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SITrATlO.Vg WA!VTED?FX!tIAliEK, Cook*. &c. nWK.sT ST.. SECOND FLOOR. FROST ROOM ?A resectable woman to cook and aunt with Washing >nd ironing; good reference. ^ ULIBPi-NARD ST.?AS FIRST CLASS ENGLISH conk ; good reference. Call on or uddrc*?, lor mice days. Mr?. SHKltlDbN. t)| frOKHYTII ST.. KHAR, UOOM 17.-AS muK, I washer and ironer in a private family, in the nountry; lioncat; good reference from lust place. Call lor two day*, 1-A H r 7RTH ST. IPRMCNT I'L.vfKi ?TWO OOU '' ? tor city or country; one an cook and laundress; tlie oilier as chambermaid and waitress. Call all iliis week 'JO WEST 1STU ST.?AS COOK fOOUNTRY OR DO cityi in u iirivatc family or boarding bouse ; beat relc rences. ?J(l Wi KT Hi Til ST.?A MUFIOIAILR WOMAN AS '??' Bond cook and to aoaist lu tbe washing and Iron ing; good rciercnce. 4 A WRBT asm sr. (MHWWfT RMPLOTHICH, FOR ""J last levcn veara'.?A respectable woman a< t?o"d cook In a small private lanulv ? is willing to do a little coarse washing il required- Call for two days W. - I' 411 II ST.. IN TIIK RKA It,?A OOOD C.IRL to cook, wash and iron; beat city reference. 63 1 n | HAST surif ST.?A YOUMi WOMAN AS FIRST Lll 1 clas* cook In a private family; can inuhe soups, pastry, broad Slid Mscuita: eliy reference. II)- CHtRIKWTOH ST. ?AS FIRST CLASS BWRJMM JUm cook: speak* Kngiish. Call or address. IfM) wwrr htm st._a oumnirr vwxooiaL 1 U' as cook; Is an excellent baker and Rood washer md ironer; no obiectlon to the country; best city refer ence 11Q RABT 70ril ST.?AN KNOMftH SUL AS OOt>Ks J I '7 no objection to assist with coarse washing an I Ironiun. Can be seen at presentemployer's for twodays. tlQ WH8T IHTII ST.. BA SEMEST.? TWO BRBPBCT 1 I ?" able girls; one as cool:; the other as chamber maid and waitress: no objection to a private boarding Douse; litv relcrencc. 1 OA BROOMS ST.?A WIDOW. AO ED SK, RHOMBS, 1 ? */ as cook in a private family or house keeper to a a-idower; no objection to children; pood city retere'neo. I QQ WEST -1TI1 ST.-A YOBNO HUMAN AS COOK; < 1 ? O can make bread, hisuH and desserts; umier itands murketta.' thoroughly andean keen accounts; tour' city reference trom last tilaee. 1 OA WB8T '.'nTfi ST.?A RRSFKCTABIiR WOMAN I x??U as cook ; good reference from lust placc. TOT WRIT Mil ST.. FIRST FLOOR.? \ YOrsfl J ?) I woman as experienced ilrst class conk; thorough ly understands her business; is an excellent baker; i wishes to no In the oountrv lor the summer; best city j rcforcnee. I or wb?t iitii st., nr btobk.-two com pk. ,!?)?) tent girls (together); one as cook and to with the washing: tho oth"r as chamboriiiuid and w.iit -ess or would do Hie work of a small family between them; no objections to a short distance lu the country; lnr> c years' reference from last place. 1 /J A WIIsT WW ST., ROOM 11? A RESPKOTARLE In"' voting girl as cook, good washer and ironer, or would do tbe entire work of o small lumilyi good rafor in trom tier Inst idase. i | ?> west .Tim st.. NUait ttii w.-twm i:f J ' ?' spectable voniu' girls: one as irood cook, washer ind ironer; the other as i tiain' e.rmalil and waitressor ?? laundress; private best city reference. H I I AST H2I? ST.?TWO VOONO OIRL-s, LATELY I T landed; one to cook, wa*li and Iron, the other | as chambermaid and waitress. 1 1 i WKST 20i'lt ST.?A KRBPEOTABLK WOMAV. ! J r r lately landed, as good cooU, washer and ironer, j or would do botueworkt city m- country; food reference. | 1 "I WKST i an I ST.?A KESPP.CTA RLE WOMAN J ') I a. good conk ; understands baking; city or Colin- j try. good reference*. 1 ro WF.BT MTU ST.?A RESPICTABLE YOlNc, I I ?jr) woman as good plain cook, washer and ironer; 1? a good laundress; six years'* city reference Iroiu last place. "I K7 FAST MD ST.?TWO RKSPBCTABLR OOU I'll to dotliework ofatamilv: one ns good plain rook, good washer and ironer; the other as eh itnb r maid an I waitress, or would take care of children; city oreoun'rv; country prelerreil; wages no object; city references. 1 C7 WEST Brit ST.. MAR 7TII AV.-MRS. L?M MlvADY. a respeitable soiih", as first class French cooli; understands cooking in ail its branches; rood lefcrence. 1 f f WIST MD ir.-00>riTMT COOKi i ndi R 1?) I tiands French and American cooking; best city refere me. l/'l WEST 11ST T?A RF.SPEC TABLE YOt'JfO J'H woman as first class cook; will be lound trust R'OHhr; flr^l cla<s cltv reference. lf-1 RAB1 1 ril -T.-A BRA FT, TfDT RWOLtHfl I Ui worn in ?? good cook; underslanls her business thoroughly ; willing ann obltflutr; best city reieronce; on obiee'ion lo fne ronntry. tt ST.-A BRAT, OOMPKTRRT CATHOUC J?'? girl as cook, n aslier and ironer: city or country; fool re te re nee. 1(17 MI'LBt-RRY ST., BKTWBKN BROOME AND I 'I I spring.?A re?|ieclntile perron as good cixlk in a private f imlly. Call trom 9 till I. ?)]() WEST VtTH ST.?TWO REHPKCTARLE (HRLS; Si I ' ' one us cook, washer and ironer; tlie other to do ! npr,nirs work; best city reference; no object.on to the Muntry. tJOff WI sT OTT11 ST. ?A RRSI'I CI ?Bl.i: AND | ? _'l relitlile woman as eook In a private family or I first c'as* boarding bouse ; no objection to tbe country ; first class city reicrcnccs. ilOQ EAST ?TM ST.. FIRST FLOOR?A KKaT. EX ? ? O pcrienced young woman as ihmvI. plain c ok; would do the coarse 'washlnff, good iclcrcncc Irom la?i { Mpisyir. I ART m St.?A RRIIPKCTABLB WOMtN ZOli ns goo I plain cook, wasbcr anJtlron'r in a pri vate farailv . good city reference. <????) WKSr JIST St., THIRD Ft.OOR.-A RFSI'ECT able wnnia,i as e<M>k ; willing to assist with the washing ana irouiun. six vears' relerencc. TV"8T i,TH sr- rrRST FLOOK.-A RRSPECT ? "'t able woman as eook and to assist In the coarse washing; good rrirrenew. ' w"m <)?)(; WI.-T Mil ST. ? A Kr.-PECI-ABl.ri VOI 7; ? y\> cirl as rook, washer and ironer in a small i?rl vate family, or to do Kcnerai housework; three year*' best city reference. QO(i WKST A11IST.-A VERY RESPbCTABLK OIRl, !T .'5V,o!; ,r"ul<l ???'*? with iv >shttig and iromnc In a sm.ill family preferred ; a good home more the ob' |ect tlian wages, beat city reference. 94-0 ,KA^ '<""11 ST -AS COOK. WASHER Al*D cTty refer'nee*"' obj<cuo" to ,own or coiunry; sest '>.1-1 , A"T*,T? ST. -TW<rsLS I hRS; ONE AS T r, BOO*! plain cook and will a?si?t with tb-> wash Ing and lronm<r; the other as chambermaid and wait. res?; no obiectlon to the country. best eitv reference I) i S WI'-T.iarH HT., Fl 11HT KI.OfiR, BACK ROOM - *?"+?) A girl a* good plain cook; city or countrv, best elty ?n I c.iintrv reference*. | D I? \>T fHIl ST. NKAR 2D AV.-A RKS>'M;f dZ'l'i able woman as cook am! to ssaist in the wash ing and ironins ill a suia.l private fnmilv ; I* a gno.1 baker; three year*' ?oo*l oily reference. i) I Q WEST 4!ST ST.?A YOCXO WOMAN* AS flOOD ilO rook and baker; will a?*i*t with the washing and irontn;; no ohieetion to the country, beat city rci treuce from last place. olTT" 7TH AV.-AS KIIl-T CLASS TOOK AXf> ?LI'J baker; can do all kinds of cooktn*. rantrr and Se*s?rt*; cm take entire charge of tbo kitchen and do marketing ii r-qulrMI. Q~~WEST 30T1I HT.. IK TMK REAR?A M JL'f't epeetable girl ?? flr?t elas* cook . tin 'erstnnd* all kind* of conkin*; H a good baker: excellent refer, encc*; boarding houae preferred. Q' - WEST r?n RT.. ROMKR OP STII AV? TOP ?,\)> ) lioor.?A respectable woman lodo plain rooking an i aatUt with the washing and lr?mn(; best city refer ?tie*. tyi'i* \vi:-t urn st . rnp i i o r: srrrn w')*) Me woman a* plain cook in a small tamiiv; would a*>i?t with the washing and ironing: a boo ! l? more of an < b'ect than huh wage*; elty or eonntry. good reference* rail tor two dav*. <)(>( 1 1ST AV., BETWEEN l.vril AMI Iflril STS., IN the faner store. ? A respectable Scotch girl as rood cook, wa-her sou ironer; no objection to the conn MPT. t)Q 1 LEXIXfiTON AV.-A fiAPY WISH KM TO OB iUT tain a situation for a young woman a* cook, washer and ironer. Can be aecn for two da> ? at present employer's. <)(in :i 1 v- 11: rwH. *? in axp a;? rts.?t respectable Pr"te*fant worn m as cook; best dereference*; none but a private laiuily need apply. Call for ihree day*. ?M|?? 7TII V NEAR 77TII ST.. FIRST ri/l()K, ft'lZi back room?An active woman an flrstcla-s cook; ex*el* in meats and soup*; will go to ? hotel or maimer house ; has excellent relerence. ?2M7 7rH AV ? &BTWKK* I7TH and 1HTH RTS?AS ? ill I cook; understands her business in all it* branches, no objection to the ,-onnlry. Can be ?een at present employer'*mtil <ngaged. ?JAO WIST '"Til ST. TWO TO0jr<? OIKLRf OMr. ? as gt> mI cook, washer And ironer; the other as chambermaid and waitress; willing to assist eaeh other ; no objection to the country. Q|^ i a i urn st.-a hkspkctaki.k vorsa ?) I ?. woman as good cook, washer and Ironer; no ot> lection to the counir.* ; Hood eitv reierence, ?J I Q BAltT MI'H Sr. ?A l*R<11 EkTA N I WOM AN AS ? M ?> cook, washer and ironer in a private lamlly; best city reference from last place. Call for two days. ?J I - U ST itiTH ST.?A IIIOHI.T RERrECTABI<P. ? 11 ? ? l.ngilsh person as excel,c-it cook an.1 manager; ? Kind and obliging; can take entire charge ?tvre a kitchen mail is kept or .usisiane" given ( all for mo lay 'J I EAST 3.11) .ST., SECOND FLoOR.? A RE '' I<peetaDli? eirl to cook and do the washing ol a mall family: neat city reference. 017 7III IV, XKAR J8TH ST.-1 PRoTKsTaKT *) I I wotnati is competent coo'.. thorooghlv nndor stinils all .;iuds of ihiiiiiv cnosinu ; #o?p?. i .ent*. ^aine and dcMerta satislaoUiry reference ; country prcierred. ?> 1 o KAsr.tiii sr.. kkah un a v.?a woman as ??|i c" it< 111 1 siiiuincr hold; best experience, can ? in all I he ran meats tf required. ')?)y 21.'! I' :iT? HF. rWKKN 1ST AND 20 AVS ON H ? stairs 11,, backroom A Heotcii I'reslivteriau woman m cook; understands her i.u?ine-s in all I11 bran< he*; meats, s nip, and Jc||ie?. bread hincult and pacrv; c 111 take charge ol a t.-nrv; or wilt take charge n? hoMBKeeper, he?t cttv referenee. ?i'i I east Mill sr.-A Am,', mvi'.dhh ? ??l'r girl ns CO.. k ; uo washing; e Ishe-s <0 I lay III the city tins summer; beat city reicrencu. NITrATIONH WASTEtt-KBMAUBt. ( OJKS, <(KC. no- 3D AV-AS FIRST CLASS TOOK IH \ PR!; v.itf family: understands soups. meats, pastries, ietliaa, : 110 objection to Ilia country tor liw summer, nix year#' city rotwrence. _ _ nnm BAIT UTI ST. ?A BK8PECTABLB W'lMAN .>?>) n* oiKik ; thoroughly understands her basin'ssi won"1 assist in tho w**hln;t: 1" a ?0o<l baker: no oblec tinn to tb* country: heat referenqe. WBbT ?TR *T.-A RESPECTABLE WOMAN OOO to cook. wash and Iron: first .claw washer and ir,,ncr; Mn do plain '''jolting; r<fawnct. ^ MM nn MTU ST.- x respectable yocno .>>' > woman as good plain cook, washer ana ironcr; good city reference. o 11\ i;a8HTI! ST.?A KBByyCTABLB >OCXO O'f-0 cipi ns first clssx cook; willing to assist in the wmblnff: best city referenco. 0 < . > WHAT NTH ST.. NEAR 9TH AV.-vS COOK. ?) ! Z washer and ironcr: enod cttv reference; uo ob jection io the i 'iiin.ry. Call for two days. ?ril VY NEAR 30TH ST. ? A COMPETENT . > I ( > woman a* cook in n .mall private Jamil* ? i? an excellent bread and pastrv maker: ?ood_eit? lelerence. ? I / 4 nrn A^ REAR.-AN KNOMSII PROTEST A NT .V4-V ) young woman as first cins< cook; best relnrfnce 1 rum last pl-'ce. I (, in WEST 4.ITII ST.-A RESPECTABLE YOCNO o4 J woman with cood cty references, osconk in ft prtvare tamlly : i* v. to assist with the washing. Is iMosf-oiifriUl? and *riMtjworUv\\ , ... ? i nZ*Z WEBTittTH *T? IB THB CAKDT STORF.-A I ?">()( ) respectable Protestant woman a? cook in a prl I vate f'tuify^ no objocliou to the oouutry; first elnat ret I crer.rt'. ?? tyi\- MH \V.-A RESPfUTARLK YOCNO OIRL AS ? >.) I cool; In a private family : willing and obliging, ! but reference. . I 7l 7\7 urn AV. (RING TOP It EL I.).?TWO YOC NO I 41 9s women In a private tainily: onei as eook: un derstands lm-ats. fish, soups, pastry the other as rliam bermnid and to do nlatu iwwins; several years citj ret erenro front last plaee. I (17 9TH AY., BETWEEN ?1D AND S4TII STS ?A * J- _ | respectable irirl to do plain rooklfiff. washing and Ironing tor a small fainUvs good ctty roiorenee. t i)rr WEST K.T'I ST.-A I!RspKCTABLE YOUNG nr. I irirl to cook, wash and iron in a private fatnttj ; no objection to tlio country: good city references WEST :orII ST., BBAB.-A C.EBMAX GIRL ?sconk. 441 WEST 33 D ST.?A RKSPBCTABLE WOM AN AS 40?)' ?nod cook ; is an excellent washer and Ironer; hefC city reference: no ohieetlon to the country. rr\ - ITU AY.?A LADY, I.1-. WINil TOWN DESIRES .)().) to .or11re con ! places tor her eo .k and Isun'lre**. separafeU- or together; can recommend them both. Ap ply Tue. lay. Wednesday. Thursdav and Kndav. pin WEtn 'writ ST., BETWKEN It'TII AND11TH ; ) I ' F vs \ respeetnb'c womn i as srond plain eoj'k. washer and ironer: aood bread baker; wv ling and oblit in?; no oi lecii di to the country. ___ f-o-) SO AV., lU-TWEKN 3BTH AND 361''II HTS-A r ).">0 reportable votingclrl a.?chambermaid and to ass ^t with the washing or htfht housework; fc'od c.ty reference. ?? - i o TTtl AV ? \ RESPI'OTAW.E WOMAN AS 5 1.1 nr't eljiss eook ; unders-nnds all ktr.ds ol sonps and lardhir.. iclltes and desserts, best citv rcterenccs: ctty or conntry. r~ A GRAND Br.?V RKSl'EOTARIiB WOMAN AS O I Jr cook ; understands lirr liustnoss. Sl? AV.. BETWEEN 3JO AND SSD STS.-A RE Apcrtnt?lc woman us nook; no objoctlon to a boar 'inn hou.v; country prelerrod. rm f 1 ( liEXIN'iTON AV. ?CORNER ? SP.-A RE- , (') I 4 speetablc woman as 2001 cook or won Id 80 a> laundress; down town preferred: ?ood city reference. i MTM W ?E!WKEN4KTir AM> 47TH STS -A , ()l)?) voting girl us cook, washer and ironcr. or to do obanbarwvrfc ? no objootlon to tho country. I r 1 I) Till A v.. IN TliE It E A R. ? A RKSPElTABLE I i I ? ? clrl to conk and to assist with the washing and | ironing in a private family; eood city reference from ; last place. ?.,) KT3I AV.-TWO TOO NO AIWA , ''ATt; I i .> from En viand, as eook and chambermaid: most lilghlv recommended: country preferred; plain cook a it I chamnei'inaid; |{oo<l McainstrcHM. Aau n?f*ii. ^ 00 r 3I> ay.. CORNER MST ST.-\ RESPECTABLE noO girl a? cook i? a first rate washer and ironer. or would do < hamberworl;: is Sw? oSri^* or country, re te re nee it re |uired. ? all fa: two <tny*_ 3D AY . POURTII FEOOR.?A PROTESTANT ;) J ' y.,un j woman .is first class rook and laundress: would pre or gencr il honsework: is a competent porson; i long experience: city retercnoe. 1 1 JO IBT AV.. IlKTWBBN ?D AND ?SD BTS.-A I'll ?? vuntr woman a< good plain cook, washer and , Ironcr in a small priva e laniily; br.tcity reference. _ j 1 BROADWAY. BETWEEN 3:D AND MD 1,2i( () sua. -A girl as first class eook; tK?st city refer once? -1 tl\- BROADWAY. CORNER fOTH ST.-A RE 1 ! ratilc woman aacook : thoromrnlv nnrtrr st'tids her bVt?lne?st would assist in the washing and irontuc; rflerrncc. - '? s KIBS1 CLAIM OOOB (PROTEST \ vn IN A A prlVsJ family. Ad Ires. C. O.. Herald t plown Branch ofBce. ___??????? TiUR*T CLABS COOK IN A PRIVATE FAMILY; H citv or conntrv ; uuderstanls soups, meats and des serts Of all Wnds; ;.i?o bread and cake jtrood reference. Address C. R., Herald Uptown Branch oflUe. Ac. 1 MADISON AV ?A YOltva WOMAN AS CHAMBER 1 maid: gool references from present employer. - PMVEIMVY PL %CB.?A LADY WISlIRt a SITI'; ?) ation for a chainhermatd and waitress; six years city rofercncc. for two iliijri- .. ir 1/\ V. A sT <411 ST?\ LVOV DI>IRKS TO FIND A I*' s|tirt)on for a co*up?t?iit cnamncrniaio, wno ts nun an excellent -eamatniat: or tai willliur to Mm eh*r** 1,1 otic f>r two chiUtrcn . would DrMir * placo in th#cc?un trv tor summer. Call between 1U o c'wlt. ^ Til M'HMON -r -A VOOM OIRL id rllAUBKR. I?w maid and * aitrees. 01 I' A -T WTII (Pit RiiENl EMPLOY hR'S).?A *51 ronng woman a* chambermaid. > vvfST 44T1I ST.?A YOCJNO 43IBL TO DO CHAM 'O? berwnrX and waiUng; best eity reference Irom her law place. _ A 4 FAST 7JO ST.?TWO RESPI CTABLE YOCNO 'J-*-}- eirls- one as chambermaid and laurdresa- the otlier as -ea'm^iress and cbtmbermald; referencet from present employers. _ _ I - KA^T '5TII ST. (PRKSSNT EMPt.OTF.R'S).?A *x?) reapecrab'.e young clrl to do nhambcrwork and wnitmor a^aiat with the washing and Iromntc ind make ner'cl; ceuc rally ujmmuI. Can be acen for two daya. -?? WKST KIT II ST. (PRKSRXT KMPI.oYF.R'.-.l-A ' ?? ) Town am as flrat clan chambermaid and wait- i rcaa. Call lor two day*. (Ji) WKST WASH1SOT X PLACTOP ri.OOR._A yonn? ffirl as < hambermald ami waitress; no ob jection to me conntry. | 7?? KAST 61 ST -T -V RI?PKCT\RLK OIRI. AS |U fir t class chambermaid or waitress, or both, in a smail prlrato family; elty reference. I IIIO i \st I'TH sr.-A m at. respectable IIIj girl to do clinmi>erwork and waitlno. 1H7 WKST rto ST, REAR HTH AT.?A Rf'SPECT. l'/l ahle young ?irl aa first clnas chambermaid; would do ?cwitu or fine washing; beat city reference. ntsWEST aOTTH ST., REAR.-A YOUXO OIRt AS St chambermaid and waitrcas: willing to .i??l*t in | the washing and ironing; city or country; good refer ences. H i rast ?rri< AT.?a rf.spkctaiTLk "rtmxo 'r fflrl aa chambermaid and wait rem. beat city ref erence. IIP WERT 4filH ST. SKCOM O KI.OOR, RACK?A Il?) re?pectatil? yonni; American girl as chamber maid and waltrc?a: willing and obligtnc; three year*' city reference fW?m last place. Hi; r.ast ^r? sr.. nkar 4th av.-a rfspk.ut Ill) ab.e younn girl aa chambermaid or waitress In a private family: la willing and obliging, Call for tiro day- j 1TO KAST .tOTII ST.?A YOtTJMJ PROTKSIAST GIP.L I LO a* I'hani' ertnaid and seamstress or tn take care j of growing children: reference IVom last placr. Apply 1 iteiweeti 10and 4 o'clock. 110 f. \^t.vitii ir.-t joDN nonntACT mil I I O as chamberm aid and wmfress or to fak- care, ot crown children and ?w; reference tr>An last place. "IO\ UBKKMWIt'n AV.-A RESPECT*RLE titRI, I??' to do eharnherwiirk and fine waabtns; willing and obliging; cood reference from laat Mace. IOC I-AST 79T1I ST. (LAST PLACE!. ?AR CHAR i.mi't l?erm*ld or ? aitre?a. or would do bon*** nrk in a small family, a eirl of first rate quadtle*. Apply on Wednesday. I | 4 wt'ST ?jth sr-A rk-pkctarle aim. I r I (colored) an chambermaid and waitress, five years' reference* from laat employer* 1 I ~ W F ST mil ST., RETWEKN RROADWAY AN l> I'r') 7th ay.? A respectable voting plrl as chamber m m>I and lanndre?s: food city reference 1 10 BAST MTU !?r. (PRRRRRT h*l'I,OYt.RS, - I 4 O a yaug girl aa >-hamberm?id and waitress or to do nlatn sewing. no objection to the country ; beat city reference. I Ml " 1 'sr -M" *'?? OJ,,t KM,.111' l P. FRONT !?)" room.? An English Protestant nan] wnmnn to do chamnerwork or bouseworn; ia kind to children; city or country. 1-1 I-AST 44TI1 St. (PRESENT KMPI.OTKR -ii. ? * I'll IsdT going io i.nror>e .Tnne l.deslre* a si'iimion for a servant aa chiintbennald and waitreaa, who has bi'i n with tier two rears: country pr?lerreii T -r: RAST ?I> ST. (RISO SKCOND REM.).?A RI> !'??) apectnhlc (ierman itirl a* chamlierinatd and waitress; no oblection to the country; city rctercnce 1 "W: ,rMT 47T" ?IT "RSPECTARLR VIM NO I')') sirl a*chamtiermald r?nd waitress or chimher maid and nur*> ; irlllini and ohliitlnK. <'an |.e >een at prr.?ent employer** I -<? Wl-r 4I-.TII >T, PRKSKMT F V PI,11 V !?; II' ?A |?)U p ntesiaiit girl as chambermaid and n aniatreaa; understand" ?ewin* machine work r?l EAST '.STH RT.?A RF.SPF.C r A HI.F. TOCNfl M American tiirl to do chnmherwork and waiUne; W neat aiM n l.r r i y lyillinu' and "bilging; good cliv ri lerence . no otilection to the conn try. h'?l WKSI MTH SI.-A YOI'SO (IIKI. AR 1 HAM )?> lierinaid .ind waitr"?s In a prime lamlly; nn'iMlon to the country i Beat city retcrence troin her l?*t employer. ______ lf'?> WKST 27rH ST. OM, PaIR OK STAIRS I P II )t > a res ectable w'irl 11* cliainiie.'mald and waitress or to assis' with ttio nnc WMtitRf and ironing; best elty raleri'uca. SITUATIONS WAHTEU-rEMALK*. Cliumb(,rnisiil% iVc. 1 (lO EAST UBTH ST.. THIRD FLOOR.?A RFfPFOT I ahle young girl n? chambermaid and waitress or olutinliermaid end 10 take caro of chlldreu; Rood city references. 0() | EAST 47TM ST.. TtliRO FLOOR. FRONT.?A -j"'T young girl as rhumb, rinaid or waitrc-s; good cityrcfcreuct. 911 1 W ST .121) sr.. NEAR 7TH AV.?A R'SPEOT -w'/'t able in-1'*oii e* chambermaid un.i do fine wash ing. orcheniberutatd and waitress in a small privno Inniii) nouli i i 'i?u t,, ill. country: goi.d city rotercnce. 9(i/.{ ay est urni sr.?a yovku woman as ?.AM) chambermaid and to assist with washing In a private familv; good rcterene . 9] X V AST IIITH sr.. IlABf'KM.?A RK8FKCTA ? I '> ble voung girl to do chatnberwork or liciit housework mi a 4mail ilrtvatc tamilv ?. willing and oblig in?: good ri-n-reii ? "'nil for twodays. 0|7 HAS r 29111 ST.?A3 CHAMBERM AID AND ? 1 I s ?.unstri is in a private family! city reference from her lust place. 91 Q KAST 451'H ST-A KE^PKOfABLB YOU NO ? 1' ' woman a* chambermaid and waitrc.-s; city or country: got>d reference*. Cn'.l for two day*. 991 FA-r?TH ST.. SECOND FLOOB.?A YOUNG ? ??1 girl?schambermaid anl waitress; will asltst with waalilng tu ironing; best city rcfereiica troin last place, i *atl or add re?s. 99| TII0MP8T0N ST.. IV STOKE.?A RE3PECTA . I ble Germen jrtrl to d? u|i?tair.< work in a sin ail family j city reference. 99(' WEST :'.!0 ST.?A OIRL AS CHAMBERMAID* ?< ?" ) and waitress; willing to nasistvlth tli" was'tlnc and ironing in a -mall private family; city or country ; country preferred', gcon roiorence. 99Q WEST 19: II ST. ? V K' SPTH'TABLK YOl'NO ? ~j'' girl as chambermaid and waitress, or would do liirlit housework and take care ot children; no ohjec tion io tiio country . best ciiv reference. 9?J?/1 BASTBW'll ST.. IN STOIir.-A RESPECTABI-E -i?)l" voting girl to do chnmbcrwork and Due wash ing and 'ironing: '.rill tie found willing and obliging; best city reference. nOA KAST 230 ST.?A I'KOTF.HTAN'I' OIRL AS -j? ?"' clmmbcrmal i an ! waitress; excellent city ref erence. 909 WEST rsrir st.?a YOUNG girl as cham ?'/ ?j bermnid or to do ehnmherwork and washing in a private familv; willing and obliging; thoroughly tin derstunds her hush es* In every respect: best city retcr ence. Call or address. 90 | WK-JT ."(Til ST?A RKSPEOTAHI.K ftlRL A3 jut flr<i class elianil ertnald and wnttreae: is v III ing ami ooliilng; no obloctlou to city or country; best citi rw?rnnee. 9?) r, i: \st45tii st.?a respectable girl to itn chamberwnrk and take care of children; is willing and obliging ? ctlv reteretice. 9,19 K'i: T ICTII ST.?a YOUNG GIRL AS CHAM. ? borinaid and waitress 111 a private familv; 110 objection to a short distance in the country; best city ref erence trom lust on pi oyer. 9/ffi WEST irril ST. K1IIST FLOO R. ?A RE ^*1') unectuht ? young American alrj chambermaid and first clans waitress ami to do tine washing and iron ing: best city reference. 9 - | IVEST J^TH ST.?\ RESPE TABLK YOUNU ? ?'1 uii'l as ??iiambermiiiil anil to taRc care et chit drmi; city or country : city rotorentes. oni WEST 29TII ST.-A RF.SI'KfTABLK YOL'NO * 1 girl a*chambermaid and waitress: 110 objection to assist 111 washing and Ironintft cood citv reference. ?l/n WIST -*9111 sr.?A RESPKi'TABLK YOl'NO ? MM woman as obamberniald and nnr>e; would do plain sewing; can operate on several machines; goo I city reference. 019 E\sr 38TM ST.-A RESPECT A nr.''" YOl'NO * 11 ~j v oman as first classchai4t>ermatd and wattre.'s: no obleetion to ;!;e country: willing and ohllgiug; good etty retercncc. 01 I) 7TII AY.. BETWEEN 27TII AND 2STH STS.. TN 010 tio store.?A respectable voting g:ri a* cham berniai l ami to a.-*1* in the washing or tako cam of children; city references. *_)*! ? > 7I'H AY.. BET\Y|'EN 27TU AND 3JTH STS . IN ?) 1 O the store.? v r' -uec tabic young girl as chamber maid and wa.tress; citv retorenccs. 81.") 41 (V 4Y.) CIK-C. ST.?A YOtTNO OIRL AS CHAM. niai 1 and weltross. or to take care of children. Q1 7 WEST 75TII ST., IV RF.AR-A NEAT. TIDY ill I girl as chambermaid and waitress In a small private family; no objection to the country; first class reference. 091 7TH AY.. NEAR 2^TfI ST., IV mK GROCERY O-j 1 store.?A Seotrti Protostan girl as< hatnbermald and to nsddt with washing and ironini. ?>9 I WEST lrtTIl ST.-AN AMERICAN PROT ? ' ?"T" c?tant vonng woman to do chambt-rwork and waiting; good reference. ?>9Q EAST 4?TII sr.. ItKTWI.FN 1ST AM) 2D ? ? ??' .iv-. ?A rcspeetalil" vonntr gir' as chambermaid and waitress end to assi't with tli* light we-hing and Ironinu in a small private family; gool references. ?>?>9 EAST S Til ST.. SECOND FLOOR-A OER ? )??_ man girl chambermaid end seamstreM or as nurse to grow ing children; w illntr lud obliging. ?)?>9 RTH AY. ? A 111. PEtTABLE PHOTKST ANT ? Aoting girl a^ rliambermaid or nurse; would like to >io 10 the uentiy In a private t ttnilr. ? I EAST CO Til -T A RESPECTABLE YOl'NO ?V? r girl u? chambermaid and waitn ?<; good oitjr refVpencc from lart place. Call lor two da vs. Q ~Q 8TM AY., PIC IX' I; K 8TOR.:, HASEMI-NT? A ?>?)?/ voung woman as cnambcrinala end waitress; (tally lompe'cntanJ wen recommended. ? )Q7 2D AY., TWO FLIGHTS. I'RONT.?A KK ? I spectable North of Ireland Protestant girl, letelv 'ended, as ehemhermeil an 1 walf^-ss or to do hotisew ir'; in a small private teniily. t an be seen for two <la\ s (ITH AY.?AN ENGLISH OIRL AS CH.AMBKR maid and seamstress; citv reference. WIST M> ST.?A TOO MO 01 Bl. TO DO US8T chaaiberwork anl waiting; good city refer I1Q WEST HI -1 ONE STAIRS IP, FR: 'NT si*' room.?A respectable voung ,-irl .i? chamber inald and w icress in a small private fnmilv or would 'Io general housework in 1 plain faYinl* : tour veara' citv references; no objection to go a short distance In the country. 190 7TH *Y - a BEspECTABLK Y"I NC, CIRL x" ?? ?< 1 haml ci maid nr waitri >? In a pn\ vteboard ln?hmtse; two veers' best city reterenee. < Ml WEST tOTtl 8T.. BEYWKEN 9TD AND 10TII j "r '* evs.?A voung ctrl to do chsmbcrwork and wafting or plain se win* and take care ot children. 4 CI WEST KITH ST.- A YOWJSO OIRL A* CI1 AM ?'I iM-rmaid and waitress i? willing to in n ashing and irontn. ; beat city reference trom per l?*t employers. 1QQ urn av-a rnoTi srtNT ?.tri. as en\w fCO bcrmald and lnuri.l-? or chamtwrmaid Mil ?"am?tre>*; t city retcnnce. I he la Iv can!?e Mfn. 1 QC ft'TTI AV.. BFTVVF.' N C#r II A.VD ?TJ1 .?T.<-A re?p?ctablc elrl a* chamhermaM and wnitreaa; no oOJoetn n to a?*i?t in plain wafllna ami ironing, be*i city refereii'-'- irom la?; p KWt ?TII (V. BKI-.VKKN XT' *N'> SoTH ?T*., ! T''U room 10.?A ?-?ri?ble sirl ui flr? claa? chamber mud and waitrew; will fo to the country ; best citv ref ers n oca. ,-1Q WEr HT1I ST.-A KRSfKCTaBLK wirl a* >)l ?' rinmbornin 1; would amut with the wa*liin< an-i Irontn* : irood ret'Tencca. srno west ?rn st.. in thk stork a rr-pkct- ' ? l?O able rounj sirl to .in i-h imliorwork an<J * altiug. an<! mak?< herself iTeneraUT useful. t JO 7TH AT.. CORJfKR OK ^T!l ST ? A RfcSPKCT. ' 'MO abY ronnj sirl a. chambermaid ami am'rm in a privata family; ?*ol <~ltv rcterences. /?/%U JD AV., SF.roMt FI,iW)B. Ff".i>?fT ?A TOPNO U" In woman a* chambermaid and laaaarem; no ob jection to tl>* country. ?'?11 lor two days. 7ftQ ?rn at.?a co*petrkt rorxa woha* I DO as Chambermaid .ni l to do acwing; I* acens tomcd i<> waiting ?i lad.' - or wonut aw't with the car# or children, bo?t city reference from last place. t ali tor two iltti. Ring acgond bell. 77&7T1I AV?A Y'lt'XO 01Br, i lUMBKRMAIO II') and wanrc**; i* willinir and oi i.inu. UQ7 *? AT.. KEARMTIl sT.-A YOl'NO WOMAN | iff) I at chambermaid and aeainatraa*; would be win* Ins to take care ot grown up children. fcest< jtjr refer rm from last p'ae?v (III? MYKTfiK AT., BR m?KLTN.~AS CHaMBKR ?/t." I inn 1*1 and wnnntr? ?? in n private famllr, can | operate; eltj or country; civ raitfcnce. 1 HQft 30 AV-v vofMi a?. riu.VRKR. maid anil waitress, cr would assi <t with the wanton*; country preferred willing and obliging; two y?-ar.* ret reuce trora h? last place, where the ca.i be ieen till suited. 1 1 >1(1 :n AV.. TOP FLOOR.?A I K -iPEOTABI.h X.!.?*?" toons ctrl a* chambermaid; best city reter ence t A '-IA in AV., BK.TWERX 74TH AMI) J?TH STA.? J. r?''T A rcspectatde yonng rtrl i? obambermatd and waltras* in ? <m.?H private lamltv; williaa an>t obtiirlng elty reiorettc#. 1 30 av.?a Tor.f??oiBL to r?o chaw l.ilntl ncrw^rk nnd -a.c care oi?? child and do flno w.iahiBJ. Call tor :? o dam Drntimakern and ArnmiitreiMi. 1/; y. \ UK KT ST (MHT EMri/'TFU'^.-A OKBW4B l'? lady, oi middle use, a* -c*rn?tre? and t. take ; ch.iepi1 iii imall children. Ail Iren- I.. i> 111 WKttl' .'.TH KT-A VOIMi Wt>MAN TO OO 1 I I out tir the day or week n lr"*?mikrr. ent ani' fit ladic*' and children'* Jre<?? md niake over dresees like tifw; icrnn mifl. rat- , ronntry pr"Mire I. I 1 I I VK<T VSTH ST.?AW ANRRICAN PRRtH)!* Ail ! I I t ae?m?trtiMi in a private tnmiiy and a*?t?t wttti dremmakin^. ; make* ? hildren* cloth ins doe? the inmilv - "wins in feneral; iv ;i ilr-t .iperNtort>n W'hcrlcr .t i Wil*on'? machine: be?t retereme. (IfkQ WMT nn ST.. BBTWRF* TTII ASP TTt AV?. \ vi-in; rirl a- ?e,i'n? r<'??, no ohlf cl|on? to n??irt n itli f'sht rhamlicmi.-is or to tnkc < arc ,,t gronii I children ; t> ?t?it;, retcrencc. *>?)! ?MI' PHI BT.? \* MUST i U W HP,I s. maker In The dav. or work taken home; beat retercnce ?ddrn?* W. Kn aI'i". *}A 7 wksi sihtst. (Basssirbt ?rli,i.?a row ? I | pctcnt < ? a in 'tren in a private tanil'T : under ?talida rirossmakins i< ? fo?*l operator; can trtina il cm and make init:..n hole* nicely; food references. Oik 7 7HI A v., Bl.TWKMN -I'll AND JRril -TS.-A ? >t'| thorriimh " moires*. nnder?tand< at! kind* ot tamllr Kenlng; can i'Ut an i flt anil oper.tta on '? \cral machines; woni,i wait on .? lady or si-own ehiidrtn, ( Uin. c.liaa ci'r tcicr.'Ucc. Can 1 e aeon (or it.n aa\.?. , NITrATION* TV ft If TWIT r?MAli??. OreismaUeri und imiiiitreiMh QOO BAST 21ST ST , TOP FLOOR?AS SEAM ? )_?i stress and dressmaker; can cut. fit anil trim reatlv; also all kind* of fsmiiv fcewm;.' is a good orera tor would do light work or take chatgo ol vrowlng children; no objection* to the countr; ; well recom mended. ?too eni A v.. co;,xku ?.tii st-a respfct \ hlc l"r<'Mill English woman a- aeauisirass and to wait on a lad v . would nsssist a lady in tne house keeping-would be found very attentive ami obliging; no ohlfCtton to tlte country or to travel; understand* Wheeicr A Wn?ou'? machine. 0<H PEA HI, ST.-A SE xMSTRP.h? WISHES TO <lf? 0?>T" out by th" <1av or week ; u accustomed to dress making ; understands all kind.* of machiue*. Call.or ad drew. 7~0 Sri aV? FOURTH FLOOIV-A RE sPECTABLE I ') ? We'sh womiu as seanistrcs- and chambermaid ; wlllinrf to assist wiih ne washintr. Call or unSflress. Q A 1 rtTH AV., BETWEEN 17TH AND 4sril SI .. IV ?'"Hr I ihe store ?A respectable middleiged Scoteli woman as good plain seam-dress or would kaep Uousc for th'i summer. General Housework. Ae. 1 HORATIO ST.?\ YOL'NO GIRL TO DO LIGHT rr houtework and mind a nahv. ?>?? harrow st ? *. ronrn girl to do <;km. OO ra! housework: best elty reference*. west Washington place.?a respectable '?'? woman t 1 do house work in a ^im? 11 family good washer and ironer and plain cook : willing and obit--inn; beni city roiemner. /?I WEST 44 l'H ST.?A RESl'EC I'ABI.E GIRL TO l>0 Ul general housework iu a private lamlly; best city rote rence. QO CHRISTOPHER ST., FIRST FLOOR, FKONT ('?/ room.?A rounf woman to do IWht housework ami take care of children; countrv preferred; good reier once. mWI'ST 1ST!I ST.?A NEAT YOl'NG GIRL, NOT loni.' in ihe country, to do homework iu .; small private family: best city reference from lam place. mWKST 4?Tll ST. -A RKhPEC rABLH YO0MO girl to do lltfht housework or to take c iro of children ; 110 objection to the countrv: best city reference. inn HENRY ST.. SECOND PLOOR.-A RESPECT. I ?/ ? / able crirl to do gneral housework in .1 am ill pri vate family: seven years' reterenee from last place. 1 Lfl WKaT 10TH ST.-\ RESPECTABLE YOCVO I 1 ' " girl to do general housework in a small private family; Ik-si city reference. "1 1 C WEST SSTH ST.?A RPSPEOTABLR GIRti TO I t> ? do general housework In a priv itc fnmilv; city relerenre. 1 ~ 1 EA^T 32D ST.. BETWEEN SD AND LEXING l?)l ton .n A yourn? girl to do general homework; citj r.'Orence. 1 ,-Q WEST 27ru ST.. ROOM 10.?A RKSPECTABLE I *' *" woman to do hou ework In a private family; best city relerenee. 9()1 VTB-T 29TH HT ?A R 'SpRi r Mlt.E MIDDt E 11 aged woman to do general housework in a small tamllv; no objection to m In the countrv; goo I city ref erence. 9ftft WFST 19TII ST.-\ RESPECI ABLE YOUNG ?"'?) girl to do general housework, or as plain eook. washer and Ironer In a small private family; best city reterence 91 9 EAST !HTH ST., B A S E M '? NT. ? A R'-STEi'T 1 ..j nbl" trtrI to il<i housework for a private family; is a cood cook best cltv reference trom her last pluoe. 9"l 9 EAST HTH ST., BETWEE* :M) and :tD ATS.? ? YZi Two srirls to .10 the entire work of a private fam ily; < oun'ry preterred; beltelty rftcrence. 91 (\ BTH AV.. NEAR -'1ST ST.?A (URT. TO DO ?1 11 ) housework in a private family: best city refrr etioe. EAST S9TH ST. ?A YOfNO GIRL TO DO ?Ov/ hoii-ework for a smoll Danulvi is a first rlass wa?her and irof.or and .1 good plain cook; best city ref erence. 9OO IThST SID ST. THIRD KIOOR-A YOl'NO _0?" eirl to do Rcneral boiiseMyrk in a small iantiiy; best city reference, t all lor two days. 941 WEST 27TH ST.?A YOUNG WOMAN TO Do ? r 1 general housework; is a good washer aud ironer: good references. 9 J 9 EAST Kirn ST. (RING FOURTH BEMA?A resectable rirl to do general honMwarK in .1 private family: no obtectlons to the counir.v. 9 11 W ST 47ra sr.?A lUPIOfilU YOUNG ? "t r girl to do general housework; cltv or countrv; city reference. Address. 9.-TO WE T 27TH NT-A TOCNG GIRL TO DO _?)?> -?eneral homework in a private famllvjgood Plain '-ook, washer soil Ironer; gorxi references trom last place. 9??Q F.AKT lhTH ST.. NEAR 1ST AV.-A YOl'NG woman to do general housework m a small family: is a :0o I plain cook, washer and ironer; t'ool reference. 9QQ SD W.? K RRSPFOTABLE \OI*N?; GIRL. _'jO latelv lui l?d. todogeneril hou-eworkorcham berwork and waning in a private boarding house; is willing and o!digt:i-': no objection to the country. ? KA>7 irrH ST.?A GERMAN GIRL TO DO ?>'?*) housework. QAA WEST 16TH ST.-A RESPECTABLE OIRL TO ? )wv) do *en?ral housework in a small private lain ilv: can do plain cooking, washing and ironing; best city reference. onn east 79TH ST.. PRESENT EMPLOYER'S.? ? To do general housework in a small prlva'e lamlly; best city reference. Oil KA<T *?TH ST.. SECOSD Fl.oOR, ft \rK. ? A ??IL voiinj c:rl late'v lande10 do neneral house work; will he lound willing and obliging. <11 QWEST 3ATH ST.?A RKSI'Kt TABLE YOINO ?? I?? cirl, lately landed, to do Kcneral housework 111 ,i private family. Ol - EAST S9TII ST.-A RKSPXCTABLE OIRL TO ?11 ? ? do general tionscwork In a sin -II prtv ite famlh ; Is a good plain cook, excellent ws?her ill Ironer; is Wjlllng and enHglng; not ol work ; t*i>od city ref erence 01 - EA-T -.<irH ST.-A RESPECTABLE GIRL To Ol?) do light housework, or would tak" care of cliU dri-a; good references Ol " WEST 41ST ST.. NEAR STH AV.-A RESPECT ? )!?> ab'e tmerican g rl to do housework in a small fimily; city or country , food references ? all i. r two day* t|]7 KAftr S1HT ?T.?A RKMPKOT*RLE OIRL TO ? J I I do general housework in ft private fntnllv ; no otitrrtlon to litt* country; ha* live year?' reference. Oil < KA?T MTU ?r? SECOND FLOOR. BACK ? room.?A respcctahie voting girl t> do Ititht homework In a private family is willing .md obliging; boat fit* referenre. Cull or ad<Jrc.?? for two <1 iva. Q??l WEST 2ATII ST.?A RSfriiCrAILK YOCKD OOL girl. lately Innrtr-rt. In a private tnmilv tod.. Haht housework or upatam work; willing to mtU hornolt generally iwliL QQA KA-T WtW It-i yncm woman io no OOO hnn?cworK in a small family: I* a pood p'.atn cook. wa?her and troner; irood raierence QMS WEST ?0' n ST ?* UK-I'I TAIU.' Winux ???)? I to do jfneral honaewor* I* a en-V wa?her and tmrer and n <"* * I plain couk; willing and ohllgine: waiie% nonbjMtl rrtercnoe* ?')?? EAST MTH ST REAR.-A R^SPKCTABLK 000 girl to do general nonsework; bent reference*, and Is a hard worker. or i WWT WTM st . RkAk-A VoFno PROT ?>>"T estant girl to do e<*nerai honsewort In * small private fkmily: conntrv nrelerred- rrfprence ' 4 (\7 WKKT 28TII ST.. MEAN 9Tfl AY.-A RESPECT t" I aid* yonns woman t?> do honaework In a private family ; ottr or country . fwat city reference. nO EAST WI1 ST. BRTWEKft HT AV. AM AV w A. ?A reap?.tahle rotinil ctr! to ?io g-noral hoqiework: city or aomMry: gi**1 reter*n ??. | WEST 1STII ST. ? \ RK^PrcTARLF. <:IRL TO ' I ? I <i<> genernl honaowork: willing ana ohli .Ing; uo objection to ihn eaWQ ; IM referen. r* r-1 WEST J*TH ST - * RF.3PFC TABLE ToI'M} ' J?> I *n drrn: willing and obliging. 4 ? - WTR *V.-\ RESECTABLE OIRL fT.ATEI.V *4 I tj landed) to do ?eoeral housework in a amall family: i? willing an.i oMntlnc. f-"-| WEST JtlTH ST? * BFRPECTaBI.E YolTJtO ?)?) r itirl to do general liou?ework; hc?t reference, from her laat place. Call for twodayp. AD AV.?A YorXU WOMAN TO DO LIUI.T hotiae work. ???>?} ORKENWICH ST.?A RE#FECTaBLK YOfNO QOO itirl to do general homework. Can he seen i*ir two days. ? /\ ? ?TH AV -i YOH? I.IP.I, TO no liEM RAI, ( 11?) housework In a private tamlly; city or . outitrv ; gotxi niVrMM. 79" .ir? AV., NEAR ?5TH ST?A YOC.NO f?|R(, TO i ? ?' do general housrwork in a private f.imiit . goo<t rr le.rencrs. 807 ;r> at., top ri.ooR. rronT.?a respect ? ) I ahle vnnn* girl to do ueneral housework in a .?miill; t>??t reference from la?t place. Can he Men lor two day*. 2D A V.. IK SHOE STORE.?A STEADY vonng girl to do general houarwork. heat city rcf#r*nce. 1 1 i)i) ,D AT. ?A Of RE, LATKM I.AN?KI?, TO I. I ilo general homework ; willing lo make hera. If Iten.'rall) u?etnl. I ?)')() Sl> AV. RKTWHEN 7?TH AVf) 7TTI1 -T I a^cond (t"Of. tront ?A r<>?i.e.-,nlile voting woman to do general houaework In a small private family. girl to do light hna ??work and tak ? care ofchtl 609 1.WH 1 '-Mi'*1 10 av.inthk milk i>rpot ?A YOUNll honeer ork !'nd plain washing In a private family , good city rttcreno*. ?) 1 ? )0 SI' AV.- I KKSPK. TAIII.E IV.iM \\ Ti > no eeneral honaeworX in a-m ill private ram fly; noohfvctton to a aliort diatance in tn? country. Iloanrkre iierg, ?r< 7q an st., pari,or ei.oor, ? k yocno French I lady, fdncated and refined, aa housekeeper. Can fir wen hetWMn II MM I Ml/. -107 WEST JTTH Sr.-AX AMFHTCAN EADY AS LI working lioiiaekeeper; a pra. flcal and tnoroVfh hmekeeper; competent to taki' Jnli charge: city or . mintry. Apply tor two day*. 1 I - I,AST 2fiTII rfT.. ONE KI.HM1T I f*. BACK. ?A 1 t') vonng widow 11- housekeeper ; widower's family pri ierred Call all the wegk. ? - Bl.PECKER ST . EIRsr, FRONT. )?) Avcrvg.od look Ins vonng lady, ma widower manna. Call I to to o'clock. If SITtTATIOWS WA1TB1S-FKJ1ALES. Houiekrep?rs. ace. ~l?tA DCFFIEI.D ST.. BROOKLYN'?as nOUSF 1"?T keeper hr < cnmMt?ni American iartv: will ing to make herself n?eiu'.. soo<1 reference. Call on ur ??. lr ... Mri. MiOHY. A ~>7 ST!! AY? A WIDOW AS IloUSKKKEPKR. OR ? ? ' I imo with * lamily to San Kranei*.-o no salarv reouired for San Kranolnco. Call on ora.ldrei*. lor tour nay*. UUl'.'KK^EPEk. 7?>Q "?TIT AV.-A YolNC, WOMAN AS WOK KINO I ? ?<~ housekeeper; bet city reference. Call on or address K. P. A l.A"y or EDUCATION AND GOOD StANDlXO /\ w uliK a situatio-i lit a liorcl as housekeeper: will do the serving lor ihat department: salarv no chief: would go East or wl;?t; bast rcfcrenecs. Addreasl. P . box 2H lleral! office. A TOCXO r.ADV. AGED 31, AS HOUSEKEEPER; s\ unexceptionable inference as to character and shillty. not afraid oi work. sddre*.*. for one week, II. W., Herald Brooklyn brunch oflloe. I.n ii!i(trei?ei< 97 ^ORTH MOOR* ST, ? A RESPECTABLE WO *di man n* lnundrcs* or rook, washer and Ironcr in a private fa'i.ilv; he?t enr reference. OQ WEST yarn ST.?A. RKfTECTAlW. YOTNO J- drl first claw Innnrtrea* In a prlvnte tamtlv ; nve YCHI. flrst c:os* eitv reference. Can he >r>cn ni present employer's. 19 WEST I#TH ST. ?\ LADY. I.f ATINO T'lR CITY, f~ ?? fiflfPi to recommend "liree servant*, laundress chambermaid and waitress Call or addre*& A Q EAST .'in ST.. SECOND FI.OOR. REAP -A '1 ?? re-; e table woman to trn nut t>v the dav. washing am! irontn ' or houscc'.canlng; beat eiiy refercnoa. f/?; AV. B. BETWEEN SO A N't) 4TH ST J-T\V > 'r ' > vonmj ProN>?i -nt Oerman g<rls: one a* latin tresa ani rhainhrrrM ?!; tlic ot'ior to do genera! house work; best cltv reterene.'. 4 Q ORKPNWTOir A v.. FIRRT FLOOR.? AS ENG. "I < ' l!?h ?rnfe*tnnt woman a? lanndres* in n private family, satisfactory refcrenow glvon. call or address. w ?sr ?1<T T. iPR?>EXT EMPLOYER'S).?A young girl .to flr?t U? lnnnrtre?s; understands flu'.inc i can do up shins linndsomelv : no obiection 'o do chain i>"rivorU If require !: he*f clfy reference. Call for two day*. SQ WE?r :'4th ST.?a i.\r>Y would like to ? )i~ procure n *imai'< n tor a lautfllress she ran rue. omineni a? tftoronihty competen .'hono^f and relin!ile; tiu erstands ail I. Inii. ot fltierio?, wuiiim to go a short di*tan"e in the cotinti v. /?9 " AS r 4nr ^T. ?TWO OtP.T.S: ONE AN KXCT. lent wailwr and ironcr; :lty or country: !>e?t cltv reference. /?9 LEBOY ST.. SECOND KI OOR. ROOM fl?A RE .pcctanlo younx lady to \va?h tor gentlemca or fa mi lie*. "Ill WP.vr :wn ST.. NEAR <?TTT AV ?A SWEDISH I I'i ciri a? lannd'CM and wlllint to a?aiat Inetiam barwotk in a inn*11 famllv; country preferred; o.vel !?nt rf~ft>retiep. "l')(k WI ST 10TI! ST ? AS T,AUNDlt rss OR CHAM I liermild: is willing to go in the country: good city reference. 1 "I East sjd pt., first fi.oor. ba' K ROOM.? 1' > L A fflrl to ito out bv th.> day or week. 1 |.'(J west ?TI! ST . CORN KB OK 7TII AV? IN !'MJ (he store.?A vonne woman wlehns to get sen tleinen'^ washinv or the washing ol a restaurant; good reference It'required. OAl I KXINOTON AV., CORNER SID >T.. SECOND x-'"l tloor.?A voting girl as tlrst clasa laundress; city orcountrv; bc?t city references. ?>"|C KA.ST -.'OrH ?T.?AH PIRST GUAM I.AI'N ? I ? ' dre<s; understands flutins, laces, ,tc ; txistcity rel-rence. Can be ?oi>n until engaged. OQi XA?T tHH ST. ?\ RKSVKCTABI.K wom tv to go out waalilnv or houner lea nine hv the day or to fake In washing. Can he seen In the bakerr. *) L 1 W!'?* 'ITH sr.. ROOM 7 -A RESPECT vbi.f, wr*T ? tdo>s- ladr to 'ake in wasiunz or go out by the day. or to io liottM'clcantng. OJIQ WEST 4 IT 11 ST.?A YOCNO WOMAN AS ??! m~ launitre.s; to tnke wasltitig to her own house or would go out by <he day : good reference. ?>1 ?> east X?TN SI'. ?A FIRST CI.ASS I.A! NDKF-S, ? > I c in doa'l kinds o' flu'lng; in private tamllv; citv rcterunce; country pfe#rred. Can he s?.<a for tvv.> day*. 7 KA-T 4',D ST.. TOP Ff.OOR BACK ?A RE ? >L I snecfable woman to do wasf~ln<r and ironintr at her own home, or to go out bv the day; best city refer ences. ??? A RAIT SiTH ST.?A RE?PECTa Bf.E YOU NO ?Vrr uiri ?s flrst rlnss lanndress in a private familv or to assist with the chamber work: grnd city reference ' 1 VST vi II sT _a RRspRCfAULF. WoM AN ? to en otu bv the day t> Jo w ishini. tronin? or hottsccleanlng c ill on or address Mrs. sI'LLIVAN. ?> I ? EA<T 1MD S'.. SECOND FI.Oop._A RESPECT ?>*?!') aire worn in a s ilr?t c ass laundress tn a private fatnilv; un Icrsturd* the buslseaa thoronghlv; fluting In nil us branches: not utrotd of a big * aeh, l?e?t city ref < re nee from last place. WI ST 40rII ST?A Bf SPECTABl.F. YOCNG girl with goo I city reterence. m nnr?e t.> children and to do plain tewing? willin : and 319 A It) EAST lOril ST., CP ST A IRS.-A RKUP1CTA TTI ~j hie woman to do hoits?work in a small private fa milv ; good washer and ironcr and eeok; gooJ elty reft ranee. I Q/? WEST 47D >T.-A RESPRCTABI.E WOMAN w|- lies ladies', gentlemen's o- lainllles' waelimg bv the month or dozen putllng. HatiP'/ .tn'i all fl ieric* done in tit ? neatest manner. Ix'st referenc ?. Callor ad dress. I I ?) WEST I7TII ST. ? A RFSPKCTABLE woman *T*X?r wlajj-sii tew ncntlemen's or taiiu:le?- wa*hi>U, it i 75c. a ilojcn. tlall on or addregs Mr*. .SEXION 4| 4 WEST SI T ST-A RESPFCr*BI.K WOMAN ?x*x wishes to take in washing or to ao ont bv the day: l>e?teiM reference. r <>Q FAST 14Til sr.?a RKMftCTABLK WOM AN ? )_0 wl-h's .i few gen'leman'i or families'washing at licr own home; !<e?t ret< ren e. Call tor two days. "(in -n AV.-* RKSPK.I TABI.R WIDOW WOMAN ? ??"U to en out bv the da r or take washing in t ie h "ise; best city reference. ~ IttTH AV . RBTWREM 4?TH AND 47TD STS. *)*)?) two ftlrhts of stair*, back ?A woman to go out bv the iliv wanning ironing or honaecleaninc. 1 ()7H Bito VDW * Y. BETWEEN SID AND SSD I < O ?t?. ? A voitng girl as laundreas nn<1 to a?<ist Wtfh the cb am tier work; bejt city reiarencc from last plaoe; private l.iinny. Narira, Stt. in WK8T :HTIf ST?A LAOT TVISHFS TO PRO I" ' run- a ?i nation for a rooat raliaMe. faithful woman nnr?e; i< 'lill.T r.iinpetent to tike the entire charge , I an infant f>< m ft? birth: Ion* expertenee In nor?lng. no ?Me.-non to travel: highly recommended. 4> < WEST SJTH 8T., IN THJ- RKAK. rillRIl KLUO!' 1 _.~r room ll ? \ colored woman r.t child nnrw. Call tor two ilar*. Q|? CARROLL -T. - Ot'"? II BROOKLYN.?A* WRT mII nur*e: New York preferred; no objection to the conntry call all the week. i)7 VTK<T ?7ni ST. PRKSENT KM PI OYER'S).?A _ | tottmr Amerb-an girl. In a prirate family, to uko care of children Call on or addreaa *. L *>U SltTH -T.? A COX PR IFJfT WOMAN AS nnr?e: fitllv capah c ot taking marge of an infant from It* birth. best reference. Call at liwt employer'*. on tTKST 4AT It XT (LAST EMPLOYER'S).?A RE. il'* *pcc table vonnt girl to take care ,<f a g'nwln* chi!<l or i??nt with eiiamberwerk or do p ain fewitif. Ca'.ffor two ilnv? ? . 1 RA-T t!-T ST. ? \ RKSPROTARLB GIRL AS 'r nueee With 1 tamilv that will go to Knrope i ? W I T :.1ST -ST.?A MIDDLE ACKO tn)HV AS T?) mr?e:ca?l tax* entire charge of an tntart trom Itahlrth. al?" hrtmf it tip ot? the hottle if <1e?tred, hlirtien pet?rrrt. f? fr >m prewnt ami former employer*. Call to lav an l t.- marrow between 11 and 4 0'cloet. I/? ?-II AV. ? A STRO.NO, IIRALTHT MARRIED l') w , man a* wet nurae. w Kb a fre?h bre*?t of milk , I* strictly tenpcrcie; reference. Call all week r/i wkst s?T't st.-wanted to ?piccrk tor I ?IU mv nnr-e a Mood poeltlon. hn* nlred with me ?;n e *'<e b t* i., -tt in th- cr'mtry trom Prance; thoroughly rompeietr: >ftet!v moral; tntfwor'hrt gornt actm in ? i* erery way capable to take care nf * u*hy or cWMrvh. Lot'lsR. or. till A v.. lOI* FLOOR, PROMT.?A CERTIFIED f ? ) monthly nnr*e. lately landed from Enslan.l, of kr^ it e\re- icn^e with doctor*, wtahe* an encasement. Mr? KVKMH "in? KA>T ,7r" T -*1 EXPERIENCED M Rsr I U I to take i are of children. can take .?ntire charge fr.>m Mrtn. with or without the bottle; experienced in si, knew e-illtnc to go ?o the eotnttrv . eiebt rear*1 rei i repe ? tr itn laat place. Can l>e *een from 10 to 11- W EsT MTH st_a RRSI'IvTABI.K TOUNO I l?? American girl ?< nnnai willing and ohltflrg, t! ree rear?' city reference trom l*?t place. 1 I U ??"^T Wf" ST.?AS MTRSR, by A RRfPhCT i I H able neai arid (Ml eoaa* irtrl, lntelr landed f^an , b# ? en for two .livaat her aletrr's emplorer'>. ion w?sr aiT;t st._a yoit.nii girl to Takr I r?re of children and do plain w*in?, or chain berwork an l fine waahlnK; wlliirtu atl<l obliKins , city or country; |0M reference*. Ring tn?iecond ball. 1 4)7 WKST 27TH SI.?A TOt'KO fJIRL TO TAKR j I -j I care ot chil'lrcn and do plain kwim; fool ret eri'fif* . 1 .) - WRST ISTH ST ?AM AMKRICAN OIRI. AS |?>?) nurae and < hambermald or to do chamherwor* aiulwaitlac; i? wl I n.'to no in the country; city refer ence. ; 1 I L' EAST 4.m sr.-A RK-PF.CTABLK Ttll'MO I tO American *irl ?? min i a baby or (rowtna ? hil orcti. wlllina and oblimnt; " i<he? to fo home a'msb', city relereii'-e*. Call or .< i.ire? 1 I A I' AS I" . ,">ril r. N AK LRXIMGTOIf AT. (AT I 111 pre?eni employer'*). ?A ir.peotafile nildille *? e.| woman a? experienced "lira* to an tnf i it or arow invj alilldren ; wlllimr to make her?>lt Kenerallv UM-ltil; id-ai i ilv reference irrm preaent and former employer*. 1 w KJ*T '^n HT. ? A Y < > I NO Olltl,. AOKI? 17 l?)i I yenr?, to lake ctre of children; will n-i-t w ,th ch.iml erwork in a ?mall private tamii.v; city rete. rni ? ? 1 Z?1 WKST 1ST If ST., ROOM ?. FRON t Hot sr.? I?M) \ yonna Atneri an i-irl l?> vear* old. *? nnr?e t.> arowlna rh.hlren, I* fond of children an.I "ill mal.o Iier.*eit ?nerally n<?fiii; will e.. < abort (liattBee in the country . can lie highly rpcommen le.;. 1 ~W WKST M>T SI.?AM RMOI.ISH PRRHOM AS I'M nur?e nml cliamh-Tinaid, or wonbi do llt*ut l U<ui*e*nra. c.onntrT orcictie.t. AUifM Mis. iJADlJSi. imATIOSS VVAmo-PKMALKI. _ Sarw-, ifoc. Uil I-AST 31D .-T.-A UP.aPECTAELE TOlTXfi >1 woman a* v <1 nurse 111 a private larat.j Call or ?Jdre??. |L?) w:-..- .villi s\~i Kfr vHi.? woman I wt) la take care ot two rrowtiu; , iill lr<*n. i.r would brine iij> a baby on tlio hoiile .;t he:- u.iubouae; ttir?r ou-'lilv uiiiterwam!* tbe care ol cliiullv n. ?) era a v.. basement.?a i-rkvch woman ? in an American fani 1% ??> mi:i' ehildr >n and do w..?iiing. <>r? -u'it trjvol to Europe ; ?5. - Eiiirluh. ()(\i) Nvrv ? r. BnnoKr.vv.-AN vmkrman ?'wuinaij. (iitii iflo.;. i.i takH r.har*"? at ae nv iiii of eltin *ex or a olnU ??' te'bie intellect. Ad i:r.M Ma iOlil.v u.\. 1)11 71"! f a v., IJM'IV 'KV AND 9*0 .*TS ?A ? I I v<Hint; ,'irl niir-" ir 'nn?ai?t wi h '.'rowing children : do objection i" a*-i?t with ciiamberwort ; city reference. . ______ ?? | wr> r jotu ^t.-a tTKM- KnrrvTKO per. ? ? ; Mm .-ih n irae ; u willim; ami o i.?'in <; ttrit ela?i dtv r 'ference. | I'.A-'I' 'r? I -r . BOOM ? A RK.-I'KOTABLS ? ? *"i vDiiiiif ??"inati ;i. \\?? t nur*o; wi-.hs to lane a baov at he r own lieu <? 7T?T AV.-AS i"0!M "EVEN T NTRSE IN A ? private ii.nily to akc car.> oi children; i? a (rood Mivi r : i neat person: bent city refcranee*. <)OQ EAST 51111 ST . !CTN?. HIIRO BKU.'.?A BR -OO np-et i'i e. ni -'Ti.' l u wet nurae to a baby toiw in on ill* old ; W-.-l city reierrncca if required. Call or add rum. Ol A FA' i r.TII ST-, PTRS T Ff,OOR._A RESPKOT. ?11" " nh!e woman ? ishes ? biby to wet nursa at hei ?>\\ n home. Ol I WPST S9TH HT.. FIR?T PI-bort.?A RKSPfCT. ? '' t yotin?/ Ctarman a** nurse; willing and obUKiutii; good iv^ron- ?? from la?t p'.ac*. k)9| K V T ' f VII ST. TOP KlaOOlt - A YOUNG GFKt Ow * QhiUt*rt uur ;p. 0?1! mi or ?)??*) 1 \?r .'iru -r.-v y.'.-n ; woman a , ???>-) un; ." un 1 ?eain?ue<<. or to i'o ehamberworlc ' an;1 (l?o wu .Iiijib; mo olijeeii.m to the country; aood rei l in-nee. 00 | ' \sr ."Hit '.?A' K X1" !?'. IlIKXt' ''Ml ?KO ?)*? I e inpeti ut mi.- co t il; li.i :? ot an Infant from it* birth or mie or 1110n rovvinc . 11 . Iir.bes* city reterenee. Cnn b< s "it lur one <1 i.v, ..r aildr*i*. QOfl 1'AST Hill sr. ?A ?? \IU.h YOVV<t ? )?>! > m*rricl noinnn .is wet ir s ?; child eipht week a' old : iloi ior*' ri fitrcnee. ?.? J ?? KAK'r .Miril K-r.-A COMI-Kl-K-.T VOItNf? ? ) 1 ? ' nniBttl n< nurw nit I ' Mini mafri: fully un Oerttnml* the mr. ol elii Mren : i? .1 -joad pim 111 sewer; tio objection to tTlvel: (fond r. 'rein e. 'ICC WEST ,'ft'H ST.. ?' 11< N KI' 3TI! AV. ? V VKR7 ?)')") eltieient iiii l reltatile ivom in. with eiuht ye?rn* refnreiu e. ns nur - . pi IicIhk up 1 haho from ita blrtn. either on Mie Iv't'lr o - oilier u i~". no wi'.st:wnr st.. in stoim .?v rkspectaB6R ? ' vonn.' girt t6 tni;e eitre of children or do IikM chain borwork. 1 07 wkst :i:o ST.?a ri i-' vr \ r.i.K r,i:u. to t ? I t.-ike the eni'i'. <?!?. rge ot ail intaitt; la capabla of iioin/anvihin;! rei|iii-ed in the f.itnily : no objecnoti to ihe c.i aDti> ; sroinl refer j Osj w sr sisr r.-AN ' xpf.uienced ash ' (coinpetciii nurM> to fnke eharne qtan iBtMl trora it* birth or to t.ike caraol an inv ilid ludy; flvd yearn' doctor * referene /I oa WRST ?('? !! -T., KKI WKI'N 3TM AND 10111 T'll ? iiv .. A trill expTi- ived nur-ie or chaVlMn m it 1 and xeamstrc'no onieetmu ;o * -hort lilatance if the eountrv, be teKy re 11 renee. I - I *>TTT A v., 1'0 'NT.r ok 35TI1 ST.. REAH 'I ?>+ limwe. ? A vonn I'rench ?r Irl. :aielv Irora Pan*. nnrw un t to teach rr i;:U in .1 pnvate American tumily. 1'.11 i. r t\v.i in ? ? < - I Wl sr 4.yrtl r . URSr KI.OOR.? A IlKALTH,i 'ii)t J mail Woman .1' wet nurne I "\Q 4TiI AV n :T>VKEN IT!' AND 31 ST sts.-A T? reapeetable clrl m nurse an-l -o uni'reaa; I* lnl? lv i-oinp'-tent t.i lake 1 ntiro charge ol a babv; no oMee. lion to travel with a lady lor tli 1 siiinm?f; very best city rotrrence. ACQ il> AV., riRST FLOOR, BACX.?WANTED, 'f'JO a chilli to wet nur ? 1 " fiTH \V? BKTWKKN t'TH AND <!st sts.. M I !?' t.M tniliiuery *? >re -ASeo'eh Protejtaot woman asnur-c; is . upald ? 01 taklwr full 1 harire ot un Infant from ii? birth ; or.n't tie beat with a b 'tie babv, no ob lection to the country : ? 0.1 env reiorence. fall tortwa days. QAQ SD '.v.. bftwkf.N 491II AND iilTH .-T3.-A < "?) roun? stlrl. 17 years o'd, aanurse.and toasaUt iu chamlierwork or hoii 'w rk Waitresses, <Ssc. FART SOU ST. ? A RESPECTABLE TOP !?<T III girl aa first cla** waitreaa ?r to do i hnmherworlc and wattinj in e. nnali family Can be seen tor two day* at her pro?etit employer'.* Oni W'i s r 1JTH ST?A TOUHO AMERICAN OIK ? >l '?> n* waitrc** fn a hotel, to go t> the country for the rammer, or would do ?hambcrwork. ? ?<? WBIT 4|T ' nr.?A UMPROTARLI TOVWj ??? girl as fir^t clti< waitrc** <>r would uaaiit wita chsrab*rw.?rk; goo.j nftrence ir.nn I??t place J *7 WEST ISTn ST.?A NEAT \NI> TtPY Tonstf r I air!, experienced, a? waUrcts or chambermaid) b?-d reference. r.n *k-t 2i^t st. (Pti sknt employer-si -* rouii? cirl as fir<t cta?; vc.tUrew In a private lanv tlx: *K yeara' reference, fan he aeon lor two div*. OA I WEST nif) -T.-A I ESI'EOTABf K Tol'Jffl girl a? waitress or "ha:nbertnit;d: nmt>'r?Un<]? her |u either branch; no objection to the coun try: good reference. kasi *<rrn sr.?as riiur < lasm vahImi In a private fami'v: bf>*t cttr reference. 217 ?>tn fa u ?st st.. second kloor.?a tocno ? I woman a* first ci**e waitre*< or charah?rmal<1 In a pnva'e hoarding t">u?c can m i't? all kind* 01 salad*. *e ; city or rottnfrv; rood reference. ?MCA W' - T MD fr.xtl AT AITR Si* OR HOCgE. _?)!' nnid h- a Ttrv competent -irl lately from !<?*? laad ; ha? i ? "oi knowledjr of her >la lea, will l? highly rtcnmRMndtd. 7 9: H AT.. TURD PI>K>R?A* Alllfotj 4 girt a? waltrc.?a and chambermaid; cityratar 30 f>:u ?o I "?> 3D AV.. XKAR msr ST ? AS FI.7ST FLA** waitress in a private family; can take a man's place; w iti.i ?< chatnhermaU if required; Peas reference trom laat piace. WK?T 47T1I ST.-A PROTESTANT GlRf, A* flrat cls?* waitress or chambermaid; be?t cityi reierenee. Nltrellaneont. QQ WEST !MTH ST.-A RESPECTABLE OIRT , WHO ??>< ' thoroughly understand* lier b??tne?*. to do either kitchen cr itp?ia|r? *nr?. fan lie at la*t place. | f WKST ;<2D S ? -AS LaDYS M AID OR TOTACE t "X charge of a vomit* miss. by an educated Frencu person of aliilltv and exnen -nee: under <tand* *11 kinds of aewlng and dr< <*;nnklng: irood reference. A.nlre** by letter X M. LEROY *T ROOM 9.-TWO RKSPECTA RLE votitik- Iri*ft girl*. lately landed, with a privats family willing to trv their fiaud at any wort. If they net i amull idea of the work ii(i East writ m -a okntkil Torso per. 11 ? * ?ou a< maid t<> a lailv leavinr the cit* no ohlee. tion to the charge of one chiNI; ?f mp''?n; are*?mak?r: wili ng and <ibii8inii li'^hctt te?timmlala Tall on or addreM Mlw M. HTRn -. 1 ')') M ACD ?l V 1 ST -A vol N . WDM W WOL"LD I?lO H*e n portion a? compan n to a Isdy w,.uUf like to travel; or a - governe** to ? child ; iaffooil in ?i?k MM I J Q WEST 2D ST.?AX EM'.LfSIl protest A ST Itii a< lmie'? maid; can dr - lulr: l? accii"lom*4 fe wait on s deli.-ats; would a*<l?; with chainberwork. 1/}fl 2D AT. (PRT- '^FN'r KMPI,OYKR'>l.-A tTF.ll. I" 1/ edu-ated ifirl a< mini;* ?iei man ana I iw )Mlt; i?an 'leu-ant hand m?t r; will make heraelf vmu tnl; bent raftrence. Q| Q T.'FST 2 *T!T S ' ?\ P* " rABLR WO If A1* Jiin r0go out br lh" dar h"ii?r!?amM ot wathiut anllronln/. fall ><r a l fr ?).)(? V \ST ;r>T 11 I. <f*f l> D K: OOR PHOXT ? ???> room.? v nne ?r? t> -.-o with a latly fo Cali f.mlo ; would tak"' car? ..t ehll iren or w?lt on a la^r; nc wnire* wbll" travel.In;. Csll or addrva* lor thrse da?? -.) | ?TH AT-\* !?EA*<T1IEfW AlfD TjADT'S ?)???" mntd In a nrlvate larr lv '?> a dr*f i ln? trimmer and drenmakrr, el'y or country; bc?t reterence. Call oS addrem. _____ ___________ _____ t'i\ | bth st.. riiiRD rtoor.-v rfspfi;Taet,b OU-f votnt* eirl io travel a* ladv'a m ild to ?nrop? thl* numiucr or vroukl atienil i family . bett city refer ence*. 4 s tDrf'ATRD ORPHAW as POM A N fOX ; GOOD J\ reader and mit-icinn : no onj - i ion to elderly or In. valid la.1t"?; heal*; r'-tln i home preferrej w Lrur ?al.irv. We?t M<t ?t. ABHPKfTAKI.K ii? M \ N OIRI, A? LAUt't mat l or nrirw; un.ter-fand<halrdi''?ln!7 and drr?* making can ?i'e?k i nrflt?h Krenvh and dermim:** obtei tion* to travel; E'S*i reference. Andreas H. P.. hoj 2*0 Herald oftlre. a rot y> i.ady wHi ks u? ohtaf* pmpi/mt. J\ merit In mmeiMn/ mat ?? >T*tn-iilal; has flp?t rlaa* rity rrterei; r. if4 West ? Mil st. PlMIPE,<??n.ll.?HTI ATIO.'VS \TA.\TKDw rRMALKM. A f.AI'T OP RK.-IM.fTA HI I ITT. BI T IN RE J\ dnce 1 etrc't "?tifi">?. anov. '? ve.trs of Jiff, WiSlM# hntwra' !? ? emplo-r. nl al wt 'fi ie ran ?u;.port hrr aclf .in.I oit" or two of her eht Ire-t; prefer* a ca?h'?r. ?hlp in a ?tore. but can ada|i In r-.e|f to any ordinarji work; he.t refereni * exchant; I. Addrct*. altUos fer n*, until Saliirdty. f .AA'l>StiN 'n? Weat S'VI ?t \t* ANTI.D-ilT A VOr.Ntl I.ADY, WHO WltlTRt ? ?> plain. rai>ld hand, copy in? to de at hoots. A (id res AN SIOI'S. bo\ 21* Herald office. llKt.l* VA VNTKlt-KKHAItMS. A t.ADV WAXTI'.D?TO T AKK OI T A VATKNT II i\ Iter own name for a hoti*ohc pina article of prlmi fiece?. .ty ao.l value -oinc litt ?? mi in* n< csaary. Ad nrea* W vl.TON. box Hi lie- ikl ot'l t f4??OD <;r>uK wanted?and io A.s.^tsr in th? I\ Ironing and wa*ni>i? ; none need appl\ witlioot e.n; teierenee. 4K Wrm 4- ? o t \FKW FIRST i I, ASS r?KKs .M AKI- R.< WARTBIk II W?M ;' i| at., between Bro il ? ay and Mh av. /fOoK AND III 1,1-' R W* IT.D>?A TIR-T CI-AR# \ t ook, who tind. r'tand r ha ?. ox* perl-cfly. mav ntip't ntWIMi av, trom v to I-j tin* day. Keteniace* re quired _ ft! SSM A K Kit WA.VTPt). Al^O AN AITRfiN TlOt ai luj La*t 7iu it, corner Ji av. D