Newspaper Page Text
THE NEW YORK HERALD. WHOLE No" 14,150 NEW YORK, THURSDAY, MAY 20, 1875.?QUADRUPLE SHEET. PRICE FOUR CENTS. DIRECTORY IClt AL'VLR USERS. aMC'sfiM KXTS?SixitaxTa licit?Fifth sail sixth col umn--. *61 ROI.i u>V?Fiktlkntii !'.*ok?-?ixt!? column. HJLLIAItb ?l-OLKn > >tii Pace?Sixtn' olumn. UUAKiU'.R ; Wa >'i. u-iimtsin Page?First sua M*oou t columns. tOAKu ,?N'D I.iMnllNU WANTED?Fikteerth Pack? Second column. BHOOK..V.N itKA!> ESTATE FOR SALE-Sixteissih Pick? C1r*t f iltituii. BI Bl.Mvs., OPPillllT.N ITIES?Ki-btrnth Hut. HI'SINKS"* Notices?Ninth Paub?sixth column. CITY P.i'AL EsTATK FOR SALE?Sixteenth Pagb? Fir.tC column. ILKKKi* AMi SALESMEN?'Third Page?Fourth col umn. CLOTHING?Firtui-xtn Page? Fourth column. 2UACHMKN AMI iHRDE.NEUS?Iuird Page?Fourth iiud Atth rolurun*. JOASI'A I.sK r?TK A V. SHIPS?FirrZEMTIi PAGS?Fifth and sixth columns. . SOUNiKY IU> ?i:ii? Fiitbk.xih Page?Second column. DANCINU ACADEMIES?Foobtmskth Paue?Sixth col umn. DBNTlwi'RY?Fiitbbnth Pauk?Sixth column. iiltY uOODS-First Page?sixth column. DWE. 1.1NU HOUSES TO l.K T, FURNISHED AND UN FURNISHED? ixtekxtb Pauk?1 hirii column. BUROP.AS a'l h A M.-Tl li'c:?Fiktxkntu Page?Fifth col umn. SXCMaA'UB?Foi'Rtrbhth Page??lxth column. LXCU K.-IOS'S?Fifteenth Pace? sixth column. FINANCIAL?Eleventh Pack. full ^ALK?Tuiwi Face?-lxth column. FURNISH KO i'.iiO.M.i AND aPaRIMENTS TO LET? KixTBiN'TH Pack?Third "lid fourth columns. f URN ITU l<E?First Pag i.?Third column. rSb.NCH ADVERTISEMENTS? Tuird Pace?Fifth col umn. 4ELP WANPLD-FEHALEti-TniBD F Aos-Second and third columns. HELP WANTED?MALES?1Third Pins?Fifth column. liOtt lis, c tRttiAOES, AC.?First Page?Third, fourth Bnd litth columns. HOTELS?Fiktkkntii 1'aue?-oconcl column. JIOUS 'S. ROOMS, At;., WANTED?Fourteenth Paob? 11 tin column. INSTRUCTION?Fodrtkrxth Pick?Sixth column. lihcrilKK hk *soM?FoonwestTu Pauk?.sixtn column. <OST VN 1< FOUMj? nut 1-A?:ic-Second column. iIaCHIN'ERV? j hihd Pack?sixth column. jl AKBi.K M ANThL.i-Tuiuo Paok?Sixtli column. ?) a IRIMONIaL? 1'insr Page?Sixth commu. MKUlCAL?Third Pace?Sixth column MILLI vERY AND DULSaM AK1NG?First Pag??Sixth column. MISCKI.LANEors ADVERTISEMENTS ? TwtLna Pach?Sixth column. MlSCELbANF ul>-1 irtutx rn Pagr?Sixth column. MUSIOAI.?Sivtkb.ntu Paok?Filth column. NEW PUULlCAi'IONS?Ni.vrn Paok? sixth column. PERSONAL?iinsi Page?First and second columns. PIANOFORTES. ORGAN'S, AC.?SIXTEENTH Fags? Fifth column. POST OFFICE NOTICE?Fibst Pjoe?Third column. rkOPOSALS? Fooutbknth Pack?Sixth column. fEOF.->hIONAL IT'CAHONS WAN TEU? FEMALES? Third Pack?Second column. fBOPKRTV OUT Ol- THK CITY FOR 8 VLB OR TO KENT?Sixteenth Pace?First and second columns, tEAL ESTATE TO KXCIJAN'OE?Sixteenth Paob?Sec ond ?nd third columns. CELIiJIuUo No i U.'K-?First Page? Sccond column. IEWARDS? Iirvt Pack?Second column. IALES AT A POTION?Fifteenth Page?Third and lourth column.". _ _ SITUATIONS V\ A NT ED?FEMALES?Skcowd Paob, and Third Pace?First and socoud columns. BITCAlIONS WANTED?MALUS?Tbibd Paob?Third column. . _ ... IPECi w, NOTICES?First Pagb?second and third columus. . BPOKflvC ?IJOGS, BIRDS, AC.?First Pagb?Fourth column. JUMMKK .liSORTS?Fijtienth Page?Socondand third columus. ?HE l K W>,-.S?Tnmn Pace?Filth column. THE TCKF?First Pace?Fourth column. IO LET Hit: MJSINESi PURPOSES?SrxTxxjrra Pagb?Third column. TRAVELLER ' GUIDE?Ftmwren Page?Sixth col umu. UNFURNISHED ROOMS AND APARTMENTS TO LET? ?UTEii.MH Pack?Fourth column. If ANTE ' TO PURCHA.-K?First Pace?Third column. WATCHES. JEWiiLRl, AC.?Fourteenth Paob?sixth column. IFESTCli sTER COUNTY PROPERTY "OR SALE OR To Ltl?Sixti'kntb Pack?First column. YACHTS. STEAMBOATS, AC. ?FogBiBxwra Sixth column. BEXNETT Bl'lLDMb. B KNNr.TT BUILDING. A FEW MORE OFFICES TO LIZ. DIBEOIOBY. Koorni. BASEMENT. 1?Lawrence A Co.. Bunkers. \ , , 2?J. N. buvre, Gi nclemeu's Furnlihlnj. S?H. 1). D'umont. Kattoiier. 0. W. fciuiiii. Law Bock*. 4?Tboinan M. Lynch, \> ill*.*. i u h in l. Irion. Cigar* 5? A. ii. uavciiport. Hatter. 6?Bauiu Jt Friedman. laliorj. Mils I STORY. Culet. Very eltcible lor Banking and Insurance. fcJ.C'iN D STOHV. I-McMahon 4 Morse. Lawyer* J?W. II. G'Divyer. Lawyer. A. Buckingham, Lawyer. T. ('. I'inrknay, I'utlin'ier. J?J. Uerrtck Henry. Lawyer. J. E. Ludden. Lawyer. 5?Northweitern Lite Insuranoa Compiuj. U S. benedict. Agent. 7?Homer A. Nolson, Lawyer. fcrastus Coo?.o, Lawyer. 8?Aii.eriM uard. Lawyer. (fnrt to lot) .?! / Chamber of Lite Insurance, J',1 f Charlton T. Lewis, : ecretary. 12?McCarthy * Chalmers. Lawyer*. li?Cook * Jias-au. i.uwytr* It. U. *ergusou. Lawyer. J. Al. I'avaottUih, Lawyer. U-M. W. Weld. Lawyer. International Co lection Assoclatlon. b. O. Ucrrickaou, Lawyer. IHItlD bTOBY. 11 Judge Sutherland. J ( f. M -< ott. l awyer. *?Fettrttch A tardwell. Lawyers. J. t. Hanson. Lawyer. fc?L. a. Bum. Lawyer. Ludley L. .lauiei. Lawyer. E. D.vamas. Lawyer. _ ? _ ??^iiortdan. Bonyuge, Cochran A McEwen, Stenog rapher* 6?I'-Iisiir Bloomer. Seal Estata. 0. H. Cook, Heal cstata. 7?Bri|t*s A Fellows, Lawyer* J. b Altken, Lawyer. 8?W. C. Irapbugen, Lawyer. C. Mattaews, Lawyer. W. li. Kvan. uwyuf. K. r. Gardner. Lawyer. It O. Wilson, Lawyer. W. Duraca. Lawyer. 9?F. I*. McFadden. 10? wiikuuun A Peier* Trustees of Estate of Whit*. Si ( Harrison A strong. Lawyers. 13 } A. E. Woodrulf, Lawyer. It?W. it. Berghoiz. Civil Engineer. Feliiam ana Portcluster Kaiiroad Company. i uuit; it siuitx. I?Thornton i Larle. Lawyer* 2 < ! d?ar Ketchuin. . ogi.-irr la Bankruptcy. 31 i.diiar Ketchuiu Jr.. Lawyer. ? ( henry Wehie. Lawyer. i t 8. suitau. Lawver. C. Ooliizler. Lawyer. >?. Fuehrer, Lawyer. 8?To leu 7?Ma* m< .t Crook, Lawyer* - Purroy A Buuel, Lswvur* U. H. Lawyer. ??Crary. Weiicr A -ctauck. Lawyer*. T. u'Hrlen. Lawyer. >?0. H. William* Lawyer. 10?Chauucey shelter. Lawyer. II?C It. Glover Lawyer. Fred. W. Kenny. Attorney and Counsellor. 1 Lock Wood A Crosby, Lawyer* Buliior. 1 awyer. FIFTH 8IORY. 1?L gkidmore, Lawyer. John D. Clute. 2? stuyvesant Bank Receiver. 8iV?akeman& Lattlng, Lawyer* e > T. B. Wateman. i-awjer. S^J. U Hoe, lawyer. 6? international i ublishing Company. .ro!e? Bcrr 7?Fit. h A Kltch. Lawyers. O. Knlier. Lawyer. I?Haseall A Stetson, Lawyer* t.. u. h ted man. Lawyer. #? oclety ii.r Reioi in*tioa of Jurenlle Delmquent* 10?< U. Mccle, Lawver. W. II. King, Lawyer. II?.1. P A J a. lt?ed, Lawyers II?Byrne, Ererett A Co., Lawyer* }^| Walsh, llalbert A Kekerson, Lawyer* SIXTH hTORY. 1?John Townsnend. Lawyer. A McUolson. r? R. Logan, .notch Granite, 41* t?U vv. t at peuter. Lawyer. ?> Otis T. Ilnli, Lawyer. ?( u. r. >Veiister. Lawyer. aefierson <:>arK, Lawyer. BJulin L. Knight. Janitor. t) M. F. Filer. Lawyer. #( t;. a. Lone. Lawver. smith A Dean, City ^nrreyor* t red. J|<Locki US* ?!? (01G. W. Vai ^iclen, Lawyer. U >T. U. Held win. Lawyer. U ) Charles o. Barrow, Lawyer. Feuton Itoikwell. Lawyer. J. A. Lydccser. Ke I Kstata. C. I- Lydeecer. Lawyer. . Ill Uenrr A. GUdereiceve, Lawyer. U J G. li. Carrlng. on, Lswyer. V. W. It.mpkin* Lawjer. T. H. Mliner. Lawyer. Two passenger elevators running all the tim*. I'KKMIXAI.. A FAMILY, WITI100T CHILDREN, DE8IRKS TO adopt a male Iniant, (rom b rth to one week old. Fur psrttculari can at the private Lyingin Institute, ISO Wfit Twenty slsth ?tre?u C^AD.-CTNAVOIDABlY DtTAlXEDi MEKT ME FR|. > aay night, at .?ati>e place, about 8 o'clock. A C. IpDLTON FKRBT BOAT. VKSTKRDAY MuRNING ? I ' Please loan me your Herald." Give addiese to HONOKABLK. bo* 1J7 Herald omce. H Qf-OXGIg COOUK SK.'.'L) HLR ADDRESS TO FOX, U an old friend, to the Fifth Avenue Hotel. OW CAN I GRT TO 00 TO THK BLACK HILLS! Address F. S. R.. box 174 Herald otBce. IF MISM i. ALLUN WILL VOMMCXICAT1 WI!H J. 1 r. p., Luton Club, she win hear from an old, esteeme i lrlend. J P. 8.?HEALTHY. THANK OOD. ~ N ^KTIKH AND KNCL08CRKH itECRlTED SAFE. ^ 1L COX CIRF. PIBI.-THE TORTOI8K. 18 OL'LPA bly slow. Wrue to tne?yea knaw wfcere. ____ GhORaR. DftETTT TKEtH?I HaVK LJtFT LEXINGToK AYE Hod ya* address lo M*raid peilsomi,. cunflower,?'voitrh i>k lain iti'xhiv' l): Y<>U i? ure ?tiil and alw?j? will be my uwn sweet ilurnuit little baby. i 'ill J. ALEXANDER PATTEN, AUTHOR, ple\sk call ?ml nee '<? J. DUFF, 11 ro-e stri-et, new York ? fjltill mrs. rxne SHIPLEY OF SAN ki: A m 'im '(>, ?? Mild her address to henry kt'lll,, !'u*t I'tllci*. li<' haii sometliibj important u> communicate to her uoui hur sister? w A jlkiilolot * \()t1('ks. LB bo's clash mektinfl, thursday kvk.n ings; Freo tabernacle Methodist r.piseopai ciiuroii, Thirty-fourth street. near eighth avenue . prai" . pruver, Friday evening*. 35't West Thirty-ixth street; mi-?es t'abiie and Hack will nresiile at organ. All welcome. CONFIRMATION at THE clll'rou OF ST. MARY i the ' iiuin, Went Fort> -111th street, near broodn *y, by the khiiit u?veret?d Blsnop 01 New york, on Friday evening. may lit, at t) o'clock. lost AM) poi sd. A NOTE AT FOUR MOM11-, drawn BY MESSRS, Miner Pope a (Jo., date l Bu r limit on. Vt. murcli 24. 1S73. lor si.s77 -5, and payable at tb? Fourth National Rank, New York, having been lost or stolen from us, notice ol lame and stoppage ol payment is hereby giveu. tULLET & CO., no. 85 !? rout street. ipoUND?a PAIR uk SPOTTED CARRIAGE DuOS; r owner can liave them l.y proving property and pay ing expenses. Apply to JOSEPH 11. bond, 24 cornelia street. New York. fPOUND?ox ssyrntv-PTFTH btbe8t, A RED ? sulky. uwnof can have it by proving property and paying expenses. J. CONXIUEN, 230 East Seventy-fifth street. LOST-BETWEEN THE istii an 11 Hill INST., several Letters in Spanish addressed to J. M. Pa/, from bogota. The Under is requested m send tltem to 52 Fine street and receive the thanks ul the owner. Iost.?pieci op rmnitoii>i:i!Y, on black j satin. The finder will receive 4.'> on leaving it with Mrs. SALMON, wniiiugniuid. at Hudson River Railroad depot, 'ihlrtietli street. Lost.?one diamond, between franklin and Walker streets or vicinity TUo fluder will lie lib erally rewarded by returning it to 17: and in Church street, first flour. Losr?a physician's visiting li r. if the tinier will return it to No. 2 uast Forty-tieveuth street lie will be suitably rewarded. LOST-on FRIDAY, MAY 14. IN i-IXTH avenl'e. a Purse, containing live 8j0 i>ius. The Under will receive u liberal reward by ?emliug the same to East Fourteenth street Lost or stolen?bank book, issued by the eamen's Bamc for savings. New York, to the sub scriber, nurah Mllinau. it not tuuu.l or returned to the bank within sn days ironi this date 1 will apply to the bank tor a uew book. her ELIZABETH X VAN VaLIEN. mark. New York, May 19, 1873. ^ rewahds. REWARD.?LOST, IN neighborhood ok iplu Grove and hu 1 son streets, i.lac; ami 1'an do^'j answers to name of Dixie; little luiae in hind leg ; red leather collar. Apply at 10 /? tiruve or 228 Washington street. $c/\ REWARD.?STOLEN from 211 WEST TWEN uu t>-first street. Monday, May X, one velvet sacnue, two black silk Skirts, wiili other ar Icles uf clothing iind Jewelry; $.r<n will lie pra.l tor the above named articles; no questions asked. address J. E. C., 21i West tweuty-Urst street. New York. SPECIAL NOTICES. Herald branch offices-. advertisements ri.t'iilved AT ALL HOURS ui* TO nine P. M? AM> NEWSDEALERS nl'PPLlED WITH HERALDS AT FIVE O'CLOCK !? ykih MORN 1no. AT 1 m broadway amj .'i30 .-1x1 ii AVENUE. BETWEEN thiitiy-UKST ani) thlml'Y- ECnND S'lrkelb; OFFICE upf.n ALL nkihi. baklkm okficli 2,iil THIRD AVENI j , CORNER OF 1241'lt stbeei; abvhrtiseme.sts received 10 7s30 P. M., AM) newsdealer*. SUPPLIED AT FIVE O'CLOCK EVERY MORNING. ? \ -A.-KENTUCKY KIKGLK XUMBEK DISTRIBUTION I For the Benefit of the University of Paducah. Claw E to be drawn at Covington, K\\, on SATURDAY, Mar 29,1675, curtain or money refunded. Gift* paid In lull at tills office. Imft of a) 0001* r0j?J lgift of ROuOl* lu.u*) 6 girt* of 9.000 are iS.iHjO lu gitu of 2,.'0u are ?Mj gift* of are f-O.OOJ aogmtof Ware SS.uuo 5uglft*of ? 2S0 are lz.5.0 100 gift* of 1W) are 10.OJO APPROXIMATION GIFTS. * gift* of $3,000 apprnxlmntlug to $ XI.OiU gift are.. $12 CO) 4 gill* ot 1.625 approximating to 2H.0 ..'J x i r t are.. 65H) 4gih?o( 1.000 ? ppioliinatiui: to 10,000 gUt are.. 4,000 5.0UU ?HUot $IU are tJ.uOO ft,280 gift*, amounting to , (300.000 Whole tlckcts, $li>; halves. quarters, $J SO. At tlie solicitation ot niauy ot our patrons we have examined cartiully the Puducan charter tor tho benellt ol the Lniveriity of Paddcah. and miding it aiuhorlzinl by the Legislature ot Kentucky ami lair ann liberal in Its character nave accepted an agency under it. and now offer tbe ticket* lor sale at ibis otiUc A member ot our firm will be present and superintend tbe Drawlnz, which will be In public and ire* o ail. Addraaaall orders for tickets un t Informanon to TUOMAs H. UAi A CO.. M broadway. New York city. A -ISAAC O. BOt'CE, SG7 BROADWAY. LAWYfcR. . Notary, Commissioner Divorces obtained prompt, ly. without publicity. Cause*?Desertion, incompatibil ity, habitual drunkenness, intMulitv. Inhuman treat ment, conviction ot lelony. I'atsnorte obtained. A CARD.?WE RESPECTFULLY ASK THE ATTFN lion of the ladies of New York to our Vienna Ball Cologne. Its dellcatc pertume will, we aaro prophesy, please ana surprise tne most tastldious. I.r sale by ail druggists. K. r. DREXEL A CO., A -HAVANA LOITM'.V -Si- \ r DltAWING MAY ? 28. Gorman government iirawln**. Prizes cashed and lnlormaUon given. W ACHSMANN, A CO., Uaukers, 75 and 77 Nassau street. ^>-1 ..flic but VUfc A-KKNTUCKY STaTK lottery single num. . ber, Havana plan, draws May :j i?.KJaHX1 ca?h gins. Tickets, $10; halves, $5; quarters, #- itfr eighth*. *1 .5. Circulars tree. P. C. DEVL.IK, sutloner ana geucrai agent. 30 Liberty street. New Yorfc. A -SODA WATER. MINKKAI. WATERS. GINGER 'Ales, sparkling Wines; manufacture of complete outfits ot Apparatus and Materials, with full instruc tions; all department* of manufacture, bot.'ling find dis pensing ; exclusive Ktabu lu desirable territory; cata logue* free. JOHN M A ll'Hh Ws. K.rst avenut, twenty. ?lxtli and Twuntv seventh streets. New York. ALARGRLY INCRKA91NO NUMBER OF SOCIETY and public tmgers and speakers ot Boston protect tbe vocal organs iroin sudden changes by th* prepara tlon (mailed at 80c. i from the URE1se.LA AGENCY. box 1,667 i'oit office, boston, t'ass A -ROYAL HAVANA LOTTERY. . Drawing* every 16 day*. Next drawing May 2A One Prize ot $l u.000 One Prize of 5>> 0 ? On* Priae of 2\ O Two FrUes ol $10,000 each 30.000 One FrUe of i.M Ten prixes of tl.OOOeach 10.00 626 other prize*. amounting to. 27.000 Prize* cashed. Circulars, with full particular*, sent free. F. a DEVLIN. etationrr anl Ucner*I Acent. 30 i iberty street. New York. A ?OFFICIAL DRAWIN06 Or THE KENTUCKY Mate and Sholby College Lotteries. ax?ivca? iraTx. ii?m oui ^7ft?mat 19.187E <9. IS, 60. 1. M. 46. to. f> 10. 51. JA ?, n ?$. -RBI.BV. SZTBi CI ASS 91?Mar 1?. 1?7.V T2, 64. 46, II. U, 14, 47, <? %< 36, 23, 20, 31, SL sfcsicrxv. CL4IS :;u?WAT li IS7S, 46, M, II, S, 9, 17 . 44, 54. ?#. 57. 5B. ?, 46. 61 ??star, clam 302?hit 1#. 187& ??V h ,il; J7, 66, ?, 71, 60. 10. 15. 5\ SI. ??. i * to. .Managers, Covington, Kv.. Fo*l office box 1.761. New York. A-FARK-f, EMERSON * CO.. AGRSTS FOR s Kentucay State Lotteries, drawn daiiv Royal Havana Lottery, Jriwn evorv i"r daya Kentucky fingle Number Lottery, drawn Mst If, 1S71 Frtxes raslieil. Iniormatioti lurnisned and circulars sent by addressing I'AIIKh A i'u., M) Broadway, room A -AUTHORIZED AORNT i Kentucky mate Lotfries J. ( L>U'i.'J) Broadway. BOOKS a.vd accounts invkstioatkd. bal ancel and closed bv an efficient accountant ; term* fixed by tub or day. Aadrese R.. box 3.432 Post o.Tice DRBILITY BROUGHT ON. BY IN DISC HK 1 IONS cu.*ed by HKNRY A. DANlltLS, M. D., 144 Lexing ton avenue, near Iweuty-nlnth street, and ail Kludrod diseases of man tpeedUy and radically, oiuoo hoar* trom 8 to 1 DISKASRS OF MEN AND IMPORTANT MEDICAL and Surgical Ca*e? a specialty. HKNRY A. DANlkLs, M. i?u 144 Lexington aveniio, near Twtnty ninth street Office hour* from 8 to 3. EX. WILSON WILL READ CHARACTKR AT RE . psibllcan Hall. 63 West Thirty-third street, this eve ning at 6 o'clock, sharp, andor the control ot Spiritual influence. Admission 60 cente. HAVANA LOTTERY.?$49.1.000 IN FK1ZE3 EVERY fifteen days. one prize of tlun.tA*) one prize of S61.000 onecr.z of 25.000 Two. SlO.OiS) each *).noO One prim ot 6.0110 'en, 81,000each iu,i*H 111 pn?**.$5u> each. ? >V0 7i&. S3 1 each 2li,50U Prizes cashed, circulars of information iraa. highest price paid tor Spanish gold an I Governments T. B MAtiilNh.Z A 1 ii? Bankers, 10 Wall it (rttr ba*emont), N. Y. Post office box 4,666. HAVANA LOTTERY. $48^,000 distributed in prlae* May 25. 1 Prize of $100,000 1 Prize of w.twu 1 Prize of 2.\0U) 2 Frizes, each of $lo.u0u 20,i?i0 1 Priz* ot 5.000 10 Prizes, each of $1.030 10 onp oiher Prizes, amounting to 27<*,o> 0 Circulars of information finnlshed free frder? fined. Prizes cashcd. panlsh Bunx Notes, Doubloon* and governtucitta purchased. TAYLOR A CO. Hankers. II Wall streot. Now York. TTAYAKA LOTrEllY?MAY tli $4<W.0J0 IN FRIKE$| XT osrman Oovarnnient IxitMrlea: toiorm?tion given. Baown k lRKl, V> Utiu ana U Broad Street*. Uttma U tfaa ? Mi Fast offiea. HPECIAI* NOTHK.S. H" ? ROYAL HAVANA LOflERY, KKNITCKV. . Kentucky M-te Lottery. <.rrmun uov.-rnm-Mit I...11.'-iit--. I' st offlrii box 5,491. C. iHEODOR zscii .OH. No. ilu Nassau street. K??800,000 CASH (j IFTS. Whole Tickets, $1 Kentucky fltaio single Number Lottery. oa Havana ill., .v ii Muy IH,'.r.. Circular* writ ri'e. i'.uik-, liMBlt.stj.v .t i .... Agents 1*0 Broadway . rout* i. 1'os. ol'.lco t> >x 5,272. K?OFFICIAL DKAWiXi. OF THE KENTUCKY . Htal** Lotteries, siM tons :>j< Kl.NsoN, a < Manager*, twuu'lt. kxica (i ?x? so. SS-mi 19. 187 j. 07, 21, 4-1. 8:, 30. 14, 01 oil. J. 42, 3, *ctiStMO. 336?MAY 19, 1675. 18, 64, 50. 10, i? .. '.S. a. III, 51. .1 73, 4 . Him, Blliu 'LA'S go. 4"i ?IIAV l>. 1875. 15, 51, 5, uO. 21, ' '. 53. J j. ,-1 40. 22, 7. >:?nuv. CT.AsS no. 4.2? m* 1<J, i*75. 11, 38, 4. i>. OS, 71, 15. 4'S. 81, 43. H. 04 5t, 50. roll inlor i>v applying to or addressing CLL'TK. aji B'wuy. Unit lioor, rear ottlce, or 1*. 1?. B. 4.20U. K? SIMMONS. r>H K1F&ON 4 CO.'.-t CiRAN'D ? month iv distribution ui' the Kentucky Stale l.ot t TV, 1)11 Havana plan :o be drawn Muy 29; awi ltuvnl Havana of Cuba, drawn liav -?>. t*uil information by up ? lying to or add routing J. CLUTE, Authorized A,oui 200 runaway, or Puf-t utile j box 4,903. Kentucky .-t r. lottery. uavaSa plan. Mutinous. Diclunson A Co., Managers ?Next draw ing, May 39. for ? irculara and information aidress UKOUCii II. BOOTH, Manager's Ajjeut, 73 Nusaau street; Post office box 3,037, Sew York. LORD 4 I AYI.UR.cSRAND AND CII!IY II - I'H K i'TS. English bodv uruasfl- $1 50 and $1 75 English and American tapestry $1 DO aud 1 12)j OPFI0JC 07 TUB VBW YORK MUTUAL GASLIGHT company. No. 30 Union sauarc, northeast corner of Fourth a\enue and sixteenth t reat. Ni w Yoke, May 1?, 1875. At a meetin? oi the stockholders of this Company, hold Qua (lay, the loiiowing nauiod gentlemen wore unani mously >. icoted Director* tor tlie ensmug year:? k. <;ai:ki.-on, worg;-. j. fourew, C. VANUERBlLT. WILLIAM i'. HoY, JOSEPH H ARK Kit. Oil ABLE-I PLACE, ANDREW V. .VTOUT, WILLIAM R. GARRISON, JObl'.l'Ii HKLU.MAN, AllTlll'.: LEAKY, JullN 1\ K.AMillV, C. VANDER1IILT. Jr., JONATHAN TflORNrf, ROBERT J- CKAU't oflD, J. P., FOR I). l.AWRiNCE WivLLS, and for Insoootoraof the nexi animal election:? ROBERT M. CALLAWAY, MORTIMER WaKO, H. L. HAIUHT. CHARLES PEACE, retreiary and Treasurer. PHOTO-LITHOGRAPHY AND LITHOGRAPHIC I'rintiinr. of every description, done at low rates by tlin METROPOLITAN PRINlI.SG COMPANY, 21a Broadway, New York. OUM.MING UP O OF THE BEECHES TRIAL 1'O-NIGHT IN 1 HE EVENINti TK1.EGRAM. THE PEOPLE'S PA LAO K. INDUSTR1 or ALL NATIONS. PBRP - IU4L BAZA Alt. WORK IS ABOUT lO HE COMMENCED on what will be iho boat and largoat exbibltiun building In the world. THIS STUPENDOUS EDIFICE 1* to be erected on the tiithe-i groan it within the limits of New Yor?. city, and m a ultu uion ?o accessible that it will be the report of the hundrcun of tiiuusanda of siraugerj who continually tnrong Ui* city. THE 1 M-> L m'UIAI. PA I ACE ivll! bo a bazaar for tlio di-plsv aud *alo of the luanninct^cs and me woe lis of art of tOa World. It will have every advantage that can arioe trom central location, ample size, huiistancid building* and permanent facilities for presenting toiho lK.ticu oi uio public the merchandise which will bo dis plitye l in ir. THE itIs NoW NO DOUBT pft ha completion of this P lace ol Industry by the tiuio of the close of the Ceu teunlal Exhibition tn Pbiladelpnuu Many ot the rarest ol the wares in iimt exhifi.tiou will be translcrre.i to tin*, with additions trom their various manufacturers, and with arrangemeats tor permauancv. THE MANeyACrURBKinventors and artists of the world are interested in the prosperous maintenance ot this Industrl .1 t'alaoe. as it will ailorn them ?uen oppor tuuities as have never Doen adordod by any <d the world's te mporary exhibitions, however large, costly, elegant or ?u''"i >~tul. For a reasonable sum every pro prieter oi every description o: v. orks of useiuinesH or of art will bo able lo secure the space needed for the dis play or his productions As the builrtlntf will ooonpy an area of overacres, with .1 height ot seven stories, tl:n variety of wares on exhibition will be greater than ever gathered und> roue roof. An A MEANS oe' INSTRUCTION and entertainment for the public tlie industrial Palace will be without e.|iial on the lace of the earth. Manufactures ot every de scription, models ol every pattern of Ingenuity, painting uuil sculpture ot everv grade ot beauty will present such rnean< of education as no schools or colleges could ever brtn .' together. THE Pt OfLE HATE AN INTEREST in this edncn tionnl palaco. Therefore, In the is-sue of tne PKK.MIL'M MORTGAGE BONUS tbo plan haa been arranged sons to allow everybody to pariicipato In toe work. The issue of Bonds in the >nui ot ?i_" euablee cverynody to own. at least, a bond. For n lull description ol these i;or.d* and how to obtain them apply by mall or in person at the temporarv .ifB'c ot ilic INDUslRIAL EXHIBITION COMPANY, 07 University place. New York. The "Bkebk range," th ?. best and chi:ap e?t cooking apparatus for taiullle?; price reauced to 955 for No 1, large*. family size, including wutar bsck and setting Orders tor repairs sent by ma.1 pr.rnptlv alien.led to. Mode and warranted by JANES 4 KIR'i LAND, No*. 8, 10 and 12 P.eade street. QZt\ nnn CAPITAL PRIZE?KENTUCKY STATE iJOU.UUU Lottery; sliwle numbers; Havana p an. l raws Muv 29. $ jiU.OWcasli gitts. 'Iieket?.$i0: halves, f5; quarters, $i 50; eighths, $1 .5. Circulars free. P. c. DEVLIN, Mationer aud Agent, 36 Liberty street | 000 -KENTCCKV STATESINGLE $ii00.UUU. numbers; Havana plan. To be drawn May 29. 1-475 Liberal discount to clubs. B. NA.UAN, No. 4Gllsey Building, Corllandt street. Aonn /Wlfk ?KENTUCKY SINOLB NUMBRR VOUU.UUU, Lottery; ilraws Mav ^9. Forrlrcuisrs or Information In all legalizei Lotteries address ElttK 4 CO., 1,267 Broadway, room iA 177 ?KENTUCKY 8TATF, LOT I O. I t I OU. tery. 'elrneray combination. Drawn e^ory day atCovinfion, Ky. 'lickets, $10, $5snd $<60. Liberal discount to clubs B. naiHan, Agent, No. 4 Gila.'v BuiMing. Corllandt street. NVw York. rui'l Ul'M< l*> .lUIUG. POST OmCR NOTICE.?lUK MAILS FOR EL'ROPH lor ilia acrt ending Saiunlay, Mar 2J, 1575, wilt ciott at tlitl office a* follow*:?On Tuesday at 12 11.: mi Wednesday at U M., on 1 liur*u*y at 11 ;3> I M., and uu haturday at II -X) a. M. and 13 M. T. L. J AME-, f. 11 _ KV KVITI' UK. * ?Wt.KK.LY AND MONTHLY PAYMENTS FOtt 21> Furniture, Carpet* atid Bed mi*, at H. M. Cow. PKKTHWaXT A ' O.'j, lto and 167 Chatham afreet An imtueusa stock ami low price*. * LARGE aSsORI'KESV OF CARPETS, FCRXI A tore ana Bedding, at in?e?t cash price!*, atO'FArt. K?Ll.'-< extensive <al??rooui?. 410 KigUth avenue, be tween Thirtieth and Thlrty-flrtt afreet*. i urment* taken weekly or monthly. A NO. 1.?PARLOR BEDS, AT -NITH'S PARLOR Bed Depot. 43 ha*t Thirteenth street >ota. Bnreau and Bookcase Bed* for caih or on ltutalnienta; also far lor Mitts. ___________ Aurkat sacrifice.? UJMBlgtQMXt l\test | atvle *atin brocade farior Milt nearly new, for only$li>; Mine Anto.netta itvie, fcu. I'iaiiotorie, bio catclanl rep suit*, S9u and $ 3. Carpet*. J74 lots; Par lor, chamber. Dining Furniture: Silverware, leta than halt coat. Residence, 1US bait Thlrteeutii street, near Fourth averrne. Auction and piano warerooms, s?and*i lia?t Thirteenth "treat??'ornliure. Carpet-, Par | lor -nit*. Bedroom .-eta. W*rdrobe<.*. Kxien S sion Tables, Buffet*, Iiall Stand*, Planoa, Ac., at private : *ale, at auction price*. j A PRIVATE FAMILY WILL SSLL, F )R IMMK.DI- ! ate cult, richly carved farior suit in diinult tat In and brocaiel, coat JTii, fnrt-'OO; do.$i&);7Vj octave I stainnay 1'iano. 92M: Parlor rabies Hookcases, Writlnx ! Dealt*, Library Table*. Turkish ?'nit. $iuO: elaborate ' and pialn Bedroom-ets, consittmg inlaid and Kilt B?i suaJs, nr<**ma Cane* Cointaode*, Watnatand*. Ac., ?10 and *1.5. Jingle Bedstead*. Bureau*. Iialr and spring Matfreme*. rep and haircloth Suit*, $..4 S4J; intension ' Table. Buffet. t:h lira in leather; Mlverware. t-a*v Chairs. Lounge*, Oil fainting*, imported "room*. Car* peta. Ac. N. B.?A positive chance Call, Ave *tory lirown ttone private residence Mo. 47 West 18th at, between 5fh and t>th art \T 1?) WEST 2SD StKUET, BE TWEEN ItU AND 7th avenue*.?A private family, declining home keeping, will scd all their city made Furniture. Ac ? iiamely, Grand Duehe** and Pompadour Drawing Room ~nlt. covered in crlmsou, h!ue and .liver satin. cost $j o, ler $JU0; one do.. jlAOi Marie Antoinette Knit*, colored rep*, coat #3 s). tor $,'St plain Suit. >40 Bedroom >-uit. witn ureising case*, co*t #400. for ??#; one do.. $KK);wainm nit, W?; Pianoforte, co*t 9850. tor IJJO, Moo,, ( over. Ao~i Aronzsa Oil fainting*. Buffet, exten sion*. Chair*, silver Ware. China Ware. Ae.. Ao. Will be noid In large or small lot*, to auit parch i?er*. for ea*h. N. B.?Call before purchasing. ID WeitXM street A RARE OPPORTUNITY FOR HOU~KKERI'ER& a private tamiiy niu aell, at a sacrifice, their ele gant llouieloid i- urnitnre, Ao., magnitlcent la'.ett atile farior suit*, in tann con $000, lor 1200: one. ?-o urm a tei and ren "at#, $7>, ISO fU Carpet* fainting!, Chrome*. Bronze*: Planoiortn. roar roand corner*, lull agraflV. be<tcitv maker, $J9o; alao Chamber set*. Bed stead. Drv??iiig Cfite. Bureau*. Mattreteei; Library, Dining and Kitchen Furniture. Ae. Oail. tor one week, at private retiaeace %i Kaat it., near Broadway. Bed*. Be.idiug. Ao. Payment* t.iaen by the week or month. Term* easy. KF.Lf.Y A COM corner of Twenty 41fth ?treet and I'lath avenaa. TJtClI MKW AND SECOND HAND PDRNlTt'RE; XV Plana, Carpet*. Ac., at private sale, at suction price*. M. E. FAVOR' * Auction Borne. IS hast Four teenth *treet n. ar Chlckerlng'*. Call K.aamlne. ?ee. ?nOBEWoOO WARDROBE. HaTsTAND, PARLOR .-ult. Bedsteads hair Mattre**e?, roeewood and other Tabic*, Oil I'alnilhts, rironiea. feather Pillow*. Wash. ?tanda. Bureau*, k 1 lLI-.i-.>'?, 33 Ka*t Tnlrteeuth itreet. Ca*h and inaiatmeota Cfl nna IS01.LS FRENCH OOl.D PAPERT1 *NO OU.UUU ing* at SCo. uer roll; .W.iXIO roll* at I2r?. J. W. coa IKS. 981 Hudson street WANTED lo FtrHCHAfrK. 4 NY PARTY HAVING THE FTXTUKF,' OP A Moi XL arate ?i?;*d tea store in good order to aell at a sacri fice can And a cash buyer by addre**inf NKIituo, ileml.i oft co THE METROPOLITAN PMNTtNO KsTaBLISHMENT I* at Broadway, iu the Heraid Building. Wanted to pobcha?r-a small printino Yl Ofllce. Address'. H . boa 5,fl>7 Post ofBce WAATJID To pubchaar?onk ok two tuiikimb t? or AaminMtef Unas, or almilat Carjeta, In good stt?*js*y^KW5.ii'. isstt ? QAIFETJ, HPORTIKG?DOCS. I'.IIIM, <S-C. \ ?K"U SALE-ALL KIND-' OP FANCY H008. 1 .1. Ktrria, ,ir : Medicines fur a'l ?! ; 1 're fi irod i Food Sor 1110 eking birdi, lit 15.0. DO* KV'-S. No. 3 Ore-ue i street, near Can.ii. ; SITIER PI"!'S OK TIIK PUREST HP.EBD, ! I ~ix Ncwloundleu 1 pups from luum inn'h freed, ( hbiok and taus. -Scotch and >kv?s; nit <iog? ot all breeJa; waicll Uoiia oi nil breeds n.r irirtl givt 11. II. <. Alt itNt. H, 111 South Kllth avenue. | TTARItY JENNINGS, DEALER IN Al.L KIKIM OP ' I 1 Imported img*. Fowls. Ferrets. Rabbits. Ac.? Matio FUfii m !?i>. 6'Jo. per box. Dogi boarded and cured ai J'Jl p.roome street. CPORl'SMEN.?WAM'ED, A LONG U V N <; !? HEM IMG- j O ton or ? narp's Cree imoor KMk*. wiih l?tc?;* improve menu. AddreuOREEUaOOS, Hcrab I ofltee. THE Tl KK. \ UCTION AM) FRENCH PjUOLH SOLD EVERY J\ luorninif at 10 and evening at 7. at tlie Ne.W YOKE 'IL'itK EXCHANGE, 1ft Wfit '1 weutv-emlitli street, on the running races at Louisville, Ky. ; ulso on the trots at Fleetwood Park. FR K.N I 'll POOli.i uPK.n at 7 A. M. and close at 3.15 P. M. SPECIAL ATTENTION PAID to commissions bv mall or telegraph. KNTltlkS AND RESULTS received from special cor respondent by telegraph. KblXY, ULISS A CO. Auction and frknch pokes sold on tiie Louisville, Kentucky aud Fleetwood Park races; alio on base Pall matches, at -aML's LI.S' Billiard House, Washington sirect, Brooklyn. Entries and re sulia received by telegraph. Stock Indicator in rooui. FOWLER * WlNCtl Kl.L. H? FRENCH AND AUCTION POOLS SOLD THIS . evening an.I every morning and evening during tin-, meeting at Johnson's Pool Rooms, corner ot Broad way ana twenty-eigntn str'-eta, on tiie i.uuiilng Racos ut Louisville. Ky. (!!iree races each day/: pa ticular attention paid to all orders by man or messenger. lull returns each day by Western Union Telegraph office at rooms; Pool Kvom open at 7 o'clock A. M..: French Pools close ot 3:1ft I*. M. W. II. ? T. K. JollNSoN. ivjEW DORP CLt'B GROUNDS. STATEN ISLA.NU ? The purse for ?lft? lor Saturday, May K2, is tilled, j'bo following horses have entered:?Ellis A. Campbell enter* bin. g John &, Charles a. Denton enters b g. Whalebone. John 8. Harris enters br. it. VVa t Stafford, D. It. GalT enters b. g. t'exter, B. D. Brown enters ell. g. Tnorn Nie, John Ward enters b. k. Laura D. II the weather is stonny the race will be postponed to Satur day. May '*J. Eutratice to grounds, ftJo. I>. K. KVe.uS, Propriotor. PROSPECT PARK, SATURDAY, MAY M.?THH great pigeon chootlng match, between Paine and EogardtU, \vul lake place as above ; match l'W birils each, 3D yards' rife. English rules. S-'. rjo, 2 f. M. sliarp. CPaiNO UKETINU. FLEETWOOD 1'AltU. MAY O 20, 21, 22. i rott dk commences :j o'clock sharp, each d?v SECOND DAY?THUHSDA*, May 2U.?Pursegtl,500; 2 I'll cl ins.?Jtinu Trout, b. g. Haviiand; Wright ? Nor cro"?. bik. s. Lothulr; John . Doty, br. g. Wlndeuiire: M. Rod en, br. n. J uines li. i oleuiau: lsaa.' Bernatein, r. g. Walter; John Murphy, br in. batlv Datilman; itiomas O'Connor, bit. g. Hiac ; Prluee; Moses Whipple, b. in. j.ady VWiite: Daniel Mace. blfe. h. Arthur: Tliomaa ?. liu*nc, br. g. Joo Clark; 0. W. Mitchell, b. g. Ouorge li. Mitchell. .No. ??Purse $1,01*); uoubie teams.?II. A. Mam, Carrie ' N uud I^adjr Woods; W. S. l'houis. Phil O'Nell, Jr.. and Fred. I'yler; Peter Mauee. Canterrello ami Gideon; Alex. Paterson, Laay llurnliam and Kourth ot July; James Go.uinx, Darry spanker and Ned Forrest; Darnel Mace, Lennle Case aud I ucle Bill. THIRD 1).\Y. No. 5?I'nrae $1.53ii; 2:^4 clais.?John Trout, a. m.* vstntmau: H. S Wright, bPc. *. Ne 1 Korresi; Bfnlamln Mace. b. m. Lenule < ase: W. S. i liioim, r. Fred Tyler: M. llodin, s. l>au Brvaut (for merly Reserve): J^.hu Murphy, b. g. Mat tanner; Isaac Wood run. b. k. CatskUl; (ieortre V. Whitson b. m. l'.iu Itne ; it. J. Anderson, r. m. Kosu Sonber^ ; mrnm Howe, D. g. Pi iucn; A. B. De llart, br. m. itaunaii I'; W. U Trlmnle. br. m. Zephyr; J. OoU>uilili. b. in. t'.IHe Dean. .No. ti?UO; -:Jl cuss.?Benjamin Mace. vv. g. Crown Prince; Tliomaa O'Connor, b. g. George; William H. Har rison, s. m. .-lisle: II. Kelly, br. g. Tanner Bor; Daniel Mace, br. g. Vanity Fair: J. C. i-ckersoti. b. a. Everett hav; Northorp A Martin, b. g. Mystic: W. C. irimblc, s. in. MUSIC; Charles s. (iieen. s. u. tiecirge II. Dtuleis. Fiji RTH DAY.?Ni7?Purse #l.t*ii; 8:SJclass.-James Doiurey, g. m. steepr -Murv; A. Vapfierbllt, b. m. Katie Hughes; J. P. GUoert, bit. ui. Little Dorm; Alex Patter son. b. g. William Walsh; Robert ih irnton, b m. Vesta; T, 11. hephord, b. m. Roue* Robert Dempter, ch. g. Simon; Joun S. llakur, b. in. Geneva; J. Goidsmub, s. g. Rescue. No. 6? f'u.-sn $3,000 ; 2:20class.?Ben) Mace. g. g. Hope ful: M. Ho. I en, b. g. Henry; John s'plan b. g. C'hlet; Daniel Mace. b. g. -ensition. Me wards of the meeting?Mr. SheppirJ F. Kcapp, Joseph l*.illoiT, is. A. Mill* F. 1. Barker. Edward Kear ney, John 11. Ilnrb.-ck, Jr.. >arauel 1'ruesdell, U, Ferri gun. Jaiu. s Wallace an t Arthur Glllender. No Kentleman allowed lit the ladies' iccllon of the etaiol stand unless in compauy with a lady. All mem ors must wear their badges. Special train leaves Grai.d Central Depot ft 2 o'clock; also train at 11:4U A. M. aud 2:10 p. M. ADMISSION $1. JOHnson J COS., Proprietor!. Dintrs Ti'-lmi*. Snperiutenaent. In case ot postponement dags will oe raised on Sturt*> ?ant and t>rower Mouses. rrtitOTTlNO AT FLEETWOOD.?GO TO FLEETWOOD 1 Park Boarding and Ltvwrv .-.tables 30M West Fitly. Mconj street, tor Carriages and light stock to attend to* races. G. WIGGIN.-, Proprietor RUBSE8, CARlllAQHS. ?C, A?SfLLIN'O OCT PTOCK.-DOCTOR'S PHAETON, ? extension too Parx side bar Bugirtes, tOt> and no top hxnresi. Grocery, rfeker aud light Buu sieas Wayous. three-quarter l'rucn. Ji3 IIudson street. a family carriage icabrioled to le sot.n 2\ (Jl&j> very choap lor want ot us*'i (wo Ktu; used With one or Wo b.irses ;_POU: and sBafts. all comii.M. is It IXi--1 I', owner, 111 Wen Koriy-tounU street. A -MAJOR rilAU. W BARKER ANNOL'NCBs MR. ? ffhbl.bV P. b tLCIl'b (of as Blackstoue street, Bos ton, Vuu unequal! -J sule ol celeurateo amMhe fastest rri '.n t A ? I MN Itr.lII) TRi' Tl i.KS ever offered to the public, to take place at B VRKKK A S^'M I it Auction Mart sn.t New Vork fa iter nail's, corner ot t>roadway and Thirty-iimiti street, on TUESDAY, JUNK 1. at 11 odock. iv.enty-Uve head of the t .<tert in Atnt .ca, with and without record. S'ock will arrive at too Mart Jli iuur?4i?v. May 27. and wll. be on exhibition up to tail'. Mi Baldi desires everybody to couie aod ride ScUlnd and test the speed audflri viou qualities or any of ttie ttock before ibe aale Pedigrees, speed aad all rcprasentutions gu;rauu-?d. Posture ly no pri vate offers entertained. Cat?lo;ti:e.?Gray Mare Ghristin?. by General Knox ii\ nanus blyb, 7 years olj : can beat iAl Urav (Jeldiug Amerii-an Boy. by Young America, 15'j high. 7 year* old; caa trot In 2:4 Chestnut uiaro < barlo.te, by i.Uiaii Allen, i*?i Bigb. . yoars .1.1. can trot .n 2N4, siugl" or double. nay gelding Cotton PicXer. bv KtMll Uien; li'ibigh, 7 yes oid ; can beat 1:40, and drives elcrentty with Charlotte htbati Allen Bell.;, by Ktlian Alien, 4 years old; can trot in 2 :i.\. Bay sealing Ha rowiue. full br the r to < outee, or Daniel Lambert, l&S nigh. # Vi-ars old; can trot 111 2 35. Bay gelding Bu let. bv Daniel Lamoert, I3)s? high, 6 year-oil, eauBeat2;tf. CkHnot Molding Christopher tolumbus, got by Young Columbus; U', htw'h, ? years o 4; can b*it 2 .57. Bav K.idin.r Gtiub, l4'4 '.ign, i ye ir- old, oan trot In 2;t , Bnv uiaie Ci garette by Itysdvk's Hauitdetonisn, 14*4 h.;h. II years old. MU totaling. Bav mare i.ady Clav, by Mewart's Cas.iu- M. nay. n>H high. ? year? o.d; cad trot close to I:li. Roan Marc Pepper and -alt. bv Lewlston Boy. 15 high, 3 years ?d: <an irot In Itfci. Iiay Mare Lady Alnn, h.v : thau a,leu. M high, 7 year* oia; trotted over Besc ,n Psrk tlu* mouth a halt wile ml;i4. BayGelJ Inn Tadpole by Winthrop Morril. 16V bn:Ji, 6 years old; c in beat 2:15. Bay Mate vrs. ( fcfiian Allen, 13 vears old; can rrot in ?:1i. Brown Mare I'no. by Kvs .ivk's llaiabletoaun, IS i.urti. 8 years old; hAMhotvn ouarters in SjS second*; rati sister to Jos. Hsrm-r'i Juno, urar (.K-idlni only, by To am America. 15 h Kb, 8 vears old ; cau trot in 2:*u Bat Ucldltiii i rcsideut, i(> htirii. ti years old; ran beat i 30. Ba? Mare Lady Bro iks. 6v Imp. Ralrownle, l'>'? bUb; can tr>t ia 5 min utes. Brown UeldlBft Allen ivnox. bv ileneral Ktios. ist? high.5 years old; can beat i:t&. v. liestuui Mars Ulne bv Hicnory Jack, 14|f hiah, tyearaold ; can tro*. in t:M; is the tull aister to Limm Keeler. lb. world lamoua caeetnut ??elding License. I5<^ high, 15 years old; has a record ol 1-.M i i harness and 2;2? to the po,e. ean beat bis record. Bay Gelding Czar, 16 high, 11 vears old : baa a r?c..rd o:2M.c*ii beat t ;J5. White tieldlna Zero, bv Brown Harry. 16 liurb, S years old ; can snow w la 1 11; Is the foil brother to IIanee's M. Klmo b?y Oeldtan Andrew, mt bv aerigo IS hlfh, ? years old; can teat f.bX Above are a feleyani unvera aud are warrauted sound aad kind Cataioifues, with tull ped tirrees, de^nptlons. Ac., can ba ba.i at the offld s ot Ttie spirit ot :he limes and furf. Meld and Farm, or at HAUKKK A Su.N'S. corner of Broadway and ihlriy nlntb street baU without reserve or regard to wea ther a N ENTIRIi FAMILY K-TAHLl.sUMKNT A AT ADOTIO.n 0* FRIDAY, MAY II, Af U OTI^irK, BY VAS TASm-.L1. A tr.AR.NKY. AOCTIOMIKBA, at their mart, 110 and 1U SaST 1S7H ST. TEAM ELEGANT BROWN HORSK*, long maaei and tails, 14 bands, a aod 9 years, klcd an.t true in all hainees; irc? iroiu vire. very stylish and liand aotne; can bs driven ay any one aud anywnere; arc waKKaNTUD not to be afraid ot LUCOMO 11 Vfc or ANYTiiIM), and are as perfect a famil/ team ai any in this city, and are warranted soumt, , kind and true in every particular. CLAI F.MCE. tVLU ? PIZK. LINED %TTU ?K0WK tatitt. made By MINER A dTKVSSd, FAEK PHAETON, YERY J.QHT, TOt OS HIXD ?eat, in good order, by MlMttt k 8I'hVfc5ii HARNESS, NEARLY NKW; SILVER MOCKED, lAt-st style, maae by aTILLINOa, of Yittb arenas. NOW ON hX111KI HON AT AUCIIOK MAttl, TO ?K seen and tried, and the setae caa be bongot at friyatk bale. 4 TEKT STYLISH SORREL MARE. 1U HANDS; A warranted sound, senile and kind a food rooistert ust eig <t years old ; will be sold very chesp. Apply ai V. KiunKBucK's stable. >14 ? est iitteentb street An rlkoavt land \c on ri?iht spRijto^ ma.'e to ..rder ?y MILLlo.v A liCIKT. ol PARIS, AT AUCTION', on kkIuaT, MaT 21. AT it U'CLOi K. BY Yah TASBKLL a RKaINKT, ACCriONEERi, AT THEIR Mart lid. 112 EASf lh.RH.EN111, NEAK FUURlH aYKNLK Th? above Carriage was imported last December at a eoet ot f-'.auo, used only \ few time*, snd can be bought at PRIVATE BALK aud seen at Auction Mart ABARGaI v -UENTLRMaN SKI.LINO OCT OX account of going abroad, beautiful o^v Ethan Allen Horse, dam M*r Mare. I5H; eoan.1 snd kind, irot t:Wi the finest eonpe or coach uorae in tbe city; Bright bay, lt>.l, 7 years; souud and kind. Kentucky bred, also flue Four. 16 4re?rs; soutid and kind . irot (minute^; llgBt top side bar Koad Wagons I'ony Phaeton. Hail Phaoton, slnr.iiig top by Brewater. iiarnesa, Hianaets. Kob*s the b**r. good u new. No. i West Nineteenth Krset near firth arenua. prirjte s.abie AGF.NTLKMaN. OOIXO TO ECRiiPE, WILI. Sf.L'. his lutuont at a barKAln- taautitul bsv Iiorse, 7 Stars old. warranted sound and kind; trots fast. too uggy and H?i n as; also a bcantirul i'ouy Pnaet n, sold etiiarately. Prirate stable. Kt . a-t twelfth s'.regt be tween Broadway and f Diversity m?m. A-.tvXPRr.S->, OBOUtRY, BUitlXBSg, BAKERM . Milk vender's. Depot. Delivery and platform eprt-vj Wat.*.>ns. nsvr and s -e i band, ffum SSj to $175; one top Btujy ?" , at JM ripriag street T A SACRIKIcR-FOLR ?OPKRIOR HORSES, 7 and 8 years, train I6*f te 14 bbnte, suitab e for truc^rocet, espress or any bastnesat au waraaatsd ai f IOK.SK*. ( \ttm \G tvv 4 ? MA.roR V W. BAK K Eft \ UCTIOJtKER. j\. ckj-.ats ir.i. i.i' i- s hoi ,11. . \ ki< r. i i) t'Ko <i WHSTtiitN A SO N I truvr ??-Tr.rt.v S KW \"i IRIC, TUL PROPERTY 1)1' GliORGE !?. IIOYT TO TAXI. |i|ttO(! . t .1 -UN'S I'lty Auction Mart ana lie it Yw-s Tutiiisall's, corn.'." ot Broadwav ?h i i hirt>-ninth street, ou iVeJtiesflAj, May JO, .u eleven o'clock luSTOCK comprises filin ii <>f tfastest ever oflere.J at uueiii ii, uieluilini; a mitt'lied i. ur th..t can irot in i :45 together . a iimU'hed pair <>l i.v,. family 'anil close n single Hot ses e*n tf..t .n irom three inuiut.-K oowu 'o 2:?>. ami principally tin- ?? m Younv <*<>Miilll>11 >. Plul .-her"tan. Manil "ino. Mitch.-!'-! American hi, ripimo, Champion, Par.mi Hor* ?, itlee Graves, 11liini.I? ion!au chief. Jte.. Ac., all splendid ?lri\ r- and warranto) sound ind Kitul. .18TOOK uii.i. arrive and lio on exhibition Irotn to morrow up to tviW MIL lUn T desii'i > everybody tocoino and ride behln.l and tent tli<* speed and driving qualities oi any ot ttie ?took betore the dav o! ?aie. -'aTaLOGI .'KS v\'n tl tuti pedigrees, descriptions, Ac.. can be had at the mart. FOR PARTIAL description of stock see to-morrow's | Herald. ?SALE POSITIVE ana no postponement. AT AUCTION?1TO-MORROW (FRIDAY), KLKQANT TEAM MAHOGANY bay HOKsKH. 1 fJi hands. 7 uud 8 vears old all plocx points: kind ana true in all barneys; free trom vice; very stylish, even jailed aud spirited drivers: very senile; not niraid of any thine i can be driven close to u locomotive; a Cr-?t class team; without lault or blomUh; warranted sound. WILL BE SOLD AT AUCTION TO MORROW (FRIDAY), AT 10 O'CLOCK. AT ARCH. JOHN .-?TON'S Mart, Itf t.. 25 l htrteeiuh street, near Univer sity place, wbere they ure now on exhibition. A?LAN Da r. NEARLY NE W, BY BRKWBTER, OP . BROOMESTKNhl ELEGANT T-AM BAY CARRIAGE HORSES 3 | 18 HAN US HIGH; SET FINE CITY MADE CARRIAGE HARNESS, TO ORDER. THIS ELEGANT E8TaB~ I-HMENT WILL BR SOLD AT AUCTION TO-MORROW (FRIDAY), AT 10 O'CLOCK, AT ARCH. .mUNSTOVS MART, 19 TO 25 THIR TKKNTH STREET, NEAR UNIVERSITY PLACI'.. I* \ N ELEGANT TURNOUT AT AUCTION?CAN BK A teen until Friday, at .sten's stable, 135th street, west hi Fourth avenue: Volunteer Colt, 6years old: kind iu single and double harness; unusuallv tine saodle liorfe. and can trot very fast. Brewster lop Wagon, good as new; also Tod Wagon liy Godwin x Co.; Harness, Ac., to be sold at AliclJ. JOliNSTij-Vri. Thirteenth street, on * nuay. AT AUCTION TO-DAY, (THURSDAY), 20FH. A at 11 o'clock, at ill West Kourteer.thstreet, pair of i urriage horses, 16 hands 3 inctes, 6 years old, and were rui-^d in Kentucky irom thorough bred st >cs; no belter ur handsomer pair; bright nay: no wntte: long nocks: flue limbs; high knee action; and cost six mouths ago s:i.SOU: sold bv the owner lor no other reason than the wantot use; warranted kind and gentle in all work and without speck, spot or blemish in any plaee or particular; a rare pruortunity to purclis-e a larae and uncommonly bcauiltul pair ot thoroughbred carriage bonus. Cau bo seen at the statue. JOHN l). HAMLIN, Auctioneer. A -CARRIAGES. J\. EZRA MARSH. 18 Fast Eighteenth street, near Broadway. Fresh stnea, styles, reasonable prices; Landaus, Coupes, Brett*. Victoria', Phaetons, Bnggiec, depot wugons, Ac.: work warranted. Factory, Newark, N. J. \eiSK bay HORSE, (1 YEARS OLD, IC% HANDS high; can trot his mile m three minutes; wouli make oue ot the finest coupe horses iu this city; also au elegant bay tcuni ot carriage liorfes, ti years, 15J?' tisnds; these horses are tust trom urauuo county; warranted to be without a tault or blemish. For sale at 128 East Broadway. A BREWSTER Oi' BROOME STUEfcT, FULL /\ spring Itoa 1 Wacon: also a top side bar Koad Wa gon und Harness; will oe sold low tor cash, at private stable it hast tenth street, between Filth avenne and University place. ALARUF. FIRST CLASS STABLE TO LET OR lease tor term of years; suitable lor two privat" parties or miiaII club; possess on immediately. Iu West Thirty-seventh sireet, n<-n i Broau?av. 4 ?I AUTHOKIZrt i?N ACCOUNT OF MY HU8 j\, band's death the sale of three (3) Horses: tit for any business; sold at auy price. 4uu Grand street rear. ASTYLI-U ?ID -bar TOP ROAD WAGON, first class city maker; will sell low; no use tor it OSice 104 Chambers street. A HANDSOME. GENTLE NINE-YLAR-OLD 15.? hand black Hor<e ; warranted to trot in less than 3 minnu-'s; souud aud kiud. trial gtveu: price tiJ'. TALLM A N. It * Church street A BRIVED-THI MORNING, FROM ILLINOIS. 25 A good wor . Horses, trom 5 to li years old. suitable for all purposes; lo be sold cheap. Apply at 176 Mercer street, near Uleecior A SPLENDID PAIR OF YOUNG CARRIAGE llorscs. 16 hands 3 inches, to be sold at auction to morrow (Thursday), at 11 o'clock, at 111 West Fourteenth street A?1 HAVE A fll'RI'I.US STOCK OP JUMP-SEAT . Wagons, platform and porch Phaetons, Ac., wnioh 1 will sell at grea reduction R M. stiVERS. Hj to 15J East Tatrty flrst sirest. 4 ?LANDAULHT. CLARENCE, COUPB. TWO wheel Do.'Cart Depot Wagon, second hand; la, me'ise variety of Pony Phaetons, my own make, at re duced prices. HAM, lo hast Fourth street A-POR SALK-A CAR-LOAD OF HORSES; ARE . voung and flt for any business: are warranted in every respect, aud a good trial allowud. itu sun ton street. 4 DOUBLE AND JIN OLE EXPRESS WAGON FOIl A sale ciioap; no reasonable oQer reiused. Inquire at 19 Bergen street, t.root yu A LADY'S TURNOUT FOB SALK-AT A BARGAIN: bsautitul Kentucky Mare: stylish and pleasant driver;* vears old; tvcrraiued aoODd and Kind haud some pony Phaeton. Private suble a? Vaudam street V?SLOGAN f CURTAIN CARRIAGE', BUILT BY . Brewster A Co , of Rroome street: one T Cart and one Wagonette; ail noailv new; Hsod by a pnvsie tainily; also one KnglUb Hunting Cart with double an 1 ((Ogle Harness to mated. To be sesu at M OUkLKI**, 10J, 111 and 113 East inirteoatli street, near Foarth er. 4 ?FOR sale, ONE PAIR ROAN IIOBSES l.SJHl . \ . ?eight. 6 and ' vuars: also three other Horses; are tit for business use: youu.'and Si>und : to he sold at sacrifice, inquire at 43 Great Jones street 4 GENTLEMAN'S TURNOUT.?A BRoWN HORSE, i\ IS1, hands nigh. 8 years old. very stylish, warranted sonn t an i Kind: halt sprlug top Wagon, tine harnesa. In.mire lor Mr. Bud's turnout et GORDO VI stable, >os. 3 and S West Thirteenth stresu V?TO CLOSE PARTNK RSIIlr?TH REE HORSES, ? yeung and sound, flt tor truck, grocer, farminr. Ac.: ft;., i III). N J d-.'ceut offer refused; tout be sold. Na I i-orsyth street. s S MY HEALTH IS SO POOR THAT I CAN'T RIDF, A 1 wlU se'.l niv entire establishment at aeaenfloe; the bav Mare Pauline. 15 taMs. < years old, sound, Kino an 1 senU: tears uotlnuc pleasant driver: can beat 3 minotes; with handsome, light ton. no iv phaeton. Har ness, 4c., at the Arsenal -tames. 140 West .Vtb street. A ?FOR SALB?NINE HOKSJ S, PIT FOR FARMING, . grocery, express or any use pony-built; a trial allowed: ortre irom $73 to ? ISO Inquire at A) South Futb avenue, between Houston aud Dleecker streets. AN ELEGANT BRIOHI BAY CARRIAGE TRaM, \i\ hands, 6 yesrs old . a bay trotting Horse. 1%K bands. 7/ears old, t'ots in -M: a cream colored Ponv, 1 bands, 7 vears o d; all siiund and kind . 2 top ponv rhaetons, > elds-bar top Wagons, Harness, Ae. cheep lor cash. P B. MasTkm.8oN. Plfty-nlatb strsst and seventh avenue Babt carruoe-thk noteltt.-send si AMP for circular to I. P TIBKALS, Toy stare, 8JO Broad way, third door below I welfth street. Repairing dona. Board for road horses and private Team* ?3U-At ricetwool Par* Coach aod Mver* Btabiea. JOB Wen Hity-second street. n?sr Eighth avenue. Horaas on flrit floor: perfect aacuritr against Ore. coaches and light stock to lat e.iual ;o private turn onta; inspactlou solicited BLATKR A HIGuINH. ClARRlAOKa, HaRNES-', AC.? BAROAlNS. ? BVKRT J style tor city and coontry use ?New and aecond hand Carriages on conslfnmi-ut for talc cnaap. MAMU. PACrUKK&S1 U.V1UN CAKKlAUK H PUSITORY, &M Broad way. C-1ARr.lAOES.-A UHOK "TOCK Op PHAETONS, J Roekawava, top and no top Buggies, depot and othar Wagons uf my own mace at maaatactU'-ers price* OliARLKs URUBK. 141 Weit Broad way. Carriage*?splendid bf.ach waoon. car rtai nine persons. has brake attachment two nlca ?tylei iM-poi Wagons: second hand light and top Wagons; four and ?ix-?eat PBaeton?, Ac.. at|K. St. STIVER*', 144 to 142 Ca?t Thirty flrst strest CI -JUtT RKCEIVKD KROM factory. >, elegant T Carta, Cabrloiats, Rockaway and Pony Phaetona, latan assigns and Snsat quality. A. ?. FLANDRAC, , STJ and 17? Broom* it (old stand oi Brawstar A Co. CiLaRRNOE FOR 9ALE-IN PERFECT ORDkR. J Can be seen at Tit Meat Four-second str**t. ar in quire of owner. Hi Duan* straat COCPE FOR 3ALE.-A HANDSOME SINGLE COt/PK, in flue order Apply at private sterna No. 1U fines Twenty-seventh street. jpLKOANT BAROUCHE. ICILY BT MINER A STR. IHRKMJPaBTE* CLARENCE. SCILT BT MINER A Stevens; elegant Park Phaetos. by Miner A *t*rensi ton pony Phaetons. basict Phaa.ona, Coupev Coup* Rockawaya. top roal Wagon*. depot Wagons. Rocka way*, business Wagon* Burses of all kinds. Ao., Ac., at very low prioea, by van TA*8RLT. A EEaRNET, 110 and 112 East Thirteenth s'.reat For sale?several vert siperior tocno Road Morsea firl.-uv drat class. high bre-l stock; On* ala*. color, atyl* and action . sneed J minutes to i :40. a. H i.Kavii i'. Flushing. L. t For sale?an elegant park phaeton. made by Brewster k Co.. and a sliver's Coupe, bo b la first claaa order, vary etieap. Can ?a seen at prlraia stasia. 1J3 r.ast Nineteenth st?*el lor a raw daya. FOR SaLE-TO CLOSE AN R TATE, ONE PAIR Of carrlag* Horaes. bar and brown. three-quarter Clar ence. Kreit 1'hacion and ignt Wagon, alao Hameaa, Blankets, "ohea. Wiitps, Ac. Appty at prlvata stable, No. W tiast Thirty-nintli street. ttOB liU-A GKNTLEMANM TURNOUT, OOMPRIS* F fMon' Harness, Au.< averythiag in fln* condition aod a* good a* new; any naa wtgiiing to Sr? *an have a i.e 1 led bargain, aa ewaar oat No us* (*r U A?p>f at khsOeary's resiaaraut, M *alA4f n/*ai HORKKL*. ( IHUACKI. tt . tjlOR SM K?UNK OK f HI! MOST BRACT'l-TL. ? TYIr f i.*h Htid uaturalty uracfiul li<?rf-f* ?e found in tiia iniitiii ) in' ir pronounced ?T h?r?"m '< .:?l > '.niiolsg M-nr* .? p rlvvt mod >: a iluep-colore.l dap'te buy, >? Iih .t< hi i i inch m hsUjhiyvti * oil; w.'iiin l.'Jflf pounds !-round. ? nootii .in I sleek- very fine arches nc k: lull, ilowinsr niune and tail. it ? jh t n<-o acvlon. ?? >'l a bold, proud nwiccr: cotirnlv ?.una uud |> re uy kirn',, tiir family twe is positlvel s?i m any omerfeuey, fiv ** an advertising on*.lie** medium would !><? >?r< attractive ana '.*on*pic.uo:is. I'<?r liil.o'niiv.on aiMrei:. .v. Mi K i - Vi >, American K\iirc?* i<U t .No. ( -. Broadway. or box 95 PostoMlca. ?Srhl'n,,|'t:^V _N "L: pui: sai.k?bnglish two wiikkj.kd i?m utT, I very desirable, .tu i ncavv Harney to mutch; price \ cry io?f. Call at lil West Fortj til ill Htre l 1J10B 8ALK-A HANDSOME VICTORIA, IN GOOD I order \pply at private stable No. 1-J Kast lhirty second street. _ _ Iior*. kale?btivkits si? to? road wagon, nearly new. Address M.. Herald oftlce. F^Olt SALE?a GO'id MARK FOR A FARMER, cheap '.'OS Weit Thlrtvthlrd street. Fior sale?two valuable young brood f.iult but scratches, $4j each: one ?>!< Mare, Ceiler Cart and Harness, Jiki. a8 New Chamben street, lor one week. __ Fi^OR SALE?A GOOD CANADIAN PONT, 13 HANDS, 1 0 year*-, free, pleasabt driver; su taMp for ilihl builnaai; warranted everyway; must be told; c ban p. 89 Kin* street. near Hudson. For bai e-one browv hor-e, ist{ hands. r years obi: sound and kind; nice famliy or eoiipa horse Atmiv ut i.i-:Ai>BEfTKit'S stab*. Broadway ami Forty-firth street For balk?a handsome coal black pony ijt the city, lyesrs old; warranted sound and klnuj car trot in i tninu:e<. and 1- sa:e for a ladv to drive him to the height of its speed. Call at 324 Hudson street, lo tne furniture store. If OR WALK CHEAP?BAY HORSE, 16^ HANOI 1 high, 7 years old; warranted Kiund; a'^o Wation and I'arness together or saptfateU' Call, tor iwo days, af 281 Bowerv, corner Houstonstreet. ElOR BALK FOR W A STOP HSR?A HIGH BRF.D BAl r Gelding. with black noln's. mil maitn und t: il sli \ears okl. splendid driver; tttlly warranted. Apply t? BDi'KI.EY, i'srk SiablcR, -Uty-socund street, ueai Madison avenue IiOR SALK-A HAMBI.RTOMAN MARE, BAT, with t> ack point;, lonif mane and tail; 6 rear* old. lft'? hand* hisrli; trots m about .1 minutes; 1s sound and free from v?ce or bleuiiuh. Apply to Mr. THURSTON, TU Broadway. J10R SALE?A VEKY I.IOHT SIDE BAR ROAE Wagon nearly new, i ullf liv -tivcra; also, a low set ton tTutiiii 10 bo sola ut a sacrifice. Inquire ut tfO and M FOR SWK CHEAP?TWO BROWN nnRSE.?. I5X hands htcrh; sound and kind ; Apply ut No. 7 Creat Jonc- gtreet. FfOPv SALE CHI AP-ON'LY for WANT op work, stvllsh ror.n Hor??. 1(5 h inds. 0 vonrs; irood stepparj all sound ; tit lor any use. ? 3n Perry street, store. For salb cheap?'three hordes, isuitabli lor country use. Apply at coal yard, 133 Wash in# ton street. ? ?pOR SALE CHKAP?BIX HORSES. SC1TABLE F01 r business putdosch; prices from ji-'i to t!S<0. Applj at46and 43Woo?ter straet. IfOR SALE-CHKAP, A FINK PAIR OF CAPRIAO! 1 Horses 8year?old. 15!? '.amis high; stylish, baad# some and perfectly sound and reliable. Address H. N. A., Herald Cplown Brunch office. FORSaLE.-A CHKSTNC" M ARR. 13?4 HANDS HIOU, 7 vears oM; soniri aua free ir.mi all r? e; ha- b ??? driven by h lady; will Ik* sold cheap as fne owner leavel town and has no use lor her Apply at r.BUlTTE.-l, frev.nfh avcuuj. corner i wenty-secon i street. First class stables for rknt ?ample cak riago room, s'#ll? tor :lve horses; find iv?Md uoa fbr coachman; No. t.;i Wot Kineth street. Applv to PH. BTIVEk. 4.i Vesev strec: or C) West Korty-s< v. uth street. HARNES^.-THK PHKAPEST HARNESS STnRK 1^ New Vor ?j good Butgy Haniasa, hand made. $l/| good Urooers' Harness. tJS- good Milk uan's .arness. #!0; Hood l);illble Irujk Harness $Sti; goo I ."table Blan ket. $1 Please call aud exain ua lor yourseivea FlaHER & O.-BOKNK, 71 Barclay street. New Yorfc. Harnesp, bidinc. saddlis, lines and woollen llor?? t'lolh'ng. 1-ap Uiisters, ic. ; larg* stock: great Tjuriety and the lowest possible prices. M. Baui'Li Ti. tii Warren sirett, corner rolleire place I HAVE A MARE THAI- LOST HER < OLT AT blrtn; would Ilk- to buy or otherwise vet one to faica its place - good stock preferred. hOLuMON ^. MEAD, Portchester, N. V ; or W. C. i'KWKY, 25 Canal street. IMPORTKI) F.NGLl-at PHAB'OS, fISOL ?KKALi l.S 5 Broadway ; good lam!ly Horse, JliW. 143 Weal Seveoternth street, hetuafier slr^ Mortgage sal?-.-p. dailet, aUctionkbh, will sell tliis day at lO'-j o'clock a. M , at N% 424 Third avenue, one Bay Horss, warranted sound, ana two top Baggies, city make. A. LoREY, Attoruey. ONB SIX-SEAT COl'PE ROCRAWaY. ONE BA*? ouche, one Landau, one Clarence, one six-seat Parlt Phaeton, twutxtension top Phaetons, Kockaways of all styles, top and onen Pony Pbastous new anl second hnna:20 top and open Road Wagons, by'est City makers; Sulkies hvCadery;one ske eton Wagon, toy and open Express Wag ms, one see.iud nan l Couue, Depot Wagons, one Side scat, single and double Harness, Ac. WM. H. oRaY. ffl to 28 Wooeter street. PASTURE AT PORDBAM.?FINE PASTURE. WITH running stream in every field. Address J. McOaU? LAY, KorJnam. or SSi Washington street, corner of Charles. New York. UOCKAWATS. PONT PHAETONS AND DEP0* AW Wagons 111 large variety at low prices, to close the stock. bRaJLET, PRAY A CO., >.4 Broadway. SECOND HAND CARRIAGES. ? lar-nce. Coupe, Landau, Log Cart. Coach. Pflaeton, Top Wagon, Victoria, Bookaway, Mali Phaeton. B lADLhY, PRAY A CO.. ttag Broadway. CTYLISH BAY HOBSB, 16 HANDS; SIDh.-B.vR TOf O road Wagon an 1 Harness; a teats bay l'orees,13ty hands; suitaoh for eountry; cheap. 4U West Thir tventh street STUKAOS for CARRIAOES; room? light, clean and dry; TRKMs LlrfCKAL. A. H. FLA5PRAC. S7I and 874 Brooroo *tre?t 'old at and ot Bra water k TCART. BY BREWBTRR A CO. lop Wagon, by Duaeobury. rwo wheel Cart, imported. All in good order Hrt.ADL.RT. PRAY M CO . IS Cflton TOOWNKRS OF HORSES *JiU cattlb -ise to. hla* Derby < oodition Powder*, warrujted lupertof to any nttier or no par. triry eapel wo-m* im bo t. allay terer, give a tlno, Ioom coat, eleanto l!io urina'r organ*, lncre im> the aio? an i aid to th.> mil* ol cow*. They are war.-anuM h?rtni?*?*. old by Um Dn;e?lat*. .Saddlera and at tb? Pern t. 1>J Park p*oc*. TOP POKY PHARTO.N IN OOUDORDKR FOR SALS new; caeap lfael.l to day; mil taltc any lair uifca Apply at stable. Ko. 161 >? aat Twenty olthth atreet ft*) LET-STABLE." WITH six stall t OS FIB?1 1 floor; light an I airy; al*o carriage room. at 431 Wad Tweniy-etghtti street To exchange-two iiamtu.* torum rnoR. uaghbred*. 4 and i year* old. I5>? hand*; *i>eed; very ?aluniil* alto Cout*, Ac.: to exchange (or Heal K.taw, clear ot cncuuibrance. ,id<lr*M box J.lMt Po*t office Wastro-a Liour, Rrnun. city mad- rock ?t a *av anil Top Pbaetoit or dootora' Ruggr, ti good order and very low tor caali. Addraaa W. A. M til WANTED?A POST RIO; POXY MC<r BB YERY himliomf *tnl nut over 44 inrhe* nigh. Addreae MARSH. 94 New Church ateeot.near eotor. T|tANTED?FASr nORSK A\p TOP WAGUN. I* ?T excMH(t (or two wry vslnahle iHl Painting* no better in .New Yor* , Ive.y aold tor tSlSOO, go. i A4dre? CAP1AIN. HeraldjjflTUe TlfAlUrBD?A QOOD .-\DCLE H KSE; ONB THAI VT eia 'f tfC 1 in harneaa preferred. Addreaa W. J. WuMTHIRQTU.N. 807 Broadway. X.II EACH?THRKi: BKAI'TTKCL MBIT TOf ?5* LO*' Kxpre** Wagon*, Brown er fop Buggy. tlA| Dttaenbnrr Top Bujgy. ll'Jt lump eojt Top Buggy. |U& Livery itabie 1.4 * eat .Mneteentb street. DRY GOODS. _ A~~_BlRt>ITTE SMITH HIS DaILY A ORA-NlTonl . PLAY o( |R? LaTRBT I MP> >KT/vD rAStifuK* at hit PA1TRRN NaEaAR. M4 B.tOADWAY, between Twentieth and Twenty-fl^rt *tr*eti: a I the i.aTksi PaTTKKNS conrtaniiT on band; Cuoih MODELS wit* every pattern; CCVTINOand FITTING by exparlenooa artist*. /iarpktr. oilitn. v imat *pnn.t opening of Carpet*. Oilcloth*. Windo** gha.les, Lambrequin*, Mata, Maiung Aa^ at vary low pfki"il*b Tairet. at tl 79 oar yard. Tapestry aruaeei*. at $1 per yard. Three ply. at $i ti per yard. Ingrain, at &*.. * c. an i ft'C per yard. All otbor good* a; eqn iilv low price*. A large ttocn. ot ruri.lturo, W per cont eheaper Una any other b. u?e in tbe city. _ All (o?d* alt ip pad tree. D. KELLY, (toceaaaor to 8L O'Farrolt), ?It and H4 Eighth aranoe. between Thirty-flfth and Thirty-alxth -treata. Lord a taylor-omand and chkystik str, Bngllan Bojy nru?wi?. *i Si) and tl 75 Eoglian and American Tapentry tl and tl It MATTlRut. MATTINOS.?OR .AT BaROaINS POS ca*h; cloitaj oui oar en Ire noes ol Mattmgaat Tory low price* Carpet*. Cloth*. *c. AMDRBW LKBiRR A CO.. ST1 Broadway. MlLmKRY AND DRESSJUKMO." A CARD -RKSlUVED OAYROR'R BPKcVaLTIRR <"or*et* and fowrnonr* from droadway, corner o Twelfth itreet to 649 utth arenue, between i Uirty aeventh ano fhlrty eighth itraeta v R-a perteet il guaranteed to every *tyie of ftgura. Children'* co wa. Waiata. Sboaldor Bruce*. Abduinlnel supportor*. tera* reaaonabie. MATH1MOM1AL. Ah RACHKLOR. BCSIAPHH MAN. tn YRAHS Oi age, well educa'ed, worth ??. ?v caah. wtobea la torrn the actittatmanoe of a few young ia<U*? witn a view to watrttnony no objection to a poor girl, tint mo# be f?oa looking, poaae** a good oDarocMr an I oKeorRH dt-l>e tlonaiidnet over w rt*r? ui ,?g? A<Mre***?? wl