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IALEI AT A PCTIOW. BY W. B. MITcHRLL, auction her. THE TAUN I ON SlLV,.lt PLATE COMPANY will continue the sale ot their Elegant iiua extensive Sine* of PINE ELI C i'Ri >. PLATED WARE, Ft) :: ICS AND ,>PUONS. Ciion','. Table cutl<:ry, AT AUCTION. At their salesroom, No. 4 Maiden laue, daily, until further notice, coiiiuiuticiii v at eleven o'clock. A, M .1. 11 SWAIN. Treasurer. Edward SCHKNOE, AUCTIONEER, GLOSINO As-lUNhr.'is sale ok ELEliA.Nl CABINET FURMlUKB B^ l.mVA ID m'HEM'K. ON iiiURSDAY \Nl? sVI't'rday, AT 11 O'CLOCK, AT NO. t>0 libh KTV STBF.ET. the samk Will hk sold fkhkmptorily, WITHOUT ANY RESERVE OK LIMIT, AND WILL ekpay ihose in want of fine furniture to ATTEND THIS bALE, ON THURSDAY AND SATURDAY, AT II O'OLOOK. IEXECUTRIX SALE.?ESTATE OK JOHN D. LA j torge.?a. J BLr. KCKhlt A SON will reII fit auc tion, on Mondav, May UG, at 11 M., at Exchange Sales room, No. Ill Broadway, New York, Cotture ami hai Icre Orouud. :.t Aouadale station, S. I. Maps and part' Ucuiars at auctioneer's office. 136 Broadway. COX,TON, AUCTIONEER.?LABOR AND IM J . portuiit sale 01 Household Furniture. 1'iano and Mirrors, Carpets. parlor, dining room and bedroom Soods: large aaantitv 1 cddiug, Curtains, Ac. Ou Thurs day, May il). at 11 o'clock, at the auction rooms ?3 t.ast 'thirteenth street. near Uroadway. a very Urge quantity 01 Household Furniture from several lamllies, a larite portiun ol which is elegant. Full particulars on Thursday morning with catalogues. H. B. HEUTS A SONS, auctioneers, 17 P.irk piaiv utid U Murray street HOUSEHOLD KU RN111 HE, CARPETS, MIRRORS, PIANOS. AC. THURSDAY, MAY 20. AT 10U OCLOCK, AT SALESROOM, 17 PARK PLACE AND H MURRAY STREET. The w'rr Contents 01 u pilvate residence at Kordham, .-errvv.a tor convenience ot sale, comprising row wood, Wkiuut cottage 1'alror, chamber and Dining Room Suits. Wilton, ririi-aeN ami ingrain Carpets, mantel Mirrors, lace and damask curtains. two Plympton Secretary Bedstoads, ufllce Ktirniture, Ac.. Ac. Hit. HERTS A SDNS, AUCTIONEERS. WILL SELL . on 1 liur* lay, May 2U, at 12 o'clock, at salosroom* 17 l'ark place ana 11 .M'urrav sireet. ONE EOsEWOoD U I'RIOIl 1' 1'IANO. 7x OCTAVE. iohi to pay charges. lly oraer of David ilexter propri etor Prescott ousc. I SAAC WOl P; AUCTIONEER ?MYERS A Co, Shi L 1 tills day, at 10}{ o'clock, at 17 Bowery, the entire Fur niture ut a private family leaving tne city, consisting ol' Brus el? and lograin t a pets, oilcloths, Buream, Solas, cottage -uita. ables, ("Hairs, Mirrors, Clocks, Beds and Bedding, together with the Cooking and l.lichen Uten aiu. sale positive. Hou>ekeepers and dealer^ Invited J P. TRAVEU. AUCTIONEER. ? Mortgage sale this day, at W>? o'clock. at39fircnt Jones street, 3J first class tatniiy cabinet Whee er A W 11 aon. Uro\er A Baker, >\ illcox i Uibbs, singer and oiRer fcewlug Machines Carpets: chamber. Dicing Room. Kitchen turiiuurc. Ac.; ti boxes turnily Soap, 5 cases Wolte's ?chuanp?. Cigars, Ac. >A.U. M L'LLiiN, Attorney tor Mortgagee. MARSHAL'S SALE.?PETER BUWF, AUCTIONEER, will sell this day, at 111 o'clock, corner New Bowery ind -Maiilson street, u large and very valuable lot ot tine Groceries, consisting ot leas, Coffees, Sugars, Ac.; also llxturcs and Wugon. THUS. H. SUi.LIVaN, Marshal. "I/TARS \L'S SALE. iVl Bv virtue of an execution I will expose for Hale tlnsd.iv. at li o'clock M., at the loot ot Last lhlrty seven til street, one tine .-loop, Tackle. Ac. Jo?^Fim.LIPS, Marshal. ?\*ARSBaL'S sale.?sekbacuer A DELUOCR, 1V1 Auctioneers, will sell to-dav, at 12 o'clock, at cor ner I'wcntv-seventUstreet ami Fourth avenue, one laige single iruck. JaMKs BOYlan. Marshal. MARSHAL'S HALE BEER ACHES A DELMOl'R, Auctioneers.?-alesrooins. 1 tit Chatliam street.? Will sell this iiuv, at 10o'clock, at a 19 third uvenue, the stuck una tlxtuvesot the Hat Mure, consisting ol iiats. Caps, Hut Mauds, Hat i.oxcs ami alt other property in said store. JOHN McDONOUUIl, MursliaL__ OliRIS WILKIN.-. A UCTIONEI.It. ?ADMINISTK A tor's Sale ot Household f urniture at auction.?J. 11. Ludlow A Co. Will-I'll at auction, on Thursday. May aj, at 11 A. M., at No. a75 r ifth avenue, a general assortment ut .lousetiott Furniture, ceusisiing ol Parlor. Dining room and Chamber Furniture, in rosewood, black wal nut ant manoguut': Curled Hair Mattresses, leather Beds, Pillows, Velvet, Brussels ana lugrain Carpets, Cooking Utensils, Ac. MORTUAOL WALE.?BY VIKTL'E OK a CIIAT tel mortgage I will expose tor Kale at public auc tion, on Wednesday, tho itHi day ol Slav, 1376, at Id D'cloclf forenoon, ut No 2.s3j 'Ilurd avenue, .-.liow eases, Standing Cases. Looking Classes, Counters, Shelv ing. Uiubrulla .stand, llat .stands, Uus Fixtures. Chairs, Awuitig. ?c JollN McD^NAUOU, Auctioneer. Job* R. Fauhinuton, Attorney lor Mortgagee. \fORTUAUE SALE ?HY VIRTUE OK A CUAT i'l tel inorteayc I w ill expoi>c for sale at public auc tion, 011 Wednesday, the 19th day 01 Mav. 187;>,at 11 o'clock forenoon, at No. 2 :ts7 Third avenue, Counters, fixtures, Beer Pumps and flpe. IS tables (marble tops), Ovster* stand. Pictures. Loofcin.' t;lasses. Crockery, Range. Bones, Table Linen, Knives, poons, beds and Bedding. Ac. JOHN aicuoNALOH, Auctioneer. Jobs R. Fakbixuton. Attorney tor Mortgagee. MBiORTUAUE SALIC ? RICHARD FIEcD, GENERAL Auc lioneer: salesroom No. ?9 Bowery: will sell U>t* day, at 11 o'clock, mi the southwest corner Grand Street and Bowerv. the Fixture* ol a i.lquor tore. Bart, Lunch i ouuter, Shelving. Ketrigerators. tables. Chairs, fee.; two nue Lump*; also one sate. By order Attorney for Mortgagee. MORTGAGE sAl.i:.- SUBAOHBB A D ELM OUR, Auctioneers. will seil to lay. at 10U o'clock, at No. IIS Ea?t I wentv ?e Tenth street, elegant Parlor and Bod foom uita, Etagere* HalUtand, green brocatel Parlor oult. bed Springs. Ac. By order Attorney for Mortgagee. Peremptory male of CHOICE REAL ESTATE Ee* rable Residence Property oo 3CKAX PARKW A Y AND CuNEY ISLAND AVENUE, to be told, without reserve, to the highest blddar. at public auction, WEDNESDAY, May 1#, it 12 M., at the Commercial Exchange, Mo. S88 Fulton itreet, Brooklyn, opuo*ite the city Hall, by J. CoLE, auctioneer. 750 ?eautitully located P.esldence Lots. In the molt charming park suburb* ot Brooklyn, lu the town ol Hatbusli. nearly adioimug Prospect Park, froutinu on tbe great Pars avenue*. and every way deriving the utmost ad vantage! from cur improvement* ot the highest class, wnlle enjoying un exemption ir> in tbe burden ot city laxei?a saving o< tour-nnli* to bolder* ol there lot*. The tract i* already flnelr Improved. I he locality ts 3ft minute* by botsr ( ar to Hiinlltun lerry . ailles Irom Brooklyn t. Iiy II ill aud five mile* from City uall, New Yors, ei| nut* taut with Central Park. I lie streets and avenues are now settled, having been ? tablished by the town surrer and adopted as public streets end avenue*. ?ad were laid out with a liberal Laud, wblch hiia given them good width, thtu securing permanency a* well a? uniformity. The Rapid 'transit Road, now being laid on OravesaM avenue, which will be in operation in a few weeks to tbe city line, and to Hamilton terry within a lew mouth*, will pa?* through a portion ot this property aud Biaka it aa ea?y ot access a* any w ithin two mile* ol New York Is now by norw car. or 30 miuutes to Hamilton tarry ana halt an nour to New York. 1 ne iiroprletor* ol me tiact are now building a hand tome dei ot structure on the corner of avenue C and Gravcsead avenue, established aa i urner's station, on the Prospect Park and Coney Island Hallway, tor tha accommodation ol passenger* and railroad business. Map* are now ready ai the offlce of TO KS ER BROTH bits, So. It Na?*nu street. .New YorktT. J. NORTH ALL, t so., Attorney. No. ? Willoutthby street, and at tha office I M'J. (.OLh, No. M Fulton Street. Brooklyn. PAWNBROKER'S BALK.?THIS DAY, JAMES AGAR, j Auctioneer, will sell at ?9 New Bowerv, SIX) lots Lresees, Remnants, I'nderlcothihg. Table Linen, -heel*, spread*, Blanaeta. bo.ts i-hoes, Co it*. 1 an;aloons and Veit*. By order ol Alexanner A Co., ?7 Lett Broadway. Men'* Clothing win be told at U ?'clock. PBBaWNBUoKER'S SALE.?SEE BACH ER A DEL mour, aucticneer*. will aell tbi* day. at their sales rooms, 1M i bathatn street, at 11 o clock, dun lot* men's, wom.-n's and children's Clothing, Orestes, shawis, Kemuanta, Beds, Bedding, Ac. Bt order ol BaLY OaHN, 87 Delancey street _ PMaWSKKOKE'.'S HALE.?RICHARD FIKLD, UK\ eral Auctioueer. salesroom Ne. SO Bowery .will sell this day, at II o'clock. &>1 lots Men's and Women's Clothing. Dresses, Miawl*. Remnants, Underclothing, Bed*, nedalng. guiits, Blanket*. Boota, Shoe*. Ac . Ac.; tlso Coats I'auta. Vesta. Bv order ol ibonias Mulligan, sullivan street N.H.?The sale ot e.en's clothing will uegiu at 11 o'clock sharp. PHBAWNBROKF.R'S SALE ?THOS. J. M'ORATH, ALT tione'r, IM Cnatnain street corner Mulberrr. will sell' this djy, 11 o'clock. Men's aud Women'* Clothing, I?re?*es, ehawLs, Remnants. Quilts. Blankets, bedding, Boots. Shoes, Ac.: al-o ( oils. 1'auts and Vests. By or der Harris & Green, 191 smith street. Brooklyn. RICBAHD WALTERS AUCTIONEER. Mineral Water Mottling Establishment. Generators, ? orktn* Machines. Bottles. Ac. Horses, Wagon*. Hsri.ess, Ac. Mortgaae Sale.?Win sell thi* day (Wednesday', at lutf o'c.ock, ai salesroom 27 hast firoadwsv, the Kix tures and Machinery- of a large Mineral Mater Bottling Establishment, viz.Battling and Corking Maciiln ?*, i.enerators. aoout -0U boxes of foda and beer nott es, Office Furniture, two Horses, three Wagons, Ilarnesa, U, By order ot 1-. Cohen, Attorney lor Mortgagee. rPUOMA'J. McONATH. AUCTIONEER?WILL SELL 1 lhn day, at 10H o'clock, at No. 1(M Forsyth street, the Furniture ot a private lainilv declining housekeep ing. consisting ot the usual asaortmenL ?uiiuirri ialk (? -u vekwar^ S. UEt.MAN, berlff's Auctioneer, tells thi* day, Wednesday. Mar 19. at 11 o'clock, at No. K t.owerv. one elegant solid SUver .-et (ritlanr's make), .'onsistliK of oup, nutter Llshes, spoons truliUUnes, ;a rer. Fisn Euires and Fork*, -alt Cellsrs, Ac. sale Positive. W. C. CONNER, jsheriS no* McSrtpo.s. Deputy.^ \I ILI.IAM ABBOTT. AUCTIONEER.?J. M. CHRIS *? taller will sell rHIs DAY (Wedne?lsy). May 11). at 1U', o'clock, the eutire -tock and Fixtures of dr\ goods in . tsncy store. ,\o. is" Wssbingion street, near i wellth siren, consisting ot < alicoes. soc<-, llAndkercDiets, Hat hels. tove. clo.'k, variety ot Candy, Wheeler A W ilson sewing Macmne, and other goods too numerous to mention, uealers and the public Invited. \%'ILLiaM WIT1 i US, AUCTION KER. WILL skll v? this day. at2o'ciocs, at ?S? Canal street a large lot or Household i uruiture ot everv tiescrtptioo; Parior, I irunf an I liedroom -UiU; r?bl?i. Cftmri i,ru?sel4 and infrata oiieloth*. Mutcinffs. Huas; htir, fcxcel* ?lor au<l o.her Mattresses: leather Beds, Pillows. Bed dings, sn.i irench pia e Pier, Mantel and plain Mirrors; ?[? "#r Counter., bnc* itx tires, Casks. K?gs. Signs, ttores, saloon isbiee Orockerv. aia.sanil BttrWsrs; - suttures Paintings, ngrariugs, i efrtgeritors, Atrnings. ales. i>e*ss, effice Tsbies, Partitions, Demi iuhns. Liquor Bottles, Ale Pumps, Ac! ) CHANCE FOR a BAROAIS,-TO BK dOLD BY order of toe Supreme court, to tne highest bidder, aosltireir ivitbout reserve, on ituisday, Mar M I8f\ ?t U o'clock, at the Conimcrcwi E*Lhnnge, No. S89 1 iuton street, opposlre t ley nail, Brooklyn, by J. DoLb. snctioneer, the eight rAluabie Lots of iand. com tr,fJSgc tn* .troni on, Woond street, between NorthTirst and North econd street*, Brooklyn, u u.. cio? to the Grand street terry, lermt easy, lua laal sre to be (old tor whatever may wm briag. s A males at auction. A-jerk. Johnson, jr., auctioneer. . Furniture, Merchandise ami Fine Aru Salesroom, :,7 Missau ami to i. h rtv (treat. Real Estate Department. 21 Park row. New York. THIS DAY, WEDNESDAY at37 Naiaau street. VERY ELKOANf HOI'^KHOLD FURNII I'Rli, from Il jegcr'a s.orago warehouse, COMPRISING itl)-K wo i 7i4 OOI AVE PI NOFORTE. i'K egant MARBLL FIGURES. Th? FOLRSEa ONS, IMl'OKT D FROM 1IALV A a CO.VT OF fl.'U). GOLD; M iQUET, VELVL r AND WILTON CARPEI.i, elegant rosewood MM gilt l.tageres, fine Bronzes, ele gant ebony an 1 irlll Parlor Suits, iu satin, wiili si in cov ers; carved Macs. walnut Bed room suits, French ulate 1'ter uud Mantel Mirrors, all the tine oed ana Table Linen. French China Pinner, Dessert and Tea .-etH; 11 v?r? are, oilcloths. Reirigerators. lace Curtain*, Buffets, Extension Tables chairs, I'mntiugs, Ac. Elegant Library ol flue staudard Works, at our retail department. S8 Liberty street, ?t private sale. auctk DA V (Wedneslayi. May 19. Commencing iii 10S o'clock. the entire hanusoine una usciul "IOCS; COLD FL'itMt t'RK, Stciuway ,t Sons' Piunotorte. line Oil Pointings, modern anil antique French Bronzes, the entire contents of live story brown stone mansion NO. 47 WEST SIXTEENTH Si'RkET, BETWEEN Fitili and Sixth avenues. PAULORS CONTAIN richly carved rosewood and walnut iratne parlor Suits, in crlinxon and green and drab satin, brocade and broca tel: iurKWli Easy Chairs, panlsh Lounges, Inlaid mar quetry ? li Centre and Console Tables caolnets. French plate .Mirrors, lace curtains, bronze Figures, elegant Im ?orteil French bronze Mantel Sets, Statuary, Bisque igurcs, Musical Boxes, ornaments. lnlalJ htageres, Euooignures, meeker & Bros. seven octave upright Pianoforte. jardinieres Lady's Writing Desk, Brussols Caruets, Vienna Rugs. Ac. H LnHtARY CONTAINS Brussels Carpet, ebony and gilt secretaire- Bookcases, volumes choice Book*. Library Bookcase, elegant T urk Isu Suits, (seven pie os) Library i ao es, Statuary, Works ot Art, lace Curtains. ELABORATE chamber sets, consisting solid walnut and rosewood Bedsteads hand somely Inlaid and irilt, Dressing Case to match, flno Armotre a glace Commode, Bureaus, Wash stands, marble top i utiles, Chairs, Rockers, .".3 fine hair awl sprum' Mattresses; also plain single and double lieilstea.Is. leather Pillows, Bols ers. Bed Linen, Toil< i sets, rep and plush Suits, Inlaid French walnut nnd trllt Centre tables, dining room Fur niture. viz.Inlaid French walnut aud gilt Sldeboar.l, two Extcns <S| Tables " hairs in leather, fine Silver ware. Kiimer an.i Ten Sets, Cutlery, Ac .; 31 Brussels and ingrain i aruets. II ill stand. Chairs, mtchen Furm ture and assortment of house hoi 1 articles. N. B ?S?ic positive. A rare chance. Take 6tn avenue or u niver-ttv. place curs, or Sth ave nue Stage to ltftti St. RCdKRT C. CASHIN, Auctioneer. Competent moil to remove. pacK or ship goods. * UOTION SAXE?AT PRIVATE RESIDENCE, A I2it West street. between lilh and 7tli avenues, commencing at lu'.. o'clock. THIS DAV (M EDNbSO.vV). Mav 18. Steinway A Soiw' and Hradtiury Pianofortes, used clgni months, cost $ I, Cm) eac;i. Magnificent Drawing nouin Suns, lu satin Fine marquetry Tables, Etageres. inlaid Cabinets, im ported Bronzes', original oil Paintings, velvet und moquct Carpets. Easy Chairs. Lounges, Mirrors, lace and brocaic: curtain-, gilt Console Tables. Bookcase, 8U0 volumes choice Books Lady's Writing Desk. steluwity a Sons' and Brndburv Pianofortes. Mouls, Covers, Music Cabinets, SOU pieces Sheet Music. Library and Dining i oom s-uits, covered in reps and leather; extension TnWes, Buffet. i hairs. Lounges side Tables, Regulators, Sivcr sale, magnificent Wheeler A Wilson Cabinet -ewiiiK Machine, cost SUK); solid silver anj Shcfflrla Mated Ware, < btuu Dinner and Tea -ets, Cut Oiass and Crystal ware. Basement and Kitchen Furniture. Ac. Bedroom contains namely Superb Bedroom .-tuts, Dressing case. Bedclothes, Bu reau. Washstands, t oinmo les. Table. Chairs. Rockers, 2:1 flue white curled hair Mattresses, spring Beds, guilts, linen Sheets and single and double Bedsteads, uas Fix tures, Ac. Sale positive ill lots br catalogue ; over 40U lots. II s.N ItY E. McDONN ICLL, Auctioneer. Notice.?Competent men in attendance to cart, pack and ship goods tor purchasers. Auction noi ice. Ill :.HY ZiNN, Auctioneer. Magnificent Household Furniture, rose win ill Pianoforte, Drawing Room Suits, Puwtiugs, Bronzes and many Works of Art over ">00 lots ai public auction on THIs DAY (Wednesday). Mav 19, at 10*< o'clock, at the elegant private residence 21 Kusi Twentieth street, between Broadway und Fourth avenue. Drawing Rooms? uperb suits covered iu silk brocade, Oraud Duihe.-s style; rosewood I'lano'orie. t- tageres, Carpets, Secretaire Bookcase, Mirrors. Paintings, Bron/ej. Clocks. Vases, Curtains, solid walnut and iniald Bedstead*, i> resting Cases, buieaus, Washstands, spring ami buir Waitresses, Bedding, Wardrobes, Buffet. Exten slon Table; silver, gl. ss. china and plated Ware ; also Basement and Kitcuen Ware. Auction sale.?j. kkaemer. auctioneer. Handsome and usefhl Househol 1 Furniture. Magnificent rosewood Pianoforte, Parlor t-uits. Carpets, this ( Weanesdav) morninx, .Mav 19. at 1UH o'clock, at the private residence l i.) bus' thirteenth street, near Fourth avenue. Brussels, ingrain Carpets; Parlor -uits. In saun brocade. reps, una hairclotli; tables, tageres. Mirrors, Curtains, Paintings, Clocks, Bronzes, Vases, Ifedsteaas, Bureaus, Washstands, Wardrobes, hair anc spring Mattresses, Bedding, Sofas, Lounges, Rockers, Extension Table, buffet. Glass, China, .-liver Ware; Cut lerv, Ac. sale positive. Goods packed and delivered tor purchasers, cltv or country. Ab. waldbov. auotionker. By 1?. W. IV US. salesroom lOH Liberty street This day. at 11 o'clock, new and second hand Furniture. Parlor Suits. Bed steads. Bureaus. Carpets, Desks, Extension Tables. Sew ing Machines. Ac. At It o'clock. Budding-out and Uraen. house Plants. BANKRUPT SALE BV AUCTION THI ? i>AY. $40,nw worth of elegant furniture. BEING THE ENTIRE STOCK OF MESSRS. POETINGTON BROS., BANKRUPTS, NO. 842 HUDSON STREET. NEAR CHARLES STREET. Thli entire stock comprises, row wood, walnut, ma hogany and oak Parlor Suits, Library Suits, Dining Koom Miits, Reception Salts, In every variety ol coverlnr ana *tvie. A very large and choice assortment of bedroom etitt. in great variety. Ore-sing Cases, Wardrobes, ? rtnoires-a-Ulace, Ac., 24 or So Extension i aides, elegant Buffets, dwsrr ami upright iiootoasas. a number ot Lounges, tied Lounges, .Sofas, Easy Chain, Ac. THE WHOLE TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION. OK TH18 DAY (WBDNl- SI.aY), THURSDAY AND K it I L? AY MAY 1#, 10 AND M, AT 1UH O'CLOCK BACH DAT. AT THh, WaREKOOMS, 542 HUDSON bTREET, Nr. All CHARLES STBBBT. The well known reputation tor 2ti years in this otty ot the fortinuton Hrm, together wttn the extent and varl etv ot their st.>ck all ?j whic'i was manufactured br themselves*. offers an unusual opportunity to persons about turniahing, to purchase flrxt class work, as the sale will be positive to close the estate in baukrnptoy. The iiools are now ready for inspection. Catalogues now ready. _ 111 O'T N. CAMP, Auctioneer. Bknj. F. THeall, .-alesman. BY MAX BAYERS IioRFER, AUCTIONEER-8BLLS to-morrow (Thur<may). Yorkvllle Hall, Eighty-sixth street and Ihlrd avenue; four Kavanagh A Decker Billiard Tables. matrniOcent Barroom h txtares; also ball und meeting room up stain; ettees and Furniture thereto belonging; fine sto^k Wines and Liquors: val uable lease of above. with vacant lot adjolnlug, together or positively In part*. MAX haVi i!-dorfkr's office, 12 Centra streaL Baltimore si b; khan salb-without re. sarre. Msv 21, l?7 , at S JO P. M.. at Irvlojgton, 1H mile from Baltimore, immedlatalvou catonsvflle Rail road, six minutes' walk irom Frederick road station, on H.tltimoro ai;<1 Potomac Ra.lmoi. t, ?si feet of Oround, fronting on graded, 7U-foot avann?; thrifty shade tree*; res iv lor MuMinu terms one-filth cash, balance In one, two, three, tour years, with interest: also one handsome CoOa.e, with all modern conveniences. For furtherin fo'iuation adoress c. 1 RVING Di i TY, No. U St Paul street, Baltimore, Md. UY PETER BOWE, A CcTIONBER. I) Mortgage sale, rHCRsDAY. May 30, at II o'clock, at the auction rooms No. II Onlvarsltv place. oorn?r Eighth street, a large and choice colleetion ot fine Oil Palming* >ow on exhibition. THOMas H. SULLIVAN, Attorney ror Mortgagee. EIHUPEA.% STEAMSHIPS. tlUNARD LINB.-H. AM) .N. A. R. M. 8. P. 0O~ ; no i ice. With a view to diminuhing the chancM of coUlnoa the steamers of this line take ? specific course tor all seasons ot the year. On tha outward passage trom quaanstovn to Kew York or Boston, crossing in the meridjau w at 4J latitude, or nothing to the north of 4J. on the h tnewarJ passage crossing the meridian of 5) at 42 latitude, or n .thing to the nortn ol 41. From NKW YORK lor LIVEKPOOLand VUEENSTOW.Y ?aCl I 111 A. ...Wed. May lUl'BOTHNIA... Wed.. JuneS ?RUSBIA Wed. May .6 I ABVHSISIA... Wed.. June ? steamer* mark' ? * do not carry steerage passengers. < ahin passage. $1 u, $i.n> gold, according to ac commodation. Return tickets on favorable terms. steerage tickets to and from ailparta of Europe at lowest rates. Freight and cabin office, Mo. 4 Howling Ureen. Steerage office. Ill Broadwav (Trinity Bullulnr. CHahLEs G. f RancKLYN, Agent, and P. H. t>U YeRNET, corner of Clark ana Randolph street, Chicago. PASSENGERS PK.R STEAMSHIP SCTfHIA KM bark from tha Cnnard wharf, foot ot Uritnd street, Jersey City, at IP. N.. on Weiiuesaav. May 19. 1875. CMAKLE8 (A FRaNCXLYN, No. 4 Bowling Green, New York. UTUII STAR LINE, VV FOR QUEEN TOWN OB LIVf-.RPOOL, CARRYING THE I'NIIBD STATUS M UL BALTIC May S3 atSP. M BRIfANMC May i9. noon v EBMANIC June 5. atS P M ADRIATIC - ... June IS. at noon CELUC June 19. at 8 P. M From the White tsr docks, pier 52 North River Hatos?Saloon. 880 and $lmn go^d ; return tickets, $175 gom stdeiage at low rates. ssloou. staterooms smoking and bath rooms ara placea amidships where the noise and motion ara least, affor Jing a dsgrae of comfort hitherto unattainable at saa. I-or inspection ot plans and other information apply at tha company's office, 19 Broadway, New York. K. J. COKTIS. Agent. JNMAN LINE?FIXED SOUTHERLY COURSE Royal Mall Steamers are appointed to sail as follows ? FOR QUEKNSTuW.N AND LIVERPOOL. CITY OF , IC H M <j N D saturaav. May a. at % P. M. CIlT OF B il -SKL-. aturday. May ,9, at Noon. Cll'Y OF CHr.Si'i.ic saturJay, June ft, atS P. M. CITY or Paris satur.lay. June 12, at Noon. CITY OF Br.RLIN Saturday, June 19. atS P/l? CABIN PAS-.AO..? ? 8? and $100 gold. HT KRAOK?To and from all points, at radncad rates. Cswn and general office. No 15 Broadway. steerage offices. 89 Broadway.and pier 'ft North Rivar. John 0. Dale. Agent STATE LIVE. NEW YORK TO GLASGOW LIVERPOOL DlBLI.V. BELFAST AND LONbONDK KB Y? balling from pier Na M North Kiver. as loliowti? ?TVIE OF I.t'ClslANA, taptain Johnson.Tuurs..Msy 20 si \li'. oF Indiana, captain staler . .W?d .June S STATE OF G OROIA Wed..June lfl an.l every Wednas !ay thereaiter. First cabin. $70, $80 an.i 890: 'tturii tickets. Slto .tecoid cabin, 830. retara tMkeu. ftfik -tearage atJowasi rs'es. Apply to Ah?TIN bauuwIN A Co .Agents, a&JfjreiiraJisa, N EUROPEAN rTEAH??lPS. Red star line, appointed lo carry the Belgian an<1 United States mall*. The following steamer* are appointed to sail:? FOR ANTWERP. From Phlladelpnia. i From New York. VADhRLAND May 21 8WI IZEtti.AND . ..Iun?2 NEOEKLaNu Tunc I4i S I ATE i >F NEV VDAJuue 88 FROM ANT.Vr.HI'. For Philadelphia. I For New York. NEDERLA.N1> May 21 VTATK OK N EV'AU.\.Jnne 2 VaDeRLAND luneHl W11Z KL.vND.. ..June 20 Prices of passage in currency. First Cabin $801 second ? ?t?in V? ;-teerugo tickets to anil iri>m all point* at the lowest rates Passenger accommodations lor all classes unsurpassed. For passage, rates of irelglit and other information, apply to Ur.OKUH W. COLTON, Agent *2 Broad street. New York. joliN Mcdonald, Passenger Agent, No. 8 Battery place, New V erk. PETBB WRIGHT k SONS, General Agents, 307 Walnut street. Philadelphia. b. VON DEK BtCKE, General European Agent, Ant werp. ATIONAL LINK. Prom piers Nos. It and 47 North Hirer. FOR LONDON DIRECT. DENMARK. Wednesday. Muv iy. S P. M CAN Aii A. Wednesday, June J, 3 P. m. TO QUEENSTOWX ANI> LIVERPOOL. HELVETIA. Mav 22.7:3JAM. I I il K Q U KEN.Juno 5,3 P. M. EGYPT...Mav 2tf. 11 A. M. [SPAIN June 12.12 M. Cabin passage. $7 J and SHJ currency. Steerage at freatiy reduced prices. Return tickets a reduced rates, repaid steerage tickets from Liverpool at ihu lowest rates. Apply at the compauy's otttce, no. till Broadway. K W. J. HURST. Manager UNITED STATES MAIL LINE?STEAM TJ QUEENS. ToWN AND LIVERPOOL. Sailing every Tuesday from pier 40 North River. WISCONSIN. Forsyth May 18. at3 P. M. WYOMING. Freeman Jane 1. a 3 P. M. Cabin, intermediate and Bteeruge at lowest rates. Prepaid tickets at low rates. Pussen^ors booked to and ironi Paris. Hamburg, Norwav und Sweden. Ac. Drafts on lietund. England, France and Germany ut lowest rates. Auplv to WILLIAMS & U0D.N, 29 Broadway. NCUOR LINK, CARRYING THE UNITED STATES MAIL NEW YORK AND GLASGOW. ETHIOPIA #'iils H tun lay, May 22. at 3 P. M. BOLIVIA sails Saturday, May29, ut 1'- noun. ELYSIa sails sutiir.lay. June ut It) A. M. CALIFORNIA...muIs Saturday,June 13, at noou. TO GLASGOW, LIVERPOOL LONDONDERRY, QUEKN8T0W.N OK BELFAST. Cabins, $75 to $'J0 currency, according to accommoaa* tions. INTERMEDIATE AND STEERAGE as low as any other first class line. Drafts issued lor any amount at lowest rate?. HeNDERSoN BROS., Agents, No. 7 Bowling Green. QUE AT WESTERN ,T STEAMSHIP LINE. NEW YORK TO BRISiOL (ENGLAND) DIRECT, sailing from pier 18 East River as follows:? great WEsTbKN, Windham Tuesday, May 2.ri Alt AGON, Symous Tuesday, June S Cabin passa.'e, $7t); intermediate, $10: su-oriue. $3j, currency; excursion tickets. $ui. Apply to W. l). Morgan'. Agent, 7u South street. WILSON'S LINE FOR SOUTHAMPTON AND HULL, ? ' failing to r tn ii^li11 v from Pier 40 East River COLOMBO May 151 VlR vilU lune 1 ? LDOKAD To follow | OTHELLO 'lo follow First Cabin, S;o. currency; Sccodd Cibtn, $45, cur rency. Through lictiets Issued to Continental and Baltic ports. Apply tor lull particulars to CHARL S i,. WltlOHT .ft CO., 50 South street. North german li.oyd. STEAMSHIP LIN.-J BETWEEN NEW YORK, SOUTHAMPTON A.NU BREMEN. Company's pier, loot of Second street, Hoboken. ODER May22|Mo.?EL Junes NEt KAK Mar 291 DJNAU June 11 Kates of passage from ?oir York to Southampton, Havre or Bremen:? , _ First Cabin $1 >'. cold | Second Cabin $9U, gold steerage, $80. currency. Prepaid steerage certificates, $32, currency. Return tickets at reduced rates. Fcr lretght or pas?ugo apply to OELRICHS, No. 2 Bowling Green. HAMBURG-AMERICAN PACKET COMPANY'S LINE lor PLYMOUTH. CHERBOURG and HAMBURG WESIPHALIa May 2;) I iHUKl.Ni.lA ...June 3 FKlsIA Mav 27 I PoMMERA VIA.....June 10 Rates of passage to Plymouth. London, Cherbourg. Hamburg and all points in England, Scotland and Wulest? , First cabin, upper saloon, gold $1IM First cabin, lower saloon, gold Ou Steerage, currency 30 KUNHAR r A CO., C. H. KIcHARD A BOAS, (?eneral Agents. General Passenger scents, 61 Broad street. New York. 01 Broadway. New York. Most direct and economical route to Holland, Belgium, the Rhine, Switzerland, Ac., via Ron erdam. Steamer 8CHOLTMN May 20 Steamer CALaN'I) May 27 These beautiful steamers, carrying the United states mall to the Netherlands, are well known for the regu larity ol their trips, nates of passage low FtfNUH, EDYe A CO.. LT W. MORRIS, General Agents. 50 Broadway. 0 NLY DIRECT LINK TO FRANCE. THE GENE iAL TRANSATLANTIC COMPANY'S MAIL STEAMSHIPS BETWEEN NEW YORK AND HAVRE TJie splendid vessels on this favorite route for the Con tinent (being more southerly than any other) will sail from pier No. 00 North River, us follows:? VlLLr. DK PaRI-- (Laehesuei).... ....Saturday, May 29 PERKIKE (Daiire) Saturday, June 12 FitANCr. (Trudellei Saturday. June 30 PRICE OF PasbaQK IN gold (mcludtni? wine). First Cabin, U'O; Second. $0i; Third. $AX Return Tic.Kets ?t rcdnced rates. steerage, $ 2. with superior accomm dat'ons and In cluding all necessaries without extra charire. GEORGE MACKENZIE, Agent, 55 Broadway. IRISH AND SCOTCH TOURS.-PASSENGERS WHO contemplate landing in Ireland and who wi?li to avail themselves of the advantages otTere-l bv COOK'S Tol'Rlsi T1CKE l'.s inutt purchase tlieni previous to ?ailing. They tan be obtained bv every route to ten don. COOK'S EXCUKSIONIor, prtcc iJ cents, contain* programme*, tarea and loll particular* ot over l.iMO European loan- CooK, 'ON k JENKINS, 261 Broadway, New York. O'DONOVAN ROSA.?STATE OP LOUISIANA ?alls 'I'huridav for Belfast and Qlaagow. INDIANA, Jrom Chllnui ipli a. ihursday, Cork and Liverpool. Northern Hotel, Cortland it., an t 182 Chatham square. "nited a rate? passport bu iiau.-ofmcial Passport* ol the Department of state Issued by a. C. WILLMARTH, United State* Coort House, 41 Cham ber* street. COAHTWISBS steamships. PACIFIC MAIL STEAMSHIP LINK?POK CALlFOR. nla. Japan and China, froin pier U North River. for asPinwall ACAPULCO May W. 13 M. Connecting tor all Central American and Pacific porta. FROM BAN FRANClSlO FOR JAPAN AND CHINA. ALASKA June 1 For freight or paaaage apply at pier 4J North Kiver. H.J BILLAY, Superintendent PACIFIC MAIL STEAMSHIP COMPANY. Extra Steamer lor Uavana. Savanilla and A<plnwall. The new iron propeller COLON ?alls from pier *tt North Kiver, Wednesday, May IV. at U noon. For freight or pa*aage apply on pier. H. J. iLLLAY. Superintendent >TEW TO KK AND BRAZIL STEaM iHIP COMPANY. I FOR ST. THOMAS A <D BRAZIL The elegant side wheel steam-nip SOI'I'H AMERICA, *,UUO ton* burden. Captain E. L. miiUepaugti, Will ?ail for st. Thomas. Para, Pernamhuco. Bahla aud Rio de Janeiro, on Uondav. Mar M, at 9 o'clock A. M.. from Pier 43 North Kiver For Iretghi or passage apply to W1 R. UARRI.-ON. Agsnt. No 5 Bow.ia* Ortfen. New York and hayana direct mul line.? _ The*e first class steamship* will sail at 3 P. M. from pier 13 North Kiver. loot of >edar etreet for Havana direct a* follow*:? CoLUM BUS Taeaday. May IS OBBSCEN I' CITY Thursday. May 27 For ireigh: or paaaate, having unsurpassed accommo dations. apply to W M. P. CLYDE A C(X, No. ? Bowling Green. McKellei, filing k Co., Ageuta in Havau*. NY.. HA A 1A AND MEXICAN MAIL Ss. LINK? . Steamers leave Pier 3 North River at 3 P. M. .Ort HAVANA DIRei i. CITY 0? NEW VORK Thursday, May20 CITV OF MERlDA I uesday, June 1 CITY OK VEKA CRUZ. i hursday, June 3 FOR VKItA CRl L AND N EW OK LEANS, calling at Havana, Profres >, Campeachy, Tuxoan and Tamplco. CITY OF merida Tuesday, June 1 CITY OF Mr.XICO Tuesday, June a For frulght or passage applv to F. ALEX aNmRK. k sons, 31 and S3 Broadway. Steamers will leave New Orleans May IS an i Juno 3, for Vera cru* and all the above porta 'TEXAS LINE OF OALYKSTON -TEAMERH, TOUCH i ing at Key West, carrying the t tilted States Mall Steamer O. W. CLYDE. Captain Pennington. will leave ?i*r Ml East River on Saturday, May 22. at S P. M. hrougb bill' oi lading given to all point* ? n the H. and T. C., L and i?. N.. ?J. H. and II. aoi ft H. and S. A. R. K. No chance for forwarding in New York. For freight or parage, having superior accommodation* appivto C. H. MAU.OKY k CO., 153 Maiden lane. W. P. CLYDE k < O., lit Wall street F OB NEW ORLEANS DIRECT The Cromwell >teaui-hlp Line. The itesmshiD 11L'i>.-ON, Captain Unge:-, will leava pier No. 9 North River on Saturday, May 1;, at three P.M. Fr eight received daily. Through ates given to Gal veston, ludianola. Kockport or Aram it wharf, Brazo* Santiago, st Louis and Mobile. Cabin passage. $Su; ateer.ige.SiV For treiuh: or oanage apply to Cl.aRK k SEAMAN. 8(5 West atreot TITEEKLY "LORIDA LINE. TV For Port Royal. *. C.; Fernandtna, Fla.: Bruns wick, Oa.? I He lavorlte and well known steamer HUNT.iYILLK. Chester, master. having superior accommod itions Tor pa??diger*, will sail Thursday, May JO, from pier No. 3 North Kiver, at 4 P. tor above ports, making connections to all point* south and -outhwest via Port Royal, the Florida and Bruntwie. railroads First class passage ?To Fernandina, S?; to Jacktoo Title. Srl SB; to Augosta. S2i?. Through ticket* usue I to all point* South and South west The MONTUOM r.KV. Falrcloth, Master, wut tollow May 27. For pAftsage ?nd trtlgbt apply to HBKM, oELPcKK, No. 8 W illiam street ______ OLD DOMINION STEAMSHIP COMPANY sailing from pl?r 37 North River. For Norfolk, Citv Point and Richmond. Tuesdays. Thursdavt ana Saturdays, at 3 P. M., connecting with the Virginia and iennes*ee Air Line, Atlantic Coast Line, Piedmont Air Line, Chesapeake and Ohio Kail road, and wltn tlie company'* ?te*m Una* to Interior points In North Carolina and Virginia. Ne wbern and w a*liiugii>n -V. C. tvla Norfolk), eyery Tuesday, I liursdav and -aturJay. Baltimore Weouesdavs and Saturdays, at 4 P. M. Con necting witn nanImore and ?hlo Rmlroad. Lewes, . ei., Mondays and hur* lays, at 4 P. M. Con ?ecung'vith Dela wiire am Mary Ian 1 Ksiiroada Pa**enger accommod itioni unsur iassej. Ihrong'i passage tickets an t hllis of lading Jo all poinn at lowest rates. InNftM to Norfolk. Ac.. 'tperoeut Freights received dailv at pier 37 Hortn River- ? General offloei. l?f Oreenwlch street. New York. N. L. Moo READY. President TRAVK LLBR8' OP1DE. Albany and iBu* by day i.IaE, steam r A > M KM 1 will, on and alter Monday M \v 17, leavo New Tork on Mondavs. We.ines.lay* and Fridays, irom Vcjtry street, pier M North Kiver, at S-JI A M . and Twentv-iourtli siruetatSA. M.. landing at West Point Bswbirg, Poughkecsle. Rolnebeek, catskili and 1 ud C Daily pa*.a?** will be_re*u?*d on and a tar June baa th* steamer* u YiBBattD and DaMjaL DUaW M pUoad ift* UM route. nuTitumr m ide. I A'." * ? *"' * NORTH 8HORE ST AT 8.V ISLAND FBRR*. For Now Brighton, Snug Harbor. West Brighton anl Port Richmond, boats leave Waitchall strjut, li foot >f Broadway, daily atS:H $:1J, !)s3J, lj:U A. \L U'JA 2:1S. 3: Ut 4 JO, 5 -JJ and > :A5P~M. Sundays, at Ualt-pust everv hour, from8:30 A. M. Fare 10 cent*. Aator House carsle ave Vesay stroetlor inrrr Pars 3cenu. / i.ll KI I.I?BOATS l"V T1IK CREEK, NSW CHAM pion itiiil Water nrett, dally l-uudays excepted), t'roiu Canal street, li 1*. M. Fare Mi ceufs. i 1ITlZfcNS' LINK OK S I KAM BOATS FOR TROY, CON' \ , noctliig wltii ail rallwae Hues .North aud West; tare 60cenis. ileck; cabin passage, including berth. $1. Ele gant steamboats leave laiiy, *aturdar excepted, at 6 1* M.. from ider 4'J North Uiver, foot oi Luroy straat. Through tlc.kots sold over all connecting lines I,'Al.I. RITIB MM. TO Bosi'oS I via Newport auu Fait t iver.?llie world-renowued st,?diners BRISTOL and PB0V1DENCE leave pier 28 Norm itlvcr, loot ot .Murray street, daily, t-undav*. June 27 to Auanst 29,6 P. M. Tlnough tickets sold at all orincl pal Hotels in the city. Hull's Band engage I tor the_seu*on. OPPOSITION.?ALBANY AND TROY-FRANKLIN street, pier 35: decit, 26c.; cabin. St. with berth; steamer .CHUYLKR, Mondays. Wednesdays and Fri days. ti P. M. Fare Buffalo, S6 U J. VV. HAXcuX PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. The great Trunk Line and L'nitod States Mall Route. Trams leave New \ ?>rk. from toot of Desbrosias atil (ortiamu streets, as lollow*: ? Express lor llarrlsburg. Pltwburg, tin West aud South, wltli Pullman Palace Cars uttaelied. 9 :SJ A. M., i and 8:30 P. M. Sunday i and -i:3l P. M. For Willlamsportand Luck llavoti tvla Philadelphia au I Krie Railroad Divi-ioii. connecting at Philadelphia), Di.'liA M. For Willlamsport, l.ook Haven. Oorry anl Erie H:;u) P. M.. ooun-ctlug at t'orry tor Tltumlle, Petroleum Centre and the nil ttegions. ... For halilmore Washington aud the south, "Litnltot Washington Express" of Ptillui in Parlor Cars dally, excopt sundav 9:Si A. M.; arrive at Washington 4:1) P.M. Regular at 8:10 A. M . l and 9 P.M. Sunday, t P. M. Express lor Philadelphia. 7, 7 :3Q, 8siO, 9:J0 A. M., I2:.K), 3. 4. 4:lti,4:5ii,5. 7. 6:30, 9 P. M. an.l 12 night. Sunday. 4;W, 6, 7, , ::xiiin !9 P. M. Emigrant and second claw, 7 P. M. For Newark a to, 6:30, 7. 7:11, a 9. 19. U A. M., 12 M.,1 2. v.*), J :1U. 3:4 J, 4:10, i :30, 5, fl:'20. 5:1.1. 6, 6:IJ, 6:10. I, 7::t>i. 8:lo, 10, 11:30 P. M. and 12 nUht. Sunday, >:ii * and 8:10 P. M. For Elizabeth. ". ?t3J, 7, 7:4), 8, 9,10 A. M , 12 M., 1, 2:30. 3:10, 3-W, 4:10, 4:30, 4:"j0 5:20, 3:tJ, 6, 6:10, (1:10. 7. 7 :S>, 8:10. 1', 11:30. P. M. and 12 nliht. suiuay. 3:JJ, 7 and 8:10 P. M. For Railway, 6. 6:3). 7,8.10 A. M? U M., 1. 2. 2:10, 3:19, 8:10. 1:10. 4:30. 4;50, 5:2). 5;4', ij, 6:10, tj:30, /, 3:1), I) P. M. and 12 night. uuday. ;>:20 aod 7 P. M. For Woodbruige. Perth Ainu iy ant couth A.uboy. i and 10 a. >l.. 2:30. 4:?0 ind 0 P M. For New Brunswick 7 anl * A. 51.12 M.,2, 3:1J, 4:1J, 5:-'). ti:l i, 7 r. M. uiu 12 iiuiit Sunday. I P. M. For .jsi Millstone. 12 uouii, 3 ail 1 5;:j P. M. ? For Knigslou and Ro ay llnl, 8:18 A >1. and i :10 P. M. For Princeton, 7, 8:10 a. M., U:3 '. 2, 4:10 and I P. M. For Lunbei'tvi'ie an I i-'leuiiugtmi, 9:ttl A. >1. aad I r. M. For Pdillipsburg unit ueivid re, 0:10 A. M. aud2 P M. _ For ireiiion. liordentowu, tturllug.on aad Cauideu, aud 9: :tl A. M., U:3J. 2. 4, 5atU 7 r. M. For Freeh nil. 7 A. M., J an I 4:10 P M. For Furiuingdale an I squan. 7 A. M. and 2 P. M. For Hlghtstown, Pembertou ant Catndeu. v'la Parth Am bov. 2-30 P. M. . For Hightstowu aua Pembertou. <1 i. M. Truins arrive a< follows-?r'ro.u Plitsourg, 6:55 aud U:iJ A M. and 10:lo P. M. dain'; i0:li A.M. aud7:4jP. M. dully, excepi Monday, From Washington and Baltl Uiore. 0'2 1 A. M.. 4:ld, 3:15 au I 10: 7 1*. M. .sunjav 0: 20 A. M. iind 10:./ P. M. From Philadelphia, 5:1), rf:2J, 0:55, 10:11, 11 :20, 11 :54 A. M.. 2:15, 4:i5, 5.15, 7i3i, 7-1), 8:14. 10:27 M -.unnae 5:10, 6:10. 6:55, 11:54 A. .?., 7:40 and iu:27 P. M. Ticket ofllc. s, 52> and OH Broad wav. No. 1 Aslor Housj aud toot ot uesbrooes and l orti in lt s.reels- .>o 4 Oouri ctri)"t, urookiyu: Nos. 114, 11> auu 119 lludsin street, llolxiken mnigrflnt tmiet oltloa. No. 8 Battery pUco. FRANK Tiluil.'.->t?.\, 1). M. BJVJ, Jr., Oanaral Mauacer. Q?*cral Piwmw A|?it PRUVIOENl'. AND STONINlfTON STEAMSHIP CO. NEW YORK AND B .STON. SIONlNliTUN LINE. From pier 33 N. It., foot ot Jay street, the elegant sieamors Rhode 1-1 md aud Narrimansett daily (except Sundays), at5 1*. M. PROVIDENCE LINK. From pier 27 N. It., loot of RoUluson at. the steamships Eleotra and Uaiatea daily (except .->utidays>, at 5 P. M. PEOPLE'S LINE FOR ALBANY.?DODWOR IH'S promenade concert baud on board; first class pas sago only Si; deeu, 5 c.; steam, rs leave daily. Sundays excepted, irotu pier 11 North River, at6 P. M. excursions. A?FOR EXCURSIONS?A LOON STEAMER W Y . omlng, with new boiler, and Olyphant; Barges. Republic. Cnleano, sarah Smith, i aledonia aud Anna; oriental. !? xcei.-ior, bagleswood. Coll spring and lona Lslanj Oro\es to let. OtUce :i84 West street, oppostte Christopher street terry, opcu eveuings. H. b. CROSSETT. IjtXOPltSIONa.?TM FAVORITE STEAMER WM. j Cook, wuh bar,' es and steamboat* of all kinds; Rari tan Beach, Suiinyside. Pleasant Valley aud lona Island Oroves; al-o the new elegant sieain yacht "Annie Laurie,'' splendidly mrnUhed for private parties. Apply fo C.I AS. A.'AM-, 1 >2 We*t sire-i. . oriler ot ' it.ert.v. Ij^uR l.Xi'I'llsl()NS? I HE liAKUK. FIRST OLAS4, i? lavorite sl-amojits SLEEPi' Hi)t,Loff ^nowcillel the LONG BitANCii) and tfKl'AMO&A; Dudley's, AU derney. Sprin; Hill, M/ers' Alpine and lona Islaai Qroves, wltn Barges and Boats ot all kinds. J. ? E. MVr.R.s. '-oru-r .M^rt^jn mil Westitri3ts. UTKAMBOATS AND BAROKS FOR KXOUK-ION8 TO O Rarltan Beach, se.i View. lona Island and Willow Haven Orove. MaRTIN A KASKKLL. 111. outh street IlKliP \VA\TK1)?MALEH. ADVERTISING CANVA8-KKS WILL FIND A PAY Ing medium by calling at Wi)0 ? A KKILLY'S, 113 Nassaust, second rt-jor, truio 10 to U to-day. oK.siM aoTiTSfiSo w daIly iiuS3 Amerv's .-priug -show Cards, for every bu-lnesj. 116 Bowerv. near (.ranJ it. Cuttntry sgcnts mast Mod 30c. :-atnpies. wortn 41. will be forwarded. ~A MGRLL'S HOT AIR ttuMAX BATH8, 61 LKXING A ton av., want honest, intelligent. strictly temperate American* under 23 lor baths and office: afao one who can keen a liotel lor Uuiue and restaurant; reference* required. A euJIPr.TK.ST" MAN ITAJfTKD?TO PLACE OH the market a valuable coal and iron property, situ ated on railroad in California: a sample ot each can be Men. Address CALIForiNiAV Herald otnee. AGENTS WANTKD?CITY Oil COUNTRY. TO 8KLL teat to families and large consumers; greatest Inducement*. CAN ioN T A COMPANY. 14s Champers atreet. BOY WANTED?neat and tidy, ONE ACQUAINT ed with streets down town; waaas $2 per week. Call at Ndk 7 line st. at W o'clock. ' Men wanted?t > canvass for a" PAtsif article indispensable in *very howl and prisale tamilv In this citv: to activc men a splendid opportunity i? offered to make monev. Apply In person. with retar ence, at the Uran J Central Hotel, room 847, from 10 to 12 o'clock. SILVER CLEANER FOR A STORE WANTED?VERY beet ot cltv r lerenccs necessary; those afraid of working alter t> need not apply. Address A. B.. station D. SCPBRIN KNDENT WANTED-fOE THE MODNT Mnsi Hospital: must be an cducata I Israelite. Ap piicants will adoresa, with fall particuiara, fc. B. uAKl, fcj i a ?. ? . - placa. YI'AN IRD? A GKNTLRMAN THOROUGHLY El" >' periencad In soliciting advertisements, lor an es Mblislicl dally journal: on* mho has had city expe rience p>e.erred. Address, with referanca, box 3,80* I'ost office. TIrA.NTBf>?A vr~LT YOUNG MAN'TwHO THOR ii onghly undT?tanis the retail grocery business; inns; com e well recoinroenJcd. Apply to JAMES A. SMITH. #J42d ar.. cornerJOl at \1rANTfct' ? A STOUT MAN TO DRITK FOR~A >T grocery store; city r?:erence and experience in the busines# required. < all at 330 spring street. TtTANTkTi?A~BOf "TO MAKk"HIMsKLF GENERAL^ f i Iv useful in an office: must reside witb hta parents Apply ai No. 27 Union square. Or ZACHaRIk. TT"ANTKO?A NIOHT MAN COOK iN A RhSTAU TT rant and to make hlin*plf generally useful. Apply Immediately at De Fau'a Oyster and Dining Saloon, 417 Sd ar.^ TlfAKTRD?A YOUNO MAN TO ATTEND A GENTLE TT man: mus understand the nlano and read notes at sight: good reference required: no objection to na tionality spplv. I ?tween 2 and 4 o'clock, to CHAA W. IJALLl-.CS, offlee French's Hotel \\*ANTKI??YOI TH. TO TEND CLOTHING STORE; TT sod reference* Uj Cherry street. tVAXTXIV-A SlXOU MAN TO FReIsk ICR TT cream: must have some knowledge of lbs busi ness Apply at MO 6to av.. corner 47th st. W'AN El>?ASIOI T, ACTIVE VAN TO DRIVE A TT horse an i truck fur a retail grocer; ona acquainted wiili the hti-iness preferred: must come w?h recom menled EDWARD R.< FTEK. corner 1st av. and ilth st. IVAN rED?A BOV, 14 TO H YEARS OLD, IN A TT bakery. Call at 248 East lid St. a THE TKAUM?. ? GOOD tRACTICAL, MICHA.MClfc DRAUOHN. A man iEnglish) re iUires a situation; best city refer ences. Address DKAI nil rSMAN, Herald office. 7 BOY WliuTsTo LE~AR> 1rtns'jhWKLRV and A w itchmaklng or angravlsg business Call at iiU West .tad at. /lOLO t MIXER WAN IKD-FOR PRIMiINO WOOL ' ? len 'abrlcs; one who thoroiiKbly understands tha business. Address McKBKEIK. Herald oflBcc. Tu BOS-TPLI'MHRHH^T wIsTi to kim-h ihk tru l.': have serve 1 13 montha Address W. M., Haralu i ptow.i Kranch office. ll/ANT D-A WELL , INFORMED^ PBAiMICAL, TT working chemist, to take charge of a small chemi cal fact ry Address, with references and lull particu lars ot experience. t' H . box 2.2 k) Post office. UTAXi ED?A FIRST CLASH MDDEI.LKR AND DIB TT sinker on sw?rd w?rk ; the right man will raceiva good pay and steady -mployment. Add rasa or call on AMi 8 MANL*KACit'RiNO CuMPAXT, Chicopee. Masa. Tlf AN I KD?A THOFIOITOH I ITHOORAPHIC STONE TT grinder an I uraiuer; only men willing to wort and wboundarstanif their ir.nle hp i aptwv. FRJkl). mavkr. 96 and ?? Fulton st IV AN TJiD -A HAKEK TO TAKE CHARGE OF I'HK TT manufacture ot Kngllsh crackers. Address CORK HILLf, tierain office. %?; AN rr.O-A SI ? t*A I ION, BY A PRACTICAL MA 11 cinnist snd tool makar. Address Ml aud Ms West 34th st. for three days. U? ANTED?TWO FIRS I ""class PAINTKR9 : ONLY such naad apply at once, at 37 Westatiist, tram 7 till 8 A. M. Tlf ANTED?a GOOD DIE SINKKE ON COFFIN T ? trlmmin? motiidi; ni-o tool makar. Ifttta bun lsbar and drop uress tunn. Address me. f. i. iIcHakus HAMuWAKbi Company. West U'lnsted, Conn. WAMBO-A YOUNG MAN. WITH A TASTE FOE ? i drawing, as pupil in an archltaat's offloa. Adnress ARC'UI 0|. Herald offloa. \rfANTKD?A> FOREMAN, A FlR.sT C'LaM CAE* VT nentor; muit .ba a good dratrgntiman. Address, with rsiersBca, HllLli&H, uaraid Brooaifa Brknaa ms% AMIHEMEVr*. fTUIKATRE COM1QPB. 614 BROADWAY. L Mr. josh HAiu ooie Proprietor M ATI N K h. MK. HAM RICKEY. M ATI NEK. MASTER BARNEY. MATIN" RE MATINEB. COOL HDKOE^s MATIN KE. MISS JKN>IK HUOHEft. TO-DAY MATIN** Miss ADA RICHMOND, MATIN Mi. KI.SU SARBRO. MATINEE. MU J. W. McK I.E. ALL THE BATINBK. ( VSW l-.LL AM) 1IARB13. MATIN KB. CONWAY Hlto Ml ER.?. COMPANY MATIN KB. MK. JOHN WILD M VTINEii. MK. LARRY TOOLRY. AT MATINEE. M . WILLIAM CAKTBB. MATI.nEE. Mil CIIAS. WHITE. MATINEE. MaTIN EE. DKVKRE BROTHERS. Concluding with the Drama, KK(i AN; OR, THE IRISH l'Oi.lcBMAN. OLYMPIC THEATRE, No. 024 Bmadwav. Mr. JOHN V. POOAiK Manager THE FAMILY THEATRE OK 1 HE METROPOLIS, THE TALK OP THE TOWN, WHEREVER Vol' GO. In hotel*, restaurants, islooti-, on the ?treet earn. In the parlor, tin- counting house, the wi.rki.hop, on the lerrvboats. uii the railroad*. In th<?atieot, in the huu-?\ in the clubroom. In the domestic circle, wherever people mo?t do congregate you'll hear the universal ver dict as follows .-? I HE ENTERTAINMENT AT 11IE OLYMPICf is THE lihHT IN THE CITY. "WHAT EVERYBODY SAYS MUST BE TRUE. J. W M('AM1|II?W3, SOL SMI 111 ItUSSELL, L'nL. Kol.'lll (iOSIlEN, HARPER Uml STANSILL, Swnor OlOV VNN1, UII, LI A VI WEST, JOHN QUEEN, JAM I'.s VINCENT, (i. W. II. UKlfYI >. ItOl'S^ELLi. Hlto.-., .Mile. LKuNa hake, Mi si EMMA DAY, Mis* ALIi i: 1IA .Rl.-OX. Misj MINNIE IIOSHEN, Mitt ADD1E KAKWKLL, ami BR I'SO, PAT ROOM.Y, JOHN HAllf, WM. B. 0AH ILL, OHA8. WORLKY, JOHN UILBtKT, E. I>. GOODING, k'. HOLD-SWORIH. <;. VV. REM), A. BELL MY. Miss CLARA MOOCH, Miss i.Ll.A .ViAYO. Mini MA 1B ('0>NLLY, MU* FRANCES GOSHEN, Ml* >Ali?l- E O'NEIL, tile, I1AMTOWN COLOR ICU .STUDENTS. LYC R U M 111E ATRE. ??EOF FRO V?GIRO PL B-GIBO FLA.?LAST Wni-.K ni l ONE 0>- I'HK sKASON. REVIVAL ok OIltOfc'LK-tilROFL i. 91st to 97th consecutive per<orni;iiices by ihis Company, Every evening week anil .-n.ur.inv Matinee, with entire new scenery ntul on n scale ofgreat np.enuor. ot l.ecocq'ii crownuu triumph iu Opera Boutfo, GlitOfLB- .1 oFLA, with the treat on inal cast, including Mile. I! EOFKRiiY, her original rolc.GJROKLE-UlROFLA Mile. MINELLI. in her original role M Art \sy l'i n Mil.'. KI? >. in her ominal rule Al I'.UKK M Hi. UI'i-.kcy, in his row iloi itZoi K M. V ALAlK in Ins original role BOLERO INCREASED CHi Utl'Si'.s. KI LL ORCUE TRA. SATURDAY?FlR-sT OIKOFLE-HI RoKLA MaIINEK. nt,i AV SCK THEATRE. O Proprietor and Munuaer. .Mr. Al'GUSTIN DALY iBexit" at 8. Over at three-quarter* past ten.; Fourteenth week, 92d to 99th Performance ot 1 HE BBBB II (. B B1IG B B BBBB H B 11 U B B " BBBB II O Ii G G3 O G GQOO N ZZZZZ N NN ZtLLL A A A A A A AAA A A A A HOUSE3 CROWDED! LAUGHTER INCESSANT! EIGHTEENTH BONANZA MATINEE. SATURDAY, AT IIALF-PAST ONE. THE WHOLE PLAY WILL BE UIYKN. v MONDAY. May 21. ONE HUNDREDTH perform ance ot r E BI<i BON ANZA. Every lady vuitimr trie the.-ure will receive us A SOUVESIit a MiNaTl'RK Hiiii'K OK SILVER. Reserved lean for this occasion $.'. BOX SHEET OPEN t) DAY-i AHEAD I ryru AVENUE THEATRE. BENEFIT MATIN EE, WEDNFSDAT, May *6, at liall' past 1, for Mrs. G. H. GILBERTS BKNEFIT. Mr. JOHN BROUGHAM with other distinguished artistes, have generously volunteered. And all tho FAVORITES OF THE Fli III AVENUE COMPANY, in au EXTRAORDINAHY PROGRAMME. Box sheet now open. GERMaNIA MIEaTRB. A!>. N.'.LDNOOKKF, Director. WEDNESDAY, May 19, DAS BOtiSE FRaCLEIN, Plav in ftve act*, by Knelsel. Box otlice opan troiu 8:30 till 4 o'clock. PIANOFORTES, OUOANS. OiC. 7 PRIVATE FAMILY WILL SELL .HEIR ELE J\ Kant four-round Darker A Uroa Pianoforte at a tar rifle e, u brilliant lulled octave richly carved tour round rosewood ease lull uii'-alli! overstrung Piano, hav ing all improvements. printed guarantee hill ol sale, cost $979, lor ?Z,*a; stoo. Cover, ?ox tor shipping; also 7'i ociave Bradbnrv Planolor.e, 4-Jj: a ?a.iu co.elaine Parlor t-uit, coat *730, lor t lW: luraish >ui'?. $1(10: rep suits. $3T>; LIbrarv. Chamber and inning rurnlture, in In ? lo suit, at oue quarter coat. N. B.? Must be sold Call five story brown stone private residence. No. 47 West 1MI" si., between Stn awl o;:i avt. * PRIVATE FAMILY WILL S?LL AT liO WK8T iV i'in st., near otli av? an eleuant Stetnway 4 Son Pianoforte, u?ed 8 months, cost H.iM). cheap : brilliant toned tour round cornereai Bradbury 7', octave, witn carvt-d lens aud case, coil SIWJ, for stool, Cover, and Mu?tc stand; also I'arlor Suits, in crimson sailo. est S tio. for 4AW. rep Suit, *>). Bedroom suit, lea* than halt co.t j iiO vuriis Carpet lor 40c. u yard. Call at pri vate residence 1:0 Welt ?id st. near 8ih av. Piano*, bava boxes lor shipping. A PRIVATE FAMILY WILL >ELL AT A SaCRI flee their magnitlcent 7?* octave tour round cor nered carved case Pianoforte, nude to order by cele brate city mailer, cost S?lor $'<!75; Stool. Cover: Used ontv six niontns; has Hox for shipping, and mil guarau tte from the maker: also i'arlor i.uits, In satin. cost $30b. for #15'-. Chamber Sen, library and dining Furniture. Call this day or for one week at private resi ieucu -'1 East 2uih street. AT A GREAT SACRIFICE-NEW MODERN STYLE IS octave Pianoforte, celebrated mater: will nell for hall price. H. PaTTBERg, 746 Broadway, oorner of Astor place ? A LADY WILL SELL FOR LESS THaN $100. Uhickerins rosewood Pianoforte, modern improve ment*: also handsomely carved rosewood I'prigbt. $129, overstrung baas, Ac. 118 Third street, near Bowery. A BARGAIN.?A KOsEWOuD 7U OCTAVE PIANO forte, lour roand corners, cirved case and legs, made bv Llgnta A Bradbury, cost $8a), tor $l?o, at 3d East 30th street. _ A?FOR RENT, I'P RIGHT, hOUARrt AMD GRAND . Pianos ol our own make, also for sale, a rumlicr of flue second haud Pianos, in perfect ordtr WIl.LiAM E.naBE A CO., Mo. 112 Filtn avenue, above sixteenth st. Anew departure.-pianos, iprigiit sql are. Grand. Steinwav'*, Chlckerlnii's, Weber's and I others, also Parlor Organ*, low lor rash on Instalment* and for rent. S. X. BaI..- A CO., 15 East Fourteentn st A? WibER. STI.IN WAV. CHICK ERING PIANO. . fortes and urgana; bargains ror . ssn $100 to ! $300; $3 to $lii monthiv; rent applied. J. HI dolk, 13 Waverley_place, near Broadwav. ' A SUPERIOR LARGIi CHURCH ORG A.N, WORTH ! J\ $-'..VKI, will be sold for $l,ftX) <.ash. Apply to J. M. ! VA.N'Ntl l'. 6.'il Eighth avenue. AHaZKLTON BROS. TH OCI AVE Fl'I.L ROUND llano for rent; 7 octave Piano, $1*4; rest, $4; I Prince Oigan, 6 stops, $74. GORDON A son, 13 East Fourteenth street 4 -$10a BEAirilCL ROSE WOOD PIANOFORTE: ?V? Piano* to r.'nt, $5 per month, instalments re ceived: new Instrument* exceedingly low. GOLDSMITH' , M Bleccker siren, near Bowery. AT 116 ) AST FOCKIEKNTII STRF.ET?F. oCHULER will offer his line a?sortaient of first class Piano | fortes at prices which cannot (ail to suit tne times: new Planoiories to rent and rent applied toward purchase it desired. AOOOD PIANO. $90: 7H Ol r\VE PIANO, bar gam: two hauit organ less than $?>n i stop $100. ' rent or ln>talmenu; bargains lor cash. Phi-.K A HON, M Clinton place (Eighth street), near Broadway. PIANOFORTES, SECOND HAND, IN THORol'GII oruer. for sale at low prices; also Pianofortes io ! rent ol our own manntucture. ciut'K king A isOxs, i li East Fourteenth st. between Kroadway arid Fifth av PIANOS TO RENT OR SKLI?LA ROB LOT; PRICES and terms to suit tbi t:rae< Call at MkRRkll's No. * i nion square n>."> F iurth avenue). VJTE1NWAY. CHU'KERING A.N I) OTHER NEW AND i? seconii h ind Pianos to rent and rent applied to pur chaae; great luduccniunts oin-red. _WM. A. PONII A CU, 847 Broadway \TERV CHEAP -N>W HIRST ( LASS 7K OCTAVE V Piano, wnich was taken for debt Can be seen at HENRI ur.HR'n. glue deuier. 3tl Peari street, near Ful ton Call between 1 and i I'. M. THE l.ltriUK hCAHI?. I * MfCTORC KVr.RY NIGUI AT S O. LOCK O* J.X. "Manhood, an I the i'sim? oi Its Premature De cline," at the Sew ?ork Musouiu of Anatomy, di8 Sroad I way, between Houston and Bierekar streeta A LECTURE EVERY EVENING. AT s O'CLOCK. O* nervous debility and specMI diseases, at Dr. KAHN'-i Museum. ketno'iiber the adilress. no. *(S Broadway, near Fourtb street The larxest and most magniflcent museum In the worldL Admiseion, Ma. A A. A A. A. A. MEDICAL. consulted coufldeutially at No. 47 West Wth street -MME. MAXWELL. MIDWIFE. KKSIDE.NCh 114 East fentu street, near laird avenue. DVICE FRF.E.?MRS. WFST, ELf- CTRICIAN. CAN be conaulfeJ on all complaints. ISO West ^Sth st -DR. AND MMR. GRINi L . CURE ALL CoM plamts; ii year*' practice. 110 West I'weniy-stXtli it ?MME. RESTELU MIDWIFti SI.N'OK UtJ. NO. 1 East Kif\y-second street, first door irotn Fifth av. -DR. AND MME. VAN Bl'SKI rK. No 1M EAST Twenty-ei(htti street, near Third avenue. A -DR. AND HMJ. MAURIORAC-.30 YEARS' PRA0, ? tioe. Offloe Wl Liuerty street, near Greenwich. P0*?LT DR. ORMMS. W$?T,-?aLL. COHPLaINTI V ear*4i adrtMBM. U BieeoiMr *V Sear SreaaWajT YV AMl'MKMESTft. ' Mis L'M. Evenimr at K, Afternoon at 2. tin* Kreat Character Actor, hlLToN Nuttl.lis. la liii I'rama, JIM BLUuSOE. B OOTll'S THhATRK.? I.e.1'TRICAL SUCCESS Of Ml*. MORRIS nil 1 Mr KIU.NOLD. M U'BETH. JAKRETT A PALMER botj to announce lor represent* tiou till* vffMik, EVERY NIGHT Mini SA TI RDaY MATINEE, Shakespeare'* sublime I r ii,'" i y. MACBETH. which is produced with treat maarnlflcence ami a magnetic cast, Mlii CLARA MORRIS tne distinguished American ac-tre?s. ns-uining lor the tint tttuu Let'ore a metropolis n uudleuca tiic character ot LADY MACBB1H, and the eminent KiikIi"l? p.a^i-r. Mr. GKUPG!. RIO.VOLD. impersonation, lor ttt-) Flits I' i (Ml? lu lila profe??i<mi career, tlie uart ot M \CBETH. Mr. GEORGE CLARKE and Mr. J. It. 8TUDLEY liav< beau especially entraii -l foi lmport-int Interpretation* and the entirr nr :it i oiii; ni. ? o: I toot tin theatre, iu cluJiim Mr., Mr. .'i-liop. Mr. Weaver, Mr. L? ciercq. Miss Mary WeDs, Annie KemD Bowler, 4?.. ap pear. LOCKE s original music uuiven In an its grandaui b? an auctneu el eminent soloists an l au OPc.itA.IO C HO It I'd I iK too MIXED VOICES. To facilitate the sale ot s.'at- the BOX OFFICE will b? open contniuuu-.y, every iim from tl a, M to 10 r. m. *?* i 11L' RSD AY All. RN'OON, H'av 27. BEN'EFI T o Mr. TILLOISON, l'reaaurer. -eatican now be secured U"ALt.A K Proprietor itn l Mnnifer Mr. LKSTBH WaLLsCI boors open ut 7 :'W. To commence at S o'clock preci .el/ LAST WEEK BUT ONE Ol III;: REGULAR SEASON WKD.N'K-DaV aim FRIDAY HVKMVflS, Mav 19 ant 21, wilt be repealed Boucicauil'* tine comedy ot the IBl 11 Hl.lRI. with it* lienuliftil ??I'ticrr mid excellent cast, liicludtns Mr. H.J. vGL'K... us I' RCY sit DEN I Mr. J ?MIN OlLIt I'.l H- ..HMD >* M UAVKM'KY Mr. HARRY BECK. . M.t.lor Ml l.i.AMI Fl'S. Mr. H. AltMiir '. -1R VVM. S1ANMOB1 Mr. J. w ctftiM,, i mi:, sl'Pplk Mr. fc. M. HOI.LAND us LEN'Oltt Miss ADAH I > Y a . ? ? \ 11: C . 11 MKRlllnN Mine. PoNi-I ?<... ill -. it<H.mis C0MKOK1 Ml?S UOlC V uO/.blllW \ LADY DAVi.N'i'lt Y THURSDAY EVENINO?HIVAl.S nn 1 A HaPPY PAIR fATI'HDAi" MATINER. Mav 2! Lord Lytton'a charuiirn p<. t ? Low story, entitled tin LADY' til'' lV'i'X-. will he pre ???nte.i in- the first time in ten rear* at thii theatre, with the sum ' cardial attention toaoeuory auu ucces>oriea that has characterized former urcaluctioiii here. Ti< 1 ? OA?>?' "111 include vr. II. J. MON r tut h, Mr. .loi'N GILBERT. Mr. J. B. POLK. Mr. J W. I'AUROU Mr. L. I'LYMITON. Mr. ti. F. BitoW.N !?> Mr. v. K. EDWIN, Mia* ADA Di AS. Mine. i'UN'I I und Mr J?>llSK TON c >ON W AY'S BROOKLYN i HE A MB. Appltcatioua k r stoi K Muk i rn'-nia, sea-on of W74-76 may tic u ttlreased Itnuiuiliuu'l .n \'Ns MiN !K i UN WAY. or JOH.i 1'. ?M1TU. Brooklyn t heatre. METROPOI.ITAN 1 HE a IRE, Mi BROAD W AI WALLY w ard Ma linnet Kvor^ eveuititr ut 8 o'clock.. MATINEE "\ ~ t <77: i M ATIN K THIS DAY FEMALE THIS DAY AT 2 O'CLOCK. I H ull. RS. | AT O'CLOCK. 00 FIRST CLAS> A It TI > I S* APPEAR. / t RAND ul'l'.llA UOl'SK. VT THE I ?? I Vi: I I MI'T\TIOvS P. M 1?Haudiomest ::teuio in tlie \>orltl. oncnsat.. .. 7:3k 2?The i est or tu*.-tra tti tltu city ? iverturs 7.5 5?Katlil Linnei'? Bullet. "Th- Demon l-estival,". ?: 4_K.iy I'empli'ton in her in tdiey auecntlties. v.l: 6?Prolesaur Duvis aiti his i n.-. 9tJS ti?Ballet, entitled ' D iii-h des i'avsannes. H:li 7? Sotw, ".-weet -pint ' A.i^s Anarews lOtli 8?Stanley with Co'iilc ."'on.s iu:2: 9?Grand Polka italiet lu a 10?Prolea?ot* N<?>:i ami .>ti- 10:!C 11?Grand tr.vptisn Ballet 10:i 12?Final rableitu?"Home ot tne Fairies" li-ji. SAIL It tJ > Y .MAflN .1. AT 2 P. M. Box office open trocn i A. M. to It P. M KO BIN SON lis LI,. Wi'.DNc, DAY I VENIN'ii. May 19. Oraad Opening Mithi the uio-t cnjovaule Opera. GIkhFLi. GIROFI.a? ill i li^lish. witb un immense cast, a tutl und complete orclicctra and u most powerlul chorus. i he niosi 13111011-1 anu the inost aoptilar ot all Leoocg's wori.s. druw< rrcwdeiaiid dengutea audience* id Eu rope and Anii-'rica secure seats In advance. CtlBOKLE GIR'IFLA.? IN 1 NGLISU. X AT KOBIN'SUN HALL. WKDNE.iDAT, May 19. First clusi i roitpe. Srmo cruse lu goiUj to liear this charming opera in a'e you can un iera:anJ. It lias been suu< lu Frencu ami Germ in; now let us have It In KnillaH. SAN FRANTIStO MI.VBTBBLS'# BIRCH, AN FRANCIS O MlN>llii...S' f WAM HOLD AN! SAN K RAN CI O i MIN H?KLS'^> BU'kUS. NEW OPEka UoUSi., liroidvvav and Twenty-ninth st TUB GREAI ORIGINALS, whose success hits never teen equalled by any tlmlla: organization in the world. Till. ti.ic.AI BlRLt-.isOUE SPELLING Match ilo:ne iu a AuV . RT NIOHl SPELLING MAI. 11 | Rt-iiular FU.T VhltY NIGHT SPELLING MATCH <s> Wash fnv. ^>EY-RY NIGUf Kverytaltiir t'regn Place* secured. FAMILY MA1IN E OS SML'RjaY. AT H. ^ILMORL'3 CONCi-.RT GARDEN (late Baruum's Hippodrome). | P. S. GlkMORE Directa I This van structure has been converted, by an out,* moui expenditure ot money, into I THE MOST JUOXUriCtNT CONCERT OARDEN IN TH k WORLD. ' and will shortlv be opened to tliu public. Concerts will be Ktven every evening by ailmore1* Band of OSB HUNDRED PERFORMERS, : which is now the LAEQEST ORGANIZATION of tbo kind IN THE Wo LO, and will Incluie some of the most 1 i>Ol.OlSTi in this country and b vera I OkLKBRAti ii i.CROPEAX SOLOISTS NEVhR HiAKD IN AMERICA bus been in constant rehearsal lor these concerts for many in inths I-nil particulars ot the data of opening and the lnsutru ral programmes will be mven tu tuture advertisements (1BNTKAL PARR iJARI>;:N. TO-NlOHt. 1 HE;.Oil H THOMA ? I CHRIVALLKD elMMRii MO.ITS' CONCERTS, l bit WKDNI.sDaY KVi.NI.NQ, Miy 19 THE'>DOK i THOMAS' THIR.I ORANl* OUN> ERT Overture, Masauleilo Aober Fo ka Maiurka, i evil's oarnina Needle Strauss Invitation a In Dnii!" *?eber (Adapted lor orchestra by Hector Berllogi selection* trom I'liftntoa .""li p Waaner Km?r overture (tlrst time) Wertuiayei Romance in ti, op. *?) Beethoven Baiiet. 'Romeo and.Iuiet" Oouaotf (Written lor tae Royal Ooora Huuae In Vienna. Coronation Marrn arendset Wait*. Village swallow* straua scherzo, Reformation symphony Mendelssohn ' overture, William lell Roasiu ADMirietloN TIOKftlS. riF? V CK.NTS eacb: private boxes, $i *n l *2 i x ra Packages of 1! ticke s. $S. <>a.son tickets tor dngie gentlemen. $1); for lady and genticmen $2fl. __________ rpiVOLI THEATRE. KlUHTH ?TREET, 1 between Second aad Third arena#*, TBS PLACE OP THE CITT. THE M09T MAGNIFICENT IaRIETT I'ERFORMANOR ?VERT EVENIXO. JCDOS BV YOCKgELP ; ^Y'EBTON, 1 ha greatest wonder of the sge, now waikint at thi Rink. Doors open day an I night >duiis*ion 80c. A1 T ROBIk-oS H.vl.L. Oi iti i,.K QI rtoFI \-tn Kngllsh I sparkling, sentimental. laughable, underitandahla To be sung nni played In Kngiisti 1>y ? PIllHT i'm.-s ofr.itA iRi'LPF. kverv evening ana Saturday Matinee. with new and elegant scenery, painted expressly for the prod action ut thu de ighitui i>o r?. by Mr. Mm I' Moiujan. Themo't entertaining snJ amusing laughtsr-proroa lnti. sentimental ??nsa;lon o; th" dav. sale ot >??t? at the h ill and at necker's. S3 Cnioa square: tl M tl 5 c Proscenium Hoxes. t- and $IA PRVDIR COLE DRAMATIC R tillLS, AS.IO IATIi'N IULL. TRCRaDaV kvenino. May ? Tickets, 80c. K. HiOBlSHKK. Director. AIR DION BOLVIi'AlLT WILL P? Kt-OKM DCRINO Jjl the montti ot Mm tn Philadelphia. m>- win appear in Juiyattne Caiiiornia Theatre, la Kio Prancisco. on epremoer U, he will appear aa "Conn," In the "shsugnrsun ." at Ururv Lane .nes;re. London. Bow rv OPERA iinL SOI bowery. NEW Ml ICAL lllRLK.-Ql'E, IHi t APTl?*, i r. i t BIRD I'AUi uF KDKIT 9J specialty srtl?ts in a new an t brilliant Variety pro gramme .vminee.every luetday aad Pi I lay at2 J, r.M. MMR. MATILDA HERON, IN AN>WER To NCMER ou? lunuirlt-a bt>tr< reepectiMNr to sav thst her rest denes is l.tft Kant Ixteentli street, where she continues her dramatic instruction tor the stage 1|t V. WI LSI in WILL 01 ?> REaDINQI OP CHAR J? acter at i >>11111 in ? t ail. i!2 I'ult. n aveuu . Bro>ltlya Come ami hear him this evening, at 8 o'clock, sbarpt Admission a cents. ? COLONEL kINN'S PARE riibAiRK. BRUOKLYH. J inot'ier nr. it Bill tor the l.AUl S iaVORIIK REbOKT. TbKi E coMPAXIke i> o.<E BURLKSQCE. OLIO AM) OYMSAIlTIGL NIOUu \ AN U WKONESDaY AND SATURDAY M A l I.NhK, METROfOLITvN MCihUM OP Alif, 1:8 *Veat fourtaeuth (treat. New York. open daily, U) A M. to ? r. M. Mondays and rharsdars fr??. The anmver-ary bxhihition of the new York Institution tor the Blind, consisting of vocal ami Instrumental mu-ic.luer u- exercises. Ac , will b* held at Steiuwiy tiaii on Thursdsv evening. May ? 1871, cominencina at lo'eiock. Admission, itc. Bl RRT'iS OPERA U0CSE, rBIRl'Y-FOCRTH street, near i lord avenue.?f A BIS *Y 0A8L10HT. CAM "i and hark Oi.Vli. On K Mstinee* ?udoes. days and saturdsj *. Ladies tree Thursday night*. TWEMTT*tK?E.N'TH OKA.nD OR0 iN ( OW< ERT. 4ND last but one. Church ?>t tb? Holy Trinity, MadUo# avenue and i'ortv socund eirse; on wednasdaf. MiPJk ki? P. M. urgaoist, amusi P. Warren, ot Moiy Trmitf. 1 vocalist, MU? CwoMaua* Laaar, sopraa* Aemft I MoaMa.