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MIL IB the events of the week. Movements Among Stocks and Bends. THE STRENGTH OF GOED. Importi and Exports?Tte Failurrs Abroad? No Percrptible Effret Here. Wall Street, I Sunday, June 20, 1870.) The principal feature oi the week just closed was the sharp financial disturbance In England, but It produced leas anxiety iu our own circles man might have been exi-eciod under other conditions. The (acts that we are not on a specie paying basis and that our banking Institutions are abundantly tuppUed with currency are Just at this time, per haps,fortunate circumstances, Inasmuch as we are enabieu to withstand a drain ol gold without dis comfiture, and to supply to Europe many moro millions yet without creating a crisis ol our own. When the country does resume specie payment, however, great failures suca as have rcen re cently recorded tn England and the Eritish Prov inces cannot occur wittiout sympathetically re flecting tuelr influence ia this and every other market the measure ot value or which Is gold. At, THE STOCK BOAKD the volnme of business was less than usual owing to the absence of msny of Its members while attending the Jerome Park and yacht races and the boston Centennial celebration. A lover lsh and unsettled feeling was also developed by a decline In prices instead of that advance wnlch was confidently counted upon as the result of tbe close of tne railway war and a probable in crease of rates. Tne latter, however, lias not ] taken place, and the situation remains un changed. Meanwhile, business does not Improve, thousands of freight car3 are lying Idle, and It is only by the exercise of the strictest economy that the several lines will be enabled to ! make a favorable showing for the year, li Is lor these reasons that the market value of so many ; favorite securities has depreciated.. nevertheless it is a question wl h many who owa capital and ?an afford to watt whether the present is nor. an inviting opportunity to buy stocks and put iticm aside until a reaction takes place. It is not possible to determine the course or Immedi ate speculation, or sa;e to say that under the peculiar Influences that affect or control tho market from day to day, we shall not havo even lower prices, but It does not require superior ken to foresee a period of great activity aud improve ment wnen, under the spur of well employed capital, a revival of bust:,ess, the gathering of crops and the decease 01 t e beetles and grass hoppers, prices of all good securities will grow strong aud great profit will reward (ha paucut Jnveator. THE RECORD OF TF1E tVEL* ?.hows that at tne beginulng stocks were firm, although on a limited Business, but later weakness set In, which did n >t rive way to recov ery until at the very ciose. The principal on slaught was male lu Lake Shore and Erie. The largest transactions were in the former, which re ceded from 64* to 69, caulug, however, at 69% a 10%, with a large short interest outstanding. The gOBSip of the street Is to the effect that there are mill 2 or 3 per cent profit on this side of the market, but It ts not aiwajs wise to believe "polBte" s.i publicly dis eininated. Erie, tn con sequence of the procecolngs for foreclosure, and of the troubles In the Loudon market, took an other start downward aud fell off from 17?,' to 13*, closing at 18*. Wabash was weak, because or the less favorable jirospect of release from the consequences ft default and the difficulty of transferring the stock. Union Pacific ranged between 73,',' and 76* and sold at 73* to 74V- ex-dtvldend. Pacific Mall advanced from 32>t to 3i*', fell off to 31* .and closed at about the uigbest price of the week. J?L Paul common closed at 32*. after advancing from 29* to 33*4; the preferred rose from 62 5; to 66*. with a partial reaction at the close. North western common closed at 37, after selling at 3d* a 38 a 3SX; the preferred ranged from 48 % to AO* and closed at 49. Wabuah dropped from 9 to 6% and 0., 0. and L C from 4% to 3. Western Union advanced trom 74% to 70% and closed at 73* to 73%, ex-dividend of 2 per cent. Atlantic and Pa cific Telegraph closed at 23*. after selitug at 24 a M*. Investment snares were strong and ad vanced. HIGHEST AND LOWEST PRICES OF THS WEEE. The following table snow* the extreme fluctua tions for the week in the leading shares:? ilightat. Lotr'Bt. ? Sew York Central 102* 101 4 Harlem ? 'rj. l.rte ?X I X Erie preferred ? f* Lake .Shore 09 Wabash * ?X Northwestern ? ??? ? Northwestern prelerred &d* 4s* p.ock Island 102?; lf>> ? Port Wayne 1"? 5?"* Milwaukee and St. Paul Ski* *' ?. Milwaukee ana fct. Paul pre,erred. 66 ', kb 8s', Del., Lackawanna and Western... us* ill* New Jersey Central lto 1"7 Michigan Central 88 ? DUBOIS Central.. 19?? % 70o% ?Union Pacific - 74* ?3'? C.. C. audi. C 4* 3 Jlannli>al and St. Joseph 22 , .1* Ohio and Mississippi 24 22 , Missouri Pacific flu 48 Western Union 76* 74* Atlantic and Pacific Telegraph ... 24 22* Pacific Mall 33;, 31. 'juicksliver 1* 16>, Qnb kstiver preierred 22 Adtms KV?ress loo* loo Wells, Fargo A Co. Express. 81 80 American Merchants' Uuioii Ex... d>* 6'.** United fitates Express 4?i 44% Atlantic and Pacific preferreu.... 1', 14', Kansas Pacific 20 , U ??x-dlvtdend. CUMIN0 MUCH AT 3 P. M. SATCBtlAT. rieHle Mail ... S3* a 13'I Mil A .-? P?nl pf 54 a 55 V, eit I n Tf! *d ; . ?, * ? . ? . c A I lid .. ?? a 51* aii 0 Par let.. 23 a Z3* ... SK a 3\ Suickitlvar 1* a 1; Hal. l-ack A W.llt* ? ?I*V <jatckaUTar pf.. zi* a zi i n<- 13?. a i? a iaim Kx WC a 10 Han A m J<> .. zz a AgMrtcaa as?. 5'J a 59* l ?.e dhora . .. MS a S/'a I a r xprats. .45 a 4.V. Mi, It ( Antral .. #> a 57 * alla-tar*.) Ki 79 a (u N V A llarirm 134* a 135 4 IUc A Alton...M0 a KU M' i AUK KM a llkl ? < la* A Pitla.... ?9T< a Pi * J < aniril IW, a Hi* ? tile AN W.... 37 a i7S Ohio A ?i*t.... Stfci - I hie A N W af.. MX a Hi To, A Wab .... 7 a 7', 1 tucagi. A R I .1 Is, a lt'1'4 l a raeiu^ .... 7JJK a 74 Mil A at Paul.. Us a MH SOUK ffee (old speculation waa not active, bat on the atrength of the heavy itilpni cats of the weak, mounting to apward of |6,ooo,o?d, the prices or toe week advanced irota lc.s to 17*. ua gold leant toe rates were moderate either way nntu Saturday, when, after rn log at easy rates, there vras a sharp advance toward thee lose, and 1-33 to 116 and H per day waa paid lor nse. At the Treasury sale or gioo.o o (old on Thurs day the total bids were |1,li GOLD PLCCTTTATIONS KOR THE WICK. oprn- Lott ing. JfffhMf. f.11. C.O'TOJ. t'onday U0X M)i lies Tuesday HCJtf ne , lies n?S v, ednesday lie* U7 n<> . ll?* Thursday 117* 117* ii7? 117* Krlday 117s li'- S 117 , 117* Saturday 117 ?' 117 ? 117', 117* la thia connection an Inquiry la made by a banker, who refers to the feet stated by the Wash ington correspondent oi an paper, that "there is tn the Treasury, Including money in the reserve vaults, between $.ri6,eoo,oooend |,ooo. A pert of this amount is done up In sseled pack ages, which have not been opened for years. Tne amount or gold coin In the Treasury will not ex deed |'i,ooo,?K>o, the bulk or coin being In the Sab Treasurer's office In New York." The banker adds:?"In this statement it is asterted that the bulk or the coin belonging to the United States Is held In New York city, and that the amount oat fide ot -New York is but little over 12.000,000. 10 the same paper the Treasury balance, an reported | from Waalilngton, U at follows :? Currency $4,170,oim) Coin 77,880,000 Lees corn certificates 20.500,000 While the Assistant 'treasurer tu New York re ports as follows:? <ioi(1 receipts $1,843 216 Cold payment* iU5.47:t Cold balances 40,211, 127 i The uiflerenco between the two stateinente, as 1 to the coin on hand, is too great to pass unheeded I or uncontradicted; because the mass of the peo- j pie believe the Washington statements to be true, j and are, therefore, Induced to regard with apathy the steady loss or our precious metals. In the New York Cold Exchange statements are openly made that the Washington re ports of balances are false In every respect. In fact, there are parties In the Exchange who offer to wager $5,000 to $500, money up In any trust company, that the government does not bold by over $15,000,000 the amount tbey claim. In view of the critical condition ol affairs In Lou don I think It most important that oar own finan cial condition shonld be thoroughly understood and not misrepresented." It may be several days before the counting of specie and currency on band In the treasury Department, now supposed to be In process, will be completed and an exact statement be made. When made, however, It Is dcsirablo that the statement shall embrace the amount of silver as well as gold, and indicate wnetber the former is reckoned as a part el the "com" daily reported as on hand. TUE MONEY MA UK K T. Concerning this department there is nothing I new to be said. Call loans wore easy at 2 a3 per cent, with exceptions at I*', ami prime discounts at 3a a 5 per cent, according to the maturity of notes. The hank statement shows a luituer gsla lu reserve of $2,607,950, and the banks now bold j $22,036,475 in excess of the legal requirement. | The foreign exchanges were Arm Up to very near j the close of the week, wnen an advance in the borrowing rates for gold to 1-16 a X per cent weakened long sterling. The closing figures were 4.88 a 4.00. COVKBNMENT BONDS were in good request by both home and foreign investors, and prices were llrm. It la estimated that about $l,6o,,ooo wore taken for foreign ac count. The close was marked by an advance upon tnat of last week. Closing prices of securities In London have been as loilows:? June 4. June 11. JVnelft. lT. 8. 6's, 5-20's. 1865, Old.. 106* 190* 106X lT. S. 6?S, 6-20'S, 1887 100)5 100>i 106* 0. S. 5'?, 10-40*8 104 104,* 101X New 5's 102)/ 103X 103* , Hi nor Jan. i, 1875. , Lowest. Highest, C. 8. 6's, 5-20's, 1865, Old.. 105* Apr. 22 108* Apr. 0 U. S. O's, 5-20's, 1867.... 108* June 18 loo* may 5 V. 8. o's, lo-40'a 102 * Feb. 13 105* Fet>. 8 New e's 102 Apr. 10 103.-, June it) KAII-WA Y BONUS. These were In demand, especially the older classes; but it is not unlikely that cne groat ease of money and tne Inviting character of many more of tleso securities will induce increased j activity and firmness at a not distant day. Ccn- ! tnland Union Pacifies continue stronr, and the : deattugs in them were Urge. One per cent of tne outstanding sinking fuad bonds ol the Union ; PaciUc will be drawn July 21 aud redeemed bop tembcr 1, according to the terms of the mortgage. STATE BONDS. The transactions were moderate. Tennessees declined to 42* on the bell T that the July Interest will not be paid. The neces-ary money, however, may yet be borrowed. Georgia fold sevens sold at 96. Nothing lui tlior is known with regard to the negotiations between the Alabama bondhold ers and tne state Commissioners. IMPOSTS AND EXPORTS. The imnnrts of foreign merchandise at the port ; of Vew York daring tne week are $4,034,000, and since the beginning of the fiscal year, July 1, 1874, to the present time, as loliows:? July $32,650,000 February $35,853,000 August #2,102,0 o MalCta 35.528,008 September... 30 343,000 April 23,614,000 \ Otober 23,(33,000 May #3,250.000 N'nvcm >? r.... 23,950.000 June 5 5.905,000 Juue 12 6.237,000 January 24,U85,ooo Juno 18 4.684808 Total to date $315,820,000 To same date, 1374 8H),7ti7,000 Pecrea-e since July 1 $24,947,008 The exports of gold and silver iroin New York since July 1, 1874, are as follows:? Julv $3,504,000 February 4,041,ono August 7,il'.ooo March 4.173,0.0 haptcmner 2,22.000 April 0. lot/,ooo October 1,61', (AO Mi t?,355,0(.0 November 4 448,000 June 5 4.418,000 December 12,41*7.000 June 12. 4.674,0(0 January Iu,ll9,oou June 18. 6,237.000 Total to late $80,544 000 Tola! to date, 1374 49.222.000 Increase since July 1 $31,322,coo Hie total exports ol produce since January 1, this year, are $110,333,324, against $131,351,855 in 1874 and $123,912,035 In 1573. COMMERCIAL REPORT. COTTON ON THE FI*oT FIRM -FUTURES FIRM? FLOUR DULL? % HEAT QUIET AND EAST? CORN DILI. AND HEAVY ? OATS DULL BUT UNCHANQKD?RYE QUIET AND NOMINAL? BARLEY QUIET AND 1 NVIIANCi! I' ?BABLET MALT NEGLECTED AND NOMINAL?PORE EX II ID AND HIGHER ?LARD FIR IER?FETBO I I CM HUM?NAVAL STORUS QUIET AND FIRM? OR '( ERILS QUIET BUT ?IBONGEB? HIDES MiiDERATELV ACTIVE ? I.E \TICI R QUIET?OILS QUIET ?WHISKEY STEADY ? FREIGHTS FAIRLY ACTIVE?I1EMP AND JUTE QU1XT AND STKA0V?ounnihs quiet. Saturday, June 18-8 P. M. There were ?ome few important chanjeo in the mercUaidUe markets, i ut on tno whuio tlie as pect of commercial afiairs was mucn the same on 'Coanye. Flour null. Wheat was quiet, but Ann, for a unt of supplies. Corn was quiet, bat without decided cfcad,'" ; oara itull and cany. Rye nominal. Whiskey easy. in provisions the specu lative fever was on, and pnelor botn pork aad lard advanced materially. Cotton on the spot was firmer and futures were firm. Petroleum was Orm. Navat store* were quist and firm. Uldes were moderate! - active. leather was quiet Oils were q uel. Hems and lute were quiet and steady. Uunuie* were qule*. Grot eries were quiet but strong. form*.?The market lor Rio was qolet bat strong; etber crades were also strong. Sale of ISO bare I'urto Kieo at -De. per lb. We quote >?Ordinary r.irgocA, 14c. a li ,c i tstr do., 17c. a 17Qa; good do . lf'.e, a lifa.i prima do., 18)*e. a l8\c. i extreme range tor lota, I Sc. a fold, SO or SO days; Java, government bag*. 24c. a 25c.; do , gram mat*. 2ie. ile.i Singapore, do . 21c. a 23c ; Orion, 10c. a 21',c.; Mararalhw, 2le. a Sic.; Laguavra, l I ,r. a HS^o.; Ja maica. IT,1 ,o. a 18'gC.; St. Domingo, 16 V. ?17c.j Porto Rico, 18c. a l?l,c.; < oeta Ric*, 17c. ? 20 V- ; Mexican, l?%c. a *Je.; Augowter* 18c. a 21 , ? ; savaaiiia. 20c. e 22c.: fiiracos. 13c. a I'J'.c. Cotros on the spot ruled firm at yesterday's price* Fetur.-v advanced )?e. a S-lfSc. and ciosad firm at the following Quotation*: -.Inne, IS 1-lfe. a lft ..; July, 15 3 32c. a lS'.c ; Aaguot 15 3S.'c. a : September, I5%e a 15 S c.. October. 14 |3-I4c a 1127 32c.; Novem ber, IS 11 l?c. a 143*0.; December, 14 11 lie. a u1** ; .tannery. 14 27 J.'c a H',. .; February, is ll-ldc. a 15 3 32c.; March. IS S 14c., April, i?,Sc. a 15%c ; May. 15 23-3 c. a IS 13-2c. Quotation* based oa ataadard ot classification tn tone September 1, l?74, ana en aplatid i otton in store runntng In quality not moie Itiaa ball it rr*de above or be lew the grin- quoted Grdtaery, I3'*c.; gj?xl ordinary, 14 V-; strict good nrd ntri, 14'.' low middling, Inc.; inidiliiag. 15V' ; good middling. !?','? Qti taUon* baaed on American standard ol claaattlt alion:? Vpta It. AfaNima. S. Orlmtu. Trrn Ordlnarv 123* 12s, 12i.*4 Good ordlnarv 14 II li , ll'j I ? w middling I '? 11',' is , 1, Middling 1", I.V. |-,u I Good middling 15% I ?, In 1), M,doling lair I i In', I#1: l?'{ Fair In.', in, i, , I, ? in* sale.- were Tn P tj/. lat! Ki'y. Tvlil. Export IM t<4 iM rnasumptlon L>u 1.4 n>i Speciilatlou ? 15 15 Totals ""si4 '347 "*~| ? for Intiire delivcrv (Oa-is low middling' the sale! lime been a* ioiiow?:-Vci>terd?v, alter two P M -Jane,480 at 14 28-320. .Jul v, I Of at u i 32c.; August. 5-Oat 13 I Inc., 1,2 0 ai lild$2c.: September, 1.3*1 at Uc? i,2un at i4 31-22*. 4U0 at 14 15 14c ; Ociober. KOatUDl 12*; Novem her. 1,400 at 14 18-32, ,g> 0 at 14 17 .Lc., March. 2..?I8 at 15 7-32e.: April. 100 at 15 7l6c.: M.iy, Zj) ai I- 100 at 15?,c- Total, 10.200 bah*. T0d.1v, apt.. I I" M.? .lime, AP at iftc.: Jnlv. 308 at ISS-iae.; 300 at 15 1 32c.. 2iWat 15 3-323.; August, 0>0 at 15 3-14c., 300 at 15 V.. 481 at 15 5 32c , 4 0 at 15 5 10c., 300 at 15 7-326., 100 at 15 114.. I,It Oat 15 7 32a, 3,40 at I5j?c.; September, TOO at 13 9-220., 5?i ?: 15 1-32*, 4t*l at 15 I 16c , -'<0U at 15 132c.. 400 ai 15 I 14c., 300 at la 3-32c., 500 at I'.1,'*. 5 si at 14 ft-3-o.: October. 1,300 at 14l.c. 100 at 14 27-52c. t November, 200 at 14>,c. i,i-cem bar, .00 at 14s,C., I'0 at 14 21-JSc., 2.10 al 14 II 14c ; January, ;*M aU? la i4u..4M*t I* 4642a. <88 at 142?c.; FVibruarj. .100 at lfe. : March. 200 at li7jn&.: Mar. 200 al t otal. 15.^(0 nah i. tlrnn i loisil. 2. ,X0C balet. T06 receipt* at lie port* were fta follow*:?'Uftlfgftton, w*. n?yr Orleans. . Mobile, 18: Haraiinah, 115; Lliurlestoii. ?>. Wllm-iiston. 101- Norfolk. 135; New 3 ork, 846; ,KuSt""' J.St, i*bilu4?lpbU. 232. total, 1,925. Total kbt?dayla?t week. I.*77. Total tins day last year. 1.277. total since.September 1. 3.423,719 bales. Cotton fret* its closed us follows: ? to Havre by strain, *io.: to Hamburg, by steam, icc.. couipro l: to Bremen, by jlcaui? ztiS'** compreaaeu , to Liverpool, by ateain, 11-3-a.; by *uii, J inn fiRAiK.? Receipts?Flour, 14,133bbU.; wheat. So,Ski bushels; corn. 87.901 do.: n:it?, 97,70k do., barley malt,8.350(lo. The receipt* for me week were: ?Mour, 7U 02, 1,1,1. ? wheat, 775,494 bushels; corn. 4-H,7sl do., oats, Cd).7o9du.; corn meal. 149 bbls. and bane; bar ley, 600 bushes; rye. 18) do -. barley malt, 6,!?0do. t o flour market was dull, but price* were unchanged The sales were 10,000 bids. Rye was in fair request and steuov. Corn in-al wns quiet and unchanged. We note sulc i of 4C0 bbls. ami 3.0 bags at $4 tor Brauayw ne. We uuotc ??Western yellow. $3 9) s til 3b. Jersey and Penn sylvania ve'low ? 60 a $4 15: cosrse, SI 54; liuiSsilted. SI 67- bowd ye\low, St 7a; bolted white. SI tifper 100 It s jersey sacked, coarse, Si 55 a Si 69; line yellow. SI 70 a St 75; One white, SI 65 a St 88 per 100 lb*. Balti more coarse. SI M pi r JUU lbs. We quo.e No. a Mate ?* j? ??J ?} Huperllne^esWn * ? 4 Extra Western * *> ? ? Minnesota S 35 a li I Kouua hoop Ohio, shipping orands ? ? * ? -J Round hoop Ohio, trace brands 6 60 a 6 l Family ? ? a 7 ou kl Louts, low extra ? ?? a o <? fit I anus. straight extra 6 ? S 7 op fit. Louis, Choice double extra ?> ?" a 7 oo >t, Louis choice family. J ' ? * Xj lire Hour, tine to 4 " * w fioutbern. No. 3 4 ? * ft (Southern, superfine * ou a a > fioiuhern, extra ?? -? ? ? 22 Kouthorn, family 7. ?> ?' J & Corn meal. Western 3 7|J Corn meal. Jersey 5 U * 7 il! Corn meat. BruiiUvwine * <;'? * ~ Corn meal, onncneons ? "J" , ?55 hest wus very quiet, but the market w*s nrtn. ior want ol stock. * uture wlieat was e isv ; Ihe sales tpars Pi at right' wore about liS.obO bushel* at $1 W H *)i for Chicago. $! I2>. a SI 13 tor do for July. SI 17 lor Mil waukee dor which Si 14 was bid and SI 15..* July). $> i? ler Minuesoia. Sill ill -d lor No. 1. Si ?? tor red winter. Corn was dull and heavy, wltn sales or 601,04) bushels at 8-\e. a 4'.c. tor steam, 8;c. J sec. mr dry lots. Data were duil, but unchanged, ne we sales ol 40,000 bushels at 6s,".io. a l>s\c., lor mixed Iowa, C'Jc. lor mixed Toleao and 7"c. lor ilucixo mixed h'ye was quiet and nominal. Burl, y was quies and uiichaiiircd. Barley malt wm neglected und nominal. LUONixs. ? ilie market was quiet, with a lair jooDing demand, at unchuiiued prices. Wo q otoUoine .UO cloth, 13c.; Borneo, Uouripore, 13c.; culcutia, J *o. ? ' liicur'sab Ju'tx. ?Too market forjntebutta wasquiot Slid .steady, with a moderate demaiu, Slid prices were wi'.lioui change. Hemp was quiet and uo'Oinallvun chaiiue'l. We quote ;?Amencau, dres.-ed, oer ton. ?wia S335 for noubie; $340 a S-tft lor single; Mnsila hemp, 4c. a 8'ic.. gold, per lb., the .alter lor choice, Russia, clean, s. S3-'5 s S33J.go:d; Italian. $365. gold; iuU*. 4c. ii fi',c. Jute butts quoted at 2%c. a 3 16-ltic., currency, fiisul hemp. 5JgC.. gold. T)l. ltiDBS.? ibe nittrki t was moderately acd?. The sales were3,00.1 Montcvldeos at 31c.. 5.135 < ontrai Americans. 830 Mutainoros and 75 Tuspans on priiate terms. Receipts tor the week werei?3,019 .roin Idver pool (Buenos Ayrcsi, per Uriu; 19.017 iroin Montevideo, per Mathilda: 6,168 from i enirsl America, per Colon. 'j 596 from do., per H. Cbaunoey ; 7,9ab from Savantlla. per Clsribel; 48o from Lugnayra, perBiehe: 1,630 irom fiingapore. per Verona; 3 846 Iroin Mrasos, P"r 14 Kanycr; J,1.0 from Calveston, per George W. tdyda, l,o3b trom indiaiuila, per M aslifiigion; 5.030 Irom Ne w (irleans. per Hudaon:'38ocoasiwise. ',69,97e bides anil 75 bales Calcutta cow and 71 buiralo. par G enco'se. hio,-k on hand:?34.6 0 dry Hu nos Avres, Kutra Kma. Ac.; 68,600 do. Montevideo: 54>?J do. Klo Grande: 19,600 do Central American; 13.200 do. Bogota; UtJtJdo. 1 herto Cabello; 3.9O0 do. African; 700 do. West India; t>,4l? do. Tamplcoi 200 do. iruxiiio; 2o,mj) do. Mexi can: lo.isio do. Texas, Wostern anl fiouthi.rn, 4,900 wet suited Texas. Western and Southern,, 238 450 hides and 171 bales Calcutta cow, l.lMfdo. do. buf falo. fiuuie time last year, 69,5.10 bides and 8U2 Caicuitu cow and buffalo We quote:?Buenos A*rcs. 25 lbs. a 38 lbs., 32c. a 23c. j do., 30 lbs. a 3o lbs, -Il*c.; Montevideo, ibs. s 3l.'j lbs. lie. a 314,0. ; t orriemes, 21 lbs. a 33 los, 3cc.; Rio i.iande, 30 lbs. a .2 lbs . 3Lc. a 21c.; Orinoco, 21 lbs a 23 lbs , 21e.a 2l>1Pc.; i alitornia, ti lbs. a '13 lbs., tic. i Central American, 13 lbs a -libs., 19c ; .San Juau, 32 lbs a 24 lbs., 18c. Matamoros, 33 lbs a 24 lbs, 14c. a 19c : Vera Cruz, 14 lbs a 19 lbs, lbc. ? 17c. ; Tamplco, 20 lbs. a 21>j, lbs., 17c.; Bogota, 13 lbs a 20 lbs, 17c. a 19c.; Marucuibo. 20 lbs a 23 lbs. 16c.. Bantu. 21 lbs. a 2.' lbs, 16c., Puerto cabello and La Kiiayra. 30 it s. u -3 lbs., Isc. a 19c.; Caracas, 301 bs a J lbs., i/c. a 18c.; Puyta.32 1b-. a 2< lbs I.e. ; Msal 20 lbs a 32 lbs. I4'ac.; I'auipcachy. 30 lbs a 33 lbs, 16c. a i7c.; lo basco. 30 lbs. a 31 .lis. 17c., Raid, selected. i.axTiis? . be demand was firm Iroui ooih exp Tiers and inuuu.aciurers' demand. Tbe market was dud and prices were without quotable changes, we uuole:? Hiumui Ayra. Cnh, ,ri ia. Orinoco. <-r. Light 2Ce. a 27 25Ctc. a 26c. 25n a 3 .>aC Mnfdie 27'jC. a 290. 27c. a - 36 ,c. a 37o. tieavy 27'jO. a 29c. 2.a a -.H".* ^i0 Good damaged 34>jc. a 25'^C. 33 g0. 0 .3 C. ..'i:. ? -4c Poor uaiuuged. ? a? . ? ? Crop.?S-aughter?Light bscii. 34c. a 36c.. middle backs. So'.c. a 3.ic.: lignc crop, 32c. n3lc.: middle crop, Ml. a :v6c.: heavy crop, 33c. a 3Pc. Texas?Light crop, 31c. a 32c.; uud.lie as I over crop. 34c. a 4o. Rouen hciniock.. 2<c. a 24c ; rough oak, '3ac. a 30c.: be.lies 14c. * MoLassm ?The market was dull. We quote:?Cuba, j centr.lugsl and mixed. !0o. a 33c.;; do , c;sye.l,doc. a 3sc.; do . muscovado, red in 35c. a 34,- ; do., da, grocery, 34c. a 43?-.; I'orio Kico, 35c a 38c.; English Lsiauds. 4cc. a lie.; New Orleans. 65c. u 74c. .... Navai. hTonas. ? lbe market for spirits turpentine was uuiet. Ho-in was firm, with a lair Inquiry, lar was s.ejdy. who a lair lobbing trado at lull prices We qu,iic :?spirit* turpenuueVStljC. a Me.; strained f"""1 $i 7j a >i 80. 0 iliniugiou tar, 53 37kxl Wasniuglou do., ; lux ?Linseed was quitt and unchanged Lard was j dull and weak. Lotion *eed was quiet and uomluaL i Oiive was cull and unchanged Rod was inacme. Menhaden was in lair demand at lull prices crude Whale wis quiet and prices were uu< hanged, crude ?'lerm wasstc idy. Palm was moderately actire. Wo quote: ?Obve, Marseilles, quarts. ?4 35 a $4 49; do 1,1 Mail SI l-> a Si 2D; pabii. Sc. a 8'uc.; liu seed, citv ica-ka so l bhis), 64c a 65e. i whale crude. Nortlieru, tfic. ^ fcotiblHjro, 59c. a tiUc.. ?u., ( uu oe winter, 70.-. a 7ic. do . bleached win'er, 73o. a 77c ; do", bleached spring. 70-. a 72c.; do., unb esc ie-1 ?iiring 6sc a 7Uc.: sperm, crude, 91 65; do., winter, un- ; til aeii'id. Si 95; do do. bieacned. *2; do., bisached. xoiiiig Si 95; d?x, untileached, spring, SI M, raeuhaden. i "Tun": 37c. s .14c. ; lard, prime winter, ?1 lo; .nx, hpring and" u in me r. ?l 194 a ?l 6; red. Western distilled telsnie). | ^ ; do.. asiK nibcd, 7.IC. s 75c.; cottonseed, crude. 55c. a 6oc. t do ? fioutbern yedow, ?0c s do . yellow end w hile w uter, 7t)c s 75c.; neatsfoet, Sw. a $1 39, Bank. 41C. a 42c.; fitrsits. 43c. a 4lc,; natural lubricating. -8 a JU "'peikolsi-"^ lbe market was firm and elosed at lV*e-. s 13c. lor re tine I. delivery eary in July, lbe sale, were j bi,0J0 bills, retlued at l.\c. lor dellvcrlea up to Ju.y 15, and o b o b'lls. -oi l at Philadelphia ii l.-.c. tor July K>. t 'rude in bulx was quoted at fi.'^c. .or prompt and moiuli, 6k": tor July; uo tn bbls. ?Vc. for prompt and month, i 9-.c lor July; refined, siauuard white, l-y?e. a 1-Vc. for i.r. nipt ai d inonlh. I2*ic. lor July 15 P 3r2.'4%J!f prompt and ino?tb, 85?o tor July; cases, fsc. sine. Phil ad,ill,ilia was stency anl quoted at Ui*e. tor prompt and month it1.- a 1 *iX, lor July. Baltimore was quoted at I2>,c. 'ior prompt and mouth Titusville quwt; qanted ai SI 2K a 51 33V D'l c'tT firm ?t *' 4.1' Kousevlbe dull an3 neglected "boot $1 A lldiontj dub; sib-i, tiee on board. ?l 3-V Parker a qnl't and ?tub - little disposition to operate. sm?li orders tor ship ments si 2'i. lor I nitel at there were small orders at SI "-V. but iitlle offering. _ pKovi-iocs -rtr eipis-Pora. pacRSfw; Beef. M d i ut meat 224 do lard. 64 do. I he receipts for the weiik were-P-rk. 5.W pseksges; ?>eei. ?6do.; cut ineaq 2 077 do : lard ? 4 ib>. and .25 packages. .The pork market was excited and decidedly higher both forloiS . en tue spot and forward delirery. Ihe sa es war. aiiout 6.5)0 bbls.. at 919 5' a $ 9 16 lor Augnst. $19 75 a si.i si .or .-cDteiaber, and ?(>) bbls. new mesa at $19 i5 a S i. Beef bauia were neglected and nominal st tormer prices Keel was quiet and nominal. We quote:? i Barrels, pla.n mess. t? a $10; d o extra ??=?? $'If p vket beei. $1$; tieroea. city extra India iness, $-7 a itliS. India mess, $19 a $20: prime mem, ? $a$'$. Bacon was quiet, Willi aa.esot 50 box-* long clear at < ul ms itft werr flrni; 6 0 Ifcfh h*m>* io!?l ?l iSo. an 1 ? lot of lid les at ll'.c. the sales were 59' o bbls. trr?h jM lji?* ?} IH - u0 pteies belbes at ll*xC?.-"I boxes clean bellies at 1.6:., 500 pickled shoulders at 10c., 1,500 f****1 hatb*4 ?' 1 1 c. and pickled shooidere at 9?,-. Lara was firmer: sabs of a boat J.-V0 ti-rcea at 14 $16-. a l-'.c. lor Au ?usl I3??c. a U ,c for July and 13!,-. mr nepwrnhnr. h.Ta qmet am! unchanged. bale of 2'0 baqs Raneo >n at $2 70 in bond. ? e qnou-:-f'arn ins. Bfjod, 7' - a < Kc. ? do. prime. 7?9c. s *c.; do., choice, 4 ,c. a XT/.'. Loai.iana.7la* a 7>,c. for (air to prune, and coin ST,u,qnfSiw??wn to ; Kangoou. i?,c. enrreucys Katna. 7c. a 7lsc., currency; Rangoon, lu bond, $. 75 a * ? "u?r ?The market for raw was nominal at 8< e. a 6J - tor lair to good raBntng. Sales O' 67 bhds. lair and lairretlniog at 8V . ?? hhda Ulr d i al. ?e and 4 uoo bbis. molasses sugar, lor refining, at ?.4l. a 4 sc. The market for refined was sacha.iged^bat hard* were exported to a considerable extent We qiJote. t ubs?KeOniiiEw h?ffri?r lo commun, a i/?c.. no., 0o .*.ilr lo g<fiid fair. ? cpr-^3? ft 8^?c.; grocery, fair to gooa, ffto l?i?, prune tocliolce. 8Jtc a ?c^.: centniugaU h 8 to 13 4Ve. a 9'-,c.-. nmlssees, bhds. and boxes. ...a 7' e ? uieladu c a b'-c. i claybd, boxes, Hut-Ii standard, i{? t Kc m te.; do., 10 to ISJ?e. a 85.R ; a-x i3 to , 15 9c. a SK- ; do., 16 to 1", 9\c. a . do., 19 to bj. IP4.,- a 10*.-.; do., white, f^r a HP*-. Porto Rlro? l-e flniug.-ommod to prime. ,-,c a 8'?e-i grocery, talr lo choice. 8 .C. a 9c. Mraail-liuich standard, Nov ? to 11, 7>.cafi'?c. Java-Uuich aianuard. Nos. 10 to 12. 8.1,c. a ?a Manda?-ni erior and extra superior. 7 .c. a "c-. , standard a, 10'bc.; do.-rushed lP*a ; powdeied^ll ,c. a 11 ; *r*nu?fttrd, Ij'iCsj yeslow, 8c. ft rftv* ?ni? waaduUftl 15c. ft I5\$c. for We mem; l^c. ft 'Vi'mw 'was easy. We note sal*, of MVhOObblf. prime at g'.c . and l5.*f>do. assorted at 81*-. a 8 ?c. wVk"m.2ft "?^rd^r.'h'.U'iK:.etir. and firm mi?.r*Yo I'i^ViTo^Tb^ste'am. (kit "'ales*cotmn'at 9-33c: | ? NUsL per lb. the charu-rs were -An Atrntnaa bark hence to fork tof orderg, with 5,t*? uiikrWs iraifl, ftt 3*^** tf Uiroct i>orL -*** tVirk bene# to Prn?rU? Roftdt for nHfin with iano da da at 3- f*l . off It direct port. Another hen-e lu Briatol direct, with 4.'i? da at 5*. tel. x iTrrmau bark now at Helaware Breakwater), hence o. <- ,r^t,.r orders with l.'M'ito. do. at lb tla: sn aus ?rlan bark' hence to fork tor order., with !.??? do do ? ci a Norwegian bri*. tien-? to llayre > r "am i,or. with 2.000 bios naphtha at 4a #d. a vnrwrgi is brig!'hence toMavrb or Antwern wtth 1,9 0 bbls. do at ?s it A French bark, hence to llavre. with 2,8 2) bbi?. rruoe petroleum at fa An American brig, hence to At gfen wr MatagaTwith 9.0.W cases retine* peW-d-nm trat 1? t known A? American brig, h-n-e to and back, with a general cargo at a lump sum net ripened. DOMESTIC M Alt RETS. <;?! i> *toi?. June if, 1575. Cotrnn dull and nominal; middling. lav, low- mi l dlini, H'? Net receipt*. *> hairs. groan, 71. i m orra?'lo (treat Britain, l,9ta, coiulwtse, 2iu Bale*, l i. .-took. U.UiS. ? _ , Nfw Ott.KA.v*. June in, in,*, Cotton (Irm; m i. 1 d 1 i ^ r. I?, Nei re, eipt*. 198 halea: 1 f ri?i 2S4. t.xporia to trance, 2,515. Bales, l,5UUl Block, 6o 374, Monti.K Jnoe 19,1875 I Cot'on ateadr : middling. Ittfr.; low middling u',< ; gaod ordinary, 13 ,c. Net receipt*. 18 bale* Jtxport* coaatwi*-, a&x Bales, 340. Block. J.*a Ntfiiaatn. Jnne 19 1875. Cotton nominal: middling. lf'tc.; low middling, ll?,c.; goed ordinary, He. Nut rescipw, 115 tale a Bales, lie Block, S.MJ2. _ , Cmat.raTO*, June 19. bi Cotton ateadr; middling, !?'*.; low mi nima it vi : g, o i ordinary, lac. Nat raccipu, M bale*. Bales, 60. oloufc, 7,687. _ _ Wii.wiiRto-r.Jnne 19, 1875 Pnirltaoftnrnentine quiet at i?,<. Bruin quiet and nominal, SI M lor it rained. Crude turp-niine aleady at |i 2i lor hsr i . 10 ioi jailow uip; S-t ?0 lor virgin. Tar aioady at Sl7k ? , ? Oxwitoo. tune 19, 1875. Flonr utesdr, nnohanred ? aale.i nt I.DM bbl*. Wheat ?teady; sales ol extra white Mich Kan at 6138; No I Milwaukee i lur, hi *i 17 ( urn unchanged. Comment? S33 mi bo!to < a?d 937 fur unbolted per lua. Mi.l.aeu uu changed. ('anil lYeftu'itK?Wheat. Bj?c.: corn and rye. 5c.; ? its, SV-, to MewV'1*! lumber 82.0 to tlia Ilud aoiu I site receipts?Wliiyst, 10,fn ini-heit., corn. 5.2,4) do ; 98t,M0 (eel o\ winter. Caual ablpiiicuig?/iil.bOb ie?t of lumber. ilurrsLO, June 19, 1875. Receipt! by lake?Flour, J.SU0 fHklg.t wheat, I'ii.dJO bushel*; corn 7i/,UU0 do.; out a. 41, (KRI (lo. Receipts br rail? Flour, 5,;mo barrels; wheat, 11,000 bushels; corn, 13,000 do.; oat*. 10,"(M do. -lupnieiits by rail?Flour, ft.'.0)l.ll< ; wheat. 39.0X1 bushels; corn, IM.OOlldu.; oars 18,500 do. Huipiucui* by cnual to tide water?Wheat, 08.000 bushel-; corn, 33,00* do.; oats, 15.0UO do. lo in terior poiuu?Wheat, 8,0 0 bushels. Canal irelghis? Wheat, 7c.: Corn, 6 ^c.; oats. 4'?o., to New VorK, toll* in cluded. Atlont to tidewater irem Buffalo and Quweuo - Wiieat, 1,44a ia11 bushels: corn, 427.0.0 do ; outs, 146.700 do.; rye, '6,7)0 do. Klour quiet and unchanged. Wheat dull and flrm ; sales ot 10,(00 bushels Minnesota. at$l 1?: 83,009do. Port Washington, at $1 13. Corn quiet; sales ol 1G,(4W bu-hels No. 2 mixed Western. atT.'Lc. a 75V'. Oats held at 8t?e. a87c. Rye and barley,none here. Fori, lard and bigbwines without ebaugc. Toi.kdo, June 19, 1871 ? Klonr flrm and in (air demand. W heal a shade better, closing linn; No 2 white Wabash, $128%; ho. 1 white Michigan, (1 '76'?: extra do., $1 28; amlier Micnigau, Spot,Si 24%; August,SI 25% a SI 25V Ooru in lair di'iiiaua aud iirm , nigh mixed, spot, 7(0.; July,71 Vo.; August,76c.: low mixed, 7t%o.; damaged, 61c. oats quiet anu steady; No. 2, 69%c.: Michigan, 59e. Freights more ac tive; Wlc-ut?to Huffalo, 2,C,c ; to Oswego, 5c. Receipts? Wheat, 18,(8 HI hushes; corn, -4.00U do. ; oats, 24.000 Uo. Mmpments?Flour, 2HOD bhla., wheat, 6J,tlou bushels. corn, 40,(Wo do. ; oats, 31,1.00 do, rmrxao June 19, 1873. Floor dull and unchanged. Wheat scliye and higher: No. 1 spring. $1 02 a SI 03; No. 2do., 9S'4c , ?P?A; 9?%c., duly ; $1 00,',,. August; No. 3 do., 94%0-a 96c.; rejected, 8iic. Corn In (air demand ana higher,- No. 2 mixed, ti'J-fic., spot; 70c. bid July; 78)?c. bid Autrusti rejected, 6ft%o. Ouis steady; No. 2, 88>ic.. spot; ftft%c. a 56c.. July; 4umo. a 40j$c.. August, K*u dull nominally Oic. Barley dull and unchanged Fork advanced, in fair demand, at $19 a SI!) 10, spot; 819 20, August; SI9 10, September, active and higher at $13 20. spot . $13 55 a 313 AJ August; $13 f/% a SIS 60, September. Hull meats sua ty. Whiskey dull and uncliange l. Receipts??lour, l.OHJ bhla.; wheat, 88 000 bustle la ? corn, 99.000 do. toils, 45.00J uo.: barley, 1,000 do. bhiDtnents? Flour, 6,060 bbis, 1 viheat, 100,1.1*) bushels; corn. 13,0iH) do.; oats, 14,000ilo. At the afternoon call ol the Board wheat uus easier at 99 V-. Ju!v; $1 uu ?<\. August. Corn, 7li,44<J., July. oats easy at ft '?> a 6s\c.. cash; ftSLo.. July, rurk, $18 9j;a $1J, July; $1920, August lard, $13 M a $1335, August PRINT CLOTHS MARK.ET, Pkotipesc*. K. I.. June 20, 1873 The printing ctoths market was inactive during the p -t v. ?s, wen unusually light silug, on a Oasis ol j>,c. a SVc. lor standard an extra 01x64. FIXAJfCUb. A -JOHN illOKi.lNO A CO.. BANKERS AND BllO . Kcrs, 7- llroa ivvay, New VorK. Stock privileges one to mo per ceut distance from market orders ey.cutUd lor stocks and stock I'riv ileges by mail and telegraph. Collections inadu und money luvesied, Femes wishing lo learn the operations ol blook Privilege a should call or write lor 72 page boo*. *f M KN AND IDIOMS UK WALL STRl'.ET. f t> T KENT l .Kh TU ANY ADDRESS. T John HlL'KliiNU A CU.. 72 Broadway, New York. I Stock Privileges, ^ ?t best rates in market, on members of New York Stork Kxoliuntrn: operation' made against approve t contract* or on moderate marking; orders promptly attended to by man or wire , nook on \t all street sent true. TUMUklDUr, * Oj., No. zUall street. New York, Haulers and Broker* Any amount loaned on bondard mortqa :b on prtmo New York and Urooklyu Real rstat"; klortitaars cashed; 110 bonus, and lowest rates. Offices It i'iuu street and 35 East .-.liventeenih street. V. K. kTc,VKN8i.>N. Jr. ALL PARTIES OPPOSED TO THE prksknt KI NO ink scheme of the West Wisconsin Railroad Com pany and wisb'iig to protect tneir Interests, will plca>o tend their address. with amo tut ot bonds hold, to B. A send their address. with amoitut c E., box 2.773 New York Post office. * T REASONABLE HA I E i?MONEY ON LIFE AN!) J\ Kudo s meat insurance Policies Mortsaires an I other securities. Insuran ??) <>f ull kinds effected with best companies. J. J. HAiiRIOH A Ca, 117 Broidwiy * NY A"or NT PROM 8L8U0 TO 18.1,0)) TO LOAN ?\ on Improved aid unimproved Ileal Estate in tut* cite or Brooklyn, lar term ot te ns, without bonus VviLi.I v.'d K. LKAT1TT. do Broadway. A NO. L?JOHNSON BROS., 1(0 BROADWAY. HAVE J\ Estate Funds to loan on bond and mortiraite ; will cm-n leasehold anil secoud moi tgagea, Now York, Brook tyu and Wostchesier. Bank blanks, blips bills. erchota, note Heading* and every kind ot Prlatina, stillable tor banks, bankers, brokers and financial couipamot promptly laruishn J, at tlic Mi'. FRO Pi iLlt aN Pill.* TiNU ESTABLiSUMi'.N I'. No. -IS broadariiy. _ I)R00aLYN CITY S YEN per CENT HONDA > lu.rAHT*. .r or Fisssea, 1 OoarrnoLt.nit's Orrrat Citv Hall. ,? BkOOKLt k, .lane 16, IV75. 1 Fnaled t rop ?als, in.I rs-1 "rroposals for boa Is," will be receive 1 at tin I oittc- unlit Monday ?th lint, nt 13 o'cioc^ II., lor tnc pure >? se of ttio w nolc or any part of iSjO.tUI Brook'vn cltv seven per cent Bonds, payable three years trubi il t,e. S. S. PoWwI.U Comptroller B UsINEbo PAPE.t WANTED? For caslt. Mnde by rcspoitaiPla Mei ban's. Mauuiuciurwra, Ac., kc. W ii. wr.Ew>, Banker. 178 Broalwav. I TOR BALE?I 0 SHARES STOCK IN THE INDIAN ola t int and Lun 1 Com unv, Texas, lot fl.tUOL 'J bis stork will be >sl I much b-iow its v. lue. Applv to i.1 K. 11AK KH, L'adiier i'ir>l National Bank, New York. I A I.WAYS Have money to loan on good N. w York city Mortgages mtliout bonus. Principal* desuani to BUstRoW cut iNTE -l apply to U. L. ORAN 1,144 Broadway. JOHN B. PI iROK, NO 8 PINK STREET, LOANS money without bonus en approved Real Ks'at'in New York, Brook vn and Wesutneater countv .also pur ch ises Murtgagis at lowest rat's. Money t.> loan? on first mortgages. with out iiotiu-, on econd Uaa hold utortaai <? c at easy teruia. OEO. W. Si AkK, 1 ai Broad *av, rooui A OFFICE op THE HANNIBAL AND ST. J 'SI.l'H Uauroad Company, 78 Broadway. N. n Yoac, Jun? 16. 1'75 Interest mata'inc Jnlv I. 1875. on bonds ot 'Iter m pany ; ?,.so on fSJMMRB Missouri -Istc s.x per i rnt b.-urt* ku -wit as Tilt' llauuibal and St. Joseph l-sue," win bo (nil no and aiier the lstda> ot luiv, I8."T. . n present s t on ot tbe proper coup >di, at the llau? of Nor.h Amer ica. JOHN p. acK Kit, Treaaurer. T)AR ri RS OOINO To THE COUNTRY EIIOUI L? 1 . EAVK 1II r 1 It DIRECllON AT I J) OFFICE OF THIt E.VR.MNO TKLttiRAM, NO. 3 ANN sTi.KKl, and HAVE a COPY or THE LA.Ni EDITION, Wl H ALL THE LATEST NEW-, SI 'T |o iM' APIUhXS IN THE UNITED STATES OR CANADA FoR FIFTY CENiS A MONTH, I'Hd PR.PAID. WANTED?SIV.WU, FOR THREE OR FIVE \l ARA ?T on a leasehold property in this do ; Improve* i.irnts nrst claas; worth ? ?>. 'Wl Addnaa BU.K....1 A lUMONaON. ID Broadway, ro.m 18. COPAAT.YKRMIIP8, N'OTICK IS II Rl.KY GlYKN lllAl IHKCOPA'tT nersh p lately ' \ls in betw.-en Wllllain ? u i.-ti bord and Charles ,i. i irc h. ?t >esv t ork city, nn b rtiiw llrm Dame ot MUhenbord .? I Irb )i wan oissolvcu, by inuviiai ou ent, uu the isth da> >? nv 1<75. V. M. ? i CB . n til!D Joxa 7. 1878. ? hAP.LES M. VLKlClt. XTEW FIRMS Wil l. FIND THE METROPOLITAN PRl.Nri.Nl) ESI A RI.I s II M I si No .IS Hroilt.r. an excellent place to hive ih? Printlns done with promptness, ura new ..n 1 . Uvapn.'-s. itTHIik AS OPPORTliHITiKM. k BPKCIAL OR ACTIVE PARTNER WANTED? ,'\ ssiih SRi.TOO; inauu a->.n i. s bu.sine'*; well eatab bshed: sod proOta; with a; ? onal . ap.tai bu-itie s can be nuAdruole i ai >1 proi'as pro| oruonateiy Addrea* INDCaiHY, box IN Herald offi e. AN OLD EST SBLI-HKI) rCBI.ISHINO RCSINF.mR tor sale? Owner desirlnc to rem' bouse h?- a most tnorouch Ottaniz.iu >n in eters depai tuirai, and pnrchuaer wlllanccesd to a ttouustiinf. proltisb e and ??asily iiianeRcd concern pries Aopty to OKIOOS A C Mtl.KT ON, W Bread way. \OKNTLBMAN WITH RKFKERNCR AND $..V1 Cash can ecu " a | out ion a id ail imt real io a *>><"t biisiBea*. a BO. D H AN KINS. Je West Twenty ninth st. Half inteebat for salk-in the flower and; Kus-uncn in ?ncce?slul operation; Imif lease, low rent, lli<i .???> '?> au ui rai t opportunity for a per-mi with $.0" m a-h it. make 87 'Mb u. W. ?' .ear profit a )ear; advertiser (tsing to Europe. ACdreaa rLORlST. lieral t t ptnwu Braoeh oBi e Y'OTICK.?FOR RALE OR FXriliNOR F"P. RF.Al. 11 E. tate, the liease, Uood Will and Fumttureel one ot the most centralis to s e,| Hrifls in this cltv: sn op I >rtnnity selduiu met wl'.ii, owner wcl, u desired, re tain ball mteoist av. N. OKIhWoLD'8 Real Katate Office, 7ft Brnadwsy. Partner wanted- fracticm rarer wiih 81,800 cash, in an e-tablisned bakery ,i dnr a food businrss and in ? nmplete w>' kiny or ler. Api it si W h i Ri t POL! 1 Ah BAKERY, I aw. I'll. * -tieet, J* all na ttan allle. _ uNARTIX s OOINO To the COUNTRY Mint ID J LEAVE I H KIR III! i.ION a I nlR oFMCd OF THE K> E.NINO 1 I I KORAN NO UNSHRnf, AND IUVE a COPY 'I IMF. I AM Fit! fl"N WI1II A I.I. THE I. A Ti I Nl.liS BE NT m ANY AOIIRKea IN I H R I ?I r KI? STATE'S i'H < is.ipy FUR FItlY CENTS A MoNlH. PoUT l'H PAID. rno JO WING MACHINE KlM'l At II P. r - A M ItR 1 turbine in one erch ? apt a! to aa?ot 111 pnslnng a irw improvement in tfteWneelerA * >l?en ws i%s iaa i nine. Andre ? box ' ? Post office. B: Ijep rt, t .. in 'ro piiilantuEiiPiB'f-t,- ihe advkrtisfft, a I voune man with small 'ami * is In need ef p> ? u niary.aid; will reiund pr. mpto . r-ifevs yn f. Au di ess, for iwo weeks, l/oPr., box 12; Herald ofli. e. Ur A NTl'I)? A RMAP.r ACTIVE RUMNESR MAN Tti in take tbe whole t,r p rt interest In a f?i paving end permanent business, win * . *- cam' i ol ?J um :o 0; no asenta urea apply. Adureaa U. tc B., icr a Id Brooklyn Bram-fl Offli r Roen -AN 1NTERR.-T IN AN FLEOANT RUuL ? ps).)!/, net?-- in Sara'o at laipaidlasla ?>t'ii *?. >0 net proll s. for 8' *i; a splendid ehatsc Ibr a Kecueuisn who want* to eon,bine bnsines, wi |, pleasure durinf the warmaeason. i all is r t ARLlOX, I.'l East 24tb ,?L a? "/wY to 8i.don cash- paeine.r WANTED, IN ipoUU a respeclAble and weil established bnsit.t wuere he ran realise a coodtmome appl) to i?Us i. At I NKY. Auctioneer, I". 1 entre atreet k'l ADA U.ASH WILL ADMIT A OKNII.fcRAN u liVs'v Into one ol the yrandest enterpris-a In the ( oonirv; n rnbatantlal, wall tried business, in which e tortnne is s ire, t i.a kk. as Wert t wenty stxih s reel. t!in RB8PON81BL* MANUFAOTrRINa tplU.UUU company, wish AidTKMeddiiitxisi eopitnl l>>r their tactory in a suburban town; an official p 'ti ll..n sstll be given a r-putstde and c> mpefent eon tribttlor. Prlnmpais on.v msi ndnresa inr psTUCWari ind reiereaceA DAYLloiIi', Herald uffiv*. floating hospital. The following additional con triout 10: s to tha building lunil of (he Floa'ing llospita. o( M. Johu'a Guild have been received through a. j. cortii. i neolcraon Broa ?ion m GeirichhCo ,0,0 i r u uilV>er u lMua C. B. Biburde Bros pft uo i Alias teuuishipCompany ail*) j George Mackeu/ie j 00 THROUGH JOHN 11. RKSR. ! T. N. Laurence an Of) : N. Dcntou Smith Mill aaruo Deuixe 10 DO ; TtlKOUUU ANU11KW W. LKGGAT. Kennedy, flutehiueou A uo , 21 01 ; Uaihouo, Robins A I'o ".HI liou. 1'. B. Pedilie. Newark, N J 2., uo ? THROUGH JKMRINS VAX SCUAICR. Gold ft 85 j Jeuaius Van Metis irk ' 5110 ??.?.. THROUGH WILLIAM H. WILLT. ; H. K. Tbnrber 2ft 00 ? A i 10'd) ! Mrs. Hope 5 U0 i THROUGH CifRR1.KS HKLL0W3. | Itenauld A Francois 10 UO j . 1UROUGH CHAKLM MUKAR, | Met proceed* of a hag of Texas ituur 3)75 t ? , THROUGH RKV. ACT AII WmWAI.L. i *fi*,nce ?'1,10 "Koa u Teatlmouial Fund," A. R. 1 ,."'ll}i;eyt lieasurer 2.10 00 H. K. 1.1 .Mm A Co 1U0,0 w 1 "" Va Wade 1? m Cash j up ' u? . TO T,IR OVVICB or THR TRKASC'RKR. i .c-..'u yo1 ? Proceeds of entertainment tie L ? .V? ?ouul Dramatic Assoc.atlou" at this 1 ;; M , O. G. Uoelin * iIJ0 ,,, James 1 umtniiigs ' V,, I a i.eauhy 1 hiij . j William K II m man !!!!!!!!.,.!!! 20 00 ! 5 "".III!!*.".!'!!!!! iooo H. K. Graves fji |m> ! Miss K ?'?! ! b v. O 21 U) j iloury KoHielly ' 5 00 I Little Children and tlieir Mammal!.!!!!!!!!!!!!! knu Grand toial $10,490 U5 ontrihutions arc earnestly solicited, slid may be seut to my ottloo. S3 Wall street WiiiLIAM H. GUtON. Treasurer Board of 'Trustees, THE CHILDREN'S FOLD. GRAY* CHATiGF. AGAINST THE INSTITUTION?A FATHER UNABLE TO FIND HIS CHILD. Mr. David C. Mcltrlde, who resides at No. 200 Second street, and who, for some time past has been an employe of Messrs. J. M. Davidson & Co., Nos. 381 and 386 Broadway, lurntshed the follow ing statcmeul to a Ilk bald representative last evening:? ?1B. M'BUIDE'S 8TORT. Between Jtwo and throe yeura ago. upon the death of my wile, I placed In what is known as "l'he Children's Fold," au Eulscopailan Institu tion for nail orphans, four of my children, subsequently three of them, because they did not tike the place and because thoy wanted to get to we, ran away from the Fold, leaving behind them a son of wine, who^e naaie is Robert McBriue. 1'urtiy irom information luruisued we bi reliable parues and partly Irom the fact mat none oi the ie,iers adilressed to my sou were ever answered, 1 was led ie believe one of two tilings, either that my sou was pre , vented irom cornmuuicauug w,th me or else that lie was not In the Fold at all. In consequence of I toese doubts 1 called upon Mr. Edward Cowley I I'resideut ol the institution, upon the im luar., j nod concealing from hiui certain rumors wnicii I had reacned wy ears concerning the boy, asked 1 where in.v son Robert was. "He rau away irom here," was Mr. Cowley's | response. "You aro sure of that?" I queried. "Of course 1 am," Mr. Cowley responded. "Air. Cowley," l said, "1 know toa; you took mv son Robert from the ?Chlldteu'a F fo.' put mm 011 a steamboat and sent him to Ncwbor.. R. E ; Dare you deny this t" j "VVuo told you that T" "Nevermind, air," was nty answer; "you did send htin tucre, and 1 kuow it. in the name 01 a I lather Idetnaud to know wnere tie ur" To this Cowley responded that he did not know w ost had become of tie child; that for nnght lie knew rhe boy might bo en route for Texas or soino I oilier State on board of a schooner, tie called tue : an uutelwble party, said I Had uo home and had lo business to lnieriere with tho doings 01 tno i'resideut of the "Fold." I have already given vou wy own name and addre-s; please call there | and see whether 1 have a good home or not. I have also given yon the namo of wy etnp.oyers. Call upon tbuiu aud ; Inquire concerning tny permual character. I have lost m.v boy. Mr. Cowiev will not red uie where he ts. He tirst assured me that the child had 1 tin away huo aiierward coaiossed that ue l ad sent hint to Newport. What shall I d,> or wtiitlter turn to ascertain the whcrcabouia of my oflspring? Mr. Met!ride is a gentleman of Intelligence and nd trcss, and every parent win recognize tne sad ne * 01 his story. It would be a strange thing la d*e 1 should tne "Fold" lor the protection of or , piwns turn out to no the medium of their eoauc tloa. THE DESERTED CHUBCH. WHAT THE GLKNDENNING SCANDAL FAS AC COMPLZBMKO?A MONUMENT IO POOR MALI PoUEROr. UteChurcnof the Scandal In Jersey ulty has nearly ceased to exist as a place or worship for members of tne Presbyterian persnaaion. A IIkrald reporter entered the church yesterday and saw Mr. Glcnilennlng preaching to flfry-two persons. Including the choir and organist and twelve children, a mere remnaut or the congrega tion. The good old pioneers of the faith wno laid tne foundation 01 the church organization were missing, ineyarenot content with remaining | aoaent, for a memorial to the Synod of the Pree I byteriaa churcn has been prepared, with a large number ot signatures, praying that tneir church may oe restored to the congregation by 1 tne removal of th? man wno they say has usurped tue pnlpit and "stands id Hie holy place w.thout [ ecclesiastical an'horuy." Even Mr. Oiendenmng lunasell (elt keenly the position in wruca he was piaced yesterday by tue desertion of the great bulk ot til* cougregatton. lie addressed thorn as 1 --1 ni< lltue rotUiitny gathcrri lure today," and 1 he discoursed on tho text, -My peace 1 leave ante you. wy peico I give aoto you." Tnat tne text was nain uny appropriate in one sense could not I a disputed. There was peace witnln the walla where his voice echoed, for tne scattered remnant 1 tnat chose to remain aad listen hae no Incentive ' to distraction. It was noticeable, too, that he did 1 ot preacn with his wonted eacrgy. Be laltcreJ w ncti he tried to be eloquent. , ibe anniversary of poor Mary Pemcroy's death 1 Is to be celebrated in a manner that will show ( how her memory is treasured by tie good ladies on Jcr'cy Ulty Heights. A committee, headed t?y the wife 01 ex-Mayor bawver, are collecting sub scriptions to raise a monument over the nn ui.trk- it grave of tne brokeu-neartrd girL This iconum^nt will be placed in its position on the anniversary or Miss Fomorov's death in tse month ?>i August. As the ladies certra to have tne credit of this undertaking, gentlemen will not be called on for coiurimiiiuDs. Toe entire amount win ue raWee during ibe present week. Ii ta also in tended to nave memorial services in the cvmetery when the tuountnent m raised. MA!tRlA?lKS AND DEATHS. MARRIED. Bands?Rtamet.?On Tnnrsday, Jnne 17, at the residence of tue bride's parents, a? the Kef. >ain Uftl 1'OOkf. ]>r. llKVRY H. f?MW to A IK'It B. Kkamky. danfchter ol Peter lUyden, Leq., ail wt New Yer*. i Taylor?Bate?.?On Thnrsday, June 17, IS7.V at the residence 01 tne bride "a parents, by ibe Her. 1 noma* Arnuuge. I). U.t w. beach Taylor, of Winona. III., 10 M. Apei.ia. daughter of Daniel buie-*, Esq., city of New York. DIED. Barm ?At Morrlsaiin. V Yon Friday. Jane ik, of Bright'* <11 ff*?e. juiauh U. bAa.Mii, la tno 16tn year <>r ni- ace. Kciauves ano mends are respectfully invited to attend tne lonerAl, treat me late reatdence, Mor nsama. on Tuesda*. June 2J. at half-past el-ven o'clock. Tram* leave Grand ten rat depot at lu: A. Carnages will be 10 waiting. HCUTIIOI v.? rtuddenlf. eu .-.turdav evening, June IB. Mis. KMIUHE E., wn.ow or James u. berinolf. I Keiauves and friends or th* family are re?pe t fuiiy invited to attend tbe lunerat services. 1 o a tne'residen^e or ber eon. vs hiton street. twtween l.arayeite street and ( ommcniiaw avnue, Jeraey , City, on M >mUv, Jiet mat., at Ave P. M. inter men 1 at Tarrriown on Tuesday Morning. net wan -on tne icti Inn.. at nfoneey, R?efc land county. N. Y., Mary a. Haree*. wkiow of tne late James Itrcwei, of tbe eny of New Yors, la trie Both year of her age. The rema.ns will ue taken to Tf.rrytnwn for interment, on Monday, gist. lbs itlativta and inemie are respect.niiy invited to aticau the funeral, at Tarry town about noon. Iirpihr.?On Friiiav. imn mat.. Sarah Cawf RKt.L, react of tbe late Ueoige UroUie, in the froth year of her ape. Friends of the Tamil* are resoeetmily invited to sttr.d rne inuerai. from the Wnetmiaeter I'reeov terlan chaten, 'Iwent t?second etreet, oeiwcen Sixth and seventh avenues, on Monday, 2lst likU, at 1*0 P. M. Western papers please copr. Karen At Greenwich, t onn.. Jane 19, Benjamin P. Rri an, in tbe 3#tn year oi bis age. Tne relatives and friend* are respectfully Invited to attend the funeral, at half-past one P. M., on Wedaesday. June 2.1, from hi* late residence, tnencn to ibe fecoad congregational caiucu at two P. M. i AiiV.?on Batnrday evening. Jnne 10, or rtlpb. tberia, John Francis, only son 01 John fl. and Anna vi. Gary, aged 2 years, 7 months and 14 davs. Ill* remains will be tasen from the residence of his parenia. No. 141 West Forty-sixth street, on 1 MouUay, Juu-j J I, at lia o'clock A. Jl? to Calvary t'dme'?rv 'nrin srni'int mdfrtende ol I mi- i.uutly are re pvct.ailj uiviied to a-ltftid the I fun"**;. ? ,,, caiiLiiwzi.L?On :-aUir<i?v, lurli Irak. it nia re idva.:e, 11 tail Twenty-iourth street. Ku? i NKZKK i ai i.kv* ki.i , in i he R4tb year <?i ins age. Relative* unit irtei'U aim invited to attend oj* funeral, fioin the iMvirr Bitpt ?t church. Twenty mi ll street, between Fifth and Flxin avenues, tin Tuesday, a2d mat., at one o'o ock 1'. M. CHILI'.?At the rrgldeuce ol lier eon. a' Stam ford, Conn., ou Kriclav, June 18, Alicx IiauTCuild, Widow oi the late Ana Child. Funeral service* at Norwien, Conu., on Mon day, June 21. at three o'ct < k Clakkndon'.?Brooklyn, June 17. ANIONL? eldest aou of the late Tlioniaa huh Margaret A. Claren don, aged 10 year* aud 8 mounts. Keluuvea auJ friends ol the family are inv.tod to attend tne lunt-rai, irom the re nleuce oi nw inoiher. 194 Hrookim avenue, Monday, alat inuu, at t' o o'clock KM. _ , CoiiNki.i..?On Saturday, the 19lh, Lkorjik i.kon, son ol L?r. C. 11. aud Alnlie J. Cornell, aged ? Kelanves and friends of the family are re;necfr funv invited to attend the itinera!, on Tuesday, ine aaa, at lour I*. M., from Modtson avenue, Jer key %Jiiy lieiizliltt. Ousack.?On Saturday, June 19, after a severe lllue-s, Terknck OrsACK, a native ol tee eouuif Cavan, Iteliitid, in the 4?tn year oi his nee. The relative* sua Irienus are rcspectiuliy in vited to utieud lite funeral, Irout hia late resi dence, 1,812 second avenue, uu Tuesday morning, at nine o'clock. His remains will be taken to ttie Church of Mt. Lawrence, wheie a solemn btgn mass will ue cele rated lor the repose ol bis soul; froin tnence to Calvary cemetery for interment citisick.?(Jo Jnne-JO, Ann cusick, wlie of Joha 's.'e^will be burled from the Roosevelt Hospital on Monday. June 21, at one o'clock. Pkvok.?On Saturday. July 19, at 'he r pidenc? ol her aaugmer, 3u Barrow street, IIksi-bb Ubvob, in uer 85m vear. " . The relative* and friends of the family arc ro Bpectfn'ly Invited to uttenu the funeral, mm tne Meuiodint church. ;.t Tnckahoe, Westchester county, N. 1.. o i donduy, June 21, at one o cloca 1*. &l. Train leaves urand Central depot at 11.'40 A. M Dowlino.?On Saturday. June 19, o' pneumonia. Annik. the beioved wile oi Junes liowliug, duught?r of Michael and Catnurlne couroy, MountuieillcK, Queen's county, Ireland The frienoa oi tho lumiiv arc respectfully in vited to attenu the lunerul, irom the resrd uco ol ner lather, No. 843 sixth avenue, on luesday, June 22, at two o'clock P. M. Fa'U- ?on Friday eveuuiz, 18'h lust., at hia residence in Burlington, N. J., SASUtL W. Haul, Hsq., in Bis 77th year. Kt>kiihkiii ml .?Suddenly, on Satnrdav morning, Isaac Kukuhkimkk, E q. Funeral takes place on Monday morning, at 1ten o'clock, irom nu late resilience, No. 335 west Thirty first street. Relatives and friends are re spectiuliy invite I, as also members of Templar Lodge, No. 203. F. and A. M. Mn hoTick.?T?c members of the Hebrew mb tual Benefit Society are hereby notified tnat tne funeral of Isaac Ederhe.mer will take place ironn his late re.-ldence. 335 West Thirty-flrst street, turn (Monday) murnlng. at ten o'clock. A. ?. V.V.N PK.vAG, President. FucnuR.?In Brooklyn, on FUbdav. June id, IIENBV FisctlKK, of the ttrm oi Fischer A Keller, itt tue ?3d year of nis age. Notice oi the luncral hereafter. Giu-o.v On Fuudav, Juuc 20, Robert MOLafb Lt- d (iiusoN, azed 29 years. Funeral on w ednesday, at two P. M.. from the residence of his parents, No. 223 V\e*t iwouty fourth street. Bos on una Hartford papers please copy. (iKKY.?la Newark, N. J-. on Saturday, Jane 18, Owkn Ukky, of Mouuguun, county Muiraahun, Ireland, in the 74tn year 01 his age. ibe relatives and iricnisoi tne family are In vited to attend tne funeral, Horn ?t. James' Catholic cUurcu, on Tuesday morning. June 22, a* " tiCM'LACk.?In Brooklyn, K. !?.. Jnne 29. of nasty con -tint,>,ion, at toe re-idence 01 ins pareuts. 718 Tius.ilng avenue, EttNAsr Glndi.ack, aged 2T tears and 6 months. Friend*, ulso the members of Progressive Lodge. No. 21, Knights of Pvtuias, urc respectfully Invited to attend tue funeral, at two o'clock, on Tuesday, June 22. Newark (*. J.) papers please copy. 11 anlon.?'in ounuay, June 20. catiikrinr n ad i.on. widow 01 Micnael llamcn, lu tne botu year 01 ner age. Tne relatives and friends or the tsindr. sua those of her son, Jonn F. llanlnn, are laspectfuiiy luvifd to attend the funeral, irom her rnte resi dence. 34o West l tvctity-fl.tu street, on Tuesday, June 22, at two o'clock P. M. Hakt.?in Brooklyn, on Saturday, June 18, U01.BUT n. II a it 1, aged so years. Ine friends of the family are invited to attend the funeral, from nislato residence. 4llo Willo ign by svenu ?, on Monday, 21st inst., at two o'clock iled Rank (Moainouih) pai?ers please copy. Uayt.?At Patterson, Pumam c uinty, N. T., o? Friday, Juue 18, J auks 1C Uatt. in tue 77ttt year of his aire. _ ., ' The f lends of tho ismlly are respeetfnllT in vited to attend ine funeral, irotn his late res* 1 ence, on Monday, the 2Ht insr., at two o'cieck P.M. Tratu leaves Grand t'cutral depot at8:JQ A. M., reinrulng sam -evening. HoLUKNBT.-on Sunday, the 20'.h inst., Jrssi^ only endd ?t Ktcuard aud Alice Uoldeuby, aged U months. ... . _ - Relatives and frt->nd? of the famllv are invlreA to attend the funeral, from the residence o: her parents. No. 223 Fourth street, Jersey Cur, wtta out further notice. Saturday eventng, June 18. Fakah mophiirailixo, In tne 78tD year of her age. Funeral servb-es on Toeaday aiterneon. at tw? o'clock, from tne residence of hor son-in-law, W alter M. (longer, 39i Ulgn street, Newark, N. J. jACkSoN on Friday, Jnne 18, after a aiiort ill ness, ANUK8W W. Jackson, aou of Mrs. A. M. Jack AOU* _ Dearest Andrew, thou tu?t lelt ua, And thy mas we deeply icel; Cut 'us God woo haet bereft us, lie can all our sorrows neal. Notice of lunerul hereafter. Jack-on.?In Ming btng, on Saturday, June J jus M- Jackson, in the year of bis age. The relatirea and Mends ot too family are r? que->ted 10 attend the inoeral, on Tacsday, Juuw tL from Trinity churcn, at ten A. M. Masouiw burial at White Flam* Cemetery, at two o'clock 1 KKLLar.-On Friday, the 18th In at., at Corona Taik, L. L. fATr.UK K.EI.LKT, a Battve of the par is 11 of Kiliukm.county ttea'.ineutU. Ireland, lancrai to take place Monday, tue 21st, at ona 4 KirTLKd an.?On Fnnday morn'ne, Jnne 20. at baii-)>aat tweiyc o'clock, \ alkntink kkntiUAS, In the 4Sih year of his age. Notice ol tue funeral hereafter. LaUUK-Ob Frluay. June 1*. of ararlet faver. CtlARLKS IloSART La-KLLU. yOBngft Child <?f btepnen and Pntbe J. Laselie, aged 3yeara and 10 " look.?On Saturday, Jnne 19, Mrs. Naram Iookr. widow 01 ue late Capum l'rceb>rn Looka, "'ue stives and frlenda arthe fknitlv ure invited ta attend the fuucral aervicea. at ner late res dcuca. No. 163 West Forty-fOa 1 ta street, on Tuesday, June 22. at two o'clock P. M. LoRhN/.a?oa smu.iay, June 20, Cvtwartni. h8" l >ved will oi NacLuUi iaorcu/.o, in lix* o' "Velstivea and friends are reapectfuliy tnnted ta attend the fuuoral, iroaa ner Uie residence, No. i < Mi>nr-e stree^ on Tuesday, Juno 21, at m 110 o'c ock A. M.; thenco to Ft. Teresa'a charcn. cor ner of Horry aod Rutgers streeio, where a aolstua riasa ol requiem will 00 oflered t?r too repose ol ner sonl; tnence to Calvary Cetaeterv. MrCouoi.?da Naturday, June 19, 18,4, Jiaaa McOdllom. in tho 22U yoar of his age. rno fnnera. wui i*ro place Monday. Jnae 21. at one T. M.. iroui kls late residence, 04.? Hudson Mreet The relatives anil friends of tna family ara rc-pectfniiy invited to attend. MctxiNNsi.u?<?a Rnodoy. Juno 20, Alkandim Roo? mcConnblu Ibrmoriy of Carrjgana, county fy roue, Ireland, ta the 2dta year of his age. Relatives and trienda 0/ mo family, also af bla brothers. William sad Pawl, are Invited to et icnd^ tbt tana'aT irom his .ate re.tdeace 404 We.e Twenty-flfi h street, on Monday, June 21, at two kiktMUk?On Satnrdav, Job# 19, after a lin gering illness, 1 Roman J. MoMaNUS, eecuBd eldonl sou of Mr. ann Mrs. cearies McManua. The relatives and friends of the faintly, hiho ol hi* brothers, Howard, Caariea John and ?'?"J?8' art invited to atiand tn# funeral, from hia lata rcMdence. 274 Baat Broadway, at uine o'ciock oa lues lay inorniaf, tnence to Ft. Mary a ctiarcti. corner of Grand and Ridge atreots. waere a soleind reqaietn mass w til be ceieoraied, tbonoo to Oal vtry Petnetei7 for interment. v'r.-i.?At aer reaidence. 21 Irving place, oa Saturday. June 19. Mrs. Lot'tSa K. Na.-L Notice oi funeral hereafter. ... F andsll??oddonly. on Fridav. Jnne 18. Joaw Tl. Ranhbll, yanagaat son ol John sickle*, aud Liixa t hud Kandeii, aged 31 jears. Funeral :rom the residence of bis parents, Clos ter. N. J., Monday, tut, at two P. M. carriages wnl meet the 8:90 end 12:30 trains froiii Chambers atreet and Twent?-third street at 9:15 and 12:lfk S t w T rr. ?ua Fund ay. June 2d, M ah y a. Daw y kr, wife of William !-awyer. aged 62 years. t uneral aerTlces, irom the reildenco of her bro her lu-law, J. C. Hulse, 113d etrcei. between laird and Wiiha aveuueA North New York, oa Tu*s<iav. 22d tnst., at eleven o'clock A. M. Mu.r.inoN ? oa .Saturday, Juue 19, Bhiuckt Sa ck Raon, aged 3* years. The innerai will take place from her late resi de n re. No. 130 Mot atreet, on Monday, Uie 2l*t lust at ten o'clock A. M . thence to Ft. Patrick's cathedral, where a solemn high rou-s will be said lor tne tcpuse cl ber eoai. May it real tn pcaoe. A f'"hbs.?On Scnday. June 20, Raacci. N. STraaa, la tne 72d tear of bis tje The funeral will take plaee from bis late resi dence, 319 We-t Eleventh atreet, oa rased a v. Juoe 22. at two o'clock P. M. FrienUs are turitel to attend. Noriolk (Ta.) papers pleaae copy. laviOR.?On -aiuiday, June 19, in the 2Mt v?a? at liia age, joskph k. Tavtor, only caild ol tue late George U and 11. Liza's Tayior. Tfo relatives aud frienoa of the family, and tuoee of nu graudiarber, Waseiaan II. Dttcman. are re spectfully invited to at.end the funeral, on Tnee dav, the 23d Hint., at three P. M., from *** Lexington aveone. Watson.?At Ituther'nrd Far* N. a., ?B.Tin<; Jnne 20, Uracb RonBTBt.T, daughter of tne ia.w Harriet Van Nea# and John Y. Uutciresa connty, and wne <?f Fauiucl ? a .2 ju. Nvtice 0. fuaeial bcruaiter.