , a 130*: do. do., do., new, registered, 121* a 121%; do. do., do., do., eoapoo, 122 a 1*22 ,; dr. do., t*67. rvgi-iered, 122* a 122* i < o. do., do., ?Npoo, 123* a 124; do. do.. 1666, registered, 122 a 123; do. do.. <10., roupoo, 132* a 123*; do. ten fornes, regiateiad, 116 , a lie*; do. do., coupon. 117V a 118;ao. nif?, 1661, registered, 116*4 * HO,*; do., do., do., coupon, 116* a 11 . THE KiR, his MARKET. Advices Loadou eiate that there has beea a gain of hall oa by t ,e Baft* of Kagiaoa of (262,04 Bieriiug. 1 be rate of dlscoant la tbe open Market f< r three muBtae'btiis is 3* per rent, or <, below tin bauk rate. . oasois aad American sMarules are reported ?rai, except la tue case of Kne, which ? tensed irora 23* to 22*, but at the cloae aere excited and advaared to ti%. In Am sterdam Erie wasquotea at 22. Reates la Paris were C5M. A oaspatca, ai 21M P. M., from Loa da:j, states isat las t n/aad Ooaaty Bank (Ha tted) of LondOB m*. f-nded to day?animportant. Paid Bp capital tls,ooc The Brie report was yufe. ntb?4 her# this marninf. The following are late spsciai quotations:?Consols ior money, 94 s a 94do. lor account. 94.',' a 94*; 1894 bonds, 1081SS7 do., lOStf; ten-rorty do., 104: new fives, 102X a 102?,; Ens. 22Ji a 23; 1892 bonds, 102,*; Illinois central, 91X a 02. MIMOBIKOI. Tba following; 1s a comparison of the earnings aud expenses of tbe Cnton Pacific Railroad ior tne monta ol March, lS7oand 1874:? Pfrrenl igt Optrii\ng **-* K.-r.e'i-t*. **>'' tu I <1 G rot I Karuirgt. I?75 W 1874...... 687.026 15 tncrenso |2Jl,9$j 3) Dec re* sc .(Ml 61 417.090 49 . .Y?i of Optra'3 T-irninqt. Scpinitt. 8191. *7$ 41 .13 89 26J.S45 65 CO 71 *21,927 7'J $69,09) 83 " - 23 11 Tne increase or gross earnings of 1873 orer 1S74 was 33.80 per cent, and the increase or net earn ings 47.18 per cent. It is announced that the well known firm of Hobln?on, Chase A- Co. wii; be dissolved on tbe 1st ol June. Mr. Eugene Robinson retires Horn active business and contemplates a trip to Europe. Tno stocanoiders or ibe Columbus, Chicago and Indiana central road are called to meat at Columbus, Ohio, on Wednes lar, June 2. The Xew YorK transfers close on Saturday next, May 22, and the oooks will remain slint until June 3. NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE SALES SO *hs C 9 Excress.. iyO ?ia*t Cu lsl c 76'i 1300 at (Ji s^1 ? do ??????) a 0 <io b3 <6'? %> do If* & 'i do. '5* ?^00 do..M*M??.<b3 76*4 #100 do 76)4 2l It <lo 76'., l0? rto,..........M Tcesuat, May 18, 1875. BEFORE CALL?10 A. M. SIX ?"0 shs Kite RR 2?*i 26J? UVt bS 25* " s (In do. do.* do.. PftCiflr M*U HS.. lU) ?/>' lUI fel*) .vw a"" 201 I Oil ?0ll 1000 8U) ?00 8!W 2*? 2190 900 SIX) frUU 1?0 *n sin I 00 trie KR ws au?. SBJ4 38* S s*J. m! ?8 * 76 1HU SB ?ML i do b? 76 1500 do. 900 do. 2100 , tlo.u 500 do 25*i 200 Panama RR 142* 100 :> 1 ? A It it RK... ID5S. 57 do .. it Clll 4 f. W Rl! 492 ?!(. 21j0 do ?K) do 2oo do 200 do in) h M M S RR c do. do. do (10. do do. en. do I?u0 Onion i'sc RK. . <lo do.. 800 J1U0 wo 600 1500 1200 2100 MM do do. MU 26'? 26 do. do. do. M& s 191% 39* 3914 39S 3i?8 39* :<9'i 671, 67* 67* #7* 67'" 67* 6?* 67 re* 67 66* 60 7i s3 66V do 66* do (.6* do *5 66% do b3 66* W0 Micb Ceo RR 68 ioj Mil * >t p nit :s^ .0 ? Mil & St I' Pt 57 7>Q Cblpsco A R I RR. 104 2UJ llan * tHJo RR .. 24% 2U> 1 o. Jc A jib Itlt 2ju do 201 <to *19 10.10 do 2U> Ohio k Mis* RK.... 100 do 100 Del. l-ack 4 W RR. lirt;? Hi) 500 1000 KVO IT0O urn soon 900O VMI 1100 109 14 0 29 ni ?>l 50 1500 do. do. do. do. do. do. do. no do. do. dd. m4 ip U 25? 24 S 61000 c s ???. e. ?? IuOj v n y*i. c. *64 SCOO V a 6 J9, e, U> iiu. AN'I? A. M. :?4 6u?oo r - 5 30. 0, '67 .. U6 IOjUO c d S's, 111-411,r.... nfi't no UB cure's 124 FIKST BOARH?1??:30 A. M. *3000 Mo 1 bds. 102', 40 ihs L *M.->RR... 66^ 1000 do oc 1"2 , ,1'vK) do 66 ? 40o Teon o's. n 3u'? 10' S0>)U0 I 1st > ol 8 66's .1(6 |4)J .'JW 509 do^.. ... ... 7*'. I ? 1IMII M*SlPI?t,l,aC D. ?'S 200 8 00 ??*! 2 0 Kris 51 HO CAN w c C * b l*>?, 1 0 2 001 hi A n w con. . sns ?>' 40*0C, t.Ci 1 .St.. 107 !*? 10 eo .10 loii'i 1900 5.00Gal A C 1st 111? lWi,? 1-0) ltANMi Krtc 4th 111 97 27 D ?t)00 ? 1 A IJ H'?. coo r6 HKI 5000 l)?t. M A Tol 1st. MK ?VX01 lUOUNJ-SoUtlil?tm..C 2H &>' 2.00 .> J <"cu 1st. n.... U.1 W)' 4(J00 Cell U'k. 'ftS... I Oil". 6200 Harlem 1st, 7'?,C. 1J9*? 100 2000U A Misscou 9 \ 2_l> 10000 ten PS( a ImIs. ... 101 " | 1 Oj t. I A . C I?u... 4(>S 6OO1 Un I'ao RR l?t.. I'l^ 90 ill 101'? 12iiX) do./ I'll)* loooo do be litis 1000 Cn Pac s f 92ft liOO do 92** tf juo o b3 9214 jo0 do.... ?*? ?'{ loOO PacKR of Mo lit. 95)i j>0i Pse RRMo Id.... *1 1.00 Pac 7'n ?d by Mo luik aO. 0 Clev A Pittse * L 105** 600 C A Puis 4ih ... luO 3'OO L?'le A Sc.'I'S ... WS. 3'W 10*<0 do 8# 300 ?Jdsbs Nhixsii B-ink__l 4'<^e do.. do.. ,b3 67 ... 66', <10 do. do. do. It.... ... W . .be b6tf rA 26S do.. b3 do ?s (3 1 .. 28S S3 25l? do S3 2 do *5'. d<> .s5 151, do T'i lli) Mich On Kit OH Ilk) do 67 Vi 101) do 67<4 100 Panama 143 100 <io . 144_ 100 Cn Pac RR be ?lo. do. do. 1 mo 100 91X1 100 (10 0 100 do S3 191 do 40 n?Te * Prtd .opf 631 Chi A NWRR...DC MO 70 l?H 70 76 75 H 76 92U ?9>; 600 West Lu Tel. do... do do do....... do do do. do do. .be Y'> ....?> 7"'* 7W ....*3 71K *5 7oS ...S10 76^ - ^6? 80U 200 600 2800 30U0 11(0 100 voo 600 ?/oo 200 25 U 8 Ex Co 52 1U) At A P isl. oe 10 'lo to , 2i)J do ^5^* 201 100 do rac Mail 88 be ... 76k lt> .S3 7*K 100 ,.b3 76V W? ... 52 l'? do do do ? S3 do do do do 00 .... do do do do do n g? 101 MO 1200 4.^1 50 100 10 0 300 300 10J0 21(0 law 1600 900 100 e St'JfTC A n RR..b e l.'.O) L 8 A M 8 RR..bc 67 3600 do ?.... ?/ do. 1.5 3?1? do b? 3K , do 0 .'9', I 200 do 39? ?Ol do >3 ?(! I?0 III. b3 39< liilCblANWRRDt.bc 54 ilil do MW 55 M J Cen RR Hut, 30 uo be liou tij 10 II j 100 Cbi A R I RR.tic.b3 l<4 Ml do 104 i.u . iul\ I Ido. d Iji\\ Mil A 81 P V's lli) Tol A Wab KK .be ll , i.u J?... e IIw 9? P. rt W AC.irt 99>, M s(LslMA.-> R. be 61 100 Dei I. A W KR. be 11? . 6J do US'} 3i> II A St J.i RK 24), 4 5 Pac IInoi Mo...l>e 51 2U) do || 10 do SB IDO do loo AU A Pae pf . be to do S3 do . 00. 1$ 100 50 100 100 20> 2O0 l?W i?l do bS ?1 Ohio A M 2U0 do.... 200 do :x\ !.2'. 6.>; ??s 16', 16V, ,;i. m Ml UK BEKORK CALL?12:30 P. VI. ?4501.0 DU Cot 3-Wi... lOOflia L* A M IUI...e 67S "ooshs West On Tel... 76% 300 do li 6.J, U.? do ?? 76% *? do 67% 5JO uo *3 7<>% jOO 67% wo do 7?JJ 100 <0 ....... ?.-s2 5 0 do b3 7? lu D?I*ic RR V# *HP?cM.>S 37% 1201 to 7? nwi do ''8 soo do bi ;6% Ml do bS 88% l??0 *>?**.. T.9X 2100 do ?1| ?? do b3 .*'% luo do ? 3?% "W0 S!"4 300 do e :?#% W'J>? 4 " f RH. lu.4% #7) 38% ?? do 10t?, 6J0 do 88% 100 do....? bJ10% MX) do ?S S8'4 2 11 Mil * -l 1 Kit. cA\ 40 Bos Water Power. 17S 3 0 do 3d JiKI fen* KK 2Wf 100 do SS Juu ~b3 26% 100 Del. LAW KIL... 118% 10? "o c 26% 74 do 11*% 2,>00 do 11 . ?t Ho', 800 do *'?% 40U OWo A M RR ;4% go) do *3 .6S 100 do .e 24% 2.1 Paclfle RK of Mo.. 63'? I?>? bSO a *00 ?0 ?% >00 Of. 24V 4MI L 8 1 M H RR #6% 10U St J. A K C RR pf.. 36 lion dn (S 67 10J .*1* f"ae pf 16% M 1 ?io w,'* ' 0 dn lti 300 do.... ??% aw do 16% 00 ** 2 P> M $10000 U 8 6*8, r, 81.... 122% 1^000 c 8 10-40. C U/% ltOu) II." ; ??*!, e.'67 183* 20MO U Mi'vcui...... i?4% 8000 U 8 S-M, c, . 123% hfcc'OSD BOARD?1 P. M. *10003 DUt of Col 3-4.V 74% ll? lh( CAM W RR.bc iSWO do 741% I*. 3?\? yoOUCen I'ae i?t, 8 J 0 'Jl% 200 no at .19% JOUOC r l?t. O * a... 94 3UO do S#% 2000 do ...? ?'% IW do.;,.... 3tC 1300 ? Un f HK 1?L 101S, 20 Ohl A > W pC.. .b o 6,.% 1,00 do 1111% KOO fcrie RK be 2. % 6'J,0 < A 1 ' 4(1 M*t do (3 23 4 Ui Ot West Ut m '?* 7s* 4 on Jo 26% loooo Went t'n Tel bdi 10u% liOO do ?S 26% Iikai > > t en ?>'?.' 3... l'"l do .S% H0?)C*NWcc?b.. 86% 7i<0 do iS 2ft* .UOi; r alH * >1 1*1 ? 84 10? no >10 20% 60,041, V * A. new 101% N*l do 2..% 2100 lntern?'l, Ut 62 100 00 16 2V, SWtS0KKR0lM . be 81% l'JJO do tSu 34 5ti.? tfAllK ot M V... 131 600 do b3 23% JOH Atu P?c Tel be 23% 2mi "hio Xm< RK be .4'? luo > V CA II Krt.bC.?.? 104% 200 do *10 2*s 100 ut bS 10#% 100 Mil A 8t V RH...bC 10 do l'&% 'io ItjZ SO do OPK 104% 1.0 1I0 3.V% 100 do 103 200 Mil A 8t I' It pf.OC 36% 20>We(trn be 7'.% 10 <3 I..? A M a RK.bc 67% J00 d6 ? "li'? 3 0 do 6i% 100 do.... t3 761! 22*) do SI I ,v it 76% 1,0 ilii .....e 67 6 do 77'4 1 dj.... ... MJa 1300 do *3 76% 1000 ?! 66% ?iou 7ti', Mil do 0oV III) do 76)4 101 do ?4 66'. SAmerLx b? 64 JM do t?% 10 IO t.4 j 270) (10 bj 66'ji 2?i CB Pailfli; RR . be 76 , JUXJCmRR be 110 1*1 do ?3 76 301 lOiAWab RR bc.r) 1 vu do -e 76 Itw r. 11W A C ck ?i% 900 do *.n% 100 Del L A W RR. b e llr% tOJ do. 76'* 40i< ci?, a it . kK. ..I) c 10.1% Bitj ij>\l S'M 00 1,3% 100 do <?'% 300 do .... lo:t'? S00 P?C Mail 88 be W, 4ti <J0 1(X>% 2XW do ?">do 10.% 21011 do ;i7'? I"1 do loS% H.0 <lu b.3 3/', 40) do 10'.'., 1 _-i?? do 37% 6vM li>3% M do 37% ??"? do 10H'4 Mi do 3;1, 100 ,10 I?H% ?to .Jo 37% 2110 nan A st 24', ?/M do H.% loo d 24'4 liUO do.... :,7S llW Al it i'iodi be 16% :(.0? do 37% luO do *3 I6*? 2?tl Jo 37V, |i!0 do h3 13% 2011 do 37% 10.1 p?c KM ol Mo .be 62 TO :t P. W. 100?lt?QuickMIb 1" soshaNjren Rit ... noy too 4>ii ? .? iei 70% l w do..j. b3 110% 1, do 77 Jt) Chi A N W RR 3V 100 do 7rt>? 20ii do t?.t Mi', 110 "?% 100 do 3S)'4 2mK) 00 76% 3t0 Oo at jyt,, ,;9) dn.. 76% 2 0 .? ..Ml p ?2 Adami K* 100', 1200 do 3M I ) Amrr >1.I 61 'j Hi) Chi A .N W RR pi.... MV I'll),, atifle M ? 37?i 400 Chi A R I KR I s% do 3-.% IJO do *3 103% ag uo. b? 3,'* lOOTo) A Wab >.K ... 1.>, IIAt 37% 200 '..... 10'i I,*, (Jo >iOJ do 1IM? fLt\ do 3('i IhII ho I % to!. "0....::.: w% r> ??? ;i|J do... M ii/]i ll'IO do 10', ,10... 37^ 1*0 do 10S? 4wm*bC??K&..... c.?a do 0% W fcrle RH...-M 4 HoJ do.,.. l? 1*1 44.....H...K M ?'A 400 do sS 28* <00 CO VML 100 io bJ ?4H 3i?t V% 20) do :y, 25 do lit* 1300 Uo 25 S 500 do S3 9?i 20U) do bJ 25W 300 do yj? I'D faninpa BR 141 lO Mil A St P RH *5K IUU do IHK 100 Mil A st Paul pref 5#S 6A) Do > ac KB 75* MO Del, Lack 4t W 118'-. S00 Lai M * RB 6*', 200 "bio A Miss BR MS 2700 do ml 1U) uo 2?S ion ao 0o?4 1W do ts> 24'? 200o do 6t>S 200 bS 2?S ixw is ces " ito -US 4')00 no 6tiK 10) Hail A St .1 RR.... 24 ? ?MJO 00 06 V 100 Pae BR of Mo M 1000 ao 66'J 20U At A Pac pf 18S COMMERCIAL REPORT. COTTON ON THE SPOT QUIET?FUTURES STEADY? PLOUB DULL?WHEAT riRM?CORN DULL? OATS FIRM?SYE QUIET?BABLEY NEGLECTED? PORK DULL?LABD EASIER?PETROLEUM QUIET AND STEADY?NAVAL STOBES QUIET?GROCER IES QUIET AND STEADY?FREIGHTS QUIET. TUSSUAY, May 18?8 P. M. There was Utile If any improvement In the mer chandise markets to-day as compared with tna past several days, dumess and irregularity still constituting the most coosplouons leaturos of the times. There was scarcely any speculation, the merchant generally rosardluir the foturc with some apprehension. On 'Change there was hut little manifest inclination to do business, and be yood, the limits of actual necessity very little was aone. The previously existing quietude In breadstulTs continued. and no im provement in this regard is anticipated until the canal receipts commence, while many Uo not look lor any aecidod Improvement even then, savp in the event of a decline In prices. Klour was dull Wheat qnlut but fl'm for all kinds, both on the spet and to arrive. Corn was dull, heavy and rather lower. Oats wore steady. Whiskey a trifle easier. Pork and larn were dull and easy, though with out decided change. Petroleum waa quiet and steady. Naval stores were quiet. Groceries were quiet and steady. Cotton on the soot was quiet f tatures were steady. Ashks.?The receipts for the past few days were 63 packages. The market was quiet and prices nouilnaL We quote:?Pots, 8o.; p-arls, 8c. Butter.?New butter was tirm, with a fair demand, j and receipts were vory small, The demand tor new 1 Western was fair. Old butter was dull and unchanged. We quote:?New butter?Stale pails choioe, 27c. a 28c.; , da do., Rood to prime, 2Sc. a 26c.: do. do., common to good, 20c. u 22c. s do. half tirktns. tubs choice, 27c. a 28c ; do. do., do., good to pnme 23c. a tic.: do. do., do., | common, 20c. a 22c.; do. Welsh tubs, choice, 27c.; do. do., ; do., good to prime, 24c. a 26c.; do. do., do., common, 20c. j a 22c.; Western tubs, choice, 22c.; do. do., good to prime. ! 17c. a 20c.; do. do., fair to pood, 18c. a 16c. Old butter? State firkins, flue, selected, 20c. a 22c. ; do. do., good to prime. 17c. a 18c.; do. do., fair to good, 14c. a 16c.; do. i hall tlrkins. tubs, choice, selected, 22c. a 24c.; do. do., I do. good to crime, 16c. a 18c.; do. do., do., common to tair, 14c. a 15c.; do. W e ?h tubs, choice selected. 20c.. do. do. do. .good prime, 16c. a 17c,: do. do.. do., common to I food, 14c a IV. ; Western tlrkins, good to prime. Mr. a V.: <1o. do. tuir to good. He.; uo. do., common, .2c.; do, tubs, itood to prime, 15c.; do. do., fair to good, 13c.; do. do. common, i2c. hka.vs ash Pus.?Medium were in (tool supply. Job bing lots itro changing hands at 92. Marrows were flrm Iv held. We quote:?Medium, new, cuoico. $ltf>a$2; do.. fair to good. 41 90 a $175; marrow s, new, choice, <2 40 a $2 60; do., lair to good, t- i #- 25; pea. new, $1 90 a $2; red kidney, prim", new, $( a 91 10: green peas, new. $2 40 a 50; white kidney, choice. 92 a ?- 10; do., lair to good, $1 50a $1 75. Hkkswax. ?Hie market was steady at 93c, a 34c. for prime, and 35c. tor choice We Dote sa:es ot 2.500 lbs. >ortu Carolina at 35c. and 1,600 lbs. Southern at the same figure. HkoohCors quiet The receipts since last Crlday were about 3j0 bales. We note sale> oi two bales brush coru st Him ten bales green tinned 14c. and fit.pen bales com mon red tip at 9c We quoie:? Brusli. short green choice, l.:c. a 13c. per lb.; hurl, prime to choice, 12c. a 13c.: green medium, 11c. a 12c.; red tipped, be. a 10c.; red "all crooked" 8c. a !>c. Chkkss.?The market was quiet, with very light re ceipt; dealers are doing very little in home trade. We quote:?New cheese ?State factory, laucy. 13c. a 13Sc.; do., fine. 12c. a 13c.; do., vood to tine. lie. a lie.; do , tair to good. 10c. a lie.; tate dairies. 9c. a 11c.;Orangecounty skims, 4c. a 6c.: Ohio factory, tine to lancy, ii)c. a I2>$c.; do., lair to flue. Sc. a lie. Old ?state laciury, taticy, lobbing trade, 13c. a 14Sc.; do., good to tine, l?!c, a 13c.; do., odds and ends. &c. a 11c.; Ohio factory, flat shape, cho ee domestic trade, 10c. a l2.Sc.; do., odds and ends. Sc. a Sc. CA.fULEs.-1 here was a fair demand for all grades at full prices. We quote ?Adamantine at 12)?c. a lo>?c. lor 12 to lb oune^. sperm at 28c., patent sperm at 3.Hc a 39c., paralHne at 24c. a 25c. Cohoaok. ?i he market for hemp was firm. Manila was in lair demand. We quote:?Manila (ia;ge and small sue), per ib , it>*c. a lie.; do. cordage, bolt rope yarns. 16S'" ; tarred Manila. USc.; Msal rope. 12c_ a 13e, ; New Zealand, 12c. a l.ic.: Russia hemp, tarred. 14c.; American do., 14c. i.ussia bolt rope. 17c. CoopEBAnc Stock.?The market was inactive at un changed prices. Wc Quote:?Molasses shooks, 52-inch, with heans. 92 10 a $2 20; sugar shooks. with heads, It-Inch. *2 tfJ; do. do.. 36-inch. 91 90 a it 28: box shooks, 75c. aSOc., rum do..9150; pipe do., 9650af7; empty hogsheads. 92 80 a 92 75; hoops. 14 leet, ordinary to prime, 39.'. a j7c.; hoops, 12 feet, da. 30c. a 32c Corraa?1 he market lor ingot * as quiet and steady. The Kales aggregate about 200,000 to 300.00; lbs. of Lake at ?S?e Corraa quiet and steady. We quote :?Ordinary car go*!, I5\r a 16c.: tair do., l6V,c a 17c.; good do., 17>tc. a l/Vo.; prime do., lS^c. a I8)jc.; extreme range lor loU I5\e. a is^c.. gold. tS) or #j a.?ys; Java, govern ment bags, 2lc a 28c.; do., grass mats, lie. a 2 c.; mnga pore, do.. 21c. a 23c.: Cevlon, 20c. a2ISc.; Maracaibo, M: Rica, a 22c.; Lagnayra. IVc. a 2dc.; Jamaica 17Kc. "" l>omTn"" ~??i f*~- ?" Tngo. 17c.; Porto I'too, 17c. a iKc.; Cost* ica. 17c. a 10c.: vexlcsn, i9c. a 10c.; Angostura, 18c. a J1V-. >avanilla. 18c. a il)?c. Curacoa. 17c. a iSWo i ottok on the spot waa generallv quiet, wlihout essen tial H anv chunge in pricea After Xbiinga at least | l.S8> bales changed bands, including I,li9 bales for ex- ; port. Ihe*? sales are in addi ion U> the sales below re ported. Included In the early sales was a line of about l.o>0 hales sold on me basis ol low middling at 16c. About ?.?? ?> b.Oes were shipped to-day by the steamers W i?ri>nstn and Niagara, which, added to the shloinenta ti>dav Iroin southern porta, rams up W.(W bales as ?tilp|.'d t? Mirni" and Ihe i onunen'. The absence of Liverpool bad a restraining influence upon the oitrrations o? exporters, who generally. In order to dis count any unfavorable change in the Liverpool market, iu.ide saie bids wtiich were too low to be entertained, . pinners bought with caution, speculators were not in the market as buyers oi spot cotton except at low prices. There was a willingness on the part of j holdersVi meet buyers at quotations, but no oreaaure to sell was noticeable, futures gained I l<r., and closed aieady ai the lollowlng quotations:?Ma v. U l-.Cc., ,iane 1# S-lie : Julr. if 7-S-'c a I6W; August, KT.c a MU-'Elc.; septemtier. 16 i-l4?. a is 7-32c. ? urtobcr, IV/ a H r> T2c ; Nove.nher, 18 916c. a 15 19-tIc. i De- j eeinber, I^S< a L5 3l-'^2c.; January, i.'ikc. a 18 1311. .; Kebruary, 18 31-32c a 16c.; March. 16 7-12c. ' a 1? 9 32c.; April. I? 7-JJc. a l?He. Quota tions based on standard of claaeincaliou In force eeptember L 1*74 and on upland cotton In store rnaniag in quslity not nore man half a grade above or below the grade quoted ? -Ordinary nv good ordi nary, 15V ? strict gi*>d ordinary I5\--? low middling, lie.; middling. I6Sc. : good middling, 17??c. Quotations baaed on American standard ot classification:? rstasSk Ala'ftnux. Mrtr 'trlaant. Tna* ordinary Ufe 13^ 13S I3S Good ordinarv 18 18 15Sk 15k Low middling laW l?\ InV le'J Middling It', IS'a 162 l?W Good middling 16', l*V >7 17 Middllog fair I7W 17* i7k 17k fair 17*2 17H MS MS I? ifce sales were Tn-I'if. Lmt f ruinc TaUU. Kiport 1,1)91 119 1.110 i nilMimplioo 8 3-6 Soecuiatloo So 8 41 Tola a 1.S0S lis 1.8*0 -For liiur* delivery ihaata low mtddllaf > tn? Ml** nave been a? follow*:-Yesterday alter two f. M ?July, tSo$ bme* at In .1 I fir . ?) M IS & Sr.; Aneu*t. .'Ill 111 It JVUb.. ItU al Mfcc. ; eptember, JVi *t 18 .V3.V.. i?ctohor 2uo at is II irt . .i?i m .S>4c. January. 100 at 15 S S-e,; March, lii) at IS 7 3>. TmiL J..VW hale*. Mar, up i?? two/. M.?luu.. Kk'at Ift 1-18,;., I.*W at l?.V.Jc., .' <???.?f ln-.?- . I.7UP at 18 S-.12c., July. I I0U at IS 7 I.e., 900 al 18??e.. MO at !? Mfc . 7W at l?i?r ; \m au?t, .-(? at 185,. . 0 at It) i:t xu- 2 m? at is ; i *.. l.lSoatlS lift.,loual Mkc., ??i *t Id Ii \*.; -eptem her, "liiOat I6'?c. ; i irtotier. I'*? at 13 2 Ur.. t>> at 13 ll'lM., XmMtfi IM 81 iJSr, : Jinuirv Ifll) at IS * -Jr.. March. ?U at 18 9:?C.. JIM at 18 3 18c. 'lotai. ItW bases. 'Jr*nt total, 21.**) b-ile*. Hie receipts at the port* were an iolk??a ?Oalve* ton. 326 bales H*w or ran*. 7?; Mobil*. 112; -avaunah. Ia2 t'harlaatna. .22. Wilmington .11; Norfolk l?4 lialiituoi*. I . New li.rk.M7 Toiai. 1,11#. Tht* dav ml week, 2.."W, Tbll ilajr taat year, 3Mt 'total since -epteinber I. VI87,fti Cotmn irei^at* cloned a* follow* -lo Havre b> ateam. V T? Ham burg. bv at.-am, S?" To Bremen, hf ?te?m. f(e.; ft* "all. ?,<? <iiu|,r*>*0(1. lo Mvarpaui. t?y Man. >?j : by muL 9 Od Daaaaai**.?1b? markat wa* qai*t at 3$c a Sue. lor We?teru. #* not* ml* of i>n? Ml* about :<*) lb*. t at 8 Hkikp (?buivs -fr?ub*rrle? w,-rr lairly h*.<l. fesches wer* quiet ?ml *teai? ower atad* were quiet and unchanged We qaoie?? ?tai* bpui**. alir*d. ff$a? a . d?. quarter*. 7JaC. a *c.: toatbera applet, qua* tara. 7c. a }}?<?. ; do.. alwed. te a atfa.1 fane*, #c * n>c.: Aeatern *ai>l<- , eaarters, ,',e. a ,"'4r j peeled peach**. North t srolma prime. Dir. * 27r.. do., new, lair to cood I le. 4 l*c. da-, new, i,e >rgia. we. a 22e.; do., -late. 18c a 9r.. nntieelea do.. tiai*e?, n?w. BS(C. it -fer. do. d'?., ?u*rter?. do.. 7S?. a 8r. bU -k herrtra ?\n. s cnerrtea, -?iaie. IV.; do.. Southern, new, 23?'. ; r*?pberrir?, n?w, J r. a 2ic. ; pluaaa auotbara. Ue, 18c. . -to.. -late. iv. * lie i ?i be roar?ft u *? qnletaal ?allera were dUpoaed to tell below 17c t>* qnnt*:?Long l?'anl. '?* and nearby. 17c. a I7S .. ,-ute nn I faaaay.vaaia a 17c . We?tern, choice hranda. Iii^c. * 17c. , atb"r West ern. I jr. a It/C., boutkara, tJr. a 1*.; gaate. Kt. a ? .; rtn.'k", 2.V'. a iti" i aataaaa.?frltH aeeae leathera war* In ?<hm! deaiattd at S r. vtlxe.i were dull, with no inquiry. We n?i>- .?!.?< ot -t.NlU llx. prime ppi to loatbera at 44'*.' and l,dU# lb*. nu*ed feather* at ..Ic, Kihk WH*raEB*.?Market acttTr. W? qu .te ?...idea dnikon, oti..rt ^ount. W ii ? $2 37',i full c..iiiil, (2 1> a $2.)7H: No I comm.Ill, 82 ?I; No. A $? 24; No 4. ?; No. ft, $11 31, No. li, $12 J); So. 7. $1.1 S'. The e?tlnaated atock la uboutaM.IK^) Imxee. (?ursH i rcits.?Applea were In fall demand a?4 price* ruled firmer. t'ranberrie* were *ellln? In a (Ola il w*t at ?tea.iv tit" e*. We qnoti apple*. Western New Tork. uitcaa. $2 i $3 .*) per bbl.; do.. Belacled. $2 73 a $! 23; do . common, $1 23 a $1 73; cr;iuhcrrle*. prime, $l 7 . a 82 per t'o*; do., amir to nMr, $1 a >i 30; hickory i.ut?, $1 .".uaSi ncrMtahaf. hiack wal-. nun. .M)c. a ?uc.; peanuiK. Inner ?2 10 a $2 30; do., fair, $2 a $2 10: ilo., couimoa. $1 .o < $? 78. , ian. ? ihr lmirKct mr coldsh w?a Arm. with a better demand. Wa n ue galea ol *A? quintal* at $8; u .od to rhoice shore mackerel was in food demand, with *ala* ?t SOU hhls.. at $12 lor No I and>:> lor No. 2; .HW hhl*. No. i bavmackerel at $8. \ car/o arrived with I3 000hoxea ot lierrmv ? nii-u wero hel i tlrmiy at 33u. u me above price It),hm bose* were sold. i.abated herrim was ouiet. We note *aie* ot I.' 00 bo*c? t.n prl \aic terms. VVc quoteNo. I Bay*, $?< a $a .10; No. 2, $7, No. 3. $4?U; !?<x I snore. 8)o a $12 Wi No 2. $? * $9; No ,1, $6 No. I i tlgllsli, $a. No. 2. 87 .0; ?>?>. 3. $7. Oeoruc* B*nk eodnsk, ? ? Sj ? $3 73; tlrand. $3 Ml; Western, none, new lnrjre three a, $7. new medium, $7; ?caleil bariinit, 80c. a 82c . No. 1. none. r i.oDa ami Obaik.?Recelpti?Plottr, ^ 7w bh!*,: wheat. "3,901 baahela; corn, l?,800 do.; corn meal, M bWa. and l.lo: bag? rbe flour market raled dall io<la>, bat with a limlied sui>plv prices were sustain* I. shipping extraa being held flnh. Ihc dale* w?r?iil i,0 0 imls Hye Hour was qiiict; hem was quoted ?' $8w; < Mleafo >up*rs bioucat ?j 13 a So 20. Cora tuaai was taa?U*e. J be taiai w?r? 600 bblt. and 600 lack*. at $4 75 a St 90 tor Brandy wine, $4 a Si t tor Western yellow, we quote :? No. 2 State $i 2* a $4 75 superfine 4 85 a 6 15 Kxtra Stat* 5 26 a .'?50 Choice sta'e 5 to a 0 00 Superfine Western 4 66 a 5 15 Kxira Western. 5 26 a 5 50 Minnesota 5 6(1 a 6 5) Kuun 1 honp Ohio, shipping brand* 6 26 a 5 '?!) Kouu I boop Ohio, trade brands ... 5 50 a 6 00 Family (Via 7 00 St. Louis, low extra 5 60 a 5 75 s>t. LouU. atiaight extra. 5 7 ? a b js St. l.outs choice don ?!? extra 6 60 a 7 00 Si. Louis, la roily 7 0i> a 9 no Rye dour, flue to superfine 4 00 a 4 S) .^outheru. No. 2 4 ooa 4 50 soul hern, *uperltne 4 50 a 6 10 boiitlieru, extra 6 26 a 6 60 Southern, family 7 0U a 8 75 Corn meal, Wes'ern 3 a 4 50 Corn meal, Jerser 3 9d a 4 20 Com meal, Bran ly wine 4 7ft a 4 80 Corn meal puncheon* 21 50 a ? ? Wheat wis .lull, oui with small odorlugs. The market wa< llrui lor all kinds. There were few sellers for luture dellverv; hut fliere was no pres*ure to sell, and bids of (1 20 lor No. 2 Milwaukee lor June were retused. TIi' sales were only about 40.0110 bushel*, mainly In small lou, at 11 if a $l 'u>.j lor ungraded and No. 2 Ch cago spring. atloat; $i ;? tor Chicago, in store ; *1 28 lor >o. 1 Mmiicroiit ; SI 411 a $1 42 lor red and illiMr; <1 49 tor extra white, to arrive, and tor No. ? Milwaukee SI 22 was bid lor a load afloat. Corn wan dull an I lower. We note sales ol 9,010 bu>heH ai 9)c. a 91c. tar new We*t ern.eAr. a 88c. lor mixed and yellow, closing at 87c. for orlme mixed. Oat* were firm, though not vcrv activo. wiili talon of 35,uu> bushels at '?'fee. or steam ana West ern mixed. 7Sc. a 7<>ai; for mixed, 7-c. a 8 c. for white. Wye w?. ouiet and nominal a: (1 a *1 1*9. The Miles were 1,0 0 bushcis State a: $1: i auada. in bond, held At SI 06. Hurley was neglected and nominal. FnnioiiTs (.'barters were .lull, but for oil ton age very firm, i he ougavcmenls were?lo Liverpool, bv steam, 8.0 0 bushels ttraitt at S^.l. a 6d.j (iOO bbl*. rosin ut 2s. 3d. per bbl. of 2?> Ihs.; by sail, 8.000 bushel* grain at 5'4d. To Loudon, by steam, 50.t*W bushels gram on private terms; by sail. 8.0OO bushels trraln at i>Hd. To OIoki'ow. by sail, 260 bbl*. ro?in at 2a. (id. I he charter* wereA German bar*, from Richmond to Kio. with 3,3 0 bbl*. flour at $1. gold, and 5 per cent primage; a British bark, hence to the Cont.nent, wub 5,i(W bbl* r fin d petroleum oil private term*; an Italian bark, hence toC<>n?taiiiinople. with ll .Otx) rases refined petro leum at 25c. and ?IU gratuuv; a Norwegian bark, from Philadelphia to Uerman Baltic, with 2.W bbls. re fined petroleum at 4s. (id.: another hence to Lisbon, with 2.-KX) quarters, at 14V>0.; *n American bark iroia Brunswick to Kio with 3o0.u0> feet lumber, at $20; a British bark, -imii voyage, with 275,000 feet lumber, at $19; a schooner, from Port Koyal to Bash, Me., with 160.(100 leet lumber, ut S7 tor iesawed and $8 lor timber, another schooner, from I'asagouea to Boston, with SJO.OiKI leet lumber, at *20. Hams. ? VVilu pigeons were firm and scarce : same bird* would sell at higher price*. Wo quote Wild pigeons, Mull led, per dozen $2; do., feathered, fliirht. netted. $1 a $1 12; do., picked, flight. $1 a $1 15; r.ngiisli snipe, 76c. a $1; plover. SI a SI 25 . sand snip ', 3>c. a 40c.; j allow leg, large. ?1 a $1 26: do., small. 40c. u 50c. (lank* V kcktam.cs,? Market wi< very quiet at lull prices. We quote ;?Spinach, $3; radishes. per 100, round, 75c. a $1 25; do., do., long,75e., $1 26; lettuce, do . SI 50 a SC.; rhubarb,per 100, $3 a $3; green f.ea<. Norfolk, per bbl., SI0; do., do . Savannah, marrowfat. $: a SI "6; strlnflbeans, $3 50u$>: asparagus, per do/... S150al$2; do., oyster Hay, $'i 5i a $3; Bermuda onions, per crate. $1 25: do. tomatoes, per box. due . while onions, perubl., $i 75 a $2; > ellow do., per bbl..Si 75 do., red, per bbl , $1 75. parsnips per bbl., $1 75; turnips, white, $l 75: do . Kussia, $: 51 a $2 75. tii'NNik*.? The market was quiet at full prices. We quote:?l>onie-tie l3c.; Ca.cutta. 9Jic.; Bomoo, 13c.: bags, I2^c. a U??c. iTay amp Stkawt?There was a fair demand for both hay and straw at unchanged prices Wo quote:?Rale hay, snipping, 65c. a 7i c.; retail qualities at 9vc a $1 10; clover at 6Uc. a 75c., salt at 66c. a 00c. Straw 1* quoted ut 85c. a 90c. for lomr rye: 60c. a 6 ?. lor short ilo.. 50c. a 66c. tor oat. and Jtrra.?The market was firm. We note sales ot 80) oales iute butt* at 2J4e. a 2 13-lGc, We quote:? American, dressed, per tou, $270 a $28) for double : f235 a $.'40 for single; Manila hemp. 7\,c. a 8*?c. gold. per lb., the latter lor choice ltuasia. clean, at $2.10 a $225. gold; Italian. $26) a $275, gold: iute. 4'?c. a 5 Sic. .lute butts quoted at 2^c. a 2 1316c., currency. Sisal hemp, 6'4c. a (foe., gold. Hides.? the market wi* quiet and prices ruled in buyers' favor. We note sales of nOJ gr.^eu salted 'lexas ana 250 M itatuoros on private terms. Mock on band;?27.7 0 dry Buenos Ayre*. Kutre Hios, Ac.; stf.WOdo. Montevideo: 49.700 do. KioUraude: 8,600 no. Central American: 7,5)0 do. Bogota: l,2lKldo. West India; 900do. I'orto Cabello; l.'-Oi da Airlcau; 1.100 do. Truxlilo; 2.7ih) do. rampico; 24,80) do. Matamoros at;d Mexican; lti,4)0do. Texas, Western anil Southern- ft.800 wet salted lexas. Western and Southern Total, 238 1DQ hides and 16 b*ies 1 alculta cow and 599 do. do. nultalo. This dav 1874. 131.100 hides and TM bales Kast India, do 1873, Jad.700 do. and 47J do., do.; do. 187.', 157,60.) do. and SO I do., do ; do. 1871, I74,m0do. and 1.610 do do. Buenos Avres. lbs. a 28 lbs., 2>c.; do. 20 lbs. a 25 lbs., 22V:. a 24c.; Montevideo, 2)>{ lbs. a 21W lbs., 23c. * 24c.: Corrientes, 2i lbs. a 22 lbs., 22c. a 22)ic.; Kio Orande. 20 lbs. a 22 lbs.. 21fec. a2-c.; Orinoco. 21 lbs. a 23 lbs., 22>,c a 23c.; California. 22 lb*, a 25 lbs.. 2.-i-c.: Central American, 18 ibs. a 21 Iba, 20>*c ; san, 22 lbs. a 24 lb?.. '9l,c.; Matamoros, 22 lh?. a 24 Iba, 2'ic. a 21c.: Vera 1 tuz. 18 Ibs. a 19 Iba, 18c. a l?e.; lauipl co. 20 lbs. a -l' j lbs, 18c. a 19c.: Bogota. 18 lbs. a 20 lbs., 19c. a 22c. Maracaibo, .11 lbs. a 23 lbs., 16c. a 17c. ; Bahia, 21 lbs. a 22 lbs . 18c. a 17c.; Porto ('audio and Laguar ra. 20 Iba. a 22 Ibs . 19c. a 20c. '. Curaccu> 20 lb*, a J3 lb'.. 19c.; l'a>ta. 2t Ibs a 25 lbs.. 19c.; sisal. 20 lbs. a 22 las.. 15c. . Campearhy, 2J lbs. a 22 lbs., 17c. a 18a.; Tobaa co. 20 ibs. a 21 lbs . 19c . gold, selected. Hor*.?The m irket was auief at lull prlcea We quote:?New York, good to choice new. 36c. a 40c.; do., low to tair do., 30c. a 3*\: r.astcrn new. 28c. a 36c : Western, new, 28c. a 36c.; yearlinirs. 15c. a 28c.: olds, all gruwths,sc a lie,; Calitornlas. 18/4.Xic. a ->? per lb. Ibon. ? 1 he market lor American pig was tai-ly ac tive. with sales 1.200 tons No. I at $2." a $.'N and 2. u) So*. 2 and 3 at $J4 a $25 50. We quote :?No. 1, $-7 a $28; No. 2 $24 a S26; No. 3. $26 a $2% 50; torge. S.'t a $25 Set tch ?as steady 'Ihe sales were 20.) tons No 1 Coltness on private terms, and IOd 10 * >o. I Kglinton at <31. We quote :? Coltness, $14 a $34 50; Kglinton. $31 a $31 6j; ulengar nock. $ <3 60. I.batukr.?UeinlocK sole was In fair demand at former price*. We quotes? Jhuino* Ayrm. California. Orinoco. 4-r. Light 17c. a ? 2?fcc. * 26c. 25i,c a J?c. Miidie 2V. a I9v<c. 17)Jc. a ? 27c a 27 Sc. Heavy 28c. a 2*\ 27c. a27Xe.27c. iJi'Sc. Good laina^' U 2k. a 26},C. 14>{c. a 26c. 24c. a 26c. Pour carnage J. ? a? ? a? 19,:. a 2)fcc. ?Crop.? Slaughter?Light backs. 34c. a 3Sc.; middle backs. 36i,c. a 39c.: lis:lit crop. 32c. it Sic.; middle crop. Stc. a 36r.: heavy fro?. 35c. a 36c. Texas? i.ight crop, !lc. a 32c.: middle aad over crop. 33c. a ?c. Rough hemlock. 27c. a 2Sc : roach oak, 2?r. aJic.: tollies. 14c. a 17e. .turrencv i ihofkh ? I lie market was moderately active, with sales of 3,000 bags to arrive, at $2 M.S. to darn, aud 3.000 b?i<? la store at $2 u 60 it ays. Maplk Scua*.?l'he market was weak and prices ruled In buyer*' tavor. We quote:?hew Ugbt, s)c. a 10c.: new dart. 7c. a 8c. .HoiAitsks.?The market is *trong but inactive. We quote:?Cuba, centruugai, 33c a 38c.. do., clsyed, '9r. a 44c.: do., muscovado, 40r. n 4Hc.; do.. Porto Rico. 40c. a Ak\i I'euTerara. 4.'c. a 48o.: Port rpain, S8.-. a 42c. s Martinique, 40c. a 46c.; SO test 44e ; .N*w or leans, tiuc. a lie. Naval storks quirt. We quote >-Roaln, strained to fool -trained. $195 a $2 OS. Wilmington tar,'$2 26 a t. 37 V Washington tar. $2 21 We note aalesof'403 bbls. M>. 2 ro?iu at >2 25. fit) bbls. common strained do. at $1 K5; 67J bl U strained do. at $1; 20 bbls. Wilmington tar at t2 ?V MS hhls. spirits at I4^c.. and 250 bbls. do at 34 ^c a 33c. Advice* from Wilmington, N. 0. were ? Kosin ilrm: strained. SI 66. Tar and turpentine without quotable change; spirits Arm at Stc. mui.?ldnsee<1 wu* quiet at 65c. a *7c. Whale was In active: sperm wss less active; rotu> i wed was nominal; lara was anaatiled. fish Oils?soma small lots now are arriving aad selling at 40c. lor medium. We quote ? Olive, Marseilles, quarts, $4 3b a 94 40; do.. In (.asks. 91 IIS a fl .0; palm. Sc. a 8V;e.; iin-ce.i, cliy (casks ami bbls.;, ?4o. a t>7c.. whale, crude Northern, Mo.; dOi, do ,-outnern, 80c a tlSr . do., un bleached winter, 7 c. a 71c.; do., bleached winter, TSc. a ?8c.: ?r>erm, crude. $1 79 a <1 77 do., winter, unbleached. $3 10; du, do. bleached 92 a $.'03; men haden. sound. 40c. a 4lc.: da, Maine, 4V. a 4.**.: lard, prime winter $197 a 91 Si; red, distilled telaiii), V3c.; do., sap nifled. 7 'v. : cotton seed. crude. 66c.: do.. South ern vellow. 67t,c. a 70c.; da. yellow and while winter, 72Vj.\ a 77c.; ncatafoot. flic. atl&J; bank. 4.'>;., straits, 47c : globe (W. Va. O. aad <?. L. Co.'*>, 44c.. natural lubricating. 28 to 30 gravity. 27c. a 37c l'KTROLfcca was quiet and steady. We quote:?Orade In fniIk. 6 . hid and ?'><- aased for May and *S,c. lor June, i rude In but* H'*c a M.%>? an.: UJtJc., June; reflne i standard white, 1-He. a 12?je- tor May and I2?,c. a I2?*c. for Jane. naphtha. Nla, May. and :>v a 9l,?.. June. roe Philadelphia market was quiet aad steady, with renned quoted at HJio a 12 V . snot and .lane, nomi nally U?c. Haltimore Arm at ll?,c. a 12',e We note sales mi S,tiOi? bbls. renned ai l."?c. tor June 1, and 4.WM libu refined so d at Philadelphia at US'1 a IfSe. Ad vic * Mora the oil regieus were m toiiowsTUusviiie firm at 91 ??. On City quiet at 91 SO a $1 Petroleum t cu re Arm at $1 30: Kotuevill* quiet, quoted at 91 2ft a $127',; I idwure qnlet; 91 US.V, at wells; P-irker's dull: United, $1 I2'?. ?shiDuient.*, $1 t-1, a $1 16. Potitoks. ? i he demand for all kinds was light at lower prices. We qaoteMiatliern, new. par bbi.. 93 a $6; rterinude. per bl.l., $7; carh ruse, new dt-uble head hhls , $J a 92 SO. earlv rose, id bulk, per bl>L. 92 a 92 ?escnnlow. new double head bbls.. 92 2ft a ?2 75: do., in buls, per bbl.. $2 a $2 60; peerless, new double head bbis., {2 s #2 25: Prince Albert, new double head lib 92a 2 25. <l(v. In buia, 9i a S2 12: oeerless in bulk, per fcbl. $2 a $2 2:>. sweets, winter, Delaware. $ I a 9-1 3ft Poctrav,?Tue uiarset was inactive. Turkeys were j in better supply. We ouote, urieyt. State, prime, small. 23c. a 28c.; do., do., tsir to good, 22c.; do., .lersev, prime, aooo. 2Bc. :do. do., lair to g od. Sic. a 94c.; spring eluckens. per lb. 48c. a 3c. fowl*, j Jersey, prime, 2ft-. do., do., fair to good. ISc. ; ' do.. Mate and Western, prime, 19c. a 17c.: do., d?. fair I to goo I. 14c. a lac ; cocks. 10c. a 12c.; ducks, Jersey, prime. 26?\; do., stale and Western prime. 2*. a ,l< : do . do., tair to good. Us. a 20c., uprtmi chickens, per psir. $1 :h a $1 5d: fowls, state and Jersev. Irir. a 1/c. per lb : do . Wcsiern. lie. a i8c.: roosters, old, i inc. a Uc.; turkevs. State an.l Jersey. I8e. a *?c.; do., Western. 17c a I9t. Uu^ks ,-^taie ami Jersey, 7Se. a ' $1 JR prr p IIr ; do,. Western. 711?. a 75c.; geese. >tste and Jersey. $2 a 92 SO * no Western. $1 .*> a raovisions.- Reeelnts i ut tne.itm, 1.i$S packatres. and | lard IMdo. The market lor tlie hog product was dull, ncsri > evervth-ng In this line l>emg neglected. I'ork r. it dull, liui. with nopresaure to ?ell, prices underwent little or not hsnge though tnc ta ir ket was peavv. i he were coniin d loalHuit l,an tilils. at $22 16 tor fam 11; ii ess, in 7s a *21 so ror mcse 9il 65a $il 71> for Jane, $21 75 l?r July and $:i :>.i ior sngust. H>-er hams were q met .(col < h 'ice qacte i at Ic.a .+? Heel was tna i? ? We quote .rrelled beet, plain mess, $10; megs. $11 '.m ket beet, $IA: uerce i heel, city ex tr* India me?, 92* a J-"' nulla mess. $11 a $23; prime me??. $l< a $20 Inactlte i aeon was quiet I ui steady, long clear sold st l2Hc. lor citv *h,.rt rlcar were nominal at l2>,c. to 12\c. We aoie sales of 90 iter e? ..t elty lonii e ear at 12?**.- Cat neats were e x trem-ly quiet so l oniy small safes wen- edecred. on the lia?is ot 9Wc. e #'te tor rickle i shoakfors, 1. He. a I2V ior pickled tinm? which is a little lower, H',c a 14 ,c? tor sntnkesl hams M?'4c j | ie tor smoked shoulder", and 13r a !?>? tor bellies I'he sales nere 4i boxc.? c!e:ir bellies at I2t,c. I.srd was dull, bat unchanged. I he only ^a'e* w ? henra ot wer* about 1.390 Merres st IM^c. eaen M?v and June 111 7 l#c? i?',c. for Jnlv and I9j?c. tor AaaiMt. Rica steadc and nominally atic laaged. We nofe sales ot $0 ttarces tJarolma at 7hc. a $b.. 100 bbls Umis.ana ! at i "?tut 75 t.sgs Ksngn n at M(c. per lt> We qao:e sroiiua. go<vi. r,c < ^o.; ariaie uo.. 7he a Rr: ehotce do *e a ai^e , l.ouistaaa. 7'4c. n i'ic. for i lair to prime an l .num..a qaaiities down to "c Kan goon ?V a *%t, '-urraney , r.tna 7',c., currenci , Kamren in beiia, 92 . a ti 97S- fold. ?ti ?at*r was dail. t.ood tocltoKO Western was quoted at iA't i u. prima city at Iftfcc, sen r is mar* t la without activity and prices are nominal r tin -hanged. Wa quote ;?I'epper, ntnstra, 17>*o.: s ngapore. like.; pimento, ii.J<c , cloves, j7c. a IBs- : cassia, "23c. mean finaer, lie.; mace, lOUc.. nut men- $1 s $1 n2 per lb. -t'o?n -Market da.l and nominal We note sale* of 10.1 hhds > ul.a to export at 8', in' lihds. Porto Hie., st *V a 8V and hh.l' Cnha n? 8'i,c a 8 ittc We quote j?i uh.i-Refining inferior to common. 7\e a 8c do , do., tair to good tair. H'.c. a s',c.; do., good to prime, 8',i 4 8',i- . grocery, tair to good, $Hc a IJ|?.i do., prime to ciudce, 8*40. a 9a.i ! centrifugal, hhds. and Inn, >os h to 13. (C,c. s ?',c.; nnolassea. hbds. and boxes. 7'?c a 8'?q.; melado, 6c a tta^c.; ela> ed, boxes, notchefaudar l, ,>o*. Hut. 7',c. a$ Mto ii. s!jc. aifb.; da, 19 to U,fue. aWeT; do., l< to I*. 9',c a i?!4''. ; do , l? to W. lU'.e, a lofte.. .lo . ' white. $*'? a IO\c Porto Rico ;eflni ig. rommon to prime, 7)%c. a i* ,c.. grocery, tair to choice. . a 9c. Rra*il?I'utch Stan lard, No?. Pto II. 7\c. a m'4c Java ? l inch stainlard N'. - lo to I > ssr a * ? Manila? iipe rl-r a-id et ta annerlor. 7Mc a4l?i"; stun lard A l > ,c., oi. A. iJo. i do. c.aaoed, Hh,c.; peerdered. iiJac. ? 11 Wc.; translated. \0%c. ? lie.; yellow, Sc. a 9c. ; extra, 95<c. a 97.C ; out loal- HJic- ? l2c 'l nv-?f note further sties of 3.06S naekuii sound teas by auctio'i ?? follows:?1.752 half chests Moyunes ?i front Be. a 7tHe. per Hi., Mu boxes do. at from 4uc. a 7i',V'? i,er bo*es Pintsner et from 2,v. a 54c. per lb. 1,177 half chest* Amoy Oolong at from '.'2>ic. a 8.)$c. per lu.. US do. Japan at W?i\. Hi do. Cougoa at Wc. a 55l,c. and 144 boxes do. at S-tc 1 allow wa? firm, with 9c. bid at the oioie for prime City. 1 he sales were lUD.uOU lb*, at 9c. Tobacco ?l'h<s market for Kentucky was quiet with Bales of 20o hhds at 10c a 22c. Seed leaf wai quiet and steady The sales were 10 ca?es sundries at Sc. a S0c.; 157 do. Connecticut, crop oi 187.'. at 10>,c, a 18c.; *7tido. Pennsylvania, crop of wt% on nrivaie terms; 2ftti do. Connecticut compressed, 187S, atiMc. a 4J<\ rhe market lor foreign win steady. We note aales of ;,0 bale* of Havana it 90c a SI 10 Whisht?Keeeipts 464 bbls. Market qniet and easy, mu i ui? a?id at sf iix. Wool.?The market remains very quiet, pending the auction bale of an entire cargo of Sydney wool which takes plac this week anil wnich will lairlv ten the market for fine wool. Ne>v spring California Is arriving very Ireelv, but does not command sufficiently bmn prices to induce further shipments to any xu-nt. We note sales ol 5,1.1)0 lbs. Australia at JSC.; 2i,uC0 Ids. super pulled, mostly at 47c a S c.; 5.000 lbs. No. I. pulled at Sic.; 14,000 lb<. lexas, part at J4e. : 10.000 lbs combing fleece, part at 57'-so. tor puled; 15.000 lbs. California tall .in, part at 2ic.; 75,0oo lbs. Calitornla spring cup, mostly at JUc.aSSc., and 1.000 Ilia combine on private terms. DOMESTIC MARKETS. Galv?btok, May 18. 1875. Cotton dull. little doing; middling. 15c. Net re.elpta. 3.0 bales ; gross, 337. sales, 2i0. ptoc'?, S7,0tW. N*w Orleans, Mav 18, 1875. Clotton quiet: middling, 15)$c. Net receipts, 7s5 Males; gross. 1,000. export" ?lo Orcat Brita n, 5,814; to Frauce, 10,970; coastwise, 2.0.J3. Sales, 1,.'?U). stock 97,743. Mobile, May 18, 187V Cotton quiet; middling, 15c. a 15V. : low mld.lling, 14^0. a 14^c.; <ro'>d ordinary, 14c. Net receipts, 113 bales. Exports coastwise, 407. t-a!es, 500 Stock, 17,346. Savannah, Marv is, m;5. Cotton quiet: middling, )55fcC- Net receipts, Is2 bales. Exports coastwise. 2.3J0. Sales. IDS. stock. 14.811 Wilmiwctoh. May 14. 187V Spirits of turpentine Arm at Sic Roun steady - SI 50 forstralned. Crude turpentine steady. $1 U) tor hurd. S-'^o for yellow dip, $.160 for virgin. far qutct at SI 40 Ugwxoo. May 18. 187,V Clour unchanged ; sales of 1,600 bbls , at So 5,1 tor No. 1 spring, $7 for amber winter, $7 25 tor white winter. $7 50 tor double eitra Wheel quiet; No. I Milwaukee club, 81 20: extra whee Michigan, SI 40. Corn steady at 84c. Barley <juie'. Corn meal. #37 tor bolted, $36 for unbolted, per ton Millteed steadv short*. $2.1: shipstuffa, S^ft middlings, fit per ton. < anal trelght*?Wheat. tl^c ; corn mid rye. h^c.; oata, 4c. lu Sow \nr* : lumber, $-50 a Si 7U to the Hudson. Lake receipts?Lumber, Ui.'OO faeC BcrrALo, May 18, 1875. Receipts?Flour, 4,100 obis ; wheat. 5,000bushels: corn, 128,500 da; oats. 4,0*) do.; barley. 2.00> do. shipments (railroad;?Flour.3.8KJ bbls.: wheat,7.500 tiusliels: corn, 203,000 do ; oats, 137 50J do.; barley, 2,000 do Canal shipments coinmen -e reporting to-morrow. Canal freights unsettled 8)j,c. a SKc. for wheat, anil 7l,c. a 7 tjo. tor corn to New York tiourdull and iiiichaiiKcd. Wheat heavy, little disposition to "perate; quo'ations entirely uomiaal; sales ot 5,000 bushels No. I Milwaukee Club ?iid 8u'i do. No. 1 w hite Michigan on priv ite term*. Corn lower: scl.ers must make further concessionsu 2,r>0d bushels only changed hands at 78c. in lots, oata inactive. Itye and barley, none here. l*ork, lard anil hlghwiues unchanged. Tolbdo, Mav 18,1875. Flour steady. Wheat iu fair demand and firm; No. 2 white Wabash. Si No. i whi e Michigan Si 30ti: amber Michigan. Si 29K a SI .934 June. Si 30)2; Julv. Si 32: No. I red, S> 3i; No. 2 red, SI 28>. Julv. SI i2, No. 2 amber Illinois, Si 30fi a SI 81. Corn closed dulhhiirh mixed, 76Vc.: June, 7?Sc. : Julv, 77*(; low mixed, Oats dull- No. 2 69c.; white 701*0 He ceipts?Wheat lo.<0? bushels. Corn. 41,000 do <>ats, 6, :00 do. Shipmcnu?Wheat, 9,0 o bushels; corn. 25,000 do.; oats, 5,0 0 do. Chicago. May 18, 1875. Flour?Demand light; holders firm. Wheat steady; No. I spring. SlUoVj: No. J do., SI 02Y suot: tl U'v, June; SI 07*. Julv: No. 3 do.. 97c. a 9i\ : rejected a S9*.1. Corn in fair demand and lower; No 3 mixed. 71c.. spot; 72yc.. bid June; 75^0., bid July: re jected. 67^c. a 6(<c. Oats in fair demand anil lower; No. 2, 63'ac. a 6'i?,c., spot: 6H,c., bid June; rejected, 61)^c live quiet an.l weak; No 2, SI 06. Har!e\ ad vanced and in l'.ilr demand : No. 2 soring, SI 35 ail 37, gpot: tl 06. sept tnbor. Pork dull and drooping tit $.'1 in a S-'i 15. spot: S-M 10. June; $21 45 a $21 47'.. Julv. Lard quiet aim weak at $1509^. ?P"t or June ; $1530,, I til v. Hulk meats quiet and w eak: shoulders, s'jc.; short rib middles, HXc.: short clear do., 12l*c., all loose, spot. Whiskey In fair demand, advance ! at $1 17 Freights unchanged. Receipts Flour, ll.iWI lib!*. ; wheat. 80,000 bushels; corn, 56,00 do.; oa is. 3 ),000 do.: barley S.i?) do. ship meuts? Flour, 5,0*' hole.; wheat 22,(Ni0 busheis; corn, 37.010do.: oats. :>-',0n0do ; barley, 4,000do. At the at er noon call of the board?Wheat lower at $1 03*j a $1 i'H4,;. June; $l o#>4. ?ul.v. Corn lower at 7l>ic . June; 75o., July, u.tts dull and lower nt fi2?i'c.. cash ; CS'^c. aHI'-c., June. Pork lower at $Ji 05)b a til 10. June; $21 35, Julv. I aril heavy and lower at $15a $15 02^, June; $15 20 a $.5 25, July. PRINTING CLOTHS MARKET. PitoviDixcz R. I. Mav 18. 1874. Printing cloths dull and unchanged. HAVANA MARKETS. Havawa. May 17. 1878, Sugar nominal. Exchange quiet, owing to the holi days; on the United states. oO davs, gold, ilj n Hi f remium short sight, 113 a 115 premium; on l'aris, 112 a 13 premium. EUROPEAN MARKET. Loirnoif Paoticci Makkst? Losdo*. May 18?Even ing? spirits turpentine. 23s. 3d. a 23s. 6,1. per cwt. A." FWASCIAL. -liau.OOO MADE IN TWA MONTHS? a'waLL STREET OPERATION.?The banking boose of Alex. Prothlngham k Co. 1J Wall street. who deal In itock privileges. hare paid thu enormona mo to their customer* during tbl* abort space of time. Pome per sona hare made at higli at *6.000 from only $100 origi nally lnreated. ani many have made 11.000 and over from only $30. They paid in a single day over $40,000. for which only $3,000 wa* received, or $37,000 net profit to varioui people. Tnev employ -coatlnuouaiy from twelve to atteeu competent bookkeeper* and aseistants. With thu strong foice they are often compelled to re main at their work until midnight. This energetic firm well deserves the ere fit of being the leading house in their branch ot I ustucss. and It la most wonderful to ae knowledge that thev have established this business in the abort space oi five year*. 1 hnv have cu-doir.ere who reside in nearly every State ot the Union, foe dominion of Canada; from tne Inland ol i Uba ih y rccetve orders from persona who are con tinually dealing iu sloes*. 1 heir business hat laconic so extensive tnat two experience i correspondent* are em plot ed to atiend to their advertising accounts. I he.r cards may i>e real in every first cisas newspaper pub lished in the United State*. To ihis they attribute a por tion of th lr su-ees*. We advise those desiring to place their business with a flriu possessing the very highest record for uprightness and who c< n'uct their business ?pun honest princlplea to deal with this house. They also Issue a weekly report ol ihe condition ot I affairs in Wail street, ? liich they are glad to mail me, for one v ar, to anyone who d< sires and contemplates speculation rend tor it ?Evening Mail of 13th tnat New Tork Commercial Advertiser says:? The bsnktnn house of Alexander Krothlngbam k Co.. No. 11 Wall street, ha* in Its employ twelve bookkeepers I and assistant! There are other stock privilege firms who emnlt.v iroin U-ree tn six men. This nrm have es tablished their enure baslne** during the last five years. Boston I allv News says :? Messrs. Alexander Frothlnghsm k Co. will furnish to ' those de?lnn< to Invest in Wail street explanatory cir cular*, containing detailed statements and quotations and m*n\ "points" ot gre*t va ae to the uninitiated, their office is at li Wail street, flew Tort city. New Tork Urap'tieears:? Tins old established house offers facilities for specn latlntr with an investment of money ranging Irom $90 to anv amount, ami ..'Ives -mall Investors the same advan tage as tnose who invest thousands ot dollars. During the last month investment* of$i0> on many stocks nave returned profit* irom $S0Mo$uB This seems marvel Ions to those unaccustomed to Wall street operation*. ne*erthe|ew It i* tru?. as ? (instantiated by the fluctuation of prices at the Sloe* hxcnange ACOV8T BELMONT k CO.. Hanker.*, I? and 31 Ns.saati street. ttsue travelers' credits, available in *11 parta of the world, through the Measrs. De Rothschild and their correspondents. Also commercial credit* and teleiraphie transfer* of money on California, Europe and Uavana. Am J. k w. 8ELIGMAN k CO., Bankers, M Brotd street New Tork. issue Letters ot credit i or travellers. payable tn any part ot Europe, Asia, Africa. Australia and America . draw BiUaet l-xchange and inak* telegraphic transfer* of money on Europeand i alltornta A? MONEY TO LOAN ON LIFE AND ENDOWMENT ? Insurance Policies; also to bay same at full value, and ethar policies given and diiterences paid in cash I'ALL P. T??ni?. ,V> l.ibertv street Albert u. ifiooi ay a . o, htock Brokers and Auctioneers. No. flae street. New York. All first class municipal ?, $ and id per cent, city, countv. .-tite. town and rallrosd Bondet city railroad. in?ur;tnce, bank and ga* light bought and sold and dealt In by u* as a specialty 23 yesr*. A. on same paper) *.*>: SO to $.I7>. SO to *0 aavs per 100 share* LArsMI) A BAZL8Y, T4 Brosdway. AT MKAHONABI.K RATES?MONEY ON LIPS AND J\ Rndo ment Insurance Policte* Mertssge* and other securities. Insurance of sll kind* effected with best companies J.J. il AHRIC H A Co , 117 RroadWay. k ?I.AFMLEY k MAXLKY. 74 BROAIlWAY.-MTOCK A. PRIVILKOKB ON Mc.MHKK.H or THE jTOi'K EXCHANGE mlM OIVEN AT TIME <>p PI R CIIaKi; N<> PRIVILEGE YOR Ll>s TIUN 180 SHARKS; OI7R I'RI NCIt'Al.S ill NOT ADYBRTI K; NO i UN | RA' f.> IN (IliR N AMR; PAMPBLRT. "HOW Money i? 1.0.4i w maok in Wall sirbet," MAILED KRKK TO ANY ADDBKS*. A ?STOCK PBIVILKOBS ON ALL THE ACTIVE n . stocks negotiated at 1 to 2 per cen- from the mar ket. $:i) to SMI puts or call* $?*> to $3fid double prlvi leges. I he system ol operating I* full* explained In a pamphlet, with valuable statistical Information, sent free Jo nil who desire to speculate. TL'MBRIDtfl A CO., Banker* and Brokers, No. 1 Wall street. A MY AMOUNT FROM $1000 10 $*'.<?' To LOAN -\ on improved and unimproved Real Kstate in tbi* ally or Brooklyn, lor tertn bl ?sa*. without bonus. WILLI vM 8. LKAVITT. lap Broadway. Bank notes or brokbn sotrherb and other banks, bough' st the highest prices box .< M0 Post office. K II ilI L/.... Banker. 61 Wall street. HOLDKM ok BCRLINUTi-N. CEDAR UAPlD- AND . Mlnne?ota Kallroad Compsnv'.* first Mortgage BouSs are requested to cMMBunicate at once with the t hai man of the Bondho ders' Coinrilttee, care Kred. Bntterfleld k Co., box l.UI Post othce, Neo York, giving number and de*crint'on of bond held, and they will re ceive mil information of steps which have been taken to place the property of the company into the^hsnd" of a receiver tor the benefit 01 the bondholders. PRhO. Taylor, chairman; I', c. Calhoun, President Fourth National Bank, New York: Charles L. Kroei. New York; R. R. Comatock. President National .Citizens' l'.ank, New York: Jesse A. Marshall, New York; A. T. l<oWe, President first National Bank, Boaton; John M. Denl son. BslUnora. rPTAlTClAIU. I Newport c?ttVM L?A> OH QOOt desiring hrlDC'P4" P* ^ ORaXT. lift Broadway. JOHX 8. PIERCE, NO, 5 PINE STREET lOa ViJ nou67 without bonui oq approved K*?a'l *Rat*f* ?h.V M ^r ,un ? Wertehegter cono*T; ?Uo1U1 cnase? Mortgages at toweit rata*. p ]Vf?nF.I ,.ro %OAIL ov. C"T Brooklyn" wn 5'r^tr?rg?)rC'> ^ "KTUl ICK.? LIBERAL LOANS AT MODi-Rati.' ities-rK?^?rUlrt(1HOIV'1' Bonds and other Secur ????? Bond* wanted, alto Missouri Oounirinn Broad way! M<'*kan UonJ<" ? w MARK Ha^ Pamphlet, "how StONKY 13 LOST A V n w ...J ;u Wall street;" (fully explains privileged viiL i ?ree to any address, by l.APSLKY A BAZlSy, 7? Broil T"n?h,T.?u.r A " pkintixo estabmshmkn i all i llavv "n,urpa?^d (acllities for doln - moderate price * Wh ungual promptness an 1 a,, \\"A*tkd? trt.U00 FOR FIYK YEARS SECTRFn R* interest? iTr'rinV'* ?n *[1*' in Indinnspolis* Ind MEKkIll. box 4,Ml New Yo? Poitomce * Tlf ANTED-fW.OOn, ON BOND AND JfORTOArp commission ' AdliV-' ?j f*urt; no b0DU?: ?? t a I i ?t'?.P">A fl d" I'iij} EC ?r|t IT Y? h? % PortofflcT ?r ?"Pl' IKK) I-N "NK Sl M-TO LOAN "oNrNJ.W Principals only. K^h?h*2*l'V 8U ?te Mi-rrantile Library. ? 189 K'chth street, opp?. $200,000 wanted FOR THREE oTTlV* Sr ?nV jrwsgyfggjjag n? $275,000 '" on vacant lots or money within ten days'?V Property in ibis city; A. L. MORDEC M. No ft rjne street $H00 00(1 7? Loan-TKL'ST funds IN SL'MI LW. L?o?hiw InsUfMca Company! 1-7 Uroadwa* /inn ' " loan?on mew \,,. ? u s"'r ,stadia MrValn 'omrr Adt,rM* AT.OKNEY, boxlH $3 )0 000 JKI-TbT FUNDS TO LOAN.-MORi, ? . WYt KOFP. n?. .'i^ Pine (treet. $350 000 TR.UST FL'M"S TO LOAN ON BONH rte'iKR rysafc* uUy pro? < AI.L,N1),.K a LAUken'k,'s/ptne ,treet $500 000 i? P?AS ON OR BUY stocks I7.QMP.0 w lii ?IHE8S tll'POKTt^rriKS. A DP"l?'VCAPirAL wanted?in the credo! In* business; security given. u H KI Rhh i** Washington street. New Yon. fj-.RRIS, 185 A PARINERWIi'H $15,ooj TO TAKE AN ACTIVR^s^as A PHYSICIAN. OR GENTLEMAN Willi smrii knowledge of medicine and jsiu wnnt'it i'm? 1'nTitoV 'N?- 10 ,VMt , h'rd ?'r0*' cTM from (Ttolt ? SS?*?? A ^ ACTIV h, KIThRIKXrED MAN WITH ?- /via t/* A fiftffL " s' N FS.S?\y E>TBKOOK'S BOV MM ?73 H ml ion at"^' 4,1 "mpleti A OROCKR WAX'ED.?OVER seventy" FAirrr tits ?treet and Third avenue. iJrooklyn DAY, Plfty-ftitli A TTl- NTMK, Bl'l I.DER ? ? Al* tSOt leasr Wl I T ?* AKifc A CHAKC FOR a PERSON WITH AROt T 1MTA ^ii0? *^d"or_? v o? th'rTA?d reli'^?37? c"anal'?. * A -additional capital PRoorTmm T)AR1IR8 HA v IVG AMPLF FACILITIF^ ~pnp tub tlcie "'""heTr'ITne' Wnh'rM"^: '".^rS^I: S PATooi'in'the hsr't wsre^ lln* tor*?le^ ,,P,^^D every store and dwelllna It will nar a v*f? i/,5? L ? Mention. Addre? P fi',7.Id CJTOCK FARM.-WANTRD. PARTY HAVI.M. ?A.UU0TO O $10,o lake l'itere?t ?n<1 ra?n?ifinfil oi ?tock lirm in >tat<" of Iowa: real eataie s-aunt) for in rent menta. A'Mrea* W II H.. Herald qpi.k>did oitoktcsity to mark money ? k~ $1 .'<? will aeenre in liin>t in it TranlUu Etttr prlae that will pay 93 iU) profit tfcia lumnwr. Apply at SO Hmad afreet. room 7. WANTRD-$5.non TO $19.0m IN TUB *A!?fTAO. ?> luring ol an entirely new ?eiv|ng machine, winch will supersede moat nil othera now In use. fall on or mlilrfM R. IIARUklR, 77 Franklin atreet. \t" -AN KsTABMsHKD RANKING HOC SB, WITH ?' . a valuable onthern bo?Bm. wounld :it? a capi talist with $tS.II(U to extend the aame; or to form e.miieo. tion wlih ?onie g?wi l concern with equal capital lor ttn lr inniual advantage. Apply to OKKMA A CABt.K To.*, Ml H road way ___ AIT A N TED?IN A WELL E'TABI.ISHKD MANCFaC " InrlDif company. 'loin* a food bu*ine?a. a re?pon?i Me psrty with irom to ?!?,#*) a rare opportanit v. ?? uil particulars firm by addressing box l> ? Poat otllc* WANTKD-A Bt'tfl NBSB M AH WI If tAOTM CA*H. 11 to extend a bitter* of irreat merit; advartiatng through an expert with ereat efficiency without ex penae. Addreaa KNTr.BPRftfB, box 17? fferald office. TIT ANTED TO PI RCIIA8K-A Oi>OD. BSTAHLISHKD 11 Hnaim-as. or an fntereat In one (Jewelry preterre i - Addreaa, with lull particulars, or call on JA*hS i?KN NIH A CO., 114 Nsanau atreet. AQ/T|\ ?RrtAO CASH?wanted. A PART!* KR, IX ipO'/li. an established florlat business too much Inr one to tend to i gr eoboaae atocaed with ovor 8 'Oipiauta. Cal' tor ihrea days. at .28 Welt Fourteenth atreet. ?<lAA ~AN INTKRF.ST IN AN ELKO ANT. EAf*Y ?p.7lM/. iiualnc-'- with a rosponalhie part?\ tor ?!*?: cs?b; litnineas p.r? $r.u?t vearlr profit*. CaJl on Mr. V*IL.H)>, No.# West Mxteenth atreet (i.l nilA skccbeo to a party who wiu, <PI.U''U aita A bond for f**'. Address BOND, box Krt Herald offi. e Oil AAA -A* OFFICE BUSINESS; 8PKCIAliTY. I not Medic#! or Patents, bat tranaacte 1 with merrhanta. nettinc W.OOn annually: established t?plve ie?r. I'artira oBly having the raah apply to M.ovn. n Broadway. v*:l AAA ?'*?*". ^itb services or ad ?TI.Ul/l'. active nan, to take half Internet la a well eatabllshed tamil* coal tr ide ; reference* ex r hanged. .Addroaa COAC AND WOOD, box K? Herald office 4:1 TiH iwMRDiATBi.YWtr.tBcr thb bk?t ip I lea .-'tore down town, sto ked and han I aomelr fit ted np complete. Addreaa TKA*. box 174 Herald office. ill ({Hil PABTNi B T?) AHMI8T IN I .UUl'i nianufai turing and aellln* the patent um breiia lifeboat; al?o light and elegant tor touris a ?r pleasure boata. will tol l In ? imall handle. Addregg H(?AT. Ih?x liWI Herald office. ' (II II I -r<,K "ALE OB EXi'HAROR. WHOI.K ?ip ? .VFVi*;. or hall intereat In a abipplng ? inmiaalo* hmlneaa. eatahllabeil -??. average I per eear; ilne location and office; property worUi ail asked. Addreaa hHlPPiBO. Herald oificc -PABTNBE WANTED, IN A CASH, ^nUUU sale, no limit bualtie<a; inve^ lvation will prove thia to be a rare opportunity. Addreaa i?. a. O. Herald uffice. IIIHI ?*KQ?'lRBD-TO INTBODCCB PATENT Of trreat value: eaual intereat will o? flvan. Addreaa TV !' I\, Herald office. pa^tnrr wabted-to attend F(. 'J1-*.'/''!' nauclai department of a very iucrativ? ao<1 "trlcilyr.Mh btitineas, Koll parti, nlara at M Won fourth atreet, room i, after 10 o'clock. ?lift AAA TO invbbtkh in a stock <;OM p?ny, now in ftifl operation, win aecnra# promln<'iit poaitiun nu t liberal Income. Full particu lar* will lie i.vpii to dcctrtbio partiea in per?on. Addreaa j siuce i OXPAXi, Herald ndfe* 1 < I III III ovkstment or pabtvbb VI'WW wanted in ^afe legitimate buatnegsi ! oroflta ioo<t. Address t. h. IL. Ha raid office.