Newspaper Page Text
THE NEW YORK HERALD. WHOLE NO. 14,182. . NEW YORK, MONDAY, JUNE 21. 1875.-TRIPLE SHEET. PRICE FOUR CENTS. i>!!; j;u cry for ADYtaiisras. JV r-' ?SfC vn i' 4G7?S' rth co'unill A -Tin iI.iirY?hi f ' Mil P.4g??Sixth comma. VfufctABDs?K?.k>rnm Pagk?sixth c.olwn.t . jivkRDKRs WANTED-him kmii Pane -Kirtlj <vtumn. jK>,vltD A NO LIIOUINU WAN l'i-L??Ki.h*itvrli Pack? 1 ifih column. 1; "><iKIjVM HOARD?Elpvuxth ro'iinin. Si.*. ? >KLYN REAL 11 ST AIK KiK SALM?Sxcoao PAon-l'irst ooiamn. JC'stSKsB OPI'OU'fCNlTfES?IflNTU P4CE jfi'.AlSKH-! NOTICES? l'tvi situ Pack?sixth rolumn. VITV KJ'.A]. ESTATE CUM WALK?Riecu.ili Poor?1 irtt column. 4.1 i. lis AND StLESMfc.W-Twm.rin Tag. -Flua aa.t Aixtu oeiumtM. y i.'ii'HlNii?Kt; vtNTii Vagi? -Txth Column iCU.V IIMKN AND .UARDI'.NeKH?Twacrtil l*ACk?SJxth column. I' ? a si Wiss ?TK a MMiirs?Sbcond Park?Third and Fourth coin rans. fViPMll NhKBlIIPH?NtrrH PiGa. |Vv M KV B Alto?v:> i-.vkm-u Piuc?Fifth j#A'?Ol.N<? AG.'i I'EMIK ? SHCOM" I'AUK?Sixth coUliim. J>kntistky?Klkvuirrii Pauk?sixth column. fIRY (tC'li--V'ir.'.i Vagi: - I ilf.ll Go.mnji ? Vrt LlilNiT DO' I S .o LK 1'. H-HNlsIIKD AVDCN I'fiRNIsHKD?3wo*n Pack?second column ;OPR A.N 14TPAU-.MlVd-.SjSC0?D Pag:.?Thud ?fc! ROVRaN &TRA J1--HIPS?sacorrn Pag. -fluid col umn. KV' fTKHIONs Pag;:?fourth and fifth coluinna. AL?Nmt:i Pag.:. f?? ? BALE I'll : Vagi ? Si'.Ih column. 4,1 tSttMVD ROOMS AND A RAM I ME NTS TO LET? Biooxii Pack?Socona column. rnjtNlTCKt:?TiK t Pack?SL\th column, tjil' w ANTED?FEMALES?T WKLrra f agk?Fifth col umn. I'S .1* Vt'AXTLIJ?M.VXES?TwKtrru Pau.- -<i,xth col umn. "UORSiKS. i A[1111 Ai;KS, At4.?First Pack?Third, fourth Eiii.1 Mtrh colnm.1*. HOTELS?Km , .-Til P .4GB?Fifth column. II'' St-.S, ROOMS. A '., WAM'KD?KlGtvXTH Fiae ? Fourth rn'.umn. Xt; vTRUCTTON ?Otrxttyru P.vnp?Svconrt column. J A It BEY CITY. tlOUOKl.N. lll'IMON UllV AND bKlUJI-N' REAL ESI ATE ECU S lLE-SucoSO Pagc?Firm column. T.P Clinli si AsON?-kiion'i) Pa-.u?Sixth ealamti. J. t-.r AND POUND? Fisst pAQK-i'tru mm second column*. M\ tiixr liv ? PiBjr Pa'ik?Sixth column. V \lHiLK MAN" IKL9?Elkvi ntu P AUK?Fourth column. 1K0ICAL?Li i? viii Vagi -sixth column. iND DRFssMARlNO?r ? t.LlNERY AND DRFS.KMAKINO?KlllsT PAtiK?Fifth column. it: sCP.I.I. YN'KOl - AD V KIMISLMENTS?TEAtH Pags s ixtli coltimn. KVorLl.ANKOl'S?fto-Mi Page?Scciintl column. D At.?.-..i <g<ji P'.Gt.-Sis.'li co'.uaiu. WK'.lf Pt Al'fo.NS?StAK.-.-iU Pag:.?Sixth OotUulD. i'l.UBONAL?Pui-.r Paoe?First coiUQio. ?tAN'OEOP.TES, OKOANS, AC.?Skuoxd Pagi?Fifth column, rfifirfiM-ii NAT, sut axioms wasted?female? i .? ? -1 : Pa- v.?Fifth eoluron. l*:t It IV Ot t Oh Ills t'I'i Y KOtt SALE OS TO KICN'f?Sfc GAn Vagi -Flrtt^iuuiu. ??' VL KsT.YlE 10 fcXCUANiJ?-s>:co?IJ Pack?.First column. pi t\ltDS?I ie-.t Pact?Sccoiiil column. BALMS a- AVCTION"?Ewlvkntu Paux?Third an:l i inrtn eolr.mtiA. Bit AT !'an - WaNT'ED?TEtl ALPS?TirrLrTM Pagk ? Pint, y- oH.i - ur t. lieu'ih and fifth ouluian.i. fit'! .Vi'lONS W ANILD?MALES?T'A'ti-rtu I'AGit?rttlli r . mm. ?EC IA L NO'i It."!:.- ? First P *<;??Second and third columns _ _ RPORTl Ml -DOOS, BiRDS, AC.? intsT Pagk?Third cofltuti. JSTORAfit?i- ti;-T Pagk?Fifth column. * 'MMhK HEMiBrs? Ki.KVKltru Page?Sixth column. TDK I H.Ai.K--T* M.vrH Pagk?Sixth column. 'Jill.. Ti RE?: icpt Vagx?Third coluinm t.1 LRT Foe liCNl.VKSS PFRPoUh. ?Sxcono Pagk? First arc! irccnd coluiiuw. T" \ Ki I.VPs' OCIDE?Sirconn Pact? Fourth column. Pli 'Nl. CM - AND AP V .TMENTS iO LE4? :n I'/ sf?Second cnlamu. IfArCllES i.WELRY, AC.-Eutrx.TlH Pagk?Sixth column WKVrCiiE- irK COFMY PROPERTY FOR SALE OK '"I LET?Sr. osp Pack?Pint column. ?X\ If |. s f|. 4 M BOAlN, At.'.?EiurrTru Pagk?oacoud oiu.n, i. ij LN.NEfT Bl'ILDINU. A FEW MUBE OFMCKS TO LEI DIREl'lORY. BASEMENT. I?.wr*: . .t i Banker*. 8?J, i. sayr., ir urtenirn'a FutoPIs.iiji. ;t?. ? w. Hii.ii, [,*iy Boole. 4- honiav .v. LjDch. Wintsx I I U'lll 1. IrlnH. t I'lltt 5? 4 B. Davei.. f,ri. Hatter Ir? Hsuni A Ftl no ail, Tailor*. HKS| STOUT. C let. V?r\ (llclhlc for Baukiuo ao-j! IuaUyajcc. SECOND STOUll. I ? v Mali, ii A Mrr,r", Lawyers. S?W. tt. O'ltwi r, l.airjw I >hu Pi tie. Laivrer. R.>j* .t Reunjr. Real Katata. ficrrirh rtcorp. Lawyer. t~_ i J- ?. Luildtu, Lawyer. 0?n >ril'ivc.?u rii Lite Inwrnncc Company, U H. Benedict. Agent 7? | ,iu<-r ,t Nfbop. lawyer, flrartu.- Cor e l.a..'ver. H canci* R McKewan, lawyer V HVaui C. Cooke, Lawyer N4thaotel Smith, r.awyer. 8?Alter-M <'aril, Idiwyer. i ,iia fowler. Jr., Lawyer. 4 liambor of I Inruranec. {'?t cliarlit oT. I.owlr, seeneta recrelarr. i ar'.f.v A i halmrry, Law) era ?;_? .^.k ,v .Na?.ao. Lawyers. h h v erg uitui, Lawyer J. At. Cav.vuaugb. Lawyer. Ii-a A" w i.U Lawyer. International Collection Ajyic aMoii. 1.1. IHrmknro. IJiwrei . llilltD srfOKT. ) i I'Jdgc Suth*rlaii4l. 21 F 1U ScoH. I .wyey. J?I'eltrit.'h s Cardwel'., lAwrcra J. HsligU. Luwyvr. 4?It H. Bvnn Lawyer. D'.i'JleT L. J.vif.ev Lawyer fc It. jrtues Lawyer. . 8?r.ortden bonrnge a MrFwcn. icc.grAphera t ? i.lniia BRomer. Real h.-iatc. i H. took, ft* *1 Estate 1? Hrigy. A FVtlow? Lawyer* J B. AlUtI.. I-awjer. 8?W. C. Irar'.iaaea, lawyer. ,141 Maltiieira l.awycr. W. it. i.vt.n Lawyer. E i. liarcner. Lawyer. I. ii V. Lamer. AV. Diirn." Lawyer. 9? rouer* Year _ 1?4? WnkiiiM.u ?? Peter* TrnsVe, of La! of White. 1! ; llarrtM ti A Sir- u*. Lawyer* Ir l illII ' otter, f tencgraphor. Id) 4. t iv . . oil. Law;? r. 14?4 K Beririo, / t'lvil Ihiglneer. Fethara a.. 1 Porti h> -tcr Pailtoad t oinftauy. FOURTH HTuKk. 1 ? Thonitf f Fa-U. Law v ers. J ? i Uur I ? * r iu. rt?.elater iu Uaakriiptcy. BiRdcarKei '? in Jr., Lawyer. a? unr> v. !...?, Lawyer. ?*. .-ullafi Laweer. Fimhrr ?. Lawyer. 8?puMlan Afertiau Minufaclurlog Fotupany. D. 1, Oar.iuir Pi??iilenf. ? -tl.vnr n >' v? l.-tuecg. Lawyer. 7? ilra ia-A , ri Lawyer* P-irr... ,t Rutztl, T.awrcr* H II. Bus. a i i.awrer. 8?t'rarj u . ,,er k sehcacU. Lawyer* 1. fy'rlri. ii. Luwver. 9?t II. W '. i.'in*. lAVrrer. I '-i hAtiv v > hafr r, I.awyar. It-I- tt 1 !.t ?t. Lawyer i red w Kenny. Attorney and CouutaUTC. lv' Lock* 4 Croafcy, Lawyer* rjk. Buu.vr. Lawyer Finn sroRx. I?f, skMtnnr?. Lawyer. J ?hn It. CtoV- ? *?'ruyvr-xti! tank Recetynr. 3 'A akrtuau a Lartinx, Lawyer* 4-T H. lawyer r j B Koi i *w*er. *- i.temati. iia. i nMwbinx Compaoy. ' ?.,** Herr 7?Fift h A F t' h. Lawyer* ?V Lawyer. 8-2iA.w:aii * eteteun. Lawrer* L. ti. st/dinen Lawyer. *4? '.ciotv for Retorinai.oa ot duveiiile Dalicqtunlg. Id v. 11 Mor 1*. Iawrer. W. H fin;. Lawyer. 11?J. P k >. A Peecf. lawyeni II?Byrne Kv? < tt 4 Co., Lawyer* J' ? *aUli Ha Uft * Ei lterioo. Uvfo.l ' SIXTH STitatX, 1-J >ha To T&ii,?oo. Lawyer. ?. Nu.ii '.G *> .i. i . vf !.:.?? II. tvaddelt, (lenersl Aj.'i?'iee la Baak rupi.'I. Si i ci 4 . ngrees of li?L 5?P Logeu - >Wb ??rauite Monumeau, so. ;r_<>. w ' ircenur, I awycr. Ma l. Hi.,, I awyer. , P. Weijtei o ?Tcr?ot? ? .ark l aeyer. * ? i tin .' Ikx. .t,' 7 J in If or. r i M r, RLet. Lawv*r. 81 t A I .ir- t.awfer. itinjth k l'ean. City Huryevor* # Bp) W Im l|. I'D, Lawyer. It'l H Baldwin Lawyer. is ' c.iarle- It. hurri.w Lawyer, rentcn Ro> kwetl. Lawyer. J. A. Ltd.. ?-r. Ke.'t Karate, c K. Lyae *??.?. lawyer. It, Henrv a. i.ticitraleaye. Lawyer latUk R. Carrlr.aioii Lawyer, v. W i,.ii.kainw Lawyer. T ii MJhrr. lawyer. . , Two peaeetifcr tlevatcff runntns all the Htne. 4 i II III). ncimo?Au ? fT/ix.'lE ~A*VT> BnrXETT*-WIl.M THK TWO 1) fount U?le? who recur nlred tr>? two fuung ftntl? n so nit le?Tii,? tfcc ifrrnd moiid. Jorum# Pork, tturlty. pu#?t bciii' * Jr -? or tuaWe aopuinimeot witb choir tin cri adwntr-. f. W., bus 1<1 Utrtld L'ptvira Bnaeu WlRCO* [ _L -1.AO 4IX ntl? WEEK IF POftflf. I/. hie tin in dtf . Ulegiepa ?? beturo ; wont Tail nil ttm?. NEXNKTT. ]>IMk> -STaTK.V INLAND FKKRT. TWRNTT-TIURD ?ti< #t etarr to Sixth avenue;I nin dvlng to boo,,mo #? ) letnteu H i,, x( u nut pi ??? tend #d Irtti to MUX OKAMl.fc Mr raid t'ptown Branch office t . UWtT AMI rot !tn. JjlOlX i? , H INST 4 SK YK TERRIKR POO, r n-tgnf)..rh , ?; sum, avrnua tnd fwenty-fltttt 5 ??!. Appl? at J.J Wttl i wtuty ?UlU itrttt, ueiwctu SRiitl to'ilock. fo?T OS JUNE lit, IK A HKI,T LIRE TAR. OOIXO J intt Tenth ???rtite to Fitty-nlntb ptreetaod Third ??1W, I rtu of higrr beer revetiae inapt. Finder '"-TV*.?51 '1 bV? * v,r,k !,1? ? JALOB AHLb'3, 1st Met Fifty ), urth utreet. 1 P*T-t9 rM1 ViriNirr OP CANAL STREET 4XD J I BoWftj a I. d ? Rrnoclft Chert Pattern Five 4 .tltrt <r*vni-V. \ l.< given tur delivery of ??????,-o to L. 0 tIAl iOt>UA. u.rl.u lierkldAH MM VtA1 UAill -'trpC'.A LOST Wit FOI ?D. j osr on stolen, i> July. 1-473, Jannary, and lair, 1476, Coupons on the following iioveruuiunt bvinl>: tM.OOO Coupon 6 v IV,i Xoh. 50.975 to 57.050 Iticl.. $30 '-a. ,v .000 Coupon 5-20. WT 4.552 to t.MI iui'l., ti . 0)1 oil!,on .i-ii), 1467, Not. t.'u.WW tit IB,luOlnel., 16.50 tr 50. 000 < oupoU3-30, 1567. N is. 114.314 10 II*.363 inol., $.W ei KI.Kj;!. 1S.S)M, #7.914, ca. ?11 nan ( ounon 5 3Q l-a? v?. I W N5- 97.f i,-,; 20.771? 1 $30 $1 t.i'oo 1 ouj'on j jo,,.\os |21,i7ru> M -Ji3 w Wi^ > t?. 1 lu lurilve. J Puyiuent r,n tl,6 abort has buen stopped at the United 9.ales Treasury uAH-os. Also loot unco Uoi.p,,n.4 from $5fX) hori'ts of Pater-ion elt.v. ? ailed "Bounty Hi, ,1s," Nr -. MS, 54!'. 566; and trotU *1,00(1 bend of Long Dock 1 orapauy, Nu. 3,605. A reward "f $2,1/10 will tie paid for the recovery of the nbovo. mid no ijuusUons asked, au,l ID proport.on t'of any part ttier. ot Address bo* 1,741 Host offleo, New York. HEW AUDS. JK ~ RKWA RD. ? LOST, OX SATURDAY. TV TY i-.NTY ?J>?) fifth street, Between Sixth an t Seventh aTetiuee, or Seventh avenue, between '1 wenty.foBrth anil i won ? ty-flftb streets, a pair of enamelled gold E) oglns-oa. Return to 50 West Twenty -fifth -troct <J> - RKWARD.-LoST. ON SUN DAT MORNING, V'd Junu 20, troin City Hull Paik. a leiuon and white setter Hog; had on a wire muzzle and collar. T. I'JJN NI-.T, 123 Obanihers streel. dfjT R' WARD.?LOST. A LA ROB BKD 8KTTHR ?P' f I'oK. win, a white sttreak in bis face. Return hiui to No. ?t> Clinton place and get the money. dU4W\ llEWtUD 911.1, BK PATH FDR Tllh RK ?#> ?w covery of the b sly of Cornelius Snay, drowned off Jackson atrcc; on Friday sfterDoon; wmdressed in bint, hickory shirt and pants, and red limine! undershirt and go Hers. Mien cSt< M VHONV. :? Roosevelt street. SPECIAL SOTICKtk IERALO BRANCH OFFlt ST UK OS; OFFICE OPKN Al.L. NlOHT. uahubji UK KICK 2,281 l'Hllfl' AVBNUR, CuRNKR OK I24TU STKK.KTf ADVERT 13F. MEN TS RIU'CIVKD TO 7:30 i*. >i., AND Nj3WSDK.v1.U1W SUPPLIED AT KITE | O'CLOCK EVJiRY MORNING. Al'BESS COUNTY AGRICULTURAL SOi'TKTY. ! " J Craiirl Horticultural exhibition I and Market Hales fair ol Horses Catllo. ftr., | Wt.D.Yl-.SDAY, ffd.and THURSDAY. 24th Inst. The arrange mollis of the m imagers this vejr will in ; s in, mo most virion and attractive exhibition ever Kirt'D by the society. Autoufi the numerous attraciions tuny he noted Hie following A grand show oi Flower.-. Fruits. Vegetabla* .to. A sen-* of Ploughing Matches for valuable pri/.es. A Market Halts Fair, to eoutinuc both days. A Base Hall i our aioeni, lor tin* -*.**-:?*ty'a sliver ball. A Bench Show ol Dogs 01 all breeds. A nratnlniu ol SKD will be given lor the best road horse, tho Ulal to take plate at two o'eluck on Thui's day. A Ladles' Festival will bo held during the continuance Of the exhibition, under the auspices of tho Indira ot Queen* county, and a band of music will bo in attend ance each day. \ ?kODA WAlfiH. MINERAL WATKRfl, GINGER ja ? Alts, sparkiiug VI ino?; aianuiiictore ol comoleto outfits 01 Apparatus and Materials. ivllh ml; instrue tioiiii all department* ot uiauuie, to: e, bottling ami Uia 1.tuning; t-xcltiMve Rights in desirable terrlturv; ??? *m log ties Iree. JOhN MaTTHHWS. i-irsi a venae, y weaiy slxUi and Twenty-eevonth stisrts, New Vei'k. A -DKBII ITY UKOruUT ON KY INJJtSHRi: .'IONS j1 ? awl a'l kindre 1 license* of Dten ? o?,*,iily and radi cally cured by UK' KV V. DANIELS, M. D., Ill l.e.\ inyton avenue, near twenty-ninth street. Office In urs .ruin ? to 3. CHANCE rot A KORTU.YU Kentucky State Sfng.a Number Dutribut.jit Dra ws SATURDAY, In tie Sfi, $'-b,ooo in gifts A ft w day-, left to buy. Tlek* $10', Ualvc. xjj Quarters. 12 flOv TIIOH. II. II \V ' ft CO.. iX)9 Broadway, Now York. A BAFFLE FOR SI* TROTTINO nORSP.8. AT Jabuaon Brn..'. Pool Uooiu-. Juue H, at 4 r. w Par tlotilare uud-r nea-i of ? Hones and Carriages,'' to-tUi'.. >1,*. .lid. A * ?ROYAL HAVANA LOTTERY AM> HERMAN At ttoieranirnt Lottrne-. Prizes cashed mil in f .'tnnti-'i. :Mvrn V/ACHRM ANN * CO., Bankers, 7ft a a 7" Nassau rtroet. Po-d ofB n box '..Slfi. A ?ROYAL HAVANA UlVTfcKV. KE.VTIOKY _tY. Mate Lottery, i.c-mar. fluvernment Lotteries. c, iHRODnu lAC'liOt If, 119 Naxgaii xtroeL Pull uflke b.,\. 3,'AM ? -WYOMING I-i.TTFKY. LEOALBED BY ACT J\, ol Irtgigletnre: urr.wi Jun- .*): TO.TSi ori.'-? a ninimtlaK v> PBM.UQO; capital Prlav $60,009. Tickets 91; lis lor 8.3. rrlMl cmM in (p IWBlars sent Irea. ? ALLEN A CO.. 79 Nxsl-aii street. New York. a ?OPriCIAL DRAWING.. or THE KBNTUCKY ;V. Mate .ti.d ahelay Co I log.- f otienea. Hf.vcii-nfr mil I'll hT.)?jvr.k 19. 1974. ."4, A 6ft <5-\ D.. 74. 6. 2. 11 46. 19. 19. 94. 21). Kfiu mix ct ax- M5? ,'V.tx 19, U75. II, IS 38. II AN S?7, 64, 79, 17, 5, 4 J, 76. 77. 20. ???-?iar. nm ffio?jwzr is. :97s. 63, 3, 44. HI. 74, 17. 51 19. Id. 15. 10, 71. 43. 44 ? npli* . tlx-. 449?Ji-Jfi 19. 197ft. 33. ?. 74, 9) rt, 7. H ftt IN 9, 14. IT. ?!. A X ft aMllfl A 4iO. Vxaipiii, Covington, Ry.: Post ?Bus Uex 3,74i. New lork A ?PAKE.4, K ME WON A CO., AC. S.N 1'S rOK Eer.tni *.j tit.- Lotteries, ilrawe dally Roes', 'i ivsui 1 otti ry. drawn cien 17 Jars. Kchtucki ftiugtc anmlx r J ottery, ilra-.?n June ?'?. 1875. Frizes cixIk'.i. lurorms'1:! tnr ... . tnriiuhOf! Slid c! 1 nUrt nt l,v SfiilrPiPti,g I'AKErl 4 CO.. II? Broadway, gouia 4 Port office t*>x XMlt. Private office attached. Office honrx 7 A. M. 10 7 P. M. I LABAMA STATE LOTTERY, at. Single number Havana plan. Drawn evtrv month at Mobile, Ah. onl> 3T..IM) tickets. MM) pptipp. atnountiug 10 i.vtl.OUO 1 prize of .f jn.oou 1 prize ol JO 1* 11 1 pr'?- nl 7 prize. of 94,'. 1*1 each 10,1)00 li' am.vs <-r 6. 0TQ each.. aO,(K?i ? nt fi.r k> prize- .>t il.onoeach 2ft '*"1 40 prize* of Silki each ?,<kk) Whole tickets i-u. burn. J j; i|uari?r?, >1?>: cighilia. 91 15 (ircularx. nth full pari: u'ar* s?rit tree. r. C. DEVLIN 1 CO., (Jen* rai ft.-i aents, 30Lit?er'r street, New lork. BOOKS AND AnrnCNTH INVKkTffi\TEI>, BAR sored and classed ov snuffle lain arrnuntaut; tarma l*ei Us Job ordsv. Address It., '-or. 3,C2Post office. Boni.t n ron hoirls. rkstai aant-a iinn -hipping.?All braadi o| Impor.eii BAVARIAN Uft.ti:.J. als.. On- wtll kuown and iiiahfy recommended HAHlHoMitHV RlH UK-l-KB IxAOKK HC ft, K. IIOf.. LENDER 4 CO.. ^ole Ai'tnts, Nui 1 and 3 Centre fU??t 'tsai- Zeiltiui' builillagV / 1L A r C T RISKS. ?.11.9 T RKCIIVKi*. AN INVOICE I >1 l.COUclkfMof a real good -t itnieu Horuauu* Wine, price 94 toi case 01 utie duxen botlleS; state. 0. 0 ao an > put of cite or 1'-entry. HEMiT l? ? fcl I I B. ftwo Broadway. New York. /HKBOMI' ACID WATER. VICHY. SI LIZkR. KISS V Uigao, nrtillctal Rater. 4 .. Atiippc 1 111 ? rctions. ju.-. and pints tu hotels pn.l tsa.llleft: tha?e ten are r(u>t< pnre stid tree Irota 01 gatnc a'"i metallic itloti ? - ddri ?a 1 AR1 U. SCUCLTZ, dot) Croud CC tsMlUl.'tlotl.-. .ertdr<?ai AR1 H. -X'ttCLYZ, w?.-, corui .? iievanteentfll street nlsEA-SRe OP MEN AND IHPOnTANr MltOICAL sod Surgltal Cast* i? cpecialtv. HRNItY A. Daniels, m. i-v iu ienngtan ???> no.-, mar rweat/ Blntb -ireet. Otm a hours fTutu 9 to 1 Havana i.otikrv.-94'owo ln triekr evhry ij day . as follow.-. K.rst prtao 1 fMd.ftOO tirv prixe of ."?.MS) BecoM pruea ot SiadMBMh, .. . W"-00 i ft prixea iinotiutin* to 31 UW Prizes cashed. Circulars 11 inrorinstton :t e J. B. M tHilMftZ A CO. Ms'i-.-r- Id W ill street, rear bnse meat; Port offlca ho* t.irtt. New York. PRlNTlNd Ol EVERY t'hVC.UPTtON PROMPTLY ftnne At very mn larve prices hjr the M- IK'iPisI.f TAN i'KIh rlSts Kal AKI,IS 1111 i.N f, IlLrald Kuildiog, III Broadway, N*w Vort. T.t THE HtlLD nil OK TUN KtRftT MORTfTAOfa bonds of the New lltAen. Mlddlntown and Willi.n antic RallroAd Company, snl to a bom It ma, soaeara.? ftohrefi herehv *lv--n that the drat meeting <>f the Boa to*i and New Iota Air Line Kaiircad f"inp-.or wtll t.< k . 1 nt Asxursncc Ithll, tn the eitr of Mtifdietown ntirt " da dixie of Cnntiecucul, ou lire 24th day of June, IZ7S. a' 2 o'clock In the a'lcnioou At ihe ?ahl nieeiinx the orcant xsiirtu ot the sxfd company ix to I* made and completed. Dtracvnra id tha aahl ?..r,-"i?!-..s may lie chosen and by. la<r< ad. pfed conl->rn-ahlT t-i the pmvnucn* ot the (ien srai HtatoteA of ' otineevent rexpeiui.g rsiir>'e<l cotu pamies. Dated 11th June. 1*7*. ' E. BI.I.r.nY kjfDKRftOh, BAM 1 EL L WARNER, 8AMI*El. 9 tANDt. D B. HATCH. T t. 9f4T-ON, ALLY* M. 1'uV.RcrOTE m. N CAMP, Cn. DANA, Jt'LlllB HOTCHtf.?H, C'.-, nors)f<r? af tha Bo-ton and New 1 .?rk Ajf 1 in-- Railreatd Covpanp At a mketino or tiie corpoeatorh of rtru Boston and n?w York Air Line Railroad Company, d at th* office of llah h A ronta, No 13 Wall street. 111 the Ctiy of New York, the fo! owing rules tor voting at the flrit meeting oftlie corporation ware mdoptedt Flrrt?At the fret meeting <>t tne Boston ami N'rw Vork AD 1 Jue Railroad roo.nan. ,JOh he.Mwr ef a Ri*< m ?rt fsge bond ot the New Haven, MidDetoWn Willi fntnfic Csilwav Company who shall lie prrvrit at said first meetine. eltcer 111 pera..n or hr proxy, shall he en titled to one vote tor each ft u ot the principal ot the bond or rmnd? held hy htm The foregoing rule !? an extra- t from the charter. Second Hooters "f the SAid f.rst mortgage bonds ef tbe New Haven, MbTdletown and Wiliinisncic Railroad Companv m?v send or dehrcr their bonds to either of the depositaries hereinafter named. The said deposi taries are haret-r empowered to Issue receipts lor tha sai I bonds, sprclivlnx the names ..1 the owners thereof, an-t the numbers detmmiustiens ami amount-ot the bomls received b^ tneoi. The persons described as owners in tne ?Aid receipts mty at tbe first meeting to to on the said receipts ettht 1 in perfon or bv proxy m like inaunnr as though tbe bvnda themselves were equ ally produr e<L Ibird?Hatch A r# >te, Bankers, at *0. II Walt street, In the city of New York; Hatch a Watson. Bridgeport, Conn.. John N. Camp, at the first National Hank ot Mlddietown. are tierrbv appoint d depositaries for the pu< pose of reoelviwg the said bonds, and with the power ot tssmni; the said raoetpt*: the bonds fo Ct retained hv the SHufWieporttarteis naltl the surrender of the said re ceipts. ft .irth? All tbe ;*j?e -.ex Iticurffd l?r itapr?sya? and ss ? deposit ot th- -1 d bonds shell t>? pnloi-y (Vie ?ai4 .si su?> Vxxx As* tAss i^sx.xiaiic. SPKCIAIj HOTllU*. ?OFFICfA L DRAWING OF THE KENTUCKY #ta:u Lc'.Cerlci, SIMMONS. DICKINSON A t'O.. Managers. SUNVVX **. XX1IU I liAt?H >0. SSU?JUWk lit, IS7V 13, 54. 03, it. 10, It,, 58. 74 3. 14. 7i). ?). I) EKlttl'CKT. CU9C WO. :????13, 34? 15. 11 S3, 71, -S.I, ?z. 73. 28. 14. 10, 47. NKWBT, VtTHA O.ASS 50. 47')?J UN* Ij, 1375 7", 51. 35. 3.1. 5i 75, 31. 01, 70, 1, Ad, 14, 42. Htttttt. (Hill no 470?Jt;.4K 10, 1375. M. 20. 40, S3, 27. 7, 61 54, 17, 61. 31. 22, M. Full information bj applying in or aidr< M,itiaJ, 01,1 fK, 20 Broadway, flrat rluur, roar Office, or Toil utiles box.4,203. K~* ?SIMMONS. DICKINSON * GO'S (IRANI) ? iimulhly iilwtribiitloii of ilia Kouiuckv State la>c lory, on the 11 avinm plan, lobe drawn June 3ii ;aiso Royal Havana ol Cuba, drawn .June lim Full inionnauon i>y applying to or addressing J. CLUTK. authorized agent, 30U Broadway, or Font office ho\ 4,863. K-14.10U.000 CASH GIFTS. ? Whole Tiokot*. $I(V Kentucky Stale Single Number (idiom on tlio Ha aua plan, draw* Juue 30, 1375. rrUci paM In mil. fin ulsrs sent free. Ado resi all orders to PARKS, EMERSON a Co., autbori/.-.i Ageiiu or all legalized luttcrira for the past 41) yoarg. 180 Broadway, room 4. Ko5c 5.272 Po=t.otTlce. "I>0YAL HAVANA LOTTERY. ..II filO.OOOdiHtrllmtcil in prizes every liflays. Nest drawing Joint 30. 1 l'rir.e of tliOOOO 1 Prize ul 60,000 2 1'nzus oi $25,900 each 60.200 1 Prize of 10,000 1 Friz." ol 5,090 83 Prizes ol $l,00Ueael; 88,000 ?yj other Prize., avnountmfr to Ji'-'.OO Circulars ol lnfortnu'iuii furnished froe. Orders tilled. Prizes cashed, spnuish Bunk Bills. Doubloon8 anil Gov ernmeaw purchased TxYLuit ,t CO., Banker)), 11 Wall street. New York. \vr Ol! KING MEN, AROUSE I ?A Git AN D MASS MEET ?? ing ot the vorkinrmon of thu city of Nov. York wlli he licit! at Cooper institute. Juue 31, l^TS, at 7: M F. M? to protest agninat the reduction oi the wage? ot' the laborers employed by the city. Several euiiti nt speak ers will address the mcatiug. Ry order of the Cemsnti tee ot Arrangementa, SPORTING?BOGS *4, DlROS, &< . A ?FOR SALE?ALL KINDS OP FANCY HOOS, e'V. Birds, Ac.; Medicnes lor a'l diseases; Prepared Food 8or inooUiuK birds, at b. G. Do\ BY'5, No. 3 Urooue slniot, nuiti AT AUCTION. TUESDAY, JUNK 92, 7Y AT 11 O'CLOCK, UY 1 AN 'f AS.- ELL A KKAttNKY, AT THETK MART. 119 mid 112 East Thirteenth struct, SPORTING DOUB-J A Of, A UK!) lltlSll SETTER, brokau on all kinds of game: Nora a Webster Hotter, oui ot Fowler's nuke, dam nn Imported Scutch suiter: also Sport aud Flora, out ol Nora, bv an elegant black and tan Gordon Setter, bred from Lalouc'he's iof county I'uhlln) lamous sP uit, and lined bv an imported Ida k and tan now owned bv the Blootulngdale Fowl Association. Nora is well broken mid it splendid retriever on lui'd or water; sbu was two years old last Murch and her pun? w ill be three months old June 30 \ -FOR SAl.E, A FINE LOT OF DOGS, JUL J\. tew Cat* and Kitten*, Guinea Digs, Eauirrels, Par rots, Ac ; Medicine lor all diseases. L. N. MKYE'H, No. 3 11 on iliirct street, near Broad'say. (PINK SECOND HAND PARKER BREECHLOADER. F 10 bore, warranted to nur .MO pellets N#, 8shot ut 40 yards, 30in circle. II. C. SQUIRKs, Bo. 1 (MhiMIit. THE TlltF. Auction and fkenou tool? sold at joun. SON'S Pool Rocni, corner Broadway and Txvant.i eighth street, every atternuon and exciting this week on the irol-- a! Uostou. EacU heat reee.vea by telegraph ui soon a* trotted. W. U. A T. B. JuIlNSoS. A I'OTION AND FRENCH POOLS SOLD AT THE J\ N?w York I'd 11 Kaoliangr. 15 Weal Iweuty eichth street, this evening, and every morning and cv niiics 7 luring tli? meeting, on thu trmsai Beacon Park, Bosh ti. Entnas and resultby Wis tern Union Telegraph. T'? graph office in the pool room. Kf.i.L'i, JiLls-. ,j Co. D FEtRFDOT PRlVINll PARK, Summer Meeting, 1375. First Day?Tuesday, June 23?Puree $20i^ for 3el*-s. 531'n lor 2 "1 cla.-j. Second Day?H ednesday, June 30?Puree |2iR, for all double team#, sag) lor 3 ;41 ulnsa. i nlrd da c?Ttarsda.v, July 1?Purse $219, far 2it) olasv; 83 0, I'or 8.33 oi.vsa. To l?e governed bx U'.s National rub' Entries will close at Jpajisun's root Koouui. Tweuty eiyhtti street and Broadway, and a: John T, Slahe a. near Fuliou terry, Brooklyn, on Friday. June 2J. at ;? F. K. sine IP per cunt, and irnu, aoooinpaur nouiiua ti in In nil caxes. Puraos niv id* 1 at second ?|"'ioa meet lug. Wk. HcMAliifN, Froprtetor. IjlLUKTWOOD PAEK, MONDAY, /CNR 21, 2 F o'clock.?Match, $?R Bile bents be?t throe la five. In harms-. John Murphy's b. g. Charlie Ort-c-n. James Dougr.ysg. g. White Oloud. D. I au.nan, Dupe JOHNrtON BROS., Proprietor". J CNR MEETING, FLEETWOOD PARK, itth, 16th, 31m. THIRD OA Y., Jo tit. 2C ?' 3 o'clock. ?ur** $1,00.1; 2.-:<4 olaMS tm to Aral, $300 to *c. uUj $D. to third. J..he fitters t>r. a Che ?to*. Wee. V. Wnlu.iu enters k. ui. Paulina. BenJ. Mu. o enters t> in. LeraOaae. Ale*. Patterson enters D. g. wp. tVaith. Win Thorns enrol* r. tr. Prod Tvler It. B Oofl enter, hr. in. Lady w oodi. it. J. AirkiM.n euiera r. in. Bona rtouberg. lien Gilbert ?at?r> a e. Harry Gilbert w in I rim ale eaters hr. iu. Z? phyr. Whipple enter* b. c Sleepy David 1? DAT.?i" NAMli DAT.-Pur-. ?1.?U;2 J1 class, $J00 to fli ,r. $s?t to second. tlio to thtr.i. John Marphy t utors Iu ui. Lady Sears. .1 P. Gilbert ? litem bl. ui. Litt.'v Don it. M. Whipple ruler* b. lo. Lady White. John -pi in v.! erab. i. Matt Tanner. Ore, h Io-guson cut. rtJi. in. Miss Miller. Train* Cave Grand Central depot at 111 ait. 2 -*i Ailtmissiea $1. JOHNSTON BROH., Proprietors, llilici Taujiav. Bop; ilntoiKlont PHO PI CT PARK FAIR OROI NO ASSOCIATION - Moiulay. .liuie 21, .1 o'clock, Rout day an.I track. Sweepstakes. $m): mi:.- heats. 3 iu in haruesg:? F. H. rtmlt.Ysblk. a. i nature. K il.> H.Q-' b. g. Clipper, u. W Mr Donald's br ui Miller's Damsel. L. M. .auium btk a Blucnoi UKuKOK A". OAEIJST. SnpsrlnU'ii lent. Till; 'JKTROPOLI TAN PRINTING MTABLISHMKN I, .13 ?>?., har> unsurpassed facilities t >r doing all kinds ui ' riiitins witn unusual prouip.;i- and at ui I'lerate prices. HOIlMKS. (MRKIADEh, CC, I RAFFLE AT JOHNSON BR is; PO"L ROOMS. J\ June H 1B7\at 8 o'rlocs P. M., for 81a Horses (trot iiu.' stoeki; valuation. $B,(lW: tickets. $10 earh, cntithns the li..liter to a chance In each of the following five prtaes i?highest raffle win:* a pair ot llarnMetinnu mares lull sisters, strril hy Kysd/Ae's old burse. data Imported Meaoeiurer stork; loivr*t raffle wlus a voung teUlnc. iniia.f lir", rtr -ii hv Censor, hall hr.-tner to .eotacky. data Hiram Drew stock: second lifcrk**t raffle win* a U'ly. Black tlawk it, it, Lotta, sired by Mil t-r'a mack flaws, dam bloo-ied stock Roadster, lor niiriv owue.t by lobn Kouisti.n. eeoond lowest radle wins a young vetoing. B>. Patrick, *irc,| t?y Censor Drew, daiu t?e It* * tyke's old ILtmbI lon au. third iilsh r.i raffle wins a ii.uoir rllly. Lula, sired by Censor Drew. dam h* Rysdvkr's oM il.imb etonia't Ticket- to be had at Johnson Bros.' Pool Rooms. Twentv-eWht'i street and Br .adway, and ist Brmsn and Levies. l.l Bros 1 Street, room 27 Dorses on exhibition at Ragle Club sublet 18$ West Thirtieth street. a ?M AJOR CH AR. VV. BARK KM, AUCTIONKP.K. Vt . M r liEORUt 1> 11 ANN A, o1 Bonrhon eonnty, Kentucky, ntitiotinces tu.s Inurlh and poeitlrely l*it freai ?ale $1 Hi" <eii?ou ot tlte tautest grc.-u Trotters sod imut ciegant ail ga ted saddle Ii.-ret*?, lust arrived from Kentucky, to be sold At Barker A -oil's City Auction Mart aac Ner. V..rk Tatter-ells, corner ef Broa-1wu ? and Thirty aitith -treet. on Natarday, June M, at e.ercn o'clock. THE STOCK CiHiPIMlk eevwnteen n"il. that can trot Hi tram three minutrg d-sn to 2 tit, and includes the get ot ll rr'-Msitihritm Patchan, rlftilg flood, Jr., Krrtrsson, Ac All warranted In every parrlcular. rt.m.'K WILL arrive at the Msrt on Wednesday, Juuc it wnan Dr. John W i irrk. aaent for Mr llamm. WM1 he on hand togi-e ever?l?oayaa opportnoity ot try in* the speed or sad lis umlitles of any ol the let before the '"c'aTALOOI Krt ( AN be ba t rit the Spirit and Tur' >f. flcc? or at BARKER A - ON'rt, corner ot Broadway and I lurtv aintii street S i1,F. W 11 HOC r ref rvc or poalponement. 4 -MAJOR CHAR W BARKER. Al/moRKKR. A. TO-MORH IV TOMORROW lOMoRRnW. IT TAMt-M I'LAt.B. IT TaKKn PLACE. TUB KYKNT OK A LIKE flMF. NO t-L'CH HA IK EVER HEARD OK HKKOiiK. WL HAVE BEKN TO THE TRACK AND SHOWN THK TIME IRDhR THE WATCH. Moor BAltkKit aanoancea the most extraordinary ante of the ta.-test i rot line stock In Amerh s WITH i RECORDS, lately arrived t>..m and the property Of W. J. Baron, Esq , ol Carrington .--lock farm, Mo ?waterv P .st otMe. 1 rhig county, Ky., to he sold to mor ro-.v (Tars,lay, June 22), a: II ..'.lock, at BARKKic A BoN'rt City Micthm Mart and New York TatMreaB's, c. r. ner of Broadway and Thlrty atntlt straav rillt HTOCK cotnpriao* 12 head that caa trot full mile* in ft-oai three utlnntet down to 2:38, and ioclaslcs th? get ot Kxi-hrqoer. Blood Chief, Ac. STOCK WILL be removed tod.ty Horn Fleetwood Park to the msrt. MR. BACON would refer lo Colonel I. D. Bruce, of the Inc.", Field and farm, and the following New York firms-vu hi at. era ore. Mayo .? Co.. 82 Broad, sti. ett Nortali. Slaughter A Co., 4i Broad street; M Roder A S.m, 133 Piari street. A.- . to all ai-'dng reference c %TALf)f?('KS DAN b? bad at the nuDit a.iJ TurJ omces or at the Mart. BALE rtHliiVK sod no postponement A RCH. JOHNrtTON, AUCTIONEER. At his Mart, 12 to >8 Thirteenth ?trec'. "* '? rni veraiiy piece. fo-S y-MDRROW (Ttteedajt, at ifio'cio-x FIRM CLAMS SMALL SADDLE HiJ fisK, 1V$ HANDS 7 TkARS. ELHOAirf TEAM black Horses. 1W* bands hi;h. 3 and a years old. , kkihh r Bay Haaibtetoatan llorso, l?'t hands. 7 years. one ot the Oue-t roadsters in the citv. FINE BLACK Coupe Botrt, is bands high. ? ye*ra old : elegant action and sotind. si PEKB t'l, t R r NCh ; BROWN SATIN LINED; u*ed but a ft- w times, also ela/aat Doubiu ii a rasas, new. Iho above are ail lo be sold, without re?erye, to the highc-t bid ler. by directions ot the owner, who la now in Europe. 4 ?FOR SALE. HANDAOMK BLACK MARK, # ?\ . years old, 13 hands; can haat 2HO sure; can be riven by a lady ; warranted soun I and kind, .diiltni* op Boaa Wsgon sod ilarne?; alao a besntiint top Poay 'haeton; woniu sell separate and low; at private stable io. 33 r.ast Twelfth s reet, between Broadway and Uai crsity place. ASECORDdHAND TOP WAGON, IN OOOf ORDR ? full springs, "mure body; mud be sold to ragk Cootn. I.V5 Broadway, corner of Foriv vixth crcet. A -FAR 8\LK Cflte.tP, A GOOD WORK HOV'*' ? also Wa|oo and Ilarne."*; scp.<r*;' ?r to jet tier. Ced 12. i we \%j% ?s ^1 tfcwjrj, Uuiueju 2Laaa HORSKS, (HHIUiiOm, ?( A IIIOH'.Y IMP; Iff AM, SPECIAL V N I? DMKh.-KRV"*l> At CTIO.J SAt.K 'ii:is i>av iMomuit), ,rt;.\K 21. ai stable . >'? lill.Mi-, ri.Al K MERCER .-.TRIc. I Eiil'Wt K(i t, WEKI.KV AXU OMNIUM PLACES, AN 0 IX RE A I! UK NEW YORK HOI Hi., Ai II O'CLOCK PROMPTLY, i.i . lie /?n tire st ml of Hue family, coach, saudi* a ml extra la-d ;i .ulng Slurae*. elegant; Carnages, itnr Harusa., Blanket*. Robes, A.-,, Tllb PROP* KTY Of .1. H. M \Rit AC ELLA, ESQ.. Who. !>;?? A.I vi u Of hie phygfcn iti*. on account .' tr erl* otis ill health, l* t-umpclloQ to go abroad. aud ccusc quentiy sell his entire ..took at pump- auction. BT i tlAlil.KS C. J?PKP. AUCTIONEER Btetratit and stylish loam ol bay. coach or rou'l Hones, I'j baud* high, 8 years old; were I red iu Kentucky; nr.1 qiailu: have flue nocks and head*. whleli they carry verr high; have clean, mu- ? ular I tin ha, with!? and sound feet; have high kneo action ami with out o blemish, ihey drive, act and wora alike to perfec tion; have no vices or tricks; are hearty, rouge.!, ac Cllinaied: they were con tittered the finest styled largo team at sarototra last summer: can uavei in a;-, minutes handily: fear no locomotive-or anything alto, und are sound, kind, without vice, trick or fault. Also fine und hands.,uie dark bay Goidinz, If,l; hands high, Oyenr- ol,,. -. a ligh bred, nowe andsensible horse: M '.I"t " JVUI " lllll , M I! ,;ii HUM, II 'VI' 44 ? 11 k 5' IlltUSU ' ' ? I OU . cannot be surpassed t..r his great nattirnl style; blooded uu; ? ' appearance, and iln?. pure und even action: l? gentx 1 and grneetnl lu all ins movements, and is reliable wherever you ma.v piscehlm; vvaa purchased lor pres ent owper direct irom KuntuoUv, one }car ago at a i .,- t c,t $L20tl, nod rdiott od 203 then: he Is a iroc. prompt and ri'soliHe driver, without Miviug or trotting; rears j nothing; lils sioshln-: strong gin. with great style ami lasting qualities, render Idm one oi the tlnest oi the i day; be can uov? beat - -w io road sragoit. uu 1 his flue style and speed make hiiu an x No. 1 gouilemau's road- ! iter; lie is fully warranted .round and km 1. Also tine an i handsome pray Trotting M.iro I.otto, is-, ; hands high, # years eM : with fall inane and tail: w.u raised by Alexander and pi.relused at his annual .ale , when four \ cur-old; trotted in ift&L l it- la t lad ; | was sln-'l lis Tat'lor, dam by Ned l-orrest: was never trained tor-.pacd nntil lust fall sue t? no v. finely desel upod, without -pet blemish .nid lins a fin- -tronr, i pordy jet oi limbs and leot, und i* ir. rtaeh built us net horse living: she lies no publi- record; she wasnec-nd , io a field oi eight last tall, in t! thai neinv dr., ? and oal y appearance in public; she hits frequently teou I timed it hull inde in I :15 aud I Id, and hor . -.Ira bre- -I - ! Ing. lasting qualities, gsuoiies*. Ac., warrant tin hell-1 tlmt she will trot in a hort time svcll down hi the tr-, li tis*; -he Is a sale and reliable drl. er: u lady can li-ind: i her oiifi perfect snfc-iv: .he is warranted sound uml kin I and run trot a mils an I repeat in h-,-i than Also ilie last and high brou brou u trotting mare i n tv MBK 15k binds tdgb. ' rears old; slre.t be Alcxaudci s Norman, dam a thoroughbred I.-oiy Mills: when n -1 v s old trotted u mile intft.t a4hh.i twomiles lu 5: 8^,', then known as the Pntcr.ou mare: she .s a duo s--i,.-i drircr. blooded in appeurancc ind i- ... game a i ? ? ? i trotter as goes the road; -he can trot in J - i . u r,,.-. r .ragoli and can atway s heat J fin oti any good track aicl is warranted l ouutt and Mu-.l. Extra dm-, genteel tid fast hay trotting Horse, the ; inoat elegant, best hobo veil and lu-.-t g-nlecl roud horse in tin- state, if,'., hand- high, fi years old, with flee in metry, sty'c and a stashinc ruphl. st .-ng gall; vired bv Uelieral Ifiiiis: has a record >,u M > stiC true -, ol ddPI; cm heat 2:1.'* to road wagon and the pure-l, sw.-ete -t d.-ivjr liua.ftnalde; no road too 1.r for him au.t no horse that goes the roud equals nim in style ana action; g,-iiavul tine blooded appvarai: -e; i, buhl, brave and . fban.-s- and wairanted -outid and kind; for gonllemon ? . roatt or laqid v arc lie hits no equal best bl Alao the naiidsoiuest niei i ,--i brown pony for ladies use. in niu ,-lty. 15 hands high, 7 year* old ; high Kentucky and a perlect pie nre; van be driven bv any ordinary driver; usensible, well behnvptt: h'coniolivp. boll carts or anything elv- stands wldn.ot tying; elegant minor saddle eUH<-r fi t- lady or g.-ntle luon ; Is wltbotil vice, trick, fault m- blemlsft; canlrot in 3:10 to p??* phaoion ; ivarrpnteu sound aud kind ; li i-t bo so(-:i to he appreciate -1 AIMau eleyunt three quiufter thoroiigbhrcd Cbc-ti ut Hi,r?e, about 19*4 high. (. vc.trs -Id raK-d ii\ ??.-:? Buford: Is ah elegant styled hone ; verv rich and gen teel in appearance; extra due saddler: well broken to harness: flue and fast traveller, and warranted sound and Mod. Aisii a beantilnl black Pony. U' ? h.ui Is and 7 i -ors old; been used b> latlies to p.uiy ph.-i-t-.n? verv srydsh and baudsome; la extra saddle pony: airal i ofiioihiug uiui warranted sound and kind. ? Al-si i extension to. Park Phaeton I top side hnrtrof tiax Wagou. 1 top full sprimi mod iVagou, I top ami l open Pony i'liaetoo. 1 depot Waa,.n. siuglo and dotiblu harness. The ubove are all oi liio bestcit* luainilac ture gu.i in p. ne t ortier. i'lie whole eimipri,-;iig a very superior and < hoicv col lection oi tine took, and gentlemen wishing input rha .-really fine trotting <>r tainl.. n,,r;<-s, that nrr all atchmaicd, hard i . rugg.-.l an.I .veil tried should po-i lively attend tin- sale, as alt will positively la- sol to the highest bidder. No Imut, re ivictioas of r>?vati-.u ivbAb- ver. .Slock Dtif on exbibltioB. 4 T* \l ri'lulf *\ t it o'ch ek. TO-MOBtOW, TV ESQ AY, (CM. a. BV t'AN lASSe.l.L t K I'At'S"!-'. V, V? < I I iNfiERS. at Wioir VI All ill), 113 :.A.NI t'ltl 1! I'KENTii nl KI.i T, TUB JINr111K UN 1.4HI.I8UMl'. N " (IK PBI . Vi h KAMIl.i i... N?i AflHOAQ. VEltr EI.KOANT I I AM BltlfiHI H? V HOP.Mi.S, with long ni.inei ,-u d mils lt> b.-tuds hand id ?e.i:sj hIDd uu l true iu ail Itarn ><; tree Tooi (lie. o-rv aiyiishaud haitdsouie: la., trave lers: aio alrai'.i oi iiothu.o; can i,<- dri'-n by him mie. and mu wan .mveJ .'ound. kind iml true. A is-. LAM'A. LET. Olxin AS, st.W, 41ADI IO OItlitiit BY meus, rriitvu ten A ? o.. su-i IIA UN K a, HtiAl V (.ULII Mill MKO, MiAKLV M-.'-Vj Bi.inkvti, I-ANfUr. MADE RT J. B. BREMSTFR IIVKMY tVTIt iTRF.I-.f, liosviv tow. KLliiUX I SflfU.JH i I;AM" ISA { HORSE-- Jin.4 Vl?U high, (sad Tyear#; kind and true ia nil ham -s and under -addla, can rr.v iu ft tuinuu-s; l-i-t.r Single: can he driven b\ an;- ore; have xira fine style an.1 action, with long iphiip.j aud talis, auk are warranted ? n.: kind and true. PONY PliAKK's, WITH Id MHI.h, M At'B I" O hi) hv KK.f.HSrkB .1 C.'.o lilt <O.MK. HTKKi.l , .st tti.bU, sod LiuHT DOVBLE. MADf. BY l'OCPBF.I r AI.SO. AT AVK TTJttf, TWu VKRY EI.EUAM IAD die 1'ories. I'1., bauds. - uu.i ; -ir? old- ?? II ferokau to nil paits under fiddle mi i tbunuublv broken to .ill ktii.ts of harness Fall do.cripttok ,,u Tntpist morolug. day oi sale. TEAM 8THAWitEi.itY RU.vN H "i -T.?*. 18 HAMW high, il vears otd; kind i, I trn ? In all ba.aess; iro# trotn vie. and warrantvi <ound. Also, i W() IMPORTED III NTim; pons rih'M THE RE T Keoteh ?.ora and weII br A.-n on -ill kind* ot game, at*., iw>> I'nps, three mwitui eld. For lull fiv-. ? tp fi ,h see xio.rtiii* column. A 4 -J-.K) row ONE OF TUK BK*T FA Mil. V UOItHK8 j*\ . m the *? 4*le IHi uand* high, S year* old : ? .01 and Kind an i tro:g in 3 miliums, with a 'leaiiiiful top Pony Phaeton and Harness. Dreys Blanket, Lap Blanket. Vftnp. all a* food a* new Inquire of the cos<-t,m:?u at private *t*tde -><>. It fifteenth-tree:, between Itn.a.l'av and Klttli aveutte, Also otic bountiful shifting bather top Wagon and Uanif**. one -tilftiii.: iwo-wiiIm Depot Wagon and one tie top P olty Phaeton. gold cheap on act on tit ot leaving the city. 4 T I'usT, TO ClilMR HI "INK*5-MY FINK ?ToCK .A of Carriage*, ot mv on u make, n..w in repository HI Weil Broadway; store must be vacated by .lu'.t X ClIARt.K OUTRE. AT A AACRIF1CE. TO CI.OSK AN ACCOUNT?UOHT extension top Pnaeton, na-k' t Pttaoion and a uuo (.' spr.ui Ha,act Pbsctou. i. t'OLYt-U A CO., *?1 Brua tway. ARUTKRTOR ROAD nofc*F. AMD MO TOP W.VOOM tor snle at a bargain; hor?e perfectly kind! can beat :t tninn-es; tor a safe and stylt?ti driver no bower opportunity has been ottered: no use tor the animal, owner tu finrope. Apply at Uoiuivupathic Ataatc., Sti Wni fifty tnnrth street. * landau, m adk by brkwjteh. and jn oood J\ order, tor sale ch?ap. Apply at DCFFY'd suable*, Forty third street, between Ttiird an t Lexington av*. A -FttltdAt.R. tlV* HORALA, AT HALF \ H I I A. suitable tor any baainea,: a itootl uial allowed, l.'ijuirc it >i -outli Firtu aveu ic, between Hwuslu aud Blearier etrecW. t ?FOR AAl.R. TWO CAMADIAB FONUR* AND XX . twochuukt built llor-v* tnitable tor ato bn>ln< at'iair yaiua. tid Caoal suoet. Dear Ilndsvu, In Piac* ?tu;: it shop. ?FOR BALK Cll LAP V ?u*k IIOK-K; . a: o Wagon and Harneai: eaparata or together. Call lor two days at 4M East r?vfiitjr-thlrd street . or dapple irrar and bay, lf>t, hand. blgTi, II years old. warranted soQtid an 1 kind: also a Worn! Itro? "Coin pic to flno liar noes. UOKDOlf, stabler 3 and 3 West ilur teeutli street. ? ? \ -ONE CL.VRKMCF, ONE COUPE, ONE WACOM* -7\ . enf. one 4 and ti seat Para Phaeton, one T Cart and onu light Tnp Wag o ; all used by a la.uil.v coins to Europe. Can t? see" at M. cl Riifrs, 10tl ill and lit Ka?t thirteenth street, near Fourth a re tin "? A ?FOR AALR, A VERY RTY I. Hill Bl* At MRS 9 ? Horse; *ultanle for any kind of hn?lne?<; must be ?old. witn Wagon an t Harm**; tlta owitar u _*u k. To be seen at 311 Bowery. A Hi k< K I t MADIA X POST, t TEAR-: BOUND it and kind: free, stylish driver; (loving tall and i main. Aim. also another Horse, youug and sound. No. 7 Bayara street, In the grocery store. AfORRfcl. tlOKaR, 7 TKARA, 13'.j IIANDti;' FtT for licutlemnn'i, driving or told use; alio soother ?orrel Horse, ttt for tunning, gr> ?r, Ac No. 3 lierruwiu ! street near Kndeoit. % \?KOR HALE, ONE RI.ACK TROTTIMO IIOR-4K, ? tit for ueniieinau ortioctnr to-Irtye: warranted to trnt a mile in d:.M; aimi tour In he. Hell's. Ot tor fnrtn int. express or anr other btidne-'; young and sound: in net be sold ate saeritlee; good trial allowed. No. tod street, near ' linton. A -LANDAU. HT HAM, OORT |t,*H FOR Bl.liW: . l andaus Claren'e?. lonr and six ?-*f Ph tet ns. Depot Vfn-oit*, Ladies' Fn.jstoni. taken ta ex. hang . U.iM, Id Fast I'oqrtn street * - F.LR<?AN*T ? _, A . r. CARTA. cabkioi.eta. ROv ? VW 17 4 and Ponv fliaeton-. Latest design and tiucst quality. A. A. ri.t.VDRAU, 377sod 374 Broome street (old ?tan<l of Brewster A Otk) t I.AMur, CITT MAKE $.V*> TIX-AEAT Pfl\E 1 u\ ton. IJV). two pxieiision top Pliactens new. R4?i; French and drop centre < o.activs; lOoth i s at baraains. hUTiiir.i avstiue. 4 ?HAMDSOHFAT COAt. BUCK PONY TV TDK -.k.eltr, H4t hands. ? years old . warrsnteil vuuel and kind; tr-.u iu three uitnut s aud is ?ara lor ladbaor chllJren to drive to stenni ears; free from vice or trick ; alv< uony Phaeton A" I tlnrncse, city makers; trial at lowed. Call at turnilare store .'U4 tiii.t?..ii e.iect. \ 8TIVBR" PAT RAT COMBINATION SPIUNO, J\ been ue#d a tew times: I Berlin h, I Haroucbc (i Icfortai, 1 six vat Park Phaeton, I (lurtaln Coach, by Brewster; 1 extension top Phasioo, top and n|>en Pony Ptiaetons, olall atylet; t-uikies and .-skeletons, by CofTcy; Depot R"ag(.ns, Roekaways. ol alt etvlas; 70 lop and open Road Wagon*, by the best city makers: top and opsn Kxpresa Wagon*. I slhie seat: Harness, Hlsnkefj, (sheets. Ac. W. it. uKaY. ? an.Hi Wooeter *tre?t. i U. rtO* SALB.-M. BCBSBAUH. AUCTIORF.KR. hi Howery, sells this day. at II o'clook, at No 447 Men ond aveoue. one leant of bay Horses, ? years old; Wag. on*. Harness, Ac., wltbont reserve. * Ptjrjir, SFcpN.i HAND LN<.t.l-OI WOr.sgm ,. \ V r> n*dd e. BrtdM and -a* cot ;at*-, tor >aie . alio a haul so.oad Innd single ica waron. U P, Wbil. So. 13j blind ste*?L II4IRHK*. CAUK I AITKIN, AC. A BARGAIN -GENTLER!* flkLLf.NO OUT ttAM bright bay Morgan .Mure* trot to S minuvci; e arvi 7year*: ?uutid. kind; fltn Kihan Allen bay ilois*. 13J-,; trot in 2:50: sound, kind, 7 years; side bar top full spring top M aitotipole- nod ?bafta; tingle and double Har uvti, Blanket*. 4c.. be-t city maker*: rood a* n?w. Pri ite ?table, No. (i West MoutvuniU atreei, ooar Vilth UVt'illlO. /*AKKIAGKS AT PRIVATR 8ALB; V. TWO A AO Put it A EAT l'UAETOSS, WITH canopy ti?iw. Fi-nr Barutiebe*, good a* net*. Coupe*. but little used. Kirc.uu Coupe Koekawar, with Pol" and 81iafU. built by JuJin ft. Lawrence. Park Phaetons, built by Miner A Steven*, ?three-quarter Clarence top Road Wagon* and Coupe Workaway, built bv Mioer A Steven*. Victoria and top Phaeton, with rutuble seat; built by Brewster A Co.. of Broome street. Rc-oka way*. lump seat Wagons top and no top Denot Wagons Dog i arts Ac.. Ac. BY Van TV-BELL A KKARNEY. HO AND 112 EAST Thirteenth street, near Fourtn avuuuo. L'OK S AI. h?A VERY STYLISH CROSS MATCHED I team o1 Forties, U tian.n highi good Meppprs and Sound: they are boili broke for middle: hare '.-en driven tor Die tad year by a lady, and ere perfectly gentle; Mlm? a four s ?tu l basket Phaeton. in perraot order, and a line w-t el double Harno**, near), new i price for tbo whole turnout, $730: alto u very stylish dapple gray Horse. li>>, Itnnds htfh, (i rears old and perfectly sound; lie s well broke to single harness: has tine action, and wilt tnuke a splendid horse tor a T ear1; price, '0. To lie seen at W At, IE Kb atable, No. 47d Pacing slrovt, Br. ollyti. For hai.t Canadian horse, u hands. 7 years, warranted. price $IT!>; sluyle Trurk, as good as liaw fllOd; two good Hum-s, $.0 and $75. lli Mnih avenue, cannau. I'Oli SALE?AT I.oW FIGURES, A PINK PAIR OF ? Varos. IV s hands high, <i years oldi flue and pleas, ant drivers: sound inul kuui also a line Dog i art. Wood Brother* otake; on* Brow*lor single *eai r.oad wagon. Humus*. Ac Can be scon at 1*9 West Thirty-flttb rtreAt L*oa SALE?SIX MULES. AL-O TWO LARGE WAG i oils, suitable for bu itius-3 or espress company. Apple to 1' LOKI LI.AKU A CO., WiUimngtoO Hlid l irat sti eebi, Jersey City. IjViR SALE-AN EXTRA STYLISH HORSE, 7 YEARS 1 old. 15'- bap 's: irot.i without training 7:5b; per fctly gentle: tingle or doable; well broken to saddle; warniutud totiud. 381 Bust Thirty tilth street. Ij'OR SALE, FOR WANT OP USE?PI VK HORSES, i. sound itp.l kind; also two double and one singifl Tj'u?ami Harness, jeparat ly or together. Inquire at i 'l CurNtopher street. LSI) It SALE?A VERY PINE COVl'K HORSE, Id I. bands high: being stylish and sound. Apply at i.R VUaM A i O.'?, lj and 17 Ertsi I tieiii.v eighth streak. ,)<"?K SALE?A VBRY STYLISH AND HJC.HLT BRED 1'nglfshCi.h: blond nay and black points; u guar iibtee 1 perTi otly .soiiiiu, geu.lo and well-iia.'i-l; price * :?!>. Iu'iulra ot Mr. HLASSi.N, of Dic'aol* Hiding school, cornor of Fifth avenue and I'hlrty-nlutb street. (NOR 8AI R?PON Y BUILT BLACK HORSE, 15 F Lands, * years, tit for any u e, all soond. price $95; al?.) on- top Grocery Wagon, ad In good raiiiilug order, prl $03. 37 Greenwiili avenue, corner CnarlCi street. L'Oh SM.I- -A CRAY MfiSSENGElt M AR'-: C YEARS " old. 13'j . tr.-ie lu rai; warranted kind In atl luruoiii. Call hi .v.i leant Twenty-seventh street, inud sold. i,'iik ,-ai.e cheap?very stylish bay mars, l' 15.'.: la t. tree; perfectly gentle; beep driven and ridden bylaU Nu.JT.a-t Puututh street, beTore U A. U. V5DAU-. I CLASS AND LKaTIIUR FRONTS. Also lan Lets o. tilt u:0<t III.Mi.AN I HKHIH.Vd s'i-1 tlne-d ifiellty. finished with is: 1*0 It ft D AiliBOCtdi \ N I) rop LEATURS, lust reci iv.-1 troiu the fin tory of i< km.lam a co.. fur wuoiu we are ?oi? naoutd We also have u very large and superb assortment ot ah kinds oi PLEA-IRK YKtlK'I.feP, cot.ipti-'ug every strle u-ed la town .rronuirv. A. S. FEIN Dlt A (>', 572 and ."1 Broom* street fold stand o! Brewster I Co) IjtOIt KVLU CHEAP?A DAPPLE GRAY HORSE. 13 I; hands hign, 0 years old: kind end tin ; very stylish; hu? boon driven by a lady utnl is warranted oiiiid. .VI.' ? n.i-tci& Pun? Flia. ton and a -et of tine Har ne- It: i',lire in Co* house 32 Ea?t ftiaty-sixih afreet, hotisi ? n First uud Kecotid aveunn* ITUiti sALU Cilk VP?A FIRST CLASS FULL SPRING I too Ru..v. also a eitr made Ron J iiarnase; to be . .'. I . .. ....... i .. ? io. i ... . .? L < * t lh) i 11 T I .old t r want ot use. inquire ot K. CAKiU'i.L, 1.33S Brosdwny, c orner I liirty?ninth street, iu saloon. 1,'i-R i-ALE CHEAP-TWO HORSES. 13>, HANDS I high.' warranted round mol kind; also two Wagons, roici tor wiini ot work. Inquire a: 132 Sonth Ftnli hv. l.'OR S1I.K FOR want OF USE-GOOD CHUNK OF t pouv Hurse: 13hands, auuml and kind; suit butcbor. baker, grocer, express; price $!0b; not halt value. 2'Ji Wast .-ixteenttl sireet. ; JNOIIP. IN'-HANO HARNESS FOR BALE?A SET I ina.,. to order by t London maker in true coaching rtvli Abo u set ot I'audetn Curnes-,, by maker, tiolli ,, I - are cor,-, tlv Hpoointed, without uaonosrams. acd ire iti x. |l!ent i oualtlun basing been used bnt a i ' :v tiini - rnd are ofTercd at vers-low price*. Apply to , . in i-ni.ut nt -table, No. 12 We*t tligUlevath street, : bet m n ' il'.h und Sixth asennes. / * I'.EAT Ul DUCTIONS.?CARi'.I '-GES. H ARNESS, VI e- -r? tie- rlpt. n. new and seeuu t Land; great ! i riipuio, in Phaeton- Depot Wagon Vlttvriai I'oeka | IV is- I Jh! W n> CI rtilcs. ! W tiriCCv M t N L FAC ; TU BE if UNION REPOSITORY, ?td Broadway. UaRNHnS, RIDI>0 SADDLES, LINEN AND . o iHileu her*' PlMh'nit, Ksn Duster-. 4o i l*r,;s seek, 'e.v v.ti and the lowest povlbl* price*, k. Bap ft.KTf. 6." Warren *treet- corner Coii.w tilace. \l ARXtlAIVS S4I.K ? "KfKR RHWk, AUCTIONEER, .VI byog.icr nfJndge I tart man, ?. ii on Holiday, June 21. at MS o'clock A. M. .licr.i, corner of I'nlver sity place ant hignth -trect, out- Biie thoroughbred bui. k Mare, sired t>? Monarch. 0 years oJ?l, IAS bauds bub: splendid inana and tail and perlm-tlr sound: one tin 'l "pi? lltirntiflit'rfJ bay itnnitik-tunian Msre, 7 i old. by HHWi?l?i?H?laii if IAS hauls in/halt I lilai a points anil an all lav ro.iistrr; is all aowMl .acwpl ! a ir. iins hlemt-li; one side-bar top Wagon, Dns uhury 1 make one side-bar top Wagon. H re or.-tor make, one too Wagot>. till)-printf. wpnrlmg mike; two single ; Harm s- Ibanke!-, Ac.; sale positive uu.i in tola 1*. 1> 41 i.EI. M'iratial j OlfnXD IIAMI CAR til AO Kg. i c curing Haroucue. Curtain Coach, i Alterat PliAttea. Four natfhMtM, i r?av Phaeton. Four-acat Rockatvay. | Top Wagon. No-top Wagon. Landahieb extension top Cabriolet. Alt in til at rata ordur ami tor -ate very low. Wooit BROTHER*, . 740 Broadway. s* ??->(?? ' H?' -IKT BI.ACC TUOBtil'tlll'l.T O -rained tor A lata hor?4 la perfect In all ro?p i.n. a ml only sold for want ot use; I. as be-n ridden j fort it? last year by a boy ten years of ag*; price MM. t'*n in- '?en at DlcseU'. corner Filth a venae ana Thirty. ulnili street CAObLR HOR3K?cdK8TNTT. TlioRui (JtiBRCU i k7 Mauri*!, by Cein.>r, ou'of Imported Miss I. \r. I 6 rears obi jn.l perfectly pound; remarkable brant v and i stylo; lia- been earefnllv trained for the saddle: soul fir waul m osr , price $1 0>) Can t>o seen at DteksU , Cor ner ot Fifth avenue ami Thlrty-uinth street. rnOR METROPOLITAN PRINTING F..' f ibi.inh I MINT. No. #14 Broadway, are" prep,trod to do every varletv of Priming, Wood Engraving ami Llt'.oitrapiiy j at very tow rates. _ __________ At?T AND 9TA ?TWO MTRONO WORK HORSES j liu-teaia mat B9UA Mine months ago. tptcr.t to I sell. At*. !?>,? and no b.p Mi..?s and light top Bounce* Wagon, cheap, 205 West Thirty flr?t street. A| -#4 WI I.I. BIT A ?E4UTtFVt< NEW LIUHT ?5I?)U b,.> Evarrsa or Deliver* Waaon ? wa* made t> order for Iwiffl i- worth It to any pereoa w ho k is u*? tor it. 154 West Nineteenth street. nitY umiiH. IT AXUII'-i PATTERN B.VXAAR. 914 BROADWAY. i\ between Twentieth anJ Twenty first street*.?Urand display of Novelties. Jus! imported; Patterns, with cloth models, now read?: "Vechtln* mil'"the Resolute." k>rladles ami mi-es; ' Sea .shore." 'Baltic," "Croquet* enl "IVin't Care" Toilers; very desirable for these days / 1ARPET4 CAKPtfA, ly Oilcloths Cartatn*, Vpltoljierv li sts, Ac. FTI ' I'P.UuT KN'APP will offer this week titn balance of spring --lock of Carpeting, at greatly r"daced prices. Tappsfrr .. 91 to H iti Pfru?-'1? .* I 'Mi Velvet* I ?A Ingram At Thru ply* .. I ii Also car-go of assorted r.iio >a Mattings, for ??> In (nan titles to ?nlt. "~RMKrP.4?D Sv U't*. Ore*t Carpet and r?!i.?uter.v War- room*. 181 iiu.t 18* 8lxth av.-iii.i. New I ork. one door below ? lilrt-rr?vti -trout. itARreTj, cAnf'Kt " }*<eat harraioa tn Carn-tA Oil *i ?'h*, iVin.low Shade*. 1 ani?ireijiiina. Mata, Matunj A ?' r-rr low pries. Sngltsh Velve*. at 91 "J per yard, iapestry Hr<H?aia. at 91 in per ear ! Three ptv. at 91 29 per yard, lmrrniti. at3V.. 4Qc. an I 6)c. per l. Alt other goods at etin-iily low pticef. A tsrge stock of rurnltnro, 1<J per cent cbeap.-r thatt env other house In the city. . .. , All goods shipped tree. i*. itkl.l.T, (fur- 'Mor to U. O'FarrelU, .112 sad All Eighth svenae. between Tlurtv-rtfth and Thirt?-suth (treela MltLniRT AM) DRB99MAKINO. * 4 MRS. MYKRS, 4*1 . 22 E.sst IVmrretgiib street, bs.s still a l*rgt stock of CIltLflBKA'g ilATS AND CAP* on which stie otlora at redu od price*, t. VTMt'.-c CAP* and HUMAN Pah t CAPS, saitabie for watering pla es. MuUI'.SlNtA JUIIjI.INRR* A tsPIil IAI.TT. 8TURAOR. ? -J. I'TnD centrat, RTORAOB WAUEHOUH8 . \ . tor fnrni.ure, pianos mirrors, carrtagts, wagotu, ?te' -tis, Ar? *' 291 and 234 West Forty aaventh struct, corner of Broadway. MtiRQ.4* A BBOTT1K1*. Prop-'.etart. , MT4U- MB rOB Fl/RNlTl RB. BvOKlAiiE, (At* | w rt a res. Ac. t"? to 113 Eaai I'ortv fsurth street, E?*t ; pt "rand Central liej-.R, separate toyois, tie - uroef . vci.lta An 1 4.<*HkVUv4 O'B'.IIs'jT * BBtM|, Proffilt vtni,. AK4RK OPPORTL'jriTT.?SUPl ?OH UQCOj: sA lono wo 11 eMAbiiahed and turnislitd, on pr .muvek corner. opposite Grand Oatrai depot. most sell ?aoi?. di.-ttely: n<~i agents. JullS 0 \ DV :? Park ivOR Ah "I.D ESTABLISHED CORNER LIQUOR SI '?**. nuar Bowery am: OAOAl etreet; pr/ ?, with fin# fixture* and (Hock. 9M'1; now u -lug a good btoiceu. a, F. Ll itUl' V. 18 >.vuire street. * 1IN TTORK FOR &ALB?WITH 8TO;.J? A. 1) 11*. ?7 V lures: * g.iod chance tor a man that un iwrataaw the Imsinsaa. apply to WILLIAM ABBOTT, No. 3 ( 'iaiW> her* .-.trect. \ I'IKsr CLASS CORNER LIQUOR SK>i<" LOXO Xl Iran, otmap r?-ut. on the beat buQue ?? av- nan (good reaioU , tor telling: jr ?-?.? cheap LLOYD. 25 Croa t way. 4 DOWNTOWN LIQUOR iTORB, EXCELLENT X4F XV catlui) near Wasliutgtou Market doi.Nf (timd. rafti business; Also splcmild downtown Heiuple itowihs; (treat borgeiiiA MAl.Ohli'd Store Agency, lit! Nassau street. A OKOCKRY BCHINRS*. LEADING AVENCK. XV Brooklyn, lur-alor avail take a r.artuer te dll 1* plaoe of retiring iuotnb?r or ar,flrio. MALUM-: ? Store Agency. 121 Xaasaa larart 4 OOOD BOOT AND iltOF, 8TORB, DOING FIR)# j\ class bttaiueiw, location uusurpn .sod ; also liiutai* ?Saloons, IV- t >tore? tin 1 Oroe.-ry .<? roe MALONb's store Agency, l.l N'a<? ? a atreoA A BARGAIN?I.Of;-.: EST VBI.IBHBD FIRST CLAAS Lag?r Beer, Bostauram ami Milliard Saloon, in bam location ia this civ-; owner Having for Por re H paTTBKKo. 1m Broadway. A ROAD-IDE HOUSE lOOOD BUSINESS PJ AOls* tor'Ale cheap; at-o best corner Liquor -tore* OS KixAU) avenu* anu otb -r bu-nne - i dtTe#t? Mi l HULL'S -tore Agency, 77 Cedar (tree,* AFIN K 841CBRY IX BROOKLYN FOR SAL* cheap; alio conimna: rt Kakerv, Milk. Depot, splen did Tea store* corner <.i oc< lies, Meat Markets. I'onloo Uonerle* it. ;', wlei, to let MlTOHKLl.'s store Agency 77 Cedar street. A. ?FOR SALE, i'ii i Alt STORES, COFFER, OA Kit saloon.. 1-e-uiiraiiti. Wine and ftauipdb Itowu* i rockery Store. j|?u*eturnUhiug St -n. ountry Baker ies Hotels. MITCUKLL'S Store Agency. 77 t'adar ?t. 1 FIRST CLASS LIQUOR SloKB (CORNER* OW A A leading avsune. doles u good business, II ease, Ae..; rent low; with or without Apply to f. t BKALY, llil Listlhir.j third street 4 Nolo ESTABLISHED HOTEL FOR S VLR-I.O X\ cation unsorpAHO#; wall known: extensively patronised; enterprising party: extraordinary chatniu to mala monoT; rare mvgginMat. Particulars at TU BroailM ' f. PHMiilt.N A Co., store- Brokcre. .4 SODA WATER BUSINESS MIR SALR. KXClifc A lent route i Bin- au.l shoe. OphMry, cigar and Liquor .-tor.'*: Roitaurant-. Sample Rvi-iu*. B.iaediu* Houeus. 7lt Brondway. -1 U Hits A CO , store Broker* A FIRST CLASS SAMPLE ROOM FOR SALR? rolcndld location; r-.u tlioroughhtre; lieart <>< bmlnevi; extcnaivel) petr. olred , uni|itMHtiiijbU S rare investment tor a live iuu:i. I'artlc.ilar. at 71. Broadway. 81 MESS A Co , store Brokers. A l'1t!-T CLA'S LIQUOR STORK-CONYKNIEN* x\. 11 European itenntenlp lines; ternia e*-,v ; will e*. change tor Heal Estate L. M. POLLkK, h (u.w Liquor Driller. Jl >1 arren stree* Y HOTEL. WITH 10 MIC ELY FUBNISUBD ROO Mi. V tor alo.?Or will .e tne fine corner Liquor Store 11 Restauranl icparatc. as the owner sl. k; very lp.i ? t-aah wanted In pure ut drug store, comer if 1'tfU ftttti jtroc-t and Ntuth avenue. A FIRST CLASS DtSIILLBRT LIQTTOR TORKj JY it "oil lease and clioa, rent. Atipi> at 049 Eaet rUlr? tecath street A CK1AR STORE FOR 8.4LR.?FINEST PLAUE 0? A Third avenue, with or without stuck; owner Iteg got two re , ln i'airc at BJA Ihlrl aveuue, or 6SB Eighth avenue. Dp.uc. store for sale mcO; c.lass i.abellko bottlee;complete stocki will l-e sold on piemteek 1.49 bn oud u' enue at 11 n .-.sock, T*pada> , nti, at sit* Distillery liqpou stork for bale at a. bargain?Doing good retail busiueee'. paying weti< uo bum bug Apply to rtluM vs o vFt s .V, il i\-utre ?t l.'OR CHEAP PRIVTIN I Ctl.t, DN ('KB METRO. L' POLITAJl l'RIN riN'Q ESTABLISHMENT, Nik M Broad wav. Fob balp?marbi.b sqoa watkr apparatus. all atvle.1 at % area' redueti >n. Ottawa Beer Foun tain:- and t v;r.i t M. WilIIFIELD a Sua, nan* y<. Water street. T.XOR B\LK?FIRST C'LiSS LIQUOR STORK, WITH I -t ? -k Ftxtur ?? and l--.ase. In ? ne ,:,t' tiic- beet luealL t'es In Briuikij ii. K. I). For t-articuLars ut-iuiro 4t POP l'KU A Milliard, es Pearl a,reet. U""i?8ai,r?a first Class liui or stoke, near u WasUutgtoa Market. App:y at 313 UrcenwlcU mrcet. [TOR KALC.-A H'N il AVI) BtKltOUU IN WAt.B I street, doing a fair htvsmesa wqots the i-iobt anau. 'erticuiars at nii>, ureufl wt et jewelry 3ture; Tnor baus-laobr brer saloon and omri*. r nig llfiu-e, at preevn'. doing ? spl' r.lid buslnaski so.d on areount of owner wi ,hint ??? retire from bual 11DS> will tej sold cheep; !?*?? t*v,, years. tio*?e three Mu.nes; rent very low. Apply to ADOLF V. kl.nq! tat; '.i. llendei son -irevt. tereu.v City kn>r sale-a n.;-r class* <<r<ickr* sr- re. t* r Brooklyn. Apph to U OF FE it.M AN, red MasUlug Hl? ?tr??t, Hew Vurn. I/Ort &ALR?LKAaK <FtiR T. KM COV Kiil NO ? ?K r lenn,*. t ? k Fixtures-md 'jom! Will ot h wimlo ?ull* retail Flo?r. P. ol and Hay Sfcro. w ith largo, ram and ataxia, containing S-' atalls (m ertlr runted! i i?u-t location in tit* city . now tloiuK k-m>i buslnee*. reason* for seilliiii. Aacro??E. 11. DARN tl.l.. i,Ji* auB UT.5biJ.-e avenue, Philadelphia. FIOE SALE-B KIR.AT CLASS U^fOR STOP: , I.O cafej on "'en street. between i-uroMan 'max of MniUMrs. Iiitjaii. ol t'ilASH iii.oVLIt, ItntKMhsr ?r Liqnora, H Reek ollp. , U?OR ?AL' '11EW?<T K .\Mi? FIXfCRi - OP A r Butter Store. No "Ms t hlr,l a?*uue; ;ood location; gu'jd cuunoe for the rlabt man. Bjs it g.M.R .n; K \i i i \ \rn - m rtoittw 1 Ideuor "-'tore In the ell r: elegant bar and tlx1 .ire?. <? be siid r-gardleaa ut ??<..?' a olr to HI IAH Iff Brine.- auoet, corner ol Xuoitiwon. l o be sold unuie* dia'oly. fllUOUn AXDFEED STORE FOR SALE-BEST LOU*, rion in twenty-third ward, adioiuiac Morriaante steamboat landing; g . ..I bnstiteae alr?a.ix .-?utilHlioil t aatt'fiC r> reasons tor elliog. Ke..-re isrea?Young B I'.-, .l. rick. No. 119 Wfd slreet: t" V. KUley. Morriannin steamboat rumpam < oillne, Mou Haven. Inquire, en m? t-reinleae. of W ILIJAM u \utii-.. CYROCRRY FOR SAUK C 'BAP? h CrAHLLSRKD M T veare a chnnee t.. 1 . a large tiu?,iic a. . r ni nl rafe to sttft tin- bnver; rauao <ll-solution of partn-r?hlp. A? p. to I H< 'HAs Qtn'N RY. A tunieer, IT Centre at. TMCOK srUKB FOH HAi.K-AI IUK ti>KNKR Of i WIhi-'tall an I S-ate x. re-.?. Now York 1 op. ?? to the t>nrge -fll-1< and uenr five icrrut.. Apply ou ttto prom ise*. Finn w"'- w* first ci,uh barroom'"' of II .-ir. ?u: tin. !n tit-- h,*?t part or the c-.ty Inautro of J. f DrtliiK,'iHP,fl Murray si. MAl'HOKUf. lAKAl.tRo IN MAC JIN b RY. M AM F A< T1 RK ltd It an! ofbera needing Printing, can hare t d me tn the h#a< -del- be Hie MKIRiiPhLlfgD rn. M l s?? MnVABLlAnMkXr. No its Bts>ada?r. ?LadU bale?aikji r '0 t i'l'in rutr. kmin. X1 coiahi'ra, laated to 2U0 pmtiids preaftiro; a -plendad article, vpniv ?t .fmiN 1 m KsER'b steam copper Work?. ?7 Wc?t fwentv-alxth etreet ij'.oi a root. s- RKw < rmxu, back okar r Kuciiio Imth* f< ? ?e ?? ouaan. At) H. L. IV.. bo v . J Herald oBt>. TV A XI EO. ff A heavy Poj.1 R.tiler. Aldrcts J R W . bos lot Herald ? ditto. put* (x up.. \? WKEKI.T AND Mll.N 1 HI.Y RAIMENTS MIR . Kuruilure. Carpets and I'rvidin. a; H. !d. .\f. BERTH v. uri C( 1. s. 135 a 1 bv c.i.itii* n atroet. Aa tn m.-ns-t atoca aud low I't is ?. V OK RAT HAUdlFICR.-FilR ?> ALK AT rRlVAT* rnsi.ienou '.a Eaat fhtrloeotn ireet. near BnnrM are:-tie. '11 ign idee fit lataal aryle s.itln brocade I'nrlor Sun. c >at ?Co. lor SI7Rj oue tin.. $130. brw ital ant rape Buong KtNini suita. $?> a-il pit; litelnwar Piano* forte. Bronaea. < nrtalna, Carpavs, Chaintmr suits. " >IA Drawing CaaeA $40 UP; MAttreaat a Beiidlnc. He tateedA B ircena, library, dinin/ rormtnre; (Has* fhlnn, ML vorware, a great ?ncrlflt-e II call tnimedlaiely. * RARE Ol PORTf.VIl V TDK IItH sf EREBl rd .V Private family will aeliai a ancelHce ihetr Hoiwe bold Furnllore, Ac ?Xac.itrticut i.ite?t atyl# Par I . stilt in <atui, coat I.W. lor $JR'; bae. $19.'br>.c itel aii'l rc|t .-'eta $7A $!?. $SS; CarpetA Piit.Hngi, llrt n/OA nut-wool PUnoforfk. Ac.; also chamber s?K Itej a-e.atlti llnreaui. WaabttaieU Mattresaoe library. Jlmnf T iitilturc. Be. call, bcter- i>ur?haain( nlaeehere, at private real lence ill ten RRa at. A Wl'- iAOXirtCEXT Li. ?V? -1 TRrklsh sun $1 >1 ren Suit, $?; Car* Re'; "'"...a, Bookcase, Cen-ro Tahiti; fiau..torte. $gAI; _?.irooni -mit comnlcte, elili l?ressitia Ca*<- p.'v up v am , HcJdiog. Hull-(? Kxt-nsi m Table A I'halra Bo. Can at residue ? Ub WestBM st, uoar eth ay. A. ?FOR $300, PRITAlB FAMILY WILL SELL elegant satin Parlor suit. coa. $730. do. for JiJfi 7 o.-tavr ciikltermf Pinco. $??, cnntitber ~e.s eaiiateUnE eiulnid Bedstead*. Dressing Cases. 1 tiinmutles. Be-, o. $l.v.i. eingie Bcdeieutts, liureaua. hair i<id spnng attresses Turkish nnit, $ll?i Librae and In-iiik ?nr. iiiture. reji. plnsli and h;i|rclnth Suite. PalnUima,'/e, Carp u. Be . aear.itlue. Cuti. prlyaic re<1dtJoo No 17 West -siAteenh s-r.-et v Fnrniiiire, Beds. Beading. Be. Pad meim iskt-n by tbc wera ,.r month. Icrmscaey. KT t.r Y B CO., corner of Tweatr-flfth street and "Ma.-,) a wine. tt ET VOPR PRINriNO DONE vr 1 H K MUHOCiiU. r IAN PRINTINH ESrtBl.l?iiMKNr, 214 Broadway Yea wllljlnd It ailyautimeoua. tphp. LVADtVO ri RNiri re and carpei Hoi -s 1 ir New York on the insu iii'-r.t plan QUO. A CLAKKh. 717 Brondwny. ap stales _ CD LIBERTY HTRFRT. ?PEKXIlORE BAK'BR. OO ( heapest ett re 00 the planet. "oe Parlor. Be lr,?..m Library. Duiln* and oifre t nr. nit nr.- 3 !W0 4-at of No lb-St l^l.r Crotori Hisse ntM ' re ite Mi Mexican Jl# nm '-s jeb lot ot .-heeu fob-*, i *<*?41 *"4i w ,inc4jEnji. nnwj*,*