Newspaper Page Text
THE INTERNATIONAL IvlFLE MATCH. UOHTU P&ACT1CC Of THE AMERICAN TEA.-* ? THE HIGHEST AVERAGE TIT REACHED. In accordance wuh previous arrangement# tne American rill? team met yesterday at ireedmoor lor practice. Four of the team and reserve were absent?Messrs. Bodlne. Fulton, Coleman and Hal lard?the Bve present being Gildersieeve, Dakiu, Tfale, Caufleld and Bruce. Tne men did not get IB front of ttie butts until two o'clock P. M. At tins hour, and during tne Dractice, the weather was a little cloudy, leaving a beautifully tcued actinic light, whicU gave the tar ge a a fehade that was altogether ;avor ii?ie to flue shooting. The wind, too, wi( gentle aud pretty steady. It came from the bo tit n southwest, and went directly up the ranges ?Imoat parallel to the line of tire. The wind gauges were therefore placed nearly at zero, and the elevation at each range was found to be sev eral minute.- lebs than what wonld be necessary with a cross or opposing wind. Of these lavonng rlrcuiastances the men were not slow to profit, and as will be seen from their scores, made the tx-at snooting that has thus .'ar been dune this sea son. At the MX) yards range Colonel Gildersieeve completed the best score yet achieved at this dis tance. lie commenced with a centre and then ?cored FOl'RTKKN StTCCISSIVe RTLL'S ETKS, mating M* points out ol a possible 60. l.a-i vuar Co.onel Bodino tuade the same num ber ot [loiuts. but his score was interior to thai of yesterday, from tlie tact of His making a centre oil tne twelfth aaot. The snooting yesterday came np to the very excellent average 01 15i 3?6 polurs per man, tne average at the international ma:cli beiug 166 4-6. Froaj scores published in tne Dublin Freeman's Journal ol the li>tn inst., aud wnich were repro duced Id yesterday's ilKKALO. It appears that tne average number of potuis per man (eight men ?hooting) was 163 0-8. This is an exceedingly large record, when re consider that in the interna tional contest only 156 4-6 points were recorded, the latter average belug liardlv ever excelled at Wimbledon, 'lac only reason that can be as signed lor tnis unusually hign average of the Irtsnmen seems to consist in the -act mat they are practicing on THE NEW TAROET, while the American--, are very wisely using tne oto iBe kind at wnich tne approaenmg match is to be snot. It must be borue m uiind ttiat the lr ->!i practice hern spoken oi includes Dublin only, and not Ueifast or Loudon. Wlttiout atUcmng much importance to wnat may be done in Lonion, It will be well to rememoer thai the Ulster Rifle Club boasts some o( the best rlOemeu In Ireland among its member", one of whom i? the widely known Mr. Johu Mc&enna. It was at first erroneously supposed that the new model target would show smaller scores by the same marksmen than the old. This, however, is not ho. i he loss of tue angles struck on from the old bull's eye n converting It into a circle is equal to, pernaps, two-Iliths oi the surface. Hut, a* t h?- lu-1 portion goes toward making up what is called the centre in the new method oi marking, a Uu on it now counts Just as much as lormerly, a<> that on thla portion of the target nothing is lost to the snooter. On the new target the ocntie I* a circle ol lour and a nalt leet diameter, Urn hitting of which now counts lour points, or <.s many as the old Bquare three feet null's eye. In addition to this, a point isa<ided to the new circu lar null's eye, making a li t on it equal to five. Thus we have on the new target a circle of a loot a?:d a half wider than the square bull's eye, ou woicn just as many points can be made, and in addition to tnis a point more is given now man was lormerly allowed lor striking the bull's eye. Wiitn all these circumstances are conmdere i it will be readily conceded that tue sam? shooter can make muca higner sc*:es on tne target recently adopted than at that which that has just gone out o. use. How much that difference Is cau only do I?ETKltMl> ED BY I'aACTICH. At the new suort range or third class targets less points can be made than ou the old, for out side of a forty inch ring a hit goes for notaing. jar. Conlm's score was made in amateur practice. Til K sCOKtS. Mnr.rfet. mut'iu ? L- cotonn n a. eiunaum 1*1 .J,ni(U( 4. ?.??.!.?? ?. . .. 39 0BTI?3. 2. 4. ?. 3 4 4. II. 3. 4. :i I I. 3 4'. low 1-3, 4. 4, t, 4. 4 ?, 3. 4 I, 4, 4. 3 4 4 .. tt-.ftl ? r*iju ?UO-4 4, 4. 4 2 s. 4, X 4 4. 4 *,? 4.4 SJ f" ?3, 3, % \ 1 4 I 3. 8. 4 4. 4 >. 4. 3 IB MO?3, A 3, 0, ? ... 4 i. 4. . 4. 4. 1 4, 4 U?US a. T iJMiim JR. !>00 -4 4. 4, 4, 4. 4.4. 4, 4 4. 2, 3, 1,4 4 57 ?- -2. , 3,1, 4 4. 4 4 4 4, t 4, 4 3 .'-I 1UUJ?? 1, 3. 4 . 4. 4. 4. 4 ' 4 3 U, 4 4S-165 j. k. i um.ik ?JO-S. U4 4.J.U4H.I .4 3 IT, Wi-1 ... a . 4. 4. 4. S 4. 1.3 4, 4 3 3 51 !??-?. 4 0. u, J u J 4 4 3. 3. 4 3. 3 41-147 HI t. ?. WSI1. 4, 4 S 4 4. 8, 4 4. 4. 4 - 4 4. 3. 3 !* SOU?a. 4. 4. ',,4. 4. ? 4 3 4 J. 4 4 .,3 2 1?JM. X ?, 4, 2, 4. ?. 1 4 3, ?. 4 0. 3. 3*?lit I 4>M " * L. e. BW I'l M-l 4.S.4I. 1. ?. 4 . 4 .4 i > 3. 3 51 ????4 '.J 2. 2. i, 4 4. 4 .4.4 X 4.1 4? *M>-3. X 3, t. J, U a. 3. ??. 4 3 .1 4. J 43-113 TIVIUM > MIETlira. The Cork new-paper ?af that ti?e lmkf of Cam orijfre. presiding at a recent meetln/ o! the N'a ti4,i..4 i.ifle \i; anuounceo that ttie an nua. meeting at wim'iiedoa Cummun woMd corn H)"[i4 . on tV l.ih ol Jui>. and taut *tion?f ieuina iroin uoilj and Australia ? ou d be present. Hi? i.rai" ii- j laid u n.?a expect** uie Ii.ra and Aeaettcan t?arr* wouio be ou Uiegtoumla before tut ?eaaon cluaed. PIGEON PHOOTlX'j KXTRAOKIWNARY. CAPTAIN *. H. booakx>os or-ISO as ejjllbi TKTS OF HIK PKII I. WITH THE (.IN. in He who i vc to or?.erve the gun tn ttte ban !e of a .-k i:ui person?and the nnuo-r of ? t in tma ei4.iri.ty la legion?were greater piea*ed vea-irday ot *n exhim xin of aho ting given t* tap MM A. U. Bojrardn- at Deerf <ot i'ark. The Cap tow. who loin town : r me purpooe of anootlcg ira A Faint, on tue 2MB ma'., a matcn 01 100 Mros for $1,000 a auks t eairlng to flu up the time aad ate???. in pracuee, announced hi* intention of rei>f i mir hereabouta eotae of the woadenul per form .Die- which lint e mane nis uame ao familiar la tae ? il To thia end he aavn-ed tint be wouig ot at twenr, Rve paira or j ki.iiii,; thirty-eight, from two ptonga trap* *et lorry yard* api rt, t,i? ?hoot- r otaii<Un? ou a>, and botn t apa to b? aprung At toe s-ame time; a>a >, ttutt ne woni-i ki pigoona iu >jtir<itt?, at tw.-jtjr ) ran riHf, ari-i i4?ad hi* own gun, two Wrdi? to o- ou the wing at the anme time. Both 01 an-** **i* ue actomptiaaed am witii ??pieoiy 10 ap^r'- to the Kr?-ai i-orpri-t ?n l gratiticatiou ol a large tii .i >?r ?jt yr'.miteat geatiercen. lae w?jt:,4>r hi i tir for toe exnibition, hot a ati ng oreeze ir-im tne ocean rendered tne au<~ c ?? ii Hwae*u i ,t 'vena ?<-mewuat ?lou >tmi. At Me aprotnred no ,r t * ? aptain arraritrri me trap^ l?>r ue k...inn ol ihe tn n e ant out ol iweniy-bve pnitr. and obtaining tao ?l?; of iJu *4io Bui, * uw ha?l come aowo toi*4*e tne cp r', in tu>- matter 01 "i>nnz lag to- 'rap*, ne 4.&njti,rr,ced oporntioa-. f?hoj ,ag fliit to iu* vit, .nd iiu ; toraiiig <,j ma heei t. . over the Mr .r -ui the right br.nd trap, tn ? 4 aptain cut i ?a tne ptu<i>L< in magiiidretjt Mfie. N;m pm" weie fcra?*4-d beiore a farea* wat n?)? in the aco-?, wh4.n the teath p*:r, wDlcti ?vi-' 'i;iii4?4.roua in le co.-io era, made n,eir way toward tne crowd and we e raia-ei. Tut lie ail W*d the biro IT Jta ta>; left irap la M? eieventb pair M eacape. but t.ilei in gooil and aiy;*-*ix a<! litiouai p 1' irfot? an other nraak. Ihla wcurred with tns bird from tbe r unt . a-id t>.b in the n. tee uo p nr. whi.e t!i" right >and pi*ewu hi tki eighteeatn an>( the leit Bar, 1 utrd in ihe nineteen tn p*ir .i.?o manatted t4, tf:;ef>r !t,?ir escape lie tiiec . rouggl down ibo twentwrth, twentv-irat ai?i t weaty-aecond pa .rt, and it ? , > > .? .?? a. compli-hed, tmrty-oiglil oir r# n kl ?d of the forti-iour trap ?? J. rhla an no ii eiueot * i* rei e *ed wito treat applau-e. it to-ik juot twoD'v gk? nunutei. to perior-n'hiv font, ami aurMr too e n.oiuoo n .r.iio Bill wa? ? a ii cb ) pie **d ?au." Th tai >*ia tr<-.j co i men^ il tic woric of kl,! lofr t > eniy-i*e birds inaide of four minute*, at tweo y v ud< rlao. t wo i^rdc ? on tke >ving at me lain--t:die. rwo iiasket* vi re pia?-eo at tae pri erMatance in tke i.- id, rnin Irieaoa 01 tne M4 nt< r > -I,- blading, a ta n tely to#?e l a nrace ?? ' b I i t ? a.r It ia only net <?arv to ny thai ti.e i ap'ain lii| hia work in rn^i'niflrenf ctjrie, a* ne an 941, dead aa atonea. iw-uty-aix OiJ-i* :?? tae j' Mar* ,b,e une 4,f aa>. i a., a feat tn ^ig">n ah? ir.' feltnert'. ..a ar?ii?ied faft dUl the ? - ? . koM . ? gun and Are. tae air -eemed to b4- u i??i *i n ,-ii bird*, aud manv of t>?? n|i? taKir* were ? <nnpe ? ! to n iff aoont ifry uv r i??- ape i?'?r (attnt on gio??y :,ri and fian laouie g irnianl*. Capta n B 4a; 0 .s ui i u.t n?<v xiiii rwe 1 vr |preei.U*loa4jer. Pre. e ,ng tne exaMition a<, aererai a#eap*ink<4 ware d?cidf<t >v tnt fat acred* ?a % of wnicn were at twenty. ??e >ari*ri-e. eighty yard* ooandary, live birda a..d t etiirince. I > .nte tiapa ?*eie ,* d and tn Lob* j and rn e- in general governed t. e *veet?. rue ptg<-i?aa wtie v?nd, aaa aa a lot, all eg, rapid diam THE liATlONAL GAilF,. ?WM.41l <? AftD THE ATt.aNTICa? C.RX4T g.V Tauauau Fnij?c*TO* wr^a. 1 ?.t*tov, ft J. M . r 24. 1*75. Oaer 1.000 1 eopie a: -ambied on the frinceton Haae. pai (iroiuid* to-dar, to wita< ?a a gaoia of We ba.. be:Wean the LniTersry nine of Prince ton and Hie Atlantic* of nrockirn. The day waa flae. and never d.d the rrin 'ton-* p ar better. Fur one honr and twenty aalnnica the aodlaace, Vita a a.0*1 brfathie** anapenae, watched the laaae of toe game, alternately applauding tne gmit piay ? u flthef ai-ie. the peculiar pucaiag of Mr. aiann gave the J rooklrmua gre?t iroi.bie while the catching ef lie^ar'a wi* tae admiration of ai . and when at tne cio*e. it *11 ftgjtQuncr-d tttftt rriuftttun waa ta# wioutf | or a score oi triree 10 two lTinceton enthusiasm knew no bounds. Cheer after cheer rent ? lie air. ! The Atlantic'sprofessionals had been beaten. This w i? g:i>riou* enough for one uuy. Friucelou play i ale on Wednesday. Boston and centennial clobs?phii.adelph tab AND HARTFORD*. Philadelphia, Pa., May 24, 187ft. The Boston anl Centennial clubs played this afternoon, trie former winning by a score of 5 to 0. The Phlladelphias and ttarttords played a fine game, re Mil tin* in a victory for tUe riuiajclphias by a score of 6 to 5. BASE BALL NOTES. The Arlington ana Ply Away clubs engaged In a friendly con'est yesterday alternoon upon tue Union (.rounds. The game tnrounhout was quite interesting and resulted in a victory lor the Fly away*. Tue Boston and Mutual clubs will play upon the Colon Grounds tins aiternoou. MARYLAND JOCKEY CLUB. FIRST DAY OF THK SPRING BACINO MEETINO AT BALTIMORE?THE EVENTb -POOL bELLINQ IN NEW YULE. This is the first day of the spring meeting of the Maryland Jockey Club, over the 1'lmilco course, Baltimore, whlcn will continue to-morrow, Thursday and Friday. It 1< the first of the grand events of the Eastern ractng circuit, arid Is always eagerly watched by tne tnrf loving yublie. The Baltimore Gazette, :22d Inst., ref rring to the re union. says For several days a force of men has been at work mall" tun nuelj Improvement* anil cliaiiites have been ?ug" gested by previous meeting* Itie jitdsres' stand has oeen reuioveJ to u point about 100 var.ts nearer the club housi. ai:d Iti its i> ace a more ornamental stand lias beau built much lower, with eteps de>cenaim to a box over tlie tr?ck. On each side are latticed win**, cir cular m form, lor adjusting weights, Ac., ot tti? jocney* and other purposes, fiio fudges' stand formerly ujed is now pla cd n ar the tlrgt turn, and alter be lug cut down will be reserved lor the u?e oi the steward*. J he timers'stand remains ax before; but an improvement will be tnailf In tttis and also m the distance stand* alone the homestretch. The Pool ststids on t in (juartarstret li are also b'ina Improved and ubsngesalso uiads in the interior ot the grand stand, lb ? iracx is in perfect order, wi ll harrowed, and can not be surpassed by any In the United States. Ihe ? luh House, lur ihe u*e ot members ati.l their lamlties, is al?o !n admirable order. Ihe burdies. water leaps, sone w ills. Ac . tor the steeple chase and liurdle races a.o also I hi:: comple ??ii. I'p to yesterday there were al? ut 1SJ Horse-.?n the irroiiutr>mi all sections ot tho coun'ry. Included anions the lists are many of ihe celebrated racers oi the country. The stables inolnde those of Governor Bowie. Maryland, K. A. ITalaU-h, Maryland; K. V. Snedecker, New York; 11. Mct'oun. 1 New Jersey; T. B A W K I)avi?, Marvland: Mr Cham berlain. New Jersey; Walter A. Dunn. Ohio; Thomas j Do*well, Richmond; Airland, r D. Brown, Maryland ; Alex. Torrence, Virginia. Martin Jordan J. o. I'ouobue, Ja es ttilsou, D. J. Crouse. O. A M. liannatyne, -New Jersey. Tne opening events on tne programme are three, on two oi which pools were sold in this city last night, as :ollows;? First Race?Purse $300, for maidens of all ages; dash of three-quarters of a mile (uo pools sold). Lorillard's Audacity $25 liuunai vne'* Audubon 13 CUamberlm's Turn Ochiltree ia Bowie's HolUrooik ana Ore Knob 13 Donahue's brunette and Caruboo 5 I>avis' storm 5 Brown's Anatral 5 Jest 5 .Second Race.?Chesapeake .stakes, ior Hides three years old; $50 entrance; p. p.; club to add $6oo; one anu a quarter mue. Turf Johrwoii's. Exchange. CbsmbTiln's Lizzie R. and Scramble 60 70 75 12 10 Pantord'a Firework 60 70 70 26 37 Uarbeck k Co.'a Aastralind... 25 83 ."so 7 ? Do*well's Invoice and (ireylag 20 25 26 13 lb Loullarii'i Vernaugo 1 ?? 51 rlnbaugh's f. by Vaiutnali... *25 SO 29 3} 15 Lewis' Yin.ilgrette ) ? si Third Hack.?Handicap 8'akes for four-year olds, $69 each; h. f.; c.uo to add $600; mile heats. JohnaoTi's. couateen, 10* '&? Persuader. 1 o lbs 66 43 1'ICOlO, 10'. lbs 4* Keeue Kit-hards. #8 lbs 4H fxi lluekieberry. nr.: lbs 4') 4? Hoaxer, 68loa yi m O'Neill. U8 lbs i l'rimr >se, yo lbs ' 40 S5 Gb J0*. WJ Ibf ) Koraiu Rack.?Trial steeplecnase, lor Horses of all ages ihat never won a steeplechase at Sara toga, Jerom- I'^rk. 1 x>ng Branch or Baltimore, a!"iot one and a hair nine. 0 viignt < nief tngineer $;o > u.p'-ppur Wizard lo Coronet Colbert 10 Bibaklba 'JO LATEhT SCRATCHING8. Monday. Mar 24? J's. 1) luaflut'i bay colt Gyro, Hum ail ? ngagements. F. Auga-noa ^ (leruierhorn's hsy horse Itne cr ft, i' . u Westchester Cup andJockey C do Uau uicap. HORSE NOTE. n. P. II Crith'a string of eight Dorses left Loms ?jHe, K... tu Mintlay evening laat by express tram, oirert or Jerome far*. AU were well. OBITUARY. 3( HN M. COBWKLMOW, <1. 0. Yesterday morning a vencraDle and respected citizen of Jer-ey (i y, Dr. John If. cornelison, breathed his ust in the seventy ? jur*h year of his age. Bi. career in proi*s*lonal and pabltc life was more remarkable than that oi any man of bis gen* ?ration In Jersey a y. lie was born in that park of me city formerly known as the town of Bergen. His at..ei, Her. J tw? Cornelison, was pastor of the old Dutca Reiormed cburch in Bergen for tblr y Dr. Cornelison studied medicine with Dr. vaientln* Mjtt, and when. m i->jj. he ob tained ins decree, ne be< atne one <>f the three p.j-caa- who had ?narge of i tie territory i>lng betwet-u Herges Point an t Hull's Per;? aud between tue Uu is< n and the Hacken sa. * rivers. Dur.u-g tne Presidency of Aa<lr?w Jackson Dr. Coroeileoa was twice e.ected a in'-ro be r of the l.en-iature oo the democratic ticker. In 836 ii- rail lor < snzrea t ut was de feated. Presil-nt Van Bur-n apt otated Bin Deputy Co.lccter for Jer-e) City, la l-f?l he was appointed iy the <- *?- aor one o. tuc six lay j idgea of the Court of Errors and Appeals, and t.ns posiuon h> held lor ?nefn years. Attar the Outbreak oi the war ne became an unflinching re paMican. In ne *as eicaied Mayor of tbe city of Bergc-n. in 11.3 he ?vju annotated t?y the l/?yi-latur' a ineaj:te." u i lie Board o; Public Wurts an>i became President or that Bo-rd, tfi" r<?rauty and irau J-. in Which l e ai?a>Tigorunsi* opposed. Last year be was the repub;ica.i aooiiBc* ior '4avor 01 Jersey City, t'Ut was 4 fie a e by Mr. lraphawen, rb<; present inc itnt> 'tit. At ti e iui? oi uis dea'h tie w*s cs i lent of 'he Board ol Regents oi the lJud*oa < ouaty Ii * ital and a vestrjma.-i of St. fa U's Kpi.-< opal ceurch, wi.ere tb? fun-ral -er?i?-e will b" held. It is sntde'etit to -ar ot the career i.i trie deceased .at hie nau-e -ar never nr<? dnceiara e upright or honorable man. It was Bis lather wbopr-ao.ied the fnaerai oration the reuiittos of Hooe.t Pulton ib omI Pamus Hook, t Jersey i .tj. jri>GK w. i. r. w vanxs. or bab&tooa. Jod?ie w. L. F. Warren, oae nf tbe oldest a'.d most eminent c.tiz?ns or saratoja, N. V.. died at fits rekideti<-e in -aratoga. on t ie evening or Pnnday, the 334 inst. II was eighty- wo year* of a?re. Ih s eniliK Bt Jur ?t w?? 10 rneriy a law r>sr ier or J'.i/e ? owen, N. Hi,I and William a. U'a !?. He beid several pr^uiinent judicUi ( ffl .es for n?ar,y tmrty years. H >3f. AL.BKRT nUSm Ffon. Albert Peanng died at his residence at Fl curiam, Man, yesterday, 24 n last., at tbe air or se.enty-eevea years. Tbe de-easei at tained p ommenee in pontics as an mflientlsl worker la the rank- or the o n whig party, but, with the exception ?f hoidinn a state Senatorshlp, He uertr fille t aoy pnbile offlte. as a merchant he was one of tbe raoai prominent snd liberal men In the state or Ma-sac:.usetts. Durinir ins 'if? be contributed over $j..'j.uou to various societies. THE 2AMM.VNY SOCIETY. a special meeting or tbe Tammany Society or Columbian Order was beid last evening at tne Wigwam, in Fonrreentb street, firand Sachem Augustus Scbell lu the chair. Rachems elect Wil liam c. Conner and John Kelly were dnlf Installed, all tne imposing eereiuonies of tne order. At a subsequent meeting of the Council of Sachems Mayor Wickham was elected Father ol the Council anicunt ier K. Ac kermanrlbe. I herewaeno election of lirand >acoem. and therefore Mr. An irnstus scneli uolda over lu that capacity for tbe preseui >ear. 'J HE WEATHER YESTERDAY. Tbe following record whi show 'be '?nances o tne tempemrurs for the ( aat twenty-four boors, in companion wi<h the correspond rig date of last } esr, as indicated by tne i n- nuometer at Huttnut'S Pbarraacy, Hki 11.0 building ? 1ST*. Ihia. 1 *T4. 1S7A. ? A. M f.o Oi 8:m r M.... ?-J so I ? A. M 57 ?<i f, f. M A# 7.'. 1 8 A. M 63 70 ? P. M. 67 S7 12 M 66 71 12 P. VI 56 66 Average tem;?ratnre tester ta? f? ? Average temperature for corre-pcir.uing date i laat year ??;. CCEAN STEAMERS. DATES or DKraKTTRE >ROM NEW YOHI FOK MONTHS OK WAY iND JUNE. Sbatner. | >aiU. j&Mill(lfic/i.| Ofirt. Russia jMav 28. i Liver pool. *ri?ta Mav -7.i imninuni. r Caland iM.iy 27. | Rotterdam City ol bru -c.*.. 1 M iy 29., LiverpouL. J-KTPi May '.It. Liverpool. Brtunnlc >May 39.1 l.iveruooi. Villa tie raris.... Mar 38. Havre Nectar |Ma> ;:9. Bremen.... Uciivia iMuv 29.iiilu.-k'i.w,.,|7 BowlingGreen ? minir .?..IJlUWBiM 4 How lm/ tlreen nl Broadway 50 Broad war. ifi Broauway t?( tsroaawav 19 Broaawav. o? Broad war Bowling ilreen Bothnia Kioto ot Indiana Canada 1 hurtmna Germanic City ot Cnester.. The Queen Mosel Kivmu. Abvsainta 1'omtin rama..... .?tine 'uue June .1 II 111! Jane June June June lune ' unu June 10. Liverpool Liverpool.. Glasvow .,. (Union... . Hamburg.. Liverpool Liverpool Liverpool.. Bremen... Uiargow... Ll veronoi. Uamburtr. in broad wav. 4 Bowling ttreeu Ti Broad ? ay. t>9 Broadway, til Broadway. 19 Brosdway. !'? Broauway. tiy Broadway. '! Bowling Oreen ' Bowling Green 4 Bowline Green HI Broad war. Man* I June 10.1 Hotter.tam i 6t> Broad way. Adriatic Oltv ot Parla... i-pam i'ercire flonsti Idaho Italy Algeria.. Mate ot ueoriria. I tielleri Celtic Cltv of Berlin... Main |June 19 Ko.'Unite Cltv ot Rlchmon I Kranee Slate ot JVnnsy a tune 12. J uue 1.'. nine 12. June 1'-'. Juue 12. June ]'? June 13. June 16. June 16. luue 17. Juue 19. June 19. Liverpool.. Liverpool.. Liverpool.. Havre..... Bremen. .. 1-iverDool. London Liverpool. Glasgow... Hatntiurtr.. Liverpool. Liverpool 19 Broadway. IS Broad war. t>9 Broao waV. !b Brnadway i Bowline Green H9 Broad wa?. t>9 Broad wav ? Rowling tiroan 72 Broaa wa.y. ?1 Broadway 19 Broad war IS Broadway. Bremen.. ..Ill Bowling Gree 3 June 'j(t. i Liverpool. >uue 2ti. Liverpool.. June 2t>, Havre Juuu 'M.,Glasgow... 19 Broad way. In Broadway. V> Broadway 72 Broadway. trf NOTTCK TO CAPTAINS OK VES8BLS ENTER ING THE PORT OK NEW YORK AT NIGHT.?The Nitw Vouti Hkkald 1ms adopted a distinguishing Cotton eight signal for use on board tbo Hkbalp seam yacltt, show ing while burning the colors red, grecu. red. chanzlng trout oue to trie other in succession, and can be Men sev eral miles distant, i aptaiui ot veaael* upon seeing this tlgnal will oblige us by preparing any marine uewa they may uave lor the slilp News JJcpartinent of the HsiULO. Persons deairous of communicating with veaaels arriving at New York can do so by addressing to such vessels, care ot Hkkai.p news yacht, pier No 1 East River, New York. Letters received from all parts of the world aud promptly delivered. Duplicates are re quired. ALMANAC FOE NEW YORK?THIS DAY. ?17 V AND MOON. Sun rines 4 ."56 Sun ?eta 7 lu Moon rises. ..morn 12 U0 HIGH WATKR. Gov. Island..morn 11 53 Snud.r tlooK.uiorn 11 05 Hell Gate eve 1 as PORT OF XE\Vr YORK, MAY 24,1875. CLEARED. Steamer Great Western (Brj, Windham. Bristol?W D Morgan. Steamer Bristol. Wallace. Pulladetmia?'ames Hand, ttcati'er Eleanoru. Jotinson. Portland?.' V Ames ship Xaiwinf (Br), Wilson, SUaugnai?Chaa l Wright A i o siup Alice M Minott, Whitmore. fan Kranciaco?sutton A Co. Bark Assyria (Br). Kaston, London?Blakslee A Lewln. ttars. I'ro. rei- Nor). Olsen, Cork or FaluiouUi lor or ders?C 1'obia- A Co. llark Henrietta Behn (Ger), Wupper, Hamburg? !? unci*, '.dye A Co. Bark Germania Port). Pelltca, Oporto?Hagemeyer 4 Bruiin. Bark Sospir (Aug), Barbarovich, Odessa?Hlocovich & Co. Bsrk Lucille Br>. Andrews, Cette?Wm Ingalla. Bark Rocket. \tkin?on. Porto Cabello?J Agostlni. Bark Hancock, King, Liuuawick, Ga? Miller it Hough ton. Brtj? Queen of the Meet <Br>, Witheridge, Sydney, NSW?R W t'amerou A Co. Ui 1^ Prince^- B. itrlce (Br), fairamons, Polnt-a-Pitre? H A vata'ile * Sou. Biig innie iU?n , Brown, Cardenas?Jas E Ward A Co. *ehr llattia Haskell, Hewitt, Kan Bias?Owen Bren nan. Schr Norman, Suilth. St Kitta and a market? C W Ber ta tt x. Se.lir W ll Van Name. Holmes. larpan Bay?B J Wen U- rg. schr California (Br), Nlckeraon, Yarmouth, NS?J A Jans-en. schr J K Chandler (Hr). Pettis, Windsor, NS?D R He Wolfe A Co. i-ctir Harold (Br), Hansen, St Andrews, NB? Ileney A Par ker. sonr W H .fines, Kin v. t'?rn?nilina?A Abbott. i-cnr lieorge A I mily. Hill, Portland?B J Weubcrg. Sclir Balloon, Caru r, Boston?C ll Low. Schr Mary K Whorl Whorf. Wellflaet?St John A Av TV. Sctir Harvest, Corwia, Providence? H W Jackson A Son. AillilVAljS. KEPOKTKD BT THK HERALD STt!Alf YACHTS AND I1EKALD W-'ITKjJTUJI? TRLBJRAPH LIN*. Klrnmrr Canlma mri. i*! in 1.11 Bermuda May 71. witn tudae an i f V passenger* to A I'. Oaierbrtdge. strainer Rlcbttonl, Keilv, Baltimore. with nidae and PMsangefatn Hie Old Dominion -team?hiD Civ ttark I.'im/io i llal>, l'arl mi. /.ante labdsvs, witn to Kuncb. Kiiyr <t Co Passed Gibraltar March 10; had light wind* and calui* most ol the passage. Hark Ann (Auti, I'ercicb, Mur??':i!o? .1.! days, In ballast, to Mocov ch l Co: michored at -andy Hook tor orders. HrU Malilde He'laif.iinha (Itall. Sturlesa, Dublin 45 days, in ballast to Sio ovicli A <,o. flrirf linmscolato .Maria >ltal). PerUlo, Cette Wdavs, with aulw to Kunch. hdva k Co. Pataad Gibraltar April 1; May 17. 1st X. 1 , Ion 71 30. Dated acbr Loreno io' Portland), steering *. Rrlk* Ads, H Ha'ls (of Annapolis. NS), Roger* Bar bad us ti 'la - ?it.i ?ugar and ui to order; vessel to .-now A Burgi-sa. liiig fcoatua Hr). Long. Arroyo. I*R. 12 day*, with suiar ;.nd in >!a?*et to '.a.way A Caaado; vessel to to. 1 k llm> ken. bri/ Arctic to! Annapolis, N Brlnton, Cardenas 10 day*. wiUi su.'sr lo Brown Bros; vessel .o Heney * 1'aiser. _ Brig Albertl (of Jonesport). Hinckley Cardenas 10 day* ? ith -ugar and moiasses to Kaowlton A Co; vessel to inas er. tfri* k K Buttler (Br). Will an*. Clen'negos, 17 day*' wlui molasaes to Jova A <'o i vevel to waster Hi.g ( ompeer tBr>. K ?. -t .Tago, U days, with ingar to Brooks A <'o. ve??el to ma?ter. Sclir Volon'.eer iBr . Join- r. Palermo 51 day*, with fruitto <1 F Bailev. Patard Gibraltar April IS. hi lir Oliver. Panned, M.r* .'una 1 ay i2, with logwood to Thackeray A Co. vesiei to Youngs, -mith M Co. Spoke Hit It, tat Jl, l?.n 74 s<-hr I-ou.-a troni M <racalbo lor .New Vo'k '1?t, lal JS Ion 71 i0, bark L G l,iflow (Hr1. trom Belfast. I. for Baitimo-e schr h t. Kaeiett. Annus. fortune Island 9flsys. with d re wood. A'. to Wti-. a amiius. April 17. on the outward Adolph Knutn, eooa, was knocked overioarl bv the lore boom a ltd dron tie |: May l". .at 2* J4 Ion 77 0?, saw * lir - srr.e C Mll<*s, hence lor Green Tnr'le Cays l*th, on Fortune Island, ?p< ke acbr William Douglas, henre lor Ba-acot. la nays ou S ir Florence K?aer* II irt .n, CiecfUcg*, 30 days. With -u?ar t A G f owler; >es?el to <4 lire Bros. scur ran na ol Portland >en>v, ? ilh&rian II dars, with iiioiasses to Vovi i .iylor A Co; vess^-l to J E Hard A t'O. >ehr Provdet ee, Idee, Sarna IS daja, with sugar to Toun^s Mtuih A ? o ??ei to master ri< nr Ada U -*iort and. Doatie, U*rar >a 9days, with fruit to l-?:iac K ?tapie*. > hr Linn A w. i?1>. Sa* t*\ Ttsrseoa. 10day?, with fruit to .1 * ? Pearsil , va<i?l I J We-i etir Mwtn ian? >'>t ^?>??u, UoOerts, Uentnera I days, wi'li (noes to J Kneas : r list it < at J, ?.?ore. Ja'??onyille, with lumber to ma.i' r. -1 hr I F Towniend, Wilder, triiming'on. NC 4 days, with naval ? ore*, to Jed Fr-.e k < 0. May ti. Cape Hat ter is -w ainiile*, ? iw n athr l ottom ?p, * 'li toiemast al in:;?IJe apt aretitly tin' ast ort tune 111 that canditlon. .-chr i.J Hamilton. Kiehmand. -ehr .1 ? M m ire. - wilt. Vtrri ia. echr II W l,sw*. Laws, Vir^i! la. M hr H'lra Corti*. Curti*. Virginia. frhr Km na White. Jelot, Virn nia. srhr .-aiiv Ann. Boyd, Virginia. ???t?r Wm ri*r?, Or'en. Vlr/una 8-hr < H Malie?fin. <>l?en Virrinl* h' hr Herscnel, Chambers,' town. DO. hchr Whi ney luring. Ha>es. p.altlmore for llndson. Schr Oaorge Atno*, Bu ser. Portland. 7 na?a. with la.nbTto falk .t Hi. hanan; vessel t iiuasU-r, will dia' tnar -e at Handy Hook chr I.ue> K Cogswell, Lea, Portland 3 daya, with lum er ta nisstar, >ehr <?#o Wlliaed 'fisherman', WHiard, 4S boors oat, with idU ?> maekereis. -r hr Highflyer (Hibernian). Oodlrey. S days oat, with 7,'KW inaekeral ? hr Francis M Urlng (fisherman), Kdwarda. 2 day* out. witn ii),i*m inacAor^t chr (J W hr ,*n risherman , Thurlow, 4 days out, witn i.v?> mifner l. s nou 1 ir g Bi low (fisherman), Marr, 4 day* oat with d ' bbls ot mackerel. 1 aailu iURoaoFl iisr^u g vr.^ Bot'Np ourn. ^teamer Che*apeake, Wangum, Portland for !few Tork, with in tlx and passengers Mrsiutr 1 IV "i nic ihurg, Springer, New B* llarl for 5*w t ors, mdse an l Daaaeagert cteaai?r t le> tra. tming, Providenea lt?r M* Tork, with unise jn . uaiiengTa I lesl Hr I an 111 e. Jogyins *? -1 for New Vork, 14 <"av*. with 'Piling antl laih to f I Neviu* A -on. f-iihr Alamo, t a iborn lw? it. vers. ..b, tor >ew York, W davs, W|ih .-bliitig to C L !*now .-chr Ida B iiwoee. Baker, Proridence lor liavar ?traw. Benr Daniel Wefcs'er. Kelly, Fall R ver for New Vork. f-ehr ? ra .els Bro?n, D'lane. Pro tide oce lor Uav* emraw .-??h ?ed Jacket. As-ery. Provl lenee for New Vork. -rnr Kippie Brown. Mantacket i?r .New Vork, with fi li to K .gers * I <1*arls. Mhr Mason Itofera, Abrams, Providence for Mew Tor*. .-chr B D Pitts, William'in. Whltford tor Hohoken. !>clir L?r W K Powers. Hauiidirs, Itorwa.k for N?W Tor*. fehr Brandywine, King. Pro?1denee for lew Vork. schr J D Innrshsin. iitckiasoD, Middletown, Gt, for Phllad* Iphia nahitone. ?<'iir K A 1 nieord. 1 Isrk, Bridgeport for "?ew Vork. *chr 1 ncle loin. I<ook, Mw Its van lor New York. Hf hr GlanwooL Hall ek. Ilartiord lor New York. h lir 1 f'Uiie A Boardman, .Norwool, .vw Haven for Hew York. -chr Walter H Tborndlke, Coalman. Bridgeport for VorIk -olir M M Bralnerd. Pleven*, Portland. Ct, tor Hew Tork. with atone to urle* Sehr Kilan .# Di* loid^Waynor. Portland, Ct, tor ftw Tors Willi stone to A Vuting A i'o. .-chr A Ttrrell, lasoa. Provulen e for New Torn. Bchr fdia* itos*. Lew it, Wic?r rd lor New York Schr Kim i/ity, Kelly, lladdain lor >aw York. With atone to order. Kchr Beriha. fThnover, Providence for few Vork. schr Joseph Far rail, Orejory, Bridgeport lor New Tork. i hr Rebecca A Harriet, liawkm*. Hartford for New Tork. schr Bn< keye. Leggett, Providence for New Vork. -<~hr lleator. I'en<ll> ton, Macl.ia* for Kondout, with spiling. schr Nightinirato, Vaang. Providence for New Vork. hchr ? n Wniith, snow, VVarebatn lor New Tork, with nsli? to Parker Mills. schr Willow Harp. Qoyt, Providence (or New Tork. tchr Tatiltba A Haniiati, Owao. Naw Haven for New Tors. schr Brunette Rleb, Rock Jtiaad for New iorlb Rrhr B H Warford, ftpragoe. Pawtocket for New York. Selir -parkle. Shropshire, Providence lor New York. Schr Copia. Wesi New Bedtord inr New York. bchr nickinan, Bowman, Pawtooket for New York. Sehr Heading Kit No 16, Adams, btomngloil tor Phila delphia. j Schr Annie < haao, Terry, Orient Tor New York. bchr Id, Kelly, < alms lur New York, with lum ber to Ueevrs .v Co. cnr Carrie iVuitei, Pitcher, Providence for New York hr Vapor. Ptnou, Providence for lloboken. Schr H r Potter. Potter, Hartford lor New York. Schr l*otter 4 Hooper, Uxadbury, Providence lor Hav ers t raw. So Ur Sarah Kli/abeth, Lewis. Hartford ior New York, i chr Kdwin Coll> r, Mminons, Uartlord lor New York. Schr Helle Simmon, Provide nee i?r New YorK. Srlir vV K daine*. Beach, Norwich tor New York. i-'ohr Perlne slieffleld. Htonineton for New York. Kriir ?? ii Town-end. hippie, Bristol lor New York. Schr Marv Nktt. Parker. New London lor Rondout. schr ./ erry, Morrison, Kail ttiver for New York. bchr Cordelia Newkirk, Simmons. i'awtucket for New York. Hohr K C Irwin Providence tor New York. bchr John *stocShaui. Ilart, Providence tor New York. S< hr linoKeue Diveity, Hani, Providence for New York SchrThoa Patten. Hand. Fall River for New York. bchr Ifla, lieering Kail River for New York. Schr H 1* Ely, Mokes. Providence for New York. Schr Golden Kagle, Kelly. New Bedford tor New York. Schr Delphi, Alien, Newport for Sew York. Hclir J Potts, Priuuey, Provldeuoe for New York. Selir 1. O Welli, Wells. Providence lor lloboken. sctir Jus l.ngllsh. Parker, Pawtucket for New York. BchrSurue Warwick. Morwalk lor New York Schr Transit. IHvis, Somerset lor New York. Schr Tunis Depew, H.iker. Providence tor New York, Schr Cobaasrit, nrackett Providence lor New York Schr Lacon. Kitzpairlck, New Bedford for New York. Bchr saarbrock, ? Inrk, Boston for New York. Schr Phoebe Elizabeth, .Mapes, New Bedford tor New York. i-chr Messenger, Dean. Taunton for New Y'ork. hr Uolden liable. Kelly, New Bedford for New York. Schr Vir'oria, hall, Providence tor New York. Sehr ilml Anthony. Trotah, Providence for New York, bchr Keystone. Tliorntou. Calais for New York, with lumber to Simpson, t'lapp A Co. i ehr James Habcock, Kelly, New Bedford for New York. bchr Connecticut. Dehart, Providence for New York. Schr Sarah Bruen, Petty, Providence for New York, Schr Naiad Qu en, Smith, Somerset fur New York. Schr Aliita. Knowles. Ka;l River ior New Y'ork. Schr runny side. Ward, New f.ondon for New Y'ork. bchr Harriet A Sarah, Prentiss, New London for New I York. eclir President, Shermrn, Mystic for New York. Schr Nellie Thompson, Bradford, Providence for New 1 Y'ork. schr Haze, McNamee, Greenwich tor New YorK, with atone to order. i-ctir J N Ay res. Provost, Stamford for New Y'ork. ScUr Pair V\ iad, iluwiunn, New Uedlord lur New York. BOUND BAST. Steamer Kleanora Johuson. New Y'ork for Portland, steamer Bolivar Goer. New York for New London. ScUr Harold (Br), Jolmson, New York lor St Aunrewa, Nii. Schr Ilenry Gibbs, Coffin, Hoboken for Wareham. Schr Connecticut, - teeliiinti, Koadout tor Norwich. Schr .Susanna,. milh, Bondout tor salem. Schr Harvest Home, lloitgkliu, >ew Y'ork for Boston. Schr Wigwam, Kane, New Y'ork lor Millbridge. Schr Challenge, i'erry. New York tor Greenport. Schr 1. l aniek Smith, lloboken tor Providence. ."?i lir Seaport. Kldndge, Ho o*eu lor Newport. schr mumh U, Arnold, Kilzabetliport lor Som erset. schr Emma White, Delaliunty, Virginia for Hemp. > stead. ,-thr S K Lane, Fuller, lloboken for Y'armonth. Pchr S E Bell, Sammis, New York lor Hnrtford. Scur 0 Siauiey. Beers, New York for Din Island. Schr Viola Mav, Owen, New York t;>r Pembroke. Schr Maria Fleming, Pord, Hoboken for Providence. Schr Helen Mar, Nickerson. Virginia for Providence, j Schr Subsi' Thompson, Weehawwen tor Boston. bchr Heury Crosby, Perry, Weefiuwken lor Provi dence. Sclir Adele Felicia, Sherwood, Newburg for Norwich, schr liazletoii. Pendleton, Hodokci. tor Providence. Schr Silas Wright, Hart, hi iza belli port for i* roi ulcnce. Schr E i'haro. Sherman, Ellxabetboort lor Apponaug. Scbr Susanna, Pickering, Rondout lor Salem. sAiusa Steamers South America, lor Rio Janeiro, Ac; Albe- ' marie, 1-ewcn, iJel; ships Caroline iBri, London; Ber- , taux i HT>. Liverpool; barks Boomerang (Br;, do; lizzie , 11 Jackson, Valparaiso: Urvar odd iNon, Ainsteraain ; ; Proapcriuo Palazzo titaij. London; schr W H Van Name. Tarpan itay. OUR MARINE CORRESPONDENCE. N iiwport, Rl. May 34, 187.V Schr Joseph K Howard, Howard master, of and from St.iohn, Nil.for Philadelphia, arrived tnts AM in distress. The captalu makes the following report:?Kvuning of l.Hth, in the South t hauneL, ? ape Ood bearing WnW 20 miles dur.nK a heavy NK gale and a hear}'sea run ning. in hauling to carried away foremast six leet below the crosstrees; set fly in; jib on head of the foremast on l'Jth; cairied that until night of -Hth, when, the wind Mowing hea> llj from ->W. carried away balarire ol lore- j nia-i close to tfce deck: at the same tim?> the lorcastle (leek was three tect deep with water, which poured : (In n the places In 'he deck lett open bv the broken rna.\andb\ morning mere were dve feet oi water in the hold; also -am< night broke mainmast In the mid dle. the slays above named and two preventer stays aft nil V preven ing it koimi; by tne bosril : at the same tune , the malntopinast was broken oft about bait way down; pumped ihe \v,?el oui AM illst. and. the weather having moderate 1 ringed two jib>tavs and lumper stay from heal ol maiiiiu.tst lo tne bowsprit ana with ihe aid ot t? ?> jibs and aitersiils were enabled to reach Newport Sc hr Annie K i.atou. before 'eported a?nore on Bi,>ok Island, has nearly all gone to pieces her keel gonu ashore on Ihursrfay. Capt Langley has discharged ihe crew, bin he tnuwli still remains at the wreck tor the purpose of saving everything mat is posaibie. Her au ch rs, chains, sails, rigfing ami topmasts have been I saved. She is par'ialiy insurea an I John Cogifeshall, the underwriters' Mil, ha* gone to t&e island tuliivev tigaie the ma'ter. Ever sin-e stie wentasliore mere has 1 heen a very heavy sea runolng, and the wreckers c<>nld not work u ou her but a tew hour* at a time, she waa a line ve-?el. tieing only U months old. ihe Coast Wrecking Co durnu the past week have made good progress in discharging thv cargo of scrap ? I lronoftbe !utiken bark Bessie Kogcrs. MARITIME MISCELLANT Kf Bee cable nem flair Ajrni?Fw .lonaaoa, which wa* reported a* sailed from l.otja- lor hurope, anil aubeeqaentlv >i>oken, pa*atd ftfirM Monroe iltli bound tu Baltimore. I'tiatfli Id at, Man Francisco May 18 from New \ or*, report*April 27 OM Kofon. a native ol bwedt u, lell on iTboard aud waa drowned. fciiK W F McKbwbn. a' llaltiikiore on Saturday from Baliatnaa, encouufred tieavv ? allirr m t:,e (iulf btrcani; lo*. toproasi and uprung iiialnmaat. carried nwat liyin< jit -<tiay and loat tlyiiu jib, auu hadhLad rail* rnmf-- ! away. Stun J W ("Loaaav. Of Br"-.ok!iaven. from TTobokcn fi>r Newnort. with a car/o ot en. a.o u-ijr a Irai off New Haven >>n Midday night and pat tuto New Looduu vn MouJav. [raking ab^ui iOU stroke* per hour. Hcbb Ftoatn*. at Portland '.4 h m*t from Joneaport. wi It wood. wa- tripped by tl.r ?ea off Halfway Hot-* and loat pari ui ncr deck mad and bad cabin Ailed with water. Hcaai-nt Mar 31-Thn ahlp Screamer ha* landed at thia port ?h in! 3U0 loiia mar le. e * alltp i harlotte, an I if the weather . -o\. - lavoraMe another luday? will aee it all out ol wa'er. *av si tons. tULlrax, MayThe goo-l* eared from the ?!eamer Alhamora were much damau'd by ??;?huic alter the wreck. Ihey have been ratued for wrecker* Itiean i h r-. chain?. * of t ie Alnambra were aold at iucuuq on ?atnr.l*y and realized fool price*. U? lUe government a earner . aiyllead haileftona vriHit ??i tin- lighthouaea on the ea?'- rn Khore. ?iiir A K McKenale arrived to da/ with a cargo from th? > recked it*: iiuer Aliiatnbra. ro*Tt.a*o (Oregoni, May 12 Brig '>ri"Ot whlla aallng out iroin >hon wat*r Hay a few daya a.nre, ?u becaita ei and drilled a hor* be ve??el atnea laat on the md . ?n 1 Tom the aira "1 Doaltlon 111 which -he waa Placed tiie holt* were start) I. oatnm ?a? worked out of the m'hihi and 'h- buil illicd with watar. Tha brut til,all 1 on at liiuh tlja. Vt*hv?i?n Ha* as. Mav Z5 Krhr Oe< rue A Pleree. from ftalem tor Sew Yora. >tr?' k on Nantacaet nhoalayes terdav and ii;iurnd her centre board ; stopped bara i ea terdav lor repairs. ? Schr \r (jnlpa, of Olnwoter before reported a*hore on tioveltnl Mlioala. wa? got ort .hm towed here to day tutt i.i witu by ectir Florence K I'owcri. ecnr M i, Sew Vo k inr Provincetown, etrocK , on the Hedge lenu - hfeoal .aet night, an i renamed until ?tin* noon, when aha .-.u- ol! and arrived hare Una a tiermml SPOKEN. Ship Helicon, n .we*, trom Sew York for San Fran rl?' o. Arril 17. lat 31 -. Ion ") i. ?ti p l/-bu Hr . MrKenaie. from Liverpool for Ban Fraio i- o. April 4 lat 1 h 8, Ion 29 li w. Inp "M l.awipn< e iBr>. .lohtnon, from '-an Franrlero via Acapulco tor yue> ottown, April M, latft .1, ion lil 1U "hip Si - >ohn Msndcviile fKr). from Calcutta for B?a> ton. Mat I.'., ,ai .Mi > loo !ii .? liark troni Saw fork tor BarbBdoa, May la, la I a li, .on rate Kark (Sutenoerc (Ueri, O^riarh, from Bremen for Bal tl.i ? A :.r11 V Int Mil. Ion A I?? Bark < <vlon Hum Uoa'.on for llonolala. May 1. lat xl 3 ' V. ton i W. Brig Hfrk.i iig ('ier , Kanten* from Liverpool lor Wi' n M\ Apr I Ji. lat ? ' Ion 8 ?ctir Maufie i. i n-.n Hondieti from .-ao Fruciaeo 1 tor Tahiti. May t, lat ii 10 >. ion i.'ftXo W. NOTICE TO MSKniAS rt AND CAPTAINS. Merchant*, ?h nr>tng agoota an I shipmaster* are la ?ornied that by teii-grapiiiag to thi ilaa*i.o Londoa bureaa. No 44 Fleet, or to tha Pant aflea, Kue Scribe, the arrival* it and departure* from t-.u ropean and Kaatern port* of American an l ail foreign ! ve*ela trading with the Unite 1 <ttatoa. the same will be ; cabled to thia country free of charge and publlahel, captain* arriving at and aailm^ Irom French ani Mediterranean port* will fln 1 the Pari* ofllee the more economical and expedition* for telegraphing nu wa OUB C.VBLE SHlPPUfa NEWS. B*orwr*?nArri?, May 23? Arnrei, ahlp Oarlhaldi (Nor). 11 oyer, ra*r.agonla via ship laland for Dordrecht; bark Ocean (Ger), Paniaen, Darien tor da Baltic I'ort - Arrived, hark Hope (Nor), fctoeaen. Sa vannah via Copenhagen (aea below). Bonos Araaa, May 22-Arriveo, ahlp Whittier. Swap, New York for Han Francieeo 'aee belowi. Calcutta, Mav ?? bailed, ahip Britiah Navv (Br), At klnaon. New York. In port May U. ahlp Olive S tonthard, Walker, for Hew York. bcffDKc May a?Arrived, bark Reindeer (Br), Wiikie, Portland. 0, iM'ai.m May XV?Armed, bark oarlhaldi dtal), Taa ?nl. Balttmoro. hailed rd, harka Iona (Br). Horn, t'nited tatet; Abra ham Young (Br), tarnaworth. do; Jorgan Lorenta?a (Nor), Pe ieraen, do. in viiRa, May II?Ballad, bark Alf (Nor). Ihornaen, t'nited - tatea. F*rAB>?Satlld, hark* Kate W|Uia?i?. Ilaie, Boaton, Ad dlaon, Mat, do. Utru Mar M?Arrived, brig Dliding (Nor). Jorgenaen, Wilmington, NU, HAntrao May ?!?flailed, bark Bengal (flwej. Ec? ?UOW. UDlfd SUtCft Havrb. May 21?Railed, ship Francis P Huge. Orquharl, United states; brig H C Sibley, c'olson do. II off a Kong, May 23?Arrived, steamer China, Phillip. Ban Francisco. Liverpool. May W? Arrived. ships Kent (Br), Griffith*. New Orleans; Cashmere (Br), Thompson. New York; Halden (Nor), Jarobsen. Pensarolu; barks John s Harris i?r , James, New Orleans; Northern Chisl (Hrj, Miller, Savannah; bri^ Zawia (Nor), Oiiiuudsen, Wilmington, NC. Arrived 24th, ahlp British Kiug iBr), Qninne. San Fran clsco. Hailed 23d, ships Edward O'Brien, Rroalley, Callao; A A K Lovltt (Br), Wiley, l imed states; bams Eyr (Nor), Laminers, do; Aurora (Nor), Andersen, do; Wave (jueen tBrr, Wilson, do; Expreso (Itul), Ferraro, <lo. Also salted 23<i. barks Walter Armlngton. Jr. Hooper, Baltimore Brazos, Fuller, New York (not2ist). Mak.skillki?Sailed, brig ban Rail'uele (Xtai). Cai-ace, New York. Madras?"-'ailed. bark Annie W Weston, Wlnsor. . Palermo?sailed, brigs San Pletro (Ital), Lauro, New York; Fidelia, White, do. (juucNSTowh. May 23?Arrived, t'ark* Prvl Dubrovackl (Aus), Pernio, New York; Nordstlernen (Nor), Jensen, do; Kathleen (Br), lilsted. Darlen; briu Bnos (Nor1, Koyen. New York: sohr Voyager \Br), Uomphrey, Phil adelphia. Arrived 24th. barks Enlalla (?w?), Bergstrom. Phila delphia; Figll Aceame (Ital), Plouella. New York. Also arrived 24th, 4 PM, steamer Algeria (Br), Mc MlRKan, New York. Also arrived 24th, 6 PH. steamer Celtic (Br). Kiddle. New York for Liverpool. Hrtai., May 22?Arrived, ship Lorely (Nor), Marcusen, New Orleans. Rangoon, May 22?Sailed, ship Storm King. Boyd. Liv erpool. Rio Janeiro, to Mav 22?Arrived, bark Peter C War wick (Br). Kline. New York. WATBaroRD, Mav <3?Sailed, Dark J P Berg (Son, An* derson, Baltimore. Arrived In the English Channel 23d, bark Oram ?Br), Me Williams. Wilmington, NC, tor Rotterdam. London, May 24?Ship Wbittter, Swap, troin New York lor San Francisco, put into Buenos Ayres May 22 with lire on board. A tug had gone to ncr assistance, 'l'lie vessel will probably be saved. She has a large assorted cargo. Bark Hope (Nor), Stoesen, from Savannah, at Baltic Port, lias discharged 121) bales oJ cot ton in a damaged condition. FOREIGN PORTS. Alcoa Bat, April 1ft?In port, bark* Springbok (Br), Isles, tor New York. Idg; Geo J Kemp iBr , Taylor, and ,l A Brown, Greenish, uucj brig Golden Fleece (Br), llarmileu, lor Montreal. Batavia. April 1?In port ship Moonlight, Waierhouse, for New York; bark Goodell. Crockett, uuc. Bombay, April 19?III pori, ships Atricana (Br), Jordan, and Greenock (Br), Walker, lor Now York, Idg; Tabor, Taylor, for Havre do; CarondeleL Stetson. tor London, do; War Spirit (Br). Duncan. fordo or New York, do; Malesilc, Miuot, and Htowwll Brown (Br), Anderson, lor Liverpool, do: bar* Milo, Kruchl, lor Mantmnln. Hinsui Amen. April IA?In port schr Dora L Prindall, Minot. lor Antwerp. BanaoDA. May 18?Arrived. aches Minnie Laurie, - pear, Phil nleluhia; 1 ttli, Nelli# M Know, .-now. Button. mailed 15tb, brigs Anna (Br). MeKenny (Itoin -t Mar Una). Locknort, N.s 17th, Mx 1-reres I Mri. Boudrais (lroiu Dcmerara , St Johns. N r'(both having repaired!. In port Mav 20, barka Eliza Bursa (Br). Vescy, for New York same day ; Harvest Moon. Kylev. to be tola at pub lie auction ; Siella (Br). I'errv. wig orders. Batuukst. Ml. May 12?Arrived, bark Josephine (Br). West, New York. Cam*. Mav S? rn port brig Marv Fink. Dyer, imm Co rutin*; stbrs Win R Drurv. Thompson, from Brunswick, urrlved lit- Wm M Jones. Davis, from almeria. arrived April 29: Ella M Slorer, Wade, caiidkma*, May'21?Arrived, brigs John Pierce, Tonn .send. Wilmington; Deborah 8 f-oule, Soule, Philadel phla; 22d. bsrk* LavinU, Davis, New York, Yutnuric (Br), Carlisle, do. Hailed 2Sd. harks J S Wlnslow, Davis, Falmouth; Mary McKee, isharn. north ot lla term: brigs Emma L Hall, l'erry, do; Reaper (Br). Long, do; schrs vbhie Dunn, Fountain, do; Fruncouia, Lsavitt, do; Ariadne, Dyer, do. Cucwkcbgos. May 19?Arrived, brigs Carrie Puringion. Wbilteinore. Boston; Fidelia (Hr). Young, Shields; Edith (Hr), Miller, Kingston, Ja, 20tb, Chieftain <Bi). do; Teviot (Br), Wilson, Boston. Palled "21st bark Teres* iBr), Kohl, New York; briir M P llarrinvlon (Br), Stewart, do; schr Matilda M (Br), Merriam, Boston. Havams, May 22?Arrived, steamer Gussle. Simpson, Indluuola (and sailed 2tth for do); bark Caiharien, Hop kins, Irooll. 24th, steamer Yuoo. Barrett, New Orleans; schrs Brigadier, .Norton, Philadelphia; J itlcardo Jova. Little, New York. Arrived 24th. sdeamer Colon. Tanner, New York (so re ported?the C clears! from New York lor Asplnwall). vailed 22a, steamer City ot Vera Crux, Deakin, New York brig Havana. Meyer, do; 24th. bark* Minnie Hunter, Woedman, do; Ldllisn M Vigus Bri, Vigus. Falmouth, K; brig Mangle Vail (Br), Pratt, north ot Lat eras; achr Mary A P.i li. Maguire, do. liALirAZ. May 22?Arrived, steamer Carroll, from Bos ton. Macassar. March ft?Sailed, bark Gerredlna WUbel mina (Dutch), New York. Mikai.oank. May U?In p, rt. brig Kmellne, Chtsholm, from Boston, arrived 7th; K lith. Johnson, from Wil mington for New York. Idg: schrs N J Miller, Harris, from Hoston. arrived 7th. ding; Leccora, Itoinpaon, from and for New York, Idg. Natasha*. M.iy 21?Arrived, bark J H Chadwlc*. flow. New York ; schrs r.nillv Curtis, Barbour, Philadelphia; Cumberland, Webber. Baltimore: Fannie R Williams. Twlford, do: Mirauda. MitclielL do; 23d. barks Norena. Nicho a. Portland; Acacia, And?r?on. Boston; brig O B Stli'insn. Tibbetts. do; schr J W I'offln, St John NB. Sailed 22d. tiaras E.llen Htevens Brown, Haltlm<<re; Carrie K Ixinr. Park, north of Hatteras; brie Clarabelle, Tracy. Baltimore; schrs Elvira, Johnson. New York; Emilia F Hart. Hart. Philadelphia; l.ahana. Houghton, north of Hatteras; .Nellie J Dinstnore. Parker, do; 24tb. steaner Graela (Sp>. Btllltnore. barka George l-aaon fBri. Gunn, New York; Com Dupont, Nlebols, mrth of Hatteras; brlit Waubsn, rtpcncer, New York, acttr Clara Smith. I'aekard. Baltimore. PkAiirraB Cov?, Mav 22 -Passed, bark* James Kitchen fBr\ Reynolds. New Fork lor Pictou; Rlchurd M Chap man (Bn, St Joliu tor do; brig Minnie, Portlaud for Geornetown, PBL Pk'too, ?, Mav 21?Arrived, bark J as Primrose (Br>, McDonald. New Vork. yt-kKDsiowN. May 24?Arrived steamer City of Berlin (Br), Kennedy, Sew York lor Liverpool. ka.ouoos. April 9?In port ships Annie Fiah. Iloffnes, for Europe; Uncle Toby, .-Innetl tof do; Kverson (Bri. Dennis, lor do; storm King. Boid. for do ; Belle Morse, Wbumore, for dotbark Ella Stewart (Br), Peuuery, lor do Rio Grasp*. March 29?In port, bark Peplta, Gatjen, lor Hoston; brigs Henrv Perkins, Harrington, for do; Aurora lor New York. Idg; Fldo, lieu Wen. unc. schr A A ilolton. Smith, lor New York. Kio .iawuiso, April 24-in port, bark Leander (Br), I/Opez. for Hampton Ro*>1s. s?sios, April 19?sailed, bark Agil (Br). Hill, Hampton Roads. MHuaroat, ' pril k?In port ship* Cuba. Theobald, for Burin ah, MaM'da, Carver, uuc; bara* Witch, 1^wis. lor Boston; StanfleUI iBr , Caiuuiing, and Oar Aunl* (Br), Eden, lor New York. SrRi.tAB May 4?In port bark Fsnny f*wi*. F^lwards, for Hoston lodsvs; bru An?toii lucker. lor do do. Sivos's H?t. citil. April IS?In uort, ship Sserauienln, Lane. repg. bars Allen Ilardy, lor Boston, Ids; Reunion. Emerson, irom Table Bay. arrived ItfUi tor Boston, ao. _ _ fr-t HriAii. April 17?Arrived, bark Anna L Taylor, Perelvul, Algos Bay and sailed l9ih tor boston). Passed l*tn. bark Laurel <Brj. Davies. from Yokohama for New Vork. haoua May 21?Arrived, schr Mand, Robinson, New York: -2d. brig M E I?lgliton. Wallace, Boston. ^alled 21st. bsras Nannie T Bell, Mtts, Boston *, J K Rottmann, Kay. u><rth ol Hatteras; Caro. Brooks, do; John Mason. Porter, and George W i.base, Patter son, do Msine a olsbop, Bisnop, do; schr 6us*n B Ray, Endlcott, do. .. _ Svdjist. y B. May 23?Arrived, bark >aaeett (Br), from Mavport; brig Wanderer iBr). do Cable steamer Farraoy by sums accident lost an an chor yesterday. . ^ ? SrJoH.s, Nit, May 21?Arrived, bark Camilla Nor). Clin*t!ttr.??*n, Boston. Arrived M, bark Martha A McNeil, Hat re via Rock land, Me. Cle ired -1st, bark Frednes (Nor), Pedersen, Queens town lor order* called 2-'d. barks Impere (Br). Dublin; Abigail (Br). Liverpool; Frednaes (Nort, Qneeiistown. Clesred. bark Harmone (Kits;, gueenatown ; brig Pro teus. Matanzas. Tasu Hat. April li?In port, brig T Remlrk. Rose, for Cuba (cleared); schr Ariou iGer), Jongeblood, for >esr York, big. AMERICAN PORTS. aI.PXANDRIA, Mar 22-Arrlved, schrs Wm Collyer. Tawiucket, Archer k Reeves. Boston Sailed ?Schr* Geo H Mills Somer-?t; * O TryoO, Bos ton . frsuk Lesmiug. llios W liaven, Joseph Hrsy.nore. ?las II Moore, t Uas Mkwrence, and barah J Bright (from Georgetown). . Honrox, May 22?Arrived, schrs Alpha, fl.inlsbnrv, Hague; L O Hickman. HicKman, Philadelphia; Ruth II Hlierrnan. Wilson, New York. ?Ji ? Arrived, burn armltnto. Moody. Buenos Ayres; schr Cyrus Cbamlierlaiii. llandy, Woodbridge, NJ, Al mlra M Cloutman, 1 hurston, do. 24th?Arrived, slilp Geo H Warren (Br). Rills, Ranjoe m.mgie; bark Albion (rtr), Wyman, Barbados; brigs Kenneth, (Bri. l'Ugan. Rt Johns, PR; Mystic Tie ^Br , l'erry. Cientuezos; s^:hrs. Cnas K Sampson. Gage. Mo bile Geo Nevincer, .-mith. Aleiandrla: Josepn Ilajr, Kuiler. Wm U ( earBorn, cull, and Richard Yaux, Rob inson. Balumore: Jus rt llewett. Foster Philadelphia; A :dle livers .II, Cousins, Weetiuwken; Joseph J Phar ., Cranmer, dot Caien e.aton, nuvage, Baracoa. Also arrived, steamers Roman Croweil, Philadelphia; Gen Whitner, Halleit. New York, Dominion iBr>, Clem ent* larmonth, Ns; bark? i. onnga. Joselyn, Calcutta; Diana Bn, Marwith, Algoa Hay; Alice t.'smpbell. Gor ham, Rossrio; bri;s Ca< ique (Bras), Bento, HioGrandei <?eoHarr)?. Stower", Pones, PK; Morsnev, Hedmond. Inigus: schrs l.snra 1 ( heater, Baker. Port Antonio, Jam. ^usan Scranton. Karr.-ll Glenthert; Oettysburg. Carson, Alexnndria; (.eorge II Mjuire, Haley, George town, OC llallie I. Sampson, Buuker. Baltimore: C P Pomeroy. Brvant do; J M F anag in. Myrlck. Phliadel prui, telegraph, Montgomery. Rondout; Marv Miller, Ka"ter, Weehawken; (hsmpion, -esvy. d#< Wm Flint, Pendleton, lloboken; Reb? a I loreiice. Bich. do ; karla Craumer. Howes, New fork. Below, bark Horace < udder. Trinidad; schr* MR Femerick, and Euos B Phillips. Baltimore, d M Busll, Alexanbrla. Cleared?steamers Nerens, fiesr?e. New York; ship B iTedere, Klrby. do; barka Clbela (Auat), cat taronci h, Queeiutown; Met'unUcook, Hemingway. Barbados; Llixa White, Wo.ton, Malaozas; brigs t han e Br), I'alne, Ht Domingo; J L< Bowen, liail, 1'insa ola; schrs Millie Trim, Drinkwatsr. Jsck.-on viile, 11 Marlor, Wines, Charleston; U N squire, Ilamblln. Rait more. Tla Kennebec River. Sailed ?Ship Siarol Hope and bark Norway. BAI.11MORK, Mar 24?Arrived, steamers Wm Cgane, Ho wet, Boston. Geo W Elder, Reed, New York; ship Bal timore (fieri, Wendehorst. Bremen; barka Agostina H (Ital). Pietrapisns. i eghorn. Arinonia iltal), CalTareno, do; schr* Serene, Jones, tlovernor's Harbor: K*fle T Kemp. Kemp, Eleuinera; Wm McUoanell. McKloley, Pima lelplua. Also srnved. brigs Harry, Barnes. Cardenas; Jas Mil ler. I srxsr, llsvaua, schr Annie Vlrden, Bernard, Cal barisu. 1 leared? Steamer Wm Woodward. Young, New Yor*: schrs Alexander Wiley. Rea liain. Savannah; H With ington, t'rowell, Boston. Annie Amsden, Mutheson. rort lun l James hattertb walte. Wolf. Brooklyn ; J W K night. Fen ton, saybrook, (; A N Rotsrs, Cublierly. Nsw Ua veu; Kiwood Dorun. WarrentoD, New York. Also clesred?oteamer Geo Appold. l-oveland, Boston; barss Sesii Dubrovackt 'Ausj, Uugga, Cork or Falmouth; Vesterliue (Nor), do. _ HBCB wi< K. Ga-Arrivel May a, b?rk Ema B Mil llgan Hr) Mitchell, New York t leared-hohr J M Morales. Mdrldge, Port an Prinre BASH HARBOR. Me Mav '2?AXUVSd gcuf Opblr, hwa. ' huh i?r PkuiadeuiCi*. Silled rrni. achra H K Wetlman, Verrill 8srt>ado#t 18th, Ophir, Benson. Philadelphia. BRls 1OL, May tl? Arrived. achra r T Wearer. Gla<! ding, Georgetown, UO. for Warren; k. A L Cordery. ac, Alexandria. CHARLESTON, May 21?Cleared. schrs Mary Mankin, I.auhuui, Wilmington. Del: Wiudward, tituples. WaldO boro, Me. via Bucxsville, SC. 24th?Arrived, steamer Calvert. Foley, Baltimore. KfcRNlNDIKA, May IS?Arrived, schrs MnuiaC Bali rock. I'orxiliii. Philadelphia; Mary W liupper, Uilluian, do; Miiir A Crammer. Coombs. do. 18th?Cleared, susaintug Godirey Keebler, Shourde* Philadelphia. FORTRESS MOMROE, May 14?Arrived. barks fnr tnna (Por). Dunkirk -e-king; I- G Bicelow iitn, Karri*, beliast, I. do; schr Alexander, trom Dunkirk. <lo. Passed In?Ship Andrew .Johnson, O'Brien, from Lobas. Passed out?steamer Nurtiberg .tier), Irom Baltimore for Bremen; bark l'roubadonr (Br), from Norfolk t'oi Liverpool. KALI. RIVER, Mar 33?Arrived, schr Rachel Seaman, from . Sailed?Schrs NaiuJ Queen, and Messenger. GALVESTON, May iD-Amved, achr Alice Bodgea. Skinner. Tu\|ian. 23d? Arrived, steamer Slate ol Texaa, Bolger. New YorlC via Kev West. Sailed?steamer City of Austin. Eldridge, New York, via Key West. GEORGETOWN, sc. May 18?Arriveo. achr Mary H Stock ha in. Cordery. New York. MOBILE, Majr 22?Arrived, schr Sunny South* lrom . 2itii?Arrived, achr Lizzie iBr), from British West In die s. Cleared?Srhr Manantlco, Randlett, Vera Crux. N -.W OitLh vn.-v Mav 24?Cleared, steamer C W Lord, Colton. Havana and Philadelphia; ship Harmoiua. Small Liverpool; bark. ColuUjsso Deuchatel (Kr>, Uu< pout, Havre. Passu*. May 24?bailed, ships Cretcont City, Tasca gouia ; L B Gilchrist. da Sailed 21st, bark Malta (Br), Liverpool. Also sailed, bark lannyJ McLellan, Europe. Ship Western Euimre is still on tlie bar. steamer Cortes did not sail 23U, but is inside the bart wal'tng to cet cut. NORFOLK. May 22?Arrived, achr Hattie K Oilea, Owen. West Indies. Cleared?Brig Castllian, Owens, Demerara. Railed?Brig Maurlco, teazle, Barbados. MEWBURYTORI. May 22- sailed, achr Edward Lame yer, Mulliken, Mayaguez, PR NEW MKDi OUD, May 21?Arrived, achr Lucy Wheat ley. Baltimore. Sailed 2.3d, schrs Alex Young, Philadelphia; American Eagle, do; Golden Eagle, and Stephen J Woodbuxv, I New York; Boston, do. 2od?Arrivetl ship Marengo. San Frnnclsco; bark Saliet ! (Our), Von Kulierti, St Helena (both with oil on freight); i sclirs llastini.o. Chase, New York ; 8 ++ Hawes, Fort, : Baltimore: S L Thompson, Holland, Rondont. m j Also Sailed?Schr Benjamin English, Cha/e, New York. NEWPORT, Ma\ 21?Arrived, schrs Hattie M Howes. Howes, Oeorgetown, DC; Alida, B^own, and Belle, Bltnp-' : son. Providence ior New York. sailed?Sclirs B H Warlord, Sprague, Pawtncket for New York; J Terry, Morrison, Fall River for Kingston. NY; Albert Jameson, (unlape, New York for Portland ; sloop Favorite, Staples, Belfast for New York. 22d?Arrived, sclirs Oeo Amos. Uunker, Portland for Sandy Hoot; Joseph E Potts, Petty, Providence tort j New York. ' Salle i?Schrs H B Anthony, Rose, Bine* Island; Potter I Ik Hooper, Bradbury, Hnverstraw; N H Skinner, Thrash er, I'all Kiver for Ueorgetown, DC; Christiana. Gardner, New YorK ; Phiebe Elizabeth, Mapes, New Bedford lor Hobokcn; barah Bruen, Petty, Providence for Ne? York. Also sailed of the above arrivals, achra Belle, and Francis < orwin. 24'h?Arrived, schr Joseph K Rowsrd, Howard. St John, NR. lor Philadelphia (see Miscellany;. NEW LONDON, Mav 22?Arrived, schrs Lonisa Birg. sail. Baltimore; Expedite, New York Cor Providence; Spray, lioboken. Win Mayo, RondouL Sailed-Srhrs Samuel Apologate, and Cornelius, New York: l'abitha A ilunnuh. do. 2lth?Arrive,i. schr J McCloskey, Hoboken for Newport (soe Miscellany). NORWICH, May 22?Arrived, achr Fanny Fern, Ho boken. NEW n AVF.N. May 22?Arrive 1. bark iter ator (Won, Wug, shields; brigs Amelia. Field. and George. Brown, Ponce: schrs Margaret A Lucy. Avery, Baltimore; i*urt> land, Morgan, St Croix. pass cavaLLo, May 18?Arrived, schr G M Porter.. Allen. Boston. Sailed 13th. schrs Aiax, Maunders, Tampa; 16tt?. Eu gene Borda. Cook, Pascagoula. PEMSACOLA, Mav 2U?Arrived, barka Georgiana (Br)J t rane. New York; Eranlclin (Swe), Oberg, Liverpool^ Jeswe Bo> le (Hr). Torn, Newport, K. PORT ROYAL, SC. Mav 2J?Sailed, ateamer Montgo mery, KatraloUi, New York. 24ui?Arrived, -t'eaiuer Huntavllle. Qnlek. New Yora. PHILADELPHIA, May 24?Arrived, su amers Catha rine Whiting, Hauling, Providence; Nvrinau. Mcker ?on, Bo-.lon; Plortda, Crocaer, Providence; Oeorge l( stout. Ford, New \orki schrs J ii Babcock, Smith. Bos ton; Althea. smith, do; Julia A Oarnson. Smith, do ; Kineora, Diets, Kaicora: Edith B Everman. Corson, 1'rovidence; Anna Barton, MuMallay, Boston; Mina, Oases, New Yoik. Also arrived?Barks Ann Elizabeth, Dorp. Matanzas; V ittliew Baird, Oreenieaf, Cardenas; Ll/.zie Wright, Wright. Liverpool; brigs Eliza Morton. Le land, Carde nas; K H Williams lucker. Katanzas; Hail Colum bia, Breruion, Triindail; sarah Wallace, Armstrong. Havana; Bonny Mary (tk-), Fallot. Antigna; a*'lirs H F Karnbam, Brewster, Havana: i'earo A Grau, Lake. Cientneiios; Onodilv. Fanning. Windsor, NH; Henry Middleton, Brower. Itaracoai Adam Ilowlby, Tlllotson, Biue Hill: Lottie Beard, Perry. New Bedford; Kate * l.uella, Bonsall, Hallowell. Me; Oeo M HralnurJ, Crockett. Kox Island. Fanny Butler. Untler, 1. ukport. Me; tug Uodfrey Keebler, 8bourds? Fernandiua. Cleared?Steamer A C Stlmera, Warren, New York; E< iti ldie. Pierce, do; brigs Ida L Kay. Haskell, Bo ton; Minnehaha ?Br), Mltcliell, Bt Thomas schrs /. steelman. Price. Turk's Maud; Oceanua, Young, Provi dence ild Pigeon, < rlpp. Somerset. John < adwaia der, Phinney, e.ugartown; Robin Howl, ilakcr. Nor wich; Yankee Boy, Hugtison, New Haven, l ady Kllen. soinera, Roxhury; Oceun Wave, vomers, hr.-toi. Ri; (has A l.iu'fcins Mcintosh, Barbados; b E I'cturigil1, i'ettinglll, Portland. N*wca?ti.*, Del. May 24?Schrs arah A Read, for ProviOcnee , Joanna Doughty, lor savannah, and Wild Plueou. ior Somerset- passed down this rnornine schr Julia A Brown, for larka ialanu. passed down, In tow, yesterday. st< amers Vindicator, for Providence, and Kqnator, for Charleston, passeii down on Saturday evennit. A burkentine, 3 herm brigs, and two achra below here, coming up. Noon?schr Young Teazer, from New Bedford, is pass Ine up. I'M-Bark John Oeddie (Br), for Aininwa'l. and aehr Ada K Whitney tor Cardenas, passed down this I'M. schrs Fred Jackson. Winnie La wry, J B Anderson anil R K l urner passed up this PM. liKiswiaa Rhw'Kwatkr, Msv 34, iM-Arrived Satur day evening, schr Helen sharp, trom Havana for or ders B:trk Prince Haasen passed out yesterday. Steamer .hinla'a passed out at .i PM on Saturday. I'M -Went to ?ea yesterday, bark Christians, atid brig Ldltn, and schr Helen sharp sailed lor Philadelphia at S PM. PORTLAND, Mar 23- Arrived, schr T Harris Kirk, lloo.hbsv. to load tor Newark. 2tth?Arrived, i tir Mary Clark, Rockport tor New York. Cleared ? teamer Franconla, Bragg, New York. PORTSMOUTH Mar 21 ? Arrived In the lower harbor, schrs C H Mac(.tnl>er, Sargent, Hallowell lor Albanv, NT. Annabella. liutchinga. New York lor iloaton; Pla net. Henderson. Bangor lor Newark (and all remainea 2: \ . PROVIDENCE, May 22 - Arrived, achra ?ila* Bralnerd, Pu< II; Jame? \Her\lica, Rockhlll, anil fc?telie Iracr, Philadelphia; John l> Bnckalew, Ihompnon, l izabethport lor i'awturket; A O lawnn, Pitapatrirk, Veru uDc k * Point; Oeorge n Alli?on, l.cit. llaveritraw inr rawtucket. Ann l-.Hza. Caswell. and Hea at. Keilev, Wrrhawken; Wot n i.esuer. Egbert; hittlliw K Potter, i.llaworth. Hiid John t rocklord, llart, Holmtcn. cleared Mam Antonin <? <ltal\< alabretta. New York. Sailed?Htearoert Florida, Crocker. Phi ndelphta; ("atl<ariin- Whiting, Imriling, do ?rhr? M M Mernman, < ranr, ?*v River, > C; Win 0 Hllion, Newton. Cleorge town, IX!; Me )*xa A Wilier, Wiliev,; Writ* moralaad. Allen I liUad*lphia-. Douglai tlavi.ea, Adam*, ili> via llverton; Ureen County Tanner. Hyde "ondotit; Hi len I li .nil.-..II, Bradlord, Susan Ko??, Wall Kite* William, Hamlin; Hiram Tucker, Knowiton J Ponder, Jr. hrown; Marts S, Knowlton; T W Allan. ' ar'er; ivluori RacneU; Mary Lee Newton. llamtuotid; Anaconda, Pickett: Abbia 8 Emery, Eraerv; Johnnl* Mmctvp, French vuxon Rngera, Aoram I. " Walla, 'AelHi Nightingale Youog: John Stockhatn. Hart, and Win McOobb. uolden. New York; Kin* J Raynor, Mitchell. <lr> via Brookhavea. it'Jil?Arrived, lr * Ciara. Lipplncotr. Oenrgetown. DC; sarali A talcouer. WlUon, Rollout. Frank!,u Pierce, Filandon, d. : l?aac 8 bar wood, Knirle. Haver, atr.iw .1 Rebecca, -tceluiin ilobok.n. s A li ii..lii.l. Wiaon. ilo; Henry Lemaei. Allep, New York. Beiow?sihr Charger. White, Weeoawken. Bailed?8ilir?<} L L .veil A liany; W iicMui. NewYorkt Swallow, I arlriW no; Harbinger, Dodge Iroiu Paw.; hxcha"ge Per kin*, do M;'i?Arrived, aieeim r Hunter J'.'iiladeiphia In the ?e?t Bay. -u iday AM?Sclir Florence Dean, fri.m Oeorget'.wn. >C, tor?. At the tiaad ?>( Long Inland Pound 2U'. I'M. bound ea?t-S.'tim Fanny Kern. Ellen M Baxter, William llurl but, Maggie A Lucv, Brazoa. A li *nder*.n, William ileaner, -e i Lark, K M Aldrich, Ainert Pharo. t'reeatone, FO Huftell, i.aily Krnina. I.n y Church, * I! Ilurlbnrt, Pranci* C Smith, ^lav Marv Mood bUCCeia, Isaac II fiobbin* Shamrock, anil other*. PAW ri'i K h I. May -?l? Irrive I, wilir* D C I otter P?. driek, Rood out; tialmou Wathuurn, uatliaw.iv,**. fcetliKort. nailed ?flchri .tame* Engliah, Barker, and Harbinger, Dodge Sew \ (,rK. Richmond May S3?Arrived, tteamer Isaac Bell. Law rence. New York ?Sailed? Schr* II I' -nnmoo*, Willettt, and Thot '.Boon. Solinner*. New York. HAN PR an CIBCt >, Mav It?Arrived, bark Shooting. Star. Anstin. lai.o Mex -ailed ? ~tliip Ala**.., Tuttle, Victoria. SM?Arrived "hip t'.iKtli rov iBri. Kutehart f'.l??f<w. ^t.1 ?Arrlve>l, brlf Tartar ft.eri, Kacnienn, II. ng koiif. Hi MARYS <;??, May 1/?Arrived, acbr i.nzie Kvans, Mnhan, New Y..r*. i icareJ Barn Sarah A I adman (Br). Dudman Monte video. -ai.i.M, May 20-8ailed, tchr Raven (from Calatr, New York. Till ? Arrived, vhru Jollet. Krench, natiiti.r for New York; T H< neihet ' rocker, I'ortlan.l for do IM? Arrived, ach ? '?* iant Mclntire. Rondoat; Sea Bird, stanlev Weehawken; Hero. Ba<.r Ne? York Hailed?< Anna L Lo4kWood. .-RJohn, lieorge fe.wn. I>< , K r llerdty ''annua, .southern port, Jullti. U T kni.'ht ni l T liene lict. VINI.YAKK HAVl N. Mav .2-Arrived ?ehr n?orfe A PI. rce, Salem, tor New York. (See Miacellanv ) Alto arr.veo. itaam toe Wm A Heaneaeey N?? York, for Motto a, with a itre K'inif machine and ?cow? in tow ; ?rhn Naccle i* Smith, Baltimore lor salens ? four .-in tern, do. ?..r NcwliurvDort, Wm KUarrleon. UanfjNtnwn Inr Bottom Ocean liavnlier, Pntladeltihia for Beverly! Wb C Bee. Ronton for Oeorftetown, DC; l>eilic. do tor savannah (lott anchor); Kev?on?, Oalalt, for ew York. -a.Um|? * 11 betore reported, eaoeptln* *ehr? Oeorp. \ Pierce, >uaan ,-tatton, W illta Uarru, Joseph kar, Oelhl ami i-uur -nter? ? . , 2;td?Arrived, hrig Salvt (Br). Montavideo March ??, for Botton; ncifm Laur.i S t;he?ter. Port Antonio for B?<~ ton; Oeorge Nevinier >;eor?etown lor do; Mav Monroe, llohoken tor Round fon ts A Haintnoad, Saco for New York : hva. Botton f -r (to; Mary K illfgin. New York lor Provincetown. (See Mtecellaay). mailed?All vetaeit a*ee|itini bri* Salve *nd tebrs f.eorgt A Pierce, M E Uiggia. Kay Muurot, ana urta den .'4th-No arrlvti?. sailed? Sehr* uresden. M E Uiggin. and Mtv Mnnrne. WIl.MINttTON, Nc.?Arrivetl, 2Sd, iteaiiK r Mimc, Salyonr. Haltlaore. Nth?Arrived, bark* Amnnda 'Oer), Pehnltt. Mar telilea; Hermann llellmrich (Oer>, OitriHi London; brlgt Boon, Mar^Mille.H: Luletaud, Antwerp; Maria Wheeler, orover. New York WARitES, Mar M?Arrived, tetirt r T Weaver fiiad ding. Georgetown, DC; Metaenger, Spellman, New York., MIoiCKf.r. WKOtJM. AMOL.0TB DIVORCES OBTAINED KROM DIPPEK ent State*; le??i everywhere; desertion. Mr., ?uffl-. clent can*" no publlcltr required ; no harg -ontil Jl vorge granted; advioo tree. M. iloiisb, Attorney. 1*4 Broadway. ALAROl Aff?COMMODT0n? rfifTAO^ WANTED, at or In the vicinity ot Fort Waablutton Addrtta boa 1 H6 Pott office. ABMOL0TB IHYORCES OBTAINED from uif teretit static, no publicity; tree; notary" public. pa*aporl? procured; general law *nlt* mamiged. rR iiBRIi k I kinu l.awy. r, 3Ukl Broaiiwar. toaiaeuoa bfflcet No. 6 Eaat JuabtU tunek