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THE BATTLE OP "SKBASTOPOL." HHVI'h VTB ri'.HT Bt TWEBN THKEB rOLICEMKH AND A riANfl vr IttTGLH ONE OV THE FATALLY WOUNDED-A POLI! THAN EHUT IN TUlt ALW. O. tua m tnv organized bums or rowJt-a and Itaperadue* tuat lute*; tue N'.netefbtn ward, ?ou? If more lawless or cuuae* I bo polios more trouble* in.ui the "bebastcpol saos," so called from tue name Liven to tbe loca .ty In wnlou are their headquarters. Tun locality has for yea:? iieeu tcrribie to all peaceable citizens residing Ui ibo neigbitorhotxl, anu the police have lour re garded it as a place to be visited only when armed. Tbe nance by which It in known is a ino-d appropriate one A huge ma * of rocks, about lorty-Lvu leet -bove Lie level of the street, ex tending ab >ui nail way up the b.ock between Fecund and 1 bird aveuues, iorins a barrier to the rontiniiation of f orty third street and makes "MobostopoL" The work of b asting th?se r.'cks bus been going ou at different times for years. I'pon the top of this natural formication are a large number 01 squatter shanties, some of who'ii are occupied by pruierstoual thieves and ro t*T?, wii > have put to good auvantige, In Ueiying ilie authorities, the stronghold they posses*. have teen placed on the lookout for the otllcor* when a raid ha.-. been expected, and invariably ou such occa sions the tuieves have escaped, the ascent to trie toe from either side is quite sleep and daugerous, Lut the denizens, by long practice, have become so agde that they can a tend and descend with ?urp is:ng acidly. On the top oi this ruck A MINI ATI' hz battle: took place ear.y yesterua.y uuruing, tbe par'icl pauis of w hich were tnres police iu n on one side end tlvc desperadoes oil the other. Shots were fteely exchanged. During the conflict one of the pohceui.-u ha t his arm fractured aud one of the t- ngtis received a probibly lata, wound. T ie cir cuit. uucea ilut leu to the eucouuier are as joj loss.- - At about seven o'ciock ye* erday morning John Dudey, at the cotoer <>t i weal.-first street aud rulrd ave-uuc, approached Officer C'firien, of the N noteentu precinct, who *a* I'atroldiig Ills beat, auu stated .tun a short time p.evlous he bad b eu asaan ted by a parly of youug men while passing by iuc rocks < u forty-third street, wlio, having kuoc.ed bun d< an, rohbej hlin ol $21. From the description given oy bailey. tne policeman w..s s&iistled unit hm assailant- ? ere t..e --Melustopol Bang,"' every member wus kuowu to him. Tebiug La lev to go t ? tue Fiity-n.uth s'reetstut.on nous1! aud remain to idcnmy ins assunan's tn case any A'r<s;s made, tbe o dicer rapped for as ?isuuce. and* McEveeir and Granger lesponding tbe three at eace started lor ''Sebag.o por to cupture tb : roughs. When they reacned tue place it was nalf-p-m seven o'clock, aud but lew ueop.e were at iring. Standing ou tne top of toe rocks, in a defiant arid menacing attitude, were Ave oi the gaug. u'Bi:cn reached the l p, and going up lo tbe paity laid his hand npou me shoulder of 1 nomas Dully, t ie acknowledged leader ot the gang, and requested biai to corns to tne station house. His worus were scarcely uttered feheuDuliy's brother, Jehu, struck tne o Hi cor a ttnunini blow in the lace wuu ms clenched Ost, end, before the bewildered policeman cad time iu recover biiuseli tbe otuer? leu upou him and ponnued him without mercy. Odlcer Granger, c.uq iu band, hurried to the relief of o'Brleu, wueu THOMAS IH'LLY, PKAWING A PISTOL, bred three or lour snots at him, uoueof which, bow ever, lilt him. McEveety at ihujuncture reached tie top of the hill, and one of tbe balls lu euded lor Granger struck turn in the rigot arm, a little aoove the eloow, iracturiiig it aud prooatuy ue ce-outaiiug its ampntat'.ou. O'Bue , all t is tiu.e was battliug agaiust three of tlie eaug, wuo bad hnn eowu in cues a poi-itlon that he could not get at ms pistol. Wniie ihey pummelled him iu the bead and face Mi Eveety, with abroaen arm, was help less, and Granger was tlierefore practically aluu?. Drawn.g his pistol as quickly as possible lie snot at Dully, hitting him in roe left orca.l iu tUo region of the heart, and inD.ctuig a wound which b- likely to ptove fatal. Daily fed wneu struck, and ronsternat.on took possession of bis "pals," w o quickly iled sad escaped. Granger hauacutleii Dully and brought him to tne station uouae. U'Urien, cov ered with blood And with a lacerated Uce, and McEveety, with bis arm broa-n, loliuwiug. At first i( was supposed that Duity's w .and was not serious, as be appeared to take it lightly, bui, wn> a examined by ibe -urg^on, it proved to be exceedingly dangerous. At tne station house Dully was idautifled witboui hesitancr Ov Dabey a- one 91 the men who waylaid and robbed hlin. Daby was then couveyca in au ambulance to Deiievue Hotpltal. The career oi Dolly Is, according to the police authorities. a black one. ?.though but tweut, one years of age he has repeatedly Uisttngu.slioi himself among bis lawless cuinpauioua as a boi l and desperate cr.mlnai. Duly tne bin of last Diontb ue wasairested, by the fame oftlcer wno snot hi in, ou a charge of Bigi.way robbery, upon w en n he was committed by Justice Hurra*. of too Fifiy-a- ventu btreet Cuurr, in dnault of bail, bnt b few days afterward be was die rnargec, tbe coinpUl isul iul.iug to appear, hav ing, it is alleged, been bought ctf by Dully's friends. He has been engaged in several ot.ier robberies, but has su<-c? de m wading justice. M"!vveetj, Uie officer who was woun-tel, is biahly spoken ol by La ctam vtouut, feboregaroe loin as one ol bi* beet mem lie was a.?o aeut to beLevue Hospital. WIFE MURDER IN BROOKLYN. A CANAL BOATMAN SHOOTS HIS WIFE, ATT1MPTS BDICllk AND 7111X3 TO SHOOT A POLICE CAP 1 At*. Yesterday afternoon tbe Mxth puvprecinct. the arena oi ice Tornno murder, was tbe scene of another tragedy, which tor the time created even more excitement In tne neighborhood. George Watson, a boatman, employed on an Erie canal host, mot his wife Luanda, while in the hallway ?r Mr*. Cohen's residence, No. 31 Hopkins street* at haif-pa*i six P. M.. and in the which fol lowed shot litmeeif iu tbe hip. and to farmer bis escape fired hie pistol at Dr.U Captain Jewett, wno, passing by. attempted to arrest bltn. Tbe p trues to toe tragical oa a. rtn :e are irom (wwego, N. Y., and are named George ana Lu c uda w tiwiB. George la a tall, brawny specimen oi tse "csoaller," tTirtv-five years ot sge, sod some six years ago fell la love with sad married tus wife, i gay, lively woman, some few years his Jrn.or. Fur a tune alt things went well, oat be, tfeiiig of aje doua disposition, made her married life so newnat unhappy. Nie now charges him with contioaa. dninkeunc s aud hru'ality to ward her, he, on the other hand, charging iter whs numerous acts ol ti>9Jebir, so that two year* ago tney separated, s e leaving Oswego and coming to H tiitamsburg to witn her msrr.ed, Mr*. William I'errtue, now residing at No. Bit Tompkins avenue. During tne ptat two yea a Vataoo has called to tee bis wife, earn vtett end ing in high words and tbrea e, in re especially during tbe spring eeaaon cloned, Watson claim* in consequence or the lewd of his wife, aire baving been in the habit of frequenting p area of public resort with different men. Two weeis ago w ataon called at the house on Tom p. kio* avenue, just as the had retorned with ber sister in n carriage fiom Sntepsurad Bay. They ?aw Watson on tne sidewalk, and, as a pre an. Hon. Mrs. Prrrlne on.y g<>t out and anteied t e h"u?e. Mi*. Wataon iyiug down in the cab auu goiug oO with it. WrtDi'U B?aei'wnere she wss aud Mrs. I'trriDe In formed him ehe was at?;on v tmand. He then produced a pis'ol, ?aying, ??Tou l.ei Nhe sine uai k with yon, ami 1M sr.oot her and vou too."' The hit ir euded there, to he re iiew-d witu a tragical tcrmma ton lasi evening. Abont twen y ininu c* past sit w'cloek, white Mi. and Mr*. I'errme aniamsriie t coup." from this city were s.tting tu the ir?nt r ioni ou tne nr?t ? oor. a ring vn* given t.,e door ttell. a it tue door being on tue latch, i.?otg? w*ts?,n came in and aim ??Wueie i* l.u?"' neiore an an*?? er ceui i be ttveii Mrs. War^on entered ben.mi anu, ?ho basing beeu sp s air dressing her hair w n -u the r ug came. He turned as site ? ame In and said, ??Her*. I want ta spe ik to yon privately tor just Eve minute*." Despite tnr signs:* to tne con trary give* by Mi*, rerrme, Mr*. W?t*on stopped t ut into tbe aa.iwa*. waeie tliey couver*e<t iu a low tone for a miiiv wn?q, drtwiug tho revoaer. be ?? a he come to kl.t her. nhe gave an alarm by shod ting "Mnrrtcr." $n. and Mrs. then rusned out aud setied *nt*on, -ne pistol gning oO barm ias.-iv, Mia Wiii-oB runnl'ig dowo 'he basement s at way, through tie yard, into an alley and ineuc? up the i'oop of Mr*. <:<>bcu'* residence. Just a* she reacneo the turvtbold Wat*oa, who broken away fr m tne Pcrrmea, rescued tne stO'ip and Bred ? wice at her. tne flr?t shot mt**tng. but the sei'ond l.u lei siru ng ber in the bar* on li.o right aide, guiug througn a rib and entering tbe right lur.g She kept on into the haliw ay an i t e pdlowod, flr.i, g ax-ill, rut hiissiiig ber. 'JB? Perrine* bv thin time had overtake? the Iniurlateif hnaonbd and endeavored ro ret. the pistol away IrnfD lii.o. as ho risd raised it to bis head to snoot n.n.seif. in ibe struggle trie weapon was dis. barged, the b?il rniering Wat on'* tight hip, puSaitig downward toward the ilugn. The a.ioi* irigtiH ned ail tbe people around, ex cept Drill t aptain Jewen, wno came up ju*t at mat tune, attracted by the cmwd, which was ir. t congregating, tae crln a-.d tne ai ota. wataon ?.o hooner avw that he was an odlcer than no i iiaeit the pistol and fired at bun, mi-sing again, arid tu aaec "t th# G'aptEiri had cloadd wilk tne in in and made htm prisoner. Era. W? ?ii, w i>*o sir/>n back a* faf a* the stal*?, saving, "llv Ond, he has killed >n??: I km wound* 1." Hbe stood anil for a moment or two kii<i thou tainted. hhe wan picked up and Carrie ) oai of the n<<a?e and into her own room. Wa'son was taken to ttie M.xtn sub-precinct station nouse, and alter Ma wound wa-< lourni to t?e not very serious was locked uo lor tlie night, lie said tie did it oecause sue would not live with htti. Police Surgeon Lowerutine examined the wound received by klra. Uataou au>l louud mat the bail hut penetrated the lunir. nut u tou.d not be round, wline the internal Demurrage was so ex cessive tnat a latal result was inevitable, lie wisned at nrHi to her to tne City Hospital, and * be Hin jutance called for the pur, one. but it wa? ftu.illy decided mat ane nan better not tie re moved. MILITARY AFFAIRS. 'Ihe T.drd brigadi, First division. N.G.S.N.T., com mem e J military bull practice at t'reccmoor last week. Tuus tar tne results are not very satis factory. To oe an inspector of riQe practice in the National Guard oue must be ubie to make 60 per cent on scores oi live rounds at 3K) and 600 yards, it ou?ht to require a great deal more theoretical and practical knowledge man tuts implies to enable au odicer to a-?ume the grave respout-ibi.i lies oi an instructor of musketry. To-day an election lor brigadier General of the Twenty-arm brigade, N. G. ?. N. Y., will be held in Syracuse. It in an important post in our militia ranks, lor which mere are several candidates in tue del J. In place of General J.iuiss Ryder, who has been recently promoted. Colonel James H. Itlauvelt, of Nyack, has beeu eiecteu Brigadier General of the beventh brigade, Filth division, National Guard. The people ot New Orieaus are also doing some thing toward promoting the progress of the rifle stioo'ing movement. It is to be regretted, how ever. tbst their mark-in n still continue to use Ute old i In; targets. Unless they Jollow ihe Creed moor plan of marking It will be Impossible to com pare ihe.r shoo-ing with that of any other nffe m n. An ntwelcomr rumor is afloat 10 ti e effect that the gallon; First battalion ul lulan ry, Third bri gade, Ft si division, National Guard, Lieutenant C lonel Bourke, is soon to be dis banded. It is end that already 100 members of the First have signified their wi-nes to lorn a company in the N ma regiment. The recent review oi over 10,000 militia troops in boston oy the Governor oi iix-sacliuset s has baa at least one good effect? that oi letting the oldiery or the d ffereut States compare notes wtth each other and see what is wanting to make taeir sparate corps fully effective aud le.tdy to take the Held at once iu case of need. The Twenty-second regiment. First division. N.G.A.N. Y., nave resolved to visit Philadelphia next year uunng the celebration of lbs centen nial tuere. They expect to send folly wo men bet ween officers, nun commissioned officers and rank aid die. lue Firs division of the New York State Na tional Guaru, un er Maj.r General Sutler, has been ordered to turn out on a lull attendance dress paiado on tue 5kh prox. in honor el the uiaety-nlutu anniversary oi the independence of the United States, inis win be the finest military pageant oi tne ?cason. The separate iroop of cavalry, Captain Csrl Kb to In command, has been ordered to parade in lull oreaa nuiforra to-day, mounted and witn car biues, for ball tructtce at Union bill. N. J. Wuu uer what lakes uoJu Cart and his merry men oit oi t?e Sta e for rifle practice 1 Can it be that there are mo many sharp-eyed reporters ai Creed irrman la moor to sun. meir Gorman ta r At midnight on the 4th ot this month a fa'se alarm was given at l'urtsmoiito, England, lor tne purpose of te.-tlng the readiness ana effectivehess oi iu-* it oops to meet sv?tt a contingency, i tie alarm was caused ny load expi.o t ps irom the the seawa; !, and u w as thought that the liuke of \Vcll- j lingtoii man-of-war nad taken Are. The riggers j a d other* whose dot? it was to muster iu the 1 dockyard rusoid to their places, ana steam was hastily got up cu ooard the Camel. Presently a | ru.ti oi biuclights and psrachutcs indicated that au attack was going'orward at btokes Hay. '1 lie I position ot tne enemy was soon sscer.aiued by : uiignesiuin bgti's, and a heavy fire of artillery < aud mus-etry opened upon turn Horn the suore. The satlnactory rc-ult showed the rapidity with I which large bodies of men, without auy nonce, could be aisemoicd. AR1TU.BRY PRACTICE. Bat'ery K, First division, N.G.S.N.Y? under ! command oi Captain ileubacr, at artillery prac- ! t.ce, near bast New York,on Tuesday last,showed { a decided improvement in many respects to the ! outierv wmicii preceded them the week before, j battery K. piotltiug bjr reprcsentati us formerly made mruu-h these columns, caiue to the ground coiu; at ativeiy well pr<-pared lor practice. Tne gaus w re pi. era on simply constructed skeleton platforms, composed of a nurter and plants to take tne wueti.H aud trail piece. Tue guns were provided with new fr.ui sights, and u gro red stud placed on tne neck of j mo cascabel to receive a noatlv adjusted | j enotiittia lisus-e. A do cot wa observed in the ifont nigut, it not being his a enough to fnrin the dispart, wuich Is always equal in elevation t > one bail tue difference between ti e sauu-diauietei * of the ba. e riug and the swel. oi the muzzM. When IS" dispart is lightly adjusted tne line of sight H parallel .o the ax.s ol tlia bote, and an object wiibiu point h.auk range can be aeeu. i'bc am inn. tiou. too, was mucu batter than mat KM by natter? 11. Captain Heubner sta es that | iiis cartridges received iroin the State Ord uance l><-paitmeni site ? adiy roimcd aud irregular iu weight, running, one witn an- ! other, from tweiv? to twenty ounces. Tue men bad to equalize Me Charge, as to make tt.eui on and a quarter pouuns tacn. A gunner's level bad also been Ihoughtfulh provided, wmen was found very ust in. in correcting ti.s indications of tue pendulum UaU-se. During practice tne men worked both guns witn careful regularity, promptly stooping tne vent and using a moist ened sponger afer each oi-cnar. e. Tne svstem of practice observe i is not one cal culated to mike Due targets. It is wrong to allow every muu in tne battery io lay s gun aid fire a shot. Only tue ciueis ot pieces should oe permit ted .o point the guns ? r give the range ami eleva tion. with care ul sign ing of tne pit-cs the tar get (twelve leet squaiet should be sit every time at any laoee up to 1.600 yard*. The number of bits were good, considering tue circumstance*. THE FOURTH AVENUE IMPROVE MENT. THI FIRST TTU!H THBOrOH ?COMMODORE VAN SKJtBILT B GKKAT TAB* M.A1.I l < Ml -I II. - AN ACTIVE BLNPAY's WOKK. ine fln-t tram wnicb went safely over the new rorttou or the Hsriem :ine, left the 1 central Depot last mgnt, at six o'clock, an i arrived at Mott.isven a quarter of an boor urcr. i he road, it maji bs rem unerrfl. is used by the toliow.iig lines:?New lor* Cen rai and Hudson Hirer, New Tor*, New haven and Hartford and New Tors and Hsriem K i.i roads. 'lne portion of the road wineb was trave.ieil ovr lor tne Br<t time ye-t?r fay, was between Nloetr-?ix h and Hist street, winch Includes toe viaduct no.u moth ?<reet to ijctu st.eet. AO >ut a coop's of month" ago trie train" rum. menced running on the new track be w. en Forty ntnto and Ninety-sixth srretts. The cost of rink tng the track ha- been arrout t?,C0'i, -00, ol a Inch amount hall is to De paid t./ the city. The pioneer, tne "Firar Pacific Express," had six eoacnes, one postal car, one r.-grage car, two special horse cars, the latter fiiied witn thirteen of Colonel Mr Daniels' racing stock bound tor, consisting oft be follow ing animals:?J >sis B., Fiiringook, Tubmsn, Willy Burke, Jo Corns, Msip", M ittle A., Matue i\., brother to Basset; Ally by Deamiugton out of Dextagtau; fli y bj Leamington out of Artiag'un; coit Virginias, by 1 irgil, out 01 l.oke; co t uradioue, b> liayw ?d, out of Lax?thlrtesn in ail. springbok had h en lather lame on account or a sir i i having be?n maliciously tied around t s leg, out is now in excellent cooditlun. t? i .ism i.jird, o;,? oi tne oldest engineers on the road, was m charge ol the locomotive (No. wo ' h took the tram. It *"? n t until seven rn.i uiaa t ? six oh lock th it tne n<-w- was re eived at tne '.rand tieu r .1 Depot signal oUte to Start tne tram. ihe dispatcu wan iroui Motthavso Ju .etioh. and ran as oiluws:? "Mtl la asa. Fend trsins out regularly. * At'* nun ite." nrter t >r tlrst train south arrived aommg Ironi Hint# F ait e to* track is, f tie re lore, now ormaliy opened. It Is expected mat tre row rub. by giving tralne facility to run at ir a n speed man ttiey I ruie-iy did on the open svenu", will enable tnem to inaxe t'i? run to Motma en tn -even instead oi fifteen minutes. Luieh rUDBing will no', be commc uced, howsver, until the Xkih lost. The trestle bridge, running parallel to tuc l- w viaduct, will be taken dswn ? r? shontv. iii" general character ?f the work is a* fo' lowe; -From Fort>-n nth to FiTty-sixia street is a.i open cut with i te *?'la cop-d with granite, on * <u n Is ir n fcut ing. From Fiftv-filih "i Hixty ? ix s 'ti'st is an iroii-b'snied tunnel, sustained by wa ;j oi atone and trick, and ventilated ne ;ween eiCu street. From sixty-sixth to *iev*r>fT econ l Itrcei are brick arcnes. From seventy, sec-.n t to i*ev nty-nintu sueet is another iron-beam ?<j tnrinel, supported ny stone and i rn * walls. From Seventy-ninth to Etghty elglitk street ere bacg arete", supported t>y stone abumrnis and piers. From l.ighty-etahfb to iOUth street isatunn-l through r->ck. The rest or tne road to lteth strict mar he ctos< rthed as a Tladuct, which cross's the now tiimoUS "Harlem Our*" or scen'.-betj^, bnilt with ?nt"!.?ntiai sp,e wall of Ne v lork aueis" rock, w th parapet* of coping sou grands. I it -a i c;.,i ?tr-ei n, DaiiciQ Fiid-s is su unto cat with side walli faced with brio*, with par*, pel, coping ol granite "'><1 iron lenc.e. Ai various siri etH are nantisotiie iron bridge* for fool pasaen gem and vehicles. Coder me viaduct are amies ai every stieeL Tbe eutlre way la oailas'ed wltu atone and arranged for four tracks, wuich are to be of Hied. In ail reapecta the vaat structure u a model 01 engineering. Mia.v prominent railway oiHcmls were present yeaierday, iiicluuing .superintendent lies-el. ol ttie Harlem road, wiio was active in completing ar riinremeina lor future travel and the movements ol ibe oay. TOM ALLEN'S FAREWELL. THE KAMOt'S rrOILIBT HETIREH TOOM THE PRIZE KINO IN DIHGUat? -AN APUKEB3 TO TUB PUBLIC. rirrsBCfta, June 18, 1875. The grand prize fizzle oi yeaierday culminated to-day in tbe depar.ure of Tom Allen lor bis boipe in St. Louia and in bts retirement forever from the prize ring. He publishes tie lollowiug card:? TOM ALLEN'S CARD. To thb Public i wish to announce rar retirement from tbe prize ring in winch 1 nave figure.i lor nearly twenty .vara. Of my career as a pugilist I have little to sav. 1 leave toe public to Judge of lUat, and flatter my sell mat It will bear inspection and not conipuro iiuiavorably with tue records in gen eral of men of tue profession of which 1 now tano leave. Whatever mistakes 1 may nave made out side ol the prize rlug?-and we are all liable to mistakes, were errors more or tne mind than of the heart, and are ever to bo regretted by nie. My entering tbe ring yesterday at Mill Creek was to carry out, as far as tu mv power lav, the rules of the ring?rules that I never violated, cither by snunning a light or by any other cowaidly dodge so commonly adopted at thn present it .y by would be pugilists, Wi.oae matches arc made lor reputa tion that could not bo earned tu the nug and tit s? battles are fought tu THE COLUMNS ON NEWSPAPERS. Hen Hogau has Been tit to challenge me. He ar rived la mis city oil Weduesdav aud bad a splen eid opportunity oi entering the nug wi'h me .vesteruay, but a meeting iheu tie declined. He is simply alter capital by c .uncctiug bis name with mine?capital be cannot make witnln the ropes and stakes, nor ouisido of tlicm. except witn those who uie incapable ol judging betwecu the genuine and couutenelt. 1 do nor propose to allow myself to be completely footed for toe third time. 1 nave bid two lessons already in that school. I have gone through a thorough course of training for muuy weeks, at a heavy and niy i suaenng, pernaps uealecie i, at st. Louis. 1 realized, wneu too late, that 1 had oeeu tne dupe of a coward, hungry lor pugilistic lame tne dollars that nilatit have been maue by it, yet arraid to tight or even to put in an ap -earance on the battle ground, 'lins t-iuis my career in the riug. I bid H gooduy, now, ouceaau forever. Ite upccifu ly jouis, 10M ALLEN. A RUNAWAY ACCIDENT. Last night the two hors-s attached to car No. 18, ol tbe Bleeckcr street line, became disengaged fr'-ra the car at tbe corner of Ann and William streets, and rushed at a lurlous speed up Ann street toward Broadway. There were many men, women and children on the street at tbe time, and consequently the ruuaway caused great ex citement. Four little children were right iu tue path of the furious horses, tne lives of all of whom appeared in Im mediate danger. One rusheu to the right, the otner to the left, but the other two, croucning terror stricken between the tracks, were left in the care oi Providence. Tne pair by a clean leap cleared the body of toe first prostrate girl, hut the Whipple tree eanght the otner under the chin, cut a deep gash therein, ploughed a serious furrow in her lore bead and oiherwi.-e seriously injured ner face. The runaways were arrested on the cornel" ol Ann street aud Broadway, Just opposite the Herald Ofllee. A RUNAWAY IN THE PARK. Quite an excitement was canned in Central Park reiterdav afternoon, abuur Dve o'clock P. M., by Die appearance lu tne crowded drive leading to the entrance of the Park at UOtti street and Fifth ivenue of a runaway team. It seems that the team had broken from Its fastenings In ono nf Lhe n.i-t cries on Har em lane anil had rushed Sown the lane into the Park. Collisions, over uirmngs and perhaps l<'-? oi life we e imminent. Home of uw carriages drew np on one side ol the r lad and others leit altogether. All gave the wil I team a v-ry wide oerth. At last the police stopped the horse*. A STRANGE ACCIDENT. TV title Michael Sullivan, aged ten years, residing a- No. 102 Washington ttreet, was playing on a lighter at Pier No. 10 North River last night, his attention was attracted to a self-acting hoisting machine attacheo to tne mast. Seizing the iron hook tne boy commenced swinging to and iro, w Hen suddenly some of tne gearing became de tacsed. ana, the hook passing ttirougn his nan t, held hi in suspended In midair. Mmultaneonsly wan i e puinlul accident, the machine became started and the boy was lifted to the top of the ina-t, where he nung in great torture until as?, t ance came to him Iroui those on the boat. He waa "uveyed to the Park Hospital, where his wound was dressed. BELLICOSE "BUMMERS." Early last evening the "bummers" took posses sion of the sea's in Washington Square Park, and. on being questioned hy some citizens wno wanted neats, declared themselves to oe the rigntrul occu pants oi the places and that there was no spare room for any one elae. Tney turned upon differ ent parties woo requesfd scars aud ordered them out of the park. Information of the.r ooinsrs reached the pod< o of the fifteenth pretanct, and Sergeant Murray, wttn several policemen, was ordered to ? i.ter the pal K aud arrest Its offending captors Alter some maniruvring on tue part ol the police the "bummers" were lorced to surrender, twelve oi their numoer being placed under arrest and t .ken to tae Mercer street sta'ion house sod lucked up. The others were driven irom tne tiark. Tne prisoners will be arraigned at the Washington place Court this morning to answer lor their disorderly conduct: HAVANA WEEKLY MARKET. Havana, June 19 1975 Soirsr -Owinc to disheartening advices (ruin tho failed .States, i he uiarset ha. declined during the we?k ?mi email badness lias been Iran-acted closing quiet a d steady ' Nns. 10 to 12, l>u;ch standard. It real* a . rcais D' r arrr>l>e; >o* 15 to 2u, Dutch atamlard, 15}; L l? real*; inolaiees ,-ugars. li reals a 1|S reals, cuu.-en trai*<J Uwart. fair k*v?o l qutlilf, 10 i real* a II r^al.s. I,,use jvsdo sogar*> common to fair, 1- rcalsa l.}? reals, d-TTstr togoml re fining, IBM mate to I2H rca.t: ceu trnasal sugars. Not. II to IN, in boxen i5 * reals a 16 reals: da. In bt?.h#aat, l.v< reals a MM reals stock in warehouse at Havana and Matan li, 4?9 mi boxes and <7 '**> hhds.; ree-lita at the w.ek, i'j(W botes sad 3,tot hhds.; exported daring II,, voek ttWI botes aeil 9,400 h.i Is., including * list boxes an t 'J.l'JJ ha Is. lo'ne I mted Biat-n Mol asses ?i .nisi 5u degr-es p>darixatii>n 5J, re-i.s per k< g. 8s"o*! mI a ta per cw t Mutter, A..i-ri, a i. *50 ? ?dl ? ?r quintal Ff.ur. American, 9 7 il a *.71 p?r bbL Hun*. American sorar cur-d. $tl a ?'3 i"t .m ntaL Urd in k> i fi?175?*37 per quintal; In tins, $n a $41. I nta io. - *a a 25 ner bhl. Tallow *-??> .Vi a t/v per quintiL ' nions American, *ld a $13 per bnl. t oai oil, in tin*. - 1 ri-alM D'T KfttlCMs# fcmptjr $1 i.timber nominal: white bine, *44 ? ?r" nitcn pine pit < i'd shook*, fiat box. ? reals; suear itnls ?,s real?; uio isseg libds. 42 resls a 44 reals White navy beans i >, reals a -4 reals per arrobe. tliewn.g tobacco, g.vt a *55 per qnlutal. Hoops, Oat, nominal; Ions shared t.'o s ?16 per Nt. Freight* dull nominal, "pant*eYm*mmM. fx haute rerr active; oa the Untwrt ftates go dart, currency, w a H4 arenahtrn; short sicht do. 9" * A* pr-m its; short sight, gold. Ill a 112 premium: on l.ondon, 13) a 14i premium, oil I'aria, lu? ? iWprtKha. S1IIIMMNGNEWS OCEAN STEAMERS. PaTCS OP PFCARTrHR PROM Kf'W TORK TUB TUB MONTHS OP J CNF. AND Jl'LT. ~~ yt,n n,r j .Sails | JMsrtaatfsn. j "f Manhattan"! iJune! r? Broadway June id), luir I July ;? 'niy 8. t ii i v 3. July 3 lu v 8 .?ii v e. in y 8 inly h. July 10. July 10. July lo inly io. July ?' July Id. Jo'y M July 15. .Ill 111 It -J* lis >????? -rs. " >V Villi a elurtG 23 j MffffWw VI A scholien.... June 24. Rotterdam Jane *4. [Hamburg.. Holland June 74 flnna {"r* V> England June 26. it? puullc,... I'une ?. < itv of HtcUmond'June 2B, L torus June ?* Irsnce |Jun? 2?. I hem June *>. t tate ni reansy'a j.l?ti Russia.... Eerier Rrtttnaic. t nv ot fcrusse a Tgrp' Ethiopia... < drr W lerotiMa. ., .. ( iisbris Rotterdam f'ty of t ncster. The Queen t.e rmanle t Hie oe raris... Nectar... Enlirl* - Piate ?i tndiaaa.. k I one took . 1% iuiinkh m *??????? - Mosel iJu / Ji AdrtaUc "> r 17. stain...,. Ju|y J; tlly pt Paris. . ..July ?7. 4Rownrir lireen rs Kroaiway bi Bniidsy?y. 4i i ma.twtf t Howlmy lireen : eg Mioa l way i IV Rroaiiway. IS ttroadwar. 7 Bowline (iresn tf. Krosd way .Bowline Urseu . 72 Broadway l.iveraoet- 14 now line ureen Hamburg .I ?! Broadway. 19 Broauway i.i Broadway. ?" Broadway 7 Bowline iJreea .. Bowiine Oman i.iyarnoou ,2P Broadway. Mamnure, !rl Br-iadwaV Kotterdain I si Proadwue l.iyernoot. 11. Broaow.av. b|yrrp'?ii.. "" Broadway. "" Hroauwaf. Broaawar 1 H,.wi ns iireen 7 Bowline tiraeil 7. nrna<fw*r. 'il Broadway. 2 Oreed i!1 Broau war. i" Hrnaaway. 15 Broad we/ l.iycrnoot. Havre .... Brrmen.,.. illaseow.. ? r.laaeow ., Hsinborr., riremen-. .iverpool. l.ixrrnooL l.lyorpool. rvrVOTICK TO CAPTAIM* Of TP ?' ENTE INU THE PORT OK HEW TORK AT NK.H I.?The N?* y ,,a* 111 kals has adapted a distinguishing on night atgnn! tor u?e on Board the H**apb ? e.ain tacht. ?h?w. lag while kuralng the colon red, green r? I. niangiag from one to IB* othar in succession, and can f.c ,? n ? r era, auica Cuts ot l,a?.uin? ol v ??**'? "?< * a'tbif thM signal Will oblige n* by preparing any marine newa they may hare tor the chip New* Department ot the Uxuia Persons desirous of communicating with vessels arriving at New York can do so by addremiiig to such ves-els, care ol Ukrai.d new* yacht, pier No 1 East Elver, New York. I etter* received from all parts of the world and promptly delivered. Duplicates are re | quired. ALMANAC FOR NEW YORK?TTIIS DAY. SlTN AND MOON. I HIGH WATER. Sun riaes 4 29 | Got. 10 03 Sun sola T 34 Sandy liook.morn 9 18 Aioon rue* eve 10 o3 i Hell Gate.... mora 11 48 TORT OF NEW YORK, JUNE 20,1875. ARRIVALS. It SPORTED BT TBI HERALD BTEAM YAPHTA AND 11 KHALI) WUITKBTONE TELEG It A I'll LINE. flt?amer City ot Kichtnond (Br). Brooks Liverpool June 11) and Dueenstown 11, with in.lie and MO pa-xen gcrs to J <> Dale. June 15 lut 441 09, |..u 40 04, spoke bark Alma (Nor), bound W: l6ih. lat 44 9, Ion 4j50, hoarded bark dogate, with a cargo of prtroieum. waterlog-red and abanJoned [perhaps hark Rogate (Nor), which sailed Ir an New York June 6 lor Konlgsberg ; 17th, ist 4.'! 45, Ion "1 21. spoke ahip Golden fleece, from Liver pool for New York. steam r Clyde, Kennedy, Galveston Juns 12 via Key West iSlh, w i tii indue ami passengers to C 11 Mallorv 4 Co. loth, off i.arv?rori light, passed sclir James S foster, hound oor h; 17th, lat 29 1 >. Ion 79 40, brig stella, Irnot Mstanzas, do; 18th, lat 3.) .5, Ion 76 10, schr J 11 De Wolf, from Cardenas, do. .steamer t>ld Dominion. Walker Richmond,Otty Point and Norfolk. with mdse aud passengers to the Old Do minion .Steam sin u Cu Bark Hcnricttc (Gor?, Von TTagen. Liverpool 35 days. In nallnst to Charles l.ulliu. June 15. lat 40 36, Inn 87 .32. signalized a bark showing letters K I' U B, lr?m Liver pool toi Baltimore; the 11 is anchored at sandy Hook for orders. Bars Oostante (Anst), Oosulich, Waterford 35 davs, In ballast to Hlocovleh A Co. liar, ilomhorsund (Nor), Pedersen, Lellnaad (Nor way!, in ballast to Futieti, Edyo A Co. Is anchored at Sandv Hook lor orders. Hark James K Ward, Lieslgang. (luantsltnnio 28 davs. with sugar toJ M Cehallos A Co, vessel to James K Ward A Co. NcbrE&GW Hinds, Hill, Cat Tslan I 8 dovs, with Jitie apples to K Montell A Son vessel to B .1 Wenberg. ana 17. lat 2"> t#, Ion 7"> i t spoke hng Oliver, Cutts (Br), lrotn Port-au-Prince lor New York. schr West side (ol Broothaeem, Davis, Corpus Chrlstl 22 days, with wosl and Hides to J 11 Kroner. Schr Levinia. Pearee. Virginia. Sciir J W Morris Lonprstreet, Y'lrgtnla. Kchr J O Bowers, Vlefiner. Virginia. Ichr Tiiomas R Wool ley, Osborne, Virginia, i-clir Mary J fisher, Georgetown. Kchr Jonas Smith, Hodaenson, Baltimore. ScRr El wood Dorn Warrington. Bnltlmora. Kchr Alphine, Marshall. Philadelphia lor New Haven, j Benr Darius Eddy, Kidout, B ingor 6 days, with lumber to master. Is bound to Newark. PAbbED THROUGH HELL CATE. BOUND SOOTH. Kchr Adrla (Bri. Patterson, Shulee, NS, for New York 16 davs. wltn spiles to C L Snow. -chrJnliaA Rich, Alrey, Ellsworth lor New York, with lath to C E A A Peters Schr Trenton, Warren, Richmond, Me, for New York, I with lumber to Boardman A Co Schr Olive Kraucb, Baker, Lubec for New York, with I flth to Jed fry. schr Oregon, Dnnton, Nrw Bedford for New York. Kohr Ontario. Riirdiuk. fall River lor New York. Kchr Heury, Winters, stoneybrook for New York. Schr Jos cph. Jewel, Stoney brook lor New Y ork. Schr Highlander. Wood. NcwDort for New York. Schr Marcua, towards, Edwards, Boston lor New ! York. Kchr Dart, Williams, Stamford lor New York. BOUND BAST. Pelir Samuel Crocker, Phrase her, New York for Taun ton. schr Predonia. ''all, Newlturg for Stonlngton. Rffir Warren Gates, Smith, New York lor Millstone i Point schr t.aura Robinson, Robinson, Wcehawken lor I Puwtucket. bchr Boston. Nlckerson, Wcehawken for Boston. Schr W 1* Phillips, Haw kin-,,Wcehawken for New Bed i font Kchr Belle Simpson, Hoboken for Bridgeport. Kchr f! P Ely, stokes, New York for Norwich. Kchr Texas, Lander, Newburg for Norwich. MARITIME MISCELLANY. Bare Part, or Et.ot* (Br). Dow, from Greenock for Due bee, previously reported as ashore at lane Chatlc, was floated June 18. a steamer waa despatched from Ducboc 18th to toiv her up to port. PritLAOELruiA, June 20?Brig Ellen P Stewart, from Cardenas, lost overboard. May 20, her second ni.iv. Jn* J vceotNew York, aged 27; no date, saw a steamer ashore Inside of Winter (Jusrter shoals. liars National i ngle, from IJrcrbool, reports having rem a large quantity of wreck stuff (spars, petroleum barrels, timber Ac) on the Banks. Portland, June 23?The salvors of the schr Addison Center receive i SI.600 for towing her into this port. Kchr Wild Rover was driven affaire In the recent gale at tenant's Harbor and considerably damagid. SnirstriLDtRC?At Millbridge CaDt J W Sawyer has a vessel la frame of 700 tons, for (..'apt K U Pray, which svill he ready for sea the coming tall. Kzekiel Dyer has a vcs-el w hich will be launched In a few weeks ol about MOtons: ( apt James Leighton wffl co nmand her. t'aot Wni R -awver has a vessel In frame ox about 600 tons; ( apt Joel U Gay, master, who will be owuer ot a large in let e it in the same. T he ke<ff of Capt llerrlman's ship Is being stretched at Can?r'? yard. Belfast It will be 2 5 leet In length. A clipper ship ot llOUtons burthen, for New Bedford 5artie-. has just beua built at Neiueiou* shipyard, hair aven, Ct. WHALEMEN. Arrived at Island ol Flores May 8. hark Com Morris, Win-low, NB, irurn Fuyal i.and sailed same (lay to crfttsc). Arrived at ?t Helena May 11 barks Sarah. Foster, NB, from a cruise; I7th, Cicero. Pciiuiman. NB. Irom do. A Mbte despatch dst-d Panama, rcpo'ts bsrk Cape Horn Pigeon. Hn .er, of Dartmouth. Willi id) bp la ap oil last crnlvc to be shipped I>v u<-xt ste inner a letter received !o Provlncetown from Mrs ' apt Rob erts, ol S'-h William A Grinder. ot that port, report" her on Two-lofty Ground, May IS, with ISO bbls sp aud US do hpbk oil. SPOKEN. Bhlp Hero* <Nor),frnm Portland, O, for Queenstown, Aprtl If. lat 1? t. Ion 2- W. snip Veo ml Varmonth, MR), trom Antwerp for 8hel bouriie. N June 1 lat4'.', ion 15. ship W J Lewis <Br>, troni Lirerpool for Halifax, Jono 1, oil Baro-er Hand. Ship Golden Fleece, Humphrey from Liverpool for Mew tore. May 3d. lat 4k it, Ion 2218 ship Arzl la (t;rj, from Liverpool for Sydney, CB, June 1, lot 50, Ion 16. , Haik Luhra, ferhnne. trom Baltimore far Rio Janeiro May M. lat 2t V Ion 43 VV. Bark Archer. Hat b, irom PortlanJ for Buenos Ayres, April 9, is; 4 3J s loa IlOi W. Bark Ahhie Thomas Br. I'll ridge, from Havre for Philadelphia, June I, lat ill, Ion It, Hark sagadahoo. Power* from Newport for Roaarlo. April 18. lat (l 45 S. ion :8 12 W. Brig Clara J Ad i ra*. Mc a.lien, from Cardiff for Ku a Titos, M..V .4, lai 20 in, ion 4,141. si hr Ralph Carlton, from Matanzaa for Boston, Jnno 19, off Bbmnecock. LI. NOTICE TO MERCHANTS AND CAPTAINS Merchants, shipping agenti and shipmasters art In formed that by telegraphing to the 11*rald London Bu reau, No 48 Fleet street, or to tho Parts office. Ens Fcribe, the arrivals at and departures trom Knropean and Eastern potts ol American and all foreign vessels trading with the L'mted states, the same will be cebled to this country free of cherje. Captains arriving at and sailing from French and Mediterranean ports wl'l and the Paris office the economical and expeditious tor telegraphing news. OUR CABLE SHIPPING NEWS. T'nisroi, June J>-Arriv? .1, bark Testa (Nor), Orunde, Philadelphia vis Queens-own. Bssatr, Juno 16-Arrivad, bark Protector (Nor), Falck. Pensacola. Failed 16th. Active, for . Bombay? Hailed ship Albania (Bri, for ??. Cacuaxi? ""ailed, bark I-awreo.-e, lloWos. Boston. tii.Avoow. June 20?Arrived, steamer Corinthian (Bri, Menziea, Montreal 'see below). ltAvaa. Juns 19?Sailed, bark Drsupncr (Nor), Tngvoid aen, New fork. London. June 20? Nailed, the Jupiter, for Philadelphia. Pbbhanbcco. June 19?Arrived prev.ouily, bark Pbllo tbea (Gar), Mailer, Richmond, Va. Plthocth. June si?Arrive 1, steamer Pommerania (Gen, Nchwensen. New Vork tor Hamhurg. VcarNsrowN, June 20, f AM?Arrived, steamer llllnnls, Ehackfor.l, Phttafletphla fsnl proceeded tor Liverpool). Also arrived 20 h, 10 I'M steamer Adrlatia (Br), Perry, New Tort tor Liverpool (aa 1 procoe led). Failed from a portin the Baltis, bark Willlbald (Cen, for North America. London. June Iff-Steamer Corinthian 'Br), Menzte*. at Cissnow from Mon're-i;, was in collision with an Ico- i Ltrg on ths passage and tost bowsprit and figurehead. FOREIGN PORTS. p.rrvos \v*s? Msv 3 Arrived harks F.lla, Matthews, Montevideo; 4th Run- line. v Baa Francisco} i h Isabel (Arv>, Newhall, Marseilles, 8th. Devonshire, Walker, New Vork. ailed 8th, barks Adriatic Hr* Mi Kenzle, West In lies: Fmms <1 Beam me I (Br, Webber, ValparaiAi (BUd ar rived at Moll evl 1c# iih . IItvan? Jane 1.1?Hailel, bsrk llvrr Bailey (Br), Smith, Peusaco'a. to loa i tor Lonfl n or Havre. If AUrAX, June It?Sailed, Steamer )Vurce#u:r, Hedge, B 'ton. MovTevtnvo, Mart-Arrivet, harks ,v npareil, Fllnn, "Homan 8th, Tsmora Br), Bumpf, Pascagouta (and Siilled Fth lor f??nm Ayres ; "aruli, teg r.o.l, I'ortlaudi idtb Amity dlr Otsen. Pensacola. .i.,r j its, p.i; a lauy, Pi iLe, KosariQ. I Pas StbaN'B Kneiv.l A.vrw-re, .Ton ? l?.-.iiliju ir.> o Flushing. tsaae Hsll, Presaey, lur Wuebec: 21, J W Oliver, Mji?*y, is>iiii y, i .i a on or.-, April 15?Arrived, da, Sundberg, S< w v or*. Bristol,June 7-Arrlved, Loniia, Reea, Pensacola; Andrew Lo'itt, jNirkee Hi John, N H. Lk .mi x Jnne 4 Arrive I, i> ler '?>, Von Otlerepdorp, New Vork ; 6IU iiiov r is), inmosck, New Or.e ins. Hasiiijiva, May li?Arrived, Espaua, Oieguibci, Fa vannah. Hi'RiiaApa, June 5?Sa led, Andr e fa Odsmsv, New Vork. Proceeding dowa 3<1, Caroi?l*. Veoerlna, fur Now Or leans W.'nttoses from koysn Sd, Chilian (s), Bremn< r, for West lMi?a and M?xic<> HsstaiN, May i? .vrrlved, Psctolus, <harchill. Monte Video. Bonesv, Mav IS?Bailed, Orceaott, Walker, New Vork. i iRoirr, -tu ?4 arrived, hmmniWIe, New Vork. CaovrtAiT, 8->.M ri)td, (?epiUii, Anderson. New Vo.kt rro5TS?ft4lHr"MeTprirr4, ?r" "0,,k*' ?b"-n ChuiLPeirf,nyNb'1 ? w??"'?x>. New Tor*! llrh, Vuri. * n Bo*l0,?i Onerwill, Weale. New *.y X Tho* Duncan. New lor*, mn. Ken u.turuiet, hwnin. da CmcuiiooKii,.June I? ailed, luKtt> Hugge Quebec M?4riii!ADA' *-A,rtT?a. Annie W J etton, Winsor, foVundJoUaDe 81 Alb?n*. Beck, from Ptnsacola O.^r^a'TrhfuT R,"e< Buuce, Iron, Portland, Clara"1#h JjS*. Klodeii. San rran FLViK,,nK a ifa,,',u'r.' B-iruu*en, Philadelphia. lorlSSemn. ?-Arnved, .lyuatia, Uica?n, Kcval, Und0^ Juue 6-Armed. Aflentnlcrneii, Rotbing, Port adelphla.*' Jane 8~Armc<1. y N Hansen, Knudsea, Phil lloLyH?Jinn?MrArri.Ve<1, A?ui,a Donovarn. New York. iiOLyuKAD,.luiift 6?Arrived, Arizona Llewelivij JLiv. *n>ool for Callao (ati<J imilod 7th . * Ut,,Herbt;rt from i.ivcrpool for Bangor. Me. PnJimn I n"*!?-Arrived, Jas Wlshart, Ground water, K'oSj^ lod'd, da m* Uuu,bere. ba" Francisco; StJobn*'NBlle 5?1ClBared- t,l?B Southard, Wojdworth. Relied 5:h, Esther, Lorlng. Boston. Ipswich, June 5-Arrlvcd. Mercbleo. Zeno, New York, rh'.ii ?OOL'i iU,,e rriVL"d, Prince Edward <n Charleston: J eloarelio, Mill* Portland;, Ly.lia etin.'saVSnnal*1* orlolk:8,h' Jollu Campbell. Lauker 8,bj -AHapna. William*. Calleo; Antarctic. Sinith, New York; Princeton, Hug* do; Edwin. Chris toffcrson, Richmond, Warrior (a), Hughe*. New Orleans Mathilda <! .Smith, Smith. Sydney. i\l ? John s Harris.' James, Puawasb; Duurobm, Harris, bew York; ?th Bun ha r. Quebec! *" Ualvu<tou: 7Ul- Morn^ 8yXh0."tb.JBnr"?owu!irtTe<1* Un0i' Roven' NewTork; Sailed trom Oravesend 5th, Hudson. Pratt. New York San ly*1looa fr?m Deal 7lt"' 8'b' Jeli* Native n. Hansen, Rntyrna.1""' Jun? *-Arrlv0'1- Fmyrnlote, Smlther*. II ardie! Bosom*0"1, Calorl?- Pb??JetDhla: 4th Halcyon. MaouiiiN, April 27?Arrived Tlrrell Morgan Sine* pore; 28th, 11 Webster, Smart Buenos Ayr"" ' i leared, Anrll la, Roe a wood, lieiaii, Europe. Mblboi-b.vk. to June 5?Arrived, sparrowhewk Cel. V?Uo,\ B,urr?r<l Inlet- Columbia, from ' Bluo Jacket, Pcrcivat, Victoria, VL ' luo bU RT"r8TL"',Uae 7-cluarea- Lulglna. Bar, and Colurn Otaco, NZ, March 25?Arrived, Light of the Aeo aipt ?fcuV VorV A"r" l- BercuryfTliornaaJdof " Hailed March 18. Hunhrut, naves, boston. hi^glor^ew York. ' Kuropa' ?o?>tor. from Ham Palkkjio, .Mav 24?Arrived, Pasqnale Aiello La Nasa New Y rk (and sailed .'6ih tor Trieste) ' 5 ichSV SiMr" ^~SA"CU ,rUU11110 Huaas' ra,m?A QumtHgTow*, June ((-Arrived. Pannello Mortnln Ral SSW V k" reported arrived June lii); rth, Liana sL ied' sih C1ii, o Scott Oharlestoul ' Feluio Ncwrv 1 R"V?'er?. Buhlin; 7tb, Agostino BuRenoH?VeA*r 3-Arr,vod- Kina Sheldon, Ehelnon, PiS^''UomH:lGcrm.n. NewnYorYK.'NOW' l? Ju"? 8-ArrlTt'<1. Signal, Whitney, j admrhia0"1'JUae In port' v?yafer. Humphreya, Phil. Amt!r*c*!0H' JUUe 7-8allc<1, PalBQctract, Jacobscn. North Ravit, June 2?In con<enu'>nca of the heavy arrival* ni vlonfi" o :V oiher goods .inca the reopening ol the i? 'arif<! 'inantities of cotton are lying idled no on the storing ground., and. yesterday, aa it wsa beln-' he on flro Thj 'ttre V"'"0? ?ne ba>? ? KK nrv5. ills llr? spread wuh arent raDidirv Th? k1* 0 L>a s are liH loPovris-..184 hales ex 12e* da'i'li {T?i,2leA?M lr'",a (>ceeu??f. Bunker!"^ I fallien, all irom savannah. Atit-r lvlng in dry. night, the cotton lsuow being spread out to Kro JAK.iao, May 15?The Ola Rail, Norwegian hark fo^Vwr.imna,rtie '?f Mulleu lo' May's Q?sr^,?rs 7gener.f^arg^*pu?'hack Von' %XS?S evening with damage to niacutncry. faiurduy tmm.'rr Stbaktb Citt or RirB*oirh.l AU'1V.SAiled, Dueppel, tor New York. Ai.ii.antk, May JO?Arrived, roam, Jenkins, BalUmore Ni sv'vork Ar*K'JUUe ?~Saile,J< Mong Kong, BrandlioflT, Kbistol, June 9?In Klngroa l, Sondrenordga, Tarald sen. from Pens.cola tor (llouccstar re"oruk". Bnasi N. June C?Arrived, Marco Polo, SchaQer New York via Boulogne-alter being ashore ?"nauer' a*w Hailed bih. Europa. Jo'ianw n, s?n.iy nook. .tSass&i?? fei'sa"""?r"""- abi" c?'.vS,???> Orieani10*^ Juuo 2?,?rrivcd, Joven Pepita, Julia, New York'61'*" JuDB Etntnanuele, Tucci, New CnntsTiAviA. June I?Cleared. Maria, Ols-n. New Tori; Brisio'i* E Arrived, Georgia bhepherd. Rich, Hailed May SI. Riilla R Derby, Naylor, Gloucester. Masa: Juno 1. Grace Bradley, turner do erpooLOTTA'J 8~Arrivea- u v 'rupaut, Thomas, Llv Dual June 8?Arrived, Jens Nillsen, Hoist, London for bandy Hook (a id ?*l ed 9th). ' Baiumore "'UUe 8-Arrivea- Rngsiero, Rug.-iero. Kastbocbnb, June 9-OIT, Magnolia, Hilton, ft-om New ior* for Bremen. New York.WUht 9ih* nud,on> Pratt> fron> London tor Iowbt, June 8?Sailed, Maria, for New York. phuIillnhS?! Atr a*,e(^ * Cochran, Bymm^s ffrom L^s^r-'hiur"^,8,;50^'CLa-u uuu^- <??z New^YoriT'Juna ^Arrived, steamer Bolivia (e>, Small, le?^?A"'Une 7-ATriT#(J-Kt* U '^Wcoli, New Or j]Anna June 7?Sailed, Dover, n?n-l, rhiiadelnhi t St John* Nm"8 8~"alie<1' Rlien Southard, Wood worth, Ltvsaeooi. June 8?Arrived, Egypt (s), Grorin New Corning,*PernsnVIna?h1011' "98,ou; 9th, N K Clement*. Y^t**'^ 'e ng^and,, <?)^T iioni pson, it' York; Dovenne. Peuuy, Vanoouvr I,land. V ' Cleared wh. Zavia, Oman l*en, Wilmington. NO n. ?n!,>,>',-'L1Jn? ?Arr'v,'d' A"*'o, HchToed w, H.iltimore St Albans Beck. Iensacola. Clara Marie, Bugg* do yih KrrUm*>w Vork10n' l barlo*tuni luUj, Hellespont (? Cleared Dth, France (s), Alltree. New York (and left D .verlOihi; Cho TomiAwn, Philadeloh" , KnteredoutSh.Plvmm h Rock. Unflla, New York ? 10th. Cornelius Orlnn. ll, Burland. do. ' nailed irom Oravesend Kintieader Thatcher s-m Fraueisco .and lett lieal same dan. ' JB ^iri,JuKno.^5,^ Y*rl**"U-WM' Jun? 6-ArriT<lJ. E?-oo. Maretca. New Y.?rk',,L*' Aprtl J6?SaUe(1v Surprise, Johnson, New Ne4 y,wkJUne e-A,rlr,d- of Hutsey. Hbaw. Plyhoutb, Jane9-ial!el, Crono, Sterek New fork Off, rtoppett. Norelni. trom iba"e? to? Antwerp ^H??rJM,le''-'VmT,J' LJ Wesuwav. Murenl: Hailed 9th, Bachelors, RIihw. flrvenook; 10th. Provl. hOtluCttt Djblill! (j I i w t Id V A dill nh 'I o rr? ct e ,,fl"t)Urgj: WaenerUnd. ^#K?h?rtf^ Oilway0"1' ton. June J?Arrived, Ophlr, Curutcnsen, CnartoK obL-NDaaLAND. June 7-Arrived. Rifle. Rnncie. Portland, HRtn.n*, Jnne 9-Arrived, Venture, James Pensaeota. Hr Nasi * k June 4-nailei, Libra Ju*t. NeW York si tfiLB?t*MavJr8 AmwA VmJfde' **?0. Bo?ton. r>T tfCLk5At -MAY O?ArriM'g, C H SOHthanl T,.tt.n? Pentng tor London: 17th, Kn?abetii Dannehurg Padang ,"m.N\W, YSrki iUJ,iah- i!"*", 'lotlo tor BoZ'ri * v t* s J i Rprtrgboa. Nie*, from Alg..a Bar for Nv-w York; rt K Lytnuu Pinknain, fr.,m rfangooii i,,r 8215521' Importer, Mauaon, frotu Calcu.ia tor Ms.are**, Mav 4?Arrived Teenmaeh kin. r-ar.i rr Hailed 5th, Jono. NaUeen, Boston * Cardiff. ^socba.ata, April 24-ArrivcJ, Uoodell, Crocket, Baia salled 2i?t, Wakefield. Carver. Probolin-o. forho*Uin',SOSI' *,AJr Ij~iu port- Jr,P' ; Bird, narana eol"*1, jilB* T~Arr,r#<1' fandvlken. Ilansaens. ren.a iBAbra, June 8? Sailed, Nlord, I.arscn, Sydney, CB. Favak Maya*?The Cha* H Onlton ehtii hv ahirtm? eargoait. dl-covered tli leak to proece I iron, starboanf howport had it caulked, and trimmed cargo and leit lor deatinatlon 17th Inst gmrasTowN. June 9-The I, .1 We.fawav, Mnrebi.on from Havana. haa arrived here with Ion of maln'oo' mast and gafftopsaiL mamiop. AMERICAN PORTS. ASTORIA (Oregon). June 12?Sailed, bark < arn Insl I (Br). McDoogaJI. Cork. ALEXANDRIA, June HI?Arrived. eohre F R Balrd. Row York for Wnahingtou: In lex, Florence J Lor*. ?Wood, K birdaail, and Calvin P llarru, ? for Georgetown, I sailed? -chra R A Collin*, Trojr, New Tork; J V Well ington, tor . I APPoNAl'G. Jun# 17?Sailed, ?chr 8arah A Bolce, Fotnrr*. Philadelphia. HO hi Oil. June IS?Arrived, aehr* Sadie Wiltlcut, i Bark r, Philadelphia; Rl'hard Vau*, Roblnaon, do. 19th?Arrived. ahip Pride of the Port, Baker, Dublin; ! hark Hanitgbt (Hr . llaye*, Dune Da. ft. brig* Auuu-i t i (Br), Hock. Pa ardo, PR; ban Carlo*. Atherton. Clen fuegoa; aehra ihoinaa N btone, f'lirher. Port Caledonia; ' Fanny Elder, Clements, Port Royal, i*0; latru, Kelley, 1 Baltimore. Cleared?Steamer* Norman. Klckeraon. Philadelphia; Olaoru*, Hear-.*. Sew York ; hark* Kate William*. Mai , K.iyal: Caro, Hrooka Philadelphia brlr D M Mekle (Bri, McBrlde. Urn lou via Char.eaton; Khr Belle Hardy, I Kelly, Philadelphia. Hailed?steamer* Norman, and Was Crane, bark Sa die. Alan aailed, eteamer Marathon. 20tli?Arrived, (trainer Johua Ifnplln*. flallelt. Balti more; brig Kibe iBr), Gerhard*, Port ,-paiu. Hailod?Bark Kate William*. HALi IkuKK. June 18-A, rived, bark Obdulla (Hp) Ferrar, Havana. Cleared? schr S C Trron. Nlrker*on. Bo?*on. IVtn-Arrived ataamer Rebecca Clyde, Doonell, Wll miniaon, s C. Ale? arrived, efaamer Win Woodward, Young. New Yore trhre W S Jour dan, crowell, Boiton i J J Moore, Franklin, do. _ Cicarad?oteamera Ohio (Den, Meyer, Bremen t Coil lermo (sp', Flchevarria. Liverpool; Tnokahoe, Brown, Newbern rannv Cadwallader, Foeter. New York; berk* Paler (Au*t), Nicholaa, Ouremtown or Falmouth: Para mount. Holt, Navaasa; brig* Dcato (sp), Page*. Barce lona; Liberty, Deverenx, Hoatou; echr Katubier, Uua tin, st dim naa. a 1 *o cleared, bark* Waahlnjfon (Hal). I.anra, Queen*, town or Falmouth ; Untenherg (Oer . Deri*. h. Hr. men; aehra Mary a men, Maguire, finr York; dallie Courscy, eipple, do. Ai*o cleared aehra D B Martin, Daniel*, hew fori; J if Converse, Phaunter. Hoatou. Hailed?Steamer* Ohio, Bremen: ntiillermo (?nan\ Liverpiol; barka Aracan (Deri, Rotterdam; Marl* (tins;, Dublin; Pap'r (*u*), Que en mown. ?Mli?Arrive I, iteam r? sarago**a, Hooper, Savannah; Octorora, Reynold A New York. BKlJN'WICK. <la, June It?Arrived, acUr Henry Wblt nev. Perkci*. Hew York. luth? Cleared, i;e uuer Montgomery, Falrclc'.b, New York , ?.:hr Henry O Far, Phila lelplila. iiaNH'iR, June 17?Arrived, achr* Ne!He Carr. Vrei h, No v York; W. IHn???, B irbour, PpiUdeipiiia; WmU K Mowry, Knun, 1 .eorgetown, DC. < lenred?Hr.g 1 ht< we *. Blower*. FMladelphl*: (f hri Carrie r. Wo dbttry. W'oodbary, at* York; i'aui aeavey, French. Wil.uln t:?n, NO. lit ti? Arrived, int George R Dale, Pieroa, Philadel phia; arhr I'll? 1 mntnroplii<t, Coo ii ... d.> Cleared?HebraUlvbe. Wave, haw Voia Willlau' Flint Pendleton. Phlledelnhie, L M Ktrout. Dean. WllmWftO" Del. BAT11, June 17?Failed, schra Jas Wait, Balano; Bessie Morns. Allen; Hnrah \ Hoffman, llolfian. M iry Blan dish, Higgle* and Alios n, Bussed, Philadelphia; ta til'u. Riser* Charleston. Cleared?Ohio City ol Pluladelpnla (newt. Call, Phila delphia. tor Pbiladolpiua. I9'h-Arr red, steamers Sou Gull, Dn'tnn, Baltimore; Onlvcrt, Foley, do; Gulf .-tream. t;rowell, New York! bark Puig (Spt, Montevideo via Havana, put In tor sup piles; schr Florence N lower. Admin, Georgetown^ |>i;i Oteared?Blcamer* Champion, I.oekwood. New Torn; Fauita. llunter, Pbila dolphin; actus Hurdett Hart, Brooks, do; Carrie Boll, oe.ivey, New York; David L Taylor, Buliiutorc. 2(ltli ? Sailed, bark Lletslc d (Nor). Bristol. B. CITY POINT, Juno 18?-Sailed, schr Jolin A Curtis, Quilleu. Maui lord. Ct. CALAIS, June 14?CI tared, schr Montrose. Allen, Neve York. DARIEN, Oa, Juno 13-Arrived schr John W Condor, McCarthy, Charleston; 14th. Be sale E Dickinson, Dick in-on, do K.\?TPORT. June 10?Arrived, schr Z A Patne, Jones, New York. EASr M AOI1IAS, June 16? Sailed, bark Kalalis, Brown, New York. , ... , ELLSWORTH, .tune 15?Cleared, schr Westerloo. Whit taker, New York. 16th?cleared, schrs Anna S Mnrch, Woodward, and A K. Woodward, Woodward, New York. FOKTrKMB MONituK, June 19-Sal'e 1. bark Agil (Br), Hill (from Santo*;, New York ; brig Icooi* (Ger). Iiula (trom ltio Janeiro), do KALI. BIVKit, Juno 17-^atled,schrs Mist, Muncey, and Billow. Bell, New York. GALVESTON, June IS?Arrived, schr Laurel, McCall, Tamp'co, Mexico. Cleared? \deiine LeCoeq, Norris. Tuxpan sailed?Schr \V U Whittuker, Crowell, Pensacola. 18th?Cleared, steamer (not bark) Ithurlel (Br), Mitchell, l iverpool (and sailed 19tll). 19th?sailed, steamer City ol Waco, Oreenman. New York via Key West, GKOuOKtOWN. BO. June 14?Arrived, schr Bidge wood, Johnson. New York. KEY WEST. June 17? Arrived, steamer City of Austin, Khirldge, Now York (aim sailed for Galveston). M AC til as, June 8-Baled. schrs Lucy Lee, Ingalls, New York; 10th. Nellie F. Huntley, do. NEW ORLEANS, June 15?Cleared, hark Enrlque(Arg), Tayson, Galveston. 19th? Arrive 1, bark Prosperldad (Sp), Havana. Cleared?steamer Cortes, Erecutau, New York; (hip Hatarstown, Ca'l. Liverpool. Passes. June 19?Sailed, scltr Excelsior, Ruatan. 20th?Arrived, stcanior New Orleans, Dearborn, Stir Passed np?Steamer Memphis (Br), from Liverpool. Bailed?Bark Leauder; brig M W Norwood; acbr 0 ^NEw'tfcRYPOBr.June 17?3atlad, schr Active, Sher man. Philadelphia. 19th?Arrived, scltr Nalah, Cheney, New York. NEW UKDFdRU, Juno 17?Arrived, schrs Clyde, Hob land, Georgetown, DC; Jolin Hurst, Cook, Kondout; Louisa Francis. Kellv. New York; Aun T Sipple, Bacon, Wecliawkcu; BenJ English, Chase, Wareuum tor Now ^Saiicd? Schrs Jesse Murdoek, Christie, Alexandria; Goodly, Fanning, Phtlodelphi t sam Weller, Brock way: Empire, Mathews; Julia Ann. Howell; Mary Ann, Alloy, Boston. Nlckorson; Oregon, Btinson: Hastings, Chase WD Aiam-'am, Chase, aud BA Mount, Uaiiock, f,*8th-Bailed. schr Franklin Pierce, FlUndon, New ^PJlll?Arrived, schrs M 11 Fead. and Ann R Ftrvens. Philadelphia; Hamuli WUIetts and Amelia, Rondout; Daniel L bturges, Weehawkon; Velma, Flunked, New * BaVed?Schrs Rhoda Holmes. and Wm D Marvel. Alcx * miWPORT, Jnne 17, PM-Arrived, ?chr J 11 Tripp, Nickersott, New York lor Chatham. Also arrived, schrs Harriet Gardner, Miller: Minerva. Brigbtmau; Ellen Perkins. Kelley. and t) H Clark, E'en, car Fall Hiver, tor New York: Artist. E'orresler, Somer set for do; John l.ozler. Lincoln. Taunton for do; Whistler. Keeie. do lor do (and all s ulc I 17th). Bailed?Schrs M M Merrlraan, Crane, Philadelphia Highlander, Ward, New York; James M Baylis, Ar n(if?thdAM?Arrived in the night, schr Trun-dt, Davis, from New York. _ . . _ . ? . _ Alao arrived, achra Lizzie Raymond. Lorn. Rich ton for New York . Naiad Queen, Sinim, Fall River lor do (and both sailed thia'AM.) ? , 18th, PM?Arrived, achrs Artist, Forrester. lomer'et for New York (aud sailed): Jennie M Carter. Carter, Alexandria lor Providence. Also arrived, schrs Ida. Peering, and Roanoke Taun ton for New York: G L, Lovelt, Fall Riv-r toe do- Chan cellor. Ferguson, and A 51 Aken. Woodlcjll, Provident e fordo; Bias Hr.iinard. Hawkins, do lor do iaud ull sailed AM 19th). Bailed?Schrs M M Merrlman, Crane, Providence f-r Philadelphia' J.imcs M haylos, Arnold. New York' Highlander. Wood, do: I ll-lia T Smith. B-.kor lor do; Jas II lrlpp, Nickerson, New York for t haibam; John W Bell, Pierce, Taunton for Atnboy; Naiad Queen Smith, Somerset tor New York; 0 H clark. Fengar: KID i? Perkins. Kelley, am Arctic, I o-tcr. Fall River for llo - Harriet Car liter, Miller, do for do: John Lazier. Lm coin, and Wiiistler. Keeie, Taunton for do. Lizzie Ray Blond. Lord, Dignton lor do; Lady Sufflo'k, Fall Rivet IONAKRAOVNSKTr I I R, RI. June 16-Arrlved at Dutch Island llaihor. schrs Palms, Week*. Providence lor llobokrii; Effort, Pendleton, do tor New York; It It Daly. Ciockcr, do lor do; E E Potter, Ellsworth, do lor d !iEW LONDON. June 18?Arrived, brig A 8 Pennell M. Parian t. Porto Kico tor Norwich; schrs Mnud A Bes sie (Krt. si John. NIL lor do (Loin incorrectly reported by telegraph arrived at New Bedford); U Willetta. New burg for New lledlord; Hannah Blackmail. Kondout for cobasjet; Argo. New York lor VYareham .D Lhturg.s We^liawkea ior fcew tteUtord; Key, Kew iork lor ra l hSailed? schrs Chief. New York: Mary Natt do; Nep tune, do; M A I'r dmore, do: Connecticut,da 19'Ji?Arrived, schrs K P King, hotiokeu; l^oulaa, New btlrg: B 11 Jouts, Philadelphia, all ior Norwich. NEW llAY'r.N, June 18?Vrrlved,steamer D Valentine, Rose, Rlizabethport: brig TnosTurull. Thompson Ponce ; ?ehrs Twilight, Roberts an. Baltimore, M ? Kulon, Bu I '"paSS^a'v.a'llO. June II?8all?d, schrs Tamptco, Bon holt, Vera Cruz: I enrv A Tabor, Bcusob, Pultou (lexai. ; 13ih, Mollle Emma, Pascagoula. _ PKNSACOLA. June 16-Arrived, hark Montreal iFr), Adams. Falmouth, E; schrs Bennington, Edwards, Ne?? Orleans: Id* Delia Torre. Chase, Galveston. 18th ? Arrive 1, b.lg J L lloweu, Hall, bo?ton; schr Ver nal. Galveston. Cleared?Barks Storfust ConstanHn mns), Crape, Liverpool- Kranklyn 'Swo), Oberg. London. PHILADELPHIA, June 19?Arrived, s- hrj B Austin, Williams. F.osio i cleared?hwamcr Centipede, Miller, Boston (and sailed.. _ . ? A it h?Arrived, s'eam r Trescent rity. Cnrtls New York; barks National Eagle, Bears, Liverpool; Alibi. Smith Ivgtut; brigs G P Sbcrwood. Harper Matanza* ; Como Williams, ifavagnez; George S Berry. Keazer, Matanzas: Fanny B ineker (not Etta M Tucker . Tucker do; llattte F Wheeler, Armstrong I'ardenn; Ellen P SG-warL Miller, do; schrs Fanny Hint, Warren, Portde Pal*. Ilavtl: Nellie, Coliiaon, Sen Salvador; F. v De Hart, Drt?eo'l. Baracoa; Altiert II Waite, Drisko Matanza*: Amos Edwards. Bonier*, .-'nvannafi; Mary W Hnpper, Oilman. FernandinaiB L Horsey Hoggins. St Marv s: H D Mit. May. Hsth; F Bt Olar ltdwardj. Ire land. do: Amos Falkcntierg, Kaekott, Providence, Helen Rommel. Aderus. Bosion. , . PORTLAND, June L?Clearel, brig Open See Loomba, " * Arrl red, ecnr (oily Woolbnry, Wood bury, New Y'l'?th?Arrived, steamer Franeonla. Bra-gg. New York Alio arrJifhra Delra int koeK*. Hatch rhoDiJinK. Hivor tor bath, tfoatezma*. bpurlin*, Calalt lot York. ... i cleared?Brig D W HennessT. (Br). Halifax. 2iHh?Arrived bark sadle. flregorv, Bo-ion to load for Buenos Ayris sehrs Alire.l Brabrooit. Phi.Hps, George - town. DC; Delmont, Blake, New York. FOKTIIMOrrH. June 17?Arrived, echr 3a-ah Wooster, ! McFarland. Port Johnson. 18.h?Arrive 1. schrs Harper Conner, Wecbawk-n; Elizabeth M Bu' hler. Maloy, Philadelphia: TJ I ration, Bmith. sew York: Bloomer Freeman. Kondout. PROVIDENCE. June 18?Arrived, e hrs Yankee Blade. Parser, Jaeteonville: John -tockham. Hart. Hoboken: Franrla Corwin. Delanv, Harerstraw: lleorictia. Mc Alinien. Hoboken: Lu'-lan. Hall, New York -ailed? ehrs Mary Palien, Ollker, Brunswick. C.a; Grace Cu-hln*, Hamilton Philadelphia: Ka e V Aitkin-. Brower do; B ack<tone, Wlkon: John Pro kf< rd. Hart : i Nightingale, Youna- Or Franklin, Beetx-. Frank A J'.milv. McCohb: Tunis Hodlne. Silvie: Cele-te. Brown; A V Arkrn. Wniwlhiill: arth Purvis, Lisle. N?w Yor* PaW ri'cKFT, June 18 ?Arrived, *chr J .* Terry, Rae nor. Kondout: A J Bentley, Williams, J*i kauuvtlle , Brands'* in". Kin". Youth A nhoy. sailed --ehrs f lorida. Maun, aud J G Foil, Nirkrreon, New York. RICHMOND, Jnne 17?Arrived, steamerOd Dominion. Falser. New York sour Addie Bchiacfer, Deacon, an 1 Mooulisht. Kiw-rs do 1 Balled?Rrtg Abbln Clifford. Cnaae, Cits Point, to finish loading lor Mouu-video, echr U A De Witt. Mason, New York. _ . 1 l-th?Arrived, achrs Keheeca Shepherd Frairhe*. New York; Alice Curt'*. Phillips, do, to load lor baltimore; (> ' P Ellin*, SUelman. New York, i Balled?hclir is B trmkltn. Moore, Boston. Amv-d at Oehornn's June 15, s hr Thus Boo/ Sinners, New York, to load tor Providence. BAN FRANCISCO. Jane ll-Sailed, bark -lerra Ne vada, Dow, (>unala<ka 12th?Ciearcd. brig Kola, K.ihler, Le Tez via Trinidad; schr Marv nth . Holgitlns Tahiti. lBlh?Arrive), s'dps Filer. Monroe, Noreeoss. Ilong Kong; Ncerchu*. Feerce, New York: Kmilv Farnum laird, Baltimore; bark Mary Boil Robert*. Gray, Ignlque. baVaNNAB, June 19?Sailed, steamer Fan Jacinio, Hazard, New York. Also sailed, schr Pioneer, Philadelphia. Cleared? ehr John * Lee. Yangilder Darosriwotfa I tn? Arrived, ateaaers Ashland, Whifhurst, N?w York;, Mathc vg, Bosom. :ar M\RY . in, June II ?Arrivsd. ?chr W II Jones. Line. Kernan liiia iaud cleared for C.tmp Pirn kney , 12th, brig Long K"*ch, Brown. Ctaninegoi. Cleared 1 hh *chr i L llerscy, Co-ulns. Philadelphia. 12in. hark Je-s ? Gll!>ert (Br), Bonrner, London; bn? 1 American Fnlon. Collins Port Spain. --ALEM June 17?Arrived,tuhrharah Lovrrne, nmith, I Cedar Hill. NY. Mill?Arrived, hrlv Reporter, Rider, Rancor fo? New I York: a. Mrs L B eargeiit, -argent Philadelphia lor | Eoulh Newmarket; Chlllion, Grant, llobnketc Atlantic, RUtke,de lor Bangor; Waterloo, Whlttakcr, Rllsworili for New York ; Knight, veazie, nnu Jane tl.iKkins, Ban gor for Philadelphia: Marv Ear son \ War* r. do for Newcastle. Dei; K W Duuhain, Dunham, Bowiloiiibain lor New York. HTONINuToW. Jnne 18?Arrived, achrs Success, hew London, to load grain lor New York; Adeiai is, Kay nor, Newburg. b tiled?uchr* Perlne. M M Fralnerd. Dreailnanght, and Biuan F. Nasti, all loaded with graniic lor New York. VINEYARD HAVEN, Jnne l?, rM-Arrtve<1, hrlg Man zanllla, Weehawkou I >r Bosloiii ei-hra Porno .a (Kr). Azua for Boston; William Jones and F Nickerson. Georgetown, Di . for do: J W Rartietl. BalUtriore, for do; A Nickerson aud John fehay. Philadelphia lor do; Hannah M Bugll. Alexandria for do; Mary Magce, liohoken tor do: Kossuth, do lor Porn 1'ionth: Mellasa A Wiilcv, ilaltlm ire for B.atli; Jas 8 Wi ion, PIMladelphia D>r Lynn. Jntta Bttcaneth. ijo for Bristol, Me; Israel Bnow, New York, for Knenlatid, Alelice H E.mery, do lor Beilast; Cathie C IWirv, Bel fast lor Charlesion, 8<\ Eailed. lath?.schrs Annie Co tier (Br) and Hop (Rr WILMINGTON, NO. Juno 19?.-ailed, sbaim Rene flictor, Wood, New York WARREN. Juns 19?-'elle 1, schrs Deborsh Dlvrr v. Williams, Georgetowu, DO; Arlo Parlec, Blsho . Hobo ken. MI-CKbfiV'iKJU 1. A BBOLCTR DI7URVN8 ORfAINRO F: g i :F ' R /V ent ataies, legal everywhere! aeseriion, A mi l ci*nt cau*1; no publb its re lUire li bo si. i. : <n vorcg ia graiiteJ ; advice'r-- . M. HGUdti, Attorney, 191 Broadway. ? a -H'.RALD BRANOri OFfiOE. B I )OKLYN, COR ,V. ncr ol lulton ave i 11 an I rtno in nicer. ? P. M*. ! A BdOLUTH D1YOKOK O'TAINED FUGM L'li l.l' 1 A ent Ftate* lor n .uiei'niii :in ). > pn. . ||v I l.cgal eveywhare' lei IK ntui I' III Fi. || Itl'M I | KING I a?yer an .. . I ub i > : ,rin I 01B ?*. 6 Rign'.'i It: cat