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MtUATfOSS H??:?n-rlCH\l.K*, t ook.*, A.C . * i.) WK?T sth sr.. rear fifth ay pruarnt I? eait'ioyvr ? aii R/uciub cook, putilir. or private, a* Vie country. Cail <t addreaa for two day*. ./i WEST ijtlf ST.?A LADY LE.AYlXd 'I tl fc CITY ?? U "iKti; :o 'In pi*????? i i'U r .1/ ;iit,1 waitress and ?' niubtrma'il, boili utideruaud wavbiuu and trotting ell J ?' ' K > i- ' . -A SWI M WOMAN AS PERFECT ' lr' '? - 'I or Bret ola#? prTvat" I ? wi w i t . .1 sr., kbsv I loo it, in ra.i ?<1 " i. ' .?A n--Ji* utile WntUaB ?a 1 OOl; and t'? .AO. St i "?? ! . / city or ?ow'Ttr.' , be>t cIO reference .III >.V Wl'MKN, ONE ? ???) A- : ? '.tu.-: yd, ml the olfn-. a* Uuudrcsa nud i??nti.! ' i i. iif nceu at ; rneei'i employer * i) li.V . r. -Plil. l.NT bmplovk?'P.)-ai U ill-it ri.i:.-' f ill:. I'KAB ? A RKSPI< 1'aBLE YOUNG " V w ,,1,0? .ud .1 .1.'' >'? ttpm .^'h.\w, 1.1.Ally; city ret . > r t/k/iv " ! *", ? ur fhm'.t.v jood > i;. rc fort act. ? fr~ ,, , -H ,i|.|uv :in l ruf-ilny . ? fa-r ?r.-A* > ook w v.-iter and To U ??MmH ? in be win f?i w i I t>, ,?I -?.?A LADY, ABOI I' TO l.KAVR I V ? u.i.i wcild like 111 i?t a I'lAt'c- for a tlret I .v r g> i b?k??r; oiiai ntaiiil.i all kindtot' ? i i to a abort diet ;dco In tiro c untrv. e't uT *illirf-f , ? > ? **.i- r _.t respectable aim. ah }? ?'? ?' <. -:it wAihinj; u.. ib c'tL.n to lite ? mi ? ? ' -* Ik *?:a for two duys. <! -? :tr/r iV-fr. FIRST FLOOP..-A BP PECT ,vl' : , cU'-i c->ma? i?s coon in h boer-img hou?e. nT? (PR HUE XT EMPLOYER ? \i i * r> to uo tbf work of * tamtiv; tc i !iw ? V - v; on? ik* cook ltd Inui? Jrf ?.i OT "ih?? ' ?;.CSi.d and waitreu; bar. city ... - ? ? for -\s rritsr ct ass cook . { ) i , ?! .... kind- of i. j... t-..? .. boarding hutue tu tae o. uii u , i rt fereaee 17 WESt' <fT Sr . BKTWKKN flTII AND 7TH It ?v- ti-f. iront?A respeoUbla girl to ? ? * -b ; ri ? in a private family ; Leat city rcicr tu ??. |<l rttil i* Ut ' BAiEMLNT?A YOl'NO WO i I ? m aa > ????: ? wiilluc to a*n*t with the i .!i -i. .-.ii' !'<??. oo objoctlou to s pro ah bvardiiib i>a*c city sclc.'tv. ,.>] crop, >?; -A RKSPi'.CTAMl E WOMa.S TO I -i 1 a-j.'rt .ii . no oblco'lou to rtssLt v Itli the i **li: ?hp i?M ' re in! reforeu :?)<> MT T n ?! si. RKAR.-A RESPECTABLE I ?K-.i lu ilty or Ciuntry; Uset city Iieri :?:? vi :t av.-a trl'stwortiiy aim. 1 w- > : f k, or would U? housework tu a :.,i a.'.vP . r. ... v nee trout last place. J. .' T S PI A01'., BEAR HOIMK. riRsT ? ?O - re#te-".afc> wotnau us uooV: w-.uld i ? - ? tloit to a rcepe-table boar Ihm ou e; p r .up lot ment to weav*: reier ? icf. i Hi > : ? I' d Si"-.WO *-'? '...? : co? toft'thor; one aeEratchiM ? . .. ? run J :iu '. T-eit.'.-?. u >*'. ? ' ."iv- .iimrv. ip toe ftu-iaoa veierrrd t?st of olty reiercuca. OQ WEST ?T't ST SECOND FT.MIIT FRONT - ? *? " * v -nail a.t llrat cues cook; wan ? r nude; atamn he. btwiui ae ihoroujaiy ; itr i r*r -A. . . ? ST . ITITRH FLC.OB.-A COUPE ?>I I >;??????? ?!*?* r ok tu a private ta;:;. .. i-? - ?; M*.ir,fc?n re.ereuoe; .no objection " - ' ' 'try J_ Mr. - . sf .c FAMILY. Uv.VVlNil T (I .f,: -'?? ? i-.-itu a piaea tor a .<>./. hi i ix v> aa:?i do .earee washing; wtiimv ? ? . , i . , YOVXi* GIRL .AS LOOK, ! . >;? *r..T UeniT in a ?tnail private tanuly. or ,. -iturk. to ob;?cUJU? to fio to >iu; i-rinir. , , . r,.,, . ; -WY TWOP-RBr'Ns ONE AS 'till ? ?V. ?*T .w.? In a private lan.ity; tlte otter _ . * ?-r ri;?brr au.1 iroucfjtKti hate (.??I a - v- rr/oi. back boons.? i * >?? i wo".i:. r.> g-M o . woo i <tw; bi* nr* v - if .? C. . ir . enbr year* retbreace. Can -? -een %... < rvct'iL ? /* w -i ?.>u si -a mExcu swr - woman ; ' til . M.W In a rrrali prtv*''. * nil*; ran da ih.iu.Il ?j p { i ,s .I.' au be trtwt'il with the care .. e ..-nrity r? r?refti-e" tli - Ess t "I CT . NKaR '.D Af.-TWO YOCNO *.?'? ? r~ - - ? --an . a. ?ij-yt< ? ok. lAiimatce plcn . .!? ?! -t ?*:?.I iti- -a-trf'.r h? ')Ct*i . f ".. .???'?? (1 end nm cta .tfloo waebei ? H : -i-sar or : 0 ' Or ? ora at a umity In th* etty ? -otw> ;w8t ifty r'ttrac; e tr?ih lh*t employer* ;j|- W'rT :i!H -T-V PROTLi.fAM WOMAN ? ' "I *? c< oa Art.- * sou trvaer: ttXcetlea! city rei-. 4M I. ?hlfc ?r*: --I ST AX coECErtNT COOK; f-v ?' ' r*t-d ' a ? or*itcl e? ot cooking and d ?e*ert?j i -h??'< re ;i. ?ce no*r? ; -ear city r?rorente. >11 Ufisnn LOt.M th?A BESPECTABLE ? L 1 w tr.ib fc* fntt > laa* < 00k ; unJertia-.t^i TNiai jii. ?'n.:, . ' i-o-Vut bj ram-' aaairy. Jell tee. *?, in ai ak.oy .-a?r.' of a hotel club loose ar rei '?sr??> ? atq wmtfri m r<f r loop.-a won a. s ? A? e> - k'0 A f <-r f.rat etas* t>o*rdiug bali'c . SNfBr .-a.iw.e her ksf tbcri ogh.t . retcrebce*. in A r* ' ' '? ? 'ri' ? >|?J :-.AFf li. . si IE ? t NOV fcTOBK.-A BE. ? It* :**!*' - f lb, x.i an a smerlor c.iok. ?:.< I'tr;*: Iiafa 'mi) no * .Ton* to *11 N-'J 'Jit ) i ?? n a P. t?'T tv a TR'/T ? ? - ? ? * ?' * a* 'r ;! . -i. ? a i"ig and eb;ij!ag: un h? well ?>'il V ' S.O -!-? SPMPEt'TtBLK LOME ? *.l| ? to 6.. ..-.klnr and to wilti tu -fc?'rf* rcS'Rg 'tsert tie car; f.? ??* uer liriif Jiri ? ' r m '*-? ? 'ha a a* h ? >Q| WFri ,;rv fir.-A Torno Sllb AS GOOD *-??! ?? ? t. fc fc -1 *i 'i lie waibiog be*'city .wivrer, ; <??.?. i oantrp _ ?>'i I * T It t ''If B iM-t RE?1'?CT. t ?i - >.auia ar*wa.'irtat aeerier an<i diniiei' ?aaa. ? y? i vgey a?tp ?t-t mt tn nttti rr> co u ? ?>1 - ar ? ''ot or I', ?'fc k< uer*l beniewi-rk; ?ii ? g*.: #.w.t r?r. *?(, ca i)>)i| 8/ -1 v>a -r for ri "or.-a vol ? iJ-' w : . * ... . ,f!4 l a ?*?? > in be VI lb ?a e ur a?P ? a. t.-.ts, . fferaace ?) 4 I .? ; IS SAthMENT - A Rf ? T ! .|? at. jt 'ii ;?< - aea and I*. # Las at1 ' a*. be.l. ii* rr --et r. >m | e .. ? " s. titiho rt.o'ir r.-.. ? T 1 ti 1 ? a rS o... and ; >* *t*t wirk wa*l ?? < <1 T Or it ? %?? s. ? t,a*?r be- < itf relere: .en ?> lu *?'?'* ? - ? a YOlNG WOMAN an i.i [I ? t' s?r'." and Irooer no nl?>?eflon lo f .'??? "V ?* rt '"*r?n Ml fri.'R '??> p'.ac ? 1 1(1 * ? a *T ? A *?rP*CTVtl.J[ rROTi. _ 1 >} >? u* ?*Cfl.-u: ??<>* (in Uar?.1 ??{ i? t ??<>4 hr*:.4 r u'.t ?fitf ?A*'rj ?-?k?r aadcnumla ? V.if' -. (!?? j? ft a.t.t |?rttervf?' r-o.intj? tftWMl |C ? ' *?-?!.?? tn.m laat r'tvf fail lor two A* *S r.rE'U'.M BL> troMAN AS _ . A ? rtan *.?'?? n ?V ?ct.ou t? thf ' tj I* f ? ? ain't cowoi HlTKU. 2"?0 *>-??> wt' t? H-" rn<-".i cost M>)? M'-tt tr-OMW nk ? * <ltIl? AW br*?l Aliil hi . tfcaacr - mi ta an rt u waafciog, goi rtitt ??>. 4 rfi, .\ B -iPi.t rrBLB wow*t ? *? It Si-. *??!?< -h il?? * iftu,1 aao iron yatr* :;*r reftrrwrt. ?i(ia wr ???. ? t ?[ ?a nil i.iri, ti r< ?V") t. .... .roiwr <?' Woul* ilo at -rai h tr.?rk f' t ...T? ; good raif reao''. < *11'of ! w? ( :?o7 AS J*TH *T . NlA.ft fl> At.-A* A*?Rl. <. P-f ??taut woniai. aa tirat clBM cowl n? &?,; ?? i (iiw or r??>?urtr?f. wlertimt'lt nu'ats iiM r?itr?nor. Caw h* ???w rwr tw?4?>??. - fci?? ury r .. lErwEBv \sr avp ir> I I art f ? ' f or bfruk ?oo*.-'l?o rw?r?cr ? :>i t?t r; ? m *r., ?ar?'t"r : -'?? rat-ir . tw? at a. f. ? ? ti 4 ittiotbaoibcrtrork an.l f at ?? ??art' ffl^rui'* 'VJo *"rp ?.T-\ 1 mriiRiiT ror.iQ ? v . .. c5'k , >4 |. '? ? . a >4 Iron a-idar ?* ??'?ft Wt-.i'f. tawillt-* out jj btalaiif rt a rain*. - KT.'rn ?(.-r?n Vi. t- ? iabi k cmLi. ?.UJ ? A - . !'P ?I.-IW'l v -rr.i. I 4 01 r. (.IltLA. l?t'' r;r?-. rrt n I narlaw.i ?ll- *t tin rro^-ff ?aawtftf aw* i-orng. :h? atuvr en am bar work a ad wait i t ?1 f!?? a Irlj hr hn ?WQ SaP* 7t?T FT -I KptPTt I a?I,E ?"I'll A" ?i ? '* . , ??? ?? i r| to a?;t * Wittt bt wato.wg oily i r enur "? t? rt 't ??? i*o ? ? i*?i r.f ?i.-fwo niijrECfAiiTr roirio *??)?> ?? ? v-' ?? t'-ot ? 0'.' w??h#ranJ iri.titi; ! rtof w kwr'tn. aU ?b4 war'rwaai i -j4 rafwaatt 11 1 PA<-7 fit *7 \? PICIFT CLA.tfi riOrES *1 !?> -t ' f I 1 a Bfit* ? faii'1'r Irttt sftr "I4i ? ? i'r?. ?. *? f a t ' .inri arfl*irr<?. tan for two \ I ? /? >1 *rr rW" torso oibij1 i v'.t &r a wa-l:-- anl lr n?r; oUi?r aa r ? ?? i i!-. or voowirr, gcoi tit/ ?w ? '-M S?a' V f>f 1 -,7 a" ?; TWfftrs ;sr aso i2r> rr? -a-* l?'( --a ??? >'. !? a i.ciwl bakfr 4'krta4 know* i - * w*ra tbfaaf h r s all itr hraa k*a rlt/ or euuv f a ? ?i> i.f nil. 71 i ? iv ?'*w>rs ;?rn a:, v ini *i.| II : .. a .. nt|i Irata lam k' d? ?i? ???!. < Al t. kUi-fli. MWlr/aaB ail i '* #f > ' *" ?? < *trv; < lty rtfarawof. Call ,">08 : " I,?1- C00? i>'< A HOTEl.j >*?(??"* ' *? -tcon i ^?k w t>rJf r cook naa A go a at na| * | - ft I ? < H ri> (AHMt WOMAS TO ? > I ?/ rc. v, a. n r i d" f?Bfral riouff to ?? i ' f' *" a ?' r way la tUa euaaw/: ,.l f.trtuea o? a ??' o ? -- - ?o a" s - *" ? ? I "T.?A K HPKCTABLB ? ? )? > *oTt:; a* fliat v ata evo*. raabtr aai ir.ujr, ? 1 r ? art area. T? AP. I* lUk COR-. I aIori;.-A.*H*-T t? ,-i**a oaok , ?n kiaii.i of /"jkliig; la ?; a a akori autacso i& Ilia t juu'.ry ,l?c?t tuy ?> .r. BRTITEFM mil ASP 11BT 4 ' - k rr?!?. ai tg 'J' j^a ?iin a-I ? ?tf a. gA .. 4 jftl .v'JMI /, UUitfl ln'9 BlTPATIONB Cojki, 4t. Q79 (ITU AV, NEAR 49TII 8T , tV TP K CHINA 0 I w -tore. ?Ai flrsi fl.-iss cock. understands bar busi n'- ,s thoroughly; tuake* excellent bread .tnd p istry and ?U kiuds of donaijrt*; private family prefeired; Tout' years beai oily reference if required. _____ Q(17 3TU AT.?A COMPETENT YOl"NO WOMAN 0''i aiu-uk, 1111 lerstunds soups meat. jfaiiie. desserti hml is a good baKvr; wouut iro wItU * family to the coua try for the summer; 1 ity relo uncus. 1 lST AV., CORNER GJTIl ST. ?A RESPECT J .1 ' able young woman in a small private family a-conk. washer and irouci , gjod reference. fall for two lays K a. 1 00 1 an \? second floor.?a woman as cook, washer mil irouer. or to io general housework ; tour years' r-(, renoe. < eaiiitieniiaKls Ac. 7 west turrr -r.-A found uiri. as chvmrir ( M?td ?..J w.iltress Can be seea flur two days at her pr:s at cm.-oyer's. 9(1 WEST HTII sr.-A KKSI'XOTABlaB 01 Bit AS u?>." chambermaid .and to take ouro ot children; host cur reference. >JI\ 1.ASI ,"0T 11 ST?AS WAITRESS, OR CHAMDRK Ol' maid mi l waitress, by a perfectly mm .'tent irirl: well recninnit ude I h'i? lived with Hie lamtly accural years. Can lie seen on Monday awl Tuesday. QQ WBbT lull ST. rRESENT EM IMp ? YE R'?i ? a ?J / respectable ouns girl as rlisinberiii.u l In a pri v.-u faulty; t-e?t rett-rences. Call on Monday and hie-. ~C I5A.-T flsT -T. "Ri'l.-iEsr EMPLOYKH'S -A ?>'? fiimily going abroad want to procure ? situation in the country fur an axcelient chambermaid and wuit r?na. Can be seen for a week. n DIVISION ST., TOP FLOOR, ROOM li RING bell No. 4 ? A young girl as chambermaid and w.'itre.ia in a private taiuily; sdod rci roue? UJ WEST 31D ST NT EMPl.oVEI. s-._A O young girl u '6 us light c'.ianii>ciMiaiil itid to ins go herself ?. narallv useful. < all between in and t iT. AV -A RESPECTABLE YOt Y WfDOW woman o do ehamberwork and to tal e cars >1 dtiii; ao.ei roicranee#. Id <> EAST I3TH .-T. (PEES I- NT EMPLOYER1- .?A 11 ? respectable Carman girl as chambermaid au i waitress. H- WE ; ?TH ST. ?A H ifsPl.i TABLE YOUNO ') (frl As onantbermald and waitra>a orchamhor mai.l anil to assist in the washing and In ning; city re ference. T -?) WEST 2.1TU ?T-A RESPECTABLE YOUNi. Ii)_j woman as Uum'.-crmaid aal waitress; good city ret* re nee: country preferred I BAFT VTH FT., <-'>K--Ert 8D AV,?A FOCSG L-'O giri as chambermaid seamstress or children's ni-.ra.-. willl.-g to learn 110 objection tu tin- V'uutry. 9?>/; ViHHl .120 ST., IHMD FLOOR. BAUK.-A neat girl a? chambermaid and wuitre wilting !;i assist wiih the washing and ironing In a small priva-e lumiiy. or would do light housework good re. erence; country prcierre I. 90 | iv k t "id XT.?a k ?' tu a::ti. \ x chambermaid ami waitres-; a - obkcti.n lo couuiry 1 good city referent ? 04/1 WKBT 41MT ?T.. SECOND H.OOB, PBONT ?-l"f room.?A vottha rit to do uiiur- r A mi I Waltine 1 r chamber work and flns waiuiog -ity refer ei.Cv Call for ts* ;? days. 242 girl as chambermaid and Waitres reference. WE IT wril -T -A Y ?' \V( MAN A. chimhermalJ an 1 wuitre-s in a Prole-caiit tuiuilv . boat ruiereucet from laat employer. Cull tor two .lays, 9t I 1 1 : WD -T . i N THE KAEMENT.-A RF -ia'i speotabie Oarmau girl as cbaiobai muJ and to atsist with Uiu washing and ironing. < ...1 for tw.> lays. 9 I I WEST >7TH XT.?A Y id UNO (IJP.E AS CHAM _-T"T 'lerniui.t and wmitroi- 1,1 1 pri sfu family or private boarding house no objection to lite cmiuti city referearc. <1 17 East :?i.4 .vr . ROOM t?A REPP, t TAB! " &i'\ 1 vouagiir. .> . aamberui ihl and to ' e; ? *W ttie wu-tiiiis uii.T ironing. * QAM BAHT torn -T FIRST FLOOR, FRONT.?A uVu young Amervan girl us cba-nbsrioal l Or 17 EAST iSTU ST. ? V YulN-i, SHiilT I M/ O" ' I tidy girl to no Cham' -morX aui v.-.i.;jng. Cnli lor two days EAST S?TH ST RKTAV KN 1ST AND 2D ATS., thr - patr- 01 stair.-, f oat room, ?a r? -i.e.*raMe vonnggirta ehamlieruaaW and toaaist v. n iiie cs e of cli-iiiren; best eily ret-.-reace. c ull or addrcaa lor two day s. no j east tint sr.. between ;sr an*' ji? a vs.. ?>? X In t!t- -tot.-.- A vouiis girl, 'u s ? laudeii. a# chambermaid ami w?iir-?s, is ?o e flr-tfju latin dress. jo., ri uce r. >ia L??t eiuployer 111 Eugiand, 097 WEST 39TH PT.-A TOCVQ GIBL AS UffAX I b." All I ? . . 'i.iu er.-u-. . 1 do ft- e wa bmg; no objection to the country best city 31o ?>Ui WR.-*T 39TR ?T.. TU1BD VI.OOX-* YOVNtl 0?)t rr! .. t.oint el ,u .! ' an i w jiri. ''i' ? l . *i rt-l 'l-' Cf OQ | WEST 37fit nr.-A m -i-io ta:;; i-. .ik\. a> 0?> r cUuiuj-rn?%;.1, I t i ? * hurt IixUUM ill the country; in willing t? tx> generally uAOiul. 'ITPU years ci;? n fcfOce .'Voui a-?. ? Ml- WE-r 38T H -T -A RRsrRC-ABI.K ? > '*> gi'l r-chamuermtllt And waitress 10 a |.r. ? .* :? Paui'lv ??? ib.ecuun !? .? ?? ill; oouutry. , /?*?! ??../ r i-larenoe. /IIW E?8T??I -if.-A KK API <"! ABLE ofRL A A 'H'.) c!i4.niic-Mi ii'i ??< war.rcM iii ? i>r; 4;. family I t-i y ret ? - -nee. A Hi VV' -T 1?D -T.-.V YOCNO CIBI, ?S t" I! V V " LU tier mud and wartr-M, city or couurrj . >...( e tt it.'t. "u. ? ? 4 01 ?rn av , m? as ;rn ar - a itn-rn table ?*Oi .ori h inttb riBald Add waitress, w,aiu ?-.|-t ID waahiug a:. J ,r ,t lb* Jf !*i IK good 'Ct-reii. ? ? |(W\ arn AV.. bet*EKx strru \snjnn ht-- -v X?"'* in Mil a girl as :ha-obertoai t an waitress In aae'.at wiCi Hi- washing .r .-oil Ig or 14 do g*ne a! Jieueework it: a small AAert. an family. 2.1 I *'u -i 40TII ST-A PK >T..3i'\Nr S( OT< it rirl a,-; s> as eha.uV-rma ?? lately eMeL Can re-A MuFKlVf ?<it yaet inn ?r, i.vnr. : lit - \ viddlk r>J?y aged afind girl as hambcrmal.l *iJ scam i.rta - I - SO AV.BKTW.R.1 HTM AND CI M -TV, I t i _ id'i?! noor ho a ri>.u>?A v .. woman .aut'-rmaid ami"* >-r (0 do ..uaiuoerwork and -?m a. good itjr refer, n ?. 9TH AV.. TOP PLOult, FRONT _ ..una woman. Uttir landed whole leuiiatfc' it ..I.I . e! 3 -v.-or a and wailing - general I. ? "Ik in a Wit family. ] BROADWAT.-A ppoTi.-riNT tiinr caaml.artaal: a 1 to 1, rawing or u? ttiatu i-it ! and waitree. <??, ! ' it raferm- e I'M* Ml 1R0P0LITAN PHlJtn%0 K r A B U-.1 M li.NT i i* at sit P. a I-*- >? tti- Herald Bo: liaa In ?? ?Mii'bert and 't?amitrnir . ?) - tVR-f "H'H H'.-.H 'l.'M'T^is? A.ui Btin ? ? I and ii?a*e ii?t- f !?!?? ral.t u-?u' wuuld ilk* t, r. a ?, witli a taaoiy i?r ttie ai.?:!??; ?.??? c.'.y reit.. no**. I ?? TE-l II"I'll NT. (I-RKMCiNT E.MPI-i'VI'.R *t? '??> A -naifetant eeamatr h oiiv .?r ovntrr nan neraw 0:1 *e.erai ma liiuea, w >d J am.; wjtn ? iiaiu t rrwor* ?: cti ?' rt n g.RKr.I af.-A xr>rr.c fABIi* VOIMJ EN . _ gliab pariiiii lately lau.le.i a- ?e?m?ire*? and I. an a-'M ag-oe.ii stolid or lo do Hgb; .baaiberwork fn a priva'e fau.i:r uiidaret inda faint.v eewlag and l*. a good operator on wiUeoa * tobba'?ai ? tn?. uoubjt. ;t?n lilhe country. Adilte*. ml IwiHir.J A. H. Ilii HI., r Ifril ?T.-A RfcaPBCTARLK il'ftr. A * 11'/ a* jitc re- t to take ca?a tot s!?; will a* ?t-i In charts! ? r-> rk win g la iba ecuntr>- lor the aaai> tn-r haa *i* ream'reftraaee 1 i>> F.A.-r idfH W-AN BlrtlRtr.RCED DitKNrt l l ? rnali. r w*-.ts a faw tn /re engugeaients !the the da - c-r ???k. 1 -n K As i 420 NT A RK?PE?'! ABI*E T )V$(l 1 ?)" ptrana iryia eeitteriantj r, lemnitrt.- * j to ?j|- cati) of -'I.! Ireu Is a dr ??maier; good ? omtnandaMon'. Ad: re* ?1 w S.AJir 2-:rn sf -ai kik-u raiS family j.' t aitifrkr* an I dt-?-ua ar: can op-rat' on four tua- hinea; will wait or a ady or do ilght cbamter trark Adnr-.o >k vMHi K.m*. ?> - - wit,?T :?T't -r-a Kfo*r ft. a a a. HTYLlaii ? ?'I dre-amaker. bavin* ah ih<- ?t??- an.i ruo*: fdMiluoaol* pattemi. wiabe* t few mora cu*l.>m?r? f. y th? la , Li ?t refer ?. a < ai in ttoa evaomt or addreaa m 1 a r nrr ?f . h?a* id a v.-a pel. a. t. ? g ri a* good aaau-trea* and eperator on ?l s R'hee ?r k Wi ion * maChiOat. tftoraughiy ll id- Mi bn*T.'s? h. . *,<ti et>i drtR ur do cn_Mi.-rwurk. ?o obj* ilon t? tti* ("iio'ry' good dity reft re nee. ?11(1 BANT AT ft - T ? AN RE A M-TRhS.S IN THK O x*.' ci inirr. or would go a? naraa to grown ut? cli.l dren. un Ja.-t *0 ? or raaily Mwing. Co... a Id re*. i'iC g- od fttir: and trimmer *k??i ir.jrg In lami lie . 'crioa modarate. 1 all or 3 Urea- ftfl?->-MaK BR 4 W'J U> AV.-A Rl> I'K. TABLh V.MVU Wi.MAN 'lOtJ a? ?earr.ywran taag./od cutter an< fltt?ranl t-o ronghip nngyraiaadl ?M imda ol tamlljr ownu; 1, filling ' to iu tfeo Cvtia'rj highly re. immetodaU call lor two da". r I r SM AT. BRCVI.K- r.rii and trut ntc *.'1?J AD 'xp-Miencert on* a'oronWhai orAWiiaoa'a orO'oy-r A PaltarV ma'tltne -?:?lie.ii i- ? 'i!faK'm?-tit< l?y the uay 01 taeek; nadcr-rtand* all k.udai/Tian. / ? e?y or t-(\Q sd av rsr rifiAR ?Tor?.-AH 'truT cla a U'1^ .11 iimHMlter; wi 1 g.. cut by the (My or weak ?, parle.;? fit guaranfaod gl per dor. ItfPf ?TH A V? BE rWKt.N HM> i v |> 510 HTN. U") I ?pr nam employer'-*. ?A re*|. : * > ?? -, .uotgirl ?? ieg/ua re . undei ..auda dreAtniakn.g at.J all (tiud* e" tamiiy acwing; witling to do chOltoberwork ? r tail care or g. tv*iiig chl dren-. if a otifortaoie riotii-- * of ojad wUl 20 lor assail wag..-. I?*r the anm?r kind aud obliging itood refercoes. can be aean aotiionited ?)7<) rrt? Af- Is 'MM HTORE.-A. TOr>U filRI ?* 1! re * make.-. ? or ladi' a moldi wil ing to ai i*t with ciiambarwork| ? an dr?M tooirt good reiorcnoe no ?'< e -.on o the country A rillRT CLAN A DBRSSMAKIiU WILL r,.| OCT RV t\ th| doy ojr^gaito work bntao baa the laient Parisian si .44 .or wandino* > arriagn a il ?oik. 1* guiw. t-1 dr-aa MINER, Marald L'stowu Branch oS ? DREgiMAKBR WIBHRR TO OO OT'd BY TIIR J\ dgy or week; uodofttgnd* euuin* * i 1 tin/, eaa farntcT in. biag, A>l.frott Drt-' SsMtSChti, b>g if. Heri d 'optgfa IrgtMh iMd* IIWATIO^IS WAMT?CI?? KKMAI.K*. (.fiinal liftutrwurk, Mr. 9JD AT.?A yOUSQ OIRL, I* TKAKR, TO DO 1 itatit housework and make her?o!f are family; city r.nvrcnoe. O] MONROE #T.. FIR3T FLOOR, ROOM I.?TO DO 0 I general housework In a prlvate latully; good r?f erencs u<> objection to the country. 01 E An I' tf'H 6T ?A KK-<FKC1 ABLE WOMAN TO 91 go out by 1 lie (jar At honsi work. houavoloamtig. or would Seiko wash lug at home. QQ FIKK KT -A OISL TO DO UOUSBWODK , 'Oil good ruforance. ^7 WF.ST Hill -ir.-A RKSPKCTABLK WOM.I1 TO ?.I I ,1o goitera! hou.i* work in a smell r .ntllt whore ?he can have her child Uotir yearn old) with tier; beat referen e. fiS SPRING ST.. PRESENT EMPIj/ITFR'SL?A RR. "?' .pyctahie girl to do dotterel homework lu e small (hmll) inquire lor three days. 7(1 KINO ST., FRONT-HOTSK -A REsPKfTABLR i '' girl to do general house work In a private tatnliy. 19ft 12187 ST., It A ft!,KM, NEAR AIM AV.?AMID I-U die ageu woman to do light houaowork tu a >01 all family. "I ?')Q HENUV sr., S/iCiOND FLOOR - A R KspRt T 1 j'7 a bio girl lit t -utall private Ihmily o do gutter*, housework seven years' reicreftoe. TQA Win WtB sr RKAR Hill SK -A RH-PK '1' I Jj 1* able youuv: girl In ib bsu-rwork g< ji| plain cn.vk w 1 -lior ?nd iroaor , trilling uud obliging , good city river*'nee. _ I (f ( ? EAST IID ST A YOI'NO UIRL TO DO ORN UK) erni housework; Uiet city and country rvfei* 0110.1. |/-n RKST 43? If sT. (PRESENT KMIM.Otf. R Hi, IN lUt." the basement ?Alt trl to do general house work or rhar.tlverwork. Call Monday ant I'hura.lay .tiler 0.>on. between Saod 5 o'clock. OHO WEST SO !H ST.-A TOtTNO ? 11H J.. LA TILT ? \rU Untied, to do ij*'fierkl housework in a small fata iir. Call inr twoaay| ? il t BAST '-'3rn ST.. IN OBOCBV BTORf.-A ? J r respectable girt i* in houses ? in ft private family i * a good cook. wailier and irouer, lour years' olty ret'-Te tici. ? i) \ I EA T 2STII ST., FIRST FLOOR B A '' K ROOM. ... i ~r a respectable girl to do general homtfwork. i eti three daya. 99(1 K.vr 3111 ST., FIRST Kt.OOR.-A YOI'NO _. ? *." girl to do liourevv *rk, or light Iv usuwork and plain gen tug. Call or address lor two daya l) | i) EAST 5STH ST.-.V RE8PFCT.ABLM OIRL TO _ r do general housework In a small private family; g*.>1 oily rt-h'reQce. ____ 911 WBRT an M IT., BEAR.?A RESPECTABLE ? t 1 girl to do genera) housework lu a small faintly; ti u goo I washer and lronev: retersuce ir r-quired. - WKST 91'!! -T., OXK sr.'. !R? CP ?? >*.. v > wotuau :o do'n.iral i?o .?> e A .* '? :?? 2-19 oil - East aath -a ? r.\? :? OUtJ woman to do general houwwof g ^ h a child three yeat s old . '-est reit-reaee i a days. ?JaO EAsT 1 ?T T. Til!RO ? Lu BACK-A ? ?UO respectable girl t,* deLoa*ework m a ?.a. v ilr. or wot'Id do upturn * ta an t see to whi'.dreu i go*od re ten* nee. '-11 9 WEST MTH ST.. FIRST FLOOR. BACK ROOM. ?)1-" A nspc tubtL* youug atri to do general hotiw wont ia a privato uutilv. ?> 1 C B vsj' MTU ST.. BETWEEN 1RT AND 2D AVJ., OI'i tlireo Dinra of atalrk ir nt ? A raai.ectahla .'?'titng e.r. to do general hoi:-' v- or* 'or a stuall iaitliiTl Call or address ibr two days. Q9 i fast sisr sr.. bktwkkn ist and id a vs., ? i_. ( in the store. - A r*-?>:? t.tbl- young girl u do general hounework; is a fir-* urn.-. ok, wa n*r aud i-oticf; r.- -rence, If required, truin lasl employer. ?>On east MTH ST. RIN'O THE BKLLl.-A Nil 9^.?' sneuUble vouita Kit', to do gciivralhviwryrorK in t -vat!', private family . go..3 city rtierence irotu lust place. *a ? > | sin II lit >N'B CANDT TitRC.-A MOD ? ?'l girl to do vomeral housework; gvod eook,*A tuUcr an l itoU" r: good city fflereuce. Ea.i 49TH ST., TOP Kl.iyOttFRONT.-A RE. ?)*)'~ sp.-i iaiilc vounggtrl t- dollalit hoti.iewiwk in .?? nrlrav tuttiiiv city or c**uu'.ry; best city ix:?r?nc? ffotn Inst place. or* I lorn av. brtwbe.n ;ioth and sist sts. ?'* > 1 A gtrl aged IC wars, lately lattJad, to assl.-t w ith ho;,- wo k or would lake rare of a baby lu a it* ?p* table fatni 1> ; refereitvh a* to honesty. nsrtASl 19111 sr-A RK?PE4'TABI.K OIRL TO _ d? j. ,nl litfUiework; uj .sjcctiwu to the co'iu try; cMy rete re nee. < /*.) 7 r Jl A v., HE I WHEN 'V, HAND MTH STB , i')_ thirn tioor troot ? t neat Protestant alrl to do gi-.wral U*,ust-wo(k tu a small private larnily, good olty r.AQ v.R t inn -r front be 9" *" -.p-.?ctsr - ? juna Pi a iout oy the day or week to ti . houvacluaniitg ana wasi'tlng, .r ? uuld take wa-hlng liiitau; city reference. Call lor two days. -nn WK.-r kUill 'T., KFSR?A OKF.M.v.N lilBL i 9 t.. do ?< houaewera or upstairs w. rk (?11 2D A v.?A RESPECTABLE GCRL. LATKLT D1 x: ta-uied. todo general house work, or aovintng el.*' she ie pui to Jo. atifi .?;> av. pihi<>k-? thing girl I t)_1.) wiring to mala iter#alt geuetally useful is a I am a II family. I 7-7 7TB AT.?A IMFH fABLB TOTM MIL (II lately laudet. to in light house work in a prl rate lantlly or would make h. r*df gem rally useful 117 7 jrn av . near <?Tii st.?a respE'Tamlf. c | t tv uon.B'do general h.-usework: welt ruroro tttemled < lloraddres* 1 (i(W su AV.?A RB*PK< IABLB OIRL TI D<? l."vO general hoase ? .rk In a small sauiiiy, a. lohg lii this vonniry. 1 1QO ID AV . BETWEPN Sitril ANI) <niil sls. !.]?)_ k rshpv tub I- ytrl t? gore*"ral bosiaswork; w iling t" fo to the country or <-itr; rood retTturice Tall for two daya 1 9QQ 'D AT., BKTWFE.X :?ru and I7TH STR - 1 .?>?>?' .1 > . ; a ..-j . r., be<t city reference. . 2D AT.?A BK9TBCTABLK OIRL TO DO general bans- ? rk in a private t'saii ; geed 1.011 1Q('(| BRHADWaY. r-uFSFP. i!TH fcl. - A RB I'~U9 fpcoiatii.t air. tv do It .userfork In t soiail family. Call tor two day i)?tt*ckir|i?rt, <V?. '>4lO < "m *T-A Mioni.l V .Ml A"'' rata.'it wmn* i h"U?keeper In -i gentle in ah i (aiii.u m ? tlovT t- -\ v !nr c.vrougitljr!. n? Hfl iru.i? tin; i? ? 15?rlnr 1 It r\< o! ent r?l?r';Btc?; liven ii y 'Ai i In uBe family, fall three - till LAFAYLTfB AVBNl'E. rOBNF.X VANIliflt ?l I ill Hr< ? lyn. ? Aii Kuglidi wo; wh" tltor -.1 nilt Mderatan .. imgd "? a ii' u ? an.I menage, rurn! ul aei aut? i ill' ? practic* lmu .tM"T or wi!' trawl wi Ii a ?mily g. . . to r. ir. pe *.-,*11 tr ?tsr?? Call i >B? ' or* of edur ?i X. * Q')Q ' 1 I* -T., JSKnkV <'J rT ? A XIDDL A..KI> Amerl an woman ? ? < >rkit a hoi-k?o"t under.Und- ail 'iraii' li?a?' risking *n1 lalti ?. t'a' on ?* ? I if - H'ji'nf IK Jtft I.aundrrciri. ?>- WI sr SOTH *T r.Asr EMPLOYER -I TOCMa o i r- itv.-ant wotdAii abImmmnx {?.<?} i i y 106 ijj wt?r UTM r.?A FIRST I I tU 1. V' T 30 ?! SI ?J~ wlihi-i to go out to w,.rk sv tti ? lay r >? tuM Ufc wattling . N i >* ii ltoma otty itfemcft QQ WEST I3TH ST.. tKlOtn FLOOR. FR"\T ?JO room ? A r'.rat claa* laan<lre..4 wlariea n It* gentl* men ? waafeln r .,r fog., otif or th? day ei wee*, fif tie day at any kind ofj?o?k. ____ To WKHT 4Ttl ST.. BACK BAsWmTnT.?A *715? to clw laandrea* tn tin waafiltic a ad ironingat Ln-r o? it hou ? for 1. diet -nd gentlemen Off gfHAV-A RESPECTABLE WOMAN H> 'in H') i.ut i iv the lay. is a good WBilier Ir .*,* r and bourne ,<? i pert feieranea*. WEfll i7rn <f (Biffft BELL TWf'.r AM ilint or gentlemen* washing wan?? I mWRnT ISfll ST Bv< K B A E.MKN T -A UK apt eta li * woman Jetlmawf laiiea' a. 1 gcatie men a; work lone in the urate* manner. mWll<T !*D if.. THIRD DOOR IVK ? T Off MXT I av. up *f*lr?.?Ladtep' and rvnttfffnuV'*aching ati'i Iroaiaa ami tine Anting taken in and neatly ' ?na oy Mra. gwow.t. _____ -II - WEST MI) ST.-W.VVrRD. WVHI.MI AM') II') ironing I ; la lie* and gentlemen >rpt1a'.i am iliaa; term* fi *r"- a. <>Ol i.D. lllff WEST BBOADWaY. TOP FI.OOR.? A Rf. i_O aoactabie youaa woman ??? go ? n- tke 1.. w*<li %no ir.m or aa houtieleaaer. g rid city rster.uoe ? all oil or ?d lre?? M K 1(1(1 WKriT ?<tTH ST BAMRtfFTT ? P.R Pf.i T 14v atiia eolorai Woaian doe- washing ana iron in? fiin'ly washing eant t ? any pa-t -f tl?e ntry by wee* or month; On* yard for t.leaeHmg i. >r al a rata. __________________________ 1 f (J WEST Id n -T., REAR. -1 PKOT'.STr OIRI. ] rL aalaandreaa and ohair-te rn aid oretifltnbermaid and uur?e. vlty re'?r*ilce ' ill M addteai 1 17 WRIT 810 ST., ItK VP A RBSPi ('TABLE L7 4 coiorai woman to lo ladief and gentleraea'1 miN; a. her o*n hoi^e. Ca.i on OP all; ?9. S. Cantos, for three days I ill ??TH ST 'ECOSD floor-A FIRaT J t.J eU i lauu.lrepa U. do one or ti- . ia:nlite.a tjili lo ; best nSnao*. Call on or .nidre^, Tr. BROWS. 1 -I EAST lit) rf? ONE PI.lOflT I F IT FRONT.? I'll A reap?e(abla woman to go out oy in- lay ,x t. ?? ivp'hin* to her own fcoupe fei WEST 2STH ST.. FIRST FLOOB.-A RRPflCT. I'll ahla colored ?o'.an daelre* tamillee' and ^eatlo in-? ? WAaisi'ig also that or lamhea In the tnatrv. to do at her own home. a Jijit *>!<?'* pV 1 EAST Mil BT.-A RRSPF.f TABLE PROTRS. I'll tan I Widow to lake ? a->l ; nto .. t own honoe irat (lea? laundraaa ?.?.i Itjr nhnan. ? WEST TO ST ?A RBSPECTABLK WoMAT to ?*ti piam clothe* Apia- or t go -?*to w?:i t?p the day. ___________ 1/?i| WEST IfTIf sr Ti i P n,io?p. M\ i I'l? twice ?a .lured woman Wfdici ladle*' ? "1 gen tic mo a a wa-l.t. g Uay i ret, offl.and boiua c-aniag Mr? f. WHITE o(U! Bast esr? sT.. i?f.cost) floor, back - Ft) A Srat nlv<la in tr . ulliifi a' and. Ah In 'da >f fine wadsiaa and <r ht; w? ?> uu- ?" i?i:THa'. nil* i bill # ' iflfMB, m NITUATIOMB WAJTTED-ritlH Ltundrmtii Ac. nna wrst ssth sr.?a rrspkctibi.f woman dll/O wi'iie* !.i diet' ilia rantienisn's washing, or * ni l go oat by ttia day; otty roh:reuee. Ol I WEST 29TII RT?LAr>lRS? OKXTI liM UN'S I'A and i'tmt') S washing oj dozen or month ^ Mrs. 11V ATT. 2 Oil WK 8T 18 1 H 81'.. I'MR?A RK8PKOTAB1.K i-' ' womitii logo out t?> theo ... .it washing. ironing trc'eaning. bustffreretices nog r-A-r ?rn rt ? a laundress wishi* _ladle*'nud gentlemen's line it t' do up: uN fluting RUil piiftng would wish to got timlllM' washing', list no ibjeclloo* to lend th?m to Hi* cotlniry; bt't ret <r- ac ? )?> 1 KAMI" +?rn ST l' 111 K I > FLOOR. I'RONT A ? ?) r Oral , lass laundress wUlny. guntlrtu.Mi's no t a...11/ understand* pudl.i; polishing an I during or would go out bv the day i-rins moderaia. O I r KA T 19111 sT_t FIURT ft ISS I.Al'NDRHSA .U'T'' to jo nut To do days' work; boat city ruiereacg ll re .'.tired fall or uddre < i) 1 - KaUT 391H ST.. Rl tR HOI R.-A MM N,t al l ?) mimed woman wished a more i .die iieiit.ruMtenV washing. or would go out hv tbe day or w ml. . '.i willing uu . obliging. I all otl ol' address MI'S, ODHLL. QXfk Id tu ST., TRONT HASIMF.hT-A -oil io-wee table woman would like a i*? gentle Bleu s or i.nnllte/ wiw-Mnu at her own houw; good ref ei stied ?* to honesty and abtllt.i. ('all or address Q i | O WE -T Jtru ST.-A IK PBOTABLB TO UN it OI/O ?woman to go nut br the darns taun&rew or take geutiitnon'g wattling to her ow n house; good rater snee Oil J EAST ti?T sr.. TOP FLuOB. BACK.-A COM. DUO puteut laun Iresj t i do Work at iter borne Ov the woes .riu.oth. terms moderate. call on or Addteit Min ii ilflQ e.A T MP ST.?a Rf'lSPfcOT vBl.K PKOT ?|1' ?' estaut girl as laundroes or eh imherntaid, or would luht with housework. Oml or a '.drees. ? >"1 4 WK|T STTH ST. (RING SKOtlNU lU'XIe ? A ''l l German woman wishes take r.vml lies*. ladles'am) gentl?mnti'e washing to her owuro-l 4< Doe . dutlng and putting e in Or dene. ?J I 7 WlisT SSTH sr., ROOM 19, TOP Floor.?a ? ill respect''ble widow Woman to do washing end wjr ? ? rr.'i'ri it Mir n nr'tr ntyiiinu c tt?.? iTa-"unp uihi ironing lor gentlemen or families at her own house, host city roTereooes. Address. ?>17 1ST AC, BKrVVKKN isra ajid ?th stp.-a Ol I respectable woman to take washing and Ironing at Iwr own it tu-; cnu do all kinds Of it he washing pnu ti'iung fool reference. ST.. BK rWKKS IT AND IP jvj-A r: ?cectBtde Prof staot woman to go out by day >. I'ttN to wash, iron ug taiuset'lMu; Bast :tty :e:>rottce m WEST aSTU ST.. THIRD FLOOR.?A RESPECT . .. v. ins . ?.? -akf w*k : j Pert'wu bou.-e, c? 1 ?. at sy :i. :.r to watt. .i u. -welt-sains .'.? retire'. (. 334 east st ? t v ?r>a w -v <s s.- i try. !:?? or ook iu * pi irate family ; i'.y or eouu ? rcfereo'e. fall >r t* > days O'JQ El mil ST.-A Ri sffcf 1ABI.K WOMAN ?>?)' to go oa. by the day i > .va-,h and iron ??/ It -e ? ? in w .aid take wa-hing to ner own t. itirt: rel orem o ,1 required. ?J til BART t'TH ST.. BETWEEN 4ST AN(> CI> V t"" av??A respectable woman wish ?. totne lad; ' or gonttemou's washing to do u t tier <?? ii houMt fluting ana puinug none; good reierenee. Rutg the bell tour timo* 317 7TH ,\V.?A RKSPK( TABZ.E WOMAN AS t i competent lwdrtt* to so gcaUnm's ladiM' ? r Rimttiee wa.ihtng, lor ?5c. a dozen rough washing i .r 5do. a ! sea. o 1(1. WKST PD St., RKiONP FLOOR. JTRQNT.?A ? ?*t ?' y oting . . . to go out by the clay to itj want ;r.g and Irooing or houie'ioaBltig. tall on Km Mvkk. o:o west :?r;i sx. in ihk rear.? a yoUNO Qi>\" wi ? jiaaa to go out wo-dtlng ami house cleaniiif. ?JO 7 2D AT.?A RKSI'KC'TABLK VOTNU UIRL AS ?>n 4 n-Nt clane launoreaat no nbjaetiou to n itiort di^ tut a ill fie coantrj : betr pity rctdienco liolii last ,da. a. call or aJdroM lor two day.'. JAQ WHT 39TH sr., NEAR WTH AT., H15COND TtV/O floor, liuoa room,?A reapeciablt! married WIMII M be aagaged bv a lady tor the tlrst of the week n a good lauudre-A; best city reJ'ercuce. Call t'pr Mrj WaLITkON. ??jq Wi-sT hut ht., rear mouse.?ah sirs* 'tOr) class laundress! uo objee'iua to thu countryi pity refer ,'uca. 439 870 7TII AV., CORNER S4ril HT. (RIKO SECOND A respectable woman 11 go 08t t>> tUe washing and ironing. best ott.v referenc' a BROADWAY.?bADTB?? FINH WASHING; Uo??, tluting, curtains, T5 coat* per Q iWiU Mrs. E. LltT3. 1 Kt9 a*> AV-. NKARgiSl HI ?A RESPECTABLE HOO wutuaa wauU gemhiniea's oTfaiiilly wash ing , sinris, cult* and collars done a*. If they rahie frouj a Broadway for : dona at lowest Prlos; Would so out by '.tie flay Call for lUrue days and ring thcd bell. _ 1 A 1 1 BRO\DWaT.-A WOMAN TO TA*h IN 1.4 It Washing at tier home, u a 'trst tin sa Iroaer ; Sitting a-si piakiBg, )l a dou?u, or wavid go ou;. EAST ll.*T -T.?A RESPECTABLE TOI"Nil WO tu.-to as wet nuno . her own b-i'o> is five w?eg. Old. ftunes. Atc> ?jo east uth rt,. between and i ?< JUi av.? A ravpefcalila woman as nurse and :eaiu ureas full* i ompcteot to bring up a baby 00 Hie 1 ..tile or take oare ol growing children; uiidcr-iand* Wheeler A Wilson's machine willing to g" in tbecunutry. best refereae*. fan be seen for two day* I)1 WEST 34TI1 ST. (PRE* EXT EMPLOYER'S.)? m I a* uurse . would like to 10 across the Call for two day*. botwe n 11 and i o'clock, Of EAST 5 . r is ST. (PRESENT EMPLOYER'S/.-1 As T respectable yoctu l"role?'ant .'.r! an iiutmi will itw H'?'l obliging ft" object! ? ? to the country. ?? EAST 19TD ST. (PRESENT EMPLOYER'S -A 00 neat tidy .'o.orud girl *i child's nurse i Bo obJM t!or i the country 64 /?- WEST l.TII ST. NEAR gtlt AV?AX AMKfKI 09 can wousan as rsur?e and *aao. -;?**, lo". ? *r rafarancc. _ 6-th Si AMI lull! AV.-AS WET EC BSE IX A ?' respectable faiuiiv. irn*h br<Mst ui mux. eight lays obi Address MAttV MaOUATil. fA(| WKSTtfiT l ST. (RING RIGHT FIKXT BELL - J'??7 a r-?p<s able French woman to mind th.hiren and *oa h them In French and English; ties' reference CAll bMiay, bet?.n t ;?u! '?> P. it. lO- W*T VTH "T-A MOST RESPECTABLE 1 ? ?) vounaeiri r,< niii' I children or to do any Ugh' w irk :? rrtllTag and vMiimt Isio WEST fiTIl FT. ? V Rl ?PKiTABLK Vol'.NO I ..O girt to tcke i ire ol clttldltu or to do light house work Call for ?wo day a. THOMPitOX HT. ? A FRPNCH XL'BSB WIAllKs to take care ot a child and do sewing. 1 rft WKSr MiH WT.?AX EXPERIENCED I.APT 1?)'' ai uur e or n ir. ? I ? is iuTiHU reterenoe* from a first :iasa uhjrat isn and a l td'*. < ?.i ..o or address > Its i 1 TA Risr 1'JTir Sr -AH Xl ltSR. BT A COMPE I'Mf i*nt woman. wCot* thoroughlj - rrerien.'sd In ?tn sr.! d you * chUdren lull- eapsM, ol lakut-en lire harta r.t mi lnf*n(. uiauy ytmtt" city i-lkreace f 1 i be irrn .'or two ilnfS -J/'l WK r J7TII FT - A nr.ePhrTABLR TOCXf; II)l manlet wonieii s* cert nur**. i? per lastly healthy . Uttderstan it the are of cUlhtr- n th.>r....g!ily, fitifi Bart lint st.-a nbhpkotable ft.cxo ^j_*" woman tn i*ke care of oli.ldrea nnddeetian barw trk; no ?>?.;*? lion to th? cotinny b"?t cny rater ?no*. 140 2'JO ?ewer; fully competent t<> uu- cutire eharge, wil I tit ? i go to the country ; best ?It* reference. f j f Q WEST 21-*r |TT.-A TOt"NO (URL POXb or al*f-0 ehildran aanuraa: wiltma te aaalst with rbam karwork; no otijattion to the aoWStry; b"si city nfer en *. ii _ w .man as nnrse and-eatuilre** H folly com petentto t.vfca ntua charge ut a baby; ran coma well r? ? >mineiiilr,i SIOQ $0 BETWEEN Mil AM) *3D gTH -A RE ^.OO ?ic taeio mrl to '..ike cure ..t? baby and Jo "ght ?i.rk; ?ood clr. rc-ierence. t;?li for two da.v?. Of kg* WIHT 41 ST sr.. Tf?p n.OOR. ROOM 14. OIm) Tin'.? a Protestant sir! to take r?,e of children and n cm herself userui in a niceiiailly. laiiortui ??1 i) F.A-T 31 XT ST SECOND Fl.orip.._j VOl'RO ??1 ? Nsnerksn uirl as nur*e sud to do plain nevcltii, has never livcl out. i>|Q RAxr 31 >1 -r -A VoirVii~7jIRL WOULD ? )IO like to *o to tne .uotry to take c.sre or a *r?w. ih* :MWc; ean operate on heeler ,t ttiioi). * inaohme. tindcr-hands lr. seinaaitig, u r n* reH*,.nabls. t all or addrna s.r two day*. 3.?r EAST S4TII ST.?A RE9PF.' TABI.K WOMAN ? ??) to take- are of a baby and bring it up ou the Oottl ?. beat reference. Call or address - 39(1 WEST ITTrt ST -A RESPECTABLE MARBH d ? >t" wvtnan a* vr#t norer lis* a good breap of imik i'il dec tor * oertiaMte. Call for tn jilay*. U I T WEST 44TH *T -A 01 R* K N OIRL AS CRfL Ot'J Aran s nursa; et<y or country, beat city rtner ?nee .* ?) 44TH xF, BOOR it A Tciuxtl 'wild AN AX wet nurse go <d reference tr -m her i*?' piece. 402 f r n WK* IT I H HT., ROOM IT-A RRI'fcf TABLE 9?)" tnarr.'d woman as wet not *?? with a trash u.l'* iraMt recomntr? tided by a cily phyatt iau. 1 171 aD m ar mo ht-a rrxpecRblr A.l I 1 lady aa monthly or to take cere ,t an fa*atllTatty; Vaat city references Dom ladies and pby rlotens fall on Monday. A TOUXD FRFNf fl OIRL WIXHEH A HirUATTO* ,\ kannrsr;be?t city raiamn' **. Addta** R. 8^ box :t! Herald Upt ?fi Branott ofllce. Waitresses, Air. 1-7 east TTif ?r-As tirht cla-s wut ?)i r *s in a private family; 'lodersmtida al binds 0' aal.wt*. wotld ai*,i?t nitU obaraborvsorAi beatsiiy ?us aiii? 4S1AQ WEST 1ST ft XT.?A COMPETE BP OIRL AX n'.jn wai rrm and chambermaid ; thoroughly gn icr s'.snds her business; good city reftrenco* Of k 1 EAST 34 TH ST.. CORNEP. OP 3D AV-A ?#'/l r?inpetent young gfrl as first c|a?* waitress la a laa prl-ata family oral chambermaid and woitr?.? ?u a mall rasinltjr; good city ratarence. Q4>1 4TH AV -Ad riB,*T ri.AXH WaITRRAS IE A ilJj I privste family ; thorongblv on ferstandj all kltids .r?aiais "Titld lUiiyt w.tR chatMbvrwo s, best ciiy ic' niTt iiTioai w_mir**o? r. I Hwt.tuh HroUimul wl(in*n U? ?a ? l**U ?>r 10 CATH 01 Qit&iUrt'tl ftlld do i*lot0 HOWlAtf. __ ??? i |.i WHHT MTU HI-A ?'*OTKMTANT ?IKt L i.> in a l>1 aad aaaiiiawmni or nur? a^ wom??"J? oparalra on Wlwalcr i Wilanu a uaaablna . t-l.y r. mra ,)Oi) liril AV? tlRTWKRN I4TU ANI| Ill ill tlw hair Horn.-.! wry capalda ?'B1lr#* Mil. mart uarioau girl as larti'a maid or *amatrvsa, n,*i rrteien.'S. rail Tor tarodayA ? - I II- KA>T mil *?\-A KKRPfci,'TAUl K V"l >?* I !>) w.-II1.M1 HI a small laiaily ; lt I*1'""11 * nig. good cl'i ruiiTeni o. call lor Iwo day? _ 4ftb iT.i .ra & i -11 wl if torn ST . KO'lM W-A GIRL. I* Tt)0 v.-aistili til tatd owa or a baby or run arranda audi imAi ii.t-.'Ii iim.mii. will sleep Iioiiib. | 1 "Tori'li I V 1?\ OF HI* sTKKI. Ai-l'K AHAV K V mid .s>od ??! wishes Immediately a '''""J.1"" ,n\aw York " Biooaivi. to land store. d;> w,.rk or Vnv light employment. Addraia V uu M. to* j(U HartufwlM. ? fH veil WOMAN V IB H K8 TO ACCOMPANV 0 ' InloUl|?nee Ofllcesi. l , I.aUuR NUMBER ok (,"MPIITBNT\V7> A \v orltiy German -rr/ant-Ut Mr*. LO? L a, 131 al, Ootv mii ?"< I anil Itli a*. __ /NERM AN AMI KNOLIHU SERVANTS. CAI'AIO'E ( I null true! ivorilty. found hund ' HOl.7. Vl'M.VS, til #a HVv n?rtr I'.at IWW 9l M~~ns harbman. t ."?*'? jiroiuway, removed to 1 iAJ Kro.dv.Ai- ? a retool Protestant servants. a naUiiMUtlea; |wi( demand; lady attending. PHOIrlCSSIO A All MITEATIOIIB WAVl ygMAMI8? i I \ I)Y Of BXPEBTKNCR DRMIRKH A HOrtlT'OS \ .is t'ovorursa >r companion; would unt ohJi'Tt to twval orbgoIfi tM country Addre* Major A. II., <lei*id ortlco. ? a ? 20ttl 8t ? ?ttt*AYlflV WASTED AH OASHtKiV-A 'NOl SG S l*K who h i- had sevsu yeara' cxpurtence in one ?i'?y!7oodwfaw5c?. AdUrw 'filaa R. CJ. t?.. 3? Living ft jii st , BroofclyQ- ^ ??? HKIiP WANTKU-KKMUiKS. V ?^mCuiS5& vacation. ?? T~ LADT DESIRING PROFITABLE EMl'L . VIM, j f,ptu\TOR?> I RON Kits -AN II Bl'TTONKRS. EX ; Wramgya' j yVent Hat ?t.. i'"twaawUTWd '*? I UUt st. k w A\ f FI) (MMKDfATBI.Y-^II?HRSt WAOEs G si'vun; 8-(.i -ii.ia'innj ready. Coma and *? a' ? gOEtl/H, i'W Weil tUth iit. j iraTTirri. n. v GOOD. SMART, HONK8T iilltt, TO DO }lx ilL*Appiy' at'ao? w?t j utu it j dlw )>#X - - ~~ wldiout goud rulcraucj. tali, ultwi ?* Wc?i liih nt. ?. ? ply with raconiinoiMlati'iiis. at .ll> fcaai wt.? ?v. t"? , SfiiooR w luaaday ?msW ? | ajgHgiiS I 9uin sty. ? 7~~ W^rg?TAI^th??xiWAplu^ froill W to 11. _ _ ? TV A VIED-A GOOD GIRL A.- COAMBERMAID. \l Kiiliin **a?ihav. Z. : W^?hD?7aod"AmoBo,g^ ruiialrad.' W ply at No. 13 d i?thSi. ??!1 WA2I^r| at M marks', lt'i Ct'i av. , tSo'huS^r \a ?; ipoatuarii' it ? ? I ei'VNTED-A PKW IIUEB'M AlEaS; a TOKNU W? iri to tatara, dahUd K **??***. WANTTD-A GOOD DRRS?MAKy^R. OS* THAT >V ..parattaou luachlac Piclcriad. ? Bond at mu?, PGWKIJ^ i ESSSf hum 1 to 10 o ctool. . ? WAS^wnVraS^pV.rY?;S US!' IrTiaa lilac and Ad aT. ? U'a\TF D?A GIRK 1 ORNKRAI. HOt'RKWOItK : n. ?l, .L, a a.?o.l i...?s. waatiaj mi<\ iron'I tml can mX Apply at ?0 *t\,t Olh *. moot door. _- . ?" ment SITUATION* W AII KD-'.IA^KH. & you mi, lyTKti.iosn omman man a#7? A wtga, without oUtHifM who kept honae lor a?J.> [or OM taitrafid mix Cuonth*. with, ? ? >ui III* Aat of Jnlv ? J i - * reepeccalue m<m pen-on or a ft .a railill? or i. out" knap nigi I tj' rrjr rr.i.. ?? uiu lw utreti a ,-n .? , for IV? lift, It N'o. 10 Reai fi aired, TK-or Waal Br-?d wmy. tlr?l floor. Mr. uOKRKi., A GOOD FRl M H i '"iK AVISHFe A SITUATION; .'\ g'.??J ?'ty re (era wag Andreas t'. It., Herald Up town Hr.iiv li ofttro AX tNTJCLI-IOF.NT ROY > tOKD ?? WlSilBS A ettaatlon In an office; l? naood poniu.<n hi. quick at fl.'-ire*. Addret* W. bol f0? ll?rsl'i 1'itfowa rtr;iii:b office. \TOCNg MAN W|?!(Fk a SITI'ATIfi.V m a *Pira t> <i ? afiyilitnp willing to raaxn hiina I u ? - i*ul: batt oil/ raferaaeo. JOuX MlXCHHN, No. 4 Albany ef CrrUAflOU wan ll<n-BY AR ItoNEST, CAl'AMl.B M, wiiii Irrl ClaM retorence from last ein bloi ar. luiit porter or (miliar poalUoii preteriad. A 1 draaaC. tv , flora!<! office SI'UATIOM WAN IV.!> -RY A YOVjM MAN WIL iiii? to make Mm-ex raiwraliv a-wrnl; le not allaiii of work; "agar not ?<> uracil 4U otiiert 44 t*m plnytnaai. A.lor-m JAMr.a M'Vv.i V A:? ran 3<?t:> ?t. IVANTED? A SITUATION. BY A TOUSG COLOIKD ft man, a? waiter I11 a private family. Mat city ref r. Micff <an uu or aUtiiiAa, fur tinea daya, ukDKilt,, 1 liuviu piaoe 114 WHIT ?IST eT.-WANTRD, A /OfltfoV HT 1?>*T 1 colored man. *. nar*- or would travel wiih an in ratio gaBtMman; bam ratam-.-?. Calf, for twoda??. Uatwean 11 nu 1 } O'clock. ULKRKfi AMI RAt.K1.1Xa, \R eXrsjtKNi;ICb ? AI.FPM AN, Til AT CAN run maud wa'tern ir.nd.-, win ent?<p fur ihp romltiit wcuson a< (iielutoil wan ni.w' loi liitliiaa in all ita brancbei, can gir? U*t city ratereticea. i atrrsi but ta llarald offica. YOUNG MAN. SPFARINO AND WRITING ENG __ Uafc, Gerdimi and I rennh aq-i -tin, understand* bookkeeping aetirea ? situ ci-.u la j twari auiile Uoii?? ?. o..rr<*?poode!U <r bookkeeper: no objection to on' j'?-r? work; cMy Mnrancea Add rets t r tiiree .la.- < f. 11., Herald ntloo. _______ a TtlOP.OPMJ BOoKKBKPFR AMMC'ltCF V\N J\ a*?r. ? year* of ??? ac-iv(?t?il r-habla. deatreian cnjarernent at fl.300, riceilaai ?'??*? 'oc?a MMfew V. M., Herald jAea. Druo n.FRK win i/.n -a rHoBoiroiii.Y oom. pa la tit and txpariatiOAd it/ua elarfe; inu-?t liar# Utrtd referaii-ee and 00 eraiand ?he tiannan drat 'radt In all iu nraticliej. inu?t a'-" b ami.Mr with the Arat r tcaa tra le . wa<e?, it>) W I'M per ruonih, and -ree B. liOairA MOratra at. DRUG:i 1ST.?A JUNHiK ASRIHTART, WITH TflRHK vaarU rnfbreti"ejljRfcnia a ataady eimatfon. ?p-akr Uoriaan. Ad lreie !? M '?? l/i I ..<11 DF-NTIST3 WANThO-IN OUR VARIOUS OYFIf'Kd, here and in Furope; nl?- lerke iii'.Unnd to letro tin- profeaelon. ?t-l? to p-i.r llialr war iur..i cyinpe'- -t ;u dBrlWdfA fM B .wr-ry /r BT YillIR PRIM INK li'tvp AT tft, V f TC ? f'Ol.t U TAN FBINIING K.AT A HLlnilMBN I Slj Hi .,4.; 41] Yon win Dud tt adeantaifana. TO IIOTKL KKFPF.R-l._A TOCAg MAN WHO UN iter ??and* the hfttlnc^. i|o..,e. a potii-in >. i-r. oan furnteh Urn - Ism ralrreiiee A<Mroj.< J. u, i , 1, a lid llarald olBoa. 'p(- tlRI OGISTS.-WANTKH, A Siri/AflON, BY A I tnor.iapfiiy eoinitetent r.-fel! an-' proeoription clerr , ?Ingiu, rfrat oim city rafareoora; iwauee l. Ae. AdUi?ae oki o tfToB-e, m nil at. "ttfflNTRD?THREF TO' BO MFN IMMRDIATFI Y, ?? U- learn P<> tkkMpinf,'t'ip, ral< ulati?ii? irom orac'fcai nookkeaper Kro.,'i >u. ( it. oaii . A to in, evening" ???/ tarow Addreaa CiUUlNA, kwa IW tlvr aid oflU? A W 4i!JiB^T52K "O*" BAN. WITH Al ADDRH3* r\,.?n rVx"!Zu?l ??P??lty w MwrlMMM)i n w iiS^snA. . f? an,l business combined! ?i?il? III 11 ill ! i f'.i,Bra wk'deeale hMW1 mataty. blai vti.l * OtL, mi aM Brvadwey. tOAOH.HKN ASO OARDHHKR9, IV KMii.rsH coachman, a I ikut ol\k? man ,\ Willi tlir var. best recon---sn Utlons, itoMrrn * sitn' ill-ill. A-i lrem, garu Wg.xl UtUd.-u, saddler, 7*3 Brond war A fRB.VOllMAN. JUST ARRIVED. WTHUKh A SITt <\ Allot** courti-uuii Hn<1 gi-.rdeoer; brat rgfere nuua. Address J. fi.. 1.1.* 174 Herald niBoe. A KIM IT < I. ASH COACHMAN WANT* A SITrT j\ in u. undurstaMI* his butitnea thoroughly! Pn.iiot. t-mr houa-ity. acorn-tr ,in.t c inability. Address, 'jwtwodaya, COACHMAN, '-i; Norlli Moore at. A BITl AT I ON WANTKD-BY A SINGLE YOUNG J\ mf-i ?? i-i-Hclimuu ur gardener; U fully capable nf both ah.| n, *.??.,(-i of tin- best reierouccA Addre.a THi iM.VH, 31 i He rain office. A COAI MMAN'S AND I'LAIN HARDENElt'3 S'TUA /V tiiiii wiuitmi. by h r? a doc table tingle yunng man; 1* a aMd, caftfiil -Diver: urn yaara city retereuco. Adores* 0? box u? ticihIiI nltloii. AYDU.NO 01.KM \ N (1INULK MAN- IVUUIII < A HITIT Attoa as Oi-HohiiiRij; test city reference. Call at iTI Mb av. A MARRIED MAN. WITHOUT CHILDREN, SEEKd a si tu Mi lib i.i nrilrliia* coachman ; la willing to milk and to do everything that it wanted: is sober ana honest hi - wife ae cools; nil giro good references from botb oitt au.l uuubtrv. Address ft. J. MILL lilt, Bib fcnst ill ?t. A SITUATION WANTED-BY A SINGLE MAN, A!* iV oOitrhman and n l oom : thoroughly understandable burtness in nil it* brvm net; strictly temperate, honest and industrious uud irilbov to make himself geuura'ly sic l ill; country Biwrrert: tnvt city rein ??nee. fail on or a.lurnii- f.,r two day-, n. C. Y., box loo Herald Uptown Brauch ofllco. , A COACHMAN'S SITUATION WANTED?BT A thoroughly competent Kagln'ira.-wi who undo:' tt mils the business in nil Us branches; tie has the very best re/oreuot s nut w .uJd not object to going to uuy part m" the c-ouulrt. Call oil or aildri . . PETERS A OAb f10UN CO., s:j Mrrctr st. A GENTLEMAN WISHES A SITUATION FOR HIS OOMhinan, whom lie can htghiv recommend as* good groom uu.I Iriver; Is witling, sober and Audioes a. B.,4Ss Broadway. A PIUST CLASS MAN ((C'.KMAN) WISHES A SITU. .1 ation as coacl'inari well acquainted with llie-busi uo- -; la a g. od, oareli I ami sale driver; best rrlereaee. Address A. A.. MU Weit i 111 at Asakrikh man. without chilmr n, wants ft situation n* first ot.v.s; is willing to milk and to do every thing Hint Is minted; Is sober ami honest, his wile aer-iokand laaudroae: be*t city refer ence wages n. ohjoot Address ty. K., box U. tleniil Uptown Branch offioa. A GKXTI.KMAN WISHES TO PROCURE A SITO.V* JX tiuafor his i-oaelinmn. whom he can Uigl-ly rccoiA loi-n.l as a -i-iod euactun-ui ind driver ; wflUdi', sober and lion ?r. 4d tr. s-J. ,) Uorald L'titown Branch onfce AS IT U A I f ON WANTED-AS COACHMAN', BY A ooinpeienl luirle in.ui; Hist cla .s rofei enoo. Call on or address Y. it., 2*1 l.e .uigioB a%. AIOaCHMAN's SITUATION AV A NT! >?H V A dHUle man; (borniigltlr uii .crstau Is ius business; years' first els. city roter. ure for sobi lety. willing, nc a ond capa?tui>. cell on or addtesaT. c., lap Wom lit ?t St. Sin n ION WANTBIJ-AS coachman and by a first class man, marriedi is a own A . Detent city drirer. willing and ? bligiug i six years with pre lent cmpioyor. Cell on or addi-css it;c:i,Viif) TAIL Kb.,,1. iwi r.ast i7ib st A RESI'Ki TABLE COLORED MAN WIShB.4 A ifl sltuatnm u> lirat clan c.-aobtnsn; UOdrrsland* woIttlia cftii givu first ela?:i ruloreuee. call at or ?-l dre?> i;? W est lith st., -n the rear. A Gfi.V'LhMAN WUBBd A SITUATION POB 11W iV oo i' ininn, Who is sllil i.i 'lis t-uipluv ; cau rocoiij ineaii hlni very highly as a urst alus* groom; an oxcei '.entdriver; i.i witRngaiui ..Mining, can be seen or nl (ireased at hie priyaie ttui:., No. 154 West 2vtb st tor two days. ? A GENTLEMAN, ANXIOUS OP GETTING A 8IT0A ttoo for his i u-.hinan mi aeconnt of g'dog to I WfoDn en the '-'Til jn i" ? niiuii ud him to any one. Ad drees MI.HOdANT florsl'l I'liU sn Hirtuchofflco. A SINGLE TOUNO MAN WANTS A SITi ATION Ad A coachman an I groom ; has tour rears' drat clans ci y roleronoe m iwo ho'U I i-l ?ee: will be loun.t ivillini au-1 oUiigirig. < ill --I nraddtesa P. u., 11}East22d gt. ACOAIIIMAN'S SITUATION WANTED?BT A aiiigl ? m.-ii. uitdersiandi al1 about tpo care and luana-s-uieu. of fmrses; bo.t oily reference. Call ou or address J. R., staole IS* hast "-f-th st. / 104CHMAN't girUVTlo.N WANTED?BV A PROT. v,' ii taul; tbortmghly undei ?Cauda cam of bnraesi bones sober au-1 obuv ug can do gardening Ii rreotredt best reft-ren.-y. AOtiresii .v. s., box 153 Herald tptowa Braiicli otDce. L'LORtvT AND 0ABD2 Elf SITU ATION WANTKO? r Hi a i I'nig'Krcocfinian; uri^rr-' itids garden.freeBj bou.ssaud 'are wor. peaks KngHih fiui-ably; good rc fen ti'-tii Addlisa J. A. C., Herald Uptown B.w..un Office __ /* AROKSKR's 8fTU.lTft?N WANTED?UN or R U atAftd.s car-- of arooii'uiuse graierii-i, TegeUblea, propagating plants ritj refvrcnue Cjll on or address BERN ifto H.. at Urnlgeiuau's ?std stort. 97C Bread, way. New.Yor;. QITTATION WANTED-DY A GERMAN AND WIFE i? luuii as food piatn gardoner and to make himself us-lal in a grnticma.i's plaoo. wt<? as uund cook; no ob: .lectinMto wasn , g..ed Iclerenea. Cad at 20a Green wich ?t res L cm ATI ON WAN i;d-by a single man, as coachman and gardener: CM milk ?''i .iiitlw him* aatr u-eiul In a geuilctnaa'l place. Add owe M. 8.. bo* IJ4 Herald oflce. QITITATIOM Ad ( O ri'f! MAN-UV A RIMCW.B MAN; ?5 thoroughly aaicrataii'1* the 'ire ot hurse-i. 4c.j beet 1 u> rolereiiue. Gall ori or addiea* B M . lit 1th ar. CINOLF, v i MAN WISHES A SHI ATION Ad iO coarhman and avJaner; U a n<hm1., ?? ireful nun. willing an I '? iginy, ?? cm m k . pool relereuce. a i..: ? m M, 0. I'., boa UI Herald otttob. rrtlK METROPOLIAN PRINTING KSTAIU i.NIIMfc.hX 1 i? . i a' 118 i> adway. la the lie-raid ling. IV'lNTKD?A HirCAlION MY A HINUL'; MAN. AS II c lantiman aiitl K*r?tener <-r u-cTuI m?o on a IPnt atnanN place; ihrce ye.ara reference Goto I tat euillojer taJr.i.a 11, nox Ml Herald ofDco. ll'ANTKD-A SITUATION. BV A SINGLE MAN. AR II ro.Kihaan m groom no objection to the country, ?arm rear* aattnlarlor) reicr ace. A'tarea*. for two da;, a, m. l\, boa IS" tlaral'l I clown Branch o litre. (I VCK-.T Mill ST (PRfc N4MT EMPLOYER'S) - ? ' A ttr?t nlaae e achraau. with 7 rear*' riteremte, will t?e (li-'mag'tl tbla weak. stable i? A :? it Jeuh at Uall al either ouiubcr. HELP tt V1TKU-MALKR. A ??HANCR.?MKN. W')*RN. HIT' AM) G T RI. N J\ barn telyprapliy .ni t.0>. poeltiona, THhlPf iN'tl < olieer, W f'oUith nr.. (titp, -t'. Cooper lu.titu'n Telegraphy taught p. .-?Wily, with inv.rauioata ho tacehou- ____________________ A DENTS WANTED?TO SUA AN ARTIC LB TO AT aV i.verelKidy oerda ati.l otto that nelle roadilgit * g.e.-l priillt iauu.4i ? *..ui a.. otiotrr merchant*. Apply to i' t r co., pjfanJ <?>:? ti..i m at. AGENTS WAJTTBD?Tn SELL AN IMPORTED AN ticli' tr.K.Ue furnntoed ou''-.lutnlya.wXi; rofereacaa rei'iired. <*:?U a* ISJ Grand el A GENTS WANTED?C ITT AND COCNTBT, To Mb. iV tea-to lanuliee and large coa?Uif>?r*; grea inJat a mc-.u. C.tNIh.T 1KA COMl'AN*. ItM bain'..era *1 Ai.enm WAvrt n t ? sell glass an.) hiltrr . Pol Ob. Fartkaisr* atW Van 1am atreet. In rear _ ANGEU.'S ROMAN BATHS, CI LEXINGTON AT. win! agreeable. lton??i intelligent IndnetrioM A inert.' *n 1 undei i.">. tor bathe aad oflloe; a1-.. ...tin ju.| wile, who .-as k-ap i hotel. b>r houac nod t o-.t-ttiraoi Boy wanted?in rnokfick of a o'tr goods tabbing fo ife i one who rr*'.1r? w Oh ht- i ar.'nta pre frrrm. Adilreei in l.ttadwrillDg of applicant, 1'. F. J., bo* III praM offloe. I IGHT POET fc.R w ft IN t .1OHRINO lIOlLSfc ; li aiao aa errand bo/. A-idie-* Irs II# HaraKlof fice. coi'i itob Wanted?for a benkvoi.knt in. 0 nutation Ot New V.tic: truiraonltl* oi ft (ties* ra] qaired. Adtlrew FIIILO. Iteralit ofllce. _______ rf!0 HOTEL MEN -WANTED. A FIRST ("I.ASS MAN' 1 iger la * large hotel with a ? a?h capital Irctn il.iMg I.. Sg.iaai Ai>pl. ir. p. r-.m at i"- Br a i ....iu In. tl'ANTED?FOB WHALING VOTAGBM AT TUN It Whalemea'e HeaU.)n .rtera, M? s??Oi Street, c.wtn eri boai-ie- .er*. < arpenter*. biackeinitli*. <;. it*. #t<)?. ?r" mil aointj a lout, yoatig Aii.-'i't iii.rejn hand.. Ap p|) to .1 MORISON. tl'AN'l KO-AG' N A OV A FINE (UTHOLi. St-B II jctipt on book: nte sad . onatry notes, lair paid. James sOKKH*. x\ Marcitv at. Ne.v V.wktmW* more -t it' l fiv *ev. illh at., WnaLiiogtou. ujTyrM^jS actTvk nan ~of fLr vhIng II addreag aad surae hualnoM eiperieii' ?? t > take order*. Ari'O. between ant lu i. U liuiis HOL'S, it Murray *)r?et, *e nn I ft. or. \I"ANTHD?A OKSILEM AN O!' KDITl ATI 'S AMI II good address to lis" '.r I era in t'i- country; -ala> e and eotoiD'-alou. Ca.t.-I.lL, F.lfTJ, t A OALri.N, TV'AS way. irAnrun IN" good waitsp.s who itndkn It ala td the i t dice*. Ap. lv, beri'BOB 1U Oj*4 II a'dock, *t i, i.t>'>od . ay ;ut I i'b *1 TIIK TBADBS. 1 \ INTELI IGBvr CIVII, ENT.INFER WANTS A SY"! u nrcklte, uncln* or rlran't.ig ,? I'ljeiy 01 1U the wotu AdlrceaJ. C., bo* IW Ue. aid offlcc. . A STRONG BUT. AGED Id VKAH?. WI-HKs Ir? t\ learn a trade; good reDtTBce lu the city, t ali at sot 10 h av between VWli and Slat it*. \N EXPERIBVCSD SHIRT CUTTER WVNTETi. T MILLER. LISCU, ar. Fvirst class HOTfc.i. bakhr and pastry < o ?K wlthea a -iiaitlon it. I be "It* ..r eNSNNj. Adirm A. o., tier,aid ' ptown B; tnr n nffl e CirtAVION WANTPD-Lf A YOfNG MIX An .In* r*1 conip til'. <r; ?'* ??re' oxpcrleaua Add.o^a J. c.. hoi i: i Here! i of! * _ m PRIM ll.RS ? A HO(ih AND .liiR PRINTI ". OS I aaperlence la ober. lor ?? eit .auemeat ae inreman. AUdreee t. H.. care ut W. W. x'tarpj A 0? AT Park row. T\*ANTED?A FOtf'MVV TO fAkF. i'HARGK of A II pianorepalrtno ?hm in ? ' aii'idlan -tit; .i n lurat?h good retervciata a Itiiawie Iga nt inmnr dc-i'B lile. Apple to J I Al.EbLiRl!,, Oraan Sot Idem Uff w?.t y,.rtr"- -tl I itnet t\*ANTE.P-a s/ri'ATioN a* igmtgnkr pgn al an? t ?*fct'.t.,r , Or a ?' rmnn .. is 'fines rtrienao: Mild- '".i < .... .in * ' it* Itfaii n ?*, Abdreti >?. A. Ulii t . ji, gu:.". .!*??( p.wA. i i.