Newspaper Page Text
CITY BEAJU roll jiALE.^ I'mtnl. * BARGAIN.?NO. C3 EA?T SIXTY FIRST STREET. J\ north side (between M*dl?on aint fourth aveiiu ''. four tiwrlea. browjt awm*, 1-K.Wi.l 0.5 ele4anflft."**0 ? u,1 Ttt perfect gtner, wlrti rder g!a<v cirni'"' ?!.ailc?. ?L\W0 c*n rvubUn , !uaa<v ' ?*'? 4 rj*? famUj. 8 ft WlpflOpTowhtr. So.J> !'!"? Mahi. ufoc'Bimvk pamphlets ok pk '^gyv. CftrcfaUr*. ratstoraa* aad erwry ttno ofrrtoftjf apt-mi io real NU(? deilgr* pf/'twptW car oii4l> ana cliaMklr don- at U?? SfcTRoroOTAX rRIMiNu KKl'ABUgHMKST, Ul M>f Her ?id Bui diagj. __ To I,**. -1- HltL nK EXCIIAN UR-LA UQ E BROWN ?tone UujiBj, caoa -'re ' ranoiDC thffcutfit to AB other street lOUteflby ?U"'to?; ?#i ilMMthiii or linurov. in.'Ot wil. be BM*Ui to suit Ituu.1t O&IS Ciwuaf. If! flruaiw ?y, ro-ui it least A BROAD STHKKT , OOBNT-R Pk'.PKRTY fob A -1..' ' w tor 'lib ripcrcxn' :au nm It; ..n mort mm . about 3,*xniuare teet. Addreaa U W., Herald office^ _ TUB 0HRAPE8T HOl'sE IN Sb*' TORK.-KOB ml* \ ? e utorv Hob* and Lot and bricfc 'n'e ji "lit Scire fui Hrw; b*if uftnii. must b-? -old tl.i-. ?e-k. So. 1271.??r Sivemr-ijartli itreet, between Firit oe uuc *i.d ?...?.:>?* aid. VV r st ?ide. A BARGAIN.-NO. 51S WEST TWENTY THIRD >u?":U north tl.i*. i??r di>->r-i wml ot'T. nth avunuj, four Eoalwb mjoi trait, Id in perfect i rder. f reeeoed. ic.; ??>. <u rnuaiu ?vouil exchange tor city or Brooklyn fruv rtv. k, n smwLs, ?waer. Noj> Pin* 4*?* LMVE SEW DOt'BU TENEMENTS AMi STOEtsOV T Tenth avunu. bet* in Forty-wet ul anal Pitt, uiotli nreew. uow reuuug lur ??'!. <>? eaeh. at lew tbu .1 \ET i KE, >.-.1 retiili arcuut. I''OR SALE.?SLPOO ?'A> II WAS I 111. WILL buy ii*n.i?>u.u .ittte brownatona l?i? in Twenty sixth ?tr><e' near >i*tb avenue, S.. is#. po?*e-*i"n at once, L ali oil uwatr, 2J Mai ill sixtn htreul, WUliunmburif. North Hide. T7"OR XALE-AN EIDU r- li> ><)M COTTAGE. IN THK r Tw?ntv-th-r(J wan] r. it'i tntxlt rn Improvement'', well Io^bk-iI ?n i roBWinnt t . fior?" or steam earn, on rcMAttkhi M miK Apply In JAMK8 L. PAKSH aLL, uu W .i?lu?ul"n iiv. not . corner 167th atreet, MurrManla IJI.ANS AS I) UEHI'IUI'TIOX OF PROPERTY BILLS, CtrcuLtrii and evarj iticil ni I rinting iiinil?heit at tUe MBTROI'Ol.ITaS rBlMING EH1ABLISHMLST, 21i Broadway. >ll?rriianr?iua At a SACRirri ? -$j wo wilt, buy a tW" -<tohv train - Hou* tr.''fe I-Ma mil' sisbi ri>ooia. Int IW\S6. Oil ..lie . ? ta. nurit avenue- ??U.i caalt. balanco ill live v?*ri 'Out $110j. >omg West Title pert' " ' \p jiiy tu ItOBfc.Hl BOiM.Nfl, leutli avenue and Urand otrcet Aatortn Real estate sale, exchamok and loan nfflre ii'iotulng'Excliaiign SaleHroMBA 'U Bruad way. r<n i.. f -'.arc ^ttlKatll? tu fu> and Su! urban fronriy ui.i t im, lAndu; alao Thim. c. i'i,al Iron wti'l Timber Landn. Owners and imven alwav* wel come. fllwROKW hl'.M JBROOKI.\ M PKOPfcUTI ftlB SAI-K A\D TO I.ST H"?RAL1I BP.AX'11 OH-ICE, BROOKLYN. ADYEKTtstMENTS rOt THE NEW ^<IHE HERAL BBCB1VED AT OCR BBA.VOU OFFICE IS THE LONG SM ASH SAVIN.i* BANK BUILDING, COKNEK OF HXTOK AV. AND BOBR17B ST. OFFICE Ol'i.N I ROM a A. M TILL J P. M. ON .iLNliAV FROM 3 1'ILL .< P M. CARR^HS* AND AGENT* '..M'AKIMENT, Wo. 7 F*)>*T Wreby. b hqokh w. Brown stoni hoose, probfeoi park, Br?oalyn, will !?? -loid or e*uUai:^ea i'nr a House lu New York a Uber il nutmini ?! cwli wi'.l be pain. Vuf.h;. Nattuual luMirauce compauy. XI Wall *t. rra lht?fchmuhkd. a three buoky bimiw* J atone Hijuae. ob i.'liutoa auvet, BroekJya. aaUl Oc tober 1 term- very rti nitrate to satveMctor* (inrty. AJ nrei? clinton, tux i>il New ixrk 1'ort .ifflue tr ut" i ? irf n "-rrr.^u. = WKITCHXSTER CO CIST Y PltOPERTV FOR S.\ I.K AND TO RENT. At mount vekn'.n-a FrnNisaai) (Ottai;u; oo?!v; convemnut; |.lea*an: gpouurta; S3 Bilnnte* Irani roru -acn'-ml nx umiuiea Irom, terms only $1%) lor seas n to K. FORRE.sTER, .-?te>eits avenun, Moaut Varo^n N. V. T,'OH SALK? AI TABBVTOWW. A TO I H STORY .r Fmech roof Hou>? -:'nalod in kindle Part, with all mi-rfarn tmprnv vneBta ain! c??IWi tndlt* ? Tint vi?vv o" 'lie Hadson ; ib-ei nate- walk Irons ir .rruara* t'iaf. Addre h l.-AAC B LOVETT. Broadway 3>OAl> HOI>R FOR SAI.'-IN iTNTRAl. AYfWCE. % -hort natanoe irom Mncon.b'i L am Brtd e Kor BartiouUtra inquire oi u. A. ."-rtPUENs, ily W?i?t Tenth r treat. ___________ TAB*YYow*-rrr!NirafeD Horsr.. splenlid new. <labl.\ truit. walex tbrouirb !iju?o I'ape Var. i.> ? Iur?>-, I, u-, - ubto. .'eu'ratu . m rent or ?-i. Addrera PaRTRIoOE, 129 BroidStreet TO REBT-AT BYk-A. LARGE DOCBLE HOI'S*. near !>va Beach bisli a:. 1 healthr. wiUi lawn or Bvb ai re*. .ar?e . arriau ? hou. c i *:ne us* oi Loan felaud ??uuo, rent ver low iii'juii-e ol Wai. B. Hal ihTLD. Rve. WeaicUenar eounty, N. v. B*NT?Ft*LLY Tr nXISHED OR TO BXi'UA NGE, age., lumaa > < un'.> -e:it on be Sound 4i Oltu vtaa li? New II*. ?? mad t<e?utl'ul lo?:aU >n; ektjiit rurr oono !,? V K. lEVKNSON, Jr. U 1'ittt .-u-et ?D1 71 East ."evanteentu itreau T FItOPERTV OI T OK THK i IT% fOK SAUK OR TO BENT. a baiumix?rou *alk. a BK\rnrti. cor*. -A tfj -<*at and ine F? rm. ? .! '<2 acrsa .,f the bo?t It* ot IaimI. nb^urthrtH a. n-? iu timber; fine walar, an At>an4?i'C? >* fln* fru.t. -Ii-vlc. >i ; * at. >n>; dwUHntt. '? ?i lA'nini II r?wn? lanre ?<!<) Nun ? o>l all ..iitimiKl.iii- r-eaaanUy aimtieil tn * lieaitfiy and tMrik *ttl??1 tetirhhorftoofl. id Jluntgum *ry county iJ?n!uyi??iun j> inn lio< oftne RcAOing JliiiroAd :iJ m.,?i iri.m IfiiiaJ. Ipr.iu and .oar wile* fr?M Put*a?awi 4 N>airiiaJ! kow? ?f 7,iir0 inbAbitiuit*; pf.y* only Ju.vw. aud inmi..l> ?'* pMWaaloii: ? '. /?/ cu?U ' *.??)(? ju _j>*r.*???.? AblilT k< RaKoOM *o>. Kltv ft > nth FUuu ?rool. rhlla:ei?nia. Pa AflUAl R \2?*AJ.V ?FOR UU, A MAOMFICKNT Farm at MO arras 2<, iuUm trun S? urui ring in P?r.u?vlv?nla .uiil d?p?* Uiidraf i acka^anna and Va?teru rUt wjv. 1. lioitra fruiu Ni? Vurk. tbraa tr? ea Ja.iy an I Ilka a car ten ricb tuea4..wa. ad >|i'a?l t gran. irla-T run n; lc us liay; wai,-r?4 . ful tf artm, *ti icrai iJiriil- ttsntar ai.<Midai>.v of irttlt, IM treat, appla*. *?? ?>/!?*?. l>e?ra.,... sagea. qalme*. cnarnua .'ra:>*?, Ac., goo 1 ?ub?iantia! l<*01.tinea. rich Sar'^r. tc .oij wit"r . la:;n ?upp.if iu i,wij linlllti ' % tuilea iroia .''?,aw;ij-? W???r '".a#; IV mllia ir m W "Aley \Fa;tr litre. tor naau'iful are wry and ha? tfifi. n? *.< '?BHD't '?? *urt>a?a<l; etiuiclua. a'h /Ola *t?ir<!a. Ac : pn<-<\ iiir'uliw ?ofn. wh*?l. rra t. rra o?i<. piitaUMa. lc., >>niy tliKn w>rra* vary ?a?y. Ad nr?aa wlI*.?ON rfcl S.-Off, l'.aat Mr??d?bors, Pa. A LaOUB AND ELBOAXTLT K'R.MiHkl) (iB* ,f\ u*man'? R?-i"!*n *. ?? fiot frunt *rl!!i arteml. n, or?r 40 rw>tna. '?uDUlna cr.^ry nvxlem im.ii ovaoj. n< iu ctatlit * Vila-1 r 'iui, a**r naivr gronr.!? ft * 1awr. ?n.l ?ur<i<rn, combinlurf all thr. u Ivaafawa ui ?!*.? arnl^oan Try, Ttfy aeca*?ibia. *i'kiO 2 uiiuutaaul W all to In* 2* 'a^cixa* .<! ti rnn a a d' ?.ra^.e ;?[:<itit At-i ly '? ,1 1. D. VTV ? K'l* r. Na sj( rtn? ???#?, Ww y?ir\. of ? J. I?. VAlL.JroB torts, cijrtiar of F.Jln arrnt;r ani i arrow atraai Br okirn. <Hu>0 niE ?bi<k-HIRX Ilil.^-KIJK iala rwa '4 tht flaiwi i ai n? la a.^ifh^rn R' rtioiiT, IUr? ak. >ur? wan t ana partaft liaa^'li. (ansa a<lioln ra?-b otliar ,na ccmaiua -a j> r ?? 'h# o'inn i>?. tl.?y ?ra In. aia-i :i'ar ?:!.?. - cuufha. lallla. a'<-r??, *n., ?nl ar* '??? ?* uiilaa i,m Elofiaab.'Sti uaiiroa.1, witb rta?-? aii > mail t? ti.J 'rum ilrpni twlca laKr. I *>llir.r?. ,??? qin'hic* !ar.<c?. *?? . ari- All fx al!?nt tnl In ?.-?! ?Uai ;rd?r ?err l.a^ <jna.ity t ?>ll; m<-a"l"W? au.o*'tti aa a ?ar>n . ai wkiii lua.-Diua- ib>' Kvu< k apo '1?? T ia" trortt *traat;i witattl *?) in'laa i f >aw *orlt. r'lna : r >i??h Wi? aruit, lb"'* o?arlook the lak ? f.r ^'uih R?r?ahir? atii bav. ?, v|r-v 0t n?srl? ??inl'aa. l3?li'linr Mna.^t *?r^tt an 1 iha ftitiinl' rangairan r!ra tamail'va r ? n rrt-r a il grn%tftfFr.>M. nf rtu.i lar.u. *Ajw th' jrg r ,n? nnt batrr*?h; ?>aiai>. ? caa ra.'ia.u ?? ot an AiMreM M., box 'J* P>?t oAi?a, (iraat ts irrtntrtou. Mam A A A IIKAkTHY, ?IIA!)lf ( Ot JtrUT IfOMF! Tfi NT? _ t'?r ibraa m,o'b' li l irnl ba ' .nier'"^ carilnn tarscalow. A'l.ln -i U?x l*"i f.>?; offl'.c. Scutk N' rara k. i t A vali able ?Ctl DH'I -ITr. M BHu;-s J\ foiut Till l a iupva. loi at a <tu ltd t<> a ??h raatganar: iwa'u-n drat ei?M. AMr"?* H > mii.Tm.k, i os I-1. llaraiJ 3i?< All ?KD*ii*E MUCK > RKMJH ROOF OWkUJuIaC. . w?il at >'UiHn?i<i. t-i exclianga f?>r a at'ick of KanlMara, l;r? <?ot><l? ?>* t lotlna* J. 9. ft V( kOFF ? t o.. II r?rk r?w *?w Vgrc. IT 'T k*.- ?,?I?_ F t I'M-l!f;p TO lit /? f .r 'ha ?'a? T,. an: v ia*T r K-c.llMij Iar ? tour ?<*(** ?'< frutt and ?.*<!?, t'? .it.1 ?vTaral ' ot?a,<aa ??', #12", il^i p?ir tn.>i tli, Imr.??? ? tin .? II. A. rtlBOARt), Kauiy'a t?li. k, ^Ulilf.^i. _ Aharmis -a i !??*?.>* rj* or hai :*'&*?, oooo i.mi lit.. * j-iantr ii (run a?i">tn!ng <laj,rj'. n-af liiM Brai.ah .fly % OI oa? <lvua^Harn an4 ? I .M m ' raiga oniyfJ .'*#) >-t %vm. H*M II M? ?riiii<wi-k ir-a a:: I ?<r Ut a*.-l?a-i J - Killlir.-MI.N ? !HaHi? UlTHl. r i.ak' mAliopA' -.'"irr.KTKi v FUhnTjhfT) folMD beating. faUiiNit flawing: ovary mral r iwlor! au<: ot?*< u-uaca. r a^>nab!a rent; otMc Boil dcuca, un nu l> .n au l ?!?" ip. ? ?luliy Ci?aDy, U) f'wk avtuaa. C1<?VK1KV M AT. HMi'.AM UIVKK frobt, AT / fa .ml.. IU dm mtcalrKW >*? Vork, 4acraa. burh. IjaaOh;. a ltd !.**tii!ful i larn iraun.a, trail am! ahaJa abuadaut. S1 ?.*\ A lit. Rl Dalar ?tt ?fc. t'Oll SALE?Ai KAMAV I l-l,\v|i I nvir Hractittoi t. a ?arm of naar 60l aerta. wlui Ihraa !??>* nt- T rr ?!!* I It I a / I? o(J; (rar !'??? an i i*fl#h"W?? !?nv"' miay. ieali?w?a?. li#ntiarla<, fort m jrapar ia? aii'l nuniar?ti. , ti'mii, iin?* with ?lata roi t?. a Urea part unaer ? ultlvaitoti. yl? ling pc??.iie?, rt*ri, Itarriaa. ?ra|>r? an.i vaatubiei ul ail kuula; tba haMiing. ft'hint mil fli .ijilna ar? uu^urpaaaail, tw > r*tir?a<l u?m? ?aab lay ?taaint?Mt i? k? a v*:ai?. Will i? ??i.d.ila g f-ai aa.-rlfl'j" ny II f. NF.n A HoTT, 71 nrna4w*y. L'OR iAl.k-AT RRRCKN roiNT, A ? ? >B f R PUOT l nt (iroun I, 75 fatt rt<>?it on avanna r>. 1? f??i on PiMtitlilk W?i>i *oa:h a-1a ; atr vo * ill ha ?old ?arv lo ? t ?r furt|i?r |>articu;ari a > ir?ai (a. C., bok i.?9l ro?t aWca >aw York. lAA *ai,|?a fat.m or ?W ACf*S. WtfSTjTrWo f or 'mi am hraliiiy W^wn uo tb- *t .tnfl" anl far n? Kaitrvaa in Mkiaotm. it?na inaniton. larga lia.a rmt'.ol??libra anj li tiaat f.>r w^rg hauJa; ZlrT K.1 k u ' J.."11'' r >*riua very uaay. Ad ?raaajn (, i arm. ti?ral i tm* Mlt-CHIiPl hT BmtO AIH FVEK OFFIttO r JlfPa* V,rk.*l?T.^ Of u r? vein .4 -ha cola ti/MM (.Mkbarland t-oa. Lnui .Jimalv on rai;rrm/| tnR a!!?ata In llar,r?B'a Creak Va|i? AU ?|wn, county ?li , <J0 A.-raa of Ox feat vrin, uU- In )w[ utabia , 1V1 %cra.. of f.>ue fk?t a?.n r.ot t ?o ba a?-.-n an 1 inr'iier ssfiTiisktePiriW' "? F~ OB BALI?AT QCKBR?. U. I, FABM flF 1* Af'RK? With gru-Wltif ernfif; plafltT *i?1a an l ft tut, Tcry ranTcnitnt to JepoL ?.?ur< U- a and -chuol. Adflre/? Uia ?ar?ar,.iaMBI ?. M^ "<li*Ii:K>OH, Qa?a*a, L. L JjiOR BAtfK -HW-n \rBH8, AT II(7BTTN<lT'?tl, r ?. 1., w>rtB flo'u?l?. p-ar lapol; r'?a?y ftmt: AKL * ^ 99tMt f biU4iatoJ pnopKrtrv ovt dp the fln run 8AJ.B OH TO RK*T. fOR >sALB OB REN^-At *CUMIT, N. J.. VERY | low, imw modern House, !?> rxotus; - , acres lu lawn and garden ; o--Mutitnl location . Ave minutes from .Wput, ou? buur Iroiii New Yor*. . , saMOKI' 3 laxk placo. T^LODRING MILL TO r-ELL OR EXCHANOB-MM r barrel* daily; wheat brought ftouiCnicatfiii ek> Vauul lu uilU and ground by water; goog chuuco to tualic fltonay Add re ? PAWrRIlxlE . IA> ..road street MONBY t*A?EI> IS W VI'B?ffOP BENTS ANl? IN tth-rt.?>?.iAW. $iKVi cash, balauce monthly tW, small 0i.One, 11 room* gas water sewer; ctty every hall hoar. 3 cents. .*JUren Wx In Fort onwe. MOk'TCLAIK, ORANGE ?OOTALS-TV tlirue or four montris. a iijeelv rarulsnad Cottige at 11 rooms, including ef*Ogory. fiauo. xv % uvc min utes fr-?ui depot (ll)' monthly. _ . UyWt, I, TV ?'olar street. New \ork. / U'.aNUK, N .1 -ShVKI'.AI. BFAITIFI I. C .TTA.,E* V/ tor sulc at Eagle Koek. Orange tlio highest puteau >n tin- Orange Mountains; the coolest and ncalihiest ipotln New Jajraajr, with grand view*. Photo graphs o." C. n. ha li., 41 Pina street, foarUi floor. ORANGE. N. J.-SPBClAI.TY.-KBNT FOR "EA.Srtf, several fnli.\ mrnished licai lauces. tmalern son* venietuas. shaded . excellent locations, mountain siic or ridge opposite; extwusiva vlnwi. HAMILTON A WaI.LIS, 3Q Pine street. OR AN OB, N. J.?TO REN 1 LOW, FIKNIHHRJ) yR uniurnishnd, a desirable plcumtiil Place modern improvements. stable; Property r..r mile. Anplj to ROWLAND JoHNdoN, J4 Heaver street, Nuir York, PHILADELPHIA, PAI RMOI.'NT PARK AND CI S tennlal Lots for sale?Wo offer for sale. In Iota oi *i/e to suit pur-haajrs, l.JUO feut front in EUn avenu# CM) feet In depth to Ylola streeti, between Fiftieth and Fif ty-aeaond stiwtit), also I.SOdteot rt'oit ou Colombia ava ttuo (19P taet in leptn to Viola streot.>. between fiftieth nil 1 Kilty-?cot.:t streets also 1,0X1 re?: front (?!u teet in depth),-on fust aide Fifty second 'lre?<t extending from the Pennsylvania R niro.ui .union, at llMtMTiUo. to the entrance ui Park at lieorge's Hill. These lots are lieatitilully #ltuat?'il. fronting the Pars ana Centennial Hullilitigs, anJ eonipri-*) all ;hr lanJ lying t>?twe?n the P*rW and Peuusrlvanla railroad grounds. we-?t ot Fiftmth ."iroet. affording opportunity t^r inruKim?*nt fine r?<ldi'i?c. ? or (totals, at saldrnn offers. > or particular* aply to or eildrea*. itnting ?lw) an I nurpose for whlcn dt-4r?4, JOSB r A IIA KVgY m SON. Xo. 124 South Sutli ?tr?-et, Philadelphia. fl'O Lf.l-A KINK fill M'UY RESIOKSCE. PARTLY i turnUh' 1, M-ible.? >vc..:? rias. n l'oinu Long Island P. 'inJ, WeMfrliestr c unty. N. V I'or partleular* apply to ciEt'ROK OL'EN ra i. i HON, "!9 West Fourth street. ) LET-A BEAI'TIFI'I. rOTTAOB. NKAR THE ciiv with U rooms. ?II tarnished; laundry, stable T Ac ; elecant grimtids ; very cheap to a farallv that will ta>(' gooa '-are of ttio place. AuJress K. 0. ri.. box itt Herari ofllce. rno KP.NT?FOR JnillRR am? fall, a RESIPKNCR 1 at Bloomfleid, N. J., one h> or trom New York olo gantly furnUlted . i">ar tl\ - <1epot. with loir's, carnage. Ac.; 12 rooms: stable, (ardsti. ooultrv lio' ati<l cold water, modern improvements .*<?,, r?*nt low. Apply to VI M l> F'tiULKE, liy Bros4way, New York. TO RFNT?ON TMf. HFKiHTS, AT BELLEVILLE, N i J., ft beantttnl Oottntry Resilience turnislied throtigii out; gas, rang* hot uo cold water, bath; grounds 4K acres: thoroughly stoeke i w'uh vs^etab ea, triut Ac,; stable, barn, carriage house flv? mluu'es from three depots Io.*ty minutes trctu Mew York. Andrea* Mrs. U. OF. ^ I D. or I ev WM. H HEKCF. I.S. HelkviUg, N. J., or IIOMER MORGAN, So 2 Pine street. New Yi^rk. i 1 Ill ,11 ~A'r HARTFttBD. i'"SN . UIOH ifitJ.llvl'i ?toti? Mansion Ac ; 17 acr<*s of Land : a\etiue iron', dm icet, with liadgfl and rim-; Iji) fruit trcs: large variety ot stiade trees ?mul! p..n I. sale lor children; gnn fleiij^ aroun J ; pleasant residence : rap hlly iticrt-asing in va!u<\ For views. A .. call on Mr. PHILLIPS AHlsoTI Hi Murrav street. Now York city, or A. T. BKHToN. Kaq., 2*) Main sireet, llartlori, Cottn. REAL ESTATE TO EX( H.WGU. A T SUA RON oPIU.NGP.-TO EXClIA.N'Ol,, FOR AI.K ^'v or to tot, fine fotlage. With 9 rnuuo and Kacres of land; v?w unsurpasacd; tlie haaltltlast ~pot in the State; will a.I 1 cs-ii. Address ?1!.LUH Ilt:B.>r, iJJ Third avenue. ^ ]'X4 IIA.VGK?A MAGMPIfFNT SI.'BCBBAN HESI j Omen. Una irausioii. carriage house, IcaUous* filled and aii ue?eas-?rv outbuildings; ueiightful. healthy loca Hon. 10 acrus. all in cleoi est iruits; garJeu and lawns; 1< uul?'? in NewJarx-y, thre?-quartar? ol a mile Irom statlou. two rsilroa's. price flil.tsi), w rtli <41,uuu. mort g:ig- ?IS.iUU. Niiie liirni; will 'altc place lu N-vr lurk or BruoKHu, lightly r!i< utubured, or an assorwd s'ock I new Tea?, at market value Address EX CHANGE. box ITS He.aid office, t r ttvo lays. 1' XCIIANGK?KA KM, j? ACBh-. GtjOO HITlLOINflS, L miles in New ler-ey, price $lt>,Vi<i, for Mou?e in Pro or Jcisev Cry. Avpiy to Mr. WABD. 77Cedar street. iptiR ^ALE OR EXCHANGE?A DE-IBABLE COPN J tr>' ?eat. ir -e ,md ch-ar. in a thriv'ng t wti in New Jersey, ,.ne h or from this ntj'. twoacnuof land, well tinjircvcd and laid ouU with louti'aiu. fruit, flowers. *r.; two Story rv.iuic cottauf. 1,'rn. ^arria^i' house, Ac., with g?h>il *upply ol water; location perfectly Deal thy. with fine wenery; will s?U low i?r casii or ? xc'iaugi tor itti proved t'roTiertv in this cttv not lien .il> m<Ttgagod. Apply to ft ILL!AM f. UAvVS, No ."i Pin: street. i^oii KALK OB LZCRANUK-?THE FIN ST TRACT I ot nataral Pasture Lun.l iit 'ha ->taV-. known as Imvis' IsUnd. MUiatod ?.n the Munoktti River a:,d be tw -en 'Wo lar/r creeks .all sal' water! lit SotMTsU e'.tintjr Marvlatid : about ! ? un acres of land. 1M' -icres of whfeti is tiuiber. uivl over acres ot splendid ovstnr l> sround a lortune lu Hie oyster and < Bttio MuU ucs, wTTli tltUe labfii ?nd capital: wiliaeaa hali Intur esi iiithe whole ?htng lor ; will accept railr' ad bonds, stocks mortgages, rtlain >nds or drat ^Lu-4 wairhes in payment Address, fjr part leu ars, W. L. HAI.VKS Princess Anua, Somerset or unty, Md. FV>R >ALS. Oli EJICHAJIGo?A SM< K ( F HARO ware, well a?sort? !. Atr retail trade, vulua al>"Ut vroukl take (.mil realastai an l -< me ? 1S<|. Ad dress F. y. FOOT, N w llarr-n. n'onu.) Po?t ofl: e. ORAMiF. _?TO LX?' IIA NO E Fl?R C1TV. FlYK FINE lieKidenres; #lii,ikH) to t.Aj O*: f ee a ait clear; ah llrst i. U?-*s pr?iH ,ty E. P. sHaLL, j- Lii eriy ?i. "IV'*: ti;i>?*1 "i>K and Lor f\ kxi iianp.k roil Tf Uorww ii.'I "'arrival will ,.?? ,* cuh. Ail? (!:???* v L Bl XTOX, JR.. ??< Qr'?nwn:l> utrxl. C: 1 no/|-wavtMi. rorrAoR. nkar hai.i.kji V"i?v'*U. Rullr a4 lv-1ntv Wilu?THv>iri[tK'. I" ex chabia l-H- DkMMMil itWio Karm nhou! 4i?ere. ?uunW'il D"ir boot l<laad ItKllroiid, *0 .n vi (r<^.n citl .-.V* W, or t ?. .? ij-.-u.ef.-* abtiJi lain" I fruit; all lit RiMjl of <".f-r a4 lr???rPAS, IV; Kaet FurO-tli mm". New Y rk. RKAL ESTATE WAITED. \\-ant?o -i <*? or ?> ... AcnE?. roll oeazimi. >? in Northern Oeortta or A'lhama v* ttv tun t.cui*r>, (iRAKR Jt Co., turner Bcinnu and ?ult n i- Bro'iVhu R. T. T?l liKT KOH BtmiNKM H HWWE*. BKSXkTT m i' visa. ?ihkar HhDfcriON in rk r? with a ir.w ro ?eoi*kr ri.iuikuj:. r? mud I i > R I Ilk t KVV 1..H MiW BKMAI.NINi; tNT.KT J.V TIIK BKNNMI1 Bt 11.1)1 N1 i, I MF. RhNl-i IIAVR BERN RfcjH ' civ AM' MRM ? I.A-c TK \MW M\V OUT UN OVtTCKi at Vi-.r.y l.nH runt* to iNstHAXrh < \D MAN KINO OKKl< r'? IS now r?FS?NTHO an f.NCfll A I V l-A.'I.MO <)l I' /ti ll MTV TO ? F.i ? Uh KMGl HI.K OFM< * o* I'AVoKABIR IKHVI-. TIIK aBOVK Rtll.iHXIi tS CoVt'l.K r.U ITRKPROOF IjKATI D HV hTR AM; iWo KM.' \T >Un, A I.I. fcoOKKX IM PRi iVRMRNTrf. INQI IKK ot M (RO AN RO. S I'iNR <-rRRfcT,_ Bar room and i.tngh room to LRask. ?THR w?il oe?Wl K??n<enl No? R, .UlliMllWlUlfljtll t'rret. <? rn?r of Paarl ?tr?ut VPtPftM 'I"" fr ?lu' C Ki el ?n ?. A|?piv it w. u. i jr.. A Co., llrMri ttraet. ___ VRMFNT TO LR1-JI1 Xl\Tjf 'VRMK; IN r*rr * ? >-1 tomtkt*. iMmrt <it list flxlU avettau. /"?RANIi f IIW*l?R HOT I. KROfTIRO CIRTRAL \.T ''ark, llnailw^r. I avenue. Fifty i y.t , beat loeatton in America, magnilleant vif?< >r. i m*H laTornol* ;rruis. Ap;.l>, *r. O'CoNHOR, AkIm V , e ?!n*L rn i m r-i: riL'iiANT. with cojipurtr ris I tor** in k"ux? w??t rortr-thipn ?.tr?-ei r,i*|ioMui 1*11 ?r?nii* depot rt nr |..w to a K<*a teosaL lutjWrt ? t Jfr> Wm TUiri? iniiUi ?ir??w rr?o rrnt?ius spaci oi * ktorr, with two I )<>!?< Oi '. bu llion: So. 3% Ihlf.I nv?>i.u<-: '.el"?u Twftiir xv??|li hi! r wntrctalio. rtr? ??. -w ">\I15 I'M *iin?iilc rr.r rnmuore. i*rjr r pi-iw, t.unuia??; J-*rMm* wi?4?w? Oit?-vl up; if is thronir-'jut! rei.t m>*J?r?te. Applj- ?.? JOHN FErfRRinl, I,MM Ur Bdwajr. UWEI.LI?? HOlgEI TO LET. K?rtiNhH. ARAROAi.t.-TO I-hT. frUNlSH 731*. TIIKKR M..rj a.?li f'onn l>r?'?u ttoiw H? ? ??. it tl.? low W.,? l i I7i f,?f I ..bill *|PIJT>1I prfluia* i. IR ?nl rort.v niatii ?u*?L rro itF.NT?PUKNIrlHKI>, A M-ABJ fOI'll 1 s1ott l't !Ml Ifont iiUli *">? :> hr>.wn o<nm H.?h?o, fiirut ai. l in t r ?vt .1- lor, in Ihlrlf ?"? v! Ir- t, or*r rittk ?r?aa? to a orr-fwl Miiam. till M?m>tutor of Mr oai' ,4tr A4dri'?? Ui? lTW t*.>4t t nfurn :??i< ?1. Aiu^nmraui iiikpr uTOiiT moii .nto p IIoh** on I4?l*(?n iiM ntic i!irm?li'.il or ?titiir i?ul ??r/ low to a d?iur*:.l? t.uant; ?l.?. ?'tr-t FI90T' mul P.a?*UMnt .?f AO !.*?. r*r?-uty-nlnth ?irw?, witu bat. nil ?t??r Cafpai* anJ OlIel Mu ,r. i; m i>. AOltA>, ?>'l 1 .urlfi a "BUI?. ooruaf Tmv it ?U(btli ?t. ? -OX'.V $t? II .1. mat n: xr P'?r a df ira xt ? bl? II'ii*, in iup*ri) ot l?>r;fven ntodirn Im ir Ti>m*ut i ? 1 eiMtrtitiaoM : ?x6?ll?nt, eftitril ?n?ii?h. bt/.-n'v.r A; [nr on i .-tsinW'*. VA n.-? forty tfnr.i it nalO.I.M -IMrtl.NIOt <I.V H.Kb NF.I> riRKT t:r.A?* r< u??' M?.lt?on a?- lino ?c. I IZ7tti lurcet; avert UiiproTeiucnt; rain niy |<Ati?i mouih. t. -1 U friMTM kit. If. Morrif ntttV qvi urT-thrrk flflRI BROW!* KTONR HO0.4R. 1 I ( liar t- rt\ nr? 't4r??t, ?nb n?.iur. ? << ' mir ror*. troiiil ^11 or asetianffe. A.y.j to IIIRRV a, MoT r, 71 Rromj m a> ro ?*?. FiRAisiiEi)mooytn ami aj?akt.>ikn ri? TO I.RT. AMR<T <1-??<S fC^M Hh,r> Roo*-WiTh aTx mottrrn ImfrovaBieMi, for one or two mutiaiatB. VII -ixti. a??Mi? AE0RMISURD R'iOM f'>R Util M KRIU fNO, TO ltl--l?n U ioim 44. PurPir, f t d. or. | r ??tf. 4r/,.ri for pfi?t' :nn or Irean.imlifr. v.ipljr at U a,oio*t,o ^tiiaro. sotttiiwif > corn?-r M hwi wr place 4 IftlVAlE I A M UjY WILL Rl NT O.U OR I M J\ lar." M-irslit.y Roon i ti <>rm f ?..r; R. -i lii il??ir>.| t-.+ntj thlM ?frei?f. eoroar Atmtt *m.' ?i, om nmt \ n;. f.I.Y n*l:.XI? 1IEI? Room % ON Hl""O.Nfi j ? an : ttiiM i.<?.ri at 0> Wi-.i iti.r'eautli ttroct. two (loor* ???^t oi rllxtli avi r.or, I rtli it*. A kY H ANUeOMRI.Y fl RMsli tl> KM'ORP JX Hn r tr iiM-< t . I"i i i' 1'ntit botMirlplni to a ri-?- i I m oii of.?lulu, ?ll convpi.i?bc?a. 13T W??t Hxiat OUt .(rrii i /MU. AT 31 WFKI Rl v r if wrURRT, RKTWRRN . V"1." **'.nm -*?lai?il?4 eumiucr 1:oobi, Oio lflira'B ti rtii*, flrat elaM h .n?f> l|" RMlHKIi ROOM* WITH t 4R OP PAR' OR Tf, I If'-Jo nw|H>a labia )M i ?r,o . ?, N ,, m n t n I >r?T* *"" ?1 "'rtt ''UHAf h) In - - i* i i rntniHEDroom* and APAftninrrs TO |JST. nWB I<ACATI<<N -SOUTHKKITBKrt Ot OTHERS IN r wantot splendid, nlrv u.H.nn flunt Ji.-.l, en naii?? ordnirly lor jammer, arc invited to call silk- 7 Wml 1 htrt* mcimh) struct ' ]AROF, NEATLY Fl rni3hf.D KOOM-TO tlBN J Uuiaci; laijcr cloatM. hot mi l cold w*k-i . ti weekly; wualler Kt ou $ . w?i I v. 10* Wt jl TweutMta street, near Sixth ax-uue. TO LKT-BV TJ1K YEAR, A CQOL. WELL FLR nuboil Rcdroon. Iftx'.'#, frnotln* *oui"i, hi A?*>Mati ?" Buitaing. i wiiiir-iiurd *tr>?i and Fourtha venae. Applv by letter to II. T No J I'lru- Street fPO LET-TWO 1I.V.NDSOMELY rrBNISHED ROOMH 1 with ho! .us.l colj wahlf, dMirible bication lor *um raer. tor two (entleiuan, with ut OoirJ; rciereucoa ox clittUKtSil. aje EaatjrntY-elghUi tiftel. ^ 1'y'o LET-A FCBNtSTTElt Hl'iVT PARLOR OK pro nnn floor; -iMo a bark Room 'in ! flail Hoom* No 7 ? >reat .lom; .tiK't. ?<*ar Broadwav, Mooud lloor Call alter 12 M _ _ TO LET-A plbabant Kt'B.NIhllKI) FRONT HOOM. to .me or two gentlemen good ltvaOon privafj familv; moderate terms fo renpeotaide partMitreferenoe required. 17.1 Wort Twenty iecon4 atre?t. ?0 PEE Wi hlf POR A NEATLY rCRMISHED ???) lame front ball Room, tuitabie fir iwo, nn mmhiiI fleer '? ? ?i. i . private family No. 3-'6 East '? our teen'h atriot, neur .'ecohd avenue. _ A ,"f PRH WBRK?FOR LAROE FRONT ROOM ANT> C?) oatitrM*, furntahed for hooaakeejiing ;? citi?r Room* if d?*lred; priyi!?Ka of kiteh n 923 wnft Thirty null street between Eighth and Niu'.h avenue*. "1/vfi WLKT Til IR1 REN'TH STREET.?LABOR I'"J front Room, third story, newly ?M h indn:?oiely ruruiahed. to let. to geiUleujett only; price. $5 per wecit. rWPlRXISHKD K04M1* ASIO APAHT aUEBMTS TO LET* A N ELEOANT extension ROOM TO let?WITH privilege of uaint parior; auitablefrtf a doctor; lo cation unsurpatued tonus moderate. Mrs BIBaS, II E.*?t Forty ?>??<?.>iu. -triu't. Aflat to let-iu east fuDinutTB ?trout (a houae ootnplafe). on tourtli flo.>r, oppo*lte tli- tradeniy oi Mmic; i\r .m?; dumb waiter . central location. Apply to the janitor. . A -LOWER i'ART 1?*a?T FIFlT-riRST flTRRET, ? near L xiuetoii ivonue; front and back l*arlor?. Basement II*!. t!i drooni on -wcono lloor, $t'i P'T inoiiili; tnn uet# Floor*, l'arli r. Eitcheu and three Raaroomx, eac ti has fixture<, marblu mantles. Mc., <15 and 12". ] 7< LEO ANT FRENCH FLAf-OTER EQUtTABLE 3i Savinxs Institution. Hlxth iranue. corner Twelfth atreei. *(0 lei-t deep; ?ix front rootna; rent reduced. In ijuue lit the tiank. QEC'iNl) KL' >3??FIVE ROOK a. water OAS. k* water clQMtj uuiet bou^e; pImmuu location, sa fistu avenue.' rpo LET?TWO FLOORf<; ONE KIVE ROOMS. RENT J one seTati room*, witli all ujiprovcment- rant $.Vi. ?ij Wont Thirty-ninth street between ric Tenth aud Etiihth aveuuea. TO LET CHEAP-FIRST I'LOOU AND BASEMENT No 5? North Moore Hlrefti., near Huilunn. fine chance tor a man doing husincaa in Waahtiiguni Market riio LI. I t'll MAP?PART Of PAIU.0R I'l.OOR IN i private house. Apply at No. 151 Woat Kilteentb ?t. a t - RENT?V?HOLE I'l'PI.R PART OF IIOI SK ep'xi) conaUUmr of three tloom. g?"d order una good uelb'lihorliiHxl; look ut It. SEOKOK RI'ShELL, 7.5 x-veirth avvnue. adloininir 'entral Mar net. ^ ll4*t?>I.?j, iV( ,, WAM'KD. In lli<? lity anrt Brooklyn. A "TOW OEUIRItS A NICLL* FURNISH ED t ,,/h onti 5u. I", * family, between Konr tc.iith wtJ Twenty-third street- an ! Math avenue an I oSct Addreai, watimr particulars. i*,x l/atrost II'A.N I M>?K.VC'l.n >J-D SI1KD. WITH TWO Oi{ ?" throe Low. lor manufacturing trart'ows- nili &g gggg Adjlroa* 1,01 y;; J\Li . \\ Ai<^1'VAN,. 1 ?Nf'1 I:-Nlsm:n foi'k story -i Fifteenth an.I Thirtieth ^i?? f-outth ?n<1 . ixttl avfntiog, must bu in per jeut order: ieaao required. Aitdro??. utatiui: crico and location. J. C. S.. box 154 Herald ofllce. P \l ANTED?A MIJi: KItKNt'll FLAT. PIRST KLOOR Chl.d; raw?a'c,rb,r ""J SU" "<""?? ^-".V KTKt)PEA\ STK\.nsi!lPs. ?It'lUTK STAB UK<r' r * ? ? FOR 'JUKEN">Tt)W V OK MVRRPUOL ADRIATIC11 rUL LM!K|J HrxTtLH MAIL. veltuJ f* c pfitrif* ...ju.k? ij at 4 i. M. ?kiVa"m' Junoft,?&;u4 f * ??-?? ??octtflWStf * o,j?,:rr ??*- i 'adl.utii room? are 1 It* -J L *^1** * hi' noist; ?n 1 motion art* !tn?t ?fuming a def r<* of comfort hlthorto utiattaUubl ? at j .f.1Li?*v5?tloa. of a'"1 oilier information atmlr at i!i'.' couipan> sofljoe, IJ lirojiiv. av, Now Vor* ' B j. Coin it-. Agent. OTATE I.1N8. ~ ^ .JORK T'' GLASGOW, LIVERPOOL HatHiiL i n/ ' tASi A >n L' >SiXtM?Klt ItV fcTATE <)t PJ.X.VSYI.VaRIA ![??' J1uno V STATE OK INDIANA. " i;;.'". Vod' hi"? u au t eyery Wedneaday thereafter Pirii' cabin ' ilrir?i, K2&W'Sw'SSK''ifUUoJS?^ M rolaTn Apply to AUSTIN II \ LD\f IN | CO., Asc-nia. No 72 8r??<lway. New York. ? steerage .fflce, U Broadway. CTEAMHMI' otate of .;ia wnTi. am HPpl.v early to Al'STIN I BALDWIN a 0?f ... ^ No. 72 llr?>a<iAay II AMH RG-.'\MEKIi'AN PACRRT COMPlVY'fi lis:*' ufel lIKcV" "f>tT.n S* lUMUV& * Jmi'vt. ?'"??? I"' hrrork jr"|y . 1A lBn? U (f 1MBR1 a ' j2K ? oi u> I'lym tito, iioudovi. (-(i@rW*urir Wa??*I? *U M??? lb KrcUiu 4eoiland nrfi Valitn. nr*t ialoon. told r?liln. wrond ?n!< on Kota ?, fe"ti*era?o. ctirrrrvv ... R K1.1HAM0T * Oti.. O B RlhHABO'i BUA'a ?i nr., .(if,"r*ivAKCn> Oenoral Fa. ent(?r aAih W Rfoa l ?Uo. U -Nov V ork. ?| Ur<ndw??\ New Vork. QNI.V DIRECT LINE TO FRANCE. THE O KN h K Ali TRA N8ATI, A NTir I'OJMPAVV -t Miff OTeAMSUIPh RhTWhRN "k# l , . >OHK AM) HAVKb. ..Ji? ?llc.n''"> v"*l' on tln? mvurlte ruat* for U," Con Firm (.abln, l:tB 1WiT?M E*i*rJi T|i*k#t? at roduo tf ratfn iJ*'"! *uP?'''',>r .i<T<iinm>i*tton? and tu ClUiiiifr all norowarleii wttlv.Mt rxira charte ?.r:<-K.jr *a? kk-?*ik "WHroadiwr. OlE^MKfl I'KREIHK, FOR IfAVKK U'fLL I>'a\H W.' Jap* i\'r?t lVuVIo',0*' "p^nseraTre n guestod to be od board nt II o'clotk - - GE"'R?;k V ii'RKNSIR, Aff?ot Lmtli) states mail li.\c?*team ro urr^ \V town and LfVKRp"" J VWRRXS ? allln.' e?rrv Ta'^iay MtviiiTriv U ortli Kivar. Sfj . . . ? aptaln .1 on"< .. .juo? iL >? t J* m WI.M-ONMIN, ' aptalu Fneinan .... J"^6 I 8 p M J abiu nUrin?.iiaW ni?1 ?te..r?B; at lowentratel J if|,ari tt^kcu at low rate*. ?"?*"??? I'lU^tiger. booked to aud froiii Parla. ftorway mid Sweden. *e I'r itt. 0b Ireland Enab^S' France aud Ocrraanr at Ktweat r ite- Apt,|? it. W|LLIA*. A r?,N;V!?i (Jroidwar. /^t'NARD LIM; ?a AM' N. A. R Sf. 4 f CO I t*.? . ^ woTir*. w Withariewto dimitiishinx the .baneoi -* ????-?:- I noth nit to the north of ?1 '*",u,an M ?' ? laUtado, or | ??; vtm a . y:d ^.'tT'x 1UVKH..,. Hj ?Hi' jIIa' *?i cW?. 'W ? <S ' 1 aaf'ftan*oipU JNMA.V LINE?FIX* D MjI T11K R I. k '( ! :,'t? sf ESF:S';?"? nrv or hri ^-vi - J,/ '"yRMUA. M. r\r,t . J anajrom ail t'atnta. at rediicod rat?? Cabm and general offico. No ti Hr/.sdwa, *,el suera<>- omco*. \t Broadway and pier t North Rifer. JO'ls ?> IMI.K. A Kent. f^KKAT *?8T/RV >r"Vr ]?*?**$& HnuUKD. DIBFct ?*?wp.X',,rvVrp'r" vpr?, : no* RHfcT WoJirrn "tardar. ,?un? it ?,ai?? naNft ?;o, int^m^W' W:^to?Y? carr?ncy: eirurMon n. K(-|?, jiiirj. ' '? rajro, $30, ^Ajp?ly to W. D. MoHi.a.n, AfPin. 70 Sooth itraat V'ATI ON A L I.I NR. " ? j A! From Sier? So* 44 aq-I 47 North River ORRFCE f?H *-<>*?'? IHKi&T. '? HOLLAND Th?r?|.v. j,m? 17 at .IP. M. ? ?;i" i Junr'<i U S- : EOYFf jMr s a p v i , JllAnP ?"??' "?? II A. M SI'AlS 7; V I7Ti- V <tAa?rX"%: r? *1' HtierUiSi J'r-pafd Si2??iLS uJk. " reduce 1 rau -. ? ??? ? ? f. W J, m f RH r, Maimgor. l^l i ano Rrfjjfo|ftf a ? t* ft it i f fo '> i .0. Ucltinmj^hj '-lilne Swiuerlaad. Jko'., vu J'^amerSi HOLT"* . ** Btcatner ROTTKRMAN Jnne *? nOTtftoJJrlSfdi11:^ t'aVud nlti E:r;,r' ? ___0*n*ra| w Broadway. Vk'ILWIN'H LINE FOR OI THAkPTOS' A\n Ifrrt t Ol '|RI?Lo *?"> ?' '"uVn\tmrVi?-nVLL' lRuB.i L, iViilliUl 4 3 obiiXU mix act, flROPKAN RTKAMSIIlim. ANCHOR LINE. OARRYIN'i TBB I SITED STATES MAJL. NEW yOikK and (Jl.ASiloW. C VLIFORNIA ? sails .... (Saturday J one 11. at 12 noon Vh fORI * ?*);, Saturday, June 19, at t P. M. UTOPIA ?ai!s Saturday, .lug* tti, ut II A. M. STIIIOI'IA sails ... .Satur iu>'. JUlY 3, at 3 P. M. TO OLA.-jUUW. UVtUPOOi,* XONDOSOKRRV. lU^itolN <>R cabtus, $7.1 (? J(*i , nrrpi: -j, neiordiutf to aceomuiod?. ti jns, INTK KMEDIA t'? AND STEERAOfc m ??*? a* a?v oilier Hi .. !?.;??? law. Drain Issued lor any amount At Iowa*4 rates. IIKNltr USCN Bl;os.. Ageuis, Nq 7 Bowling Qreen. /IOOK'8 TOURIST TICKETS MtK HOLD TO ALL V parts ot l!ur?pe and America at reluctlon* ranging trotti lu i ur ceut below ordinary IMi. They do if-t require t!u;r holders to travel In largi i>?Ou? P)G?on tun use lhem by Aiiv train or wv steamer. IrUh aftd scotch must in oro^ured In America. ?'Cook's ?xcunioni?t." price p> cent* by mail, h?* par tic utars una r.ire? of over i.i'*) wttrs to Europe and round ili" wrtrld "Cook'? American Programme, gtviiw i-ar ?icuiai "t over l.UOO cheap and pleasant route* m Aracr. lea fttib' hud upon aptfluitiuii, tro** ??i ' hatno (t?y mail ID cents). COOK, -O.N i JENKINS, corner Broadway and vvarreu street. N'ORTH O&RMAN LLOYD. SlhAMSHIP LINK BETWEEN NKW YORK, SOl'TH AMI'TON AND BREMEN. Company's pier foot ol Second street, llohoken. OONAC June 12I RUBIN Juue *\ MAIN .line 191 ODER J illy 3 icattw o! passage i rotu nwTgrt to ?.>utliemptou, Havre or Bremen ? First cahiu, HO: gold Heeood Cabin. $9) gold; Steerage, $31' eurreney. Hetnni ttckets at reduced rates! Prepaid Steerage Gert'll< ate ?. $S! currency. For treitciit. r paisugu apply t U.'-I.i K'ms a Co., No. 2 Bowling Uroen. 0'DOMOVA* ROSS A, WJ CHATHAM SQHA?f.? Cheapest pnwt.igc office in N"w York; steamer* every duv tor Cork. Liverpool. Otaacow, Derry: dratts payable everywhere. t>ail before getting tlokets else where. COASTS INK ITKAMMHIPS. |>\C1KIC MAIL STEAMSHIP LIN PI?FOR CALIKOR J in", Japan and i lima from pier 12 North Rivur. FOR ASPINWALL. COLON Jum - 15, 12 M. < onuectliui for all Central American and Pacific ports. FROM SAN IK AS CI.SCO PoR JaFAN and CHINA COLORADO Junu 15 For H eight or iia.-^a-'') apply a' pier <2 North River 11. J. fit'LLaY, Superintendent. LfNITKD STATUS AND BRAZIL MAIL STEAMSHIP COMPANY. POP ST. THOMAS AND BRAZIL. The eleganteerew steam-hip ON PARlo, (l>?) Pmii Imr den, Oa]it.?in (leorne H. Mocuin, will -alt tor *t. Thomaa, P.irn Pemainbaco. hiiliia usid Rio d<i Janeiro, on We.ine - lay, Juu? 23, at 3 o'clock P.M., IVom pier 13 North Piver For freight or pa*?a?e apply to WILLIAM R. f).\*RISON, Agent No. 3 Bowling Tlrwn. V v HAVANA AND MEXICAN MAIL 88. LINE.? i\ ? Hieameri leave nler t North River at I P. M. for Havana direct. CITY OP MKX1CO Taendar. Jnnn 22 CITY Of VERA CRUZ Thursday June 24 CITY or NEW VORK Tt irslav .luna 'it FOR VERA CRUZ AND NEW "RLE vNs, c iiltna at Havana. Proufejo, Catnpe.ieay Tuxpnn and TanupP'o. CITY OK MEXICO Tttemiay, June 22 For ireigiit or puaaue apply t" K ALEXANDRE 4 SONS ",t and :? Broe.lway. stejimors win leave New orleentJune 2<; and July 17. lor Vera Cruz and al1 the above port*. \rP.W YORK AND HAVANA DIRKITT MAIL LINE.? 1> Ttieae tirt claaa steamship* will ,ali ?t8 P. M. from piT 13 North Kiver, :oot of Cedar utreut. lor Havana direct an follows OtiORUI v. Captain CurtU Thart'lav, June 17 COLI.'MBI S Tu Hd.iv. Jane 25 For freight or pa*$age, having inmirpaascHl aoroaiiao datioix, apply to ? p. rLYUK. x co., Na G Rowling OreeiL McKbiloi . Luling Jt > ??., A?reiiu in Uai .ui?. rrtEXAS LINE OK GALVESTON STEAMERS, TOIT 'H. 1 Inir ot Key We?t. uarryin* lliu I'mted statex Mall.? KtJ-amer < 11"Y OK ACVflN, Captain Kldiidire, will leave pier 51 Eaet Ktv?r, <jr Saturday, Jane 12, ut 3 P. M. Inrousrh Mil- at lu.ling glvon t.? all pointawt tii- II. mid T. c L nnii I. N (i. ll Hn1 IL and O II. and W. A. R. it. No chaise tor lorwardh.- in New York, for freight ur pasitaae. having superior a< ? nmino lattorn apj>lv to C. IL M A I.LORY A < <1 lU Maklrn lany. W. P CLYDE .* CO., 11.' Wall sUmit NEW ORLEANS DIRECT. X The Croutwell Stoairishlp Line. Ihe steam-nip NEW oKI.AKNS, Captain Drarliorn, ^ ih li iivo ptor .No. i North Itiver on -.ator lav, June li. at 3 P. M. Krewtit rei cive I dally. I hniuuli rau* Jiven to Oaive^ton, llidlanola, Rockport or Aruuzas ?\u,irt, Himi* san rigo, st Loan and Mnhiie. CaMn p is sa ;.i, 931; * tec-rase. 823. for tielglit or parage uuply to CLARK A - LA Man. Wert street. OLD DOMINION .--TEAM-HIP COMPANY - inn... trout pier 17 North Liver, for Norfolk, city Point aitd Riehiuond. Tae?>laya, an l Saiurdavn, at '1 P. M., conncetiai: wuh ti. \u-:iniu and letinn*-*ee Air lino, Atlantic Coaat Line, Piedmont Air Line, Cbuaapeake and Ohio Rail road, and with the e.nupaiiv'* -u n:u linoi to Interior point- in .N,,i ih CaroUua and \ nifiuia Nt whuiu aud VS a^ijiu^'ou. N. C via Norlolk , every '1 li.? Im Thur.?1a>- and s:.:urdav. Baltlnion satin l n -., at 11'. M. Connecting with Bul Uuiore .in-1 t Hito It illroad. Li vis, l)el_ Monday* Wednesday* and I riJavt, at 4 1'. M. Couneeiinir with Delaware aiM Manrland roUroado. I'uaaengei ueciiiiuiiodationi un ?ui'pin?d .'Iiroujli pati<?fe n-'K t- and lrtil> o- i?.lttu to all p >in;i ut owem rateii Inauraie fc> Norte k. A\. V per ceuL Ktvnrht- re.-eiv d daily at pie.- 37 N.-tli Rivor tieri? ral offices, 187 (ireenwic i -tree , New York. N. L Mi ckkaDY, President. OTKAMSHIP COMPANIES CSiNU LAROh QCANri k7 tie* o; i r. n tin,- will fl id lull antaijuoii* w den I with the METROPOLITAN PRINTING K3lABLU.IMENr. No. 21* Broadway, ai Its fauilltloa for doing every kind Of Work ar<- unsurpa??ed, while In proWMWM, neatness and cheaiiueM ii olrar* sp-eUi indO oniienu. Hills of Lading, shippin. Rei jil-. Tlckcta, Vlaiiilents, I'aeat-M^r Ll?t<, Ciraafitr*. Pmters, Canis Waybills and every ?puciai loi in use i iu tlie trauMelloa ot iiusine** carefully preparrd an I t riniej m&VBUBRS' Ul'IDR. 4 ? A, A. A. 'NORTH SHORE RIaTkN Isi.aND FERRY", for New lirifhton. fnu? Harb.*, Want Brighton m l Fort Rlehmonl. Boat* leave Whitehall street at loot of Broadway. dally, it 6-.10, 7 :*'. 8:10. 9:1U, Dili A. M. U-4V ?:?. (""iiftnd 7;?? P. X. Sundays, at ha'f-patt erery li -Br, from tl:S) A. M. Pare 10 cenia, AMor Hotne car* l.:nve Vearv iiTott for ferrv. V I.HAXY AND TH >Y BY DAY I.IOMT. ?DAY BOATS il i . VIHHAR1) ana DAN IK I. DREW leave Vtstry utrv ' uwi .W. N riii River, <*?iiy i-umuv< oareptML ,t s?*> and Twenty Courtn utroei, at ? a M . land in* At We-d Point, r rnwalt, ItewlMirj, r<.u(hkMt>aie. Rhine heck. Catakilt anil Hadaon Tieketeon aale for poi'.ts North add R>?. Trlti ftrk'-t" to mm Point, Cornwall aba Nf?vt.iiri?. rttu-ifn't mim day, $1 Attention, railroad t-iwPANiltHMPONCil f?lin? ur 1 rip Tiaketn prii.t?a ohenper .?nd on unter t '>n'-'I a 'he vtBTROHlLlf AN PRINTING KS I \ It l.lsll JiRHT. M< i ii'l Rmldllitf. M*W York than a It T when etau CSATSKtbU?R<?AT* CP THkTjRBKK,-KKW CHAM j pton w?iirr Brett, daily (>midav eacepivd), tr in Caual sir.;et, 6 P. M Pari' ?< '-. at*. t MTlZhN> MSB OP SIR A MBO A TH FOR TROY, I'uf \j u.- Uiij with alt rail tray lln. a North ami Wtat; 1,1TB 6) csnu. d 'ftk: cabin ptwn-i, tncludinc tjt T-.:u tarn attaint-eat' leave ialir, Saturdays ?*f?pted. at I P. , I, tr in ti - r 44 n irtti tilver, foot of Leroy (treat, rur rati ttrkcui *oi I ornr alt connecting line fALL RIVIiR LI>K To BORTOR. r via Newport and Fad R ver ? The wnrtd-renownad ateanv r. HItf-T'?L. an^t IDE ?OR lenve pier ? NoitM Rtvi>r foot of Murray daily. -?o lar?. Jun? 17 to Vug ml -V '> 1' M. I linmeh ticket* ?'dd at nfl prlnet pai ho'<1- in the ott>*. Halt's Mud ?ng*c?itor 'h<- "?wn. ?j*OB WHAT PoJNT, RKWBl'Bn. POOOBK1BPMK, r RMKloiit, kiuk?'ou t'oaaeaf,1 ornwail. Mt.i.ui. (i?? flaml'tr* and Barlhoro(t?v twr: y> The MaKY i OVKU. ravi-f Ves'rr street, pier 1)9 .V h , daily, at i:V) P. K *'/\PP?>.-ITI<lN"-AI.BANV AND TROY -T ANKt.fS U street, tilef? iteclt, iy : $l. w|in t? rth. timn.^r S( HUYl.KR. Monday*, Wedne^lky*. PrHiayj, 0 P. M. Karr U, BefTklo only ??5 * J. Vf. II A*M)X. Iiknn^ti-vania\n. Th<- <ir. it irtitik Une and unite 1 :'tau>? Matl Roate. Train* t^iave New York frmn foot of Do?tiro*?? ind (' ?tr>'?-l*, n? l.jiloV*:? lor ll?ri inburit 1'itUtiurH. the Went and - >uth. with rulltnan Palaee '.'jri- ntt?. hed,9dj A M , S and 8: U P. M uudar. .'.and 3 .? P M. For ?r?lil?m?)..irt and U**. Hn?en. frta Ptiilad. lt>lil.i ?ml Krui Railroad l>t*i?t<>a oonooctln* at Phi'W1 I phi* ?:'*? \ X. Por WlUlam^port l.uok Havee, <Vrry uit'i Rrle. n.JJ P M c .iineo'tni} at ' orr> for TltwavUle, Ptiiroleam Center and the Oil Rotfjons. For ttaliim.ire, WnnhinK'ton an I the Sooth, Llmitei ???'ingion Kxi>r"<?? ' <>' Piillmte Parlor i ir< ilni.?. eirvt't >un ;it 9;WA,M ; *rr|v? WulltUtiill 4:IUP. v. RefuUr at 8 ft a M. land #P \t Htinday. 9 P M. E*pro? tor PhiUd.dt.hta 7 7:W -:???, y:1D A M, 12:10.1, I ?. 4 l?. It'*). 3. 7 ":?i. J I". X. and UMfht. Sunday, I ?*), 6. 1. I:*) and V P. M. Kminraut and -econa r !r New irV fit ? CHI, T. 7 1. 9 1 t, II A. M . 11 M., L (, 1 - lil S JU. i*K 4.10, tiW . S.<l, * 'i, t*i: 10, 6 ; ?1. 7. T..V1",,; ji :*J p. M., aal U iitgfik Huuday, ?> J), For*" lu?ltth.<fi;n 7. 7 :t ' S, ?. It) A M , 11 M.. 1. 1. 2 M, S.lo. 4:1#, 4;V), l:U ?il", ti. 6:10, ?:?), 7, 7 " l i. I >. Ila*) y. M. BiiJ 17 ul*hL Hunday, 5r*i, 7 and *:!') r. M Por Rah IV 'I. ? *1, 7, 7: n, * 11 A M.. 12 M I. 1, 20\ S;l0, ,1 4 i. I :l I: VJ. 1:5tl, .0 .11, 5 I I fi, ? 10. #:?). 7. 1:10, 10 P M. ?nd l.t.utht. Min.lay. r :>j?ii l , i*. n ,1 .r Vi i,n thrl.'.K#, I' rU? milo? nil t HeuUi Amliuy, 8 ami 10 A M , B t?t. 4-J0?n<l?P H. r S< w Brnn?wiok, 7 and ^A..M . !1 M , 2. .1:11, 4 W, #:?, Ilia 7 P M .ill I I.' nl?|ht. fun lay, 7 P M. I ..i i%an Mil ?i..nn, Unooa.3and .i> P. M For Kington mi K..i kv tf til. *:4t x M. and 4 :U P. M. t r Prtm eton, 7. 8^0 A. M., Ut?i. 4 liln ntxl 7 P M. for UiiilH-mllle, ?:.? A. M 1, t 10 and 5 P. M. Por I emintion, l'1.11 i? u 'nd Belvidcre, 9^) A, land X P. M. For Bereei and Somereot Branch, I I' K For iMiton. I'ordnuto* n, BurltnsUrti anJ Camden, 7 and *i \ M ILK*. 4, *iand 7 P M. Por .id, 7 A. M . t ami t 10 P M. _ _ For FHrmlof l ?le mid >~inan, 7 A B an 1 - P M Por i,itht?t"?ti. Pembtrt .n andCatlea, ria l'ertti Am* h. v ht'lP M. Por lll?htMowii r.nd Penihei 'on. f K M. Iraini arrtve a< follow ?:-Ftom Pittabarir. Ut.V- and P:1? K M ?nd ?:'#J I". * dally; He. 5 A M and tijtoP. H dally incent Bon lay. t rum WafMMton and Haiti Umre . ifi \ M . 4 1.1, !> :I8 and Ki;17 P. M. Sunday ?:|d A M. Hid Idt'ii P M. If.>111 I'hliadtlldila a:lt?, ?:?> C M li I'l II It. II 14 A. M , 1:14 t.'t S :I1 .i;tf) fl:?) 7 ? 4 14. 'm P'i.'i p M ? ini.lay, 5.1 t C:1\C:9ft, ll lA A M. 0:20 md Hlii7 F M. To-ket ii ll' e., flifl mJ ff*i P.r ni".iv No. I Anor Hoai'.. ,n l loot of ttestiT'iaao^ in I CoitrJiitflQt ?tr ?? fo. ? tvmit'Ircet, Brooklyn ; Kot 114.1 Wand III Hud;., n ? ??, Hi okea Etnigi ?ni l'lcltet Ofllco, Mo. i Batter/ 1 i: t sK 'i.i? iM -MX D. M BOYD .la., <;rn?r,ii ManaKor, f.'aneral Paseeinrer A Kant I>KOVlL?liN<V. and STO IMITON ST&AKHUIP CO, ;.E? 1 !>"K \Mi ??) ION. SUt.MNOTON LINK. Fr.irn r l'r 11 N^nh River, foot of.I?r ?^reet the el?. gauteu im-rs Bll'tUR 1*1,A50 nnd NARBAUA.NSfcif d?4iy (except Sand iv*v mli P * PROYIDRNCK LINK. Frorn phr 27 Rorth River, foot or KoMn?on atroef, the Mev.nVitpi RliF.i r?A ?>i'l 41 \LA i fci.V daily (einept Htindav"! at.IP M. 1?hpn,^S LINK FOR ALHAXY AND SARATOGA I'-avrs 0atlv * 6 P.M. ..?tindar- ? xctpttd), frwA id?r li iMtit lostt ui Ct?u*i?m?tt X fctotftsion. u A -second sowd'ay klceisioN ? By Jarre tt * Palmer's Me am Pulac?, i'LV MOUTH BOCK, UP THE HUDSON. stopping at I ON A ISLAND. WK>1 POINT and NEW TOMORROW (SUNU,u''' 'jifOBXIN Q, JINK p. IcitviiiK Pal' River f.ine |.ior, footot Murrilv dreet, North Elver. at 'J :?i uim lu'it oi rwent> third street, Norm Biver, at 10u'cji :k. Returning by S r. M. SI NDAY, JUNE j). 1-175. TO NEW UAVEN AND RETURN. _ P Ana (round trip, all dAOnraloni). u.nk DOLLAR. ADELIGUTPUI, APTEHNOON EXCURSION TO THK BEAtTfPUL IDNa ISLAND (t'J miles np the Bullion by Jur.-ett .t Pnliner's *uin'ii> am pH ice, Plymouth hock maontkickvi mtJsioal matinees. BY GILMoith'S MILITARY Ba\?i, HTBING ORCHESTRA, MANHATTAN GLEE CLUB. MADRIGAL lloTK CHIMES OF CHURCH BKLLs. CATHEDRAL ORGAN. TICKETS frouii'l trip* ONE DOLLAR. CUII.DKEN' U.N I) KB tg IIALI PRICK. I Thd SATURDAY, Jnne 12. the Plymouth m ,1 Rock leaves plor foot of Murray street North TO-DAY | River, ut 1 .!? p. M.. and foot Twenty thlnl I street, North River, in 2 o'llic, ru'.urninx | leave* lona Inland at ii l'. M ?.* Tickets ol TlHON, Ulth Avenito Hotel: 8TBRNM. Hotel Brunswick. RULLMAN. Ill Broadway: EARLE's HOTEL, coruor Canal and Centre >? I rue U; "-T. MCH? 'JLAS ilOTKL; N'KW YORK TUANSCKR COMPANY, 'ill Broadway; the PARK PLAIV: fPA, 23# Broadway, AND AT THr. BOAT. ???TO MoilROW (SUNDAY). June I I. to lONA ISLAND wist point and NKWBl'RO, Leaves fbot of Murray street, North Rivor. at S):'J) A. M.. and loot of I'wauty-tturd Street. North lilver. at 10 o'clock. Pare <1. round trip *?? wHONEsDaY, June 1*-The Plymouth H..ok wilt fttten 1 111.'. Nl'.W VORK YACHT CLLh RKOATI'V. V Wr DNESDA Y EVENING. Juno IS?GRAND MOON LIGHT i-.XCUB.sroN of the l'ALUHE CLUB. ^LL ABOYBD f OR 1HE Pishing Banks. Sun lay. June 13, Wi, Ihu lavoi Me ?, iloou sieamor M ETAMOKA will mal e air exaurnlon to the rolling Bunk* and return, leaving the Battery ut 6 a. m., i.whth street, Past River, at 7 A. 11.; Dover street. East River, at 7: OA. M ; Pulton terry, Brooklyn, at 7:4 > A. M.; KUvrnUi street, Noith River. attJJfl A. ?l. , pier 2, Norili Biver, atliO Pan:, rcuii't trip. $1. Music, rc'ieOmienti and fishing tackle ou board A -STEAMER WILLIAM COOK. TWENTY POUKTlI . street, North River, under new management Sum mer programma,coniinoucins .luncfl, H7a:?>undAv* 10 A M., Ill LowM Bey uM Atlauiiu ? 'oi an , lur-', round trip, uor. Mi'iidays. 9 A. M. (except Julr 4;, Uu t-oii liivur to lona lslarui; lure, round trip, 7!it. WeanwKJays, A. M. nxoept Juae 16/, Lou Brunch via Kamly Hoosund N(?w Jersey ? tithern Kiulroa.i i^are. round trip. SI. Saturday*, 1 M. (exc-pt.lutlK l'J). Lou* I -la ml M)Und,j|ratii Mali uec PromMade Ooncerl; lare, round trip, aOc. Calllutj each duy foot Warron street, North River, quarter slid l-'iilton terry dock, Brooklyn, u halt hour after starting returning to the city at O crflP M. Music ?very aay hy DowutnK's Sllitn Rcgimeiit Band and Wer>er frauJ piano. Bostaurnut oti board. Comuunluatlon with allpartsof the city by Twenty-third strcei i:rtn< towncars, July 5? Special Grand Eicursloato Atlantic Ocesn. A? DV1LY KXCUBSIONS TO CONEY 1SLAVD. ? The favorite steauior ARRoAV.SMIili will Icavu as follows:?Twebtv-totirth street. N. h. rt J A. M., 12 M. and J P. M.; West tenth street, N. R., at 9:10 A. M., 12:10 unrt S:10 P. ,\L ; Krauklin street, N. R.. at 9:20 A. M., 2:20 mid ?:1U P. il.; pier 2, N. It., at !):V1 A. M., 1-':S0 and iiaor. m. r ,* ?KOU EXCURHONS, SALOON STEAMER WYOM J\ , ini; (with new boiler) ntxl others; Harflts Republic, (Jkleaeo, arahimith, CalHitonla ami van.i: Orivntal, ??relaior, Ktfle*woo<l, Cold Siirinj and lona blend Groves tn let Office West >lr> et. opposite CUrtsto |>her s'reet ferrr "X)p?'n ovenmgs. H. B. CROHSETT. A REGULAR SUNDAY MOR* IN (I BOAT PGR NEW burn, landln;; at Ycnkers. lona Island, West Point ? 'old ^rtiiL- and Cornwall.?The tavotite aleamer HLERPY HOLLOW (now called the CuNG BRANcflt <JHPt ?ln John Lvncb. will leave Pulton lerry, Brooklyn, atHA. M.. West lentil street North River, nt S::V), and I wcSBty-thir l street, Nortli River, at 9 o'clock. Fare tor the excursion, 91 A ?PISHING BANKS, SUNDAY, JUNE IS; 1CSS fl?v, 16; nnirwlHv. 17?Sea steamer >KTJI LOW, leaving Garrison >tri ut. N. it., at > :ib: EiRtith mreet, E. River, it ti :I5; r-lor 27. I-: R., ?i :i0, 11-nth street, N. K., 7 10, tiler ?, N. i:.. 7:10. Tickets $1. AL. O. POSTER, MauRKor. TJATll PARK, RVTH. L. I.. THK MOST BRLECT. .13 dolighlful and aucesrilile resort near Now Sork. 'I his a wfisirtu park, v itli lawn. crav< l'cd wnllri pavilion extended to tho water's ?dife, ?rtnplele and Itrat class restaurant, new en I i nmrnoilious bath liouwii. twines, Ac.: the whole c unbtoiaK Urst "class liotei ue>Dumiodatloiis, withtuead\ ntf/ei it porfeetly nufe jea bathing; choicest assortment or wines and liquors; dam bakes an 1 chowder* s]>cn?lL-??. Take Pulton or llntnllion terry to Brooklrti. hor?e eari" fi Greenwood, an I dummy ear* tr^tii thern to Hath >??( ry lialt liour. J. B. CiUJSBY, Proprietor TftCURSION TO SEA Cl I PP. Ttie stat'ncii, newly lurnUhed and popular atc.imor ] THOMAS P. WAY leaves daily (-unda.vs excepted) pier 27 East River, at 9 A. M. end 5 P. M.; sea CHIT at 7 A. M. aitU S P M. ilkostl MUOrday at 7 P. M.s touehes at South -ixth rtre- t. Brooklyn, a .d Thirty-third ?troet Ea-t River, each way making diroct trips, time, ft* alia- j utei Fare. St each way. Nast'lil House open tor fjue?t?. beautiful eo'tape and tsUinsatiiBM: lisu Irira, bonrunr and llshing; most desirable nuoiuier resort near Nan YorK. I EXCURSION EX I RAORDINABY.-PMOM NEW YORK j to New Uuven, oil Tuesday. June IS, IC73 returning aain* day the Ibtks. ?wilt an l ina^mne?nl staanier X \ CE.sTA. Mturnlna react) New York about 7 P. M. Iliok II nc? lebr tted band will luruLdi military and <juu leille iiiusk-. a rare opportunity is oflternd tor vUi n,* the Queen Cttyol New England a|jl n|ieiiiliiii( adavupou Long lalaud . cod, ou I oard one ut ine lari?. -t and finest steamers ol the entire New > ork tj, et. Ihlalathe finoat excarsion this st-as m. It will include the teeneff ou the Ka?t Hlvt r and Lontr bland Sound. No i?-tv;r time ol t'nj vear could be bad tor pleatwe. Retresh UKiiti> Id all kinds oil .'lOArd. at le prloCS. MoatMr leaves us iollo*s:? Twenty tlurd steem. North Btver. at 8:30 A. M. Barclay *tre-t, Noith River, at 9 A. M. I- ultoti lerrv. Brooklyn, at 9; *' A M Grand itri??t l. rrv hast III vrr, at 9:43 A. M. Twenty-tbird street i ast Blver, at it) a. M Tieketii lor round trlii. 3M. t;hil<ir-n hair itrtee. ?INCLUSION Al.HANY A\B TROW'-IOBA 1HL> JCj in I, Nawburg ?5 ecnts; Pi nic)ike?HU?, lthlne? I'vi k. CatitkUL AtiMiK, $1; rrturo tti'kul, ?1 JO, ateauiar HCHlTYLKt, tlw JllWb hiver. Franklm street. Sun day.-t l M.; l'wenty-ion rtii street, 8:15. arriving auiaa day tu Sow York. I/ORT LEE, PI.KA4ANT TALLEY AMD 8>IADY r tMde boats laar? < anal street every Sanda* *t 9, 10 and I! A. M . L, 2, 3 urn 5 M I". M.. landing at Twen ty fourth tod Tuir'r lourtb ?tract* 10 tniuuie* Utar sua gaily kt I t A. M , 2. '?:U and 7:l*R M Pare, lie V?JR tXCURKlOBS-fM UHUL Tl KUT CLASS, " favorite kV>ainli...ata KLRItPir HoLL'iW. bow callaJ TIIK i,<> Y, BKAMH.anl MBTAMORAi UWUey'% \1 J.tiio Spring lliU. A1|>|U? and Ion* I*laui GjriTrn v. i ?. IN reel and Boatastf all kin !? J. A k Mt KRS, corner of Morton ?n I West struct* ("* BAND SINDAY KXCl'hSlONK TO BOC1CAWAY J He? h.?1 lie popular s?un<t fteamer RkTRkkuix will tnaku two cn'-nrsinns to Kockawav Beach. Stioaay, Ju^e I.'. 1*75. itJiv.jw a* lollow*:?rwenty-fourtli struct, N. R.. 9:20 41. . T est Tenth ?rreM V K., 8:? A. M. aud 1 -nil' ?.; Hsrilat ?ir. et, N. P ? ?'. V M aad 1 31 P. M.; Uoiiid stre ? E. I. , ?:15 \ M . Peck ?Hp. K K.. :?.?A, M. mid 1 .??'? !'. M lit xiklyn ?Pnlton fern. f jo A M. and 2 P. .M Retnfliig, leavea Bocfcawity BaiaOa at 11 :* A. M hti 15 1' M Pare. Mo : eaoanaoo ttck*ts, ftjc Oood refreshment* . n l>o?r I. AIM on ItUMday* ?o'l Thurs day* HARM M MOKKI?ANIA ANH hlOIIRKIDOK. Til.- Palace ?'catiihoai* HAkl.KM. MORR1SANIA aud sit aoY hid* lea?* Pulton Msrhat alls at ?tsu, / 4A, 8.1/. H;(6 9:45, It 1;,, |I:UA IS M.. li t 11 1.1,3 16. 4:?, IS 6. ? 1 'and ' *> " M., Ia:i<tuu at Orand str ei, Mnth itraet. i urniv tliird afreet and Ast.ria. Bee time cards for parttraiarc Sunday-,- Moat* lea** ever? <# minute* N'KWBCRO.-BXCLUSlONmTll BY tub pa vokite strainer I.oNO HRA.Vll to NfWburf on Rundaf* will jind l.rit clam dlunar read)- on their arrival ai tli? Waited State* lintel. R- iuOkiit SUNDAY* iuli.tlJUI BOAT KOK ICRY jort -The Uvnrit* nteaml><>at oLtYPHANr. r?p. taitiwm llaiiAtitirst. leave* to?t of HarUv itreet. New York, at '.'15 A M., landl*c at BMMMtRport. I iiion, R .'?rllle and ivrth AmNir. arrlTinii at Kevportatll o'clock, and ri'iurnlnit at 4 r. M , giving tb? aacur?lou i?ti Rmr hour* at Kevport CJT! AM Hi) AT < ASI> BABUKS KOR UCURMOKS TO ItaHtan B'Hih Sunnv S|J?, nienwool and Wiilovr Hatch (imw. M Altl tVA KAnKKLl^ 111 South atreet. OUjiDAt IRtPS TO l.<?M?1 BRANCH VI A I UK BUT ? ' ferw 5r.utu<rn Itaiiroad line ? t'ummenring sun dav. June it the (Mailt anil coinmodlou* "tenrnir fwi I.IUHT will l.-ave We?t fwenit li>urth street tder at 9 o'clock *. and pier No. 9 North Btver, foot ot n?c tor street, at !l:1U A. M connecting at s*ndy llook with the train lor Highlands Heabrttbt and I oug Branch. I.- turning, IcavM I-uiig liianch at 5 P. f\? s. .-NBUhN. i(en?ral Manaerer. Z5nsday RX' tnunNS roB olkb covk an7? O Roslrn, landDig at t'olleffe Point. i?reat N*ck. City Is.atil, >oii s Point and illeuwood. ? 1 nle-.aat -trainer iBAWAMMK\ will leave pier 2i 1 a?t itlv r t I'ri K sllpi. i n >uud iv, .1 ndi- IS. ,il 9 A. M. ; Nluth strait at ? t(l, an I Ihlrly ihlrl ??treet. l ast River, at i?:U, lor die ahovu landing*, and returnti * to tti? city ahtmi <1 P. M 1'iniier au l ri lr?>hments nn hoard. CJI ND VY I Xt I I!-Kiss FOB IIABI.RM. MOBRIS. p AMS, t HIU.-rs IMliK KARL'S I'tBK AM* HIOHRKIDO: . landing at OntDd street. Ninth HI, A-'oria aim 119th St., c.ich way Hie palm e "teamlioaU Mi.rri-atna, llirlaw ami Shaoy Mile will leave on ->I N DAY. Tutu*? Knlton B.vrkct l>-k. " I' 10 li. 11. 12 A. v.; It ... I ;i 1:11 I !;|J, *: *al. ft J. I, 6 :X, 7 ?' M. Morri- <nia. 15 i.lft ':J\I 1l. II:IJ A.M.; 12 no. n, I, 1:1. V l W. J ft. 7 P. M. f*. B.-Ttie sit and Nvin n clt) k trip' land at Twenty thirt st. Mignhrllga l-oats rmin' t ?ith ev. ry trip. Pare, 16 rent*. II. LONUst RKKT, -iipertntendent. i?l MMY KXi i l.-IHNi In 1IARI.Y.V AM) A?TuR|T, O landl'tfi st Hr..?ini'street, Rlerratb ?tr?et, Vstoria. 130th-tr. et in<| l.ttis'iisteln * I'ark. I'lrst ln>at leavet Perk sill) at M ind (..rty-flva minute* tlu-reafter dnrlti. tin day, conn-i ting with ln.ati tor l.l*h ltridga. Tare, 151-tits, .t. f. TaLLMAB, Superlntattdt ill. mm H tltTKB?THK STKAMBOAT PORT I KK, POIt I rr nr'i.itis, i> rnic wirtiei nnd Sunday S'-hooli. Ap ply at 47 r a I ton street. In the altern K>n. rptCKKTS. ( IBOCI.ARS, IBTITATIOVS, POSTKIIS 1 sii i all ne ?v nr\-i rtntlnp for e?eurtlons, ;>arileti, halt Ac., iloao lu ihe lest styw and at l"W rate- a' t'te MrilMI'bl.lT\N PRIM PI NO I - IAI1LI HMKNT, 215 Bro idway, New York MKDKVIi. A-.V't . MAXWF.r.I,, MIDWIPB, BKSlAI.NCfi HI s fc . d i ? oUi stroet, near I iiird areuua. A~DR AM) MMP.. ORIBDLK CUIIi ALL CO* ? plamU; J5 mars' practice. I JO West 1'u-nty-sixtli at ADVIi K f ItKK. ? IHt. AM) MVIK. BOTT CAN BH . consulted cotid lcntially at No. I' Wcit 1311. atro?L Advm:r prkk?mbs. dr. WK8T, blbctkh iam, . rati he ooMultnd on all complalat* l#i W est 2Hh ?t. Dn kino can bk conrcltbd conpidi ntiallt at 10 W. Third *t. (loitnerly Atnlty. mm Iraadway. A -DR. AND M.MR. MAt'RICBAU-? YKaRS' PRA0 ? tioe, Ofllue 129 Liberty (treat, near ?lr- cnwich. A >kMP., RP.sTPLL. MIDWIPB fINCK lift, No. 1 , Lxtt t'ia*-?a<*4i?4aU:??i. Ujt 4wr Ilvfel t UiU UV _ oOD'i museum' WOOD'S, Aftornuiin at 2. owning at 8L TRr. MKN DOUS ATI RACTIONS. fiHEKIKAN AN|i MACK'o COMBINATIONS ml FULL DRAMATIC COMPANY, iOK TUBPIN, THE IIIiillWA YMAN. to oru METROPOLITAN TIIKATRK, 981 BROADWAY. EVfcKY EVKNING. ??? ?5> FIFTY rA.HI.SIAM | AMERICANS VARIETY CAN IN er.vfc.-i. J can. | Paris. MATINKK THIS DAY, AT 3 o'clock. n vs ATimu tueatke. Proprietor and Maimer Mr. AUGUSTIN DALY EVGBY NIC IIT AT ?. >1 a TIN EE *ATi 'DAY, 1;W. SEVENTEENTH IfEEK Of THE BBBB ~!7 ?OG h b it o a I) B JI u BBBB II 0 fc B II Ci 00 ft b it a a bbbb ii aao BIIB 00 NN N A NN N ZZZZZ A B B O O if N N AA N N -N Z AA B B 0 0 N N N A A N N N Z A A HliH 0 O N N N A A N N N Z A A B BOONNNAAANNN Z AAA B B O O N N N A AN N N 7. A A BUB OO N NN A A .\ NN ZZZZZ A A THE GREATEST COMEDY SENSATION OF THE J>AY. 1)ARK TIIKATRK. ETHIOPIAN OPERA SEASON. T. MAGUIRK lessee and Martager. S&COKD WHKK?'Ttie grealoat hit ever nude. EMERSON'S CALIFORNIA MINSTRELS. B1 l.I.V EMhKSON, B :.N COTTON. BILLY IUOE, LITTLE MAC, BOB HART. W. ARLINGTON. J. 8. RUSSRUL, W. II. TTLLA, FltKD WaLZ, AC. Every night and Saturday matinee. unhutra. $1: Drc^a Circle, 5!>c.: Balfony, 25c. WM. H. SMITH, Businoss Manager. LYMPIC THEATRE. 621 BROADWAY. Mr. JOHN !?'. POOLB Manager GRAND MATIN UK TO-DAY AT 2. GRAND MA.1NEK TODAY AT 2. THE BEST ENTERTAINMENT IN THE CITY. EXTRA.?ON MONDAY N KXT, first appearance ol Hie celebrated FREEMAN 4 MORRIS PANTOMIME TROUPE, In tliw Comic Trick Pantomime, E1-K.I. with new scenorv costumes, appointments and cffocts Also on Monday next. A NUMBER OK NEW STARS. 0 w J ALLACK'3. HARRIOAN AND HART, evorv evening and Wodnemiuy and Saturday Matinee# IN FOUR OF THEIR CJRK VT ORIGINAL SKETCHES. THE DAY WE CliLi.ll.iATE. mclliuan guards, OLD UNCLE PETE and 1IIBD0N0VAN& MONDAY. JUNE 14. TUK ROYAL JEDUO JAI'ANEiE TROUPE vrlll appear, lor the lint time in this city, la their astounding portornianeea, with HARRIGAN AND HART in throe of thalr specialtia*. ILMORB'S CONCERT GARDEN, lj[ LATE HIPPODROME. Mr. P. H. Gil,MOKE Directs TUB MOaT MAGNIFICENT GARDEN IN THE WORLD, Concert* every night, at b o'clock, by GILMOHfco SUPERB BAND OF 11)0 PERFORMERS. PkOGKAM.wE POB TO-NIGHT. I. Overture?"Raymond" AmhrolM Thomas 2 Sonit !>>r saiopiioue?"Sweet Spirit, Hear Mr Prayer" WaUiwe Mr. F. A. LEFRBRE. 3. paraphrase a la Valse?"Songa oi tho Woods." ("I Mau?aUi?ru ?O. Operti 4. Overture? 'I'er FrebchBta" Weber 5. Cornet Polo?"Six Air Varle" De Berlot Mr. M. AKHCCK I.E. 6. Walt*?"Wiener Wald" Rtromw 7. tiran.l Fantn isie. No. I?"Lohengrin" Wagner b. March ? "I noiupUalu." (second time).. .Rud Arousoa 9. Fetatalsle, I'ber iJa< Volk-died?"O Taunebsiun." Heinemann 10. Bouquet National. Introducing itiu "Ro?e, Phatnrocg anl ThlJil#;" "We're i u'uoiiainjf* "Ha* Sorrow Thy Youug Days filiailed," unJ the ' Las* o <.owry." NATIONAL AIR, ?THE STAR SPANGLED BANNER." Tho Gnrilan i? open K\'KltY AFTI' RNOON, rrlthont tnnoie, hetween tin iioiir^ ot i und 0o'clock? a delight fui report iur laJiaa and children. AdniUalou, at nn?ht. '") oenis. Ailuiis Ion, alteruoon, 'i cents. Private Bo\. - $1 etrrn. feaoon TJeket* UO' performance!), Beanoii Ticke'.s iW perfortnanoeg), Iw 'Miu il<)?'<-r?. hi rubbery :md garden work l>y H. A. Slcl rucbt A Co., Florist*. Forty-second street and Fifth a \ coue. C-IOK 8INNI' PARK THEATER. BROOKLYN. J .Nightly ftud M:?tme ;s Wodnrndajrs and Saturday*. Novelty Troupe No. 11. Ail now su l groat stare. The beat o< uipanv ever to Brooklyn. C1ENTRAL PARK GARDEN, TO most 1 TIIKo IH'im vS' Unrivalled sunnier Nirht*'Don ccrtj. Thia (Saturday! vvouinif. Jun 12, at 8 o'clock* THEODoRI THOMAS' TWENTT KEVKNTH GRAM) CONCERT. Overture. "Nurniahal" spontlal Wulix, "Dlo Volataadler" Lannef Baii' t mu*io, "Romeo and Juliet" Gouuod Hungarian suite II. Hotlmm Entr'Acte. Nu 1, l.<.*uuiuude Hcnubert Fcherin, op 111, new ; .MuAdt-laannri Khai ? "lie ll>ngr.l*e. No K til E. new Li*4t Selection* ' Phantom ship'' Warner Kantaaie Caprice VtonxteniDI \V nit/., "O i the Bcautiiul i.iuu Dana! m" ,.Struma Overture "Mwnon" A. ihornaa Admiwion ticket*. SO -etiri; private boxes $1 ahi It ?stra. accordIm to location, i'ackagusol U tickcta, ji. Grand aquatic mu-ical matinSB up the Hodson to I"NA I-LANU. WB8T POINT ? ad NNWBl/RG, TO MORROW (81 -.HAT). Jane IS. MJarrett A Palmer'* *upcrh ?t?am pjlae* PLYXoCril ItoCK TUE M A Q.N Uli KM Ml'SICAL PROGRAMME Biveu by OILMORBS military HAM'. STKTNO ORCHESTRA, manh vrrAN glee clum madujuaL soys. CHIMES OK UK I LS, > aTIIEMIaL ORGAN. ?.?Boat leave* the Kali Itiver Hue. pl?r No. foot flf Murray etrret, h .rtli Hlver. ut ''-TO, and foot of Twenty third (treat. North rUvtr. at l<l o'clock. .'?<> "Exeur aioti column fi?r farther particular*. FARE, round trip ON8 DOLLAR ROBINNoN HALL. SIXTBENTII STRRBT. IHE OOOLH8T KKf-OKI IN THE ClT*. POPULAR PRICES. Sc..Mo. and 91. Pr<?c iiiinii Boxaa, holding 4x person*, tl FOt' K I II WEEK OK Til rt GREAT SEN'SATIONL The cumbnatieu of the SOLDBBB TROI'PI OK HBAUTIKUL WOMEN wIUi iba prevsnt company aanrci n Ourlc?i'j?i perforin ancaof mekkimbm ash JoVIaUTX never ex??lkd in (hi) city. GIKOM.B-UiHUKLA. Hontlmnntal and marvdou'lr popular, in Kngibh. with ali the auh. roarfcie and ran ol the FaJWCii Parisian cancan, in the magnificent ?-ene dansante, LA VI* i>h CANCAN PAiU IKNN8, , jive, birth to untold pleasure, while LBS OOI.H1N3 Ef I.fcS UKlSETTBS call forth '.leal* of mtrtbftU langliter. Every evening at *. S*uiraav tnatlaee at S. ONES' WOOD CQLOSSRUM. . T K BriiuLTHEIs .....Proprietor Nature, romblneil wltb Art. made thl*tlie moat MVGMIIK.Ni MM MHU GARDEN IN AMERICA* A beautiful landscape, With a i*rlect moving panfr roina on tue RaM itiver, an.i ill the. city lQ*UiutlotM lb view, render It the moat deiirable plaeo for ua afterDOoa ?ojo> raaot tu the city. Bvery Sunday, ut 3o'cl'?efc P. M., ? grand ConiD rl ul claxicai and popular DIUjH) WiU bt tflveu by DOWNlMl'S KNTIBK NIMH RE'tlSfKNT RAND, ackU' Wledged by the pro* Hid the pnbllr at Iha BE8T HAN? IN THIS C JthTHf, Sunday, I .tie 1A O HAN L> V^AG.NER DAT, and repetition c>i the OKKAT BAT) LB POT rOURI, With the eelcbr?te<1 battle raOMe of He. th .veB, never fK>r.>re pertonne'! In thu couutrj. EXT H A HAM' KXIKA DRUM COUPS. SOOTCM BAGPIPERS and ancient 0l>r? in full cyjtuaie. Adm -eiloll 111 i Hl.v ej METROI'DLir \N MUSEi;?l OK ART, vve?t Koaneentli streot New Tort open daily, lg A M to o P. M. Moodays anl iburidayi fra__5. Minnie palmer in "Haud's FAirit," con. way'* lliealrn, Urooklyti. MONDAY. Jwa II Box ?fflr.e now open. , Grand shadow dancE and matinee hocia iile nt the Kink Hiuy-tkN -treet an l Tlilrd av# nue. evarv utnr tax afternoon and rvei?iii? Ttefeeta S0cent4. i adlet lrua. CARTlEB A BCXII, Vanatf-ra T*/-*''tkR *? don A I.D80N-P08TIII" MOT'S pro. M duetlon of a grc it character from the pen of T W. ltoi?rt-?in. author ot Cadn. Suboo1, Ac. JOHN MlBtTON. drama ol Amtralla. open dale* for neat aeaton. AddreM VVALTER A. DONALDSON, U6 Mae donua! atreat IJALKTTK CLUB. GRANl. MOONLIGHT TlX.-UBSION IT THE IILDSON, IN Till. PLTMOUTll ROCB, WKHNErtDAT. Juue ??. at 7 M r M.. from io<d ol i iv. ittv third itreat, North River. THKOKOKE tiionaa' K< LL ORCHBJTBA. Member* f tlir i'lnh can obtain ior Uiemvelve* ?nd their frlen l> UrkAU a< ?H ea< h. admittlOK a aenilemao and twoladia*. exira ladit*' tieaen $i ? a. h, ?.y applx inc to any member of tha '"otnmiit'e of Arrangement.*, Or to Mr A K"hn. Treasurer ol the CI?b, No. 7 Kail Twenty-Mcoad atn-ft ' . ? , , Ci ARK RE7*U PresidentPalelia Club. miVoLI TIIF.ATRl, 1 Eighth jtreet, between'econd an 1 Third ave&gcl OPERATH- -KKTCIIRt every evcnlnx. ami a VAillBIT I'l KrOKM VN(!1 -ci on J to none in the i ity. LTCKUN rllF.ATRK TO J-Et, during ilio month* of litne, ':ilv and August. Ap- , ply at ?iag - door on Kiflaenth ?tr> Bt VftNNIB PALMAR IN "MAt !)?- F.AlTil " CO#" JM w?v'? ihcatra, Brooklyn, MONDAY, JnnJ U. Boa OfBoe now otMi. UANJO ANn GI'ITAR I U OUT; AI,-0 ALL HTVl.KB of Danemg for the min-trel and variety ?t,ige , (inc from fa to $>j. HENRY DoBdON, Sri Bowery. MINNIK P A KM H It IN "M AC I I'd FAITH," CON W A Y'fl I heetre, bl jK.yn MO.OlAT, JuhC Hi Ly* olUcO now open. mil!'. N KWR IT AND BKST MUSIC -"SWEKT IDLK A ne?? aonj. Mstur, for. ' Mli>g the Ro'e-i Bloom." *on? : aylet. *?c ; '?Uiiim -ebe" (-Wbo Kn iWi"), Hartlett. mk "fnro'er the Sparkling River," Tour*,4l>o i 'i<ki(l ni"re Guatd," lancer*. Wriaand, #*) , "vl'tla Bolllo Brown," HUke *Hj.i "Cm W-nliot ror a Lf'ter, Lota." Blake, ?Or, . "saMor'a Dremn,' fan'.*ata, Tallman. 8* I Ooplei mailed. WJi. A. ki>ND A cy.. M7 i(roa?W?/J 1J?? v turk UrAatk aura, at WoIvq lauaxa,