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THE COLLEGE REGATTA. What "Classic Amherst 011 the Hills" Is Doing-. HSR UNIVERSITY SIX All About tii* rrew ami l!ir Characteristics of Its individual .'ricrnbm. AMHBB3T COLLHdl^ \ A toil ERST, Juue B, IS.A. t in bnlte or difficulties 'hat at first seemed in ?urmoaotable -classic Amtoerai on taebUla" will senJ a University crew lo^ara'oga and endeavor to wreat thu crown or Victory tier powerful adversaries, lue obstacles t.iat confronted ih-i leading boating spirits oi tne college were lack of uuds, apathy oi tue senior clusa and tne latent opposition oi tne faculty to tills cnaraeter of itnietic exercise. Happily tne s.nows or wur rreenbacks?were proviucd early la tue aimer term. and the navy, witttout loss or, found substltutea lor tne iwo Seniors upon whom tney pinned their faith, ant who at last were unwilling to go through Ue ordeal oi p/eparailou and tne chances oi de teat. Tnen their practice Hours in the gymnasium and on tue water were so arranged that recita tions were not interfered with, and the crew of >75 was stt! cessioily launctied into exisieuce. Organizing a crew, however, is but tue luiant 3 step toward results so far us tnia college is con ce ned. To do much boatug you must have water, and any. considerable amount of this necessity lies four away irom tne I niversuy build lous, which distance the plucsy Amnerat oarsmea inns'; cover before tuy :an take their daily pull, it is easy ,-uoush lor Harvard, with its Charles River only three-eighta ar a mile away, or Vale or Wesley an. with t.ieir practice streams but ten or ufteen minutes dis tant, to get tne tune necessary to put a crew mto shape and lorrn, yet w.ien taere are tnreo hours consumed in travel to and lro everr aiternoou , the merest tyro in boating must see mat Amherst is working under a load almost destructive to any eharacter of success. it is well i hat the village of Amherst has the " mpport of us colleges, and it may be that the alter are fortunate in bein^ located just where they ue. or oue 'hing tne outsioe world may be c?r min, its citizens give nut little encouragement to the ooatuig element among tueoa, lot getting vuat II is Just this and noihiug else that is souuiiiar year alter year bigger Fresumun classes to Amherst. The village is essentially New En;Uaud, with some wealtn but a great deal more brains. Situated in one of the loveliest little villages in the taat it aompriaes the greatest possible variety or scenery, and her cuarmtug drives are worth seeking, inen, too, sue has numoers of elegant churches, several preparatory school of high merit, anil settled among them many old battle-worn sctoiars, wno have retreated nere to be away irom the oustling crowd, wishing to lie under the shadow oi renowned Amnerst. Diners have come up from tae cities and founded homes oX elegant designs and lmpojin* sue, with oroad acres under culture aoout taem, which to a strarger have the effect or making him believe ne la in the land of plenty. Studious and portly old gentlemen can be run against any boar in the day on the broad streets, tne one boasting of oig ban* accounts, and tne other o g Beads Witn plenty in them, wulcti, all la all, give tae place a so ia appearance. PUEPARAT10N CM DEB DITTXCXLTHS. In the centre oi the village, on a high hill, stands Amnerst College. About tt are the waviest of grasa, the tallest and breezieat of trees, and away around tae cheeriest ol Ileitis and tdeb.ighi est of mountain aides. Tie beauty and loveliness Df the apot have a sudden ano entrancing charm. Cpon the east Lincoln. Hjgela and Aquilo. and apou the north Pleasant, Tauraa, Mettaw*mpe and Sugar Loar Mountains lift their smiling peaks with charming, picturesque appear.nce. Bejond, to the norineaat, are the Hoosac ?ud tae fcr off Green Mountains of Vermont, and again the aolyoge range Hit their peaks to the everlasting sties, which even la these early mornlnira and nighta are of a paie sapphire bine. But abont it ail la spread the ua. delating valley, thietiy interspersed with lorest. cleared land and meadow, and from the tower of the cnapel the tnnvmg villages of Hadiey, North ampton. Basiharapton, Whateiy and Sunderland are visible, and U la qu ue easy to note from this sum urn tne Connecticut Kiver, which aome aliahtiy deranged individual describes as being at tms i ol'.t "tae beantliui serp*nuae wat" '* , taut noble stream." All tbrougn the spring n.s ireac i?rou* stream, lor it has houesUy earned the spoliation, was very rougu, and not uutli two ?teas ago could tne "gritty" Dating lads louncn ;aetr shell < n its turbulent boaoan. Tais naming mia is ice s?m<! mat carried the Lmversity <.rew si is:2 to viciury a-o opened wine tne eye* of live ataer couo?aa to tae tactual old "'"J* MiiU oarsme., ol abliliv to n.e iront *veu an sne un urn out the noil renowaed oi d-vines. An ota tooscco barn la tue.r owatnouse. 1 we or ihree \ears ano a i>eavt iail ut auow suiasaed in ;ue roo" ana tmes ol '.be.r new hoaae, auo wnen lue .unn- rams descended the flood came and :arn? i the diorut cown the ci.nnecti. ?at to tue sea or som-wnere else, and nuee then wua no musej to spare lur b?st?ng. ..i? crews save been cemi.e.leo to take ??not iuck.'' Down on tne little iivuiet lo. Juet at ue loot oi tne *i..ags. a utile stream made oy tne Mcawater oi tue ^ludan., tno> quarters or ciass b?ats. oa. it Is mn>.n Use rowing In a washoasia, the stream be ina uext to nem ng. II. UNO TB? MKX. ^ , la leoking ar und ttue three who could be add*d to tae tsmes oi Green, Uoodaow and Johu* ivon. Bib cri of tee Si>riogu? d "u t'resnman trew. wit., some decree of certaintr tnat fh# "par ole and wni;?-" wjuid nave anoiner chaace ? winn.. tt, it was aaticuit tv< oecnie upon tnem. rni> trfNimlnary step waa a vital oae. XT* ita.wari i^l.ows among tae MeaiOis, pu nag as race .ant ;ar, wowion't row i?r la . It? reasons; ?at lucxUy tae f e.hrnaa ciass introduced ae -evian ? ojateiiai, aad, *itu ?DotUer oi ttie ?? or, we it ieuiein >sred. taere isn't a muio? aor a aophomore in toe crew?toe composition wit oe'er.uineo ut-'B. ureea, aii a'0"** tfeoasat ue an a , onerftti .oi ot m-n. and thuugh roe v. taem never b* oi e asd putien an 0?r aor wew r.o? to sit in a ..o*t *a# ?i?e ae c?ue-ted tDuse ca?iiMe of oemg mouiaes lam iisee. at ire.ea Wuik ne is bow esrus.tiy stti lag. asaiatea I gt t.m?s y Fr-a* U> ?coVui?, oi tnia year's giauo* in-* c.a?a ortnyo !*ro cosramo*. 1 WorgtafiB the gioiaasinui, wnieii nul ling, by the w?y, is a ecemt to tne cotiege, tx-c ime a re* ww oo'f. Tsk tne etew eid dsvelop tae r ?i?vBid?rs and a?uis warn tt.eyceuidnt re', over tu toe r.ver. and tae wgr* is w* coaiiuaud *i' a ao sostemt >1 oi zeal or d^eue to shira. Tnej asvs .ived at ir.e "trsln?og tsn.e tor sem# -eeka and their liBurf r-tfi f w of ? e corou on n??e, what aa ordiaary haru working maa wouid eat, tae> do. exceotiag, o: c?or?a, all tuga.toaesi nijtl ift#<l ?flllli StllQlillalltii. otter w par a?' U oi In ??d*raie nasalities, .uui thi s is oe* tnrowa ?ver Hieir sn iu*ier*. " * k ijg o? >?re treahiasi and riDixi (. wnn ??> saea ex* L^xie" m-J ?'?! i ?Minna, aa-e t/e-n avuurtoDfiii u i m-usi I di> i>Oi, ue.i v- t:i?re la a u\jti i ug u a new pic paring of *r.e ataai n?ai ??; next biouta. F,v-?.l i..< - ? aB"'! are t noi-.aea red tit,?r? of ti- "Oil and m<?names, aad. taeie<ore, as *o toa*>iae i?a*?'Ui f l"'l, an>i n*ver s no on t ?>' ir emilvy ?y too a Doses aad eie?ip*u<>ns o i. j lue, :an ?tsBu i g<?m 'i^al I renguii.g wnsfitit uiwiw u. i>icK.i?sai* lot aanwseatec. ?? i n *t*r oae if ibpia iu^ as i,riaht e?t? su*i roua ? . eoeesa s-i tase ? raUga a? tn?v did jree'efoay - e ma,i ana crac? ol i. r oar< wia be SometMOf worth ?eoing and hearing. o t rug ;f;. The erewcariiea ibeir saeil oat <>f 'heoldto bacc i bun >?? eru *? aftern jO'i Betweea lour sao five o'i soca. ..nd ia ?.omn.enda .ie i.m- w re ready to uk" tnei seats and the asa.ti pra t?ce puii. ihe><n t-c icut here Is ?i.m. lentiir ? ue lor sucu work, and tee roarsc ?"Xieuos rom uaifleld ferry to .-outu l>eao. uti* am a lau in..e- ap Hiram to a point m*i??l oy Bed it?r wnl- ?i these Amber* m u are - r ?,na maniuiiy o ia.1 iogstB?-r ?n i oeiome a? on oar. as tae> pa.led away irout tne baus tae men sat t* tae she** as uuowa rag caosgM ttx. M" iKL ?? Wnfjhtt ? At*. /M Mmy IV. Jv**k Saw sad Csptam-f rsnit t. ?srseo. '76. Alfred v??n-? trs >, V ? ... 23 l.tJ 111 led *0. ?->nma*i k Jolin-v?.n. Tfa tfaliaioatsio . < 'ni-';. M s.flhli IIS '1 Ko. i?i.srrr u. hees -n. weirill, lu.i to ? 1? 1S3 Mo. l-(<eorss II. Kead 7<. , Menan centre, >? *...^ ? ,--*H W *o. ??M?dl?i a. MaU. 1%. Onswoi.i. i ?s....?,? m a ifj -w ?wa-tr"'411'*A t>"0"*oW- 4 a ?) is* a3SSb^3?S^t JT MrSOCLAK MKASrKKUEXrs. Chr.t Bi"P?. FoivAivu B'.w-Orcen :?4 ii"a 11'4 St>. 2?Join;: tun ;>?> l-.'a li N 3?lit cli !WU 13 I? ;vj, ?:?J I-' No '??Hull. Si??4 H IS Smote?liouduow ;.U lJ*4 12 Ti e?e i easu'cmao ts are correct In every os tail, navm .'been nude in the g.wnnus.uin bv KU t* iiF'I Hitchcock. A. M., Al. I)., Pi oleasor of 11' trit-ne uqu Physical Liueitiou. itio enest development tn:tr*M 'lie average oeiween repos? ?no expin a.ou, and ihe ine.uuremeuis were takeu in tie over a loj-tuiif Ut since. (iieou makvs a good bow oar and a reliable cap tain. ill* wiiicr. aetn-unor ai:d determined w?y of Uoiu^ tuiUiis inspire* eonildenro ,.:uong III- fel low*. Uh piiifd .uw in ti.e Kres'iman race i.t ^prlogiieiu, l aud, though beatlnir the Har vard crew, wan be.tieti ov Vaie. Ureeu ue>er le:i >*> ttadiy over a little rnuttur us that. ao.i, lithe truth were kuonru, na? always been itoniag to ut-r another cra-k .it tne same m^u. He'll li ive a puitui cbauce id tue race to come, ait Keliogtr and Browned. oi nie Yale six tn 'nut Fre.-iiiiBHU contest. will be in tin- Yale University crew on i.ake Saratoga. ??it'.-* a coance to square accounts, Cuptal.i." I'd* oar is the lights ill the boat uti l t ie shortest lu stature. Yesterday ne "tipped Uie beam''at 140 p tunas, ainl in bin mocking u-et la but fi leet 7 incDe-i. si mebod.i In Saratoga, wnen be was tUfro in March last airaugiug matters for tne arrival of tne crew. toll tutu lie was "pretty -t 11 lor a boat puder." out uint man never saw the captain la "auureis uauorni" or lie would nave chapped ins opinion. . Always word ing upon a larm or iu a snop buloro ci-uitni?ucicc' college life, tl* muscles are as u,:ru us a st 'Ue, and. wl ii no pulloacks. tie will stay as long in the skirmish from Hnake llill to iUmsdlli's us any other oarsman. Captnlu Ureen takes great deluht la ills botanical studies, and nlslleli ex cursion* lor specimen* otten re-uit lu mating his room la So ii ui College '-DioomihK as a lose," as was tae case wneu i visited h:m to-day. s. It. Johnston, irom "U-n.-no." is xuotiier corn and wheal man. liven no-.* tie looks much tne I laruier, and has that ??taklug" appearance wmen men oi worth always carry aboot them, lie is the second lighter nian in the rinat. anu the p itri aren ?i tneiu ail, haviuK scored tweuty-aix yeum. ills heiant is -/ooa and his staying qnaiiies or tin? Hisc order. Mr. Johustoa pulled suote in ttie j7j KreMhiaan ruc? at Spuuiraeld, aud at that titue weighed US pounds. L. <i. neuK sits at, starboard waist and is a J jreoutne Western specimen, ills boating career Is Nuuiii:ed up lu a iety words. Ii.ivint: eiuazed In lust tail's '76 lawiriicea only. Mxieetin deluht aud wuh LLUsruiar devt-iopxneut, this oar^niaU is veU iBongiit OI Mid promises ureativ. Ulsllf* was spent ni the country beior?* r?acaini{ AuiUeist. i but it was oaver of ucn a rutftfeu character as t;iat of some ol nis lellows in tne boat: yet there is the tousrhness aud tue endurance oi men of his kind about tiiiu. whicn has been demonstrated on inure tuan one occasion. lueporr wais- our will be handled br Cieorga Henrv Keed, oi Mort.ih Center, >. V.f a Freshman. . Be ore being called upon to [in*pdre lor tne tasH ] now beiort* mm, ilr. Keed uever sat iu a shell, an I ,lils knowledge at rowing was just as limited us some oi the iclinoio/icai collection u, ti.e Appie- j tou cabinet of the college would be to a New York newsboy. Yet this excellent B.Tmtiast I'.as xhown much promise and is am bit 10us ami determined. rie looks poweriui er.oujQ to poll a whole uo<t alone, aud no douot will oo ms uty on tne eventful day. lie is j leer. inches lu height, weighed 1*0 pound-i ou the lo-.n ol May las-, out up to yesterday and reduced tli.t avoiraapois by " pounds, where he will prooablv peimanently halt. Hadlal Austin iltiil, irom Gnswold, Conn., also a Frrsnman will pull staiboard stroke; lie is the heaviest slid tallest of the six, also the youu;c*t. A due athlete, aud accustomed to work, he wiii do his duty without tliuchinx wnen ciJed upon. Beside oelnx a tltier ot tha soil a dl passed much of bis time before entering college in a sawmill, which has given nun a strong back, and arms hard as a biacttsmita's. Wien the weighis of the crew wer^ Dr>t taken, as &?ove noted, this student marked 170 pounds, and of ail his tracing an i pulling since tnat period he has been t-nabled to work otT out one pound, as yesterday lie touched tne 16j notch. 1 thiun Mr. Uuil will prove the rltfht sort of a lel lew woricei' with MUton Augustus Goodnow, who pulls stroke lu the ooat. lhis iteutle man sat starboard waist in the Freshman crew at Sprincfleld. and was the bow oar In the '76 class crew last lalL lie is a feet high, of ; lone reach and weurned .\esterdajr 154 pounds, a reduction or e pounds since in active train ing. Bowing has oeen oi much service to Uood now, as entering college He looked decidedly leebis, and ma long, lank figure and pale face caused his c.assmates to give him the rather unpleasant nickname or "Heath." That's all cuanged, aud nu snn lace and cordeo arms .<nd general pays quo w uid now make ant Lie insurance agent smile at , tae c&aoce oi sinking mm fur a large uoUcy. Be* sides, uoodnow takes kin Uj to the amusement of boa'.ihg. and being <>r great euergr will not relax his exertions untu the race has betn pulled and tne winners known. William Orue Weeden, '7fl, Providence, R. L, has been training as a substitute. Lie is 21 rears ol ape, 5 i?ut 8>; lncnes in height and wemns uo pounds. There la no likelihood or nls services being required. Tne Amaem lads u*ve lengthened ont their sir ibis jejf 1b order to fully ut<iiie tae reacu 01 Uuednow. Ail are good woitera in trie uo&t, tiU' tncy want to ait up ?tr?ngiit?r and fii.sii eraser, or toeir racing strote will bo ahorc. There muat be conaiBerabls carelul OMctnkg of the crew 10 put it in good lorui before reacni. g Saratoga, and n . douut tur will t>? done mid trie m*n r port Here well advanced. Aoout tnirry- wo U theilintt oftae practice t-trolce. Tito notions mBUlied into these Amaersc lads by Kills Ward two jours *80, when uroiesidoual tnunrrs were aiio?ed, have not been forgotten, aad wui be handed down as aacreu traditiuna. im: kaciso ship. John Biekey, or Cambridge, ia engaged In holla ing tne racing sheii lor ttii- crew. ,twUiu? uf i-panisa cedar, 5t :eet lunsr, 20.K to 20jf inciiea wide. u inches bow. S.H incus* amidsnipa auci 5 Inches srern t.n>i witt pro>atdp wei* about 140 pos riu*. ine tatter point Is nut determined upon, however, bur it will not vary flve pounds eitner Wiv. i,nf)Un oars, la feet 4 tnooea loog and uf CA, pounds each, will op used. AT 8AKAT HiA. The crew be late reacning Saratoga, as he Junior exatnnationa win preveur the ;..ur mem bers of that ciasa leaving until the -d oi July. i, Qi'.ve > een selected at J. Bnmadii,'s Louse, near tii? 'n.iah" oi the rac?. where if they eottnl fntcn an? ot the peculiar vim sou swing wutco tho old Ward Brothers turew into tueir oars In ;-Ti wul e r.iuluif at tn? sameand which pulled them ihrough victorious in tnat memorable cvaie*'. then then a:.d their vocation wul no: have oeen in vain. Ainu erst Fiesamon will enter no crew this year at Saratoga. TROTTING AT FLEETWOOD PARK. FttirtwooD Pabe?Trott-iso?Jb*b r.? sweep ?luie* |M0; mite heats, be?t tnreo In live. riTiftT? ltd J. Kelly's b. m. Gtaaey to wagon.... 1 13 2 1 M. :>ij-?*? blc. s. Joan t lie, Jr., to WH?on. 2 3 112 M. Maieaey'a g. m uaUy, in turnee*.. 3 2 2 8 3 F. M. ka.a's it. u. Uan i, ia Barneas. dls. ran. Quarter. Hair. Mile. Firet hw *6 l-.C t :C2 p--Ci.O . heat 44 1U6H 3 5.4 Jtird beat ?4 1:20 8:0;# P'UttUheat ... 46 1:21 8 :?2 fiftli eat 4S l:v? S? j<>< Tr.e trot !or tbS purse announced to come off t?' or i*/ aftarnuoa waa poakpoaed on acouuot of ram. JEROME PAIIK POOLa i 'Jld lb 11 Tne foUowiug tools wer* eo.4 yesterday at Joheaon's on Jerome Par2 raMtl ?*vrcHE*Ttit ccp?two a-nh a QCA?rr?t bil*'. Ba. aiKcci $.ia ioo Ke.orni 140 no Ho ari? Bar 4". OXI KSl) a Li 11. ? MILLS?OK* BVHDMtf> ruVStS. Kpnng. $m las M. 0 55 r.o S.'lJlOCK U'j 14 nr n Uai * ay *AnT(.A.Hu eTAir-osi vilb. o nna li o :oo 2<>o Fincwork 110 13? U/.Zie R <M 40 SO Mat tie A. &j C > : J hprlnglet jo a iJ A'ceaeMo.. i Vina ^r<?tte[ F.eld 36 40 31 Scramble..} UNE KTLI DASH. Ma:sr* 1120 100 Spe :n:t 5 30 P.l*? 20 15 !U "v Kelt-r | 24 Bur 11 Or I NATIONAL'.Ii RIFLE PR ACTIO V'HAT ora Cl.vttt aOLDCEBS ABE TO DO A* usbbWBob. Cndrr da*e of the 4-n luat., orders reirelattng rifle practice this sutamer at < eedmoor have oeen 1-nied from trie ll?ani]aarters of the Iirat divi-iou. X.(? On tne i4rfe, 17th. I3ta, 2let and 24th ini'., two C"tnicities ;r >in e < :h oi the reHlnifors conpoaing tue ti iru urigad ? (?xrepttn< tud comDaaies irom tu# .seventh regimen') are to ; roceefl to crenl moor r rifle practice, loe CO'itspobding com pa.Ues of the .seventh reg tnent stand excused from p' nc'ic on : lie lTih and 18ra Intt. i e ioird regiment of oarauy will send oat imee com, on tee lTtn unl 18th lost., aod tti" r^mali ing c .nipanie* of corps n? wei, as tuc * Muraie troup cafairj, tly nnt tro p tnt on Gra s anu tnose oi ts Bsee .ia raaimcBt ?{ iman r* tn?it -uait not aav? i-rao -?a before IB- mot., wiuproioea o Or-e iiMo r on I ant date. the 4?iea at ww.s tie torece composing tie Flr?t and .^aeoml brigades stall proceed to rifle practice will be ?nnou"C9U it) luuire order*. 1 lie corps above desurnaiad for rift* practice j lire ortiereu t<> make appiiealt?-u to utierai Kil* ; burn KnoX Chlei ui Ordinance uuJ Ac iu-rou&r* t?i mutter <. B?nU, M.G.S.M.Y., iur lanspurtation, 1 MitiLCiiFiirioii ?Mil praci ca ie i*'er<, through t.e res. active wa;>evt?rs o. ritit* pr erica. On tiio inarcU toUret-diuooi- the iroop* will leave Hunter's i'oini by rail on the nit'* ; o'clock A. M. tram on the days named, ami will return us mum ax the practice is nuis eil. at an bom io o?* named 0) their respective command- i lU-r ntllcC'S. The pi actlce snail be conducted in conformity wri ii tiie previsions o' circular m>. i (current series) fr in the ?>iHo ? or in* inspector Ocueral of l.nlc I'ra-'tice, aim wilt be umlcr tnc direction* oi' the divii-l' ii, brigade ana ivj,im.*ntai inspectors oi rifl< i<ru i ice# 'r:ui liiirk.-uiao'* Dartre mart i. provided lor In circular No. i (a svnoi - x of whici nas c realty appeared in the li? :tw.u) by tic odleer- uml mem bers oi the tiuru imusdc. \ni; nite place on the IStli and :&t& lost.. at bali-pa??: three o'clock 5*. ? M., under the direct loan of rlie Brnrade Inspector i of Kirie Practice. Officer* <>r eulleted men vrno i prior to the day at the match tn-ir be reported to ? the Brigade Inspector u. Kltle l'i actlce as compo? tent, will be allowed to compete for u?e badge, without prelimiuai v practice. Colouel Carl Juss.-n. Division In peetor. n rostfii to the position o: Acnttf true." oi s.atf nnnna trie aoaeuc ? oi c'oioriel iieury A. Gililer sleeve. and Major henry rl. r.?rk*r, .w>, lias iec"ivcd uidersto uei us Diw?iou loapector of lUfle i ractice lu ilie ubsjneoo. Lieutenant Ooionel Cornelius b. Mucueil. THE GARDES LAFAYETTE. Tae Batalllon des Uardj.? Lafayette, a French rlile organization, ceieorated lia rnir.l anniversary yesterday by a festival ut ilainiiiou l'ai k, wnicn a tracted a large number oi visitor.;, caietly of French birta or descent. i arly In tne day the bitalliou had n parade, line beiiiif lonaed at headquarters, Jetwaoa Mar ket, ami during the aiteriioon on the lesiival grounds erncayej in rill', at t.;e ?*lose oi winch some lortjr vaiuaoie prize* were aim ded to the successful marksmen, i ho le.stivnies at the parte ware wound up by a ball. THE TUJJN VEliEIN. CELiBBATION OP ITS T WENTX-KITH ANNIVEE F1UY. The ball ot the New York Turn Vereln was filled last evening by alarge concoursa or viMtora, tbo occasion beiujc the tw?nly-(litn anniversary of the' lounuation of tho Sew York Turu \ eretn. The Turn Ilail was tas.ernlly decorated with fiaan ayd banners, prominent amjuji wtiictt wero tUe Stars and Stripes, the <; rxuau colon and tUe time-honored bannaf of tit# i ui n Vereiu. The ceit-br.uiou consisted of a-vocal and musical eutertaluinent, an exhibition oi Turnergymnastics and tableaux. Trie entertainment opened witn a gran.: festival chorus, cuppos d cape lall.v :ui rue occasion, wiuca was chanted by tlie luruerLieder- j t ilia choral .eieowoas 01 iiia Tura Vet ein were accompanied by it mil orcnes.ra. A cor tins tiusiav Ft ey gang, me i'resi ieni o: the l'uru vereiu, delivered au or.ttion, making a revlu iv oi tue ca reer aud tus'ur* of tile New York Turn V ore in during ihe past iweuty-tive yeuis. ihe l'uru Ve i cm >?as oritfliiuiod principally by tin: political exile* and iefa;.e?si .f the revolutionary epri.-ioi: <'f it;*. most of wiioni were metaoers of too Turner orjranizuions in Germany, wnicu at mat period were itmoeuiated with revolution* i.y n'eas nod tonuencies. The Turn Verem was ilrst ? rgani/.cd at, a hall in Duanc 'street in 1850, with thirty-six of the leading tier niun politic. 1 exiles us members, inctu.-iutr Smlsmunu Kaut\aann. wtio wits its first pivsid.nt. aud who recently ou tue eve oi Us departure lor Europe was made au honorary memoer. Tne euteitaimeut las night eudeu wittt u ball, and tue ceieora iou will be concluded tn;a eveninir Dy an entertainment of a ditlerent char acter, the programme or which will include a joiiiiication, known as a "Commers." MAS. ABRAHAM LINCOLN. INTEaE^TIXO BEVEJui.TIONS r.EQAHDIKQ HE It ?WOETH AND PA.TEIOTIS1I. [Washington corrctpondance of the Springfield Repubiicau.J Your notice of the sad calamity which places Mrs. Lincoln in the hospital lor tno insane brings to m; mind incidents w hich occurred in tue ?iinns oi 1S64 that 1 then vainly desirea to give to the pub.ic, but which may now without impropri ety be puoiisned. ' hat they may tend to a kinder JudEuent of one who haa suffered much from unaicd criticism Is my fervent hope. It was in that spring that the effort was made to serve tha Union cause through the ?'Ladies' National ovenaur?to purchase no imported goods for tbrto yoars or for tne war." I: was my lot to call upju Mrs. Lincoln f..r uer signature to iho please. Sue laipuistveiv *e.i l mio woaid ulve ner uan.e most readily to it, out tiiougnt that Mr. Liueoln's con-ent ougut ;o be obtained beiore ualnz it, and some uolav was created by waltim: .or au opponuiiiiy neir from turn. it was wlule waitiug ior this mat l had au interview of nearly an hour with JJi*. Liui o n, aud i came aivai iro.n that interview leeiin . that never nao I lojud a person more u:iiiketnu newspaper reports of her mau sue i.eerae i to be. We Uut?il mictiof too war. utaiatery aud ol tue deatn of children, as mothers who haa both :os; childim could taiu. At mat nine Mrs. Lincoin was cuaraed in the pai ers with sending inioi inatiou to tue eiic . y nj her tester, wpo nad recently ucuu in Wasninaton. iu me she aaid that ha i it.use J to nee tnat ?uter. aituougu reuerais ?i 'ho Lnion ariar h.<d t.eeu >eut to .-oi!<:;i an interview. n u.d hot let her cross mi thr.v-iiold nor anyone who was an enemy of mv country," said sue. <?i alavery, and .ifr own i-xpeiieii ;e or it whllr ?h- .Ivea in :? slave Stute, sue nave iae -ou.e very imeresiinx recitals, and nor expressions,were H'ro,i? eaouah to satuily any aootitioiiiat. I lemember that ar.e sao:?"j?r. sumni-r sat a lie ?isDes my husband us ard^ni an an atioui^t u:i I icu." 1 v^n tared 10 aiistle to toe tray in * a:th ?..? nau beeu misieprcseutei t y me p .pe -. and th. t I thought tiie ttutn ? uwut tub* to.d about ner, particularly that me cn.ri^es .11 relation 10 iirr rentertug "aid ?ua coralo t" ') tU" en niv uy nei s.sier -isoui I bu c iitraiicteu. ??(.?h.'' .-.1 d sue. "it is no use to u.ako any deience; a.! -uc.i enorts would ouiy 041" me a tarset ior n-*w attacks. I do not i><> oug t'< the t.u *iic; my ciiaiu. ter is whohy tic, aud iua puoiic n*\o notmng to do with it. i know it ?e.*in.^ os.u that 1 -iioui 1 U-. msii?ti?>i, and I u^eii to slu-iJ mauy bitier toars about it; 1 have known icai sorrow?sluce little tvuiie died?ail tiicse ?.ia.t aavo no power to wound me. if 1 could lay iiij livai ou my piilow at n 4at, aad f?cl mat 1 hud wi,.> on;, inat i? au 1 have wi?aea >-in.'i his math.'' Ton wss raid with y tn#? aud an empuasis o s ncerity tt..i 1 c?>?? i <2.1 uoi mien to with ury ojt*. ttho ta.tted mucu, as inoctters will tall., of the ciiiid that oa'I died, <>t me p.; mar n :.irness ana deamess oi toe ' mother's hoy," M Wniie used to caii', and I toil her wi n tu ? neirt ruanlox ov.-r sita fjupathy toward a woniau iuat 1 uad hituerto asuma ed, to say tne ie?st, not highly. I went tia,.a o Armors square H"*w'*l (thsn my uoiae;. au^i wioia mr 1 e lime Hospital OaMtte, of whits I ua 1 tna Ciiarxe. such au ac count 01 tue interview a 1 1.. ugnt .uikiit prop er.? ne gi;en to iae cnuc, with ma ;.urpo>ie of a truer picttt'oof Mrs.Lii?0?.a tr.uu the One popnlari> i.e.a. 1 rtinehiner *.tfiug that ??ir >:r*. Liuuoin wa# t,o: a patrmtio woman, and ont oi n.'bie sentimsats a ro, tnoa sno na-, to :n,r isiiii. tno b*ns actre?<i? Ameries." ffoo reading ay article tu a la<iy firiend, not mute p ejadt.e i ..uiuvirs. Lmco.u than was uteryuoav ei'O, ? .(? o?g/ea m- not t?< put. 1* 1 u. "You will o..i> e attgneu at K.r your cr-.- utty;m>on? will belie?o vo ., aiid you w il be UjIiMI . most unwie ? tbihu to put your seutimeuti lu ptint." '?I?hail nc uoLug a just mini," i 1 eplied. - .ndif Lu; cj.n will not o jeel I shall eertnltuy uo it; but 1 i?ei that 1 aavs no runt to p. tat fur private coe ve.sation w.toou: uer .esve " ? ?n," saui in jri-- .it, "i?lia wai oe << i> too yl.?o to tiav* auj tmax s<> c m iiraeut .r> t > njr 111? nned.' : encios?a mv artlcia to Wis. t.iocoln, asking her con*<;at to prtnr.snd received h ie.|ue?t rutu I wonl i co i.e asa.u and :*?-? n?r. u r,c , 1 ^ent s#? placed tiio artici** in mv itao'tM, * utiked u.e ami toi t me thai >: e appreciated ino-.iV ; an.i 1 w :* very kltid : out ?tte st.i I ?it su 0 fhtt I" wa< b?st f?r ner tnat no .rie'id itltwn defend uer cr unytamg aoout uer i'. print! *,ie }1*1 A 1 ut'it 10 privacv. aad she could not anew even hi-r irien.n to Ureas ov*r me rile sle. wita her biis'.ano's approval, isi'iaio doan ? win n Wit* u'ter .-notice tu tu? pre't 1 a uer part, of c arse, 1 11 as olrtlit'-d to seep erent alter thia? nii I im re^seumv 1 s?lv .r;**u*t that sue uad "ar least mistaken Mra Lincoln's <?isne.-i In ie?taru > hav ing t offlBenuatof) articles pu .is ed a.n.ut her ? on 1 when 1 have n i opportunift smto I rmve given mv s o*na testinioi r ? a n-t t ie ( opuiar cu: rent of dieprai't 01 ttiis inaeu sutienn/, uno, as I bi iieve, ti 'Htiy t^'im t woman, hi t now toat tue de'Flupii.flit 'I ? ailllil'v i - Hit ? v to corner a*ia rof <?? msoy ??ff tiio uokind a^psrstona II om wulcu Mrs. LihCoiii has ed, it -iu- to me quite riirm that 1 ?nou cl at ..<>? - ve to hi r the s.?i ii tiibuie 01 Jtiiitif-e tn.ii tea"- mice my hesrt and judttmeut pi <.iupteii. 1 nere lslutis count iu inr own i.lnd that Mr-. l.;ucoiu w uid bav-oten de tanked in oiint ny otueisHh wc.l as mysaii auriotf tne time tut -Tie n-.m so mtica wntr?n >iiia>t 1ml lor fietuie o> sueceo that sh; neisett imposed upon tier iriet.ds. U. t, INtJJSK-rOLL. TRIAL Of CAPTAIN kFlULEA. Thi c tsa of OaptainKMtlea, '?r t'io E svecth pre cinct, was again called np bsiore tne Commis sioners at me cen rji OflUce yesterday af ert-oon# M?s<ri. Maxell, Vo .this iind Bturn lie.D,< presont a 11U Commissioner Ulsuecser -'-r. t. chiei Clerk iiaWley, tor tho pi osecn'ion, stated tltat he had uoth ux fttrtner to ?ay. Ko lar 88 'nt tiraaeciition ws- cOncsiaad, the Ciso stt ftd la <? *,n:.1, the same coauitioa as at tae last adjourn maut. Coiene! Fellow-*, for the defence, nrpel the Ci.m m^siousr, ro nike final action without further oeiay, and, on tno iou oi Mr. itawliy, 'of cast wat riiurceu to toe .oa i*o?ru .or u?oi?.ua. Commissioner Ycorhis Visits Disbecker's Eldorado. THREE FEET OF EARTH WANTED. The Harlem Flats Contracts?A Plot to Rob the Taxpayers. THE ALDERMEN AND THE SCENT PROFESSOR. TJe question of paying the contractors who are now fliiias up the Harlem flats with rotten and pes lferous scaroa,te lust ad of solid earth 01 innocuous ashes- promises to be uu interesting . question in thu near future. These contractors have received seventy per cent of their money lor creatine a nuisance, aud now they seetthe ro maluiutf thirty per cent. It may bo remembered taut wnen tue Herald exposures Mia oara tnis lnnmous Job tae contracts entered Into l>y Jones and McQnade ' called for two or three feet of pure earth to be laid over the aarbaif-, &uJ the inference was that uuless tots latter requirement was carried out tae contract was not complete and ought not to be paid tor. It now appears, however, tnat tue plot Is to have the contract declared completed as the flats stand now, and the money called lor by the contract paid, and men the cost ol tue filling tn assessed on the pioperty and tne same eouttrmed by the Board of Revision aud Correc tion. thusp.acinn the matter beyond question or appeal. All this betore a pound or pure earth is placed on the garbage lllilog TUE BOARD OP REVISION AND CORRECTION is composed o! the Comptroller, the Reorder and the corporation Counsel ana is covened toy sum mons irom tae Comptroller, woo really controls lis action, because ne alona knows wnen to call a meeting and tor what purpose. The maiority not supposed to be laminar with tue manner in which city contracts are carried out, aud act on the evidence submitted that all is correct. Ihe Comptroller, however, wao uudertakts to super vi<i? and control everything iroiu t! e scruo woman tiipreior-responsible for their acceptance. T i s lob of squeezing moie money out of the city of \ew VorK 10 repair ihe ua.aa.-e done uy mo ??& fttvoWble ttcaonrol the lioa.d 01 Rjvision anil Cor r J.? o. ubove i eut Sued. Tue cost 01 all this work n Mun Uie ciiV at lar^e, beca se no property owner need I ay a cent on rh'e ground of tnc non louV tne racts tuat tue Contractors tiavo not ear ned out [nelr co.,tract or any part or it. and tnat rnese men nave cummu tea a crime against the s ^teKinir tae iliuiiest refuse 01 New Voric to , mi In sunge.i lands w.tnin tae city limits and ?itrouv aid ino lounoatlon 01 a iuture pestilence? L , he tto?rJ cf Revision and c rrection is asUed to consider the question of finally accepting th.- wori as completed THE CORPORATION COLN^EL oif thVjoues and^cQiTalie joV^s(?as?ment? Me did kVal'aeWre'r9 & S^naXfcS CcS . "fo lawrequires that all w. r.; coating more than JlOM Shall oe advertised. c ntracts w?re oiien made prior to 1&73. He has now a suit in . ua'iu an*?iu ?roin bucU a cause. vir son to expressed ni?8?n rcafl.T to do nil m uu power io aid tee Herald m Its crusade against the garbage deaiers. RKCOUDElt HACKE.T _ . w is nresent ut the last meutin^ of the Board ot | U viiloii uud boritothiD. He old not Know oi any wroBOSal o acce.t tue McQuade contract by a con Srmatlon m ttie asseanneut. homing whs Ooue aThe meeting but routine busin -?k T.W m-mners of the Hoard are not made aware, in the notice sent them, ul tne nature ot the business to be traua *Ci'iie" Recorder expressed himself as greatly ?ra ffled wltn the ac ion ol tne UaRALD in ex Dublin* tuo lalaaioua outrage at liari?!n. Ho dul Jtuin that the earth covering would r*midT the evil "one, but hopea that it would abate the uulsauW in some decrees, lie was de termined to u-c lil official power to protect in ? very uav the interests o ids icliow citizens, and was always ready to act wluu called on to." tuis l'"vnwit#standing the secrecy with wiiic.i the conspirator^ operate, the loregolug ternaries of a majority ot the Hoard ot Revisiou and Correction give as?urauC9 mat tne uaruajre dealers will utterly deieated in their schemes. COMMISSIONER VOORHIS INSPECTS THE FLATS. To personally ascertain the exact con-ution, from a sanitary point ol view, of the Uar.cui fiats, Police Commissioner Voorbis on Sunday aitei Iioou paid a visit to tnat locality. Ilia experience, el.cited in au inter?iew by a Ukkalo reporter, as given below, adds an important chapter to the Uteratuie ol the pest b<.u? and sets at rest all doobisasto tne whitewashing character of tuo Medical committee's report. ?i went to the Oats," said Commissioner Voorhis "dC' I ous ol ascertaining lor myselt the cond vion ol ta ngs there, and from the investigation 1 made 1 am satisfied tuat the U?*ai.i>,8 claims as to tao unueai hiue-s of tue^ are well founded. I had previously visited the place, hot tn?*n gave it a buperilcial examination oniy, aud cousetiueuny aia not realizo tkte true character of 'filiinit.' The einuvuim tnat arose troin tae masa on Sunday was teslly nubearable." Ri.iOKTEii?From your obajryotlon. Commis sioner, what percentage ot garbage would yon ?av, at a lough tsilmate, was contained la th? * c" missions, I wonll not l.k? to ?av. i ain not au expert iu tnoso matters, and . cassis!'*/o?if! thut st least twenty per cent was present was an voonuis- I aarau mini IU pit P" ?" ?aisiiiio*.; yS?:"-. ??.u ut iiuio ..r, for ne reasou that a more tnorougu lnvesugauon titan taa" watch I gave sliou.o Weeeoeanop.nua to th.' percentage (?i garuag.'. 1 wu say,, Uo? ttvet (sin ing), tnat 1 auw gJtbaga ltEfoiiixtt?uoyoa Oouslier tue msisnai usea de: riiuentai to the uoaitu ot th# residents oi tue ' comiuis-loner Voorhis?I mu*t say t&at: 1 do. I ku >w i ?ou!d uot care to live there myself, iae a mosphcie is exceeuiagiy . Beusivo. li l- RtKK-Dojouagree wuiituo hsrald, th?n, that tue nats, or sueti portion or tl>ein as l?ve Men fi led iu, siiouia oe covered wi li d-rs to vue lietjtii o, two and a hall or tare* ieett comiAl noner s'oos.ns? I ttuult tn*1 cj " ts.nty oe rue i>e-t sumtl n oi the dim ; ?ltj, bat sun .10 a?are tnat toe Police liepai iment c uia taki noste s tn tuat dlrect.on All.that at.ica. li , now is to .il .pt proper meaas ol nareaiter ?? ,? n,i nir carbag-- notu the mati-rla suit to cou WM^s' aMlacn moans were t ,- iay -^ed iu tHe ui??tiD|t ol the sireet Cst?iniu<i cjUIIJU' and tue pr-.per orders wil! t?- l>sue? lorUWitn. Here.imr nndtr ttns sys.etn certain ?r** b- ns.-igueu to tue collection oi gjroat* oul' iu, ; ai i ptooanly bo pamt^d >?iU>n, ?.r in sued i manner as to uini. g as.t lueni :iro.n tii. otuer cine. A'l citiZe ? *vi.l oe notilie l tnti? gti-oigo mixed In w,un wiu ot. - r materiil will not i.e toui hed. it wiU carte., avi ay . my when it is ?el;aifaied lrotu ever.ihit.if *>**? ?' he lne tl,u,T 1 c ;V inen to te ott to the Bnperiu eu .em ?( F , : e tne uauset of all pets?as \lo.aiing t,.is oraer, .md tne same will nn turae^u over to iae li-ant oi Health for uppropnai-s It snail a so oe ^ cause lor msmissai lor t..e in spectorvi say daoipinv grouud *' uny cji tmea bringlmr to the |JU?^ i'. ''k aOove dtsisiDaied carts, a if garjafe. ' ,.? contitiied 'ne Co3im.??iOucr, that this wi,l wb via'.* ail uitllcdity in tae luttue. AN AXIiEJIMA'-nIC COMMITTKB INTX3TIQATTNO jmnont The Committee on ?ti eet > ot the Hoard of aider men, appointed to investigate thj coodoat-of Po.lce Coinmusioner Duoecker, mat at tue city Hall yesterday aitemoon. 'lbs omminei con sist.i of Aldermen Oanttef, LjfsagiH and Simon sou. Tbo rosolu ions nnd-r woloa tuese genua nu n propose to act were passid at a me.-ting ol ( the Hoard some ;ew da>s since, and were puu liar.ed tn the URastn at the time. Hieyca l ior inquiry inio Mr. Disoecasr's action as lo li e Uuf runs nulsan e created la filling In Uarieiu flati, and also In roiaaon to hie otMcial absence m Abaoy www loehjln*. as aiieg.d, to de eat the Common CoehCil Btroet cleaning l?i.i. lbe proceedings ol iesterd*f dcvel oped the fact mat tne committee seein at sea as to tiielr po-?er an l duttei n the prcm- ' lsts. /Merman Quutsr pr> si leu, and the reao- | lutioia empowering tue coinuiltiee to act were read Ujr the clerk. Mr. Disbee'-ter was present, accompanied by his couusel. Mr. II. Bt; ahao. Mr. Thomas R. Asuew was culled as a witness, and on beiii* sworn, proceeded to testify that he resided ut No. at) Ueekmau place, aim was a large prop erty owner tn llanem. lie swore that t :e smell irom the lots jusr fl'.le i lu was the most oiTensive | he had ever experienced. Tne witness consid ered it very lieiriiuoutai to Uoaiili. and il tue lota were situated lower down sin the cuv we would undoubtedly have au dpidemic. From . Mis outrage Ihh Haiietn prjperty hud depreciated to ino amount of #230.000. j Ho i.Vir. Asruew) owned property all ever Harlem. H" had bultt some twenty-live liUilaiojrd, wnlcli cost him tome {7.>0.000. Ii ih? Polieo Coitimis- t aiouern aud Homl 01 HealtU IIM cojntena ic?d this matter tbey ought ail to ho removed. Oojeo tiouatile dirt uad oeeti deposited tlieie and some body was responsible therefor. Mr. Agnew was very emphatic in ilieae statements. Mr. stkaii an hero objected 10 the committee's proceeding auy lurther without tne presence of counsel of tne rolice Hoard, tie a la 1 coniended tiiey nad no l'lyht whatever to luvosturate any of th? departments. * Alueruau Su andi.k y contradicted Mr. Siratian, ! and uBked the rcutieutau what interest he repie teniou lie ore the e an mil tee. Mr. Sibahan replied lie appeared there lor Mr. Dlsbecker. and did not kri >w wuat ritfht Alderman 1 Snandlev possessed ro as!: s .ca a question. Alderman ?ua.nijley?1 uid not ass you, sir. 1 Inquired 01 the Cliiiii'inin. iir.'SviiAUAN?We protest against ihlsontire ex amination. Mr. Mbsndiey seems to oe uirectlnir ihe committee, anu tuey are evidently nere actiutf uniiiT his supervision. I propose to exaimae Mr. 1 Httan-lley beiore tnts thin? is througn. Aidermau Shandi.kv?All riant, sir; I wnl be on . hand wneu wanted. Mr. nTaAiUN then requested the committee to , point out the law tinder wtuc.i they proposed to act. Mr. Ti omey, Cieric ol the Ujard, read Horn a j pns^ige lu ino Revised Statutes. Mr. .siraiian expressed me opitilen that such la * ui<4iiot auect the ca?e tu umnt at. all. Mr. insnKCKhiK Here rose uud wanted to know I the reason ne >*as ori>u:riH beiore t ie Hoard. Alderman SutoNsoN? fo answer charges. Mr. Wuat charges? T110 Du.nioes - of tae has become con slderaoly mixed. M . Strahan asked Mr. Atruew a tew questions as to I113 actual Knowledge oi Ho- i nee Commissioner Disbe liter'sconnection wi-h the charges set lo.tu in the resolutions The wuuc>s j ex ressed entire i^rnorjiici on tlip.-e points. ihe turee Aldermen composing the committee hpio nefi a priv 1 te consultation, alter wtiicn tue Chslrman announced an adjournment, lu oidet to inve the I'olice H ara au oppoitunity of ueiujj; heard by coinsel. It would oe wise for tlrs committee to urine to tneir assistance tne services 01 tue Counsel to the Corporation, l'tie citizens will watch tne investi gation vloselv. and the Hoard or Aldermen cannot atJord 10 trifle w 11.11 a sutijoct which involves the i healtn and uvea 01 citizens. HOW DIBBECICEB DID IX. To THE EDlTOn OP THE liERALDt ? While your zeal fur the pub.ic health Is com mendable, allow me to submit that perhaps you have not been altogether lair to the police sur geous lu your criticism of tue late report ua that bow latuoua institution Uuown as the Harlem flats. The truth Is neltuer you uor the puol c generally seem to know the bottom lacts. Tne idea of a medical inspection originated in the tirain 01 Professor Dlsbecker, as you have well styled him. lie chose hair u dozen of the most "reliable" surgeous to make the inspection. Co- j der the direction of Dr. lienry tber proceeded to the flats, and in hair an hour pzriormed the extraordinary feat of thoroughly ex auilriing the entire area as covored, uncovered and to be covered. T.iey had microscopes and telescopes and oo.ognc bottles. They j saw all the neighbors, talked with all ! t e workmen, ascertained the sanitary condition ot all the simmles aud piggeries, louttu that nobody tvas aick, ever had oeeu sljk or ever could Uj sick; louna the periume as aou.ilit.ui as oerea m it'or jockey club, saw mat Jones and McQuaae hid done everyenmg up loveiy, St. Atnorose was a martyr so tUe venal press of America and tna Tom creamei and tne rest 01 them wero not only entitled to 'heir pay but alr.o to the otaroai grail ude of tue Amy i lean people. Uaviuu' > one ail this their brother surgeons, who It a i not been consulted, were summoned to put tueir n.itue* to tue verr Icurued ana brilliant re port. Tne brotner surgeons were aruazed at tne i>roceedl. gad hesi ated to ouey <tie mandate of 1'rofvssor Garbage Disoecker promulgated through Dr. tleur.. The latiei inat tiieBoaiaof Coinniias.oners ware in aession ana owaniug tne report, that no time tvas to bs, in fact that tnero wj3 the greatest urgency lor * a unanimous aud immediate report. Most of the spnreous supposed that the report was to be maae the basis or uomc new contract or otllcial action looking to the abatement of the uuis ince, and, i hough renardtnp ir's 01 the report us puro MUIIM, itbtCTINd tneir n.tmta without ev<-u a chance tor dccent deliberation. TUe?e are the bottom lacta. wuich show how the report was cooked ud. as to Dr. lienry and . Is sell-appointed C' mtnuiee. tn -y were not authortaeo by tao lioaru of surgeons 10 make the inspection. II a a the en tire C jard bien consaite t a very rotn mntee would have beeu s^erit to tile flats, and a report wouH nave been made at which rhe publlo in peneral us well as all sensible physician' would not now oe sneering. Wnat kind oi doctors or surgeous mu*t moy be woo lguorantiy or otner wi5e report gar airu hh siveet Uud nealtny, horri ble stench as Derninies ?t Arab*, and tnei ccapi t:ou oi UltD-aumplnas strengthening and bracing? A FRIEND OF lilt; si UGiiONS. STENCHES IN THE ITliST WARD. Rector street la a snort street running irom llroadwar, past "old Trinity" araverard, to the North Uiver, and yet, siiort as it is, it Is a street ol va i From Broad way to Greenwich street It is tolerably respectable, but at Greenwich street It begins to be lined with tenement bouses, and irom Washington street to the river Dotntng else can bo seeu. A herald reporter recently visited Recior street and vicinity, and ducovqreo several things oi la'.ereu to ihose wlio can about the sanitary condition of the cur. Goiug dewn Re tor street Irom Broadway, neither tue Trinity churchyard, on the leu nor tae business blocus on tno right gave forth any especial smell unit! Washington street was reached, wnen a loul smell was met, whereupon the reporter A ninnies' trsz <1 nJ#wn the dale, A mo i.sut sna3 'J the tainted gale, and t&ensuugut tor tue sonice of the taint. Rector street was found very clean as far a* Its pavements?a succession of wood, block ana cobole stone, and ail terribly defective, would aiiow?bat the side streets, and especially Wash ington street, had been by uo meaos si well c*r? t for. At the time of the visit of the reporter a strong br?e>e was blowing from tae rive , and West street, generally not too savory, was com paratively lies irom noxious odors, but not all the winds of heaven ccuid entirely parity Washington street, and about the corner of that and Keo.or streets was loand a steucn which w->md co no discredit to eveu th : Ha. lem Bat-. Ail this por tion of tne First war l is lintd ?o;efl.- ?tin ttfie ment nouses, eacii overcrj-.vded with occupants, some of weom wou.d not be iik.-ly to be 'tiuisie.i under ar Uw p o lloiung ultra cleanli ness. Iho i 11 .or* oi' tno outiaing* on ooiB Hector and >\ aenmgton streets aro cccopie i us ar'.cery stor-s lager o er saloons and ?iuui u places lor the suppir at a low rate of tue wauts o tne poor, white the up,i-;r stones ate inr aoiicd b? 'hr-? tamilies of isoorers aioug the doeus. sea faring men aB'l similar UcusetioMs ot the poorer tin i, ia luo Dtutir i st.niv " '. tne moie wortjioa* etas.-', in- re-u.t, as mignt oe imagined ti a ingbtinl < lareau <l >t -v tne nr*' principles of hvgiece. and, ?o isi a- tue puollc is conoerneu, tae couioiaation of steadies rci Ti e l iu. Inqmrir-s itinong me lah.iofiinr.s of the dLstrMI'itei toe Hint at Liatut and moruing-es pecia ty vrucn no breeze was stirring?t,u .- euc i waa iiitolci ibie even to tl.ose most. cctn ojied to li. in a Se rcaf>rtne cause tne repo.- erineia m in wtio raid tie was ? < ru and imo at ways lived in iBe ward, who remarked:-?"Ibis region is bid enough, ou .t !? n k og to r.'iiat t1 ?: -e-1 ton.1, l'e/ k>?ep Rect'H* street intt. cl-an no* on account tne Umg Braucti passengeia going ii|i and-oown It, :>ui you ougn> to luve *e a it last sv.liter wiu-ti ti.ei wasn't auy boats ru;.inn/. All tney oo i j\r bougu is to < enu that one -treei t die., dou'i bother i about tue side nree a. If yoi watir to get a a Mod ?tneii co down iieiu seine nlgnt up ut ? c ven or t w -,ve o'clock.'' tne report.r disavowed an* desire to nu-et w r? ? smells than ?e nad already found, bur nsked wuy t .i prevl?e dour sh u,d be ? uositi tor turluer exp -r-meor. ?1W ny, vaen to ay empty tae eleven o'elo ? packets inquiry elicited the (act tnat it ia tt.e C'.t-toin ot the tnuK'j.t.iutsor tue tenement tious.'s to <-mpty in tue ga.tug* o see tna couient* ot buckets wiur.1 UrtVu >een used onring tne tiuy ior tno ltceptton oi exovfa, and >ne stenen arlsiug irom tnis source may be. peruaps. luiagiDKd, but ?annot oe d.?cribetl. It was statso tiut there ?ie water ci sets n most it uot all iba butldiuus. ?>ut they art not a.wavs nse i nor by un.* : eans aiwft s kept clean, 'i on k n't," aaio tne frlenaty cicerone "go anywhere tut waa. y?n "111 Hod lazy w?noii. and are t * ? one- tbsi tlo .t. all." i-'iir t.ei inspection s.iwod that ll??r<i fa ia fr nt oi e. c i tonement an cu ??tuou i garoafo oox, lu e*c.i luatuiiv O lull t r nearly so, aud uii einlite i . ani.uO: ou v cooiimribie t > tnat too ? sinei'ou a tout li ri m. .u lac-t, one oi the soarcas oi tne co. braied ?'.ilunB'' had evideutlv ht;u'oon;i. lue cm.t-tits ?I Inesa 00> e* were, taobagsH, potulo.-s uod oib?r kitcoea .? use, the content? of the "eleven o'clock bucketi" aal othe.-xiuillar matters. From me bottom of eacl of these oozed a ioui Uuid wnloh made nolsoim puddles on tne Hide walk, Tue most ol tnese wer? In iront or No-i. 98'ttud 102 Wum iinict^u Mtrcet, tfiouifii others '.Tore ba . euouirn. "Witen are these boxes empiied ?" queried the reporter. ?on, tliev couie around two or three times > week, but mey never empty tnetn. Tuey tuite out a lew snoveW full from each box aucl theu move ou. I tie met is." .saul Ciceioue. "tneso bin boxes oujrht to ue uiiolisiied. They don't. Have them up town, aua they ought uot to bavts taeui be re." Questioned ah to tne health of the inhabitant! of the ward the same authority ?aid:?"The chil dren are better tnau they would be if they were uot let run Wild us yon sco (the reporter did seel: but. there are loiu or doctors aroutid u?re and tiier uli seem to do well.1' For toe most part tli ? children wero pale and many ol i.lieui emaciated, especially tne younger ones. while the oluer could seldom be nulled ro bust, tnouiiii a lite ol almost savage ireedotu evi (lently kept thorn lrom same of the worst conse. quences oi malarial poisoning. besides tne causes of disease mentioned, 11 was lou ml toat as far up as Washing ton street, the tide Hows very regular!> and tue #wewers are dammed up, tlieir cob tents overflowing tne streets and adding, uudei tiitf inilttcuce of the hot sun, 10 the uiultitud? of o nnd itasest characterize^ the locality. Wlieu to atl the tlunis nieutloueu are adde.i the iiictn that cellars thereabouts are used as dwell* lugs, and that the are s between tne bulldiugs and tne sl'Jewalk-t, urUiualiy intended tor coal cellar-, are habitually usea as cloacw, It call easily be seen that the Firs." ward needs both m iral and physical cleansing, anil mat lr a pestilence does uot arise there it will not be the fault 01 the con stltuted authorities. THE MINNECONJOU SIOUX. NINE NOBLE CHIEFS BOARDING AT TUB ORAN0 CENTRAL HOTEL?SOME OF THEIR MERCIFUL AND SENTIMENTAL ANTECEDENTS AND QUIET A\CES?TUKy VISIT THE THEATRES. The boarder* at tLie Grand Central Motel have p?en surprised by a visit of nine ctiieis or tha Aiiniieconjou and Satis Arc Sioux Indians, who coma iroui tne Cheyenne Agency, at tii'j Forks ol tlio Cheyenne lUver and m tlie neighborhood ol the Brack Hills. The peaceful moiiotouv <>f tne hotel la pleasantly diveruiflcd by tms band of sav ages who have been id sea me Great Fattier to "rmsa a state,'' us one of their friends at tha hotel cne.'cfaily ooservad la a conversation wuh A'jeade, reported yesterday.?Toe cliiaf is Loue liorn, wiios? latner and graudiatber and great grandfather was e ica ia Ills turn Hereditary great chief of the tun tribes of tue Sioux Nation, woose language '8 th? Dakota. Lone lloru, wuose name would ."Unices, that he drinks sulus, is a man ol probably sixty-five years oi aue, about live leet eigut incne.-i m neigiii, auJ witl ratner a peace tally disposed looking isca lor Hie head of such a warlike and bloodthirsty nation. Witu the ex ception of Lone Horn, all the ot.Vr chiefs are oi tremendous stature, oi musoaiar build and, wear* ins magnificently ornamented blankets thrown over tneir suouiders, the/ make a very plctur? e.squa series of pictures as they stalk la pniegmatlc composure through the corri dors of the hotel. They have been wiaced in rooms on the eighth floor of the building, and they take great deiignt lu making Jerry trlpa up and down the elevator. The Messrs. Powers, pro prietors of the hotel, and Mr.-Crockett A?ve tneir hands full in denylug applications o curious visitors who a;?e desirous of staring at tha sav u^cs. Lone llorn is said to be a decent km a of a man, and beiog peacefully disposed he took am brago at tha btiilcosa dispositions of Had Cloud aud Spotted Tall, who were "klckiug" verr vigor ously at Washington, and seat them noma to mo happy Uuutlug Krounds. Among the chiefs art spoiled Ei<c, a oig fellow, who baa some Engliaft mustard plastered over hU light eyaorow, of wnicl be is so proud that ho is continually looking at himself m tne glass In Uts room. Ht also wears as an ornament p:ndant from his seek a tin horse, cut out of a ptes.t of block tla. lie needs nothing mora to make him happy, it it said, but o have a iew empty soda water bottles on a string aud a state buck w neat cake, witn a holt botej in it, aud some red tape. Bail liagie. a taiL stalwart and strapping Indian Ci:l-f, is quite good looking, out lias a iiaug-dog, sensual lojk. ihU ioiIow, or rather aevil, is the leader of a party ol Moux who captured Mrs. Fanny Kelly, now la \Sasuingtou, and trno waa at tnu time of uer cap ture Ou. newly married. tier husoand was brutally murdered by these assassins, ana Mrs. lioliy, a young and hand* some woman, oi reUnetl lecliugs, baa to autimit io a thousmi Indignities during Iter eigntetn mootna' captivity at tne hauls of Bull Eagle aud Ills associate devil*. Pro erty of tne lamiiy to tao amount of SlT.OoO ft as taken irom tier after ttie murder ot tier nusoand, ana uer three uioiiins'luiaiit was impaled ou a taut polo by lluli Eux.c and ins iel.o?a. Airs. Keiiy was confronted by the scoundrels iu Washington a few days since, sud Lone Ho.u expressed bis -oitow a-in mIi line to tue writer lot what nad I,oca uoue by ms pejpie. It is strut ge, ana yet it is verr true, nev%i taeiess, tha: tu?ie luuitua wno i.a i been guilty o. t nl-i m is,, norribio crime wrro yesterday allowed to lonuie and caress and plajr who iiiue inuoc-'ut clutureu v .o were orougnt into tneir rooms uy looash aud uatninking nurses. Lone U?rn HELD A COCXCIL yesterday for tue oeuefit oi tne H&kald rt porter, and tne cmeis uil sat ri>uud in a room and had tue smoxiag calumet passed fr m mouth to mout.ii. Inter ore tert Wi.iijiu Fielder and captain .McNauetiton, counseled wim tue Caeyeuue A^euc.r, were nresen , tue fjt.ner trans lating ail tuat #? said oy Lun. lloru, tue chle;t luterjectinir a &ort of nowl every iew minutes? ? Hurt ; llo<?''?to sigany that tuey were aatufled with their orator's lug talk, ilea Skirt, oae oi tut ciueit, n id ni ; nose and che.:ka painted all over with a hideous vernitdon cosnpovtion, and ha thinks, iu Ins aborutinai coucett, tuat us is D?r ftctiy btaatilEl. Bat toe e is one a uonr tut chicisv. no is sometliiu^ of a cnui aian. and tiiHt Is Katriiog Km, who Is nltrhiy or.iamented and wno has ? lun j oi dry nu.>,or tuat is pleaddi to contemplate. He oas some exctliem and ver> dry Miuaec >ujou jokes, union he emits at stated inter vals and witn tue most pro ounn gravity, and he ut tei s ttieni all the other chieh ^r.a in a goastly aud hideoua mautier. ihu real orator of ihe party is Wnite s??u, who himself to oe.oug tt a cebatiBg ?oeicty, tin J is mver nappy un.esa ua tau be permitted inastic-to tue uacotah lau gusice. Ltiuj Man Uau is a detent lookic/ old man, witn gra>ish nair and a peaceful look. He it *ixiy-uine yea a of age and wears a Kossatu felt hat over a pair ot dark blue goggits. Another cuitt, named Charger, must ot a nice man lor a pleasant evening party, as he naa ft scalp beit with tares or lour sotrt of scalpf, aoiao of whtcu bear sriil tht wavy, lotg Lair or white womou, torn iroiu siirteting and despairtug teinales lu the agony of death and mu tilation. Ducu is her nrive wh j has nad hit exploits unci his "successes'' as tue Franco WoQli sav. They til eat who their katrei tud unak large draughts ol les water, strong, not, black tea wi horn niiik, and eXuioit a toua ?po? ttte for liuu?4 or bert and law >, tried liver and immense slices a. wnite bread. Loae H ;rn told to* HeuAt b reporter in Ois ?'talt'* mat be wanted tut creat Fattier to pay tnora a fair price for tntir lands, and then he mightdeduct a certs.n annuity irom it lor the benefit of poor Mrs. Fasny Ktily, Ann lie also wantel Hev. Mr. .Nesmia, oi vvasu luutoa, aud Ker. Mr. Hinman, an Episcopal eiergy nmn. to be i>n che comm ss ou to ot ap pointed to adjudicate on taeir claims by Presi dent Grant, ihe savages would not touch any g>een peas au i torn it >ea at dioner. mey evi dently mi-pected tuat the peas were loaded and might ox lole. Last eveuing. by invitation ol Mr. John DuiT, ttiey all visited the Olympic Thea tre, and wero .vastly uniiKcd by me periorm.tnce, and returned so>*r to the hotel and to ned. They did not bo ai y wtiere tise during the day. bat will visit toe meuavcrie and inspect tho beauties o( < erural Parn to-dar. Among the visitors yes er d iy were Mr. Alexander Hamilton, at old and iceole geutieman. aooat elghtv-Bfe y.-ars oi ago. ana sot* to tuo famous Alexander Hamilton wrtw waskiUoi in a duel by Aaron ilun-la tne early p irt oi tue century. .Mr, Kieldtr, tn; interpreter, states that tnt indlaus may possibly itavt town in t lew days. CORONERS' CASES. Tht boay of Jcrtmiuh McC >rty, of So. ?S New Chambers street, wno has bern musing about ttn davs, was found nt pier 23 l ast rtiver yesteruay. I noma* Dixon, a seaman on board the steam ship Italy, fell Irom the mas'bead some days ago while the snip was lying at pier So. 41 Norm itiver and received a iractute of tne ssml. II ? was it moved to Beiievue Hospital, wlieit he died yester day morning. F.mst waifraa, a Germau seaman, last Friday took a cone of Paris Orean with sulclaal intent. Ho was removed to Iteiievut llospua. ana died yesterd*. ina body of^ an unknown man was lotind float Ini lu tha Norm Kiver, near ai.xte?niu street, yesterday moruiug. Coroner Eickuoff will hold uu Inquest, Coroner croker conc'.adi>d the lnt]utst yester day iu t<e cu-o oi Klcaard iirnivu. who was drosrutd oST tno Usttar/ ou tne Otn oi May, from n..vlng Ills boat u' set by tne steamer s?raia-t. ihe |ury exoaora^ed tha pilot oi taa syracuae irom all ulauie. Tno Jtt ? hi tho casts of the cnlld Mary E. Mo Curtny, a no was run over nyao iror thtaouib Ferry aud Vasey street nr.e on tltt gd Intu, ren uered a veroict yes vid iy ol accidental death. It was ?ho>* n t ni ins <n Iv r diu all ia his po^tr it stop the car, but ?at unable to do to, Tnt mautti was haul by coroutv WoUiAto,