Newspaper Page Text
THE)-NEW YORK HERALD. WHOLE NO. 14,153. NEW YORK, SUNDAY, MAY 23, 1875.?QUADRUPLE SHEET. PRICE FIFE CENT& DIRECTOR 1 m IBTIlTHEKti. AMOSBMENTS?Eleventh Paur? Second, third, lourth, fifth and sixth coluiuu*. ASTROLOGY?oixtkjcnth I'a?r?Fourth column. BILLIARDS?TtNTii Page?Second column BOARDERS WANTED?Second Page?First, second and third column*, and Fourth Pagr?Thirl and fourth column*. BOARD AND LODOING W A NTBD?Srcohd Pauk? Third column, and Fourth Paor? Kourth column. BROOKLYN BOARD?Second Pagk? Third oo uuin. BROOKLYN Bc.AL KM A1E FOR iALb-FomilMM Pagr?First column, and Fourth I'AUis-Firet col umn. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES?Srvrmh Pack BUSINESS NOTICES?Nintu PAUR-Filth and eol UUIH CITY BrlAL E8TATK I'OR SALE?Fourtrkkth Paur? First Coluuiu, ?ud Fourth Paor?first column. CUERaS AND SALESMEN?Thmwi Pa.*? lurd and fourth column*, und I kntii Pauk? ixth column. CLOTHING?Sixtkkntii Pagk?Fourth column. AJOACHMKN AND O AllDEN KKS?Thiw> Paur?Fourth column, ?nd Tkrth Paor? Sixth column. COASTWISE STEAMSHIP )? 1 bird Pa UK?Sixth COl amn. CO UN i tiY BOARD?fiirowD Pag*?Third, fourth and tilth column*. And Fourth PAor-rFifih column. DANi .No aCauEMIcS, fcurtMa Page?Second col umn. DENiIHTBY?TniRTFBirrB Paor?Sixth column. 1>BY GOOD*? Pirut Pauk?SecoRd. third, lourth, fltth ana sixth column*, and Sixtkebtu Pace?First, sec ond, third una lourth column*. DWEI.LINo HOUSES TO LET, FURNISHED ASD UN FURNISH. D-FirrRrwTH Page-Fit*! and sec ond column*, and Fourth Paor?First an.I accond column*. , BUBO Pi'. AN STEAM SHIPS?Third PAGR-Ptfth and sixtn column*. BDBOPK?1 rrtu Pack?Second column. EXCHANGE?Sixteenth Paor?Six h column. BXPRIiSSES?l tarn Pace?Sixth 00 llin?. EXCURSION. ? Fourth Paor?Sixth column. FINANCIAL?Srvksth Pauk. FINE ARTS?Tumi Page?Seeoud column. FOB SALE-Fiktkjl?(th Paur?Sixtli column, and Fourth Pauk?Fitth column. FURNISUBD RO >MS SI) APARTMENTS TO I,FT? KirrsRRTii Page Second, third and fourth column*, and Fouutu Paur?Second column. FURNI URE?Tenth Pace?Fourth column. FRENCH ADVERTISEMENTS?I k.vtu Pa,??Sixth col umn. HELP WANTED?FEMAIES?Third Paor?Second and third column*, and Truth Pack?Fifth and sixth column*. HELP W.kNTi-.D? MALBS?'Third Pack?Fourth and fifth column*, and 1 k>th 1'agk?>lxth column. HORSES CARRIAGES, AO.?Thirteenth Pagb? ihlrd, lourth, tilth and sixth column*. HOT I J*?skcond Parr?Third column, and Fourth Paur? Fourth and fifth column*. HOUSES, ROOMS, AC., WANTED? Fourth Page?Sixth column. INSTRUCTION?Ei.etrntii Page?First eolumn. JEKSKY CITY, HoBOKEN, HUDSON CITY AND BER GEN RE A I- ESTATE FOR SA LK?Fourteenth Paor?second columh, and Fourth Paur?First col umn. LF.CIL'KB SB ASON?Eleventh Page?First column. Lost AND FOUND?Thirternth i'ace ? First column. MACUTNi-.BY?Fourth Paor?Sixth column. MATKIMONIAI?Tkmth Pauk-Third column. UI'.lHCAL?ixtkknth Paor?.-dxtli column. MILLINERY AND DRESSMAKING?Sixteenth Pagr? Fourth column. MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISEMENTS ? Twelfth Pagk? ixth column. MISCELLANEOUS?Tkvth Paub?Second column. MUSICaL? Elrvrrth Paur? econ I co.umn. NivW PUBLICATIONS?Kifrrn Pagr?Sixth column. PERSONAL^-Fiiwt Paor?i irtt column. PATTERNS?Sixteenth Pauk?Fourth column. pianofortes, organs, ao.?elk?kntu pacr?Fir*t column. PROPOSAL ?Thirteenth Paor?Second colmnn. PROFK SIGNAL 1TUATIO.NS WANTED?FEMALF.8? Third Pagr?Second column, and 1 kntii Page? Filth coluuiu. PROPERTY our OF THE CITY FOR SALE OR TO REN I ?Fourteenth Paur?Second, third, fourth and fifth column*, and Fourth Paor? Firm col umn. BEAL ESTATE TO EXC1IANGB?Fouutbentu Page? Filth itnd vl.xth column*, and Fourth Paob? Fir** column. REAL ESTATE WANTED?Fourth Page-First col umn. RELIGIOUS NOTICES?First Page? i'irit and second columns. RBSTAURa NTS?Tkhth Paor?Fourth column. REWARDS?Tiiirtekrtu Paor?First column &A1.BS AT AUCTION?sixteenth Page?Fifth and sixth column*. SITUATIONS WANTBD?PKMALES?Third Pace-Fit*} and second column*, aid Tilmtu Paur?Filth and (Ixth column*. SITUATIONS WANTED?M.xLB ?Third Pack?Third column and Tenth Pack?Sixth column. SPECIAL NOTICES?Tuirtkbhtu Paur? Flr*t and sec ond columns. SPOB llttG?DOuS, BItDS, AC.?Tbirtrrkth Paob? Third coluuiu. STORAGE?Sixteenth Paor?Sixth column. SUMMER RESORTS?Srcord Paor?Filth aud sixth col umn*. and Fourth Paur? Filth co.umn. TTIE TRADES? fntii Pauk?Sixth column. THE TURF?Thirteenth Pauk?Third column. TO LBT FuR BUSINESS PURPO ? E.s?Fifteenth Pacb Pir*t coluuiu. and Fourth Pag*? First column. TRAY LlKRS' OL'IDB? Third Page?Slxtn column, ?nd Fourth Pack?s?xtli column. UNFURMhllEli BOOMS AND APARTMENT* TO L T?PirrREirru Paur?Fourth and flfth column*, and Fourth Pack?Second column. WANTBI) to PURi'HasB ?1 hirteiinth Paor?Sixth eolumn. WATCHE>, JEWELRY, AC.?Tenth Pauk?:'ecoed col umn. WEbTCHESTB"t COUNTY PROPERTY FOB SAJ.E OB TO LI T?Fourteenth Page?First nod necoud col umn*. and Fourth Pagr?First column. WHITES ION E PBOPKBTY FO.t SALE OB TO LET? Fourterntu Page?second column. WINRf, I.I^L'OR.S, AC. ? r.LKVfcNTH I'AUR?Second ?0l nil. YACHT', STEAMBOATS. AC.?Truth Pace?Third col irau. PKR'SO* Al,. wa.vtbd?or CARL m. KCIIMIDT FOR merlv of No. 9) avenue H: s>iii<Mhiiiff U) hi* ail van tare. Addrta ?. A. K., hot SI7 Foal orttce. A CROBH FULTON FKRKY PATTRDaY- LOOK AT peraouMl?.?tate c?r. urns'ance to prevent mistake. X? jiriimuni". ii?h: l II' UIUV'MIIVV ddrean ADMIRKH Herald offlon. J" M llrANTKD-10 KNOW T1IB WHERKABoCTS Of VV Manoela '"apote, draghter o( the late Alejandro 8ai>ote 01 Cardenas. Cuba. Address C. M., box J,M# e? Yerk Port o<>< e. UriLI. JANE JACKSON .COLORED" please hrrd her prr?#nt ad iress to Mrs. WH1TINU,M Jefferson ivenue. KHzewetb. N J ? 'ILL JCLIB RIRCHIIOFF CALX AT ALBEMARLB Hotel early on Monday 1 - U. w Dan or don?conr.D not oo to fifth atenur that Sun.lav. Address. with incidents, to avoid mistake. DaN. II era Id office. f ENEKAL vK'KKRH, UNITE" 8TATK8 COMMI8- I " T ?ioner to tin- Chilean Expo-utlon will pleats send bin aildrr** u> SlfcPllKN Itoilr.Rx 249 Wert Forty-rec end gtreet. New York. Important INFuiiMAiloN WANTED OF TMOMAS HOOD LOW and alto his brother Henry. It will he to their ad Vadtaae to write iM Immediately. AI.KXaNOi.K Or.OftUR LOW, rOil German street. Montreal INFORM A1 ION WANTED-IF THE II <LF BROTHER i.l Martha l uryell. 'ormeriv Mnriba Xrl^nn, mra of Thomas F. Cervcll, <i<*nti?r, formerly of Philadelphia. or fier heirn or legal represantativea, will communicate Willi SI S~RX I). IMVIF. Attorney-at aw. Hn IIS south Math rtrect, I'hlladelfhia, lie or ihey will hear of tcmeihing to their advantage. Information wanti:d-op katii rink lib, of l>uii4Uion, Count> <?van, Ireland ; left Hoi enstail, iickfleid, England. ill IWII. l.asl heard ol In New Turk. Address Uer sister. MART MtN. Herald office. AM Back aoain. lun. SAME AH . NKXT Wednesday, .1.', o'clock. inner In letter o>- per lai _ MART. Uj.IETTE?I DRAW YOI It ATTENTION TO Fri day's French advertisements in thla paper. B. L, J1I.IET WATlsON-THKRB'F A LETTER FOR YOU lu Brooklyn I'oet office, go ana *et it Immediately. ROM KO WATcON. | ino silva. or niiS r s. of Colombia, rbla. IJ tlv? of the late Mr. Pedro Hlva, desir>s|o * now the ? hereabouts of Mm. Meonides Meianie and Mii.? Reglti* Kltva fMN a Idrcsa Ihjx X"M I'os. ortl u, New Vork. I AMR-OH, COMK HOME AND SAVE A LleK YOU IJ have done so much to preserve. Come com". oh, tome. * J. F, H. I Ol IB?TOD WILL FIND Yol'R SISTER AT DR. I J Wilber'a, Twenty-sixth Ureci. Address D. U , Her IMIBMi \fR8. BRIDGET FAKKKLLLEFT HRR HOME ON Aft the 12 h ol April, there ha? been no account of her aince adTertiaed in tn> paper*: an* lulormation ot her will be than -tuli> received at 451' West thirty ninth tt. MON DIET. MON DIET, LtSSIR! IT<>W CAN VoC be to lonir wiihout ?'einir mo ; write m? where you Ire. recollect Big Honanza '' T IDOL?NF.VEB WILL sBK YOI AOAIN AFTBR actions yesterday. Farewell forever. WKMI'KR FIDELIW. EiOUCT HOLDBBB OF tub MERCHANTS' UKB or North Amcrica ean learn of minething to their vantage hy aildremnnr the Manager Irnst i-uad In lurance AaMclatlon. Z?i Broadway, second floor. U'TLL Mr. CARROr.L, who RK.sIDRD AT 418 Weat rwcut^ fourth iitrceI in August, 1971. srn l lis addrer* t.. K. A. OARLBT,73 Broadway. New York.? TV 'LI# THB LADY HITH red AND WHITE FLOW ei? in tier hat., who left the up Twenty third street ?a?e near f ourteenth ?treet, )n?t after I o clock, ? hura fay be at the ?ame place at same time next rhursdayf ? rainy, on Friday, and meet the opposite geetleman? RBMtllOl'g NOT1CK9. AT TRINITY BAPTIST OIIURt'B, OR. HOLM B, paetnr. fitty-f lift ntreet, mar l exington avenue, arr*lces Sunday hi tiiuw. Iik, n'clorn, nulijcct, Sunday ??mlng- Tlie Oentiemen of the Bible." Atthk harvard rooms, reskrvoib MPARB, Rev i harie* K,, l) D *vill givr m? di<oour?e MitheHafwnou t franoe. .Sunday evening, at l<i f t lock. All Invited A SERVICE WILL BR ll l!LD IN TI1K INTBRKHT of the ( httr.'h ticrman Society, at -lie t'hnr 'i of Ma ARnunr iiiifin. I- <?wri?>.>nttt mreot. near Mcve;i!li * v. in tie, on i r i i 111 v undav evening, May JS.at7!,. A ?er moii wtll he preached by itie I'Tianlaln ot the society >n .lie K. *p innbiliiles ofthe Church I. r Work Anion* tlie flerm-ins. * ? I-AI.IKH' CONKER, N. F. at rilK HAltVAKI) A Kootn?, Reservoir nouare, Sunday, at Itiw \ M. ? rei:rrai spiritual conference M2 P. M.; Rev l-e Lord at;)-, I' m. All invited. 4 NTIION MEMORIAL CfllJRt;H. FORTY "itlHTH |tr?oLjV?*t of sixth nne? 1Q? a. M. ei.-ii'j i' M rne recior Rev k. B r Newton, wtll % . .i, h nt morn In: set rice 'hi ncxi ernionlr eoumt it 'hi religion* iteienee. Mihject? "i?oe<i the Vat-iral Vteljiuon ii thi ljaioui) Id* js i.uiptj ,tn.? Yaiue r RILieiOVS NOTU'BS. A LBKO'S CLASS BBTING, THURSDAY EVER. , A Inirs; Free Tabernaele Methodist Episcopal church, Tnlrtv-lourih ?treet. near Filth avenue; praise. prayer. Friday (veiling*. 313 West Ihlrty sixth street) Mlssea Cabrle and Hack will preside at organ. All walcouie. American temperance union holds pcb lic meeting* every Sunday afternoon at De Oarmo Hall, corner Fifth avenue and Fourteenth street, com mencing at 3 o'ciack. The pnblic axe Invited. The meet ing to-.lav will be or a very Inurestinn nature. L O.' out, Secretary. J. B. OlsBs, President (1HUROI1 OF THE HEAVENLY REST. FIFTH AVE ) nue, above Forty-fifth street, Kev. Dr. Howland rector. Divine service at II A. M. and 41*. M. After noon nerinou by Kav. Dr. Weston. t>HKI8T CHUBOH, FIFTH AVENUE.?TRINITY SUN J day. Morning prayer, sermon and communion, 10V Evening prayer, sermon, 7^. Dr. Thompson preaches on "God Revealing Ulmseli." (IHCBi'H OF THB INCARNATION, MADISON AVE ) nu? aud I hirty-fllUi street, Kev. Arthur Brooks, r?o tor.?Divine service on Sunday. lO^jj A. M., 4 P. M. C1HURCH OF THE MB88IAH, CORNER OF PARK ) avenue and i hirty-fourth street. ?Kev. Wm. R. Al ger will preach at ir A. M. sub)eot? 'Moral Reasoning, or the i.ogic of Lile." (CHURCH OF THK RESURRECTION, EIGHTY J null street. between Lexington and Third ave nues.--Di vino service t>y the recior, Uev. Dr. Flagg, morning and evening. Sunday school at P. M. C1UURCII OF THK ATONEMENT, MADISON AVE J n e, corner Twenty-eighth stroet, Kev. C. C. Tiffany, rector?Sunday school at u A.M.; tilvine services, morn ing at 10>i; aiternoon at 1 the rector will officiate. (1HUROH OF TBM MEDIATOR, CORNER OF FIFTY J tlrst street aud Eleventh avenue.?Rev. Q. M. Mc Caffrey will preach at 10:30 A, M. and at 7:3U P. M. suu Ject:?"The Trinity." All are Invited. ttHCRCII OF ST. MARY THE VIRGIN, PORTY ) lifth stroet near Broadway.?Services, High celebration aud wriuuti, at 103* A. M. Vespers sunc at 4 P. M. / 1HURCII OF THE DISCIPLES, MADISON AVENUE, corner of Forty-fltUi street.-Rev. tJeorue II. Hep worth; morning?"Some Thoughts about the Iio'jr Spirit." Evening George C. Needham. Irish Evangelist, will preach. Mttwiay school and uiblo classes at 3. Prayer meeting Friday evening. pHUROH OF ThlK INCARNATION ,RKV. ARTHUR \J Brooks, rectori.? Pew/<o. IS!!3 north aisle lor cule. Apply to the pastor. Dlt. CUAPIN'8 church, corner fifth avenue and Fortv-fllth street ?Monday oveiiinu. May U4, 1676, at 8 o'clock readings bv Mr Chas. Koherts, Jr. ; oratario, operatic aud popular selections by the Ellin uuartet, a bund of "Madrigal iloys" and a lull chorus. Tickets 90 cents. LMRSr Ri FORMED BMSOOP&L CHURCH. MAPI F sou avenac and h'oriy-seventli street. Rev. tVm. T. Sabine, rector.?.^unday school at 9 o'clock A. M.; di vine servioe at IU2-. A. M and T\ p. M. Children's church at 3 o'clock P. M. Ill V. WILSON WILL LECTURE FOR THIS BOC1E J, tv id Progressive Spiritualists, at their hall. 35 West Thirty-third street, 10J, A. M. and 7H P. M. ; spirit tests al ter each lecture. The Children's l.yceuni incctJ 2% P. M. Annual picnic of children, June 9. E1IR8T REFORMED EPISCOPAL CHURCH MADI V son avenue and Forty-aeventh street, Rev. Willi.iui T. Sab n \ reet<ir.?Sunday school. 9 o'elocx A M. Di vine services at 10::W A. M anil 7:16 P. M. The rector will preach. All cordially invited. FflFTY-THIRD STREET BAPTIST CHURCH.?KEV. W. H. Pendleton preaches mnriiin^ and evening. Bible classes ninlay school at 2 P. Al. All are welcome. ("1RAOB BAPTIST CHAPEL, TW B N TY-NINTH I street, west or Ninth avenue.?Rev. Robert Cam erou, pastor, will preach morning and eveulng. Baptism at close of evening sutvice. All will be welcome. MR. 0. O. WAUD WILL LKCTURB BBFORK THK Lyeeum of the United Lahor Vanguard, at De Oarmo 11 all, corner Fourtcen'h street and Filth avenue, this evening, at 8 P. M Subject. "City Market*." Free dlAcusaiou after the lecture. Rev. rodkrio terry, of iiivinoton, will i preaoti to young men Sunday evening. May 23, at eight o'clock, in Association Hall. RKV. MOSES HULL. AMEBIOA'S MOST FEARLESS speaker, at HAKRY HI 1.1/ i Variety Theatre, 2S East Houston stroet this eveniug. uhjnct? 'Spiritual inn the i ll max ot Prophecy." A lady of rare musical ability will preside at the melodeon. REV. MR. KBANS PREACHES THIS EVENING AT 8, Iu St Aun'?Church, Eighteenth street, near Firth avenue. Free seats. Other services at 7and 10.30 A. il, and 4 P. M. For daal mm ? at ^H6 P. M. OT, ItiNA ICS' CUl -? FORTIETH 8TBRMT. BB O tweao Filth and avnuoef. Rev. Dr. Ewer, rec tor.? Serviea*. 7. 8 icnotal). ltlj*: chiidreiPs, S P M. (Chora ); 7*4, with -crmon l?i the course on "The Wor ship oi the Cnurch." Strangers wuleoiued. ST. AMBROS- PKOTKKTAVT EPISCOPAL CHUBOII. corner I'nnce aud Thompson streets, lour blocks west of Broadway .?Morning service, I0.V evening. 7,',. All seats iree. Kev. Camptiell Fair, rector. ST, IONATIU8' CHURi H, FORTIETH STREET. BE tween Fittn and Sixth avenues, the Itev. Or. Rwer rec.tor. ?11 ere will he an extra servioe dull choral), mih i rirun, on Wednesday evening next. May .'6, at 8 o'clock, stranger* welcomed and provided with seats. TA ME'; N ACL,:: BAPTIST CHURCH. SECOND AVB nue, between Tenth and Merentli MrH't*. Kev. Jam^s Bo.mlmnii Hawthorn#, pastor? Morning at 10:30. "lAme, its Cause* and It* Contegneiioe*;" evening *i 7:44, lb* I'aturo i.ife.M Yoang men and stranger* cor dially invited. THE PEOPLE'S SiliTlCK lu the Chorrli of the Holy Trinity, Madlaou avenue and Forty-seconJ street Rev Stop hen U. Tyng, Jr., will preach to the people at 73a o'eioofc 1*. M. The spiritual sociktt op Brooklyn will b Id a aeence this day. at?3 r niton a venae, <>alU:ln Ha l, E V Wilson. speaker, willcommence at 3 o'clock r. M , sharp. nrOMlN'l TEMPERANCE UNION OPNKWYOHK.? ?T Anniversary it As oclailon Fall. Fourth avenue and Twenty-1'turd street. Monday, May a at 1 t'. M. Hon. William K. Do Ige will prf-ode. A rt-Port of the year's work will be read oy the >eoretary. Mrs. w. k. Me lees, and addre-se- iflvcn hy Kev. Wia. H. Boole, Mr*. Helen E. Brown aud others. ZION CHURCH. MaDISON AVENI."-:, CORNER Thlrty-ei#hth stri-el.?The llishop of thn dioccsu will administer confirmation and priest'* ordination in Zion ohureb, oa Irlmlv Suiulnv May n >ervtcee to hi k'ui at to Ju a M. morning prayer will he said at 11.30 A. m.. eventnf *erv>ce at 4 i'. M. UKY UOODII, A. j PARISIAN CLOAK f AND SUIT COMPANY, frona 40 Rue de Trevi*, Paris. ^ ?R?ND OPEN! s7T~ ^ OP THEIR Ntw STORE, ?> ?? | a RAST POIRTI-.ENTII STREET, ^ tour door* weet of Unlyer*l ty place, ? MONDAY, and during the ?k. When a fine a* ortnu-nt o? novelties in Parli Cloak*, ladies' and olilldrt-n's anite will tie exhibited. I.adie*1 onn material made ipeelahy brougli wholesale price*. Ladies' o.mi material made up by men drewmakera, ?peeialiy brought Ironi Paris. We will retail. at Pans riiolesale price*. P. BhRNH AMD, Manager. A LEX vNURK BROTHERS, ALEXANDRK RRDTHF.RS, ALEXANDRE MROTUERS, ALEXANDRE IROTTIBKS, ALEXAMDKE BROTHERS, ALEXANDRE BROTHERS, gloves. riLVin, HOSIERY, SASHES, HAT SCARPS. HAMBURG*. SPLENDID ASSORTMENT. LOWEST PRICES. NOTIONS, BOTTOMS, TRIM M f.VQS, WORSTED. Li CM, Brown and gray gros grain Saab Rlhbon at 30c. I rimming Sitk> and gros grain Ribbons lu all desirable ?hade*. P\LAI3 ROTAL, PALAIS R(?TAL, PALAH ROYAL, PA I. A IS ROYAL. PALAIS ROYAL, PALAIS ROYAL, PAL A IS ROYaE CALAIS ROYAL, PA I. MS RoYAL. PALAIS ROYAL, CORNER loUK TEENTII STREXTAND BKOAOffAT. J kid ULOV WILL OPEN MONDAY, MAY 2?. l.fldn dojten 2, 3 and 4button Kid t.loves, in all ilesira blu ?uttdci, at tile usual popular prices. EVEKY PAIK ^WARRANTED. AT MMK. LA FOR' A DK'S, NO fi WF.ST ELEVENTH street. near Broad* ay.? Just received per steamer Oder, greatest noveltlee in Costumes, made of all silk; aruiure tlrena lines, l.nnMtene* Bitistes and silk I la-nee, for (Mtfriase, street and seaanore, from Worth, fineut i aiertere, aud ?i?o an cl-gaut asfortuitiil oi ilai* from, Jiiereu A Mcbourgk OH* eooin. ArA T ? H h 'IIA UD MBARBS, <$ Sixth avenue ana Nineteenth street, begs to direet the attention of customers and tbe public to ltie special TATI HACTIONH AND IKDI.TKMKNIhT now offering in every department TnBOtOHOlT Ol'H ENTIRE KUTABLiaHkhNT. Tbe moil complete and iterl'ect assortbi< ut ot KIRdT CJLA88 GOODS to be found in thu city * ? ? ? t iiie loweat price*. Do nut fall to inspect tbe lollowing lines of Goods, it will be to roar Interest to BXAMINB TtlKM BKPOHB PCRCHABING > ^ OUR OWN SPECIAL IMPOBTaT* ? 200 pieces of colored Gros Grain Bilks, in all the best colors, including browns, blue* aud driuis, at fl 8ft, Si 38, SI 46, $1 SO, 91 89 yard. ISO plecea of colored Dress Bilks, in the most desirable shades. fl 73. $1 83, *2. lOOpieoes of striped Dress silks, in variety of stylfs and colorings, 75c., 80c., 85c., 90c.; all u:tder usual rates. first rate quality of black Gros Grain Bilks, 90c , 'J6? , |1, SI 10. $1 2o, $1 26, SI 38 and SI 90 yard. Very superior Mack Bilks, Si 79, Si SO and $2 yan\ opening" on mondav, 1,100 pieces of choice Dress Good*. all under uttual prices. Matelasse and fine Twill Mohair*, 25c, Pino l'Said Mohairs, 27 Inches wide, 2Se. Lot of fine Cheviot Wool Plaids, 27 inchcs, 31c. 2S-!nch wide Twill Serges, gray and brown, 20c. Lustres, Debeges and Mohair Pongees, 20c. Imitation Camel's Hair Plaids and Cashmeres 35c. and 38o. Very line Bilk and Wool Pongees. 46c. Fuuimer Camel's Hair and Camel's llair Debeges. new shades, 38c., 90c., 5t>c., 60c. Popular brands of black Alpucas. 26c . 38c., 44c., 90c. 40-inch black English Cashmere, tWc , 70c., 80c.; fine goods. Black Prench Cashmeres. Lupin's bent, blue blacks, 75c., 8uc., 86c.,, SL Si ^9 to Si 90; very cheap. locates of good Calicoes, all warranted fast colors, 7e. and 8c. yard; h?ve been 10c. 600 pieces of beat Percales, yard wide, 16c. and 16c. a yard; finest goods; usual price 29c. 100 pieces of best black square Me*h Grenadines, 39c., 44c., 60c.. 68c., tiOc , 66c. yard; all bargaiiu. now OPENING. 100 dozen white, red and black Shetland Shawl*, our own direct importation, very desirable for couutry and sea side wear, (kill two yards square, at tl 25, $1 38. $1 30. 91 75, $ J. $2 25. *2 50 $3 and U Fliifl Llnma lace Saques, till $12, $14. $15. $lt>, $20. flue Llama luce Shawls. $12, $15, $18, $2U. MILLINERY DEPARTMENT. Wn beg to lovlte an inspection ot our Urge and magnificent stork ot floe Krencn Pioswerg, not equalled In extent or moderation of price by any house In this elty. Every variety oi beauiliul Wreaths, vines and Sprats. A new lot opening ou Monday. All bargains. Our trimmed Round Hat* and Bonnets, both imported and <>i our own mauulacture, arc the admiration ol all, combining style and elegance with moderation In pnc*. Vary s*Ush trimmed Hats, (8. $iu. $12 $14. 915, $ls. Elegant luiporlcd bouneta, $'A u-ual price. $<0. Special attention is directed to oor vary largo and attractive stock of 1 ladles' ready made Costume* in ?Ilk, black, colored and strlned. Camel's Hair and Debege silk trimmed. lAwn, Uneu. Batiste and l-acc Overskirts and Basques and Dreaee*. Terr elaborate and stylish Silk Costumes, of rich Lynns t.Urk silks, elaborately trimmed, $tiO $65, $75, $80, $*J $95. Very stvllsh and elegant silk Costumes of original de signs, composed ol two shades ot rich gros gi Mu silk, $62, $fift, $6y, $75, $85. Handsome striped *tlk Costumes in variety of styles or made to order, $45, $50, $55, $60. Stylish eWViiel's hair Debege and Serge Suits for travel, ling, street or house wear, of very stylish designs, elaboratelv trimmed with silk to matcn or coulraet, and well finished, at $2s. $30. ?3t, $3s. $> Any of the above styles mad* to order any color at same price. Linen Suits, elaborately braided. $8. $9 $10, $11 Flain l.iuen Sulla, with plait* I trimming, at $5. $C $7, $8 $9. $10 French Batiste Suits, plain and plaid. $18. $Jtt Stylish embroidered Hatiste Suits, $15. $1*. $20 Fine white Lawn Suits, trimmed with etubroldere at $10. $12. $14. $15. White Lawu suita, plaited trimming, $4 SO, $5. $C 50. Calico Wrappers, i.abrielle style, $1 12, $1 Si Pine Trench <'umbric ami Percale Wrappers, tr'mitcd with fancy borders, $1 75, $2 $2 2j French cambric >uus, stvli-hly uiade. $4 5<\ $5 75k Calico Suits with thre' pieces, skirt, overskirt and bas que, all neat patterns, $2 75. We Invite an examination ot oor large and attractive stock of reaily uia le Costumes, coutldent that a per sonal infection will convince all that our prices are beyond competition. Our Costa me* nre all manutso lured anil designed under the supervision of the most competent artist*, and are got up with a view to attrac tiveness, durability and moderation In price. Our assortment Is large and varied, and we are con stantly Introducing uew designs, end an- prepared to execute th" most elaborate orders at shortest notice and ifuarantee pertect satisfaction. IN OCR CNDLRWKAH DKI'AKI MRM1 we will open, on MOXDAT, the following real bargains: ? Chemises, fine tuck bosom, ruffle or edge. 88c, Chemises, flue tuck bosom, embroidered edge, $1. Chemises, with three rows of embroidered inserting and trimmed with ruffle, $1. Very line Chemise", tucked and Inserted front* and fin ished-with embroidered edrt. $1 25. Chemise*, elaborately trimmed with embroidery *nd tucking. $1 5U. $1 75, $2. Cambric chemises, trimmed with Italian lace. $1 Mi. l ine muslin Chemise*, elaborately tiiinmed with em broidery on yoke and with insertlug and edging at bottom, $2 75, $3. Ntjtht Dresses, tacked back and front and rnffle fl 10, Ni*ht downs, tucked front and embroiders- $1 50 $1 7$ Fine French Ni m Dresses, with tucks. Ac.. $29U $2 7ik Night downs, with two rows of embroidered Inserting, tucks and ruffle ot embroidery all down front, $) 7i> Drawers, with Hamburgh embroidery. 88c. $1. Fine muslin Drawers, tucks and embroidery. $1 25 $1 M. Very fiue Drawers, sll elaborately trlnnnej with tu, broidered edging and inserting. $1 *5. $1 75 $2 Great variety of I'otlct Sacques, Corset Covers, Mc. All flue goods at very low prices One lot of wash poplin skirts, $1, worth $1 60. All the popular maces of hrench wove and imix>rted Corset*. Freucli wove Corset* embroidered top*, 88c., $1. $i 3 . Misses' and Children's Suit*. In pique and linen, olatn snd braided. Linen UaUriels, braided, $1 '5, $1 00. $1 65, $2, Piiiue Uslirti is braided. $1 ?5 $2 i". $2 ? $:t Linen Blous*s, elsbnr*jelv braided. $1 75, $2, $2 24. Children's pique t'oat and Cap*, $1 }? $4, In oar ? 110*11'. KY DEPARTMENT RTMe.NT WK WILL OFFER ON MONDAY a very large assortment of ladles', gentlemen's and children s summer merino Cnderwear, in all sixes and qualities, much lower than nsna! rates. I.allies' ?nitimer merino L'nJerTests, In all sues. 50e., Misses' ?uinmer merino Vest*, at 81c., 33c., ?*: 4#o., 45 .. 50e., TOo.,?V. _ ? _ Boy*' summer merino Vests, all sizes, 81c , SJe, Wo., 40c . '41k;., f-OC.. 60c.. use. . ^ ? ienilemen's summer merino 1 ndervests, all sue* 80c. 6'X'.. 6 e., 7#C., $1 Boys'fine white-hirts. all sizes. $H1 B.iv?" larcy colored f<h;rts, good quality and fit well, $1 25. Including two colters. Boys' fine percale fancy dress bbirts, $150 each, in cluding two collars. _ lis u tie men's o**t quality ol flne white Jean Drawer* 75c. Hoys' lean Drawers, best quality, Sic. oehtlemen's Isnev Half Hose. See , ttr., 44c Mr. Gentlemen's Msle thread nock* line fttaltty, 8*c. RICHARD MEARF.^. cerner histh aveum ai"' tt/oiiu. sns??. A r MKT UUUllft, BTEHN BROTHER* SIXTH AVKNl'B AND jwenty THIRD KTRh KT. SIXTH AVK.ME AND X W UN T V ? i'Hl HI) street. ? WILL coxtinVe this WERE TOOirER still ORHATKR INDUCEMENTS II* THEIR LADIKh' AND children'S FURNI8HINU DEPARTMENT*, The great success tliat ban attended fhelr sales In ill* above department* induce* them to offer new and large line* of very desirable Garments at even lea* than tneir prices ot ib? past w*ek. towhich they muat particularly request the attention of their nnnu-rout patron*. LARGE LINES OP HKW UNDER<JAKMENT8 FOR LADIKs, MISSK3 AND 0U1LDRKN, comprising everything requisite to a complete ward robe, of the most superior muaiiuR, trimmings and work man-ihiD, including uiany of our own exclusive style* and manufacture. LADIES' embroidered BOSOM chemise. HtuM i?3C. If ward. LADIES' EMBROIDERED ED ?E NIGHT ROBES. from $1 47 upward. LADIES' superior MIMUN DKA WKRS, FROM CiO. upward. FINEST lawn DRESSING BASQUES. from $1 37 t FWARD. CORSBT COVERS, nicely" TRI MM HI). from 7JC. upward. LADIES' WAISTS IN GREAT VARIETY. from 5ic. upward. ? PERSONAL inspection WILL ONLY give IADIES A~ TRUE IDEA OP THE MANY INDUCEMENTS NOW Ol'PEKINO. An unusually large selection of ladies' LINEN DABlll-TE AND LAWN SUITS AND "oVIiRDRBSSES. including manv new and desirable PARIS AND berlin DESIGN?, from the plainest to th* most elaborate styles, at VERY ATTRACTIVE PRlVUl A large line of LLAMA LACE SACQCKP, fblly SI per cent below the cost of Importation. LA DIBS SIPERIOR MAKE PERCALE WRAPPERS. AT |I t& WHITE LAWS WRAFl'EKE IN VARIETY, FHOM $3 75 UI'WARD. ^ STERN BROTHERS have iD*rn-adown their immti'ie stock of "sUN UMBRELLAS AND PARAkOLS FULLY 10 PER CENT FROM PRICES RULING EARLY IN THE HE A SON. Their avortments are. without exception. the finest ia the city, all of most snperlor aliks ami finish. with the latest an I moat deatrable handles. SPECIAL ATTENTION IS DIRECTED TO THEIR elegant Hoe of novelties In f FAl'.Ia, BERLIN AND VIENNA "f # & FANCY GOODS, MOSTLY THEIR OWN DIRECT IMPORTATIONS, WHICH THKY ARE ENABLED TO OFFER LESS THAN DOWNTOWN WHOLESALE HOUSES. New itsigns in AHMONIERES, CHATELAINE? and SCF.NT BOTTLBB In gilt niver anO oxidised. Naw styles of NECKLACES ana NEt K BANDS in gilt, stiver, shell and jet. witb an entirely new stock ot BLACK OAK.NET JEWELRY iu manv ntw Jesjas HIGH TOP SHELL COMB* OILT AND 8ILVER LOCKETS AND CRCSBB. ENAMELLED AND GIl.T JEWELRY. PAINTED BR0CI1SS ia the choicest dentins. with (rilt, silver an?l rubber mountlui;* The latest novelty. PoEl BON HOEUR BRACELETS, a large assortment, all at UNUSUALLY AT TK ACTIVE PRICES. An Immense stock of RUSSIA LEATHER GOODS. VIENNA AND DOMESTIC PORTEMONNAI IS, TRAVELLING AND HAND PATCHKLS, BAIJM AND SHAWL STRAPS. Their __ Toll. FT DEfAUTMENI -a Is without exception the mod complete in the rtty. You will find every Imaginable article In that line, at the lowest possible prices. PARIS. VIENNA AND JAPANESE ? FANS. ^ A magnificent *?aorrment Itvall stsles, iiiHudl"* many unique and choice designs not m be tcjna In any other ?sfat>!i?lmi"nt ON WEDNESDAY *ORJ?INO THEY WILL OPEN rilRtF CASH FANS. TEE LATEST PARf*I A~N STYLES, jtjst received per steamship Vilt* de Tart*, to write* tbay direct special attention. HOSIERY DEPARTMENT | A very ct # ??? assortment of BALBRIOCAN, LISLE THREAD, STRIi'ED. FANCY AND PLAIN COTT'i* HO?IEHT, tor LAnir.S, OBNTLBM KN AND rillLDRLN, In all qualities snd *ize? and tbe mo?l standard makes and qualities, POSITIVELY CHEATER THAN ANY OTHER MOUSE. LADIES', OKNTLBM EN'S jlND CHILDREN'* COSSAMBR AND GAt'BK UNDBRWBaI, IN ALL' f'lBBB AND qCALI rlES. ?? HTF.RN BROTHERS, ? ] HTFRN BROTHERS, ^ SIXiU A VENUS ANli rWRWTf.TBIRn w r ?t K It f( JURY (>UVO?. Ar REEEE n H K K BEE s B K H H RE1EE O B n RRRR It R R HUH R U U R R Li 1111H HKRR U H H R 11 R R R R II coc n c c ft 8 u c 8 8 B IT 0 0 B 11 CCC H H U H U B H H BEN II H R B H ? ? H B S888 " I ?' 9 SBflS I ? 9 8 88N8 KltlUTH AYRMUB. NBaK J4TH gTHRET. R?el Prrnch chip Hats, warranted the vary finest quality Imported. In brows, Arab, white and black; also brown and black, wttu white edge, and whit" with black edge, in all the lead lag tbapee. including we "Derby," "Yorkahire,1' Ac., Ac. Bold ?lsewhere at ?3 85, 94 and $8, offered by a* at 11 U 11 n n n n ? JR? MM *0 M m M ft 9S m na tmt Kw? w 9t VV Klnect qaallty American cklp Data, alt^xhapea and eolora. quality American chip Hate, all ihapei ana colore. ccc 888J SS33 gn ?S W W Hi DO 88 SS o fH 88 W S3 c e MM 1S31 ccc ? Very fine quality L?k i horn Hate, in all tfie nioit deairable shapes, at I E\tra qnality Milan and Dunstable Hate, In blaok. brown, whlto au<1 drab, in tbo most t'aahlonable ?hai.<>s at 77777 77 S cee UK M 6M6 M 77 56 ? 77 ?? U ? o 7 S?5 CC? 2213 MSt Si 22 55 a km M 53 It u ii H U # una w>jj BLAt'K NKAPOUTAN HATS, IN THK DERBY, YORKSHIRE, SOLDBNE, VICTORIA, ILMA, RIBTORI, *0., AC., AT KROM (iUc. TO $1 63. LADIEP1 Canton 11 ate, all colore and ibapei, best quality, 5Uc. Miseea Straw School Huts, fully trimmed, with ttraw trimming, all colors, at Wo. SELECTION AND PRICES TO PLEAHB EYERYBODY ill FINE FLOWERS AND FEATHERS, READY TKIMMBD BATS, RIBBONS, HAT 3A6IIBB, 40. 68S8P r H B U H V V 88688 I 8 IT n v p 8 u ses-^s vuvu II TTTTTTT 88?S8 II T 8 ? i; ii u 11 ssess 8 8 ^tssa8 v TUB HUME ROCS AND SINCERE COMPLIMENTS PAID OUR SLITS Br LA I'IKS JUSTirY OCR PRIDB IN THIS DEPARTMENT. ~SO SHOP-SBWIHQ| MO BXTRAVAOANT FASHIONS; NO MISPITBl NO BROADWAV PRICKS. EV8RT SUIT WRLL SKWKD, NBATLY AND GEN TEELLY TRIMMED.OF UOOD MATERIAL, AT PRICBS TO ASTONISH TUB MOST KCONOMICAl* N1CFLT TRIMMKD SUITS,~ WELL MADE, AT 9379, $4 90, 98 75. $8 76, 910 90. fl'TIT We call special attention to our "Aunt" Suit, tha per fection o( taste ?ml neatness, a suit to wbich the meal fastidious can find no objection, at $!& Imported Style* at 917 5), 9)0. 923. Hpamiftil Salt, of goat1* hair cloth, trimmed with aeal brown lilk, a copy of one of Worth'* elegant styles, at 9J9. black PIf,K hl'ITS. ^ Pi;BE LYONS SII.K SlIT, HANDSOMKLY TBIMMBD, SEWED WITir~KILB. AT IX. Rich black, and striped Silk Buits at 931. 997, 9*9. 990 and up to 9120. Our well known attraction! In DOMBKTIf AMI FKBNCH UNDERWEAR, PARASOLS, SLBBYBLKSIJ JACKETS, OVERnJtlHTS, BU. BIIBICH'S. I ? EllRICB'S 287 BKHITH AYKNCK, 2*7 BKTWKEN MTH AND ItfTII STREETS. ? EHRICBm?! ? Ll.TX LLLL S.t: and 129 Sixth arenas. NOW or UN, an l'umrp-o Stock ?f M1IHW i.OOfK, French nn<i BapblH'htp Hue. In Bit the newc?t shapes, and reeelviniRnew shapes and u<~?((hkIi every wcrk froiu Lurope. in blac?, browu, drab, white Mud ecru tinta tim b Chip. 92 to 94 <5. Chip 92 to 9' American Chip. Wr. to AM. English Milan Hats and Bonm u, in Hil*bap?s md shaAi. Milan llata, -M. til $z I/ech< rn Round Hut*. 91 t<) 93 90. Fine Leghorn li?t?, 91 SO; worth 92 79. We hare now >n sale ov < r 1,000 doaen of Hats. OCH TKIMMKII. IIA.IB for eletrance of shape and ricbncae A trimming, tirr I t r surpassed. IMMrN sH RKDI'i TDK IN PRICE? ! "19. IS. 1.1. lint* reduce.I to *12 91'.' Hats rrdueed to 91. 9^) Hat* reduced to 9<i W The gr< *t Hcreare 01 our business over all ether houses ib the millinery trade atte-tmir superiority. ? lBBOW*. Damassa Ribbon*. He.. !'? . 20c . *>" and 40o., In black. ! bffiwn. cream white, isrdlna'; and drab. I All the new n>rinu shades at 9c., tie., 19e., 20e., 39c. Bed 40r Flue black Oro* Otaini all Bilk. 12c.. l?c. and 26e. yard. *A*H RIBBON*. Splendid quality bla' 7 Inch, 7.1c yaid. all silk. _ fittest quality black Kmch. 91- formsrly sola at 91 79 yard. HAT 8CABPS. Dinam Bat flrarfk. Uroe Orain Hat Scarfk, Ml "ilk Hat Scarft. Daiaana ?'ilk for hat trimmm*. in an shades, hpleiidil iinaittr, ?2 7? vard. $X> lints red need to 921 12.') llats red need toil"*. >20 llai* reduced 9I-1. ' to toil to 9< Bankrupt stock of sr. FRKNCII FLO WE I PINE FRKNi'll FLO Wit R*. Will open on Monday 1.000 qartoona of flne Montures at !?9 cent* a Montara. All tbiiline of goo<li are worth from 92 #0 to i\ Will offer on Mondav ?*) cirtoom of short Sprays at 29 cent* a Spray. All 01 (his line is worth from 11 to 91 .16 Thue two lots of Flower* are all new gouda of thil eea ?ott'l Ittiporution. a 1x1 must tie (old. LACK DKPARTMENT. Black Threal and impure Laces. Colored Uuchesse Net Colored Oatpnre Net Colored McxVao Net, OUBTRLMS JAi KKTS in silk and lace. l arge ai>0ttn*lt uf new and exauidte designs In Made up Lace Articles, W? mannfactnre ail our own lace goods. RCPFLINOS ine.nlt?(s variety and all price a WILL til*UN OB MoNlJAV, a splendid assortment of t'blldren's Dreaees. Infants' j>re*aes. and t'hiUirea'a Plane and Ma si in Sulla. SI <*>? to 94 l.adie* organdie an 1 fancy SB! uVhBDRKaSBH. SI"* I'MBRBLLAS A>l) PAHlSOL?, which we will sell at low price#. kilt ULOVBS. A choici asaornnentof Kid hIot?*. In all the new spring thaoes and opera colors?two, three and five button* Ml I.K TIKS. l.tlO") dozen Windsor lies, 29c. l,y?) Mime nun Ties at j*c. ; former nr?ee 7f>c. J nrt) ?lo/,en Lsce Ties, 33c.; reduced rroni 66c. Latest noreitles 'n fine French flea H. -Hedri, Hon to the trade. O'N KILL'S, ST7 and 329 Siath a?entie and 101 Weat Twentieth ?t i MRI'RH, I'A RPET4 V tlreat spring owning of farpef* ^lelotht, Wmdc Sha les Lambre>4 11ns, Mats, Mailing Ac., at very lew prices. 1 Knglish Velvet at 91 .1 Bernard. rape tn- Hrn?s.> s at 91 peryard. I Three ply, a^ *1 -"s per j a^l. Ingrain, ai.ttc..t and B0c. r*r rs'l. .* !Iother at c.;? tllv low 1.ri ^ targe sto< k of F'lrnltnre 10 per eenl. hear er than ' ??>? Other house In 'he city. A' If" ids Shippei', ir?o, D. IBLI.T, , ?ncrtfaortou o'Farr?l?, I II ?!??! :tl Etgh'.h f.rjs . Miwtta . ..rtv i v aat, ita>fIt tilth uraat. OR* auvos. lr _ - ^ Owing to the great Increase in oar tHUlneee ^ we are enabled to offer still greater induce menta than ever before. All who eounlt 1 their own interest would And It frattly to their advantafe to give a* * call of luapaotioa. Goods en own freely. All good* warranted a? repreeauted. No Importunity to porckaea. <$ BRRR 000 I>DD GOG KKBB BRRR MM B BO 0 1) DO OK a. R8 ? R BO 0 D D U OR It K 8 R RO 0 D D H B R RS BRRR 0 0 D DO P.EK RKRR S?8t R R O O D 1) O 00 B R R n R 1.0 O D DO OR It K ? R RO O T) D G GE R R 8 fl R R 000 DUD GOO BF.BB A K *A UOOU RRRR RBRA A A 0 OR BR R A A OORRRK A A O O R R it R MM 0 0 RRRR RRRR AA 0 OR R R R A MM O OK RR R. M A <> O R R R R MMMMM M OOOO R R R R RBBB RRRR OOO" BBS* BB R R O O R ? B H R R O U 8 B H R It O 0 8 RBBB RRRR O <> MSB B B R B O 0 ? B B B R O O s BB RR O O 8 H BBBB B K 0000 US Eolith avenue bnw?? Nineteenth and TvrenMath jtreete. Suits ''loam, Tablitrt Mo. tiraud dinpla.v ol elegant Garment* 011 MONDAY, May tk Blefftot imported Buiw, $22 to $4*. Elegant Imported silk Buita. J'5 tn Ji' El< nant Drop d'Kte Saeques, Tabllers. Ae., ti W to (V.1 Ladles, we glte quotations only wh?a we are fully prepared to offfer oxtra In.luocmeuU . iU?refor? we lu vita a Tlslt of luepaotion. Royeltios by our designer* and ex^t iop'i's??ci of latest Imported doesgn*. Btegant black and colored silk Suite. ira.iytfd title, (32 50. 836 60, $58 SO, $*1, ??, $40 *' RkirlA at leatt uu?? third more. Elegant Suits in plaids, deb?ge*, poplins, pocgeefc erctonncs, sultanas, silk optnflluen, batermos, mohairs, $12 M to $28 80; worth to duplicate one-fcalf more. Elegaut Suits, $9 90 to $lt ?5; regnlar price, $11 SO ta $ic mi Ilandiome Suits. $4 93 to $0 8); chA?p at $3 to $4 more. BLACK 8l'IT8. Black alpaca Irosfrea, double taced, Uik 1n>~h, ?olor warranted, $8 80, $? 88, #li 7*. Pure mohair Brilliant* $12 7ft to 9 i i> Not quite the valuu of material*. Mourning Salts a ?peclalfT. Garments will be *rr?iiK?J, dl>p!av?.l and price* kA flie'l for the ?ouvenience of iimp?ctl<>a. All ready-made Garments fitted p?rfe#uy. K?eiirt charge. Bsery conrenienco tor fitting. ORDER DtJ'ARTM KJ< T. First rltw detlmcr* and Attar* In atteadaaee. *rl*n did itotk ot good* to select from. Latest novciti** in garments exhibited. Our*peclaliy Mil* week. ? Colored. atrlped and black Slit Snlta to order, 994 ta 941 TravrIHnt and Sratide, to order, lit SO to ML ^ KUgaut bona* anU itreet Garment*, to ^rder, fU tQ f? )*?.urnlng *alU. with or wttbont crape 'i immtnw ta order. 912 to 9^4. *" p?jle and flnieh umurja?ed Pneei much tower (haa usual Latest slylea Beit wo(% and ' and i perfect fitting. reduced priced I liRBKS GOODS I I SPECIAL BAKO.UX-S | <$ ? Rlack Fr?nch Ceahmere, "Lapinl" celebrated make, Ni.tlc , Toe , 80c , 9)e up. Blark silk warp Henrietta ^loth. fl 21 per rard: (iift marly 9' *'i 45-lncb. l Black Drap De Venice, 44c., Mo. ?ac ; formerly JHu TPc., Mo. Plaid Poplin Vigone*. in tbe new sloth efffcta, Mci) 4Jc , Me.; \ery ricli. Camel* Hair Debege, In tba new ahalca, SOc., S3cJ ?c.,?c. * Basket Poplin*, rich ihaut*, only lie., Sic., 97\c., markatly low. 500 pletes Alpaca, rich aprlnf and tummer *ba4efc magnificent quality. J0r., 2Jc., 23c., tie., 28 -Co., 3: Black Alpaca*, reduced to lie., He , 2*c., Sic , 5Sa.. 40o>/ ?P . Black Mohair*, 40c., 60c., 70o., 9 a., 9Jc.. a>. ~LLKt?. T . t Black ?tlks. <%.. 0??? ~$J, $1 10. $1 It 91 99, 9' Jj,1 91 ?, 91 78 to 98. y piece*, special bargain, black Oroi Qra!n. -la Utk niHkir. 92 40, worth 93 1 Colored Xtlki, 91 to 92 80 per yard. Stride ?iik*. T4c. op. NK? Dh PART* KMT, NOTION!'. T1UMMINOH ANU K*X< T UOOOB, IXDLK TUURUtOU\jY ('OMPUTOT iiA^AOl ?t Wonderful, but trne. Ttie tnae Nat com* and tbe loca? tton re<jaire* that we should add till* excellent depart-; Went to our many special eff-rn to pleaee nttr numertng patrous. who dally crowd our coun'ern, and we *re <la?* termlned that no retail honse In tlii* city ?ball itlMt ua In style. <iuality or price*. Ladies favoring a* with a' vlalt o< inapcction will never pur^Ua'je ol*ewhere. aaa, will be thown our great (pecuniae wituout regard Ut purchasing. SPECIAL T'kT' Its PuH TUP WI.uT 9.000 rards fine Fringes in all ihadei, I2j*e , !4e., l9o?. up. 4,(lfi0yards Tab Lace, 18o. upward, worth 20 per cen^ Bora. 900 piece* Oimpa. from ?k! per yard up. 9W piece* Rite bin fs, tc per yard up; a !>arja!n toodixcn lace tie*, 12c.. IX !9o 3o , wor'b V cent mvra. ?00do**n One Coraat* *pecia1 Mrgaia. 4S , MV , W?.t (9c. upwaid ; worth 23 per cent more. Ribbent In ??erj abada, to match. T t UOHIKRT. 7i0df xen ladles' wnife cotton Oona, loe per pa.r uo. . iH" j?/4'u ladle*' woite cotton Uo?* Ana <iaahtr,30^ p. inodoaen real ftalbrigyan. from SSo per pair. Ufl loeen rhlidren's ano Mie-es* Ho?e. lie,, per pal' np^ *0 dozen Reutlemeni Mall Hot*, a bargain, an a| a per pair. . ifti dozen genttemen't merino Shirt* and Drawer*, allghtly soiled, 4Ac. each , worth 91 Gentlemen's white and colored Dret* Bbirig. i.'tffti,' Collar* and Ties in great earlety. Shir la, cm at; ParaaoT*. suu Khaoea, ParaaaU. 140 dozen, all *ilk, with flue band lei. .. M 91 so each, in black to4 Br?*lk 140 dozen, all rilk. with fine handle*, fl 79; worth II * xsvro> ward. I Wdoiaa, all dlk, wiuuina handle*. 92, worth *> pat U2dotaa at the beet taalttr, $i W, ??, 93 ard. 4.000 sampl'i oar own lmtm?Hon. the flnettteodtf and Boat elegant finlah, win be >>* aicoet during thlS week H<'uaekeeptnv Linen*? Domeati<* la all grade*. widths and qtialltle*, in endlci* rarlety. ^ Table Linen, 3oie up. Towela. 91 28 doxea up, Qollt*. 9i each ud. White Ooods greatly reduced. 4 4 rarobrlea. HSc- formerly 2Sc. 5 cages Aroeri' au Oalicoe* bent, 7c., 8o. aad 9e. Ooods sent, r. o. D , to all carta We ask an Invpectlon of the aboye, knowing we a re U. prepared ofltr great :i 1ti?*?m<-nt? BOUUKRS A ORR BROA. ^?^?1 183 Mgbth arm - Hew Turk. Par Other Dry Heeds Ad?ert1i4m?U 9? ^Utttalh Pa?e.