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srrrATioxs wAJTru-ricMAim Cook^ At. 7WBMT StD ST.. LAST PLACE.-A RESPECT*BIB womau as cook lu a private family or boarding k'ltmn 1/|l OROVE ST., TN TIIK REAR.-A C.OOD COOK. Jvj In a respectable boarding house; good oil/ ref arenra. -|/? /'OWNING ST.? A PRiTKsTa.VT WOMAN AS II) tii st' !??>* cook ; understands all kin ts ol baking; jtebt rtterence; country prefer red. Call lor two day* WKST MTH ST.?A YO0VG WOMAN A3 COOK, washer and ironer; oity reference. 20 91) WEST 13 H -T.?TWO GIK l.S; ONE AH COOK X"' ami tho other a* chambermaid an'i waitress; good city roloronea; no objection to the couutrr. ?)?-M SHERIFF ST-\ RKSI I.CI A 1*1. ? YOl'Nfl '.HI. ij' ri ?, i.'oott cook, washer anil ironer; best reference. Call lor two days. *>0 EAST MTU ST. (PRI-ENT h MI'LOYERHi).? < * >?) re-poctablc girl at cook in a private family. Call tor two day*. ?M WEST 1STII ST.. REAR IIOU8B.?A i'ROTI'STA,NT ? ?t woman as class c ok; will us-ist with ttio wishing; uo objection to tba country; bestoity reier nnce. *->Q WKST MTK ST.-A WOMAN, WHO TllnR. ? >0 oti?'hly understands ber bnslncs.*, as cook; will a ha bit witn the wash;ng; oi;hcr oily or country; tiewlcity teference, Jf> EAST 10T11 ST.?A BKSPKCTABLE YOCNU WO. TU man as goo'l cook in a private family; oau bu well recoiumeoiled hv present employer. rqi west mm sr.-A riui class frkkch ??Oa cook, for boarding holism or restaurant: wishes to pro to tho country tor the summer; bi nt Address for three dam. HQI WKST 10TH HT ?A FIRST CLASS KKFNi'lf ' tOZ cook tor a private t/tirulv; be-t objection to the country. A'ldres MAI)l>ON A v.?A SCOTCH C.IRL AS COOK "?.? und to assist with the washing; can make Rood broad and biscuit. and pasiry; cliy reference. ini vvRvr 49I U st.-a ri.spkctarle okbman ' I girl as first class cook; uo objection to the country. mWFST 5..0 ST., NKMt filll AV- Wo ItK spec table women; one ae Rood cook, excellent Washer ami Ironer: till other Hs nurse; is a'ciistomcd to taking care ol children ami a coo l seamstress; wood references. 1(\Q WKST 16TB ST., REAR. SI'. CO SO FLOOR, Iv(/ back room.?A respectable woman as first < lavs rook: understands her businesa thoroughly; no objecttott toa boarding house - good city roferonces. 1 1 f J '?AST 17I H ST. fl'Rl SENT EMPuOYKIt'S).? A3 111/ good cook in a pilvuie lauiily. Call on Monday, between II and I. ]9Q WEST 3.11) ST.. TOP FLOOR. FRONT.?A CO* ? petent voting woman, who thoroughly under stand# tlio coo'.ingot all kin is ofloultn ana mime, as Rook; wid take enilre eltai g? ol the kitcticu : no objec tion to a tlrst c|M botrait^ holt ? ; city or country; best city and country reference. 1 QQ WEST 19T1! ST.?A KE8PECTABLK ENGLISH .1 woman asm>od pi "ii cook iu a private family: can tnKe care ol milk and butter; couutry preferred; references. li)Q EAST 8111 T. ST. MARK'S PLACE, SECOND XtLtC) fl.ior.?A? pertec; Hertuin, French and Aineri ouii cook in a private faintly. ion west i/rii sr.?a in -pkctablk womaw iat? as cook in a jirlvnte family: tinderstauds her buiiue^ thorouguly; bestctty references lOA WKST Ml I'll ST.-A RISPEtTABLK Wt?M\N X')\) as c<?ok; woula assist lu coarse washing; city or cmntrv; metlBCO 1??1 EAST 17.'H ST.?A COMPETENT, RELIABLE. J?>1 qniet colored woman as cook or laundress In a Kirivate family leaving the city tor the summer; city ref erence. Can be ?een at present employer's. JQ1 Wfsr tin ??.?A RlfPKCTABLE WOVA5 ?) I as dr<t dass rook in a private tnmlly: i^a :.'oott baker; no olijecflon lo the country; best city reference. ? 1?)1 Wf.STUTB ST.-AN AT. T!1>Y OIRL AS GOOD .lOJ plain cook; is Trillin,'fo assist with the wash ing and ironing: can mane splcudid bread and bis t ult; Ave years' cllv relerenee. -JO,- WEST 19ri! SI'., IN STORE?TWO COilPE a ???? tent dlrls together: one ?s cook, woold assist ?wi'li tbe wn-liiiig the other a waitress and chamlipr (it 4i<l: or wotllado the work ol'a aniall tanilly between Ciem; no ubjecllous to lite country; best city rclerctr e. IQP WFST 19TH ST.?A TOCNO OIR1, TO COOK, _I*M) wash and iron, or to do general housework In n auiall privaie family . tin objection to go a short distance In the country ? he.-t city reference. 1 1(1 711 AV h:.TVVI;I:\ HT1I AMI 19TII STS.-A J.4 -i re.-pectatde girl ?s flr-t elnss cook: underMtuds French ami German cooking ; si* years' city reierence. HA WKST ?ril ST.. BBTVEBM C""ll AND 7TH t irs-A re?pcclab!n young woman, lately landed, as good oo.ik and ba'.er, or would rto general fiou-M'Work; city or country; is u good washer and roller. ICQ EAST 43D ST., CORKER OF SO AY.?A RK iJO spectsbie woman as first class cook in a private tauillr; thoroughly nnderstaii is soups fish, meats ami ?am*: Is also a good br a I and biscuit bakur; city rel (fines. Ca? be aeen for two d ?y?. i - l WEST ISTfl ST.?-A YOt NO WOMAN A3 COOD J cook, washer au I ironer in n private family; thoroughly under*t?nds her business; best city refer* ? noe troiu last piaco. ?J ??K WKST 27111 ST., nOQM) | |.(H?R._A RE J?)?) spectabU' girl t<> rook, wash and iron lu a uri vite tannlr; go^d city relercnc*. 1 * 1 ~T ;"ni '' -A CO&OREL* WoMill A* I ? 'U cok, wa.d?r and ironar, i* scady. Call or ?d drtvv Ifil E^T 21<T" ST.?A RES|>KCT\BI,K WOMAN JlJI ai <ood cook Mini to v.i:n tna washing; goo* hi e*d ami pa? rv i?*ker all k ml< oi Ponp, Ac. i good city reference; no objection lo the country. r>/\Q w/.st urn st.. first Fi/>on-a OAMH. ; ?-?" '"-'it woman a; will asslat -vitn Wushiug; 11 rnr country; good car r.-ferenee. , fll 7 ? VST r.TII ST.-A YOUNG WOMAN TO OOOK, i jL I I * uu and iron or go out by the i?; ; go"<i refer* ?00? 9i)(? f * st rrrn st.-a rk'TRctable mm. as ? |<><>d <? .(.*, wn-her and ironer in .i ?ni*II privats l?mlfr : t?_?t city reference froin last pl<t?. o > w k : ::r i >r-?R si-i rrvw p WOMAN XjOO as (lrstelaaaeook; best city reierauce. i Oil Wi ST 2IST ST.?A BP.SPBCTABr.B WOMAN I ii'ri it-(Ir-it class cook: elft er country; willing to n-si?t in tra-tilT; and irumnr; no objection to a board ing hoi"*; references. 1>A~\ WK r !BT" ST.- A BF.SFECTABl.t WOMAN* _#'t I as good plain co#k ; good hr"*1 a"d bm ait Inker, would a?lst with watki'ig pood u<y rduunce. i ? all or address o I I WE-T oril AT.?TWO TOI NfJ WOWKN TO a- I i uo together; one a* excellent rock; would a< *i-t in the wj-Iiiox and ironinsj; t ie other a? rli imln r iiiam xii't > ciul.t ilo th> line nuabliif; uo ob j-citon to the country ; refereio ???*. o i - wbut aoTU at.?a bk*pectabi,b ahem. ? I ?? i .in wonnui a? co< K in a private family; no oh |eeUon t. the ? oantry for the summer, bo*t city r?i?r ?? ice. 2 4(1 WK.Sr iTill ST.. ROOM &-AB OOOO COOK. I ? ?j?'i r au<i iroaer in a -mail family; good reference. ?>Qt? W'ST lorn ST., COKNK.t KTlf AT.?A RR ?i spec ibi- middle aged w >man ae cook, washer atid iroMrtr; boaiditu iiousa pre:une4; tast city refer a i<-.\ ?ill I :rH AV- BI'TWER.N MTU AM) 27 TH KT? , I tuird Hiior ??? cook ; wilUng toaaeiat witU Uie ? wlnafi mi year* in la?t i a "||J **.?> I .Will I., HKCM.NI> VLOOR.?A COM ? "'O D-!e?t K'HiMiiai i'?od plain eonk and to n?*b<l in -r i .inn : ,m i ir? ? i un |>e?t eity reference if rreiir d. ?>!(? K \MT JlST ST-TWO sIhTKBS; ONR A^ ??l*7 cook wa.? ter and ir.mer: the other aaehaMben* imM aii'l waltr< ?a and 'tith liic va-/ung, beat city refereui? irmi their I st pt?ce. ?>kJH "EST 4IT1I ST., BKTWRBf 8TH ASl> 9TH ? ? ?w aV4. A yoonjt girl ?? p ronk and tlrat cla-i f*<Bcr atid ironer; food city reference. ?? j (* r.ast fflii st. f-KooM>n.<>oa,-A RR^rwT. OK) at'le /.ri toco.<k and do the wa?lilng oi a small Mmily; twet nty r*;? renci\ OO I KA.-T at II sr. TWO RB-tHhOTABLE UIBI.4 ? ??X tmetber; one ?a eook ??-hcr anil ir<>ner. tlie ?rh?r a? ohamfterwaw ?n i ?a'tr<*? aict to i-? -tw|'li Ua WMtUag: Couairt prunn .l : koo?1 city relercncea. >H(| K VST 66N! ST.?A KKHPKCTABLK W MAN ?VI ' ' a* e?ok or Ittno 'reaf, or botn. in a mail l'n n ; ,, J p . .'?lO-tion to Ihe ronntrfi can larohh beuteity niter laeaa ,'rom iaat cmploier. l ull or address. ?#<?> has*Urn sr., BurWKKN htaxuso vv ? ?Vt rn- A ro<K?> l.ihle woman a< nr-t-' :a?cf?ik; waali !?>? and ironiiiv . goon reteren -e troai laet place. >14 O WBXTfflrn ST., ORB ri.IOIIT CP.?A U*. ? ri1 ar'^etaM' yoon* ?rr.mnn ? eni r <nk. Tr??her in t iro'ier in * r>riTate sauu y . reference from ia*t em ployer. ? ) 4 f| WIKT 410 >T.-A BrBPROTABUi VOl \f? ? IT'" waeaan a* |n<?l cook: willini? to a?i?t m n,i ? lohins mid ironiiii; ; will he foon I most trustworthy, willing and ob ttdmi: g?*ml r. icrfiice, ?IE 4 BAItr urn T., SHCOMD PLOoB. FRONT.?A ? >?) f: r??pei rahie girl an eook In a privnta family ??Intake MMIr help to the country Can Ilo KiiuImIi ?'|.| Ameri<aii cooking; 3j year#' beat city reference rro.u h-r la?t pluee. /ttiA EVsT ,*"1 ^r-< WT AV.?A3 KIHgr *"' t i in a me it rook in a h >tel in any part of 'lie r?nmry; un li r?ianda her taMeil in all ttt braneliei*; |eun aummera'reieren ?! irom ona hotel; nl*o a< Brat t ta laniidre.i*; under*tan I* ilie boun<*-? thornu Sly; 'in fl"t and polish; ha a ?ix Mttmmera' reicrcnce iroin ?er >4t place. AflUffH \V.-\ BBfiPKOTABLR PBiNfTB WOMAM ?? cook m ?? private ternily; cite or colotry ; f "" reference. Call or addrea* tor two day* A*) I Wl.vr i T!l ST., BP.TW R-. !>T:I AND I Til ^r?? r ???.-v rmpectable woman as UrM ria?s rook; ? ie?r?f?r>n rooH'in nn'l bakiof in all Its branches; t- mim to as i*ninlrein no or? e< tion to a first class board ri4 honas ; city or country; good reference. 44 H 2iSr Jwh fT.-A B si'K.c: VBI.I VOBNfl n.ri? *? BOo'l cook and Brut . la-t wa?fier snd i .'"""'i i nndu/.liinds ail a.niaor . willing and obluin*; best city ref f)OH 1;'AY ~A 'I? TOLAB (jAD .rtCOOE IN fS"rjMJa7nisM orC,u""rs^"0>i ? Wuln?n 10 r-1- OR KNWII H 8T._rW0 BOOTH GERMAN *-?'4 rH; onelas cook ana the otliri aiuli..mb>r J.aiii will I* .oJo wasBing and ironing, m a pir.ts WTllH'IBfl WlTTMV-rEHAl.K*. rook*. Ac. !\>XQ TTfl AV.?A VOU.NO ?Rfc AS r.oOl) PLATN ?)?JO cook mid to amtist with the ??ihin?' anil Iron ing; untiofUtiiiltMood ' aking; " objection to go with * family In the country: oily reier uce. r 7') B > AV., BETWEEN HIST AND.HOSTS.?A WIM. ? 'I ?. iciuiil obliging tfirl a- good eoofc. >?a*lier and Ironer; no objection to a boarding liom; ft If r?"n<ie. KQ>*J 3D AV., BE1WEKN 83VII AND Hl'TII STS.-A ! ?/Ou yoim? girl a? plain cook, good washer ami i teener; good city reierencc: w ui.. go to the oountrr tor the niimrr months. or do tlie wasning iu the Bouse while the family would be away. ftflft ?" AV-' BKTWKKN SSI) AND SlTH 8T8.-A ! w'FU respectable young girl as e< ?k v astier mid Irfiner, or will do upsiairs work; four yearn' city refer ence. Call lor iwo nuys. /?I I LKXINOTON AV., (SORNEIt MD ST.?A ICR. UIt* speetsblfi 'Voina 11 as ;>d C"?iv. or woultf to us I a u i ?' i r i'i?; down town jjfeleircd; goo i city r< ier< nee. | f? 7O 3D AY.?A KBsPFCTABLK WOMAN ASGoOO ! '? l ?) plain oook and assist with wajhlng; very best city reference*. UhO SO AV., BMW KEN 4PTH AN1) 8nTn STR.-A I OU?) respect*ale young crirl ji rw!;, washer and Ironer. or would de homework ; best rity references. O74 6TH A V,, BETWEEN 4'iTII ASK M I'll 8TS., ' I x first fhier.?A vfim r woman a* Bo.>d 000k? will ifilot with the washing and ironing : willing und oblig ing; bo.t city reiereucc and Ironj her place. Call lor two days. Q(\7 6in AV., NEAR SID ST.?A COMPETENT Of ' | young woman a#cook; understands soups. meat*, game and desserts- Is n Rood baker; would g<> with a tamily in the country lor the ?ntmuer raoutns; city ref erence. (ill (ITH AV.. ttTWCBK fllST AND 52I> PTS. ?A f'l I Protr.iaitt woman at cook.; country preferred; rood city references. OA4. p" AV..TBIBD LOOIl, BETWEEN MTU \SO ?'tt B7th sts. ? A yonnu woman as good plain cook, ! wa-h?'and trot.or In n small taiully; best reference. (U'9 30 AV.. TllTKL) FLOOR.?TO COl'K. WASH ' an'l iron In a small family; good relercnce. j An expbbienckd pro i nstant woman ah 1 flrs' class cook ; understands French, English and 1 lertnun rookinu thoroughly; best city reference. Ad- 1 dre-8 KITtsi CLASs COOK, box 100 Herald I'ptouu , Iii until oiUee. Chanibernialtli, Af. 10 LEONABl) ST., TOP FLOOR.?A PROTESTANT J"' (icrnian girl in cbamnernutid or 10 do general lionnework: Arnerlcan familj preferred; reference iruin la#i employer. Cull for iliree iiyt. TO WEST 44TH ST., IB THE REAR?it RE8PEOT. J ?> able youae girl to do ennmlierwork ami waiitns; j no objection to the country; best city rvAronce. WEST 24TII ST.?A RKSPECTABI.E PROTEST. | ant woman (Enallsh) in the country a* chamber- j maid and waltrca-i or nurse uiel iean'*tr"-?g. 2(? WEST BOTH KT ?A VOI*NO WOM\N AH fllAM- | ?' berniMiti and watt rem: seven Tear*' reference; j leaving on account of cloning the hou^e tor 1I10 sumuier. Can be seen 011 Monday at pp'sent employer*. OO EAST SWT 11 ST. (HRK8KNT EMPLOYE R'H).-A f >?! ri^inhio yonng girl ?' clinmberuiai i or nnrse in u private family. Cun be acen tor two dayi. 1_ Wi>T 4?TH sr.?A torso OIK I. AS CffAM ii r berinaid 11111I waitrew; ceod reference from her la^t place, where .-lie ma* be s> en. 47 WI ST 131II ST.?A iom OIRTi ASCHAM < liernn'iil or waitreiw; city or ?hort distance In the country; reference. ri) EAST M31) ST., HBOONIi FW?OR._A PROTT S *)? tint girl as chambrrmuid and waitress; is a lir.-it ! waltri Hi: iliorough chainberuiald; country pre- j ferred; first class reference. _ ; r I IiEBQT sr., IN BAKERY.?A RESPECTABLE 1 ?)'r German girl, sixteen year- iTagc. to 1I0 chamber *1 rk and assist m walling; Is a Protectant; can speak English. ! l/ll Vfi st 4<vrn ST.?A BE8PKCTABLE OBBMAX 11" I girl as rh'im t-o rm :i U and to take core of children 1 would go to the country. "I A 7 EAST '.'30 ST.?A BESPhOTABLE PROTP.S ll'l lant girl as < I and waitreis or wait tress atone; can bo seen at present employer's 1AQ WEST 13TII ST., LAST KM PLOYER'S.-A RK jLl't/ spec able plrl as cliamli?rmaM and waitress. 11(1 VBSTMT8 ?Rf REAR.?A YOUNO GIRL AS J. 1 U rhnmbsrinal l and waitress; would assist IB the vv itliinj,' and Ironing; city or countryt re:erenc& 11QVUB 4CTH 8T.?4 SM\RT, TIOY OIRL AS ? I 1 ? > chauibermaid and waitress would as?i?t Willi the wattinw: good city re le re noes. | no W ST 40T11 s-r.-.v COMPETENT YOUNO O as cbambcrmald in a private family; would si-mi with washing or anything required; city or couutry; In st city refer" .oes. Ik)') W8ST 21.11 ST.?A RESPF.t TABLE PBOTES. _ _< tuntgirlNM eliamberinaiil and walireu; can be highly re.coiumended irotn last suuafion. IOO t 8"1 1BTH ST. (PRi .--ENT EMPf.OVER'-) ?A dU.O respe 'table wlrl a.< chaniDermald and waitress; will assist ? uli washing ii rcijuired; good city reluieuce. Call lor t!ire? days. _ 1A A west urn st.?a yocnu oibl as cham. ! I.T U t>e rm aid and waitres*; no objection to a board- 1 lnghou-e; I est city relereoco. 14 4 WE8TB4UT BT.. CORNER BROADWAY, TOP f Jt'I floor.?A vouiiit Ainerl'an mrl a.s chanihernialJ ; and kMiiirese, willing to a*ji?t with chlldreu; good references. n WI'ST Ml U ST.. BKTWR' ff BROAPWaV AND ? ) 7ih ar.?A re?p?ctable youn* ttirl ?< cIijuiIhi*. i , j <t an J wtltNM and to a is til v*iih Hie tine washing. 1 4Q till AT.-A BRSPKCTABM? 01 nI, As C'lJAM J'r*/ hortnaM ami to a netit with wailuair; U willing ; a ul obliging; belt reiereu 1 -/? WEST tSTH ST.?AN KBULTSH PROTESTANT luU a* chambermaid or general lervanr in a -in ill American ?r hiwtmh tamily: la kriil to cblMren; no ob jection to the country; rclcrctice. t an bo act-a till lulled. | 1 Sfi WK T 47TII -ST. (FOBNM KMPLOYEB' A I'.'U t<?*|>rrtabl? ?< nnj girl aa chambermaid and Iitir?e. failiw o nay a, _____ led EAST fclTIt 5Z, IfcTWEBif 9f) ANH IJU Lexington a<?. ? a Ter* f#4T*ewfM (Sir! n* chambermaid and waitress, or to do cbamberwork and a- scanntri'"*: can il>> all kinds ol family on Hh"-:n A Wtlson'e machine, die yean' reierencc frsai last pla< a. i /rfj ba-t j?th st.-a BBsPBctarLS Toesn JtfO clrl as ? hami?crmaid anil "?m?trciM or wilt res*. tl?>K'iui.ilv undi r?t?mli her hnsinc-i; no objec tion to tbo country; three yoar?" reference from last PIMA. 1/-JO WKSTfi*TH ST. ?A KK-PKCTABX,r. YOtXO lUO girl as i hambermald and Waitr"" In a prlvalo fami'y; best (It* i eference irom her la-t emplnjvr. ipr> wurr 77TII Bl\?A R SPl CV vHf.K PBOTK.H J ' MJtant woman a< chambermaid tu a private faualy I aart?i*c. >r> retorwcee. C>f11 WBST 121) ST.?A LADT fOPM) I.1KR To ?i\t I fin i a for a girl an chambermaid and wait r??s or miree and ecamstresi; ell/ or cointry; highest refer* mi* nni wk-it i?tii nr.?a rkspkctareb aiRi. as jZ\H chambermaid in 1 wjiireis; no obiection to tu? Country. beet *;lty refcr.-in-e. Q/W? Wi sr 27TII .*T., ROOM |\? A YOUNO VTO? Z'/U mn aa chambermaid and to a?i.9t la washing and Ironing; relereuoe*. nno w*sT rtr? sT., betwkb.s tttt and ?rn ^yO ava.?A young girl ai competent liuu: enniud and an,,tn >je; twit city reference. t)i\u wi -T wtii sr.?a bb.hpi or vniii. yocno 'O of* H'h iinlif-miai l ann watt rc<?, or to imiil with children; mi objection to t!io (??trr; city refer dice. call tor two day* ?ni\ west 2*Tif >T.?a yocNO, srorrn prhtk ZtV" tant woman aa ctiamth'rmnlJ; woul l aaslitn iili wuhlnuina hoardlnir hwtatjcltj or >. ounuy ; goou iei? eroiH-a. fall tor tw -ilnji 9|OKA8r vrrnrr.. hb< omd ri^T.-* sua t ^ I -* v..Iin? ?irl n Cunt ormai l or waitriM) City ra nri nee. Call at her pre* at?mpioyrr*a. 917 PAST ?TH HT.-A TOCSO Milt* AS CH AM mi I J licrmahl and waitre**; ?i??h1 reMrrnce. IH)i) * *TH ST - V BBAPBRTaBliB OIRI. < iMiiibi'rniuiil or waitrtai or LiuiU in a cmotl private fiun.ljrs city reference. OOttWhgr MD ST.?A OIBfj As CIIAM BRUM AID ^ ? ami wallrc,.; wllllnii t??aaiat with the waablng aii'l ii oniint in a a amall pr vale latriily; cit) or country; (Ountrv f.rclei reu, aailHaetorr reieren--. ... ?)i)j BAIT 47TH ST.?A BKSPBCTABI.1I TOCXCJ JjZiC girl a* chambermaid ami walire?.; 1* willing an I oMi|tiny; noiilil maKe ti< raelfgttbi rally uaoiui; beat ui} reiererica from lact place. ti.?n wrst aim pt ?\ rmno womw ciiaintierdinnl aint to :i?-.i?t wiili th<'washing anduwning in a good tan i v ? > ohiectten to the couu tr? ; CUV retereiee. Call lor IWo day*. no 1 WKKTJ8IH -r. THIRD H.fKin.?A RKspKcr. able gir! a- llr?t nla-ichambermaid and walt ri tbre# y?uri? rclcrtuce ifoin lail place . do obiectiuu to go to tne ponntrr. oi o west wrn vt.-a vor ko hiri. ah uiam* ? 1 ? be maid and to ta*.'-. arr ?.iVr ?im children, ..r MCbambermald and ?anrci, m i prifgte tauiliy; Uc?t clir reterenci ir. m lait eniplorcr. fj/\n WKfT ?!> BRRPKCTARL* OfRl< All ? rliamberniald in ^ priiate lajiilr; aojd refer enee. lf renni?il,jrrrtm berjaat empb.ver. fUm r^ST KD ST.-A Torso OIBfi A.I ORAM ? )"U !? t and walirm: ?otn l a<aln with flne wMiilm an I iromns . no o^jeciion to the country; good city reference* * " ?IflK WKHTJISI SI l VOl Ml ntRI, AS OIUM. ? ?Vrt? lermald a:il wallren: willing and obliiinBi beat city reference. " " ? ?|'| !? AST ?rtl ST.?A BKMPBrTASLB TOtTWfi ? ?LO girl aa chambermaid and to tuitr rare of chil dren: wilt make herieli generally naetul; no older mn to the couu try ; best city reference. ? all f..r tw.i day*. ?11 \ jril ST.. FIRST FLOOR.-A TOPStO nAIIISH ?)l(l girl to do npatatre f.r.rn and * a.ihlnn or lew m ' in a pri i c itimlly In the city. ?>k>a PAHT 213T ST.-A BEAT, T1PT OIRI., AS ? )-'' i 'i 1'nbcrmald and waltr. ??* in a ,-uvate lami t , w I'd refill ? nco. ??./! WKST*TII r.. i-RCOKD Fi.OOR. ? A nVaT ? ? I I'r.te^'ant girl ai aliamtnirniald and to nuut with flni> wishing best city rel?r n> e ono east ?I> ST.-A RRSf'BOrARliK OIRr, chambermvM and ajslat wtth tbo ?vaDi |iit and Ironing. Cmi or adilr'na ?>?1Q FASTH8T ST.?A virrxn uutL a ? Cft awhwr ?) L n maid ind aurw i ? > ?i n iron :;w ?t>jec i0a w ine .?tt.ur. KITI STIOIil W AWTRD? FKM.U.f!^ ^ < lminbrrmald4, &?. oon east ann at.?two $istKita. as otiah '>'> ?' bermaids and waitresses; cKv or country. Q/| Q KAaT KID ST. ?A i': sl'KCTABl.K VOUKO t > I ?t girl. lately landed, as eh*mt>eriaald or \rattrosx. (nil on or addrrsa it. B. ??J 7 F.A T 90TU ST. ? A X AMKRTCAN OIBI. A. O'l I cliainbi rmald uinl to aici-it with U>e washing ami Ironiny ; no o>> i ction lo the country ; good city ref erence. Call or ailurc.* O/' l WKHT M9T ST.?A OFItM\N OIBI, AH Oil AM ? ?<?I bf.rm.iid and wailrpsa: (food eit.v reference. OfiR "1ST Sr., BETWEEN fil'H AMD 0' I! AVS.-A ? M)?l Tonus girl, lr*tpl\ landed, n? rh:<rr, her maid or w^ltreas, or to ro hoii.-ework iu a .small fit mil r. ?J<lQ 8TII AV., CORNRB 901 M ST.?AS CHAMBER. ???*0 mottl and waitreai or nm>o or to do uenoral homework in a unail fhtmiy ; heat referent A 1 7 EAST J7TH ST.?A BE8PKCTABl>li TOT'NO I I 1 Klrl as chambermaid an I v aitress; no objec ts 'iitto a short distance in the country. Ca'i on Mon day. City relerenee. A WBBP M*H ST.?AS AMTTBTCAX OlRf. TO I ?M do cliamberworlc anrt to assist hi the wa?hiiW ami ironing, or to do ttie liou.e.turk ol' a luunly of three or tour persona. 4ni) WK^T 19(11 ST.?A RKSPECTAHT.K PROTI5S ?'-j taut girl as chatnberm i id and waitress aiul to do plain sew in< iti a pri\ ite lamliy; best city reference. Call for twu days. /IQ Q BTIT AT., BKTWEKN 20TII AMD 30TTI STB.?A ttOO vonii^ girl a? chambermaid and waitress or to do watting alone; can do either; nn objection to -issist with tlie pi un washing anu ironing; beat city reference irom last placp. H-4 O WK.'iT SCTn ST.?A PKOI:<8TaNT OIRI. TO t J tO do upstairs work and washing and ironing. rO(l 10 II AT.. NE Alt 4'D sr.?A SMAI4T, TIDY UOW young girl, lately lanilcd, would ko for low wacoi 1 ii lc.irn lo do cbamberwork and waiting, U willin;t anil obliging. Call fur two davs. 6>?r 2D AT., FIRST FLOOR, BACK.?A RRBPfcCT ?)?' able Scotch Klrl a.? chambermaid and waitre<s; is willing and obliging; city or couulry. beat city refer ence. f{ -,K SO AV., BEAR 42D >T.?A Rlv-PEPTABLK ) ?") ptrl to do chamberworfc and fine washing and ironlntr; no ot'icction to go a short distance iu the conn try: city reference. ri\ti 3D AV.. RING TtllPD I'l.OOP. BEI.T.-A 1 l/U young girl to do lightcharab' rwork ana to take Care of children 87 r 2D AV., BJSTWKEN 46T11 AND 47TIf STS.?A I't respectable young girl as chumbi'mjald and waitress; willing and obliging; city rcicruncc irom last place. Q(17 8THAV NE AR 53D ST.?A COSlPKTEN T WO 0>'( man as chambermaid and waitress, or to do flue washing; city reftrence. 1 IIQa 2D AV., IN IMF, STORK (PRESENT employer's).?A young wnmaB aa chamber maid and waitress m a nice family in the Country. "I OQO SD AV.. BKTWRKW TBTH AND TTTH 8TB.? i .t/tftj \ rcnpectable young girl to do upstair* wort and to assist with the washing in a private lanulv . is it good 110:1cr; good city refcrenco from lier last puce. Dmtmnlieri and Ne?m?trr?)N< ~\*) EA^T 63D ST. (PRESENT EMPIXJTEB'Sl.?A I ? l'tdv desdres to pro-nre u si'uation tor a conipe tent rt!.1 riilthtill woman as seamstress, who it willing to do light chainberwork. wait upon n My or look niter grown children. Apply on Monday and Tuesday next. qa wkrt mn sr.-a protkstant yopnq wo i.'' man as wuiii'irrw ami to wait <>n laslies or assist with light chauilierwot k. t' in be wen at present cm ployer'a, lor two days, from il A. M. to 2 P. M. nn ALLRN ST.?A TOTNO WOMAN WILL TAKE any kind or .sewing in at tier bouse or to go out by the (lav. 0 J IRVING PLACE.-A RF>PECTABLE AMERICAN ')r woman as seamstress and iiur*?; willing to live !n the coniitiy: bent reference. Call on or addren SKa MSftlBdd, Young Ladies' Christian Association, Monday. (' C 4TII A v.. OPPOSITE STKW ART'S -TIBKSS I)?) maker by the day in families or to make drcsacs at her own home: cutting and basting done. inn BAST asm sr., between lrxiiotor ixb L"'aj 4th avs ?A competentdressmaker would like a few more customer* at her own house; should it not lie Conveuent tor ladles to 04>me tj mv house I will go to tltelrs to do the cutting, fitting atil basting: nNo pives lessons in cutting and littlng. Call on or address Mrs. A. FAV. "1 I A WIST S18T ST., AT MTS9 M'QtAPR'A?A (?E R J 'Ft' man woman as seamstress; understands utting, lining and mac nine; al-o halrdrcising; willing to go to the country. "If'ft WKST I7TH ST.-A YOUNO TBOTESTANT WO I')!) man as seamstr-ss and dressmaker; is thor oughly competent and Would go an lady'* maid sod seamstress: best city reference. l)AO WEST 29TII ST.?HBESSMAICIXO, PI TTING, ?V?3 basting. designing. trnnining in latent style, at home or b.v the dav; best reference; i erlect lit uuaran teedi Call OU or actress IMtK-SMAKr.R. Q I *7 WKST 31 ST sr.. BASEMENT COM w'r I patent seamstrc-- bv the month : und 'r.tsn ts (in ? mak.iiii'. is a good operator; can trim and cut well; good city reference. 0.-l EAST 331) ST.-A RESPECTABLE OIRL AS &'} 1 and to assist In ci amberwork ; good city references; no obieciion to the country. 9,-Q wesV srrn st.-a thokocoh s? \m etrew; understands all kinds of family sewing; ran out and tit ladies' nn 1 children's garments and p> r atc on sevcrsi machines; would wait on a lailyor tuVe ears ot children: llr-d alas#oily referrnce. Address A. V. n,ir/? WEST 37TII sr., FIB-IT FLOOR BACK. room 8.?A first class dressmaker wishes a few m? ? ie emra.-etaruta by the day; cut, anil trim. m all tho latest style* 31 fT EAST I2TH ST.. ONE PLTOHT OP STAIRS, T'/ hack. ? As competent dressmaker in a private fstnllv; it a good general seamstress, no olijcction to ttie country; got d rafercnoe. A1 A 7t1\ AY.?A OOOD I)BK sMAKKK WOILD Tit U'as * Lrk by the day iu families. Call lu th fancy store. / Cm \Y.. THIRD Ff <m.r, FBONr.?A ORKSS " ::.?k r. who lits perfectly and If,;.:; ?n Hie most artistic atvleg. wilftgo out by the day; can r t'er lu li nes tor whom she ban worked lor several years. TO7 3D AY.-A BEAM -TRB&8, TO GO Ot'T BY TUB 1 a* I day or wc.-k to flnlsd niter a dr?.ssniukrr; is a good * w ilaon machine operator. ^TQO gTH AY-A MB T CUsii <:S3?S3! VKK1: I Oi) would like the work of ? few mere first class fatnl'ies; none to ?.t. in fllting or trimming. I ?>?->'7 BIHIADWaY, BETWEEN !?TU ANO SIST 1. ??>< at.*.-A first cla-- dressmaker wis! cs a lew mora engagements in families by the dav or w< t; is a go Hi fitter an I trims in the late t st> !v ; i.iio witii l.or l k Taylor. Call on or addresa UKKASMAKKR. Tun METBOPOLIPAN PEIBTIXQ KSTa lll.ISn.MHNr la at 218 Broadway, In tne Herald Bnilding. TVANTHt'-BY * TnOEOrOH SKAMSrtl: A W ?ltnat1< n : can cut and fli ladies' ,.nd children's tar men!*, ran work on ?ec?ral machines; wonM wat: on Mr or grown children s b.?s first-class city rcleri nc s. A'idr - . M. H., Herald I ptowa Mrancu ufiiuc. (leneral Housework, Ae, 0 BWFBir? 8T? NK.AR CIBtNtt, florSE -A ? I respectable Pr desiant woman lately landed. t,> do general hi;it<ework in a small lautlly, no objcctioutj the ciinntrv. 91 PORKYTII ST.. BEAR.?IN IMF COl'NTRY. To i. I dogeneral housework; go^d washer, kroner at.i cook: g'-od reference. il BPBINO rr.. REAR BriMMNO.? A RF^PKf'TA r I hie Protestant tirl to do general h< u?cv ,r\; un derstands it iu all its branches; first class euy rcicr ?nn s. A Q nr:ST : sTil sr.- * TOl'MO OIRL, LAT! ly 'tO IniMled to do honsework <n a "nail t im II v; no bicction to tho country; three Inolllhs, r?ie.-. encc from last ptaee ,^1 CABROI.I, ST.. BROOKLYN ?A RESPECTABLE ??I r .img woman to do general housewor<; jrood ret erence. _____ (\T BATARD ST.-A RESPECTARUI WOMAN TO ? 'I go ont h'jiisec leaning or ofHcticloaning; good re ference. I|i1 WEST 49HI ST.?TWO BISTERS, JL'ST A R I"/I Heed from Anbnrn. to do tho vsorgot a amilv between them; wages ft .'an<t tl< a moutU: are neat und obliging and n.'t atraid of work. 1 ll charlton ST.-A EEsPEi TABLE TOfNO J II woman, lately landed, to mind children or do general hoiiMwork In a siuall family. Call lor two days. lOn GREENWICH *T. CORNER OF WFST 13TII l?'* st.. rear house.?a re*p ctai le girl to do general feoiwrwoi's in s small private ramily; go.>d rctenncd; no ohiectlon to tti? conntry. ll)<| Ba-T 41.-1 ST. .RIVi. SKCOSD BELL).?TO . O Igeneral houetworit in a ?loan tamil) ; no Ob* jec'ioa to ^o in the country. Call or a ;dre?*. 13 \ tv girl to do WF.HT HTII ST., FIRST FLOOR, FRONT, BE twsvn 6th and 7th a?s. ?A resnectahle youn< general housework la a small private fanulv. 1 I ~ West fcfff St.-a iTP>pectable vocn.j .1' I >J girl, lately landed, to do general housework lu a Miiali private tatuHy; is willing and ohlie'iug. King the bell thn e times. 1 I ' WI'.ST arm.?A RBSPECTABLB OIRL TO 0O I !?? general bonaewoft in a small private rumily; willing to work; city reterenca. 1 |Q B.'.OOM E ST., IIB.-T 4"*LO0B.?A YOCNO, I rO strong woman, with a child. ,*odo general bouse. Work for a widower or ot a tarm. Cab tor twodars. 1 ~(\ 7TII AY.. CORsiRR 51 ST ST., Tllli'O FLOOR._ 1 A yoting gtrl to do general hou<ew,srk; no ob Wtlon to take ears of children ; good city reiei.MJ' es. H?- EAST BO ST.?A RKRP1.1 TABLE WIO<?W TO ?>) do g-neral housework- his a boy 4 years oM; city or country ; good city referencee. 1 7?1 POBSTTT! ST.. FIRST Pl.OOR, BACK BOf M - I I ?> A re->pec!ablc yi ung ticrti housework in a ?mal! fntnlif. Addre 10f> 1ST AY. ? A RKSpi OTABl.K OIRL TO HO J 'JO g1 'icra 1 h'jitscw. rk iu a small l.iniuy; good ref erenee. Call for two da> s. no- WK..-T J8TH I-., NEAR Ti'H AY.?A OIRL TO ? ''<) do houiework ma privata family; kest city relcrenee. f)li7 WtST J9TBI ST.-A BF PECTABLE WOM\N ?I to do gen' ral honsework In a small lamiiy or to mind ohildreti; good rel?ren. ? OftQ WE'T 20TII St.. REAR.. A BESPECTABLR ?UO young woman <o do general h aeework . s a go iplaiucovk. waaaor jnd lr?"*?- clw jro?"intr*< sfTr vrTo** wamttco? pkiw an. Of ' <thI liotihrtvork, Oil at,lex ft., top ir.cOR, OVER pater _ I I store.? I re*p<i-table Protestant girl, to do gen crnl housework; no mure than four iu ffliulv; city ref erence. 01 O E4BT JBTH BT.. BASEIf EAT.-A TOTNO <iIRL ir1-*-'" 1? ?? general howwork in a small private f*W II v good Cunt, washer aim ircuir, four ? ears'City ral* ?rence. 919 K*H TWI VIY KltiHlH ST.. BETWEEN M> I jL. 11? aii l 8d #v>. -v re tiertab'e Prote lant youwr ; woman t - uo uenn?i housework in a suiull private ; Uniilr ; understands h,?kr-M.ii.w ,nl not iifr.ud of j any Kind ot wor'.; tan be highly roronuneuded trom her hut pi.H ? 'i?J7 VVEST i7Tti ST.? A RESPECTABLE OIRL fc'' ' todogoneral housework; not lonu iroia the old Conn try. 9'in WWT n ST.. TlllKU I I. OB.-\ vol1 BO K'ri ti>do general Iimisi*work in tt Niua'.l (arail*: bust city roftronce. fall lor two day.'. 9 J A KAr.T SKTH ST., BETWEEN 2l? AS? 'tit AVH.? atU A respectable yowntc girl to ilo general house work : Is a Mod washer and loner; good city rel< reuce fro in last pi?re. () 4 i) WE8T 80TH ST., BETWEEN 7Til AND ftP? ? t ? ava, third itoor, buck rwin.-A respectable woman to do general hou:ie wurk la a small private laiu ily; no objection tocity or couiiiry. 9 IO BAST Ml I'll ST.?A BESIBCTA HI ,E fllRL TO aW do truncral housewori In t> small lumily ; good oily roferencn. 9J() WKST aio st. uk the s$qb stoek).?a ?i German girl to do general uouie work iu a small private family. WKST :<2;? ST, TI1IKD K LOO II. BACK BOOM.? A re jpectniii" v?un? wotnan to do general honatwor* in a small tain ily; best city role re aw. oa/? east wra st. ?a ueuman oiul to do Uv/U housework. ?)1 ?> WEST Mill ST.?A HESl'KOT.MtnK TO UNO ?) 1? > mrl, latclv landed, to do general housework In a ?mall private family. o 1 o west ssrri sr., second rr.oou.-A young ulu woman t'> do tf^neral housework: good plain i coofci good washer and ironer; beat relereuce. Q'm EA-T 220 ST.?A RF-<PEC "ABLE WOMAN TO ?>_l? do general housework- good citv rctcreoce ; uo objection to the country. Cull In uie bakery. ?>99 EAST KJD ST. ? A RESPECTABLE OIRL. lately iiimled. to do general housework in a Miialt tirivute family. Call or aiiitrc.?, Oor EAST 2>D ST.. 1JKTWEE.N 1ST ANl) iill AV8.? ?)?)?/ A respertablc young wontun tOiio housework in u small private tamiiy; good retercnoa from laat place. 3iO wi.srsflTii sr.?a respectable woman' i rO to do pt,>uernl housework in a private family; ; good waahor and ironer; eity reference. j ?> 1 (\ WEST 40T11 ST. ?A RESPECTABLE YOlTNO | ? Wnman to do general housework In a sniiilt tkni Myi best city reference; no obiiction to the country. OPin WB8T2V1H ST.?A YOVM1 AMBK1CAN OIHL to do the bouaework M ? Htnaii mmily; is a uriit class washer and ironer; be^tot city reioience ironi her last place. 1 H7 Wl STMTlt ST., TOP VLOOK.?A BBUFRCTA tb" I able ?irl (lately lamlml. to do general lion-e work : Is a good plain cook; itrst cla' swasher and ironer. 1 ?>/\ WI S! 17I'll ST., SECOND I'l.OOH, IS 'I'llK ttO"' back.?A respeetiible girl to do general house work in a small private tuualy ; lirst class relurunce from her last place. <"all Monday. A A Q WESf Z9TH ST.?A RESPECTABLE YOUNG TtO woman to do general liousework in a amall pri vate tutnilv; Is a good cook, washer and ironer; under stands all kinds ol l tuii y bnkiUjf; W'UUuz aud obliging: bosi city reicrouce. ,t tn west tarn st.. tv store.?a kkspect. x?)U uiiie girl, lately landtd, to do general house work. Call tor lv,o da vs. SECOND AV., ROOM 6?A EKSPhCTABI.B 0?)t) woHi tn to do Keueral Itouaawork Of #00k, waah and iron In a htnail tainily ; Kood relereuce. C'TA 6TII AV. CORNER 89TII ST.-A H E>PECf 1) I V able Kirl to do general housework; would take care of children; iswlliiag and obUging' no obleetion to the country; good refercaaetroin her los employer. 1 211 AV- BE WEEN MTU AND COTU 'sTS.? J .i^<f) A respectable girl to do general housework tor a small private latoilf, or a* cook, waslior aud ironer; best city reterence. 1 '>1 % 3I> AV.?A Y?l"N"li GIBL TO DO QBNKBAL I.? I') house worK in a small private family; best city reference. Call lor twodav*. 1 il')'? 3D AV., BETVfBBN 74TII AND 76TH STS.? a reapectable young in>maa to 4i> genera liouse?orlv in a small private t.unily. Call for two days. Ilnunrkrrurr*, Ar, 7a jn av., rARLoit riiOOR.?a yot*no lady as 10 hnn i rrep.T','a family prclerred. Call after 11 o'clock to day. 90 CANAL ST? riB-:T FLOOR, F ONT ROOM?A ?J i.erman educated widow as housekeeper In #u edacated lamilr. fall or address. "1 41^7 WR"?T J7TII ST. ??N AMf'.RICW L?DY AM I i working housekeeper; a pructlcal anil thorough housekeeper; competent to taki lull charge; city or country. Apply tor two day*. lOQ WK-T 28TII ST.?A RESPECT MILK WIDOW I i)>) w man us housekeeper; has the boat uf city 11 ;(>renoei. W?- BLEECKRR HI FIRST FLOOR FRONT.? I O*? An accomplished French lady to a widowor of means. fail from 1 to 7 o'clock. ono EA-'T r.Tn ST., TOP Ff.oOR.-A yoi N.l *i*'U married woman a* huosekeepi r. Calli<rt?o day*. Mrs. smith. Ql/? .11) ST., ROOM 13. ? A you HQ LADY, AURDll. ?l\) ss housekeeper iti a widower's lamliy. Call tor one week. ______ ,1(11 3D AT.?A COMPE1R8T PROTESTANT WO '!?'1 man ua housekeeper In City or country; uuca reptm'nable reference. "WASTED?A rosfTlOX. BY A YOCXO LADY OF >> ? sp?ru n>'?. aa housekeeper or companion in ladv or gttilleman; ?t refvroucio. Addio?i U. L? lleralg l p ? mi Hraucb jfflw t)f> j kit mh sr.? v woman as lacx 4*1) dress in a frlvstf uinily; m>oJ ci ly reference and no objection to the country. 41/J EAST .V.TII ST. PBRSKNT EMPLOYER'S?A ZpU T..1111U woman *? laundress 1 r t%* tooIt. wavier and ifoner III a ?mall family. 00 objection 10 she country tor tho rammer. 70 FORsYTH ST.. room R ?A RKSI-BCTABI.F. I ?) widow wishes tientlt-wen'a. ladies or families' wa?lnng at her own home ; term* moilorate. Q7 TTH AT., SECOND FLOOR, RACK room ?A C11 re?pe.-tshle woman wiabo* ?.ome t rniletnen's iud tamlllea' washing. or would (to out by the day at wash ing or Uouseclcaulng. I I 1 WKsT 15TII ST.. IVOIt BASEMENT -A BE 111. spertable woman wi.lic* soire ladio-' and gen tlenicn's irs<UW: can do them nt a reasonable price. nil W! sT WTH -T.. TOP FLlOK?FAMILY WASIT iiii wan ???! by ? flr?t el .as laundress (colored-. ? ?11 on sraiMrm ti'UailA 11 - WI ST .2i) ST WASHING AND lit ?M!tU >) done hy *>??. I.KWfa*. n - WEST 19111 ST., NKAB STH AV.-AS I AUN. ?) drcs?; ntolorstands at! kin is or fine Wft?hlng and timing: would take work home or go out by tfee da> , beat reference. II/? MACDOrOAl, ST.? V Fll'.-T CLASS LAUN. II') dress aolutw washing an-i ironing to do at her own house. lor ladles and geniletuen. no *A?Tseru sr., first floor, hack. room. - I lO A tab!.' girl to do ifeimi at house work ; ff?><l cUr reference. !?)*> WKST 2HTII ST. ?\ RESPECTABLE WOMAN I _ to <00111 virashtac, Ironing or hoUsncU-amoi;. hy the dar. -14)1 WKSI 4JT1I Kr.-A RBcPKCTABLR OBRMAM Iwl woman to do wawlng at home or <0 mit. 1 i) 7 WKSI 31 ST ST.. THIRD FI.OOR, RE A R.?FAM I?I tlv washing done in thekeu manner poaslble, by ANN KEI.I.Y. -1 ?> I WRST 19r 11 ST.?A RRSPI t TABI K WOMAN lOl wi?lu-s to go out hy ilie day to wash, Iron or Rosaeclean; can do (luting and oufflng ; liestcity refcr* . nee. fall all tBe week. 1^0 launrtrcst to do wn?liing at her own lioiutf; e\. pert ?' I'nen^, fineries and all kinds of family w.nhiu;. Mrs. J. W. BKOWN. -IS)- W i - r I? ST ? \ CULOH O WOMAV 10 DO I ?? < ladlea', gentienMn'a or l ?millea, washing oell oraddre-s. Mrs. *i>l'N(;. 1?)J WHi ?!?i II .T.~-A WOMAMTOTAKR fh rilAlR l??0 covers and window xkailes ami ladn?? and gen tleman'* flue w xhinii and iroulng at the lowest rates; done up equal to M*. 1 | I WF.'T ttlTfl ST., SECOND FLOOR.-A COI.. I I r ored ^imjreaa ? M?>aie>t i'autiiii*'> wa*tiiiijf hy month or week. Mlea IIINMS 1 ??! WKST lisr ST.. IN RASEMRNf,?A FIRST !?)?) elut* innn 1 r?>s. ?nll< ita ladlee' and gentlemen s watlilmr. furniture overs, One anting, kc. prompt anj trustworthy.". 1-1 WK<r llTH ST., FOI.RI H KI^HIR, LOOM 11 ? At' fc A woman, as fliskelaaa waaher amt ?l;es gentlemen's or ismilv at lur sivnliome, ?>r would go out by ibe aay: beat reference^ WE T2Ain8T .RilRM5.-A-! FIR-1 CLASS laundress in a psirate family; city or country} good Oltv reierence 1 WEST Sol'11 sr., TOP floor (RING TWICE).? i')w A lespeetable colored woman wishes ladle?.' and gentltmen'a washing 1 Biting. Ae. Mra. L. WIiitk. MAI'I ON A\. (PRi SENT EMPL((YhR'S) ?A respectatde tmin; w >man n? tsundres< In a email private family: no objection lo tho eountryi eaa come well recommended. Oan he seen tor two dg_-s. ANH 17 rH HTJ-A wish i to go ottl b ?'uod fhlrl Inner Av 58 ISO small | come w 1 }() SO AV.. Bi'.TWE N 1? n |i^?1 resre< table Scotch wqimn tftahes togoontbr Hie fjv waxliiai an ! ironing; is a good 3hlrl Ironer Aif dr-ta MTik fohi>. nitr, WEit nrrii sT. third floor.-two Totrsa wow ill tri? as head laundress, iho other to tnko 1 ha 1 j'~ ot in."ii room at suimaer resorta, Addresa (by letter) C. D. c. 4 >j i(1 WKST 88TH fiT., B ASEM' NT ? A FIRST jjy'o rfnaa, having conveniences of sia Uonarr tuba, gyod yard, Ac.. s</ltclta a law irmre cua> turners; ladies', gentlemen's and ramtltes' wa?hiuc: order* promptly execute.1. rail or artdreaa 4110 KAST .191' II ST , ONR Fl.fOHT I'F ? A l< R *- lO spentahla wemsn to go out by tuc ?U?. W and oleaui u. ratarenuo If icduiraA. srrr*Tiona WAWTKn-PKnum Laandi'MMicii, &e, Ol ? HAST ZlrU HT.-VS PIR3T C' IfH I.\V* "!*' drc*s; nnd.rn?ml.? fluting, lace* i , j.jn city r iwreoce. Can be seen unfit engaged. OOQ WEST Ml H ST., FROUT HOI -r.. 1 IRST ? wO floor, hack iomi.?A r*?j e tabic gti i t.? go out l>.t the day washing and housccleatiiug ; good rell>ro??* 9?iO west aorn *t.?x rpspkctaii! p. yocxci Kin to go OUt li? the .lav to wtahutii u'OU; 1j a Rood latiudrew: lest city reference. 9?>7 WKST IJTH ST. ?A RKSPrX rARLR W OMAN ??> I to go <>ut by the i)av washing, ironing or hottte cleaning; good city reterem ei 9/11 F-AST flOni H'.?A RESPECTABLE MI'.L AS ? I'l Vood ?* asher. a"d ironer goo I re ? r.-io ? 9 I') KA.vr/iri'H HT.?A YOCN'O Ciliil, AS fcAl'.V 4 iO dre.-s; baat city reference. ') (/? PTH AT.. CORNER Of 2STII ST.? \S FIRST ~i 1 U class uuii .rr .. in a mtvate lam 1> nr.out to &. to the country; would assist with c work '.t r* fialrcd: boat reieri uco irooi inr liwt put ??. *)&*) wisst L??rri sr.?a rkhpj.itaiilk woh \ < ? I" do willing at h<W own home b\ the any Of mount. or t<. t;,i out bv the d?y: terms raaaonabie. 914. 6,11 *v- C"s<i Til KK K Ti MRS1. ?AS FIRST a*> 1 Class Ihuii Ires*,or woultido cliamberwork; 11 a Mrif lya*hc?; boat city reference. 9(?f| BTH AV-?a. colored wobax tnn i.D ~Vy liiu- sntiic nrst cla-* faml'tps' washing, or lidies' nud gentlemen a; thoroughly understands the fitis.noAa. . Mrs A K WKKIli f* OQQ TTH A V. ? A S FIRST CLASS I.ACNDRBBf IN r"'1' ? jirivnte family; undentand* all hind, of f'reneh flu 111:*; 110 objection to *0 a short du-unoe 111 the Counirv . bent city reference. BAST 91 iT ST.. TUP PLOOIt.?A ItKSi'KCT ? )''u able Protestant woman wishes a familv >1 gentleman's wushlne at her own home ur.dcrsf'ands fluting. OIA BA8VMIH HT.-A FIRST CLASS MfSDRRSS ?>l" wishes either gentlemen* orladtca' washing Address lAUMfRKAi. OI < WKST37TII ST. (RING THEHMIDNII HKJ.H. *> I' r A rospcotablo Herman woman wishes 10 take families', la tle.-?' and gcntlnmcn'fl wmhlnx 10 ner own WWdWHil flntlit(r and putting done Call all thin Ol Z FAKT h#TH ST., TOP H.OOR, BA< K ? A f?K ? > I?I apectublu woiuau wants waybill { in or out of the houf* OOS KAST urn ST. ?A KIKST fll.A-IS FRENCH ? iHiimir.'si to do tue washing of a lannlr or gen llomen; datM tliie waahir.v. tlutln< nti'l ixiftlin; and a'l kiniU of !a?c? uml curuins nt rra^onabie tercis. Call on oradurc:* MiliNOH l<A rNDKKsS. OO - WK T *|ST ST.. THIKD FLOOR PROMT.?4 respe<;tahle woman to *0 out washing, ironing or honaecln.imng ; good reference. Mrn. KKVNOMtS. O'ifi KAHT OI) ST.-a UE8PEGTARIiK WOMAN TO ?Jou take washing and ironing to her homeroler duces II revuired. 0')Q EAS 1 26T1I T.. FIRST PI.OOR-A It: SP VTA ???iO hlo woman to do washing and iron lug or liouaa cleahing; good rclite 1100. 'i I 7 WKi"T 4l,ru si.?a viit-r < i,\s- 1 vi ndriwh ? > 1 i would ^o out hv the. day or week; can do all kinds of fMuiU washing, pulling ami fluting in Franeli st\le, l>y hand or machlao: one yi-ar'sciiy refareneo from ta^t place. Call on or addres. *trs. uOUOKS. ?> \/i I' A.sT I7TU ST.?A RKSPI-1'f \B1,K (JIRI,, twenty live year., of nge, as lutmdress mid ebainoerinald In city or country ; good rei"i encea. A no WI'ST 2<ru ST.?A COMIM.1KNT WOMA* 'l"'0 lo tiikh in washing and ironiutf ul her owu iiouie, or Would go out by the day. ^19 l^T AV . 3ITIf >T. (IN CTOAlt STORK;?A i respectable woman an IIr*t ci.nn lauiu'ri^ to go out by the day; good reference; no onjecUont to bouse* cleaning. A 19 WP.ST 3STU ST.. KfltST FLOOR.?A RK.SPECT. I 1 -j rblc wouiun to do ladies ami guatlaman'a wash ing at her own to.use or lo go out by the day; reference. Call for tw o day*. A 9Q WEST MTU ST.. TOP FLOOR. FRONT.?A J raapoctable waman wikhoa a lew Meutleincn'a or tallies' washing to do at her own, or Would go out by the day wasbiug. Ironing or bou?cleaniiiu; good reference. ir.QTIHAV.-A VOUSO 1TOMAK AS III SRRPSS; J ?)Q 110 objection to the country lor the ?uuimer; etty rofercncj. r*>(\ KAST l?rn ST.. FIRST H.OOR. BACK.?A '??)'/ reapcitablo yotini: irlri aa laundre-s or any other situation; would ?lefp homo. na*.i so at.?KXPRjlrK\oii> i.aunorkss wishes t If )?) la lies', gentlemen's ami family wnshiiiif: can do I reneh flutlik,:, imfllng and poliNhmg gcutlcmi 11'k ahirta like new; would go out by the day. Q1 f 21> AV., RHTWBBN ?1> AND 411 II 8TS. OJ'l (third bellj.? As flrat class iaundte -s: test city reference. Q |Q 2f? AV, RdOM la? A VOCVfi Olltf. AS 0 lO luundn or to do chamber wo*-S. and ti', o washing; three >car?' refernnoO iroin her la-^t place ( all on or address K. & 1 97f{ BROAnWAY, BETWEEN X*l? AN1> S'tD J.? I 1) ?ts.? A young girl as launlres-i an 1 t.> u*ai-i? with the chanibcrworli; best city relarenoa from last pla' e 11 of<l BROADWAY, BBTWKEB I.' > AND f?D .'l U' sts.?A wotnah. witli 111*:c girl, as Uumlrraia, w hcr? '-h ? c..ii'd tako her little girl; city or country, gbod reference. Abesi-botablk woman wishes lmxes'and ei iitleroen's wa-liiag or work by the Am typlr at the corner 01 63i st au<l 9th a*., t ?.. flights up; en trance on at. A SWEDISH Wo\tAS lO TAKE W.ASIlIKO HOME: can do sentiemeu's shlrt?, cuff-< and t >llari iu the bcstgtv e A l.iresa box I '7 Herald offlce. \ur?r<, tkf. 17 SITU ST.-A FRKNCH LADY rHOM PttTI-; I to laic care o< eulidren Iroin 4 to 6 years old and do tewing IU ? latnily. Address. OQ lTNION AT., ORRKNI'OI\T, I f.-A RKSPF.t T iiO ahle'voung Herman clrl to take care < fRron rig children iu ? Ur?t ?!a*i i?in I jr. c?U on vr address Mim WKsr 47ni sr.?a comprtk\t vouvij wo. mm a* chHa's nurse: erowimr children pre'erred } 1*.) good H?iui)4lreu an I can opemt? on different ma cliinee, wrll rcoomuien lc<l. full t<> -day. from i) ... I: HAST *1 *T KT.-A V0V9O OIRL TO TaKR ca.-c of children or do cbaiubcT^orfc; g o 1 reicr 33 encf. 34 10 Mw; f)0 70 HAST 3KTII ST. (PRK8RNT KMPI.OTKBV).?A glri ?? nurse and would ito plain arwing. WKST mil ST., IN THR RKAR-A l"BOTKS. tant roun< woman a* nnrse lor children ami to willing and obliging; no objection to itie r?jntrr. fltn A V. ? A UtENOtl filltl. AS CHILD'S nurse; with a family travelling preferred f?(l WK?TjriTH HI'. (I'KRSKNI BMPI.< >VKR'-> -1 KK II ?J *|x>cl?tH? k irl a* Competent nurtf: Won d 'un tile entire rharge of growing children and do plain sua Ins; no objections to the country; Uitee and a half years' reference. r.ntJVK ST-A RKHPKOTA HI.K COLORRD girl to trtke cure of one or two children or ss chaml>ermatii and waitress in a prtratc fauillt. (allon Mondar, May 2A_ K M. QK 6111 AT.. IOI* PLOOR, PROM.-A < -UIIU: i> 0?? inonthlr iinr-e. lately Ian led from Kialaml. W great experience with doctors, wishes an ?ii 4^1'iinui. j Mr*. fcVKMh. QQ aril AV. (IN THK 8TORR).?V COMPRTKMr j OO child's nurse; city or country, 12 udh It* refcr 1 from la?t pl.t< e. 1(1.1 SD AV, TOP H.OOR.-A KR?PM'TABI.K 1 _H'?? woman a* nur-r. <t?m?ir?? or cli;)ini*rmatri: 1? m imid nperatwr on ** heeler A WImmmiN warliia*; speaks Kn|IM, lieiu'h and Italian; no objection to ttie coun try, .'ood relcrcnce. i -111 wi:mt mn Nr.. vr rtairr?i.aoihm> axd III gentlemen's washing. ironing and tine Hutlnj d m\ al?o family wa-liinr. b\ Mr*. I'ltOfR. Tin WKST JOTII ST., THIRD PI?OOR, FRONT. ? A < I ?)* " competent nurae: understand* tier fcuelnea* thor oughly; u kin I and loud ot children ; xoreral >eara' ref ' *r(RO*' 1 |4I WKiTSD (AMITT)RT.?A RRRPK(;r*m,R OD I 1 _ cxpcrlcncf j nnrar, cither lor children or au In ? valid la ty. lo >fo to California. Imiulrr lor W. ?r. 1 ir. w iht .tsrn ST.. tiiiro Ff.of>it, R\rt lTU room ? A tonnfr firl to take car? of growing I children and do plain ?ewlt.g and otiamtxrw.?rlt; conn iry prctf rrrd; wood ciiv n-fi ranct. "17(1 RA^T HOUSTON ST.. IN THR HRAK.-A RK I \ ?I <p?!rtabit? youns girl as ntirw to jo N> m* conn trv lor the summer, t'au be aeen, lor two dav?, at Mr*. Hyan'\ ??/l f WRsT 20TII sT,?AN AMKRIOAW OfRl, IO 1 inind a child an J do plain a.'win^; 00 objection to the conntry. *h 1 10 T! I sr., REAR.?A YOl'SiroiRiTfo 'O taka care of children or to do ch^ml* r?oi k and fine waahing', go<,d ? *rr; willing aud obliging) , food refcrcuta. CI y or country. I Ol'l WKKT 40TH ST.?AS rHIIjORKN'.* M rtSRj 1 ZIO city or country; 10 years' rclcrcica ftrota i>rci'ii{ ??ployer. I OI < K AST 2?ril ST. (IN TIIP. STORM.?A RF.SPI f:r. 1 jL L*r able !itt!<j sirl to mind children or to wait on tli? door; willing and obliging. Ofl7 W.'ST MTII ST. PltfSRMT MPlOlim.-A j 1 ^?4 I'rolcntaiu aiconi|>?trnt nnrte; lour jrcart'ref erence from the family she i? ?tili with. ' mVr 11-1 ST.. rop 1 ; 11 1 n ? * " I spcctable younu woman a? nur?e and t? in plain sewing, or t 1 take care 01 two children t all on or ad drf<< Mr?. I.VNCII, trnm , to S 1.'dock, Monday. 2CO WhST 37TH ST. (BRLI. Ml.?A OOMPRTRKT ( ? )?? voiina woman as n?r?e a*id ?ean?'ireM: i? fnli/ I cmnpetaat to taka the entire charge of abaii/i woU I recommended. I l)U(> LrBXINOTOR AV. (PRKSKNT KMPUm R S. - 1 ZnO A compeietn Knglith woman lo tase rhsrge of an invalid lady intending 10 tr ivcl in fcurope during ih? j siininicr. excellent recommendajom. | 1 ?JAA RaST If. :t? aV ?A vorso LAD*, i?k 1 m III re?peeiabie appearance, as nurse to a child; ; best city reieren^e. _ Q/kl I.l:xrNOTOI? AV?A HRALTHT VOI'NQ WO. ??IM man n< ?rt mm, with a Iresb breast ol milk. Call tor two days. O/Wi WKSr KO ?*? (PRKRRKT EMPIjO\ RR'SV?a ?IvM? rcip-etatile fO'trg I'rotesiant girl nantraeant seamstress In a goo'd fw"y; elty referecca. Cail for two days. WKf?T 4IST RT *-A VOIJim G1R1> At RUUI: Is a go<?1 sewnr; good city reference. 300 0(?7 R AST lilTlI ST-A RR^Pr.CT A Ui.R WlIlOW ?.V i. ; ?*n 'f11" r-harg<j I?f a baby flr ?? I uaUiftb. Vali rot two lay* STTr iTTONH W \VTKI*?FK3ALES. !l ursea, A?. Oil FAST *5TH ST.. THIRD rtOOH, FRONT.?Af ?>I 1 reapi ? table young Woman u* wet nurse. ? ? ? . < 0')1 EAST v/i fj st. Tup FLOOR, UO.VT *OOW.-? 00 I A .mart ytmtu tftrl to luiod ehildae.i or aastat ii?' ittamberwork O'ly kam 2irn ht.-a c.iri. or ittf.xBswf ?)?>_ take care oi ? child and <1 ?> plain un operate on tile ui idiliiii and U williug to assist. un he twudays. '' ';?> < i'\si t r st.-ax AMERICA* voi v.i mnw ? )?) r ?? ntu >v togrowiiigeblltlfea; no obiceiaoa t? the codiitry or t.? travel; good ictereuc ?? lillot ad ? In'.-. 'Vlfi 1AST ?M> KT? TOP FLOOR. ?A YOCN? W<?? in mi a- iiur-.- ran take If entire charge o< a MOy or growing chltdrnu mddost *ing.ciijr rtltrenca. ?J,l I F.AS1 27 fl si., ONK I'M - (IT. FRONT.?4 *> I I re ij> 'Pt.siilo w.minn to tube a baby to uursa, or ? >ala take the amo! two gro-.trlng children. OJ I W :sr 17TI1 8T V PitOlKSrv.V! VOOH.J 'Jit ts'rl to tale < arc of thil.'reu; bo-t city rctorenaa ?i I ?j Wi.-r rtsni sr., ONR FUfiBT CP.ik RR ? ) i'~ upc t ? Mh v oituf sirl io taltu care oi chmir^n of ohvaiVrmatd lti a m*:l tamtly; reference irom hut place -J/'. J WBST ?4D ST.-A OKRM AN' PROTKHTANT ? ?' ?_ \ oung girl hi n il <?? and -c<Hiu?trur.i t?r c.'uuttier inalil and to :> with the wa>hln;j, ??oft city rcierenoe; city or eonntrr 4H7 R4iT UUH KT.-A YQtJKG OIRI. TO MW? t"'I children a ltd assist with .m'erwork In a trtmiiy or do plain isewin?': no objection io a short dis tance in tSic eottitry. Call for two i!nv? t |<l Wl'.-T "itTH ST.?A RRSf'-.n *R!.B ,VRI? r I ?? trustworthy girl a* c!:ll iron i nurse and soaa strong be?t city rorcrcuc" _ __ 1 '> i 41m s> , urst r; oor.?a hrai.tu*' *1 *3^ voting worn lit $s tret nurse. , A ?) ~ WK-T HTM Sr.. TO!* FI.AT.~A YOrT? l?>') Kri'noli t-iri :i- nur<n and to do plain ae wins ia a t'nati aiutlj , best ein reference. Addresg Mtmtfny. 1 ~ I WKST28TII ST.-A RESPECTABLE TOWN* "I ' I I la ty us t!ur>v. and Is -.lUlu-in r 1 WKHr i th sr ?a BRsvbctabMI votryo rt in tw take curu i.: ?tulilreu aud a*nUt %*ith liffit! Iwti-oworK. A K-r Wl'-ST SWT ST., FIKST Pt.f>on,_v TOUNd' r?M Woman an nnr-o ?. capable ol i iitln* ohnrjs# rf a hn(i\ from lis birth, or briuu it up on the bomu; refer ?Mr a A (?(i WK?T MD #T.-t n ' >PI CT\m,R \ OUNf? ?|')t) (rirl ax nurne ind t.? do plum f?wtii<i eaptkM* 9t takliift euro ?t rliiMrftl; best eity reicreiieo. K1 ?> ?TH AT.. IN Tif|{ STORK.?A RCOT0H W'?*A>f ? )lt> as intent's nnr-c ; Hn to !%.?? pntirr oh.irK? ot an lulant from us turtb. ran tie seen for t- o dny?. r> 1 ~ 6TH AV? BRTWR .V WTil AND 41ST ST3.. I>| 1.1') f ?? null norv Mior". ? A i- .li li Croti'siant wom*r? a<nnr'<? Is i apabio of takitia full oliar'-'.' of an infant from it* birili oan' ho liftat with a Ik-iiIp halvy; n > ob' jeetinn to thu eouii'i v ; pood city r?(or?MB. 1 n7k7 aT., hktwbkn (ri> and WTft sts.?a I.''I ? n-'in1 ? ai I ? yoiiuif mrl to take o*r.< of tlren mid do light wMtjirn worit; irood city rofi renc?. 1 1 O3" w? it: rwKRif aorii and 91-tT str.*. liTa>' A respoctiiolo votnii fiormvi woman, with iibuiiiliiiioe fresh hfoantnnl i. would like to go out ai Wr . nurse. Apply in the clothingnloro. AI'ARlStAX rr.l'.Nl'II (If :U Is V; aRS OK AOK to iak< l ine ot growing ehlldivn ail 1 malt# In r?-lr Kerorally u .oul. 'dilre-<. lor two days, A. M., bus HI Merald I'ptown Branch offl-o. AVaitveaao*, dee, ?|?) F * ST JSTH ST. ?A LADY RRK AK fXd fF 1 ?. h. mokeouiiiK wishes a situation tor b>r Qr?l cJfn* waitress, whe 'hn enn luihly reeomaieud. Oan be ??eu at her present employer's. no WE-^T 3tn ST. (JPBESEVf BMP'OTER' '.)?A i I r? peetshle yountt woman as first class waitre?B| would assliit with onamhorworlt. -|k?r WKST 24TII FT , IN TilM TAir,OK,.'s STORK.T J??) A younic I'r' ieh elrl us ^uod waitress In a pri Yate fainil) : go al city reterenee. -i wi;st jr.Tir st.. hi-i wkkn ron avd tth J t ?U a\\ res(.e> rahlo Pr itest-t nt ?irl a? (lr<t cla-?s wan rets, no objection to u private boarding house; ref cretieo. 1 OA MADISON \\ (PIUiBKNT FMPr.OTRR'SV?A I oU vonna girl its i oinpetont waitress: has nA ohjoe. to nssi? i nt ehemnerw.Tic in a sm:ill private family, L. ii' a1 and trustworthy . Iris po ol>i.- ? ti? >n to ilm eonntry II require 1; fciii veir^eity retort nee Call for two days. ClfkQ \\ KBT 19 II ST.?A OOMI'RTKNT OlKI. A3 ^UO waitress ami oh imliermaid ; no objection to the country; kihkI eif\ ri tjrenea. n<>?> KAST L'2D ST., IN THR FANCY S'ORE.?A tlr.t el^ss wnlfross to uxe charge ot a large (lining room. is capable of takiMt a tu m's pla e; board ing house preferred; Is uot ulraid ot work. <) ~() WI RT4TTH ST., HB8T FLOOR ?A RRPFRCT ble girl a. iitst class waitress or i tiamb"rtnata 5 lio ob ectlon to the country. good rclerenee. | ( H | ?rn AV. R'lOM 11?A YOl'NU GIRL AH *T?'U wait e?(i or chanilierinaid and waitress, tbo C"Uiitry #referred he-t eitv rewreno*. I 00 S"l AV. N AP. SITU ST., RKCOND FI.0OB. T '?& front.?Two r- p?etaliio yi.ung girls, eUtera, one us wBitr.-?s and ch,?mb?rmal<r: the other la take tare ot g ..nmg chi ilron and sew can i?nrk ?0 WhWffT A WiUon's machine; have good reference.* Ill licrllanroai. | WEST ItTII ST.?AS RESPECTABLE tAI>TM r niald and *eamnre?.s: can operate i.ri liilVrre'Jl ma chine* midunder-iiiii.i l cutting an l flitina; no oUtc Hon to the rolln?it or to trmvl: be*t city raftrenr#. 1(1 ?UI J1ST M A COMPICTKNT LA V - MU > I*' ami f>-1 msirc=<; would taitc care ot one childi be?tclty refvronc??. o/u west istit sT.?a vouno woman wisnf..^ ? a situation: beft city reference, Can be seen fop twoaays A WEST Wril ST. (PltESK* r EMPLOYER'S).?as 'xt> flrat cla* I-renoh Protectant lady'* tuttld ; no eh ?jMttM to travel. Call ilii? day. .) BOOOMK ST.-A VERY RRspEfTABLE, SET lied, intelligent ?>er?oi\ a widow, wkIim a po sition In a good ffcraily, where she would lie treated wtih consideration; would ho found reliable and trintwortfgr, willing and obliging In all dutie* ? 1 hor; a pirma Kent position rather man Urir.- aalary; would do jhaia b'ri<-?rk or take charge ol an inum; no ob>?uli.>u t.? fe ?vinf the city I or the ?uinmer. Call on or addre**, for three dare, Mr*. ebkhlk. ) 111 rr WEST SftTIt KT.-AS COMPETENT GERMAN j ''?/ lady * m ild; tu?eak? French and English; u a good aesnnireia and h.;lr lre*ser: no objection to toj* j jiidls*; would (ravel; best cltv rMerenoe. 1M7 WEST tin ST. ?A FRKN* II PERSON Aft |W I ladv'? maid; good n*lrdres??r and dressmaker ; no objection to travel: city reterenco. 1 |(\ ff 8T ITT.'l lT? BETWEEN STH AND 7TH I I V/ av? ? \ rc pce ahl* Protestant per-on to welt mi lail> and do plain * wing. or wosld do lljht t harrber ? or K ; no objection* to ? > in ilia couutry; e<<od city nkrriieiii call Ibr t*o dtfa 1 I Q WEST wril ST.?A PROTESTANT PERSON ?H l i>) lady's maid and sciiustre ?*; cau ?r<-iu liair an I Urc-.uiako; city teferencc. 4117 19T 1 sr.?v REspEOfARLis littlk ? I 1 girl to wail on a lady or mind a baby; t.?jt ret. erence. ___________________________ OOfl WI->T 1<TH ST., REAR?A RESPECTABT.K _ _ <' wijow woman wl<hc< to spon? br ihr day at h >esreU>s ittng, washing or anrtnlng sue can gal 10 do; good re 1 erence< QOft WEST 37TH ST., IN THE RI AR.?4 RESPKCT. ?_i _?J ahlc eolore l w aan t i travel ?i;uir ttv. n here; willing and obliging ton alt on laile?; wilting to wear a French can. Call lor a week. I or WEST 17"II sr., s; <ONI1 rr.o ?*-a American girl to *0 with a la ly travelling at. I mind children and make heraeli u?eiiti. call on or ad dress I. II. I ST If AT.? AS REA*STRESI. ANO LADT'fl 1)_ r maid; i* a tlr?tcU.? inuiui r; n ? objection* ti? go in 11* cuua'.ry ; will do llglit cli-ualw. arorlu Call or addrona. 1 I.EXIKOTON A V.?A TOP NO I.\r?T OE | O*' rctlneinvn* d??<lre< a position as '? >mpanioo to ? laily or to iiMtruct ctiildr< c; a goodpianut. Call or ad dress tor two day*. Cl*7/' ?lll AT. IV THE STORE.?AN PNOI.ISH V I I) per*>? as I* IV ? mai l in a private family ; to * good dre??uiakpr and ? ainlre-*"r; no objection lo via country : good reiercncc: call or aitdr?*a A N 1 NOMrtll LAPT RESIOINO NKAR LONI>ON, wi*heat<> travel 011 the Continent willi a lainilv or ladiea: is acquainted ?itli the rtitlcrent coon'rles ?p?aK? French i.erm in ani! Italian and ha* inuan al anl arti* tie a' Coinpll^nTienU: the engagement mint b* snitab o l<>r a lauv an>l 01111 wht ra *ne wottld be on eanal term* w 11I1 the party: a rea-o mii.e salary required. Addraat boa I* aiatlou A. New Tof*. 4 vol NO olitl. wisnKs TO TAKE ri|\ROK or n iioen ro-nn "r atorrr(?..m 1 r* a country botal for UieNnmir nv>ntli?; would i>re<*r s*ratoga A l ire-*, lor one week, M. I'. O.. llcraM I'ptown Rraneh office. t TOttNO OlRf- AS M*1I? FOR TOUSO I.AIHP* /\ travelling lor Ilia *umui r. A -aa. lor one week, M C. !>., Herald Uptown Branch office. i COMPETENT YOI NO PRRNt'tt <11 Rf, All PIRmT J\ rlaw la.u-a' maid; nnlerafands b?r dntv and 11 oblixinf. All Ireea ANNA, Herald Uptown Rraneh i?ffle? AUtRM\N PKOTH -T AWT IiADT. IN A PAMII.Y; vmild a*?iit the ladv of Oi<? honaej la a go xl *eam ?ire**; v.iliingto make her-elf utelul. AddreM L. B., Me raid offtce. llT A NTEI> -BT A Wfl>OW T, \ l>T. WITH A ?MALI. \? enciimbranee. a pnsiflofl of trn?t In a hotel or dr?? elan* boarding hoiwe;na)i no objection to eolne In tha eountri lor the suu.urr mouitia Add rasa Mr*. P., Ma tiun K. Intelll(enc? Office*. Mrs h\Rdman. 1.12a brou?way, remoteo Tti I.2HJ Broadway, corner ?t :vul *t.?Seleat servant), ail na ionalitiai. cltv or country; ladv a'.tendlng \4'k;i,l. Ri.OfiMMK^Ui.K U hliAM .-KUTAffiS, At >> Mi*. l.ow8'?(?enn*n iiureiu. Kcmovol lo 131 Ka<l 11th it., botween 3d and 4ih ara. I>HO? K^^IOXAI. ??l ri AT1UM9 WANTKD FlCH AI-.KS. QAC Bt F.ECKER 8T.-A WOIH.O 0*'?) |ike a tituaUon as governe*? In a-mall priva'i f'imily, lo teach and talk French, a Ere neb family pra lerred. Ai!.i'eg? Mr*. A iiaTaIIjU 4 I, \I>V cry s WITH INDIES AND OBNTT.BMEW A lesson* In all the I ngAsh brancbe*. dr*wi??; pal(f*4Dgi photograph cokortngi y?a*tlower?j latter* written. 191 Si*th avenue. TfIR METROPOLITAN Pmvrf.NO E TA?I.TSHMKNT to at Broadwaf la the xaeall Uul diag