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THE COURTS. Jidge B!atchford's Decision Against a Commissioner's Commitment The Togt Writ of Certiorari Discharged and the Prisoner Remanded. BERG-H'S PORCINE RAID. Another Mandamus Against the Comptroller. !E O'CONNOR ARSON CASE IN GENERAL SESSIONS. Judge Lawrence, in Sup/eme Court, Chambers, yesterday, granted an order making the Injunc tion agaust tue Bowery Tneatre permanent until '.be license is paid. The motion for a bill of particluars In the civil iait against W.iliara M. Tweed for $8,000,000, which was to have been argued In Supreme Court, Chambers, vesteidav. has irone over ;or a vteek. Josepn Ross, first mate ol the American ship Washington, charged with shooting ana wound ing one Joseph .Smith, steward ot tue said ship, w aa yesterday brought before rmted States Com missioner Shields, wqo nola mm for examination in In tne Conrt of General Sessions, before Judge Sutherland, yesterday morning, Cnnstina Maer, alias Marks, pleaded guilty to an attempt at grand larceny. The enarge was thai on the 11th ol this month she stoi? a piece of silk worth *80 Iroru ihe store of Loia A l'a.vlor, which was found in aer possession wnen she was arrested. Sen tenced 10 the state Prison for two years and six month*. George Oevere, who, oti the 7th lnst., stole a jold watch, valued at $33, from the premises of Richard Keeping. Xo. 6J9 Fifth avenue, pleaded gulity to an attempt to commit the offence. He was sent to the .state Prison for one year. GAEL VOGT. ?mx WBTI OF CE3TI0RJUU DI&CHA.BQXD TOT PBUSONEB REMANDED. lodge Blatcnf >ra jeaterday, in a very lengthy ^cuion on the application by a writ or J review the action of United State. Oomm* ?loner watte, npou who*e Car. Vojt m held to await the decision ol ttie Executive with regard to Urn extradition, discharge* the writ and remands the priaouer to the custody o the marshal. Vogr. or Stnpp, to onarged with the murder of the Chevalier uu Buls de Bianco, a Bru-sela, "ii the morning ol Oc.ooer 1, 18,1, a with anion and robbery in setting lire^ to tb room where *i>e deceased lay and abstracting Iro ? sale In an adjoiuitig room many vaiuaole pe er.! bonds. Ac. The cse l as ?cltedagre? 3eal of-ntere. among the .egai pro^.?? SSa>mSy. and there is no doubt that tae ca-e will be once more brought to toe Supreme Coor?the ?j?.%10Jl. The following ib a^vt-rj mud condensed report of tae decision in me ca?c.? warrant tor hlj au.ienoer ? uw U)U country con. ooder tee treaty oi ? tr ^ cl e ,, taring commuted slu i?J March liiaJun i ?ir* n it Brtt*?**l*? in Bcliciuin. ihv crimes oi uiurJ?r ?n J ar*. f? iw??2bSr. Itft He It jn th? i? ^ ? i,ruu?Ut int.. this Court oeld ty ttw(^ *rIt U conteel* i lor the priaoner wi*""" c- .I.t iuv ? n <hr law or practice U,?t whatever m?. ?}? ,' ,j , V1!r,i statute* or the prior to the enactment ?^ne i^ j~ J ?t the Court United Mi " >l "_^oI tiicca-r on the return of to ex unloe ti"0 ^e i ,-pon ?.* ,uiiu,m all the U,e writ* Wlh?V,tiMbVannii ut>on ihJ>ea? I decile Med bv lum "? ll,e exw^tUoa ^/"aira,.- in th.a In ? ourt. it ?? ?"'L'ti 4 lubteif Wheth-r the law properly Mnr?. Ui?lii b?> 1 ? t a charge oi lorgery lor ihe Interpreted. ^ ' l * ,u?'.on. awl ralsht Janeea ?-orpa*. alter a teti<niw to auppeft the ae ^u'?'w'oSS h"M*Th^rionerl. '??? ta-< were X^^h/Kr'the Coromieiiooer ?r-;^ " a2ST'l?5 ?*??){?? ? v,a. nce leedujj; ?2 r-v' ? .S'X&TsI error it. Ma Z*?tZ Kre."nt fhe Preetleet haa ^?Te?r If he .hooldb,,,, the opinion that theevi that A, r0 ,ir <\,m ni??rton#f wi? not **nt fcsas? & 'h'zrzz wr-isas s s? the h,.v.? upon the null.- lenrvnt " coetead* ' 'or tbe priv ""' f' '''.'.. . .m L ?? wnt*. H i? examine into -vu.. V.,r tore the prop-r ?<tuiai eatiwwt heard ,6. ewi that the ev en e,of Om.nan > ^ , *nd f?o>i ler- 4. and lto?" ?? VharV It ?hail l>e the ^urt nm ?> n ; m .?iefrat^ u>r*rtlty the mtro, H1??MIWI? .t'/SW ? "arrant ??' t- Ihe proper e <? ????? ,?,UiTe. The nr>i* tttm lor ti? ? _ ' b* tne vended ,/?%. V,r?. h? an *)en*i ** r,*"1.? or, ieat warrant for tee n*,wl ..'iJ. J!,,, iwiM ov Mr t.rion Rxaminia* erreM of the aeca-e . i?? ? |??allP, ,t Bruwelj. re lu^oHb* irt*>un?i. oi r V4 n |U tre tct? the rth o. Apri . I ? * r.-.?e and on moltoo <?l mied u ? il#K4in. nv tee alo?-? Attern. *V,i w^.at .r?v t- c^.led then1 ? atwi, In e*. e a ^ taa , Mrt ot Appeall. at an iodl<-> n< nt <>. I? a Court rm- ?e?n the docu Krii?eel?. whirh ,ntul,i r,T ihr ex.inmiuf ment? of !h<- pro? edtne* ^ oner fiidfe 1h- ?*'<? ti ? 1, ? >t ihe <ieeea?er1 br violence, ten la to pro*# it ? < h , ' ll'le* in 'h? room ?here the *nnu uoeou'tui una ?rt. w,,ng lrou, tna he died. r '.mi of areuri ie? 10 a larae ?aie In tie mit" ^ (l. ?he ac< a-ed to bnaiand U?e eeafatofYaiae? in '' * |X . , ,? n??? i t up-* ?ame nliht <?? re 1 hvapreTiou> aciuainvmre t. ?? > 7''*i iar'v wit., th.- premie*., a wiui the d< ei d a a?.l hi? ai*ht to tfeia preTinu* '.'iai r "J: . I MOW of the* MO Ihe ";llT>fh' ,,p nu t ol tne tnnrder. article* , in? nn.,11 tee .|Oee:i?n ' pon ?' ??e lu.itte I eontima of rrunt <a It* 'he 1 mo, > ie; ?_ .,ni|lll,,?llM.r , n the maierta, tor tneje 1 ^ iH>i.?re him ^n^h eoo?tioii of recta, to ? ,nJ in t|te law* 01 ini* ,Tliencect .c^r'n-aooK oi the aocujed ,l,re. WMi 'l " tne rrlinen ha ?e l had ? e<! hi? eoinieitnjeui 1 r r | p ( otl(lll1^,lon^r gat <#en coil m" <? 1 i'< '? pt hw 1M?n annot on ne dec,'l*''l ;|,l'" /V re*ie?e t t.? thia Court n#. i?rinr?^ J"r r_ *.t mU4t, thrr^t r<\ <*!?? shar *eo"and?l{>e prl?r''.iT re?aud?? lotb.eeetody of the *ar*naL kooonda hli cooearrenre te"f* 1* in the T?e?? ta"-'1 BU,ch,brd BER('H UN HOG KILLrNO. So?e time ago Edw.rd if. D?t,^ proprwtor of 1 hof?*iaughtertng e^abiianment on tM weet une obtained e temporary mjancion again Berth and the Sor|,.y .or ?? ??'? iion <X croec* to Aminais to preveet him inter irrin/ With the NMi?e?. W Larremore de eied a motion <0 nraae the junction permanent, Iti Mr. Da via ap ? aied to the f^nera., of tee ? onrt of Common P eea. where the were heard yeeterdey. Mr. Ki?riOge T. Oern wh #onn.e. tor the eone-y and Mr. A. <?*<'** 'or tue otne atde. It Will t? r#memb-red tnat Mr. Rerih objected to the mo e of killing .ioga-hang ^Ueae.m^.p ?- T\^Ti teeir iir?u and hie rtiug U*m to <1eath 1til of wnieo Mr. Hav.a ItiMetoa w.i a neeeaaary and ?roper mole of killing tneie. Mr HalU '* ?>? ireqnooilr doea. mmgied law and enmor ;ogi" and uury in ine happleat poMtb.e manner. After .11 n.atnt the preliminary law eoeetiooa Involved ue too* up the nue*tlon of tne legaiuy 01 Mr Berfh * pr.?ee <nre In thia ceae. He *eid that lur Mr. r>. igu to onderiaxeto erect by hia omcera and a. "uw anu ny m.naelf 'onrta 01 ^?V,o?'V!?rpZW o?N'??' ToVi* th?t *M .'reaT d!eo?m?*ation. eiteny voiu .1 malice, one entirely . LJIVoie tT, aociai in<n?nitle* - r newspaper Weeoai^e '?? bocto.^ a^ m ^ nnmani criticiam. reuarl to anything hut hia rtrl",.! .?MVnf nonor and o public ,idvanie??*. uwn tngf rir V 11 ,7 a* come Wi-en anotn-r H,ver'heieee..the^ ( >n i ^ ,n ;arP fl?Iir, 8n<1 preaidoot oiav ( |I wb0 |ua, income more ?? tion, a Don vuik . , preveUvin* cre or io*a 'n^n/. oiil who roay become e homa.n SSm Aw Mi Mermiv and orgamie ? ?????? against all owner* of borsta atrl dogsj on* who mar attempt to enforee In the community the ! tenets of the Brahmins, who will not allow t&etu < sou-en to tread upon the meanest worm I In (he 1 event of such a contingency we ought to rcmtnt ! Per toe maxim, obtta principim, unci hold last to our Saxon precedents. Mr. Gerry, in reply, urged these pointa:?First, tnai the business of the appellants was a put>iio nulsauce ami not entitled to any pioeetlon in equit* upon the fact snown; second. Unit this sun la anomalous and an attempt by persona fear lnir criminal prosecution in tne criminal courta to induce a court of equity to try ttie issue, and mean while tu restrain the officers of the law irom euforciug It. and third, thai the aliegel equities are luiiy denied by both the pleadings and the affidavits. MANDAMUSING THE COMPTROLLER. On the Sth oi May Mrs. \? A. Scnenck. owner of No. 27 Chambers street, where a oranch 01 the Called states Cunrt has been held lor some time pasr, and r an order of tue Board ol Aldermen and the Mayor's approval, executed to the city a lease for live years of the second and third storlea and part ot the fifth floor for the use of the Marine Court, at $12,000 a vea', tne court room furniture and fixtures to be transferrer to the use ol the court during the continuance ot tne lease. They tendered me leas? and kevs to Mr. Green, who re fused th?m. Applicauon was made to Ju^e Law rence a tew davs ago lor a p reuiptory tnaud.tnius to i rapei the acceptance 01 tne lea->e by Mr. Green. and it wan stated vrs. schencK had giv n $2,Ot.O to the former tenant for the furniture Judge L:iwrence gave a decision yesterdav. say ing he will grant an order to snow cause, but will not gram a writ without argument. TRIAL TOR ARSON. The trial of Jeremiah O'Connor, indicted for arson In the first degree, was c< mmenced yester day In the Court of General Sessions, before Jtldge Sutherland. District Attorney Rollins appeared for the prosecution. Mr. Orlando L. Stewart de tended tlie accused. i tie prosecuting officer, in opening the case, said that the prisoner kept a small grocery store at So. bS Mo t street; that on the night of the 12th of April smoke was seen issuing from tne store, which nearly suffocated a family who occ^Med a room above, but who fortunately' escaped; tnat, upon an examination of the store, two dis tinct flres were observed, one on the floor and another upon a couuter eight feet from the first, snowing that it was an Incendiary fire. The prisenar was accustomed to sieep in tne back part of the store, but on the nlzht in questien he was seen to tarry a lew moments alone In the store and then leave it. He bad only $100 worth of oods In the place and was insured for $700, winch e (the D.strict Attorney) affirmed was the motive for the commission of the offence. T1IE TESTIMONY. The first witness called was .Daniel O'Connor, the cousin oi the deleudant. wtio swore that on the night of the fire tie was la tne store, and shortly afer ten it was locked np and tie accom panied Jeremiah lo a feed store, where lie bought oats lor uis horse, froiu wheuce he went to Ins stacl* ; tnev then went to Daniel's apartments, the prisoner Itititnailug a desire to see his wlte, who was very sick; alter remaining tnere a wime the prisoner leit, and at twelve o'clock an officer aroused tne witness out oi oed and placed h.m under arrest, he was lmeratcd in a lew data. Edward .Warier, Daniel apelmati and James Carroll testified M to toe circumstances of the breaking out of tue fire; they saw smoke issuing irom tne grocery store of the pri oner, and it had partially vanisned they discovered two distinct fires, one being on ttie top oi tti* counter and an other on the floor, about eight feet distant irom it. There was a barrel or kerosene at the end of the store, and pools oi the fluid were seen on the floor. Captain Lowery >wore that ne understood mat the lire was speedily put out by the chemical extinguisher, and when he arrived 'he made an examination or tne place. He, too. saw the two separate fires and a bundle of paper bags ana some newspapers, partly burned, wiu.e theie the prisoner arrived, and in response to a question about insurance, said he was insured in tne National insurance company Jor $700, and, proceeding to a drawer, presented tne Ca tain wltn the policy. Ttie brother oi tne prisoner came in. ana they opened two trunks in tne back room, not no clot lag was lound iu them. The insurance policy included tne clothing with the stock o groceries. O'Connor was ar rested on the spot by a detective. Charles E. Galiacar, wno took an inventory of the stock two days alter toe fire, presented a copy ol it to the District Attorney, wuo offered it In evidence. William Banhan, a tqember of tUe fire patrol, was examined at great length and confirmed the previous witnesses as to two distinct iires. Levi Goldsmith testified that ne occupied apart ments over O'Connor's grocer* si ore and on tne night or iha tire he was s.eepiug there with on lamilr. John 0. Snilivan. the owner of the premises, testified tnat ue rented the store to tne prison?r lor $3o a montu and that he was remiss in paying his rent. Mr. Stewart opened the case for the defence, and called tne woman wn<> wen' into t'ie store to purcnase a pall oi coal on the nlgot of tne ore. Mie swore tnat the accused went out ol the store wltn her. locked the door, g<tve n*r tne coal from the bin outside and proceeded down the street with nis irieod. lne ga-sfliter who put to the gas pipes last Au gust testified that he out a jet from tne celling, wnich rescued very close to the counter. The esse will be concluded to-day. VERDICTS AGAINST INSURANCE COM PANIES. Carolina w, Goaeltne was former owner of tbe Passaic Glassworks in Jersey City, sue had toe same insoied lor 11. wo esca in various insurance companies. Tbe insurances not being paid, alter me destruction of the premises by Are. unit was hrout^n by William Muirhead, ber assignee, against the insurance companies. Tbe trial in one 01 tbe suits?that against the Eastern Insur ance Com pan > of Bangor. Me.?took place yester day. be ore Judge eir. of tbe Bapenor Court. Tne de ence was mat tbe premium 01 toe policy had never ne?n paid, it was sltowu lor the plaintiff tbat the premium was pan to an agent 01 tue company, ana upon tins a verdict was ren aer d for the piainuff in tne amount churned. In a similar salt against me Union insurance Corn pan*. of tangor, Ma. no testimony being given i?r n- iieieutiant. a verdict waa ordered lor tne plaintiff, i wo otber suits oi like character are s ill pending again-t tbe Humane ln*urauce Com pany, Col unions. nmo, and tne German Insurant* ? ompsnv, Erie, Pa SALARIES IN THE SHERIFF'S OFFICE. In tbe good old times tne sheriffs paid their at taches from tne fees of tnetr office. W'ben Jimmy O'Brien became Sheriff be took a new departure in tots regard and obtained the passage of an act by toe Legislature providing for tbe payment of tne employes by the city. Ex-.*>berlff Bren nan thought to avail himself or the same act. but Green reiused to pay tne employes, u tbe ground lhat tne act was uot continuous. suit was brought by Mr. Breuuan agamat toe city to compel such paymen , which sua is still pen ting. Meantime some 01 bis former cierns, raving got ured oi waiting ior tneir money, are bringing soits against toe .-sheriff per sonalty. ibe caae of Henry (I. liennessy, wno brin.s-nit lor s went, -one month*' sa.ary. came to trial yesterday oe'ore Judge Spelr. in <o? Hui e r.or Court. Ibe tesiimouy sat brief, an<i >be only reai point at issue w.<s wietner tbe city or the .^neriff * si liable. Alter being out some time, tne juiy we e unai>ie to agree on this point, ana tuey were discharged. COURT OF OYER AND TERMINER, nxrxo the nvi fob not tvil or alleged MCBDEBERfl. The Court of Oyer ana Terminer, after some six months' intermission. me< yestercsv. Judge Brady being on the bench. All that was done was flung toe time 01 trial In seven homicide eaaes, which promise to occupy tbe attention ot the Conrt ttli the commencement of tne summer vacation. It waa arraoged tnat the trials snail be taken up one a ter toe other, beginning t?-<iay, until ill are flmstied. i n>! parties t > be tried are hate V. 10 le cna< ged wen infanticide, wuo-e trial bcirlus to-<ia.v; Policeman Wi.uamson and Jonn Power, accu-ed 01 Killing a patient in tbe Ward's Island Lunatic Asy'.Uiu ; Pump Oiwr.i and Jonn J. Mci'aribv, ior all of whom Mr. William F. Howe appeared as counsel, ibe remaining cas-s, ior wnom Messrs. Kint/tog and Mo t apoeared as counsel, are:? Wiinara Lto?g. i barged *uh killing Mary Ann Iiavis. a school girl, by nitlitg her with a stone, and Kotnano hoip'.o. an Italian, ebsrged wim Pendoipo by staobing. MARINE COURT?PART 1. Before Juoge Gross. A LIBKt> BT MAIL. Crane vs. Walker.?The plaintiff, a collector of past dne claims, applied to tbe defendant, a tailor oa Flftn avenue, in 1*71, with a letter of in tromction, for employment. A nutnuer or bills were given him, upon which a percentage was to be paid in case of collection, rising to thirty per cent if snu bad to be brought, tbe plaintiff, bow ever. to psv all expenses. Two or tnree Mils were collected sod leturuen, tne plaintiff in tue mean time <>ruerinrf and receiving a pair oi pants, wiilch remain unpa d ior, aitii' Ugn de endant *?y? pay ment. was promised within a month. Among tne ciamis wt, one against a p rs m named baiuionson, ava nst wnotn snit was btought, Judgment oniamed and examination on supplementary proceedings had, tne plain tiff in tne en i setting $40 from faimonson. uot in reduction oi tne judgment, but to payment oi referee's lees, cmta, Ae. This col* lection, coming to Mr. W slker's ears, and supposing i it to have Men a payment on account of me bill or which no return *u made to blm, ta<i, m tie b?vs, beint' i.nable to get an explanation. he wrote the following woros <?n a pos al card anil sent it to plaintui through the seem ? to me > ou are action like a regular irauu in v ur tr-aiineni of me. Vuu udmit ol naving collected $40 (rum -ulnionson, an i \<?t you nave made no return to me, and Uut un your own account which you not on ia!sc pretences. it in mo e than thiev ing todo as >011 have ttoue, aud if it Is posj-inle I'll havs you put In jai 1 lor collecting my money wl? iiout making am return." it was abown that this *a? reau oy several parties while Din - on plaintiff's deak before run arrival at Ins < fflce. 'I'he court charged ti.e jury tha' a publication wasea uoihned, ami that me amount of their verdict would be gov. rued by the injury done and the in tent o tne oeieiiUant in wrltiug it. Verulct lor pialnuff for $aoo. DECISIONS. SUPREME COCHT ?CHAMBERS. By Judge Lawrence. Hcldane vs. Caldwell.?some notice should he given to the attorney. Van /.He vs. van Zlle.? Referred for reason stated In loruier n emoraBdum. In f h'i matter of '1 noma** Walsh.?I see no reason icr gtant|ag an <n der to -h<>w cause in th s ca*e. sevens vs. Lena ?The writ Is upon a judgment recorded m f. loreigu country, and un attachment has been issued. 1 lie motion is to vacate tne at tachment, on 'ne ground that tins Is not one ot tnc cases 111 whic 1. under section L27 of ihe Coae, an attaofitticnt can be resorted to. An attach ment is hi hurlzcd m an action arising 011 con tract for tne recovery of uiouey only. A judgment is contract 01 record and of tue highest grade 01 contrsct. tCliitty, p- -? ) Tltla judgment wa> lor the recovery 01 a specific *um 01 money by tne 1 iaintiiTof the defendant. I tiunk foat It is a case, therefore, lu wtiich im at tachment mar be issued. Tho case cited by the defendants counsel irotn 1 llill's He ports and nuder the Revised .Statutes, and doe# not control the construction to be given to the code, me motion to vacate attachment denied. vii a costs. Blohm vs. Averr.?Altnough tne answer is very ?olumtaou*! tfelnic thi* c u-<.j can be fairly tried in un hour, ami It it e < nnot the plaintiff will incur the penalty 01 belnir sent to tne foot ol the calen dar. Motion graced. Schwartz vs. Myers.?Inquests are oponed on payment ot HO, costs o motion, and iho p ain tilTs costs before n uce 01 trial in euch cas?, on the deiendant giving a bond, to be approved by the Court, to pay auv Judsrineut iliat may ue re covered Hualnst htm herein, ine causes to be placed upon the calendar :or Wednesday, the 26th or Ma). 1876. Mu ual Uie Insurance Company vs. Wnelpley.? I want tny papers in this case. The proo! 01 tne service of rlie defendant, Wnelpley. 1* not suitl clent. Tne affidavit 01 tne publishers ol the news papers must oe produced. i-'euchmunaer vs. Liclienstein.?I want the com plum: and s immons in this action Hennessey vs. in- Km ire Firo Extinguisher Company.? r--et ied. Gooorich vs. Ulautic Mail Steamship Com pany.? 1 canuot appoint one of the plaintiffs re ceiver 01 the deie <iantB. Laszk vs. >cotl.?Jlruion to make answer more definite and certain is denied, with costs. Koss vs. Ross.?Oraer granted, with allowance of 126 to the defeadant. Hull vs. Mola.?1 s 0 no necessity for referring tins case. it can be tried on tho short calendar, if tne pUinrttr desires a speedy trial, ou application for tuat purpose on proper notice. tiraaam vs. Gocd.?fuere is nothing in tne affi davit wnlch *liows the around on wiucn the taxa tion 01 the coats is oblacted to. 1 require the pleadings and some tuemuraauuui or stai-meut snowing what has been done iu the action and pointing out the ground ol the appeal lrom the adjustment made t>v tne clet k. worster vs. Kelemar. ?1 he luquest will be opened on payment ot plalnt'fTs costs belore no tice of trial and $10 cost' 01 motion, the delendant to give a Dond with two sureties, to be approved by itie Court, to pay unv judgment that may bo recovered against him, said Mire ties to lustliy in twice the amonnt ol plaintiffs c :11m and case to l>e *et down lor triai lor Monday, Ma> 2:. Deall vs. Dealt.?1 think mat the affidavit should be more specific as to tlie exertions which nave been mace to serve the deiendant 111 this State. .sctianclc vs. Green.?1 will grant an oraer to show cause why a peremptory mandamus should be issued, but will not grant a writ without argu ment. Haley vs. Dalev.?I see no reason for granting an order to snow cause in tniM case. See rule 48. Kuowies vs. Hrennan; Goa-ler et al. vs. Germa niu Smelting Refining Works; The Widdecomb Furniture Company vs. Beaton; Tue Mutual Life Insurauce company vs. Fttzshnmons; Board of supervisors vs. Tenth National Bank; Reed vs. Tuden; Du Pasquier vs. Squira; Edwards vs. Hathaway.?Order-* (/ranted. N'ast vs. Tracy; S Clety lor the Reiorm of Juve nile Delinquents vs. fteii?h; Cohen vs. Michaet; Uoctor v.s. 1 umeron; itutter vs. North; Colling va. sn?der; Whittlesey vs. nail; In tne matter 01 rhe lari; Horemns vs. Williams; Seward vs. Lagie Slate company; Kirb* vs. Bradley: Loeo vs. Will iams: Baser vs. McNlu; Knistern vs. Dean; Enr ich vs. Khrtch; Union Dim*- i-uvm?s institution vs. Stopei; C'ourtenay vs. .New York. W> st snore aud coicago Railroad Compan*. So. a; New York Sav lng-? Hank vs. May; Ktndtiertf vs. Hevmert; Phil lips vs. Mc< orrnack: McKeon vs. I.acnner; Acne son vs. Ache>on et al.; i'billips vs. Cuapm: t hird Avenue .?.avinga HatiK tb. ?na kleton; Sen.. 1 clt vs. (Jregorv. Ames v.s. Redllcn; 1 11 ion Banking Company va. Nigel: L?di Chem ical works vs. Gilbert: Hart vs. pettit; New Yom Loan and indemnity Company va. Moore; Adams va. Culver; Morris n vs. Morriaon; joiie-. vs. ?t. Joan; Wen vs. Brecner; O'Brien vs. cainpbeil; Hairi^ vs. Kennedy; Townsbend va. Nebenzani; Hoppin vs. Cozzan-; Missionary So ciety 01 ihe Metuodist Episcopal t nurenva. Honvn ton: Kelly va. Marsh: Matnias vs. Gould: 1 rust vs. Hamsey; Cone vs. Foster; Hoy a vs. Ine lekln Alrobo' Manufacturing tompany: Steinway vs. Meinwnr; Jielsun vs. Stewart; P?uchon vs fechter; Harbey vs. Lnddington; o'Conner vs. Colnns; Bennett vs. Cohen; Doremm vs. Hadfleld; O'Brien vs. Browning; j Keller vn. St. Lake's Hos.itai: Fr? vs. Butler; i NVrunt vs. AtwlH: Fiagg va. Scott; Cildeater vs. Husselt: Anthracite Insurance company, 01 Phila delphia vs. Hughes: Han la vs. Kenm Murray vs. Murray: tiermanla Lile ln>urance Company vs. Moore; Roberts vs. Meyer .ranted. By Jndge Donoliu \ Wright va. Donaeli^n.?liranted. 6CPEBIOB COCBT?8PXCIAL TEEM. By Ju ige \ an \orat. Saabs et >1. vs. Dlcitinsoa?Ihere is no proof of plaintiff's >!'? ault in not appea in>; to oppose. (Jiauiierx et ai. ??. Farley, et ai.; Autnonj k Oijnn.- Motions granted. Kiggs Hoiioue?Bail reduced to Si.000. Hatue vs. (tame?Ball reduced to |2,(Kn. Freeman *?. Hnrson er ai.?Each oeiendant la entitled torost*. Motion grant??o. Daiy v?. Beatty.?Motiou granted. fee ornar. Bailer vs. Hatton.?Order to pay over money to plaintiff's attorney granted. Mater vs. fcnnaidcr et ai.?Judgment of fore closure and sale. Olvany vs. Clark ?Petition granted. Haliett ??. Oniman.?Order lor substituted ser vice granted. Kaubitsnek vs. Blank.?Motion gran*ed on pay ment 01 coata of tne term, inriudinir trial lee and aao?eqo>ni costs and executing to tne plaintiff* an unoertaktnr. witn two ?i Detent sureties, to par any judgment that n ay be recovered lu tne action, and upon paying teu dollars coats oi this motion. Hryant vs. Oilman.?8'ay or proceedings vacated from and alter toe first Muotiay of June. COMMON PLEAS - SPECIAL TP KM. By Judge I.arremore. Norrta va. Nori ia.?Reference ordered. THE TOMBS POLICE COURT. Before Judge Sherwood. A TOCKG PICKPOCKET. Roicoe H. CDanrun/. who gave bin residence aa No. 213 West Twenty-second street, and Hi* busl nesa as a lawyer at No. so Broadway, yesterday caused the arrest of a brignt lirtle nof named Maine* Dronue, chained wi n picking pocket of ih: sam oi twenty-five cents. rtie ( ourt com mitted the little leliow in deiault of $*?. WASHINGTON PLACE POLICE COURT. Before Judje WandelL STAB BI NO APFHAT. Jonn Henry, a colored man. was arraigned, charged with inflicting a danger us wound is the shomder. wttn a knue, on William H. Umia, otno. Mi Wen Thirty sixth street. Tne affrar "ocurred on Monday night. Officer Maiphy. oi tne I wen tietu precinct. Wrested tne n er , and Juago Wandeii ncia lum in ? to answer. ESSEX MARKET POLICE COURT. Before Judge Morgan. a Boot s rx< r*K offickb. Henry Myers was arraigned yeatarday morning, charged with defrau 'n ? 'ire Probat, of No. 21 avenue B, In the ?um ?i ?>. Myers caile i on, who Is ? aaloon k?"p??r, on the lith of May, and, representm* hiuise.i as an exci-." officer, asked Probst ir be wan .inly licensed. I'robst an swered that ne was not, and tnarennon Myers threatened to arrest hitn unless ne paid mm !?>. lie pai'j tne mone* ami oMequen It learned tne trick that had oeen played ii.od hiui. Officer Hogan of th" j-eventeenih pieclnct, arrested Myers, and commissioner William ll Miner, of the Kxelse Bureau, appeared as a witues* aff.tinst hitn. There were alan several othei victim" in court. Judge Morgan beia htm m ?1,000 to answer. * B tlto LA a* CAtTOBT. Early In tna morning of the ;:tb Inst. Officer Oiniy. ol the Kleventn pecia<t while patroi.inir his beat in Attorney street, w.s attracted ny tne sound ol a whistle, shortly airerward he saw tnroe m?-n loitering stispicionsiy in the vicinity of No 147 Alt- rney street., one oi inem entered the ball way and sBurny aitet w*r<l emerges and held a con'erenc witn the others, in t ,e store door way. I ne officer tncu stared iu their direction, wtien all three -ook to their neeis; uut ne -uc ceedci in < apturing John nmltb only. Hi- com panions, laaa' t.iMdsteio and Jacob Sctieiohola, ware arrested later in the day. In their flight May dropped a brace, a bit and other burglarious implements. Ther were held in $l,o#0 each. HIGHWAY ROBBERY. Mr. Frederick Kearn, or Mo. 181 Delancey street, while walking through Broome atreet, near Allen, on Monday night, was attacked by John Grogan and roobed of a gold watch, officer Devlin, ol the leu'it precinct. arrested Grogan, and Judge Morgan neld him in tl.OOO to answer. A NARROW ESCAPE. On Monday Mr. William H. Morris, a Long Ialand farmer residing at Unionrllle, while visiting Mew York went into a Chatham street saloon and in cautiously exhibited a largo roll of bills, seated at an adjoining table was a man named Frank Williams, who followed the count jman wnen he left the ;-aloon and voluntesied to snow hlra the way to Fuiton street terry. Ii stead he was led to the loot or Grand | street. They turned into South street, whon Wil- , Hams suddenly knocked Mr. MorrU down aud, ; tliru-tmpr his nand into one of his pocket*, took a '? paper ol tobacco and iliteen cents' wortn of candy. Before, however, lie was abie to possess himself of j tne money Offlcsr Livingston. ol the Thirteenth precinct, seized Williams and took him to tne i stu iou louse. The highwaYtn in was required by Judge Morgan to iurnl*h $2,000 bail to answer. NOTORIOUS SHOPLIFTER ARRAIGNED. Mary Miller, a well known shoplttter, was ar rested on Graud street by Officer Daniels, of the Tenth precinct, with eighty-five yards oi guipure lace, vulued at $200, concealed about her person. He brougrit her to the Kldrloge street station house, ami notice was sent to ti e principal firms in the neighborhood. Robert C. i'urcell. superin tendent ol Lord A Taylor's establishment, identl- , lied the lace as their property. Judge Morgan promptly commutes Mary in default ol $2,000 bail for trial. FAXSE PRETENCES. James Madden, ol Mo. 122 chambers street, pre ferred a ctmrge against George Mciiugb of ob taining gooda irom him under false pre ences. McHugb went to Madden with a forged order pur porting 10 oomtf irom Henry McHugh, of No. 40 Murray street, lor twelve dozen crystal luiht burners aud six dozen sun burners, valued lu ail i at $40. McHngli was held In $1,000 to answer. 1 FIFTY-HE VEM li STREET COURT. Ueloro Justice KUbreth. A blacksmith named Thomas Jeffreys, of Mo. 3l>i West Ftity-fonrth street, was yesterday held for trial at General Sessions for refusing to end ilie Miir-r.ngs 01 au incurably diseased horse, alter being notified b.v a veterinary surgeon of the j animal's true condition. BWITT JUSTICE FOR CAR THIEVES. Two car thieves, named James Kelly and Thomas Whalen, on Monday night got on a car of the Second avenue line, which was crowded with Germans returning irom the Pflnirsten cele bration at Jones' Wood, singlln? out btruck, of So. 168 Chry.-tie street, treasurer 01 a German socleti, they proceeded to relieve i.-ini of tne association'" lund, about $95 | in all. They were detected beiore they could : mane their escape aud hande 1 over to the police. Kelly threw away tne pocketbook on his way to 1 the statiou hiuse. but it was found. be made a desperate resistance. It requiring tnres or four ! offi ur? to drag lum to prison, fiota were com mitted lor trial. COURT CALENDARS?THI8 DAY. Suprkmk Court?chambebs?Held by Judge Law renoe.?Nos. 8, 20, 22,68. 77, 0J. 116, 123, 130, 153, 188, 104. 108, 233, 241, 264, 260. 274. 286, 286, 287, 1 207, 298. Hoprkme Court ? general term ?Held by Judges Davis, Brady aud Daniels.?Nos. 216, 16.">, 106, 220. 221, 130, 182. 134, 140, 166. 167, 217, 163, 163, 104. 160. 222, 223, 2.4, 225. Scntiii court?circuit- Part l.?Adjournod lor ihe term. Part 2?Hel l by Judge Douohue? Mos. 160, 1670, 1822, 980, 1404. 1414, 1424, 1138. 1440, 1448, 1454. 1464. 1468. 1480. 1522, 2788, 1452, 1408, 1584120i'? 1002. 10o3, 10)4, 482. 678,898, 0Otf)?, 468, U44, 1284, 1304, 1564, 1128, 846, 348 1,, 2618, 2280, 462X, 1072, 156.', 2052, 1028, 1500, 1602, 1504, 1506, ]50O'3. 1598. 1600, Part 3?Held by Judue lUrrett.? Nos. 1211, 273J. 2575, 823. 215. 1110, 69, 2791, 1355, 2909, 2(>Ul, 1-237, 8..1. 988, 1210. 1360*. 6ii, 701>?, 837, 1387. superior Court?General Term?Adiourned sine die. supkkior Court?Trial Term?Part l?Held by Jndge Curtis No?. 830)*, 827, 460, 2029, l'J57, 1250, 621, 817, 313, 1055, 1957, 067, 1181, 1130, 551. Part 2?H#ld by Judge Speir.?N"H. 892, wio, 1160, lit?4. 1726, 778, 862. 918, 634, 1884, 070. 1012, 1U06, 1058. 1142. Common Pleas? irial Tkrm?Part 1?Held by j Judge Loew.?t ase on, No. 281*. No day calen dar. Pari 2.?Adjourned lor tne term. Common Pleas?Genkral Term?Held by Chler Justice Dal* and Judges Kobinson and J. P. Ha!v. ? Nos. 38, 43, 46',. 75, 87b, 67, 73, 5?, 60, 74, 87, 06. 80. marine court?Trial Term?Part l? Held by Judge Gross.?No*. 2763. 38?. 8303, 3248, 1385, 18.9, 2256. 4i;07 . 3753, 2324. 2320, 23?4, 3365, 2206, 2143. l art 2?Held by Judge Joacuimsen.?Nos. 3048, 3441, 1006, 2117. 23-0, 2446, 2449, 2462, 2453, 2455, 24M5, 24'10, 24*5. 2467. '2468. Part 3?Held by Judge Aiker.?Nos. 3706. ;?584, 2862, 2307, 3660, 4?30, 4040, 3022, 1063, 3788, 38'A 1050, 1##1, 5578. 402. Court op General Sessions?Held br judge Humeri,md.?m? Peop e rs. James A. Duffy, i? lonlous assault and baitery. over and terminer?Held by Judge Barrett.? Tne People ts. John J. McCarthy, homicide, Sam* vs. Kate O'Tooie, homicide. MARRIAGES AND DEATHS. MARRIED. Blancharo?Coble.?At Florida. X. Y., on Thursday. Mar 13, by Re*. George Pterson, James A. Blancharh, M. D.. 01 Brook,yn. N. Y., to Axmi M. Gobi. , (laughter of E. O. lioble, Ksq.. 01 Florida. CAYPLEes?\ an Nahek.?tn Brooklyo, on Thurs day, April 29, t>v tbe Kev. J. I). Fulton, Edgar Cay ples'I, ot Columbia. ?. C., to Mattik A., 0017 daughter of Dr. ?. Van Namee. GtEENdEY?Hauemann.?On Monday evening, Mai IT. at the residence ol Proic-sor Botta, 25 We?t 1 hirt)-seventn street, or tne Kev. William M. Taylor, D. i>., l)r. William N. Glesnkky, of New York, to Cathinca h., daughter 01 the late Frederic C. Uagemauo, Advocate Kojal, of Ber* gen, Norway. Heath?howell In tnls city, on Friday, May 14. 1STo by the Kev. Mr. Averail. John Heath, of Waveriev, N. J., 10 Mis* Chablotta How ell, ot Bath. England. No caias. IIowlett?Redmond.?Un Tuesday, May 11, at At. Josepn'a cnurcb, hy the Rev. Thomas barrel!, andkkw J. HowLETr to Mart Tereh*, second daughter of James Redmoud, all ol tbla cly. No cards. Van Namee? Hamilton.? On May 18, at the resi dence of me groom's aunt, by tbe Rev. B.J. Hanes, J. William Van Namee, M. d., to Eugenia A. J. Hamilton. No cards, no cake, no wine. DIED. Bacdocin*.?On Tuesday, May IS, Mra. Catha rine. a relict of the lat> W. H. Baudoulne, and daughter of the late William Mes&etve, of New York. Tbe relative* and irleods are invited to attend tbe funeral, froin the residence of ner brotner-m- ! law. Judge be (iiaw, New Jersey, on Ibursday, at naif-pas eleven o'clock A. M. 11 kid i n In K?!>t Whately, Mass., on May ?, shayi.or Belden. aged 74 years. KOLUKM.?On Mono a.v. May 17, Edward, aged 76 years, a native of county Wicklow, Ire laud. Ills mends and those ol bli son Richard and the memoers 01 me Emmet Mutual Benevolent So ciety aie respectfully Inviteu to attend Ms lune ral. on Wednesday, 19th, at two o'clock, prompt, from the reeid?uce or his son-ln-iaw, Patrick Hem v L)ulT?. 227 East Twenty-eighth street. Br*dy.? On Monday, May 17, Francis uradt, of the p <rish of Ahby, county Longford, Ireland, m tbe t>3d tear of his age. Relatives ami mend* of the family arc respect fully rcr|ii?* ed to attend the fnneral, from his late resideace, 6ov West Twenty-seventh street, on tbta Uav, at tvto P. M. ClearT.?After a lingering Illness, May 17, 1S7S, the beloved wife of ilmothy Clearv, born In KU- ' laby, county Kilkenny, Ire and, aged 00. Fditmnl wne and loving mother, May tier soni rest in peace. Tbe r"ina!ns win r>e taken to Calvary Cemetery for Interment Wednesday, at two o'clock P. M Davi*-.?On Monday. 17th Inst., Esther, young est oaughtar ol I hup be M. and tbe late Davtd Uavtes. Funeral from tbe residence of her mother, 77 West Fiiueth street, ou inursday morning, at teo o'clock. Dr.Ns.? May 17, 1875, Bridget Dcnn, aged 44 years, a native of Birr. Kings county, Ireland. :-he will be bnrled from the residence of her brother. John Duno. No. 2.12 East lovtb sireet. on Wednesday, May la. Fslvev.?On iuesd?y May 18. Timotht Paltit, of the county of Kerry, Ireiand, in (be 49ch year of uis age. 1 he relative! and friends of the family are r? specttuilv invited to attend the fuiierai, from his late residence, 7.J William atreet. on Tbnrsday, May 'JO, at one o'clock P. M. I eciihk.imer.-on I ue-day. May 18, at half-past eight A. VI., artiilk. luiaur son 01 Martin a. and Fr.tnc'ji Kechhemier, aged 7 months and 3 days. Funeral Irom the lesidence ol tus parentp. No. S7 West Futi-sixifc street, on ihursdav, Juth inst., at nine o'clock A. M, Oaffnev.?ai her residence, 141 Pearl street, j Brooklyn, on Monday morning. IIonora uaffney, widow 01 Michael liadney, aged 04 years. I lie relatives and irleans 01 the tanniy are ro sp*etlu!ly inviicd 10 attend a requiem muss lor tne repose of her soul, at tne Cunreh of the As sumption. corner York a?id Jay streets, on W>?dnea d*y morning. May 1?, at n%ir nine o'eiocfe; rrnrn thence tne luneral will proceed immediately to caivarr Cemetery. Gai.i.aober.?On Monday. May 17, John Galla oiik.r, 01 the parish 01 Ballysbannon, coonty Lei trim. Ireland, at lis late residence, No. 252 Mott street, aaed 72 years. The relatives and friends of tne family are re spect nhy invited to attend tbs funeral, from mi late residence, on Wednesday, May 18, at half-past j one o'clock P. M. Oerdes.?on Monday morning, after a ehort til new, ALBERT P. GEKDES. Toe tunerai will take place on Wednesday, Way la, ai one o'clocn 1*. N., from his late residence, corner llous on and Lewu streets. Relatives and friends are respectfully luvlied to attend. Greenwood?At Norwalk. Coon., on the 18th inat., Uakkiei J., wife of William Greenwood, la the Otiy-tlitu year of her aire. Notion of luneral here<titer. Hkminowav.? on Tuesday, May 18, 1875, Alio* L. llKMiNtiWAY, eldest daughter oi Thomas and Maggie Hemtuuway, in the 0rh year of her uge. Frieuds ana relatives are respectfully Invited to attend the funeral, from the residence of her parents, No. 347 Eaat Slxiv-dist street, on Thurs day, Mav no. at one o'clock P. M. Milwaukee and Waukesha papers please copy. Holme.?At Vonkej-s, Mont.ay, I7tn inst., Joseph C.. son oi William and M. A. lloime. Tne relat.ves aud ir.enos ure invited to attend the funeral servues, on Wednesday, 19th lnsf., at three P. M., at toe residence oi his father, War our'ou avenue, Vonkere. Carriages will meet two P. M. train from Grand Central depot. Hl'klky. - suddenly, on Monday, May 17, James Hi'kley, uued AS veins. The funeral will take place 1mm No. 237 Bowery, on this Wednesday, at two o'clock. Relatives ana irlends are invited to attend. His remains will be taken t<? Calvary for interment. Hyatt?on the l"vii lust., Charles Edwin, oldest son of Charles Edwin aud Drusiila J. Hyatt. 'lhe relatives aud iricnds oi the family, also the members oi St. Luke's Methodist EDl*copal unurcn, are respectfully inviieu to attend the luneral, from the resilience ol his i/randiamer, William Westerflelu, Esq., No. 53 West Forty-seventh street, on Thursday, tne 20th inst., at one o'clock. Ikvkks?UKiiniET Ik vers, tne oeloved wile of Thomas, who departed this Ule May 17, 1875, aged 40 venrs. Keiauves and friends of the family are respect niliv Invited to attend the luneral, on Wednesday, May la, at one P. ai? irom her late lesidence, : Cubtle (iaroen. Kikiiy.?On Sunday morning. May 10, Adaline, wtie ol William H. Klrby. Kelatives and mends of the family are respect fully invited to attend the luuerai. irom li r late ! residence, No. Ea3t Twenty-sixth street, on Wednesday, tne lath inst., at two P. M. Intei- | meut at Woodlawn cemetery. Lewis.?On Monday, May 17, Frederick Oscar Lcwin, a n.,tive oi stovkhului, Sweden, iu the 00:h year oi his age. Relatives and frten-is of the family, and the Swedisu society ol New York, are respectfully in- , viieu lo attend the luneral, irom ms late resi- | dence. No. ia7 Prince street, on Thursday, the 201 n, at two o'ciock p. m. Swedish papers pl<-use copy. Lewis. ?o i i uesday, Mav 18, addie A., daughter of L. J. aud Amanda A. Lewis. Funeral Tnursdav, Way 20, at one P. M., from No. I 367 West Forty-eighth street. Mauara?On Monday. Mav 17, Mary Elizadeth, eldest daughter oi WliLam and Catherine Madara, aged 18 tears, 7 inontna and la davs. I he relatives and iriends oi the lamlly, also the memneis ol sylvan G ove Lodge, No. 275, F. A. M.; luemoers of Lebanon Lodtte, No. lai, F. A. M? and ai?o members of Corinrhian cnapter, No. 169, i R. A. .M., are luv.ted to attend the luneral, at tne Ea?t Baptist church, corner of Gouverueur and : Madison streets, on Wednesday, Mav 19, at two i P. M. Miller.?On Monday, May 17, 1876, Theodore Millkr. in the 58th > ear oi his age. Relatives and mends of the lamlly, also the member? of the German Liederkranz, are respect luliy invited to attend the funeral, irom his late residence, 449 West Fiftieth street. Miller.?On luesday, tne isth, after a long and painful illness, Lewis Hknry, only son ot Sarah and tne late Christian Miller, in the 22d year oi his age. i he retailves and friends of the family are ro spectluily invited to attend the Mineral, at the residence of his grandmother. No. 47 Suffolk street, on Thursday, the 20th inst., at two o'clock, without lurther notice. Morton.?on Monday, Way 17, Eliza, widow of the late George M?rtou, aged 83 years. Relatives aud iriends oi tno family are respect lully invited to attend the luneral. on Tuursdav, at ooe o'clock, from her residence. No. 35 Carmine street. Mora.?On Tuesday, the 18th instant, of pneu monia, Mauy ?., eldesr child oi Mrs. F. J. Mora, aged 8 years and 10 months. Funeral services iliursd iy, at one o'clock, from Greene street M. E. church. MCCLELLA.ND.-Ou Monday, May 17, 1875, Agnes J.. widow ol the late John McClelland, in the 35th year of her age. The friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend 'he luneral. irom her late residence, No. 32 Seventh avenue, on Tnur-day, the 20th 1 lust., at one P. M. McDekmott.? On May 18, Anna Maria McDer- I Jiorr, daughter of William and t.elia McDermott aged l year, l montti and 8 davs. The n lends oi thefaini yare invited to attend the funeral, jrom the residence of tier parents, so. 321 West Eleventh street, tais Wednesday I May 19, at one o'-c ock P. M. The remains will oe ' taken to Calvarr Cemetery lor lutermeut. McLocohlin?On Monday, 17th inst., Eliza wile of toe late John McLoughlm, in tne 69th tear or her age. Relatives and irlenas of the lamil.v are reaped- I fully invited to attend the funeral, from her late residence, 28 Downing street, on Thursday, 20th insi., at one o'clock. McNi'lty.?In Brooklyn. N. Y., May 17. Mrs Hannah B., wne oi the Rev. Joseph M. McNnlty.* aged 4s years. 1 month and 7 nays. Relatives aud friends are respectfully invited to atteud tne inueral, irom the Presbyterian church, jn Woodbridge. N. J., un ihursuay, at one o'clock Newburg papers please copy. PETtHS.?On Saturday, May 15, Cpables f., only ?on ol Emilv M. and the .ate Charles F. Peters, la the 12ih vear of his age. The luneral win take place on Wednesday, the 19th ln-t., at twelve o'clock, from the C'nurch of St. Mary the Virgin, forty-fifth street, near Broad way. Philadelphia papers p case copy. Pte?on Monday, May 17, W illiam H. M. Pte. i aged 40 years. Tne relatives snd friends of the lamlly; also the members of Delia Lodge, F. and A. M.; members of Exempt Flrem>-n'a Association; metuoers of crystal Fumt Division, s. of T.; members of Olive Branch Chapter, No. 7, O. E. S., are lnvHed to at tend tne runeral, on Thursday, May 20, at two o'clock, from nis late residence, 3s Concord I stieet, Brooklyn. Rapkebty.-On Tuesday. May 18. Bbidoet Rap ferty, tne beloved wife of James RiDerty, in the thirty-third year of her age, and a native ol Castle Riaynev, comity .vionaghao Ireland. lhe funeral will take pi,ice irm her late real- 1 dence. 97 Charlton s reet. on Thursday, May 20, at two o'clock. Relatives and irieuds are respect fully invited to attend. Recknaokl.?On Sunday night. May 1?. after a short illness. Frederick Arnold, youngest son of John H. and Marie Recknagel, aged 1 year 7 weeks and 2 dsys. Reynolds.?lo Brooklyn, on Tuesday, May 18 Mr. Patrice Reynolds, in the 78th year of hia lie. lhe relatives and friends of the family are In vited to attend the luneral. on Thursday, 20th irom his late reslden e, 112 President street.' Brooklyn, at eleven o'clock. Roper-Johnson?In Brooklyn, on Monday evening. May 17. scsie m., wife of Thomae L. John-on and daughter of James Roper. Esq. The relatives and friends of the lamliy ure cor dtaliy Invi'ed to attend the luneraL irom tne rest dence oi ner lather. 151 IL.n street. Brooklyn, on Thursday. May 20, at two o'clock. Btah?Mary U. Ryan, widow of Cornelloa H. Ryan. Friends of the family are respectfully Invited to attend the funeral, tnis day, atone P. M., from 58 Prince street. Waterlord (Ireland) papers pieaae copy. Schwab.?On Tuesday, May 18, Cecelia, beloved daughter of Charles and Bertha Schwab, aged 10 years. The relatives and frienda of the family, members of Lev)'Lodge, No. 5, I. O F. 8. ol I., an . members of the fcrnoiuog. are respecunliy invlied to attend ihe inueral, at ten o'clock A. M., on Thursday. May 20, iroin No. 547 lhird avenue. Schwartz.?At West Ho!>?keu, 5. J., on Mon day, May 17, 1176, Frederick schwabtz. ageu 46 years, 7 mouths and 20 days. Relatives and irieods 01 the family are respect fully Invned to attend the funeral, from his late residence. Patersou avenue, between Clinton and Pauside avenues, on Tnursday, 20th Inat., at two BooroLD.?On Tuesday, May 18, uattim A., wne of Oeorge H. !"coBeld. Notice ol luneral Hereafter. Scott.?on Monday, 17th mat., after a long and pslntul illness, borne with Christian fortitude, William scorr, aged 37 yeara. Kelatives ann iriends ?re respectfully invited to attend his ftinera*, from his late residence. No. LMI 1 turd avenue, at one o'clock P. M., Wednes day, istn inst., on Saturday evening, May 1ft. >akah. wne of Joiin T. Seeley. in the 4?ih year Of her age. Relatives and friends of the family are respect folly invited to att'nd ine fnnerai, from Grove church. New Durham, N. J., on Ihorsday after noon, May 2o. at two o'clock. Schenectady (H. V.? papers pleaae copy. shkpherd? Kuterel into rest, st Red Bank, May 17, after a lo g. lingering nines*, Oeorok SHkPiiERD. in his 40tn year. Funeral from church, at Red Bank, Thursday, May m. at one o'clock P. M. Steamer Jesse Moyt leaves 1001 ot Rector street at #:46 A. M.; returns at 2:30 P. M. sn.Kman.?In Jersey City, May 17, 1*75, John B. 811.khan. Keiarives snd friends are Invited to attend th% funeral, from the second llei?>rmed chwreu, Wayne street, Jersey city, this day (Wednesday), at one o'clock P. M. Sloat.?At Elizabeth, N. J., on Monday, May 17, Macde, infant daughter 01 William B. sod Kmnie M. Moat, aged t> months and 17 days. Mineral services at oue P. u., Wednesday, nth Inst.: irom the resid?iue of J. M. Iuthill, 241 West orand street. I.uzabjtii. N. J. ^xrrn ?on M nda.y, Mat 17, at Port Richmond, Staten Island, of disease of the neart, Adelaide. wiie of Onari-'s llowdcn Smith, daughter oi Jonn Davis, m. D., of New York. Relat.ves and iriends are respectfully Invited to attend the funeral, irodi her late residence. 011 lnursday, 20th lust., at 2 P. M. Carriage- in wait ing at Port Klchuion 1 to meet North Snore ferry boat, leavlna tool of Whitehall street, New York, ?l nali pad twelve. Stoce.?After n severe Illness, John Stock, la the 27 th year of his age. Ih? luuerai will take place on Thursday, May 20? from ?!?? residence of W? parenti, No. 4 arena* Q Bti'art.?On Sunday, May 18, Cornilia, youni est daughter of Laoan 0. and Mariou Stuart, aged year and 8 month*. , . Helatives auu friends are invited to attend tw funeral, irom tne residence of her parent*, No. 2d Cumberland street, Hrooklyn, tin-* (Wednesday afternoon, May U, at two o'elocK; thence u Greenwood. .. Undekhill.?On Tnesday morntnsr, May 15 Bakau Jane. UiiuKbter of the late Stephen ant Pheoe C. Underbill. The relatives and friends are respect'ully invltet to attend the funeral services, on Thursday, tn? 20th Instant, at three o'c.ock P. M.. irora trienda1 meeting house, Schermerhorn street, near Smith, Brooklyn. Van Cirldir.?Suddenly, on Monday, May 17, Jessie Van Ubldkr. aged 73 years. l'unerai on Wednesday. 19tn, from RtdsrefleW cnun-h. Take 12:16 train on N? rthern Railroad. Whytb.?o/i Mooday, May 17, William At Whyte, aRpd 46 years. Ttio relatives and friends of the family are in vited to a'tend tne mneral from his late residence! 838 East Twentieth Btreet, on Weuneaday, May I9y at one o'clock. _ . Williams On Monday, May 17. Frederick only son of David and sarati H. Williams, aged 4 years. 6 mouths and 5 days. Funerai services at the residence of Ills parents, 100 Noble street, Brooklyn, Wednesday, May 1?, at two P. M. Interment In Greenwood on l'nura. day , May 20. YACHTS, STEAMBOATS. OcC A?WANTED, A sail boat, ABOUT 80 FEE? ? kcol; sloop rig. Address, with lull Information, where can be seen and lowest c.isb price, 1). G. D., bo* 119 station \V, Hrooklyn. L"lOR SAXiE?SCHOONER YACHT BELONGING TO I? the New York Yacht Cluli; 75 tons (old nv iuure melit), 73 teci lenuih over all, 2.; teet beam, about 6 teel depth of hold. 5 teet draught, centre board: hastwosuiti oi sal In; is in complete order, with entire ouifli ami in ventory ? Is now in commission, with smlint: master and crew on board. Apply to J. 11. DRAl'EU A CO.. 112 Pearl street. New York. fiOR SALE-handsome 40 FOOT CABIN SLOOP Yacht; strousr tu^t and stiff: outfit comnlMe; now #t Bates', loot ol i liirty-seventh street. South Brooklyn. Address B , box S.-.I4S Post otflce. r-lOR RALE?YACHT VESTA 2*10 TONS; FULLT i equipped; warranted sounil and will be sold low. Apply tu o. i K poILLON. 2:4 South street. TTIOR SALE CKBAP? SEV*? SAIL BOATS. FROM JO I to 2S leet long. Apply to I'ETEH BUCK. Jr. 1!7| West Tenth street, or at shop, Pleasant Valley, N. J. IjMRHT CLASS TI'GBOAT. SIX MONTHS OLD, SIX I teet draught water, cylinder '"xii, for tale low. Ad dress o. M. LAM K, 3o2 Walnut street, Philadelphia. WASTED TO I'I UCIIAS1C. ?\V"ANTED T0 PORCH ASK ?FOIt CASH A GROOKRf V? store doin* Aral class trade New York or i roofc lyn. Address O o. t.., 15/ Wyekoft street. Brooklyn. WANTED-STERBOPTI0ON OBGBAPHIO SCOPIAV ?? lenses and nlctures; must ae cbeup. Address SL, box 221 Herald office. TTTaNTED?THE ADDRESS OF A R LIABL* 11 dealer In postage and other government stamps. Address, with rates of purchase, COUNTRY DiiALuK, Herald oflieo. POST OFPUR NO < ICE. POST OFFICE NOTICE.?THE MAILS FOR ECROPK tor the week eu Iiiik Satur lay, May 22, 1875, will close at this office as lollows:~On I uesdny at 12 M.; oo \\ ednesday at 12 M.; on I hursaay at 11 ;31 \ M., and on Saturday at 11:30 a. M. ami 12 M. T. L. JAMEs, P. M. WATCH ES, .1KW KMl V, ?5tC. AMI- ICAN OFFICE?$75,an.?FINE DIAMONDS, Watches, Jewelry, Silverware. India >hawls. Val uables Ac. bought; highest possible prices paid also time purchases etfuoted; established 185A. J. H. BARRINGKK. ,3S Broadway. advances MADE on GOODS LEFT ON COMMIT aion.?Diamonds, W ate lies, Jewelry, .--ilrerw ire, Pt anus. Bilks, Laces, lie., bidijhi and solcf. Business l onrt. dential. S. Flltl \>KI, 11U Nassau street, corner Ann, flrst iloor. IT 7; BIEKCKF.R STREET NEAR BROADWAY J\ Liberal advances upon Diamonds, Watches. Jew elrv, Pianos. 4c.. or the same hoax tit. Also I'awiv brokers' licket* bousflit at77 Bleecker street, up stairs. Diamonds watches, jewblry and .silver. ware boufht, an i soil hack when desired at a ?very smad advance. OKORG.-. C. ALLiN, Jeweller, l,ii?) Broadway, near l wcuty-niuth sireot. atcltei and Jewelry repain-d. fX7ATCHES. CLOCKS AND J WBLBY REPAIREt it by flr<t class workmen, lor manv years with Bishoj A Reiu, Fifth Avenue Hotel. GEO. C. ALLEN, 1.19? Broadway, near i weutv-nintb street 1 <)H7 RROADWa*. OVER HEKAI.D OPTOW.t JI Braucli ottice, room B parlor for tadi -n>| branch 1.217 Broadway.?Diamonds. W.itche.s. Jewelrr, Ac., bought an I s....|, i.i >dh BRos. _ IIIM.IAIIOS. A 1 ?STANDARD AMERK AN BEVEL BILLIARD A 1. Tables, w ith Do- c(.i( brsfd Combination Cusii Ions, are tor sai<- onlv bv tin- tn iuiiim ?urer aiM patenien H. W. COLLKNDER suceessar t.. Pbelan A Cfollcnder, 7;;? Broadway. >e?- Yor* American standard bevel billiard tables wtth Deianev's Wire cushions, solely used la at champiouslnp ?n>l m ilch Humes; 3 coml han.l iables ?, ?reat bargains. \V. If OiilFrll'H A CO.. 4) Vesey sr. FIODB K iVANA ill A DECKER'S TABLES,- Mil Fool as food :is new. Bulls, Backs. Cue*, Ac., < oia plete. at auetioa Thursday, 20th iiist., at 11 A. M , York, ville Hall. ' ightv-sixth street, near Third avenue. T)HELAVS IMPROVED UL LIaRD TABLES. USED I now in Hie Windsor. St. Nicholas, Earlc'sand Grand Central Hotels, for sa.e unly by ibo. t.. PUELAN, H East Fourteenth str<-i 1 31 ATM I MOM IA I.. MATRISONIU..-\ GKMfLhMAN DES1RBS THK aenuainTsnce o' a rellKious youni lady; wiuosr preierrea: obtect, matrimony. Address HONEMT, lleruid office STORAGE. STOBAOK roil FCRSITI RE. I'lAX'iS. BAOOA1B Ac., at low rate*; separate rooms, tllcoBT meniesf watcbmau ai night. Midi a L.'.o A eON, .J, #) an I 4: Commerce street, near Bleeekcr. uvitiii.i! .tfAXTKU* AT UBBATLY BBDl'OKD PRICfc*. Ao extensive *toc* ol .>ut- and Marhla M&nte'.a, Wash iraviand sate w,>rK nt every description. i'ENkiiVN l.Afb COMPAN?. T'nton louare, Fourth avenu? an i 'eventeenta n..N. T. AI OBKATLV REDUCED PBICB.S-AX KXliHirt stock 01 Marble and MarbleiZ'd M mton and all Mbtr Marble Wnr<s. M i rhle lurnlil? tor the trad- A KLABEK. til ! a-t EUtlit' eiru suvet. near rhird avenus. (JIKB ART-S .-LATE M INTEL4. MABBLE AMU C* ?">t Mantel*. ncn an I elf j i it de?ijn?. at ih? lr.we?t i rice*. *w and 111 West i wentytmr. street. I>e twecn erf nth aul EigUih avenues. F (TO A US A NO TOBACCO. OB s?L*?90.0U0 GOOD ~CIOABo, CHEAP KOI cash, Mr?. B. BCOKEL, 24 < linton street, room 13. UiOM'ISTIIt . A SET OF ABIIFHIAL ThKiH ON., LD? PI A i\ Una or coraltte completed m a tew hour* partes coin tort and lileliae appearance tuaran ?rd, rcnu run UPlihfr Drin.* uor wire*. l.cinj manuuc lured under I new process, t.\ which mastication anil articul ar? permanently restored teeth Uilei witti ad i in intln? <>i gold. a- ih? esse requires lir. Kol.crtv p . umnlf. ou till teeth In lie iltn and disease *^ut tree l>v mall, lh-e? cent*. Dr. K. .1 HiiBKKI>, :U Bond street. New Tart A CORAL P.I.HBKR .MET OF TEETH IN THREE hodra.-Impre-.sioi m the loreiioin. teeth in ta? afternoon. 1 hlriv-ionrtn street, in- ir Hroalwav and hixiii avenue. Coral rubber, v- rv -tronf flesh colore J; told sets, pia jna *???. rubber *eu, Pluuif>eiK open froiiH. 1 .ii> I,liter.. i.lp D-pre??cr.s, B*Ritliitor*; nitrous oiude; mechanics. ? t? u i?tr, l*Xe ^r--n csrs ir.-n 1 street terry, or sum avenue cars. ?r flroal way car*, (ietort at I liirtv-lourin s r-ek NEWHrtuttf ti. l/< West rhlrty-tourth street. A BBAUriFi;i. SKI. i;TM Tr.hTH. *10: SlNOLE, A 91: warranted so id t; dd Allimr $1 e xamlne spcet ni'-ni New Yor* Deiiul M *i*th avenue. ?.?. uli.i-hed good work, low pr.ces. Remember 2Hi. tLiiTllINU AT B. MIMZ'.S, 241 IlilKD AVENLh, bbtWeks Twentieth and rwent* first street*. or lOU Myr.le av enue, between L.awrencn and Bri Ite streeta, Brooklvn, ladie- and gentlemen will tic astonished at the araat prices paid t?r MM-olT Clothini, l arp-1? aim Jewelrr. MIn'1/, , ,r P"*t PM'",",',llv ended t<> l?T Mr. or. Mr*. * T EDWARD MILLER'S WELL KNOWS h^TAB Jx llsinni'tit, til i*tn avenue iWaverlev place), the ut moat value paid in cash ca?t-ort i.iothtnit bv calling on or adaressinir 'nr. or Mrs. MlLLErf. At B. IIAKRIH' SEW ESIABLIBHM BT. U7f Rroudvax. n. ar Ti.en y eluhih ?trert-I.adies an.t tentlenien re eiv? trc hi lie-i \ * un tor ca?t oil Weartog Apparel. Call or addrc??. BroaJway nncss paid. a -TAKK I'ABTK'L'LAB Ntirifft TiJAT I RB a a ? oeleed a Brent oraer from the We?t snd sra corn pell'-d to pay the high' -t ca^li price* tor ladies' ao< gentlemen'' i nstoff lottrlne. Carp M. Ac. Pleas* ad dress J. MASI'Kor Mrs. M \-CR M 7tb tv. AT M. MARKS', 101 SIXTH AVKNC .OPPOSIT! -V Kip;hto siri* .?LAdies ?nd gentlemen w.lihe a? touishe. I at the hi:,'h price. M M,ir<< ; av < tn eaCt |..| < as' ofl t'IOtbui|, < a net'. .Ie??.r,.. l.a e? .% P.e.i ?* call on or ad ire*, the number a' above I adi ?* w tin <J on by Mr^ Mains. Orders punctually attended in or out ot the city. 11 "I SIXTH AVKN'CK. SEAR WaVEBL V I'LVCK? /? ladlot and gentlemen ca.i receive the utmost valM ;yrras. . IT i In hint. Ac. ''all on or a idre-.? Mi or Mr* A T FLATTOfl WEt.L KSOWN I PIOWK F,ST*B^ J\ Ilshinen', ^11 ^<i*th avenue c.rner lortr-glxtlt street, ^reat nrices will l>e paid lor I ulie- an I irentl men'* t a-g-nff t iotiilng. a- ; wanted lor the SoutMrii and Western mnr*et?: will pay lor Dresses trom SI I to STa Rifl ^th^nne" Addram *1 ? A I IIIK H i STK..N \i.E:< ' ,s'l'?)?{?{ ? REIT IVI\i4 jarte or ier< to pttrr h , e Wear ,u Appnre. I.adS and irentlemei will pica^ ? iUk p irit ,i ar mill ? ther. .> !""? ?? ' ?'" I k Ore-,,.,; K. II. *7.1. Woollen, * I to $1.'). (.oats 91 to 9JU: Panis, 1 to i D,I 7.*,111."* "r "regslng M . or Mrs KOSh >HI-.RO, *.At) <f|i ?iv.? two (loofi nixiVi* W<Pi( *}|th A1..2*7..T,."^!l AVKNrK SliAB TWENITTHtBl ?.ri'iT . ' nays ?i.'hf?t ca?n t.rii. s lor ladled and gen tic men ? war inn ,,arl, carnets, Ac. Lildlal ?re waited un bv Mrs, Ivon. / iLO-nitN'l.-r,1, SIXTH AVENI K, NKAB FOl.'Brl atrett?Lftflirt* ami ^ntlctn^n tha hlg;i^? (trgaa Mr orKVi'fffit' * C#U "" "r