Newspaper Page Text
CITY HEM, F.ITAlfc FOR H\1,F._ Cfntrat. A?SI'LE** ID KOI* R STORY HIOtT STOOP WELL ? buili. admirably pianooil. cornar and niawie 30 luol brownstone t)w?ll|nn. only |2tfK| triwn Fifth avenue et>t"?nt;e into Ceulril t'lrl, ou Kiitv?igUt,)i ?treet; V tor t ot i-?r ho?-e a no oulvVH.itW lor iiumm ?<? llanram-i office* U Pine street nndSS H.nt nt vumcriilti a; reel. V. K n:k.1'fc.NSON, Jr. * ? POK SAUK UK TO Lfc!', THK IMviAM'I.V ?V. Imlit pl?on?!d, finished Md loca'ed larmi high ?t<? ii DwitlliM <i i Aiadixiii avenue. uuitlwM coraer of Kiltylom ' i s'riu t; i-riiT nr re:il low. "Illoes II Fine ?in -turU I'.ut Seventeenth (treat. V K. STtV ->? ?o.\. Jr. A.-j'i.knuiu extba wide house <>s fifth avi n'i ur sa'e, with or without the superb Furni ture: in'a till ilisro Forty second street. M. a. J. LYNCH, !l Pine s:r. .>t. A ItlJOL'.?HA N II DM K HOt'SK OX FOE I'Y-BIGIITH J\ m'.r??<-? uvar Filth aveuu". lor h i) a bargain and on savtenns M A J. LYNCH, 11 Fine sticel. ? T queatlv Ri nn ni i-kkks. tub follow j\ ink' t'"? end olesnit Houws lorsale: ? >i,- i.i, 17 a' l ' ? I-.a>i lull *t limit by Byrnes. N,.s ?!? hi i .'1 Ivu" ' ill ?t , built liv Letter Nos io.l 7 est 37ihst. :thu latter extra wide), built by ' 'u. jjn Jt <'r- s- man So U#dl?i '' avenue. built by O'Rct'lv. >?.'? TO ill 7lii Filth avenue: one e xtra wide. >i. . "iJ .uIt?.on ?s 73 ?>*7o lot tOO. built by Ruth bone. ? .r further Inturm i'urn apply to !?.. H i.CiKOW t Co., Ko. .. Pine street and .?> l^ast evenloeuth street. t'oit :,au;-!\vo otioict lots on tirru avk. hub, Central Park. Apply to t. U. LL'DLO'.V a CO., No. 3 Pint: stree'. fcn; A Fnr.'t STORT III0U STOOP 1ROWV STONF. J\, first class, tor sale iu Six tie til street. near S':>rk avenue. Apply ti JACOfe t'Oiili.N, 109 East six lie tli street. . i.l.f-.IWI :<.!{ -K 'XII'. A W'PTH (IN Ml i: rav Hu. formate, with or without the Kiimlturo a Stable aim if Oi nm ii. Tin* Is olio of tlio ltnest lioDsea ill the city an! worllty the aiteudon ol ireiit. email oi iiosi tiou. M. A. J. liYNCIl, 11 1'inc street. T>aROAIN-FOR SAI.M AT A SACK!KICK, HOUSE J ' <;ti i IA,t. 137 Twollth street, i,?wr third aventi". Brooklyn. all modern improvements: iruit trees, Ac, tnquiru on tho prenu-es or to J U.\lti:os, .ij 1,'o.iur Iti'.fii, New York. li^Oli A I.E. ?TW O KOIIt STOT.V BBOWN STONK r tene'in at. Iluiiaes; lour families In each: Nos. 160 tnd 1 j-\Ve#i rbiriy-illth treei. iniiooti eondtilon ati.i ail ?:.artuieni.s rented; nr.en JIJ.S n nneb Iiiqutre ol ! M! VII. 114 West Thirty-fitUt .street, or Ii." Ka>ii Tbirty-clalit'.i streoi. "|?OR HALE-TUB TAt.OABMI Lor. WITH ftUIA .1 inc. No. 3'1 Pi in.-.- street, eorner of Moit afreet: lot US lee? i, :n?h?s x 1^ foei. Iuqmre at JjI Washington *t. TOOK 9AJLK?TWO -SIOIiY \ND.\Tri. IIKICK UOL'SE , iwt I.ots aWxJi'xlOO. No. IJ Attorney s reet. nam Crand : hoo^? In ><1 or ler. b-i 'v.s easy Inquire ol IVM. 11 I K0S>1UX v liito . So l.s I'tiamher* s.reet. IJ* - ?FOR sAI.K OS SIXTYVIFTII SiTItEET. neur ->er.m.| avenue, a U>l,-5xli0 eel l .r ilug; a desir.?ble Ioeatio:i tor a K?iiein?>iit- easy terms. WH. AO A R, ;iil !-.ast .-,ts.t> tilth street. W cat side. AHOPSf! ON TWENTY FIRST STRKF.T. VAIJ I seventh nvenn", hi ocrteet order, .for tlH.HK) if filtered before June 1. Houses to let an<1 lor sale : re n ed prices. Ipplvio K a. DAII.KY. .W Sixth avenue. TfOR HALF?0!< KASY TKItMS, A I OT ON WK8T I .'Jsvenwenth street, between Nililli and Tenth avenues, with two siory front and rear Houses, well retile.l. $7.2S.'. OWNER, 4.TP West sevenicenth street. A'ALfTABLK LEA <FnOLI>?.?.**<> AND 307 WEST ? i wenty-aecond street See auction column for par ticulars. NUrella nraai. K BON\NZ.\.-FINE PLOT OF LOTS WITU bniider'x loan, near yroieeted Mutton of rapid tnn 1st company's load. hl'OKNK M-.KbE II flw street. t - EVERAL PLOTS OF LOTS (WITH Bl'ILLER'S ,1. loans lor sale respon*ible partite* will find this an excellent chance. M. A. J. LYNCH. 11 I'tne street. pEAL ESTATE. SALE. EXCHANGE AND I.OAX J'. office. adioltunc Exenant:c Salesrooms, III Broad ".IV, r.>! 111 .' -K ir' bai'Kuin.s in < itV and .-sul.urhati Pro-urn a r ft Farm Lands; also Tonnes- ? Coal, ir.n H'i I timber Luud.-. Owner- and buyer* alwar- *e! , .,riic. GSORGi. W Hl'N .. hKOOKLTI PROPERTY -OK S.U.E A \1> TO LK1 L'oli -ALE-A VERY DESIRABLE LOT, in < V r i res, n i 11 a Cemetery; pruc moderate aodre.-* CKVi.1 I1 \ llera!d offlce. rro Lf r~-the northwi >t corner op fitlton I ami Adolphi s.,*ert?. Brooklyn: unstable 'or anv bu- ,vn: no nbiertinn t? n flrxt elass liquor dealer. In i.ulr ' "'l Knltoii stjee*. Brooklyn Til 1.I T-I ANHSoMEl^ Vjf/i MiWI.l FURNISHED, ' . Mouse or ??'.?.tit mom*. In a veey small family. ? .ird to.- the owner. Apply at Shi Be. Uord avenue. Brooklyn. K ST r HESTER (OlSTY PKOPERTV i'OK >M,E ^\1> TO KENT. 4 T YONK EttS?* L\ROK. Kl KKISIIED HOCSE. _ \ tr< nt r.y the river t.. let. fur the -ii-mi including ;? oen (planted . borne and carriage ; neighborhood first -lac- Applv til V< >t >lA<i.s Avert. Viinltr? LVilt - \ LE LOW? F \ '.nrise stun 11'.use sftttalile for a publir lnntltti Ur n; t" i i -un ited; 7 room*; Id or more Lot*; Twea ty-'htrd ward II P. MEOKaaF Bowery National Hank. , U-i'K T': \ N - IT AN AC >M PUSHED FACT -LOTS 'I I) I.lot ;*. plotaand SI1IW \. on all the venues 'id It 'nwcttu- street* fur wit. Nn'v it the time tor capi riti-:- to invest ll>'i lai.-o Plot* 'i! in West , er.iiuti:' M a .1 LVft i!. li fine street. rpit LET-IN W'ESTCHE-TIK i'oINTi U VII KS 1 from Grand ? ?ntr?' dep i .n l 4 minutes i-nni ?'a i in. a ok Mansion |4 in-, iiillv iiirni-i e l . hath ? i Mlitard room*. turn*. a ,inl mii'l ?i i i.l 7-, te?< * -baled around wM Ik r?-nu d low ur . u rui hi tb ee year<: o*rii< i rtimiir to ? ur r? *p t.i - ii V i Itoi'K k ii..' in1No it ? ..IJeae \'o\ Khc- -TO I.; 1 n'RM.sHEH. KlR Till. -I V .it ? I'ltiS'T, X' ?iHeinan'a B*?idenca. n? nor, til I pint tri ? t.Jtmm !>. ' i I" I I < Kl ilMsllKD H'li'.-KS TO I.Kr-iOK THF. ' ? ? ii or at itvi i* n; fine Kr<tun.i -, (hade, tru.t. Ar.. nver view all pri- ?? UE .li a. MOVT. Vi 2 Park plare I KOntltT1 on OF r-iy * ITY PDR BALK OH TO RETT. , _ % r?I- wot l,n LIKE TO nlKK PARI.OB. \ ? hhriirj. ditiinff room, kilcbe.n (eleva" loven ra"(te. i i i r ivH. Oiiiliri'tnn. three bedroom*, .ill elegant I ?.t ,1 nvoarseit .u sewered ;?tri et. for ??? a month, r t wbola i' v ' oitaue. -ix room-, ecilar. vegi lable n fr?r oni. ??> i month f>r pie ii! i.ioiiern t ktu 'e. for t'tn a montl m t-s.? i w .le b -i-e and rarden to your.*<>lr, not part o' i teneuienu l.ette- btn up town or Harlem or Bronklvn Oi y ? ninuie f-om II :itri * Point. eommutaUon on* . < 1-iin each wa v . 37 train* daily, fmni 6 A M U> mnim .'bt; cr.mioruibl*. clean, mtc ear*, warm in wtu t r ? ... m wmmn not overr-rniMed reautifat s> en r\. hoaiiBK. fnhinvt \t white<noue. I i liurcbe* sehrtola, lit.h. rotllnc i . ..i- ... ilthy i- the e-.ty and much |.i?aian? r the?e h" es ust - .itnU'l. anc only Bto to eight tmnutea' wain tpmnn. nut milt from depot Or pav ? iH.e ii,.ir<- ? icb mi.i.tti instead of rent, and ajju famotiiit t ni. down, and you Mm liny your ngunt aud Hi ? aoniethtn to allow i. r voir m r.< in a lew v am i." loo ?? then, hou?e?. I- will only taae three honrsinafl rtilrt v toon h atreet or aan.ea slit terrv to Hunters l'otw, l-ianhinc and NOrtli .-ikde Ballroa t a, ?>, :? I1* il ii M 1!,. J s. 4 P M Inquire (or S ? Mf'Kl. IMtAl tl A.-en . at i"ie.'..'ie oepot II fill iri.-r ? intormatioii - i;i at olflei ?t o'vner. (i OROh W V'A < -sji LEN -O Sa.inau street, Ne? i'..ri a COUNTRY IIOi'S TO I IT?AT BABYLON, torn bed or unfarnl'.ned, m w. with all modern .fflpf' vfciiHMlts. .-1? I I'? I,N < ' O. 117 Will s reet ? T tKT!N0r0W "V Tti)-*"nL'I>i>O.N, NKAB PEPOT.? T i l?'. i..r - a mi or yoar. a preti lurnu.teit Cot tage, ten runuu; irui;. <ha le. river new. s. t. M Bi, ?No. * 0 Pl-vtU avenue. A OCEAT BABOAIN.?FOl; ^ALE, AH KLEWAjrr ^'V Com rv -ea'. in NowJera-?*, W minutes from t:ity Hall ; in." Mitnuton and Plastic, just completed . Iioaae ron'alria li rt.o-a*. elaborately fitiiebeil. with all modera Itr.provr Jtr au ami etty onventetfea, mountain view ii . i. i-4-i. healtli audoafcted. term* ?a.<y. Add re.* OVv M l. b.1% 2, -C7 Post 'tfli'. New YorK. a T LO'.T RENTS, ItT BEACON OR YBAR OR < HEAP J\ tore i-b at Wottdubnrg, L I one honr tiv Homh li ie y.r liroati our elirtM" < oltauen. ? to tJ ro-mia earli. ?tee?n air and view. irei|iient train*. Iiealtliiu, and beau fit i.l ?I'tiili n Ap.tiv at WooOabiujf to i C. i UKI% PAIR r ?' No -4 Pare place to CUAMMOSD KtN M. OY. owner ____________________ ? FfKNISHKO llorTHK, 11 BOOMS. TO I.f-.T?FOR ,'\ the ?iKiii ?r,e well .haded .Tonids. lawn end lake ?tal.le nd c_rna?e houae . ganlan made, plenty of *' mo .i anion* l oimirv; IS hour* from N- i Yor*. *d Irt -- li - . bo\ 14. Il< raid offl.*e. . VA1 ABLE Bl ILItfBO PUS AT BEBiiEN Poi'.t ?di te dl?povd c.f at a ?arri1ee to a .-eali tuf'Oi ? l?w ltion Itrai? im. Au Jri ?i HAMUiiON, MX lot lierakl i.flit-e A DWELLING no!" HR? TH BEE S" ORIEU, HANARO .'A r of.eie.en rooms, lain, nialtl"-. carriaae ho??e. t.? nh< u-i a?re of garden aud lnwn n bi*l?e"t ot xroum), w?n siii I'd in perteet or ter in ererv re?|?c<, tn<lo<iea ao?l on! plank salt o de, t. VI mmetea ft m New \ ik :tv t>. i t ral (New .Ierse>? Railroad. Irani* ever? Half )ionr, rent half price, $.1/.'t tiii \pril I. l-.'6. ap( i? in owner tmidt i, W Purk row <lnn'? Mllding), ?f |o toil N IJOKl'M A.N. WeMlleld * I i S 'ALL lOtNIRV HOTEL TO BERT I * CON /\ BecBriii lt?thint f1?bin* end fowllnf; roml chance for t -in irt man In 'life ol L M. BlliaB. 39 Plue f lie. ? ,,r <i . f'anal *tr-' ' . mom; riH MlfiH i JtRDB. nPFO.slTB ? F.?T ? > Poiitt Handsome House, beautiful troundu, tie. IteHttaliv tneate.i rlvnr bonk; fine rnoiu.t. atablttiff; tepot I. Ill' Iiiant. price low A.ldresa J. 11 CltOFT, V * r. Posi ofti h , i, ur 11 sop 4 t .i LLEI.AN1 Ol'NTBT HI AT AT l OKRWALL <i on Mu'i-ou to let for the season or 'ear furnished; ttriefc itanslon. Mi bjet S'tuare. a?i tsel afiove tin river, fas. i.ot and eolrt wnter tarontthout me house, bath Ae, s aa'den mad* lnni ai.t trult and shade tree* lawn. Im i> irti ami earriuira tionso; five mitinte* tr. ni steam t,om and in; Appir to I! II LI'IH.OW ? ru So 3 Pine street, or No. ;A I ast -CYente- n 'i street ? lONstl'LT B 'X ft 1 Tl H' to K ABOt! r OWN I NO TO I R I home and N'iiib Independent oi :i , j. fit i eamto liav'l done SO to tin ir b"iiet1t vn?i . Iisti and bill Afie? in three vest? will pay tor a' nae" an-i Lbout |o lilt von Eltarnine Itlniis < all hetwi. n'j ate: II A v ,,i ir>ft I'htrd avenwe < orner Twenty stxth s' reel /?ot Nir v hoi SB TO iti n r-on Hi 11-on hivi- p. I nr ?r West Point a furnished Honse. Willi eood garden^ Itoiiltry at ' foui i:o*l: r< nt v ry low \ rent* ? ?,,,t s. ly. Address L A I). D"* S.oi i New York Post oftv-e. C'NOLKWOOll and TKNAFLT A - Tj Y?rr dne fr.rnished ?nd untarnished Hesldenrt.* on ne if Northern l ullr' id. Neu .ler ej. to rent ! r en ?wii rjc*r. CLAIIK III BroaJway, batemcut lueui C. ! PROPERTY OCT OF THE CITY FOR SALE OR TO KE\T. P^oR SALE ? VT HEROES POINT, A PI.OT .1 cround. 75h-ci iront on avenue l? aSSteei on I Nineteenth sire*t oumth shim; ikow will lm Mtld ??rf low. ??*<? r lurther particulars address O. C., box \fi9t Pom olHce, New York. ? L'OB -ME?COUNTRY RKSIOKNCB, ONI H'H R I mill a list* noniitvoti Erie Railwav, half ft mil* from at ?lion, wfh SB or fai acres ot land. ror full partic ular* address J. H., box 3,111 I'uet oMcu. L'OR SAl.K-t ENTENNIAI. I.OTS ? I.OTS ON' BEE r mom nvtou*. mor i eiitcnnial buildings ami ad ninina tn? New York depot ot the l'eiin?y irania Rail mad, price J| p,-r suuare loot; two front". Address i.ho. \\ HANCiH K, Fortieth street and Lancaster awiiue. Philadelphia. h^Oi; SALE OR TO KKNT-A FIRST CLASS PRIVATE K'-?ii1imv<' 3) rooms. .i spleud id view oi the Atlan lie ''ii.K'h house. Icehouse mi 1 i'j acres or land : lut completed, at far Roekawav. 1. I. Address JAMES MOuNEY, 2' Van Brunt ilreri, South Brooklyn. l.M'RM HKI) HOUSE TO LKT AT WOODSTOCK. I one acre <>i kround (garden planted), Iota of irmt and shade irces; about iwn uuios li< m Harivm bridge; tlc-iint parr .ii Pros|>et:i avenue. uniuim of J \S Wet JAY. id i a*t r ittxiiiurtU street, executor. LHiiN'lSHKl) liOlaE It) LET?10 ROOMS; NORTH r Miore, siaien Islam! lour mlnttt?< lroiu mhw Har bor IuikIiuk; un.surpa.??? <1 neiabborhood ; rent Ap plyat-'i broad wa\ (bveniiw Pont Building) room 5'. \jitr, property, with .-.tPBKion \vate:". -t?i power, lor sal<- very cheap; siiitabl? lor heavy man Ulacturiiiif; near depot. 1). a. MALI.Ell. ( .nupvtlle, Litchfield county, Conn. UN SH HE?AT WiJITESrONE BAY. ONE HOI R troin i ity llull. :!7 tram* daily.?To let. for whwii or > ear. or on lease. Kobiuswood. the elcirntu country sS?*j?t tor a) years pant ot sts-wart Brown. Esq. . . uitimi? tor private lauiliy or lor summer boarder*; house well turuUiiod; 14 rooms; piarzs.s, cott iye, stables, garden; boat mm liutliin: house*. areru house: 35 acre*: beatiti iit 1 -'rounds an i shrubbery. This plaoe is not surpassed in ?nv respc'i bv any in tlm vicinity of this city, t'an on Sir. Brown's aitoracv, O *.t>. W. Van sii'L X, Esq., Bennett Huildina, OJ Namnn sirce'. Commission paid to aaents. Pko.spkct point, bye nei k, one milk from Mumin.uock, 00 in l nil oh (rum city by New llavei u.iilroad ?^c llooniM hoii?e within li*) loci ol ilir Sou ><l: hoitluii liatliiaa and llsbini:; ?uperlor table milk ?inii exit* in abundance; extcnuive irroiindH well <lia led; turui* moderate. AdureMbux 4.1tJ< l'o4i oltloc. New York. H .t P.P. OPPORTUNITY.?A CUU1C? PAJUN CM 8' acre*, in ilic mo>t healthy, boatuliul and productive par lot IVnUHvlviina: aniootli. rn-ii land, to anv (tii-hii; aupcoris 14, ? tiorne.i and an I la Sl.tAU wurin ut hay; w ell watered: pieiity clioleu Iruit *i> iinlid hnilitinod, cost over liandwitne frame dwelltnc, hall and nine iooii >. nice nhacle: extra lar^e stone barn; exteimivc atabnns; cania^e and w.ijrun bouacs: pijc.Ty. hennery. &< ; only two mile* ironi larita, Houi uhi'ii: 'own, olio hour from Philadelphia; It tiiiin* daliv: a'-, hour- Ironi Now York: irood eiwli market; fine reau. It is seldom sttcb a majniflcnt. productive i.irin is oilered tor sale ; present owner iia? i ccuried it 'Si ye?r<; priea. in'iluJtu^ crops worth ib >ut $2,000. only $i?..'itW. t < riiis $l,iNii cash, lirsliuiee very easy; po.svs smu anv time Ooii'i tail to see thu; no! lue slte'itest ex.i;^">"ration made. Tunc !? a M. Irsin ironi mot of cf'i street, New Yr.rit, New ter er t'cn'ral Kailroad to Belhlcheui. Ph.: there tnkn North Pennsylvania Kailrui io VniW rtown. Inens ?o?t n t v. Pa.; von ar rtvf hcl"r" I oVioc'i. can rcltirn at P \f. Inquire nr Kn.iii ilou-e ofpositc t^ statum. for Ut.Oi>(iK I.. W Vl.KEi: earrinae w ii tnc OAR \TOtiA. ?TO RKNT. FOR THK SKASON, KUR |M?t. a private Residence; contains U rooms. laiKf l"i. -t?iil aim ..round* cboiri place tor 'innuier. Addrev; H. li i\ I"! Herat I Uptown Hraneli ofllce. rpo I.FT?AT tlREKNVlf.l.K (JERSEY CITY), TO A i private laniily. u partially lurnUhed House contain nig 11 rooitis, hail In centre; the location is lioauiitul. havinif a Tine view of New York Itay, l.otivt Uiand. itc ; it is wit inn convenient w,ilkin.:?<!istaii'r'ol'the station of tiie t Eailro.i l of New Jers?-.v. and horse eats t.ijer c v i ity i ? *? itcarbv For partlcuiir* inytnre of M. A P.M grKtiNrt, No i t I'erry street, New York, or at tlie Post offlce. t'iseenvlll#, ,N J. IX) L.RT-PI RNISHEB, IN PASSAIC. HOUSE 14 I Rooiim. all couvenu'iices for tesscii or rear, at low rate, to d'-siruble parte: tin < la? n?. a1 ound*. A s Ad dress JOHN F. RaRKLKY. PiiswIc rpo 1.FT?FOR THK SEASON \ l.AROK AND COM I modious House, near fcniflewood; etih' aere?. lawn and carden; anundanee truu, i e. sh..dc, ,\ddrcs< o\t, box Jl't Po?t nfll"e, Knalcwood, N. J. <T?t? I.KT-AT HASTTN?}?. ON HUDSON. 17 Ml EES I from cilv. furnished t'ottaije. 10 rooms, stable, car rla?e liotise, flue rivor view, two minutes from depot and dock , r nl low. .1 W. KlCHAM'SuN, 111 Broad way, v. Y. R. 98; 2 to 4 I'O f.HASL -TTIE RKIOHION' HOU-E. AT PERTH 1 A in boy, N. J. 'this large mansion home is situated in a very li.eaithtul toc.ition. on Ms i sround, 'on mandins a view of the itarttan The grounds ini itnie a flne lawn, with shade trees and several acres tor aarden, pas:ure. Ac. i he house Is In a cood neiahborliood, eon venient to ehnrPhes^sehools, stores and to railroad do pot aud ?teauiboa; latidina. two lines of railroad af ford irerjuent communication with New York. I'or lur ther particulars apply p> HORACE e, KI,Y. 2".' Pine st 1^0 P. E NT?AT 11IOII LAN 0 FA EE?, N Y . ON TIIE hanks of the Hudson, a rtirnishe l ttoitaae eontafn ica fi* P?Kim?. A pply or ad Ircss W estmn>-e!and Hotel, l uiou Mjuare, N. i. 'p.? H' ST II' I: '? 1 - E r> - A T E I.IZ A R ETII. N I AN i cl"aant Residence on hiali around ; hon<e 'arae. all modern imprevemelit*, tuilv turnished convenient to oepot: amp.?? flower and vegetable aarden Planted: will rent lor season or year. Address box l.?04 New York Post oflier rpo RI'.MT?FOR THE SEASON. FR' V 1ST JU\K I till 1st Oe'o^er. a aood Hir.' d t'ottnge, partlallv fur lilstjed. at >ur Po< Kav ;iy. I. I Apply |o Mr? JAMES SAUI.IEK. 2.19 West Thirt? cl.hth slreet. New Vor.:. REAL KMT ATE TO KX('tIA\l?E. * NY PARTY on Til Ii I. IN h OF ERIE. NORTHERN N< w Jer-ev, o' Harli hi Railroad within e.n hour from New \< ra, liavtna a furnished t ountr* Place, in exclianae ?".? a verv desirable tHrntaUed House on E* mis Hil rear t entral Park, from aootit 1st Junj to l-t t.ctolK-r. wi i a-ldrcae. with t articular*. L e.. box U1 Herat i < (tW;e. AT I"l TilKRFORI> PARK?GOOD MOC8K AND A Plot tor II'u?e in Brooklyn, .'ersev t'itv or Hobo ken < <? WaW.A.?I> A m \k lit Kulion treet, New York. ?T TREMClNT. TWENTY KOfRTII W ARD-U A.KD \ -.tii'' Qou? a-lit Oroun l?, irte unit clear, to ??* ctianre lor food ? 11v l>\>< ilinz or neinetit worth $aiwJiHo$ o.ouo. i?o >Lhv. wau \i * < a. l . to Broad wuy. A -AN ELKO A NT ESTATE, SEVEN ACHES, WITn waier tr> III in %'onker*. to exchange lor < i!y Property will rent faruta ie l PoOLKY. WALLACE A CtJ .110 Kroailwus. near Twent* fli h -tteet. ft OA I. VAltn AN; H-.Kli BI'KISRS > TO lH IIAM1V. tor K.jrm?i. -?4it n- I om oarrei* s.uO > hag* read. I.UU I iale* Hay. Horse* <'ar'rucks. !- .1 ,es, Ac.: bo r atfi.r wven veara; pr ? ?? Barnes. 112 Broadway. T?X?HaN<;e?A M-AI RK I AKM *ND oTIlEll NEAR Ti b* Propojf. t.-rp and clear. for Merelintidit'-e, Bu*i n< *< 1 \ ? ?"<?! " I'rof. rt* : caay exchange. Adur >.?< B . box It* H'-rald office. ? P^XCHANOE?BROOK I.YN mToREK OR DWELL j itiK 1 ioii?. - v. r. iiahtlj mortgaged, f..r > .rw?; one ?!.. 00 ail 1 $<?.i>*i ^1111,1. 1.1 mtli'4 of Nr<* York. in quire 't .S he' Ainaii ?tre. third floor, from >2 to 4 T.IO. .-Mb. !? \( HAN1K Oit TO LET?I B' RFA V r i:< 1. "ti. ? a; \!i iu-lien. N. .1 . 10 roo?>. 3i rn lADtl A<!dr'm A |WOKK. box A. I Post office, PfOvilence. *.1. LIOK *A!.t OK EXCUANUE-A MODERN COU5TRT r -out .!? Iiin?lnl<-, i..n^ Island; lio: and coW water; Parnltuie, a:"> (table*. nchuU'e, hothouse. liraporv, orchard, urge card"ii. A<\ ; extensive ground*. el gactlr Unl our In walm mu driveway*; .tie half hour'* ride dn-tant :rom city .<v 1 eutral or Eon? I-land Railroad : Ovc minute* troni citii. r depot Application* trvui agenta received. v\. J. 1 oLS. SAo .-lxth avenue. TOOK SALE op EXt'HASOE?TWO OT THE MOST X eleiiaiitir finislinJ l-ri'uoh Fla * in ihecitv; iKit.on anaarBaoMil n l nil l to iir?t Amcrioau laini He A f 1 RAWPOHU. ?.u Third uveaoe. I.10R HALE, r.K .T OJt EXCH ANOE-TWO THREE r storv bn?i tn<'iit < ri?-k l>w<-iling?, on Park at? nil', in bo .d order, will -ell at 4 low rt?urr ; moderab- real, or exchaus for Harlem Hou?e in aood repair Kor further parUralMB, Ac., acpiy 10 CHAd. k. WHIIE, No 4 r'nrk lHace. T 11A VA M MliER Of (1 K AND KlVK>TORY 1 bru-k llir*i t? axchansre. alaotbrrr an>l four stoi v h fh atoop and nntrllah baaemetit hro?wi j auNM i|..u<ea -o eainaom; al-o f.ia?- ftno Knrin lu Ni w IrrM . Wtit lMArr roontjr. an I KtMl aiwaverv choice 011 ot?ii?crei>. at Nonliport. I. I . ir. ?? smI ei- ir. JAM K.i BOWK. 917 Ttitrd avenue. \'KW JRRRET REAl RBTATE Milt hALK. RKNT or ' xchsnae?Derirable CottnifM. on v hfw-.lnirjr ltt*er and m th<-villnRe* ot Hed nanx shi'iro nr-/. I, > ru*t Point, Ealr Maren. *< . to i"?. tor ti.e Mtnmer. tor nl*M or onrorniabcu acceaalble l y >i v Vork und Lour Branch and N> ?r J?r?ev Noutl ? 1 1 liailrnad ; alao river bo.Hi x-.? Btr I ami lle|e ? wild | r caulnfftie WM. H sH'KEI.8 A ON Red Bank, Monnn. u'h rotiBty, R. J. fro EXt'H S NOK?RLh'i \NT FRIMCH R'lOf #1#! I dence i: rooms. .1 lot a a*.igi ? of. Jeraey < ity Ilelthin rieiabborhood wiaurpaaMa, f li'.U 0. ior?i,rni In New Jerakj f'llA.- W WaRO, Tf' cdaratnMI mo I- Xf HaXOK? KOIl I'PTOWN J.OTrf. rRBK AND I eh 1- .1 stood Tone met iiou.-e on the west ai^o; pri o mortKatfe. IIOfcM ;M BRO IIiV, :fi East Two-.t . third vtreei. TO E rM NOR -K'llt A H OUfK HETWKKN CAN Kit and Rtiihui a o -i.-. wit ?ld< a free and clear Tone. mon' 11 n j .,11 o^.f aide, pre > <i .?? '? l|i?l,Mf,.i BROfHKRf*. 1 a?t Twentv ihtrd atreot rpi 1 I \i IMSOE < llliM.o rvtPCOVBIl A.1D M'B I urba ? hv lot rr a' r"h lor New >oric imp'ored or noart.v Property alxo Wovtern I'urnn hi I v\ 1 -i l.nnds, also 1.W0 acre* Oceaa ctHirnv >.??* .lf-r*e?, toexen.iniro. I,. ? (Ml,BERT rrotiolri Hotel fpo FJCfUNOR ( M'M, MIT SEAR I.KXTNOTO!? i avenue; ?treet irradod and p.ived. alao 1 lobaoon hnrmoi ;; m ro? in ine town 01 ,-nfli. ?d in the ( ono-c 11--Mi \ llle v. .-in I -orf e . 1 -|i 11 re'j Hired, tor 1 '<wl hrte* or Nrown *tone Mmi>? in 'ew 1 (,rk or Bf< "m!yn In rjK re o< I", Jl H! RK I'.. IflT Htlllivan *tfeet U AIli n * K; RNISHI II I1ISTKV I 4T, >? Norihern Nf w Jorte pro'erwd, tor elialble bin Id. Insr* ni a popnnr vea?ide renort. 1 ItAMMOSD KitNi NRIiY. owner. Park piaee^ \1ANTEIi-A OOOD BTfX'K KAKM IS IXrilANOE ?f for tttterieiiiiihered Utore and 1 welling thlrymin o?? irrnn fit) Addrea* box HIS Po*t ofllca. Mount Ver non. s Y. r .-TORY TENKMP.NT ON WPST riETV KOIIRTH ? I atreet*' pri .? tnor'-ie* ? n 11 ted for tl.ZMI exelinnxo tor on ?e?t de liolow -1XIlot!l afreet for bnibltint W .1, BA UNEi*. 112 liroadwAV. r.lV M/H /\ r MEri'i HEN, S. .1 CLEAR) TO E\ ' b4ti"e fm MAtett inland or other Prot.-rtj, Ap ply to owne 1. o KNI1 H, 81 Pine atroeu nr. \ 1. i<-ht vi ??. w * % i ki). , L'!i;v' i'i,^< Mot sE wanted t<? pi i:< ii ? r? I Hetweet ? ,ii n 1 ,1 Mxth aTentie an l Poiirteentll and Pitt) twrtb ???> '< AdiJre? box -/a >'r-at ofbr? 1 W'ANTEI)?A PA RM <il 15 AIRES '>H MO I. Oft \ ! ?> I'oimtry lloier, witb a few iere? mu<r i,. , ru ip . a 1 -i 1 he-iitiiv pt'ico; one or two h?ilr jroiu Sev I CUV prleei ??< Oflli t.*?v?i. ready vaab. AddreM I ? 1 fcvath Kllth awnu?, New Ytukeity, TO IjET FOR BimEtS PTHPOSE8. A STORK AND TO LET?Ml THIRD J\ avenue, near Forty-second itrcet Apply ot 21 lr vine place. \?'TO I.FT, STORK AT !?S FULTON STR' ET. NKAR ? Uilliaui l ulirrt i'id -an (or inle, the cheapest rent on the ?treet. Ir<411 lr?* on orcnuse*. \FINK STORK TO LKT?W1 I'll THREE ROOMS ami Bufment ? ."> a month. 403 Wcs; Twenty-ninth street t t.iojni4H' Ninth mtnuc. EuMl'ND M. MAK TINh. 109 rt est 1 liirt\ -?ixth street. A ?A?A.?KLKOaMT OFFICES ON TIIK FIRST \ ? and second tioor* of the now inilldinr of the ern I n ion lo'tiKrHiili ''ouiimny also targe eorner office nijil Basement ami offices on the second, third und null floor, 01 the building southwest corner Broadivn.v ana Liberty -trect; all at reduced rcnls. Apply to K. H. Ll'DLllff A OO., No. 3 Pine street. nAl-F OF ONE OF IHIi FINKST STORES ON Hrondwny. near Fifth Avenue Motel, would tic rented low to a good tenant. Address U. H. S., Herald I office ? On AM POWER To LET? ROOMS AND GROl'M> ?' Floor,. Or.IM. ?0x40 and ,Ytx51. and smaller. .lullN McLak-'N. or Euglneer, Third und tiraiid streets, llo | lionen. N. J. QTi/llK AND BA^KMENT, NORTH\V KbT CORNER OF k ' Fourth avenue ana l'wontv-eiijlith street. at vottr price lortlie next II month*. Applv to s. K II.I'A I'RICK, 3U>> Third avenni. 1 or ner twenty-third street. rito LKT?THE SPACIOUS STOKE Stti THIRD AVE 1 ntte. ?S;<1I5 feot iii depth, with two Loft* above, sui aide tor ttirnltara piano, dry Rood* or f ine.> woods bnsi ?11" ?, wn Iii 1'.'r ? in- '.vin.tut<"i nil. am! 1- 111 ? m 1 . complete Applv lo JO'lN Fl.T'l Ill 'l ( li. I .13) ?Broadway. rro I.ET-A BUTCHER SHOP, SIX YEARS RSTAH I I tubed. best location on unrcr part of Sixth avenue, with or without haud?9D'u Fixtures; to a deslraole party rent re asonable. MARK LeVY, northeast corner Forty-fourth street and >ixth av. rpo I,EASE?FOR II YEARS THE L ARUE MANSION I House and Oroutid* No..ri'i'j Broadway; 5) teet on Broad way and 50 lent o 1 I htrtoenth 'treot: tenant run make alteration". Apply to E. II. LUDLOW A CO.. No. 3 I'ir.c street or 35 Ens. Seventeenth street. DWEUJK6 IIOtJBICS TO LET. ? Ktirnlshcd, A N ELEOANTLY FURNISHED Til REE STORY J\ ni'.'h stoop hrown s'one House; lm* all modern iin prover.ients: m best neighborhood. Apply on premise.*, i;o Sut Eighteenth ttroot I N ELEOANTLY Ft'RNISHED 11-FOOT CORNER j\ stone Dwelling, admirably located on Murray 11Ht. only $."i,.'H)u. Offices 1' I'ine sireet or S3 East Seventeenth attoei Y. K. STKVEJifON. .Ir. \ HANDS' 1MEI.V FURNISHED FOUR STORY brown ston? House, I^-xirietmi avenue, near H j 11 \ - Bit!) street, tor summer month"; te,ruis to suit tenant 1 i A It 11V A KSCHBACll, 1,CIS Broadway, under tirantl liotel. 4 FURNISHED HOUSE TO LET?FI: ESCOF.D AND J\ furnished throughout in the ;no*t elegant manner, V". 419 West F ortv seventh street, near Ninth avenue, tn a private tmuiiy only. Apply at A Warren stiect or on lite premise*. LU'KNISHED OR UNFt RNIsIIED?A 21 FOOT P three storv hipii stooti. west side ol Lexington ave ptto soiith oi'lltirt* *eeoiirt street; house in excellent order; imincd late possesion Apply to S. KIcl'Ai UICK. 30) Ttiir I avenue. till I I,KT?EXTRA to'IDS HOUSE, HANDSOMKI.Y Jl turnUhcd. No 12 West Tenth street; rent roa.son able to aood tenant WI N'ANS a DAVIES, So. 12s Broadwaj. rro PENT, FU UN ISI1FD?A FIRST CI.ASS HIOII I stoop lour story brown stone House, perfectly nn Ishe I, to rent t r one year, or to M ot November: "Una ted near Kitth avenue, ociween i v ont.v niuili ami I Itir ty tUud streets. Address itOBKRTS, Post office box 2,710. I n J arnixticrt. A N EXCELLENT HOUSE. IN SUPERB CONDITION. newly painted and papered; rent only $90); rood ern improvements; ?! isirable location; near Broadway: liuMOsMon immediate;). Appi.v on premises. 256 West Forty third street. \HJ<W kfuor BKOWN NTONK THREE STORY House, 111 Forty-seventh utreet, near fixtb avenue ; three rooms reserved by preu nt occupant, who will Rive orfake board. JtlHN'Mlil A POi?Thlt. 1,2U8 Broadway. 4 CORNER rOTTAOE ON MADISON AVKMJK TO .'A let?At lest Hun $M per inotith; uino a very choice three story high *toop bro?ti ?ton" llonse; putting In ilr-t clasf orier; to the riRht tenmitclieap .1AMlis ROVYE, 917 third avenue. At FORTY-SIXTH STREET, O.N SEVENTH AVK nue iboikI location)?Desirable 21-toot stone Dwell ing. onl? H.7IK): a haruain. office* II Pine street and ;'.3?aM Seventeenth ?irc-r. V. S. ?Th\ h.NSo.N Jr. A? IITII STHEKT, NEAR ST 11 AVENUE. 3 S CORY ? liiRh stoop. 91 4'-0: inth street, 4 story hrown ?t tie. $1,300; :'4th sti'et. central, fl .4(311; olliers. SIMONSON X KCOEEfsTON. so We*i Thlrt.v-tlrsl street, between Broad way and .-sixth avenue. li ROW N SToNU. FRENCH I EATS. AT 419 TIM "TV Jj 1'iurth street, west ot >inth avenue, to let ; SIX rooms modern improveraent?; rent to $11; location desirable. I-O I.KT?A THRP.E STORY AM) BASEMENT HIOH utoop hriek Uott*e, So. IfiO I'r incc street. in egiccik-ut or ler. M'l lv it K^PKN><'II Kl !>'S, l! *treit rpo f.HT?A THUEK sfOIl IIMill ST'UIP HR'iWN J atone front II nn?: nil modern improvement*; good neighborhood wrh he Ift reasonable to a "trior- mi v.itc family mil* Apply at -H Kt-t HW?-ntv-ninth etrc ?, or on the pri mine - ?<> -H Fitly t!urd street, be - t?cen II A. M. and 2 F. M. rpo LBT?I.AROK. ROOMY HO VMS. No. 7 IT. I Markpin <>, near'i bird avrnan rent low to* good tenant lii<ii"Di JAMF- i AkK, lii7 Howerv. Til I ' I ? \ i A l/nv I'iill h Til A O OD I UN AMT, I the lirirt <la?* three story Irown ntotie front Hoo*c. No. .in Orow itrioi. New 'i.irn.all nir 11 mprovr m?niK. xiMrc'f? or i ill ou ALflukul. CEVlErirtANK, 14.r> ttroadwa v. room I.' TO RENT. IIS Ftj'RNIfllK'.i?A KM ALL TIIKHE *torv l.rli k Urn o, on Weat Twcntv sltth itreet, be twcen fifth an '. .-ixtli aveiiu.- ? K. II. LUDLOW \ CO. TO RENT (TRY I NO to Tin r? ttOTTOMWTHE extra I :rs<- '.''J room. I story stoop brown *ti>n? Hon*e .no. S3 Wr -i iirrei; in order. ill im provement*. An lhl? large hou?e will he r. tiled ?? a nominal i .nt lor the Mtminrr numtii-. !ird troin >e|tuin tx r I at rati' ol $J,' ?i. h i? I" ' ii rented tor JAMKri K EDWaRU", i<M W#*t rwentv third at. PKR YEAR.?A PRRTTY Tiir.EK HTORT 2* I ?)U hitrh rtoop l.rick 11hancnent, nnder ' >i?t i .n*; pool nci -ti !>? mood ? -mall yard. IBI Wr?t i hi; i.v '11111 ?trcet, neai Mntli venue. Fl IiNISHED ROOMS A\i> APARTMENTS TO i.KT. ? KI RMStll l> rl liftK, WITH KYF.HY COMTEK. t\ I. nee lor bouae keeping to Ml. to a resectable mntli laoitlv. 91 ?:rj?t i WIDOW LALIY OK RKHPKl.TAHII.lTV, LIVINO 1\ alone, and h.i v in-, m .r.-rn m. ii'hr require* in .1 *tr>cl|v '|U?" and private hi um . ? a*t mile. lo< ?? lion u..l io.nJ in w. itUi rein a Room or ?int m Kruinn. han't i.uich fu in-)iei|. will liaili,j:ue, hot and col.I water togctfvr or i? itc. to nmet re*poti*ih.? p.irrie- or* .i;lnn If n?i(uir."il. ?ingle ri oin $10 n r u '?k : ? jil, with minanm. %U Adore*", lor one weak, Mrs. A. J.. 41'oT i. Herald .fflro. A GENTLEMAN C AN HlVK TilH. CHOICE OP TWO j\ Room*, oni' mi " .ml one rwaU. without board; hoiae ino'larn; kohmii! i< ration, c nvenient to car* No 4 Van >e?t place. Chu n-.< ?lr> t A MKATLV i CBNISMIiri ROOM AND SlDROOM, J\ with pantri?? (enticuian ami wife or ilimle senUe men. 50 per wcea : irom Ita'I Hooui $J M. lUDercuili avenue, i:ear Twetit eth nroot. ? -TO Ll.T, ? N'WI.Y I I RNIHHED FIRST FLOOR; ;\. aiMk. a larz !!o.,i? on top floor unmedlnt.-po*e? fir.n. 1 .ri tor tl.ree .uy* at JUH Meat 1 *ent\ nfth ft. ?PAV.OK FLOOR. HA.MISOMKI.V Ft'BN*ISHED. ? to rw?f. wlth.-ut board. No 9 Baat Thirty-third ?t. A t LAROE. HANKSOM LY KIRN lis II ID ROOM TO let. to one or i wo gentlemen; r\ery convenience; p.lratt: fimil> . terras uiudcratc. * all at No. Ixs hast hix.eetuli street. _ * FEW NEATLY PCRNIstlBD ROOMS, WELL VKN /\ limtfd. in a fli t la-;? Home and b".%uttful location, to gentlemen tern,' re.t-on. hie. priv.? t lamtly. imjutro at i'ii >eeon.l avenue < .rner Tentfi ir< et Alarm; from rohvi-k'r.msiibd. for hou-ekcftVin?. wrh *??: r< iitf?iri; alw> iwn larva Rontn<. #7 *0; a Kill Bedroom, 93 Apply a* Hu-lion a'reet, near ? liariea IT 383 EIOIITII AVI \TK, OPPOP1TF. GRAND A Opera lion*e a handwimely tnrntvlied Floor, with every convenience lor Itjhl hnwekei pina; $ll per week, imiuiiinK heit in.i ii.i.. ji, en. towel*, * *" ? FI RM -TI KI> ROOM F..R ? '.I',N fLEMAN AT $10 P"r month, will one of Itatli and aa? private ! iw ftiqnire In real eatata c?1 ? 17 AMnydon Kiuara, EisiiUi avenue. A NhATLV FI'RNIellKD FRONT ROOM TO I.h.T? A in private house, lo'.endrmen oniv. rent it per weak. I"7 Ba*l Tn nt; i t. nen' /ourtB aV. \oknrl.HiMV *fl? WIFK OR Two SINi;LI aentlemen wj?'nn? a c|e?ant newlv fiirni?hed j>tn' or doom*, on ?'*? fl? nr. n >th private Path an.l large ehy.t*, ear. at.plv at 1.1:2 li road way Affw coot, ." vn im.f,a-ant rooms, fi rni!>bt h, lor light hnttisefceepmg, at ?I rntTi' price., at ilrt Wesi Forty 'eventh itrcot. two iloors went i t Brotdway. aN KLKOANr ROOM. FINELY FrRNMIIED. TO l let, wit. , at Boar t. ai 'i..ittner i>rlce? fg Wi*t i. nth itree 1 itetween Filtri and mx.ii avenue*. YltmRABI. VF.WLY FI RNI.HHF.D ROOMS TO LET? J ? \t i" Foil'-th n? eiiue, near Twentv flftn ?frert, i ofivcn.en? ?< several e> . ent rep'auraut?. term* re,? fonahle re fere |,I e* r \chatlge.!. L*l. BBI.'.IIKD I.OWKB FART OF IIOI'M TO I.F.T r For liotMctaeepins, or wtU let nee..nd Floor, with all improven.i i,:? it'. k'i" ample claact room, per feet order It Went lli.r'i nth creet. II ARE OFI'OBII Viiv.-rwo H.MiSOMR itOfiM 11 to rem. fiirnl*heii ,.r tt?lnnn?l.e l, suuaMi tor a ii,. . maker ? : neat nnaine... term* low 3fil nixtk ave nue, near Twenty iti mid nireet. rpo LKT?IN M WF.-T TWl NTY SKOOND STRF.ET, I m :ur .h' ! K. m tor gentlemen, with una of lil'hr. oil.. Rent re|< I I in e glvCP ail I re'iutred rrii t,K'i ?Ft rni-hi ii Ik>0 ? ' iort i n,n i iiou?ii? I keeping to laniiiicgwi-| . iu r iiil I'ei at 6# Morton llreei ffit) M.'l V II Nl> OM i.v H I Nl III D ROOM O* I nceottO floor. I' itlirooni *ti i 'rn ? Ii aiopl" ohmeia, ata reilio ? .1 pilice A| pfv ai X* w. i Fori', third Blfeet fl'O ; I I v PI'.ftAlR M I (I.V O'llN'i Tf> IIIK I coun'ry tor tli ?niiiirier wi I let twi hail i?omelv lurnKUeil Kooiii* on ?... on I floor, -eparateiv or togetln r; ui i. . t-m improvement? !i| ? a?t Ihlrt ' -h atreet. U IV.I WILL FrRNIHHl D RriOM." IN PRIVATE I brown ?totie lion*. l.e<t rn uliiiorhoo I Wll'i .UI .it in pro 'iri ii- reieren "1 < \ han.'ad. Apply , tv aw oar, '.M l.att iuu; ?.a *'r??l. 1 nmjiisnEORooMR ahu afartmksts TO LET. I \\'M. M. EVARTS ' T lO-D AT IN THE EVENING TELEGRAM TO MIGHT. iriLL FURNISHED KHOXT ROOMS To L"T?FOR I '? housekeeping or light hutilnCiM: rent from Si 50 to ?-i per *w?; <0101)4111 location No. l.iW Broadway, between Thirty nilli and Tmrtv-sixth streets. ! ~TH A VEX UK. U" (, NKAIt I NTT F1R.-T S'BEET. , '> Furnished Room*. iront and buck, smulo or en ?uilo; 1 t-ntlif on each Hour: references wnttlred. QTH WAtlD.-A LARGE I'l'BMnHH) ROOM. ? newly decorated; large closet, i?s. bath; second floor: near six car lines, rent moderate, also nn ittUe Room. 1.1 Charles street. UWEsT TWKXTV- IXi'H STRKET (FORMERLY occupied by (he hi. .James Hotel).?An en-Rant Suit ot Room* and miiitla Ko?m>. fiirriislieJ. t)*7 E\sT >W-STY-FOURTH STRKRT.?A SMALL t~ I private family, owning house, would let First or Sec n 1 Floor, beautifully lurnished, together or sepa ruteljr; private hath, also .-:n?-le Room lor fentlc '>7 BOM) STREET.-A LARGE ROOM AND It'.H O I room to ho lei, furnisftpfl tor housekeeping; or would let to two yountf men; also small Rooms lor housekeeping. A"! WEST TWENTY-N I NT I STllLET, N K A H 1IROAH i i a ny.?To let. on first lloor, one Urge and com pletely far nulled Room, with ?!l modern Improvements, at low pri'-e tor HUmii.ur: also larjttt hull Room. rtk> WK'T I WENTY-SIX1U STKKUT, NEAR ST. ? J'imos Hotel.? Elegent furnished Rooms in private French family. WE T IWELPril STREET. CORNER SIXTH I "" avenun ? Niculv furnished Rooms together or separately, tor gentlemen or gentleman and wife; also Kitchen il desired. ii)7 :. \-ttkm;i street, m a -. third ayi - 1"! 4 nue.?Ni cly nirniHlied front Room and Bedroom lor housi'Secping ; all coincnicnces; finely located. m>U(lI)OI'(,Ah STREliT, NEAR ULEKCK I'.R.? Furnished ,ooiU', with every convenience tor housekeeping, to let, lo respectable small families. I IO MACOOUGAL RIRHET, NEAR TIIR PARK.? J i ' I urnish, d Rooms, with every convenience for housekeeping, to renpec able small families, or flugte gentlemen Irom $2 to f.i weekly. 9()A WEST FORTY-SIXTH STREET, CORNER OF ? ' '" F Broadway. ?Two ncallv furnished Rooms for Huh* housekeeping on first lloor, suitable for a dentt: t'a o'are. 9 1 (t WEST THIRTIETH STREET. NKAR SEVENTH ?.w I ?' avenue cars.?-second Floor, of three or six rooms. perfectly furnished, lor light housekeeping, with a small private fa mil v. I Q ~ K ROOM 15 STREET, THREE BLOCKS WERT ! '"?) of Broadway.?\ nicely furnished Room and Redroom for man and wifo; also a sins'ie Room: rent. $2 so and $i ,W. l\KC IliVJLSiliK.O KQOMlt \r?J> AIWIIT KSiarTS to let. \ K ELEGANT CORNER FLAT, Al.L IMPROVE ."V ments; dumb waller, ranccs. wtaliotirirr tubs and 7 larc" rooms. js.'N per mont'i. others Sl<>; large first class Store to let. tii'iuiru Ea-t, highly second ftreet (ft lot class brown stone), r.ear ,-ccoml avtiue. a nEnt'cruiN of 0 pur ci'Nr,f. or idlarce A strictly private tlrs: cln?? Hoonts, eslra roil venieticoi, $lf>io$i1. Apply on premises 4"l IIi: Isoii -l. * Fl-.W CHOICE FRENCH Fi.AT.S To LET,?DO /\ you wish to he nicely siutei' on Flats rep'cle, with improvements and al a ver\ low rent? If ?o. cail ultd (tet lull partlcnlnrs ot those on seventieth Seventy-ninth una f"ilty>third street-: cheap loirood icninfs, .1 \Mhs tOWI'.. !H7 Third avenue. A SECOND FLOOR?4<17 ' 1 XT 11 AVE,ME, IN t'OM nlcte order; five room*. Apply to 0. S. PECK A CO., No. f West I'wenty-fifth street , ? -TO LET. A HANDSOME FLOOR SIX ROOMS; . all improvements, private house No. f:0 East Thir teenth street, near ?? ift.n avenue; rent ii): imni"iliale possession. Call on premise . i PRIVATE FAMILY WILL RENT, CXITRNISIIF.D, it second, third aurt fout.h Fioors. toijelher or separ ately, for li?ht housekeeping:; all modern improve ment; rent moderate. S)> West Twenty second street. /1IIKAP KENT.?BASEMENT FLOOR. I NI IJR VJ nislied, three rooms;clean and very desirable; also large Room on third lloor; lirst r las- block; iirivat<'. lious^. No. !tt'i West I wunty-ulnth mreot (il Lamurtlue place . lilLKGANT FRENCH FLAT, OVER EQI'ITABLE I j savings Institution. Sixth avenue, corner Twelfth street; Hi) lee.t deep; ii iront rooms; rent reduced. In ?lulre in the haul.. I/LOORS (OVEIt STORES) TO LET-CONTA!NINO l three large rooms, with sliding doors, and two b"d rootnson each floor, with gft? fixtures and water. In. quire at 177 Pavonta avenue. Jersey city. TJTIXWR?SIX ROOMS. IN II KM! t-TOOP HOUSE S10 F last seventeenth street, between t-ltivvesant square au1 Third avenue; modern improvements. No lull up. /s<OI> TENANTS WASTED FOP. TIIK ELEGANT u and spacious First Floor. 422 Fourth avenne. c. rner Twenty-ninth street; alo third Floor, In very flue con di'ion, and >erond ?n I I'hlr.t Flo >r? in *<'? Fourth nvr mi . corner Tin nty-ei.'liih street; #?n to ?7<i i-ce them, 5 KILPATRICK, ;tdu Third a v., corner Twenty-third st. qto LET?'?? GRAND STREET, A VERY DESIRABLE I second Floor, six rooms, all light room>: gas anil water; a private nou?e ; .ent moderate; possession im mediately. Apply on premises. rpo I F.T? 1 To a small family, a Hoor in privafo residence. Apply al 1.11 ne?t Fifteenth street, rpo LET?U.NTUR.NIMIED. THREE ROOMS ON J third floor. ISH f u?t Fiftieth street, In good order, wilh owner. Apply on premises. rpo LKJ-A VERY FINE FLOOR IN BROWN STONE 1 house 14?> East Fifty.thir l street. four rooms. with utoreroom and closets; all Improvement*. Apply on the premises. rpo LET-FIVE ROOMS AND BATHROOM IN HOL'.-E 1 4 0 West l wentv eiKlrh street. low rent, to a small family. .Apply on the pr?ni<oi rpo LET-A FLOOR IN HitJU STOOP BROWS I. stomj hou-e. with itnpr ivemeot": good location; rc ni6i?. Apply at 2J4 Hast Mfy sec md street, ueur I nurd avenna. mo u.r-A baskmknt and rntST nooc, COM* I sistlng "I 9 rooms in a hi:li stoop brown stone hour' in Thirty-ninth street: rent J.'O per month. In. i|inrc at No. 2M> East Thirtv ninth street rpo LET?A HANDSOME SECOND FLOOR. ALL 1 light rolms No. Ifl West Fourteenth street, between Hllh and Si\tn wiw, rpo li:t~a second floor, conswtino ok four 1 rooms; also furuishou rooms tor Mnglc gentlemen; family private; no children or bourders Inquire at 141 W?>; Thirty?cvenih street. rpo LSI CHEAP, Part or a UtOI IOVM, I newly palntad and trcseoed ; also an elo,?nt Hou?o . hsndsfii.ieiy lurnt?hoi!. Inquire hi Ct7 lexlngtou avc noe. mar Fifty lourtli streei. rpo LET?ON LEXINGTON AVKNl'K (REDUCED I rents*. second and ihtr.l Flats of brown stone bouse; 6 rooms ana hatftro'in newly panned: jatiitor in tba home. Inquire at Went F.iriv tnird street rpo LET-3W W F.ST TWP.NTT-.ECOM> STREKT I src.ind Floor, containing six rooms, tie?rly painted nnd kaisomined. rpo lkahk-p\k:s PL'.TS IN FIFTH AVENUE I style (10 lame light rooms), confessed to surpass in commit. spHciousuess and e o/ancs any In the eltv; rent 9?i f'KAWF'iRP. Fifty Seventh street anil Third av QD FLOOR TO LET?AT C5(? WF.8T EIGHTEENTH -j street; five room- ami HK>re if desired; hot ana c Id water; sep, meter; privilege in bath roout; Imme diate possession. (t J r. RFNT. ? WHOLE I PARI OVER SIOEK, i?Ti; consisting ol tlirte floors; In good order r.nd good loeatioti . would answer tor boarding Bouse. GEO. RUsSKLL, . 18 Seventh a\enn?. lOn w'E<iT TWENTY EIGHTH PTPEKT, CORNER I'M; Sixth .ive-ntr. ? First and Third French Mais. s?-ven rooms; every improvement; iCI W??i l wenty fourth street, rccond floor Inquire of H. RICH. *4 >i nrray street WEST THIRTY FIKsT STREET, THIRD DOOR 1"^ west of Sixth avcMic ? -econd Flour, utifiir nlshMl, coiisU'lnf of Wire* iarso rooms ample Clu3"t<; sil modern improvements; In elegant order. IIOISKS, nooath, WA.1TKD. in this City aitrt Brooklyn. * RESPP.CTABLF. MARRIED COl'PLE WOfLD VV Ilk'' to take t are ol a hon>e during ihesnmiivr. a MMa'l enmpen-Atlon asked; best testimonials as to abil ity. Address oi* East i!tl< St. * room wanted?by rwo obntlkxf.n, witii J\ sln?l? beds, west side, up town. A'tdres?. stating terms, Mr. MaMRTENs, No. 31d West Thirtieth street \LAlOI AND COMMODIOUS OOTTAA8 WANTED a; or in the vicinity of iort W.i.htngton. Address Pox I.M# Post office. LM RNfMIEIi APARTMENTS WASTED??CITARLE r for housekeeping b/ a deslrabl? party, w ho will Iwi permanent. central location tin town preierred Trsny partv gotnr ont of town the ad-, ertiser would Hits to treat; terms mttst he ?fsted ant! niolerate tddrt'.B S. GRAY, box Post odlee. .sew York. rpo PEOPLE CONTEMPLATING GOING IN THE I country? Reliable ptrtie? turnhhen to watch v -or hoeses. lest references. AJdreaa i., nox 17(1 llerall ofilne \\r ANTKO-BT A OEVTLHMAN, A SUIT OF BOoMS, y? On ill ?hed r nn!itrnt>lietl. in ? good neluhborhoo-l. Addrt -< M. H , box (Nil Post office. 14/ANTIO KCRNI-IIED If OHM, WITHOUT BOARD, ?? ne.ti Foriy second street d pot, for srcntlctnim and wlfh Address, statini; price, H. T A, box IW Herald nlVe. It*AVTFI>? HY TIIRKE GENTLEMEN. TWO ROOMS, ?' turn hed ?r unfurnished, e.i?i side, between Four teenth .mil IInrty-ihird streets; rent must lie moderate. Addrcs. statmtt terms. OtiAt. OFFICE, 4^4 . sst Twenty third street. Wanted?usfitrnisbed nice sitting room, ?? with Bedroom connerting. \ddre??. stating par ticulars, K. W.. Ih raid Uptown Branch oil! e. UrANTRD-HMALl. IIOI'SK, OR Part f?F HOUSE; lurnl'he i or psrflv fttrnUlicd preierred conveni ent to oil 1, ba htng D.. OS West Nineteenth street U'AMM) X IflREH ST'iRV IIOl'sE, Rf W)W FIF lieili street. r' tit about pl,i**>. or a r'lm. trnm four t?' 'I* rooms, lor lour adults rent about ,s?or icieiencet exeftant' d. g ?xl neigbhorhoo'i Addrcei NORMAL, Hefaht nfllee U,'ANTED TO RENT?A MEDIUM MIXED HOI SE, with carpet, above 1 hlrtv-fimrth streei, or in Brooklyn: rent must Uj very low. Address E S., I u Broadway, room III, ''(Hi I AST XlTII ST., ONE PLIGHT, IN FRONT.?A ?l> M f rc.pectao.e mar-tad e..tiple wish tiie care of a house during 'lie summer months uiiexeepttouinlc ret* i treace as to aliaraitvr and ;tl>tiitv. El'ROPE AH gTEAJIHinW. C1UNARD LINE ?tt. ANIi V A. K. M. S. P. CO. > Mint; K. With a view to (UnlnuhiilK the chsuce* ol collision the steamer* i,t this line tniie a -jicoitlj course tor all foa?uiin ot tiio Mar. On ihe outwurd u??i'.'c irora i^necniiown to New York or Boston, crossing in the meridian .W at 41 latitude, or nothing to ilit! north of it. 'in tin' homeward pa*-.igi' croisln* the meridian of5) at 12 latliuda. or naltliiw to the norm of 41 I rotn NEW * inlK lor UVKHpOUbund QUKENSToVV N. ?lii'-BlA ., Wed.. Mav 2ti I ABYSSINIA.. Wed.. JUUO 9 ?BOTH MA. Wed . Jiiiiy 2 I LUKKIA.. Wed.. Juno IB steamers marke i do not carry steeraue paMM!nt(?M i abtn pawnee ?8(1 $l ??. $ub. (nld, aecordin.' to ac commodation. Return tickets on favorable terms. Steerage tickei* to >niii trom ail nart* of Europe at lowest rates. Irclptit and cabm office, .So. 4 Howling Oreen. SteeraKt office, ill Broadwav (Trlnitv Buiiuingi. CHAKLEM ft. rlUNCKLVN. Ajtcnt, and P. II. "U VfcRNEI', corner ol C'lnrk and Randolph, CMtcian. PASSENGERS PKB 8TEAMSHIP Rl'SSlA KMB VUK from ihi' Canard wharf, foot of Grand street, Jursey i ity. iii A M , on Wedneday -fit h May. 1873. CIia.i. fi. K R A .V C K iiXS. So. 1 Howling Green, Sew York, A NCHOK LIN K, A CARRYING THK UNITED STATES MAIL. NEW YORK AND GLASGOW. BOLIVIA (kills Saturday, May 2'J, at 12 noon. El.Y-lA soil* Saturday, Juno Ik at 10 A.M. i'aI.IKiiitN'lA. .sail* Saturday June 12, at noon. V.CTOKI\ sails. Saturd.iv. June la. at .< 1'. M. '10 GI.A-GoW LIVERPOOL. LO nUO.nD^RRY, QCEENStOWN olt BELFAST. Cabin, $7(5 to $'J). currency, accordni3 to accommoda tion*. INTERMEDIATE A.Vn STEERAGE as low a- any other Urit cla^s line DratN ;ssuo i l?r any amonnl at lowest rate*. IIENOEItMl.x Bit.iS., AB' iit.i, No. 7 Bowling Qreon. ctatk mm:. O NEW YORK TO GLASGOW. LIVERPOOL, 1(1 11 LIN. BULl'Atr AM) LON uoNDK KR Y, Sailing lro.u pier So. 33 North River, aa lollowsi? state OK Indiana, Captain Waaler Wed., June 2 STATE OK GEORGIA Weil.. June 16 sr \TE or PENNSYLVANIA We.j? June ;s> and evory Wodnos lay th'Tealter. l'lrst cabin. $70, $<? and $90; return tickett, SHU. second cabin, $30, return tickets. $'U Meernne at lowest ra'-M. Apply to At'. TIN. BALDWIN * GO.. A?f0nt?, No 72 Bro ill way, New York. Stacrmte otllee, No. 43 Broadway. Z"1 HEAT WESTERN" It 81'EAM8HIP LIVE. N E W YD UK TO RRlSiOL (KNGLAND) DIRECT, sdiliiitr ironi pier 18 East River m follow* GREAT Wesiekn. Windham Tuesday, May 23 A'tAGOX, hymotn Tuesdny, June -I Canln jmsnagt, $7d; mitirniediate, $45: stecr.vtc, $3J, currency, exuur*iou tickeiK, $1-11. Api'i\ to W. 1). MoHtjAN. A^Mit, 7U South *treet. It' ILSON'S LINK IMit MOI'TTIAMI'VON VND HULL, ' ' ailiua to; mi,;litly Irotn l ie:- 4'i K.iat River. COLOMBO May 111 VIK *UO . Juuo 1 ELI'OR AO' > lo follow I OTH ELEO lo follow Cabin. $70, eurrOBcy. Second Cibin, $43, cur rency. Xhrmisli licuets Ismib I to i ontinentai and Baltic port*. Apply inr lull particulars to cilAl'.l- 8 i . weight <t CO., S3 South street VfOST DIRECT AND ECONOMICAL ROUTE TO Ju Holland, llelclutn, tlir Rhine. .Swiizcriatit. ,te., viA uOTl EKllAM. Steamer CAIjAND M iy "7 steamer MA as lunu Id hoantttnl uteiimerit, oarrvlnu the l'nl;."l >ta?'s tnnil t" tii" -etlterlan is. ar well known lor tha regu larif. their trtpa Rates ol pas?ane low. Kl xt'Il. EOYK .V CO., L. W MORRIS. General Alien's. .10 hi'o",i!war. HAMBCRG-AMKRIt: VN PAt'KhT COMPANY'S I.INE lor l'l.VMol "I II. ( III KBOIRG ail I HA Mill! Ittl. I'iilSIA Mav if I i'oM ,<l k iMA. Inne Ml THI'KINGIA -June !|Glil.IjKHT lune 17 uali s of pn?it? .'? to riymottth. l omtoti, Cherl'ourst, Mambnrtr an i all polu'* i:: Englan I, Scotland ami Wales: > nl>in, tlr*t Maloon. (told .$101 ( nbin, second Mtioou, Hold II t-'toeraire, eurreney 31 K rII a l: 111 * i;o.. c. 0. EICIIAKIIA Boa>. tleneral Actnin, General Pafjonier ARenta, 61 Broad street, Non York. 61 Uruadwav, New tork. "WHITE STAR UN.", W !'?' 15 '^1 EKNsloW.V OR LIVKRPtlOL CABRYi.tG THE UMiKI) S1ATE.S MAIL BRITaNNI' .Mav :*S. noon GERM\NIC .luiio 3. .it.1 P. M ADulATIC Jim" 12, m nO"ii CELTIC June II). at .i I1. M BEl'l'BI.K; .11111.? 2rt. at 111: to I*. M. Kroin the White l.iruook*. pier 31 North River Rate-? $<0 ami ?10) tu pola, returu tickets, $173 pool, steerage at low i atai Saloon, stateroom*, eniokliix and hath ro >ms are. placed iimtd?liip*. where the and motion art.' lea.u. alfnrditu a deiciee ol eomlort Hitherto unattainable at Hen. I oi inspection of plans and other 'information apply at the company's office, 1? Brom?av. New \..rK. i: ,i. C.i R: is. Agent w EVARTS TO-DAY X TUB TELEfJR.AM to-n :ght. N ATIONAL LINK. from pier* >o?. 44 and 47 North Hirer. Putt LONDON DIUhCI CANADA ? Wcdueslav. June 2. at 3 P. M. ITALY Tuesday, Juue '5. hi J P M. Kill: LIVERPOOL AND <,M i.i,N TOWN. EGYPT .. .Ma* 21). 11 A M. 1 SPAIN June 13. 12 M. THE Ql ftEN.Juni 5, JP M. | cat'n paattfe. %!0 an.l $si currency. Steerage at Kr-nilv reduced price*. Return ticket* at reduced rates. 1'repaUl ntceraso ticket* from Liverpool at tne loweit rates. Aoulv at the company- ofllc . Hroa I *?r. r. A .1. itriMT. Mnnaccr. J.SMAN LINE?FIXED NOUYHBBLY COCR.SE. Royal Mail steamer* arc appoint' '! to "sllas follows:? PlJK ?,? I t.KS> row A ami LIVEIt i'OOL. CITY UP liftUMthLN Saturdav. Mar JJ. ?t noon. I'll'. ?K CUKMEK Maiurday. June at ?'( P. M. CITY UP PARI* IiMWlMN IX nt noon. CIIY OK AtfltLiN.. .. naturdav, Mine 19, at 3 P. *1. <11 n OP RICHMOND Saturday. J una .'ii, at il A. M. i.MilN l'AS>At B?#fu Kii-1 $1(11. liolfl. si KERA it.?'To and irom ail point*, at reduced rate*. Cabin anil genera: olRec. No !?"> Broadway. Steerage offlcea, :i? lima Iwav and pier U North Rhcr. 1. > . . V < I k 4 I I.' A JOHN li. DALE, Ageul. N"ORlH iIKRMA N LI.OV0. HTEAM-ilIP LINE BK rWBF.N NP.W YORK, H. I i HAMPTON V N li BitEM EN. Company's pier, loot of Second strict, lloboken. NBCkAK Mat -"J DON At June 12 MosEI I unc # MAIN ..luue 1J Mate* ot' paaaauu frt'ii New York to .-outnnmpton, Havre or Bremeu ? Flr?! rai in >IIH gol l I Abroad HtHl Nil, Sold steera-e, $3ii, currency. He turn ticket* at re laced rate* Pi *j aid steerart certificate" iJ!, currency. Fur If' igbt <>r i ii>>ige a piny to offihl' is a ? ii., No. 2 Bon-Hag Green. 0 NLY DIRECT LIN'h TO FRjSiCB. riiK OEMBHAL trans ATLANTIC company's mail steamships between MAV YOKE A.?D HAVRE, Tb' ipicnili.l r ?fi?on tbl* favorite r.?|e for the Con tinent (being more southerly than any oticr) will sail troui piei No. ..'Norn. Bi*. r. a? lollowa:? Vii.i.r. DE PARI* (Lachesuezi Mav 29 PKUKIRE iDanrci .-.mirdav J una i FUANCi- iTr idelle Satumar, June M nUCE or l'\ 'HAUK IN GoLD (including vviius). Pir?t I uUln, Ii 1 Si -ond f?A; Third. $4#, Return T:i1 ?ta ai n ilucH rat ?. f-teeraRc. $ 2. wi:li superior accomtu dationg and In c?uulii< all n> ce**artei. without extra cliiirge GRORllK MA'KENZIK, A?eut, 39 Broadway. fNITED fcTATKh M All, LINK?TEAM T J QtBBSa L i'oAAN AND LIVKBPOUU .-atliiu every ritetdav from pi' r to North lltvcr. WYOMING. Preeuiaa June 1. at 3 P. M. Ill A110. Hi ildo* - lane I'l. ?t.)P. M. ribtn. Int. : in ? 1 i?t?- m. l sic, rage at lowc-t rate*. Prepaid ticn .it low r ii'??. Piim n^crs book l to and tr.ira Part*. Hamhnr*. Borway ami ??Kcdeii, Ac Dralt* on Ireland. Eugtanl. Vranca auil Orruianv nt lowea* rate*. Apply to WILLIAMS a ut'i iN UHroadway. DEI) KlAB LINK, it r.pj.ointcil to carry tiie. I!,i'-ian and Cnltal States raiil< I The following steamer* arc nipmntcd to Mil:? for jurrwErtp. Frotr, PhilatMvMa Krom New York. NEUKHLa.vD June Ml SVTITZhKLAND . .Jnti# 1 VaHKRLAND i ulr - ? SI ATI-; OK NHVADA.Iuno 2? FROM AN T*> KBI'. lor Philadelphia For New York. Y A [I K It LA > I' l.iue M | SI ATK li" Nl:V MJA.Jttne 2 KLI LiiLaN'i July fl| -WliZRltLAHD....Junc ? Prtceaol pr.?arfe in etirr.'ncy. Fir l Ci r snot Second ' ?bln WJ -lee.-au- ii?:k"U to and trom all points at the lowest rai ? Pa??enf!er afteommoltlNin* lor all eln??i < itn?urpaMe?1. lor ?, a?*iinc. rate*of irelk'ht and other Information, applv to i.i.ul:OB W roi.TON, AfBt, *1 Broad *tre?t. New Y'l.rK ,1mIIN m. DONALD, Pa ^-nuer Agent. No. S Battery I Wiacc. New York. PETER WlMii IT* I'ONM, General Agents, JH7 Walnnt sirf t Philadolpkla. Ii VON Hi.K ii ? i KE, General Euro ean Agent, Ant werp. TO HOLLAND. BE LOU' M. THE RHINE ANO > mu-rlan I. Elegant cabin and tteeraK* accowwjadatloil at mod eratc rales, by new steamer oaa.AND, via i.otteritam, Thnr?lap, Jl.i\ 27, from torm.'r While -tar pi ?.>l?r? v , Citr. I.. W. MOBBIS, MBroadwav. TRISII AMI Si'OTCII TOI RS.-PASSRM.F.RS WHO I conlcmpUte lirdini? to Ireland and who ?r h to avail them*' .? oi the advantage olfBro 1 b.i COoK's TirKi-.Tji mu?t purchase iliem previous to salHiix Di m f ?ti be. obtained by ererr roui? to lion d.,j rOfiK'S BaCL'KsIoNImI'. price Id i-e.nts contains uroarammcii, tare* aim lull particulars .1 over l.diO huropeau tonHk CooK, -ON A jknkins, IPl Broadway, New York. 0'HO> OYAN I'O-sa?i IIKAPKST PARS AUK OFFII'K ? n Nf? York; steamersev?>rT dav tor Cork. Liver t.oc.1, i*iS'"ow, nrrr\ drafts payable evrrwhere Northern Hotel, Cortland! tern, and Mi Chatham .?(|il.ire. COASTWISE RTKAJISIIIPS, PACIFIC MAIL STKAM8I1TP LINK?FOR C ALI FOR I ma, Japau and i hin.i ir..m plcr 42 North River. Kort Asri>ivall ACAPI ' CO . Mav 29. II M ? omitt ling tor all Central \merican and Paelfli tiorts. F llo >4 SAN Fit A NM IS. O FOit JAPAN A ?I) < IIINA, Color Alio... lun. 13 For freight, or pa? a" ? ,um>I,v at pier t: Mirth Mlvcr II. I. Ill l.LAY, Superintendent. N" Y. HAVANA A N II AfKXH MAIL S ?. LINE.? _ ? Rtearoor* leave Pier .1 North Hirer at 3 1' M (? O ii II A VAN A IHKc.i f. C|T\ OF Mi.KIHA . ruesday. .Time 1 i IIV OF A Kit A ??III /. I hue-lay. June t CITY OK W iiiltK Thiir?nav, June 10 FOB V K If K OKI /. ami NEW okI.IANS. '""ii- at dm Ana. Pi ogre* >. Campcacby, Tnxnan and Tampleo. CITY OP Ml-. It 11) A I i|.?1sr, Jnn" I I ' i Y OF Ml X|. o 11, i,| iy, Jmil *1 For In i*IH or pa**agc appl\ to <?' ali \ , n iilt k * sons. HI and S'5 Uroadwar. Hfeamers will !enve Sf v Orleans Jon-5 aui Jnn^M, lor er.i i rn* an I nil Hi - above pirl* VI.''. YoflK AND II A a>a DIRKCT MAIL LIN P.. ? if I'licee iir t < Ih? steamship* wi.1 *nil nl l?P. M from hler i t North (liver, loot oi ? edar street, I ?r HavaM direct a- loilows: ? Clii -i -si i itv l hitrsday, Mav 2. Ciil.l MRI':. Tii'-sdav. .tun- S i or irehrht or pn<<agc, navlna unsurpassed ? ontmo datlon*. apply to ? ? in it I*. i lvhk, ,t co? No. 6 nofrhnt Orcta McKe.iler Luliiili i Co*. Agea'J iu U.ivao*, COASTWISE STEAMSHIP*. 'TEXAS LINK OF UALVKSH>N -TEAHBR'i TOUCH .1 lug at Kov Went, carrying the Uultsd states Mall.?Steamer OLYDh, Captain Kennedy, will leave pi-r 20 h?*t iUvL?r on Ssturcl.iy, U.vy itf. at S P. U. Through bill* ot luillnx given to ?ill points i n the H. so l T. C.. L. and O. N., ii. H. and H. an I ii. II. ottd S. A. IS. K. No charge lor forwarding in New York. For freight or passage, bavin1.* superior aeeonimodatioiis, appiy ta C. ll. .malmiiCV i ?;.j.. IBS M ildeti iaue. W. P. CLTl?I *t CO . lift'.Vail streak 1JIOB JTRW OKI.KA M > DIRECT. I The i romwell stcuuinhip Line. I'he steamship KMi'K KUH<i(jE Cll, CaD'ain Keroblc. will leave pier o. 9 North l iver oi SaturJav. May -0 at if. M. Freight received ilauv. Ihrongh rates mven in (ialvuston. indianula, Uoekport or Arauias Wiian. Hrazos, Santiago, St Louis ami Mobile. Cabin pasaage, $">o steerage $35 For t'r i,'lit or pastugj apply to CLA1.K A SEAMAN, 80 West street. \\TEKKLY FLORIDA LINE. t? For Port Ho.val i< <;.; Fernandina, Fla. i Bruns wick, 'la. i lie tavorde and well Known steamer MhaTi} 'MKHY, lalrcloth. Master, having superior accoinino laiious lor passenger*, wli: sail iluii sia.v. May St. i',om uicr No. 3 North Hirer, at ( 1'. V., lor above porta, malting connection* to all polnH t-outh anu .-outhwust vli l'ort Ko.ial. tlio Florida and l rnnawicU railroad". F*r?t class passage?'To Fcrnandina, $80; to Jackson ville. $22 i.0 to Augusta, 8i<i. Through ticket* issued to all poiiits South and South wchi. Ibe lll'N ISV1LLE, Chester, Master. will lollop June 3 For passage and freight apply to llEKM. OliLPCKK, No. William sriut. ____________ OLD DOMlNIliN .-TEA MSI!! I* C ).M 'ANY. sailing from pier 3/ North itiver. ?oi* Norfolk, City I'oiut and Richmond. Tuesdays Ihtirsdu.vs ana l aiur.lays, at 3 P. M.. connecting wilt tiie Virginia and Tcuneg'cu Air Line, Atlantic Uoa*t Line. Piedmont Air Line, Chesapeake and uhlo Rail road, aim with the company's steam linos to Interloi points in Norih Carolina and Virginia. Newberu an I Washington, N. C. tvta Norfolk1, everj Tuesday, Thursday an I Saturday oftltlninre Wcanomliiys lUid mi in rd i vs. at 4 P. M. Con uccting wl'h Baltimore and Ohio Railroad. Lcves, lie!.. Mondays and I'hurs atsat 4 P. M. Con necting with Deluwnand .Maryland railroads, i'aasonucr accommodations un-iirpassed. i hroucll passage ticxets an1 hilt" < l lading to all points at lowest rates. Insurance to Norioik, % per cent. Ireiehti received datlv at i'ler3? North itiver. (ii uerai offices, 19/ Oreeliwicli street. New \ ork. N. L. MeCRKADY, President. A." TRAVEM/KK.S' tiLIUE. ~ A. A. A. *XORTH SHORE STATEX ISLAND FERRY, for New Brighton. Snug harbor, West Brighton and Port Richmon I. Boats leave Whitehall street at foot of Broadway, dally, at 0:50, 7: !?>. 8:10, 9:10, 10:i5 A. M", 12:15, 2:10, 3:30, 4:30. 5:30, fi: :0atid 7:.T0 P. M. Sundays, at ha'f past every hour, from fi%30 A M. Fare 10 cen s. Astor House ears leave Vesey street for ferrv. Albany awdtroy h\ day link.?thr steamb'r Ai( M EN 1 > will, ou aiiii alter S'nntlav. Mty 17, leave New Yori* on Monday?. Wedne.4 lays and Fridays trom \'e-tr> street, pier ;ii) North Itiver. at o:3.i A. M.. and Twflntv.ioin ili nireel ?tU A. M., landing at West Point, Ni'wbnrg, Poughkec-m*, !: lineheeX,,kill and Hud s in. Ually pas-a^'cs Will b.1 resumed on and a.ter Juni H. when th- sLt-ainers < . \ IJUakD and DAN'ifcL DlthW will oe plieed upon Uie ro itt. / 11TIZEN -' LINK OF .-11', A '.I BOATS FOR TROY, CON. * J nectiiK with ill railway lines North nnn West; tare &' eruts, di ea; e.ahin pu-sa^'e, Inclttdiim Kle ;:ant stcambo 11< Iruve oailv. - 11unlays exenpted, at t! P. W., it. in mer North l.iver, io< t ol Leroy street, Tliroui-'ii, :eki!is .-old overall e.omieetinjf tines. /tATMKIMi?BOATS UP THE CREEK. N KW CHAM Vv ptoh and Water Hreti, duty ( undays escepteil>, from Canal street, 6 P. M. t ar,-Jucenis. 'ElALL ItlVKK LINK TO BOSTON. I? vlh Newport ami Fad Itiver.? I he world-renowned .-famurs BRI.->rOL and PKt>VIDE*CK leuve pier 2f North Itiver. foot ol Murruy street, daily, -uuday*. .tune 27 to August 2U. A P. M. I IiioUkIi liekets s;?ld al all prlnai' pal hotels in the city. Mali's Hand en rated tor the m-.ifon EpOlt WEST POINT, NEWBUKU, PoUUHKKEHSIK r Itondoiit and Kimrstoii, litiidnu nt i wuen's. Corn wail. Milton and N> >v Hiiuiiiuru - lie steamer MA it C PuWRI.L ?ili, on and aftor Saturday, May 20. leav? Vestry street pier :a? North tfiver, every attcruoon, buu days osecpte 1 at 3:31 o'clock. Opposition albany ixd troy, prarklu streot. pier 35.?2je. deck, eahln i', with berth f-tenmer HCHIT YI.K1I, Mondavi. Wednesdays, Fndav-a BP. M. IIut'al'i, $i J. W. HANCOX. ])1 KNsYLV A MA KATMtO\L). Ihc (treat trunk Line and United States Mail Route. Trains Leave New York, trom tout of Desbrosaes nntf Coiirtlandt streets, as follows:? Exctes" tor llnrnsburj, Pittsburi;. the West and South, with Pullman Palace Cars a'taehed, 9:U A. M., 5 and 8: t? P. M ,- undav. fi anil 1:.+) P. For Wiliiamsport and l.ock Haven, (via Philadelphia und rie Itallrosd i)i\i>ton. connectlni: at Pnlladel. phial. \ VI. For William-port. Lock Haven, lYrry and hrle, x . 0 P M , e inneenn^r at forry tor Iitusville, Petroleum Center and the t?il IteKtons. For Haltitnore. Wa liitiRton an l the .-onih. " Limited Washington hxpress" ot Pullman Parlor i'ars daily, except >un i?v. 9:iJ A. M., srrive W ashington tsiUP. M. al 8:41) A. M.. 3 and 9 P.M. ,-undny. 9 P. M. Express lor Philadelphia. 7. 7:10. <:in. H:? A. M.. 12-.m \ s. 4:10, l:'si, ft., ;i p. M. and Unight. Sunday,4 S, 7, s;H) anu 9 P. M. Emisraut aud ecoiia I P. M. For Newark at#. fi:30, 7. 7 11, ' 9, 10, II A. M., 12 M., I, !, 2-*l, .3:10, .1:11. 1:10. I:jI, ... 5:?), ">:40. (>. fi::0, 7, 7:t'. 8:in, U', 11 :.'iu P. M., an I 1- night, Sunday, iitin, 1 mid n:IH P. M lur .-.luabeth, 6. ?:?). 7. 7:10. 8, 9. ID A. M? 12 M.. 1. 2, 2:3% 3:bl. 3;?ll, t:ld. 4:t>, 1:51, 5:20. 5:10, fi, 6:10. i?: SO. 7. ;:'0, H:10. Hi. II: J) P. M. and 12 night. Sunday, 5:2u, 7 and 8;ij P. M. For Kali way. 130. 7, 7M0. 8. 10 A. M., 12 M.. I. 2. 2:30, 3:10. 3:11. 4:10, 4:11, I : VI, 5:.'0. .V I I, fi. 6 :t0, fi:3d. 7. 8:10, lo P. M. and K iiigtii. Sunday. 6:.'c) aud 7 r. .<1. For Woolbrlnge, Perth ? niboy and south Amboy. ? an<J 10 A. W., 2:??. 4-JO and# P. >1. For New llnuiawiek, 7 and S A.M.. 2, 12 M. 3:10, 4:10, S:20| 6:10. 7 P. M. and 12 iiiiht. sundae, 7 p. jt. For Ks?t Millstone, 12 1100:1. 3and .i:21 P. M. For Kingston and R i"kv till* " 41 a. M. and 4:10 P. M. I r Princeton. 7. *:4o M.. 12:iu. 2, 4:10 and 7 P. M. For Limbertville, ?: W A. M.. 3, 3, 4 to and 5 P. M. For F.etniugton. Phillips* iiik nd Belvldcre, 9dJ A. 2 and 3 P. M. For M??n-fr and Somer* ?? Branch, 3 P. M. For I'renton. itordentown, Mnrhngton and Camden, 1 and J JO A. M., IJ:I , J. I, ."> an 1 7 I*. M. For Freeh "Id. 7 A. M . and 4:10 P M. For Fartnltigd >le and Squsn, 7 A. M. and 2 P. M. For l!i?ht?i?wn, Pembi rton sndC miden. via Perth Am nov, ?/:?') P. M. For Hlshtstown *nd Petnherton. 6 A. M Trains arrive ns follows:?Prom Pittsburg. #:S"i and l^tH a. M. and 9: Jn P. M. dally: 10:5 A. M. and 6:50 P. M. dally, except Monday. From Washington and Balti more 6:*o A M., 4 15, 5:15and HhSt f. M. ,-unday b:iC a. M. and I : 17 P, M From Philadelphia 5:10, #:.D, 6:.V> 10:1 v ll:23l ll:>4 A. M., 2:15 4:i5, 5:15. ?:I0 ?:? 7.3.1. M:44. 9::-0 10: 7 P. M .Mitidav, S:10 ?:J), #?M. II lA A M ??.; I". :iHO and Wt-7 P. M. "Ticket Offices, 8:fl and 914 Broadwav. No. 1 Astoi House, and toot ol I). *iiro*?c? an I ITourtlanat strefcts: No. 4 I'onrtstreet, Brooklyn; ." on, 114. lltinnd 118 Hudson street. Hoboken Kmnirant fickei oflloe. >o. ? Battsrf FRa'nR THOM-OK, D. M. BOYll. Jr.. Oeneral Manager, Oeneral Passenger Agent I)IJO\'f 1?KN<' <?: \ N I> 'sTOMMiTilN s I EAMSIUP"co". NEW MIKK AN ii BOSTON. (4.0.S1NUI0N LINK. From pirr 31 North River, toot ot.lay street, the el*, cant steamers RHOUK Hi.%NI> and > aUHAGANSb 1 r daily 'except Sun isvsi. at 6 P. M PliOVIUf NCe, LINK. FroTi pier 27 Nortli Rh er. toot oi Hotiinimn street, the steain?liip< I Le.i lKA aud 4>vliA1EA daily (except s nod ay SI at 3 P. M. PEOI'LVS ' ,N : I'tlR At.BANY. ?t)ODWORTH'S X proin*na1o I'oncert band 011 tioanl: llr?t class pas sage only $4; deck. Sks,: "team ri leavn daily, SuuJayi exeenieu. troni pier 41 North Kivor, at# P. M. Bxcvnaiuns. A -for KXrrKHtoN'4, iiauior htexm-.r wt. . online. with new boiler. and the 'Mvnhant: bari'l Republic. iblcaco, Sarah 'miib. < aleuonia an 1 Auna; Oriental, Kxrolslor. K*ple?w *id, Cold - prin^ cn.t !nt?J Inland tlrovea to let Olli.-e 'At 'Vest strict, oppoiiia Christopher s-reet terry. Open evenings H. h. CROSSETT. r.'xi i ion -.-nil. kavoBFtk steamku w.mT I j Cook, with btritfi and ?*!<>.i ni boats of all kinds; Rari un Bea?;ti, Minnr'M*. Wlihi \ Karen. Plra?;int Yahey. Ion* l.'land Orov.?, also the new elegant neurit yacht ' Annie l.aurle." splendidly niriiished for privau parties Apply to Oil AS. AI'A.M -, IU2 A'Mt street, cornet ol '.I'.ierty. ? LH)H hXCfioloKS-THE l.v :<;K FIK.-T CLAMA I tavorite steamboat* >1. KPV llll|il<(lW, now fill!* THE U'>U I1K\.n('11, jn<l MfcTAMORA: lMidley'a. Al (Icrnev. Spring Hill. Jfyar>\ Alpine and Inna Island (?roves, n*riro< and i!?.-it? nr .ill kind*. J. * t MY felts, corner ot Morton an I West street J. CI I.EC T FISH (NO TRII' 0 To the Co iflshlnir Grounds. Rhode Mand coaat, a A I I'rtPAV KVr N I >(5, MAY by JARRETT A ["itiMr.ICS superb steam excaratoQ, Pt.YMOl Til ROCK Pure (if the round trip, dnclu lin: breakfast a la Da1? monicoi, ? - rn>> PLYMOUTH ROOK will leive pier No. M. foot of Murray street, (that nt the Kali Hirer line, on next saturtfav ev.ninu at ?ix n'cio<-'?, and procee I to the lamon* rod ftsluni? grounds oft the rnaal <>t Ktimle Island, and rein imiotr ,i Kiirtli i*nt tlmA to af.-rd pa??e.i ner? an ??pportunity to indulge In th? exciting sport of Mfl'tUlM. wtli return, reicfting New \ur?; the next evening rxp?rieni 'd HI"C\ island tUiieriucn will Ac* 1 ompanv th.? ex ur<tnm?*. _ BAM H ll.l, Hi, i t R^ISIIBO IJKATCITOLI" V. Proper fishing t'lexie rnt?y be had on imard. Tlek'-'acan be had ot Tvson, Fifth Avenue at ftullmai's lit Hroadwnv. Ofr AM BOATS AMI RaRORS RoR !? X<ft KMON ., TO O Haritan IV-neli. Snniiv Mde. lili'nwood end willow Haven Orove. MARTIN A K A>KKl.l.. III Couth street. 'P" CIURTKR?TflK ?TBaMhoaT FORT I,EE, rod J excursions, picnic parties and Sunday a'ltooU. 1 p ply at 4J cnltoti street. in the elt?r.toon. NKWSI'APM It*. l/OK fSAt.R-rn.KH OF IHK.M.WYORK IIK "Al D " for tlie months ot Ap*il. May. .lirie.iietohcr.No> vember an'l Uecetnber, Iw', and l>< I'Mnivr, 'ehrturr, March. .Inly, An?u*?, ftptijinh-r, ??'-i.-l?cr. Nov. mb-r and liecciriber, l*t>l. bound in lour vmumes. A.ldre-i Bl'lUNE**. Ilcrald ortlre DKSTHTIIY. ABM)M'TBL.Y I'AIXf.KsS -K'tf.SH OAS D\II.Y; combination, sets, extremely lu-nt an 1 durabla; Hum >etn. *l'i. ill Mxtli nr.miimtwecn l onrt. ontit and fiti'-enth street*. KstaliM iie . I,hid. i.eniomher ii'V ? CORAL RI'WB' R sil.T OR TEETII In TIIRI'.K .'V hours. ? hnpr-snon tu lite (o-enoon. I . in n the afternoon rhirt.v loitrth at t n> .ir . roa.lw v and ?ixth avenue. ? . r l.'.i>- vrv ?iron?r llrsi. . >,iori 1; iiohi wis. pUtiiii -."i . whalebone rnbin ? * <., i'lonipera, open fronis, l.ip (.me? ip th pi <?. ter.i. eiritlaiors; tiltrem.* ..\hie uicihanteal dtnilitrv fake urmi curl Irottt Orand I t rr or Mxili a v. nte . ,ir ?r way cars, fJet oil at Thirty loiirth tn ei. NhWHUOl .ill. 131 We..t fhirty ionrth street. A H,:T ol'' A it riKli'I AL I METH OR II 'I.I). I'l.Ar J\ titia or r .rahte euinpieted in a lew Ir nr. |"-rlecf com ?rt am, iti uki> '.'ii:irantf . d, re iinma neither ?prinix nor wir"?. It m rnaitcr.ietnre | tin t -r 1 new pro'f-i, lij which inas'lealiou .ni l inti mation ars ; permanently re<-.,ted t**. ::i |M?ii wit i ad im.iiiiln - or (tola, asihe ease renulrrs Dr. Kohort;' p tmiihtel mi tha teeth In healtn in.i di-' a?e s.-ni tree by in,ill. thro# I ccnta. Dr. R.J ByBfcjm:, 3i Ooad vtrett, Jaw Vorb