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SITJATIOV* WAI?TR?-rCaiLiU. (?ok>, Ar. ?? WEST #W-r ST.?A KKHPKt'TABl.K PROTESTANT O 1 I'KH.U girl ?? |M(Kl I'wA HI ? privtt* lauuit , citl ?>r country; good reference*. O BKACH ST.? AN K \ P K It I K.M'KD IVdJlAV AS 0 ar<t' !i??i?iMik , thoroughly under?tan>K b<r bnai ??*?; wi'tia ma*>i witli ih? wa-uiug. lii(|Uir? at lb* baaetnentdoor. 1 4? J< i\h S ST. . BE IWKhM 4 i il A.NI? HM f i KKK ? 1 _ At took, v.*.tier ?aj iruUBf iU lUn country ; good r>- ?-r?-1. . EA*T 40TH ST.?A RKnI'KCTABLK JUDKI.K. 1 -J a*<-d wAmnn *? rook m * private ramily In the city; tlinrouuhlv major .land, h*r bu?u?CJ?: U ? good baker. A<ldr?Mi on Tuesday. the 25tti I ?> WKST W>TU (??.?* HK-r < l,AM> < IMIK IN A 1 _ pntau mtuUy or b aril ug tioOm-; city or country; eity rateri m **? T7 1HT n, ROOK 4 ? A KKKPKt r AHI.K YOUXU 1 I nrl ?' c ooleook: i? ? iron i wanher and lrunar; ?an aire good reteram a. Call tor tiro di?>? nLISP. NAKIJ ST. ?AS t IKaT t'LtsS KNOMBIl rouk; v""?t nfennct. t ai. on ur aiidrcw, lor inrea day a, Mm. MtEKiiih.N. 17 CO MOB ir.?AIKNI tAUIMUAlflMW I 1 piaiu cook, waalirr ait<l irnner or would do hou*c work: aouid like to k<> 10 tliu couuirv tor the summer; 6i'?t ciij ratcr?ne? from last place. t'all fur two ilar^. fH\ WF>T ?3tH NT.. FIRST FLOOR, RKAK.-A fc-'' young wumau to cook. watli ami iron, or womd <to tiotwework in a jnt\a.?? family; city or country, good rfttrwtM. W'l STST.. BOOM Ilk ? A KkMABl.E WOMAN A3 ; gool family cook: i* a bukrr; t??*r of refer ?nee at to ltara> l?r ami 1 ?ptniliiv a K00J home uiote ?)t an otiieer than wages; a tuort disiauca in tin- coun try urofarrad. A. B. oa WOOSTCR ST.-A RK"- PKt'TABKK PRKN'l H ? ? I tvoiuan.'iy landed, ?? tir?t i-Ia-* cook, uuder Manda Kugluli ceokifig. t all tor two 'ay*. ?>?> C??M Mi Bi'K ST., BETWEEN Bl.FKi KKIt ANI> _?? Meulord.?An cxpencncr 1 r.uinati A* good rook ami <lr?t ??!???; hakeri would do the ?a>liiUE and ironing ci a Muail laiuiiy , bom reference. <>?? WEST 141H sr. ?A- OOMPKTKN'r I'linK IS a ?'' private family ; no oMection to as -:st wub the vara* washing he?t cfiy reference. ??n MIKKIKr ST.?TWO BRSPKCTABt.E PHOTIC ? >'? mru (.no .t< flrat cltw mink or latimlre.v? ttij other nit chambermaid: first cla<? reference. ?)|l VEsT ISTH ?T KK*H HC?I -K.?A < ? IR L AS ?>' J cum, wna.ier and iioner: line linen fluter; can ina e in letter <? .* or ; '>J reference. um Tiiii sr tnimtn>*< ki ?two oibi s ? ?? ti.r i.r inlr;. one n? k mil ttmdre? the other at cnaniberniaM and waitress. Call all till* ? ?nk. :u 41 , eitatit woman a* rlr-t i la- ? <iL- and a--nt ir tit^ tioarae waahInif of a private titniii- ???r boarding house oi-country: best city fierenee. ?>Q * k -t jint sr.. I'RK-tM Mi'i u> rrs. ? >?" recue< tanle w.> nail :im it mul ***>? n, washer and lrotier: good city releretire Cull for two days. wi -i urn si. hi hvi:fn ?th andrth avs _ Aa dr?t ete**POi>k : ifood eitv reference. |1 WE*T 3)1 H ST-A"? TOOK" IM* LIVED A *i I vear with present employer, where ?tie can be tor two day* alter W A. M. I ?? sT . F K AH?A YOrs'O IlIltL Av UOOU ~t?l plti.ti cook ? *-ner and Iro iei- in a private fata lly: city or country ; good reference*. rnT>NUA? ST.. KKAR ll'n -F.-A RP.SPHCTABLE ? I" girl a> cook ? aslur ami ironcr, orer three year*' r 'ereui ? from iiktt plai e. r -.1 ki'm ii sr, tiint 11 v.-oua.-A roupBtBM ? r_' woman an excellent laker:, taku ( li*r-'e <?: im'k n ul huiti r i?-*i reterenc-*. f?4J EASTusTBr BETWEEN MADIsoX AND iTH ? I ? i>?. Two *--tern l-'^eTiter: one a- a uood plain rook and ?-ry Bo--d wao.-r mi ir> ner: th? other as flr-t i la? wain*#".; would ?.?IM wtrh the chamber work; t.e?rrit\ reference trout th'-lrlist place 107 w <m st-as rtRfT t i.a<? meat I'"? and |ui?trv <:.,ok; no nhj. mit > a boartliMg bon%-or uotei rotin'ry preferred g.iod city reference! I I it I WKST I.ITH HT.-A YOIM. t.IRI, A.->("<lOK IV't7 ill an exreli?nt linker anil a coo<l >< aaher atel uooer: nu oMeeuon tu th? i iiuntr* tint city reiereni-e. IliU w UST I3TH f T . IV Tlir RK AK.-AH FJRST ela-' eixik; un<ler>tanU< all kin 1? of CoOktiig ? nit rt?; WuitUt it<< i oar?- m m^ii.ii/; no ubjecltou to a i-o?rilm< lion*, g-iod r?*l< r n e "111 WKST l-.TTI f-T HIM ll.ii iP.-t KKSKEi'T ill aolf youn?r woman a- (?mmI'eoolt. waxher ami jr-mer; i? an eirellent baaer no i>l"ecflon to tlie coun irr ; belt reterenre?. H.) Valt NO NT * Kl sPht TABI.h (]|RL AS ? cook an u a n- iti lUe waaliUif. flr?t claia ret rrenre. Ill Wc.MT WTH ST. ? A YDl'M, WOMAN AS COOK; lit cm ilnall klnii?W A me r lean c<>okluj; willtnit to a?ii?t tit coarM- waetntit: eaeelUnt reference. n- WKST 1ST 11 ST., HEAR HOt?f?K. StCONO '} A re?peetaf>le woman a* kimwi ?tain ?> -ok. w??ti ?? an-l ir- iier no obn-cilou to the country ; ! e>t citv relereuee lift Wl ST urril -T . BkBE.MENr D'KIR ?A TOCflO I I ?J -man to c.wk, wa>h and iron, city or cottntry; go>?l rettffen. ?. Ii)- '.VEST 4?TM r. ItooM X ? t KI-SPRfTABLK I ?' > woma-. a< . .o- < ouk; citi or i >uutr> . KooUret er?ife frota laat pl?<??. ityr i. i.-TwrH sr., ? oiiNER i.KxisuroN av.-a 1 . I i ,.ui|v ten! ?ouu(t woman ?- tlr?t clai-e?,.k in a prlrau- fajitly ii(i<lrr*iatt<l* lien. li ?i.j KmiUoii cook in *11 ita branch** no ?o ihe i-uuntry , e* i e!>ent reference. Cail for two iIsjta l.^QTHST tORN-1-K ?rir iV? THIkD floor lw'3 >ver it" -ry ?ture._ A >>nn< wo ma a a joo-i e--ok anil to au <t wi'1! tY waslun^ il requireti; t ti or c?ti3tr* J , year*' cit* reUr-nee iroui iaat plat e. I'll! *'~T -"T.-k Ri->Plt.TABLE WOMAN A*''' jo r >.>k all J t<i anelat w itli ike wartMBg; eit' or rnnnfr* . ^ refaren e |?>1 *tnl ;? III .-I . PiHil H.OOR. ? A TOU.NtJ I*'I. v- ?i ? .an a* Al*t - a ? * o**A . thoroughly untler* ?tan 1- liar Im-inea* auulil like to go Ul the c-'UnUy lur the nuiiimer g A refetvnea. I 'K'K WK*T "'U ST.-A Kf.MPECI ABI.K WOMAN A3 I fir>t > law . -??? ? would axiat with eoartw wa*h ii.a'. ni 'ie(..i^a tjiUe coon:ry , beat reierence. u l fu' two<la>t. ih: i? w , -*17 tn in ;tie wa>ltittf If required; wi? -enra ft- n her laat j?'a? e. i "aii for two uay(. ? -T jsrn bT-V BFSfi ITABr.R vocxc il nr; lo -?<?? wa?h an-l Iron; jovAl re.erenc" fr^tu ln->. p-a- ? al: tor l??lati. -|4?- wt-T t?T'I sr l<t *TORP -TWO f"OMPB 1 ?)>J t-> ? riapettier one aa ? jok and to a?iai with tii- ? i?hln* t' e oth-r ai chainta-r i.ato ami wait r---? <-r won -I ?lo the work of a ?inall family l?etweeu 'hem no >|ectmn* to a ''lort die. .n< e in ilie c-iuatry ; tnee." rear*' rafaeen< a ff-mi la-t pl*e?>. 1 in nu avii at moa n -a bkbfsotabui I !" j --in? gie (< romp-*a?t eo?,< |n a prnat? ?a?nit? : H " b*?t< ity mKilT Ul> NT.?TWO IWTIMi OMR AH ? wa?ber aim Irotier. ttie otn r a> rhaai la.itUM ??'? Kj.'rr*, au t to aaaiM wi!b Ilia wa?blu( : fi hii ? ;l .n t-. 7 n '.h? ? ouutry . be-t city nl< reu- e? Wo? thetr ;nt pia<-c. I WK?T siiTn ?T-A PEsPE'"table YGt'Xi; wutraiu gool . -,k , nti-|ar*??n-ta l>read and a*re:i?rii wa?|o-r an I iron* r ?uild do houi? *?-rt. city ??r i nnt' rltj refert-nca. ml. AST IJTH ST., KRC'iNll f'l.ooB. IftONT.? A fttttilailt TMtn ?* ' Ikuk. aaabl an 1 Irjtier. an like i?r(a ol u. k a..i i.tur, wit* ?c Country. A ~| | W K-t .41 I x? Ki *|> H.J1V , f \ ?TfI AND I'>'J 7U .!??. ? A ? ttrnl-elen t (irl a a'i n e l?l(t govt and baa- ; WoUnl .i- W.IU Ine (a i.uif a tin-ill prl ate 'in.: ; *e\i rat ye?, , t- - i i r?t., no a g titililT that a?ei.< help ng ap|>l>. ? au be aecu nnlll enrageit j -/? ra-t u* i -a p. -PEcr\bi.b oi*L aa !??"> |,:atn --elk ami j 1 laird!-?? wonid do 4*11 eral '>o??ework m ? ?tBa'l private family g od reie. 144 1 r*\ WTFT MTV ST.-A BEFFECT*BtiP TOC5U woman a* e-avl plain rant. ?i<"r and iron er ?i? year*' 10 c aren- e tram la*t plaee I ga I *>?T ?I-|| ?r ? k ItF-FK'-r IBI r. Y' s I'M w iitn it !"r?Tlii.itnot nn'ar -anti r<>,kin? In all lt? iiranclNw flr?f 1 laa? i-lti reteren< e?. ii-i M-r VfH * t:i <PH"Tt?i.B Yoi'^tfj l')l girt to '. ok and a*<i?t wltk w??nn .' la tkly an t r?r? wiiituit an I . good city teierea.r ; fin obie'tlon H the roaa'rt ? ?fi t RCHRT HT. BPTWEFf BflOOMP AND I .spring.- A 1 1 Me p. r?ol? aa 4 j d c-'X'k IIS a -tie fam 'r *'a'l ir ?ro mil fc WE-f **th PIT,? A RKSPE -TvBf.E YOP.V.J girl ?? giK>d t-'?'n rook underhand* bakli g a i?i|i W(.?id aaaift m wathinf and ironing, city or romtri . good rttPMti r?lw? F*?T ?rr?f sT-A RK-PKrTABl.B WoMAX ? 'HI ? ? ? . it e. k nn'?-*t.?8l( her bu*iu< ?: ?- <?? 1.. a ?nor ilie au .e In the ountrr , <ma . 200 21T 21 '?itf^rn t ro rnoK, wash and ? Hy or country: food refaranee. T Bast sth bt., riMT ri.ooR ?a bb*mi> I an'? l* ''ant Woman ai cock, waaller .mJ TJO Wist S7,H -T.-g ppsrr.t TABl-P WOMAN" ii n inug to aA. in the wa<biiig. jtovd 'r?c .;t)(i uril ?i A PROTBtTAVT W Oil All Aa aa a>' o ik . nnderaU'i'la h^r tiu?'io'*? tbaro'v-iir, t d feli-re ii a. Oi ^ a.? for two dayi. ? >?> | W r AT 1ST Tf sT I P HP > 8 YTF. Bf A ?5 WOKAV ? aa I a- fir?t aaa ia.,11 Irf-.i ' lie'et>*reo> n<iun je- lion t* ? boarUirai fi >n*e. ?an aaa a until I ncaged 4I(;Q EA?T tSTB Bf,. riR I rf.t?0?-A SEAT, BX n rleneed - i. ? , tan a' good p;a n c <>k ; ?^-iild d^ttie ioarM waahlng tefertma Iruui iax wi-r tarn i-t a< t*bf.k wowm: ?t wa?t,er and tenner; no ot>"W1tuu to 1 Boarding t)?Mi we si nu n r 1 r 1 ion probt?a aa^?r re-ne^-*' . w. .4 and 1 I?r'na d. < all'or tw . d?v? ?/'-til *" ,R r" "T.?At etrst ru*?i ?.?>" c iik. wttfi go jd refer t. -. utuleralaMo eon.. ? :i I All kitttl* it de^wrta; it tiling 'o a .0 UK c.i.nii , with n private family. ti io east biii ?r-A rehpbotarle rmiT M ? >' ' e*tanl gii I a* go >?! p tin e.Mik and bre el mkei at ill do the e/iapw wnalirig and fake Qiiarae at the uitlk (ri.l butter 1 otintr.v ptaferrgd, good rettreuce. ?!?> I F\*T4'l?rt fir a H''er'ICTa P' fc i)iKb TO ?at>X Jv aonhlig AUyi (M ig. j?TPATIO% ? WAll'Klk-KKKXIito. ioatt. Air. 9'i t WF-.T "I4TH ST ? \ tOPNO WOMAN AS ? ? ??? cook : UUilerstanda *11 kinds ot meal* and soiipa. ?tid i* a good baker: no objection to the country ; best city reference. *)OC KABT 20TH ST.-a BUMOTABU WOMAN a? Plain w>k and to a?aiai with ilio waaliiug, or a* laundress; bast city reference *)'U{ EAST 4UTH ST.. FIRST Ft.l XIK, REAR. ?AN experienced order cook in city ov couutry 1 all <>r adareaa MM 7111 if, BK1WEEN 2.1 D AMI 24TH STS.. croc ken store.?A Protestant waman ?< cook; would aaalet with the washing; good city r?nren, a. tan be seen for two da} a. 1A8T urn ST., U?- IWKKN 311 vNO 311 v\ s ? ji)' I *-g I Oeruian cook ; ha* uu objeottou to g? a aliori distance in the i ountrj ()?>/. WK.ST Mrs s I ? \ Rl >PF.O r ABI.F. i'OI NO wall) ?irl a* und irouer in a small prl \ ale fanuly or to do g> ueral lmuae*? ora; three veins' beatcil.v re fur a nca. _ _ 4>?i7 EAST MTH ST.. HECO.VO FLOOR.?A RE ' I apactable ulrl a* conk; would assist with tfte washing and Ironing in a private fauilly; would wo a short distance in the couutry; three years and acvvu mnn ;hs' reference from last employer. 9*?0 WEST MTH ST. ? A BESPECTABi.E WOMAN ?.?lO a % good iila'n cook, washer and irouer; is a bread and blacull baker: beat city 9JA HAST 40TH ST.-A Yni'XG OMI, AS (lunn ?- Iplain cook, washer and irouer, or todogeueral housework: be t city reference. OA A BAM 10TR ST.?AS TOOK, WASHER AN1> j lroner; no objection io town or country; 'j**t city reference. I (HI WKST 10TH SI"., t N T11E It I \R-t ?.<??' f? I a^'T I Cook and baker, and lo assist with the ?aih Inn;1 ity or country ; good city reference. i <1,1 "1 W l ST 27TH ST.?A BBSPECTABEE WOMt.V ? if lis first class rook; eitv or country; Tilling to j assisi in washing and Uouiug, no objei tioit to a hoard ing home; references. Oi 1 KtST *tn ST.?A RESPErT tBLE YOT'NO I ! -T I girl as good plain cook, washer and troller In a small priyaie lamllv. or would do chatuberwork and j waning; good cifj reference. t) | i WK.-r ru m\ ,i i:i-..-k> i v.mpi.ovi k - ? r I A? drat class cook: thoroughly understands nil kiads of meats, sonps iani Doultrr In every st>le: bon- > inr lardirig, French an i SpaiiOh cookinv; Is a first class pastri cook : would do nvat or pustrr ?e|?arate, or both il reuaired , in hotel or buui'diuy lloUAu; tUc ?ra-l l? pre ferred ; best reference. m?TB ST.?A RP.SPECTAB1.H TOPNtJ I ? t? irlrl as good cook, wa-her and Irotier: would go , a s'iort distance in the country; hest relerence. 9 1 l'**8* 4414 ST.?TWO SISTKRS; ONE AS ??'! 1' good plaiu cook ar;J ? ill aa-'ih' with the wa?h. ina ;ind IroniHi.': the other a- chambermaid and waitr>~s; best city refercuce; no oblection to the country. QJO K VST 40TH sr., > K A It .'l? W.-A ('.> M -tn t?-nt woman a< cnok and to as-lit with the wasbit.g and Ironing iu a small laimly; good refereuce. I rati lie seen where she hs? llved-tor tnree 5 ears. aj Q V.'h-T IUT ST. ? \ TOT-NO WOM t\ AS rjixio ?'1 > cook and bailor: will a-*Mt with tlie warning and ironing: benettr reference irotu last place 9 1 q wkst r-rn srr.-.v nr.spprT<Bi.i; tocno -*'r' ' girl .1* ulaln cook und a first < la? washer and irouer: good city reference from la?i pla> e OKA WEST 41SI ST.?A RKsrSCT.VBI.B TOl NO ' _irtrl to rook, wash an I iron or would n# general lious work in a small family ; beat city references, OK7 WEST MT1I ST.? A COMPETENT WOMAN \ ? ?)< cnok. washer ami irouer: country preferred; | beat city Iroin preaeM employer. i)K'i l~r AV-t *1 i I ? r. L, AG K U WOMAN AS ? <>?) tli?tala >1 .ok: good bread and biscuit maKer; no obfectiou to the couutry . refetence*. tjdto urr at., lt.rwi k.v ism and'mth si is the fancy aiore.? A rc-oectable Scotch girl n* g.K^l cook will a-?ist with the washing, or would do the niuhiug oi a stuall private family; uo . bjevtion to the country. 970 SO AW. RRTWBKN 21 sT ami aSD STS _A _ I 1 re,|,-?'table y .nun girl aa competent cf.ok iu a orirate family: no ohlecti,?i to asslat hi waalilutf iu a -uia.i launlv: lw<t cat' reteran a. 90 H an AV" betwb n 2^r? and ait sts.-a ^-?Tir 1 api-t table Prote.iant wuiti'in a? < >ok: he^t eity'rcfeixti - none bu: a private I a uiil> ueed apply. < all for three days. 9( I I 7111 AV MRfBBII 2#TII AND 27TH STS.. ; ??' x tu.i d floor ?,\a < 00k ; willing vu aasl-t wltli the washing: six year- in K*t place. Qft9 East 24TH bt ?A bespkctablp. vopno Ol'? woman as Aral olaaa cook: unlerstaads her bus neas tin roiiglilv : will in* t.,ui. 1 satisfactory! uo ob ''oi.on vo the couairy; good reference. KAST WITH ST., NEAR 20 AV FIRST FLOOR, uUu (rant.?A resi*-eiai?ic woman as cook, waabei and ironei; best city ret -rence. ? I * -1 M If S1.-V BEsf'F.1 rkRLF. WOMAN ? a- ttr-t .-lass e?.?n; n job>ccti U lj the Country, iiniv tor two day * OA 4 feill AV t BK-PKCT*H1.K AS t)i/ x 1 -.ok an 1 to d-> 'iric iri.'.iW: bvst city reier enc?? ? 1/V7 I'i-T 4*TII <T . TOP FT.0OR._k R'SPK'TA ? >" I I b>e girl aa rook; la a Aral claaa wa?h> r a ?l iro'ier: in a small private family.or would do general lionsewora ; gowd relerence. Call for two day*. Oi|7 7TII A^.. NEAR * I M Si -A PRO! EST A NT ? )' 1 I w. inan as .<? mpetaKt conk ; tr . nghlr ui) r ? tanijsal 1 m < 01 lamln cooking, aonps. ifamn a;i I des ?rrtv; aati.factory reference ; country preferr'4 'in< E\ST 24 r il ST.. I* E ? 'O NO Fl.oclt. BAf g ? )? '? ro"iu ? 4 ?-i?e? w . nan a- first claaa c< ok iu a privao srdiUg tiouae; Wi.nug and obliging; best ? its- r?f*r?-Ti".-. ? HO F ' ?tT r.OII ?l ?V BF-PFt TABLE WOMAN I ? II' as ftrat ' laM < o k wastier and irouer; city or u .autrv M*t releretwe troni la?t place. QlCi MorT -T.. NEAB BLEErKEB.-A RESrEfT. ! ? )| ao.? Protestant wotnaa as good nlain c.jog tu a nr?* rate w* n#r amt ironer and a good br*al and i.11 1 wit makar; t^st cit? r>Herence ? ny es-T .uii sr. fi.oor.-tv?o sh- | ? ?IC1 ter? on-a? plain cook, waaber in 1 Irt.ner the orh?" as chamf>ermai I an i waitress m a small prir ite family: no objection to the f oiinwv for the suniiiur laontus it required . unaxreptt taaftle ? ity releraace. ilQit E*sr 210 sr.. TWO ri.IOHTS, ebobt.?a . ? >_* * res: - lahle ?om n a? I. an ; t.. a ?1st in the ? a?hi.e. and Ironiad; s?o i d like to go to the country; l>e? I ciiy reir refine ? I.Wi Wl -T 4IJTH ST. BETWEEN *i II ?N(i?tn ? iu- ? rounggirl a? ^ .d ro >k ?jJ flr?t claaa wa-h an 1 irouer. go .1 < it* relerence. ? ?.> 4 ? 4 0 Ju.ll <T.?TWO RE-I'H I 4BI.E Vol NO ? >? I girl* ineasi ..* ? ? her an I ir? ner the oilier ascbaaibaraald and enrtea, good ctt>- relervai ?? il required ?n/~ WFHT 17TH WT \ RRPPRf TABUS OIISI. TO ? ? < ,? ?a? i ?n l ir ri. . - i i genera ?! u ? <rurk. In * iwnatt I tu.ii? ? am r?l??r*ti< ??. '??>- 4krn hi., nn-i floor. bvck ? t _ ? > r '.m ? A r- ?p*< <*' " r >uti?r girl n? f>..k in ? r.'!' * f '?tir ? g 1<*| r|t? rvtt-r'tlMlrOHl l*?l I'inr*. ? ;|'I| -1 Ml- A KK> I OD to ?r> oVic ?)_ ?'ur> ii . ?*<* .. III A Pr<H? Preabx Wian ? . mh it r? . n?? Watan U I i-r aMrtaw hi *11 it* fcran h*? inwal*. " up- ?nl Kilt'*, brea . Itit a I {.(.'ft. <m Ulk? rhirg* <4 ? lair. ; *g win tai? charge honw *"*p?r - 'w?t - it* a. ?>.>(, I? T 47711 -r-\ KUPKOTABLI PRnri*. ati * -I ? i >i aw t in a i>rl\ t<- fumiij , a? jU j?r ij >n to ii pritrax boarding lionw: r?f?r?n< aa >I I > A)4f 171 H *T (PRl-fiKRT KMI'UOVr.K'Ki.? ,\ ? >?)'/ r#?Baelabbi T-un* w .man ?< r(m?, vtllcr 4n<l fl? " rmm' rati r 'i - Irom l*?l jj^c ; nrrf?rt g<-m* to tt?i* rimntfr. ? all lor two ila??. ->.ii r *iiH bt ?a Ei'FF.rTA ll,B oikl a* ? >?>1 c< iti> <.an<J i)a??r;ti'- or eouatrj . ein-l l?nt r? i r?" - ?>?>.> WK-T 30TII -T l> i IIR KTl.Hr ?A RR ? )???. *p? i- toiim (r;ri a? cook, waitdag an.j Irontr; tx>?t eity r?fi?r*it' ? OQ." WI-.4T MIH ?T-aV RXPRRtr srr r? W I ?? i-??. i??? ; |? tn r *< 'l>ti? ha*T: ?n?i<T ?tand* r,?r lnnl?t?wi thoroughly; lw?t cit* rrfrrrni-aa. ?)')* :u> \f ? \H llHtf < I.A -? < OOK 1* API ? Tata fau r : urH?r?Ui?da ni'nta, |ia?'r ? ?. i?l n<i>,r>i>-i-ion lw IIkfor Uj<; amnm-i. tlx ?? r- rfv ? i r mtii nr. room *o * _a yotv; I'riifaBt O'-riuao aa owkj juntrv prci'rr<-d A44r-m or aaflr ?i i r rrn a* rktwkpk mil amo ?th st^?as *.>"!?? Rrtf r-law cook < ftv ra'' r<-ri' ?? ?I lii "H */. RKAR.-A I'R-PRi MBI>. KMV ? >l'? it?h Prot#a?at?t ftirl a- flrat ol?<< eook. t ?: r? ff ? rmm ; >? ttuj,. n??oa a?p / bu; a MtriH 'an. If '? 17 PAST 1TTH .IT., REAR-A BORKR. HORK-T ? > I 4 > IIB4 woman aa ? *.?nn . rit* nr c<mi:rr mi ?ihji'r fit n lo a t? *r i off hoaae <r <?tioo4. "ill im m ia wa?l<in<. will fotiad Rnaiar-ant. OIQ WPBT WTH ST.?A RKfPPCTABl.F TOI JtU ?? I 1 wo *?! a? ??wwi ? iia, w^-li^r ? .1 if-inar In a private fainilv. gt.mj rerarenraa iroia la<t piae*. 'I Hi *K-'T ?TH SI. - TWO RKSPK? IWBI.R ? ? 1 ?' Pro?"?tant ? m?n wl?> t a <ttnati in tof? it^r ,? flr?? f im liflf !??'> ??ok a ill tilt oth?ran ?'hum 1 ? rma. 1 or w iHran aiou . !?? -t refrreO' a. Call or ad. ?? - 1 paut "au ?T * riK-f i r,A*-< < o k a-ij ? >?11 jft<l 1 .fbrwad; bo <?!<?< tt in tt> tlia i ,un irr; goo i cRt ftfrKow. ? >) - 7 KA?: mn ST.. < ORNKR lir AV.?A RKKPKIT ? >?'1 * tic widow and 'aiulit r t??a< tbar m th<r a* ?i.-.k a?H t? .lo waahlwg: Ui? (latightar ?? liniut>?r d and ? a ti' ell v or coaoiry; ? ^d r?Wr?n. ??. ?J- (? WRBT l.'TII hT.-A v.l \n ,.VF >|SH ? I r, ? >?)?/ n? (>miI ? oofc ; n i????ai?l iviih w.t i ill' rr- %r? , rrtw i ?? - t > n ,??!?? I ItrCBOti iaetr I fit ian i?ia<-? ii r "r < iKkalfr. </W* I'f AT..' HhTWr-,K* an A U ".'II II 8T-< , I fT) two p,?. atair<, Itark room.?T?o ^oir a ?iri? ?? ? ? 'otatiiT. oiw ? s-'>d ai.uti ? <??k ?????-?.?>? a?i ir..,t. , iii? u'hff a <? iin.?ifipruial?l Mill I Kirr.'i nr v.l Mia n?" l-mr- r/-t (-iH-a Irnai .Mtaap.of *r'?; n? ??iMtM ? i ??? . a i!??? * Ir. I I I I i 11TI' I -A PBOTI I i ? I tom\N * * 'I ' ' .? ; an lot mils I (f l.initi .? th. r'MHlilv ? i ?- < tfai< irr m? wa(Wf*% or eiam'i rmai'i; titer w.'iiId t! Hi- we#* i.l * latnMj Ixtwaait t?am; toM i- >i' n n>a ii i- lias iiona> oi the coaniiy; gn raf*f. i new .1 Hi KahT '*'? ^T.. SP AR 1ST AV -A RPMPRtir. ? 1'' ?bi? wi -inti a- <. .a in ? fefiratr mmllT ; i? an i i t>4k?r Dtldr rittndt .ill worm aim jtllin: W' lw?fh?plaln wwMimg IimI f||| fMrr'nr**. 4 17 w,' 1 2T* *T ?-* ?'?t i.iiiK \ a1 J I"" ? ,k ? '?5 '? I lr? ?r in ? ?nglt (iCtrftM I t?UT * r" 'a ? fi .1" *.? ;? . % "IT! ATMISD vs, VITKI)??rf. M A I.KH. < uolu. Ac. A ()7 WEST liiTIl ST , SEiOND FLOOR.-TWO ? ? I respectable young twirls iu n reapec table private family: mi. cook, wa*her aud Irouer, tlm other M < haiubeniiant ami waitreas, m> Dbitctlttl to Ml* ounirr lor the summer m>uiii?: hen gjt? reference trim la*t pluOe <?>!) 7TII AV, ? A RKSPEi TABI.R WOMAN A3 j ?>' i'uuk i r to no out by the <lay; b#*t relerenees. i all or addreaa fur two day*. 1 EAST 1UTH ST.. FRONT ROOM. ONE Kl.IGdT I''i up.?A respectable yoaat wamu ?) first cias? English and American cook; no washlnir nor lroniug; *oo"l wiK?ini)kir?d'. ?i\ years reference from Iiit Iw place; or t'i au chamber work and waiting fall for twi) dnjra J'H WE?T I I l( vr. Bfc'l WKKN 'IT!l v\l) 10 III l?>r av*., tiro ttoora, back room.- A resectable girl as tlrut cla*? rook, both i ntfliah and Ameri< an ?t> I* : "?> oljjiH lo tlm country: aeyeu years' i ily relereuoe. Call tor two ifays. ,U1 WKST ; til II ST., BEAR.-A CF.RMAS 01RL til aacook. ___________ I 1 "? WEST 40TII ST.? A YOFNW WOMAN A3 "i i ? * plant co i w aaiiar and Ironer or to do general housework in a small family ; Hood reference. A < 7 WEST I'.'Tll ST BETWEEN FTH AND 10TH t: r t avs.~A l Totes .ant <-.ok underntanda cooking in all it* brunches; prefers I he country ; d<MM HQ * anhwg ; willing to K.irk In a Hotel or boarding houee; 'jest refer ence irom latt employe*. _________________ A 4 7 WB<n MTU ?1 HKTWF.KN #TH AND WTH T I I av?.?\ r> spectalde glrln* Chambermaid and waltre** and to take ear* of < hil<ir??n : beat reterencc. A r. ?? r:\?T 191II ?>T. ? \ now TAST vol N.l T?)? woman in a private family ?ac,>ok. washer and Ironer, or would uo tin- work ol a family ; ?e?t city ref erence. fall or addreae. good plain cook, washer and ironer. good city reference 1 "?() WKNT 4JD ST.-A TIK-PKiTABI.K YOUNG 'I ?'?" irirl as cook, washer and ironer, or wouhUlo Ken eral housework iu u private family; beat city reference, H?u 4TII AV., BETWEEN S1ST AND S.'D STS,? A -tendy woman a" first class cook in a primal* tanulv ; In a foixl bre id maker, no objection to the coun try; bent city references. 1Q7 7TII AV.?A RF.8PKCTABI.K WOMAN AND A 1 tr I young irirl iu a private family: one aa eMellent cook; 1* wining to iiMlxt with the waabtng and Ironing: the oilier io do cliuiuburwork and waltnii;: no obiectton to ko a short distance in the country ; be*t city rcferontc from laiit places, f an be ->een tor two day* n\r, BTH AV.?A IjADY, LKATINO TOWN DKSIRR8 ? to nectire good placcn lor hi r cook and latinilrof. separately or together; can r?fonitnend ibein boih. Ap plr Tueatay, Wednesday. Thursday and Friday. *.[? I 2i? W. OORNSS tot? ST.?A MtoflOTABLB ? 'I ) X tilrl m tlrst cIijk* cook ; will .nniit with the wash ing; no objection to the c nintry: lies! city releretice. r.j>) 3D A V., BSTW EN ?IH \M> :".?1 II sts.-a ? ;o?> vounc eirl in trood jilaln cook, waalier attd ironer; goou cltv reference. P\l\0 3D AV.?A GOOD, KKSPKOTABI.B GIRL A8 '/?".j plain cook and a-<i?:ant wafihwotnnn' wishes to go in tlie country ; uo objection to a boarding hou?. bust city rotarencn. ft/to 21> AV. ? V HT>I*F.< T\?I.K YnfVfi OIRI. To v M/O cook, waati and iron in a private intuily, cilv or country. ('] I LKXIN'OTON AV. AND ."iSD ST.-A ItKSHRCTA UIt ble woman a-good eaok, or w otild go as lauu dross;down town preferred; good city reference. f'U; 2D AV.. NKAR 34TH ST.. THIRD M.OOR, lilt) back.?a respectah e woman a? oook, waaiier and trotter; wIlltug aud obliging; city or country; best cf >' icternnce. p*?*\ so av , bit win arra and tth si- . v L) I ?> woman, who thoroughly utide rata lad* her bu?i ne?>, aa cook; will aaaiat with tut! wanhiug; vltlivr city or country; bust city reiereuce. /? 7?y (illl AV., IN FANCY ST0 R K. - A CO M PK I ) i ?? tent cook iu a privuta tninlly ; ? lllinif to g ? iu tbo conutry tor the *uuuuer month*; bext city refer ence. 7 KQ 2i> AV . BKrWKBN 4(?TH AND ll.-T STS. TV !?/?/ iho taney atore.?A youtiu girl as plain cook, washer and ironer, or would do housenork lor a ?m*ll family: heat city reteience. QM- 71 H AV. BKTWKEN Ml> AND MTH STS.?A OIL reapet table girt as plain cook, windier and ironer in a plain American lauiiiy; best city retereuce from la>i place. .1(1 all AV., HF.TWEEN a?ril AND (WTH STS '' A res ,. rtntil v..n s woinan a^ 7o(Kt i .tii I . I ? ?' A res,., ct iM yoniig woman a- good cook, waahoranii Ironer; nmtclaa* retereuce. fall or address. 1 l'H ID AV.. FIRoT FLOOR.?? KKKl'Kf'lABI.F. 1.1<) r girl as cook, aud laundreta, good city refer euce lroui lier laat place A S GOOD COOK IN A l'BIVATK F vMII.V: NINE \ y?-ar?'rccoiunieinla'ion; towu or country. Addrc?> COOK, bo* I3y Herald offl< e. A REsFKt TABLE GERMAN WOMAN AS FIRST .1 cla-w ? o..k. uoderstan I* French, English and ?.*r inan cooking taor ughly: best city reference. Addle#* MUST f|a\.->M llitik. bo* nm lierald oWce. WANTED?BY TWO GIRUs, SITUAfTONs; ONfc AS I' tlr-t <U?-<?(><.k in a private family; If not auited w ould do cooking, washing an I ironing in a .small family: the other to do upstair* work and waiting, or to take ear* of a baoy or giowin? cblluren: ia a *o.hi pisiu *ewar ; hotli would like to get in one hoase togctntr; If notwotil.l go separate: no fiblection lo the .-ountrv for the summer : i ota nav>- first < lass retereuce. Address M. u, u-.ral 1 Brooklyn Branch cfltce. < hambfrmaldt, &r. 1 \\< >t ' 1 ill st?a respect\Bi k rorsn niRi, I a tliauiliernnaiil anil waitress in a pr .*ta family ; i* obliging; goon cit> ictorrnce. ().) X. WIS 8T.-A TOC.VO OIRL TO DU < T! WISER. ? wolft ana -? ?? .ue or general liouaework iti a ?iuall prlr.ib- family; be tni; reference. .)?) W KM 33(i sr. G'KK?> sr I M I'l.O VE K'i).?A *.?> reapvctabla firl a* ?>a'ii(iermai 1 anil to do itn? Mtubing: ?v objactiatt* to tnc country for the eumuiur. ?>?? KAST mil ST (PUK.-EST EMPLOYER'S).?A *>?? reiuh'i yonng -ir. a> ihaiulerwa.d or num. t'ati be ?ecn or two <lay?. 4 r KA I .'Jill ST. (flth.-l M F.RPl OVER - V '!?? reapectanie young girl to <<? chatuberwork iml waiting (.r a??iat wiili tbe liliid an: Ironing ai'4 make heraeli uenrraiiy u-i iul. v.'jh t.> von for two day*. /*1 Bask sr.-A YOl.Vi OIRI. AS CHAMBERMAID DL an-: waitrv*. beat tily rattreucaa. Call for two 6ai ?. fiA WEST WASHINGTON PLACE -A RKHPICTAltl I it *irl to do chamberwnrk ami wtilluir; Boobies, t or, '0 'lie ' ouutrj lor tbe summer, cttj reiurtnea. C*U lor two . <'7 WEST 1STH ST -A german I'KOTESTANT U I glr. a? cbaiutMrmaki or to upetaim wick f?y WKSI WTH HT.-a GIRL. *'l FRF.SRNT I'M ' ployar'i, a* ehamt ermaM end w?itrc?, *i!la? (t<t in waaliing. Appl? tor lw<>daya. WES I HTH ST.-A PRoTESTAXI TOl'NO OIRI. 4 U ae Hr>t i ,i?a ehambarmain n*. 1 to itanai in ?a?t ln?; good city reterencc. 4 all at preaent >? ar ? 9- ftlRlSTIE MT^ KMAR grand *T? ROOM J.t ? ) (|.areata' reablence -A German eir' ? 114am i. it fr.ngliak, a chamber or IqbIM Heat iivu t i ,idre? I i i' I WEST I5TH hT.-A < OMPETEST YOlNO GIRI. Itl.F at chambermaid an l .1 Hoe w*at>in< or a* laun crew. ?.4 ol 'toimj n> all klrx.i of clotBca; no oMeruna to tbe country; b?<t reference. U| W EST ?D *I.-\H HRJtr ft.ASS f'llAMBRR. t malil; *>..?!?! a?i?t n waa- ng; !.<??? re eren ?? I I /? WK-T JOTH ST.-A TOIIO PROTESTANT I Ml H o h r ri a< c t> ii' ? rm mi tn<l >. * ,tr"??, oi w..iiiu i.?i?> wiui ih? mi Irani Tig. iiw i. * -1 t'Tii '?T.-* viMAiirnnri HMTiirm, J J ' eiiain" ?r.naij mil or take rar?> ot growing ' lilldren: rof're?< e Iroiu l??t Apply til and i o'eiocfc. mWf r ? i* st., ha rvp\r < RRsrurT a' > ? ?ll?lt girl aactianitwrinaid and wattr#'<; ? It* or ronnfri , or w uid trare: with a tain ly ; b*--t r?t erence* 1 .>4; WEST PlTII ST RtV , n t-f?RvT BF l.t.1 -A I ?? r>? ' at..'! I'rotcatani v.ri ?? i bambartaaHl and waltr.'??; l-?t city re'ej>? ?????. fall or ad r<-??. !?>! we*t t'fn sr.. MiiKn ri,o>R iromt-v J ? i r' r-'tati' '.oiiog girl a? riiambarmaM; can a??>?? wi'b fine waihlng or pin ?*? ng: knowi her bu?lnea?; good rtty rt lerenee. fall all fhl? weak. l??/k WKST 19TII ST.. RfAR-A RF.SPECTARI.F. m)'I tlrl a< ehuttlbermald aid walireM: n ohiertlon toanliorl liatw* in ike romtrT- lif.ici'j reierca^e lOI W ! J r t4T II ST. S Ef ox ll Fl O.R.-AS CM A *? AMI ' <>riitald aud waitreaa; fe<>?t r*feren- e?. "I ? > | WR9T SOTH ST.?A tot .to (URL (TOL lOI oi?l) a?ehamii?riiiail an.) n?iire? :n a nrh ala Miculy; ekiy or coun ry; <ool nMrm?. Call for tw? av I'll W EST ?r? ST. ?A TfH^U MR I, rfOLORRV) l>ll a? hain''*rmaid ?nd aaitreaeln a prtvaia mm lly. I'lly ore. .n:rr. g .,,i referan i 1?H Wl-T IP1 II -T.- V Ri Pf TARI.E vorv.i I?rr rUllpdoaliaaibarwork aad (Jaa waaRBBj; clt> wmwi . we"T I7TH ET.. EFAR-A TOt'Ho OIRL As l?>'i ?nd to do * wing m a prlrate lam y; referaaMi Mi oble ti- n to the eoontry. 1 I ^ rt' 1 44111 WT. I'RRSERT t *PI.OTER fl>.-A liO ^ouna tirl a? cbaml er nti I and Moln w>?-er oi waltreaa, no atifPcltoa to the c<Nlt t- . rity rt f-renre -i WK I SHT ST._*> fHAMRERMAlD AM? I *' w n irf ?* or ntir?? or fo do taaeral hooaework la a *m?u tamllv; l???t reference. 1CI WRST S.'H BT -A TOl'NO OIRL AS CIIA*. I ?) I ber-nall and waltr??? or t do ? 'veral nonte work in ? -mill fa >111> no ohi.. tlen to the country lor the lunmtr month*. < nn i?e r^n lor two 'avn. I-/? i A-r urTii sr-a rf. ve< tsbi.f. girt, ai I'M# chambermaid an1 ee?iri<trfiM can do all kiiida ? a lily seeing in WIh>?M? A "A'llton i fnarftin.-, or Would t- Hfl ?? wailre#^; ||?e }?ar?' retareiiro, I -/? WSaT 47TH ST. (Pk?.-RBT EMPLOTBE'n).?A I ? ''' raapaotabla youag girl a? chamberuiaid and ?araa. 1 l' I EAST mm ST.- A RESPECTABLE YIIUJM I'M. girl an ch ninbermald .nl waitrert or to a ??l?t wlt'i va-inng, l uinilr aa, no o' lflt i iu to the eonntry ; fowl eltf ri i?ren-a WEST VlTH ^T.-A TO! XQ ? riff. CHAM I <M> bermatil ?nd waitress in a private iMtilly; baa! i it/ reli renre* irom lael empo ver. H??? WEST 27TH ST.. PIRST FMJ'iR -A RP.SP?< r !?) able rirl a< cbami ertneld ani wtltrVtf in a imaii private family: bant any refarenca. U; 1 WEST ?T!I ST.. CORNER 7T8 AV.?* I i yoimg ? rnan ?< < liainbemiai'l a;id to a *!??! Wit ine wa*lUng ? 11 ii i .i i* no oblacti^a tM l#??u ti, ; cUr rr?'eie? e. t al. fn two .1 t/g. *rrc vrio*B w ( Itaaberuikidt, Ac. 1 TO ID AY ?A TOCNG AMERICAN QIRI. TO I?0 If 'J chawberwork, wait upon i?Wf and mako her ?c11 generally useful. Ap 1 v to Mrs. I t'KKBJI. KUi E ABT 4oTH 8T.-A VOI V"! (11 M< AS 1 11 AM I ?"?./ iK'rtuHlil or waitress; best city Itfcrtnefi oi\ a east Mm st.?a smart girl, i? years of age, to ito light upslairs work and make her self lawful. Ofkrt EAST MTU ST ?A RESPECTABLE TOt'NO ?.I? girl i.? .ii. hambern >rk aud waiting ?n a nuttt private family: city reference. O/lA WEST J7Th ST.?A YOl'XG GIRL TO DO elMBibf rwork an I assist in tho washing in a private family, good rtftrnifH <>AO WEST S3D ST., BETWEEN TTII AND STB _WO a\*.?.V young mrl a* competent chambermaid Kliil seaMMtress; best cit v reference. <>AQ >VKiT 320 S! -x Y?U'KO WOMAN AH ( HAM _,UO her maid and waitress: lullv competent aud well recommended ?)1 .) W WTRI.EY PLVCB. NEAR PER'tY ST-A I ? young womsa as first class chambermaid ami ualUvvi, but city re/erouoM; no jbtectiou to the reun trv. f)1 r. EAST 2HTH ST.? A WELL BF.COM MENDED _!?' voung worn n is first c an chambermaid or regular waitress in a private family: uo objection to a private boardiug house; gooa city reterence 0 I 7 WEST 27TO ST.-A YOCNG WOMAN AS FIRST ? 1 4 class chambermaid; willing to assist with ChlU <?1 ro t>: la a good * war; no objection to the cotintryt good 1 it.< rrftrtoM. Ol 7 WEST KTH ST.?A GIRL AS I'll \M MERMAID ? I I and waitress: willing to assist with the washing and ironing In ? small private lanillv; city or country; country pre let red; satisfactory referenda f)1 Q E A ST IrH H ?T? IN THK REAB.?AN AMRRI I ?' can jrirL, >? year* old, as chambermaid and wait ress. Callf'ortwoila.c?. Q?>1 EAST ?TH a .. IN THE HEAR, ONE FLIGHT ? I A vonnr unman a? chaml>crniald and waitress; (food city references. l)f)4> E AST <0TH ST.?A RE4PKCTABLE GERMAN _ ?? glil a* chambermaid and waitress; good city retire nM. EAST UIH sr., HBST FLO?R. ? A RESPECT wu') able v on in: wlri to Jo chamber work and as first claw Waitress; beat city reterence from last place. OOT WEST MKT ST.. B??TWKKN7TI1 AND 8TH AVS. I inn : third bcll>.-A \oung girl as chimber maid or chambermaid and waitress; willing and oblle in it; would go to the country with a family tor the sum mer months; bust cttj reference from lMt place. OOI WEST 441H ST.. BETWEEN TTU AND RTfl .w?M ava.? A respettnfiln yoting woiuhii u? chamber maid aiul wail re us; lias livetl in most respectable sltu.v t.iou<; ifood references. r)?>1 W?T ?fH ST., HF.AB HI'U AY.-A YOt'NU _?) I ?lrl :i~ chamlierioald and valtrcss; is willing and obliging: best eitj reivrcnce ()i) <) WEST 10TII ST.?Oil AM BRRWORK AND -Oii waltitisr: willinu to u-?i.*t with waahing and Ironing In a tmall private tainil.v . city rcferenc. WEST atXI'B ST . BASEMENT DOOR.?A COM i_?)_ pfti'ut \icr-ion to do chaiuber?ork and a->i.Jt with washing; city reieretice. __________ '>'*7 F.A-T 2STU ST. ? V Yrit Nt, CIRI. TO DO _?) I ciiainN rworh and waiting or take care ol chil droti mi I ;i--i?t in chambi i work: Ave ytura' city refer ence. Call tor tw da> <. 4?OQ WEST ItJiH ST. (CALL IN STORE aDJdIN ? lnif. i?A young ?lrl as chamliermald ami waii rest,_fr w.iuld do general housework in ? small private fatnllv in the city; good r> 'erenoo. <>QO EASl26rntf., TOP t'l.OOR, BACK.?A I?E a pec tabic Protestant ^irl an chMBberatald and Beam?tri *K. i> willing te taivi caro of grown ehilCfieii: cinop'-raie on several machines; is cotnpeteut. gnod city relerenoe. t all tor two day*. <) f 1 WEST 41XT St. (RiNU THIRD HELL).-A ^-fl young girl to do chamberwwk and a*4tat In lsundry. or would do uouscworK in a small family; city reference. Q < i) WEST IHTH ST.? A RKSPF.CTABLE YOCNO ? I ? woruan as chambermaid and wnitrcM in a pri vat<? family: best city reference from last employer. Call for two day*. OA A WEST 47TH ST., FIRST FLOOR. ?A Y')l .MJ ?dTT girl a? chaml 'rmaid and waltre*? in a private I family; gi.o<l cltY reference. Call for two day*. ___ I o-ft WEST 41ST ST.. THIRD FLOOR.?AK INT L lie nt yoting giri ?- chf?mbertiinld an t scam strew or mirse and seainstrea*; no objection to the couu try : good city reference. ol\f EAST 1ITH pr.. THIRD Pf.OOB, BACK?A ? re?p* ' as cfiumtierniaid and to anoiat I with the watting; best reference. ?IA0 RAST MD ST., NEAR ID AY.?AS FIRST CLASH i ?>\M) ehamoerniali and Hattrese; oit.> or country; good city reference. O/l/J WKST IfiTH ST.?A YOrNO GIRL TO DO I P 1 OUu stuirs w-irg In a private family or boarding I h"??e: good city reference. * f? EAST 47TII ST. A YOl'NO GIRL AS CHAM '? berinald ami waltres* in a iirivat-- family; good city reference. Can be seen for two day*. ?ji rr bast 44th st.. second ploob.?a young ? i| ?) girl as rtiamberni ii 1 and waitrras would assist In the washing and iro.iing; good city retcrencct; no ohiectlon to rhc country. O t II E * ST 7TTI1 ST., THIRD FLOOB, fBONT ?A ? I eoung American girl a? chambermaid innprl Tate family ? first claa* retereaoe. EAST ID ST. ? A RESP.ECTABLE Glltf. At* ? >__ < hamhertnald ind Ms!si wttli the nasluug a id Jrotimg. i ml or addpgas. *)() I WF.STWTH ST.? AN AMERICAN PROTESTANT O^T young numau as chanibermaij aud ?ait re ?. good retereuce. Q<>" EAST WTIi ST., FIRST FLOOR. BACK ROOM.? ? ) ?A r*?i>ecMb!f muni girl as chambermaid and u aitr? s* ,.r a-. h imberraald and lo do flrn- ? .-tshlng *nd trotting in u prunie family; good clt\ relerence from :-i - < place. :^on 1 0*>7 EASl ^'IST T. HKfWI V 1~T AUDIO W'-i., ? ?? I two pair of atalra u|. 1> ?ek.? V ? i.ung uiri ?i chambermaid in ? ii otel or to mind i hi'liircn. ? an Ixi .. #u for thr?? daya ?)?;t M<r *ril .-r -two r.mi.s n> ao to thk ? I country: "'if ?< chambermaid and wnitre-*. tif i thor aaeook, rraabar and irourr; ti??t of country ?r | eity i*r?r?'oee. i OOft sr> a v.?a RRspr.rTABLR oirl a* rntM ? >_?> bcrmaid; would aa?i?t in the ?it-hing an.t Iron ing Mnatrr nrrt#rred; good reference. ?JO/1 fast an sr-\ rk-i-ki tablf woman ah *???" chambermaid and todo Imc city or country. t>e-t ? Itv reference*. ? ??> I K\>r NTII *T.?A RF*PfcCTARLR T"l mj ? r girl ?? chambermaid and waitree?; food rity reference from laat place. Call lor two daya. O0.\ WKMT 40TII ST.?A Hi: PFf TARLR GIRT* A.H ? ??>?* chambermaid and waitrex in a prlra'e family: no ottleetioa to tlie country; food city reference irom l??t plare. O'lQ FAST M il ST-A YOIMi OFRMtv Oil"I. ? Hin a? rhamli'rniaid and i a??t?t In v,?Uing, BO t.> the <">untr? : .-o o city reference. QQ(| W FRT 2iT>l ST. KF.TWF.KV ITII A.T> 9TTI ? ????' a*< ?A fcnccta'r rl to do 11 wr>rk ami mm I ? liil In-n ml in.- and ->t>li, im i n > otyection to the i .antry; le?t reference. OIO f?-t ?n ht.-a RKupKrfAnt.K roi xr, ?) t iriri, intriv Ian led, a* chambermaid or rr.ntresg. ( ill on or ??ldr e?i B. B. ?) i<) ptii av.. in tiif FWCV MTORR-a HI ? >-f?> avertable yeunat girl a? chambermaid ion ?ilt rt?? i? wll tag to tna*e !i*raelf gen< raII-r uaeful. 017 r v r tiitii BT.-an ammu \n <;ihi. a? OH ?' a.ih. rin-ii.l mid to a??i?? wl'fi M>? wmlilnu ami ironing ; "no ? lion to iha country ; good cit> ret frriwe. <'.im or adnr O lO 5 Til PT. KIRJT FLOOR, front.-?A ? > I ?" taiile y crtrl ai clianii'ormaid 10 a j>rhate fari.ilr otty r-f',r?"i.,?. O f ft WRRT WTH BT.-A RR??PE<TA BI.R OIRT. AS ? ? r?" flr?t rl?M ? hamtx-rmnid or waitrraf or both la a ? ?nil t>M*nf l?rnily; rr t ri-l?r< ?r?. 'I - J W ? T Kill ST . R> *?-? I'ROr- FT *NT OIRI ? ??) t in <!.. pi.?m'-T<v..rk and plain Mwinu, >>r uniid children : cuo.1 ?-itv r> frr?nra. or * wk?t i?th nr. rpar-a vorxo protr?. ??. I I t- nt rlrl to do r-han i.rrw.trt and waiting and a? t*t in fettcfe^n; c.?>.d raf?r?nca QOI ?TH AV-A RFRPKCTABl.R PRf.TRHTANT t >' > I *irl to do rhumt^rwf.rk or MmkM with wn?hinf ao-l ImiiM or wiit'HT ; .ir n'.?l<l do ten' *1 hon*awork for ? -mall family: good rrftrtice from taat pla<-?. O/'- sr> *V ?A TOt'JfO OIRI A* PNWBKRMaID ? .,r in ?mtiI???t city nlrrtarta ?>^?7 PTII A .- \ V )t NO <;iRI. \H I IMKRIIR. ? >'M tnatd and ??itr?? In a private latally, b??t ciiv rtTrr*rc?. A(i\ F \ ? T I7TTH ST. ? A R H ? l*F< T A B IK Torjio 'I " r Kir ?< rhambcrmaMt ul tr> taka <crn of chit dr.-n or v) ul I do k -ii' rai haii<fW?rlt In ri una I fhtotlj-; < or conntry. t'al *.r addrcna. I1U I-;\ST 171 II SI - m-.TBI'S; (INF. AS MO rliumi *rir( ?.d .r ??. tak? rnU"1't ^1-jr r.fa t ih- : ttirotbara* vnr.i or to a*ai*t with u?>uir* work , uu otiirctlon to the ??onniry. A no FAST u H PT.-Ai* CMAKBKUMAIfl A*D I to aaaut In the washing ui, 1 iruninx, i-i-jt city rsferi'noa. i<)"7 WRHT 34rn ST -A VOI NH OIRL A^CM.AM. Ti> I hrrmall or wraitr'*?. or won Id do both In a sin ill family; underhand' her timdn'-na well, gu'd ref ?ri n<-e A(i'ira??, for two day?, M o. A OQ *WT mil ST., FIRST FLOOR.-A RImPKOT al> ? yonnx utri a* ehaml>erniaid and waitrcua Ii a prlvarp family or Iviarding hon?e; on otii< ni.,n to ifo a -?liort li-rtaiH e in tlu- cuiiiitr> : tmxi city rpieranre. till. I i r I ST., Tor FLOOR.-A RK"pf.?:TA 'I ?.?' I \ ? n .? girl a* chaini^rmgid ami wiit-cM, noohiectiotii to t.. tho ronntry tor the iutamer. t>e?t city roteren' e Irom lant pla<*. a.?- fa-t r.-'iii si., rftwkpn nr av*. am> a, A * ff-rr re?|?otal.le in.n* Woman -m iiian. 'armaid ami wa|i"'?? In a mull orlTate family, or a< watti ? ai d to do th? flna v a?lilng; a abort dia tinc>- it iiia (i m:ry jirefprredt l*?i gity referatii-c i ail or a idraaa. 4| - WF. I 4o| H SI- t TOUNO OIRLAKTIMM l?) tirrmald ind waitfe*-.. city or country; K-imJ f teri'nrt, 4/7 WKDt MO DT.-t RFSPFCTARLP. f>AMMI| 1 r I girl .ti hatultormaM; la wUlttif and Obliging. < in !?? *????! ill ??> P* I row I fo I I' M w "1 -A RRBPKOT ARLF PROTF.H , 'f'F~ i,,i,i young girl ?acbsMftoraiiiM jai ?>?i,r???, 1 ti> A, ,u uii.i m> j ?a.>tr>. M?fr vrioiri m aitki>-rKM*'.K"; Chauibrrm?iili< rite. r>n') wnsr ud nt., third nADi?A bf,8pfct. ?"'?? iblt /sum till a? iiinnbtriiiwl and to help to iti- k iU"h< ii: beat eilr re i t-reirt'f. Call or address lor two days if iii-i engaged. no t WK8T MTB OT.-A RI.SPKCTABl.l' ?'"'t girl to do tiliMtiira work and asstot Willi ihe washing and ironing or 10 do general housework in a ?walljirlvitto lauwly; goad olty reference. r.|() KAHT HI H ST., BACK ROOM. THIRD KUIOR - ? '1" A young woman n* cliutnberinuid in a private family ;J* a Protestant. ( an be wen for two day* ri 7 WK-T WTH sr . KIR.ST H.OOR.-A ?IRL TO I do chambt-rwiTii or cooking. __ ?07 in AV.-A HKSPKCTABI.K YOINIJ oihi- to . I ii.. ctmnil.frw.rk and wailing; reference it de aired. < uli or aadre*n. r.'J'i WKST MTH HT.?A BESPB01ABL.K OIKL Ag chambermaid aui lauudress; 4,'i years' refer ence. Call oHe day. r.')') 3D AV.. BKTWKKN ?IM AND WTH 9TS?A f?>U > onus; girl to do i.huinli it work and fine washing or light housework; city reierencc. n I O 7TI1 AV*., ('OBNKKmrril HT.?A RK-PKCTaRI.R ?' t?> wirl am iliuniheriiimd aud waitress in a private laiullv; good city reference. * ftin K^sr 1BrH ST.?A RF.Si'lCTABI.K TOl'NO ' M" ?.'irl an ohairtbcrniiid and waitress or to do goa eral housework: bent city refer*doe. ftlfl 20 AV- MCOVB FLOOR, FRONT ?A YOl'NO IIII' girl an chambermaid and waitress and to assist wiili the washing. 7(W? .10 AV., KINO THIRD FLOOR BKIX.-A. < "U young girl to do liuhicliaiuberwork ana to t?ko care ol children. 7 OK ?l> AV.. RINO HKOOND BKIJ.-A RlibPP.CT l?j?> aMn yountr girl as clmmbcrmnid and WMities*; Is willing and obliging; beat reference. Q/J7 >D AV., RBOOffO F LOO it. FKONI' ROOK?A O'' i young girl as chamiemaid, waitress, or ?> dohousewor* for a xinnli family; uo objection to the country. ( an be seen for t? i> ilay->. Gfitt 80 AV ? PDBNKR MTU ST.-A RKSPKCTA ?I,F. ''< yotniK girl, lately landed, an chambermaid mid wititre.ix, willing and obliging; no objection to the couiury. 1 19Q 3D AT.-A RffoPKCTA Bl.K VOPNO OIRI, to do chamberttork and waiting uuu a*?i*t with washing and ironing; t-cst city refenaet. "I lOOfi) AV.. BKTWKKN MTH AND fl:>TIY ST.S ? [?lai' A young girl an chambermaid and waitress, or to do general housework tu a small family ; good city references. 1 1 SO 1ST AV.?A RERPhCTABI.K YOfNQ OIRL l.'lOiJ n- flininiieraiald and waltri-Ji in a privato family ; city reference. O H Vi S" AV" BKTWF.KN II2TII AND 113TH STS? a.Umu Harlem.?A yniug girl a* uliamberwaid and waitress; clfy reference.. I>res?mn1ti?rs and Scumslrcssrts. 9 WT 33D ST. (PRESENT KMPI.OTER'S),?A RE apectahlc Protestant trlr! a.s seamstress in a private family, by the month : understand* putting and fitting ladies and children'* drea*?a ot all kind?; operates on ferrp'l U "iui a family going to the country pre 1R MARKET BT (tiAflTIEMPL'iTER'H).?A HERMAN I'J lud.v, oi inidiil? age, a* seamstreaa and to take charge ot small children. Address Ii. l?. 9 J WEST w> Br., MAR 5TIJ AV.-A COM PR ? ,l t? nt *-nmstress or lany'? tnaid; ran cot and fit and do nil kinds of sewing; best cily rclerunce; can speak Hpanish. ',/fi BAH Ml ST.?AS SRAMSTREfW; WANTS TO go In the country; can cut and lit dresses and ? a ,"cc home more of an object than tvages. i .'ill lor two da; " C!X 4TH AV. OPPOSITE STEW ART'S?DRESS, yu maker by the day in tamilles or Ui make Ureases ut licr o? ii homo : cutting and basting done. 7?? 6TII AV., CORNER 36IH bT A YOINO OIKL I." ?* seamstress; is willing to assist with tare of children ; no objection to the country. 1.17 M('TT ST.-A respectable ?iu to 1)11 I I I sewing antl assist with cliambenrork; willing and obliging. Addresa. * Ol Q WEST I!?TH ST.?AN EXPERIENCED OPER. gl\J al?r on Wheeler A Wilson's and WiHcox <t Oilib-.1 linn In in-- wishes a tew morn engagement- bv the ?Jay or week; understand* all kinds ol lamllv sewing. . Address M. O. * * QAQ BABT Mta IT.?A OIRL as KKAMhTRKs.s- a good tilain hand newer, tluisticr and buttonhole manor; no obiectloo to the country; a home preferred tie tore wares. JWy MB AT .?A Competent hi:\m.sTkkss; is ' wl lin* to as>lst in housekeeping; would wall on an invalid lady; Is a Protestant; is an excelieut uiUut's nurse; first class city reference. M'Jfl fAST rntsi . i is> seamstress mi / to do all kinds ol family tewing vttj liea'lv on Who It r A rt tisou a iliarbiiia. Mr,. I'I'MM.MiS. QiQ WW ST.-A SKAMsTMBSS WISHES 5orS ou? hy the day or weca understands ail kinds ot family sewing, fall or address. 4>(?7 \IU *T" BtTwliKX W*H AND MTH 8TS.?A * , ?h"r "?h warn stress, understand* all kinds of family *wlag; can out ann tit and operate on several rnai'hliies: would wait on a lady or grown children first class city refer-noe. Can hr sren tor two days. HI P? AVu"rA 0?'"0 1'KKj.sMI aK"R WOll.D T like work hy the day In private families: all the latest styles iu cutting and fluting ; uo objection 10 to out ol the city: city reference. FLUX 5D AT., BETWEEN 87TH AND 3*rH ST % A ! ?/w?i competent person as ?eainstresa in a private i family; ran operatt OB Wmeler A Wilson* machine; will assist in chamherwork or take care of growing addre'sv'' c Of country; good city reference. Call or Q79 ?Tll AV., IN THE CHINA STORE .-A H~iT ' ^ I ? speetable girl a* "'aniMtres* in a private famli v with or without her mac line: (.pi>r?tr? on different ma.' chines; utxteftaftda working on drew* and ah kinds or fine family aew infl: will do some ehanif^rwork arisl make her?eif OMful; city or country for UkcauDiuier; g??Ml clt.v refi-rence. 1 * 1 Vfil nilHT OLAflfl DRKKR. 1 ? ' I tuak^r. who has he?d poailioiis 15 years In tha lead in* establishments oi i-urot>e. an efTlciaut run? r fltter and de^irner .desires a siimliir po^uinn. or toco to families or make the most fsshionable dre* e? at borne ? AddrefraUI ^ cutttl'< fcaaituf done; clt/ reference. 1 4(U? 1l{l,t.,,WAT. BETWKEN ?f) AND Oi> ' J.f'ftf sts?A competent Preneh pj r'on a- dress maker , cut, nud flis; 1? willing to go to the country aa lady s maid or to take care ot children. 4 PROTEST A NT OIRL AS KZPERIEMCKD KF.AM j/V stress and lo take charge i?l growing ' hililreu; will ! n?r^i,lWMr \ K,|VB ref,,rcllr,'?- -*JJrC?, W. K, Herald Hr?Hiklyu Mranch omee. A Tnr.NO CKRMAN OIR1. WANTS A MtrATION i , i-Jij**w ''J ,!?? ,lflh' houaework i,r w^ub: take car* of child ran. Address H. M., box i.f>9 Mera'd ofitce. Am st cum oressmakkr, or hkyerai, i year s eK,)eriet>pp who cuts br la dor 'a s??inn wil tuske dres-es at her re<idenr? moderate prices Addres? K , box 112 Herald Iptown Branch office. i A TOCMO WflV AN AS KIR^T CLASS HKAMSTRRUM ik Can do dressmaking; flrst ela- oferalnr: willing to take i arc ot a child nramiim anv other wurk:citvor countrv; best n-terences. Address M. H , Uerakl tn towu Hrancfe ofliea. ' G Genrral liouirwork, Ate. > JONRS ST.-AN AMRRTCAM OfRf. TO DO 1.10IIT hoB?eWofk In a <mail private fatotly. Q l2,T" W.-1 1UPKCTAIU TOCNO fiTliT. c';'rrSl huiis.- work iu a small lamllr or as (hatnhermatdi heat city reference ? all for two'dars. *> 1 TT" 'PRESENT RMPI.OTKR'S< ?A KK * . spectahl* flrl to do general hons?-work In a stnall KTCsl'eTty^^fe^lSjf1*1" ??? HI.T I I K I R sT -AS NITRJ.R, RY AN RNOLISfl . !0,SSJnt w'om*l> i to take an infant from hlrtli ilV "*'r''ni or to do plain sewing or as nurec tu an miau l ladv;city or country; many year*' reinretjce. 4 8L~A WOMAN TO f>0 IIOfsE ?i, work: good washer and Ironerand plain : WH iig a ill obliging. t.csj c iiy reference. RA STw"** ??"PiCTAMMI TOI NO OIRL to do house wort in a prl-eate family; good piti,, cook, washer and ironer; goo I references, A7 '8? rT"' "S** JtB AT . IM THE RRAR.-AN I ? ^merlean girl to do general housework in n pri vate fauiiiv. i, win,,lir and obliging; not ufrsid ot work. RHI ">r? ?T.. IH TBR RKAR.-A rUJNM ..\?in.p nr*"1i,n ***?'?'*''* ot ona chtld and to do puia i sewing; no objection to travei * /..? VtR-r itTII sr_\ RE.4PBCTABLR GlRI to olty rster.VcaV* bou,c'r?rk. country uretorred. best 90 ?'|TW*?N BIRMINOBAM I If..14 ? ' room 7 ?A respectable irirl to do general luHi^work in a bnYiiu* iai?n ? ,t c.iyreier-ii-e trow her last ?l?^! pr,T#l* ,,m"> ? ?"? 107 11 1 '1**1 rtOOR.-A RKHPE'T. iy? aWe \ ouig girl to do It. a-ework Ina mall ori fii twVdayi # " "renc? P'aes. c an be -e-n I 1WKST j?TH RT.?A TOCNO WOMAN TO no iron * bo^aawork in tba cly or cook, wa.n and lift WEUT 330 ST., HRRT fl/HlR.?A TorNO | gV.Klre,J "" hiuscwork; i?un,rv pretarred. 11S a*sr F,RS1 PI^OOM. BACR Roiim 1 i.ii.M '* f,rl ?"'"ral honaework; is willing and obliging; best city reference. ATI * Mil- (T, ni'.OOKI.TN-4 RESPECT A. woman to do general honst her: wag. 12 p'k. ashort oiscanee ,r? country, ,-een for two days. I Im^^Ji ,"T.- HKI Pt^OR?A R| fll'KlT ? . / , '"rl to do general li?uss?urk in a am ill urt Jays. " ^ for***-. Caa b. s-ciT/ur m, |;>(k Hill r 11 ST. IN BNKEnr A Rl pm:ta r. k ?iir K,rJ *? 1,0 "<"?? (federal ho.incw.rk or cook, trash and iron in a small private family. I J'? WEST isru st t inrvi RE?PI cr?BI.F-. "Irl todngeneru housework in a .mall privaio lannly ; good city rati re ilea. I lft KA>T 42M "T-. 1W,) rMOHT* IT, PWONT A r L','mTTx T*""1* girl to (In g?n?ral h'uS' W .rll. in a small tainiljr; u a g.d washir aud irorer. (alitor tw?dny% | "jf; wrxi *ui ht? a rtspkimahi.e vmMi iT/'ar,, t?> take - are of rhlldrm sud '?St PI' S etu-nWfrork. tg wlliiag .ard *>.i.^g I *rrt ATIOW* AVTHDb.rK.X AI.K*. Urncrsl Houifwork, ikr, 1 rr7 EAST #21) flT.-TWO RKSI ErTA-BLF GIRLS V., to do the work of a priv?to family; vr111in<r ami obliging; aotalraidot work; no objection to the conn try; cil.v reference. 1 ^kQ W ,ST #,BT **??* RKMPtrTAHI.F YOONO I'to girl to do general housework; beat citv rcfei , ence. 901 K,A8T S7IH "*??A BEBPKC A Hi I'. VOI MO 4y ? ghl ?s nurse to mln.l a bany: tvilllnj and obliging; w ages no objact ta n good home ; city reler ence. (h|T Whvr 29TII ST.?A ItFSI'hl I ABM- WOMAN ? "I to do general housework Mi a small family ; n.i objection to fro iu the country; best cltv retertwiVfroin her last place. 91)1 lexington AV, NKAK 32I> ST.-AS KIR ST I class inundroiiM: l o ' i refert nee trotn last plaoe mn fcA*T 6Sr> ST.. TIHitn PI,hHH.-A RKHCKiT ? 1 ?. able young girl to do house ? or k or upstairs work: (rood reference. f) I 4 KAST SdTH ST.?A YOUNG GIRL. LATELY ijl 't" lauded, to do housework, or take care of chil. dren and dsslat with chamber work; willing to make her self generally usef ul. m#TII ST.. NEAR BOWERY. THIRD FLOOR ? An American wontau to do general housework In a small family. Oilil WE>T 17TII sr.-A UKSPKfTABI.K YOt.'NU ?d ? _ girl to do general housework, or would 't<? eooktng. washing and ironing in a small private laottiy; two years' city reference. _________ HOD KA T 29TH ST., SECOND FLOOR?A ItK ? 4-0 apectaMe young girltorio generul housework; willing to?o ill the. country; good city references. OQ A EAST 371'H ST.. SKCdMt FLOOR.-A YOI SM ?'l r girl, atred 17. to assist in light housework or to take care ot a bab\; good reference. Adii e-s. 2?> J Wf'.ST 320 SiT ?A RESPECTABLE YOI'NU ? ? I girl to do general housework iu u private fain. Ily; beat city reference. 2On WK T ;BD ST.-A Vol NO GII'.L, LATELY1 ?)l) landed, to do general housework in a small family. 0??7 EAST 46TII ST., BKTWBEN 20 AND 4TII w') I a vs.?A respectable young woman to do general housework: best city reference from last place, fall for two da vs. 007 KAST 2STII ST.?A TO UNO 111(11- TO On _'t I general housework In a small private lauillyj good clfv reference Iran last place. 9 1 I east 2?th ut., third floor.?a inspect ?j 1' I able girl to do general housework; good washer and irotier; city reicrenccs. i)A Q EAST BOTH KT.-A YOUXG WOMAN AS -Ti) first cla?s laundress or chamberauid ami lauu< dress, city or country, best city reference. I) I | VVRsT 47TII ST.?A RKSPECCABLE GfRL TO h t 'T do general housework or as plain cook ; is ? good washer and Irotier; good cl y letercnce lrotu tier last place. i) I n WKST 331) ST. ? A RBSPECTABT K YOCNO -.1 ? ) girl to do general housework In a .smajl private famllr; no objection to a short distance iu the country ; good reference. 9 4 Q 9TH AV. RRTWhRX ?5ril AND 2-iTII STS. ? A 4-tO respectable young girl to do general house work In .1 small private family. Call tor two days. (i tn w kst 830 st. (IX the siic>k store).?a 1 '' Oermau girl to do general homework In a small: prh ale family. 9T.1 7TII AV.. top FLOOR.?A YOl'XO PltOT I e<tant woman to do general housenorK and ti> mase her?elt generally uselul. best of 1 in reference, QAA wist 421) ST.?A RBSPBOTABI.K OIBtTO DO ? general housework iu a private family: good reference. ')/!>) KA.sT 61sT ST.?A YOl'XO OIIL, LATBLY ? >""0 landed, to do general house work; no objection to go a shortdistauci- In the country. Call or address. 'I/If EAST i2tii ST.?A GERMAN 01KL. TO DO ??'") housework. ?>/\7 7TII AV.. top FLOOR.?A YOUNG GIRL. ? )'" I lately landed, to do housework in a small family. ' OAQ WKST 41 ST ST. ?A RKsPEOTABf.E yol'NO OUO girl, lately landed, to do geueral housework or take care of children. 019 WEST lorn ST. ? A YOL'NO GERMAN GIRL Olu In an ATnerli an family to mind children and iJ plain sewing; Is willing and obliging; city reference'. 01 a EAST 320 ST.. SKCOHD fLOOB.?ABBtrBOT ill t able girl to do general housework In a small family. Ol 7 WFSI 171II ST-A RESPECTABLE GIRL T<> ?>1 I do general housework in a small private fam ily, citv or country: good references. ? HQ EAST :t'.lTII ST. V HI. I'F.Ct \ It 1." <. IH f. TO ??|i> dogeneral housework; best referencs; ctty or country. OIQ 8TH ST., THIRD FI.O(iR FRONT.-A Gl!R ? )lu man girl to do all kinds of housework aud plsltt sewing bv hand or machine bv the wci k. ? ?<71 ,ST AV". FIRST FLOOR. FRONT-a. MR. ? >_* I epeelalde vouug girl to do general bolts.-work. i*a good plain cook, washer ami lroncr; well rccuru BICBded. _ tit) - EAST 471II ST. Tor Kl.ooi! Klfi'M UnfiM _ ? >_') A respectable #irl to do general iioti?ew, rk iw a ?mall private family; city reference. ______ ?Is,)!! H 1ST JiiTII ST. Fll(-r -A V.TW girl to do general lions .-work; can bewellr"c omrncnde i l?.i respeetnble iri<*n is. ?>'J1 vi-:tT cr.rii sr.?\ i:K-ri ci ari.t: t?.i no e)?>l girl, lately landed, to do light housework In a private family. or w-uld make Herself geuerally useful - F.AST54TH ST.?A Y'?l\\(. C.IRI.TO liOIIQtir housework tu a amaU laniily ; nest city refur i) |t) EAST SOTH ST.?A COMPRINT TOfNO e|-|*? w< man as nurse and chambermaid; fully un o?reand? if.? care ofchildren; is ? good plain utiter; Do lUNtioa to travel: good ftOlMtk otn wkst <oTH st. RF.Twr.KN trra a\i> ?ru ?Vr?" avi?A respectable young woman to do general housework in a ?mall private lamily ; no objection to go a short distance In the ? ountrv ; b? st city retcrenca. q-O WF.ST .TRTH ST.?A YOI'NO < 111{ 0 TO 00 ?>??.? general housework in a small family. A f\ 4 WEST 46TII ST.?A. REHPECTARLF OIRL TO *1 W*T do general li'>n<ewnrk, or cook, wash and Iron In a small private family ; best city reference, Can bo ?Major one day. \l\l VF'T MTH ST., S FAIR OF STAIRS.?A I'" I re.pectable girl to <lo general housework i ia a good pl.itn co-k ami tlrai class washer and Ironer; or a? chambermaid and waitress and to help with Un? washing. I|U W I ST .VTII ST.. SECOND FLOOR. R \('K 1 I/O room.?A young girl, lately landed, fa do scnetal housework In a "mail private tamilv; no objection ta I Ik- ccuntrv ; willing r.nd obliging. Call for two day t. nO R**T MTH ST. -A Tor.NO filP.L TO TARK ? care of children or to do chamherwork ant plain sewing; good city reference from ia?t place. o 71M av.?a < om ri.ti;s r woman to v > ~ housework , best city reference. (I " EA?T l9Tn ST.?A YOI'MG GIRL TO OO OF.!* 4 |o eral housework in a small private family, beet ?ity reference. A *>0 7TII AV , NEAR 5St? ST.?A YOrNO flfti. To 1 ?" I ilo housework or cook, wael: ami Iron in a .smalt private trimly go. d clly referenda. 4?>7 KKST 1ST II T. A R KI'FOT A HI.K YOINU I ?? I girl to do general housework in a small family: willing and obliging two years' references. Call on* day. 41 I I 4 WK?T S.'D *T ? * RESPFt TARI.K OtRI. TO T i * do general honsewrork; no o'ljectioU to Urn conntfT; g ou reference, fall for I wo day*. IQ9 7TH AT, NFAR JjTII isT.?A RE?PEt 'TABLE Tyoung woman to do general housework In & small family; eil> or country; city reference*. |DQ ?ril AT. ?A RERPRCTARLF. filRl. A 1 Ml RSF 'I OO and seamstress la fully competent to tat* ell tire charge of a baby; has no "oliii i ti-ri to travel wllU a lady tor the summer; best city referent. r.A I 1*T AV.. RhTWKIN JTTH AND MTII ST*.-A tWi't respectable woman to d<> gsneral bouaework In a private family : good clt.v refeMMfe r?>.i west rrrn av., REct?sn fiioiit ok o^'r ataira front room.?A youn? ? rl, Utelv land ed, to do general homework or upitair* work tn ? pri yuta lamilyi willing and obliging. Call for twodaye. r -7 wk-1 viii --r-A rf.sfki i ?nr,F. oirl to ? ??)< (<o leneral house work in R small private laiu lly ; good reicrcncc from la-t pia< a. /?t??} ORfENWiril ST.?A RKBPF.CTaRI V. TOITNO ')?)?> girl to do general housework, t an be seen for two days. /?TAIIII A V. CORNER ."Win ST., FIRRT FLOOR "Mir A re nectsbte woman to do general housework; Is a good wu-her and ir-.m-r ami aan fa?e care of clnl. dren no objection to llie country: good refereuce Iroui last place. /?ua W \-niNGTO* ST.?A RFSI'KCTARLR WO f )~l F man to do housework in a private lamily; ciljr or country. I.a?t employer can be seen. /?( ?*7 sn AT -\ TOCRO WOJIAN TO IK) ORNKRAIi \)'l i housework in a small prl\A'e famtly, ?r woOil lake care of children; good city references. I <t'>7 3 1 AV. fflKCOND RELLl?A TOI7NO ENO I .''?>< IHh Protestant to do gtneral tiou?enork; l>e?t reference. _ I ??/??>! SD AV.INTHF. MILK DEPOT-A VOVM I .ilotW woman to do general housework and plain washing In a private t.imily; good city reference. I I IA tl> A?.. HHAR74TII sr.?\ RESPEC TARLi: I.'I I'r young woman to d.. general housework Willi a respectable family; is willing to go to the country. *) *>'> f 3" AV ? H/RLKM -a RKSPKCTARLR W__? 1 young girl, laien- landed, to do genera housework o^ lake carc ot children, fall lor two days A totmo IRISH AMR|tlCAN OIRL THAT NF.TFR JY wor?ad out lo tike care of children or to do rham f.erwork; w ell e*i erien eil and obliKing. Addiu.s* A. B? boa 141 lierald 1 p own Hrjnch offlce, a ItKSPFf I 4IILR VolXI OIHL TO DO OKVFRAL JY housework in a private taiTiilr; Is a good cook; best 'tiv reierence. *ddre? >f. / Ileraia L'plowu Rran i office, i Uroadway. ? flotisrtaeeuera, Ar, I - Trr - T 1ST It Mr.?A TOi'NO t.AOT, AON If. !?> highly e. >npll<?ied ?ml of chenrfnl al?i>osiilon. Wishes* i on-,-i as hoiiseM-aper, widois eis lainiil i?H? let-red. fall all the week. < o?llTt"?frt on *<ilrriin*]i (*ngfs