Newspaper Page Text
THE NEW YORK HERALD. "whole no. 14.177. new york, wednesday, june 16, 1875?quadruple sheet. price FOUR CENTS, DIRECTORY FOR ADVERTISER?* AMt'FEMKNTi*?Fiitkewtii PAi;r?Mixlh column. ASTROI Tnikt> Page?Third co'uirn. If I LI, l ARDU? First Pa?js?Pixth column. BOARDERS WANTED?Third Page-IVurth column. BOaRD AND LODGING WANTED-I'tORI) I'AGE? . Fourth column. brooklyn BOARD?Third Page?Pourlh rulumn BROOKLYN REAL ESTATE FOR bALE?Sistkentb Pack? First column. RU-'INK."' i OPPORTl'Nl riBs-RlitKNTH Pake. Bl)SINr:?& NOTICES?Ninth Pagr?Sixth column. CnT RKAL BsiAlE FOR SALE? ixtekmth Page? ' Plr.ftf.ilmnn. CLEKSs aNI) sa I.ESMEN?Third Page?second col CMMrifi NO?Tuird Pack?Sixth co'unin. COACHMEN AM) JQ ARDENIERS?Third Pack?Second wki th rd columirs. hTKAMSHIPS? Sixteenth Pack? Fourth eolumti. rOP? KTNKKSIIIPS?Elevknth Pack. roi'NTitY hoar:1?Third Pack?Filth column. ?iRNTIsTKY?'Third I'agk? ixth column. (>I<Y OQODH?Firm Pack?Eitth column. ?WELL I.NO HOCKKS TO LK P, furnished AND I'EKURhl HliD?ciit*kmth Pagk?.Second Column. european STEAMSHIP ?MttKHSTu Pace?'Third and fourth columns. CXi'lUNllR-Fiitiunii Pag*?Kirh column. EXCURSIONS?Sixtkbstr 1'age?Filth and sixth col UI11U*. /INAN lAL?Ei-kv-nth Pack. FOR SAI.K? First Pack?Jlxth column. F rRN1SM8D ROOMS AND AI'AliTM ENTS TO LET? tSuwunhi P*ok?Second unit third column*. UR^ITl'Ki?Third Page?Sixth column. .RK.NCH ADVERTISEMENTS?Third I'age?Third col ItWSTI. ? IRRMA.N advertisements?Third Page-Third col umn. liF.I.P WANTED?FI MALKS-Thihd Pack?First col uaan. tKJ l' WASTE"?M*I?KS?IniRD Pack?Third column. tlORsEij. CARRIAOES, AC. ? ! irst Paue?Third. lourth .and nitli column.". TOTALS? Third I*age?Fourth mid filth column*. JOCsEH. ROOMS, AC., WAVThD-FimiMH Page? tilth coin in 11. VsTRl'CTION? First Page?Flt'tn column. Sr-CTlMtn ? EA-;<!N-Fim:v\Tii Pack?Sixth column. *1 ikt AND FOUND? First Pack?Second column. MACHINERY?Fiimt Page? sixth column. 4ARBlE MaNTEL-:?First Page?Filth oo'umn. patrimonial?Timed Pagr?-djtili column. URDIC.VL?fnntn Pac*?Third column. MISCELLANEOUS ADVBRTInKMt- NFS ? Twelfth Page?Six'U coliimii. ATHCKLLANEOUS? iiiiid Pagi:?Six'h column. SEW PI.' IIi.II'ATIoNS?Ninth Page?Sixth column. >ER ONAL? First Page?First mi l second columns. PIANO' OKTKS, ORGANS, *1? Fl? kk.nth Page?Fifth column. 'O-T OFFICE NOTIOH?FirrEENTii Page?Filtn Col li m 11 profession AL SITUATIONfi WAN TED? FE.M ALES? Timkd Pagk?First column. PROPERTY lll'T OF THE CAT t FOR SALE OR TO KENT?'ixtee.nth Page?First unit second columns. ARAL ESTATE TO KXi'HANoK?Sixteenth Page? Second columu. REAL EsTATE WANTED?Sixtei.nth Pace?Second column REWARDS?Fitisr Page?Second column. ?ALES AT auction? Fipterntb Pace?Fourth and INth coluinn!". in Cations wan trp?pem ale.-? second Pag*, and Third Page?I irst column. SITUATION'S WANT.D?MALES?TniRD Page-Fitu and tccoud columns. special notice ? First Page?Second and third columns. ^PORTING?DOGS, BIRDS. AC.? Fiust Pace?Third column. (TORAOh?Fietebhth Page?FiMll column. iUMMKR RESORIS-Third J?aoe-Filth and gixth col umn*. f'HE trades?Third Pao' ? Tnlrd column. 118 Tl KF?Finst I*age?Third column. O let for HI'HI ness PC It POSES?SlXTtE>TH Pace? Second coluinn. travellers' Ot tDE ?Sixie>ifrb Pacr?Fourth and and fllih column*. JJNrt' KMSilED ROOM9 and APARTMENTS lO lkt -Sixteenth Page?Third column. KA1CHES, jewelry. AC.-FimiKKTn Page?Sixth IfESTOHEKTER county PROPERTY' FOR SALE OR TO LET?Sixteenth Page?Fn?t column. A1NE<, LIUt'ORS. AC.?Third Page?sixth column. rACHIS. STEAMBOATS, AC?First Page?Sixth col umn B n k n \ ktt buildinu. ennett BCILDI.NU. A FEW MORE offices TO LEt DIRKC10RY. doom*. BARKMKNT. I?Lawrence A Co., Banker*. 3?J. n Sayre, Gentlemen's Furnishini 3-H. X>. Jiiiumnt. stationer. 0. W. Smith, Law Hooks. ??Thoma* M Lynch, Wmt*. Fowin L. Irion, i ijrar*. b? A. B. liaveuport, liuttcr. ??Baum A Friedman, ration*. FIRST STORY. Unlet Very eliirlbte lor Bankine And Insurance. 8KCOSD HTOKV. 1?McMahon * Mor-e. lawyers. ' a-j?. M. o'Liw ver, Lawyer John Pyne, l>anyor. Jtu-a A Kenny, I'eAl F.atnte. (V?J derrick Henry, Lawyer. jZjj. E. I.ndden. Lawyer. (S?North we?tern Life Insurance Company. L. S. Bene (I tel. Atfent. 7?Homer A. Nelson, Lawyer. Era?tn? Cooke, Lawyer. Fraud* B McKcwau, l awyer. William (?. Cooke. I awjer Nathaniel ?. KinUh. lawyer. 9-Alfcert M <'?ri', Lawyer. John Fowler, Jr., Lawjer. AI ( banilicr Of Llle Insurance, Jy j Hiarlioo T. Lewi*, J ecreiarv. ij?McCarthy A Chaitnera, Lawyer*. 1J?Cook A Naaatl. Lawyers. H. 8 herguaoWf Lawyer. j. M. ?,av?n?Uih. Lawyer. 14?M. W. WtM. Lawyer. International Co lection AifOfllaWOfk f. O. Derrick ton, Lawyer. TIIIKll bTOKY. 11 JiMtfe Sutherland. J j r. M. Scot", l-awyer. 9? Fettritch A Cardwelt. Lawyer*. 1. f>. Uaiuton. Lawyer. 4?K H. Benn. lawyer. I>o?lley L. Jame*, Lawyer E. I>. Jam-*. lawyer. t_snerldan. Boavnee A JfcEweu, Ktenograpbera. C?EUih\Bloomer, (teal E?:a(e. 0 a Cook, Real K?fate. ? 7? Brigxt A Fellows. Lawyer* J. B Aitk.-n, Law yer. #?W. C. Iraphicen, lawyer. C. Matthew a, lawyer, W. II. Kjrto. l awyer. E T. Gardner, Lawyer, L. O. WUfon. Lawyer. W. Dttrack. Lawyer. IO~?/iikiiuM,n A Peter*. Triuteer of Estate of White. II l Harrh. n * strong, Lawyer*. IS > John Cotter, Stenographer. i:- ) A. E. Wool ruff. Lawyer. 14?W. K. Berjrhola, Ci?tf h nglneer. Pelham and Portcli**>er Railroad Company. FOURTH BTORk. I?Thornton A Eerie, Lawyers 3 i F.ittar Ketrbutn, Regl?t> r in Bankruptcy. St fcdh'ar Krtchum. Jr.. Lawyer. 4? llenrv Wfblc, Lawyer. 3. sultan Lawyer. If. Fuehrer. Lawyer. ' ft_Ra?Man American Msnafacturing Company. IA?t Gardner. PreaWoiit. , ? ??Harmcii H WbitbecK. I.awyer. \fsr 7?Has, in- A Crook, Lawyer*. Pui ruy Jl But/el, Lawyer*. U. II. Ka'lcau Lawyer. #?Crary, Welier A Scbenck, Lawyer*. T O'Brien, Lawyer. *?c. H. William* Lawyer. h>?I'bauncvjt Shaffer. Lawyer. ? II?C II. tilever. Lawyer. Fred. W. K-nny. Attorney and Councilor. ]? J Lockwoo.l ft Croabv, Lawyer*. * jj j*. Bnfcier, Lawyer. ? FIFTH STORY. I?L. iniMmore, Lawyer. John l?. C'nte. !?^tuyye-aut Bank Receiver. S. Wakcnian * Lattlng, Lawyer! * 4 [ T. B. Wakcman. l awjer. t)J. H Roe, U*JW. ?? International I ubliahinc Company. .'ulc> Berr 7?Fit. h ft Fitch, Lawyer*. (I. Fuller. Lawver. lla>cai) ft Met*on. Lawyer*. fc. ii. Stedinan. l-awyer. 9? -ccfceiy 'or Reiorinatlon of Jureulle Delir>quetiU. H)?K. II sti ele, Lawyer. W. II king, LawVer. II?J P ft J, a. PceJ, Lawyer* 15?Byrne. Everett ft Co., Lawyer*. j Wal?h, llaibert ft Kckersen. Lawyers. 8IX III HTORV. 1? John Townahend. l awyer. A. Nieholaon. V in ' oyeiury H. Wartdell. General A??i?m'e in Bank ruptcy, act of ' onf re** of l"4l. 2?W Lagan scotch tiranlie Hannmenta. fto. J?ii W. CarpenWr, Lawyer. 4 ( Otl? T. Hall, I awyer. till. P W ei Lawyer. .teflcrson <~*rn. Lawyer. ? i John L. King lit. , 71 Janitor. 11 M. F. Eller, Lawycjr. fff. a I-ane, l*? yer. Mtitil. A I'ean, City fvyeyora IT > <? v. Va i stcwB, Lawyer. II ] T II Baldwin, lawyer. M)chart** i> Barrow. Lawyer. Fen loll Pock well, i-awyer. J. A. Lydecker. He .I Eatata. c. l. Lydccter, Lawyer. IS , llenry A. ?IMer*l?eye, U*vtr l? ? y. It. i arrtngan, Lawyer. t W. Totnpkin*. lawyer. 1 II Vllm r. l awyer. Two pa.taeiiger eleeatort ruiinltw ail the lime. FRRIOHAI.. Anv infohma rioN co>< ekning clothi>o be longing to Mr?. Park* ('onone will be thankrttlly re eeived ii o ut tu her n-:er. Mra .-.MITII, il.146 North Keeoad "treet, Phila4*l|>nia. A ha ?aejcd your addriss to yopr old J\ friend, flURLIH, of Baltimore. Addref* box 111 Btra'd Hptowa Branch offlcc. a DDIB-I UaVK UK. a HO FROM TWR5TY-PBCOMD - V itrjetaad suth avenue, wirni to see yoo Aodre** ?ir?. C. L, RF.Kse, ii-raM t'ptown Branch oBee. LA K R?THE PK.'HON WHO C A.VT ASMKD FOR A - iu be avenue. I>LAKF?THE PKRiOE WllO CA9TAMRK J> printer on Hndaoii ?fie?t -ome year* age, I roliied by calling on l'RIJtl EH, No f.s?v*nth / t AND T.-I CAN SEE TUB WaT OCT NOW. V'? Don t m.ik* a mistake. Re cautioua JAY. HEP. TIIA r ?MfL", AOAIN~'_A LRlTER from yon w?a reeeived eut We?i long ago I have }?jt nmyert iu the city ?Dd nhould like te ?ee the wnlle. Address R it.. LeralJ o.lke. L' LI SM)W-fA?/>?T SEE YOU TILL FRIUAT AT Pi II o'clock. Ii. u. LETiF.R ii RhcVlYi# SAFI < b V ROT WELL. liv. PBRSON AL. IF THE TAl/lJ, HANDSOME lady, who" entkrbd 1 the filth avenue stage it Tweirtv seventh street, and got out ?t Stew art's, about lOo'clock .vestcrda v. will take the same route the ?hiu? time to-day she mil oblige an o'.d auniirer. Ions m s.-iull rnis, before 11, A on i. H. s., Benver street. MA PET! E PiiSIMK.-M. IS ABSENT: WRITE TO , me; I will send note to K. for you; ito there. OLD STUPID. M?I DID FOROET. BUT HOW COULD 1 HELP IT? . Where ?h-01 I send the flags f Remember I have no address. W W. CTfXTII AVENUE CAR, TUESDAY NIGHT?WHEN 0 about Thirty-fourth street tool by. Appoint inter view. Address MONROE. Herald Uptown Hraneh office. 'PHIS EVENIN 11, CORN BR TWBNTY-SEUOND 1 street; same hour. Y. A. M. rjpHR OKMI.KKAN Y(ll WISHED MR TO CAM. ON 1 absent from City- Write when you would like to | serine It'cannot keep appointment wi.l, leave Ictler, ?Mine address an before. INDIA. WflLL TUB VoUSC LADY IS BLACK sacql'E j and blue sleeves, who not ced and bowed to ?en- ; tleman at Jerome l'nrk rare* on Tuesday. conler pleas ure ol acquaintance 1 Address. In strictest confluence, appointing time and place ol meeting, ROBERT MEN ZitH. Herald Uptown Brunch office. i.(?ST AND KOI Nil. inOUNLWON SUNDAY, JUNK IS. AT HAHLEM I Hiver. a gold Itadire, in the shupe of a diamonu. The owner ran obtain the came, by describing property, at Bf-.N.I. OOitTON'S, 42y Kast Houston street yoUNU?BEIWEEN LKXINGTON ANO FIFTH AVE r uuei. north nt Ninety-second Htreet. June 13, W75, a Watch, which the owiioruiay nave. J. u. wm. FELD MANN, corner Ntlie'v-tnlrd st. and Kourtli av. ./TkNTwRMAN WHO FOUND PKARL" OPERA IjT Glasses In Broadway ear Monday, between 7 and #o'clock, will please return them to IliC West Forty-seventh street and receive reward. Kits Lost?A HUNCH OF SMALL-KEY*, OK Monday. Juno 14. flu finder will he rewarded by returning tltcui to 478 Pearl street. J OKI' OR STOLEN, the .ln'y, 1875, January, 1876 and July, 1876, Conpons on tlii following government bonds- ? *7<i.nno ( oii|,on 6's, IHHI. No*. 5U,?75 to 57.<>a incl.. tVca. Ou Coupon 5-ZU, INi7, No* I SU to 4,<Wl inel.. in) ea. ti .mom ounon .va), i*vr. vos lM.0X?tol5l,l091n:l..|80ea. *.Vi,0(r> Coupon 5-20, 1357, No*. 11^.31?to llB.ttSlncl.. illea r i.t.^vs, n?u,ji. 97.914, $14 m Coupon ?-?, 1.-67, N-os. j % gj; f ??? Inclusive. I rnytnenton tiie above has been stopped at the United S atcs ireasurv offices. A'so lost three Coupons from |8"0 bon t* of Pnterson City, called "Bounty Bonds," Nos. 548, M'.<, 55<i; and from H 000 bund of Dock Company. No. S.fifl A reward of *2,0jO will be paid for the recovery ol the above, and mi <|Ucsfions asked, and In proportion fori.ny part thereof. Add reus box 1,3(1 Poet office. New Vork. ? I~OST-AT THE CLARENDON tlOTKL. A SOLITAIRE j diaino'i<l Rlnir: slightly oil' color; we'ght near 3 cirats- set in platiua and g>M: par.lea will be liberally negotiated with lor its return ; iio investigation. Ad dress I., k. I)., box 7fi station A. "I O^T?JUNK 14, AT PAWN IA fTcRRY, 1 LACE 1J Pa:a<ol; the nder ni 1 receive $5 reward ty leav ing it with C. H. (i.AKE, 79 Wor.h street. I ( HT-I)N SUNDAY AFTERNOON, BETWEEN lj Twenty-eighth street and Murrnv street, supposed in a University place ear. a laaies'ttol'.l Brooch. Ihe finder wl;l l e liberally rewarded by returuing the same toM9 Fifth aTenae. ? , 10st?A K E D LEATHER I'OC K KTB O OK, AT i Mouth Ferry; letters In it sadresaed to Cap tain Oed-lea. The finder is welcomo to^the monec. hut will pic '?e return the papers to D. It. 1IK WOLF k CO., 103 Broa I street 1 OST-BI.AUK OYNX SLEEVE BUTTON. I.E'lTBR 1j P., with small diamonds. Liberal reward will be given on returning sitme to H. A. I'ATTEKHON. ?C Broad ?tieec. IbsT.-auSdaT morninoT in ooino up sixth j avenue, from Thirty ninth street to Dr Mall ? church, part of a gold Earring; suitable reward tv111 be paid lor it at 680 : ix h aveuas. T 08T-NE.tR MADISON QUAKE. BABY'S AF<7hTn! lj Reward given tor its return to 100 East Twenty third ttreet I o.vr?JUNE 5,~A BLACK MUOkAtaRl bool, XI containing a i rotested note, receipts of note ami other papers of no value to any one. 1'leuse return and receive reward. WOLF BROTHERS, 886 Broadwav. New York. RKWAHD8. <??> Ri.WARD.-LO.-T ON' tuesday. JINK 13, A ?P?> gold br<?a*fpln with a cornl in the center. The above reward will be siven to any one returning the wmu to 201 Weit Forty-flub rtwet. d?r RhWARD.-I.OeT. ON TDlDDAY MORNING, A larce black and tan Doir.ln the vicinity of Cur m'ne and Bleecker *treota; had on rod coll a r with brn?a pint*. The rnder will reccire the above t*-w*rl bv re lorning hlin to So. 7 Cottage place, uear Backer st. *~1A Rr WARD.?strayed KHOM HOME ON THE ?P 1 \> even ng ot the 14th uf Jutm. a Mack anil tnn Slut auswi rinc to the iiami of Nellie, Hie flnder will rc.eive the ahore rewurd vy brli ging tier to No. !"J Oreenwich av.Miue. _______________ tfeOfWl WILL HE PAID (AND NO QDUTIONI ?P-5?iU nikctl) tor the PiNri taken ttora 10) Bleecher street on 9n#Mf 4, i879. JAMES P. CROSsEN. A SI'KCIAI. NOTUK*. UKKAL" BRANCH OFPICK8. AOrf Rri8KMENT8 RECKIYED AT ALL HOURS UP TO NINE r. M., AND KEWSDEALtiHtf 81PPLIBD ? WITH HERALDS AT KIVE O'CLOCK KVKBY MORN , IMW. AT I.W5 BRO >DWaY AND 590 KIXUI AVKNI E, i pe.TWiEN fMIHTY-KIKMr AND THIRTY .-F.COND I oTHKM8: Or'FICK OPEN" ALL NiUHT. HARLEM : orncs iwt iiiird avenue, corner or u+th fiTRKKT; ADVi.R118EMK.NT8 Rl CK1VED TO 7?S0 P. j N and |EW8DEALi*S supplied AT FIVE ' O'CLOCK EVERYJIOKNjNO. Alabama state lottery. Mingle number Havana plan. Draws ei-err month at Mobile. Ala. Oulv J6.U0J tickets. 3.8K) prltes. am< unUnt' to 9*0,000 1 prise of ?ar.,fW0 . 1 prtie of 20.UOQ 1 prli- ol I'M**) ' 2 ptUt* ot tA,OCUeacb 10.UPO 10 pri/.-s ?.l f.'.Uttleach ai lieu I 25 prize* uf il.OO)each j 40 prlxe* of ?40U e?rh 2?.?J0 ' Whole tickets, S 0; halve*. !5: quarter*. *2 S<) etxhihs, h 23. circular*, with run ,iaril. u am. sent tree. P. C. DEVLIN A CO , Genera) Aitenia. 90 Liberty street, New Vsrk. I A -debility BROIGHT ON BY indiscretions ? mMl all kindred diseases ot men cceertily and radl- I rally cured by HENRY A. DANIELS, M. D.. 144 Le*. i loirtoo avenue, near Twenty-ninth street. Office hours ; irom 8 to 9. > A WAT AHEAD. THE EVENING telegram. WITH ALL THE LATEST NEW* I VRhY NIGHT. iODA water, mineral waters, oinoer , A 1<?. sparkling manufacture ?-.! complete ts o? Apparatus and Matc>iii?, wtiii mil untrue tloi ? all department* ol iinnuta< lure, bottling and dls ictyiiut; eicluiive Rli/lit* in denraMe territorv; rata ictrui f Iree. JOHN MATTHfe.WS. Piret avenue Twenty, itxtb and Twenty-aerentfi streets, New York J^ CHANCE FOR A FOBTt'NB. Kent?*ky State Itogi* Number DUmtniinn Draw* SATCBDaY, Jnne 2*. $900.0Wi Id fifla A few ?aya left to buy. tickets, $10; Halve*. f5; Quarter*.%1 .V. THOS. ft. iiaYh A CO. W New York. A -OFFICIAL DKAW1NO* Of THE I ENTt CKT JY . Mat* arid Kholcy College I^ttere*. *?jnrr?r ?tat? . ***** clam t?21 ?jr??a 15. |#7a 19, M. M. ?7. 2', 34. 8 10. l.\ U. 1?. 77. ?7. ib*l*t. lira* *la*? 437?ji >* |3, i,-7E #4. 2j, m, \\ sr, at, n. 21, a ?i. w, 11, & BBXTtrrtr. cia*? ???jtm ib, wiv H 49. *20. 49, 64. 21, 97, 70. * 7 3?. 98, ??. iiiuai el*'* 498?Jin* 14, 1976. *7, r,9 *2. 78, 8, 87. 9, 25, 9. 84, 28, 41, ?V J. f. ??)ITH A CO., Manama, CoTinffton, Ky.; foot office te* 9.791. Kew fork * -PAHK-'. FMPBfO* A CO., AiiENTS FOR Reutorky Mate I o't*rie?, drawn dai'y. Royal Havana I ottery. drawn every 17 dava, Eentockv Hingie Number Lottery, drawn .tunc * 1*79. Prites rallied. Information fnrni<ihe>i and cir. ulars ?ent hv a(t(lre**lnc l'AKK^ A CO., 180 Broadway, rovffl 4 P?.?t n(Bc? i>on V272. Private office attached. t'Sre hoar* 7 A M. to 7 P. M. A -kentucky LOTTERT. ^IBMONH DICKINSON ? A Co., on Havana plan, drrfwi June 28. Por C rcu lar* ?ddi *w tbelr authorlr^d agent, J. t'Ll'TR, 1SJ i'ul ton etreet, tl.ree door* from Broalway. A -RO\AL I1AVA.NA U-ITERY,' kentucky , 8in|te Number uBttery, Oermmi i/ovemment Lot. terlea ' ? r i! koDOR KJCUuCU, lie N'a^<*a atieeu Post effice bo* J.5W. AroKTt Nh for fi.?Wyoming lottery* draw* .Mine ?): 0,<?0 in ra?b prize*: ticke:* $1: ?Ix for $9. ALLEN A ( O , 19 Naaean ttreet, New Tort. 4 EAFFLK FOR 'SIX TPOTTINQ HORSES, AT /V Jobn?<>n Broe'. Pr> ?l Itoom*. June 23, at I P. M Par tienlar- under bead of 'llonoa and Carriaiee," to-day's Hera:d. Boom AND ACCOUNTS INVFOTIOATED, PAL anted and ela??*>) by en efBr.ient accountant; terms flied by job or day. Adareet R., bos 3,4*2 Post office. Diseases of nun and iMPor.rANT medicaid *nd Funtlcsl Cases a specialty. HINRY A. daniel*, M. i>u 144 l?iintton sv?uu<-, near Tweuty sinth stre?t. Offi, * houri fros# 8 to 1 HAVAHA LOTTERT.-#510,000 IN PKIIE9 LVF.BY 1.1 day*, as fcllows First pri?* of fliO.OOO First prise of go t*n Second prise*, ot 9JS,?m ea h 511 UTO 9 -5 prizes, amounting to 3lil,<jo0 Pri*** cn?h*d. Ciri ulsr* ol information free J. B. MAitllNKZ A CO., Banker*. 10 Wall ilretl, rear base menti Post office boi 4^. New Yort ! T H KRERY G1VK NOTICE THAT I WILL NOT PaY 1 any debts eoniraeted by my son, Ralston Co*, a ?,n"r' ^ . . DuKhEY COX. U Kim Arrow*, (Pbitsdelpbis,) Jnne It. l>ATKJ?r FLAKIER PARTITIONS aNIj CEILINGS I pit up ?it bin fvi> tls>s, with bmiUi!* Oirt yrai tnr' m ? e d'i'iib !l'y i.nd > . t>. ir.v . hslilil'-* nfid ilr?' 1 11 bi.KJ A KMS, 14. P, ? ix. - sy, SPECIAL. JfOTlCKS. KENTUCEY state lottery, SINGLE NUMBER SCHEME (Authorized by serial aetot the Legislature), lor the beneUt ot the University ?f Paduczh. $300,000 to be distributed among the bolder* of ticket*. FIRST PRIZE, $50,U00. The drawing to take place at Covington, Ky., JUNE J9, lr75. No discount in Prizes? Every Prize paid in full. SIMMONS, DICKINSON A Co., Manager*. SCHEME. I Prize oft.wwn is frAOOO i Prize of 20,000 it 2UfiUJ 1 Prize ol in,00(i is ??? 10,00) * prizes of 5,WXt arc 20.030 10 Prizes of 2.30J arc 26.000 SO Prizes of 1,000 are 60,U0 50 Prizes of 50? ur> 28.000 50 Prize* of 2'li are 12,600 100 Prize* of H O are 20,000 APPROXIMATION PRIZES. 4 ot $2,001 appriuiniH tint: to ?60,090 are $8,(00 4 ot 1,175 approximating to 20.000 are 5,500 4 r.f 1.0U0 approximating tolOOOli arc 4,1*0 6,0 0 Prizes of $10 are 50,000 5,370 Prizes, amounting to $300.00U Whole Tickets. * 0: Halves. $5: Quarter*, $2 50. Remember that every I'rizo i* mwn, ami payable In full without deduction. The*? Dra wings are ncvei nost poned, but take place rcirularly ttie laat .--aturday of each month. Send 1?r circular. Address all orders to iIJDMO.VS, IMCKIN ON A CO., Ooving'ou, Ky. \T ?OFFICIAL DRAWING OP TUB KENTUCKY IV. Stale l.otteric*. ? ? SIMMONS, DICKINSON A CO., Managers. ZSKYl'tSY. al'IHA I I A St* M>. 3M?'jlikk 1ft. 1M5. 58, 21, 34. H8, 3, 41, 11, 9. 1M, 19. 16. 30, 67, 44. ZKKTUrKT. I 1,1** NO. 3e2?JVHB lj. 1876. 71, 51 67, 60, 5-(, 48, 19 2 1(1, 73. 5, 43, 78. ? kxtiu (LJtkMa. 4fi7?jvkz 15. 1S75. 8, ?0, 19, SI. 52. ,V, 46, 77, 75, It!. 87, M, 17, 34. liZNKl. CLASS ho. 40g?JCNE 15. 1875. 77. 67. 75, 6s, 5, 15, 13. 27 35. 48, 68. 25, 34. roll information bv applvinp to or addressing J. CIjUTK. 201 Broadway. first floor, reur office, or Post officc box 4,969. K?SIMMONS. DICKINSON A CO.'S GRAND . monthly distribution of the Kentucky State Lot tery. on the Havana plan, to be drawn June lit!; also Royal Havana ot t'u'.iu, drawn Juno 31. Full information bv applying to or adercHSln? 9. CLUTK, authorized agent, 200 Broadway. or Post office box 4,9*'>9. IJRISON LABOR ?SUPERVISOR'S OFFICE, NEW Jersey State Prison, Trentoil .lime 7, IK75.? Appli cation may lie made to the undersigned for the labor of convicts at the New Jersey State Prison. The work shops have been recently erected anil powe** every con venience necessary lor the successful employment of prisoners. W.M. R. MURPHV. Supervisor. Printing of every description promptly done atverv moderate price- bv the MktropoLI TAN PKiNTiNu establish men f, Heraiu uuikim*. 21s Broadway, New Yorll. Royal iiavana lottery. $<10,000distributed in prizes every ISdays. Next drawing June 30. i Prize of $?0 oou 1 prize Of ... MMKO 2 I'rtz- s ot $'.'6,000 each &o.<00 1 Prize of 10,000 1 Prlz- of 5,0*1 *3 Prizes of $l,0>jeach iS.onO S3.) other Prizes, amounting to 27jf,0"-0 Circulars oi information furnished tree. Orders tilled. Prizes cashed. Spanish Hank Bills. Dopbioons and Gov ernments purchased TaYLOR A ^'o., Hankers, II Wail street. New York. rro riu: hold- rs of the f;r t mortgage 1 bonds of the New Haven. Middletown and Willlm antic K,.ilroirt Company. and towhoin i; may concern.? Notice is hereby given that the first meeting of the Uos to'i iiji.I New York Air Line Kailrosd Coinp.ny will be held at Assurance Hall. In the of Xliddletown and Stale of Connect lent, on the 24th day of June. 1P76, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon. At the said meeting the organi zation ot the said company is to be made ana completed. Directors of the said corporation mar be cliosen anil by laws adopted conformably to the provisions ot the Gen eral statutes of Connecticut respecting railroad com panics. Dated 12th June. 1H75. tc. ELLERY ANDERSON, 1 SAM I hi. L. WARNER, | SAMUELS. SANDS, I ~ .. ... n u tl iToir i * orpor?i(jrti #l Ino ?j* * " u'at,>(|i!i i Bontoii mid New York A LLYN M. CoLEOBOVE I Alr Xj*f, ^"'lrOMd s. N CAMP, 1 Company. CU. DANA. Jl'LlUS llorCUKISB, / rro WHOM IP M AY CONCERN - NOTICE IS HEREBY L given that unless the bill lor charges and keep on a train ot brown imrtes. lfi hands high, 8 years old. war rained sound, kind and true, u paid on or before Kri day, June IS. at II o'clock, they will th"ii be ?old at nuc flon, by VAN TaSSKLL t KKARNt Y, at their mart, 111) ami 112 E*st Thirteenth street, to defray said ex penses. C. LAMB A SON. 13 and 15 East Fifty-eighth street SPORTING-OOGS. BIRDS. ?fcC. A -FOR SALE?ALL KIND> OF FANCY DOOS, J\ .?Birds, Ac.; Medicines lor all diseaies, Prepared Food Soi mocking birds, at B. G. DOYEY'S, No. Stircenc street, near Ouual. TflE Tl'KK. 4 MBRiCAM .iOCK&Y CLI'B. A e J'KI.SH MMCrl.VO. 187.1, at JBROMI'AliK. Faiiirday, 5th .Tune. Saturday, 12th .'line. Tues ta.v. Mb June. Tutulitr. l'th Jnn.\ Ibursilay 10th Jun*. Ihurslav. 17.h June. Mitur.lir. 19th June. Races begin en<b da> nuiieiualb atSo'ilork. A. BkLMuNT. IT< ?idei>t C. Whkavi.v, Secretary. I IV TION AND FRENCH POOLS AT THOMAS' EX JV change 1.3*4) Broviwav. eve ry morning nnn eve nlng. en Jerome Park Rtrn. 1 lie mn?t comfortable ami bc-t ventJluted rooms in the citv. O. L MA14 IIaI.L, A ut t lonee r. 4 reTIOM AND FRKNCII POOLS SmLD EV FRY A morning and evening during ih? week, at lh<' New Torklurf Exrl.nnre iJWent Twenty eighth street. on ttie raren at JKKOME I'aHK. French pwli open i?t 7 A. M anil close at 3 P M KfcLLY, BLISS A CO. AV< TION AND FRKNCII POOL* SOLD AT JOHN son's Tool Room, corner Heoadwav And I wemv eighth ?tre<"t. mrv i. ? nunc ami evening Ikk week, on tnf races at Jerome Park also on tne trot* *1 Kleet Wood Park. Pool room open at ( A. M. French poui closes at ? F. M. W HATH JuHNSoV KT 101'R PRINTING DUNK AT TIIK MEIROPoLI VT TAN PRIN'TlN'f ESTABLISHMENT. 210 Broadway. Yon will find it aUvnutAiieou*. UfcMP TEAD DRIVING PARK, L. I.-SECOND f-nrinp Memnpon Monday, i tiesday and Wedues day, Jane it, :9 and Su. IRl fit*1 for hor*?* nev.'t iicat 3: 0; SUV tor horses uev.>r teat 3 milintca; HHO (or home* never beat 2:t5. fioi tor running horse*; $180 for horses never beat 2'* Close at JtiliNSON'S, Twenty-etphth street and Broadway Mondav June 38. at 9 o'clock, Bet Mil. A. II ma3H*IA JOE M KKTINQ. FLEETWOOD FARE. Hih. I?;h ao<l 18th . At three o'< lock. First day. Purse $800: three minute einse; $40ti to Aral, $i8" to second. $10U to third. J. ?plan entets e. g. B.tiilant. P. B. ?iolfent'TR I'lk in Fannie. Q. c.O Watson enter* b. m Katie Watson. Asa \S hitfon enter* b. g J. b. Wui. Connor enter* b. m. lidith. M. )A hippie enter* b. g Judge I'ohertson. Tbo?. Connor enter* n. g Sain Huiitlor. .Ia?. longre. enter* a. m. Minnie lile. M I'oden en'ers blk. fi. Delmouico. John Dotv enter* b. a Hen Hruee. J Murplij enters b r. Put Maloy. Same day, i>ur-e fl.tOl; 2 38 ??'a*-; $S00 to (li'M.. $WP to aeeoBd, 821)01" inli'il. ,1. Muriihjr euter* l>. e Charles Oreen. tieo N. Frrgu?on ?nt?r? br. K- Prank Fcrctt?on. f. II. Crnwford tuters br. ra Annie Colilui . Sarirent inter* br. iu. l ad) Banker. J A Barc'teU.r enter* d. g. Frank J. J. L Dotr rnltfl I), m l.Jdim ThooiT,?on. Trains leave Grand Central depot at tl:<0. 1 W and 2 iio. Admission $1. JOHJfflOJt BROB., Proprietor*. D. Supai intendent. PROSPRCT PARK FAIR OROI NDj! A*POCIATIOM, Thursday. June 17, 3o clock, good day ami tracl, ?weep^ukeg 8300; tulle IMata. three in Ave in harness; E H Heard"* blk m Elixnbeth Mr Wright't dun (. Dandelion L 8. Simmii' b. g Plutnher R>>y. GEOROK W OAKI.RY, Superintendent. OEA VIEW PARK ASSOCIATION SEW DORP, S. I._ O Trottmj meetln* June 34. 3^ and 26. 187S. FIRST DAY?3-tnlaate ela?? 7 enirie*. P. Manee en ten b tr. Beverage. I>. B lionenters Mk. m. Kannie. J. Ward enter* b. g. we*r Brighton. C E. Whalon enters v. g. l auitelion, P. Manee enters br. g. Crlrkmore. l>. Dunlay enters g no Helen, C. 1 Uentpsted en sere blk. m. Lady Aiicusta. 8ROOKD DAT?J JO rlas*, 10 entries D. B Uo(T en ter* ch g. Henry Mack, J. Ward en'ers b *. West Brighton. Wm. i?olan en?er? blk. g. Bui >oian. 0, K Whaion enters y. f. DandellMI. P. Manee ctiterj br. * frickmore. L. ? fainml* enferi b. g. Clileitein, W in. fi honia- enters h. g. Cranky Jack, C. A. Ilemimtod an ters blk m Laay Augusta, D. Dnnlay enter* g. m. Helen. P. Manee enter* b g. Bererage, S^Oclaae, Bentrie* John Marphy enter* br m Katie Hughes, v.. W llercl ent?ra t in Lovely B W. H. Thorn* enter* g. g. Henry Millar, t . I. Wnaloneniers b. m. r-atetr. D. 9, OoR enter* h tn Carrie N , P. Mane* enter* r. *. 'iideon, B r. Floyd enters b p. Dan Kord, Thnna* Lee en ers br. g Judge Bedle In addition to the abore there ire *everitl ei.aaty pursta. 3:36 ela** did not fill. RBKRT M ILLRR, Pre?!dcBt> TI'EJf SIDB DRirna PARK-WRDNE-DAY, M Jnne 18. 3 O'clock P. M pnrae $100t m!le he.if*; 3 In 3 in harne?*. S. Ut rcnins" Mk Oypey; R. Marrtner's ch. g Moil**; J I'litnles's b. g country Boy; owner'* ti k. ni Fur.ij Allen Adii)l?;<>n csnts. Ml'RPHY M HEKDKRHOK, PropHetora HORSBI*. CARM3AClie?, ?C, t FOtTR-f KATRD PARK PHAETON, TH RKE TOP Wagon* and one oi>en Wagon, all eitr make and In tood order, st BEARDbLEY'R, Broadway, corner hirty-sjventh street ? OENIXEMAN OOINO TO hChOPB WILL BELL fat* lurnmit at a treat MeriO.e. riandsiome bay llorse, 1SS liande. 6 rear* old. warranted sound aihi klrnl. good ioi< Iiusiiy ami Hani' ss . also a beautiful buy Pony and Phaeton ; use I by a Udy; would sell separate. Private *tabl? u East iwe.nb street, between Bread way and Lniveralty place. AilAONIFIuillr IMPORTED IRISH jAt NT1NO Car will be pi.en in ficbansf lor a flr?t class Road or B.tfket Wsgiin, Addres* SANPORD, Ifi Broadway, room 13k JIMP PEAT TOP WAGON, T SSf LIGHT doubt* Harnees. I ?tt* b> a?j. Jo, all city tnadni good order; vary cbeup. Apply at 154 Baat Fifty *?r> euth street. A -r.OR SALE, TWO HORBBR; ONE A NICE jT . rtrMng or road bet?. flt for doctor alao pn? ft od work bors*; to b* scid at a MTlflre ATfly at TP frfBd *t:> ?t, ccrner UaiMttr, tBUUr tL\ y? A IIORHEH. CARHiAGKS, *T. ^ T BARKBK * SON'S ' " CITY AUCTION MART AND NEW YORK TAT TERsALL'S. ?<fl,?r??L?roi,<lw,ky urMl Thirty ninth ?treet, MAJOR chas. vr. barker, auctioneer, RElRLAK SALES of Horws, Carriages, Ac., EVERY WcDNlBDAY AND SATURDAY", AT EL RVE N O'CLOCK. TWBNTY POUK hour* allowed (or trial on every liorse ?old under warrantee. rnIB 18 the only auction inart in the state having the proper facilities for showing horrev on sale?viz., a Ur^e driving ring, entirely under covor and plenty of rooui lor examination. CATALOGUE Of SALE THIS DAY. AT ELEVBN O'CLOCK, beginning with COLONEL >. J. CONNELLYS, of 118 Queen street, Gerroantown, Pa, SIXTH GREAT unbul'ALLED RALE OF THE FASTEST green TROTTERS IN THE WORLD. just ARRIVED FROM KENTUCKY, AND COM PRISING SEVENTEEN head that can trot in from 3 minutes down to 2:3ft. and including the get of Alexander's Nor* man, sire ot Blackwood: Blue Bull, sire ot 1'urity; Red Eut;le, sire ot Jenny; Corbpaa, sire of Hilly Boyce. Ac, ; all warranted sound and kind. ' DURING THE past lew days tLlf ntocx has been driven by a large number oi gt-n leinen.who al! expressed tncm-elves es being more thau satisfied with Colonel Connelly's representation*. CATALOGUES with lull particulars at rale. AFTER THE above will be offered iOP RIDE-BAR Wagon, by Vandergaw. TDF FULL spring Wagoil. SECOND h*ud Harness. Horse Clothing, Saddle", Bridles, Whips. Mailers Ac. BUMNRss WAOGx nearly now, by Terrell. ELEGANT NO TOP Pony Phaeton. FINK TOP Pony Phaeton. victoria good order. TWENTY OTHER top and no top Road Wagons, Car riages. Ac. FULL HE CRIPTION at *ale. SALES NEVER postponed on ar.'onnt ol weaiher. A FAMILY establishment AT AUCTION. __ ON FRIDAY, JUNE 18, AT 11 O'CLOCK, BY \AN TA SF.LL A KEARNEY, AUCTIONEERS. AT THEIR MART, 110, 111 EAST THIRTEENTH . STREET, NEAR FOURTH AVENUE, ON ACCOUNT OF OWNER LEAVING FOR EUROPE. VERY ELEGANT TEAM BLACK HORSES, 1? hands high, 6 and 8 years old ; kind and true in all har ness; tree from vice, very stylish and handsome; is atrai.l of nothing; has groat bottom and endur ance; can be driven by any one, and are war ranted sound, Kin 1 an<" true. CLARENCrC, in tine order, by Brewster A Co. H ARNKSs^gold mounted, city mane. ARE NOW ON EXHIBITION AT AUCTION MART, WHBRK THEY ( AN BE SEES' AND DRIVEN. A RAFFLE AT JOHNSON llR,)-.' POOL ltOliM~ June 23, 187 \ at 8 o'clock F. M.. for Six Homes (trot ting stock); < ash valuation. NHUO: tickets. $10 each entitling the holder to a chance In each of the following | live prlaas:?Highest raffle win* a pair ot Hainbletonlan mires, full sister*, sired by Rysdyke's old horse, dam Imported Messenger stock; lowest rattle wins a voting i xelling, Censor Drew, sired by Censor, hall brother to Kentucky, dam Hiram Drew stock; second highest 1 u"i??e ,wLl? ! S"r.?l?c* "*wl1 stO'k, L..tta, sired by Mil'er's Black Hawk, dam blooded stock Roadster. tor : m: rly owned by John Rouiston: second lowest rattle wnii a young gelding. St. Patrick, sired by Censor ! Drew, dam by R? wlyke's old HuinbU ton'nn ; third high est raffle wlrs a young fHly. Lula, sire.l bv Censor Dre w dam by Rysdvkc's old Humbietonlan. Tickets to be had at John<on Bros' Pool Rooms, Twemy elghth street and Broadway, and at Brown and Lena's, i:i Brotd 1 S're?e,f' r,'?"L" Horses on exhibition at Eagle Club ! Stables, It'll West rhlrlieth street. p A -FOR SALE CHEAP, extension TOP PARK . Phaeton*, side-bar Kuggios. second band and new top ani.i no top Express, Groct ry, Baker and Tight Busi ness Waitons. :is:i liud son street. A -CARRIAGES AND HARNESS. . b.K It A MA lt?II, 18 East Eighteenth sir?et. near Hroadwsy. fresh stock ot fine ! ai:daus; aix-sr it Bockaway*. Coupe end Cur lain Rorkaways, Bret a, Victorias, Phaetons, Ac.; our own make an I wurran ed. A?VICTORIA. ON PLATFORM SPRINGS; MADE ? by Browslor; n^ed but uiicc. To l>e seen at their ?>rcrooniM. (trstr Filth avrnue and twenty llrst ?tivet A?FOR sale. FOUR IIOKSV.S. FIT FOR ANY . kind oi bunuess. express or Inrniing: voting and sound; must bn sold at a sacrifice, good tr'.al allowed. <0U Grand street, near Clinton. A -I OFFER, ON ACCOUNT OF MY HUSBAND'S Jit death, eight Horses. tit lor farming. grocery or general use; trial allowed: mast be fjld. Ii.oulre at 6S ??IP Fiitti avenue. I>etwreii Houston and Bleecker sts. A -second HAND CARRIAGES TAKEN IN I X . change. <4uito new; less than cost; Lundkus. Coupei, 1 undsuleis Depot Wsgons, lailie*.' Pony I'hae ion?. at moderate prices. HAVl. ,o Kant fourth ?"tree?. A BROWN CANADIAN PoNVHlli.T BOMB: u\. also a sorral Horse, 15^ hamis; yon'g and sound flt lor a fanner, family use giocer, mc. ; also two Ex I re>s W agoris. No 2 Bayard street saloon A LADY S TURNOIT-TO BE SOLD AT A BARGAIN*; . 'W 1 h l?,9n- w"tth a canopy too; Ponv HV hands high, 6 vears old ; warranted sound and kind"; sate * for ladles or children to drive to steam cars Ire* 1 mm TnV tricks; a trial ullowed. Call ai private stable, ?21 n anbingtoo ?treet. A >> ,;V STYLISH BAT II AMBLETOItlAN noR>E iY IS', hands high, A years old. trot* In 2:S0, a!s.< "2*.' '?>?"? citv; an warranted sound ami kind. No. !, West rbtrtoento stn et. A FINE TOP PONY PHAETON FOR SALK-mTdE J\ to order, used only ?n times, latest style; also light Harness; no fair oflered ratiued. Tai.LMaJCR stable, 47 Great Jonei str-et. A -C'lEAP FOR CASH, BAY RTI1AN ALLEN fV. Horse, 1M*. 7 years; trots in ir90; sound and kind; line side-bar top V4 azoii. llnrne?s, BianKcu.A-. best city makers; hardly soiled. No. (J West Muteenth street near Fifth avtauc, private stable. A FINE PAIR OF RAY MARES. 1CW, < AND 7 I years; sound, kind; Morgan stuck; single or doa Die ; Used by lady Pa?t year Full spring top Wagon. I onv Phaeton. Harness. Ac. fold separata. Private stable, No. 6 West Mnet cnth street, near Fittb avenue. ? GENTLEMAN'.-! TURNOUT.?A BAY HORSE l.M~ ' bands, sound and true , trots last; also Brewster full spring and side bar top Wagons and Harness. Prt- I vate staole No II l-.*s. Icnui -?trr. t. near Huh avenue. Board for uor es._qentlkmkn going ! ?brofdv or others wishing hor c? weU eared ; Tor will And excellent padiir.ue nhnixlance ..f shade and water, at $A n?r mcnth; horses grained and sxer ciseu by carerul drivers. |I8, best retsrcnces. Af ire* J. I). M., Newburg, N. Y. TjlLKOANT DAPPLE anAY HOB.'iR, IS hTnds Fj high 7 years oldi tree and stylish driver: tree from 1 vice; can trot a mile in 3 nannies; Is very baiidmni* ' been driven by a lady; warrante I aound. Also no top I Pony Phaeton and tine set ol HaruM* Call in the prf. i vate tiou?o -At .>ixty-sixth street, between First and Second avenues. J^LEGANT HOB8BS AND^CABBIAGES AT PRIVATE POIR BAROUCHE?, BY TUB BEST CITY MA KhRS, elegant ft>ur and six pa??ei>ger Park CtictoM Coupes. Clarences ami l'uup? lt<>< k*?ay 1. rumpv ? d<i top unit no top Pony Phaetons; top road wagona, by BrewMer and Miner and Stevens, ex tcn*ioii top Phaeton*, Kockavay* ami Depot Whkoiis, Victoria*. Tea Carta. lljlht WuguiH ul all kinds and stylet; Alao, BITBKIOR ROAD AND I- AM It. Y HORSE?; ALL, guaranteed sound, kind and true; Harues*. sheets, hlinkcta. .to.. Ac. BT VAN TASSHIX A KEAKNKT. AT THEIR BART, iManil 1U East Ihirtocnth stm t. LflNE UARKIAGB^. r We have now atuur wardrooms, In the latest design* and finest flnlah, the following seasonable <'arriagesin great variety :? l.andau*. 4-paaaenger no top Wagon*, Lsndiiaeta, Low and hip-li door Bocka Cabrtolata. *di. T Cart*. Coop* Bock.tway*. Extension top rhaeton>, Rumble pe nr Phaetons, Extension top Cabriolets Canopy top Phaeton.*, Brett*. fcnggv top Phaeton*. Ctrnlnl Wagous, Howell ftirf Phaetons. Prliton Wagon*. Phvstclaa's gig Phaeton*. Depot Wagons. 1-pnMcngcr J ,By Phaetorn Buckingham Phaeton*, Alto a lull assortment of ROAD WAOOXS and pleasure Vehicle*. comprising every *tylc n-ed in to?n and Country. A. P. RaSDIaP. . 372 an J 374 Broome atreet (eld atand of Brewster M Co.). ^tOR TWO WfcEKA ONLY. Bargain! in Carnage#, Large >toek both new ami second han't, at halt prl<-e, to seilthe stock, at our wanrwaiWnroadwar. before Ja.v l, it hen ?e Mull close the (tore and remove the bu?lne*s to is Cnlon squsre. Land sua. <"arcnce?, Coupe*. Barouche*, victoria*. Phaetons, T ('art*, top and open Wagon*. Depot Wagon*. Puny Phaeton*; ail style*: great bargain*. BBaDLBT, PRAY A CO.. ?Y4 Broadway. FOR t>Al.B?A ftORRRL PONY; YERV BTTMHH; *oan<l and kind; can m driven by any lady. 177 Floyd street brooktyn. flllR BAI-B-rHRF.K lkPASBESOEB WAOO*RITF..<*. with tops; Ian the tiling for summer resort* or the Centennial; will be sold low for c*itk Apply to JOHN U rBEfc.MAN. Rah way, W. J. * f^OB BALE?A DOG CART. U'UHE AND HAB aese. Can he *een at H ARNBn'J stable. >?? 17 East Thirtieth street t^OR SALE?BIX DOt'Bt.B TBl?rK\ l,5d0 ALB Casks. Apply at brewery, Its Ea i Kort/ secon i st IPOM SALR-THK CHR8TNCT MARKGBaCB lU'.R r tram and brown Mare Lady Pilfer. Por partiou lars Inquire of Mr. JOHN MURPHY, Fleetwood Park. IpOR SALE-BAY I10RSR. OTKR lH HANDS HIUH; ' perfectl* sonnd and gentle . *iyil*h for conpe or car rtage. also one Tietorlaand llarnen, in very good ord?r| will be sold at moderate price, togerher or separately. Ap? y to TUONAN FOKgfrH, 144 West Twenty eighth street EJOR SALE-AN KXCKLLRHTBAY UORSE; TOt'NO, sttu.ui an I styliali. good (or coupe, family or road | wi'l be *old cheap. Address bo* J.K7I Po?t otfl. e. L^OR BaL^-A BEAUTIFUL BLACK PONY, 14'* A1 han<is high. 7/sar* old ; perfectly kind in harne-g or saddle; warranted sound in every respect by a re sponsible seller. Can be see* al the stablaj No. 114 West Futeenilt street F'OR SALK-A VERT STYUSH HORSE, 7 YEARS old. can trot close to three tninnresi be I* gentle, sound sad kind, can be driven 1>* a laflv, afraid of nothing: also l iHinesa Waa< n m l Flarnrs*; sold only for want oi use. Apply at MS Canal street near Church, in the oyster *Moon L**OR HALB-A LTVKRY BTABl.E, NOW DOINO A r good business; weii*t"(k> d and in a good t.eigh bortiond i room (or Al hor ?*. Inquire of Mr. VAN TA8^BLT^, No*. 110 gnd 1H Ka t Thirteenth street f,0R SAbE-A SORRHI, HOB^B, SOV>D AND K1MA it >'v >9i Stcoad auuu*, HORSES. IARKIAGBS, ?C. IH)R SALE?FOCRINIIAND ENGLISH HARNESS complete, enlirclv new: mailt- to ord?-r; never Keen used; as sty li^li as anything ever teen In toe etty; co*t $(100, (fold. In London without duly, will be sold low. ? '?11 at 33 Warren street; a?K lor CAMPBELL. BIMJR SALE-SIX MULES, AL O TWO LARtiE WAG 1 on*, suitable for business or express company. Apply to P LORILLARD A CO., Washington aud fust streets, Jersey City. SAI-K-AT A BARGAIN, FOR WAN T OK USE, a pair of cnestnut Hornet, 15.-'; own brothers; war ranted found and kind; vej-y stylish; excellent road stirs. Apply to owner. 21 Burolav street, or can be seen at Winfle.ld stables. f m t\ ? ,? l, >treet near hlxili nv. Ij^OB SALE?STIVERS TOP Bl'GGY, KILL SPRING. In first class order; a* good a* new; will be sold cheap. Inquire at *6 Rait Thirty-second street FOR SALE?DR1VINO, Bl'SINEsS OR FAMILY Horse, 1 '?V(i hands, 7 years old; very showy, floe (.river and generally trols In 3>a minutes, Apply, for two day?, at 370 Hudson street For salh?a desirable two-skated dog (.'art. w Itn Pule and Shafts, will be sold tit n sacn flce lor want of use. Apply at lit Nassau street, room 5. T,^i)R ;-ALE?A OKAY MESSBNGKR MA UK, 6 YEARS I old, I5*? hands; sound and kind 111 all harness; must be sold. 109 t- Hht Twenty seventh street, until tola. (.10R SALE?FOR WANT OF USB, TWO BAY HORSE#, J 7 and III voar? old. tit for any kind oi work. Can tw seen fur two days at 124 seventh avenue. For sale ciiKAP-'-Fon want ok cse, splendid bav Canadian Pony; sound, kin I, Irce and stylish driver, milable lor any business. 139 Ninth avenue, be tween Twenty fourth and Twcnty-Ilftli street*. T70R SALE AT A SACRIHCE?TWO CHEAP WORK r Hoi'-es, 15,S hand*. 7 and M year* old; price $75 and I9.V. sold for want of use at siore. Call lor two days at 324 Hudson street IjViB SALE CHEAP?A KAMII.Y MOKSK, BROWN, 15', hands, 7 years old, to und und kiud. 828 We?-l FMty-six lh street /"I RE AT REDUCTIONS. ?HARG UN'S.?DEPOT WAG IT ins, Pony Phaetons. Victorias, Park Phaeton*, ev? r/description, reasonable ; Carriages, new and ss-o ond hand, greatly reduced price*. M a Nfi FACTO RHUS' I'NIuN P.EPOSI J'ORY, 13.12 Broadway. n"iir B'ee K.?-r st. HARNhS '.?THE CHEAPEST .KARNES* STORE IN New York; Rood Hungy Harness, hand made, $l7t good Grocer's harness, good Milkman'-' Harness, $3i i' goo 1 Double Truck Harness, fSU: iroo 1 Stable Blan ket si so Pic a sa call and examine for yourselves. FISHER A O-BOUNh, 71 Barclay street, New York. UARNESS.-ALL KINDS SINGLE AND DOI'BI.E Harness at the k>we-t possible prices; good biWKV Harness, hand made. S>pned grocer's Harness, $J4; good mils-man'* Harness. $2S: good double truck Har ness $2-*; iri.od stable sheets, (1; Lap Dusters, Ao. Call i and examine. | 0. B. JOLLKY. 43 Murrav street, New York. Harness, riding saddles, linen and woo'leti Horse Clothing, Lap Dusters, Ac. ; large ! sto- fc. great * ar:etv and the lowest possible prices. E, BAllTLETT, li.' Warren St., coraer College place. | VTINEfEEN IN second hand Brewster A Co. (of Broome street) side bar Kuad Wagons. A H. tLANDPAT, 372 and 374 Broome street (old s and of Brewster A Co.) ONE STIVERS TOP SIDE-BAR WAGON: ONE Dusenburv A Van Duser do.: 1 Barouche, by Broome s:reet brewster; 12 Victorias, 1 sii-seat Park ! Phaeton, 1 extension t<p Phaeton. 4 Curtain Coach, by Briwstor; 1 Coupe. 1 Berlin Coach, top and open pciiy I Phaetons of all style* aud prices. 1 Skeleton Wagon. I Sulkies by Caffery, Depot Wazuus. I slide seat 20 top aud oten ro;id. by Broome street Brewster, Stivers ard other city makers, from $90 up; top and open Express Wagons; I nine-scat open Wagon, single and doable Harness, Ac. WM. H. (iKAY, JO to 22 Woodier street. PRIVATE ESTABLISHMENT KOR SALE-CONSIST X ing of six-seat Kockaway. panel and glsss sides and back extension Top Phaeton, carries foar persons: Pony Phaeton, carries four, h:?s shifting runrle, pole and sliaits; top Wagon, with pole aud shafts; all made by Mer-rs John K. Lawrence A Co. Very light Park Phae ton. shirting top; very lit'tit Road Wagon, by Brewster A Co.. team of Horses, sife, splrlred and banc!some; Road Horse, Harness, double and single, An , Ac. Gen tlemen who Intend purcnaain? are reuuested to ex amine these articles, which are ol the best ouallir, at the stable of JAMES LTNN1NUU AM. No. fl West For ty filth sircet PHAETON-), EXTENSION TOP, PARK, DOCTORS' and Pony Phaetons, with and without tops, at ? sacrifice. 1,5 5 Broadway, corner of FoHy-slxth street. CPE ED AND STYLE.?AN EXTRA FINE BAT O Horse, 16 hands. 9 year* of age ; will sbow Idt on a mile track without training, no boots, blinds, martin gale or chck; cannot be driven by a lady or child or an idiot; kind and sound: will sell cheap or exchange for a lower priced Horse and top Wagon, or lor Real Estate. Address or call on EDWARD HARVEY, 143 Montague street (basement). Brooklyn. SECOND HAND CARRIAGES. Two-wheel Cart imported. Top lull sprlnf Wagun. Durenbory A Van Doser, Top side bar Wagon, Brewster A Co. Coupe Rocltaway, our own make. BRADLEY, PRAT A CO., is Union square. SECOND HAND CARRIAGES AT BARGAINS.?] O irlass quarter Coaches, :? Claren< ca. 2 six seat Pbae tona, 1 lotir-scat Park Phaeton, 2 four-seat extension ton 1'hactons, I six-seat Kockaway. one light Rockaway. 1 Dog Cart, all in good order, and will he sold at great sacrifice to re.luce the Hoek. D. B DL'SHAM, manu facturer of fine Carriages, Rahway. N. J. TWO-HORSR PHAETON: FOCR SPRIJCO-*. NO per! h. four top, light; in excellent or. I or. $>50. C. A M BENSON. 15-'< East Twenty-third street fPHF, METROPOLITAN PRINTING KSTARLISHMENT J is at ild Broadway, in tne Herald Building. rANTKD?A FAST AND PERFECT HO vI) MARE; 1 good *Ue and able to sbow time, for which I will give two well bred llauibletonlan stallions; good sin and ca'.or: .land 8years old. Address, stating full par 1 tlcnlars, H. W. 11., Herald olhce, TI'ANTKD?FABT IIORSF. AN D TOP WAGON, IN BX ?f change tor two elegant Oil Paintings, va'ued at over $; no finer pictures owned In New York. Ad dress CAPTAIN, Herald office. JN1 rrn EACII?THREE NEW TOP EXPRESB WAO. ?p 1 ?)U ons; also seven second hand top Bucglea. cllr built; one jump seat; one Pliaetoo; prices frum $100 to $200. No 1M West Nineteenth street d>1 /?A?FOR HAND30MR DAPPLE BROWN HORSE. l.'J4 bands, J years, a'so perfectly broken saddle an I harn"?? M ire. IS iiands, B vears. used by ladles and children; warranted every wav. Apply at private stable 2NJ West Twenty street (111 wn'r' HR t,A,l> r )R k : v n HAND, iwoseaod, coreH 1 depot Wagon, with lior?e Ifi hands hl^l). together with harness; all must be in sound and roo 11 onaitlon. Aadress DEl'OT, Herald Uptown branch office. w DRY GOODS. AT SMITHf! PATTERN BAZAAR. 914 BROADWAY. -iX between Twentieth ?D't Twente first Mreeta ? (IRANI) DIWP1.AY Or NOVKLTIF.H, jutt IMPORTED. P\TTKKNM, with CLOTH MODEI.B now KRADT "HEB ?UOKE." "BALTIC," ^BOOPtr and "DON'T C A RET? t< llet* Tory PBSlKABl.B far TilKHB DA.Y8. / 'AKI"fcr3. CARPRTH. V Ureat barMin* In OhMa Oilcloths. Window Bhadee, Lanibrequina, Mats, Matting *c., ?t rtrr low prine*. English Velvet, At $1 78 D?r yArd. iap*stir 3ru?e?l(, at 91 lOperyarL Three piv, at 91 zi per yar?t Ingrain. ai S.V.. ??o. and J'c per yar>L All oilier good* At equvlly low price* A large stock of Furniture, 10 per cent cheAper than anv other house In the city. All g'x-di (hipped free. D. RKI.LY, (tacceiaor to M. O'Karrell), 811 and 814 Eighth arcnae. b?iwMn Thtrtr-flfth and Thirty-sixth street* C^A>'JHKuLi BOOT* A NO ?HOR9 J at reduced price* ladles- but'on Hop la, Ccr.tUmon's' ongresa Boots >4. Ladles' Kid wlipDera, $1 80. U'.im' r men .-llpii. r?. $1 to Irooctadx a ?f rvicratile iboe for iioji. But In iik Shoes 50 cente. No. Mi Fonrtfr are n up, JMMENSB SCCCK8I of the Inriaible or Top Pleeeei rery (tylleb for roans ladiec the ln?i?ibie? are made witb the real patent hair lace and natural water ware and earl. ?nd Instantly iuar e the lady look beautituL At 8. GUILMARD'B, vo? M9(i?d 941 Broadway. No* Wand fil Burt Thirteenth (treat and (tore N". 17 Crand Cnien Hotel, HaratAga Spring*. WSITRUCTIOSU Hoarding school at wilton, conn~ ho*b comfort* healthy location, thorough instruction, kind trcAtin<*uti termi moderate. AdJrea aL'OChtih RidfLotK. / 1HEOARA Y INNTITITB, for voting ladles and mi Met Boarding ?nd day school; l atin, English and French. French is mm i?ngn?ge of the family. 1,837 and 1,439 spmce street, Philadelphia, ra. DREtmCUTTINO. DBSIONINO and cutting TRIM, mings, taught by the great French n?l?ra; 80 llntnca cut and n. alteration; IflO yard* trimming cat In :o minate( , ludy wanted le travel with i?dy ; reference* exchanged. Barnum's Hotel, Broadwajr and Twen tieth street FRENCH CONVRR9ATION.-A YOUNO man Of? tires to rcceire lessons from a Fren-h la.ljr. Ad drees w R. T? t> t IGj Herald I'ptown Kmnch nftee. WANTBD-PRtVATR SCHOLAR# "R A SITUATION IT by An experienced foreign lad/to teach the lan guages. music drawukft. piloting and Kagltsli. Addre?? Z., 140 La? 18th (t. ~- - MAHHIiB i*IA > TKI>H. tTORBATLY reduced f??<;?:4. /\ AO extensive etock "I Hlnte ?n<| Warhle Mantes, Waah iray( and Slat? Wont of e*ery ,li'?c.riptlon. FENRHViI sl,Afk COMFAhY, Vnlon iquare, Fourth arenn? nnd Sereafteentn *t, N. Y. AT ORP.aTLY RBDUCED PRICRS-AS KITE>!?IVH Hwk of Marble ami Marblri/ed kant^U and all other Marble Work*. Marbl# Turning for the trade. A ? i.abkr!, hi Eiat i tghtaeath street, n?ar Third ar. STRWARrS NfcW PLATB MANTELS, INLAID WITH U'>4?; Also marble ?nd Wood Men'eis. eiegAnt da glfref prkes very Ww. and m wett Twmty-tblrd itriat, near Seventh arenue. K MKTRortlLITAN PRIvtfNO F TA1LI9UMEBT Mat>19 0* la the llatatd iik.i ^ TH KOK SALE) \ BLACK walxct Case \THKKI.KR * wrMurttra . fining Macblne. wilU tucker an'1 ill au*ch?T.t,? SbouS mU'"' ,76; WU1 b* Wld , ,r *U Iu<??lre ?* A V.!?t.'S A BARGAIN IK SOI,I) IMMK'M A i KI.Y-WI > 8 iti^iw?i'.unin ljr. ul>. doin/ a Rood paving niVt?,iff.'?? Year?' 1??M0- n" li* *ii?e paid. for fife*??iti&tl" 0f h- t>*DEHUH.L"l sons. <54 A Ml\vn'VM,Ji.>CP?NEii stork WITH i , .T?arb k'tsc, to'X) a vur *>ir ci r* r*h<*ufi ^Vv'hai^l'yVVril^!,^^ raw;? A laa^Mifa'ek,fb8> commission BAKER Store!H. (vr,^.kir, P.?U' cu c iinor Orocerie*, Te? K^CauranWo&c Kni!?' *M:> jjjJCMKLL'S Store Agency. 77 Cedar n'reeT. A" old. paying bit ixfss for ?ai.e-a good fur p*r,,u a ^isrA's&ivsjSrfiasrKaj ?fe. ri?h?5^ win"K I ?' tl,c owner. A OKtedVkViv, r^u'PI,*! R0?* r'?" SALF-LO \ 25 YEAR ESTABLISHED RFtVii nitru ?Tnntt * SPLEXDID OPPORTUNITY ? fME HWHT aki> j.T beat located Bulelioi- KImd Poultrv Si?iwl *ml Market on hiith avenue; fixture* the ni-wii .r. i Lf J1 ?omril make: will be let low lur", 7' ,h. J han!l" 1? ?''"<? * man a chance. M villi I,ijvy corner Forty-lourth atreet and Sixth hvoiiim. corner nmauir liquor storc fob - \le-iv~* J " fc'oo I location, doiiior t ?o<?<i bu%!jM*t and nr? hum 5u* Apply to thomas U IK?.N y centre "tree" LH)R chkap PRIXUXJ P MX OV I KK MFfB,? .LS.,as iabli2h m knt. Kaag KOR, SALE?sooa WATER APPtRtTD* Air -iid Extract' ? *reat reduction: Oiwwa Beer Kouataiiw | J. M. WlUTFtELD 4 son, 262 Water sr. HROOKLV.V ? S" OLD K.SrARLI^Ifl'n F^hed-.^^ ^/rllfaoW:*'0 rCnl F0rwoyefrT'A|eiiQL0)VeTORB\ WfTn f'XTI RFfl; "In*ui"? F?s,??Ai^-A F1"" CI.A-li CORN ER LIOI'OH" ApplXmuTo *lclU0,ln<:^ ; Wtu btt ^'OrorW JOIIX c, K aVAXaTOTT. 57 Broad utraet ( ElOR KALR-thb FINEST LODGING HOUSR Tun SgiSssfS.="3=5 Addreis IIOTKL, Herald office. ' *i?'uts uee<1 *PP'y rp?R hALK-A BVRBOOH A.^T) LOD UNO HOP^J propria tor havlnf'two'^pJie^ ? 2! ?S %&? _______ LLOYD, Agent. P?R SALE-WO TOSCO TON3 <<:HAr, OAIT AND ?treet, bet* eciji l?oyi iiTj _ MUCIIAXAX A LYaLL, ?'?4 Broad^Straef. i t^OB SALE?AN' ELEGANT SAMPLE ?\n i,r-Ni u horttn; Will be ?o!d cheap gn i m p.y. between II and -J 0 cluck. t? i? imJ? Wall L^OR SALE?AX OLD KST.VHr.MHf D ME at pi-it a red "on thr??%*V aV a "low 5^ c\*" ?"" waekofr. MotMRl.Nd, ;-5 DelanoejnS^e"f,? k" ,>i,? F?* .SAle-ooxfbctiokery anT>~ICE ORRatf FiieAn^l Vk"' ?nj In comp>eta order a,.inc ?? IWa^nS'Mx?1^ A"'^ - 'ALB ?MOST br $01.0 TF1IS WFVr bp" on ?*? best'etVaau'in^BMoUTB0'Ann^at'iLa*1*"*1** corner ."ackett ilreet. Br.w.tiyft ' A;>t>-F ?t 2b3 Kmilt^ ?LX>R BALE?A FIXE SEW T.>? wrorjir i?r ? Chrl*lopher and Oreen n ,ob atrteft. city! cornt' ,F' 'Wttsiisa "saJisTiffTfissjy s*' by other boilncia Be Vure tad iu T 0WM* mjhszvtii-t k-A*\ oi A,,jrew jr ,ae ??% 'tSiftap ICRIIOt'aR?RXIO FOR ? mJ ? arrnBi... _ i >' -i n 'a KiiSSK """'?""?? t??S5'VJSKWy Liquori; jobbina an reui!: |..n* Kftf1" "?? Avr, s*;i ? eotra. near Broome ?ir?ai ?-W*r?Pbara Mock. Prin . ftrect. MAC hi> kr *?. Dbalfb4 IN machinery. manrrlcrurbrb and cthara m>t.l!n? Friti'ln*. -in hav? it i!on? it tho beat style by the m k tr' u'oi.ilan 1k1m1xi*'. no lit H rot J wat. For bale?pobtablk and -o atio-?ary iioit intra,five to atitr horae miwar.wtth or without b> llenr. wfylmr. J OH r mtla REN, Blrer jtreft. Hoboktn, * J. titantbd-sbcokd n and screw isdix villi it <9 TT and profile machine*. addraaa at ouoe H. 11. HAMLIN. No. 7 white atreet Wahtrd-A bo. 7* stcrtkt AN T pbfamurs Blower: mint be In Aral c!mi order. aihlrcx ul FOX, III Weal Thirty fourth ?:ruru Yachts, steamboat*. &c. CiaRAL boat for ul8 CRRAP: ffll.t rib / nlahed, perfect order: wnnJ an i atrong aft.:r#*a or call on. at noon nf* yokk ploatino blh v a, tuR company, m Pearl atreet For bai.k-stf.av tacht, h tkft i.on?i a fe?t beam, in food ord?r and ready for nap . will t>? told cheap, *1 th? own?r h?? no n?? for her, Team ub I!or?<-? taten in part narmtnt. %rplf on board. at fltzferali'a bo*tho??e. jtewtjwu Creek, L. I. For falb?stbam bcboohkb yacht ilv.r N. y. Y.C, m tone oM m*amreni?;it; ha*larni?> tart rafr tor aea crulatnt; on? r?ar >'d iaareete*4 aound. Apply at u wall nra?u room 17. For balr?yach r ybst*. aw tobb; eaulppe.1; warrant*'! anunl an<l wl i he aohl low. Apply to l. A R. l'oii.LON, M ?.ja:h ?tre?t. iimjr BALE-SLOOP b0bant09. 71 TOMS bcrthrtz 1 light dralt: wall tonn-i. pri a iso>, fout Broom* ?treat, katt ntrar. Inqaira ua ? jar 1 IJ10R 8ALE-htfam TACHT DAT DREAM, 115 fkfc* r long, 17 f beam. it hold; a perfect t?a boat; vnrab Itat; in pertec! order throughout ant realv for ate u?e. For further information apply at s4 South at FOR BALB-A 8pani4h CIDAR jjinolf .?rilt? shall; weight. s8 ponn la. length, ft f?et wmih, 14 iochea; nlnllitf aaat; been MM four tim?< and is in mr> lect condition; plica, $7j caah. .titru J. 11, HeraA offlce. For palr chbaf-catboat icoinr. in gooi> order and re .id/ for u?4. u<viti? at *'u f.ait ifld itrcaf, aranafl A. Harl?m. New boats at ^scokd Bard faicbr; >>in(?l? arum? fonr-oara, pair Mrs, f,i;r >ar and ? *oar oatrtagar Boata; isu other jloa'i -h 31m. 173 ?treat tttfhr* l?jbbrtr. \ar artfn?a fabt CAT roat. bbtwkrr a an hi TT 24 leet; mail liar* two a ilta laiu a*i be so e? m pleta rnnntng order Hone >.ut :hoa? baring nueed nev.l appi/. _aa.iren? J. R. B. boa j,*l^ fuat itflca. ^7cn?for salf.?bteam tacut black ?t I ou. ilaw*. fijfig long; wl'.l -.vtty s to 1#%^ ?oik, lu tpien<1lil ordar and t'ie t<tn*n yarht 01 at Href BOTQ A chabr. i Cth r raaV Bart Blrar. " BILI.iard*. ' 4 1 -gtawpao 'american brtki, fellllabot J\ i. Tab>?. with th> celcbrift c,>tnbln*t(nn rt>?h lon?, are fot aaie fair by ii>? mnu'i )iir*r and paten-e*. H ^ collkndkr atwdmof l? PhaUa a tollanc.t^ 7?9rroajwa/, New tork. Amekioan r>TASD.\HD brvkl. BILi.t? RD r Ah! k-% wttti DrUner'i wira eaihiiai, ?ii^ir ua^d in ?it chamiilo**l>lp and naich tkrae*; mmu hand rahaaaf ijreai bar*ama ublkflth bf?>..4u V'aaay n 1 Fob salf-two tkhy fink billiard tabi.r* with Ball*, cne-<, racks, ao , t3 i'ar itoraira, at ba irrgov M CO.'*, 1? Watt fhtrt/ Uifd ?tf?a?, davt from htfh avanoe. _____________ I>RFMU m birxiard t^ri rfl-'frtb It dei if.r^j ra'i-nl cor icl ertirei aitablooat bar? ,_,*x 1 nrentla'ii medal nx/mta ?a tuoc%?in>. rof t* t lljuuhkiiii " -? < auai a?4?auua