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KEIISK INTELLIGENCE. Ministerial and Church Movements. PROGRAMME. OF SERVICES TO DAY. In StFTta street Methodut Epuropil cnurch, ??-aay, the Rev. 1. S. Willis will jfeuk about ' The Bible and the Pablio Schooi*" and ?? l Ue Prayer# ?i tne Cimr a th? Meisure of Go.-pei Su .'cm1' ??Katire saactilicati' a" will occa y the Re*. Tnomas l,odge'? Attention tins morula^ end "ihe Trlnmpm 01 on rattan Workort'' this er unur lu Tw. aiy-iourtri street Mctho u: Epucopal cuurc i. Rev. Father Djorrmg wltl conduct s rvicca in tie K .??ua Gri-es cnapol tais m-r.;i.?g, lu the *>? uvouic language. Hev. ?jeor.:e H. Hepworti will pren?h at the Chorea of th* Duclp<e?, Madison av uin, coruar of Fortj-flith eet. tins tiijra. i,', n ? Mine sa? ge-tiona Concernlnsr the Mirac es." Sunday ecBucl service jDI Ride 0 ass at three r. V., aud in th? evcuiu^ a l>i?le reading oa taa w ord "Go." At the First Reformed Episcopal charc t>, Madi ?on avenue ana Forty- eveuih street, lue rector. Rev. H'. 'am 1. .-a .tie. w :1. preach in tae ukruing at.J a the event..?? Rev. Dr. Strong, Pies'trnt of :tncaesi*r Theo. legicat beininary, wul preuch m Association Ua.l this la All saints' Protestant Episcopal chores the Rev w. N. imnne:. will preach this uK-rmn,; and evening at the Uour*. Spiritual conlereuc<;s wi.i be held tats mornlcir, at pruion and evening .n H< <wa d Boom*. Rev. t?sc..r tlngo w;;i upeatt in Cooper Iinitati tlu* evening on ??Amencs* for American*." At Was: mgton ?piars Almaodtat Episcopal church the Rev. William Lloyd will ej?"as trus morning aoout fang on "From Strength to htrencth," an i rrn.4 eveni^s oa "Decoration Day and Its Lesson.-." The Rev. JuBa Joan-* wi l preach In the Piee Tatemacle Metho :ist Episcopal church tfcu uiora la,' and evsauig. Ti,is evening the Rev. w. B. Merrl't will rreacs ta the I'nioa Reformed churra, w^ere, iu the morning. a baptismal per vie* will be he.d. In lieekuian >.il. kietttodist Ep s -o| a. eiinrca the Rev. W. H, Taomas will i re :a at th. uaml hour* thi* morning aaa evening. Rev. E. iUthaway in the mornlns, and Rev. B. C. Swt-etser in tne evening, win oc.tipy tne pulnit ?I tae Ule 0 -er ?treet r?xversa,n: cnurch. -Tne Plai >j wnica Was CaUed Calvary" and *^pirruai Mindednei i" will i>e cohndered to-dajr In the church or tha Si.atiKera by Rev. Dr. Deerns. The Rev. J. VT. Pu luiaa wtll minister to the Chnrihor our Saviour rtnoiain^ and ev-ain.'. The R"v. R. .u. M:Arthur wl.j preach tais mora ln;; at.d fveaing in Calvary tiapti-t cajrt-h. Tne Rjv. h. H. J'att >v, 1 taio uornluj and eveuiast a'i ut t :e "Uatias of tro:jr ur ipes hettuiji the Teefi 01 Edft," in '? 'C.t.j Avenue MetD dat Eiii?ctii?4l e.inrca, Rro >)ci> a. lu tne run 'h of tin Due >.es 0/ Chri?t t'ie Rev. D. R. Vaa iia -.iri Wid pfoaou ta.s uuraiu^ a d ev nintr. Dr. Ariuifige will pr-a^h thn? morn In the Fi.'cQ Avenn? Bait' t ch.iraa ou '-In* A^csnstoa of? rtst," and' ii-eveuiDg the Rev. fl. R. irevor, of o we go, S. V., w 1 o< -cn p y tlie pu,. it. The It-v. J. B. 'I*r?i# will mi.iu er t ? tbe For ? ita .-'.r??t il ? :io -*at E; iicp.ii c.lurch at the Bat at too ft tvi .if. * 1 i-ti vi*? wi 1 h?11 tai i evenn g In the - .(tu^ry 1 ? Fu ? -t ecu Kit. w. p. Ah;jit will pr,M h lo St. Lake's M'-ta ?-:*-t Euisc-'jal cuurca tuu ^jor-iug a-d ? v-' iu . R v. 't is. f. Harris wlr fp^at in A1 en 3Teet MetUodlat Epti 1 pa; lurch this evening, on 'Do cr.?;,un Day, its I. - ? * of Sorrow an 1 J j." Rev. .>?. M. Rami.ton will nuns sr ta t i> .^cstca Pre v eruot barca ima mnrui ig and aiteraoon. Rev. H. vv. K iapp wii pr?ach ,n tie Latent street hi,?' st UlMlon cjarch tala flWfau g Wtf eventaj. i R v. Adaru Lia Uid Re*. Ur. Mauie, both or ?cv'.af i, wl 1 ?peat In th-? 1 urtli Presby;e tan e:. 1 Toraicr tt.J u./iai.-g auJ the latter tui- after ao^n. _ id ; ? vi atreet Metho flat Frtcopal ?nr.r ? H ??. J II. Li . l ire will mc.: .vj at ??HacltalUtnj" tut* mura.a,', aal aooai 'fM Uj toz K :ier'? ? |?i ** ft.J e?c:. ?<. Tbe K v.J.lL K '-i will pr-.J b in .^t. John's bM'. i ; ?? ' ; . cia.-- U .i;it l.. fDH' till .'1 tbi ' .< D ?.?. D**r r r.o Day "rt e* irUi '? tteid, at?: i<rb< i?i 1 F;b< will dtii :r aa a i<ire a. tti t.\? i.i .croac e Bai>tia* cimre ? tan looming ???C ? U? ui'V. J. i>. liawta.jrat; w.ii p; a> os-aaj. In St. l/nattus* l'rofenant Falacoval cbn-rh tut Btv. I?r, ?.w>r w c< ntm-i* n.a <? ? avrmona on i>be * >r?.iaof ^ mart :i>.- evon; -t?r. Rev. E. r. .-irectiijr wul prtracu .n Flimpttn en' -. * .la rr rL.n.% P.. .. J. J. a |re. Of ii*o ?* -n <1 ?* VI. Maor**, ?r lui i jr.r ?. ?m uea.cate ue ?r ?. ilwpu Mis sion oaiay. ?*n ?w h Of'it r;ion I ?p Tbe '-IT Grant !>*./ * o? M? " ? ? t rt o I. v. n. K. A g -? UlUi IB u.11/ IB t C C3tti<-3 ttl Mr k. il L Bi'nop [;?fVwi'\ of Or of ? % wwl prca- n In Or?- i t Tbe R*?. Ar*/ir B ?.* w* I offlr.nm in tbe Chu.'livf ?m lu .-.T. * ... . ?l be . bu-j.-a to laf. Tn? p<? '* *< '* ? :i t i < ir^b of t; e IIoij Trin.'.jr, :.??*? n ^ ? i <?<??!: .*? hr !,??, *. If. I'' t wt. Ue s ?? ik>?? f e .t i ten; ! ? 1 tbe lu t&? (Jbttrcb o" tat !Hi -ipiei r ?. ceorjt II. n-'i>?orio irui this laornist ? r-r or i mj? '? a ?<?* coDC' rn.Ba uiravlca, ai> n ? .? tr nu i wt.. in ix *>.* r?? 'leg M' i -n a ' iu j ? .!? i t-rr. ;r ? p-.e t* l (iarr- ? tin . I: ;.t 'tern* it . ?: ? Firi m IB *6 Ant. o M??i rial - : jr j tfc? i ?. ?r. Srm < u wa. rtr iver 11??? s ? -ra->r? | fur** r>? ,:u.? \o .? ?"i . s ? i? ve jtc ? -Are to b?r?k p el? <?!->? < <? J v "tn* BaiH of Cbflntiaa L1vi^g,? an-i "Tli# Llffil mi i.i a" we toe tbeniaa - ; vbu-b >r. I . ? . ? acti ? I. peak ? - J h \ r . Itie Her. u n(r?n* ?> loT<i>t? hH rr"m"ij ?i d is t'-e c n i . of tie Atoneronut. Tne h'f. w. T Aabiae t? l pr-ac i tb.asior ir ar.'i i if out i Id tfia I. *?t /;? orii d t. i ->c <. r .1 cfeuri a. Ii ?im ?^rt c will t- or.'lui * I t>? I r l .affjr, ?c''*r. iB i ?e i aur o ?>i K< < ,n; ti'.r:. TMlRi jftr, Ifw trtti prvtcb in 8t? list c iurei i.i i a*an/. a K??. Dr M ir?. ft 1 -f ? '* f - i>- $ K.'H ni..rj , i|,m d, tb9 Cu'jr .u ol tba Ja;< / A; t .it - <. Bf 'OPTION To CAIiniSAL MTT 'ISKEY. 1 ttter lay ior no ?. tb ? i?<l of ttte i avtnt of t?? -? *? <1 Heart. lat "i .ai> ? n . ?tr? #t, fe. c?iv? ii I! * Em.apace tho tardlne) rrO QD9 'f thti-e p!?a?aB*. eurer'atnik-nta w i ec> aia?i<? ?o ?a< n d?itftit m. To an toe prie?t* ?>iii 11?? ' i* eblWrtii of th? *? i. ?ila arc an <? j ecl.ii ?uracil'a, im o,natlt>i ?. ao ?*, fBe # ni ne* o an or tbi m. ?o<l beuc; e '? . noierita ilka tbnt oijr ster'liT Bate an e*p r.' tr ojrr.rit i< r tb- tri?! - pi- -p>. Tr # . ? ; ? h , cnirei at int.* asiiein ma*, however, eaj>?( .a. i tba work ?(tb? c iiitlren; in 1 ?. itu r aaiBtB'-e tbe tar'ilnal ?? l i? c >tie bere t ot of pure cevo ,.j? o t?<? Mii<ire?'a wl?b^ lor lift *ir? a s .e fr -r-n * %u- y w. * eo;j -rrait ub ?je Art j. ?l i>? tii- i i ? i<? h of ;,4a ronent bar* twen n. kt ?am- toqatrerfi after liis i m.i.iBM'a vlitrett<aata, a. 1 t .a i .at waa ?ttac?ib?r r?Ki;?l trten tbt ( m i?? 1 ititM- ut ft. Vini-ent b?J ?ocb * * Un l.l Unit ol it at! to tb*ai??:rt* tb? rttnlt of m< ?afrba<c: in?. tina ?*a tn.ll jta -lU?v .or .0 0 u: ? ' . IB a ?aid ? vwt t? tat rBi a. ?n ol tb? ?oiveat in v>futo'-atu <ii??t a< b matter of .if ? at ao I ?ii t i- *iat?r? ?* 1 t>< ir ??oti/ ;>*?p'ir w rt I i a Mi'* of k'l iff.. ?"?' J*?? >!??*' ** a in.--';"*" ff* < ijTeui ' >i !??? f ''Ohii ??n??ra''' ' > - *rit, .j, ?i<rkie 0- abd Cvffrs ue.;.K, utici vwrta arouni iho doom, and rnanr tints cues I 01 irosh and fragrant Mower*, gut* ut irtenda, fillinjr niches here and there. , a mie Mry pi c? hsd t>oer> prepared by the rhil- | ilrcn to amuse the Cardinal. whic h wa? u gorgeous l roductlon, aud bey. it') ail pussia.a Joint the , big/en i thing of the suit ever tr-i'ten n;? ocore; : and bot only that, but the sixteen tieautttiil chil dren ? r:o appeared a" the lames were Uo most beautiful cull ireo mat ever appeared in a .airy I lece in any part of t..e world, ineir names w uld j be herein pubn-heu onl that the ver* Itevert-nd Mother wouid nut let the importer them. Anil lor the same reason a very elegabt ad- i d ega. which a teautnul litt.o eli.l l read lor ilis hminenc*. c?run?t bo tiero repeated. It mar be sum, however, that the Car iaal looked as happy as eve# a temporal prince while ! the little one wax performing tue moat Important duty tuat had ever fa..en ro iur lot since she was b ii. I he Camiaul icpned to tie children a greet- | lug wtih a goon ueai mure soieiuiMty than he | w old have ot>n? * . ! he hail beore him a crowd Of reversacos oi o: or years. ihe old gent.rana really never lookeu happier In u<l Ins lile. Iih l inluencc said tnai. Lotvlth-tandlb,' ;iil the buger receptions lit had been honored witn. this particular n tie ono was tae preeious gem, at d so forth. Mi.- Kwiueuce i leakl .sfe.i and manned aw the c nvent, and tuen returned to the arc&dio- i C'caa mansion on Maai*on avenue. M i X LSTERLA L .MOVEMENTS. FRESHYTt fU*S. The Board of Foretjja Mas ons of the Preaby terlun Church re, orts that the entire receipts of th.! year ti-va teon $4-6,'18? $3J,000 less tliaa !a.n year. The debt of me Hoard, May 1, was $38, m lnc establishment or Dr. Rail's big ehnreh, on Ftith avenue, '.a.t i Ire >Cy aiTected unfavorably a iew other now church s in that neighborhood, *t:ca haro heavy deb a re-:tn<r u oa them. Dr. KobtBaon, of the Memorial PresoyterUn church, bus received a call to Bustou, winch he .? likely to accept. l"e departure of Dr. Ganse la also taiwed aboar, an l changes will occur ere long in two or tnree other churches in that vicinity. bo .tat tae " j; to vu uaovem-it" ra<y not pr^ve so g. est a success ftuancially or sp,rUua.'ly as was expected. MKTHOKfOT. The .Sew Tor* D strict c afercncft win meet in White P a iris on June 'J aad 10. '1 ue seventeen n antitv Mary of the sabbath school or t?t Paul's >.etm. :iat Et>isc pal church, ot tins city, wui no bold in tue cum en mis after noon. rite Oentril P?na.?yl* intu Conference has by reso,.itiou at its ia,e s s-ieu a?k?a tie Ueueral conference to m^ke the Eld^rsli.p elec. ttve. otuer conferences are requested to take , blaular action. 'lBe autia .l cenrerenre-i or th^ Method'st Knis. co. *1 c lurch Mi-it a, u-tviuff vote<l oa a provision oi their visculine traicn w l, lateuded to exclude uanuiactu era aud vender-, as well asariakeia, vf s iriiuous nqnors ironi church fellowship, have just decided ?v a i.i uor ty oi votes that the loniier aro good enough ior tue cuuri a, while tue , Utte. aro not. l. v. J. W. ,\;e?^an. * lo-al descoo !? Rock I ? i-id Dist ici (cenirai 1 i.i t onieronee, i.?s beeu sus I ' lid^d iroiu the r. in sir, and u.euiLeiatUp la tue ii 't iuaiu i.. . 'p.ii cuuren. New ar cs w . ; !>??. u- : ated at Grand T.o<?ge, Uicii.. June et a: Morll Htuvb, Uieiu, iu> 10. j l'ne cranford. N. J., Methoutei Ep.scopal church ; Is iue.y to ee ?o:d y tno blierij, under forec o are oia tnort^ig for |3,oou, uu.o?j its inaiius come lo.'ward to uelp it. E?I.=C0PVLIA.V. Tbe l'efi>rtiod Epis-opal < . unh of tne ImM-nt tlon. Oiookiyn, star ted aoeut a year ago ?ttu uve me.utiers; ii h^s no* e gaty. litv. Di-. Cooler, lorwor.y of Chicaro, bat for a few years a oiissiotjaiy in Mexico, navii t ie umej ;o la.', h"i::e, haj accepted pa- 'e oi me h. nauue; churcj, and wi :i it has nu ? 'ito tue 1; oraied ...a.-cspat loid. ihe chur n aa.. previ ously seceu ;d iiotn t#e Protectant i>i?copU C'nurch. a:>d nei<i an indopeud iit poiiuou ana ie i ie SUCCC.-4. li e i.ev. Leon Po* ? wi.i s K'rtiy be lnstitnt^d r jior oi tue irreucn Cuurch Uu &t. Ln,>cit m tins Citr. llev. Clar"ri"?? Bael, pastor of St. John's Trot cstant fc, bcirial ciiutcu, Dresden, siiU.ea Jor Lu rope yei'erday. ihi.- Kev. caarlfs B. Osflln entered unon his da tle- as i?f or oi at. i'au,' il< 4o lai church, lomp JUDaviiie. State.i isUun. on Sunday la-t. A westers c ires^, mi ..l -a of tne vnsrable Pr. i vu.' of'ais ci.y, as w?s ,-a.d of Dr. OOMMi* oi Couaiaattao >ie:?*iie took in Cnica.o on ate ; way to ?ueN;<* Jeru -le i.." Dr. lyuj attended a adeeir.te to amine, ary oi tje Am ncan Dio e -SJi'iety. 1 r.urf tu .'3' - week two at-emn s were made to mil u.e rot.acnu# Uf i.uuop ocaro^ruUga, at ireat a, S. J. pxmsT. Dr. Kambatit's a-w tao.rnncl- church, Brook )<n, is u-ar j t> u.u.eteU a..a wi.i oe lejicated in t-epteai 'To if o er. It us of Uosu stoue and co-t. coaa.ata, j,o?.o. Dr. ih ituat' c?a?iefiflon are rat-in* funds for toeir now in ^i riepout street, br iok'.yn, la $5 ?ua?.Ti t < .s. luei cx^oci to go .o, ward witn t:e work next r>.?s:n. The walis .or D . r.c ij'a new churcn, on ^hnir mat ivcuui, r. tou. are co.i^ up aLd everytluug is pro-peroos a?oti tea .-stao ishuient. OJfl.i tuatiin it i ?: ads p.ita coire-., ondent of the H'-'ittu'/- fi'i t Chronicle, of tt.n cur, having Beea *ca? ot- y eaterMi -J nv the cr.izeas of Pui a* ip.i i. u v ?nui i<*uit because tsey fur msued tui.s of fare SUu s i u an i-Uuora e d.auer attm ci e i .t taere was no time ior | oat praa dial spec s. lueg ?J t rotuol will bJd p.ei.iy or time nere for tft ; aext taiee in n us and tuu. iltioie- ?.??. tv j?- jJ'Ii.i/ r. .e . j it j oui t?.a. For several * ????? pi t re.igiO s ?e v| *s ct.s beea r 14 ou ta S*?vata at Ar.iugton lie rbts, w, i. en o i>".>. . ects taat a Hapkiat Cuurca a .1. soun oe or< ,m?ii t lere. Per. Dr. da sen. o Itoiocster The .logical Setai n i.y, .raves I , . .'or a i n> e moatlis'visit to 1 urojMj (or the; .-at of ais ht^itb. luipa.rcu ay a.- ujxi iuius isb'.rs. The fo. 'ier ? ? >>f a re v Bit, tist church w as iai i in re..ton, N. J., on . rnl^r. U"V. it. vt. i.; i#4 o. vViscciisia. and Iter. tv. Ti.iey, of low^, situ a .Saturday f t a an trip. Cardinal M , ?>. t <i .? leascara t:: i t Cu.rcltol Ti.t i i tr,i? el j li-mgj Mc v<moe. of Kocbea er, wtli preach aud Ut. iiraua w... M'cture .u i e*eni;i r. ! ilC JtiOl I W; ? of ! ' .? T ')a? r%1 i\p.1 10 present a ; add ?io<ar rial Me oh* jr. Arc t*i?ko,? ar ia t?? be tn? f i .itua * ...? a . J i:)' o. i . 1\. 4 i'.tpe<i "til in ??) ?Tn 3* <t 'are < ' K; -a ???1?? ll*nn , ? f ???.'!. e. wi.i take i ? e ?ia .o? J <>t Jm,*. ? gr. Ito Kt ??. A; - Ablegate u -.rtt.g I.? I ief * .. s- ' Uer. In j sr.ui tr.i Arc t.?- i> ? v.. ? .? an i b?ar tg. a.?o, tue t a t k, ? II - ?>;, W i 5u<? !aj i f , a m* all -i. J" ?pti" ebarri. Bio i. n, w. . < .oae :o-daj. i aUi;ra Hclten.i, i> ?- o.naa. i an w ..u?* Uti t*a u .& laargo iO t. ? |?c! 1*11 V<l< t. r'at!. rail rn <ii 1> j.a in er. nr<5i ta pro vidiug a liota tn i. onat-rtrj a ad c. ur a -w arg S. J., as ?? I ?t sung a., 'he < ati ipr.a ?..?>* i a H i .i : i .i . ? . u UtLnit att at >?? m? r t; uuon. lae K v. a. l>4-aen, s *., .n* <".mpgaioi- bava eon ;1'idea a uuiua in M. Jonu'.- cum en. Pater* aoa. N. J.. i ?> a, aaien ><j,o>w i> ? m- r- I eon i9H< . ? I ajv .1 f <;jouag ,*...1 o, J, joinsu tita? rn t. a w>ia?i? ?! * i i last ^andar by ?!.<? P?? ?ioatii . - o. i<s iv lle'tvk a Moo - y, is iiirOtri'ii -? a * >uo cuorcli, of * uicb ua >.. ? i. M . \ a * ,-anoi ia mvum> i? . t >v 4i Mobok' n w: 1 b? i)? jt r it' i ear?j u Ju. , ?rn unv -;n2 "? remoMea. < -i ?? i, M wi i cre. u ?. Tula obi 'iiig 0 ??I'll"4 m?- iuoa? tie ?i#d p ?i:io . aontD oi tt t i . I com b.jiU: 4*ie4 aa U: .a if \ K. >* Fv '! "-i: :jai fi"?n ippoMH ekip> U,b , U.? iluit ? ? u UjwJ J, N? a - ui i k it .aa i a aohea o t e ? it jr. i.e* r J K ?. M. J .uiea* < aided*-*!, 1 ? (14 m ? ?; iay or -i three n o mv it tr . t >10. ?' :ua itlr uleu t ?;?ii H a >1 tbc cat i. > a< ic larit* of Fruca i ii'A'Jm *f i *cki Mfiora 1 ? f; ra ? < i of p.* e? " ied < : r In i ? ?: t;i Iae I irtt Keii>r:?"i but h > iu ia J -r t?. n it W? :uea<lar I eraoaa. I .. u ? . 14 n . ? ? pr ? ic i ta?* ?y?nlr i? . . i w > * i. cuuu .? lal.j tor mora Ui< i n ai K. i ? in -? ? *r ?' anntveraary of tie am'nean l an i I ?r . n U. e < ? n tj wnl tie ae.d ,?t tue i'lict i,i ae ia tuia i i ?n iu *?af ilte o ^oa. i i- . of Rictinnml ini t ... ucd ?s >?*? . -iHift, r:av? ' ea ubk?u aodT ? e paatu 4. *r<' it ae R?? Kraii-w m. Kip i?. I.., ? - ?? n--a i .j.p ui ?J i.. >}iUia -a ; -m u >'? ? t -e if .? tae re c ital > ma cokti-ie.-/ >i tLa Hi .liliiauiJ CilUI .11. t;vivr.rtsii y i'LA?:a 8Y^AOO?rE. I tn. ro, IT* ' ii( IN *? ?> SAlliBIT BKHMOIT Jbr rir, ]>B. Tia Kir ? MgNDKH. ?g ? ;i- tltrd ro jr of the i f trv ow u'>r, iro ittni (tog su iare, i gr .ti ..?i#.?rrc-i Aiu 10 bare wora ilppe l ir* and i >U * rahlp. T?ej ara r- lawn'f a f , t in -4 .r taeiraraagogna sffalri w-jr quietlf. T.icy bare ao preacher, aal art ! dif .o.ii H'*"i of <>r read aooatia the p , % n r ire ortbod x and reuiw. u take t;p wi lb' f " ' e ?. dern notion-of ra form Jews, ntf begin tbetr a r?ie?s It ut oiaa ?>c:osfe :n . e i raiig and e *? ?? u> n ?on. <>'? **i >r<?.'/ ta' f i, t a tea ni t t > i or a neoeig at <ra#? i rrci i i*' teat t > praaeb -r tt - a. Itwaatbeir f l lortuiia . ttaraaf va oaee We R?r. Or. Man* o> , ef iv.a i r f.ti .r'ii . e ?* ajaag<.g ia, to de li*.- r a i<7i? ia ? it . a jo "Aaffaru?fi It* orlg n and * are. ? ,i.? r?m ?r.a wi-ra baatd on tbt t< ? |q !-r- r-i i, MIJ?apMie n t, nsr aon, t le (Mb U tng of ;, Lord, aaltaer r>e w**tj of bta ra tuk ?, lt>T a . a i, d loeetb be eaaalengtb." Anar aaak. .< ?ue congregation for tb?!i- inn t? ? u iu w iw te bd4#?aa toen ana u^? aiiaua ance on the service the Doctor remarked t'at ho | hid nothing new or grand to teach theui. He , bail come to a*akeu lu tlielr hearta aud wiiiii j thought* Hint may have been slumbering1, and to wmspcr words oi eii'ouragcmeut to those wao uia? f>e desp irlng. The portion of Scrip'urc teat liad t.f-u rial (I.evHIcus, xx?i.) offered, ho tuou*t>t, iouc:i 'OoJ lor roflecwou. flow tuti #1 terr r u is. w nut lear 1.1 curses it prououaccs on those naodUobey. hunting ague, coiiMiuiptiou, : i itmn?; turning the heavens over taem into !.<???. ami the eariN 111 o brftka, causing them te de death ranter man llie -these wero the tMnus Mat should mailt Hie Lout's displeasure against tin re >eilious peop 8. ABd ii they will not jet hearken tvi bun. itm ?ill ? lit contrary to aim, ue baa de clared lie will wait contrary to Wient au<i bring upou it;cm auv -u times in .re puulshmeai ior their 1)IS IBI.OIENCB AN 1< sj.v. Thar all the thitifc* named la thU chapter have been enacted, ot.r sad kt-ioi y, said Dr. Mendes, a aures us. i'l u propsecy reads more like tuo testiiEati^ o.' an <?????? nu'-ss man a prophecy. Miai we go bick to n.e time when tbe Homan ! 1 irions were ou's\;e the wilt o/ our beauuiul | and holy n v an 1 Israelites were inside qui e as ; ou-ias tacyf our meditation ef tbla theme of ! trouble ari<t its eriglu will give us an sntidotu which a all relieve us. wuat is irouvle r u?w i e isily ausi?er>n, and et n w dlfflcult rightly to ! counretienl it. * 'he rich wan, and bo will j t-n >ou that it uim- to luua laeaiH tuat he is aot as ricu as iits neighbors. But ask me poor m?n ; burned out of ? is ine, perhaps with deatu i on one hand an 1 s:ci;n?*.->? and poverty on the 1 ?U> r; he inue not spi-ag, out his mute lips ! * .! ell you f trouble and siiCeiing indeed. J u i iH'e comes trouuie T Psalmists nay of tod ?"Thou hast tri-d his and proven me.'' ^o then trouble comes troin God. Hut lie U g?od, audi tea i. toe treuble and serrows oi liis r"'o p.e. tie aces ;t t wiilinzly griove aor injure the h us oi men. But how cones it that His power is 1 not governed by Hi* lover That we cai:net, p r liaps, understand; but wbea t*e ciuitd ol aiver ait> Ci'iue< ?e Kh -V it is (le<3*a cloud tuat is to s'.elt r ur or to help us tliat we may lay more \ao.e on Me sunshine waea ir coaie-* a*uui, auu to SHOW l.t, V WE EMlUBK Al>Vi.KMi'Y. It is to r miud t's thai ail sin is foliawetl uy rnif lonune, ion, all an tortat.e is rot hin. tar rrom it. iueupri 'ht usv*? 'o be trie i. But lu all our large cities >ou will u-<d that a.- toon Jinan n?l ?r other troub.e corner thca C'-mes suUcriug, and n ?a have hreu ( om j"i "d, as .r old, to ucknowl* edue t.iat tn? tiu?or ef t.od was ia it. They may J h' V'1 ,; t-i wiiat had they doa-i to deieive i t i ? V\n:ir .-in ha.l thev committedi But , su '-ria* and irouoie come to oucck us in our j career, :or aHo.i tue i .ovum he cliasteneth , mi t jirectetn "vi-n aj a i. ther the .son in wuotn he deiiK'jierh. Itiatnekaue of our Father mat aaxcM the deep nci^ion. 'i'hepow? r et Hi-vea gesnce weuld iulu ua. but nis aiiiicttob* never ; em!tc us io tie earth -o .nat we cannot rise af.>iu. ! Rather .s It like tea stream tliat sweeps over t;ie rocks an i tones &u? pauses in us courtse as it *'? ere, waiting Ibi u. to call ,t ba k. <*oe, wc e to Una ??vko r.a- neg.ected tlie warning voice of tn ub:e, wUnh, ilka buoy? o\er fuakeu rocks or stioaij, teli u? oi danger ne?r. Lia, py are tno e i who th remote tuose ebstacles to aa even flo* ; oi, Let u*. tid'lie Dector, catt around and tee n ther- are not fhul's it? us that w.% can n.en>l e ?? t ' ?e thing-, come upon us. ..mi 1: t<o?i sei ?!? t .,i i io m Ue will live u Btrenet!i also to bear and etiiare iscra. And wno wi l n't .say, "It is t e L ra. let Uitu do wiial .Heetaetli food," and v\;i the Pnalniist aiim;t tliat ?beu Mo slew us then wo sought lllm aud reaiem?eied ilia cove uaut and iiis ci uioundment* to do fiem T FATHER BuEdilS CEXTENN1AL. Oreat prepara'ions are being mads in Jersey City lor ttie celebration of the lOOtU birthday of the v-nera le Father Boeh:n, the o dest Methodist m.Hi- er tn the worlu. Tne anniversary will f?ll on' 8 th of June. T ue event will b^; celebrated by rid s-.vic s in tlie Trluity Methodist t i- .i l crrnc:!, Jersey t i'y. in w.ucti the memue!> of tue Sew^r* < on erence will partici pate. Invitati rii nave '?ccn sent to the Board of 1 liuhope and many prom:ri:nt Mtthodietclergy me. . ;iioiu me country. Itev. Ueorge Lin suik i i ? .o. i itie ,\cw \ ork 1. ??t Omxereri' ?, wti U' .ivr an cr...n il poei:. 1'ue great ?nt:re of the day wi 1 be ihe sermon by thy venerable en l B e in lnui.3. i/. A atUMl-aiial to..en wi,! o.v j r ? cn eti o hua *t tne close of t.;a i s rvi< ?. I:-ports were current in Jer?ey City yes t . i:.ty ti nt t..e Vetera t preac her woai i be unable to attend, ? at a ilfeittui reporter .raiiea on his at tei.ui g 1'uysicL u, |jr. natiu n. who prououueed F it .er fcne nn o e n good health aud aia uieu ta. iacultiia ui...i.paired. the n:;w.vkk v.iie murder con SPiHACX CCKMSOnAM COXYICTEIJ ON- THE Pr>-.-?yr> Tr.IAT. ! he s ? c<>a< 1 trial ot \v il tarn Conn;ntfham, on an Indie' ne it all*/to 7 that ho hired oue Norwood Ua flei I, a tutM Newark de,- eradj, to ass as i naie b.a ('.he de.end tat' ) w.e a conai I erat oa of $J'iO, r ultad jsstdrday In bis> conviction. lbs facta of the case, as act lortu 'r the pyo-ecn'ioa and a cpted by tiiO ju y, a; a eim.iiy taeiecuaaiugaaui a,. r' achPd H tae d, to whota was reierred as a per in r ady to do a J ?;? r ite de?J by a luau. He bad several Interviews wit* Hatfield, tke u; shot o wli en w i a Bar* hb to <n-i ose sum m trllr of lir?. Cunumguaaa. Cnnnin^aam liattt' a a i ?n oi r, i nouno and o.her raina ? efip' . II ti?!d toll bh aothT of t!i? inui'rr aR4 tu'i*'(| I) IT >?" p?ll<? aut : >r '.mm. 1?"?? ailvn'O ai:.i tov.o on mil eatrap ?. i:.uin?r :*m More ui ? H? ii!*o. inn c e i eatut was cuaang. Banj s arrest ?ii . lacurceratlon. A' ' r?r i) w .1 >. t in oraied of tb? '?ham. ml he i<< te I. a*'ae | .nice a le^e, v>ri suspicious, ite i<v te ? * ari-ated was the I iv arrauge ll* r th ? ia order. W i ? ilutfl" 'i *a< rioiag toe jou, a* ' nnn? iij(iam is lecisreij to ia?e n??:ieve I. tha la tcr went of! ? it in inr conutry. Wiien told at ilie ,ia iv . fas leeer) t at his ?;.? vn not ?' i'! he in tiiXeatcd grtat J y an I sail be <io?i lor that. on tie rir r * * t?1 h? "??i confronted wi'h tie m . h- h- J eiven half! ?ld I n ntne?tani ho a< nil ted i.p,i ' ? a d <-t ? n int- rvn r. a Ml . II a' i. i, 4iid . 'cu." i 'hat 'ne ol>,?<-t he .1x1 :n view wa- no; t >? murder of bit * fe 1 at a plan 1 isrutt? i, 1 nuke j Ilex* going to m ir.tar +.*r f n -o cure her ?>( eaioa r. He ? > p -i .? I fa. -n 1 ,et (>ut*'tu Ditn .e.-an-e oi his re !aaal to 1 i? ! u bvwv (m the i,i-t the rjiewmt 'he nr.* * ub lit suoiia r;- up. li ? 1 iu. r1 a 1 * 1 ut ?!>oat tfc r ? n? or?. uad torn, be 1. j 1.11 ,tr to a*r- 1. were ai b r,? .. I 'I R Mil ii'lTniH waic.redon F 1 .it, Colon* v>?'l eBS'ar'erlx 1: :f nri v!on? ij- ijr> in^ni is u failure of t e adn ?mtra?ioa ?<! joi i-e. lue c ua> ? wit i?- "< were sw.rru _a o>, th? fir t in ?l, wult a t* uddlt'Onal on?-s, e ?i v ,u r thai ? -inn n-:n'-' T-, 1 a 1 n lor iru h i.u 1 veia \iy Was . tot v >o<; f late vear? an 1 oi'it wn ?.no ni flrh" i's repUlaUot *aa, his bav ? 1 t err J in ? :a e I'. -i?. I'no l oort ye*te day ciiareej the jory, and said ih it can in Knam cu es-ed baring liatfleid to 00 a job. A cw mlnot?3 after eleven o'"!oclt r-"> ium re r:rr I. .V a , i rtor past two Uioy 1 w it a ir?r . t ol e ? it*. .fce p?- iu ij i' two v*?rs In Wi*? iMsoa, a r> ? D ? or deah. as tuts Mm- ,ir t * 'ae Cut *ii ?? int was ever b-fota * court u.r cri a; 1 i lit- .enenl riurncter m tie i<aat ?? t. food, t ie.-a uni re-?'on tnat h' wi , <o ku ? . iv it .i; *:u. ui< s t.? ;ir?t . .1- ? 01 tr.a k. il oil rec-r 1 In the Es.-ex cob a tjr coon*. PliOl'ABLE UOJnCIDB AT Y0XKEB& TIT ? a R' "T I * r f M WJ5KT50 T* u 1 .irj-"r.a t:t i; x rn.ii. km tv.o K';OTHXBS> iD'urmation h u / i'sti at p 1 ? hcad qnir'.fr-, Ion:<e/s, te?'<r''^ir ? : rn ? n, to tha eiert -hit a 'ab'ifff #.m ?! I'atn-t i>?.- ?% .ivin^ la ? Intoa fre?t, w?? J'log fro 1 in n ri'-* received ?>n tlif ir vioiw evenin;. an oftl?!?r w lira medi ae If deapfttcbed to ih<? p tc? tn iicat d. Ovrria I m ?lonodataii ? 1 we.. i?' in a-u.t? o. couipiett pi .su.ition, ai. J infftirl t lo;en?e on7 la tho refi ll 01 -he a >d< men. ' / iev*ie iieinorrhatte had ct e*n ? nj h iiritnre of 'he tow ? or -otn 1 other to ten ai nart of a e lout c ? r. I tua t:>? l-ijoreil nun anJo herH It.lug la ti e vlCIBltj the pol.oo oflicer ' a ' ri? n' i that on laat Saad * nn?nt a araaten ?arousal waa bail by Do.-rti and ome otnera, , among tbeia oeioi? bis brotlcr, iataei Dorrb. rai r^e use of vi ? whiskey w (s lapplerisnted hj * fl. bi, nur,n,7 tne pr, gres- or wi 1 tin sufTrrer ? tai"" mat ne was wataiif nckad ??> me i?.w< r j ., ion of the to./ t>y at* ' to hoc*, and another of tne , ar r laiaed John Sfteridan, a .as ailor A ' U t cio ?rra,ii/a lol b ??!, but the in ?.n e n r.vci to g, a -out ?s usual, on l n.iay n /ht tbe imare 1 tnsri an 1 0?e oil . same auac*r Bl^Bt | ?r?, naaie J nn-otnf I'row'ty. we 1 * 1 tiling to.", air in tic apat moots oc . lo 1 Of i' ?> firmer i.i-i a . ami.;.', wh<nth? old : ,"it was re *w?d and Ofowiar, getirig tae outer of h oppoaiat, il ??i l w. iafl(* jr to tt.o ibdoiacn. laav ng hk'n I ?. an ' t !p!e*s on tn' fl >or. w 1 n I 1 c 1 ii in Waa t?i cotereo y??t.':i'lay afternooa Ha ?uiri* u mi p on j- f r i v-ff-d to It, Juh.i'i II if pra' in 1 coroner 1 *??au 11 tide I t<? like mi ariie-ijorteia statennen*. as tte wa? be'levn ? > .0 ? apidlf limine, 1 he p m e sot)s*i! jintl' arr^si ? 1 . rowier, snondaa a d Jar i?b/>Orril? all of wkota , r re o< op ? ?* It me r ?nl 01 t ie min's 1 ttt.i r1 e wire of tu>- i-?u r w?,? nldu arres 1 aau ue>o t .? w. ' ??< a, t o>.r tae * Mi4 pa.tie*? U!:-. iKtidi WIFB miRDEH. I .trick Kefcoe, WKo War iadh ted ' y tba irnnd Jury of i .I'M' 11 / lor tae caarder of b a wi>a ? tut : .{0 at J?ra< j (.ly, * ,# uru ga; voox? 1 by SnerlfT Layerty yesterday and arraigned before | Jud.'e Knapp. Ttn indictment was read by Din- | trlet Attorney Garretaon. and to It Kehoe pleaded not railty. He did not appear 10 t>e la the leant emiiarrasxei. The Court aet the trial do*n lor tue Tim of Jnly. The lit tie kou of the prUouer, who H ta* duel wirn'ss aKUinat ins latuer. Waa lu c'inrt and followed turn to the juil alter the plea ! \r;ia entered. R^nne has conducted hinneii in a w-rv renactory mumter Kince uu Incarceration uiid had to oe bound lu bis cell. MARRIAGES AND DEATHS. ENGAGED. Trnic?Harris.?I KoroLD Tims to Tbiresa Hahkis, botu oJ this c.ty. Wo cards. MARRIED. Btons?Woonnor?B.?At Trinity Chapel, New jorK, by the Uev. Dr. swope. Wednesday evening, ! M ty 187,% ABttERDKK.N O. lilutid to SlAUAU E. i ttoonnoc;**, noth of this city. Wkrrity?Gallaukr.? Ob Tlinrsrtav, May 27, t>y 1 the kev. Dr. Miidett, at the bride's residence, | JouN Uwrkity, late of Toronto, to Ajo<a Ma a; a > Gallaukk, all of this city. Halsky?Milks.?On Wednesday, May 19, at St. Thomas' chare*. Matuaroneok, S. V., By the Kev. Wt.liaia M. Montgomery, John H. Hai.aisy to tliTiiK, daughter of William H. Miles, E?q. skligman? Newwitthr On Thursday. May 27, 1875, at the residence oi to* bride'a parents, by Itev. i!. liotihell, of the l'e on pie Kiuannel, Aucu'if Skuhman io Oki.ia N'kw witter. hWALM-ALi.KN.-Oa We ineadar, Mat 29, at the resilience or the bride'a parent*, by Kev. Christo pher Knodes, Mr. Jsverrtt s. Swalm, of Platufleld, N. J.. to Miss Belle, daughter ol 0. \V. Allen, Eau., of tuts city. No cards. BIRTH. Mavobaoa.?On Wednesdav, the J6th lnst.. at No. l.'.i vv e?t Fifty-f urth street, Cecilia, wi/e of J. M. Mayoraga, oX a daughter. DIED. Baker.?Tn Brooklyn, May 29, 1875, William IJ. Bakko. of pneamoul?, a rei 61 years, Notice of funeral hereafter. Bond.? <>a Friday, May 2$, alter a short and severe lilnesi, Isaac G. Ho no, la the 47th jear of his atre. Iteiatlves and friends at the fanilr, also the Riemeers of Neptune lodge, No. :ii7, F. and A. M., are res ertlullr invited to attend the funeral, from hu late residence, .08 suiTjik street, on Sunday, Mav 39, at tvto o'clock. Nkptcnk L(.D(IE, No. 317, F. AND A. M.?Breth ren ? Von am Uere'iy suiuuioaed to aitend a special communication of the lodsie, to >>e held corner of Bleccker street aud ii?wery, on Sunday, May 30, at one o'clock P. M., lor the purpose o. attending toe funeral o( our late Brother 1. O. Bond. by order of J. u, TtlARP, Master. John Nixon, Secretary. camekon.?suddenly, at Ilartford, Conn., on Frluny, May 2S, 1876, in the 21st year of lm age, Henry GnovE-j Cams ROM, second son of Donald ana isaaeila c. Cameron, or Brooklyn, N. Y.. an<l a m raoer of the junior class of iriuity College, Hartford. Notice of funeral hereafter. Claiiek.?'?n Mar 27, 1875, jonv Clarke, a native of ise parish of Uoro, county Cavan, Ire laud, In fne 44tft year o< nis #fre. The men is of trie 'amlly are reqnested to attend the, on Sunday, 30tti, at two P. m., front No. 3 Franklin street. Cottbuell.?On Tonrsday, Mav 27, Martin B. Coitkkki.l, aued 18 years, <1 months and 11 da?s. Funeral. n Sunday. 30'h in?t.. at taro o'clock P. M., 11 ohi his lather's residence, io3 East Nine teenth street. DATtR.? <n Tiinrsdav, May 27, J. Henry D'ater, o" t. e hrui of Joim U. McMurray A Co. Keiatues and filern s are ;e-.j?ectfully lnr!ted to at end uie ruuerai. from hu lste residence, 307 Adelphl street, lir.oklru, on Min<iay, the 3Jth, at lour o'clock P. M. Kemaius will be ib'.erred at Lau-iugbuig, N. V. nsMisLY.?Alay .8,1S75, James Deiipsey, a^ed 41 rears. I he funeral wtn take placo from hla late resi dence, No. 98 West Warren strec, lirookl>n, at 1 two o'elo k, tnis (Su^da,) artern ujn. Kmmon*^.?fn Knoklyo. Mar 28, 1875, Jons D. ? Emmons, in the euth )ear of his a?e. Funeral services wil! be i-e!d on Sunlay after no n, :<9!h las'., at oyster Bay. L. 1. M niuouih countr (New Jersey) pipera please Copy. ? I'lT'VATF'CT.?on Frldav, May 2S, 1S73, James FlTSrATKicc, :n the 43d year of insure. luc reU'iresnnd irlends are respect.uilr Invited to uttend the luii-ral. fi ?'i> us sisfr'-1 residence, 1 33 a est I3ist street,, at two o'clock !?. M. Fra br.?On Friday, May lit, James Fearer, ag.' > 17 years an? ?? months. Kelatlves aLd fr.ead-i sie reapectfullr tnrlted fo attend his fr >m his late reslueace, bii N nth ?vfEU5. one P. M. FKAWi.Kk.-iOn W?.dnosdjy, 26th lnst., James M. Fravlky. It'-.attves and fr eids are lntlted to attend the fu;ier.?l noia >t. Fr nc s Xsvler's Cuurch, atiw o'clock P. M? Sunday, 30th intt. Ckart?On M?r ii, alt< r a llngermz slcinesT, ' Ellen Geary, aire i 52. beloved wue of David I Gear*, native of tno p.tnsn oi Adar. couaty of EI'DTick, Ireland. j Tue iuti rai wnl p'.a"e from her late real- ' dence, iJ Mu . erry street, on suuo ?y, Alay 30 at ha one o'clock P. M. GuRtiniv.? Oa Kriiav, Mar 28, Mary Hart, ! wi.e of Jouu (iereff&ty. eativeof Atn;on?, Ireland. J 'Ihe f londi oi tue fauaiii are reapectiuliy inn e< ' to attena tn>.- ianer.l, f.oni ner late rexidenc*. No. ] Mi m.rd aveaue, on tuaaay, May 3x at two o'cl IE P. M. Gii.iit'LY.?Soddeny, In Brooklyn, on Saturday Mar -s?. F. (Iilhciy. No loc o; in i a-sd iy's Herald. Godpri Pmobbk <ioi?mW, wue of Washln". ton F. (, Atirer, ?r coDf uaiption. rne fnaeial will ;ase ma e at the residen -e < f her father. Alexander v,right, K-q? 52 Mniimau street. Hroik.vii. Jnne 1, at eue o'clock. Its relatives una Trends a # respcctiuay Invited to I attend. Good. ?On Friday mo-mag, Mar 28, at three o'c,o(.k. W1 llia '4 G od, in the ,5tli r?ar of his a r?*. j hi* friend* an I ?one of me lurnily a'e .0 rued to attea 1 t r fuuera. at tae re-'oence of Mrs. Kobert A. Cr-jorr, <11 West Twentr s coad street, on >onday, wav 10, at two o'clock P. M. IUaly.?May . , Mary I i iza-hth. asred 1 year, 8 niomhs nd lavs, beloved oauguter of Xnomas an I CatOerm>- iiealy. 1-tiuer.t. irom i-8 Chry?tle street, to-day at two r. M. ileiautes and irienis aru rejpectfu..y in vited. H > >-rtu?James Howtll, Sr., ajed 73 years and . month*. Th?- .u'.er.?i errlce* win take p'ace at Ms late re-'iden'*', 4., Madis >n street, on ^unday, May 30, i ai i.,ur o'elo Jc. ilis irriinediate jelaures wm Con rey lis renjam* to taeir last rpstiug place, in Greenwood Ojn.eiery, on Moudsy n.ornina. May oi, at ten ?'c:o-ir. LEi.oat.?on Wednf 4>r, Mav 2s, at of the j Wwoun, H iuiep.Q ( .nuty. Minn., Ja .b a.v>a, widow <>; the 1 ?te Wiiiit u Uegjrat, 01 this cliy, lu Ue 7^tti jear ol her age. X"'i to. funeral hereafter. 1 L? wis.?At s.aghing. on mursiar, Mav 27, Tda ' Loi j.^a, you: - u ?<UiHi*r of Stance W. aod Ma uioa Lewis, m th- 1 th y-ar m her a*?. lhn re atives and irtea Is >f tho fami f are in ri: d 'oatload he., from the resilei.ce ot her p mi's, 1 rot in svemi'. sine Stoir, on Hon- ' day, 3lst inst., at tw0 o'cio'k M. < arriages in : w-..i*irt?r at fn depot cn the arrival of tue 11 o'cl >'?< tr-in ruin Fo/ty seccud street and return at 4 :t4. LiTri.* ?Oa sntnrdsr, M-vy 29, at the residence | el her so , ,n ? *, it. Arucid, MrA Lit he, Bf tl 7 ?e >r<. It u ives an-i rierd? of ths family are r^'pect* fn ly tL.v11 1 to aite,,d ho iuu. rai. o W 'U'lav, *ia" SI, at tn o o'e'ock, in the cna en of Uecoucil liati h. on No >ie i>trcet. (ireenpoiat, 1. Mikiikii. ? At Pans, Fiance, >\ky Opm- sr McKitiuitr, ri'jngen son ol the laio Major Gsu- 1 eia o jj. Mitchell, aa<-i .10 tears. Mori,an.?On 1.1 .ay in.Tame, May fn, 1875. of pneumonia, alter an Illness .r :??ir dry a, ltev. ! utt akmt MoitUA.N. D. D., of Soutu car^iiua. aged Mjhm. Fuasra! services will ta?e place ?t the residence Of IIH u-in .1^. Mr. K. De!,i >id Sini!;M. 14 ha?t FOTiMth Street, -,e we I) Ma ii.oi aa I i I,\n a.e sue*. >r?v ^orit, ou oton.L j iii'?rn.rig. May 31, at ten o'clock. M k . vn.?on Friday irr rning, May 2i, Fbkdcrick A. Muroan, ig d U -.e?rs. I he reiativf - anTfrlecds of the family are re sp t u y iii?i'e i i<> , ; ? ,i t i? tuneral, fr- in D.a la*e re idrn -, \o. m e??', Kiirhty-S'-veath street, on - n i.iy. tue n ins',, at one P. M. ? ii.ortits and rrv% di-ncj (It. I.i papers please copy. ? fRfftr.?on attifav, May r>. of diphtheria. M?.??,'< \. mi itr 1 >, o'ii? nuci'rr 01 Micnaei and llaun?h Murpny, me 1 2 years and 9 montr.a. m? fr??'Bds of ine isniiiy a-e respectfully m- 1 vlted to attend the fnueral, i^undajj alter- \ it on at two o'<. i x., fro .) the resiJence of feer paren ?. n i. s?i? r'?urtti avenue. Mirth*.-on -.turdsy, .May 29, ii;.\ Pxritict Mri'i Hr, in toe ti l year oi nls sge. 1 hf relatives and .rie . is of tue fsmily are re- 1 sr ertfuiiy it.rind to atte-id Ike funeral, from Lis . late residence, 32 stit* 1 -ect, Brook vd, on Moa- ' Oav. is, mst., et two P. M. Mt.Rt ur.?At Newark, S. J., on Frldmr, 2f n lnst. ? a : ititit'sr, ue loved wife or a;nry Murpn/, 1 la 'r.e n vcar of aer aje. l unerai ?iu tawe piaoe, oa Sander, 30th lnst., nt n.n.! o''loca A. M., from her reMu*ncet , oint I sue, .\ewaijk, N J. lateri'icot in Lvva y * eine lery, tsiig Wt' nd. Re stives and friends are re* ape I'uilf lamed to at'ene. Mi Dosnrm.?on Mav 29, Mrs. PttrrcrT McPov smi? ana ivi ol Harliagiord, eount/ Kt aonny, Ire..n d, fen si rear^. Fun' ral will ta<e piaee from her ls?e resldifnce, H4 K tit Ft.teenta a reet, on Monday, at two I O'C.O k. ?l*'!F?Rf.?Ki>,?On Thnrsdar. May 37, Ho?prt A. | Ma 14hi.a .d, eldest aou oi Agne.i aau the tate j JJiin A*a-far and. M at v ?* an 1 lrlenoii of the family are r*spfet- 1 fnny Invited to a tend the fuacral, from tue llukr>'uo4 <ro'ctt, Uugueaol fttatioa, B. L, tLis (Mi Uy) aitornoon, at taree O'Oiock. M.i... At r id'i < - of her bro'fi?r-ln-lair, W. 1 . She 1, i^i >; rtu Kill a h s'rer , Wiiiurnaourg, on - atntuav, ?t one 0 Clock, Mrs, r'AtunaiNB Vri 1 w.oosr of Micnaei, ol Mou.gUaa, Ire an<L M iv s?ie rrst In peace. FuLfifwl ?U >ta*s li-vft ai'wvo a-i.c j (it J past nine A. M., on Monday, Slit Inst, forSt Vtn- i ceiw Da Paul's church, Nurth sixtu street, Tom whence It will ptvewd to t'alvarv ?emetory at two o'clock P. m. Her friends are respectfully in- 1 TlteJ to he present. Rogers.?on Hridav, May 2i, Maky Ann'B , Rosins. for maty years a faithful attendant ami in-nd la the laniiiy oi Henry uu Wart, a.;ed jh yearn. "l ae funeral will take place Irom Trinity chapel. West Twenty-fifth stieet, on Monday, May .u, at baif-past pk'i.'i o'clock. kya.v?on Kn 'ay, M;?y28,1ST.>, Mrs. Cbi.ia Htan, relict of Michael Rvan, Two-Mile-Boris, county Tlnuerary, jreland, iu the 7ft h year of uer aire. Relatives aud iriends are luvited to alt! on ;be fnneral, from the resldenco of her son. i noma* Ryan, Now Brighton, s. 1., on buuday, May 80, at ) naif-oast one P. M. Tipperary (Ireland), papers please noMce. IaNBOBN.?mia morning. at six o'cli ck, pnen monU, alter a short illness. Kramlim J Sanhokv, one of tne proprietor* of the I'sion Square Hotel. I Relatives r?d Iriends are nvu a to ati.ud tuo , funeral services, at the Uulou "-qnare Hotel, cor- . uer Fllteeutli street and Kourtu avtuu*, on Tues- i tiav. June 1, at one o'clock. SsCiii.isiiiAW.?Passea peacefully to rest on Frl- i dav, Mav 2?, Kair.r A., beloved wile ol John M. , bciiiisnian, in her 4Ut year. Relatives and friends of the famltv, a'.co Crusa- : ders' Lodge, No. ei, I. O. 0. F., are respectfully in- 1 vited to attend her funerai, frotu Her laic rest- | dene, N > <kt l>rv??e atr*ef, Brooklyn, K. D., ua Sun day. May ;to. at three o'clock. Lone Island aud Richmond pnrer* pi?aa" cop". 8uaw.?on Kriday, May 28, Kmjja il. Siiaw, in the ?nh year of ber ase. The relatives ?n?l lriends are respectfully in- . vl:ed to attend her fnneral, from the First Baptist ctiurch, comer of Thirty-ninth street aud Pane avenue, on Monday afternoon, at twoo'ciocK. hurra.?Ou ihuriaay, May 'J7, .-AitAU Alljsjj, , widow oi the lare J. Hoaiord Smith. Relatives and lriends are Invited to attend her funeral Irum uer late residence, Htam ord, Conn., at two o'clock P. M., on Mouday, May 31. Carri- j anes will he m attendance oa arrival of 12 M. tr un irom Oram! i.entral floor. lntei in.'nt will t. ke I place at New Haven. Services will be held ou t ie arrival of one P. M. tram from New York. ViEij.?On Krtda*, Mav of consumption, . Eui/kmk, wife of Charles M. Viel, aired HI years. Relatives and Irienos of tiie lanuly are revet- ? fully invi'e i to attend the funeral, o:i Sunday, May .JO, at halt-past two P. M., at .it. Vincent 'o Paul's cunrcii. Twenty-third s.rect, between bixtu and s.-veatuavenues. W a Kit it n. ?un I'rmay, May 28, William B. V\ ap. re>, aged 39 years. Funeral Irom bis lata residence, T,ake Yi"w, N. J., on Monday, at two P. M. l-*rie:i< s can view tno remains at Merrlt'a, uudertaker, 210 Alt nth uvetiue, any time to-dav. Weli-s ? At i'dtersou, N. J., May 27, 1875, Dakiui I Wkli.s, a?ed 73 years. Tne friends nnd relative* of t.lie family nre in vited to attead the fnneral, at two o'clock P. M? on Sim 'ay, ? otti Inst., from ih'- Ohursti of i ne 1! >ly 1 Gomiiituiion, Carroll street, Paterson. N. J. i.rie train leave* Oham'oers strei1.. at li) A. M. WniTUKCt.?'^ndJeuly, on May 29, 1875, St 80 West leuiu street, LaVinia h. Ouei.l, wne of Tftomas \\ li tiicck. Funeral Monday, May SI, at Highlands, Orange couutv, N. Y. Wiitk.?In Sout'i Brooklyn, May 2S, MATSILDI, th"; ueloved wi.e o/ John U. Wit i.e. Relatives ana irlen J.s arc resp ctrnlly lnvtt='l to at; nd the fuucral, f.oin tier late r-silet.-- ?. No. 3t Cneevof place, on Mouday aiteruoon, at two o'clock. w PROPOSALS. KLLAAl) CANAL. BSLAiiaiiMESt Notice to contractor*. Sealed tenders, addie?v-.i in the undenlpned and In <3i?. fc-i lender lor tve.ilun 1 wul lj>: ruci'iu iiat tins offl* ?< until tlio arrival ? | the i astern ami V. ctoru , mails on r nr-aay, trie 2.:li .1 jiof Ju < nc\t. for tho ; I'rn ? i luc'i :i ola I unir-l, a number ut oi k l.<-( muting Wen <. bridge Aoutmrnt-and l'i rs, I- .i. 1| in* Ac., connected with several tnileant t.iucti ir ?- ? uen'.' at o tm- < \temoti and deepening oli'mi .?aliiou- , iic ?! 'l r >ri t . 1 ionic harbor*. n e works vrtli be let in w nons. lome ofwhic'i are ritn i.> <1 on tne new line betw. -n I'ort Ui!!n u-e u . 1 Tin rold, ami otli'-r- about one i tie In Icn Mi' .i si i i i y oi d(ri? utu; >:il vu n.u^ ? t< ? j,r nS canai 11 places hctwe< n i fur. I i an i P.irt? olbot e. v a,ii ? i til sevral I i alities to,v:U. r wit it i lain m 1 spe. ideations of tin: wort*, can be et'en ut tnts o..lee on a ill ilterKridsy tils Utu day oi June., where prni ? I , form* of'tender can lie obtained. A lake ? un-. .n nilor- : mat.nil rulaiive to tlie v.orks north I A l.itil.u-/ ? I | i-. ri.rnl-!ioa at the resident enidneer's c in-.t. ; 1, and tor works-on'h oi 1'ort Rol.iu.uii, ] .u . Ac., may be seen at Hie re-i i"nt ens;a."-r'a cilice. Weliaml ''.intra torsarereq e> . a to !? .r in r.. id mat tend ^ will ni i i e coftaid red aniens male strictly in n cord ane- with the priutrl firms, and. in t, e c&i-c ol Urois, ? xi ?? i>t mere are attached the aetual >l/u ttu i <. ti. ? nature of the o I t; itinu alid ;? i c 01 r.- i. < .i o ?..<? i I winner ol tfie same: and : i. .her. a i 1 I .i * 1 ch va or e'.h r avait-itdo KC .r ty Cor the sum ?>( iro i VI ' to ?. ..hi ai'i ordiuK to ti. ? ex'ent l < on t;m | pic'.iori. must n eoni; any 'u U tender, which su i -!i ill ,' ti party leni.cnnj ile< in . ? ir ii>i ? nito ci o rue lor the .. oi as at the nttca i luted la the < n r submit J. i ic amountr "quired in each caao will be state 1 on ;ha for n oi mi t< r. : lie cl. 'on or money thus ?ent iti w I tie return' 1 to the n.pecuve contractor* wln.?o I. ndsrs are not a. t.bte.l f jr lb* due nilfl'meBt* we c" .-net ?atiafactorr tr. cui'i.v ??.. 'ie required on real ? ? ? or W dep it I di.iii'v. tm iie . r s rur .? ?s or bank st >e*? ? o an atiinu'it of live per cent en tin L.ilk fitttn .1 i: . ? Ira t .1 wh ' li t >o kuai sent in with the ;? u ier will La cot:-id'red .. part. Ni toy ii r eeut only of th" pr. re ,s estimates will t.e pai l until i * i cnipletnn ol lie work. i ,i cacti villi r mast be attache I tiie actual slrra t r i of'.w res, onsibie aii<l soiveui i?er?..ns, resi lti is i ilie l*Oi'aiaioa stti.iitsc to become sureties f ir tha carry tug ou'. o^ tii ?? eoodttlons as we.i tli~ due pertoria- I st.e- ol the ueih embr.ic d in the Contract. i tn? 'i-pariment ;l.,es nut, bowevi r. InnU *tfelf to uc c?pi Uiu i??o?,i ?r auy tcu .or. r> order. I MItAUN, S*er#- irv. PafiRTWKJtT rr r?auc, Ottawa. April J.. i?.*j. T>ROi'OSALj WOU OLD MATS RIAL. J7 K*"i IUilv v i'o*rAWT. > PcacuailMi Aili.Nr J Uir:t 1 7 ttut tr, ft. ' >a? \ ,i k. May I-7 ?. * SeaVd proTiosa's, and in er-el'l'r.i.mvs tor Oi l M-v Icriai, 'will Lc e> i lv 1 at Uns "Ice rhn sd tr. Jum S, Wi i. I- o'c ? ck nuon. lor if.e purct.ase a,. I removal ut me !? o - ms i t m iter aL, Hew ai Uut su>.'? ol tins cotnpany it J.rc| 1 iiy I ??? 'i.iit ? .ir Whetia. s. io:?? i' is: Scrap. :< tons Me-i print 'rrar. I tuna W ro'iiht t u rtiba^a II tens ? an Bonn**. 9 t. n? .-< r>?* Cuttings. 3 toas 'iu.a "prinaa. - Iko let <>t Viirtr-h and Ol! Barr?'?. Mi. et .tul bin ? Wul i required to deposit !r. per Seat i i the ainotiu awarded to Uiem at th ? time of su i award, an t th ? balance t-i tn-r enti w.l lie ( .va'o> at tlie tim< il deliv rr. .In lit n reserve I re-.-ct .itiy and aii Ions. Ii BOrt MAN, Puichaaiug a^. it, Wa.M'KU 'A't> PlUCHAlis ? i-r.i . -rup.f.. a Mil.' NRaTLY Kirn m t ;? J\ Urnt-?:<>:? in fh? city i r f .0 t.i >>; also soi i i.. Uruti >'? t- ?.itdici. Adarsaa J . box ?-* lleraiJ eillce. a CtOAlt HTa.'. i IN a HOOD B'-STACRA"? T ;V u ?vn tnwr Ad tress, Witb luil p irticviAis, bo* t,*S7 N v Vork Post olhoe. T>I.*NT> Wa.NTKD?F.flU V! P.\ t.l.AL A. J i Ml" It. X y um 'alifi. mum, Kelitvera Oati'v Addrcsv iat iii.' pu e prr iUM, ilT OARUfcN CUMl'ANT, U W'st Street, U- s on. BUl/t;lir.-ADDB as hA i ce >ni? h a ? i? ?nr ? O l? i.Al.r. C. lie: a.d o w W AM I P- KM t PT.ATi: MIRRORI, I A \ f I Fh.t I' ?' 1.,-ti,'. - Rot. incites wiae. Adureasd f.K.lhi.t 1 tT. ? 11TANT Ii?SKI' (SO HAM) No. ? H I AK ?: < " II vf rii.h ir an 1 a x?nt <. 1 ????t '. nefi kVire table Bts-e pri I ti* A. K., bo* ,'?I7 f st .. Iter YVAVTEO-A BOOKOAMK. 8KC??VD HAMD. WEI.I. ! " made a ii 1 of late style, a J Ir. as 11. U. b t it? Herat l oflee. A -A K'.I\'? TUMI M .K.'L.M HV/B r. ? r )' ? i i ?< I r ler. Addr<-?-. statina nrtc.-, I'KpK. Meraiu nfllst.'. \VA>rt rs~As orn r r r, with <m t > ?? doors a I <! ik f.enei s a 1 we-' pric an I iles-rite. <.tiier letters not u i- ad. Addreaa J. C. it., 11. r u oillce. \VA'> ?' T" rri'-'lA"-' ->M 1 It.V; Af ? flANOIN > 'V li .iketa <? f.her r.'sti. . r i. ai, with or wu.i ut Flowers. Ac. Laliati^3ka?t i.itU .tree', or i4j>ruui ?treet. j DASCWO~Ai VDK itlM." /SARTIKR'I HAN'-IS'I AT AltRM Y,' ri.TMPTOS'A 1 \J Mill linf, f-f?TV?saiit ami .Mintn streeia ? >e w nin s f ? w torinin.. 'iffti an summer; pr.vale e ? n-. n ir i .? wait ?. a jpeoiaiiy , r, < [>.iu I dans i..ta Monday eventna. | K1 HOPK. rfB". '? i rRKN* HOI ?, OPIM.-IT* TI' . I i l>v,. / a.i ii v ? i ^.. rk 1 M aui Manag r J. RMt i ll (I ue ni M?urnt> A ' art if ?. TIIK I.U TI UK ? Kf'Ti ill V.VtRY KVI s[\ ! >1 8 O I.O?'K '?f 's.r?." I' Li itv and M. ?l l>ts eases,1' ^ l? KAIi.'i - M .taeatta. k> me inner t. a t tr s<. No iho, i? , way, near t ourih str?'t. . i. ?? . ?? a-. I iau?k uia.. .tfl* cant inuaauui iu the world, a inn,..on A LBil'rBB BtKBT XlOlir AT f VllLOl K off .V ean ???id and h? Osu < ts l't? iftAiure . e.i ' , ' at the New Yon luse . n ?? A- my, Oi" Br adway, bat ween Hohs'.o i and B ?eker - ? cts R \ I.M A ? AI 'I TiOla a t-rri.-N mai.r?ji ,v : i s r 11 tc i.o< k. by o. V iuhsF.!,!,. on the i ,-en ?**. btapieto'i, i*. I.. f*<> M n?es ail Lota two b.. . ?>. worn Icrriea, on Dr. a.i ttnet. Bust lie nuld to a.i estate, lerut- at sale. A T ACCTTOB.?TflBRR PaBLOU f fitIB BEP. >'\ oak and walnut lsuff-t; two ?slittf Hail ffan Is. telvrt tarpet. lA?ri; rnainal mirrors, 7ixC*i; rowsni 1 >>e I stead and Bureau, walnut do..a"d a* new . wilt t ? ?i.jf rhit their value. *)ipi> in store ili biatii ava nae, mai rort/.M?oBd at lOUM R. FOLl;Y, AL't TIOM.t IX, WILL SBI.L Ai sl suction. Tn>? ;?r. June I, H7.A, at Hi:W o'clock a. M , ttiaeuti.-e c nit e'sof prr.a'e re ,oe . and usbl*of br. W. >. Mil>er. '47th s*.ri land out i?,rn Ro tlevard, con si iu pirt of elegant roser/i t u. rtsiit Piano, l eu don oaktr j el?.ait rose Rsrl o mi it, IB broca'eli real .Tenen ftrojifs, ;anuioe t il I al"tln?? by eminent ar 'sta. uiarbl* . ta'.aary, pookciM, Bedroom f*uit, Lii ra t f<af., i viy R j.-.-u ? arp ta, hair Mat* tre es, y nketii, I'llltmi sn j Keddln-t, Kxtensioa rao'e, I in.n4 1,'i.aira, solid silver and ut4t* t V\ are, Rrcncn (.'in a let anu bin ? r Bet* M iatai iirnaments, Ac.., one C trk bar Horae, a years d, tne smmsi and ve y fsit; d .et ,-',s Ptiaeton, Park Phset .n, HtereifJ A Minor n iker*; Melgh, gel., notintnd stntfie and double llsr aai- R.i^alo aiul nap Holies. Ae. salt posiuve, ai the Lu.w.r leaves tor tm .i^e ou taa tth ol June, For Other A^vsrlisemrnfl t'mler Thi? Uen'ilAA B?? bltwlofii YACHTS, STEAMBOATS. 4cC?, POR 9ALE?IN TUK Ha|UM OK iHE IN I ERWA-J P tlonai Yacht Afencv, r>itl<*v ol "Mauning'* tfachunjp Annual. 2tU Broadway, >?w i rki ? _ bi'iioouer Ya'ht ?l.uii . NY V O. ?inner of Queen'* Cup. bebooner Yacht Corne :a. N Mkl/xB. Senooner Y If.ii 'cxeyliiu o, N Y. Y > . "JIvS-'xT Schooner la ' 't F'eur d t i N V.Y Villi*'!. h liooner Yaeut \7. Sloop 'i *C'it IriadW ^ Y. Y.C.. 17* IGxi). Hoop V u.lit I'lymif ''I 'i 1. H v i ix 4x4. SI 'up V aeht Cornelia. B ?CxlJsi. v.ii ii! Nuia, :tu ut. Hloup Yaclit i oiu.'tte, U ilisT Si....i, Y*. ut HelU, V i' , -Kxl"*! yoit iALK-^iMin Y.lOllr BKLOVOIXCI fi> I It))' New tort \ .1 lit I' ?:0 . .'5 to 11 * (old IliefUBrt meet . 7:t r< ? t !eu*th over a!. te?*t neatu. About 4 lee*' detail 01 li. l t, S teci dra ulit, centre b >ar 1; baa two sui M ol' ?Aili: li ill complete outer w ill . utir ; oillli end in vrniury; is no* In i'uiii ii --i <11. with'AilIni ma-ier ami cii'vv oh boil- I Apply to il JitAFIiil 4kLO., 1L!Pearl street, New iork. l/OR liAt.R?SLOOP YACHT RLAlNR, BI'II.T IV J1 Sew He tinr I i i I 7): i)i iron* iiy lurnish ? 1 in every, r ?i?. ? t . '??! ni- .11 *n- .-iir in iu: .i i irtl u 1 Arn iti |iU(t' of JollN U. . itAPi'.it & CO., :U 1'earl sueet New York. _ f'OR RAM-?YACHT v St'A, .'01 T.iNS; FI.'LI.Y I equii pe l. warran'ed to ..i.l ami >vi I bo ko.d low. Atiply to v. A E. 1'OIL.LON. *-'4 -outli street B^or Hi-LE?rHE CATi:i>?r >.L'u s*k, r. iksr. In irtfj or ler, fax! an I uii " ; h I lam I ..At; price i.'iti. la juire ef Mr. ijo..DtNU, lj<tli i.r t, liar Jem River. yOR saLK?Tfll4 SLO'lP YAOll f Ei?ERIA: LRKQTJI r .' ailth el' Uea.i, 15 laet ? .11 fte- 1 ?? ? 1 compete in all n-npe. ??<. .u ?i u. \\. U. s Ql.\ SI South atreet, Nrw York. tlOR SALE?WATRR LILY AND 08SKO, 1VI <> 1? li-rlit tlrult klde wheel ?us pii mt -tc liner b in new and tn p-. ifont oM<r fur -n n? u.-e t ? r. ? ami 1'icailon fertile i-hartcr aro ???ir??ie tli?*v r ' . clinrtered reservtnj th" nglr. m s?l I'. r.u 1 ? .? t:un apply to 1 ? MiU?cril> I, II- n rciiUi-nee. 11 r M ri*' Uoca, on Uarleui Blr?r, niuu iue nteaiu a-iiov. are, cr bv 11111. 1 Mm I . freaident Harlem and Spuvtrn Diiyvil ? ati..n I'ompanv, WorrnatH 1. New '1 i-i'v. l.'" ? salk-a new an n r:t'.si' c as v .'Mr u I left o'l lire . Can b ?? at I I h ? ?'? ?' i? RIti r, or .titu . .u bo nai at 7Vi La etroel _ 1 n . II. ?fflOR SAT.E?.SCHOONER YACHT. N. Y. Y. CI f?. 11'> r 1 *? W' . (? u:i !. la t 11.01 ? >.l u-il-r; ?> > b ? IV ?? o A ii^r wau.? larjjnr boat. Ad.lre>* OW.?hi.. ii. 14:1 office. "EVX BALB-HEVKRAf, ST BAM T^CIIS, .Ml TO t5. 1 leet i.'Ui;. c >1 in .u t or-n Ya ti 4. '.it ??. " -1 font Varlit. le.ilv 1 iruse, v r. i ei| : one uv>ter ???1'. ? feet I Be. IS leet !?< mi, reu ' to u<' anl oahln Null'* to let ..ut to partle. al t i'.A.Sk II . in?' i .i ai Market, loot Thlrtv-M - r e.,11 '1 ? 1 oolt vn, ^ Y. yon sale ciik u"-on.; - vr :i.k<> >r su jjoat. I rififeil to -uit; aim one 1- O it ClIlH h-w . (ii2 initio. .ny flnlm haii- eusilOiti. *o. Apu / t . It H. W.kUl.iN i . t vi. tv ill i ? r et t-ro"-.. ?!?. ?i> tlirou^11 liiijp'er yar.l 10 en i of Ml -r. _ yon mALE * ' RCA r, I '? PK'sT I > AI.? I mo.1t new, wlih sail ail.I life PT"K rviru i'ib ilnn*, Ac., in ci al oflice muner Kirn avciiuu au.l iliirti.ith at L'Oit i 111*'. A .' Volt CAMJ-A Hi-.-I < J. A I I'robel! r, known an the *4ian. A.iJfeeeboX Poet olBce, Hi ?? ark. N.J. _ Ori'.EW YA' Hi' -I'tr; I K'H! SAI.E, 61 KKKT O, It wlilo, 2k Jratut.t; lar^? cabin nnJ pi'otf I.uUm?: mr 'CO r. aaeir-e a, ;..v o? LoariJ. iweuty fourth sireet. outh Brootlyn QLOOP YACII r K'iTt S At !?:?4.1 KEKT I HSU, 18 PFET i) beam an I about 10 I'.iim, o I lie tnurtment; neartr new aud la per '.:t order; p.. ;c in . er.ite; to !?? een at I....t..i i . fri ?: re,-1. Hi..... vn, v T.. ?n i lo coarse of tflehartl Bo^i b. i.'.wun'is fiai' K..r luniior pui iculars apply at 1.1 Pe.lrl aire, t, nru.ui. it >or Yacht, t> hckt ot>va> la toe. room*" i"* cat.In, ta : filler, cae ,t -.eab.-at, co'iipletelp] ft unj, in ii ler |.ir in:'.' i > 11" u w.ll be So il cheej'. Apply to J 'lE sll i III. inot o oart Ktreet, Hr.ioltlym. OTKaM 1 U Uf P'llt SU,:-:? A KriRT L'?\0, IK O it ol or I -r. and w. t 1< w l verv ehe i|i a* thu ownet li a au u>e i.i la i. A ...rc.s A. \V. FloK. statioit W. ilrookiyu. K. D. Q I AM YAC'lir FOR SALE?3 i i-' KIT LO.VO. S PERT 0 b< am, i i (I r e ? a.i i i e i I c for n?e . wi I he 1 ? . :t i.ppli -t 1'liiCu ...iLU'j boat hooie, ? ewtowa' Creek, L I. Uli.VM 11 U r>. s. I'. 'i.->ON; f'YLfNUEIt i ;.\lS: 0 li iler one year o'd . in c I order: l .r ?a e air lian-'mn Apt V to WILI.l.iM I.N owner Ij Bond' atre i, Elii?.:b. lip *t, >. or It ALLLoijil. Mo. 3 Broadway, Ne V. *o; !c. mi'OBOAI. I7XK, RBC. . I L.Y oV aUACI.K't AN U I Piintcl; wiii lie I ai a D.irgala. Audrey P. C. BltOWNEi , i0 mu li -tre , rp.i CHAltT.H-IIIK M iili AMI FAST SAILINO J cauin Va. ;it Annte, t e I ir^e*t in I finest In fie baet i:e.s aleo Hij cabin Y.t-ii n.r-'ii havaitt hee i thor ou^hlv ovcrli iti'.c l an l w n iu man.! l in eierv respect, can I c chartdi I l?v ih- I tv, \x . . r ino.itli i r tlabniK' 1 r crumnf. A :>1 v oil b .ird, t U VI % crU' : IUNS BATi-.i, loot oi Tairty seventh -', -ontii Brooklyn. WANTED?A OOOD P.CONDHaNO ROWBOAT. ii I-, nil. i 17 eet in !en. i. Ajd-ck. <tati:in prtae fart cu' .i ? - t ' win r i. '>? n. ti x 4,1 7 r >-t odlce. iuii.N1 k |?- X 1 !? AM - * i II . I I)''. W III OH A PAIR '? ol ar II. ? ? i will be exo u ised. App.y at W Lasli. Ttilr'y-ne oiid ?treet. BOATS. KKV'Y ? ? HIP, ALL KIN US ASO ii ... lUteetun; n t ''c:-i;lic laieBott-.-. -',|. 1 le t cedar lioarda; chtap. and ?,.? -uUVU. i.i'eel f . C.PHE.M KOI liltr.i. 50 Mi ? ii \J. 4 GPNII EMAN, V I OilUl'ii I MITSIOU*, DR -.1 ?i.-cl an en.'a?? eta- . *a?i*t .0 au ilinrclt; ?i..ry u.< ; AOd,uj> UAaDi.L, uwa MIL hi a. 1 office. ______ ? CENT EM t V < I i:\Ptn EN '? I E-IRK3 A, . \ ? ? a n si r n. t. At :.e?a OlttiAMil', box .New Vork l'ou office. A HA .- SIN i, ,11 DE.iI it i ACUIMOII ENOAOB J\ meat in tbn eitv r Mio >V.lyn; Ii i .|uaiuie 1 wit!j i attiolic an ' i i. < rv... s. aJ irvaa J- E . care of i talriner. 701 Hro i?av. A GENTLEMAN OF OR .\T EXPKRIKNCE OIVB9 A iii?:ru<-tiO'i u I lanoiort- harp an l bar i..ay. a< i oil', r n.ei.e; $ it j t iaai ter? beat ref rence. au i'.t i. w.'r. rt > ee, I i. ?i il it, boa l.'V 11 aid Cp touii Branch ofl e, I 21". Broadway. AMBBJCAJI i'(ivsM'T*T 'P.y o mpsic. UK tM) A N '? I *1. t'ONCKar, *t' ?Smi I a! I ON II vi I.. of tbo pnpila 11 lint ce.eorate-1 Inftltllta. a?*i.ate . i v .-f! roedor i i itritur t'iu.'i, I hV ..N 1 Mi JuilC S. Tic*"* c n t"' had at the Conai rvatory oiii<r. AN I XPlvBlBKCFO I.AHV IfACII I: WOCl.rj A ta*e * lew more j' ipi - ,.n tHa p'ano at i < lr real di'acc | i i ? r , i-r.oriiy t.i.? luoutti. a .draaa U V. C., Herald I |>u>*n liraiKU oftlca. Mutuo.-n p?;r montii >??r jjhtrcction ojc plan i. wi'ti praettce: pupil ? r;t- .lly adviii ed. 823 Wot I'h.rijr-nfUi -trtal. between Kwntn aul >in b ava^ QtNt/INO AND PIANO Lr.BSONS FOR SI rVLti P h.-ar nnd ?'V. hfc.f an hoar darin.' aatumer by * flratal * trmli-min tea? r. A.' r -? -U. li.Oabia'a llano* a re r om? i^r v\>?t lw:ry t:ar l ? nc CJOLIT), BA lit AVD Pr-K*-A\T 1M-TR17< 110* IX Mii.'in. *'i i Piann after'ii- >.*lern i-eipri: /ilim) i .t>i a, r.<-:i *"i uio.lerati t, r .i*. end tor' treu'ar. it WCNDKKM ..n.j'.i m-t fiit.. - i.-rit i xtre-t. rnURVH RM AN MUsIl AL CN (')N -FUKK I.K-h" ? ^ 1 ,11 Mllf DK a'h! I % i' ?? i mn.-.: ??r ' one W St Kuty-fiitn i rwl. 7*vri II?A LI ADBR, RMT v FII'BT ?*?. iAND l ii (??!?- ,ni "laaa Mm or i if Urn: 1 Sta t atiip " ,M.kt, on ihn Mo-'ii V' auti itaiion a pi* to !?. c i?nli' < , ii .ii lau-ter, s*# mi < .Navy .->rd. 14 liofietd (treat, Urooklyn. UIO.TISTIIV. i CORAL Rl'BBI R SAT OF TMET I IN TUBEF? J\ li..u:%? Iroi re*ai<nl In tnj fo-enoan. ???<? i in tho aftertiu'j i li.irty.four i ?t -f near nroi vav ant .? it h > vi"in >. < , ra! r ili'jer, v?r*i.r.?i, Ilea o'ored:i tfol.l ? j p ittn i aata, wlialeb n runb*- a-ta. I'mmpe. *, m i n |i ?, .. I.iu 1,liter*, . ... i'?pre>ser<. ite. ulatura; nltri m .?*!;?: mriianlca' il n . '.v lake gren o:.r* i in iJi.iri.1 ? r~ ? I rrv or Mxih ?. nu? cara, or Broai ?<? car#. <: ? oil a; iJv 'v ourtii treat. \..w iiitOL'tjli. I-' rt?-t ihi'ty-ionrt:. ?ir??t fTHFyil RXAl Ml'-Ii AL I HlO.N-PUKK I.K-.SOvfl 1 ,n -i # ?.? and Piano I: arrvca given ten n-* % !<??? want'-.'l(?r ' mceru Appiy at tUu cui i. No. 7'J w NTIIUIOK. a ? <i': A N I> CKN'TftA !. STO lA.iS W \ KF. I<?0 | J\. For ? ' ilture. B ti i- , Mirror^ J'lar O a.^a, Car r ,ii i Wn^sns olcigha, t ??: i.. iiff Broa-lw ly a ' fun> ?even.u aw A illioillhft, l'ioprietora. 4 ?STO RAO K?WEST MOB 8 TOR AO R WARB ? \. Ii niaea, .'.111, ?s? at; ! > i.'ud?.,u atrreL 7 ! lirren^i v? n atr< ? i an I ii Alo ion ,iiire, lor t orui n I'laiiio, !>***?*'?. A in , .. r..?-uis, >1' t, in rate, m.-t . st< s?-:*a ? I rcapactauia eat it i Mmen% In the bU'iiieaa. It r.\OU ItT. and lattMgcr.' offi e 5.)l 11u :a,.n aireat (A- udon a jaare). i.a?i-iii,. ki'Buk \? ark hoc ^bi.?i' J'i wl ? in* ajln Iter H I r lur'.i.t'iri l-i aeparatw on at ?,*?<? r*tr? ??,!( r, 11 it mi r alvttiuir* t<>( eAk.niu.- J-J, .IJU AW i JJJ III. . i i ftreel, He c, aaecura ! in it.ii h i ti mailt anc? : o'* er ttan am ?.nii:ar f-'a'. i liiii.' it. II O itr i .1.1 a ru . l'i i .ifH-tora 8TORAOR ! Ult rmiN RR, BAOOAC , riR nam * * ? 1 ' fo 1)5 I u lor'v lourtn a ea t if Urand t'cilral lei-ot: aep - ?<? ?m-, l:repr.-er *?i.t?, Ao. O'lttNELl O'RV., l.ut A I r, , etora. Cft RAUK K<>n I U'R ? . .tl, I'lAMH, B .'iACI!?^ ? > Ac i-owekt ratea In trie i ny evcr> M*n<- , t:.(uu.r watchman; arpi.-ate .oun *?' l.K? v HON,40and li Comuiei< waar Bleac- r. CiuBa.iB O ' ' ' iri ,;f" , . Roorat Hs i " ? a:i .?n 1 5rjr. 'I? . i - in "' i1 ? A f. I I. ? " U \V, 372 an I Vt Broca. iin e >U ? ? i of Bra* r i i'.m <*| F?t\ PK't L()ADr-l r.'trilAL .'JORAi; ,va?:1. ? 1 ?)' ' Ii h? mr I i' , I III >?. H, n" j and Met ii?u ii*e, in ai?? a ? ? 1 .ait t u( . 4t ? o ll .s ? IINIiLI A 1 i?' "" l.'alatid 11.! MKIIH A .. fTBNTfOMt?I>R. JA< ? : ?? a rr " s.^i . tMHtMlm ree. IV. oil I 1 'tie jf ?u >ncn rWRB.?OR. A5D l'4i; BUT B1 r in-ulte 1 coiid leijti ?.!y at t, Wirt ! , ? ? vi MK. RAXVTI, V D\v l'i ill , i .i ait lentil street, n r tniru avenu*. -TIB. \NI) V M v ? V 1.1 K 11 1 It 1M Fait 2-th it, t ru ? an i ..exi ir' nn A A Art A, A. A. ?v R (4fi'.LU M. ? . : minor I'' KO t a*at Kit y ? so . I . , ? r it door Ii "n 'it . y -'??V A SI) MVK. r,it N l, CURB A L COM. pla it#; Mi /oara' pra ; l ? W . liven % - .tha i 4 Dvici; fri f -m<:* nit n fcsr. KLiCit.i ;Ian. J\ ran l|i emi-u I l on all ( .mb ainta IW We?i iitri at tlON-I'l..' HI < ?' MV vvi i _ a ?.t. '')?* Ml ? I I l carta, ?4ri< e Lea. fc> .*? its urn ?' "?i