Newspaper Page Text
THE COURTS. Abrupt Termination to the Templelon Habeas Orpus Proceedings. A Novel Suit Against Brokerh . INTERESTING- WILL CASE. Mrs. Sarah Burr ban got a ju l {meat (or $25,520 trains-. the estate ui the late James b. Taylor, on i loreclosure of a mortgage. Judge Brady held Chambers or the Supreme Jourt fit- tue pant two weeks, am! during that timo has beard 219 contested motions, besides (Us. posing or the ex parte business. Judge Davis will hold Chain bars lor tho residue or the month, com mencing on Monday, and Judge Brady Trill bold tbe Court of Oyer and Terminer. The return hns ooen died la the matter of Tbe People ex rel. Tue Mew York Dispensary vs. Uteeti, to compel the leasing by the city, ror dis pensary purposes, of the premises at tho corner of Centre and tVhne streets. The comptroller says that oniy $75,000 was allowed for leasing bio. erty and una has been already appropriated, tud will be more man exnausted if tne Mo. 27 Slumbers street case, q?w sub judlcl, be decided tgalust Jilui. The Queens County Court and Court of Sessions, luugo Jonn J. Armstrong presiding, will convene at North Hempstead to-moirow. Tbe civil calen dar is qnlie heavy and more are a number of criminal cases of interest to be tried. THE TE1IPLETON' CHILD CASE. Alter several months' Utlgatiou the Templeton thud ease cauie yesterday to a sudden uud abrupt termination. Mrs. Ida Maud Tempieton suognt, through a habeas cor, us, to obtain the custody of aer infant son, who was netng supported ana taken care ui uy Colonel William 0. Templeton, bis grandfather, living at Xyauk. Both Colonel Templeton nail his family had become greatly at tached to tho colld, and, In coii-e inence, wero anwliiing to give him tip unless ordeied by the '.'Ourt, the ground of objcciion being that rs. templeton was au improper persou to have the .'are of her child. A large amount of testimony vus taken bo o.-e Judio Douohno, of the Supreme 2ourt, Mr. Jotiu D. Totynsend appeal 1 ig as coun lel lor Colonel 'tempieton uud cx.Juuae Bus teed tor Airs. Templeton. The case was set down for a .urtber lieaiing yesterday, when Judge Bust cod, using, moulded a note liom Mrs. Templeton, and alter addressing tne court u excretions of iiimiKs lor "judicial kinaness" mown tit tne cose, retui the note, which bore date the Kith tnst., ami in brief directed Ur. Busteed ,u uieeoiuinue lier anplicuiioii lor the custody or lersoit. deference was tiiereiu made to an un ;lo?id letter uoui Airs, iemnieton to Judge Donohue, but tho con ten is oi this epistle were not toad or stated earner by Judge iiustet-d or judge Doaouue. Mr. Busteed Having taken ins seat, Mr. fowusend rose to adurcss tbe Court, bnt scarcely i aud ne commenced his remarks when Mr. Busteed also rose and left the conn. Ills ee', less Uignty than ins opponent's tongue, had nut, however, carried Hun beyond tne Uoorslii belure me remarks ot Mr. Townsend reached . lm, to tho eilect mat the withdrawal trow die case, .oug contempiaied oy Judge bnsteeu and now so properly euecicd under tue lyiitteu tnstractioaa of lus cueut, sbonlu not pre sent mm iroui presenting to tin- Court tbe rights if his client, a* abundautiy soowu by the evidence u t lie case. Mr. Townsend thereupon proceeded to state to ;he court tnai tne strange sickness of Airs, l'e npietoii since her cross-examination loreoo led tne pies ni nctioD, and tie liisietea tuai tins womau, alter huwug so persistently turns,ed tne tamd.v o. colonel letopleton, should not be allowed 10 cu> the proc-ediugs De.ore UK Uuuor, Just snort ui a decision, tne necessaiy n nute oi Woicn must have been anriilpateu or uer a ter she stood convicted iroui oat or her own uioum of oeliig an uullt person to have tne care of her child, lie tneu reinluaea the Court thut tue at?te ulii not .0oit to any other imeie^t wbeie that oi an n. ant w.ia placed at hazard except tne best tnteicsts of tne luiani; that hotb pare ts noon back against t oi-sum erne obligation; that Mr*. iemj.ieioii, navl&g wnown uerseii m tno pro ceedings utterly nnat to oe intrusted wi n me .us oay oi ttie Cuiiu, a cop shana. be nut to a repett io.i oi nar application nuun the same state Otf&eis; a< least iu me suauo of an oioer lust, previous to her ren-wiug tm. >on oi application, ine e-'ioum pav t e nosr r expeu-?s sue eausea ;u be lacutred by tne ee enoant. Judge Uuiiobue said oat ne would take ths luuioct into coaSiusratioo. ana desired Mr. iowasend to preaem riu views in the loun uf gu oi uer that ne thought st oQid ne made, sod mat. 1 be wouiu consult wita bis associate juuges iu re gard to tne matter and give an eany deouion. INTERESTING TO BROKERS. The autc of Gojdwla sad others vs. Enstem, Roaenfsidt Jt Co. has oven just declaed 0/ Joocs Van Tori>t. TUo case was heard to me Supreme ?ourt, special Term, and arose in tots wars? ?laiuHTi employed caiundants, who are brokers, to deal in gold lor them, and deposited $30,000 In bonds as s>e urlty. A balance was doe to Diaio* (ids on the first account, and on a seoond, epeutd ay Rosenieldt wttu plaintiffs without tne guowi edge 01 bis partner*. a uebit aiose, wiping ont the first credit to iiaimlfls. after tbls Rosenieldt f;iiieu and made asjigntU'-n: :or the benefit of Ms creditors. On :in .iccounting a an ills partners bis tnare uitheprohts wu-iuunu to be IM.Obb. Riaiutlff? iu?r<l lor me return of tnetr collateral*, cla nnng that dei-ndaniH nad overourged them snd had promised, t.irougn Rosenieldt, to reduce tne marges, urdtiui Hos-enieiui's eco.oco stioul I be a let mi eguiiui am uebl piainiiua to ue.end ints, ouore it <? ui t no turned over to tne as ilgoee f..r t'in beneilt of It Menfeidt's creditors, luogo Van Vo -i decide* mat tti*r?- is no ground tor nn aitouiitn.: mat am promts > to piainuffs o? Rosen e.di tiin not Mud li s partners. since it was made icr in* luiirniual pecuniary mveres.H, and tnat ptaintius nave uo mi, trior equliy o nave t en luu mc .t nrst aedncttn m fun iroui the amount uue to Rosen mlat's general creditors. A -iOYEL WILL CASE. A wilt case is at present Daioro surrogate Bedrres, o. rt .irolii c>un?y. wulcu isthccauae of lousldeiable luteresi and no little excitemenr. Mrs. Nanoy muiio, triuow or tne late Captain fonas Smith, iv- eatiy dio>i nt Svony Brook, and tne probate of tfte will is opnoseu. It appears In the proceedings tons far had before tne surrogate, mat Captain South died at Stony Brook eniy a lew v sats ago. leaving a Migc estate wbicn ae bsu accunmUtrd ia - Mwlantig u e. Having no children, in his win he mat* \ rot si on lor a num ber ol buQtiests ot comparatively smith amounts to relatives, and men g.,ve the residue lo bis who Nancy, with the however, that his rxecu-or- sliottM first expend f&o.inw in erecting s uiouumrnt to ni* menu ry, at nis burial gtace at seuuket. lltr. Ins oxccuio s ..ul next m kla tna: to!' piijv.sion was a..: wise, ind oalt sunut <d,uoj wo e e.xueuu d >u tne monument, mo balance goiuir wUh :ho hu !; j ihe estate. Mrs. smith at ncr deai n lo 1 anoni moo t on, in money houd*. Ac. Uti wui, tun validity ui wbtcme n ?w in dispute. dupo-v* of bUi S SUlllil pori.ou O tills suiouut 1U to rts.iiiivee; f."..0bo m at. J.uu#-' courcti, wii.Cii is Leli.-ceb lu ii < vo ovtfU ;.o ie?uil o unt Side influence; nu i tne sums residue Is uevleed to a on' ?(?, a Mrs. Norton, wa wnou Mrs. Suutli baa loud living lor * number o teat*, uird wao bad taken cars ot nrr pe, oi as wMI ;.s oi estate. Mis. bn.Un was nearly ?taoiy .years old. and wu? very milim. nr. It is alienou o.r the con testant. that an- become Imbecile to sites an extent tugt snw was luc pa'.ne oi properly oispus tea or he: i roperty. and u is lur nur alleged undue luflueuc* bau boeu oxer od upou cef oy sirs. Nonon .-no otlisis m ner merest, Mrs. mi til throughout ner n:e *?- uon*taere < a most antiaui* nn t k tia*t:sor ? u worn n, and one wcose relatives and irieuo* were R' dest '<? ner, nn i it is : non-Ill in .t *no W'.uld have tn mtiesteu ner rt* gaol foi tnem inroBah ror n i , ^Ue no oeau una :t tne coii'rOt oi Mrs. Ror,on. Eminent couu* lei arc f-mi Jo>? t ua ooiii sides, uad tne coaAiei is )uue oiticr, siwemos*, swnvus COt/'nT?caxMBElS. Dr Jn ia* Monoliue. De Witt vs. Mnriiu.?i'i lutiff may bavs ordsr bUbWiua nira to renew n payment of $10 coata. h, Judge llr.dy. C.arg vs. Mccoriiiack; Orc,? v . Cornellt cniltcn Vs. BroWO! lie. Silas V. .ViC.IOttl usmoslt ve. (iaco; io mennittet ot ne rrs*ideiit auo irus* t o? U' "v.o Aiueritun liinuer and Manufauturmg uompsriy? Urau led. Ivel cs vs. ituwi,;uet.-Older gract'd. u c r, i.i uvuevo.ent Society.? yoject too nidsanitmr a a cj,?. tuieii an vs. Htii.?Hvierre i io X. Jai vi?, Jr., to tpte pmof ot top laiHs uy.l to rppmt wna ner it Will tip tor ine luierest o ino iniauts tocuaiuieace action. PviitlsM vs. .Tatnca.?In consultation with JUMioe Pouonuo, auo on ine p :,or? snbrtii ea. 1 mil sat ? ?<?,, t ,a> thsatui siiou.d u?t be giiiatc i uuies tfeb -A>?is auioatitbi y.ic pa, mein o? ucp-sitsa tri.b the Olerk of tne Ooart to m?e( the plaintiff 's claim. By Judge Westorook. Moore vs. Clark.?Mutton (fan tod on payment of $10 c sib aud ten nays ro uuswer after service of complaint, barae rule in eacu Case. SUPREME COURT?SPECIAL TERM. By Judge D< no! ue. Brett vs. Mackie.?Findings settled. Palmer vs. rite .Mayor, Judgment for pl.iiatnr on demurrer. Suitun vs. Davis.?Discontinued without costs. Braut rs. Cr.vgier.?Motion denied. SUPERIOR COURT?SPECIAL TERM. By J u.ig?> Speir. Schalk vs. P.i?s.?Referred to Thomas S. Cott tnun. Chapman vs. Pho-uis National Bauk of thoClty of New Vork.?Findings settled. COMMON PLEAS SPECIAL TElCil. By Junge I,new. Welile vs. HavilaiuL--Motion that exceptions he heard in ibe Ors: instance at General Term lor a stay of proceedings, in tne nieuutime denied, Wli.aoUt 0ub$4. Connolly vs. Connolly.?Judgment of divorce gr.<ntod and custody of child awarded to the idxiuritr. lton rt vs. NoeKe.?1 am inlorrued b7 the referee that lie did not dismiss these proceedings. The counsel should, tnereiore, uppo.r Oelore me at sucn time as tney may ugiee on. Draper vs. Kutaluo. ? Motion to file amended answer grunted on conditions. Bee memoran dum. MAIUNE COURT?CHAMBERS. By Judge Joachimseu. l)o Wolf vb. offltiger.?Motion to advance canse denied. lingers vs. Delauey.? Motion to open inquest grained. nisi v*. Talcott.?Motion grunted, wltn $25 costs to defendant. Kauinor vs. Lludner.? Motion ro dismiss on terms granted. Fern-t in vs. Isidor.?Execution set aside, Ac. The Mechanics and traders' National Bank vs. Baldwin.?Motion granted. Conkiiu vs. Reardon.?Motion to open default granted, Wnsieii vs. McAdams.?Motion granted. Defen dant attached. Burbunk vs. Kleckner.?Motion denied. Dunn vs. Hennessey.?Motion giautca. liruas vs. McDonoagh.?Deienuant may come In on conditions. Finuders vs. (llasson.?Motion eramed. Bank oi North America vs. Bluer.? Deduct $35 lrom costs. Same vs. Davis.?Deduct $45 lrom costs. No costs oi motions. Botte vs. Erbe.?Motion will be dented on terms. Weinple vs. Bnyles; Snine vs. Appletou ; Wyatc vs. Mayer; Porter vs. Graham; Uuaii vs. Schencic; liiadtiury vs. Bellows; At-rnlnson vs. Beliews; Wunrenberger vs. Freund; Stark vs. Bamberger; Simon vs. Rosen; BiiUer vs. Conner; Lion vs. ?am heiu; Michel vs. dark; Goldstein vs. Caguey; Mnynuri vs. Green; iiav vs. Pozeler.?Motions to advance causes gi aiued. COURT OF SPECIAL SESSIONS. Before Justices Morgan, Kasmlre and Flammer. Tim followmg cases were disposed of yester day John Connolly, convicted of stealing $3 from Thomas Kearns, got two months on the Island. Charles Dempsey and David W. osirauder were fined respectively $10 and $25 lor driving horses untlt for use. Mr. Bergh asg'ed for a reduction or remission or the latter fine, us Ostrander was a very poor man. Patrick c?rinon was sent to the Catholic Protec tory lor stealing ladies' underwear. Muiia MeDoole, of No. 321 East Twenty-fifth street, accused oi stealing a pair oI gold rings, was trlea and honorably acquitted. TOMBS POLICE COURT. Before Justice Duffy. WANTED TO OO WEST. Patrick J. Ryan, aged sixteen, residing at No. 100 Henry street, was charged with stealing $000 irom bis cousin, Charles Ryan, of No. 27 Cbaries street. Toe prisoner was arrested at Sweeny's Hotel bv Detective Dorcey and Officer Kogarty. of trie sixth precinct. He was equipped for travel llntr. had a valise filled with new suirts that he had jnsr puiehaseo. hair combs, brushes, Ac., -be sides u vert handsome, silver mounted revolver, lie a as preparing, he said, to start lor the piams. it appears tuut had been on a visit to his cousin's u use, and wniie tnere was sent upstairs to a room 10 vet some clothes. Willie there tie opened a trunlc wherein was the moner, and took It. At c >nrr nc couie^sed having taken Jioo. He was hulcl tor trial at me General se sions. A QUESTIONABLE TRANSACTION. Charles A. Manges, of Hudson. X. J., a respect* able looking raau. was accused oi stealing a draft lor $140 38. The circumstances, as set lorth in the complalut, are as follows:?Moages gave S. V. Mom, oi No. 378 Pearl sirest, the draft iu ques tion in payment of a debt. It was drawn upon Eastman <fc Brothers, Toledo, Ohio, to whom it was ,..rwarded and wuo sent it, back unaccepted. Mr. Moua imuedlatsiy returned [tie onecit to Menkes. wno loro it up. (lenee rne Charge. Tat accused gave bait in the sum oi $Jou to answer. ONE OE THE CUaIN OaNO. Michael P.tau was arraigned on complaint of Henry Uns eat, ot So. 66 Park street, wno oiiarged mat wjt.o crossing tne city Hail Park yesterday at noou tne prisoner grabbed ni. goid watob ouain and attempted to steal it. Held lor truu. BROOKLYN COURTS. OOUBT or OVER AND TERMINER?TRIAL Of MRS. MERBIOkN FOB THE MUBDSE OF MABOARET HAXIifLLL?THE CASE REOPENED BT THE FBOaECUTIOK. Before Judges Pratt, Woifert and Voornies. Yesterday morning the trial of Mrs. Baran C. Mcrrigau, for the alleged murder or Margaret HammtlL was resumed in the Kings County Court oi Oyer and Terminer, and. owiug to the Interest leu in the deem on on the motion or Assistant District Attorney Moore for the reopening of ibe case to allow the introduction oi additional evi dence for the prosecution, a large nuuibsr ef lawyers weru in alteudance. The Drisooer, ac companied by her husband, moiner and uaugnter, sat near her counsel, uenersl Tracy and Pa.rick Keady. Upon tne opening of tne Court Judge Pi ait inquired it tne counsel for tse defence de sired to be heard lurtber on the question oi re opening the case. Oenersl Tracy replied in the affirmative, and cited .rom Wheeler's Criminal Law the case of The People vs. Deiniuoit. where tne Court decided againsi tne prosecution ode ing lurtner testi mony, oq the ground mat there most be a rule, anci it must be eniorced, do matter how impor tant the testimony. Counsel argued that tne protecuuon, iu faot, cieaixed to introduce a new cate aua contradict their own witnesses. They Utu not desire to cutne in and confirm toeir cate a* made out, or to supply a technic.1 detect, bat to overthrow toeir owu testimony by calling wit. nsi-sea wuose attendance had not been deemed necessary. He submitted thai inch a proposition wan never ne rd of Us ore in a capital esse. Iu a civil ca-e, a;.ere so i e technical matter had been overlooked, a*, lor instance, pr-.o, ot a bout cb?rte . such a proceeding might bo ul.owed, out not to uuit ait a qew cu?e o.i :resn los iuiouv, 1hc Assistant District A toruev s ua mat in tus os-e OI tee People Vs. Delimit tne couusei had pruCeeileJ to sua* up. sou tuou Hie Judge refuted tu eopcu the esse. Tae usuoiudi of ail tue, with the exception m Mis. Kipp, went tu .how i list Airs, si en luau was uloue witli her It ic..U. i ne poiui wa* merely a ieciinic tl oue, aba treating It would ce encouraging justice, es'tecully Wuen it W.,i within tne discretion of the turn t. Geneiai Tracy said hs did nut concede tnst the mauer was within the d s. r tiou of tue Court. Alter Mr. < ours nan cltou <ue taw upon n<? ques tion of discretion Tmcy ssteried that the eviuence lor too prosecution fell iar snurt of a proof oi guiif, aud tusreiuro tue uefeuc* de sited the ca?e tu go the Jury as it stood. Judge i r-u said the view of me court was that ibe quo.ttuu was pureiv uncronou.iry. I hey thoumtihs tesiiiuuuy shuuiu bs uurn u a. Aca-s or Mien importunes >nouiu oe ti tea upoi i s merits, and r ne % W-re of tue opim.u n.ut luey conih not uu otherwise tasu the testimony. Ueuwrat 1'rac) end mat tus annua < f the Court placed ihe Ueisucu iu a very e-iiuairaselug post moii. Alter tue? ban rested tueir nas - aua Oegua in sum uo thsy were mat with a new na-e, upuh pewtvidehtfe, for wlnua tney hsa made no irepu* ration. Assistant DlstiU't Attorney Mooro replied that It did uui uff-ct the u iencs. wiiiOQ Was .ne sa.i.e as on tne previous us s.,oWu oy turnr ciot? cXumiuation oi witueese* nun uad been nu he stand aua tea pivreucc tu Ouun oi witmsses wno lud testiilou to tue insanity oi the accused. umersi uacy tusn oo|.oieu lormallr to tr.o re* odouiUs Ol toe esse uhd iuuk ua exusptiou to ti.e ruili.g oi tue Coin*:. i ne case lor ins people was reopened, and F.dwaru Hart. oiNu. 87a timed street, whs calisu a* his first with> as. lis teenfled that he Was a stair minder Oy t.ndc; thus* Ms agsu woraeu lor witness iu at pioinOer. is;j; he wu* st *tuik uu the luormogof ft uu ul mat luuniii. Giuersl iracy uujeoteu tu any testimony wblcu wouid cuutra net any Oi tn oiber witnesses for tn? piosecntioo, cisiuilug mat tuey now uttered evmence >0 utspiwve lout of Mrs. kipp m regard to ihe i lesunce of Mr. Mei-rigaa in his house < a llie aiieinouu ol bepo tuner 2. He Claimed that there w?s a surprise and was prepared to show ti.a' the lesiimoiiy Was not introduced be.ore. Mr. .Muure -aid thsi on cue ursi trim tne de leutluh. ttsiilied lost the only in the neuse ?t the time of Miss flamralll's death wae herself, her oh by and mo deceas a. General Tracy contended that tlio evidence was introduced uu<i given ou tne theory 01 tnc insanry 01 the defendant. Tne prosecution had no rigut to rest tacir case on tne theory 01 the defence. After some nirtner discussion the court admit icd the testimony and couum*i took au exception. \v ltoi-asi .a.tni he saw Mr. .Merrlg.ui net ween seven anu Dine o'clock on the nu i ning of Heptembe 2| saw linn attain at two o'cio;:K?oii tne site moon of trie sunie day at a builatng in South Second street, wnere lie whs working tor witness; lue place In South Second street, where Menu/an was ut work, was aoout ten or flleveu blocks trom his house: had a intui Slt'1 a boy be*trie Mr. Mtrrt|SH working mere on liiesday; witness knew it wus on thai day, because it wan the nay i>o>ore he whs ai reste i; uid not Know where Merriguu took Ins dinner on trial day ; sent tne hov to Qreonpolnt in the aiteruoon and remained lu South second street with McrrtgaU. Hubert Hand, residing at Union and South Second streets, tpsttileu that be worked lor Hurt in September, 1873; oommenced work with Mer rigtiu on the first day #1 that niontn ut the house in SoutIt second street; saw him ou lhur-diiy ut tno gam" place, about seven o'clock; at noon, ou the in, tie went out to amner and came pack a little tieloro one o'clock, renaming with turn till about three o'clock; went away then and enme back at a quarter to five: Merrigan was there aud witness remained wan 1 lin till six o'clock. The prosecution uere rested, and Hie Court ad journed uucii Moudav morning, when Mr. K.eadjr will open or the deieuce. A COMEDIAN'S LIVE STOCK. Mr. Joseph Jefferson, the comedian, who in tends to spend two years In Europe for the benetlt ol his health, yesterday sold at public auction, through Messrs, Marker A Sons, of Thirty-ninth street and Broadway, the lo'lowlug stock:-Pair bay carriage norms. $250; one aft gold mounted harness. $110: Brewster Victoria, $310: pair blanket-*. ?18: pair black ponies, ?175: one set double harness lor pontes, $75; one set doable harness, $11; l'ark phaeton, $85; pair blankets, $31; child's pony, $130; set single pony name->s, $11; entld's phaeton, $i no: come, $245: coupe har ness, 538; .tlr.ctuev mill Emperor, 555: Aiderney cow Ceres, |97 60; Aiderney cow belly, $105?pur chased by Judge lullenon; Aiderney het er Daisy, $140, no u two year old Aiderney heifer, $120? purchased by a. H. Kaynor. HOCIEg, BOOMi, dSC., VV VMTKD. lit this City uittl Brooklyn. f7>UBNUIIF.r> - QUARE RiiOM, WITH W^ER, BATH P nnd gas wnnu-J l>v a Bciii.cniaa ot quiet habit*, without hoard; it i.*reoable will iv'io.' aintlv Aa' reierciice u.ivtn ; no objection to a 1 \l n,' u%c t dr?u, u aim rut re nt nor in on to . J. K. P.. aeruMi ww.? . iita\T', Ti RV A LADY A Pi K V.: A N T ROUS!, FUR. I W ut.hi uioderii improv?ui?auts, ??nv?nient i to Oraii.l central iiiepot or on t he 11 uU.ou. Address. statiUK- toriiia it ml lull particular*. JUNE, ueraia ip 1 town Brttuch otbce. _____ ? TIT *W l'F D?BASH M KN'f AND l AKl.nR FLOORS, \\ with iiII improvements. by a small aiuc'^an lanuiy of three persons: must be In nice onU I on, onw??l sue. ; between I weutv-sevviith utid 'hli y-.ounii sticcts ami , Kleinh and Miith avenues preterr a). Addre.e. glj IM l price and lull particulars, A. O uuW is, Mu Weel Wl CI. ; ?titTvtfa"stork ok third av. suk, with 1 W five vesrs' lease; betjveen 'Twenty-third anil tor ty-secoiid sTroei*. Andrew. with suit particulars, Dh LANCRV, 1,23s iiroadway. tITASTlB-TWil OA TH SKE PLAINLY 'OMUHSO \\ ' Rooms Tor liiut liouseiceplnaj J? *" be *ery low; give term*. M? to 1 .'nnl-i'lN, llcr .Id utlLe ll'AN'TKU- BY A. YOU Ml COUPLE AND SERVANT, W a partly lurnished F.oor or r lat ; will not pay over $'iU per ino:i. U. Address D. M., Herald t'fflco. -tir\\TED?BY V GENTLEMAN AND HIS WIFE (NO \\ n,?re in lainilvi Purl oi u House in a rc-pectab c lo n.lnv Hi New Yora, Brooklyn or Jersey: tareo or lour M*> Post office,'N V. TI? AKTBD?FOR A FAMILY OF iDULiS, THE VV I ower Part ot a House, aeven rooms: rent must be moderate* AJdre.' M. O. K? Herald Uptown branch office. ? A IT ANTED-BY A OEKlLKMAN AND WIFE. THREE W or lour uniurnlshcd Rooms for light housekeeping. Addross, with price. " - f..mC Broadway. in (he Country. A PttlVAlE family DESIRES A few fur \ ubshed Rooms wuhln 3d minutes from the city; I^t nare accomodation, tor moiing . or wouid board with .iorivaie tamtiy; terms mns. benu?deratcand Tump commuuuon Address J. & A., bo* iT? Herald office. - -? %r a v i i-*?\ small FURNISHED CHUN-TRY W place, by a responsible family, where Roard for n.,a n rsua would be an equivalent tor rent Address, wlth partiooiars. C^.., box nil Herald Uptown -ranch ottioe. For Ottaer Advertiiementi Under This Heading See Directory. POLITICAL. T" r ? pn -AT THK R - CENT MEETING OF OPPO A sttlo'n d mocrsts of t o i we"Ji*Qibl>' dlt" trietmt name was use a wtihout Bffihjgg , RiOORFF. Ss if rrvriT" TsTTmbLY DX81RICT.-ALL DtMO t ltVi. ln trio cv;a h iptaniv Dii'rict opposed to <a personal dictatorahio of isiBmanT Hail, and willing tS Vo/k "orWM-SOBI rule.' if osusungi.'U'c e.'ab relus^Ud^immSdt." jr meVuuJ fid#?iKK4!l HANeUM,^P.rajOW^WjY^ FtvAKM A. RANsuM. THE LECTLHE SEASitti. T IMTBrT ETSRY* EYKRISO, AT KIGUT A JnVft-. on "Nervoue Debility an I Special Dls . ... ?ob r \ AU.V .i U se am. i<em?m?ir the ad ! !???-? *m? twit near Fourth street ihe lsrsest and most msgniflosiit milium m the world. Admission, U) cents. AuPRi'lAL L.-OTCRH. OK MuXDAY EVENING, St H o'clock, on -M.asmn and Malaria of Her am Pints " at Ihe New York Museum Anatomy, 4U BroaJ *ray. betsvocn Hoution and BieecKer street* a Li CTURE EVERY NlGBT AT S O'CLoClC OK , A Manhood and Caueo ef I? Premaiur| at the Nc* Yor* Musouui of Anatomy. 618 BroAiWuy, between tionstoo ana nlccclter streeta , popiJlaP. LECTURE.?THE REV. W. H. MI< KLE will ueitver a lecture on the -3aitle oi Gettysburad' Thursday ereiiina, June is. lsfi. at tne uaptlsichurcb, , u'A r.Ttv first strict, near Icuth arcBue. Pro.essor IV^.l'.yj^ffe'atUse or*-. Tleaet. ?ceuU , ralRCDLARS TICKETS. PltOORAMMBS. POSTKMS, | C rX R'TVY.tffi'OT/H : Jot?*IINO r.sTAHLlBH iiEKI. ins Bruauwae. K. Y. I WIBIBM, LKtUOHM, At". K t2?S2?VtibMUhT fsuTiiv"and Vmtw'u^Vtid | w:rii%rs >? i r,Ilap?GOOD I ABLE CLARET WIKE, ?i SO per do ten: v8c. per bottle an 1 other Wines cbeap also, at nil r iilton street aud it Ana wreet. ~ WANTED AAA s't 111 llAsSC. i LADIES' ODLD WATCH AND A SET OF SINGLE A Harness wanted ; must be cheap. Apply at room 8, j 14) Broadway. ? , ? i liTAKThD-Twu OLD TYLE MOABIRRI AWP ONE V\ iweotv-ftair Inch diameter . picc Mill complete, Mul; must be in a oral condition. A-dre.i COFPBk. Herald office. t fw? a\TkD"'\ B^ALIs LIBRARY uF WbLL. SK W iuhtf l buoKs' mutt be izood eaitifius, nicf Ij bouiid UrXim sk ?us office. ?? asfAlTrKD?A DIAMOND KINO. TO COST SIDY <>R A W *-lntiio Diamond, htate wheTe It i?n be seen, ad dressing con ? iisKN 11AL, station 0. 11 - . c rkouir ROM "to TfiSOTo N s OF RaCOKD HAND W i' i.ali weishing irorn B to H lot JU> the fthl. JwbN M. Ka'tiOr.. Kaiuosd cooirector. 5? Court street, UrooRlyn ekhaxok. iillK ail,'- Kii.v; OH KX DANGt FOR REAL ."Estate, s Urst'Lsje A C?' ! yeirs' teese. luqistrW of U it- THLiwta ? cis., A? five yesrs'lea*;. Heads ?ud Hudson ureetw x-6fICr - VlR hade"OH EXCIlANUB FOR REAL \ istaie ths Lease. Oood Wilssnd runilturs ol ous 01 tns most centriuy meats a w^'^u'isired re portunitv teldutu me; witht owner wiiu It desirco. re l"w. ^.'uKiVwouP'-i ileal Estate uffioe. 744 Brosdwny " M A i ll I MO > IAL. _ A "ioU'KG AMERICAN aHNILtM sK AOK 3A ?0 A halts ths scauaiuiancs of a lady; opisct mstri SJay ajd' s-. Ad'-iti'.-A.i, bo* 1M Iisrsid office a I aWYKK DailKI ? liik ACQUAINTANCE Of A A lady ol means, with view to m'tnmony. AUt-rsss 0, p. ccA. Meraid Uptown Bratn'h oiBce. liiIoLK Ui 11 L M XN, 4) YhARH. 3 hihl - ^ "in* in A woman's ilgutlor alioioe mitriroouiAHF. ,r s seiicitod to add r**t M ?bo* KM Bcfdifeffiee. * C'OAis A?STWOOO. SK Broedwuy ai rvty modsiate prices. - ? n III lii IunT be.hi r AMILY UOAi. ATM AND ^.()0U HHP"! .on. dodverod; 1 TV'cornt best tir siiiia Piii Dood at 34 Wunu It a load Je leered. Ysrds. ??4 ?w.itn avenue uml 4-1 oicvsunl A Ten OS. BwilrlJt'fflSS! J., i 'ST ? ti s' Yl r' Vj mm yili O^TiT"" J"i" sN 1^, T tti^a^ill W.idt to oratr. A V oftlOy t)0 Jaa.> ttrttt. .Now \ wfK ?.-kuci^o?wg. n ore* irae>ea tree rmrd siveet. Phll.duipbia._ w Int. D-i"d"~cONT.iACT~hoR dl rd, Wc.T .. .rams that .tie bit wt rj m-i.e.or .??i vear. by* ZT'%* ?'c.> d-V"K4aH*J> 4 "fAO" MaiUBlot) r?iw? tountr- > ? A1 IIT8TH. ITCTIOW* 4 T JW-BCiOICKEFPING FOR~ BU8INE84 MRN ./Y Messre DoLB \K 1.191 Broauwav. teach doubla entry practically as uvil in the boat New York houses and make good bou.o.oepora in a lew private lea-oiw: (hey also r. inuve stiffness or trembling and uiuko ele gant business writeia. Open duv and evening, all sum mer. Acad .my mount sr. vinlbni, on IIk hud sun, now York, 12 nitie-i irora the metropolis'. 17 trams to uml 19 irom Mount daily, on Hudson River Railroad. This institution. conducted by the -liters ot ? Tmrity. Is the Inmost ami heat appointed In tbe conn trv : term*. including everything bin music, per annum, >999. General patronage solicited. A OODD BTSINtS- II AN BW BITING KOK $9. ?L mill hour lessons lor business men morning and evening; ladies at i o'clock. Apply at 64 Weat Fourth street. OLIV cA B. OOliWXITH, t SHORTHAND class is NOW BEING FORMED, and those desiring to become members iney do ao at reasonable rales. Addruaa 1'HG.No. tlerald oltice. t T TIIO.M PBON'S Col.I.BC.v, 30 r Of Kill AVENUE, ;1 opposite Cooper Institute. Hookkropiug, Writing, Arithmetic instruction day and evening. Ladiee'de partment Telegraphy taught practically, with instru ment.-. open all hi muter T $3, WRITING, MONTHLY; BOOKKEEPING. . Wrning. Arithme Ic, Grammar, Spelling, to quar lorlv ; backward persona taught privately. l'AlM-.'A Bnviae-s College, 02 Bowciy. Established UM9. Ladies qualified lor busiuesa. AX 9J CRM* PER LKiSON.?CONVERSATIONAL German b a North German laity; English to for eigners Address GERMAN, box 170 Herald Uptown Brunch office. i LL SUMMER OPEN?WILL-ON & WALWORTH'S a\. Business college ami Phonographic Institute, re moved to .VI Kast Fourteenth street. Union square, .-end lor circulars. Best instruction. Bookkeeping or pen manship. day or evening. t N EXP. R1BKCBD T-.aCUEB of LATIN WISHES /\ one or two more pupils; term a 79e. per lesson. Ad dress i.ATIN, box i20 Herald t ptown Brunch office. LM:K.N< ii CONVERSATION?BY A,PARISIAN GEN I tleman. citv references; 30 Ussons, $29 Address PR ? M il i..-. sons, bo.v 193 Herald Uptown Branch office, l,2415 Broadway. LUtKNcn TEACHER' association.-THIS i.OCI 1 eiy has unsitrposa -d facilities to supply eolleucs or private institutions with good rreneli Teachers ol both sexes. Address P. uG COMPIGNY, secretary, 1.239 Broadway. PHGNGGRAP:! Y. STENOGRAPHY, WIORIHAN'D i\ ritlug Reporting.?Open ull summer, sue ess guaranteed. NEW YoRK INSTItUTi-. ut PHknoO uaPil Y, .0 East Fourteenth street. Private lessons. UPAXliH AND fk NCH THOROUGHLY TAUGHT c practlcallv or grammatically, by uu aeqoinpiUbed young lady. Address Miss o.A., 400 West i wenty-eighth street. autre thoroughly iau;h. tiv a very c-asv and practi* oul method. instruction u> toreiguurs. Apply to AN TONIO UAi.sOb, 3i Uuivorsity place. QPANIiHI AND HnggLSH Til GRi. UGH I.Y TAUGHT iP hy an American ladv; also, Vocal and Instrumental Music: rvterencesgiven una required. Mrs. DE -MILAN, So. '90 (Yost I Weui.v-sceoud street CPAN1SH LANGUAGE.?PROFESSOR DK TORNOS 0 u ill continue giving private lessons during the sum mer at 7{w civ Hi avenue. fPKACIIF ft:'.' Ill i.EA U.?GENTLEMEN OR LADY 1 teachers ot' nil the English branches, ancient and modern luttgu iges. drawing and kindergarten, mr > tlnihild. 1-. .annus teachers of modern ian-unees and music personally, aud accept ?ii:\ competent teachers for any department, liv tin- system ami moderate Marges I h tve in my of the ttrst teachers m the oountrv registered luturmntioii given of good schools. I shall m itn pleasure teier to patrons- Mrs. alm a e. MITCH ELL. 07 West l hiriv niiU street. 'PEACHEUS VV a.N BED. ?OEN I LEM AN FgU CITY 1 inuiily, to teach French arid Spanish: also Snanlsn gentleman, Catholic; ihroo French ladles inr Freuch and inasic: two lor French and drawing and several tor French only; two goo I vocal.?is for ilrsi class .semina ries and one pianist, other touchers wanted. Apply to J. IV. SCHrJRAll.iillORN. ,4 Bond St. Ik'ANTED ? \ MAS 1 Elt OF THE ART OF F NOING '? or one who desires 'o lenru the profession, to be come an assistant n: colonel Mi?.\8 I lKuY's i cueing .inn Boxing Academy, Pis nlxlh avenue. 414 1 l.ES-O 8 FOR $d -FRENCH, GERMAN AND ? V Italian, by un experienced French ladv teacher. Fall at or address 107 West 'twenty-third street, corner oi Sixth avenue. (J.- it PUT N WEEKS?BOARD AND INalRUC ?P?.M I Hon nnlali expense*, tor rhtldrcn : excellent country Board tor adults, $7il elevated, bealihy. Ad dr< ss a ULL Willi Loo hi. Norwalk, Couu. WATCHES, JEWELRY, tiiC. Advances made on goods left on commis slon. Diamonds. Watches, Jewelry, .-livervare. Piano-, ilk*. Laces. Ac.. bought anil sold; business con ndeuiiii A FlitL'SKI, No. loi Nassau street, corner of Atiu. tlrst door. s LADY HAVING SOME VALUABLE DIAMOND-? -\ in pawn which sue Is uuable to reclaim will sell the tiCkuu. Address Mr*. SOOViLL. box lid Herald office. i I RUBERi? J. ROSENTHAL'S, NO. S ELEVENTH al\ street, three doors wast ol Broadway, torinerlv wltn Jackson, of 39(1 UroAdway?Dmmondt. Watches Jew elrv. silk. Camels' Hair snnwis ana all kinds ot Prop erty bought and sold. GoaI. taken uu comuusuoQ IT 111 .SA-81U 8 fHEKT, ROOM &-DlAMONDs, a\ Watchne, Jewalrv. Silverware au.i .ither Qoods loachr mi : - .id bacx wlisn desired. Bustucss contlden Uut. Private office. H. Rt.lMA.V t UlNPSOMS PAIR OF PEARL EABRl.VOS AND .1 pac sap. litre Kmg ean be bougat tow irom a private party roquirlug oaab. Address R. 1. 4, box 133 Harald office^ Bargains in diamonds and watch s-somk oeenworn: waiohes anJ Jswoirv repaired hy tlrst c a'< workmen. Gc.o. C. alLEN, LllL Broadway, near i wanty-niDih street. 2IAMOND4. WATCHES. J F. WEI.RXa HILVKRWARB and other articles bought end Wild bask wbeu Ired. at a verr small ad-vanee. O oRGE C. ALLfcN, Jeweller. L1W Broadway, uear Twenty-ninth street. Diamonds. w?tch .i. jewelry, silk camels' Hair . ha wis. and all kinds of Property bougnt and sold ; also a line silk American nag lor tale, at CttAa. L. LEOPOLD'S. Pawnbroker's Sals store, jit orsud St. Diamonds-single ?tone rinox ai9T')$?uot Cluster Rings, $26 to $30n: gentle men's Pint and studa, $ld to $iW: gentlemen's Gold Watches. 8it) to ?Bui ladies' Goal AVat hes $iotn$"5 also assortment ol gold and coral Jewelry, cna.nt silverware ami opera Glasses. AC., at luW price I LlNOO BROs !Ju7 Broad way, opposite tho Qtlsay 11 oosc. yOR 3ALE ? A VERY LARGE FINE PAIR OF kOLI r taire Diamond Ear Hinea can te bought at a bar gain. Address LaRKi>s. box 132 Berald offlca For bale?a Pair of very laroe and bkil liant .-oiltaire Earrings; coet $1.8 0, gold; will be told at $ ,0U), curreocy. Address U. It., Herald office. LOR A I. -A Vi RV HAND'OVE DIAMOND CROSS T Uii-i "Air of Sniuiro oimnonl uirmn at t eacrl Act. AU J re M. li U? box l.l >>eralJ oiB. r"T~rs~~uoLd~kaiCR and 6'rfiis viiml Jj Must be u suo.1 timekeeper; ? rea-onabie price will be pa hi lor the >.ituc iildrtii a. II, .lerald office. TO* MKTRi '1'Of.tTAN PRIBTISO ESTABUhUMKNT is at 21# Broadway, ill toe HtriU Uiiiidlntf. WATCsiii" ADJl'HTi- !>.?J. OKiriU. JR . roil IP ? i yean past adjuster oi watches lor the Ih.n jri Watch hail 0 oct t'oinpanv. nt Hoiton. so l ior ins run lie. having romovi'd to 1,191' Broadway, near Twenty nin.h street, is now prepared tn a Ituas all watches to heat eotd, po?nl'itj and t*ochrom*m. Hvthn proc.-M watches ol ordinary c,.stcau be mule line time tee pen Wa'cnos tuned to aecoiida. Watch repairing In all it* bi,.i>clie? alllA ?BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY TO KEOKUK JpIUU. valuables iapawn. diamonds, seefches. te ; can controi evrrvttiing and aiviJe a law hundred dol lars iititne 1 atey. Addrcta J. L-.VINUION. box 110 Hera.d uffic ? (Hid BROADWAY, NEAR TWENTIETH STREET ?' I O tol.l iun I). ? Diamond?. Watches. Jewelrv. Silver Ware, Sum 4c.. an I sold Advances made on consignment! of goods left lorsa.e. A. C. uKRIS. 1 4>fi7 BROADWAY, OYER BERvLD UPTOWN l.a?"H Branch office, miid B (parlor for ladla*.; branch 1.307 Broadway?Diamond*. Watches. Jewe ry, 4c.. booantand sold. LXNDO BROS. RF.MTAl RAVI'S. Lite and let live.-la?i v and dents' oyster and Dining Rooui, Kuit.ui and aroadway. Title great place oi lesort <1111 . ...ulnars to furniin it* patrons with tbt best ot ever/tutu* the iniraet atT rea cANDY SPENCER, caterer. ITOlUBE. 4 '-OBaND OaXTEAI.~8TORAOE WAREHOUSE JO., lor furniture. pianos, mirrors. eimages, wagons, sleigh*. 4c . at .at am Ui Ws*t l ony seventh strsst. corner of broaawar ? _ ? NioRUA* * BROTHER, Proprietors A? SIORAUK.-WESI SIDE STORAOE ? UlE . honest. Ml, t.-4 end 0.o Hudson strsst, 779 Orson wieh aireet and hi Abioedatt suttee lor 1-urt.iture, Pianos, iiajg.ia*. 4:., in -sp.irarc room ol'e-t, lonelt In rate, most extcntivs and respectable estat lUhnient in the bui-tnsss. R. UlitlAiti, owner and manager, office Wi Hudson strast (Abingdon square, I^MPIKF. S URAOfc WARE HOC dai*. tOR r'l'RN'i j uro, pianos, mirror*, baggage and inor-hsnolte. In ?cnarats r..ouu, ..t low rati* raruuare reicortu in citv or country u. u'ltbli-i.t A Co. Proprietors, JSB, HO aad -ti uu i*o '_str*e.. UiOHAi.E >OR r CRN1TC.TE, PIANOS. B lUOAOE. O 4b . in *apaf. t# room* low rates, building* have ersty eonvcuisncei Watcbm in aiii:ua..*?a o.\ Si < i and ?l Com int ra* *trc*t, naar Bl?*ek?r. STORAOK KUR fUhNITUNR, lisOOAOU I AR rtagei. 44., 1(0 t . ill had forty tourtu street. Kuit ut (iiaud Central Depot, stoftrate main*. Are proof vaolt? ae CuHNKUU) O'K It. -Y 4 iRJi... Proprietor!, DEY riBTRY. AC ?RaU RUdfli.RSKT lit r7:E H IN THREE hours.?Impression in the fortiw*. 'o<rh in tno atternoon. miry-fourtn street uaar Hroadwav and Math avenae Outal rubber vurv tirnng' Pa* i colored ?jui i #ct?. piatltu set* nli.ti?bou* rubber set*, fiainpsr*. Olien irnhts titters s.Iii wepieswr*. lie?uiat..r? nurous . xtdst nice .uuleu. Jeututry. late grecu car* iroin liraud straal ierrv. or :Utu avsnao car*, or Bread* wayoais. Oei nf at ihiririoarth stret NicWUc.u. O.i. 448 ?Ve?t liitrty-fottrtu str^vt^ A B .AC ilFLt s t. w Ob'M n MVU, 1.(1: -INOtK, J\ it: warranted silvor flUa*. Sc. New York dsntai rooms i * abashed issi >uiuav miul i i.ood work) lowpi.uca itfi aixth arauut mKSiB M Vl>K AND HrrKO IN A ggw HOURS I wlinou ti o c gh est pain or luconvenlsilce, trsstl etition dud uatural at posrauae auaraiiivefl. lo* h UiKd With i>ea>i siopplug or gou. t'uuipiiiut a hu tasth, pu>c tr?o. throe (taiiius Dr. i. J ..cBKRiel M ..una ?tisit. .Nja tark <21 11 PicR 8Rr.?riNlST COB 11 N Col'd OEM OlU lesih. w.i.ranted the best trusti tns; ?ktro?t tr.s posttivuiy wi.uwut puiu City se ilat Rooma. 171 M?wet* AJirSKMKSTtt. Park theatre. Ethiopian opera season. T. MAOC1KK letter ami Manager THIRD WiKK?The greatest lilt ever uiade. EMERSON .-i C AiRFOKN IA MIMSl'KKl.S. THE CHAMPION BANK up I'U i*.' WORLD. BILLY EMEIt.iO.N', BEN COTTON, BII.l.Y KICE. LI >Tl.r MAC, BOB HART, W. ARLIaOiON, ? J. s. UOaSLLL. W. U. ill.La, FKKd WALZ, AG EVERY NIGHT and -aIDRDAY MvllNKK. Orchestra, $1; Dron Circle, 80c ; Balcony. 2V. Positively the laat night o. thU are at company. MONHaY WM. U. M 11*11, Business Manager. B OOTH'a THEATRE, NEXT SATURDAY NIGHT, JUNK 20, GEORGE < LAKE'S TF. TIMOMaL, tendcre 1 Liv the CITIZENS OK NEW YORK CITY prior tu lua DEPARTURE, FOB EUROPE. SEE TUESDAY1 S^PAPE RS. /NOG SINN'S PARK THEATRE, BROOKLYN Nightly, auil Matmeaa Wednesday and Saturday, tremendous Success. Theatre Crowded. AROUND TllK WuRLD IN 8J DAYS. 2uu people employed la this plav. ClONWAY'S BROOKLYN TUEAIRK. j Monday. Tuesday ami Wednesday, JUNK 21. 22 ami 23. Miss CLaRa MOKLls. supported oy Mr. JAMES WntELOOK, in Mile. Jolinaou'a great Play, ARTICLE 47. GILMOIIE'S CUMCEBT GARDEN. LATE UIPPODKOME. P. S. Gl I. mo RE Director GKa.'.D CONCERT of II1E choicest sacked and select music, TU IS (SUNDAY) EVENING JUNE 20, 1878, BY OILMOKE'S SUPERB BAND OF ONE UCMMIKD PERFORMERS, AND ALL 111!': SOLOIsTS. Religion uiitl music iiro so close! V associated through out tile Cbrietiaii woild that from the earliest period to the present day ,oail ng clergymen and teachers of all denomination* have encouraged the cultivatlou and most liberal patronage ot the "Art Divine." Itahould be remarked, however, that no clergyman would advocate tne performance ol miscellaneous luuaic on itie Sahbatli, but would give sanction to such only aa is free lrom all sensational oh ratter. Tint it the ciaaa ot music?pure, erutil and elevating?which will const! tute the programme* of >undav Evening Concern at gilmoke.'s concert garden. The tollowing Is the Programme for thla evening 1. Overture, ".sabucco" Verdi 2. Uraver, Muses in Egypt" Rossini 3. Divertimento Irom ". urvauthe" Weper 4. Overture, "Klenzi'' Warner 8. Solo tor Comet, "Ave Maria" Schubert Mr M. -irlmckle. 6. Quartet?"Rlgoletto" ^ Verdi 7. Grau l f'.inl ntasle No. 2, "Lohengrin" Wagner 8. Grand Chorus from the Orcailun, "The Ueavon* are telling the Glory or Uotl ' Ilaydn 9. Solo for saxophone. "Casta Divaet Vurie" Bellini Mr. A. Lefebre. It). Chorus Horn the Messiah. "Liit up your Heads." Handel Choral, "Old Hundred." .Saturday altvriiooii June 2o. Mutluee Performance. Music by serenade nana ot Selected Musicians The Ueraeji is open VERY AFTERNOON, without music, b- I we" n the hours of 2 and 0 o'clock?a deii.'tittul resort ior ladies and children Admission, at night uud utcuiurdni M jtuo e, Sj cents uit 'iiioon, !'? co.ita; pri vate Ooxcs, si extra Season tickets. lor lt*l pcrtorni iincM, f "I hull season tlcs-eta, lor mi performances, $*u. Package of 12 tickets, 46. M ETROPOE1XAN TU .AIUE. 6S5 BROADWAY. MONDAY, JUNE 21, The coolett <*> <S? Flltv Theatre I PaRI.-Ly'N [ bewitching lu | Ca>CaN. | voting town. s> ' m laJiea 6) VARIETY St Aits. Lookout ?> '?> Houses tor the | AMERIC, NS I crowded Turkish I IN r.RI* | ulghtiy. M iilNEEd WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY. L YCKUM THEATRE TO LET uuiin .' the in uithj ol June, >'ulv and August. Ap ply utsiugo door on Fifteenth street. ^EIW Mi SIC.-DO NOT PAY S1 CENTS PER COPY; XV you can get it tor lUc. at H AitDl NO'S, 2-9 Bowery, opposite Prince street. Eend stamp for catalogue. 4 RESPONSIBLE MANAGER. WUo 11 AS TWO il new uiiiotiouai, aeiisitioual pieces, by a celebrated nuihor wants a Hdjr partner, with $3.0ttJ capital, to take out u tlrst class travelling cotnbinutiou for the seasou of 1875-ti: the Isdv to be made tue attraction, and will be Instructed it necessary. Address, only. Mi.v AG. K, 6) East I'weutytiiiU s.rcet. 1C7/I? CEN.EN.MAL W74 lo I U. RARE CHANCE F..K N VESTMENT, j he owner wishes to sell one of the tin si Place* of Amu-emeut iti ihla country. It is a splendid aud tboi uuguiy jpuointed tueaire, situated in One of lUe very best >c all ties in i'lii.adeipliia, and will, undoubtedly, rea ize Si per cent ol lis purchase money as profit wiiuin ihe tint vear. the properiv i* steadily in res sing in vaioc. one quarter of the purchase money on.y re quired tna balance mav remain on bond sue mortgage at six Par cuut interest. i or paracusis addrass r. rULlMav. il* Broadway, New York /TLOWN -CIT9?TIGHTS. i HUNKS, SHIRTS, HOsE. L ull sizes and colors, piuin aud striped, In worsted and cotton. c.ucto? situ,:, tor circular. UNIwN aDaMs A CD . No. 913 Broadway. ? TTESTIOS !-lu THE THEATRICAL PROFES a\ slon?For sate, cheap, a lady's spangled Armor Dies a so Jewelry and ureses. Address aCTRAbh, pox ill) Herat! Uotowu Branch uihos. CXLAM BAKE AND CLAM CHOW0KB?ON bUN'DAY, J June-u, ls75 . est ltiver clams from Centr^port. av liarpiiion Park, >lxtv-nintu street and ihlrd aveuue, br RICHARD ctOUBI >o. IMMsssE scocEs-v?"Nautilus waltz," by Myron a. Coeeey the m st popular wsiu pin red at iiiliuure's concor a: price ode. Published bv illbllAs J UaLL. Assot 314 . roedwuv. New York. PIAVOFOIITKIS, UHUA3II. OtC. \ **?9? BkXl-CPRIOHr. &QUABK a NO GRAND ? Piano) of our own roafco: alio tor ?a.a. ? umtiir nf flat tccon 1 nana Pianon, In pertnci order. WILLI 4.M KxaU i A CO., >o. ill Fifth i>?nu?. above SixtsuutU ItlNt 4 N UPRIGHT PIaXO, coat $473 POM $173 CASH; several ncooud band rlanoa very cheap and to rant, truiu $4 toSiu mouthly, at JOHN MaHoN'?, 124 kiti . hl.ty-itmih ntreet. ABbAU IFCL PIANO, OXLY $tOX?STEIN WAY Pianoiorta. ovoritrung. carved lean every improve ment; enor; tlma uned; great aaortdea torcaan. J. BiDULr. li Wavariey |daec. wear Broadway. 4 PIANO aSD OHOA.V WANTED?IN I ZCllANOK :i lor Lola, trta ana cloar, lu Kahway. N. J. Addreaa, wub uiakert' name anl prica, 0. J r.N NI >ON, lox )I74 Po?t otiler. New fork. ALAKOE NUMBER OF ShCOXD HAND PIANOS, from $v) to $i3d, on easy moninl)'payment* or to raut; rem deducted u bough'. KRAKAlMElt, S3J Boworv. A -FOR B3B3. STEINWAY A SON'* 7* OCTAVR ? roarwool caar riauntorta, having ail Improve ment!, ovarnruu*. ac.. coat k'.'l a richiy careen tour round roan wood c.i?e Chicberinr Puno, witn modern nupioveiiiaiiia. 7 octave, atretic, Ac . $ioo. a ponilive tacrine* < all to-dar or Monday, private rvnlueuca No. <7 W eit loth at. A -PIANOS at great bakoains for cash OR ? instalment*; to raut from $4 per month upward; * ? ? ?w ? * ? ? ? v ??? w? poi iii '' aa aia ujtn aaa u ? rent applied, E. V. lit M ioal', -44 University place, corner vluth (treat. A BPLknixd oboax. with tlx stop;, but A iitiie u?ed. at $li!i for e.nb: alao one will) lour atopa for $.3. at Vt Air. R-A SON'S, 4111 Broadway PRIA A IE f A MII.Y WILL SELL AT 111 ffl.ST 1 woniv nurd ?treei. near Mxth avenu.-, an elegant >tainway p Pianoforfr. u?-o 3 nut Sl.tiju. A cheap; lottnt tour roun I corncrel Hreibury. 7,S ocuvr. carved lean and raac, coat SAW, tor $230; Mu<Tc Maud; riaoua have boxen tor htnu*. rover ami hipping Can be ncan 10-day. 4 PHI VA1K FAMILY WILL HELL B.-IAUTIPUL ,Y rosewood 7 ocuvr Pianoforte, four rouo.i co' nera, made by Ligbto A oraubury. coat $?'> u, for $114 343 Kant 3bth ?t 4 $30 CARVED LKO PlAXOFORTB; CIIICK KRINO , .V Pianoforte. $73 7 octave roaewood 1 tanoforte. $luO; 7Mocuva ad round Piano. $121; Piauoa to rent, $3 par month; Insulinoma taken. UOLuf MlTU'j, -,t B.eackar street, near Bo wary. A LADY WILL DtBPOSE OP a POUR ROCXD cornered 7S' octave tanotorte, coat JOfiJ. im ni u?e eacrlflce; carved cane and lefas alao idrkiah Bali of Furniture. $173. 23 i birt atraat. -BAR AlXi-TM OCTAVE PIANOS, carted .. legs overiirang, all imp ovements: warranted; al most new: $i t>. inntaimanta taken; rant. 33 month y. it. " t. 41*7 Wa, CABLE. i(i7 Wait 1 wentr-inird ntreet. corner Mxtn av. ELhUaXT ClilCKtRIXO UPRItlHT PIANO, OnOD in new. coat Sbih but lit:In u?a 1. iui 1 at Ian toau half pnes. Call on J. a. Ka.MPINu Ui> Broad>*ay. room $. L-ui: sale?a Handsome rosewood PIaxo, A 7M octave nlmott new ; muit be nold at a i:icri$ce. on aecott'it of lenvmg the city. Can be eaan at No. tk/7 ban i- Ut> -esventh ntreet, ou Monday and I uanday. / 'Hit! HiR VAIX ? IN SKW AND SECOND UA.VD VJ 1'iaiMM of the vary beet quaaty. yet low lor canh. at riSCHMCS. Ui and 4*3 went Twenty-eUbth ntreet, near Niutb avenue. f P llALfe. IS MARINO SO.OJ PLKXDiU PIANO fl? forias at lane than ball price. Dealer*, buy vour Pi mo- direct front factory. I htrtr tlitb atraat sua Tenia avenue and ?avo hilt vour tuoncv MANurAt ic ;kiis or hasopoktrs will find it to their internet to obtain antimnfen from the Mi.fKOP.tLii A PitlXflNa MlAlt.ielUa.Vf. 11$ Mroadway, ba.'ora bavin { ihair doua cuawaara ??VfArHUIUr.E PIaNOs, URAND. ORlKKSTRAL. -U Ma item aa 1 t oiibrt tna latter onir a ia?t it litt.nan lonr, bear ih*m and Ju taa for ronraelvaa litUv tratad oatalo ua* tree ,4 tTeat rourtaantb nraet. VhWMt?'.4 kLKOAN f FIRST Ll.A$d PIANOS; bva; and cbeapcnt; 7M ocuvc ; rataiia ' at Wbole ?au bricee 1.v U10 dKater. ell ? or ina umanta. NitW ?ale bncea : y tuo aaaar. can - or tna aimanta. M AX. 134 Fourth arvauV, corner of roui taoaiti ntraat PIanoKOittav To itaixt?or OUu ud >' MANU fac urai nino eaaond hand Planui, in tnorougUur* uer. for e.i.c at tuw price* ay 1 Mu K.-itino a sons. No. It 1 a?t Fuurtaontn ntreet, between Broadway a$a Fir b aveniia. PIaxo Wanted-a BhiPoxsiBLE private family would Hue to ra it a t >01 inntruinant. A partv wtthtng >o raut ouv ob? tp. wn)i a ptu.p. ci wt aalo tn.'. m.iy addraai H. W. it., bok i.li7 Ppit ottlaa? jThlNWAY AND OTH R UPKloMl PIANhS P,tR rant, trurn S3 bar month PlAim? tor a tie, new and loond daiid. tor oaah ur outtiaa. tvitnutianad .61 j Lltb M ALItr.K 47 Kail fwoitlU ntraat. WANTEO-A STKl.XtTAY A -ovr PIANO. IN PkR. r> tact order, at a bargain tor canb. k. J ffiib/r. No. 4 Stone ttra't ri oc 1 avii piano ?. trim all tub latcst 4 taiDrortinanta, tor Mia or rent on aaar tarma of payment r. OO.iXu... IS) 1 ttlrtv -aareutu atraai cjreor nirj avenue, over sttttet'e. <2r 11 |S| W LL BUT A 7 OU AVE CAKT vD L-03 vivo rutewood Pian , citf UiuX4 inquire, to. two lat't at Wi r ant I star <t AMl'gEMESTS. Olympic thkatrb. <su bhokdwat. Mr. John k PouLK ManagK TtiE CuOLt.VT HOUSE I.s TOWN. First appearance oi the vuxtriitan Flying Fairy, _ , MLLB. ZOK. in her wotidcriu; atrial perioruisnee. somersaults, Ae. AND FlIGHI FRO u UALI HAY .O STAGE Will?). BLINDFOL 'ED. First appearand- ot the famed v| astral Artist, FKOF o'KeARDon titid 1,1, II MHLKKONIUON. Fifat appearauco ot tn ? ulvtupic lav.-rite ? 'oinedianA ME SR.-. rlEKNKY and CBONIN. First time a uc* ami be lutitul uui.tuniime called Till IKE MEND. THE MARVELLOUS yoi- a SIBOKISrS. M ti JOHN H A It I MR. FAT KOONEC FKEF M \N ami MORRIS. PANIOMIM '? TROUPE, i hi. colored hamtow.n mi hems, ai l the okeai Olympic company. MAT)NEKS WBDnKSDAY' and SATURDAY. at A U FOOD'S MUSEUM. WOOD'S MONDAY, JUNK 21 ONE WEEK ONLY ONE WEEK ONLY of the American Tragediau. E. T. STETSON. E. T. STETSON, anJ and the popular young actor, EDMUND PIERCE. EDMUND PIEBOB. Monday. iuesdav and 1 MAiTNKBS Wednesday evening.* Monday, l neaday. Thura and weekly Matinee, the day and F'ridav. thrilling Melodrama. The exciting Melodrama, Tilt. i.LACK. DO T 'It. | LIE \S PERIL. THr. Bl-ACK DOCTOR. I LIFE'S PERIL. FABIAN. ...E. T. STETSON I BILL OMAN 1LY FABIaN. ,.E. r STETSON I EDMUND PIERCE. > hursdav. r rulny an 1 Sat- ? BILL UK AN li.Y ____ urdav eveatiiita. una Satur-I EDMUND PIERCE, day matinee, the great sea-1 Full dramatic company national Play, IT. L Connor, II. CoituA NeiK a.nD NE'"K. | Louts* Sviveater, There** NECK AND NECK. I-Wood. H L*9, Harrl Walter Wliuiarth I -tewurt, Nellie -andlord, E. T. Stetson I 1- mtiy Maynard, E. _ L. Waller WiluuuTh I Mortimer, ?l. Harm. Mr* fc T. Stetson | M. L. BerrlU. supported by the 1 MONDAY, entire dramatic company i Juno v8, in boilt piece*. I CBas. foSTER C ventral park garden to-highe IIJEODOKK THOMAS' UNRIVALLED SUMM K N'lUUT.,' OONTIRTS THIS (SUNDAY) EVENING, June 20. at S FIFTH ? .AND SUNDAY CONCERT, when att at racttve und brilliant programme will bo pro sentod. Admix,ion licKot*. 90c.; Privuie Boxes, *1 ana 32 extra, according to loeauon. Packages ot 12 tic Nets. 34 C VENTRAL PAUK GARDEN. TUESDAY. J IHKODOKE THOMAS' ANNUAL BEN r. FIT CONCERT on tVesoaY evening. June2i, at8. Vocalists?Mr- H a. BisHuFF, Tenor. Mr. FRANK KEMMF.KlZ, Bas-\ Admission ticket*. H each; reserved seats ft) cent* extra. Can now ue na l at li -cblrmor's, No. 701 Broad* wav; nt No. 3 Union .fiuare and at tbe box oftlee of Central ParX Garden, wttere programmes can also be obiainod. Robinson hall, sixteenth street and Broadway. Coolest, cheapest and most popular retort la town, sixth week aud crowning success ot Robinson English opera Bouffe Company GIROFLE-GIROFLA. Lecoci) s last and greatest triumph Combination ot-the Ho'dene Troupe, Introducing Lcs t otisiiiset Les Grtfccttes in act 2; also the tautous Dansaute de la vie Cancan i arisienue tu acts. Every evening at 8 Saturday Matinee at 2^ JONES' WOOD COLOSSEUM. 'ibird season of GRAND SUNDAY CONCERTS OF lUK NINTH RbOIMENT BaND. D. L. DOWNING Musical Director EVERY SUNDAY, at 3 o'clock P. M. -tdmission 2> cents. Children, accompanied bv parents, tree. J. F. SOHULtHi.lS. Proprietor. The MorrLama steamboats trom Fulton, Grand and Ninth streets will stop at Jones' Wood Park each wav. Turtle bay pake. Forty-third street, between First and Second avenues. THIS t uuday) AFTERNOON A >D EVENING, two GRAND MILITARY CONCERTS. Admission Free. T IYOLI THF.ATKB. Eighth street, between Second and Tnlrd avs. Coolest and most delightful place of amusement in the city. ? - All tbe old favorites in ibetr tumous specialties ' _ GALAXY UF NEW sTaRa. Every un lay Aliernoon and Evening, grand Sacred Concert bv the Vienna Ladies' Orchestra, ? _ _ 3 .= I followed by th ? iovular variety performance. | .? i lu oreoaration?DON' JUAN. I i 11EKRACK GARDEN TllkATKE. UNA WassmanN DiracUice THIS i-UN'DAYi EVENING, JUNK 20. AT i O'CLOCK, GRAND VOL aL a No INSlKUMKNIAL CoNCElti. igiior Tagilapletra. tlie celeorateJ Baritone, ol th? Strakoich Italian opera assisted by Miss Anna Simon, Mtss Wassmaa. Mitt Boekmau. Mr. Loth, Schouwolt tad otborx Grand Orchestra. G. Carl berg, Conductor. i b* Garden Conceit begins at ft o'clock. Admission to the Garden and Theatre, SO cents ILLIAM i PRACTICAL INSTRUCTION IN DKa H. I MAI IL ART. ELOOU-IOX, AC , TO La POPE I DI6 > OR OoN l.EMtt.S PUKPAKlNi* ACToit ANDiFOK IB* bTaGH, P.aKLOR kECIIA LLoCCrfoN* TIOX OR PRIVATE THEATRICAL*. 1ST | ADDHHsj 81 KI.NWaY H LL. Banjo, *o -g and danck -jig. clou and Irlsli Jl* Dancing taught tor tha stage. .initios all pr.cet. Ladies taught. My simplified Banjo Manual wlU enable any persou to olay at sight; prlco 3ft. ('all and sea It. JOHN J. BoGAN, illO ) ast Rottstoo srroet, naar Bowery. Banjo and ouitar tacght?also ali ttyie* ot uanciag for th* tin ast re I and Tarietj a: ago. HENRY C. Do BOON, ft?0 Bo wary, Mo Bowery for tha mtastrel and Tartatj RY a DOB s*,"Bow*ry: IRIXe 8KOOI1NO.?TRBEE HaNDSOH k REVoL _ vara to ba givau away to the tbr?a bast, tnarksmvi in a score ot 2U consecutive shot*, at LOloMl MgN 1? vara to bagtvau eway to tha three bast markamei In a score ol 2U consecutive shots, at L"' ?' " " BTIiRY'B rataty Gallery, si* tixih avenue. SPARRIVO, FENCING AND SHOOTING ACADEMY, bis SIxt . ?vanu*. ? -pairing faugnt In one month, superior Fmciug Apparatus aud Boxing Giovea for sale, rand for circular. Colonel Mo-sutuRY. N'tWE>T AND BEST MUSIC.- GALLANT SIXTY ulnth." sod? and chorus. Bra nam 40c : 'Mantle KoMbush.'' Mattel Me.; "Fir* a war Gaioo.'' Feeler. Bfte.; "UlroAa-Glrada" (eaayt, Berg. ft)c "Far O'er the Fas." waitx. anglander. ftlo.; ' Ro-tanna." aong aad cuorus, Lao, 3Uc. . "Sweat Idieue**-" Mauri, toe . la prompru tor tne riano, w. R. Jon niton soe.: "Whea the R.ises Bloom." song, say Us. 3oc ; ?Rtvulot," oaurtoa, Metntnger, SOc. Copies mallei. WM. a. Puk'D A Co., 447 Broadway. Branch Store 3d Union square. "POSTERS. PROOJVMMEa. DISTRIBUTION BILL* I t lr uiars, Ticket*, Coupon* Wo>l Cuts. Lttiio graphic Portraits and everr variety of inaautcal Fruit ing promptly. neatly and cncsp.ydon* at ttioMEiRO l'Oi.11 AN PRIxriNO Egi akLI ,HMen'T, Harakl Building. WANTED?41 YOUNG LADIES FOR A FIRST OL ASM tt cntertaliimcnt. Apply, between 10 and U A. M., at Metropolitan ibaatra. ftdft Broadway. .tfCMKAL NEW YORK CONSERVATORY OR MCSIO. No 5 Ami Fourteenth street, next to Delmoaico'f. HKOnkLY.N HKANCH 102. I'M and 1JC Court street. near .state. Tills . Ki.RC AN > PuPtiLAK Ml'iilC SCHOOL? the tlrst ..rgaauod?offers -upenor aiivanu<?i tj sto dents .'CR'sU ir h ACM Mh.K MoNlli-. Pl'PM.S Rh.CEIVr.u daily in ail braoohes. The celebrate t Arion ttano* are tn use lu the school t OKNTLKMAN Of EXPERIENCE. MaEI MJ .A music a pronation, deslrea a situation aa organist i salary moderate. Address uKUaNINT, bex 410 Post office, city. A Mll)DLv-tOBD FORKION GENTLEMAN OR manr years' experience, painstaking and very tuccesalul aa a oreieseor <>t music, who Is not ienviitir the cut on rind the summer nionins, hat a taw boura dlti-ngngeu tor tnano, singing or organ lessons; terms mooerate; highest city retereaoes. call on or addreea Dr. PCTKaM CRaMF.R. 2J7 heat Ninety-third street A PROPF.NNOR OR MOlC (PERRoRXKR ON TBS :V piano, organ. * olio, viola sni cornet) ofP.*r? hit ser rices for the summer season with flrit elase references. Address a. HtlNKK Music lastitnilen. 7UJ Lax tug ton ave.ue Avkrt sucokhsrol, AND RKA ONAMdE PRO", fassor daring tne absence of soma of hn pupils will Ree one month's lersons tree Address PIaNIaI. box 1 Harald Uptown Branca otfles A Ut.NTT. MAN Or UREAT EXPERIENCE GIVEN, instrnctlou on ptet.oiorte, harp and nartnnuy. ai pupil's real ieoct. * 10 per quarter: t>eet relertinee Ad dress with rctereoee. HlAt'UsM, pox ut Uereld lip town Rranch otBce. 1.MO Broadway American musical agency, ih fir ti ave nua. lumiahas nreanlats and slngars, eschars u( music en i languages lor mttltn et and raintltas without antra charga. Partial wanting poalhoua should register. s MKNIOAN CONSERVATORY Of MCnIC. A lee Fifth avenue, near Nineteenth s rest 1 tioee prepsnug tor teeonera of music tines, s or orteis* la t will rtoeiss a'.tsnlon durinr the uuiiuel monthA rodrosdar's -luring Uub meet* uow ev.rp Monday v aE.NTLa.MAS. WITH THK UIOUr.-T HIRER. *t moe* will give les-ons on tha p;auo. dap or ereu Ing j terms (or the ?etauier, %S per guarter A. 1 greet M rule bo. 114 West Twentieth street. ? MUSIC?$1 PBt MONTH OR M PER gUABTnl tor liistructlou on piano . daily prsaiice free pupil, rapidly edtauoed. I.'t NVest Thirty-arm timet, Eig.tU and MiitU avenues N~ 'EW MliTt .?DO NOt PAY 3UC BLtTCiF? flTuliJ rou van get it ihr ion et MaRD.NM' . ftii Bowerr opposite Pr.nes street, end stamp tor cattlogne. Ipf'.1 GRAMME* fOdlEHN, PAMPHLETs IT. BBr? Press up.u.o.u sn.l sil Aiods a Pristine or mattes! uoeeervstories end oatertsi:.meats ere furnished in the most elegant etna et tha MniR iPOlHan PHtNti.NO k.ti AoLiasiM - NT, AIM Broad-var. PIANO AND BINiUfO LRMON -?1 PCLL HOCB, ?us hail hour, bv first cisss eentltmen te .ehsr, var ies summer. Address -ignor 11.. s able's Piaeo Ware* rooms, .uf West i weuty third street. CTGS >R NOD III A tX PRtifRA -OR 0* ST Vat .(>. O being kept tu Saw York by several ot hie pupils ?eo a? not wish to interrupt u.ulr steiiua. ..ess .o mi . ... the amsteurs arusta who sUou..t reauie use services that ha will uot tees uts usuei suasm.r reoet uu u?si danee. Ii7 best T'wviUh street. ______________ ^IGNOR A, TOBRIANI. COBTIEChl BIN I.NIiCO Hon in Vooal Muatc during the anmmer nt the Ornnd cou-erraiory ol siusic, in Filth avenue .TANTh0-A LtAD R, I'.VBJt fUsT CUW A.10 J second clau musicians tor ttiu United .-tatea ship Wouster, on the North Anemic station. Apply to L. CON I r.R.O. r e i'dm ester New lor-. Navy Yard. ?M Lutttetu street, Brooklyn. _________ PER MUN'lH-A THE GERMAN Mff-lC CMObi ? T?rt; three r t. tf w ?*J Pitt MON'l H-A. THE GERM AN Mv-IC C vO eisi.0 itngmg end orguu tx-.tot weepers lesson, per ires A punc to practice 70 West