Newspaper Page Text
A V PITT - UAL ENTaI a. ft>n II % 1A. Ontrttl. nasi clash rnRMsn xbar m -.pi* >k s-qhake _ iut libsrnil loatt tu re?Doii*iM? PJf ? * Mjdcb^n t .John i?svi- iiFurki v?__ AN KLfcOANTLY fcOCATF.U, BVILT AND ** J\ raiijtMl corner Hfw- Hhiip on Madi*o? , lor <uikt ur to iei low? Oflice? It Pino i?r*'Vt tn'l w [<?Ut (^?veateeuin ?ire?u v K -r.-.* fcN-O.V Jr. k?>i Side. ,1(>R ? UB-TW . '-TO R If A NO. AIM- BK1 K ItoiUK- au i I- ?? * '? ' 1 ' ?"*?' ' *i?ar Uranu . t.ouv m { <>d oi ?t .?f'? s ' ?M,>1 ? "? VV H 1 Hit ?AX >1 KO. " 1,1 LKJH MALE?THE !? i. ? T?? aLHL lUJiti. NU ,3U J/ Prtofe Itrtcit (orwnrot Mi?tt street, Jot. ?? (Mi * ShewM126 feel. *M 11 i;< * ccut can remain on j1.urik.14e Iikju. e 11 - ' W asbln*fon iti ft. riflj hAltUK ro RhXT-A 11 ?r I'LA.Sst *rsc r on s.iiriH Hi.I iiiruiAhed; would ex* liauge i?r a ala.-e 111 Hi- - I* ins ?? 11 of muruuyp for B Jcrru ui ; i-ars. Au In .? t?U .\?* Voii? oiitce. X ihrti.tinrma*. A fig. ANYBODY ABOUT "THfc FOX PBOPBRIY t>ii It* all It ?a!iT nd views unequalled Por per uiawiiii h <n-? tlte nwoi'i will kiI a i?"W I/j ? m a te prtoe i" lu? oity auiitn. OUV EE Bit VAN, ?0) Broad way. WB*T< l CM *T\ PROPEKl'l FOR SAi*E A Mii TO KKIiT. CHOVNYRY HOME ON rilE Hl."D<OX-uNE BOUB from M all ho,i>c with U room*, ua-i ind wa'or; olM a re ut land in lawn an ! g.irdeii, >Ai'i?l.' ot fruU; high and healthy location, witn iIik vinw; price in Hlortti't<1 prompt puff ha acre. Aawcti oWNEK, box 1 DM I'r-t offl 1- Sew Tor*. JKKNKV ? ITT, HOBI)KR?, HI D'.OJI < TTV \M> BKHOi \ HK VI, ESTATE. To Let or nvj LB ?I.N' liOBoKKX, AT A UBRATl.Y I'.KDL't BD I r. u? .1 tlir<' ?t"rv, bn??n>?nt ml 1:1.11 hn.-K, Mini? brown 1 rout koo'I iter; iihvIth I'liprc. i-? in. ..u Hue lo'-aiiin,; n ut ouiv fH?V ippl/to < KKVIKK jl; o ? H ewark ?tr?t, tlcbokiMl. X. .1 FHOt?EitT% OUT Of Til K HTT PUR MliB OK TO KKIVT. AT VKVT BBIOHTON?FINEST ItKSIUENUKS; J\ |irr:i v f wilUln MO milec moJern < ?;.vim cnoc^; Nhailc. vi"w b^auMul eurrounUiiign; iuru:alieil an4 uuiuri i?te(i: io* r. nl*. HAKD1N i, Jr. lit) I'.rnu.l 1**7. g IO I.'NIK V >l-;0'. hl>Q*?l HI > i It PROMT, AT * r ,*lr. 4.'i: :n;i<M. hoiu N?w Y?rk ,ix Mir??: lilga. liraln. jihi tMautilui; itrgs iufoxiufl ir Hit lit aluult* AbuadaoL sTEWAtll', !il < e>lar ?imc. fX>K tiAl.K-O.VK *>? THE FINEST OKNTLBMAN'S ? i ? 'V1* "u ?a?t biiiku! 1 tie norm "i f ?ii4(fik'iM'?n . river ,tn<l t'auJtlll Mouti' io ui.oquo .?il i t? ?. rt*, quarter milt river imnt, With dock: -1 ? atlk) luatisuu aad liujuovniimnii all ???; SIWO I ?* iflUif fruit tre.-?. For partirtnaia applv -,o 1. a. L'.. Liwx i*. '?> Hvoll i'oai ofti< ? New York. (BjlOB 8ALB?TEBMS FA.SY. HAND-OMF: 1LACE IN A Twenty tTlJril wArd; beautitul location, bieli pr .uuU. . -live minnt** from Grnrnl 1 Mitral depot; aixxit Ui:rteeri eitv lote; large house; finest fruit anil Vr.aUU't Mill take .mail uiia in iiart paviueut, 11 de #.ired. Ad?J;' ?. Siux 2,7o Post office, New V01 k, or call at 12 warren itr*?-t T'OB SALh?OR I.EARF. VERY LOW, MANSION AND J? t*ark on staten ipltn<l, nrttaMe for hotel, mstisute ot seatieinaii'h r?-8iil?n>-e . aieo CoctAfe and OroBBd* .t JBiizaln'h H. R. I1BI.FEII, 410 NVoei Twenty-tUirJ *L l^fm ?'ALE?A NEW CuTTAOE, NFaB TUB A? I" torla L. 1. C. lerryi price $?00. Inquire for W. X BWOWK TjVOEMBUED. ox THB It 17 OS ON. OXK HOl'B FROM J/ Wall ttreet. wrr&i fioaatifnllv aituat?d Cottier* and choice IIeu?*? to r*"t at low u; ife. OKO H. PBTBIB. ITS Broadway. TjlUBNlKHBD Hors* TO LFT-IN ORANOK, WITH X mederti impr?T?iBfuu eii|iit rooms; $75 per in?ntb. iAddreiaJLAJlXKit, Ncrtfc Oraune. N. J. U't'RNTSHRD IIOCSE TO LET-AT gOA!tBOROt'<3H, J1 oa UieHudvia; 40 mile* view; unsurpassed si ua tv>n: ready for trnaie-ilate oecupancy: earien au<t ar<<and( tu crnupleie order; price low. Inquire ot C. C. >(JRTH, MS Broad way. IMKF.XBE S A1 RIFICB OF * PLE.VMD FA I: M. STTH K. Oropa. Furiutnre, Ac.?i iiurnlfli-ent furm ot acre* .>f rich. *111.-^ h laiHl. only ei?nt n.iniitee'weik frotu> ot the moot taautltai an 1 flourishing to? ns 111 IVun ey^vanla, "thi- cirden r>1 Ameriea;" for hfalUiUlnesi. tertiUtv ot soil u -od socle:*, fine r^ads ana cn?h market lt?'.iin>aase'i oSiy iumrstrom Philadelphia. 14 trams Ouiiv; ?pl^iuiui loratioa -or bi?r'ler* 'iirina Centenufal IxinbiUoni jtj hears irora >?w York. ? train* itallv; nica strfera ruanMitf wufc-r, abaiwlen c t lieic truu. 1111^ attlcent frov? "f .1 acres !ar?r* fores? tre?<. splendid bui .1 - lags, ntnt Sf.irJP . iiaudai'ti.e fVAiae llcuse. i rooms, tur TU-vbed hantls.tnelv : ylarxa (bade an4 tln'Ters.. immrsa iMinu uaiHlt-ru stvi--. >U>ue s-abllDK, r,.rr af nnuse. pig fery, hennery, vf ^etatili' garrlen, every variety; prif*, incitHiinc all tne fttrmtur' ralnaile crops worth aiont "RJ.ajM;. b?:i l?o;ne hi>.se and earriafe, I -p.erd d mwi, tliotee poultrv -arin waaon. liaruesx, movrin* mar nine, liar rate ana all tooth only 9MU0, lerma. $S,u<s> easlil Mlance very ea.sy_ iminmiate twxoefcii n. Must be aeid this ***. To see "?u?r and lartn tske 9 a Vi tram trotnieoloi liberty stree:. "?ew T^rk. be? J?r^ y ^.?titraj Kailroa-i :o Betalehein, l a there take Berth Tsoosyivusia b> Qnaaertown Htiik* oeuaty. Ta. ; yoti ?rr:vc bet',.re 1 t/eli c* ; can return at St, 4 P. M lnt|ii?'?e u: burh llou.^e, o,)Uumte Uuaaer ..wn ttaMoa. tor 'iBO. I. * ALU LIL 12? nu *TkXI>Ki TKLJWRA* TO MIUHT AU THE 1.ATFHT IKfg OF TO-L.AT. /VUNOB. X. J.-R*.ST. FCL.LV FORNIHHKU, FOR v' wio'iii or jftr aualetaut Coaatyy -?at. oh Mouo (?iii tiiff. adiotmrif Heaara Meeker Marcy, Brown, Hx'.Uv . cotamaadtlU "la-oi'v* vl?w? j?otherln ! large. romi.l??reaider?e*; Mb1* IticM Ii? im : ahado; frowinf jfan>nt lmmr>luw poaa?"?ioa. HAMILTON y WaiLi.-. jo Pine ^lAMFurto pitcp..*rf uf fcVCKT HKi' Sirnow tar *a a. to l?t or sxchanfn; I>a-?lltr?a. farm-4ie I and uulurn.-lir l . .-tor' Property. Karma arid WniUtafr k>?<. li. A. HI ttrfAKR itaaly'a tthva. TO CAlMT vUiffsL-FoR HALH, .iKVKIThh* IJ rocmt'l aoU uiiieiraa n?? IJ* 'Uno, ?w.tUm a halt bio k /t the am in eiiiranu* uf Kairuiu*tut Park, uu I went* M*tu e;re?*. PUuaJaiphla; wo, la of fT -en wrpeDMne ?<me, intuitu Jtjrmwl r?< ? (,f On ac t Ma* The rw<-;?* Sara <aioou pa'torn. wltlt fr. ut La win<f< w* mi ?rtrtt?t rooiu*. with Mckraa water, ?ath, water eWet ana under drainage. They afloed a rare chance for n>?-' uiauou iu vlaw nf tlin a^proa, inn* iat?r*ati<x>a: tiapoirttoa nether w-Ui ne m>!<1 ai price# warranting a larva a^vanrr an inorti rr '.afl in U.e nemttv !>a* recently hjM at as til if ft aa loo per c?n: ad vann i/Tfr .aat veaf'i pri-ea: tiler ar? worth.v the a! ttauun of (?aplt.utau Addrea* or aputv to u H ?ID ifcaiX. lot i???th Fifth rtfw'. PftilafleliMa. rro LBT-A FTXE COCSTKT RE -IDii.NCK, I'AllTLT 1 fcrrtr-ti#-!, Ac., M.' 'jumju Potut. Lmtf island Katie 4. W*eTtr?*?e* rnmir, J? V. For MrflcuUtr* Mpir to >?K* <Ri>e SFF.VTAL * -OS. if * ??1 Pmirtr ttreefc rpo aveaae itat,.,n fruit. ?f?ade. rhfr rte w; yruands ample, aeaaen. $a00, .rear. M*.' ?p|Hy ta O. WRfTOa, ,?iyaC*, LET? NYA' K OS THE l!CUS( >N -Fl RSI* I1KU Raoae Ntte?"n rmtm* fir* minBMa fretn Mar-<fl*fJ A rpo LMT-a Fl'ttM^HK.? < O.ffAlMJtft 1 II roornt tor parlt.-ulara addroaa ?; B. ?a2HH, Haaurtgitt. M. J. run?is oi<lXoe, puiihavt *oojr? wtrw ??? ? ittiout *'?rn n an awiarnlalia I flnmnt; nwn <1U iMBttoa. Apply to ar* .llU'HAS, orau^e. S.J. rro Mtt-rtItMl rL.ii.Nfi. * (.-MtPfVVI. J r,,tta^' : ro. U1" J a-IV. halt I re truit ani ehaiif , tW'l MHMta* ll'vU r?f?* $l?' ' Ji'UH W. tUitt, Ra I FM Plata. rt\j LR^irrrtUN one u<<m or mv, ?akn of X Ai aarei flae huy^ os'b>iildioc< At., bat li*]' U> vtlM M fi'W, wiil r^ni ti i ?ame *a a za<?>t lenaut. Par T. W. IlKAi Hk*. fi Ur??'it ?">?) *] -A Wil.'r. I.KA.-K A M AI tE II A ? FaKV, ?Tl'/U Kj" L?*?, U?! tr.iihir ?a'<b-n plwtit . ???waJl riw?>lnw ? l?a--! to ?*it ?????.>? i?rr ?i< ell r*i? 1k <>ra xtaall :ai tnsr. C N I'?RH ILI. :?DB *(Jw?y, r.i?a ? RKAIi ESTATE TO KIIHA5GI. \T fWf HT, R ?.-TO R*? ?A!?OR, A MOORRIf Hoa.? c.mmtnJIny 'in- ?a?er it?r.<? hh! frttr B"re??i ????! J t ???*?.. ??? flm* l*??. Vau i non y. i,6r8~iM ouascuro. >. j? foR sala t? tn* r. fit parttea; S3 trjin* .tally via ??'?? ,r. rw.I fuiral fatlroau and ontr HO initiot n trrnj tl'ii Utv >r. M 'r,'f tv, * n<mls and <<lt?rctias- i?rm> ?a?r jrp- * m r w.MiNKt? \m. rlcaa T.acfitoctaty, l.v ."tat ?^u ?'i,e?V m i rau^ird, .v. J. >tjrHt.?li R.? (T'EWWBKJfKD *? aKU *f RK ? t it *i ! mt and In>tit?MMnta all in onkplet<-or ????, wltb (owl batldiutfa, i<*r sew Vara or Ur> o!it,rn I r iartr. afpijt at 73 tieeaatMi tbird it?ur. tr?ia U >? A r.'on akick Horrif, AiJ- rr I ?nv wifti ?ta?ffl. ?t?e l?v *t">n. at Mawburf > V t..r I ?.i? >.r imprr.ved fr-rpefty or HerrhmmM** Anf^f *' t-7 .MT>aUxay, roo.n IJ. V'JR -Af ? OR t- I< I! A >0 K? A f A f*T R MAO fr'BfsS f ??i Mna. for makln* paper r.Agi ai air fT'"" ? 4 ir ?ar^ to ? ?r hi t#i ha*, or ?!??? Kt*Ht ot anj (tfita ? ? it* <1 li? I'nita ? Maiet; a l?uy can frotti I" tei I t ? *-rV *.?iiti Ui* uu. ?i?e. ili? fmSr m*? l?iii? fnraala i- ma ; >apcr hav ta'l?* Wnited rail on or a ?><??? ? 4. ? <>>l.kl, l7? Kmton atr??t. 1, K >j!t i iCJAN'il -A UWUL (TaRl'fr'il F yars'.aiteeii .? tt< a^d V pri?am la.nil* . w.U ?tJ 1 *or tiat. lift oillrairi D'aiH'.ivii a' tair ? aina. a?U a tit M. i>., iHva ilara. 1 i'u'.nw.i ttoaBib otu e. |i*OR PAI.B OR KXO'JAltOK?Of AVRItPl a ?nif. I lavtir 1. a .1 ?t < Ift flkiiaa ? lfb in ilam irunr >va Hiea.a three <u?? l a'a an < ??*j<?r, ?alua ?.rti, i*i .??; '? Wi far ?u uappv 'pd Farm or Count/* Seal ?rii:i (? aulas if clii. Apw to t? prttp p> TtT,. !f ^IJfK k i ttriTR'.'.O, corner Tiorii aveuua and iLjtb (trfit ( r Ol Breadwav, rmti fc / ? -.1. M-M m *n.* r*o? na si |H!i. *ou l PwidiuVP, ttitb Rna *tew, foraalerre*. a. m*e ? .? for* p.-o?er.y. BFKSChit IX^TT, i.?n'r, >1 In I on rquata. r?M: BARa TN -foi HAt.R OR KX' HA.SOR, A \ I ?er? m e Ho 'at aurt '>rrmr?d? at ?>rn t(* Jnnot'oaj ?? n* eary. V\N *VwK A OdiitoM, j|% PUia ?ua?t, > ??? ?,.rit cltjr fl WJ fRF.l iT V1I,Ua-i, Willi ot KAM VlhW.S, OP.K I hour tr?w elty , r , i ?? to earha'iaa lor dialrable pfiituprnreo Pr. p?rty aiao iwo etnrea toexrhana* lor V<- tun 1. Adireat I J. C . He raid ifTlce. IVA^I KI>-$AO,I/>0 10 ?10Q im.l WORTH OF HT A Ft.R if D v fir>';j? f^r whf>r*ery dealrabl- Real Kauta ?ear Raw Vark. aid abate niinoy will b |i?t-u i ire*t aLasir.g f artji uiari ami aliare interview iaay ba B.?d, tok 37* VwrUMwn s?t. J.) Poat oftca. jlAL HRT A T K WAHTK.H. W.*AN~ltO TO PL HCH AHE FOR IR 1 EUTMRltT-A ?t Mr>it.?e loeRtrd kfttflri Paarfh an1 .-lath ays pnaa, aid Twenty bird and rhtrtietli alraata. itand In, ;*?.ripi|oi) ml lowo-d pne# lof Ciail to 1* Vtbl J?ta?I. Imis l?J Uar?a4';?, TO I.KT FOR FTllPilllKH. BhN.Ntf* iiauuiN^. U EAT REDUCTION TV* KKVTS. WITH A VIKW TO Sfc< l'l:k EI.HIIBLK TENANTS I'OR iliK I EXV Of i-Ii MUX* hem llNIMI I'M.Kf IN TUE BIS*KIT BV1LDING. TUE l'.h.MTJ II XX K m rs re or i ki>. and i irst < i. xss tkv ant-< ma\ out xl > OF. ? AI Vt H\ l.uvx HEM'S. % ?ii i inm'i! vm'i and bxn'kinm ofpu rs is n<>w !'K>>-MH> XN I SC-i U.LY FAVORABLE OPPOR II vitv III fcicrns ELIGIBLE OFFICES UN MO<r FAVOR A B!.!. TERMS. THE xBOYE Bl ILDINO IS CoMIM.K . l-l,Y KIR?rBW>J', HEATED HT > 11. X XI; IWl) . LEX xTOIts. A-l. MOil, :> IMPROVEMENTS. INQUIRE or u6?n? MOROAJf. ,\w 1 1'IVK -TKEET._ A .-plendio opportunity.-THE HNEST and A beat lucaw i Buti liur shop, rouliry naud a?4 fl >n M?rk> i .111 hi?th n . ?nue: flx'in i the nowvat anil hand am no si makt- will b? lot lo? dm "itt Hie *nmmi?r iii?>nth to?<ye ? man a cliaace. MARK Lfc.x?, corner Forty lourtli street mid sixth a>onOf. FMK T FLOOR 7V? BROADW AY 0' ? Bv ER El(3H rU otroot: nut, Wii ?l?o ? Ton Floor. notable for a rh?*mi >tfr $j ? o. r KHintJi. T J. fllBBONs, 8 Clinton p'ace isItrh stio?t). __________________ PET YOIR PRIXTINlj DOSE AT THE METROPOLl I f T.xN PRI5TIN'l ESTABLISHMENT,SI8Broadway, fw xvtl! .ii?.I ii advanfkmoua. _______ CTKaxi POWER TO LET.?LAROB and SMAIX 0 R,4ma. A itll rr with >ut pow..r < wr*M xrorKiT^ al ioxvi-1 a! Hi" !? urokn Mat-kin* ?'arvinii Worka, t?, #4 and'?<; <"inuoiy?treet. _____ ___ OIKxM I'OWKR T< LET, KIRST FLO0S VN'D BASE ni 'iii; nko -tro lolt* nrli 4i\56, :in-i list lit aWatn i'!* ratnr*; nul worker* allowed. Apply at No. 160 x\ ? ?r rwetiiy-ae ?vntn street c1 r irn-r of Fulton nn.l William srreota. Apply on pn-nraM O'rrpiO TO RENT?KOR THE SUMMER MOXTnS, % 'Tv i lto tp fall ni room * \?<vl*tion Hall, corner l?ftm tltiiil ?tr-in ant Kimrili aVelnto. _____ mo LET?WITH OB WITHOUT fcTKAM Ptmam, I ! ..??-hi v.? iij .17. 11!> , l '.:i Et-i ThirleentU sit i'pt :itiil 111 i >'nnrternth <tn ft for Us lit ma mi fa o turn* jmrpoaoii. Inquire ol K. OROTE 4 UO., 114 fcart Knur I'ciiti ~tr<*et. rpa LET?WITH .VTEAM I'OWKR. lii I! 1>!N?1 TWEN. 1 . <fi-i.nd .tr ei .ithi ! Irxaath j1. nuo. two Fleort ,ilxV> ca Ii well llghtM. . at ot Mn I.AVE'S Lumber Vnrd. Twenty soimiki ,>ire?i anil Elwenth ar. rro RENT?PART OK 43 EA81TH1RTEENTI1 8TRBBT; 1 g?o<t Tot tailor. <tro<mnak*r or nav li*ht t?u?lneai. Apply to H AV h n ,iv Euat Tlui u 'ntn ?treot DM"HUiUf? HOI XK? TO LET. Kurnlnkrit. A FEW I. X<111- DINOLY DESIRABLE CEVTRALLT A loratoa urnUli' l IL u-. s lutt oxur irom Mav to ita-a luxx l>arrfaii.?. Offio. ,. 11 i'nif ~',r??taitd 33 Kaat ." atro-t. V. K. tifgX ENwOM. .IR A Pi'TV ATE FAMILY. IJl AVI NO THE CITY FOB J\ ttir*? months, woultl n ut sueir Uoiia^ lully tur ui?in*-j, to *er> reiUMxiblt partioi; i'rin< ver> inodn. rat.:. A carotaKci xxauu-d. Aildr?n IL C. B., ti3 Eait FJrty conil strot t HASDROVELY Ft'RNTSHRD P'H^R ^TORY BROWN ?tone ilous; t,. let?*?) Kaat I'Mfty (titli aireet. near Mattuwn avesM; tioRc-?til; lu tin" orli'r;* taaae 19 molitliaikiW Pai aculars at 116 Wall stre 't. , t' n rumiihoti. A FEW EXCF.Ent.NOLT DESIRABLE OEVTRALLY ?A li.rauil unOiriiiithed liou??*, vt1 ?rer irotM Var. t<> leaoo lu>v: hATH-una. OAiMa '1 Ptnr ?tre*t anJ SS Eaa't t-eveutconili ureot V. K. -TEVEnsoN, JR. A .M r. STORY BRICK HOUSE AND LOT, WITH J\ flxuirea, Ac.; alo Hoar>Iitw Huuao anJ<i Ber balnon, aitnatcU lu Niuui a von ur. Inquire at ll Mntli avenge. B? CLOSE TO FIFTH AVRJICR, NO 7 WK"*T ? Forty fifth ?r?M ?T i mt low, n?ai. nimlarato brown swine Hhum. urar th? Wlnilnrtr awj Buokingham bjteU Apply on prattainea or at vo. 7 East Fort)-Mvatuli lir?t OKI.Y WO-FOR OOOD MOUSE, 13 ROOMS, WITH river view tlae gr xuna- plen'y fruit alifl tlowert, ntarOentral Park unit HouVvar l SPENCER f. l>ory, 31 Union tquara. fro LET?A THREE ETORY BRICK BOUSE IN 1 HE 1 Elghtei ntli ward, atoro 2S\W l< a, witti g.>n>1 aub collar: max ti? rented v ith floor* mf without them: trrmaaaay anJ Ion* l>-aa? Itiqinra st th ? "tore No. IN Ttnrd avoit ie. or at T!7 En at Fitly fourth ?tr> et, betweau Set oud and Tltird avenuea. .1 Kre?a l>r. werv. I'O LET?THE t! ?' .?I NO. 7 ST. MARK'S PLACE; rent fl 0 per raon'li; until May next Apply to JaMEs CaRR. 1*7 Ho?rn rpo LRT?HOUSE NO. 5 TiliRI) STREET, ?'PPOMIfE J Dry I>o< k "ttiinga Batik, daalrablc for liii-iti -a< pur tjars will rented k>\v. Apply to JoHK RAiLCT. HO a ?t faurtM atreat FI K.M?IJK1> HOO.HK AM) AI'ARTMKM'S TO LET. Amck, cool furnishr d front parlor and for ili? auitiumr. ai $7 per *n<; it.lit huuookrepiire II mural tlui> location; retereacea llj Weet forty (irtt ?treet. A WIDOW liAU* il A A HAX'DSOMh Ft MMtO ?econi Floor to rent, toj ther or e-'parittely Rai aiid convenience? for hou?-kc#i lag n dertreo pri> ?i(>. . a?t loiitn ?troet IJILEdaXTLV FlKRltOIED KUOXr ROOM OX Ml'tt Tj rav Bill. Mttabtc for ?teiitl?uiati ami wIm w Hiwie pera?na; pri^j.r fa.n ly: bath; u*e if piano; summer pnc-ce it IS fc.a?t Thirty .*1*11.11 ?trcet. Flenimiro front akd ba< k imrlor ok hbo ?*nd lli. ir; alao Itoil Hkiki, tafeUior or aeparata; ??rv jil*-a?anf. So- 7 'if-al JoOae alr-el. Call niter Ul, on aecob i Raor. LU7RNl.-.!Kn RifOM.i TO LIT-TO O K.V TLSM KN. l" wit iont '? arl fimiinf water ,n lli'm; ullimcr prlcoa refcr?W?** fetjnf??4. it' W<t?t Klft??enrb itr'-cL VDBXUHED APARTMENT*, WITH < oNYF.NIE.N< K? r for liouaekeeainx; also iar*e Uoom. cuiUMe lor two g?n'!<? i'*i: ?a?, hatR. Mt end cold water. >?<, *1S ?'?? Iftlrtj flit!) *irret /tBRTLEHKX CAN UNO HAXDSOMBLT Fl'R VT nlaled ' om? at to. 51" Eighth avetiua. up two fliuhi* Dnij't rtiii. I?Rr?K aXO II AXDAOMKLY FURNISHED Rt>"MA J ' r .?ontli-tnrn '?rni< uiodeiata; location rfrr <!e air able aol c DTeriteut. Inquire at 11A Weal lu a... ? m^tf. "treet ROOM* T< (I FT I'B fV P.\KI f D-TWO, J 11 AMD . $l, K.rrc S9); luar at tiH per month Inquire at Ud ???urtli ?v-nm- in *tore. To i.ft? k rrS*i -TTi? room. at 13 attokxVv rtfeet; iO' atwn ..yeoable. rri> l r-.:v nih daV or akrk HAXDKOMt 1 n?wtv fnr' Uhe i Ro m*. nrft the Ire cream saloon X ) 3 hifltWi W*t to Third avenu# rHT-J?ATLf MKM'HID BOOM* PuR Ron?k?*pfa( 1 r to Krnrieroen rent eheap; iroo<i eiawta, a?i >aa a p v at ?*? ?m.i-.r?-trn-r. ?tTRRV OM*AJ? ARO HAKMOMR FT'ttRlRHRB ? a!, one or two P?r or*. .1. tX# pri??'' h<nr?e az? r.x*t Rirreorti ?:-<",t. bctwreii second ?n<i ihu-J imom: .<-rii^*-l torrniv (j. I rr.K -v*?k? Fo? a Ru r r -om rcMM?n i? complete ? <r !i uaekeepitlf, to a re?t? olat.le man and wtf*1. #t 1-" va tck ftre.'t 6X7. V? K'S FI-A< K. REAR RROAOWaT.-COOL, wetl (? ruMtad Roobjo at ha.t pri a durinir the mm liter ? IT. ten Scent r-?i I" re. 1 ittjr ceilings; pleasant, uu i'Ur??iv^ n?o?le. i.ri'u'a; ao Mil at tha ?'r?et <t....r 7\fE-?T 1III RTY SEUON D aTRi.Kr.-II WORKMK ly tttritNutcl i'ooI airr Raoim :?< ict t <? u .-iuen, a' Ltaif price, iu ? laaiilr "I - EAST H-tTEXSTH STRKF.T. BRTWKI.f HRo\t>. I?) ?ji a 1 rit'Jt .1 -UtatiaMt. luri -I.eJ R . mi r'n #?!?? or ?lti*l|'. wltliou*. Kt?ar t u> g n lie men, or bjr tk? wtai or moutli, tcrtui raanonabie. ij?- k\ t i*ksn rrR-i -lKtEf. xrar rroad (Mf ?> ly.^EIeraatir fHmt*f.i t Rooain. w.iU ,U! Uwartt, en ?ti tf loM|ii|lr. to r nt at tt r? low r\ ?la? Raaa merit and Parlor Floor. au.UWa lor pliyikian or <l?iitlak I 1,1 Ft. T FORTY-THIRO STRBKT.?FCRRlHH D rtl'J Kaoia* for g'titlatnan. wit tout tx>anl reierenc* ritnuiiej riWlM IMi Ki> U(N><la ARB ,'SUI I ? TO I,u r. 1 _L' WPR p A RTI.7) F I AT FIPTV.FIR5T fkf.ET, J\. nrar l^axlB(t.>a avenue, rrint at. 1 hack Par or?. I', n ti,. -1, h?u ?? Irooa 11 in:on.| U?^.r. ?4 per BloMlli; two ri"?' H .or* parlor, kitchen and three tuorvoiij* , each i ? fixture*, marble t. < . Ac. ? and i J F'LH.k T fB' XCII Fr.AT-orER TUR Eq( ,'TA LK . ''e initfltnf.on. 8t*ai avenue, corner ol Iwaltti trei't; 4 e? ?lk troai-rvoma. rcut re dnce.J ?nmtlre tn ll?? "anil. rro i.VT-AT so. 7M rroadw vy. coijxep. Fiowni I <trtef, f ir-' Floor 1 ro< ni PSl .^ec?ua FiUWr, > r ?Bu. lit and Ibird Floor, ti rufjia, $4 ). -4> I ?THHET.?PARU?R FI/?Oft. RRWLT ?>?- P* o*a. MiltaMa tor doctoc or private lanUr, witbMt 'tn. I ebiidrao. HOIMK9, ItC'OMR, ?(., WAfTKD. In itai* Cilf aad Bro*kljra? Ait ckpcrrtsurb fart of FiiiYAn mr i A 1' ? f'ii "nttable f?r h^nwkee . ti? lor fentlaiman an i wile, a , rr ?< <1.. Lux iU ilcra.a utfiee. autiiK raat aiwl lull parti u *? < AnKRMAN W ID' 'W TKArM'R.. WtTIf TWO elulrfren Mhm If ttke c?'e of a privet* huuao; |?e?* ?ity r?ffrerca. A!:re?a,lor itia week, M. AI., ?,* li? Ueral? ufll.a. ? ATODO MARBIP.D COVPLF. WtXT IXKCbf. at*l*,u* f*?tw< Wb'eMtfkfeorRoM,threepl?MM .1, mertinui "t*? Ri cui?, vith |aa *n?t *?.?r. t-'twe. u rt? tictb an! Ifinatv-McoM nre?t? bbj Recond aiid V irtu a' nu?j. rent not 0 exceed It? per mnntto. Ad dre? M.. boa l?) <teral 1 I piuwi braacb "(Ilea. 'A.XTFD?B vit^fRX r. UITABLR FOR FClTf ita.i.. Apply, b/ loiter, to T. W. P., box 160 UaralJ cm - U'AMF.D-A rChJrlRntD riOURE, IR A RESPECT. Mii* location. wiUi moderaia rent. A<idie?> tara L., I6? * Mt fhirt/ elxtll rtreet ___________ L'ANTI.0?\ RICEI.r HR I 1KB ROOM FOR T ?l *I? icnUemen. bet"'.,-n 1 b rtv four h ?ed I-II. tie Us create e?.i Fl th an4 Rovantli avenue*, ineludinc br akfaat, ? ate priM Addreaa e, I., box 5.MA Fm (ifflce. New Y?e||. TyAXTED-F4 10Rr BCTlaBIRCL IR Ot'OD ORDER, ?T abou AO* 1. two itoriea. m the ettr or vicliUly. A'l \rr a witb tull per iruiarc to BroaaWay. rooui iX -r= w w AirrnoLOGr. ATrrvTI'tf ?roxsCTiTATTOlf OR BC IRRnn l.AW <otr.? nifla, lo?? abaent friend* K>?e rn?rri?*e a?d loath, l ay reniMd nalees MtHiied I.Mt Hroai w'f Mm. ?I?oHI, Clalrvoyam. VCROFEAR ffLAIRTOTART -TfXM NAMRR.MitOWl ,K- u *L VI ME. nOI.UIN* A REf.14 RT.R AXO TRDAT 1 mamMX IIKUPK.IN STKADlfUlim. CT^rl LINE. r> nkw \okk to live*90?i<. DUBLIN, KKLFAHT AM) J.UN DO M> i lit it V, "?ailing tr. iu nicr No M X.irth River, U4 follow*-? *J AJ H Oi- PAANBXLVAiilA Wei., J mm 30 ST A I E OK INDIANA v M? . Jtl r N trim itf uituHwiA ? i> July ?? au I fverr Wrflmtir fihereatter inr.t oablu *7??. i>> ?a ' $9?, return tteketa fllii tieconj ?bin, $50, return ttcketa tt?'. Sterraaa at lowut rate*. Apply to A I' PlN BALDWIN A CO., AkcoU, N.. 72 IWia.Swaj, New V?:lC Htftlifte . fflee, ? Bron Kvay C"?rba.* western I MEaMHHIP link. NEW YORK TO Bit! ?iTuli ENOLAND DIRECT, ?aiiioi from pier in, uuil Rivci a,, i. " ?? - t ORN'W ALL, Maaiper S?iiiiiJi?v, Juiir- 1# HUMrHiikT, Western . .TU!"iciay, Jul} ?> Cabiu pasaage. $70; iuu-i mediate $v,. ^inttrajje, $30, tui r?u?.> ; exctireion UcKeu, *120. Apnlr i > W. M. MOiUiAS, Ageiu, 70 UoutU s'roct W'lLSOVS LINE Kofi SOUTHAMPTON' AND Uu'LL, ?' >0 be ae?j>iitcii<? 1 irom pier u East River ? or HELLO June m : CuLOmbo luly 10 N A VAtU.NO To toltow I 1- i.DottADo I o follow f'trnt caliin, $/0. currency] second cabin. $4\ cur re u< >. ihrouan u ki 1., ue?i to Cootinautal and JJuilic ports. Ap;.ly t.;r lull particular* to CBABLiS.s L. w/noai A Co.. *C South street. Most direct and economical Koors to Holland MelKiutn. Itio Bhine -Switzerland, Ac., rie ROTTi.ftD.Ol ftteamer BCHOL'fKN . T'iiim 24 Steamer JiOl'ThRDAM ,.J ut.V 4 Tiii *e beautiful -learners carrying the United dtafM 1:11m 10 tbe Netherlands are v. eU tor the logular it,-. )i tlielr tr-ps t.ate? ot pa?.ia^e PUNCH, LO\E A 1:0., L. W. JfORRIS, 1 . in ral Agents. 3t> r.r.vij n ay. / H'NARI) LI.sE.-a AND N. A. R. M. H. P. CO. \J NOTICE. With a view to flhniutsMn^ the chile*! of OoltNon the me la.ers i. this liue take a specitic course lor ail *?a S"ii> ?>! ibn year. <tu the ootwiir. pAraaHVfTom Ou^enstown '?> ^ew-Tftrk or lt.,*iuii. cr<.*.niu(( 111 the meriiiuu ju at i.i la'itudo, jr u<Anintt tolm horth ot *5. 1 in the liouien-ard |.u--i??e crtx-Mii* th'1 niertilian ot 50 at (StAtHinte. <>r uotluni totlie ??riti ot It Fi im NEW YORK r LlVEUi-ooL ,n I gr I.KNSTOWN. ?ACVTIflA. ..Wed. Tune*! *K f->! V... ..Weil., June 3<t CHINK. ... sat, -lime M! ??OT<l NI a We?t luly 7 StaHiBors marl'o * Un not earn* *N>fcra*e |i?sienfers. Cat 'n ,rin?ave. *-0. ?t.ti fold, * inlinx to AC coii.iiniuaiiiiii Ketuiu >n i?vor?b'e Wrni*. sieeraii' tick'- ? :o in<1 tr m ait partt< of ikaropa allow eat rates PreUhtnndc:C?t?i otllce. sn. i R. wiirit Oreeu. Mcerage office 111 Ki la tirar , irlncv UniWinf). cilARLES c, Vit > n'i if. v x iteut, atiil P. B. I?l VI'KNET. corner of C'.irk ani Ran ? iiph i dtraets, tJnlcaifo. /10<1K'S TOVRIST TU'KKta ARK hOLD to ALL I " partsol Europe ?nJ iaiortcn tt roincti?n?raugiiiji Irdin to 10 41 ter cen< below or lm.irt tar?s. I'hejr rto | 111 it reuuii - their botuars to tla^ '?l In large pnrttos. One | t>er?on ean ttue them b.r an> train or any ?ti>a;?iKr Iri h an.I Hootch lu-fceia must bt oruourcd 111 .untri-a. ? c,>o\ - KxetirslonUt" pries 111 cent* by mall hasiiir C. ulai* IIIU lar ?>. .it ever I I.*) toui > to KufiuK- I<iii1 r..iind tii- v.,,r'l -<?? ,v Ann rtcan ?>;ramnie," Kiviau ptr t cu'arn i '>?er ! ooncfiuap an-i pl#u?ant routes 111 Aiaoi*. lea can be hs l imioii application, 'roe ,>r ch*'fe ,n molt 10canto. Ooo.\ son a Jc-NKIN.^ corner Hresit" iv . 111 Warren street. UruiTP. star link. V> Kult VL' KEN -T< 'W.S (It LI VKSPOOL, CALRViN.; THE UNI : KD S i ATES MAIL CELTIC June tt) at ? P. M REPUBLIC June at to MP. M. Bui 1'a S Nil Jnl v I. at 4 P. M. GERMANIC Jii.v l.j. at.10 i.iA X. Adriatic. .. . . inly <:. ats P. it Prom tne w mta > ar docks, ptorfti North River. Raie-i?Ka 10011. $rti) and ?li>> tti f"Vi r?turn tickati on lavorao e terms, steenwe ?t low rat?. Mloot 1, atateroona*. "iiitfkiM ???! bath rooms are p'aceil iinuisliips. where t tic no >1: ?; 111 Jfcuti 'n affordiiu a denrce oi eotaiort hiiiierto unutt^iuable at * i?or in?psctioii of ninin mid oilier Intoftnatioa apply at tin: couipullj '* offlte, IK Broatlv\ .1 v, N-w V<ir? K J C ?Rl ;S. Agi'nt. /-VST,* IMRRCT LINK IP FBAKO*. MATL TURK .AND H AV HE. The >pli'nuid i-eMeW on tlm jgvorltc rotre lor tt?e Con tinent lifuij mnrv ?.uthertr then ?by other). will nail ru^ 'w"! N iLLB ft PAiU.S il nchegne*) i'JiJ ji \WK!:iyrf. (i'ciujI'I ? ???? 0.k,ViT-?*v il pkicr. OF PaSbAGB IS (WLU uiidiiJiM Wiuei, rir??''at>in tHW; Xeeond, ?*? Third. f*? lii-turn Ti' k<,l* nt reduceli r.tliM fteernge, ii-, villi nuperior HCCo>ntYt.>iiatton? atict In Clul, -? Mil ne _ HVVIB R? XVKRTI an I'A'Vk KT 0< ) M PA NY'S. US B tor PLYMUl'lH. ? llbRBOUU* aud Ua>IBLRi?. .ITr'VtA ....JnneM 1 IHBK1A /??*? " 'ulv I Ki.op.iriM * July 14 B ,?'p, <* iii? ??**??' t.? I'lvw 'it*. I??Mon, 0'"-rb"Ui^ Hamburg anil nil points in Rpfland, Scotland ami Maie.*:? _ .. ft tin) Ca?>l'i roM >!2( ( itbin, ?ofcoinl . *otd v m 8,T""'iia^'"P?* ?vo'.' o; b. KICHARlV a boa* Agent*. iloneral P?? olu er Ajonij 61 BfMl sueet V:w \ >rK *>l ."roid* jy. Ne? > .Tfc._ \*A" krnm pier* ><>?? *? fOtl *7 j!["rth River. K"K Ll)SK't> OlRbCT. . * \ i ? .Tbnrviar. June ?t? A. M. KK \OK .... Ti.UM.Ur. Julv S P. M. ' Fyit LivBRPtWL AMU OCKkNSrOWN ERIN M'?? ?? i ?*? J| 1 ?8ML,fcB*jn|Uv!lTt\ KN'fCABl). June .'4. I'1 A.M Si A IN Jub 17 I r. M. hOYi'l .... JUlf J|f -a,, rnrrfDcr Strera/e at areitir rwlttcSd priH. Return tfc ilt? *t redncs.lrate*. Kffii rtmiStf.-keta Mftrty#! ?? the luiveit '???? M-Piv " ^p'^Vmi^HURHtr*rnwr_ X^l^A*^** V*U> fc'JWRKTWkE!f KEW YORK, tr*A*n*HiP A^N A>D ,.?ikn. Cou.p?ny'? pier, toot ot *e?-nn.l ?treet. Ho". M\I>.........iu?c ID I ODAH... t..i/in Kllrl/I June *j_SH UAK. July 1) Rata! at pa?age ir. m Sew Vor. to .-ouunuipto... ?u^!.Tinr* goTi r>vVirfl"'?rtels IV currencr For ?? 'WMtig Owtn. TSiAS TlWE-riXgQ ^OUTiiERI.Y < OKRXR Lv? Mill -?eiiuWr? ar? f?,MiLTn!?}*0*" K >lt Ul fctRBtUWS AM? U***rOOU ftrf i,v h^ku N.. .* ,mMinify. *fon** If. its ?. *? C;n% m< n*OHD WtuM?r li I tir or ?Rf!WR?.4 <??tuHl?r. Juif S.?tjIP JJ ( ITv or UHK4TBR ,j.?M?r.t?r. JBlr M?" * * CUT "K P\Ki- ?.?iBr??T. Ju r I'. ?? 8 r M C 1HIN rAI??A?K?i*W?nd I""'I ..... ?l K K A h?To nni f?r.n.?il "?J ,:y rr;..ft... VICTORIA . s?tarJa>.Jui)? I* ??*' *? tu u,'A7,f, K5?lMVr>. on rpi.p^.-t. rahint. JTSlo $1W, currtucf. ?ccording to t*t*Rmeihate aRo flTBKRAOK >? ! ,w i? an? first uIimni l*nt v sailing every nw^lnf fr.?? pier ? N<?rili Kl??r. ?sssr-ig ti' a i asr^ i? s' f' 1 aMn iniermu liate and i.taer*ga ai low?^ raUw T.r '"I'll ^AV?.w/'^ai, pan*, it an win. *?f ^i't'-ri ?* I'm ft* .ti Ireland Rn,!and. France a.:, Ormany .1 Af.V_? BroHwar. | R'aopoin^e l to ^arrr T^ntted BUtat | Tkc folio*ing *"**p;?rifg?!*4 *? ?*41 !? OK A3* Welij ? v . N V m Rl' ;,h I' *J '' PJ >'n " m' *T llV?' H * VA IM/-.n? ? vao SlIJd ;;;: "?ir hiswiifrnuAM. a lAPtRb.etf rnoil AKTWKRF v*i>ri?r|1\>l04',,,! J*'1* 1? I (WriT*B,fM. A*D ? Joint n Uamuno.; : "?% ?Utatuof M?VA1>A.JU?f? *wm rimi* p?*?r ?? <-?rr?i?r. ^ rieat Cabin. . iiOand C*bta. ,...9(0 ???>"?t.c'ieta to an.l trom all pmr. at lbs lowoai "I-V?????r aec ^nmrnlatiotv# fnr all la<*M Mnaarpawad. K "r*" "l freight and oiher |ti|..rm??to^ , "'fhoRC.E W. COLTO.H. Agent. 42 Broad meat. New Y joH.", ?'?Do*ALU. Fa**aager AfenV No. S Batiary p,r?TEK,WR?oliT A SONS. Oeneral Agents, W7 Wat ant WiTroW*?R"B?R< nF.. Oeaeral Bar p?*o A?eat. Aat- , werp CPFCIAL BOflCB.-TBB STTF.AJII R i Bl.nC. WriIT* "tar lira w,ii t>e provide,1 *itn the Amen ?B life hii v i11tu;t i pat#M o? rt?inrday, J*n^ li. A oo? TwtSi Will^tH5 on t?r<l III ?u. * >? it mi *? m*v b# JriirfU fo ??>/ Hie ill tor ?*?h ?ult Partle* deKrmg to *ect.ra auiu Kfora the lu iiYof the <t do w by Wiica i?.a *i th? ofli" ,h? ao?pany. ?naitaWa tile Baaa^'jO BTo-lwar. rwmau. %?rth ttoar O, kOMoTAlV A0H9A, I? CHATHAM SQUARE.? ChflMK rM*a(e uflRr*^ in Voffe. flPBBAttSfil t>Vt.ry 4JIT for ?*? rfc. i IvffrpAol, OIaiaow, Otrrf. t-AU tie if r? bay in i t.cMU el*e where. payable erery wh<f,' .?? == r?A*TWI*B ITUAIMHIPI. asAT|ri(jVAILfltBAMHIP 'tlRfc-FOR CAI.lroB pa.::v.,.. ^ksik." ?-? *-?-. acaPVLTO S9. IJJI. i . for ail < oatral Amen^an and I'aeifta aorta %W?5>^FRAlWIaCO I OR J4PAX ?*il Clio. cirv ?>F ?? for traight or paeaage apply at pier ft Hurth "" 1 v H. i. Bt'laUtV. BnpertP'eo<t#Bi._ STAtkt AMD BRAZIL. MAIL BTBAMffllf \j ?o*^v>rT TnoM ab avd hk i j a. The elegant vir? w ?ta?ai -hip OX I AiiKi, JoCI U>n? bur de.? Captain ireorge B wl.^uin will ?ali lor ?t. fUoaia*. Piirk PfirvASfeHi^At Bi^il *r'l Rio <1t Jififi. oti W^neilar Jaaa ?J. at ? o aiack r M . froia Pier U . * for lre.gut or P?^L?uVtt 0 ARRIflOIf, A?eat. No i Uowiiat Oraen^_ f'?'TTiAtTSA AXO MFXICAJ ? AIT. SB. USt l\ Riaamar* ie*?e pier J Nortn Rner ?tS P. M. i.1 . Bieainer ^ flAVA>A DlBfcCT. , ? r?r %f f iir'i) 1 n?*nar. '"ine ti JlTT Ot \ Kka C KIT*. Tt.wr?.tar ? tt of NaW tultl inu'Pdar 'una ?l CI fo? Tara cbW AND BBW oRLKaN-S cuilmg at lia?tne. Pretre?<?, or ytW"""; '".1"." ~'.'*7S&?.? rsf.' r5.w >i vsir/ir M..IOT. will b?a?e New nri. ?n? time * and July ??? lor Vnra Oru* isd all the ah ,re por^a 1,'OB KBW 0Rl.*Al*? HtRKCr. f the t;rorawell ^am4t>lp f'???. Th? ateao^nfp MUO X?C captata !0^wsr, win l. are pier N. t !*?rth Riref oa $? L.i. ",,.in at i P M Freight re. ire i daily. Through t,, i)ai*e<ton, Indlanala. Rorgport ^ Ar*n*** .TJh^J' Brili*. Ht Lo?t? ? r?-l Mobile. aage ?*i tteer*ae,9M ?or freight ?<? (>asagl ?PV*J ? ItAii* * nAAMAJi. K WM SUiPU OOANTWIMK STKAWHHIM. _ MEWYOBK AN D HA VAN V DIRECT M Ail. I IKE - 'Pfleae rlr?t . Is** nfpantshipa vvlil tail 41? I'. M liuiu I nliT i t North River, loot of Cedar street, lor Havana 1 lirect us IoIIow.h : ? v, lADUm T. S. Curtis. Tliursdav. .luiui K OOl.I MBUS lurnlav. .Mm- SM for irt inht ui tiaviag un?urp*?>*d accommo dation*. upply tu W M. P. CLYDE, i v'i>. No. * Bowling Grcsn. McKollei. Luling k Co.. Ageiu< in Havana. mgXAS LINK OK GALVESTON M * A Mil IIS. I'OUCH 1 ill* lit lief West, oarr\ mg rtie IfMtad Slate* Mail.? Steamer siaTE dF EXAv > u.itaiii Bonier * ill t>i ?r J1 ami Uiver, 011 Sk'urday. .lime 19. at 3 P. M icn btlis 01 1 idn.* (Itvu t? *11 points 11 the H. M1I<1 r c. 1. an 1 G. v, G.Yi unit H iiud G. II ana s. A. R. It. N.i olittrge lor forwarding in New Y.irk For (r ? tit or l'SsMiio, having superior ?ccommodatiqlts. apply to <' 11. M vi.LoRY a Co.. l? Mal'lt'ii lane. _ W. P. CEYDR A OQ.. lit Wall strew. WEEKLY FLOR1BA LINE " ivr fort Royal, s. c ? i'ernai>.lln?, Fla. Brans wick. 1 .a l'lie (avorlle ami well ku<>wn steamer II1M .sV I Lilt. 1 li -i.-r, Master. ha**lii* uipi-rior aeooium.?iailon.s lor pasiwugers. will ' fail i liu. ~ la.), June 17, iroiu pier *?<? 3 North iuvur. ui I , I*. M., lor all jve porta, inak'na connections to all po:nu South ,i,i.I Si;nth west, via Port Royal, llie Florida aud Wunsw ick r.illroads feirnt iitt*n passage?To r wnmidiua, ?iiO; to Jackson- > vlllo. $22 .">D; to AuKi.s.*, #20. lb rough tickeis umu?.i 10 nli points Kgulh ?ud Soutli wev. 1 tic MONTGOMERY. Falrclotb, Master, will fol low June 21 F?r puatmife ami I'roiglu apply w iibltM. GEi.Pi'Kh, No. i William street. OLD DOMINION STEAMSHIP oOMI'ANY, Salliuc (Pom pier 37 North liiver. For Nor'lolk, Oily Point aii.1 ltn'iiuion.l Tnpn<!ay?, Thai'stiuv. and .-.Udrduvs, at 1 P. M., connecting with j tliv Virginia an.I iqnitewce .vlr Lino, .tl litic Coa-it Llafc. P eumont Air Mno, Chesapeake aud onto Rail road ni l wiiii ih;< company's sienru linen to interior I point* m orth Carolina and Virginia. N.wbera and Washing,m, N 0. iviu Nortolk). every i Tassday, lliui'i^iay and Saturday. Raltlmori- s&turduvH, at 1 P. M. Connecting with Bal timore and Ohio Railroad. ? i.owes, DM., Monduvs W dnemliiv* and Krtdurs, at 4 P. M Ooiinectlnf w ifh Delaware and Maryland railroads. PuitM'tigiM iici' iinmo lii'ion.H uunirpunaod. ThrouYn paitxaut.- ticket" and bills ol lading to all nointu J at lowest, rates. Insui .mce l<> Nortolk, Au., \ per v?ut. 1 i rcitfliis reotived da Iv at pier 37 North River. U?-neral jmce?, la? ureenwltii ?trcci, Now York. n li SccrtKADY, Provident. TRAYBUERS' (JIIDE. NrlAaAllA KAIjLM' SUNDAY TRAIN. thSough in ulkvkn boors. NEW YORK HERALD MPKOI.VL LIGHTNING NEWSPAPER THAIS I E WES THE ORiND CENTKAL.DEPOT KTBBV SUNDAY MOKNINO, at :?:?!!? V. M, COMMENCING ON SI N HAl, JULV ?. MAKING CGNNACTION AT HI H'AI.n ATI Y. M Willi L. ? AND M S. K. It, FOR ALU i' > 1 n 1 s wt>r ami oviHWKsr. tiikki Hv kn ABI.INO PAsSEN(?EH8 I'O BEACH CHICAGO A1 ? A M M lNDAV MOBNING. ALSO CONNECTING AT SU PKN-IO.N BRIIMiK AT 1:M p. M.. sUNOA*. WITH THE tlHKAT VTKRTt ItN RAILWAY Of CANADA FOB ALL POINT* Nllltfll AND WEST. ATI ACHED TO Tills TRAIN <tlL?. BM 1WO PAHSENGKR (OACtlhS, A N1 > A l.l MIT HO NUMBER OP PAS bengbrs Will be kecbivbd ior the eol LOWI.NG P. IIN I ^ ? ALBANY, PALATINE UR1DGE SHARON SPRINGS) L'TI' A, KYRAvl'SE, KOt'lIIMTEB, BATAVIA, BU?" FALO, NIAGARA f.U L- AN1? SUSPENSION BRIDGE. , rill> TRAIN COMMENDS ITSBLP TO MERCHANTS ANI> BUSINESS MEN' WHO PRSIRK TO REACH ANV POIN'I WEST OR SOCmWliST FROM Jt io S3 HOURS IN *DYaNC,. OF AN\ OTHER IRAIN IHFNkW YtiRK 1 LN.KAL BEING A FOUR-TRACK ROaD ALL FEEFiHT TR INS ARE KKPf ON sIDE IRACK-t, LEAN 1511 THE MI I'D Ik iRACKS 1'oR THl'. HERALD TRAIN EXCLUMVEI.Y, ALL STEEL RAILS. PAS SENGER ? BY THE NIGHT BOATS CAN M AKE C<>X- 1 NK' TION WITH 1HIH TRAIN AT ALBANY, AT 0 I A. M . SI NDAY. BY T1IH TRAIN SARATOGA, LH K E GKOkOR stl A RON SPRINGS. B!< riflELD SI'BIHGS. IDK CA1.- KILLS. w ? sT POINT, COKNWU-I., AND Al.L POINTS HCfrpLtED WI I'M TH K Nr.W VORK IIKRaLB BEFORE SflEAk FAST. TIME TABLE LEAVE NEW YORK ORAND CENTRAL Dl l'Of 2:30 A. M. ALBANY ?:WI A. M. palatine BuiDOf 7:i?A. M. VTIOA .... S-flU A. M SYRACUSE #.?? A. M. ROi HESTER U:** A. M, BAI A VIA I2:IM P M. r NSI Bl FFALO 12:30 P. If. BUFPAL9 .. I: 0 P. M. NIAGARA P \LLS t :W P. M. AJtRIVK?SUSPENSION HRIOGE 1-14 P. M. TICK Br* C AN BE PURCHASRD ONLY ON IIIK TRAIN i?B AT THE OFFIC E OF Till. NEW TORE HERALD. K. B.?NO BAOOAOR RECEITED ?>H THIS TRAIN. A ^ - A. A. A. '.WORTH 81I0RK STATEX ISI.AHO FF.RrtT, far New Brighten. Ann* Harbor, Wegt Rrnrhton and Tort Rlehmonl. Boiti iMtf Whitehall street it foot of Broadway at **J. 9:to, 19HS A. M. 12 is, 1:30, 3:31, I:*), 5:?. fi ?',n and7:39 P. M. Sunday*, at half-pAat every hour, from 8JJ A. M. Fare 10 cent*. A?t?r Hooae cam leave Veaey atreet for ferrv. A ?A.-OPPOSITION CATSKILL LINK. 1\. Bteamert AN DREW H AROF.R Captain J. II. Pfrntx; J B. SCHUY LKU,i aptaia <7. D. Hancox, imn Krankltn ilreet, i>ler .1 Nut ih (liver, * * erjr Jav irtuudaya excepted. at it I'. M. LUANV A D TROY HY l?AVLIOMT.-DAY BOATS C. YliHAUO and DANIBL ORI-.W leave Vertry mr'rt. plerS'J N trtli Rlyer. tkplv i.-iioday?exeepvdi, ?r 8 :V>, ano Twenty fourth street at I A. I la ml inn at We*t F jinl. ? nrnwall. Newburn. Pottghkcptte. Khine Mck, ('auk111 .mil Itu.lwin. Siirket* on ??H? tor point* North aim W><?, Irlp ticket* to Wesi Point. l efnwall aAd N."?fir,r* returning iittii day. ft 'commencing Juiie 21) sp-clal tr.niii to and troaj Saratoga To Saratoga. >3 y>: found trip, >8 43. ___________ ARRIIU1.AR HPNDAY MORRINO ROAT FOR Nettling, aii ling at Vmkera. lona Inland Weat Flint, I'oW spriuir and Cornwall. the fa voire gteamer L<iNii BRA.M'M formerly the ?iee>py llollow). I ai>ia a John Lynch, leevr, Knl in terry. Brooklyn. at 9 A. M.. Wast I?? nth stre. t >or li Hirer, at 8J0, and Twenty Our ! s'rrri, No Ui River, ait A. M.< tare tor tie excur sion, $1. ___ S1AYBKIL.L.-BOAT* pp TH?. CKKKI. HRW CHAM \j pmn and Waiter Brett daily (Nundav exceptedi, fro? Unal atraat, ftJP. M Pare au oaate. / MTIZKSV UBK OP BIB A M BO A TB FOR TROY, COB l nefttug Kith all railway lines North and Wet tare 5>c?nt?, (I'M'* . cntun i'?i> i.i, Inoludlng berth, ftl Rla ?cant ateatnl>?at? leavr nam, >aturJay? ex. eptad, at * P. M . li m pier 43 Mirth Cher, tool of l<er?y atreet, 1 inn a ickata aold over all connecting llnea f ALL RiVF.R LISP TO BOSToM. P vu Newport and Fa'l River.?'The world-renowned Ktf>?Mii>r? UHi - rut, aiul f KuVlUL MJIil leave pier Jl North l>iv?r loot at Murray atiret, daily. Huadaya. June 77 M Auauf. M !i P. M. Ilirouch tlcketa told at all princi pal ho elain the rlty. Hall ? Baud eniaged far the aaaaon. i - .r wr<r r,.ii, kawBCM. POPOBKSBPBIB, I Komi .ut.Kjn??t'?n. <?/./ n*'. Torn wan, Milton, few Ilaai'ur* ?r?J tfarlhoro (hv ler y) The M A hY I'OW KLL ?aveaVettry atr?et, pierJC N. h, daily, at 3:30 P. H. ^ AMD MKW York MAVIBATIOm COM i.jiiv'i ?urr.mer ,?n ?B(jemftit for W7S, ronuneacinv ?inn-10 ' leave Peck ply every half nour, troai 6: '/) A M t : S P H . with tee exrtption of the fonr trip? fr.?ni half i>*?t ^?n o'elonk to ttaH-pait two o'clock, ?>..i i will l? Hourly He>- tinae labia at iMdiat* J. P. TALLHlX, Huprrmlandent. 'KWRl. BO, WKBT POIHT, tioXZRXr HOTKL I'OiX, _ Tii:a laland dally (-mulnpa exeeptnli. l.y alexia boat AUMENIA, commencing Wa'lneadar, Jane B. from HroOklvo, Pulton atroet. at A M. Yaatry atreet, New Y .rk it 10 Tweatr lourlh atreat, ?labdiug at M t"!.n:?n .1-. 'J.:*. Vonkerj. 10 15. DoUl?i'' fcery, lli Nya<-k aua larryiuwn. (by ttrrn*.ei\ (Iff Return. In* irora Mwtmrg at 3 39 P. M . ranching Naw York at giWasd Brooklyn atT P. ?- _ O- PPDhlTION -AI.BAHY Af?l? TROY ? PR AN It l,l? atreat pier ??, del k. ise. caIMn ?l. with Berth; atramcr n1 YL R Hoadan. Wednexiaya and Prt day*.?p H Fare HaPalo ?? * J W. 1ia.iQO?. P KN>?YI.VaN|A RAll.RO All. The Oreat irvnk Llna an I t'mtad Htatei Mall Roate. Train" I--ave New York. lr"?n foot of Oeabrotwea and Cowrtlan it Mrmta. a? fnilowa: Rxareai B?r Harrtaharf. Plttaburg. tha We*t and Sooth. With Pullman Palace Oara attached, V :.V) A M, ? and A 0 P M mo mi l r ?and ? M V M For WII'iam?port and Lock llavea ivia PhlladKlpbia aM KiIp Kallr.?ad invi doa eonnectlni at I'mlAdel phta),!':? A lor wIlliamnt'Tt i^>cli Haven, <Vrry anl Krle. * *) T. H . aonnectlng at l orry for rttsarula, Petroleo* center aad the t?W Ke?i ma, VWr Baltiaaura, Waahinxton anl the ^auth, MaiiU>(1 Washington txprew" ot Pullman Par'or t are dai.r. e*c-opt Mia te? t^TOA, M ; arrive WashlngUm l:W r. v Regular at'4 10 A M.,3 and ?r H >utiday. S I* M. IvifP 'or PhilaidelBhla. 7. 7?s3t) A. H., 11 m \ 4 4 III 4|M, ?, 7 A AO P. M. ami 12 night. Runday. 4 ?&}, 6j7, tJO and ? P. M. fcmigram and elaa^f ror Newark at?, ? M,T. TttOLM.Mkll A. * , If *..1, t I ui S to. 3M 4:1 ft, 4:3ft, V ? i?, ?:?. ?. ?J* ^ ?:;v). ' 10. iv. n .id P. M.. aaJ U night. Baaday. tan. 7, 7:40 % 1 10 A. M., II R. L 1 I .*) <.l i 3.40, 4 :IU 4:K ?:!?. 3:B), S 7O. h II 10. li JftP. M. and 12 nigbt bnaday, tJu, 7 F^KaV-Ty. i ft Sft. 7. 7!?. S. 10 A. M? U M . I. 3, tM ? 1 I. 1** 4:1 d. 43k 1:30. ?:?.??.?, ? :l(L 6 VI. 7 t In I' M. and 12 nlghl. Sun lay. ArJO and ? V. H. For Woedbf dgie. Perth Ami.-y and > .Jili Ambof.l and I'.l A. M.. 3 -M 4 :? and HP. M For New Biuuawirk,* and *|A.M., 13 Bf.,3. 3 :W, 4:19,5:30, ?;lo,7r ? a?d Untght *? Far K*?1, 12 nooft. Sail I .1 J9 P M. _ For KingtUin and Ro?iy Hill * 40 A M and 4Jt P. M. For PrfifeeUiB, 7, BWi M?I2:J<). & 4:10 and 7 P H. For baml*rtville. li A. M .2. *. 4 lt?and 5P M For r eaitngtoa. rhillipibBig aM Balvldere, 3 .Jl A. M., 3 anl I M. , ^ i,? ? Far Mcrcar and Son.eriat Bfjnoh, 3 P. U. F ir Tn<nto?, Bonlent .wn, BurlingtoB ml Caualen, 7 and ? U?t A M.I.' :3?. 2. 4, 5 an l J r. M. For Preeh .ld. 7 A ? latfll lti I" M P ?r Parmlngdala and -.|nen, 7 A H and 3 P 5T For Mwhtalown, PanibertaB an iOaiadaB, via Perth Am boy. 2:Y) I* M. _ , _ For HightAtnwn'.nd Pf mbarton, ? A. M. Tralqiariiya g* foDpw*;rr? J i? A M and* .30 P * daily: to 15 A M and A-S0P M. eioept Monday t rim Washington ami Bain m re 8 20 A M , i ir./RtIB and to:27 P ?. Hundaf ?:*? A. M and I ?:? P. M. Fn^m Phllad'lphla S:lo, ?:? fl? IMS '1 a> II iA A. M., 3I.S. 4tl, ? IS, ?'.W.iW 7 J6. * 14, > 20 l'?r-?7 P. M rtnn.lay, S.?, ?:3->. *)&i, 1| rH A M ? :Vl P 20 an l Wt27 f*. M. _ Ticket Oflee\ I# and 944 Broadway. R-r ? A*?r II n??. anl to-,t o< I??abroeaa s anl CoO^ Ho.Tconrtatrtwt Brooklyn7p<>? 114. li*and 1M Hudcut atreet, H?b4?fc?R. fcui.^raut Ticket OfBee, No. S Battery Ira's I THoM*OB o M. ROYll, JR., oehertl Banagw. Oetiarai Pawenger x fiROVlOBNCK AN D .SP05ilKt?T4J? 11 BA HSH1P 00 x NRW YORK AMI BOSTON. HIOMNUTON I.INB. PrrdB pWT n N .rth River, loot ot Jay et-eet. the el*, rei ?t? ii"i itIIOUK Iftl.AXO and N ARltA'jA.saI ? f ti?i y iexcept hun I tyai, at 3 f". M. PKOVIOKBPB _ .. Prom plar 37 BorUi Riven-, fa?>t - RiWnarm (UMI. 'hi Mvaumhtp* M.fc r?A and IllMTKl dailf nax^fpt .-Miadayai at:?P. M. _ J>Bf?ri,R'^ I-lltR FOR AI?BANY ANH SARATOGA I?? vi-a 0aa.v nt C P. M (-iutidays e? <ptfl?l). fOtB 1MK 44 No: Ui iUnat. IMA ul t.MMU gUCftV BXtUADll)n? A. BROOKLYN YAOKT I'LPB RF.OATTA. _. ? t SATURDAY, JINK ll). The stanch, sua-gom* ?t*?oi-r NP.YBKMNK Wkll accompany t?io to the llrhtshlp an<1 return G. 51oi . uiiaii. Es^., the inventor ot tbu waterprool ?! iu which Captain Paul Mov ion crossed the Mnarllsh Channel, will, together with several ladle*. be put overboard wniie out at ?eu. Thecele' lira ted LI.VANION UROTHF.lt4 vrnl appear on the upper detk in th-ir atrial Alights and tannin rsauits, blinuioldod iu sacks John fail*, tnr celebr ited buujolst; J< liu 1 ?oi?-r. Hie world renowned ropewalker, ami a i.uurU't trout lloolc/'s Operk House will perform on tlie boat Jompfciiu' celehrau-d brass anil strlnf band. Sa <juii accommodation Tor l?die? nii*tirpu*sc<l. Dlo nor and refreshment* furnished by Win. II. Marshall. l-eave Market street, % :S0 A M.: iwent v toorth street, N. R , ? a M.; Franklin street, 9:15; Gr.iun street h. R.. 9:S0; Ktflton ferry, Brooklyn, ?0:50; pier i, N. H.. 11 A. M. Pare lor the rouud trip, Jl. A. R. MMUr.Ll.H, W?nacer_ A? FOR BXCUB^IONS, SALOON HTEAMKR WYOM . It?( i.wttli new boilert and other*; Barges Republic. Chicago, ,-arah Smith. Calcitonin and Anna; Oriental, Excelsior, i-agleswood. t old Spilna and iona Island Groves to let Oiflce S*4 W-'St *trc?t. opposite Chrltfto ptW vreet IHrr Open ttMNM. H. H. dKOMUTT, A?daily FXftrnsiofts to oonky isi.a- h ? . Thefkvorite kteamnr AKKoWNMI ? H will leave i?h lollow*.?I Wenty-lourth street. N. it. at 'J A. M , 12 M. and S P M., we?> tenth street, N. It.. at#:IO A. M., 12; 10 ami 3:1" P M. Franklin street, S. It., at 9:-0 A. M 12:M) and .'1:20 1'. M.; pier 2, E. R? at i):'#? A. M., 12 ..10 and 3:*>P. M. L__ * TTBNTION, RAILROAD COMPANIKKI-PCNOH J\ Slips or Trip Tickets printed cheaper and on belter board at the METROPOLITAN PRINTING ESTABLISH MENT, II?? raid Building, New York, than anywhere else A?BROOKLYN YACHT OLI'H RKOATTA. HATCH DAY, Mine 19. The awiit ami commodious Steamer AltROWSM ith, Cant.iIn T B Pavix, will at'comtiany the vhcht? arnund the lujhtKhln. leaviiiff ns follow*:?iwonty-third btrfcet, Niirtli Hiver, at H A. M. j F'uiton lerry. ftronklyu, OiSJ A. M.. Franklin ?itreft, North ltivcr, 9:15 A. M. ; pier i. North Mtrir, i?a ,m ; faro Mr tlie ixenriiM, ti A?HAST RIVKR BOAT; DAILY EXCLUSIONS TO ? Coney Island, on and after Hnitday, June W, the lav.nlte sleuuier MONITOR will leave a* follows: ? Eichlh street, e.nst River, at 9 A M , 12 am! .! I*. M. : pier *7. Kast lllver, at? 10 A M., 12:10 and .1:10 P. M . and t'ultoii terry, Hrookiyn, at 9:30 A. M., 12-SJ and 3:S) P. M. I^ROOKLTN YACHT CLUB RACK?B.V.TU RD A Y, I? June 19.?The tan and popular hteumer MAURNTA will a'-riimuany the yachts during the enure race. llacliiifTe's Brass und String Uatu. Rerresliments at rea>"iijbio? pit Will uiukc tnc luilowini; laudinga: ? Ksvclav street, S.irth Kiver, 9 and ll):!5 V M.; iwmity fonrth street. North River, 1" A. M. ? Montaflie s'rcci. Brook It 11 I# :*) A. M ; pier No. 27 Kast River, 10:i6 A. M. Fare lor tne excursion (1. Ticket* to lie had at So. 9 Alitor House, Filth Ave nue lintel, New York Hotel, Karlo's Hotel and ISratid Central Hotel. 1 EXCURSIONS OF TtIK STB A M FR li WILLIAM COOK. i his elesrant tioaLhas been ?e!ected by tlie Brooklyn Ya^ht '? ititi us heln; the swificst and most commodious s'eaiiieriu ih'r liarbjr, to coavuv tlietr Committee aud acroiupanv th-'yachts In their race ol Saturday, I9lh Inst. Belnif so under charter to Plr mouth Church Sundav Seh'Hd. Brooklrn. and to two Masonic societies on other days she will make no popular excursion* during the praaoal woek. On uudsy, Jnne *), she will resuiac her regular e* cnfslon*. as follows Siiudav*, iu A. M.?Atlantic Ocean. Fare, roand trip. 75'\ rfi today*, 10 A. M.?Iona Island Fare, round trip, 73% Wedneslays, 10 A. M ?Lone Branch, via sandy Hook and opticial train on New Jersey rxititliern Rai road. al low hik e stay oi SV Lours at tile Branch. Fare, rouad trip, 2.V salordavs. I P. M ?Musical Matinee. Long Island Sound F ire, round trtp, 7ftc. Ke'iirn to tni! env oneaeli of the above days at <1:30 P. M. Piers?Foot i wenty-lourth street, N. R. ; pier 29 (Warren itrcet; N. R., ani Fnlton ferry dck. Broo -lyn. Downin^'s Miittk Regiment Band. Refreghmenti on boarii. Monday, July 5, seeclal C.rand Fxcurslon to Atlantic 0<*e ,n It M. Ml m'iikll Ueiieral Mauager. E EXCURSION TO SASATOUA. stee 1>AY LINE a'Hvrtlsenient l^XCURPIoN* TO BOCK AWAY BKACH ?THE Vj (tObmers \MKRICDS anil NKVKIiBINK Will laak* oxcursiotM lo Rockaway ttaach on 8auday, June 20, leaving aat'ol 10wa:? , AMEBICUa, Twen'y tonrth street, North Kiver. Brf*) A M and 1:15 P M ; West Ienlii street. North River, B:4i A. 4'., and 1:ZS P. M : Barclay street, North River, 9 A. M. auJ 1:13 P. M.; Fulton lerry, Brooklyn, ?:?< A. M. and 3 P. H. N KVE B SINK, Ninth street. Fait Hiver. 7:45 A. M. and It: 10 P. M.; Foinli I*!|| atreet, WiliiuBisburg. OA. M. ai-d 12:t5 P. M. ; Ui.inii -tr> ct. Ek.^t Riser, 8:14 A. M au.i 1 P. ,M.; pier 27, l-.jst ltlvi r. " VI A. M and 1:15 P. M . lultoii lerry. Brooklyn S;t? A. M. and I ;!i0 P. M Otnruing boat* loave iwii ka?say Bvaoli at It):30 and II A. M.. 4:4A and 5:15 P. M. Fare S5?. i excursion tickets. 50e.: tickets SooJ on either boat Dally trips will commence on line 22. XRXCUBBJONB BY BTEAMBOAT ARMBMA, DAILY ?i OJondays exceptedi from NEW VOBK ANU BltuuK LYN. uumnieL'Liliii VteJnesday, June 2i. through the HIOflL AMDS ahd ^EWBCRO BAY to NKWBttRif with opportunity ot spending three hottrs at the anrivailed menlc Kroiiudsof IONA 1st.AND, or two hours at COS /, XS HOI'i.L OK tVL6i POINT, dee advertiseuiiut la another eolama. COrt RXCI'RSIOXS-THR LA It OIL FIRSt CLANS, l1 favorite Steamboats SLI-KPT HOLLOW, now callei TBB tiONO BEAM'II, and MKTAMOBAj uudl-v'a Al derney. Sprinu Hill. Myere', Alpine aad loua isiaui Orov. s ivi ? Baicetand Boats or all kUid?, J. A h M V l it s, corner or Morton and west streets. rFAMILY EX<"I H5IOJI TO KFA CLIFP, tilen Cove aud Ulen Wood. Hteaiaer UKNtKiL HKDoWICK will leavo ater M B. il. <>'e< k slip , daily (Sundavs excepted) at 8:10 A. M. Returning l? ye* Glen Wood at 3:i>: Sea (Hitf, 4; tilen Uove. 4:tM P. M., Uniting ai thirty third -treet each way. ? , I'OKT I. KB. PLKAHANT VALI.KY AND KHADT hule iioatj leuie t'aual streej evtiy .-uuday at ?, i l ....... ^ " ^0 " v-r B and II A M , I. 2. S an I 5:,W P. M , an l 'dail> ntlu A. M . 2, 5:i5 and 7 15 1'. M., landing at i wrnty-lourth and Thirtv-iour'ti streets dally, and Sunday, lea minutes later. Para 15a AKLKV. MOKBIBANIA AND UIOHBRIDUE rhe I'aUre sieataboau HARLEM. MO..KIHAVIA nnd SHADY -11>lt leave fuiion M irkci atiji st 6 VI. 7 4J, B 15 4:1V V 45. I'J 15, II 15 A. M., 12 M , I: S 2:15,5:15. 4, 4 : -5, 5 15. 6 6 1') and 7 at P. M., landlaa at (Iran I str et. Ninth atreet. i weatv third street and Astoria. Bee tlaae cards lor particuiara. bun lays?Boats leave avery 15 mlnntes. H PLYMOUTH ROCK EXLT RfclONh. FROOKAMMn. THIS (FRIDAY). Jl'KE 1% URAND D"CBI,B YRIP. AlTEKNOOR? Excursion to the Atlantto Ocean. KVEMNO?Moonlight trip ap the Hudson. AivrpmiD, learw looto' Twenty third street, M. R. at 3 o'clook. and foot ol Murray street. N K., at I: *) o'rlocL Evening, Ieave?fooiof Murrar >u??t. M. H , at 7 >M, im foot ol i iron Lblrtl street, .v U . at 4 o'clock Retura lac re*<k ttia < Itv at midnight Parties pur. naioig tickets lor Uik aliariiouM excursion will have t"a pnvt leaf of emoTiBi tue uiuuuligbi trip Ml rHOUl AUDI ? tlua At. t'HAKUK. , TO-MORROW (SATURDAY). 201 H, REGATTA or THE HKOOK LYN YACHT CLUB Ui?'? tort I of Murray street N R , at 9 AM. i#jt of Twenty-third street KIVf.R, al ?:?A. M.. and foot of Dock street, between Catharine and ratios ?ernes. Brooklyn. at In o'clock. In ample time to wlttiesa the starting of tue race. Ticiets loi thl? occasion can also l>e hail at >o I court street, Brooklyn NEXT HI'*DAT, JUNR ?. GRAND EXCURSION TO NEW HATKN. One ol the moat eitenslve and delightful frlpa nf ths season affording a panoramic view ot the ktma in*trop oli- paa^tig Black wsli'? and other islands and through Hell (iate in upon LONO 1-tLANl) iHltKI), and giving a sp'endid vi<-wofthc inativ thriving t'wns and be*?iurui viJIas on either ?hor?. Ample tune will he allowed for VMIling YALh COLLIE LRolflO*, the AVHM'K OF KI M- and other place* of interest In the QUEEN CITY Or NEW KNULAND. leave* pi> r el the Vail River line, foot ol Marrar ?freet Norm River, at MA. M . the Dock strtet wharr, betweoa Catharine street and Fii'ton ferries Br okly n, ai ?:*> o'clock, and pier loot of Twenty third street. EAHl RIVKR. at 9 o'clock. FAKE, round trip, ONE DOLLAR, children half price. iTiE mdsical km *BTAiffM:<;irr Will l?e the ?am" en EVKRT OCCTBiOR, aud will be by CHIMES OP CHURCH UK 1,1,8 MOZART OLEB CLUB. TUE MADRIUAL BOTH, CATHEDRAL oROAN, STRINO ORCHftBTRA. OfLMOK .'S MILITARY BANU. FARE?Rouiid trip, any excursion, ONI DOLLAR. Children under IZ hall price. Uckets can he ha i at TYRO!**!*. Fifth Avenue Hotel. >-TK.RN's, Hotel Brunswick; RrLt.iAl'n IK Broadway; EAkLK's HOiki .corner Cairet and centre SI reel*, *r MCHO A- HoTKL; MEW YOKE T R A h U R i OMPanY, M4 Rioadwar: the rARK PLACE 8PA, Broadway, and at the boat. OEOOKD GRAND EXCl?RrtIoN O up the sound ro KKW IIAYkN AND RETLRM, TUESDAY, JURE W, 1S76, ?nd every ineaday throughout the eeeson Tne large. swift an t msgnltWnt Rteamer LO.iO BRAhCli. E. A. Krooks commander. leavtn Frwnktorf street, 1:15 A. M. i Hamilton event* MTrv Brooklyn. ?:.? A. M.; Fulton lerrr Mraal.a, Mi A. m. i lirand street, Kwt Hirer, I A- M , Twontj th?j street. Faat Klver, It, i) A. M. flits trip offers an opportnnUy of visiting the Rim City br ilajUKht on one o' tbe largest *nd fHstest steamers and rstnrn to New York < eri/ ui Utt evciuiig. rare, rmtnd trip, SI. Children lialf |>rlce Music |>y Lent's farorite Band. Refreshments at moderate artMS. UrKAMBOATH AND BaRCJR* FOR RECU MRIONn TO M Raritan Beach. Sanay Aide, Sleaw vod and Willow Haven Orove. M ARflM A EAnEELi., Ill South atreek STB AM YACHT YOURO IIWM TO DTTABTBH foi -mail parties hy the day, week nr month at rea sonable rates. Apply on boanl, foot of Twenu-fourtii street, North River. TO CHARYRR-THK STRtMnOAT FORT LEi, FOB eci'tir.4lo?s, plcni, aarfles and Munday schools. Ap ply at 47 Fulton itreet. In the aiternoon. (fO CHARTER FOR RX0I<BRIOM?THM NEW LOW 1 pree<nre proi?iler Bestiees, lor naall partiea; splen did arroinmo'anoiis. F. W. MIaRK, J Uoeuliaa flip, cer bouth street rro OIIARTI R-THK HALOON HTKAMER MATTANO. I for e*pnr?J..ns, plcnlo nartlee and Sunday schools at reaiiitahle rates. Ap.iir, lor oue week, to J OB AM ?MITH A CO., ?) South street TrrEFT.t. CIRCULARS, INVITATION*, POJTRRS sn l all neo,e?Hary Frtattng (or etcarslotia, parlies, ta W, tc . done in the lien sfyle and at low rstci at ttie mi rkor *ur\N frintino k.viabu hmknc. ni ' Broadway, New York. _ V'ACIIT EXCURSION. ?YIIR CRT.BBB.sTr D YACHT | Rct'D SJ fret four, nneijnalled tor acortimodailon. i an lie ohnrtereJ by the day, week, month or season: leaves Buttery at 9 A M. hauirdar. iHli. to accompany tue Rrookltn reratta; tore lor trip, ft; also bnnda*. Vitb, ssme U-ne and place. Appljr Ve T, W. UlhDMAT, 2M iuajitii auaat. BroaclyB. A!?rtT?KMfc;.^T!*. OLYMPIC THEATBB. 624 BROADWAY. Mr. JOHN F. POULE.. Manager TUB COOLEST IloCSE IS TOWN. ^ TIIE S SILOIJISTS, THE INFANT WONDEltR. Mr JtiKitv CAiUUNoroN, JOHN HAfT. j-aT hoONEt. JOUN QirKEN, VTM. WF.ST. THE (H&liMAN A MORRIS PANTOMIME TROUPE, IS TUK COMIO PANTOMIMB. KB KK KO KO OH KB KllJ THE COLORhD HAMTOVJN BIUDEN1S. am. thk FAVokrrii <i> IN A OLOIUOUS programme. TnE BEST EN i hK TAIN. MKNT in TUB CITY. /TTH AVENUE THKATRE. Proprietor and Manager Mr. AUGUSTfN DALY EVERY NIGHT AT ?. M ATI NEB SATURDAY, l:M. LASiT NIGHT.-!! Ut.1T TO I2H1? TIMKB, BBBB TT~ ooa B B II a Q * B It O BBBB H 0 B B II i; OB B B II a U BBBB II C 00 RBB OO NN N A NN N ZZZZZ \ B B O Q N N N AA N N N Z AA B hoonnn aa n w n z a A BBD O 0 n n n a a n n n z a a n BO O N N N AAA N N N Z AAA BBOONNN'A A N N N 2 A a BBB 00 N NN A An NN ZZZZZ A A TO-MUHT (FRIDAY) FOR THE BENEFIT OP MR. D. I!. HARKINS WITH THE FOLLOTYIBG BRILLIANT OAST, Jouathan Cawallader, Esy Mr. I). II. Harking Pl'01. ? awa lei Mr. F. II imI- nher ? Cut la Rymple Mr. 1). Whiting Bob Ruugles Mr. Louis James Jack Lvmer, M. i> Mr. Ilarl Conway Mr. Alphousus De Ihm Mr. George Drvcre .Milliner Mr. J. Deveau ('ru:ni>eta.. Mr. J. II Vinson Mrs. I.ucretla Cawallader Mis* Annie Graham J' Qk'eirn ....Miss Sara Je?vett Mrs. Caroline Cawulladsr Mr*. Ciirrie Jamison Virgle Mis* Nmu Varian Balder Miss Nolhe Mortimgr Mr, UARKIN'S has the honor to announce that THK KLFIN OPERA TROUPE, after their recent great aueeisse* at Bultlmore and vs ttKliint-ton, have kindly volunteered to ting, for the FIRST TIMft in New York, selections from ''Trovatore" and " flie Bolieuilau Girl." *?? Bo* sheet now open, price! a* usual. WOOD'S MUSEUM. WOOD'8. TPI9 EVENING AT 8. I AFTERNOON AT >. LILME WILKINSON I Tilli Hi the sensation, I HIDDEN LIT. LIS SI'XSill \ E. | HAND. 1>ARK ThKA 1 KK. ETHIOPIAN OP K It A SEASON. . J. MAOUirtK. Lesaee and Manager THIRD WhKK? I l\r greatest hit ever made. KMERBON'tt CALiI* UUN1A MINSTKKl.rt. THK CHAMPION HANI) <>* TBS WORLD. BILLY EMERSON, BUN COTTON, BILLY RICB LI ITLK MAO, BOB HART, W. ARLI.sGION, J." S. KUsSELL, W. H. TILL A, FRK O WALZ. AC. EVKRY MOHT and SATURDAY MaTINKK. Orchestra, fl; Dress Circle, Nic ; Balcony, 2So. WM. II. ,-M ITH, Business Manager. Metropolitan thkairk, ass hroadway, EVERY EVENING. EIFTY f PARISIAN f AMERICANS Variety Artists. I OaNCAN. I IN PARIS. matineiTsaturday. AT 2 P. M. yjy ALLACK'3. KXTRAOBDIVABY combination OF ATTRACTIONS. THIRD AND last wkbk of HARRIGAN AND HART. who will appeal every evening aa>! Wednesday and Saturday Matinee, in THE DONOVANS. L.ONDON COMIC 8INOF.RS. and THE MUilATURE 69TB. together with the ROYAL YKHDO JAPANESE TROUPE ia their aatonudiug pertwiuaacea, Tbair Brat appear ance ih thw felly CSILMORB'S CONCERT GARDEN r LATE HIPPODROME. Mr p. s. oiLMORk..,. Director THE MOS1 MAGNIN'KNT OARDKN IN Tljli WORLD. Concert* every night, at 8 o'clock, by <jl LMOKK'S SUlKRB BAND OF 1W PKRFORMERS. Change oi programme every night. PROGRAMME TO-NIOUT, FRIDAY JUNE li 1. Grand March, "Berlin at Niglit". ..Bllsa * itoirnnza. "L'eclair" Ifalevy S Grand Sidectiou, "tiberon" 4. Overture, "Pra Dlavolo" Auber ^ Cornet Solo, Fania?le Brlllante? "Aiilia" Verdi Mr M. A. jtrbnckle. 6. Concert Walt*, '?Copenhagen-' Gung'l 7. Quadrille of All Nation* ? ....Jullien Iliia Interesting musicsle melange it universally ad milted to he the most popular and elfectiye arrangement oi awtivnal and favorite melodies yet pro^aced. It In cludes tne Ruiaian liyinn. March and Bailie Music } tlia "Marsellalae." thema and variations for piccoioes, llnte* and elarinets; Seranailc and tarantella, "Partant Pour la syrie,'' with variations for cornet, euphoniuta ana full hand; 'Mourlr Pour la Patrie," "Neapolitan Melody." "Cracovienne." "Caclincai/' Drums, Chiineg and Grand Finale: closing with the univaraal aiu theuia:?Knglan 1, "God Save the Queen:" Gcrmauy, "Gott Segue Den Kaiser;" United statei, "America." 8 Fanusle No. I. 'Loliaurrla" Warner 9 Pot Puiirri. ' La Jolie Parfumeuae" PBenbach li). March Coml(iUe"'S. o.'* BraUau NalloHal Air, "The Btar >pangled Manner.* . . u f VEBY afternoon, witbont tnusie, between the honra of t an.l 6 o'clock?a dellgntlul The Garden is open resort tor ladies and children. Admission, at night, &U cents, alternoon. 15 cents, private boaes, $1 extra. Sea aon tirkeia. for IOU perlormancea. ?W; half leasoa tlet eis. lor M performance*. $J). Paekage of U tickets, $5. CnOLONKL aiNN'B FaRK THEATRE. brooklyn. j NIIIIIILT, WEDNESDAY and BATUBDAY MaTINEE -, the Grand spectacular Play. AliouND iifr World in siidays. *10 PERSOBH OB THK BTAQE KOB1NBON HALL SIXTEENTH STRBKT. I , Cooiesi and most popular ratorl lu towa. Prices Uc, 6uc. and 9i FIFTH WEf.K OF THK G EAT SENSATION. Pox Nil Opera Beutle u1rofle U1ROFL A. The com - binstian ot ttie HOLDENK TROUPE or BEAUTIFUL WcMES with the pr??eo?eompaay assures a burtasqqa perlurinauca a."Tar excellad. sen*lineiilal and inar ye' .uslv popular. Introducing Uie lamous Pariaiau 0a? cau ia the m^gnlilCeat acene uaakante. LA VlfctDK CAB MAN PARI IKN'B a; also LBB COO SINS KT LHB UBI.sETTRS. Every evening at A Saturday Utatlnee all TKKKtCE OARDKN. LIMA WAHriM?. Diractrsig This rrrtir Jooe IS. Grand Opening Night Miss WuiBinii and btr entire Compan* Kecapt for Scbwie term utter Kin Ameriknniaches DuelL Kt tin llaedi hen ud(1 Koin Mann, Choir an J Oreheatra. O. carlbkro Conductor AdauseioB, SO rants; reserved, ts ccnu ntri. (central r\RK OARDKN. T0-N10QT. ; THhOllORK THOMAS' unrivallfd SINMKR MOUT** COBCFRTB. Till* ilKIDAV) hVfcNINO. June 11. at 8 o'Clook, THtoDUKic runitAS THIRTY THIfcD OK AND CONCERT. Pesti* it overture Kd. Lassen WatU. tn? VorsUadtler ... Lai. nor Allegro A*italo in D minor, b.r Dr. a. Aostan Pearc* EZSSS*' rmnahn*mmr w.*.er overture, Oberon ... .....Weber Ai.iUuti Cantabiis. op. IT B-*?? li. ve? Bcherxo op. It inew) Meadelanolrti Rhapsodic H"ngroi?, No S. In l> vn?w) U?t Cavalry Marcii Schubert H?tie? Mu-ic, latin Uminod w?iia itiouviud *11.1 Una Rights strati u Polonaise. M tnan A. Thomas Ailml^l'm ticket*. .*1 cents: pmata boxes $1 sad >2 ? atra, according to localloB. Packages ot IS tlckats, ti. ON ft'IS.-4i?AV IV KM NO, Jt fi n AT g. TH KOfl'iKE THOMAS' ANNUAL KF.rfRFlT. ? Baatarsnnow be secured at (J. R> hlrmer'n, 701 Broad way at tl Union ?.jture, and at tha Uo? offlcc of Cantrat Par* Uardan IN TUG EVENlNQ TELF.QRAX TOJHOBT alt THE LATUt WBWS OR TODAT_ SSOCIATION HALL.?THIS tfKNTNO DRAMATIC ami Humorous Renting*. bv BARRON WRI.lllf, Pianoiorte Kecitala. Tuueti iw rants?at ?r!tut>erih'g and Hiuinc ? mnafo aioraa, I ntoa aquai*, and at the haiL Metropolitan jnmSD?or art, i >w w??t Fnartesoth street New Tort, Open daily, lu A M t, ? /* M. Me.ilayi ?n I rhuril** fra- _ Mil. DION BOI'CICAl'lt APPRAPS IR JCLV IK the C.tlitornin Theatre Han Pranoisao. Ou aiitemlier II lie will ap|>ear aa "Conn."' ta tha ".?li*iifctu*4U," at lirurj Lai.e i h -stre, London. \l ATInrkb 8t)TIABLE AND "SHADOW " DaRCE J>l t very >a ur ta. a'brnoon, at Ota Kink, vikty third street ?n<l Third avenue; tine lioor; |s?x>d :>iu?o. CARHI.K A BUSH. Managers TMMI.NHK HUrCBB*?-NACTILM WAI.TE," BT J Mvron a Oooaaj . ihe gaoat pnpul* Walt* t>!*ved at Ollinure ? Concert* pre e We. i'uhltauad by i tlOKA^ J. II AI L, Agent. 814 Broadway. New T rh. WANTKD-A OOOD BIROINO I:IIAMB?.RMA!D. TO T f tra\ ? I aadar canvas with tha Haras f>pr ,ua l? dtan t'omlit naiion: imni ba arcuy ar>n ttadarnan.l her buiin**; n!a<i a twl ' omeutan win. aings well taiatlaa low t'Ul "ire Aildrcs* with teriut. I mm .i;? ely. CH ? Ri.KH K HEW TON, Msnagar, Pas* ilia, Mr r>atyn. "lit ANTED- AT-'RO BIH-O N HALU siXTKEWTH ff street, near IlroaUwa.r. MAv laAle* to s.cs an., dm ? Apply baiwaan ID and lo'ataek. "11/ANTRD?IMMKDI \TRLT, M ladies PoR IB >> dattcinc ballst. Call on J. rAinii.n, No. J Amlsy ttrnet, New lofi __ IJOiTKR-S. PROORAMMH, DIHTEIP'" HON BILL I, < Ir ular<. Tlcnets, foujwaA, Wn-iJ I'tHl, Mttirj. graphic Pol ir alls an.l erery Tailety ?' meatrloai t'rint ing proApUy. naa \j anJ che-ip.y iloii- *t ?<?? M i r > I' I I AN I i; I ? 11NU ABl ABI*I HMftM, Merall ling. TIlE lLEOTUItE BF.A^O?!. ^ "a MCTt'KR BTC ET NIOll r *r ! O'CI-OCK OR fx ' Manhood and th? Can?? IW Premature He, .ire," at'.Be New lark vmeiim al Anatomy, ?1S Broadway, i*. tivren HoMton and Blaeohar uraatA ALKCTLRB P.TKItY EVRNINO, aT aiOItT a'Clock. on " ?rvoll* Debility a :i I Ills aasas" at Dr. kaiin'-i Maaaurn Remataoar Ots a<l dre< 6? Bfnartway. n?ar Fr urtli stratL Vh* nr^sgt and most aiagniilcent maaaant in ths wet Id Adtalasiaa, U) oeuta. /TIRCrLARH, TTi KKTi PROORAM?P!3, POITREIL I > Taasphleta and au other i'l i.ttttij ?.j- lr.Mtir?ri and raiuphleta " 1i fiw raiea, n> I BroaJwav, N V. rea4or4 *< "1W rn!**t 11 * thp 11:"'" ' -N PKJKUNU KflTAiLISIJ BKN I, illl I MKOICAl.. A -NIK. X ' X v i |,f, MIDWIKE, RKrtID?XCE 114 , A ait fanUi straal. Bear third aver.oa. -DR ANB MMR. ORINHL'. CURB ALL CO* l. ptatnta; Jg y?arV pragUna. 1^1 Wsst Twenty-gtattiat |.V!f!R PRRB.?OR, AND MMK BOTT CAN BE . a?n?iltel oonRdsatially at Na *7 Wast ITU (traeL Kfl E A?MMK RE rt M. MIDWIPE BINOB H<1 KO, M Raet Flfty-*? I Atr?e?. first door irons tftB ??. lO RKrlJCAL DR. AND MHP, WRiit CVRRS ALfc couuHaiata guca^usulf, ?AE?*"kargA. Maail Bt*.