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\ L A B A M A REPUBLICAN ELECTION FHAl'D*. Shiun Elections and Train ing Repeater^. Intimidation of Whites aad Govermiwnt Baron fcr tie Negroes. REMARKABLE TESTIMONY: SZIMA, ]|jr 13. 1870. The Albania Ret i?tralloa and Election lawa, itaJo lb i?b8-b, and uuchanged tintti u*t winter, formed one or th" mott perfect machines for :rau<1 thai 1 bavo -?vor heard or. It la auuaiMr to sue that tnedeeen people of the state, o.1 both par'ie?, alii not unanimously and loudly protest agalnet the in long ajo. HOW 1 BEY RE<.trrERKD VOTrRr. A complete registration of the state was nafle lis lStjfM). The Mali tiien lu.K'.e were, by law, pla' ed in charge or the I rotate Judges in the counties aui these were o'utifei' t&euce.'ortli to place every one' * uame on the registry who applied for the purpose and toole oatli that fie irn i citizen ci the Mtate and couaiy and had the . oqu.nito %naliQt?iiona; ana itictt application might t?e mad ; at any time. No provision wua mauc for any revi-ion of those registration lists, to strike off the names or votcra who had clad or removed; new aamea were added irom year to year, cr rather from day to flay: H w.i< possible even lor a man to roister under several different same*. Moreover, lest any voter should neglect registration, it was provided fliat an inspector or election muat register him If m.'ilred, on the i!ay of election, and tne names -o registered were afterwards sent to the Frob&te Judge. It is ea y enough to ?ee that rej stv .uon n-ta ??prepareJ and never reviaed were meru uatittments 10 con ceal fraud. Sow rnrr hki.d an Ei.ecmv. That la to say they wo .id nave oeuo the cloak foviraude at election, were not that these reg istration iista were never used. For rear that t&ey might, anler aome coHMivubie cir cumstance. be used to detect fraudulent vouaar. aa amendment to the KegUt rattan act, passed by tUe Legislature, ilarcb )?:o, enacts this astounding provision, "Tuat It Is ilie intent aiiil meaning of ttits act fnarucl/ tie l:e;;i*-. a tionact that no registration lint* shall i>? used by at-j inspect >r ur other "Ulcer of election cn the day of election for the purpose of determining who may or wno may not vote- ac<i any peraon attempting to Interfere in any manner with any ether person wno may desire to vote ahull bo flaemed guilty oi a misdemeanor and pnatahaA in the same manner aa now provided let- :n the Elec tion liws."' Lest 3 o i -hould think, as 1 confca-* I fll i, that this was oniy a bad joke or s blender of the legislature. I ah< ^ yon lisre that tt wa actually obeyed. TUe Clerk o; the C ircuii Court of Wt.cox county, ^nc ot t nre.? nir.jers wao offlci ..iy count the vote ol tie couaty .uid mate toe certificates of election to the "-cretary of State, wa? asked, a fe>v weeks .'go, "As supervisor of flections, would yun count a vote teat > u knew was not properly registered"" and a lowered, "Without any further knowledge of the law than J now have I wonld." Again. "Are the names appearing la the poll Mara duir regtovretl ?ocoru ing to la^v ?" He replied, "1 do no: know."' Ano'her re urniuir off. er or tiie '.rat ?.ounty teins ai-kcu how lor>7 it woaid take to compare the pel: Hats of t:.e coonty w th tise ieg. iratlon >.sta iliought it r. oald at laa?t sl\ moatba. "Po'.l lists" were lists raa>le at i?r ,o o' the numes of those who had vetr !. Sow mar?:: liie Voter in A.abama cou t, ua i'. tie i>r sent vear, vote at any poll in h:? coun' j As h-s * aa not re quired to show a registration ertiiicate, a- it wan impossible to tel. whether or not te ha<; register##, a* an act oi the Legi iauira e^preaaly prwhthifed anyone from preventing ht" votivg, even ir he was not registered, aud aa he nitftit vote at *ny one Of a aoore or p<> ilag plac.s in tt>e ccunty aa . evl> deat.y under any namu he en. -o to give, it ia finite eiear that the Election law was a." great a Hiam a- the Re<flstr.u.ou law. li-.ewhoie tolBf was kioip. ? a huge practical jwico, or would aave been had not tue conjeqnenee > beea too seri- .ia. ) can unaftiae iv armoth, i'acaard and t e other Ixtuisiana worthies gr.;Uug tbtir taeth at the thought that they wee no; up toaach a trick aa tAif. V<"TS RaKI.Y l\D T' I E 'U*TE >1. Of coim "repeating" wa? r?rr?<. J on on a scale wawti would nuuc eveu a Sc-t York pontic*) nanager biotiU. la the Con^re^^tgoal iiiairict wnich m Judei Mobile <?bu $eima an lnveitigailon in iven uoitjjj on Tor goae timo lat<> iraatia wnlch inrolre the scat m fongTee?, cl*alme<i by T. o. Bromberg, against a lolorcS man, Jeremiah Uaraison. Hoch an investigation i* a formal afTair. Due noi.ce la irlven ei the witBinsee to be beard by each able, each candllate Is reprc ' en led by connst-l, anil tfce wnnes-es are ?abiecte<i to a eerere cron-exaniluatlon. Jlaralaon bad for bls -oun-e, the republican candidate (or Attorney Centra. ? f the state, an abie lawjer. Tiie :??t: taony will be laid before (.ongrem. Sew, then, i;up'j ;tt3 recent democratic ncweei in rkia wtatc an jm'-eroi the repnbiican leaders and ba?e quarrelled am?n* tbenaeive* and ?om<> ot va^gi h?r*, vj '<j *p^an; iiyjic-j[ gt^te*' enhance. (qah b:.ecth?v"?i-ttvo n*rr*i?n?. JlTHocsr other*. one :-.;ni/es, apolitical r.iar.nter In Mobile, was brought ap, *nd, uiHer oath, testi. fled that he was chairman u( tta fiepntiiicau r.-iton Clnb in Mobile; tM club met amiuit every night f<-r some 'tme before t?t3 elacron; it h.vl abont jr.0 member*. "Its obje-i,'' be testifted, "waa to increase the rspuLi.caa .oteof tie couutr?? by toting themeciror, aeeonJ. byjaduelf?*> their friends to vote; tnifd, by votlnr '^ f1 ?jr ?eat friend*, those iri* ^ m1f ac^th,^ wt-o "!*!-? nafl aSy existence." Tte c!ub was <Jlr:'eJ f?'o squads of ten men, for ea?li of winch a rrnrty leader was selected. Tuejr were rernlarly in ?truet?d how t5 ewitd? the Election la va: 11. nation* wer* felren bow persons who repeated eonld escaje the coma- ?inen ,es." finally, sham eiet'loni were actually Ueil in 'be ciab room, "in wb ? h," laid tlila wime^*, who was confirm; I, by tbe war, by other witaesae*, ??niem'jers wero ?lri??d i> ills actual tnilcs s of ?!?< Hoi day; acEi* ware of election*, *oa.e iB#p?ctori, Mher* deputy a .erlff^ sn-l deputy m.uiba s. Tlie so-mben were diti'ied into ?n? crowUi r?pre??nt. ing rrpub.icana an ?c'emocra a. "orae were quiCt ritizeoo, ?taii'linK around tue poHs; otlters were col. / and discrdar?/, ana were arreate l; o'?er?, jet, were qnietljr pnttl'ng In -tite r wor*. Ibey ?< ulJ am' up, vote, pa?* away, rerire, fhange ? h'lr > iothe*, return end rote again.'> li'tucxw, ati thin wa-t not ret1.; it was a abana tlectlon?? Training school for repeating, and I arn qaoting ?worn *e#Mtuony, all the e^acntutl pcints of whi'Ti re?t oa tl? indefendeni svidssct tf Hr?ril|?i< Mlli a rrnooT. or rr.Atn# ? :f s man was cliallenfttd ^nd objected to and ?as fearnl of arrest bo WouM retire withant vo'lnf an", fortbwltti aisnme aomo other and ??fer dlaguise. Each crowd was ehonu now tiier might deceiTu tlis meaiosrs or tbo othev by tratenoinv that they were voting tl. Wets when in r?a ;ty they were sot. Fvf iisUuce, rs^aollcans wou.d receive tuelr ticlctts frura ihoio represent ing cemociats, and while pre'end ng to <lepjslt fncti ticket* In tt e bauou b ..j really d?po?lt?d tbein la tbelr pockcis, or in the itniageftMtr ^at?, inb'Utfltfoa th#f?fof r?p'j?)1iean ticket?. The/ were taught that tbore who go quietly ebent on election day are rery .itue n .tlced; and tbat while oue party waa ceitnln ?h?t encb persons were Toting fur tUem and tan otber rtrtt was more certain that the ?ame persoss were rotiuf lor Iheua they nee* fear bo in'.yrrup lion. This f*cl bad been thorcoghiy pro\ei by ?be persona; of mauy tbere present it ik a I ib am eiecauii. A ui u>* We ftftd M?a admitted on imni er **** W*D known r?fuktic?Bi??-by tboir seal etsplayed ?? previous wall fought campaigns, and their eutnnslasm nod determination mat the repaotl [ llcau party Hbouid triumph in Hie ideations of 1671. KHACDn.BNT BE" l*TK \TIOK LIST"!. In addition to these snsm elections, arrange ments were made ror preparing lists of registered j names for Die on the election day. fhe majority of th**c name*, though properly registered, were only creations of the fancy. The persons for whom tbeso name* aopeared on the registration list* never Had existence. Some tnree tbousand nanus were time prepared, it was proposed ihat l:e squud* before meutioued, uuder the control of competent and energetic 10a<1er?. should atsem ble on ihe clectlou morning early, and, having , been fe?, should proceed, on previously deaii/asted I routes, from poll to poll, votln?r as often a# possi bie. They wore lusiructcd to avoid detection aud arrest if variola meaua:?lirai, Jo vote names that were properly roistered; secouU, to change tneir personal appearance by various disguises, end as there was but Utile danger of their arrest by republicans, that, if It should ap pear expedient, t'aey should deccivc the demo cratic managers at me polls into believing that they were voting the straight democratic ticket, whi.e la iact iltej were indns'rleusly engaged in voting tbe sualgnt rapnblictu ticket, 'ihese iu stractiouB were given In such a war that no mem ber could fUthiully say that he was advised, com manded or in.-trocte.l directly to vote m<>re th;in once. Nevertheless, the leaders of the squad and men in whom coaildenee was reposed understood the whole matter. rofH votes ro B*cri ygtkk. ' "It was further suggested that It niislH be exped ient lor some members to carry democratic tickets in their luvuus. aud tons appear to bo voting such tickets wlii'e their pockets were stuired wi'h an ample supply of republican tickets, which they were lapul y depositing In tiie ballot boxes. Also tBelemUii-t were privately Instructed to keep a careful re ora oi the number of republican ticketa deposited by these sqnaus. so as to get an ap proxitua'e estimate of the vote. Ou the nlgbt before e>ccuon, at the club room, after the mem bers hid gone ond when only tne leaders of the sqmtds reir.a.ned. 2.000 republican tickets were laid out and folded. Persons were appointed to distribute tickets, also food, an* seme to keep account of the reports made by squalls. As iar as pos-ible the route of each squad from poll to poll w?? designated before hand, so that there might Do no tonfusioii and no assembly of several squada arouud one poll on election day. Iaatrncttcna were also given i>t wntch reports were exchanged from time to time or the progress of the work, so that the preeise 10 cauty 01 eaeh squad at any time ant amo the num ber of votes up to that time deposited by eacH squart mlgtft be kuowu. ? * ? No regular ac count ot the number of votes polled was Kept alter oue o'clock ou election day. The aggre gate returua, after making all allow ances, was over 1,000 votes east. Abont 200 members went out on tais work on ele tlon morulag. * ? * 1 saw oil the squads at work on election day?some voting; others were wait ing for their turn to vote; other* pasting rapidly lrorn oue poll to another. They reported up to na? o'clock that the work was going on with vigor. that time, u we found wo were t^aten, no farther account* were kept." Squires' testimony was mily corroborated by a nurui-er of witnese?. members of his club. One testified taat if the plan had been earned oat fully 200 m -n could have cast 1,.VH) votes. Another, af?er speaking of the "drill"' and sham election, na'.d tiat he thought the club had pohed about 1,000 votes, ami that they did this "for the promotion oi the interests of tiie republican "party by voting early an i often." Another testified that titey "were drilled ?o repeat, tlicn change hats and go back Hgu'n, but be sin art enough not to be caught." AueUier testified mat 2,00o names were written lor it.e use of the repealing squad, ten names on a slip, and so on. KLD-llAL BA.CGX ASD RJtrCBUCAN V0TS3. This was one of the dUtrlcts in which bacon was distributed by order ol Congress and at the expense of tne lederal government, ostensibly for tke benefit of sufferers by tno overflow of tne Alabama Kiver in 18T4. This Liacou was made a u?aiio ol sccurwiK jepubiicaa votes; the negroes were told, in some Instances. ihat it was sent them .ircct from General a?ant, and It was re ported and understood that ue receiver of gov crnmcnt bacon mu^t vote tue republican tieket, under penalty of losing all his "rights in law.'? J. S.. is a rcjuUicaa politician, lu toe cauvjss of 18H ne was republican aadttate for tne Leglslst irc, Depn'y Tn.ted States ?arshal. Chairman ol t:>c Rcpubltcan Couuty Ccuimi'tec, l'?;ted .^ateB Supervisor of Klectiou, s?U t>e siaea thM na i charge of ae dwtriiiut.on ol oacon appropriated by Conwresa f?r sufferers fcy tbe overflow of trie Ala'-ama iUver. He m Uia same person who recently eoifOOM* be'ore the !*peucer lnveitigat.on Committee mat iu tke cauvasa of i??:2, being then Ueputy l uited states Marshal, be allot X kole through bis own bai, and thera apon imiiieoia ely mallei Utr iederi! tryojip to pro voters stalest Ku iC'i*. JN ?I MlDA llu>" HY I'M raw fTMVI MAfL-ffiU". Ten iu mm mide Uepotr Ui.ited btatee Marshal again cn the lgtbof October, 1874. at tne re?iuest oi the chairman of the Republican Ht ite Kxecntire Committee, and ou the 27tn of Oolober be called lor i nited States troeps The use he made of them appears iu hi4 testimony osten sible object was to enfor e writs of the l uited Mates Conrt". but, nsys Perrin. "said write hsd no existence." lie adds, under oatu:?"Tbe real object oi these troops was to quarter tiwm in the mo?t cen'rai portion of the district aud intimidate democratic voters by causing reports to .De ctr cuiateJ tuat the deponent bad warrants for tse arrest of a large nom' er <*T wtiitts for alleged tloiaMoi^Of the tBiorcemefft a its au4 National I Election lawja so foT refoe^ ^'0 Bart fWeu pay colore 1 men their full wnge*. Many persons wl?o had taken an active par* jjj ilie Democratic Somtns"^ Convention, and some who nS(1 ptr,onai ?.?eo!t1e? with ?,?red ntfin. were led to believe the report waa correct, and rather man b? arref ted and arraigned before a l uited J-tatt-a C"OBinrts-?fOb?r's Court, wita unscrupulous witnesses to testify sffainst them, and in order to avoid the expenr-e and trouble of a trial, prepareu to leave and did leave the ; county Thl ac'lonTncltsd and encouraged tue mora partisan an?l turbHent negroes to unite tbe : colore 1 crowd against the wbitsi aud enaUcd me | to volt tliern as I chose. rauiRAt bacoh. As to the use made of goveruin int bacon rerrm testidpd"I Issued the bacou f^r Mouroo , oiiuty. rrtflous to doing ?0 a report was circulate* *n?< ?g tee negroes tuat .a order fct 10 !),cou | ttr, would li^ve to vote tfte straight republican ticket, and if they received baeon and afterwar* s re .us -1 cr ncgiectei to vflre raid rspcbilcan ticket ther woold forfeit tue.r rlflita in law. As I was :? candidal* for the Legislature unon said ticket I dit not consider it neces ary to ?r'?cl u is leport. lOttier w. ncsses swore thatierrn was the author of the report.] it was exten sively cl cuiated tBrough Monroe, Cor.ecuh, i uka and Wilcox counties that a bsroeeue woul I be held at Monrnev.UO on eiectioo day and ti.a> all segfoef who would tttend sad vote the republican tieket would receive r-aeon enough to l.i t ihea a year. This Induced many to come irom adjoining fooatiea lo Monroevlio and vote on said day. The barbecue was at id and largely attended. 1 could not prevent these illegal votes had I Wen dleposeJ. A.I strangers were challenged, and. havUf taken tbo gath, were permitted to vote, TIIU WA8 THE I.AW or Tllf fTAT*. At least 'M IliefSi votea were east there mr tke republican ticket." Tue federsi soldiers were on sieittoa day "stationed fliresliy at the poMe und r arms;" ?nsi ferrm tost.aes aosltlveiy that Of ths we legitimate votel cast *1 Mmtroevliie for the republican file, noo wauld have voted the denociaue ticket but for tiesa tricia an? Jiroiu Us' " as tke eolored peepie wote gettiag along so wed wita the wmtetf' ia tktu baSiB?a? and plant ing relations. In Dailaa county, where bacon was also ais lyijj, pp^agsuloiu icmHtoti iiviivi'ilgn W | this tMCon wu conuded, canned the negroes wfeo applied for It to make affidavit that they had been overflowed, and for wttMMKtg thee* pap?r> he chsrgwi Men twesty-ilvc centa. He gave to each mau about two peuuda o4 batten, nod be eouia have bought nearly three pounds for a quarter or a dollar. lie really "made a goou thing" oat of the ueicroes, and could nave afforded to go Into tile bacon burtneas on b?s own account. nrrmipjiriu!* by nbubo i.iapkrs. Dallas is oi?e of the heaviest aegro co?n?iea in tho state. It has suffered from the control of low white and Mac* demagogaea, and In this county there In the most pes'tive and abundant testi mony of intimidation of black voters by tke colored republican leaders, both before and on election day. At one precinct, Orvllie. Haralson, the republican candidate for Congress, a colored mau, said, it) a speech, that any negro wtio voted the democratic ticket ought to De swung Croat tho limb or a tree, and called on the men and women proeht to hold tip their nanus In approval of this sentiment. He then appealed to tne women in the audience, demauding if any of them would live wtrh a husband or have a sweetheart who wonld voto with the democrats. Forze, a colored man of remarkable ability, who rents and himself manages 1,400 acres of land, testified tkat the negroes were put tiuder a general apprehension that if tne demoorats snccocded they would lo*.e their light to vote; and tlie more Ignorant, he says, belie v?d that tuey wouid bo re-enslaved. At Bellevue pre cinct a republican candidate openly threatened all blacks who should attempt to vote the demo cratic ticket, and a number or colored men testi fied thar those who were suspected or such an in tention were driven away from the poll. At War ronton precinct a colored man who had been de tected voting a democratic ticket waa seized by a negro mob, wno dragged htm off, and from whom he escaped only by the intervention or whito men, who concealed him, and later set him on a horse, on which he escaped. At Pleasant Hill just before the election Walker, candidate for Clerk of tho Circuit Court, violently donounced aU negroes who should vote with the democrats, and de clared they should be killed. At Portland a large number of colored men complained after the election that they were in dividually tureatened if they should Tote with the democrats, and Cyrns B. Warner, a colored justice of the peace, elected by the demo crats, testified that the lact that he bad been mobbed an l nearly killed, in 1872, by aegroes, for supporting the democratic ticket was re membered, and prevented, to his knowledge, a number of colored men from voting with the democrats. 1 could go on at great length with such and even more forcible evidence, but this is euoigh. lu this county Haralson, the republican caudidate for Congress had, in writing, p sdtlvely charged Intimidation by tlie democrats, but the testimony of republican violence and intimida tion was so overwhelming, thar, before tae Com mission bo confined himself to efforts to prove that there was no intimidation on either side, i ou. a fair and peaceablo election. Nor did the candidates confine themselves to verbal Intimidation. uae circulated an "order'' to the colorcd people to vote for him, signed "T. i ,S. Giant, President." Another, J. s. Dig**, now and at that time Cocnty solicitor, and now ar- i rested under criminal Indictment by the Grand .Juty for embezzlement and bribery, circulated ' throngh tne county a printed warning against i bis opponent:? KEFCBUCANS, BEWAHB. Any one found with tickets with ta? BOLT IK SILSUY'g SASiH on it will be prosecuted and sent to the peniten tiary. J. 8. HIOWO, Solicitor, l>ft!ias county, j The Solicitor is the prosecuting attorney, who represents to the colored man the majesty and terror of the law; and this threat was so effective tlmtSUsby received but 15A rotes lu the county. I reserve for another letter some further ac count of Alabama politics. CHARLES NORDUOFP, OCLAN TELLGRAPH. STJCCEhS or iac c sited ?tati? ucun ASSOCIATION. The direct between America and Ireland, independent of that aiready iu existence, aim wbitU u a 0?w American enterprise. ve.Herti?y van in acrivq working order and transmitted tele grim* to and Irem the old country iu repaid to the business o! tHe company ana the workings thereof, bat no public business, however, has beep dose. Tbe fo'k>wlng letter bear; upon the matter:? To thf Kotroa or tuk Hkbaid:? lo ir leferenco to tbe MVix stn MM* Indicates the proje t as altogether I ngii-h, wkeieM It 1* the resa'.t ot American enterprise. I <le?iro my se'.f no credit, how aver. for being the direct means lor than securing an independent cable be tweeu America ami Ireland, i'liat credit belouaa altogether to tne Anmrtcau Atlantic ?'a"ie Tele grapu Company of New York?E l ward Hatgat, for mer President; A. T. Wiimarth, present 1'resldent, and to Colonel Arttiur M. Kawuuan. Nsvv lUuip stilrt, who individually uegoiiat'.u for the cablo in Kngia-id. wmie I. as an associate. oeitotukted r<>r eonneetng cables from the Continent under anb.Htanrtai co-ocerntion rom tne so\ernmmt ut VI ashinaton. Tne capital to secure the cable, ap proaeiimg ?7,000,00>i, eorrency. waa luruisned by ? syndic sts ot KngiUb, liehjiao, Holland nnd i*."**? rali*Jy interest*. mcmn. ijiemiui Urotulr?f of Loidon, tue construe tors of tbe cable and ownefh of tue ^ara^av MubitcriidnK largely. Tie public will be please* to learn that my Coutiavatai iiAgntiauoiii prerms'' two ocean cables Iroin th? tun lu. nt of Unroi^, om to Sew Hampshire and one to Nevr York dtrccr. to connect wrh a proposal cable fro. 11 California to Apia, all oi' wblcn cables are to ' pjofo asnosuutial opposition to the Auglo <aoie . Company of Knsriaod aud the iV???ern I'Utob 1 ifrapn CO'npuny of New Yor*. moHop^lM*. That i monopoiv ua? teen practical'/ destroyed by Ytte "Direct l'aita<i States cable, by which success the tariff ocean ratea have been reduced one-Dalf, ' .)nd on the a repletion of ttc cm :e? frem tbe Con- 1 ttneat will be reoacod tooue-mumer, |i not lower ' wtnie fruTit*. <J*rm iny, Holland, ;*nairi and otlier nation." with America, will enjo} a cable teicgr.iph communication wirn tt;? world independent oi Lngll?B cons I'iuatioaa. - tv. COR?ElX JKWETP, Zt L*?!?i vceau cab.e A?*<*.!*tion brwafliuniton. ST. BARNABAS' DAY. KXEXCISE." AT TBWITT crwH A>V VS. fiaJt- I WABAIJ' JlO^Sf The leiDl-ananal reunion o< the Trinity Sunday ! icnool cbwdren toot place yCiter'day afternoon, ntoout acholars pai ucipatiug. Tne day ia a red letter one oa tbe church calendar, befog the lent of St. Earnabaa. Twenty yeari> ago St. Bar- i nabas' Ltav wae d?< i?ed upon by tbe vestrymen of 1 Trinity cbnre# aa tbe occasion of ceieiirating the scaiUinauai reunion of the Mnnday scliooia. At three o'clock yeaierday, tbe time appointed lor the ?zrvlcea in tbe chureh, the cnildren entered tbe church witu their hsnncrp. accompanied by tbe teacbcr*. As the of tbe proccrston pa?ned ' into the ehnreh tfte errs* mounded, <\n>\ to iu no C?u;H^iuieat the youug proce>uop.iats t iog Bri;?titl? tfieair' ear banner, row.tiny ;o III' say. Ac liter tue children wera seated iu tee middle aifie anoiber hymn wa*i -.nn<4 and a le^on rtao from fie uio.e. Another hyiuu w?m cuau'eM, and tt' cu idien uaving rcaum'd their sea * i,**. Mor C 11 MX ' dme forward to rue st< ps of tf e ciuncal and delivered WMI mig;tt be called an address. He told the children how happy tne otner clergy men and bliaaelf were at seeia* s > largs a gstbsr ing. It wa* iBvire graM.tiiu and bk armg the Ciiristmai gatberln/. lor on rhat day they came to get fiioir < nr??'ma(, preeeBt#; n wtnero whs no rewaid ho<i in n -eiucut held nut, aud still they came. The address coiitiu ."-i in a | Masaat, aiinide re n and ."me nded with tue expression of a hove mat at CnrMimas all vo?M atraiu aa ?embie u the oid cnurcn. As Dr. Dix w?- ar-out to rotu'i Dr. <?gli.*bj called him sui ie and 10M b ut ! tometlilntf regarding tie aonnal piealc. Th4 pieaunt lBiortnatt'oi ?a? coaveyta to the ehii drer. *.'11 the arisur^iee that tuey would have a picato ibU s'tmioor as they had use ia fnrmer ycnri. cou'-lnoed the relenrali'di, ana the cttlldren marched oat oi tb? caurch ia the ! order ia wi ioh tney nad en'ercd, At st. asnvaBss' roihk. r The anniversary extremes <>f f?t Parnatfaa' Hn ise, No. Maiberry street, were neld jet terday artei noon, i lia rooms of toe Home were tante.uily decorated, and in the chapel ia the ru iraing eo-n.womon s<ervi?e wae held. At lour y x ai>rayer meeting was held, aner whieb the npenateitdeat read the annual report, lae it*v. Mesara. Woodvufl, <?.u audet and i ottie made ' abort ad(tri-nac4 on the needs of the Ilousa lead ing room, Ac. i Tne festleai of the Punrtaf ?chnoi t*ok piac* a* aix P. M., sltd wax largely attended, lfcc usnal annual eicuraion 0/ the siliool wi l take place In the latter prtrt of Jniy, afld those who in?eno to give donation! ro the affair are renneetea l?om rnunioate fortr?wltb tci iUV Rev. S, i;, N?. THE BLACK IIILLS The Surveying and Geological Ex pedition on Its "Way. ! DETAILS OF THE MARCH Peculiarities cf the Country Travelled Over. A GALLOP THROUbH A VulTl US PAtoi - ?AMP Kn- 3. Bi a?'k himj? Rzrcr.aoK. ? On Rawuidk Ckkrk, Wyoiuluj, May i* .} At six o'clock on the morning of the 2Mh the government surveying and geological exposition | for the Black mils of Dakota started lortu from ' camp, on the east hank of the North Platte River, opposite Fort Laramie, where the body had beeti ; collected the day before to be in readings for the I march. Lieutenant Colonel n. J. Dodge, rf toe , Twenty-tuird infantry, asaumsd command on the 24th of the military escort, and, of course, is ihe 1 virtual leader of the expedition. It seenn, al though Mr. Jenncy and his a^iatant* are Uurough scientists, as if they would be overshadowed in : popular estimation by the miners who hare been selected to go with the expedition. Their practl. cal experience will have more force tip .n the minds of the people most interested in the ques tion of mineral wealth ig the sisux oountry taau | mar of a whole college of professional scholar*. l;ie old hahttiUs of geld and silver mines whom one meets in this part of the world laugh at I the Idea of the assnmod ability of a geologist to determine whether a deposit of pre lous metal will yield smttcient profit to be of great value when teal<a. But, although this is the tenor ol opinion among the rough frontiersmen who soma ; times are met at settlements and ranches by the : traveller, educated and Intelligent persons, of i courHO, approve of a' scientific investigation ?f a j question of so much importance. What we have a'reauy named the "Scientific , Corps1' oi the inarching column, and especial!/ I Br. T. V. McUlljcuddy, the chief top 'grapaer, J began I taking observation? of the country, its products, dowers, animals, formation, elevation", Ac., from the moment | Cheyenne wus left behind, a;.d the result should 1 be. a very good and reliable map of the road I which we are making to the Binck Hills. Dr. , McGiilycuddy is of an Indus.rloua dibposl I tion, bright ana enterprising, a good | rider, and may bo seen during each day galloping alonr the column as it la moving, and from adjacent ridge* and rocks noting peculiar features with a prlsniailc com pass. Captain Tuttie, official asironomer of the J expedition, is a well known scientist and the dis j coverer ol a number of stars and a lesser comet, lie is assisted in his observation* by Dr. McCIUly- j cuUUj, and has utilized tho Jlear nights from the hilitops with telescope a'id biiroiunter. CllAKACIURl.-lHt, OF 'HIE COCNTRY. The country wtueh w? have traversed in coming to this camp is of nn interesting character, marked by traces of a different formation which existed ages ago, pro'jaidy prior to a period when this part of the earia's snrface, even at a higher elevation than most of Wyoming Territory now, I ! was covered by a great sea of iresh water. Cone like lulls and knolls, with flat sumuiiia, meet j tne view, showing ;ragmen ts ol the former surface of the plain before the intervening hoi lows and fniches were wrought out oy the action ! oi the water, lite rock is of a crcamy color and composed of and lime. The ridges, which bound the vision in nssuy directions, are seme times thinly covered by stunted cedars, and some times vjry bare and brown. But the rocky butts ?' which come up over the horizon, such as Laramlo f'eals and tue Kawhide Teak, appear Majestic | apd beautiful in the distance. Invested with a hazy hue of b.ue or pn pie, according to tno speciei of rock of wbich they are composed. On fue.-Uay the expedition proceeded about eighteen miles, from the North Platte River to Kawhide Creek, following tne trail which leads to the Red Cloud and Spotted Tail agencies. The hardens Imposed upoa the wagon? earns aro al ways heauest on the first day of a inarch, because > the forage brought along for the animals Is light ened at every tamping place thereafter. The sop ply an ! bagfage tiain of this expedition is one of the heaviest ever sent out with a similar party, and long marches wui not be practicable until after seven! day* have passeo and tne loads hare been ccasidcrabljr dep.eteu. On Inesday, ter. orpbk or marii! wa<i broken aud ine^ular, ?nt to-day the column 1 ha* moved with mere svmme'rr, and, as it wound slowly over the country, presented an imposing appearanrs.. Cavalry form the advanco and guards. With t le train ar* tito companies ef In- j Jan try, and a b?r<?of beef eattlenumbeilng several hundred are driven collaterally with the move went of the column avi guarded by a detachment 01 cavalry. During a parr of the time oef opied la the periorroane; of its duties the exp-Mltl n will enloy the luxury of f*esh t-eef, and It Is hoped that the game In ihe Buck kin* will prove sufficient to i replace it when it givte on*. oi.p joer MBr.RTTfi.i.1 11 Mo ije's guide. Uii l? amiYted by one or tw'eseonts. To-day was tie first day o? hit eer vlee. We left the road to trie atreacies and m vte a new trail over the ront? of an old one widen te now almost effaced. At the point where we are now camping Jo#* dlsp'ayed a singular Ignorance for a professional galde an l led the waf nto the dry r*4 of a stream where the wag iss sank into the sand up to the hui'i of the wheels. To travel by this route would have led direci'.y sway from water, over sn Irregu ar surface, broken by frequent and deep ? arrow*, or gulches, dug out of toe sou sand, and I around many of which the tram would be obliged i tu make iosg devours. Id company with Lieuten ant Morion, ol CapHiii William iiawiey's com pany, Third cavalry, your correspondent rode a long distance in advance of the colamn in tHe di rection selected by o'd We follow^ tae rldses snd crossed severs! who great dlf flcnlty, making frequent ha,is to wait for the ap pearance of the column, rhich had droppe* beaind out cf sight. At tbe t>a?e of the : Rawhide buttes, wnithcr we went at lenstli in aearch cf water, wa rested anoaf an hoar, an<t were reinforced ?>y a hunter and a | miner atta-lied to the expedition, who had strayed from the main body. 11 the rocky hills on both sides of us?for wo were t'i< ? in the broad . ettrauco of a pass between ihs tuttes? there ! wtro aEdou!>rediy 1*DH5* ttrnxo ar.d watcnlng toe expedition fr?m tne ele vated reeky ledges, which serve them m gtservatlon points and mc;ins of coaccai ?en'. It was aooat mur o'eiork when we ?gain started, cons deratyf pnzaled as to the locaiiou of the main '-odf, wi:ic.h we snpposed by this time Dad gone into tamp. *e wera, moreover, not a little apprehensive of a descent from tne hidden savages, whs in si: probsbillt/ were watcn lng our movements, a id, jealous of what they would naturally regard as au e?- roienroour. npon their territory, trotlid certainly tase advantage of any opportunity to gatLer a ftw scalps from the ; tiesp!t?-?rs. the sey?r of bak&er lent a charm to an experience which the ? enery j snrroanding ns had rendered interesting, and we determined not to turn bact on our trail at any hatard. tve accordingly proceeded np the pass to the base of the roc*, which seem?<v omi nonsif'frowning above as, and isenre ts Ifs snm mlt, from whii n we efjnld ga?? backward over a wide panorama ?f broken and sandy plain, cov ered with heavy, but dry. brown grass, and dotted j with white spots, where tie esrta was bars. So camp and uo column Was visit,e. Moving over another e.evation between the moeotains, the | ? valley on ti.e western ride was revealed and our I hearts lightened, for it was green and ieauti/ul, wl?h ststely trees scattered ovtr the surface at ! iosg UUrvMk wi it ?Ut*>o (he tsiuatc. HUiata , Witt Most (MNtM M4 ?M?iC ?WMHllt?? (? hv of a vary krtrkt itMi af ft oaa. Maktaa nomnri mm wmm* t? astoatf a ?*?*? dM*aaea mm m> kmw mn aad asora pkv iaroon?o. Hoar tko kaad of tBt i?t*m II Mil t??H Ilia raMNBf arovad tka m?'a at anriaara, i>?.k m i a*>rdtaf dfH#a<ty ffca kota ron?p t<>??r.t *?? Maarara IHw. v- ?? * ? oo m ? ??? TWI fk^rr^ from IM aamatr or ?k? MM tate rtua ra"ar ?a? rarjr ronfH, *? i |rm r, *? M aa- !>?r* ? down tlx- atoap dittany, ??*r a?aat?, aftfPfry r<--* am *a?n man* r aMarh T?a ??? rtaatarM ak ? IM I ?tM M Wl f? wa WttH. ar?t?k to ?? M ?W pa'la a? Of *'rer aa* ??? tal ? W- -a* aa it. kowam atwa laak trarl* o' as taaftan p<*ar. >m *ae-t??l'# of w i wa ?ad | f\ - >u?;j <*;a ..ra- ?d la ??># -fry t>adl af a ? rook or IM haaa *>i tt>a ? a"? 01 ? k* ta??*1* atda. akora a? hoi k->pai ta f ?a ???or. A m a* mmr ?ad ?r?. ?m n* ?r?ooM im w??ry fotkfl f<>w?r4 'i ? Ktaaa w ? aad pNMUHy Ma ?ta<l?a irat h fart) it?> t? ??? wi t > aa*a of Ida onituc (4 tkr vMto ? aiMAM?i> i"?? h otfTint# w< ? aMv ? low koara old. 'a f a m'dd.a tf tka a?liay wo atnict agaa tka o.d Mat tf.... arktck aa traw?*4 ?i.ia n?rti ?. *?. . tka it. an ?? tf wcf ? ? bora *?????? ate? kaaMaa IMN of a at m ?-r rlk. *f >? oor u?to. I % ta? ? ??oif i*,oa# R?w hMa ii?'i wo fcaad r>. valor ?? ?? ? utu ?a rrtrara a eroMinr *(?<>?? |*|( a alta lat??. iko n ? ?m ,? . !? . to r<r>??. ?nd anJot I Mrs < i itouw^vd ?k?'to. Taa trwa tMNW ?? era- ? a? ?t.d i ? gt ??m. aa?> .-to*: ft> m in* Pirn k? ????< loiiaa a. iw>d a -i.?ar <*rr'i?l runuian an-a aad ?w-r? ? .tor I'taM ware h?nl( ip iaa itada Wa u> ad war ?aa taaaa, r<?f*a?'.iad ?.<ir?o;? a Mid ?>ar koraaa ?*Ma r 'i- draucbta aaa. a tor Mi rata tor drrr, * til. h ia.a?i ka aikiw *?" ? tka *r?ao with ft* ?kfti*d kok* 16 i on. !? a. ? ?r t?.rw?t lu<ii.ta auigia ?? tk>? ut ?.aantorvaa, aad if aa la4 raaa i.?< n <afaral iwdaa ? ?r? .ci i It* ijr?vm, m> ?twatd aot oar* A ? .?> ?.!?? ?? . alth>>ai.'<. doafctnaa. MaalaraWa tra|.*daiM*a. wuu rurraat ki? -???? la ,'u.l |>t ? w ra a ir.varwi . ao<! iu? ira#r?uoa ol i .a kru.Ufc', a M t>a*4 fi-.wor waa t.T? r| a?-ul. At tk? iaarar poiat ol ta ra at. *?tag uiaMo u rapr tka vamp, aa cra??ad Ma r .??> ?a?i? .rt aud loda i nr thr r.rpi?,u. r r loaitit upon our. m,, ai. a. ? * ? ??? tke co.umil >ft Raakl to < mra aarif >u tua day l? roiar tha arj btM .?( * ; .1 ui .<. ? ;aaai. Tka N>dv ka t i?aen auaip nd to lam i?.i ?n-t tka route for ? ? n. n. m I ka* t?raa da tided upon aa ;or iratt tM ?..? r? n of ia? ftaa. hid'', tiirougk wkirh l >?i<u u?ni M^raua aad aijr aoil t>< mind In ant a a .... uauiv iwoaitar. rue ro. k> formatton oi ti.i tta?ai<i? kacaa ta pr*Qlu -. usartz ta arai ar? d ta pr ua? t. .. arouud t'alr ka- a. ?? ioo of ii ? t ? itra- a Uugn, TH? SJtlZUBX or J HE C> TAMA. A touvki cncAWu r< n m.n not i dt.cwox r-xttrrta ro-Pkt w*-m ?4?hiv*. TOM?k OltAT M*!!t*D C?UK Ft. ?M LnMW k. The Cubing of ?his cl'y ttre ye*t?r.Tny all. t ? f/?? r/oe. Doxeus and do* . :iaof llM'f VM a< the ncconnt o> tfca seizure of If. 11. ua t m OcUTla i>y Collector Arthur rn?lied .vet Mta? fool of Van Brunt atieer, mjutlt moo m, to see the craft that was to have fciem t aid and comfort to their nnhnrpp ?<? ;?ir Collector Arthnr said that it wa* a n? ? > , t to suppose tfiot the yacht had ? een gel*"*. *ho had dimply been searched for tlig pnr#o*? ef c?r:ainlum whether there were any grounds J >i neiztatf her. The clearance f. ? i bad hern re taaed to her commauder, t'aptntn k< tnara. arnu explicit instructions should J.>ve arr rtd trtm Wauitington, whlttisr an ofll. :sl report or tins case nad been dcpatched on the j.^tuoi <tny. Tho collector said that he hsd a rts*ht to mnse tni<? aearctt and detention tinder tee to uw<ug section of the Revised Dtamitii THH I.4W ??!? l>? THf? CA*t Frrr 10* 8,20U?The >. reral < !>'?!<. , , ibn Cv*'r*n? rliall d'lain anr ?ea#I msuUeftty bull* l..r onrilae oar- ' pose* uinl al?.uf to depart ihe I ni'et m., . ? of which principally uoiiMs of ar">? *.id muu.n. t war wtien the number el mci slilM ii inj?rd nt other circon.?tano?? reuder u pri>l*tite ihu at. h ts intended Ui be employ* d bv tn <" in m i< < iuk ar coiuniit iioFiiUtif* upon the rUtilMta, eti;/ >. < r property i t unv fi?rn?!ti prince or state nn i knv . ulmv di*f<i, t of t>eu;<le mtb wncnt tin' I ar? tip. ,ce, until utc deeleion of ihe I're blent li tMl titer'.,i ?>r until the owner ?lri<t ?u<-h bead i,r ??? ? ttrtty a* i? re * i,u'iT'lvi the owners of armed bj. the pr*ceU i.g ant rkleapc r.riiiKrpn. General Arthur was called upon yeaterdar hy Hen. Algernon L. Hulltvan, who represented tne owner o< the Ociavia, Mr. IU< hard fc. Hainbildne. Mr. SulltTAn uiaUe a formal ilem .od tor tue lat'ue , issue of the clearance paper* of the Octax ta. I neutral Arthur i?su?i that he c uh? do lotntrijr uutll he hail received tnattitetioii* frimH .ialne. ton. hut promised 10 tel?tra|>h hi onca to th? . hp iial in order to be al>a to comaiutnrate r.k? <a ci-lan thin morntng. A raprcseutaiive oMr >ui livitn called subsequently up n the Rrm?h Con-nl General, who wu na: a little indtenant at whit he deemed au nnj jMitied detenllwu o: aa haanah ? aeht. There ts no doubt tint if t eueral Arl.ut pcr?iat? in <lelamlntf tha t)ctav a tue RrttlMi f on Hdl Mill make a lorntal <lc^anU for her auirt'D'ier uaU immediate ciaaranee. hasty actiux oy rfiK Arrtoiirriw. ltfeemto l^ the general opinion ot xhipplnc im rch.inta aud otuer* in ttt? detaution of thin n-aft that the anttiorlucs itaro been oi?ce tnor* duped by the over-e.<ircr r*p:tnt?tt ?)>???, wao want to euro a regard from the - pa uh jfovern nient by a show of jreat actlv ty ai't vifi'ance. Ihe officers who loar hed her aoui'i that do anaa ot tunmanitloii were dtscovetta on board the .yacht, and tt ?t there la Dot the ?tightest proo; on wntch aho can be aeizeu. Mr. UaintT.d?;, th> owner, a yonmc r.nvlt?aman iroui A>an> iieater, ? ?oup'alned bitterly abom thta uatawfn; de'enuon, v.'iuca ercatly intorf<red with hta plana, lie cer tainly did not lojk like aycapg ( t an >hi?f iu I OtHnil?e, bat "impiy like a pi?amre-ic?iBir. joi.j ftri' *l.ih lie ewfaalicftilj tilv'nliued au tbnat ror Spaulstt blood, and appeared to be more eiuf r to attack a ?tte?nl?at pi?r# of porterh'/rse a;eAk than th'> mlnioua of Bpnataft deat)o:i?m. Thai au tain waa also a 'iut?r, paaraable looaiatr man, ilo "Cubian," bu; a good pork ana beuu-t atiay Aiacr i-nn. a ccbax raoM t'MBrjcir. The (.fQenrt who mads the aearcn reported that n "(rrny-nnlred Cuban" t?aa in c<>*amano, an aa leruop whh it haa cauaad Itum'nae in< :rimeut uiiio&K nil who kilo* that ilka "aray hatred f itban" hatl-t direct Iron the rvm..uilc town of Limerick. Mr. Hambridife poat ivaiy raya that 'hero ha? not beea a on board the ociavia. lion. Algernon >. ^uUivau ataten that tae povreri of ihe Collector arc nimply confined tn a snr\?y, and ir he determine* upon net d<;ieu'.lon he rnliHt take at once ic^ai prcceedlbfi* againat the owner of ihe yacht, j? that tne <. nn ge upon, wnich fee proceeds can be eftabitabco or rffntcd. Mr. Hainbrldge aay* he wa? going te *n.l for An- ! ptuwail on a pleasure crulae. Tt la prob-ble teat the authorities to-day wUi admit their error la allowing tfcemtehva to be made too toon of t?o t ?plea <>f the Kpanith goreromeat and relca-e the ociavia. If not. it i* certain that the B/lti*h Conaal ^rill lnterixwe on the part of bis gove rn ment, ana ttint tne latter will demand nod niMxt npon rclre??. The Cubans meanwhile are Je llgited at the nnneee4?ary tron?>!e am! nniiA.v?ace which the nuthorltMH have be?? pat to. MARRIAGES AND DEATHS. VARRJED. MkCZrn -Tatloi,?Hi Weriue'day, inuo \ at St. RarthofMMW'f cfh 'reh by tu.> rorneiiua H. >mi*f. Rev. i i.? iv k. iJACgrs "f ' ooperatown, i N. v., 'o A>>.l, oily ?Wgt.ter ci the lato John Tnj lor. Caiu'rvter? Kobixsoy,? At lUcHtiieM, Va.. J'tne ?>,a' tec refldeiite or tho bride'a uncle, William If. Hasaii, i>y the K >v. !>r. MlnnOferMI, t uari kh J. I AilPl MKR, Ol New Mt'tBiWll k, N. J., to AUiK 1!.. datuhtci ol tho Wt'eKdtvia l'.c in >c*. (iKOTnt?Rkhd.?in tie 10, 187#, at Monnt Ho'l*', New Jersey, at wt. n?':r?w'a Kpt?e?r>nt chtitoh, t?y flev. Mr. Perkta*. i>r. Wii.iiamak THi it t(i>uviK, Inte ".urgeoii aud medp ai d;ret </r IT. f. V. <if V"'*atiC. 5. J., to r *i:?i M?n)r Hot -a, dR'ichterof Joteiu <-..inu?l Rend, fcaq., of I M >nti iio'i*. !? uiriv ;rov?WtLFrrv.?At n?r,t/?M!le. Ta., on . Rennet tar. June 2, by the K< v. Mr. Heileg. nr. w. h. Fanhinotqw, ors-iw vora, toLagxm <Vil hum. >ocartle. Kivo-MMtrrr.?<)n .'nge io. by He*. W. P. Warm-r, lit liy KlKu t) Mis* fcYLvU Smm. No Ca.d*. Ht ir?1p ov_Hotv.?on Tnnr'dnT- J'ioe in at ?t. Ann's cetircii, I Mt Tw?tft? rtr> et. bv Iter. Thorn** f, Lyncti. Rimt UiCHAnpso^ to : Kr i Kt? > r< Rtr* Hory, alt or liH ?tty. mi ao-Im i h' it.?At HhlMdelptM, Bar-h 20, by tim Rev. tv. c. Roblfig-n, Wilwam f?. j?tead, of Ncw\nrlr. te ftrn* P. RPCltrt, dhUghter ol Willing on uactetl, phiihtfciphia. DltD. akpersok.?TharM?r, June 10 Mart Amti ax- I DF K-o>*. Funeral on Hatnrday. at foaf o'c^^k. from 1 Paul's church, Duncau nvenuc, Jeiaey Cry i lletghtH. AM>BM?ov._On Frldav, June u, Ijawmb, yonnti e?- and on v no.i or Pa trie I and XL k, M. AifrUr (OU. Forth, r particular! hereafter. ABTHt a. At lj'fr [.oilge. Kontgna Territory, May M, Hkvky ^rmrtrn Ar-rttCa eon of ;be | late ? apuin w. II. Arihor, t'nlttd stales Artaf. tn i the otwyear or ht8 hrc. !',**)? a ->?ii.iden!i( en moriilnp, ffth in?t.,oi rte,?> f <iiaea<w, oa tn? t.?ra <r the vnten I'lteiBc Rafn'ofirt. nesr t'.rden. Hon. ?te#ti?w num. of I'oughkeeptie, 9. Y., in the Mth year of 1 ?1? ?ge. I hate-.?At Orange Jt netton, Hi t., e* rhnea- , ?tny, June i#?, of eonpi??tt n ol ihe brain. GR<>nul ll. nATWt, formcny of Htockkjn, J?. T., aged 6#. Relative* and frtegOM are invited tt attend the fune.r,. jer\Ir?ll) Ql? uue raaldgitcn. ? sfft*t, 9b Hundsy. JoM 14. <t tlifw I Traini l*kY? fool of Barday V,5?a VI* Marrta and ttHU Kailroad. JnwnMOk I'lfBBOUIh, MBS*. ^.CSSrr.W'.W >?? ?L?jf Tt>l* witfw, widow of the late isaao B. Berrjau, "Tbo're'attve* and friends of the family are ItP ?Itea to attend tbe fuueral Mrvtoea, At.*k0 ??"*! deo'-o of ber sou-ln-law, John sulttla. No. 6 J"8" rirti*wro*d street, im Sunday, Juu<? 13. at ibreu o'<io<*k P. M. Interment at Byo, on Monday. Hit ' int.?oa Thursday, June 10. Et.r/ABiTirT., wh-j ol Joun VV". Briatar, lu tbe ajtti year of hur^ "Tite relative* and friends are respectfully in-1 vit#-1 to attend the funeral on Sunday, at two o*ri"i H, ir.'m So. 404 V an Huron ?treet. itrookiyD. ? 'N _T?n WedneaJayj June 9, 1876, Jo8?Pif| 1" ?uv"''.iid' ir -'n.ti'aro oor,,'al,Jnl?H?Vi??iii i-v-sr:,1; ?s,:?1*.'.;:?.'1 * u?e\ souiu Brooklyn, L. 1., without furtUtc " ?! tt.?on Wednesday. Jnne 0, ists, Anktb , uitV^eB?o^ar^teMrtd?n<g \t, ,,u. I i - ? jt. ou fauauav, tuc lath mat., ac k iiVm'r*r< of t-:? Independent M?w?J H),ni. uuou are hereby noune;i i0 Pay l.e! g4 ei "iftiit due in coi ' of *i,c "or J ?? n. ?, to tu* ^creury, ultbia. a mi d?.jifr<.ra tnladate. Jun<* 11, lain. w ' 1 i-uoMAH lilllCB, Secretary, ,v? rurlstophor ?uo*t. fi>nfit.-fn let*! City, "V"tM?r^'o' iH tbo' f j cfti; of Jaiue^C. au?l Easily ciarue. ib iw "USfi SWRlMi of the family arc invite<T' , r, mi mortal, from tlio rouldcnce of hi* , I,, m . i.aiayette, on Sunday, Juno i- n iwo ?' lock I'. M. \ , 5i Mi v J fatter* tilcaso copy. , m .vi.' x this moping, Jane 11/ u, | %> i v C<' i WHO of ^ ii? A? Colt, i . h ?.%.<?- a Sunday. Mtli ?J.**? i. ?j j ? Atlantic avenue. Ktookiyn,j l\r-t ;Tre" /'I relative* ?nd friendaara' ITSaitTl'f invited to attend Wltuout ftirthor "" ? j . r "a Thursday. June 10, 1875. at Mr' ,u , wet e :ll \urk ?tr*et, Jersey oty, MrV. ..*? uda are intlted to attend her fua*r*i a> i< n o'.lock. I an i .tnaiun ^ .1-t>c takcB n m. ptier'a tWWI. theiee to Bonlentown, H. *\l. l^- 'a', June 11, John CRnrroir, aid frtead" of ilie fainilr ^ riv?d t?? attett'i t-e luueia*. from l?la late real 4MCi. *t? I.j?i I ti'y-niiith ?uoet, on huuday, uttt IMi. ? WW ?'H?rt r. H Inawrir i.?, r.. u Ibui-djy, June H 1875, JOSKrK a. in nut w uo a*t<? y?r ,,f Ul* **<? . ?Uiauva and (rteo-ta are nqneated to attend tbr ihU' ti, '?"?i ??? 'ate roaiaeooo. 131 Voriok r? t. ii.>* alum*) laoiuiag. at u?.f-p?at bino ?',! Vrrfc la it ? fltr. on Krl-lay Jane lif?, a'i?'f a miif and pniBlai ilia' ?>% Asoatw JaCBOON i t, i,i 1V, ta ;b< irfth >?ar ol bia a?e. _ Tba relative* aid iiwndi ol the fkmiTy arc rc ? p. fi'u' j iu?i"d to'att-nd the funeral, at Ml ,if r. ? 'f 1 ^*> li' w ? T rorfy-fOurtL street, ? n ' iiiiii, at iWo f. *1. _ ? -OB ianr?day. Jubo iO. Jabi B. ??ant[? . aoa of WIMMI *. and U<.art^tta B. l,FiiB?Ta? fro* the reaidenrr or liUfrnnd?ott>ef Mm. w. a. law**. ^ ?-??* Bo^ouly-Bintli B- i itai *..U? .ns?.. ?i two OH lock P, 5. , i ituvM ?i4 trteaa* *re fi'ipc^n-lj ?BTlttti > ?.?*>? Prt-iay Jun?? 11, Ertf* U?i.i, ???! o !?atBa?- BOd L.i^a-SIB V. UiMlKOll, "Va'nlra/?? nn ta?. lane IS. at 1?*it oVloet, U?M *?* ilBt'i4 t -<B <WW . ?rOO? UB. i.i, i . vi i?"i *!? t<-" 'ea<"e. 1^' Ada Ml p | ?AltO. Ml rttiifkdal t'*?Bit/. A**t, WlH 0 hdvard It- 'Ju.safiB. tuia'ltea a?4 iricwde. auo BieieBer?or Kaiek #r . <>"1 1 ) ia'*. So. VJ. 1.O. I., u* r??|?B< t f.nfi muted ?? atUBd. witBojt tnriaei ao'.lee. 1 ,BC?, O'. uo4ay. Ja.tO la, at two o'c.o?B iron rn. ay. Jan- 11. HaBT. w.fB of t?* Ute vi iitiam l ..mania. IB Ike Wta )?*r Of Vi*1tirBBB?d (rieBOe are rBapetiiBi y tnvltctf to at:end ti e lu.?< ral. bb f'?n I /. !>?fc !<?at. o'c.xCk, lro? ker Uto roeidcBuo, tt,'| Uu *rt * ii**skB ?Ob Iho^??ay. Jai? l<?, Fuf-nitano L, cidrvieoaet U*ac aad Bllea Ha. er, tu Utc H?.k jr ir of Bl? age _ ? luaeral Sunday. J "Be 1*. at kaif'tBBt SIM o'c uek ff??? 'He itatdiut'B oI bU t??.?a.?, 1?0 ^-ait Bevatleta stroo' . .... Tb? ?e?BB?- '* tbe eoB<ro*a?ion ^'?Bl Jeee.o run are re<iuratcl to ait? ?? (Be lUBeraiot Perol* Bau?L m>u of **T. I>?ac Mauer, ob HoaOa* BiorB IBir a? bat *a?rt B no o'elo*-*, from hi* at? *??!? eel B. J?v. IBm 1j??' MamBti-tb atroet. M. Ml'KBtkl li?.f.K. l'ra?ld?B?. K?*mmub.?After i*riir eudertac, Joeaiu gim u k. !?.. u roar* ?td. I uwbi al to t*ae aia eon Saturday Job* it, at one o'clock P. M , rruMi tte i??l?oaoe of u?c o? c< a?*d. l';7 l.a?tT?eatj tktrd ?tr?*t. Kitrr -On ih-irata^. JBi?e lo, after a ebort ill* ne??. <iB*. ? Mar. ?oi.u?b i <Uu?<ii?r ef Jarvta H. and Kate Kuapj. ay? 4 J fears, s ?< atB* BB?i 4 reiativea bob frt*Bd* of tbe famtly are io Tlud to at i end iB* mueral. at tbe r*et<ieaeB *f tbo paiebt*. No. 2* i'*?ry ?trt t. wt ?Bh??*jr *fierboou, '^V-^B"jBBe 11 FTPW4KB J. and n?o?*e If, l^*i oal? aoceo* Ketrlca an?'K lea Mae Fmbbto Bced 4 year* aad Tt??aa#l yoara bb? > t.ioBtBa. rune fa takes ?e .roM tba r??*fO?B?f ta-ir parent*. ? scaajwei atr?el tBIa day. at two f ?. lawHSNCB?At her reanUace,^*o. l^' Jjad?e?/0 aventi'*. oa rk'T?Ja? eveBBin. J?ae 10, Kooic-a LaaasMB, wiOoa of Joa*pb Lbwisbcb, IB tko ?(jIB y? j Uff H(A. Ibe reiatl*?-* aa l frlenOe of the am. y are ?B v.t, <i to alicnk be funerBi fToai Si. Ot?r|t| enure*. ?to*?e*aat -^?iare oo Voaday, Utk !?*?., * Lim.A|*y.-AI Bgc BSTB. t. Jetaoy c ty. Job* II, ji;i, i uatiLB* UH te BiafcUtt, aged S ) aa4 ? mnntki. . >0' c* will bo r*f" IB ww?rnww?a pao"* i>.?os iBuraday. Jaaa tO. a ? ?***, wifs of >'?ur Mac loaai l, ta the -iat ysai ?. -or *'rae fnneral will tak* plaoe fteo* ker IS*) M# deae*. No. la? Baat I weatT tub BtraBt, oa l-aiai day. June 12. at ou* o'clock. -lit tpe city oi B;ook!rm, at ni* f**~ d*;ic* vf bef e?5k. An Ww|. Ju*0 ll. |.B10?'?f Ma A*, t. IB the ?7tB **ar oi her aga. a aanvt^t t>uri*n au4 r<> taty ol Moaahaii. Irelood _ rue r*tatife? aad rleads of t*a fbsaile- a *? tb *e of tier bob. Iteraard Marnat, ara r*.. teetrd to atteiMl tBe luBTai, lions Bar *oa * ro?^?e?'0. >?. 1 Bawieace ?tree', oa wadar, al two o i*. m., to CaiyarfCi*s*tor?? Mauti".??? Tburadaf Mi"rniB(, th* toek "J**-. Of pnen-tionia. I.ITIB* **? vn*t*. ?B'y rtaug' V?f Of floory P. aBd M. Aotoinett* Ihr rdailTos an I fr.' *4eof tM famiif are snectin ly invilB?t to attead tbe faaarai ir^as ??? r*sid?iK-" Bf h* p^roots. o* Poico* avesse, r?p. MB." lr^BC r-lae-. Srookljl, oa Saturday tBO Utb inef. at iw.n. rMH-k P. M. Mit u?.?on tb* w.n .net, sodden.r, S. A. Miug* "iXSSSSXX; &.... TMrty :ourtb street, ob -un lay, Utk, at sali-j ??ii ttJTc5cft.-0? t?* Ktb ia?t.. Anrtu " Jon?fg*t son o! Hugh aad auat* jlotourt. ag*?t 1 y*a?. 9 inooth and Ik day". ,klr. h, ? funeral iuui ?ay ft on* P p.i:ea*a residenco. W MadtaoB ?tr**'- h .iBt.rea and trtetvd* re-!>?<?? mil? ia*lt?0. Mt rirouu ? <>B Juua IP, llti. ABB M?.Ht ???, Bgf'l "MK- aad rnmd*. a<*o John (/'onway, ar* respectinily inTitai to a???*B* her funeral. Iram aer IBM ra*id<B e. *erl seveatoeatu street, at cn* o'c <v k. lii Mtuoe.- <?? ran* a ay. j*a* l*. Win t ?* eoM of Andr waad Jane McMaboo. afNIk t**n MMWW and frlesds ?( tB? fa?ilf at* re?peer tnily laeited i ? attenJ ma faaara . w? daj vaiurd i?), *! two P. M.. irom tu* re?Wn t* ?< Its rarBBfs, !?' **** urn*. 0*B"?n? in Pari mine MB of da?, t ?> J"'* fSTi'xt.Ks oily dBiiuhter of wiUism II. aae ? glnia H. iH'.join. . T*e HiB'rai *? r*leB* wl.l t?o k 1 at t > r. dene* or par*Ma, *o.. 2 Park B?* *?? ?' uraay morning, l^tb iu*i., at t<yi ?? > " ? rc'ltM*Brn.?<JB rnaag. *?b0 ll. I* ?. ?r*'a*o Jon*. Iniant *ki ol lle^-tasn ?al JoB- iaa IB * lut er, aired t B'ontb and ?' day*. Iteiaitves itud frtonda, alao tbe ?en:^ra f llee. der l.odge No. e.a, F. aa < k. H.. are H'< .?eo vo ?' tend <Ue iBiiarai. oa sm l .) tk* l^i 11.? . *? ?w? o'clock P >i.. ?' tk'lf ?t it nee, ?? t t Coi Btr *oufb Siniu ?ur*'. sr K>ki?n I l?. HoWt.- on aioi-Blttf. <no* H. ??"""? Bowk, in the . 'tu )ear ol ?.l? ag*. I uueral ir??:n the re^'leneo of kM eBWr, a ??. J. Broan. >?. H? Forty-Warib mi ? ?? Mundae, Jnuo 14, b' one b'? ock f. M. ' * *?.?** ak'i rne.nd* srr T'*r* "''"ly'V -J. t* It At *4A t-Mt # ' Ml*. I?a?ge?MJM* ??????*? O'Dooohaot of killiirney, ire.*? i, k4 ? t year of Uer ure. _ ,k. r ?? r , BBielativaa ai.d fri< nd? of ?k* "" > ? f rl;< I In attend ih* ib? ral. on ~ ?? * '? DB*t ok*0*ei0?c. In.erm^at l*?? aie f ? ?e misiov. -i?a Juoo W. 'OM" ***?""? * ?' * year* and IS dark. ???*.,? . ?*? ,n ill* rum ral will tab* >'*'? . . , m*t, at tl'po o'cl ck I ? H- ? ?? I ali-n. i? 'Ah, Kill I lllftf Beiatlv**" and frieadt ol ?b* hamilf re '' t ? ? ? lU'l* Invitod 11 atteBd wltkoal f^rtb' Bc.< e BOTr.'i-'m I?*??;?.??%? . neio, of pneutaoaia ID. C0*BA*0 J. ?tiiMV^# ! W/h* ret'tne*'^'ad friend* are retort-w.e ?a*i *4 to'attend tn* funeral, oa ?eiar?a;. toe m. ta*v, at aieeen o'eia. k A. fr .ia hi* to * it . m. . llVtfc Sircct and t'oliege BTe'.ne. M<?'f I ?*?n. v*r K^riBB.?<?n June II. or rou* Ja" ? Vai.ajrri!?n. kratkorof ibo*v* \Mauae, *?< 4 4'. tears and 3 n*envhe. /he luuersi mil take p V5* from k?? 'oto ee?d deuce. 14? Ka*1 Tklrtf alktb * reel, n eaBoae.. juae ih. at two ?*el*ck. ReiaiiTr* ao.i 'riands a?o reapeotfuliy renue?ta i testtend. . _ Wtl.*B?i<OM. --At BvnBSdaia, Bnl'h'Hef. ow Wednesday eveomg, #tk luat., Jon> *iu??Wi ,n I'be riiarfreVand friends sre reapaetf-Hi? ?tiM to attend bis ;nrier*l, oo aaiordar, 1'atb ?B?t.. as two oVitK-k i', m.. ftm bit laM ikwUkkvk o^