Newspaper Page Text
FMCIAL .WD is Erie Drifting Into Bankruptcy or Is Ii Being Driven There? SUGGESTIVE DATA. Au Uncertain itocit Market and a Waiting Disposition on I he Part of Operators. GOLD 116 1-4. Money 1 Per Cent?Foreign Exchange Quiet Investment Securities Unchanged. Wall street. I Tuesday, Maj 25?a P. M. I The stoek market was generally weak, Erie jeneralLv giving rone to tne market by fresh Mies induced by Uio repbrt that Uio Delaware, !<ack iwanna and W stern Railroad and the Dela ware and Hudson Canul Company had relumed to :ome tome relief of trie ?iie in ttie matter of Its lulr mtere^t payment The persistent huminerln? ol tills stock, wnlch Dai been the disun-'uistiiat; le&tureof tbe market darin; the past lew days, seems to couflria the street In the belief that the objective purpose is to reinstate Air. Gould m the board or Directors, whence he was once so lgnominlonsly expelled by tucn questionable means tuat only the (act that luch means were rendered absolutely necessary in the then existing crisis to save the road from utter pillage and destruction justified tf;e course pur sued In the current public sentiment. Only TUK POPULAR acceptation OK MR. GOULD'S COM PLETE UNWORiII I.N ESS of the trust conflded to him (if it ever was so con- : Bded) obtained lor those wuo executed that coup le^race, whereby Fisk and Gould were expelled ] iroia tne Erie offices by mere strategy and force, forgiveness and condonation for having outraged long cherished traditions oi the supreme author ity of law. sitouid Mr. Gould return to the Erie direction?as it is asserted he Intends doing?with the consent, of som ? of those men who beiore plotted to oust him, it will be a revolution in feel mz and sentiment certainly not calculated to im prove our character abroad. When we inquire (urtber and And that the intrigues of the bear clique in Erie are not merely confined to the stock Exchange but have been extended to Albany, and now embrace A BILL IN THE BOVERNOR'S HANDS awaiting his signature wtilcti permits the post ponement of the Erie election from June 13 to Sep tember 13, tnus, as it were, seeking to make as surance doubly sure of Gould's success in control ling the next election, we Had what is tne extent oi this apparently new ende .vor to betray Erie to the extent, perhaps, of thrusting THE ROAD INTO BANKRUPTCY without any power on the Dart of the English shareholders to help themselves. Tuts oill re ferred to clearly reflected some such instinctive purpose In provisions, aiterward stricken out, winch virtually aimed at excluding tne loreizn itockholders from a vote in the election of a new direction na the extension of the franchise to the first mortgage bondholders. As the bill now stands Its only danger us provision is In giving Mr. Gould more time lu winch to manipulate the n.ick so that he can take u in at cheap Igures. The Governor, however, may be lisp <sed to interlere with this programme, in * hlch the oreizn stockholder.-, whom trust la rather in the law-making power of the State to preserve tiieir property ri;hts than in suca an ephemeral body as a board of direction, have never been cousuited. IDE STATE OWES SOMETHING TO ITS DIGNITT In a matter of this kind. We have, for tonately, notning to lear from repudiation here tbat would eta n tne spotless credit of our proud Commonweal tn in the money marts of Europe. It is to be presumed that this effort at confiscation on the part oi a ring of speculators (for wnen you deprive the foreign stockholder oi his rote you virtually de prive him or the property that vote was intended to protect) will not receive the sanction oi Gov ernor TUden. Hence, It would be well lor some of the speculators in E.le who are so free to go "short*' of ti.u st "k in view of a certain post ponement of the election, to con template a po-si ti.e veto by the Governor of tue bill authorizing luch postponement, anil an e.ectlcn June 13. while It is equally iiup they aaould oear is oiind the po-siblity of foreclosure under a new direction with a complex- liquidation. run STOCK MAKKfcT otetied with s' cLaugt s, these generally being advances. Era continued the special leamre. an 1 wovt 4 independently of the remainder of tha tut. it opetied at i>\ ma late sold at l?>i a jo>, a 1?'? a a ll?>, a is the present bei g 1*J?. The remainder of tin' list declined a l*. by naif-pas; rwe ve o'< org, and ?ulnequentij recovered a the -jcuerai market being sieady. Tne siocc market at tne s ond Hoard advanced X, and tne s?e:teral list improved a fraction. before tne ciOse oi the Hoard tne market again became weak and price. iel> '* a 1 percent. Manama tell Irom M to l w. in the late dealiaaa tne market advanced >, to per cent, the tatter I.ake snme. Toe blowing were the clo-imj rniCM?3 r. *? fur (r j .. 3 ', . ? , , < . > A Ind... OS a 51 Vv CnT'l... 7?|j C - C <7|? 1 At A lei... -4 a ' *1. i. A , a !!*>?< ui ilii fn. . . 1 ?, Krt* ... ItS Allan - *.* I "ij a l"is nan A IJn I a : Jjj Atbti n... * 01 ? I!*li A ~t Jo p: ?'? a .!> I ? i xj>r??.. I', i L. t I nit.., f a 65){ HH^ar* ??> <*> ? *'fn ? *nti*i... ??!< 67 ? ' a Alton. a ' NT* liar 114 a lis ON* A Hi*... \ a 1 .N V < A H H ...,04', * io4* Phi A > > tr'tu .11 'j 111 Chi A X W pL. M * t<H * Mum. .. J'4 a .'3 Ctu * HI In-1, a .'2 , rai.anit 117 a 140 Mil A M ram l a : . 1*1 * *?n Ki ? # MnA.-tf I 5' S- '? ' lliOH l ac. ... 7? a 75S TUe *ui'jolned lint *b<?ws the BIQBIliT A>U LOWfcST PKJCEfl A!?D SALES of the daj in tne diflerent -bares* //>>//??>*<. Unrmt. Sal**. New Tor it Central? l'-?S I'M* Hur.em 1-J4 ? ? 13? trte -?> ? 121.*Oo Atlantic and fac. prel. las, IS ioo Lakesuore ?5 . 64X 44, oO #;< *'*' ?? Norm western 3"<', 37,'* 5,100 Noruiwejiteru prei.... w? S3 4o0 Kock In.arid l'U'a loi* >60 Fnri NV*Tn?- w ?? loo Mil. aou .v. Imu: 32* 1,400 Mi;, ami st. Paul prer. ?;? M ;>?o Kitumurg n mi *<?o De*. Lac. aud rt>?i?rn lli^ MX -40 M.?s. and Hai i1C *>, ..0 .VJO Mic u?aa i -nirai <*', "Slf 00 Kvmiitn4 b??i. ... 1<)2 lo. 300 ;mou Caoi.'u , 74 s 3.400 a. C. and Ind. ( rii-... 4, 4', .00 Han. an 1 .s. jo [ire;... 2* , 2h^ loO Oldo an 1 Mi-aia-ipiu.. .?< , i. ? 3,100 Coumilitiaic I t.oai ,? 4s 200 Panama 1*0 136 770 Western! Dion I7-, 76X 74,200 A. *vn P. 1 eltfrapo . 24 , 24>? JOO Pad 11- ui; s7 , . ?>, 44.2U0 <<ui( aaii^i lfl loo N J. Muiliera 4 5% 4S 100 Total 306,760 PROriT AXI) LOSS. Tot subjoined show tae oifr?rences 01 the side of loss or gato in tie several atocks since last Bigot:? Gain. Atlantic and Pacific Telegra,li. %\ At lantic arii fauiflc K.iiir<jad, pre1.. ??; New York <,1 (j., <;. and 1. c., Sj llaamhai and rtt. ?wnn. ; t? 10 nod Mi ?mai|)pi, ; N(,w Jersey houtnern, !,. M noun Haciti . , Low-i.?Kr,?, 1 liart-m, %; l.ak? snore, w; HortiieifRiorn. .. In :iile <aii. 1 I'anama, 2t ynicxni!vcr. 'jj Ht. Pain. 1..le io and War>a?6 h ? I'aoulc, j,; Weatern t;un<n, sj ku44, %. 001.0 opened at 118and closed at 110, the ettrenses of the dar. Hie liorrnwing rates were l and 2 |.?r cent, and the c*rr?intt r?'?* l, 2 imu 11, u?r eent. Loans weto aiso maue ftat. Tne /ismsiant ire us urer paid out i/O on account of Inier-st and |123,400 in redemption of ilve-twonijr txmda. OCR POHBlON 1RADK. tha aiaert trade of tfi? uort ivr tie week shows an Increase of nearly $2,000,000 over the total of last week. The exports or produce tor the week were f'1,060,118. against fS.3T0.034 for the iamt week laat year, ami $6,205,204 in 1ST3. The total exports of prodace since January 1 this year were $95,302,332, Hgainst $112,680,892 last year, and $111,328,636 In 1873. The Customs receipts to-day were f ^o2,000. FOREIGN EXCHANGE closed quiet and steady. Asking ratea for prime sterling, 4.87* a 4.90!.,; selling ratea, 4.86* a4.H7, and 4.89* a 4.90 tor demand. Reichmarks, 04* a 94* and 95* a 9ft v.. cables, 96. Prime 1'aria, 6.15*, a 5.12*. MONET ruled at 1 per cent at tbe close to-day on theStook Exchange, wirn more offering than there seemed employment lor. One million two hundred thou sand additional national back circulation lias been Issued this month to date. CLEARING HOUSE STATEMENT. Currency excnauges $75,336,332 Currency balances 4,604.964 Gold exchanges 3,256,429 Go;U oalauces 619,826 GOLD EXCHANGE BANK Tne business 01 the bank wan as tollows:?Clear ings, $;J4.755,000; gold balances, $1,163,944; ear rency balances, $1,860,483. KAiL WAY MORTGAGE* were Arm in the iate afternoon dealings. Morris and Ea*ex flisis advauced to 110*, do. consoli dated belnjr steady at 10j. Cnton Pacific sinking fnuds sold at 92* a 92*; New Central sixes, of 1807, at 102*, and Like Shore, second, consoli dated, coupou, at 100. Erie, third, sold at 96*, aaalnst 96 yesterday. Centra) PaciQo bonds closed at 103* to 1 3*. and Union Paciflcs at 101* to 101* lor firsts, 97* to 97* for land grants and 92', to 92* lor sinking tunds. OTBKK SECURITIES p esente 1 no new features; State bonds being dull, wan nales of Tennessee slxe*. old, at 60 V far $5,000, and bank shares at 100* lor Fourth National, 100 jor Ninth National and 12l)i for Com merce. LONDON ADVICES report Consols a fraction higher and United States bonds firm. Eries, however, opened at 173^ a 18, advanced to 18* a 18* and afterward reacted to 18. The Bank of Euglanu gained ?118,000 bullion on balance to-day. WESTERN* rNIOS. Ail bids f r the Western Union Telegraph loan were rejected, tne amount of proposals, in accord ance witn terms of prospectus, being less than $2,000,0 0. NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE SALES TCESDAY, May M, 1875. BEFORE CALL?10 A. M. SIOOO North Mo lit... ^^LM) stu ? Ull l#1 1400 SO do. do. do. do. do., do., do., do., do., do., do.. do. do. 1600 ISO i louo UiiU do 10U X V 4 A M K Rii 12l>0 FHclflc M f B.... SOU do 8 .(I 70> 110) 1309 Jo SO) 300 JU ?l>? 1 01 2C0 SCO 6-u ;6X) ?io lt>j cm a > w an 3 J do ?? 9i yA ft 77'* 1.4)2 3"'? S/>, 37* S7U S-S 37!,' 37 b'l 37*1 ::: ^ ::: Z* ::: S" iSv 21U0 *h? Erie RB 20)* 600 lil) I3U) 200 SuO 2HJ0 15Jl 80 200 3300 2400 3 0 9M> do. do. do. do. do. tlu. >15 ?<! so-; S>:v4 ?JH', "S do., do 20 20* 2 >, OH o* ----- u* v.:* io.'jJ ... r. in.-*; -JMI L.v. 20s ? to.. b3 2 do WO Cbl A K I *tR 500 do C W-'K 10) do *3 10 30' L'n hue KK 75* 1.0 1'lttiburtf KR SI 400 Mil ? bti* RR :3* 2.VM L h A .*t S RR g3 65 100 C. C 4 I C RR ;?Oj i rie BR ?;> ?? 710 JUDO 1700 5 4J 1500 stw 11? 3.0 do. do do. do. do. ?3 l?f. U'* 19* iv* 2w 30 J0?< JO* 1100 16 W 100 10 5,0 7 V 300 100 -.000 200 15'"" 1 (to 1100 900 2'?. oht ?)0 400 do CiO do do do do do do 66* <5 6ft 64* 8* tt'V ? 5* o.? 65^ . 1.3 65 do *3 ? * co 64* do iS A M RR. ...C do do 3m. Mil A st P KH pf s3 6i-, .2* M* 53^ 10:15 AND 11:30 A. M. idooof b6*?. c ??. be :24? ?225j r sfl-2", r. ?er.... lav 2BOI C 6-' T. 64.. .. 117', 750J t feS-Sft c, 'te...C US* 20 0 I B 4-J0.C .'67..bc 124* !*?? U ? 6??. 10-4 i. C... ng* loooo u a-jo, r, 67 UV\ 1CK0 uu. bo 118 F1KST BOARD?10:30 A. M. $8000 Ch A Alt 1st m.. lis 13j-jo N J C?n con 1"8 1X0 Mor A l.?l?t..... UO 6001 Morn* * EiSd... 107 I 00 Mor A K? i on ... 105 SjO) hrw 5th in ... 9} |0o Mich oil 2dm..- l"l 4 00 L H div I df IOJ ?0? N * C 6'a , '87.... *03 iOCO N V C '??. li-..- }"4* . 10 <> Cen Pnc i b lo3S* *00 t" I' KK b. U?m.. 10! K 49 >0 do l^N ii?>) l'n P<c 7'?. I (... 97', SOUj I n Fac ? f >;?? 2??. AuiiiKAim7'?.be 102S StXKi r. H * A ' Ut... SOW) t A W l?. SI L d. fiO.Si 4??) tit ? r?l?rn 2d S7 Sil? I>?1 A H c.7's?.'91 MJ). 6.H 0 ' . A li'. bc 49-, UtA) Ci.M?e|l.. M ^ Koiifib ** Hk., % 44 Ninth B?nn. 1W1 10 B II 01 ? I.imerce 172^, lo l>*i A Hud i ?n he lJj < wi y?!ihs?;.." G*?- ?* 1 , W > ?rto t.? >* |t>i UT ? A H RBH.bc lolH 1(4) on I0*!* 1 ?j n?r!rm #3 14'. 10 Mich 4 - n KK..... 1 o f> C 11 i T4 do 4IK.I Wut L'n r?i .bc.bS 100 sbi l'n Pnc KR.... is 100 do 75W SOI) ?o ?4J? 200 do ??< IOC, C, tAIBR 4**4 4 'O 1.A M 1, BK...bc 64C e filV "ft ? 64 W 6I? W'l aS ?'n 100 do 400 do. 100 do. 10) do .MW 00. mm do. too Uo. 1V?) do 2600 do. V/V do. 1U0 do Sal do. 70J do. l'lo d^. 900 do. H.M dft. 101 flo 2100 OO so. <to. lift 111 On Hit I) e 10: do 12U 211) Chi * It 1KB. br 1 *5 W do bS lot 101 Tol A Wan BB...I.0 HV do -J 110 i? MV1 64 V lift "4X 64 ^ 64 >2 '44* ?o. S4J0 lorn flu) ??) 20.1 HOD 1200 ? ?3 66.j 77^ 7??i 761, ? 76*1 no .1.3 761-, lioo Erii* RR b c do. do do. do. do. do do do. ?1 alo do. do 200 M 36o0 I 0 700 ?if 12?> 97'O i3.10 *?> 42(10 w ???? in) rintinl KH. 109 do...... ? 0) ' l?* * ^ RR ?tbc 10# Mil A it P KK *? ilDO 2U0 t*' t ?c Maii h*-.b?.b3 301 do do do ?i 76', ;cv 7'-', 7 It . 76*. 76', 140 he 14J 91 ?3 it do ....b3 33 do. on 900 1S0O *00 4 ?l 401 .V10 i <> ??> ISirt a,1 3N0 I?? ?0 21*1 M an o,? 1 11 Cn Panic RR do M do. do. do do do do <10. do. do. do. do ?0> 50 1!M 500 do... do do do. 1.T4 33 S7 V!% 36?* Ss *?? 3>K *> ?6*? ;v.?; .'414, 361. 36', 7S'-? 7* 74?{ T4H 74 V 1 >u I'll 41) MAI 50 7 0 w>l 2 *) l-OO I ? .#*) 3400 !*U l<? i-U) 2^1 JO ') m 1.100 l?ni I'M) 1/J0 9 0 :?m H JO M4I 51 <0 170) 3AI 7^? 1T00 1SU0 do. (lo. do. do. do do. do a3 urc 2).-, %>* JS 21", ?vj ?. 1. do... n?... do... do... do... 00.. do... d.. do... do... do* do... do... do... do... d* do. do ?9 Hrlf .!< pf ... 3D' Chi A N W RR do. do, do. ... 19?< ?3 1"" ??? ... 20 .. S)i? at 20 at 2oW ... 2'"5 ... 24>t ... 211 !!?'< as 19'i ... I?'i ... 19?J *3 19S ... 1>', ... 95 ..? I'S ??? !fS ... 19% ... i?S .. 134J .. be So b c : ... 3-'? d S< .?J VA ... S7JI ... ... bS 3\ 200 Chi A >W pt.. be 'ji 20 do M)< 101 t?r I 1 '?? bc-?i0 50 200 Del LAW RR. b C 11** 9.1 do Ii^ii 100 r.ftw A t;. ? be.?3 '?? loo Onto A Miaa RR he 2?l .1)1 4 10 30O 21*) 125 400 do. no.... llo.... do.... do ... do ... do.... at m a 23 s. jflijoo ' nrif 1 ? 5u5 Itjr, litmi ... Ill' 27jU? ?o... Ij' 1(W I'lDimn KB ..." 'if IVmluin ?e H BKH;HK CALL?1?;.'W P. M. 27J4 90'aha l-rle RR_ 11J< do. .i?> ib a *?!at Un 1?1 11 ?? do 2 1) #?? tj"0 do. 41J0 do ??????? 311' do. do., lo.. do do.. do. 4o0 SO 3'W I0i?) 3"0 M una .v 0 ?0 3 JO souo do ?iO M T I AH R K1 1U0 Knciflo Mail -8 ??* 7#S mi 7?S TH do do.. 76H 7?S 76S 7'H 76', 7?? 74** 410 7oO 4.V? 7 0 JQU0 l<t? 500 700 K4> I/O 2400 2>XI .2m .V?? I'O 3 II 50j ?' A > RR. |I*I do 209 L A A KR. do. do do do do 1.0 m 910 7(? art) 100 91111 140) 410 do. do. 2'00 ft*.. :u ? Ja ... do ..^b> 79 1 do ?? 76 , 1 A H ft RR 14'. S?H '?* 3?S 4 3?S ?S 36U 36*! i?k 19 do do. do do. b3 ir irtj '5& i-X 1 SI ,'3> 37^ 614* MS, M'i do. .as m d do do. ao. <l?. do. do ?1 000 P ? 6'a e, '81... Iui .1 1 A 5-A', e. 'OK., ft uO I - 5-20, e. '6-? n.. S 4)00 U ft 5-Ai.C, 67 I24H II.', I2')? 124 '4 AoO I 0 y? 400 5.' lf? 3' 0 90 2'4) 7JU I2H# 400 Oo u.... I CM Mil A *t P KR .. 200 'ihio A Miaa RR. .. 1? do I'fl do I'M Pacific RR of Mo. 2 P. nor**) i:? HMO. r 2iiw'i r, "ftl. 3-Mtai t .ft 5'., r. m H lil'j ?4}* 64V 64 2 64f? ftl'i 64 S 64 S ?22 'ft W M. 116* 116*4 tVOOO Tann #'a, oil ... t!, far rink f. lotrn do vol f? J 1 ?n Int. n ... 52 4M 8 2d. IS4HI. e li'l.l Ml< ll M.uir. id . 1,0 M. r A f.n lit m ? SK' OND B0AHI>?1 P. 100 aha L A M.ft RR ft,.) do 1 1400 d 3 4)0 a*.. 2!?) Erie H P 112 I 0 I ftl 110* JSOUii Mor ? h? c.m bi MS .Vim) I.?t M A T..1 I St. 1"2 21)10 C A R I l'17'l.. .. ill) 1..1)11 Alt A r II mc ... 72 2000 Kne 3d m. 23 IKIO ImlO 1400 1640 6.) I l"0 do .be JAM * 1 Cta?4, 97... 1WJ4 ?J M. 64* ?,5j '4 , I"* IftVi !*'? ?)< ISjJ I '4 so ns t** ht 19 do *3 18* do. ? Si 200 ihi Cor Coal.,,.be 100 Quick Min 101 .1.1 be *0 At A I' l el. i.o 2? Adams 2<t A 111 i x 15 do be 9-i1 vrc?(i n it. be in*) dn 100 ftOO 1300 ."4>? .it... 1500 do UJO fans ma KR be 200 do WO /ii do. *6 I.*) I'ac Ma.l b c. b3 ?) do do dn do 'lo r3 do ?:t do 2d0 LS A M 8 KR... ,b e 1200 ao ... i*jo ?.?! I WO isx> 4hI 8 N) wo I40a*l>? Welt On Tel.. 2.0 do |3 l-o do 2<U do bJ 4*1 (lo ?200 Pacific Mail 88 i ojo do do QO. uo. do. b3 201) 1400 10U 1100 8"0 100 Panama kR. 100 do 1.10 Chi A S W HK...H3 S.ID I'.rle RK 19'JO do 3210 uo i?>> do 300 2400 in 0 12'? 16 2300 4 (0 1700 4.0 do... do .. uo... no <io da do *3 <lo do 21 NY CAM KK.,...bC ?hi Harlem Kit be 100 LTu Pac KB be 2?) <io 200 do 100 u<> W0 do.... llXICleve 11'RUiCl . 100 Tol A Wab UK 2U) hi A W UK.. -IK 8>J0 do 1.JO tio c 200 o? S3 60 P. Ft W A Cgt-.hc 2.XJ Ohio A M KK. 1JU II A St J Kripf. .b C 20 Mor A Ei RK....D c UK/ a i .? i?c PI b C 200 do ?J:SO TO 3 P. JSoO shs Erie Kit s3 40ii .to b3 600 Ho S3 3500 do SXJ f eu KH 80 Oil Ic <t K I RK 800 L 8 A M S KK do. do.. u r inn 100 ISuO 10,0 4U0 200 37 Oftlo A Mils KK.. 10) A ' A I'm; pf 100 N .1 South KR 100 Pac KK of Mo 321 Morris A Us KK.... 18 do no. do. ba uk it>V isg il is IKS,' IHl* ut 74S 7<S 74% so*; ""'a 38 37T< 9!l a H mj2 10 15* 16 M. i?K 184? 18* 18 II0K 102* tJ4* <n?r <>*h 65 45 65* 23 15 *7i 51* 1U2 101V COMMERCIAL REPORT. COTTON ON THE 8POT DULL AND HEAVY?TV TU1UE8 QUIET?FLOUR DULL AND HEAVY ? WHEAT DULL AND LOWEB?COBN IBREGULAB? OATS- DULL AND LOWEB?BYE QUIET?BAB LEI INACTIVE?POKE I it REGITLAB?LABI) IR BEGULAB AND LOWEB?PETROLEUM QUIET AND STEADY?NAVAL 8 TO K EH QUIET?GRO CERIES QUILT AND FIRM?WHISKEY DULL AND NOMINAL?FBEIGHT3 8TR0NGER. Tuesday, May 25?a f. M. The markets were generally dull ana there was even more than the u3ual Irregularity. There tu some speculative movement, but In nearly every instance It was superl iduced by a material concession on the pari or sellers. On 'etiauge the markets were dull and irregular almost without exception. Flour was dull aud heavy. Wheat was dull, lower and to a great extent nominal at the figures elsewhere quoted. Cora was also un settled and lower. The receipts consist almost entirely of damp co.n, unat to snip per Kail, and so is sold low to ship per steamer. The speculation in oats having virtually etiased the reaction is morbid, and price? declined rapidly. The hoe product vai but little better, both pork and larJ being iroely offered and quite Iroely taken, though In every Instance at lull prices. Freights were strong. Petroleum was quiet and steady. Naval store* were quiet. Hides were dull. East Iudla goods quiet Oat* were inactive. Cot ton, on the spot. wa> dull an J heavy. Futures were quiet. Groceries were quiet and firm. Astimohv.?'Ihe market for regulus was dnil and in active at 12*c. a 13c. gold, and 14c., cold, English quotation. Ashes ?Tbe receipts for the past three days were 100 packages. The martlet was dull and nominally un changed. We quote Pots, 6c.; pearls, 8c. Beeswax.?Ibe market was quiet but Arm, and the sales wer? lew and unlmpertmit being confined to tbe Jobbing trade. We quote Western and Southern at SJc. a 35.: per lb hroox Cork.?The market was unchanged, with small sales in a lobbing way. We quote Urusti. short green, choice. 12c. a 13c per lb.; hurl, prime to choice, 12c. a lie : green medium, lie. a 12c. i re;l tipped, ac. alOc. i red "all crooked," 8c. a 9c. Mkaxs Peas.? i hero was a lair lobnine demand (or medtuin. Marrows were In very light demand. Wlmo kuneys were uull and unchanged. Ked kidnev- was fairly held. Green peas were In lair supply at, steady pr'ees. We quoteMedinm. new, ciiotce, $! !*) n il 9 : do., fai;- *o good, $1 50 a $175; marrows, new. choice. $2 40 a $2 4?; do., iair to good, $2 a f. 25; pea. new. $1 no a $2; red kidney, prime, new. $3 a 19; green peas new, $2 40 h $J50; white auluey, choice, t- a $J 10. do. fair to good. SI 5J a $1 75. rilTTEa. ? old ritnier ?as selling off slowly at steady prices Ihe arrivals of new Western buttei were heavv. Th" denianl for Welsh tubs was good, but recent* weie general.* in-mall lot?. The arrival oi lia'f Arams was iair and ruled sieady. We qnole:?New buu?r? laie pails choice, 27c. a 2Se ; do. .10., good to prime, 2oc. a S6c. . do do., coinuioti tog..ol, 20c. a 22c. i do. Ii ilf flrknis. tubs, choice. 27c. a 28c; do do., do., good to prime, 25c. a !??, ?. do. do., do., common, 2)c. ;?'22c ; <lo. Welsh tubs, choice. 27c.; do. <io.. do., to prl i:e, 24c. a 26c.; do. c..mmon, 20c. a 22c.; Western tuli*. cho.ce, 22c. a 24c.; do. do., g<M>d to prime, ldc. a 21c.; do. do., po .rto fair, ISc. a 17c. Old butter Mate Drains, fine, selected. 30c. a -2c ; do. do..?0 d to prune, 17c. a i8c.; do. do., iair to good. He. a inc.: o. halt firkins, tubs, enoiee. selected, tc a 21 ? ; do. do . >? good tooriuie, lftc. a l?c. : do d? . do., roinmon to lair. I4<-. a IV : do. We th tubs, choice, selected. .'0<: do. do . do., good to prune. 16c. a l7o.; do. do. do . common io good. 14'- a I <:. ^Western tlrains. g . si to prime. 14c a 16c.; do. do. tair lo good. Lie.; do. do., common, 2c. j do. do. tubs, good to prim", 10c.; do. do , lair to good. Lie. '. do do. common. .2j fA.HpLaa.?Tbe demand tor all kinds was moderately acuve at lair prices. Wc quote A Jaui'iuline at l2)?c. a lb*tc. lor 12 to H< oiiu??. sperm at 28c., patent sperui at iec a 39c.. parslhne at 2lc a 29c. CoBt.Au.. ?lne market lor bo h Manila and hemp wa? dnli and inactive at lull pric Vte quote Mjiu.a (large an ) small sis-), per <?>. iflc. a li? ^o c*fdaKe. rope ysrna 1??"4c a 17^.' ; :arre.| MaVi.a, 14'?e . .s|??| rope. 12. a ISc ; .New /.. alan i, lie a ' c.; ku*>, ? b> inp, tarred. 14C. ? American ilo.. 14c. ? u-ria bolt n.p' l,c I'.nm ? Ihe in irket is quiet, but strong. We no <? -alea of l.5i>i bags Hio >-x 81 t rsu a. am 1.200 b ig^ do.. >-x WlmtreJ. -fll i at iialumore on private ler'ns. H c ,,uo'e in ordinary carv'.>eA, We. a lf>l4c talr do.. 17c i 17'4c.: go.?J 4a, 17*?U- a 'Sc.; prim.'do., I8'a a l* ,e. extreme range tor loia. lb'4c. a li>'?... ro,d. Ml or il da?? Java, g.iv-ru ment bags. 26c. a ii<c.; .'o . grass mats, ji}-. ; mu^a pore do.. 21c a 23>tc. Ceylon. 20c. a 21V-: Caracal, o, as-, a i'i ? ; l.aglla^ ra 19c. a 20c.; Jamu If.-. u .-j,;-.; -t I>? ramgo, lJ^j..; Porto Kw., l a IS. : Cosia t-ica, l?e. a it*.; M?xieaii. Ill ? a J e . Ai.g -tura. l?',o. a21Wc.; savamlla. Hr a Jlv-,-. uraca. 17',. , ly , i imrnncr Sroi E. ? i he inarKet wasina. uva and nom|. nally unchanged. He auoie Molasses sbo.ik >, 32-inch, with lieao^ (2 id a S2 O; -ugar sin. k.s. wuu hi a Is, inch. $2 <*); do. do.. fMoc.1. il >1 a *2 -A. box ? h..ok?, 75c a ulc. . rum do fl jij; |.ipe ijo,. $'< V?a?7; empty hogsheads f. Via *- ii in> .j.- It ieet. ordinary to prime, .15 ?. a "c. -. hoops. 12 luet. do.. Aic. a Sic . orrei. ?lhcm*rs?t tor ingot was quiet but firm at Be. a 23'?c. i iiee??.?The market was weak ami prices ru ?d In havers- We qn.ite New ciieese?state tactorv, lanct , l-',e. a 13> lo.. fine, lie a l.r.; do., go. ,d lo tine lac. a lie.; do, rair o good iie, a loe ; i?r an jr county sanus. 4c. a Cc.; Ohio factory, ched l ar shape, lan-v, lie a I2e. ; do.,oo.. fine. lac. a 11 ; do. :o.. ..s>a to flue 9e. a I '<* ; do., fiat shaped, lan y, lOHc. a lli,c. ; do . do., fine. 9.V- a li'He., do., do., gu^id to tine. 8;,c. a ?Sc i otto* ? For cotton on the spot th? appended qnota tii.ns aenote a decline t 'i?c. per lb. I he market opened flu 1 unu neavy i xp<.rters were early discourage.] Iroin operating by th?ir advi e? trr.rn abroa.i ihe dsmand irotn spinners was Not g?-.i?ral. <m.* payer ma le Plds on several large lines f >r Provtd n e aoenMt, tint tna bids ger.erallv tailed ot being -a'isiactorv uater tna market showed a sligin imprnvenaent Af er 'Change some am bills, changed ha: da tor export on the basis ot I'.w mtd' at l V-per in ihi? price < as aiterward bid for l.tSH nates more .oasis), a so ioreip?rt \ large amount ot ritton Is in j roresa of shipment. Kutures were <iepre-?< d and c osed oui-t at a decline of I XI . a i is t e quota \ia,> 15;,c. a 16 24-Be. June, li.'sa. a 15 -9 32c . Jnh, 14 1-He a In 1 18>.; August. I''. tl?e a W732. ?e pie inner. 14 1 ;Oc. a 14 1 He . etolier, la It 14c. a 15 If J2c. >oven,oer, 15',c. S l5.JUe ; KeceBl er. 15 13- .ir a 15 7-lec , January. I5l7 .'uc.a 15 J 16c.. Feb. ruarv. 1% 2V:ac Mare.i. 16 16 ISc. a 14 lAic.; April, ls^c. a 14 7 SSc. Quotations oasrd on stan lard or classi fication in force hep'eir' er I. Is74. and on upland cotton in store running iri quality not in r? than halt a grarte above of be...w the fra..>-quoted ?rirli'iarr. He.. ri?>i or.liuarv; 15440- : *triet good ordiuarv. l5Sc low mid dling. 15'fe.: middling I'i1,-. goo.1 middling. i7S"5 yuotatlons baaed on American standard of cla?iflca tioa. I p'iinri* ALi 't ii Anr ffrfttrm* Texan. Ordinary I3sg l.?? UH 13^4 Good .irdlnary it a 14:^ l:.;j 15', I At s middling. I 1''? 1 14 Middling IS le'ij lo:, ii,\ i,o-^l middling 1SK p. . 14", b,'. Mi iliing .a r 17 17', I7*a I7'J Kalr ? 17* 17% Is Is ? fhe sales were fW-^njr Ia4 r"s(s.j. T^laL Export i- .0.1 239 CousumcUon 4:4) ? 46) Toutii - iH *M 6*9 ?for tntnrt delivery (batix low mumiing tnt aaiea been ?? tollowaYinterdav, alter two ? M ? Mav. f*? ai lor xw at 15 Jl i.e., luly, *11 at I6'*c . Aii.u-t I.UUU at lii J-'U *?> at ?^epfrinber. M< at i* i 3tr . October, jwiat 15 II-16c.; .*0 *e.nb?r, 7 M at is1-,'' Uai.emtier. 4UUat IAV-, |;u balea. r.xchaiife?4-i6> paid It exctiaime 4'?i J tine lor \iw??t To- ,?y. ap to two I". M -May. .*?*> ai 15 i?-.6r i mil* s.ono at i5 i.< J.e I JO at IS' c..i ?<la' 15 J#.Uo., l'?i ?l lP,f Win I4.1< 2c *?</tl#V- l.n?'atl.V4J-.Mc.. ?jf, at I.'. ,c.; .itilT, at W J- Mr., I J>i at 11 I 16c.: Aaguet, a#i at 16 ?e^ MP at 16 7-.We.. I,7u0 at 16 ?c., a.fimi at lt> 7- Mr , 1,6(10 at I6S-I6<'., >*pt'ni'tr. JO at 16 1.Mr. *<?> at 16 |.|6? nh at 16 1 Mr Mai 16 I - ilk , 141 at 16 1 4r . I ?l at 16 l-itc., l.?JU at 16 l-34? . October. I,WO atl.*>V~; Notmnber. IJ'StlS *1 :?>) at It IfBr. i l*-'einber .*>) a: 15 7-l6c, ; January. WatIJV , Kcb r'tary, .f*) at 15 2- .Mc . March, 2W> at Inc. Total, 2*.i?ibaie?. tJrainl total S4.T.?i K*chan*e?5SJr ",ud to ?Xftlianff<- I.BUO Juiir mr .I?j,il ? |>a d to excliaote 5?i.Junr lor August. fh?' raci'ipt* at tun ports were >ta to. awi - laiventoa, 2i> Uan? . >ew nutans 67; vt/.tiUa, i"l . -avantiab. 54<>; Charleston. 119. M ilnuiftrxi. 11. Mor tola, 4,6. .New fork 1,746 Total, .1,476, ihi< day laat wm<, 411} hi? dar laat year, .1,011 Total mrice Sep tember I, S.I74.HB1 CotUm ireiaht* < io*ed aa lollowt:?In Havre, hr -tram, J,c. lu Hamburg, I,y steam, 'fc. io Bremen. b,v ate am !jr,; by ?,ui. ?,c. coinnre-ix-d. To i.lrerpooL l?y ttram. *4*1. a Vlr'?l by ?all. ? 'M dbimi Kbcit*.? i li <lemi?n l for blarkberne* waa tair at it< adr orii e? i e;?che- were Arm Applet were quiet and an. liaoired. iJthar Kinoa were mac tlee. He quote;? >u ? apple*. diced. ?'ar. a i"?e. i do., quarter*, 7a 6c..: Soutkern apple*, quarters, 7e. a 7V-? ><>?? '-Iced. 6c. a do., do. Ian'?, 9c. a lif; We^iare npplf?, qnartcM. <>,e. a 7?4c.; peeled pe.ich?*. Nortti Carolina, prune, 2r^. a Sic. do., no., lair ti f . id l*. a I*-, do., new lie irjria. 2"K-. a 22c . do., ^tate. I>ic a 4Uc , nnpeelna du.. Iim.vo*, n?w, nJaC. a ^Ke.i do- do . <tiiari<>r?, do. i^r. av. blark berrien >>?c. < aerrie*. maie. 15c.. do., sxutiiern. new. Mr., ranaberries n?w, 4 . a 44c. , plumj, Souibern lie. a iHe da "Ute. I'r a !?? r.oaa -ihe luaract wa< ea?ier. with a fair demand Ch iice bran U weru bouam at 17c. Mit very lew holders weie willln* to a?ll on lar th .?e pr,- >?, We quote:? I^iti* Inland, .New ,/i r?ey a?d aear by, 17,^0. a 16c. j >ta:? and r?iifiiylrania. 17c., Western, choice brandi, 17c.; other We.tern, I'iWc.; Southern, i?e. * l?Sc-i uee?e. '.Ic . dwaa. Me. a 4.?c. , r?iim?i ?eie m goo.l deinaml, but lornier tirlcea weft unchatiirad .. lyflu lb*, prima (t?e?c feather* sold at 07c. W '? 'jiiole Prtinn new ^ee<?:. flOc. a 5k-. j mixed, as to '{uaitty, -V. a 45c., heu tea intra, fc.; turkey leather*. Sc Kaaan ratTiTu ?The arrlvalt irotn the South were fair. Applet were flriu aa4 Ktnt at lull prUta. Craatxrnea were falrlv active at steady price* We quote 8traw. berries. Charleii'on. 40c. per quart; do., Norlolx. 5c a 2 c.; apples. Western Hew York, mixed. $2 a S2 60 per selected $2 7. a $.i 26: du., common, $1 25 a $1 75. cranberries, prime, SI 7 i a $2 per liox.: do., p..or to lair. $1 a SI 60, ni Xorjr iiut*, $l 60 a $2 Per bushel, black walnuts, .no, a (ioc , peanuts. laucv $2 10 a$2 30; du.. lair. $2 a $2 10; do.. cuiuioii. SI .i $1 76. i imi. ?Qi??? 1 shop mackerel were in kiood demand. Box bermw was tield ui lUc. Other urades were uuiet am) unchanged. We note rales ol 200 bbla. Nu. 1 snore mackerel at *12 and $9 for No. 2. and BOO quintals ui lie >ruti'b at$'i. We (Mime:?No I Baya, $9a$10; No. 2. *7. So. 3. *fi; No. 1 -More *12; No. 2, $0 :*l: No. a. $?? No. 1 Knglish, $8 No. g. $7 0; No. \ $ti a $8 a0| Georgi ?? Bank codfish Sfl; Grand, $5 60. Western, none; new large threes, *7 new medium, $1; sealed herring, 40c a 42c No. 1. Uoll* i i hi u anu tiK 4in. -Receipts?tlonr, 7,Ui bbla.; wheat, IT,5ft > bushels; c rii. KgO' do.; oat.-*. 19,060 do.; corn meal. ?u bags, and ryt, .?? u bushel*. Flour wag dull and lien v tt>r all kinds, but not quotably lower, wiiH sales of D.bim bbls. Rye tlour wa* quiet. t orn meal was quiet We note tales ol 4i)0 bbl*. and 451 sacks at $1 7u a &4 75 for Brandy uino, $4 a $4 ..'> lor Western yel low aiitT*3 DO a $4 29 ior Southern Jersey and Pennsyl vania yellow per bid ; Baltimore coarse sacked. $1 tiO per lull lbs.; citv sacked. coarse, $t 47; tine gifted, *1 60, bulled yellow $1 ft; boiled white, $1 83 per 1U0 lb*,: Jersey sacked, coarae, $l 5 a $1 58; line yellow, -51 88 a $l 7i). and tine whlie, $1 80 a $1 83 per 10u ,b?. Wo quote :? No. 2 >tate $t 2t a $1 75 baperline State 4 S3 a 6 15 I I Ztra >tate 6 25 a 5 50 'late 5 50 a 6 00 . uperdnu W estern 4 66 a 5 15 hxtra Western 6 25 a 5 50 Minnesota 6 60 a ? J) Kound lioop Ohio. shipping hrtudg A 25 a 6 5) ' Round hoop Ohio, trade brands 5 50 a 8 DO Family ft 00 a 7 00 si Louia, low extra 6 6u a 5 75 ; t. i nuls, stralnlii extra. 5 7 . a 6 25 m. I our-, choice double extra 6 On a 7 ui) ! St. Louis, choice lauiiiy 7 no a 0 0) live Hour, (lue to superfine I di u 4 3) Southern. No. 2 4 00 a 4 50 southern, supertiuu 4 5o a 5 10 ? Southern, extra 6 25 a ft 50 I Southern, lainily 7 00 a 8 74 | Corn iih-.i1, Western 3 '.(0 a 4 *o I (.'aril uieul, Jersey . 3 00 a 4 :'o t orn meal, Kiaudywiae 4 75 a 4 8j Corn meal, puncheon* 21 50 a ? ?Wheat was dull, lower and nominal at $1 13a$l 14 1 lor No. 2 Chicago, $1 U a SI 16 tor Milwaukee, $1 22 a 1 $1 25'or No. 1, *?! a I a si 42 lor red and amber winter and $1 36 a $1 41 lor white; No. 2 Milwaukee was freely oflered lor Juno ai $1 lf>. I'he saVs were about Ito.UW | bushel* at $1 i t a $1 13 for No. 2 Chicago, JJ I u for No. i 2 Milwaukee tor .lime, $1 41 Ifir extra white. Corn was ! still Irregular, good steamer closing at 74c. bid altd 76c. a*?cd. i he saies were about mi uno tiUsliel* at 7 e. a 8)c. lor mixed, according io condition. On ts were dull and lower, with sales oi 29,000 bushels at 7'- for mirte In I store, 73.-, a'/4c. for do., afloat White was nominal at 76c. a 7' s. -. Rye was unlet and nominal at$l 10 a$t 12 ! asked for state and $1 08 bid. barley was inactive and I nominal. Barley malt was quiet at tl t'O held for prime I Canada and $1 im tor six-rowed Mate cash 0.4MK ? i he arrivals oi wild pigeon* were good and were generally in goo ; order, and were sold at lower prices, nipe were sc iree anil llrmly bold. We quote Wild pigeon-, stall ted, per do/.en $2 a $2 25; do., feathered, idgnt. n tted. $1 a $112-do., plckefl, ili^lit, $1 25 a $1 37; uugilsh snipe, 75c. a <1 p< r dozen ; plover, $1 a $1 26; sand snip . 26c. a 40c.: } eilow leg. large, ?1 a $1 26; do., small. 40- a 60c. Oiu-kk Vloktasm ? Bermuda tomatoes were active and in.her; onion* were e*?y. Other klnns were quit? and uuohunged. We quoteKale, per lib:.. $.1 a $ 50; spinach, on., 3 .'si a $i; radishes, per 10d. round, $2 50; radHhes, per l ie, Ion.'. $ .'i0, lettuce, do. $1 50 a S4; rhubarb, per 100. S2a$3; gieen peas, NortolK, Mir bill., $6; string beans, $3 a $r. asparagus, per doz., 7f. c; do., Oys ter bay $l 6i; ilerinuda cnions, per crate, $l 12; ao. tomatoes, per bo*. 76c., white . mun." per bPl , ?l .6 a , j ellow do., pvr bui., $1 75; rwd uu.. per bbl., $l 75; par-nip", per boL, $1 25 u $2; turnips, Norlolk While, S3; do., i us-ca, $3 a $'1 5 '. awniiBs.?The lobbing demand wa* moderate at lull prices. We quote ? ome-tic. 130.; Calcutta, t%c.; Ujr neo. 13c.; Iiag. I2f,c u Lii&O. IlKKr AM' .inric.? Mani.a was In fair demand at un changed, prices. .Iu>c Icitt* were quiet an l uncuantied. | The sales were l,00i o.iies iute buttf- at rt1,a a HT,c..lw lays. We quote American, dressed, ner luu, $270 a $28) tor double; #236a $.40 for single; Manila hemp. 7?ic. aHVVo, gold, per lb , the la ter lor choice i.ussia, clean, at $2?*0 a $2X5. gold; Italian. *-'60 a i275, gold; iute. 4Wc. a Jute butts quoted ar 2\c. a 2 l.'i-ltic., cnrreucy. Sisal bemp, a :i\e.. gold. Ilir ami Stkaw.? . ne demand for both shipping and retail Iiualltie* was moderate at full prices We 'in t? Bale hay, snipping. i>5c. a 7 c. j retail qualities at a $1 10: clover ut 0 ic. a 75c.. salt at 55c. a 00c. straw is quoted at *5c. a OJc. tor Iouk rye: 6oc- a 6 a lor shor; Uo.. 0c. a i5c. for oat. ilors ? Ihe nisrxel was .lull and nominal at un changed prices. We quote:?New York, good to choice, new, .????:. a 4'ic.; do low to lair do . 3llc a 3 c.; Kasteru, new. 2.1c. a >ic ? W estern, new, 28,:. a 3?c.; yea runes, 15c. a 20c.; old*, all growth*, 1c a 16c.; Calitornlaa, 18/4. 3'!c. a per ID. nip**.? i he market was dull and prices wer*' noun, nal. Messrs. WeizeL .Vilis.feCa sum up ttiu*:?Receipts for the w ek were 14, 4'i bales trum Buenos Ay res, tier 1.tzzie Fox 7,i.? Irom Hlo Crande, per l.unis; 10,811 troin do. at o ir.ton, per Cacique MJ Irom Rio de Janeiro, per i>ntarlo 4->S Sierra i.e..n . per Jos. Nicker son; 1,052 trom I'auipieo. per Agues 2,022 irom Galveston, per Ci;y ot W aco; i.A 4 trom New Orleans, per Knicker bocker; 4 4 savannab, per 11. UTinjnton; s<io iron# other coa*twise ports; 7.8'Jj by ra Iroao.'total 50,u?io hide*, and 'G i.ales cotv and '..'in i itilalo irom i al' iitu. per Lord Canning; 22'i i.ullalo and 1 1 cow, from do., ner Lady Lawrence; '0 c iw iro n do, per Her;rain Ki>;by. M.><-k on han t -4 .,2 o drv lui-nos Avres hntre kio?, A-., -?.-in ,i? MonicvMeo 63 6 *) ;o. Rio ormde; 7.7'tt do i eutral nuerieati; 5. 0" do. H n-'ol.i . l.-dn do. West !:. Ila; 'J Odo. l'..rtot'a e' o; 1.2U"' o. Alrlcan; 1 I io do. Trnxiilo; 4,800 do. Tanipico: lii.9J0 do Ma niiorosand Mexican; lt.'U do. Texas. Western and .southern V'OO wet alte.l 1 ?.\as. We*i. rn and -iiithern. 1'otal. 23J.7U0 bids*, and 117 bale Calcutta cow and l.o-.i do do. iiuililio. ame tune l.*7*. 114.i>"' aides an 1 76i bales East India: do. 1873. 241,900 do. and -AJ du do do. 13T2, 163.U01 do. and .00 do, do . uo. 1871, I7?.i?i do. and 1,5?) do. do. We (|iiote;-Buenos Ayre* 25 lbs. a $8 lb* . 23i,c. a '26c.; do. 20 lbs. a .6 loa, 22c a 2316c. ; Montevlidto, Iba a 21>^ it>-*.. 2.'.c . Corrientea, 21 iba a 22 lbs., 21Hc. a 12c., Rio i ;ande. 2U lit*, a 22 In. 21c. a 21 lie: Orinoco. 21 lbs a 23 1 lis , Sc.; Calli rnia. 2- ltj*, a 25 lbs.. 22c.; Central Atueilean, '.S lbs. ? .'I lbs., -'oc. a 2U'tf. ; >an Juan. 82 los. a 21 lbs., 19c. a 13i?c.: Matamoros. 12 lbs. a 24 Hit . I9c. u 2tlo V era Cruz. 18 lbs. a 19 1 - lsc a l?c ; Tainptco. 2) 20 11m. a 2i'? lb*., i <?' a 1-c.; Hoi'ota, 18 lit*, a in Ills.. 19j. a 12c.; Maracaibo. 10 lbs. a 23 lbs., la a 17.'., Bab la. 21 lb*, a 22 III*.. 14c. a 17c.; I'Uerto ' uliello and Laguarra, 2) IL?. a - lb*. I-Jr. a 2m ; ( ara. as, 2o iba, a 23 lb*.. 19c.; 1'ajta. 12 lb?. a 23 lb*. .; sisa .tJlbs. a 21 lbs., I c ; Oauipea iiy M ?ba a 22 lbs., 17>'. a 18c. ; Tol.a* o.20 1 ??. m lis, lJc. gold selected Iron.? I he marker loi American pig waa Very quiet wltii light *toci.s scotcn iron wa* in ictive. Importer* are ver strong, .'crap iron wa* quiet anJ un hauge l Railroad iron wis ma tire at iuil prices. We quote ?No I ' metican. $2/ a S-'s, No i do., $:4; Amer ican lorge, $.3 a S24 .No, 1 C'oltneas $31 8D a 933 60 . No I t.artslierrie $3 a i 2 51 .No. I O'eugarnock. $'U; No 1 hglinton. $:i)a $3 railroad iron No i toundry, (7.1 $2s; iron r ails. $>i i ji'; -t-el ra'.s * 4 a $75 LaatlllR ? Hemlock S lie was ill moderate demand. Ibe supply u iit.erai an 1 prue* were weak We quoie , , ? i. Il*mi*>rk. i - Hwnot Aj/TfM, i 'tit' 0> inf". *V*r Mgbt 27 c. a? a.'1,,-. a 2rt ?. 25,c. a afic. Middle ..... 2**: *-9';c. - c. a27*a :7c. . a J7',r Heavy 2*>\ a 27c. b27-4c.-7c. a .. He. (iood damaged 26c. a 26*,c. ate. atic. Z4e. a2i',c. foor Urn tmd - a ? ? a? lite. a -t V:. ?t.rop. - iau*n or?Ll.'ht i a'H<. .14c. a 4c ml.Nil.: bncat, .?>4?c a Wc.t light cr p. i2 a '.v.: middle crop, 34c. a 3m-., heavy crop. Me. a fie '!? xaa? LteUt crop, 31e. a 2c.: nidnie and over crop, a. a X* llmi.-u hemlock. 27c. a ate.; rough oak, a-w- a .Me.: helliet. ito. a i7c.. currency. Maixtfc Mji.Aii.~The market *n quiet at lull price* :? i New ugh , i *? . new dar... 7c. a /%c. Moui't .t quiet an I linn, We quote<"utia, centri |ti ;al, . ..c. a - do , clayed :*? a t4c. : do.. uiu-cov.iio, r me. ? dflc.. .. Porto i'-.f i w ? Me.; Pfterara i. a Me.; fort Spain, 3*' a 42 . Martinique. ?c a 4t?.; 10 tent. 44c. : Nf w i irie* n<, tine. a 74c. >av*L Sroxn ? i he ma ket ?>.? dull 1 he saiet were 3n tjlii?. Mm il< litrpcn ? tie ai 4>,c . inu bins . < :omm >n ro?4ii at $1 W. v. <? quote ?-pit ,t* ttirpoune. Mr. a attained r"*ln, *1 'J i $?'. Vimiiih-1 on :ar. J: l.i, a *'2 26, WHOiWtM MO S.' 1.'.',: I it. 'i. %l Advice* irom wUmiugt >u, wereicosin doll; ?irain>d, M 5. iar firm; Wilmington. Si 66. lurpentiuc un changed spirit* quiciat i ? V on...?Mu<*-ud wan uio l.rstelv a"tivc at <"??. a 47c. Tl'c arnvais ..t wnaie ami sperm muli at Bedford and also in New iork on freight. i ard ?ax e*.y. Iiah oil* were null and unchanged. Mruhaden was ln?ct<ve. i niton teed was attoiig an<1 war. <?. olive wa? in tali oemand. for gum the mar ket in Komon "?? qui i an I ?u ?d? ''ru le w?* dill!. \\? quota ,-fili v.- Maraeille*. quart*. $4 a *4 4'). do.. In t a.?Ks, $i 16 a $1 2> >. palui tc. .. *Kr.. I in acid, ei v <ca*n? ?u i bbla. . ??. a etc wli ,fe. crmt ?, Northern. iiSo a ii*o.. do., un -outnern.'i c a?,; do.. un bleaciied win er. 7.c. a Tic ; do., bleached win ? r, 7.V a <5c.: aperui. crude *1 /J a *1 do., winter, unbicacned. }.' a fj a, da, no.. Menclied Sao?: meuliadeii, Souu.t 4 *c. ; lard, prime winter. 41 Si a ti 2>; red. Wef.ern diaiil.ed elual.Uc. d?.,aep lulled. 7 c. a 75c cettoii aeed. ??' , do. -outli rn veilow, TUc a Tic. \ do., jreilow and while winter. r2t$c. a- K-.; ueatdeoi. die. a" ?1J): liana. a 41 . Mrait*, die. a 4iw%; uiobe (W. V'a. Hunt <>. U < o'a>, 4">c. . natural lutiricaun?. 21 to iUgraviiv. 21c. a t'EtaotkLK, ? i he maraet ?a< autet and iteadr. Wt auetkt?(-1 tide. In hulk, (c. May,C|c. Jane do., in bbla., K)^c. *?*,?'?' June; rertned ataudafd *Mie 12'.,r. bid tor May i:'?i lor June I > and 15: naphtha *? tor Mar; Thllaiielp >la 125* apot. nil 1 IS ,c. In 1 ior .Mine la; nal tim bre lie.. June 15; eaat-a 17 ,c a |J?ieje?raphle ad rice? irom t be oil r?Klon? were a? lo Inwa ?1 iiu.vil ?, quiet at $1 :?!.'> . Oil fnv quiet at ?: J2V, a >1 34; Kou-i: vilie qui t and ne*lecied. Ii 1 1 a; ationi $1 24. lid' Uta, HUirt and unclmiitfe.l. tlllini wetl?. I'arkerS?Lulled, tl IK*'* ??ke.|; ubipnienia >1 Da I ..a}, f0TAT0K.?. ? Aermudat were ilrm and price* were hiitliiT Old pfttatrx 1 w.-rc dull and unchin^ed ?a quote. ? ?'OOlherH ni*w. | er but., AI 4i*S'?. Iieruiuda, ier lit*I., i7, earlv roae, new d> uble head blil?., 2 a $2 -4. larly eoae, in beta, per bhL. tl 75a |2 .5; peaeliblow, n?w double head Libia., $2 a 25; do., in bum, per bbi . ti a ti 5. Prln?e Albert, new nuiibie lie 11I Mi v. t> 75 a 2 12. dn. in buia, per bid.. 41 7 ? a 42; peerlea*. new double head bbla.. 91 "<5 a $2: p?<-rle*a in bu ll, per ubL. 41 74 a 42. aweeta. winter Uelaware, 4- ? a|i n I'otiLTRT. ? lhe arrival* from the Weat wer- tree and p icea ruled low. 1 urkev* w.-re scarce and tirm ducat and *ee*e were m fair demand, prime r?t?i* and Jeraey p.hi. rr were arrivuu wowiy. We quote:? lUr^eva, .-tate, prnne. ?mall. 22c. a 2V.; do., do., tair to fo?i'l, tf?c a 21c. ; do Jerner prluie, too*. XP-. . do , do., lair 10 k od, ile a iJc. ; ?pr.iiK, per IU-, file, a 74e f.wla. Jeraey, prune, IV a 2tt: 4o.. do., lair to food, lik: a 17c. do., state and Wentern, prime. )4c. a 1 ft do., do., lair to good. 14c.: CoCka, liX.; ?Dr;nif chicken*, per oair $1 25 a 41 SO fowK -tate and Jer ae v, I4<- a I c. per lb : do , Weat?rn, lift*. ; rooitert, old ?te., luritera, ^tate an I Jeraey, l/e. a ISe.; do., WiKtern, 14c a 17c du -aa. .-tare and Jersey, 7Se. a ? I i> per pur; do.. Weaiern 74c. a Mo.; <<ecae. -late and Jerwr 41 76 a 42 25- do . Weatern SI 24 a ?I 41 Knoaiatoffa,?Mceipta?1 ut m ita ,w. paekavea and lard >> do. 1 be market lor the noil pr.eiuc; was un a?*tiled and lower lor nnany all deacrtplion* The mar ket for pork was very irregular. and pricea were con s'aut v "hanflng iiie >?e< wire aieiui liuMbbls. at ?2 / a 421 ior June. ?;l Si a $21 id tor July, 421 I2>a a 4-1 i for aoeust, cutting with snllera lor ea li month at the Inside pricea Beet naint were dull at li)c. a 20j for ?ood to clioice Wettern M?>ef waa quiet, with tales of 0 bbls packed and 81 bbla. mean, W.- quote :? Barrelled beet plain meaa, $l?; extra m?aa, 911; packed i>eel, 910; tie read ie>el. India meaa cily extra. 4-- ? a 9?9. In lia meet, 921 a $23: prime ineaa, $14 a 41. n.?' on was dull and nominally un hinged at 12m<:. tor city long -leer, lie. for Weau rn long clear and I2>,c. for -liort 1 lear Cut meats wern nominal. I lie tai?- were U iMi IDs ptc-led nolliea at lilac-.. n5 bnxet lielllesat ISAec., 401)pickled Mams at lj(4c. a id ftOtlerced hams at I2--. We quote ? Pickiel a:iouldera, P'.c, ; dry aaited na na, boxen, ilHe. a lie.: dry aalted snouldera, ?'4e., WesternJleri ed hams, 12c. a l2,c. I.ard aas ir re/uiar and-lower. Hie market ? Io<nnr with ^lier* at tin- lovn-t prices. I he sales were hIkjiit ft.JVjU tiere sat 14V a 14 15 18 lor June, 14 If- ic. a lf>',c. for July and l& 1 I4- . a l.i^c, for August. Oreaaed bigs were quoted at IM.c a !> ,r. lor city. Kick.-I hit market attll eontinn-t very quiet, but there it generally a goxl feeliiig ami holders are firm at yester lav quotations. We note salea ol 25 casks ? aro Ilna at 7,4c. a 9e., 2i?i bb't l^oiiis an 1 at 7'? '. a and litibags Kangwjtiat 6',i; a o^e. He qe te:?<;arolma, good, 7'jc a 7do, prime, Jtj ? a * . ; d<k, choice i*V . a ?'/. : laoiisiana. "?' .<?. a 7',' for lair to prune, ami eommnii qualities down to '???.; ftangoon, dKc., cnrTanr, t'aina 7c.. currency; Kaugoon, in bond. $2 74 a $.( gold. hr?n. ? rhe market waa Inactive. Orast was quiet and nominal. Linseed wat inactive at $J T'?r 1 aleutfa. W? quoie:?f!lo ver. We* ern. II Uc. a Uc . per lb.; tiin btiiv oer bu-,i L 42 W a $2 tii; Canary, siuj rua, $11 i) * Ill 79; Canary, Sicily. ?I2 a tit 2.1. hemp, foreign. ?1 80 a $1 SO: flaxseed, AtncTcati r<>ugh, i tsrics.?in* market wm quiet and prices were un changed We quote Pepper, uuiatra, 17>.c,; .-Singa pore, li^c.; plnvnto, lO.So ; cloven, 37e. a cassia. 22c. ; Alritan ginger. Uc , mace, 10c.; uuuueg*. $1 ? ?' 02 per Ih Hkixs ?Deer?Market dull and unchanged. Tbe sale* were 6.100 lhs. of Wei-tern and 14,nuo lbs of Mexican on private terms. We quote Western and southern, i3c. a 35c. ( dull and prices weak. Ibe sales were a? follows;?31 oaies Duenos Arres. IK) do. Mexl can and 25 do. Kaat India, htieeji?Market active, with a sale ol 500 Colorado skins atdOc Suuak.?Ih- market wa? itea Ijr at venterdav's quota tion. We note >ales ot 83ti lihos. good talr muscovado at ? 3-l6c . iOii uhds. Culm at Riic., 5J hhds. mola?ses ou gar ut 8c. and 4 0 liox^.s do. do. at ;*ac.. a 7,'*c. W? report ? toe k in >ew York m tollows:?121,091 lib Is., 41,173 boxes and 8ii, ?U.l nags. Wo quote:? Cuba?Kenning. tiiferlur to common. 7'.jc. a 7>4c ; do., do., lair to good tatr. he. a W?e.; do., good to priuie, a o'.c.. grocery, fair to good, 8Jic. a 8\,c.; do., prime to choice, 894c a8*;.e.; cetitrl, hlids. and boxes, No*, 8 to 13, m4c. a U:'.c, ; moiawts, tilid-. ami boxes, 7c. a 7'4c.; melado, fx. atVo. ? clayed, bnxes, Dutch slandaru 7 to i). 7'jC. a He. ; do.. ID to 12. 8V- ? W.i'c. ; do., 13 to 1>, 9c. a 9.t,c.: do., 16 to IS, U.'^c. ? lUWc.; do., l'J to 2tl. 10J,c. a 10-'*, c.; do., white, f^jc. a IOl.{c. rorto Kloo? Heflnlttir, common to prime, 7'.to a 8 4c.; grocery, lair to choice, H-'.c. a8j?o. Urazil? Hutch BWUitard, So*. 9 lo 11, 7>ic. a Rc, Java?Hutch standard, >os. 10 to 12. 83?c. a 8?j,c. ! Manila?Superior and extra superior, 7'io a 8c.; stand ard A 10c.; do., crushed, 11)40.; powdered, UWo.; granulated, 10^o.: yellow, 8c. u 9c. 1 extra O. 9?c. a v'/if.; cut loat 11 \e. Btbamnk was quiet at 15,tie. I'or good to prime Western, i ldjje. lor nood to choice city. Tallow was inactive; wo note sales of 29,000 bbls. at 8?,c. Tobacco?The market Kr Kentucky was quiet, with sale* 01 240 hhds. at lotjje. a 22)?o. .seed leat was steady; the sales were 100 case# sundries at 8c. a :5c.; 201 do., Ohio crop, (PH. at 10c. and 23 do. state crop, 1873, at 8>4c. I lie market lor loreiuti was quiet, with sales of 20O bales Havana at 90c. a $1 II. U insKKr. ? Receipt*. 4ti7 bbls, The market was dull and nominal ut $1 19 bid and SI 20asked. Wool.?The mirkct remained quiet and unchanged lor both toreigti and domestic. transactions were light, comprising about 12.,0/0 lbs. super nulled, mostly at 4'4ac, a 18c ; 15,1) >0 lbs. extra pulle I part ut 40c., 2',000 lli.s lexas. niostlv at 30c. n31c ; I.WI0 lbs. blnc.< Texas, 3.00J lbs. lambs', 18.000 ins. Oregon tUece, 2,;SJ0 lbs. Call iornia spring, 011 private torms, and 29j bales damaged Australian at 32c. 11 42c. Kkkioiiik.?Tl>e market was decidedly stronger for grain, closing at Ox. 3d. I'or quarter bia und refused to Oork for orders, and even a hlgner rate lor June load ing. liertli rates lor grain were ul?o stroiiaer and oil freights were very firm, but quiet, the engagements were as follows:?To Liverpool, by steam, s<i0 bales cotton at 5 16a., us it runs und to OUsgow, by steam, a.Otr,) bbls. sugar on private tonus. The charters were: ? An American bark, of about tlii tons, itetico to C^rk lor oruers iwith the privilege 01 Continent), with cotton, on private terms, another, ol 507 tons, henco to (ietioa, with tobacco, at 32s. fid.; an Italian bark, hence to Carduf, with 2..KW quarters araiu, at 4s. 9d.; another, witQ 3.500 do. do., hence to Cork tor orders, at 5s.: another, hence lo Liverpool or UlnsKow with 4.3)0 do., do., ixt 4s. 7^d ; a Norwegian bark, H orn Philadelphia to Haltic, with 1.9S0 bbls. re Hned petroleum, on private terms; a Hritlsli brig hence to a direct port in the L'ailed Kingdom, with J.J5J bids, rellncd iietroleuiu, at 4s. Hd.; uuoiher, hence to Plym outli, with ? ,3?l bids, naphtha, a' 3s ; another, hence to Vigo and Sailtttn U r, with 800 bbls. and li.tSUO oases re fined petroleum, at fts. and 22!,c. reSpMtively; a Nor wegi iu bark, hence to the Baltic, with 3.IIU0 bbls. do., at 4?. 91 ; a tiriush bark, tience to Dublin, with 2,dOJ bbls. do., ai 4s. 61.; a Krcnch bark, hence lo Bordeaux, with 3,200 bbls. crude petroleum, ut Is. id. DOMESTIC MARKETS. UAi.rKSTox, May 25. 1875, Cotton dull; middling, Net receipts, 208 bale*; strops, -i-. Exports coastwise, I,Mi. Sales, 274. Stock, 56,488. N'sw Oulkans, May 26, 1876. Cotton quiet; middling. 15^c. Net receipts. lo< bales; gross, 806. xports?To Great Britain, 4,b:J4; to France, 6M. t-ale*, 2.0UU. SiocK, 79,913. Modilk. May 26. 1S75. Cotton quiet; middling. li7j,c. Net receipts, 181 bale*. Exports c jastwise, 206. t alcs, 6001 Stock. 12,!?4. Savannah May 25, 1875. Cotton dull; middling, !.'>,(!. Net receipts, 446 bales. Sales, 6eS. Stock, 11 ,0s2. Charleston, May 25. 1875. CMton quiet: middling, 15s, u 1.5'4c. Net receipts, 119 bales, oales. MX). Stock. 14.313. WH.MI.NOTOX, X, C , May 26 1875, Spirits of turpentine quiit at 30>gc. Bonn dull; $156 for stratneil. Crude turpentine steady; St 30 lor hara, $: 20 lor yellow dip. dolor virgin. Tar steady at $1 i'A <tswuuo. May 24. 1875 Flour has declined 25c. on all grades; sales of 1.40 bbls.. at ;5 lor No. 1 upriuif. #'J 74 for winter. <7 lor white winter, $7 23 lor double extra. W beat st-ady; sales of 2,000 oushels No. 1 Minnesota Club at #1 l?, 1.000 do. extra white Michigan at $l :J8. Corn un changed : s iles ol 4 41)0 bushels 1.186c. Corn meal lower; bolted, 8 0; unbolted, j>.V> per ton. Mlllteed lower; sliort?, $22; shipituifs, S2t; middlings, $.'7 per ton. Canal freights?wheat, 6c. peas. ?)>?c.; corn and rve. 4>?c.; oat* 37,,c, lo New York; lumber $-? .0 to the Hudson. I. ike receipt.?lu.siu bushels wheat, 186,0 W teet lumber. Canal shipments?3,000 bushels wheat, 842,000 feet lumber. BurrALO, May 25, 1875. leceipts by lake?Flour, 14,800 bb.s.; ? heat. 15.000 busaeis; corn, 7,000 do.; oit-s, 2,7m do. Heceipts by rail ?r'lour, 2 4)0 bbls. ; wheat. M'.Ojo bushels: corn, l -.OOn do. ? oats, 11,000 do.; barley. 20,0 0 do shipments bv rati?Flour, 2.0o0 bbls.; wheat, 42.1/iw bu hels; corn. 41,000do.: barley, 2.000 do. ? oats. 1 i.00J do Shipments by eaual to tide water?Wheat. 94,410 bushels: corn, 99,0>l do. ?hipni' iils bv tual lo Interior poiuts?N?un. Canal freights?Little doln f T^ic. for wheat an l fijfe. lor corn toNew York. Hour quiet; sales 480 bbls. atun chaugeo quotations. Wheat demoralised; entirely nom inal. Corn unsettled, heavy and lower sales JMU**) bushel* <o. 2 Westeru at c8c. oats neglected; held above buyer*' views. Kve and barley ?Market bare. .mm- m quf t for* quiet at $2: 5) lor h?ary mess. Lard oulet alloc. Lllghwines nom.nal. Toledo. May 25, 1875. Floor dull and unchanged. W heat 2c. a 3e. lower, closing steady; amber Michigan. cash aud June. Si 21%: July and Auxuit ?i 24; No lred. $1 -4, No. 2 do., June, $1 22: Augunt. $1 23)?. Corn Arm auo In lair demand; high mixed. 70",c. a .Ific; June. To'-.e. a 71c.; July, 7S)*e.; August 7lS. a 74\?<; : low mixed, Ota. am-. O its qalet.No.2 tYabasli. 6lKc.: while. 6 c Melehts dull; to U.we.'i. 4'4c. a 5'aC- I'.ecelpu?Wueat. 6,000 husnels, corn. 38,o0o do.; oats, l.oto do. -blptnents? r lour. l.tXXi bbls. ; wheat, 16,0?0 busliei*; corn, 47,000 do.; oats, 3.U00 do. osicaoo, Msv 25. 1S75. Flour quiet and weak. Wheat buoyant aud unsettled; No. 1 spring. Si; No. 2 do.. U4V- spot 1151,0.. June; sny~ a 98?ic., July ; No. 3 do.. IWfcc id^c.; reiected. szc. Corn active, un cttled. lower. No. 2 miv d. tSS'ac., spot; fit ,<?. b 'I, June . fj ,'c July; i ? ,e. 'el. flic a 61 Sc. "at* in lair demand, unsettle I. low r; No. 2. 48u.. snot: M^C. a 4Mje.. June 5? a 55'j .. July; relecied, 43c. Kye, Hfmau l light, hol lers firm , $1 05 l ul. Barley dud ami tiomnia1. Pork dull am lower at $20 15. spot or June; $-1 >7X. July. >.n 64 .? ?2) 70. Au.ust. l.ard quiet una unchanged. ItaW meatsdul; short rib mid 11?*?. li .e ; sh rt clear lo., llSe. Wins key oulet but lit hi at il li. ' t ttie a'tt-rnuon e.ill ol t lie Hoatd wh 'ai cIom? I weak ami lower ai 94Jic.. June; July. Corn he.iv> lower at 63Vc. a 03mc.. June; July. <isi- unse'tl' d at 75'?e . June,- 1'ork quiet ani lower at a *20 0., June: 2S a S2 1 30, Jul v; S2o ."0, Angu>t I aril lower at $H si a $1454, June; 011 75. July. Heeeilil ? I lour. 1 !.'?*> Mil*; wheat. 110,00) bushes, corn. 74.UOO do : oats, lo.ind ,|o. ; osrley, l."S) do. Khipnients-I-lonr, on i,bl?., wheat, 57.OOu uushels; corn. iK'.iMido.; oats. 4..on lo HAVANA MARKET. Havana. May 26. 1875. Spanish gold, 203 a 204; African. -05 a 207 Kx cbatiK* quiet; oti the Cnited .States, sixtv days, eur rvnev, 74 a 76 premium short slirht. 7t a *) premium: sixty iia%s. gol'l lui i 05 p ? niiiiii. - lort sight go d, 17 a 1 8 premium. <>n I. nlon. a I.Ml premium Dn 1'aris, 1.6 a 1 ?> preuuuai sugar nominal. EUROPEAN MARKET. Losdos faoniCR Matikkt ? I.osdos, May 25? Even ing. ?Linseed oil. 24s. 9d. per < wt PIMMIAL. ^ -$180,000 MAliK IN'TWo HON'TDS? A "wall 8TREE1 OFE K A TiOM.?Ths banking house of Alex. Frothlnitham i Co. li Wall stree'. who deal IB stock privilege,*, have paid this enormous sum to their customer* daring this short space ol time, rent per sons hsve made as high as $ii.000lrom onfv $100 origi nal!? lnvi>?re.|. nnl manv have made $1 onn and over :roin only b " lli vpuid in a *iuile day over $40 l??. for whieh Italy $3 i?wa< received, or S3;.net profit to \atious i>e.,nie iner emniov eonnnuousiv irom twelve '<i tllteen eoraDi'tent booK'e-per* and a??i*t.tnt*. Wish tlu? strong lorce tli'-vnte otten compelled to re main at their ?ork until mulm-Mit. 1 hi? energetic firm well deserves the Credit oi being the leading hnu?e in their nrancli ol business and it is most wonderful to ac knowledge mat tli '. have established th.? business la the short space ot live years. Thev have customer* who r'?lde In nearly every Rtate of the l men. tne t>oininion of Canada: trorn the Island ot ' una th v receive orders irorn person* who are con tmuailF dealing in sto ??. I heir bu-ine?* lias become so extensive That iw<> ex erlenced correspondents are era plo-.ei to attend t' ihoir advertising aceounts the.r cards may ne real l'i every Brstelse* newsi?ap?r pub lished in the ' n'ted Stat s. To <.hi< they attribute a por tion ot th ir <u e?<. \\, ,? iv( t. ih desiring to place their hMlness with ? firm i n?e*sliw the very hl--h?-st record for uprightness nn I sDm c n luet their business upon honest principles toili al with tlila house Ther a .so i?sue, a weekly report of the condition ol affairs in Wall ttreet, which Mr y are glad to in >11 iree, lor one year, to any one who desires ari l contemplates speculstinr. M'Dd lor it ? Kvenlng Msil of Mth Inst New York Commercial Advertiser savs:? The bankins house ,)t Alexander Froihlngham A Co., No. 12 u ? . street \ is i>i ii?emp ojr twelve bookkeepers and ss?istm!s fb re s e !h?r sto? k privilege firms who einolov trom thr?e in six men This nrm have es tablished their entire business during the last Ave year*. Boston Dallv Mews say. ? Messrs. Alexander Krotmrmham M <'?. will fnrnlsh to those desirin< to ItiV'*i t I Wail street explanatory cir cular*, containing iletai'^o Hat' inents aud quotations ami manv ??piiini..'- ot grr ?t vaiae to the uninitiated, inelr office Is at 12 Wail street. >ew Yorx city. Sew \ ork <?r*p ie (arss Tbis old established h us* offer* facllltiei for upeca latlng with ati Invexment ot money ran.-ing from $.V) to any amount, and gives -mall Investor* the same advan tase as umse who invest thousands of dollars. During the Isst month invcstim- us ol $101 on many stocks nave returned protU,-. irom $601 to $2,500 This ?eems marvel ions to those enan usioroed 10 Walt street operatioiis; nevertheless It is true, as Miristantiated bv the nuetuation of prices al the Sloe s hxenknge 4 COC8T BELMONT A CO., JY Bankers. I? and I Nassau *treet. issue travellers* credits, available in all parte ?f the world, ihr.iugh the Messrs. He Rothschild and their correspondent Also commercial credits and teiegrsphie transfer* of money on California. Mir ope and llavaua. IT RKAAONABLK RATKS? *' 'SKY ON LIFE AND 7V fcndo inent Insurance Policies, Mortgages *nd other Securities. Insurance of ail kinds effected with best conipsmns. J. J. HAliKICil A Co., 117 Broadway. * NT AMOUNT FKOM $1000 TO **\i?i TO LOAN .V on Improved and unimproved Heal 1 .state in this city or Brooklyn, lor term ol *e? s, without bonus. WILLIAM !.. LF.AVITf. 13d Hroadway. A -I Al'SI. Y A BAZUhV. 74 IIKOA 1.WAY?STOCK .. PKIV (LKOK8 ON Ml MURKS Of rHE -lo. K i a 1 11 A N' ( W- Ol V1 N Al TIME OF El.* I lit K ; NO I'KIVILfc'iE KOK LESS THAN IU0 SHARES; OUR IMtlNCI Al.s II) Mir AHVi-KM E; NO IN1KAI I 1 IN 01. it N V.MK; I'AMEflLBT, "HOW MONKY Ih Los I A> > 'I I >K IN WALL 8TBRI', I," M A I LKli F R K N ;t? ANY AHHRK9< * I* A KTY DK-IRKS A LOAN OF $200 I MM KHlATBLf, II on vaiaahie househoM fiirnittire, lor *) osy*; a i good Bcr teut paid Add re *4 t ttOIKl lierald oinca. FIWAWCIAlu A." dealt in at the New York Mock Exchange bought and ?old by us on margin of Uve per cent I PKI VILEO~> f negoti ited at one to two per cent from market on mem ber-of ilie New Yiirn. Fx hange or responsible parties. Largo sums have been realized tho past 30 days. Put or call iostson lOOshures ?, 9> | tliJd 2i I Straddles $2.V) each, control 2>0 share* of stock for M days without lurilier risk, ? rule uotuy th<>usun I dollars profit roar be sained. Advice and Information fur nished. Pamphlet, containing valuable statistical iu? formation and showing now Wall street operation* are coodti 'tcil, sent 7 Fit .1. t to any address Ordeis solicited by mall or wire ara promptly executed by us. AiMihss* " TUMMRIO01 4 CO.. Bankers and Broken, No. 2 Wall -treet. New York. A: JOHN H1CKLINO A CO., BANKERS AND Brokers, 72 Broadway, New York. PUTS AND CALLS 1 to 2 per cent from market I KPRLADS, STRADDLE * AT LOWEST RATEB "^Parties wishing to learn all about Wall stroet should call tor our 72 page book, entitled MEN A D UJIOMS OK WALL TltEET," f t giving the price ol stocks for thu lust seventeen yeaisj liitt ot defaulted railroads, sketch of leading operators. Black Friday, Ac. I copies MAILED FRIK. j JOBM HICKHNO A CO.Treilroad way, N. T, ?STRADDLES (PUT AND CALL Al .-AUli PRICB . on saino paper) $ :oJ SO to $ 17>, .10 to 60 davs per IUU shares. LAPbLEV A BAZLKY, 74 Broadway. Any firm in fair ciik.dit can hell lu -ia Notes to advertiser at discount 7 per eeut, payable halt cash, balance iu good stock. Address WiiSiONEH. box 17.5 Herat 1 ADrKKIISEIl WILL PAY ON i.-HALK CASH. BAL ance in stock good compauv. tor First Mortgage* ou Western improved farms. Address, with full par ticulars uaNkek, box i?) Herald offlcc. BANK BLANKS, SLIPS, BILLS, rbobipts, noth Headings and every kind of Printing, suitable for hanks, bankers, brokers and financial companies promptly inrulshed. at the M r. IK t) POL 11 aN PRINII.mj ESTABLlbilMhNr, No. 21.S Umadwiiy. I ALWAYS IIAVK MONEY TO LOAN ON GO()I> New York citv Mortgages without ion us. Principal! desiring to BOKROW OK I XVii- I apply to H. I. Gil OT. Hi Broadway. JOHN S. PIERCE, NO. S PINE STRKBT. LOANS tnonev without bonus on approve 1 Real Estate t? Now York, Brooklyn and Westchester county; also pur chases Mortgages at lowest rates. J IKE AND ENDOWMENT POLICIES BQUOBT AN? J changed: now Insurances eflecUd in Ihu boat com panies. Box 3.89J Post 'itl c. F. H. sfllULZK. 6S Wall street. ARIPUSA LAND AND MINING COMPANY. Office No. 9 Nassau street, New \ ork. lo.dcr.- ot Hie preferred an 1 common stuck in this company are hereby notified that such ot the shnre? as shall not have paid the assessment of $1 per siiare and cost on or before Mav.'ll will 1> ? sold a< per advertise ment in the Daiiv Atia California!!. MOBRls li. .-Ill : H, Assistant Secretary. M PRKUMINAl'.Y NOTICE. "Blr Mos-s Montertore Testimonial." A Krand, tan'v Bazaar will be held under royal and distinguished patronage at Willis' Booms. Klnu street, .-t. James. London, In Ju,y next, in connecuon with the above iuud. Bank' rs ami ugents, Messr.-. Ill UWAY A CO.. No. 2 Waterloo place, H. W,. where checks and i>ost offlce orders tnav b? made psv able. Contributions of useiul and ornamental articles, an l fano.V needlework. Ac., will be inauktulty received, not la'er iWan first week in July, by the agents. No. J Waterloo place; Mrs. > l.WYN. the \ i-arage, Kamseaie. and the Honorary Secretaries Mrs. SYMs, ?? tourfleld,'1 the Grove, Clapham itoad, London, s. w.. Miss TWYMAB, *1 Hnrh street, lamsgate. i Dffland. PAMPHLKT, -How MONEY IS LOST AND. Mii.t in Wall street;" fully explains priviioifei) Mailed ire? to any addreta, by LAPdLEY A iiAZI.r.V, 74 Broad YyANTKD-$:o<? ov "Rsr mortgage, for r h h ?i*in7i i*J-n 'mProJB<? property in Vw Jersey worth ? 180.0*1. Addre-s - K H i/y> Ni.vai, erect. ron , |i Si 500 inm1'-0' T" LOAX-lf OJTE OR XOttB - i .9j\y\f sums, on second roorUrafre. Atdruaa bit lug particulars, u. C L. L box_ll4 no fan office 000 wanTed-ON vnuramrmo prop. booJVt tt WiH Brooklyn: ;'S lotiT Adlress W.M | flOOLKl. a a 61 Liberty street. New York. S5 000 Jnr *?,AS ?.N B0!iD AVD MORTQAOB ! ? V/1/ v/ for a term of year* on Property in this c " Apply to ?. M. MILUKUEKOEK.sfcarmlnc.t I $80 000 SUMS TO SUIT. O* -NeW i0f4 or 00 eJ'q'(Jo.rtJg r?* Eighth street near iiroadway. #100 000 SL&?h2* v vruor4 0tmi om VivU.l/UU New i orlt Property . $t ikk) thr lots. | ftiUHXAU 137 Broadway. j5jH).000 . ?u?t .. Bond*, an I other valuable Bona* or &?* curitie?- _PAUb P TODI). A, Ij^urty street? A7(H) 00ft 1? L?AN-OS BOND AND MORT. VKNSON, Jr., II p*??'?tr'etf*or" :'r? r'siit fievenMetrfc ?;r;::;I atmn^?A7red l0,M,'te fand,? none b0t $800 000 TO . LOA*-TR^T rUNDsJ-r* * ' ??ms to ?uit. on N. w Vork flrooUvn Wli itl,icnie't.*r fK*' ?ftj,;c: "? boum r. .|u,red ?:. K, WILLI*. Liucaahire Insurance Company, 1S7 Br>ad~ way. MP * I '# K ?i? OPPU ItT I 1IT/RS, A rAi,KJY W,,? CAS ''"AN EMPlortR (l 50f ?l\ will he given a (too I po-iljon ; l|t? r?t >?Urr in4 security lor the uioney Address Mom.y, Her.ild'offlce. A --ADDITIONAI. CAPITAL PBOCCRKD POR Ml-ft. clutit*. nMujiftcturrrsand; Mima; hrrr Ac , nesrot.afed ; Real ( state ?\ohanired * r I'u-u ers-.ii? wild c ip 1 il ?? e';-ns Ini-ini ?* advt <?>.i ..I "Pproved opportunities Keierence ?I tilted -tat.-? i... h^iwlro. v, '; ' v, "r,V ^?^rb?0k, < albert 1 L tnar.i ware>, M i tiainlrers street, Ar A ,, ? OBHHHt ACARLETON. _ ?.c I ?* Brokers. ?i Broad w Ay. NY OK.V'LEMAN Wlbt.fNi; TO TRAYhL. WD r, ,, s? apttai. <-4n rn.'rt with ilio beat .>?. money ever ud.r? by apply IB( ?i A -K OKJIH.KM VV HA? A' KLEUAIkT WM M tM toV'n' .?'v?rlv;it rcnnln-sne r. 11....or'',.;v:;,;,v,Kr.tlSertwua w PUR S (I.K-TIIK I OM i- S MH'-ll VARIBTT to Eurore. "rce1, r'*'"n' proPrteu.rgoing A PARr:,;f:l: PRKFl.RiiED IN A, su.rr ? i,,;:;:u.n;trv?tre ,n %h*Four n wari- A"p'?,n t;>? IIHYM' I V s M aVTKD?A ?OMPhlKfil PIIYSIi .AN mmduktmlw M'ic?,,0 phi,?dclphU is wanted ink mediately. Apply at 117 < a?t ^itteeniu street N. y. ; 'pAU < HAW m\Mi MOKBT HKi UKRD; nr?L ^ Moc11'r?isini{ t .r New York market: roinpen?i ^uteiflHffl?! Ce'U Ad'1r"" 1'uci rI,'> M ANCPaCT''RKB - AND I>YENTORri ?THE AI>i 1 rertiser havini; euntrol ol thr e prominent B ?in? tn tne ritv oi fmlartelohla an I more room in ennie 1 by him on <*tiestnut street than hu-in- -s renalr^A ^I'e.ts the Aictioy any arliele o. er t o, w ich t ?peoulty ran l,e made; e ,n ret. r t?. tlrVt el.iiUn.? w ?? ?'r-B^uasj W"!nK,1lU OROChRY noU.>K-PKK80.\ ALOVR ?5.?"?tS?r^v3 Ia^h n^,^V?*.n"w,;ha 0,"':e- Appl> 10 '?11100,4 4 S500 ~?J,5"I!lA?LK AND PLKASAftT BU?i! . , *. ne^a down town for m^ti and wife wa'i oSce *nd Btr,Ptly VAgh- Adfli?a? I . V II , Herald $f>00 -1PAIRTI"iK W4NTEO IN I WRLI. PAYING y_ ''? liU"<ine??; estihlish"<1 W voar?: must In- a ffrttman of tttorongh mieirritr an I etieriretie \r>m? UMi. W. M |{|i KI.A>U. M Heekuiiin stre". * S00M ''"CURE an EQUAL INTEREST IN ? i"l/U an old eiUbllshed trad , inoner and ?. rviroi the tradr; l*ierrne?|,irh,ngH lJ DEAi.i.h. bo* i.x Herald Ipiown Hrancii oiBer S000.-'o BmvVmIie."iJ .^2 0011 ""A^NT SITUATION gowl salary to anvone able to loan thi rea Jl,ip. ~7 y.' **,a]'l'"hed, brisk cash bujines# u ? r**i .udrews to c aX io.n. narald odtra. S2 ")00 ''' ',N w*v'Ki> in a pRorrr *'ffi , , i- * * '*? '''(flfmate fcasli buslnaas, lo?' mm wfn.TlV I* i * *>0'1' s*'" "Peniiii/ lor h g, nil. m n with las e tor literary piirsnita. r Very SAttmaction .i!3 dr??P?X^?K % ?* Inl?rview, tor ? n.r.i ,,j tetradwfc<w SX 000 -w;AN'fc"-A pABINfcR WITH I If ~H i ' '. above sum in a ca?li I nslnest e?,abli.h!.4 In years; must noi ol.jeet to timeliiiu to a gJlu ilui ne? man. not air.nd of a httle work Hits is ib nlty seldom in. t with: best references quired. Addresa box 8 I'um olhce ?orr.slown; P?. .^.1 000 "Wanted TO intrudicr a vITn CUiWU able invention; the uau- n . n .Al,u tnlrd Iniereti in b.s patent for tne or addrcas H. I'AI.M ,, 2.U Hr,?dwaJroom l"' So.000.T,B^Yfvo?Sd?rstaVdit,!;:fKrVi ',C' but without capit u", h ?u ?? 1.''" derlyieatlenf..! of m?ni,. 'Mpirai oed i' Vi a".',1 drees lor partimlar,. IN I fc.iR,, y, boa , ], il^i'ld offl^l $15,000 urttt, withRCtr.a?. A ",,IIU ,:?* >AlHry In one or ,|| , . 'r,',ll,p ."Cute I in H crowinJ Wor*' .? 'he ntiU, <!<?.pti.a par ym,,! iL"*?""n" J ?"w" "< ?r l'hiia reliable rorerenc- . ,uK 1 ?ccountant #i,a fnriusli orKICK, Miw,ir,?i .- "'i "r ?'?<lr?sa 1 KAS-K..K . ".nut n r. ?? t. r.. .m ??;. ."hiiadi Ipliia. $20,000 ^AVI_, |>- VVIUI PAKfMEK In a fti.i am o ? 01 ?i' well estaS. oUice. ' n'"r ,nvt?'ed. Add re m CASH, Hera*