Newspaper Page Text
T1TY HEAL KilTnltt POM 4AL.K. Cralrnl. 4 N ELK O * MTLY LOCATED, RJTTLT AND A R .A ranged large. corner Dwelling on It4iwi irtlM lor win <>r to lot low. Oftices II Pltte street and S3 east Paeeuteenlh streak V. IL KTr.VENttON. Jr. >10K HALE?No. (tit firm AVi'.M'K; COLl'MBIA College leniie . utie of ill* inoHt Complete houaes of it* si/r in tor* .. uinplelely overhauled, 'r* ? .1 and painted Hullt Mtid owned by Dt oiilN a OKu ? AM. An nnect* fit Had Hortjr-fl. si Street, to whom ap ply for further particular*, _ "L^wR HALF VKHY CHEAP-FOE ONK-TKIBD ? A it J? the lour dory English baaeuieiit I ro*n -aula limine lit Lexington avenue near rwenty-ti>nth sH ret. Apply to an above, Mrs. tt ROB KfS. ___ rLANS AND DKHt'llIPTIOK Or' PROPERTY HILL"'. I'lrculam and every kind of Printing inrtiwhed at the MKTKOI'ULfTAN BBi N'J'I NtJ ht> I ABJulfli Mf.M, Me Broadway. Pa ?i -tile. TjlOR S A I. K? A V KL^OAWT KFHIMKN F. fOl'B P ators brown atom French r .1 uandMiiuelv ire* coed, ull modern iuiprovaiuciiU u Hue t rd. ii u.. .111 lug, Sdxlir.'; one Woe* irmn 1 eniral lurk, lie rant Navei.tV eighth #lre< 1. between rout h *uU Lexington avenuss. , BIO Qn/l t ":lti 1HU ONLYt UNLIMITED ?fc I Hun small brown atone House ; every Improvement excellent locality; apleiiditl order lur allure at abttrti.'i u it required. Apply al -Ut? tart Thirty liiulL atruet ':Utr a neon ?. M aps. descrH'tite pamphlkth OF property. Circulars. Catalogues oad every kino m Priming adapt -I to real esta.o deatm* promptly carefully and cbvuidv dor. at the 111- I'm irtli PKl.UlVii It,-.I A -liM-NT, 111 (be llcraiil build 111*. UKUUKLl.V PUUl'tKI t ?on kAbB AMI IO l>1 UiKALJJ BKA.Ni II IIP. 11 ii, BROOKLYN. ADVKRH" Hi-N'Tr If'i THE NKW \>> :K llhKAI. Khl'KIV: li AT III h BRA M' II OFf ft B IN TDK U' 1. 1 I A NO NAVTNUi BnNK BUILDING, 0OKNKR I H LION IV. AND HO ERG U 81 Ol'KTt.K OPEN t K'iM A A. SI TILI. II P. M. ns 1 vin.1 IKON .1 riLt 9 P. M CaHKH ?' SNI> ' I-Ni v I).- PAR I M KNT, N". 7 FRONT SIKKKT. BROOKLYN. ATTK Ml111 n -BROOKLYN LOTS A r AUCTION June 2-', IH7'. ut noun, at l-.x-liutige Bales.-ooui. Ill Hraadway New Vurs, bv iKVILLK O. RENNET. Aue Hum r 1 Lot- .<n wes. tilde ol sc >nd avenue. bet?e. 11 Niolu 1111 I etilh atreetn, Hronkiyu. I'artieu ark ut III Broad? room K New York. LVIH SALR?A rHRRK STORY AND BASK U' N T P brick Hourv will be - Id at tiatt value at preneut. in East Kerry sirvet, Hun er 'a Point, near t'entrul av Hue. Inquire on the premises. I'll1 id <K BELLI, owner. Hi 1 lit ifto-A improviie , ity ill iho rtate : with water in the kuiluin ; will he old tor RiJd1; one half cash, the re mainder on easy terms. WESTt HEsTKH CO! STY PROPERTY K'OK SALE AM> TO KENT, FdoR iALE?FARM Of 70 ACRES. IN ruEVH'IMTY of Peekrklll wi ll a ?i.;e.l tor all kind* Of IttrminR purpoaea. ti'> ui abu?d uee 01 trmt deiiirtaitul locauou; MM neutflboriiood Ac. '"or i.uriieuiarraddreaaoo, t'oai. d.ue pa? IS* Fadkahiu. N. Y. UjViKiiliAM PAbt?.?LOTS and PL'iTM WiritIN ID r in.nub ? tri.ui eorly aeeotid aireet depot. T a Hard in Kupr. ud. inr naie or exchange for nn| roved Propery; wlU lurnmb money to improve, t'ali and cxninlne. W N. URl.SVVoLD. 7t4 Broadwae. .IRIitKY CITY. IIOBOKEY, Hn)kO( ( ITY AJVD BUSBII RIAL EA)ATB. To Ltt or Lraur, rLP.A.?E-POR S TKUM OP Y'EARS AT A LOW rental to a deairabie tiarty, the enure UuHdlmta known an the Wen Uoboken eutker Kaetory, <u uattd at the corner ol Sprin* and Savoy utreein. We.; Hut.o bcD; the bunding laM teet long ami -* met wide. ihr. ? . atorfen bigh. with * baseiiient. a barira yard, aud la w ell | adapted for any kind of n-.anniacUiriuu Apply to JO NtrH ANURaDK A CO., 11 and 13 Went Houston srr>eL PROPERTY OCT OF TIIK CITY FOtt SALE OR TO REST. ACOONTRY RESIDBN'iB TO LK.T-ai MINUTKB from city, eight mlnutea by plank walk trom depot, : oa Central Kallroad nt New Jersey: cominutat.on o-enta-ach way; Dniiae Jtatl??rd root. II rnnm*. wi 1 barn lor loor lnir?e*, eamage h-oi-e. nan heu-e and a r, 01 lawn and garden; ground*, walks and drives beau I fally laid ?at, plentifully shaded anJ la perfect ordsr: I this plana t? located on the summit of u h!p h elcvutmn ; rent $db per month ; lew than bail real value a pply to owner, room 3 Times Building. 38 Park row. or to JOHN HOFPMaN, Weatfield, K. J. A A APAKM FOR PA1.B?M ACRRi GOOD LAND, dwelling, bam. oulbnildingv trre *n<1 clear fui'e from 1 Toton Lake: in minutes' walk from kntmiau, larte.m Kiulroirl gar 'cu frtun. abundance of shade, Kwt boating and tfaturtg. Apply to J. W. flANPuitD, ' tonab. Weatcheater eonfty, N. Y. AT NEW BRIGHTON?FINEST RESIDENCES; pret'ieat spot within 100 miles; modern canvenl- 1 1 n? e> ?hade. view, beautitul aur-ourdings; turniabed I and unniruiaLed , lew rents. HART TWO Jr S4f Breadwav. Ui-.NTLEM AN GOING TO El'ROPK ? I !.L 8RI.L I 1- fl"e Reslaence aad 80 tA'tv. near Seiherwoo 1, ! ?' im . aon Uie central Hat'r.aoof Nt * Jerw?, at a K't< acriflce. Call, Tot one vrnek, on Owner, 214 P.lii avciine. New Yorfc. ' Ui. INI A AND PENNSYLVANIA PAKM AND . i .t He: cbandiee toexcbauge> Liquors in ?> ? lor truck Horses sad and Oro 'i ry Wagon. W k. NIC t OL,. 91 Liberty alr#?L f HK AT BAKiiAlN ? PGR WALK. A GEWTL" MAN'S . uniry e.,.ieoc-e on high an i verv healtliy ground ii in- 1 of the Hod *????, near farrvtown. Lock ton ut i a wit. Twelve acre-of baautitul land In garden 0 -i i ?fi nte sa I ?iiroblery in abun.ia'iee; gt'< on- table carnaan twiaa amf Ice hi.use. This !? d al ..lis i,r?? ni -aloe on easy b- w.t. . -?e- ea r.ijget, farniiore an1 avarjrUi'ng a r- rr- a tn- p aca. App 1/ t? S. EBBKim K Y 1 1 ivi-liue, satin AfeBt / v r. At, RI.K.tJtNr If 11 I It FR INT. AT ' ? nioa irowi Raw Y?rk mxaerea: bign, b- 1 . peau; lot, large maunon: iruit and abate ?I -nt sTIWAK T. 81 ( ad? r street. I -In . APiTAX.fNTS?KpLKNnLD INT RUT- I o to *tnub ?i cg.i ii t pi* ,-:?s on llud- a i... ivi from a* acres allor.inv part; tic ut Apply to HOMER MORGAN, No. tU..>t*H.?0GTT4OK TO LET, FCRNIHilED: n c i.r -t ide tr. es t? minot w?, ? lore price S3 ?>, Apply to fc. C. CI.At Ki-, Real Y M'OftTHAV PThN, -At.P. \ Rlrl ????>? ?? I* All if'l ? 1 * rommodl ,| . . .... hailt br. * H?. i-? wiili n-i i? rn roprm* ?i.-nt- fan* itMiurr ftn* harr. ? il heuiiert nearly font arret; orchard ami ehoira ?ariety of fall/ bearing fr4i. tt *? and ? "? Hif>k rirrei, f./! i ? ?' wa * rein ...-? new >m;:h 1 ilb* ?<? li r '?? ' y,. ?? rur AC- ? 0K0. T RL'Ttll.RF'fRU Norlbamp ..o ?. - (Y .It . i.l- * J ? I K iT. M'Li.T H HNI-. I.I) Fi ll ' r v-)?r ?n "V -MI r-tntry rut on Mottn taut I a -? ??mini Mf-r- H.-ct-r Ma, y. Rn-on. MsrUrv . eonnnaui i? ?a ea?-? i rl.-wn mouther,v . large ei uii'lr'o .??. :? nee wab.ea Waeras Kan 'in -.had" P owing garden*. I?> in-diem y.-remnti. JitMn.1 jS A W *1.1.1 ) I'm* eto. t 1>aK Obi* HLMiANTI.Y FI'RNI-UPD ' oRNMt J HI r. it I ?>??.?. a Mfft. Pbt.adctphta. nr?r In- ? gander,... II,11|. -O let. * .t-i ? a MtraUiofhrf l'i. '!* a. rpr. ?. kit- ?f?> of iwimm. Fart of a* * r,,,.si ri*??un,iu hour in Chrntnut ?:r ?f I'll *U" t ' W n? *r Intlenendencu Han. |<> Irt 111 re.* M liera111 . I'Ul aiidp . i*, and ratr nnuir* "i i umi <-?. rLP.T AT nUMLAND ML^i, N. V ON Ra1K r,t the Hartann, a - .". m. r fortti* '<1 i,?t. i.e. aaato'RiB* ?i? room* 4p--.? at ( a-w, n otrl M ? land laifa or W?*tm. re atel Howl I nion rnuare flaw Vor* 1*) I.I r A FIBK t? NThV RR IDK.fCK PARTf.Y I (urni-had. ?tifilr?. Ai il ' ;aa?-n Pol n ? I, tig !tun.| - no to) W.-aithe-ai niiitf a V. r ur partk ular* aap'y fo lib Kill 1.1 AaTAI a i?.N ill W r?l Fourt'. atreet it I 1 rjUl -HOIJPN. BTAALK 'Vli M r HIZK OP fl I.of MO-UIA ho. ? '? f-trr trlieil; far, wat.-r Ae ?< WW i-aait. SM 0 >n Ibro woatlM, A .41 on llr.t iiM.r w-Av pir .ty .it -ha.1". go <1 u . atioc 'en n mi. . trow lepot. bettor tarra* caa he made Atlilrrm iioo*k i.? , ooa & Poet odi.-e. biag ding. h y. RRAt. ENTATB TO BXIHAM-I. An OPPORTI NITY ftKLDfHI OF! r.RRH.-l >R ? ait ..r x flange tor Real Kata'r in n. w Yor? ,.r PriKiA Drill ? it nil* a t>.iti-l?oi,i*iy fitfe<l ip La Vg Pam y *lor" fl'.< ?ti,.A of. a leA'llriir avrnil- i i Rrm ? Ijn. A | ply to - < a I Alt, <U and W Lllirrle diftt Yon. IJITtHAM.I A pryu-n FRRorif RflftC llfll fp. I* orisroftna lot 80 he life t;?e mmaie* walk rti u di.pai at Kit. fiett. v. J. price $'! mat ttv 11? i ?? Mil* Par- or laitaprtiTed i awl anea umbered. A.tdicee bo* lw: I mI off e K u Abe in, M. I LH)* -AI 8-UR k> .1ANHP, FOR RMHtOCI) PTOOR. r a a* ?un.-i iMnad. atylr anil baauie rotnbluerfi. hy a - ? .i oil ?? ift ? r ilanihrino ? n?rf, aire if Lady Thorn, dam or a .on ot Alidaiiati ?lrr ?< llauiblf tofiiieli eirr of l>?i'e- / .iir-<t I". m J., Rreoblyn Poat olBc* Pedigrea Hirranied. F*0R PtLF. (P. IX IJAMiK FOR CITTT PHflP rrn or IffrrftaiiiW Hritra) t'i?a?iil.I ac??a of ehtrtee frri- and clear d10ri?i ? Parmlne I and It, P?nnM f ? . a. II PAiTRBIU). TM Braadway. TO libt MIN RIMinMHH rI HPfhiFa. BKK.. IT BlIIJIIRfl. I. P. HAT KLi il'1 r.'ON I If UP T? WIT1! A VTt 1 Tl) KCl H K|.I ill'l.i; Ti-KA' T* for in p. ir <v iiffit h- >'<?% RR Rain i mi t m.f.t 1RTBK BKNNKiT H CI I. f 11 b 0. I ok ItilRlU 11 AYR BKPn fMlf- Pit. AND P1H.1T < I.A K TK ARltllAY I, nY V! Y p.!t K A ? V ItY IMP RRNT-A -TO INH1 RAN' K A .V11 BANBtNO T8 SOW P "Kf. ' PRO A N NIXCA I.Y P A ? R/ H ' I. t ?P| f.rt iimiT* ronfiri.'KK plkiibIk oppht p ox *h<it FAYOKABI F TKRVU. | HR aBHTK RI'II.MMt TR < "*> I PI V PIRRPKOOW HPATKO HY i-ThAR; t? JH bVATOBR, Al l *(H Pll* iMPPflVI dr.NTi IhL IKh till MOMRK ROK'IAN, R". 1 PIN P. PTKRRT. I 'AIJ. A v l> RXA dI vp. TIIP OFPi'' N IB BI.II.IHNU X; Jm K.I Ailwar: firat ??*? lo< i on irr book (red. terms f rrv at : ate, W. .1. OKMW ri Real KpUif < tlti i -..(>tn t. fJBT TO R PRINTING WORK AT THP MFTroPOLI ' ' f'N PRIMIMi BeTARLIAIlMbN I lie 8:i.ii?*f ??hi w il Pod it ailvAti ageo ta. yrORP. an!' HA< K R'x? v- ff> L -A.I. at 121 KA T | ' H :tf O- i ,|J ' . I ?i lie #ill be nt.r up tor hir era aa'oo-t : nen wnt bti A-r flgni maiiufAetafiaR l>eai. ? ^ a ,. ua . kl m Pletfler -trf i. orilKP" FIR r PlifNPRf ASH fJPRlt'l'.fl TO LET OR r" lea - .)li l*4d fa'oe O ,-wi*. In tie gn it . w, e>>itro Broadway *tnl V. r't n .tr< : W R. >.!t; WGt.l-'ft tie a I kfl-if uRRf .14 Bfrtad" \f. f|tn t r r-TOR FPACTfii h eroP.R m ntiwri />vi nro :rt 5? l!? Htt in d?|>lli VI IB IW# Li It* Above Ini'alile t ft -iiifitrr itran ? in fwf? f ireey ttrnvU it-iiM-.f ai ti tdfre * iow wfedow. ftnoif rp ami ga. fl* tor - foinr ' f. Ap, j It i'JilK tt.'-'hi T\ I 1.21 Bf . Inac, TO I.BST K'tli KSMI.n* TO Urr-WITM 1' li WITHOUT NTE.4 M POWER, 1 tuftsin -o? II# 117 119 and 1*1 K*?t Thirteenth street sad lU I tot rourteciuh ?tr.TL for htflit inanulae tui nig purposr*. Inquire ol P. UKOTH A CO., 114 La-I Fourteenth street T LBT?4 ?OOl> STORK. uriTABl.K FOR 4 BC'Sl nrsi man. No. 322 E.ast Thirty -second sire*L 'PO LK4SR-KOR THE l.AOEK BEER BU8INM8. I tore and c?il*i', iiortlieast co. nrr ni Muioerry and Hester streets. W >. DAVKt 4$ nice *er ulrwt Tl) RENT.?OOOD DKMK RtttiM TO REST TO I e er- r??. .suit agents auJ oibc ?. 4U7 and *>*J Broadway. rooms 5 vail 4 'p?E whole or part ok fkcokd floor, cor. 1 iter til Broadway an I Thirty lilili ? r?t. sultat'lr lor n/'ioi ?% sin,liu* Ac., wi 1 he ..Trunin d to suit tenant. lu quire of LTB> H A OOM1KX rpilH fcUB.-i KJBER H.4VINO TAKEN IHK FIR^T 1 rut; ut' <ifltc?a in Molr's large building, corner of ; Twcuti third iirtrt hi.<1 Sixth uvemio, w II in on* < r ' tun OfII c> at a moderate rant; bin hi inn heated by sleuin: the situation u one ol the flui-st uh town. jamro it. i:jj\4 4i om, WW West Twenty-third street, corner Slath tvecnc. $40. _ . and dwelling. a onruistied and unfurnished House* at hall price; small House wanir I near fifUl avenue. O'HWI Kit. 1,2*6 Nroadway. PH EI.I.C.C HOI NKR TO LKT. Kuruitlttdi \FI.W KXCBEDINQLT DESIRABLE CINTBALLY . located .urnUlied (Lusts. lett over troiu May. to irA-e lew bar t una. unices, 1' Fine atreet and 83 Last Seventeenth street. V. K sikvk.n-ON, JR. 'PO LET?A PRIVATE HOUSE, NO. 31* KaHT NINTH 1 street, tbrea stury : ? u *. ? and attic, with all Im provement* furnished or unfurnished, whole or Ui boars. Inquire ol it. Ar'Pl-iL. tit itast Niiltb street. I' muiiilaluil. t FEW EXCEED'VGLY DESIRABLE CENTRALLY ,\ li coil unftarnl-hcd II dse- lett or ir? n Mav. to lease loo liars* ill*, nfflcti 'I Pine street and 33 East evtiteiTh street. V. K. 1 E V >N, JR. ? ?.4 ?A.?t'O ITAUKS, BRICK AND BROWN J\. stone Dwellings, at exceedingly low rents , enliven i?n to boat* ami cars P. KKc.H R. " -st Third ave uue. Ci.rnor I24ih street i.wau Harlem Branch oltloc>. ro LET?FOPR STOltT AND B4 8! M E V T BltlCK t on e. ceiurallv situated, nenr Broadway; id room- .npirit ? order ?i 1 ho reined tor th-'W per annum; a rare opportunity, c'att and see. W. X. OKIsWold. :tt Broadway, corner of Astor place. iPO/I A M< IN TIL?TWO >1ORY AND BASEMENT ?Ptjt t bricK Houses, with ad improvementa, in Ri|btw second aires t, between avenues A and 11. Apply uu premtaes or to owner, US Last seventy-ninth street. KVRMsilEI) MOOWS WD Af*AHTME2VTB TO LET. 4 PAR l MEN i N, VV1THOCT B'lARD, N1CBLY KI R. J\ msb< a. all modern conveniences. No. *6 West Thirty fifth "ircet. Fl'RNIKII HD FLOOR TO LET IN A PRIVATE ramify. .MSJ ecou t avenue, Hurlem. \NIC LY FURNISH KD 8KCOND FLOOR AND front, sijiiare Ks>om an third floor, sumtn-r prices, arldlWist ihirieento street, two (leers west or totalli avenue (north side). FRONT PARLOR. WTlH ALOOVB, HOT AND for boii'seEeep* street. i\ cold water, I nth uud ua?. Iurni?he 1 Inp. to let. In No. 218 Host Twenty-eighth \ FURNISH hD ROOM FoF HOl'dERE KINO TO lei, $T: two R'aicia $4: Parlor, flrst floor private door tor physic; >u or dre?s,naser. 29 14aslnnuton Mjuarc. southwest corner oi Waverley place. AN ' LKHANT MUTT OF ROOMS TO RENT-Fl'R. i\ Dialled water, ?aa ;ind every conceiuencc, also ball Rooms; summer prices. 53 irv.up place. A Labor, pukmmibd room, un ah'.v.,tos tnnare su. able for eoe or (wo ir? irlcnien *19 month; y??. bath private house. Apply tu real estate ofP.ce 17 Abingdon square i iKluli avneae). * FEW NEATLY PURE Mil ED ROOMS, W'THCON A vemenves tor bouaekeeplny; convenient to <ar? and stages ivtm- '??. ah luiproreun nts, house quiet, adults oiilv *oy W est Thirtv-tlnrd street. 4 ri KNI-IIED S-.COND STORY FRONT ROOM, | .4 ail imi>rovcmcnt.s, in priv re house, No. 2; East Thirteenth street,near Filth aveuu ?; ferii.-, moderate. AT CENTRAL PARK.?APLENDID AIR; PRIVATE bouse; turuistied Ro- ins lor >lc?bin2 or hou-c keeping, * a mouth up. inquire ol WILLIAM CRAW FORD Madlsou avenue, corner ot Eighty-sixth street. 4 SUIT OF Hands M LY Ft NHHED BOOM-, ^ V suitable for a ceiiik-man and ;* wile, also Ueotns for sfnale ueutleui'en P-iuis uiode.?u-. i:h Last 1 .. .. tcenib sireet. Boar .'must pla< A private family will let a iian; homely Inruiahcd front Room with alcove on aeroud floor; terms veiy moderate. Apply at 14 Irving ptuce, corner FilternHi street. a T 14 K.AKT K!! r. , MH KTRfcKT. BKTWKE.N A Brnai.wa. and firth av. line, an ?-i.tire Second F or,'?! . ntlemen: | !ei*aiit at. u aa<l very cunva meat ti> earn and ? *? it 11 spcoso avpm*p. r?ui5KR or tenth ;\ an. -?A ' v. r?* tiy (nr-i.?tiH<i k.. r..- rtugly ?r errfoite at motion. < rui?a. iu-nl rimouvtnU-u et; rrn at. fan ily. r. K'.i n i> K<M 10 i.'-.r-rin-T. oKcond 1 dad mini Boor*: a.I i onveBienoa cr ! .uwf? ( in*: ate- hall Hod uomx to a SU laird avium, i* rn thirty-fifth ana Thirty-amth atree'.k. HANI* ?M KLY FPHM-dUED PARLOR ri.OOH. 5 room* en ?nlt all conveniauix*. and I. rg ro in at ove tv.tli pantry and water. No. 45 d cut ; wyuty utnt.i >d"e. . lout itoan ?e*i .t Broadway. T AIIOB *NU Ht^U OMELY PI KM Mil. Li KOI M* Ja for gem'etaen: trruta un-doia r location very de sirable an i cui.vtr.leni. inquire at 31a West Iwetay. ninth atr et ONK UK 1WI ROOMP?FIKM HI. Il M t H A I.I it." on* in n < ?tor private hruve, top Hoar reuilow >o. ? Si rton atreet eck . 'PUK MXTROFOLI' A N PHI V! I NO I ? f A H ' IdHMLN t 1 in at J.r Broad * ay. id the Herald ti ...itir.-. TO LET?I WO XKWLT FIRNF.-lf I? K< >?* M 4. I ? .11 atBgie gentlemen courci.1 n; to all direction* #tth? ciynytAT- at.-- Leal llur.?eDUl atrevi. i.yar rii.r.l 4W1JA 'I I ofcl-A H KNIMISU PARLOR ON H CON 1) 1 floor; >a;* ".all ati I wife or fta'.h iaau . aiao a hark Kuoui. tad, trout Id to 3. at >u Hrut Jwm ? ir.-oi. ae? ? u-1 Am r. rpo LFT?I-aROK. C'lor., FRONI Ron MB, W.IH J *a- bath. An. (light huuaakeeping H deeded new 1 lUTDOhal, in pr:e-u. reenter ee I u Ma . Jou,;a! ?tr it, four iloorairooi d aVrngtoa quar. Part. PKY liifvP ^ alt It * NI -? vki.T HKNI-.UP.O ? lutuaa uiao < ne ?>' ?.ti I'urtora. in ut novate houae 2.1> at: loaitt alrit t, Uivrtu mceod a.ol Third aventtea Herman urn, v. prTii At 81 I'd. II -MPI A Nil V I RNlPrHI 1) PAR ? ) or Pioor to ' ? to *' dn in. u, .altooat board -uo Room* i n utile < r tioiy. at auiniuer price*. Ml a " f PWARO PRK WEEK FOR ROOM. J#*.) i )\T Kiieben and Bednr q newly turi.tubed an I pi nteil Apply to loo. eKe-j ir. on Ur pr mine*, ?t Koriy ?tiiarth atreet n ar orano >mrai l? pot. 7 vrsr i F'HJRTF NTH -1 nKK I'.?P KM-II hi) , I Apartment wit cat board. Parlo.a And Bedroom* ireontf ..ii third (1 oira nr A-T RbVPNlR V1H dTRr.Kt. BKT'VE/t* 0albn ?(|?ir? and av > Purnlahed k?< i. i t?. !?! u .'enttcrtien mm Iteftrr uea nl-A-l UFA KNTF.KNTII BTH K p T. tit Tt? FP.V I roBdWiie an,J Pifll aom fie - I'eair Ohf 'urntsi.vl Room a lor MMHiamen; r i''l?eea ea hanged. |-ru PrRKRI. KM PANT B e.'i WkKV INJi.N I I iwjttt? an,I ?ry|ir pia ?? I'.legaally Atrniab"d Kinini- witbo- haaril ier ge?:-naen omy. OO OUT? B'l.fl) STEKKI -A LAROI. H ?MfllKD Za I r. it K -ml ?lt I all'" if r m. larkeepilig loi f man and wi*e -t yw-.u* n ? i. aleo "aialldr Kooima |Oi< ElNf? ftTitFKT.?F'RMPHRD I.aKoR J I M I ncr in* n | V to $? 50 pita elr. aal table tor h< w ?? pirni kA yeniieuiei., t,* igWool i ? o 1 II ?.il ? < ITl Oil lit to i i"S 11(1 *A?T)CI1 gal KfEKRT. NKaR BLRPf'KKM I l'r furr,* il itooTi,- wtih eifry ronventen e .,,r h ia*k?epina, to i*t te reape table amail lamiliea I .)*} WP.PT FORI I K I H PTilRI-T HO, f>0<. It A I _ ? > iron the h M?i!wavear* - A feir n i-l.ej Rooii , larg and am a Hoomaai ?i i n?<r prl ? a lt>7 PA 1 i IIIRI y-NlXTH .HTNFET IN PRIVATE I I ? 1 fain It?A pleaaaal -in mer Room n Murray If : tor a ?Mtrie.: i otipie or atbg e peraoiia pie t rea-. , . ?l la m P.r-f IW. xrv PIFIH MR Ff-ro LI T, ?ii ? v ' .miehc I. the' ? beaoeat ami prtiin d oil wp?t ruiRi v eixin rppp f -a Kit.- r ??'i I arm r'onil elr re front R< t.m, without honn.; teraia morter.ite Itooae aaa all rno ern imirroven ea|e. OIIO tip.-' TvypNITPIFTH ETRKKT.?TO I.FT, ?)" ft' hrrn. ?..rm ty frirniahed RnoraA, ?uuahle lor light hr uaekee, r nlo aing e Rooma r.r fr'iln i,ii n r.f?(k Ffiai ii atkni r-to lp.r, a i-arop. prrt. ? ri'h''! Ko..m ami Bedroom to one or i?| peril lemen. or lor I t?,t hoaaakeepiug term* inmlr-rati \FI HEINIII.I* fliMOir, AlO Af'iltl. MKT M TO LET. a IfO IH. A T I0.-.7 aivrw tVIM E, NPAR TIIK \. Park, heautif ti ko atloa, tferae or foor ttoorr,* < n r?t C'ter good order; inoflern i njooyeuient* rant $!t AR p' A f'T I PI'Ii s 'IT OP AFANTHKN TR, OONblFT Iri* of al* room A o y*r the Pa . .rr.< r rwenty flith atrae'ami Iulrd avenad; h?? ewkry conyentence ami in gord rr.ier eut Mt par month. JA.Mi-.b il tuWAHUh, HIP VAeet IVIti U. ? r<J air eat r|lt lp.t?nvk ri at or prx roi m , in fiptt. I fifth (treat, between 1 hird Alt ' !.e aingtun avenue#, pr re ??' - (aquire at No. 91k hlrd i rat.ue nr t floor. rro LKT-PAitr-oR n/x>R a-o bap ;mp.nt in I p I aM hou-ie a,I improvementa, for llrnt rlaaa la ily, ?n rooiaaasd ioort it ^ki P.aal Tu ter inn #?rei t. f|-> I.PT-NO 7 Ml KrilN HTRKP.T N " A ?: Iff.' R( K I er-Tore?i nab* partiaa only, fiya Bouiuaai. we.l I fh e.l ; rr ot Rii.y iwll No. i Mo LET f' 11 P A l -PARLOR Pf.tiOR TO A ' Of I'l I fir mil t?ni1ta, Aj.ii!y at KM Meat Fiflcenth atre h( fveen si*.! and flawi nth avenue#. 'Ptr If-T T"H " A P ?FIR ' T F If). ? ?NI> R A XMPRT I oth rM.No M hi rut ?>ofe ?tr?. t mar Hiirl-otl t. je *,? lot a m.m rtoi >4 tuBiiHj* ,u WdWtingtva niNf'RLLtir.ui s. 1,-rpNr r \wTfn cetIiIntit and PtRiirroN put .r i h. i Hi' dayt$ h it. little dirt anri di.tort nn?t fi odoAiy atirt c etr.'titj i.ghtaew am1 .luoifii i,y. Il ULiil i \j,- id* Proarlway. KnUMPEAR NTIoAnsilII'S. Q*AT W K SIV K N, ^j p L (J, 'pT NEW A (? KK TO Hills ftU. (hNOr-ANDl M*E(IT, sailing from pier l", nasi River, a? lollow?!? fOR.NWAl.l Mmnpeit SamrtUv, Jon* l? e-? i o ksk.t. Western .. ..Tuesday. July ? Caliiu paaaage. $7t), intermedia to, $45; steerage, $J0, Currency ? xrur-io i ik KfU, $l-1> A, .ill to W l?. MOKU A "? Agent. 70 South atreet XIJlLsON'S line for sot rHAv.fro.N and uli.x., ?t to 1*9 deapaiulMid troui Off M Ka?t Uitcri ? CiTHKM.o June l? i OlUiUBO rut* it) .V tVAKI.N0 lololmw I hi.DOHA DO To follow Hr?t catkin, $70. currency; * ml on0 n. $4\ cur rency. Ihrough tickets laaued it, CuntlneiiUl and Bultia Porta Apply for mil particulars to I'llAk .Ks i.. WKit.til A t't), W south atract. \lu.-T DIRECT AND KOONOM If A L ROPIR TO Holland Belgium, the Kliine, Switzerland, Ac., via KUli fcKDAM. steamer s. HOLT K.N June 21 Stcuiuer itoTThROAM July s llie?e beautiful steamer*. carrying the tutted Matea in ti io ihe Netherlands, are tv.-,l known tor ilia regular iit ui the r trln* table* ul passagi low. Fl'M'll, KUVK A f.i 1. \V. MORRIS, Aicueral Agent*. !*> Itroa i ? av. OTATE LINE. _ O N W YOKE TO OLAHflOW, LIVERPOOL, llll,MX, Br.LKASI a I' L-I.N DO N i>, 1 Kit Y Suiting Ir.iin pier No. 36 .North Kivw, a? follow*: ? Ma I'l, Ok ; ,11 l.-UNA Ben., June "I ST A h Or IN Dl A v t Wed., Ju * U Ma, K OK IJKUIIIII A Wed., July :< and evtrv Wednesday tlieroatter Mrst cabin *."?? $N) an i f!>' return u, Hem. i *<J. Second cabin, 960; return Jit , i t?. *?> i. Sin rag, a' lowest r J, i.l; to AC TIN U .l.oWi.k * CO.. Agent*, No. 72 Brna lwa\ Nee. 1 ork. Mi'CHO! efflcti, 15 Hi, avis ay. /M'N Altl) LINK.-B. AND K A. II. M. & P. COk 1. NOTICE v .. new to diminish! Tg tlie i ftance* ur collision tin uti uinera ? thU hue take a apt uiC course lor all *M in, -11 the year. i.i the nit: war,! pamage Quoentrtown to NewYnri or l>. atoll, cm (Ming in (lie meridian Wat i.i latitude, or in ih ic to In- north of It mii the homeward passage crowing the lueridtAn ol 5J at 4* atiiude. or nothing io the north ol 4-'. Kioui N W fOKK lurlilVK POOL and QUfc.KSH.TOWX. ?HON ThlA...Wed. June 2.1 *K1 nblA Wed., June 30 CHINA sat, June JB | ?BornNU... Wed , Ju.y 7 s'e tmers mark J ? do not carry sioeravr pAssenger*. Cabin pusaage, $n). $l'U, $133. gold, according io ac commodation. Return ticket* on luvorab'e teriua steeragt tiekeia r> ami tri m all part-oif .urot.e at low est rate*. Kreisht and ciibut oSi< e. No. I Howling Green. Mccruc. oBlce. Ill Hroa iwaj (lrlni?\ Hulltllng). t il 4 rt I.I s <KKa.Ni if VN, Agent, anil P. H. DC VKKNKT, corner ol t inr* ami Randolph streets, Chicago. | NMAX LIN I..?I IXKD s .1 , H. RI.Y CUl'UhE, lioyal Mall Steamers are appointed to sail a* follow--s KOK Ql .EN MOW.* AND I.I V e.KI'OOI.. CITY or RICHMOND Kalurdio June'.'6. at II A M. CI I Y OK B : USsliLs Saturday. Hi v ? , p. ti. CITY OK , il eatu uav. Jiim 10. .it t: A. M. < I Y OK PARIS.. sa'urdav. Ay 17. at 3 P. M. CITY oK BKiil.ts. san.rdHv. Ju.y i.4, At5 A. M. t' , BIN PA -s V.i M' uil.l *1 ) . gol t. sTKl'.lt viiK. to and tro n a,l i ints at ri daced rate*. t'abill and general otlii ? No t5 Broadway. Steerage offices, 33 Hr, auway and pier 45 North Riv . JOilX (i. DAL ., A nit. /\NLY DIRfcCT USE 10 KRAKC'B. liiE UENpjRAL TR4N Ail.ANTIC COMPANY'S MAIL M..AM-IHI'- H- rWKI N NKW lOKK AMI I i A A iK The ?pl"n ti.l vesseB on ihis favorite roU'c for the C<Mb- ' tin."i be ng more soiithcrly than any oilier;, wtU sail from oier No. s"ri;i K.t'er. as loilo*-: ? ARAM I*, i I'Tinii c sutiirilAv, Jane 2$ Vl 1 I K Or PARIS (laebisue/. Sgiurday. July I) A MK -Iqi I i oiizaH)... Saturday. July B 1'R! K OK P > s?A >K IN GOLD ..neillding Winm, Urxt Cabin, $ 00; Second. $?? Tbird, ?3U. Return l i kv - at reilnced rates. Pteerogc. $2; witii *u|,erior nc ummodiittons and in c.u . ug a.i i.e. esaaries without eau . charge. uKuuij!?. vi a tvi.N/.lfc. J5 Broadway. M r.MA . u' v July 15 URate?^ paasagis' to tlyiw inn, London, Cherbourg. nSSSSrg"JSTSl points in England, Scotland and r/u&t?.oon. fold.. ?'JJ Cabin, second aaloou,gold ^ | CO., C. H. RICHARD a'DOA* General Agent*. General I ns enger Agents Cl Braad gtraol New York. 61 Kroidway. >*wr York. \\ ,:\Tm i',Tu'K, ''.vmtW OR LIVERPOOL. " CArM.1THE UNITED MA.^ llAlL REP I JH.1C. June fuly V ai 1 P. M. ?'t llM^NIC V.V.V.'Jalv 10. at 10::? A. M. in fvTlC ........... ..Jm.Tt7.at8K M. Jutv :4. a?8:WA. d. From the White Star Docks, pier M Surth Kiver. BatS-Ma' **> an l * 00 ?? gu? ; return ucaet. un favorable terms. Steerageat 'ow r*tea.. ? affording .1 ovg.eo of comfort hitherto nnattainania "for inspection of flans and other In^omation apply at the company . other. 14 Broauw.v. New York. ^ ^ \??] LIA*lfmPA>(UNKUVHKTVrhE'* NEW TOKK. b b SOUTHAMPTON AND HKnBBN. Company, pier foot ? beo.uW ,o 5?,KR _ Uly 3 dttct I ,u'v " 0ju?;"rf"pa.i??i trom fciw Yora to Southampton, ,fe c#M ?FteerKe f'i'i? "stViT.*Va'rT Scab? cowency. For trc.zPtot ^'^y/PPlr^y^ a HcW,inr Green. f R L?c k ?.rh"2wfc r. j^.'aia P.' M ' ? ,f','ct i ivk kPOOii aNij QUKfcMiiCNV N. lVii jsi~jgsgST^SS^Ht ra ta. Apply at the romp.n, w "^l^ l .Nan^rr_ VN'o"?Vli^TBR CKTTBD RTAT R *AIU .V tw V' ?HK AND OI.AS'HtW. rrOflA jwi.? paturria*. Untie .?. 11 A w. Umiowi anil* Saturuay, July $. Jf m. noiiviA ...... I. ...aail* ....-Saturday, July 1J, II a u. vis Via . talis.. ..eaiur.Uv.July 17. ? i M. 10 OLA Alio W t-lV Kit Ft)..:. I' IN DON D h K It Y , QITKUM lows UH rtht rAM . Cabin. $76 to tH currency according u? accornuiod* INTERMEDIATE and rteekage as 1, was any other tlret claaa J1'"'-. , ... r?r ?fLi4 for *4U> amount at lowi? ^ _ 111! N Dl.KfcON BKOl, Agent* No > Bo* iintf Crccfl.^ i - rro statrs mail link- tkam to queen*. I K low* AND LIV sai.iug every tuewlav froni pier so North I iver. , * r? \t Marthafan..June .* '? M. I V* v analu?. .afdlv 1A. J V Vt i>(' .it.10 Juiv d,JP.R I Idaho .?? v-'jlI'.Jl.' l abia li.U-rmeiUato and steerage at h.we-t UMe aud oern.auj at '^lV.IaRR * <SPVo>. 39 Rroadwar._ ?1P?CIAL NoTICK.?THK SPLKNUID MAIL sTKAM V' it: v, \ ii i r i aS ** iiliiitf for Afui 1 will carry a hunted nvMT r.r,."3K5??" LKWT^..wiE2ja,r &n?Ws^a*."aa i. . w,?rtd -s ook" Pi?*ran.inr ? an m* par F'A.tlrl nf over I iiM cheap and rotitca t" '?? r U M ji h.V o a aypt.' atiui.. tree o? cnarge ifif lea can be bad un? ?on A J.- nkin mall lOcenao. f<)rnrr Broadway an 1 Aarren atreet._ ^viWiMriTAM ROSEA, in CHATHAM SQT'AltP VhiUil Pas-sac lu ?etv York, t-tean.e-a everv .lav for . Virt. Llveno Oi Olas.o*?, Derrv. ? all t? buying tick, la elaewUera. Draita payabla vrery w here. ? (iMsiUfK ITRfHip. 1,A IHC MAIL STKAMrIIIP LINR-roR - ALI".?R 1 K-asax^&issmsrtais^i (vror ;;:.Sh?,Kor h?.fr _ TSltKD cTAlK- AND BRAZIL MAIL ?TlAMbllU* J . COKTA> . Tf)OMA, AND BPAZIIo ... .iJ? tA r a a-ehiu uNi A.HO, 3.rn ton* bnr A.n . am n l r? h will sail Kir 4t Thomaa, tei R -imn ' Kshia and Ro de JlPeito <nt (v.o*.wtar Jane A at S o'clock P. M. from ner U * I or ireig'nt or pK OARRIRON. Agent, Iki. K *R.,? t fit? I ir+f L N No. J"B.iW,ina I?rei-n. _ T. 11 ATiVaT AND MBXMAlJ MAIL Si J. LINK? hl..mer*,i;av.1^AV^,te"^M; r,T? Sr ck- z,::*.r.*.v.v.'.v.ij?'j 2! ciiT^^VA2ursw aad ?ihnT,??5r-*r" at Havana. Prnsreso. cttt or in?!arr: Tu.,!,.n,"J.!,."C.f.done a 3. andHBroadwar. stestner* will |ca?e New f)' ansJiwo X and Jmy u, for Vera Cm and all the abov*? por ? ,, U'l KKLV rMlrtlDA LINK ... lor Port R?.yai, B. ?' t I'ernandlna ria ; Brum wiok. Ua. 1 be favorite an I well kno*n staamer MONUK 'M Kit V, ralfcloth M??ter, having enp*rior ace.,iiim.Hi*ilO''a for pa?aeng?r?< wnl Kail ,fun? .4 ir on pier No. 3 Nnrth Hirer, at 4 P. M.. fof ai" re porta inak .nu c.dinmtiona t?. afl point* s*.oth and tmuThweat, i m Pait Rovai. tha Flortda and Brunawtck "yirat^iass paa?air-To Prrr.andlna. ?M. to Jackaon Vllle. t24's?-, to Augusta, ?3U rhrou ih ti kets i*.-ued to all Points B-.n'h and Fnotb wcat n.a III > IHVU.L . < I.e... r. Master. ,wi'l/S'A'.T Joiy I For rnssav# and Iretglit app.y U. BERM. 0CLPCII, No. 5 William straat. XfF.W TORK AND HAVANA DIRK T MAIL LINE \ These tlrsi class steamship* win ?all at 3 P. M. fr.rn pier 13 .M.rtn H.ier, loot of Ledar ttrect, tor llaraua UBo'k.H t^'captnTtl T. R. CnrtK Ih.irvtsr, Jnne 17 ' col I'Mnti?* * For freight or passage, nanag tmsurpa.aed ac. o.nino datlona, apply ^ t vp. g Rowling Ore*% j MeKeller. Lultng A < -s ^genta >u M?? .ua __ IjTI AMKBir CMPAMltd OBI MI# IsARHK <|tlA!TI; S .i.-V.i or lu i. i v will find it advantageous to deal wt It 'vr.^ ztsr- wr: ,,!e?i.l ftVm b-cn m tfct ua..*?< dc" of f*? .-n eareiuL/ prtpartu at. prinK-.. COAST WIS K STKASKMilW. rpi XAS F INK Of O.U.Vl S ON ST! aMKKN. TOUCH 1 itlK tit Kav vvi at, carrving the t'nhed states M-td.? st* m r o. W ? t.Yuh, capiadu Pennington, will leave bier *) Ka?t Kiver. on Saturday, luiic M, m 3 P. *. Tnroujrh i?? 111 of Lading given to .ill p.mita ou tin* u. ana T I., mm! G. N.. ii. if and II mn1 ?' li ami ?- A. K. It. No charge Inr tor warding in V >* York For freight of pu.sagik having up. rior acrouuunilatloua, apply tc i if MALIAiltV a i i., I ' Janlen lana. W P. OLYDS A CO.. Itv Wall i hilt NEW ORLEANS OIRECr. The Croiuweil -tuitiu*hlp Line. The steamship k mckkkbih IvUH, Captain Kamhle. Will h ave birr No. y North River on -itur.,?y. June Sti. at s !'? M Kratah t recoi v?d daiiv. Thmagh rates gives to Gaivsaton. Imil.nioia, R'? kport r .Aian/a* Wnarr, Brit*,*. banihigo. St. Lotiia an i Mobile. Cabin pa* sage. $M: awera e #-'5. i,r ti"*i hi or passage apply io v t.Mih k sK AM \s *o West street. OLD DOMINION STEAMSHIP COMPANY, {jailing !r,,oi pier 1)7 North River. For Nnriolk., t'ny I'omt ami it. iiuminl Tne*,!av* Thursday - uiul oaturilm ?. at 3 P. M . eenuectiag with th" Virginia and in tlr l.lne, tl intlo CoH-t Line, P ndinoni Air LIim. Chesapeake and Ohio Knll roa.i ant with the ci>in|iauv'a -team iinai to tuiarlor pomti in >orth Carolina ami \ irgtiua. N.-whern and Washington. n < . a m Norlolk). every Tuesday, Ihui-Iay anu Siuipiay. Haltllnore -aturduvn, a; i p. M. Connecting with Bab Umore and iduo Kail rood. ? U'we*. Del., Moudai - W dnead.-i v* and Fridays, at 4 P M. Connecting with Delaware and Maryland rain oada. Pas-enger ncenmiao tatinti* uiiaurpavaad. CUrouch pate-age ticket* and bills ol lading to all pointa nt owestratea. Ipatirance to Norfolk, Ac.,per ueut Frtdghi* received da Iv at pier 37 NorU River. Ueneral office*. 187 uroeuwh h street Now York. k. I.. Ml ready, Preaident. TR IVEM.ERH' OUIDE. N 1 AO A Ft A i ALL- SI N DA Y TIUIN. . III..OLOH JN KLBVEX HOU US. NEW YORK UKRAUJ SI' CI \L 1,10IITNtNO NEWSPAPER TltATV I.RAVES HIE OltaND i EM A I. U1-. T'll KVKKY Sl'.NuAi MORNING. A 1 2:*>, OOMMrNCINO ON BUN J)\Y, .III.V1, MAKINO CON VaCTION AT BIFPPaLO ATI P. M. Willi U a. AM> M. S. R. It, FOR ALL POINTS WIST AM" -Ol III WEST. Till. It I* BY EN ABI l.NiI PA.-SKNi.KRS ro li, ACIi CUK AIlO AT ?) COACHES, AMI A LIMITED SI Mil1 I! OF PAS. :? NO E lis Mill. Ft E RECEIVED r Olt 1II iu FOL LOWING PLACES:? ALBANY, PALATINE BRIDGE .SHARON SPEINaS) CTICA, SYRACUSE, Ito* MUSTEK, BATAVfA, BUT FALO, NIAGARA PALL- AND SUSPENSION BiliDGE. Till* will ennbl* r ii.rn'-er- m rcitr'i nil pnln'* north we.-i ,,r loath .vest from .1 In 3d hour* earlier than by nnv other truiu. lho Now Vork Central ia a Conr-ir ,e c road all steel rail*) and the IJEitALD TUALN ha* the ri. lit t way over all ottn r*. ? a**engi'r* > v the night hunts from New York can connect at Albany nt ii o'clock v. M. Sunday. BY Till TRAIN SARATOO' J.AKK GEORGE, SHARON SPRING?, KICIiriKLD SI'lll N OS. THE CAI.-KU.Ls, WST rOINI, CUilNWALi . AND ALL TuW.NH ALONG rilK HUDSON It l V h li WILL BE -UI'PI.l hi) WITH THE nr.w York ukealo before breakfast time. II Ml- LEAVE NEW YORK GRAND i ENTRAL LEPi) F 2-"(I A. M. ALB AM i:li A. M. PALATINE UlIlDGr 7:"' A. M. I TlOA h:C9 A. M - V it A' USK ? nil A. Nl. It'M II r.STKK 11 :'li A. M. BATAVIA I2:.e P. M. EAST 111 KFALO BUW I*. M. BUFFALO 11 0 P. M. NiAC \KA FALLS 1-W P. M. ABRIVK?SL'SPKN-ION BRIDGE 1 ? P. M. TTCKE'I S CAN BE PURCHASED ONLY ON I HE TRAIN "It AT THE Ol'EH'E "I THE NEW Yollk U ERA I.U. y. B.?NO BAGGAGE C A It AT'I A' T1FD. ^ _____ NORTH SHOES STaTEX ISLAND FEERY, for New Bnglitoo. Snug Harbor, Welt Brighton and Tert Blchtnon 1. Boats leave Whitehall street at foot of Broadway, dally, at 630, 7.?>. 8:00, 9:3', H1H5 A. M. 12:40, 23d, 3fi0, 4:30, 5:30, ti : 0 and 7 : W P. M. Sunday*, at half past every h"iir From 8 30 ,L M. Fare 10 eenta, A*lor Honse ear* leave Veiey ? reet for ferry. A LI4ANY A^I) TROY HV DAYLlOHT.?DAT B >ATH J\ P. VI8HARL) and DAMKL DREW leave Vestry Sireet, pier 89. North Rhrer, ilailv G uiulxyi excepted). si reet, pier w. .viriti tirver, nanv t, uunav* exceptant, at 8:35 Mini Twenty fourth street at ? A. M landing at West Point, Cornwall, New burg, Potlghkeepst*. obine beck, Oatsk nl aiul Hudson. I tote ete on sale tor points North and West. Trip tiekef* to We* Point, Cornwall ami Newbury returning same ilav, tl (commencing June 21). i-p eial trains to anil from Saratoga. io Saratoga $J2J; round trip, #3 4'?. ^ ?A.?OPPOSITION CATftKILL LINK. :? learners ? :i w hakOi.h, Capiaiu J. H. Prats: J. F f nrr. LKIl. Captain C. O. oiueot, lease i runkliii sireat, pi r 5 North Klver, everT day ( undaya excepted), at ft P. M. ^TTI NTIDS. RAILROAD COMPANIES I?PCNCII . . . Blip# or 1 rip Ticket., printed cheaper and on hotter hoardatthe METROPOLITAN IMlNilM) tSIABI.I i .MK > I. Ili ra ' rahl nuildiiw, New York, than anywhere olae /NAT<KILL.?BOATS IT' TMK CREEK. NhW CHAM. VJ pPiii and Waiter Br^t', dai'y (Sunday t seep ted), from Canal street, ft P. M. Pare 3u cents. / 'ITIZKNs' LIN E OP S IK A BOATS MR TKOY, CON \J uecunif with ail rnilwuy line* North and West: hire ft' ?? nts, d> ek : cabin pa.sure. in-.ludinu Iwrth, SI. h'u pant ateaiiitioit* leave nally. satnrdaya excepted, at S I*. At . ir..m oter 4'J North Klver, toot ot l.eroy street, Through ilcketa ani l over alt connecting lines. COR Wt.ST P INT, NKWHI 111), POPOH K KhPMIK, I Kmidoui. kiiiunon. t oxx-nt', Cornwall. New llamniirg anil Marlboro (bv lorry). Tim MakY POWELL eaves Ve?try street, pier 39 >. It., datlv, at J:3u P. M. TTIALL RIVER LINK TO BOsfuN. _T via Newport ami Pa 1 ICvcr.?I lie wr,r'd-r*nowned steamer* Blii.roc an i HKoVlUk ce have pier 28 Noitii itivcr. toot of Murray street, daily, -uudav* June 27 to A ii3ii*i 29 5 P. M. I ii. i.,.ah tickets * 'Id at it ft princi pal bo el* in the city. Ilall a lik.ui engaged lor tin m-ssoii. II [vRLEM AND NEW YORK NAVIGATION COM L i juv'i summer arrangement lur 18(4 cinimenciiis June IT "boat* leave i cck nip every halt nour, irmn 6: 0 A M. to 7: 5 P. M.. ?K the exception of the four trip* from Lali-p.iat ten o'clock to half-past two o'clock, si Inch will be lu.ur.v, Bee time tabic at landing?. J. F. fALl.U vN, bupcriiipmlent. IJFNNoTI.VaNIA RAILROAD. I he Great trunk Line ami L'lltted State* M.ill Route. Train* Leave New York, trniii tout of Itvsbrusses and C.iiirtlan It ?treet*. a* Imlow*:? Ex pre.* tor Harri-burg, 1'ittsh.irg, ths West and Booth, with Pullman Palace* aliased, 9JJ ^ ^ < j ttlj j 8: U P. M .-undav. AandCutlP M For M ihlatn*port and Loo* Haveu. via Philadelphia anil rle Railroad uivi-mn, connecting at l'hilal<y. phiaj. 9:10 A. M. For Wllliam.port. Lock llarrn, tTrrv aim hrl". 8:30 P. M., rmnecinig at Corry i'or Iitusville, Pctro'eum Center and the nil Kmhisi. M. Regular ?i A IT A M..l*nd 9 P. M nun-lay. 9 P M, Express lor Philadelphia. 7, 7-.IU. 8:40. <? ;30 A M.. 12:*). 1, A. Aid, ii*'. 5. 7, 8:k?. UP. *. and 12 night. Sunday, 4j?L 6, 7jh'J0 an t 9 P. M. Emigrant and second dig*,/ For Newark at 6. 6 30, 7, 7:f), R III, 11 A. M.. 12 M., I f. a. M. and I nil P W. Fr.ini Philadelphia. ):lik t>:fv. MJ, S:tn A* M , is M 9 :3d it ltd 10r.7 P. M. T> ROY I DP. NCR AND KTONLNOTOl* RTF, A.MS II IP CO JL NEW ttlflK A Nil BusrON. Kil l U>*|o\<s. For Kaltimore, Washington and the Hotith, " Limited Waabtagton sxprs**" ~ol Pniiman Parlor bar* dal:y. , axcept-nn'ay, 9:'?) A, M., arrive W ashineton 4:iu l*. , 2 hi, S.IU. SNd, 4:10, i-.A). 4. .") J>, ?:t0. 6, 0:10, t^t). f 7:t', B:H b. II JO P. M..nnl 12 u'.jtii. nunday. A:JA " B:MP. 7 and S:I0 I*. M. For HizabfUi ?, ? ??. 7 7:Vt t, 9. 10 A. M , 12 M.. 1. 2, B-.A'V 4:10 *?*>, 4:M, 6JP .1t40. ti. fi: HI, 6:10, 7, 7:-0. S:l '? 10 11 ; d C. M. and 12 night, hund.iy. 4 Ju, I and 8:1) P. M For Iiahway, 6 ?? 7, 7:40. R. IDA. W., 12 M.. 1. J, 2i3T 3:10, 3:4 . a tl'L' 4 :A> 4:M, 6:.0. 441. 6, ?:M, ?;ji 7,, lo P. M. and uiiirht. sunuay.&:fl) und 7 p. d. For WiKHlhrlac"). Perth dntmrsuil south Ainhns d sill IDA M 2:SI 4:S0uil 16 I'. <t. For New Brun?w.e*, ; and RsA.M.. 12 M.. 2. TUa, 4:lUt 4:W, 6:10. 7 P. M an l U nieht. enn.lay. 7 P. M. F'or East Millstone, 11 noon, laud ? :3/ P. VI. F'or Kingston and ILx.-k.v llili s.4)a. M. an! 4:1) P. M. For PriMOtoD, 7. 8:40 \. M.. I2:3n, 2. 4 .-ID and 7 P. M. For Lsmhertville 9:30 A. M..2 3,4 IdaiM.tP. M. For V eininginii, Thnilpsnu,* ml Halviucre, UtT) A. W? 2 and 3 P. M. For Fiercer and Sotnewt Branch, 3 P. M. For rrenloa. Btirdenlown. Huritiiktnii ?nd Cain tan. 7 and 9' " A M . I.-J .2, 4, hand 7 I'. M. For Freehold, 7 A. M 2 an l 1:11(1' 2. ? _ For rarmlrtsnkW and i*iuan, 7 A. M. and - P M For IlieliuioWii, Feinia rioii andCauidtu, via t'arih Ana* hov. 2:t)P. M. ... ... For Hlghtstown nd Pemherton. 6 A. M. Trains arrive a- toliow*F roiu iTttshurg. 6 and 11:3) A M. and 9:20 P. M dally . 10: 3 A. M. and 6M P. M. dally, exeeot Monday Front Wa-hinsimi and HaHt ? more A 2n A. M . I l l, 5:15 and 'U:2<- P. W. Minday iirf) ? :5ft. 10:13. il:J0. Il:i? A. M., 2:15. 4:>\ 3 15. 600 6: 7.2.8 44,9 20 10 7 P M. sandaf, 5,10. t> :J?, 6 >55, 1| tit ^Ticket Offices 5? and 944 Hrealwar. No. I A*tor llouae. anl ^>'0 "? D??hro-*?4 alii C'oUrtiitiifll ?i b?'d ?t D..?hr'"-?e4 ah l Courtianut streets No. 4 Court -lieet, Brooklyn; "o*. 114. lldanil 118 llud-oA street, llobokea. Fiiuigrant Titkut Office, No. 4 Batiory IrA^K TllOM*OM P W. BOYl), Ja., General Manager. General Pa**eiig>-r AgeaL N'KfrnrRu. west point, ooukrh' hotel mx k, loos Island dailv ( umljp* excepted), by steam boat ahMRMA. coitiinrncius Wedoewisy, June 23. iroin Brooklyn Kulion street, at 8:Il A. M. ? Vestry street, New Yors, 9:iO iweniv (mirth *troet. 9:.0, landiiig at ManhailanvilLi, ?:3ft: tankers. 10:14 Until.*' Isrry II; Nvack and Tarrytown. by (?rrv ix.ati. 11:23. Return* Itig irvm Newi.nrg at 2:30 P. 11.. raarluua New York at 6 30 ami i.r.a.klyn at 7 P. IL aiO.M.MtrON LINK. From pier 3't North liner, loot ot..l*v ?trcet. (he ele. (ant atnainrr* KIIDDE ISi.AM) and N A UK AUA NhL 11 flany icxurpt Bundsys), aift P. M ' PHot ID NOr. LINE. From pier 27 North River, foot of Kohinwin street, the steamship. KI.K IRA aul OALATLA daily wxa.-gt Minday*) at 4 P. M. IJKOI'LK'H LIVE, FOR ALBANY AND SARATOGA leave* daily at ( P. At. < undav* exesp ed), from ptsr 41 North Klvsr. loot o! Canal streib A?DAILY KXGURBION8 TO CONEY lll-A'D ? Ihetav-rife "trainer ARK'iW!?*ll II will leavo a* ioMows.?Twenlv-toiirtli utreet. N. it. at 9 A. M.. 12 M. ami 3 I' M.: Wc?t tenth street. >. R.. at 9 ID A. M , 12:1(1 and 310 I' At,; i-rstikl.n stresi, 14. It., *1 > )l A. M.. 2:2-1 an I -G P. bier 2, N. It., at 9:80 A. M., 12:30 ar.d I JO P. M. 1 ?FMIIINO IIA K<, It fill,A ft H8IIKKMENA J\ ? hoat; Tio ?lay. .inn" ti, i Imrwlay. ?4. Friday. 25 end .-'uiiilay. *7. *ea iteanier heCi In* leaving Ham* sou street, Nor'h River, at bRl higbth street. East River, ai 7; Fiei 77, East River, at iilAi fenth street. North Klver. at 7:4*1; 1'iar ft. North River, at 8 _A. >1. Tiek?i*$i. N H ?Oa and after M,eiday, Jana 26, wiu Ibake daily trin*. aL. (? FOvrER. Manager. A-r.AHT RIVER B')AT: DAILY SXcCRNlOM TO ? Goney Island. Tha favorite xteaioer MONITOR will leave as l,,llow*i? Klwhin street, e.ast River, st 9 A. M 12 and 3 P. M.: pi r 27, F.a?t River, at 9 :0 A. M.. I2:li) ami 3:10 P. M., * it I ru:i-. . fer.y, o. wk.y i. al 9. a I A **.? EiciagioM. * PINK KXKUIWION PR.)UHa"mM?,TH!? WEEK. 4 Palmer's superb palace steamer ,, 14 , Plymouth hoc k, will this week con'inus tmr serine of brilliant, popular uuU successful ex* urstous, us follow*:? MONDAY JUNK 21 AFTt KVOOX TKIt* lo WKHT POINT, .iff. r.lini a view o the rteuerv of the noble llulmu Boat leave* Kail , !.v.e1 *rt' foot of Murray treei, North Kner. ?t i . ' , ? t,0"11,1 Twenty?third street, North River, ut 0 clock. Returning. leuvesWest 1'ointut ii e A life, ruuud trip, *1. i.'hildi. u, iiuli price. TUESDAY. JUNE 22. A! ! t RNOON TRIP i? RANDY HOOK end the ATI. AN' .on ? an. x plain! id view of the boats ol the Attaint yacht squadron com In: Li . o the home streteh. Bout leave* toot ot Twenty-third street North Ktvrr, at if. u.; loo. oi Murrav street. North htver, at ? : a). fare, round trip, $1. Children, hull price. .. ? wbdnebday, junk 3. AM. DAY TRIi' to the ClfY OK BRIDGEPORT, Af fording excursionist* panoramic picture* ot the irreat metropolis. the island* of th? hast River, Hurt Oatc. the forts, lighthouse, beacons, to?ns and villages on either si te ot the oun 1. Ample Umo will ho allowed for e y'stt to the monster sew tig Machine, osrriege and other lactones with which tin bountiful citv abound*, and the excursion promise. to he unit ot the most lii'ere-ting or the season, lloat leaves mot of Murray street, North Htver, tu 1 A. M. t Dock street wharf (between Fulton and Catharine terries), Hrooklvu at &..TJ; loot of lweuty thiru (treat. Fast River, at (o'clock. Kak?, round trip, (1. children, half price. A MUSICAL KNYERTAINMENTOV ALL ft XCCRBIONS, BY 0H1MK.S UK 1 IlL'lit II HELLS, MoZAttr glkf; ui.uh. cboik or madbiual hoys, CATHEDRAL OKU AH, SI'It I.N (J tlltt'lIESTRA, OlLMORfe'S MILITARY It AN I), refreshment- ol till k hi Is ?t reasonable rates. TlCKt.. - AT Ul'aL PLACES, ANIj Tilb I50AT. THURSDAY, JUN* 24, Midday Trip up. the Hudson, tor Ladies end Children. FRIDAY. JUNK 25, Alteration Trip to smlv Hoot and .Untitle Ore in. SATURDAY, JUNK W, Aunati" Mauuee '.'onceri no Long island Sound. PHI Da? AND SAT I It DAY EVENING , Moonlight Irlpi up the River. Decks chared for Dancing. SUNDAY, jTjKH 27, Un the Hinlson, to lone Island ami West Point A Ti'KNTION?EXCURSIONISTS, SPECIAL. IX. THE PI Y.MDl'I'II RODK will make the tluest ixior-lou ot tlic m a ..n to BRIDGEPORT, CONN., WEDNESDAY. JUNK 21 WJ5. ALL TilL G KL >T MUSICAL ATI'BACTIONS. Host naves Foot ot Murray street. North River, at...? fl A. M. Dock street witarf, Brooklyn, at H:Y) a. m. Foot of i wuniy-thlrd street East River. at.... if o'clock. Tickets, round trip, ONE DOLLA ', children hdlf price. F ull details iti long advertisement in this column. Daily excursions to kcfckaway bkaou. rite steamers AMKKICUH end NKVE. SINK will make excursions to Koskaway Reach dully (Sunday* luciu led;, l ueeday, June id, leaving u* fui iutv.-,;? AMKRDTS, Twenty (otirlU ttreef. North River, Pillh A. M. er.d 1:15 P. M . We-t ivetii street North River, 8H5 A. M. and 1 25 I'. M . Here tiv street North River. 9 A. M. an i l:tl P. il. , l nllou leriy, Brorfklvn. 9:10 A. M. end 2 P. M. never.-Ink, Ninth street. East River, 7:4 > A. M. and 12:'o P. M.; South txiit i-treet '1 tlliemeburg, 8 A. M. and I2tl5 P. M.; uraml street. Heat River, ,4:10 A M. ami 1 I*. M.; pier 27, Fast l.ttfer, 1:30 A, M. and 1:15 P. M.; Fulton terry, hrooklwt. i :t.'? A. M. and i n P. M. Returning boats lc.tvc R. kaw.ty Deuch at 10:SJ and II A. M., i:Vi and 5:5 1*. M. F ire X'sJ.; excur.dou tickvdf, 00c.; tickets good on cither boat 57XUUBSIONS OK I FIE HTEAMKR ' \ Wli.LlAM COOK. On SUNDAY, .11 NK 20, this elegant and favorite etc.ttner will resume Iter regular cxcitrsious, ae fol io ws ? 1 NDAY.s, in a. M., Atlantic Ocean. Tare, round trip, 76c. MONDAYS, 10 A.M., It nn Island. Fare, round trip, 75c. WEDNESDAYS 10 A. M., Long Branch, v ia Sandy Iloox, uiol spncltl train on tiic New Jersey southern Kuiirmei. allowing a stay of 3>* hours at tne brauch. Fure round trip, (I 25. oaIi KD.v.- 1 P.M., Musical Matinee, Long Island Sound. Pars, round trip, 76c. Return to the city on each of the above days et C:30 P. M Pier toot Twentv fonrth street, N. R.- pier 29, Warren street. N H , .inii Kuitoii Kerry dock, Brooklyn l owulDg's Ninth Regiment Pond. Re'.reshmcnts on hoard. MONDAY, JULY 5. special Grand Excursion to Atlnn Ucote.u i' w. MIT* Hi LL, General Mauugir N. B.?Every Snndev during the summer '.hi* boat will ta'.e ptas'iigsrs to liockHW.ty, leaving the city and Brooklyn u? ubore. Ho sure ana wait lor ihe William Cook, fan- to Rockawuy?55c. Excursion, 5t?c., return ing el 5 P. M. EXCURSION TO 8ARATOG A. free "AY RINK advertisement ] TJX. I RSION.s HY STEAMBOAT ARMENIA? DAILY J J om.ljyu'JCfpWl from NKw YORK ANII HROOK. LYN. commencing Vv.-iliieadny, June 23 throuuii it,. H wHLANDS and NHWi L'KU BAY to NBW iUKCl with opportunity of spa iding three hours at the nnrlvaiied picnic groamli or K) . a ISLAND, or two hoar,at ?os? fe NS' JiofKI. OB WEST iuiaK fke luvenw^ui In unoth^r ooltimu. ua*m T(VX.M-K-|0NA TDK KAVORITK HTJ'AMKRS VVM ad kirn , "tSi.illi 5f?'.w th bilr??-* *teaui boa. * ?r ?II KtiKiN, K.intnn rt.iach. Sunny W;il,.w l!iv#n Pie tsant V ,Uey and Iona Island Groves; a ? -he m w e eput .u ??, yatht " Annie Lanrie," aplgndidl y nufmd removal. parties. Apph to Ciiaiills ad'an^ I'tt West mi ee t. corui r , t Liberty. M ' L'AMU.Y EXCURSION TO kKA CI-IFr" A Ulea Cava and Olen Wood. ' Steamer GENERAL NIDU'VIcK Will leave tier 21 K urSi i.'"1" <?"rX;uqUay?axeimta<i), ?t h:?i A. M. K'turning leavea CLen Nood at 1:13; dca ( |,it 4: cii??. Love, * :0-? P M , landing at Thirtv-thlrd atiect. L'OK rXCURSlONS-THK LAtOR, FIKHT CLASH J. M & MYhHti, corner of Morton ??n i Weit nrecK FO'?r M.ft, PLEASANT VAU/KY AND shady eliiid imntsi lt*M\e < "anal itrwt erory UuiidiT ai ? hj and II A. MI, 2. Sand 6:10 I'. M , ami a ail v at 1.1 A u 2. 5:W and 7 ? ??. M.. Inndlng it i wem^lour h anl ^u"!rtet,J*Ir- ""J *un<Uy? /CSAVO EXCURSION "J to New Maveu and return every iue da*. ?omiMIMing i u< -day. dune Ti, 1S71 J he lam and amend-d m earner . n .... ^ONo BRANCH, Leaving Franktls street at Hil'i a. M.; Hamilton a........ lerrv nr., a I) i, R..J0 A. M. Pniuin rrv ??V !?k. ?V, ? c & R./kVuxm!"*1' " ? # A- :J'; ' Mouty-ttaUrdf strict? Lenta' favorite band. 1 *r* tounn inn. ji . .,,, tiair prt^o. /NKAND PLEASURE IRJP TO NEW ItXvl{N AMI IX renirn.?llm Dot ular Meanter Lo o HIIANCH will make her regular fhur-day ex.ur |,n "n lhorluy Juid h Haviiiii Twenty third air. at North River ? * A. it Spring street. North River, at <: d; Pulton larrv Brooklyn, at j; Gran. street, Ki t .live- at 9 H mi lwvov.? ioird, Ea*t River, ai ?V^ a n,at ,?.? ?owdTrt#|r' rb* *fck?tn ior uJ5 11 Anf r'le y * Tw^y iuLC- ?tr.e?in"5 r?''iT'"' cards lor partlcul ir*. "?ei?n? Aatona. bee tua* sunday?? Host- leave every 4.1 mlnntrn. Cf AMROATS AND RaROKS IuK hXi I'ItqmwTwT O Raman Boarb. Huiinv Side WnoJ anV wi..I2 Haven Drove. M AR. I N A K A ? K ?,I. .. .'.Smil, M^iet f]v> I'HARTBIt? IIIiv r! iKSOAf PORT LRK Pint A excnratooA p .-nic i.arn..? an ! Sim lav a li .il ?? ply at 47 Knll >n treat. , rh lp' TO CHARTkR?THK SALOON STLAMRR MAfTAVO J roreaeiir-lon*. picnlr nartio, ?fl | -undiv "in.ou at r.M-otinble rau-A AppH tur unu u. va ... I n v'i J hMIIH A OO., BlSouta Mrs at, ' ^ J0>A;j PIASOKORTKS, UKUita, A ? J[,?* HHIT-IJfRHlll^ MJI'lK". AND OR AMI 7tiV7^r"'''' r "V?IM ?Ut?L avenue, a ,uv : Mitevntl AN UPRIOHT PIANO, eosr $471 Ton firs cash" fffrol eecond hand '"laun* ymv .? , , ' rent, iron. $4 main m.wnhly, ?? jom* M tlJo.vS dv* Eaet .hirty.ninth atreew w?uun?, a* A BKAD.IPUL PIANO, ONLY $I0V-SI KIN A a"v J\ I larioiorte, ovor?trung. carved icga everv Imnrnw d. BIPIILK, IS W a verier place, near Mroadway. A ,ADY WILL D1RPOSK DP A POOR ROIYO 'li octave ''lanoforte, coat f.avi i. mn-e ea?:rldoe; carved raw ?nd w. . .J,"!: Nnli of Purnnure. ?I7S. IS "h.r! iJreTf. ' 1Ur""1 A -HAH A I N *?7V? 'MT A V K Pi A.SllR, CARVdO . leg*, w ritrung, all nnpiovemciifa- warrAnie.i ? .1 PM Vwi'. r^rrr.v^-^ ^A"*A m Twtity-lStrd BfHt, corner euth a v. A Water's'1 v'te'.'nw1,.?0 '*I,0V HICK!RINO'< grlat w?l"? for ?.hy H *n'1 ol,l?r,^ but 11,Ue "Wd. at a rORAt;K WATPRS A sojir, ni Broadway A LMO;T NKW PRINCR IIKDAN, | HTOPs aid..' I\ runt S3: overetrnng 7 octave i'Uno $IW rent al upright new Piano* rented. ' ' r "l **' I OP*00* * aoy. u Ln?t F ?n-feenth Mreet 4 PRIVATE KAMI! T Wil l, AT ,? fiin^fWc'ifW XSiJSr *UU b"? b^efTor A -FOR ?T? 8TP1NWAV7 * Hljvg 7u 0CTAVP , * ri?iw?woot cam' fl?r?<>Fc?rU?, Having nil tinnrote pienU, OYerstrunt. #e.. amt onlr 7 P.:^^ rirtod^ir lm pro veme Su|0<17 Co'.^TClM0.k/r:'#e',, ss.'WiSittiir Mcrin A $JSnilh$&SK7Jl.Z^nt\SZ A i'lANO, $rt)0; OTHER RPCOVD y\ hand I iaiioji, from S u upward flr<t cum m >% 11 Vvr;;r>Y:rvr,,:r,f;'r ru" ivsiu a o'.M.hS, corner lhiny iim, street and Broadway. I" P. IIA'.K Is IfAXINO S0.H00 PLR.VOlD PIANO flvtRiifl *"'1 ?**? y* ii'iM your nion^ y> \| AONiriCRRf AHV&X OCTAVK ROME Wool) i*I i iMialoft , hattfig enrvni U-us in?f-i imn. - S5&&VU No il palt r?, .Z Pk CV* ,iy ' H"'* MONO a Sons, III h aven^ *roadway asa T|>I4NO POIt RAf.R?A M'LI Nl.lfl INSrHI Sf w^ . < ^rC? i "f h for "'f owner h*? n<. iv whntl Ji"1 ?'"?? t" a au.T?2L Apy.y at No. jjt da.: Twcuty flrainiraap r AWt'^EniEnrTs. , ^yooJD-s museum. ;rii; WWO'sS ' i AFTERNOON. AT 2. L. T. M LTbUN | EDMUND pklKU'll THE BLACK DOCTOR. | LIFE'S^P KRI1. METROPOLITAN THEATRE, W. BROADWAY EVKKY EVENING. Flfhr $ 3y LOOK OPT Variety I Parisian I fur the btara. I CANCAN. I TURKISH HAREM. MATINKBi WEDNESDAY^AND SATURDAY' r.Tii AVENUE Til P. AT 1! E. * O Proprietor and Manager... EVERY NIGHT AT A M trrvEU SATURDAY, 1 IX. LAbT NIGHTS 1 129.11 TO 136 TU TIMES BBlIIt 11 ~ DUG 11 II 11 1* vi B K II O RBBB U <4 H It It G ?'l B It II ? U hilBll 11 GGU * BRB 00 NN N A NN N ZZZZZ A 8 0 0 OSS N AA N N S Z A A h a 0 0 N N N A A N N N Z A v HUB 0 O N N N A A N N N Z A I H B O O N N N AAA N N N Z A A A B B 0 O N N N A A N N N Z A A BBB 00 N NN A AN ?.?ONLY REGULAR rulsATB1S OPEN !N NEW YOBK. PARK THEATRE. ETHIOPIAN OPERA .SEASON. T. MACUIIIE l.esace and Manager* THIRD WEEK?The greatest lilt ever made. i.mhkson h California minstkkhh. THK CHAMPION hand op TUB WORLD. BILLY KXBKSON. BEN COTTON, BILLY RU E. LITTLE MAC, BOB .HART, YV. A ELI.NCI ON J. H. HUSSKLL, YV. II. .Til,LA, FRED W'ALZ, AC*. EVERY NIGHT <40.1 SATURDAY MvTINKR. Orchestra, $1; Droos Olrcle, We.; Balcony, 2fl?. Poiitlveiy Ilia last on;tit nl UiU great company, ' MONDAY. WM. II. .- MITH. Bualneu Manager. OLYMPIC THEATRE, 624 BROADWAY. Mr. JOHN K PooLE MaoataP TUB COOLEST HOUSE IN TOWN. First appearance ol the Australian Plying Fairy, MLLE. ZOK, In her wonderful nrlal performance. *omer*.'.nlts, AND FLIGHT FROM CA LI.KEY IO STAGE WHILE BLIN DKOLliKD. First appearance of the famed .Musical Artist. PROP O'KhARDON an.I Ilia TUM RLERON ICON. First appearance oi the Olympic lav.irlti' Comedians, MK-riKS. TIKKNKY and CKONIN. First (line a new nnd busiililul pantomime, culled THE I IRE FIEND. THE MARVELLOUS YOUbO 8IEGRI8TS VR. JOHN HART. MR. P \T ItOONEY. PRE I'M Y.N anil MORRIS. PANTOMIME TROUPE. THE COLORED HAMTOWN STUD8NT8. AIL TI1E (IKKAI OLYMPIC COMPANY. MATINEES WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY, at i3 II.MORE'j CONCERT HARDEN, It late hippodrome. ?Mr. P. S. Oil.MOKE Director The most magnificent garden iu the wor ld. Concern* every night, at 8 o'clock, by oil.MoRfc'H ?uperb Band cf 100 performers. Change of programme every night PROG RA.YIM E TO-MGHT ,MONDAY). J "1*6 111 1. Grand March, "iIdihisiII Vcrgv" Verdi 2. German song, "o lim each licbo Yogeltn Ouinb. rt 3. Concert Welti, "Nee Vienna" Mruusa part ii. 4 Overture. "Night In Granada''..., Krciitaer fl. Solo lor Cornet, "Sixth Air Vnrie" ..DeBcilot Mr M. Arbackln. 6. Fantasle on u popular College Sung Heine mum 7. Oranel selection irom the Opera ol ?Mncbett. ..Virdl PART 111. B. Pot Pourrl?'The Songs and popular Melodies of : 'Cot laud Vanaan Introducing, "On I Whistle, an' I'll come to you, my lad," "Comin' thro' tba Rye," "Auld Robin Cruv," "Duncan Gray," "The Campbells aio Comln'," "'Twin within a mile oi Kdlnhro' 'Jown." Tome o'er the stream. Charlie," "Jock (I'lla/.c'ilcaii, ' ".M airland Willie," "lllir trlniid 1.addle,'' "Green tiro v the Ku-hcs, I) " "The I ass o'Oowrle," "We're a'a'uuddin', ' "Maggie I.ander and Strailispev." 9 Oalop. "Thames Tunnel" Knhner 111. March, introducing Keller s "American Hymn" ami Gilm >re'a Song, "Sad News from Home' .tlilmoio National Air. "The Star spangled Humor " On SATURDAY, June 2e. at 2 o'clock. MATINEE PER FORMANCE. Music by a Serenade Baud ol Belu led Mn-lclans. , . ? llio Garden l? open EVERY AFrRRNOON, without music, between the hour* ol 2 an I 6 o'clock?a deltgnllul resort tor Indies and elilldrcu Ailiuiscion, al night, mid at satunlat Matin e,3J cents; littrrnooii, 3Y cents, pri vate boxes, gl extra Season ti< kcia. tor 100 nerlnnw ancea, $?); hall season ticKets, lor M performances $40. Package of 14 tickets, fS. c SOU HINN'S park theatre, broom vn. Nightly. ami Mailnoas Wednesday ami Saturda*. Tremendous sucee**. Theatre < rowded. AROUND TIIK WORLD IN DAYS. 21*1 people < uaployed in this plav. c CION WAY'S BROOKLYN THEATRE. ) MONDAY. TUESDAY mid WEDNESDAY, JUNK 21 22 and 23. L'lsa CI.AH A MORRIS. supported DV Mr. 0 A M E 3. Wui KLOCK, iii Niiio. j.ihu sou's grist I'li.y, ARTICLE 47. rrSERRACE GARDEN THEATRE. 1 J.I N A W ASHMAN . ...I '.rr. Ir?g WEDNESDAY, JUNK 21, I87X AT S U . LCD. h. DKK KKKISOUUETZ, romantic opera, in lonr act*. by 0. M. vc Wi 1* r Mivs Ann* siroon, Miss Eswnmii, Klgnor L.-ttI, Srlioiiwnlir. Weluilch. Grand chorus and orchestra. U. I arlberg. < oud jctur. Admission, flJ cent*; roacrvnJ .24 cents a. 1BXTRAL PARK GARDEN. ?JUKhUAY. IIJKODoKK 1 HON AS1 ANXCAI. BENEFIT CONCERT on ll'KSDAY EVI.Nl.Na. June 22. at A Vocalists?Mr. n a. bishoff, Tenor. Mr FRANK RKH)IKKI Z. Um Admission tickets, (i each; reserve J scat* S>'i rente est.rn. i'ua now oe ha 1 ai G Hchlrmer's, No. 701 Itnud nay; at No. 3 Union -uiiare and at the bos offir of Central I'ara uardcu, where programmes can alio be obtained. JYOUIKSON HALL. SIXTEENTH hlREE'f AND t Brosdwty. Coolest, cheapest and most popular resort In town. -Ixili week snd crow nut* sueee?? ol Ktlnioon English opura Loutle Coapary OIROFL?ROFLA. Leroeq's Ia?t and grcite't irlumpli. t ..mhlnallun ol the so>deue Troupe. Introducing Lea i ?,n?in?et l*?s Or ?o;t.? in ant 2: also tin- tamous Daitsalite Cr Is vie Cnii ait t arintenne in a-1 A ?very evening at 8 Saturday Matinee at 3. /1KNTKAL PARK OAHI tMMHR, L lUEODuKK I ilOMAS' I'NRIVALLMI St MM. It N HiHTs" COvCRRTR. THIS .MONDAY) EVKXJ.NO, JtttN 2l, al ? TIIRODORK THOMAS' THIRTY-FIFTH GRAND CONCERT. Overture. A!pll..neo < t /.strolls Er hotflrt Polka Mazurka. Devil a Darniug Needle, t Polka, Fur over, j .....HUaice H.'ians.idie. Evening. find liuiiuarii.n nances Ilrihms vorspiel. c..rely Brum Overture, Wm. I'e.l taw II I Laruhetto Symphony ho. 2.... Beethoven Ballet Music. Rienxi Wnriar Rhapsodic notigrolso, No. 3. in D (newt I.not Overture dl Bsllo HullliM'i Ave Maria Racb?ounncG ? alia, Fubllcisten.... Hisnvi Mare lie In,Henna. I'Atricainc Mevsrt.e. r Admission Tickets, fl>ta.; Private Boxes Pi aim la.iSiia, according to location. Packages ol 12 tickets, fx OT TCEs'DAY f.VB.VISO JUNE 22. AT 8. THeODORR THOMAS' ANNUAL fRWIFTT. T'l VoLI THEATRE. 1 Eighth sir.-, i. be* ween Second and Third sva Coolest and most oeliuhtlul pia, u ol amusement in the city All the old favorites In their famous Xrccialtics GALAXY OK NEW S.AK % P.very Sunday sin moon an I evening Grand Pa, r. ft Ci.nrrrt l.y the Vienna lauli-s' Oretiestra, foil, wed fcv the Vnrietr Performnaca. la preparation 0oif Jl AN. Admission 2t) earns. N'. MF.-T and BMT Ml If -? GALLANT HINT'/ inn n." song an t chorus. Mraham 4ik .; Slentlw Rosebush,' Mattel, flUft,; "Tire Away Gaol,1' 3V : "Girofle i. rutin" (e.isvi, Iterg Vie ? "t ar o'ei Ifkn Hc.i " w iltr. hnglander, flt. ; ? Rosanna." song arul chorus Lee. Vie.; "sweet Idleness," Matt. i. MA . Na promptu tor the Piano, W. It. Johnston flue ! "when the R.ews m. >om " song, "avl's. it Rivulet raptt* ? , M. nuiiger, ?):. Copies malted. WM. A. t'UND A C'C , 54", Mwadway. Branch Store XT Union equate. POBTKRB. PR'") HAM MKT. DISTRIB U Tl < iN B1I18, Mr uiare, lb-nets, Coupons, W,, ?! Cats Lith., graphic Portraits an I ev?rv v.itiety of ri>eam< ?1 Pfi, t. mi. promptly, neatly and cheap.y done at (lie MdTRO. PITI.I I AN PKI.NII.Na ESI AHLI GIMfcNT, llei .la Building. Vfbtropglitan museum or art, irl IA West Kourieanth street. New YorE, ?'pen daily, MAM to v P. .M. Muodays an . Thursday t free. MR. DIoN *OCCI#?ULT APPKAR8 IN JUL! IM the ? a 11 ton. a The.ifre. ."an Era ml sc.,. <)n rtepteoite r il he will appear as Corn'' in G e "Hhanghraun," at lirury Una iiieatre, London. JCDD'.s ADDRESS, in WE T FORTY-FIGfITII FTBERT. TUB AlllLETU TRAINER. f' TP I LI. K F.N A114NNA"?THB MONT TOI'BI.aR Ft aoug of tie iIjv : inusle hv -1 H. I homas pre. :A r. nil EDW AKD UOPKINB, No. AH Brnadwnj q'HR ORIGINAL HoR AT" ?< WFKTON, TRR BAM.G? I player, wtlt appear -it ?3S -lath ?"mi? totv.. >? Twenty-seventh snd Twenty eighth itree-.g this ?v? o Ini'. call and see him. ^ ^ APROPFHNOROF MI'-It! (PEHPORMKK ? N 1Ht| 11 alio, organ, v oim, viola *n I cornet) offg-s his mo . vices for the .jniini r feSson with first c!a-s rm reni? Address O. MKYNBR, Music Jnstltu.lon, .'(J3 Is aingltn AN ITALIAN TENOR SINGER. FROM ITlbntn i pera, teaensa pisno and suiting, $r. p< r m?m.? ?luring the summer at 117 West TwMiy-aeveatn sir. ei, near sixth ar.Lue, or at pupil's rasideuce far gt p. a month. THKLWTIHKhKANON. ? LRETCRB KVRRY KVKNIN'J, A I Kill! !' ./Y o'oioek. on "Nervous Dahltity an I "ier,si ji, esses.' at Dr K'AllN's Musenm. Remrmru i tt.< t . ?Ires, fi-B Hfi.adwav, near Fourth slreet. IT ? lara. -I ami most magnificent museum in tbo wond. /, u ,a-i >? M eeuts. * t Li f'TURK BVKRT Nl ilir AT fi 0'CLGt?K~7 i ^'V. "Manhood and t.'auso ol Its Prema . fiootine" a' the Ne * York Mnseum of Anatomy, AiiBrcalw*] betweta Houston an,i tileeckcr atresia fvIRnCLARN. TK'KBTE. PROGRAMMES, POPTBhu - A.1 Patui hlete and all other Printing for !? (uirr?un i readers done at low rates, by iha MKiHOPoi.n ?u PRINTING KHTABLIItllMKN i', 213 HruadWav. ft V. JDAIAIf IV<* \l HIKfill s', A-cahtikk', imncivg a< ad 'my," I I - VI II S . Building, Ntgyvemnt and Ninth aireota; open an glimmer private lessons in glide w-.itr ? spec n;i,- ..A ^ <*!?'?.l uansbuie ?i?ry iionu^v e, euiug al a P. a.