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NtiW YORK HERALD BROADWAY AND ANN STREET JAMES GORDON BENNETT. PROPRIETOR. NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS. On and alter January 1, 1873, the daily and weekly editions of the New York Herald mill be sent free of postage. THE DAILY HERALD, pttbliaked every day in the year. Four cents per copy. Twelve dollars per year, or one dollar per month, lree of pontage, to subscribers. All business cr news letters and telegraphic despatches must be address ed New Yore Herald. Letters and packages should be properly ecu led. Rejected communications will not be re turned. LONDON OFFICE OF THE NEW YORK HERALD-NO. 46 FLEET STREET. FAR IS OFFICE?RUE SCRIBE. Subscriptions and advertisements will bo received and forwarded on tbe same terms as in Now York. VOLUME XL NO. 172 AMUSEMENTS TO-NIGHT. ROBINSON IIAIX. Wi'.t sixteenth street.?English Opera? ilIMOM.l! olUOH-A, tu a P. M. WOOD'S MUSEUM. BroAtlwav, corner ol ihirtietli street?THE BLA< (C I>OCTOK, at a r*. M.; cli aes at 1U :ia P. M. Mutiles at P. M. CILMORE'S SUMMER O ARDEN. ? ite Barliuiii's Hippodrome.?OUAND POPULAR I'ON". i ERT. at hi*. M . close* at 11 1*. Y1 LaOiea' aud > bti tireu'a matinee a; 2 P. M. CO.V WAV'S BROOKLYN THEATRE. ARTICLE */, at 6 P. M. Mi?s t.ara Morris, Mr. Jame? W uceiocA. PACK THEATRE, Rroad WAV -i MEKaoN a CALIFORNIA MINSTRELS, at 3 P. M. OLYMPIC THEATRE No. 8?4 Broad way ? i ABIiiTY, at a P. M , c!o e< at P>:t5 v n. FIFTH AVENUE THEATRE, Twentv eighth street anil Broad ?i? 1' it i: BIO BO SANAA, .it 8 P. M.; closes at 11-...U P. M CENTRAL PARK OARDi N THEODORE TiiuMAo' CONC RT, at 3 P. METROPOLITAN THEATRE Na 585 Broadway.?VARIETY, at s p. M. BROOKLYN PARK THEATRE. A ROUND Til h WOULD IN EJOHIY DAYS, art P M ; ? loses at 10:4o P. M. TRIFLE SHEET. SIW TOM, MONDAY. .1 USE i-M. DCJ. THE 1EBALD FOR THE SUMMER Kf SORTS. To News deal*** axd the Ft blio : ? The New Yoke Herald will run a train ev< ry S mdar during the season. com mencing July 4, between New York, Niagara Falls, Surah >g i, Lake George, Sharon ami Bicbfieli S: rings, leaving N w York at half past two o'clock A. M., arriving at Saratoga at aiM o'clock A. NI., and Niagara Full* at a quart* r to two P. M., lor the purpose of supplying the Sixdat Bebaid along the line. Newsdealexs and others ore notified to send in their orders to the Hebard ?fibre s early as possible. From MT r<7< rU Okie morni) ?? the prtthob "* m or? that the xreather fo-O'iy uiU br ivir,. -v, u I dear or partly Hourly. Persons gorny out or h >m for tt?<? si r, ,r*rr r< n lave the da y and Sund'y liiEiin mail' I to them, fret < f postage, for $1 per mrtUf. The Haiden Scbvit. ? The experi noes of ?he party on their jonrnev from t'olorado ? ' ty to Canyon C.ty ..r. pi i a.Uly des ribed iu oor correspondence to-d.y. IIow Ma. Tweed ^whet w.ui p<.-?il v his last Sunday ta prison is told iu our reports "laewlure. The near prospect of liberty should made him devout, but upon that point we have ro particular inf? nu.ition. Fathfr Toji Uteke, the great preacher, is iu very poor health, snd our Dublin corre spondent try* that Lis fr ends far 1< r the r> - anil of his illness. While he was in this city Lis eloquence and ruaniy character won hi-a many admiral*, who will b ar this news with sorrow. Asor . * Bbcokltx 51 dec.Murder* have of lnte unfortunately c ised to lie novelti s in Brooklyn, ati i to-day we ntr obliged to relate anoth r terrible story of jealousy, fr nzy and crime. The mur I r was deliberate, and was followed by the attempt of the unhappy man to kill h in ?. It Tom Aiux has retired ir m the priz^ rin It would b tve been betfc r had he i. v. r # - terei it His reasons for abandoning the dis graceful btiMUe** arn sound, and tt ough lie ban a good reputation f r sfr ngtb the b.-t blow hn iver struck in h.s life wa- be hus just d. alt at the ring. Rapid Tiuaarr has be n adv: need to son e ext. nt by the completion of the Fourth av enue imj rowmeet. The first train or r the new road 1 ft the Grand < ? ntral Depot last night, and reached Mott Haven in a quarter of an hoii . N w let the El vated Railroad connect with tho Grand C- D pot, Poo* Mabi FoMnoT.- V niorrifUdBt to the memory of this unhappy girl, mho* ; story hue pained thousand* of heart , i-> to be <? r < t d in Jersey Ci u 'J he ladies of that fi y are c 1 lcctir.g subscript ton# for that purpose, and tie monument will be de l a*> d on the anniver sary of the d"Mh < f Mary f meroy in August. There is snothi r monument n Jersey City to ! h^r memor . which is not so appropr ate, and 1 that is the Church of the Scandal, where .Mr. I Glendenning still continues to prea* h in de dance of society and of the will of bia sect. The Tnr.iE Foucsmz* of the Nineteenth ward who yesterday attack 1 the height* of ?Hibastopol," win re a gang of r oghs ai <1 higbwaym n had the.r citadel, deserve 'he thank* of t> whole community for th< r courage and determination. Unit r nnatcly but one of the rowdies shot in the affray, tot they all richiy deserved that f te. The brae* officer who was wounded, McEre* y, will h?vo the satisfaction of knowing tint all good citizens applaud his uianly conduct and that of his comrades. When we find a good policeman it is a pleasure to render him ttie 1 tall credit he ha* earned. The Hlanrter of ih? Ohio Democrat* We Jo not sny that the greenback inflation platform is a blunder with reference to thin year's State election, for we are not quite sure that it is. It is perhaps the best card the Ohio democrats could have played for immediate succe s in that State. It not only expresses the real views of a large majority of the party in Ohio, but the real views of quite a propor tion of the Ohio republicans, as is proved by the timid and halting language of the republi can platform, which went just far enough to commit the party to specie without freeing it from ail air of indecision. The only reason why the ltepublican Convention was so tender looted on this question was its knowledge that the average sentiment of the State leauod to ward inflation. The democratic demagogues saw this paltry advantage and have tried to nuke the most of it. They exp.*ct to inveigle the republican inflationists into their ranks, and if the democratic party con templated no future beyond carrying Ohio this year this appeal to infla tionist prejudices would deserve the pruiso ol dexterity, or, rather, of low political cun ning. But even iu this view it may prove a mistake. Where is Senator Thurman to stand in such a contest ? lie is not only the ablest tnau but the most effective stump speaker ia Ohio. What weight can ho have in a can vass in which he cannot speak without bely ing his convictions if he supports the platform of his party ? Is a cauvass wisely planned which condemns Thurman to silence or neu tralizes his influence if he speaks ? This stu pid platform also precludes a.-sistauce from eminent Eastern democrats, who will not stultify themselves and destroy their standing at home by taking the stump in Ohio. Mr Cox, lor example, who has great personal popularity in his old State and is a very tak* ing speaker, would Lave stumped the State with abounding zeal iu support of a sound platform; but he will be a distant spectator of the contest; and the same is true of every Eastern democrat w ho has any character cr popularity at home. Neither Bayard, nor K- rr, nor Keruun, nor Seymour, nor Eaton can go to Ohio and lend a helping hand ia a canvass which humiliates Thurman au I conflicts with their own opinions. All the best and soundest minds of the party will tie anxious to wash their hands of the Ohio her esy; while the conditions of this canvass are such that Blaine and Wilson and Coukling, and all the best republican speakers of the East, can support their party in Ohio. The j Ohio democrats will bo left to fight their bat tle without assistance from the strong men of their p irty m the Eastern States, or even from their own Senator Thurman. The political fossil whom they have renom inated for Governor will, of course, ex?rt his -tentorian lungs in defence of the platform to which his acceptance binds hira. lie lias been wheedled with flattery, and is said to Lave grown jealous of Mr. Thurman, Lis nephew, being vain enough to try for the Presidential nomination himself. He likes the platform because he thinks it extinguish! s the chances of Thurman. It certainly will F'Xtiuguish them, let the election go as it may. ! The Eastern democrats will not accept a can didate who halted and kept silent when his party was about to perpetrate so stupendous a blunder, and if the Western democrats should succeed in Ohio and con trol the Presidential nomination they will not take up a man who timidly repudiates their views. As for Allen's candidacy, the idea of it is ridiculous. Pendleton's friends have made him their dupe and tool ana means of killing off Ihurman. This preposterous 1 pistil rui threatens ruin to the fairest hopes >f the democratic party, a rum which will be :iil the more c< r'.ain to come if the inflationist* irry the St ,t *. In that c ,se the Democratic National Convention will trim next year to the inflationists < f Ohio as it always trimmed to the high t triff z alots of Pennsylvania, w hile th.s State held an election in October, just in advance of the Presidential contest fhere is no State in the Uuion where the triumph of inflation won! 1 be so mischievous ,:s in Ohio, now that Ohio has b'*oine th i pivot ol our Presid >ntinl elections. As it used to be said, that "as Pennsylvania goes so goes the Union, ' hi it will be here ? Iter said, "As Oho goes, so goes the Union." The party th at carries this gr- at Slate hi October in Presidential yt.vrs will ie fi,l-l with ?su:'aut confidence, because tiie pioneer victory will be thought to disclose the set of t1 e political tide and to furnish a are augury of Ilia coming r ?ult, which "casts ita shadow before." Ohio is therefore the State in which financial heresy is m?Mt greatly to be deplored. If the inflationists carry the Sta?e this year the Democratic National Convention will not dare to incur, the r.?k of lowing it n xt year in the prelimi nary skirmish, which will go so far to decide the U r uae of the general battle. Had it liecn one of the S'ates which hold elections in November that indorsed inflation the conse quences would not be so portentous. As Pennsylvania has always been the key stone of protection so Ohio bida fair to be the fulcrum of inflation, and to command th? undue deference paid to a State which is in a p si', >n to advertise in advance the rrsult of our Pre idential cl-ctions. The Ohio demo crats have made the colossal blander of depriving their party at lar ;e of its most efficient political issue. This blander is plain enough now to intel ligent democrats, but it will be made plainer to the men who I woed the e ghth article into the platform, when the canvass sctivilybe gine in September. These "architects of ruin" will then behold how rapidly the build ing they have pUnnc 1 wul rise in its deformiiy. They will lenro that twenty political virtu s can be rosrrc 1 by one pobt cal sin, find tint the un compromising diclaration which the Con vention made in favor of the one term prin ciple for the Presidency is neutralize# by its rp?n advocacy ol inflation. When the canvass begins the aid the 'Jhio democrats will need from other .Stales is cert ain to be in great part withheld. They have eith< r figged Thurman or compelled him to speak wilh an uncertain sound. They have fright ened cfl a 1 democrats who do not bein ve in flation to be the basis of prosperity from taking p< peons' part in a campaign which has for rn end the triumph of that heresy. Su<h leaders as these cannot expose themselves to the suspicion of assisting in a victory r >r the v> ry principle which at home they oppose as the irrcalest dancer with who h the triune** of the country is threatened. The Ohio demo crats will lose iu the absence of such men, and in their tueit cond. innution of the inflation plans, more than they will gain by an appeal to thci inflationists of the republican party. Even Thurman, under this insult, may feel that his duty to himself requires him to remain a modern Achilles iu his teut. The effect of this blunder upon the canvass will be, therefore, to paralyze it It does not insure transitory success even iu Ohio for the democrats, while it threatens with permanent defeat the national party itself. Tile Ituccslsuresle Mentions. We print this morning the baccalaureate s rruons of President Smith, of Dartmouth ; President Campbell, of Rutgers ; President McCaulay, of Dickinson, and President Ray mond, of Vussar. These discourses thus grouped make one of the most interesting chapters presented in a newspaper in a long time. The baccalaureate soriuon is one of the few marks that are lett of the sectarian character of our colleges, and yet it would be difficult to doteriuine from any one of them the particular Church to which its author be long"". Though Dr. Smith preached on the "Breadth of the Commandment of God," his discourse was altogether free from broad Church'ideas and was merely the conservative nnd orthodox expression of the beliefs of all Protestantism. The same thing is true of all the others. President McCaulay was not Methodist and President Campbell was not Dutch Reformed. This liberal spirit is some thing over which we ought to felicitate our selves, since the oneness of the Christian spirit of these annual addresses goes fur to make our colleges free from mere narrow sec tarianism. Mauy of our most eminent insti tutions of learning were founded only as exponents of some religious denomination aud to teach some particular dogma. When the sermons, which were the expression of this purpose, become so much alike as to make it impossible to discover the sect in the dis course they are proof not only of a generous Christian spirit but of a culture which will not trammel itself by narrow bigotry. The baccalaureate sermon is one of the quaint inheritances of the early foundations of our higher institutions of learning, but since they are no longer expressive of more sectarianism we hope they will grow in interest and im portance from year to year. It is for this rea son we give them the importance they deserve by surrendering a large part of our space this morning to such of them as were delivered at the different colleges yesterday. Consolidation o! U?e French Republic. The latest news from Paris, as written by oar correspondents, shows the difficulties under which France now labors in the process of consolidating the Republic. The merit of this French Republic is that it has grown slowly, steadily surely?wo might say almost geologically. The mistakes of the old repub licans0 have been avoided. Their crimes have become lessons. The spirit ot Lafayette has taken the place of that of Robespierre. It is seen that a new republic shonld not begin with the guillotine. The modern French politi cians have learned that liberty cannot be born in a day?that it must reach the perfection of true democracy by natural processes. The danger which republicanism in France must avoid is the anarchy of the Commune and tho despotism of the Empire. On one side is a wild, unreasoning, socialist influence, with mad notions about religion and property and the rights of man, believing ttat liberty is only a form of chaos. On the oth.r side is a mighty military influence, stimulated by the splendor of a great name, organized, disciplined, with skilled leaders in its councils. These aro the two enemies which the Republic has to fear?the Com mune, which is anarchy, the Empire which is despotism. The legend of Napoleon is giving place to the legend ol liberty?or as we should say the faith of democracy. "Divine rights, and the "grace of God," as the warrants fur a throno have become as obsolete as the feudal tenure or the or leal of fire. Ilenry \. has about as much chance ol becoming the firmly seated ruler of modem France as Joan of Arc would have in leading the French peasants against the veterans of Moltke. Tho Republic grows every day?in wis dom, moderaticn, strength. The Republic means peace to France and to Europe. It is the only solution of this grave problem which now distresses civilization by keeping the great civilized nations of the world under arras, and ready at a pistol shot to d.luge Europe with blood. The l-ogle of Strikes. Ti e want of success which has attended the strike of the Pennsylvania miners does not MKm to have taught them the folly of suspending work wh-ra the issue involved is ot no very great moment. Lnder certain con ditions, no doubt, the workingman, by a refusal to labor, may compel the capitalist to accede to his terms. But this favorable con dition ot the labor market seldom exists, and nine times out of ten it would be wiser for the working clause* to submit to some redac tion than to engage in a struggle in which even success would not repay them for the sacrifices its attainment necessarily involves. At a time when the fiuanwal condition of this country was oertainly not very reassuring and there existed a general stagnation of trade the miners of the Pennsylvania coal regions de cided on resisting a reduction of wages by a general strike. At the same moment there were hundreds of thousands of men in the country who would willingly have gone to work for twenty-five per cent of what the miners refused to accept, and who would have esteemed themselves lucky in procuring em ployment at any rate that would have guaran teed them and their families from starvation. Yet under such conditions the workmen of a large district voluntarily struck work because the mine owners found they could not profit ably employ them at the old rate. Tho struggle inaugurated so rashly has now gone on for many months, and in the end the work, ingmen are obliged to submit. By their want of common sense they have embittered their relations with their employers and have wasted the savings of many years of industry. F.ven if success had crowned their efforts it would take years to replace the loss incurred in sustaining their strike during the past few months. If, before entering upon these profit less contests, the workingmen would calmly count the cost to thA????lvea and their taini lies, they would soon peroeive the folly of the course which they are go frequently in ducod to adopt by the lieodleas rhe'orio of rash and unwise leaders. Labor strikes may injure capitalists, but it is only the working men that they ruin. Tlia Herald's Hpeeiwt Sunday Train. The announcement in the Herald oi yester day that during the season beginning with July 4 the New York Herald would ran a special train every Sunday morning, leaving at half-past two, reaching Sara toga at nine o'clock in the morning and Niagara Falls at a quarter to two in the after noon, will be road with interest It is not only an illustration ot the tendency of modern journalism and the responsibility imposed upon u newspaper which proposes to keep pace with the progress of the time, but a direct advantage to our travelling citizens. The special purpose of this train is to deliver tbe Herald at aa early an hour as possible at all places within the range of direct travel through New York State. Wo have made arrangements to make such connections with tho trains goiug West irom Niagara Falls as will permit us to servo the Herald in all the Western cities twenty-tour hours earlier than at the present time. Tho effect of this arrangement will be that visitors aael residents at West Point, the Catskills and all the towns and villages between New York and Albany will be supplieel with the Herald before break fast. Saratoga, Richfield and Sharon Springs and all towns and cities on the line of the Now York Central w ill receive tho Herald in the early forenoon. At the Suspension Bridge at Niagara Falls, where the Herald's special train arrives at a quarter to two o'clock, arrangements have been made to connect with the Great Western Railway, of Canada, for St. Catherines, Hamilton, Toronto and all points north. The metropolitan, we may almost say cos mopolitan, character of modern journalism is illustrated in the highest degree by enter prises of this character. They are imposed upon all representative and independent journals. It was the Herald that some years ago started the special train to Philadelphia which has resulted in the service to the people of that city of the New York journals at breakfast. This custom was continued on other lines, and although looked upon as a startling and novel experiment, scarce justi fying the expense and of no vulue except as an advertisement, it was very soon seen to be a necessity of the gTOwth of journal ism, just as it has becomo necessary for us to introduce stereotyping and fast presses, to extend our correspondent system, to gradually transfer all news communications from the mail to the telegraph, which covers the whole world as it were with communicat ing lines of inquiry and thought as minute and widely spread as the nerves in the human frainp. This example was followed by the English press. Last year we had enthusiastic accounts of the enterprise of the London newspapers in sending speciul early trains from Loudon to the great towns of tbe nor'h and west. The London Times began the ex periment. It was so snccessful that its rivals were compelled to combine and run an opposition train. Then came the Eng lish system of special telegraph wires, also an imitation of the Herald's system which has for a long time been in use and which unites our home office with all of its outlying branches. Hut this new enterprise on the part of the Herald is a widening of the influence of journalism. It is a step toward national supremacy, which has always been the aim of this journal and which it has been its good fortune to attain. Wo allude to it now not in any spirit of self-congratulation, but as marking another point in the growth of American journalism, showing a steady march toward that supreme power which is possible to the independent press in a land of liberty, and making it in time a cardinal ele ment of freedom and constitutional govern ment. Are Americans Irreligious I The charge that the American nation is not essentially devout has been frequently made, but has never been sustained. It was Sir Thornbury Holt,' we believe, who remarked in his entertaining volume of travels, en titled "Buffalo Hunting in the Fur West," that the Americ in people were the most ir religious he had ever met, not even excepting the gypsies. This opinion of a man so dis tinguished for bis keen perceptions and im partiality no doubt has had mach weight, particularly with his own countrymen. It has strengthened the belief of many intelli gent Englishmen that Messrs. Moody and Sankev, however successful in England, would be failures at home, and that for that reason they stay away from it But while we concede to Sir Thornbury Holt perfect sincerity in making this starring charge, and also admit that as the grandnephew of the Dean of West minster he had himself enjoyed religious culture, and was therefore a qualified judge, still it must be pleaded in defence of Ameri can piety that he had not a thorough knowl edge of the facts. When he arrived in this country his earliest impressions were derived from New York, and nearly all of the two mouths he passed in this city were devoted to the study ot Wall street and the railroad sys tem which has its centre here. The Beecher scandal had just begun then, and Mr. Tilton's statement was the universal theme. The revival which promised to sweep over Brook lyn w th the irresistible force of a tempest had been checked by thin publication, and though Mr. Beecher's reply did much to r-store that religious movement, still Sir Thornbury had receive d a profound im pression. During this period also vpira boufft was the moat popular of metropolitan amuse ments, and Mr. Boucicault had not yet begun his wonderful success at Wallaok's. Thus all things seemed to conspire to make an un happy eff.ct upon Sir Thornbury. It must aiso he remembered that, while he spent two months here and in Brookljn, remained for eonsid rable j" riods in Washington, Chicago and St. Louis, and was obliged to stay u!l aight in Albany, by an accident on the road, he was in Boston hardly one week and did not visit Philadelphia at alL Thus two of the most religions cities in the United Ht ites were almost wholly unknown to Sir Thornbury Holt. As it to add to tins unfortunate chapter of deprivations he received by llotu/resa in th? moat, hohoitails wav. freely accepting the privilege of the floor of tba House, and dining, during his stay in the na tional capital, with nearly all of the republican Senators and all of the Cabinet officers. Mayor Wickhain he had never met, while Comp troller Green showed him the most gratoiul courtesy. It was upon experience such as this that Sir Thornbury Holt founded his memorable assertion that the Americans are the most irreligious people in the world, and it is plain that for the unconscious error he is not bo much to blame as others. When he lolt St. Louis for the Plains he fell in with the buffaloes, and by them, of course, his erroneous views were but slightly modified. Had lie rcmaiuod a year among the buffaloes be might have gradually come to hold better opinions of the people; but this was, unfort u nately, impossible, and, to crown the fatal mis take, ho returned to England by the wuy of San Francisco. The sermons wa print to-day were, of course, never read by this eminent traveller, ai:d yet they are a complete answer to his fal lacious theory. It may be considered almost an axiom that the intellect and fervor of religious teaching proves the appreciation and sincerity of congregations. The pulpit of the metropolis can only be sustained by a religious feeling of corresponding greatness. Ttio ped efitul must be strong to uphold the Htaiuo. The admirable discourse of Dr. Robinson on activity iu religion; the eloquent analysis which Mr. Hepworth made of trne Christian zeal; Mr. Frothiugham'a protest against the various ways in which religious sentiment is wasted on useless objects ; the moral drawn by Mr. Davis from the beautiful story of David ; the description of Paul's preaching by Mr. Boecher?these and other sermons are illustrative of the truth that with all their faults tho Americans are a religious people, and that it is a grave mistake to judge them from superficial examination. The Ravage* of the Potato Eeelle and the Remedy 'lhat formidable scourge of agriculture, the Colorado beetle, whose native habitat is the region at the base of the Rooky Mountains, has made its way eastward to the Atlantic , coast and threatens the potato crop of ail New Jersey and other extensive districts. It is only ten years since this noxious insect first crossed the Mississippi, and the rapid spread and multiplication of its devouring progeny make it a national calamity. It has been found that these pests can be exterminated by poison, and Furis green (a mixture of arsenite and acetate of copper) is the cheapest and most easily applied poison adapted to this use. But fears have been raised that tho poi son which kills the grubs of the beetle may enter into tho composition of tho plant, making the remedy worse than the eviL This subject is so important and requires such im mediate action if this year's potato crop is to be saved that the Heeajld has taken pains to procure each correct and authentic informa tion as may be safely accepted for their guid ance by the suffering agriculturists. We print to-day a most timely and instruc tive letter from Professor McMnrtrie, of the National Department of Agriculture at Wash ington. He is reputed to be the most thor oughly an 1 minutely informed scientific man in tho country on the subject which he dis cusses in our columns with so much clearness of statement and fulness of detail Not the least important of the information which Professor McMnrtrie communicates is the account of his own original researches and experiments. Since the eastward progress of the Colorado beetle last year he has been en gaged in constant experiments with a view to ascertain the effect of mineral poisons, and particularly those containing arsenic, on the health of plants. He has also made himself thoroughly acquainted with the results of the most recent investigations in Great Britain, France and Germany ; but his own dirersil fled and decisive experiments are of more value, as bearing on the immediate problem, than those of all the other inquirers to gether. In relation to Paris gTcen Professor McMnrtrie has found that the intermixture of this poison with the soil in largo quanti ties destroys vegetable growth, but that in the small quantities requisite for destroying insects it docs not interfere with or impede it at alL But there is a more important question than the destruction of the plant. It would only muLiply tho mischief to kill the grubs and at the same time poison the food of man. Upon this great point Professor McMurtrie's decisive and manitold exper iments should allay all fears. In the plants that were killed, in the plants that were stunted, and in the plants which grew to full perfection, with the varying amounts of Paris green mingled with the soil of his pots, the most rigorous chemical analysis could detect no trace of arsenic in the composition of the plant itself. Whether litUe of this poison or much of it exists in the soil none of it enters into the structure of the veg etable. The danger of its excessive use is not danger to human life bat to the growth or health of the plant, fcut the quantity of Paris green necessary for destroying tbe Colorado beetles is too small to have any perceptible effect on the growth of crops. It is possible that if potatoes vac planted in tbe same field for a series of years with a constant necessity for the application of the poison the capacity of the soil lor crops might be destroyed ; but the system of rotation, so valuable in other respects, would obviate this danger. It is a great satisfaction to be assured on competent scientific authority that there is no peril to human life in the freest application of this poison to the soil, and no detriment to vegetation itself from the quantity needed to kill the beetles. We sug gest to the agricultural journals that they cannot render a more useful service than by copying Professor McMurtrie's letter to the Hjuuxjx The substance ot it will also appear in the monthly report of the Department of Agriculture, whose publication we anticipate. Tni American Rm.nrsn attended St. Pat rick's Cathedral yesterday by invitation of the Lord Mayor, ani dined with him in tbe evening. The censure of the bad taste dis played ly Canon Keeper in delivering a eulogy of monarchy and the Established Church, is, we think, deserved. A simple moral lesson inculcating the importance of having only good aims in life might have liecn more appropriate to the wants of his gues's | but tne banquet iu the evening no doubt comoensated tor the narnion. Recover ???? UIok Plunder. The energy manifested l>y the lawyers en gaged in tho prosecution of the new 1 Ring" suits, commenced uuder the laws passed in the recent legislative session, holds out good promise that the money stolen from the oily may be recovered at last. But tho law has its uncertainties. In the case of the attachments against the properly of Tweed, the greatest offender, we already find one valuable piece of real es'ato relieved lrom tho effects ot tho lit pendens by the Court, on the proof that it was purchased by Fernando Wood of a third party and that Tweed has no lien on tho property. So far as the people, who are tho plaintiffs in these eases, arc yet advised, tho evidence to sustain the attachment on tha Sweeny property comes only from a con victed felon who has been released from the State Prison on the pledge that bo should become a witness for the State, and who no doubt desires to make some substan tial return for his pardon. There may bo other proof of Sweeny's complicity in tu? Tweed and Ingersoll robberies, or the con tinued absence of the ex-Chamberlain may b* accepted as corroborative evidence ot his guilt. Still, as we have said, the law is uncer tain, and much remains to be accomplished) before wo can expect any return of money into the city treasury from these suits, notwith standing the vigor and ability with which they are prosecuted. Th? re can, however, be ho difficulty, ami there need be no delay, in securing tho share of tho plunder that lell to the lot of Ingersoll and Garvey. Ingersoll confesses in his recent affidavit that he voluntarily sought to rob the city by courting interviews with Tweed and the late James Watson for that pur pose; that he conspired with those parties and others to carry out his lelonious purpose; that he signed fictitious names to fraudulent bills; that he forged the firm name of Inger soll. Watson A Co. to fraudulent warrants, and that as a public officer, a Court llousa Commissioner, he bad counselled and laid down a syBtem of fraudulent action to be pursued by the Commission. Andrew J. Garvey confesses to have been guilty ol like conspiracies, robberies and for geries. Both these men have large amounts of real estate in their possession, the proceeds of these crimes, and they can offer no defence against suits of recovery. Their property should be at ones seized by the plundered city. It is true they have turned informers against their former accomplices, but that is no reason why they should,be allowed to re tain their share of the stolen money. If a bank robber or a burglar should be accepted as State's evidence against his accomplices be would, of course, escape the penalty impose 1 upon his crime by the law, but ho would not be suffered to retain his share of the plunder. The owner of the property would still have a right to get bock his own. So the people, wto have been robbed by the Ring conspira tors, have a right to get back tho money stolen from their treasury, and neither Gov ernor Tilden nor any other authority can de prive them of that right or give the robber* the privilege of retaining any portion of the plnnder. They can take tho felon's stripes off Ingersoll'6 back, as they have done, und can forego the criminal punishment of Gar vey; but they cannot say to them "you may retain possession of the money that by con spiracy, fraud and forgery yon have stolen from tho taxpayers of New York.' The Swee ny, Tweed, Connolly and other suits should be pressed with all possible vigor ; but at the same time it strikes us that tha speediest way of recovering a portion of the money stolen from the city would be to take it out of tha pockets of the thioves who hnve acknowledged their guilt and confessed to the possession of their share of the plunder. Reform at Niagara Falls.?In the slow march of time it is said that the Niagara Falls will be destroyed, and the changes which aro even now noted confirm the theory. One of the correspondents of tho Herald to-day gives a very interesting account of these al terations in the Horseshoe Fall, which nra principally observed on the Ameri can Hide. Bat there is another evil which threatened to destroy Niagara as a place of popular resort?namely, the extortion prac tised by its hackmen and those who exhibit its marvels. We are glad to learn that the authorities on both sidos of the river have at last combined to put a stop to tha notorious abuses to which visitors have been subjected. PERSONAL INTELLIGENCE. The Trlnce of Wale* has abandoned billiards and card*. George Washington u Tenae-iot'iCommission' r to the ConicuniaU Secretary Betknsp to going to toe Yosemita the latter part of July. General Alfred H. Terry, U. s. A., wa* In flart ford, Conn., yeiterdsy. General Sherman left this city last evening for hi* headquarters in St. L 'in. General James A. QarOeld Is afraid the uhineso will rain American cheap labor. Talleyrand alep; two boars a day. Grant sleeps nine and isn't much of a diplomat. Commander George P. linn, dtltel States Navy, is quartered at the Moffmaa Hot)**. Chicago tnsiata that M,000 of her citizens *ro out 01 work. A good way to appear Uaoa big city. Mr. Robert M. Wallace, United State* Marital for sooth Carolina, is at the Grand Central II >tcu Brevet Brigadier General Orlando M. Poe, United State* Army, i* res.ding at the fifth Avenue II otol. A paper of "the metropolis of ibe Pacific" sp<ak* of "Cottar's bcauti il poem or ?Sainrdap Night.'" General Butler has started a stocking manufac tory, and is i rouu because be belongs to a hoae company. A young lady of New Orleans ha* committed saiclde because General Pail Sheridan married another girl. senator Fr?ilnghnr?cn is Senator Sargent* prophesied candidate of tha republican party lor sue Presidency. captain Hade's Jetties at Pew Orleans will hold aery, aosars prophecy, which delights in tho idea of an American Venice. Secretary Bristow arrived In this etfy yesterday morning from Wa-niagton, and took up nis resi dence at the Fifth Avenne Hotel. Senator Sharon* ?f Nevada, owns real estate in San Francisco to the amount or $7,000,000. Oj this sum is invested in the Palace Hotel. Senator 1 atneron's house i* loT years old, and has an immense apricot tree by its aide: bat the senator le uot often 'ound up that tree?uor any other. Mr. Swinburne's critical wrttln"s, :rom the Fort rttqlfly Jtertnt, have been co lecte 1 unuer too title of "Essays and Studies." They are marked bv equal grace of style and baldness of opinion. Tne memoirs of Chancellor Pa-gnier. w,19 died In )86J at the age of nlncty-nre, promise to bo highly interesting, tic held oSlce under eil tha French go vim moots, gad was acquainted with ail tne men 91 ale tita<.