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ANOTHER CHAPTER 1NT ERIK. 8XCITEM1NT AT TUB FIFTH AVENCK HOTEL LAST EVENING HESI'ECTINO 1 Mi'i-N JJINU bAHKBUPTCT. (.reat excitom?nt prevailed last evening la and around uie Kiftii Avenue H itel, owing to the rumored coliap-e oi in* Erie Kali way. Tho large corridor* and reading room of tue hotel were crowaed by an excited though not taroulent srowd of atock nrolieiM, banner* and railroad otll siitis. Here unil there small ijrou; s of brokers were congregated, oi?ea*aiu<r ttie probability of there being any truth.ul foundation for the exist ence of such a rumor. The "I told >ou so" gen tlemen appeared wuer than ever, and at every opportunity administered verbal rebukes to the aruumenii net furit b, t ieir doubting friends. "It cou:d not have been otherwise," exclaimed one excited individual, apparently a broker. "I anew it all along. and 1 am gliul of it, for we'll now get an honest board ol management." "Jay Gould," suggested a bystander, but he Imme diately shut pan on findiug that bis suggestion instead of meeting with toe approbation of the coterie was only received with a snout of derision accompanied by loua laughter. "No, no," re sponded an elderlv gentleman, "we don't want auy more Oouid riyiinea. Why, gentlemen, Una man Uould has been at the bottom of tills whole affair, and ho has managed the operations of those ?p oseu to the present management Boaatotmu* at,cm the bankruptcy oi the Erie road, in order that tie may once more assume the control oi that road. His plan now is to let the road go into bankruptcy, and by some manner >f means so arrange ui.liters m to have a eou {rolling voice in tue appointment o; the receiver, -n whoa* hands the nooks aad property of tue trie road must be intrusted. As soon a-* lie haa iccomwmed tbn part of the programme he win men nave himself re-elected president ol tne road once more, a report r oi the Hkbw.d called upon Mr. Jay Uould la-<t evening at the Fifth Avenue Hotel, for the purpose of ascertain ing whether or not there was any truir. in tue rumors wnich "era being circulated as to the inability oi the Erie Railway to pay tne June mterest upon their bonas, amounting to about | V\ nen uddrea-ed upon tne subject by aur reporter, Mr. Could was standing directly in front oi the clerk's desk, and was engaged lu ebattlng witn several of his friends. On being Halted bv our reporter as t:> whether be bad beard unytulng aouut tne moored bank ruptcy or the Kne road. Mr. Gould immediately responded that ne had not. Rspoktsb?Mr. Gould, have .vou beard that tha Delaware and La-kawanna c?>al Comp my aud th-> Delaware and Lludsou Ci tnpany bad failed ,u keep tne promises made to assist tti" Erie Hallway Company by lending them sufficient aioney to : ay their June Interest* be again replied tnathe had not. adding, by way ?f parenthesis, as though lii desired to escape join beiUg compelled M make ausv/er to any rour?e of cross-examination or questioning upon auy matter connected with the Erie road, tbat be hail had nothing wmtever to do with the man agement of toe rout lor two veais past, lie desired to be understood as being in Possession of no knowledge whatsoever of Erie tffairs. If there was any one subject on wuicn bo was unaole to say anything it may be atatso that Krie was that suoject. To every question put to sim by o .r reporter in que?t oi lmoiinaiiou npou the affairs 01 Erie be answered. "No." President Jewett, of tne E le rnrid, on being lueatioued last evening in regjrd to the Erie rumors upon the street, stated ibat there was a rreat ueai of trutii in them. in so far as regards the lanure ol tae several canal and coal couipauiei aimve mentioned to lulfll their promise of assist ance. Liad the; complied With the request or tue Erie road to advauce toe amount ol the June in terest he believed that tne road would have pros pered. As matters stand at present, however, tie uould discern nothing but bankruptcy staring the m in tne lace. Ttie last remaining hope for the payment of the /line ano July interest Das disappeared, as the following report of a:i Interview with President Jewett allows:? Kkpobtkb?Mr. Jewett, have you received an answer to the negotiations set uu loot by your company to raise money from the Pennsylvania eoal companies to pay tae June aad July inter est r Mr. Jkweit? Yes, I have received an answer aayin?' that uo mouey can be looked lor fiom that quarter. Kbi'urtkr?Then, is there any hope of the Erie Company being able to meet its ol.ii/ tlons V Mr. Jewett (sadiy and franaiyj?None that I can aee. 1 am going to a meeting of tne uirectora tiiis evening to aee what can be done. Kkpo&tek ? Uave y.u auy other project In view to meet the obturations of the company ? Mr. Jewett?Notie, whatever, me naxt regular meeting ol the company would be in June, but I have, in justice to myaelf, and owinir to the pre-a lng necessities of tae compauv, called a meeting oX the (Urectora for to-morrow. SAFETY AT SEA. TXX TBI II. OF A XE'.V X.UI-3A VINO gCIT IJf THE LOWES BAT. There waa an exhibition of a li:e-aaving appara loa in tne Lower Day yesterday. The event had Men advertised to take place, "rain or ahine," aad tboee who uilgut have leared that the heat wooid cauae a Miatponement moat have been more than nappy to aee the rain falling in tor. rente whet, toe hour for the assembling at the Battery arrived. There waa one thing, however, irataa naa not been calculated upon. The snthoataaai of the lovers of science |rew visibly leaa with eaca moment aa tbey stood for a long aad dreary soar upon the uncovered wharf at the Battery, waiting for the arrival of a steamer which bad not been engaged until the verv laat moment and waa consequently not ready lor occupancy. The steamer Dually reached tae lewer bay, and the Ave itidivldusla who were to try The suite rigged themselves in the ruboer armor, i he in ventor maue a long speech, in w bleb he exto.iei me merits of the oreas to about ;iOJ invited guests The three ladiea, Mr?. Moore and her Bister, Miss 3ayuor, and Miss Whitney, were brought lorwnrd tnd introduce . to the criticalaudlence. 1 Be ladies eere then conducted to 'he cabin, where, auer ibout iwen*y mluutea work, tne autts were Jonue l and tne entire party were Conducted to ihe aft gangway by the inventor of tne auit. Everybody was now ready ul<i auxioua lor the biouae. >omeoody counted "one, two. three.'' 1 be "big one." or the u.ventor oi the oresa. got his courage up to the jumping point and weut overboard. He iightei lu the water e?t loremost, aad after otaappearlng a mom'Ut under toe water rose *itn < v ry targo montn and a very v, ry lace. Ihe largest la4v followed, struck on ner l.acx. doubted op. Meariwtii.e he otMr two laoies had been per suaded to leap overt.oard. Toe middle sized lady look a "header." 1 here waa a prodigious fulness lo tne *:ack portion ol cue oreec.'ie*. l or a mo seat that Waa tue on>y porn u of tr.e person or the dress visible, lb.- wciguia. oi five pouuds tach, attached on ttv.* feet played sad havoc witn the p> roendicatarity, and the nead and arms were desperately ploughing the water in front. Tie "litlie un?-' ? ?? my eleven nars of age''? was a sweet aatured cherub, and ?howcd more real plucK than the rest ut the party, .-she came to the aur ace aulvei inv. but alter gating several timea aad awaliowiag some aa.t *a erst.o aecmed to csiu* to ber aeuses. Then she w*a heard to sing, la a a wee; and conduce voice:? "Mother, may I go out U? swim V " V?s. my aarlloe dauahter: Cnies* vou hav? a ruborr drc*s Ltou'igo near 'be water." Thla was regarded as exceedingly appropriate ana timely, and elicited loud aipiause iue voung man of tue party had taaen tna ducking aud was floundering aoout in tbe water. Tue entire party paddled alioii ? for twenty minutes, a'e oraugea an i pretended to read a paper, alter wntcu ;oer were dratigea into the ateamer ami returned to (be city. The dreaa la a complete rubber-cloth envelope, winch eovsrs the entire bodv, excepting the hands and tne lace, and nas aeveral attachments, each as a life oeit and an air pillow tor tne bead to reai apoa. It pruveu to ne may capable ol tua taiaiag a man's walnut m tue water. THE BROADWAY FIR?. Loaasa and ixacbAsrcca. Tae complete list of tbe losaes ta t&e Are at No. no Broadway la ae follows:? Demarest a Co., carriage repository, Sio ooo; in sured tor I'&tOOO. Aifonso a Co.. artificial flowers, $16,000; lasured for I&vWj. K ia? Uytuan A Co., anlflciai flowers, |2,ooo. E. Lord, dyelno and aeounug esia iiianu.eni. iMj. Ibe nan.age to tue buiidiug* 1a estimated at fi,u00. The following companies bad rlaaa oa toe atoct of Alfonso A oe. to the aruouut set opposite their Barnes:?Ial .n, lexaa, {i.aou; Uir.ernlan, >e?aiK, 92.600; Ti'euete', can ago. ta.&oo; Ci y of i'rovi ?ance, Liar, KentScay. Ia&OO; StatiOar.!, Hew Jerse>, I3,i>o0; <jid uomlue n. hici.uioud, $2,100: at. 1,0ms.; Penaayivania, $2,ftoo; amason, (.iociunati, |; (- tntuerciai. C ilitor tor ma, ja.joo; Merct.anu', Cleveland. 12,-jo: Usii* tor. 12.60); A.lem tm.ia, ii. iOO; Pre.covt, Boston, Eaaaaa, THi? WEATHER YESTERDAY, Tbe foilowiag record will ahow the chances In tae temperature for tae past twenty-four hours. In compariBoB wim tbe correapondtng date of last (ear, aa ladu ated by tue tiierrnometei at Hddnot ? aaruacy. UBhald building ? ? 1171. UT 6. 1874, l*U. ? A. U 17 M 8:eo F. M.... Al r,7 ? A M. AO CU 6 r. M V. es li, M no ?7 0P. M si oe is ? ei ?7 12 P. m as 04 Average temperature vesterdav ?6'< Average teasperaturn tur aorreeponding date M MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY. The American Museum of Natural History had its opening reception or the season yesterday aiternoou. The weather was very unprop;tloua and consequently mere were !>u: very lew < present. Th? people or New York are to raise tlie will of "J oy taxation, to pay /or ttio new lire prooi tnuseuiu building wnicu is going up lu Central Park, near Llgbtb avenue, una $f.o,w>o additional to clear and ornament the grounds a out It. The entire building it to coat, when completed and lilted up during tac co ulug I all. tlie sum of fi.iO,000, cli ol Wkicb l? to come Irom tbe public puis*. since tue last reception u large number ol very valuable speeim.'iis hav e bo n added 10 tne Museum. A unique set ol liirht mounted spe< hc-us of t e i-.unit r arauiic bird a of New 7.% ul .h i, Known us me "Moa," is atuous the now m tue department of ornithology. Another rare uddiuou has been uqnaied to the Museum bv Mr. 1). (i. iCiilotl?more tuan eleven hundred akin* of North American buds. A very interesting collodion oi mounted beads ol moose, buffalo and cariboo, witb skull-, aud antlers oi many varieties of deer, en a been pre sented to me Museum by tlie f. lends of tlie laro wel; Known artist, Air. J. W. Hays. His line paint ing or a liera oi builalo was also an acoeptab.e leature wbicu adores tne department assigned to specimens of the ruminating animals. liie mummies from the Columbia River, pre sented b< ur. J. Siuims, aud that from Alaska, by me Alaska Commercial Company,. are me mentoes of barbarous tubes which cannot full to be Interesting. in me department of mineralogy taere are addi tions lu the shape of ten boxes ol copper ores and triree of iron ores iroin L-ike Superior, presented by Mr. Samuel Sloan; anu a co ieeuon ol minerals from Proie*sor A. C. Foote. A very desirable ad dition is t ie gift irom Mr. Dodge or eight original copper-plate engravings of Auduhou's b.rds of Norui America, i lie .Museum nab an offer oi the Pstioouiologicul collection of Profs sso r Jsuies Hall, of Albany, lor the sum of |?5,oou. About l^u.ouo have neon aleaoy subscrlueti. Among the trustees present yesterday were ttio Presiaeo'. Mr. Kobert L. Stuart. aud Mrs. Stuart; Messrs. William A. ileines, Ueuju.iun U. Field, i Theodore Roosevelt, William T. Liiodgett, U. Jack sou Stuart and Williuui K. Dodge. Jr. A second reception will be held on Decoration Dav, next Monday, irom two to five P. M., when tickets issued for yesterday will be good. Mislaid cards of invitation will be duplicated ou applica tion to the Museum. BROOKLYN'S WATER SUPPLY. OPPOSITION TO THU NEW 8TOP.AUE HEailliVOIB? mehtiso oy prominent citizens last EVENING. The Law, Water and Drainage committees of the Brooklyn common Council met last evening at the City Hall to listen to the protests of prop erty owners who are opposed to a further appro priation of city funds lor the completion of the storage reservoir at Hempstead. Alderman strong, acting Chairman of the Law Committee, presided. There was a veiy large attendance oi wealthy and influential citizens, and the pioceeuings were characterized oy great earnestness. Among mo?e preseut were iu? Hou. s. 3. Chittenden, A. A. Saow, Jeromiaii P. Robinson, Samuel Hutcnin s>ou, A. P,. Hay its. Samuel McLean, lieueral stew art L. Woodford, ilou. Henry c. Murphy, lienry C. Sheldon, ex-Uegister McLougnlln, Presi Ueiit Palmer, oi tbe Hoard of city Works, and other . ilie proceedings were oponed by Alder man Strong, who stated tboooject of the meeting. Lie said the present Board of Alderman Dad notn lug to uo wuli the legislation by wmcli tne con struction of the reservoir was authorized and commenced. Plans nad been adopted, arid tee original appropriation oi #1,400.000 had been ex pended, anu now an appropriation or $600,0(jo whs asKcd to enlarge and complete tne reservoir. Mr. Samuel Hutchinson read a .m itten protest against any enlargement of tBe work, ihe origi nal plan was that tne reservoir should nold l,bju,ooo,00o gjlloiis, wHieu would ne sufficient even in a season of drought. Ex-Mieriff Campbell spoke briefly to the same effect. He was followed by A. A. Low. wno remonstrated against the com pletion oi the reservoir. He hail i:ad an uniavor atde opinion oi me project since tlie ccutract had been > rig.ually awarded, and looked upon jt as a very Injudicious one, tne amount expended nav in(f exceeded tlie actual value received. lie thought it inexpedient at present to press the completion of public works, unless unavoidable. THE JERSEY WIFE MURDER. AS INNOCENT CHILI) 8 PABT IN Till BLOODY vrosoL The inquest on the body of Catharine Kehoe was commenced last evening at Brady's Morirue, Jer sey City, befQre coroner Lyncn. Mrs. Louisa Johnson, a colored woman and sister ol ihe previous witness, testHied:? i live in the sau:e nouse nltu Kehoe; neard a noise in bis apartments about seven o'clock on Friday evening; heard a fail as U some person nad struct tne boor; neard no more noise tin about ten o'c.oc*; sue t ten gave some loud groans ana toads a strange noise sucn as l nad never heard uer make oei< re; a seemed ago some one struggling against deatt.; thought she was dying from the racket srie made; heard Kehoe say. "lou damned b?h this wnl be the last of you to-night;" he auo said, "1 i.a\e b.en wanting to Kill you long ago; 1 win mage a sure thing ol it uow: me old Ml will never Doosr me again;'' he called f.ts lti.e bj.' to ^et him some water, saying. "Get >omc water and was.i her off;" ihe boy said. "Papa, what is tne matter with my mamma'" Keiioe auswered, "Xotuiug, she's tliunk againt ie little boy continued to bring in waier; near J him ask nu mother it she ,eit bet ter aud sue aaswered "No;" neard her say, "Pete, take off uiy Md shoes;" she then gave some very loud groans; a lew second* aiterward the gave a very wea* groau; 1 judged sue was pretty nearly gone; heard no more u<>ra hsrtheu; the little bov sail, "Papa, is my mamma asleep?" he answered that ..she was; Kehoe then ?aid, "Kate, are yob asleep r d<nin you get up arid nnrae that child;*' she did not iuistret; Kehoe -aid to his boy, "Rock tne oaby, sne can't take care ol it un? more;" me utile boy rocked tie baby a tew minutes, and Kehoe men said to the bor, "We'll t.ikc oil lie. clothes and put her into bed;" lie told the boy to take hoi a of her feet; ttien heard a oraKKlm: irom the lounge over to the bedroom, anu ;<eard the tearing oi clothes; this continued aoout ten ininut*>: Kehoe then told the boy to go down an . bring mm up a pail of water; wnen tne boy c .me dot*;, I asked him wuat was the matter with his mother, and lie raid "Notuiug, fatner oas l>ee i beating ner;" a 'lew minutes aiterward Keh^e came down, and I asued mm wrtat was mo matter with his wife, and he said, "Kate is dead; yon all g'? up anu ?ee ner;" I said to him, "You have killed Mr*. Kehoe;" aud ne said, "No. sne fell off the lounge and off the bed, ana now she is oead;" ne said the baby al->o tell out of tbf> bed ud was lying t?>: saw Kehoe bring down a pali wtto Ciotnes in It and set it under the hyarant; k? hoe and ins wife were iu the habit of quarrelling; sue was sober on tne day or ner deatu aud was playing witu iny baby mat evening. County siout testified that he found r co?iu?ed wound at tne tune of tbo skull and t iat deatn eusued from compression oi me brain; be also in and several marks and ormses on differ en parts of tue ooay. The inquest was men adjourned till this even tug. Kehoe necarne so unmanageaOle in the cou,ity Jail yesterday tuat he was la^teusd iiowu la ma ceil. A JERSEY RAILROAD OUTRAGE. A PAsSEN'GLK B SKULL FRAOTraXD BT A CON DCCTOB. At ba'f-past twelve o'clock yesterday mornlBg two men were tak*n in custody by policemen at the Pennsylvania Railroad uepot, in Jersey City, and conveyed to the First precinct station, on the complaint of a conductor named Wutam Johnson. one of the men, named Jobn sauudpra, a resident of Nn. 287 East Forty-second street. New York, pesented a pitiable sr.eetacit, bis skull being fractured bv a blow from a heavy billet of woed in the baO'is oi tne conductor, iiiood streamed down bis face till his clothes sere sa'urated. ine otner mtin, John Fiynn. ol No. ,2* Las: Eleventn street, New York, fsred better, tnougn he bad to wsge a ries erate fl?at sgaiuat the conductor, t>aftgage master and orakemeo A Hskald teporter was in tbe ponce station watn me men entered, and tlie/ state<l their caae aa follows wnen tbey reached me railroad depot at Newark the train was ready to move out aud n.ey had not time to parcnaee tickets. Wnen tbe train reacued tne mes .ows tne conductor came along and detnaooed their ticaets. i i.e men rented tney nad none and state i tne rensoo. lbe conductor then ordered them to leave the car aud tney reiused. Me men dragged ?saunters into tbe oaggaue car, wnere he wss coiiared by two brakesmen and thrown oU tne platform. Me ueld on, howevur, and b^d gained tne piatiorm wn?u, he al.eges, tne c ?njuctor strucx him a learfbi mow on Hie left temple with tbe i,met of w?oJ, wnica was produced at the ponce station. Plyuu states tftat, out tor the assistance he i?noered ?aun<iers trie iititr would tuve toen m traered. Vet tbe conductor wss siioweu to de i art aud the two paoseugsrs were held, ihey w-ra b.ougat before Ju?ure Dsvia yesterday morning aud were discnaiged. iwomemoeraof tue t/rauu jary called upou tbe Justica with the view oi Having tne injured man appear ami make complaint. *o mat justice must be metvd out. to me Insolent em ploy ? oi tbe Penn sylvania Kailroad. It wi;l i.e i ernembered tuat a io w years ago a poor inan named Lane was put off a | ir?in in me darkuessoi nignt, ny conductor James Parser, st tne Hackenaacs bridge, aud the un lor unate man, la trying to riud ms way off me bridge, ten into me river aud was drowned, ine Orand Jury now in session are dete mined to ma?.-a lew examples, so taat the om pioyfis may t.e more respectful to the public, eaun ieis will t.esummoned tma lorenooti to ap peal agamt' Jouosoo, ine (iiaad Jury nave aiao under ouueia*rattbu tne l onuuct of the employes at tne ieiry who ?esauiteu passengers aitex me/ bad paid tueix fsue. THE INTERCOLLEGIATE ATHLETIC \ MEETING AT SARATOGA. ThioutiU tne courtesy of William II. Eusti?. of Saratoga, we ire able to lay belore our readers the programme lor the annual ath letic meeting or our students at Saratoga. Thursday, July 15, tne next day alter that of the University tout race, i- the tini ? fixed uooii, j and should the latter be delayed, as last, ; these races will, of course, go over till the day aiter it is rowed, so as to permit the powers tliom- ; selves to take part. These sports will bo ,:oU" ducted under tho auspices oi the saraiona Ko wr ing Association. Teu races are arranged 'or, eight oI which win be opeu to uuderuraduates of tne louneen different colleges represented iu t!io rowing races, and the <> ner two to k r ad u ate s (<, the same, men giacluating this vrsur ueiasc. a? j | tue boat rjces. eligible lor trie under?;raduaic l _ tests, ihe entire day will be devoted to ilie spoil, whica will be arranged ubout as lallows: moknisu, commencing at ten o'clock. first?oue mile running race. Second?Three mlie waUiug race. Third?loo yard dash. fourth?seven mile walklnz lace. aftekkoon, commencing at haii-pust three. Fifth?Ualf mile tuumtig race. tiixilt?one mile walkinir race. Sev<iutH-l'*o mile running race. ; iLih l2oyaid hurdle race: tea hurdles, each ! three feet six'iucnes nigli. Xlnth? Iwu mne running r.ico (graduate). Tnit/i?'sevw mile walking race iirrauuaie). The nrettv lit tics half-mile truck at uien .Mitchell lias i<ecu selected lor the contest. It has passed inso new nauds and is belnsr put in excellent oiaer ine prizes will be oeuutiiul and apptopri aie u'nd will ag,,r<gdte m vuiuo irom $-'.ouo to ?u ooo. No entry fee will be charged, me asso ciation wishing iu every way to meet tue students' wisnes as lar as possible. ltl.-desired thut ml entries be maao at an early day to Will lam" II fcu-tls, of ;lie committee, at Saratoga Springs. N. V., and ttut all communications souk itur lurtner inioriuaiioii be directed to lum. A committee chosen irom the various colleges will broiiaoly co-operate with the association, anil uo ?ill that may tie necessary to reader tho whole aiiair. what H already gives nattering pioiulse -o become, an even more uiterestitiic spectacle tnau me ureat race itself. It may be added, that should (lie graduate* or unrtcigraduates of other colleges than the lourteen above reierred to wisU to take part. If tbev will indicate ttieir desires to Mr. Kustis toey will be duly considered. PROFESSOR ADLER'S LECTURE. Professor Felix Adler. oi Cornell University, do Uvered a very interesting and instructive address on "The inilnence o( the Physical Geography of Palestine on Hebrew Thought," beioiu the Ameri can Geographical Society, at Association Hall, last evening. The land of the Iieorews is a peculiar land, even as Israel was a pecuiur people, said the speaker. Since Palestine is a laud set apart by itself, condemned to bohtuie by barriers which nature herself has set up, the speaker argued that its inhabitants, isolated Irom their fellow men, are thrown entirely upon their resources, aud thus acuuire a certain hardness of cnaracter, an aris tocratic pnuc oi race, a strong senary of supe riority which continually challenges the hatted oi mankind and at toe same time lends mem suja coherency that aU the world's i.ate is powerless to CI \\*iie ifev^r an extraordinary tnind, a genius of uniuue powers, appears among men he finds sod tudc to tie the essential condition fertile growth ami periecting of his separate self. Tho genius oi tt.e Hebrew people needed solitude, for tnelr mis sion was to break loose irom the traditions of the world aud to produce a system or religion* tuought at variance with all the collected wisdom ami the cherished belie! oi antiquity, lue size or Palestine, as in the case ol Ureece, is hardly com mensurate with us importance. Hie wuole coun try from Dan 10 Ueerstieba i* only lso miles in length ami 63 iu breadth, and jet, within this small territory, what diversity ?.f cnarac?.er ! ilia r?ului ol Juda is a laud where the thought of men would dweii upon the inilnits in its gravest, grandest, gloomiest lorins. The Imagination, tired b> tae strong, rich wine that grows aiuuiirt. winged its wav upward on the wi.d strains of passionate music tnat re-echoed In these vales, it. ourst lurth in eloquent song; it gave oinli to the majestic ryttuntc measures ol toe psalms and hvtons of Scripture ana filled tneui with the sym bols of us soundings. SHIPPING NEWS OCEAN STEAMERS. DATES 0* PSPAHTERE HtOM NEW YORK FOtt THE MONTHS OF M.VY AMI Strainer. j .So ill. j?e*ftuaM?n.| Vj/ire. j Kmiia Mav 2t>. LlveruooL. il howltn^ Orcea in-itt ' .7. liattiBur/. |?1 broaawa* F Cal&nis iMay .V.lHottt rtlan';WBroartwav. City ut brutwii.' May i'J- bivpr&uoL. ,1.1 Brouawsy Kiivdi ...'Ma*- 2S. LivcrtiooL Ii'j Mroaawar aritfnnie.". 'May ?.l laveruoOi..! in hrosawar. Vii?M? rarU.... Mar zv. Hnvrr v Broaaw.* xpfkir Mnv is. Br?men.... 2 Uownua Oraea Banvia. Mav vs. ,if>lawow... 7 I^aoaOrasa j vXvomiua. iJuri" I. B. tiuiio... #'an oi lndiaaa Canaaa Ihuruuna (iarmuale Ci'.v hi cotitcr. ihc Qaeeu Motel kmia AliVINIIW I'ounuorauia. Juna i Juuti June 2. Juuc a. Jua* I.tvercmil .Jbroi.iwuv l.ivcri ooL. iMowmiif 11reeu Gian/ow... "KBrnaowav. loaai.n.... 's/BroaUwav. usniDurir.. t?l UroaawaT. Livertiooi .jlil liroHJway. U Broadway. H Uroadwah i Bowilp? areeu " Kowuui (>r**u t Uowime <!reou el Hrnadwav June 3. LiViTfiOO Jur.c 0.^ri ool.. Jutit : lircmeo.. Juno .. ?inn* 9.itivirsMM .t an-; 10 Itlainbiir?. jg,,,, I 10. liutieMaiiii H?iB roan way. Adrlatlr. Cltv n? Paris ssalxi l'( retro Donaa Jilano Italv Aigcna stait oi weorm. Orllert Celtic. ..... Cltv of Berlin. 1 uuo 12. Jun.' 12. : una 12. June 1 i. Ju.b 12. June H JuB? IS. ?tune 11. June lit. time 17. June Iff. June 18 Liverpool.. Li veroof'.. I.lverpoau. Havre..... Bremen ,. 1 ij*eroool. I .on Ion ? Liverpool.. liUrfuW... llxintuir/.. LivcrpooL. errool June 26. Lrreroo?iu. tuno Je., Liverpool.. June 2fi. Havre Junj 30. 01a?*uw... I'j Broadway. 1 JBroaawav. CM Broaawa'/. SMroadwav 2 lldwiiiiir Ureaa ?'J Broad wav. >.?) l.r..ji lwav ? Bowling ura?n 72 Broun wa?. 1 BroaJwar It) Broaa wav 1.1 Br .'id wb . 1<? Broadway. l'i Hroartway. V, Broad wav 72 Broadwav. y4in' |June 18. Bremen ... | ?e;<auiie..M Cltv ol R'.choinn I France Haic oi Pvnnsy'a 0^ NOTTCK TO CAPTAINS OF VE sBr.S ESTER 1XO THE POUT OK KfcWVOBK AT SftiHT.?The Naw York IUbai.d has adopted a diitin*ui?hin* CostoB ai?ht signal lor uae on board the HaBxto steam yacht show in* while burning the color* red. green, red. changing Irom e*c te the other iu snccesslon. and can be ??n sev eral miiet distant. Captaina ol vessels upon seeing this signal wlii oblige us by preparing any marne news they may nave for the Ship Newt kepanmeat ol the 11 SKALD. . ><r Persons desirous of ctimmnnlcatlng with vessels arriving at Sew Terk can do so by addressma to sach vessels, care ol Uiasin news yacht, pier So 1 Kast Klver. New Vork. Letters received from all parte af tae world and promptly delivered. Duplicates are re quired. ______ ALUANAC POE NEW YORK?TILLS DAY. acs" awd moos. I hioh warita. Snu rises ? ? I fiov. Island... .eve 12 44 SUQ stis T 19 I Sandy HooE.morn 11 5? Moon rLses...iDorQ 12 ol i Men Uaie ?vt 2 PORT OF NKW YORK, MAY 25, 1875. CLEA&La Pteamer Rusfia (Br), C??k. LiTerpeol via Queenstown '?e'aui'-r Ulu i>omlnlon, Walker, NortoiS. City Poln. and Kichmond?old i oinmion steamship t:?. Steamer Ann Kuza Kicharas. Phiiadeipaia-James U*f? amer Beveriv Pierce, Phuadeipnia?jaraes Hand. Sti-amer Mavflower Pulta I'htladelpnia?James Hand, u'eamorulauru? Bears* Ke??<.??h ? litmocS Bara Kooert Kelly Kmemau, Hiogo and VoSohama? ^liarK^S'icimerang ;Br), Wamhssh, Livsrpool?Miller A HBtVa Montevideo (Fr , Metalrs Havre?Boyd * blnca * HsrK Coafluenua (Oer;, KoUlu?. Case Iowa, COB f Bars' K'.rttnths (Br). Drummond. Mstamss-Jas H ^BsirK^vrhitebail ?r), Caldwell, Ualifaa, Ss?J F Whit ''*Br* MleheUna (Ttab, Esposlto* Bristol, E?A P Atch*rMsrT B Dyer, Oliver. Cat Is'.snd, Bah-B J Wsn '"riclir Fusis Preeeott <Bt), Douglass. St John. ?B-Jsd tr??ht t B riiith, imlih. Ja. kSKirivtUe-Warren Kay. Stlir John Koi?. Aden Piil.adsiplua?^Overt.,a A Uaw "senr R M Atwood. Hsrrlclt, Leer I?le?H J echr Amelia r tobtj. naker. Weiltleet. M?ss~M J wea *itr Beta, Aekley B itton-WUson Oodfrsy. . Rciir kssrais. Uartiett, Proviaeoce?B W J so k son A ch/ A A Baker. Marrsr. ?sw Hsren-Rsokett A Bra. Altai VAIA BEPOKTKD MY THK HkRtL!> ?TS\M TACBTI AMD uEBALb waiTtfrojii rKi.rjiiAi'a Li*i. Steamer Aeaw'co '?ray, A?j>mwa.i M ?y 14. with md*e and pnsoeng' n t , ;te /s-i': Hail steamship Co Ue tani'd outs! ?? on s<'.'?ent /i' j Steano r Lnau.pior, ^1 *,'?^2 ?';nf Ruined V. -nciaes day., in days. witBsagaf toJova. lerry a oo Is detained out side ou accourit ol for. sehr W a low, Pierce. Virginia 1'AASKD THROO'ilt >lKl4b fvrA BOt:SO SO6TB. i ?teaa>er Cltv at New Be-tforl. Fisft, Mew BodiBH I tor New rark. wtt* aidse and oaaseweera steamer uaiatea, Waldeu Providence lor Mew York, Willi uiUse uiitl pa-se users Brig Crescent <Kr), Faulkner. Windsor. NS, for New York, M<'av?. wuli piaster t<i J F Wliitimy A Co. >chr (I L. nanoil. Itackett, st tleorgo for .New York, with Asli to II i Holers A Co. M'lir Aim*-. Kniti>|>, Newport lor Ne<v York, with tlsli to Koger* .1 uk uriis s'chr Molesty. Nick<, I'lvnmutti lor Now York. scbr Aimer Taylor, Taylor, i.angor tor New York, with lumber in drier. J-chr Boston, Mckersou, Uoston lor New Yorlt. tsflir (J W Cum tilings. Clark, Frovidenee lor New York. schr Wave. Blii'/hutn. New Haven lor New York. Senr Ceres, Miitlh i ity Island lor New York. senr Charles 1'.suekney, Mathcwf, Newport lor New \ ork. Sclir.latnes I'iverty, Carroll, Norwich lor New York. ] ?elir Klla, Harridan, City Island lor New York. >enr Alaska. Clark, Boston lor New York. Schr Ximeiut. f hompsoii. Newhurypurl lor New Yor't. n-ltr Outario, Buruiek Fall tiiver lor New York. schr unau i' itoss, Campbell, New Haven lor New Y ork. Schr sarah Jane, Lynch. New Huvcu lor New York. &AILED. steamers (ireat Western illr , lor Bristol; Old Domin ion, iticbuiou'i. Ac; schr liulii ? Haskell,. San Bias. MARITIME MLSCELLAN Y. #3" See cable iwwi sine Bayakh (Br). Ueard, at San Francisco Mav 17 from Newcastle, NSW, on the IStli of March, oft novlli end ol New /.calami. hud a heavy Kale frotu N\Y, lusting 6 days, during winch slutted cargo. Baku Hkiimon (Br). .Mann, nt Sim Francisco May 17 . from llotig Kong, hud bulwarks stove ami decks swe|il. Bakk llKsrsiiL's (Bri, Adams, from St Mary*. Oa. lor | Montevideo (beiore reported), was abandoned March 21, lat a7 in N. Ion 57 10 W. The crew were rcscued Bv bark | J.e|iaiito, Wears, iroin Nuw York for Sydney, Miff, and transferred on the 30th to u vessel wliicU landed llieni at J Havre. Brio Oriknt, which was ashore at Shoalwatcr Bay. ! has been towed back lo Oysterville, where she will lie j beached, the lumber discharged, and the hull undergo the necessary repairs. Setiu Hrainakd. Buell, at I'rovidcnee 22U inst from l'hiladelphiu, reportsSwtli lust, about <j fM, a seaman, a native of Holland, and who shipped oil the id ot May j in New York, was knocked overboard by the mnitisheet, j wlilcn got loose, nul sank beiore a "boat, which was , lowered could, reach lilui. Three others had a narrow escape trout beiug knocked overboard at the same time. Suit it A s Wilky, Uickiuau, Iroin New Y'ork. at -Nassuu on tile llth inst, lost loreinasi and initiutopniast ou the passage. Sen it Yacht Boxita was sola at Providence 2*th inst to Mr C U Loril tor $125 >, subject to a mortgage. So tin Curtis Akerly (3 masts' is the name of the vessel launched at Clareuiont. \ a, 19th Hist Halifax. Miy 2ft?Steamer Newfoundland, iroin St Johns. Nf, arrived to da.v. 'ihe weather there was line, liusine-s was flourishing anil there was a large quantity of stiiupimr in the harbor. 1 he tlsburinoii are preparing lor summer work. Sailing vessels have not been generally successful at the seal fishing, but the steamers had a good catch. The French bark Clementine has been libelled in the Admiralty Court, at the instance of the owners ol the schr J '' Friend, of Gloucester, which was sunk by a collision with her. l.osboN, May 24 Brig Katahdln. Harlow, from Rio Ja neiro lor Hampton Roads, put int<> st l humus in a leaky condition, and with loss of lore uiast. y issue, Mav 20 ?'I he latest news from Cape Chatte and Mutane is that the ships Rlsiug Suit and fc.ari ol l-.lgiu will have to be uiscliarged and Uoated otf. Ship Norge l> ueiie/ stripped. Sseaiuer Chesapeake will probably tloat to-day and arrive here to-morrow night. Ship i.ake Mlehlgau p issed Hie, outward bound, Sun day night. She wat the first ouiwara buuud snip pass ing Hie this season. steamer Auglesea at this port yesterday, reports ships Advance uud Czar, otf St lienis, inward bound. Thi captain ol the ship Harding, now at this port, states that his vessel was one ot the two ship- lately re ported ashore on the Island of Antlcosu. 'lhe other idiip. the Uiaut's Causway, Is still ashore, und was boing stripped, at Father I'oiut. SuimciLotfa?Messrs Brown A Hodgklns, of Bath, Me, have cnmmcucud puttlug up a largo suip on Birch i'olut in Wise a.-set. Clias Morris A Co, of Humartseotta, have commenced work ou a large ship in thai place. A new ship has been commenced at iiitmariscotta bv Mr 11 B Melt all. A K lived A Co, of Waldoboro, have laid the keel of a MOO ton ship. The trame of Bean A Coombs' new 3-masted vessel is all up in Camden. I.AeNt'nKO?At llodedon's Mills, Boolhbay, May 13 and 17th. I>v Win Adams A Sons, two steamers, owned bv Heo W Miller A Co and Towlcs Foote A Co, of Conneiictu. Tliev are intended lor ihe poriry fishery, and will lie toned to I'ortlan I lo receive their m iehlnery. At 1- sseK, May 22, from the shipyard of Win It A Daniel A Burntiam, a tluelv modellea schooner of 105 tons, ; owne.l t>y .lames a Tarr, ot Oloucester, and designed lor the hiding business. NOTICE TO MARINE IIS. May 25, 1S75. i KOO BKI.LS AT Til K aiSSISSieKI lo I ,.l Notice is herebv given tual on und titer ih,s date there will be soanded during thick and loggy ne ither at iiorn Island La. a log te-n struck bv inacliiu rv. ihe bell is located on the east gallery ol t tie li. hi iNlbu. Notice is also given that ilurmg thick nil foggy ! weather there will be sottu led atfi e head ol 11 l'a-<-es light station, a fog bell struck bv machinery giving two oiowh and one blow at alternate intervals ..t lu : nd 20 seconds 'I he bell tower is loca'.aa iinmedialcly iu irunt ol the lighthouse. CALI roKSI A ? IilSCOV kH V OF A SI \ K I V HOCK. Mr. Oershooi Hradtord. Aisistsut t ulle I Mates Cotat Purvcv, reports the discovery, lusble ot Blum's in ?? I, oil' Cape Mendocino. California or a -unu'u rook, with s;.v leet un it at mean low water. I here is no K. I,i!.. iit it and the suuimll is onl> .rotu two to tireo feet in d:am eter. the s undtligs uituost iiistantaiieouslv deepening lo lime and tllteeu lathomtnn all sides. 1 his rock ins 1 ,' lo miles SW W lrom the lignttiou?e on i ape u lo clno. lhe ranges tre:? he centre ot the southern s ope ol jugar Losf Koek (half w ay Petween summit fill bnsei ou with the lighthouse unJ tie; point ol laud at < entreville, nail way between a small rocs inside of False Cape Rock an 1 tne point of land at <als.! ' ape. which atter is on with the outer edge or the woo l- nt tiieco.ntof land at Centreviile. I hi charaL-ter of the dam.', r with others alreadv established, and the possibility tli it more mav exist, ran ters the navigation bctwi en illunt's Keef ami c.ape Menaocinoextremely hazardous, and should not be attempted unless in charge ot a -go'iil local piiot- YasseU loutid around tape Mendocino should pass two mil' s to the westward m Blunts i. of. '1 ha dangeraol Cape Mendocino -m characierlsti.- of M^ erul points on the coasts of caiiforni i and Oregon, and unit! loll surveys aie inaue and'aitliiB uire 'ions given vessels should not attempt a passage inside of the outlying rocks, und should give the latter a wiae berth. W*9T moias?JAMAICA? MAR k * IS TUk CBAXKZUl LEADIX0 TO KIKaSToH IIAHBOR. With refrrence to Notice to Warlaers No V. I9T5. on tli ? alteration In the buoyage of Fort Royal the folb.wltig furtter Informatloa relative to the p.l?? tu'.-s marking the channels leading to Kingston harbor b ?% b?en re eived. * I he piles on the north and south sides ot 'he Harrows are placed In 3 tatlioms waU:r. and the buov-In 5 tath oms. Tlioee objects on the uorth side are oaluted in red and white vertical strip s, and those on the south si la red. sorm "itiK. r.wi Currle'sOate pile, on the western el?e of lie shoal extending lrom uallows f. int. is ifc) teet above water stid surmounted by a barrel, it bears Si* W, uistaut 18ik) yards lrom ? ort Augusta light. I wo sisters pile is pla ed a by E % E, 72u yards trotn Fort Au?uati light; it is 2 < leet htgb and surmouoted by a triangle buse downward. saiuux pile is K ?, 62) yards from Fort Augusta 1(111 Mum me! wile It E 8E E. 700 yards from Fort Augusta light Went Horseshoe pita Is K % 8, 1,360 yard* from Fort Anginta II.'lit. me last three Piles are surmounted by rijlir angled trtani!le? *i!li the bitaa utmari. ta?t iliir*e?iiue pile it K 4 s. 1,6*) yards from Port Anoints hunt, it la surmounted by a glol>c and is leet above wat-r ?oriii ?iu>'. urn axi' whiti: TBbtical trairK<. Burial Ground pile. opi"i?its- r?o birters pile in H by W. Cwyardi irom fort vugusta lirht, it I* surmounte i bv a triangle, !#??.? upward. St Albau ' : ii>' i* K, M yards from Fort Auguala Uptit; It In surmounted by ? suu.ire. Ureenwtob llou<se pile Is -W, *1} y ar Is from Green wii n Hiiu-i', ami i* ?urrnouuted bv u crow 1 The luurtli anJ last pile on the north side la about thr< quarteraot a mils west of 'heto?n ol Kingston, in 14 feat of water, and la Mirnioanted by a m Andrew s cross. For the safety of vp?eij of heavy draught, two t>uny? hare been moored on 'he south side m i fathoms water vll:? Narro?? buov, off and between the Sphinx and Mum. nsel (dies bears from fort Augusta light &*U. distant &S i varda. Middle Ground buoy Mars from Fort Anguata litht K H .v distant 1'4 mile*. And ou the nortu side of the channel oq? buoy lu A laiiiumi. via:? Huut Bh\ buov. east of St Mban's idle, bears fr im Tort Aususta iibt K Ji K. distant**) >ard? Note?Ihe buoy ot wiucu notice was given that it would be pUced near Drunkennian's cay. entrance of fort Kovai. has been placed In portion It i? patnto I red. anil lies in t. fatnoma. >'W by Ji, distant a quarter of a in tie irorn the cay. Iieartn ji inagnetio. Variation, S deg 43 min easterly In W$. hit u? Kaaa ru* ionn*v<r roix* or triridad ulaxd, I.1TILK AXTILI.M. Ciipt F Cbardnnnejii reports the ?tiatauce of a new aanit bank near the fontiiwait p.-,ut ot Trinidad Island, on whleh tin-- Irannatintitlc Company's staaimir Cueiijuo touched in i ebtuary. i he brink la ircua.e I on tt c folio-vitiK bearings, via:? west Galios Hock, ENK: tracos 1'oiot, s r.. When the Caolyuu touched she draw U feet 2 inches aft. Bearings are magnetic. Variation, S deg easterly in 1(76. o* los roqcrs, vanascaua. A lighthouse has been complete 1 u;...u ? tie tec,m l hill from the eau end oi the fc.1 K.,qiie.< thrt H p.rt of a froup called i.o* Ko<|ue< Tba light standi m at II 51 N, ou u643 3i iV ot <iri-.-nvflcb'. la ot tb? second order; re volving once per mioate showing ? bright flash, aud can be seen on clear mgbti .((J to 12 muiit.i mile*. Ibe to Wo r 11 of Iron, four arge coiumu*. ll>* hill is ISO taet high, masonry lo faet, ooiurnm tn teat and tba it unto above th'ia lu feet?lot*. elevation JU feet .Knit* lltb). ihe i laitorni with rallinx i? iu teat diameter, ano upon tliiii ibe lulu ?tandi, bnvilitr a laix? -.?ill Alia dart upon It. and can ba neen on a c.oar day irorn II to 9U miiei. a 1 arcmnd the Couipa'*. ten??n coming fiom tlie N or NK, bound W. shoul i not brltig the liaht to bear te the N of K by N uutu they ar ? wet, tn tea ?v of the .Northern Key* whlcn baur from tiie iigi.t WaW. distant 0 milsn, a* J the e&ireme norm ern pointof the hrePch Key? bear KK bv N iToni the llgfiU dt,?anoe 3 mne? From here the dlinger u- r ef Mimmsuces. running in a circular form ?fc tor U miia?, With t>vu passages between them, but should not ba ?ttamp-edaxcapt in day tima inn b?ariugt ara par compass (jiaguetiC;, Tanatiou 3 SU deg *? BAtLt*o Diaactto*i ro* i>o*to uimo fvc.van-Bt^. No tic a u given that snips entering Forto Catxlio mull not. as often hapiieni. neap close t irort ubortador. Where the water h ?hailbw. bat moat giTe it a bertb of at i"*<: iuO to iA)yard*. Master* are ai*o advlned that a dlr??t en erltg is against the rules and -ubject U? a flue vessels muit re main outai ie uutll troaidad by tlis custoui Hon -o offi cers tiLtie sis?oos?* Of last rnessia? irectio.v or two bracoms ox ru* I'DBtscsta gairauno, .nsah n?n. The adtainls r;?il.-n ot the province ot ha?t frua.'.id lias glvc-n notice A the erection In !he last year of t v ? b.-.i coih three unlet soutn Of Menn-1. between Mcniol and fenwaraorf, on the Curlsche Nenruug. ihev ?tand at the distance ot tfju yard* from each other, I, aring irom each ovner N ,SW and a Sr. and maixing. when inon,' ,i lu liae, the two lalhom euanaal lb'> Pjiik* Baraukoptsctinr Haken and the aktanaiou of w?oa.>a Behwetusf uokan In tba If afl'. lbs b?Mot>a ara loaatMl M the slops af the fab rtui* toward the Half. In the vicinity of Baienkoptlilll, opposite the mouth oi liin.r William channel: tljOF are 01 it i> v r a in nl ul shape, painted red. and are VWoHOWj ] Hum til.' Ilall. . . .... | The northern beacon UW feet high, and stanosWH feat above flu- level ..t the Kail, thus nsinir above water loi^teci. a in* southern beacon is JW-4 feet ingn. ana atunets . i' leet above tlio level oi the Unix, malting a total ot '.9j, feet above water . ? , ? Position of uortheru beacon: lat 55 39 24 N. long-1 7 Hearing* niauuettc. Variation, 7 degSitnuu westerly In if;;-. mkoiteuu<m ,i? soitiika.-it eo*ft or irAU?tWrOliW ..s N A VI MA II HOCK. L'AUTAI.WIA II AllBOII. Since t tie l ->th ot Mareb. Is"-"', u temporary litfhthas been . \lnbite.l on Hie cxtn inlty of the mole, situated on til.- wotwiird >iilir ot tin- entrance of the port ot < ana^ena. l li? li-lit i< tlxi'.l red, anil in the ordinary state of the ntiiH ,pburo iv vinlblc * miles; it in elevated 14 feet above ilie level o tb sua ami . leet above the Itrunnd. i he I" 1 er i* a wooilen lr?ine, niispeil like a'truin-ated |ijr? in ! minted l.lue. unit supported on a carriage ol the ? ?! in' color, ilie lantern, which l? painted ureen. In cylindrical crowned tiv a hemisphere; it la distant Vt \ uriU irom the sea :u l I '.I vardu from the keeper's I -. \v liidi ii rectangular ami ol a w hite color. Whi ti a bl< wa Horn mIS to W, the apparatus. which, a* hai In "ii st iled, is mi a carriage, is drawn back so ms to in .it. ? tii,' Hula 11>4 yard* Iroin the extremity ol the iliolj. In the-n clri-uiiii't.thoc.-i It is necessary to give the Unlit a birth ot - il vurds, but in toad weather iiK) yard* will be sufficient. Position?Lai 37 ::4 MX, ion 11 Si W. WHALEMEN. Cleared at New Bedford May 21. schr Admiral Blake (of Murium. Ilutliawav. Atlantic Ocean. senr LUalo P Simmons, of New VorK, lias been sold to parties in New London, on privute terms. She is to be fitted for urcenland, to take the place ot schr Franklin. A iMter Iroin Mr Prudent, second olllcer oi nark stani boul, of NB, dated March 14, reports her with 15J bbls oil SPOKEN. Bark Aberdeen, fiorn Palermo for Philadelphia, May 12 lat 34 25, Ion l.'i 47. H irIt Lepunio, Mtirtt. Iroin Now Tors for Hyuney, M' W, Aurll li l it 19 N, Ion :;9 W. Schr Jane Hade (Ur), from Palermo for Philadelphia, April -l, !5_, Ion 2t). 8cbr Henl Oliver, trom Wellfleet tor liovernor's Har bor, Ma.v 15, off Hole in the Wan. Schr ,1 W w clt. troui Waldoboro tor Pensacola, May 21, lat as 1U, Ion oa 32. NOTICE TO MERCHANTS AND CAPTAINS. Merchants, shipping aituuts and shipmaster.) are iu formed that by f-kwrapliinj to tha IIkkalu London Uurenu, No 44 Fleet strejt, or to th; Paris office, Hue Scribe, the arrivals at an 1 departure* from iiu ropeau ami Eastern ports of American and all foreign ve?suls trading with the Unite 1 Slaws, the same will bj cabled to thU country ireo of charge and publtlhei, I'nplains arriving at and sailing trom French atil Mediterrane in ports will llnl the Paris o!Uee the more economical and expeditious for teleiraphiuj news. OUR CA1JLE SHIPPING NEWix AntwilM-, May 2S?Sailed, stejjuer 0 9 Punch (Belg), i Kuiid-cu. New York. Sailed 2Tld, ship Kepubilc (l?r), Phillips, United States; , tiar4 M x !?: Cud (Br), faun, do, lloaiiEACX?Arrived, barn trust A Benuo (Uer), Velt ! aill, Ni w Orleans. Uahcklona?Arrived, bark Kenom (Sp), Florlt, Savau nah. Cadis?Arrived, echrs Grace Bradley, Turner, Wex ford i Itillie H Derby, .Savior, Lisbon. Iikal, May 25?Balled, bark Jonas Kisting (Dan), Svlud jell (Irom I.oiiJoni, barleu. | Ubmoa?Arrived. bark Canuiuit (Br), Mltchner, New ; Vork. sailed, ship Anstrutber (Br), Pitt United State*. Havki . May 24?Arrived, bark Saguedalen (Nor). Falch, New York. Arrived 25th. steamer Amerique (Fr). Pouzolz. New York I.ivkrpool, May 25?Arrived, steamer Jamaican (Rr), Winner, New Orleans; ships Borrowdale (rfr), Keiley, San Francisco: Thtrlmere (Br), Flatter, do; R B Fuller, Scot:, New Orleans. Arrive t .:4th, ship Carrlcks Castle (Br), Thvne, Smu Francisco, sailed l4tli, barK Silver Cloud (Brj, Bobertaon, United atau Milled 2,'iLl:, ship Livingstone (I'r), Crosby. New Vork. I.ojido*., May 2.1?Arrived, steamer Profemwr Morse. Steal, New Vork; barks l.ajukaii ( -or , An'erson. l'eu sacoia; Charlotte Oed.iie (Br), McKeriitle, Oemerura. IiAIi.nk, May 2iV?Arrived bark Uuerriera (ital), l.a gana. New Vork. Maasluis, Mav M?Arrived, baik Omoa (Br), McWil llatus. Wiliiiluitton, NC. Marsala?Arrived, bark I.awrence, Howes, Norfolk (iia^ i,i'en rep irted arrived May 8). ? iroiiTO?Arrived, brig Inuistail (Br), Endicott, New York. 1'i.YMoi ru. X.ay 24?Arrived, bark Wayiarer (Br), Thur ber, Darien for IlUlL Qsxmrovx, May 25? Arrive!, ship Zelica (Br), Qould, Portland, O. Sailed 21th. litrk Texas <Oer), fcteffens, United statek Sol'Tuaxpto.n. Mav Arrived, steamer Bheln (Uer). Brickemrteiii, New York for Bremen. 'Ixxiik May 24?Arrived, bark star of llope (Oer), Ha manu, Wlluiiugton, NC. for Auisterdam. WATBBroin, .May 24?dialled, barks Cattelar (Nor), Luud. New York; Indastrla iltal). schlafflno, do, Lo.-oox. Mar 25? A telegram from Batavia states that the bark James Condie. from New York for Yokohama (before reported), was itrandeil offW'angl (? Ban Joewaugie). and that the crew took to the boats and lando l ut .- ourabaya. A steamer had gone to the bark'i OMUtance. bat il was reported that she bad been burned by the natives. FOREIGN PORTi Abroto, PR. May It?Tn port baric An lis (Br1. Flein in-' ! <r \.vv \ uric. lil/: tirlj hUKenia. Veazle. lornortti of natteras; A M Pennell, Mcrarlanl, irotn Loo iion. dime; schrs L p Warren. Jotinwn, for north of Uat tcri>4. ?>!.'. Annie Bell t >r Norwich, do. Bo-mar. .May 24?Bailed, b.irk Edward Kidder. Park, Cii.< uibi Bkh.okwatvb. jfs May 21?Arrived, bark Josephine, B ??ton. sclir ? urt do. CiU' iTr.v. May 22? In port ahip Olive S Southard, Walk er lur >i- -v .. i k. Cik.Mi K'.oa. May 22?Arrived, bark Lothalr iBr). Dee BodiI. Boston; schr Victor, i'ort an Priiico. Mun-. icM. ham >or.iii uiles, New York; tchr Funoio A Baiier, ilntcinns, do. Fort i?k Fiim i May 6?Arrlverf. brlu Alvin Kelly (Br Kel.v, Baltimore lio><. Koau. April 14? In borr ships Endeavor, Wbar land, irom Bate via, arrived 10th ller Hoy.a iligbnesa <Br King, lor san Kranclsco; schr (not ahipi <.i.unte-? ol l.rroi. iifr>, Taylor, ior >< w York, and others aa be loro li *v in. May 24- Arrived, steamer W U Hewea Tripp. IiMlianoU. sciirllieresa <?. siueidsboro: 24th. steamer City oi New York riritmerinan. New York; Tappaban nock. Pen lletou, New Orleans. ? iiied 2*th. steamer t'oion. i miner, Asmnwall. Ilaurax, Mav 21?Arrived. t>rigs lln.ltax Mr), trora I) ui.irara Premier llr Ponce; schr C W Anderson, Kosioii; -:Ht, brig Edaa iBr;, Cieiiiui-goa; schr Mabil, Bo <ton. I.i-.sairaruo, May 44? arrived, brig Norman, from Bos ton. Manila, April 6? Arrived, ship Surprise, Johnson, Yo kohama. M \rsi.t kz. Pit, Mnv II ?In por*. I rig Neponset. .-trout, for Guavauilia, to loa i tor Hoatott. M u ?> ai. my U?Arrived, schrGraea Webster.Gales, J*r In |r|phu. Mo .rit. Ai., May 21?Cleared, steamer Moravian .Br , (i iham Liverpool. Maui aiki. Pit, May I')? In port bng Melrose, Grlggi, for Bo-ton. lUv ,\ as tAi-, Ni", Msv II?Arrived, ?chr A B Wll?y, Hick man New York se<- Mtscaiinnv). In pon 11 tli schra i it: I Kemp. Kemp, and Isaac Ki< h. hi < i r. wtit. Fosoi Pit, Ma> 11? in port brig Tally Do, sprague, for Sew York, liig. Pn roc, S ? May 25?Arrived, bark Edward Albra (Br), New York. Pi ai - rkii Cora, May 24?Ph-khiI hv, bark Catnvar (Bri, M Keixie. Saw Yor* t<>r I'lciou.bru Toronto (ilri. Port li 'id !<>r do. VricBia-. Mnv- 25?Arrived, steamer Sarmatian (Br), Ami, Liverpool. HioJa.ik.UM May 22? Arrived previous, bark Campa nero Br), Walker. Bsltlmore. H'.aiiAU. March j'.?in port bark Wakefield, Carver, anc St Piehhc. Mart, May li ? -.tiled, brig Italia (Br). Crow eu. -t JobII", !'li. .-?*aCA, M.iv 21?Arrived, brig Cadet, Eeightoo, Boston; schr A Item Jones, uo. ?t John Mi Muv 24?Arrived, bark Young Kagle Br), Simpson Mw York bn.* liva <nr;, Pouce, rP.; scar A (J Watson Br., ntarkey. n> w Yoik. -ailed .I'.Li Ind Proteua. Matanzil. VicToaii. VI, May 17?Arrived, ship syren (Ml#), Preve, Valparaiso AMERICAN' PORTS. ALEXANDRIA, M?y 24?sailed, schr-L B C< wperin wait", Bessie Morris, and ivvrntvone Krlenda (from Ueorvetown ; i M Harlow, >'ev* York. appu.n vt ?>. May 2J- Arrive i, schrs Florence Dean. Plinlipi, (ieur^iiown 1' siitmroCS, Iroy, llaver iti iw il i/? H bii.Son. H .ljoktii *41 ?11j n , viny 24?\rrivc.l i .irk H,,r,ice -cudder Oould. i rinl lad . sciirs Mair a Crnntni r. Honior (a?i as before), i .M Uuel.. Alexandria; M A i em *rl ? k. hlc iird. ilaltlmore . Knos P Pbilllus. Baker, tio, William Oilluui. Menalley. Woodbridfe, vJ. . .til? rived, brwi salve <Bn, ito> n-ion, Montevideo: Valero tBri, Iliompson, Matanzas. tcnri Crown Point, l!urn*. Bar aeon: Olive fro 'iy, ilutchlBion. (lenin?g<M| i t! Herrv, suavcy, -avuni.ah; KBIe L iHntt'i, ?Htidl, Alexandra, n M Bueil ? aril, do; M E Ktmorick, Btonani, Haiti more; Addia Bials.lelL, Croweli, do, Musaee, Doi>>, J'tiii.iJelptin: Ada Herbert, Aideu, Ho boicea Jnia a >vard, < roweii, W?eiiawken; -vnnle P-.-v -immoits, -.ivub.i.ili. fc-i.oa B Pui.Ups, Baaer, Bal tlinore; Montana Bear?e PUiLa ii'lpbla Alto arrived, slilp ir Jotm Muiidevliie Br). Williams, Oiiiru-.ta: nru i-ena -ur navison. ClenfUegoi; scbi M r-v A urury, Maker, .- ^ua. Lieared?steamers Uoui uion Br), Clemanti, Yar ? u;n, fid; vv hi l.awreue-. llovres, Baltimore ; banc ciiiim (Hr). Rose, London; schrs (;iiiotno, Wooiter, Port an i'rince C , Jones. Kent, ? harle?t<-n BC; spai kiiiig *?a, i li.i-c. Baltimore; Eauie. RolUut, N?# York. Bul;ed?Birk Meguniloook. ll.M,llM?iti.. hijv 24-Arrived, steamer Elizabetli, Ciirk. New ior?; siilp Aimia uingay Br;. Weston, Llvr erp ol; burk Winifred (hi,. UilF. iilo Janeiro. sohra itngor Drur.. Uage. Paecakoula Lamoine, LuMli, u*rd lii. r ile i.ula, MioW, Me ; lien Horiand, spelgnt*. New lora. i?r?-.I?steamer MeCieiian. MArsh, Providence bark Jllinl I' vu. , I'b hi it. Belfast, I; brig sarah K Kennedy, i'e erson, i a III via ,-antan ler ; aclir E 8 .Newman Orlt i.ii M.itiiuita. AI ?o i learod. steamer OciororB. Reynolds, New York; barks P Hriitsdortl .Nor), Terkelsan. Aui.tord.iui; Maria ,>mmell (Kr), Hlmpson I'ensaooia brii(? J i< Brown, Bain, llnvaua, Agnes Barton, .HatunBBs; eolirs K 11 rainmoiid, Ifin^ius Klo; j faylor. Jttobjon- B?r in ii in; I iV Vunnnmaii, rtbarp Westlnile*. J lfo?iBes, i i> aiei. JeraarcUr; Walter Howes, Uoyntoii fort land. sa, all A Kei i. Tutblll. Boston; i?ottlo, I aylo*, do. ui i-d? Haras e<ti i.ttlnovauai w-or/ and Vaatoriul* (Sor), i?rk; briit Eiauur*jrive iflfi. Pasoediae. BRUNSWICK, Oa. May 17-Arrived. ?chr Addla Jar dun. Laavltt, New York. . piorson Boston. 2Sth?Arrived, M-hr Daniel <Wi'liev VtiilatlelpUi?I (iit?areii-?sirtirn Marv A Power, Wiuey? Palinu. iiinl Addle Todd. do. ,.?>_aalled, bar* Bl'LL B1YKR. SC. May S? (not as before) sane Mary K Campbell (Br>. Grav. i.onaon. Tracer, biNUOtt. May 22?Arrived, brig John Avile*. rac M?*carert?Brl? D B HtoekweH. Har1m?. HiiinlxleM, ta lov iii' -'-I"'' Georfe .t Ailiert, Hryaut. phdadelpti11 ? iBABI.KSlON, Mav 2i?Arrived, steamer huriesio". Berry, New Yor*; bar* Sophia iNor), Sorense.t, Urir "'r'leared? Steamer Oeortrta. Oroweil, New York Biake lilUHTON Muv IB? Arrived, achr* Sarull W Biane. vi wiirK- Hunter, Green, New York ? . , KAHT liKKKMVV I II. M ly '^-Arrived, achr SamUel ( Vk'bJ^AN DI N*A,m'ii v''"l h?Arrived, bri* Surah B (Br-. Town^nd Now York; schr Anarew Nebinger. Smith. '''lilh-c'l'eared. brig Medium (Br). J one*. Hull,. E; scht ^lU-AVr^fcrk^ttukro. -lln. Burtaby.Ncs juth-Arrivuji. i ..r*. ( p,,Uaj^|?hlll, konTRKrti Mlj.N l?<>IMttV 2ft?Pj?<*d in lor Baltimore . ivarl Ienlev?irom Matan/.ax brig Hattle S Btehop. Bishop. in"11 Sfj'yUe1 rjvo{n'B"snin'"*' ' UTrrtved-n?rK ?.?:?-a?. ?><"" - *'V"u'<: brt" Marf ?VaLL lUVlSK.Muy 21?Arrived*, /chrK Mcrwin. Buaso, "lilh^Tailed, schr Theodore Deun, supposed for George. '"TaLvESXOV. Muv 20-Cleare.l. *chraWitch at tb. Wave Tredup, aud Laurel, MeLall. i uxpai. 24!h-Arrlved,schr Liverpools achr a 26th?Arrived, Hteauier bun Jaciuto, l>ivc v BiVjlo Ut'kSTBk! May 25-Arrived. schr Sullivan Saweo. H?Arrived. ectir Josephine, Stone, ,7 duV,Vru.n h^.oula (put lu for provisions and sa.le< mMobiTk0MU?'v M- Arrive J, .clir sonny South, Den rt25th?'c7eared,'burlt Pascagoul?, Oration, HuV.?,"1,K,n, N !W OIILKANS, May 25-xrrivod. stumor Wilrn lot to n, H ol mar. Cedar Key- and Key West; achr Eugcula. ^ Cleared?Bark Pnilente (Xtal), Parrinollo. Genoai Cortes; achr J ? J U Lock, Wlktti-!vVrive*'ichMrw'th Hazel, Springer. Savannahs VINEWBCuVr!mr: Mav 21-Arrived acbra AH.o O^h ' NKW BEDFORD. May 2!?Sail?d, schr Jas Parser, Si) K 28 lbed" ?<? hr M W Bralnurd, New York. vKWHORi Muv 22?Arrived* sclir^ Ainoi D?ul. Pawtuckel iJr lluverstraw; .las hnirlUh Barker .In ?nr' New Y..rk ; Mud Atithonv. Kotliar. Provldence lol i Triin'-it Dnvirt Somerict fordo; Tlioi 1 otter, HRiidVi ?-Si, XZ TumH Depew. Hater, Marion for J. ,a^-"mlreV?hr Pointer. Boarx. New York lor Provfc d?iZ aVI.voar'^hM'^'KCh.u:;".!0!., ??r.videnoe io. How York II Mcain, Sinilb, Roudout tor Portland. silted -s-chwCliaa P Sllckney. Mutliewi Hoboken; !! f 1.1\ s New Ynrli Qeo Aino*. Bunker. Portland < .r'ia'ndv Hook; Joseph V. Potf, fMlv, Providence to( n.'w York- Cabinet, Wostall. i?u<l Ida B rilUbee. Bacon. 'Victoria Surtlr, Homeriiet lor do: ^ ni Sto '^th-s^lM.'sloop'Nor"!/America,' Lyont Albany lo. ""uHed'troui fceacoanettUd, acbr D.vld U Ployd. CUff. or^AV'iUil.Uvm!s' Mav 21 ?Arrive I. steamer Utility. 1 NorwKii;' SucceiH, Newburg for do; Cauucev stJohn. HNOKWi? II Mav 24?Arrived, schr. Niantic. Hobokeat ! L Vl-w'h,^> N',Mav15^A?rlved. ?hr? Lizzie Florence 1 , ippln, " r; llichttiSnd; Mu^ie M CUadwlck. Nor.U, aud HLa?MayeiA?Cleared, barks MaMi* M c N?Th , lie roll .Hue nos A y res; J ai A Borland, Baker. MPASCAU0L,LA, May 17-Arrlved, ?chr Loretto Fish, Y?Hth?Ardved, bark Ulndebork (Swe). Johnson. Ke, ^a?i?Sailed, bark Malta Br). Malenlmson, Liverpool. I')- ssacoi.a, Mav 19?Arrived, icbr boa Witcti i?r)$ ? cTea'red-"bi\? Bern key Castle (Br). We?t. Oreenoclc. 2id?Arrived. ?i hr Pnlrell, Dormott Belize, Hon. Cleared Kenilworth IBr). Ball. Hull, K. mlln. /i|i, PillL\DKLPI1I A, May 24?Arrived, achr Samuel Ull ""rlJi.-lrrivedritoam^r. Knnita. rharle,^! li., .. i w liiiatM* Now VnrU; iK'hrii J* r-jd slack son, I wt* M^Lak; VU.iuie '-VwrfyVM^;;"rr,Mm""d>"; ^rtn^ia'ti." ^^mderue^ie: Brw^mIion: Wap'. s. NewlMirviM.ri; Marlin. Brown, Boitou; Nellie 'V'b-'ired?sieuiner Experiment Allen, New Yorm * ma H."I Crirtfu. Providence; JoM-pb Purler, Murrouu s l awtuckei.W P Imvls, KtemuiK, t.hatham; K 'inmcksoii Pennewell, Kaat Bralntnie: Aun hlija i .k Vli .? llnrwickiiort* Julia A Gftrrilon, SfiiitU. Wevinou.'i" M il iiad lienson New Be.ilord; Ma?? Cuuimiii'/x. Smith, Coliaaact; A?nes B Bacon. Haley, "ViKo'cU-ared bark Nlcolo Barabiuo lltal), Piaz/a. Cork Luzm'u small, flee, Somcraet; B 11 Irons. Hubbard, 'X'rw^sTLK Iiel Mav 25. A M?Br briif Minnehaha fol Vlver joiin. NS; ?cbr-' W P Davis for Newport, and Ana KUx'jtietti for Harwich, passed down this mornlni. v sViuarr riwed veseel. apparently a bark, anchorej beloJ b re last nlaht, and probably went up. in tow 11 Two*s'cll'r?"at anchor below, bound up A N't.uu?*<-hrs Johu H 1a.h% lor Bo?i??u; Julia A Oan'UojJ; for 'io. an I Win Conner*, lor Ban?or, have pasied dowi "rM?>chr' Helen sharp, Irom Jrin.1[jfj1b$aM"(1 UP " 1:D*LfwA?|M?i? Aaw?4isi ^Mav'2S Aj3?A flense, drip phi* i"? coneaals everything to-Uay, No roporu Cro? ? pCl-Arrived to-lay. brig Tropic Bird, 19 darsftoa 1 Cipo.u?.ANi)r ?2r^irJrXmtilWa, Ooyt, ?SaiKJteS?^&d. G^Tt?wn DC PURTSMOITH. NH. May 2/-Arrived, sclir Mary J Ad. *?4ih?'vrrfvM* hchrs^CUra E SimDson, Talpey; Ilattia * viM CrowteV. ana J W Hall. Powell. BalUmow; D fiui TorreV and John S Mouiton. Crowiey, New \orki Chaft*f SinniCKton, Maloney, Mo*QUito Inl^t, ._w PkoVlDKNCB. Mav 24-Arrlved, achrs Luna. Sin th, and Wm Bemeot. Harris, Hondout; Ly' ^ to a wm ww? ? Hhnro Dtntrham. Weent^ken; bun KlSS Bil'ev anIJ^aSoaa C Smith. .N;chols. lloboken: Mawe?^ ?jhl?e. *id K H Brazos. R.Tnor Weorawkoa; Trpssore VTllson, New Tore Elennora, v nle. Alt anv. saile.1? 3chr? W <' R Mowry. Eaton. Georsetowu, DCt Ai.n ^ uza, Caswell, New Yor*; i'rankUn Pierce, riian d(Sih-Arrived, ateamer Vindicator, Ro?cr?. PhUadeW ^ili'tnTflTPT Mav 24?Arrive 1. *c||f# Ooo S AHUoQi Jc Jla^erit^ Thomp.on, EUiabalU t>?Hailed?St-hra DC Foster. Pedrtck. Rondont; Sahwa Ke,% 24? 'rr ive d, ^'a rk Michel Char 28th <uiled. -tcauier Cyphreoes iBr>, Wood, Uonoiuia AB?VASN*aH *Jsay*5l?Arrived. Earner America, Bll lui.s - avaniiah ;bsrk Custav ,uer). Kuinnjer Bromen. ItOSIXSTON. Mar 21 ?Arrived, schrs Chancrllgr Ferguson. Kondout lor Provldenoe^*pedlMi. Bos*on*"sloop* Joiin'tlteverra:e, Ortou. Kondout. Pearl ^mSS.S-KWK.SWK'C?* ???,, ... VIKEYARD H AVKN, Mav 2.1? Arrived, brl* *an*? nil la ?> ials lor Provide nee; schrs Clar.ssa Allen, Woo* bri.ln' ivi Boston; f Benedict. Portland to'^' JJ X'?LV c,xr Roeknort for do; Almon Bscon, and M H Bind Boston for do; h A fcooper, to lor ^"^.idyPoVnt Ann* P. Ketcliain. do lor Alexandria. >a, sanay romi, H'!n"port?i he 'ubove arrlvala. and ?hr Geo A Pierce, r'jwh?Arrived, Khrs 3 II Sharp. Salem tor BalUmore^ Earl. Belfast for hddyvllle. w1lm7nu'oJn. NC. May 24-Cleared, achr Paragoa ''^h?ArnT*dr*t<'amera?alf Stream, J one*, New York B^i^\^im:V^neS:0Wo?d. New tor* (arrive 24WlLMlN(?TON. Del. Mav 25-Arrlved. schr Stcphet MWABMlam"."^v*^Arrived. *chr* Kate Scranto^ P w"''KM>Ku!^itay? Arrrrea*??echr Helen. Se.rte, * Wa'kim^V ' May 22?Arrived, rchr Ann S Cannon, ''ill?--a'tled! sthr Mes^-iiifer, Rpallman. New York. >114CHi.LA VKIJU4. A r fc.SSHS MM H S M M S a *8833 M 8 M 8 M a a m saaaa m MM It TTI MT h MM II i X MM MM II M M M M II MM M " MM M M M II M II II II U HHBHH H H M H >1 H H M new vork 33389 ?* 8 3" a 1 8 8H8S* 8 a a a aaus kef.keeee* bKEKaKK< KM ?K IK EtEKRKK r.KKEKKK as p Et.SKEEESE ; ? k.r.kKKfctKK ; : BREWERY, EIGHTEENTH STREET, BETWEBN BE7ENTU AND EICJHTH AVE.VUE3 NEW yoke. A' ABSOlX'l i: DIVoitOM OBlAfUD KRuM Dlfr'K-.fc ?nt HlaUn; l*t*l evervttliaro; dMBrtion. 4c.. WiB clont c?u*)-, no ptOliflUr raquireu ; no ciitrjs until <11 vorce #r?nted: * j vice tree. m. llOlMii, Attorney, i?t Brualwav. BBOLL' i K 1)1 V'OKi E ? OBTAINED FKOM L?T7 i?r*m Statci. no uubllcltr; t.ivloo Vra?\ nowtj public; pa??port* Drootire'tr (?n?rtl law mitt man Ken. Frt'-.lihitli.K I KINu. L*\vy <r, jj.1 Broa Tway, rfilU?:uuo officii ?.<>, f> K*n Klflith ?tr?at. " I ?" HYAt I '3 bor HLE TrtfiXorH LlfH ?AU 4, *nn> ?toud a 27 yo*r?' public tust au.l b? over JUOirG rroat cures of UliaumtUfB. *cr.Mttl?. Sfuraift*. uld U IO*r<, UOHt, *<4 Wall M diaOxtct arnliil ffo? 0? purity ft bioo<i, iatno'1 tnc name of ?'Meilaal WonUer ' Prlc<\ t> IV 1 ?pi)t 040 uraud itraet, .a* Vo?*. "US br ** ro-? ?v?rynr tiara, $S CO par iutU 8*14 ? Mi dri?M?M