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arrVATIOHR iVASTEU? *" Caatlnued from Moroad Pujf, lloubrkrtperi, Ac. ?><'k JANR ST.. ON R FWnnT FRONT.?A TOfTNO / .\j ittilr ol refinement, axe 4'. at bousekeeper tn a vvidnwer's tauilly. Not seen after 6 o'clock. Mls9 8NYDF.R. f t i WKaT tOTII ST.?AN AMERICAN AS IloTSE ?> -J keeper for a summer hotel. or tu u lady in ?Htliua and x-wiiiu . city retcrenees. I'all all the week /7Q 81> sr., PARLOR noon.?A TOtKO L.\I)Y AS it O housekeeper; widower'# family preferred. Call filter II o'clock to-day. mHJDLO# HT (RING LOWER HELL).-A French ladv as housekeeper iu a widower's tarn llf ('*11 all the week. 1 4 (k WEST 29T1I ST.?A COMPETENT PERRON A3 1 IV housekeeper; understand* cooklntf. marketing, proeer vine: can lake the lull charge ol children; well yecinnniendeii. 7 HA Dl'FFIKI.Ii sr.. BROOKLYN -AS IIOfSK. .1"'* keeper by a competent Am riean lady: will. Imik to make herself useful;. good reference. Call ou or P'ldresa Mrs. BRIOHT. 9| | AM.EN ST.. ONE VLIOKT t P.-A YOCNO Z1 1 lady, a?eu la, a* housekeeper In a widower'* family. Call all the week. ?>A/\ W! ST40" H ST., NKAR 8TH AV., FIRST FLOOR, i bai'k room.?A youni; lady as nurse to au old lady or as housekeeper. Enquire lor two day*. EAST 3.1 [> ST.. BETWEEN 1st AND 2I? AYS., t)uU two riights of stairs up, bark room.?A Protes tant American its housekeeper an f seamstress In a pri V lto family ; good references from last employer. Call for two days. A top NO LADY. AOKD It AS >I<H.>I.KI I-PF.R; unexceptionable reference as to character and uwillty not alraltl ol work. Audreys, tor ouu week, ?1. V' . I feral (I Brooklyn Branch office. Houkekkkpkr in hotel or private family by a thoroughly I'ractlcal Protestant of middle age, fust disenaaKe'l; mtU those willing to (the lull control <> lieli. need respond; will lurnish the best rcierenee a* figards aoilltv, euiTBv and nual lleations in every par lieulai Address AMERICAN, Younji Ladies' Christian Asitociati hi. r>41 r\ iiit4 place. \ST ANTED?A SIT CATION IIY A SMART, ACTIVE vY woman with one girl (7 years old), as working h ?Usekeepin" In a family of ailul s. Address Mrs. HAR LAN, jme nf nr. F. K Clark, West New Brightou, S. 1. l.u undreaqoa. I i) FasI Wirt ST.?V RRSP'CTABLE YOU NO GIRT, A ut as tlrst Inn laundress, or would do tine wa'liing ft.nt aaaiat '.villi tbu eliambernork . best city reference. JO WEST 4?Tn ST.. IN THE RF.AIt.?A OOOD GIRL .*) aa laundress; hasDm boatoity rtfcTim. 9(t WEST ltrn ST.. RKAK, FIRST FI.OOR.?A UK t spoetuhle won*1 u as tlrst class laundress; good oily r?i?r?m:o; <;ity or country. ?)Q WRIT ?JTII ST.?A RESPhCTABI.K Vol M a-j ?' girl as first class laundress in a private lom.ily ; II ? years' tlrst class city reference. <.an lie soon at pennant emplttylr't. ?JQ WEST HTlI T.-a kkstbctablb woman to ? t/l t*ke families' and gentlemen's washing to her own Ji Hurt, or an office to clean : good oitv references. A 1 WEST 20TI1 ST. -V I.AUV WOl'LD I.I K ri ?<TO H l get a Kitnatb n in ttiffi coontry for a laundr'-s who his lived with Iter a year, ei'her a* cbuiuherinuid nnd lo lo Hue washing, or as laundress. Call tor two days a. tar in a. M a *'? west i*.?rn <r.-\ i.aov. i.kavims iiik cm*. Tt lj desires to recommend three *er\ants. laundress, Chambermaid and waitress ( all or address. 4-J PERKY i.. RKAR.-a RESpPCTABLR YOIJKO O Ktrl an laiindrr - find to assist in chamber worn; Ci 1/ or 'Hintrr ; references. A A IAIT BSD ST.?A TOOra0niiAllAtrKOmi I In a private family; no objection lo The couufry for lite summer months; good rclereiice Iroiu laal eiri ploynr. I.EItOY -T . SECOND Fl OOR, ROOM 9?A RE-. ' s|?ectaole young ladv to wa?li tor gentlemen or fkttiUled 81- PKKRV SI'. ?A KFSPM.TAHEE WOMAN fO I>0 ?* washing and ironing or tiou-.eewaning or to cook ill * hoarding house; g< O'l reference. 311 WK<T UTII ST., ntORT W\SKMENT.? A B*. I I aneetable woman wishes some ladies' arid gen il ?men s wanking; can do tliein at a rea-uiiable price. mWKsr Mini nr.?a swkihsh protectant girl n.s laundress and to assl*t In the chamber ? irk 'ii a small family; excellent rclcrences; couutrv pt ???rre'1. 1] 5 S2WR 5w5?*H,Ma AND w??w? jUOPOPOAL ST.?A FIR^T CI. ASS J.AI.'N. L.V <lr,'1<? "'licit., washing and ironing to do at her a bouse, for ladies ami gen lemen. 1 K"ANKLTSI ,RT., ORKKNPolNT. BROOKLYN.? La/iam.ii^-fff.'.'i wo,,,?1' wishes nonw gentlemen's outou i'or w**l'i"g' or W0UlJ K" out by the oay. Call J'U; WRhTsqrH ST., ONR PAIR OF HTAIBS^?A '??? r-ipettable widow woman as Or?t class wa?har aafa P ' c',oki Bt,oc' re,*renc? Call lor two ItTII ?r., NKAH HD A v.? A WOMAN TO TAKK* J?>'7 in wasbliic at her on u residence or to c> out by t'-a dav, best rcfVrcur;-; iseapableol any dome* ic work. "I If: WKST 49TII ST.?A RK-PKCTABt.K WOMAN J ' ?? ? wi-nea family washing. 1 run In* and fluting if to U'lirert I .til nil Mrs. ( I A N I Ml < A M for two days. Jr/J WKsl SISI ST.. IN BASFMKNT.-A FIRST ?'?I elms lautirtres- tollciu ladies' and gentlemen's '?tailing, ftiruuure covet*, flue Huting, Ac prompt iud t|S|ttwsrlh|. Mrs. SIMM . Jr.Q WI'.ST ?fH 8T., bobm ?.?AS FIRST CLASH launilreHs In a private family ; city or country; ???l 3i?y reference. OAn VNT ami ST.. TOP P&OOR.-A RR-PKCT ? M " able woman wishes lo go oul bv the day wash p* fronlti'4 or hotiseeleaning nan fin anil st.?a woman to oo oct b* fLi\rIF the <lav t.i wash Iron or do bousecleanluK. Call On or address Mr*. n.ARNRs ??/|l I.F.XIKQTO.H AT.. CORNRR StO >>T., IKWB ' 1 floor.? A yonnc girl as first class laundress; city Df ?tfimtrv ; heat city referenvea. t)(\rx p V-T nsTH ST.-A RFSPROTABLR WTOOW xj'f'' WrtiiiBn wishes eneaijement* to ro out by the liar or take In washing at lierown house; beat city rcf ?WtO FAST AtH ST.. SRCOND FLOOR. RACK room ?At first class laundress; understands all M-ids -yf tine washing and Ironing- would like a few Jallm' and gentlemen's washing; best city refeienre. nap It AST ?< TH Kf.-A RESPECT A BI.K WfiMAN TO AjU't fake * few gentlemen or ladles'watlnu r to her iiwo bou.-e or ko nut by Ilia day; g'.<xl city leiorsuce. Aldresa Mrs. SMITH. ai fi liM -S "II ST.?A* FIBST CI.A8S t.Al'V. rl ?? dress; understand. fluting, laoet, Ac.; bestci.y tereaoe. ( an lie seen until engiged. *>17 VM ,,,T" ?*.?A RMNVtAlkl WOMAN I wishes geutlam*n's and family wa<hiag; ladl?s' ruts done up rery neatly; test reference. M.s. Me toWAH. AHO WMT 17TH BT.-A WOMAN B l IIRS EITHER I ?' wasblrif or scrubniug. or any kind of wort.. ??b?9 WEST 57ni ST., BKTWKRN 7 r H ANIMTll avs , rouin 5.?A respectable woman wishes S'lshln*: nnderstand- all kluds of ladlea' and gentle tii -it's nil" clothes; reter-nca can b* glraa wtth retard 1.1 : mesfy. Call or addrea* c)i-)u win st?a midolr aof.d woman > wishes work l.y thedav: is a good waaln-r and |7on.>r and housaclejaer; beat city reierenca. Call for I'T't Jars ?>?>] WKST ?;ril SI. S / ' ?R fi ll AV.-A TUI Nfl /}?>! Protestant girl ss lautidresB ar\d ehambertuald; pest eltr reference ; v. illinr lo go In the country. 4I?? 4 HAST 4HII ?!., THIRIi FI.OOR, BACK ?v ZilT rcsnretnUle woman to go onl by tin* dav to do V latimg and ironing or housecleanmp. good reterence. (.ii) ay. BRrwm.N isric nvn ibttt 5ts? f? I ?i over the sfi .e sf ire ?A respeffable Herman W'.tnau wisbea to do washing at bar tu insj best reier f?*e ??4?>r\-r H?T!I ST., FF.COBD IXOOB, FRONT.? jl. ! 11 ii,-t la-s uiider.nand] a'I tin la of fltiing, Ave years' city relerem e. Cau be seeu lor two days. t) 17 WRSf 330 ST.. ONE FLTQIIT OK FTAIRS. I I fr-'til ?A respectable w > tian wishes a family's *v??htng; ran do gentlemen's nn-ii first vlasa; well f ? v<?nmended. *Mt| sist si.-Aii LAnxnarsgj tiior. rsu.- t ?' ??ttghl* competent ii: all its branehea; none bat rivate (smilie- need ?pplv , c ty reference froui her last ^ ace. whsre she has livej^ tuna yeara ?*^1 fA?T ?rH m ? A Vol Nil film, AS LACK* I dress in a private family ; good city rererence. rilflFP. TIMED.?At FIRST a private family; beat city *v- fBIKO Til HER TIMni).-AR FIRST t c ass laqndres? In a private fainllv: t.e.t >u. f'Vf enee t\~n wr.>T ?:rn st, room 19 ? a first claim ^s-)t) laondresa wishes sine ladies' and gen tie in en's w ishing and lrooiog; understands pufllng and flutltig; fw st reference. _ ___________________ ? inn Ra-T 11-T ST., TOP FI.OOR ?A RRsPRCT s)ol) able Protectant woman w ,shes a family or f"">!)ema? ? washing at her own home; ?n.Jerstamls a'lng. ? Mil) i aar Mill ST.?FTBIT CLaM VAlTNDBtM ? : | ? I an do all kinds of fluting; in a private family ; (It* releretice ftotu last placa; country preterred. Can e area for two days. . *11 Ci WI ST 4Sf> ST.?A Ri'.SPRf'TABER WOMAN ? ?l*' wishes a few ? entietnen's or families'wasrilng tor w^nld go out by the dav or bousecleati. lira PtT.NNlRO.__ ??;)] Tin AV., THI'tO M.OOR, B\CK ROOM. -A ? 11 vomig woman whites to Jo washing. Ironing and C 'lng a* tier own house. ?> HI EAT 47TII ST., BRTWFEN 1ST A NO 20 ?' tu nvi. -A re<r>eetable to take In rentia lit n's a a* ilng or to do plala waahlug and Ironlrg *> II F\>T 38TII ST., THIRD FI.OOR.-A FIIt.T ? ?II clsas laundress lo d" a law faiuilios' or teuUs r> -n s wjiliing. 2il years' releren .? A ft 1 17TH IT,?A BrbP CTAII.I Woman l W i wishes to la*e in v*ntlemen ? or Imiillles' Vistnng, can flute BikI pufT, ?? ?*; ii re paired Call on or address i.a unokk -a. A AO WRST 38T1I PT ?A COMPKTRRT WOMAN TO ll'n ts'.n in waalilng and ironing or go mi tr. tbe <lsfj good rM'erwnoa. A |1 WFST ma ST., ROOM 8.-A8 FIRST <IA *1 I I la'Ui'4-rs, to do lat'ies and getitlemen's oi Inn fiios* ts^shlnc, by Ino month or doaen; pnfllng, flullug Ml ?l' IMTM MMIj d?M >'? uio'ierate Is rim SITUATION H WANTKD-rEnALEg. LsandreuM, Ac. 419 wkbt ran hv., btwkrn 9th and lftTil avs.?A renpet'able colore.i woman to d? day'# work or tu lik? In w*-l?li?i< unit ironing; can do fluting. Oiiloinr?4Inm haicaH smith. A Q(i rtH AV. iRINU SKOON0 BBI.Ll ? A UK 1 ?>?/ aparUbls Rirl to go out by the (l.iv 10 w<uli and iron: la a good laundress; good city refoyence. AAl\ WEST SI ST BT.-A RKSPRfTAHf.K WOMAN T-'r" latUKlresa in a private family ; 110 objection to the country, beat city reference. 4f-<J WR9T Mil ST., TWO PAIR STAIRS. IN thr ? back.?a table nmnau to take lumiiv washing or it few gentlemen's; cull do fluting or fine washing of any kin 1. A Q TTH AT.?A ror.NO wom an AS I, mndkksh : .1 ?)O nr. objection to the country lor tiie summer; city referenur fA wicst <8 ? ST.. TBISD rr,o?'U.-\ ke spectablo woman wants n take iu washing or go out by tin' day ; best city reference. r/??J SO AV.?KIP Rf.IfCRD LAl'NDRKSH wishes ? laiiics', gentlemen's and family wnntiinu; can do French fluiin*. pulling an I polishing geuUem?n'? shirts like now; would go out by the day. r?r?7 7 H AV., NK\R .11'T ST.-A YOINO WOMAN Uv) I an goo t 000 .; wi.iii ] itU tho coarse washing ; understands all kinds of cooking; seven years' reference. not* 'u> ,\v. jirtwekn> and <?th sts.? UOI) Mr< Nllery wishes wa?hing and iro'ltug and to go out to work by tlie nay : bent city reiercnce . 7/1 I Sli AV-A WIDOW WOMAN WISHES TO i ' ' L take in aome washing and ironinu at her own bome. 7|*? 7111 AV., BRTWERN 4*TII AND 4yTB ST8.. I I ? > reai too floor.? A roswectable mim ied woin-t'i to do ? fewaentlen.i n's wash'iig ; bc?t relcrcuc?. Call all the week. ? Qfi/f 20 AV? A RRSPECtABf- WOMAN WISHKS Ol 1 J- to take gentlaniftu's or family washing at her own redden ??>, re1erenee If required, t ali on or ad drern Mrs. OO-UROVK. "1 I *>/? 2D A V., IIK A It .'i'TH M'.? \ RKSPKi TA BLR uoimio wishes gentlemen's or lumliics' washing; la a competent hand ; ii willing 10 go out t>y th" day. Note* answereii Ioni A v.. BKiWKKN 101 HI AND lui'H STS., ?' I third .11 .r ? A young woman to go out to wasl, and Iron, or take in washing an I ironing. Apritsi 1 1.1 -s i.acndress dksiri s a siti a lion in a private iainily; wouid u?sist in chamber worn, !? >oil ri'liTerii'c. Address LAUNDRKSS, ho\ 17# Ilera; 1 l'|>t WU Branch ofllce. IVui'Mert, <Sw?". O WEsT SJST ST.?A YOIT.VO GIRL TO TAKE ClUE O of ehildren iinilto asset ut clia tuber Work; willing and obliging: g' od reference. "JO WKST MTH si?A UOI WIBHBB TO PRO JO euro a fi liation for a most rellal le. lalililul woinun us nurse; is fully competent to lake the entire charge ol au inluut from its Hi lli; long experienee lu miming; uo j objection fo travel: highly recommended. 09 fKKI MTH sr.-A YOUNG AMKKII'AN OTRTj to niiatl children: run operate on Urover A Halter's and Whee er ,t Wilson's inaclnnoh; no objection to the country; best city relorenec. 97 wk t srra ot. (pbbbkbt i?rutyuD.>A ?. ( respectable American girl. IB years old, to take care ol cluklren ; would attaint w ith upstairs wnrk. OQ I \ ION AV'.. (iliKKNPOIST, L, I.?A RKsPKt.T wO able young Herman .Irl to takticure of growing children 111 a first class family. Call ou or address Miss 1. II. I 0(\ w:sf MCJ'II ST.?A COM PETE .VP WOMVN AS >' nitrite; is fully capable ol taking charge ol an iu ? [ taut from Its birth; catMSoirie well recommended ?>/| W'KsT ilifll ST.?A < OMI KTRNT PrP.SON, WHO *>'' speaks 1'retieb and tjeriiiau, as inatd to growiug (MIlrM in ft good hi 1. e or ao av., bktyebn vtb ?n ioth at*.?a bx ?)?' fcpectablo young girl to lake < are of cuildrcii and lnukc lairs?ll uselul; good relerenco. fj- W'KST 4U> ST.?.1 YOUBfd (1IB&, 17 IMAMS ?> I old,lately landed, as nurse to take caru of t liil (Iren; Is willing to learn ; is fond ol eliiljren MQ BAU'BP sT-4 BKBPKCTABLK COLOBBS ??'" girl as nurso: city or couulrv ; good reference. ?jn wi st 11 st..(1.ast lmpi.oyp.r-s>.?a nv: ?)-' spectable young girl to take care of a growing < hild or'twist with cbaiubcrwork or do piaiu sewing. Call irom IU to I. ?Hi WEST |OT ST.?TWO RElrXUTAKLB dIRliS; 1 ?>?" one as nurse and to do plain sewing the other as ? chambermaid and 10 wait ou a lad;, or aew ; beat retcr- | encea 4r MrEST 31ST ST.-A MIDDLK AO ED WOMAN AS j >) nurse ; cau takn entire charte ol an InltiM Irmn lis birth, also bring it up on the bottle it desired . highest ; reference* from present and former employers. Call i I to-day and tomorrow between II and 4 o'clock. 4Q vnr crn sr. (PBMBM I'M PI. OYER'S).? ! TO Young woman as child's nurse ; best city f(f ereoce /'/? WKST 431) ST. ? A WOMiS OK > K A T HABITS I") to take care of a grown child ; can do plain sewing arid Is willing to assist at ytiwral housework; n<> tiou to fo to the country. 8- Bill AY, TOP I 1.0 .It. ri:OM.-A I'F.IIHFI! I> >) mi'.thw narse. Isirly lamed from I-.',gland, of ") great etperience with doctors, wishes an engareincMi Mrs. KVEh.S. mK AST S7TII ST-AS KX PERIBNl'F.D NL'RHB t" taks care ot children ? can take entire chaire from htrth. with or without the bottle : Is experienced in sirnness and Is willing to go to tne eouiitry ; tight years' reirrcnce Iro.-n last plaee. < an he ?ee? from Id to S. 1HQ CABAL HT -A BE-PI OTAMil MIDDLB kOl l> IIF?? lady as nurse, or would take care ol growing children. Call or artdresa. mWKsT 521> ST., UP milt.v-liSUir.s- s -?u geutlemen'* washing, ironing and Cue flutlu* done, klsi lamlly washing, b> Mrs. BKOW.H. UQ wk*p ?nrn st.?a vol no oinii ar rniu ? 1 Uren's nurse and to do plain sening; can operate on M heeler A Wilson's setving mm nine, no objection to tbe country lor the eumincr; go'id reltrcavcg. Call for two daya ' I "I 1 - WKST MTH ST.?A TOCM1 AMI RI.VAN CI III. A-> .1 It) nursa or chauiberniaid ami waitress, willing and obliging; three years' city retarein-c froin last place, n,- 9tii st. .ikr-kv ciry.? Mts. kpii.i.ant: II ?) wishes a baby to nurse at her re?inenoe; nr. 0 Callahan will recommend Uer as to health and sobriety. 11 U KAbT 40rII ST.?AS M R>K. BY A RKSPI.CT. 1 111 aide neat and tidy young girl, latelv- Kudo J. Can be area W tu o dars at her sister's employ r's. 101 BABI MTH ST. (PBBHBMT kmpi.oyk?'S? - As nurse or cbstnberiuald. b> a servant Itillv ci>mpetent to assume the duties ol either; uu objection to the eounlry. . -1 WF.sT wril ST. ?A Yorvc flIRI. TO takt: IwA care of children or tn do ebamtierwork *nd li'i? washing good sewer; willing and obliging, gaod reler- ; ?ocas; city or couu ty. | WK.ST 341II ST. < 14).?A COMPKTKST 1 iO young woman as nurse aud seamstress; is fully 1 competent to taka the entire charge uiababjjwdl recommended. ! "I IIQ MACDOrOAIi ST.? A PROTKSTANT T0C50 I ?>?> woman and very competent, as nnrso an I seam stress to growing children; ran sew oil Wheeler A Wil sons machine; undoubted city reicrencea ]>) ( WKST 02D ST.- A RR.-PF.t 1ABI.K TOLNO .?1 x Am rlesn woman as wei nurse. lit) tAST 14TII ST.?A fllllli lt> TAKR CART: I't** ol a baby or two small chlldreh; Willi tig 'o go in the couulrv; city refert?. 1 | /? BLEKCKKR hT.-AN I.XPKBII N KD LA OT J *1 U ?? nnrse. or tn tage rare ot an Invalid ; t? *bi? lo take lull eaie ot a baby from ItsMrtb: is Willing ta go la ry i all on or a l ire 1 K N l'lO WKST 2JTH PT.? \ RKSPKOTAHLK OIRL, It-' lately landed, as nnrie or chamtiermald, in a private latnilr; can da plain sawing -1- 4 WEST 271 H ST.?A YOt.'MO OIRI., IS TKARS OP i^' T age, to mini a child or te da errands; nu objec tion to lha country. 1-7 WBB9 61 sT ST.?AX BSCLl-tl PERSON AS 1?) i nur?e and cliambennald. ? r would do light housework, country preferred. Adtlreis Mrs, RAUR.1. 1 >7Tn PT - *l)OM ' ~A RRSPECTABLK I >)?7 woman wishes a rhi'd to mind. fTotii 3 to 4 year* aid, at ber own house; will hf>v* a comiortable home. -|/?1 WP.ST MTH ST., BBAR TTIi A*., IN TflK J')L basement ol the chtinli.?v respectable yo'tng girl (Protestant* as nurje and jiutd; tc gc travellliig or to the country . best cl'y r-Cren.-e, TOO WK*T^6TT1 ST.?A fi P.OPPCTA BI,K W<>M A N 10 lUO take rate of two growing children or w nid bring a baby tip on the b >tt1e at her owu house, thor oughly understands the care of children. QnO FAST !HT sr.. rORNFR .11) AY ?A PROT s?l'lF younr girl as nurse an I tesmatress; caa take entire charge ol children; best eitj rciereuce from I last plat a. _ <)<\n PAST IIsT ST.?A RF.bPrCTABLE SCOTCH (iuu girl as nurse and seamstress: can eperate on machine; best city reference tioiu la.i place. i l)(\1 WEST 1TTII ST., CORNER TTII AV.-A RK si" M spec table young girl 40 take rar< of. blldri n aud I ui ike heriell generally useful; beet city reference. OAQ KAKT Mr It ST. ?A IOUNB GIRL. LATiLT I landed, to mind a oaby aud make herself gen erally uselul, yesit old. Ol n fBST t9ru ST.?A fOOBO OIltL AS Kl'BSfci Z1U can do plain sewing on Wheeler A Wilson am chine; best city reference. Ca11 or address. in 7 wot 1-111 ?i bi'-khkni -a rui i'i m i I I tie French girl as nurse and seamtUese; no ob lection to the country , best city reierenee (HI4 WBHT 2eiH RT.-A WKU. KDOCATKD PkTT t son as nurse; is willing an 1 o^>ligmn', llrst class eltv reference. oor, RAST mil ST., THIRD Pl<OOR, RACK ZtZi't roi'm. ?A young girl to lake care of children or do thamnerwork In a prlt ate latntly, u., objection ta go In (he co.mtry. Call or addresa. <>Q j WFST IS 111 sr.?a rf;spkotah!,k prot. wi> I e?(srit girl to take esre of tluldrcn aulse.y,no objection to tratel with a lady; b?at elt> relerences. 41 OQ W 12-T 16TH 8T-A YObi.0 AMFRICA.N s-'/O girl a? rinrse, or would do chamberwork aud watting; (wo years reference , *> 1 1 WWI win ST. A r.Fsrr-.i TaBI.K TOOK) I I girl In take cars of ehildren. or would d* chain : 1*1 work an t assist v- itli the w ashing ; civ or country; Pesi 011 v reference. Call for two dava. 1111I WRIT rill 1-4 KF.aPKOT A RI?P. WOM K S i wTM wishes a child tn mind (o liar own home. will I nave a mother ? oate, Call let a week. SITrATIOlVS W tUTKIt-FKW \I.KN. ? Ranu, &r. n/>A Wf'ST SST1I HT.?A RPSPROTARLR YOUlf? ??vM" American girl as Bursa lt.r growing Children; ui> objection to the couutrv. can be ?eeu lor two days ll uut eugaged. MADISON ST.?4 RESPECTABLE GIRL TO take care of a child. 262 9A9 CLINTON AV., BEOORI.YN, OR 1? DOWNING St., New York. ?A yoiiitu girl who bus had cou t'derable exoeriencp in the tare ot children: D" Objeo tion in the country tor the summer. Apply or address. ()Qp LEXINGTON AV. (PRESENT IVPLOTBMR. ^<u) A competent I'u^lish womau to take charge of an Invalid lady Intending to travel in Kuropc during the dimmer; excellent recommendations. ?> I ?> WB8T tHia ST.. ROOM 7.-A fMVO QUI TO ?>!?? take charge or children aud assist with cliam btlVtfk; best city relerence. 0 1/? W BT 41TII ST.?A PBOTBBrANT GIRL A3 ?' 1"' nurse nnd seamstress or chambermaid und seam stress : works on Wheeler i Wlisou'a uiaclnue; city or country ; city reference. Wi( 1 4211 ST.?BV A RRSPRl TABLE l'rotestant tclrl. lately landed, to take care of (luldrcn ; uo obiecliori lo go to lliu country for the sum mer. Call or address. EAST 12TH ST.?A NT VT, TIDY GIRL AS *? ?'' children'* nuroe and seamsireas; uo objection to the country; good city reteronoe. ?)0WEST 17TH ST., IN STORK.?A RESPECT ? ahle, healthy young woman as wet uurse. Call or address. 'JOIl EAST MTII ST. BKTWEKS 1ST AND 3D ? )??'' av; ?A respectable toting girl as iiur?e and to do sewing, or chamherwnrk and sowing can operate on Wheeler A Wilson's machine; good cit.v relerence. ?>?>- B vsr aisr sr.?\ protest\nt mum; wn. ?)?)?) man a* nurse and do plain sewing; best city relerence. Can be seen at her mother's home lor two days. q irv. basi -'.in K-i pbbson who is rvu>Y Oil 11 competent to take full charge of a baby or grow In a children; is a good n a lustre so; can cut aud at; can 1 OM W''II Ml OMMM> I. q (C WEBT *4Til ST.-A GERMAN' QIBIt AS ?) l?l uurse and sewer; city reference. ?)4(k WEST 4 >rif ST. ? \ MMPKuTABU Yoi'Nd ?)' I ?' woman as nurse aud do plalu sewing; good city reference. 4* Q WES* In! II sr.?A RESPECTABLE Ynl'NG ')?'?' crirl. latelv Inn led,as children's maid, or todo cl.aniberwoik in a private lamily. Call lor twoilay*. *)/'"* 1ST AV., FIRST FLOOR, FRONT.?A TIDY ?H>?) American girl, aged 15, to attend children ami lnakt her idt useful, gooil city relerence. ?)(!! 7111 A v.?A BlsPF.C TABLE PROTESTANT ? )'' I Bill to lake care ot children und sew, cliy reler ence. Ring fourth l e!I. A~\(\ K vsr 1ITII ST.?AS LADY'S NIRSK OR AS J I') iiursi-i.. an In vail.': Is callable ol taking caro ot n l.aby from its blrlh; no oblectloti u> the country; beat relerence. 4 1 7 WEST :o II sr. NEAR 9tii AY.?a RESPECT 't I I able young girl ?? eo?pott?t nurse; willing to ussl i with chmoberwork; would briri; up a baby on the bottle; good city relerence front her last place. 1 I Q WI-.ST 36TH ST.. REAR BUILDING ? A YOUNG '1 LO Amcvicui countiyglrl to mind children; cite or country. < 'all lor two (lavs. | W ST 3iar ' T. ?A S EXPERIENCED AND 1 i*C competent nurse to 'ake charge of an inlant from Its liirlh or to tuku tare of au Iuvr.llil lady ; lnu years' doctor's reference. 4?>l WHS I' VI II ST.?A KiSPM IABLK PKRSOV '.I i' I as nurse and to do plain sowing or aa chauiber nutld nnd ?ailrfss; sio-aks Vreuch am! English; coun'rjr preferred; good reference. > EAaT 11ITII sr.-.V BBSPECTABLE MAB ? ri'd Wi ioan wants a baby to wet nurse at her own home. Mrs. FAi.NAN. A * | SI 11 AV., TOP FLOOR, B.\< K ROOM.?A RE spectaMe young woman ilost her baby two months nitf) as wet nor*. A r\ 1 ?T" AV ? SECOND n.OOR, BACK ROOM.?A '!?' t liiKlily n-spcciablc, well educuti-d voutig woman to mind one ortwo chill re n and be gennrnlly useful; tliieen monlhs" excellent relorence: country prelerred. COQ WEST 29TII ST ?A YOl'NG CIRL AS CHILD'S nurse an I to sew; irilling and obliging; uo ob jection to the country. />|ft 2D AY.. HETWEKN 33I> AND 31TH 3TS.?A ?)1\f respectable young woman ?? nurse and seam Htress; can cut and at; a first class operator; good ref erence, no objection to the country ; would do chainber work. /?71"SII AV. ?A COMPETENT WOMAN TO TAKE EN ") I 'I tire charge ot *u infant troui birth;,bring It up on a bottle il required; good city reference. Call for two d'ty.s. hi) 4 EAST 9T1I ST.?A RESPBCTABuK PROT8S I ?"r t int young girl as Infant's nurse ?nd iharnber niatl ; is capable ol taking charge of an infant from its birth. Address or call on. tor twodavs. E. I)., care of Mis. Smith. Two years' reierenc ? irom last place. ?*7 " 1 2I> AY., BETWEEN 41ST AND 4.'I> STS.-AS hX I I'r perlcMc.: monthly nur??; will go (>nt hv th< ?uontti or week; best reterences from families and' phv siciaus. Call on or address N1'RSI,. Q*>7 2D AV.. BETWEEN 44TII AND 4STU ST ., I top Boor, front.?A young girl as nurse and to do plain sewing with a family going lane country; good city reference. Address M. OL Ofifi an AV., THIRD FLOOR, BACK ROOM.?A ? J'M> respectable young girl as child's TOM an l to iio light chsml^-r work or plain M>wln ;; thoroughly uti der^iantfs the care ol an infsni Irom Its birth; best City reference ; no olijection to the country. |14?) BROADWAY, FIUTT STORE.-A BESPECT l.ltw able Protesisnt woman as uilant's nnr^e, ca pable of taking child from birth; best reference. Ad dress lor two days. 1 'XHQ. SP AY.-A WKLL KDCCATED YOENG German ?s nui?e tor grown children: Is pt-r fectiy acquainted with all tewing, either by luatlnue or by iiaud. 1 zin*^ 30 AV ? BETWEEN 79tfl AND MTU STS.? I. IV'O a respectable woman to go out washing, cleaning, ic. 1 A ID AV ?A TOVM AMI- Kli'AN GIRL AS 1. rC*l child's nurse and to assist la tliaiuberwork. Call for two days. A PARISIAN FRENCH (1TKL M r.''Af:s OF ACII' J\ to lake care of growing childrea and make In rself generally useful. Address, for two days. A. M., bos 141 Herald ( piuwu Branch office. 1V?ltreai?M, &r. 1(| lAf?T MTH ST. (PRF.SESJ BMPLOTEirm.~A l?? respectable gfrl as tlr-t c|?? waitrem am] cham bermaid: iu> objt tihftl to tlie country; tie turj i e-t city reference. O | WEST 1<TH ST.?A RF.BI'F.t'TA HI,K (tlftl, A3 ? x waitress and to a<?ist In rtuimberwafk; undiT stands Waiting ; can driM ealads; Is willing togo to th? country, Can >.?? tor two days at her pruiaut eiu ploy r\ wh?"re *he has lived Sve years. f}0 WE.-r 47TII sr.?4 Itl -PM TABI.K UIRI, A A ZD waitress in ? private family a short distance in the ronntri ; be*t reference. ? OQ EAST WD ST.? A COM Pit TEXT YOINO WOM VN JL *r a< ttrst class wsltres* l?? a private laimH-; under atan<M ner business; best city reference. t all fur two da; J. 3i) wi st ?4TM si -a ur:<iPi i t\km: Tnmo m* (Ctrl a flrst class waitress, or would .isii-t In i hum btrwor*: food references ro WEST 4'Tlt ST, PRKSRKT I MI'l.ol P,R'S._A ? '0 ?. *\,r. ubl- woman k? competent waitrcu in a rrivstc tamily; can tak* full charre <?( dining room an I ailver; city or conntry; food reference. IK' W K -T 51 Til ST ?A RE -PRC r A BI.R KnOMSH J I"' girl a* waitress o r nurse or chatnbcrmitM; best - city reference; country preferred. Addrea* K. M. 1.).) WKST tOTH ST.?A TOPMO OIRL Ait FIRST ' _ ? clMs waitress or chambcrwork alone; best city reference. I C - F. \ST S7TII ST. (PRESENT EM EI.OVRR'Si.?AH !?)?) flr?t class waltreas la a private family; wining , to a-*m with ch?mberwnrk : un icrnan N the rare of irilver: make* all kinIs of ?alad?; sood cit.v reference. ! 1/if) EAST JIST -T ?A FIRST CLASS COOK ABD i ')*j a gir: a* waitresj tti a private family; good city reterenc*. n/tQ WEST 1ITTI ST. ? A COMPETENT (II Rf, tS Z.' hl waitress and chambermaid; no objection to the country ; g-od city reference 2f)?l I ASt ?2D ST. IN TUP FA5IT STORK.-A* ? O first class waitrea* ran take chare* of a larfo dining reo.n I* capable of taking a man'* plate; la net airatd of ?i<r( ; boarding hoase preferred. <) 1 ft SD AT. HEAR WITH sr.-AS FIRST CLASS ^ II) wa'tres* or parlormaid; li competent ami trustworthy; preters tlie conntrv for the nimnicr; ?. o I clt> reference flrem last plaae. <:aM on or address \ M. i n-/\ WKsT 8SII ST.?AH WAITRESS OR IIOI'HE niHitl by u ver* competent girl lately from Kii|r land ; ha? n gooa knowie'ige ol her dailes, will be highly re< oMlmended. <)()| BROAI'WAY -A M"XT RK-PKCTAHI R fllEf. JL'tl In a private laruilv ill ?t (.las* wattreM. or to fo chamherw rk 'in<l waiting; thr?e years' be?t refer en< e. Inquire ot the janitor. Q1Q EA>T?OSV-A TOl'VO OTNIj AS WAIi'RESS ?)l?? and atelit with the ctaraberwork. (ood city retereaee^ ??17 **ST WTM ST.?A EKHHEtWABI.B TOt'NO Oil wuatan as waitruts; i>i?ihs*t ratereasM. c?a or address. iltlil WKSr Ifilll sr.?A RH>PF.cTABI.E YOITV.T ? > ?? ci I ?? dm ela** waitress an.I ehamoerniald and to do One washing in a private family, best ci'y ref erence. ?)00 6H1 AV., CORNER .'OTII f-r.-A TOfNO WO ? man (Protestant) as walfrexsin aMfrate fam ily or M chanaberaald and waitress; food references; willing to travel. >11 7 east i#rn #t.?a young oirl as wait t L I re<-< nr wcni,I do housework in a smaU private I family j good city reference. A -?? .10 AV. NKMt IIST M f KIN O fiKCHNII T; > )?> bell'.? A* first class w altrcat in > prl vale family; cao take a niau s place, best elty refrence irom last place. MlarellAneows. in WF.3T S.-.TH PT-A ?tSPEfTABI.R r.IRI, \L h * lady's maid; would go traenllhii with ? lasy to any cart, fciiderrtand.iall kin,Is of nce liewjri ; b< of reference; oan embroider "|(\ WEST IIST ST.?AS MAID AND SEAMSTRESS, J ?f hv one who thoroushly understands her busindss] vioitld not object to the <-*re "f * growing clilld, for whom she wonln i ut, fit and sew ; can be highly recoui men l"d Ad .Ire as. ??7 WEST SflTII ST - A TOCSO (MI' KICAN UIRI, 10 t> I asa<?t <n ilgtit b*??ew?rlt ftnd mind tibildr<;> ?rrrynons w^?tri> 114. ST" AV~* BBfPEOTABt,! PROTESTANT lit yoonf woman as Uairi ami *csni<irei??; under stand* nil k ind* of tsmilv w? my; n.i obiertlou to aafclst In light chamberwork ; good reference. lOQ WESr S7TH m.-k FIRflf fl.ASS COLOBED a* lady's maid. Call ou or address MINNIE 2D AV. (PKKSRNr RMPI.OYKR' > -A WKLI. A' " educated uirl an m ?id; speaks (leriiian and Bllg Iwh; is an elegant hand stiver; will make herself ase tul; best rrfrreiM. OiiO MADISON AV-A YOUMO WOMAN A3 f lady's maid aud seamstress; is a Hood dres* maker and thomuchly understands her business. ?JOH ?Tlf AV.?A SMART (IIKL (Ifil TO TAKK CAHK ? >?") or a hamr or do light housework; tlrsi class ref er ?'nee; to sleep home preferred. < I /1 6TII A v. ?'A N IMI0I 01 All AS MAIIl AND _rAU seamstress or rhamttermatil ; eity NlUtieM, Jlf VEST ?5TII HT.-A RESPECTABLE TOUNQ 'II') woman lu a small private lamtly ; no objection to 1 Krench flat. A(T\ WEST ?TH ST., BETW'KKN 9HT AND Mffi I ?j 1 uvi-. ir.-ar building).? A respectable married woman wishes nuuMclcaulug, or t'j do washing at. home or to so out 40Q WEST Win ST. ? A It? 8PEOTA BI.K tOUBO vouiauin a hotel; heat city retereuee. r?>r WEST 29TII ST.?A RESPECTABLE UIIU-, ?)0?) lately landed, in a private family; i? willing, honest and obliging. t'all or address. 8')- 3D AV., FIRST IO.OMR.? A KB8PKCTABL.R ??' > Klrl tn do kitchen work or second work ami tine washing am', lromnir; K a first rate washer and ironelr; Is willing and capable: city or country, i.'ali '0-day. i N I NQL1SI1 LADV, RESIDING NRAB LONDON. J\ wishes to l ravel on the 'Continent with a tanillv or Indies: is acquainted w it li the d I tic rent countries; speak* French. Herman ami Italian and has musical anil :irti? tie accomplishments; the engagement must be suitable fur a lauy and one where she would be on equal terms with th.- nartv; n reasonable salary required. Address bo* 181 station V, New York. Intelligence Oflires, HAMILIKS. HOTELS, KKSTAl'R ANTS CON I'ECTTON. 1" cis ami bakers promptly supplied with etllclen) | French cook", Assistant cooks, bread and pastry baker*, enuiectionors and glaciers tor cit> and country. ? Kit l'l,e DFS UIIKFS Dli L I ISIN FUANCAISK, :i<it 6th qv. / i RltMAN AND INtJUSU 8ICRV AN TS. ? Vl'ABI.K * I unit trustworthy, round constants on haul at Mrs. HOI.Zh l i.lN'o i'47 :?l av., c.ast near 2t)th st. PKO!? WSSION A I, SITU t l'lOHS W AMTIfilfc? FKDIMiKS. "I t A T tilt sr.-A FRENCH L. V l?V WOULD I ? JO like a situailoli as governess in .i sinall prisaio tamilv tenches Freucn, (icrmaii aud liui-'lish. Address COVBRNKSS Ojv f WEST 3.IT11 sr.-V I.ADY AS COPTIHT OR Ot '? r amanuensis; work to lie iioao at home prcicrred. Ail Ires II. F., care Ol Mr-. S. Harris ?>|V- HI.KMKKH -t'. ?\ KRI.Ni II I.\DY Wol'I.D ? >""?) like u situation as BOVerne-is In a small prl\ tte tamilv. tn teach mid talk I'teueh : .i Freuclt tiimil.v pre lorred. Address Mr-. A HATAIIjI.. * IOCN'8 LADY WISHES 1(1 OBTAIN I MIM.nV J V ment in souiethlug that is not menial; has class city ret'orcnee. I N H X |?K R I KNi'KD Nl'RriKllY Oil V K KN US -t HE J\ sin > t.. lake entire'charge m pupils, citj or country, .?>- as hoasekeeper and seamstress: food rolerences. Aildress 13? Herald t'ptowu Brunch olTli e. IIKI.F \\ AX TKU?FKJU ALU Hi. A FEW FIRST cr.v -s OltK.-SMAKERS WANTED; J\ none but compeUMit hands. 8U 6ih av. ADVERTISER IN TIIK HERALD OP THE 21 ST INST. t?r clerk, nurse ?nd eompttiion. J. <J. tL, box IN! Herald Uptown Branch ntllee, can to .-een unv ilay this week at the lirntul HoteL parlor 21. at Irom 10 t<? 11 A. M.: persons who (To not write i ?<>??<! Im-nd. or are oot Kood readers, or do not spoil well, or do not .-peak English, need not ?all. A T 14 EAST 15TI1 ST.?FIRST CI.ASS DKES> 1\ makers wanted; ateaJy work,. Only competent hands need apply. ALaDY OF EDUCATION, OYER as YEARS OK agb, wanted for our <tllce; must core* well return mended ; -alary n n hIc rate. Apply alter 9 O'clock at room 6, (ucnuil floor, No*. & ami 7 Dey at. A GOOD COOK, WASI1KR AND I RON KB, AND TO assist with housework by it family of two: mu-t bp willing and obliging: beat city references required. Call, from 1 to 4 r. M., atns Gdll (Will st nRESSMAKERS AXD NFAT. Ql'ICK PLAIN SEW ers wanted, at ?7 ?' li av , between ."1st and 311 At*. riRRflHi AMERICAN GIRLS TO WAIT ON 1A " I bleu, at the leu cream dupct 071 9ih av. Call be t ween 3 and 4 o'clock. QOOB IRONER* WANTED?AT l!? ORMUI BT. GIOOD DRESSMAKERS WANTED?AX MMfS. I So. iui Wc?t -*<th It. ponn DRHSSWAllRS AND IMPROYKR-t AT M V.T East Md .it H AT TtUMMBRN H ANTED?FIRM CliABM HaNHS on gentlemen's hats. Apply at AlilDO.Vs, IN &' li av. MOCLTON AND T 1 LTOX. POUTER S .M'MMIRQ CP. HKK Til!'. evbnino tkleoi?am TO-vionr. ?\Ti us wantkd?a woman who cxdrr. 1> sinods the care and mmwompnt ol vmnc chil dren thoroughly: mint have good rei omuiendatlon Iron ber last employer as to capacity. SO East 73d it, VV'AN'TED?Jl NK 1. UY A SMAM, PKIVATK FA M ?T ilv of adults. a neat Miiart young woman, to ao general house work ; A mericait. Ocrman or Swede pre ferred ; ninn be an experienced cook and food washer and ireiH r : to such a ouc rtr-t class wages and a good home Will be given. Aulress. givlti' nam* and rent ill i.en ol last employer, AMERICAN, box Hi lie raid office. \IrANTED?IX A SMALL PRIVATE PAHILT, A If young woman is gie-d plain cook. wa?ln r and Ironer. Call with city relerence, after tl o'clock A. M., at liu?i lnent door. *54 West -<d st. \\rANTRD?A Yol Sfi. HEAI.TnT WET N1 RKE (\<t ll cticiiiiiiirancaj for babe sevrn montn.1 old. Inquire at M East tint ?t. lyANTBD-A GOOD TOOK WITH A SM ALL FAM " llv . i'lie that baa been Willi Jei> i?li laiuilv . re ferred. IK Kast Ulli St. |IrA^TKD?A OIRL FOR OBNKRAL HOI'SEWoRK; II nmi t wash and trap well. Apply, with reiereucea. at 143 Kant ?ith it. near Lexliutoa sr. WANTED?AX EXPKRIKN' ED 8ALBSLADY IX M tlic fancy and furnishing good* slur - ot lll.ll.XKR A FRANK.. ;ki av.. southwest corner 24tU -u "IV'ANTED?A REHPKCTABLB OKHMAN OIRT. IX A II small Auier'can family fir gcu-rat In.use Work; one who under-, taints English; a fond ?.i n aud Ironer and plain mo*. Anply at 'i Cottage place, be tweeu lllcecker and Houstou sts.. between II A. M aud 4 P. M. \VrAN l>.I??A OIRL, Ol' IS OR 16. TO TAKE CARE \? i i children aud .ivdst with Uuu>-work. Apply at 49 Henry at. WANTED?A GOOD LACXDBEBB, IN A MKTATB 11 family. In iuirc at 129 West 2A1 st, between MA. M. and TT. M. ICANTBD-A COMPETENT WOMAX foil 0KV II eral work. In a small private family; must t?- a food cook and lanndrea- wtthrlt] rePrrenoe. fall at 144 last <9th at. ttorn 'J to I o'clock. l\'ANTED?A PROTESTANT WOUW ?OOU T? p'am cook. wre?ber and Ironer, In a small family eiffht nniiM ont ? >i city. In *umm?r. Appl\ with kih>,| reiiTi-n r* in il?t, irom 1 i to I n clm k at Uu Lemnglon av.. near <9th st. ? \|-ANTEI>?A MOOD COIlK FOR A RESTAl 8?tft. <i otin havmu be>*n In a ?>:]< e and cake mIuod ,?.? ferred ; bonri S to 7 was'i $.'i. J, WARD, It:* 7th ar. WANTED?A <.'OUPErENT L\!>>, A sAMI'.V >> ot too per Month, to receive atfiscribet* fo a new fclIglon< paper; memhers ot a rinirrh only engaged mii?i re'id" iu iirooklyu. Address I'lHlrr.TliiT, box 111 Herald office. "IITANTKD?A OIFII. For GENERAL HOt'fiKWORK ; IT mast be a g .od wit^fr and ironer. Beat an I wii Tnrand obli*lLg, city retcrences required. !??? West mn st WANTKD? ?? A trirI. to cook, wash and Iron. Aoply at fit Macdoujal st Wan:,':d-a RKtPRCTABLB fURL TO DO OKN Tf ?ral hoaaework: mint be ? irood waaner and Ironer. Call, with writtcu reference, at H7 Bioomfleld ?t., Ilohoken. WAITED-A NCBBE.'t OK I.ADTER AND OENTLE. ?l men sfents to *?? I? a valuable hook, paring .? verv large profit Aiidr-?s. for lull particular*. II. 1'ATl BKItO. "48 nroadwav ll'/HTID-A comPBTI nT CTRL For IIOIRK >1 work: must hive go*d city reterene*. Apji.r at WW ??.. How s to 4 o'cioek P. i. WANTKD? 4 < OMfBTKNT WAITIK-i; ONE WILL. Ing to asslat In Ma.h;ni snd Irnnlna in a .m,U| rriv?" family hest cltv refer?ni? regn.rrl. Call '<? dav, from 10 to 12, at 840 West iSl ?t WANTBD?A XfRSE (KRRPf!ll PREFERRED WHO TT cm sew and dress Ualr. Call at 97 I'ark * . , aiur n ? in. WABTKD?< O'iOD nttKs-M Alt l it. WHO ? IN ? 1 II and lit and used to the best of w nrk: good wajres will be paid; also twu or three u|ipreatie.;i. >, ? \Ve?t Kkl at TlfANTKD?FIBflT < LAK3 HtVDS TO TKIM AVri If finish wslsts; only perfect f?n?* need apply at 54 E?-t loth at., between Kruadwa.v and t'nlversltf place "ttTASTED?A fiESPKtrTAHl P PRon sTAXT WO ll man n<r general housew.irk ; aUi. an ? i rand itirl; r?t?renee required (i A. M. iti v* est fld WANIiD-A < 11A V HKRM AI D, TO ASSIST WITH ?l the w?-hlng and Ironing ami w illing to make h'-r MlfuMtal; a Protestant nreterred, reieronca rs<tulr?d. Apply tt 1*1 i-.ast 19th ?t, Pin li 4. M. WANTRr,-lwo GTRLBf ONR In COOK, WASH If t Iron; the oth? r to On clinmbarwo, k, wa.sU an J Iron. Apply at No. 317 West iWth st. WASTED "* f'OVII'BfRNT LACXDRES8 FOR A ?? private lamilv, Willi good teieran n Apply nl Bo. 131 I- ast 'tfHIi st., triini H to IJ o'oKiek. u'anthd-a oiri. to no orneral hotisb. >1 work ?inl> tl one thori>:i?hly oompetant need ap ply at 23S \Ve<t Mth at W'AXTBD TO-DAT-A WOMAX TO DO OKBERAL liotisewurk, must he a 9 n>d Cnok, washer sii I Ir.iner, to grn in the eountry. Apply at HI 6;Ii av., Hist flat before U o'clock. , wANTED- 4 Olfli. To DO GENEMUU HUU'j* f? work Anplr i6a?t WJI ?t HKI.P WA\TKIJ? FKHALK*. II' V.NTED-A FRENCH NURSE FOR A CHILD '? axed eighteen months; must <pe?k English; tlr?t class references required. Apply at uflce of West moreland Hotel. between II and I o'clock \V ANTKD-AN EXPERIENCED OK MIDDLE V<if D ?? peihou to do the honaework ol a small family. Apply, with reference, at 131 ! ast ISlh it tATANTED?A GIRLTO DO GENERAL HOUSEWORK it in a small private family; German preferred: must be a gnod M?k; ao washing; como well recorn mended. 417 West ~td at U'ANTEH-FIRST CLASS WAtsI H\NI>S, lo al drm-mnMiig. None tun thoroughly coiupe. tent hand* need anply at 119 Cost -l?t ?u VCiNTKO-A (jilt >D COOK, WHO U X L)K KSTAN l?S " her business: also a chambermaid; Tor .1 first claat boarding house. ( al! at 13 Kiut lOLlt St., between Broad way ami University place Uf ANTED-A GOOD LAUNDRESS AND CHAMBER maid In a small lamily. Al> ply, butweeu 10 aud IJ o'clock, at l.Vi Madison av \\J ANTKD-A COMPBTBNT OIKIi FOR UP STAIRS '? w.,rk Mint to assist with the Ironing. Ai ply to day between tin* hours of 11 und 1 at No 42 West 2IHU St. ~\XTANTED?A NEAT GIRL FOR (1 LNKUAL IK?n?>r ?T work. Apply, with reference*, at 222 East 18th it, between 10 and 13 o'clock. \4'ANTi;i?-A VKRV GOOn COOK, male, for a i? first class boarding house, to remain in city all summer; must lie a sober, reliable luau. Apply at -Nj. ? West "lid >L, alter nine ocloct A. M. fgTAHTIl>?A H1".aI.T11v WET NURSE, WITH A ?? flill supply ol milk iroui two to live mouths old. None others ueed apply at lU'J MaaUou av., before 12 o'clock. U'ANTBD-A OIRT. FOR UPSTAIRS WORK AND walling; one willing to make herself u.selul. 133 West 23d St. U f ANTED?i GERMAN YOUNG LADT MUST speak English correctly) to tcach and takv care of three young children. I'.Ki Pacific av., Jersey i ity. \trANTED-A NEAT. TIDY GIRL FOR GENERAL M housework; must be a good washer and Iroiier. Call at OUIh at, twelfth house vtest of 10th av. WANTED?A OOOD GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSK '? work and to take care ot children. Apply at No. 10 East Httth st . near 0th av. WANTED-A THOROUGH f'flAMRMRM AID, TO A3 '' *i?t in washing ami ironiux; must have good city reference. Inquire at 2l> EaatOiih st. WANTED IMMEDIATELY?A FEW FIRST CLASS ? * dressmakers. Call at 109 West 'J9th st. It) EAT 10111 ST.?A RESPECT A RLE PROTES 1 ? tant yutmg woman wanted as nurse; accustomed to the care of children ami to sew ; must have (food ref erence from last place. Call from 10 to 12 I ue.sday uiorn lug. SI'I'T \TIO.\S AVAXTKIi?>1 AI.I'.S. \ VOUNG MAN, 1? YEARS OLD, LIVING WITH i\ bm guardian, desire* a situation where he can make hlmseli useful; salary Mo object. Ad ire>3 G. li. T., I'll East 7ith st. t YOUNG GENTLEMAN, TIIOROUfi IILY EDIT .\ caled telaxsicali, Eiiglish. French. Lttin, Spaiu.-U, desires a situation ; has the highest ot reference*. Ad dress .I. t?'t>.. Herald oflleo. i \ SITUATION WANTED?BY A RTKVDY, SOBER i\ man as attendant on an invalid gentleman; seven years' reference from lasi employer. Call on or address, , tor one week, J. M., 1)5 :ki av, corner 15th St., upstairs, dentist's ofllee. \YOt'NG MAN. SPEAKING AND WRITING WELL both French a ml English, desires u situation. Ad | drew ALEX AN ehR (lOAZlON, loll (ireene at, I 4 FRENCH WAITER, SPEAKING GERMAN. JUST i V dis-ngaged on account of departure tor Europe, ? ishes to be re-cugaged. Imnilre at last place, 2: Wen 24ih St. A BAKKMtPKR WISBKH A PITCATIOV IV t w?S^?Ti,lojr,n"' ^SuBEi?Akfl3ROti CSBtofK"*"""'*- l'"" """Vi?y.!-; AN AMERICAN OENTI.EMAN PRRKKntl V cr, v A KfRST !'WW kkf.nch cook Willis % Aulrl.TiS re4Uuranl ? referent gaBgiMBKias \ KhSI'l.l IAHI.H POLISH VOI'VU MAN Wlriirvg &t h""'"" "" !"?'??* <"? '-> k"V;i in IKuVop? ??"??! 1 COUnlrjl with a K3U til'1114411 flOOftkH live tiif an iiitjiiiiiti. Addrvsi, tor on?* week u Million Xtienandoah county, fcmisylvanta MiWslfcB, A Bf.'Y' AO Hp Id. WlStlS* A ~Hlr CATION IN an -/V office or Wholesale Home. Addresa >' f brr?i.i I flowii Urauch offli-e. ' uer?ia A BOY WANTS A *ITCATION IN A l.lrilimitlPll Attig ?vffiira asvjy """ '?*?**????" ! A IS.r^^:v^l?57KK5M at figure* mi l |,as II knowledge of bo ,kkc?Dtii? li?r.f eretice tad security. iddr.-s" W . iw ?>!,' Vi'h A RKSPKI-TAUI.K MVN tmu A SlTCAYlOB Al ? "ootii lake care ol .?? invalid t ,?'n i.j jecn at present employer ?, 20 Lafayette place. Addrew \ PRRNCHIIAW. AORD 34, MAKB1BD. WANTS A ' i l**)?!.'! waiter or valm In a private family or prnate bearding lion*:'; city or country, bent refi.ran it AddreaeJO.F.PH. Herald ifpu.wu Branch offl^ A MARRIKII M\.N wish KM a sitcation in tup J\ country: tind.r.tands the car* ?i M,?k ; ran w.1,1 H NrwTfrk!" M<irVM C> 1AI>"KS Ho *est 43th A N AMERICAN. *i YEARS OF AUK. GOOD IIORSit r ? To"' <irl*er. a go.,I Denmait, quirk and cor* I rwt ar flgnrea, wish. < a violation ; willing to make him belt naetnl; best reference or sicnrttv will t.e given ,f rt.pnr.d t all on . r a.;.ln? sm i Hi I Y, ?; W>? ?4lhVi. HOTEL AND RKSTAt'RANT KKHP^M-,irri. tlon wanted b? an experienced and competent man as ateward, manager, ?r any position o7?ru? He'ribloVe.''' 1 ,a" A>XdnM ?^WAK1>. V*"lU CtTUATiON WANTED?BY A RE MCTABUE COL. ; uftd nian, a* iruiter: K'xnl Cnv reftieiice Address b. H.. ,ierald I ptown liraii.-h office. ' ITU ATI ON WaNTEO-AY A MR AT CLAIM iol! ^ ored waitcrm.ui a* bead waller: can take Yufi charge ol dimiig room; i!il> <-t country* beat citr rai*<r ence. Address V. B., I'll West Snti " r" Oiri' ATION W *NTKD?HY A OOtOtn tOl'NO t- ."""a-J parnianent waiter, either In a aood ?r,r?i? fumllj or flrnt clam boarding hou-e; beat aittu'iori^tu re I"'ence j 3,ren ?4 ,or ,w? dayaWHc Herald I ptown Hran h offlr... ?>?,??. u. l., OITI- ATION wasted ?BY A CUMPE ri- M yTi"'~v7j ' a; airent tor am buniii'.^ wl.aterer iiiaL. ZZZhXS''<U'U Al,dr- "? V- ""?id uptown CJirt ATION WANTED?BY A YOCNd i'OI.ORrn ^ man, cl;i?*4 cook Wrti?#?r- thra* m.*r?' k? ? - taU tu" JS il sui&I Al ANTED?SITLATJONs BY A IOOU MARRII-0 ?? ci-nple; bu<band a? bandy man; wife a* first . lm* laundr."?; competent to take charj.. .,f a lam ,i?v g(Crfrf' "? "^raldtt A.NTF.n- A MTt ATIOR BY A STPEKIOR BI'TI BB f? and waiter It. a c ,.| prirate family; four reira rciereniv from late <'inuio;ar. Appli at the Jewelry atore, ?ei ?th ay., near 4l)!h it, jt?? iry IV V 11^ i atiun \s \v m rek in * rr.iv \ r :? yf r?niil.v by a <tr.Kk yuiitu man. ' ..,i t-m nivraoi u. Call at 01 addres, M. No. 7 Ka?l bth i:. wr*Qc0' Y^'AMfcO?A ,-ITrAllo.N, BY A M AN, 37 YRARS OP a? porter or wat< liman : can ftirniah I le l* ?? K.Tnt,i"r\VlVm'e.*t-V' M***- Addrc \VANTBD-SITI ATIOB.X. BY MAN~A^rw7rT~A? i 1 h w*l}*r ?n .cook: ?'*? Ar?i Him waiter; wi s i ? "r? 'c;?ok "nrt ?o..,i l.aner; both are trustworthy rcfert'ncrfc AdJt?w aUVhll w AVffcD-BI A <1 ENTI.EM AN AND Hilt WH P ^?.V.eZ22!? or an estate, or any . .n.Ti^ l^' wM^" ^aSon." ,,,n ^ " quired. Addre?'.i ANlTon, bo\ 141 Herald olBea! j U'AMKIi-M \ vivs VM, WiFK. RITFATIOBB i J i ?rn*H hotel or private boarding h?0M ? wi/e a> ffrat claa. English /he man to take tnOrt c*har? oi dining room: highest refrrenre* given. Call7n of a*i dr.for one we*k. A M T.. :iw kail :>w <1 at J y 1 ; Herald I p?..wn Ktio.-i, ., t . ? or J. M. I., YV *S" "TS M" VI,"S iv * M *N AM. A ,, r " (Colored); man as waiter, wnnau aicook-eitl ^ country; eau give bmt ot r-ieren ov at to nWabl'lltr --- honesty Inquire at 3?i Wcjt ?th ?t. and ii' anteii -11 mi position, bt a Tocbc bab ?' red gentleman, who u intelltuent t n ,i??T . . understand an> bnaiaeu perfr.itiy ,J truf'iw 'rvhv an ! off" e ?'M'(1 reiercnco. Add re,, k! R.boal^'rM II'ANTKD-BY A Cl.MPl TF.N r rOI ORED" WaTtRR ?? n an. a situation in a hoarding hou-e- ?0ol o .r tiZXmJT? * '? C- ""X ,:1 tA'ANTUl)?BY AN RVPkRfEN'CRO PBB^OK A ?? altuatioo as head waiter, either for city or roun try; bast city rclercmes. addre s a. Z., Herald office. vl'ANrrn-A siti'ath.n m a mintsm) rn tiik ? > care of hl.xxleii hor?. ? In tbt* and the ,.id feuntrv ? *."f nn"'rr*'"',>*' A,ldre* Bnickerb?eker Oard Compaay, 1/)A BAST ?D SI -A VOI SO M\N, CO|,ORRf> j im ?? waiter in a r>rlT*?e family or boaraiiik houie! City or country; good reference, tl.KHKS AMI SAI,K<il|E\. ACCOUNTS IN NINK I.ANHi: AORS.-aBRF. A R4 :} rru'"? ix9 - books Opened aaamined. kept or ba;. marine transiatiosa. ,VaMK.~ CtiJt wT.New i" A ku7L4RV fCBUc, having his owb ofpicb ; i wNhe? lo make arrangement irtth a ' an corpoffttinfi or nay houna ffto'Urln^ ^ctrfircii i t % noiarv an-i rapid writer occajitonaHv, or short time da? * a,I 4rei? SO I ABi PUBUO. llcraid office * d*1 Ad" KAs"??>??<?'U?A: VlfJl /i,>OI>s s*''K M VN W \N I}.|> Ar 1 ? fl Wt amnna utaer tisuty-i' ?tretV U. AUHAh CI,KHKi? *AM? MLKMIIIBK. AVOtTNO MAN, l? VIA KB WANT* A Hmr ailou; reside. with lij, parents: is quirk and ;.?r rect at flg.ires ami understands bookkeeping; has ?*? perlcnce a* an entry clerk ; can give good reference ?r security. Addre?J. t ?i ?H I.5*|n?trm ?r. BOOKKEEPING.-WAVrED. A PRACTICAL R' OI* keeper will instruct a young man thoroughly la bookkeeping, mercantile calculations, he at his housa Brooklvn. 8to 10 evenings: 'erins moderate. Address Mr. COLLIN^, box 140 Herald offlcr, /"ILEBh. WANTED?A TO (NO MAN, QUICK ANf> vy correct at calf nliitlne. Address, with retereuce an t salary required, CLERK, box 213 Herald office. DENTIhT*. OK ALL GRADES, ENUAUEl) AT ALL times for i>ur Establishments, here aud Ear. p>; a'su clerks inclined to learn. possessing the required qualification*. PBETEKRfc BR'is.. t? iiowery. TAUCO C'LERK?WANTED, .TI MOR DRl'Q KLERK 1J one not alrald of w.>rk. Apply at KM Bowery. mmu TKATSLMNO KOR THE MILI.INKBT I trade and willing to carry a Unlit article to ?cU &a commission, please cull at new No. 171 Mercer st OMTATIu.N W \NTLD?liV A VOIMI M \ N. A3 ? ' clerk, salesman, bookkeeper or any position ot use fulness; accurate an I reliable: salary inod< rate ; Dot references Address J. M. BL'SINK-S. station D. V\"ANTED?A VOL'NCI .MAN AS ASSISTANT BOOK ' ' keeper and t orresp uugnl; must know the German an.l English languages thoroughly. Address M. M? box Hi! Herald ottl. e. Y\* ANTED-A SITUATION'. HV A MAN !?. AS ?' clerk or collector; writes a lair hand. Is qnlCK and correct at tljures and Is ? illiux io inaki' hi in sell usciul; has i>e?n at the Iron and hardware bu*Itiess IM tfywrs. Address HARDWARE, box ISO Kerala offire WANTED?A RELIABLE, BUSINESS \l VN. TO ACT " as agent or advance man tor a new travelling pro ject; recommendation* necessary. Apply, betwncn It) anil 12, Tuesday and Wednesday, 'Health Lilt Room*. I7i Broadway. WAMTID-irr A TEA, COFFFE AJiO KftCt ' ' house, a first class salesman tor State and near by trod*; a competent man who can tufluoucc first class business will be liberally treated with. Address, Wlltt lull particulars, (), K . box 17i? Herald otitic. V|rAN TED-TWu 1. XI'KHIF.NCED TRAVKLLiNO ?? salesmen; t'ntse having the armiiiu'anec >f fbe paper hanging trade. Address box 6 12? Post office. New York. W'AMTBO?TWO (ioiil) S VLl'.XM EN TO IKAVKlj *1 and wll a specialty in ladies' hats; nntio but thoso acquainted with wholesale dealers need apply. Impure at imperial MaiiuUeturiiig Cumpany, 171 Her cer sr. ri'ANTED?A POSITION tS DRCU CLERK BT A II young man 2l years of age, speaking German; six years'experience; g< od city rcioreuoe. Ad.ires* C. u., llerald office. W'ANIED? A FIRST C1.AS-: Ktl.KsMAX FOR V? suits and aha wis: a'so one for dreis goods and one for prints. FLAMUAN A CO., U29 nth ay., between t'th and 41st stj. C'OAt llRlkX A V I> t? V It I>K\ KKS. t SITUATION WANTED?-AS COACHMAN. HV A ^'V respectable man: has five years' city rctcrcnce. call on or address T. W.. No. 2.H-' West ititb sL A MTUATION VAltlD As CO AO IIM AN BY A -V niarried man liial has been in tne employmentQt a widow lady hi three years; best city reierence. a<i* dren M. f! . lit 5tii av. \ HlSl'ECTAUI.K MAN AS COACHMAN AS (V J\ eroom; very capable has a tliorouxh xnowlr Iki ot bit business; It strictly t"inper ate : can protui'? nn<|ita? tionanle references. Address J. K., box lid Herald MM t ritOTK-r\M' (HNQLtS MtN WANTd KMfl.or /v inent as coaeliman and groom: can milk and b? gen?rally u.selul: good city reierence. Address tl M , tiox 2IX Herald olll?e. *S COACHMAN AVI? QROOM, in a private ^'v famih . by a single man (English : thoroughly un derstands his business. Call on'or addrcia P. P., ltd West 6>th st.. private ?uble. \ FIRST CLASH COACHMAN WANTS A SITCAflOMj understands bis business tborouglilv; bon rerer ence for honeatv, isoorlety and capability. Address J. M.. box 112 Herald olti c. \ GENTLEMAN DESIRt.S TO OBTAIN A HITL tlon for his coachman, a rcltaule, sooer, trust worthy, younif, single man; is an excellent groom a safe and experienced driver in city or country, thor oughly understands the proper care of horsos, harnnis and carriage*, anderstands gardening the care of poul try and can tntlk; is willing and obliging. Address, lor two nsys, o. i . II., 1A John st. (in the store*. * TO UNO MAN WANTS A -ITl'ATION AS C<?\? II. J\ mnn and groo a ; knows his business in every r.J siiect and is not alrai l ut nork; good reference. Address P, D., box i?3 Herald offic?: Asih ation wanted?hv a ruoTKSTAjrr maw, . as coachman: i.- a good clfy driver: city or country; has over IA \ ears' releronce lrou? last two places. Ad dress A. K , box I5:i Heraid office. ASITi ATKJN WANTED?BY A RKsPKClABLK single man (French), as good vearetaMe gardener, in a private family; uaderaiaa is ua busine-a; good ref erences Addre . t, JOHN Vlt; lOH. 11 bulllvan *t \ YOUNG ENtil-i UMAN am FIRST Ol,a h COACH inan; thorium 111 v understands hi* work; carcitit aban or tandem driver, good milker; boat reicrencr Address K. 8? box i03 Herald olllce. 4 MnaillN WANTF.D?A-* CoAfHWah AMI /V gardener. bv a married man : perfe-tlr reliable au sober; in his last situation throe years; guod iriirmcf. Addles I. W., Herald o*t!ce. 4 FIRST CI.ASS CdACIIMAN WlUlllis A MTCA iV linn; can ho highly r<??. iniuendel by hi* t resent employer. Call oil or adil:c*s D. W., aiablea, 4j West 4-it i i at I COACHMAN 'S SITUATION WANT; D-HY KS j'\ eiperb-m ed Knglisiiuiaii, with good city reference. Can be aeon m private stab las, 119 W-?4 49th at A COACHMAN WAN TKD-oNR WHO CNDRR aland* thoroughly tha rare ol hortes an I earn*lent must have the beat reference lor afvln. careful driving, sobriety and hone?tv; tion>? need applv bat IlKW havlig ha ! the charge of a handsome lurnuut. Call, between tin hours of 10 and I- lu*? iar inorninr. at the Cni>a i'lai'o Motel, 14th at. and Broadway, room 1?. 4 MTTATION WANTED?BV A TOUNO M \S, AS J\ Oral class groom or coarhman; city or c.Muitry; thoroughly understands In* business; boat reierenee. Call at or addreta for two days, stable*, Ml West 11th it. i MMOLK HAS WANTS A SITUATION AS COACH A oianatid groom; can uillk and make himself n? erallv useful; any gentleman in want ot such a ittau wilt find the asm-. an I entirely free from all kind* of ru e; able *nd willing to work, wifh ten years' flrat clasa rafrenre*. addte?< E., bos2)4 llerald office. A KRsi'hC T ABl.K MaN AND WTFR WHH SITUA A Hon* lozclher; the tnan b Ural class ftijr'nnan; under* and? and .he caro ol horses In every liaa; the wife aacook; < au do her work, well; good city and counuy ralertnvo. Address S. J. M., box 11 a rai l oftha. AriMT I MM COACHMAN WANTS SITUATION; understand* hli blMltn thoroughly ? ban refcrenoA for hoiiestv, sobriety and capability Addresa COACH* M \ >, in .North Moore >t.. lur twotlay*. A SCOTCHMAN, OMARRIRD, WANT* A HITt'A* j\ tiou; experienced. competent coachman ; in city or oountrv : la alao a good vegetable gar lenei . IntfUljr recommended. .'<4 Ircrn W. S., box 1UT Herald o* A HAN AND WIFE WISH MTUATIONS TOOK Til MR: J\ man is a tlrat rl?a? coachman and araoo ani willing to make hlm-elf generally utiuI; wife la anex celieut cook anil laundress; best r"fer nee; nam not ao miKh an obiect ta a permanent situation. Ad dreaa D k. boa 117 Herald t'j iowb Branch ofllce. Vrt COACHMAN AND OROOM ?BY A 8IHULR MAR: ??ober. trujtworihy. w-.Ultur and obliging: al* vaar*1-' City nllNMl. Addrew N. P.. HI We?; Jith at, atable 4 RINOLR TOUNO M^N (PROTESTANT} AK COA<'H A man; t?r?t < l?-? oity rcierau. a. t a 1 ou or add teas K U.. U4 5th av. \0':NTI,KMAN tYtSHK^ A mTl'AnON ?-on his coachman who ha* Uved with him for arwral vtar* Applt to Ur. 1. R. MATitRWH, Mjduou a^uara Hoiiae, corner Hat at. and way. 4 M\N ANI? Wl?': WW r III v.! ? M .ilK J\ country; tn*n ltsi'eratanda the ear* an treatment of hor-f < an l la ? careiul drrtr; l* triillig to make nmi aeu useful-, can m>lk; wllf to do the coking w.x'hir'g and ironing; beit raicrcnca. Address M. v., box 117 Herald ofti e. ? SITUATION WARTKD?BY AN AMHRICAN HAH JY a*/ai-Jener and nsefn! man; beat rolerenca. raii on or addra??. 0. W. uoi.uicn, iM Sth av , basement 4 (IMNTLKMAN WtillM A .-SITUATION KoR lllil A ? xebtnan. an Amcrlian, whma lis can hlgmy rccoretn ?a In *v<-rv reape- t. t all on or addreaa JaMKi T. Ml >.W, No. * West 3 th it _ . 4 til N I LP MAN w I -HK> TO PRO I >IK A MTU 4 J\ llou (or in*. >ACbinan, wh m laoan highly recoiu lii ml. Adirc*a A. H , Hi Broadway, or lot l,7il l oit olilce. a S C UCHMAN-BT THOROOOHtT cottrETRNr /l singl" matt; sober, wlllin* and na-lul in dtv or countrT; t '-' reference from last employer. Call ai *t ad ireas #dfl 7th av. 4 TOl'Nfl MAN WIHIR.S A HITtTATION TO DKIVR J\ donbla or single !u>rae , no ob!ectlon to the countryt w ling and obitung; live vara' reicrcncs. Call on or addreaa H. tM Kaaitl hat 4 SITt'ATION WANTRD-A^ COACHMAN BY A J\ jroangman; i* a gmwl frf>oin and rarrtul driver, c.iy relercB tta. Address S., Sti 9th av. A HKAPlCrABUh YOCRO MAN (SINQl.K) WANTS .A a situation as coachman : I* thoroughly cr.mpeient; w;'I be disenva<iej iii a few day*through his employer tiiitilng ion Ins )ior*ea. Call at ur addr a l-if Wee! UUt ct. (private atahle.s 4 PINOI.K YOCRO MAN Wants A fcITt"ATION All J\ coachman aud groom; has lived four vears in hla last ?l:uaiioti. first class city reference from the samo emplover. Call on or addret* P. L? 119 Kaat IM at. A BRftPKCTABI.K Yot'NQ MAS (xWl-8) WANTS A J\ situation a? ooarlinia'K he iindersiati 1s the cara it h .r*e* and carna?->s pcrtectlr and Is a very careful drli er. Call at or audreaa No 3**1 Broome it A SITUATION W AN TKD~B Y A FIRST OLASM +\ eiachman, thcroughiv understand." his huslnev* six veara'citr rrferenee. ? all or a idl es* N. 3. J. h , Brewster A t;o., 145 haatasth ?t. ARESriCTABI.R TOUNO S'NOLF MAN WHURt . a situation as toa hiuan and froom . thoniuAhiv ititderrtar.ds hi* bu*ltit:s* is *ober ami obliging st?n>-l city and country refcrencct. Call on or aJdreaa I*. McX . | 4^3 7th av., near 3,1d ?t. Bt A RRSrt-'CTABI.K MAN AS COACHMAN, fRil thoroughly undei'itan is his t-usines'. in all in 1 bvanch?a; I eat ciVy reiareuca. Cau at or aidn-aal ??> j East IMth it, _ _ UY A KM\BT ACTIVK MAN AS OOACHMAN thoroughly understand! Uis husliie<s in all lt.s , brnncht s , best city reference Call ar addresa I. I>., Uo^ 124 Herald Iptuwu Branch ofllce. | / 10A( ilMAN'.S hirUATIOS WANT 1.0?BY A FIRST a c a-is colored toe tUorouuh' undar*'ana< lus bv.-in?ss ha* f'i*' c is clir rntere-? ? from its' OI& | ?l??ar, Call Mil vf a?"iee?a J, J? Mo. 9. West luth ??.