Newspaper Page Text
THE NEW YORK HERALD. WHOLE NO. 14.18L NEW YORK, SUNDAY, JUNE 20, 1875.?QUADRUPLE SHEET. ? PRICE FIVE CENTS. UiCLlTOEY FOR ADVERTISERS. AMl umnPT8^EL,V*KT* 1'A0',-F'ril> ?nn ?i*th col column. . Ki!a8|S?is?aasK^^!t ???, SSSS?!" '""-TMrt. ...ur.l, .,,,1 Board and lodging wanted-skc-oxd pagk?>c BROOKI vl\U un'i SV;1 PacK-Fifth column. HRnn$T v? l^lA.R.0-.J,'"^,rri' PAC*-Plfih column. ?ROOKL.TN RKAD ESTATE FOR 8A LE-FimVntu BUSINESS OP P. I?H Ix'n'iti KB?Tenth Pacr MSOTS^Vs? CLERKS ANI) VAI.EKMKN-Thjud Page?Third and um column*, und StxtufiNtti Pace?flUth col CWTDTXO-Fodrt,, Paor?Fifth column. ( OAl IIMKN AND UAKDKNKItS?Tninn Park Fourth on a rcnlu^JV,r?M.?1\P:t;j<T1> figK-sutn column. COASTWtSF STRrwutVJJ" J'* Tl'ircl column. \\ lbK STEAMSHIPS?PooitTKexTii Page?Fifth column, and Fourth Page? Sixth toluinn L?f,A 5rNRRrlHIPB-TEKT8 Page coinmn. actflttheiSumnic5?nV PAUE-Jecotld. third, fourth pnin 6i*t.knTH I'auk?Fifth col DRY' ?a?t?-Fourth column. .? i .ilth I Page?Sooonu, third, fourth, nfth Cohimu oolttmna, and Sixth:\ru Pack?Pint DWELLING HOC-iKS TO LET. rURMM]PD AND UN PULNt.HDD?J.poitfef.ntn Pagk?First column E r ROPE a nxJt"759 SS.con<1 Bnl "llr1 commits.' and nnti column " htkkntb PAuu-Pourth 5'xrpn^(Av7r t-KVKNT:i Third column. fSSm^^CKUswffcT". column, and riv i?? rii '/CK-Sixih column. L.UA o( I,A 1 BRTti Pack. rt?rJXrXo!*i?Znnh co,umn> aQd F0C"Tn V?.!iK1> K,'V.MS AM'apartments to lkt ^^ai;:,hirt co,u?"i8- A?d column. oiAiu 11 P.LP WANTED?FEMALES?Third PAGK-Sccond and thud column.*, and 8ixtkknth Pace?Sixth col umn. HELP WANTED?MALES?Third Pauk?Fourth col HOR8R8?' '"aRRUO^s" Ac"F?I-?k3,Ctu"p2gk Fltth safassS""*"'rS?-vtSM ss urarfU> ttoU'a"1, H'!<, R' kventh PAG.-Tt.ird col JE^?iYC7iTv~tm5f\8rHvf'l?^rKo'lrtl1 column. (/II j HOBOkRN, HUDSON t'lTY anm RI?r RkAL PHTAfK FOR NSALE-F^i?B?Et? ? Page?Second column. IOOT^xd "VK,T? Pao*?nurd column. uchikh'rv P 11 ,T" I ACK-Firat ooluuin. M v R?! ? 5a vtSi"" PAUK-Kourth column. m ItiTiUov^a i ./ ??|,?orth PAHK-nrth column, fi i.iVVa ? IAL?ELKrE-.TH Page?Third column. EriHWifc^lPS" Pack?Filth column. LLENL KY^AND DKE88MARINO?Sixtkbktu Pack? MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISEMENTS ? Twelfth Page?sixth column. ,UTU mIruSu *!jA ?,?3-B"v?kth Pack?Third column. MUSICAli?Elkvkntii 1 a<;k?Sixth column ? ?m^':Vr[,,NS-^"n Pauk-Tx?,; column, ptllnvo Bixtkkut" I auk? Firat column. ?i HST. Pace?Flrxt column o tan OROANS, AC.?Rlkvkkth Page?Fifth , POLITICAL?Blktbwt. 1'agk?Third column >? PROFKS?l<lN AL SITUATION:- WAN I ED? FEM tLES? AW-ffcoad column. PROPER LI OUT OK .HE CJTY FOR SALE-OR TO nm-.TifVT,IK!!? agk?Seoond and third col . umn*. and Isixtkkkth l"AUE-Secoiid columiL REAL BisTATK TO KXCII AN'I I^F IrTKaxin p. r - Third and fourth column*, and Sixteenth Pauk? Second column.. *u" REAL RSTATK W A NTMD?KirrpTtXTn RFLinmu\o irrB"7" Pack?St-cond co umn. eolumSa ST 1 AOE-Fir*! and second ffSJ*'1.!1'NTS?ElKYKITTH PAGE-Fourth column. KLWAKD8?Foobtii i auk?First column ??? ?? BITlATDiNs WANTED?KEM ALBS?Third Pagk SU?d"column0" col,,rnn8' aud ??*?***? Page 8,TCc,dumnS M a'",'TPT>?MaEES Third Page-Third 8rECc,j}umJ?i01IC?8~FO,?"Tn l'A':*-First ?nd second fcrOKColimmI),>0''- B1KDS- *C-"oc?T? PAca-Third Sl'l M Vl- Pr hpinVrJ" Pa? - - P" ? r' h column. BV M m BK URSuKIS?Skconp I'auu? Sixth column *n/V TUP yft?nR" 'age-Filth an I rixth column THE TkaDLo?Third Pace?Fourth column and Si* ?rt. PA JK-Nixth column 1 01 Slx 11'h fCR>?Fourth l'.wiK-Thlr.l column TO LET rpR HUB 1 NESS Pl KPOSES-ForRTPKTTII coluu7i) V?,u,nn- "ixrKEXTti Paga-.Second fRAV-U,ihc.5fnmtLUrl>li~F0t'"T"W" ''ACt-rifth and CNFrKsisiiKD ROOMS AND APARTMENTS TO t;lZ "v1'?"*?''age-third column, and Si*. ? ??t*ni i agk?I tilrd .'oiuom umn Pl,K*',*?A>|B? Klkybsm i'AGK-Third col WAT<4mKin JKWELBY' AC-E"""* Pa???Fourth WlUrrCHKsTKR COUNTY PROPERTY FOR ?U I K OB TO LKt?Fiptekntm Pare?First and acc^J WINE?"?loth?Rii "If"1!! :'au*?First -olumu. umn AC?Klktkxth Page-Third col TACc"nnmTKA>,BOAT8' *CPAu.-Sixth PEnjOICAl,. A bOPTION.? A WIDOW Lady (CATflOIJC) I1AV A* ssawas jSSu vx'xtru ?i'z Kustxr *" '"AAUShSRwa w A BACK AGAIN, lUU.? SUNDAY 4 (FTLtiTf OR i?r? orticc? *a<lr*?* ad nircrs, D. and a., bo* i?; Hcraiu t-?LORPNCK-I SAW TOU FRIDAY WOB'T TliC i FfMll m? jo*t one interviewf Address AID a Herald Uptown iirancn office. * IIAW^dta,5^.TOt7B ADDRESS 10 tour JA irnud tn Brooklyn. SPIBITL aU BEEN AWAY?AM NOT VERY WKLt. Orcrurbclintd wlih btwinr-H troubles Intcrvo w* i'lei^nTJir Cl.lf lu"0Cl'u,- "lipht rauAc troul.le. Cod Haas and pr.ayer you ^ &ILVBS CLOUD. IP 'UUN P. WARRKN Wtl.l. C4I.I. AT 274 WKST I street he will hear something to hie advantage WILLIAM D. nIMPoON. MArnT.K.y?.ASu-,KmAk",_nAV8 JU!,T ARRIVED in the city. VAould ik?' to pi'<* tou. >'cnil & uirf>?? to JOB OKAOI.KV, lltruld I ptown Krt?n?h oftW? Af P?K *ol; IN UPTOWN IIEE. A,1? *'d om :c iron wall strrkt. "If v IDOL?CLAD YOU ARP. WELL RNOOOM TO . L'? .l""/ ,rlend ,,n ,own ???<! otiti hm-e you en Joyed Wednesday eveiiinu, also Friday sijhi'ltR FfDELIS. ?^KLI.IK TRAIN? HEAR TOU ARK IN THE CITY AN t ome or send your address to same place. C. WILBUR. Osmoril-IK) WRItE to U. S B..J04N . street. rutbrr bcry feeble. nesrly settled. ___ 3>INKS.-KTAT1-N l.sLANO FERRY, TWI NTY THIRD street stag- to Sltth ?vcunr; I ?I11 Jving to (?'??<i;n ? (luaiiitcil. Will vuu not pleaae aml addrea< to tl<>X ?>KAHl>K. Herald Ug'own Branch ofllet f QKRtOb'K-AOAtN BAMB Pl.Adh; THAN K YOU. with all my heart, lor the change oi color and thow (lf of UM Item TeaterUar I waa your admirer; to-day I an roir llan. II ion are a* kin I as In-dii.-ent give me address lor writing or aalt tor mine, with a knot in the handkerchief Monday it V A X , if not posdhle nin day. i'lfllculties arc the amusement ol smartness. DO UK!-.! "A. 11HB RP.r.ATIVr.K 'IP HERMAN SMITH, sEA MAM? of schooner stiver Star, lately deceased at Para, will learn something to thalr a-han'are by callings' ific ?Rice, of the United Htate* Shipping ComiuiMioner, ls7 Ihtrrr ?treet. -lyiti/ i.adv in twbniy third mtrk?t car. ? It Wednesday, about I o'clock P W , in r<.mg?inv with ano nar lady, and who hurt her finger In ringing the bell, piraM aend eddrcs to party In uniform who in ?Hired whetlier the had hurt hcr-cif ? Address BUB, Herald Uptown Branch oflee. Tl* ANTED FOB AOOPriO.V-A OIRI-. FROM TWO VI to tour < car* old, light hair, blue eyea Addreaa OitOli HOME, box III iter.inI nthcc. e 4 1 Q ?TRAIN WIIJ, ARRIYS AT REVr.Jf T*rLO. e'cloek Wednesday. lx2U. KKI,IUIO(M .\() TICKS. ASPIRIU'AL CONFERENCE AT IHP HARVARD Rooms, Reservoir square - Sunday, at 1 >H, ladies' meeting, al 21, and 7'f genera! conference Able speak ers and good oiuatc. All Invited, a L>L ROUW KPIeCOPAL CHURCH, CORNER J\ Pierre pout and ("tntoti atre-ta, Brooklyn.? Rev fr. Pcrtcous will preach thi* day at 10:4ft A. M. >ut> lect, The lock of Seif-Rciiance Among tbe Religious Clae?ea" And at 7 W P. M fcubjeet, TTbe Function and Value of Public urimon.' ?catafrce. A a P0CL8' hPISCOPAb CHURCH. OIYRnKR OP Piarrepoiit and ctln -.n aircota, Krookiytt, Per pr. Fnrieous. paator ? Sermon* by special rcoucati morn tng in its, arening 7 30. heats trea. All arc moat kindly lb Tiled. A T PBKB TABKKNACbh MKT HODIRT EPISCOPAL church, West I hti ty'mirth street, between Seventh and Kighth avenues?Key ]. J lnx pAifOr. wtil preach In tbe morntttj at !f>:S*? thd Mfniny at 7 : young jK-opje's meeting at d:A) P. \J., sc..D life; kjl v i NTVfON MEMORIAL CHURCH, KORTT-EIGIITH J\ etrset, west o< sixth avenntj.?At ItiW a. M dlvira services, with sermon; IFegting prayst at 4 P. M. Tbe rector. Kev R. Htber Newton, will preach At trinity baptist church. rffir-rirrt street. Bear Lexington avi um-Dr. Holmes. t>a?tnr will del'Tgr the eigkth aiinnii acrmon on enndav -?sp Ing. l'reacli.n.-a? ii,iu1 In the evctpc ? \ mmm * ~~ ?' - W nm AT TRIN|I Y rJ.pti.;t church. rimr fifth ?* street, near f-cxington avenue, will he delivered I Sunday morning. hy t>r Home, the pastor, the eighth annual aermoa. Services in the evening aa usual. American tkmpkrancb union.-"RUM, its Ravages and its Remedy," win be Uie subject of an ?ddraaa by Her. <?. H Corey, at lie oarmo If sail. Pour teeuth street and Hflb ayenne, on Sunder, Jnnr 2d. at 3 T M. J. B. tilBBif, Prestdant. I., c Coi.a, isecrctary A fni lie temperance meeting in the evening, at Morning liar Hail, Twenty six lb street, near Seventh avenue. ~AT THP. SOUTH BAPriST CHURCH. VYR-T TWBN^ J\ ty tilth iirci't, Rc-v. a. t;. tjaborn, n It t.ustor, fttachine June 2U, at IQH A. M and at P. M. ^ RELIGIOUS NOTICES. CTllURCH OK TIIE ATONEMENT, J uue, corner ol Tweiitv-alghih tlrtel, Rev. C. C. Tif fany rector.?Sunday school at ? A. M. Divine services Morning at 10 AO, afternoon at 4 o'clock. tNHURCU OK TAB INOAHNATI'i.N. MaDISON 4VK J nuc anil Ihlrtr-fllth street ?Rev. Arthur Brook, rector. Divine service at 10)^ A M ami 4 P. M. c nhurcu or Tim holy trimiy, Madison avenue and Forty second street. Hours of service I0K o'clock A. M. and 4 P. M. Clement St. Hurler, D. l>, Professor in the Divinity College at Philadelphia, will preach. All arc welcome Church of the resurrection, riuiity-kikth street, between Lexington and Third avenues.? I Divine service by the rrotor, Rev. Dr. Klagg, morning and evening. Sunday sftii.ol at iy2 P. M. /TAl.VARY baptist CHUBOH, TWENTY THIRD VV street, near Sixth avenue. ?Kyv. It, 8. Me^thur. pastor, preaches Sunday morning and evening (To Ax peers to supply the outfit rei'ular'y until August STIIURCH OK TIIE D1SUIPI.E8. MADISON AVKNl'N, Vy/ coruor Forty fifth street. Rev. George U. Uep vrortfi?Morning, "True Christian Zeal;" evening. Bible reading, "The Lord's Way ," Sunday school and Bible cluss at 3, ?? octal singing class on Thursday evening. tiuiraoH ok our saviour, ) Fifty-seventh street nosr Eixrhth avenue, JAM ICS M PULLMAN', Pastor. Rev. EDWARD BKECUKR, D. D., will rrcach in the morning at 11 o'clock. No evening service. /T 1IR1?T CHURCH.?MORNINO SERVICE AT 10:30; v.' evening service at 8. Dr. Thompson officiates. Church open all summer. Strangers wetcoino. FIAIRST REFORMED EPISCOPAL OiiURCII, M W>1 1 soli avenue and Forty-seventh street. Rev. William T. Sabine, rector.?Divine servioes 10:30 A. M and 7 :46 P. M. The rector will occupy the pulpit at both awrvioea. / TRACE CHURCH, BROADWAY AND TENTH IX street?The Rev. Morgan Dtx, D. D.. rector ol Trin ity church, will preach iri Grace church on Sunday morning, June 20. Services at U o'clock. MR. WILLIAM CLARK, PRESIDENT OK THE Asso ciation ut Bristol. England, will speak to young men, at "M o'clock this evening, at Association Hall. Moses mull will lecture bkpore the Spiritual Progressive Aseo -lation of Brooklyn. E. D., in Latham Hall. Ninth street, near Hope, this day, at h i' M. Mrs. k. o. iiyskb, inspirational speaker. lectures for the Society ot Proures-ive Spiritualist' at tneir halt. IB West Thirty third street, near Broad wav. at luji A. M. and 7V, P. M. Children's lyeeum meets at '2,V? P. M. Picnic tanes place Monday, Juno 28. at Christ Park, East 133d street and Third avenue. Hkv. father m'vi i k of new brum?*, ? s. j will lecture this eventn: on "Papal InfaUlbll t'y," at st. Paul's church, Brooklyn. TV.'vV. MOSES HULL'S LAST LECTURE OK TIIE JV -season, at Harry Hill's Varieties Theatre, 26 East Houston street, Sunday evening. June t\ Sohlect, "1 he Devil,'' Miss Ma.lie Sawyer, the groit insplraiional vocalist and musician, will assist on this occasion. REV. B. B. BRAKE PBKAOKB' THIS KVF.NI.NO AT ft. In Ht. Aun's church, Eighteenth street, near Fifth avenue Other servioes at 7 and t0:."0 A. M., 4 P. M., and tor deal mutes at 2:15 P. M. Free seats. c r. KINATIIJS' CH URC5716KTlKTH~8FHISKT, BE n tween Filth and -ixth avenues. Rev. Dr. Ewer, rec tor.?Services. 7. 9,10J{, s and 8, witn srinoti to course on the Worship of the church, ritiaugers cordially wel comed and seated. QPRIKO STBEBT PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, REV. 17 0. McCaraphell, rastor.?Opone~. till August; seats free ; Hixtli or Eighth avenue cars go near the church. Preacltinr all 'Ji A. M. Conference and prayer at 7:18 P. M. uMect, "Leadership of the Spirit." rpABEKNAOLK BAPTIST CHURCH, SECOND AVZ. 1 nan between Tenth and Eleventh streets. Rev. Ja-nc-Boarilmaii Hawthorne, pastor: morning at 10:30. "The t rue Ideal of Womanhoodevening at 7 t\ "Moses a Model tor Young Men." All are cordially in vited. DRY GOODS. A, oaoo ek?.be ii oaoi gggo 0 Q R K II 0 G O O 0 G K K II (J O G O G K It II 0 U O KBRRR 11 G G a OO R R 11 <1 00 O GO 0 a R R 11 G G 0 O 9 o It K II G G G G OGGG R It 11 GO GO GOGG ? II H A SSS8 K K KEEK L L u II A A a a K K E I. L II II A A H K K E L L 11 II A A 8 K K E L 1 Tl IIIIH A A bsas KK KEE L L >1 II A I AA a K K B L L 11 H A A 8 K K E L L H U A A a a K K K L L H U A A V888 K K EKEE LLLL I.LLL AA COCO OOOO ? AS C C O O k k ceo o AA COO A A C 0 o k k o o o k k k 0 CO O k k 0 C 0 o kkkk k CCCC OOOO * Popular Ory Goods Iloa'p, ?09 Broadway, will off"r. Monday. Jnne SI. IMMFX8K REDUCTIONS IN DRY GOOD*, i IMMFNSK RFDUCrfON* IN" 0 KY QOuDS. I IMMENSE RIDCCTIOJH IN DRY QUOD*. ? flavins completed during the pnat vrook the purchase of the balance or Muck of several leading Importers at our uwn prices, w ill place on aale darn.* th* week. together wlih our Entire (took of Sprint and -'ummer loo If. which have been correspondingly reduced to lower prhiti thau shown Juriug the p.iat 15 wars La IlM? Plea* ? call aid examine nor price*, to convince ycu-aeleps tlmt we have made i Genuine Redactions. Genuine lltdwitont. Oenntne Reduction*. -Ilk*?Reduced. Re lured?Bleek drc?.? -Ills to SI; former prlo* $| *3 Re lu -cci? Rfi'ter <|nalltr to $1 IS ?oll laat week $1 MX Hedn*'ed?Mill b ttcr qnalllv to $1 30. laat week SI 7.1 reduced? Nuperlcr quality to ll 7.1; termer price $2. fledneed ?6ii|,erl> qnalitv to 12; last week $2 M Reduced? ? * ncv Silka to IS'. ? rorm~r price tl. Reo je'd?Bett'-r grade" tn fl ; former price $1 2\ Reduce 1?All new shade*. seal. browns navy blues, Sc. Dew Ooods-Reduced. Reduce 1?rialda to ISc.. former price Reduced?All Wuol D?tr?ve? to Mb. worth Ac. Reduced?Bummer < anielv Hair, i"5 per cent. Re 'Deed?Colored Grenadines. Field" and Btripea. new colors, to l?c varil Reduced ?lia'tihurz Nets, cent shades lor orgrdreeees and bataiuet, to half price. Black Good*? Reduced. Reduced?Black Grenadine) to I 'c lorm r price Sic. Bednced?riatd", atrlpes and Mexico nee, to per cent Reduced?All silk an I wool I rod Frames, Ji percent Keduced?Alpacas, Gaahmtrea. Taniiso, Rombnainca, 2ft per cent Reduced?IJnen salting", to ZSc. per rartL Fall yard wide. Bed need?" Stripe Pique* to 20c., former price 4Ce. Reduced? Entire s'vet of WlUte Good). Victoria Law o?. .inconet*. Cumhrlca. Ac , 25 per ccit Pat aeola?Ite.lneed 23 per ceut Reduced?Ladle*'. Cndcrgarmriiu 25 per cenL Iloiit rv an I I'ndarwear, reduced -ft per cent Reductd?Real Laces. Eml roilene*. Reluced? tern Rdgtnm, ? . Fancy tJoodi, U per cent less than former Wrw prices. .-ulta, t loaka. Ovarakifts and Basques reduced. Rc.lueed?Stuff Bolts, to halt price. Reduced?*llk M-lia, 51 per cent Re i nc*<|?Ta?hm?re Cloaks, S9 per eenh Reduced?Llama 'a-e -;|C!|UC.S, to half price Reduced? Llama laoe shawls tl per cent Reduced?Guipnre and Yak lace asrinrt Reduced?Lace Deerakirta and Kasquta Reduced ?l.utaf linen suits. 1 per cent .1 R OaiM, GRIGO. MA-KKLL k CO., 0. A. Ppi i ra t:. iiaaRKiu, SOS Broadway, Joan Dcnn.' Between llth and 12th eta. A KM * AA N N N A A N * N A N N N ANN* AN NX AN KN Cloak and Sol* Company., i No. *? Raet Fourteenth street, four doors west of rntrernty place. . .. _ . . ., As our manager depart) for Europe shortly for fa'l relectmna we have reduced our entire etock and offer for the coming two weeks great bargain", a* follows ? Black and colored iron grenadine Bulla, formerly |N to IM, reduced to ?*> ??*). ?? end 161 Black and colored iron grenadine Jackets and Over ekirts. trimmed with lace, also crimped Fringes, for $*?, $25. ?.fi ? nd $ftft ,-ummer ?lik ;-utt*. luat received from Paris elegantly trimmed and novel in nyle, lur |W. $61 and $7a Imported blue linen J*uiu embroidered IP white, made up and in boxee. from $12 to $25. ? A fine line of linen Fitd*. akirta. Ovwr?klrt" and Jacket", formerly $7 to $*>, reduced to $4 50 IS. $?, $6, $10. $li, $15 and $15 . ? Hairste and linen Jackeu end Ovcrekirta, from $3 $1 upward. Suits of Mourning Goods, from $<U upward. Nary hltia. open worked Orersklrts and Jackets, wltM blue *nd white mlsc l embroidered trlmnnne and blue heavy ribbuKlPkiies, Jual reociTed ; ?lsittc a novelty, trench cetnriilc butts end Wrappers, from $. up " wc' provide o? in*** ?P hadley Own Materials within four days by _ I'fP A FUR II IT P P AA R R II R 8 II I' P A A ft R i: 8 II i I*PP AAA KRR II 8H9 II A P A A It R II 8 II A P A A R R II a a II A P A A R R II aaa It A MKN Lit K FSMAK KS ^ bronaht frntn Europe tor this purpoee, and guarantee a i ertoct fit at lower prkes than any dreasmaklng eatab liihmfbt in thie city. /lAkrhN.. OAtlPETd A Great bargains In Carpets Oilcloths, Window Shades. I.ambrequins, Mats, Sfattinj Ac. at vsrv mw ^ BfqdMh Velvet, at $1 73 per yard, i a pastry Br .use la, at llyl'l per rtrl Ihrccpiy, ut$i .'kperyarl. Ingrain, at We.. 4-c. and ?k). per yar L All other good* at cqu tllr low prices A largo slock m Furniture, 10 per cent cheaper than ar.v other hnBewtn the city. ah g>* di shipped trte. u. IW.W, (kuccereor t? U. ci'Karrell), $12 and 514 Eighth avenke. uci,wceii rinriyiltlh and tbirtyatxtli Mreeta. piiY ooomi. Ar * ? CONTIN L'ED REDUCTION OP PRICES CONTINUED REDUCTION OP PRICES CONTINUED REDUCTION OP PRICES in onr t LADIES' FURNIKHTNO DEPARTMENTS. An immense assortment of SUMMER GARMENTS FOR TRAVELLING, SEASIDE. COUNTRY and STREET WEAR. at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. LADIES' LINEN SUITS, VERY ELABORATE, FROM $4 25. LADIES' CAMBRIC SUITS, COMPLETE, AT $t 50. LADIKB' BATISTE OAP.MF.NT3, FROM $4 6) UPWAlia LADIES' LAWN SUITS, IN ORE AT VARIETY, FROM $4 50. LADIES' LINEN DUSTERS. FOR TRAVELLINO, AT ?2 03. Without exception the largest assortment in the city. Our entire stork of lADlPfc' UNDKRfJAHMFNTS at decided reductions front former prices In onr ? MILLINERY DEPART ME.NTS our immense stock of STRAW GOODS. FRENCH. ENGLISH AND AMERICAN chip hats and bonnets, LEGHORN HATS, in all the most desirable styles, AT AND BELOW COST. PI N P.ST FRENCH FLOWERS. An unusually fine assortment, reduced prices. RIBBON DEPARTMENTS. BONNET AND SASH RIBBONS, THE LAllwRHT LINE IN 1UK CITY. EXTREMELY CHEAP. Now open, the ljrge-t and finest assortment of | PARIS, VIENNA AND JAPANf8li FANS our own direct importations, IDED B/? ever displayed by any one home, Qur ow AT DECIDED BARGAINS. An Inspection of onr enormous stock, which contains novelties not to bo found elsewhere, will prove very re munerates to customers. We beg to call special attention to onr line ot GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS. consist ins of every artlclo appertaining thoreto, l i tur t?r? r? <1/(2 AT OCR WELL KNOWN LOW PRICES. QF.NT.V PERFECT FITTING SHIRTS, at $1 52. $2, 02 S3. GENTS' AND BOYS' LINEN COLLIRs ANIxTuPPS, all styles, cheaper than any other bouse. A choice assortment of SCARFS, TIER AND NECKWEAR, RUHi'KNDFRS, BRACKS, UNDERWEAR, NIGHT SHIRTS AND DRAWER*. AT VERY LOW PRICE! STERN HKUTHhK.S, Sixth avenue ao1 Twentv-thtrd street K's to clow tell wevk. [CLHARING SALE Our French imported trimmed id Kotluetu. 540 ami $50. Bonnets reduced to $tticach. Lota of Straw Hats. We. up. 5.U7.I rich beaded I-ac* Capes, '5e. Sash Ribbon*. 19c. to 75c. yard. Bonnet Ribbon*. 10c. yard uu. French P.owera closing oat Bilk anil Lace Tiaa cloalng. Parasol* and Sun Umbrellas clositi ' Mams Lac? Shawl* and Kacqnea ball price. Yak, Guipure. Thread and utlier l.uces closing. Enitllsh striped How closing ont, lie., V5c., 31c.. 39c. pair. Bargains In under weir. Closing English Berlin Gloves, lie. Beat Silk Elastic Bella. Mo. Muslin* and Plqnet closing. Fin* Japanese Pans. Sc. up. Fin* Linen Pana, Sc. up. Bilk Pana ivory sticks, tic. Fine Fans marked down. Pine imported Baek Combs, 35c op. Bargain* In oar Jewelry Department. EINRRV9. KINZEY'A. II NIK VS. RINZEY'B. KTMKY'i hINZET'S. klNZEY'B. KlNZEY'B. BINZBY'R,' KlNZEY'B. KINZKY'B. KINZKY'R. KINZBT'B. KlMSBVa KINZEY'S. KlNZEY'B. KINZKY'R KiNiava. II L M MA RRR DDD 11 L MM MM aa ? H D D II L MM MM A A R R D D II L M M M M A A R R D D II L M M M M A A RRR D D 11 L M MM M AAA H H D 1> II L M MM M A A R R I) D 17 I. M NX MA A K HI) D II UsLL M M M A A K K DDD Bargain* in every ?,*l^rtm*nVlLLIA)l KINZ'.T, 7J7 and 7W Broadway. corner Ninth atraet IMMlNHU SUOCbRR GOO J7 C O O U f U O U }' o U I U 17 U o c r G GO 17 U II Ull D OGO UUU Originator of II 77 KV V II JJSR8 1*1 BBBB L BRBKB II 77 S V V II 8 BUB ML L II 7 7 7 T tiib ii b bl V 117*77 Y 7 I! ? B L K II 7 7 7 V V II 98*8 II BBBB L KERB II 7 X N I' 7 II HUB B L R II 7 77 V V II b II H BL b Tin an vv iis biib bl II N KB y It B4R8 U BBBB LLLLL KKEKB or Top Piece, very atyltab tor yoang ladle* Are made with the rest Patent llair Laee and oatnral water ware and carl, and instan'ly mak* the lady look boaottftrt. a large assortment of lone Hair Switches and fhahlon able chignon* Mv stock is composed of the longest and finest rare color* that ran he lound on the globe. Me superiority and maces* are lucontestlble and per mits me t? add a large store *d|otniug my old stand. A large assortment of Tvrtol** shell and Ivory Good* and fin* Perfumery. At H. GCILMARD'8, Bo*. 839 and Ml Broadway, No* 19 and <11 East Thirteenth street and store Bn 17 Orand Union Hotel, Haratoga Spring* C" 1ARPKTH. ~ CARI'KTS, / Oilcloths. Lace Curtaiaa, Upholstery Goods, Ac. PHEPPAKD KNAPP will offCr this week tbe balance cl spring stock of Carpeting, at greatly reduced price* Taoeatry II ?9 Body Br nam-la 1 9j Velvet# I 7j) . W Three ply* 1 7* Also cargo of assorted Canton Mattings, for sale In quantities to suit "sHEPPAPD RNaPP, Great Carpet and Upholstery Wart r coins, 188 and 185 HUth avenue. New Tor*, one door below Thirteenth street. FDK PERCEVAL, IMPORTER AND MAN UP AC ? turar ot Km broideries and Lingerie, m ?r ? so way. one lnor al> rve Twenty nrst slreef. I nlies' uu >i.- ? <v*:uni' ?. Children's untflts Fn? broi .cinis u <. otu. to o'des, DItT GOODS. Ar BRHR 000 DDD GOO n no o R K O 0 D I> <J K RKRR O 0 D DO EES 88 01 R 0 55 ? u ,00 8 R R O 0 D DO OE U RO CD DO OE R R 000 DDD UOO EEEE R BBBB RRRR B R ( H B BR H B R H BBBB RRRR BR BR B B H B K BBBB R R 0000 O 0 * 8 \ 1 > 0 ) 0 J 0 I ) 0 oooo 155 EIOHTU AVENUE, 183, betwocn Nineteenth end Twentieth street*, NEW YORK. ORE 1Y 6ACRIKICR IN LA DIRS' CfllLDRBN'd AND I8ISSE8VfJL'I13. IWMENHF REDUCTION ^ LBS8 THAN 1IALK THEIR VALUE. $00 Ladies' ults, ft 93; foritiorly $'t All 803 Ladies' iults. ?2 50; formerly $8 50. ^ SPECIAL. J We will offer the entire stock of a manufacturer at 33c. on the dollar. Ladies' dulls. $4, $4 65, $5 86, cost mora than double to manufacture. l.iioo Ladies' Butts at f> 95, reduced from 813, richly trimmed and vert stylish Elegant suits, trimmed with Ecru lace, in the most e log a in designs. 8C 50, tormerly 816. slLK sUlTS. Richly trimmed, well made Bilk suits, In all colors, 833, $3d 5'J tu 8'do, tho best valuo ever offered in tills citv. Black alpaca Suits, very richly trimmed, exact copies of the latest Paris novelties, $5 59, 810 6u, $12 45, worth from 55 to 85 each more. Silk lustre brillutiillBC Suits, 812 50 to 822. ORDER DEPARTMENT. Seaside Butts in the new fabrics, self colors or in combinations, rtohly trimmed and Well made, 812 50 tosia Silk Suits la all the new cloth shades from 845 to 8125. Grenadine Suits to order trom 812 to 850, in all the best grades ot iron trame, worth at least $7 to 812 each more, Ws have a staff of experienced cutters, fitters and de signers The pub ic are respectfully invltea to give us a call ot inspection. No importunity to purchasers. DRKB8 GOOD?, Extraordinary reductions in every department Rich Grenadines. lit^c. tip. Mobalr Melange. 25c., formerly 46o. Poplar Lustres. 20c., formerly 25c. Silk Pongees, 5'Je., formerly 75c. Bilk; mixed De liege In the new choice shades, 55c., formerly Tec. Black lion Qrena.llnes.Mo.. 85c., Sic. Magnificent Qualities. 60"., 60o., 70c.. up. This sele Is worthy the stteni.on of all who arc in search of bargains BLACK SILKS from B3c. to 81 50 per yard, colored Silks in the new cloth shudes from ti6c. to 82 60 per yard. Special. One case new Seal Brown only 95c., worth 81 50. SUMMER BILKS, 75o. to 81 2J. greatly reduced. EX I ItAORLMNAKY reduciions. Rich H ack Laces. 10o., 12c.. 15c. Cost niord than double to import 1,000 pieces Rich rail sllkt Laccs. magnificent qual ity, 20".. 2.">c., 28o. Cost to land, 5"o., Me.. 70c. 2.r>?0 pieoes Bugle Gimn. front Be per yard up. Lace "oarls, Too., cost JI 50 to import. 6,000 Jo.'e.i l.a lies' Bilk Tics. 25c.. cost 81 25to land. 3,000 patra Corsets, from 40c. up, worm more than double. 5ft) Bun Umbrellas, at $1 25, 81 50. 31 76, an importer's samples, at astonishingly low prices liodcry In endless variety, and at extremely popular prices. American Calicoes, best, tic.. 7c., 8o. ti Cambrics, lue'., formerly !0e. mens and Housekeeping Goods must be seen to he appreciated. Damask Table Linen, 45c. ToweD, 81 25 down up. Napklne. 15s. dosen up. We an now ftollr prepared to offer extraordinary in ducemen's. A call of inspection will more than ainpty repay. Line visit will convince tne most scent leal that w e offer extraordinary bargain* all through the house. Goods sent to all parts O. U. I) >ainples Iree on appli cation. All goods warranted as represented. RODGER* A ORR BROS., 183 8th eyenue, between 19th and 20th streets. L L ? It BKEE It Lt.LL LLLL. f/7 and 320 Sixth arenas. Closlax oat oar immtiMO Stock of STRAW OOOD8 RKOaRDLKKR Of COST. French an 1 English t'blp lists. In all the newest shapes, end receiving new shapes and n--w goods every week from Kurope. in black, brown, drab, white and ecru tlala Frenr h ? hip. $1 to 91 73. American Chip. Me. to 9Vi. English Milan Hat* and Bonnet*, m ailstiaposand shades. Milan Hat*. BXi. to92. Leghorn Hound Hats, 91 to 9't JO. Fine Leghorn llaie. 91 50; worth 92 75. Wa have bow on sale over LOCO dozen or Ha s. oi/'u tkimmf.d Hath. or elegance of shape end richness of trimming, cannot be eui pa*-i'ii. IMMENSK RKDl'OTION II PRICES!1 955 lists reduced to 92V 115 Hats reduced to SlH. ?20 Hats reduced to 915 f 13 llat* reduced to $12. $12 Hats red need to 99 92 flats reduced to 96 80. The great Ineren-e ot our business over all other houses In the millinery trade attest our superiority. RIKBON". Pamasaa Ribbons, 12c , 19c., 20c.. S9e. and ?0o., in black, brown. cream, white, c irdlnal and drab. Ah the new spring shades at Sc., 12c., 19c.. 10c., 30c. and 40r. Fin* black Grot Grains all silk, 12c.. 19c. and 25e. yard. HASH KIB BOND. Splendid 'inality lilac*. 7 inch. 75c vard. all silk. Finest quality black. 8-incb, 91. lormsriy sold at SI 79 yara. HAT HCARFd. Dsmsssa Hat Scarfs. Oros Grain Hat Scans. Bolt Mlk Hat Scarfa Damaasa Silk for hat trimminr. in all (hades. Hplcndl.l iinailrv 92 73 var.L BunkTu|>t stock of' FINK FKF.Jfr II FLOWERS. Will open en Monday 1/ on cartoons of fine Monfurrs at DO cents a Montore. Ail this line of goods are worth from 92 50 to $&. will offer on Mondav ' 500 cirtoons of abort Sprays at 25 cent* a Spray. All 01 this line is worth from 91 to 91 50. These two lo;a of Flower* are all now goods of thil tea ton's Importation, ant niu?u>e sold. . LACK DF.l'AltTMK.MT. Black Thread and Guipure f.aces. Colored Duclirsse Net. Colored t.nipnre Mat, Colored Mexican Wet RLBBTRLESS JACKKT9 In silk and laee. Large assortment of new and exquisite designs in Mad* lip I .are Articles. We maiiufaaturc ell our own iacc good*. RUFFLING* Inenilrsi variety anil all prices. a splendid aasortment of Children's Dresses. Infants' Hrcsees, and children's Pique aid Muslin Suits >1 61 to 98 ladies organdie ami fancy NKT uYp.RDRKfBf*. BUM UMBRELLA* AND PARABOLA, which we will sell at low prices. KID IJLOTUS. A choice assortment of Kid Gloves, in all (he new spring Shades and opera colors?two. ihrre and flv? buttons HILK TICK. I.tWdnaen Wlnlsor Ties. 29e 1.099 White fitik Ties at 29r ; former or'ea Wo, too" dosen Lsee Ties. Wc.; reduced from *5c. Latest novelties <n fine French Ties n. R?Reduction to the trade. O'jtRILL'S, ?77 and 329 Sixth avenue and MM West Twentieth si ^T M. T. * IIIUQ1E8', 53 West Fourteenth (treat, Claartng ont Bats of Trimmed Bonnets and RonnJ Hats, of tnpertor qnality and style. All oar first class Hats will be ofTtred this week ?t (ach a large reduction aa will insura a quick . and ready sale. would respectfully call the atfenflon of car casfom snt the ladlea in general to call and examine oar gaat slock before purchasing elsewhere, by so doing iy may ?ar# from 910 to sin on each lol Wa have m over (00 Hate which must be all tloeed oat before I 1st Ol J UlT. DRY % WWW V? W WW w W W V* W WWW# w w w w WW WW V V MM MM co BPS OOO BRR L EBB T MM MMceS 80 OR R L B Y Y Mm M M c 8 0 0 B R L I Y Y MMMMccS 0 OR k Ij 8 Y Y M M M M CO BBS O O RRR L lilS Y Y M MM M BOOBRX.E Y S * R . ? Q OR Kl B Y MUM 3 8 0 OR R L B M U U 883 000 R R LLL EEB 243 GRANO STUB FT, NEW YORK. GRAND CI.lvAKl.Sij OUT. UNP.VRA1.LBL> ED R1CDUCTIONa BIiRAORDINARY INUUCKMENT3. Previous to making an extensive addition to oar pres ent (tore We shall offer tbo balance ol our SPRING AND SUMMER 8T0CK at such prices a. will couviuce the most sceptical that we are determined to mate a complete clearance of tne entire stock. ladies' surra Pine Cretonne Suits, $101 formerly sold at (18. Handsomely made Madras Suite, In two colors, (181 for mer price (J.",, Silk Pungco suits, (18 and (30; formerly gold (IS and (45. Black and colored Silk Suits, $35; fonnorly sold for ((V) A large stock oI Mourning Suits, from (19 to (18, worth 10 Ladies' saoqfks and jACKETa 800 beauiliul Kacqucs ana Jackets, (3 and (10t recently gold lor (IS and (:U 8UAWL8I SHAWLS I s.nen .tripod and plaid Shawls. (I to 18; former prices (3 to Co 300 Mourntng 9hawl*, (3 and $'<; recently sold at $9 nod 8& LACK SllAWLS AND 8ACQUE3. 200 I.lama Lace Shawls, CI 78; former price (10, SOD real Mama Luce Kacques and Sleeveless Jackets, purchased at last week's bankrupt cash auction sale, at(7 and $9: worth $14 and (18 black and colored silks. 10*5 pieces tdack Silk, at (1; formerly sold at (1 SO. 140 ptoces <lroi Grain, at (1 28 and (1 5); formerly sold at (1 78 oud (2. 32 > pieces colored Silks, In ell the newest tints Of brown and drab. SI And 81 23; worth Si 'ill and (J. 17ihlccej SlHped Bilks, 78c. and 92c.; recently sold at (1 28 and (1 5& DRB?S GOODS. Fine plaid Dress Ooods, at U'gc.; formerly sold for 25c. 60" Dleceg French Plains, 25c.; recently sold at 80c. 880 piece.- Vienna Puttings, at 28c.; formerly sold at 40c. Silk Pongees, lo browns and steels. 50c.; formerly 78c. Irish Poplins, 75c. and (1; formerly sold at $i 50 and (1 7& BLACK GOOTia 3 cases flne black Alpaoa?. 30c.; torn arty sold st 6'c. Black all wool Cashmere, <50. and <7>iC.; worth (1 25 and 1 4a Black Crape Cloth, 37J?c.; worth 68c. CALICOES AND GAMBRIO& 10 cases of Calico, warranted fast colors, Or.; worth 12J?c. 4-4 Prenah Cambrics. 13c.; formerly sold lor ?5c. White Goods, Hosiery, Gloves, Gents' FurnishIng Goods and Ladies' Buu Umbrellas at greatly reduced prices waller a mcsoklky. 245 Grand street, dear Bowery. J^ICHARD MKARES, Sixth arenue and Nineteenth street. Begs to direct the attention of customers and the public generally to the great attractions we arc now onering in ladies' ready made Costumes. We are dally introducing new styles not to be fonnd in other stores, and will offer on Monday the largest and finest assortment of silk, pongee, serge, lawn and linen Costumes to tat found in the city at much lower prices than charged In other houses Examine oar Very stylish and rich silk Costumes In two shades ot heavy grot gram silk, at (82, (G5. $69, (73. (83. -tripod silk Costumes i In variety of styles i Hlld colors. I made of bast quality | I of silks (48, $5', $55. $59. (35, , | <t> ? Handsome black silk Costumes, made of real Lyons lUXs. well flnished and stylish designs, \r\ $35, frs, (Kl. $111. All wool dot oge Miits, elaborately irimmeU with mIs to maicti or contrast, a lanb'd for street. travelling or homo wear,vert stylish, in dtlTercut designs, over UK) sol i this season, $2<, (x,i (.a, |i>, $3- (PL | An-.- of the above styles | mad < to order at ssyuo price*. <p? " <P LAWN AND LINEN BC1T8. OPENING ON MONDAY. Unbleached linen Suits, in variety of (tries, *?"?. (8, $7, $i, *'J Lilian Milts, elaborately braided, at $7 53, fS, 89, *10. 8" French Batiste Salts. Sto and fit French Batiste FuiU enthral lered. 811, 819, 8191 New sivio- ot Batiste suite, with Jaoquard orer drcss and cuirass, SIS. fgi and Sc.*. Plaid Batiste Sun*, trimmed with Cluny lace, 819, 81'.' *30. White lawn Suits, with plalttngi or fluting*, 81. ft si *a and Si M< Wlnto Uwn Mil's, elaborately trimmed with era broidorv. *.?. 89 810. Sir, *ti 815 IJneti Basque* anil Overdresses, braided in pat terns nod edged with lace, *9 $10. S'9 Batiste basques and Overdresses, hand embroid ered. sd an. Ecru guipure Basques and Overdresses, $12 50, 8i& French cambric salts In three pieces, with fancy borders, 83 95. 83 50 to 85 29. Calico Puita. neat pat terns and good quality. 82 9a Calico Wrappers, Gabriel sty la. 81 Usui, 81 39. French cambric Wrap per*. $J aad A While lawn Wrappers, Gabriel strle, with Spanish flounce anl embroidery down the front, et S< 50. White lawn Wrappers, wtSi two gathered flounces and Wauean baoU. 8* *0. White lawn Wrappers, U.tbriel stvle, with two gat he rod flounces, trim met with Italian lo?f edging down the trout, and tucks 89 50 and 910 M Mioses- end Children's Smts. In pique end linen, ploin and braided Idnen Gabriels, braided. Si 96. 91 M). 91 F9, 83 Pique Gabriels, braided, f I #.'? %?' .6. 56 8-1 Linen B ullaes. elaborateIv braided. 81 75. 83. |3 JA Children's pique Cost and Cape. 89 38. 81. Children's pique Hreiaes, elabor it lr braided and trimmed with embroidery, to fit from t toa year* $? *?. 8?. 8i 2\ 84 50. 84 80, 89 50 and 86 80. Pique Salt*, with bnsqa* and oversKlrt, the entire suit elnho ately braided and trimaicd with embroidered inserting, prioe 810 lo 8M. Linen Suit*, bra!led. in fires from 9 to 19 yearn, at luw?'*t prices. NOW OPHIINO. 103 do/ n v title, r'd and black eh-t an ! eh iwh. very desirable for eountry and era side wear. lu'l two yards siuar*. at 8115, 81 .'0.81 75. t: DO, 8-' a% 83 to. Very tine an., brautltal patterns, 83 OU 83 W. 8> CO, 14 ? In oar Millinery Department, ail this week, great rcdociun in prices Beautiful Vines. Wreath*. Sprays, at less tban cost Ladies', missus' ami children's clup straw an a shade llats. all at firstly reduced prices. Do not fall to examine tliem. RICHARD MK A REP, corner of Biitn avenue and Nineteenth street. PPP A RRTl II HS8 II A NN N P P AA H R II 8 8 11 AA N N N P P A A R R II B II A A N It N 1'PP AAA RRR II 8?ig II AAA N N N P A A R JL n 8 11 A A N N N P k A II If II I I II i A N NN P A A H R II 888 11 A AN NN PPPP h -OOO W a W EEEB RRR P L OOWWWK RR F L OOWWWK R R FFf L O O W WW W BEB KHR * L GO WW WW K K R F L OO WWW B n B F LIXL OOO W W BBEE R S COMPANY ARB CONTINUAl.LT RECEIVING TUB LATEST NN N OO V ? BERK L TTTTTII EEBB 88 NNNOOVVR L TUB 88 VOTVB L T II II I N N N 0 N N N O <5 V 1 i E TUB 8 0 V ^ BEB E T II KBB B8_ N NNO O TT F. L T 11 B ? ? N NN OO V BBRE LLLI, T II BKBB 88 to French Flowers. Ostrleh Feathers. Bridal sets and this, Fid. si Garnitures for Weddings and Evening Parties t? order. Vases and Baskets htted to order. Churches, Hall?*anV'>weflln?a Oeeora'ed. A disc ?nut to the trade and institutions. No. 9 Rna da elery, 79 Kast Fourteenth street four Pari* doorswost of University placa. I LOKWRNBTEIN, Proprietor. ^JBtTjiB RATED ITALIAN RID GLOVE A Elrat prlte International Exhibition, 1897. EMILB CLKMBBT. 109 Fourth avenue. sole agsnt for the United States Laaae First prl/c, Eahlbitlon 1992. Bruseels. ChaauliT. Valcncienuea. ciutxt 9- Ac DRY GOODS. WB HAVE THIS WEEK BBBBB RRRRH OOOO K K EKEK NN N B BR KO OKKK N N N B BR R 0 0 K K B ? {? * B BR RQ O K K 8 N N N BBBBB KRRRB 0 Q KK KEB N N N B BR R 0 0 K K E N N N B BR RO OKK B M R H B BR RO OKKK N N Jr. BBBBB R B OOOO K K BEBB N NN OO RRR 00 U 0 NN N HDD oo it ii o o y y nn n d d O 0 K R 0 O UU K N N DP 9 H__? 9 9 HP. | ^ 9 9 9 6 Su N un O RRR OO 0 V NNN D D RR 06 U 0 N K K DO R R 00 0 0 N KK pp . M B O O OU M UN i> U 00 R R 00 CU N >N DDD S "8 FOB EXTENSIVE ALTERATIONS AND ENLARGE MlJiT OP OCR ESTABLISHMENT, and HAVE, IK CONSEQUENCE, M ADR EXTRAORDINARY REDUC TIONS IN TIIB PRICES OK OUR OOOD3, SO AS TO REDUCE OCR STOCK. EVERY ARTICLE IS MARKED DOWN. OUR NUMEROUS PATRONS. WHO HAVE LEARNED TO AB60CIATE~OUR NAME WITH MOD ERATE PRICES, WILL KIND NEW CAUSE FOR AS. TONISHMENT IN OUR PRESENT CLEARING OUT PRICES. KgpeoUl attention Is called to our remarkable prices lor LADIES' UNDERWEAR. OUR FINEST GOODS, INCLUDING OUR RICH, HAND-EMBROIDERED FRENCH UNDERWEAR, RE DUCKD TO LESS THAN COST OF IMPORTATION. EVERY ARTICLE CONNECTED WITH LADIES' UN DERWBAR OFFERED AT A SACRIFICE, AND LADIES REPLENISHING THEIR WARDROBES BB PORB DEPARTING FOR THE COUNTRY WILD DO WELL TO CALL AMD EXAMINE. Great inducements in mlMce' and cbtldrea'e Mar. seilles and pique Suns, Cloak .. Ac. Our elegant etoek of Infante' Wear at greatly reduced prices. BSS8R U 0 1I~ TTTTTTP SSSSS H Sl> U II T 8 S 3 V a II T ? S I' y II T 8 SSBRS U C II 1. SSSSS S U V II T 8 R 8 U U II T S S SSSSS I'UUU 11 T KSSSs $ T immense STOCK! PBIl'KS REDUCED I T Our entire ?toc* of Hprimr Sntu to be closed out irrespective oi cost. Ladles will do wall t>> call md examine our ciegatit assortment of Suii?. ?a tve arc offering the same at positive bargains. Suits formerly sold at $23 S3', $*? and $V?. now re duced to $13. $ t>, $29 and f*). and nil other rouu lu proportion. Overskirts and Jackets, inadc ot guipure and velvet, puiour.' und gros grain ribbons, REAL YAK LACE AND VELVET. KCRU CLUKY LACK AND VELVET in ell STYLES, AT GREATLYREDUCED PRICKS. LACE AND RIUilON OVER-sKIRT AXD JACKET, FOR. MER PRICE $26, red need to $.3. LACE AND VELVET OVERKiRT AND JACKET, FOKYIER PuICB $:s. reduced to $22 SO. LACE AND VELVET OVKKSKIRT AXD JACKET, FORMER PRICE. $30. reduced to $23. All above good* made to ordor at abort notice, at tame redm-ed pri es aa we are anxious to cloee out as much of our stock aa po-siMe, to make room lor alterations REAL LLAMA LACK 3IUWLS AND JACKET* AT ES PECIALLY LOW PRICKS. SHAWLS FORMERLY SOLD A f $J0 AND $4J, reduced TO $30 AND $.'3 LLAMA FACQUE*. FORM1 KLY SOLD at SIS. $1$, $30 and $23, rctuc.l to $10, $12, $U and $13 each. Real Cnlpnre and Yak Laces. Real and itniutlon Clunv Laces in Kern, drab ami white. Real Valenciennes an Thread Laces, Ac., Ac., ?t price* mnch below cost of importation. All enr stock reduced. Bargains in Gimp*. Fringes. Buttons, Ae.^ An. ^ <*t ? llAMBIRO KYI HROIDKR1K* cheaper than ever before offered. Elegant Edgings at Sc.. Sc.. 10c. and 1$: per varl and upward, the tlnesl and widest styles at posture nargeing. MILLINERY DEPARTMENT. Astonishing rcductlooe . Hats In every Imtgluabie shape In French and Ameri can chip. Leghorn. Neapolitan and Milan brails, at prices to salt. Storekeeper* and tailllners will find this an oppor tunity to replenish their stock at mnch less than dowm town wholesale prices. Elegant Mitaa lists, all color*, reduced to 76c. Amcrletn chip Hats reduced to 49*. Finest French chip (lata red need to $1 $7. Ladies' and misses' Sua Hal* reduced to I3c. Ladies' and gentlemen's Bathing Hale reduced to 90. Boya' and girl*' School Hat*, former prices Oc., re duced to 33c. And all other Hats in proportion. 'tar stock must be cleared oat to mak* room lor *ar extensive alterations. After oar alterations are completed we shall he *a ?Med i" exhibit a still larger assortment of goods than heretofore. Ilat dashes, former price $1. reduced to 49c. Ribbons at positive bargains. 7-inch n 11-ellk gros grain Bash Ribhen. all colors, locludinc raroin il. brown, black, Aa, cleariug out at 7$c. large stock of Rlhbona clearing oat as follows* No. a, reduced to 10c. No. 7, reduced to IV. No. ?, reduced to I V. No. 12. reduced to 20c. No. 16, reduced to 23c. Millinery Bilks, Velvet*. ruranoise. Millinery Laeea Net*. Illusions, black crapes. Ac. Ac., all reduced la prita. Trimmed Bonnets and Round Rata, all reduced in pricaa Bonnets, fbrmer price $13. r? laced to Bonnets, former price Ronnets former price M.._, Sonne'?. former price $*. reduced to $>. oonsta, former price $6, reduced to $4. We are determined, rather than to take the risk of having our good* soiled and ruined bv the dust, Ac- 1 ?auec i In hutldiug, to eall oar goods at a loss. Fans in overr style, at prices below any In the city. Full line of fanee Goods, fancy Jewelry, Chatelaines. I'ortemoniiaies, Ac.. Ac., at reduced prtcea 3 re laced to $1 2, re tuced to (7 60. 10. reduced to $4 3d. ^ PARAHOLH, ^ all marked do#t> to elear out stock. WP MIGHT GO ON AND ENUMERATE if ANY MORR LARGS REDUCTION* IN PRICES, BUT TUB BAMB IB UNNECCES8ARv7 AS WE ASSURE OUR patrons Tn*T they will find great reduc tion* IN PRICES THROUGHOUT EVERT DEPART MENT IN OCR ESTABLISHMENT. t KM RICH* .| ^ F.H RICH*'. | 287 Blghth avcatie, 2S9 between Twenty fourth ami I wenty-fltlb streatR For Other Dry Goods Advertisement* 3?* kUleenth Page