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THE COURTS. UNITED STATES SUPREME COURT. HUM! AND AND IflFK?JOINT TOWEBU OP AT seawur. WA81IINCTON, June 39, 1875. In the Supreme ( curt of tne United Siatee the following opinions naye been given No. zie. s.trah Ann Randall, appellant, vn. Lonla Kricm r.?Appe .1 from Hie Circuit Court oi the Unitedatu-toa ior me District of tiinneAota. Mr. Justice swavua delivered toe opinion of the Court. there i* no controTirsv betw- < n the parties m to the (sets. Hit app-llaut a ,h, vvi .nw ut John Ku.iuall de ccaeed. and cntiOM duwer m the p remises described in rho bill. They were ruurr ed prior to tlio year Id4 ,. He died in duly, lb 'J. Kroui thi i nf their uutmime nn Ot his dSlUll lii-v lived ill lllr State of Meiv York, and whe tins since continued to live there, lie wu.i seized in tee (imp e of the land in winch dow.r is claime i. until lie conveyed it >wu), ah presently suite i. (in IOC mil sf vprit, Hfil, tic and tlie coinpi uinim execute.1 n power ot attorney of that date to Wnlitim II. i.sndiiii. whereby the latter was authorized to sell and convey the res: estate therein described, i ho d,*c iptlon ineludsU the premises de scribed in tbe bill. Hi..' iDr lruuHMit was executed in New York, according .o the law if ihnf rate, mm was duly recorded In Minnesota On the I nth r, i January. duly recorded In Minnesota. On tlm lath of January, ihfA William o. Uamlail, ss the attorney ol diihn Umt dsll and wile, and in their names, by nee I ot warranty ot that date, conye.yen the premises described in t:,e bill to Irueman M. .Smith, ,his deed was executed In Minnesota, In conform ty to the local law. Krieg, r deralgned title irom MTtiilt througn tnv-ne con veyances reaching buea to the latter. John Itandull anil wile n v .kud ti ctr power ol attorney to William II. " ' tea, ?nndalt bv an Instrument uti>y executed, bearing oate (he 28th or May, 1849. < ppcl aut is the solo legatee of he, husband. fie gave her Ins entire estate. He lot! no re ,I property, the estate roil isted ol personal etli eis exclusively and (as at the value of iron) (IMtyjOU to (200.000. the appellant lets received unier the will from tbe executors (50,(HA I he agreed vaitfe o iho premise ? (escribed in itm hill, exclusive ..i the improve ments put uponihcm since the conveyance toHmiih, is over (V,i,no. When the power ol attorney was given there was no law ot Maine out authorizing sacn an Instrument to ho e*. etited in htis Baml or wile or the uttcrncy to couvoy u'n.ler it. On ihe-iiib ol re rttary. IHft", the I egislaturc Minne sota then a icrritor.v ol the I ailed Mates, pussou an act which is as loi ows : -"A liu -band una wiie in ty con voy by1 their lawful agent or attorney any estate or In terest in any lands situated in tins' territory, and all deed* ot convoy ante oi any sucti lands, whether here toloro t.r lie reu iter tnuue, under a joint power of attor ney Irom tne It us, ami uml wile, shuil bo as bin,dug ?nd have tint Mine eflbct as il mole and executed oy the" The validity oi the deed m Smith, us respects John liauduil is not questioned, l nt its ctllcucv as to tin, apt ellam is denied Iter claim to ib- dovv.-r is resisted upon the tallowing groan,.*:?e. i i hat when tho deed to Haiiih was oxecu ed a non resident wide,v was dowahln n.idsr the statute ol Minnesota only of lauds wHereof the husband died seized, 1.1 That the deed executed by the attorney to ilntll was suffieienl, uiulcr the tin n existing taw or Minnesota, to loir thisde mitrid. (8.) That tho d,ed to .Smith containing a wur n.ntv, ami (he uppel silt having ccepted under die will ?he is thereby csto oped Iron assert ng this claim ior dower. ((.; That the delect in ttic deed to Smith wss remedied by the curative act of 1857. Wc have lound it necessary to consider ou.y die point las' named. It Is not objected* th ,i the act ot i8.,7, a* regards us upplica tioii to the present ease, is in co'illicl with tho constitu tion of the Mate. Wo have careiudy examined that instrument and h i v, lound nothing hearing upon urn subject. Nor was the act lorlmlden by the constitution id itie (initeu Mates. There is nothing m that instru ment which prohibits tlio Legislature <>i a Mate or icr tory Iroui exercising Judicial (unction;. nor Irmn int-s ing sn act which divests rights vested by law, provided its effect bo not to impair tho obii. it Ion ot a contract. ! Coutraets are not unpaired but continued by ! curative statdtus. isatterlee vs. Matbew-oii, & Pvt., 3H0; Watson vs. Mercer, a I'et., IIU.> Marriage is au institution tcuuded upon mutual consent. I Triut consent is s contract, but it i,- one stu generis. lis pecntlarites are very marxed. It supersedes ail other eon tracts between I he parties, and, with certain exeep is inconsistent with the pu or to mase any new onus. It may be entered into by persons under the age of lawful majority. lt< ti he n-iilwr cancelled nor altered at the will m the parties* up,,a any new consid eration. Iho public will and policy controls their wilt. An entire failure oi tho power to lulril by one ol the pariies. as in esses oi perinanent insanity, does not re lease the other from ihc pre-existing obligation. In view ol the law It is villi as binding as if the parties were as they were when the marriage was entered into. Pet naps the only clement of a contract. In tlio ordina v acne.nation ol tne term, that exists is that the consent of tho parties is neccs-ary to creati the relation. Itis the most important transaction oi iif-?. i ne happiness of those who assume n< ties U nallv depends upon it mere than upon any thing e sc. An eminent wriier 1 us enid it is iho basis oi il Mire fat rie of all civ ilised socioty. tStory's 1'OIIIL, we. 1U9., Hv tlm eotn ?iion law, where there ivus no anle-nupti ti contract, certain incident, belonged to the relation, among them were Iho estate of tenant by the courtesy On the liart of the husband it issue was Inn u and li? -ar rived the wile, and ?u her ptrt dower if ?ne survived tlm husband, bower, by the common law. was of three ? lads?ad ostium ecclesiie. ex a*>rn?u patris and that, in (he absence ol Hie others, the law prescrihed. The two former were luuudcd on contract. The latter was the creature of the law. Howir ostium eeeh siw and ex asseusu patris were (hojislicd in i nHanil l,y stavuie of tlie .'id sbd ftli \\ illiuu IV., en. 1116 Hie dower given by the law is the only kind who h tins since existed in hngiand, and it is believed to fa: toe only kind which has ever ohla del in thiscotin.ry. During lite life of the husband the right is a men- expectance or poaxibliily. In that condition ot things th- lawmaking rower may deal w iih it as may be denned proper. It Is not a natnral right It Is wholly given by law , and tlie powr that gave It may Increa e diminish or other wise alter It. or wholly take it awav. It is upon the same ,lading with ti c expectancy of heirs, ap. arcnt or prrs^mptivo, before the death of the an, e-dor. Until tli -at ev< : event occurs the law ol descent and distribu tion may be moulded according to the will of 'ho , egla Inlure. Law s upon-these subjects In such cases lake sfleet at once, in all rcapecia, as if tlicv had precede., the ?drill of such persons than ilvmg. l.'pon the death ,,t the hudtaud and tbe ancestor the rich sol the widow and fbe heirs become tlxci and vested. Thereafter Un-ir Idles respectively n si upon the seme foundation and nt protected cy the same sanctions as oilier rights it property. 1 be nowerofa Mftalature under ihecircum stances of this ca*e t,> pass laws giving vaiidiiy In past ? ? i. Ti? i.i ni" (htchwere betore itn-fi,, itai is sv?-ll settled, Wainon vs. Mercer, supra, the title to ifie premi-e* In eoiit? vvr.y was originally In Margaret Mercer, the wriie i l J.. ,,rs Mercer, ft r the pnrpo-e of trdn-terrmg the title fo her bushand they conveyed to a third person, who m mediately cosvayed to James Mercer. The deed of Mer?-r and wne bore date (t thv 3tlth of Key. 1786. It w as latshv defecti .c a< :o the ? fe in rot having been acknowledged bv her in eonforiniiv wita tiie provision ol tha stain ? ?t Pennsyl vania ol 1/79,tuuehlng the conveyance of rcalestate or femes c ,?(rt. Mie died Without is-ii,.. lames Mercer (led ieaviog children by a former marriage, aiut the dcalli el IriIIi parties, her he,r? su-,1 h,s itcirs in e eut lueni for the preintsea and recovered. 1 he >ui>reuio tour'. f the Maie afllrmod the jj gm- nt. fn iszii ttie Iwgte atnre pnseed an an which cured the detective a< - know edgment ot Mary Mercer aad gsva 'tie ?ame va liditv to tne deed as if it had been ???!' ex,- ut* ,l orgt nally on her part. Ihc heirs ot J ante* Mer -er thereupon sued her heir-, and rscoveied t.gc i the sauie premises. Thi* : adgi.c nt was al-s, alht med by the Nuprems 1 ourt ?if tne -ta e, ami the judgment of afllrmanre was aifiruu d by thit Court. 11,u case is conclusive oi tne ??ii(. P>ura ua T< the objection thit shell '*W? violate v-?te 1 rights ?f property It bus been fbrcluly (nswcrtd that there ? ante m veste-i right to do wrug. ria ma , enirary to iuetire and equity cannot be rcgnrdad of tnat ennnirKr. <'on?,nt to remedy itie wr? ig i? to ne ereauuieJ. The <>nly right taaan away is the right dis aonestly to r> i-udia e an honest contract or otiveyance to tlte lntury ofttie other party. Kv nwherenore'mc y fcaHl be ' ad in tne courts the vested r.gin i- uv.,|!y un ettem'od with u.e slightest eotitly. tCoolcy's i on*:. J4m 5i> - Then is nvthlng In ths record pe-?u*nve fo env r? ,ax*iien in isvor ol the appellant of the Ic-al prm ? ipir- ? ileli, a? we have shown, apply with ists!?(T ct to ht r case. 1 he curative act i l?s; has a strong natural ? qoiivat l's root. It did tor her what she attempted to ?lo inta i.dru to do and doubt '?? beitev- t she had done, i.od for doing whlcb her hashand was tuily pant. The t .: t I:as( money tor the lot t*> ? ne a par; ol tu- estate, and toe entire estuta was given io her at his death. Sot ?atrailed w uh th s. st,e seeks to tss on her dower upon tho proper v la que shop. The set accomplished whet a court ,-t eqntiv. it called upon, won Id hate de-reed promptly as to the husband, and would have Tailed to derrcc as to tbe wtte only from the want of power. Him impending role of ias? as to ietoeer,,vcrt in<i,,h rates would have prevented It. The lo-gis atttro thus <ii,| wtiui right an l lustice detnsu ted, end the got strongly rwes:(lends it-.-t to the conscience and opprebetton of the null iai nun-l I be decrei otitic t'lrcuit (^oirt is afllrracd. IN'l RHVAL REVENUE--WnoTJiHLI DEIM-Rd. No. 6 TP. Ctinrles W. Slack, Ci?llcct6r of Internal Revenne. plaintiff in error, v?. William W. Tucker et ai.?In error to tbo Circuit Court of ttie Tnitcd Mates for the District of Ma**a< those tip.?Mr. JnatK e Bradley delivered tbe opinion of tlie Court:? This ?v a suit brought kr Hie rtelVnifant* In error against the plaintiff In error, who was .1 collector oi in ternal revenue. to recover the amount of certain i.U''? I am liv Uie lorinur under | ro'est ami al!e/>>l to lia"? keen Illegal 7 aseessed The ' Iri uit Court, harinit fried Hie caee without a jury, held the tax illegal and a re move '? war had. 'Ihc writ of error ta brought bv t1 >? ? 'ollector to reverse the judgment. rhe tax ?u< a-*??ed aKa.nat the iie.ten lani* in error as "w hoiesa e it ileia'' under the seventy ninth section ol the Internal Ri ven m act ut June 1' l*M. as amended by the art ft July 1.1. I"tifi. (14 Mantes. 11a) It was aere.-d mi Hie trial lhat If upon the ta ts the Court should de.-i.lo inai .ha plalntHTa on the cause lielr.w) w?r n t liable to the rax aa wholesale rtea er?. hut wore liable to a tax of one half the amount as commercial brokera under the fourteenth clauai ?f the seventr-nlnth aeetton. and under tlie hiit.1v nuith aeetioti, aa atnenrtrd, ludginent ahnuld be ren ?leLed in tneir favor for half the amount claimed and in threat, inibject to the delemlanta' exceptions. The statutory pros Hon* referred fe, and on the con atrnciaon <>t which the ruae principally depended, were expressed In the following icrm-t? PtfrW-A* rowhtdcsile dcalera.lhe seventy ninth aeetlon a* amende I provided lima:? Wholesale dealera, whose annual aalea do not exceed $Oh. shall pav ffti; sit I if fhelr annual aale? exceed tan.fWd. for every nddliiotiuI ft (kig in cxecaa of pft'.CW they shall pay fl. ? ? ? ,<erv nersott shall he regarded n* a wholes*le dealer whose Miriness it la. for himself or on eommtss|,,ii. to *e.I, or otter to sell, an) goods, ware* or merchandise of foreign or domestic production, not in- .inline wiaes. spirits or malt llano**, whose snttuxl tales excce.i ?i*. i?IU ' 14 ta'.. lift.) An exception w?a m.uie In fseor ef ??untnetnrers selling iheir ..wo |oori?, hv section 4, a* amended hy >he not of July Id, KWrt (14 fttaf. Hit, which provides, "lintnothing herein contained shall re noire a special tax lor ? * ? Ihe sale by maioiixrtitrer* t.r producer* of h.-ir own goo la. warea nnd mer, hxn.i sc at the place of p-odn :'>'U or manulni ture. anil at their principal olhcc or place of husineaa. provide | no good?. wares or merchaudlac shall l,e >.? ad, ex. epl uf sample*, in s .f i urtlcc or place ..t lm-ine-a. serood?A a Jo eoflthicreinl hrokera the fourteenth viause r.f the seventy ?ninth -eetlmi. a* amended in iw.:i, provided a* fo'lowa- r?mrie|iui nlgiitc 117.1 'Cnm mereuil brokers shall pav Any person or firm' hastnesa it is, a* a kokrr. to p.-go^ste *.ile* or ! pit cheer* ol vnods, a ares or merchandise .c to iiepvtl ate srcight Hint other hn.iiicss tor the owners of ve*wl? air lor die Stoppers or eoii-lfnfrx or eoiistKlo c? ot freight carried hy vea.ela an.ill he regarded as a eommcn oil broker.*' Afnl section i'J. a* am ufled provide*:?"And ih< is shad be moniiily, on all sales hv commercial kfekere, of any foods, wnrias or merchandise, a tax of ?ne-twentteth oi one centuin upon tbe amount ol aucn ??ies'' (fourteenth s atu e id. i'nder these alaluies the piMlinifTk helow claltri".1. fW. I -at the sales mane hy item were made ss mere ngen!? flit m.HHitacimter* at their principal oflke and place et business, ami. therefore came umlcf the exemption pro'ide.I In section 74. aoove quoted second. thai, at ui. f, they wee ncuimerelnl b- her* and. lh? re .on. balile lot only one i.a.i me ainonnt lor which tliey were o sewed. fho lacr* on which ihev relied In support of these i la'tm snltu'n ntly appear from ihe i,||l ni exc< p Votc-taken hy the defendant ..u the trial of the cause. II was aifpwn hy rhj t< Hiuiony of the phintitls tlieiu'ctve a (hat four ihsntl'acfnriug corporations, two of them lvivlnr -ft. r fnct>.rica ?t a?hau, N II and i banned hy mat Mate, and two ?I UMiu iiavlc* their ticurm al llaiUiaib ami niton. r rn liMcnittm, ana chartered by the latter Bute. anil all luauulacuirinii uoilon suudl, had the aanuti general ~ - - - E ^^TS5d office In Haeton, wtii'rt they held their meetings. trana acted their business, aad kvpt ihalr recurili, and where they kept a common clerk uud common treasurer. The latter wmh he cblel executive officer, burins all the raw mauirlnl and making the other purchase* lor the cor 1 ixirattenx, taking care of tbelr finance*, and uuiter the ? eauectivc boards (which oonaiMeit suhHtaiuiallv of the name person*) managing and controlling the ulTatre of tMo several corporation*, their agent* and servant*, between these ciorporatleim, respectively, and the plain tiff*. who were a mercantile ilrin. transacting titmine** in Ronton, under the name ot I ptiam, Tucker A Go,, there were separate agree men is, eitlicr in writing or hv parol, that the plaintiffs should aell all the aooda manu factured hy eaon corporation tor a ttxed ncrcciiiuae oil the aim uui oi sales, and the course ol hunncsaoi' the Dliilmills. under and 111 pursuance ol ihi* agreement, whs as nil lows:?'They (the plaintiilH) had a *b rn in Hot ton, which titer hired In their own ijhiiic and lor winch thrv p.nd (lit rent, with clerka, buukkecpeIB and other scrvunis wtioin they employed and paid. In this more was a counting room In which this business was tinnsncted, and chamber* where samples ul poinds mailtttuctured by hlte corpora'inns woie ! kept. No good* except samolc. hales and package. were there kept. Unless occasionally some goods whirl! ; Intel boon miss' ut or tor some reason had uui been ac ; rented by a uatomer, found heir way there, the plan). tiff- were known to ha the uneirts nt these corporations, ; to sell their goods, and they sold only the goods ol ; corporations una their course ol business wits us loi | lows:?l'ltey were kept info ruled daily ef what was ! mantilnitlurcd ul tho several mills and made sales to I piiteh.1 ers an oDiipi'iuiuty offered. They kept in their ? office a different betol books tor each ot the corpora tions. and when a sale of any of the goods ot any of tho corporation* was effected au 1 entry of the fact was made in the books ol that corporation and ihev no tiffed the tiianu actiirtu,' agent .it the null ol such corporation (where all tho poods were suited as they were manufactured) to send such coo is to the purchaser. The goods were, then packed at the utlll add direct "<1 to the nurchasur. an l lor warded to Huston by rail where a truckman, emptovod and paid by tbe p.ulnt'ffs. received ihoiti and delivered litem to the purchaser, tl In Huston, ? or st tIn- steamboat lun ling or railroad station, il the goods were to he stint els where. I he freight, by rail, trom the mill to Boston, v. as p?tff by the plaintiffs, and was. with tlta expense ot truckage, charged by I bent to the resi cctTvo corporations. When sufficient time had elapsed alter the sum for the delivery ot the good*, the plaintiffs sunt to the purchaser a bill ot the goods in their own names, separate hills iielug rendered tor the gooff* or each corporation, and not as agent*, anil in due course, win u tnev were settled, receipted the hills in their own Humes, and not as agents. When the hills were paid in cash the money was received hv the plaintiffs and deposited in batik in their own names, and if on any giten cay iiioitov was received Irom sales of the- goo-Is o! the different corporations, snc-li money wae initialed together and deposited by the plaintiff* in ttirir own names. II the hills were settled by no es the notes were made payable either to tho order ot tue makers and by lliem indorsed, or to the oruer ol the particular orporation whose goods were sold, the plaintiffs did not put their iiunies upon any aucu dotes, nor did they ales ? guarantee any of their suli a. Ihev delivered these notes ir<-tit time to time to the Treasurer, and from tltne to time paid him money and every itiotttit settled tnetr account with each corporallou. ihu plaintiffs bail a brunch house in New Vork and un agency in Philadel phia. and the silts in w York and Philadelphia were reported to the Huston mse, and ddiyorles and col ee tions were ma le as to such .-airs In lie -auto manner as in sales st ill! dostou bouse. Suctt sales were not in ctu ,cd i their n t trns to the assessor at Boston, and no part ot the taxes which this action t- brought to recover were paid upon such sales at New Vork and Plulauel pii.a. I poa litis evidence adilucod by lhe plaintiff's the detcndatit moved lor lUJgmcnt on the following lfl-nl ,,l| - ; ? /? st? Admitting all that was atxempled to he proved, It uianib-Rtly appeared that the plaintiffs wore tvnolu -aie <h au rs, within tho m-'auiug oi the law. and so lia ble to bav the tax collectffK ?Second? that tin- ales made by the plaintiffs wcro not rales mndu by the manufacturing corporations, willuu (he mean ng ol the law, ami Thinl?It the sales were made hvthe plaintiffs a?ngents "l 111?- in a 11111 iciurtng corporations, within ihe mi-amng ot the is w, they were not made at the place ot manu facture n r at the principal olB.-o or place of husii ess ol the corporations, hut were made at lh<( store ot the plaintiffs. Ti.e t'utirt overruled tho motion and ordered judgment to l>o t-iii"ied for thu plaintiffs tor the iimouiit Isiup-d i p i! the >acts slated, and the additional om unit the su re and clerks were employed und the bitst ii> -s carried on by tho ffrm, the Court held the tuls to have been commission merchants and wholesale do tier*, within the moaning ot toe taw. lie versed, Mr, Justice Field dimeutlog. COURT CALENDARS?THIS DAY. Spfremr Cocir*?CH AMaina?Held by Judge brady.--first Monday's utotiuu calendar will uo called at eleven A. tit phemk uouht?Spkciai TrnM?held hy Judge Douohuc.?Ueuturr rs?Nun. 7, Pi, 31, 25. Issues cu law and taot?N\?S. 62'J, 42ii add, 27a. 33d, 183, 4*?, 78, 481, 120, 431, 21, 427, 2(1, 491. 4ti4. 1st, 348, 140, 862, 541, Kid, 473, 424, 246, 135, 180, 228, 417, 471, 507. 516, -537, 643. Miniutc Cot'BT? CIRCUIT? Part 2?Held by Judge Lawrence.?Nns. 4t>0. 1464, 1522, 14.-6, 1424, 80S, 1284, 1304, 1554, 1128, 848, HH, 20.8, 1244, 1 ,40, 1218, 1210, 1176, 992, IU0U, 2802, luOO 1$, 21)94, 5028, 3063, 3154, 200, 882, 2228. Hart 3?tieio by Juuge Wp.Blbl'OOk.?Nib*. 2780, 1231. 1363, 831. 983, 1219, 7s.', 949, 1151, 1547, 3185, 981. 837, 689, I3e9, 2788, 1822, U0, 1133, 3030, 836, 896, 1203. 1369#, 791X, 1247, 31Ua, 1393, 1621, 22-4#, 1661, 987#. 328, 903, 2429, 1443, 1775, 1777, 2819, 2981. Hi'FKiiioii court?SrnoiAt Tehm?Held hy Jti ige Mpcir.?Demtirm.x?Nos. 1, 8. Law and lae ?ho*. 42, 3d, 47, 4\ 4 i, d, 21, 25, 60, 12, 31, 61, 36, 54, 4d, 14. 41. 37 , 66, 24. fei'pgfftoR court?Tsui. Tbrsi?Part l?Held by Judge Kreednsan Mas. 1889, I04t, 881, noo, to.ii. 1165, 1173, 1185, 1247, 1239. 12 il, 1269, 1176, 6 5, 681. Part 2?field b> Juigu Houeii. ?>os. 812, 1082, 872#, 1126. 1192il:l4. 912, 876, 404, 1098, 098, 468, 838, loDO, 2084. common pi.kas? ihivi. Trbm?Part 1?field hy jnu,e ltobtunon.?Nua. 1969, 1666, 1136,'723, ;ixs9, 739, 2604. 2ill, 2638, 2464, 2484, 1297, 1293, 18a4, It-4, 8.17, .987, 1093. Palt 2-Held by Judgu J. P. Daly.?NO*. HPS, 1471, 1172, 1447, 487, 623. 1483. 1497, 1436, 2606, 2457, 775, H68, 2tS8, 15V&, 1610, 1060, 1408, '.463, 1442, 1474. 361), 1513, 1264. Marimc iuir r? I bisi, ikRis?Part 1?Held by Judge Aiker.-Nos. 41U0, 30-6, 2844. 2766, 2097, 2545, 2062, 1607, 1274, P66, 2607, 3,80, 4"7?, 4432, 3394. Part 2?Held oy Judge Gross.?ffoe. 2615, 2498, 2499, 2587, 4162. 4198, 3324, 4222, 1938, 2600, 2585, 4( 63, 4242, 601, 685. '.'58, 49, 93, 4461, 4343, 26b2, '2413, 2523, 2469, 21686, 2680, 2839, I'art 3?Held by Juuge i-pauld ing.?No-. 37 .9, 8664, 4618, 4325, 3092, 3.13, 3848, 3961, 3950^ 4616, 424*. 44714. 8633, 1649, '25)8, 2989. Part 4- Held by Judge McAdaai.?N"S. 36'js, 2764, 4296. 1138, 1885, 4465, 2684, 2801, 877, 2766, 2679, 2701, 442". 2330. 3419, 3009, 3' 10, .1876, 4204, 4227, 4300, 2263, 2660, 2 .66, 2373, 275.x, 2742, 2791, 27t?.i, 4476. 2803, 2809, 2817. 2827,, 2'Jal, 28j5, 2913, 2919, 3083. i in Kr ok gkni kai. I8K?iq>s?Held by Recorder liackeit.? lhe People vs. Victor OlMSon, robbery J Name vs. Ci.arlea Mcfcv y. odrg.ary; Maine vs. charlv- Wiiiiams, ourglaryj.'saui* vs. Peter Woods, burglary; faiuo v.-. Jospu Moan! n, buiRtury; Haute vs. Tiiotnas MaOoru. burglary; miuu rn. Josepu Parley, grand larceny; Haoit: vs. unvnl CailngDon, grand larcenv: bame vs. Geoige Mil sou, grand larceny ; .same vs. nmotny sin a. grand larceny; same vs. Martha J'lrikney, grunu larceny; Same v*. Junies Y uuigr, gr ind larceny ; same ts. 1-rcderica A. Gooua.l, taiaj prcietice*; samo vs. Jaiues M111 r, imne pretences; Same vs. Joun Ki d y. cruelt? ?o aolmaia. OYRK AND ITRMIMK? UeH bT Jtldffff PSViff.? The People vs. i.uwaru Jncl.ougiwin, bouiiclde. TOMBS POLICE COURT. Before Justice Duffy. ARI.I78T OF A riCKPOCEBT. John Reilly, a noted pickpocket, was bald tc an swer, on complaint ot George Kttgel, of No. 66 Hprihg straat, wh im he relieved oi a waliel con taining $11. This licet fingered transaction oc curred in the .Bowerr while Mr. Kngei wsi en gaged in admmug somo Taney articles ur a store Winnow. Ban was tHeu at $i.JO0. A HIGHWAY ROBUKRT, On Saturday night as Joun Kebl ng, of No. ..'20 Seventh avenue, was proceeding through Hliaa iie'h street, he was attacked by a number of ruP flans, struck, knocked down and robbed ?( a watch and chain of the vame of $24. Two of the alleged aseeilents, Timothy McCarthy and tViiiinm H. I cirw, were #rre.xt?d. The rest escaped. Jus tice Duffv yesterdav held the prisoners lor trtai la do,aim of $1,006 hall each. YACHT.*, AC. t BARGAIN-4 t.AKOK ASSORTMENT OF BOATS _\ tor aal? ami volar, received tir T. DISS. MoND Moat Builder, No. ?4 I-rent airrei. l>? iwtvu Oo? rro. ur ami Nuntip>m#ry *i,?? ??, New Yurk. ? TIRST 01.AAA YAOIIT 35 PERT LONG, JIB ANO J\ mainsail rlf, In <'ete order. will !>e aoiil eh>-ar. *irH lo Captain JA' K. uruowij u \ a tin cluli bou?c, i.h.i oft iirt etreet, Brooklyn. t coPPCR-FA TEN KD ROW HI 11T COR ft U,K-It AY Hi" lone. no? anil haa<laoi>ieie flmalird. Apply to K. WYCkoKK, 151 Bon sixteenth i-tntt. fjH>K SAI.E?T A''H T TESTA, ?l TONS; CCI.l.Y I erinipped; warranted ?.,uii,| and will lie told low. Applr to <. A R. I'Oli^oN, XM m.uth street. fpOl CHARTER?THR HH^T CUMI HlDIWRIRIi r oifanicr t.'l TV l'<?l\r. 'iiitihlr Inr Srniml or riecr iiMviuatiou. Apply ta UiIAHLi.n C. I.E.tKY, 7J William street IJABTirs r.oINO TO THE col NTItY *UOt'EI> LKAVK TliElIt UIRCI IION AT. TIJR oFflCH or THE KVKMNo TE 1. MS It AM. No f ANN NTHrKT, AND IIA V I V COPT or IIIK I, AST EDITION, WITH AM. THIt I.ATKh r MV,< j?E N f TO ANY MlllRI-f IN" Mil. CM lb IaTES lilt CANADA rou fifiy < a tontii, rusr prepaid. ICO it Mrs RI'ADY To SOIfP-MHREU OI.IB, I .)'I it nil. nail, iDlilng. ?lilp?' U,n? nail aa.l row Boati i nnililivd. uiHiain, i iivIh>?i.. all cheap. a I KPIIr N uoiKRI :wih and :trt sonth atraet ITaTHICTIOI. it f.o? Boo K K C. I, I'l N11 COR Bl SINEHH MEN J\ M?wr? \R. I IAT It roan way. tench double ?nfry traotP-aily a? uted in tba ba n New York tinitaei and wake good bonk mx-pers in a few private lee-on*: lliev ?:?i ihiiiovi. Htiflw** or trnnplinr ami inake ale don Ptolmo* n lit.'i$. Open day and tvetiinv. all nun roe r. \T THOMPSON s ( Ol.I.ROd. M forum avb.ncr, oppimto I on Iter institute. H, ikai aptue. ttrlline. Arithmetic ln-lrtictloii rtav and evening. Indiea'de partment. Telegraphy la,i,bt pra? tn al.y, with uottu ntroux open all *nt?twar. i vol;no r,M>v, or raiiit, mimicai. hkh i#, J \ drain's a paction lor .'lie or country in exilnture for h. *rd .| r*k? oertnan, bic/lmii iiiki trench , teaches Hirer Kiddmdein * metho.1. A.lilreaa Mlis k. C., care til Nr. Ohnatern 73 I'lMTi r?py place. fPHK EVENING IFU.GRA* TtiVIOIir. AS USL'ATi, PUS A I I II' I. A TEST TbWB. CA'J RAM AO B?., BROOK 1.T N?A OOTRRRftM, ?*?? with heo raier- n <?* ai d speaking fluently French, (S"rt? li Engllg'i, w int., ? entire etiarye of two childrea , i a.tvi it'?< i.< - iiiuii at ?! Lnr.ikU brabctc*. Addteaa. MIES AT Altrxiow. Ar Now on exhibition, day aud evening, at the Clintou Hail Salerooms, Asior plaoe. Probably the fluent as-euiblage of rare and curious spet-iniun*01 Uie peculiar skill ot th< artists thai lie* ever been brought to America, illustrating the lx?i loiui* ei art industry in CHINA AW) JAPAN, consisting of Larmiered Work?carving* in wood ami Ivory?i?ronz'?- ron-eUiU aud Potiery?Cloisonne l n nneU?ViMola ami fablete In Jade?Aruia and Aruiur?embroidery-Paintings, Ao., Ao. The pr >perty of a gentleman who ma te the collection for in, io . ..ue oat) dmina a residence ol twenty years in the l.n, t. Trlie sold hv auction, on ihc afternoon* of Monday. Tuesday uiii Wednesday, Juue 31, 22 and 2S, a) 3* o'cloca. 1 he Mv LiiAVliT Auottoueer* SPANISH A ST I B OBUtttk ollection of Painting* and Water Col or*, by eminent SPANISH MASTERS. .OLD AND MODERN, now on exhibition at the Lcavltt Art Rooms, 817 Broadway. 3 A. X. to ?i:JU i*. M. Catalogues ready, and to im soM by nnetion on the evening* ot Thursday ami Krtday, Juik- 24 and 34. i lie Messrs. LKAVirP, Aactloncerr. ADRIAN H. MULLER, AUCTIONEER. BxrcoTosa? sale. Hour as and hot corner Of Broome and ChrvsCe streets; also Lot* hi Ma lison aveuuo and Hity-l00rth stre-l. Tilth street an 1 Ninth avenue, opposite Morutngstde Parle ADRIAN IT. MULLKR A SON will sell at auction on Tuesday. June 23. 1875, at 12 ..'cloak, at thy Rxehaniro Salesroom, .,<> 111 Broadway, by order of the executors Of TttootaaOonueli, dceeasou;? . . Brnomu and Chry-tie streets-The brick and frame Houses and Lot No. 333 Broome street, southwest coruer of Chrvitie "troet. . __ Maili.-'iii avenue?2 Lota, west side. 49.8north of Twen ty-Seventh street Madison avenue -8 Lnts, southwest corner of Madison avenue and Kitty I oar lb street, with 1 Lotlu the rear on Kilty-lourtn street. , ? ' 120tn street?4 Lot#, north slue, 100 feet east of Ninth avenue. Ninth avenue?4 Lots, southeast corner of Ninth ave nue ami 121st st.rsci ari l opposite the Mornlnasiile Park. Kitty per eeut mav remain on bond and mortgage. W TMORE A BOWNB, Attorney* Maps at the office of tne auctioneers. A ?828,000 WORTH OP ELKO ANT il, llouirholil furniture, Pianoforte*, Hroii/.es, oil Paintings, Ac., at public auction, at private mansion 120 West i weutv third street, tills iMondav MORNING, coiumeneing at 1"}, o'clock. By TXKK, Auctioneer.-Will sell all the cosily Works ot Art contained In above residence, com prising velvet, Brih?? Is (J n runts. rose wood b eiuwav A bonsPtauoloi'ie, Bronzes, Oaiunois, latest stylos Parlor Suits, covered in satin, reps, Ac.; Centre Taolee, Inlaid; Bookcase, i Ibrary r iiranure, i urkldi Chairs, Uongeij Chamber Hints, complete black walnut Dressing Cases, Bureaus, Bedstead*, sprint and hair Mattresses. Dining Room Huntsi. Chairs . xienstoii futile; als > Basement ?nd Kitchen Kuril t ir,-. or i is boxi l and shipped. ATTRACT1VB ART HALE. American and lorelgi OIL PAINTINGS, at tho Art Gallery. N o. tsl Liberty street. THURSDAY AND FKIDAV, JUNE 34 AND 28. Now on exhibition. EDWARD bCHBNcK, Auctioneer. ?.JF.RK. JOHNKON, JR.. AUOTIONKBB, I ? Furniture, Merchandise and Ktne Arts alexroom, 37 Nassau street Real Estate Department, 21 Par* Row, *rw York. O.s WlinNi-SUAY, AT 10* O'CLOCK, FINE RAI.K OP KLKOANT CARPETb, MIRRORS anil general Household furniture, removed from the country for convenience el sale. Particulars in time. Auction balk. -J II 1st (MONDAY' MOKNfNO, commencing at 10* o'clock, at live story browu siotie luansiou No. 47 West itttn street, between Ut and bth avenue*. Plain souk' andgeuteel Uouuoliold furniture, Bieimvay A Nous 7* octave Pianoforte, Looker A Bros, upright PUnolorte. Handsome Parlor Buns, m erunsou mid un satin and broi-atel, lurkislt Lounges, Easy i hairs, gilt inlaid tea ire and Console lablrs, Imported bronze Elffui es, ' " " ind Clocks, Miri ors. Curtain*. flnu Oil* linings, . ibrary l Becreiairo Bookcases, Library Tables, Wriiing Pesas, Elaborate Chamber Bets, solid walnut and rosewood, vix t?Inlaid Bedstead*. ire<rtng Cases. Armotre-a-<>lace, Washstands. Commodes. Ac.: also single Bedsteans, Roreaos. At hair and -mring Mattresses, One Bedding, rep, plush and brocatel nuits In various cou,rs. i-.xt^teioii laple. L'ufl?t, cnairs in leather,'line Silver w-ire.^rockorv, 29 feroik-els and In-raln Csrueta. hair cloth Suit". N B. ? Bale p, siitvs. Take Sixth avenue cars. Ooeus packed It required. ROBERT-a C ASH IN, Auctioneer. Art hale. CHARLK8 BODE, Auctioneer, will close oot the bulaoee of Oil Psintiugs now remtlmna on hand at store t>S Nassau ? reet, on We lnesday, Juun *3, at It o'elock. Ibis olfaction 1* eousigued by the artists direct, with positive iiiMTnations to sellj It lw therefore a great oppoi toon> to llio-s in want ol choice ml painp lugs to ateild ih ii sale, sf it !s peremptory and without res.-rve. la this sale Uie frames aud paintings are sold together. ADC I ION.?118 K AT AND IMPORTANT KXKOUTOR sain of valuable Heal batata in the lowua of he w town. Jamaica and Hempstead, Qii-cuh ceunty. L. I , lo rlos-an e Lite, at It. omen's Hotel tn the village "f Jnuiuca, st 1 o'clock t N.,on Tueaday, June -2. i 7A Will ne Absolutely ani With, ut reserve sold !o the highest bidder. thinutti K. A. l.AW'i'KSt.K A CO, Auctioneers tlire- ?plm.iid Farina offlb acree each: nme magnificent Plota ol ftnui '?> to 12 acres each all the pla-es arc within easy acct m ot >cw Turk etiy, with facilities of sieara and b?r?e car railroad: terms of rale wry ea?v; the largest portion ot the pnrchase money can remain on bond and mottaage. Maps and p irticulars a* office of auctioneer, t2H Broadway, or ot3Se ot executor* SJ3 Broome sticei. New tork. ^b'l'TIOM ROOMS, S9_A>n 41K 1ST fHIRTRF.NTH J\ ?tret t. ? tirnitnre. Carpets, Mirrors. Parlor Suits, l ertor Beds Hoofcca?*|, Uia-s I'lated and ? rookery Ware. I no il Sheet*. Ac., lor cadi at auction prices; alto in lustalincnta. Au??tlmi aaie on Tuesday, June A >u limited gooda offered atnnciio'i, J. UAVBN, Auction'. r. At M. E. FaVhK'N APCTION HODSR-BT C D. PAVOit Auctioneer.-''Tuesday, June St large ?aie . f new and second liand Furniture. i'ari ot*. Mirrors Uiass. ware, t uiiery, Ac.: grand clearing not sale, Partus h?'. nil Keoits on storage and wi-hing them sold will please give notice on Monday. Particulars iueattar. A LOTION 8ALS.-M. NC38BA0JL AUCTIONbER,<3 A How-ry, ?eli" this day. at It o'clock, at No. 444 e?o ..-:d s\enue, me block, rlatnres Machinery, liorae", tt ?g>ui?. Ac., oi a Bode H.s:er F.ietnrv; )letn*?? Copper ippsratn-. i? m ol h.iy, Wagons, Bottles, Boxes, As, wtibuut reserve. A DCTIt'N, A COT 10If, MICTION, .'\ (?! elegant Ilouschnla Furuitnre, thle day (Mon davi. June M. commencing ai l#X o'clock, at pruaio residence 21 Rest (HA street, near nreadwav, conststlna ?i rli iily-gllt m an Parlor suite, covered In Preneh brocaiel, cotehn. rep and haircloth; 7'? octave Piano forte, best city uiaker; imported Bronaes due ? ?tt P?mi ' ah nets, ~ lugs Vases, i' tageres, Cabluets French plate Mirrors, (loess. Turkish Chair*and l.oungea; 'Inlaid gilt < entre. Library, warble, Extension and i.aues' Work table*. Wardrobes Bookcase. Ue-k. Cnrtalus, IMnlPf t(o< m Furultu e Buffet, Chairs, Dinner and Tea sow Silver and Plated Ware, creeaery Cutlery, Ac.: walnut Bed" ?leads. Dressing Oases, Ammir# a ijlsce. Mure his Wash stands. spring and heir Mattres-es, Bedding. Ac. : i ar Reta. Mais, earn.ue descriptions, and every necessary on ' bold article: a rare c.more for those aboat tur msnuig uieir kuBMa Sate poetiive. m?m:V ZlNV Anctioncer. AUCTION SALE?AT 105 F.AST Ulil BT., near ?tb sv , THIS iMondav MOtf NINil, J una 21, at 10',' o'clock, a'l toe eleesni Household rernmire. at the private resi dence im Kasl 13th ?f., near 4th av., to tho blgbeel bol der, wltbeni re erve. c.iuaisiiu* oi mug niBoent nose wood Pianolorte elegant Parlor Suits, In satin, urocele and reps; H-deteads, Knreans Wa*>.stand*. Dressing Cases, Wardrohea hair an.; spring Mattresses, He din*, eklev Ktsg< res. Mirrors, i'urt*ltn Bron/es, Vases. Htiffrf Ex tension lebles. fhatrs, velvet Hruascle Carpets; Ulaaa, China, Bldrer Ware, < uucry. Ac. J. kkaEMBR Anctloneer. JJY DA NIK A. MATIIKWS, AUCTION kR B.-BXM ? ntor ? saw. Household Furnltnre ctr?eta Mirrors. China. Olass Ae , AT RK.lllH Ni'K ?7 KA T THIKTIKI H hT. IlK.-HAV, June 22. at H"? o'clock, rarticulars morning or sale. Bv order J. Ilnler, Fs,;.,egerutor I nolo WoMOw deeeaoed. BT J. W. CAMPB Lb. JR.. ACi TMBFER. -< AMP M I T, A t'ti. sell this dav. In lois, commeaelng at lob. o'cIocs, entire largo, general aasoriod stock of line Groceries. Teas UROsrs, Wines. A" , eontaine I In Camn A M.'inm ? first class store -?.l third avenne, near Fitly" fonrth erreet .-took about tk.KNI. embracing ,|uantltv of full packages cb-ice goods, barrels ruuar, Hyrega, Flour. Vinegsr. ohesta ol saeortiel fine leas hags t of fees, gall"! S snd bottles of fine prand lea, fllii and old i ahiitct Whu-kics; ohoo e Fancy 'iroeerlee, suoerb r Shell Hood", tine Bplees, Psnro. elegant i am d floods, hones star h. tmses uneps. sees Hmi'-r and Lard : noaii tlflssef ntlfer tine noode: Plaftorm end counter .-euie-.. Jape i Tea i Keaanna Ac. fAencereraoii. hnvers and dcaP-rs . specially invited. Pesiflve ? ?i . no reserve. CA MPBKLb A CO..? ffie# ?w p.aat Jllnih si ret t. m Mi i lli. P.T BOM tRVil.LR, Al CTIOBMR, 74 rNTT KltelTY flsACR. CAtARlNO OCT WALK of If FIFTH AVBM K. PRI.rmCS TO AI.TKRI.VH I HE B CI L PI NO. fAlNT INOd. FCRNfTCRR. AC AC? DRTAIf.e IN TIME. f TATALOHCK", rOPIRHS, CIRl'DLARs AND Al.T " J km is of despatch by '.. LISHBKN r. No. 21? Rrooitwgy. klnlgot AU' tlon Printing done ivilb the greatest '.i rj I despatch by "he MrtTRtipoLirAir FitlNflNO hblAb D ANlRli II. B( llDErf, ACCrlONEKR By BCRDk. f A DMNNI-'. tto'-e N i. ;9 Burling s lp. Mi IN t)\Y Tnne SI. at 12 o'. look, * iiU.ii ikar atr r*. bv order of'ji v-r risks, K?q . I'niteu Mates Mar'hat, ?eer-cbsuni Pipes, Cigar Tubes. Ac. ; 441 ttlegaui Miir sibanm Pipes, tigar 11'1*'' "ilk and Silk Spite Si* pieces yer. elegant aud bsaiy black, plum ami ilate coloied -ilk. ? _ , Two orv elegant Silk en!t". one Cashmere Cieth taf, alt sei/e.l for violation of revenue laws. /N W. JENKINS. AOCTIONBIA.?B. B, HRNHY U, will sell on Mondav, June 21. at I0K or <?k at No, 16? Klrit ivenue, large and general avorimont of Rnwt hold turni'ure. comprlsl'ig Mack walnut Bureau*. Waehrtamia, nnarlii* top and legt Tahiep, oia", Lmingea, l ook ng isiaesee; rocking, cane s?at and wood '"hairs; hngraiiugs. Mgttrcs*, Pillows, t'rlhs and c.v,ui ?bU It -ttea i?rnci h.Atis. barrovu 'I'abiea ac. If. SALKN AT AIM TlOt. B. HURTS A RONS. AUCTIONEER*. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, CARPETS, AC., AC., ON MONDAY, JCMi -1. AT lll'i O'CLOCK, AT NO. 243 EAST THI KlY-SEOOMD STREET, comprising wnlnut Psrlor. Chamber and Dialog Rnom >uits, BbiIh, Bedding, Brussels and Ingrain < arpvta. Oil CltiUi. Reirlgeratora, Kitchen ami Cooking Utensils, Ac. Catalogues at rule. T HAVEN AUCTIONEER, WILL SELL AT 39 *ND el ? aii ! ii cast rhirteen'h street, on Tuesday, June 22, at 10>s a. M,. tint con tins ot a large bouse, rcuioved to nt.y roonts i,,r convenience ol sale; alao a lot ot Mil linery Ooods. Hats, trimmed and untrtmraed; Ribbons, gathers Flowers, Ac. Kile Positive end wtlhout re serve. Parties having tree uoods. or goods that must bo mod, si* nd t he in m. Returns made same day id sale. KT EVERY MAN OWN REAL HUT ATE. Peremptory Kale of forty one lads, comprisiiii.' tnosi of the block of lsn l houfldad hy First avenue, I ast River, JOtjtti and 101 At streets. OKI ilto K IIOUAUr Kiuir will g'-il at the Exchange Katesroom, 111 Broad way. New York, by order of Messrs. u tit van. Kobtie A Fowler, Attorneys, on WEDNERKAY, JUNK 30, 117A at I'd o'clock M. Tertuseasy. Ju five >ears these lots will bo aurrounded by houses mid have quadrupled in vitlti". It Is the Inst upper.unity to not cheap lots in New Vora city. No reserve. For particulars and maps apply to GKOBOE HOHARf SCOTT, No. t>h Pitt" street, or to the attorneys, SULLIVAN, KOBRH A FOWLER, Drezel Building, Wall street. New York. M ORRIS W II,KINS, AUCTIONEER, a TUUSI EE'S KALE OK BOND ASP MORTGAGE*. K. II LDOIiOW Ai'h. will sell at auction, on THURS DAY, .tone 114, 1875, at lilts e'clocK, st the Eaouange Ralcsroom, No. HI Broadway. New York, KALE It Y ORijKR OF DAY III UtlWR, TR(TSTKH, Bond ol William O. Mead to Daniel Drew tor B40.n0.>, on which $34.U). is unpaid, secured ny mortgage on proper, ty in town olDsrinel, Putnam county. New York; Kond ot Daniel Drow to David Dow*, trustee, tor $8,000; Bond id Daniel Drew to David Dow?, trustee, tor $3 1,0110; Bond ol Daniel Drew to David Dow*, trustee, lor $.)U,eUU tali secured hy mortgages on property in town <>t Cartncl, Finn tin COUiny, New York); Bond ot Daniel. Drew to David i own trustee, tor fl.i.OOO, secured by mortgage on ituei * ~ property in Southeast, Putnam cuiniiy. New Yorlc ; Bond ol liaiilel Drew lo David DoWS, trustee, for $1&U00, se cured by mortgage on property In toivn of Courtlandt, Westchester county, New York; Bond of Daniel Drew to David Dowa, trustee, for S75.0'ii), secured by mortgages nu property* In town ot Madison, Morris county. New ?terse/; Bond of Deary Mead lo Daulal Drew tor $2.U.W, secured by mortgage on property at Brewster's station, Putnam county. New York; Bend ot Jonathan F. Frost to Daniel Drew for $40,000, secured Lv mortgages on property In towns of Bomers and North Salem We-l ehester county, ew York. Full particulars in relation to above can ue had At the office ot the auctioneers, No. 3 Flue street. MOUTOAOK sale.?HENRY DKK1IKR, AUCTION eer, office 26 First street, -ell* this ,tav, at too'clo''*, at 84 Hester stre t, Stock and Fixtures ot a Grocery; large lot ot Roup. Teak, Coffees. t anned Fruit. Rpioes, OotMter, Fixtur s. Settles, Cannier*. 1,-e Box. Ua* Fix tures. Ac., in iota, OUIt. F. KIKUCK, Attorney tor Mortgagee. TLfARHIIAL'8 BALK.-BT VIRTUE OF AN EXRCU 1*1 tion to me directed and delivered, I wi"li sell at putdtc ?uction on Monday, June 21. at 1(1 A M , the con tents of a I'leture Frame establishment, at Nos 18and 20 Peart street, con i*tliin of I'leV u'm-i", Pictures, Pic lure frames, Mouldings, Looking Glasses. Ac.. Ac C. FA KI.K V, Marshal. MARSHAL'S sale.?PETER bowk, AUCTIONEER, this day at 11 o'clock, at the auction room* No. II University place, corner Kiglitli street, a lot of Human Hair, switches, Deris, Heir Dye. Pomade, curling irons, Ac. L. LHUbUm'HKB, Marshal. Peremptory auction rale?op- is plots of g Ground suitable for gardeners ISO building Lois and Hotel, with ail modefti improvements, (hens stable*, Ac., situmed on the New \ ork and FatersoB Plunk Road, a i|imr'cr or a mile from Reacatieos Reeu couese, Hud son county. New Jersey, and know n us Ghlcora I'ark, on Wednesday. Juno 23. 1875, at 2 o'clock F. M., on the ground, lo attend the sale take special train via Northern Railroad of New Jersey, leaving Twenty-third street ferry at 14 o'clock M. ironi New York, and 19:15 from Chambers street; also. Die New Jersey Midland Railway, leaving Desbrosses and Cortlandt streets at 12;is from New York. For further particular!, maps and tree railway ticket* apply to L Wis K. WuOD, 7'J Mont et, Jersey City; WILLIaM A. WEEK*. 34 fODiery Stroet, u o l .? - it,, n O.I.I , u r\. r, I i.n.' v, llttJsjt) street, Hobokcn, N. J., or CHARLES uOiiloCU, on the premises. PAWN BROKER'S 8AI-E-?JaMEH agar, auction eer, will sell, at S'.i New Bowery, S00 Iota of -ilk ami other oressoH. i rape and Face chaw Is, Ileum tnt*. I'n. derciothes, Riieets, spreads ieb!e Linen and a variety o> other to ods; si.-o Coals. I'antal??on* and Vest*. By order of-oloinon btern. lis West ? wenty-aeventh street. PAWNBROKER'S S ALE.?THOU 8. M'ORATH, Alt' tioneer. U! Chatham strepr, corner Mulberry v. ill i sell tills day, 11 o'clock, men's and Women's Clolhin; Dresses, HI.awl*, i ctnimiits, Qudis, Bedding, i not*. Mlioes, AC.; ?iso <'oats, I'ant* and Vesta. B. older J. L. 1'rsger, West l hirty-third street. PAWNBROKER'S SALE.?RICHARD FIELD, DEV. eral Atiotioneer. salesroom No. 89 Howerv, wilt sell this day, at II o'clock sharp, nuo lots men's and women's ciotbiag, Drrssea Rhewls. Keuinanuk I nderclothing, Beds, Hsddlng, yoilia, Blankets, Boot*. Shoe* Ac.. Ac.; also Coats, Funis and Vests, By cider M. Mebrbaob, Grand street. Richard Walters, auctioneer-marshal's sale?will sell, on Monday, at 10!, o'clock, at J7 East Broadway. 20 hoxe* flue French Flowers. Ji .loaen hue kid Gloves, adco:ors, Ac. D. A. Ml'ilFDY. Marshal. KT 1VKRY MAN OWN RKAL KIT ATE. Peremptory aaie of forty-one l.ot*. comprising ino-1 of tlii' block ol mod bounded tiv Fir*l aveiiuc. East River, KA'lli aue IflUt a tree u ?BOR0M 111)BART PCOTT will ell at the Haic-rovm, 1U Broadway New York, by order of Messrs. -nlliran, Kobbe A fowler. Attorney*, ?a WfcDXMBiiAY, Jl'Nr. jp, le.j, at II c'cuiok. M. Term* miit. In five year* three lots v?111 ba ?ur roundel by houses* mi n.ive <in.niruple<i in value. li i* uie lam oiportuuitj' to gelt lie n| luti in New York cliv No raterve. Fot particular* akd mapsanrlv In tilcWUt UDBART srOTT. Nu. 5^, Fiu? ?t. cct, or to the attorney*. bCLMYan. knnrr: * rnvrw.n. Pruil hJ .. ? ? iy. Wall ?tn el. New \ oik. AH - II Ai- S HALK?PKTHM BOWR, A tl'TIONEF-R, will fit on Monday June 21. al lo* . o .... a A It sharp, two handsome tl or >uphm?d hart s. 6 and 7 years; two *lde oar VYugous llarne**, lo.: corner of i-.ii,'!iih *u"et aail University p ace: tor parte nis i * see*.'uud vainape adveriiaumcua.Meiai.i. P. DAli.hY, Marshal. Riciiako v. HAHNKrr. \i. rioNb! it. will sell at 40 tloll, 011 VEDN.JPAI, June Al. at 12o'clock, at (be xehany* Salesroom. Ill Hroadwac. bv order oi administratrix ..f Hei ry K. Miar# de. oa-eitt, HI au.l fit aa( . wenty second nr-et west of inir.i .?*? euuo, valuable Krencl. flat '"ur siorv. basement. brick Apirtmen. House, with stoie. and three ?torv and base uieBi brick Dwelling Honae. Also three sto v and has,p mem t re k Factory, covering the rear; two lot*. 80x?s. Property la good order; rcnu fir l> r annuii). l-Hiy per cent mi mortgage. Sale abaolute. Map*, per mit?, AC-, at auctioaeer'aoffice, ill Broadway RICIIAKII WALTF.Rl*, A I I 'Til i. K F R MlKRIIALS sale Oroeertes ac.i. Will sell on till* day, Men i ir. at I0<i o'c ock, at "i7 . a* Hroa.1 way, a larie a*sortm?nt of (.roccrles, via Twenty Hie eke ts lea. bores soap, t offee, cauue.t Fruit, 8plct?, Catioip. t*ic'?io?. tilaascsae, Ac.. Ac. Is iIAhDis, Marshal. ^nitlllFK'N MAI.K OF OFFJ/'K ril RN ITl'BK. BAKES, ,*c. ?8. II i.It* AN, Sheriff's antl tleneral Auetloie. r, .111 sell, M. u iay luoe 21, at lOu'cloca, No. UBooerv. Hon,*, Oh .irw. Uopylng I'rrseaml Stand Lounge*, ?ard rob-a. Bureaus, table*. Carpeta, Matting ulasaaa, Clock, ill Paintings one Melodevn. Ac., also two Sale-, ao.; tulle L>Of at i % Ua v M.i TTUEW T. BRKXW AN*. late Sh< riff. A. Aauoy*. Deputy. Alao at II o . Iocs, No. l'JBowrrv one Billiard Tahle WM. C. CONNKlt, Sheriff riff Vena I.sFiorw, Oenirv. mo t. l.i).s.t AM KUTATK. lit E. U. LUDLOW A CO.. auctioneers elegant bomeateaia and valuablo real ?Mate in Weatebeatcr county, between Mainaroneck and Rye, en th* Bnrtrm bo-jlev.trJ and within ah^.nf ten tnln nfes'walk of the Net T irk A New HaTen Railroad-th lion at Harrison. Will be aokl at the Eichaiige sales room. Ill Br.udway, on Tuesday June Ti. at ii o'clock noon. Upon the meet liberal teims ihe spa dona hou?e, late the residence ol J u Ige A. W Bradford. suiuhlfl tor hotel, school or residence, with six to acre*, sta ble, conservatory and jirapcry end *_!?) two plots of about i w o and a halt and lour acres each. flTlLLlAR WITTFRH. ACCTIONK B. WII.I, HELL f f 111.* day, at I o'clock, at 43? > 'anal street, or virtue 01 a Ch itiel mortaige. a i irpe u>t of llo.iaen.ild Ktirni- i lore, Hru-se sand liirrnin i arpct*. Olieleiha, hatr ami oth. r Maitres*'*, teaihcr He.da, I'niowa Ao., aediitiy*. pier an.1 plain Mirror*, i'ouiiters. Ib *ka, Ac., iron sihs, Retrlrerateni. creen Blind*. Sashes. DotrA Bfioweaaes, Au Rv order William i union, Attornei for M irlaaaec. II'ILLIAH ABBOTT, A l'< TION BKR, tf office Mo. 2< haimwrs sir. et Hotel al anciion on ' ueaday. 2M inei., at S o'clooi, p. M.. coiiMimna room*, with it? Beds And Beadlon, known a* the Ablbem Howl, at No. 2M Ktilion street, oi Poeite WaMtlnvton market; alao . oule ita of Resta i ranl and Barroom alla?h",|, steam I'ahles, copper Vis. se Is Ac.; tbe haa I our rear* 10 Mil iH-i -I I, i < > u? AM.'., WAITED. In this C'ltjr anil Brooklyn. I yrnilT CLERK 1YASTM A FURNISHED Rdf)n A convenient lo down town, In A unlet bonne; s.?t9 leiuis uer week or month. ?lm h lutitt b? n.oi.ei i.. Address KuMNbl. boa 132 IlerAld oBci Ifi 1.A I WAN r F. 11? B Y A SMALL FAMILY; A FIRer r class Itai with all modern .mproveineut*. between Fortv seoomi and Flfrv uin'h atreet* *mi Fo irth ant Kltihth avenues Atldreda L. i III (.rami atreet. II ANTRD-BY A OF.NTI RM Ml AM) WIKR. A If ani.ill, well Inrmalied House, located b twee ii Fenrteenlh and Flltv neveelh street* And far* am! M*i'i avenue* Aiidre**, *ta. in* loaatloo and (i i m*. U II., b<x 140 Herald ultown Branca once. tl' AMKP-IN A STRICT I.r I'klVA k MMILY fv (trench pre'erreil), between Fou-teeuth and Twetiiv *iMii ?tre< t an I Hroadwa* anl Sixth avenue a well Inrnished Ko.<m. use ol bMb, Clowta nnd 'irstelas* Board, ter man and wife; reference* er hanped; ter n* not lo exceed $23 par we x. A.ldrca*, w itli lull panieu lara M. F.. box h>P Herald office. II A H III i: iWANTKIsM. ATURRATLT RBDl'ORD PRIUKA An extensive Mock oi Mia;- ami Marble Xania'4, Waah iraysaml d'atsi Work ofevary leacrinlioo. RRNKHYN oLaTK ndinSf, Tnlon snuare, Fottrlh avenue anil 'ovcntccntn at S.T. ATiiRRaTLY RKDPC :D PR!! AN KXrKNSIVIt s'V stock ol Marble an I Msrbteueu vianto.s and all otuer Niarhla W ,rkA Marble TurninR for tho trade. A. Ki.aBRR, 1J4 Ka?t eighteenth street, near Third av. QTKWARrS RBW SLATB MANTELS, INI 41D WITH k7 ti'aai aleo niarhlu and w I Man ei?, ei?*ant da elpns; price* very low KM And ? Weet rftltf third pi eet, Beau Baveoth aveuua, ?OiROBttS WAMTBD. 1 LARGE. TLBASANT ROOM TO TjKT, WITH L Hoarn; callable lor gentleman and wife: Room bj itineh- gantlemea; a'au 'able Board; reference* 1,4W Broadway, between Forty thtru mirt Forty-fourth ate. 1 LARGE COOL FRONT BOOM, SECOND FLOOR, 1 wHh heard, one ball block west ol Broadway; re luceu prices for sutduier mouth.; bc?t retereuce*. :>6 Kaat 'Iwcltlh street. o BLOCKS FROM BROADWAV-FAMIUK8 OR JL oiuiri*' icentlem 11 can he accoiumudatwl w*,h Hoard borne comforts and pleasant UoOiui; tame boarders. 61 Kew Fourth street. <S>r lO AH PER WEKK-POR RO.IMS, \VI fll BOARD; ?frO laiiiihes accommodated eoue'ly low; hot and cold wnter in rooms. itouth Wellington.Mjuare, uurd door from Macdougal street. PER WEEK ?BOARD. W1T1I A IKIllWlf M) tton Room, tor a geutlem ?n; also table Board, nglisb lamliy. 3 >d West Thirty-titth street. _____ 1A ~WAV :KLKY PLaCR. NEAR EROADWAT. 1U Pleas.iut front Rooms. ?U. $15 and $10 tor two it tons, ivith Hoard : single Rooms, III. traualeut people, %'l per day; table Board, It, ____ <)??!) STREET, 12$ EAST? HANDSOMELY fUR" Z't nlshod Rooms, with first class Board, tor (kmllM or gentierrmu; ad homo comfort*; summer nflc?*'' n1^*1 c'ass .leighborliood and location also day Board era OQTH STREET, WEST. HOT? HANDSOMELY Fl'R J,r) nlshed single anil double rooms, with Board; hot ami cold water. ami ventem 10 cars and stages; Amen . cau family; terms. $6 to <H per week. j on CLINTOV Place.?A WD FT op parlor* I J,'' to let-aleootner nicely furnished Rooms, with or ( without Board, at summer prices. 0?J 85 AND ST WERT FOURTEENTH STREET. | 0?y, Ncivl'v and eleyanily furnished Rooms, with or without Boiird. en suite or ctngly, by day or week; transient tor summer mouths. OATH STREET, 184 WF.MT. NKAB BROADWAY. Ot HniMMomely furnished Second Floor with otiex oen'lnintble Board; also single Room; tainilv small; but few select boarders taken; retercuces exchanged. A l\ EAST NINTH STRBBT, NEAR BROADWAY.?TO 4-t' let. with Board, lari/u Room*, suitable tor gentle nun and vrivcf; single Room* mi* geiitleun-n . transit u and day noanlers accommodated. IO SPY!-NTH AVMNUK.?PLEASANT. WELL FUR 4.) nished -inele Rooms, all conveniences, With eood liberal Board, lor $6. $7 or 8* brown stoue, central, genteel nDlgbborho'sl; croaatown cars paia. [ 111(1 PAST SIXTEENTH STREET. TifRFK ODORS I''./ from Westminster Hotel.?Rooms handsome!! furnished to let, wild or without Board; transient pur ites taken tor summer; summer prices. _ 1 ,)/\ FAST SINF.TKF.N TU FT It Pi r.-I'Ll ASANTLY 1 ? U I oc Ited Rooms, with flr-l class Hoard .at ?u miner prices, cither eu suite or singly. One door Irom Initio place. OQe WlffT TBTRTY-BIOB B BTRHE*.?TO LET. turnlshed Rooms, with Hoard, together or wspa rately house first claee; relerenccs; terms modernte. iii/r EAST THIRTEENTH HIRE T. ? A BRA DTI PC L ??1 U hr-t s'orv furnished front Parlor to let, at sum mer price, to geutlem in and wire; Hoard (or lany it drilr"d; elegant pri.a e residence gas and lot.i 854 SECOND AVENOK.-LADII B AND GENTLE men run bw 4iCConnuoU<itCvl with toini. Jenn* $3 to $4 pet week. i HANDSOME ROOM ON FIRST PLOOI!, WITH A ,,r without Board: also large llootn suitable lor housekeeping hot and cold water. Mi East lhrrty. seventh street, near Third avenue. OARD BILLS, WASH BILLS AND PRINTING SLMT 11 ahle lor holds sai l oardiog h(,us,o? mai be at low prlo<-H from the M K rtiOF* ?1a1 IAN luiMlfti ?8TAfi L1811M K N T. N o. 218 Bfoa<1way. B MOSEY FURNISHED ROOMS TO RENT WITH 1 ? Hoard lurntturo, carpets. Ac., the best; not a largo boarding house. -U East I'hirtoenth street, between Secoud and Third avenue*. No cuildreu taken ?, reter eoce*. K8IRAHLR ROOMS, AIRY AND PLEASANT Wf H J y or without Bo*r 1 t. families or single gentlemen. trariMsut or permanent , No. L West Kleveutn street, between Broadway and I nlvcrnity place. ^ D BOAHU AMI l.UI>4i?N4i WANTKIX T'yi" -g N rI?' M >.V wi HC8 a nicklt A furnished Room, not aliove Twenflefh strceu in a rm 11 rrivaie family, with or without Board, otatc In we*" price to PER vi A^faN.fbok 1^1 f oaf off. oa. TIOARD WANTED F<'R THE SCMMKR?FOR A 1> gentleman, wife and sfsier, child of three and :n i?nt- two Room*, iront ; location centr?l; rctcrcnoca. A ,V.' i.-o.A ?NT NM4L. Herald idb.e. II' ANTMD?BY A single GENTLEMAN nP UlUFT W hahits. Parlor and Bedroom, with ,nu* private ramdy.. Address, parLcuiar*. M. U., Tost otKcts buk 477. LW MIAlOi mTTaRD^B?oi)ELT^n"IGHTR. A FEW yugwg 1> walk from Fulton or Wall sireet lorries Room and hail Room V.n. cord floor: with or without Board. W Cranberry street Brook > o. iHWBIjBi "1 _?u> NEWLY PI RNtBBBD Ito ?s. A vie eenileir.ei and lannnes. Irimab.rt lloueu. ^.,^aCia4 WtUlara treat* Open ?" "a -COOI. PISGLK ROOM8, .WOO. AN?? ,W|' c^aUmm rtrcet "me Slock 'abov^ Clty Hall bets bed ding. Always ?P*m TSFI MONT HOTEL, Fl'LTON SfKKliT. NEAR tiamen's <u niug rooms o|* n ^uaday s.__ wuTKf ST (SERMtIN, BRIADWAY, FIKTH At E 11 nu?' i wentv *?< end street-Ruperbkwatioa: house facing tnr. ? str?e?r room, all front ? > per dat . e uro pea a phku, ?1 to $6; elevator, bat. is. ^ TpMpKIVg. iiitoK Hot'AK. NINTH AND rttF.srNl'T ?treats Phiiadelpbia.?Rammer rates reduced iroin AVen-s- aarup.e room, on lim tt-.r. Weekly rates. "|10io $t0- - a.iMgOl CQ, ARR Ilor.SE. BROADWAY CORNnB \l iwentr first itreot?Deeirable trotti Rooms a.i Suitr wUb ilo-rd. at reacobatle .umnwr rale^^. Jf TTL aiV 'llot'SF $ BOWBBY. 49. ON KI'ROPEaN St lan ?Rooms hv day. week or mouth : '? < . p:k\ .> . $1 per night weekty prices reashod. uEdRuE Ktca fcKT. proprietor. COtivi itv ito\iu>. nOAHO AT WILlOf t.AKK?IN KVKRY W AN FIRST e'aw: nine large ruoBl; boating on the lake; ar (nmuiodan-iii lor carriage*; it l? one ol the finest resi donee* in Uucea* county. Addret* U. JiUtlhiM. Locurt Valley, L.L Board on a farm in rocki-and ? ocntt, oni. utile from depot, one boor ami ? half by rail: boat m? and b-thiug. lor tar:, ulars call at IJU Weu fwen tysllth afreet. Board*- rj wanthd-at a farm house. about >?0 .nile* from New fork eltv. In Ulster county, near the in u :itins number United to in or u. lor particular! anply to or addre<? H. I? i, j i droa i way, or N. El, iinob, Mouut Vernon, X. V. Board n*R tmk bra^oa-at tub i.awiif.m s Honae. Claierark. < oliioi'na county. N. V? at re duced r .tea: mod gunning and Benina shade and do ligliiful drive*. Addias* il. L.AtV KF.Nci., Cluvciacl., Columbia county, N. Y. Hoard at co ?swaix-vooiina hoi sh. now open lor the *ea*oii; Hue ground* and plrn?Artt room* I'arti?alar* apply pi .foil.N PARK, aviBiie, irU. M. BKAt it. ID Broadway. 1 SATSKIIX MOON TAIN ?Pi Ri'A*t HOWK FOR \ ay lamity. en a tarai, twn rnilea nrnfa-id I u.i?n; aatisiactvry Board and clegmi vi?w?. FKI. OMAN MHOS., *S4 Broadway. (VATeKIIX?A FKW BOARtlRRa DAN BR ACCOM J niodated at a pleasant bi>u*c in *>? ( ataki'l; large aardea, fruit and eha-le; situaiina high; tine ui ?uniuTu ?lews. leitu*$1 '0 fid; rliilJriu A3. Address C. t P , boa lui i'oat office. CaukUL _ ClOUNTRY BOARD At OI.AVT.r. \ K. TURK* MI1.R8 J from nudwn. N. T.. in a pro me ia. -i < rooms pleasant and price re??onat. e. Artdrv - Mr*. A. F. I'll, Mr Clavera< k. Columbia roniny. y v. (AOCNTRY BOAKD-NKAR IdlNU BRANCH, ON J Shrewsbury rhcr; bathing. fishing. Imaging; ;ln a Hon tree from malaria and inu<a;ultoe?. Apply lor refer en res and tortus at I to Madiaon avenge. /*Or?rKY BOARD WANTKD-BY Hi N I I.K It A V, \J * ife and daughter ? yeara old). Boar i in the coun try. not over Me botir'a rtd? iroui e tv : aiaie tall partis u lara, term*. Ac., * hieh miia- be moderate. Address , , B. boa ?J Herai.i i pisiwii Branch ofhce I Mb Broadway. /nofnt.t BOARD.-A dbmhh i yt'k Pi-arn \J mining the m .untain* White l.ake. ? illiratl coantr. 7 mile* trivia Monti ello. boating and fl?hiag: goo 1 ?i? blc for horses private house. address Mrs. W, Whin Lake, euluvan county. /VOrjiTRY BOABB? BKAUflBBL M'KNF.RY of \^i m.-tintalnsand lake, on Midland Raiimad one ml'e from Oakland ?lation; lerre term. I?vni,?d on Conn-ton l-ake: new briea houae, |p airy rirnaui rtaltuiir. boathur. : very healthy ; 'errns moderate tor lar* iid?!re?* A. Y. H., Oaklan I, Bergen ? ounty, N. J. /tOCNTKY BIIAKD?at NbW RAt.TlMORK ON fMK I IfMdfoaj Brat elaa* accnminodatii na; flne driri -, boailug haibuig and llsiiing . terma moderate. For ref eieio * an 1 pliohotr ?oil apply to t'apiani <Mi Mot Iti a K Kit. at?-A-?er Walter Brett, pier 44 fo >t Canal ureet, on Tuesday, Tliuiaday or Saturday /vilhll BtMRDCAN BK HAD ON NORTH elDK DF "l laMRf Wand, a tnort A MM re from the Mound; term* low. Call on or addreaa a. B. Coi.ts, ,>i Keaae eired. New York. IJRIVaTH ROAKDINO M??U lt.~A i?KW BDARDKR.t J an b- Accommoda rd, on rea?onable terma, at il. srfcWAKI'n, at Batton, l.ake i.eorye. # IHMAt'F. ?m-WART. OI MMI.R BOARD FOR FROM I WO TO klOUT FKR. 0 aona in Connection', 4d mile* tr im New Tore-, apa clou* ground* and gi"*l a- oommodallonA Call dm or addrei* II. H. J ANTdN, l*g Centre aireei, New York. WANTF-D-ODOI) BOARD. BY OKHTI.RB4N AND ?v wile, for tba aunimer; place niu*? he aoceetlble by ateamboat and not in re than I'j hoturablnUnu Addrea* a.M RI' iN, bo* 1:9 Herald otiee. Yl'ANTKD?BO* RD. DITHfNll THK Mtr/riiS DF TT July. August and tyyenibey. for a family of flm children itnder If year* of age. wife and aerrHni, In a re spec ia hie and comloriablq lar.n houae wlihin JuJ miles of New \ork. in a ueighhorhood free Irom chill* and leter. Addreaa. stating naeticoiara aa to rnotna, 1 ? atlon terma, meant of ac. us, Ac . BKOUKCYn, licrald rdllta. WAN I'KD?BY AN INYAI.IO, -COUNTRY B ARD, ? ihcr on farm or in private 'mniij ; mo-iiitAlr, air; plciitv 01 pine tree*. Call on or kddre**, ttutaig terma* **., FALKl-Nbluo, a; niiMnetb tirtec N1'M.HGtl RKNOBTSi -JKNItJtMSON'B HOTKL, HIOIILa N J will no open for the r? caption ol (.-us tiJunr :5 ?jAMrJ Jr.Nk.N -'lN, l*r<?prletor. / ' ATSKILL MOT NIATVS.?GRANT HOI Sit, 8ITI-. \j atert two ml'fi from the landing, with aro.>myioda tHni"tor:wo guests. I'm tir- wialtinif lo engage Room* lor tii' wHiKiu must apply ea. ly. For H-rins, 1 , addresa a^Lorant, Proprietor Cauktll, N. v. CAOZZENS' W LSI' POINT HOTEL is MOW OPEN ) EDWA R i COZ/K.N w??t Point n. r tfDrtOOMH HOI'HP., NfcW LONDON* HARBOR, ON j tlio sound; 4Aj lioumtrntn New Vorr go-, tel graoh, Lathing, fishing, m Ui?? : no mo? uitoeii; Hps: v. tin to *20 per weak. Circular*. Audre?* P.,.,. uihee, N? >v Loud in. Conn. T^AOI.KsWOOn PARK HOTEL?DKL1QHI'l'l'Ll V l i situated on shore, Perth Atnboy, n. I ?; ,?r i yii to BR: all I' ainuseiiienU; -'J t inn dad v. age. to oo II. H. KI.NT, Proprietor, -o L*y. iwcii y-ii.ird * treat. Madlann square, piilIIUVU, Ml* HAMP.SIiXRK.?THld fAVUR *JT lie reaort open troin June I7U> <>i tuber l, is?i. W. A. i . K. MIlLIKKN, 1'. iprieior*. HK.I1 BKinoK-n. POLLOCK'S HOTPf ? r A ' I - Poait leave Uarleui every Lai. Lour, J tucinf ?\ciy day. Hotel bran ting, corner of ma i-'Nav. Hue and Kitty-sigh L ?' ett?A new, first r:r u lion"1. Landaomely lurntalied, with elevator an 1 all i:u ' provemeuu; taule d ilute , term* modera'e a. PAKKKR Super1 ntendent. LAtVKKN' K HOUSE, CORNWALL. ON TUB UUD acu.?Board lor tlte auinmar. J. i laWREN n, Pruprlet. r. AT 1 IN S" ACOcK. tiol SH? J, MILES FK. M c 11 vl now open tor the rue .ption ot fi nt? t o Hound; good bathing. fishing and boating on the pretn be*; Luu.v finely shaded , sui ding lor In nes C. KlKi.lNO, Proprietor, i o u-: , slier I.. T. ORIENT POINT HOP K. ORIENT I'o.NT. I. I N. vV open; a>taated on the eairame en 1 of Long UiuiuL fronting oil the Souu.l and Bay: - it ? i! 11 ru Lathing, driving and sailing; fishing unaurpa- sJ. Send tor cir cular. V. it. A RSONS o ?BAN HOTEL. LOMI RKAM'H, NOW OPEN.. Four Counter-, to let, suitable for tai v . ?,rnl-*. I'll A . A \i til it EN LKL ?.Ni>. Man id r*. IJAUK. HOUSE HI.UOMPI 1.0. N. J.-A PLEASANT L family boat ing house; a is mid ? tail rooms, single or connect d : oppositi ? ?? Para five niinnt. a from station. Address 1 A. HOlVKLL, it ,jon ' d. N J. Rare chance if :-."i ? '? in", "Tul : i Siisi.vusion llrnlge. N. Y.?Tins house is mnv open tor gut's N Terms *3 ; I da; : H :ir j>ll to $1 per ?i.k- Baggai designed tar the Mon -a;:', Mould na oh?okedtoSliaj>ciisi.ui ItriTge. Ad Ir ?.,* ALEXANDER A TBM1KR Si -pension Hrtdg" V V. {jToIe'S ho tel. patch* hj u s~l.~ rr?* hju'roarbT IV large, airy room*: spiendi'l drives, .'oil fishing, bathing and sailing in troali or salt watm and no in >s (jultoes; on? Lour and a hall from New Vm-k ^u. itva lluiu* ? a li way evi rs day; board $10 an I SI.' p r ? v Ac -1 n iojk X son. Proprietor*. 1)11).IFF! i|.D PARK ilOTEU?T 1 KK "iil Idi.AN'O I Railroad, toot Cortland and lie- ' i-,ei jtrcrt i? r rles: MlnunuttM ' ooi Now York. A'.di ias A. BBUMN SuN, Postotllce, HaekeiuaeK., N. J. COUTH FIDE "HOT EL." AMIT Y VUTi 57 U l~*OVl R 0 looking the great South Bay, is n ???* eri tor tho r.cepiloo ol vnesta; good boating, hut hum and flahiug ; sail i,..iit,. attached to tiic ItoUne !or lltu ? fouiuiodafi n 01 guest*. Ca RA TOOA 8PRfNO^?PIERPONT HOI'BR T? O now open for gue'-ta; it is he.nt't uilv Lent : , un uear toe Lutein: nice croquet gioti uuil go I itabhng Aprilv on premise*, corwtr Regeut and Uuite itreeta, or attiii tVe?t Twellth aticet. New York M - CI MNOTOV. rrHF. METROPOLITAN PRIVTrXC, ESTABLISHMENT, I 218 Broadway, have unsurpassed so . -s for doing all kinds oi Priuuug with uuusual promptue * an : at modi rate price*. TTRITKD STATES IIOTKL, suit o.v SPRING'. L will open lor roerptlun of gun*t< I, H7 .. J A s. v. MARVIN. Proprietor. Din, anno; :o>.ui will bo si ut on application. U11,1,1 Alt US. y-STA VDAUD AMIiltl BIC.Mir, 'iULUAr.D . rubles, with the cell lir 1 ' .?nbiiiAUan >'u-u ton<. are lor ?*i- only by the manuin uror ?u i pate 11 *>?, it. vv. ? >u ? m?kR. suocessur to Fbciau a t uiien ler, I.? Broadway, >ew lor*. PAR1.6B~BILLIARD TABLE. ?XS. GOOD A# NEW; al-o to > I.i .el. 5*1". In <"(v I '-io oriior, wtil b sold cheap. at lilt) Last Tiventv-lliird ?ir?. t, pnttio ?tor*. V V K tic AN STANDARD BKVgl, BIl.I.l ARD T ABl.fc ?, ? ill Ui ianrv ? wire cnabi n-. ?ob- v u.- t ? all okaBipo j-.'ilp auil i.;a' a cam. ; t *i i ban i I aim t at I ureal bar*am*. W. U. tott r PI f U t < o sti Vise v ?i ngALKRs'rS AND MAiirKACTf RBrV Of ?u7 Hard 'a' let will find. I?y ex imloAtl >n. th i tor Cheap and *i\ii-h t'rioimc oi an* rnui n in i Hi RTltOI'OLITAN PR! 5TINO E-l.uVL! IIML.M', HI Broadway, canuot be surpassed. Pile Ml I'M III I.I I AKO TABLEo?* I ii !., P> t KKH I JUOut cor ted edced c uhlon*: hive taken first I pretutuui mcda at* . ear- in iui -t ? F< r ti'r nttr by L. DECK I A CO., . or tier t an tl -It! I OetC'tt Mr -el* \V ATC IIK.S, JEW KI.K1 , At . TVaoHKHr j.tOBKMTIIALS. So. ? ELEVENTH t\ aireet, three dour* we ,t of Br..aiw . loin, rlv with Jackson. ot -jo Broutlwar?Diamond* Ant,.Uc, Jew elry. Silk, ('amela' Hair isha w.? au.l all of Prop erty bought and told.. Go ?lt Ukeu , n Cootuiis-ion. IT MY PRIVATE KK?I!?Kx'K ItiJ W, i I'll ST 21 ternthstreet, corner 8 truth at no. I pav the figb i e?t pr cea lor Diamonds Watch ?< Jetvclrt l#AAC-, iat" nl Thirteenth afreet. Diamonds, wati mis. ikwm.kt, nilvkrwakr m.Id thor articles bought and ? '1 '.?< U al:i i [dealred. at a *er* amali ndvanc*. i> oHi.i;t all:, n, : Mtaallar, I,1H IraMhny. near I wcuiy-ninib street. rruti McTRopolitan rki.Mi.NU i -tabushbi nr X taut .'Is Broadway, in the Herald Building. (HQ BROADWAY. Ni Ad MVl-'MiElH hiBBET <"IO old at* . ' .?Ih imonds, W4t( -- ewelrr, silver Ware. Silk*. Ac.. Iioukin au I -old. Advance-ma.ic oa cuiteicnmeata?t good* lett lor sate. a <i tlfc'itnL IOU 7 BROADWAY, OVER HERALD UPTOWN .-?')( Branch oh! o. r<otu B ,parlor for ladle*. 5 login It I.AC H a.It,ay.?D.atu?< Ida. Wat-be*. Jeweiy, Ac.. boughtuud -old. LIN DO BHOr. DK1TIBTRV. AC i It A I. R< BBNR NET or n KTH i> tTikkk hi tire. ? Imnrrs-lon in the fpre'toon, 'teth in the aitrrnuon. Ihtriy-fdurth *<r *t, near Brv*,Jwav aid >lxd menu" rtl rtildr **r* at'oBR tie.h i olofetl aol l <e?i. I'larina wta whalebone rntdier ??:? I' t.iiipeia, open ir. me, i.ip l.ilter*. t>? ;.rc? ? ? Keaulalor-; uitroua o\"le: m-onanlcal drtill?try. teke jr*en ra < iroi.i Grand ?!.??? ? terry, or .-Uth aveune cara, or Broad v. i* cart ti.i . 'ii I'htrtr lourtn ?ir.-t. Ni.wukoi Hil, IM WeH Thirty fourth atrMt. A B.-Ol.t i III Y I'AIM.I ?I' K IS H tits Da.I.Y: /l t ? a Inn s. , e*t?r ??!? i lit an I durab.e; Git tit Soo ?. ?'? -txill avi|.| . last ??n t Odrieen i aud I iiteeiuli *tr< ll-takll-lici i??). Ueuteanher Jbt. D,'. WHITE. Dl.NTI T. I.i SIX I AVflM M - STAB liahad l-.>7; Iwaotliul wt. $* ,n t #19; ?. t . e ti ling-, 5k'.: tool ami puti .a, #1 . ail Work wa ranted rtrel tnaea. ItemcUlbWiMt rPHr: MF.TROPOI.ITK \ PKINI*X'| K TABLISHML ? f X la At 218 Broadway In the Her ?l I H.;i' rjYERTH M ADR AND FITTED IN A FbW HOC*" 1 a uiiot. the ?oph!?*t p t or tn? w i < imamIS e.ilioti and natural abpearaoca ynara.. ????... Uriti :1 ttith pearl aioppin* or got L P9;n, itl-t I the teeth, v uj: tree, three-tampt. Dr. It ; KORKH i * "C Bond ?tr#M N, w t?.rk. t l.ttTIUNt. aim. marks', wisixru avi.MR, orro.-tt.i ?,'X Eighth ?tri*et?l.a lire art,! tealhmm Will IM Ittna lahed at the high prices M. Mar<? pays in ra lil>r.a-t off Clothiu*. e arpet*. .1 weir* I.s ?*. Ac l*hv?e a I 0* or Addree- the number aa above. iAHet waited on tie Mr- Mark* orders punctnal y atteat In or v.u mm* sitf. ATI. MINTZ'S, M Tint ' \t. ,H IHrld ,'\ Twentieth and Tw ? uty-n-it ?tre i- a lie* a? l tentlomen will be .urpri-c 1 at lbs gr ati ii ?? B MiN tg para id cash itar caat-nB Ciothmt. ? srp' e Jewtlry.a* we have large order* tor the w '*iern and i'*Uft>ri,.a trade. A n>t:o by post panctaally a.'tenjel by Br. or Mra MINI A _ "tT TUB Wi?HTRKN AtUi'NT %ToR. -tttGrtlk tx* J\ lArge (temeret# pnrchssa Wear.tu kpnarol. la te< and genltenBf n ?ill p'ea<e take inr' j'tr npBce Dwre..f W receive th - uilpwing pric. e:-F?r ? fJt i 875: woollen, RJ to 8. .. t oat* $l: .|?, Peut* 81 t?> t ; ? 'arpete Ac, t>* ? on or ad .'re-fing lis. or Mre. M'tnBNBBRO. <B#Ttb a*, nri. ,|n ,*< above ts.-t ta b *r. T M'Si'R. iM SEVKNTH AVESCK. WILL rOSI ? I. ItrclT pa* the'ilfbe-t tali !??? or ladle*' ant gentlewo-n s ca?t off t'nithttig, Laine'.s, Ac, U hn waoed '0 by Mr* tfi B tv HOt,KsAi,B AND Ht. I . I DBAb M IS CLurit. *T Hie are inrl.ea to ill at th- V AN PRINTfNG BBf ABI.lNII M i > r. In tne Herald Bitthling. to obta n e?tnnaie-on their printing wl>?. ? an b. e ire fully d me fbere at exe. edlngl* l.var pri. e* AMTU1IMIU1. a WONDK.BPCI, CHILD. GIFTRD WITH BBCONI1 A stgm. reveal* paat. fP9*eni tutBTc ev-m* amicon sssrse* wi U ah- -isf irien ... or dcaX ReridaBtc III i Piny-iret street. ? i stroi. i r.K.-r 'opAbbo:: v.t. n ,-ixr t .\ livemie. -end j ?r c ren -P. t .J*ea? all tntters t.. Ih.i ? WJ Port office. Ne w for * A?A n.AiRVor an r. k;m nt* no eqiTal in . America all who ar ?ck or Bt ir >nnie of any kmJ sit >ubl con?all her witno it Iclav on lotr*, Inw. sun.* 0D?eDt frteu is of bit-lne- matters -h* never fails, v,me Ct.lPTOR, -.'I West Twenty i.Li s.r et, near Kigiun a ventre. A-ioho-thb aRr.ATF.NT ci t'lfiv ant and . teal Medium le Mr* ro-ri'R. t. m Pari* Nam * In full i'pt??Mlte you on t I affairs ot It's Patialnrtipii or no pa* Latin-*, Mio. to 81 !?' I **t Thirty-third atreet, between 11 ird sad 1 es'ngton avetrmxt In fol'l * S t I,AlRVOY , M?Tl USSAM'S #HH8 s j likene**"*, cause* marr.agas, luc. to 81. Bo. tat tte*t Tw?uty-9iWi *'re#?. MMK. COLLINS. A RE!I\BI.E AN.) TRtbr wartl,* c .airvoj aat, 27) -iatu aveuuo. n<-ar be veli te inth street. A. A. A. A. A. A D iM Ki>It A fa. -MVK MAXTYRLI,. MinWIPR r.l -IDINCE lit East Tenth sinct. near Third st'ou-. ? DR. AND MKT, VAN BUN*IRK, RBRIDENCB 154 Last 8t?th ?L, tr w?eii vi an . Lexiitffton at? ?DR AMD Vi MB. ORINDIaf CURB Al-t, C IM plaints;?years practice ip??t "*-n * s' i*l -PR. AND BMP,. MAORICBAC-e* TKtHS' 1'HAIJ tice. Office I? Iiftier'* street near Oreenwi h. -M M R. RB-TKLU, MIDWIPB BIIWN ??"?. I East f''ond stmet. ilrs' dmsT troBt Mfth ar. DVICR riSRH.?MISS. DP. WEST, BLED^I KP I_*!?, can be consulia<t on atl cm" ainta 1 We-? . lib st. n KINO CAN R? fiORBHIsTBD AT MI flhif Tbira ?trctt r?ra?rf? no-ir i *?v* ^ ORMINAT. DR. AVI) Mil. n K'V