Newspaper Page Text
t ? wr M? 111 IIKT.P trUTKb-tVliLBN. CbiNOK.-HhN, WOM KB, BOVtf AND lilRLn learn telegraphy and take positions. THOMPSON'S T?, ?<Ui A*. oDpt'ilt" 1 ooper Institute. T?*U>rapbv I practically, with Instruments. No >acaUoti II HIPKRIENC T? IIKM> LAUNDRESS WANTED for a summer botel, must be w?Ll raeouiuicuded. ? IVJ1 2.4 llerald ??.?>. A * AMERICAN I.ABV. FAIULT BDCCATBO, 01 j\ good taa'e to be enifndt'il nt store 744 Hio?ilw?\, to peteet and show engraving* to customer*; aalarj fli. Apply, after 11, in UESS a U> I) iv11:. third flo.>r. _ AT 71 flR MIR 8T -WASTRD. * 0.1*1. wpo J*. wishes to learn dressrnakiiii: tor her board aiid 10 po A lit*la house .vork lor t .vo in tatnily. CtOOK WA UK 1 AND IKONfR W ANfE 0?ALSO \ / aeam?tre?? and waitress Proleaianti) for a pleai ?nt country place, two hours fMin New Vurk. Apply, |t>r two day*, to TIC UK NOR lis W M ,.?.i w *y._ BEHSBAMEHs WA.M LD _ at till W?| 20lh at. D FIRHT CLASS DRESSMAKERS WA>'Tf.D. ?APPLY on Mondav mornliiir. prepared to work, to Mine. AI M k K, No. S? Wist 3lal at. nOlTShKf'KPI R WANTED? WHO IS TlluKUt luiHLY compotent In superintend a large place. with 12 Crvant?, uint who 1* not above iter buauteat Call on ra. Ta il.ou, 1UU Waal Md St. OBABSTHE-c - want: n A PERSON I WPKThNT i> io cutting and tn?r ladies' undergarments. Call m'ait Kant ITtli it, in tbc basement. ^BAM VTRESS WaNTKD-IN A PRIVATE FAMILY! ?> one Willi good recommendation* and a competent Iresamaker; French prefcrre t. Apply at 2.' Wert 17th it. WAKTBI)-A Vol x>; I i >?> BAFEBII KOKJ) IN " serving in a conlcctionery, Ice i ream and tancf take bn*lne?v J. ur.lX'LIr'I i:, 4i.O and t;i Chapel St., S'*w Haven. Conn. tl^ANTED-A mid. FOB I FBI AIM WORK im> ro tT make bers'lt generally, vvlttx reter ?nce, fT' .n 10 t? 0 a. M?. at 171 fall doth at. WASTED?A GOOD PLA IClWlK IN A FAMILY of tnree; should have go a cily relet aucca. Apply, Alter 10 o clook, at 241 . am OlB si. AS T k I??'ALES I. A It IKS EMM I.D IN IIJE far. 'y iioods trade. luijulrc at *J7 av. H. VAlTW-i VdttAB v COOB BAKBB, TT waotir^and ir..n.-? Ui ;t <?>iort di^t^u* *) In the* tountrv. Call between 12 itt>U 2 no ,j?y >tonda>, al 1:3 Went '21 fit St. w W'AN fKD- l PROTECTANT illHL. WITH liOOD rolerent'e. to eovk. wash and Irnti In a private family In Orange. Call li'fjtu 10 to 12 o'clock, a' 1* Lex lugtoti av. \1'ANl'li 11-a GOOD 00 * K. A WD N WASH v\D ?? Iron tor a family ut three adnlta. ??> go to Newport lor the summer. Appl> at Ut M'eat t-'tli at. UTANTI-D-A KREVt'll I.AIIV'S M >10 Ml <T sr.W nlrelv hv hau I atifl understand nurureillng. Call ItBI 3th av? between 12 and :? oVI jrk. 1JTA.NTBU?GIRL B8TWEEN 14 *ND 15 VEtKs. TO ? t take care ot a baby. 3UU Wu?t ui at., in crockery Hot*. i \I7-aWi fd-* ni'kse FOB t UILOBBB, THBB1 IBD Tt five v?nr? ol aue must he a I'ioI* 'ant und w llline towoarcapa uncxee-tionahle reieren e required. Call at lift Ha*t i hiriy nintb j \\tANTKD?FIRST CLASS HANDS. TO TKlM and *? flui?h wuiati; only iwrtcct one? need apply. !M >aat luth *t., between Hrtjailway an 1 l ntreraity plm-e, I T\'A.VIEO?AT 8. McPaKM.ANU S, ittS 8TII AV? SO ?? Or-t . ia>? oi'erawirs and tlnisln:. ; good wagea and It. it fly employment. \i'a\ti:p-an F.XPKRii'.M'nn >ai.i>i.ariv ihr " millinery goods, at a gtn>-l salar). Apply lo i PCHWak 1Z, m ant av. ! 'ANTEU-A FIRST CI A^s MILI.l II TO li'iTO Providence. U. 1. lnguire at n. iO.V. ML flit U A CO.>8. 4H4 Broadwa.v. x\! ANTED? TWo FIRST CLASS MILLINERS AND ?' two Mkie?l*diea at Dr.NLtA> o, i-oatn i*y., betwaou I8tb and Jtfib ata. w w anieh-a ?;iki< it vk-aRm assist the lady in houaework. 470 2d a v. IIPANTE l>?B\ a PHIv a fB FAMILY, A COLOBF.D T? woman, to rook, w ash and irou alto a 'ulored fcov to wait uud make Inmsell tfeuvrally!ui. 41V Hen Ud ?. alter u. "tlfANTED?A PBOTBBTANT W? MAN A S BBCOMD " latmdriv at 279 Madia.,ii av.: limit ationg, capable and well re>'<iniueudcil. luuuirc fuui IU,S, A. X. to 11'. M. to-day nhie door . toAVTU-riMT CLAM DBMSllAKBBS; AI.SO ?v apprentice*; coma proban d to wurt, aud a vlrl to do houaework. Apply al 7o!) Ou, ave. Mlaa H. REGAK. "IIFANTBD?A OOOD DRErl-MAJtKB, WHO CAN CUT " ami lit an 1 uaed to the tK*?t uf work coo.1 ? unci, will Ik paid . alao two or tbro? uppt .;uliuos, No 021 Meat 131 at. "II/AS TKD? TWO FIlt>T < LACH LAI >KUKrHRH ?> iwlutei at ouce. Apply al ItU i:n?. ,Md. gat. ) i*lore 10 u'ciuck. A 4/AN TKD?A I'BOTKSTANT GIRL TO COOK AND A8 " aiai in wa*tiinu: intxtbe a ?<>o 1 waatier an I ironer. Call, with cltj relvreucea, at 117 Weal ?Ui at., uaar Broadway. XKTANTED?A NKaT I'ROTKST A NT OIRL Fi >R (?KS. ?? eral homework. Apply, with jrelt ro.ce, at vt*? oth a*., alter ? a. M WiSTTD-A REAMrfTBEM WH > CBOBMTABM " alnrl uiakirir thoroughly Call al I'1. t t+fli ?>. \l/'AbTRI>?i OIRI. TO I (lOK. wash AND IRON; ?' reierrn required. Apply at Ml Euai Hroadwar. "II'A mm. t.NCKD DK! .'MAKhRf, f? at ?4? t,th a v. TED?A ROOD. ART CTRL TO IW> WAITING d in waali and Iron. Apply at ?Jl I.aai lyt.i nt. OCSO nt.HM A V GI KI, WANTED?IN A SMALL Aum ruiMii tauulr. (91 Slav, entrati <? on SSd WW Y 11TTATION8 W IMKIl-ii VI.KH, a ROT. AOKD 1?, LATBLT LANDED PROM IRE. J\ land, want* a situation- ij wiltlnr to work lis any Addreaa or call on J K., 1"! W-at IftU r?. ta lh? atore. A B?>V. 14 Yf ARs OF AUK, DE.MKI..S A MTt'ATION A ?n an i ffl ? or a wlioleaale liooaa. A<1 ireia 1. t. fAMEBBLl.. ??^W>jt :<'!i it. AIURPIFD WITIIOI T I Htl.ORFN WaXTH a ?itnaf:nn on a farm, with bit w if? l? nela: haa n*?.* w^rt'eajterwnca .u iaraiiug. Call at UW .-ootU uti ??. ____ ARE^fF.rrART E COLORED MAN WHHEB A stt na''on a? waiter either tn private ramlly Arprlvato board i ua bou*< . xood city r?tcren<;*i. "aUoraddr- aa 4 ?i>; ?.il. ? ;l,.r I lloor, trout ri?itn. 4 BI>rP,rT?BI,K MHmnil M?V Wt-HE* A _? \ tituatiou a* flrit cliiais ? ? xik ,n a c inirr ho'ei. ??I?t> hoaae or reetauraat; one who iio,rtxi||iil> ululi rat.iiid* a'l braio lie* of rook inc. and an ttirnt?b Ilia pa?tr> ? .<>?,!)?? rear*' releitoce can Le riven. A4dr<.sa 1Z! Weal Mth st. A IOBN *A'? wants A BtTVATlOB IN A PBT ?\ vate tuiuily a* srooin all (tni in iO txtlcity reftM Inoe fro.n la<- employer. Can f?- ?"n X'.ndty aiiH Tu?s ay 'a: al! tiottr?! a! W5 <ith av , or addreM V. M. a max aokd n wishes a siti ation J\ an a vent'etnan't pla^ ? in Uie country ? >r tti a prl ?ate Mrtiv in M or njh't 'in !a.*?taii>t? the nrt and traatiM'iil ?l li(ni?> au,l a?? pin/ liar:ie?* a;*d '?ar riaf>-< in ii-Mal i a k .',.J and ? ?re?n: driver B<^<1 hi ukina are ot anl worllag <m a Krntiema*. * pia< ?; hai reference aa to booe?!r capability and ?e t? ^?.nR a tooa ooa * mar i? w, linr atd oiiiivinv rail or ?<ldreaa for thre" ( ay?, i R. t^v 7Ui av . la [ a nt store. TauNT I.FT THF. Bl ?"ll ARS BAN*APE TorR J t b^me wlr l? ? ou are away in ili? < ounlrv A j un^ ?>an with e?relle;n reier>-nre will u?k?- rare of a houaa ? t niabi durun? tne a I," ? oij!h?. latnlly tor tt.e mm ?ier ?noiilba lor a moderate eampeaaation. Addreaa VIOILA NT. !>??* I'j liTalil ? (Tli-e, tor oue or two Wee?.a. (JITI IflOK W.?NTK|i-BV A FTR-T'I A-f EN'.l.l-ll 17 waltar la ? Brivatr fainl - i h. rVint Mh /une. I all on or addict*, al pr< *cnt cmp ,ur>, IW Ma ilaon av V^ITV ATION WANTFD-RY A man < OOK r*HER I ataiida hla buainev and tbe cutting up . raw tueau; (Uy er "ountry ; teat cll> r?lereui:a. lit tad iTitn >t C'Tl-'ATIO.N W ANT D AS FItt-T CLABS WaITFK IV ? ? a private family ?"ran Alaarian. la oom^rtent m alt ita orauche* rr..te<taiit. earel'.ent refercncw Addreaa C. II" West teth at., apholalerina ?tor--. C*ITVATION WaNTKD? AV A HRKT CLAS- ?'lU ?7 ortd waiir.rinan a? h'-ad *irtr- can take r?i i kKarge ot uinlOR room ; rfty or "onntrjr; beat city refer tnr*. Addree* < . H., 141 Weal iJih IL crrrATMN wanted rt a toino r??f.oBBD man *a waiter in a boardm?f honae or wnni.l a-1? ?< porter beat a tentl ") find r^terencaa. Addrea H. ar call for iw.i aava at JW Mb av U*ARTrD-BY A fOt NO WAN. A BITI ATION AS hartmder or porter In a hotel or warcbonae nr?t elaja rel< r'?i. e. Appiv al ^7 W a?lunilon ?t. I'. K, U'ANTF.U?A KlTI'ATTON RT A flU.-T t I.A ss ri >|, orad man . ?< -k who thorotifl>!\ un eratand* h la toxnew *n a i iia t>raa 'ie?; heat re?er*n. o. Call oa or addreaa iwr lw.. dav >. W T , ip Priu'-e ?!. r 1 "RO'"r * T'?r NO M AN A8 THOBliniN I' l ?? lira ?tlar< pr > a * t. a.uer Call o.- or w|.;ii ?*? la CI </V. < I.I.Kkx IXII ?AI,F.a>IKI. I'.MII NTa IN Mvt; I.AM,I A * - K ? I K KI 4 RS wri' en up* p? ne l eiaaiin I kept or h;.1. ar, elt; n ar.n, |rMaUtl?aa. III.' . t III '?{ Sm ?!. 4 Oh NTl f W A > or I. X I'l. llll.M F-, TRAN Kl.f.lVl ?'v a nil a ape tally ha* ainindaut uni<. to ati> od to any tm?in'?< ^onnei-ud eitli an ftaldl?hed hou.a*: joi?ld a<i a> ?a.< aii\an, addi*?a -I'M.I> I.H , lK-rai i #rootHya liranch ofli *. A OF..NTI r M * N ??! >M*I K 111 F. X TFRTKN-'K, 1* *., n* a , t in a h e da m.ii d In,i.,Jii.i an , a II ' le la Ibe tt?<1? iha- may l? rntrii'ifl to him l.y fli at L'wleaV?" f^n" 1 ' '***- 'Al., taiv amuel vyera 4 ? a, 4"7 Broadway UOOKIBEPINq *>>-11.>i \ I'CiriKAl, R'i.ik *"? ? "? 1 r ir~ rr-ii tt??r .*?- m boaMaepinr, iner. annie . ak iiallon. ?n at Srfuu ,\u;. ^.y^T.Taid om'r. a :jr' I kR.NflnfS, OF All. fkllil* B.VOA Kl? AT All. iitnei. i ?? ?? r I'.aiatriahii.rn'' hf re and Fnro?? ? (??A elerM i*Min?^. !?> ,;??? ??'>* i'.|ni?4 ( lalift aiioin fal lF,, r fUlf 1 ,f "om- ry. F^MPLOVWFINT WANTKI1-BV * Rt'f.tAW'fS was J with bea'refereB"1* ei| < rlenred . a* iai-^ma" . l ?ai tor. wawlia**!!. pa<"ker, atnppinx < lerlt or porter ; Wi linf lo inaka Ulm.<eu c?r?aral>/ k>ai>iL Ati.,rea? a., M Orald at A ? RT Tora PRINT!NO DON FAT T'lE WUTDriPoi !? f r TaN i BINTINO KHlAllM!>ilMEsr, AS liioadaajr, wil And lr?lvantar?8MB UABDWARB A1?D CCTLBfT 'All AHv ? Jl v#a,ia? oBlbem Citlen far Baar tru yein. la open Irr eayer l/CBt ?UDC I* A?.I?A U C.,tte a:d i SITUATION WANTED?BV A YOUNG MAN, AOhD ' H A* a* clerk or collector; is a flmt < lasi penman; has I held a responsible position over two vears: 1* wuitnis to : make himself useful: beit retercuees. Address WIl.L 1MQ. box 170 Herald office. YI'ANTED?KOK GALVESTON. T?-1AS. A YOUNG ?? man who li??experience In the wholesale grocery business and who c?n iii?naif' A well established bust neaa; :i voung man fo ir?vel In Texas. Applicant! mult know the Herman and English Isnguages tboronghly Please state age. whether married or tiumsrried salary uske.l and gooil city reference!. Address UALVEnTON, J Herald office. \lr AN TED?TWO EX PKKIENOK l> TRAVH.I INO ? ' ?aleMiiaii: t'nks? hmlngthe iw<|uaiu!anee ot the yaper banging irade. Address box 3.127 Post office, New TIr A .NTF I?? IN A BANKINO HOUSE, A OF KM AN ?' younu man, i|iiick and eorrcci In calculating Ad dress, in own baud wnli ?>*. A., Post office box i.WJ. "llfANTKD-A CI.EKK FOR RETAIL CLOTHING ?? store in tbo country; unexceptionable reference! required. Call, between 5 and ? r. M., at 4Ui 8th av. WJ A N T K D? A N UONESI AND ETHi 1KST YOCNO ?? man, of itnod family, to act a? cashier and cle-k. A|>plv at 12 Bible House. J. rUMJELL * SONS. WANTKO-A SALESMAN, ONK OK GOOD AD T? nresa Apply at 13 Park row, before 0 A. M. (OACHMK.M A \ I) ?V!U)K\KHS. A Sl.NGl E vol NO MAN WANTS A SITUATION JV coachman and groom; lived tour year* In hla laat situation; bun ttrat class city reference from the same euiploviT i all oil or P. L., ll? liast 2td it. VKKsphri VBI.K TOI N OOLOUD man wants a tirs; clas-i coachman'* idiuatlim; city or country; can come well recommended from U?t employer's. Ad dress J. 8. M., Herald Uptown Branch office, 1,263 Broad way. ATOl. NO M VN WISHES A SITUATION AS COACH man; <a a food driver anil groom ? references good. Call on or address A. K. H., 146 went With at. A situation WANTED?BT A FK.-.NY'H SINOLE -."A man s? coachman and groom; 15 j eura'experi ence: can luruish all uecesaarv references .i. b., la Wooster st. A ??E NTLE M AN WISHES TO PROCURE A SITU A A rlou for In- oachmiin whom lie an highly recom mend. Address A. B., Broadway, or box 1,781 I'oit office. _ ______________ A situation AS COACHMAjf-BY A SINGLE A man; is fully competent. host city reference. Ad dress J. It., box 122 Herald office, \G!iNTM M A N leaving FOB EUROPE WISHES to procure a situation lor hla coachman, whom be ean fully recommend. Call, lor two days, on W. an DKKWS, 16 Ka>l :*lh Jit. A YOUNG man WANTS A SITU A HON AS OROOM; _*V thorougiiH uiideratand* hit business; goo4 driver; six years' reference. Address J. W., New Brighton, 4 FIHST CI.A-S COACHMAN WANTS A SITUATION; ^'\ uiideratauns Ins buainem thoroughly: best reference ftor honesty, *obrleiv and capability. Address, lor two uay?, CoACUM N, Sri North Moore ?t. A RKSPEI TAB1.E YOUNG MAN SINGLE) WANTS -\ a situation a? MadlSSB; tkoroMDly Competent; will be disengaged in a f? w dny* through his employer turning out hi.i horsua. Ualt at or address 11W West 18th ?t . private ?:ah!?n. A SITUATION WANThD-BY A FIRST CLASH J\ cna hinau; single; thorouRhly uu lerstauds his businexs; sli yeara'beat city reference, t all on or ad Uf s.t N. S., at J. li. Bre WMier * Co.'a, 145 r.aat JSUi at. A 8ITCATION WANTi.O-AS COACHMAN. BY A -X respectable man; has flue ve.irs' citv rcfcrence. Call on or address T. W., No. 23J Weat <uth stl A situation WANTED?AS OGACHIIAN, BY A .1 young man; thoron(ffny understand* hlsnuinesa; t?est city ivtcreuce ; no objection to the country. Aadress S.. Nu. iM Jih ?v, 4 situation wanted a* coachman by a mirrted min thai ha* hcc.i la trie employment of a widow ladv tor three yearn; t?si city retereuce. Ad dress M. . 144 ;rh av. \ respectable TOUNG MAN WISHES A SITU, ation In the country; underx'anila driving and the care ot hor>>e<- Is a good plain vegetable fardewri would Tiiakc hiuiseii dmIiii. Address B. K . box 111 UeruU Uptown Branch office. ? SITUATION WANTKD-RY A SINGLE MAN. AS A fliat class groom and coachman, city or couulrv; thoroughly on.luraiamls lux liusuieae. lour jaara Last r?!eeence. Address J 11.. iC2 t'liM 19th si. a man and wife wish situations together: A man is a first class coachman and urooin and willing to make himself generally u*eftil; wife is anex cellent <-o< k and laundress: hi st city reference; wages not so much an ?hlnet aa a permanent situation. Ad dresn D. k.. box 117 Herald I'fitown Branch office. 4 COACHMAN'S SITUATION WANTED-BT A j\ youn r man ; thorouchly nnrterrtands hla hnsineaa; vi \cars b t city reterecc Gallon or addreMi T. a.. 136 Went 18th it, private stable. \B COACHMAN IMI GROOM -BY A SINGLR MAN; wl*r trustworthy. w:Ilin? and obliging; six rears' city rdercuce. AUdre -n N. D., 141 West 3?>ih st , stable. 4 fiINGLE MAN AS FIK.-T CLASS GROOM AND JY eoa<liman; three yenr* eltv rffrrtutt; no obtec tlona to the'-ouutry. A. HOY, lt?8 East a3a st, for two da vs. k besprctable young hingi.e man wishes J\ a situation as cnaehniafi and groom . th<1W?u*hly und*ratanil* his bii?ln<-?? is ?<>ber anl obliging rrood city an l country re'rreucea. t-all ou or address P. Xt k., 4-) Tlii av., near 3'^, st T)Y A BFSPBCT.1BLK man as COACHMAN, WHO J) thoroughly undertints hi? bt.ines. !n all Its branches; t . st eltj reiercucc. call at or aldresslod Ell' fetli st UY A SM4RT ACUTE MAN AS COACH MAN; therou/hlv nnderstanils his buatnraa In all its branches; t*st etij r lerene* Call or addnn T. D., box ii-ilierabl I ptown Branch office. /10ACHMAVS UTI ATION WANTP.P?OOrNTRY \j preferrc-1: uru omtand* the fare an i treatment of h tsp- tin.i ri.u v 1. h good driver: can unit, wtilme t?> b< uwfol- beat r*lercn>-c. tddre** M C., H- raid office. /1t)*CHMAN IMI it A RDKA F. ft'S SITt. A1ION lv jt l?crm*n UitfiougUly un ?trre-aiuia botu bran. ?iea; careful Jnwr mini vegetable gardener: be*t city reteitnca. . .a 11M AN. bo* S? Herald otfea. . / viaCHMAS, i.PnOM and I'KKPIL MAK?BY A a; ynnn* man angle); good, r? refill drner: obliging: nree ?car? refcre^-e from la?t place Addteia II., rare of Mr. Hegem;;,, s/< v>uth at. / ? <, a ?* f?M - mm iriojf WAV f K D BY A mn " ' '.-mm Prottatant; t-aotvltah careful driver anile* <-*ilent gro?m: underatand* rare ol carriage* or road tor-** beat reteren. e; boneat and aotn-r. AUtlreak K. J. A, ho? tw Herald I ptown Brain h office. f ioai'IIM kN \ M > riHO'iV'H hi IT A HO.N-MY A MAN " . <>l long 'JMfi iir.'. i* a aieady, sober. reliable ntld die wM. *tng;e man ; witling and :iblr?lnf: beat city ret . r?iH ei from i??t employer*. Adhcaa C'OA<-'IIMA>, box Ihl Herald ITjWow* branch office. fW*CHMAN AN l> OKOOM'ft hfTTATION WAVTFD I8v a man hlghir recommended from hl? laat em rlo'er: city or eomrry. <"aii on or addreaa oLokub, it Wen Ithii st . private etuble. /AOAfMWAN - "If ATfON ? \NTFIt_BY A HOBPR. A *ingle t .ring man, ?hi thoroughly andrrrtaud* but l-?>lne?- wiring and .hi ,? n: j?vn year* reference. Addrer*J, McK boa U6 Herald I ptown Branch office. m v * v- Bin aM'iv * tvrr.n by a nrou a y man: lor- and 'bo. .1.4b exp< rtenrc m me care and treatment of*i 1 *rr..jc ?. A<:., tlrgtclaas city te?4 moniaia. Addt. >??r fall on I. C., Iff) Meat Slat at. /AOACHMAN'S ?rTl'ATT"N W A.NTJ.D-BY A BOBFR. \y hmieai re t la rung man who undentand* bia f.?*lB*** tlioroi. Ii'y: "Ingle and a Protectant; r'>o<1 <;iyr rtierence*. 1 all on or addrr -? J It. 12? Waal ?4tb *t. ( AO AC II M A N'y SITUATION WABTKD-BY A COf* J man. tnarrle I: ftc?iclty reieiaaca. Call ou or addreaa HH<OA V 111 Wept Wd at. /'AHIlPNfK ANI> BITI" tj tlon wanted - I hn'nojh v tmderatand? all ?< rural nianagemcnr ot a *entlem?n?* piac?. age X mftrrVe<1 tw> vear? 'i?-t ni, re react. Addre-a M O. l>., 241 W< ?t I >th ?t / ' K <?' > * H -I Tf ATI'?\ WA ST1 I - A THI'Ml MAN, ? r late(> landed : under^taad* hi* lm?ne*a tbor ugtiir; b< ?n t>r lii.h' ui> in flr?i 'a?? lablet In tlie old couuirj. Ai irem II II., I Hi-ralJ ? IB'-e. / ? AIT'IM-K 1 SltraTIOM WaNTKIJ ? ' I thoronahlr nndcrelanda greenhoiiae*, gr fruit r?ge able a and ple*??i'e groiinda. oroenaental plnnitiig <>f 1'" O'o- Iniiltcal recr>WMi?ttdail?Mia Ad* dr<-? liAUHt ? lit box 2>'T Herald office. CJITVATIO* WANTFU-BY A SINr;t.B *A*t AN k groom : la a g -.tea ly drirer, and tniTougi,i? ?>,. der-landa lua or woiikl lake care 01 r<wd borw-aiHl make Ion ?-!il venrrallv na^ful; rteady, *otier end irfln-rriand well r<<-on m?nde I ? all ..n or ?ddrca* IMriV, l>?a l-i llr raid I pto* u branch office lot two darn. it-* r r . ? i<- 1 v Pno rni,fiRKD man a MTf ?? a'li n ?? ttr*' ?law ? oa.; rnoronghlv ofid<-r ?.nnd* hi* l--.ii'?* ? rfrt l*?r etiji rater<.n<.e irotn la -t em plover. > a 1 at l(?; W eat ? h ?u U'A MBI>?A Mr \TIDN BY A UlNnt.B MAN AI 1 oaehmai , Kri '.'ii no objection in the r onniry , aali'lai ".rv rci- r- nr. tor *c\eti t?ara ? *li at "of g'dre ? 51 IS**' iVI -t l-.rta.dau tl'ANTf'.n Bt A I'ROIK.-rANI" MARBIKI* MAM. A II altatilo* a< r oachmar. rlty ..r country : tbornngMy Biidcr'iand-i ua biia ?* II war*' reicienc*. < ail on ..r adore.* 1 l'., J# ? ??? llnl ?i or Brt\r?ier'? ^nrriage la u.rr. . oriier 4iUi at arid Broadway TI AVT n t < OI.0BRD rtiArillfAN K'<R TflK \? countrv Bnt.l -intier, unit l-e a< tiv\ wi'img ?ltd comneieill < iiv reference. A ply at debte. Mediaow a>. and W* n . 9 o * 8wc>t 21111 ^t.-a p.- rrcrtBLi roi xa > oreJ <nai> wlilttr ? dtuUva at c >a >, beat rti ? re nee a. MKI.P H AXTNiK-MAM:*. . rH'M'K-WI'V. WitMCN, Btivx A vfl OIR'S ;\ learn teli??-?phy gnd raie poenlonA IHO*I'SOM"S t'ollege ?tb a?.. oppoattc t' ln*trnte. T*leg>-apliY tan ht pra. tleally. ettli Ingiru.nentA. MoiAcattofl, i G:-''-' WA" ^r.' -T" f-h! f?f"? rflRriM ft a>K lie w I v pa-rtitei neveTtlc": ?r?fl "*) rtimi 1 rtpr b uape.r and te>0,ffi" en > e of -* cpeap tor - <t*lt. (ir.'i 1. l /.i.Tf?S i CO., Il9^?llw^n?^ \B 'V WANTRIf?ABOI'T I* YF.AR1 OI,l>; ONK ?l?i l<u woracg tit a i.vot and sLi r. ?t>re prefencd litijmrc at i.t U and ?t I (IV.KTl WANTfD?'IfY A 11> 0> rljSTRY TO MM. .V teaa lo taietiie* and large r^-u?inner-: gregfe*'in daeemenr*. ca.NKiN 1 MA MrSPAN Y, lit tlBambTt at A r?e,MI,fHAV .p oorin 1 iDRf *f, WHO 1MB A b?ri *nrae egperien^e .m ?elllng booga in Parw, . wanted W> Ul. a anry on the Art 1 r- aauret <?f kcj 1 ltit>1;" a t> od rw'ion i? r a - .mpe'rnt man HOWattTM A Ptlil.l lP* h. M?nn tt. Aorntb rifABA^T*rt) r. daii.t belmbo Amere't fprmt a'toW fgrl? fm AT?ry bn*iO'?. ? JO'intry iftntl rnij*t ?end Bn . ft? ?ajip>e?. Tb? ^ < hfcp .t avai offarfi ai a ajlki & u* *<tmm. HELP WASTED?MAUCi. BOV WaNTBD?IS A STATIONERY HOI' El ON* ItaviDi: aome knowledge of III* business preferred. Addrex*. starng <m?> residence, references, Ac , II. H. H , herald office. T^NTBRPRWfNO AND RFSI'ONHIBLK AGKNTH ARB Fj wanted in the prln l| ?1 cities ol the United Utatea lor the lucrative **:e ofhariware articles: ailthoea who can furnish good security nnd pos?? ?e the required storage r-ioin arc pr tarred. As a good coir inlssMIl ? allowed, the applicant ?ill soon secure for hnu ? it, with ?>iine rxcrtJoa, a leif-sastaining Mhwttaaae. *pplic? tioas. with reforences, should be addressed W. N. lock box 409 P,mt office, t', Ky. _____ /1F.T VOI R PRINTING IHINK AT THK MEIROPOLI If TAN I'RIN I'fNO ESTABLISHMENT, ?I8 Broadway. Yon will flud it advantageous. \17ANTED-A riMT ''LASH DKKHAK TKA\ Kl.LEB '? tor to.< !? on* whi' ha* had experience in the W e?f ? rn Slates \d,1ree?. with referenda, salary ixpected, Ac., TOTB Herald office. AIT ANTED?A OENT1.KMA.N TBOIODORLT . IX> ?t perlcnced In aollclttng adverilteiMnte, inr an es tablished dallv lournal; one who has had city experience .trelerred. Address. with reference, tiox :v?"Ki I'lSi umri ANTKD-TWO FIKHT CLASS AOEMH FOB Vf RY remunerative employment 142 Fulton ?t., roomji. "11'ANTED?AN aOTIVK MAN, OF rLK ABIN<J AD ff dress and having some business experience. to take order*. Appi.), alter ? o'clock, to J. B. MOBIillOLo. It Murrav ?L _____ _ WANTED?EXCELLENT PAYING OCNTEBL BUSI f t n???. lew respectable men and Indies to ?<?ll honeefc ni-e article; ??ell* fast, large profits, only suiall > upltal. fl to 8 P M. in East Broadway, up stai -a. VI'A.NTKD-A GERMAN HOY. ABOUT 17 YEARS t> old; one who understand* the grocery business fall at 14> westMdat. ll'ANTF.lJ?A COLORED BOV, ABOl't 14 TUK Of Vt age. to attend door, run errands and make him self generally usaiAlL tail at No. 3s I'.asi Uth ft , near Maul-on #v. _ ? _ \I'ASI'RD-A YOUNG MAN. 17 OR IK \..ARS OP ? ? site, who has a knowledge of the grocery buslnnss: wage- ii',t to exceed $7 per week. Addrcsa wit? refer ence, GROCER, Herald I'p.own Branch office. "\*OI N<; MEN AM AG* NT's |MR A NEW 0 ITfOUC .1 book ln numbers; fare paid. JAMES HIIRRHY, '.1 Barclay ?>!., New ^ <>rk210 Baltimore it., Baltiui >re; 013 7iii st. Wsttiington. 'I'll K 1'KAIIHS. \ GENTLEMAN. CONVERSANT WITH All method* of surveying, competent to coir pile charts, limp* and plan* from astronowloal, or plane table data, and wl'o ?? n gooa draughtsman, de sires an engagement with smiie map puliliihitiK firm. Addresa KHbOKUiOK MEYER. 1113 2d av., New York. y.S'URAVMR WANTED.?A COMPETENT BOOK. Ci binder's tool cnitravec waut'-.d lm mcliatcly. Apply, from 11 to I o'clock, on Monday, :<tii inat., at office ui ht? Nicholas Hotel, to WM II. CANTEB.N. rpo BOWK ri.AKTEREHS.?A YOUNO MaN THAT IIA. 1 served two years at the trade de?res to go under Instructions in the .-Ity orc.ounirv; esn furinah the best reference from last employer; ii willing 10 w,,rk tor >ow ?waae". flense call on or address JOllN KEAllNU, 341 E*m ^7tli st. tiiinl (lixjr. I'UE meti opolitan printino k^tabi l-IIML.NT Is at 218 Broadway, In the Herald Building. $1 50 Croquet <roun<la. TO BATTBIIB.?WAjrrED, A HKSTCEAfih CUBUiR by the week ; also a firs: clttk trimmer. .SMITH, 76 Futlon (t FItKVt II ADVERTISEMENTS. N DEMANDK?I NK BONNB D'ENFANT. BACHANT blen courtrc ^'adre?^ "i- aujourd'hai. CDtro lOheures et inldi, au No. 137 KastS'th at ttn wnrairo db so an?, dbabb prendrb L/ des lecona de fruncals d'uiu vrale Parlsienne com. fiUiiuiiitc. udreascr hTUDXANi, Herald Lptowu Ilrunch office. IKMIIIIEKS WANTED. 1 C HARMING 8U1T OF apartmknth on rrcond I floor io rent, with or without private table; also most desirable Rooms on third floor, at ?11 West He\enieeiith (treat TO PER DAY, tt) TO >12 per WE RE. ? Pine R<h.ui?, with excellent table, for fntm lie? and singly, at 174. 17? itml 178 llieeoker urent, ncur <lr 9 BLOfKS FROM broadway.?PAMIL1B8 Ol. ?i single aenfleinen can be arcomtiiodau'd witli tir<' elsw. Board; houie , ..mioris and pleasant Booms; tai i< boarders CI l^st Fourth street 2ulockh from nrrm avenue iiotei i?< Ka?t Tweatv third atreet.?Haiidaomely furnished Eoo'iis io let, wftli first claat table, lor faniiiies or siui,'l' gentlcmetj: terms moderate. r.lH AVENUE, NO :in ? -ENTIRE I'ARl.OR Fi.OOR ? ) sod Secona Hoor to let. with or without private table. fTTH AVBNL'E Nci- US AND 140.?BLl-.GANT PAlt ? J lor Floor, wttll |im ate table, batlt, Ac.: also f^ariti ing *i?igle and connecting RAKJin-. with or without private (able; references. A "T TO $7 PER WP.iE.?BOARD. WITH NEWLY v>) furiiished front llootne; suitable for taimlies or fentlemen ; in nn Amai .can ' ttuily; table boarder", |t. Kaat rwenty secotid ?ir.. ; a>/' ro ?- PER WEEK PoK ROOMS. WITH BOARD; O' ? families ac-ouimodst?:l e.|usllc low: hot and eidd water in iimiiiis 42 ouili \Aaahlnston s-^uare, th.rd door from M n loagai efreet To $g PF.l; tYEBK KoR FINE ROOM*. WITH ??') exeelle?t B urd. at I'.- IMeecker "treat, for fund 11.? or Hiugie pcnoni, plein-aiitest summer houae ib the city. "1/1 WA.TERJ.KY Pl.iCE. NFaR BR'MuVAY ? JU I'leaaant front Itwimv $1.1 fio and f.. ill.- two |i?r Wltti II ?ard: ?in*l. It ??.???. $? i*' i $0; train ic lit ?- peru?y; utnki t;. ur>i. $4. ni wr;irtB rtvuk. r rtkukt, m ar hi ni i. L avanuc. -OealraMe front it.-on ? .,n -o nuj an1 third floor*, with go->-' iioar.l tor ItullKii i? leaHrioel, at auinmer prtCMi > ' ITtlf < ? <? xct, a n- ? <1. nn Fact koiuy ninth htbei-.t.-a r-nryor ??a? gemltruen or tainilfca accommodated Alter June 16; clrxan' Room* arid euprrior l? ?r Miutmer | r.m alao ample Room*: reference. c- wr..T W?cuu..T/<y riiA< K?ri.EAKAXr ???) Boom or f-att of R<>ofn*. mitahle tor (itigte gentle men or gent'?'tu?n awl wife to let with RMrd ; tnolern couvenlencM bath, M?.* tenri ct"?i-n*?wt Bfl HT MARK'8 PLATE, I'OBNRB "P HKrONI) ? >() ??ease.?To lot. oewl> and cl? *r*i'i t (urnlali?d Bootn?s with or witliuu: first Ha*a, ?JO BAMT TWENTY *E?>0*il SI Bf.ltT. HETWKFN ? >?1* at :in 1 foortk ??etiiM.?Nnonia on MrWr | floor M<l al". on (bird floor t ? lot, with Beam, to laim- i lie* or gentlomBB. 4 f\ EAriT NINTH STREET NEAR BROiliW AY.-TO *iU let. with Hoard "tie lurjri- Room. (aitabli- 'or ten tlimin an'l wttc ; Room* lor gentlem a, day boarder* aefniBoioBated . faftrence* exi-naoin d. 4C EAST TWENTY-HBOOND STREET, NEAR ? I Broadway.?EtogMitly nirnwlied Room*, en1! flret ria?< !?? .<.-!. tor tam leg ar><l g? m>ii?en: liooae new)j fnrnlahod and Dalit lal. mtli in?l' rn liuprote mcnta; term* mode rata. TOO *A?T SIXTEENTH MTRBKT _ROtiBrf, HA M> 1 ""?/ aoroely ftar.iiahed to let with or without Board ; ronnik large an ' airy, ?ttmtner price*; three door, from Wetluilnner Hotel. -I oi KA4iT TWESTY-TIIIRD PTRI- I T. IIAXD I _ 1 aomely fnrti abed, airy Rom* with Hour,! ?ri ? u ti or ? r?ly: ho?to and apnioiiitmeola flr?t . ,*?>. t*b!e t>o*rdcr? ascommodated: rereren. ?? aa< hau?-td. i*w- i .? r twi- *n -i.tenth sri.Fi t.?an fv. J a-'> Ur? senrw Htofy: alto ' "o r *m*ll Boon*, hand aoroely furgUtied ?i'h Board 1 ~Q WEFT 1*TH -T Knit RO.iV NO X? A RF l?)0 ap?ctable womau want* a iL.M to t oard. Ad> fcm >1 THIRTT-FOI'RTfl fTRFTT, BKTWERS LEX >1 if ft ?n and llird atenu"? Ni<:e|? liimHned front *!ro?e Room on 'liifd dour, a'*, !,?> k It???.: 'o let wttli l.oard at ?iimm?r prl> ?a. 1Q| WKMT TfNTII HTRBKT, IMRAV'K ON J < "X K urth atr. at.?CurnKli'd Rooid*. win Honrd: new corner honaa; on?'?<r|>tJoiiat)!e relahhoriioodt er'iMtown car*; ratea v?ry r?aa?>Bable loi n.inim'r. t eroaooa. (lig WBSTTWI.NTY-iFf t)Nf. MRI.l.T RKTWEEB L. 1') -Jer<nth and I kffhfh ?ttnu?* ?Rooana, with Board. ()/?<? WEST TUIRTV.MVTII SrRF.K -A LA ROB j jiflU front Kwim, w,th ?r withoot H .ar.1 room pi?a?antlt nirnlalien . In (>n\*t? Uonaa; *o?>tl loc ality. ? IQQ ?F,1V TIIIRTT.I IR-T - fltl.KT -< tlMPOBT* 0?>?" ably fnrai?h?'il Room* to I t to reiitiamaa, wiUt oi withont RraaktaM, at Tcr? reaaonaM- t? rni? 1 twenty ?f:< <IM> -IR^I. rn i KT, 1 !?" I>? * o titrate family two inn. .-i ?? A part me nu, with or without Bo?rrt. 4';k ro iM n bvi-mrh <ir t vn hm-hmi J\ to let "Uh flr?t ? a>* to raatieateii ?.r pentieman and wite, Bfth a lan ? of ^marii an adu.ui; reirr'-nro* ?Xi .i*"? 1 Apply ai IAS We?i2l4t at. HOARD ASD MUM.IX* HAM'KIX QHiaBI) WANTED?FOB A OBNTr.F.B A N IS lltB l> t,?tahLHjrii <at if W< f' Tbirty-tl.lrd "tj-ef t aid NIBih a\> put. A |.,.l) to * , #M Beat i Wepijr 'hir . ? .et. H4FIKI i k fTOB PI.ACE H'lTKI,, ETROPEA* PI.AN, ? ,\ an'l ?; Thir.1 a?ent,e |.,o?lte < ooper Iri?tttata.? S. w hoo?e; irnrn niriiit I- locatiof in 'h^ c,iy; Boo ma from fir lip; alwny* r.^en. I A ?BMITU'ri H'>TIL. U CHATHAM STREET, >KAB .1. t.ltj llall auo new I'Ont i.H o.,i rn.iii ?tinr o Room*. rK. or . per day, ?:?or |3p.-r week. a.? u?? open. BRI404 ||tt l.niKM R Mil lllll Am \l I AM) K.irty aeo itid *ireet neai<*t houie to -raod <^n trat l?po'.? rjngla Room* "J c? nt? lotl pei tiat MBl<iO/4 BBO.-t. Bki.bont iiotk.u Kii.roK stbekt. ^ikab B a tirar i.*i-inrsa ? n?ie.- KaroMaa plan, Boonii) V". ??warri. oaw laan.v Mooio? fim dining roou/i, ui?ai*. ?' low prtf-A Spfel 'pen stall hour* /MIV HOTEL, ' ORJfl'R BHOAI'W *Y -vMf> I,' fliTll I J at reel R .tr ?. w ?) o~ ? itho-.t Boa,: %* io $9 ; ? r ts?ek ( to per ia>, Willi iiward, opitu all Might. Bel rrtof eattal.get. H'iTBL ROVAla, fORTIEril hlTIEFT AMI -IXHf a??r:n? |;ie rno?t t.:f ?>*? an ! plea->ar>' )<,> ation in the ify a itri> tl? .lr*t ola ?% 'amiir ho:. I. r< oiik over tool "I Itearvo r I'ar> rnetauran' w 'd to none in ,niw , ,irt , irrin* r*awonaM? nKO. I'lERIB I'rowriatW. n-id El, ST. OERMAIN. flUH AVIMI TTTr.NIV. ?e, .,nd -ti?e^ rtr' ad ? av Hotel tfpgte t ? p'-r ''y: I lropou pun tltofl! Alien and mod elegant loca tion incur; * <? raior and bath*: rooin? all front WI I.LI \M T'IMCKIVS. PQ' * itR HOPSR, IOBVFR OF HR'>?1I ,?J ?av ai <t I *> i.;y flr?? atroot ?FfBot R??>'n? ??.? * Bite at itaoaatia ?? nawxilw ?t * BAEiiW _ HOTKL.N. 1 V| ARLBOIMPOH HOUSE (MURRAY HILLl, CuR i i?l ner Thirty eiith'li street and .-is'h ?vmue, Auii-ri i'nn plM. Sanraier ?'r?iifmnir?r?ii hi- innln reason able, tor families or tiugle geutleiaan location high and >u *1111111' mii I r?ai the warmest weather and decidedly the most desirable part of the city. w. L. KIMI, Proprietor. CUINTBV B?> \KEW BOAROF.RH W ANTED?TN A PLAIN KE lined tuiull\ ; out) hour from eilv; good litliu <>?il omtori appreciated. Address <Jl IGf, box 171' i'ix>f ottl- e, irvmgtou ou Hudson. 4 REFINED FAMILY, RijtflDJ's ' IN A HANDSOME . V country bouts, witnin <5 minutes oi Net* Vtirk, in NowJer?ey, would Itko to Board another taniilv bv the vear or lor the rummer. Address Mrs. HOWARD, Post office, Clifton, i asulc county, N. J. _________ Board wanted?in conxectht"r. ox a farm, with a private latnlly, where there mf no other boarders, tor two young persons (brother and aimer). ? lu injthc nuiuuiT mou ha also areoiMftMAtion fur tt pair ut ponies and man; it will tie indUi"'" .able to hnve good fishing. boatinbathing mil u li altliv location wltu n*>od drives. lor which a liberal price will be paid. Adore a, lor one wees. wltli ui'l uarUcmur.i, A 1+, box HO Herald Uptown Branch oflice. /10UNTRY BOARD AT WUCKOFP, N. J. -23 MILES \J irom city i<> ve? Jersey Mullen i Rallroaut house i? xltu.'iied oil uigi ground three minute* irom depot; pieassnt home and Doantllul tatile guaranteed ; moun tain uir and bealtny hjcatiou. Address y , Wyckoff, N. J pOVNTRV HOAIU) IN a PRIVaTi: FAMILY?ON A v.' farm in oran-'e county; health* localuy, llu? scenery. good wawr. tre-h iruit. egi,'?, miik. n<>uiir%, Ac., Ac ; house new. room" large and airy; ^ond slabilug on tne premises; terms moderate Address JOHN JONl'.S, | Postoittce, Vails Oatc, orange county. >? Y. / COUNTRY HO \ RD W A NTED?FOR (IKXTLEMAN, ' \j wile, infmit am! nurse, within one h. nr nt ihe utj-. <ddrr*s, with terms, il., h. x HO New Yorl> I'ostolHce. fAAMlIJKS CAN HF AOCOMMODAIED WITH KTRRT I class Room- and B-isr l for the season at CHARM S till.BURT'S, i>ltic nig; 1iuU?j ail I sroutnli large ; also hUule u>'ooiuiiiodatlon?. / 2 000 HOlRD CAX BE It AD AT A PtiUMSI farin house: heal hj- locatton; shade tree*. iruM, ic.' Bf-CTAtc tfrraj. i'arlios (iin be seen at room vo. I J.riuitl I nillu Hotel. K?rty second street. Mninlav. ith Inat., ruin !> A. M. to 3 I M., .ir addicioi 1*. ilEOKOJtO, I'ont ifflce, WMtcltWrter oonntv, New York. /?"HID CO XI'HY BOAMi WANTFD?KOH OENTIjE ' T ninn and wile, three children (awed 7, i and 1 vear?) an I inn -e. Addre i. KhitiK leans uud lull parUcnlara, U., hox 118 Pott offlee. />OOD BOARD IN DIB COI NTRY OR IN A I'AltVI | '1 boiK.?Koi uentK-man, wilo, baby tone jearold) and nurv; vlthlnl'j tiour-;' ride from the ciij '? lermn to ke moderate. Addre.iw J.OL'l.s HTJii.N, No. ? Howard ?treel, city. PLA1NFIKI.D, N. J BOARD IN PRIVATIC I \MII.Y; li'. Room.'; ulens int outlook; near station. Ad dreiiOb.vTRAi Herald oillce. QTAPLHTON, rt. I.-A PRlvATK QtK.MAN FaMII.Y il ile?lre lo boar! tvo ?i'iiteinen; iiuuae Mrs! class; loea1 ion on the hill; \ ii '.v on tbe bay ; no other boaiders. . AppUratiuns lb Ui^OlUiE W. i*TAKt, iao Broauwuy, I rti'ini :i. IV'AXrKI'?GOOD COUNTRY KOAUU, BY A OI5N yy tl' ini'i. wlie and two children (two and three i yeur* old; and nurse, within oue hour's rido of New York ii* rail or bout, in .i healths location. Address, sta iint terms, which niust be moueraiu, box 4,113 New YoiKTost | ? ?(lice. \V' AM I-:I)?BO MlII IN THR OOUNTRY, WITHI N I" about 2n miles o( the eitjs convenient to mornuif and erenlug train*, for n iBiiuly oi seven three, ! three chiidreii and niir>e) j terms must be modulate- Ad- j dre-is H. C., Herald olBoe. Sl'MMKH KKSUKTS. *T S vRA i'uOA SPRINGS.?GUANO UXiOM IIOTK1. i ;\ ? ill open Jun.; I, lor the reception of gae.-ii. J 11. in; i - MX A CO., Proprietors. \ ?PREMIUM POINT HOI'S'., lMMKlifATRLY ON .1. i I. Sound, 45 ininotes troni <> Depot or boat; beach tiatblu-'. tNhin;. boatins; no chill*nn>l l>ver;no I in.mquii^s. Anply to A. C. 1'i.YM I'TOJf. 2i l.ast Forty sixth street, corner Madtson avenue. ' A RCHKR HOUSE, I (1KB S KERRY.?A I I ? BOOMS J\ left for the season; arrangements can im mmie fm month i.i June. stable ucconunodalions. Apply at 23 I- att Forty-ninth street. References exchanged. KMAKDON HOL'Sli, 0 REEN WOOD LAKE, ORANOR i imuty ; siinated on liut ground; splendid lake and lo iimUln i-ciii-rj ; nunling. lioatmg, batlun^ and lUliing- Address K. i. WATERalONii A < O., Mou roc, Orunge county, N. V. /^athkill mocntainh. ?orajir aousc, situ. \ ateo tw.i miles flroni the Inu ;in*, with af eommoila Uonslor3JUguests. Parties wishing to cng.t?i' Rooms lortln HI...III mint apply early. J' irterius, Ac., address A. J. ORAM^, Proprietor, CatsKili. N V. ______ /CASCADE UOTBL (LATE PaRRT HOI'HK), IIIOH. " ' lau i Falls. N. Y., on t>auks of the Hnds n. will bo u[.?n <1 June I. Fur (uruculars inouiro ?t oi addrusi WFSTMOlir.LANl> HOlhU New York Vinii'OMB ligrsE NEW LONDON ll.VKKoB. ON J j the -~onud. hours from New Yi>rK?Oa*. telegraph, ball.mi; tlshipc -ailing; no iiu.viuitoes. Full parileu l?r. KKANK O. Mil I.i.It, ?l Maiden lane. New York. HI \T I Uol'SK. KCHOOI.I.Y'8 MOUNTAIN S.rinr'. N. J ?U1 open .lu io I.?Cotu^es tu lot; io? rates lor Jnne j WAKItKN OOI. MAN. Proprietor Clrenlara can be obtained at Drs llanbor> in it h and Hazard's, % turn i square. Mr.' oleuiau eau t?e seen at ihe Coleman H use, Br.ja.lway anj Tw eniy M i^hth street every Hrdnesday I'nnn li until Xo'clock. j Hull I. rROFRIl KIRS WHO WANT M'ACE I OR adyei:tihim; in tiii ijmtkh ptat. s hoi ki. i.i 11? i. i on i-;:, ? w iiit ii w11 I. nE is-1 i i> bARLY in n m:. mi'si vski- immkoivif; apim.i. i I UI"S M TIIE IIFFICR III IIIK Fit WKLTN I'l'B I IS111N11 C MPANY, ?7 LIBERTY STHMI. N,W YORK THl HO KL I IR< T I. A I ION AI.O.NE ?H \R avi i;i.i wii.l no. bi: LfSh tihn lonoo i pihs A N l? Will. PKORABI.T HHACH I8.010 I'l 211,000, KATI'S i'KR Vi:*K-0.?R PA' !?: $S5 IIAL- PA*.' , $30 v1 M). *.a I', f.', -t* ICE I s LIMITED, IJOTF.!. FhNIMORK, OI .-???> LAKI C*)OPKR-? II town. N > , will t>? ,Den<il June I. ? inee the iip. nnik'nt thi- - j?e ?i furnished, lieauiltnl and CMrnumrv loeate-l ll..u?s in t^ie .omiii"rnl !-7^??v eral sdiillii oal attrActloUi have lieen aild*' ! on ihe east, croquet grounds, on the west, ami lust aenjKS Chestnut street, a bouse, or three r< i inees oombined. l?.r the luriln r acc .mm siati )h *o >m -u. iltese content thirty nln" rooms. snJ ''?n be ft Hire* sepitrst- .:ol tage?. or the renins e?n fcc rented In suits. There is r. tine lawn lu " of them. 7^*'Jn fe-t. jtl"r ' r,t t,lay ;-y..hi lor children sud One spa-" i r -oo't parties. F<ud for circulars. JAMES BI'MYAN, Proprietor. KllTAflNNY UOUSR, D! LAW ARK W ATI K OAP. . Pi. Is B> w open al rnjuc*.a rates dm ms Ma- ai d June. >rnd t' . circular. WTT BRODHKAD i CONS. ]A IoI RK'ITE IHM ? K. HBHOEN POINT. J minute* from Liberty itreet?Open Mart; litu-ral u mi* i.'>?'le with taiiiilii * ami ?enil?mefi dr>irinn to Star lor tip nea-'il. J. ?OW M A.V Croiir ?!<?-. N'ORWoOJ IIOTEE, AT NORWOOD, N. J.. WILL niti aJiiuci lor rum* k. r pr-rticnlar? apply at tbe liotel. Mrc. M. K. WI\--o.n, rr,,*. Orient Point hoi-k okiKN'T point, i r - Opeftn lune I miuatiMi on the < xtreme end of Ming Mtml ir iitiiia on On ?? un i and ba\ ;#ood batbtnq, ?lri< iiik ?u i Mi hue (iiiim,' untxcii J m ml lur >ir?u lar. M. H, I'AU-sO.Sh. /v!;AM.i LAKH ll'O ?K MX *11.1 > WEST OP w Nr*btiw. one mil* trout on ink.. i?ol fruit T?*g?taliie? and imlli 'ui-> 1 mi th-' p'lioe. Send lor i irrr ar. v. :-TE> r.fcn. b W Po-t ollli?, Newburtf, R. t. JJAVIMON IIOTKI.. NIW BRIi.llTo.V hTATEH I ML <tnd~ Now upeo. Ki ' 'n>? and other information upp1/ I" or ndJrcw H T. COLE, 1'roptle* formerly of -i Mark'i Hotel. 1>EAR"DY Uul'KE. VcnK- ra on the Hiidaoa. now o:*>r. pAEI?AlO S MOINMIN HOI*E, JT mmiwmI, >i J . ..n th* IIii.i?iii Rir. r ?.') minin-- irom New Vork l?v Menni ??: from foot ?! llarrl?on atrcet. ? ill open .lunr Apply ?' liouae or to ^ A. IMMMOMJ, liotel Hoyat, tflxUi a'enu' anil lurtitUi ?tjr*t. D. *. HAMMOND. I-Nirtj) BfAIEH IIOTr.L. HAR%|U4I -l*RINOi. 1/ will M?n tor re- 'uUoti ? I till ?t-Jtilit- I. 1-7 > J M mahvin Proprietor Diagrami ol ro nut will l>e aent on application. INN8R*), ROOM*, At., WARTBAi In fill* C'itjr land lirookl) n. YOPNO MaRRIMi rot PI E WIHH A M OC SE To taki- care of lor th" ?nmnn r ri'l'renc ?. f E HARK'iW M?i -i\ h av ? i.n?. A 1 want TO hikr a wai.r. 1101 sk, on wp-t I ?|de (it the i.lty At,iiiv nj H tti r, klating ri Bt and location, to B.. box .Vy*> ro?t oflh". "11* anted - BT A OENTI.EM AN, A SI IT (>t RO >RH, T? fuini'lieii or imfm-m-lx-d. in aituud iii mhb">buod. Addrea* M. B t> >x Wll Po*? ofiw. 11' AMI I> -BV A PIR-I <LA*s LAOVDRESH, A ?? gentleman'* h ti?e to mind for the ?nmtii'-r. ?ne clraner ui pnmi and wailfl; witS Mrrrpre. cail at 347 w ?*t I netitN Hath ?r* ct In tll? I nanirjr. ll-AMl l)-A |: R N I - H 1) COTIAt.R, ABOll .0 T? inll?'?from >e? \ ..rK, ea?? oi i\. ,.*?'?? inm?. at * m- lrran ri-n' fnr th? ?'iriitnrr Per?on?< liavlag mob ? e^'tari- will plf.?.<" adilrr*" J It, Hi-rald offiie. AkTROLOOY. f 1LAIRV<tTAM'?TELL* E^KRYrniVil MIIOA^ *J liai-n ?? nam", nrlng* ?t ar,~it?d w?/i ttier : ?ati?tar. Hon or inoni'v relut ie.i hour- to 5. IMMlOi an-une. "L^I BOPEAN CLUEVuT ?NT - TEM/4 NaMSI, Pi ?l?o? ? ir^nek * ? ..mi? marriagea; i) . to 9L Nu iao w*?t i .y?',i> nidi <ir?et. M *y C<il.L!Nrt. a RKI4AH F. AND rRI IIII I I, ? ?lair?oyant, 7TA biMb ami i", t???r Mrvnnt-enth at Al\ A" XROU VI.. r.'i... _ ~ _ bp, i"on?n 'i i coiitt leutially at W'vil l^tb alroet. * l>VI( K Pit EE Vft WPCT, III f r 111 i I'tl li? ?n-n .? I ,>n all ?'oimriaini# rai Wa?f!BHh"t A ? MME. MAIWELL, MIDWII P. RESIDENCE III ?1. I mi. nil street, ii'ar iriiru' aviin'. A -nn AMI XVK. VAN' BIHRIISK, Nil l>t EA-r T ?? uty Pi htli -trret nar l'bir.1 aw nm. ? 1'R AM> MM It ORINl'LK IlKK ALL t;oM piamtai J?>aari prarUci- l-?jWxt I ?eni y-?i*tii ?u ? EH, /V|> Mvflt MA'rtlCK\r_18 Vl Alt-' IRAf ?i'<\ ijfl),." lit> atre?E ooar lil^eiiwu h. \!MK riK-n LI.. M KW'IP.; m\op. l"Ml NO I Ea?t fifty n?? omi ?!-?.? . !lr?t door trom r.tUi a?. A. A. A. C'<l^ -I i AM '|<? -I'l.r PR. 'IR ?'MK wp.- f,?,all ' (Jlll l.UMM ? a*vic?. tie/- v ?.cr ?e? ?a Mr-.A'iwajr. RrROPEAII STEAMSHIP*. CH'NARD LINE?B. AND S. A. K. M. S, I'. CO. / NOIICE. With a v ew to dimtnUliing the nktlWM of eotlwnn the steutm rs <>f tbii Hue take a specific coarse lor *11 M*Winn nf ttie r?*r. on the outward ininane from Queenstown to Hew York or Bosten, crossing lu the mcridiau 30 at 41 latltule, or nothing to tlMi norili o> i.i. ou the U iti>< ward passtgc crossing the meridian of5J at 42 lnth'1'1", or nothing to the nortn of 42 tr,.ui N'liW KittK tor I.i V?? RPOOt. and yllKENSTOWN. ?IU -SI* Wed., May Jtjl ABYSSINIA.. Wed., J'llie ? MtolHMA ..We<1. .June 2 I LUF.KIA Wed.. June II ?trainers inarkeo * do not carry sieeriwe passenger*. ? nl it ti passage, (HO 11 0. t lid Kiitd, ui'cordui* to ac commodation. Heuirn ti k"t/i on tav.irsbl" term*. steerage tickets to and irom ail parts of Europe at lowest rale*. Freight and cabin omen, No. 4 Howling Urcen. Steerage utflco. Ill hroadw&v (Trinity Huiliilnni. iTI A ItLEs (}. |' IIaNCKLYN. Ageu anil P. ". "U ViiHNfcr, coruer ol Olark ana Ituudolph streets, t uicago. OTATE LINK. o hhW YORK TO OI.ANtJOW, LIVERPOOL, lit BLlN, BKLFAST AND LONDONDb ItltY, Sailing Horn pier No. 30 North lilver. as lollovt'ii? STATii OF I\DiANA, Captain Midler . Wed . June 2 STATE OF U uUiilA Wed., June Iti .ST'IK OF PENNSYLVANIA Wed.. June SO mid every Wed ties lay tht iv.altor. Flr?t $7u, MO hud $'J0. return ticket*. $140, Second cabin, $30, return tn-ket-. $:*). r-teerage at lowest ra'"s. Api<i.> to AC-tin. Baldwin a co.. a*?uh. No 72 Broadway, New York. __ Htci iaiteotB o, No. 43 iliosdway. /1 KB AT WlifiTKRN 'T STEAMSHIP LINE. MiW TO UK TO BRI.SIOL (I Nil LAND) DIRECT, iitllina from pier IH Nam River a-. follows:? ORRA C WK-l'f.KN, Windlinui Tuesday, May 23 ah\i;o\, ,-j moos Tuesday, June 6 Cabin passage, $?t?; tiuennediate $41; sti i ra^e, $30, currency; excnrMou ti. ket?, $14). Apld} to W. D. MOUtrAN, a it i'nt, 70 South street, U'ttSONV-1 I INK FOR SOUTHAMPTON AND HULL, >> Milling loi'UHghtly iroiu Pier 4ii East Klvur COLOMBO May I.i | Vi8 .GO luno 1 KLDORAD > To tolIo? | OTIIKLLO To lollow Kir>t Cabin, $tm, currency: Mcoo:i<! (hbm, $?>,eui' ren y. Tbr ngli tickets i-suc;| to Continental and Baltic ojris. Apiib lor mil particulars to Oil AKL ,4 I,. Willi;I1T A CO., Si South street MOST Dlilhi I AND F. O.N'UMICAL ROUTIi TO Holland, Belgium, tlir Rhine., Switzerland. Ac., via KoTl'EKDAM. Steamer < ai.axd m \y ^ Steamer M A AM. lune 10 iheH! lieanlliiil Nteumem. carrying the United 8tatei mall to Hie " iliurlauda, AN well known lor Hie regu lui it> <<l' their trip* Kat< s of panaxo low. I I ,Cll, liDYh A CO.. L. W. MOIIRI8. General Agent*. So Broadway. HA.VBURO-AMERICAN PACKET COMPANY'.-i I.1N8 lor l'LYMol m, CUKKBOURU an I llAVBORIi. Fit I hi A .VIaV 27 I I'UMJIr.K vNIA lune 10 TUlKl.NHIA J line !i I UKLLMtT Juno 17 Kuten ol passage to Plymouth, J.onuon, l/'lierbourf, lltinibiir* ana all poiuu i:. Knttlauil, scoliand and Walen s? Cabin, il rst mi loon gold $101 ? abin, sei oud suioou, gold <K) Btecraue, 1'iirrency 3d KUNIIAKDl A CO., II. RICHARD A BOAS. Agt uls, Ciutiei al raMscnger Ageala, CI Bioail street. N.-w York. til Broadway, New > ork. "WT HITB 8TAB LINK, V> l'"H qlJBRNHItJWN OR LIYKRPOOL, CARRY 1N<j T1IK UNliKl) 81ATKB MAIf,. BRrfAN.Mi May ."J, noon CiKRMAMC June 5, at 3 I* M ADRIATIC Jinn* 13, HI noon UKLTlC June 19, at 3 P. M KKIM .1 ulie 2d. at ill: Jtl P. M. From the VV bite star docV", pu r 62 North River Kates?.^aioon, $>o nnd ^|.*> in gold, return ucltets, $175 golJ. ?- teerage at low rates. fcaloon, staterooms, sinnkimt and bath rooms are plac ed umid^liips, ?here the noise and motion are least, u rt.irdtnu u degree ol coiuiort iiitherto unaiumabiu at ?c.i. ior iDMpcctlon (ifplaus and other InformatioD apply at the company'* office, 10 Broauway, New York. 11 J. CoBifa. Agent. N ational i.ine. Frciu piers nos. 44 and 47 North Klyor. mil LONDON D1R1.CT. CAN VDA Wndneslay. June 2. atS P. M. IIALY Tuesday, Juuu 3. at 2 P. M. I OK LIVERPOOL AMI urKii.N TOWN. KOYPT Ma> 29, II A. M | .SPAIN Juno 12. 12 M. Tin ouKRN.Jnne R.3P <*. I Caldn pa?n;:<\ $70 and $80 cttrreney. t-teerajre at freatly reduce I price*. R*Mitrn tn kete at reduced rates, 'repaid rteerace ti-- kets from Llveruool at ttie lowest ratei. Apply at tbe com pan office, 19 Broad w ay. K. W. J. H l! KST, Manaser. J N SI AN LIME?FIXED fcOIJTHERLY COl'RSR. ltoyal Mail nteameri are appointed to sail as follows FOR ut i.FNKTOWN AND LIVEKI'OOU MTY OF BRUdHKIjB .^atnrdaT, May 29, at noon. 4'ITV OF CHESIKR Haturoay, June 5, ai 3 P. B. i;ITY oF FAilln Satordty. June 12, at noon. I'll Y OF BKKL1N Natiir.lav, June 19. at 3 P. M CITY OF l(H II MONK Saturday, June U, at 11 A. B. t VHIN I'A.S.-Ai.'fc?an t $ll>., gold. 81 l.Ki.'A ih?To and tt<>ui ail points, at reduced ratee. i'iiIiIti and general olBce, So 1"> Broadway Steerage ortlces, 3.1 Broadway an I pier 4i North River. JOHN 14. DALE, Aitent X'ORTII C P. 1! M AN" LI.OYD 8TEAB iHIP LINK BhTWEFN NF. W YORK, H.iUI HAMPTON AND B ft KM EN. Comnany's plor. foot of second street, Hoboken. NRCK Ait May ? ] DON At lune 12 MOStfl ~ lune 3 [.MAIN lune l!? Kales of passage from New York to >outhamptou, Havre or Br?'inen Tit t Cai<in $KI), Rold [ Per oml Cabin $ti). gold SteeiAiie. $3u, currency. Hetnrn tickets at reune'sd rates Prepaid st?>er?ge i-ertlReati" $32, currency. ()NLY h'vt trelglii or parage apply to OI5LK1CU8 k CO.. No. 2 Rowling fireen. DIRI'.Cl 1 INK TO FRANCE. Tllfci O -NRHAL TRANBAI'tANTIO COMPANY'S M All. HTKABHQIPR Bl.rWi.KN NEW YOltK AND UAYRK The sjilftiiiul t -wison tins favorite route tor the Con Mi, n: i<-lng HMMS' Soinlivrly tlisn siiv ot'ier) Will sail Horn jiirr .N" #0 North liiTcr. as lollowa: ? VII.1.1. DK I'aRi ? 'Ijicli. ,iu Saturday, Bay 29 PRKKIKE (OBnrai Saturday. Juno it FitANCi- I'm i( He) satuiuay. June 2> I'KICI OF PA -ISAOK IN OOl.D (ineludiinr winej. First stiti). lid. Sei ond. $6>; T'nrd. $.iu Return Iu kets st rcduced rate". HfTagi- $-2 with superior acoowm danum and in cluJoig ail Hi'ctasari.'s wltOuut extra charge 01.ORUr. M A< Ke.NZlK, Agent, 85 Broadway. TTN1TED aTATES BAIL LINR-STRAB T ) UL'RKNS. TOWN AND LIVKI4POOU sailing every Tnes. "ay from pier 46 >orUi Kirer. WYOKINO. Freeuian June l.i JP. B. r, -. Inne la. at it P. B. I'jbtn. int- ruiediate nnd steerage at lowe*rates. Pe'-paid tii-ki'ta at low rate-i I"s?? n*er? lioolt^d to and Irom Part*. H.imhnef, Norway Slid Sweden. Ai'. Dralta on Ireland. Kngiaud, irauoo aud Oerniaiiv at lowest rate*. Aoply to WILLIAMS A OUl ?J4 W Broadway. rpo UUl.I.AND, BKUHtiy, T1IK KniNR AND 1 Kwtla<-riant. Elegant ? ahin ?i'J f?p?r..K? a< <-,imiiiodatiofi at mod i-rap rnt?> In ih'v strainer HacA-M), tta i.itttrdain, Thuraday, Maj /7, from forniT Wtiltr ."tar plrr, Jeraev City. 1* W. MORRIS, SO Broadway. IRtrill *\1> TOI RW. -rA?HK*liRK-< WHO ro'iteinplata landing m Ireland and who wmh to avail li-m* .?<"?<': iti? aJvatnagea offered b.v IXH>K'4 T??t HI -1 TICK h Tit mi?l ^Uiriiim Un in pr.'> inu? to anting r'""v ' nn be nlitatnrd Iit ?**rv nut# h> I?oo ditii. COOK s KXCCMMONI->r. prhe IJ cent*, contain* brograiumca, tarua and full parti'ular? ul over i.'JUO European tofcra Oo>K ON A j B K KI .* s. Mi Hr.itawav, N? w Yurk. t y IXiNOVAN HO-** A?CHEAPEST PAftftAOK OPPICR I I in N> * t'ora H?anir<i,rrrrd*,v tor Cork, Mrar poot <l!??g'?w. Itrrry hrnfft payable ?r*rTwlti>ra. Nnrtham iioMl, ? urtlandt ftrr , and lfc< Chatham aquara. COANTUIitU HTIiiAHKHIPHf I)AC|P|C V All. HTI \MHIIIP I IXK?Pull I OR. i..*, laiia a'> I ' Hina, frora pier 42 North Riv?r, I ')K A-P.nWAUU \> \pi LTO May ?. It II. I'onnrcilni for all ''antral \im ritan and I'ai-.fl porta. 1 KttAt SAN rUANCIMlO *??It JAPAN AND CHINA. AI.-.?k June 1 tor frt'illu oi pa?ag* appit at pier North Ktvcr. B.J BTUAT, BipcrtnMMH f 1 K. AMI RIIAZII. VAII. ?TEaM*HIP CO*PANT. I . IUK Hi. rHOMI* AND RRAXII* the <lagant Mde wheal ?t<aa><nip HOUIH AM BRIO A, S..JW Iwiik bimli-n. < aptatn fc I. llntlapaug.i, will .*,1 for rtt. ih .iii.4- I'ara IVrnaml'iioo, H?h>a an! Rio d* .la-n<iro. nn Monday, * i? Ji at "J o'H<ek A. M_ lr .in 1*1*;r ?'ti itivt-r Pt?| Mtotftbl or paiw:tge apply to * >1 11 tJARHI.Mi V Attn: '<o j Bow.iat Unwi N> V. HAVANA AMI* V :. \ f> AN M Ul I,INK? . !?t<auierx iratr Piar N?i ih Riv*r at 3 P. M. ,<>,c iiwana DIRKCl, cm OF MK RID A Taaaday, Jm* I CiTV OK VERA < Ut'Z I hai-iny. .Inn* .t CITY OV Nf.R YflltK Thnr.?la> Juno 10 roR VI KA I HI /. AM( NK.W CHILEANS, railing at Havana. ProgrM>, $'amp*a< i.) rmpat. ami Taiuptan riTV or mkkiiia ru-^ta*, Jtma I ? l I V OI Mr.XICO Tuaad \y, Junn tl ror trrifh! or paxaatR aripti to r. aLKX ANORK m m< >nh, .11 and 3S Hroadwar. ct? ,i iiiT? will l<a> ? \?* Otlaa hiti.jJ aui June J#, for ?nra < rax and all tliu abovf porta NI.W YORK ANI> HAVANA IHUKCT MAII. I INR.? Th""- tlrat. laaa ptramahipa win nail at 1 I R from ni-r 13 >..rtti Civr, loot ui i auur aueet, lor I In tana dirc'l a? iollo??i? CRl->' ' VT <;iTT.. Thnradai, Mat:; COl.l MRI'f Ttiiwlar. luic H ? or fV*lrhtorpa**af?, liaTltig unturpaaaed a<:couimo apply to u A) P i LY hi , A CO . No. It Rowltnf Urrtn. N'K' m MUng A Co., Agouti in Havana. f 1*1X4* MNR OP l<AI/VKHTON -TRANKRS TOVOB J .ntf at. K?-y " < -i r.arr/iM tih? Cultcd ntatra Mall - M- ain.'. t'l.t i'K, Captaia Krunady. ?nl li ?n I , r ?<? hmt Ultrar on nainrday May W, at 3 P. M. I RroHxIt lull" ot lading tt v. n to ail polnu ? Uki II. aod ^ <?.. U a ml 'I. N. (, II and H. aai O H. and .S. A. II. IL N? . liar*p tor inrtoanting in Nrw York, rot ir.'i4(lit or ia- iig>- l iving ?u.crior arnomino<tatlou% apply l ? ii. 1 M.nHiV 1 i I&3 Maldm Una. W. r. "?I.VHR A 1(1, to Wall *tr<-rt. / It IMIMIIN HTI AV-'IIP <'OMPA NT. y t ;-a ,n? ti ira |.l"i .; N,,rtli Riv.-r for Norfolk, ' i ? v Pot in .mil RichiaoMk TwidUn, Tluirailav* and naiurilai? at I'. M., r-diini ? ting Hi:h thf Virifiiit* ?nd ienn?<a>'? Air Maa, Atlaii'.tc t'oaai l<inI'icdmoX A11 lato < ami u'h . ttall. 11,ail ami witn tli ? co npau -t"aio linw to Int-rior p,.int^ in North Carolina and \ iramia. Newborn and WAa'iin.fion .N. tj. (via Norfolk), ernry Tttpadar Iliurm'.av an.I -atnrlar Raltln.i.r ? H' tnraiax and r*aturlaya, at| P. ?. Coa ii. ting viitn Raiilmor* ?n 1 'Itio ItatirtMd. I<?ia i a, rci. Moii(i tv? an I ? hur* tar\at a P. h. <)oti B.o'ting ?itn D?iaa trnanl Marylani ttallroaia I' li-wng r * ? .mm<Mation4 nnxurtmAMi. 1 lir< n ipi-4,4 ? > l;t? an 1 OtlHOf la llilj fc> V P"lnti at l'iw?t r.t' k !n<oratto? to Noriolk Ar . '? per r-BaU Vr igh ret < ivul .iatlv aw pier North luv -r. Ucncial o'li. Hi urr'i'wteh atraot. Now Yor*. K U McCRKADY. I raal (cut. CTKAMHMIP COMPARIUS I'SINO bAlUJK Ql'ANn i~ tiraol print.n.; will flud It alvantatinoaa to aVs?J w? l? III# M i', r ?? ip. ii It an PRIMTINO fcHIABI.I- MI.NI, No . ih iii a i? a a? .i* faeiiioaa mr doing avert kiM nt w.?ra a-' nniturptifwd, whil? in ptotaalttta, and ? baapn'M it ulfrrn ap'^iai in.mmrinaiit* Itlila or l.artu.j fchtpplne lUftaipta, 'rickata. Manllrata Paaaengar I.IhM ' Inniar* Po-'?r?. ?'itiWaylillb" and tpr ia. tonn u? ' in '.tj?: tgaaakaMokM hti'tBeaagarrluiiy u tmirin... t.fUjtwU. ? A COMTWIka ITRAMSIIIPS. N?W ORI.B ANS DIRECT. ? _ *be < .rotnwell M'ain-hip Line, i ck-:r ('nn'atn RemWa* r'i,1 Pj*r. o- 9 North hirer ou Saturday, Muy r <1.1 . rr*wht rr.eeiveu dailv. i hr?u/h ratua uiveq to Oalveaton, tuOianola, Itorkport or Arun*aa Wharf, "raioa, wanna*.., Ht. Imm ami Mobile. Cabin passage, 'u^("VS_a_5* 1 UTlBKiy FLORIDA MNR ?? For Port ICoyal, H. O.; Fernnmlln. *?!? ? wick, 'J*. I beiJiVoL'ki^v"1 iWi" f".own steamer MO ri. MERY, I aircloth, M aster haying nptnur lu iou. jor pu>sencer*. will *?l! rhuri-iay. May 27, fcoin pier No. 3 North River ai 4 P. M.. lor above porta, makln; connection* to all oolnta south ana . outhwett via fort Royal. the Florida ana I I ran*** irk ruilroa.Ii. w First elan- pai*a*e?To Fernandina, *20; to Jarkni.n. i Vl!l<> $22 AO to Augusta, $20. ? i (trough tickets trailed to all point* South and Snnth. west. Pne HI M S\''U.K. Oh*-ter. Master. will i .?"?>?! dune 8. For parage and freight uppiv to lltiHti OKLPCK *, No. 3 William street. TRAVKM-KHS' Ul'IDH. AI.BAKY ANDlRt.Y B* HAY 1,1 >E.-< HK HI I AuMhMi will, on and utter Wonduv. M iv 17, ieavo New York on Monday. We.mcsdny* mil) Fritfavn. trom 3'e-trj street. pier 39 .vortli River, at 6:3b A. M..uiui Twenty-fourth air el at da M., landing at West Point. Newburg, Poughkceoe. Ithinebi'fk. Cat-kill ant. lluo *?>n. Daily piK-UN will be re an mod on and a ter Jui.o 8, when th- steamer* c. V.BHA.tD and DANiEE Dllf. Vt will ?)?? placed upon "lie roal.i. Ar A ? * NORTH SHORE STATKN ISLAND FERRT. For New Brighton, ??"? Harbor. Weat Brj{ht< ;n Fort Itleli muu J. boat* leave Whitehall street, t; loot >f Broadway, daily atii:41. b:16, iDii A. M. l + 'A? 2:15. 3; 4 iJO, i i3J and i 145 P M. Sundays, ut half-past erarr h"Ur, frotii8:ii) A. X. Fart 10 cents. Aator Uvuf ottrileavc Yosoy strait ?r ferry run Scents. TTRNIION') All COMPANIIM ? F17WC* Slip*, or Trip Tie get* printed chcapt>r and onbottoti b.iard at tti? Mi IROPOI.ITAN I'ftlNi'lNO !?; -Ta Hl iMi. MjiNT. licruld IlniidiiiK. New York, than anywhere olnv ClArhKII.L?BOATS UF THK TRKKR. N W OHAttf. J ploti iiid Water Hrett, daily (-unUys oxccptcd', IVom Canal Ktrcct. 6 H. M. Kar.- 5ti cenn. CMTIZKN'S' LINK O V S TEAM BOATS KORTROV C'<lN. ) iK'otliu witli ail ralivvai dne.< .North and Wen:, larn GOcentm, deck; t-aliin pumukc. iin.-ltidiiiic berth. $t l<to> uatu ?'eamhoaM? leave laiiy, -aturdav excepted, at t: f M. from pier 49 North Kivcr, t'ojt ol l.eroy ?<uo?-k Through tiolUM WH over all CMDHUaf line-. FOR WKHT POINT, NKWBI RU, FOUOHKKFPmHi Kondoiit and K ing?ton. landtni; ut CoiMD'l, Coriu wall. Milton and .Now llamttarif ? i no Meainir MAilY P iWRi.L will, on and utter .-alurday. May ?f. leuva Vemrv Htreet. pk>i- 30 North tiver, overy atteruocn, Huo dayii o*cepte:l, at 3:3<l o'clock. ttiall river to boston r via Newport and fr'alt tver. ? Ihe world-renewn<^J atesmera HKl-tol. and PROVIDENCE leave pier 28 North nivor, loot of Murray street. <iaily. t-undava. Jnnu. 2" to Attnuit24, !i P. M. itrough ticket* *old at all nrmoL pal noleisinthe oity. Hali'a Hand engaged tor the o-ifHiii 0PPO-1TMN Al lfA- Y AMI TROT, ntANIUI strcot. tuer 3ft. ? 26c. deck ( abiu $ . with bortl. f-teanu-r rtC.i i Vt.KK, *tonnavs. Wednc?.1ay*, Hv:.iavi^ 6P.M. ButJalo, $ii .[>. J. W. HA>COX. Pr NNsYLVa.NIA KAILROAU. The tJreat irunk l.ine and United State* Malt Howl*, 'i'ralna Lfavo New York, Irom loot ol Deabrossee a lid CourtluiKlt atreeta, as follows:? Express tor llarri!.bur?. Pittsburg, tho Went and Sont.tu with Pullman Palace Cari attai-bc.l, 9<w A. M., I? anil 8:0 P. M Iindav. Sand H;.VJl*. M. For Wiliiaunsport ami l.?cn Haven, (via Plilladolphla and rie Railroad imi tmi. conncctiui.' at t'lu.udel phia). 9:3>t A. M. Kor William-port, i.ock tiavin, C< rry anu l-.rle. 8;30 P. M , eonueeting at ?'orry for IltuaTllle,, Petroleum Center and the oil Itcsflon-. For Baltimore, Washington and the .-'oath, " I.lmited Wathington hxpreis" ol Pullintti t'artor Cars Uaiir. except nn lav. 9:S) A. M., arrive VVasliiniiton 4 to P. M. Itenular at 9:4"> A. M.,3snd 91*. M .-,|||ids>. 9 P. M. Rxprcaa lor Philadelphia, 7, 7:'10. S:4t), 9;.l0 A. M.. 12:lf). 3, 4. 4:10, 4:'i0, ft, 7, H:"W. 9 P. 41. an.i 1J nit tit. Sunday, 4 JS0, S 7, H;30 and 9 1*. M. Emigrant and second clana, 7 P. M. For Newark at C. 7:V?, R 9, 10, II A, M., 12 M , 1. *, 2-30, 8 ;10. 3:49. 4:11), 4 :,iil, 5, 3:2J, 6:40, 0, 0:10, #:?, 7^ 7:1.1,8:10. o, II Jo P. M., an! Uolgbl. Sunday, i:a), 7 anil ? .10 P. M. For hltzabeth. C, ?*\ 7 7:W. S. 9. 10 A. M., 12 M. 1. 3, J:3f?, 8:Iil. ?.?, 4:10. 4:H, 1:1) 6:30. StfO, C, 6:IU, ?.30i 7, 7:.'.o, e:iik 10. Il:i0 P. M. and 12 ni^ht. bunduy, ti-2'.. 1 and 8:1 it F. M. . ^ ^ For uahway, 6. a.SO. 7. 7:40. 8, 10 A. M , 12 M . I, i !.?, 3:10, S:li. 4:10. 4:3'), 4 :VI, 5:J0. ft: 4). 0, 6:10,6:30. 7, 8 10, lo P. M. and U unlit. Sunday, 61J" and 7 P. M. For WoodbrUige, P> rib unboj and Boutb Amboy. < aufl 10 A M., if :*), 4:30 and ? P. M. For New brnnswlcli, 7 and 8 A.M,,f, 12 M 3:10, 4:10, 6 JU, 6:10. 7 P. M. and 12 nljht. e.unda.* . 7 P. U. For Ea?t *111 .atone, 12 noon 3and ft:UJ P. M. For Kingston and Rocky Hill K:4> A. M. and 130 P K. lor Prtncetoti. 7, 8:?n a. M., 12s ?. 2. 4tl0and 7 P. v. For EaillhertvHle, 9: ? A. M.. 2, 3, 4 10 and I*. M. For Flemington. PbUllpttburs nd Be!vide,r?, 9&) A M, 2 and 3 1'. M. For Mercer and Sooicrrl Branch, 3 P. M. For I re in on. Hordentonn, Hurlint,-tcn and Cami.tD, 7 and 9 :30 A M , 11.3 . 2, 4. and 7 I" M. For Freehold. 7 A. M 2 an t 4:to P M For Karinlngdale and Hquan. 7 am. and 2 P. V For Itiuhtmtowu, PembtrUiii and Camden, via I'crtb in> bov. 2: so P M. For lllgbtstowii C nd Pi niberton. ?> * M Tralnt arrive a* follows:?From PI'Minirg, 6 A3 r,n<i If" -Vt A M and 9:90 F M daily; 10:.,1 * M. mid 6:511 P M. dally eieept Monday, from Wa^hingion ami Haiti more 6 JO A M., 4 13 r.:t.'. ami . .37 P M, Sunday ? M a. M and I :V I'. M. From Philadelphia. 5:lo 6 at ?:?5 1013 11 SI 11:34 A, V 2 :1.3 i : .3 f. Ift Hi 6:M 7:M. 844, 9:20 10:7 F. M nnudav, S:I0, 6:21, ?s"-ft, It t-4 A M.. 6;V). 9 :30 and 10:27 P. M Ticket OIBcea, 6-6 ano 944 Broad war No. 1 AMor llouao. and loot of It, sl.roiw* ant I'ourdanot ?tr?rtat No 4 court street. Brookhn: No*. Ill 110and IIH HuOnoij street Hoboken. Enugriiiit Ticket '.'Ulse. No. 8 Battery place. FRANK THOM-ON, I? M BOYD .'a., Oetieral Manager. General l'a?*cnger A^ent PBOVIDKRCK AND MTONIXUTOX STKAM 'IIIT OCL KKW YORK AMI H 'SToSi. 8 lOKI NGT"2i I.INK From pier 3S ft K. loot ot .!'?( th? negHnt *' Rhode !?? nid tin >arra i a i. '* t.At.crt Sunday*), at 3 P. M. I'BOYIDKM'E 1.1 Mi. Prom pier 27 S K.. foot at Itohtuaou at.. the ?teaiii?l..|)? ?n'l Uaiaw-adaily <c*g-pi .-iiii liyi1 at 3 r. w T>KOPL(TS LINK FOR AI.BVNY.?!M)I> W OR 1 11 * ? prmuenadr roncer I ban ! on lioar.l. flr<l oltn i>a'~ *a?a gnly.$i: de'-h. ft*.; ataa mo r? lea*- daily, Su'.daj* excepted, from pier 41 N'ortli Hirer, at ? P. M. rnoifM circular* iktitatiori, posi-hrr I and ail n*re**ary Printing tor etrursioiia, panto*, ba'l*. Ac., aoiic in the l.e?t stylo an I at low r*tc? ai tli?i MBriloP >1.1 f ?S PRINTING Ka'lAHJ.I IIMIvNT, JIW Broadway. New York. LH)? WKMT POINT. NfcWHI >!OH POl'GHRgKPMR. r Rondout anj Km?r?ti>.u lamJiiM >1 Co/*>n Corn wall, Milton and .New lluffthur^ ? flm atramer M * K V P<>W Li. will, oti an.! alter slnrdsv, viav A) Iea?? Vestry street. Tier JU NortU River, every' atu rnooA (roitlayaeg'-eptedi alS:?? o'clock.. K\'< I HnIOVS, ?JAlct .i-iun--THF. PAYORrrfc MTRAIIHR wit I j CuoK, with' and areamlioata ol all kind*; Rar*. t*T Heart), Mtmnyxi le. Wilto* ilaven, I'li-a<?iit Valirv. lona Inland and tiro*e?, also the new eicgnnt air .Via yacht "Annie Utirw." splendidly tarnished f..r priv.ita parties. Apply toU?iAS. At>AII \l*Q W?at sired. comer ol ' il ?-rty. STF.AMHOAIH ARD HAIitiKH Full KXOUR-tlOX- Tt) Raman ttoa -n, ? View. I?na liljnd and Willow liav.u Uruv.!. MyRlIN A K A.-K i.l.f., ill oitti -Ue?k mo CIIARTRR-THK I'R \ M Rt>AT FttRT I.P.P.. FOR J ek<'ur?i<i*ia, plenk parties and Sunday school* al piy at 47 * niton street, in l he At urn on. j. =? ? iii criffHiw. AT M *(?*?' Ml < I X I H AVR M r.: OPPOSITE S\ Kiglith iireet. ?i.mli.s and grutlnnen *111 b? a* toniafieit at the liinh prices M. Mark* pars in oiixh for l ast off Clothing. turp't*. .tewe.rv, l.are*. Ac. Pleaen e ill no or ?ndr? *s tin- number *< ahfve. I.a i'e* * aited oti by Mr? Marks, order* puiiotuaMy attcuded or o?t ot ttas ? tty. A ?38)4 MYTH aVKNI K .VKKR KOl'RTII ATRRBT. J\? l^'liea-ir (!niil?meii rec?ire ilie hiKh ?t\ai<i? lor caat offt'loltiinK, t'arpvt*. Ac. ? all uti or adorcu Mr. ur Mra NaTHaN. At b. minie'i". :?h third avrnub. rrtwrrr 1 wenUeth and TwentJ flrat ?tr? > t*. or 1 '*> Myrtla avenue, Of tne?u l,awrenco and Hridge *lrceu, Brook lyn, I Ad ieg and irentlrm?n will l?e ationlolieil at tha treat prlre* il Ml.M/. |ia.v? for ea<t > if ciuihtnp, ^ar*, p<x? anil .)??elrr. A note by pu?t punctually attended toby Mr. or Mr?. MIN IK. At kdward mii.i.kR'jj wi ll ryowr k?tai? ll'hinent hH Rlstti avenue near Wa?erlay pta<?, the n moKt value nald in rath for caat off Olothinf, At, by railing on or andreasing Mr. or Mra. Ml 1.1.Kit. \T rHK WKSIK'.'N ACINI s 11. |{ K.-RPIKIVIMI* laraa nrd*r.< lo i'ttrphao- Mearmt Appar?l. Uuli'(' and (e'lftamen will pteaoe take particular uotira thereof t? reoai* ? tbe followtng price*:?Por >tla Or?-??a. $ft to ? >?'>? v\ oolleD $> t>> (IA; t'uat>. $t t I ? I'antx. (I to 9* i <^arp? a, *e., by raiting on or aidreuing ?r. or Mr*. RUSr.N RKKO, .'46 7Ui av.. t *o doora above WeaA Z4tli at, At R. HARRIS' RR W KH t A RI.IUHMKN T, MTU Rroadwar, ti'?r 1 weiitv riglitli street?t.adi*? ?.Ml f:en<l?tneti rerelve the liifheat ?alu? tor caa'off We?r ng Ai.narel, Call or a Idr. Hroad wa y prt?'r? paid. AORF.Af DKMAXK PROM MY AO KMT TOR tali "* and gentlemen'* Wearlnx Apparel, t'a.'oeta, Kurniliire. Jewelry, irn ea. ii<*ni,>nd* and t'ainot*' Haie Hhawta; we pav tor Dreaaea ?! ? tv ?I"'*; Pantaloon* tJ to $in. t;.,aw, ti> to $.iJ. A.idie?* Mr. or Mr?. A.NUALI, 17* .Miveotti MVt nito. AT ?1 six III AYP.RUB NKAR WAYI RL>K 1 I I A< K, iadien and gentlemen ran receive tne ntnioat "AHhi for raii-off < loth int. Ac. Call or a.ldrtgj Mr. or Mia. DARIUS. At flatto's rm.l kjiown i;ptown khtar llaliment, "1# ."luth nyritue. mrn?r of Fortyaiatn airrei, gri'At prirea will lio paid tor Wuie*' a^I gentla. men * cant off Clo'hlng, Ac., wanted lor the -outiiriu aud Wi-atrrn tn*rk?n: will pav lor J)reMr? from sio to tf?i t'oata. $8 to t?; Pant? t: to $1 Addre** Mr or Mra PLAtTo, ftstb ayrnu*. C1M>TIIIRO.-H. HKR7., *11 RROADWAT, MBaR j Thirteenth atreet, pav* th" htgneaf prlreg for ladte*1 and gentlemrn'a Wenrinif Apparel, .vote by mail will i)0 promptly atu n ted fa r MARI'R f'rfi HPVI NTII AVKMR, Will, PORT1, ?I. lively pAi the higlien <-a?|i price* tor I.adiea'and OentlHtren's caat of) clothing t arpetc, Ar. inrtrr* watted on hy Mra Ma.ur. Ail orJcr* by post promptly *tn*llt< l? VI I'OHV 418 1K V I" S III AVI NVK SKA It TlllliTV: JYI ? lonrtfc street -Pay* the value tor ladtet' and fi r?' ti. ine'i'a wearing App*rei t?y calling at our addrW Indies attended fir Mi * ?"??!! N , U'IIOI.K tt.1; \ N I) rtl'T All, DI.AI.IRM IN fl.OTIU tng are tnvi e>t to rail at the MkTROPOI.I TAM1 PIUNTlRtl KHI AMI.IHIt M i.K r, luthelltral Hnil.liwg. to ob'a n <<timatr* on tlielr printing, which cab b? #**?-, n?ll? done ttoort at tAerrdjagly l?w prl,*?