Newspaper Page Text
SITl"ATHI**i H AN'l'H>-li AI.KS. OrrcATioN wanti|??by a claim bnq. *? li?h waiter, la a private imiiv ; lu-it eity reference Call at nr addr.-as, mr i .?? Jn IU W#u 31*1 ?t. To aiATuan Awotrr to travel.?the *d ver,.?er wi?lie>.tn . ft rageinon. as servant or valet. ?At) tpe.ia rrnneti. Arab?(?. Mirkiftfi tful HinUostan ?*: is a native ? .1 it..uMad can be wad resummon ,ed Address C. U., bo* ISO U rai l .jffloe TlfANTI'O?A (SITUATION As WAIIER BV A e? room mail, in a private family or boarding bouse i'?u lurnlsh the h>-?t of ralercuco. Cau be seen tor nndays at a w?m SOtn *l WAIT"1* BY \ Ri: l-ki rAll. TUl M M s IN I ?? private lamily; understands tun business thorough ly Cau be Men at 17 V\e*t 21at at TyANTED?A ITt'ATIO.V AH WAIT'R IN A PM .** *ate family bv a vaunts man: oest city reference. Call on or addre sa 51. C. H., n; East Juth st. Oil RAM 28TII ST., ROOM 10.-SITUATION wanted br insn and wit luan an htrkrener. woman as tirst class coo* : understand* English, K re tu b anl Am.rii-in ?ooViti'/. rami . pa-irv jellies Ao .capa ble of tailing chance of hotel. club house or restaurant. ClKKkS ANO KALUliiKKX, AM AOmi MAN WA.MlhU-TH MVKAOK KXcLU live sales o| staple ?oods m every county, Cail uo or address NtW YuttK MERCHANDISE COMPANY. 1*6 Meadr at AVOUXO UKRMaN WHO Id QUICK AT fioubks, capable oi curre?P'indUig in LntMsh and Herman ?nd puuk wing a knowledge ol book k ? pi tig. desires a situation best references. Address P. N.. 139 West Utb at A TRUSTWORTHY HAS WOULD UKK A POUIOX A a wholesale store; reads and writes hnglMi and German. is willing to make himself use ul, ami is able to drtre uu express w-a.'..1, Address \t. W., 515 3d ar. A COMl'MTKN 1 AN.? It.-. I I tKi.K llO'.KKEi.PKR ??* and office manager Is open lor engagement at a moderate ?alarv rcicrence first ctasa. Address F, W. R _u*raid Brooklvn Branch office, R AtrMA.N * CO.. 331 AND 3i3 61 H AV.. Wa\T A AJ. smart, active youutf inan as itockkccper In ladies' ?udergarinent department; one having a knowledge ol Uie biwiui'Ms preferred ; uo application entertained uu ?sa staling last place of employment and references. Address by latter ouly B* a toVnu man. with the bk>t or rk7. ?rence?, a situation a? haleetnan. ca?bier, shipping e erk, nor?? laiiroad conductor, or steamboat clerk. AddNw A V. El.Mkli, t?t Cbarles Hotel. DBCO CI.EI.-K W \KTKU?AN INTELLIGENT AND aenve younu man. well acqnalnteo witn the pre scription buaincsa. Address, givmit qualiilcations uud r?l?rences OXV'uHD. bo* Herald otflce. DRCO'iia' ? A YotNU MAN. WITH TOREK 7perlenee and best rufo'unces. wanu a situ A4dr??3 U. M . I.j Herajj o'.tlca. gITCATIOK Wa.VTED-BY a you no man as aalesinsu or ?uv porfitiou of trust; h i* a thorough ovladaa ul woollens, lin'tus und urv goods generally; fa.arv moderate ; leten nuea flrsl claaa. Addreas W. L. IX. station a. The advc.kti.sek, a labor nearby trade iu cigars, would like to make an arranxement Wlti some larue inanuia. turer. either on sa>arv or coui misaiou: will refer to present bouse . have boeu on the Addresa CIOak Sai-hsMaN, herald W'anted-a VOUMO man, capable of kelpixo ?r books in a laclory. w illing u> eneagu at moderato talarv with vi?w of advancement. Address, witu refer ?o?e, L. P.. 11 erai 1 otttce. \y.?.>TfcD-ONE OR TWO EXPERIENCED oil k w ^ s*^r.n'r,* m '-ucemeuu oflerad. Address k. w b. x v..O., li ilobokeii st Tt'ANlHD-BY AN OLD E.sTA BLISH V D RETAIL -I.- . rV * competent salesman, acquainted with c tj tradf, to sell lumucr un coinim^tou. Addr???. with nlfritrices, Lb.MUKH, Ucruld ofticc. W ANTED? A MAN AS salesman, WITH GOOD b?*Z*rprin,,n?- Address AV UKKKKK I KK KOK R? i TAl'RAX I : ? must unlersu.vl plain bookkeepinu, In- well re< ommendeil auJ work durlmt tbe dull tiiuet for low ?**??; Addreaa. witli reference, W IL jU.N, bo* 111 ecrs d ofnc?. "It'AWTEU? t. (((MPGre.NT BOOKKEEPER; ONE a. '**o All b*?-n iii ft rlulfiio^ Iioums preferred : inunt <iu ck and conect at Qgurei; none but experience] M*^'p.;, H^Tm; "nJ reltreace. w AN TED?l WO SALESMEN FOR THE RRTAIL . -I, * * V.- **, ^ort "nd v?cinity, extra in Apply, alter t A. m to-day. WAN ?ATTAN Ma.sUIACTCtil vU company, 1<7 lleade at COACHMK.V A.\U UAUUEVKitM. A RELIABLE CO A (MM AN (COLORED) WAJil'SA aituatjoii us itoo.l ^'rooui and careful unvcr, bas ?nteoipfo*v^s.^ " 0r A Tocxo man wants a itl'ation as u \k. dener; long ex .erien ei:i ! ...ol rolerenc undcr - tnu business u all its i r.-ivtir . ^.-cenhouses. EOtfblti tikbl, ld.'Ui st. ftou.ev?rd. t situation WANTED?A8 COACH Ma J. MY A -Jl_ first class man. U civil and ob.tgiug; flve year.' ^tT's^w 'st'to'h s* eU,t,loy"? L*il uU ur addreas A ?ITCATION WANTED. JULY I. AS COACHMAN andg.oom. bv a Drat cLia* uiau; willing and ob.iK JMi 'JA^ears with present emp.t.yer ? ad uU or ad jrat lUCBAEU PAKttELL. IX> ? asi i;th st. 4 reliable YOl'NO AMEKICVN; J5feucuinbriiuce: good UurMfiMO will be hignly recommended, cit\ or country CallonoraJ dreas ORuCkEn. <B l ast ?d ?t A OENTLKMAN WISHE.i A^T'^ aTION POk TTu ?rk coacbinau. wUoiu he cau highly recommoid as a food groan and druer; u wiuing, sober aud boueat AJaw a B . ?fi Broadway A C<'*CMMA.N'.i SITIATIOX W iNTEdIby""! ot c*?atuJ!?y ?nJ trU.tAortfcia?a?; la a 2- ? i. 1 be,t Clty reference, ca i on or ad gjj?r. K.. Orn prlvau ?UOi? t*it ut LtzliigW'J it. )u a arorcHMAN. unmabried. wantj a bitha I- " eoeebmau ; rare ul, reliable driver, either aLair ' J". s*u mske himeelf n-eful; aigttty r*c< Addreaa W.. t*jx 4. Herald otLi ? AEE?PK< TABL". C'JLf >Rli I > MAN AS coachman * waller, beat reference. Call ?t ^>1 lj ar A P A' MM IX', fclTl ArioN W ANTED-BT A c.n>Peieni mau in ev#rr particular; sj*2 rec cm; toe tide i by ra .st r?--per table famine* in ** Ol|>. Aiilitu I UACtii ? N, U H ??t ft A COACUK vN'-t sill ATION WAX fEO?BY A SIX. ^ '"J4*! '? "ooifbiy an<1er?tai?ds hie buainess; ei#bt !?V? claee city reference tor sobriety, wniiugnese Md capaoiy. i au on C c., luu <Seai ast .t ???'? 4 MtN ANfi WIFE WI*H !* I fUArioNM TOllBTHKR <* ? Orst etas* coachman and groom ; wlllinv to "iL ",Der?ll'r ? "ile is a nood t ovk aud lft1> 14+ HerAid tpiown Uraodi A tLA>H COAl HMAN WlMlt# A SirtA Uon Bas been years witb h , pr?uent emiMor. ?r leaves on aci.ount ot tr. ln to i aroi - Call on ?r ad *?** L M. Iweawt, .*? luui tin "t 4 fOCJIO MAN DEalBKn a IJTt'ATtOM AS ? lUorouiUlv uud*rstan<is l>is buaint-a "IWIto present employer address H . 1 413 Broauway. A 8IN0LK Ma.N WISHES A MUTATION AS ?% ?aac>io<B t*>oroo(h v arolernands his dutlae can Liak~il ? BrrrATloB av a A cj i hintii la * food grry m Ciointkni man; 10 raara varr <* ?t raleresce*. AAlraa* B O.. .0J and 111 Laat 1Mb ?t AT COACH MAX AM' oVtoif-BV A BULIABLS , toui: marrte 1 -D utchman m ?acumbrauce will e?aia butt. , re mo-niri: mit '>r ciast y. Addro-a 0 , tal iM H'-rakl i ptuwn ABIfOLK Ki I'm, MAM WtJITi A BlTL'AflOB Ah , ' ua btoan and |r.orn,baa Mr yeara' Krat elaaa (ita reference iroul Li laat ?.aie. Call on w aildre?a f t' . I K Kaat a i -t. By * vocmmiolokKd Mas? .? coachman~1> a private lawi y ..r for a ?,n*ie a: ?ome waterma i tare or In the city ,tr .-..aairy >to4 ?t ? r?f funt ? prawn e uptojar, will J.j wa.-ng. Adlreaa a Bo. m Waat M(h J*. BY * WILL RK'-OM * i Mim alJfOUl MAN, A all aatioa a* .a'-i??a?; n * tilt * ? l<> ? lii| *(,-* , w willing ana ?..i . it Adtresa r. a. box Uti iiarald l ?iO'Mi Branca lt? e ft | IOAiUKAX.-A ? ? fc n . I.EM A N Wl.-fee* TO OET A I atttatloa fur m< coaci.raan U Kngi.ah ; ui>'l?r>.'!<Bd hia butinata t?at cUv raiaraBca. Cail a; or addraaa No. ta Waai fed at g 'OA' HI1V> HITC'ATUWI WABTBl>?J*Y A -1 K* L?T \ an 1 Miu-riw t aing e y-.ung max rroteMMt e* Client a.l? and i . uiitrv le.araucaa. A, l .>? at 2bi Lex ington a* . corner .iAl at ttOACHMAN'a SIII7ATIO.V WAKTSU-BYAT CNtJ / mail. I? a * nd ?ro in and -areml Brlvar Ural i laaa citr " r-i n ?? a l lra.? ?/.. MA ? h a*. I -OAl IIMA V-BV- a RBRf KCTAVT.R fOC.NO MAN \ L coachaaaa an I groom willing and obllgnig , cm 'Btnieti Uia U??: rltjr an I country r*terance?: en ol en - ?.oymew <"i aerrwint ot g. ntlsraati iaaving the attT a4 Irta* 1M Waat Od at. MOACH MA VI II I V AT ION WAJHBU--MV A VOCBO C niaa who thoroughly -i.ider.iaii la nia outme<a In all Ita UtAtK- iea can b<* ?? ra ou>in?it<.e i. .? ?? aood imm . .!???< t?n i em if re.iui ad. la marrlad no <?!? t cuon t? ? tin r? ur city ; will be km .?? aoi<er and aMMiinc >4 IraaaJ. C.. Mr. Hrowatar'iMrriMa factory, tu US can JMA at I 'OA' IIMAN ASU OAHbll??*-aT A -I?fr} MAX. V will'ng to be fmara!|? aaarial: HM / ? <\ rater-nc* (.Inhoti -tv ,'IM, 'y?uil capAbl Ity. Adlr^aa <- M, Lorn 111 NwM aWtee / ' AUOKJafclT* MTUATKHi WAMT>- D--t|>OLf:: U 'iK.r uglnv an l*r>.auia ?r.h.,u.- ?.ik,?r.< . taait. ra?tabi? an i I atvra gr unit. Mi ?iU L< >t IItar ralaren a A* oaulfMU ?n<l abmiy AddrtaaOAK blXII bo* tu llarsid o*oa_ _ 1 ' * i.iikn r i. r.i A?<i iAsr oAitii.:iiia-?v a i.1 ?i:ig.e iD<n wllUltii Anfl obi i'riz 12 p?:r ir.oa!b f r ?*riia??tit ala.-a Are veara' r-afive from .an is ^l.jyar. 40dr?a< K tlfHI'1 L. b-j* 111 Harai < r'A DKNRKS SITt'ATIOIl WaNIILi-BT A MID |T die-i??ii man uuaer<tASdi iu biuineaa .n al ita branchea ani cm mlla beat reterena# 1 Idreaa k. i , ??|>lr* Mom. lai waa ing'oa at. >?aw Tort / 1 AROIXKB'* nlTl'ATlOJt WaBT*! -I XDRH Vf atanda '.ha oaro o greantocae grapen. . veatt.. I'aa. Ac. ??- tar > ?; but city raiaraace. Addiaaau.. bo? IM Hcratd o?ce t'AKHHM B*8 ?UFAIIO* WANrED?Br A KK J ap?c able man taarrlad. ua lamtlv un iratanda liia bu>ma-? .u al 111 bran ? -?? .a i ? are at cow* ? .it hot-ei; wna *?od r oa. wa?n?r and Irofiei Si-at ?tty ra'erenvea Aillratd r. K., i B|ilr? Hou? 141 WatBi .gtcii aw, New Yorr Mam abo wirt . olobb *;*v as fih t olaaa c achtnin nod wlf* i? urat claa-. rook , oaat at rete an aa, woniu UKa tnaatiMa at Bawport or aome at bar watart?f ?l*aa i H aov tiwativua la Um my ?aU Bl Ml Waal 1MB M ?0\<IIMK\ AMI UlUDHMOUM. Q1TUATION WANTED-BY A MAS ANDWIPR. MAN k~ a? couchra* n and uardc n*r , wile As cook or laun dress. satisiao ory Mlerencss given t an l>? seen by ad dressing K. r , 110x Am Herald offiiv rpilfisK WIIO want \ Clitar i:atk oardknbr 1 and a-u-tul man oil a |.ri\ it* nla >? (citv preferred), \vh.. nil a a c tie-it oi u,ol?. anJ wIm can build rutin, work. Phiut anil do .ill in* r^MliAr work ret|U<red siiMtie. wiili undoubted reierenees. address HENRY S., r.ast New York, Long lataud U'aKTU A NIT! ATION-Art 4'OACHM AN ANl> tfr<><.m or iimjIuI man on u g*titl*iiiaii'* place ; ran int'K: no otjiection to city or l uunlYv; beat rctereuce. Aodreaa B. ft'.. Hi iaid Uptown iiranclt ulllc*. 11'ANTED?BY A YoUNU MAN, A SITUATION AS '? groom or coaciiiumi; is a Protestant; Ural class reterencca Address B (J., Herald Utricui Branch odtue. irAMtU-A SIIIAMX BY A MNG1.K MAN *S " teamster; uudurslunds the tare of liurwi: U * gooa drlvar and It with -hipping: seven vears' reference from last place. Call on or address M. 1'kTERS, No. 7 Hergen street, Bfoatly*. WAMffcD-A SIM'AllOs. BY A HIH CLASH ?? German and English gardener; experienced In all branches ol horticulture; oast reiarencaa. Addrcsa B.. box. 124 Ucrald office. VkTANIKD?A SITUATION AS COACHMAN OR iT mi'.udiI limit, hy a young man : irood groom; will ing to work. ('all on or a dress HUGH, SJ Uroailwav, car* ot MuNaylor. present ciup oyer. 1 lTAN TED? A SITUATION AM C NDERCO AOHM AN. *? liy a voting American , is a carclul driver: l *o year# reference iroui last employer, Address, for two day*. P. luckahoe (N. Y.) Post office. >.) f I IILEECKEK ST.?A RESPECTABLE COUPLE ?-"T 1 iProtesiAuti wlah situations; inan a* coachman and useful mau ; wile as cook aud laundress; couutry preferred; good rc lore noes. HELP ft VSTKI)?MALKS. ASMAKT. AOTIVK VlAN WaNTED-IN A LIGHT outdoor business. Apply at New York Rook Coll cam. No. 7 JVarrsn at, fourth door, alter 9 o'clock. A OBNTS WANTED?EXPERIENCED CANVASS*?* J\ only, oo the i/reatost illustrated musical worx of the aiie ; good solicitor* cau make froin Hi to (U) a week. Musical 1 realm 's office. CUJ Broadwav. room 1 \ iiKXTt WANTED?city AND < orsrRY TO *BLL i teas to families and lar,rc consumer-: greatest In ducements. CANTON T ? A COMPANY. 148 Chambers at AYUl'S'O MaN. I)'SIKOl'M OK STUDYING LAW, can :esrn of a position where he can have a -alary afVrsouie experience unexceptionable r*teretice? re quired. AddresiG. C. A. Herald office. t <: E N rLEM A.N To IHWkL AT $8 WEEKLY A salary; must he of good address and well recom ineude I; drv coodv m in preierred. Apply to HliMa A McnAVlTf, 744 Urondwar. third door, a'ter IQl A COANOB.?MEN, ftOMKN. BOYS AND fJIRt ?=t J\ learn telegraphy and take positions. IHOMP>i>N'8 College Ji4th nv , op;>oitte Co..per Institute, telegraphy taught practli'.ill*. with instruments. No vacatlou. ? HON' <T BOY WANT U-tPI'LY AT S. S. J\. W [l 1TB1 B, Broad way, corner S4th st. /^ANVASBERS WANTED?fcXPBRlRNCED PERSONS, " ' for the sale ol shedisr'a ralicl uiap ol N*w York and environ*, at 22 Krauktort st \I7"ANTBD?A SMART BUY, EltOM 14 1U 16 TEARS Vr old, in clothing house: one that has been In lUe business preferred II- .u av., curuer J 1st at. TA'AliTED?A GOOD. PRACTICAL CVNVASNKH. TO '' introduc* the n*w rever?lhlv awning aud skylight frames; a good chance for au industrious business man. Address N. Y. S. M. Co . llerald office. fir ANTED?HEAD WAITER IN A RESTAURANT; '? waves *11 a week; bast eity reference required. Apply at Vieneh's Hotel. ?\iTrAN IED?IN A FAOTORY IN BROOKLYN, A MAN V? to sleep In the hullaing and make himself useful In the day: unmarried preferred; age about &0: mu<t hav* good reciimuiendatious; compensation moderate. Applicants atdress B. I>. A Oo.. tierald office, stating wage* expected. WANTED?COLORED MAN TO WORK IN A STA ble Apply, with reference, at 141 WrstSlthsL \\T ANTED?A PKW MOM ACTIVE M H N. OK '? pleasing audress. with some business experience, to take oraer.i. Apply, between V and i, to J. B. MoKh Hot'.-E 14 Murray_at WANTED?AN F.XPERIF.NTKD AND WILLING '? bov. In a broker's office ; wage* $2 per week. Ad dress, in baud writing of apiilicant. W. J., llerald uflloe. TTANTED?A sSlkT YOUNG MAN AK BARKEEPER; M must thorougblv understand ills business and came well r, commended i to save tr.iiiule not. ? other* need aiit>ly. PaKKi.H, Broadway and 34th St., Irom 10 to 12 o'clock. UTANTED?A OOOO, STEADY MAN AS SkCOND cook lor a restaurant; inu-t uolerstand cooking oysters and miking chowder. App y at 524 sth ay. VI' ANTEI)-CA.NVA>SKI:> Or I XPERIEsCR TO ?f sell a new work to business and proirsstonal men at 176 Broadway, room 49, between 9 A. M and 4 P.M. W'ANTP.D-A GOOD BARTENDER, TOR A P1BST ?? clasi place on Broad way; best ol references re qnlred. Address, with name aud residence, J. K., Herald office. Tlf ANTPD?A STRONO BOY, 16 T' ARS OLD. IN V? clothi tf store. TOOtL BrtOB.. ? 1. ?B1. OS S"th av. \L*AJiiTEr-1 PlRxT CIASS MAN AS OYSTER ?? cook. Apply at the ovater lions* corner of 6th av. and 22J st.. this morning, alter lw o'clock. \\'AV tRD?THREE MUST I LASS MEN OP GOOD address well posted ia the art of soliciting adver tisement* lor a superior medicine, now before th* pub lie in New Yora Phlladelpbu and Boston. BLaCVc.LT k CO . 297 and XIX) Broadway. \\' AN I'HII?"X A DAILY XKW^PAPKR. AN EX II ;c (ni'?l canvitMir lor adveruseioeuu. Addrex* CA-IVArnhK, HeralJ office. ll'AMUD-A MAM WHO IS A PAPI ' WRIiKR V* aril who understand* iu*rlun/ and ?titpplm: rood*. ?ini to per ?nL iddrtu U. M., box lie herald afflee. THE TKAUKI, A.-Tui r BilY OF 17 Wisnt? TO I.K AM* THK CAR peuter trad*. Addnai w. i amphkll, *? Ea?t MNh it MILLWHIOH r W.ANTKD.-MIJaT l/.XDKRdTAkD wood u ?rW \uj and i.uttiu* up macbouvry. Addr*** box A.I4I Pu*t v?ea. Sew York. OITCATIOJI W \XTKD-BY A POKE*AX IS A MALT O hou?e. in tbe city or < -untrv. Inquire lor MARTIN VoKLKd.t. *38 Sin *t. nxHiiI. I]Lr A.X rhl) ? TWO rilUT CLAMM PAlNTKRd AMD " repairer* ol c'lhi.g*. at S3 Wadieoii av. U^ANTMD-AS ANALYTICAL < UKMIMT TO AHMItT ill lab.ratory; one acuuatotned to t<-?tliitf *ufar* ?referred. Ada re?? OHM Mini', box ITT Herald office. Tl'ASThlt-AM EXPERIENCED KlxIsHEP. AMD ?n*toe)r of ' i"th i cad to.lax paper. A drt** C. C. M.. room a. ta Broadway. \i*A.>Thr>-A ni.E porokr to ml* a hammer >> Addrea* P. BAH.xlTT, I.MS Kortfc Ilitj at. mix. de'ptia. I'j. At' A.XTkb ?BY A YoUKU MaN, HAVIXU IMiMK EX 11 perieaeo. a utaattoa a* c> lind?rj>r?<*naa s woitlt Ilk- V *:u *-??? iu >- :ni job printing ofttee ; MO oMeatioB city or country. Addr*a* JxkHm COTTkR, 1JV Madlaon ?treat OKRMAX ADVKHTISRMESTI. ZC VERXAUrEN-IM ftTORE. ECKE DR WEST F.lltn-n and UrOeuWicb 8tr?*?e, em unge* I'terd gn i ela oaaer Wagea, weir*a Abrtiao uacb DeuUcu land IAKBLI MAVTBItHb A I ORMATLY REDUCED PRlOKA. An extauuve *toc\ ol wi*f auJ Martile MaaMtt, W?*b i ray* and i.iu WorXorevory 4e> r.?tio3. rENMttYN I.AfK, talon Maara. Poarib avenue an) ~*vente*u n *t. X. Y AT OKh >TLY REDUCED PRICK*?AX I \ t k > -1V r. ? t..< h. ol Garble and Marbletxad naatei* and xit Varbl* Viuru Marble rurautg la* the trade. A. Ki.Alu.rt. 1* Ka*t t ighteeaUb atreet nsar I Itir J a*. UMLLIKU at comt?lamox akmomthmmt Mas O ble. marl letjrd Maateia. iraaile and tuarWa M. a umetiu r. ad v ior *lMi>plng ?"< Kj>ON ,t CO., Ill York at feet, lei?ey ' ity . ? uuv.-.,l?al to all <lai>ot*. tli'lTI lINti IIB MINT*'-. Ml 1HIH0 AvKM.H. MLIW..EX J\ iweu ietn aad Twenty drat *tr*et*. ? l-adiaa aaj (enUomen wm be ?urprt*-1 at la* ft- ?t i*-?ce? tt. MlNfZ l?av* in e <?h f?r <-a?f otf < NithlD(. C*rpe'? Jew.- ry a? we kav* order. I<?r tbe *e<tern aad Oalirornia train. A note by poet panotaaliy attaaded by Mr. or Mr* MLolS. ATM KIXTH AVkNL'K. REAR WAYERLfcT PLACS. J\ la.ll*. ?n?I u*nt)em' n can receive tlie ntiawt ralue M < aat olT' i "thlog, Ac. Call on or addraaaMr. or Mra. llAKKla. _____________________ A SIXTH AVt.X'LE, VKaM fOLRTH sTRMET J\* or feutleia ri receiv* tbe bigleat raiii* lor r*'t-?ll f"lotbtn?. Car^f ta. Ac. Call a? or addreee Mr. or Mr*. KATHA* \ t ILATTO'rt LPTOWji C-TaHLUHMCMT ?l? -ix b aveau? -oriter Tarty mxtli ?tie*t, Uif pricm will t?u tid for lad we' an I k'?utlem?n * caat-ol C.otbia*. Carueu. Jewelry A. , ; will #*y (of l?rea?ea lr.uu flu t. f?> i'(.us l'i ?? ? I'aata. 11 te ?8. Ad dreaa Mr. ar Mr*, e LATTO AMI lata avenue. At Howard xiLi.kR'.^ *'feLL know* khtab iteBtnant CI txtn avenue near W*verl?-y i4ao*. tiM uumMt v?tife ixild tor ?.?.(! C oUini?. tXrpeta. ay ealitnr aa ar aJdr??nti< Mr or Mr*. MiLi.r.K II TIIK WK-.TBRN AO r..N T r-M'.^.-RKC HI VI ><? ,\ iar*e order* t ? ?areha?a i*e*riiir A|?t.?rj;. iio* oti l ^eiiti?iu?B win ptea*e taka par'waWr notice tiaMWaf to r eeiv" tb - loilowma i?n -ei ;-Por ?ii< ure??e*. ift to $T4; waolleu. to *. < *t. ? l to ? ? Pm?*?lto#*. Umifu a . bv . rlint on or ad Iraawaf Mi or Mr*. K'/st.xi'.i.IKi. ;A?7thav . two<iaar? atxive >v -t M.b ?u T MAML'M, m MRTKBTH AVr.NLB. WILL PoUL ?J . lively ear the I../ f .t ea*h ni'" - tor i idle- and r Mtiemen'* >i**t"iT i totMnt Carpita ac. I .ad toe w?it?J on by wr. Maaur VIWCAlT * ?MMK MaSWELL. MIDWII'E, !<I hIUEMUK 111 a. k art r*ata>tr.'*L aear inln av aim A?OK AX'U M VIE. ORIXKiL CURB ALL CO* ? plaint*: M re.ii * oraeucp IW *?i I wnni v ?ix:li *k t -li*, *!?l) MX* v,M Ml -KIKk K MDKNCK il, im ka*t a?th ??.. between nam i.#xinmou av*. Ai VIC* PRER. ?till AMI -MXk OA ' UK eaMeatted ooitMdenti illf a M?47 Wu*t 11th Wait A-Dli. AVI. MMK. MAL'BIOK Al?? Y AK ' I'KAC * Uoe. ttldoei'iuort? (troet near^tireonwisb. A -MMH, K1 TKLL. MlOWIra MMI l?tJ. DO. I , XX. Eaat nity toeoad (tree:. Or*i door treta OAI av. ?iOAHUICKS HATIEU. 1 K XTR A !. A Rt;h, I'KsIRaBI.K K iOM Ai ja TVn ifuh "d* L"Urr*rtiol wVli mr u"r 241 W.-.i Fourteenth V"rV lnw ,or ,he ?Ul" 1 ??! ,1"'!M """"l A VK HI"- "|i7?T?L 1M Wfcn iuhr,;'?v,hoLV?:irX"r"wv? aril, ii rin- modtriti frr the lumint r. I PLEASANT. well FlRNlfc.un> hlKOLK FROST 1 .toum, closer, fu-* i/oo'l ILuirH Vr. ~f? ?????> i ?UBluer Pllue.. 104 4U4 14 \Y.vurley placi!""' 80,1 rd 1 | J o<U?n..u*'MNoI'!.Mr? :V xr ' 1"";atri:~a\d ses%f^w^?5ttttea$st KTiO*r. t.kii" ?" pr,CM: P????ont tad tran.lont 2 ;:!US ? We^T^^JI. HOA?D- FI^' will U vu,'*ud lVtli? d,V D**r F",h ?v?nue Ha\U.SOMK RODMji, TOGETHER OR acpi ??/*&,! ?tfc?,?d!'?vw,{i'i,#.Tili?o"d Ss;? ,'rj Mr" *r'i ouvuionf- jt; We.t Twenty ar?t Mr*e? O Ol I OKKTLKJfSX can Bg 40C0VkUDAIKn O W.'-.ST KOKTV-sRC )Nl> STREET-KICEI T Kir Q >ORTU WASHINGTON SQI ARK _I,?Ri,r nOOT ?acing ? lie r?rk and having all modern Improvement* HruiiVwlik'1' t27 'lflrtKfc DO"Uri ABOVK CAFR >- wffi o) '^?t,oL%^h.ri^SVn^p,?|1ciJS'#d KOOlM ?? f> I'rJhlScA reoulrod fl??r: ? **"**?*? wTH AVRNL'8, Hil ? MRH. RESAVRH WII I revt r*v rci " AVKN'I'K, no. 71.?TO LRT llivn<iriv>i V or. ?""??? board. 10 Pl.acb.?TO I,RT WITH BOaRD 'Uo ? orA?wo 10 5AVRULBY PLACE. NEAR BROADWAY ? Jons w !'hL'f<?l **"on, R^;>cn? $U $11 and Slti tor lw4 per ?raaaient peVp!e. "I "J TH STREET NO. 160 WEST NRIK SIXTH AVF i \9. . twbktt.foitrth utrkft-two inTpr?v?er|lmHr ^ all ^nm* Wl,h or wl?h<"", rat*. '???T. ?U convenience.j rent very mode 1 f)T,li..^RKhr' " WH8r. "RTWXIN fifth 77; un'i:;v?,o^r,,er'olo,,ou: uw#*?? ??? ??><? >^Ln 14 7^ T*rl-:*TY-?BV?JfTH STRRBT. ~OPPOSirK ]/> ^^:h./^lVBNTH . ?T R K RT.-H A N D30 M t7l,Y 17 AXD 19 WRST TRNTH STRRET "\E4R FIFTH j^cr?a?Haa?!i??^ 19 Jfh ?' SITUB<5R AXO SMALL t.i- ...f ^ i V . ,mc corutorta; >um n?r nrn e< drat ilaw oelgbtwrheod and location aluo day Boardera -"TRKET, \YK8T.?to JjKT WITH ROt?r> f' JWBNTT?THIwD STRKKT? BKAUTlPUf k: i-?"2?TC,sss'w?f; k"K2T ^KSTV-TIIIHD SrKKfcT.?a slit op Board t? Itt; ?Uo tingle Rooms with Board, by th? 4iJ or ye at ; tu miner prioet. ^ wltD 9j4r?J 53 WR8T,?HAKDSOMPLY pirn IVA V V" 57 WKST FOPRTEFNTH UTRERT Irunsieor for iuminer mumhs 34 ^K--T- r"^?*ywt HTmT.-LABOl aS; 38 Ro:;:s.rh..T,,rK!'Tii? ?TukiiT?Hoirt o, cUm?ta ka. will M iilih rurnl,h*d ' P""?' ba.h" >om, cu<Mia ic.. with or without private iaMe; reler<?nce? 4 1 s? ,t^^vTT FIR8T HTREKT ? H ANIMOMKLr 4<> CLINTON. corker I'MVKRjilTY PI iri tpr, a? CltT lr car. at ?uminer price*. J.9 rNR.EK.NTII HTRKETT^LAEOE SF ? h^ValTm^era .?pt'ovemen".^nd"^."luST."; put in th, rnufh order lerm. n.olermU . rtr^w" 4'J KABr TWELFTH UTRKRT, NB?r BRoaIjWa* " Si"oi~?h Iroi moaallon. for wayU ftPtfmea; term. < errJ??.?Mhi?. 43 ?fBT Iw;nt* "ROONIi DTRRkt.?a MSCOND /o? tP"^' h*nd?>?'<?ly furnl.hea, to let w th firmt t&S -P25J7- * f?n?ilT occupying thtif owu hoo*#? liiyNest reference, ttven and regnlret ?otue , 44 ,Wy*.r 'WFNTV FoTrth TtrEKT~ < yvw ^ ? doort ir.?oa Fifth Avaduc iIaiaI D with or frltftoat u,?a>d ? Eooow. UWP.ST TEXT I 8TB' BT. II ALP BLOCK PROM fifth *r?nur - La ret. cool Rooms, with flr?t da?? Boir 1 Mil hornf c?nlur'?. at very moderate price*. for fa:iillte? ?r gentlemen: family small. A Q PAST RtXTIf STRfcBT. BETWKKX BROADWAY Tfi ami rnlv*r*lty place.?Xtcelv fomahad Rooma. for faroMn or <in*le aentlemau. with Arat claaa Board. lteiarcBca* eicbanaait. 4 Q WKHT WASHINGTON PLACE, KKAR MATH T ? avenue. -To let, h-indaome, lara* troot ami back R.oin?. coramaaleathw, oo the tecond floor, with hut anil i oil waier and ?ood. Ilbaral tioarJ . Ami ru*a par tie? i?M have reaaonabla tar ma: alio ? ft w vaoancie* on tne top floor. r.i\ e*st ninth street, neab bboadwav? ? !M 1 . -t ?ttb Board. iw.? ni eiy Inralalied Koow<. nn third itorv; alao iar<e and imail Rooma on toartfa Boor Qf} IRTINQ PLACE. 3 DOORh PROM OR tMERCY Oa* I'ark.- I-ar?e ooooe<"ti/<f Kouun to rent, with Hoard, in aacond and third Boora; ?u turner pricei. ni (rtMni -Ilka KAjII TWfcNTY THIRD STRKKT? pinest J'Mr ?ltu?tlon In llie city. ?K i-zant Uooun. <-u autte or iiaflr. with of wliliout Board, at reducedavmtuar prleea: private table It reqolred. mLF.XfJIUTO* ATKXCK, BET WEKXTWRNTT. <a tenth ari'l 1 wanty-a.irhth etreeu, three ioiu ar?*' at *adia??n *|uare.? An entire Third Morv to 'et, auperior Board : hou?a finfrhe I and tarnished tnrmirhont and ele??nt ail roaveataacaa; cly tela ft ;.ii m* *e . boatrelhrencaa fTUt" f M xTx TIKXTH STRKlT \A ARilXTH I'rfl avenue?V larte Room, cntn'ortalilv luruiahed. t. let. with ?i?.>4 Board. io two aentiaiuau. latn< moder ata. bat tew boarder* let o, nr. WaYK*LT PLACR, REAR THE PARE?A ?J -Bit i)t Bin I ouiaIt tU'imbed Boom* tecond (1 .or, fr? ni. wuti Hoard alaa other Rooma. Tariaa mod arata to deatrar.le parties ?ftfi Ha?t brventepnth street xpar oiojr il?/ ?<uure ? Detirable doom* with or wlthiat Board, lor ?enti> aMn. at o? pricaa, aad salt largo Kr>oin? lor tarnllv. alio table Board -|?>7 EA?T THIRfY-^IXTIi HTR BT.-IN PRIVATK 1 _ I !a in .it a > ? mnt Roota and Board for a mar rtad cciBolo or alnfle i>er*aa? i>rtc? reasonable. loo east twenty.**jbktu .-.ikkxt, be J _I?7 Uve u I eslnfion and Fourth avenue* ? Pivanant Koome an I AH- elm* Hoard ; rr mhojUH' price: beat ref eree co ; brown Hone hou e; evary convenience; oily teli'ifrapii line*, Ac. 111- LPXIXOTOX AVtME, CORXKB T?K!lT* 1?J?? ninth -traat ?lo ?*t, with Boara, far'of an i iadrooM -ecand floor, front and (Infla Houirn; Bret elaaa lioaaa and Utile . ?uinmer price* V>7 WkhT THIKTBRVTH mTRRKT. ?RXTfRB BBC I *t I onil floor to let, en ?ol'e or ?lniflv, with Board; aicellcnt Ubla newly rarnUMM; rel-renrea 1 r.ii \rK.->T tbirty *bvkntii btbkrt -rjcrly I?)U furnished Kooma, for Kentleman and ?ha. or *in*le ??nt ."in?n, witli or without Board ; alto Parlor floor. tarBWhea or anfumialia i. ?i h u?- ot kt ehen. WK?T RORTY *EYKHTH HTRBRT, NRAR Bfoidway.?A ?inill laitillr have twouaui ?ameiv in? nulled alcove Koome t? let, with or wlthoat Hoar i. It? WR8T nfE*TY."IXTH RTRRUT, NEAR kithth ? venae ?f urnnbed HaoOiA with or wi.hoat Baard, to raatiamaa . haata baa aii Badera Um pravetoaatdi arnu reaao?a&ta. BOAHDKKM WASTKD. nar west *thikty fourth stbbrt.-a PRI STS)'.) van family tin nceonmoiliM kiiUiid** IM wile or -in 14!?* tr ? ut !<? iiif ii yfllh haud*ome?y luriilshed Room- mil i ? \ e ll.iit Board; l.'i minute* to WaU (treat by Elevated railroad. t WKST I #i'STyslii'O.VI> STKhKT IIANO T" I ' I wiiiicIv furnished rioouis 10 let with tlrit class Hour.I and ..11 ?n.htnci- ;.i tuiuili?** >.nd tie n tie men. ut very reasonable terms loeutou Hritcini^ \I.AROK. Pl.BAAANT ALCOVK ROOM, ON ?tui.1v aid* ul street. null every convenience and tullv turtiintifl] as both uit-ii>r mid ht tjr uiu, witl} ?r without f!r?t das* Board. ut summer prices. 146 V\ est T we in v first (treat JILH.iAS ri.v Fl I'.SISHbD BO 'MS. WITH FIR^r j cla?* Board, tor gentleman and wife: Board for the lady : location central. Add res < Kn. R JONES, Uerald Cotywii Brunt ii office. __ vtbar fifth avrnuk hotel and madibox JJI square.?Handsomely fu ulahe l Apartmeiita. with or without Board (summer price-d. In a private family : refcreiM. Apply at No. 45 r.aat Tweutv laird Kreet. Nua M AND fci E AST TW !? N I V-Til IUD s l'HKBT over ooking Madison agu ire.? Persons visiting the city can And Hotel Accommodation* at a?o lera?e price* Mr*. V. K KENT. BOARD AWrf WASITK0. A GENTLEMAN AND WICK DK8IRE GOOD PI,AIM Board, near Central Paris: south Hootn; miviern improvements; SIS per week. Addres* T. R, Herald office.' Board wanted? uy a single young man in a respectable Irish or American family. Addres* box 2J0 Herald offlee. Board V ANT BO?BY a gentleman, wife, io year old child and nurse; terms not to exceed fit per week. Address A. B. C., Herald Uptown Branch office. fXTAKMP?BY A GENTLEMAN OBLIGED TO " travel, accomiuoilation for his wlfo during confine ment: libera! terms will be given and own nurse pro vided ; n short distance in tha country, within ear reach, praturred. Aodreat, with particulars, LIBERAL, box 15! Herald office. Wanted?Ki'KMsnED room, with firht clahs Board, lor ladv nlv. In ilie viciunv of Twetitv tliird (treat. 111 a small private family. Addres* KOL'l tl hKN, Herald Uptown Branch office. Wanted-oood plain board for a family of Ave peraon*- IS v"ars: up oltlier on Hudson or New Haven Railroad, within 40 miles of city. Address D. A. G., lit West Twenty-second it:oat. HOTlGliS. A ?200 ROOM*, THOROUGHLY BKH i'TED. HAIR J\ , mattresses renovated; price reduced 29c , Sfic. and We. FBANKFoBT HOl'Si , corner ot Frankfort and William atreet*. Open all nltfht BELMONT I luTEL?EUROPEAN PLAN", FULTON through to Ann street, near Broadway. Booms Oc. und upward. New family Knumi Opeu all night La dies' and gents' dining rooms open SuuJavs. LA PIERRE HOUSE (ONE BLOOK WE-T OF CITY Hall), 16 Warren street?All nice, clean, light Rooms; 5 c. a day. 92 a week; family Rooius $1 a day, i (4 a week up. 0 CM MIT HOUSi'. 65 BOW'RY. 66. ON EUROPEAN ' 1 plan ?Kooms by dav. week or niotith ?. 5 c . 6i)c.. 7Sc;, | SI per night: weeny prices reduced. GEORGE RL'CK EkT. proprietor. _ WINOHI-STKR HOU B (EUROPEAN PLAN), TOR. ner Broadway and Thirty first s'reet.?1 legant j famll v mid single Rooms nt summer prices; first SIM* ! restaurant; new cate for gentlemen now open. country BOARD. A I- AM ILY ON STATE* ISLAND WILL LET ROOM-). \ ^ \ with Board, to geiillumeii or gentleiuon auJ their < ?iv - Addre** H., box S.801 post offii-n. A I>kSIRABLE COUNTRY HOME. AT VONKBRR- ! - \ for ucntleman and wile; no other boarders; faintly i v. rv private; flfiecn uiiuut^s from depot, ten from boat. ] Address HOM&, box 19! Post office, New York. A FAMILY. OWNING T-IEIK 8IIADY llOMK. NEAR lAing Island Sound, 31 miles iroui Sew York, will accommodate, with Board, at $7 to $9 per week. 0. W. HIL .. Stamford. Conn. A PARTi' OFTWLLVE, WISHING COLNl'ltY BOARD A lu a healthy, quiet place, apply to CHARLEB FRA ZIKB, 83 NusMtu street. >ew York. Proprietor. W. H. i LOUNSULUY. Peek*.ill. A N EL' GANT t'OUNTRY BEAT, A I" HA VTIMJS, ON J\ the IIit lsuii, will be open June 2) for the accommo dation ol tlrst class bo irnor* dosirltur itoom*. aiiuly or en suite: the liou?' eontaliM every modern improve ment, iniifriiificcot lurroundiiua; tine view of the river, extensive ground*. Ac.: bathing, boating and fishing; ampie stabling for tiorsc*. For lull particular*, call on ..r.,l,lr..,. Vtr. IITlll 7A S lit I. u v?ll lie B AT LONG HKAM'II. ? BOAKD POR THE KKAiiOX. wltn larifo, ?iry Ko.iu-. in an elenant cottage uji huh ground. Ilvt initiate*' walk from tin- l.eacli Slav bu -oi urea at iuo ieraui rate* bv addreaain* or applying to Mr- M. II. *TKAIL Cbe.aca avenue. long Branch. BOARDKUS WANTKD-AT CLAVERACK, TURKIC mil.trour lludaon, N*. V.. In a private lauiily; rooms pleaaaut, table excellent, price reasonable. Ad drcaa Mrt. A. K. PHILIP, Clave rack. Columbia county, X. Y. Board wavtkd?f or okntlfm^v and wife. at a farm house oil the immediate line ot the Errf Railway. near a aim ion within an Uou.'a rid* <>l New York. goixL aubatautlal board reuuired. Addrea*. with term*. Y. w. I... box 166 Ueruid office. T)UA HI) WASTED?FOR -IX ADULTS. IN THE COCJt Tj try. by tlie ?alt water, within one hour from the city; prlee'not oexcua.l $41 per week Aitur. ?* ?t'h tull t>ar ticular*. BoaRK, box ISO Herald Lptown Branch ofllc". OA KD FOR A FEW PKII-.ONS \l VCOMK'RT able, * hud v and prettv p.a c on aouth aide of L >nt< I?l?nJ near i;r>-at outh Bav. -'<% lionrt tr< in city ; good, lit eral table p'ea-ai,t room* ride to the bay every duv. and nail to o--can. tree Apply for particular* to b. w. Bl'LLl MlK It, 7> Fulton (treeL ? Board-p.>i:r pbom losg ruakch. boating. Ac.. Ftahle accommodation* Apmv at Nr. 6*8 sixth avenue or Mra. ALPriED /FALL, Bad Bank, Si. J., Or. Chatnplain'* residence. Board among tiik caimkills? iiioh, d-.sir. able location: beautiful aeeitery; a ladr will take a lew Boarder* for ttie aniniiier : pric* $4. Call on or ad are** J A. W. 24c Weat Thirty fourth atreut New York. Board ox a farm is rockland county, one tulle troin depot, one hour and a halt by rail; boat ing aud b-Uilng. for particular* call at 1%) WettTwea ty elxth (treat. . / vo in t k v board.? two kink rooms, wuh V Board, at' >range, Brick Church Station, 3 minute* from depot thtrd houaa eait Brick church, north *tde Main atrect. (SOCNTRY BOARD-TWO OR THRU Mil ALL J taintile* accommodated at Spring Valley, 1'ockland ?ounty, N. Y.; price ?& Addrea- hox 113 /lOUNTKY BOARD?AT A FARM llOUMK. IM A B' AO ' , tiful locality. Sft mi'.e* up thellud*on; comfortable Room and good rare Hail on <>r a Idre** for three daya, C. H.. 133 Kaat Thirtv.second atreet TioClfU SO ABO VAI1U-NB A FAMILY' or V> live adulta, at farniboitte within one hour'* lournev of city mountain a<r or aeaahor* deaired; lame. airy room- and boj4 tat>U requisite on line of Harlem or Mew ilaven Kailroad will not ?ult. Addrea*. with lull particular* and term*, Klla, iieraid Uptown Branch office. (lOL'NTKY BOAKD-AT A FARMHOUSE, NEAR ./ Lone Itland -ound good -tabling turniahed; lerin* moderat Addrea* M CuCK, Locilat, L. I. / tgCtTRT BOARD-A DKLIOHTFL'L PLACE AMONG V ' the mountain* White L?kc, Sullivan county, Hrei niil?* Iroin Moutlcuilo: boatmrf and flahinit: Kood (tablinu lor hor*ec private houte. Addre** Mra w.. White Lake, kallivan *?**lf. IriAMll.lEa CAM HK ACCOMMODATED WITH FIRST ' rli" Kooiim and Board hir the tea*m at CH i RI.KS UIZ.Hi.Rr . .-in* Sinn; hou*a and ftrouadt large; alto liable arcoinmiidationa l/AMILIfc.- OR f-INOLK tjENTK W IMIUXu HOARD P iu the m??t <le*irabic part of Oranga countv. two hour< tY'.m New Vork city hy Erie Railroad, flre inlnnte* from depot an 1 acceaeibie by boat to Corn wall, for par ticular* addrea* T. W. KYAK, Yall'aOate, Oraugc cuuntv, M. Y , or C 5 ARCHER. 99 Warren uruct. Hew Yore. ClOOD COl'NTRY BOARD O.I A URUt FARM IN f Wenutienter countv. |t^ hour Iroin New York run Biu? water. fnreM, lake, boata: French and Ameri"an Cooking ; moderate price*. For full particular* addrea* VH. (", 1? William *tr. et. I U.N*. BRANCH.?Vl-.RY PLEASANT ROO M? TO j rent, with Board, in a baautitnUy lituated cottage oii Oceau avenue, fronting the ocean. Apply at U4 Mil.- I. Iook ouri J THE KVENING TELEGRAM lit- ALI, TIIK LA i i. - I KEW4 TO-KIUHT. / iitANOl. COl STY.-FAMILU.M OB (HMULI rhR \J ? >n* can b? ac.cumioodatsd with good Board in a pTea*ant farm hou*e ; (round* well shaded and conye niant to ear*. Apply at JOt kaxt Fifty eeoond ?treet. SUMMER ROARD IS PRIV?1K F\MILY, WITH ALL comfort* of Whnie; healthy location; uood tabic ; large, air> Uooini; near depot*. Addrei* M., Hansford avenue, rin*l<log, L. L TAHRYTOW.V?1? PKR WEEK. PLAIN BoARO for chilircn; high ground, overlook* I!u1*oD;1J minute* from depot Particular* at COOGa.Vh, Mi Third avenue. mWO Vol NG MEN DE-IRE HOARD AND LODO 1 tnu for the enduing >ummer month* in New Brighton nr iniaiedlate n< ighbornoo l clo?e to the bav. Addr?a* IKK NOr.RDLi M1.-.K, box S till) New York I'ott office. he hi*iftcNiiKR "will ~takk \ FKw niTtT . cla??city b ardcriat rna'onable ra'e*; ^ool Hoard, tre*h ugt(* and milk, pure water and unttirpaeeed (ct-nerv are anion/ the inducement* otlered . ten inin ate*' walk irom r.O'rot i dei ot and Pott office, tnree traim and two mail* daily each way For particnUr* ad ire** PHILIP HUMPHREY, MldJleburg, acucoarie ?Maty. M. i. WASTED?PoR A Gh.NTLI MAS AMI) WIFE, IHRkK yountr children mid nur?n, itood conntrv Hoard aod large, eorniortahle Moorot I-land p'eiarrod AVldre*H M. I. T SO. Ilerald office. /AMBD-IOO.) OOl >i RY BOARD FOR OIMLK man and wife: place nui-t he acce*?lble by tteam b'.at. and n?t more than an ho?r and a naif distant Aa dreM AMKmICAN. boi 179 Herald office WAN IBD?COUNThY BOAKD, BY ORMILKMaS and wife: N?w Jertev prefer red. Addroa*, ataiiiig partieuiaet and tertn*. wnich mn*i be moderate. AL'tf tioskem. Herald PER WEEK -FIRgl OLArt* UoTEL BOARD: Fore*f I.awn Hotel new hoa?e new ttirniture : Cold Mpring. Long l*land boat*, bathine -houte*. tree; ahady tborca. broad niaaaa* foro*t walk* no moaaoi toe*; by rail of *ieam?r xappho. Pack nip. J R *>. VakD Jr.. Proprietor. T W S10 20 BOARI)-.R? WASTMD -APPLY TO 0 ORIFFIS. Weat Hnriey. tfiter county, S. Y. I MMHIl HE iUli I S. 4 beach, bathing, bnatiai. fl*tnag; no chill* an.ifjvai': tto motqultoaa. Appiv at rotnt or to A c. i LyMOlth, N MM tarty auk ttraet, turner ar Madiaau avanaa. SIMMER KHSORTS. A-JKNCffPON'tf IIOTKU, HIUIU-aNDS, N. J.. ? will be opcu for ttie recaption ol i;ue?U.lune 14. JaMi ? j3:NK1N on. Proprietor. A T I'LIP, L. 1.?PAVILIOS IInTKL (THOBOCUIILY J\ renovated) will be opcsed on tbo-lat Jg _Jul'e: terms moderate rt.'I.v.\Ni ? r. c ;z/t'..\s. A ?THK :!l VERS! DK IMHHi 11520 SFitKKTl, CAIl J\ ? uiaiuvilte on the liudsuu. kivint changed hanu* is now opun ; front* the wai*r: One view; cv rvttung flrst class, (a#. hot au l cold lautia and Croton water on every floor: lib<-rnl lorms; nuar depot uud boat landing; Huasoa Hirer Railroad evury hour Aro.n Thirtieth slreet; steamer Ataxia from Harrison street. S. L.. Pit.ilt.'E. Proprietor; K. <J. W&LLIaMs. Manmer. Bath hotkl bath, u i., n<?w open. kir?-t class in every respect: fc-rnis moderate; steamboat arrange menu will be announced in a l??' da>*. i Bl NTISO. ("lATSKlLI, MOUNTAIN**.?WHITE LPHOB J .ipnngs House. toimlilwibly enlarge!; Hoard $?; special term* to parties remaining through September, ror rcterencs upplv to llcnr { Rosenheim. 47!> Uruadway. Ad Ire?>< Wai.KkB N. LtHNoN, Proprietor, Cairo, Qrttlio county. V T. (1ATSKILL MOUNIAINH^?ORANT HOUSE, SITU J ated two mlics troni the landing, with ace.ini tio la tioii- tor SOU gnesis. Partler. wishing to engage Room* for the M'anou must apply curly. For terms, Ac., address A. J. GRANT, Proprietor. C?t*kill, N. Y. CIRYDKR MANSION. WHHTEHI'ON K, U I.. ? MIN ) utes trom city bv boat or rail ? Two Suits of t'ooins ?till dl-engaged. Particulars ot S. A. PoTTBR, Ksq., 63 John street. New Yurk, or or hack driver* at depot: boats leave Jamas' blip haiChonrly, connecting with card at Hunter's Point. CtAYUUA I ARB HOTK&. SBNBOA COUNTY. N. Y., > u bouutirullv situated on the weat aliora ot QiyOga l.ake, IJi hours' sail from IiUiaca. 2 hoars from Wntkin'a (lien hag an uninterrupted vi<*w of th.- la'<e lor 30 mi'es; entirely new, elegantly furnished. will open July li reasonable arrauKmeutaanade with families Apply to GKORUB A. LCiVKRING. Hotel, fifth avenue. New York. or At Pine street, room 1. tl ASCAUK MOTEL, HIGHLAND PALL*. N. ?.. NEAR ) Military Academy, now onen; dclnrl'tlul situation, on the hanks ol the Hudson Apnlv as anove or at West lnorctaiid Hotel, Union square. New York. TAVOLEsWOOD PARK HOTEL. PERTH AMBOY. N. VJ J.-Twenty trains daily; tare, -8c to 3t)c.: groves, lawus. boating, aud all nodular amusements: large, ele gantly furnuhed Room*, with excellent table; terms moderate. H. U. KKNi', Proprietor. H Kast 1'weuty third ?treat. Madison Bquare, New Yurk. G1LKN HAVKN WATER. OL'RK AND SUMMER RK t sort, i,Ion Savon, i'urilandt I'ouutv. N. Y,, on I.ake Akuneatelea line iiiouutiKin scenery ; cool air: aoft water In almuCance; pleasant oottagea. neat, trealt rooms; wholesome, t n v it I nu tuiiie: boating, fishing, billiards; good company: pleasaist home; ulwavi opens terms moderate: lair dealing. Send tor circular. * Dr. W. 0. I'HO MAS, MAL'RIN A CO., 1 roprietora. C1LKN noUirK. NKW HAMPSHIRE.?THIS I AVOR X lie resort open ironi June 17 to ?>gtober 1. 1878. W. A. a R. MILiLIKkN, Proprietors^ Handsomest plaoe on the iiudsun,-\yood lawn Hotel: It) a*n>? ol shaded lawn, sloping to tbe river; families r aponabte; bathing, tialiiug aud boating. Address W. W. WillUHT, Manager, We?t 100th street. HUM B'tlDOIi?D. FOLLOOK'S HOTKT .-?iTKAM boats leave lUrleyiwvery half hour; dancing every day except Sundays. ? _ I A TOURKTTK HOUt?. HKRiMiN' POINT, N. J., .iO J minutes from Liberty streat?''pen May Illiberal terms mnde with families nnd gentlemen desiring to stay tor tbe aeason. J. BOWMAN, Proprietor. Vf AX8I0N HOUSE, BOSLYK, L. I-I'IUST UL.ASS Ivl lam Iv hotel, beantitull.v located. rooms large; splendid grove: boating, fishing. I.athtug, stabling: no mo?i|iiitoes; eight traii>< daily from Jriiips slip nnd Thirty-fourth street, boat trom Peck slip: termii reason able. J. UlVESS, Proprietor. MOBTON HOUSB. INDIAN HARBOR, ORRENWIUH, Conn.?This neH and commoiiou^ hotel.WRiat ii on Island Suinid, only miles iroai New York via New Havon Kailroa I. is now open lor boarders. Hue flsnint. bathing nnd tailing. Steamer Nelly White touches dally. Kor lutbrmation apply to ASHMAN A MilRTON, on the premise*, or at the >inelair House, Broad way, corner mkIiiJi street, New York. VTOBWOOH HOTKL. AT NORWOOD, N. J., WILL i\ open June 1 lor uiwsis. Kor particulars apply at the hotel. Slrx. M. B. WiXS'iN. i'ropr.oiress. VKWMAN SPRINGS^ LKIOHTON HOUSE, BF.D 1> Iiank, N. J.?.-plemtidlv loeaiel on the Shrewsbury river, one hour and a quarter trom New York: boating,, tlshing ; th'.ri v inures of pleasure grounds: rooms and table first class terms moderate, e'er photograph and circular applv to proprietor, THOMAS PltlCt. ON THK HUDSON?LABOK HOl'KE, DKL1UNT tull.v located, overlooking the river: beautitul grounds; ban Isome r.K.ins;,striding; roquet: llshlng, boati.ig: laulo uilexeeiKioiial>le; depot convenient; prices low. Address L. RUHINBON, box No. 1 Post office, uriml View, Rockland county. OKIE NT PCHNl HOU K. OKIKN1 POINT, U I, NOW open ; situated on t!w extreme en I ol Long islnud, 1 fronting mi th" Hound and Her; ?plendld *ea batblna, driving and sailing , flthing nnsiirpaMWd Send tor' tr emor. M. B. PAB3QNB. TJALISADES MoCSTAIN IIOL'SK, X MMOLEWOOD. S. J., on the Hudion Blvar, 45 mlnnte* from New York by iteauiboat from foot o( Uarrtaou street Now open. D. H. HAMMOND. s w TJAVIUOX hotel, new DKIOHTON, STaTEN X Island. u..w open. For turttwr information call un or future*! K. V. CoLK. Proprietor (lormerly ol si Mark'* Hotel). ' Hark chance at miauara.?montkaqle i iioitae suspension liri lg* N'. Y. -lhn liiju^a i< now op.'ii tor lsuMti" Term* f8 per day: Board ?lt) to $1* pur j week ha,'.; aire dc<dgne>l tor Ule Mouteagle ahould ue Checked to fcu>?pcn?ioii Bridge. vddre** ALEXANDER A TfcMlkK, Sutp'-nsion Bridge. V Y. ROK'8 HOI EL, PaTOHOOUK. L. L-OOD BOARD: > lurae. airy rouius; ?pien lid iirivea, uoori rt-liiiiij. bailing and aalllu/ iu treMi or salt wiwt. hihI ho mo** quitoeat one Iioar un I a hall from New York and rt v* truun each wav *verv iiuy; board til) and tit per week. Al" of i.* 'Or. a SON. Pro pr io cor a St. HAKKS HOTEL. New Brighton, Stuten Uland. N. Y., only IS tu'iiute* Irotu >?w York city. Boa's every ball hour from llie llattary; tie ? view ol Bay ami Narrow* from all room* on water aide ; two Cot laxe* tor tauiiltea. For term* uddreu Dk (.AMI' A Johnson, Proprietor*. SPRING HOUSE. JUCH FIELD SPkaV.*. N. Y. Opan June li by i. K. I'RocroK, ol Bu?ir?' Hotel, L'tu-a. N. Y Ketur* to proprietor* of the laadlcg sew York hoi*<* ? CMMlf HOCSk, CATnEILL MOONTAINg. NOW _ opea. Hoard. to *lu per week; carriage* to and from t ie b<.at* and . ar*. Apply to A. LaMoHKaC, . Ka*t Windham. Oraen* county. iC T. I Cl'MMEK I OUT ? PAIRFIHLD UOU4R. FAlB 0 n?>d. Conn., oi'ou lor irueat* all the year . *ea bath.ii>*, nrii- driri'*, uablniK , term* moderate. Addreaa YALk.V TINE A WILLETT. OCMMkli BOARD?AT THIS BOVTH ORANUE k~ Mountain Hou? , one hour Irom city, on Borri* and 1 k*-ex Railroad. live minute- tromoepot: liouae thor oughly renovated and nawlv lurnUied ; pur* mouu aln Air i pk''ui?*<4U* drive* all lb* lusurim oi couutrr illo. fine itatiliuf: ?rni< moderate. Apply to or adorn** PitOPkiKioK. South Oraaae. N. J. S'OUfH SIDE HOTEL, AMITTVILLR. L. I , OVKB 5 loo*init ill*great liovtti Bay la now opea tor the 1 rrceptloii ol uue<t*: vood boatn.'. b>?tUiiig and flahinc: a*11 i>oati attaoiied to the botue tor tbc accommodatloa 01 r tutu. rpHE CI.tBKNDON. LONG BRANCH.-I HI > h IMLY i tituated Bou?- \vlll be opened In a lew davi; I* a llr*tc a>* i<o*r<li?K lion-, a', moderate term* For tmll particular* apply at trt Wu*t fitteeiith street. TTNITKD STAThli HOTkL. fARAIOUA -PBIN0\ L will op?a lor racepUon of (ueat< J una I, U7.V JAi M. HAUVf*. I'ropnator Dia^rinul oi ru jint will b3 ?ent on apptt-aUon. fHITKKTONR. L. 1.?WILL OPEN ON NOSDAT, 1 Juui: 21. lor ttrat claaa lumuier or permanent Bo*rdtr%. Hi.- Brown Maltnlon, tor i' year* the < v?in.ry *r*l of Stewart Drown 1-4 - good anchorace tor yacht*; stabliug tor born*; bnatinf. bathing, fine dnvea, ? le gant srouadi; only an hoar from buaineu by Sfi train* Sally. * V. RUOU. NALKi AT AVCTIO.1. ucriAN Norton. klcgant Hottaehola Furnlturn at public auction till - DAY. Over iol* bv ratulogua HMyardareivot. Bru?-el< and iu?rain Oarpata, THIS (Tbur?tluvi \iuRSi\i). c..mia?aeing at I#o'eloeR. at private raatdana* IV Wait Twenty third Mreul. naar Mttli ar. Parlor^ enntm magnttcent ruawood c taitera*. /U m'tave rb h roaewood MelnwMv A .-on Hra'lbnry Pianoiortca; latest aiyie* tn laid Parlor - una, rove red In aaiin. hr?K*t?l. Ar : Imald ? antra labia* < aliinau, Jaitllnierea gtit Tabiaa. <<11 Painbttgt, importad Hronava ornamental C.oCk Ac t Chain&er Mllit eotablete aolid ro*e?ood an<) walnut Beiuiaad*. Hure iu*, Hre*?int <'a*t>*. W curled hair and ?pring Matireaw*. Ptlkiwa, Dininir room?ideDoard, kzttaaion table, library and sm* labia TnrkUb Cbal Ac. 1 I-ounge*. HallltUnd. Ao. hale podtiv*. Q?o4*boxad and ablap?<l for l urchater*. i.i kk kiizukRaLU. Aaauoaaar. A-JRKR. JOHNSON. JR.. Al'OTIONHRM. . Furniture. Merehanilfaa and Fina Art) SaleirooOl, S7 Na*-au xtreet Baal Eatata Department. 21 Park Row. Now York. On HATt UK VY at 10? o'clock, HODS KHOLD Fl its 11 ORE OF r. Vt KY i1 KS< Rl PMflN. Particular* In time. AVOTION NOTION.?LARGE AN D POSfTfTf; halk. 71* octave r>??wood Pianoforte, fine ??ll Painting*, Bronzeo. Par.or an l iiedrooin Kult*. Ac , thi* 1 hi.r??t*v> m wulag. commencing at im* o'clock at privnte reai* d?a II Eitat *>th atr. et, near Hroadwav. Over t'fi.1) 0 wartkof elegant HonMhold Furniture, made to offer: fliw rich Par.or Suit*, covered In aatin ferocatel and cutulaine: *. r?p >uit<. inlaid Centre Table*, velvet. Bru? ?ol* Carpou 1 urkUh cbatra. gilt TKble?. I-oungaf. Bronaat. Kta -er#> Hookca**, 411 volume* 01 Rook*. Li bmrv Suit*, Chamber sniu. (olid, inlaid aia' k walrmi breititig t.'asei, Bedateada, Bureau*. V!*ttre**e<. ^iritit Hard* *c HufT-t fiialr* covarod in laather. axtomdott lnhle. Dinurr and Tea rarvice. ?i*o BHwinetts *ad Kitchen Furnltara HKNltY tINN, Auctioneer. ADMINISTRATRIX SALC-117 AMD 14* IAS, TWMV t.v-*aaond (treat, valunbl* I)w*ilin* and Victory Fropertv at aucttou Juue 23, Mao*. Ac at offiie ol km HARD V HaK.<K 1 1, Auctioneer, in Broadwa/. Bala aluoluta. kttata of ilanry E. sbjrp. dcceated. A UCTION iAfcB TMti DAY, A1 MM O'CLOCK, 09 ? 1 elegant Parlor, t hainbar and Dtning Farmiure, <iir,e* toilander Billiard fabia, Ac, oy COLh A MbBPHY, at 417 ?ir?t .treat, near SUth avanae, Brook lyn. AUCTION. ACCTION. ACCriON. J\ ovar Jis iiiiu worth son i<.to n .ia a ui "pi >iou*ehold Piiruitura. tkiO vard* C*rp*tii, 1 liln (lhur*la>) NOR NINO, June 17. at lu>f o'clock, at tba large private realdence MM r.a*| rnirteanin (iraei near Fourth evenne M.'ignidceat Oran 1 imi.-Ih- - Pompadour anlM?eie An oinette ityie Parlor ruitt, 111 rn h >ann, brnca le. citillBe and r-pr Steinway A aoai' roaew lod !'?, oa tav* 1'ia'ioforte, valvet .ruaael* Carpet*: r taveren, 'laoia*. Kronaa*. 1 ioc*<. 1 uruin* Mlrrofr*. Bedtteai*. Dialling < ***?. Waanttaao*. ban- ana turtng g.i tr*?a??, library: Dinina Purnrtor* Ola**, China. ailTot Wara, Aa. Qaoda yackod aad dalivart finr puroua*?rh A ILM.JkM.dMM, AMttoBMg SAlsKM AT AUCTtOn. A." ' ORIENTAL AST Now on exhibition at the i liut. u Hall atesruom. As tor place. This collectlou. which was made ?>y a i?eniieraau who hue resided during twenty year* in China anJ Japan, for hla own use only, la probably the finest a**etnblag? of rare and curium specimen* of the peculiar skill <* the arilata ot these countries that ha* ever been brought to a mark'a. It 1* well worth tue notice of amateun ana collector*, aa It comprliea a forge number ot artioiei tn Bronze, Porcelain, Ivery, Jade, Cloisonne, Enamel* Lacquer, Pottery end Wood: alao irua, Armor, Palut Inns, Embroidery, Ac., ot lingular beauty and value, many of which are now unattainable, even In the Baat. The entire collection will be *old by auction, com menolng Monday altsrnoon, June 21, atltTO o'clock. The Messra. LKAVirT, Auctioneer*. EXHIBIIION . .. _ SPANISH ABT. at the Art Room*, 817 Broadway, froai > o'clock A. M-, to ? uO P. M. R. Guerrero's collection of Painting* and Water Color*, bv Spanish masters, old and modern; a very interesting and valuable collectlou of Picture* of tuia school of ark Old Musters. Van Ney, Lucas Vau Leydcu, Ureoo, Velasquez, Mar cel Venuto. Perlno, Canaletto, Perugio, Uavio. Tlepolo, Sal valor Itu.ia, Lebrun, Boucher, Ac., Ac. Modern Master* ? , Frauces, bala, Iaailella, Domingo. Otalrda. Meila, Vat* dines*, (ialope, loustjuet, Klvera, Plaseucia, Gomar. Do iniugusz, Uerret, Uarcia. Hespaieto, Ac., 4c. The above just received irora Madrid, Hpain, and will be *old by auctioti on the evening* of Tuuraday and Fri day, June 24 aud 25. at the Art Hooma, Mi7 Broadway. The Messrs. LgAfrW, Anotioneera A'OCTION SALH THIS (THURSDAY) MOBMNO, eoifttneuumg at lu)? o'clock, at five story brown stone mansion No. 47 West litu street, between Mb and tith avenue*. UauUM>in? and genteel Household Furniture, bieinway Jt Suns 1% octave Ptanoiorte, Decker 4 Bros upright 1'lanotorto. Handsome Parlor Suits. <u uriiusou and tan satin and b rotate I; Turkish Lounges, Easy Chairs, gill inlaid Wire and Confute Tables, Imported bronze Figuiea Clucks, Minors, Curtains. tine Oil Fiiutings, l.ibrsry and Secretaire Bookcase*, Library Tables, Writing Hosts, Elaborate Chamber Sots, solid walnut aud msvoMi vis.:?Inlaid Bedsteads. I crossing Cases. Ariuotrc u-l.lace, Washstalids. Commodes. Ac.: also siugie Bed-do a t ", Kurouus. 31 hair and spring Mattreases. tlue Bedding, rep, plush uud broeatel Suits in various colors. ttxteiwion Table, Huffet, Chairs lu leather, tine Silver* ware, t rookery, eieguut cabinet Howe Sewing Machine, Mall Stand, Itockers. liitcho i Furniture. '?) Brusiwla and Ingrain Carpets, hair cloth Suit*. Ac. N. 8.?Sale poi* tivc. Sixth avenue cars. (Jowls packed aud shipped. ROBERT i . CASL11.N. Auctioneer. * ucnox SALK-BY M. NUSSBAUM. AUCrlONBKB, A on Friday, 19th, the Stock. Fixtures, Machinery, Horses, Wauoiis, Ac., ot a Soda and Mineral Water fac tory. Particulars day of salo. BOWE 1(7, NO. 16X. 29.6X100: ALSO NO. 612 WATF.B .street. -'5x81.3; will be sold at public auction, on tno Wth any ot June. Inst, at 12 o'clock, at the Exchange Saleroom, 111 Broadway. WILLIAM KENNELLY. Auctioneer, So. 6 Fine struct. BY JOHN A DUNS, AUCTIONEER?WILL SELL this dav, 10K o'clock. Mo. sfi Washington street, Corner t harles, in one or more lots, the Leas-. Stock. Horse. Wapiti aud fixture* of a first class Orocery, co# ?Isting of ouirars, Teas. Coffee*. spices. Soap. Caudles, Sweet Oils, canned Fruit and vegetables. Rice. Flour. Vinegar. Mult-mes, Saleratui. Ac.; also Counter*. Shelv ing. Coffee Mill, scales, Weights. Icu and Coal Boxes, Stove*, Ac. BY J. W. CAMPBELL, JR., AUCTIONEER.?SELLS on Frtda.v, in West thirtieth street, near sixth ave nue. Hoti.-ehold Furniture, lirnuicl* Carpets, Table*, Chairs. .-oia*, othor Furniture, 4c. H. lIKKT.-i 4 SONS, Al'CTIONEEKB. SALESROOMS 17 PARK PLACE AND 14 MU? RAY STREET. LABOE AND ATTRACTIVK SPECIAL BALE OF NEW Mlsm CARPETS, RICH PARLOR, CHAMBER LIBRARY AND DINING ? ROOM .FURNIfURE, THE ENTIRE faTOCK OP AN OLD ESTABLISHED HOUSK RETIKINO FROM THE BUSINESS. ON FRIDAY. JUNE 18. AT MX O'CLOCK, AV NO. 17 PARK PLACE AND 14 MURRAY STR2ET. The good* which are to be ofTered for sale compriM elegant raoquot, Axiulnater. velvet ani body Hrussoli Carpet*, all new; also a lar-ie assortment o' rich rose wood and walnut Parlor Suit*. In satiu. brocatc! and nip*; handsome (reach finish and carvel walnut Chamber, l ibrary and dining room Furniture, togethel with a varied assortment or Inlaid I arlor tables. Cabi net*. Ease,a. Music Stauds. Jardinieres. Wallpooaet^ At-.. 4c. Catalogues ready on morning of *?le. f S. WEINBERGER. AUCTIONEER. MLh + 1. room No. tW Bowery, begs leave to Inf'.rin tin triends and the punltc lu general he will continue the auction i<usine>a at .so. W Bowery. and Is ready t* receive consiktninents ot every description at.easjU' able term.-: first sale o? general Merchandlae wilt tax* place Saturday. June ly, ut 10H o'clock. Partiouian tnornin/ ot sale. H. Luuir of the lute Judge J. 11. McCunn. campruuK it scact collection or uw Books. Also ? choice assortment ot miscellaneous Wurk*. En?? li?li mi I American editions. including?B?t< ot Nl ?'* Weekly He/U'er. 7i vols.; Hogarth's Work*. tol.; l.onloU Punch. il vole; lulinburiih He view 56 vo.i, Ac., Ac , no* on exhibition ni i tie Clinton Mali salerooms. to be sol J by auction 1 hursuay aud Friday afternoon, June 17 and 18. at 4 o'clock. ? Tha Meesra. LB AT ITT, Auctlonae m MARSHAL'S 8ALB.-TIIOE J. McUBAfti. A CO tioneer, 16* < tiaiiiain street. corner Mulharry, will ?all, Uil- usy. at iO o'clock atiarp. iarga uumtlty ol Wines, i.iouor* U.-iiuj .iin ?. empty Bottle*. Meingeiatora, Ac By order of r FkEBY. City Manual. ? \| AH-HAI/a HALB.-J. 9. TKiVBR. ACCTION1KB, iU will soil tlil* day. by virtue i?t an execution. at 31 Ol cat Jon?s street, a large lot ?t Ulaaaware, Olottt*. -so. ill a*-II tlil* day. by virtue ot an execution, at ul (Jlaseware, (Nonas. Ac UBMKV HU?S. MaralitL aRHHaL'S malb. -pbtkr bowe. Al CJ loNKER JLf 1 tli,-i (lav. at 11 o'clock, at the auction ro m< No. ll University place. I'vrur Mghtb street. ih'; cn'ire coa M 1 R tab'* ot a flrat class tailoring KstaMi-luiteut, c n-istin, o> tine Cloths. C isiimere*, Venlnfi Broad ?"luttk. ( nklD Beaver, Ac THU . II. HrLLIVAN, Mjrsna!. 1>A WNHKOK." It's HALK-TttOtl. .1. M tiKAlH AU '? ti near. 14- Chatham ? treat, corner MulBerry wid acll. thisday, II o'clock, Men'a and Women'* Clothing, lir. Sim wla. Remnants. Bedding, Hoots, shoe*, A j alao Crista, I'auta and Vaua. By order T. .South filth a valine. PAWNBK'iEhRV MALR.-JAMKri ADAH. AUOTIoN err. will ?ell thia dav. at M .Naw Bowery, a larf* lot M Men - aud Women'* Clothing, Beddliw R.-inna ti, B. nit. Shoes, Ac By ordar ot aliupaon rotners A Co., >7 Chatham iUmI N. B ? Nen'a doming at 1 o'clock. PAWNBB0RBR'T~BAL??RICHARD PlfcLlA, tiKK erai Auctioneer ralcurouui No tu Howerv) will autl tLi- dav, ut ii o'clock, 46) lota tuen's and women1* f ? thing. r>rr*vi>. Shawl*. Katun mta, L'n tarclothing. Be la He.i ling. Quilts. Blankats, Hoots, Shoes. Ac . aiiM < ii-, Pan;* uid Vaau. By ordar Uenrv McAlaeaan, 11M Kiglith avenue. * T>AW\HROKKIVa SALR.?Til'IB AS E KY WORT II X will sell this dnv at 1 o'clock, at 460Niuth avenue, a large u.s ruiieut of onradeemeu flood*, c.iii?i*tlug ol. Coats, Dresaes. Pantaloon*. -beets. Tablecloth*. shawl* A<\ Ity order ol H. Breckwadel. ICilAKU WAL1V R V. ACCTIOHKRR -HIICmKHOLI Furniture llsim,? Will sell Friday, a' IDk o'clutl ?t private resilience So. IW w?at Twemv wvaalU atreet an mail r.uicnt of I'arlor. Be<iroom and K.tclicii tore. *iiu:- Carlor .--uit. Mirror*, ("antra 'iabi#<, lac? Oortatns. aevan OC'.ara ro*owo?*l Ptauo. Bureaus. Bad ?lead*, Chaira, BruiMl* Carpeta, Ac. aala potitira. EORlYKK'rf BALE.?THK 8TORR FIXTL'KE i 01 ^ _ the late partnership ol Ii? Karge A Martiae iU wlli be ?oid at ptitilie miction on tha 17th dav otJuuo. 1173. ai liH^ A. M . at tha auction rooms ol Jamet ilav?iu. .So. il F.a*t rnir.ecntti street Hr order of the Receiver. UA B..IKL MAUHMt. Raceiver. ^ IIKRMaN. SH: RIFF'.I ANE OKNKitVL ALU ?5* tioncer. ?Assignee's s?la ol wines. Liquor* ?u.l Cigara >U*-1>14 the Entire atock of a wholesale de 1 er< vtl Friilnv, June K at 10f, o'clock, at >0. II Bowerv. about W narrals cboic old Hotirlimi and Kve. Bonauguliala Whisiey 44ca?ks or line Hrjtidtes, Oln. Hum. Ac.; al< Cu*k- Port Hierryaud Kbiue WUea; VJJ c*>es varioul Wine-. I.l'iuors. Cnampagtis, Ac. : also a large lot of 't gars. Sales. lieMtt. Ac Rale positive. Dealers iuTitAO. Also one line Billiard I'able. My order of WILLI tk C. CONNER, Sheriff. Maaa I.AMasa. Dep?ty. > OHKI lrrs HALK or UAT-i, CAP*. FIX I l'RK< ki Ac ?s. HERMAN, Sherlll's aud Heneral Aastlansar. sell* thia day fThursilav), June If, at 11 o'clock at <0 ll Bowery, the entire stock of a flritclaes Hat tore. rta.. ul a large stock of line teIt. wool, (traw, i'anauia in I *llk iueu'? and liove' lists, city made; also men's and boy*' ?;aps. Ftxiurei. showcase*, nates. Coauteri, Aa Bale tiosl'lya, in >ot? to suit uealera _M. J Etaa*. Deputy _ WM. C. iQNNKR. Sheriff TBl'.^Ts.K'S SALF-D.N THE 1'RkMiiSH. at ?H)fonU." Cue.ten Hills, North Fena*ylyaniA Eailioail.c'taU) ol Jay Uould in bankruotay. Yary elegant furniture, on MONDAY lltllt v t.Nil, Swrt* !J, at 10 o'c.ook will be sold at public sale, the ele gant Farnitiire or the maniion known a* "ogonts." situ ate on anaCbelten avenues, < beiten Mill* abeat mile 1 roili York Koad Suiloti. Montgomery count#, 1 a., eight miles ttom Philadelphia, comprising the Druwnig Itoom. Reception Koom, Llbrarr and -Mine pairs Koom -ails, U Manul end Pier Mirror*. Ti luce and loary ''uriain*. Maotel Vases, real Brongs and Figures rrench Mantel Clock*. Chlakariaa 7 urtave tirand I'lauo, in roeawood case . Ha.lxtL L?.tvii t l o.'s rosewood 7 oolave Piano. Kxtenalon Dining Tible. Sideboard, Butret, leather dining room Chair*, line china, cm olass and Platad W*re. very lurga Hang. in? Uat MBBk, QtMrp head; two large >annlo 1 blna Uail vase* <0 ( lianib r suit*, with Mirror-door Ward fobe*: Be.tiling, Lpholstnad Chambar S01U, orm'dt and brome Fenders, rosewood Billiard and BagaitUi laid s eowplrt- -. large watnlt Majalatos la Particulars 111 ra'.aiogue*. Furniture made to order. Mav be examined three day* prarion* to (Ala. The Real Mtate at private sale. lake ulna o'cio-k can and gat oat at old York Roac ?taUou. M. iBoBAs A suNs, Auctioneers itioneara, PUUadelpliia. G APPNKY RRLLR THIS DAY. AT 10 O'CLOCK 1 the -tock and nxture* ol the (.ncy and contoo tiotierv store W iloariff street! alao the Household Fur w * ILI.IAM KKNNKLLY, Al'CriONBKR, WILL SBLL f at auction, 00 Friday. June 18. at 12 o'ciock, *t ? Change salssroom. III Hroalwav. the House* ah 1 1 ?? northeaat corner seventy-fourth street and avenue A. Map* at auttlonaar's olflee. So. < Ptt?? *tmt. ?XCMAN6K, POR .OOaAfff?A UOJDCAifET Si -v! ..iii-t*;' b!V ? P"Y?ta lamlljr, w>li mS