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Stocks Irregular and the Market Fever-\ ish?Prices Generally Lower. GOLD FIRM AT 117 1-4. Money Easy at 21-2 and 3 Per Cent on Call? More Loudon Disasters. Wall street, ) I'lll PAY, J UliO 18?0 P. M. J The stock market to-day waa irregular, lever isli aud troubled. Tlio news from Loadou aud toe outlook at Home were both tUncoiirazlng. Prices generally were lower. Tne prevailing disposition was to sell. According to late reports from the leading representatives or our railwuy lines there ts to be uo change lu rates. If these ba true toe various companies will earn do more aud no less than they did before tne "war." Consequently ihe truce that hns been established exerts no direct effect upon speculative values. Shrewd operators are predicting still lower fig ures, but conccde the fact, neverthe less, that, were It not lor extraneous Influences, such as those which have sud denly developed themselves abroad, tue moment was opportune for a purchase. While there Is much to be said pro and con there is much to be misconstrued la the saying, and we, therefore, limply recite tne prices, and leave to others the privilege of Inference. It is difficult to say how much the stock market was affected by these foreign complications or by local causes. The figures are as follows THE STOCK MARKET. The most actlvo security was Lake Sntre, of which some 166,000 shares were sold at from oi% to 69. Later there was a recovery lo CO. A large snort Interest was created. Erie was active, un t receded from 15% to 14%, ending, however, ut 16*4. The "bears" are naming 10 and even a lower figure as the result of the proceedings ror fore closure. Pacific Mall sold at 32,1?? a 32y, a 32?;. Uosslp concerning this stock Is quite contradic tory. Western Union during the day was firm, ranging from 75 to 75%, with a close at 73%. Atlantic and Pacific Telegraph advanced from 22% to 23. C., C. aud I. C. weut down to 3, but rained to 3%. Union Pacific sold at 73% a 74% a 73%. New York Central at lul% a 101%. St. Paul was Ireely offered tor sale at 31 a 31% a 31},, and enderl at 81%. Northwestern common sold at 36 a 36% a 34%, with closing figures at 3e%. Ohio and Mis sissippi sold at 22% a 23. Wabash declined from 7% to 6%. THE SALES TO-DAY amounted to 802,000 shares, which were divided among active stocks as lollowsNe w York Cen tral and Hudson, 4oo; Kris. 48,600; Lake Shore, 166,700; Cleveland and Pittsburg, 600; Northwestern, 7,900; do. preferred. 100; Rock Island, 1,700; Pacific Mail, 28,400; St. Panl, 3,800; do. prelerred, 4o0; Otilos, 8,600; Western Union, 40,000;Waoaso, 3,100; Union Pacific, 8,4u0; C? C. and 1. C., 1,303. OPENING, HIGHEST AND LOWEST PRICES. The following tabla shows the opening, highest and lowest prices of the day :? Opening. Highest. Lowest. New York Central lul% 101% 101% Kile 13% 16% II", Lake Shore 61% 61% 69 Wubash 6% 7% 6% Northwestern 3> 36% 36% Northwestern preferred 49% 49% 49% Kock Island 101% 101% 101% PltUburg 89% 90 89% Milwaukee unu St. Paul 31 31% 31 Mil. ami Sr. Paul nref... 54 64 53% Ohio and Mississippi.... 22% 23 2J% New Jersey Central 108 109 108 Del., Lack, and Western 118% 118% 118% Union Pacific 73K 74H 73% V.f C. and L C 4% 4% 3 Western Union 76 76% 74% Atlantic and Pacific Tel. 23 23 22% Pacific Mail 32H 32% 31% ADVANCE AND DECLINE. The following are the changes of the last twenty four hours:? advance.?Atlantic and Pacific preferred. %; Northwest common, %; Rock Islrtod. %.; gold. % Decline.?Atlantic and Pacific Telegraph, %; New VorkCeutral, %; C.. C. ana I. u? %: Erie, 1; llaunibai and St. Joseph, %; Lake bhor?, 1%; Pacinc Mali, %; quicksuver. l; St. Paul, Hi Wanash. Union Pacific, %: St. Paul preieired, %; Erie in London, %. The stationary stocks were:?Delaware, Lacks* iranna an i Western, Harlem, Ohio and Mississippi. Panama and Western Union and Distriot of Colum ns 8-6oS. CLOSING PRICES AT 3 P. M. Pacific Mall.... 32W a 33% Mil A st Paul.. 31% a MW Wast Ua Tel.... 76% a 76>a Mil a .st Paul pt 63* a ?3% Atl A Pec >iel... a ;S < . C, C A in>i... s?> n tl quicksilver it a 16 C, C k 1 C a 3% QuleS-llvsr pf.. 2 ? a 21k Dal. Lack A W.llf a 1H% Msu'oi a 7iH ' rlc 15% a 15% AJaiiii Ex a loolt ohore W?;? a so American t*... 00 a Mich Ceuiral... 0? a ?7 t a ? X|.ru? ... a *6 N V A llurlcu. .104* a 135X Walla-l argo Ex ol a 81% MfUAtiK 101% a lUi Ohio A Alton...102 a 108 N J <,antr*l....iuSH a luv B?% a 0" UDlO A MISS..... 2V% a S3 Chic AN W.... S?% a ToiAWab 6% a 6*4 - ? Cn Pacific 73)$ a 7J?i Chic A S W pi.. ?9k a Chicago A Kl .Uifi a 101*. THE HONEY MARKET. Money closed at 2 and 2% per cent on call. The rates on commercial paper are unchanged. The advance in tne borrowiug rates for gold to 1-32 per diem can-tea a weaker feeling in 60-day bills on London, and prime bankers' bills could be bought at ttie close at 4.87. Demand bills were firm, however, with nothing to bo had under 4.90 a 4.90%. The following are the official quotations st noon:?Prime asking rates lor ster ling, 4.88 and 4.91; selling rates, 4.87 a 4.87% and L90 a 4.90 ^; reicLmarka, 94% a 94% una 95%; cables, 96; prime Paris, 6.16 and 6.11%; otner rates, 6.16% a 6.10% aod 6.11% a 6.12%. THIS GOLD MARKET. Gold waa steady all (lay at 117%. The carrying rate at the oDening was 1 per cent, but loans were afterward made fiat and at 1 a 2 per cent per an num for use. At the close as hign as 1-64 a 1-32 psr Ciem was paid for borrowing. Tne engagements for shipment to-morrow are tuid to be in tee neignb >rh?od of S3.000,000. OPERATIONS OP THE GOLD EXCHANGE RANK. Qold balances tl.GJ6.305 Currency balances 2,033,Its Gross clearings 45,723,o00 CLEARING HOUSE STATEMENT. Currency exchanges $62,240,837 Currency oaiauces 4,os2,ol6 Gold exchanges 6,616,932 qold balances 701,860 IMPORTS OF DRY GOOtiS. The impbrts of dry goods lor the week euding to-day were $894 069, and the amount marketed $962,319. The total imports of dry goods since January 1, this year, are $62 697,973, and the total femount marketed $64,383,768. THE I'XITED STATES TREASURY. Washington advices to-day repo>t as lollows:? Customs recelptfior tne week ending June 12, $2,130,000; receipts lor to-day. ?66o,ooo; revenue receipts lo-day, $325,000; national bank no es received for redemption today. $00,000. The United States Assistant Treasurer to-day paid out 198,009, gold, lor five-twenties redeemed aud 128,00.' -or inteiest. The l reasury balances were u follows:?currency, $4,000,000; coin, $76,600,000; less eoin certificates. $i9.6uo,ooo. THE FOREIGN MAttkKT. TBS London advices report toe failure of N. Alexander, Son * Co., merontmsj Octavius, Phillips k Co., colouisl brokers, of London t Young, Uothwic* k Co., with llabiliues at t2,6U>,000 sterling, and Medlook, Swallwate k Co., 01 Manchester. The liabilities of tne first named was sot dowa at $1,000,000. Cousois were weak at the opening, but atterwsrds became firm and advanced. United States oonds were strong. Ihe Baok of England iaiusj iiiT.ooa on bais&oe tu'day. Toe leelmg at half-past three o'clock P, M. on ihe Rnglisu atock Exohange is lepoi'ted less llooniy. although, strange to say, o.hor i$ilurea ?re reported to be at band. Tne hsiupast ioar 9'ciook p. M. quotations are as follows:?Cousois lor money, 92% a 93; do, tor account. 93%; 1866 bunds, old, 100% a 108%; 180* bonds, 108% a 106% | ten -lorry bonds, 104% a 104%; no* fives, 108%; trie, 13%. ihe-e are 1 he London Stock Exchange tflieiai 4uotatlous. SAVE SBABVIS. hank saares sola at UAk tar Oontiaenial. 191 for Fourth National, 154 for Parle und 149 for Me chanic*'. The following were the latest bids:? America, 165; Central National, 101; Chemical, l,000;City, 300; Commerce, 124; Continental, 108M\ Corn Exchange, 130; First National, 200; Fourth Natlonsil, 101; Hanover, 90; Importers and Traders', 203; Mechanics', 148; Mercantile, 108; Merchants', 125; Metropolitan, 134; N'*snau, 103; New York, 135; North America, 103%; Park, 164; Peoples', 140; Tradesmen'#, 140^; Union, 137. GOVERNMENT BONDS. Government bonds closed strong at the follow lnff quotations:?United Slates currency sixes, 1122; ao. do., 1881, registered. 121 a 122 y; do. do.. 1881, coupon, 120>? a 127; ?o. five-twen tleu, 1S62. registered, 118%; <lo. do., oo., coupon, 118.',' a 118?i; do. do., lt>04, registered, 118% a 11U; do. do, do., coupon, 110a 119; do. do., 1805, registered, 121% a 122; do. do., do., coupon, 1223? a 122%; do. do., do., new, registered, 120% a 121; do. <lo., do., coupon, 124% a 124%; do. do., 1807, reglstsred, 121)4 a 121),; do. do., do., cou pon, 12534 a 1251 -j; do. do., 1808, registered, 1213. i a 121%; do. do., do., coupon, 1233,' a 125?;; do. ten-forties, registered, 1183* a 118%; do. do., coupon, 119% a 119)^; do. liven, 1881, registered, 118 a 1183*; do. do., do,, coupon, 118,K *119. railroad bonds. These were quiet, though lirm, especially in the late dealings. The largest transactions were in Union Pacific firsts and sinking lunds, the former seilinz at 104% a 104%, aud the latter at 93% & 94. Central Paclflcs sold at 105%, Pacific of Missouri firsts at 04% a 94?*, and Ohio and Mississippi con. coildated at 90%. C., C. and I. C. firsts were down 1% per cent, ana Wabash firsts (St. Loots division) 2 per cent. Northwestern firsts were % higher, as were also New Jersey Central firsts. Cantral Pa clflcs and Oregon brunch firsts. STATE BONDS. In State bonds the transactions were oonfined to Missouri long sixes at 102%, Georgia gold sevens at oo and Virginia deferred at 8%. District of ; Columbia 3-65'.- sold at 73%, a decline of 34. There were no -ales of Tennessees, but quotations were lower. The Nashville Banner 01 the 16th says:? Governor Porter yesterday received a despatch from Comptroller Game-, saying that lie would l*ave New York at five o'clock P. M. lor Nashville. Ho lud tailed to make satisfactory arrangements to borrow money. He could obtain it along lu the neighborhood of 9 per cent, but ike Stat* could n >t afford to pay more than 6 per cent. Tne July interest will, therefore, not be paid. MEMORANDA. Philadelphia advices report stocks unsettled aud give the fallowing quotations:?Pennsylvania sixes, third Issue, 112%; Reading Railroad, 53%; Philadelphia and Erie Railroad, 20%; Pennsylva nia Ralirjid, 493*. The Harlem Railroad and Western Union Tele graph transfer books will be closed to morrow tor dividends. It Is understood from good authority that the Pennsylvania and Baltimore aud Ohio managers are arranjfinz a new schedule of passenger fjres and freight rates, but Hi view of tne contracts made extending to September and October, tftey aienot likely to effector change existing prices for some time to come on the Western roads, es pecially those which are compelled to compete with the canals. NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE SALES Friday, Jans 18, 1876. BEFORE CALL?10 A. M. $5JCn In Pac lit 104*4 200>hi Ati a Pac Tel.. 28 8 9WeitUnTel 7> i'S'J) lbs . SAM- BR.. 4 90 27 JU 500 HjU 200 4U0 ;mu 26 o 2400 a a U% 1100 do 76 240J no 74', do iH *? t?8 no 76 do 75 K - lultt 800 8300 27 UO IS 0 80J do. do. do. do. do. du 2*.0 N f Ct H M KR.. lOIJi 25 J) 5 nu 10a 7 X) 200 do 101H -800 luO Atl A I ac pf c U?? do do. da. 5.0 Pac Mall 88 i3 82^ SluO <'o. do. do. do. do. do. d do., do., do. a0, do. do. do do.. <io. do. do. ?1*. ii*i Tol A Wab <K tf* 40J I'blc A R I KR lot) 10) .IK *10 l'l 400 do ai lolVi 1U00 Colon Pac Kit.... 73>J 7oo ?,0 sou 800 IMJ 4.0 do. ?Ill do to J M tJ 100 ? 200 Kan P*c Rk... luu uo 2J ? Chi A k W Kit,. do. B? i ZM Mil* ttP UK ?1 JUO 200 lb I ?0 180 100 I do. do. <to. do. Jl* SI >4 Sl?i an* ill .11 >* Si* 61 1U0 1200 100 20U M m i -i ?? 200 Pp H 1 04 Obi. A MUa RK... do. ?o. do. do do. do do. Co. d?. do. 100 Mil A St Paul praf nJU 1.S A M A ltK I)1H( 6yj do. 61S sou ltw 100 200 3jU do.. uo. ; iv s ri,r IOJuO IIS''* 4JUJ U I- -20. C. '07.0 C 12.)?, IlMHI i C h 6'l. 10-4j r ii8k? AMI L 8 i-W.O. '08.b 0 1294 f iKsr 91000 Georgia 7'i, g b.. 9> owou \'a u'*, daf. SJi 16U0 Dilt I Ol 5 oil.... 73*4 louu ><o <r<, i b lm u Aili A i in 2d 1U6 1000 M.C K * 11 lit.... Si WUtlttriAUCV 91 KM) Clu A N W con... lu>lu civwilt 111.... 102 imiMN J < en i?t con. Iu6'{ SHU' I.011K I 'OCk bODUS 10 I 1W1I v 1 i tn lit r.... IIJ 10:15 ANI) 11:30 A. M. V"*? *1 AAt L ; r,.jr, - ?? 1000 l ? y?. 1# 4.,. c.. .. li?<? lUOlO L' a cur 8*1 112)4 SuOO ITHft'i, C. '81 llSJj BOARIJ?10:30 A. M. 60o iHi L'IKs RE.. fi 60 lou do. isod uo. loo du. 800 do. sou do. I7o0 , ,.. 14 o d*. 280J do. 7 " Pac Mall r.8 be do. da. 11 Oj Pac KR Mo 2d ... so>* 3? 0 uo. 2 i,o t en racK lo6f, " SoooC Plit.C i O tr. v444 fcunj l ii l*ac unk t... 94 1OW.0 uo. ...,o3 94 6Ju C, C A I C Ut ... 47 ?<600 do 4#X lSuO*) do id 60 0 f. 0 A I <J 2d lo lluOu Ot Weit Id 6# l"t<0 t.iu'11 A Tol lit.... tO llK.0 u <K MU.- 97 6U? Lei A M r b.'8? ... i(.9>f 6UA) I t U lil.klt.ll, .>6 tiuhi Continental He li>SM 46 KiiUi tl> > UK 101 60 Park Bank 161 5o Mach'l o'k 149 4t! U W. ? 1 II * iuo do e S00 do 2jO 36 do. 6M do. iWJ mo. . 2200 do Uj no ? Sou do aJ tOJ do... 800 "u 8/J do 1JO dO C 1 *i) Co SOj op 101 do fi 2d'iO Erie rtR bo 1800 do is 6AI do 16 100 Ol Ceu .?A- bo 101 S00CU1A it IRR. bc al l>iiU 49 uu _ ? ? - w'- lwl'? dOiLHJ *1 8 RR....bu 1400 eon Go i? 6o W'i Xt$ m S2V, S^S si ?*iS t.00 do. looo do. 4 0 to. 1-0 <10. 2?0 do.. 100 At A Pac Tel b c ?0J UO b?0 22a 100 22S *.0 do. 21M Oo 700 Cn Pac Hit...bc.a3 lull 1,1. do.... ifi ? e HH ..C 76>4 ? bS 7j), ... 7S& ?J 75v? ... 76 j ... 7* . 0 .as 71'. ... 76^ ;.c ^ 78 Jk ;fS .5*. 22H ?*? do..;. ?$ iil oo Titi ??W do 74 ?00 <10 7?u 200 <??.... 74 22 .v j Can KR be lit* "wcbi Am W HK. bi; :t6H Si ScU !t.x swj lain Sl>, 4 SI" 21X do. oo. da do. do. do. loo 2oU 100 too 8U9 180 lou _ 100 Chi NA w pC.. .bO 8 X J KM..,,,, 4 o inn - r KM. ,bc.a3 20J do a j 2UU Uo T4 do (I 100 Mil a ?t ? it pf. oo lo.; 11 A 3t Jo RR 201 cm, M M y Kit ,b0 114 30 P, Ki W * lou till A Alt KK.. ,.b0 102 IW Tol A W Kit. ?bc a 7 10; I'll P?o An iJ 1 0 Jt. ,M 10J Ohio A R I RR..... lvltj ??.. ia?* A ft tin. U8* 4(0 2610 1701 33 JO 10 > 8'JO 190) do do do do ? do ?1U 14JJ I) 15 do uy isk is*. 16*. 15 $lu000 V f S-20.C.] 2/XJu U 6 5-20, c.'Oi, u.. I $1000 Tenn 6'?, old 1 Ou I ??nn #'*. ii a 150.*) Dint Col 3-(i6'?. b c 5000 V 1' Kit Ui in i 10U00 do ] 10 0 I'll i'ac ? 1 10IOO <I<I 03 ?0U0 (.'en I'ac K b...b c 1 lOOOPac of Mullt.... 7000 Ofclo A M coll.... 10 aim Aiuer Ki Ui... : .''?00 ttuick M Co he ??' ai A 1' i el.... 18.0 Wext L"n 1'el bu 200 Chi A N W It R.... 36V; 3 0 do 3fl? 100 Ull ? btf KR MX 400 uo SIX BC0 Ohio A Mia* H U.... 23 300 do 0 23 2 P. M. >2000 US 10-40, r....bc 118X t'o. do. do. 411 u 100 200 1200 000 1300 Oq.......... m v ? ax. ?0 Am !? x 1300 J-uc Muil ?J0 do ?J0 do If Qo bS 1300 33JO I. eii M V RR..bC loo do c no wo u >? v; e,r, ?.. i 1000 Con Pae it bds... 1 2jijo ii a 3t Jt> a'#, con. lojshs At A fao Tei... loO do 200 Quick M Co 100 v* cm i.nitsi s3 500 do 800 uo b3 luO Union Puo Hit ?00 do ?3 100 do b3 1400 Ptc Mali SS 4U<I do 13 100 do si 5J0 uo,, 2UU (to 300 do *3 1x0 CtUNWBK loo trie Kit. M. mi Wk ii',' "'+ uf; lift 15 15^ I5U :0XI> B0ABD-1 P. 6iU?h?L i.VlSUR..... ; 12 ?i no I 1 too uo 411*1 do , 1300 Erie HH be 500 do ; 501 do . 2*O0 do . 15JU (lo . 511 2 JO do | 2.KJ fiu 10o do ; 700 do ! MOO do 15'a 10) Hrie kK pl'..bc.?S0 '-'X 4*0 l'n Pacittc 7-V'ii , 4dOClevAl'KK K'l.bcc W; 2011 ui UJ ; 200 Chi A N\V UK. ..b0 Stiff 000 do.. 30 X 5.0, 0, OAlltB fl 2J0 Mil ? Si r It K... .be 3J>a 100 Mil* St 1'pi bo 53>i 40." .ol AVVal) 6J? 50 do ^ 300 Del LAW it it. .b <? 118X 400 Ohio A J1 Klt.bc.b3 11% 300 do b3 23 4:30 TO a P. M. 100 shs Krie KB s3 15'i #00 do 15 >4 100 C, C, C 4 I KR 51 10J Cut A R 1 itlt 101X 2 K) Mil ? KtH KK ."IX 400 L8AMSRU 5?X 1100 10J 100 400 200 200 woo 1500 <o do 100 500 130J 100 1010 350J 100 100 ooo 200 400 500 40 J 7iH tiKOJ 800 S!J 22 do bS oo Uo 00 do eox <10 S3 OUX do n3 00 uo. oo 6)X do b3 tO', do COX do bS tO'., do. do. do. 60'? fio? to do do 5?J{ Uo c ? " do 60U' 100 Mil A St I* pf t>i% 100 Tol A Wab tiK.... j 100 tJlilo A Mis? RK..b3 28 luO C, C A I C KR 3X COMMERCIAL REPORT. COTTON ON THE BPOT WEAK.?FUTUREB l-8c. LOW ER?FLO U B DULL?WHEAT DULL AND DEPRESSED?CORN QUIET ?OATS DULL AND LOWER?RYX NOMINAL?BARLEY QUIET AND UNCHANGED?BARLEY MALT NEGLECTED AND NOMINAL?PORK IRREGULAR?LARD EASY? PETROLEUM FIRM?NAVAL STORES QUIET AND FIRM?GROCERIES QUIET AND FIRM?HIDES ACTIVE?LEATHER QUIET?OILS QUIET? WHISK! Y EASIER?FREIGHTS QUIET?HEMP AND JUTE QUIET AND STEADY?GUNNIES FIRM. Friday, June 18?0 P. M. Trade matters have remained substantially the same auriug ttie.carrent week, as ttiey were dur ing its immediate predecessor. Tne marietta have, for i be mojtimrt, been devoid of activity and buoy ancy, and la some cases, In which ttiey were lust week conspicuously active, a reaction bas set In and prices bave fallen materially. Tbe important failures in England reported by cable, though unaccompanied by any symptoms of panic, so far as reported, cannot but exert a disastrous and widespread Influence on trade cen tres, not only In Europe, but elsewhere; and es pecially wlitu ttiey are tbe apparent culmination of a long period of commercial stagnation. No effect of these failures Is apparent here as vet. unless the sudden reactiou In the breadstuff* market?the commencement of the activity In which was first manliest In the active export movement?be the result ot precaution ary measures rendered necessarv by them. How ever this may be, and whether there be danger ot more extonded (allures or not, It win behoove the mercantile community to exercise the utmost caution. A commercial panic at this lime would certainly not be tbe result ef overtrading, for there has certainly been an almost universal complaint of "No trading" during j toe past year or two. still, as panics olten come when least expected, it Is bast always to be prepared for the worst; and it tbe present troubles can be couflned to the lew lallures thus lar reported, extensive though they be, it will be a subject lor congratulation. The most noteworthy event here Is the reaction In the market for wheat. which was exceptionally actlvd last week, when the tales on the spot and In i transitu amaunied to some millions of bushels at rap ! Idly advancing prices. ibe deiuaud has been light throughout the current week, although considerable purchases have been luduceu by granting material con cession!. amounting in ail to about 9e. a Be. per bushel. It Is a noteworthy ract that the largest buyers last I week have been tne freest sellers this wee*. I he manipu lation ot the market have nm been understood, aud the theories advanced by the unlnitiatea have been various, the volume of business, though small bycomparisou with last wees. has. nevertheless, been pretty large. Corn has met with considerable favor and tne ssiet bave been pretty heavy, especially of old tntxed. which has sold readily for export at full prices. Oats have re mained without radical change, thouuh the market bas favored the buyer lor the m jst part, and prices have settled considerably for the week, ibe movements ot provislou* have been very erratic, prices alternately advancing and declining with uo apparently sufficient reason. Tbe market has been under tbe constant manipulation of speculators, so that the laws ot demand and supply bave been whollv Inoperative applied to roth pork and lard. The speculative transactions have Seen quite moderate, tbe speculators themselves having an fareutly regarded the future wuh some i.lstruit. reigbts have varied somewhat In accordance with the necessities of the arsiu shippers. An aclive daman 1 for graiu has generally been the signal for Increased tirta Bass on the part of ship owners, and higher rates tor i.erth freignu and vessels tor charter have been demanded, on the contrary the opposite course has had tbe opposite effect, on the whole rates aro not essentially changed from last weed's figures. fo-Uay the weather w.ta unfavorable tor tbe free moremeutof merchandise and business wai some what circum-crloed in consequence, un'change flour remained dull. Wheat dull and lower lor future. Crn dull and a shade easier. Oats dull and lower. 1'orx and lard dull aud easv. Whis&ey easy. Freights steady. Ootion on the spot was redurmd i,'c and lutures were Xc- lower, l'elroleuin was firm Navai stores were <juiet and firm. Ilides were active. Leather was quiet, oils were quiet Hemp and jute were quiet Gunnies were firm. Groceries were generally quiet, but firm. Molasaes was quiet, with a moderate busi ness i.K-e continued quiet but stesdy. spice was dull and unchanged, sugar was steady and a shade firmer in tone. AnTinosr.?'The market was quiet and prices were without change. We quote reguios 13c. Asuks. ?ihe market wee quiet, with a few Jobbing ssles at unchanged prices. We quote?Pots, Ac. a4.Sc.; pearls. Sc. Hta-ia isd Psas.?The jobbing demand for mediums was moderate and held firmiy. but some holders were disposed to ask Sc. higher. Marrows were firmly held and were lairiy active tor export. We quote:?Me dtutn. new. cuoice. Si WO a $1 M: do., fair totrool. SI AO a 91 71; marrows, new,choice. 92 4J a 92 5>; do., fair to eood, >2 i 92 lit; pens. new. 91 W a 92; red kidney, prime, new. 91; green peas. new. 92 40 a 9-' 60; wmte aidnev, choice, 91 a 92 10 da lair to good ; SI 5J a 9> 74. Hiiswii nonstn illy unchanged. VVe quote Western at 33c. a Sic. and . outhern at 34c a 36c. per In. IIrooh Coa*. ? i be market was strong, but unchanged. We quote:?Brush, short, green choice. ISHc. a 14>3c.: hard green, 13c. a 13c.; green medium. ll)c. a lie.; red and rea tipped, sc. a 10c. Mvitcs.?i he supply of Western was increasing, so receiver* were tree sellers and were not disposed to reiuse a reasonable bid, and prices were expected to settle down soou; tbe arrivals were good and the deinaud was tirm, bat buyers were more particular as to quality, aud stock that was sold a weok aeo as fresh ouaiity was rejected and had to be placed at easy fig ures in order to effect sales. I here w?? a lair Inquiry tor Welsh tubs. Pota ware in lair demand and s ?> ,d.v, althougu Uie arrivals were rather liberal, ihe d nisud tor state was fair, and the supply was moderate and choice. tu:l prices were received. We quote:?New buuer-Siate cr. uuicrv, pails and tuns, 39c. a SOc.: btate firkins, cneice. grass yellow. 37c. a 38c.; do. do., good to prime. 3?ic. a 27c.; do pails choice, 27c. a 3Sc ; do. do., good to prune, 24c. a 26c. ;do. do., comiuou to gooJ, 2Ue. a 23c ; do haif firkins, tubs, choice, 26c. a 28c do do., do., good to prime 24c. a 43c. ; do. do., do., cotuuion, 3Ja a 33c.; do . Welsh tube, choice. 2tic. a 27c.; do. do . do., good to prime, 24c a 23c.: do. do . do. common, 20c. a 23c.; Western creamery, choicc, loc. a 27c.; do. do., lair to good, 24c. a 24c. ; Western Reserve and Michigan tu^s, choice. 33c. a 3ic.; do., do., do., fair to good. 30c a 23c ; da. do., do., uoor to fair. lUc. a 18c ; Western tabs choice. 22c. a 33c.; da, do., good to prime, 19c. a 21c.: do. do., poor to fair. I6e. a 18c. . d i. Drums, choice, grass yellow. 2.c a i3c.; do. do., good to frirne, inc. a 21c.: do. do., comm.iu to lair, I6c. a sc. Old butler?state Arams, tair to good, 14c. a 13c.; do. halt firaias. tubs, common to lair, lie. a 16c.: do. tubs, common to good. 14c a 1 c.; West ern flralne, good te prims, lie. u 13c.; uo. do. fair to geod. lie. a lie. ? do. do., common, lde. a lie. ;oo.. tubs, eood to prime. Vic. a 13a; to. do . tair to good. lie. a 13c. i do. do. rnminnn. loc. a lie. CaMuuta.?there was a tair lobbing trade at full prices. We quote:?sperm. 28c.; sperm. patent, Macy's. a IVc ; s.carle. M. (i. Mitchell A Cas ,10 0S.K 27o. a H : adam intius, 12. 14 aud I" og , Uo., Ua. and 1(4.; oiiratfltie 4's. snd 12's. 3fe. a 31c. cntass ? ibe i bio cheese eoming In this year Is In vary bad order, but a few reuoy grades were gold et loc. a lie. for home trade. P..or erodes were neglacted. and sold at any figure under to. ihe de mand tor good to Que from shippers was good, and prices were readily made. We quote .New cheese?State factory, lancy, l.'Kc. a 13c. do? flue. UHe- a 12V i ua. good to fins. lOHc. a ll&o.; da, fair o good. to. a ido t do.. eomtuoit to lair. 9e. a to.; Sta;e dairies, lancy, full areata. iuo. a 13c. ; do., tair to good, part sklui, 9c. a #a ; sktiue. 4c. etc.; Ohio factory, Ched dar shape, fancy, He. a llWo.; do., do., flae, loo. a lie. i do , up., good to One, Sc. s luo.; da, fiat shaped, faacy, loc a lie.; da, do . fine. so. a lUe.; do., do.. goo<t to One, to. a sc.: do., rair to good, te. a 7*.: da, common to tair. 3e. a Jo. Corraa. - the market for Rio was strong. Other kiudi were linn. Sales ot Klo were IStoags ex Morning ?t?r aud M7I oags ax l'hrse Brothers on private terms Ms quota Ordinary cargoes. ISc. a iti 4o. ttir do.. 17". a 17Mo . go 11 do.. 17*c. a 19e.; prune do.. laife. a IsMo. t extreme rsage tor lots, ISo. a l?Me. i gold, t>0 or 90 uaysi Java, governmeflt bags, 'Mo. a ;4Sw. ; no,, grau mate. 2 a a f <o. i Singapore, d.i, 210. a itc.; Oeylon. Mi. a 2lkc. t Meracalov. sie. a lie ; Laguayra. i9Hc. a vlxfo.i Ja msiea, 17HC a lHKo ; at. uoiumgo. ISHc. a i7 ?.: Porto Kioo, i9o. ui9^*'i casta itlea, 17o. a *)Xc. i Moxlcan, 19*0. a 3us.; Angostura, lie a tlMo. j safaaiiia, 2t>c. a 33c. i Curauoa, lie. a 19hc. Coapaot ?i Be marui for both Manila and hemp was quiet and firm, with a fair inquiry at uncbangsd pries. w? quote i-Maalla Uaraa aud small stsei. per lb.. 15c. a I60.1 ua, coinage, bd t rope turns, 1j?<o a IJUr s tarred Maui a, UWc.; ?isal rope, lie. a l3c.; Mow /e*> laua. lie. a 110.. Russia hemp, tarred. l?c.; American ao.. 14.'.: Kuasla bolt rose 1/9. i.oossaaas 9?oc?.?Ihs market was inae-.irs, and prues weie wi huut chaoae. We ouo:s:?Molasses ehooks, Si-lnch, with heads 92 IJ s ii Aj; sugar snoots, with heals, as-luoh. 93 uO; da do.. W-invn, 91 SO a if a?: pox rhooks. tie a sec , ruui do..9> to; pipe do., Is m a 97; smsir uagsheads. 92 W a 9a 7Si hoops, it Ml?e. S5s a 37c.; boons. It feet. do.. i c.hiimrmf I,?."4 wV 0rm and prices were un Cunt,;?1 i iotM snlos 'W.UJOlba. at2Sc, aJ?>?c. We a * :iTr . (r1L'*"t4 bolV'31c; sic: Sic ? old fM?U'ing. *o.. mixed low. itfc a lew , , n YeW m.'Ul brOD/? -1J ' bolt-, ifc*.; nail., I for aTfar'a'dnJ10^0.".* IOr. s<>0t cotton weie reduced ^c. at IV r Tin'.rU ^ n.?tlc.?s w-re refused by exporters ! Iinri..i"? 'h-ii,. Jdemand Irolti (jerinun ex ! nJIrif.ri'w. i tu'irtfmd blla to table cotton, Greek ex atiii wtn lav m. market The bid* from the <l*r Uon. Lh?vP2rVw,Ul reduced quota iiiurk e t e h??<i rt 2 L V1V. holders otfereu (recly. Ah tlie _... '",cd despatches were received irurn Llverim ,1 orders and reducing limit,. With t.e? exte?mi!'i?1,toUM ?r tne Lon(1"" Inaiictai dliticul ti'u inirk?t r1,n. r lau!',le'iU:r, f'"1 Liverpool, while nit mm net renurls irotu Liverpool were of * continued unfavorable tenor, future* solil od He -ind closed with a continued dewuward tendency the busl nesein futures was ino,ti.v uue lo pureliaaJi made by the aitorta to secure profit* He ......i?. - i..?- il? !i fti*-; J"'y. ? a 14 IMtT "firf-t *fa ? ' ? a ? .. ,!? November, 14 9-ltk\ a 14 ltf-Sic ? I 5r? n 14 J9-i'A\; .January 14 23-Vv & tftVxic* A^ii'ilU4"1.^.0 U2, !CUV Ma'rc". ??????* yuowtjoni darf V?*- ,? ,'?& ! September 1. 1874. una on upland cotton in . ^ runn uS ! In .juallty not mot* thai, halt a tirade above or ""low U!e/.r^H,^U^a:Zi"'"nary. lS*e. ; good ofdlu?r? . ordinary. i4t?c ; low middling 15c ' middling, I5>ie.; good mlddUntr, iO&c. yuotauoiula.ei on Auiericau standard ot classitieuiion Uplands. Alabama. A'. Orlrn/u Trmm Ordinary U% 12?- m pood ordinary 14 u' i?t? llv* Low middllutf 1 W iit' i5i }.i1 Kiddiinu . iv* jo>?- J?i) Good middling 158 \!& yJ* a ? w }? Ynnrf XS' *091 rvg. 10VU. 0 o n s u 10 ct i on* \ \ \ 700 16? y* speculation 7 i# 2) Iota,l# 1,082 370 i"7>2 bLenra? orini?.llVevrVi0a.,i'1 io" """Mllum the "los have ^:~^cSf?.rda7.' alter two P M ?Julv, 100 at 15 3-3-c.: August, 700 at k? 3-ltfc., 1,2 0 ut 15 7-*12c ? s#u tember, 2i>j at 15>0c.: Uciobcr, 400 nt 14 25-;t2o ? Novora arv 5m ?t i*?-' ge.corabor. 2U0 at 14 21 Sic.: Janu '? February, eoiat 16c. ? March 1 iui fw 9 32c.. 100 atlj7-32c. ToUl.fl.5lO balcV To-dir ^ im ^^?i. i lii[) ,lt '* 2W-3ic.. Julv. 200 at 14^c 10Jatl4 2J-32c., 4 JO at 14 16-lSc.. luO at 14 29-'!2c iUj ut 14 16-lOc., 6o) at 14 28-340., Mo "t UltlSc il1 t^cV^ 1' }i Auiu,t imi 1 Vn . r.'3^0:*' 1Su-- 1 &W at 15 i-32< !i", ' 5 1-lwJ., :'0) at 15 l-3ic., 700 at 15 1.16e 'lit') ' 'Uttt.1V '.IU0, 14 1Mc - 200 ot 15c., 700at 15 l-32c : .-eptember. 1.400 at 14 w-Sic.; Ijii at 14 15 itv- i ii nt US1.32c.,83.atl4l51?c., 100 at U ^ lsO at U \r}*:-X11,0 1,1 u *9 Vc., l.O.HJ at 14 15-lrtc.; October 300 at it ^ ?-*. at November, loo at l4Sc. loo?iu 17.12c.; December, IU0 at 14 17-32c., iwi u* 14 9 iJc ? ii?lu'7. ? 'I 14 21-320.: March, itW at 15 6-3-c. total, Ii).700 bale*, lirau I total, 28,500 baler Tne receipt* at the ports were an tollows t-Ualvestnu i- New Orleans, 372; Mobile, 89; Savaunah, 421: (hiarlestoit 100 ^1' 895; Uahiniore. 4'J: New York' 20/;.Boston aS; Philiidelplila. 84. iotal, l.y.'li Total this day last week, -',581. Iotal thtg day last year 2 595 Iotal since September J. 14-'2,727 bales. Cotton iriirhu closed as tollow*:?To llavre. bv uteam, Vc to ii i,.. l)1/' ililf. ' ^'c" co1,l|l'resaed; to iJretneu, bv stoam Mil'.'s m"01 tU Llverpco1- ly steam, "li^d ; by ! r.uos.?The market wai dull and easy. Some holder. ' ri'iaif L'-' ,hou?h so in.' sales were reported at 2l '?HU' Jj.Vo Quo'o >? IsUud. ?ow Jerwy and neir by, 20o. a 21c ; State slid fenusyivanla, l?4;c ? t'auadu , ohoico brands, l9o ; Western, da. 18^c ? ^""c. ': "0Uth#rn' 18u'; e"eit- ^ a^':'ducu Fkatukks.? The market was rather Strom: with oi 2,000 lbs prune tteese leather* at Sue., au l low f ./ mixed at 45c. per lb. We quote :-Prl,ne new gee,, ii?' a jbc.: mixed, as to quality, 30c. a 35c.; hen f.aihor* & a#'.: turkey leathers, 5a. per lb leauiers, oc. ?o"'.,.?ic."ACItJ"u were "tl11 and quoted at 12 ii a 27*4 'or short and lull couut. t"u?.u at ia a Fish.?The market lor codfish was quiet with a mi demand, at tun prices, ine sales were kw iiofntiu Oeorire's at $5 50 and 100 do. Banks at $5, and thoi?i?v^ 2 were bou*hu Mackerel continues quiet, with falos n? #0 bbls. choice threes at 8115) tor No. 1 aud is M So. 2, and 150 bbls. No. I Bay ut ?8. Boxed hemnfwasae tivo, with sales of 10.000 boxes at SOc. a 33c. HarreNed herrlnif was dull and nominal. Wenuoto-?Vo 1 h*v. S3 50 a $9 a ?10; No 2, none; No. 3. none -' No. 1 $10 a $11; No. 2, $8 a $8 &J; No. 3, Done: No. 1 Fnelijh none; No. 2. noue; .^o. 3, $G; (itorctt Banic ?k ?r,,nd' ?3 40: Western, none; new lar*e threes' $6 W; new medium, >o 50; scaled horring s*c t -No. l, nona. ? Flouu AKDOBiiK.-Receipts-Flour. 11,040 bbls - wheat 4D,419 bushels; corn. S.uOOdo.; oau.31,6?oTo Th'e?'" Jl no liuprovoment la the flour market naarlv ?iiti?5! bein? dull aud some kinds fayorlng tile J2fl? Th sales were 12 000 bbls. Kye flour wai st^ady Corn meal was ouiet and unchanged. We note tales nr^n bbls. aud Si) bags at >1 40 a $4 5(1 W* quoU^Weate? yeUow. ?3 93 a ?4 25 Jersey and I'enusyivaiu. yellow SStSa >4 16; coarse, SI 54; tine silted, ft 57- boltad vli' I low, $1 7o; bolted white, 91 85, per 100 lbs ? aacked-Coarse, *1 Ma ?1 80; fine yellow ?i 76 . Vffl. j floe white, Si 80 a *1 SS. D^r 100 lot WeVuote f_ * 7S' | ^o. 2 >tate .iiittMMiM iimiik.i, . fil ?>? a ?. huporflno . uuj 4 m 1 S I'.xira Slate I" i Sj f i S Choice -ute ' 1 V. J J JJ Superfine Western ? J Extra Westsrn ! ! ' 1 o?. ! i*l Minnesota .... / .?" ? #? Round hoop Ohio, shipping brands.'..*.**.!'.!" 4 an J S ii Boundi hoop Ohio, traae brand.^!;!:;!;.'!;:; 5 5*0 t ?tLouis,iowextra!!!!!!!.'!!"!!!!.!"!!,'!"" sSi IS! St Louis, straight extra "" 4 ? 5 ^ St. Louts, choice double extra 0 90 ! 7 it? -M. 1*0uis,choice family !!!!! 7 uu 2 a ^ B<e flour, flue to superdne 400? : ?{ Southern. No. 2 1^2 i Si southern, superflag ? ?? ? J ? southern, extra....,.......!.. i 5? f ? IS ; Houinern, family * , ^ * JW Corn meal. Western ' S Ot?1 2 fu, Coru meal. Jersey ? * i Corn meal. Braudywine 4 do a 4 S Corn meal, puncusons *"iloo? I future daiTvaVv^' ,*i?d d,pre,??d a pressure to sell lor n quantity offered on the spot was 1 *? "?at the lew leads want#.! for lm m T*" borrowed or bought at kVlS a il U ln? <">">prls?d about 110,00) busneli at f1 kf 14 $* ror No. 211 tiioAfo to trrlre; $1 is 111 ilV* "iTtotsa6^1^ 'J ,0r Slwi&VA I Stor SI 15 lor No S Mllw-ni;. 44 fo' r*(1 winter toarrlre; and thWr'Aui^VW" 84c''tw steamer ^ ut+$ biftWKK ?.' Soa ??{? raSIfi. J' n .* Mc? tor Rv? was nominal at wof* ^t^O^busnels aV9"J8^t>9c! fo *mtxeu*70c aU72c*'or wa.\%,,e!,r!dVa?dMn2mm.?d uac"?n?eJ- mail I r aotra.?. urkish pruues ware In Arm lobbinz damanH Curranti were held flrtuly at jS^ond. w.ea in tiTL curT?ntr?^Ail'ai*1 :J00ii at 40* $3 60; currants, oc. Ainrioridt? Jarratrooa is^c ? Iriei i?4^ flgs drums^c. , ??, . boxy;? ? lic?"ijc., almond's.^J'j^au shelled almonda. t7o. a 50c.; oriucese pX?Jt!A?i>JSg SS; SaS* S2ln?2.,<C'.J. k.***1" VB,11U" 12c.': Bo* a 12c ? wilnuts, ll?,c. w?. l.iani.L J ?arceloua fllberu. 7Va. t seedless raisins, S5 -4; Kreuch prunes a M; .? O^^TruU01^??yvfrrl* were 6??n aud scarce Jl. WM 12 aciiTo demand and void at fUU ?r?m ,rom 'aware were poor aud a?w J w'r? small and in poor order there g/ne?a" %,Uh1?it'tr,*ch5* ?rrl*"'? ?rom Georgia, lu nJl,r era ten. and we re u^tly ail am all vt .T??m,?i n or<ler> ?"J were sold of SOc. to Si per box fairnHr?? i? hi?"ooJ d*mand an I were sold at ?.uP ^ cherries were in moderate demand at tuli ' li . nS' -strawberries. lielawtTre Sir quirl auart IV '* VvlJn<1- * ltc- - do., Jersey, per FVS-i?te. Hi a-jrrft Sc ; do.. Long Island, per quart 15c a 2jc iviet,:. b us lie? 's ^ sfi'I 'il 4?C' *hW gooseberries, green, per TJL.*T* **:. f?outbern cherries, per lb. 8c a lie Apples, Western New Yora, mixed, per tibl Si 75 a deselected, do.. Si 26. S2 50; do!, common'da. %i 25 a i "S,r,!;:s '"'ij.Tirf.-'.' i?s aruss 8^c a 9?: do., laucv, %rx*W&??siV^sVf dop'f!*<1 i i ? ,Sc-: ""peeled do., halres. new. berries ii do.. 7c. a 7He.: elack uernes, wc. a 93ac.; cuerrtaf. .state 21c *. 9ir> . ,1 J}4 5 rafpbenie* Mff,' S7c. a *28o. x Vl!? w? J, * * * 1 iSo.: no., -itate. 18c. a 19c. ui*k.? i ueong W9r8 in mrvterate deiuau.i aaJ thn 1U.|J Pwee w?r? wittioui cQange. e quote Uil plgeorti,'stall lod, per doaea $iw.. ijrv a Vi K do" B'?ked. flight! per dooen SOc' a S ;d?. squabs, per doxen. 75c. aSl*5. Wl UlUsiis. ? ilie detaaaJ I*ai fair and tba msrttet Hi f?XP f!"d pr,?*? were unchauged. We note sales ?U?0U! or c,ol,,, " lSo w* Quote;?Domestto Jo?.hw*ii*Za?h&0,u,'Qn-' <*? ? ^".""Rsd-shMwlre^'yir W*?pera?us ^ green peas were Arm and scarce. V. ueX^ina n ?lv i,.,b'"i?74c-;??rtduhM- ??r J<?. rouiKi, sVi da! *onf. 7$c.; lettuce, oar l>bt.. 7ftc a $1 AO* rhubarb, per iju fi; grct0 Jtrter., pcr bbl * a.H Kit m ii Ii ^elawere and Maryian i iiiarro^ra. ?* 9 k !^' da' small, $3 50 a $4, do.. Lone laund SSd CharU|??L BVi if ,lf"5 ??.? '^'u"1,' bid is a ai so * etring beans, per oriu? W^f'syr*- or ??Mn- ?> w a s" S" Jti ! ^ Bermuda oiiioqi, per erate 11 a Sir bb1? wr bo*. Si Vj iwtuteo'nions* KJ hbi ?ai#l ?*" rahow 40.. par bbi.. Si; r?,T? white n?f !? p?r $*; turnip*. Norfolk ?i i 2k if ? bunV*#i* 6'; ^o . KUilia, fiv itntL' ?"0uu*j?*r** Florida, per crate, $l u$3; da. Jv. JT' ?>' !?* "3tl!SSkS'.i.%J'isS: MA *sj s^ssta art", at ?v?? ? JCH-Tae market i??r hemp was quiet and was Arm w,r*i5 f*,r faiuest. and tb? market buVtaWS i ?ri-VT?? Ml" ware l.SJO baU? luta ?nlriaJL /?- ' a a4 CB"?"ay Mme We quota ?? v*?ad, ber tou. s?S0a UU for aoubiei tua ?4??lei Manila hem*. 5e!^a Jtfc .wd aS ioid /u^il!.' a#ia0h,n?? Hu4?4 clean at SlA a SWJ. quoted m 2U.a fs!\li 1 ' ic- ? 4^?; Jut? butts Sold. w-Hs-. ourrsuoy anal kauB, He.. market was talrly Mtlve and prloas were 212?" ???? aales were u?V J?o?SriSeo? ^Ho s tiol i, ipur tuontoa; iUu V'tra crus 4ou eQir^i ?ud* iJ^ss ' Moutana ou private teriut tiaugU;er at ?c. Wf quo.e -Dry yiaet? Bueoof ajret. ii ibe. a a$ iba tjv e Ki , li^ ma. 'ViA m alH? ! Uonie*id.o iuk iba. '* Hir'.iaa ?f*\' i-Ofrl?Bte^ 21 iba. a it loa, fco. i uJ*n.da, W lue. a iu lbs., Mj. * ??*., ori. hml a J. V.* S. ">??? >|f a 2iHo ; California .1 Iff" io? ? ttl "* UflMfai Amerioan. Id lbs, a it mJros *i lb\ Tii i5" ,i""' ?>V " Tt&ilrtit "Aiii t- v* {& : 'P"; ,*'* 'be.. 19q, 1 Mania, it iba 142 tue ia> ? a.ip?A iigh',fticig.rayjjf.'a.-*<? K'A^tsiW" '?^ovea'i crou report was layorabl*. i<e tomh i?!St week. Si bales, total taceipt. sines -eu. lii"?73 il iiu't^l4'11 "f'f.1 '0,4,' r*?*l?>u '"?? ?"me period 1B74 nldsh h.ii!?'?a; total expwria .mo- eeptemucr i, i?/4, 16 018 hales. \\. quote:?>ew Vork new sua a 3S?. 1 I- astern, u?w, a 3ic . Weiu.rn n?w *7 I Sfi.ioKS."?.'?;.; SV a14** *lk: blowing out. Scotch?The market wa* quiet and price* J?T!? ^ "lit'1*' i5h,D'*- Soru!' WM dull ??'t otfeied at $35. without buyer*. Rail* were quiet and price* without quotable change. We quote .-No. 1 u!nJlCtfS', f.'i * k:S< J*?' 1 (la' *lb * W*? American ?<ivi "t.. ??' 1 < oltness, $32: No. 1 uiengar.iock, * 1 "B'iolso. jW?; <>?rtslnTrl?. *33: railroad Iron, $73 a 877 " * ; u $5i a $53; steel rails. n17^?***?Jobbin< trade wa* fair, the market wan quiet and prices were without change. We <iujte:? m,urf'JI!l,"'irJ' pef ^ ,b*" ** <"Hi OeruiJii. or <7 'M i .*; mloreljfii, refine i, $; a U! , "!!??<?.$$ & U gold; bar, ?)ic.: pipe, pipe,'lBk'c allium * improved tin lined lead .. hfiT"?";~rlie ln*rket for hemlock sole was quiet, with a fair Jobbing demand at lull price*, uecelut* from uu nerie* were lull aud stocks were well a.irtad iho ?lock wan well taken up bv inner-, tor exnort There pom, Uouo*id7?ek wure *' l*) "Je'1 UUJ 1 MJ tx -Uernlurh.. . ? h, ilu#Hu? Jtj/ru. CuU/omii 't. Orinuru. ,)?? 2?c. a 27 24,'.c. a .'lie. 26c a'Vc 27?;a. a 29c. 27c a - 20V a 27c "*?*>' W.c. a 29c. 27c. a JBMc.Si'fc 2 2/c Good damaged 24,1,0. a 26>ie. 23!ac. a 23 c.2.V a 24c' rooruauiaged. ? a? ? a _ u,. " JV".' r.C'i.otJ-rr,s'uu*htar?^I-Ilfht hack*. 34c. a J6c': innldla *? a*'-l&! "Ci * 3ik'"; "i"U ,,cr?P. "o- * 31c. ; middle rrop, Ste a^;: h?V..crop-.s3c- 14 550 Texa*?Mght crop, aic. ,i 3Ji... middle an J over crop. 3'Jc. a 'Mr Uoui/h 2/c. a 2S0.; rough oak. 2?c .adb.T b.lWsUc ?n/J',V"ibi:.0.'4^-.?rhe Uittrl"'t <iuiet and the demand dark&? a 7c" P Ws ('UuU' = ?-s?w l"ght, So. ; do. Mkats and .Stocks.?The market was weak and the ifh.^.^f"iVPry *low" Ure"c 1 w*re moderately active. Mieep and laoin* were dull aud pleuty. We quote:? priiii, la in Pa, uvo, 7c. a 10c.; live sheep, wethers. West ern clipped, 3c. a b}ic.; do., mixed, do., 4^c. a 5c : do Jersey "and 'bio^ss* clipped, 4,'ic. a 6>4c.; live calves, i i. J UlJCk? couuty, tcood to choice 7'ic a 8c ? 1?-.'.e' 7*c. i rue.; do., X iair io go*}, tancv lie a 12^ -' H"r 'J? ' '? Ureased calves, i? . <? ' ? fl le' 10c' * ilc- '? u?., iair to Kood. tte. a 9e.; do., cpmmon, 7c. a 8?c. per lb. m*r,ct ?a? quiet, with a very mod cratc demand Irom the trade. Korelicu was dull and S "fln loS gUoWi:?oollur"unal aud mixed, 2l)e. ?' vL' p1*.yeu>.J4c- *$*!? ?. do., muscovado, rettuinK, 35c. a Soc.: do., da, grocery, 3ac. a 43c ? l"orto iti<?n a^ic" "**'' *lo. a 4bc.; Now Orleans, t>5c.' A}'AL ?TORM ?The marxet for spirits turpentine wa? quiet, with sales ol 175 bbls. at 32c. was Arm ihu sales were 500 bbls. strained at $1 8j, 4 Ubbls. No 1 at #2 2d. $2 *5 and $'-' 3J, and IStf bbls. do. at $2 5" a $ 1 25 lar was strouir. with a lairJobhuiK trade, at full prices, we liote saiesof 50 bbls. Washington ut t- 12'iaii 2> Wo quote:? .Spirits turpentine, 32".; ftrained ro>iu, $1 75 ? $1 ??: Wilmington tar. $2 37H: Washington do., $2 25; pitch, $2 25. . ' i-uiaeed was quiet and unchiinged, with a fair lobbinx trade. Lard w as dull aud uusettlcd. Menhaden was tlrm and acarce. t.'rude whuie was quiet, at lull price-. Urudo iperm was inactive. Kish was quiet we note sale* ot 44 bhls. sappers *oM at 37c. We quote:?Olive, Marseilles, quarts, $4 35 a $i 4d: do in easts, (l lo a $i 20; palm. sc. u Sk,c.: lin seed city (ca?ks and bbls), ti4c. a C8c. j whale, crude. Northern, 04c. a <!5c. do. do., Southern, 50c. a tiUc.; do., unhleached winter, 70*:. a 73c. : do . bleachcd winter 73c* a Jic.; do., bleached spruix. 70c. a 72c. ; uu., uubicactied spring, BSC. * 70c.; *perm, crude, $1 tii; uo.. winter, nn bleachcu, $1 95; no. do., bleacned. $2; do., bleached ?pang. $i 95: do., unbleached, sfirintf, *1 9U; menuadon' nound. 37c. ajWc : lard, prune winter, <1 iu; ua, spring and summer, $1 04 a $1 16; red, Western distilled lelainei, b5i'.; uo., saponltled, Vic. a 75c.; cottonseed, crude 55c a 60c.: do , southern yellow, U?c. a 70c.; do., yellow and wluui winter, 70c. a neatsfoot, SOc. a $1 :W; Hank ? 2bL" ' "?lur*' lubricating. 2B a 30 gravity, I'xrnoLauJi -The market was dull and clo*cd firm at lJ-?,c. a l.??c lorreUned. Crude in bulx was quoted at &;,e. or prompt and month, 6>?c. a 6',c. lor .July ; do in bbls. 9V,c. lor prompt and uionth, 9',c. a 9J?c. for Julv retined, sUudard white, 12V:. a 12' c. lor prompt ami uion tli, ijt^c. t?r July 15. .Saphthu, bj^c. tor prompt aud month, SJ4c. lor Julv; ca?e*, ISc. a 20c. I'hlladeluhia was quiet and quoted at I2>?c. a 12Sc. for prompt and montli. 12Vc. tor July. 1 altluiore was quoted at 12^?c a i2>4c. lor prompt and mouth and 12Jtc. for July ii' lusville, quiei and dull, quoted at $1 321, a $1 35.' Oil ^i'y. quiet at $1 35; Kouseville, quiet at $130 a 8132V ? fldliiutu, much lower; sales, iree ou board, si si J*' 1 arXer * quiet: Luitcd, $1 id: *hlpmetit* $1 32)> i-orAioics -Tlie demand lor old was lair, and choice were steaJily nold. bulk lots wore soM the same a* barrels, but as buyer* obtain better measure than la bar. ret., they were cheap, aud particularly new potato** Irom Noriolk, arrived to-day, aud sold at S4 a $5 per br.l. 011 account ot being very small We qnote:?Southern, new, p?r bbl., *4 a sV. 1 ?e^lUli'^ai?,>er..l?bl?? ?7S0; e*r,y ro*e. new d. uble head b.jis., $1 75 a $2 -5: uu., m bulk, per bbl., $1 74 a 8' 25 peacaDlow, new double head bbl*., $2 2 a ?2 75- do in Euu per bbl. $2 15 a $2 76; l-rioce'Albert, ne w double 1 head bbls., $1 50 a 82, da. iu buU, per bbl., 81 5u * ay peerless, new double head bbl*., $1 50 ? $3; oo hi , bulk, per bill., *1 50 a 82 9 ' uo" m Pocttar.?Kowl*, when received In good order, were in iair demand at lull price*. Turkey* were quiet and prices were irregular and nominal, spring chicken* wero iu good demand at lull price*. "a quote:? luriey*. State, prime, small, 16j. a 17c ? do., do., iair to food, 14c. a 15c.; do., Jertty prime' , Koou, 16c. a 13c. ; do., da. Jalr toguod, 16s. a lBc ? *Drin"r chicken*, per lb., 40c. a 46c^: fowl*. Jersey, prime, Fsc. a A|c.: da, do., lair to good. lflc. a lflc.; Jo.. State and Weatern, prima, 17c. a IKi.; do., di, imlr to boikI 1 16c. a 17c.; cocka, 8c. a 10c. Spring chicken*, par pair' 6uc. a $1; towia, state and Jeriey, per lb" 17c o 1S^ ' do., Western, 16c. a lbc:roo*Wrs. oldT^ Sc. aloe.; tur %"? sst.'sn'siC* l"aori*io**.?Kacaipu? Beef, 26 package*; cut meat*. .u?"ii 'tf'i Jo" "" Pork market was Irregular* but dull, ft-ice* were not radically changed. The sale* y re ah'iut 4,0J0 bbl*. at $19 25 a $i9 4o. lor Aflgust at 817 a Viu^1 ?rw0pttrml>eH Buet wore inactive' at $17 a $iy tor Wo^tem. Be?f wam quiet and without change Wa quoteBarrel*, plain mess, $9 a 810-do. f*''a men, $'1; packet beef, $16; tieroe*. citv exua India tuesi, $27 a $28. India me**, S v a $20;' prime ; me**, $16a $18. Oresaed hog* were quoted at 9c a yvtc lor city. Bacon was quiet. We note *a;e* ol 10 buxe* ci.y long clear at ll^c. Cut meat* were Ann but quiet. 1 ihe sales ware i,U0u lb*, pickled bellies at 1151c. 50 boxe* oiaar bellio* at 13c., tt boxo* short rib at like l ooo pickled ham* at UKc. and 1.000 ire.h nam* it i i ^ *as ea*y. Sale* about 3.500 tierce* at I3)ic. a Is 6-l$c. for August and is 3-l6c. a I3,^c. lor July* uu i*KrV,".*,m 41 ^ w,f0?? Druu? o'ty?t 13XC. a 13SC., &j tiercel new lard at IIlie. and Sou tierce* raUu?d,;or the We*t ludte*, at l.lkc. , ojleb. ? W? nutt iaU? by auction of 50 bales and ^cajea axtra due re-reeled Laoklow nix at $4 a 84 12? ?*? T*aUe? at 84 50 a $i t>2K per lb Japan a/$J'si'per* o. " * " ^ ^ m,r*e* continued tuadr In tone, with ?ale* of lw bag* prima amgoon at oVo. and ii casta Caroliiia, 190 bag* Baiigo',n aud 76 bbia. Louisiana at price* within our range. We quotaCarolina good fga a,7Xo.; do., prime. 7?c. a^So.; da. ohoiaestok ; .n!*c' * '^0t ^or '*'r to priuie. aud com mon qujlltle* down to Oo.; Kaugoou, 6So , currency ? ! d7?. 8 rS(e.. currency ;' Haujoon." In bind $5 ! _"?M-Oriuw*i quiet and nominal. Clover wa< dull. Batnp wa* quiet and wunout change, canary wa* n uuchani?d. riax waauuii ?UJ unwttied. Linsead wa* quiet aud oricas were w ithout cftauge Wa q ,oTer- VV#"t'rn' "Ho- ?ll*c.; timothy, $2 tw 2??*rT- s?rrna. $?? ? $ii canary sicllr $ii 5J a $12; nemp. foreign, $1 w a >1 95; Haxteed tJ: llu,a4a- Caloutu' CU-J5: SraLTaa.?l'h'e market wa* dull and nominally un* StV?? We quolas?l'intaa?Foreign, par looib*.,$7a $^37>i, gold; dome*tie, commou, $7 16a $7 60 w,,qul#t- Th* *ale* wara 6j tierce* prima at 16c. Wettern wa* quoted at 16c.; euy, l6Kc. a 16c sxixs. ?ueer?flie market lor domestic waa uuili Wc*tern at 36.\ and rouibarn at 37c. por lb. Koreun were dull aud unchanged. We quote :~iiondura4 , a 65c ; Veracrug, 65c. a ?7So ; Guatemala. T*" Cnairai a 66c.; sun Juau. 56c.: Campeacby, ?%?.; mhi ukg ? Oabeilo, 57,?<c. a 5bc. ; a ngostura,' I ? Jiatamoro*. rexa*. 4c.. Soj. a 42Hc., currency. Goat.?The market (or goat *kln* wa* quiet without any special improvement. We quoueTatnptou. 6 o.; Mat/, moros, dJc. and Vera Cruz, 30c., sold: Muenoi Ay re*, soc ? ; Fayta. 50c ; Curacoa. i*.: Cape. 38c.; Madra/"r skf:,.' *lfrc-! P" mhi. 32c.; t.a*t India tanned goat, 82Hc.; ha?t India, tanned iheep. 56c.. currencv. Kritas. ?l he market wa * dull aud unctianged. Wa quote:?Pepper, eumatra. 17c.; .Singapore. I7Hc. i pimento, I0^o.; fllovo*, 36c. a 57c.; cassia. 22c a ? African ginger, lie.; itace da. lt?4c.; nutmeg*, $1 a $1 U Scoaa ?The market for raw waa ateadr and a ahade firmer in toue The aales were 28 hhd*. and 160 boxe* low lair luoiassea *ugar at 7c. a 7J^o. per lb. Keiloed wa* aUo steady at unchanged quotation*. Waaiioia'? Cuba-Meflniug, Inferior to commou, 7?ic. a 7'<o : do do. iair to good fair, 8^c. a 8<%c.; do., good to prima' 8*o. a 8t*c.; grocery /"iair to good. -\cto S\e !oo\ F''n? ???&?? #^ca 9c. oentrifugai, hli.s. auu Ooxea, No*. 8 to 13, S\c. a 9?e.; inoUases, hllda. and boxes 7c. a 7t*c.: melado, ?. a 6^c.; clayed, boxes. Dutch .laudarO, No*. 7 to 9. 7)%c. a 8c. ; da, 10 to i.', 8^?e. a SJkc. ; Uo.. 13 to : 16, 9o. ? 9jic. ; do , 16 to 18, 9fcc. a 104?c. . do., 19 to 2U. loHc. a iO^c. ; do., white. ?^c. a 10?c I'orto Hlco?Ke fining, couimjii to prime. /?<c. a 8t?a : grocery, iair to choice, 8^,c a 9c. brain? Dutch standarJ, >o?. 9 to 11 'S?-a 8)kc Java- Dutch .tan jard, Soa. 10 to 12. 8Wc a 8c. Manila? interior aud extra superior. 7Hc. a so ? standard A, lO^c.; do. cruahed, like.; powdered like' 1 *fr?nuiatod, lo^c.; ye.low, 8a a 9c : extra O. 9j?c. a 9i(e.: cut loal. 10'ic i iallow wa* moderately actlva. W? note tale* ot SAuU) loe. prime at s^c-; suOoo lb*, at 13Xc a 13 13-ltic | aud 25.0UI lb*, assortei ai 13* a 13?^. lUl. ?The maraet was dun Owing to tiie lariaauan I wty ot (toCK ou haud we note sale* of SOOOoiescoka terne and 260 box** charooal tin on private term*. Wa qu.u^Maa.-a, 244c a aSJtc.: straiu. 18.Sc a 19c! fcugliah. U * ?.,?!< c. a 19c.; Engiiab. refined, 19c. per lb., gold, flaie*?i-alr to croice braods, I. c. charcoal. $8 60 a $'462W: 1. C. coke. 88 87)4 a $7 I2t? gohl t*rn?' M " " *7; ?'l*rc*41 '?rue, $/ a $?50 per boxi roaaoco.?The market for Kentuoky waa quiet, Ihe sale* were J6o hhos. at l w. a a^c. Seed leal wa* quia" , and steady. We note sales ot iw cases sundries. 7c a 44c.; 240 casea ConnacUcut. crop ls7u, on private farm* 12*ca*e*uo., da is73, on prlvau term*; 62 casaa \*w i Vorx, do. do., 12c. 610 cases Wi*con*iu, do. do partly en private term* and partly at 7c. a too. The market lor lorelgu wa* moderately 8?Uv*. ihe aalea were 2io bales Havana at *8c. a $1 U Wa quote:-Ugut aud heavt?Common lug-, ?kc a lie.; good lug*? lit a ^'i; iow,L??1' 18^?. ? '^o.medium laat. 14c. a 17c ? go.jd leal, li^u. a 2jc. : line leaf, lo%c. a 2Jc.; select leal' l8Ho. a28c.; Connecticut and Ma*aachuMit* filler*, 7c a . eecouj, loo. a loo. ; t oanecttcut wrapper*. S6c. a Soc., do. assorted lou>, I sc. a ?c. Ma**a iiumlu 16s. a 19c.; New^^ork assorted low. common, Wo. a .le ; do. do., good to flue. Uc. a i8e ; i'eiiusyivaula as?rted ii??)' ? 13H?. i Wlaconsin Ja 8^o. a lJHe. Havana?commou, 86c. a 8uc ? ao >i jjwj aV&fln*?$l IV a 81IJ. Yara-Aseortediwl a sSo! Wuitur?Heeeipta. 260 bbU. The markst wa< saslsri tbe tales were 1 0 bbls. at $11?*?. a $T""ar wo#l.?Tiit wo?i& maraat r?uiaiu? -juiat. tuouf b t^ sales are cou*id>.'rac>ly larger. Tits market rules weak 'n0WtS5i.0 ???Unued dulnsssln tbe market for woollen Ifcbn.?. i.'atifnrnla spring ha* baan rather tnori* active than other kinds, but transac Uon* are moderate, foreign re.uains quiet aud tu? ?;? uniiuoortant fho *a,?* w. e .* tolows: 28.00 lbs. Australian at la., lo, 0) b<. oarry spring i alitor ii la at tie?7T*3,M lba tprtny <io. at Ao a ssc 30.WIO lb*. rexaaatf-Jc. a 18c., 8oi/i0i0s. do. at 8tC., 5, lbs. new mediuni do. at 3-c. iu.000 bbl* euperior do. at too. a Ac . lu.OW iba Eastern do. .it . ??,0.tu lb*. Western uo. at <60 , 8i*i?Xi ih*. Kio Oraude unwashed at t" d: u.Ouj ib*. *h*arliugs at H7e.. I6,ooi iba. extra J.U,u a 4b. J,w>i lb*, super pulled at 4?o.. W,0u? lbs. .>o. 1 combing at 47o., li.MM :bs. new me. liiif"! '? A>J 1U?. klo wasoeu at Wc a m, end loa ?uuJr/ iat? 2Jo. a Ji7o.. and 10.AM iba. i oiurado, 06 0o0 lbs i'8w?, lbs. *?a*teru meaium unwasbed, ( lb*, lamos'Dulled, 600< u>a ?nearling*, i.80j ib* .Ho. 1 pulled. 4< ooo ib* lexa*. 9 uuo lbs. scoured caiiioruU, 2.2OJ lbs. spring do,, U cOj iba clip d*. 6.1XW ib*. aeutucky and 6,0Juib* ptoklocc on private term*. " - r,t*' w*r# ?fu?*r. with a laii bu*l> nos*. fetroleutn ratjs -vere a eady. with a fairdvmand for veseol* lof the ?altic Tue other brano ies ot trade were quiet and unotiaiwed. in* eugagement* were a* }r-*y "team to Liverpool, i?,ooo ou>Ueii gratn at 7d. a 7)<d. bv *all, lii.noti ou*ii.ji? do at 7d., aud Jo J Imlel cotton at 9-01. pur 10. Uy sail 10 . 0111)011, 44,0" bushel* gram at tki., atu M tool*, rosin on private term* Hy J'**1? to Uiawow, about l.iMO bbls. sugar on private terms, ibe enarier* *v.r*,?An Italian bare 01 .iu ton* regittar (a raciiarteri. to L'.rk to?datv with ME*) quarter* eraiu. ate*.. 8.1.? anotuer * m, vj? uge, with 3,.t01 do. da. at ot. id.; an Austrlau bare same voyoge and rate, with 2.80 do. do. An itatun ? ^ ?A.fCO-V*r'' ? t0 ?>?tiel? clitnii?l diroct Willi 4,3 pj uaaitari <?t gratia, on oriVtue teria-* a Uriiiali bar*, uence to Aranan. wnu 2.8U0 tibia refluJd piVri leum at 4*. Sd.: an America:. oart, from Philadelphia to laglUrl, with 8.0OJ oa?<'? rettned petroleum, at s*i perca??t; a itussiau baric, ii?uc? to oronstadt with 4.u <1 bbls. iiu. Jo.. at 4s. lO'.jd. ; a Mritish brig, lienco to the Continent with s.400 bills. <lo. do., at 4m. M.; a Norwt Kiau 11urk, from Baltimore to Elsluore lor orders, wit! 2.l<?ibbl*. do. iio., at 5*.; a British burlt. hence to ths l.altic, with i.wiilo. Jo., at <?*. ad.; a Norwuglsu bark, hence to Copenhagen, with 2,9,0 tibls do. do., at 4s. 9d. i ano'ltor. Iii-uce t. Danili{. with 3.200 bbls. do. do., a; 4>. SW.; * Herman burk, or 249 tons register. irom Rici* motid to Trieste. witu a tall cur?'o of Virginia tobacca ou private terms. DOMESTIC MARKETS. ( stun, Jane 18, 1875 Cotton noniiniil; middling, li'ic.: luw middling, 13'ii: ; Rood ordinary, 13c. Not receipts, 5 hales. Males* 6o. Mock, IS. tie. Aeekly?Net receipts. 171 bales; gross, lift Exports Coastwise, 1,785. Kales, l,7M. Saw OkLKANS, June 18. 1875. Cotton quiet; middling, lie. Net receipts,372 balear gross 573. exports coastwise, 455. Sales, 1,300. Stoi-fc. 56,(135. Wee klv?.Vet receipts, 1.04:1 bales; groat, I.98J Exports to France, 2.119; to the ContiLent, 1,130; coast wise, Mi's. ?a.cs, G.OuJ. Mobile, June 18, 1875 Cotton unchanged ; tnldilling. 14>?c. Net receipts. 81 bales. Exports coastwise, 201. Sales. 100. stock, 3.52J Weekly?Net receipt*. 2J'J bales. Exports to Ureal Britain, 2,0 4. Mules,530. SiVISNAn, June 18. 1873. I Cotton dull aud nominal; middling, Mlc. Net tm celpts, 421 bales. Exports coastwise, 69f. Sales. 4 stock, 9.487. Weekly?\et receipts, 1.818 bale*. Exi porta coastwise, 1,731. Sale*. 386. Wilmington, N. C., June 18, 1873. Spirits of turnciMlne tlrm at :40lic. Rosin Arm at $13 for strained. Crude turpentine steady at 91 20 lor hurj $2 10 tor yollow dip und $d j0 tor virgin. Tar aleady at <1 73. Oswuuo, June 18. 1873. Flour In fair demand; sales 1,700 bbls. at ft>25 for No. 1 spring, t? 75 for amber winter, $7 for white winter, and $7 25 lor double extra. Wheat easier. No. 1 Milwaukee club, $1 17; extra white Michigan, <1 3t Cora steady) hlgli mixed, 83c.; low mixed. 81. Corn meal, <33 tot bolted: $32 tor unbolted Mlllleod unchanged; shorts, S'JO, shipstulN. <24; middlings, <27. Canal trelvhts-* \viieat, 5VgC.: corn and rye. 3c.: oati, 3^c, to New York) lumber. <* 20 to the Hudson. Railroad freights?Flour, t > Boston, 43c.: to New tort, 33c.; to Albany. 28c. Lake receipts?Wheat, 17.200 bushels; lumber. 437,000 fcefc Canal shipments, 1,439,000 teet lumber. caicaoo. June 18, 187*5. Flour quiet anu weak. Wheat lower and In talr do* nni nd; No. 1 spring, <1 02; No. 2 spring. 96)?o .apotf 97J?c., July; y8i4c.. August; No. 3 spring, 93o. a ?fcc. rejected. B3c. a 83>?c. Corn lower ana In fair damana but unsettled; No. 2 mixed, fc^c., spot; a 89 July; 71,^0,, August; rejected. ti7c. a 07^0- Oat* dull ami drooping; No. 2, 38 Uc., spot; 33^0. bid, July; August. Kve quiet and weak; No. ST 980. Barley active utnlhwner; No. 2 spring. <140 bid, spot; <1 08, Septem ber. Fork quiet und weak <18 50, spot; $18 $V>L July I <18 86 a <13 o7'?, August; <19, ep temper. Lard quiet, weux aud lower; *12 or July ; <13 03 a <13 07>*. August' <1325 a <13 *7*j. September. Bulk meats steady. At the afternoon cull oi the board wheat was "(c. better. Corn ttrm at tWHo., Julyj 7l?;e.. august Outs 38c. cash. Fork, 818 35, July; <<8 75 a <18 77%, Auitust I.ard, <L2 -A, Julv. Receipts?* lour, ti.OUO bbls.: wheat, 40.000 bushels; corn, 79.000 do.; oats, 37,001 do. shipments?Floor, 10,008 bbla; wheat. 108,uw bushels; corn, 238,000 do.; oaut 34,000 do.; barley, 1,000 do. HAVANA MARKET. Havsnj, June 17, 1875. Spanish if eld. 201 a 202. Exchange verv active; on th? Cnlted States CO days, currmicv, 7" a 78 premium; short sight do., 80 a 82 premium; i>hort sight, gold. 108 a 1W premium; oti London, 132 a 135premium. Sugar doll aud nominal. EUROPEAN MARKET. Loxdo* Fbodccb MiKX**.?London. Jane 18?Ever* log.?Sperm oil. Ui) a ?100 per tun; whale oil, ?34 a ?34 10i. per tun; linseed oil, 24s. lid. per owl ; common roala* 6s. 3d. per owl FINAHCUL. dealt In at the Now \ork Stock Exchange boafht an4 sold by us on margin ot tlve per cent I PK1VILEUES 1 <*> <? negotiated at one or t?o per cent from market on men tiers of the New York i-.xchanco or responsible partil-a Large sums have been reamed the past ao days. Put ol call cosu, on 100 shares f <108 25. t <S>? ?io Straddles <!5) eash, control too shires ot stock fbr 31 days without further risk, wluie many thousand Jo: u s profit may be galueu. Advice and Iniormation fur* nlshed. Pamphlet, containing valuable statistical ln> formation and shoetag how Wall eireat operauoaa art conducted, sent -A by mail or win art I FKKE <i> ? to any address. Orders solicited f promptly execuud by us. Audress TUMBRIDOK k 00.. Bankers it Brokers. No. 2 Wall street. New YortL T Kt-ASU.N ABLE K A I KS? MdN e. if ON LIFE ANO Undo -> meat lnsurauoe Policies, Mortgages ani other becunues. lusuraace of all kinds effected wittt best conipaines. J.J, ii AUitlCtl it Co.. 117 Broadway. * nFaMOONX FKOM <1 i?J lO *6j,0iX> TO LOA^ . V on Improved ami unimproved Heal Estate m thia city or brooklvu, tor term of vears, without bonus. WILlIam a. LKaVITT. 13j Broadway. 4 ?LAP8LKY k BAZLEY, 74 BRUADWAlf.-aTOCK ii. FltlVILbOEd ON MEMBERS OF TBS STOCK exchange (Names uivhn at hue or puk CHASEj; NO FKIVlLRtiK FOR Lliid 1?AN HO hHAUKSj OUK principals DO NOl ADVKRtlSKj NO CONTRACTS IN OClt NAME; PAMPHLET "HOW MONEY IS LOST AND MAUii IS WALL STREET,1* MAILED FRBa, IP ANY AUOREHS. LOAN OF ?4.000 ON VALUABLE FDRNITtTEtl will secure a good boaus; Invesbgatloa desired. Address sATlerACilO i, box 17J Herald Uptown Branch office. ANY PARTY OR PARTIES HAVING MERCHAN. dlse and belne pre?sed 'or funis cm hear of a good opportunity ot converting the same ittio cash; eootldeih tlal and reference*. Address C. i'. U., box *74 Hera.J odioe. /1HICAOO, danville M VIS. RAILROAD BONDS, New York aud Oswego Kellroa 1 Monde, Nteubenviile at>d Indiana itaiiroad Bonds, Dade Uouittv, Mo., ten per oent Bonus, Eanses Bonds end etook, Weated by WM. B CTLET. Ho. 4 Wall street. Bond street savings bank, bono sikekI and Bowery.?New York, June 16, 1873?Thirtieth Dividend. The i rustees have directed thai co and attar Monday, Jalv 19. luierest at th? rate of six per cant per annum t>e paid to all depositors eutited thereto. In terest not wlthlrawn *ui beadied to am wtU draw interest as principal. By order HARRISON Hill, Pr?e ideot C. f> BAlLEV. Treasure'? J. P. COOPER, ?eo> cretery.?Deposits made on before July 10, date intareet irom July X. _______________ BoOKLYN CITT SEVEN PER CENT BONDS. Dsrutsur or Fix^xca, i COKPTBOLLSa'S DfrtCE. ClTT HaLL, ?? Bhooiltk, June 16. 1b7I> i Sealed proposals, indorsed "I'roposals for bonds," will be recoiv?d at this oiAce until Monday. 3Bth tnst, at ii o'clock M., for toe purc:use of the waola or any part uf CAJUUOO Brooklyn city eeven per cent Bonds, payable thraa years irom date. S. h, fOWULL. Com. ;ro . r LPIR9T CLASS BONDS. r New York Cltv 7's, doe In 1900. Brooklyn city 7's. doe in I91A Rochester City r^due in 1903. Long leUnd Ity rs, due In KM Jersey t'ltv 7's, dao in leBt. Ellntbeth City 7's due lu 1877. Hudson ' ounty rs. due in 1:91 1'assslc City 7's. du>3 in 18"\ Cincinnati <? 0's, due iu i#-S. 3U-ui>uri -tate 8's. oue la ISM. New Hampshire 8's, due lu 189E For sale by nAVILL A MORAS. UWsllMTMt. I ALWAYS HaVK NONKV TO LOAN OX OO'TJ New York city *ortn?,'e? without bonui Prlnc.ip?ia MWIU to OOKR'iW OH INVr.fti apply to H. L. liRA.M.lU Brondwev JOHN' !?. PI I It' K, NO. S PINK ITREhT, LOAN* monev wttliou- boon* on approved ileal Relate >? >ew Tor*. lir ?. w vn and Wertcuamer couutv ; al*o par cliaeei Mortgages at lowed rate*. IWIIt ?T- ' IT* (NO > r MB CKJil iOA'UU Bond*. due In 18*9 iutere?t alwavi Sfomptiv paid tn New Yors , i >r ?ak- by WN. H. CTLt-Y. A 4 W kit (tract UlPINfc''* OPHJKTl'JIIXIKI. A OBOcEB WANTED.-HATINa JC9T PUB clisiM't an elegant com?r ?tore in improved neigh borhood. wiih no ifr,>eerv. I want partner to help ma ? a lortune : I>*(i reference' flveu ju I require i: I hava splendid fixture* hor?e an I wagon, ? o k . about Bl.tMf required. Inquire of Mr uaY or Mr. CKOcKKK. laird avenue and KUly tlia ?treat. Hrooklvn. ATffttr OUAll BAM AXO SksrACrtA.1T. ALL in complete iraer find nowdoin? ? good hunlaaa* all day traue. the verr e?t location iu ? uc city . un rea?ona tor wiling, the ?woer mowing nothing abo? tin' t.u? ne? and bavin* no time to attend to It; tartai ea^y. call on or addr?4? J. B. T , 171 Krunt craet AM OLD PATINOSCBINfcM POtT-ALK-A QO<>1 chance for t>utii<ea? man. Address, for parties lare, M. W., t.ox JS>) Herald office. 3Fk*VHANTS, MaSFFAOTFrBtLH AND OTHER! ? reguii itw m 're capital. or pereont deferlng to la veil lu active huitneei. wui ;n-oi wtta ra*i>on?lbie Bar tl?i an I at'proveu opportaain ? nt oar o?cs. invetturi are invited to call. (MHUOa A CAKiBrON, hlunnciui and Mualne^* Broker*. *) Broadway. Ant okv iuMiAn WAn riMo a first cla53 bu>tii"M that will surely pay him ft.uou veanv pro fltelor nmnare. and havlmr sl.tM) caiu, can a?U ioi lHOJIAa. HI o?t_Tweuty-fourtu nfreet. |K BRe.Mfc.t10 I aut, oP BIOMKgr RESPECT ?\ ititlliry. de?irei in meet with an honorable allari] sentkiuan of wealth, who woald aaeut her la taking j buri'iee* Address KNKHOY, Hera,a bptowa JtraBel otBoe. Pi-i?ishinogc-iV-xs roK^ALK.?ink W'mou or i.alt lutuieetln one at the oideit Montaly Pub I cation* in the oltv. free of encumbrance, and olferad ? ?ery fa* >t >?> e ta< in* o?vin< to tliaeii orop-letaf. Ap plrt0URU<>.> 4, W MroadwajT. Rial i?taik and i>it"ram;i Bc?ixB?a,-. Hare otp'irtualtr to take hold of (uak baalnaae ay raattn* part ol au old enutiiDBed o.'fic > u. DU11 No. J1 Vnlon tquare. Qawixtt nachinX M-ifuk -paH-uxTWirSnSSE 0 trol of cauitai. kaowinir the want ot tha aga, au4 olepoeed to Ht.pplv it ?.i i rery great profit, art ittntag tu 04i> .tad ?ue a pr*cti, al u U4tratioa at Nu lit >a*aa? ?trie!, room # betwtaa tno boar* ol 10 A. B. *i?d If. A ffCi WINONA C If is MAMFaCTCR KA-AatfRI 1 loriuue to on- with cauitil to n?<nit lu pac ing a new improvement tu tae Waaler * ? eoa eawing m? aoine. au a re <a u <% .u* Po?t oinc*. Hriogepwrt. Cms. W am- ? " i mr i TTTifm hfiTlafc iHf IB '? tn take the wboie ?r partintert ?t in atood paflBS and permanent bmtaew. with a oaah aaplkal ?al Ml to agent* ||>- I apply, AdOraae li a. &rheP> aid HrooK.yn Mra.ic^ olBoa. *7 ()U(t r0 |1U MK-W^xrso, A PARfNBB' ?3> I euner eueoutl or active, with thie aaiouni, to ouv oite-.iaif intereet n an oiUbilehed profltabia bu?iu??? tiiai oan be largaiy inoreaeed: saa ?aow ail nec?.??ary la tne ri^ut nun: beet rvfereoaae giv?a and required. Addieea. wita real uama. A V, U.. MB M Her*, i ollloe. ?pari'Nkr Wanted, ar o. p. tn fVVtVvU, rhits, ? >ew Tor*, with ihla aaon to pun uaee one of the peet and largait Hota i ia tl aeip.iia Addi-eee, oai-a ?f w. a t. vwpeotef, m* Ot ? ?. I urn (tragi