Newspaper Page Text
THE NEW YORK HERALD. WHOLE NO. 14066! NEW YORK, WEDNESDAY, MAY 20. 1875.-TRIPLE SHEET. ? PRICE FOUR CENTS. DIRECTOR!! FOR ADVERTISERS* AMUSEMENTS?Ninth J*ao??Fourth, fifth and eixUi coutnns. astrology?Twili-th Page?*ixth column. Bll.l lAaus-FmeT Pace?fifl# i-n'umn. BOAIU><iK- W*MiD-Twelmu PAiif.?Fourth ?nd fifth columns. flOAhO AND LODGING WANTED?Twelfth Paoe Fi'th column. Boors and SHOES?First Page?second column. BROOKLYN KEAL ESTATE FOll SALT?Second J'ace?First column nU ?l.NESH OPPORTUNITIES?Fightu Pack. BUSINESS NOTICES?Seventh Pac;k?Sixth column. IJIlY Ke.AL K ?'TATIt FOB SALE? Bbcohd Page? Hrst column. CLEKKS a>D SALESMEN?Tweitth Page?tecond column. * rM.OTIi i .V.i?TwEi.mi Page?Sixth column. DUTCHMEN AND GAkDKNEKb?Tw*ufIH Page? second and ihiri column*. CO ATrtT S E S IEAMSII1PS?SECOND PASS?Fifth and ? xih columns. COUNT.lY I'.OaKD?Tmartn Pare?Fifth column DKNII I BY?second Paok??? ixtli column. DRY UO<?D?? First Page?.-econu column. DWELLING HOl'.-KS JO LK . rCRNISHED AND L'N FU ItNIsIIKD?Sbcohd Pace?Third column. EUROPEAN STEAMSHIP.-?.Second Pace?Filtli col umn. EXCHANGE?Nintii I'abe?Thirl column. excursions?SECOKn Page?Slxllt column. F1NAM IA i.? bicarn Page. FOIt SALE ?Fihst Pagj ? Sixth column. FURNISHED ROOMS AND APAR'i'MFNTS TO LET? Second Page?Ihtril and fourth column#. FUP.NI ri'HK? Ninth Page? fhlru column. IIJ-..LP WANTED? Fl M a i.i s ? . lrvkntii Page?Sixth column, and Twelfth Page?Firs' column. HELP \V tN'lEU?MALES? Iwelitu Page?'Third col umn. HOR-Ks, CA ft HI AGES, AO.-First Page?Third. lourth nnti H'th columns. HOTEL!?Twn,tTit Paoe?Fifth column. HOUSES. ROOMS At'., WANT hi)?Second Page? Fourth c lumn. instruction?Fimt Page?^econci oolumn. BiECTURsk ash\?Ninth Page?Fourth column. LO>T AND Fill ND?First Page?First columu. W AC II IN' E t! Y?First Pack?sixth col mini. MaKRLK Ma ?TKI.s? First Pa?;k?Sixth column. M EOICAL?TwKi.rrii Page?Sixth column. M IS< :ELLA N K.O UK AD VE KTIS E M EN I S?TENTn Tage? sixth column. N F W PUB Lie A I'iONS?^etikth Page?^Ixth column. NEWhPAPi:?Second Page?Sixth column. PL It -i<iN AI First Page?First column. PIANOFORTES, ORGANS, AC.?Ninth Page?Fourth oolmin. POST OFFICE NOTICE?First Page?Fifth column. PROPr>HALK--Fm?T Pace?Sixth column. PROFESSKINAL situations W *HTED-FEM\I.E3? Fllventh Pace? ixtli column. PROPERTY OCT OF THE CITY FOR SALE OR TO it E NT?econu Page?Firar. and seoond columns. REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE? Second Pace?Second column. REAL I-STATE WANTED?Second Page?Second col umn. REWARDS?First Page?First column. ? SALE.^ AT A I'CTION? Ninth Pags.?First, accoud nnd third columns. SITUATIONS W ANTED-FFMALUS?Eletentti Paoe? First, second, third, (north, tlt'th and sixth cnlu'tii>?. SITKATION* WANTED?-MALES?TwEirTU Pai.e?First nnd second column*. SPECIAL .NOTICES?First Page? First and second col umns. SPORTING?DOGS, BIRDS, AC.?First Page?Third column PTOR.XOF ? rn-ELrrn Page?Sixth column. SUMMER RESORTS?TwELrnt i'AOE-Fnth and sixth columns. THE TKAUfcS?TwitrrH Page?Third and fourth col umns. THE TURF?First Page?Third column. TO LKT FOll BUSINESS PI"UP0.sT.s-S*c0.nd Page? Third column. TRAVELLERS1 GL'IDK?Sxccnd Pack? ix'h column. UNFURNISHED ROOMS and apartments TO LET? second Page?Fourth column. Wanihd .O PURCHASE?FiaaT Page?Fifth column. WATCH.-S. JEWELRY, AC.?NUTTB Page?Third col umn. WEST< nH<iTER county PROPERTY FOR SALE OR TO LET?S'cond Park?First column. YACHT*, STEAMBOATS, AC.?First t*Ai.r;?Second col umn. PERSONAL. UCF KPOFT 7.PV BSF OPtJ 01 S'IPUUFO. JO ZPV xpvme tffnf botxfs ulspvhl ultti' qtstpobuit xifo boe lifsf. a. T. pHIPS? LETTER AWAITS you IN POST OFFICE IJ addressed as formerly. M. M. INFORMATION WANTED OF THOMAS hood low and also his brother Henry. It will bo to tlisir ad radtnijo to write me immediately. ALEXANDER ???<> ???'. LOW. :0J German rtreut. Montreal. Jack?TO-MORROW fWSBIIIMI), at same time and place. CIIatio. T AMB-I IMPLORE you TO RETURN. OH. COME LJ home! ('ome home, iny child 1 J. F. H. TO Fit I END, BROOKLYN-WILL MEET YOU AT aiiT time or pla< e you suirgcat. Answer through the Postonice. A. II. W. MIURS1JAY AT ELEVEN A. M. rrtus EVENING. 7H. CORN BR TW?NTY-SKCOND 1 nreet: if unpleasant. to-morrow eveninc. Y. A. >t. ro?fT J. A. M ? ? ? ? ? M VLF.ASE CALL ON Addie, wini cannot undersian I ni?o i-eno ? r.ASi EK i GO. VY B45 SIXTH AVhNUE. I^OST AND KOI f*JO. FOUND?OVM'iJIDtY, THE J4THIK8T . A HH.iWX. Own?r can li.-ve the ?aine by Inquiring at lager . Fter Mloon, corner Kurt* ninth street an 1 Sck ith avp. ur, anM paving espcnaea. | OST-ON MONDAY, IX GREENWICH OR WA< ! |j ingt?n atreer, wnewii?rt between Kraaklitt or Dvr , vu. a .-carl Itlng. with |ialuiing at tambourine rirl. k ilivial reward will I,a pni i mi iU return to J. K. DOH SS Wall street. I OUT?A PACKAGE. rO*TAIMNO YESSElfll I j regi-ter. clearance paper* -nd other papers: none ?t any valac except to ibc owner. \ tollable rtwar I rill be paid by leaving wltli clerk on den*, Herald office. L* osT?OX SUNDAY AKTKRROON, IN CMNTVAL Park or vicinity, an imppr eil ?il* Umbrei m. with Hack ebony band la. ?uver top aud bar.I: black outride ind pnrple'iiinide ; Si reward will b* paid om Itarp tirn D tlie owner. M. A. HIGU1NS. i,eim<int I lot*' 1. 137 Kul-' OT MrceL r oht-'iK TUKIDAY A KHALI, WHITE I 'J : pits I'o*. an*wenu* to Hi ? name of Jolly. A iberal reward will be paid on returning liim to No. I> i uexlnston avenue. 1 I OST?A BLACK PocKKTBOOK. on EIGHTH AV. \j enue, iMWfcii Kll'.v-ilr*! an l Kittv *ixtb afreet*, 'inder will lie libera Iv rewarded lor returning It to mi Ceil Fifty-sixth street. REWARDS. ? - REWARD?LO>T, SATURDAY, IN THE CARS P>) at Hunter'* Point. Long Island Railroad. a Pocket iook. containing aiiout *17 He urn to doorKci p.-r ut luoter'a Point'.r agent at Jamaica. U I. V ,. HAi.ltlS fc"Hl WILi. BE PAID KOH the RETURN OK A P 1 ' f black ami tan Dog, Inine In one oi ItU iront leg*, a IA Croebr street. HFBCIAt. !VOTI(E8. A?SODA WaTE'1. mineral WATERS, UIHOE" . Ale?. rparkim? Wine*; manulacture of complete ntll t? ol Ai>t>aratu? and Materials. with hill lu?trtic fiana; all department* of manufacture, liott Ine ami .li> penmua; I'lelMive Kiirht* -n de-imble territurv ran opue* tree. JOHN MATTHkWS. l-'lrst avenue. Twenty txlh and Twenty-M-ventb ,<trp t?. New Vork. * ?NEW SCHEMES M?K G ' RMAN GOVERNMENT . Lotteries? Koral saxon. Dural Hfii'inririi. iiaiu mrr'""ttv; Royal llm-ana loiter*. I'rijr-j cashed anl |i information fun.lstie>a by WaCIISMaNN .t to. Bilkers, box 3,3'5 Poit office. 75 ami 7/ Nassau ?tr?et, few York. t -DERI ITV brought ON BY INDISCRETIONS A. and a ! kindred di?'a?e? <?( men fceedilv and radi ally cured l>v HKNRY *. DANIEL*. M I',. 144 f-ex avion avenue, near iwentv ninth utreet. Office hoara ?om 8 to \ 4 ?AOTHORIZ l> AGr.NT fl . Kcntu ky .-tale I.offrrle*. J. OLUffc. n Broadway. ^ ?royal Havana lottery; Kentucky si.n. tea 16 Nanuiu ftreet a" -?.*#/<*!,-KRNTCCRY STaTF. S'NGLE NUMBER T. ? rti.ttr l)ut:on. lor the benefit of Hid Ctlwnl'vol 'adncih May .U all gtfU paid in lull Circular* i.r in- ? nrtnation ?entfree. BaTK> A i n.. I;*t Mroa<!w?y. A -I-AA< u BOYCE, K7 BROADWAY I aWYBR. r\. Notary. Commtaetoner l-ivorrea obtained prompt. f, without publlcitv. i.??*'?-Dci rnoii. in-? mpa' rv. habitual drnnkenne#*, infld* lit v. Inlinmati t.-eat lent, conviction or lalotiy. I'.i-Miori* obtnu.i i * ?Of Pit IA l, DiAWINGi O- THE KENTUCKT !l. Mate and Shelry i nl'eire l^ottcric* HMrin rtaia. tnm iu?s ??.?njrtl. I*7v ?, ?.*, '.V I". 'J 2. ??. ?. 7.1, ?, 7t CSjMU tl.A#? Wl??*T ?4, 1ST MS, 79, 7". ?. K l\ 2i. H. \\ ,\i 11, 13. 7. u^crtt i" Mb??At :5, IS7t? 74. 17. IJ. 31 a S7. y t", I! W. *9. II. *B1XBT. CL?'? 40.'?.'i. I <7S. ?t. <7. .V, :a, 39, '!?. I-'. 41, 7\ 31, i.% 73. J f SMn II A CO. Mnna?;e*>, ( oTinfrtoli. Ky.; Po*t j fflcc I OX J /.M. Ne? ViTIk -BOVAI, HAVANA I.OTI KKY: KCNTITKY SI.N. da Number U.tterv, uerrnnti i)nverilin*ni Lot'e- ! C IHmihOK Z8CHOCH. l'o,t i.Rlee bo* 9.3M. \-PARK-. KM El: SON A CO. AGENT* KOR .. Kentucky sta-e Lotterle*. ilra? n dath Ho?ai Havana Lottnry. ilr.iwu ev. r. 17 ,1a . ? Ke munay Mnxie Number Lottery drawn Mav ;s> 1*73 Prize.* <a?he<l In'ormntlon iurni?li-d anil circular* nit by addre.sein^t I'Ai K- v t >.. 1*1 Hro(??|way, room A real office box . ,.'72 PriTate officu attached. Office hiiu:* ; A M io 7 r M. \?? OVAL IIAt ANA l,i i r 11, Y. . I rawints cTrrv lSitav* Next drawing May 2B. ?ne Prize oi flCfVim) >tic I'ri/.? nt VJ.uu 'WO Pri* * ot $26,0' em h an.llili tne l'rl/c o: ; 1 ,t*>i >ie Pnre ot >, iiv 'wenty-tltrre ot Hi.-m ea-.-h'.',.. V. Z?i?n W other Prize*. amnmii|ti:r to " 17/.I1DI ejisbe,! i n. Ulirv nith inii'fmrfcn'ar*. Iree. it. dktLI.n, Mattoner ami General a cent. _ _?(! I.lbertv ?iree- New York. 3UT TO-MORROW, . , , i a*t cliance. A fortnne for Si fyamlnjt Monthly draws .inv ?.] capitil pri*e tit.009, Ticket*. 91; 8_inr $^; (or 4:1). _ ALI.r. s A i i)., jj ..msju atreet. New TorK. riur YOUR tick Ms ro it the hngle .numiier L> di.itribnnon ,?t the o'd established .ire-icv PHItif Gi>.>.x, l; i Mroadrray IS IAS KM <il' MEN A.NIt IMPOI.'iAN'r MEDICAL ikiid Surgical i a*c- a *pecialty. llrNRT a, iAfilr.1.^, v. i'., ill i' .Insion svcnui', near'twenty- ' *ni.P -??'t (Mpe hmii '. ii'nm tc ... [) HPECIALi XOTICKS. BUY TO-dav. Kcotuuky State Single Numb r Distribution tcoooou in uirrs. Capital'. $S0,0C0; smallest. $;U?all caib. Gilts paid in lull. Drawing certain (or money lei'undedi on WAV~ .-9. Tickets, $10; halve*. $5; quarter*, ii 30. 111..Mas H. 'dAlb 4 < 0.. C 'J Eroadvray, Now York. Havana lottery. SiS '.iOJ i.hirionted in rrtzes May 26. l I'rlze oi jlPO.nM i ktim of i tTiz.* of ?a.oco cacii ot fi".KW ju, >>n l i\ / ? ui ?.<VJ loi'rws, each o! 101?' 83D oilier f'rikes, HUiotinUW t<i 170,1* (? i.'ii'cui >r? ot in'.urm;iiiou iii'nUlied trei>. order* filled. Prwox rashtid. punish Bank Notes, Doubloons ami i-ovcrrmcnts purelmwit. lAiiuli Jt Ci>. Liu users. 11 n all street. Now Yor.s. Havana LOtrKBY.?5?)uoo in prizes evert tittceu Jay*. one prize oi ' <ne pri? ot Sft'.OOO One Iirlz-ot 2 ."?*> 'iwo. Jlu.iK) each.... ;* O r iiriis 5 000 '? eu, ?I,MX)euch io.hi'i 111 pr.bps Sfiimciiviit M Hit 7i5. $3 n) ouc-li 214.9M) Prise* ciuheil. * ireulars of information iree. i ighest nrit o polo lor Spanish gold an i lioveruineats J. 1!. MAiyilsi'Z A i .. Ifnnkers. 10 Wall st. (rear basement), >. Y. Post office box 1.603. "17" EN TUCK Y STATU LOTTf! IIY. UNOIiK NtMKER EOUEME, (.' uthorlzcd by special act of the Legislature.) For tbe Benefit of the University of Paduoah. $SOO,OOJ to bo dlstrll u e i among tbe holders ot' Ticket FIRST I-R1ZK, $5'J.0Ca 1ho drawing to take place at Covlnjjton, Ky., May 23, 1S7S! No dl.'cotirr on Prize*? Every Prize pall In fall. SIMMONS, DICKINSON 4 CO., Manager*. f cl.orae. 1 Prize of $:)>.00f i" !7. ~ $30,#?t 1 I'rixe of ;0, 00 U U.OJO I Pr.z ot M.U0. is lii.o u 5 Prize* of ft, "Ware 2a,tMi 10 Pri* !i n| i.auu i5.l?K) SO I'riz sot l.oo are ftu.iot 6J Prison ot ?00 are 2J.0M 60Pii?.**of ifioate 12,WJ l' O I'rtwss ot lisjare 10,0ti? 5,10) l'riz ?' of 11 are 50.000 Approximation Prizes. 4 of approximating to J.j.i.oo;) are $12.00) 4 of 1/.2S appfoxunanint I" 20,MHare ti.SOi 4 of i,UiO approximating to lo.ujoar? 4,0X) fi,2&0 PVizes,' amounting to 3500.03X Whole Tickets, $10; Halves $'?; Quarters. $! 50. Remember, that every Prura Is drawn and payable in full, without deduction. The/e drawings re never post poned, but tike place regularly the last Saturday of each montb, Send for circular. Address all orders to K FIMMOSS, DICKINHO \ ? CO., Covington Ky. KENTI.OKY STATB LOTTERY. HAVANA I'l.A N, Simmon*. Dickinson ,t in, Managers.?Next rtruw i iic. May 'M. I- ?>r circular* .ml information and rex* GIvlKOe, H. BOOTH. Manager's Agent, 73 NaulU street; i' office box :i.l?7. Now York. ?$300,000 CAS1I GIFT.--. Whole Tickets, ?V. Kentuckv Ftnte single N'trnhcr Lottery, on tL:vana plan, lira >vn Mo v IS.'.i. ' ircolar* ?-nt tree. 1'A ;. K ". KM ER.iON A Ol>.. Agents. 18<> Broadway. ri cm 4. Po<. nfflMMX 5.172. K?ornciAi. drawing ok rut.. Kentucky , siuie i. dtenct, .-1MWOvS, l>li KINSON, A t <Manager*. uMimr. irr.irA class >o 34?mt:5. I8/.1. 34. 63. fill. 7*. 7n ?"*. w. '17 t\ ??'. 43, 12, S. (UtcnT. rial* iro. 346?hat 2\ IK75. 20. <7. \ o:? 76. 6,t. ,<x a*. 28. mtSIIT. IK f*J ( t..*-S RO. 4 (I ?*AT 1*75. 8, 13, 72 77. 3 3 Ill, 3. 7->. 46, 73, 23. I K.NRY. cijllg 50. 41.'?fl.IT ITS. JO. 4\ K 23. 62. i'6, 6.1. }?. 51, 14. Villi information by "opplrinj to or addressing 3. CLU ffi. 201 IP way. first floor. i ear office, or P. o. b. 4.S09. 1r ?SIMMONS, DICKINSON * Co.'.H OH AND J\. m ill ilv ui*tribuu?n r.t the Kentucky <ti?te I? t tn v. ..n ill.- Havana plan, t.i l>c .iraon .way 2!?. AN Uoval I'.naiii'ii i nb.i. drawn r nilinformation hv acptvimr t*> r nd Ire-sin* i LUih, authorized again, 200 Hroadwav, or Post office box t.'.wi'. MA DA M K 4.A KVIK.i:, I Mil ? UK; A SD M tGXIIIIC tnaiotHilator. No W9Mxtli Mrnui1, Ne w Yorn. -Itheu maii'.iii, l\i:n; v<isan I Wmraigia ??itri'.l By manlpuation ami i iHCirieii v, aapccialt.v; ?kin Dl*eaa*< cured: Bosom le> elopers: pesitlv* cure lor ? holri t I nan. inn. ft, B.? Patients treated and bmrde 1 on moderate term*, ion mil i .nn m e. Ladle* plea-e call and consult Omen INIM'STRIAL hXHlBITION COMPANY* NO. 12 1 a?t Sevcnteentu street. between Broad way and Kittlt avenue, New \ ork cltv ? t!i? fnockbo dors' meeting o' the Inlrjtrial kxhlbltion Company. held at No. 07 ? nivii*l> .-I ice oil May 19. 1-7 ?. n w is voter, to adjourn i o Honda*. June 21. til-. I acli fttockhoiiler H re-jiii? nt : i In i' e?ent ai tlic n ,lournc l iiit'ctitnr, whidi Uki.1 pirci t N'i .1 b*?t Seveniceutl: alr?et. I>etwe.'U >2 v, amt 2 P. M. Then %ill he nutmntteit to the moCK ln.Mf ? ai au li ine?Unu pi in* oi tup hutidirr ami ?pect flcationi n? in t!ie inodi' of comiructioii and the mate i rii? io i ?? ai'd; alto u rinson wuicli nianuracturer- m ay lea-e hpneea. Bv or :? r of atockholder*. E.'B, POND, Secretary. CPU' IA' N*nii E TO IvOVVRS OK ART.-VOIR i~ irup'ilfHen: "il PMntlns*. flanre pieces .iwi hv Sb!1v . all over iu0?eara uiil. In apiemlid co.Mtltion aud tu'ir: will be ??l' tor one losrth their raiuc. Addraaa \ K I OKM . Iler.ild ortlee. w 'M. M. 1-VAKia TO-DAY IN THE M hXIBO TELEGP-AM TO ? Hill r. II'E IlfRFBY 'JIVE NOTICE THAT NO PKRSON 13 ?> nuHiorlaed to hoy gondt or en itract anrdelnain our Rrtii iiaiHe or otherwise. J. COHt-N A N. hut. Kur V. 27 H-i Broadway. Aiwta (Win -KENTUCKY STATE: ttttOtJI IJOuU.I (vv. nuuil an; Havana plan. To Im; draw n Mav 2i'. 1871 Lii'icral ?4acount tociiib*. B. NA i HAN, No. 4 Ctleey i'.mUlliiy, Cortlandt strict fife T llllll iUI | -KENTUCKY >-TATK LOTTKBY. ?p?).Uv">iiii)tle number, urawn May 9. t*iC.u?l e.A?'i irl/.s: ticket* SIO, halraa tft tjuartera ?2 i i, oUiith? <1 25: circular* tree. P. c. UET>>1N, atatiooer and at'en-.Stt I.tKrty atrnet, OK y <;oon^. '? _?i i;DhrrK. smith has daily a grand Dis> A, PI.A V ot the I.AIKSI IMC'IK KU KASH lONa at nia IMTlliBN IIVZAAK. 914 HKOAUWAY. brtwe?n twoudeth and lweniy-nr<t xtreete All tha LAI EST PATTIvi!Ns i <>o?'.i'itly on h?mi. ci.oril MOOKt* wi n I'vory pattern. OU t.INO AND KlTTINO by ex bertencrd jrti<ta. /"lAKPlirS, OARPhTS. V Ureal sprint ot-enlnjt of Carpet* oilcloths. Window shades, l.jintii. i|iiiiis, Mjm, Mattinc Ac., at very low t.rice*. Kn^l:eh Velvet, at >1 .3 per yard. i at>c?trt'orti.>?'ls. at ill per vart. lhi*e plv. atki 2? per varl. Inuraln, at .)?<?.. 4 e. an I 4 c. per yar.l. All other g?H?d? at cqusllv U>w prieas. A larue mock ot t urulture, IU per cent cheaper than ? nv other hoase in the clly. All goods ahippt.1 tree. D. KKLLY. (suceeaaor to H. U'Karrell), 512 and Alt liiglith avenue. between riiirty-tl:t:i and Thirtv^tsth street . PABIs NOUVK.UIhS. An Petit St. Thoinaa. Bue rle lii.c, 27. -t, SI. 3?. ?5; Hue ne I't'nlversite. Thin hen*, earaoliebed upward of itfty vear*. I* nnl versally known an i lamed as one ot the flr?? eaiabllaii me-iits in Pana. in wti:ca ihoiou/M . onrid?uce mav te pUicd: noted tor bein* caeap. in its tm iiieose premises witl be totind the nioat complete aasori ment of SnWa. from the celebrated fabric* ot Bonnet Ponswi. Ac.; the very flne?t novelties of fancv filka, In lia ami Vrencli C.ishinere .-hawta. Woollen*. Lanes. Lingerie, i oiileetloiis ladle.. Fur/, ?'otton anl Thread stuff*. Ilomery, Gloves, hibbon*. Trlinminca. Carpet*. Article* ot riirniture. Engllah a*at*tants. Wedding unmia. Pixed price*. \\*KT O'KtD* PROM TIIK WOKTII sTBKKT I I It K, >? comprising t loth*. C?s.*imeres. Sattne < Tweed*. Ac.; s"od govda; balance c|iM?ttr: .nit low. iiisi ohiii to taint*. W M M AIIIKW 3,14 CAtkarlne atrevt. A ih?tih <? rioi. GOOD II * NHWitlTING TAl'OHT IN TEN I.KIU a,ins by dlilVKH 14. 'JiiLImM I Til, the reputed "penman ol America.'" Appiy, irom 3 to 9, at parlor* frti \\ f 11 Kourth street, Wadiinafon s?|uare ? (OLLKJl, GRKIH ATK HK-llihS A POSITION as visttin j or rennent ifoverneas, ?>r to travel; leaches in ii -1 -, Latin, mathematics and all tne hliftier Kiu.i?h branches address X. V. /... lleraWI office \II"H EDMONDS IIAS A VACANCY IN CEAB.4 PBK j?I pifrnt.' tor rxauana't in tor public school teacher; tu i course; also vacancy in evrniUK class for the Minn. 149 E??? . evenieetith sHeet. ITS MONSIH K AMI Kll AIN OKSIUh VAIItc. I'O.N I nalasnnre d'ufte dame irancal'e avant unc lieure de loisir dan* In matinee denn on trois lours par ?e maim et qui veule tin domier dea lectins privees. 'a droiser a .*. ?*. E . Herald ottlce VA( IT*. ?STKAAIIHIATS. *(', 'Oil P\I.I-:-IIASI?.-'OME (Woiir I ABh SLOOP \ nt'lit. nun '? ing I ainte 1 an<l (itted out t nmpleie ut ll.ite,', r,t I hirty-Si venih street, rtourh Hronkltn, /Mitlress It , (? .x 3,ills Post ctlifc. \VanrhD?to purchase cheap. ikchkapTa ?? I.trg' keel .-ehooner Yacht; also a small -tfcsmi Launch or Propeller Vac tit. A M. DA COS I A. 117 Wall Mrcct, ROOTS Atn IMOBI, I AIHKS' UN' I KKM I HI ' BUTTON GAITRRS I J mat- to ortJ' r ft r SI ?? * V..V ' t tamllv *i"?? ?t. "e, ci.nlr h t%?. u I Si* ? ' ? iSlitti <?>. HPOHTI.\Ci?DOGS, nillUS, AC. A?FOR (AMS?ALL KIND- OK FANCY DOOS. ? Birds, .to.: Medicines for a!l diseases; Prepared Fond Ror mocking bird*, tt H. & DOVEY'.-, Nu. 3 tlrecue ftreot. near A ? JUST B -0HIVED FROM ' NOLANI', THH PIN. j."\. es' lot of Scotch, Skru ?nd Oaiiov Dln:n mt lor : tiers. Medicine for all rtUcaaes ;tt t.. >'. Mr.*KB'.-1. No. 3 Went 'I hird street. i A M'LENDil) LAUtJK WATCH DOU, CIF Tilt NEW | ."1 lotindland breed, toft-a1'': v.-ouid *utt a gentleman's place or more . ^ould If Mild cheap a- tlio airner ttf no j further usu for hint. >pplr t" ADOI.PH KI.INyVisT, ho. l-l liendci-ou street, Jersey t 'sty. ' l/ou .salj, ciikap?an imported black 1 J noso Pointer Dog. nine month* old; staunch build. 1 At JOHN MOLli'.-, Monitor street, mar iicrbcrt, i Brooklyn. t. It. rro.DAT IS THE LAST D AY. TM K COSTLY PRIZES I firth' 'ate t>og !<how will re oil exhil'i ion at JO SEPH aciimaN I m>.v No. :! Mstienlat.e. :-huw at Wutertown, June I. 2 and 3. N O YOUNG PKaCCOKS, ONK R' D Utlisll SfcTlKtt O Bltctt, several tine watc'i an I li> uv lusrstor sale low. Aquaria, Hfrtl and I'ot Auiinnl Depot and Aquaria : Tank Manufactory, 31 tulion street. ii.\GOt , Ajent. TI1E Tttlp*. I ITOTION and FRENCH POOLS SOLD V VERY -Y morning irom 7 A. M and ovtituicrg irmi 7 P. M. on tli? runum/ raoci ut B tltimoro at the N WYuKK'ICuP 1 fcXCH a Nuii, 15 Weft Twent.v-eWiitlj treet 1 NTltlB' a>1> KEst'Li> trom special correspondent by telegraph. f tltliCl LAB ATThNTION PAll> to orders bv inatl or messenger. KEL'.T. BLISS A CO. A ? AUCTION AND FRENCH POOLS SOLD EVERY ' j.t . morning aui! evening at Johnson's Pool Kmiiti, | corner Broadway an I Twciliv -utgtitli g ruct. on thu run ningra.'os at Baltimore. Particular auen'ion paid to all orders hv inall or mes-eng'-r; tull returns received ca ll d tv bv telegraph: Pool ttoom open at tf o'clock A. | U.; Froncb pool-close at 3 P. M. (Weaieru Un on Toie i graph office at the roomi), W. H. A T. i'. JOHNSON. A won ON ANi) FRENCH POOLS SOLD AT JOHN sou'a Pooj Ituoni, corner ot Broadway and Twenty - j eighth street, on the iinixli-i. Derby which takes pia o ! Wednesday morning: full return* receive I py teh-grapti; I also on the running races at Baltimore. rt'. H^t r. B. JOHNSON. AUCTION AND FRKNcn POOLS SOLD THIS monilnir and evening on the KN0LI>11 DERBY, at the New Vork Tnrf i-.xehanga, l > WesiTwenry-eiuttlli ?trfc;: result received by cable the day ot the race; French pod closes luesday At midnight. KELLY, BLISS A CO. AUCTION ANI> FRENCH POOLS StlLD DlT.IXrt /I ttip day and evei'insr up to midnight oil the l',ngi?h Derby at the Now York Turf > xcbaime, IS i wen 1 tv-eit?hth ftruet. Re.*ult received by c t'oie on th,- <'av of the race. lvELLY, uLL.s A CO. A U.rriON POOL-i SOLO EVf RY ArrEBNOON THIS 1 J\. week, at JohosiB's I'ool Hooui. corner Twent> I ounrh :> reet and Broadway, on the trots at Phil idel Pitt;t an I tiosheu; each lieat received by iclr^raph as i toon as trotteo. W. H. k l. r. JoUNSoS. Ij^LEKTWOOD PARK. WhDNESUAY. MAY 2i. 3 P. M.? P Match 8iita?. p. p., nule lteata, best 3 in 5, to wB*oi:s M. V vers'hi. u. lolin Ca-e, Jr. tleorire M. S oinhardt'8 i b. c. itarry Dunkinaon. JOHNSON BKOS., Proprietors. D. Tallmaa. Snprrintendcnt. | /10SIIEN PARK. U0.511EN. N. Y.-KIR T IiAY, I Ijr Wednesday, May iii; 3 unnu e class. Kace? com menceo'clock. W. J. HroOns <-ntor< blk. tt. Pat Ko 1 Caiui: Jos. .-terrot, b. m. ..urea: Win. Conner, b. ni. Edit i; J. spiaa. oh. t. Brllliat t: T. P. ShepMrd, t?. m. Ro*io; M. tl. Whipple, b. g. Judge Robertson: J. H. | Gold smith, b. m. Dean, '?aino day?1:34 class. W. c. iritnltl?- enters b. m. Zephyr; Hen Marc, I), in. Ij?tia j Case. J. Splan, lir g. Ches on; J. 11. Ooldsniith, t). m. l.adr Mor'i?. n; J. s. liaHer, b m. tier.eva. H en a v It At it n , ,-ecretary. A. B. POST, President. OTIt E.?FLXt rWOt>I> PARK, ALL ENTBANOR money iimst be paid on or before Thursday, May XT, JollNSON BrtOS., Proprietor* "PROSPECT PABIv. SATURDAT. MAY 29.?THK X sreat pigeon shooting match, batween Paine and 1 Hot iritis, will tike place a< alive; match In) tijrds : each, 31) yards' ri>e. English rule> Ji,t)*l. 2 t . M. sharp. (1(IBSE!?, CAUKIAOKS. AC. A -SPEED, STYLE AND ELEGANCE. iV. AT AUCTION (T'J-MORIiun ) rII URsl'AY. MAY 27, AT THf. private STAHLK, NO. 2 EAST THIRTY SEVEN ill - T It E E t. AT II OCLOCK, I'ROM PI. BY charles C. Dl.'fK, AUCTION EKR. consisting of the entire Tuntotit ni a proiuinsut gcnt'.e ttiHn oi this ci',-. Includtni! the handsome bay adding Harry. 15\? high. 7 years old, > re<l by Mea cnger llamble'onian ilam Harry cisv bus ele-ant stvle an I action, high beaden. nreda noeneea. no road too tone for him; can spoo l a Iftt; nas tieeii driven by owner in i.-.iA; sate to' any ] on ? to drive, and is warrsn-od Kiuiid and L'n.:. Also rich, handsome, blooded ami gfiitle brown Oel?1 I in-.', 151, IiIl-ii, tt veara old; sired by Iron Duke, he. bv i Old llanibletonian, item bv Bellfoander: lit- was pur cht-evl in L'lstt r count* bv iHN-sent owner one year am, j alter he saw liini trot a t n 11 mile and repeat in :I*t?; be . can aiwav- show a mile in . OS and is ?s fine caite i as ! any trotter that gees tlic road; be Is lully wurrantad i sound au i kind. Also, ?.viihout eaception, one of the best and most gen teeibay Trotters in t.'ie Stale. 1 '4 lip. (years old; | .-ire.I l y Ethan Allen, dam by Younc Columbus; can aU 1 ways trot In istf, unl makes n? nihtakes in company; lie is warranted sound ?n 1 hind. A very boautitu! olack Ueldtng, hijh. !i vears: sir?"i I bv lloAc'a Kcyal ilewee. of Albany; .:ain by Balltgate's Toronto chie ; bataaperirot roadster, can trot a lull ratio in 2and repeat, and can show a 2:W gait; tic is warranted ?nu;td and *ind. I Carriagos cnnii'tine of ex. top Park Phaeton, one fall ? aprin.' top Wagon, by B re water, of Broome street; one s:de-bar top Knad wagna, one top p >nv I'haet n on : "P' n Basket Phaeton, s'n ;le ami JonWc Harness, Mian I ket-. Robe?. Wnin? Ac. n B.?Sale pmiuve. rain of shine, to highest bidder, 1 without innit or restriction. abK-k now on mat and ex hibiiion at statue, as abo\e. A ? BRKW k CO.. OF HROOXE RTKEE', i J\, Carri>R2 anl Itoa I Wagons Wo sre now exhibiting st our ?arerootna. Filth avenue and Fourteenth street, the production ot our tnetorv during the past winter ?notit is. . oinpriaing a iariie variety of Carriages in ; styles now f.iabioaahte in I'aris and London, together 1 ? itti the lighter vehiclea especially adapted to our own 1 roai s. in seasonable carriages may bo tound the nuvrac. I d< signs in l.amlani. Laudati eta, Cabnoleta. 1 Ictorias. . oran.l \ ie orlat, Pa.oacti.-s, V|?av'is. tl'arls, * Dog Carta, Phaeton*. Pony Phaetons. -pider Ptiaetona. I Ttiese" :n vre it %arlety of M\tc?. exqtiisitelv flnlsbad ! in the softest Kreucti moroccos and in tasbionable shades 1 of Blue Browti. Maro-n. Oreen and Chocolate. Me are ais? exhitniiiig ail varieties ot the HKEWis.hK HA.ON, Including oar im;,rm ,-d <ide btr. wiitca cnaMetu* to p.-ojuce ibe liest riding light wagon ever Bade an I the onlv sido bsrwa.-oti trc - irom "teter" and vibration. Our improvement adils nothing to the weight and i'ivm additional strength ami security. In so.icitiae an m i.peet,on o' our sicc* \>e t;?g to assure tit- public tt> it In ; excellent c ol design and ? jrkmamhip it b is ne-.-r been equalled in ttusco'lMri ilur revised Price Lis-. may t?e Dad on app icailon. bKiiWnfKB A CO.. o; Brixime street. \ RKIVED AGAIN?..'. C. DkYd. OF JACKSON CITY, : 2\ Micli., with .V) licad ol those Michigan Hordes. ; at A. <11 AM HEK LI bctwetit l .PTiugtoii ami . lur.l ! iTfniii". in l wenty-fllTli atreei. Will l* ?oH according to the tltno*. a -BELOW CO.Hr O CLOSE liCSINKBS. /\ ? Mv One stork of Carriage*, nil mr own mske. now in i.ppo*it?o. No. Ml West ilruadwur. .More must be vacated tit Juno 15 C!1 ARLKH Oltl'BE. A N ASSORTMENT OK CARRIAGES AND I1A1!.NK>S ofourowu make and warranle.l J. COLTER A CO., .'<yi aroadw .n, adjoining Metropolitan Motel. \-SELLlMT OCT STOCK.-EXTENSION TOP PARK . Phaeton*. Mile-bar Buggiea, top and no top iiuu gies. second hand an I new top an.I n . top Expresa. nrapery, Baker and light Business Wagon*. 231 i.udscn ?tract. * TWO WI1EEI, WHITE CHAPEL DOO CaRT, /V built by ,t fir-t c!n?? matter, lit'le tiaed, wilt l>e Mill low Appiv at the private sinb:e. So. 3 Wcit Thirty tixth street, tn the fnre'ioon or evening. 1 T UREA r RAROAINS. ^C\ Licht Kockawavs. | I>epot Wagons, Extension ton Phaeton*. I fJentleinen's I'haetont, Halt top Victoria!), | Juon> seat Busies, high and tun wheel | ony and Park I'tmaioni. in a great variety of si vies. nt very tow prices. We guaraaiee everv carriage lor one year. A I OEM A KhST A CO,, manufacturer* of tine t'arria-te*. ?ilW ami 6V> broad way. Kew catalogues ot Pony Phaetons now ready. A-LAXDAl'LKTS, UNDAU9, COCrKM, DEPOT ? W nitons. I'haaiona. i.larenees taken in exchange at less than half" coat; full assortment ot ladles' rhae tons at re tueed prices.. IIA.M. 10 East Koiuth ?trret. VCAI.'OAIX MOftsR AND rmii K. WITH WOKK. lor sale. Apply at oAce, pier IK E ist Kl\er. VriPor CI.AgS Tl'RXOUf rOR SALE CIIEaP llor?e sound and kind; Carriage and Marno.s nearly new. for particular* call at 77 bamt street, Mptr wareboaae. V -n?R sA E, TIIRKK OOOD WiHtK MORSES; 10 J\. t n svld a> a .-acriflce on i ceonnt ot no turther Use to owner. Inquire at ti9 .'tantoti street. VERY HAKDfVaij BLACK MORGAN HORHB ??heap?U)? bauds, 7 >ear? old. iree. easv driver; sound and kin.I in all harues*. Can be seen at So. 14.1 West Ihlrti-tilth street. A WOOD A RKorilRRH' ToP WAOO.N ; i'OM PLeTk order Appiv at Harnett's stable. Thirtieth street, li??ween i-lfth ami a ve n ae a. \FIXR IRON OIIAY HORSE, 14>, HIOII, WAR. ranted sound and kind in ail harness. Apply at the livery ?nh o in hast Broadway. \ HO Alt LA 11 MARE H Vh.ARs iiLII, l.V,. BI.aiK po nts; perl Tl; very last; never trained . splendid anion ran tnr trial atroal yard, earner Kiily-aeventli street and Eighth avenue, tefore II ana after 2. t -roK SAI.E, TWO HORSES. fi AND 8 YEARS J\ ? old. I* hands high; sound and kind; notible or sintle ; nt lor carl truck, e*pre?? or farm hordes; a trial allowed. apdiv at I.,'t Cedar street, ketweffi Washing ton anil Mesi. \ VICTORIA PIIAKTON, BI'ILT hv million a i\ ?.ui"U ol raris, tilted lur one or a pair, tor sale at private "table 12 tVest Eighteenth street, near sixth av. \ family iioksk kok kaj.e i iieap ?rhown hor?e. Iiihands liieli, H year* old: aound and kind in e\crv pnrtieniar and sate lor a ladv to drive; prp-fl f 'Jtt!; also it (nil spring t?p Wagon, made tiy Ill peril et order, tor fUftt'. Kit W>4 Kilteenth street. \IIAROAIX? OENTLKMANS TfRNOl'T; MUST If ?old this week lieaotlliil bav Horse, 7 years old. 1 >') bauds; warranteal toitnd ari l kliul;trnis Im; Root ln;i Bur TV and i;artiess' al<M a lieantliul top ponv i fo-.:* -ei.c -t t'nvatcMable U *? an twaltth HOUSE*. CAKKlACiUS. AC. A T BARKER A SON'S CI IY AUCTION MART AND NKtV TORK TATTh If ALL'S. corner ni Broad wuv a "I Ihiriy-nlnth street. II A.? ? i U I 11 VS. V\. B Ad Kim, AUCTION i-.ER. JlKtll'LAK .-Al.l'.s of hors.s. Carriages. Ac., KVBKY WKi?SK-UA\ AND .^AIUHDAV. Ai II O'CI.O" K. TWKNi V 1'01'R iiour-i allowed for trial on e??ry horse eol<l under w arrantec. TU18 I ? THK only uurilon mtrt in the Sta'e having the proi'tM' incilUi s lor showiiw norses on um- v.a., it large oriving ;rac ; <-n iroiy under iovor. aud plenty of ro 'in lor examination. I.AIAUIul'b ok' SA w. THIS DAY, AT 11 O'CLOCK. Ui?il ?> X1NU ?itli (?BOB iK it. HOY'l'S I'XTK .Oltf lNARY ?ale OK Till-, rASTBST OkeEK TBUTTERS in the country. Jtr-T A.vulvt.f from WKSTiiKN AM) Northern New YorK AND OiJVoLSTI ? ol MARRY YO0NO, blood hnv geidiiur IS1* high. foaled 186.5, Km iiy Young Columbus can ?rot in i-ift. mLVER TAIL, red ciii->tout gelding. high : foalfd 18l>*: got i)v Pml In ri la it: can DeallMA. LONii It V.U'II cheMiiUt gclnilic. 1? high- to.tlAp 18??: ?'"t liv Mamortno lilt. Shown 11111?!! trotlelr ti c tlr-t beat in a ra<ai Waieriowu, N. t.. In2:ii isce ?Bruoo's Ironing Ile.:uter" of 1*71. piw -46) I- T A, I my inure, lS*i Uitrli: tolled l?6tf; (tot by Mltchel's American i.than: i? verv promislu*. MOHAWK BOY. jot Ida-k geliliiw. 15!a' highi foaled IS.# tot by luiDoo; can heat 2 Ai. h A.t Vh'?, bay idtiing, IS1, iiitfti: foslei 1850; got by Alien PntClieUi i? Ituc.v gait'd. HiLLV IIUS11 and male; closely matched pair of bay griding* i:i>$ high; loaled IS Sun I ISo'J; full brothers; got i>v Champion ; can oeai Sill to lite pole. sai.LY. blown marc. 11*4 hlgn; loaled 1870; got by Wo .i w mi's i than Allen, Jr. i a coining trotter A'UHWiOW t?ay gciiiing, W'S huh, loaled 1867. cot b\ Hainli:cionluii Chief. th?? moil elegant saddlo and harness injrse io be louil. 1.1.1. vxli.K and Mate, extraordinary pair of clo*My mali'lwl sorrel gelding-. 1. J4 high, l(tal*a iM>7 aud ISio, lull brotbem, ..01 liy Rip Van t\ mk!e; uiicriu ille l bv any as a family or ro ni loam; can troi clo.-e 10 J minutes. hDWIN, sorrel gelding, lV* high, touted 1CH8, sot by thu Parish horse, siro ot Jolior: can trot in I: S. La 1> \ .Mult lAli'.h. hu.vuiarc, l..}3 nigh, loaled IS 9, got by Hicj lira ves. can trot in 3 minute*. si SON t.lltL, lay marc, 1'. high, ioalc.1 1867, got by Henry t'ittv, Jr.; c 1:1 neul 2-t). ABoVi s 101 K are all uplendid drivers, and aro war rallied son,ni ami kind. SiN' li 1'RIDaV last the above have been ridden after liv licarlv a II tiNK.iM) Ot .NTLfcMK *, who a'l ex pressed themselves a? being fully confident that the ren re-dilations a- regard* speed, Ac., wore correct in every particular c wai, >Ut'LSwlth full pedigrees, descriptions, Ac., at the marl. I.M.M 11IATKLY AFTER above will be offered for pnstme itisposai. KI.KuA.s 1 itOAN saddle an<l harness Horses. Ken tucky bred. 15,1.. mgh. 7ye.trs old -, goes ?U known gnus; tine 111 Harness ai.d arrautod round ind kind. BI T Iti-.R'S I i ANiiCT cotliprising hav Mare, 15'J hi-.'h; Rood driver; * a. rallied kind; also top Butcher's Wagon, llamas. Ac. i a'.s i BLACK trotting Mare. 15,'J high. 8 years old: i? a prompt, httudv and vcr\ stvli.h ?lriv,-r: can trot in 3 UilUUtes. an.i is warranted sound aud kind. o.xK TKACK Wagon, nearly new, pole and shafts; built bv Couse; one Trn?'k ,-ulkey. nearly new, by Cuir rev; i'urk 1'hnelon. seutsaix, by \Yood Bros NSW AND second hand llarue*s, ilorsc Clothing, Whips. Halters. Ac. 'iH'R.\ lol'unlno top Road Wacona, Depot, Ex prc-s and Husinct's Wagons Carriage, Ac. K1K) c.l N O 11 ? R lior.?cs. KI LL DISsCRIPlION at f a'e. MAt.Ks NKVr.K postponed on account of weather. A -MAJOK ( HAS. W. BaKKBD, ADCTTOMKKR. I\. IHr, ilHKAl i.S 1 sal! o: celebrated and grren Trotters ever held in America, the pr.ipertv ot Wi-.SLi V r. HAlCH. ej>K).,o' 28 blackstone stn-et, Boston, Mans, will t-t<e placo on TKuriay.JMe I. at II o'clock, at BAK Kr It A So.VN 1 iiy Attition .Niart tui New York latter sail's, corner ol Broadway ami Thirty-ninth street. TIIK SIOCK comprises 29 head of the nosi ia>hionab!y hred ?n-! (sste?i eter nltcrod to the public, nml includes the world-lamoiis chesiuui geldniu' 1 icense, leeurd of ("ztr. record ot 2:J6, oin beat 2:2S; ana tne oa! anc? without records, that can trot in trooi 2:5) down close to 2:.'(). and ih-.< eet 01 R.vsdyk's Hanihlctoninn, Ethan Allen, (ieneral Knox, Daniel Lambert. Voung Co Inmiius. Dernro. A ., Ac. In the catalogue f a lull brotner to yo?lt, a mil suit-r In IN, llarker's Janu. a lull sisier to Lizzie Kceler, a lull brother it- t'cier Manee's at. lino, Ac. 1 eiligreos. s;? e.| ami all representation^ gu trait teed All elegant drivers and war anted in every par ticular. STOCK WILL arrive at th- Mart on Thorsdav (to-mor row). Mar 27. wnen Mr. Bal.-h will be on hand to give evcri ho ly the opportunitt ol riding behind and I'hSI' IMJ TiiK Sl'fci 1) and drhing <|ualities belore the day Ot sale CATALOG CRM. WITH full pedigrees, dencrintlons, Ac., now ready, an.I can be had at the ofllces 01 the spirit of tiic 'I lines and Turt. I'M and l urna, or ai Barker A con's, corner of Broadway and 1 Inrty-ninth i-treet. Catalogues can also l><-hail a! the ottlce ot the All Day City luin. 1*111I> 1DBL I'll I A, Pa. sALK Post 11VK. No post[Hinoinent. * GENOY FOR eALK OF BRWSTFR ft CO.'S (OF (Broome streuti second hand Carriage*. .1 Landaus I I xix-noM-euuer Extension. S Lnudaalet*. ? | 3 lour-i>.is~enger lialf lop l Cauriotet. 3 Dog Cart*. I Pnactaaa. I Coupe. I 3 Coupe Kwkuffarj. I Suspension spring Vlo-1 1 rumble top Phaeton. toriu. ; I rumolet n > to|i I'haeton. I 1& Road ami top Wagon*. ! I six-paste ngar I'haeton* and ufllfcu sTTLKS OF \ i.lilCLK-. A. b FLAM>RaI . S7i and .T4 Broome street old stand ol Brcw.-ter A Co.* \t.-am ni. \ck hor-ks, YOUNG A I) : Of Nil Hi*. Bands tit lor uroeer. tanning, Ac.; mM sepa. ratelv or together: solil .it ? eacriflce. No. 8 Harrison stri between Hudson and (InMWleD. I DMIM THAIOK S SAI.K ?run DAY, AT T. J\ Hopper's. Hackansark, wi I lie sold to the hichest M iller, wi hum reserve, the celebrated trotting gelding. Miylock, by KyUri'n n.imiiieionnn. six years old; bloo I i>?v . so.ind and kind and iree from all blemish, ami a? n gentleman's roadster unsurpassed. Further m , loriuation at time of sale. A B'tKWSfKB (OF BROOMR S THEFT* FILL. I spring, also aside bar Un-wl Wason and Harness: will be so (I low or.-asn. 11 Ka?i Tento >'reet. between flitn avenue and I'nlversit.v plaee. private *able. A -FOR BALE. SEVEN IIORSK i 1'OSiY BUILT; FIT . toriarmlng, exprest. grocer or ireneral u-e; orice tr..m *14'. Apply at 51 .-outh !? Dili avvnu. , be tween ilotis.on and bleejker street*. s ?FOR SKI.E?FOL'K HORSES, .-LITABLK FOB J\, farming tracer or truck; to be sold at a sacrifice. lni;<:ir at Bowery. upt>ostte Fifth street, in ttte reir. \ N ELI* MA NT CLARENCE FOB |tU> NEAKIY ?\ new. in prime uraer: will be aoM to a quick buyer t<.r At BbbeK's staulr. lorni-r oi :wenty seeon 1 street ami Seventh u venue. Appy tliere or at 53 War ren street ? -jm-HKAfTIM I. SHIFTING LEATHER TOP J\ . W agon tlno Harness to inatrh . be?t city makers; c >?' f.V.ia mouth a so: all a? good a? new. Inquire it i.l iii.M:-, st i lull. ^o. fl Klgliteenth street, ore ii.xir east ot Fifth avenue. Also line top I'otit Phaeton and ?.n*:e seat Trotting' Wagon, ? ne Depot Wagon. c!iigle an! double Harnea*, ail .in good as new;one no top Pony Pttaelon. sold riiea ? r<? r e i?h. s UhNli.EMAN SELLING Off HIM KHTABLIBH J\ inant mticli Mia tlian halt original cost. on account hi goin-? abroad.?Ili? fin bar Kentucky Hers* Kmi nenre 10.1 hands. 3 old. souiid an i kind; blae* frott'BK Horse Hanhiw. ilani thoroughbred, } vcarv ?<iitnil ami Kind: beautiful Etnan Allen Marxe. 1.) Iismts. trot t'i l minutes. aouml and kind ; Hoad W?C"n, toti side bar Wagon, Puaetou; two-seated Park Phwtton. Brewter make , xtngle am! double liarnev?, Blanket*. Ac.: sold separate liiQiiIre ot arooin at private stable No (. West MnciceBth airect. near Filth avenue. a YXRY FINK OS KB AN BOAI> WAOO.V IN FINK order, made by Hrewsier; weight llu pounds: gen tl- man the city >'o 5 We<i Thirteenth atreet T"VKBY H ANDSOME TK tM OF bat HOB*B<. o>R of the fine icnux in tlie eity, A year* old. I5\ hands high, warranted found and km 1. No. 3 West thirteenth ?iiiit , ___? ? _ KLKOABT A. T CARTS, ROCKAWAT3, and Po.NV 1*11A KTON8. design' and finest quality. A. H. FLANDRAI , 373 and 374 Broome streat (old stand of Brewster ft A LADY - PONY Tl'RNOL'T FOB WALK.?PONY jet black, flowing mane am tsH: i/earsoll; war ranted soun t an i kind . has bean used in t oantry by a inr the |i?xt two \ ears, will stan.t by s'eam r*r?: is wan anted to irot in 3'i and a laJy driving; alao Phaeton ami harm s*, all In good order. Apply at private stable. 1*1 hast i wentr ei?iith street BKOOMR SritKKT BBKW TBR'S WAGONS-A TOP and no top. built in Broome street drewtter. and but iiitie used, lur sue by J. O. iaYLF.K, 146 East Twente. lourtli street. Board for uoiwkk.?plknTY or PASTfbk; giwid care, road horses driven If desired. WM. T CARPKN I l-.K. Bed -pnnit, Olen Dora, X.. L /VBRIOLET FOIt kALF..?THE OWNER WtM, SKF.L \ > it vrv low it applied tor at once. Apply at prt vate -tanle ICVi Wext Fortieth street. / Mil P \ iBRRWSfF.R'S MAKkl AT A VFKY i.OW V,, figure t an be seen at stable \o. 136 West iwenty ninth street TAKIYlNO RIM for BALK.?BAI HORSE l?S 1 / nands: fine laadatar, elegant showy driver ana stepper . (I years old, top Hugxv and Harness; separate or togeinef . tor two day*. 370 Hudson street 1/LKiiABT BABOUCtIK; KKW Bl'ILT. BY MINKR ft Fj S I f. V i N S. TOP ROAD WAQON. NRAItl.Y NEW Rt lLT BY BII I.Ws I K If A I o., OF RKOOMK sTKP.Kr. ( I \KFNfh, HI IM BY MINER A .-TBVEBP T I ? Alt I. IN i'LB FECI OK0ER. it'lLT BY WOOD BRO" Conpe Rockaway. bnllt by Miner A stevena ,-ix paa enger Rocka >v iv. t>v l.awrenea. T.i|. ?ti. id w sum. bum by Pee* A < o. I- \tension tup Phaetons. Kmir >eat Ponv t'liaetmi, with rumble. Top and no top i'ony Pnaetons, depot Wagons, Roega wav?. Business waeons. Harness, Ac., At iinvate ?n.e by \ \.\ nssMX ,t KKARNFT. at thetr Mart. 110 and 111 Ka<t Tblrieentli street, near Fourth avenue. UXPRESH WA'ION?N KARI.V NEW. MADE BY J\, .1 BecKer, ttreere street with guml top inquire ,.f I, IaK KMAN, ;? oilier of Urst avenue and Eight) murth street gJKlll HALF -SBTiRAI. VERY si PEBIOB VOI'JHI r lt"Sd Horses - a rietly flrxt eless, hl?h '>ri ; stoek; tine size, eolor. atvle mid action: speed :: minntas to i:ti). ti. II. I F. >. v11 r, flushing, L I. FKiR MALE-ONE ?>F TIIK HANDMIMEBT Vic torias In New York, with shining rumble behind, made io Hinder, of Paris. Call at Colonel KIP'S stable. v7 Raul Fortieth xtreet rion SALE?A DRAM, TO SEAT FOUR PER.-ONS, r asgoid a-new, mad:* bv Brewater. Can be wen at I! Taylor's stable, .mma xtreet. (.?'? door west Court street, Brooklyn. LsoK SAl,E?A DAUK BROWN MARK, HIIORT 1.1 r hand* 10 years old; sound and kind : can trot In 1 nr I tter, ul o llilit ton uili spring Koad Wa<ton; asaeriilce. v drew HI'Si .> . ? Ibr iM ottleA. IIURHEA, CAKKI.AUE?, ?(. I "L^OR SALE-LOW fK!CE. A ^PLKNDlll BAItOUCBE. J7 with clotb an I sit* llnin*, In rrni elg>? order; uied by a private umiljr. 147 West Korty-Ar?t street. l^OR SALE? A OENTLEMaNS COMPLETE OUTFIT, r con-iMluw ol top Harnessand n high spirited, very stylish hark >lan hanis high, 6 years old i For further particulars ai'dress A.. box!7 Po<i office. 1 New York. T^OU SAM':-4 FULL SKAT NO TOP ROAI> WAHON. X in (rood order; price $60; will take in part Davniput ? *et ?>t iapaanc.1 mounted li?ht Harness Apply to JOHN CL'LRERr. 213 Crand street. Fvjr sai.i?a pair of ponies w; hands. crossmatch. griiv and sorrel: been dmen by a lad< i lor the past rear: straid ot m thins :ili>o a >?? ir of i "> I hand timing horses: good roadsters: one sorrelMare.U hinds hich, suitable tor heavy Work: 7 years nl?l : otic roa.i Buggv. nearly new. anil a set .>t' dotlb'.o Harness. Inquire corner of Ifist street, l.oulovaril. private stable. F^oh sale?a full-blooded Kentucky More. handsome bay 9 veor? old. us gentle a? .i j Kitten; as a saddle mare cannot be tcaten: lias all fruits: <i rare elianes n.r a lady or children. Apply at y LOH1) ,t TAYLOR'* stables, hi rorsrtli street. ; L^OR SALE?A HRnWI MARK, 7 YEaRS OLD, i I souinl and kin,i, I ii hands hitrli can trot tn i J': : al>o Koail Wagon and Ha.ness will be sold cheap Apply | i t 10* Iwist T?euty-eighth stie.:L For sale cheap?only for want of work. two poay built Horse* 16 bands, seven years; lit I Inr any use ; nil sound. 1.15 Perry s reet. store. { l?OR MALE?AT HALF PRICK, A FIVE-YEA R-O i D. I 18-hand-lllfh, kind, yentle. truo Hambletoman llorse. Inquire at lt>9 hast Houstons'reet. FfOlt SALE?A HIGH RRKI> SADDLE HOUSE. BAY. black point*; foes all salts ttnon signal, Mlendiu 1 animal. Apply tn nCCKLeY, coachman. Park stables, Hmtv-sccoint street, near Madi?o:i avenue , TjlOR SALE?AN R. M. STTVKRS' DROP-SBAT WAOON, i 1 I'olo and .' s. Mr. iill'.MAs' stable. Thirty I seventh afreet and seventh avenue. FOR SALE CHEAP?THREE LA MS HORSES, with three Tracks, one largo and two small husi ness oi the more thrown It. For particulars inquire at , all Washington sirect. Harness.?'he cheapest harness stork in New Yi>rk; pool buggy Harness, hand made. $17: or> o 1 grocer'?? Harness, $&; good tnllknnn's Harness, $-1 : ?oo'l double irncK Ilurno-s. $30; good s able Blan ket Si 0. Pusasc catl aim examine lor yourselves. FiSllhl' i (IsIIuKM:, 71 Horclay street. New York Harness, harne s. harness?the low pgr nri-e Harness Stora in New Y>>rk.? Cood liturgy ' Harness, hand made, $17; good double TrucS Harness , $^U; it oik; -Maiile lieei. $1. also ail kinds ol Harness at I low prices Please eali an I ex mime tor yonraelvo-. O. I . J'lLLKY. 41 Murrav street. New ^ork. HAVlN'i MORK HORDES THAN 1 CAN Us ' I WILL sell cheap u verv han isoine, dart brown seven your, oil lior.-e . fast, sound and kind and very prom ising. Private stable Hit West Forty-ninth street. HORSPs. CARRIAGES AND HARNh.-S WANTED IN exchange t^r uo >J ?est rn farming and ttinb-r L-tuds. wit.i indisputable tlilu. Address itOOM B, 431 Walnut street. Philadelphia ORSE. TOP WAOOV AND HA It NESS FOR SALE cheap. N Division street. IRON STABLE F1TTIXOS.-ALL THE LATEST 1.M J provvmciiM ot our o? n niakc ; good, smooth c istlngs from No I Iron, tit toil by skilled worktuM. Call and see specimens or send lor an illustrated cat ilo.'ue. free. .UNii.s .1 Kl tTLAND. Nos. 8. ID and 12 Rc.itle street. 1 ADY DCrPOLK HAKNLSS EMPORIUM. 1j S9-J BROADWAY. We are now offering at retail the lnr.'nt stock of Har ness, Saddles. Bridies, Wtnps, sheets. Ac., in the city. Harness all custom m de a.i.l WtrrsltUl MlLl.l'.R. MUKRISOy A CO. IANDAl'S, J OL ASS AND LEATHER FRONTS; nlKo LANDACLETi, of the most BlRCANI' DESION'S ami flnest tiuallty. finished win IMPORTED MOROCCO AND TOP LEATHER, just received troni the tactory of II. KILLAM A CO., for whbtn we nr* sole atont*. We nlsuhsve a very large and superb assortment ol all Kinds ot Pl.t1'A >UKE V..1IICI.K8. eempristug every style u?ed in town and country. II A. P. FLANDRAIT. 872 and 574 Brootne street (old umirt of Brewatar * Co). IIQMT TOP WAGON FOB SAI.K I HEAP AND IV J good running order. Inquire at 49t Nor.h Moore street, ?HMf Hudaou. MORRIS Wit KINS. AlHTi NEEIc Executor's cak- o. tlue Horse*. carriages. Wagons. Harness. Cows. Farming Utensils. Ao.? t. U. LUuLtlW A CO. will m<- 11 at auction, on Thursday, May 27, IS/.i, at Ii J, o'clock A. M., at. till* late residence ot r.dwin iloyt, deceased Astoria. i out lslan l. by order ot Charles G. Franca I vn. haq.. executor. strav Mare. 5 years old, lij; hands, *;nd in all harne^*; gra* U Ming. 7 year* i>?> In hand.*. km i hi nli liarneM: Ma-k Mare, 7 \cars oi l, ?4)j tinil kul f ail hanie.-*; lltrcc Cows, two Utrert; also i lost Carriage. Clarence, Covere d Kooiawar, lour ?cat Depot Wagon, ilj.-kit I 'hieton. side h:ir lln<id Wagon, no top skeleton Wajjon. I ret tin T nlk.v. Fjrin Cart's Itariie.s, Ac. Cotumunicaion b> all Har lem aii'1 Morris.uiia steamboats and b> ferrv trom Mnctv-sccond s;reet. N?W Vor.. Iminediiteiv alter tin above all th- 11 on* hold Furniture contained in the mansion house. Match bo ooach home*?*. n. smith, or I ruinanshurg. N. Y., will be i,i New- York June I wth ten (.a rt matched Coach Horses ami a lew mm ;le llor*es. i lie*-* llnr?e, MM iVS to ltV.4 hands kldi brown, bay and Ida. k color*; all cl iselv niat< hed ana very fine. Will be loun i at stab'e .No. 161 l wotm ? third street Jane I. I I, r Y It \ H Y l'tl!RUOE.-V FEW AT $tft; the cnlv carriage that protects the eyc?l?ht Ke pairin* done. U P. TlhBVLi.'h new store. (CU Broa<t way, third doer Iwslow twelfth street ROCKAWAT for SALR?IN FIXE ORDER: BEST city make; sold for wanto.'n-e. Inquir for JAMKS, pru at<- cuuchiuati, .at unbles 15 r.ast . hirtieth street i'riee <3Si. AODI.E IIORwE?Til RI-.1--FOURTHS MRSII, BAY. uuderB, IS bands; fine gaits; absolutely sound ami Pood lumper. Inqu re lor Mr. BL.SSiNO, at Dicker* Hiding Academy, owner leaving town. I.VSKAT CHI'PK ROCK AW AY?I LANDAlT. BY Miin-r a Stevens; 1 Curtain Coach, bv H re water; Kockawav* and i-epot Wifons, ol ail stvles; ton ami open Ponv Phaetons. I doctor's Pnaeton, I six sent Park Phaeton. Ji top and open oad Warflns. by Bri w?n-r. I n etiLm an I other f -.1 eitv ma\er?: Sulkies and Mseleton*. by Cafl'ery; 1 Dog Cart, bv Wood; single and doubt* Harness. A.\ V* II.I.I A M II. Ui< AT, 39 to 29 Wooster street. s s ! OpKED AND SlVLH.-FOR SAt.K. A IIANDSOMP. 0 coal blac* Horse. 7 years olu. IS'* hands high; trots i in three nunute*; suitable lor lady or gentleman; war i ranted p?rie i. Apply at stable .".5 First street. SADDLE HORSE, I.YJ; THOROUGHBRED; ALL Tllj gaits; lony. sonnl barrel. long nerk and uneom nionlv Beautiful. For sale by J. O. TAYLEK. U-> hart 1 went) loiirtii street. CTABI.R TO LKT.-PaKT OF PRIVATE STABLE 65 k~ We.l Fortv-tblrii street, ne ir MXih a\enne : pesses : slon at once, and a reliable fatuity coachman can lie had. i Inquire ou premises. TO MAKF. BOOSt-A .'TANDIXfJ TOP DEPOT Wagon, wtih do.irs, trimmed with leatner, at a bar gain: own baild. I,. Hi Broadway, corner of Forty-simh ?treat npo LET?A VERY FINE PRIVATE STABLE, SEVEN 1 ftalla. carrlawe room and elevator, on Thiru third street, near Mad I on avenue; low rent. ED.MLNi) II. . X Alii IN... lit West Thirty-*Utli atreet. j \1 "ANTE I'?A I.IOIIT LADY'S PHAETON, WITH v? plattorna springs. In best condition. Addtesa, with . fall p irticu-ars box 1.119 Post ofhee. W'ANTKIl-A PONT PHAETON. PInST CLAPS ?? rhiitin.' top; city make preferred; must be in rom piete oner; also set of Harness. Address, with full par ? tieu arsann lowest cash price. W. K s., box l<3 llerabl Ipt iwn Branch ortice. WANTED?BT A RESPONSIBLE PARTY. TIIK USE n of a ijood Horse lor In keen In the country, or would bnv at a reasonable price, alter a lair trial, if i uited. Ad ares* W. E. P.. Isii IM Herald ofBca. \l'A.\TBli AT A BARGAIN?A SOUND. RELIABLE I ?? Horae, lor general ua-j in the country: answers mast give description and price to receive notice. Au dresa WEBSTER, bo* IS# Herald ofllce. WANTED?A THREE-QUARTER SF.AT SIDE m spring Road Wagon, b* some good inaker; must be In food order. Address, stating lowest cash price, R. S., bo* MS nerald Uptown Branch olflce. \lfANTED?A COUPE OR LAN DA U LET. BY CITY Tv maker, must be in goo i order and hut little used. In eichnnge for line road llor?e . splendid animal. Ad dreaa M B.. Herald Uptown Branch ofllce. XT'OOiiD. STEADY. RELIABLE FAMILY i\ Horse, aubiect to no tricks; speed not reqiired; horse jnckeva need not call. TlloM A1 m a n A H A N, 77 Pnnne street. N< w York. P(?!*T OI'KIIR !VOIU'B. rUTtlfFICE NOTK E.?THc. MAILS Pu t fUROPE lor the week ending Saturday. Mav 2:>. ls7J, will cloae at this olflce as follow.*:?-'?n Wednesdav at e A. M,. ! on Ihbrsdap atll:*?A. M. and on Saturday at !i. and tin A. M. T. L. JAMES, Postmaster. Ill 1,1.1 A Itl>.*?. A 1 ?STANDARD AMIRtCA* BEVBfc BILLIARD I. Tables, with tliu celebrated Combination Cn?h ion*, are tor sale only l>v t>ie inaniilaeturer aivl iiatentee. : H. v*. CoLLENDRR. stiecessor to I'lielan A tsoilender, ! 7:? Broad way, New Yor*. ! \ MF.RICAN STANDARD BEVKI. TABLES OF ALL j\ descriptions, d eap tor cash, all having the famous lielaney wire cushion* attached W. M. liRII'ilIII A CO.. 40 Vesev street P'Olt SALE?A PHEI.AN * CULLENDER REVEL HtlliHrd Tab'e. nil eoniplet and a* good lis new. I Call at puino store *l:i r.ast i wenty-third atreet. riolt S \LK?*T A ll.tFAT BtRIHlN. TWO BlU ! F Hard lable*. .1*10; one rosewood square and one bevel, ball*, cues. Ac. ft 'I Ninth avenue, corner Forty second street. r I FLAN'S BILLIARD TAlU.ES FDR SALE ONLY by (i.-oUUr. K, PIIKLaE, ^ti list Fourteenth street Rew York; Hit OHESTNUT SNIFEi. PHILADELPHIA. H TO PURCHASE. "I \RI'C> STORIt.?IIX TURKS AND FITRNITU Rl'. Op I ' some neath fitted Dp small Drug More that i* not paving; wi I nav a reasonable llgnre lor nlee on -* An I dres* J., liox l*i llerald office. W* ANTED?A SECtlN Ii HANI) SODA FOUNTAIN, '? with 4 or H ?vtiip* Address, with de>eriptton an I lo?r?*t cash price, i DalL ,* clark, ?;r at Mek, i. I, FOK. MALiK.. 1 N OI.r> ESTABLISHED CORKBR LIQttO* s|i>rp -.'l for tale, on easv terms, doioir a n <?? caah buatnea*'. satisfactory rcnuoiH civon lor aelhntf. Apo y ?? SSJ Eleventh avenue, corner Korty-:ourth street, .sew Tort * N OLD AND WELL ESTABLISHED LIQUOR /l. Store lor ?a e cheap. In tli?r best location lYi Harlem, dmna coo l Business. Apply to 1 lios. i;a Fr'NlCY, Aoc tioneer, 17 centre n'.reet \ N OLD A v D WPLL ESTABLISH! D FIRST (TABS Contectlonerv an l Ice Cream a loon .centrally in eated on a leading thorouifti'are; do! 1)2 iro<>d bnsine-a: it li it sold privatei.v will Le fold ?! auction on Saturday Apply to THo . Oai-FNKY. Auctioneer. 17 Centre street ? HOOD ESTABLISI1KD FIRST CLASS l?ROC Ml V i~\ Store lor sale in a lar/e place n-ar New Vor'* ovwi a splendid hii-mea*: expense* Mnal': bargain aiven. Particular* at TA LLM AN'!?, <7 Great Jones nr. 4 BAKERY. CONFECTIONERY FOR SALE?LOCA .'l tiim uiisumaa cd. su Ion did tratle: old ejt. !>!t?Ue 1 Cljrar Htore, heart liu-inca*. extr.ioivllnary chance, ex tentively patronijad: Coal I: t amain- ,it71J llrutd* way. Mil Kits X CO.. -tore Broker*. \ NO. I LIQUOR STORE FOR S.\LK?WITH excellent rout. ran Investment; Hardware. House 1 urn shim,'. Millinery Stores; Hotel.-. Restate rant*. Sample i.ooms, i.lvi rv Mnbles. 712 Bro'dway. IMl'.RS A C More IlroKers. \ IIKM'L MAN'S FURN1SIIIS<; HOODS ,-TORB IN .V a country town, doiu.- a line busiiiHai. inr -ale at I a ereat liarauin; rare chance. MITCHELL'S .-tore Agency. 77 Oe mr street. j \ CIIXAF CA'-II flROGF.RY STORF, RXST BlISI. .."A lie?i loeatlon, tor silo cheap; also a line Tea Store in Brooklvn; rrmt .-tore* Meat Msrxets. MITCHELL'S . tore Aeencv. 77 Cedar street. I LIQUOR ITOHR. FINK BUStKRB* LOCATION down town, tor *il? at a ureot ?a -iltlee n:*o i.touor I Store*, opposite terrl*"*: Coffoe. ( me aloou tor$;.V). >11 K HKLi.1.' s?tore A .enev 77 red i r stroe:. 4 DOWNTOWN RE -T.l L" RAN T. OOOD UU-INESS .'v place, tor sale chean; nl-o Cfrar Stores, h.ikeriea. country L1i|U >r .-tores, country Motels, Brooklyn Liquor !-toro?. Ml t'CIIKLL'S Store Agei-ey, 71 Cedar street. 4 FINK MltVHIf F"ll -\LK OHBAl _(M'At I .!\ tv over 5' barrels day: altou Soda Water and Mine ral Water Holding Bi:?Ules? MITCUELL'S .-tore Astenev, 77 Cedar street. A ?Fort SAl,', KIR-I c L A"'S LTQCOR STORKS o ? and Samblc Rooin*. down t.n?n; also snleotiid Restaurants, tremendous saeriflcea; Hoot an I Shoe stores. M.M.ON i's S or - Agency, Itl Nassau ?treet. i _K(?R SAI.E. THE STOCK ANI> KXTURI'.S OF A t (,'onfectionery and lov Store at a reasonable price jroo.t lens'. Inquire on tiie premises, corner lJi^h'j iltird street and Lexington avenue. I?OR SALE?N W It"! illT' X'rtAF TIN FtOV I Mason'- h'nc<lna bo\->?. Applv to JAMKb S. MA <>s ,v co . im.SorJi fron: site 1'hll.uloJplita. 1'a. li^OR S4LK?ICK HOUSES Folt I.AOEK Rl.hP. I Itutetierr ami l.'e*tauran.s: a lot of ISurcnei r'lx , tutat. MATluR - ill We-, iinrty lotmh s reet. F"?OR SALE?Till- l-'.Rsr CLASS FURNITURE BITRL ne-ii corujr Thirty fourth street and Broadwaw, either the wiioio or in io ?, to suit ]iurcil j?er. lieasoo. death oi Mr. Theodor Miller, la e owner. Mr. Til .ODOR MILLER, widow. t"*0!t b\LE?UNU-U.IL OrPOP.Tl'MTV?Tn-S A1 I best located Diu: Store on fhlrd avenue: well stoeke I: soda apparatus and everything enmp^te. Ap ply at between 10 and 11 A M. an 1 S to !' I'. M. yOR SALE?A NICK BLACK WALNUT HACK 11AR, r Willi two pull Al" Ptuiip nearly new; cheap tot cash. CuLLIN X LKK. ^'iW I'eail ctrcav L^OR SALE-1IIE UNDl.nsitJNI'D HAS FOR SALV r the Lenw, Furniture and i.'ood W ill of anrstclasi hotel iu iliis city, now dolntr a prosperous business. ?ith lariielv increa-Mis prnspeots; the io.-ailoii is unsurpassed ana offers areat Induc-ments to capitalist*: ? itisfaciory reasons diven tor 'lie iires?-n: propria or wlabine to m>Ii . the prouertv will be a.ild very reaso'isb'v and on ve -v aovantax'ous terms :o responsible parti -s: all com tnunica ions contlden ia1. Address a. B. C., box 2,471 Post offlcc. i r 5 mlk-photqoraPii oaelerv. iioino eU>* iiiihhcil 2'. T-*r<. *T> OWV.4 ' trTn.i 1.1 "w 1 "r ",r,l"r Information applv n i I gallery JDMirami alrert Hrookl.n. r- 0 ' FH,K SALV-IN PLAlIfFIEI.D. N. J.. A MEAt i mi?i ? '"i ? ftr"1 ? ? ?** l>n^mac huMUPM: wit! bis MM cheap ; go d re.moti, given tor .oiling r'..r particu. I cl'1Ki T"^ '??' ?>'? 'trcet, .vVwY.irS. I F?p.,ifAJ''Tl','? ?*?? ktbtu AYivvn ni.J .-VSL*olt,vn: 1,,L '*r?v hall room: good : change Ie0r ,riir<lun' v? u',blj coruar to ex IIASTIXGH. 9.VJ Broadway, oppo lie DeKilii avenue. P".8 fl*LE?A PRflMINFVr LIQUOR STORE. WITH I',r?t arciwe. r?lit SUM per month. i " HrfAt.V. Kit r ast Tlilrty thira street. pun saek_a fisf. okoi: :ry a*d i.iquok st.'Rb Th)rV.r.rI'?. "" offJ5v ,n0uii? on iiretniec?. 7n West Third street corner of Thompson -treet. I L^'lH KALE?A M A NIJ F A C TI' R t N < i ill SINES- FOB sV, . ,,nf 'nac.hin" sowed ** ahlt.hed S year* ami now dolus a flr?t cl?? 1*1.> niM country trade; will ?*elt whole or hull interest! Bo agent* AridrtM H A., brtx i?i Herald office. Lvm SALE-.W OLD KsTABLMII'D wati |?. ""J 'owelrv Stnre, 70 mile* Irom N'-w x*p-T,'*'r "?*??>?'? saHa'actory r"a*?n? *lven i<,r ^lllne, on'y a smalt capital required. Addrc*j orcait at Jawflrv ?tore 13 m hai nibi iqB4tv LOR "AI.F-1 RESTAURANT: PRICE ?<?); FIX I 1 tore* alouc worth $!.'?> cail at 273 e febtA avenue i F?2 salk?Kfx.rritKH of now store. i,u *? Hroa Iway, will be sold this day cheap, K0K_?f I'K-THK STEAM KTNULI v(l 'XOOD ANTI t "? !Lr,u ? " ;,|ri,72 avenu ? A and No*. .V)i t* 5I|>TWf-ntietli srret'i formerly o-cupied |>>- M >nnmel : J'"1 * ' ""II .!??' *oid fpgetner or separately iritt? 2nd "Sn.T-il m0,V.*??'?nVE'?cjne aim Hoiler, ii . . . W?:r- "or*-*. ? art*, frock* and evi-rv thing required. all ,, tn? icst coalition t.? mn ? nr. cla?? liiMitMHM. Aliplv tn Bt-N. O. Ort'E.MlKIM cornet ol UratM ami Eldrldgt- ?tre?t?. ' corn? P'*1 .SVK?VKn\ <HK>P?A NEW FITTEO L'F J i ?r?tela?? ? a itectlonerv. Ice Treant and f?nda ?"?!?? ? ealooti, very lar/c and ?howv utori-, on an*onIIt of ill KSv i*'n;wr 'rfw:"ki.at5-rWrt ?vfnu. hei^!., ?orty-^con I and Forty-third Htreeta T ITI- RARV.? FOR tfAI.E (To CLIISH PARTNERSHIP IJ account*. Uie Trbole <>r jiari or a well r?tgh;i?he< Ijter.ry anil Familv * eelilv lounial. havfig ,, ,a m I vut'Hcrintinn il?t *n?i liberal fUiveftt*inur pmrontice it unu?ti* I opportunity to seeurr a prcPtahlf .?vi?j Pica win arcnpatio'i: only principals with .-ash an.I m?amrn i hu.iue?s neeo answer A t.1 res. box SN Herald ..iBci. Marble soi?a water ?Ppa?atca?aclrtylk?! at redai cd prices; Ottaw i oe-r Fngntatns and e? ! J. M. Wirtrnnai .* SON, wareronmtfm Wat? PIIILAUELPHfA norKL FOR SAL* OR PA^tT t V change ?** r-nnn; rrotn to exten t it; .otirrnlcn' totno principal line* of itraet rar? to in- Crntrnnia ; btill1ln*.H. Add res, room B. tan Walnnt atreel V" ? aetpnia. Rare chance.?a Bt'Tcnr,K-s shoi? for vai^ii caeap; niu?t be .,.11 before ihe l?t of Jn ie: ..the? OOI*A WATER FoTSTAINM FOK HALR Cllf AP?3* I p 4-nallon^ ? Ift-eatlo s all Mauhcw'a: only two veao . In ti??. i>r. A. FfN<iANU, i-.iist Mew \ork. I.. I CECONO IMVD U MBE1 Bl StNl rts fop. R *ni'.fcxP/e''* asont owner has other Pan ' t??*tt? nd to. .n.|utre?i r. ,-Mirti. wacighth a*. ono ?x'-01 thk "k t ?'M?. ent Vrrtu ines in the markft IP <rouuhi? ad?frti?e.i. and nearly i.ondru?*l?ts l?*ve ,t for aale I?I. n?f"P,i ,hi'* "n'T rpH*?" so 11 ins ("all at nweenev a Hoti-I t..-dav from I tola'rkntk t. F*Xoif. M \< in>Kin. POR RALR? V*>l|OR-E HORIZONTAL Tl'BULAR i I Boilers. II teet tone, 4 t'-et diameter; H1.1 Tube-; one r.nxine, 12 inch Imre. HI tncl. strok"; one nos Elevator; all in gntxt order and sol l on acronnt ol removal t an seen at (.ORILEaKO'S tohaceo laclory. Miirvrt atreet, near Van Brunt, .-onth Broolilvu UriLsOU A KOAKE HAVE REMOVED TO TUMI new and com modioli* stores Front and Dovet streets ?Enun *<, dot ers. I'nuirs. Tanks and miacel laneoiis Macnittery; new and aocond band. \lr ASTKD?liftK ShT OF IS-1MCH ROLE*. OVE^El *? Irtin 'h Plate Kotlfc one IVinrh i n/tne lor dok o?e heavy Roll Ttirtilnj loit'ie. one larfe Iron planer Address M.. Ih?i i.itii Fii-tiShoe \VaNTEI?-A TWO-KOLI.KR DRl'M rTLfNUKI Tf Press: sire lit lied, : railst lie In truoa order. Addrea, JnllN l<rKRoH'h?. bo* .Mil New >ork Poet olRce Q IIOKIK POWER KKOIMK ?) HORSE POWER BOII. O er and eonitecllons cowiplete. ? Mn?l tie stdd and removed at otice irom 3t7 and *? West Thtrty-twcond s*. PROfOIAU. I>RMPOSAI,i FOK Ol.ll MATKR1AU Em* Knn ?i i'o*F*?r. i PrarnasiKo > ornric. 1*7 Wut >t?*rr ? ... , . Nrw Voac. May 25, i^a. ? Sealed propoMla. and in lor^> I 'PropoaMa for Hid Ma. ferial." will lie receive ! at this offlee nntll Thnrsrfaw .Intie S, is;s, U o-eloe* n,K,n. itir ,he pltWlSSi atS ri'tnoval o? Ilie lo'lowln* old matet al. now at ibe >n .m ol tills i'ninpan> at ilersev City ????? l.v? tons far Wheels W tona^'aat Nrrap. * Ions steel spring ."crap .1 tons Wrought I liming.. II tons I'asi Borinf*. 9 tons Scniw ruttiltf* S tons ilnm Springs. Also lot ol Varnish and Oil Barrels Hmc ssful bidders will be required to deposit ia cent ol Ihe aiiiouiit aw. r.led to them at Die tune of ,u*l? award, and the balance <AJ ner cent will t avahl#. ?. Ihe tlm.- ol del I vi rr. rite right is re-erreo . * anil alt lints H Bf)f,VATp;;rhUn?Aw^nr KO<K CONTRACTOR WAN f F./>?TO ESC IVaIF <i lota on Uttv v, v, ?fh and Mm eighth sfr.ct1 yJ ""?en Mkihamt seventh nvi.nne* lie.not, thl apply to M LI I MAN. 210 Hf? Fi.ty fltlll ?t?el?t! >i\hiii,k MANTClA A l tiREAri.V IIF.DICRI) rRlCrf* Waah .ray* and siatc vt^rk ol ?^e?y deSfriSt?ooM*Bt*1* mion souare. Fotiri'h"^::^,,^ v T \T .V!!,.A" V,u: '" 1 1" i'riceb-ak RXTiNBiri iTtn.r VT^i' w 1! ?nl MarliK i/ed nant?ls and ml j_V.^ Work% Marble Tnrntng for Ibe trail*. ? -111 ' w Hifhfteenih ?tre#*|? near I hiiM ar. IATBWART's se ate m antkes. MARNUI AM wood Mantel*, rich and rlouant drsiins, at the low rsi pri'-e. .31 and J'J: West Fwctti) third sirtct, hrtw >?? Si't. nlii an. I . ^ ^