Newspaper Page Text
beeci n:rrs sin. Public Opinion as to His Innocence or Guilt. THE NEW EVIDENCE SUSTAINED. A Card from John Jones Price Proving His Character. THE WITNESS LOADER CORROBORATED. The lull in tbe groat scandal trial In Brooklyn, lave opportunity yesteMuy for any quantity of ipeculation as to what tbe result would be in the ?nd. The Plymouth church party expressed their ?omp ete coniidence tbat the verdict of the 'twelve gjod men and true" would be In favor of :be defendant. The irlends of Tiltou, and thoy are tally augmenting in numbers, were, on the con trary, equally confident that their side or tne question would be sustained. Amuux tne more enlijrureued uud unprejudiced portion of tbe c m nnuity, however, who espouse neither side, tbe moject was uiacussed on a broader basis. THE liBVT EVIDENCE. which waadlscoveieduud published in the Herald of Mond.iy, has been everywhere talked over, and while there were many who piofessed at first to treat the matter as a mere sensation, yet tbe bet ter clans and more thinking portion or the com munity have, lu view 01 mbsequent events, come to tne conclusion tbat tms evidence will be mi nuted by Judge N'eilson. U was aigued that n view ol the fact that the men wh< > - state ments were published have sine* made affl lavits sorroboratiug the lacts therein contained, tbat the MaintltT's counsel wuuid have to take notice or the matter, and that the defendant's Inends can not aOord to object to it. TliK ATTEMPT TO rBEJL'DlCE I'RIC*. That there is an attempt beinz made to either ire c I'rice, one ol the new witnesses, to leavo the city or else to linpugu bis cred ibility is beyond a doubt, as will be seen Irotn his letter which Is published herewith. Ue has, in addition, during the past two or three flays oiteu asserted that he has been approached by iurne or the friends of the l.eeclier aide, but has studiously avoided them. Ue meets the state ments made against him on all occasions by refer ring to the ilrnia wltn wnoui he has been employed during the past ten years tor bis character. Tne card from Mr. Evans, 01 the Frauklin House, ipeaEs for Itself aud entirely does awjy with the erroneous Impression thai may have been tempo rarily created by the recent reference to some man named J. J. i'rlce in a morning journal. LOAbER'd STATEMENT CONFIRMED. llr. Edmund R. Hamilton, a paperhauger and decorator, living at No, 837 Dean street, Brook lyn, stated yesterday 10 a Heuai.d reporter that lor the past lour or live years ne bad known Mr. losepb Loader, the man referred to in the Herald If Monday last woo saw certain transactions >ccurring between Bev. Henry Ward Beecber and ttrs. m on. This acquaintance bad been both luring tbe time he was looblug arcund previous to his starting in business for hlmaeir and since tbe time he oas kept a store. "About three years or three and a hair years ig'j Mr. Loader told u e." said Mr. Haaiiitou, "inat nc was aware 01 certain tacts wb>cu, u di vulged, would put Mr. Beectier in a didereut ligiit !>eiore tbe pumic. At this time be did not tell mo What ne knew or any o< tne particular*. Alter the case came up l i the Court i asked him why, if he had auy particulars wnich bore upon the rase, did be not c me forward and volunteer to state what he knew. Then 1 a.-ked him what be knew auous it. He tb<iD told me what be knew, the circumstances were the same that nave already beeu made public lu tn - columns or the Hsrald. I men told him ir i w?e in nis p:ao? 1 would go rorward uny way, and that the counsel for dr. liiton ou?nt to be in rormed. He uraed iw not to apeaa 01 it, and ad vauced as a reason that be was afraid it wou.d hurt his i>u?iness. at ne had a great many cus tom rs among Mr. Beecner's f;ieuds. uu Satur day last Mr. LtM cr ea.ied on u.e ia4 tTtnl me u 1 Uau ever comiuanicated to any one ?uat he had toid me, lor ne said a Herald reporter had oeeu to see mm and that ne touud a ? anew a great nan? of tne lactt, and taai ue (L.jauer) bad neeu ^mpeiieu. at last, iu order to prevent misapprc lens.on, to ten the tree story, as was published In Monday's Heuald, and mat he could not un derstand how these tact-> had leaked out. *'roia wiiat Loader pre. lousiy tolu me compare i with tne atateu.ent ne naa now made I am confident that he has told tne truth. In ail his tranascuons with me and wit:i other* tsat 1 know ne nas acted who perfect aon-stu and integrity, and that is til* tMtracter generally. AS Amux. TO justice A.SD FA-IB PLAT. To the Editok of rat: Uerald:? TM rr.ftar^'.i t*e lota last. pab.laiied to artlcie beaded ??Veracity of Jo&u J. i'nce?Repaindon of an a.leged wttneu of improper conduct oq Mr. Ueecber's part?Fats* ?uumcau declared to Bav been maue oj mm." . aid article purported to bave beta founded on an interview wit# 1 bonus J. Evans, 01 the Franklin lloftn', p.rook lyn 1 nave d??u Mr. Evan ^ua lie staler uat I Waa QUI u.? man rejerred to b. hi;u. an i naa given me a caru to -ti;>t eiieif, wnicu 1 mclo-e. iii. Evans o.u.u ciu no ieas in^u thia, a* 1 never had anj sucH couvtraauoa wua aim an repre sent! ?J. Tiif statement in the Hkralb o.' Monday last ?eacrlnitg tint I ua<l eeen between nr. Beeemr id a Mr a. Tiltun was true, ami I have made iflldavlt to ;nit effe t. fu.iy u lers .? una the toasc'iuewe* ui a >si*e <>a a. I ..iiou. i not bare tow r. v .ten tae lac a Wit i.u tuy kno?-.eoge bad tot Mr. Loader jiven litem au >- au i.... I . a re? ? itertr e iinui.p, wiibo it m. know.edge. | itu a poor man trying to wale au non^ .i\iu?r. in : iinut want to oe subjfcieu to uie pt r?ecu tion i at'." !?? a pursued l??arda otter witn> tutnwcaae. Hut when ralimi upon to verily the ita?*wiH laaoe uy Mr. Loader 1 ibougnt k was "Ignt that I *>tuul<! do ? >. and I ii ive to.u ;tit* trutb. aa ??? < la mt judge. I am perfectly billinir oMi.ijeut t te truth ol my utatcment to eg*. ;n , iii v and my 'barac er to judicial in resttgauon. I appeal t > mat <pint Ol jU*iio? an : air play l*iu a lei ? ? v. r* < Iti/.en aa/mst run lemn..!ion wit tout a be t, <ng. alwio lgn it mar i.e pronounce i by t!ie srea power Iiymootu shuroa 1 witi ?ii<ip,y a?in tna- tatties ron tbe otber side bave be n a ;er me. and were I ti.e to n tney re, recent me to or i have no uotib I tub J bave Dean will pa.a. and should now be iue , recipient or ibfir p auoita. ji .i> i. PRICE. LBO^ILTX, June 18, l^Tv. MA. L ? A S .i LARD. Job* J. Prici.? Dkar sir?i regret the lomsttce done yon in tie article in tlie Tribun* o, the IQth intt. Upon ?eeing you I And tual 1 fta eatirmy aiiiaweo in tae ma . I wii.mgiy incite tbe correction and au ?orry tliat I Qave >een tbe in^an* U UoiaK you ?o freat an irua?ti, e. Toara tnuy, * Brook; y , JU3 18. Mi. THUMAS 1. EVANS. DKOWNING CASES. ? ?? Patrick Kenn dy. of No. +42 ?a son atreet, la?t Birbt found tae r>o<Jy of J<>bn nherwood in tr.e Nor a River, near tlie loot of Perry atreet. Tbe ci' tainc of tbe deceaioid, who was a boy. ?ai found near 'he f'..,t of tbe above atreet en tbe tvening o: the 17tii w .ere it i? !?upp' ?<? I na worit nio tue river to atbo. iue toroaar ? h noit led to bold an inqneat. A', about half (??! ! ii'. o'clock ,a?t an an Imwd mull. x?ei about twentj ? ??ariag .t dark suit oi ciotMnti and a uisc* ??u bat, wane attempting to boar I tbe Uanetn ??at tiyivan uien, at n <? ioot of ItleveaiM sir-<'t. Ka?t Ktver. leh overtioard and win urow.ied. I he body bus n ?i yet l-en r'.covered. ou ibursiav Bigut Mr. ^amn. i Li. -baw, of N... 161 run v IIreet, ac< umpanied M>s. H< atman, ot jakiaed - reet anu .Mmai areottO, fion-, ?it<.r a rit.t to tn? family. He left -ier realoence at eleven P. M that nignt, and w is not beard of agjun until mi* morn.on. wtter. ie was found drowned in rue ireenpoint f< rry slip. Kroro tbe met mat there a a bao cut on liu orebead, It la supposed tbat le j .mped after ti.e m. it. and, mlsatug It, iiracit bia bead, aud lank to rue no uiore. FIKE UN SOUTH STREET. Sbnrtly before aeven o ciock last nlgbt a fire broke oat on tbe top n .or of the five story brick bniidiBti Hoa. lis, ii: and u* Hoatb atreet, occo Hed by Htepben II. Haaaiora, cigar manufactarer. Damages to st >ck t3oo. The flrs;. floor waa occu pied oy Lanrence Eanu na a clo hlng store. Damages by water |aoo. The bunding, which is owned by wia aw uuderdonk waa damaged to tbe extent of $1,000. During tlie progress of the fire Tbtod- re H. Irooat, a fireman a . a:b'id to Hoos an i Ladm-r Company N<>. l, fall from tbe tro. a wh le aaaiat Jig In itmovlng one of tbe .ad lets, 'e.eivmg a rar ute of tbe rigbt leg. lie waa tabeu to tbe Pars Hwaoiink RAPII> TRANSIT. THE HOSTED BILL A LAW?PBOCE*BO?? UNCBB IT TO UK BJtOUN AT ONCE. The Husted llaptd iratislt bill, passed at t&e close of tbe session, having become a law yesterday by receivia? t lie sisiuature o; Uov era >r ?Uden. the Iriecds of rapi I transit in Una city nave already taken measures to procure tho appointment of commissioners under iL Tbe lol towitig application has received the signatures of a number oi promlueut citizens, and will be pre sented to Mayor Wick bain to-day To the Hon. William 11. \\ ickuam, Mayor of tbe City o' ?Sew VoiU.;? Your lit umuers, resident*. householders ami taxpay er* ut in.- city, couuty aim state at Sew VurK, beg leave to brink- to your .i tentton the .'uttowlna lavta:? Fir*? lliat at the recent sessioU i the Legislature an act was ba**"d cuiilisd "An act to provide tur tin* construction anu operation oi a steam rati way or railway ? hi the counties of lils strtte." 6>ro/?l?That the drst section ot the said act reads as loKows "-ti'TiuM 1? Whenever it shall appear by tli? suplica tlou y! tlity reputable house In.Mar.- uliil taxpayers ut imy coutuv lutiu- Mate, verlileil upon oath before a Justice oi' the .supreme Court, mat there is until in such Couuty ol u steam railway or railways lor the transportation of passe user*. mails or irelsht, tin- Heard ot .-uinrvisors of said county way, within thirty days alter i reseutatinu to tneta ol such application. duly verticil as uioresaid, api oint tlvo Commissioners w ho shall be residents ot the -ai i i ouuty. ami wno shall have lull Dower and autli .ritv to do and provide all tliat tbey are herein alter directed to do and provide, una a certiticate of wli .v apu 'iiitmeut. sigueil by the chairman -and clera ot eaeli Board. sliali be tiled in tbe office ot the aecrc tat v oi Sta e. an i a duplicate dktreof in the office ot the t ier? "i such coUntv: ' ui win-never auv such proposed railway sii ill no whollv within ih limits ol any eity iu tiie Suite, ttii'ii such application ?ti 'il Oe made only to Ui" Mayor of >ui i eity, anil ?ueh Mayor shall appoint such i ? uimisaioiirrs a- atoresai i third? i .at vour petitioners are each of them house- i holder* n.i i taxpayers ot the city of New York. and, as i such, do Miverallv depose and say "ttiat tneie i? lined I in the city and county ot New torlcot a steam railway > or railways tor the transportation ot passengers, mails or treixht." Wherefore vour petitioners respectfully apply to you lor tb appoiiitment oi live Commissioner* tor tlio pur poses and witti tin power, authority uu I subject to tne uu tes that ir provi led iu sud t>y i lie said act. All of which u respectfully submitted. i e law requires that the signers to tbls appll cation snail verify their statemouts by affidavit bed re a jaiige oi the >ut rume Court. Mr. lloose volt baa there.ore made arrangements with Judge i Donohue t'i sit at bis Chambers, lu the New Court Hou*o, to day, from nine to eleven .v. M., to take these affidavits. Alt taxpayers ami householders are e.mipetunt to jotu lu this application The members of the lUpid Transit As? iciatlon and all others interested are requested to join iu said ap pltcatiou aud attend be:ore Judge Do no hue. THE FALLON POISONING CASE. rSQUKBT AT JIBSKX CITY?DIRECT HYZDEXCE AGAIN ?T MOB AN. The inquest ou the body of Mary Fallon was commenced at Brady's Morgue, Jersey City, last evening, before Coroner Wbclan. Tbe prisoner, John iloran, wus present, attended by bia counsel, Mr. W. D. Daly. Moran Is a stout. hardy specimen ot tbe laboring class, about twenty-six years old and quite robust lor Ills years. Ue was veiy thoughtful and serious while listening to the ovideuce, and though be looked nervously at bis counsel lie did not speak. Sergeant Archibald McKaig testified tbat be ar rested Moran at bis boardlug bouso on Steuben street; Officer Kelly, who was with witness, told Moran to gel up, as be was In bed; the latter asked the reason, and tbe sergeant charged him witb tbe poisoning of Mrs. Fallon; te said be was in bea at ten o'clock, and bo appealed to the landlady. Mrs. Murphy, saying, "Was I here?" she atisw led, ' Don't you icuowyou was here ?" The bottle and glasses lound la the room where Mrs. Fall'.m lived worn Identified; the glasses contained a depot s of Paris green. OUuer Kipp itstitled tnat he was tbe first officer to enter Mrs. l .iiloa's room; be found her very sirk ; lie a*Ke<i her wh it was tbe matter, and sue charged Mwrau with poisoning her. officer Finiay testified Anout half-past twelve 1 wa> going down bussex street, irom ureeuo, to ward rtudson. when office kipp told me there was a case <>i po.sotiinjf on my post; I went into tne hon e No. id miss x street and lound Mary Fallon sick iii . vomitiui; she stated tnat Jobu Moran had come there with turn bottles ot ale und asked Her to drtn?.: aner puurlug tne ai j into tne glass tie turned down the lignt: she asked him why ue did that und be said he did not want tbe oeople to see tneui; alter she urank sue was taken with vomiting; 1 to .k the basin an J held it to her in ti e b*d; when the vomitlug ceased 1 emptied tbe contents oi tbe busiu into a gutss; 1 asked her about Moran ] and she toid me whete be I ved; she saiC be iook her away iro. i her' an i w?ute i ner to live | with nun; * utu sue roiused he threatened to get e^iuare aith mr; i sent For a pbysictau aua re m iine i with iter till 1 leu her in toe bo-pitai; Officer Rif>p and I examined tsos<j glasses (classea 1 oluted out) ; tuere was moisture iu the glasses, aud we emptied tno contents oi tbe bottles, one Into ea ti iiiasa; wbtiedolug this Aim. Fallon caned lor the b.isin; sou pmged >eatlOlly1 and said. "I'm a*iumed:" I answered, "Vou need uot be;" she u eu re. eated the story of Moran giving li?r one dunk. t? trie other himseii and turn.Qg down the lignt; fhe related thu .story several times: She couip.allied of bem? coi l auu asked me to cover her u^: wheu Dr. Peine came lie adrlsed ui to iove iter lukewarm watar to help ber to Tumu: be presented oiuer m?dicme und then leit; waeo lir. I'etrle was again sent lor he did not come, out sent a permit for tbe admission of tbe woman to tbe hospital. .] Coroner?Aud hu did not come himself? A. He did unt; wueu 1 told ner Moran * a- arrested she said, "Wast goon is it? uc uas killed me:" sno remarked t< me. "lie l;ad it uxed ben,re he came; ' l)r. Petrie expres-ed no opmioti oti the ca-i* when tie came; wiicii I a.sked uer what rea at<n Moii.n ouid have Uad In dolua this she said, "A'eii, tie boarued with me ou trie Flank road; he warned ir ? to go a Way ir m my fainny: he ?aid inuse th.ugs (tiieauiuir t:er pro, ertv) looked very mcr, and ae w Bin Ilk ? to nave them ; her apart ments looted like '.lie uwtne ol a sober woman; everything was very neaL Tbe inques. was then adjourned. THE FERRY CONTEST. To-day It la announced that tlie great public will Have leave to be carried by ateimer to Staten la and free or cost. The opposition ferry, uoaer the management of Commodore Garner, are llgbt in* tne ol 1 terry line to the bitter end, and have arra:.k'?-?i to rnu the i nomas Coliyer to fltapleion, iroai to-day. For lata oay aa fare mil lie rnarged. ii.e ioi. 'Wiug < hanje of time uoe* into i-iToct on the oj.ptiKiuon Ua*t saure Kerry liue ou Monday, June 21, ll7>:?Leave Sapleton. ti:05, " :#), ?:*>, W:.-0 and 11 A. M.: \2.ja, 3:25. 4:26, 5:2b and 0:25 P. VI 1^54 ve New York. ?J:45. 7:50, 8:60 and U A. M.: li 1 :45, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7:10 P. M. THE COTTON EXCHANGE. Toe following atandtng commltteea have been appointed oy toe managers of ine New York Cot ton Exchange: F.i* ihrr -J. F. Wcnraan. R, Tannahlll, W. P. Camp bell, K M Bruof ami V. *al?h. Jr. wK. :,?? ,iu?n, T. Kactun, A. B. Graves and W. J. Miliar. >??. rr.mjrj?Thomas Scott, J. H. Hollta and George MmIml H ?r?W. Woodward. Jr.; T. A. Patterson W. T. King. P. Koiidlii-iui anJ J. \?><imsn H a a ' A/'j '?'??William Blrnll, M Lthmao, Dwlrni ?turn-. vV'ililjln Piirics, D. M. Ujl'iwin, Lu lua Hopklnl and L W?tu*r i. Wat:* W. Wooiward, Jr.; J. A. Bcall, tl. ilcnu na l K. l-ev.-ru h. A-ty. > u'"?<i ?J. T iimii'iiiann. X. B. H Win. U w mm aa<i . U Harrison. <hfifunti'tn? I imma* renn?r. L. K. < hubrouati. r;?<>rc? W ?????.<? w Frederick son. James W. Moses, A. Ail< n. Jr. an I P i.inisri. * , *.^-i lu'ip ii?nrv. Jr.. J B. Froellgb, F C. Z?rc.-a. I. l.atrirup an l M. 1. Maine /m/ormition tin I Mulvfir* I.. A Kasion, B. B. French, G#or/i- M. H. trnoW, A. H. aainkcr, W. f. Camp bell and Jam?? Brett fi-f U-t, i-orife i pelard, B, J. Marshy, T.J. ftdaoKh ttr.J. I. Macsulay, Robert Moure, C. nyllasted aim T. T. Mryce. Q>. infifin?R. Tarnahlll, Otorro Hlad'ii. P. Fschlrl, w r Miller. L Waiter. A. ilka, Jr., and Ueorge M ore Arhitr*i;*n?William Wtiitiook. Rol>?rt Murdoch, S. Oruner, H M. i-e Count and J. K. Dayton. PROBABLY FATAL ACCIDENT. About aiz o'clock last evening a man named Hurst Korn, a German, recently reaidlng In Bon falo, waa prohab.y lata.iy injure! by a train In "tbe cut," at Marion ttauon, near Bergen MIL Hla injarien are In trio bead and lower limbs. He waa carried to at. Micasel's Hospital, in Setvaric, where ue lie' in '?ucli a oonaiuon tost hit recovery la considered bopelesa. lis is unabls to frlvs any account oi bimseif. THE NAVAL ACADEifY. TH* AKMTAL nAMIVATIOS OX MOXDAT K*IT? CAJiDiUATXft FOR ADMIBHION. Wasninoros, D. C.. Jane 18, 1875. The annaal examination of cadet midablpmen and cadet eDglns?ra at the Naval Academy at An napods will terminate to-morrow, and the llnai exerciaea will take place on Moudsy next, when tbe diplomas will be distributed to tne gradaating midahipnicn, thirty-two in number, una tne graduation engineer*, atxteen in iiuiuln-r, Tne g.auuate* win be allowe.i to gu to tuelr homea to await oroera, and tae other oasaea win lii.medi htelf nail To tlieir annual practice cruise on me Atlantic coaat, toe caoet midatiumien on tne oon sted itlo . and tns cadet cngineera on the new aioop Aiert. The candidates for admiasion to the Academy a* mid?bipmen. aoout 100, ns?e oeeu ordereu to rep rt on Monuay, and tn?lr examination wui be co' ocsd hu Tuesday next. ine examination of app icants for admlaaion to 1 tbe Lagiuasr corpa w^i taas place in September. SHIPPING NEWS OCEAN bTEAMKRS. DATES or DKJ'IKTI KK > HUM NEW YORK FOR TUS WW Of JI NK AMI Jt'LY. I Satf*. St'?mcr Celtic Lrin Cm hi BerUu... Victoria. StHlll Manhattan Kcylbw W A M'liolteil.... Buevia Holland China England KepUlilii' Cltv at Rlcluiiand Utopia France ft hem Muii* oi a Kus<ia Herder Brittuiilc City ot Iiru-.sei(i.. Ethiopia ? nlcr W itronsin. fimbria Kottcrdam Cttv nf t nester... 'I III* t^Ufl-II Ucrminlr V ilte ue carls.... Nec-nar Buiivia fciate ot Indiana. K lanxtork Mo?el Aitrliiuc flialu 1 City ot ParU. .1 DtMiualimii. I Gfflee. Ill Broadway *M Broad way. U Broad wiiv. 7 Bowiinir (?reen I Uowluu Greea US' HroU'twaV 4Bowunir Ureou !*> Broadway til Urii.idwav. nil i roadway i Howituf tlreen til Broadway I'J 111 oho way. l"i Broadway. 7 Bowiiiitr Ureun H Broad wa y iHowlltiP Greeu 7- llroiulwav 1 Vowltnp lireca i Imimr. l'J Brouaway. ift Hroadwajr. iil) BroadwaV 7 Bowling Green 2 HiiwIiiic Green tt I .roail way. til Hroauway AO B rcadwar ifi Broadway. titi Broadway. 19 Hroauway. &t> Broad war 1 Bnwhtiu wreen 7 HowimuGreen 7' Hroad war. HI Broadway. X Howunis Green 19 Broad wav. 69 Broaowa7. 1 JBroailway. *a- NOTICE TO CAPTAINS OF" VESSEL ENTER JNU THE PORTOHkNKW YOBIE AT NIGHT.?The Saw York Ubrild has adopted a distinguishing Coston night signal lor use on board the Hkrald steam yacht ahow lug while burning the colors red. green, red. changing iroin one to the other tu succession, and can be icon ?ev. ? ral nnleu distant. Captains ot vessels upon seeing thU signal will oblige us by preparing any marine news tlu-y may haro tor tbe bblp Newa Department ot the IIlBALD. ?V 1'er.sons desirous of communicating with vessels arriving at New York can do ao by addreaaing to such resscla, care ot IIkiulu news yacht, pier No 1 East Elver, New York. Letters recti ved fram all parta of tbe world and promptly delivered. Duplicates are re QUire J. ALMANAC FOR NEW YORK?THIS DAY. BUS AND MOON. I HIGH WATER. Sun rises 4 28 | Gov. Island., morn 8 31 Sun seta 7 33 sandy HooE.morn 7 46 Uoou rises eve 8 43 i Hell Gate....morn 10 16 PORT OF NEW YORK, JUNE 18, 1875. CLEAItEU ForvviM.!' A oVarlbel lB^~*i"i?s, Kingston. Ac-Pim. Ktearner Beveriv Pierce. Phliadeinhia-Jamei nani Wr??Bl !|eca*m y <BrJl ThomM> Liverpool I> MorgaiiCarn*rT?n ?"U* (Br)* Kobin,on. Londuc?IV D t*lii"k?ie>-ar">0U* Kennoy- Aui?r 'or order*? Beuner A ord er??J*C'"ea?e r*' 8U"?"1 Cork 01 ?mnuth for Boy*?n. Kon<t Uic" lN*or>< Rott??- Newry-Benliam A tfark .Jen%y (Ger). Grote. Bremen?Kred Scbwoon. 0.BbockniY^Vr^rt"da<1*ri M Puul de LoaaJ? A Co!* W L Ander,on- Hnnut, Harana?James E Ward toMri"coLSqUlrM- B,?tcll'0rJ' E1? Janeiro?Thos No;r Thlo'-o"?* Dcaa <Dutch)' Plumme'. Porto Csballo Brig Thetis, Spalcktiaven. Curacoa-Dorale A Do Jjrlg ?orrll Zone, cooper, Jacmcl?It Murray Jr Hunter A C'a* " ^ Vork> ??a"?namo-.?iarcui bmje. L*ay *"J (B'J- HeX< 8t John* **-* IS Ontar BrigErlo, S? ars, Baltlmore-J U Wlnabaater A Co Leav<*rar'"a Co? flountree' Bell? ?od Truxxilo Ham?onipn* lBr)' Wh*rton- B?&a;loa?Cartwrigat A eUDW.r.Anth?ny Kel'r' Oreenwood. Elauthera?Isaac K ?ertau*I r*irl* Blrd (Br)* Capple*' St Jobns. NF?C W lac'* Lewln,lM <Br>' 'l,,arew,? st Undraws, NB-Blaks *UCaarthe>r,UPr*tt KlmblU- CWPU CbrliU?Tapper Rscnr Ware Oawley, Brunswick, Qa-Warren tear C P Bhnlt*. Youngs, Hew Haras-8 a Beraar. ^ ARRIVALS. REPORTED BT TgE BEUALD 8TXAK YACHTS 1XD H I- R A Lb WH1TEBTONE TKLEOKAPH LINK. Steamer Ocorve W Eider, Head, Baltimore via Norfolk shin'Co * Pkswngar* to the uld Dominion itaami' fbio Glencorse (of Lirorpool). Stevenson &1.1.M. fie A*' 'nJis to order; veta*! to .iiasf r Passed the Capcut Coot Hop* <pril 1>. and crossed the J-uul. tor May 23, in lou SJ w ; June 18, l it sj s, lou 71 W n? i" ?'??a*''"* oiaf ;Kor>. b?qre ior l*?doi. ' ,po,t# fhip fcuitb <f iannoutb, Nii>, Rogers, Llvernool m S^U'ndX^orllSrT * Bur?~ 5 w11* ' n iirIfi e* o*' & /lf&V3S1'%BS W*; !'aJ ntic wi'a'ther?? ^ 5? b.Tu'.t u ".n'JsJlf" lIUlJ- V,rdlno- BrUtol " dars, tn rifncn. F"D<,t-Ncwrr 13 ?? ??u?.t u, darfc I.ovuiucr (of Tbomaaton), Vesper. Jtntirern ti day- with md?o to miow A Hutve?. June li llt lf 4" Iom .poke bark W II iZa? for L,,bok. " ' B?r? Hilda (Aork 01?eu. Havre. 5t (lay< witn milu to Clo-.taa JkCa Had variable weitb-r ' mdaa to Bark Luulgnano (Itali. bentlneila Carliari iv.h... wu!, t? Kuncii. t4/e A t o. Pawed Jtbrllu" Jtni W Jutte U. lit 31 *s, k>n 71 30. sp0?a^ brig kSraton. btnee ior Havana. * "781006, ?KTWl: ftJV'i Bark Mayflower (of Saw Haven). Uuiftre Pnrt an.i_ brid"'e * J.,on.(Uy*' WUh "nd ?o H Trow. wH^JarTwa^d^l Ca'"^ ?U'nUn?^ " **?. ??"'* u KVur*"' kuh1' Crtnfa,??* ?? with sugar wK^?o\;;,erB.orn): t?"*"or.'W(dttU*^ B?UUm0 Uo,ton 8 da vs. ln^aiui, ^.r'* dUI). Caflero, Cadiz Udavs with aalt and wluc to Kaneh, hdya * Col wu" tohVe *' ??av*'' Lot,poU- ' "'""o ? d?rs. with rrutt Hrtg AMIo 'Br), Ben?oa. Bt Pierre Mart via n?l^ xr-rs-fssi??:- -?f&, -s?.i'?s?a"i Efwtnrwnitsr ??? Bri? Ma^xie tBr . innea*. \ie<jUpao. PH. ll dVvt with ?R"aV^ MMtu J ?"uvu * ?*= vesMi'to Boyd jXPtiuM-*'' BrtJ- Bo,to?. *a?r?. 1b baliaM, to b.'i'-tVt PSm*"-Mm- ?~o*TUn.* Hehr ? L BurrnMghs. Mnlth, Havra. ?Udava In balia.< d.s;;:rw.?h '.'nS. ^ with ^c?lr Ooldatream (Hr . Caan, Arroyo, PB It dan with to i i s* hltiic v t Co ,,a?7?. with wr thr "e"'y^'-p^r,'*- " J?hM' PK "^?. with so Btircl1* U*noken'*"***' 11 ^*T>. with sugar to | wITh^u"^ Ar".r,?,,i TQrk' '"?< , ~''l,r '?'v'n" K''!1- A 1.1 rich*; Baraeoa 1J davs with frui o l ( m ve??el t? v,n Hrnnt Brci T ' ltl> hi 'kiiii . 1 tin !' Ji Dii 4?on, Keruaadiaa la with iiavni? ,r< - t.i i: i? Hurlbat nuiaa i? d?y?, !*!'[ T f'V-?r, M.itHiew?, I'li'tnnond. f?? ??. Jo(in?m, Virginia. 5' L'r ?f Bayaei. i.amp. Virginlt. Jrhr Haanan t.hami.l m. Tavlnr, Virginia He lire ptlerrl.h Arm it rone. Raltl-pore -:.lh'n\"?rn Vuaea (fl'Mrmaai, l orlls. out <fl h??,. with 4.0M inao ereL Mth nut it Fire Isl ia.1duH.TIi heavy ,,,Uall irons H K. , arrled away Uead cf ms.nli^ i*,**"n?riK,rt'lhln(,#l from "avra, whloh arrived lit i and anrh jrad at nandr Hook for ards tbeciiy am isth. oraors, cm we ud to ?#-Hark Katie Macdonald (Br), watch arrived ir?h tee^rrted, e0D",M , 10 * -'"".r ?? M 1'ASSC1> THROUGH H?LL OATE. BOt XD ftOCTH. Steamer I'nite.t rttatt*, uavu. Kati Bivar tor k*w fork. With tml?e ,m i p#.<84.offers. *?w sore, ? **".chn?CoU*'' H""t0" for S,w Yor?- ln ballaat to Brig Orioff (Br), Bent,.a. New Haven for Naw York in balla*t tn Ikinson. Wnteoti 4 Cm *ora, la -ehr Mag?duoe. t:..k, ht Joba, KB. lor N*w T?k -i.h taaii er tu II W i^ioJ a ( o. ? ,wr i,,w Jor?' with hj hr fl > Bridget Harley. St John. !fB, for New York B days, with Itiaiber to Ja?i frye A ? o. S(hrlint it ?*, Kinif. t row lev. st John Sh tnr 21' M ?? Ty,h ???nbafto Boardtoan A*Co ' ?chr Hannle We?tl<ro<ik l.ittlelohn, Portland for *aw Torn, with lutniier to t, ? Hatch. ?oa ,or ehr Alibi# h uakos. Fuller Hockland (m T?>t witn limr t<> t'andee * Prewv ,w To'^ oC?r ^ * r|K"t. ''rovKteuoe ior N?w Tork. zp Kffi&rxxii. \\vi\\\v%r*s:w\*2i with M.^' u' j WWHel\r0rl11' ,i"?n COT* ,0r >,w SfUl Almon Baeou, Cro*j?, I.yna for New York. lin,V'toJKVrow?n: !,0oW' ,or *?" *<?". with lami^r t^J^A c^*y' Porll*a<l ^ Naw Tork. with V?,rkh.r M A t'r<!jinor?> "barman. Providence for Naw dolphin P "ll""eklott? *atUi?w?, New Havea tor Phlla Schr H^?*l!!' J'onnt, Providence for New Tork. . ii L_ n *'"? wr"r'l. Bf,?i,in ior Naw Tor*. Erhr r '*"""<l*noe for New Tort 5l!I S u*l?ney. jtgw Haven for Baltimore u^lil Taunton for New York. chr Hrtnriall, Hamilton, Portland ftir Naw York witn lurr.ber to J?* v.nrray ,w tori, ^chr Ban?ai, Condon, Fai'l Hirer for New York Ume t. oMor t HocI,1,,b,j ">r ??w York, with j?chr Kaklr, Htunder*. Proridanoe for New York. ? ?P'?. r*t" }1mw Bedford U>r Naw Yoi * Tork:^^hoI^mS"^?o"iS^, kijr1""5 K?ak"ni r?r?*w ?. i.T *'*?ar*an, N?w Bedford for New York. *n!f uL' I 7 *w- ' *w 'Ifdforrt for ^aer York *a%ntg wartatda, nogaa, ran Mtw (0r Pbila "ubr ira flii*?, Norton, Bomersat for Nav Ynra. scbr Albert l'haro. lilm, Providence for New York. ?i hr H W i lurk, Clark, Providence fur Crw York. Si In- a i t'olieu. Brown, Somerset tor Plilla<telptun. 8chr Maris Fleming, William*. >ew London lur Aew burir hehr J U Coll.ver, Newell, Providence lor Nov/ York. M'hr *iint M Jiu-obh. Jones, Providence mr Kondout. hclir Rbode lilaiid, Wittkun. M?t: Harior lur Uondcmt. sciir liwltfht limnii? ??>, Freeman. Boaton lor Jtailtaa Kiv, r. helir Hi nry lte?i u, Allen. Fail Ulver for New York. M-hr I'rbanm, Allen. Providence lor New York. Schr Yirifiui", lU-arw. Hngton l"r >ew Yor*. ?-v.lir Rual, Duniou, U'i'stDurt lor .n?w Xork, witb lum ber to on lur. .-riir Win Bruinurd, Keleey, Providence for New York. H-lir Hunter. Green. .v \v port lor .n.?w York. ? flu Ida I. Howard, Mu#ier, Portland lor New York, with lumber to J > > reed. >clir ( liu> I'ouiory. I rue man. Bangor for New York, with lumber to J s i ree i. Schr DelpLl. Allen m \v London tor New York. Fchr Mlnquua. Plump#. Providence lor New York. hebr Mary it MHIUii.' terrl*. Warren lur Hoboken. Sepr Win tfenu'iit Harris, Providence lor >ew York. StUr HatMo 6 Colllna, Mckerton, Hartford fur Now Turk. selir Wm lliomag, Littlejobn, Pawtucket lor New York. Schr New ReguluH. baker. Providence tor New York. Keiir llenrv < lav. Staples, Now Bedlora for New York. Schr JimiIco, Caswell. Narrairaacutt for new York, f-ohr Florence, backolt, Provi deuce lor Crotou. tclirj II Burnett, llurnett. Providence lor New York. Scbr Fair Wind, Bowman, >ew uaven lor New York. BOUND EAST, Schr W S Qcisner. Egbert, hoboken for Providence. Hour J Clark. Noriliup. Iloboknn lor Providence. coin Ueceora. Kurriiuton, Weohawken for Boiloo. Sulir t' 11 Nortliam, Cole, New York lor Pawlucket, Scbr Adele lullcla. Parker. Newburg tor Norwich. Kct.r B Li i.aton. Weeli.iwkun lor Boston. Schr Black Diamond, Smith, Rondout for New Bed ford. Schr Llllie Wells. Watson, Now York lor Calais. Scbr Nluntlc. Boebe. New York lor Taunton. Scbr furprtse, How-man. New York lor Fall River. Schr Ueorgla, Cook, Hoboken for Boston. BELOW. Bark Alblna (ltalj, trom t SAILED. Ships Uovdlng (Nor), for Bremen: Storkere (Nor), do; barka F Hippo iltal), Uibraliur; (Nor>, l.ouuon; JoUn F Rottinan. uenoa brUs liuoy. Port Spain; Ha ve ii, Matanzus; Tropic Blru, Havuiiu; schr* Flower of tlie Fal iBr), >ftlomca; W a Far well, auz Cay as; Wa pelia, bavunnau. MARITIME MISCELLANX. BO- Sec cablc newi , ? . ? aadltton to damage b,l','"r"//4'tUattowe(t her in was the head braces, 4c. pmi.,1b1. fi.'UH Ibvink, Berry, at Havana June 4 trom Phlladei pUia. hud heavy weather and loat purtol dcotloa . SeSSFfe SchrJamks a Ktkt.hom, Chase, trotn Gloucester. with fish, U ashore at Hell Oate. JS^JX&g&SS&Xa* gotten off and proceeded ou their voyages. Sas KitAxrisco. Juno 18?Ship Cbumplain, Capt Morrill, fa 5?1 Vork Kel? 1> lor till* port, struct on North Varraiana IslAiid-t at 7 o'clock, last evening and sunk. lrarralone iniano Heada three uuy? in a dense log. peered would have carried U..^ahZf&Xoft' "."with nrSlu ??"?? w2, K-wr?r issjnz?* iwstaiK when tnua in a lew inonn ntH. . Merrill w? the last mail man woo crushed betore leaving tno crlwsaved nothing but a tew article., of * r > ijiiiiriiv uiter leaving tlto ship tho log rose. Clothing. Shortly alter a Mcu.loclno and pulled when tlto crewi al.utoa tucj*^ brought here. Th? lor her vessel having been built at Boston 111 C wa? nearly, a new ves?i, u??>u? NV.4 lied by W H w-*\ ?/^rria-tun L^te t'^.ad the Uowing cargo. consigned to 0?H.? *<rK-VU*Wl I nMehlner.^i eaiMM. roarble^C & bb||. ?,e iroIli iptaoi. m kegs '? atoiH'ware. 3 pack??e?. M?o*e?. ^o Sh^^^sSS***? EKSEBs&sSsF bbss ja* BJPSSJsffsrw Bfesafa ? Capt W * Knighton- ______ NOTICE TO MARINERS. ?*Btt*a?AK*A?-?***C*-?OCtH COA*t-BSIABLUSl?*T Of mm" a bo ve 'the'Vronod! and in clear weather tg vlalbl. two "Ssss^vs!7"&K"iXM Standard .liuate I on thenorth gat.jungle of the port. L^'.SS .i,?t above {he level of the .ea anS 1?X le't :l;oVcta?itro" da j^u vUlb,e In weather two "Letring. magnetic. Variation. Uaag O mm wetter ly in 1M1 _ Araic*?wait ucnT **" ?C?T, AT AraiCA?* ?t da cab, ooaaa boao. t>. ioucwim 1taw?aJk *?? tSSl'n'i ?!? <*" ? "S?"D:;v?s ?;s.rva MS 2r'"S??.H 33a. j&s.?sssua "si*... arrival ol the packet. vne *iiij> on the ?team n?^rlVg"Cl'ov to .h.,w the ponitloii; the lantern is :U.?fc?r7..r.^ve tlw .Urt.cj^ tJM wat-r (|M) tour new ''j?rnora,war.1 ol the larte ^[ran^Uc.^n^ero.U; ;? avaw^js-.^ ?a sss aaa S?,ru?!t ifi.Vtatl?ii) Une in the WMiern part o.tne r?fi2lrtCilniw Variation, II? weatarly In l?7l SPOKEN. Ship llalcon (Pernvi, l.rom PtW*t Bound for CalUo, "jswrSt j wwtfr*for wr#,t Ind1"' 9 Vora for Oorptu ChrUU, g day* ont, Jon# 7, lat SO. lon ?s ^ NOTICE TO MERCIIAN* Td AND CAPTAINS. Merchant*, ihipplnj agenti an! aWpmaftari art In formed that by telegraphing to tha H*balb Londo Bureau. >o ? Fleet et-sst. or to tfcj Parll o?ce Rue scribe the arrtvaU at ani departure! from Kn ropean and Eastern port, of Amertoan 111 all foreign ^"trading with the United *tat* the same wtu be cabled to thie country tree of chargj an 1 Pui>'u"1. Captains at and mHIbj Irem Kreoch and ?ediMrranesn port, will flui u. > ?*.rH offl? the m?re economical aud eapatmoni for teleiraghlBj new*. OUR CABLE aHIPPINO NEWS. Baterou June 17-Salled, bar* Lyn (*or>. Wold. *?? rlB?a?M. Juna l?-9allad, ?hl? Bremerhaven (Oar). Wfivhaufcn. X#W York. HoBntArx. June 19-Sallad. itaamar lyrUn (Bri. Lnw *?? a b r ?lo* a - a rr I vad. aehr Chn. Piatt Bharee. ?rnn^ "o^mrr. Jane 18?ailed, bar* Brothers. Thnrrton. St T (tlueil 17th, bark Garibaldi (Itab. Q. Coraxnaonx, -una U-Arrlved. bM" ^??L * ?n, New Yor* lor Ri??; t?dera Jtinda tOan), Berg, Bal tlmo'e lor Konigsbarg. , t ojrsTA*Ti*o?LK-Arrlved,brtg L'Avvanlre aul), ???. vatbra. New York. _ .... Dbau jane l8-?atled. schr Jefferson iorden, Patur ton (from London), Boston. ??.?(?.,i OLocctstaa, June 17-SalUd. brig Sallna ?tanlord (1UI). Allegro, America. ui?ht?aa (Br) OLASCOW. June 17-SalUd. ship La*? Mlebimn (??? Lamont, Montreal. lifti June 1?-Arrtved. bark Onkel <Oer), from ? ICo!?iot?*?o, June IS? Arrived, bark Katuamel (Kor), ^^^Arrlved. ship B O (Nor, Knudwn, Saw York; bark Wild Hunter. Howatv ?-?nsa 'tailed 18th, ship Frank tf rnayer. sal.ed 17th. ship Mary* Hlggs, LangJon. >aw or *'lo*?o.. June 18-Arrived, bark llndlkswald (Swe. "S St' Moravian ?^h- ^ NArias. Jane 17-aailed. garner oiympia (ttr). Tonnf. KqU?~wr, Juna U-Arrlved, bark Bapaal. auU ?urtaia. Baltimore. Sailed 18th. steamer Pity of Brussels (Br) Murray (frOu? Liverpool). New York. Shiklds, Juiiu 18? Hailed, ship Ellen Uoodjpeed, Moure (or Otis), San Kranclsco (not previously). Sinuai'oke, June 16?Snileu. ship N Boynton, Blan chard, Boston. Tkikstk, Juue IS?Arrived, bark Bostna dtalj, Garnbar dclia, New York. Wiutkhaykn, Juue IS? Arrived, bark Kgremont (Br), Keeney, Darlcn. FOREIGN PORTi, Bahacoa, June 5?In port. scbrs E A De Hart, DrUcoll. for Philadelphia uext day; Victor l'ulg. Pinkham, to load ror da (ahdkmas. June lb?Sailed, barks Continental, Kills bory, north of Hattoraa: Ilachel, Norton do; bru five Brothers, Tburlow. do; schr Charles Morlord, Parsons, do. Caiiiauikn, June 11?Arrived, schr Arianna Aubry. Philadelphia. hulled loth, schr* J R I)lvertv, Douglas. Delaware Breakwater: lltli, Mu.v Mcl-urlund. McKsriand, do: 12th, brig Huttic, Cates. Mew York ; schrs Carrie M Itichsrd mu, Kiehardson. do; NMllu bcott. Milan. Delaware Breakwater; lttli. brig Carrie t, t'iekering, Torry, Now York; schr Guiding star. Moor". Portland. Katukk Point, Juue 16. 7.13 PM?i'asstd. steamer Manl toban .not as misprinted), YYylio. tram Glasgow for Que bec. Arrived lfth, steamer Prussian (Br). Ritchie, Liver pool for Montreal. Hiouo (not Yokohama), May 18?In port bark Mora (Br), Angel, tor New York. idg. Havana, June 16?Sailed, steamer Austin, Mor gan, Hook port. Texas; bark Asia (SP). Guszaja, Patcauoula; schr Mury Lord, Lord, Brunswick; 17th, steamers Wilmington, lloimes, New Orleans; Gussle, Simpson, Ituliauola; brigs John Welsh Jr, Vansclow, New Y'orX; Glpscv Oueun, Morgan, ao; Kortuna (Br), MoConneli; North of Hutteras. MHiiUi) IHth, steamer Columbus, Beed, New York. LocaroBT, N 8, Juuo 17?Arrived, brig Waliou, St Mar tins. Matanzak, June 16?Sailed, bark Mary Pratt, Savin, north of Hatterus; brig tubal Cain, Stone, do; schr a a Larding. Smith, do. QCKBkC. June 16?Arrived, steamer Texas (Br). Lauren sen, Liverpool. Hhanuuai, April 10?Sailed, schr Hamos. Brvant Chee f?o, Newchwang and swatow; Z7th, ship Titan, Berry, Ilrflio. to load tor Onannal for orders to London or Liv erpool. ,->t Maiicaket's Bay, Juno IS?Sailed, bark Bel 8tewart (Br), Gilliat. Harrow. E. st Jauo, June 11?Arrived, brig E A Bich, Paine, Now York. Sailed Oth. brig Valencia, Small, New York. ?auua, Juue 5?Arrived, brig Mechanic, Gould, Car denas. Sailed 10th, hries Castalia, Whitmoie. north of Hat terus: I7th, Mechanic, Gould, Baltimore; Myronus, 11U gins. New York. st Joiin. n 11, June 17?Arrived, schr J M Stovous (Br), Edgctt, Now York. Also arrived 17th, hark Kale Agnes (Pr), Havana; 18th, sclir M L St 1'ierre. l'hiladeipuia viu Portland. Arrived 16th, schr Prairie Bird (Br), Hjelmstrora, Sa vannah. Cleared 16th. brig Zlngee (Br), Edgett, Moncton, with inward cartm, from New Yor*. Cleared 17th, schr Aurora Borsalls (Br), Clark, Now York. Also cleared 17th, barks Brother's Pride (Br), Brown ell. Tralee; Ida (Ur), I.ondon. sailed 17th. barks Wilhelmina l'ust <Oer), Seyer, Mum ble'', K; Emma (l<r), LUwell, Penarth Roads; Isle of Beautv (8r), Grimsby. E. Victokia, June 10? Arrived, bark Emprast Eugenia (Br), lrom Talcanuauo. AMERICAN PORTS. Srtilod ?Schrs K V\ wod/rov. Bristol* Howard tr(|i( ?""Wra (from GeurJ^Jlwr^'liliWard Wluiara?. iiOfclo.N, June 17?Arrived. bark Svauen iVupi Heincrwn.Bmvrni: .elir* N J Ml.lor 1.2?rta M r. goane; rtttiitu w Kay, Uouifherty, Mata'nze! via m.i.V more: Jomo W SUW. Tnuk, Alexandra;" M Howli" BwtitoV KrtFV U Ulckm*n- Su*w' ^LUdelphU; K Iiihn i W oneo j Koawell, Hurlbut Calbarlen wYo" WliWeSSSKi "oVa!^rewl" toifc - ? h"1."1-:10"- -NH Ly,Uu " Uapir, Orimmar, Vor folk, M K >oni?T9, Carter, Alexandria: a K Am?>* Achorn, Baltimore; L c Hick man, Sunnier Phfla.<iAi* Pbia: I laun.ill It Miubert. Cain. <l"; j if liSdaalOr.!. U10,r,i?0; Oortoa, Godfrey, do: (J u h#??" ard. Pcnghkeepale; H Y Lowell, Kobbln* We?h^rk2)T" UoS.l ete"- a*Wyer- ?'S.UWard," (Br), from IJunedln, NlVwhr aadau'WiicotL do. Sunll*U* i,?Bi June >8-Arrtvad. ateamara Oeo 4nnniri Lot ela nd. Uoaton; fanny Cadwalladar Foster K?w Vork; brig (leorxiu. Kielda. Ponce, Pit - achr* Q r'LanlT Lane. Boston; w it Houatou. Gardner Cardena.- Th?;. .onXwYork'. * B GrlfEn- Carden?*'- * * Slap. ? i^?^ie?hier' Commerce. Walter North Cmrr. li!r.'c.??T-K" iSffl'SS^SS ? iSE.te: ?bri" ?r*&a sxtv?""- "?? ? v?t!ss:^?m"u <"?? ^s?.'Si&e-iv,SE' BANGOR, June M^ClPircfl iohi*i i.hav 1/ p.n 1 __ BAfcfiL^nna'li fftfi* cJK3fcr?n, Hopkiui. New York ' man V?w V .?r uAtriYr?d' aCUr- K|lto Mltettell, KttJit raan. New York; K L Kennev. roiuian in iMii ridge. LJetidertoti. Mo?ton, to load for PbliaueJuhia baued-~8chrt Hie hard W Oenhaa Dtohain \ow fSfcbJSft?*'do: Ch? TOSSSMy; ror&b-M^ti^w York. ? W a,3r<le,,? Sm,,h' dcVpV'ia. *"*'1' *hr Amo' *^coubar?. Backett, Phila J maRLESTOK, June IS?Cleared barki l (Nor), KvvDMsn. Brl.tol, if "oubie , w, cI'l',,J<1<1 ui,AvV11i0a,:. Ar^t?ct (Br., Sm.rt,'do "? kakIE.n, j,a, June II?Cleared. bark Harold OUen- C*rJ'ff- "" Ll^ PoVand KOKIUESS MONROk, Juno W-ArriT#d h.,k n.. liieintlb. kraelt. trom dap* Town, leekins. ' Brl* Icuula (Our), Uul?, irom Kio Janelruf In Hamntn. Zr (K.'&rffstf&r*"- ?"?ss*. ?? v XJverpooi."10'*' J?nt 18-Ci"re<1- Ithurl.l (Br,. Davu'c^"88, Jan# 1<*-Ar fired, ?chr Wm M J one*. XKW Oltl.h A.N'H, June 4-Arrived Khn J v cxrh^'.,N'wf?r*: -?>"*" k WbSaTisi? a Cliared. nu-uiuer fappabannock Kr? *???' ?hlp Northampton, . rask. Havre * Idin""1 JU" KM Vrod.rlclL J Collin*. IW >teamer Memphli (BrJ. from UrerDool r.m.;n. ?? SJb?: Birh u"ndBr NliW BKDKORD, Jane 19? Arrived brl? i ? p?n..n ,0'" Norwlch'' ^'-udT^I; ?.?WWthree'' iSSfi.PhlUde7p.iurr*ISSu" <lreen. heaco.inrt tor PhllaJi'li.hla; Kloren^c "ack^tt' 1 i'rovuience tor \erulank,<? Point- Krmi Vliii *.Ji .?? K,'}Jt,v" f".l:iN,;w J>? 'and ail Mlleu I7lfi) T?rr?". D DavMl-.n, rreomat AX do^vK. YB?urV Hoatun for do, BeMal, Thornton, do tor do; Kavourtie' Vlih i *?*?. Iff do (and ?l| aailud 17tln. ' ! l#tli ?Arrived. ?cbr,Cook,Taunton for VuwYnrk tanJi,r.>-or,|, 1 ; ,l,?,p l?e,r|. CoblaVh. I tialled?Srhra I'vlpni, Allen, Uoboaen; Menca^cr hpeliman. launton lor <>w York ?e?wjntfCr. 1 ?^ul^,"ANstTr '',EU- KI- J?n? 15?At Dutch la. : aDi..u%b<?r'.,chr* ' h" E 'Hkn^B. ^ovldence fork Ontario. Hurdick, Kal. Hirer tor New 4*tf,hiiLICa' Jnne I7~Arrir?<1' ?chr Robin Hood. Phil*. Cn?',l"dr*'?r?C^"n1l *?" Jork: Neptune, do; W'. ^WeMicV da ' do; Corntijt N?wkirk, do; l/.cnKV?^^i"0# * Ph'Mdr."/!rk? ,'1owh??*?' ?l?ckrton<?. Honolulu. r?,? ' iu?e l1~*rrlY,d. bark Maria Hcararaell i?Tt?=r,ip: XUKi r^utlerKatoi1^11' u Kmll?!^.w,^,t,alf,a,JM (Bn' ??<??"; -?nr Mary ** Know Aiarft^Br: V/r^^'orr^. d^phla. t uk New Vork: Oeo II fttout? lord do- .Hi?. i*apnr, SSSUiili *? rf?r*co*: Hcbecca W Uuddeli. aIm> ernred. bark Perplna (Ttal). I'.titrzo P?i?rm,.. brla >ori{i> (Nor*. <'ohann~?-u. I.lvernool *chr> I orl NOiara. CKfnriMXiMt I'avia Co iin. Town., nd ?.n?' cola; Alice Morda. i-lrkee. >ew v "rk- i aah.b^o. i ftTlow l?r',rM' ;v',ary '"?rennrn, CfcarU.u,^' t?!~*r?Wr*hVZnAnj un^MlfTSi cleared?Meamer Kiicrlnent. Pieree \Vw v..?k. Hath w'KC(*arri'.8?keH """""I,' M,,; A H Wo^ke. farr,' i?uin. >? r (inrn^>ri, Boweu, Ho A ton ? Cl<*nrarti if 11.,,,? w'SitVln",!" n'n 1"P"r' " ' "illcr, (^arl, ?0wn; PawtnenVi- H.?!: i'/TT***1-' '"?Ph f -rter, Burrou<li., rawwonet, >????, Hohlnwn. Newport-. Heading Kail* rojd miM. Adam*. N? W Umdon. " r.roi'lni.?\*?r.,n.hVk lM,ld ?lul>. Dublin; echre i w A ' ^?>unr. Knit t umLiriiUe; L X A Bab cock. Mnlth, nomern-t; Alice Rorda, l>uke? Providence N*wca.tLr, Del. June m <? M rtrlira Julia A !*.rri?on' 1 irom Ho.ton: John )< Auxin, nnd Wm B lhnma?. ironi do? piiwc'l up lust tvenini(j b&rk Oounor for Anlor ir.r ^tiraiii^n?|,.h?rtI,M HorJ'"- '"r ?'??I Hirer; Nefile, lor ? k"' '"r <?"; ??oree a Albert, tor S^firtiL S? L I ! N*yl.or' '"r "??<"?. *nd Carolina, for HUIrillB, pa. * I down l..t errnmif. p\t-it.rV/i ^T0.'"I""'"f 8*c"' P*?'*** ''own at II A*, lin i.riv. m2/i ?? 1 ' .,r Amiciirla iiuli, lor Dub h?m ,or ''rovldencc. ami iJeo Burn # o' Malanta (Br), for Ouad^loupe. Katn ? odtlam.1 (wifl>f>rt; ?^llil' Bowcrv for Cardeuaa, li... J " P*'",eJ down thl. P>i. t>dln fTnm IJnuo 18-Arrlred, bark Oan 1.n.i'a hT?h- I ?"i: brt'" u y "herwood (Br , from Ma . Iieeier, trom rardena*, and Coino laai a*aJ!in?. .,Il"L,: ?r,B AP?"0 ??lied for New York Q.!ino '?reouian. Dennli aud Northern a thl. vM: neamer Keuilworth PVu 7?? 'J00* '??? erenln*. nnI. * h^rwood h.a f>eon ordered to Phlladol ri.'tt i , ?v,i ?."" ?"?r ' hanie. here fo-ilay, (r^ta .t /ob^ RBTlla^Ma'^ brU - Lorlo? UT" Fre'r. Iloi^n, Me"., da1,Ur<1, W""*C'' |,h"u 1*lphl? Flj2T&<?i'er??"? '' ''????'? Johnton. New Tork. aaa J..0,M l7~'*-rrived. *t?ara?r William Trie? J'.,T V?/.- ',aU1,u2r0 vl? Norfolk: nchra .. M vi iiL Uobok?n Ni?!itingah?, Younn do: D W 1UtjfeoU> iol *oraiua foul, New V(?rk. Be' ,rl1 Waut?, i.Marletlon, Dc*'cdJ7lf>l!,?.?Il? 'i wood, 8t Jonn, Georgetown I ten. and New Zealand, Greenlaw. Phlla lelphla: J<>h? Manlove. C'Mhiiiuii; K II WiImiii, i ur^; i incline ?? "ot ter, Kiuworth: Surah J Uuruey. Ourimy: H A|ipl?"-#i#. Johnson; K II Dal.y. t'urker? Helen Mar, Ward; Jease ? A lien. Davis;.) II llunii'it, Itas.-iiiurlen; Kiiwunl \\ otten. Young, Chancellor, Ferguson: nilas Brainerd, HawrKln ; Surah li I liunipann. Hull, iiml Lucy Bubcock, Robiu-ou. New York. lHth?Arrived, steamer Florida, Crocker, Philadel phia brig Jiiliu Avilcs, Hanvor. At tl)H ii< i I of Long I'land Sound, lfitb. AM, tniuud east, schr* Ssllie Burton, Ella I'M?Scbrs Adrlanna ?i S Wiley, K H Brazos, Win Parreii, Win C;rnv, surprise, Mary Louisa, Edward Liudsley, II U Diverty, Win Buck le if. PAW rrcKhT, June 17?Arrived, schr Lizzie, Taylor, Wtcbawkon. Stilled? chrw Bertha. Conover; A C Noyes, Baker, ana A H Sawyer, Carver, New Y>rk. KICIlMo.N I), June id?Arrived, selirs II Squire, llaley, Boston: A linn Collins, Tutbill, New i'ork; to B Franklin, Moore, do. sailed?Sehrs Oakes Ames, Edmund, New York; Disk Williams. Campbell, do. SAN l-'ltAM'1st,(i, June 10?sailed bark D C Murray, Fuller. Honolulu; schr Legal Tender, Winding, do. 17th?Arrlveu, ships City of Hankow (Br), Mulr, Syd ney, l*SW; Cllv ot Voric (Br), Au'd, Liverpool, cleared?Ship Carrier Dove. Mcrrymau, New York. lSlli?Arrived. steamer Newborn, from Uulf of Call lorniii. SATILLA, June 11?Arrived, ccbrs Conservative. Bet* non, J?ck*onville; Ahby Wasson, Gray, Churlostoui Frank W Kmery. I'alker, New York; B Young, 11 a 11, dot J U Wright, Scull, do. HOMERSKT, June lS-Arrived, scbr Minnie Kinnta Parsons, I'hiladelpbla. Sailed?Schru w f Phelps, Cranmer, Philadelphia I) W Sanders. Mott, and Naiad Queen, SuiitU, tor Nett Vorlt i7tli?Sailed, schr Samuel MeManemy, Walls, for PhiW adeluhla. VINEYARD HAVEN, June 16?Arrive 1, achrs Ahjut *ar. Lowe. Viriiiuia tor Bath; L 11 Sargent, Saraent Philadelphia lor South Newmarket, Nil: Monitor Chase. Augusta lor New Yorl;; Alleghanla, MadOOCM and Edward Stanley, Oyer, Rockland tor do; llelea Robinson, I ath lor do. Siiiled. sehrs Frolic, Mary T Bryan, Marv Cobb, J Williamson. Jr. Lvldu B. Marv E Staples. 1- Stundlsh. 0 C Norris H i' May, Charles II MnniOKson, M L Varnov, 11 an ti it- WcstbrooK, Bramliall, William Tbom is, Willuiin 11 Dowitt. Sea Bird. Florence V Turner. Vesta, Eddie r Treat, Alfred Chase, W 11 Card. Sarah Louise. Light Boat, Isabella Thompson, Samuel Nash. Tarry Not, Eastern Belle, William Penn, Maud <k Bessie and Ala qotsar. 17tli?Arrived, brig Isaac Carver, Bangor lor Philadel phia; scbrs H Curtis, lloboken for Boston; Maud Wob< ster, Bangor for New Vork; Zlcavo, Portland lor Now< ark, NJ. ? Sailed?Brig Isaac Carder; sehrs Susan Stetsofl. L B Sargent. Monitor, Alleghanla, Edward Stanley, Helen, lien Hall, Maud Webster, Ztcavo. Passed bv?sohr Volant. Bantfor for New York, ltith?Arrived, sohr Klina M Wright, of Welltleot, Sugua for Bolton; Ophir, Philadelphia for Roekpor^ Mass; Annie Colter (Br), do for St Job". NB; Laconia, New York for Rockland; Hope (Br), Walton, NS, tot Bridgeport sailed?Scbrs Ehna M Wright and Ophlr. WILMINGTON. lie, Juuo la-Arrived, iclir D J Folay, Dlnncll, Baltimore. Cleared?Hark Kmuia Crook (Br), Sully, Cork. WICKFORD, June 16?sailed, schr Goo S Bepplier. Blizzard, New Vork. WF.STKRLV. June 15?Arrived, schr Reading Railroad No l.S, Tice. Philadelphia (and sailed 17th tor clo). Sailed?Sehr President, Lester. New York, lrtih?Arrived, scbr LovelatiJ, Roudout. WaBBKN, June 17?Arrived, schr Richard Lav, Haw* kins, Baltimore. Ml SC K UI. A V KOU1. A. ?HuVAL HAVANA LOl'TKRY. OFFICIAL DRAWING OF JUNE 12. 1871 CLASS U4i Prhf.\lfo. Prize.\Nu I'rizr.| So. Prize INo. .S31J0 . .300 i... 30U S)ii ....30u ...HKII ....30U ....JOO ... sou ..lUUi ....300 ....31* . ...300 ....IWO ...,i00 ....5011 ....SWi ... .3o0 ....:wu ...auo ....awi ....Sou ....SOU ....3U0 ....WO ....SOU ?,W " ....SOP S<*J ... 9U0 ,?JUI (kJi8 0423. 6161. 0479. I)4'.I9. Mil*. tibiST. i7dQ. ti?H. 6 72. i,Bin. 701S. 70 >9. 7O02. 7IW. 71+4. 7217. J.!H. 7477. 7iU-<. 76.0 75 0. 7H13. 7tir:i. 76;l4 77/9. /H(II. 8 (*. ?JBS. s ftl. b093. nUI. 9107. Hli4. 8*97 8375. CI17. fM6. 8479. SIM. <?641. 8702. n744. 8-27. 8431. HiJi. HUM. ***. 9186 M--4 . .. .300 ...3JU ...flOu 3<KI 14241. 14301 Mill. I Hii7. 146 12. ,,.aUU|l4HS>. 2U1I16. 209U9 20930. 2093% M-81. MM J. :m 2i ms. ....30u : ....suo ...Hi*' ....301. ,...'?*)i2Hir3. ..51/01 9513. . Iij-k 16897. ..MO IMS ..800 1692*4. ,..3?i Ii929. ,.:v? 16666. ..Ml 1897-4. . .SOU. I7im3. ... 300:1 II ?? ,...500 104 >4. ....8uo IOItf9. ... fru III.YU., ....?U li .'>25. .....'.01 i<>.'4t. ..J> 10697. SOU I06HI. . ...M1 IU648. 10706. ....SOU 10744. ...SOU IIISIJ. ....!*P 16031. 1im74. .....1011 10676. ....SUO 11077. ...1.0 11113. ....Jill l|l?. ...35# 11164 ... Juo 11264. ....*"1 Il3.'4. ....sou 11 >46. ... J6U 11W ... Sim II Ml. ....?'10 ....*10 ....SOj .. .*?> ....300 ....??' 1 .'.IS. ....300 I92&9, ... joolmn. .. ll??i 19(21. ..300 ..'WO .../OL ....:* 0 ....600 ...WW ... ??l ....??II IK 10 ....30 13f.IV. , ...SOni wtw. 191 I 19372 I9.2| IMS6 UrtTP mjni, 197*4 1.7.'1. 19-1 19-1:. IS?123 I-?4~ 19819 mni; I'.N r, n 11 199 .1 I't'l.H, IV/.I. ..*W . -SUUlj ..: oo . ..:w>i . ..*?1 ; ..sou . ....tan ....*? ....ini ,...W ' ...JOB ....S"0 .....wo . ...:wo .?*? .:iim :wo 7 * 7....:wn ....3011 .....w .IMni ,vm ....SOB .. .3U0 ....300 ....aou ....son ...sou ww7. 3 >366. W167. II4.VI. 13174. 1340:1. 33646., VVJJl. <3699. Ut>'?. 9806. r.6 ??. 11710. U7 44. WW. 3 797. 11-78. 33H96. ,.SH APPR0X1MATK/S PRIZES. ?100,000. 1 $30,000. | fi.ooa. 1 ?10.000. 1 A? Prii' No. PrjtfJX''. ?****. '2?- '"SSL 3-901..4801 UM8...W00 18774.?#"aO;/77li...0SOO f5,oool No PriM m.'27..SM 109.9.. ,M 249 l.;;"80. 3M67.".."?W 137T? ... 00 i7717....300 i 8490%...600 Al 21 Oo 23901,...500 1IW....J2' rine,,,.jwo umi?bo ? ?i ...jno 2MOH....9U0 28901,,,.800 18910....6UI Prize? c?ih?d. Iniormttion fornuh?.l. Spanish Bm* 0?vtisattk <f'i kowlL .. . ? . , TAYLOR .* no., n?ak?r?. >?> II Wall ?tre?i, Savr t'ork, Absolute DivoKom ubiaimbu rR<?* otrtitu. out ht*tu?; le*!ll ?vorywh#r?; iloacrti:.!), Ao., ?uftl. clrntctUM ; no paiiilmtv re.|UiroJ; no ciiarje uutil <11 Toro* I* uritntC'l, ndvl .? fr?.j. M. Uut'.-iic, Attornor, 194 Broadway. Absolute divorce* obtaiubd from uourti tllfT?r?tic St?tP< li'iiil overywlicro; do pabllsitfi ?o (??? in Advance , itilrict iron. <.?Bim'?ionar ior artrt HtHtt. FitaUkltlCH. L HMO. touuiciioral-law, Sfl BraMMBV