Newspaper Page Text
fMffl AND CffitfUL An Unsettled Stock Market Prices a Trifle Firmer. GOLD FIRM AT 110 7-8. ifoue- on Cull 2 Per Out, Foreign Exckiu^t 1 irui, uud Government Boud* in Kwtl E(J1N?t Wall Rtiiikt, I FuiDAl', Juue 11?S P. M.I The principal spoeulattve activity to-day waa lxi Lake Shore, PaclUc Mail and Western I'aion. 1 lie former advanced from ei'? to 04, bat subttequently retraced Its steps to 82* a 03. Pacific Mali opened at 32,'? and advanced to &i\, euulug at with a bearish feeling predominating. Western Uuion sold at 73,%' a 76tf, closing at '7?u ? It is generally understood that uu effort is being made to compromise existing railway antago nism; ?but as yet nothing is known concermug tiie action of the officials who are annouuoed 10 ineet in couferencs. Ihe pubUc and the specula tors arc in a position to l>e seriously misled by xnmors, and it will be well enough to await more detinue statements than those which are circu lated ou the street and made tho iiasH ol a pur chasing movement, in this connection it Ui said that the Erie Company on and after Monday next wlU reduce the price of round trip tickets be tween New York aud Rochester more than $3. The prevalent rumors led to a considerable covering of the short interest, but there were indications toward the close that the managers of the market are working for loner prices ou definite informa tion. New York Central sold from 103 to 101. trie fell off from 17 to 16>?. Northwest common sold at 3?l4 n #">?' a 37'i. Rock Island ended at 102*,' alter an oj.cninp at 101*^. St. Paul went off to 291* and closed at so.**. Ohio and Mississippi sold at 24a a 2J>?. Union Pacific at 70>, a 72 a *l>i. The closing prices will be found below OPENING, HIGHEST AND LOWEST PRICKS. The tollowlng table shows the opening, highest And lowest prices of the day:-. Opening. Highest. Lowest. Mew York Central loa ? 104 103 Harlem 135 135 136 Krte 17 17 low; Lake Shore ?i X 64 ?><; Waoash 9'* Northwestern 36^ 37J< 86'* Northwestern preferred 51 51 60 >i Book Island 101?4' 102i? 101 \ ?Pltwburg 87 Ji 88^ 97 % Milwaukee and St. Paul. 30>i 30?? 2?^ MK. and St. Paul pr?f... 54 f>4 53^ i?iio aud Mississippi.... 22*; 23*; 32 4? ?w Jersey Central xos>? 108 ^ Kw, lei., Lack, and Western. 117 1I73,' 117 Juion Pacific 70>i 72 70? iO, c. anu I. c 4 yt 4tf 4>? Western Union izfi 75^ 73^ Atlantic and Pacific Tel. 24 24 24 J?acifiO Mail 32.'; 3332?i Panama 127 127 127 closing rmexs at 3 p. m. N f C 4 n R .101 a 101'; Mil A St Paul.. 30,V a SOU Luke Shore 63 a M J Mil * St Paul pf 58 a 54 Chirac . <t it I..1MK a li?ij Pacific Mail.... S2?i a 32V W J (leutral ? 1M1, a 1?'J Krio l?"< a 11>% Del, Lack A W.U7?, a 117>i Olno A M itM..... 23*, a IS*, fart Wayne.... W4 a aj Union PaciUc.. 71?? a 71 Mi"h Oeutral .. 6i a 65 Miss urii'ac... 50 a su*? Clev t Pitta.... 88 a Atl A 1'ac pt.... 14?i a ? 111 Central nil a lt)l>2 C, V A 1 C 4>g a 5 1'tnam* 1? i 111 Han A Ht Jo.... 21 a 31K " SB? 16?? _ - _ i;._ _ 49 Ifeii I'a Tel.... 74^ a 74,', Aduou Kx 10?? a lOi'i; Atl A Pae Tel... 23^ a 14 Wells-largo Ex 79 a 81 Amur l>i*t Tel..? a 30 American Kx... fli'f a S'5J? Chl<; AS W S??: a 37 US fc.ij>re??. ... 44 a 44 Chic iSW jjf. 50 a 50^ ADVANCE AND DECLINE. The changes of the last twenty ?fuur hours are <u folio ire Aovancb.?New Tork Central, %; Delaware and Lackawauna, Ki Harlem. H; Lace Shore, 1*,; North went common, hi ; Ohio aad Missltslppl, % ; Pacific Mali, %; Rack Island, t Wabash, ,>4; Union Pacific, 1,'; Western Union, >,; *old. DaiLiKk.?Atlantic and Pacillc Telegrapa, At.anti' and Pacific Kailroad prelerred, : Krle, K; ?t. Joseph, St. I'aul, do. .prelerred, l; District oi Columbia tnree-aixty-avea, Erie, in London, The stationary stocks were C., C. aud 1. C., Panama and Quicksilver. THK 6AL4.S TO-DAY - were divided among active secnrlties as followe:?New York Central and Hudson, 1,235 ?bares; Ens, 27,400; Lake Shore, 107,000; Cleveland and Pittsburg, 400; Northwestern, 13,800; do. ?ireferrsd, 1,800; Rock Island, 2,400; Pacific Mail, S4.500; St. Paul, 9,100; do. preferred, 1,200; Ohios, M.'KM; Western Uuloo, 07,500; Wabash, 300; Union ravifis, 7,300. THE MONET MARKET. Money on call at the close was easy at 2 per cent. There are no changes to be recorded In the price ot commercial paper, sterling exchange was very firm, prime rates being 4.875s' and 400^, ?el a tig 4.17 a 4.87>a and4.Q0 a 4.00^; Reichmarka, ?44 a irtfc and a 06X; cables, uij,; prime 1'aria, 5.15'i a TUB GOLD MiRKKT. col 1 opened at lie.% and closed at lie;;. These were the extremes or the day. The rates for carrrtug were 1 au<* 2 per cent. Loans were also ?aaUe Hat, and at 2 per cent for borrowing. It Is aMtimeted that the total anipiaenta to-morrow Win reach. If not exceeo^ $3,000,000. About $2,500,000 is aaid to be already engaged. OPERATIONS OV TUK GOLD XXC1IANUK BANK. Oo.d oaiancM $2,OW3.650 Ourroacy tMlanees. 2,4;>l,284 ctoaa ileuiances. 34.32s.oo0 j tri'uim ui a 191 nan * m ju 11 a lol a W'ab c; a 9V Han A St Jo pf. V a ?tt Marie 111.. 154>2 a 13'.': Uttlcknilrer..... 15V a Can >111 62 - a CJ>, Con Com 1 46', a rl?. 4RINU BOl'SK STATEMENT. 4,jrrenor exctiaaaes f67,#4?,a'io I i.. r?U'!? balances. S,OM,ttOV oxclmnirta t.MSMT* WH balances Tin: CMTED STATES TltKASL'R Y. The Treasury balances at tue close of buiiutM to lay art as follows: ? Currency, $4.1tf>,eoo; coin, $<j.v?, >00; less coin certificates, $lt>,luo,ooO; back ?ot?s iee?m-d, $?oo,ooo; customs receipts, fivi.iwo, revenue tacelpts, $?^-r,ooo. Ihc Assist ?nt Ireaaurer paid out to day 17,000 on account t*i fuierest aiid $2,701,000 in redemption of fire, twenty bond-. H?e $30,000,000 ove-twenty bo mis ca ied ui for the sinking land fell due to-day, and t ie payments ol fold on ilU? account during t tie aujmiag ??re $2,300,000. OOTEBMMEKT tOMM. f. ?remns?ut bonds closed steady at tke follow I 4 ^uoiaiiousl niied stairs currency sixes, Hi 1 a i. \; ?io. sixes, i8il, registered, 120 \ a jit, do. do., is-1, coupon, K'oa 125,%; do. live fweaue*. |?02, registered, 119; do. do., coupon, ll? a llf??; do. hi., i-iu, legutercd, its , a 119%; e? do.. 00., coupon, lis ? a H9; do. do., 1800, reg 1 tiered, ua-t a I do. do., do., coupon, l?t? a A? ?*'; do. do., do., new, rejcl-tercd. a iao'? ; ?1s tlo . do , do., coupon, 123?f a 124; do. do., 1807, imtMivd, im\ a lit; do. do., do., coupon, iii a J?S; <<o>. registered, IW\ a 121; do. d?.. coujoa, u?>, a 1243,; do. ten lortiea, r ;?? ered. 117 . a 111 hi do. do., ronpoa, lis a U?S? a??s, 1?*I, ngwteicd, 117 , a U7,%; do. ?u . Jo., cvupoa, 117ft a lis. KAii.aoAii aosna. Ksi raa4 ??ottda vera generally stegdr on snail 4 HwicUsai. Ceatrsi Pacific advanced tolM', *111 t'aija PaeiBe ?inking iun1s to 02. t'hlcugo m*4 )*or tfcweatera couto'idated coupon gold t?oad4 Itii aff m st ImI* firsts soi l at 103I against 101 tin rdsjr. Iiarlew coupon tints brought ll?? and a?*t i? m4 consolidated 19*2Central r? ?cb,,ids rl??d st lf'4% a 104*4, and Cm?n r? ?? ?? )??', a h a lor firsts, ?;>, a km tor ?ak.i grattia and ?!'? a ?2 , for sluklug mum. t?r ruMiox stitR. I 'S'?i adiki 1 arc wl bout special feature, ftr.a van <iK,ua at 14. aosr the cu.?e, witL con ?? ?lw ?*??<?> ail. , Mid (or acLOU'it at M?4. Tho ts 1 ?i d *?um ia waa open market for tliroo ? t Mi s || ? t ti per cast or a-H below tlto LiSk 1 a. Stat* ioxd*. ? Mat* Va* ti wars weak h?r lonne.-oes, whi te SI- -4t??e? ? par nit. ss ing at 52. Kortn Catollua ?.$, ?anaary and 2ui?. was sioady at w iau saaaas. . ' Bank snares sold at i?v for Mechanic*,' 103V% for Hon* Avsrica and luot^ lor twurtb kaitoaal. 1 ha H?so< ?Hs aro aaaexadl.niebara and Hrovari' $??, taeaiisai, 1.0H; Ctlf, $90; Cominenial, 101; t:wra hxcltaaia, 1*; first National, wo; FuurtU frftUOMfc IMJki fltlshi IM, Uv.l kltttlft, Uli mmwrr. m; mpvrtm inn marrr wi~, !?-???, !??; KMkMtM. IM; 141; Ktrtaiu',' IK Mctr?r*"M* m *?? York. 1?; Worth Aom r* l?S; r?rt, 1*1: 1M. duralx, wi<?; TrMk?aen'& !*?>*: Waioa. im. MtV SCMM larOKTl*. Tim uuporM ?t 4tj towU fur me weak endlugr $u-4sf ?r(i |i ?:*& wo, ?td Mm aaottut luArkeled, 91.4B7.MIl Tk? m>ii i? porta or rtr> *o n?? aim e Jitu rf I. mi* jtm art Mi.iW vTi. tad the total Mtwit siarttnd. tiiMi.M, NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE SALES fciOAr, June 11, 1374. WI'HI A. M. H luu ?tu 1.4 * M KB . b3 62 ZiWmdTm f*. 7. n\ m a* ??> du ....?I 7S'? do u.^ ^c T?i ?>i I MM Wi i?? MM 200 fc: j... 4a.. #? . <lu , ? hh rw Bid" MM Jo It) Cm1?( Mall ?*? 8* & 7*S ! nrkic I 11 1 RK. oo tua d. lloO do MM do 100 do lit N I (.4 II K KU i? to... 1 ?) uhtoA Mm KK ... 7 ? 60k IW w 'w?j yon Hd *o? 300 5110 10 *00 200 1.100 do. ?lo. m i.u do <10 do 4o *w do 1?' do ?S> IW0 du *?*. Ml do b3 3'lt SW do ?*?> ? do "? Uo IS ii ?e S3 do WJ. __ ao........ Mllhil N W UK XiS *?? d? do... da #s u S3'? as' 700 Erie RK U?) HM I w 11?) loo .1*0 SlO 1H')0 too ???uo 24 (J 3o0 100 l!?)? i. oo ftio iHt)9 out (In C MS **> do do do do dir. do do do do do Jo. .14 MS MS MS MS 16', 300 16'? IUJ 040 L S A M ti KK lOOt) saou ltffO moo 330 HIXI two ISM 600 700 110 IV. 0 90J MJJ ICS loS MS t>t>4 CIS do 6I-, SS?i do 62 do bS 6*S uo !>' do do d do do do 62'; 61K KMx 102 101 ua WJS l?d'* US 88 do,;;.:..... us as nv &j HO1, 36 ?, ft" m ?$ 37 53 ?s 8S M'j ?? M*. st;,'. M M'. ASS MS W 5 do do . do.. do.. do . do.. do. do.. da.. do.. do.. d? do do 100 100 100 ioo Mil a hi r i?r... do ito. I?) d. l>ki du......... 100 do U C, C il C MR Imi Pa<- RK of M IOU Mu * si r KK "lI* >'s 6lfl ta u;. 701 100 100 m too :vju w 100 mo .100 7M J00 UU do. do do. do. do. do. do. do. do. o S0? k a| Sm do. 3UV so'. & 30 ST4 tOJS AMI 11:<M) A. M. $Si00 U S 5.?K0,'?.a.. in* ?lJ0m?U?4,?1kM0,r.... 117S awou s 6-ifio, c, t'7 ... us vk>j do be n? 1UA0 ao be U5S 5001 U bV?.ic-?0, 11# FlltST B0AhUjrH?:#? A. M. $?100 N C J * J... 20S 10J 41* D.l^kW RK.I> e 1IT< 4M)0 !>i?t l l.l J-6.')'S 7JS ?00, ? ??>?? 'f'S 100O My li'3. 1 li 101 1000 hrir KR be 1?S 4IL0 C, R I 4 I* 11'IH 8000 1 ill* NW coll.... 94 *H) iOOO C A NW C e K b.. Hi IBM 8000 do aoti 10U) Erie 3d in 'M w)0 2t>i>tj C4 A rtt Jo H's, con. ?? 300.1 I ako s 1st t ou.r. Wi 1U0.I Micb Con r? loss 101*) N \ C 6V, il.... 1W>S 2ih u II ur 1st, i"s,c 110 3000 l'ac It It ol >to 1st M'i lliXHUou facrfb 101^, OIW do bo 101' 5000 C, ('Alt biL... J000 Ut Went? rn 'id... MIMIU I'lat^.l b... UJ WS 500> Un Fac skK DZ 4) N J Con con .. b o 10?S M 50 silt Fourth N Bk.. lOl/'i 5^0 IW0 500 M0 700 190 400 S0J lo i; a .109 4H>J ti}J SO 500 100 1S0J do 1.3 do do ?J do. o do do do it lo do do 46 do .83 do.. do uo b3 do do. do..i. ?3 do in Hank of N Aiuer.. 103s, 400 III Coo KJL be H?K so Moeh'i d'k 140 I0U4II ciio ins; 5 do H'JS 100 M I. A M.hss pd. bo 4 1U0 AHA I'a<* 24 2oOWeitUuT?l bo 7IS MX) do 74^ SW) do 74S sua Oo bl 74> do do MlO ?an i??i 100 500 400 VX) 500 700 JH00 401 1000 l?0 IOOJ h6D 1300 IWXI I14>. ??. do. % .'.'bs 74r M IW do 74 *-4 do 74S do 74% do 74* 40 bS 7?S do 74j; do 73 do 73>? too tlo 1*3 73 10 Am YX. 8SS 5ii do ba OS id do o as 100 C H Kx Co 44 iHIClcT A P KK g't.bc MH afti do #7J4 1300 Fac Mall By... .bo 33 giiJO do 38S 7<)0 ioo 6"0 100 2100 ?N 1500 2U) ObloAMLu Kli. .b c ?T4 170U oo 13 1(M do !Ufi 2 JO do US 23 10} la S A M H 01% do 63 do ?S do _b3 ?2? do 62S do 62 do...... *3 CIS do..... 6iS do 6IH ao 6J do. & OS do..., <2 do ..! ?iS do bS 62*. do ?S do fflS do &S 3*00 200 hod 1300 600 1700 to o 400 800 1300 -0.0 too 1*00 do 22 0 do 6S)i 30* iOiiBl be UM'4 I0U fill a M i HM or ua ICO Chi A Alt BK.bc.a3 IU2 wo v*c k ??.? Mo.. .b e 6 >s lOOCtuAM W KK be do. do bS 33 S 100 rto 33? 100 do... do. do. do do. uo. BM ... 33Jj wi bS 33 3>M .MS S2S 300 ... S3 ll? .b3 33 ... _. ... 3#S 50 N V OA 11 KB be IdS^ 1U) ao IDS M0 OO lins 3tt) 31)0 Un Pac KR?b e o 71 200 do do...... do do.... no a3 do 4MI do 100 Cm A KVf pC. bc lzCO do ao. do. do.... do. . 3S:::: do. do............ wo do 4UO do 100 do 100 do .....43 109 MU A m f ?' I r 37 37K S" 30 MS ?o 10', ?S 30 SOU ioo Mlob Oen KK C4 800, O, O A I Hif. .be 5?S BKK01IK CALI/-I2UW P. il. $5000 Mor A K? eon... lO.'S 6 0 afaj Kria KK. 17 3.XW Erie lat m 1? f500 KrieStb lu to 100 ilu I'nfaoKR ... 70S fidO do.,........ .m 71 Jw do ns too 4k> 71 IduOWmi Do lei...... if 1U0 KM XX) do. do. w. ao Ki 6*2 do ?bl if .. MS a3 1*2 ?a mt 100 Cblc * K 1 BR.... J0J ISO 1*0 1200 300 1?? 100 60) 800 1800 do. do do. do. do. aoi do. IS OS 160) 76S SOU mla**a&*.....; bS 75 J? 74S ? 67? 1130 I'M 3A0D M0 3000 3fS 2760 S7>? 10.S) do 74J? ?JO do 7? 1S00 do Pl 76 3000 da b3 75S )700 do 7ft), JM) do bS 75S #? aW?M* M WRJt... 160 do . UN do 37 1M do bS S7S 100 P?e Mail MS \li 100 do 8JS 14a do **K ?juo do ii, 31)0 do ?S 20 do 33 M0 do M .39 .W 5 * C A II KK UU 400 100 brie KK 43 17 MO MM 200 I do do..., 100 PacMi' KK of Mo.. 40 100 Mil A St P RK St.W M) tlo SOU >J0 do M14? i 0 Ohio A Mia* KK.'..'.' do !3jS M0 do bS 2$ looo ?to ssQ 3*0 do 2 e ? an 2 P M. 911000 C 8 5'*, C, *91... U7S StCOKD M0iRD-l P. M. 52 1600 uli L> A M.- KR.a3 63K 2t'S 2W do ?3?J $10000 Ti-nn 6'?, oid.. 5>t0 >C 6'?,0, J A J 500 do.. a 7W 101100 Har M,7'?. c.... 110 1700 |?ll)Tol A W id 04 5*1 2*I]Iii At A f liL. bti 24 500 IS *iB?r li* be I'lS H4U) HD MCA IIR ItK be I'M 1500 300 llarletu KR be 1.6 do. do. do. Uo. ao., ?o. m. da ai 62*; .?3 SZL as ?nr, ... 6j>: ::: m 0?> W?al I II lal be 7?S 3>!> t'B Parltte RK .be 7uf, 71S ilk 7# i ns do 71'* do "~lt do...? 75 do bS 75 rt>. do ? i!o....4 W Erie RK be 40i ao M0 do t? Iff) do m do....... 10) U03 two ltoo 100 l?>0 130*1 1*0 BS \r v;>. S? Pac MaUS.S bobS S.I 401 41" ioo 27M 40 M.M 701 100 601 2.' 0 1%)I do S2'? 400 do bS SK do 300 100 4JU 7 JO oOO 1(0 100 1JM TOO M> 100 I ll^'ChUXWRR. ^c 5th lljjM du c flo. (to. <0. Uo., do.. do. do 4o. do. do. do. tio. .10 . gc *?S 100 U4...M 37H I'M <lo 14 37S SIS I *1CU1 A K i RR be lt;a*a ntf, 6'? do, iof?; :i2', loO Mil A Ht I' KR. |ll>: 32S* ?"}. do 80'. A21 . If HI rl.. "ill" do m, do 32** do ,... 33S do ... ??S <1 o..4S Si1, l."4) Micli I'en KK be 64 IMfi La A M aJtlt .be 64 700 " 2100 5000 14-<0 at m im M W*l du M?i 8W do ?3* do...7. ?:??% do * do d 6^ >? ?MS uo O'1 ?? d<> *3 ?IS 100 do 30; do St>), iOOMl'.AMi'ttR|if..bO 54 lOll On 63li 100 Tol A W RR bo ? ! NP.Pt W A ?ss 10) Chi A Alton itK.... II J woobio A M |3\ #A) 4?U !IO0 30*1 do. ?1o. do. 00 iHi ws IMTOO L'Si-flO, f. '(!?.. Dix.Oo V S .'-to C f>7.., 1 Tonn 'I'd ol I . R00 icnnn*.n?'?r.., fin Mi? Ad?in? K*..., 1200 Xwi L'n lei 6i ?o 1300 7?J roo 2t?W loo 500 Sot*) MoO 100 <0... 110.... do.... do... 40 at. do do ?S 6"t Etie RU 'ol ll?> ?o 2-0 do *3 S14) nuifiT rue ur. ... 1 O I'avinc Mail 41.... 1.1 V do ;oo do do do iws 52 101) 7*S 7*^, X& 74S zt;< i? ?r, MS L|l? fe .'hi V ,' do bJ ?S do do U0 Par RK ol Mo. tfiW TO 3 P. if. IJOOl.fAMRRR 62 S ).'? 0 do 63 low do ?3 WS Sod Uo 61 1*0 ?... ?1U l"0 do bill 62'. **? do 18 6k?, ?i>0 do ?3 6i', 6"'J do. ?-*. HI" do 61 17*0 do |3>i Ho ?3 6.1 l?0 PltlaburK RR Kii iw do ?42 10) To' A Wab 1*.R 9'? 700 CIU A N W KS.. ,s3 S '' ?-*10 do H?4 <10 bS IMO d* 2*1 C d NW KR ?f 2 41 do... alo Kll 410..,,. 100 Mil A St P KR 10ii do l'O d? 3D ?|> ll't) Ohio A Mirt RR. $' So S 801(4 rs ivi (. hi .1 M 1 KK loss 13 Reno .a pi ?3 i! m., EUliOPEAJlf MARKETS. l.irr'*rr.0i PdonooB M4MH1 ?LiTllfMi, June li? E (liiitK ? wi'irli.t torPrnUoe. J'?. a iUU M per curt. i??<i'Ht l'Roou *? MMiKKr -Io^do*. Jane ll-lvvn IHK -hp-iowU. WVJ 4 Mi pet tutt. dfUildiUxyvdUut, u+aw m COMMERCIAL REPORT. oorrow om the es>oi wbaK? AND ?1TLOUU DDU AND UKOnilil>li> w hut THACTmS?C'OBN QVOST - 04T J KTIADI?Eyr. QUIET?BAWJtt 1KA.O TTVK AMD t'N('H^NCUED?BAELKT MALT QTIKT POKK V N Hl'l'TLlD?LAUD IflBKOLiAJt AM> 1AV<V?U?PEXItOUTCM STEADT?NAVAL BTOKl-d PULX?QUOVJiBOM QUXKT? HIDE* STJiADl.' ? LKAXHliB QU lr.x? OUJI DULL1?VillSILtY HEAVY? JTBEiOirrS FIBiHttt. Friday, June 11?81'. M. Tlio past week haa not been etwenUally differ ent, commercially speakiug, from the several weeks immediately prooedltuf. still drags, tlioug'u lu tho aggregate by uo means as insignificant as it i? in toiue quarters represented to be, or as It would seem to be. The trutn la tlie present sea-on has seemed inuch more inactive than it really nas been, owing to the absenoe or thut speculative movement, whicu in other years bas been more active and more general than it has been during the pre-ont season. ?o tnat the markets Uave in many la stances been dull by comparison rather tliau Irorn the alisence ot business Th? purchases duritia the entire spring reason liava been, In most eases, with the single view ot meeting tho kuown tie cesrtties ot the peoplo, ana the purchases have been fewer Uiau usual by reason of the impecunlealty of the people, outeid* the principle inonuv centres. Hie general trade movement nas beon slow tliruugnoul the week, and the markets have been characterized by the same irregularity, and commercial circle* aotiorally by tho unthrilt that haa obtained au?l baou r> frequently adverted to Hitherto. Aniotig iho lew u^tlceuble exceptions to the rule during tho week, the n-ilve export movement in cereals, but more ea peelaUy lu wheat, has been by far the most note worthy. There has been an active demand lor wheat from Germany, and p!?t ?ho have been niailo both here and at the but nominally at the West throug n Now York linns lor future delivery. Hi** sales of tlitn character urotiihlT rvttch nn atftfregnte of buahols. only u small proportion of which have been properly reported u?u mon^tli etc t ual antea m thin mar Lot. MotwltU; ?landing these Immense transaotjoas. the market bas not been materially a Heeled, the supply Ht the Went an<l the condition of the Brow ing crops being such tis to warrant sales to almost t<> anv extent. 'he amount taken In this market, mostly for Immediate shipment abroad, has be0a very large having reached an aggregate ol perhausa million ana ? hair ot bushels, tha market Increasing In strsngm ?1 irina the aieater part of tho time, yet HX|>erionclUtf no radtaal eha' gwi Corn U?s been sought after tosoino cx trnlduriiig tne wl?k. in good part tor shipment, yet there tia* not been any considerable activity and no de elded cuantro in prteo*. Oats jiav* ruled flruier% but have not been especially active, i'revlalone have been less ai U\e and less fluctuating during the current week, ti,,. ui.ucrul tendency boin* toward a lower basis, J. ufk has varied but liUle in price, and the transactions front i day to u?v have been rather light, 'tho same la true ot I lard both" of which are lower at the proMut wrltlug thaii th?V were a ?Mt ago. The markets lor Iron, oils, hidos. drug- and most other imported oommodltleshaye ruled .nit, .,,, i , i,,. ?. ucrai tendency ot tlie mark at In buy 2?- 'ilw. wSf liasb??n vary oulet all through tiit' W4IU. ou 'Change to day tlour was oulei, Wheat was lu d<'Lu?n<1 for export. and prices wore again dearer, closing str"ug at the advance. Corn was also In do man I and dearer, oata alpsndy. wliiikey easier. ^o'k and lard unsettled and lo?er.tbe market closing with ?till a aeclluintf tendeney. Freights wsro firmer, es imeiaiiy by stoauier, but vessels lur charter were ob laTued at previous fa tea Cotton on the spot was eak. and luture? were quiet and oasy. jeirolcutu olosed 2i"id" %sv?l stores were doll. OlU were generally juit Uldei aere steady. Leather wns quieL Urooerlus fbr Regains was firm at IS? iwt< -'Ihr receipts lor the piut three days were 75 Mu klgr'a The uiunset was quiet, with a fair demand, Lt lull urices. We aaoU l*ots. 8c. t pearls. He. i uu?v " -There was a good Inquiry for mourns. The rscelpta >.ere !lgW, Marrow wero Sirtr aofeva and firm. We quote t-Medinm. new.ohoioo, ai?o jT f? l rto good. ?1 40 a ?1 T5; raarrowa new, ahMM li a ft IsTd.v, lair to aood, V a $l?; pea, . ji a, .. sTred kidney, prime, new, t3j green Siw ?1 S'a^l ?; white kidney, choice. *3 a a? ,o- <Jo. fair |o nooi 21 30 :t gl *3 ildswa* was quiet and unchauipsd. The sales were |*etil wes"r5 at 3tc. per tlx Wo nuote?.-Wcwrn, a S4c . and ^ouiheru. Mc. a S^e. por lb. n?/iaa Ci?ma ? The ma rial was quiet and nominal. Wt a#o<o i?Brush, short, greon onaloo, 13>ic. a ti/ijO-i burl irn?-T,. lllc. a I3c.; ifreen medium, lOc. a 12c. 1 rod i "tonia1 ?1?h? wp\ly of?*ta was lbrM anJl thede manil was fail-, and nolders were >erv steady In their I SSSi "nelri-iTals fto? Uttte Kalis wcro good. Welsh tnbs were In good supply and the qtiaUt? gencrslly runs nr?or Wc^tMrn vii in tuir demand aun tlie arrival of KSJ.'nm wi tntL Wd was null and unctiaiiged. Maw butter?State weraerr, oails nud lubs, M? a 30c-: ArSlns. cbou e, gnus yellow. 17o. a Sc -do. dix. goud to prtme. tto. a do. paila choico, r>?_ ' .. 2Kp ? do. do.- Kood to prime, 24c. a 26c.. do. do., H,mim,?to'cood JOc a !3c.; do. aalf ftrkiaa tabvchcloe, ^a rc ;d^rd" diu g?od to prime ?le.a^:do. ST common, r*. a Oc.; da. Wchh tuba cholcc, 2sc. a lie :dr?. (la.du, good to prlino, Mc. a *5c*: ^9l Sn fommoD 2Uc. n J2c.; Weatnrn i reamery. choice, 26c. a ?7r ; Oo U,l, luir to gi^od, Mc. a?e.; Western ttescrve **1.1 Michigan tub! choice, 23c- a tic., do., dix, do , lair ! ?lood &c. a uo., Sa, do., poor to fair. 16e a ?V \Ve^wn tuba cbotce. Wo. a TSc : dft. do., cood1 to tiriiar i9r a He.: do. do., poor to lair. 16c. a lis;.: do. 8rVfns. chotre, irraas yellow. We.; uo. do., good to eriae 2X. a Oe.; do. do., common to lair. IBc. a fi- tMil butler?Slate flrtms. fair to good. Mo. ? Uv": do. fan firkins, tubs, common to lair, a I ifir ? do. WeLih Inhi, common to food, Ue a V**-: I rni flrliiu, good to prime. 13c. a 13c.; do. do. fair to ?T*L| UC ? K!; do. do., common, UX-. a lie.; da. tnha, 5S5 to prune, 1^ a 13c.', do da, lair to good. lie. a I lv - do. do. common. 10c. a lie. r**Ls??The demand for nne was fnlr, the supply was boOfht, tha market was nrm aud sales b a to been M Dm cheese are coining forward from , s; 'J2Z aid Wsra in fair demand at b^e. a lie. We S?c-9tau ??U>rv. fancy, llJic a 12Uc. i 3!5fflnc. 10V.C. a like.; do., good to rtne. Be. a 10c.: do., ,2rr ^ 7e. a8c.; do., common to lair. 6c. a7e-. Htate <Uiries. unry. lull cream. 9c. a lie.: do , lair to good, r!?rt ikiin tea To : sslma. tc. a Sc.: 6hlo factory, c.hcd JSr ahavi. fancy. lOXc. a lie.; do., Co., fine. 9r. a 19r.; * dJT. good to fine. ?c. a Sc. ; da, flat shaped, fsacy, liv'a llc." do.,do?flna. 8e-a l?c., da, do., goo<l to fine. f^a^da.faU to good. Sc. a Te., da, common to "r?n-The market tor Ulo In first hands was qnlot, (lf liihl ottarin**. hi Ilia Jobbinc trade there ! nSS activnv jt toiler.oricca^.. quota: Urdiiiarj caxgoc* 16cl 4 ? tair do.? 17c. i li 4?* ? ' 1/ do. JTii i IfU' ; pnou* do.. lByac. B J ea a 1^.; ?oid. 00 or 90 ,laya. ai.rvrniin-ni ba?a. ?4f- a 2fte.. no graw mat* tor. ,srn*ap.TT aTTttr. a JSc.: t>vVm ?*. o ??e.; t rri^aiba ifiie- a t?-. ?, ijjtuv" '*> a JOe.; Jamaica. i7W ? niwliawJWT a 17a.; l orto l:ioa I7e. I ife rotIa'Biru. Uc aV^! Mexican. 19r. affie-An ; Ma. a Hj4t.;?aeialll*. l?c. a n>4c ; Curacoa, 1 f Mjl^-Tbeee wasa ftlr Jothing trade at full price*. WM imoie?.-pemi. W,- ; aocrui. patent. Macr's, ?c. a 5? ^mSirie fc O. Hitdiell * Co V (U o*). Wo a *c.; 5Sii?EIuS; U.ii and t? os-.^l*0 , "He. aud li^a; I ^^!nl-n?s u'aiket ?ss Dnu Tlie sales wars WUW) 1,1 at Me. a ?l*a. caab. Ws auota:?Kaw sheath 1^' Uvfc?lc.; braslera.Blc. . nails, SSr ? Ma; old is^Vihintf Ac mixed lot*. !?r. a lie.; Amarlran ?u*ot. ffk? OHe allow m?tal-5iew a. rafting and kt .n.^Ls,- boils Co : naila, shsathtM, gle. a tie. both Kaulla sad hemp b^pTuKcT'l^c-; *msrUan do., Mc.; BuasU boll ro?e. l'i%orsaA?s Brocs.-Ttia martet was qirtrt at ?>e follow ioa ciiioUUooa We ouole;- Molaases ahooM, M inch. _hh k.Si Si id a 10; su?ar aliorks, with heads, SK.inch SI t?1 oa do? ?iScft. *1 90 m U n. bo* uhirf?!L? 75** a SOc. i rum do., JH #b; pip# do., $<fM)afl7; fmpw hogshe ida, Wa **&*><%" & M*t. ortiaary lit ^ a 57o.i lioopii. 11 ftot. da. life t Hte ilaiSll rr1?f UaosplreJ t? arrest tn? downward tMiSZTey of the market, rutarw opana? at a fiinbar rV iiu-iiou ?l 1 iec. an I sabsnqaanUjr Ipst S-lte. more. notsee were offered to exporters at 14 .l ife and refmwd One or two Itnea wero loosed at by exporters witaVVleW to purchasing, but toe uncertaia condition ol the Uvarpooi market warranted low bid. only, and tha arlces nam d by sellsrs wei? regarded as t->o Wh The offerings of Ubie cotton wsre lalr. At noon soot' ouotatit ns were rodoced He. In the afteruoon tf ii r?s rea " e<l and closed stead v. ha vi.ut recorerod We. 55i7da.-Hne. Advlc < PubUc an J private, from lTt ?roool were Bnifornity reporting unHvorsWy at tin> following guotaUoftJ ??-Juns, tl V.*' S0; If. ?-3Je ! 4 Angnat. Ifrya Is IS T2C AepteoiNr. 15 l?-S.'c. ; Octooer. Ifc- jUlMr S ?JsMtsr M aWBec. a M IVlfa.; l>aoetnl?r. U ?-??'. a uufSe iaaaarrUc a 14 14^ ; Fobruaey. U >i* a 15 7-Ko. ? March. 15 lI SSc. a t>Sc- i April t% S ife. a IJ^.e : L|ji.f a 15 IJ-Wc. QuoWtions baaod oa standard <>J JlaasitlcaUon m loree Hepteaiber I, U74, aed oa upland ' ?ron ia sturt running in quail'y not mow than halt a arii?" above or the grade qootc.1 :-4>rdtnary. fete ? g-wd ordinary. \*\r.; strict good ordinary. 15 <?-.; li w mlidling IVsC.; nuddling. IS'.c.; good ml Idling. j-i^c i^uuUtioiia t?a#cd on American ei^ndard ol cliiai flVaUon:? cWss* Jiafcwna. If. fa<"? ordinary "jj l,iil flood ardltiiry i?? 4S Low middling .... U'l [p {J s Middling >*> ,/s i.i/ la'm Hood middling 1?S 1*5 ip ,5* Middiiugtair...;.;.; .7^ ;:J UH 11; The sales were ??> y.w-v. Um>, Export Hi hpecuiaUoU. ?;rt ?. m ? . of 5.000 U* Of prima it ^ ? Mc. x?r lb. We quote i?Prime uew gense. s>c a 5-tc.; mlied ?* to duality. Mo. ? Ssc . ken Rather*, 6c ? k?., turk#/ leathers, 8c. P?Ki*ii ?There wa* a fair dosusnd for colflnh and tha HIS* krl ?li W.-11 ?itppi.rd. 4CU tMG?OriJl'*?ol 1 at (5 75 nml ?.!*> 06 of bank at ?s 5i The luirkel for iuai'?>>rel was quiet, *lih sake* ot #0 i"4 shore at $il ii> lor No. 1 and $?< 60 for No. il; all . | ?rr? dull end without sal?? h?frlng i unchanged aud ?oW at *0c. Barrelled he rriu wif * , dull WeqUota 1 bajrs. *?! mL ? t, none; Wo. 3. none; No. 1 stiirc. tfc) n llll No. i, ?* * #H SO; No. 3, uonei No. 1 fcnuilsh. I?<?ue No- -? '!?'?,?. I No. 3, fti; U?orgo'a Uun'i coiflsM. 73; Grand, po? 1 Wo*tori), non?; new Ihw ftrwi 9A-. ?i'*w u>?aium,9w i aoitltfcl karrio# 3&C. a 42a.No. 1. ?oim. -1 Ki.ouit ikd (imm.?Hepelpii?flour, 11 883 bblu; vrheat, 00 lis r>u?lieii; corn, 24,tWi <lo : out*. dMSS do.. bariry uvuit, 2.IHJ0do. Hi" flour market wjjllll. wore nominally unchanged. with sales t I **> bill live flour was unlet. Corn meal wui uuiet. Ihe eiUe. wera W0 bbls and 200 ia^^t *i a |l ai for braml? * wiuo : ti 9'a $4 JO for Western yellow; fl *0 a %i 18 for Jersey aud I'enna) Ivania yellows fours.., fl 45: fine I sttte.l *1 48; bolted. yellow. fti ?; boiled, white. $1 -15 1 iw*r nil) llw?* iersey sacked, course, #1 40 a $i 15: flue yel !ovv. ?l ?T'a *i 34 Sul ttm> wwte, H 70 a H fc per lui lbs. We quote s So.!HttW S i 4 90 f-uporfino state ? <-* ? 2 *?j?7* 8; 1 Minnesota ............... ... o -a ? o Kouinl hoop Ohio. shipping brands. ? ? ? ? -? Kouud hoop Ohio, trade brand*.......Y. * *? ? ? 1" Family ? '2 t 5 75 St. I.ouia, low extra J * 5 i? Ht. bouis. Htrnitfht extra...... J ? a ? ^ St. Louid. choice doublo extra ? W ? I ^ St. l.ouia, choice lamily. ? dj ? * A Kyc Hour, fine to aupurflnc * W a ? ?> Southern, No. 2. 2j i j Southern, supcrfluo J JJ ? ff ', Soutliorn, extra ? ? J ? Southern, faintly " J~ * " t'oru meal, Weau rn V ? * ? < ?? Corn meal, JerMur ? J ? Corn uieal. Brandy wine } # ^ 4 1 00 Com tueul, pnnohoonu * ~~ ?Wheat was in uctlve export demaud and prlcaa were lc. a Jo. (leiirer, tlio niark?rt clmtln^ llrm at about 11 12 a si IS tor l rune No. 2 Chicago and tl 14V, a *1 18 lor Milwaukee. The italtx were about ioO.OOu buabela at il II u$l l'i lor No. 2 Chicago. 91 12 for do to arrive, #1 12 lor do, iu tftore, $1 l4a*l 15 lor No. 1 Milwaukee, 21 15 for do. t'l arrlvo next week. $i 2Ua *1 21 lor No. I, $1 :tl a il S4 for red Hud atubor. }1 30a$l 79 for white. Corn was iu Roo<t export demunn an* prleea wer_e lc. a jo. better. The iiihm wero about IBtM, .00 buaheU at i"Jc. n oic. for stuaiuer. 82c. tor dry, 81c. a iWc. for yellow, Ineluiiing .'fl.OOO bushol.i old mixed in "tore at HSc. oau were steady. We note mile* of 30,000 bu.thela at .Sc. ? j?C. for whlto common to choice, 7!c. a 7Sc. lor tulxeil, 71 j' track mixed, 73c for No. 2 Chicago. Rye was ,<iu??L?* SWc. for i;aaada, ?8>-. Mr State, ltarley wan nulet. The sale* were 2,50ti buahota. Two-rowed fttat?. H 4\ c??li Canada whs quoted at ?! 78 a $1 80. Kour-rowcd btate, ^Vuu'iTS.?burled?The market was dull and weak and prices wero lower. We quote:?State apples, alleoa, So. i 4o., quarters, 7Me- a Ykc.t Southorn apples, qaar tors, ?Ho. a 7c.: do., slleed, 7Hc. a Be. i <?.. do. 'ancy. 8)40. a ?c. ; Weatorn upplei, quarters, 7c.: peeled poaches, Nortn Carolina, priwo, 24c. a 2tc? i _ do.. ? lair to good. 13c, a 18o.; uo? new Oejrgia, 15o. a ?2c , ao.. Staio, 15c. ? 13c.; unpeole* do., halves, n?w. He. a BMc.t do., do., quarters, do., 7o. a 7%e.: olaek berries, ?c. a 9>4?.; cfiorries, state. 2lo. a iJc.j do., Moulbcra, now, 2lc. : raspberrioB, now, 27o. a *?o. , nluuu. southern 17e. a Inc.: do., statu. 18c. a 19s Fresh Fruits.? trawuorries?l'ho uririet was active and the domafid was good at lull prlcea. A rery few cl.olce atrawborrlos wero exoeutod at hiifh prlfiea. out nvoraatlng from lie. to lfto. 'ibe arrival* ot cherries i were good, and held at higher rates. Qoi.s?berrle? were dull auu uuBettlcd. We quote:?sirawborrios, Delaware, per quart, l()o. a I8o , do.. Marvlaud. IDe. n 1 ??.: d? . Jer 1 aey. per quart l8o. a 20c.; do , do., pints, luo, a 12c. ; do . ! do., half pint baxkeia. So. n io. dOoaoberries, grpeii, per ! Quart, Sc. a 7o. boutliern cherries, per lb., Ho. a 15c ap pies, Western Now York, mixed, per hbl , ?1 7^ a 9-; do , selected, do., $2 25a SO: do., common, do.. ?i ta a?l au. i Crauberriea, prime, per box, $1 78 a f-, do., poor to fair, I ?1 a $1 80. Black Wiunuta. 5 *:. a ?)o. Peaunta, l?ncr, ' {2 n $?' 10; do., fur, $1 W a *1 76i do., comuiou, ?i 25 ? Uiitt-Pt?eon? wore In light demand, and market I dealers ware well stocked up. 1 ho arrivals of squab, were llglu. and pricos nhow a wide raugo. W?Hil?ru snipe wero arriving slow. Wo quote ,-ft.ld pigeon., ' stall led. por dozok. $1 80; do., baited, $1, do., picked. ! flight. 75c. o 90c.; wild squab, Wc. a 81. ! Obxkk V*o*ta?i8s.?The arrivals of string beans from Norfolk was good and prices rulod easier. 1 Cucumbers wero in flrur dcin?nd and steady, ureen peas wore lower aud again Abundant Other grades were quiet and unchanged. We quote : Spinach, per hbl tcc i radishes, per 100. roumi, 00c.. radishes, por loo, tang, hoc.; lottuco, por bbl., 75c. a $1 flOi rhubarb, per 1W, U a ftS; green poa.i, Joriey*. per bbl., 60; groen peas, jiolawaro and Mary Una marrowa 1 u Ift; pre?n poo, Delaware aud Maryland ainall, W a z5? aLrins beans,-Savaiiualx and Charif>aton, %. a $3, I string beans, H bbl. crato, $5i u#paraj|i'a? 1 per iot. il sS u |2; do^? Oyster Bay, $1 U. Bermuda onions, per erate, il; io.. tomatoos. per box. tl BO, wl ite unions, por bbl, $1; yellow do., per bbl., I fl; red da, per bbl., (I; parjnlps. per bbL^,$I; turnips, Nortolk, white, per dozen bunches. $1 a $1 5J, 00-, Russia. ?8 a >3 80; cucumbers, Florida, per crate, ? 1 ? do., .savannah. $3 a (fi W; do.. Charleston, $3 a $4 80: new cabbage, por Libl., $4 a $2 30; CUUilllowers, j P(iu?Mi?a.?fho market was quiet Wet and fan dried ' at steady prlcea Wc quote :-Domestlc o.oth. lie.; Bor ! noo Uouripore, ISc.; Calcutta, 9^4o. a lUo.; bags, l-H I ? iiicsir and Jcrfc?The market for Hemp was quiet, at fair prices. Juto -butts wero Iu fair demand at steady prices. We onote:?Sales of 1,13d baies iute butts at i i?r a Pie. gold. Wo quote :-Amcri-an. drosaed. Per i toti * ?*S0 a #?5 tor double ; ?2su a lor single; Maalla hemp, He. a 8l?c., gold, perlb., the latter lor choice, Kn<*?iA, , clean, attics a ???. gold; Italian, $2b8. gold; tote, 4 a | 6!?c. Jute butts quoted at 2J,c. a 215-1>C-, currency. i '^ffipks!?'lrtu; inuri.e? was steady. The sale* weni l.uOO lluenos Ayros at 20c., 1,04) linti* llios at 40c., caslv 70J lluenosAvresat*)V.c.,4,"^?CorpusCnrlstlaiKl 2J?|0 Me* 1 Icau on private terms. We quolo :-Dry Hides?Bueuos ? Avnw 21 ItoJ. a 23 lbs., 2lc. a 22c.; do., ?5 lbs. I n'27 ibti. 221. a f3c.: Montevideo, 20 11* a 23 lbs.. Mlc t i'orrientes, 20 lbs. a 23 lbs, 2>kj.; Rio Grando, W lf)?C ? B IbT. 21c.; Orinoco. 9) lbs. a WIbi.. Be", OalilornU 21 lbs. a ? lbs., 21c ; Central Amer iean. trimmed, 18 lbs. a *0 Iba, av ; do. do., untrlmuieJ, 22 lbs. a 2t lba, 19e.; Matamoroa, 3t lbs. a 25 Iba., 18c a iiOc ? Vera ''rux, IS ib*- a 19 lbs.. 17c. u lie.; l ainplco, 20 Ilia-a 22 Iba. 17c. a 18c. ; BogoU. 18 lbs. a 20 lbs., 13c. n 21c ; Maracaibo, 20 lbs. a 13 Ibi., 1?J. : Porto Cabello, ? Ibi a 11 lbs., 19c ; Truxlllo. 17 Iba a 19 11*. !7Wc.; i'aruccas, MIba a'? lbs., 17c.; l.aguiyra, T2 Ibifc a 24 lbs.. 16c. a 17c ; Hio llache, 17 Iba a 20 lbs., lie. a lie.;, t ura roa. 18 Iba a Si lbs , 12c. a lie. rort au FUtte, lu lbs. a 18 Iba Itic.; Bahia, J7 Ibe. a ?d lbs., 16c.. gold s?lected; Texas. Ualveston, 20 Iba a Ub Iba. 19c., do.. In llauola, 21 lha a 2f> lbs , Z)c.; do., ban Antonio and Corpus thrlsti, 21 Iba a N lit*, *V a 21c.; Western, is Iba a 21 Ibe.. 18c h19c. : Southern, U Iba a IS Iba., )4c. a iSc., currency, , ^lforS^?The mark*t was dull and droonlng and prices I worn nominal The receipts lor the w?ek were 81 bale* lolal recuipta aince Soptstn^er 1, 1^74. 42,377 bales; total rnuipls lor Suine p?rb"l In IWi, 21.4M do.; total exports 1 Muci September l. 1874. IS.Os^ do. Wo quoteNew York, new, 30c. a Mc.; K astern, new, 28iv a*.; ?Mt ,rn, new. 2tie.. a S2c. t yearling* Wc a Ijc. ; o.da, aU trrowths, do. a 15e.: talifornlan*. Sic. a 36c. per lb. iiat sun Stsaw.-1Ihs supply fur best reta.l nod ship nlmt uualltlos was good, and the market wascuietat tue r>llowiiig quotations:?""hipping. 8>>' a 58c ; retail qual? tiifs. MSc a fl 20; elover45c. a 8>fc : salt 4'ie. a 4.*. straw Is quoted at 78c. a -?e. tor long rye. 8dc. a 56o. lor ghort i do., sOe- ? 86c. for oat . .. . . I ihoh.?American tdg was dull and depressoa. An druws* lurnacos have Blown out, aud II is reported they have on hand a stock ot I VXI' tous There was a fair I inoulry for Scotch at lull prices We note sales of f00 loua Coltoeaa and lot Jons Fgllnton on private t- rms. ! horap wa? quiet The sales were 8<J0 t>ns on private ; uno* Hallroad was onletyid mtcfasyed. Weyote: N.t. I American. $17 a Its. No Ida M?l*i American tnrea *-.t u i-S No I Collness, $M: he. 1 Olcagsruock. 1 |335%H I glinton. a *il?UartaheriK 632. railrovi Iron, No I foundry. ?27 a ?28; iron rail* ?5l a ?ij steel t0i b'st^sc.?liemJock-The market wai quiet and prices were a shade lower. Crop was doll and prices were nominal. Receipts lor the week were 60.S4J side* aud 1,800 balei Kxporls, 11,808 sules We quote Jivmat Am.-m. io< .<?i.i. Commam HUt. I.ijh t...: Wc! *He. |SV a2dc. jCTi ???. Middlf *7? o. a ?j. 2-c. a ? 2>^,c. a Ufa. Ui'uvt 27V- ? *:. t7". ? TTH'O- 26',o. a 27c. ( tinmafrd 14,',f. n J#*,.:. W^C.?24?. lUc. a 21c. IVnr damaged ? ?? ? a ? ISc. a tto. ?t'r j>.??-l*u?iiuT?l.utb* Uci>. iwe. a Cm.; middle back*, 36V ?3S.light rr p. 33kJ. ? S9e.; middle crop. 8*c it W?.; lutvf crop. Me. aKfc. Jmm-Light crop, 3lo. a J2<\ : middle anil orer crop, 33c. a 34a. Rough lin i u>. k. 27c. a He.; rough oak. ifcjc. a 31c.; bclliax, lit. a 17c. i ka?.?The market wi? doll and pricea ware ut*. ( Imiih'xI. we quote -Bpanltii, ordinary, per Wo Urn. $6 S7>4; Herman. ordinary, $6 8'V Kulliah, $7, tor eiRn, refined. f7 UJ, l (7 28: itomextic. IciineJ. |? Hi i Mi gold; liar, a ?c.: Pipe, 9 ,i\; ah. ot. :<V , lu l,<r c?ai aucount; Tatbaai's improved uu linrd lead pipe. lit V m ai Lf svuam. ?rue market wa? unlet and price* were unrbariaed. We ..U0W; -.New, light, 8c., new, dark, ?c. a ic v.,i \ ? K?._Ttu* m.irket waa qalct and pricaa ware Onvl.aiiKed. Ih'i Cargo of the si-h^ner Alia .v.t? -o! t at fevior ? tr?thiU |'irtiiil:ir< could not bo obtained). W?. quote;? I'uUa, lentritiucal *" t mixed, SJc. ? AJt.: do., i tared, Sc a S8c ; do., niaecoTado. rellnln*. SBc a Site.; do., do., ifeivrjr,He. a lie.; Porto Kiio. 31o. a fckx ; tiitf U*u la wad a. SJ !. a tb\; Wmw Urleana, ?fc. a 7Ce. Ratal. hr i?*.?The market wii* dull. TOe <?' s were i? i?ul? . aptrita tufj" . tun- at h*V- an.I I'tbbiaKo 2 roam at 7S. f pir1'? of tnrpctitfne na* quoted at we. a ; common ?traiBrd roaiu ilHiriralaM, $1 71a ft M a.... t (trained, ?i?> a $1 W| Wit niugtou tax, $. 57 ,. Waah ii.ton tar. t ?; PltHi. ? Cruie wliate waaqoiet with a aale ot l.DOObbla., ? d.t at lb * B [lord for'hom" nee, at 41'. Crude atienii inactive. Ltna.'.'.t ??? Moderate!) ai'tive at tic. a 6."> . Mririaden waa qalet. l ard wa* dull. Cotton aei d w.ia?juict Bii'i un. n.i iird. quote:-()live, Maraeillc., quart. f? .1'. a.$i ?i t er c?ae; do., tn raak?, fl 1 a $t li t, per $ . tea . i>ai.a, ic. a s ,c. tier lb.; Ituaei J. ciir n'liki .in I wt'). ??? a ?Se. |>er ?la.l.jn, wliale, erale, Norti.eru. f.?.t 4v do,.Baatkc m,<.c.a fc- do., MMtteacbod win tt-r. 7 * a 72c. i do . Iil?-ach?d win er, 7flc. n 77c ; aperra, iritdi 91 tiO do. w.uier, uutiieaciivd. |l V> a $!, do do., b.v u ii? I $J a f: l.i menhaden. ? nr. ' 57c. a frtc . tai J, i nun '? In tor (i i > a |1 L>. .o. Miriug au<l auiuiurr, >?, . S. red. ^' f.. rn dt>.iiiied iclalnei, >5..; do., Mp Milled. 7*c a 7* 11 otw '?e"l. enWa. He. * M;. t do , ? ou I.. i ii ?ellow, ( V a ?ir ; do., yellow and White ? II rr. IJr a 74e., araiM. o?. 7? a ?' Wi B?'ik : ?wraiia, Me. t i aiurai i jUiivJ iug. ti a ?ra>itr, lie. a iN r.raoi tea.?The market waa Arm m 1 cl..icd ateai? at If,, a I Sr. lor prt . nt, 1%'t. a 13 4c . tiionlh. ter i'"fi?,t We ni t.- aalcn of 3.IW bi l? reflned, viM nt I'litiailitjitil* at IV f.,r June tV an I a ie*ale ot S.IIO0 bM* do at I3r. lor Jah 1. ? rade. in liulk Wa? qn ted at ? ?' for it nut, i. , for moiiib do.. In u da.; !' ,r. I if l-iompt. V. tor utoutii. i. ilii. ; ?lauJard wbtie, l> a| ? '?? M* KvMi'l; . . a I . ? l .| ,ti ,niM. .Naphtka, HVa. tor i.i ubi : (T,e. to. inontti, eaaea, ? 'V ? 1 ?' lIiHadiiphia via# at ll\c. a I- , Ii* pi 'inpt. I? I. r Mtoatb H.tluiuore wa- quote J a' . ? ? I?'%<?. tor p'.-u- t Adti. >. from the oil re ii u were ita l.di. "tiuiaellie. ouiat aad firm, quoted at It J, J, afl m. wit Ut?, tUHalfl 41) Rou?e ?ilie. quit I and firm at fl .121, a (i Si; Tidiuute. un (.?ailed $1 iJa.wil iii? ou ? *rd ; rarkor a <1 net and tiriu ikiPinoat*. |l ?i. ad, fl ?. , iw, luaid, ?. iJ bi t. ?> ??k? 1. lout.,.- ?Choice let were maeee a?t flrmle held, liui a great luauj a. it .dm |. u( ..rdet. i , I w re M|j> ina - vti eluwlf at U#Wi-r KM Urn* lota ? ill fenaru ,/ ?* uiu b ae parrel*. Wo i, i.iu e. u huii new. |er b..i . *4 a ??>, K< -Moda. t?r let- . 17 90. ??rlj r oe m* J ub > he ii bin*. ?' a ? 7?| do., w kata. iwr bid . fi 2.1 ? I 71: p?*.-nMnw. mw douoi? Mat bbla., II tw a #. do. hi liun. per iibl., ?1 ii a it Int. AU?it. new dootue ii. II1 !>bi? >1 U alio d? . la . ...a. |,'f o.d., ?. peerieaa, i.?w du ??.? brad litoia.. t ? ? ?? > uo in i ? per pUL, |i-> a ?i M, eweela. e - .. U. .a ,i a. i (J i -n t ?> fuw?i.-Tin airiva*tro? lit ?'eat w- ft ? ?< It In govit ..rder mil ? ? re olHatoeu liar na4e wa? uioato ?up|.l.e.t u ? HI. aiab.lit refa f It- ?iii>|ii; ?' l. v ?<? $ ...k! ant pin auught ?i< m Ml) elai>?hi?f. ra ?rn (ael, aatlto/ It* > ?? evar vUbi ut tb?'if owu wa jr. \?a quvte s? i arae>c ?iaw, ,i.iu. am all, dfc a ttr ; do, Co.. i-*f to aae it. > " a al. J. .'e. ?ay, l.nioe f.?>d. f'< >fo. loll Ii. I irl t|. ? \ tBiim .'hickoin per IO a ?? lowle. J war ?. |mio>" IK Mm- . do do tan to??wd I - a.* to. Male aa<i Weatavra prna,< iku a me . do do lair lo good. Tie a i/i ?pcka, ? ? . - t-? vi.?? tin i u. aor pau ?U. a M W Iwvu alMa aaei Aba. aai ?* . liv,, do , Welter*, Ttc a too; roosters old. ?. a lOo. i ttfr ksT-i Slate add Jer?er. Wo. ; do., Western. 17o. a 18c ; 0ucIt? state and JsriMtjr, per pair 78c a fl dp Weal' d n 7UC. a T&'.. ('CM. MM una J crsey, Si a 82 28; no.. Western Pi *5 a fl f*j Psovisiqjis ? Keoelpts ?Pork. <12 paafeMes; Vef. i'>? do : cut meat- 419 ao ; lurd 1.087 p i luge* an<l M kug.-.. t |>? ami Wot lor Uio liv-r product wu. unsettled tud lower?altnoit without exception. Pork wa* uusetl > d uu l prices wore U>w?t Ill market feroriutr the buvcr at the clone. The iale? were about 4.590 Phi* a: *i 1 i0? $ii" <?:? caah: $19 75 a Hi) *> for Jane 919 *1 a *11 ? far July. 'it a ?I9 :Ij lor Au,;o<t .1.1 I ?,.u 1 n ^ei.u-.n b' r; 369 !?bl ? ilCrt mess 'it It? 1 .1 $l'.? 5U. ami 75 (tiv estra prim* at *.t IB. B*?f was uvj leotedlaml nominal at tumor prlcei. lioei umet. We quote ?ngrrelled lioel, plain me?. S'J a 810: !>., extra iiums. $11; fuu-Uot Uorl |ii;tiBtoitlDMl,(iti extra iudin i.i' 1- flBi India glees, prime iues?. Sit! a tK Qnlert. Rnoon was dull and lieas vat 11 ??>?. ' >t city long cwir, Ur. lor Wwtvrn 0tM meat* were ilull. We note -.all's of $1,000 plckl-a liuun at 18c 500 do. shoulders at 9S''-. I. Ota fresh burn nt ]2'>c.. 7* tiwm V. uatcrn pjofcieu hams at llo. a litfc. Dn- sed huge were easier, city eelllng at 8','c- a i^c. Lard was irregular and lower. Saie< of about VOUO tiemia weru made it | tor July, 13 II Mo till 16c. lor August, closing ft tut miitil)- price. Iti< it.?'1 he market was quiet but sterna v. We quote I? 1 .ir?biM, good, 7*?c. a fee,; do., prime. 7?#r. a So. di> , cho'ce, 8*40. a Smc.; i.<'n 7Sfc. a /Ke. for fair v> prim.-, iiiui usmm on q mil.ties down to bo. itattgoolt, Bkc.. currency; Pauia, 7c. a 7'*c , currency; Rangoon, III Vltltl, ?2 -S II $3, ..rold, Hitkos. ? Qrma whs quiet and nominal. and tlie demand wan light. Cauary was luactive. I laxse^d was quilt. wai moderately active, with ?alua of Su uw tias-i < iik-uita le^ Pegasus $1 !W, eola, tour moiitlis, aud 3,980 BUS packet HomWav*. us private t<inil'. We qaw:?Clover. Westeru, ll*je. a llKc.-i tlinoiiir, %??<*) a'S2 75-canary. Smyrna. SU a $11IS; cut urr Miclly, *li 50 a SU; tiemp. t'oreiiru, tl 'ju .1 #1 !*'?; tlaii-eed, viuericaii. rcuaU, $13JuJ2, liusKd, lalcuwa, gold (U'lio', il 'JO 1 ^PKLraa.?The trade was inactive, #na prlcts wir.- au. ^laiipeil. We (iaot<-Plates?Foreign, per 10> lbs., $7 12S a $700, gold j dutnoxtie. cmniiiun, $7 1 .a 97 25. *? rk.mink was dull at ISSte. a ll>,r tor Western. Seira.? Til.* market wu> dull, and prices wore uu ehauged We Hiiute 1 ? I'eppcr ^umatiu. 17c.; >inga pore. 17J?c.; pimento, 10': clove.-.. 37c. a 38c.; cnsila. i '.r . African ginger, 11c.; Uhcc do., 10*<c. uuutmegs. ?i u $1 06 per lb. Skins?l)?or?The tnirket for domoittc was quiet, with ?iilos ?f 1,50111),- Western at fl7<?c. per lb. Wo quote Southern at 40c. Koreigu were quiet, wo quote; ? Honduras. 66c.; Vera Ct u^. ftSc.; Central Anioi'iean. trimmed. 6l>c. a 65c.: do., nntrltiimed. 59c. a Sh , ; ciUal, 63^6.; Angostura, 52'.c. t 1'nra, OOi,.; Puerto Calwllo, Mc., currency. CJoit?The markot was quiet and nominally unmanned. We i|uote rampkto J r.; .KataiHoros. 6Jc. and Vera Crux, 50c., gold; Uueiios Ayres. 51t-.. Pavta. SOc. ; Curacoft. 50c.; Cape, 3rt-. Madrj- per sl.ln, 47J4e.; Pauia, per skin, 32c.; tust India, taiiii.-d, 82\, :., East ludia, tauaod ilieep, 86c.. eurrencv. HvasH -1 ho market for raw wa* Arm, at R'^e. a 8*c. for l'alr to *0.1.1 rnflntng TUo ?ales wero HW lilids. uio* la?ies sn^ar at 7\e.. and IX httdx.. part low fair musco vado atid baIaiu-e centriiufal. at It l-lo<- and D'ge. re spec ti voir Ilotlned sugars wore quiet and steady. We OBOteCuba?Heflnlng, iiiterior to coiniii'iti. 73ic. a r?i< ; do , do., fair 10 s'oud fair, 8^'c. a H'jo. ; do., good to printe, i?,c a arocerv. fair to gooj, H?-,e. a 8J|0.; do. prime to choice, trje. a Vc.t eentriiuval, lilids. and boxes .No*. J to IS, 8V1. a y'(r. ; molasses, hint", and l?OJ.e* 7o a 7T.c.; melado, 6c a '?44c.: clayed, box04, Dutch staudaid, Moa. 7 to ?. 7'? to 8. , do.. 10 to 18. ?V a *??c . d >. 13 to ?.*? ??. ,1 . do., lb to IS, 9'ic. a 10J?e ; do , 1.1 to 2>), ld'4 . a I "*o. ; do., wliito, |Vo. a ttfje. Pr>rto Itico?Itotltiin^. eotnmon to prime, 7\c. a 3>jo.; gr iverr. lair i? oUoiio, Hi', a #c. Mraall?Dutch ftand ard, Nos. ? toll ;??< a So. Java?f'uti-ti .landsrd, Nos. 10 to II, SHc ?* ?c. Manil%?superior and extra su perior. 7V-. a 81,0., standard A. 10)?c. | t^o crushed, 11'v powderel. tl'.c altV ; granulated. It 1Jc. , \cl low. 8c ate ; estra f. ?-4e a t^O.; cut losl td?.c. fai-uow ??< at-U*e. 1 he sales weie 135.U0U it>? prime at a,UN do. at 81V16C., 3S <ai i dow assorted -;ovt at < u I60 a 87-ic. au I do at WHc. Tis.? I be market was quiet and unchanged, with sales of SW) txm.? charooa! ?t SB 37^ We quote:? Ranca. t.V4c a 2 -.c, , straits, IHc. a I 'e.; Knglt-li. L A P.. I8',c. a itfe.; KngUah, refined. IjK*. per ib gold. Pia??s?Pair to ehoieo nrands, I C. charcoal s? a r'lW), I. U. eok'- to *7V s 67 2-.; eo?e kirne, 611 7i A 1 ll>,, . h*r al toj-no $7 a tt per box, gold T ?1 hssalss w 1, 1MI lu.di at P "?< at2-... Seed I lost wae qalet. wiili ao'f- of lt?> cssetsuudown at -(o. .1 41 , 60o < nses P< nn?i .Minla, orop 1H71 an ! Ii7?i. partlv I 011 private lenus, aud parts at tk. lis- aad lJc. i?7 casus , New tork. cr,ju IW3, at V , aud U1 ia?es Wise opsin, Crop 1873,, at ly. a itV?. *>"?*? market for lor?!gn j wasetoady. W?- Bote sales of SW bluts, Havana at -wc. a |1 15 We quote l.igtitaud beave?t ouiiuon lugs '/v. , a lJc.i goo<I lugs. lie. a UVsC . lo* leal. 12V- a lie. j me dium leif, ltc. a I7c ; gi...l saf. i.1'4c a U -.; flue leaf, lfl'.c. a Ste. 5 selei t leaf. I*'j. a 2ac.; Conner tn-ut ami Ma*aaoh>i<ett? Itliors 7c. a 8c.; do. Uo. second. |6o. a 16c , < onuoctt*: wrappers. ,..v a .'6c.. do. assortod U<t\ lie. atloc.t Maoaachusutts. 15c. a 86c.; New Vork atssrterl | lot!, common. *0 u lie. ; do. do , good to Ant-. 12c a itx- ; , Penusyltanla assorted low, 13c a 2&c., Oliio do., lOWc. a like.; Wisconsin da. S',e. a I ?'4c. lla\ana? ; Cotnuiou. a 90.- 1 go>1. tl^c. a )i; flue, ,-l 10 a il 2d. I Vnra?Aooorted lots. tic. s liV per l?v Wool. ?lhe matast rsmaiut quiet and without de cided obangf prlcus sUil tendlnx lu burors' favor. The ?ales eotnpriso ?> '*a? iba An<irs:itn part at We, a 5lo.; ti,'0J do. Caps. X*' . 2ti,UUL> do. i alttorula uprlu.. 2t'' a 3.'c , o.'tuodo. OgUlurula fail, 18 : 10,')"0 uu 7.eorgia, 46c : NO,C<W do Kas'orn Tort?. a 34c.; 90,000 d(l> West?ru Texas, ttc a 87o. t 10.0 V do. fine 1 Ohio. Ui- , Idooi do aooared California, 6i>c ; , 80,liuil do MlchlMO. 6U ; lt.'OJ do. super Bull -d. <10. a yjf . -is edo. >0 1 pulled, Uf(c ; lo .i^Wdo. ? ouskc.i J.inj do. pulled. V*X) do. supor lambs, 12.0 ud... new medium. 8 OOJ 1I1. c.unpiug, 1 oxido new black. l.tOJ | do. no-' Texas, aud 0'.'0 >IVs. weaieru fleece ou privato I t?rm*. Wm-aHr.?KeeeiptA 8Mbi>U. Phe market wai heavy, with tales of 100 bhls. at ?l 20. ysuoHrs ? The market w*< a shade firmer for grain ' freights and steaay tor petroleum, with but a moderate : busmoes :u an* dept ii.muL* ihe eogagemoqu were; ? By n'.oaiu to Liverpool. 3j.0(K> buehelii grain at s^d., And ' by sail, 32.U0U busbcls do. at 71 1 by sle^iu to 1>.union. S3o bbls. roelu at 3s. t^d.. 4ud br sail. S.o 'J tibls. flour at '4a. 4^1 pei bbl. The cnart<-rii were as follows:?An Ita'ian bark, h.-noo to Cork I for orders. * itli 3.?>i quarters griln at 6?.; another, lion ? to aoiitUauipton with 4,** do. do ai 7'j.l. p.-r quartet: a (lerioan bark, be u> -.- to ti?e CudUu>-ui, with ?SOO bb:>. rcrtifd p troleuui a! t* 3d.; a Norwegian luirk. from Philadelphia to the 16a!'.le, with 8,880 bbla. ; do. d". at 4. 8d.: a Hitilsh l arken ine uune vovage. with I SOObiiR da do at 5s.; a Norwegian ship, hence to I Antweri>. with 6.700 libla do do. aite '<1 , a Hritl-h ship, from Philadelphia to Antwerp <>r Mreiuen, wl'h i?.tu> Mils, do do. at 4s tU , loiut l?y uay? a BrtUs'i bri; of PM ' tona reirtater. from wuuuii-rtou to Curx lor orders wi'h rosin and spirits it 818J for ibe t- ,-111.7 and 6s fti lor ' the latter; a b.irk ..t 62i tons r' plater, tr .tn Charles' .11 to the l;nit.'.l Kin idoin wiUi rj?iu and s>plrita a! Ss. t. r Hie former .uid Se lor the latter; an Ain?rl<-an bark t . 514 ton-* rugistor, ii-ni e to the Uivsr Platte, wi'li a goiu-ral csrgs ut 817 fir lumber aud I7e. for measurement good* 6 per cent Primage; another, of.I20tons regis er t>om 1 Ity Point and Hioh mond. to Trieate and, w Itli ay- ner.?l cargo (In lu J in* tobacco at Ms p-r hhrj.). at a lump mm J;." rent iirim-igo- a a. hgomir el <6* tans nv:.w l. uci. to J4. tuaica with lumlM-i and bark with logwood at t k. DOMESTIC MARKETS. Oil? ? .row. Juno II. 1375. CottoB nominal; bIMIIM. i?Mi bei r.-cclpt?. bale*. b(HiK tjtutk Mw t* nchlv. - Nei t* ipla. 8.7, gross, Mt, Faporla?To tlie I iiju'tel, 4n3, ooaeiwi*:, Ma. 6*Ui. i.nt Wrw O'M - ?*? June 11 l*7S. Cotton demand tnod> rite, middling |.'? hot t". C*lptt,4W bate*; ?ro<M. ?;?. bales. 1 '."M. ttlucK. ,'A.l J. Wi eHlT.?Net rcCMDti, 1,774; gr.??s, 2,t?7 ?.*,?<* t? ? i ,j Oroat llrittiu. S,?W. to fiance, !. ???. to tlUi t'vutin g.Uld, cixt*l?Uo, IJIM. Sales, i|Ml M mi it J BIX t|, MVi. Cotton nominal; middling, J?Nei rt<'?ipt?. 117 hale*. Bxporte <oastwlae. 41 Palea. 3d Hiu< *. ,\ta Weekly,-.>ct r*ct ipt*.171. export*? ro Oreat Brutia, 1..VU, coast wlee, l.TSf. balea, 7M> _ B4RUWAK June 11, IV#. Cotton anil; middling, is*,'- . low middling. |P> j good ordinary, UHe. Wet r-cHpfa ill ha'es L*t> >ru i -.netwi*,', tit. **alos, lit Pun k, M4 WeoKlr ? Net re i iiits. Mil. Export*?To Uroat Bntiiu l,>W; r??,f VU*. INf. Kales, I.Ot* (IBa Lt'2 reporu-d Monaay ?i ioaai?Ue should have be. ;i to Great 1). lUiu.) W ILVIiiUIOV.X. C-, Juur 11, in, HplrUJ turpeatiaa atetdy at tte. Fosiii sieauy at il i;'. (or * .rained. Crude turpentine < . air at ?1 10 fur Uaid, tiror yellow dip, ?i?for virgin iar neaiy itllNi 0*? ?uo, Jan# II. 1*7*. floor sle >dr ; a* leg 1.000 hbl& a' Bv <3 ft r No. I spring, M Tt tor amber while. $7 for while winter.#;^ f.* Uoubli' extra, Wheat ilrni but unlet, Nu I Mh?uUm< t'liib, (1 10; ex'ra while Michigan. |i 81 (ora*:.adv; Rio* l.-i "busheie high mixr i at *!'?. c ,,rnin*ai ( >4 for hed, t'?r MnelN, pee t<>n. MtllieeJ staaBy. ahorta. B'AI; ahipsinff- ??; midrtlings %P |> r t. u ('|. Iiai freight* -VS beat. &'*? j P'B?. .; Corn aud rye. 6, ; Mta- 9- ,<? to >?w York: lmnljer, it to the luiijton. r> relpt??Lunibor. l.Wi.f Jfeeu i.'aual slnpu. nu ll>e, 8,*X)LuauciJ, luui er, ?il,<XJ0 teet. Bi riALO. t n 11. i :n T^tka reroipte?Floor, UuO bMa; corn. .m,u >i l>u?h*u. Kaujroad rc 'Pt<-Klour. 5,100 libL?.; whrat. S5.01 ?? uh ale; corn'W do ; oatu, do. Railroad -hip. in flits?Floor, 4,100 bhle.; wheat. 87,14)' t>u?h*U. r,.rn, t&iHO do.; oaU. KLUW do. ebipmenti to nte water?Whc*t. Sl.tMiO bu<liel?; corn, ?0.i??do j o?i?. 10,. iio do. * n igli *-Wlu at, 6.\r.; corn. 6c.. Hew iork toll? Included. Hour ?'ea ly; aalcf ot SHO bull, at unchanged price* Wheat active aid fit m; ?alt? of S^y*10 btn'iclj <.i >o 2 Chlrfiaoaf $1 04: T.Wdo of Mo. I iiilwa.ik. e at tt la; s.tnoia. of n<>. id> ?t $t (*?. n.otwdo m jta I Mlnne?ott at |l 1'-",* *1 IV mid fi.OOUdo. of Wo. |i hi cutio. to arrivn, at 11 tB. t'i rn active and firm; prime icareo and wanted : ??le? ??f * IHX) bn liel? ot .No. J o;i |irl vata tertna; 4;,i^t do at 74., and 10,WWdo. o( >nutle at flc. aTSc. Oata scarce; nominally ?t tw with n. dc miind. Hre and l>artty out <>' tbo mark<'t; aonc lj. ro. KoedeBfll. Fork ateady; sale? ?t $.'i lor hc?vt mi-c Lard jUa I) atli'eC. uijuwiacs inactive and nominal. 1 OLRIHt, Juno 11, H? J Flottr c'owd firm Wh*at nominally unchanged fnrn a (bade lower, clntaig ifeady; high mixed, spo; TSiic.; July, "i'jC. : low mixed, 71c ; No 1 whit -, 74',' i'?i< firm and In lair demand; No. J,*f.?\?c. . wtitte, t Ktchlgr.n, '"-v. KreiRbtM ao? banged. Keceipt*?Whe ?t. lai n bmhele; corn, 2H'4? .lo ; oat?, :t, >nr? do. Khip nient*?Flnur. 1,000 oMa>; wheat, 7,W bu?Uel ? corn t,? ? d j , cms, t,' 0.i dy. I)t rn..t?. 'itnc 11. | ;v Flour dnli anil dr^. rlr.g it * f? i.v v n?ic doll and drooping; extra, $l r.. Mo 1 while, $1 i1,; a in Iter Michigan, tl 8?. torn dull and dropping at i :??. a r.v. ti'ii- firm and ill fan demond at 61V' a Nte. Iteeelpti? J lour. l.iOJ bhl.<. ; wheat, O.tJOJ bn-li -l? com l,l*?do. i oniJ>, ioiwda, Rhipmenw--Floor, X000 bblt.; wheat, i,(vhj btifUob; ooru, l,USf J j. i oat?, 3,l>' ?> . _,<'i'?' *??,^nn#ll. ism. Flour anil an J Hcbanftd. Wue?t buoyanl. tttt.eiti?,l and hull -r; No. I *t>rin|, ?1; No. 2 .-priujr f?7? . Knot; ?"< ? -'nlviW'* Anguet No. S Ktirini, ii?t ,. ? it,.. ] Q<v?c- ' high r i d?ni:ind li<!i?; hoi ;i-r< Arm ; .No t fresh, 6. Ue.; r.-^u nr. t?it,o. spot di^c hid. July; /!'? Avl?'i?t; rejected, ? c. a m.c. nat- dull and drooping; No. *. iO- ?PV, f".*c July. Ryo quiet, an> changed Barley Qtiib' /lrin and inglior; iN,i J ?pring, tl to bid, epot; II 1W 0# Ufpf^mher. I'ork dull and lowei at $l ? 80 n *t!i3i. ?po< 4?r July. Bit? 40 a 1S? August. Sl9 o'VJ a ?I9 9j Scp.'cmber. I. >r-1 -1 tt11 mi l l.,?er at ?I3? apot, $(S SI a ?l.l .inlv, BUM # #1.5 r>:', Vii^ntl.'i 7.5 Sep te inter. ? inik ni'-at' rteady; aboulders Sc.. ?ltort rib uiiodleg H'?c., i t clear mlodlea II(jc., all loose, ?pot. >vhia K i firm ii $1 17. livightaduii uttd weak; 2**o end corn V. to Bturalo At the aiterimnn cjii <,t the Hoard * beat wns strong at ?*?<'?, a Jltlv; !?'-(, ., August, forii low?sr at ??>',?., .Inna. July: 11 v., /ugujt. uato firmcc. 6 v n ?nJ4c., Juue; A7?ic..duly. I jra dull mid lower at BU W. Au;ti l $1:1 W, e'eptom be ?. Lirdexayaud weak a' 111 Sr>. Jui.v ; ?n f>7'?, ,*u gust, itei aipta? Hoar, 8.(1)0 l>i>la ; whaaf. ll.CH'> hti-h?>ls; corn, W,1**! <fo. i < ita. I8,tg)0do,: barlevi ii.tO' (to, fhtp ajents?Hour, 7,C0t) bhla.; wlieut 2'".i'HJ baaiiels; torn, L l KV &??, aaW, 7.W.- do ; b.irlay. u'hV Jo. rHUtUNQ CLOTHS MARKET. Paovinaaca W? I, Juue It, U7X I .'4'IU .Jill-. U.f U t, !IWh U IUVA2U MARKET. it Aviy.t, .Tane 9.1->7S. ?pao!?it *vM MKiW. F.xc haatte very in ivc. tin the tune I Mate*, wlday*. t tirreucy 7' a 71 premium; ? >gMdo . 71a iTi preutI,Hit; 4?' dsys. gold lUUa 1(4 l#i ? tut Mm | xlurt tight do. KM > lu6 iiremltui (in I.ti 0 >a iij a 1*7 iTttii.iuaa. on Im N a lot) premium. Kit very arlive ,No IS, Dutch nandard, It, r??la a Ulealv ui.cuvji; Ik ((Big a 7>,,. gold. n*r*K ?, Jnne II, M7.V 4bmm% livtA. JVtAUlim fcuhauwa MUr?< m MB Lepromin*; oninria. iwi loip^tiL 'TuS'jJmT* _ KWASCIAU A ~ * w daah in ar the New York Mock l.x l,i,n?A (,on?bi ?t.i t*>id ?y u?OJi ntxu^iu ol five prcaal bom tit auj J I'KlVli,li(iKS "t iiiwxt*(*4 at one or two per ctM. (row lanrkel on m ,?,. V''r? 01 the New York I- v.l.suca or respo.iMbU,k?,iZ largo ?uni> have- b?oti reauiou tin- p?? j , ,lat> p,. , call coat* valUUsUmu-. ? Ul M ?7T7 B~~ I irradd.e- $?5i easit, control ?sT?h?re? of ?took far VI Ut/Br"'!!r ri*k' wll"? tnany thousand . S! h'"?/ ''V, 8*l"i?d. Advice unit intormaHoit fur, JiMliod. I aiii|>hl?u contain.njr valuable k*an*tli*l fa. coaJuoted Vint 4,10Wl"k' lu'w ??*?t operation* at* |~7kTk~2 pro in piiy^xc**uteJ*ITy'u*. "MSi "V mtU ? "tre ? I I MUKIOtiK A CO., Baukora A Brokers, Nq. g ffiU atreot. New York. A ?JOHX HTcKI.IX'i A <?<>. HANK I. lid ANtf j^' . Broker* Broad way, New York ^ wiabliw to le?rn Um m??th#d of u 7" ^'"boo^^umeX'""11 buu>' 01 J*uUOf; h?v P?* Ar*P IDIOMS OF W VLI, STRBKT." T Sent iree to nit add rots. foTJt^.bu^Alva* ",e toW"** and lowr.! url'-j? Ot HUxtkr !? f. ? ^ i >\l,ur?. A ccmiptofc) list 01 dei^u iea ml. r >uUs and sketches ol loading operators. -# I Privileges 1 to *>? from market ou tne ^ active sto-ka. l!'i ,"?'1 ",ld ?l'?raplT eollacuoui ua te, luonoy bi^o?Uiii aud information giveu hy ? ^ Bankers and Broker*, 7i Broadway, New York. MMjjgy A? AkODJtt FROM ll.UJO TO Sdj,00d TO LOAN oil .improved and unimproved Iteaf Estate lu tiJa ?iir or Brooklyn, lor term ol year*. wt^out bonus U * "-UAM 8. I.KAVlTT. lM BwSldway. A r?5?ASOVAB^B ratks?noNar os life anu "nd.niui'nt luiuranoo I'oliciea, Mon/aitf- an 1 other Svcurlllttf. Inguranca of all kiua.i odreted with bestronipauieH. J^.l. HABlilCll ,t Co , 117 Broadway AHUST MORTdAOK FOR tla.000 ON OITV PROP crty, wortli 1 til I v doiil>lo th^ amouut wanted at p??- J?"'X ?? -mi-risav. ?SrfS?gWSilS&*t C"BiM'r,-1>A^hi.K BOCt)HT AND SOL!) BY a. M 'Q,' StrCWt J,r?wo?' i'?I>er lor I ?AV'K MONEY TO LOAN Off (loon Uz H. L. UHANT, 14fi BroaJwHjr. I OilN 8. FJKRCK, NO. 5 PINK STRKKT 'LOANS NfWTnr'/ iTr l'?1 b011;"."" ?PP'^'Ci >^al' Kaiatr tn ?KI.I ij Brooklyn tinU Wc^tohoMer vouuty ; aUt> i>?r cha?>K MuriKiHfvat lowaM ratc<. H TBS.r,A"r0W. NtAT,",NA,j 1,AN,f. Of COLVM. 2M&IL i ^l?wSSfcr<Sl3RS; Bond* Cl!t oa ?n>' bu! tll,! n#w. or CoanoUduteX WANTRO-^OW OS A NO. 1 .VKW ,?BR?RY I'ROP^' M N..1leraTlom^e!" 01 yetr?< uo *'ea* AUdr? K. \\"Ai'3R?r?)4!! 0? 08 less, ?io.(juo oir ?ir t nYn l'? 0 ciL &t ljul'der'a loau on Uva first cln>? tenement* on W?*t Oftr-ewljUi itreel ? n,, broker?, Owier, tSO Wwt Serenteem 1^7.#! 1 nu \\rV'T?-Dr$J0'?"V ?K ON VI M.WJIKMY ? rrooorty. worth twiv?t ttic tuiiouutt uo Ad* are.e Ml) K flM K It, u, m:d Brooklyn ivin Jk 15 000 -2^LTK,)' KV'i A TERM OF "team! ??cured by first moruare ou a farm In W arren county. New Jeraev, worm t?ioO> Ad. dreiis Ua\ MDiSL). mi ftaslnugtoa ?ireet. Brooklyn, N. V. 000 T1L'8T 'WDi TO LOAN OJrBONO i Ji , " and ?orteaKo in New y,,^ all(j Oflico in *um* l? ,B'*' O, O., box 147 liorall H !.i k i , Mortga*. , n New York a?d Br^oklyo VlPMan a IVFitri; briu? P?o?r? 11 Mtbh?EAL, 5. MUUam street, L'uioa $500,000 ,iond and Kt'al Karat ? ?--- - - ? SHIPMAN BaildiDRf ?I'i'lSK"'! IfPrtlHTt'SITIltl, A ft52.?? WABrKO?NONE For M.rvkn i ? ?il0?Ks' c<>nUlniu* lw) taiuilies much lucon??ti. iwneod for ?rocerle?, uunlous 10 imirom/* new Uir<>?'r . r* ,0f *?'u "? Payable $iuo >;aartorlyt ?L nn'^' tor enterprniUK niau. inouirr 01 Mr. UAY. 0? prmnueI, FtftyQUn alreot, ihirj avenue, Urooalyti, A CHANCE SKLDOM OFFERED FOE OUiUP I, , , T'1<> Wilt and Fixtures ot a flr-tr'aj F.etali Fur Bu?ines.un Maiden lan<\ cstublisl at ? >oars' "fc?K*li0.,f5idrV?;,.M for selllQ?' riK Bui: A o/'the tuanut.u nrl.ig tju?lncs.'*; net profit* over l'm ;.l-r cent au l & iS*'llarauToltlea! ** "VbA^ A ?SIKRCBANTS, MANCFACTl'BKKS A.NU OTUEK8 * it*r'"'1'"rint' nt;,re capital, or persons dcairinf <0 m Ti '? t'lMlnCM, will meet Willi re.i>on?lii!<' P?r. < ?Je?an . *w>r..v. d opportunit.ea at our o?fl?e. inve?f?r? ar* invited 10 call. UEitlOtt A PARLMTOjf, ? i'mii 1 11 (till llu<i!ie-i* Urukers, M Broadwaf. A P A R T Nfc K VV AN r K D?WITH POMR CAPITAL TO ? JI W.,#ril*?r IU Uie inanuiaoture ?( tin anl lion tbour cjrd, an 1 decorative tin nlatea Adreitia. r tlioroiulily understand* ilie l>uslne?.. and caa promlM Rooil profits to an ^nuriietic man. l est n tereucaaaiyea ?nd reyitlrtd \ ttarald olflet. A CHANCK TO CLEAR ?'v*IU BY TliK it hill r MAN" JX In thrar inontba: btioiuaas \yell cslabiitiivd; laidt ll'u'l-.n'suHet!1 ' *'?'**' caaU lor bail InteresL IAI A ~~?jfl0*-~HK*T Bl'SIHKrtrt OPPORTl'NITY KVfcR 0 \rh'. i1i!u *!!, ??v;?l|tabla la.1y or nentlcuiau rau ptircl<as? hall tutor*.t tu business imUiii fi.M) i>cr ?rrk; *ar? ben* security . du:b>s < \co .Unuly Udhi aui pIcaMut Add re as A. M. C., Herald office. \ ?*.!'**? UAVixo M W TO $A,0U0 TO IN V KMT IN IT'tJ OPPORTI'MITY. 1 Iti* ImlH4trUI Kiiiibiiiou ('ompKO? is prcDArnt to Inak# arraiMaiueuia with a responalhte iudin<iual or flriu to opj.11 ati office on Broadway lor tUa sale nf i s 1 r?iuiuui MorWaife Itouc*. Make immediate ?anllca tion to the Tndliiteial krniKfriOji cobT-aS#.' It Bast Hrrentaeoth straat New Tort. A""?, 1J<OR SALE?A >F.\V|N<1 MACHINE MAX 17FACTORY, ii,.i In mic. e??tul opri nloa. *U tho tool* llxturM, |g? I will, Ar ; bin bv?li e?tal>d?li*<l HI y um; now iuan t. flv? .'T. i. Ill uiodeW (It m vidua*; all Met thoroughly tertaU till are no-rung w?th r ady ?ata. at go .1 j ruflU i or lull partic'il<r* hiiiI all inform itt. u appl* to or addraaa K. B HAN Old, U1 < . .iiiiuu ? at ??<-L 1) ?A WI?i>LK?ALS Br.sINF.R9, WITH BAT.K8 . room in itiuriir. an<t out ol town Factory. actively omi> ?yed <mmi pr.miabh u*a mora oapi ?l. and woai.l auaBI ? | a. ; .!?'< Willi BtO.UJd. Apply u> UKiUUB k i illi.fc'loY U'c.aU ? ay. 11FAI. K>T\1R AM) BBjmAKCB.-9PLBXDII> J A chance to inka hold ol MVh tm?tne?* by . nting In -k K?uin or pari ol an oil f-iaiillalwii oAo*. -O'r.A. L't.K i. I") I T SI I'd ton uMn. nillK BETRoroUTAJt PKI.NTIN'O KBTABU?A> J VIM No. Br?* Iway. #r<" 1to do e r rjt variety i.r rrtuting. W .?? <1 Bag r> ring and l.Uhogrupnjr ?t w) tow rale*. rno writi R*.?oat ro**R-*ttu or a-knowi,. i rd?e I literary ulent a-i I la?l< ulty *<J? -atad, who fan wnd wuh rtpl> prim 4 rixcintrii'* of aiyle, and wIi >?* p rumarv f?, ta'i in lor the tlrtl year art lit"1rra{(" in* lonn u d< ??r?' I' ? "I permaaeni in atlge Utrnt by addreat>ntii fciHI K. fUHoti II. I'oat olWac. ? (I' (WW I T ' ** "0 ? -I' VHIKBB. WITH TMRABOVM .P-J.'MIU amount, to own * l>r*u. h of an old eitab wM lutfiii ABJrtwO. .... HaiaiioOfca w'| .*WWWi TO M m * A* rED-ON FfB-T CLAM* ip fijillvl' ? uriiv li> a pari* bgvlng largr jh<i va'uali" < r|> ration <? Hl.i t?; lllieral in'-i. at Will ii ii .hi i io it n 1 l n?l>,.?+? ma i liavtBg ?fci< am.-iuit at it n il an I Bertram oj cmplo.n it. an tnti rial In Mm ho tit* < ?' "I "?i?ry < iual ? !>? r unuuio . location onriaiiti" [laMKU'i j ' oca vn ??inui Mte.t; r> ft r rn., ftr-?i urHlMtM-n In in-' .V I i.v >a'j ? t J,?14 fliiladolpiiia, <*? ) I'??i ortlor foe??l:d dkaftI in clkculaiioN For ?<ni)e tiwe put a t?n?bfr of ' ?rg*j artrug r.irjlnt ]a amount rr ?m #4no to 11.0.10, auj p?r portmr lo ^ Cr?"?n b/ A. B ildv?in, t a<ai?ror tho Newark Cliy Uank, hii\e b?cu eirca'at?d throanii ou the country, bj wlticb mcaiw u.*u> tr-Utv mi tt, bjnkora. broktr* Bad oumm* h.t?? boon ?? frauds. I" r the mn t |i?ri the?c dr ifu linve See* drawn on the >Jtion.i, i'arit litnk, N*w York, u In needier, porhujis. tj thnt on err?tn-ation lit that initUtB'lon l!i j bite been protionBdM rorgeii|i. The imitation of t!i? irenatue dram ol the .sJwark bank u ui -I riant?y. Hlthonfh *omu what catnilutad to decelra. 1 no, m girad of bi'ing In Mue, u in re>" Iru in ihr fnrferlti, and o! a totally different form and dca xn from the genuine, in tne {tmibiro t o vignattc r?,> a wt'iiun rartyi m u ahfrtf ?( w&eat under h? r left nriii tuu a alafftoatallt lo tlit rlxBt baud. In the forierj it Mbbm rarrviiiK a t intiia of In. Blan corn. TU?< iotjrp.1 drait b?a b num.-or of ln> d.-vac me ,,t ?, pur j o. to bo thoaa of baamcaa 111 liH. Tins b matter that deBiind* itie ttt-ntion the revenne oflt<* r->, the ?i up being u.god iti auuli a ai.?uuer wt Itkeljr to daoatve. THE JEIl-EY R.VUJIOAD OUHMtQU^ YaitordBy morning a brake man on tlie Pennayl vjota Kali load named J'ba Ouuno m<. t wirb ? ?hooktBg deatb n^ar tbc depot in Jjimj at/. Mo w.t? wniktng a!ong tlie roof of a ear winia in m<? I tlon, aud w?a In the act ol alrpidi.jr acm? t.r? aOoiiier car. tauen u? fall through .?uu ?? 'orn <9 piore* by ma Mtieel". n a i ea<i wa? (.artred iron hUbodr. lit was thlriy-ilta yeara of age and r? aided at wkwi? lt*<M ? WW? Bdi