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FINANCIAL AND The Outlook, Past and Present?Gloomy but Not Hopeless. EVENTS OF THE WEEK. .The Stock Market and Its Idiosyi:crasics? Gold, Money, Bculs, &c. WAI.L STnEET. 1 SCNDAY, .Ha.f 23, 1476. J i It 1b not a pleasant task to ri ler a.-utii and ifurain to a condition or co i merci il inactivity at a period when we should be recording tue develop ment of enterprise. the improvement of trade and the progress ot our national Industrie!. It la Dot a good thing that capital has accumulated in tue banks of the country aud is there lying un used, instead of fulfilling Its grand mission lu stimulating tue mechanism taut manes wealth. It is not a healthy sign tuat lew among the great railway corporations are earning money enough to declare dividends, and aro a . o to show only partially ferorable results by a furced redaction of expenses. It 1 > still les* aneouraging to note Chat the process ot recovering Irout the panic is ?lower than it was expected to be; that re newed con.'idcnce has taken no practical shape, and tbat mounts are lively to elapse before all the sources of national prosperity can be properly utilized. Yet these are among tuo elements that compose the situation, ami they c miiot be ignorod by ttiose who seek the causes of tue dep<'e*4lug Influences which every where exist. TUB APPOINTMENT OP EXCKITXRS or the forced sale of the property oi uulortnnate corporations is bccoining a common Item of railway news. The damaging, yet irauk, dls closures ot tne President <>r i:ne, have naturally perplexed Investors in other *ecurtttes, and tne consequouce is weakness ami decline, in tue tear that these, too, nuv .some Uuie reveal the secre'. of misfortune. Nevertheless, as has been well expressed elsewhere, "the puntiul scones through wbloh we arc passing and the u.iearibing ol hid den secrets should perhaps justly oeiegarded as the result ol a determination to reach a Arm foundation at any cost. An id much that is Octltlous and fanciful there are innumerable selld values, and realltr must be substituted for romance; bankruptcy must be subjected to heroic treatment, and labor aud ail comtuo lltles must be brought to their true level, despite the *gony caused in special cases, before the (1 mnciai condition of the United States ciu be thoroughly reconstructed." From the /orepolng obwiT itloas It will be e^sy to understand why the stock market during tha week has presentod little encouragement nave to Uoae who have ranged tne i selves on its bear ?lde. Led by Erie nearly all Kecuritlos show lower prices at the close than at the beginning of the week. Tne former decline i from 2?>? to 2i large lots ot stock changing hands between these flgures. Reaction set in on Friday, i owuver, and Dn Saturday, an attempt being made to corner the stock, and of one p*r cent being exacted fer Its use, the price ran np to '2A\. But the ?trength was only temporary, aud before the end or the market Erie again declined to 22.^, with tvery indication that TIIE MOVEMENT DOWNWABD would be continnod id the near lutnre. iAke Biiore receded iroin to udvu BOt erf couraging to its holders at tno close. West era Union resitted with much ilimness tbe general tendency, and leil off only from 77X to 70.1i. Wabash wea.e;ied iroui 1IJ% to 8'f, closing at 0; Northwest romin u irorn 40 to 37>,; tbe preferred from 54 to 62 \; ii >ck Inland sod at 104% a 102, ending at 1C2 * ; 1 acillo Muii went off from oj'a to 3iKi HariinbiU and St. Joseph de clined Irom to 20,V, cloning at 21? Ohio and Mississippi from 25,^ to 81. c o-in f at 22}.; Mis souri Pacific Jell ijO iroui 63 to 49; St. faul lrom MX to 32%, and Atlantic and I'aMlcpre erred from 16*4 to 14S The several railway stocks last named doubtless owe muca of their depress.on to the grasshopper legends that were current during; tt>e ween; out on tiie receiptor further Intelli gence iroui the West It will probably be lound id at tne stories reerred to were virculatpd only tor a speculative purpose. T?o ioUowini( were the CLO.nsU IBICES?3 P. M. SATCKUAY. ru.tcMi S:>V a S6X M. A.-tP f . . 65 * ??% West c* 7?>% i ro*J r,i ,( j mil... (?>< i 4t* At A Pec Tel... -'S a O. ?.C <S> ?% vsicIiUtci . . It *17 Del, L A W....ll"% a 11", Ouicknlvet pi.. 2J * 24 hue ifc'J i a-.", Bo?W?t"ower. 17 a 18 Hun A -t Jo. .. *1 a 11% ASaiu* Ma.....! -1)4 a I"'- Man * > t Jo pi. 28 a Mi a me i b* (STi 4 64'i I. e S <?>?.... r* a 66% V t> aniem.... M ? n% * on i i-ntral... h ? 66% * ?l.a-lr?r? ? kv 87 a fit" N V A liar ISM* a IM rst * aitoa. ...iM a I'd nvci II it.... 01 . a IH'< Clev * Pitt ... 1 a flii > r < en II'1. ? 111 Si t hi A N W . :r< a 3? Ohi,. A Mia.... -.21.; a M% ''in A N* p|.. .2-, a i3 I anama liO i 14 Chi I ill a Ii "X Tilj*as t * 9% Mil A st Paul .-3 4 3% I n.on l a ... TMtf a 78% HlUllkST AND LOWEST PaiCKl Of THIS WEEK. Tbe following tabic shows the extreme fluctua tions for tbe week in the leading shares s? Bif fust, Loxreat NewTerk Central and fluasnn.... in.-; l?3% iiar.em 13ft Si 1^ fcrle 21* i.ake .-nore 6<% o< Wabash. 11,Si 8'i Nortnwesttrn ? ? 60 31 , Northwestern preierped 64 t2\ Kock Island 104% le-j Fort Wayne ??!? toi.waiuee anil St. 1'aul 3 ? 32% Milwaukee ar><i Bt.Paul preierred. 67.% 44, Pittsburg (ex dividend) 92 91 \ DeL, Lackawanna and Westcru... na us?, h?w Jersey Central Ill llo Mlc .l?*u CextiAl 71 6*>; Illinois c rutral 104 102). t'moa Pacilic 77 }4 o^aandl. c. W 41; Uanni ai and St. Joseph 2? ?? 2o\ iianulbal ..?;?! >t. Joseph pre^eried 3i >, 28 (Jhlo snd ?1i-?ist>ippl 2.1 <4 21 Misaourt Pacific 6S 49 Panama U4 14h'< W esurn Union 77 Atlantic and Pacific Telegraph 2ft24 laciflc Mall 3'JK &">?, Quicksilver is 15-, Quli ksliver prelerred 2 * 2H? A'iams K.xprens (ex dividend) ion* 101 Wells, Fargo and Co. Expreas *y Si Amer. .Mer. Union Express MX frt United States Express 62 61 AilanU' aud Pacific preferred.... lt;v u>: U, 0>, O. aud I w 46% THE MONET MSREBT requires little comment, the changes of tbe week being ?inconsequential. An nuusoat amount of money was offered oa call at 2 and 3 per cent, with even lower raies on government securities. It was offered on the latter for the Balance o the year at B per cent. Commercial paper is abont tbe same as last quoted, prime paper of three and fonr months being eagerly taken at 4 per cent. Lower grades sold up to 10 per cent. Foreign exchange is less act no, and now below specie shipping point Metween the export at corn, Erie Railway shares and sinne government bonus the demand for exchange lias been moderate. Prime asking rates were 4.87# a 4.60>, with concessions for actnal business. Tbe bank statement sbows a rain of $1,935,800 In total reserve and |l,8s\7oo in surplus reserve. The banks now bold $?L"2:,i>k) ,?gai tender notes, which Is $1,66&,*oq m re than last week and is tbe 'argest amount reported lor many months. The Internal revenue receipts at Washington yesterday were (340.000; total for month to date, $0,116,000; national bank notes received for re demption yesterday, $77?,ooo; tot*: receipts for week, S4,ooe,ooo; custom-' reported st Washing ton yesterday were |530,000; total for month to date, $8,340,0 0. 001,0 throughout the week was steady and strong, be tween lis\ and H8*i, with the bulk of business done on t o basis 01 iifi?4. On tim-* loans of gold rates have been quoted as ioIIows, lor use:? Tnirty days, ?<; cixty days, J? a %\ ninety days, *?'I f*or months, six m nths, ij;; all the year, IX * 1 - On call loaus of gold the terms wera 1, 2 and i>< ror carrying, and also flat. At the Treasury salt of $1,600,000 on Thnrsday the total b:ds amounted to $5,400,000. There aie not a lew who pr> <ilct higher pi ices in gol 1, and bel.cve that tr.o larg- mercan tile shot 1 tntcresi oa stan' lug win be forced to eorer. The putMc are apparenttr being slowly educated to contemplate advancing prices with out concern. In this connection it maj bo men tioned mat, according to the State law or March 22. 1875, all taxes after January X, 1879, are pay able only In coin, and a:l contracts made payable in "dollars,'* the kind of dollar* not specified, are to oe paid In coin. Commenting upon the tact ttie Sun editorially observes:? 'The people are now brought fairly face to face with tlie question of resuming specie payments. There stands the law on the statute book. After that date we must pay onr taxes lit gold, for it will bo a misdemeanor on tue part of the collector to receive anything else; an<l when we agree to pay oar neighbor dollars merely we muse pay him koM or silver dollars. Trie*'- heem simple changes, hat it will be more gratifying If the peonie prove steadfast enough to adhere to them." GOLD FLUCTUATIONS OF TUE WKIK. Open- Lo io ui{/. HOjheat. tsu Closing. Monday, May 17. .. lie iir?>, no 110 Tuesday, Mavis... 110 110)* 115% no'4' Wednesday. May 19. lie* lioj; n?>j 110*4 'ibursduy, May 20.. 116.14 11?\' U''.'n' uti'i Friday, Mar21 no* 116)4 liii# lias, Saturday, May 2J.. lltr* llfiAi l.o,'? 110,', GOVERNMENT BONUS. These have generally been firm and subjected to a moderate nome demand bota irom individuals and institutions. Considerable investment by savings banks and Insurance companies is re ported iti the new District of Columbia bonds. The Secretary of the Tieasury has made another j call for $5,000,000 coupon bonds, upon which in terest will cease on aud after August 15 noxt. ; The bonds are coupon five-twenty bonds of 1302, embraced within the following numbers: $50, Now. ! is,"01 to .0,300, both inclusive; $100, Nos. 48,101 to i 51,000, both inclusive: $f?n, jfos. 2,500 to 27,500, both inclusive; $1,000, Noa. 75,851 to 80,000, both inclusive. Closing prices of securities in London have been as lollows May 7. May 14. May to. D. S. C'H, 6-20's, 1805, Old. 100 106 lUti U. h. ti's, 5-20'S, laU7 109)< 10 U. K. (i'e, 10-I0'S 104 104 104 New i'n 102^ io^u 10.'^ ,? since Jan, 1,1875. . LotMK. Highest. V.8. d's, 5-20's, 1885, old...l(>.', ^ Apr. 22 108 A? Apr. 9 I', s. 6'b, 5-20's, 1807.... 10: '.1 rtcu. 10 10i>>? May 5 l . S. 5's, liMO's Feo, 13 105'* FOB. 0 j Nuw 6> 102 Apr. 19 103^ Jan. 2 : f-TATK AND RAILROAD BONDS. In the former little busings was developed at the Board, but we hear or some activity among : outside dealers. Tennessee* were perhaps the | most prominent, $250,000 being sold by holders ; who are Haid to have beoomu disheartened by the : prospect 01 waiting and tho possibility 01 default ! in tho July interest. On ihe 15th lust, the city of New Orleans paid the coupons on $3,000,000 of seven per cent bonds, due lust December. The loan of St. Louis of $t>JO,OGO was taien by a New 1 VorK Arm of bankers. South Carolina has now ! funded bonds to the amount of $2,240,000. Railroad bends do not appear to have snared in ! the prevailing depression, and while business has not been as active as usual tho demand has been steady from a class of good buyers, who see in ttie cheapness of certain or these securities aud In the great ease of money an opportunity to reap a lavorabie harvest whenever business shull revive. Kris firsts suffered tho chief decline, receding from JOG'4 on the 15th msr. to 100)*, closing, how ever, aoout 1 per cent, beiter than the price la?t named. Mesars. Morton, Bliss & Co. will open on Tuesday next proposals iur the 0 per cent gold bonds of the Western Union Telegrapa Company, it is reported tfiat these bonds nave all been taken at prices above 95?a fact, which, if It be true, may exert a favorable effect on the stocic. exports and imports. The foreign commerce of the pert for the week was as follows:?General merchandise imports, including dry goods, $5,844,s95; produce exports, $4,lco.551. and specie exports, $l,oi$,M3. 'ihe to tal imports of dry goods and general merchandise since January 1, this year, are $ 143,579,9 s5. against $170,120,285. in 1874, and $179,744 .53, In lbia. The total exports of pro luce since January 1, this year, are $b9,251.510, against $107.301.8o, in 1874. aud $100,120,452, lu 1873. The exports of specie siuoe January 1, this jear, are $20,832,975, against $19,107,779, IU 1374, and $1J,778,SoS, ill J87U. COMMERCIAL REPORT. COTTON OK THE BrOT QCIXT BUT STEADY -YV TURK8 QriKT AND BTEADT?VLOIG DUIX ? WUSAT DUIX AND LOWER?COIIN STEADT? OATS ITEM?EYE QUIET?BABLKT INACTIVE - PORK FIRMEB?LAED ACTIVE? STEADY?naval STORES QUIET?GBOCERHW FIRM?WIH1ET QUIET? Kill . OUTS STEONO. Saturday, Hay 22?6 P. to. The merchandise marsem remained about the ?ante lor the most part, very little Improvement ; manifesting itself In any direction. On 'Change flour was dull. Wheat wa.t Out: ami lower. Corn was steady, uata were Arm. lire was quiet. ! Barley wa- inactive, fork was dull. Lard wa< steady. Petroleum wan steady. Naval store* were qnleL Groceries wero Orm. Whiskey was qnlet and unchanged. Kraight.s were strong, i ot to n on the spot wae quiet but steady. Futures , were quiet an<i steady. Coffkil?Tne market wan quiet, but strong. 1 wltn sale of 1,368 bags Rio ex Ontario, within the range of lfiXe. a 18.'10. Messrs. Wiuara Scott & Pom report a? Mlow*-*te K Rio coffee. Msy -2. lt<7j? i New l'ork, *i."44; Baltimore, 7.^21; havannah, 4,6o (i.iiv st n. 4,00'. Total, Sti,We quote Ordinary cargoes ? l?'?e.; fair do., IT*-. * I7)tc.: good do, 17'?e. a 18c.; prime do., H',<\ a la^e,: extreme range for lot*. 1 l?e. a li\'c.; fold, CO or 9>4ar?: Java, eovru meat bag*. Ma a He.] Co., eras* ma's. 28c. a 26c., Singa pore do., 21c. a 23o.; Ceylon. a>s. a 21!,.;.; Miracalbo l^o. a 22c.; Laguayra. Wc. a 20c.; Jamaica, I7?<c. a 18*0.; M- Domingo, 17 c.; I'orto Biro, 17< .a 19a.; Costa Rica 17c. a JO.; M-atcsn 19- a 20o.; Angostura, 18c. a 21l,c.. navamlia, 13c a 2lV-: curacoa,17c. a 19^,c. t .iTTurf o^i: <? s-*>t w?i quiet but >ter<lv Haie* were eou lne<l o unn.i|> rt*nt lot- Tlicre was some deman l from espurteta. but barer* and filers laiied to agree as . to prloea, and no business rasaltea. I uuire? wpre inac live aii'l without material chuige in price*, the market cios.n?t nut*' end steady at th? taNawiug quotations*? Mar, Iti ib 1 16 . . June, 16 1 "Vi-\ a l? l.|6c.; Ju.y, 16 6-l6r. i a 1" 7-Ste.: August, I'i U-ttf. a 16?c September. 1653.. a IU 3-lSe , < Ctober, 15 *l-3ie a ISVc.i Novem I r>er. 15 HHc ? lM?c.; tat lm:. a 16 l*.Vc.; January. i5 2i-33c. a jafio. i February, l-Sc. a U is lie.; Marco. 16 1-ltB. a 16%c ; April. ItS^c, a 1'. 0- So. Quota tious bne-d on standard ol classification in farce Septem ber 1, 1374, and on upland co'toti in store running In i quailtv not more than half a trrade above or baiow trie grade quoted Oraiuarr, l4V,'e., good ordinary. IMe ; , strict good ordinary. iM4c.: low middling, 14^.: mtildilng 1 104(0.; tootl middling, IJxc. isolation, based ou Aiucri ean standard ot elaMiticsUou ?? CUmuU. Akifri 'U .Vif OrUau*. ftm< Ordinary 1 "n 13*, fiif, Good ordinary 15 16 l.v, lflij Low middling. IjSi M'k US' Ifl', Middling .. 1JH IS*H I St, 1?J^ tiood middling ln\ 17 17 I Middling tair 17s 17^ 1TH I7'i Fair. .. l*J? 17^, la;, lgjJ ?Tie sale* were:? luM Kr'j. Tain- I Kzport - ? 487 ?-7 ConautntiUon loo So i& < | In transit. ? S&- Sft8 TotaU WO HKi 9vS ?Kor tutiire danjrry (t>aaia low middin tne *aie* | have been a* Vdlow* :~Ve?teMav, Miter 2 P. M ? June, 11*1 at 16-.. W" at i?l-ft!c ; Jul*. 10< at 1? J-lfc.; 1 August. I,?i af l*n4c.. luOatia ll-.ttc , ?-en^mber. hdu at UHc ; November. lu?atl49ltir,b?r. 300a? I 15 ;i-iai . January, -iw at IS 11 l?u February, lcoat l.V'?c.; March. IWat i4.t ;u. Total, 13><> bale*. **cn*nee yiSc paid to ?\chaiine 700.tun" lor Augu?t. T?day up to two ? *.-Vav, 7i*? at 16 1 He. ?, Jane, son atlBitle., lOSat 16 I-16c., at 16 l-.tlr. i Ji. y iUBat 14 7 i'o., ?J0 at UVir 700 at l>> " 32a., August. 1.1 ?? si 16 11 ?i at 16-','' , mj at 16 11 32c ; ?teptetab?r, 2B at l? S-:i2c.; itloher, 70" at V~\c . >ovemb?r. am at IS 9 1C<., .laiiuarr, 2 0 it IS'.c. I i februarv. ^>1 at 14 31-32C. .*00 .it 16 15 1*0. ; VorU 6O0 at li , 6-l?c. Total, girttiiatea Orand tcui. li'.ao. hxchan*e- ' Mc. paid to eachange 200 Jnae for Avast. i lien'Slit* at the ports wrr? j?Oalvejton. V>7 bal-i; ? Now or.e-.ui-s eitoi Mobne. IJ4;-^avannali. JIO. ("harleaion, M7; Wilmington, ?: nbrlols, 411; New York. 77# ?o?ton 7S; Philadelphia, 42. Total, H,U6a ibis .lay last weak! 4.m i Hi* day last year, S.%a Cetton treiirbn < loaed n? lollow*I'o Havre, hy strain, ;4c. To Flamburg, !iy . w?um, ^o. lo Briuien. by ateam. by nil, >-c.. 1 cotnore *ed. To Liverpool, by iteam, (f-Jiu. a 6-itid.; by i san. ?.:iA4. r i.ot'R ???? nmtn.-Receipts-Fiour, 4 4(Vi bhl*; wheat. 27.120 bual.el*; corn. S2.2U) ,lo.; oats, 42.026 dow, cort. meal, 70' bbla. The receipts for the week were n0ar, i 64.i&Jbbla; wheat, an9,9:io bushel*; com, m xio 3 a ; > oata, lm,i:?(do.; Oorn racal, 7?bbl% and 4<)U bass. Flour dull an I low. r with ra> ? of *.y\0 bbU Rve Hour was flrmi choice was qnntad at 56 a % ? ?. Cora meal wa* quiet. The sale* ware 700 hbl*. and 300 bags at If * fO fir Urand-rwlne, $1 a 64.? tor Western yellow, 63 V a ?4 25 for Jersey and l'ennsyivapla yellow per bbi $i <t a 61 6o ?or Kaitimore course . el'ow, sackea. per (jo lbs ; coarse #i:<?, iin" gifted, $1 1 bolted yellow. 61 "ni bol e.i white, Ji W ,l"r?e> m< ked. ooarsi . f. ? a $1 line yello>?. fi (H a $1 iij, alto due white. S ? b ) a $ I 63 tier luo Iba Wc qnote ?? >o. 2 State ?( 2? a $i 7 > i .'?upertlne .itate - 4 ?j a 6 III I i ra state 6 2!t a 5 5o Choice s<?te. 6 to a 6 no nperiiti' vsest, m 4 t>5 a 5 l? 1 xtra Wi-Hteru 5 26 a 5 Miiinmota S to a 6 to Round hoop Ohio. aht| D!rig brtnds 5 25 a f, 5> Ho tnd hoop Ohio, trade bran t* S .i0 a 6 si Family t> 00 a 7 Of' St Loui*, low exita. S 60 a S ,j Bt I.onto, .tTftlght extra....-....-- 2 If, \ * hL l.oui*. choice double extra ou a 9 0 > I ht. Lout#, choice lamlly. ' k. . jj Kjre Hour, llnu to nuperliue * J" ? ! M i Southern. No. 2 ? ? * * w Poutheru. sunerflue ????? * 6 jq Southern, extra 7 00 a 8 75 Southern, laiuily :. jr, ? iui lorn meal, Western S^a 1" Corn meal, Jersey..., ? 7? . . gi Corn meal. Braudywlne f? " _ 3oru meal, putc heons ... ? ????" ?Wheat wa? Uul! ami lieavy. We note ^cs or ? uw lusliels at *1 ls>; a*l ID m store tor 2 Milwaukee 81? riii?- within lIn- ranges ot $1 15 a $1 17?Ln | 2 t:bicano: $i ?>> was luil lor choice Minnesota No i, $1 17 was hid lor W 2 Milwaukee spring. firm, with sales ot 125.UOO bushels at BBO lor ?*^V4|8E? offered at 87c.: ? ? ?^c. i?.r damp to dry ^xe<^M>?c. a Hie. lor Illicit mixed to yellow whlte^ind SOe. a 8S0. lor winter mixed. Oats was "toady. ??? *?'?? ?? NiO'iO bushels at 70c. lor loledo, 76c-a iO.c. a . j . stock white. live was 'he sales were ... bushels. Mate held at $1 I* huyer- nt ?l IO m o^ ainl 2,000 bushels delivered at Yonkers atflw. barley . Uuiet ?ud nominally uuchaiiged. limits.?The market continues very quiet, wltii?ale of 4U>> Central American on private terms, 200Mexican , on private terms, ana 900 Texas on private 'crnis. .stock ot hides on hand:-27.a u dry Kntra ltios. Ac.: 86.^10tin. Montevideo! 52,700 do. itlo Urande, j T.HiW ilo. Central American; -J M0 do. 900 do. Puerto Cabelio: 1,-00 do. Airlcau. 1 .00 do. West India; 2,700 do. Tanipleo; 1.100 do. Truxillo; 20,00u do. Mcxican; 12 5)0 do. lV*aa, West ern and Southern; 6,700 wet salted lexas, Western st>d Southern, total, 225.100 lildes and 35 bates t aleutta cow and 1IW9 da do. buffalo. Same time last year, llO.TOo hide, and 742 bales Calcutta cow and buffalo. Wo quoteBuenos Avres. 25 lbs. a 28 ?nl/a a 2!c. ; do,. 20 lt)S. ft 25 lt>H.? ^ Montevideo, 20}i lbs. ft 21^ lbs., &c. ; Oorriente*. 21 lbs. lbs., .?'?,* 4 Kio U ramie. 20 lbs. a 22 lbs. 21c. a 21V?c., '>r "oc?^ 21 ! lbs. a 23 lbs.. 22c.; California, LI lbs. a ij lo?., X.c.. Central American, Id iba. a 21 lba, 'J)C. a 20i$a.; ^*0 Juan, 22 lbs. a 24 lbs., 19c. a s *atnmoros 22 lbs. a 24 lbs.. 19c. a 2i C.: Vera Cruz. 18 lbs. a J lbs., lot. ft 19c ; i'ampico, 20 lbs. a 21,^ ills., ^8c. a 1^.: Bogota, 1 lb*, a 20 Ids.. I9e. a 22c. Maracatbo, 20 lbs. a -t lb#., 16c. !. 17c.: B.iliia, 21 lbs. a 22 lbs , 16c. a 17c.; i'ucr'.o t anollo and Lacuiiyra, 20 lbs. ft 22 lbs.. 19c. a 20(". 20 lbs a 2S lbs.. 19c.; Pa>ta. 22 lbs a 25 lbs.. 19c. ; Sisal, 20 lbs. a 22 1US..I5C.; Cftiiipeac^. ao lbs. a ? lbs., i;o. a 18c * Tobasco. 2^1 lbs. a 21 Id&. 19c ? i^old, MSle_t tec.. Lkatukr.?The market was quiet at uuehaxiKcd prices. We quotes lhtrnot Ayrc*. (to'{r trnUi. Orinoco, toe. \ I.leht 27c. a? 25>. ?? a 28c. 28>5C. a 2oi. Middle 28c. a .9','c. 2(c. a 27^ 27o. a 21^0. | Ilea vv 2Se. a 29e. 27c a27^c..7c. a 21 -gc. Good damaged 2?. a 25>ic. 21c. a-5c. 24c. j ?t?ri p.'?s'au^iuer?Id.-ht baels, ^ n,W3le j bMeks :?l?e a :19c.; iinfit er. i>, 32e. a S3c.; middle crop, 34c. a?oc.; heavy crop, 35c. a .160. crop. . 31c. 11 ?(3c.: lniiMIe and over crop, 3.Jc it 3f>o. . Koujn hemlock, 27c. a 28c.! ruu?h oak, 28c. a ilc.; bellies. 140. , a MoLassks0 remained quint, and t^nrn was no trans notions other than the usual re:?U businesi We ouote;?Cuba, centrifugal, .i.?. a .tHo. do., ciajca . I'.ic. a 44c.; do., muscovado, 41c. a 48".; do., lorto ltu o 4 'c. a 65c.; Demerara. 42 '. a 4Sc.: 1 ori S|> iln, 38c_ a I. ? 1 Martinique, 4'C. a 4tic. j 50 test, 44u.; New Orleans, 8O0. * N^val Stores.-The market was Inactive We noto silos of 100 bb ?. Hplrits turpentine at .i5c.. o ) tdk York spirits tarpeutln? at W bbl?. UocMUtralned rosiu at $2 10 and 50 bbls. pitch at $2 a %i ' 4i\v,i. .Srfrlu turpentine, 860.: strained roMn, . 1 M a #2, wil | 1 iniTV'tou tar $4 26; Wftshlnxtou tar, 1-11 ? pitch, $-1^ aj2 2? Advices iVomWilmlnKtoii.Vt;.. w,;r'\;?i: V'V flrm ? strained. $1 65, I ar st'udy; V Uniiugion, $ . ? ; Turpenuue steady ; hard. $1 .10; yellow dip, ?- .0; vlr irm, $3 6'J: spirits tlrm at 3lc. oba.nuks AM> UieMUNS.?We note sales ex Swltt Of J.oou boxes Palermo or^nnes at from SI J ,P?r box. and 2,800 boxes'to. lemons at 81 30 a$S i5 per bo* Oils Linked wfts ?iuiet at 65c. a 6ic. ^ar; Kti iilv orudo SDertn vvna Quiet. Cotton ?ced oil waa in fair deraanl. Olive oil was tn-vler. atefy active. Ked oil Inactive. Mcnhadea was lu good demand at ?t*?lyVlBr'cei1 Yo- Ilo In Olive, Marseilles. anarU, $4 36 a $4 40, do., in casks. $1 2J a $1 i5; palm. 8Uc. a . iin-ced, Sitv friLika ao l bbls.' 'Vic. a B7c.: wli.sle, crudo Northern, 66c.; do., do. Southern, 6uc. a 62c. ; dd.. uu blcaehed wlwor, 7'c. a 7'c.; do., b cached winter, 75c a 78c.: sperm, crude, 81 75 a tl <'7: do. winter, unblcaclicd. $2 1J; do., do,, bleached. $2 a $2 0j; nieu hadeu, Sound, 40c. a 4lc.: <Jo., Ma1ne,_43c. a 15c.; lard, crime wtnier. $1-7 a SI 3J; red, distilled (cUlti)j 7Jc.. do ?ap niUcil, T.c.: cotton seed, crudc. j5c. : do., .^outli ern veilow, 87^c. a 70.x ; do., yellow and white, rJv\ a 77c:; neatsftot, 9Cc. a ?1SJ; bank, 45c ; straits. ' 47e ? K'obe (W V'a. O. and O. li. Oo'#J, 45c., natural I mirkc'i^rosJd "steady, with sales of j A r "flned st l2V'.. May dellvcrv; 3,0X1 bbU re- | Mid at Hiiiade11>I*ia at i/kc., for tune 15 and 5^0 I pbls. sold at iPhiladelphia at 12!,c. (or June 30. We i ouo'e:?* ruile, in bulk, 6c. May, b^c. Jnue: do.. In bb1*;. I 3,.. tt We Mav ?v4e. Juue ; jeflned standard white, l.'.c. I ri? r ??v W a 12?c. June 15. Naphtha, ic. May. , Mc "jum i'tnlsdelnliiu, 12c. May, 12^' June 18. Bal ! .inmrp ilUc a 12c. Mar. Advices trom the oil retcions were as !oliows:-iItusvllle, quiet, nominally $i 30 a , ?i SlUe- Oil Citv flrui. $1 s5; Petroleum Centre, netf- | iecteiland nominal; Kousovlllc, neglected, held atabout fcl 25- Tidl 'tite. dull and unchanged, ?l bid at well*, Parked United, ?1 OBji ft ?1 U). bhlpment# quoted at *V3^im*l-Hect?!.ui^i'orh.lS8 packages; cnimeats. ?>9Hrto ? lard 20J kegs. The receipts lor the weclt were-? 1 i.,ri Cin bfei; 87 do.; eutmeats. S.S24 do.; lard, 998 do. and il# do. Pork was ouiot. with sales of 1.50J ' hhls. Juiv at *21 40; 500 do. July, $-1 4.?; SOd do. July. I ail 50' dti do August, at $21 00, aud 300 do. sold lato laat niirlii at t2l 70 for August delivery. Keel hains was In active. We quote good to choice, $1S a $2n. Beet was t Sulet. We quote :?Barrelled bcel, plain mess, $10; extra me?s *11; 'packet beef. $15; tierccd beef, city extra India mess $2S a $:9; India mess, $21 a $22; prime uuss. : ?i??$at bacon was dull; cr.y long clear w as quoto l it i ? \Ta 12*.c nn l Westeru, 12'^e. cutmeata were in aetTve at 12^?c. a 12;,c. lor pickled bum#. ?Hc. or ihoufaers. liV- I'.r fresh liatu*, ??,>.. do. iiiutllders. 12J.C. ? 15>'. tor Boston backs. I.ard was I weak with nftlcs of 30>' tierces ^ft^? jJ0, | August, at I5*re , and 7i> do. cily, at UHc- Ureased Uogs? ^lnot^lhiV "market wa? very quiet and In the abMBC* o! business brlces remained unchanged. aoMjucc r , 7i..i? ft 7 .?? ? ilo.. ttrime. , *-c. I goon.iSc. ft ti jC., CUrrMlltv * at?, ?w., ? I The market's quiet and nominal wlthsslesol 8J0 boxes mo a>?as sugar at J He. Ee fined sugars were Vlso quiet. W. quoWt-enba-Henutng, In a lo., g^d to prioM.* i Vo ?WHi i?*?. ^ a . ^ ail '#* ??->/*? nrirnft to a ts. iic.; e ir & aWC 1 do.. 16 tO 13, 'JV?C. S lU'.C. . II Ul?l?7|?. Ti^ e do . White. 9\c. a U>*C. Porto ktco-Hetlni.i#, ? -,t.An tn nrkae 7i;c. a S ic.; grorerv. lair to choice, S?!c a S7?c Hra/nl?-t'utcli .tindarl. No*. 9 to 11. 'He. a h. * Java-Dutch standard, Nov 10 to U. S ,c. a f tc. Manila?Superior and extra superior. 7,,c a 8c.; stsiid ?* A Kc a It'^c.; da, crushed. M'?c. a ll',c.; powdered, lie.; granulaUd Iff'.c.; ye,low, ac. a ?c ; ex c oi.r A <r.r.; rut loftf ll'.c. *.....? -fba market was inactive, with sales of l.? tierces Western at M*c.??'???;? ?es:cru wiic'iJw UTi"rir?elIbv .?ir.-e JFfer-z&rbAiss- r "n'ruiHTsmarleM"'?tronc and the inquiry tor . i .m the Baltic continues fhe engase P* n?L ?? eri^aVfollows ??To Lirerpool by sail 50 tons oil J."." at 17# 61 ; 1,500 uales cotton ?t rate equal to u\ I' and 130 ckses ieWtng macnines at 15s h*ftirs tvrro:-A I'.ritisb bar*, trom FUlladelphift AfSS with 4 ?quarters ffrain at 5#. 3d.; a if rSre?ai bark V*! to iheqBaltic witn 1.400 bbK re flnedt ftrol-um, ?t5s.; .notber. >anie vo>aje. with 4.0JW CI?. i.trn etim at ??. 9d. . an American brig, hence to r!Llnt/le wltn 2 SU0 ubia. rellried petroleum, at is. 9d. an Dant/ic wltn . tt, hbis. refined petroleum, hence .A'%e B .Pic arsi. an American ship, hence to i ron *9 J? -i.h i-.5 l>bls reflned petroleum, on private f^\;Witn\meM?nVh^n.r, from Mobile to Fafi River Witu 500.000 feei lutubet. at $* DOMESTIC MARKETS. i)4i??*roif May 22, 1471ft Cotton doll tnd ? shai'e lower; middling, I1V-; low rainJUna. I4',<\: food ordinary, l3So. Net receipt*. .a; UHci. -*1-1.1)17. Stock, J7,H5,i Nnr Oki.kax*. May 25. 1*75. Cottin quiet; middling, JIV Net receipt*, Sij bale*; ItruJ.. ijttv. !??!??> 2,'.iU 8.oca, 91,397. kiTtmiM, Mav 22. '*71 Cotton (iiret: middling, lj ,o. Nrt receipt*, .?j o?..j t-alus, Si Mock, UJM1. Cnim.?rro<r May 22, 1*71 ration *teadv: tnld.1IIn?r. IWto. a 153*0. Net iec?ii>t*. 217 bi.c*. tale* UH). block, le,4U. Moatl.c, M*y 22, lf7\ Ontton qniel; middling. 14c.; low middling. Il^o., good oMinirv, lie. Net receipt*. 134 batei. t.kporj* -To tlie Cuaiinrn;, Uil, c >*etvri*e, boo. Kales, 23a SWok, l.VUj. ?>?WKOO. May 21. 1.171 Flonr unchanged\\ sales l.SOO ?bl? Wh-at quiet. No. 1 Milwaukee club, 91 19. **tre white Michigan. $l ?> Corn steady lit anc. (irlej amet and scarce Com meal. bolted. $<7; unbolted (:>' per ton. Ml weed un cianguri: short*. >13 ; *hlpstufT*. 929: mi Idling*. $.7 per ti n. Freight* lo New York; wheat. 6c.; pea*. ?>6e., corn auJ rye, 5l(c.: oat*. 3',e. to the ? itilwn: lumber. 92 50. Lake receipts?Lumber, HH99li feet l uual shipments?Wheat, S?,S(X> bushels; corn I.HiOda; oat?. 40..4M do.; rye, 8.IU0 do.. peaa, i,CUl do.; lumbar. 2,toO,JUU leek Bvmw May 22, 1.17J. Heceipta by lake?Corn. 6R.S90 t>u?hei*. Ke dpi* by railroad ? Hour, 3.9U0 obis.. wheat. 8 (Ml bushels; cor;i, 2V4? do.: oat*, 7.701 do. shipments br railroad?Flour, 3.Ml bid*.; wheat, 11,(100 bushel*; corn Sl.UOOdo.: out". 7j9) do Hhipment* by canaj to tldewaier?Whi-aL l.W.&Xl bushel*; corn, lb 300 do. nhipmeui* by rami to Interior point*?Corn. B.IOO bushel*. Canal freight* strone; wheat. M.: corn, 7c., to New Cork. Ailoal from Huriaio lor tidewa'er?Wheat, MilUUO bushels; corn. 214.MW da. ; barley malt. 12.MU do. flour in go 4 demand and Arm . *alc* of 6*1 bbl*. spring 9) 25 a 9? -?>; amber, 9 3 75 a 9? 76, whita, 9? 7? ? $7 <15. live. 95 ?. Oatmeal, 91 M a |? SO. Wheat. Ilsht iiliiutry ; spring lower; sale* of 7.7UO bushel* No l Milwaukee club at $1 |t>; winter n?glecied. Cora very dull; Ho. 2 oiTered at 75c. i . ar ma; sale* oi UOObushel* in lot* at 76c. a 7&??c. <>at* in active, nominally 7uc. lor We<t> ru to arrive. (lye an.I barley, none here, seed* miel; se*?ii) about ovr, F.rk inlet at $a 5' lor h"avy me** l.ard quiet at 16c. Hi*hwuiea Inactive, he'd a; about 91 M. Ton no, Way a, IS71 ?1mir*t?adf. Wheat steady; No. 1 white Un-big*n. 9i fJ, extra do., ?i 31; amber Michncan 91 S7 a 91 3"',, June, 91 &<;July and Aucnac, 9' 29'. Mo. 2 red. 91 2T.1, a 91 27: AO(n*t, 91 No. 1 amber Illinois, 91 .A Corn dnli an 1 lawer; hitu mlied, rash and June. 71c., veliow. 7*c ; damaged, 91c. Oaw dull and nominal rnlfht* 0nil; to Osweeo. Sc. a #^0. Kneaipt*??V ue*i. fc.imi bushel*, com. 19,000 ??., oats, 9,0oo do. aliipiuouu ? W heat, ?u,oou bus lie la, corn, 29,OJO do. t ?iic?oo. Mav 22. im flonr dull and unchanged. Wheat active. e\rited mid lower; No. 1 spring. 91 MX * 91 ut; No. J do . Mike tpot, 99V- June, %l UK>| July; No, 3. tiffa. a y6c.. re jected ?1c. Corn dull and lower; No. 3 mUed. ?oot, Jnn?, Tl%c- July; relacied. diic. oat* quiet and we**; No. 2. ??ov. W,'4c Juno. Rye dull and uni'.tutuKcd. Harl'-y dull ari l nominal. For* steady at 9-i) 7S *pot. I'M 62's jnne. ?99 July. I.anl Arm and In lair demand at 914 va spot. 9JS 17V a 91a .0 Jnlv. W biskev, 91 17. At Urn afternoon rail of the Board wh'*t was unsettled anil lower at s?'4e. Jun-v 9 1 >rj^4 Julv. Corn heavier and lower, at M-tc. i^c. June. 71 ',r. a 7IK'' July. Oats dull, weak and lower, at C: tc. June, *'0. Julv Pork lower, at 9<JW>9^U July, 921 I2>, August 9.'" M June. Lard lower, at til >S June, 915 05 ,lulv. Kec'ipta? Flour, 1.U00 bbls.; wheat, fc2,iHW bushel*: corn, 87.IJOU do.; oats. ?9.iwu do ; rve, I.11QU do. ; barley. 2.HU0 do. Uhlpmenn? Klour, l'MMiohfs wheal, 1.16 IM) bushel*: corn, l74,0UMu.; oib. iH.ijOOtla; rye, l.isW do. i barloy, 2.0WI do. HAVANA WEEKLY MARKET. Havana. May 22, 1875. Sneer?Owing to unfav rahle ne? - from abroad and the decline hi (old market ctulls price* nomina.. Holder* are too h gb lor l uvers; anali busine**. Noa 10 to 12, Hut h SI.'I ndard. 13 a 16 I cel.. per ttrrotm, in ?ol.l 6'j a 7 rea.s; No? lf> 10 ?!>, nntch aiand irJ, li>fc a 20 real* uioUaee*siifar, II * 1IW reals; Oonrrntrsted sugar*, lair to gimd iinallty. 10 a lCSt real* mu*< ovadn sugar, com mor> to lair. 12 a l.'H real*, tatr to good refining, 12>, a UM reals; ccntrnugal *ugars. No*. II to 13, In bo(e?. 1>14 a it'a rvel^; do iu nt^d^ it * ItSi m wore booik- at Havana and Matansas, Ml.(mo boxes aiwl 87 (MB hhda.; r?o?li>ts o f tfie week, 41,000 boxes an>1 11,51) hhda.; exported duri-i.' the week. 21,i*>i boxes and lU.OdO hlids.. Including 6,50) boxes and 8,500 hhls. to the United Slate* Molasses tlrm: 69 degrees polarization, 7^ real* per keg Bacon. $ :8 a $40 per c wr. flour, American, 50 a $30 60 pi r ()U1. inini-Amerl-flii. sugur cured, (45 a $4S per juiiital. Lai J, in kc^h $'.'Ja$lI per oiuntal. in tius, $45 a $tfi. Potatoes. $9Z6a$9 5i) perbbl. Wax, white, $IS a $2 I per arrolHoney, $ reals pur gall< n. Coal oil, ill tins 7V? a "W reals per gallon. Empty hotrAeads, $.s a JW ?> Lumber-Pitch pine $53 a $'>?> per M Sbooks Bat? Hot, 6 real- suuar liog?liej is, 48 a 50 reals; molasses do., 4i) real*. White navy l**an<, ttii a 26 reals per arrobe. Chew nr.: tobacco, $57 ? fss per quintal. Cora, 11M a Ilk reaU per ariube. Hoops dull. Freights in fair demand. Captain* demand higher rales. f>i>tinisli gold. tOI% a *08; exchange Quiet; on the United 8 I a tea, sixty days cnrrenof 30 a si premium: aliort sight. M a *S premium <ixty days, gold. 107 <. 109 premium; short sight, 111 a 112 premium. On London, premium. FINANCIAL. A i" s roOKS T dealt in at the Sew York stock Kxnhauge bought and sol;: by u>< on margin of live pur oenL f PBlVILKtiKS negotiated at One to two per cent from market ? n mem hers of the Si-w York Bx :hange or responsible parties. Large sums huv - been realized liie past days- Put or call costs ou loo shares T SUBtt X straddles $j?o each, control 2)tYshares of stock for TO <lu> - ?nlioui liirther r. - it. wmle many Hi usan I ? . id.irs protit may be gamed. Advice and information tui iii?!i?d. I'ain liiei, oontainitig valuable statistical iu (ormatlnn and showing tiow Wall street operations are conducted, sent <?> ?-<a> I ran i '?> ?0 to any address Orders sol?-i 1 by mail or wire are promptly executed iiv us. Address Tl' -BRIDGE 4 CO.. Bankers anil Broken, No. 2 Wall street, New York. ?JOHN HICKLINU k CD.. BXN'KEK.i AND Brokers, 7- Broadway. N.-w Yotk A. PUTS AND t ALLS 1 to iifc. KBDM MAltKEI. T^PBfcwLDS 1 TO l>, 1)1.S1 AM; I . $212 #0. 100 SHARK-. I l-'or the benefit oi'those who ar? not lain! lar witu stock operaiions and the terms u?e t nv hroki n, ati.l more especially those not acquainted witI: the sysieni of operating in privileges, wc liurc issued a 72 page boo*, entitled ^ MEM A >D IDIOMS <77 WALL SiiihET. This book win explain everything n> ces-ary to gin p.irues in th- track of m?kink money, and also ?an. them agalast the dan? rs of loiirtk- it. CO 1*1 as ~KNT KREIS T>? A Y Al>nKKs7.~" I ^ Jull.S IIIt'KI.INO A Oil.. 7. arouawav. New \,.ilv ACQU8T BELMONT A OO , Bankers, 1 . and 21 Na*s%u itreat issue travellers' credits, availaiiie in all paru of the world, ihr. ugli the De Rothschild and their correspondent* Also commercial crnlita and telejrraplile transfer* of money on i u.tornia. Kurooe sn i llava io. \ ?LAPSLKY A BAZLKY, 71 BROADWAY STOCK J\. PKIVUiKUhS ON Ml.MUKKn 01 IIU-. -lOi' v LXOUANOK (nAMKS GIVr.N A1 i!MK OK PLi. CHA-Ki; NO PKlVll.ttOlC KOIt LKSS IIIAN |.u SHARKS; OUR PRINOIi ?LS ,o Mil ADV.- it'll K; NO OONIHAOX.S IN OUR NAME; PAMPHLET, "l.?<W MONEY IM LOST AN l> MA UK IN wall 3TKKL1," MAILED 1KM-. lU ANY ADOBKSs. -STRADDLES (PITT AN I* CALL AT SAM!-: PRICE on same paperi i-til f>0 to i J>. 50 to 80 dan par lot) shares l.APSLKl A HAiCLKY. 74 Hroadwsy. At reasonable rates?money on like and Endowment Insuiauoo Policies, MortrMM un I other se uritit Insurance of all kinds effected with best companies. J. J UAIiKlCil A Co., 117 Broadway. A. Any amount prom sioooto $a\axi to loam on Improved and uuanprovod Keal Kstate In this city or Brooklyn, for term ot ?"?!?, without 1>. nus. WILLIAM K. LKAVlT'f, UP Broadway. * L11ERT II NICOLAf A CO., j\ Stock Brokers and Anetioneers, No 43 fine street. New York All flr*t rlsss mnnlclpal 7. 8 and 10 p r . nt city, coun ty, Stale. town and railroad Bonds; city railroad. Insur ance, bank and gaslight .Jtocks bou.'Lt and sold, and dealt In hy us a* a specialty 23 years. AYOUVO k-olish winow lw>y, ok prepos ?cssinganp^arance and refined h iblts wislies to meet with nn eiili rly gentleman who wool l ad vance her a few hundred dollars to start a bus.ness from which botn would realise a fortune in a very short time highest references given. Address hitlTANNlA, Herald office. I ALWAYS HAVE MONEY TO LOAN ON OOOD New York citr Mortw'UKes without l onu-t. Principals desiring to BOi.liOVV ok INVEST apply to 11. I. OK \NX. 14% Broadwyy. JOHN s. PI I- RC R, N O. 5 PI MB STRVBT. LOANS in t??y without hoii!i? on unproved Ke>?l Estate in New York, Bro<>klyi< and Wesichosuer county; al>o pur chases Mortgages it lowest i ixjv J IKE AND endowment POLICIES BOUOITT AND J chnnuf 1. m-w 1 nsuraitcu*effected in bt Leatcom pauies Box rostofti<-c K. U. -t IMTI.ZK, ?l \\ all stiwt ]3AMPH!.<-T, -II >'.V HON .Y H losr and W tl?^ in Wall street;" ftlll.v extilalns privile<e? . x(siied free to any address, bv LAPsLI.V A BAZLKY, 74 Broad way. WrANTKD-$1.u0i' rot FIVE Y.1 ARS. BBOURKD IIY ?? tlrst mor age on real es'it ? n Indianapolis, Ind . interest s ts." cent, payable semi annually, wlthjot cotn inl*?lon : insurance on improvements made paysbie to loaning party; i>est n??w>org rei?I*neea. Address .-v MEKK1LL. box 4,441 Nt* Yor< P.isl office. (inn TO L"*!* ON oa BUY STOCKS, ? r. inds, Mor g igis, ft iiran e Policies, auy Kallroad Bonds, and other\nlnu lu Bonds or Se curitls*. PAUL F. 1 ODD. 5> Liberty sireat ?'7fWl /m<i Id LOAN-ov BoVD AND MOKT 3W UU.VvJU 1.1(1; mortgages cashei. V K. sr'; VBNSON, Jr.. II riee -tree-, or 38 I ast Seventeenth airert. N K-lnn-c b-iug csiate luude, uoue out prune applications coii-uiered. OOPAHTifEEgHlP!!. XTKW FIRMS Wil l. FIND Til". MRTBOPOUTAN 1> PRINTING Ks I AH I.I?11MIN r, No. C18 Hroit.lw.i , an exrellrtit p 1??-e to Dure their Printing doiio wiili promptness, n. at new an I cIhm|'r ss VfKW IIIRK, MAY 14, !m.?DIHBOI4m<>N.-THK i.\ . opartnershlr heretomrr existing lietwe?n rtiarlca Woolley a 11J M. C. Hurch, and conducted under i&o name of Woollcy B Pt'rcl'. h*?tnn >i<*> bwm aimolved t.jr mutual consent. M 0 Bute i I<?l6? autii rued to liaaidata ah vutalMdiug dabLa cl -wi rirm. 4 ? iiaklk-? woolley. M. C. BI Kt H. / lOP AP rSFRSTTI P. ? A OOPaRTNKRSHIP !I I - nil I d*r born lorroert under t!ie n?nw nt M tl HOi.J'H A i O. 'to the wnol??ale tl?ii himnesa, at Di?r J*, sun 1 X Washington Wholesale Kluh Market M i'. HI id'll. J. KB 0. RYDER WM. H. SlMMhRM A^f. ?U>'ISb>!? KPPOHrmiUKg. k' MANUFACTURING II - IS METAL U0B( ;\ wi'.li a goo I bn'iiicsa, which thov are Je-i;ro(i? ft in Te*M ig. won I l like a IIMinei with $15.0 11 tor 'he . illoe ?nil ilu*n ? i.u?ineax ex-iU.-i v. !v * , lesaie mil t. a *!<?< twit Iraue. Apply lu u .1 ?Oa A CAULUI'OX. ii Broadway. t n I'ON.-ITH K . MI,KM IN 1! A-l AN M' -AVT A t'li'in'-s , pai ? to i'W yearly. As it r ,|ttlree th? rniM< ot two be wi) accept a partner with fMd 0*11 on Mr KVAK I'J, 48 Wert I"w? ntv-sixta street. A PAUTNKR WANTKIt-WITH ?#,000. TO IN J\ rre.isc a manufacturing bunnean already e?tnl, li?hc i. the only one in America splendid c!i?nce. A i dreaa. app'<inuag Interview, Ki.\i i A. , C'.ilNt., box 1*4 Ik raid office. rruiK bbst pla k in Tin- city ro iiavb vnr;n 1 Printiav done a at the MKTKoPOLI I AN PB1N I ? ISO KsTABld.-iiiMKNl. 2I? hroadwa>. becaasa. with the exienslre ta -tlilles the office |.os-rs-e*. work if don* there at tli<s lowest rate* nu t wth great protnptnoM. 1 Want a kkmaiilr <,\ ?i/UU? to Invest Bdimilr with mv-.eli in .i genteel lii lness. ?nin.' *7,0*)yearly. call on WLL.mjN, .No. 6 West sixteenth street 4.0 /iAft -Wan KO. A PARTNER WITH Til". aboveram In a oaati bostueai. establish*-1 , 1-t veers . rnuat not obiect to travelling, to a c 1 luint- : n<"w Ni hi. not ?ir*id of a httli- w..- fc thi* 1' in opporm nitr viUom met wltn ? b*.<t reffn nrc? gt?iMi nud ro i,u.raa. AOUroaa box 3 Poat oftlca, Norr ?;own. i'a. THE TICHBOBNE FAMILY. A CORRECTION CONCERNING BIB PERCY BAD Cism AVIJ HIS WIPE. To tub Editob or Tub UBBAi.n:? A fi 1 ? n 1 having teat n> your r'ffr I (lad ttsat .tou h?re eopled the report wbicn norno of our tin(U?n newpapors gof. boM or to the effect tan l.a iy lUticltire (of the Ti<u > r;io case) had been obliged to leave her realdence tn Staffordshire on acconnt or the i ratal radeneaa of the people or the neiiihbortiood. Perhaps yon hare not met with trie contra<iletlon, and thereroro I feel sure that fuu will be glad to publish tne truth for the benefit of yonr numeron^ snbaertbers. I am now poTerneaa in the lamiiy and Dave rpitdc l i?l the piact mentioned, caverswall Castie, Matrord ? hire, for five year*, so fur fr?m Insalting fler jjdrshtpthe people and gcnirv ni the neiftifcor- i nood came en mm? to oiler an Hddrrss 01 svmpa thj, and bail not Btr F'r ct Itadriiffc and lii-. wile deslrod tranquiliity tber wot l nave i een dtawn hoin.i from tha nil way *tAiion by their people wn?u tii?* r returned iroin I.ondon ar:er tae trial. l?r. Keueaiv hua ?iurreci up ttio people of noisrhborog tnwna and creatc.l Hi iceltnir, nut no personal 111 gnlt ha* ever been offen d, atid Lady lUucliffe'i hum r ma i>eneiactiona do not meet with lngratt tude. Tni people always bave clieriaued her, an J tin ? contiuue 10 di. so. i ne cnaiiu<'or residence was the effect of ?ir jo*epu Kaorliffe's death. His eon (Mr. Kadcitife) becoming sir Percv i:adoli0e naturally Kive^ up bis own Miopia abode for ti.e lamar nmnaion in Vortshire, wb?re tne iiead oi tne hou^n is ? x- | pectprt to reside; ami eyep m>, ne has obit in l avcrAwall, ant! not sold it. as h? reserves h i?,r bis son, Wlio is a youug coliauian. Mr I'ercy and Lsdy Uadciiffe live most happily: the trial baa no* produced the least disunion, and tbey nave ibo re i ?p??t of all rtffUt otiaded persons. Apologtr.inu lor thus occupylug your time, I remain, Mr. Bdttor, SltUfBIly. MINNA TRAl'PORD f-Al.MKlV. URAivatfttswul Yx-kahlie^Kajii iud^Jiav j is?i. ] MARRIAGES AND DEATHS. married. RinKVHiW ? WBIMSAHTNHR.?OB Saturday evemna May22, Iv.6. at tn? residence oi tno bude's 'partiita, Uoboken. N. J., bv 'ho Leo pold Monu, Gustav Bapkn'uausbx to Lli;>m W*i? UhcuwAk-^A:is'a,ou Sunday, Marn ?l(the re>U ?<: tun late K.. is. Kahu, botn ol this city. "died. Aram.?On Thursday, 20th lust., Rev. Matthew T. AUDI, m tne sad year oi bis aire. The relative* and iriends of the famUT are in ( viu-d to au?ud funeral, on Mo 'day,-4th in ., at 11 o'clock, iro.u ln? late >?eat Filty-sUtu street, without furtlicr luvitatleu. ALOKO.-lu Brooklyn, 0a, ^.. .L Altlo' youngest enud of William J. and Luza u Aigeo, ( a^eia!ue""-ud irlenda of the family ar. re.pect. fully invitea to attend the funeral. ?u Monday, a hull-past tnree o'clock, from joi sixth aveuui, boutn Brooklyn. , ? Ai.LBN.?uu Sunday, May 23, Jeua R., youngest daugtuer of-Daviu W. aud lUe late Mai J' J. Aiiou, a*ed 3 years. fh Funeral on Tuesday, May 26, at obu P. M.. at tne residence oi tier gr lUdmother, Mis. Scheuok, .a- ( TUird avenue. Bluuu.?At Iloboken, N. J., oa Saturday morn ing at ball-past eleven o'clock, alter a lingering Illness, lit, Bloum, in tne 3uth year ol U;a afce, , a native of lisciieriiuue Ami Aaebeu. Germany. Relatives aud Irieuils of the ininily, also tne membJiti Of Hudson Lodge 71, P. mid A. M.. are rescecuull? invited to att nd uie luuerai, ou Muu day alternoon. tue 24 tn lust., at two o'cloeiroin Hav. Mohn'? cburcii. coruer oi Garden aua sixta ?TS&ESSSiSA.?? a ???"? beloved wile oi Edward l.reueu. Noilcejof unei ai In to-morrow's pap?r. ci.akk.? Ou Saturday, May 22, lh.J. Annik u.. wie ol Bryou George C,ark, iu tne i>lst year oi ner "^Services nt her 'ate residence. 74 West fit'h air?4?it at live i*. l?I? Morula?. May J4. inter went at Waterford, Erie county. Pa. KCK.-1KIN.?May 22, Paul in a Li.<v- ikin, -i y ear and 35 days olu, dauginer ol Samuel aud Adelaide LTdb1 funeral will take place irotn the residence, 831 Last Piuietb street, on Monday, the J41U, at j ten o'clock A. M. Relatives and friends are In vtted to attend. Mcuuers of tue School leacuers Association are rcspectiuily WvUed. j I lJATUKlWi'ONB.?OU May 22, ALI'U&D t BATHER Relatives and firlends of tho family, members of Hope Lodge No. 244. P. A. M.. also uiemoers ol U Oompanv, Mntn regimeut, M.G.s.N.V, areresncct luliy invited to atieud itie luaeral, fu Wuu<lu), rU\ 24, at liair-past one o't lock, iioiu his lale resi ueuce, 6-a West Pony-second ftreei. Ut hvaiak.?on Thursday moiuio ?, May -0, Lli/a A. TowNdBND, Wifftoi Kaward UerriiUe. 1'iiueial services will take pi c,? at. her late resi dence, No. lt',4 Weal Fi:ty-tourtn street, cu Mon day, May 24. at four o'clock P.M. Relatives uud liiends are luvited to attend. luleruieut at v\ooulavvn.n [irooklyn 0> 9aturaay, May ?2, Pf.i>ro Ylinacia, infant son of Vgnac.a and Paunie llayu, aged 5 months and lo days. Keiatlvesand lrleuds respectfully lu'lted attend iue funeral, from the residence.oi hiis lpa rents, 20b Bergen htreet, Brooklyn, at two o tlook 1'. .\i., on Monday* May 24, is:&. Houbik.?suddenly, ou tounday morning, v\ iu lAM P. Uobuib, ouiy son of E. IV. and m. a. liotibie. aged 3 years 8 months and 7 days. Funera' from tne residence ol ins parents, Tot teuvdle. B. l.. on Tuesday. May -26. at hali-pant one j' M. Boat iron# foot of Whitehall street (Btateu Island Railroad), at eleven A. M. N Kknnkpv.?At No. In Last l_8th Ne? York, Lizzie, wife ot Charles S. Kennedy. Notice of luuerai hereafter. v Lawrknck.?At Flushing, U, h. on Friday, May 21, W1U.UM Xuo. LAWitKNCK, in the t>4ih year of 1UTlie'relatives and Mends ot the family tro 'rr ?pectmiiy invited to attend t&e lunera! on M.m dav 24th last., at halt-pail three u clock I. M., front St. ("<eoi go's churou, FiushiuK, without fur "mamato-Iu this city, on Friday, Mav 21, 8ak- , rvi ir Maudatt. in tuff 67th year ot u\s Itie relative- and friends oi the famiiyareln vited 10 at lead the funeral, from his late resi dence 235 Last Niueteentn street, on Monday, -4t_h Inst?, at one o'clock P. M. lutermeut at ?vood ltlM?VrPB*.-AI Astoria, May 22, Lydia Maut, widow ol Jotiu Miuturn. of New Orleans. iii,? relatives and fi'ieuds ol ih* family are In vited ;o attend tier funeral lrom tne Cnurch of the Itedeemer, Astoria, ou Tuesday, at tw0 Carriages will meet tlic 1:15 boat iromiuKon ?.?o. M?u..,? l"fn?l?eiiiuVm',na m.*i? ot too Tamil, r snectiully invited to attend the fuuerai, from uls Ute residence, 134 Last Porty-iourtn ?tteet, ou tu? lotn insu, atone r. M. mcc'obmaOK.?on Friday, tne 2iat Ml-i'oumack. in the tiitn year of ht-> age. A nauve of the pa. isli oi Ldgwortlutown, county Longford, lrrne funeral will tafce Place, from bts late resi s;i": Tor the ?e* ose of nU soul. 1M relative, and mc C Ttie reiau^es and" GOLfr^ ? ?amllT are re snecuudv invited to atieBd tbe fnnerai. from lua u fc NO. W Eightn street, Brooklyn i.D.,*n lues ia>, the 2itti iu?u. at two o'clock ^ McCctTX>r.H.?May 22. Wiluam McCcllooh, "uelames and friend- are respectfnliy Inrlted to aitend 'be mneral, irom bis late tesiaeace. No. -1 WetMter place, Brooklyn, ou Tuesday morning at 6'McLarohms! ?In Brooklyn, on Saturday, H\J ^'unera*wut??ave<,h?s?at? residence, * Wa.n MTB"AreLl?tiv^eeDsnd' rri'Bda o'lbi family are re S~-"v:Tifeu?.^?i-r,5S5 veriucni. 0- nom.?At th# residence of ins father, f- K. Oil oru, iu fell wo, N. Y., May U, ls;i, Uicuaao E. (i.-somm, need -7 years. 1- uueral on Monday, 24th inat.. at nine o'cloek A. M. Kemaiua will tie taken i tlri-uu*ood for Interment. O'Dii.vm It* Brooklyn, on snndav, Ma- 23, Jivti.a O'Donskli, a uative rif com;jr oare, Ire land, in the tear <-r Wmgf. funeral will take (? ace ironj'tht residence of In* brother, No. ? Fulton place, Brooklyn. at two o'clock ruefuiaj. Mav xi. He utlvea and ineuda invito to attend. Hkddy.-oh 3uurday, Mav -*2. Jamm rkpot, oi the county Louth, Irelanu, age oi ieara an a 10 111 i It' lie. Keiatlre* and friends of tne fam' r are r?!?pecr ftitlv Invited to attend the mniril, irom hu late reaideiwe, No. ijj urecne aire el, oa Monday, May 24, at two o'clock.<iE R. Rot Lrns, Mar z% aged 71. I unerai Tub* l?v. ?Mi mat., twelve o'coca, at Trinity churn, New York. Salomon.?on Friday mornin.', May 21, Datid Bai.omon. aueil M year*. I i.e re.a'lve.-i an i iri mda or the family are In vited to attend the luuetai, irou. bt* late real deuce, No. 9 We-u Forty-eigbtn it., tnia (Monday) uiorniric. at ten o'clock precieeir. 8a-?ioa.? <?? Sunday, id In*:., iaANCia C. bitMoK, in the atn year of nta age. Notice of funeral tu rea.ter. atttfom. -At or?n^? M J., Mar a, Thomas S, Simmonn formertv of Uioek . t. .V *. huner?. ir.rn hia laie raw it uce, Ka?et afreet. Orange, Momtay, May 'i4. at tnree 1*. M. Traina iro u fo*v of I'arcU* ? r^et ?t 1:10 tud 2 30. The remains will i>? taken to Greeuweoa t'eaae tery the ioiiow ng day. smith?On Mono ay. Mar St. EwrtT Aror*T?, eide-t naughter oi i; rnar.i H. and Mary A. aumh, in in* 8tn j^ar or her a*re. Notice oi r meral n< Tie* lay'a paper. Hoi lk?.\t . > iUion. iUiv M.if 2i, of coaaomp Mon. 1 i a iv sotLK, air*<l A yea-a. Funeral t?#rvie??* wlil tike |naee Monday, Ma* 24, at ma lave residence, 226 MJktu avenue, at eleven o'clock A. .u. Frieuda ara reit^ccifu,.> invited to attend. >i ni*'*i a\p. ?On the 2l?t Init.. Maht J\s* Wkjit, wile oi Marquia O. Strickland ami -lau^hier of vercy an i the late Andrew Most. The re.ame- and iri^ida or the family are In Vit.d to attend me Mineral, on Moada?, tiie j-ivn, at two o'clock F. M.. ironi tier .ate reside ii? cor u:r Waldo and Mairuotla aT?nue?. Je. City. Hei.litak.?fn Brooklyn, at her la-e reauenre, Wi Pacific Mrcet, on bii,ioay, May 'i, Mra. Maht tot 1.1 IV A>. Funern notiee hereafter. SwoaWk?On saniniav, Hav 52. K*tni >'. or'y ?on of Margaret ano the 1 uc uaibtupher swoi u i, ? i.ed -i year? and 1 ni nth. The relative* and irienda of the family are re ap <-t uliy invited .0 attend -he fnneral, from t'19 realdeuce of 61a mother, on Tuea lar, May Trom 4t.i tfmi Twenty flttnatreet, at two o'e.<?- k. p. M. Tatujb ?on rndaj, May 21, Lot iaa VArii.:>A, daugntet or the lute William Taylor, at No. East sixt^ntn street. mnerul services will take piaca on Vond^T, at hali-paai one F. M., at ?t. (ifurgn'* fltonreh. di* teen h atre t a id Uutteriord piac*. Prltua* are Itapectiauy inviten to a; tend. VAMJVki..? UtussoM, ouly culld of.lmoicne Van dvke. Notice of funeral In to-morrow'* paper*. \an Namk.-ou May :% V-?1d. EU7.A?rrn VaM Namii, widow o, the tate Jt m, Na.ue, agtn si ye m, 10 ;tic>i)U]? and 20 tVa%H. Keiativea and mends ^re reapeetratly invitM to attend tne lustral. fr m the nummerfleid M"it>o dlat Episcopal murt^, Martnera' nariior, Suion LaiABd. -u Mon-iay, May at two F. M, Watt 1. *U Uf^doaUtu. Ml ti. I AHMk O'Jil 4?airtiMr ?f B. ?. an* Afl**U afed M of th?f.m?lrar? re.prt: fj if in vitert lo attend the funeral. frum tne r?*' dunce 01 Ber parents, N?. i?UH?w street. on 1 ue* auy, May 'A I'OK XAI'IU- . L-I ? r i'l vS ? < ASH OKOCKRY PAlKK OH. A " ?TaUeut? u Adur.U H. *? T PaU/aon ?W. olrtca. or L. McOOKM \CK, i.u Puane fttf t _ ? 1 ?|Rsr i'USH SAHPI.B BOOM, DOW.< TOWK. A feggsg A ".""51 M.irkel. between 9 ;??d 0 clocl. ____ ? ? & ?t:.S%".?S*&???''*?' <??"?"?? " LON.'S Stare Agency, 131 N4a?ao itreeu . _for -?! B 8PLh ROOM; BEST tOCATWII UoieU MlltUULU'S store Agency. 77 Oigjgrzz? t... iMKcr :> c .n crioNEttiEH, A . I- < <kl?. ??.->. nr?claw Krult <1?r,c?.rv -lor - in ti. "V^L'^tori Agency. Hroiikivn Uquor store*. BIioii.-LL 6 store **??" /? 77 Cellar street. a OOBMBB LIQCOB irORB WK 8ALK-UNK Oj A & uj^omV^SS ~ mm nr.Aflfl CORNER LlgUOR STORK KOB A 5S?'i?5-^8| j&.n'W niV^2 Williai&Mbnrj. Apply to ihos. i.aj* ? ?*>_." ? WKIiU iocatkd liquor p?**?", A ch-?i>; Uei.t by fo" in owner *e\er?lyeari. ?it(l doiu n vool bu-ines*;.l not so. I , rt a* * , . u,y sold on wft* ties.ay at auction. Apply to 1UOS. O.irr lifc,Y, 17 Centre Street. ? N H;B ORKAM ANO 0AN0Y rOUK Y >11 "AU?? rjrthi. ? ututifteft-ii Rv)oU rvdiun? i t 1 j dolns'auX'r' buituc,.. Inquire 167 him street. pnutiug 0 flioe. ? - ?' ? stftKMKB OROOKRT AND FBED 8TORB FOR fALfl p**o2SStf 8SP3Sf? U roadway. ?? iW SALE-NEW BRIGHT SCRIP TIN F^O* *2Pi; F &Jlk?A "'??? Wastmnjton street, between - an <> _? EKSSB&lSSfcSSS cigar store . ??? 17 . outre stroeu M_ ? jut v K1KST CliASS OORNKB LIQU'>R F srm- .n t.? ben b.nlne^ part *vo"?* and Ion; eaublbilied , goo N ( ^ lum-ery. o A I V CI!RAP?TUB OI,D est.vBLlStl RD I1 ,W^eV!ifeltir^anche- ^tlK M^UyX SlU^JnaS-loK -M.. ^,.11 be given tor ?eUing. ; Thirst TLA^S CORNER L1QCOR STOBKS KOR S.\LB 1( ^,n , i -h.h anil Eleventh a?enue 15r-..tiie ana Front street, or to I.l.OY 1?. r) Hruai.w a>_ ! . , ?nrt'I'Y STORE FOR PALJ?STUATKO ON TI1B i sawr^fJtxK-s uioms neei apyiy, Mauri V **OD\ WATBB APPAItATtT*?ALt. 8TYI.BB, at rednce.l pr.coit; Ottawa oeer KouuUtn? anjJ i'* tract J- M. WHlTFtb^D A SON, ware room, -o. ttawr .met street. r.t'VF\TFPN SOt'AP.E AND KOl'ND Tl'BS, WTO ^ T^n Milona each *oid. wtttiout rcs.'rve, l>elor? W, in .V. ' liu.l - 3 W. : rv x '?<' "r"^ _ T,j,f. STOCK. nXTUBKH AND LEASE OF MHi f West street, opposite th< ^thlta^tar line, for tale. ^ 1 MACHINERY. . T7T^MuT:i:!G~7:DT OFr hNUlN K, 84 INCII DIAMB A ?rM,o- ?!? very che.p. in ^cU-^/rS ;i8 Cortloutlt New YorK* ^ 1,' ~, ... i?i uAOH1N1BY. MAJICFACTCREBB h*TABLISHMKNT. N<< 21a 5rJ,^tlw'4*" I/S INI.IV It'.' itBER WRtNDER . I?X?2. AID L: :!'i'?2S,Wtf Wff if*?? ?,in -treet " Hal *_S?.HORSE noRlZOSTAl. TtTBCI.A* F? Rmf.ri It fre. I, ?. * fet d.a.neler ; Sf! Tube., on. weTu tuir Van I',runt, f 0utb KrooltU a. t kxchamck. ?r^HJHTrKO OF EYF.RY pV. fRIPTION TROMI'TLT KSFrjssaa&y v^^stt 21rt Broadway. New Yort. . JIlSt'KIil-A'VKOVS. Irt' voC ^F.F.H Ol'R IMPROVED 8BI.P-FKKDIHO Rlaeaine Mruahr A'ralunhle and u? -ful art! i ir a areatVaertBee by I tie Ueir* ot tne pateuUe, Patau's applr to a Fo3i. 1*1 Adelpht itreet, BrouMyn. U t m. i? MFTTIO PO LIT A H PRI.HTlHfl KSTABLfMMF.M* r is Itr. a'dway hare n.nur:???fed fl?eilit??? lor -''Ita* all VIn It oi nnuiut villi nuosua. prom^tueas and al in,derate prices. ? KTOKAUK. 4 ?QI1AXD C IHTK.Uj SIOKAOK WAIIBHuIH* J\. fot ??urnaura, Baggage, Carrlavea, light Wagon*. R!iMgli?, Ac. corner Broadway and Eorty aoveiuli atredt. BUJUIAX A HitwTUhK. Proprietor*. 1m n, MI TR< 'I'OI.I TAX PMXTIV) 1 sr^BUsllMKlTi (roadway, In tba Herald Build! >*. DEXTISTBY. A BSfMJ'TEi.T PAIN'f.KM?PRESH DAILY) j'l combtnaclan, acta. en.r.-m ly UilM and ilui.ildaj 0?mi *eu $1'. 114 HUtth b?iv. e?n FoarteanM an i Eiit"??iitii atre*t?. r.?tai>l?bed itua Kent em bar *14 4 COHAL BERBER SET OP TEETH IK TUilBE hoiirs. ?I'll, rr.^io i in the, t lih in tha afternoon. ffclr?y?*?nrtti n.?ar liroaiwtv tut Mxtn avcmi". Coral rubber, a rr tie<b oolorM? g ?. i s* ? 4. pu ina *a'% wbaiatxMc rutib-r ?et*. Pin u >oi% i.p. n Irani*. I..p l.uu r*, i.ip Ife-prea^nr*, u i,au>ra; nlitoua oxide; ni.iclimioal denttauv. la';; gr^cn ?ra troiii .ran-1 -tr. i-i lorry, fir'i avontM eta! or lir >?J way C-tra. i.t.i,! at rtilrt.r ton-lb 'ireet. NEWBHoftotl. 1*1 West i ? streat 4 BKAl'TIFl'1. SET OP TKKTII, $\ ?*; .11 M SUM J\ Jia Teelh fl'.ed with ailvcr, Ii ca.iU with goldL (L All Work warranted at Dr. WHITE' ? : j - uhav. MA1LHI.K UANITI. 4T0RF.ATLY REl>UCEI? PRtCK.H. . \ An extcimvo itiMfc ni --late and Mar*'" Manial* W^?b irayaand a.ato Work <>l every dewcrtptloo. . ENi.nVN I.\th 4 .?VI i' v>\", L'nion igoars, Eonrth avem aul sav nu um ?C, X. T. 4 1 ORRATL.T REDUCED PEIdtB?All KXTHXgrW . \ ito. * oi Marble and v;4. .-.ei Mantala and au Other Maroie >V. f .4, M arhla Turin ig lo: the trad?. A Ut ban HUrliteenUi street, Dear third aaonna k^TRWARTd SLATK ? ATTKLH, BARBLK A.tD ? * wool vtaitrK ricn an 1 aicgant design*, at ilta lowe?t pnc?a. ili> I iii WaM i wenty-tUir i j treat, ba i'v :i -^trunifi and liigtub arena**. ITBK METROPOLITA V PRIXTINU ES ra HtJSHMKXT, I JH Broadw.iv. Im uaaurpa ->? 1 i icillti>\* for Intti a 1 Kit. '? oi i'rmutijf MitU unitaiMl proiuptnaM and a] moderate prto>-a tfATCIIKS. JVWEUIT, SiC. itIVAXrKS MAO.. ON oonrn [AFT (I* ( OMM im ^'\ won ?!':an; H<|4. W nt 'iie?. Jewelry, tlilverware, 11 aaoa, Mlka, l a es ? . boutcla and Mltl. Kohmh .-oatl. da- . .a.. H. iiiiU.HKi, luu Naa>au atre< U Coiuer .vun, flr*( :l?or. V MK'U< \X OPPICP.-ITS,ma-PIVB ntAMOXM. J\ <*% . ..rJewelrv. Silver" are, India Pit twn. v alo *? lea, A. i. ufbt. li'.n. . p,'4?tl e virirea paid, aja liuic ^ui. .iaae." ailfcc'e-'. I au 1 aaliod la6i. J II. BVRUINU. R, 735 Broadway. Dtamomis wa rciir.s, /kwblrt. sii.vkr. wire and thrr >l#reliandlae boiignt. and aokl haok ?l?n o eat re I at a T<>r* amall aavauca. (1 OKI) Ct ? i.i.KN, J. .4 ..rr. UUO Bruadway, near Twenty-mntfc ?Ue.L rplIF VKTROP I ' rAK PaiSTTXO P.XTAlU.ISUHBBl 1 laatvlH Broo <a.y, to im lit raid Bui.diua. 1 4^fi7 bkoadwat, ovkh herald ri'iown l.-"l Brati.h niHc?, room B U>arlnr tor India*) brMv-h I..K)7 Hroailway.?Viautwu la. Watchea, Jewelry. Ae., boUK'ii ana Ml>>. l.I .l'O I*' l.ljl A U i'*?. Al -iTAXDARD AM: III \s HRVEU B1LMAW& ? - j I " 'v !h tl\ celehr i' I n n i . ? i > 'n <<! lona, are tor aaln o-Mv br the manu'aetn^er ai?t p ?t?ntaa. if. w. o 'LI.K.MH K. ?i.ocaaaar to Phciaa A CoUeudar 7:-S Broa<: way, NaWVora ? EIN 5 ASHORIMHXT Of BRVKt TABLES [* J\ every r a^eut e.imi to aaw a&4 aolRpleia, for ?*!? ?ery low. Ul Liberty atraat. c. JA< Ka??h. Dr.vt. re rN A n manepm'ti rfih ok Btu lia. I unlet wlii find, by eiaitnuatlna, thai tor cirap and atviith I'rinttng oi an* il<ft:ra>Uoa Uta MKI docor.l I'AS I-RINTINQ fcS 1'All L,l. . i MiS.-a f, ill B r< ad way, cannot ba aurpaaae 1. L'OB HALE?A PHE1.AH A COU.KXDK.'t BEtRt I Billiard lab'o, all c tablet i vl ?k (tool ? now. Call at piano itore .1.' ? *,? i w?nt> tilled ?tr?>et ?> BILLIARD TABLES Voit 8?L?? 1M UOOI> iK ?-< l? r, wiUt Bulla and Can Bat na, Ac. Apply al BATI'ERHOM t ftoratC Ljvvtt-, 10S iwvX ? elliiaaWCDt. '