Newspaper Page Text
THE NEW YORK HERALD. WHOLE NO. 14*173. NEW YORK, SATURDAY, JUNE 12, 1875.-TRIPLE SHEET. PRICE FOUR CENTS directohy FOR adiertiseks, amusements?sui own Pagv?sixth column. ASTROLOGY?Twitirru I'agk? tbtm column. FILM All l>(? Firm Pai;i ? Sixtll column. M'aKDERS WANTED?Tvtirrii Page? Fourth column. soakii AND LODGING wanted?T?ii.itii page? Fourth coluuiu. Brooklyn board?'t*umi pagb?Fourth column. ROOK (a* N REAL E8TATI FOB bale? Secomd Page?First column. /i'NINESS opportunities?surra Pack. BUSINESS noric'F.s?Sktcntii r?uk?Fifth column chy REAL icstate FOR sale?Recokd Fa..*? First column. CLERKS AND salesmen?Twhi.kth I'agi:?Second column. COACHMEN AND gardeners?Twri.mi Page?s?0 oud Mint third column*. COASTWISE SiEaMSHIPS-Skoohd PiCB-Kourth col umn. COUNTRY BOAHD?Tweutu Page?Fourth and flith column*. DENTISTRY? First Pack?Sixth colnran. DRY GOODS?fin#* Page?sixth column. DWELLING HOUSES TO LET, furnishf.D AND UNFURNISHED?fckfonb I" age?Second column. KUBoPi AN STEAMSHIPS?second Page?Tiilra und lourili column*. EXCUR-loX ?Second Pace?Filth column. FINANCIAL?Niktb Page. FINK ARTS?Twelfth 1*ai;k?Third column. FOB SALE?First Paqe?Sixth column, furnished ROOMS AND apartments TO LET? Seco-.'p Page?second nud third columns. FURNITURE-First Pag* -Third rolumn. <.eum an advertisements?Twf.lftH PAGis-Third column. BRLP wanted?female.?^-Twelfth Page?Second column BKLP wanted?MALES?i'wklpm Page?Third col bobses^'carbiaoes, AC.-First PAu?-Fourth, lldh and dxth columns. JIOTELS?Twelfth Paob?Fourth column. BOUSES, RO 'MS, AC , W ANTBD-SBCOHD Pace Third column. INSTRUCTION?Twelftb Page?Third column. LECTURE SEASON? Twelfth Page?Third column. Lost AND found?First Pac.e?Second column. Bachinkry?First Pagk?tuxth column. ARBLE mantels? Fimt Pack-Third columa. MRUlCAL?Second Paok?Fifth column. MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISEMENTS?tmjfm Paob? six'h column. MISCELLANEOUS?Twulftb PA.-.s-Thlrd column. NEW i'l'BLlt aTIO.VS?Sevkxtb Pace?Sixth column. 1 KRSONAL?Firjt Page?First and sooand columns Pianofortes, organs, ic.?twxlftb Pace?nurd column. political?twin.rm Pai;e?Third column. POH'r OFFICE no i ICE?First ta ie-sixth column. professional si i uations wanted-femalks tw>li'jii Page?Secondcolumn. PROPERTY OUT OF THE CITY FOR 8ALB OR TO RENT?Secokd Pace- First and icoond column*. REAL ESTATE TO exchange?Second Paue?heo ond column. reaj. ESTATE WANTED?Secokd Page?Second col umn. religious notices?First Page?Second column. rew ARDS?I'iuht PAiiir -Second column. SALES AT AUCTION?fl"wblrrh Pace?Sixth column. situations W A nTK i)?fe m ALLS?Twelfth Pace? First *nd second columns. SITUATIONS WAN f ED-M a i. E ??Twelfth Paob?Sec ond column. SPECIAL notices?Piiwt Paob?Second and tnlrd col umns. SPORTING?doos, BIRDS, 4c.?Fuwt Page?Fourth column. STORAGE?First Pagb?Sixth column. sum m Kit rksobt8?TwfLnu Pace? Fifth and Sixth columns. the TRADES?Twelfth Pagb?Third column. j HE TURF?First P*cb?Fourth column. TO LET FOB business PURI'OSES-Sbcobd PaGB Second columns. TRAVELLERS gl'ide?Seoojtp Pag*?Fourth column. dnfurnished ROOMS and Al'ABTM en 1'al TO LET?Sbcokd Pack?Third colnrnn. watches, JEWELRY, ic.?Twelfth Page?Third column. WEMTCH ES TUB county PROPERTY pob SALE OB TO let?Second Page? First column. facets, STEAMBOATS, ao.-finsi PAGB-Third coU nfnn. BUIFKETT BUILOIMO. ETT BlIMiINU. A FEW more OFFICES TO LEU DIUKCIOni Room* BASKMKXT. 1?Lawrsnce A Co., Bankers. If?J. N. Hnyre, Urn tie men 's Furniahln*. 3?H. D. Iiumont. stationer. G. W. Smith, Law Hooka 9? Thomas M. Lynch, Win?* Edwin L. Irion, lirar*. J? A B. Pavenport, Ua.1 tor. 9? Bantn A Friedman, Tailor*. ? FIRST KT0R7. Tolet Very eligible for Banking and Insurance. t SECOND 8TORY. Mr Mali on A Morne, Lawyers. W. H. O'liwyer, Lawyer John Fyne, Lawver. T. C. Fini-knoy, I'uMuher. Ross A Kenny. Real I.SUta. Herrlck Henry, Lawyer. gZ | J. R. Lodden. lawyer. 9? North wenern Life Insurance Come a L H. Benedict. Agent. 7?Homer A. Nelson, Lawyer. Erastns Cooke, Lawver. ??Allien M Card, lawyer. John Fowler. Jr., Lawyer. I? i Chamber of I4le Insurance, jl | Charlton T. I.ewis, .-rrreiarrw 1J? McCarthy A Chalmerr, Lawyer* 19?Cook A Nassau, Lawyer* H. B. tr rgiiion. Lawyer. J. M. ('nvanumih. Lawver. W-M. W. Weld. Lawyer. International Co lection Association. 6. U. Ikrrickaon Lawyer. THIRD bTORT. I > JOdee Sutherland. 91 F. M Heuu, Lawyer. 9?Fettrltch A " ardwell. Lawyer* J. P. llanwm. Lawyer. V?E H. Benn, Lawyer. Dodley L. .Iauie?, Lawyer E. U. Jain ?. I.awvrr. ??Mierldan Bonjng* A McEwen, ?UDC?Tai>her* t? Kluna Bloomer. Koal Kstate. U. H. Cook, Krai f state. 7?Briags A Fellow*, Lawyer* J. B Altken. Lawrer. 9?W. C. Traphipen, r.awyar. C. Ma {the vta. Lawyer. W. H. Ryan, lawyer. B, T. Usrdner.Lawyen ; L O. Wiinon, Lawyer, W. Dorack, Lawyer. ,9-To let . 10?Wnkinaon A refers. Trottee* of Kstute of Whlta. II i llarrbon A 8tr ng. I.awreri I* John Coiler. stenographer. 19 J A. K. Woodruff, lawyer. U?W R Rergbols. Civil Engineer. relbam and fortchester Railroad Oomixanr. , _ , FOURTH HTOBY. I?Th o niton A Earle. Lawyer* J j Edgar Kcfeliom. Regl?ter tn BankruBtc* 9 1 hdgar Kite ham, Jr., Lawyax. 4?Ileorv Wehle. Lawyer. b> caftan Lawyer. H. Fuehrar. Lawrer. ^B^d^.rV^rrS?dnen?,nn'*CtUrh? Con,P?'- D * f-Hartnen B. Whltbeck. Lawyer. T-HiMihI ('rook, Lawver* Purrov * But/el, Law vera. O II Badtau. Lawver. ?"ro^irkS!1uS^r?* Uwrtr% ?? J), n. Williams. Lawyer. W?Channeey stasfTrr. Lawyer. 11?C. M. Glover Lawver Fred w. Kenny. Attorney and CouoielSoe. * Crosby. Lawyer* |JJ8. Buhlar, lawyer. I . . FITH stout. I?I* Skldmora, Lawyer. Jo I Hi II. ('.lure. 9?Muyveiant Rank Receiver. !(t n ff'!1* LatUnp. Lawyer* 4i | B- ^akeman. I awjer. ? llf B Roe. I awyer. 'o'c'Herr"1" 1 ub,uhln' fompanjk 9-ritVh * Fltcll. Lawyer* (I, Fuller. Lawver. 9?llascall A ffet^nn, lawyer* h. O, Atedtnan, Lawver. I?fjQvtnl1* ?-?^-Ju#nt* W. li King, Lawyer J*???; P * J- *. Bead, Lawyera >9?Byrne, Brarett A Co., Lawyer* WaUh, Halbcrl A Frkorw>n, lawyer* , ^ HKTH STORT, I?Jrhn Tovmsh^nd, Uwrir A. *?ni Coventry 11 Waddoll, Geniral Awlanee ir i?.?k ruffey. act oT' ongretsofl-HL * B?ok ? Nro,r1' 'iranltc Monti man w Ac. 9?0 W Carpenter, l.awyer. ?(OtlaT. Hall, lawrer 91 O.P. Wehater lawyer. leflerscn Clitr*. l.auy, r. 91 John L. Knight. .'antt<?f. . Ij 9. F. Eller. Lawyer. 9>A, Lane, Lawver. fmuti A Mean. City siirvevor* Kl)? W. Vaa Siclan, Lawyer' II J T H Raldwia. Liwyer. UI Charles l?. Barrow lawyer. Fenton Rockwell, Lawyer. J. A. Lydeeker. Resl Kstata. ' C. E. Lydecker. Ijawyer. 19) Henry A. Ollderaleeve. Lawyer M ) <k It. Carrlngtnn, Lawyer. V. W. Tompkins, lawyer. T H Mihier, l^wvar. ^Two passenger elevators rnonlng all the tima. _ /'HRIONAIn ~ r?^0 9lfB US gf.VDAv''"ox~t7iR PIT the cadet, .f?!1 lo ?-l"'nd ?n '""if with komphvi hnve * Ifod nm'' generally. You'll l>? "F * BfOKTAOL E. DAtr?R.?a.^2fH~TOr CA* ,,FAR OF 90VIRTHINH r- ,u h^?'" Ci ,f M'itmer if i?r TinrAT dtstrrss known outalda? n,U b* '"rglven. Nothing ^et fiA?ra?k'ir aFl?!" ''or ,UVii < i,vR*ED yoi k you ^ignatc srmia Ldd/eM',U8' X.'" irti.*"Tr"? LifEnTu roip. Bleacker street aha Jitir? *' W' W ?* ' nlon, \1 vaniaga ' 111 b*"r o( ?< meUilng to har *i K - WILL Vt.r M>I:T h y. r-t'" t'vtvivn ? ,""'ino? we???'ie aw-J .h.4ow oanca af t j M?H .HAl'R WALKER (iB OFORr.l* InUHflAV will tin.) it to thflr advantaae |< senj ^ ffjftAl Sijiitfi ? iiiii ?itif-.-( I'fiii 1 't Tt. i, vi ff)*ir ?<l4r? k$ fvaraonal* uldre'ai^l.'iA.N^'i' "9 1 4 R'lIfKB1TK?WCITK A VD OITl ME atiMir IN J?l lot ma ilon ahont votir fttttiro mov.Vn.?!l , " taayten hlng Ood bla^ darhtJT^ ?fio/HMt'' lfI18,Vur,ROM H kk HOME IM int. , ; rv Z ,... i.r^ irMw.TO'ff? - S"! N.e.,rv. ??; it rt; <i ,||l. ftivM, " K ii PKKSO.MAU. NORTHERNER?'GIVE M?. V^l'U ADDRES-i IN Personals. I will see you Monday. SOUTH ERN EH. rro QKOKOB VOX ST. GEOItUE.-YOUR BROTHER!? J anil sister*, William, Theodore, Ernes', Marie, Auguste mid Henrietta, nre anxlou? to hoar trom you. >vrlte to them, and address at 13 Bleich strasse, Wieebalen, tiermanv. rrniE OK NT I.EM AN WHO FLIRTED HIS HANDKER J shici to lad' from rear window, nn Wednesday, would I lite to see her. Will (-he nail or write him, givlnij where letter na.<y ho sent In return, or appoint interview? Ail^reu* SUMMER DAY, Herald Uptown Branuh office. li;ALL STRl.Er STAOE, FROM MADISON SQUARE ?T to the leivvboat. 10 o'clock?1 mw you again Coming back. Address WALL street, Herald office. ?firILL QBOROIE COOLIB CALL AT Flr'TH A VB tV nue Hotel, Saturday morning, at 8 o'clock, where will find FoX f REMCilOUS NOTICKS. All saints pkotestant episcopal church, Rev William N. Dunnell, rector, Henry street, cor ner of Scam me I. New York..? Service* every Sunday morning at 10^ aud every Sunday evening at 7>J. The rector will preach. A SPIRITUAL CONPSBKNCE AT THE HARVARD Rooms. Reservoir square. every Sunday ; ladle*' meeting at 10k A, M. ; neutral conference at 2)k aod 7 W P U. All invited. A T FIFTH AVENUE BAPTIST CnUBCH. WE^T J\ Fort}' sixth street?Services Sunday morning at 10&, and eveoiim at 7 V o'clock ; preachinu' b.r Dr. Arim tape. paHor. mind ay School at 9 A. X. A!] welcome. AT FREE tabrbnaclk METHODIST episcopal church. West Thirty-fourth street, between Seventh and Eighth avenue*, Rev. J. Johns, pastor, will preach Sunday morning 10:8); evening 7:44; young people's meeting 6:3-) P. M. Scats tree. All welcome. Mraw tierrv festival and musical entertainment tor the bene fit of tlio Sunday .school Thursday ovenlng, June 17, 1873, Tickets, 30c. Association hall, twej.ty third rtreet, corner Fourth avenue.? Special services to-morrow (Sundavi evening, at 7?* o'clock: Mewt Jesnp, Wetmnre, Morse, Bussing, Huge, Pinkney, Stokes. Dooly. Vermllye and Tavlor. delegates t<> the recent Klchmoud (Va.) Con vention, will take part In the exorcise*. Bedford stkeet methodic episcopal church will be reopened to-morrow, Juno 13.?Morn ing, sermon by Rev. J. M. field, D. IX; evening, acrmon by Kev. William Wyatt, ot Albany. Services, 1(1?! A M. and 7!? P. M. Communion, 3 1*. M. Heats free. Strau gors welcome. /MIIIDREN'S DAY AT ALLEN STREET METHODIST V,' Eplsoopal church (between Dciance.v ana fttving ton'. ? Rev. William McAllister will preach at 10:3 ? A. M, Sacramental services, 8 P. M. Singing bv the children and address** by prominent speakers and the pastor, Rev. Charles F.. Harris, at 7:30 P. M. S1HILDRBN'* SUNDAY AT BKEKMAN HILL METIf odist Episcopal church, East Fiftieth street, between First and -econd avenuea.?Preaching by the pastor. Rev. William II Thomas. Morning subject?"Stones for Rread.'' i-venlng sublet? "Remember Now Ihy Crea tor In the Dut? of Thy Youth." Sp-cial cliiliren'o ser vice nt ihree o'clock r. M. Baptism ot lufantg, ad dresses, < ru? Hluglnn, banner presentation, Ao. La dies' festival, Monday evening, June 14. 187\ (1ALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH, TWENTY-THIRD J street, between Fifth and Sixth avenues?Rev. R. B. MacArthur, pastor, will preaeh on Sunday both morn ing and evening. Strangers cordially Invited. C1HUROU OP OUB SAVIOUR ) Kiltv-eeventh street, near Eighth avenue, .'ane.? M. Pullman, pastor. Morning service at tu No evening service. Fourth prrsbytbrian church, thirty. fourth street, near Broad way. ?Rev. Cyru* Dickson. D. I)., will preach In tills church to morrow morning at 10,'a and afternoon at 4. fnPTY-THIHD STREET BAPTIST CHURCH.-PA8 tor, llev. W. II. Pendleton Will preach morning and evening. Sunday School and Bible classes at 2 P. M All axe welcome. IEXINOTON AVENUE METHODIST episcopal J church, corner of Fifty-second i>trcet.? Preaching on S:ibl?alli hv t!ie pastor, Rev. J. W. Kelleck, D. D.. at i0>? A. M. and 7*4 P. M. seats free. Sunday school 9>, A. M. and I P. M Madison avenue reformed church, corner I iftv seventh street. Kev. II. D. Oanse. pastor, will preach at H A. M. and 4 P. M ; morning sub>cct? ?'Christ's Words Came." MO>Tlll Y CONCERT OP THB MORNING STAB Sunday School, No. 188 an.l 187 Went Twenty-sixth Street, J', P. M. Rev. W. W. Page and other prominent speaker*; also choir of children from Howard MUsion are expected. REV. J H. LIOhTBOUBN WILL PREACH IN SEVEN, teenth afreet Methodist Kplseopal ohnrcb, between rlrnt aud eonnd avenues Subjects?10:'*) A. M., "The Pur? in Heart" 7-48 P.M., "'lbeSln AgaUnt the Hely Ohoef." Beats free. Rev. h. w ksapp will pueach u tub first Mission H?pU<t ehnrcb corner 1.sight and Variuk streeu. at 10 Jo A. M. and 7:48 1'. M. teat* free. RKV. J. 8. WILLH, AT SEVENTH STREET METHO- j i dist i pise-pat church, neart'ooper Institute. Morn- . tug topic, 10:30o'clock, 'Prayer vs. Naturalism:'' even- I Uip tupic, "i tie itmn and RestoraUon of a Ureal King.'1 scats free. All in v. ted. Rev Samuel m. Hamilton, paktor ok scotch ' frcrbvterian <h?rcb. Fourteenth *fr*et. betweei Fitth and Mxth avenues, will preach to-morrow at 1(1:30 A. M, and 4 P. M. ? ' Rev .f. rti and krndrice. d. d.. or pouoa > keepeK, will preach, on Sondav. .Iunr 13. morning and rM-nlne. In Trinity BaptUt church, Fifty ni'ta meet, uear Lexington avenue. Ret. Jakes m kino, pastor, will preach in tli* St. John-* Methodist Episcopal chnrch, Fifty, third utreet. Bear Broadway. at 10:tn A. M. and 7 48 P U. I venluc text, "I writ* onto rod, young men." All ar? welcome. T)FV. Dit. riTORRS. REV. JAME3 M. BCCKL'Y it ami Rev. Henry M. l-auoer* will tuloress Hrooklvn Funds v K. In,..I I nl hi, Monday evening next at Hanaiin pl;ire Metliu tiat chnrch. 7>< o'clock, OIXTH AVKNI'E UNION REFORM ED CHI'ilCH ? O Preaching by the pastor, Rev. Wiillatn B. Merritt, hunday morning and evening. All cordially Invited i t Washington square mi.thodist epirco J\ pal (-.Buret), Rev William Llovrt, pastor, will preach, Murnina subject, "The l.Mag Redeemer evenlns ?ut> jeot, 'Ihe Thorn-Crowned Ring." communion SP. M. A. ?A.?KENTUCKY MNGI.K NUMBER DISTRIBUTION, for the benefit of the University ol Padncab, LOST AMI) FOl.NI?. Found-a sum or monrt, in this oitt. state your ioa* anu addreae T. 0. M., box 200 Herald office. ____ Lost?gold cameo locket, with monogram J, F. B : contain* likeneaaof iadt and child. The fladar will be rewarded by leaving it at 104 Wett ftrtet IOST-1N A BROADWAY 81"AGE, FUIDAT, ABOUT J li o'clock, a large brown Envelope remaining an unexecuted deed, oelui: ol no value to *nv one bat owner |lu reward will be paid lor retnm of the sauie tu Mr. LEE- II, W Wall atreel baaeraent office. IOBT S10 R WARD) FRIDAY EVENING, A < ? It A Y j African Parrot; red Ull. head partly bald; vicinity nl Plftr seventh ?tr?-?t and Filth avenue. Return to W West Fifty seventh (treat. RKWARUS. REWaRD.-ANY PER ON RRTl'RMNO TO No 1P9 ?eventb avenno a brown Horaa, 1JS riunla bigh. taken from mble In Twcutv first street arid Havetitu avenue, on Miuredav atternoou, will receive the at)o>e reward; no question* askej. d?'?X REWARD.-U-^T. AT THE CORNER OK ?T ? ?' orand and Oreene atreeta, a Pocketlmok, with Paper* ol n<> vali" to anv one t<ut Hie ,.*n< r. if the papers are returned to room 33 l rinlty Biiiulingt Uie above reward will be paid and no queatiouii a>kcd. KPROAL .MOTH'ES. HERALD branch offices. ADVERTISEMENTS EECt IVEDAT ALT, HOURS UP To NINE P. M . aM> newsdealers SUPPLIED WITH HERALDS AT FIVH O'l I.OCK EVERY MORN 1NG. AT I,MA BRO IiWAV AND MO SIX1II AVENUE, BKTWtEN THIRTT KIIU[T AND I U I K l"V SECOND ,-TRKETf: OFFICE OPEN A 1,1,' NlOIlT. HA RLE* OPFICK 3JM THIRD AVENUE, CORNER OF I24TII STRKI Tj ADVERTISEMENTS Rl-CEIVRDTO 7 Jl) P. M., AND REWSDKaLKIIS fUPPLIED AT FIVE O'CLOCl EVERY MO BNI NO. Mil Drawing to take plai ?? at Covington, Kr., JUNE ff, !'75. Oifti paid in full at thlt office. 1 Oift of |f. i two u t?M*0 1 <>ift ol Euan l? aftWO 1 ?i|ft Of |0.(*?l |4 Ill "00 4 Gift* of ,M?? afa so nryj loi;ift?iof '1309 are j\ mi IK) Ollt* of 1,000 are an ONI WGiftaof aoO are. ??, irfl I) OlfU u( Mo are j* wn aoOliilUof 11*1 are *MK>1 A priroximaliiin I f.lfta of fltto *4?>r iximaUng to fm,(KX) gift art $R.0,0 4<.itt>-iit i..173approxlmttlnrto 2't.ningit\are b.uro 4rittt?of i,utiiiapproxMiiHtiiig fo lO.Nn gin are 4,i*j<i i ^OOUUUIroI lOaie Du.iKW ' Total. 6 ;?7S <iiffa. all r*v?i. nrooiinfing to Whole ticket* flo lialvei, $S; ,,nartcra $2 M. rile drewmjr takes piare In public, and i? free to all. The distribution li alwavfl ? full one. No at anim t.f w Itia or poatponeipenta on anv acci unt. Peraona wtahing ! tickets ?h. Did order at "Die. Aildreaa all order* for tkkcU at ! Intoimatloc to THOB. H IIAT 3 A CO., _ so Br"iHw*5-, New York. | 4 --ODA WATRS. mineral waters, ginoer j\ , *lea, apar'i ing '.Vinea: mamifaciere complete .mtntd ot Apparatus and MatvrlaK with lull inaruc- , t'or.i; atl department* ><f mantitactnre, bottling and dl) ? / ?. . , M ?? /. ? .1 I . I ? A I ' I M 11 I I M .la*l?itl . ^ Idkaa.l. . . J - iiuiiv Mii *** f*m ' mi ? ii* ?? n '? <*? tHtn, woitiuif; nl 11'J <115* r.cti'ina; (l.lo-np Klflitu in desirable territory, cits Icgiu ? tree .HillN MATTHEWS, Kiret Avenue. Twcnty rtxth and Twenty seventh stiei tu. New York. A ?ISAAC O. EOYCE, W. BROADWAY, LA WYE A ii ? No:arr, ' nMimi*?ioiier riivnrce* obtained promptly without publicity; cjia?c??desertion, tncma patilillltv, liaMiual drunk rune**, inflnelitv. inhuman treatment, conviction of lelutir. faMDorU obtained. A ?910 TO $i00 IN WALL STREET OFTEN LEADS J\ . tu fortnne Call or *cnd ii r our new n page bcok, eatlt'ed, Mer. ami ld|om? ot Wall str?-et.'' J--M > II I< KI.INtl A CO, Banker* atnl Broiler*. 72 Hruai'>vay, N> ? >nrt. _r?>V A Mi A VAX A LUVTLHY . KENTUCKY ST A i. Unii n . (J. .iiwiun"nt tierief C Till ?? /*. n?, tirui l'i*i b>i^ U.L i R ... o U141 SPBCIA1. ROTICBS. According to cable despatch 5o~~i2,flfi, told by un, was drawn iu the sixth class Brunswick Lattery (Germany). with 8",00p reichinam*. WACHS Ma.NN A CO., Bankers, 76 and 77 Nassau street; Pos* ofllce bo* S.31& A? OFFICIAL DHAWINOS OF THE KENTUCKY ? State and Shelby College Lotteries. MRXTVtH STATK. I11U l UII 615?J UMI 11, 1B7S, 64, 38, SO, 18, 77, 6.T4, SO, 10, 4, t>7, 2K, 73. mtLRY. uru clasi 4.11?juik 11. 1676. *3, 60, 32, 58, 18 S6, 3, 13, H, 56. 15, 22, 67. ? axTCotr, class 616?<im II, IR75. 3, 66, 61, 26, 71, 10. I, 57, 36. 33, 28, 46, i\ tii?LBT. CLafS 432?ji'nb 11, 1870, 49, U. 33, 74. 31, 73. <S6, 4$ 71, si fa 11. ?? J. f, SMITH A CO.. Managed, Covington, Ky,; Post office Ux 2,761. Nuw Turk. A -PARKS, F.MEItSON A CO.. AGENTS FOR ? Kentucky State Lotteries, drawn dally. Royal Havana I ottery. drawn cverv 17 day*. Kentucky Single Number Lottery, drawn .tune 26, 1878. 1'rizes cashed. Information turnished and circulars tent by addressing 1'AKK.s A CO., 180 Ilroadway, room 4. Post office box '>,272. Private office attached. Office hours 7 A. 11. to 7 1*. M. A -ALABAMA STATE LOTTERY. ? Single number Ilavanu plan. Draws everv month at Mobile, Ala. Oulv J5.00J tick Mm. 3,680 prizes. amounting to $200,000 1 prize of, 1 prize of. 1 prize ol lii,(X? 2 prize* of $5,()?>0 ettch lO.'WO 10 prizes of $2,W)0eaeh 20,000 25 prizes of $1.000each 2S,o,J0 40 prizes of $000 each 20.000 Whole tickets. $10; halves, tft; quartern. $2 50; eighths, $1 23. Circular*, with full partieil'sriL sent tree. P. 0. DEVLIN, Stationer itud General Agent, 30 Liberty street, New York. A -ROYAL HAVANA LOT1KRY. ? $i>10,000 distributed in every 15 day* Next drawing Juno 12. 1 l'rizo of $1(0.000 1 Prize ot 50,000 2 Prizes at $25 000 each AO.COO 1 Prize of. 10,000 1 Prize ef 5,WH) ?z3 Prizes of $1,0U0 canh 23,000 Prices cashed, Circulars, with full particulars, free. P. C. DEVLIN, Stationer ami General Audit. 30 Liberty street, New York. A?debility BROUGHT ON BY INDISCRETIONS ? and all kindred diseases ot men sneedily and radi cally cured by HENRY A. daniels, M Du 144 I*x ington avenue, near Twenty-ninth street. Office hours from 8 to 3. a ?A.?KiiNTl'i KY SINGLE NUMBER D1STRIHU A. (ton drawn at Covington. Ky.. June 26; 5,379 (iittn, amounting tu $'?M,00i; capital, $MM<0iii smallest $10. Prizes paid in full at this office. Address all oraers for tickets and Information to THOMAS H. HAYES A CO., 609 Broadway, New York. Books and ACCOUNTS INVESTIGATED. HAL anced and classed by an efficient accountant; terms tixed by job or <1 ay. Address It.. box 3,4!12 Post office." DISEASES OF MEN and important MEDICAL oad Surgical Cases a specialty. UKNRY A. DANIELS, M. n., 144 l/exiagteu avenuii, near Twenty Binth street. Office hours (torn 8 to 3. Havana lottery.-$5io.oco in prizes, every 15 days as follows:? One Prize ol $100,000, one of $50,000 Two Prizes ol 825.000 $0(1.OCX), one $10,u0o and one $5,090 15,000 8t?J other prizes amounting to 295.0.1) Total $AIU,0'fl Prizes cashed. Circulars of information tree. Highest price paid tor doubloons and governments. J. B. MAR TINEZ A CO..banker*. 10 Wall street, rear basement. Mew York. Post office box 4,685. Havana and Saxon government lotteries.? New circulars of information now ready. fUrnl#h?d free on aupllcation to It. SON N'KN BERG. >5 Meadows street, New Haven, Conn. Post ofllce box 190. Kentucky state lottery. SINGLE NUMBER SCHEME. (Authorized by Special Act of the Legislature..) For the Benefit of the University ot t'oducah. $30.1,0U0 to be distributed among the Holders of Tickets. first prizr, $io,oaa The Drawing to Uk? place at Covington, Ky., JUNE 36, 1*76. No Dlsconnt on Prir.?s?Every Prize paid In lull. HMMO.NS, DICKINSON A CO.. Manager*. a(; 11 K W I'.: I Trlze of $80,000 t? $.*i,M0 1 Prize of 20,000 in an.o.O 1 Prize of I0.0U0 it 10 (mo 4 Prizes of 6,000 are 20,u0u 10 Priges ot 1,800 ar? 28,'00 80 Prizes of 1,000 are 80,'i00 10 Priiesof 600 are ft,000 10 Prizes of 26> are 12.600 200 Prizes of Inn are.... 20,000 APPROXIMATION PKIZKS. 4 of $2,000 Approximating to $.*>?UMl are $ 8,000 4 of 1.378 Approximating to 20,i t-d i re ft..'00 4 of 1.000 Approximating to lO.uuuare 4.'HO 6,'W) Prizes of 10 arc to.000 6,379 I'rlzes, amounting to $30V*?. Whole Ticket", $10; Halve* SV quarters, $2 SO. lUmetnher that every Prize Is drawn. ami payable to lull w ilhout deduction These Drawings are never postponed, but take place regularly the last Saturday ol eaeii month, send lor circular. Add rem all order* to SIMMONS. DI< KIN'HON A CO.. PoviiiKton, Kr. K? OFFICIAL DRAWING OF TDK KENTUCKY , Htale Lotteries, SIMMONS, DICKINSON A CO., Manager* j.k?oH?XKNTsrzr class no. S74-jr.MiL 10, mi. Ht in the third station should l.e ho inrnctT. 111*4 run >o. 376?Jin* II, 1876. T2, 38, 18. 6\ 2, 38, 40. 19. 34, is, #1, 4 KkKiorxy. ctaza no. 576?jo*a II, IFib. 18. 6, 73. 49, 60, 8, 41. tVI. 21. 67. 27. 7. 37. aiMKY. kKTR-A CLASS WO. 461?JI'.Nk II. 1876. 72, 71. 63, 64, 61. 44. 47. 49. 37. 6. 19. 2a nxsui. class ?o. 462?josr. 11, 1876. 19. 2. 30, 27. 44, It. 31, 21. 32, 42. 4S. 66. 26 Kali Information by applying to or addressing J. CLCTR. 20 > B'way. flrat floor, rear i fflc?, "rP^ b, 4,969. K?SIMMON*. DICKINSON * CO.'S GRAND ? mouthiy distribution of the Kentucky State Lot tery. on the Havana plan, to be drawn June 26. also Royal Ha\ ana ot t'uha. drawn June 12. Full information by applying to or addressing J. CLl'l'K authorized agent, 200 Broadway, or Fo*t office box 4>iv K-$$00,000 cash OIFT8. Whole Tickets, $10 Kentucky State Single Number I-ottery, on Havana pian, drawn June .'b. ? irculars sent nee. PARKS, EMERSON A CO., Affenta. 180 Broadway, room 4. Post office box 6,272. 1)RI?0\ LABOR?STPKRVISOR'S Of FICP. NFW Jersey State Prison, I rentuii June 7, l?;\?Appli cation m?v be made to the undersigned tor tin- labor of convicts at the New Jersey State Prison Tbt work shop* have been rtNDtl) erectal and powess every con venience necessary for the su<'<ee"lnl employment ot prisoner*. W.M. R Ml'RPHT. Supervisor ROYAL HAVANA LOTTERY. $610,000 distributed in prize" evety 18 daya Nextdrawing June lit 1 Prize of. $100.?? 1 l'rtze of 2 Prizes ot $-'f each Ml,two 1 Prize <4. 10 lHW l Prize of 6,1)00 ? Pllz*?..l $l,0fi?e.sch 2a,?W M30 other I'riae*. amounting to 27:1.000 Circular" of Information famished free. Order* filled. Prizes cashed. Spanish Haak Bill", Doubloons and Hot erninenis piitTliawd. TAYLOR A <'o.. Rankers, 11 Wall street, New Tort._ THE METROPOLITAN PRINTING KSTARUSHMKNT, 1 M Broadwax. hare unsurpassed facilities lor doing all ktnl* ot ''noting with unusual promptness and at moderate pricea. YAdlT.l. KTKA.11 BOATS, dk?. COPPER FAS 1 KNF.U ROWBOAT8 FOR 8ALS-NIW and bandaomely finished. 14 and 15 ted long. Apply to K. Wff KO?T, 161 West Sixteenth afreet fJH?R BALE?8TBAM YACHT, 36 PKFT LONG. $ F feet 1'cam. In good order and ready for tise . will te sold cheap as the owner has n.> use tor her; ream of Horses tazen in pari payment Apply on hoard, at FiUgerahl's hoathrnae. Newtown ''reek, I.. I. F~or Salr?thk side wherl, Yco and ri eiiri.t..n Steamera Virginia, Seymour William Titta mer and only Son new,v repair- d an 1 painted, and iu A 1 order; together or separately. P. C st Hl'LII, 216 W*?t street. FjV)R SALE -TV vM YACHT TaV DRRAM 116 FFfcT ' lolitl. 17Bheain 6.6 hold; aperfed sea luat: verv fast; In |>ci teel order throughout and ready tor Imniew ate use. For turther intormatinti applv a) 64 south it LV)R 8 A LB? A NICE CAT BOAT. 21 FRKT I.ONO, r In pood order. Inqolre of OOLDI.NU, 124tb street, Haeleiu Kiver. rpHK MBTROPOLIfAN PRINTING Ehta itLISHMEKT A is at 21* Broadway, in the Herald Hniidltig. TV'ANTED TO IIIRK?BY THR MONTH. AN OPBX v? lib and mslP'sil Ya<Wt length between I >ml <1 t?et. AiMraa, with fall par.lcnlars, W. It. ii., box 3,fll Post office. K1HNITI Blk A -WF.eki.Y AND monthly PAYMENTS FOR . Furniture Carpets atul lieddinn at B. M. COW FRBTHWAIT * (<'o.'s, 166 and 167 Cliatfiam street An fnaense stock aud low pricea AI CItON AND PIANO WARF.ROOM'. ? ANIHl Fast Thirteenth ureet?Furniture. Carpet", Par Mr nils. Redr.'o'n "ew ?srdro!>es. H oacase". Rnan lion Tables. BufTeu. Hall Stands, Piano*, private sale, at auction prices. ' T IJO ^B$f~J3D ST.. PBITATR RRSlDENCF . _ Fa mil v will Sell their rich *attn Suits cr?"t |j6i, for $2.'>0, bro< ate] suits, ll'il; re|. Suits for $40 Bedroom Suit, in walnut, for .10cents on the dollar; velvet Carper, Tables, Buffet, rnaira. lounges, fine Oil Paintings, Mir ror llroa/es rhina and silver Wsra; also brilliant toned Bradbury Pi inofortjl, ooat $l,ov>. for $278. N. B.? Hr>oil9 packed and shipped. _ _ frTuBNifrRK?RIcn AND MBDIPM, FR<iX DBAL JT ars an l others, who most have money >at any aacrlflcei. at pi n ate sale ai auction pricea. FA VO it's Auction llousa, I* Ksst Fourteenth street ? A1 I1BORGE A. CLARKE, NO 747 BKOADWAT?Popp If lar lyatem of Payment* iorpurcliasiu* elegant Fur int'ire. Csrpeis, t'photstery, Mirrors. Parlor liedA Ac Ilf.!i?e< and spsritiK'nts furntahM to or.ier. MARHI.K iHANTKIA ,4 TORKATLY RF.DCl'RD PRICES. J\ An extend,? stock ot Slate and Vlarhle Mantala, Wash iriy suud Slav Work of every dsscription. I'RNRHTN slath company. Colon saaare. Fourth arenae and Sevent^eotn "t. X Y. j A TORKATLY RRDL'CRD PRICKS?AN RXTRN8IVR I ;V stock of Marble snd Msrbleizad MauUks and ail ; other vtarhle Work*. Marble Turning for tb? trade. A KtsABKK, 1*44 Rest f ighteenth street near Third av. | CELLING, AT COST. LARoB ASSORTMENT M ?R ! >. ble and marl ? l)'< d Mantels, granite hiul uisrblc MonuinenU, re.tay for "rlpplni? rrr.veniePl to r.i (U^ia. uAi^K<JuM A !-*? ?l V or A XL. Jjustui til it. I RPORTIKO-DOGR, BIRDS, AC. 1 ?FOR BALK-ALL jtlNDi OP FANCY" DOGS, A. Birds, 4?.l Mydicines for all diseases; Prepared rood Hor mousing birds, at U. G. Do VKY'd, No. 3 Green* street, near Canal. T|rA!?CTBD?A PU0 DOG PUPPY: ALSO A YOpNG TT Fox Terrier Oof and brown Mastiff Puppy. Address Y. Z., box 16t Heralu Uptown Branch office. Til K TtKK. AMERICAN JOCKEY CU B. SPKIN? M KRUNO. 1*75, ?T JERo.MB FAKK. Saturday, 6th June. Saturday, 12tu Jnne. Tuesday, tftliJuno. Tuesday, lfth June. Thursday, lOUi Jane. TliursJay, 17tii Juui. Saturday, 1W.Ii June. Races begin each day jiuuctuully at 3 o'clock. A. liEI.MONT, President. C. wukatlt, Sacretaay. AUCTION AND FRENCH POOLS SOLD EVERY XV. morning ami evening, during the week, at the NEW YORK iL'RK EXCHANGE, 15 West Twenty.eighth street, on the running ruces at Jerome Park. French Pools clove, on tne day* <>( the race*, at 3 P. U. KELLY. BLISS A CO. Auction a#d pbencu pools at thomab' ex chsnge, 1.239 Broadway, every morning ana eve ning. on Jerome Park Races. The most comfortable and best ventilated rooms In the city. 0. L. M aU.-UaLL, Auctioneer. \ uotion and pbknch pools sold this morn. A in? at Johnson's Poolroom, corner Broad way and Twenty-eighth street, on the race* at Jerome Park. Pool room open atO A. 21.; Prench pools close ut 3 P. X. W. H. A T. H JOHNSON. C-tBT YOUR PRINTING DONE AT THH MBTROPOLI JT TAN PRINTING ESTABLISHMENT, Ultj Broadway. You will tlnd it advantageous JUNE MEETING?PLKETWOOD PAKK, JUNE 14. Ifl 18.?First day?Purso $8X); three minute clasg; $451) to first. $250 to second, $iuU to third.? John Splan's ch. g. Brilliant, I) ft. 0 oil's blk. m. Fannie CI, E. Wqlmin's b m. Katie Watson, Asa Wbltsoti's b. g. J. H., Willian Connor's b. m. Edith. Mows Whipple's o. g. Judge Hob ert?on, Thoi. Connor's g g Sam ilunting, James Don grey's s. in. Minnie lot, M. Itodeu's ch. g. liolmonlco, John Doty's b. s. Ben Bruce, John Murphy's, b. g. Pat Malov. Same day?Purse $1 MO; i:M class; 19X) to first, $400 to second, to third?John Murphy's b. g. CUarlln Green, Coorge N. Ferguson's L>r. K Frank Ferguson, Win. II. Crawford's br. in. Annie Collins, W. Sargent's br m. Lady Banker, J. A. Hatch elor's d. g. lrank J., John I'otv s li. m. i.ydiit Thomp son. Second day?Purse $8)0; 2:45 class; $460 to first, $i!.V) to second. $100 to third.?1>. H. Goff's blk. m. tan nic <>.. C. H McDonald'? g. in. Privateer Maid. M. Whip Ble's b if. Judge Robertson James Donkey's p. in. Sleepy lary, Wm. Connor's b m. Edith. John Murphy's b. g. Pat Maloy. John Doty'a b. %. Ben Bruce, same day? Purse $2,000; if:21 class; $!W0 to first. $<W> to second, $300 tothiru, $200 to tourth.?John A Batchelor's b. g. John II., Wm. Trimble's s. m. Music, J. C. Kckerson's b. g. Evereit Hay, Northrop A Martin's b. g Mystic. 'Ihlrd day?1'urse $1,00; 2:"54 class; $MU to first, $300 to second. $150 to tliird. John Splan's b. g. Clieston, G. Y. Whltsen's b m. 1'auline, nm Mace's b. m. Lena <'a>e, Alexander Patturson'sb. s. Wm. Walsh, Wm. Thorns' r s. Fred Tyler, D. B. UofTs br. m. Lady Woods, K. J. Anderson's r. in. Rosa Sonburc, Geo. Oil bert'si. g. flarry Gilbert. Wm. Trimble's br. m. Keuhyr, M. Whipple's b. g. Sleepy David, ,-amo day?Purse $1,000, i jl class;).V>0 to first, $300 to second, $l;i0 to third. John Murphy's b. m Lady sears, J. P. Gilbert's br. m. Little Dorrlt, Moses Whipple's b. m. l.adr White, John Splan's b. g. Matt Tanner, Ueurgc N. Ferguson's r. m. Miss Miller, Irani- leave Grand Central depot lis it), 1: >5 and 2:30. Admission to all parts of tho park $1. Da mis, Supt JOHNSON Uitos, Prop's. NEW YORK ANP 1IA RI,KM RAILROAD. Jerome Park Kaces. Jane 6, B, in. 12, 16, 17 and 19. Special trains, with reserved cars for ladies, will le.nre Cruni^CentTal depot on race davs at I:'0 and 2 P. M , retunnug after the races. Fourth avenue cars run di rect to depot. Excursion tickets 40ccnts. C. M. BISPELL, Superintendent. XTEW DORP CLUB GROUNDS. STATES ISLAND.? The Purse tor Saturday, Jonc 12. Is75, Is filled. The following horses have cute red :?John S. Harris enters b. g. West.Stafford; D. B. Got! enters clt v- Ilenry Mac: John Ward enters b. g. Won Brighton ; Pcier Maucc en ters br. g. Crlcamore: Thomas l.ulv i nters br. g. Sam; A. C. Whltson enters br. p. J. H.; Daniel Dunlap enters g m. Helen; Lewis Jones enters it. ?. Bi.zznrd Entrance to grounds. 60 cents. I). R. RYKKS, Proprietor. xyEW DDKP CLUU GROUNDS. STATES' ISLAND - Saturday, June 19. 13/S. Purse $if)0; $60 to first, $23 to second. $15 to third horse , three i|uarter track beuts, best 3 In 6, to harness: open toal! horses that hav<- never beaten 3 minutes, fcntriea to lie made to proprietor In writing, with 10 per cent, ou or before Mondar. June 14, at. 9 o clock P. M. 1?. B. RYEB8. MUTUAL POOL INDICATORS MADE To <>R _ der, for anv number of horses required, by P. J. WINDHAM, room 16New iiavcu Railroad depot, Frank lin street. A IIOBNKS. I'AltK IAOKS, T BARKKK A ROHM CITY AUCTION MAKT AND W. V. TATTKR:>AI.L'S, comer of Hroadway ,md Thirty ninth street. MAJOR ( HAS W. X \ KK K It, ACCl IONERR. RKOUI.AR KALK8 Of; Horses. Carriages, Ac., EVKKY WEDNESDAY A fx' 1 ? SATURDAY, AT 11 O'CLOCK. TWENTY-FOUB hours all-wed for trial on every boric Mild utiuer w?RUR?. Tills I TiIK vnlv auction mart in (he ^tate having the proper facilities for showing Imrffi <>n sale. viz.: ?a large Driving Itine entirely under cover and plenty of room for examination. CATALOG IK OK SALE THIS DAY, AT 11 O'CLOCK. TIIK FOLLOWING twoelegunt Kentucky brad Saddle H.>rse* the property of a private gentleman HANnHOMK 14ay Welding, 1.1?4 high. rt year*old', un equalled lor saddle use; goes all known rait*; war ranted sound. EXTRA FINE HARK l?ay Oeldinc. la\ high, 7years old; extra style, broken to all Kentucky gaits, war ranted found. Tol' Fi 1,1. spring road Wa^on, by \anilergaw. FINE TOP Depot Wagon. EXTRA aiYLlsil pair of cross matched gray and hay eoaeh Horses, !5*i high. 8 years old; One driven: extra actton and appearance; tlowiag mane* and tatla, and warranted kind. .iaO ikk WAOON, nearly new. NKW hand Harness, horae Clothing, Paddles, Bridle*. Whins. Halt'rs. Ac. COMBINED HA> saddle and harness Oeldlng, high. 8 years old ; fluin harness: can trot in Hire# mi mite*; splendid under saddle; all gaits, and war ranted sound and kiml. VICTORIA IS pt-rtect order. FAsT AND verv Idr.od l?av trotting field ing, got by Ethan A lion, l&W high, 7 yaara old. an ?l? j.nnt, game and verv handy driver. a:id .nre S 4 I homo, either single or do'ntue: fears no locomotive; oM t>a driven by a child with -aiety ; fine, (lowing mane and tail, an 1 i? warranted sound and kind. TO ?' SIDE liar Road Wagon, hy B re water. HPRRDY HO AN trotting Uelding. got by P nmark and bred in Kentucky. 16K high, 7 years old; I* a verv 'ree and iramer driver, ami has ureal enduranM: ran trot a lull mile i ut in 2 6'i; is elegant under saddle; goal all paits. and is warranted sound and kind. I'AltK PHAETON, nearly new. TIIIKTY OTHER top and no'op Road Wagon*, Ex press mid Hunncat Wagons, Carriages. Ac. TEN OTHKK IJott-R*. FULLDK CRi pno.N at tale. SAI.KS N PA KK post) oned on account of wemlier. A -MAJOR ('HAS. W. BARK Ell ANNOUNl fcri ? A ORKAY joint sale ot TOOHoiOH BRKDH. the property of MKS-ltS. AVOUMT #? LMONT AND PIP.RRK LORILLARD. ro T\KK rla -? AT HARK KB A BON'S CITY ATfTIo.N Mart anoN V Tatter-slf ?, COUNKP. oF Broadway and Thirty ninth striet, ON MONDAY, June 14. at II o'clock. CaTAM>SI'Rs now ready at th' Mart. HALE POhITIYR. No postponement A?II AltNEBi EMPORIUM, ? sign of I.ADY fUFFOLE, /$$ BROADWAY. The finest assortment of IlRrnaaa, s.iddls and Horse Clothing e\er ottered at retail. MILLER, MOKRISO.V A CO. AOBNTLEBAN'^ Tl'R OUT POIt SALE ? A tlno chestnut Hors*-, lM* hands high: a new Boggy, new Harness, new addle. Blankets, rt'hip, Ac , Ac.; aold on acconnt ot death ot owner ; can he-wen nt OABnlN'B stables, IIS I.a*i Klltaenth street. For particulars Inquire at the Union ><|iiare Hotel. t FINR PoNY PHAETON.?ON ACCOUNT OP J\ going to tii ope will sell mi I'l.aetou cneap. uaed onlr sia times-. Mrs. I'orton'n Phaet-n. Tallman's ?ta hie. 47 Urea! JotH s street. ? BKAUTIFl' I,, sTYLIKtl. RORRRL 1IORME F.ilt J\ nale; low. black mane a?d tail, sound and genlle; no tricks; arrant of nothing ; splen !ld under ? id lies driven simile or iloiihle hv ladles or children: about lj h?nd?. M en at Odall'a stai^f Fllly-seveat'ijitri ??! an 1 Lexington avenue, or address OWNER, box 5,040 I'oat offloe. _ _ 4 HANDSOME BLACK TEAM F )R HALE?OREATI.Y J\ h-io? the r \nine, to r!<,?.? an estaia; vary atyliah: perlect j sound and geiitht .aleo l.andau. nearly new. and clarence, bnlii i \ worwt Pr ? Apply at privata atable, EMtHixty-third atreet n \t to corner ol Fourth avenue. ___ ? -JiOTICF. E XT II AO III ir ' V.-WILL HE SOLD this day iSaturlav. Jan I. it BARKF.R A eO.N'n New York latiersall's. corner "i Hroadway and Tlilnv. ninth "treet. the splendi |. ttne large, bay conne or match horsa, Bl?marek; IBt, high, 7 vears old; without axcaptiin the fli.e->t styled, best Mg horie in Aaerlea; nneiiualled tor action or appearance; elegant flawing mane and t.- ir ami w irranted sound and kind. ? RARE CHANCE.?PROM CANADA. A STYLISH A matched laarn ot Mac* i'onle*. al ut ic hand<. fi ? lid 6 vears; warranted found, kind . good stepneri: a ladv 1 ill drive them At STERRY FKV'S No. C East Twenty enthth street, unili ttondav, 3 P. M. "T vCTION HAliP?Til IS i)AY, AT II O'CLOCK, OP 7% new and secondhand top liuargte's ' pen w oi r, i i,apes. Rockaways, I'liae'ons, hnsiiM'S Wagons,saveral llorso? liglit and neavv Harness. Hlank'ts, Hheets, Robes, by COLE A MUitPUY, S79 Fulton street, Bro iklya. 4 ? ELEGANT A. LAND AC.a. Latest fashion and ftnest onalitr, with IMPORTED MOROCCO AND TOP LKATHER A. K PLAN DEAL', ?73 and 374 Broome street .>M stand of Brewster X Co.). A-HPKF.D, SPEED.-A BOAD HORHl, l.Hi llAND# . high; trot* lii 2 :40; also a brown Mare, IS'?} trota in 1:4n also bat llamt letoniiin. tn ts In 2 *0, and one ol the finest lady 's saddle horses in the . it v. T. h. OORDON, Nos. 3 and ? Weat Thirteenth streets ABHOWN PONY BUILT HOUSE; ALSO TWO other s.rrrel Horses. ?.nnd and kind: valuable l?r farmers or anv bustneMi tik), flit); aluo two Express Wagons. No. 8 Bayard street. salooB. a -TAKEN Port DEBT. AND HILL 'KL1. AT A ? gri at sarrlf'oa, ft han<1?i.tne, stylish, city nutria top watrosi late.-t style, neailyn?w. and a very una city made llarnesa, to match. To be *een at KYAN'S Ar Stables, 149 aud 151 Weat Tli4rty lifth street Ask for Mr. T'i rkiiiS' wafron. \ SUPERIOR W AQON.?B11VRRS' CIRCULAR . ronhtaation snring Side-bar WnK,,n Is univsrsallr admitted l^y every one that iiir?-sHgstt to ba tlw b< at. easiest and strongest of any yei iptrtalttcciti CaP n-ni XT' thro; ut K. a STIVERS', IB U 191 Eatl Thirty ?r*t ilfe-i. A HOKSKS, CABR1AGER, ?C. -MAJOR CHA8. W. BAHKEH, AUCTIONEER. TO UiYERb OP GOOD llnR-Ki. QL. P. J. CONNELLY, of II* Muccn street, Ger oiafltown, Ph.. lakes ple.tcure in announcing his t-IX III Great unequalled sale or the fastest young green trotters lu Amerlc i, just umved from Kentucky; to be ?ol4 at Barker .V t-'ou's CUT Auction Mart nno New York TattcruUs. cornor of Broadway and Thinv ninth street, on wrdnimlay, June 16, at 11 o'clock; . stock now ou exhibition at the Marl for trial | up U> sale. Gentlemen are requeued to pome and ride behlud and tout thu speed and driving ouall ties of any of the lot before ihe day ot sale. The stock comprises 17 head, and consist* of ADMIRAL. sor rel Gelding, If. high, foaled 1*70; can trot in a :?0. STo< K Hoi4?kr. bay neiuiug, lc hlaii, foaled ildf; can trot in 2:|U Aliiarle or double. FRIENDSHIP, gray Gelding, \'<\ high, foaled IMS; ran beat 2:4a HOPEWELL, r an Gelding, ish high foaled 1^7?? : can trot clone to 2 10. BEAUTY, arar Mare. 1W< hl|{h. foaled 1H70: can bent 2:46. STARLIGHT, brown Gelding. 1M? hlK'i, foaled 1st*?; can beat 2:li) tingle or double. CAPrON, black roan ,</*[<]Ing, 15'i high, toaled lsflO; can trot In 2:15 PILGRIM, black Gelding, 16 high, foaled lOTU; can trot In In 2:4V SUNSET, brown Gelding, 10U high, fouled 18/0; cao trot In 2:15 MKKM ALU. gray Mare, I5W blghi foaled 1870: can trot la ?:M MIDWAY, roan Gel ding, ISV higli, foaled 1*69; can beat S mlnutea. BN Thkprisk. sorrel Gelding, 154* high, foaled 1 WO;can beat 2:5U. WOODFORD, ?rav Geldng, 1# high foaled IHG9; very promising. REGULATOR, bay fielding, 16U higk, foaled iWd; unequalled a* a coupe or match boras. GENERAL bay Gelding, 16 high, foaled 18>8: can trot in .1:1{L CoMPOOORoUa. blsck Geldili*. li high, foaled 1863; can trot In 2 i.VJ. The above includes the get ot Mambnno Medley, l.'lark Cbiaf, Blue Bull, Red Ea>;ie. Ac., Ac , a!l fine driver*. anJ warranted found and kind. For full de-crlptlons pedlgTCM, Ac.. cata logues. which can be liad at the otflces of tho spirit of the Times and I'orf. Kleld and Farm or at BARKER A SONS, corner of Broadway and i birtyplntB street. Kale positive. No postponement A ? SBi OND HAND CARRIAOE& A. Oco Waironet, to carry eight T Cart, nearly now. Surrey, wlih eud and cross springs. Top an>l no top Wagona. J. B BltBWsTEB A CO., of Twenty fifth street. A HIGHLY BRKD SADDLE HORSE FOR HALE? R years old, blood bay, with black poinis; guaran teed s.,mid, and wa> thoroughly broken 4 ears ago by the present owner, and ha." been In ns ? ever Mnco In hii family up the Hudson River He inty be Been at i Dickel's i: l.i in;- .School, I'hlrty-nlnth street anil Fifth av. A LANDAU, BY BREWal'ER A CO., $350; -IX SEAT Jx. Purk I'liaeton, $2.'i0. glass quarter Coach, $900; two new extension top J'hset.iu- $15.); others at bargains. J. W. PITNEY, 4(u ihtrd avenue. A BARGAIN -A BEAUTIFUL TOP I'ONY PHAETON will be sold for halt cost; built to order last >um mar; gold mountings; llarm'ss lo match . also a hand some lady's bay Pony; IS hands. No. 33 East Twelfth St. -I HAVE A SURPLUS STOCK OK JUMP-SEAT A. a. wagon*, platform and perch Phaetons Ac., which will sell at a treat reduction K. M. STIVERS, 141 to 152 East Thirty-first street A? EXPRESS. GROCERY, BCKIN ESh, BAKER'S ! . aud Delivery Wagons from $50 to $175: one single I I ruck. $rt5. one tine two-seal Carriage, $'JU. At 226 Sprum street AUNE, LIGHT LANDAU. BY BREW-TKR A CO., , Of Broome street. $400: two second hand Coupe Hooka ways, two Coupes, ono Victoria, licht platform . springs line order; two Kockuwavs, one Ciur- ! ence, one light open coach, by Hrewsier; top ? nil open I Pony Phaetons of all slyles, trora $115 up; top and open ! Express Wagons, fsi top and open Road Wagons by city I makers, Iroio $?' up; Flarjexa, Shee's. Whips. Ac. . WILLIAM 11. Ol AY, 20 Slid 22 Woostur street ABARGAIS.-PI'lVATE GEfiTLKMAN SELLING ' out his entire sloek of Horses, W agon, Pony rhae- ] ton. Park Plueton, siagle and double Harness. Bian- I keLs, Stshlc Eguipmenls. rn'icli less iban half costs best city makers: goou as new. No. 6 West Ntnctsentb street, near Fifth avenue, private stable. A BEAUTIFUL SOB RE L PONY FOR SALE cheap. ?l years old. 14 hands high; warranted sound and kin.I in all harness and saddle, and is verv gentie; can be used b3* any lady or chi'd. Applv to H. IH'NNEKB, 1,517 Broadway, betweeu Fifty lourih and Fltty-flflb streets. 1 LADY'S TURNOUT?TO HE SOLD AT A BAR J\ L'siu; is a basket Phaeion. wllh a canopy top; Pony, li?, hands high, $ years old: wsrrsnlud sound and kln.l; safe for la lies or children to drive to steam cars ; tree from vico or trick*: a trial allowed. Call at pri>a;e stable 521 Washington street ClAUUAffM, IIA KNESS?PRICES DOWN-EVERT J style, tor city and country use ? ?evcral second hand nilil soiled Carriages cheap; all Styles llarness MANU FACTURERS" I Ml J.N CARBIaOE REPOSITORY, 63J Broadway. CI AMU AGE 8.-TWO NICK. STYLES DEPOT WAGONS, J second hsnd lutht and top U iliouh, four and six si at Phaetons Ac.i at It. M. BTIVhRb', til to l.'?2 East Thirty first street. ClOl'Pr. ROCK AW AV, IN GOOD ORDER. AND SET J of liubt Harness, tor sale, for $1'W. *pply at llvory stable No. S6 Walker siieet, near Broadway. D-T CABTK, ? ol finest qoalltv and LATEST DESIGNS. A. S. KLANDRAU. 872 and 374 Broome street (old stand of Brewster A Co) F flFTEEN xiroKD hand BREWSTTR i i.g, ,OK BROOMR STREET) " S1D3 BAH ROAD WaGONS. A. H. FL XNDRAP. 372 and 174 Broome street (old >1111)4 of Brewnter A CoO. IilOR SALI'-A STYLISH FOUR-WHEEL DOO CART, r rtty make, almost jual ni new. Cad be *??? At 114 Welt Fiftieth Ktr??i Would exchange lor a 3-mmtlte Horx, IftbAndi A. K. WIUTNBY, M I!ud*on street. E*OR SALE-HORHK, DOO CART AND TIARKKSfl, r either separate or together. In first class condition: owner i?olng to F.nrope. Address 8. F. a., box 221 Herald ottico. F'OR SALE-BAY HORSE. OVKK 16 HANDS niOH; perfectly tumid Ana gentle ; stylish for eoupe or car riAffo aIao one VictoriA And Karnes*. In rery good order t will be nolil .it moderate price, tojrther or separately. Apply to 1 HoMas FORSYTH, 144 Welt Twenty eighth *treet. For hale-a high ionbd English giq, fold. ing wAt be hind. nearly new. price ??*). Can be ?--n inv tint" At I xcellor -tables, IJMh street, l>etw?eu Firit aU'l :-ei ? nd Avenue*. Aduress W. K. HALL, 64 Benrer street. EK)K SALS-A VERY HANDftOME ROAD HORflRt r eolil tor want of use. Address F., bo* 2,193 Post oQIre. BIOR SALE?THRBE SECOND HAND carriages, consisting of a t'lAri nrf, Coupe and tlx eestcd Phaeton nil in good order, to be sold cheAp, by LOOa A rr I i,i,i a Ms, lis Wcit Nineteenth street. I7H>R SAI.E- A VEEY II AN D--OM A CHhHTNl T ' saddle i'or-e, 7year*o'd, 13 .1 hand* hlghi U p.r ftctly irAllied, nnd can trot tA*t In liAmese he I* the property of a led v ?? in* to Europe. Oak be *eeu At Ho. } Writ Thirteenth itm-L. FH)R SALE ? HEAF-A SPLENDID TRAM OF BLOOD bAV carriage Horsei 1?X hands hifh; clrneiy n> itch<?: Itoll flowing tAll? and very stylish: either am. (tli >>r doable, propntty of t-ffimlv goiiig to Europe, And mn..t lie told At one*. Adaruw IHlKSEM, box ftU New York Poet office. MOB RALE VERT CHEAP-ONB Til REB-QCARTEB r Truck, in.nle by Series, ot Third Aventie, neerly new: i?st the thlnf Tnf A flour And feed Stor"! rn?i last fall will ?> ll for MttJ, one light Tru"k for f IX), one light Wagon, 970. A1.0NZO CARR, Third avenue and l*th atreet TJHtR HALE CHF.AP-A OG(tn BAROl t HE, IN PER. I; feet order. Inquire at 13d Wen rwentloth *treeu J. H W. HRFNNA.1. For saLR nu EXCHANOE-A SPLENDID BAY I'ony^Abont 14 hAiid* high, aaltabie for a privAte tamilv for country it*, anl <-*o be driven hy a child. am iv m meat market. 40# Flret avenue, corner Twenty fourtk rtreet. ?FASHIONABLE r . i ABRIOLV.TS, STYLE OEOUOE IV. AND OTHERS, ot fine qaality. AY*. PLANDHAtr, 372 And S74 Broome ftreet (old ?t*uj ot Hrewoter A Co ). nARNE>P.-Tllli I.OWKrtT PKICB HARNIifW RTOIIB in New Y .rk; gnol buirgy ilnrne??. hand mA.le, ?IS; joo'l urocer*' tlarne" $?; gootl cart and e*nre?* liarnrs*. 125, (rood Jonble truck IlArnea* |S'; a1?o all kind* of HarneM at low price*. Call and examine. C. H. joI.LY. 43 MuttAy street, between Chnrch And rolioR" puce. HAKNKS - -T ME > I IB APE ST H 4RNE?K STORK IN New \ork; itood Hna^v IlArnea*. IiAttd uaii?,$l7t good tiroi'er * llarn ii. 12.'; good MilkmAn'i llarne**, fHti go'' 1 Double Truck Hfrnee*. ?3I>: ?ood Stable Blan ket. *1 80 Please rsii Attn r*?mine for yourK'Irra. FISIUH i O.-BORNK, 71 Barclay ?treet, Xew York. UAnNFS?, FADDLFH, HORSB CLOTI1INO?IN great vArietv: a complete etoflk of Alt mimmer goods C B. SMI i II A CO.. 40 Warren ?trM>t HARNE-S for PAI.E-A BARGAIN, TWO FIVE new lnht 'iriple lUrren* And flr*t elAtu, br city ntA&er; *!? .* light (lont.le Harneat. aigocid u ucw. At No. 1<S I*.Aft Fifty ninth street, second floor. ONR OF THE FlNEwT, PHOW1EST AND MOST AO tire dapple grev Track Teems in this city ; 16 hends And ah In li h t-'b. ti'.:u'? legt And m*no?, upper part of tnt M?ck, lewer white: 5 rear* old: werranted sound and kind weigh thirty hundred. Also eletaut pair of mat-h<*d bAT| In'iulra lor Wll.i.IAM At Bate*'stable, 14:4 Ka*t Twenty-fourth street. Would excitAotc for no sound team flt to work on PArm. SECOND HAND CARRIAGE* AT BAROAINP.-l ul.tas utisrur Coachet, 3 ?ix-*eat Phaetuna, I four soAt Park Phaeton, I l>og Csrt. 3 riarence*. I slt-seat RorKawny, 2 si*-*est extension top Phseton*. 4 top Hug Bleu all In goo I order And will he sold at a rre*t sscn flee to r?<itic? the stock. D. ?..pCNHAM n?t? Woodruff A itiinhntn , uaannJAeturer of flne Carri?g"A Rab way, N. J. I QADDLB HORSE?THREE OI ARTBR BBKD, BaT, O 16 hands 9 venrs; very ?lyli?lt and perlectlr sottnil; priee It'll Art lor Mr. BLESSING, at Dlckel s Biding QTABLE OR PART OF BTiBLK TO LET-17 WEST ^ Forty-fourth street; PAr* rhaeto". good as newt Kentuo*y lletiipHf ad Mere, ^onng and perf< et, ri'HB i, Windsor wAgon ?eets wllh rre*t favor From All part* of the eotwfrjr wi are rec?n iuu lelit rs commending it lh the highest termA A gentleman in CallfbrnlA write*:? "l>rinit me to thjnk yo;ir hi n*e for the flne*t, mnit Alee An t Aodeastsst riding wsgon th<t ever osm" to this coast. Without <"a*i'Aiat>'.uc:it to Anv other builder I ran pately sny thet there ta none built tO-dAythAt 6AI cntiAl It. NolwitrtstAtidlng it* w? ight ti only f77 poutid* with top. I bAve ? :irried another pnrs-in with mvseif ovur the i- a<s At a thrcc-mlnute gait. This eonOt t jrotir r"rf'*miAiion as to its power." the Windsor WAgon combine* ettr cross spring, v<n ties: st*e. i !?vti in aaus Ami ?l:?tt coupling. J, B, EtEWsTEH A CO , oi uty-flfth itrecl I (Okl bOUM U< I ifcuaU.i.r HOR3E8. carriage:*, ?*<-. flnwo pairs or matched carriage HORgfcp ? J Either horse tint class lor coupe w.mM i<>li singly i tne prot>?rtv of a aentletiian who ftss n<> liirUier u?e for are 3 anil a year* old and warranted sound and kind: 16 hands an<l over high; would ejKitianys lor Un sound fit lor farm work. Addrosa 41 Weet Tbirty uluth street. Tilt: METROPOLITAN PRINTING fABUSHMEN r. J If Broadway. have unsurpassed facilities tar ifoujtr ?II kinds of Printing with unusual promptness and at moderate pricea T* ALt'AHLB HOR-ER, F RoM VERMONT, Willi ? speed ar.d ircncral merit, to please any on*; will bo told iow If at once. LEAUBF.TTER'S, 059 Seventh avenue. ? F _ FOK SALfji \ VARIETY. CONKECI fONKRY, NKWSI'AI'ER aM? Fruit ? tore. Idig established. tor sale.? (Jo<ni Iva lion for wine store corner Lexington avenue and Elgft ty-third street Apoly personally. AN OLD ESTABLISH Ml) CANDY AND PAPER Store for tale cheap ; r-asons f..r selling, owner bat other business, SO Perry street. No agenta AT AUCTION Til 18 DAT. AT 10? O'CLOCK, HY JKRK JOHNSON, Jr.. iff Nassau streot, one fin* Soda Water fountain, comgleto. 4 HKST CI.ASS RESTAURANT AND OYSTEB IX Saloon lor S ile. at a area! bargain; if now Joiufi A profitable busi/iese a rare ohanje. M itch KLi/s store Agency, 77 Cedar street. ABAr.OMV._FOH SALE CHEAP WiNfc ROOM", splendidly fitted up. doing a go >d i>a\in? huvne'.-i three yen it' Icnse; nntgnMa year satl-fkctorr ressone given For particulars inquire of A. F. L EAVER, M South street. APROFI TABLE LUiUT BURINRSS FOR RALE? Clearing $410 monthly old established mid ??il:y conducted; a person wanting a steady. sure iiicnie I or S5,iX)0<'a?h can nddrea? J., box 114 Iters it ottlce. DRPG MORE FOR fiAI.E-IN MROOKI.7N IN A Hue locality, has first claw fixtures and doing a (food l>u>.tte?a; will exchange f..r desirable Heal Estate, Artdrm i'Rl.ClUlST, 133 I'anlic street. Ero .klvn. .VIK CHEAP PRINTING CALL ON 1 IIK METRO: 1 POLIIAN PRINTING ESTABLISHMENT, *a Ul4 Broad w a v. I7UNE PORTABLE DIRT CARS-200 FEET OP 1" Irack and Switches to null (Feleler's pateiiO. for sale or exchange. Apply to JOUN FLAN AO AN, Clifton* Htatcn Island. , pOR SALE.?A BARGAIN?Lh AS B, FfRNITmK snd Fixtures ol .veil known Hotel, situate In tw-t fioruon ot Philadelphia for business, and opposite two art,'-' freight depots. Apply lo J. SCl.'LLEY, 716 naofcuia . street, Philadelphia. F'OR SALF-A VERY DESIRABLE .TFWKI.RY Store. ?'?) mile* from New York cltv ; has h good run oi watch work; stook mostly new ani desirable ; can le bouirht reasonable. Apply to J. li. al'KNGi-.U A CO , 16 Maiden taue. LtOR SALE FOR CAfiH?NICE CIOAR STORE, r in one of tbe beat localities down t'>wn, near tt.n ferries i no agents. Apply lo B. WASHERMAN, MO I uane street. FOR SALE -AN EL KG a nTsa mPTe and" I.I'NC^ Room in the l"-st pa>tof Wall street, will be sold lot ?l,20a call from 2 to 4 o'clock. JOHN O KAVANAOH. 57 Broad ?treet. For RALE?tOB CREAM AND BBFKMBMBkV aal.ion. Brand entrance to Central Par*, between Kilty ninth and >ixtieth street*. O. ALDRIDOE. For salf?fnder chattel .moktoaoe, a ml chine Phon, with Machinery and Tools Ac., to manu facture shuttles; attachmouts and 'rlmtntngs for tew. Ins machines, Ac. Apply to M. Pl'KNH AUEN, ?? *'cnta s reet, corner Pine rtreet |j*OB SALE?A Sl'B.sCRIPTION BOOK RrsiNFSii II Apply to-day at #0 East Broadway, from I to 2. after ward address box 3.SK) Post onlce, Host->n. iiiOR SALB?90DA W'ATF.R APP.4R Airs, Al.K r styles, at a great reduction; Ottawa Beer Fountaina and I.xtr.-.ct J. M. WHITPIRLD A RON. warerootni 262 Waters! F"~or"salb-a first ci.a.-s uotfoB tftoSl fir We?tstreet, opposite European Hue of st.-amsripa/ luqnlrn of FRANK OL.0VKU. Iiupcrier of LI?iUor^ J9 Peck slip. IpOR S?LB?THE VERY BEST GROCERY AND I fiNs ' leetlonerv store In Krootlvu. Apply, lor ten days. tol'ENNIs sl'LLIVAN, wholesale groc<ir, 412 Green wich street F>OK SALE^A- FIRSFcLASa LIOCOB STORE, sll' tiate l nest ths Grand Central depot. Inqnire at 4ti Tenth aTentte. P. CODY. fOR SALB CHrAP -THE GOOD WILL AND Fix tures of a manufacturing Jewelry Kstabtlsbment with a pixid paying custom ; a rare chauc? for tn enn r 6rising man ; good reasons for salllni Addreai JEW. iLLhR, New York Ferald offloe. t'inladelphla. For rale ciieap-a cioau store, doing a good business; owner gotnz into the wholesale busi ness and cannot attend to retail trade. Appiyatstcrfc lf9 Spring street. y?RENCH BAKERY, CONSISTING OF FOTR STOit r house, with stove, o??n, A?., tor sale very obeapt must b sold at once. OAL'TIEK. 722 SevenUi avenna. wr"< ?p*' A COrPEE, CAKE AND ?P^UU Dining saloon nesr new Pott ofllcei or would take a partner, or exchange. Apply at 77 Chatham street, baiemeut (JTOA CASH WILL Bl'Y A CORNER LIQFOB <P I Uvr Store on l???t part of Third avenue; only It<!?>or store ou the four corners, establish*,l over thiriy ' years. LLoYD, ;9 Broa !?sr. D NACHl.VEKT. BALERS IN MACHINERY. MANCPACtI'RERS -- and others nealiag Printing, esn liave it done la the best style by the M K 1 Ropoi.I TAN PRlNTINtf EST A H LIH11M fc, N T. No 21? Broadway. ?r*OR HALE?W BOUGHT IRON CHAR FILTERSL JT 5*iS foot, eat in two piece* Apply at Refinery ?l flAVKMEVBRS A ELDEE, Willlamstnirg. Tj^OR RALE-THREE StVnORSE HORIZONTATj r Tubntar Boilers, )4 feet long. 4 feet diameter; Kt 3 Tabes; one En;lne. It inch bore JO inch stroke; all in good order and sold on aucmint of removal. Can b? seen at i.okii.I.akD's tobacco factory. *edgwlck street, near Van Brunt, south Brooklyn. FOR BALE?ONE 13-FOOT RIBBING BED; OK? 18-foot Polishing Table, wltli bocks and rud? com plete ; aiso one Machine, tor cutting baslu ho'es, Witt* pulleys, hsnssrs and "halting; will be soldcbsap. Ad dress B. K. P., llerald o/Bce, ____ FPOR RAI.E?STEAM ENGINE AND BOILER, 1$. ' hor?* power. In perfect running order at a losr figure. Call lor two daya. Corner Ma?d >ogal and Amity streets. OBC0ND HAND ENGINE 2? INCHE-i BORE AND S kj feet ttrpkn In first class order, |.>r aaie by WATTi CAMPBELL A CO.. Newark, N. J. OUT (iOODS. /iLoTHS, ?f^S'*VlVsVyTc^rsfpDiv^o^^'<'r"!^rn L ^W?^ow7lT:'hee|,!rig.. Mualiua, Printi and I'ress aPTUKWH, H Catharine street? POST Ok I'll E BO TICK. ? .? c.oee at Uii* offlce. as '"'.''V, A y ln i on Saturday, at a" .on Thursday, at 11 30 A.n.. a nt| J Pi(1|lmMUr. I) and 11:30 A.M. BILI.UKDA. T AtCTIO*. THIS DAYL A I IS O'CLOt <v JX By .)ERE JOHNSON. .iR., V Naas.m street. Two fine Carrom Hllllat 1 TabUf, with Balls. Cues, Racks Ac.; used only three m mihf. 4 NY ONE DESIRING TO REi.L CHEAP A RK7. elled 5x10 Billiard Table, first cla\? niaki rs. with l?elaney's wire cushions, can find a purcha-er bv serd ing full particulars, wltJi price, also where tame -an b* seeo. to aRTHI'R L HgWELL, boa 5.4.^ Post otB e_ ,4 1 -KTANDARD AMERICAN BEVKL BILLIARD 7V1. Tables, witu the celebrated Combination cu.|j. ions, are for sale only by the manniaeturer and patent"*,' Q. W. COLLKNDKR. tuiucsser to Phelan A Collender? 7s? Broad way, New Yorr American standard brvf.l bili.iard tabler' [ with Drlanir's wire cushion*, sol ly used in sll ebamplonshlp anJ match games, s? cond hnntl Tables al great bargaina W. II GKII'KilH A <'0 . 40 '.'cscy st DBALEBS IM AND MANlTACri RKRa OF Alls, llsrd tables will find, by examination, thst lor. Cheap and stv.i?h Printing ot sn? des"rir>t|..n (he ME1 KOPOLITAN' PP.1 N i l NO BsTABLI jiIIs CN f, .11 Broadway, cannot be surpassed. FWR SALE?940?EILTsIA RD TABLE, FOCR-POCKET,; | with lulls. Cues and Counters complete; gi? d opaor tunlti' for gentl-'inen to l"i a t-ble tor c- nntry or etur residence. Address CLIrrOX, Herald uCSce. PnRL4N'8 BILLIARD TABLES FOR SALE ONI T ? by tIKoRGE K. rilKLAN. * East f-oirteenth street. New York; W3 CHRSTNIT StftKF.T. I'MII.aPEI Pllla. PR! Mil M BILI IA Kl ? TA 11I.F J?WI f II L Hi . KERJI pairnt corded edged cushions; have taken firat rfsmiuni medal sit yeara lit sujea<Moa. For sale, aiy by L. DECBt.R A CO., corner Canal and Centre street*. r DEVri?TKY. Al CORAL RI'BBFR BET OF TEETH IN TIIREK . hours.? Impression In tiie fotauoon teeth in the afternoon. Thirty-fourth street. ?aer I roa |w,iv atut sixtli arenne. Coral rubber, very jlrone; fli sit oolore.J; gold seta, platina sets, whalebone rttM>er sets, Plumpers, c.psn frenta, Up Lifters, repressers, itegnhitors; nitrous oxide; mechanical dentlstrv ^Take green esrs from Grand street ferrr. or Hlatb avetffie cars, or Breal way cars. Get off at Thirty tourm street, NHWBROl'Gll, 13# Wast 1 hirty>onr*i> s<re?t THE METROPOLITAN PRINTING ESTABLISnMnST It at IIS Broadway, In the Herald Hull.In.g. rrrERTH MADB AND FITTED IN A FEW Horwil 1 without Ihe sUgnteat pain or lucanvariienee ; mast, ? tion and natural appearance guaranteed. Teeth fitl.ii with pearl stopping or gold. Pamphlet on the teeth, pott Irea, three stamps. I>r > J. I'.ohekk, S3 Bond street New Tort. THE BEST AND CI1E4PRSI DEN TlsTRY-COM PETI I tlou Jailed I Dr. W AIT, sr.. at tbe old s'and. ^s?t Twenty third ttreet. near Fou-th aventte, mikes rnbber and rose peatl sets at $i i and $IJ; itold and ujs? tlna, $40 gold fillings. $: npw.iril, h".rd and soft fiilir -f. |1 and $2: eairacilug under gas, Wo. eatiU tooui mere than one. 8TURAUE. OTOBaoR iKOB PnitNlTl.HR BVIIGAOE ( A R. o rlages, ??., iW U> U5 V.ast 1 tt5 fourth ??? "? oT Orsnd Cenlral Depot; separste r.-oins, ttro prt ef '""VoiMIMrfBI O'Rr i L'*Y A B*.1#,, I'i BfH .i*.