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earthoTTake. TBI BTTL VISITATION IN raw QllMiDl? HlTWf THOCSAWD UT1S LOflT. Havana, June 11. 1975. hewi KM beea reoeived hero by way of St. lnomaa of a terrible earthquake m Sew Grenada. Tbe destruction wan greatest in tbe valley of Oucou, on tbe Venezuelan frontier. It i* reported that lives were destroys J by tne iMlattiUy. FRANCE. W ouuvnut's account of the fall or na POLBON'fl ROYALTY?PBTHHIAN INSULTS A DECLARATION OF W.?B AOATN8T THE FltBNUH WHAT TRI BONAPAJtTlhXS SHOULD DO A# POLITICIAN*. Parh, Jane 11, 1473. M. Ollivlev's book in defence of the Ministry or Wiilob be was the bend on t tie breaking out of tbe Vranco-Pruasian war has appeared. It declares tnat Pi ussla. by her insults, really decUren the war. Ills Ministry cannot be Held responsible for entering upon (tie conflict, for the act was unanimously spprovod by ibo Senate as l Legislative body. Nor is his Ministry responsible lor tue military organisation, whicu was mo worn of years bclor? it caute into power. M. Olnvier claims for ins Ministry that id a few months aiier its oraantziMlon it had calmed tbe public mind and r stored Uo authority of the government withou' employing either corruption or lu'imMat.ou. lie publishes a loiter iroui the Emperor, written a ter tbe lall or the Ministry, expressing continued confidence. THH BKST ADVICI t'MDIR PBKHINf CIBCCHCTANCBH. lu oouoluwion M. Ollmer nrares the Bonaparttsts to help the present governineut, maintain pence and rosj'CCt the constitution, and when me oppor tunity cornea for revising the constitution thou claim ao appeal to tne pVbifiotte. SPAIN. laa CAHT.MT8 Ct\IM AW impost ant victohy OVER THE ALFON8IBTB. Pabis, June ll, is;&. Tie CarliaU claim that the victory oi tholr troops over the Alfonslsts at t'srlnena an lm porian* one. They say that ooo ALfonsist Infantry and 3C?j cavalry, together with arms and stores, were cap* tare I. ITALY. AS BXOtTXD DEBATE IN THE PARLIAMENT?A OAT 3KS8ION OF THH LKGIBLATUBH CLOSED SUDDENLY. Rove, June U, 1375. In the Chamber of Deputies there have been vlo> lent debates over the government's 1'ubilc Safety Mil, which amends tbe law for the suppression of brigandage and other disorders lu Sicily and else. Irbere. The bill la approved bv the Left. Tbe sitting to-nlgnt was abruptly closed on ac count of tho disorder which accompanied the din cuMion. THH NATIONAL BOUN'PARY WITH SWITZERLAND. A royal decreo nan been issued promulgating a oonvention between Italy and Switzerland wnioh establishes tbe boundary between ibe t*r> countries In accordance with tbe aw.-rd of tbo arbitrator, Mr. Marsh, Minister of tbe United Matt*. GERMANY. IX IUPEHIAL MANIFESTO AO\rN*Sr AN AlflBftUN CATHOLIC PBKSS. rkci.i.v, Jane ll, 1S75. An order has been issued from the imperial Cnauceuor prohibiting the circulation of copies of the Catholic Gazttie oi Baltimore for two years Wit Sin tho boundaries of the fcai^lre. ENGLAND. many psnaoxn kiimd bt a nvnm acoi demi'?4 HAIL ht0uj4 ct thk mitropolrt, London, Juno ll, ists. A railway accident occurreii near Batb to-day, bj wBloft several persons were killed and injured. A HAIL stoluf IN LONDON. A hail storm occnrred here to-dar. RACING IN ENGLAND. jjkjtf DAT or THE sportiko SKASO* it ifCOZ hbatii?TUB ALEXANDRA PLATE WON B* imjboabtbb. London. June 11, 1*75. The Ascot, races for the season of 1315 were T rd'i/iu to a cloae to-day. THE BACK for i uk at.BXAWORA pt. ATE. tnc principal feature of the day's sport was tfia race fur tba Alexandra plate. Tbe ittfwn weie arren to uumOer oat of a hui*< riptlon hat of twenty.une. Mr. Merry's doncusier, who yester day wou the sou oup, came in a wiuuer of the puto, with sir J. D. asttey's .hcsiup second. and Couu> Lagrange's Pen D'Amour third. condition op the content, < ?The condition* un er wtuch the race was won Bre as loilowa:? 1 itk alkxanpra Plate of 1,000 soys., added to a aweepaiakes of u5 sots. ea<-n, 16 u>r.eit. tor fonr ye?r-o!<is and upward: lour-year-olds to oariy 134 lbs.; five-year-olds, l:? hn.: six-vear-olds an<l **?? i, 133 Ins.} rnares and treldui#* uilowed 4 lui>. t winner? of uay ataxia or prUe worth j.'^ooaova.. ir any country, in 1874-75. THE AMERICAN CENTENNIAL. ?krman trbast/bt provision fob tub cost or tub national bkpbbsentano*. Berlin, Jane it, 1975. ' la tbe Pedtr&l Council yesterday tbe rrosldent or tne imperial uhaoceliery submitted several of supply to meet the expense or a proper reoreaenration of Germany at the Untied Slate* t*nt*autai Exhibition. SPAIN AND URUGUAY. tub aortth AMERICAN POLITICAL bill xa SENT aw at raoM ctba?a rotamst war amp oontots the republican BRIO pp.Oil TBB hatana, June 11, 187-V Tho spanuh man-of-war Isabel la catoiica con. royed r,he uroruaran bark Pulg thirty miles irom the eoaat and allowed her to prcted wlterercr tier coramuoder wianed. whkkk' wit t. tbet art TO ? none of the prisoners on board toe i'ulf were permit t?d to land sere. wrmi Hteamers for the United Ststes rtfnsed to uke them as passsngera. CUBA. f>ba:no ok TBB brvinttk AND TBB A LOTTBET. ttatisa, jnun ll, 1173. la* pouee have arretted six psrsmntn tae act ?r prepat'.ag oounserfeit tax receipts and io'tery tt?ke ta. WEST INDIES. Havana, June ll, 1875. mlkn .'rom St. Thomas to Jnne 6 report that Bit .i*4 been quiet in baytl .-luce ilic auppreeston ?f the ia?e conspiracy. The smallpox ia raging with vlol^nc* ta PoB-:e, T mo ?uoo. veaaeia from tbsre are qaaraatias 1 is *11 West Indian porta. A KKrtPITE BY ooveunob TILDEN". Locepobt, ?. t., jnne 11,1575. oani'i t?.>raB, under sentence of death in this *hf. WAS r^eoitcd this A. m. jj uovaraor ilidsn bmui pewter. iui? ). tsti. I PRESENTATION 0> a FLAQt 4 CntXMH-roN, B. OL, June 11,1974. Governor Chamberlain tiaa obtained for pre sentation to the Wufeingtou Una* infantry, who ?tart to-morrow tor Banker Hill, au elegant fla?4 designed after that under wtilcli the victory or Kort Moultrie was woo la 1770. la uta let'.er request [ In* Hon. W. 1>. Porter to make the presentation in his aamc the Governor *aya:?"1 wish that ins ilatt may be received by the Washington Ligiit infantry as a proof of my per.toua! au.l ofllciol in terest In this organization, and especially la tcie purpose* and :oelitig? wtucU In.-pire their present \isit to Maa-acliusou*. I wisii that it* presence at Bunker Hill may sigafiy iba sincere veuera Uoo in which the people of South Carolina hold all who oore a part in founding Hie American nation. 1 wish that it may c?il to uilud, wherever It may be reen, the early patriotism whlcn gave to America and th'> world i the examples and memories of Kutaw and Hunker litil, ol l^ixiijjjiou and King's Mountain and tue | Hundred other battle fields *vhero South Carolina unci Ma saciiu-ettn, the North and the south mingled tneir host blood. If tnut early patriotism u tboje rosily sacrifices are to have lull mutiou. ! It will oc wuon the Nortu and the South shall again be untied by ttie lmlltsoluble bond ; of tbelr love of couniry. If Tho recent j bitter estrangements are to be succeeded By the sweet rewards of peace It will be wiwii, by the common ellorts of the North and the south a ; free and just national government shall command ' the love at!ri honor ol nil sec inns and .States. 10 I nasten such results is the lunctlon ol those no-mo rial observances in which the wa-hiagton l.itint luiautry aad tin- (lag ol Mouth Caroliua will bear a -lguiflcant and Honorable part. 1 i>ej{ you to imruftt this Mag to the keeping of your oomtudes ol tue Washington l,i?ht Iniuntry, with suou 0X!>res?ioua of patriotic sympathy as , the occasion may suggest. May Heaven prosper ana protect thorn while absent, and may the uuuker Hill oi to-day bo to them and to us all a ?put sacred from beucclorth to national peace anil fraternity. Mr. Porter, In his reply, oxprossea a cordial concurrence in the Henrlineuie ol Governor I'buiu 1 btrlllli ltd jd?i-:? "It HMU to in-* as 11 thoro was ?o;uutniog Providential iu the occurrence of tDc*e o?nteuniftl celebrations <o soon alter our recent estrangement, li there be a common ground on which the people of the North and | .South i an rocei and look each other in the eyos and strife hiiois anil renew their pledge* of fldell'y to Libert r and Union without disparagement or loiis oi sell t on either side, it is upon tiio Hi.>und, tho holy p! .ec?, where their foreialhers laid tic) loundatloa of independence and then cemented tuem with their precious bleed. Toe memories thete kindled will, by a sorb of moral telegraphy, a dash trom the first aitaM ol liberty, raised in tho North r,o the first altars raised in t lie South and thence (iliru.-e rhem.selvi"* as electric fires through trie 4;,ooo,oiij of hearts that throb in hycupatheilo patriotism over this mighty coutt nniit. This is the way of ail wars to Drmgo over the chasm. In furtherance oi this blessed work, lei me express the hope that ou the 'i8th or Juuo, 1H76, when Houih caro ina, in her turn, coiebrares tue victory oi li'ort Aloultrie, me bright morning star ana naming.:r oi American Independence, M*attachusetts and all of tne 'old tnlrtKcn,' will be taero to take their places iu ihu picture.'' ALABAMA CLAIMS. DECISIONS IJdN DXBKD BY THU COl'BT Of COM mimiiokebs. Washinbton, Jane 11, 1875. In 'no Court. of Commissioners of the Alabama Claims to-day the following Judgments were ren dered:? In case No 164, in favor of <;?orji? Crosby. ?J15 05;ln pii'f '..ix, in tavor of UenrKJ W. I hoinpson. Sew Bedford, SI,3,5; !B N'o. Ifcjtf. F. Van Biiithuysen, New Oriuuus. il.l.'J ??. No. 131. Marie aaucbo, S3?! 75; No lt?, S. j Koi'er. SHl'i: .No. 24^, MarK'inrita Ktinbr.l, H.6J4: No. -??h, ti, Jnuic-i t A Co., >3.1113 33: No i."J. .lames W (ianlee, adtoinlMruior. lifts ii; No. 260, Marion H. : Medwiftk, 1510 tU: Mo. 2.3, Ju'.C* Bu?tollo?, $ rt.l; No. 413. Jaino* kybfti k, S '?.HO.'; No. 4.15, Urel/lii-r, $7'2; No. Wright K. Flab, $^W 9l?: No. 4"?. -amuet Aaron, ; S'J.tJO, No. f>l4, Thompson A B irne.i $64i i/. J. W Jordan, utti roey, ol New York. Mihmlttcd, npon j tho te?ilnioiiy rfivnn In case N'o. 170. die loUovcintf oasei;?l^V. A HaM. urtiiiinH'rator; IS4, 0. M. JncK Sun; l??. J. H. 1,1.mflill nt al., and 791, Henrv k'nlisey. Ihx following ca??'? *pre *ubiaitt<-l upon flic t(Mtiuiou>. J. VV. l>eiiver lor complainant, John A i r*awt ll lor the ?0Vfrutnenf. im. Ji.tnph Len in; 577. J, II and L. 0 Icondmirn: 5g.H, Wil!i?in Holland; 57?, li. T. Parker; 591, < burl** WcUhaur; Ii7, '/. Taylor; 778, Nathan Koch; 410, Pbilip W. Molir, and I.LVi, tftuion I'm oft laic* 72*. 7A 7S4, 725, 7i."8. embraoluii the owners of thu Kiectrie *park. destroyed l> / th<' Florida Julv 10. 1H;?. w?re sul'iuiHed uuou the touiinouv *ud oral argu ment ol counaei. ? Adjourned. THE WRECK OF THE VlCKSBURG. SXaBCHIX') FOB THi MIHSntO BOATS?NAMES 0* rtnrra or xaa stxxuagf. PxasTrs'Gr&s ? oonxnuuu aid ahxxd roR. Montxbai., June 11, UTS. Sum. Torrance A Co. have nothing further about tfco wrack of the Ylcksbnrg. They havo been in communication wltli the government as j to sending out steamers in saarcii of the missing boat.*. The following telepranu bare been re ceived id aoiirer to their despatches:? Ottawa, June 11,1S75. I T*iow\* Csi*.*, of D. i'orranee A Co., Montreal:? I rlexram received. iluuiuu'iu I* lu Munuvjl. Hi-id 14 the only b>at wo have: have u :i-*rar.ho i to Bnow ii ?||? i. ?. itiUolc UaTe aluo tel'-a(raplind to for ?iiimeat <>r Newloun<llaB4 ra^naMinf t.><e*patrh a < want or In aearcu ol inl^niiR boats; will advi>? vou when 1 g.<t rapt/. . K- "? ft uTT. OriiWi, June II, i?7 >. I?. ToMHAac* A On. M tntrflal;? Yo r t?lfcgram ).*? t reti tout to thn *m!4f?r of Marine, Dor^hU't'T. N. h ih? -ecrmary "i ?-Ute t<>ie (rapheil ti; tii? >?wl. uadMUI<< go^ernoifat to -?<? II iliey coaid eraa aMMmar. WIi^I.iam t<Mir.i. PnaffmtrrrH. N. O , June 11, 1^75. Tr. D. A Co. M..nireali? Yi ur t* cgram iaat raoel^ed. I ? t ! move in the matter at uf ? wi'n a yi.v.v to inoet your wuthea A. j nMlTlI, N4MKS OF 9TEEK1GK PA^KN'.Kila. 1 he name* of onlf tllteen of t he ateerag* paflseii> Ifem can at prcient be procured. They itrj as fol lOWi!? C. Perran. realiK nce unStiowD. (4. U. Arniatroii?. of MarkBani. rhiiiepn i-nnil, ootainrrt hi* ticket at Qntiirc. iaaac Knaor, of Markham. Mn. F'l. i;uaititig and infknl, or Sheibrooke. ? onouh, of Minncaota. Jonn nelancy, or Meibouroa, ?. Burnar. Mary (turner. Thomas flurncr. Min nit and (corye liurner. all Of otia family, aap po<-?-u to b?- (iota Montreal. B. t'orhttt, oi Montreal. Mr-, i. 0. Barry, of Montreal. A. K'topie, raaidenoe uuknowa. THF. MUatMO BOAT*. 8t. JoirN, X. K. June II, Nothing ha* been i?en litre or the in:4am / ?o.its of *ne ?fainnr McWsOnrif. A sbarp lookout is be ing kept tor meat. THE CAPTAIN WARNBD. Ottawa. Ont., /una 11. l?T5. A nas^en/cr by the Dominion steamer Qneboo, who arrived in thH etty yesterday, report* that tbn ?*'i'?cl spoke the V!cK*i>nrf jn?t as the latter w** aboot enconiiter.nii thn he. and that the "'tr taln of the ({uebee warned tho ll'.-latfil ve*-"*! not io rWk the pas*a(te, ai it was only with dim cnlt/ tiifci the Quei?e>' wiw en?bttd *o jet through. THE TREASURES OF THE DEEP. A!f n*CID*?T O* IB? WAB BBT1TF.D?THC IBO* SAFB OP Ifll CrMB**LAND BSCOYKBKD WITH OKB HL'NDBXP THOT7BAND DOIXAP* IN OOLD. Kobpolk, Vs., J?oe II, my raptain Brown, or the schooner J. t\, arrived here t?-dav in charse of an Iron safe or tha United States man-of-war Cumberland, which was ma Into and sunk in Hampton Itoada by the Confrd erate rum Virginia, In 190J. Divers had been at work on tiie wreck ten /ears, having in view the recover or this sale. The lucky nmn hjd only t>i>on at the wreck f< rtj-elght hoars wh-n ) e lound the ?a?? burled in tnrce or rour ret o; mud. The water at that place Is aevoDty-pighl reel deep. Hy tue expio?lon o( a torpedotha aaie w?* cracked, and. a-it was hohtcti on deck, a If* pivce* of gold noln dropped oui. It l? generally believed iaat thn a?fe contain* between |90,000 and la gold. it i? c??lmatefl that more than lion,wo have Noett iont bj different partie* in tr.iug to racoror this trea-iure. Ihesaie and troa?u.e oeloug to t.aptalu ttrown and O. K. Ma It by, ui tbia olty, and Herbert Smith, or Detroit, Mich. A fKTKltiKII RollV. While Captain I rnwa wa? ^sai Ulnir the wreck ha came a< ros? a petrified unman body, in a per fect s'ate or i>raserv?tlon. It wat unhiut i>v erats or fish n?d the flesh was extremely hard. The i ip'sm auppoaei the body to bs ihn of au gfflcr, una le intends to vettirn and g?t it. A YOUNG WIFE MUUDERED., T?Bf?., June II, MT?. Ana'rt-oiom murder was committed at Salem, Rntherrord county, yesterday alternoon. Mr. Wiiliam J arret t, returning home with hie friend at Ove o'clock in the evoniag. foand his young wife, a ver/ beautirul ana hlgttiy cttHivatea lady and mnoh respeetei In that section, tying dead on tne floor, with a cord tied very tightly around her neck. It |a suapecttd tnat the murder was prompted by a desire to obtain eome money winch was round miasing from the houae. Mrs. Barrett waa quite aloae, she having sen: tier j&li drrn awsr to vialt soase friend*. a B?2r<>, woo w te au?*tt\l iv a <b?, is eas l??cM r?< vas "Une. WASHINGTON'. GENERAL WASHINGTON DESPATCHES. Washington, Job* It, 18T.V OHAXOX nr THP. HKADQUABTISBH Of 1'HX NATION \Ii GBANOB? COHfiRiOH 6f THJC OBDEIt. | The headquarters of thi National Granare of the i Patron* of Husbandry, wtiicu, evor since the organization of tbe order In l*y<, haa been ia Washington, will probably be removed to Louis ! villi". K.v.. la a .short lime. At the last annual ! session of the National urana* in Charleston, 8. C., I In February last, tho Kxeeutive Committee was ' charged with tlio election of a u?w point for the I headtiuar'ers, to be located in one or the tlva i Western St? ton named, and the ciunge was to be 1 nude wittin six mouths from tho 1st or Mnrch I last. The committee. It la understood, have, j niter dnc investigation, ne!ected Loulnvilie an tho most eligible location, although It wss expected that St. l.oiil* would be chosen. Kentucky ?tands No. 6 an repuras the number ot grang a, having 1,550. Indiana heads the Hit, with 2.027 granges; Missouri has i!,02tt; Iowa, 2,004; Illinois, 1,584. The total number ot granges In tho United states Is 'J3,j00, with un ostl mated aggregate membership of 1,600,000. Tho official history of the Order, Just published by the Secretary, shows that the tQtai receipts from 1888 to 1871 inclusive were less than fj.uoo, while the receipts last year were $210,381. Tha Order at present has |R9,ooo Invested iu government bonds and *19,000 la cash on deposit at the finan cial agency in New fork. vvtsbxct AxioKNiiY bliss in consultation WITH ras ATTORNK^ CVKMliBAt ON J KB ctiAFT.m tnuktmkntk. District Attorney Bliss. of New York. was at the Trensury Department ror more than four hours to-day on business connected with his oQlce. In cluding the Claflin ami other important cases. He had conversations with Secretary Rrlstow and Attorney General Plerrepont conceraing his action In the premises, relating to them many things which he would not trust to writing. The Attorney Ueueral incidentally called his attention to the complaint made against him by Wnlter V. Gibson, to tho effect that District Attorney Bliss i:ad prevented tbe Grand Jury from Indicting a New York Post Otltcc official on the allegation of stealing newspapers. Colonel BUaa made no explanation further than to refer the Attorney Oeuoral to his old auswer to a similar complaint made to Attorney General Wi.llams, who dismissed it. Attorney General Plerrepont informed Colonel Bliss be would rollow the course or ltls immediate predecessor, wltnout lunh'er consideration or Gibson's complaint. THE RED MAN. THE HUCPMEa POR TBI indian* AT KIOWA AND COMaNCHB AOISNC*?LriTKB from A Qt'AKKR AGBNT. Washington, Jane u. 1875. Ill reply to the statement made by Colonel Hutch nt Fort Hill as to tho supplies for the rndians at that agency and tiie indorsement of General Pope 1 that 11 wtta tale to expect the Indian* to remain on the reasrvatlon with the prospect or j starvation, and the military would not i be held accountable /or any outbreak J. M. Haworth, one of the Quaker agents ; for tne Indian Torritory, has written a letter to i Friend Enoch lion?, .Superintendent of Indinn Af fairs at l.awrenco, Kan. it |S dated Kiowa and Comanche Agency, M?> 31. Tho writer says: Anion# other things during tho past winter mr people have suffered only lor flour and eupar as i nave been able to give tiiom beef, oVon coffee i urlx .Tn, bte' ,lH9 "ee" fiivon th?n much 1 i regular rnttons, sum n course tTiJI? ?.n<Loe**"ar/ l(i Vreveut actual .luilering. They have suffered for ftuur. The* emiat subsist on any other kind of moSt iniThii?* btutf?10' nnd ,tielr cultivated taste lor and habit oi eating orhor at tides or tn? white man a diet has nixde such an inroad upon thcr na.ures that taey would not t>e satisfied to throw away everything else and aubaut alono upon bu* eeivn<ir'?n^'i believe the cattle wo Have re ceded and issued as a general thing have been very fair l>eef, as goon on an average as ttin country would afford, taking the number in* j Consideration. The WANT OF FI.OCTR AND SlOAIt . owin^ entirely to the freignt contractor falllnir to do his duty. Tho large lucre.iso of sunohes nece?umry for the increase 0f tu* military on to? CDunt of the Indian troubles required a very large oiuonot of transportation. The same con Tract or having both contracts may rm ? livmr matter thau he was propared to haudle. Notwu'i s aiidlBK the absence or a part oi the ration la kind, ami a great deal of talk to the Indiaua calculated to unsettle tlieiu and causa ? ceitug or dissatisfaction to arise sruong tifem ' j??* warranted tn saying that they t,a"e tested a feeling of appreciation oi tne ciri-tim starces, and complained much less tbanwtwte ; people would have done under mo e invorahia tirnUi'nftftD( ei' antl lB no 9ln*,e Instance do l o^U man,|estatlon oi Dad leeiinar on theif pan toward myseif or tnoseasaociatsd with mo, THB COMMISSION TO NEGnnATB WITH TriB BIOCT. Washij?oton, D. 0.. /one Ii, 1171 A telegram was received to-day from Hon. Auram Co ulngo, of Missouri, accepting the ath poin:meni as one of the Commissioners to treat with the Si out. General Torry has been seiectel ! on tho rart oi the army. His nop Havens oas ueca i?2(15r?1.' nn "PPolntment, but he has not y?t sir i ? m! acceptance. Senator Allison and Hev I ?. l>. flinman having accepted there is enly oue I mote Commissioner to t?e appointed. RAID BY INDIANS IN WTOIfTNO. CmcAtto. Jon* u, is-J. Telegrams received at Lieutenant Qeneral Sberl dsn's headquarters to-dav. irom the commanding officer at Fori Sanders, Wyoming, state that a fi!rt? or *' R?ck Creek Val.ey ran off ov?r A*) horses on Saturday afternoon last a D.?i'tv fo?"hlip.1 'n par^"m? """ M l 00,toat *>?UonP?at DR. WILSON NOT DEPOSED. Lotrinrni n, Ky., June 11, 1S7?. The statement, widely published, that Dr. Bern* oel U. Wilson, of the First Presbyterian church, in tins city, has just been deposed from the min istry by the Louisville Presbytery, is denied r>v tnst gentleman. t?n tne contrary, he says that the 1 reabytery withdrew the charges. INTERNATIONAL TYPOGRAPHIC VL UNION. Boston, Mass , Jnne n. is:5. The twentj-tblrd annual Convention oftii?m. ternational Typographical Union came to a close at three o'clock this ailernoon. a piiotograpii of the delegates was then Iskea in front of the City Hall. The following gentlemen w?re elected offlcers for tlis ensnlng year:-I'restdent, W?ner H. Be:i of Philadelphia ; First Vies President, James Har per, of Montreal; Second Vico President, C. F. Sheldon, of Kansas City; .-Secretary and Treasurer, William A. Hutchinson, of Chicago: Corrcsoond lug Secretary, W. s?. Pride, of Wilmington, Dal llieae officers were sworn in hv ti.e reiir.nir Vred dent, to eac h or whom lie addressed remarks so to?finrUt' 10 lhC ?mcU1 po,'Uon tllcy Two beautiful floral gifts from the Boston Re^??. tion Committee were presented ihrouih tne VrJu Went to Mrs. Daniel,on, ths ae egate from ths Women's Inion, No. l, 0r New "tk city and Miss Kenley, the alternate delegate, botn of whom made appropriate responses. wnom The new President, ou taking the chair mmie ? short address to the Inion, and at precisely tBtve o'ciook the coavention adjourned to most ?t Philadelphia in 1*78. w oac#l Bt THE CHRONIC INSA NE. Qosbbb, ?. y,, Jnne 11, is:j. The cor?er stone of the orange County asylum for the tbronlc Insane was laid this a.iernooaat Orange Farm. The building is to be eighty feet long, forty wide, four stories high over the base ment, and will have rooms for eighty patients. Addresses wore dollvercd bj Dr. Harris, Presi dent of the Board of Health of New York and Hocretary of the Prisen Association: Mr. John V , ?'-A,b?D^. President; Mr. ?f. p. i^trner' of Buffaio, Vice President,i or. 0. a Hoyt of Al bany, tecrelary. and Mr. H. ?. Kastman, of hough- i keerste, member or the stato Board or Charitisa. 1 ^cornerstone was laid wim Masonic ceremo' nj?J' Delaware C'ommandery, Knights Teinniars pres#,lt- A niimher of super- i poor other couottej were *nil a targe coacouree oi oeopie. r,m ? ? ? CALIFORNIA REPUBLICANS. THK BBPtTBLfCiN 4TAXI COKVBKTIW IT &AOBA. ltlCNTO?COVTIDWCI IM PMEiJIDr.XT OBANT? THJI LOTTBB OF THB FBKMIUEMT COMMBNIV *D?fITBONO OPPOSITION TO TUB CENTRAL PACIFIC BAILUOAD COMPANY. San Fkahcisco, June It, 1&T5. Tha Republican state Convention mot at Sacra mento )estorday aiteruoou. Hon. A. A. Sargent presided. The Convention adopted strong antl rallroad reaolutiona, whicU were supported by George C. Gorb.uu la a vigorcu# speech, denouncing me catitral Pacific. Governor Pacheco wan withdrawn as a candidate (or Gov ernor and T. G. l'uel; s nominated by acclamation. JoriepB M. liavia was uomiaaied lor Lieutenant Governor and O. H. Hallet for secretary of stato. ComptroJler, J. J. Green; Kurvoynr, H. K. Gardner; Treasurer, William JiecKman; Attorney General, K. i). Sawyer; Clerk of the .Sunfine Court, Grant I. Talari, and Supoiluttiudcnt or Public luatruc tiou, Llzra c. C'arr. TUK PI.ATVOR*. Tno loUowlug declaration of principles waa sub mitted to me Convention iho republican party of California, in st#i<? Conven tion assembled. m.iKe.1 ilii' following additional docLara tloii ot priuciptus, reutllriniiig tin) Mute piat.uriu ut 1(571 an J lliu national platform ot IH7_* K.'hoIvihi wc have undiminished confldcnee in the wwiioiu, patriotism uiul integrity 01 the present Chief Muginliato ot thy I tilted tntes, L'ly^<ei S. lirstlt, uiul join our political brethren throughout the Union in the Cordial miiU mriie*l support of lii> administration, in the fullest recog u:tion ot lits illustrious career In the military an,I civil M-rvu-e, and In coudi-uiualtoil ol Hint rancorous party spirit which prompt* his aud our meinles In as nneonniilrred and attacks on tiim as tlioso to which his gi oat prnleueaeora. Washluglon, Jacltson an l l.lucolii, were subjected during iliclr ad ministrations. Kenolvod, I hat the letter addressed by the President to the Chairman ot the Penusvlvniila Republican Mats Convention upon the subject of Ins succession Is a lull rsiutation ot thu slanders of those who chargcd him with niti*iifii 1 ti i tor re-oleeiion; that we accept It a* ex plicit to a ttnal settlement of the third term agitation crea cd by our enemies solely to arouse jealousies und diksniKioua l:i tha repubdean party. Ken.ilvcd, That the thirteenth, fourteenth nnd fifteenth ' amen luifttbi to the constitution ol tliu United stale-i. ! added to that instrument by thu" rotes ol the requisite j three lourtua of the states of tho Ininn, are as sacred ' and binding a" any ot Its provision*-, that they are to be maintained by the enforccni' ut ot ail Congressional en actment*, notwittists lining the opposition, secret or ?v,,v, ,-il, ut the democratic party or Inutile White Leugues in the Southern otMos. Resolved, lhat the conduct of that. Dor?lon of the people iii tno .--outh wiui Jety tne fltteentli anieudment uud seek, by Intiniulatiou or loi'ce. to prevent the law tu. exercise ot the elective franchise l?v the Brent body of colored cltlaens, reibb-nt therein. Is a rebnlltuus de tluucc of the iiatiinial autnoil.y. and an attempt to pre vent the election of the next 'President by the people, | calculated to a rouse the worst passions of men. aud to disturo the peace of^ the imtiuii. and should br met with | by all law-abiding citizens. North and South. u? an effort to the tlsines ot civil war. While adiuiituiii that dllTeri-uce.i of opinion exiat ai to tlie extent of the con stdracy auttiujt the cou.slltutloiiul okction ot the Presi dent in Iriirt, we deem it well to caution the people aaainst sluniberina in the lace or dailiier. Kesolve I. lhat. with all our counirvmea. ot whatever section, wlio yiold obedience to ill" constitution and laws and who do not defend or Justify those who di* obey tbuin, we deslru to cultivate traurnsl relatluiii<, w ithout regard to imre party difforence; we will at all tinios unite with thein to promote justice an-1 uood order and public tranquillity. Resolved. That the cost of the State and several couofy Soveruiuent.1 can und ou;ht to be reduced one-half, and ta that work the next i.ouislature should address luclf. This can be duiioliy a readjustmont of public huslncM, curtailinunt ot the largo list ot ottlners, eoiployts, and' such ruilucfon ot the salaries mid tees us will place the public servants on a footing as to compensation with nerson* in private business und immeiiiatolv abate the almost universal pralerenoc for public over private employment; honesty and economy In the maintenance ot the various inaiitiilious ot the .-lata, total abandon ment ol the practice ot voting the people's money to in stitution* which were called into existence without State si lion, mid by additional chucks and aafeyuards to render ofllclal peculation difficult of concealment aud sorer of punuhnn nt when discovered. The next rcao utlon demands the punlshmcut of citizen- adopting oorrnpt practicoa. Resolved, That the republiran party will aid In the de velopment of the resources of the - tato by all l?ffitiiuute means, as itappcars that tlio sariculiurai capability of lartci: scotion* cailuot he tully shown unleas sjnm prao ticaMe suti m of irrlizstlon la udoptid. tnn lepublican part) ilcinauds of tae l.i>'isla(urs that it a-suuie control ot tlie varioiu lakes aud rivers, subject only to mininx and mechaulotl righis. and provide tor its distribution over (be largest possible area of irrls.ible land bv Iho udi-ption ol a comprcbantlvo nyatom that shall make the Irrigation works, to bo con-tructed tor this purposo, part und portl in of the realty ol the various districts, I and to lie wholly sunjeet to the control and manatee men! ol thu owuers of the Irrigable lands therein. l:esolved, That the freedom ol Iho state from eecte- I slasticai control U of enual importance with the uialu- j tenance of religious treedom lioiu ^tate control; that the common schools and in?.|tiitioui of the S'nte were established as a preventative of the crime and poverty w hich attend lanorauce. and we will toU rato no inter Icreoce with tttroni any nonrter, and that any effort to di'iiie the sehool fund for the purpose ot eupporttna sectarian si-hoots with portions tnereot shall be met with all the ri- -Utance In our power. lie-oived?ATrW?lhat the Central PaclSo Railroad is a fitate corporation, aud an such amenable to the laws of thu State ooueertiliiii corporations. Stra,.<f?'That the relations of that compaov to toe na ft on are simply those of aveqi and priticipui aud debtor and creditor, so far as tin lr property wi.tiin this state is colics mad Th<rJ? The power ol the Slate over said corporation is far from bavinit been surrendered by (he act ?>( the l*ej talatuni in April, as claimed by that company, it was ra:b.*r affirmed thereby tti these word?-Said com pany I* to be subject to all laws ol the State concerning railroad and teleuraph lines. ' > ii?i!A?That the right to re?n1at* fares and freights wleneverit exists l? a condition annrxed to the fran chise. an I is tiecesaarily vested In the govi-rmnent hy which Iho franoliisv has been granted. Tha rlifhtto collect tolls Is one of the essential franchises of railroad corporations, aud the power to regulate these is atmnly a rowiw to regulate the trauchl-e under whlen they are ridleeteil, ami the power mnst be exert tsed by the au thority creating the corporation. /I 'M?That the existence ol the Contral Pacific corpo ration and its ri-.'ht to operate roads in California rest sannsivslv upon the antborltr of the Biato law; that its natural character Is limited to retalu tha function* wnlch It derived by the State's consent from Congress, sueh as the right to operate its road outside of the st?t? ard ta crra'e liens upon its entire line In tavor of tha uanonal government aud other creditors. Ihnf as a nei i ssary result of th,' foregoing, while t'ongree? has the right to regulatu tolls over the rovl on through and inter state traffic the -ut.- I.a^is latnre has absolute and eso'usiva power to revutate tho rsteiot ire tab t aud fares between all points wiUiln this Stite. Soesaik?That experience has shown thnt the railroad companies where left uncontrolled, naturallv looa ex ciusivelr to thslr own intorestj of en disregard the In tero.t and convenient c of U.e public thav were i reated to si rvn. wtierefi* unreasonable ra'es for freight ami fare have liw-ii aud are still Imposed and unjust dis crimination ag.itiut communities aftd elaafe- ,,f inerrliandise. an l many settlements and tc?m put to inconvantence, and oven sarlously Injured, for the bond ing up i>t localities In w hich members of the ootnpany are Interested. *(V?<A-That we recommcud that the noople should exact In advance from candidates for the t.cgl-latnre an unequivocal pledge?first that they will, it elected, vote for snch reductions in the rates of freights and tsras as will leave to the railroad companies fair In comes on the actual cost of construction ut their rnada and allow tor maintaining and operating the same to enable them t? meet their Tuat obligations; second, that they will to that end institute a thorough invesiigati?n Into the aflairs of corporations, ss tb. y have iiaaniw power to do, in order to ascertain the real cost of const ruction ot their roaIs. and the annus! outlays for main ainlng an t operating the satr.e ; ana third, that tbev will. In adjusting a tariff of freights and fares, iholisn all unfair discrimination between some clatsrs of merchandise and equalise rates between different localities, having due regard to grades and enrves Pesolved, That the republican party disclaim any svmpaihy with indiecrimniat* war upon asai elated cap ital wiih blind iti-regar l of Its rights; It Is entirely inde pendent of alt corporate power, and it is opposed to all x hemes In sut-, countv and city, whereby unjer pre tence of provldltiK gas and water io communities. <.r IrrH-a'liin for farming, a few men see* fo enrich them selves by ImpoS'PR heavy burdens on the people. lire, pels all attempts of corporations to torce Into offl.a throngh republican conventions men who will guard their own interests rather than those of the Republic, and It expec'a to be judged by Its fti-ts and the character ofllKaadtdates, rather thau by the tal.? aocusaiious of itscneinie>, who after having had the Executive power ol the Stale for the past eight years divided e lastly be tween ihein. can present no better claim to public oon:l dence then loud and tmptv professions and horror at the alleged corruptions snd profligacy iu publla affairs, which tin . Uiemaalvas have managed and controlled. The eietentb resolution Invltea the co-opera tion ot the farming interests in earrjlof out tu? measures of the piatiorm. 1 he twelfth resolution dejrlea disunion in tha republican tanks, and lnviiea nnitr or action ta the erproacb.'ncr Presidential election. OBITUARY. PftOrXSHOS WtXIOC*. Frofeasor WinlocK, director of the observatory at < anibrldgo, Mui., died auddeniy yeaterday mornlair. 1 It It mat., to tbe great regret of hi* ?cl entific associate aud of bla fellow eitucus g> n<. r ?nr. J ."DO a BVlCRSOX. Judge Martin lijrereon, late a member of the ComnmMon ou the Alabama culms, ilted at bla residence, Ne*ton, N. j? yesterday morning, at tbe age of aixt; years. jxhkm ft. oocmorr. Yi-eteiday morning tbe oodj of James H. Co crort, eon or Mr. Cocrort, superintendent of tfta government fortification worka at Cllltoo, waa picked ap on tho South Beacb, near Port Wade worth. It appeara that tbe young man left bla faner's houae on Saturday night laat, and that was tho laat aeen of Itlm by his reiativee until he waa (ound dead. The probability la tbat be met bis death br falling iroia a aaiu oat or from acme of ttie dock* a'.ong tbe *uore. The deceased nm thirty-one years o.d. waa a good mechanic and practical architect and a graduate of Weat Point, nr. Truer staiietrn Held an luquoat and a ver<:|rt was randered in accordance (tub the /acta ao far a* known. The body wm ouried In the Moravlau cliurcbyatd at New Dorp. i. AtTOCSTUS KTXfl. S. Auguatua Milla, a well knowa ana very popu lar stoek broker, died at bta residence, at No. lit Eaat Thirty-fourth atreet, after a Tory brief tllaeee. He wae a eon of Itarid 8. Mine, aa old Long Itiaader, ana wae born tn New Tork la July, 1930, Dp to the year iw he waa paring teller in the i>i**ta*ui Bajik, auu 4lnc? tuai tiw ??u *gu Known '-on tne dtref'.- in the year 1JT0 it* wan a mtiHbtr ol the Oorsruing Otjnmitlse of ths New York Stock Ktchange. Funeral sarvicsa wHI lake place at hhi late residence to-liiorrow aiteraoon at torae o'clock, and the interment will rake placs the following day. AMUSEMENTS. TBBBAC* OAHDEN THKATB*. Tlio Haul farewell performance of tt?e Bloat ??ao oessful of tba op'Jra baujp repertoire, Lecocq's sparkling "Giroae-airuflj," took place last night at Terrace Garden before a Urge audience. MUe. OeoOTroy sustainod tb" dual title rOl? with her ac. customed cA/nana Clan, and uio teuor, De Quercy, wm as ferocious a Moor as over. Mis* Lin* Wim man commence* a summer whmii of ugh; comedy j and comic opera on Friday n-xt. Tne lady Has I tne advantage of talent and experience in tne , arduous enterprise which she undertakes. Mr. ; Herman <;? aa in the business director. OILMORf/b (IPMSCIII OAKH2V. Mr. P. s. Gilmoro and* his unrlvall?*! military band essayed a rather ambitious programme lust nlgnt before an immense au iouce, and -'uccoeded in giving a very exprosslve and artlstlo rendering . of two overtures by Weber and Buppe, a fantasia on ?'ll Proleta," the best ol all Weyprecht'a ar- i rangeraentaj one of Meyeroeer'a Torchlight Dances, a couple of, a nolo by Arbueklo, 1 beautifully rendered ami well aooouipanied. and a selection from '-II Crociato.'' Mr. (ill more has a 1 pardonable loaning toward Meyerbeer in nut per- j romances, for never has an operatic writer ex Uted that could prod oe suoii genuine musical effects like the Franco-German composer. The new cascade is now in thorough working order and la an attraction In Itself. MHSICATi AND DRAMATIC NOTRS. Miss Jennie Hughes srogs at the Brooklyn Thea- ! tra to-night. Aibani has mads a grand aoeoess in London this \ season, especially aa Hisa, in "Lohengrin." Downing'* Hand is again In the field for a milt- J tary display at Jones' Wood Colosseum on Sunday . alter noon. Mr. Max Strakosch will present the great dra matic prima donna, Mile. Tietjcos, in concert, oratorios and opera in this city next. fall. Miss Kellogg goes to Booth's with her F!n&tl*h opera in September, and tbe Academy of Music will be left all alone. Whers'a Maretsek, tne Na poleon of Italian opera? Mr. Harkins, who has been so long and so favor ably known In connection with Mr. Daly's nra- I matlc company, will nave a very atlrnctive benefit at the Filth Avenue Theatre on Friday next. DIED. RYKRsov.?At hit residence, Newton, N. ,f., on Friday, June 11, Mabtin IIykrsom, late Asso ciate inatio* of New Jersey Supreme court, and late Judge ol court of Commissioners of Alabama Claims, in the Both year or nls age. The lunerai will tako puce from bis la to real- i donee on Tuesday, 15th, at a quarter past eleven o'clock a. M. His frieoos are respectfully re quested to attend without tnriner notice. [for Otftsr Deatfu .V?o Btyhth I'age.j AT NEWPOltT, LONG BRANCH, SARATOGA : and every other fashionable watering place in America Ui-chm's Sci riiPB . oap tln.U favor with Urn visitors of Ifto.-e resorts, who regard It tho best preservative or the uliu tr-)Ui irr*taUons anl couiplexlonal defacement* Oua t>o* ithr?<? 60 cents. A.? Bay to-day's f'ftaa luxcm, the boldest and rncJ?-t Illustrated weekly publishsJ, Four striking Cartoons. Complete report of the lammaoy Rluf's Libsl Suit uff*in?t Mr. Motolde. Prloe only Five Co tits. A BLOOD D1MKAMLX ? he btooJ bciiii; the source from wfclch our system* tre built nt> and train which we derive our mental as well at phy -u.a 1 t-apauill'lc*, liuw important that It should be Kept pure. II U contains vile los erlng pohons all or ganic function* aro weakened therein-. Hettling upon important organs, as the luns.t. liver or kidneys. Hie ef ect if ln-mt duaitrou*. Hence It behoove* every oao to ke~p their blood in a perfectly huulthy condition. and mt/re e.peciallv doc.s tlil*?ipi>iy at tills particular fceaaon of tl>? year than at any other. No matter what tho exoiing cau??i may b?. tbe real can** of a large proportion of all dtaeiis.n is Mood. Now, IJr. Pierce doei not Wish to place hi** MkpiOal Dncontn In the catalogue ot nu.iek patent nostrum- t>y recommending it to cure every disease, nor doe* he *.> recommend it. on the contrarr there ?r>i hiiulriil* ot dUvam thd lie acknowledge* It will not cure; bnt what he doe* claim is this, that there It But ou - form of blooil disease that it will not cure. au.l that disease 1* earner. He <100* not recomtnead hi* rtts 00very for that durante, yet he know* it to be tha most searching bloo I eieanser yet discovered, and that it yill I'rro the I'loiHt and svstein of nil other known bloo.1 Soiaon*. be tliev animal, vegetable or mineral. The OtDiLt l)i?. on r.v ie> warranted by iiim to oars the wont foim-ot ski 11 1 hte**es. a* all forma ot Blotches, Pirn plea and hrnptiotia. also all Glandular ."weliin..'* an 1 tin! worst form of lierotulou* aiul Ulcerated wrjnt .souk, Leg* or other part*. *n<l all Herofulou* Hildas** ot the Botie.i. as Mluto Hweilinga, Beyer Sore*. Hip Jiint a tut fpmal I'iaeaaca, all ot which belong to Scrof ulon* di?nn*e*. CONHKMKD nii? JOINT DI-KA3KD OITKKIX. vv. tiaovs Htatiox, la., July 14, ISTA Dr riRara, Butlta'o. N. Y.?? litis .Sib-\ly wife tint became lame nine vean ag.\ dwelling* would appear aud disappear on her hip. and sim waa gradually becoming reduced aud lier whole system rotten Willi diiea*<-. In Is7l a awellim brose on hur bip di^ harifina 1 >ri'C quantities, and aitioe that time there are several opening. Hare had fi?o doctor*, at un expense ot ?U.?. who aar nothing will do any (food but* *urilcat ope ratio*. July U. 1871, he writes thuv?"Jty wife nas certainly rccetved a great belli fit from the ?*? of four Umi-otkht, lor *he wa* not *l>l?i to get off the bed and waa net ex petted to live a wee* when ?hn commenced U<lux It a year axo flic ha* been ilotne m >.t of her work r.>r over MS month*.' ba* uaed twenty bottle* and at 111 using if. Her rec very 1* considered ?s almost a miracle and w.} attribnta It all to the me ofyonr valneblo nie.Iicino. t ean aheertullv rcommend U a* a MMd pui liter *ij Strength restorer J. M. BOM IN SON." iiiNorm i* ?ol?t by drugitt*U. A NATIONAl. CBLKBRITT?THE NEW REMGOT for rtiptnre anppiled bv the BI-AHTIO iRl'^s ftw. PANV, ft?3 Hr^Mway, t* patronised by inteliigeni p!iy. ai;;ua<t aud ni^ mi In ererr civilix.'a land. AI.A9ICA CASSlMiCRKS ANl> STHAW HATS (if the ruling *:vle* *rc tbe special and laaclnating at (raetlona oi KN(iX'd iMorr*. ^i'l Hroadway and in the ?lttb Avenue Hotel ftantlt-meu of ta*te alway* patrou * the impnlar DAVID'S SUMMKR 9TYI.RA OF GENTLBMBN" 3 II*t* arc noted for their pertect ventilation and iireuy appearance, fient emen < Sim U ?W in great var.cty. .Halui-room ;WS Broadway, oear Haane * trout. DRsnUKR'S I'UjLS ARK TUK IJEHT AJiU jUFK-Jf Itjineiy for Cbilu ?nn Karaa ?iii Uimkii. USB DIAMOND.H. $JM IX Cl'RBRNOf CARAT. ttavtng *ecnred a large atook of chotCfl *t?oi*< t.efore tlie recent advance in price in l-.urope. we nnw offer A lull assortment ot flue wht'e Hiamon i Ktrring*. SolU talre*. % eirhiB] troin two to three caraw t-er pair, at tb? uniform rate ol Jll^vurrtucy per cara: lor an. Moniring* Iroui $10t<> $13 per pair extra. Aluo at^ie*. ot atmliar *l/A. tor rli'g*. at tlie raine rtte. Inn eoRktiMrairMti all *ii?e:?*. T-,. *l4. t',. !?,, H-1!. ?"?' * e*rit? per pair, mounted lu th?i l>e?t and late-t MrleJ. We are conftdcnt that no ?>etter goo<1? c*'i be found art^'viicr. and In vltn a critical examination H orn all wtio ue-if' ourchasa Ana "tones at close price* The?e ?I'Oiea" u llT!??-t>?a *? itU vt witluut ?Ctt?u|?, a* may tie deiired. HOWiRDl CO . Diatnoad Merchants, So. rn HfU? aveaut, New Vorlt. 1.K0M DUMAS' BAIT MF!RVKILLKOHH hvery youtnful charm renewa What i* It whence no harm ensue*! LKOX f?t'MA>' 1-aiT Mp M?*n.i.?w?a. Wh*t l> It no one cnu relnse? LI'.'iN III M.V.- l ac MaavatM.avga. WlLat I* it all lair damaeH u*? f LKO^ HL'MAe' k av Maavr.n Levgn LEOI* DDMA.V KAV NEItVKIU.KVKK 18 NOt an enamel but a Died Icier for t tie ski.1 Ladie? are la vited to lest it tieiore purchasing KoT Hale, wholesale ami retnl. at Nik i West l"Watity flftU *ttCO', lioGmau Uotiwi. Price >1 per bo 1 tie. parties or corporations is NEED op Pit in tin (j of any deseriptloa, whener Railroad. In enranee. rteatnililp. Connaercial, Tlieatrical or l^i^al. will tln.1 it to tlielr aiivauiace 10 otiutiu an e?tru?'n Jr.'in the Mr. I RUIN IW IAN I'RIMtNO KKIAHL1SU MK.s r. .14 i.ronlwsy, b,v,-.?r . |? ?vl.ig th?ir oricrj. THE PRKOVIAN SYRUP RAB CURED T?iU ?and* who were ?ufTeriuB Irom dytpapsia, dcbili'o . Ac. TRUSSES, BANDAGES, AC?SKEI.ET'S HARD Rvaasit feissas ? t'om'ort, ?aletv. cleanllnnna. durabll in , cool, iigtit, n-.i! lii baihiDK. always reliable. k*M; il<hment*i- i.V7 t'heatuut street J'hilndelt'lila; .17 Broadway, New York. HEW FC'RiaOATlO\M. AMORR RfrpitRI FRR8KNT CANNOT HR OIVKS to a calllvat"! pereon than "1 he t'y. ! pe lis of the He*t thought* of charle* Dickenc" cere till y Imlesed s beautltully bound. I'rioe, ??'i. Compiled by !? U. oeton taine and nnblished by K. J. UAIjH A it'Jf, 17 Murra/ ?treel. New Vork _ _ _ ANCIKNr ARD MOOFRV BOOKS, Knglleh. rren. h (lernian wpanlih, Ac. Apri l-.TON'S Aotiqiiariuin. W l lilrd m . near Rowory. BRIiIII I * DMRASK, DfABirRS, DROPSY, ORAVKL. i'al ultis, 1 tout. K!i-uinaf>m. Dyipepili, Diif.aea of tlie Mver, Kidneys, Rli?d.i?r 1'ronlate (Hand, Pratna turi PniMim. Orgawia i?. bliity and (Jlironis aD.i.i Hons ilnctirabla Hy general pfactitloner*\ A sutv page IJoio pamphlet. esplatalM a *iie^e*stul treatment btr Ititwe'sripeolflc, Wauke.iia Beinopta Mloerul Spring Water ahd l?r. ^ HaWLKY HKaTII tlie antbor and proprietor, free to any addre?s. t.etter* from phyi'.ctaa.* and other* nt hopeless ci?e* cure '.wot. Depot and re ccpuon rooms. So JH" Rroadway, New York. *</\R!0'UTAT10N9 OB NASAL OATAERH," RT A. B \/ Williams..II, M. !>.. late ("linioal Phyjiciau In the t'mvePM'y HedK-al OolIflK", Nn ly.Vork oily. Price I V Addra* is Past l weatletn itreot rlCTURKaQUt AM RBIDA?PUBLISHF.D BY D. AP Pl.MTO.V A t'O, New York, eompritlng the enllr* M parts or number* tor 'he two volume*, embracing tbe principal points ol interact in tho he tutlfal and rouisn tie seener? of ln'twi, a C09> l?r *al; Addrca* U, |>os ?*1 l(jr ?jJ viB*< srrcw phrhcatio*?. \ <*/iR?BKAI. xHbKKAl VKllBil AS WELL A* U# Vi ftguts."?5tirlU(fl?U I'uloft. "General Bbnrnfun holds Ik* sworl and the ?ea witfc e ?1(1*1 ?fcUL"?ttodaa Poek. ????* p^riS??> l**u ?.<e wplUbed military ?>??? Utn. ?Saturday kvrnltu iay?tto. THB TWE.NTIKlTl THCKHaXD. amioiu o' GBNKRAL WILLIAM T. HQIMUy written by hliuself. ' ? Complex Is two volumes. small tvo., toi pajeieieh. Price. in t'lu? cloth. $i oO, sheep |7, Ua.i lurker, .VI. tuil uTIey, $ii. [Km the Richmond Wbhr.] "He writes well His ii t?r?i pointed ?nD*iee He expiosaes in" opinions jt both uten au t th, i?s wau independence anil ireodosn." I'TorU (lit' Bostou l' <?' The book written b.v <?? :iwrul Sherman U ta striking a reeoi 1 of u,|lita< y experience us the motforn worl.l baa ever real it ia runi that a coumiandur t? % L'ood wrltsr, thi same hand not ytten being nifted with the . to hold '-he sword aud the peu with s^uat Skill. ' 'From ttie Kprlngfleld Union.] "Qaneral >herinan> at vie keiowes piuturesqoe ant vivi! in t re a tiiiir id the iint:tb to the *e?, which, indee<i, has bemi seised upon by all oar writers n rho most ro mantic pas?a:!e oi tii-- war. ' [From tlio Philadelphia Puilv Telegraph. J ? Willi tew exceptions. the book U remarkably temper ate. and it ia an eminent:-.' readable and ui<>*i iau:re*t> lng narrative oi a i?n'.Hunt ml'itary career." I From lb- Haturdar Krenfng Gazette.) "Wo rec.ignuie him as one of tin.- brilliant soldiers >< his era and as* man to whom lilac utiirr 1* very :ar*?if iodehteii for what, he now informs it*, wa* ihu conoep* timi M well a? the . urrylug >ur. >t ono of me master strokes of the war " i Front the Kcnnehec Journal.] "I hoy nr? written in <in -?ff-haim, vigorotu style, aboun I tu anecdote ano 'tie best account yet pub* lished ol one ol tbe iuo-1 linporiaiit campai^ua ill fti* late war." rfrom the New Horn i Journal.; "Viewed an a military wort. t;ie antohlrjjtraphy t* t fenuinu Dlu iiMtDeiioii, aud ripioa a? uiii^uw a position in uvordture >< Boawell'a 'Lit* of l?r. Johnson."1 [From the vew York Her?>d.; "Khorman shown that ho can w ield the pan as wMl tt the swora. Mm style U n* much ii is own as that ot ? anue or NaPoeon. ItU a win ranatyle we ies a Kitted man lolltn* hU lite In a plain, artiesa laahion, but wttft treucUant rhetoric.' I the 1 rlbnne. 1 Hit the events oi the civil ?ur, in which he h**W*!l hit illustrious lame U* bas itiven a singularly lucid aii'l insirucuve lescrlption; hi? itrlrtureson niilit?rr aflTairi are lufllcloiu aud wolghiv: but to innny readers hl< portranurus of scones and inrMen*s of leas wnlespreaij puhlieity. rrveslin* by fine glaneaa tho tralti ot ? powerful and. lu some tense, a '.ini^uu pumonai ciiaraos ter. will prove the moat nitcreiUug portions of tU? work." [From the New York Tltnas.1 "Thoso memoirs i?re b.v tar the moat int^restlnir stt'l important contribution vet mad.' to um militarr hlstor/ Of the l eBelllon by any of th.' leadnu uotors lu Ilia ^reak strugele. The personal history ot so marked a man tnusi always possess extraornlnary Interest. When Itisro luted'ov th? ninu himself, nnd in that peculiarly ra. jr stria whn:h lieiwral Khertnan's letters and speechnC hive in uie familiar to fho public, it not oniy Become* absorbiurf, but tas.'inaiiiu. 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Harper's Vs^axine savs ol these?booKS "It would be difficult to polut out amoriir the works ?f livltiK histoilans the eijusl ot those whioh haft Jr>? cefdod troiu Mr. l'rescott's pen , MbTIOIK* OK J. Q. AD4.Xa Memoirs of .fnhn Qnltxrr Adaius, e.-imprisln* pnrttoTIs et on Diary from 1T9S to i?4m. Kdlted by Hon. Oharte* Francis Adams. Svo. Vol vl. Kxtra ototh, t>\ "No one should fall to read it wlio would hsve eorrML kuewiedire of the hWtnry of our Kepubllu. :?n*'Mally or th* men who have taken an active part in Us publld alTairs.''?Central Christian Advocate. Tnr ABUSE OF MATBn?rTT. Through Its Rejection nnd Ihronch Its Unwise Accept ance. lly Mrs. F.ll*abeili K. livans. lluio, Kloe elotti. A remarknhlv well written volumf. containing mtny valaaMe stiicgestlo"* on this lnt<'tis>!lr tnteresung lues tlou. and will well repay a ttioiuthtitil perusal. MOBFORD'S AMKKTCAM GUIOH. Phort Trip Guide to Aiueric*- By Henry Korferrt, Kdliioii ol W!.V Kevl??d and !? nlar^?d. 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IMaatraMMB . .. moil thk bfbnhh or c w.df.buj WAMlhltlNda Hi BR1T1ANY. frith thirty one UliwlraVollA 1IIF. JsfoP.V OK A lltoBBOMB. With fotir Itinera liona ECttOBB OF ill NIKB 'HI L. By th? RaT. %*n, )? ftH/l. IK 1' With ?nv?n moatratloa* THK Sl.MISK.l.. TUB BIO!lril AOV IK El'K trE -lT r IB PR (Ik U'liYTKS? (r?.<innii-ii. By P. >iumi i'kul<^ Ua? W nil M \ Illfatr Alton*. GARTU B) Julitn Hawthorne. Chtpnr IlL Knight Brraatry?17. ilt>v Qarth w?at in ? rutiw. BlUH'K*! f|IK flBBf CKNTUBT or THF. Hi PC'BLI??4KintB 7-^r). *<???M MKIC'I VI, I)E VK Lui'JUST ?. Bi A Tvt/1tF??!PV'' 2 * *? 8. MMs AfcQBU R> Mix f-nel'Hlom i hap -: XXX. AlwrWBfrt.?*XXI. Ill :r,i Lyurt pi tM 'Iample -XXXII Any Man tour*. R ,mtu.=r XX kill lo show fatoa Art what Haauty wu 11 T?r? ? \XXlv. An-1 <*j fnrrviuU. ?XXXV. ?riia t'liurcti 01 Hv ABUr*a 'i?na Kratro TUIK Wtl ANI> WIBDOB OK T?a UaTNA**. By | JjhniiUt.jW BulTOR'B l AHT I'll MR. EDI Colt'.* I.ITKBABV BKfOBflL EfilloH'M ki l !?".n i 11'f? Br.i "-to i KDUOK i HI-Tomi- W. RECORD. Bl?ltor. i DRAWER. KtRPr.R'.-1 MAC1AIINK i r J r- cohtatr<iay iiiMtr three i"? uj'ul ?nuravlnm nr.l rlie larjett ;"?ibfa varlal.r o: ?otertr.tnloar raa-> n* challenge* rem pari fOQ. lb? opaiun^ arm-l"' l>jr Ifatri'l Prearott ?pn(T.irr| Ne?t.itr?P'>rl, with twent. one illuruailona. t'lipltua the literary ami btatori.-iil -urv.j E'rrlraae ra giu.i J > I IniroUuue J bj tUu aiUciaa on Cvaounl ?? prrvtona numoari William Hlaek. ihecrMhratei noTaUit, la hi* h*aHI fni .1, ^-rui'i.. "t U*l?. tu* principal lalai .1 ot ilia ? HaUrLle*. Ul?*traia4 roia m? own ^noii rtet>;ti??, ilia cloaaatbe aeerat cti.iriao; Ui?i?reat aoval, "A i'riucaaa oi l fl.ll*." ?Inmx Parton'a *'i ?rii-?tur? in tha Ra\mitionarr Penol." opoDlaa wllli ?u UliHifallnn l.v K^ik lamiu rranallti ti? Lamian. '774. h*- a ceoteniUI ila* ?r. Ian i m fri ni.arly a pro pun tu tne eiiinlue Kourili oi July Or. sainual Oa^i'.wl, ? lia t? a rharlaatu-rn man. coru' Hie erntenm.v ?l duucar lllll to a dIOImq I piili -revixw >< til.- .ifruti. ant i<an?? of that hnltl*. A. O M Heniainin, who*# a/ttcle i>n tlie Cfeaaaal Mantf* aaltaht?tl the r?adera or the Jane Naml>ar. Ib 1 hi* "WaBaaJlaJl in Briitanr." caMaflBai ^ rataiaa .?f in. teraannir matter into W pu*r? of thla nanitur, aoeooi.' nanlnU he 311 nvarinia winnfc for Laauiy Uatj ae-a* I*, aii ,!i-|MM*e<t id anv lllnn'ret" I pi>riwll<'><l Charlie Baacoatlnuf! hla Hitt?raia<l pa para o? ma Ai;e hi R a rope. Thara iiia niaaatra:ca. humariMBA lo*e i?le talilM "TUa Story of a Tromhona;" a eNtrra in? lov.' afori-vy vir*IWB W. Jolteaen, "A rnla^a nt Oobwb." and poi-ma i.? T. B. AMrtcU an4 other popu ar writers. Fi!wail AUiaaoa, in the ninth paper of tfca "Ptral renture ol ihe Kepublie" ??'ri??. a-.Tea * ;li :ieM;ol ani ?.u jea.'V- a ravlvw al tha da\alop.uaat of Aiu'r.cau mef-e. Jnhn Bis'io'r coattouaa hla pithy ooaintanta ?>? Hay. i tUn Frovarha lhaftrn ' diwrlai Daparlrannta laara no(hln? tn IM d*?lre.l Iit fh<?a raadara win wt-.B to he In'.orme.t at lo the aregr?t? of aolaMt aMi enttara or to na aioj/M the best ui tha muiitb't iio.olp autl aneodota. HARPf'BM MAOAZIMr" BSKKbt ANt? B?7tR , IV'.a#"! free to ?u?h rl'iar* it? tha t'nlteit an aa ami CanaJa ? AftPf'R'B MAOBXINR. HAKIM-R S UTIBM T ?? UARPFR fl RAtAR will tin senl for ?n^ I. an* hunk riper m the I'Dli^d -??. *v?? r<r oaaa.ia. poata< ? prepaid by 'ha puWiah-rt. on ro, eiot or $4 H ARrfR'8 MtOUlNK HARPKR'fl WE FBI f ao.t ii tRl't R'S H tKAK lor a?a year. ?IJ. or mf two i ?e J M*<iP' R B RROtBBM, ?|tr < K*