Newspaper Page Text
CITY KR&JU PHB RJILB. CmtraU All BLBOANTLT LOCATE D.. BUIT-T AN 0 A I* rautred large cornet Dwelling on Madlaou avenue for sale or to let low. OIAcas It I'm# i-ri'et >ml '3 K??t ttaveuieutub street. V. K. ?TBVK.NBOW. Jr. MAPS, DBsOBIPTITR PAMPHLETS OF PROPERTY, t'troulsrs. Cataloaroes and every kind of Prtottn* aoapte.t i4i real .mia e denl?-ri priHn ixl* csrofullv mid ?Jjeauiy don- at the MKTROPOLITAB PRINTING IhTABUkHMENT. in the Herald Mildlii*. TO LBA-B, KF.I.L (IK F.XCHANOB-I.AROR BROWN atoue Rui iIIuk. canal ?fiaet. runnimf through io an ether street UK) n et by 25, rtve stones anv alteration or Improvement will be made to mit teuaat See owuer, 1?7 Broadway, rojru It. t a<t J?ia?. FOB SALE?E*STiiR!< BoULKVARD and rioiitt uttk tiriei *,utli went corner, four mil Uita. Apply to KM 1L Klst llNr.ii, oan?r. Juo K??i Siu?i?'uihutrseL T710R SALB OHKAP-IWO FOUR STORY DOUBLE X tenement Boumjs, one JiiUn UW, onu -MutUx.M ; well rented . diwI be ?oM, as the owner in leaving tbe cuv. For farther particulars aee J O'CONNOR, &lj Euil ilTtU street, from S to 10 o'clock A. M. _ _ T 1 aRLE.M.?INUEBIOl? -LY PLANNED FIRST CLASS Jl Coiinxc Mrnlnon avenue and 12?tu atreet; every tuiDroveiiieut; reutuoly ?.A p<tr utomh. J. S. WnJUl'MAN, 13 Murray street W cut Nide. tr*IV !? NKW D' "Br.F. TBBEMENTR AND STOBRS OB lentb avenue, between Fortv-weoBI and Fifty-ninth streets, now reuting tor A8,'m>i each, at lea* than % 0,008. J. NR'M'EH, 183 Tenth aveuuo. *LX>R KALE.-S1WW OA?H WANTED, WILL BUT r handsome little lirown .tone Mouse in Twenty-ei-tth street, near ^ntli svmue, No. iS'J: posw-slon it once. Call ud owner. :'JJ .Nortli Sixth street, Williamsburg. Sort It Hide. I I)E II'ABLE PIECE OF PROPERTY. CONSIST J\ tag of seven cltv lot*, three story house, s ore and flstures. t>arn and severai ontnouses. In the newlv ?n usxed rw.-uty-iourth ward, 2i> teet from -touiuern boule vard; 19 minutes' walk to horse can or mcaiu cart: ml* property hi a sacrtttre: it nni-t be iio.d within tue next IS<lav?. Aitrlres* .iohn ttci'ABTUY, West '.'arms Post (ifltee, Twenty fourth ward, N. Y. 1>LAKS AMD DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY 811 L8, Circulars and every Lit d of Printing luriiL-he.l at tile MKTROi OLITAM PRINTING kSl ABLIalJ MEN I', 218 Broadway. BUOOK LVM PHOPKMTt iroil StALB _ ASD TO IjKI _ HERALD B K \ N t' 11 OI-KR'i--, HRhiIKITV. A DV ERTI - Mi NT-! FO THE NFW V> :K MURAL RECEIVED \T (H'K BKA.\''H oKKK'R IB TME I ONO 1 I AND SAVING- U.^NIi BUILDING, CORNXR OF FCLION AV AND BOKBUM Sf. OFflt K OP IN FBoM ?< A. M TILL 9 P. M. ON MNI'Al FRO V S TILL ? P. V. CARKIKR.-' N v 1? n>KNTS' 1>I-PAR 1 BSNT, Bo, 7 FBUNT SiRf'LT BROOKLYN. ALAROR and ? LEO AN TLT FtTBMIHHED OB* tieinan'a Ke-iJen'-e, i .ft tn>nt, wltti extpn^lcn, Oyer 30 room*, eontnins every modern Improvement, In cluding inlitanl room, extensive grounds, fi e lawn ?nd garden, eouiDininit ail tbe ailvjn.ngeu ot civ and i onn rv n-r;. icwsftM, WllslB B nlnMttB wsVlMst,to ;ea?e on taTorabla term* laa desirable tenant Apply to 1. V. D. WVi R.OFF No, Pine street. New York, or to J. D VAlL.driift ^t^re, corner ot Fifta aveuuo and cautiou street, Brooklyn. WESH IIE-T^H CO IATY PHOPERTY FOR BALK AMI TO REST. AT TONKBRS.-TO ^T, A COBPLBTBL'*'~FUR. nlth.d H' use. In one ot the fl<ie?t locations, 111 lull riew of tne river hm modern improve minis with nnd?, ?Had- ???! trnit trees; Dowers: al-.j stable: rent H?? ier month for three mouihs. Address JAMES foHMAN- ngeat. Ttnkers. pOAD HOUSE FOR .*AL ?IN CENTRAL ATI-.BUS, JY -hort distance from Macomb's !J:mi Bridge For particulars inquire of D. A. aTbPUhNS, 11!) W. ?t Tenth Street. TO LfeT?AT RYE, A DRSIRAHLE HOURS rOR summer; In good or!.-r; ?hadv lawn, earriage Bouae. Ac ; near depot; will be furiu.ibel to suit- rent !p* D . 1 RA>G. a-depot; or 0. V. ABDKRiMJB, .O'J 3v *?rt ja??rsr Brooklyn. r> BCNT? FCLI.? FURNC-iHED OR TO FXCUaNOR, a :-:ujin's Country -est on 1 he Sound. 43 mm Otes hv N w 1.aveB road; beautiful tociit;on: eletfjut ssrr ounotngs. V. K. SifcTKNSON, Jr., U Pine street and it i-a*i -eventeentli street. -A ACRES ON THE HCD.iON?AT CROTnN, URl-W I " cumbered; borne barn*, Ac.; view* uiuurpa**ed{ Will exchange lor improved I'roperty or Lot*. h, OOCKCRuFr, 47 Cmtar street. tLU;.d.lDc? el nun iru.i. ut*ic, ; * wcii-uu jJw?'.?;irf. c-jnislnlo* II roanas. .?rg? and exceil. iatl gj: ??ee?eiry outbuilding- pleasantly ?uu bea-'thy ?ci tn n>- anttied iMlfuboraoixi. tn a PROPEKTY OCT OK THE HT1 *'OH SAIjK or to rent. A GREAT I H\XOt.-A VHB V CHOICE PA KM Of ? ttftil* but*!' couaty (tlie icurjca nl I'euntyl v?r. ? ; , Lui.?f (ruin '.hriniu town. one hi ur FkiMr ?, U traiui daily, 3S hours from New Tcrk; Itnuan unaarp ink) tor beauty ana heaUlifjtm-Oi; Und rk?. a? a garden. u? i:uiki. >? atrea ill solenoid ifrasa ?uj g raui. A acre* woodland, uri a; udiiim in<? choice frail ? ater, uood, aubeuuual baitdings; larce b?L? * pteiuv shade aud tiowers around; if ri al, i c if >vkn id baru. stone; stabling. wagon house ptggerv. benaery, Ac.; price, including all lb* ' iop?. only $5AiU; laima. 0 cash; balance very eaaf , .mtnedia;e potaaaslon. Ibis u a chance seldom otter- !. To >?e ow ,?r and Urin take 9 A. M. Irani tioin lo.-.oj i.ibtjt> ?Ui et. Hiw York; Saw Jfrwy Ceatrai kailr< ad to H<-th ebem. Fa ; there take North PanaavW Tanla Railroad to (<naicerb>wr. Buck* county. Fa ; yon arrive before 1 o'clock; caa re.ara at H or 4 P. M. In Sair> a: Ru-n House, opp^ttbt UuaArrtoMn station, tor . I- WAUtlt. 1 BARGAIN.?FOB BALK, A BBACTIFIX COC.V f\ try -cat an J line Firm. of 51 acres of tbe beat yual rtv <~T land, st^ut three acret m timber; flua water, au abundance af tine tru.t. aka-l#. Ac.; a Well-built stone ^MpMkMkMI aitualrd in a | Montgoin fry c oaty, fleaia/lvama. o? itie line of 'he t eam* ?aflroad K m>>* from I'hilsdrluj.a aud toornuiea In futfcv*'! a heatgtlftal town of 7 Uho inhabitant; Bnoe i?nly ftk'w. with crops and immediate po?ewl>>n: l3*SUU c%*u buaaca <>u uor ta<'. Apply to RAMuOlt BOtftR:! ?>' South Filth street, Plillaioipfila, I'a. A TALC ABLE Bl'IU'IVJ FITR AT BEKGr!f P iiu wil *e disp-a-J Ot at a ?acrill"e to a < a?h ft!t/ii:,^r: '.,ra :do flrsi ctaia. Addrea* llAMlLTuji, box Herat i ofljee. AT ?*Af>'C'l?a FfBSISHED COlTAfit, c nvatr,!tji !ir<o;i?. to let, wltb immediate p.<? P'fif n Ad'lre** Vrt J. L. IIORRI.->, Ea?t L.imr Brjn h oat v r J. R. HIRjJ. *o. 7 .??y ? treat, or box 1 .AW few Tor* r mt warm. Ran; into tor the k?aeon. \| ro??- rtahur bomk?rasily Paiu roa. Ctr-ular- (iren it mailed tree. K R KElXotif), !?o. S Brr Aflwnr. r, CWtRT ?"AT, EI.ROANT RITFR fROBT. AT PaaMte tn fntt.ute? rrom '?ew Vork ; 6 acrrta; hiuli, aealrhv an?l i>raatituii iarj" aianvi n; 'nut and ma lo alxinflfint ?f t.W A t:T. 51 ' iar atrcet. ?n EOV.T nt-LA hltEft OX } HE HCDSOM. AT Fj Rr. Viand !-a*e: aece???>y rail or ?teambo?t; ?ha vtn?rt wtrtiin thirty rtuie? of Vw Tork. Aa sMy to ??. M ABTlSU iEK, ,i Br'jadway, room M, four b *eor. ir^nt. t?On f-ALK-AT RPRi .RV POINT. A 1,'OR <K? PLOT r ?i ?iround, it te?t trent on avenue ii, teet on Nineteenth <tr> et ariuth *i.l? . ab-ive ?tii iw aold eerv low. Kor further partACu.ari Mdreaa <J. a, bo* S.t?A t"?at office. Sew Tork. 1 FOR ALE-OkRAT BARO?IM?A CHOtCR PARK, Mil acr * at Baiff Hoi n*. tills Inland ounl; *r?t ?laae t aiMinll: well fencad and un iar i?i??i a-aie of oolrlvat.oo LtVI P iWLKit. 7.' fuium *?., Brooklyn. ORABUB. *. J -OKVKKAI, BBAI TIPPL 0OTTAOK8 lor aaie, at t.acto tenck. Orang- ; the hijb*<t plateau o the OrMge Mountain*, the eooleat and Baal hie t "rot In Jersey, with grand yiew*.> jrapn- C -, ?i !????? t.,arth floor. ORANGE. N. J.?fil'E IAI.TV.-RRST KOR SRASfiff, ?averal laity ta-n.tbed KeaUenm: nMcra com* ?*nteneen aha ' ; Hi llent .orjiiona; ui?uiitaiu ani? or ridge opposite; cxt?ii4v? vwwi Hamilton a a^, so Pine itreet. qrarhob?-a rt.'RRiKHKi HorsR ro i.rt at 0 Mnuthamnion, U I.; ai?o a two utory Hook for aaln or to let; both near nr*an and _ WW n. PBM.ETREAU. Tj Lit?am bi.kua>t cucbtbt seat. n?u nlabed. In tbe village of New Rmjhalla, near ttie depot, every variety of iruit and berrtea. Addraaa JACOB OaUPE.N ThR. on the prenliea O LtT-A FINE COCNTRY RESIDE NCR, P^HILY tnrillah' J. tUMaa. Ae . at Claaon I'ntnv, ting inland lAannd, w. tclien cr canty, N. 1. i- or part1'ular? ui u.t U tihOBOK UCe. fAi. A Fourth fftreet fpo LET?A fTRBI-UF.D I'OTTAO . AT HKiUl.A1 D 1 Fall* <?n the tfudaon River. Aptily at Cawada B'.tet ?r wtgmanlkM Hotel, I nlon mjuare, .lew York. TO ERT OR FOR A LK?A f PEF.A-IANT PI.AIN?> a. J., fine. Cottage, W ro- tn . barii, acre; two tmautta r r mi . ,-t ? ? ? .1 iH.N W. luDt. No. I Park p:a< e. 4 11 rjwt -HOUBfc. ATA RLE AND MiT. i-IHK HP f I I lot li^ijtl ? hou?e well riirotibcd. ga?, water, 4c ; $4,0oi ea?h. 4J.S 0 In three moirttin, n nr. |. n'y of -had"; gi>od lormtton- tell tmnaiea tri>m depot. better term< e ?n be made. Addri >< HoUaE, l<<ck b< x 56? Pout offlce. Ring Stn?r, N. T. RKAL ESTATE TO KXIIIAXUE. A FARM I.N VIRGINIA AMD OTHER PROPER 'f iV and valaabla Merchandiaa for R al Relate. M. r cbaodlau in oxcbantic lor tior?a Money to loan. W. B. >H;ilOi..-s il Luerty atreft A CORNER LOT AND UWKLLI^ii. PLKA ABILT attuateit on th? ti ,jj?oo. w miiea trum New Tor* cl'r: win eiehantre for an ?aaorlmetit ofT.lAMor* aud '?Tinea; e<ftiity A Idroa A. WIL.iOB, He raid Mm. A BR* TTI FPL THREE RT'lRV BPIf K OOTTAf?B on tb?i Mndtr>n Titer ten niiAtitea' walk todapot; priea ?IJ.a>'. lining age frl.frJU. to eacbange tor nttier property. A Idtena A.I O.N, lieratd Uptown Branch tww, L IR*T ?;LAS? UOrSK, -.TABLE ANO 40 LOT!, WlfH Mr In halt hour of W.ilf itreei, will t,e exchanged gnen cnmi.? red or ?otd lortvaiue of lota; paymeaia ailrei-aiv d a? lot* are po d, lea?int honae an l etf?if |n-a free c,l cogt. Addrena uw> Kit, hog WB .New York Fnat office. For p.kchanoe-a pit rcRKsyi;* traoi of 3? a< rep on tlie 1/tp and al >pe of Omnga MonnLain; a magnittcent iocaOon for aumuier hotel. U. H. I'lhKHQM. No. ? fine *?reet. HOLMKH BR iTHKUP, M F.AST 1 WF.NTY-I H1KD aireet, ?iil e* hang* a free end clear tfrniar on TDotDDaoa *tr?t, priri fii.ufti tor a ll? iae worth i t yrer ftft.O , b twii-n .J, cona and >in h ar iniie* and Pfto'teantr. and FH? v nn.tli ?trr?f?, and uay < aab dilTer auce. li . MEM BROiliKK . M aa? Twit . til a ,t. ORB nOUR IN M!W JKRSI'Y.-LaROK FtOT thoroughly bnllt Bowe all Bi ,dem iBiproTei?H?ia, MI.OOO. for Houae In Brooklyn. U. <J. *ai:,iNij a At ma R, i6i Culton at real. CT. LOI/IM, HO, PBOPR'tTV W*f?TFO-IN EX. D cbanze for Raw VorR tsuamaaa Piooerty. oftiae it, tU R load way. rj EXCnAROB?POB A OITV BOITBB, A IIAJfO wm? lloua* .^tallica At, aiui a?outA0 i.ot- at Piaift flaid, aim a gplandld Ragifeuce, aerrrg' aeret |2aZS ii mum 1Kb Broad way* r idCAJEi B8TATB TO tnCHAKW.. rpo EXCHANGE- F *~RBaI ESTATE OE KK8 1 <h*ndi~v or to lei, ? flint Cat<'ft iu bliar* Springs, with hum rooiaaand ?t* acre* <*t land ; situated no high ground; will add cub. Address WM. HL'iCaX, SMJ lhird avenue. , rFXcll AMGB?A DI AMOND AND A LOT. FREE and clear. Iur anme Mexican Bonds, II, t*X Wood bouse. ISttt. sta'e i| un hand aud mice aaacd. AdJr?aa A. M., bm yt Herald offl e. rpo KXCH ?NOE?TWENTY-KiVK Bl'ILDIMJ-l IN i New York city, bringing In a large rental, tor Couuu y Property. Owuurn onl* apply to lfcOMAB It. AGNErt. M V.nev street UTANTKD?IIOCSK AND LOT IN EXCHANGE POX llorse* aod Carriages; will pav some caah, Ad dreaa V. L HI'AI'nN, JR. >9 Greenwich street. "WANTED?A NICE COUNTRY fUOX WOMB ? ? SA.UtHt to J7 two. tinencuml.ered, In oxcli.uu'>' tor equity in Que Brooklyn Uuuee, iwo block* irom terry. Apply to RULE, 1, 16 Broadway. TO l.I'T FOfl Ht??lM.>s-> !'l KPOM'.-i, Bennett building.. GREAT REDUCTION IN RESTS. WITH A VIEW TO SECURE ELIGIBLE TENANTS FOR rut FEW Ot-FH fcS MOW REMAIN I NO UNLET IN TUB BE-VNEIT BUILDING, TbB HEMS l(A\li BBKN REDUCED, AND FIRST OLA TEN AN lb MAY OBTAIN OFFICES Al VI* It V low BENTS. TO INSURANCE AND BANKING OFFICES IS NOW presented AN I'NCsl'ALLY FAVi RABLE OPPOR TUNITY TO HEOUKB KLIGIHLK OFFI0:-S ON MOST FAVORABLE TERMS. IllB ABOVE BUILDING 18 Cf'MPLK ELY FIREPROOF, HEATED BY >TEAM; TWO elevators, ALL MOI I'.RN 1M PkOVEMh.NTS. INQUIRE OF HOMER MORGAN, _ NO. 2 PINE STREET. A T 19 WEST FOURTEENTH STREET, BETWEEN J\ Filth and Sixth avenues? he Flrkt floor, with *11 improvements; suitable lor a light business. audi as dentist, doctor, pianos, Ac.; molerite rent: also another !? luor, consisting o/lour light rooms, eiiuall* etc no. BROADWAY?FIRST t LOOB TO LET F"R BUS I. ness, corner uf Thlrtr second street: location first class for hairdresslng, milllneiy, >h > sni.ikiug or a clubt desirable lor any bU'iini s'i. u'l^vtii k, l.&w liroadwuv. ESK ROOM TO LET CUE VI'.?APPLY A; OFFICE oft he Anderson Saali Balance, 10 J i'uan > smut. FFACTORY TO LET?0OENBR OF FIFTY THIRD aireol ami Broadway; live stories, SO hy HO feet; lour loi?; engine an<l machinery, elevator, Ac. THEO. MaRTiNfc. I'.tf Weat lbirty aixih sireet. rpo LET?r ACT>-BY, BulLEE.-, EsaiNEg AND FIX 1 turea. Address YloNTOOMEBY, Box 130 IlcialJ >rnice. D rpo LET?WITH STEAM POWER. BUILDING TWEM J ty second street and. Jeveaiii aveuuo, two Floor*, ?0x65 each. well lighted. Apnl\ at ofrtc" ui MoCLAVE'a Lumber Yard, Twenty-seoouu street aud Eleventh av. TO LET?PART OF A L.tltul., FIiiST ( LASS MEAT Maraettora tlah stand: Also a Floor oi sut room*, in perieet order; al Improvementa; r?utelio*p. at i~A We>t I hirty-flrat street. rpo BENT?TUB SPAC1 Us f TORE. WITH TWO J lotts and baaetneui, No. ??<#6 Third avenue, between Twenty ?.??venllt an 1 I weuty-els'lHli streets; -ize itfxlli leet; suitable lor furniture. 'Iry goods or piniio nusitievs; la rge show windows tilted up ; cno fixture* throughout; rent iin?ierttte. Apply to JuIlN FElIRKTCH, 1,'iSW Broadway. PWBLLIM9 HOI BBS TO UBT. I'um ifiiieti. A NICE COTTAGE TO LI T?TEN ROOM.-'s FI'R niahcrt or unluriti-hed, all the mo'lern unprova mcnta; No. ?50 *??t Fiity-rourtn jfreot, between Filth and Sixth aTcnuei. rent low. Apply at o! Warren at. \FIR-T CLASS, ->i I OUT FRoN r, FOUR SToI'.Y ltiKh stooa brown stone Hon<c. tumUhej and in perfect order, t > a careiui tcnaui. till November 1 or tor one y?ar. Ad.iroas, tor two da>s, box i,7.0 Post ofllce. Elegant four story brown stone Houst on Piity-aixth atreeL near > entral Parx. luriilalifd; only S-M per month; hall taken tu board. B. 1 YBhBL. 74 Maiden lane Madison avenue, near thirti; tii streei ? Four siery tilgh stoop brown atone, elegantly lur nlahed or unlurui^hcd ; rent low. UEO. A. Dc. i-OY.Ni.S A CO., ?97 Sixth avnnne. rPO LET?F7RNIHHED, TH B THREE STORY IIItiH I atooji House 1:7 We?t Twenty-aeuond street, iu <;oni pleto oi ler. Apply on the premises, lroui 10 to 0. t'Bt'uni ? ABARO.AlV.-TO L T, FURNISHED, THREE ?t ry hl<th aroop brown stone House, at the low rent ol *175 per mouth. Apply un preruiaea, Ito Woat Forty ninth street. 4 -ONLY $3>X) TILL MAY N^XT FOR AN EXCEL .1 ? lent House. In complete order; every tno'i,'r" lin pro?ein-ut torooinlort desirable central iielnhbor'*ooU. Api>o on premises i*> We^t For'.y-tiitrd street A hand-ome ruREK ; by moil stoo"f House on Lexington avenuo, iurni.ii> d or untur nlshed; rent very low to a desiratde tfiiitnt; also First Moor and Bammeni of Sj Buat I wenty-uiutb -trtet hall an l autir earpois and oilcloths. J. II. MONAOUAN 40' Fc urth avenue, corner I weatr-eighth street. ' | B, nu?r, Benr lll? n inasor itllU ItUCktIlkThatil hotels. Apply on p einises or at ao. 7 East Foriy auveoth street. ?CLOSE IO FIFTH AVENUE, NO. 7 WEST Forty flfth street ?To iet tow, n at, moderate sized I^RKB REST THIS PE't MONTH, 1 H-ore and F1 >n? conn -let, lsa Woogur ?tr?'-t. near U l?e <? ker; per month, large llouaa. -,\i Wooster itreet, pear Wasningum ?i,tta:i-: a -o Itia iurge Hoal" u Place Motel, 'J4 room*. e ire*;oeJ. cobi> *:? | order. No*. 2 and ? Koslyn place, %-*' per moiiib. ewa f row 0 to 10 mum men. Fl'KMSHKl) IW.OMS \Si> AI'AKI MEM S TO IiBTi ArVRJUSIIRD FI.OOR F K kIfl"T BOCEJCRBF* lmr: term* moderate. Mrs. McLOUOHLiN, t,I?4 Second attsM. Al AKOC. CO!?r(li.T?HI,r, FC"51? I ED SECOKD etorv Parlor to let? ?t }6 suitable for ?o per* .n?; a mjh!1 roar Room at t">. Itlht itoo^cKeepiu^ privt kfen. Fr vate re-ldetiee il* i ast I hit teentfi street. AUMK ' I7.HD N1NOLK ROOM, Rh CEPTIOR Room *nlta de for a doctor. or Bedroom; egtra larg.! from Room for two jrentlenieti; lir-use fLrat ela??i termi inoerate. 1M hmt fifteenth street. fcl.KOANT FURNIBHKD A P K R TM NT3 TO LET, . ti> geut'en.e-e o? r*eiM>-'aMUi v. Ill the well ap. pointed house ot owner. ?* Ri?t Twenty third *treet. \LAKCK BO' iM AND R IJROOM, XEWLY AND rurniiti'd, on second floor, for one or tv>o jre?itlemen. to irt- rtlM4 loi-ali n: all onvcni<*nrea; r?ieren e required. 1 I) t usi Llgtiteenth atreet, near Third avenue. ? T KA-T TFSTU STRKf.T. If XAR SECOND J\ avenue.?Larpe, cointortahle Room *econd flo r, mrttatde for one or two ,.'*itlemen; finaller Room, $2. Tenth nn e , near Se?-?nl a* no*. A?TO L>T, 4 NFWLT FCRW HF.D KO'lM-; l\f. ? mMlato in; tine of lath. Cai; for three day?, at ."<*1 West Twentj-flfth *treet. \HAXD?oBBLY FT; >*I*HRD Hai.L room For a **? He man. at $<D month, with one of bail) and ?'*i; (ir vi/ boi.*? A|>(? f at Real . i.ait ' Ifltc, 17 ALh ngdon equnre. Mghtb aveutie A LADY OCCIPYIVO A FLAT WOULD LIMB to A let a tariiithe-: Parlor and Bedroom or hall Room to genUemeu. (Jail ai iJ7 higbth avenue. f'At.t. at n wmi m >i -T. i t r, antiBR \V Fifth ?od *l?tn aT?nne?.?-plrudid lammcr Room; tn?4ara:e terini; drat clasa bousa. GiBRMTftRED ROOM ON ^Fro^n Ff.OnR Af.fO r front hall Room In le : all improveinetin. Apply at 1A ha?t Flfteemn atreet, <ourtb npaae wcrt of (.'Dion ?'jn*r?. FftRHIMHSD AF?iRTMKS IR. WITH CO.NV N. lenee* tor honwtee- ing a!?<? Iar*c R'om. nuita' la lor two gentlemen , <a-, 1> i n. hot and r.o d waver; b?u*? prtrate. 118 i a*t ihirtv flttli >?tr'#f. Ft-R?iT?iifF.n FR^irr par or.o.n rfcond floor, hall Room a lj'.intng, tigettieror ?? pyr.itt-lT: ?!??? ?quare and hall Room*. So. 7 Ore at Jove.i air^t, near Broadwar, ae'-ind floor; eevh frotn ?to 0. T AM'i FrRSrSHKD FiiOST PARLOR TO f RT I J rerr 'h'a;, in.-eed 11 ring tl>? auiri ner. >?. II CL Mark ? pU> a. Ligrith at<e?t. n ar Mroad way. |>"0?R. Ft RMtMBD COWPl.m FOM I" | It ke< pine in ttm fr,inily of an American, $S par week; ?ls.? Dlaaaant lront large kooms S > Ml Apply at Hf Foarlti aeenoe TO T.KT-nr THR TEAR. A COOL, WKLL Fi It ni*h?>d Pedro.-m 1"?*"0. (rent'ii/ .nut In AawH-tnton HatH iig. I wenty i.'iud ?trt ei and Futirtli arenuc. Ap,.iy by letter to R. T. Li1 K. No. 9 Plue Mrtel TO LKT?TWO NICKLT KCRNIjOI KD ROOMR. WITH el ?ei? hot android wat*'r. ga?, >??' h. Ac., Ut geniie ? en. Call on or ad lrem J C S. ."crentb aveuita. ?\TBRT ( IIRAP A.VD H AMDItoMF.LT Ft'RKf HKD V Roi.iun. aieo'one or two i arioro in the privite home 795 Rant ? ieven h ? r?et, k-l*?en ??coud and ihiru avenue*: family. 1 BLOl K FROM CO iP R IRfc iTTUTR? W RTt Y 1 Te?aiii*tre?t,_Newly and eieg .ntly (Jtted up Rooniv (lr?t am ?? otid flm>r ; hou-e p ua-an; y aiiaded ai.d pnri e: term* modi-fate. ?? ROOMS OM S CORD LOOH. FUKNI-IIHD, FOR *. him-ekeepng, 0n v ??1 we Kly; Rrowlway ryeeb c?r? p?<* the U? r. br. .*n ?tone Uouae. Uo Weal Forty eacond *;reet. Call u itll r Dted. 7WIST For-.TI PNTtf STRF.P.T.?WI IIOPT boar I, at eon 4 floor back Tarlor, nicely furui.tli. d. to let ai mjntner rate*. 97 FAST W Nil Fm RIM RTRF.FT, Nt AR MaD sm 4 l?n Park ?A ?mall private <amlly. owning In n*?. ai.nld ri nt .-?con.I i loor. l>aitd*oiit?iy mrnial.-ii, prlvaie ba b. Ac., together or aeparatel/, U rim mod erate. ?? I OKKlNWf' H A V K S1/ K. ? H A NfiRi) M K I.T Ft R il r ntehed Ro?>m* to let. unliable for light housekeep ing if required, in ?ult er ?in/ly; baib at aehed: -k.uiii em eipoeiire; term* mMer ite t^H ail the week. Iin *ACI?OrrOAf. fiTRRET. RF.AR >t |R(TRFR ? II" Fnrnlsbed Km.b< with ??ery convenience lor bouaekeepiDg, to let. to reepectable *mall lamilie*. 1() i F.\=>T TWENTY TTIIRIi RTR ET. ?ICR i Z C ni?hed Room* to let, toeingle gtaUemen. 1(1/1 SPRING BTKFKT ?TWO LA ROE, AIR* FP.OJTT 1'") Parlors to iei to a party ui geaueuicn, without board, first Door. '>11 *KPT KI ;HTRENTB RTRtBT-WF.I.L FIR. i 1 m tie I Room* liirgo and ?mall to let. In a pleas ant locality, eoBveuioUl to bowla, r**i*uraa>* and car route*. ?JIVC WFRT TWRHTIETH RTRP.KT?to let, ?)VJO three Room* tnrni*uet1, nn eeconrt itoor *uit able for bo?.i*k?e(,.i.g i,u? Eoou. on Ornt Moor; teriaa m?4?rate. iQR BROOMK hTHKKT T?lf I B BLtM'BR R EST I. ?r?y ot Broadway. - .-rerai nieel* lurnielied Hm me to lev to rnau a ad wile v> .m?le u.< u . i,^nt U u *? 4J C XFtlU ISHKI) ROOM AKD APlill' MK.VT8 TO LET. A private family will kknt ^tur two Cpper Floor* of their three storjr ami basement In* h stoop brown >'c?nt corner hou?a nl" Lexington ave nue. earner Fifty-third street, to a mo all f'amilv: feat $60 p?r month; all luipruveoaeuta, excellent order. Can M aeen at any time. ADRtilRABLB FIRST FLOOR OF DWELLING IN west Ihlrtr rtfth street to rout at moderate price; ?ultable tor a iiliyaiolau or small tainiiy, Apply 10 HuK ACB H. KLY. ti fine street. A GENTLEMAN OF SMALL FAMILY WILL LET A part of Ilia house. 7t?J Lexington aveuue, Second and Third Floor*, tor $?ft together or separately, with all modem improvements A TTKNTION .-FRENCH KI.ATS, THIRTY FOCBTH -tV ?treet. in suits of fix rooin*f modern irnprovo mi nt*. rent $.10 to $40, immediate possession MOKBIB B. HA K IS, 72 We?t i Uirly fourth street, and 90$ Sixth av. BKi EACH. I lit AROrMBNT FOB TllR PROSECUTION, IN 111 K EVENING TELEGRAM TO-NIGHT. T.1LKGANT KKKM'II J LAT?OVER TUB l-Ql'ITA FJ ble Raving* Institution, Sixth avenue. e?r??r of Twelfth ?treat; &> leef deep; MX trout room*; wsi re duced. Inquire In the bulk. inn ANI> l0- Wi#r TWENTY-EIGHTH SIR h J JLUU corner Sixth avonue.? Fir*t and Third Flat*, every improvement, and email House; parlor* carpeted; Iarg?i looking gins*. Inquire ol 8. Ulcll, 74 Murray it. EUROPEAN NTEAMI4HIP8. TflllTE STAR LIS", \> FOR OUKBNSTOWN OR LIVERPOOL, CARRYING T1 lh CM IBD SIAihS MAIL. AD HI WIO June I'J, at noon Ci I ?' June 19, at 1 P. M. Ri--1 8LIC June M. at 10:SU P. M. HMiaNM . ..July 3. at 4 P. M . GERMANIC Ju'v In, at l(?:S0 A. M. 1-rotu ttie White siar dock*, pier 5J North River. Rates?Saloon, fdO and Slot) in golii return tickets on favorable terms, t'teerage at low rates. Saloon, staterooms. smoking and bath rooms are placed amidships. where t lie noise an 1 motion are least, airorUuui a decree ofcomiorl hitherto uu.ituiuabio at sen. fur inspection of plan* and other information apply at tilt! company's office, l? Broadway, New Y.itx. R J. OuRll.i. Agent. n.l.VB BO-AMSBIC AN PACKET COMPANY' LINK for PLYMOUTH, CHERBOt KG and IIaMBUKG. I'OiiMliKAN 1A.%..Jutle lt?| sUhiVI.\ Juue 24 GELi.KRT Iunt'71 HERDER .July 1 lute-i ol passage to Plymouth, London, Cherbourg. Hamburg and ail poluU in England, Scotland and Wales:? Cabin, tlrst saloon, gold $im) Cabin, second mil won, gold 00 Steersec, currency 30 ikLNHAKUT A CO, 0. B. RICHARD A HtiAS, General Agents, General Pasenuer Agon's el Broad street, Mew YorK. tfl Broadway, New York. OTATE LINE. O Nl-.W \OKK TO GLASGOW, LIVERPOOL, DUBLIN, BELFAST V D LONDON1)liPRY, Sa'ilng Jrom pier No. 3t> North River, as follows; - 3TA i OF OKO'-Or v Wed., June If. DTATB OF PENNSYLVANIA... Wea., Jure 3D 8TA E OF INDIANA ?.\V> I., Jay It and every Wednesday thereafter. First e.ihin. $70. $10 and $90; return liuk -ts. $140. Second cabin. $50; return tickets, I'M Steerage at lowest r ites. Apply to au Tin b w.dwis a co.. A^nt*. No. 7i Broadway, New York. Hteetnue . flice, 45 Broadway. o M Y DIRECT LINE iO FRANCS. THE GENERAL TRANSATLANTIC COMPANY'S MAIL SXr.AMSHIPs Bl TWKEN S KW yortK AND HAVilH. The isplenaid vessels on this lavorite route for the Con tinent (being more southerly than any other), will sail from pier No. 60 North Kiver, as loliowi:? PhtiRlkK ( -anre) Saturday, .Inne 12 f RANCH (i ruuelle i Saturday, June ViLI.K DH. PARIS {! acliesncz) Saturday, July 10 PBl< K OF PaSSAOK IN (H?LI> (including wiue.i, Firit Cabin, $110; second, $04 Third, v30. Return Tickets at reduced rates. F?eersge, $2-'. with superior accommodations and In clndius .t 11 n<?i ess?rie^ without extr> charge. OKOKOK MAI KBJiZlE, 55 llroadway. T 'NITtD STATES M AIL LIM4-STEA.M 10 (Jt'fcENS L A NO LIV i RPooL. al inrf every I uesday from tier *0 North ltiver. MANHATTAN, Captain Jones Juvie22, at 3 P. M. WISi <i.Nsl v. Captain Freeman lu.y ti. t 3 P. M. cabin, ints rnieuiate and steerage ut lowest rates. l*r<-! aid ticLets at low rates. ras-etiger< bo iked to and from Pari*. Hamburg, Norway and Sweden. Ac. Draft- on Ireland, Kuglau 1, France'and Germany at lowest rates. Apply to WILLIAMS a UL'iON, 29 Broadway. C1UNABD LINE.?B. AND N. A. R. K. & P. CU ) NOTICE. With a view to diminishing the chances of collision the steaun rs ot this line Uxe a specilic course lor ail sea ?on* of tbe ye sr. On toe outward pa>*age fr"in Queenstown to New York or Boston, crossing in the meridian SU at 43 latitude, or nothing to lie north of 4!t. Ou the homeward passage cro*?In? the meridian ot 53 at 4J latitude, or nothing to the north of 42. From Nt-.W YORK -or UYEl'.POOLand yUEENHTOWN. ?HI YT HI A.. .Wed., June W | CHINA .-at., June X ALGKRI A Wed., ^une 16 | #KU <hlA. ...Wed., June 30 Me^mer* marki d * do not carry iteerare passengers. CaMn nassage, $*0. $l'?, SIS) lold, according to ao ?ommixlation. Return tickets on tavorab'e terms. Steerage tickets io and tr. >m ail parts of Europe .it low e?t ra'es. FrcUht and eahln office. No. 4 Howling Green, isteeragc olfli-e". Ill Broadway (1 rlnlty Bnlhling). till a RI.R8 G..FR ANCK. YN, Agent, and P. H. DC VERNET, coruer ol Clark and Randolph street*, Cotcaro. JN SI AN LINK-IIXKU bOUTIlERLY COUfta& Koval Mail steamers ari' appoint"'' to Mil a* flpllowi:? Fult V|l,' F.hNSloWB ANU LlV 1CRPOO.L. CITT OF PARI- 8?turtlay .tune IS, at noon. C'HY Bt,KL.N. M!urla?, Jung IS, at 8 I*. M. CITY <?K KICIIMONII Saturday Jun. nt H \ M. CI I V or Mo N K Ai..? "uturdav, July S, at :t P. M. CI rv or CIIK-l K.t ....Saturday. July (9, at 11 A. M. t A HI N V AS?A<.h-??waH'l fl(?, go 1 Hi RKKA"K?T<i an<1 tr im i!l point*, at reduced ratea. Cabin and general oitire. .Ho UHrMilvtK Et. fraijc otflce*, S.i Broadway an t pier l ? North Riven JOHN u< UK, Aee .u r'EP.AT wr.-i itv il > . I.AM3HIP link. JfKW YORK TO HNISToL (F.\<?I.AB0) DIRECT, tailing t'r.>tii pi r 18, k?? Kivor. a* toilowa-? CORNW ki.U -'a n; "r .-a unlay. Jane i!> mo* K : T. v.e'tiTu lu ?Hiay, Jui- J ? a hi ii pustmv, 170; mii-rmf Mate, )<S| steerage, $*>, cu. r nc v ; ?- ,ir?.n.i ii ki-i-, $lil Apw tnW, <>. MUKtiA \K-ut, 7* ^outh street NaTIo.wi, LINK. J^ruin pier* Noa 44 and 47 North Ulveia tnK lilRM r. OREi:? I lbur?UT, June 17 at 8 P. M. HOI./.A Ml Thur ,U> Jut,.- .'4. at # A. M. K ;i4 1 II KKi'OOL ANm Gi l.fc.MJIOWN. SPAIN June llljX. | KQVI'I . July .1 S P. M. hi. in June IH 3 1*. M. ! Til It t/U KEN.Jul?10. MA. M fe.v iLABH. JanaSi. Ii; A.M. I -I AIN luir 17 .t P. M. ( pan-a.-f. $7>t and t*o, currency. eteerag* at firstly I price*. Return ticket! at radtlOKd pate*. Prepaid iteerage ticketa ' I* rpo?l a: the lowvit t? a*. Apply at tlie company* office. <;?.? Broa iway, F. W. J. HIIKM', Manarer. ?tfOST WRKCT A N l> ECoBOMH'At. BOUTS TO Ijj Holla d. ?? lglam. the Rhine, Vwitaorland, Ac., via i.Oll cKDAM. Steam-r 8 HoLTKN June M ?learner koi rt.ltOAM luiy S Then* hfautitiil *teanier? rarrvtn* the t niUtd Stat-* mir to the Netherlands, ar - we 1 kii'.wn r.?r itia regular ity ot their tri( *? ualin Of passage low. I'L.UH, MOVK * Co., U \t. MoRRH, General A?t nta. 5oHroadway. IL^O.N'rt I.INK FOR SOl'TH A UPTON A ^ D HULL, id r.e aeapatetied from pi-r ? n^t Blvcrt (iIIIKI.LO June ItfiOOLOMB i July 10 KAVARIM) To toi ow I i i.OOKADO ....To follow Hr?t cabin. $;o. carrenrr: ?e mil win, ?4.\ < nr reiicy. 1 hroiurti tlckeM !'?ni>d to < ontinent-u and flaluo port*. >ppl\ tor full partlcn!tr* to ( HAIt K -? I WKlOIII A CO., M Sculll A N('!K?R I INK. A CARRVINli T'IS rNITRt> PTATKf MAI* SKW >'?UK ANHUI ISiiOW. CAtjrORNIA...;?nlU .sawrrlay Jim- 12, at 12 noon \ l( ioRI\ miK ? -atiirday, June |<A, at 8 P. M. UTOPIA Mtla Kainr lay. Jun -?4. at 11 a. M. IirIII PH -an- Satir ia? . Ju i A *i S P. M. fOOLAittiow i.tvmi'iio lo.dondkrrt, Ql ENMTOWN oR Si l.r\ T. ^ahlns, $75 to ?'eurreney. aecordtBff to afi jtnmodl tion*. INTKRVKDUTB ami rteebaok At low a* ativ other (Arm cia?? irie. l?rnf> i*?uc I (or an v am-.ii. t at low-*' ra'ea. UtXEKKiW!! BitOB., A#tii a, So 7 Howling OreWa w ('OOK'a tourist TicKhra ?k;'; oi-n t(j all, \J parn ot and Aamrii a t re .urtlon* rat>ffitl){ iroiniOolA t er cent b' l jw ordinary tarait i bey do not require t ieir tiold-r? to travel in lart> purtiea On? perton ran theui by any train or auy siea.unr. In h an! -Cote 11 iim-U mast tit Dr.?urM In A inertia. Ci on'* Kxeuraiontit. ' prica 10 cent* b> m ill, Iias par tirnlar* and tarn ot o?-r ?< touri to l urope irid round ih world "Cook' American rrofr-imme," *h iiw par ticular* t oyer I 'W cheap an I plvsaant routcaln mcr l<;a ran t>? had utjon appli' atiyn, :re<* oi chart* (.<y mall 10 centv. Coo\, ON ? .1 skins, corner Broailw.iy ?n1 Warren ?tre-t. 1^-ORIH '! RMAN LI ()VD. hlEABfOirt* I.INK BETWKEN N; Tf TORE, foCTH AMPTON AND H \t;-.N, Company'* pter, foot ot eeeond -treet liolxiken. DO All June 12 I 1111 r* IS June M MAI". Ju*? 19 | OI'KB Inly J I'.ite* of pa??atra tr in New Yor? to >outfianiijton, Ilaere or Bremen:? Firn tiu gold; Second Cai< n, i(J(oldt Steerage, |*)rurrem y. F-fnrti ftcketa atre<Wed rite?. Prepaid Ht-eratf- <'ert fleat--. %V. enrren-r. tot ire taut or Vast apply u> O ORl? H M a (J <., Bo. I Bowling Ore-n Rrn hi ar i.inr. api oinw 1 to f-arry tli- B-tgian and Cnltel Sta'e* mailt. The fotlowhif ?t*am-r? ?r- *pno nted tot.til ?. Kok aBTWEKI*. Prom PWladtloiiia. i tn.m Bew Tor*. BEOKKI.ANO June 14 8 rATR OF NKV \t>A.InM> * VAliKBOA.Nl) ?'Ulr ft! SWIIZKBLANO... July I) PR VI AJlTAKBP. Pot PT 'adelphia. i F. r New Yorlt. ?ADKRLAND .Inn* II WIIZKllLAND . ..Iun(>2-| Nk.DI.Kl.ANii Iu y Si MATti OK NEVAlJA.JulyZI fl?o<? ot paoaae'e n egrrency. PirMCiMn ?:H| xeconl < ahiti ffli "teerago Ucacta to and <ruiu all poiuo at tda lonreat rat-*. l'***?ntrer ae-'.mmo'latlon* for all cla**c*aniarpamei. Koi paaaaga, rati* jf ireigbt and otlier luiormauou, ''(I'kOBOB W. COLTOB, Agent, <3 Broad street, Bew Tork. .lotlN McPOBALO, PMtifOfer Agent, Ba S Battery t'laoe. N-W Yo'a. PK.fER W r-1 'I n T A PON'A, Oenertl Aijanta, *)7 Walnut gtreet. Philadeinti *? B. vonoi.k gr.CKE, Oaneral P.oropran Agent, AnV Wf'p. O'DoN'JY*.* RO?-A, If/ ClfATHAM ' W t'li'.ip' ?t p .?aig- . (Bee in New York learner* er-rr d*v ?or ' oi k. Liverpool, (tlaacrow, I terry ? drati* payable eitrywi.era. ' an b"iorc ittiung UckcU el-e wher?. COAHTU'INE HTKABHIIIPR. k>aa ino mail rr.AM uir lisk?kor cai.uob X nia, < .toan and I Mi .a Ir .oi pier U Worth lUyer. KoR Af?PlBWAi.U Cot on ,,un# n |2 Conii?-4;ig fi i all <;i.-ntr*l o.eri nn Mid PamlW porta KBl'M f*v KHANClMCO fOh JAPA.' AND CHINA. COI.oRAi.o June 16 Tbt (rtnt ur pa* app.v at pier 4^ Nortl> Ri?er id .1 ft!. i.LaY. .-ui? rinteudcot. COASTAVUE BionnsUlW. _ C' NITI.1> BTATEI BRA/lL hail BTKAIfSUUP 0OM i FANV. FOB BT. TBOICAS AND BRA1IL. The elegant acrew -.teauiship on I Aitio, 3 UOO tons bur den, Cajptuiu Ut-ortje M. .-locum, will *ali tor St Thomaa, i'.ira. fvrnamtnieo. Haiu.-i m d Rio de Janeiro, oil Wednesday. Juua 23, itl 3 o'clock P. M.. from piar 43 North'ftiver. For freight or passage apply to WiLLlAMR. iMKRIIWW, Agent, No. 5 Bowling Green. vraw yoi'.k and Havana dirkct mail like.? 1\ These tirat da** steamships will sail ats i'. M. from pier is Norm Knur, iuut oi cedar airooi. lor liavaua direct a* follow*; ? CKiitUlBNT Oil V Thursday, Jon* IT CULUMUtil Tnasday, June 2ft For ft*lght or paa?age, haviug unsurpassed accommo dation*. apply to w M. I*. cLYDH, A Co., No. ? Bowling Ortsn. MeKeller, Luliug A t-'o., Agents ui Uavaua. NY. HAVANA AND MEXICAN MAIL SS. LINE? ? Steamers leave pier 3 Norttl River atSP. M. for Havana direct. CITY OF MEXICO I nesday, Jnme ?2 CITY OK \ERA CRC'ii Thursday. June u CITY OK NEW YOKE Ttiu sdav Juua U FOR VERA t.KI'Z A.N LI NhW OKLBANtt, culling at Havana. Pro :ru*o, Campeaoby, Tuxpun and Tampieo. CITY OK MEXICO. .. Tuesday, June 22 For frei/lit or p insane apply to F. ALEXANDRE a SONS Jl and S3 Broadway Htaainert will leave New Orleans Juoe M aud July 17, tor Vera Cruz and all the above porta. rpEXAS LINE OF OALYBSTON 8TKAMBR3, TOCOM U itiir nt Key Wont, carrying iho Unite t suites MalL ? HteameM Jl'V OF AU--T1N. i aptain Eld ridge, will leave pier a) Eurtt River, ou Saturday, .itiue li,ut3P. M. I urouyh bills of lading given to ulf points on the H. and r. O. E and G. N., O. FT. and H. and G H. and a A. H. it. No oharsn Cor forwarding tn New York. For in iulit or passage. having superior accommodations apply to 0. !1. M a I,LORY Jl CO , 163 Maiden lane. w. ^r 1.YI>E a t:o., 119 Wall street I>ur new okleaNs omuor. '1 he UromwoU Steamship Una. The steam^nlp NEW oh LA KNti, Captain Dearborn, will 1' uve pier No. 9 North River ou Saturday, June l-\ at a 1'. M. Freight received daily. Through rate#given to 'Jaive.sion, lndlanula, Rockport or Arauzas Wuurf, Brazos. (Sanntgo. St. Louis mid Mobile. Uabin pua *agu, {.*); steerage. $U>. For irel;ltt or pu?*age apply to CLARK A SEAMAN, 80 Went atr<*ei. OLD DOMINION STEAMSHIP COM AN* haliinir from pier .17 Nortb Hirer, r or Norfolk, City Point ana Richmond, Tt lead ay*, ihuradays and Saturday*, at :t P. M.. nmnecting with tin: Virginia nad leiineuee Atr Line, Atlantic Cuaat Line, 1'iedtnoiM Air Line, ChotapealM and Ohio Rail rtiJ'i, aud with the eouipany's (team linui to interior point" In North Oarollaa and Vlrnnia. N. wliern and Washington, N. 0. (via Norfolk), every Tuesduv, Thuradav an<4^aiurdav. Haltlniore atnrdavs, at 4 P. M. Connecting with BaW tfmore and Ohio Ruiiroud. I I'wi's. Did.. Mondavi, wednesffltts and l'ri1aya,at * P. M. i onneeting with Delaware m.i Man land raliroada PaMftiger accommodations un-urp. !?ed '! hrOOgh pasia re tickets ana buB'i lading to all print* at nwPKt raten, Insnrunco to Noti'o k, ??r., '4 per cent Fr' urht received daily at pier 37 Nirttt River. General oiflcoi, 197 Green wicli strew .New York, N. 1.. .NicCi. iiADY, i'ruaident. QTKAMSHIP COM:' \NIES L'Sl.MO LARG'i Qt ANfl p <'?'? nt 4>riTittii.: will find it a i vnnta,'eous to. ileal wi li the MErROPUI.iTA.S PRINTING Eh'IAHI.I.SIMI. .V r. Np. 21H Broadway, as its faciilue* lor domx every kind ? ?t work are unsni paaae I, while tn prninotnt'it*, neauiesa and cheapness It oilers jp rial luluceiuenu Hilla of Lading, .-shipping Receipt*, Tickets, Ma litests, Paoaenger Li*t?, ''irculars, l'o?ter*, C'arda, Waybills and every dpei-ial form used in tUe transaction oi bu=i.'ieji? carefully prepared and printed. TRAVELLERS' (HIDE. /\ """"* NORTH SHOBB 8TATKN ISLAND FERRY, for New Brighton. 3nn? Harbor. Woat BriaHton and Port Richmond. Boat* leave Whitehall street at loot of Broadway, dally, at 6:30. T.?. 8:?. 9M. 10*5 A. W. 12:45, 2:30, 3:30, 4:30, 5:30, 6jMjind 7l30 P. M. flnndayi, at half-pait every hour, fromS-JO A. M. Karo 10 conta, Hon* c?? leave Ve>.\v street for ferry. _ UI1 i Ne'vl'Urg. roturmn* -wine di?). $LL So]*, than any*berejlaa from Canal ?trect,? P.M. i-Aro^tf'w ^ _ j .????/ ? v i*i in!.1 < j w1 sTK \ HO A't'H K() H TROY. COM- i SsBsAayrr;: ro.i. '!'V ?|' 22 n'v.7-ih? mnii i? r via New s ''i, u' nn i PKoviDKX'K leave pier Mi ateamer* BiU.-H a nil I ? aaU, t-dhdaye. June NortU Ktver.toot of Murw <u aft prl'.oi ".nioi^ITn the citV. Hall.'a Ba^d engaged tor the aaaaon. rnll W-K8T POlMT, NBWBURO. 1'uCUIlKKSP-Slli, V Ramlout. Klnwton, \'?f tKTaIITPuW -Lb TTARLEM, MORUBANIA A2WL A*IA $'l.e a't*' a'^lOarui 7-W P M.,' landliitf at diaud ?tr? ei, Mnth at rest? 1 wenty-tWrt .treat and Aa.orla. 8ce Amt chtdi '^aVs-B^t, leave avery ? mlnotea I 7~i mm! AND NEW YOKK NAVIGATION co*T TIApony* ' June io *'>* ; ,, M wlln tQU aacepttoaef the 6:iOA ?? *" *? ,, bal!-p*at two o'clock, UlP*lVora l'air-P"???-n ^ iandin?< which will U? houri.^. j. xaLi.MaS. -uperiPVendent. 7vPfyeiTl<?N OATfiKILL. LWS. 8srom%:?&s ws&SvS >, Kortto Kiver. everyday tSumlay* aiu-optod) at 6 P. ?. ^^on:-alba^an^ C4 %trM iiL:V li .' WeUuaMaya. Kridav*. 6 V'rha^Jrrat*irun 1 LI nVanignited FUtei Rail r0nte TraUva^e*ve Ne wYo r k, from foot of DaabroaMa and Coarilaudt aWeete, a* .... *>?* an<l Booth. g. 0 P. M -undav. R and ? AiPM. Philadelphia For "o.vMoa ?#nn'ecti,ii at P tilled Jai 4 ? ?or Wllliain.p .rt. L,>ok Maren, *Vrry aSrt fcrt5%^0 *. conneoitii* at * orry for lltoaviila. tvirnieum f>nt#r , a,," 40oi(i," Umittl ? 1 For .^WMKaTlPaX bar. Uany. Wa*t.m*ton '*pr?? ?' .'?" w?ilwn?o>n 4:iu K rAr&ivH?w?''i?*v ?lTVl? ?| UnWii. '??""?"} i' ? 8%J and ? p ?l. h-wr.ut and ^ooa,t Ho, i? i\ Jo V. K.. aal u n.^tiu .?.day. 7and ?:l')P. *? . , ? |0 A. *.. U ?. ?. rV?h3^AAaniV tViV '" ???, ?. ??'<>. '? 7 e ia, iva li i-*> p. "? *nj 12 u'"uu auuji4jf' 6:^ rSWVV???.7i :*?% So!'VM ?Vc:i'. j. I ^ MA m.. stAJ. 4-j0and6 r. lija, F 6^oTpB^ra'u i^nU-ht ^u-. lrv". 7 P ? Por K.rt Mi 11 it"H- lI noon, 3and jP M. p ^ t',fr Pnn^n"T ?^ ? .T?Al, 2, 4:H^7PH. c"n,,tn'T ? IMn',d-. vVl-erth Au? Kor Hwhtatown, FiaMM ana uaiu'iou, ??? . "c^M .nda. rjjj a.'m an-iioi^V V rro- Pha^-W^^ 7 M Vi?\ 10 iA r M .-'un UT. 3.10 6 J>. 6^. il >* A Vj ud tii^roadwaT. No. 1 A?>>r Tie?*jt Oflce*. i,.'.r,^, mi! Coartiaaat ?tree?; Hnuae. and "*,,t?' ,klT? . W<1N lit. lib ami IW Hudwn JtreetJ Z'JotT EwInVA ^ BOrncriaf'jlBoar r. Oanar^ From pier m S.lrlh River, lo?t o' J?y 'r*!? rant nwaaaera RHOUK lai.ANDand NaHRAOAM?i%ii dai y eao^pt nnndayii. at o r. l*. ^v;rzp?r:Jd ,-nndayi) at>P. M. TV'OrLF"* L1SR P<?R AI.WANV ANF? aAPATp<>A P daiiv. at # P M ( andaya excep ad), fram pier 41 ftRiver, toot of Caaal *<reat. ~BICy?IMW??. WTLiITa * COOK, TWf.N IVP'l'yJ11 A . atreet, X rih River, under new m*naga?e"t Bt m lona la suit (are. roun 1 trip, .5<. Wed >< * aj.a, . Picepi .loni I'll, 1-itiK flrjneh \U Handy uuo^aii i ier"?T ^ ne? f'fow# i*<i# Cor?CCffi "IfVr JJ, i.'ivi.r on arte r ait 4 !!;; *r;V?i-en\Vihlr;'X^vr?-?^ra Juyx Bpft'ii Urntti bftlftfM to AllMlM Oc#fttt. a tttir v >. y<'(fRSlOM^ TO OO^NKf Iftf.A H.? A. The lavnll'te *i '*n>er Anrt'?WK<t! H w.J e*v<? SJS \WrW7?h? ? - 3:*iP W. ? ?? A7T?^h'ne^ UwlTl', let Om<? ?J>-4 Wnrt -treej. *" plier a reet leerv. Osea ewmiwa " "? ? ?0* *QJKWKSIO!IS. AUBX.IOIITFCL AFTHRNOON KXCtfKSION fcVkH? DAY THId W E K It, TO THK iv.KWtWVL IONA ISLAND ?? miles iii' the Hudson), by Jarrott <1 Palmer's superb ateam palace, MAflNTTK^N r1 MuilCa LC ^ATINE SS, BY OlLMuKi'S Id I LI IAKV 1(AM>, 8TR1NQ ORCHESTRA, MANHATTAN ul.EE CI.IB, MADRXOAL BOY A, CHLMBB OF OUUKCH BELIjM. CATHEDrtAL OltaAN. TXCEBT8 rronnd trip) uNK DQixaH. CHILDREN DM>hW 12 HALF fiiiua. excursion KX OCRS ION EXct KSION IX URfilON KXCCTR ION EXCU K*ION EXCURSION fciC n KSION TTih Fit fDA T, Juns !1. and every afternoon, tbu Plymouth Ruck leaves pier foot of Murray street, North Hiver. at 1 :8 J P.M., ana foot of w.-ntv third street, North Hiver, at 2 ?Ylooi; returu inir loaves lona Islaud ?t 6 P. M. See adveriiscmout lu "Amusement" Sol* *?* Tickets of rYiiox, fifth Avenue Hotel; STERN'S. Huml Brunswick; HL'LLMAN. 114 Uri>ad*vuy; BAB&Kb flOlRL, coruer Csnal anil Centre streets; T. NIC H OLAS HoTELi NEW YORK TRANHFEIt COMPANY. D44 Broad way i the PARK i'LACE i-i'A, 2Jfl Broadway, AND ATTUI' BOAT, *.? NEXI 8UMDAY. June IS. to IONA ISLAND, WEST POINT ami NKWBURG. Leaves toot ot Murray street North River, at 9M A. M., and loot <?f IwentjMtara street, Norlli River, at U)o'clock. Fare $1, round trip. W IINISIUIAK. Jane 16?OKAND MoONLlUUf liX CL'RbloX of the PALETIB CLCB. yLL ABOARD FOR TUB Fishing Bull Km, Sunday, June 13, 187% the favorite saloon sieafner MKTAMORA will make an excursion to the Fishing Hanks aid return, leaving tho Battery at S A. M., Eighth street, I'ast Itiver, at 7 .V M.; l'over street, East Hiver. at. 7: U A. M ; Fulton ierrjT| Brooklyn, at 7:45 A. M.; Kleventa street, >oitli Kiver. at 8:15 a. Al.; pier 2, North tttver, at?;?8 Fiire rmtT' trip 81. Mu?lc, retiehmenu and Ashing tackle on board. A REGULARSUNOAY HORMNll BOAT FOR NEW tut j landing at Ynnkf-rs, lona lflan.I. West Point Cold -priii^ mid Cornwall. ? ih? r'avorlte steamer HLEKPY HOLLOW (.now called the LoNU BliANi'lli, Captain John Lynch, trill leave Pulton h-rry, Brooklvn, at h a. M.. West Tenth street. North River, at ' "0, uii'l Tweuty-thtra street, North River, at 9 o'olock. Fare i?r theexcnrslou, H \ ?KIrtllINO BANKS, SUNDAY, .11 NE Id; i'UBS. ^V.? day, 14; rhursday, 17?Spa steame r KTH LOW. leaving Harrison Street. N. It.,at5:4fi: !? i%lith street, H. Biver, at6:18; pier 27, K R.,6:30; ientli street, N. it.. 7 ;10; Pier 6, >'. it.. 7:j0. lickets $i. __ _Al- W)8T?B, Manager. KV lndl0N TO ' KA 0I1F'' Tae staunch, newly farnlthed and popular itcstnor THOMAS P. WAY leaves dally ("undnys excepted) pier 27 Knit River, ail) A. Al. aud 8 P. M.; Sea CHIT at 7 A. M. and S P M. ; :?No on : am,-day at 7 P. M. tenches .it Snath lat h hfreet. Mrooitlyn, and 1 hirty-tlilrd ^ircct East Rlvar, each w ay uiftkiug direct trU-.^. uiu?, 9.1 jiiitt iHhm. Fare, 3 o. '-aeh way. Sea ( 1:ft Kpuiie open !? r g'io?ts; heantilii! i'ott?ge and tenttM humeri;Mie driven. boAtlnir and ns.Miig; mo.<l desirable stnn!ii?r resort near AtW York. U*X00BSlON BXTJlAORDUfASY.-PKOVr VEWYdlllt Xa to New Haven, on I uehdav. June IV 1878 reluming .?.am- day ilie larKe. ?w lit an ! iu:?i,'iiitlceiit aieanier HA" (iK^TA. returning roach .New 1 ork about J P. M. Iliek lifTsreiebr'iei| band will tarnlah milnarv an.l (inadi-ilie inusic. a raro opportunity is offered for vlfldiiK liio ytieen Olty of N?tr England ami spending a day upon liong Island f-onnd, <jti i oard one of 'he largest :nid tiuent steamers ot the entire New York fleet, i hints tho ttnust excursion this season. It will include the scenery on the hast Ktver uid Louu Island Mound. No oett-r time of the year could he had lor pleasure. lielVt;sh uieiits ot all Kinds on hoard, at reasonable prices, steamer leaves iim follows;? Twenty-third street. North River, at*:30A. M. Bsrclav street. North Ktver. al 9 A. M. Fulton ferry, Brooklyn. at9:'?)A M. Orand street terrv. l.ast Itiver. al 9:45 A. Ml. J nanty-tnlrd street, f'a^t ltlver, at 10 A. M Tickets tor round trip, IL Children hall price. lijpXCVBMjpn ALBANY AND TROY!"-IONA W Xli and. Bewburg 2b cents; Poughkeepsie, Rhine beoK. f'auklll, Athens, kl; return tickel, ?1 20; steamer sCIIuYlKB, Pier S5 Norili Klver, Franklin ?troeu sun duv, 8 A. M.; Twi:uty-fuurth siioet, b:IC, arriving samo day in -Sew York. E^ORT LKB, PLEA ANT VALLEY AND SIIAUY Snie boats leave Oa^ial street every -un.tay at 9. Man-111 A. M., 1, 2, Sand 6:3) P. M., iauuitiit at Iwcn tv-l'ourtii street 1" uiltiutes later auJ daily at Id A it, J 8:1.) and 7:18 I - M. Fare, IV. F^Oft EXCUitiflONB?rHK LAiiUG, FiltdT CLAM.S, favorite &u_atnlHjits L -KFY' IliiLLuW, now callu 1 THE tji'M r BRANCH, and MK'I'AMoRa: Dudley's. Al di may. sprint; 11 ill, Myer->', Alpine and lona Island Uroves. wi.ti Harney and rtoats of all kin M. J. A B. MYERS, corner ol Morton aril West streets. C1RANB SL* NOA Y EXCURSIONS TO KOCKAWaY J l ea'h. ?. he popular sound steamer NbVit.-lN K will tnaxe two excursions to Roekawav Beach, Sunday. Juue Uk ls78fleaving as lollows;?1 w. nty-tourth street, N. II.. K :'J) A. M.; West TeDUl street. N. l;., 8:4? A. M. uu,I 1:20 P. M.; Barclay stret, N. It., 8:48 A. M an 11 All*. *.j (iraud street, K. it., 6:15 A M.; 1'eck slip, k. K., 9:25 a. M. and 1:48 P. M. ; Brooklyn?Fulton ferry, 9:30 A. M. and 2 r M. Keturuinv, leaves Roekawav Ueaeh at llt'tn A. M. and 8 P M. Kam. 36c ; exclu sion tickets, .1 ic. Omul retreitnueuts oB beard. Aiao ou i uesuays and Tnura STK. AM BOATS AND BAltliKS FOR EXCURSIONS TO Itarilaa U.-arh. fanny Hide, <<U11W1<0J ami Willo* tiaveo lirovfi. MAKTIK k E_A->lCliLi., Ill South Btrt'et SIM>AY RXCUIlKiON* TO IIA RLE* ANT) A TOIUA, (aniline at Eleventh ?wt, Attoria, tilth street, <n.i Ralieintein'* 1'arfc ea< li wuy. Ihc steamer! SYLVAN DULL, HYLVAN B4,KN n.'<1 YLVa > .71 IKK AM will leave tiari. in mi l Peck slip every 45 minute* frum H: j A. M. 10 7:15 I'. M, coiiuecling with boat* lor High Bridge. Fare 15cent*. J. r, taLLI 1N. Superintendent rftO CU ARTE R?THS BTVV HBO AT PORT i,BK, FOR I exrurnirvi*, picnic parties and numtoj Khooli Ap ply at 47 K niton street, in the afternoon. PIANOFORTES^ UltUAMS, AC, A -F"K RKNT-UPRIOHT, MJUtRK AND GRAND J\ . Planus if oor own mike'. also for **;??, anumber of floa second ban 1 1'i in ? In perleMorder. WILLIaM KN ABE A >a ill l-'iftb ATcuae, AJOV# Sixteenth Street. \MMToP ORG A V, 3 !*F?T-> RF.EOS, .sUB-BASS, tl.3; 7 *top?, $'J ; 5 Stop*, ?7?5 uprtgnt. gran 1, square Pianos, snickering'*, dteinway'* Wejar'a, oitier,, p^rt cash. laatalments an ! fur rent B. X. BALL A CO., 15 i.AKt Fourteenth "treft. A-flOOi IlKAlTIH I. RO->r. WOOD, FULL 7 OC. . t?v?, iron frame Pianoforte an.! St-nil; Piano* 10 rent; instulmsnua received: new Increments eaceej iaiili iow. CiOLi-l.^MITH'ii, 2(5 lSieceter street, n. ar Bowery. A BSAITIPOL PIANO. ONLY ?I00-RTHIN WA Y J\, Pianolorte, overstrung. carvel lei*, over/ improve ment, abort tuna une-1; urut .acrltloe tor cash. J BlUDLh, 13 W^y^rlo.\ t lore, near Broadwar. ALMOST new prince organ. 8 s'OP< I rreim f MO: overstrung aevenoeRfi Piano, $150; rent $4. Ui.riglit and r.ew Piano* rented. ? UOftOON A BON. U East Fourteenth afreet. ? An rlkoant df.ckbr a rroh. pianoforir foraalaatmcrtflon; a brilliant toned 7H octave rl lily < .rved tour ronart rosewood ea*e full agrallo ova rat long piano. harms all lm> rnvetn. rit?; printed guarantee bill ot tale; cart $W5, tor ?17? Wool, Cover, Box f.r shipping. A four round 7 octave Chirker'ng Piano, (A>l. Ala't lianitaoine I'arlor t?nlta. Chamber seta. Library an I Dining iiraHnra, Painun/s. Bronzes, Ae.. ln loufe ?Bit. at on'-quarter cr?it. >. B ? ?tu?t he ?old. t ail private r.fiiilacoe So, 17 Aeat 1 btU at., be tween "Hh Bad ith art ABTKINWAY PIARO-COST $<3M, LE>?t TMaM bait, t'bickeritur, $l ?i: 7W octave bargoin; 7 <??. tare, $i? 7?top Organ*. $86: 1 bauh, BI75; rent or in J'?!ini*ni? PfclKR A bU.N. 1i CUUloU place .M.^bth atrcet' near flroadw%y ETtr Kiix skix rouTi'jj a, Rautifl lT ortave caryei rotewn .l upright PlanuforUi inoii ern aivle ami nni r->M no mi. gnarantceil ; including btool aud Mualc. 3S Tbir.i ?treut, n- ar Howery. A BEACTIFL'L CABTRD BOHF.wood NEVI.M J\ octavn Haiioforte, r' ind rorner<, imperii tni proTenien'a, f 109; btool. 'M Eaat SUtb ?lr"et. between Ski and 3d art BP.AtTlirOL RitSI WOOD I U'no fl.'c A 7?i niiurt, rarreil l?-jr*. OTeratniag 1 a**, ail Im pniTeineiita, ainio?i ntw, aacriflce. Uiatainir.ini iak?n, |lf montnif: raattA i< ? Bl.fc, 107 West Iweuiy tblrd ?tr*et, corner Si ? 111 nventM. T* PBIVATR FAR fl.Y Wu7l7~SKI.I. AI 120 WEST JY Twen?y-|T?lrd ?rtr?. near "txlb avi rin , an < l.-gnnt Htetaway k Bon Pianoforte, ttaed I mont'ia: coet rlie.iii; kriiliant tou<?i lour round rornern.l BraUbury, JH o- tayr, carve* l?*i#a mid tare, J'-'W, tor ~t.i l 'over auu Ratio btauO, Pianwa havu boxes lor abippiug. ? FIB r CLASS BEOONI? tl l*D Pi"\NO A WAVI II To BUY FOR tIAHU. K< BEKT BiiMbKYIfaLR, 74 UN.VEK.-l Y PLAOR. A BEATTIPVL NEW 7?< OOTAY* FIANO OYER. A atran^ evranit tretile. carved leg*, wnli gn -- ? titee foi sale euc?p 'or oaau. ,No. 4K? We., mirtya . eiith atieet. pHlt KKRIM11-, WaTKRV ANI> OTHER FIRST \J cia?? Piiswia lo rein, ami rent money applie 1 it r,?ir cbaaxl. Hi on ib y m<ulin>-tra received for ihe aame. liOBACh WArKKH k -11* Oti Broadway. / tut T Ilti CT-'Si R F. A T ~k?UL IN A BR ALL " ' body^' wonderfbl ? Colibri,'' or "Hamming H rJ ' I 4Hoa liqar ' r em ai 71 Went Foorieentli at reel, oppo ?Ite Van Buren'a Oardcnu. I WILL OIVR A OOLIJ WAtrH, A flANDHOMI g Id < h*ln. * 1 1 and ?*pph!re Ring, ami Ka, In exctiang# tor a go.?l Pianoforte. Address W. R , 16.J Eaat Rlaney street, Newart, N. J. MARC F ACT Oft ERS OFaF I AN ?) FOKTt 9 WILL FIND it to t'i*ir interi.-t to obtain e*timat<.? from '.tin M l-.TRO POLI1 A N PRINriNU EmI ABLIiHMRNt, 118 Broadway, beiorc havmu ibeii print 114 done a me where PIANOFOBTH TO RhKT-Or OCR OWN MAM!. fu< tnre. I> v Ml |c K KI s (4 k M ? N II I1n't t our. teentb atreet, between Brria.lway aad Filth aveuue. D'PRIOnT AND 801 ARK PlANOFDRTf- 8 AND OR gun* a' bargain" for ea?b; Initalm-nti or rent |t p?r month iifwi.r.1. Upright Plaooaaep. cUity. Bi.Tib' War?room?, 7* Broadway, enroer reBth etreet \rBKY OHKAP NKW FIRST 1 LA31 T*i WTAYgT v Pmn... wuictl was taKen fhr debt < an he n'?n at KRNKY Hi-iilt n /lu.. ,ti-.i,, r1 i<,l Taari atreev near t ul ton Call betw. m 1 and > I'. M. AWIRKMKWT.%. /"t HANI* SH AIHIW ham K AND -t'MMER RATI> ' R U Bociahle at t fie ftina, j"l*tv thirl arret and (bird a venae, ??v.-rr ATI' it l'AT AFl'ERNooR and EVEN. I.SU. UckatoSOc. Ladte< it-re. (1AKTIF.R * BPSW, Ranarera. MSTHOPOLITaN RIHKITR (IF Altr, IJH W'-fl Foartenitrb <?r^ot, Now Y.,r'<, (>pen daily, iu A. M. u> t> P. M. Mo uiays an 1 I'bnrtdayi !rnr OUK MILL ORAftn AMATI VltlLINS, CREHffNA fiatlern. ?? ole agency Z4 fMt I-Oiirteen B street ? Me hii.l Mrui^a, warranted genuine, 28n. eanh. illu*. trjtrd catalogue* free, ntliirese Ml SIC A L AUB.NtY. Mil DI'iN BOUCIl'ADLT APPKAR^ IN JULY IN the ? alttornla fhea re, In an Franotaon. tin heptaaber 11 be will api>H?r an ' < onn,' in taa "SbaogUrauB,' atUrui ) Lauc ibaatra, 1 ouUun. w AHfPHKMlGITTW* alj?c*?T GRBATSUCCESS of HABRIOAN AND HART. who appear every evening and Weduesday and Satur^ any Matinees in r >ra of their orb at original sketches. MILDOON, THE SOLID *AN, TUB MOUJ6AH O CAR OS, ? OLD U.Nl'LB PETJI1 and TUB DONOVANS. MONDAY. JUNK u TOW ROYAL JEDDO JAPANESE TROUPB will appear, for the first time in this city, In their astounding performance*. OOC'8 MUSEUM. WOOD'ci. Afternoon at 3, evsntnff at 3. TK R M K N1 ?0 US ATT RAOTIO N8. SHEItlliAN AND MACK' - COMBINATIONS ami FULL DRAMATIC CO M PA NT, In DICK TUBPIN, THE HIUHWAYMAN. w Metropolitan theatre, ?? broad way. B V i*. K V EVENING* matinees WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY. CTH AVKNl'E THKATRR. U Proprietor anil Manager Mr. AUOUSTIN DALY BYEilY NIGHT AT 8. MATINBB HATURDAY, liW> SEVENTEENTH WEEK OP 1UK GOG G a I HE GREATEST COMEDY SENSATION OF THE! ' DAY. PARK THEA1RB. ETHIOPIAN OPKKA SEASON. T. MAG l/I KB Lessee ami Munatfer. SECOND Wlil'.K?1'he greatest hit ever made. EMEKSOn'S OALIl'OltN 1A Ml NSTKBLS, the Chamumn Bund of the World. BILLY EMERSON, li N COT f ON, HILLY RICfT LIT ILK M YO BOH HART, W. ARLINGTON, J. 8. RUSSELL, W. II. I'lLLA, FitKD WALZ, All EVERY nYgHT and SATURDAY M VTINKE. Orebostra. 91: Dre^s Uiri'le, 6Uc : Hal ony. 25c. tt M. H. SMITH, Business Mana^r. o LYMPIO THEATBG. OLYMPIC THKATRR, <124 BROADWAY. THE COOLEST BOUSE IN TOWN. Mr. JOHN F. PooLK Mmnqcr THE liBnT ENTER I'AI.NMKNr IV TflK CITY. THK MVBVKLLOU* YOUNG SIKGt.ISTH. Mr. JOHN II ART. Mr. PA I' ROONKY. Mi'tarn. iITZUKKALI) an! RYAN, Master MARTIN. James w < lahkk, wm. west, ouren. Miss CLARA MOORE, -Mids SAlDEE O'NEIL, 1 lib) AFRICAN DWARF TOMMY, THE COLORED HAM I OWN S I UOKNT9, Messrs. flOODiNO, GRIFFIN, S"LDSW<>RTfT, . GILBERT, Mr. W. It. t'AHILL. Mr. .IAS. VINCiSlV. ALL THE FAVORITE ARiISl'8. EXTRA.?ON MONDAY N ? XT, drat appearance of the celebrated FREEMAN A Mi'H'18 PANTOMIME I ROD PR, In the Coinlc Irlck Pantomime, Kl-KI, with new scenerv, cosmmen, appointment* and effcctifc AUo oil MONDAY NEXT, A NUMBER OF NEW STARS. CilLMOUK 8 CONCERT GARDEN, r LATE HIPPODROME. Mr. P. 8. GILMORE Director THE MOST MAQNIFICBNTOABDEN IN Till? WORLD. Concerts every night. at 8 "'clock, bv GILMOHK'S 8UPBBB BAND OP 1IJ0 PERFORMERS. Cliantrr of programme every niprht. 1. Overture, "J uboi" Weber' 2. Walt*, "sownbrecber" ( I 5. Helection irom the opera "U rociato"....Meyerbeer 4. Overture. sccna, "(ialatea" Mi|po 6. Cornet oln, "Whirlwind Polka" Levy Mr. M. ARBL'CELE. ft Blutnenlled, "Flower Song" Lanes, 7. Fautaise, 'II Proleta" Meyerbeer, 8. Packeltanz, No. I Meycrbee^, <J. Waltz, "Carnivals Hilder" Strain* 10. Galop, "Trab-Trab," Somerlathc. NATIONAL AIR. "THE STAR SPANGLED BANNER." The Garden Is open EVF.KY AFTERNOON, without music, between the hour* of 2 an! 0 o'cIook?a delightful retort lor ladlei and children. AdtnUalon, at night, 50 centg. AiieriKKin, 25oenta Private Boxes, $1 extra. Fea*on Tickots (for 100 perforniaucesi, $30 Halt Season Tickets (for S>' periorinaace^. $-"X Package* ol 12 Tickets, $5. c 10L. SINNS" PARK THKATRR. BUOOKLYN. Nightly and Matinees Wednesdays and Saturday*. Novelty Troupe No. 1L All new faces anJ great star*. The best company ever in Brooklyn. rrtKBRACB GARDEN THEATRE. 1 FRENCH OFEIl A BOUFPB. Friday evening, Juue U?Estraordlnury Porformanctt. LAS l APPliAKAVCR IN AMERICA OF Mile. OOBALIE GKOFFRAV, Ml e. LEoNTINB MI NP.I.LI, MM. DK QLKKOY. VALAIRK, VALTEB. Last uertoruiance in America ol the original GIROFi.h-OlftOi' LA. rrodu'w' with magnificent sult-n lor as re^i'ila , h'.ru?f?, Costumes, teceiijories, i j-opcrtiei and Oor geous Miss en cene. Admis?lon 9*e.; Heservel Seats, Sue. and $. extra, a> cerding to location, oeaureitl/ Tuesday at Loa ottlce, Terraca Garden; Schlruier <t ttullmann's. (1ENTRAL PARK GARDEN, TO NIGHT. J THF.o Tili?MAS' l!nrivallM nmrii?r Nl^hft1 Con ceru. Ibis iFl-Ii'AYi i vaiiitig. June 11, at 8 o'clock, TIIKHlHlHa I llo x as' TWRNTY-slXlli GRaND CONCERT. Coronation March Svendten Entr' Acte. No. 1, "Rosainuiide'1...... ^huliert Nupttale. new Francis Kortmv Over ure, " annhaeimer ? Wairm r Overture, "Aheoceiagen"....: Cherablnt, Pbeme Symphonl'iue. oD. 31 ;...Sa>nt-saens Invitation a la Damie Weber Khai soille Hon<;rntge, No. 8, In l'i"*V Marehtt Hoogroise. "liaknoxy" Berlioa Ovrturo, "La linm Ladra'1. ..Honinl WftSta. "Publicisreo" Sin.usn Ballet music, "Robert le Diaole" MeverD> er Galop. "Iloellen" Conradl AdmiasioU Uckete. IWceim; pr.vate iHixea. $1 and 92 extra, according lo location. Packages of 12 tlckau, 9& | EIONOLD'S FAKEWRLU BROOKLYN ACADEMY OP ?VSTC1. LAST I'LKFUKMANi E Or MIL R.GNOLD in America as AtH>.< Cl.AllK, FRIDAY EVENING. JUNE 1L Box offic.e now open. , N B.?Mr. churles R. fhorne, Jr., ciaiins an American right In this play, which the counsel ol Mr. Kignotd, lieweve.r, do not concede; but, leaving tbe?u ritSu for any mture adjiistm.oi. we have oh ainod Irom Mr. Tliorne a klrni conee?iton to bave the oeriormance ami. ( a til y proceed, considering that it is for a charitable pur Hose. (1 RAND MUSICAL AQUATIC It ATI N BKS, T KVEKY AK KRNOON oi the prctcut went, on Jarrett A Palmer's superb float in.' ualacu, TUK PLYMol ill ROi.'K. a MTI.K.S t?P I'HE Hi II ON r<) lONA ISIjAN'Ph The cilraor'.in.irv nmocul progra'nin''by QlLiSOKb . B?NO, HtKI n O I > Id HK.-iTRA MAN II A I Ian UI.Kft CI/OB. IMt M \ II KiOAL BU*W, CaXKEURAL OKllA.N, UKANJ) PIaNO, CHI.Ml-. Of CHURCH BI-.Ll.s. FARE ...'round trip) ONE DOLLAR Chit mi Miltr it half prtct. ?.?Tbe PLTMwUili Ki>cK lea ve? fall River UM pi?-r, '/8, fool of *liirr?T it i-i, North Hirer tnle ? 'I ? v rr i'-riio in, at I juiiiI tootof Twenty-third street at i o'cloc k. ten gti?e UMimnt under head of ?'Exrurelona." HfcUOBD INUA. IKI* I P 1 iiK U. II.W.\ ?Tfir. PlMl AT ION* I>I,AM), WEST POIN* AN0*hW BLKO. NKXT * Li N 11A Y JUNK IX WMl.SKHOAY Juno It?Orand Moonlls'lt ABU Bniumer Nt*hi'x Kxruriluti oi the PAl.ETT-C cut B. | ROMNSON II ALL, HIXTRRNfft 8TRKKT. 1IIE COOLKsr RRSORI IN TH K OITT. POPULAR PRI K.?, ?P..?Hc. and $1. Prnoeentum Boxes, holding MRpersons, 91. FOU k i WKK* UK tub URKAI shNsATIOK The combination oi t'ie MH.OKN . IKOUIlt OP HRAtTTIFUL WOMRN with :he pre*'lit company j^uriu burle que perloiia All ? of MRRrtfRK r AN 11 JOVlAUII never ? v ?l,.-d in ihta elur. (HKOri.R UiROI'LA. f>ntlm<-ntAl *n-l marveluii it p > >ular. In English, witii mi tlx fluid, an. rm? and fbn ?H Til r, KA VOL'S. parisian OANCA*, In the laannlitcent Ktj? danaante. LA VIiv UK (J.iNCAN PA :l I Kf NS, (Ives birth to untold pleasure, whlla Lt.i COUSINS Kl LhS UKlSKITM caII firth p^nUol m rthfnl laughter. Every evening at 4. Saturday ina'in-'C all J OK KH' WOOD i (tLOKsKL M. T. y. B. IIVLiH his Proprietor Nntnre, combined ?:tli A ri, made fhl? the mod > MAORI PICK*! .ISVfhll OAR0RN IN AMhRKM. < A benutifnl landscape, with a pr-rie<-t moving patio rnmu on tlie Ram Itiver, an I ail the .-it' in^tlt?itT??n? In view, render It I he most desirable plac* for an afternooU ? enjoyment in the city. Every Snndty, ?t .1 o'clnr* P. M.. ? Brand Concert <>i i lau>c>l and pupntsv mu>ii.' mil be given bv DOWN I (.'3 P NTT RE Sivril RKWIMRRT RANf*. ?Ckm wleilg d by the pre?N an.l tho public M tfe* 111 i BAN? b THIS CoLMtti. Sunday, .l .rm IA ORANu WAUNBR UAT, to' rfpstltl'i'i oi the OKI AI' BATTLF. POT POtJRf, with the celebrated Imnie minif of inx-th never before i>erlorme<' In tnin conotrj. EXTRA KAMI. RX1RA UHl'R UUKPS. SCOTC* DAOI'IPiiUa nn 1 ancient flier* in full costume. Aifmi^mlon V< ccnia. ? "1 1 -* TlVOLl Til I'. AT KR, KlghlB ?ti Ii- 'ween ?*rnrid an-I Thlr 1 ?? onne*. bNULI ii, ^ FKK.n H, ' 3 ' OKRRAN i 5 OPERATIC KETrnKi \ eve'v evening and ? flRIH'l V PRI o M weofiil to none In th* rtn. HJ7? -CKNTKNMAL jjj;?. > JLO I RAre chance for Investment. Tt>- owner trtmca to Mil one. of the flne?t plsr?? Ot ?inoanment In this ciiniitry. it n a fniennoi and tbor oofBiy ?ppnlritud thettre, gituated In one of 'he vtry In looniftie* in I hiiAilelj In* ami will imdonbtedly re?li/o au per ??nt ol lt? purchase monef ai profit within tbs firm y*??. Ttie proper'.v uteadily tncreaalng in vain, ( ? on* snorter of the pun ha?e ro mtev only roqnired. i n? b? anee m*y remain on bop I an.I inarigni;* At# percent Ii terent for partu ulari mldreM W. HULLMAN, No. Il4 Broadway, New York. SANJO AND OUITAR TAUOIIT; ALSO ALL BTTlifiS Of Danelnf tor tht nniwirel and vnrietv atage, flna i ||0a. Hum a* ta ?(Wl U.. >UY ii U'jfl i.? M Bow#< v.