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bitcatiomb (fi wmalk.8. (mb. &?. c W8BT S7T* ST.?4 vadt wishes TO FIND A i) situation for a colored girl ?( cook in a small family i iimi recopiloenaatiooj *?n WKHT 4SD ?t A TOCNO OIRL AS COOK IN A yv private family; wu*w axuat in the ?a*bln?. ?ity cobntr^.; <0?" c?y refciftace^. TT WEBT sof H ST.-A LADY wi3iib8 A sttl'a ?) tton (for on* of tier girl* as cook. washer and ironer in a prtvate family; dry or country, goon ref tkhci mwr.rt 1sti1 ST.-AS EXCELLENT COOS; understands all kind* of faml'y cooking ?ntl dessert* would assist ill the washing do olfaction to a , private boarding In.use, city or country. several year*' *eferenct- i 11 1 WEST 3SD ST.?a NEAT. COMPETENT AMD la'r careful P.n*h?h woman a* oMk or would ilo down stair. work ol a small lautily , a home more an objeet thau uiouey; rftfrienee. j 11q WEST l#IU ST. HA3KMK.VT.-A YOCNO wo lit/ man a- food cook willine to assist in the wasb. . ing and ironing: no objection* to a private boarding hornet city reference* lr.n wr-n ;7T11 ST., ROOK S.rA kfhfbctabib xitU woman at- drat claaa cook no objection to a pri- : ?ate hoarding liduae or a abort distance In The coautry; ' wi.uld assist with the c< arte washing; best city refer 174 EAPT 4TH ST.-A mb3pbctabi E obrmak wumau a* ( ook and to assirt in washing. ()ao EAST 421) ST.?ah kirst CLASS COOK in A private tainilv or boarding house ; best city ref Are nee. Call for two flay*. n?>7 WEST 27 rh ST.?as FIRST CLASS COOK; zol thoroughly understand* all branche* of cook tug, country preferred ; best city reference. qaq ka>t ?ru ST.?as PLAIN cook OR liEN ouo f ral houseworker in a private family. ?_>99 WKHT Mill ST.?a LAi'Y OOINU INTO THE ? ??z country highly recommend* her cook, and de ?irea tor hei' a good situation ooc BAST -2u ST.. BETWEPN l>T 4 N i> ji> \Yt> ootj Two coming, one as e\?od cook washer arid Ironer: the other as chambermaid and waiuvaa; good reference. *>7 A 8th AV., BETWEEN tfth AND mtii STS - o i t An english woman *s flr>t class cook; good city reference. yfl 7 wi'.st ?l? ST ? 4 1 >mp-tf-.NT vor.nti *11 tl i man a* excellent cook . would a?*l?t with the washing and ironing; tio objection to a private boarding bon*e; best reference. A 99 WKHT f?rn ST.?a ulnotlbu yolno *1 jrirl as cook, washer and iro'ier in a private family pood city reference from i??i place 471 6TH A v.. NEAR 2STH ST.. BACK. ?as FIRST i i class cook tu n private family. understands meat* bread, cake, ti.*??trv, desiertx or Putter would at e>is>r with washing; excellent city roiereuce. Call on .Sat urday and Monday. 2an SD AV., BETWEEN 112TH .AND 113TII STS - ."tjl a respectable woman an cook, washer and irouer, retcrcace. . Chambermaids, &c. on WEST 13TH ST., SECOND FLOOR-A TOCNO 00 woman as flrat class ckainbermaid thorotjgnit under*tani?a her business: is an pxcell?nt waitress ia a pritata lamilv or private boarding house , no objection to the country ; good city reference. ao EAST 29TH ST. (PRESENT employbr'S).?a r?> respectable girl as chambermaid and waltreaa in a frtvat* lanuly; cau b.-i-im with wathlng and ironing; beat city reference I) A 9 WKST lfith ST -A YOCNO WOMAN A3 chaniteniiaid and waitress and to assist with tbe washing and irooing in a private family; best city reference* from laat employer. oca WFST 1STH ST.. HEAR.?a YOCNO PROT eitsui vmnai as chambermaid and waltreia, good city relerence. ci A WEST .t9tfl ST.. room u.?a TOCNO wo ? )1t man aa chambermaid or children's nurse. Call for two day*. 1 BROADWAY, corvrb OF SOTH ST.-A J .t' "J reapectable trirl aa chambermaid and wait reaa woell aaaist with the Washing aud ironing, beat city reference from laatempo jtw ? 2D AT.. BETWEBN 111TH AND 112TH KTS. ? u)'i A young, respectable girl aa chambermaid ; not afraid of work. rnUE metropolitan kstabluhi/ENT x 1* at 21c mroadvray, in the herald bmldlog. 308 dreasmakeri sad seamitrmei. on t w*st sfifh kt.-A COMPETENT DRESg olr4r m?ker to do the work of a tew more ladle*; is a *,<>d Alter and myllati irtoiuier; term* reasonable; notei attended to ; relerence. ? WF.8T HI) ST.? 4 FIRST CLASS MODISTE, nn'lerstandinc the onslacsa perfectly, will make silk suits and crenadiuea at reaaonalde priena; will call atu<;ie? rendancts. if destred. to lit and inearar*. Ad drew hodaom. a-iq W PT ail bt-A coix?feed OlftL AS SEAM tin stress wonld not mind < liamberwork or to as Met in the care of children; good relerenc*. Address a k. AN experienced i<rf>SMAKER. who CAN give a perfect fit. wishes a >w more eotragement* l.y the lac Ail<lr?t| E., box 131 llernld t'ptowu Branch vircc, for three day* general homework, dtr. OA CANAL st, JERSEY CUT. PASEMEKT ?A ? )' f respectable young girl to do general housework in a stnaii family , no objection to the Oountry. Call or a<dre*a. qq WEST 1stii ST.?a protfj1tant tofnowo oo man to d< general houarwork; city or country. Call for two day*. 991 EAST MTH ST ?4 RESPECTABLE TOCNO lmi girl to do (eneral lieuaework in a nrlvate lamily, ?r aa nnrse and ehairbermald . reference*. 94c WEST jsc ST?a REfiPBCTABLR YOCNO O girl to dohouaework In a smail private family; is a good ' 00k. washer aud Ironir; three years good city references. 9(\f\ 7tn ay?A RE.-PKCTA?r,E WOMAN TO OO ?.tr\f ou! by the dar lo do lo.u-owork; ta a flrat cla** tok or laqridro**, gotki refrrence. WEST ioth ST.-A RESPECTABLE marbied w man u do reorrai housework, would like to luke a child with bar; city or country, wage* no ob >ect; a goo 1 h'.ine^ 407 WBJsT 3SD ST.. IN STORE -A TOCNO WOMAN id { to do housework; is a food CoOk washer aad lrot?/; no ebjectloq to tbe country; city reference*. 302 A n>r MTRTXB av B(m>OBLYN. second flx>ob.? ftoti A ) >nng girl te do general houaewoet. irsofk washington ?t.. in basement-a rb ~t f st'cmble woman to do gene raj honaework ; no (.bjectlo* w go iu lb* country, two yean' c^y refer ? ncea. flMNktrptni Ac* ?7Q 3D ST., FARIA>R FI/X>R.?A TOrNO LADY OF (0 goo l Kiorea* i.'UUfawd and rcfliMd, m boiue keepar call to day. LaandrfMM. OIQ WOOiTK* tT., RECORD FI/OOR. FEAR Z. lO x" m t -A colofad voata aa flrtt claaa Mtimior chambermaid. QQ|\ FAIT WTH *T, BETWKRF KIT A*0 tD Oi" ?v? ?a mpecteWe Er?l*?taaf w-rnin to to cnt t>v the 1.1 t ur week to wash, iron or bouaa* )*aa; fcest KL reference. ^ Ai\n EAMJ IkTM AT.. TIIRD FLOOR-first ciaaa laundr??? t( do famisy oi gentleman's waehhi, flatlitf neatiy do'i' by uaad or fMcblae ; will do atraaaoaabW terjia, (our year* reioreno*. kuriM. Si*. I)d CARROLt FT.. ROPTH BROOK1.T* -A? WET ?.O nur? Ni'W Yr.rfc preferred. no objection to tHe r< 'intrr h?r bat y oaly elfbt ??rti old. 1?J7 RART 4BTH ST. tl'Rl HI NT F.MFI.OTRB'R l.-A JOf yonng Am- rfan mrl at riorae arid leamatreaa or ?MmbarmaM aad *-?inatt?a?; oan operata; beat refer (lira. HO 9TH AV-A REWPECTaBIE. HF.AI.T1IY ?? woman m wet nnrae; lull l.reaat of m'i*. r ewe child three motiiha old. Call on or ad I re*.? lira urroHMI 1 ill WKtr tiU Mr -PRESENT ENPlfOTRR'dt ?A I *r ?' r?i ?:?!? \ >'UDgftrla? child'* nun* and to aamt with chaaiberwork. irft WF.-T MTU rt.-AR F.APKRIKWED LADT I ?M f a? nnrw or name to ao Invalid refT?nrei from a ftr*t clai- pbyilelan aad a ady. ONI oa or addrrn* M'r r.. in r east iiith rt.-ak avericar wouar as &'T') tnr?< to an invalid lady. Ejrit clam partlea ?nly m*r addre? RRWi.N. 'yilii. WRaT 1/TM FT -A WEI L EDIi'ATFD ORB 4,'jO ninn ilrl who undent ind? ingliah, Kronen m every Ilnrt Of ?*Wir.r a> nur?e or !? tale f?re,.f grnwiAC children. y<r. ?rn mh.ufbr'a stop, f - a lady ?Vt?) wMtitorw lamtnil a tnoraagMy reiaenalbH Mid t-a??wiTtnr aurae an Ebgtlih I'rnlaatant. wlmni alia hai In ?n ( r man; year- ?h? ii a rea*a<t'U' and iUM? App:r afttr I& *XA<1 4T" Av-A KkEJirH I A r?Y. Z TEAM <>T ? ?'T */ life, to ta*? rl'" 't 'hl'dren. l OUUlrjr pre lerradi food refereuco A<Mrtia .Mme'r.zHA, ior Ihref ilaja 114 o WEkTdiafST. FEAR 0TH AV-A IlESrkCr. ?>tt7 able woman a? nnr-? n any lm>l ol i:ca>, m, lr?t ref?r< nee r..fn ''oetorf aad iadte?. ?ICii EA.ii ?6tii it , xrar i.-r av-a RBsfprr ? able youac Scotch woaian, ag< 24, as wet nura-} Milk A*f aaotitoa old. rm ?H AT.. < ? R^^:R IRTH Fi AM) EKO-.1-BCT t??7l a- Bi K.klj-n -A refpe tatila w i,n, oiaJiana te wet aur*a i wa bom*. 1917 nr> AV "RTWF.RN 7WTB *hD7i?TKr9 ? <?l I A r??tieetat.!e nn l t e ag<kl 'taman iaraly laaded, woald ta*? a baby to bring ua m ih# bottle hai >5 vear? axpencare w n'd t.e a toad nura* and tiave a luotber'a boot*, call, I or litre* da.* a u(, boa pkir of atair- back. Waiiratm, A?. r)>) A EAST J7TH ST., SHOSTi EI.miR.-A f K t ?i.?tabw wonjab aa waiUtaa t u ref aranca idirtia M.So'lamotit. *0 wrbt MI?T FT ? A T-ATT WIRHRB TO TRO a F cost a ? Int? t III A fawuly gotr g to Kur p.. fof ii d aim V' f"fpitnr Er>n<ti am! f.irman t ?? ' ir> >?'* tUaryapf gtviiiig ?bil':r*n, iwo j?aii fwa??>?a OA A Horrrow nr. wear bowf.rt-a oirl - r t in b Hotel; wagi ? oc object but a stead} place; gentleman or Ixly. CaJl ftT two day* ^4(\0 BABT MTH ST.-A RR8PECTABLE WOMAN Tj'O to work by Hie dav kouaeciaaolai;, or la a laun cfrT, so objection to Harlem. A VOUNQ LADY iGIiRHAN), OF HIGHLY RB J\ spcctable fauiilv and desirous to be ko lunger de pendent upon iu< aii^iiun of relative*, woaid like a situation in soinc privat* family an lady's companion or to take entice charge ol the hou*Hola ; Is sble to do all kindsof sewnig aDil embroidery ; of would do the latter M home reference* exchanged. Address K. T. B., Herald office. _ A YOUNG WhMAN WOl J.D LIKE A POSITION Ao x\ compantou to a lady; would like to travel, or as governess lo jhildreu. Addrena IEaCUEK, room K, raa* school. Detroit, Mich. SfTlATTON WANTED?A S MB A MSTRKSS OR COM paaiou and nurse i uo objection 10 the country; refer enee from present < mployer*. Address M.m L., Ilentld Uptown Branch office. Intelligence (Ifficti, A T THE PROTESTANT SERVANTS' BUREAU FAM . v ilIfs and hotels can ?ret capanie aud reliable cooks, honsekeeimrs: German Klrl>-, Swedes male and female, tor ctty or country. At the HOME HUKKAU, 13a6th av. > PROFK8SIOX A L SITt'ATIOXS WANTED? FF.HAI.RN. j ATOUHO LADY. GRADUATE OK NEW JERSEY i*tate Normal school, wonld like I position to read to an invulid or a*ed perauu. or to travel: is an excellent reader. plegaiug in manners and accustomed to refilled and wealthv society; bi st reference given aud re quired. Address ELOCUTION, Herald Brooklyn Branch office. ] A LADY IS DE8IROU8 OF OBTAINING A GOOD position for her French governess who is compe tent to take care of and educate yoong children. Apply at room 12 Union Place Hotel, Utn st. and Broadway. HELP WAHTBD-FBMALKS. A T BARNl'M'S HOTEL. ROOM i?DRES* CUTTING jtV artistically taught by new Kr.uch mode; training and designing; 11*1 yards cut 111 2u minutes in any kind: isdn s .iro maxmg $t0 t.) $50 per ?eek teaching. TvKESSM \K KRS W.? NTED?COMPETENT HANDS 1 " on >va>ts and skirts. Call, for two dajs, at 25 ; West 22J St. 1V\\NT.:D-A PROTESTANT WOMAN AS sEaM. I ?? stress in a tiubllc Institution tn city; one competent* to UtS* entire uim "t rLie ?ors dntrant and who csn cut a'id fit ladio' and Blrls' clothing may apply j at or address No. W East Htli st. WANTED-A I.ATlY TO TARE I'h A It OK OF A FIRST ?' class confectionery: none but those having oxue rlencc uee.l appiv; ^atls'actorv reference required. Ap- | |>Iv to I. KI SS. 120 Broad St.. Elizabeth. N. J. \VrANTED?A GERMAN OR SWEDISH GIRL AS " cook In a Miiall American family. Apply, between ? an l 12 o'clock, at75d I.exiuston av. "VITASTED-TWO GIRLS; ONE AS COOK AND ONR '? lor iiiMiie*wurk i - '.'il slip li. KKLiiKR. j W A N f E l>? A N EXPERIENCED COOK IN A SMALL '? private family; niuit be wlliinst to *0 to the coun- 1 trv for ite summer. Apply at 24 ffe't 4<Hh St. alter 9H A. M. W'ANTED-A QIllL. ABOUT IS YEAltrf O*" AUK. TO ' ?? do haht pai kitig; best referencen reqnlred. Ad- 1 dress siaUni: particular^ and name ot torinor eiueloyers, IMPORTER. Herald oftlce. U'tNTHD-A UBT ATTENDANT IN A TRUSS '* o!lHe. Otlly th?i?e who have had experience in applicauuiis need addrefs box 2JS Herald office TITANTBD ? A GERMAN ( I RL \S I'llOK \N'D FlB-T ff class washer and ironer in a family of four: none ! reed apply without flr?-t claaa city reference. Apply at 2H West 34th st 11*ANTED?A iW.IDISH OR HERMAN PROTESTANT TT girl as chambermaid ana to assUt with washing : and ironing; wag?4 $12. Call at No. 34 West 2Sth St., lrom 10 till I. TI'ANTED??IS FIRST CI,A'!8 tVAITRKSSRS. AT tt the Brevoort Place Hotel. 10th st.. next door to Broad war. Only tbo?e neat. tidy, polite aud asle to keep account ot the checks i.eed apply. TlTANTED?A GIRL ABOUT 14 YEARS OLD TO IT take charge of a baby dnring the day. Apply at 62 West Hstb st . after S o'clock to-day. WANTED?A FIRST HATE COOK FOR A PRIVATE " boarding hoosc. Inquire at No. 1M West 42U st. W'ANTKD -TWO Rl LIABLE WOMEN TO DO THE '? work of a ?mall family in the suburbs of the city; on" as cook, the i ther as chamhcrraald and waitress; a sood hmue and liberal wane* foe first claw help ; none I otiiort need anply. Address H.. t>ox Post office, ^ staune nam* and where an Intarvle.w can t>e had. WANTED-A STRONO YOUNG FAOLTSH WOMAN '? t? go to the c.nntr* t# wssb iron, and help with the children. Apply at Si West 46tli st. TIT ANT ED?A NURSE AND SEAMSTRESS, COMPE >> ten; and cleanly: good city reteroncet required. Call after 10 a. M., at No .*& West 46th st. WANTED-A GIRL F^)R GENERAL HOUSEWORK H In a lam ly of foor; a German preferred: good 1 cook, washer anJ ironer. Apply at No. 30^ West 1MB ?t, 1 Y\TA*TK1>?A FIRST CLA*S LAUNDRESS: WAOES ff tJfper mc>oth : also a good Ironer. Apply to Hotel Brantlng, .Wth sk and Madiaon av. SITT'ATIONS \V A!ITKD-XALES. VS Nl RSF. TRAVELLING COMPANION OR VALET ' to an invslid gentleman ; can give rurib.n*. Swedish movements anu ei. ctrlcuy it nereaaary; highest rnfer ences. Ail tre* W, W. i>, lierald Uptown Branch ] office. AS HEAD WAITER? BY A OF.BWAN AGED *5. well op to the Europeaa ft;to; town ur country. Ad dmt A. B. Sit Km Idth A PROTECTANT frenchman WANTS A KlTt'A tion in to . nifrt. jo fa mil t at waller ? r at valet to ? tingle g< at ? III 10 fall oa P H , 54d Wert 42d at. ATOCNG MAN (COLORED) AS WAITER IN A | private tauuiy or private boardta* boon*; citr ref etrnce. Aildraat f. IC. Herald Uptown Branch office. | ATOCNG fCOLOEED) MAN AS WAITER IN A I private fatniii or private boarding bouac; city ret *rene?? AdarctaT.. Herald 1 p'own Branch iffice. Ct'PEKI ^tendency or A Bl'ILDIXO WANTED? O by a re I tab to roan with Al referenesa. Address B.E.J, box 163 Heratd oftea. EE7AKTED-BY A YOCN# FRENCHMAN, A FtTt'A Vf ttor. a*w?;r?r in ? private family; be?t eity refer opr-?, Adam. Lol 1". 347 7tt> av , corner nth at. aecoad 1 floor. ~ CIiRRKS AND KALEHHEN. A VSBnG MAN. A IHOROIOHLY COMPB TENT anl ? ?fr.. i,. ?-d r>o?l;k< enrr, U?alrea eisployax nt. Addret* M W. P. 11., ReraM omo a a active ma* wanted?/o manage exclc 1 J\ tive tale? of atapie go.-d? In every roan'r. Call or addr??" SKW V' i K K MERCH AXOISfa COMPANY, 145 Re ace ilreet. Ne w York. A LARGE JOBBING noi'tiE, CLOU No I T BCBI A ae?, wlah to fln l a poaitlin tor their ca-tiler and effioe managar s a.t'i'.orrh a valuable man be will accept a nominal *aia'y rather than lie Mia Addre- box 4,147 ?*i?t office Drug wanted.-yocng man-. also an e&er*etJc drugget to lake an iatere? In the baai ueas of tbe nr.dee-lg ned. U. H' STRICKLAND, 36 Beeekmao tt/e?t j i TVBIJOB.?A YOl.NO MAX LlEMBBS A SITUATION J f a? tan lor rlrrtt : retert to la?t tmploy'r with ' wnom tic-ha< hei n yaart. Ad !reu FRA n e. lferal) I'pti.wa Hr?nrh KBce. /TeT TurB PtlNTfNtt IkiNK AT THF. METROPOLI fr TAN prin ting KST a Bl.ISH M EN f, 1IU Broadway, You will find It ad vaatageoua. YTK88 A MDAYITT WANT A OKNTLEMaN. PtIBLT II educated, "f |"od addr???. to travel: salary $18 weekly an-1 axpeaact. Apply at No 7*4 Broadway, third flti' r b?;?eeu II' and 2 \i? a*trd-e*pkkiex< ed kaiE'-inkn for the ?> r?I- r ? drew g .??1- and domeatlc department* n B. BI'H?ir LU II" Newark av., ier?ey City, ! TITANTED?JUNIOR DRCO CLERE, t TO t YEARS >> experience. Appty at 314 Broadway, near UUi ?t. Wllllani?barg AVANTEU-BY A miodlf AO ED MAN, OP YEN >T vear*' experience a tUuntl .ii to tell caodaIn Cm cmnati <?r irould travM -"Btli itw Weat. h??t of reter Snneaaato caaaMUty. ehara-ter tr ; aatorr i?w. Ad rem SALi r-M AN. ill* ?e*t dUi ?t . Claelnaad. f>hi?i. OQACHMM A*U ' ' < - ? IIH. AriRBT CI.Afl." OABDENEE PR *' TH AL IX ALl, it a iranciiei want* * ?nuat'on, beat reference. AiJJre* A. 7. . !!? r.i4d o*T:? e. A YOUNG AMEBICAN MAP-HtFIi COACHMAX, tfi encirn''r?n.-e reliable and fmetwortliy wwHI l.e nlahlv ren m men (led: e|ty or ceaairy. t'.UI on or ad drna (JR<i?KR*. do EattMd at i AGEXTL' MAN WHMEM A situation FOR HI8 fojthirsa wh<>ai bu can hiuhty ro< .,m mend a good gro- m tid drtv r, la, aober and botieal. Addreaa A B . 4* i Kroa* * av. a flfTU*ATION WAXTED-AS coachman. BY A j\ aingto man; thoronglilv ornlerftan it the biHtacaa; 1 alH' under.tand< the < are f fa?t horaef. tiaa l?.nr ymri' f??at cliv refaren. e 'n io Ia4t employer; it willing and oMiving ao <>b|ncii?n tn ibe r 'inlrr. on or a* draaaJ k.. 6i4 6th av liarne-a itorc A Yoffxo MAX WaNIH A Sili'AIION A- < OA>''fT J\ maa ar trnom; tan mtlfc. n?i afraid of bbmI work: no ohjoi Ion tr. he tmntry. Add rest J ?' H., lfo 8 Katt 3)?ttt.. llvary siahia. A YOl'NO MARRIFH FRENCH < ul'Pl.R, BOTH J\ apeak in A Utile I nglW" aril v .?<l <.erui in. want nituatton*. hatOaad *? i ta<hin*n or eoaihman ana ?ardener, <rii'a?* anntr' ?? or aurte . ir<.o<l reference. Ad ire* A H. b?.x iw Herald > ptown |tr-in< b office ^ EorxG AMBBK AN COACHMAN WANTi A BT\ uk'.loM . re I!?? ble and f.-n tw.irfh * ; it/ or r ouutry; wtU be Mgiily reco?uBi?iid'd Cali ou uf addreat BLl'E, 40 Kaat '.?d ?u I AhtX'il'R YOCXOHaX WA>H A SITt'ATlOX Afl roaehaian and groom: haa foar year*" flret ciaat < iiy r?terenee irom la?t ? taptoyef, ? ail on or aidrcaa t. M . Bo. 119 Eaat Oi at BITt: ATION WANT>?-tT A FIRBT CLA*i eoachinaa . tborouglilr uitd?r?and? hi? h??ifie?a; eight ? ui eity referencaa Call on ar a<Sdre*a C t.. Id. Weat Slat g|> j pOArHMITi MTITATION WANTED HY A FIP'T ' i-ina- oi re lf >si hman haa t!ie i* .? . ,tv ret-reti ea Ir-.n >??t mp^jtri, < aii oi. or a?iarata J. iJ Went , M)ih ft. I /lOACHMAX AND OABDEXER?BY A fMNOI.E I ^ vouiirf man l? willing t. make lumaelf g< narnily u?iui haa reicrenra ?r? ma !aat and ;wm? r j ea>Ho.verf. Addr ae J. M . bux I7i Herald a#ee. YT'IR-T I I.Af- 'CM' H? AN AND (.ho'iM ?A FTP, ADY Jf ar^'gperwr. ' i j urig ftoriaan P'o??atant wgn? . ? fitnat.i a I f' tit ti . I ?' ('?> I' 1 11 el'rol : * ?r fa ' Aj i y A J? L- ? " gt< r ?? torn* t ??, .i RD GAaOE.VKBfk nABDENBR-MNGLlj, ALL "hiVlIFB OArB** \T Ing, ha* ufcnn llrst orttten In all ltl brhnehe*. hav lng bUn rsfareoees lor inch. want* a situation. Aduresg ML. J. ft, lfl John at __ Situation wantbd-by a colored man as coachiuan. beirtolty reference grren Call at No. I Bast iteib ?t, between 9 and 12 o'clock A. M THE METROPOLITAN PRINTING ESTABLISHMENT lii at llfl^Broad way. In toe Herald Building. UTAKfBD-IT A TOrwO KNqUSHMAN A SnTA ?? tioii as co$ohmitn or trainer. iherougly up in both road, track anil breaking work. Address A. I*., caro ofCoxhead, liarneaamaker, Englewood, !t. J UKLP \yANTKiuMAliKS. Buy WAMTlfi?M to i* years, to MAC ft him self useful in a billiard saloon and to must at the bar. must bo well recommended. Apply, after ! P. at_fl79 Broadway. OFFICE BOY WANTED.?FOB ERRAND <; SA I.ART, $3 per week. Aitdrcjs K. a K. llirald oAca. rpUR MRTROPOL1TAV PRINTING E STAB 1.1 ?11 ML NT 1 t* at 218 Broadway. In tin- Herald Build Inf. TX7 ANTED-TOUNG MF.N, TO I.EARS TELKGBaPHY: " if.>od mutation* giiai antced Address, witli at amp, I'Mofi TELEGRAPH I'OMI'AXV, box 3.l?7 Foot office U"A \ I KD?AT THE WHALKME.V.S llEADqUAR ters 103 South at., boat he idem, tioat iteereri, coopers, blacksmith* and stout American er-cn hands, jor short whaling voyaires. Apply exclusively the at above establishment to .1 MOK1SON. U-ANTED?A I.Al> WRITIXO A OOOD HAND AND spelling correctly, prompt and willing to work and furnishing tlrat class references; to oiip ot proper Sualiflcations a permanent place and Root wages. Adl reus In own handwriting, stating terms. X. A W., box 107 Herald office. ANTED- A TOOTH, FROM SIXTEENTO EIGHTEEN " voori, to a?*ist in offico work i cno who write* a good hand, in corrcct at tlgures, and reside* with hla parent*. Apply to W K. PttY TON. 27i ana 274 Bowery. TANTBD-A PMART HOY IN THE BIKERV NO. !?84 0th av. Call after 9 o'clock. /ANTED?A YOl'NG MAN. WHO IS QCIl'K AT 1 t'ftloe work; must thoroughly under-tnud book keeping and come well recommended. .-<ui li person may amlress. stating salary expected, reference and name of laat employer, W. T., box 147 Herald office. *\\r A N'T i D-AN ACI1VK MAN. OF PLEASING AD T? drew and having some bu-lnesa experience, to take orders. Apply between !> an t &. ,i. II. MUKKIiol SE. It Murray tL. up stair*. "\\T AVTI*.!>?A YOCNG MAN WHO HAS SOME ?T knowledge of wine* during the summer; ho must bfl generally useful; Irish preferred, 409 East 17th si,, In the store. vv w THE TRADE!, ' UEf.MvN BAIvl K FOREMAN WISHES \ PLATE A on bread and cakes. 171 Sackett at., S< uth Brook ly a. TO PRINTERS?A BOOR AND JOB PRINTER, experienced In the tnanagMneut of fin office, wishes an engagement a- foreman. Address A. B., care of W. W. Sharp A Co., 23 Park row. TXTANTED?A QOOI) FOREMAN CUTTER, FOB A t? wholesale clothing hotw : must have best refer ences. Apply, between 10 and H A. M., at M White ?t. "ITirANTED-A PORK BITCHI'B; ONE WHO THOR ?? oughly understands the Sheffield England) style, to go to Chicago Apply, by letter, to T, H. PaBK, S8 ana 46 Wcit Madison st, Chicago, 111. GERMA N ADVE RT1NMME \ TS. Zi ruxAvrav-n nosa, ecee osb west Eilttco una Greenwich Strasie. eln junres Fterd pnd eiu ncuer Wagen, wagen Abr> ise pacb DcuWcu land PIASIIKORTES, ORGANS, Ait'. A -FOR RENT?UPRIGHT, SQUARE AND GRAND . Pianos of our own make; also for sale, a number ?I line second band Fianoa, in perfect order. WILLIAM KNABS k CO., No. 114 Fifth arcuue. a'jov< Sixteenth street A10-STOP OBflAN, S SETS BEEDS, RVB-BAPf, $125. 7 stop*. >; 6 stops, $75: uprlsnt. grand, mjuare Pianos t .hiciierlng'a, 8tetnway'? Weber s, others; part cash, instalment* and for rent. ?. X BALL A i u , IS East Fourteenth 'trect A?$101; BEAt'TIFI'I. ROShWOttO. KTLL 7 o?'. ? fave. tron frame Flanolorte and Ktool; Piano* to rent; initaimena received; new Instruments exceed lugly low. GOLDsMtTH'd, 26 Bleeeker street, near Bowery. ABEACT1FCL PUNO, ONLY $100.?STEIN WAY Pianoforte, oyerstrung, carved leg*, every lmprofc meot, short tlm<* used; great sacrifice for cash. J B1DDLK, 13 Waverley place near Broadway. \ STEIN WAY PIANO-COST l&'.D, LESS THAN half; Chickering. iliW; 7U o< tave, birgain; 7oc tave, $11), 7 stop Organs, iK/: 2 bank. $l7S; rent or In stalments. PEEK A SON, 23 Clinton place (Eighth struct), near Broidway AT 1IAI.F PRICE?PIRST CI.ASy PIANOH, NEARLY new, returned troui hbe. warranted In perfect or der, (123, $200 and $230 . rent $4. ihiRD >N A ai'N is Ea*t Fourteenth street. A8FI.KNDII) ORGAN, WITH TEN STOP*. BIT little n?ed. at a great saeriflec tor cash; also one With four stop* ii.r $K'>. at ? ATI ICV, 4B1 11 roadway. Audi wii.i. mill for $u> a beavtifcl 7 octave carved rosewood upright Pianoforte mod ern style and improvements; guaranteed; including rtool and Music in Thirl "treet, near Bowery. A ROSEWOOD 7?* OrTAVE PIANOFORTE. CARVED rase aud legs, made by LigMe A Bradbury; cost $ 119 for $I2"i. 24.1 Kaft 3nch st.. between 2d and id avs. AN ELEGANT DKCKER A BKOS. PIANOFORTE J\ for sale at sacrifice; a brilliant toned 7}* octave richly carved lour rouitd ro?. *o<st case tuil agraffe overstinng piano, having all Improvements; printed guarantee Mil "I sale; cast $(7"', lor $17.1 MssL Ossw, B?x for ?hinpaug. -VJoiu round 7 octave (.'Ulekerlng Piano $2tu Also nandsom* Parlor snlt*. Chamber Sets Library and Dining i'nrniture. Palatine*. Bronzes, Ac.. In lots to suit, at one quarter cnsi. ,N. B ? vt o>t be sold Call to day or Sunday, nnvate residence No. 17 v*e>t lAih ix. t. tue,.ii Vh and ith avs A PRIVATE FAMILY WILL PELL AT 120 WEST J\ Twentv-tlurd street, near Mxth avenne. an elegant Hteinwav A Son Plannfi.rte, nsed S months; cost Jl.Ofi, cbnap; brllllanf tonea fonr ronnl cornered Hradbory, 7S ucuve. carved legs and case, coat f'.40 for $.".i; Stool, cover and Musio Stand; llano* have boxes tbr shipping. ? *OR SALE?A FIRST CLASS NFEDHAM PAItl.OR * z For sale?a first class keedha* pabi.ok Organ 6 stops do-ible rceda, walnut cas- -. cheap for cft-n. It. W. HEMLKY, SUd Klgh'h avenue, or 4S Ann street C~<BEAT BAROAINM III NEW AND SHO'lND HAND T Piano* of tbe wry hest quality, yet low for ens'), at FISCHER'S, 423 and 4^i W?*t Twenty eighth (treet, near Ninth a>'enne. am m en smrri-KD to find seen I ltnt>r?T*;n?nt? o*er all other* "?Anu.n o ''anni. "Great aoul In a amall body.1' Wonderful Loiibri f'Uao;. 94 Weet fourteenth etrect. Manufacturers or piasofohter wri.t find It to their Intere-t to obtain eatimat'-ii frotn the ? KTBOI'OLITA* PRINTING R*r ARI.I-HMKNT. <18 Broadway t..-'. r<- har.n ? -heir ns-ti r lone elMwner* Pianofortes TO RENT?Or OCR OWN HAND factor*, br < HKKKRIMJ A SONS, n Ea?t Fear teeotb at-rett between B r.aiwar aad Filth avenue CTRioirr a>l) AR" 1*1 on! >i:i i.? and or i *an? at bargain* f?rc?.<h, ln?talm-nt<< or r ut *3 ?er month upward; I'pright I'lanuaa?p?claily. Blifrh' I'artroomx. TS8 Bro*'lway. cor^r r?n<ti -ireet "\rERY CHEAP NKW FVBST < L*<^ 7'4 OCTAVE > Piano, wul<-h was taaen for debt Ctn he ae?n tit HENRY RK.HR's. glui aeaier, 261 Pearl street, near rni ton Call between 1 and 5 I'. M. Til F. I.I'CTI H K VLE'TTRR EVKRY KVI.MNO, AT EIGHT o'clock, on 'Nerrotm Debility ao-1 special Ots ea??a.'' at Dr KAHN'S Mn?eum Remember the ?<J rtre<, (I'D Uroalwae, n*ar tourth *lrect The largest HQ'S mo?t magnificent ciu?eura in tbc world Admission. 14 cent* \ LECTURE EVv RT MOHT AT 8 O'CLOCK ON Munh" ,d aad th-Catiw of It* Premature Hecllne," r.t ?h< New \ ark Mu-'inj of Anatomy. ?iS Bi oadway, t?* tweeu Hoaaton and Bieecker *tr?eta. Pf*fC ARIA. \rtw"ri?Rr choice on, paintino* ran ?*!?, loclulin? unusually line example* ).v Hop ge-ieresu Verbo<okhoven, l^feUre C I, Mnier. He Flaaa, *e. Apply to ?KANCl4 I. LK COUNT, Pi Graud ?treat New I Oft iuktrictioi. /MIPGARAY IN8T1 TI'TK, \j (or jot. " iiMwWpBB. French !? ?ne lannunje of th. fainil*. 1.W7 aad I,IN Hprnee street, Philadelphia. Pa. \Ot>OI> CHANCE FOR ADVKR11SINO IN TtlE cltyol Pat#r*oa ? A Pence, .un fret lont. y feet high, facinf tne Midland Railway, will I* let to any reapoiisl He parti-' lor th* aboT* purpo-e Addr<< MM, to.N < KHAR*. Paler*, n fl J. POMTICA1*. for jouns laJiet an I Boarding and da? school; l.etln. f-figli-h and French. rpiiE fiftpen 1 h karii andkevt h orekn a*. 1 anciaMon wa*orK*nla?'1 al No. 7 Amltv ?tre. r ti III# election *f the Iti'loirliiii ..ffl^ern^-lJjk,^ h|?tt?ie> Pr^nl dent. Herman UtVl?e rratWenl, H. J. Watta, Trea?vr*ri J A. Carulin, secretary. U%T(HICS. JRWEI.KI, M. ADTANCKRMM<KONOO<<II< LKFI ON COM MIA alon. I<ianiou<U Waf' hea. I^welry ?'llverware. Pianoa, >ilk?. Urtv A I., and aoiil; lni?ine?* on Ddenual. ^ KlP.l ski, No. 102 Nai'.i'i ?tre?t. corncr of iw, IK Iwr. AT R'lflEKr f HOUKNTH Al/i*. NO. * ELEVENTH <tr??t, three door? w-e? ot Broadway, f innarly with Jack?oi?, of C4 KroaJ"av?Iilaiii'm<l? Watclie*. Jew elrv. Silh, ?'anifl'? Hair -haw an 1 all k nd? ?l Property bought and toil, rt wl 1 takrn on coinmiatl'>ii. A MKRI' AN firKf'.E-?;?.(>*? ? KINR DIAMONDS, J\ Wauhea, Jturirr, Sl.rerWire. India Sbawla, Valo pMea 4r. hon?ii? III?) ? t po'tlMc pr '-a paid. Alio lime nur<;Ua?e* effected <i*'afc tailed lot. J H B ARF.INOER, Broadway. | >IaMONDS, WATCHES, JKWKI.rtT, flll.TEBWARB. If t'lo^k* Bronwa and ther *rtirl<? bonglit and to'rt hack when ile??r-d. at n\> rj ?t.iall a?lvanc. . OKORCAE C. al.i.EN, jt? l,i?< Broadway, near Twenty nln'ti ItTMl. AUTHOUKiV. AffnNDBRFtri. CHfl.O, OfFIBD WITH PECOND ?ifhL reveal* pa^l. prr-t-nt, foture et^nr*. an 1 con r?r*ea with ab?<nl fnenJa, living or dead. Beald*a:? III I. ?a< Fifty tr?t atr*?L 1.* I'HOP ft A N CI, aTrVOT t N f?TM.Iq N AM?" BH"W-< I * . .. niarrta#>*i V?. Ui l'? -no. IK w??; l '-n.y 6?t'i t ie?u BOA H. I)ICK I WAITED. 1"sr SucaE, ervyvF.dA.sT park, 215 kakt nr teenth street.?Handsomelv turniahed Room*, with excellent table. for * few wlMt boarders; a perfect Dome; terms reasonable; very floe. fjolet nelghborood. CTH AVBNL'B, ?7, Til REK IHJORS ABOVB CA FR ? ' Brunswick.*-Two large. handsomely furnished 60091*. with or without Board; vury reasonable prlcet for summer. <*r TO 97 TER WEI K?NICELY FrnNISIlftl) ?P'J front Room* to let with good Board suitable lo^ ftuilites. gentlemen or to tlM- 3dl E#?t Thirty-third street. corner Second iSVennd. mWAV,:muY rLArn, near broadway.? Pleastnt frdut Boon)*, $14. #15 and $18. for two Strfeon-i wlrti Board: single itoouis ft'i transient people 2 pft day; also tablo board, $4. I ITH street. 217 WUt-MJOiXT booms TO I r lot en suite and slwfy, with Bo^rd. on vary rev sotiuld* tarnw: house unusually d??irabln; location coo v-Tlont to all parts of the city: references. 1Q1H STBEKT. JJB wk8t ? LAEGE AND small 1 ?' Room* to lot. wiUi Hoard, at a low price for tno summer . a Ic w tab'c buarder* dosirod. (inil ?TR' FT. Nil, 312 WR'T?TI Kl.I, Fl'ltNlBHKD Room*, with good Hoard. $12 ^nd $14 lor two per sons : liall Kooni. $3; ample closets, bath ro >m, Ac ; ref erences exchanged. BTREET, 129 east.?HAND80MBLY FUR ) nisbed Rooms, with flint class Hoard, lor families or gentlemen; ail home comforts; summer prices: flrot j t peighlmrhood ami locution also day Hoarders. <>1 WK8T TII IR'l IKTII STREKT-FAKI.OR AND ! ^.'r Bedroom, separate or together, with or without Board: alto sllisle flootn.-i; summer prices, suitable lor tamiMes or gentlemen. Q/? KAST TWENTIETH STREET ? SlTITB OK ROOMS, OD handsomely furnished. private bath Rooms, closets. Mr with or Without i rnak Table . references. ?)(1 WKiiT TWKNTY-SIX1 11 .-TREET.-N ICELY FUR ???/ tilshed double and single Rooms, with Boird ; very , reasoniil l.t for tlio summer unexceptionable location; j all conveniences: tab'e excellent. I 4 I WEST TWF.NTY-SIXTII STREET.?handsomely IT" lurnished Rooms, with Ante lias Board. In a finall j New England faintly: also flne Rooms iind Hoard id a ! private laniily house, at Hallston Sjm, S . ,i county. inn EAST 231) STRRET. ?ROOMS TOUT, WITH 1 1 11 lor without Hoard ; prices from $3 to lor Rooms; I Parlor Floor, cn suite, with private table. References ex changed. mEA^T FIFTEENTH KTBKET, 1 WO DOORS from Fourth avenue.?A tew vou.ig ladieican be furnished with Board. j lllfl BAST SIXTEENTH STREET,?BOOMB, HAH Ik 111.1 soniely lurnished. to 1st, with or without Hoard; transient, parties taken; summer prices; three doors from Westminster Hotel. ] j(| WAVER LEY PLACE.?LA ROE, NEWLY FUR. ; I'l'l ul?be1 RooriH. with or without Board; also Sec- I ond Floor, four roams, completely furnished tor light housekeeping; private tainily: references. 17Q MADISON AVENCE.?SOUTHERNKM YIB1T llt' lug New York will tlnd at Mrs. R. W. JENKINS' Isru'e and cool lioom-, witn good Board, tor tlie summer Of leas time. on 7 F.A *T TWENTY-NINTI1 S'l RERT.?A FEW *-"l| gentlemen can be aeconimn lated with Eood Board and pleasant Dooms at moderate priee?; ai?o back Parlor, nicilv furnished, for man and wife. $15 ; per week: gas. I 91 n EAST FORTY-'IGHTII STHF.i T -ITAND- I ? IU somely lurnished Rooms to let, with first class table, for families or single gentlemen. 91 n ffK"T FORTY-THIRD STREET.?A I. A ROE ? 111 pleasant frout Kooni. with Board. glf> per weex, | lor gonilemati and wile or two gentlemen ; mI-o Kecep- | tli.ii Room to a (rrntl?maii; references exchanged, O/in WEST T WE NT Y-S ECO N D 8TBEET.?TO I, ET, mjlM/ with Beard, a large front Room, well furnished and with all Improvements; plenty of closet rem. /"?7"| NINTH AVENUE ?A FEW BESPfcOTABt E ")1 I young men can be accommodateil wilh good Board and romforutble Rooms in a <|Ui?t hou?e, one st-.irs: uo children: no other bonrderr; reference. AI.AKOE room, FVBHISHFD OR I NFrRMSHED, | to let?With first class Board, to yeatlemen or gen j t'etnan and wife, with a family of American adults; ret- , ei. noes exchanged. Apply at 1* West 1 went* (list s'. AN ilBY, NKATI.Y PURNISHPD IRONT ROOM to let to two gentlemen or man and wife, v.-itli or j without Hoard ; aI?o a nice hall Kooin to let to on* iren. I tleinun term? moderate. Call at No. M7 Third aveaue, second floor. Mrs. C. B. I A FEW RBSPKCTAHLE GIKLS WISHING BOARD and a comfortable home cun bo accommodated at ?4i West Forty-second street, second floor; terms mod erttt. T)OABD BILLS, WASH BILLS AND PRINTING >L'1T I > able lor hotels and boardln,; houses uiav be obtained at low prices trout the METBOPoLlIAN ESTABLISIIMKNT. no. 21H Broa 1 way. HANDSOME ROOMS FOR FAMILIES OR Ml MILE b en tie men: also Parlor Floor at summer prices, oppoalte new Hotel. .'186 Seventh av..near Forty-second ?t. \|RS. M. B. Bl'MNKB, 2Uand22Ea?t Thirty-fifth street, has Booms ra eant which the w ill let at ?uuiroer price, to parties ris i:ing the city or to geutlemeu whose unillies are oot of tow a. MAISON PAR1SIRNN'K, .IS AND 40 EAST TWELFTH street.?Elegant Apartments lor lamllies an I slaglu gentlemen; tabic d'hote at 41 P. M.; French eooklng. BOARD AID WASTED. AoENTLKMAN AND WIFE AND IINOLE GEN tlemaii want hoird in a small tatmlv; two Kooips, lurnished or uniurni*hel. or. west Mde. below Tenlii street Address, with full description and terms, Y. Z , Herald office. A vol"NO gentleman DESIRES A I'LEASAfiT Room and Board within So ratiiu'ei' walk from the Park?Sixth avvnuu eafauee; hot and cold batn la house: price not over $s. Address, to-day. B. S. L., Herald I'ptown Hrane% offlcc. UTAN TBD-BY A YOPNG MAN AND WIFR, Ft.'R nished Ksotn, with alcove or siuiill Room adjoin in?t, wiili or witiiout Board, either Id New York or Broeklyn from the Istol July; terms must not exre?d $ V) per month, with Hoard. Address, with lull particu lars and location. II. W. J., box 148 Herald office. BIt<KIKI.\ % BOARD. A'OrMi MBN OFSIE1NO PLEASANT HOME AND J ins'riienon tn piano and yocal mu-ic nan obiain both Willi lull Hoard, for $7 per week; board flrstelaas, bon?* all modern improvements; uution by f<<riaer mettUKi of T.ogli'h and lta'lan opera compa.iies. Call on "r addrts>- Mr-. TOY, 175 DulTIt 11 si. BrooVlyu.> iiutkls. A -W ROOMS, thorocohl* RE hi TED, HAIR J\ , iimttrrwwii renovated; price reduced a-. sj?. and .'4?o. franbfobt HOOK, corner ol Frankfort and William ?treet*. open all night A ITOR fuoi hotel. a AND 37 THIRD ATI. J\ nue opporite Cooper inititutr, be*: location In tl?? city.?single *nom* and fur families at very low price*; European plan. T) klm ont HOTEL, filton STREET, >har II Hroadwav. ho?ine*? centre.-European plib: Room* Me. upward. new lainllr Rooms, fine (lining room*; tuea^^t low price*. hotel open at all hour*. CANAL STREET, corner OF Elm ?oood ko?ni*. he. and 7jc. perda.i ; $3 to fa par wee* family Room*. si to 92 per dav. HOTKL ST. okrmain, BROADWAY. FIFTH AVE nu* rweit'i mi oat -treet ? Moai tuperb location in city; hou*e facing thre? utreeta; room* nil front per day. Room and Hoard ; European plan, fi to ><"? ele nlw.bath*. Ae. wm. o Tompkins. t>rinnno or hveby description promptly I done at tory moderate prl<-e? by the mfttbopoli TAN pkfntlnu khta h LIS iim ent, Herald Buildinf, 2IS brotdway, new yorx. SUMMIT hotrl. ?f. kowkry, CORNER CAN'at, ism-et ? ki?? ??? by day. week or month. 80o. coc., 74c. and fl the night, waekly; price* re i need. GBOBok rcckcbt. Proprietor. cot M 111 biiaku. A~ rmall PRIVATE TAMiLt CAN AClOMMO dat? a tew boarder*. in a high an.1 healthy locality, neir King-bridge large airv room* lawn and piaztas well *had?d; rrnlt. vegetalda*. it., in abundance; term* moderate. Addraa* k B . Herald office, A lady i.iuno nkak the ttlim wiu, rere|ve Into Iter laniilv two little girl*, under four teen. wher'' they can *hare the advantage* of a nne tea' her with her own family; reference* exchanged. Addre?? S. n. k.. Herald office. , \FF.W ROoMi TO LKT, WITH O'TOD BOtRD, aT . the Willow Avenue Home Cornwall. N y. k?i,-r to T. ii Brown ?-'? <oulh wl.iUm itrctt, N. I. aajrew JOHN ii. atkinpok. Cornwall. 4 r AMITYVILLE. si miles ON roijthkrjc BAIL j\ rond.?flooll Boird can be obtained at private hou?e tw.i mlniih* irorn depot goo.l hoatliw, tithing and gunning lernn mode raw. i or particular* addrcag I. r. A , Po*t ?ft e, Amity villc, l I. ? private family at ?ref.nwhh conn., ,\ ean aoi-oinm-hlate a few tummar boarder*; grounda large and well nhadej; convenient to depot and lalt i water Addre-* HOME, boa im Po*t office, lireenwlch, ('?nn ' A -MOST mao.n1fk knf, beyond of. CRIPTIO.n. ? iik mi trec? all in bloom?farm of naneion Hou?e, i l>e*titiful. hl^??7"trltintc# from New Yotk. near depot: . (r>?t or -ar rue tm rmng trains in. four afternoon train* < at: few room* left, elegantly mirnlmied term* low* 3a <>an e*tablt*hed. Addra*? l<oriut Valley, l. l ro MMt AT w ll.l.ow i.ak k- -iv l.\ m(y wav kir?t clan; nine large room*; boating on the lake; *e. <i inni' dniion lor earnage' i* i* one ot iha flncit re*l deio e* in vneenn county. Addre** H. RO'irkk, i ocuat , Valley, li, ! tioard ON A FARM IN ROCKLAND CO?;NTT, on? J > mil" irom depot, one honr and a half hv rail; boat inc and b?tiling i or particular* mil at IK vYe?t Twea ty ?lxth itreet. - tjoardkrff want, n?OOOD accommodationb l> *t Pawling * llo.el. on llarlem Railroad. wt mile* ' leoni new y'uk; t< rni*. to ?t'l per week A i lre?a ARNOLD A RO."-, box w l'o?t ofllee. Pawling. n. Y. tlo A rof h" < ?N bk accommodated AT A farm l? h*.i?e >,.? iu? iroll Uluat' d In the caifklll M.n.n tain?; tahl . eool room*; cold *pring and p.enty of irn.l. aijre*? I1IM>da RaN'som, Durham, Mrgrne , county. N. Y. /natirill'r moi'XTA!* tffch i aim MOV e. Po.iMer can h- ihcointn d ttt ! for iht -hit mer, tli- niowitnln; fine view* tab!- flr^t il?<? and ?ap plled ifnily wit'i vegeta'dea.milk and eg?e. home rotn forra; trrm# wtoll1)per week. addr'm t hki/Hi:i< k haxe, i'atakill. 5. V. 1 / 'heap co' BTRT BOARD CAN BR obtafbkd AT " a pleaisni farmhci*' near metnchea. Addreg* (j,, bo* liwmrtuchen n .1 Po?t office. ! /tOCMTRT BOARD??6 minnieb FROM new TonK >./ cite, location high; fkinllv jrirate large iawn; er<w|>i?t ground, kt i?iia?t? end .nut 4ml i:<* walk to 'V'pol; iiiiiiiiavflr/ 36 inin ! ? Arr'.r xt <r r.doitfi . Ml rdlr'r Heal oil b.?^?a'ie;d >. i. covwtry S6AKD. norrav board wan*kD? for a lady and \J three children, ura lt> W and 16 years, in a private family, ng the line of the New Haven Railroad and near ?hIi water; will pay liberally for first class accommoda tion*. Address box 3,:iW New York Post olhce. /101" NTRY BOATD CAN HE HAD AT A FARM V house pleasantly located atnoux the mountains, 7 miles (Yom rath-oad station at Ko^endale or 8 miifs !rrtm |}?'citj OI K inmtiih. for particulars apply to CIIABLH8 flf Marbiefon. deter fcounry, N. Y.,orto A si.Al its j CO.. .12 anil :4 Dev street, Now York. fjOCllltT BOARD WANTED?FOR GENTLEMAN K.' an.l wife : dUtmrt about out- lioar from On'T Ad dress. nuh :uli particulars, II. J., box 192 Herald ofl?ce. ClOUNTllY HOARD AT HTON INOTON, CONN.? I Uotue l?rK" and commodious; situated close l>v the sea?hore, ot n mile trom ttie viil?u?; accommodations tor thirty pucsu good ut>lo ; driving. fiidiinir, bathiu;.'; term* from #jf to ?lu per week: best references given. Apply to Mrs. .lOSKTH D. HO BIS SON, htoniiiKton, Conn. /'orvnty hoard?at TUB woi'Tii OliXOR V Meuuiain Home, one hour Irotn city, on Morris and lissc.x Railroad, five minutes ironi depot; house thor oughly renovated un<t newi\ fiimi-liel; pure mountain fttr; pictuie-que drives; nil llie luxuries ot ooaiitry lite: flHo smbling; term# moderate. Apply to or address PBOPRIKTOK, South OriD|?, N. J, riOrSTKY BOARD AT SAO HARBOIt. L. I.-FINE. "J largo liouce, witn ample grounds' made and fruit treea; situation and accommodations unsurpassed. Ad dress Mrs. JUl.IA M. WfcDE. pRANFORD, N. J.?TIM K, 6) MINUTES FROM NEW \J York. ? House oil hiuh (round well shaded, 1(M I'eet tfoin ltahway River. 10 ninnies' walk Irotn depot; terms, Wper week. Address K. W. VRKELAND, t'ran ford. nKPIItABl.K COUNTRY BOARD CAN BKOBTAINKD in ii private family residing in New Jersey; house nleasantlv nil listed. two mile* from station, one hour irom Wall street. ASdre-w KICK, llerald office. LtlRHT CLASH FARM HOARD KOIt $ti I'KR WEEK; r location delightnil; srencrv elegant. Addre** Ho RATIO tjATKH.Brfakabeen. Schoharie county, N. Y. POOD ROOMS AND BOARD AT WHITE PfcAINS, tT on Harlem Railroad. Appiv to Mr*. A. 0. TOJSl' K1NH. White Plains, N. Y. /lOOD BOARD, AT ?7 I'KR WEEK, ON A FARM one <ju rter of n mile irom the jea-horc; roams larcre an 1 well furnished. For particular'" address sil> NI'V s. TOIM'INO, Brldueliatnptofi, I,on? hlrinu, N. Y. IN IHii COUNTBY.-A LADY W1LI, TAKE ONE OR i two children to Board for the summer or longer If wanted. AiKlrei? HeraM I'litown Branch onicc. Reasonable board.?t.a roe shadyorou.nd-*; anlondid rooms, perfectly healthy; croquet grounds, Ac. ; 45 niiutitea from New York ; five trom depot. Call on or addrea* Ml'KDENs, Bloonitleld, N. J. KlDOEKIPI?D, CONN?A BK All TIFUL VILI.AOH. near deiiot. po$t otllee. Ac. ; wide, iliaily streets and sidcwnlkn; tine ilrivcK. dell^htlul scenery, high griiuad; no moa<|Uitoea or malaria. Fnttieg deHiring large, cool ltooiiiK, with good Hoard, can addrena, as above, J. W. nO'KWt-.hf. m W/ANTED-OOOD BOARD, BY OENTI.KMAN AND ' ? wife, for the summer; place must t.e accessible by and not more, than I1, hour distant. Addreat AM URIC AN. box 17U Herald office. TITAN tED?BOARD IN THE COUNTRY. BY GKN >V t'.eiuan w ife and aaugbter (4 yearn old), not over l}i hours' ride lroui city, riease state full particulars, teriir< Ac. to B. <f, l>o* HO Herald Uptown Branch t?t fice, I,ass Broadway. nj EKl 11KLD, N. J.?FIRST ( LA 8 BOARD IN A ?? private lamlly tor a single srentleinan or irentle m in and wife Address G., box .1,521 Post officc, N. Y. NUMMRIt RESOIiTS. 7 THE SUAB1DE. Ocean Hotel, Long Branch. op^n June M. CHARLES AND wTkREN LELAND, Managers. A -PREMIUM POINT HOUSE. TUCKER'S ISLAND. . one mile from New Roche Its depot. New II a von Railroad, or boat; ?!??!ikIitful 1 y ?ituat?d on Sound ; One beach; bathing, boattnc, fishing ?. no chill* and fever; no luocqultoes. Apply at Point, or A. C, PLYMPTON, 29 Kmst ?t , corner of Madisou avenue. A?THE RIVERS rDI BQCtfX. 1MD SVREKT CAR . r.iausville. on the Hudson, having chanced liandt. la now open: fronts the wator; fine view; table and all ai>pnintmcnt? first clsss; single geutlumen: $ll? to $ IK per week; liberal terms to families; Hudson River Kailroiwl every hour nruin > Inrtieth street; boat lrom Harrison 8L ? -JI.NKINSOV S I1DTI.I.. HIGHLANDS, N. J., iV. will be open for the reception of guest* June 16. jam h jknkinmjN, Proprietor. AT I-LIP, I. I-PAVILION HOTEL (THOBOOOHLY renovated! will be opened on the 21st oI JQM; terms modernte. HYLV IM S I- l''?ZZEN9.^ A-THORBURX HOUSE, 8UN8WIOB TERRACE . Astoria, L. I.; 2"> minutes lr<im Peck slip; first clam American tabic; double Rooms $11 to $2j per week. BELMONT HALL, SCHOOLSY'J MOUNTAIN, MIN eral Springs, Morris cotuilr, N. J.?This fashionable summer retreat will open 'un a 1. Superior accenimoda tions lor families; pure laouutaln air. plenty of shade and truit; no uios iuitoei. For particulars address it. A. CROWELL. CSASCADE HOTEL?HIGHLAND FALLS, N. T., ON J the Hudson; ten minutes below West Pninf; Military Araoeiny now open: superior aceouimodaLi'Mi". Apply Hj above or at the Westmoreland Ho??l, Union square. C10L.MAN HOI HE, FAR ROCK AWAY. IS OPEN / for ihe ?eason. Furnished < ottate to rent, with ?ce liotwe and stabling JOHN J. COLEMAN, Proprietor. /TATSKILL MOUNTAINS.-OKANr IIOL'SE, SITU * J atod two mlle-i from the landlay, with aeeommo la tionstor 3/?gue?t?. Parties wishing to engage Rooms for the sea-oii must apply early. For terms. Ac., address A.J. MitANI, proprietor. Catsuit. N. Y. CI ITT HOTEL, ANNAPOLIS, MD.. FOR BALK?ON ) lilieral terms, containing eighty lullv furiiished ro?m? In convenient baildings erected on "about three acr< s. In the centre of the citv. This hotel will be Ii'? eraliv oatrouls-d ' y the numerous visitors to the Naval Academy. legislature and courts, permanent lodgers, and as a iumiu?r resorl to enloy the salt water bathing and the luxuries of the Chesapeake and Severn. Inquire otJA. RANDALL or FRANK if STOCK ETT. Trustees. TODQtCOBB HOUSK. NEW LONDON UARBOit, ON PJ tlie Sound, four and a hslf hoars from KewYorkt gas, telegraph, l athing fishing, sailing bo mosquitoes; tia??ient $1 per day; $10 to $10 I er week. Pull parti, u lar- of FRANK 0. MILI.-R, 20 Sal I -u !ane, New York. (1 LBN PAK M HOI' E SPRING VALLEY, ROCK VT land . ountr, N Y.?'This delightful stimn;.;r retreat Is located one mile sou'bt the village anl within daily reach ot the citv ; the couifbrts of a >iui. t and healthy home, wi'h all the convenience appertaining to a first clas? eltv resilience ; it Is noted for Its Invigorating air, high, rolling grooads aud beao.jfiil view of tf.e ,.ur rounding eounfry; no malaria, no mosqultoe*; flue drive*: lake near house supplied by livine springs; ?hade, Posting. bathing; lira class table, Iresh meat), frniw, veuetab es. fre?n ergs pure milk flr>m off the farm dailr : terms $10 to $1? per wMI. For particulars address J. A. O , I ox \>H1 New York Pott office. C-t LRN MOURB. NEW HAMPSHIRE.?THIS FAVOE T ite resort epen from June 17fo October 1. H7?. W. A. C. R. M!i,LIEKN. Proprlelort. BT YOUR PRINTING DONB AT THE MK1ROPOLL lx TAN PR1NTIM1 EnTARLISIIMENT.SiS Broadway. You will fln.1 It advautageoua HOTEL KEIftMOEE, OTBEOO LAKE, COOPKB9 ton-n N Y.. will lw opened June 1.?^ince t'i? opening of thi? -pi. ? u-. newlv lornishe I, beautiful and charmingly locate.! House in the ?unimrrof lf7t, s?v ernl additional attractions h?Te l>een aide I on the east, iroqaet grounds: on the west, and just across Chestnut street, a hoa?e, or tkr.-e cottages conriiiltied. tor tbe for'her acconmodstllti of go.tbe?e rouuin tbiriT ulue rooma. and < an Ue let as three separate cot tages, or the rooms can be rented in 'tilts. There is a fine lawn In front of them. 75xM feet, affording play KroiinJ for children, aid fins mace for croquet parties, send for circulars JAMES BuNYAN, Proprietor. OLBKBT IlOUBE, TATPKIl L. N. Y. OPENS JUNE li. lor boarders during summer - kept first class in everv respect: new house, and hand-'-tiieiy furolshed throughout; one mile Irom boat landing. For partio ttlsrs adilress F J HOI.BEET. TAI CO'S HOTEL AND RF.STAL'RANt, AT I.OJHO 1 Branch, N. J., Is now open for the reception of gucits. A. IAt'CII, Proprietor. "I AlRf'S MANSION lltil fl L'lNO BRANCH.? li open from June 5 to October I; terms very reason able. Add rets or applt to WM. L. MelNTIRR. Proprietor^ take view house, ausable chasm, kee?k> li vllle. f.seex county. N. > si tinfe on tlie most direct ronle to the Adirondack VYIUlerness. Term- t..r Board and all information, itddrsss U. FP.EU AVKEII.L. I'ro pilelor. _ _ 1 IN DEN P ARK HOUSE, CORNWALL. N. V -SEVEN. Ji trer sere* ot beautiful lawn ^nd wmks; nhnndance offru.t Ac. . term-ino-tcrat". C. H. RINO. Proprietor. T aK". house, islip, l. i.?open por families J j ami transient Msitors . bhe ftsinng Is now IB aeaaOn. AMOS R. STKLLENWERK, I"AKF M IHKOAN HOTEL WILL BB OPENED ON J the l?:h of fuae I*?*.?This fiotel Is slttia'ed on liike M >heg..n, tour tr:ll*s from reeksklll oepet and two boor: irom forty second street rta Hudson River Rail road: it is a fr nage of ovei 1 i*IU feet on a . lear water lake airordlug the Vest faculties lor boating an I fnhing. Ac.; also billiard rooms ar.d howling alley? boat anj fiatMng Bouses; termi moderate ; stares Connected with Hie lio ei rum,tng !o and from the depot Address Pest office, I eeksklll. * THEODORE H. LENT. Proprietor. MOI NT PLEASANT HOUSE, L*KF. MOHKO.N, ON the Hudson, is now open. FarrlUes wii-Ung good room' ".II t' ' asu add re-s WALT1.R R. JONK8, 2S6 Peektklii, N. V. II M KTRuPOLIIAN BOfEL LONO BRANCH. N. J. . W. w P ? I Pr< t>rlelor. < 'pens June 1&. H74. N'ORWOOli HOTEL, AT NORWOOD, N. J., WILL open June I for rnests. For particulars applv at tae bo'?l. Mrs. M E. WIXSON, Proprietress. OKAEODY HOOK, To KI'.RS, ON the Itt'OhON, JT now open. , PALISADES MOUNTAIN BOUSE. J I SO lew OOP. V J.. nn the Hud*, n Elver, H inlnute< from N?w York by st< ambost from ftx-t of Harrisou slr? el. Nnwon?n. I?. S. HAMMOND POUND HILL 11'ilI'L. i R rTI A M 1'TI iN. MASS Jt "Parsdi-e ot America ?Jenny Mmi. Mar l; ferrm .< .isoB il<ie. gr.:al ill.*If emetlts lor spring, fail or Winter. Send stamp for J< url?ta' iluide.'' PHINO HOWE. NltrHFIELD SPRlNcfl, N. Y open June in. i.y I. It, PROCTOR, of Paggs' HoteL I'tl 'a. N. Y. itetsr* lo proprietors of the Uadlr.g >tw York note's. t?0RP HOTEL, FI9R ISLAND O n. w open Trrongh tickets snd hagusge checked from New York bv Cent'al from Jameo' slip at OA M ami 4 P. M a ii I Thirl) fourth ?(ree: at 9:10 A. M. S' '14 I'l I' St , tin i.y .'pii'Jierti Hnl road from Koose vt!t itr> Ct, N. f. a; ?:l3 A M o?t s :<?> ?? M H r ii ^iMMiti i'rvbrleibr. s SI MMER RESORTS. Ot'MMER BOARD?FOClt MILES FKOVI PROFILE* p rooms pleasant. Ad<lre?s JDRL SI-OONKK A SON, Lafayette Hou*e, Krimconia. N. II. rjTO nl'MMBB TOURISTS AND FLEASUBB bEEKEKB." THE UWIGHT IIOUeE, Ringhamplon. N. Y., on the liac of the Erie Kallwny. 215 mltetfrom New YorB cHy, owing to ll? *i>lendt<l location. ex'rnslw lawn*, beautiful lounlitius anl croiiuet grounds, iu excelleut orchestra ami afternoon mid evening concert*. offer* special Inducements to summer traveller* and pleasure seekers. The appointment of the room* and table* is' guaranteed ti? l>e equal to the best ill the I'ulU'd Kiate*. rfHI UNITU STATK8 HOTBL. AT FAR MOUn 1 way, L. J., In now open for the recuntion ot guests. ? M. MULRY, Proprfeidf. "THOUSAND ISLAND HOUSE, ALEXANDRIA MAY, J N. Y.. nn the Biver -1. I.awronce, in the immediate vicinity of tiie Thoni>:ind Island*.?Open June 1, I875j line boating, fl*blng ant beautiful scenery. send for guidebook to STAPLES A NoTT, MiiUJgem. TTNITKD STATI.H HOTEL. 9AKA TOO A SPRINGS, Ij will open for reception of truest' June 1, 1 *"7JA4. M. MARVIN. Proprietor. Dis<riinn ot rooms will be sent o:i application. j VAN DOIU BOOM, WA IIINCION. N. OPBlf i V lor summer bonnier*. For full particulars call at Merchant's Hotel, Corllandt street. WM. II. HAWKS, proprietor. ' IIITi'S I ONE HOUSE, WIUTBSTONB, L. I.? Newly furnished throughout, 1* HOW open for 111# reception ot guests; transient Board $;i per day. _ w K. D. llVKEB. \VrHERE Hll,tLL WK SPRND THK SI'MMKRI-AN. M swered by the trie Hallway Company. A lull de scription ot hundred* ot beautiful resorts can be hart by applying nt the office* of Krie Kailway, 241, 4Ui, !r&) or I 1167 Broadway. RAiiES AT At ( Tins. RT SaLE. OIL PAINTINGS AND WATER COLORS NoW1 ON FREE EXHIBITION, DAY AND EVENING, AT THE KOMERVILLE ART (JAl.LBRY, 82 FIFTH AYE NURt CIIOICR COLLECTION OF OIL PAINTINGS. TO BE MOLD ON MONDAY AND TUESDAY, JUNE 14 AND 15, AT 8 O'CLOCK. _ ROBERT SOMKBVILLE, AUCTION'EE P. A UCiION StI.K-A'l PltlVATB KESiLiKNCB il 12>< vv?.t 23d *t a-?r SUl a v.. Tills (Saturday) MoRNlNO, coniutcuctug ui 10 o'clock, elecant HOU.SKHOL1) 1 URNITUB8 sale. Pianoforte, Bronzes Oil Pjititini*, Ac. Over $23.(Mil worth of Parlor, Llbr iry, Chamber ana ! Dining Hooin Furniture at t.ubllc auction. namely: ? Four round Bradbury 7H octave Pianoforte, Cup* talus, Carpets, Mirrors, Oil Paintings,imported Hron/.en, | Jardiniere* Ktaceres, Parlor Suit*, latest stylo covering; | Turkish .Suit*, Easy i'tiair?. Centre Tables, Bookcase, i Drtks, Chamber Suits, Dressing i i-ei, Bedsteals, Bureaus, Uattre*seu, Uridine, Huffet, Extension Table*, Chairs, Ao.; sale positive; tOOlots by catalogue. LP KB FITZGERALD. Auctioneer. ; AS8I0NKEM BALE ?ISIDORE J. SWAHZKOPF, Auctioneer, will soil nt 2 o'clock, at 31 avenue B, entire large aud s<d?ct stock of Clothing and Furnishing Store, via. ;?Readv mn.le clothing, Shirts, Draw'rs^ Hosiery. Overall*. Fancy Goods, Gloves also a lot ol Shoes, (Salters, Outierv, Furniture, Bedstead*. Bureau*. Solas, Ac. Dealers and pedlers Invited. H. VoGKL, Assignee. A?JERK. JOHNSON. JR.. AUCTIONEUR. ? furniture, Merchandise and Fine Arts Salesroom. 37 \as>*au street. Heal Eautc Department. 21 Park row, New York. This day, at IQ'A o'clock. GENBRAL IIOOSSHOLD FURNITURE. ANY QUANTITY OF ENGLISH BODY HRU.HBF.1.8^ and other Velvet an l IiiKraln Carpets, lteidiiiK, Bed Linen. Kitchen Uten4U fine Parlor and Bedroom Furniture, Refrigerators, Oiicl'?th?; als < two Billiard lables, complete; also line ?od? Water Fountain. Auction. auction. Extra lars* Auetlon Sale of magnificent Househ dd Furniture. t I'arlor Suit*, chamber, library and dining Furniture, Pianoforte. Ac , will he sold this day a# private residence 21 . ait l'weatl?th street, commencing at 10>6 o'clock, superb 7i% octave PImotortc, Parlor riultl in saun, brocatel. reps aud haircloth, near, j new. Centra Tables, Etageres, Pedestals, Ilron/.as, velvet Rrutsclf Carpets, Curtains, Oil Paintings. Mirrors, Turkish Chairs Greek and Roman Lomnrci. solid walnut t'hainber sets. Bedsteads, Dressing Cases. Bureaus. Washstamis, spring and hair M?tlre** ^i, War lrobes, Library. Sveret-iirtk.' Desk., Bookcaies, Books, I'xluuiloii Table, Buffet. Dining Chairs, Table crockery, 4c. Parties In scarch ot flrtl class furniture will do well to attend. henry ZISX, Aoctionoer. _ UCTIO.V SALE.?POSITIVELY Till - DAY (SATURDAY). June IJ, commencing at o'clock. handsome, vented and u<M fnl household furniturb. Stein way A Sons Pianoforte. flue Oil Paintings, Br>n;es, Ac., the entire contents of five story brown stone mansion NO. *7 WEST SIXTEENTH STRbET, BETWEEW FIFTH AND SIXTH AVENUES. Parlor Suits, walnut and gilt traine*. covered in <vma son and tsji brocade latia and brocatel; Turkish Lounges, Easy Chairs, plate Mirrors, inlaid and gilt 'Centre and Console Tanlus, imported Paris bronxa Flgtnes, Clocks, lace Curtains, flne velvet CarpeL Library contains Brussels Carpet: Turkish Suit, seven {ieces:Iihrsry i.nd Secretaire Bookcases, choice Bookc .ibrary Tables, Writing Desks. Ac. Elaborate Chamber Sets ill solid walnnt and roiewoo^ viz.Inlaid Be.Ulend*. l're?alug Cases, Arinoire-a-'.lni e, Wsshstands. Commixie*. Ac.: alio single B-d.teaij. Bureau*. Si hair aud spring, tine Bedding. Hep, plush and haircloth .-ulis, iioc.?urs, Ac. Dining Furuiture. ?12 teet pillar Fxten.ion Table, dm 10 feet, hsnd'ome inlaid si!eb<i<rd, Clialri in leatbei% Dinner and Tea ?er<. .Silverware, Crockery, Ac., also flne Cabinet Howe Hewing Machine, Kitchen and Hall Furniture, ingrain jCarpat* and variety usclol llouso* hold Artie lea N. B.? Sale positive. Goods packed and shipped for purchasers if required, lako Fitth aranuo stage or Sixti? avenue carx ROBERT c. CKSU1N. Auctionaer. " AUCTION, AUCTION, AUCTION. Over ?15,000 worth .MW Iota) magnillceut llciisehoid Furuiture. <J> varrtt Carpet*. THIo 'Saturdavi MORN I Nu, .luna 1J. at 10V, o'clock, at the large private residence l'U Fast Thirieeuth street, near Fourth avenue Msrnificent Gran 1 Du -hen. Pompadour and Man* Antoinette style Parlor suit*, in rich -atin.. brp-ade, cntallne and rrps; Steinwav A Son's rosewood 7X ?c? tave Pianoforte, velvet, Hrussels carpets; i tsgerea. Tables. Bron/es, clock* Curtains Mirrors, Hedsleada, Dn-s-in< Case*, Wasli^tands. hair and spring Mattre*<e% Library, Dining Furniture, Gla?, China, silver Ware, Ac. Goods packed and delivered tnr nurctiasera I k' If A I," \M S W In.llnliur A BY ROBBRT HOMKKYILLK, AUCTIONEER, 74 University p'ace. I HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE?ABOUT M BRUi'BLS. VI-.LVF.T AND INURAIN CARPETS: PIER AND M ANTKtj MIRRORS, I.AKOE Ol* A VTITY l> t I.AC* AND BROCATBL Cl'RTAl>-i. fcO-HWOOD PlANOA.1 CI.OCKS, BRONZES. AC., AC. THIS I)*Y, AT 10^ O'CLOCK. ROBERT SOMBRVIW.R will *eil bv auction, thiidar (Saturdar), Juno 12, at 10t? o'cioik. at liu ?aleir<>oiu 74 I University place. a general ***ortir.ent ot lloutehoi4' Furniture, con*i*ting of ro??wood pier mil min ; tcl Mirrri; no *nd to the Brunei*, velvet and ingr?l* 1 Carpet*: I loo an) bro-aie Curtain* in great variety; 1 Mack walnut HedaieaJa. Bureau*. Wur.lrobe*, WaaK ?taud*. Chalra. Centra and Extension Table*. < rib*, B?d*. Loun/e*. I a^ravin/i, Cornice*. le?. Clock*, , Ola?a, Crockery an 1 Kitchen Vtonvla, Ac., Ac , alio ; Cottage furniture. i HOWKRV-No. lli'i. 20.6X100, WILL BE SOLD AT public tudtoa. on the Hth d\y of June Inat, at tbA I Exchange Haleiroom. ill Broadway. WM KBNHKLLY, Auctioneer, No. ? Pine afreet /lATilAOCM, POSTKRS, CIRCULAR* AND ALL I \J kind*of Aoction Printing done with the greatest ileapatek by the MKTROPOLII'AN P.UN UNO KSIAH LISHMKNT, No. 218 Bro<*dwav. / tHATTKL MORTGAGE.?BY VIRTUE OF A CHAT.! \ tel mortgage I will expose lor *alo at public auctli n ? on I'aturdav, June 12. at 10 o'clo k id tb* toreaoon, at the *out'ie??? corner of Flrtv ?txtti street and Third ave nue. one Wheeler A MI!*on -'*wiiis Machine. WM. J. WOLFBNSTKIN, Attorney for Mortgagee. ISAAC WOLF. Al'CUO.SKKR -1I1KRS * CO. SELL* tlil* day, at 1n'clwl, at 17 Bowery, Mensem 11 1 Furniture. Feather He Is, Ac.: also atock ot Cutlery, Fancv llood* and general merchandise. ' I WILL SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION, ON rIf E lklU I dar of June. M7 ?. at the rotunda of the city Hail, in the city ol' New Yor*. at 12 o'clock noon, a Leaae tf tin pre rii^pi knowu .i* No. 51.1 Wen Fifiy-seoon 1 etreet, I in tlie city ol New York and the Bniiding* ili*rcoit created ISAIAH K".YSKK. Receiver. JAMES M FORD. AUCTIONEER, SELLS \T 1 I o'clock, at tii? flvn ?torv brown stone dwelling i hnuae 7'i Tnird avenue?Ono aeven octave r<newt?i I Pianoforte. flrst rl*M city maker, overstrung has* mod era improvements. Parlor suit. co*t #!!*?; ? veral nn?j I'arDst* of all description*; genteel and hand*oma' Chamber. Bedroom. Pining and medium Furniture i K-?,it variety of line hair nud other Mat'resaes, B*d dlnif. H e and other Cirtilns. sot* Bel*. Mirrara. CuU lery, Ac. : tkc whole einbrn"ln? an excellent oppoe. tuiilty for houaekcroer* ami oth-ru. _ Max batkrsdobfer auctions <.r, slll* to.\ dav. at II o'rl ck. at No. RISF.ast Ninth street lb* entire stin k an I Fixture* ol doppel Grocery "tor* *? l"0 fine dark brown P??iiy, 7 year* old icarnea it.C** it.? i and an excellent O'ocery wago* a id Harnew In Into! grocer* an*l d?aler* *peclal<y invited By order ot the power ol attorney. KLACKEK A ABRAHAM, Oille* 41 Centre ?*re?t, \fAKSIAl.'j SAL*.?<KBBACHKR A DFLMOUR, j?I Auctionoer*. ???xlewoom* lt>4 t'h*th?ni ?tr*et. will aril thi* day. northeast corner slxtr-?e. ond *trnet an 1 Third avenue at W ii'tlorl, IM Metll ind Ullurtl ol I.I |m r Store cnn*i*iln? ol lotir-ptlll Ale Pti up, with Mtrri", Counter Shelving*! Llijiior*, Ac. CORNKLIL?t 1AK LF.Y, Marnhal. MAR~>IIAL,S ?*LB,-HEKBACI?ER A HI- , M .1 It, An tionceM, ?ale*room? I'M ?'hathaiu atreet ?,'i (M'll. thi* dar. at 24# We*r Tilirty fifth ?treet at li^ o'clock, the Klr.tnre* of ? llr*t cl??? l?iifer Beer -* .), C'>n*i*ting of t unt"r>. Kxtsnaiou Table*, ('hair*. Au. LtVTt.ll'IMA'. Mur.ihkl. MORTOAOK HA I.E.?P. DAlLr.Y, AUt TIONKKR, . wili tell, thleday at lOo'etock A M.. t!ie Furniture# Fix'ure* Howling Allev* Ac., contained In tmiidij^ It *u<l I# F.ldridae atreet, in one lot Hy order ol FKAKK II. ROUKNBDRG_Attorncv for MortgiMtce. HE' KIVRH'.^ iALK?TIIK STORE FIXri RRS (>ll i the late partaerahip of l a Farce * Murilneau Wi.i be *old at pnbieau Hon on the 17th day of June, i"7fc. at 10,'i A. M . at the anetloti room* o< la?. llsv.-n. No, , 3* East Thirieenlh street Bv .>r Icr of the Rcclever. , 01 BltlRI, MAP.1IVO, Receiver, i ri'O cl.ose an e?tn '. X B? K II J.I iJliOW A ca. Anv1>*ncer*.,t HoAieetiM.; *n i \alu%i)': Real K?uttc In W?*??-hef.Uir count) b?twe?n M?^arone?*k and Ry-.y on the llotfon lt- u evard and wnhln unout Id in!nnu-?T, ^enlk ol the Ne\v York ;nd New Uavou Itailroai *i<?tioa at liarrl*un. will be mid at the K?. Jiang: ? ilearoom, 111 Rroadwar. AH TUKHHAV. JI'.NF, J! at U o'clock Boon, ?|mw the !uo>t '(imi, lb* ?p ic!ou* licit e. Ial? It# residence ot Jni'ge \, W. Brad ford, ?uital |c lor hole), aehool or r m leitcn, with? V) 11 acre*. at'.t.'.e . rr, crvcory *nd grap r/, toJ'1*' X? flott *r ? alt J 2k and * ai res tacit