Newspaper Page Text
PIGEON SHOOTING. k OOOB DAY'ft SPORT At 1U3TLOX. L. L A strong delegatloa of tbe Jerome Gua CI9D ?pent a pieasant day yesterday at Babylon, L. L, Incladlag pigeon shooting on lr* Palne's grounds bud a dinner at selab Smivb's after the sbooling. iUi tbe shooting was at handicap distances. tbe Iril event being for a Grant guo, whicb bad ?ii teen entriea, at $21 each. Of tne sixteen nine went to tbe acore, m.TraTla fan Buren and Carrol Llvingatou at ao yards, B. f>e Forest at 29 yards, Coant Montiily aud Perry bei.iiont at 2a yards, Belmont Purdy at 27 yarus, J. ?. Heekseber at 20 yards, E. Stevenson and lir. Lewis each 26 rani*. The birds were one of the beet iots erer trapped by Ira Paine, and tbe Phojutig, especially during the flitb and sixth rounds, could scarcely be eqtuLed. tbe result of tne about ending in ia*or or Mr. NtereEson. he killing tf out of 11. which gare him the gun, T. Van Buren. Beimont Purdy, Hen. l)e Forest and loust Monzilly trying for second place, eacb kill ing 7 btrda oat of 10. After tbe aiatn event, sweepsuke shooting wan Indulged in till dinner hie first 01 me ?erles at tlo eacli wltn nu# entries, w as tne host of the lot. resulting in 'he 01* Mr. Ferry Belmont, tie iflilmtf 4 out ol ? birds at 27 yard*. Mr. lieiniout Pordv, H. De Forest, Count ?oziily, Mr. Lewis arid J. G. UerKHcher each killing 3. Tlie ieliowing are tbe srMMARtJW. Ira A. Pack's Gkotmm, Babyi.on, L, J., .line 12, 1866.?Handicap >weef)8t*kes at %?!!< each, play or par, for a tw?l?e-(>?>re nun, by uraut of I oodon. To shoot at 11 birds. irooi b traps, 1 cuncea 0/ shot, 80 yards bnunuary. Gun ClnD rules. Closed witb "ixteeu entries as follows TUB SCOBS. R. Stevenson, 25 yards t muzzle) ?1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, l <1, 1. 1, 1. Total. 11?killed, ?; missed. 2. T. Van Bnrcn. 30 vara* t breech 1?0, 1. 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1. 0. Total. 10- killed. 7; iuls*ed. 3. B. Purdf, 27 yards breed) ?I, 0, 0, 1, 1. 1, 1, 1, 1. 0. Total, 10?killed. 7: missed. 3. B. De Forest, 2v yurds viuuzzie) ? 1. 0, l, 0, l, 1, 1, 1,0k L Total. 10?killed, 7; mis<.f"l, 3. Count Monzilly, 88 vards (breech*?1, 0, 1, l, 1, 1, 1. 1, 0. 0. Total, 10?killed, 7; ir.lsi,ed. A Mr. L?wts, 2ft T.irds (bieeeh) ? 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1. 0, 0, C. Total. ??killed. 4: missed, a. J. G. Bevk?clier. 26 yards oreeohl?0, O, 1, 0, 1, 1, l,n, 0, 1. Total. It)?killed, i; missed. 5. P. Belmont, 2* yards tnreecH -0, 1, 1. 1, 1, l, 0, 6, 0. Total.killed, 5; missed. 4. C. Living*!"u, 30 yards (Dreecoj ?1, 0, 0, 0, l, 1, 1, 0. Total, e?killed. 4: misled, 4. Referee?Mr. Parks. Hsodlcapoer?Ira A. Paine. Time 01 snoot, lb. 2om. Sam* Day.?Handicap sweepstake-1 fio eacJi, at 6 birds, l,>4' onaces of scot, & trap*, ?0 yards boundary. Uuu Ciub rules:? P. Belmont, 27 yarda?0, l. 1, l, 0. 1 4 tilled B. Purdy, 27 yards?1. 1. 0, 0, l, 0 3 killed B. De Forest, seyardi?1, 0, l. 1, 0, 0 3 killed Coant Mouziiiy, 28 yards?0. 0, l, 1. 1, 0...3 killed Mr. Lewis. 23 yards?0, 1, 0, 1, 1. 0 3 killed J. O. ileckscber. 24 yards?1, 0, 1, u, l, 0. .3 kilied T. Van Baren. 30\urds?l. 0, 0, 1. 0 2 killed E. Stevenson. S7 yards?0, l. l, 0, 0 2 killed C. Llvingatoo, 20 yards?1. 0, 0. l, 0 a killed Keieree and handlcapper? Mr. Parks. ^au? Day.?Haadicao sweepstakes. $5 ench. at I birus. 1)4 ounces of shor, irom 5 traps, so yards boundary, uun club rules:? * Livingston, 28 yards?l, 1, 1, 1, 1 s kll'sd P. Belmont, 29 yaras?l. l, u. l 3 tnicd Coant Monzilly, 28 yards?1, l, 0, 1 3 kuied H. De Forest, 29 yards?1. 1, 0 a killed T. Van Buren, 29 yards?ft, 0, 0 0 killed Mr. Lewis. 23 yards?0, killed U. Town*end, 22yards?0, 0..,, killed kr. Bnsdicor, 2? yards?0, 0 0 killed Referee and lundlcapper?Mr. Parks. t?A?x Day?SweerstHkes $20 each. ? birds at SC. yards' rise, irom & tups. 1<4 ounces of shot, M) yards boundary, uun Club rules. kr. Lewis?l, i, l, 0, l, l 6 killed. A. Belmont?1, 1. 1, l, 0, 0 4 suied. J. G. Heckscher?1, 0, l, 0 ' .2 killed! Heferee?Mr. Parks. AMERICAN JOCKEY CH'5 RACES. Tbe following are some of tbe poal sales tbat took place last nigbt at tbe Jockey cinb rooms. Tbey indicate the feeilnp on tbe seTeral borses engagsfl m tbe varlons events TITK MKMiikKS' CCP. Warrior, 1521b?. I Kisk. I4<i lbs. \ betting hplndrlft. 19s ibs. f yo *"?"?? Coronet, 151 lbs. J ir.LUK', met?0>B A\? IJIKSI-QrAaTEU U :l. K-. JBrtjcand, 10* lbs g^d RurViY^r. 108 lbs ; 10 Donaybrook, 102 lbs 10 Cariboo, 102 ibs l0 M<>solate. t?h lbs 10 htockwood. 106 lb? 10 Kadi. 107 lbs. "? 5 Mat tie W.. 90 lbs *' 5 Leader, 7# lbs * hig Handy, do lbs ? tut Hoaxer, M lbs ...j'.il s ONE MILK AND AS JtltiBTH. Pprlngbok. 11* ltis ?50 Bob Wooiiey, w lbs.. ? l-adiadeeo. 118 lbs... I). V. Carver. 114 lbs. , ? .. (Miblin, 10* lbs f 18 Misdeal, 87 ibs Mate, lis lbs Flela lio TUB HBl.HO>" l frtufi P*B AND A H ALP MIL**. McGram fl., wj j?jo CfeaaMilla ftft m> 74 IlvUnuUt 20 M -JS I' L?' nuel. 20 10 10 Lortllard lft 10 10 Mclbtiilal 15 is 10 l*rw.f lft 10 10 crin?i"A<) 6 10 10 l'urye*r ft 10 is t'Aii.-rutt. ft 10 6 fUblaitoB * Moiyan ft 6 6 ?lOCKIT CI.I B HANDICAP?TWO MlUtt. Wlldldle $160 rroakoaaa f,:> brtaaiead 3ft Tbe luilowlng were tbe pool sales at Jobusoa's la?t evening I-KLI.INO RACK?AMD TilREB-^rA I TER MII.B*. B If SAUll/ I10J Er faiid I'O Ik ?<9l fio Raaolata eo Stack waod ou tender Cariboo Danoyfcroafc Korrltor ... ftatue w,... JUu^xfr... . J lUOlNT p tAKES?OME AND A HALF Ml LBS. McGrath |.;li +40 ocHUtree 1.0 Sfv fceimom ... i>o 70 HiDan.u JO 70 Lortilard 3ft 60 Cameron.. i;rin*t#ad. II irriej ... | A CarwacK. I'orraar... U Uouneil JO* an- CLt B IIAMDTCAP?TWO MII.BB. *] <l|dle ?3M> l'r*..knew i"?0 Rriutttd.... 70 II IHUKT STAKE*, ORE MILK AMD A HALF? JUNE 10. Tse following IS tie latest m at# of the o<l.: od u?j Belmont ?takM to be run to-<i?y:? Tok*n n>''i Qffirrrt, rate n a>?S Ofbrnt. CaiTiD 2 10 1 Oaar* 10 10 l Tt?ui o.M iree... 8 o i Warwick 10 to 1 f!ie*ap?ake 4 to 1 KBadjunAnniua.. 10 lo 1 #r ??uien 4 to l BobWooior 12 to 1 WlUie Bnrte.... 4 to l Laiij^ 12 to l Jo t erua 4 io 1 Dig .-andjr 12 to 1 Milncr ft lo i AuairallnU lft to i Paogara * to 1 Matador lft lo I Bl Martin 10 to l Co Mpnee 20 to i JU)Ui.h#?r IP 'o 1 LlotiJi oa - 20 tj 1 Fl?ld it0 *1 HOTTING M FLEETWOOD I'ARK. VUBTWO'jS Pake, J j? 11.?Trotting; pnraa >100, |00 to tee flrat, |30 to tae ? < ond an<i |10 to the tfeird bo .?c; lul.t Uat.-, beat three la Sve, to wagoaa. mRTEM. Ofitire OiSfcsr*'* ?. t*. Harr* Ohbert 1 1 1 A I'atteraon ?ft. ?. Fourth of July 2 2 2 J. Muri i<7'a b. u. Kate M>;gnes 3 3 3 fin. V" Vfr. Oat/, >'V. flr?t h?ftt 37* 1:1? 2:40* Second beat .ti 1 :it^ _ 2:43 Tair'1 d at iM 1:1? m 2 4I.V same Day.??weopstakes |2ft0, lulls h??ts, beat tl>re? m nvf, la u?i u*e?, uun weigute aud ownera to drive. *T A K I KKS. f. f b!Cl; r'i b. g. I'3:Q? 5 12 4 11 W. g. Blind Boy 2 8 1 1 4 2 I I. CBtckea'a t>. g. ?>t l 2 3 3 3 3 t. C'oao*er'? 0. g. I if 3 ft 6 2 2 ro If. Loua?i?o b< ib. Half her (*iri,.,, 4 4 4 6 Ui tl?r. Q"nit*r. Hair, f/tlK . r.rst nee' ? t l .'.^ $:ii% frttnud best J'i 1:27m Si.ii ? Mu: 41 'i i: 2 a , Jourib heat 40 i 2:4: ?; fifth beat <1 1:2*^ '2 fum beai 42 { I , 13 yuMB Pay.?fweei.?takei teati, ttei tiree in bve, In harness. rrARTBfti. j. Us lett's b. g ?bermaq 1 2 ' 1 1 :-i ai>'ft ft. a- J. 1 s'"*' 0* 1 1222; ?riMr:. * (ftffrttr, Ma'f. Mil*. l rat b?at :'? --'f . Second 11*it < boat v9 1:1' * 2:40 Fourth hegt 9 Ja ?? * ? ? ? I:" uu * 1HE RAILROAD WAR. a Bin*onior8 raern-Eirew or thb vrrm "scu? B?rw*?N t?b baT-.ttiiobb a?d OHIO j aKi) pbkkwtlvawia bailboads. The Wall street ipeenlator# wero coneldora y , excited yesterday morning t>y a report mat **? whispered around 10 the effect that a settle of tne differences between tue Baltimore and Ohio | ami Pennsylvania railroad, was about to be made. Nothing dettnite as to toe basis of the 8?t"?Iue oouid be ascertained. bat the presencem this^cU* j 01 Tom scoit, Preoident of mo Pennsylvania JUlt- , road; Mr. Cassatt, Heeond Vice President of , Pennsylvania Railroad; Mr. Green, - w President of the Pennsylvania Ralir>adin<fl . Kin* Vice President of the Baltimore and Ohio H^road gave n.e to a., kind, of rumors by one account these gentlemen met yesterday afternoon at the Avenue, Ho e^ an 1 Ohio more liberal privileges as o the n-X". their through tr.lua and Jxjng passenger and freight tariffs at a rat. <air to both T'lirRAin reporter waited on Vice iwldent kiti*last night at the 1'iuu Avenue Hotel, and tound tiliu resting from the ?/r?? atJomt the inqutry as 10 the rumors in the st?*1 anoai iii arrangement between tue two ro?.l , Mr. w ng fte pBiM 'wm^Tom%,oot'"vrU Ca^au and Mr. cirSrn au<! ttiac bad t>e?n (Iikcuhmdk tli? nomtM oi difference p! titer actual or supHO*c<t, ffi" "w'SlitS 5. ? <gg?Zg?X!t sSsrSISS "rS"?v,T.,sr ,!TrA?na officiated asarbiier of ihcir differences Is entirely wit no u t fo u no at ion, as g^tieaianwasnot nr^wi-n'Ht ?it? time duriug ttie discussion and Kd nothing at a>! to do *nh arranging tne bams <?f terms tbev agivpii upon* In conclusion* \ ice president Kin* MM that he nought the terms agreed uoon were lair to botn parties, and that he ioh sati?fl'*n ttiev would be Accepted by the Hoard of Directors of saeli road. He declinei. however, to'ive any detailed particular, ol the t^rms aaieed upon, a# he though it woulu not be Jig" to make them imbue b?iore they were sub- , uiitted to the directors. THE CAR BUILDERS' CONVENTION. , Yesterday morning the car Builders Conven tion was in session at the (Jrand central Hotel, and me hours of the forenoon were strictly de voted to business. At one o'clock a large number cf car rlages were in readiness to convey the guests of ttie merchants and manufacturers of tne metropolis to the foot ol Veat-y street, pier No. 30. where the steamer William Cook Wis la waiting to take the party of about taree hundred persons on a pleasure trip down to the Narrows, to enjoy a statu of the Bay. i whose waters shone resplendent ^ Th? r,sr,,r,;, , Mst^eini adned to toe repast n, t*e musio popping of champagne corks. While the lea wa< at US height. and wniio hrJ*h* , with plea^urs ^the'Vtcamer slowly stemmed Ip the Ka*t Hiver t>a*ait>g in turn the various points ot iv'iilcn were pointed out to tne strangers, an.i nav'ing proceeded through tne blue waters o( the sound as far as Fort Scnnyler, the steamer re u??,.?uowii the Host River and siound ov tu? ErnpM'^^aV^ 1 K^?t^T?e".\ the VteamerVojj TjrJr? ae k tju 5tiB;rnuK? &T Wl!inaeveu'Utnth?l,cUvenl.on',heid Its .el-ion and elected its officers, three ol Z?mY?l'Zn\\Ttn lMHudtmdmver*rfu.:?ro id, oV t'lhe'*'hUad'^*plita and HeMMg the Kne Rail *Tayb*# Secret ar^or the s -eci a - iio.i. __ COLUMBIA COLLEGE ALUMNI ASSO CIATION. The fourth social meeting of the alumni o.' Columbia College was eeld at tfefmonico's in Hfth .venue last nirfht. Ur. lirialtr presided at tne reunion and introduced mc lectiner. Professor Oft lien N. Hood. His subject was "Minute Measure m< nu" He first treated of tho minute mea?are meut of nuaotltlss and then of distances. He gave a rapid historical sketch of the subject- ( commencing with a description of the old Greek experiments on t:ie attractive force of amber, then of tl^e pendulum and las'ly of tue torsion balance. This testruni t rl,n,*sts of a very sight r<j<J. suspended by a nne wire so to a: the least twisting of tne et'er m ike9 tue enos of tne rod move a great deal, and tnts motion caa be meastfted oy mesns of a Lradna-ed wale, ?ea.urea the ien??h of devist ?n ot a r*y of ror utuicUe 1 to the Instrument. Ihia ean oe with the measurement to a'tun a areas dsgree of scouracy. It is Pf*' ?,oVJd to luea-ure b> these distances the mass and wo iTt" of 'he sis and uojH, ano as I'm effect of ZVfiUM u aot ild o: by having the obasrvatlona tuTderarouni iu h short time scienre wiiipreecnt us witn the paradox ol a subterranean astronoin mmK lhe second i a. t of Professor i lt<H>d's diaroarse wsa upon tne measurensen of ,? Hi?ianees. The *m can measure to within o'ue two-hundredth oi an ior*. Bf allowing to a< t on the ^aort arm ol a iever anl reaJlug^tho | rtsvi ition of the long arm an acuracy of one ttn fhousindth of an men cau be reached and with a , microscooe this ean be inciea*ed to one one-hnn- , S. d thousandth. A spirit-ievcl moved by a wedge, S ieve? wT. m rror au.ct>ment su<l the differ rnr, of the converging raye of light in a lens nf lona jilto i?? emol^yci J'itJ ghout tue f?tme a^onrary. To# oevelop?d a discovery 01 iiia 0wn, by WMch bbu . sccuracr conld be obtained. It wm i comoiuation ol ta. ponduIona-toraloB balance, witn mirror attachment; so that a ray ol bg^* , n i |,P rffifr'ed upon a screen, and frotn the amount of it* deviation the expsn^nofdlamoBds, riiLiifs Ac conid be measured, lader favorable cu t imstan'eea toe prouab.e enor of such a mea? mameut would not be more tDau one tblrty-cis miiiK nth o an mchl IKM most txtraordluary ?. iifs.rt la "y ?r tho greatest result a. yet att.nod IB mis tieuartment of ej.enc*. Tr.e a unini. at toe concision of the lecture, warmly * \A rhn an ,?? (a** UHfl 1J4VC |}lQCI ft VOt( Oj fhJnkM sin r which tte* uartooa of a One renaat. THE NATIONAL GAME. Trkntom. S. Jane U, 1874. A came of base ball played at Huriiugton to-day be?w?ea ttie Trenton ?ud Burlington Bines re raited tn iHVor ol the latter by a score of three to one. Tt oe of ??ue. one hour and ahajf. Iv whs one of the oest amateur games ever i>i?jre<i in N?w Jersey. f YACHTING NOTES. V*cli! Biyoone faoclub). Mr. Hoekner, rrom New York. p?*ss<l Wulteatone jeuerdaj, en > owe (or New London. 1 acbt Meta, fl.T.C., Mr. Is $11 a, from Xew P.ov'ielle, i>a ed WbitMtene en rvute for staien 1 UQ'l ye.itenUy. THE WKATHEB YESTERDAY. The record will show tlie (tawi in tbe temperature lor the past twenij.?',ur bourn, to comparison with the corr?i|ondi?* date or last jear, a* indicated by the thermota. ter at fladuui'* ltarmaey, Hkrai.d Handing:? 1674. 1876. 1174. 1676. 8 A. M TO M C:30 P. M.... 71 J7 0 A. M ?6 63 6 P. M 0? Ti V A. M f-7 73 V I'. M 03 CI 12 M 70 77 12 I*. M 60 fi6 Averugo ti ruperatare yesterday 71,'i Average temperature tut corresponding date laai year 6?."f BOOKS DECEIVED. "RlwrnrMfftl sn>1 Critical Miw-aPaoies" Py Wi!. <1 prurotf. I'olUiUlplila: 3. fl Lippjnrfitt * <"o ?The Mau'iioe ProTlaeel." A Ujij.IIo ,a for travel ler* Rwinn r R, Osffontf & >'o. Wsmoirsni ,l> tin <fnia?v Adams." I'rtitO'l t>yf'harlc? f rt'll ? Adan.j. I oi. vl. Pdlladsipliia: J O. 4 ( o "Per otl?' tions an1 K*p*rienc >s of ?? >ll)?l|tfe?lst, fr.m K?tn isea 1 v,j i>r. a. SL i.'oss. l&reato: RoWstli A Hot' hin*<>i) ?uli!t)urr ' By Aaui* Ktarv. ru.iadtlphiai Porter A i.'dltCl. ' rturuui Tbf ir Nitore, CfaftiRcntlon an1 r,?wa." By wiiiim, ntaainv l'%ila<)?|phia: Porter A C ??A of tti? ' nlt'fl *'??<>? Pa'ent ^yet'in." By John h. Perry. B<.*tr.B; .tame* ft QmoM A Ca A Norseman's Pilgrim ??;??? By IJialnisr lljorsh B v?>?h. Vvrs s She id.,n A ( ?, w Wyncg*. ? By Sra. T. Krakte*. >e? ToikJ Henry Busker *U." ty & A. Dr.\?e, ?<.???*! XMIDi * J?#.a. A PRONOUNCING MATCH. The iptlltng hto mtDlt having run its natural course It became neeesaary to furnish something , new to aai Isfy tbe Intellectual cravings of the com- i inanity. Tins problem was solved and tbe want met by the Literary Society of tbe Yonng lien's , Christian Association under whose auspices the first pronouncing matcn of the season was held last eveutng at Association Hall. Three prices were offered which consisted of a set of "Ma euuley's Ksuays,'* a volume 01 Shakespeare and Sherman's "Memoirs." It was the Intention or the manage? to use words in ordioary 11-e only, an J not to fail back upon technical orsclen tlfic terms unless It b.-catne necessary. ' As a list or 80i> words ba<i been ; previously prepared it ts needles* to stare that tney vjert not subjected to the latter ; alternative. There was only a lair attendance present, but it wan a good-natursd. morry crowd, j ready to laugh aud applaud at the slightest pro\ oration. There were about thirty contestant*, all grutlemen, and utter they had assumed tlieir ' places on tite platform Hie rules jrov erning tae match were announced, wtilch were sitnplv that Webster's and Worces- ' t-er's dictionaries only wonld be taken j m authority, aud that Professor Lyeo, who had consented to spell the words to be pronounced. ' would be the sole arbitrator aud wonld decide ail I disputes. The President iheu made a facetious j address, in which he purposely mispronouuced a ? nuniiier of the names oi the contestants so as to make s >me very bad puns, aiter which be intro duced Professor Lyon. The first word yiven out ! was "ab-do-uien.'" A tsll, e?dav?rous-iookln? gen- ' tleman. oil tho uxtieme end or the line, was re- 1 quested to atep down as he placcd Hie accent on t uc first instead of en the second syllable. tnd h<- smiled it klsd of slekly suiiie. And csiae down on th - flour. An.I the sub* qanut t> riwtit Jiu.'s I uterestitl him uo more. The second contestant met with alike fate on i the Word "abjectly." The words "Holative," "parabola," "parabjllc'- aud --paraciiote" were successfully pronounced, when tue third aspirant . lor a prize failed on the lust s> liable of the word ??paraflliie." Owing tae ovenluit the exercises were changed to passing around cards ou which were a number of words which it was thought ] would ceniound the pronouuears. as for Instance, "his foot wu* in the stirrup, covered Mil over with i syrup," and 'Beneath the gallows the swallows ?-ititr their morning lay." The words ??sabe," ? ???iacoade" aud "sacraoioni" proved to> much for t:irec ol the ienialnlnir gentlemen on the piatform and they retired la <jnick succession. amidst loud but somewhat derisive applause. Alloc, ther the ' extertninmeut was au extremely amusing, if not a very profitable one. SUDDEN DEATH. At a quarter to s'x o'clock lam evening an ud- : known colored man, apparently about tnirty years old, of slim build, entered the Colored Home, in S'.xty-tifth atreet, where he died 600n j alter his entry, lie Is about live leet nine inches in height aud slightly pockmarked, lie was at tired la dark clothes and wore a red rlannei un devsbirt uud drawers and white overshlrt, which > was marked J. C. C. in his pocket was found $138 in curruno and a Uat night key. ihe coroner whs notiQrd of nls dsatli. OCEAN STEAMERS. PATB6 OF I'EPAKTl'BE >BOM ,NETV TOKK FOR TBB MONTHS OF Jl'NK AMI .ICLY. Slftinrr. California a i jiatlr CJIv .If Paris. . train Perf-ire Donau Algeria Hut* i>t t,*nr|Oft.. Greece ? iellt-rf C rltlc. Krin C'itv Berlin Victoria. Minn Manhattan Sr\ tliin W A ?-<-holten.... Sre via Kugiun I Kepuultr ( itv 01 iticiinion.t I'torta f ranee Khrin Mate ol I'rnnsy'a Kussta Herder Brmniiir City ci Montreal 1 :rvpt hthioMa titW W hconxtn. ( init.ria City 01 t neater... The Queen Germanic I til* or I'tni.... >>eefnr Muit 01 Indiana.. OtMinatw*. I Ofirt. M Bowlinj Green 119 Broa I wfl y IlfBroaawav. Hroaowur. M Broadway 2 ll>.u iinv oreeo ? Rowling 'ircpa 7- Broadway. r-' Broadway. ?;i Broadway IU Broad war. j?K? Broad way. I.'i Broadway. 7 Bow lintr Green 2 Bott Una tireen Mroadwar. Olowitutr (.rren SO Broad* av . i>i Broaoway. Wl Hroa 1 way lu Broadway. 15 Hroadwav. 7 Bntvi-nor (Iruen UHroMva? /Hotvltmr tireea 72 Broadway. * Bowline Green *! Broad wtr. 19 Broaiway. 15 lir-ia-may. 6S Hroaawav 7 Bon imtr tireen I Kiiwlintr Green iH Broadway, til Broadway il> hrnaiiw* v. i<" Broadwav. 19 Broadwav. .V Broatlwar |2 Bowi'iiu tireen V Ut lodHay. gf NOTICK TO CAPTAI5- OP VB^SKOS BVIKR. 1NG THE PORT OF NKW YORK Ai NI.. H f.-The X*w York Urnai.o halt adopt*-! a distinguishing t'Okton night ?Ignal lor im on board th* fiaaaui ateaui >aelit, show ing while burning th? eo or? red. jreen, red, changing Irom one la the other in succcmen. a ni can be trm ?ev rial miles distant. (aplaui* ot tc??f it upon s-elng tiii-i mnal wiii oblige us hy rreiiariur any marine news they may have lor the f-blp News Department o? the Duuia Bar Persons Oetirotte of cotamtiBlcatlng wtth vesa-1* arriving at >Vw York can do ao by aitdr^ntnc to such vea?la, rare ol Hkrilp news yacht, pier So 1 Kast River. New York. 1 etters received lr?.n all parta of the ?or Id and promptly deliv. red. Duplicate* are re qmreil. ALMANAC FOR NEW YORK?THIS DAY. nr.* AND MOOT. I Dion WjtTKK. Suniues 4 CS | Gov. Island.. morn 8 07 Han ??ou 7 31 HMjdy Moot, morn 2 22 Mvun i>ets....tnorn l 03 1 Hen Gate... morn 4 62 PORT OF NEW YORK, Jl'.N'E II, m. CLEARED. rjhr of Paru (Br, TlM>?t?, Liverpool via Qurrrt'tuwn?John (? Dale. Mr?ui?r Domn <Br>. H KlVhte, v.iai^iw? ll*nder*<<n Brn* fteainer California (Br), Ot?'i.u.o?, GIbskaw?Hen <ler?on Bro?. steamer George li Hirt ut. Ford, PUi!ad*!jitila-Jam?* Man#. hark Antonio G tltal), Calabrrita, Oloa-eater, t?JC Ke^g r. Mark Virginia iltaB, Briroetti Gionre-ter, V?J c Pea ger. Hark >uova Verita (Itai), Co-ta, Briftol?Fnoch, My? A ''o. Bsrk Prlacipi di \ap?li Ital), Mefrna. Cardiff?fuoeh, Kdve * r?. Bark Z10 Lorenio (Mat', Brignetti, Oia^iw-J C Fca ger. Bark I.ulaa Bruno tltaii, R11140 Lelth?J C -*a*?r. Bark uaadTtk 1 -w?). NaiisneiKan. Vvenetrwa or fal nmuth trr order*? Tetena. Btyktuaon * Co. Btrk 'I iruino Keppetut dull. Oitti'//o, fork, Fal niotiih or Plymouth?Benhatn A Bov#en. Bark Amal i>'ori, I.ntioe. Cork or Kalmnnth for or der* -< Tuliiait a t o. Bark Saiali (Br;. May, Antwerp?Jamel W tlweli * Co Brig Kama. Buckman r)nntai<<?WaUh k Pleld. Bria Coinp-er (Br , fciila, Bordeaux?U K l?eWolf * Co. BrHr IS" D Andrews, Wil?on. Bt Marc (DaytD?B Mur ray. Jr. Hri* Ten*ri(T?. Traoy, Mnevitaa? Killer 4 Honyhton. h? lir F. h Packett. A-ium. St rhoam s and Bahamas? 1'euiak.n A Co. ??rlir Kdwln R I irk Phepparl, Faw aroula?i*lavdit A Petty. si-hr Annie Lewis, Aldrieb, Key "en?Unmet A Pui'-kne?. P-hr.Loo!?a Smith, Wtblier, Jackjonyille-Warreu Ray. ri< hr R >bejih<-r J, Fr?m?^*, Ricbmt.nd?Oyerton A llawklns. Bet>r F r Kimpoon, Ja' k??n, Bal'IntKre-W t'halinera Hciir <???> A flenr. Kelly. ?alt m??' I Hob diis P Vclir ?'astalta iBr), lllntl, Warebaw, Ma?s?i?| Kc y|'i? A ?-?m ?chr Robt Bj r ,n. Nioholton, Pror*nc?town?J B Ward A 1 "o. schr Kate BeranWin, Palmer, Providenea and Bristol? fl W Ja?ik?on A f-on tHw.p *larj L>a-:?< l?rak*, Sorwi h-Kr>yg- A C-o. AKttlVALS. IlIPC fTKD BT TUB 1IP.RAI.0 t M TAORM AS D 11KBALD WHlfhMtlNS rKLKORAI'ti LllM. Mt-atiiar Main KJarj, l.el?t, Br?nu*n *ay i'9 ar.d ?onth amptdfi Inn* I, With ||><!>* an-1 4M u .m to Oelru'lit A ' o. armed at Sajiriy Hook at 5 PV lud during the vosage ni >leraUi> weaterly vind* and wore or leja iirad ?f-a. creamer Gnlt Ptf-ain, .Tones Wilmington. >C, ?) hottrt, with n ival ?t?r<'? atU p ivtetijiTs Win P t'lvtie A f-te->m*r tieorjfe fcider, Head. Baltimore via ^or^)lk, wttn indse an.l par.-engfr* t<j the OW Oom.nion -U-ain ah id Co Rark Tereaa Pieaiao I'fcaaso, Dut-lln, M dayg, 10 ballaar. to ord?r. Bark " atyetti OnbroTaekl Aaaf), carmtB, Aajterdam Kiiti, in ballaat to M<vovl -h A Co. Brig Are Austi, R*do?lovi/-h. Trapani Feb 23 via Glonraater Maaa. ftdav* in ballast to .1 C Baayer. Brtf hl??f (of forks It|atidi. -.u-obrldrfe ForM Oa b*ll<> 2udava. with coOec, skloa. A'., aud s taas'.itf' r? la Dalletl. liM A da Brltr Joito Brlghtman of Fall Plvrrt. Hanson Havana lSdaya. wim suaar to J V Csl?-'ilo#; re-ael ra l.? B T>?ar* horn, itnrie ft.Bat 34 < (, |,>n 7b >po>-? i< hr B k liari, from Hagua tor Baltimore. Brig K?au*r sot st Ji-hti SB), Cardenas IS daya. wiih tugar to Boesa layior A Co; vt-.-el to i? 1 >??itu * nan. Brig Cada t, I.eighfon, Sagna 10 <iay?. with attgar to GrtaoelL Biotu.n A < 0; vtaael to Btmpioa, 1 Itpp A Oa. He. r t!yriil liatl ol Bosteni Nail tarderian 10 day*, with augar to tioaaler * < a. vaaael u, ri W l^nd 4 Co. m nr fiariiklit >1 Bath , Mef'aodoii, Bara> ?a II daya, With Irnlt to William Ootigla?; v. ssel to R I Wrnba/g. Mad light NB win In and nalms fJie entire parage lehr 'ieorga P Halli'k (of stateo Ulandt, sbarrett, ?-a?ua, via l?^lawar> Breakwater 10daya. witb augar m U II Jlwift A ?:o; vessel to Van Brunt Broa. e< hr Ixxikoti. Ni.-iiuia. f-agaa, via Delaware Br?aa v a'er. 12 dava wttfi m,.r |q Ri . na Ball A 1 ?>. t-i r.r B S Wnglit, Ca'!'>>\ i- i<.t>thera 7daj? *1. t'ltl M 4, Vt -gifta ?* u M I * >.t Vatg, *ehr A ? Wiley, nick man. Sleuth'ra 9 rtays, with pines to J ? T rearaallt cm! to B J Wenberg. Mf blMoier Orwi't (Br), which arrived 10th, re ports JuD< 4, 1st 44 SO. log 37 50. pa*sed a (Jerniau n-auitr bound K. showing signal letters (cum 1 ?- > Qi/PB; aama day. lal 44 30, Ion .18 10. a achr rlmted Mmmrr bound K SAine day, 1st 44 Bfl, Ion 2#, a tier otan nivatanr bound K j Hth. lat 41 18, lo? 48. a steamer bound h, showing one red light forward, succended by a blue light. changing to red light aft; lnth, 76 miles cant of Handy Hook, steamer Italv (Br1. henco for Luii dou; same time, steamer fan Mar o (Bri, do for Liver pool; name dav, 60 miles east ^andy Hook, steamer I*ou>ineraii>a tier , do tor llambnrg. 1'AKaBM 111HOt !id H8L , OA Pi BOI NB SOCfB. Sifainer Tillie, Kwing. New London for New Yor*, y> itli tii-liH' and uuearugers. Uri* Manianllia, Robins. Troridanoe lor New York, in bali.ui to matter. r<Clw Ned - u'uptor, Pinkbatn, RoolUsnd for New York, with lime v> ''nudee A Pre-?y sclir Willie Martin. VMllardT, Portland lor tAQdy nook, witli lumber to order. ?s?*l?r Planet, Hi'inieraon FrartdUN for Newark. sobr It LIit, Howlaud, -Saw iiaveu lor ucorgetuwn. DC. .snlu' Mary A Hjod, Simmons. New Haven for Phtlivlel pbiu. Schr John Crock/orii, Hart. Providence t?r New Yortc. s. iir Willow Harp. lloyt Provldenee lor New Yorit. Hebr Ida llrrell. 01 a tit on for UoDoken. Hehr Nightingale, Young. Providence for New York. ? ctir G w t uiumlng.-,. Uhuae, l'nmdcnce for St w Y ork Schr Ann T Mpple. Hark. Pall River fur New York. Sclir Umbard Law, Hawkins, l'rovulencu lor New York. Schr Texai. Lander, New London for New Torn. Sclir Itcadia? UK No 41. Jiju-r, Newport to.- New York. Schr I. i' Warner. Johuuou. Now Haven for Now York. Bohr Huntress. Thomas. benii< b, ck lor New York, with tMU to or.ler. ? SclirJ (ioc.iUpced, Nickcrsou. New London for New Yore Schr Win Phillips Hawkins. Providence for New York. Schr It L k< nnv, known ,11. Wlukford lor New York. SchrHarsh A Head. Hurt, Connecticut Kiier tor Phil adelphia. Sonr I \t>ren?, Marsh, City Inland lor New York. schr ixmtau Prances, Keiiv, >ew bed lord lor New York, with box boards to Kd moods A Mitcy. Schr Mall, Men I. <>reenwieli lor NtwYork, with stone to order. BOUND KAST. ^teainer City of eitehburg, Springer, New York lor New Bedford Steamer 1 imlra. Young, Ne<* \ ?>rit lor rrovnlence. Steamer Deitiwnie. 81111th. New York lor New London. Burs Kuropc, HherW(>oJ New YorKllll? Xdvartowii. Kriif Weill .1 & ficyniour (Br). Kno^oii, New York for London. Hi 1,' 1 oitna, Buckman. New York lor Matanzas. Kria ilrewcat (tlri, I'aulker, New York lor MailUnd, XS. Bria 11 B Nlckerton (flr), Couners, New York lor Har borvillc, NS. Schr Alexander iBr, Forbes. New York for Truro, NS. Brig i'annlc II Jenniuvn, Younir, Weehawksn for Port land. ,-(iir .Minerva Bri^htman. New York for Kail River, echr Xebec, Robiuwu, Port .lohn?ou for Norwalk. ficlir V) iilara HauUiiury. ilanay, l'urt Johnson tor Provideme. t-cnr Kari. CannlncUam. Itonilont for Boston. ,-clir Billow, 11 rrfii, Wechawki 11 lor I'ail Itlver. 8chr McLoon, Kok'rs. New York lor South Thomas ten. sclir Grace ('uhIiInk, Hamilton. Philadelphia lor Prov idence. Schr J M ]'iana((an, <Ha?sett, riiiiaddlphia for New Bediord. >< iir Chas V. .Smith, Kantoti. Philadelphia for Provi denoe. .-ctir Es ort. Hawkins. New Yr.rk tor BrH|f?port. SchrJumes M Bayics. Arnold, Wechawken lor New psirt. ??chr George W Whistler. Jr, Crosby, New York for B -ston Schr Crusoe, lintemau. Weehawkcn for Boirton. fichr Katie Mitchell. Kastiniu lloiiokon for Honton. Sclir K U Con well, i'sntiletou. New York Inr ^ell ficet. Schr Maria Flemmlng, William*. Newhnrg for New Loudou. Schr ? F Staples, Brown, Now York for Harrington. Me. Sel.r Rlli-Wrlirht. Man, lloboken for Provldeneo. Pcur Jo*pli JHsro. Brairfr. New >ork lor Auxron. Si-hr Steriiuw. Ha:is, Newburtr for Providence. Schr Ann Au.c:ik, Alien, N< fort tor Hurlford. Schr Henry. Wlotert, New Vork for Stoueybrook. tcbr VY 1'under, IrascUer, New York for Taun ton. sicbr B ? Potter, Ellsworth, New York for Providence. Hcbr S L Tbomnson. Hull, New York for Providem e. ? chr J I' (iriftlnK. Oonld, New Y'ork for Provincetown. Schr Rosina Kelly. New York for Boaiou. Pc lir Thomas Jeaerton, Blocksom, New York lor Hart ford n hr Oriole. Baker. Weeliawken far Boston. Fciir Harah K Jones, Ilandy, Weehawkeu for Quincy Point. .-chr L A Tolles, Day. New York for Cold Springs. Scht Beniumln Heed, Ada ma. Weehawken (or Boston, schr Alien It Brov n, Honnlnsou, New York for My ?? tie. schr Tunis Bodtue. Weaver, Weeliawken tor Provi de nee. Schr Highlander. W f>od, lloboken f.>r Nev/porf. Sclir L-tiira BohlnsoB, Kobin on, P'. ri JofiiLiuu lor New Bedford. Sehr Win Stev?ns. Coiwell, Pliil?.<!?? 1 phi 1 for Boston. Setir Min.|Uas. Phillip*. I'ori JohUMR Inr Providcnee. Si-hr R W Benedict Htgby, Albany for ftynwik Sclir Krally Morreli. Altintiv for Greenwich. s, Mr Kliu City. Kelly. New York for New Kedford Schr Chi'f.Smith, Port Johnson lor Norwich. Sr-Ur l?art. Williams, New Vork lor siarnlnrJ. Rchr '' 1' Ackcn inoim. New York, iyi sumloin. SAILED. MARITIME MISCELLA.N?. ?ir See caH? r. ? wi Mr McKay. jiitr-?-r of 'learner *ta'e of fieorgia. will plea?e accept oar tbant* i t . oarteaiea. Snir Aliulih (Br). at "-All Francl* <i Juno Sfroin Mnr ] pool. reuurU:???i h 7 off Bivsr Cua? Uatb^uut, t)rn>ril,wu deo? ueil. Bank. Ha-nr UAMtijt.. ,Br . prev|o?aty reported wrw..?d at A? ncaty lur, ? m li-uud i., f.iverj-oul from Ararat* (uot a* before itated). liti Kwvdkrjck Wum Ueri, at Philadelphia from Hamburg rep'jrt* May .W, lat <4 Urn &I, ?aw a very Urge 1 Iceberg. four lank! Kim. P. na A M Paaaaa. coM la l; n. bound out. w*? ashore ?t Va'hiM* Point Potomac River, June B. but ?uln,e quentiy got off attar di?:ti;?rglng part of cargu an l ui o I ce?de<l. A S-Mamn Pinoomta. coal laden. bound out, wai ashore on Dead Shoal*. Potomac Klver. 'un?- UX I Sea a Panax Ja>r*,?if Newport, waaaold at .motion on ihe lOtli rut. by th?? I h Marshal, to Ueurge II Crandell, oi Kewpott. i"r tVx Tii* .Mirvlim. Rraoruv Stua* Lt*r~It i? i n lerstood that the iiegomitiona now pending between tiie < antnu I Company aa<l the Indian < oii,paliy iu relerenrj to tiio ' lea-e ot a line ol atcaia' ri b? the former trona the latter , will prohablv result in tba leite of two steamers of tbu . lnni:?n line to the I'unton ''onipany for two tripa. It It ' thj?k'lit >hat tli? flret trip "ill ba mado in Ike coarae of the neat month. The ?'autoli ''"tnpany lut> to make tlie-e i? o trip" a* an cipertaent This l? con?niere i an iinii'iinllv ?lull keaxoii tor bualrvesaol thlr kind, ami if the experiment prwvea wc??*alul the Cantun Company propjsea to ma?e a permanent Icaae lor t he u<e ot a number of tli" riiT* ot tbe loni n lir.e. Tbc officer* ot the company are confident t'lat thev wiil obtain a tuli ' canto on 'h' outward trip hat they are apprehensive aa to tne -ma! I i\uatitlt > Of freight wblCh Uie steamer* i would be likely to carry Iron) Liverpool to Baltini >r? ? | Bal'lmore Mnerican. Five of the crew of the abandoned ship Tlv Bee.1 Br) arrived at lUehm)M on Wrdneaday in bark Vidar (Nori, which re?-ned all of the crew. Th" report that the aiiwx Ave wort txaua&rred to auotti.-r ?< -?ei waj linor reet. BaLitaoar. II?Schr A-l lie Walton, from Turku l?i.iuJ reports fa-?< i June 7, rape Uatiera? bear Inn HW h v ?? alioul Zi tniiei ' I lie wreck ot a eiuikeii tnree-i?itwd act oner of ubott' .KW ton*. She bail .ii'p.u' ntiy been in that condition but u aliort time, a? her aaiiii were oo and appo.ired to b? in a good fcUta of prcvrTatlvii. ?a?<ioa .inne 10?~rhr Arty, whic'i cleared from thla purl for Brlitol June *, In dnttinf ilu#n ih? river, g'it a?ho-e t? ;.,w ( ro?br'f >arrowj. filled, nptet an l |a?t e\ enm/ lay on the beach on her beam cn t?. OtanaLTjiH. MaylV-itark .--atfa (Nor), from Ki w f)r leant for Malaxa Ceio-e reported in coilialoni, wax floutad nlfht ot l4ih lu^t. the diver having ?uccee led t>i Miiptiiim leak ?u.i pain|iinf the hold ol tM vetnel dry; atreeiut-nl. $1IDO PixJiargina cargo 1< bainf continoed. a ijiiantitv ol balei hnv|n<< I e? ? already Iranahlpped In!-) steamer* for tonrryau* e to Malaga. The -punl-h ataamcr Alegoa Icuvea t. morr. * moi ulng wiUi a pur ti<>n of Hie cargo. Qrraei, June #?While cominf nn llie river In Dilol's charg". the warn r ^????tiau grounded oppoaita Carolina at 4 AM veater iav Jt d"ad low water, and re maipef two hoars and a n*lf. Khe cmne <.(T witii the flood tide wlthou'damage. an1 arrived la port all well. TiMi?aii Hum. Jniu II-vhr Areqoipa. ol f;iouce? let recinth a ah ore at MoficAO'. Iim I en repaired nt. tht* port and will proccc 1 to Oluucettar witli the firat wind. nan?At New I oii ior, 9tn in?t from the yard of Cracker k Darlwi, a??? modeled (in 1 well rm:it ?ioop (nor \et nameili owoel ii l.aca Brothers, to l?? ^uj ployed a the menhaden fl'l>*ry. NOTICE ro MARINERS al. . aiTK.f i* iiotit f> ei*r> i-si?m. . laori ui.axo? or ciri< hi ? \i>. The Domiuii n too rnment ha: viven notiee that on t ? IVI ot July lie xr till revolving red and ? hue iisrllt oil ?B '?! I'and. i -houi laUad. 1 ai>a Breton, SM, w.ll be chauge.1 tb a i4Tolviatfed liglt, ellwVtBg a fla-!i every Ml note. a ~ utiurtM u ucar 05 5o?tr? rorrr, ratjret towtun i?i.j? so. The Doniliilon government h*-? alio flv n notice that t?. ? .ight at '-.rr. Point. I' -n e F.'.wji ,1 l?tano. ?111 !?? Chanted on the l?t of .Ja'j ne ?? from a fixed v hite to a r*v< ? like :i^h<, ahowi.ig a tl i-h every nnnnte HPOKEN. * lnii I !e ot Bute Rr from tiiav^'O* lor >au Francin 0, May Jm la* c.i '? Ion 9 W. Kurk Mi ? ie I'artcr Hr', from llnrrow. R, for Navr Torn or DalhouKM . NH. *av 24. at .'.t Ion 40 Bark An.g?r "?or , from i!a!tlmor? for Lame. May 29, lat *310, ion 44 ;? NOTICE TO MERCHANTS AND CAPTAINS. Mere.hant", sh'miiloj apatv ool ib'pmv^ir' ar? fa foraied tbat i v U'tegrapbint to tl< > Baaai.o Lan lon .n? l? 1 le-t vrre t, or to thi I'arn ? Nna. fta? .-criN , the a'riral* ?t ant di?p.trta:?i t totpi Ka< nteiii #nj IUat*rn porta ol AmcrlKyi anJ all Hralfa ve-w|* tr<? ling wrh t!ie 1/Ritatl *>tatBV. tht i.iat will k| i a?>d to thiaconatry lYee af cM#|; anl pn' 1, f aplalM arriving at atcl <aiiui* from I lenc.'i an! *aditerrane.?a porlv * 111 nnl'he I'ari* otln tne nto.'j ?eenoa>i4*i aud ? xp?diti >n* far te.h .-ra^ttlBj n.wi. OLE < ABLE SHIffIN 1 NEW,4 ? ein?T, .lone l<>?ArrlvtJ. Iiaikt ? iiavoio atal), l-era?o, New Yorki lofe#? Br.. McUalmoat, Parian. Pa?f**. Tnne f?Arri< e-1, ?Mp t'a1 lo* Daviil (<*er), '-?tta ''biiadelpbia; bark* Eolue ct.'er . Berdlnf, .tan Torki Preelota <?e.n Vaik Baltinxiri t < aria fVon 1 vOMMti f>*li e t fr., J'.cl, dv. Hh i . ^ ; ft ??. I w*:\x .? I arrived i<Hh. bark* Nellie T One?t iBt\ ??*ee??er, i New York; H J Bognrt (Br), R?y nolJs, do. ! Cioir?bailed, stbr W R Drury, Thempson. United 1 attftee. | ('it' rm?Arrived, *hip Alice Book, Naow. Liverpool. ! Dtii* June 11?Arrived, bark* Kalken (Hon. Christen 1 e*n. Wilmington, NO. for London , Mary I Campbell I (BrK Grey Bull Itiver lor do. I IH m>? k, June 10?Arrived, bark Ulrica (fwe), Locke, i Pen-ucola. DtiWH, June 9?Arrived, bark bittero (Nor., Wngge, New Vork. ih, .'"n? 11?Arrived, bark Star Qneen Br) Crimp, Rotten. Arrived in the Channel 10th, bark Meridian (Oer), Hoborst, Philadelphia lor Bremen. Ui iiniow. June 1!?Arrived, ship Atieoaa (Br), Oros ?art. Quebec. sailed lOUi. nark Prtmo fltal), Piuhero. Kew Yore. Oh.ioa?Arrived, bark PaMaroeang (flwe), fcigneul, Penaarola. Kallel. bark I' H Bill* Penny, United State*. II Axni Ki., June V?.Arrived, lmrk Jen* Brandirf (Nor), Nielnen, Uarieu Host koKo?Arrived. steamer Great Repatilic, Cobb, Sail franoisoo via Yokohama. | uvmtom, Jump 11?Arrlvsd, ship* Soreamer. All-tin. Savannah) l>cw:t tiumradhttr (Br), Tarner, Boston; Mat tel horn. Arey. San Irancisco; Dark Ailtv erp <Br>, Atkin son, St John. N B, Killed liMb. bri? Kalervo (Kir?). lllllatrum. United eta ton. l.osoon. June 11?Sailed, sliip I.Iverpool, Lambert, New York t brlx Kaluna. Nash, do. Loupmpiht, Juue 10?balled, bark Gazelle (Nor)? Brun, United Suit?a, l.maoN?Arrived, bark Bomo (Br), Campbell, Phlladel OliU. i'Lvaorrn. Jane lfr-Off, ship Nonantura. Poster. from Rangoon (or Antwerp. J'oui Miboc, Juno 11?Arrived, (hip Berlin Br , Jone?. Darlea. Qri rKiTOws. Jn:io 11? Arrived, bark* Roseneath Br'. Portland. O , (Ju m'ppo Masons (Ital), Mtretto. Philadel phia; Wrymouth (Bri, taue, Matanzas. ' Also arrived 11th. bark Nellie May, Blair, Havana. Also arrived lltli, 11 AM, ?t?arat:r Wyoming iBr), Guard. New York tor Liverpool. (tailed Utb, steamer* City of Richmond >Br\ Brooks' and Republic <Hr\ Oleadeli (from Liverpool), New York. Uoftkruav. June 'J?Hailed, bark DagmaliNor), llaAve, United States. Scnofrlind, June 11?Arrived, ship Ottawa (Br), Campbell, Pen?acola. St 11ki,fj?a?Arrived, bar'x RlizabethiSwe), Danueborg, Padang for New York (not u before reported). TirrORT, June 10?Arrived, bark Norsk Veritas C^'or), Isaacson, Pens.icola. Failed trom ??, ship* Robena, Hagen <lrom Re,v*1), New York : Zulette (Br). Davies, United states; bark* Sanxone Au*t), Capponi, an1 Prvi DubrovacUl (Au*t), I'endo, do. I.oinow. Jnn^Jl?Of the cargo of the bark Rimer.Nor), from Savannah lor Finland, stranded In the Gulf of Bothnia. 800 bales damaged slightly, and 700 seriously I damaged, tir.c been secured. There are -0J bales still i on board. BPOREN. Bark Rifleman <Br), Bishop, from New York for Syd ney, NSW, April 28. FOREIGN PORTS. New York"' Al>ril 23~Arrir*'1' b"* Oliver iBr), Weeks, Bombay, May lfl?in port, ship. Tabor. Taylor for <RrTr?:.!?'*,c"llp-for Falmouth: Mo wen Brown KftifT-ftr.UW' Reporter, ripring, unci bark Milu, Kracht, for Manlmain. ' JonM?N^wbu?i.JuU* *cbr *???? B 'ranklln, Wut"?j" Port. Klilpn Trior. Rudolph (Br), Wuhart, Waterloo (Br). Artimtroug; Bengal dir.), Code r ,l . M"!^, co. 8V.'.<"i yvrk, bJg- Tiruour. Rob TomniJ r,ci."\Wl ii for Boston, do; Gilbert lliomp*>n (Br), Ma^ee, for San Frmici?co. no; tri Witch. I.unt. ami Olive H Southard. Walker, unc. u??I?CCe'!V1? t^1,e Rlv'r HiJ 7, .lip. Cher well, Br), Swan 'for s""w York. ?C*n' "U" Rcd 0,untlut <??. "V *? V'1?* I^auhoe (f!r), I.uke. Nov \ork 6vh. Aircnor, Gould, do. Nri'vorY* JUn" '-Arrivo,,> ,mrK J???e Mildred, Cann, called Tth, brig Kmma. L Shaw (Br), Macomber P*l Imi! ? ' ifSi'o HotMCon. <l*r liter, north ot iiutieiai' 10th. bark II R Jack*.?, Bacon. Now Vork. . _ ^ '^rwi I?Arriff X bArk Alex Pimnhnii Wfc St t>riH AtaUya, Alien, haw Kd"tll''B?!hkaiS, HaUf.i,DM <Br>' ?aU1**e> NeW York; iJihiiiLTAri. May It?Sailed. bark Tkimeuieo fOer) Jae. iv-h Kil V ' ,'? Eroe Mare?co. Maru'illet; 18th. brig. Neptnnf* far. Pike, Cctte ; Tereeina <Oer> l.turo. (?enoa all freni Ne w Yort). ' 7?Arrived, .chr Walter k Palmer. ! "??. Hailed June id. brig Wlauce ilir). ?arr<-ll Philadelphia ??'?*? K???Aprtl h- ailed. ship* hllen Mou'i ^o, I s/h".. "11 ? r*",ULwi'v,,"-v *' Atlantic yir>, MeIIin do tft-ianrf uinn "UhncM <Brj. Kin*, do; Endoiyor, Kew Vork Counter ot Enrol (Ur.i, lay,or. ?h',11 -2rt ??ay?15\ Me Near. Carter: Champion of 1 i ? S <Br>. Wijeon. an 1A vmiuore <Hr>, Ccrfleld tar flan FranMwo: bark. W u Be, v. Hotae tor llo Mu^ I iinori ?'ord:in. (Vom Nag.i^iki. arrivrd ? tor nuii Pran """ ""*? Balled 15. ship Arabor, Pike. Manila. ? 2I4*4, ""B* Arrivetl, Mearcers Henrv Chauneer Rathburn. A.plnwall for Sew York: Margaret Maker' .b.n* J 8 *Xnwu' ??'"? Bal.imor, ' welled lOtfc, Meant-r? City ?i Meritt*. K^vnohU Vera rfi'L i i Catherine, l'hil?.telph.?i b m p Uyde. Ltviugat?a?. do: Taunannork. Pcndlctou V-w sssvxojss:* ??? *??? '??j T^.Pto?|Yutl,,,**BIW Cr'K,nt <"urtts, for New Nr\v y'ltrk ??rtl *h'p* ?'urpriw. Johnion. for S'anJrWliU r>.0f?VrAPr ' 081 ,riu;-"^u" "U; M ATANI4*, Junf 1Q?"n'le*!, hti'k* Artrii. in(].ft,n north ot llatc<-ra* . St Olive. fHr>, Carter ^kndy M^k' brtir. Viuuie Traiib, >ea:te St V*r?'? Ua: ?ectia Thllr' low, >-al!l?.,B. Now York : O B "tlllian T.M eii. d?! ^ t?re Alnxm Bir l. f?rlukwar?r, n*\nm >r* Oohilvil' retu Babbtdge, do: Etta A Joete"BikS!UrtV2J lut tan.lBStof' ' JBM '-Arrtved. bark Huron Br). Oil Ilong 4pr" 7~Arr,T,d' b*'k B Sloeutub, In Port Mtr It, bark Ura.mer*, for X.w York l June b?failed, hjIir N W Magee, Hmuon. north fci f ra?: f'rjif K A Marnard lln. Willebydo. *1* ? utie II?Sailed, bark Beatrice Hflvlitiv p*i mouth, brur Pratowr, itoccr., n.lawaVe Brea^w.^r ?top. BoIi?a ' La? '?-Arr'^d, brig S*ve (krtflk*. ht jimjf, NB, June 9? ArfireJ. ?'hr <"ha. K Heinwan iuTrenv'lir>I^w8i"n*h; l0"' An,,la ,in,nr11 lBrJ- Ku??n>. hAiled l"th, steamer Palm (Br), Pci??, I.irerDonl s ct??iil/m{J> k'"on- ftrere.-tw-n Oloue?gtrr, B. He.reJ 11th. bark cha. 0 I^ary. Liverpool T?r?"r 4?1i?w*?JrtT ' Bor,? burlt *,ulluj" ? Allen, M.Vr4t?iu>C1"' Ns ,une ?"-Arrived, brig Clifford (Br), St riaS"rru^VoVk.Tdri bark Died. '/?* Srr.***a Mats'. RoLb'B* Amer. I york***1*' M<> arrived, Matilda, Montagoor*. New dain**11" A,'r" Chaara, Pratt, Tnited Kiug. F^raV-V'Jkatap ..I?'"r7r?^mdv1.,~h,ilcd' ,D^ mot Dr"t'r>K^S* V.' "lis'P"?*' for Mnnlr*?l foi H..uVrdam ' W m tbl Ctiuv^i'Tilaud 1'~raM"' Ab0J"1*' from Low??n for Tan boV^rHc.v,w*r ri^ do. o^awtet*-0*Hu"c,?-,rcm QMi;iin? May Si?Arrived, Sclina Stanford. AH. stu. New ^ork ha? tieen reported arrived May ti y^"*'-W4T 31?Arrlvod, Cbimoca ;Xon, itaivi. N'ew eo.a"01' Majr 27-ArriT"1- "P"??r. lUJI.trom, I'.nta ^ Sailed 2?*h, An-tru her, Pitt, Quebec t Zurich. Forrter. I ?!f.Ar"?: 'S4/. ?-H*ys4? Anrtraiia Iveraen, Vir.mi. hi ! bnrnr ' n'J ' :anh- *'noi* 11 Ut'ruVV <*ro" sh " Mi'.*.r*'M?v'Vi'b?uin ? g,r'ni,,?r' H?r'' ???' *?*iro, COWL ArrlTed. Wavlartr. Thurber, Pensa Jlimtreai?"L' "*'* ^-ArrWed, Polynesian (. , Brown. Sailed ?th. OoetHe, Sb-enken, Saudv Uook lloratln h.'.i? tU*' A'iier I ii' illt', WMte, Calcutta li>^at t?s vi rr':, '"-tcw u p",nRi"- <?p*\ K?.?Jf,*,V '"[tier, Hnrn.r, Yarmouth. MS; ilaniir l.r^ll. Hone Kong; ,M?t W J I,.-w i?. Jrefrv lla'it-.* - ?r?- p 'lV ' '"t.sonw and ~.n Fr?i(Fi-. o ' PMUUI 5 ?** *'"? 1,4 '? 'r?in Liverpool for ^fforAtu^rm?ucu'oW,h UoAM' tt ,m Livtr' M,T Delpliinc, Lovellu., Cmihork, Mar M-<#iltd, Charts Turves small I in./y.t .plii# 2Mi. Bnma RrifiiM, New York .71U |.t,,a ' u Monitor, hat .n, Hvltirmi.e. ' r.iinaii! Apr" Arrived, A mall*, honei, THonsh.' *" tl~Ar,'Tei1' * E Cornln?. Hnghes, Sa i>.%V3!3Si.'ijytaMW- ?W> -? "?? >, 'LV,'l,TT* 7?The Ivanhoe. L?ko. for K.w York frnm itfVJSi.i?l!l ?l*rboard t. ,w. r chain while Kt.ernig wsiPi , , tnoorinu-ii into the (tream - n Kay 1 wag in collision with the s?aM? tnw a.>.| ,tuir?ar1 took ?T i?" t0;ut ,vll"r* ?ni" remained tide SSf!'??"??>? ?!'. .Usuuicd on ' <h?r main deck he-N'.'n ?urvr? cd an 1 ?. it in no way arfei i? ttu- m>? worthlrtesa of tin vr??-1 it I- to M repaired ?t co? rente nee. * -?iliiDii-5 ^-r jt-lhf brig K L Margaret, Willi*?., * 1 ri. arrived off her* trom I'hiludelpii ? 2Mb Inst- In. till* murtiWi been towed to the utia.v. ^*?5, ?*'7' '';v Wle,, dated Svdnojr. M.v ?>)_Tlie J Tf'tc bas ?tran.!.'il ?tld Will 1.i'olle , |,:"i .? re, n rurto? ?*tfl vtvc l; orcl* *rrl?ed ln ,-e: - d ?? -lie l.t.v. ? h tlie ergo lu lr.;r, lo, ??7j .i:J org" 'I'*>, "Cv /iCt 01 timber) for AMERICAN Pour.i. AI.^'UNDIIM June 9?Arrtre l, ncUr M C LfMI, V> *?1 lii' on ond e.ile t for I rov Icneet, h.i)r,|?^.|ir4 Lutiira Hirdaaii, Htuuiugron; Mien To* bill, ,l?f^ y < ay, w in.lvUt, Bo?U(*i; Kll.!. Voore :.iii "'rj Iritt Rathe I Se.aajan, AU>.? Jt..le, Mid CM tie lit ,1,1/. kli.UKi $ Tsn-er, WatbiDAVO jiM atv.! (or Charleston. 8C); Llaaie F Dew, 9tw York: Theodore Dean. ?? lor Georgetown. Belle i?Schra Alfred lirabronk, Portland; Jra I<a? rlener. Hudson. NY; Moliie A Hand. Mattle H liattoB, and J M Lwimrii fflrum (Jeoruetuwai, . BOSTON June 11?Arrived, steamer Geo Appold. L?vf? laud. Uallioiore; schr Ague* it Bacon, Hahiy, Georgii town, HO. Cleared?Ht?imcr Johns Hopkins, Hallett. Baltimore! bark Mlrto N Au?; . Itooomo, Cork via New \ ??rk ; m hri Isaac Oberton Crockett, Linuau. sC: Trlnn. Matthew*, Baltimore; Win Boardmau. I'elton. New York via the Kennebec River; I> Davidson, Freeman, Woodtiridire, K.I. Palled-Ship Geo II Warren. Steam vaeht.;aM Mc Crea, from Sew York lor Boston, pas-cd Wood'# li.ile at 3 i!> P.U to-day. HAL'I IMORK, Jan* it)?Arrived. Mark Elverlon Clark", lla\ana; brigs Herman, Patterson, Mataiuas Coue.ord, itoddiiu. do; -chrs Clara ml ill Packard, do: Addie Walton. Hamilton. Turks Island; H K Squire, Huuiblln, Richmond Me. .1 II Have, Savannah. 111 n ? Arrived, ste-itnora Raleiitli, M inter, Roanoke River, NO; W in LawrdM, Howe*. Hoston ; I> Folev. Priee, Charlestoni Calvjrt, Foley, do; Fanny I'adwal. adcr. Foater, New York. Cleared?Steamers Haragoeai, Hooper. Havennaht Josephiue I bomuson. Moore New Yotk: ship a heCal Iiiin. Master* St John. NB; barks Assunta (I tall, Viualdl, Qiiscnutown: Winifred (Br), Dili. Kio Janeiro; tirlu New Era (Br), MePnae, Cardiff; schrTaillgbt, Robinson, New Haven. sailed?Bark* Elena Car,Lino dial), Dublin; Kmt-.r tlta! , Cork lirlif Perl, KaMporl. BULL RIVER, SC, J line i?Arrived, brig Grace (Br), Richards. . B\N<)<iR, June 9?Arrived. bna Geo Harris Slower*; fitO' ktou; si-lira Brunette, Rich, New York; A I. Wilder, French, do _ Cleared?Schr Mary Collin?. Collins, Darien Ga. BUCKSPoRT, June ii?Arrived, schr liiahel Jewett, Fotttf. Hampton Roads. CHARLESTON, June 11?Cleared, bark Memento (Norj, Aaby, Cork lor orders. . - KLLHWOKTtl, Juu? 2?Cleared, selir lata, Bollock, New York. <a LVESTON, June t?Cleared, aehr George 8e?]y, B!oh:n. Havana. sailed ? Krhr Vernal, for Pcnsacola, In ballast. KKY WEST, June 9?Arrived, ateauier Geo W Clyde, Pennlnvton, Galvestonfor New Vork (md proceeded). LYNN. June 9?Arrived, ? Ur Robert Poster, Hoboken. Mi Illl.E, June 11?Cleared, schr Cornet, lor New Of leans 0 ' KKW ORLEANS. June ID?Arrived, steamer Cordova (Br*. Atrain. Liverpool. Pa*?wi, iiine 11?Arrived, schr J 0 Whipple, from XEW s.MYRVA, Fla, June I? cleared, aehrs L 4 HI Herd, Spt liiian, Boston Sill. Witch ila/.el New Bedforo t Frank K stone, Mcv'allmn, Jaekaonville. KDKKULK, June ^Arrived, achri H LocKwood, llardca?tle. Sew Smyrna, Fla; ? Hilary. Brown, Bellaa^ Me: H'irali fiuinn, New York. 11 ih ? Put in tor eonl, steamer San Jacinto 'Br). Rlctcr* Oalveatoii for Liverpool, NKW hi- DFORD, June 9?Arrived, selirs Ale\ Yonr.f, B'.ake. Pliiladelpliit: Fair Wind. Bowman. Pou^likeei ale lor Warehatn; Kate Thonian, Barlow, handwioh fo? New York. Sailed? -clir? M II Rend, Benson, Philadelphia; Anc 1 Slpiile, Bacon, New Y"<irn. loth?Arrived, ae.hrOaleno, silva. Azore*. Sailed?Bobra Samuel U liari. Philadelphia; R B lliiK. (Jolden l.'aifle, Ada llerbu.u, K C Knight, and lath lon. tor New Vork. .MiWPDRT, June 9, PM ? Arrived, sohrs <iertie K Mor row Dart, Mosquito Inlet :'or iio>u.n; Cornelia, Oranf, Uobokenrordo; >lnrv shield-. Snowman, i'ort Jobnaon fbrSaletn; Wm U Bowcn, Dill, ItriKtol lor N'e?? Yorl.t Veranda, Pond, Providence lor doi SB Smith, Snow.1 Warolmm tor do via Norwich; A B Havea, Harlrw, Sandwich fordo; -loop Odd Fellow, Dyer, New York ai->o, tu?; Frances King, i awlev. Providence tor Xew Tork, with three barffei in tow 'ana sailed I0th> JJKW LONDON, .hine 10? Arrived, schra old ^aeh, Hoboken; Kato Callahan, Stonlaslon for New York. Hailed?Schr A II H.iker. Alpvandria. PORTLAND, ". June 1' ?Arrived, bark Forward (Brt, Et radian, llonx Kong. PASCAUO,CLA, June 5-Cleared, aohr WMitr Denny, Taylor. Kev West. pciRT RdYai., SC. June 11, 4 PM?Sailed. Pieaintr Hnntsville. Ouiek, hew York. ? ' PurLAOKLl'HfA, June 11?Arrived, atenmers Arie% Wheldnn Boston; Vindicator. Rojnra. Providence. Phlk adeliihia, Davln, New York ; acbrs Pranconla, IlavlM, Cirdenani Julia AWard, Stephens, Boston; William Jr Oarriaoii. Mowen, Boston. AI?o arrived, steamer K Franklin. Chanoe. Baltimore) birks Ouno. Kantala, Ipswich, Frederick Wejer lOtr), KrucaU Hainburx. Cleared?Steamer K C Biddle, Picrce, New Yerk: brl# /.avalla Wiliams, Vci/.ie, Jacksonville; achrs Nellie Clark. Clark, Si Joliu. NB. Anna Myrlck Smith, Provlni'etown; Jenule N llud-leli, Cranmer. Bostoni E Nlckerson. Chase, do; I. C llickinan. Simpler do: 1( C Bnehler, Mollov, PorUtmouth : John II Perry iiaweak, New Ucdford ; Thos Van Oilder, Van <l)lder. Charleston | R Vannaman, Hrower, Boston; Sallie M Kvans. Willetta> Providence. Naw Cistlk, Del. June 11, A M? Schra Owen F Iliad% H sh ,rp, and A A R Hooper, pa seed down tois A M I Xo. n?hi ur> c 11 Wood, lor Providence ; Jonn D Ifc eraham, for New London: Narraueausett mrwi. fop Hostoa: Hannah F Shuhert (new,, for do; O J Wfliar?' tor Portland: Anna M.vrlek, for Providence, and brlj Jane slade (llr), for Oalway, Ireland, patscd down aiu<.f A H report PM ? l"a?-.ed up. schrs Kara E Citford from Somaraett l^na Breed, from Lynn, and L k A Babcock, fioa, Boa-' t?>o. Passed down?Ship Conataiiee (Hr>, for Antwerp; barlt Faruenav. (Hr>, for i ork or Kalntoulh. for ordera Schr rarauln, for Provineetown, auehorcd oA here this I'M au.f remains. A hark and two sehrs are in sUht, coming up th* Bay. Dki^awark liBvaawATKB, June 11, AM?Arrived lan nlalit, bnir Wexford fl ow Matanaas, for orders. Went to sea v>:*terday, ship Superior and bark MetA steamer Illinois passed out for Liverpool at f U ian evening. Brus sarah Oilmoro and Ororge E Dale art here, OuMvard bound PM?There have heen no changea l'OKTLAND, June 7?Sailed, barks Blanche How, Florence Peters, au l aehr MaKaie DarlinK Atn. achrft Geo V Jordan. Coiiarus*. 11 Means, and Hattie Maker I'uKTsm it'TH. June 10?Palled, arbra Charleo I.i?^ reie-e. ciayton. and Jesse B Smith, lylar. lor George* tone: Thos T looker, Leeds, Philadelphia. PROVIDKNCK, June 10-Arri\ed, schr Palm* We?k& Hoboken. Nalleil?Sehr* Florence I Lockwood, St John. George* town, DC: Pelor II Crowell, chase, do; White Poain, Millk>'ti. Alexandria; Marv E smith. Graen. HalUmorei R W Tull. hhropslilre, do; HAS Corson, Corson. Phila delphia: Albert I'baro. Bingham: JnMa K ?:rawford, Petty; Allen Onrney, uurney: Sarah A Falconer, Wu son : John stocKham, llart, and Alpine. Marshall, Btw York. Ilth-Arrived, steamer Florida, Crosker, Pbiladtk phla Sailed?BrlR Wm A Heiirv Bri, Tanor, New York. PAWTC'CICKT. June 9?saib- i. t hru W ,n t.'oi.yi-r, Tay? lor, Phi'adelpbia; JaTnes English, Barker. Houdoiti Robert Hlair. Kniifslaim. Haverelraw. loth ? Sailed, achr Uoriaon, l eet. Rondoul RIOHMOND. June 9?Arrived, bara Volar iTfef*, Johansen, Liverpeol; schr Mary D Hand, Hand NorloU( to load for New York. RUCK'.AND, June 10?Sailed brig Beaver, Neir Vorl^ SAN KRASClSC >. June S -C . ared, ship \Ta?hin?-t>.a Libr>y, Hansen. Nauaimo; bark Shooting Star, AuaMu. da: sehr Moniano. Anderaou. Ma^ailan. 10th? Arrived, bars Montana, Muigett, Newcaatia, Cleared?Bark Sierra Nevada. Dorr, Ounaiaska. SAVANNAH, Juuc 11?Arrive 1, bsrk Kafae I'omar, (Bp). Vol ret, Havana. saTilla, June s?Arrived, achr C V Paige, Brnaa> VI ick Saile l?Schr? HaUia L Fuller, New York; Etta A 81m aon. llart, Bath. Ma HOMi-.ksk , June 9?Arrived, s'-nrs Stephen Morras. flale. Philadelphia; Ira Bins. Norton. Kondout 10th?sailed, aulir Geo U Mil >. TlllutsoD. for GaorgK town. DC YiNEYARO HAVEN, June 10-Arriv,-d. ?chr* Enreka, Hoboken tor Boston: Fairfield, Wcahawkca lor del Bedal>edar, do tor Ipswich. Sailed? chra Oriciit, for Bangor: silver Sprav. Ckaa E Morrison. lfc:iry Morrell, Annie Lee. f> uiffurd. J O Hun tint-toil, Re-i u-', Re venue tof Cotuit), Wm A. Crocker. J sonlcr. Jr, Paul P Keller, Sarah Elisabeth. Helena K Russell. Ise^c Rich, Ku;h A Priee, lleiea Thompson. An|alo?e, Watcbinl, Cicere Sarah Harnice. Alassa. LUsie Lane. D C Foster. Silver Heeia, and Ea eh antra. lltli? Sailed, schra Julia Clinch (Br). Susan VcrantotK Carroll, Cocheeo, Empresa. Geo F Prt seott. K R Rankin. Union. Marv D Wilson. Foreet Home, Lady Suffolk. Plot* Ida. WmP Davia, A U sawyer, G la Wentwoi lb. Judge, Tennev. wilm r*OTON, Jane U?Arrived, sehr Wene, Detetu Belfast, Me. WKS:EltLY, June 10?SalVad. achra Alexander, Eeene, and Reading Kai road No. 46, Adama. for Philadelphia. HI SCKLiUAMKUUS. Ar I.S8JS MM MM ri TTirrr h H So?8S"? K B M M M M It T II II 8 HA ? MMMMIITH U i ? 8 M M M M II T H U 3 MS IS M MM M II T HHllTTTI SmM S M MM Mil T U U I * M M M II T H H I 8 hmmmiith u a a 6S?B.-t M M M II T u H 33888 NEW YORK AAA U< RRKKBKRRB AAAA I.I' t Kfc.fc.fchi MSB AA A A 1 L. , BE AA AA IX A A A A KH AA A A I.I. BKRKREB AAA AAA IS I I'KL^MS AAA AAA A IX AA AA IX KH AA AA IX I K AA AA I.IXIXTXIX KIIRRKKERR ? AA A A 1,1, .L, KSEEEKMBB S BtiEV. EilY, Etdim t:\rll BlBjiBT, BETWEEN SEVENTH AM> KFU.ITII AYESCBB w tT*BK. ? B AO 1.1 IE DIVOKCKS (iH t AIM EI* IKi>M DICfKR^ J\ ml M?n ?. pvervttliar*; desertion, a . tuftW rt?nt i-auM-: no pn'iii uy repaired , nw cnitrite until di* Turo? it grnmndi n lvi. o fr? . , v. H'>t.?f. Attorney, ISM Broadw?r. \ -ll (Ml l> .SIMM',I IIKKICK, BRdOKLVN, COST J\., act rulton avanoo an I H??runi ttroeu , Op. ii n A. M. to ? I'. M. On -mi u \ irom J tot I'. M. ___ It l7i' HVUl ?< l)ol Bl-B f-TRKNOIH UfK BAI*. J\ SA M ii.ii n'ooJ ? -7 y?W public UM, and liy <mr 20n,nni (rout cure* o' RHr?i?uli?m. S' rofbU. >'ural*i?% t.iit Uuer*, weU ??<' - ?ri?in? from lmpu? ritr ot blood, tfaUed flic nam* "Mrdlcai Wouder.'* j'rn i fI 15. Ifp-i. "?? ??rinl alrert, N?w York. Kent by cxpra.'f tverywhar#, M VI i??r hall dtoea. Hold by al}. drct??tHta/ Tn-'ii.rrK niroB'rs obtaijikd kkum dipv j\ h.rrnt Mate* lor niMMI HM C4U*3?; no I'UbllCliy v legal evi l} wIk ii'. Terim -?li-.i i..ry, I'll Kit KKICE U. K iNil l,n?jr?^r an I Notary I'ubHo, Ml tlrnadtrif. IKtW' ditni" offittti No. 1 Kifb h oirun i T^filiVOlS DKBIl-HY AND V. EAINESB, AU vt iNciT 'TRr.' Merino pit.rA I a certain and nnT.dv , nr* i,., tiarrnu* debility, IMaB*} wv, Me.; k*?''*il ior*lveir< with parteet *?<?.?>?% fcf ' further InwrmaMw ?eod tor ;i ?? ir. nl^r i ri< e fl p??.i inn. ?iv bo*? ? ??, l?y .uj.i, ?. nr. ij --aial, wiiu iuil 4k rt-ctloiH ll-. l're;.jr'1 only in- WiXwLl^tiYBB Bli i '<) . I 'lif'Ml ?)?, ii lohn ?r?st, >'"W York IJAfF.H PAII.1, IM'PI'KA.-INf?, A'-, BAtB, J bT ?B*1f WpMlorltr b?com<! a l#??ilna article In tit] bou^loroi-Iihii' .Ik.smm.s BltoiUhiiS, Mnu?t u' cuiri-r-. V>2 r?a. I ?tri?i-i. Now York. ^ J I^ril IJ? \iIBM. NKtflALUIA AMD DEBiUTV HAliU lli c.tlfY ( 'ircil b? I)r f'i'.il'lIN. ruw* a!"i a'! O'liir , ia\>. :?!????! di -a<-4 cAtnylaint.* and M ? I ftni ntjuwit M I y-ar.-' Mif-MVal r.rai una. < m Bond