Newspaper Page Text
THE NEW YORK HERALD. WHOLE NO. 14,183. NEW YORK, TUESDAY, JUNE 22, 1875.-TRIPLE SHEET. PRICE FOUR CENTS. DIRECTORY FOR ADVERTISERS. AMUSEMENTS? Xiktii Page?Rl\tn column. A^TKOLOGY-Twr.i.rrti Page? Fourth column. filLLlAKDh?Second Pace? sixth column. BOARDERS WASTED?Nimu I'AGk-llilnl and fcurth column*. .... BOARD AND LODGING WANTED?Ninth Paus Fourth column. BROOKLYN It K A1. ROTATE FOR SALE?:eco?d Page?First column. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES?Eighth Page. BChlNkfH Nolle '.? Hsvkxth Page?.sixth co'umn. cm REAL ESTATE FUil SALE?SECOKD I'a.ik?First CLMKSANO 8AI.ESMKN?Twelktii Page?Tlllrd col CLOTHING?Twhuvth Pagc? lxth column. . COACHMKM AND GARDE*Eltb?Twelmu Page?Third and fourth column.". COASTWISE k'IV.aMsh I PS?Second Pace?Fourth uad fifth columns. COPAKT.Nf.RSUIPS?F.icbib Page. COUNTRY HOARD?Nintu Pace?Fourth aud fifth col umns. DANCING ACADEMIES?Nintu Page?Fifth column. D.CNTISTRY?Second Page?Sixth column. DRY GOODS? Ft list Page?sixth minimi. DWELLING HOUSES TO LEI'. FURNISHED AND Page?iiecon?l column. EUROPEAN STEAMSHIPS?Second Page?Fourth col umn. EXCURSIONS?Second Page?Sixth Column. F LNASOIAI.? Eighth Page. Fine ART?Ninth Page?Filth column. For sale?First I'agk?Filth and sixth columns. FURNISH ED ROOMS AND. APA't IM KNT8 ro LET? Second Pagi-?Second ttncl lliir.l continue. FURNITURE? Twemth Pack?Sixth column. 11KLP WAMKD?FEMALES?Twelfth Page?Second column HELP WANTED?MALES?Twelfth Page?Fourth col umn. 11 OR- KS, CARRIAGES, AC.?Fiiwt Pagk?Third, fourth and tilth columns. HOTELS?Ninth Page? "ourth column. HOUSES, ROOMS, A<\, WANTED? Second Pagb?Third column. INSTRUCTION?Second Page?Third column LECTURE SEASON'?Second Page?Third column. LOST aNo FOUND Fikst Page? Firat column. MACHINERY?Ninth Page?sixili column. MARBLE M AN I ELS?Twklith Page?Fn or th column. MATHIMomaL-Second Pace? Ixih column. MEDICAL?Second Page?Third column. AilLK AND CREAM?Second Page?Third column. MILLINERY AND DRESSMAKING?Ninth Page?Sixth C'lomn. MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISEMENTS ? TwKLrra I'agk?Sixth column. NEW PUBLIC TION'S? Sktenth Pace?Sixth column. PERSONAL- First 1'auk?l-lr?t column. PIANOFORTES, ORGANS, AC -NINTH Paoe-Fifth col umn. POST OFFICE notice-First P>ua-Secoml column. PROPOSALS?Ninth Page?Slxlh column. PROFESSIONAL SITUATIONS W AN' LED?FEMALES? TwxLrra Page?Second column. PROPERTY OUT OF THE CITY FOR SALE OR TO RENT?Second Page?First column. REAL ESTATE TO FIX' IIANGE?Second Pack?Second column. HEAL ESTATE WANTED?Second Page?Second cul iim n. REWARDS?First Page?First column. SALKs AT ALCTION?Twelftb Pagk?Fillh and sixth columns. SITUATIONS WANTED?FEMALES? Eletebtb Page, and TwELrraMPAGK? Flrsl and second columns. SITUATIONS WANTi'.D?MALES?l'WELrTH Page?Sec ond on t third columns. SPECIAL NOTICES?Fiejt Page?First and second col umns. SPORTING?DOGS, BIRDS, AC.-Pirst Pack?Third column. STORAGE--Twgl.rrit Page?Sixth column. SUMMER R -.sonis?Ninth Page?Kitih column. Tilt TRADE#?1 WKi rm Pags?Fourth columu. THE Tl KF?First I'agk?Third column. TO LET tOR BUSINESS PURPOSES?Second Pagk S?i ond column. TRAVELLERS' puiDK?Second Pagk?Flltli coiumn. UNFURNISHED ROOMS AND APARTM ENTSJI'O Ll'.T? Second Pack?'third column. WANTED TO PURCHASE?Second Page?Third col umn. WATC1I dijl, JEWELRY, AC'.?Second Page-Third col umn. WESTCHESTER COUNTY PROPERTY FOR SALE OR IO LET?1"kcond Pace?Firat column. YACHTS. STEAMBOATS, AO.?Ninth Page?Sixth col umn. PKRIORAL. HRUN .WICK, SATURDAY NOON LUNCH-WILL the lady who exchanged healths with me, chain pagne against tdirirundy. write me. In strict oontldeuce, addressing GilK-IIA\l. Herald Uptown Kruncli ottlce. Blue hem-why so short pleasure to-day? Did the difficulties discourage you ? My real affec tum tiki uiy hands. I can but obey your order", ai d 1 will. l)OU RED A. Beatrice.?received your note; if you id lire to ?ee m\ nppoiut Saturday, any time alter one; algn Initials (TOHSTANr AND TRUE ? EXCUSE DELAY; COME J hi Wed new lay, came route and tunc ue hit ? JAY'. "IjlUOF.Nl BERNARD OBLIGE L. D. EN ENVOY ANT J a vgtre a<ldre?H.- au ifil luiifpk it avenue. Brooklyu. INFORMATION WANTED?OF MP.S. MAGGIE |AL eran. formerly Johnston. Please t.-iid lie.r address to T. C JOHNnTON. Ilerald Uptown Branch office. INFORMATION WANTED?OP JAMES DtVYKR. J blacksmith, who left Brooklyn in May, t>v hh nn.ilig;, Hien Doyle, from Gal way. A tdre.i. C.' B. Pj.Av.tV. Rliaaheth, N. J. JACK-TMPO - IHLETO-MORROW; NAME ANOTHER day. Am well. CHADo. AT.?MEET ME WEDNESDAY, 9 P. M., 14J SAME street where vou last saw ine. ' ELLA. N rpRUTII. ? IF A FRIEND WRITE MORE FULLY OR X send add row JIM. rpWO LA DIM IN HLACK.ON SATURDAY, 5 O'CLOCK J tioat from Hector street to Malen Is ami. . W1 I tne -mailer one who noticed gentleman with white paper bundle mcci him to-day corner ot Wall street aud Broadway, at 5 30 P. M. f Address R. M., Post office box S.MI. ILL WILLIAM KI.-SMANN SEND HIS ADDRESS to J. s. C., box 3,451 Post office, New York city ? w w ILL NEAL?SEND TOUR ADDRESS TO J. TAY LOR, box 2PI Herald office. LOST AND POUND. IfOUND-JUNE 31, IN SOUTH FERRY STAGE, ? Pocketbook. containing money, papers, Ac. Inquire and Identify at 54<l Bread way, third floor. TJtOUND?SATURDAY. ON THE LADIES' STAND, J Jerome Park, a spring Overcoat. Owner mnv have He by applying to J. D. DEVLIN, 312 East Seventy* ' ath street, alter 3 P. M. * r TUB GENTLEMAN WILL i.BAVB AT 34 WFST Forir-fiflh street the pair of pearl Opera Ulas?e? left i.i Firtb avenue stage Friday evening he will be suitably warded. J^OST OR STOLEN, the July, 1S75, Janaarv. 1870. and July. 1374, Coupons on the following government bond- ? |7#.l*w Coupon 6'e. I6MI. No*. 50,975 to 57.l?> Inch, I fBU.MU Coupon J ?. 1M7, Noa 4.562 to 4,401 luck, I |6?,U0h oupon 120, 1407. >os I l.iWI to I 5l.|ti? Inch $50,000 Coupon V30, |M?7. No-, 118,314 to IIX.M3 tncl.. _ rix.m. 1.1 AM, 97 914, 914000 Coupon 5 30. 1067,Noa 97.915, 97.914, 29,771. I $50 29,770. 56.248 10 66.254 [ 44 inclusive. J Payment on tbe above has been stopped at the United Siatcs treasury officea Also lost three Coupons from SSflti bonds of Paterson elty, called "Bounty Bonds" Noa 541 549 . 566; and troni SIMM bond ol l-ong Dock Company. No. 1.5S5. A reward ol 12,0?' will be paid for the recovery of the shove, and no qnostlous asked, and tu proportion for any part thereof. Address box 1,242 Poet office, New York. 1 OUT?ON MONDAY, 12 P. M.. IN A BROADWAY J J car. by a la ly. a pair of brown and ecru Hose, No. 9 It Under will return to 57 West Forty-eighth street will receive doable value and no ques lone aeked. JOST-CHAIN AND LOCKET, LAST SATURDAY J ercDlng. The flo.ler will be liberally rewarded by avtng the same with Mr, DIXON, 333 Washington itreei. Brooklyn. LOST?ON SATURDAY EVENING, BETWEEN MAPI son avenue aud Twent*-seventh street aud Fifth ? venue and Twenty sixth street, a gold barring. The tader will be suitably rewarded by returning it to No. 9 Beat I wenty-eeventb street. LOST-MONDAY MORNING, BETWEEN SIXTEENTH and twenty-third streets, on Fifth avenue, a ladv'i sold Watch. Finder will be rewarded by leaving the same at Kobloeon Hall. T OBT-SATURDAY AFTERNOON. IN A NOSTRAND IJ avenue car, hr.ioklvu, or on terry to Grand s.rrei, Mew Vera, a Russia leather Hand Bag. The finder will receive suitable reward by returning to 155 are It KW Alt?s. $- IIW4U LOif, ?>X irXUAT MORNING, i) June 2 >. fr. ni city 11*11 Park, a Itmon and wbltc Mttar Oiip: had on a wire miu/le and collar. I'KNM.V. 123 t h.-onbera atrcrl. (la REWARIE^Rt OX SATl'RDAY, JIM 19. 911/ a (mail Diamond Pin, aet In hand. Return it to T. B PUCK, IS W irr-n ?rreet REWARD.-l.OST. OS FRIDAY KVKXIKO, 91" June II, a aohl and pearl charm, with view ot aarrlate and four hor?e?and jtmllt ram i liaenraa. The and. r will receive in) reward end no queettone aaked by leering the ?aine with WILLIAM MOIK. jeweller, turner ol Twenty third Street ami SUlh avenue. 9?)~ Rl-.w mil -I '-r ON WEDNESDAY 9TII Duo Intl.. a line aniftll ? eo'.eh Terrier: had on hine leathi r collar. wlih name, Jaaev. on ailvor plat. An iwrrt lo name ol .later. Above reward will be paid to aio Dcraou returning hint lo Not. II and I'l weet llotiaton flreet. KPRtlAli NOT ICHS. A -SODA WAI'Klt. MINERAL WATERS. rtlNOER ? Alf a. rparkllnR Wince: manufacture ol coinulcte ?old Is vi Abp.iratii.i and MslenaK mil inMruc tior.s; all depflrluifnlii "/ rr.anicki'turc, bottling and 11a Siatng. efcluaive Rlaht* in destrable tarritoft: cala aatiree. JOHN MATTlfiswu. Klratavenue. Twenty Ih end i wanly-ftvoatii are ta. New Vvrh. 1 RAFFLE FOR SIX TROTTING IIORSKS, AT /" Jobnaun Broe'. Pool llooin , June it, at 1 P. M. Par thul .r- under head of "llortca and ? arrlasei.' to dio'g ??ald. , ?ROYAL llAYASA LOTTERY AND HERMAN vi Government Loitenev. Frizes cmlied and in igallon (Ivan. WACHmMANS a ''O., Hunker*. 74a d hpwau street. Poat olRee bo* 3,3lff. >NITIK8 OOINH lo THE COlNTRY 8 III) CCD . LEAVE THEIR DIRECTION AT THE OFFICE ? r ?IP. EVKM.VC, TP I. Ei; R A M, No. 2 ANN BTREKT AMji t'AVR A ( oPI OF IDE LAST EDITION, fv ft ALL l.XTF.-T NEWS, SENT TO ANY OV-S.S IN THE I Nil ED STATES OR CANADA ?H PJF1V tMNTb A MONTH. P06I PREPAID. A * gPBCIAL NOTU'ES. CHANCE FOR A FORTUNE. Kentucky State Sleiie Number Distribution Draw* 6ATURDAY, Juno *8, $300,00 in gifts A few days left to buy. Tickets. $10*. Halves. $r?- (Quarter*, $2 AO, ruori. ii. iiays a co., 800 Broadway, New York. A I, A BAM A STATU LOTTERY. Great drawing, class 6, July 14, 1878. ill public at Mo bil*, Ala. Capital prize $80,000. ami prizes amounting to $200,000; prizes paid at once upon the drawing taking place. No postponement. Ticket", $10; halves, $8; quarters, fit "" " $2 80; eighth". Si 26 Nor orders ami imormation address McOINN A CO , bo* 3.420 Post office, New York A -OFFICIAL DRAWING" OP THE KENTUCKY J\, -tate and Shelnv College Lotteries. liKitrii. Ixtka Class 611?JI'nz 21. IS7.i. 41, 6, 78, 3, 8, A3, 86. 24, 23, 21, 7, 70, SUIT, sitba iLASr 447?junk 21. In78. 60, 66, 32, 7ft 23, 2. 67. 69, 4, 46. 38, 7ft aasii'CKT. class 6'!2?ickk 21, 1876. 00, 46, 24, 88, 77. 3d. 62. 70. 1(1, 32, 73, 44. ?ttsLBr. c Lai S 448?.u;nii 21, 1876. 12, 57. 5, 4. 13. :W, 14, 87, 70, 63, 61, 89. J, i Wit ITU A CO. Managers, Covington, Ay.; Post office i lis 2,781. New York A?PARKS, LMEKSON A CO.. AGENTS FOR . Kentucky State Lotteries, drawn daily. Royal Havana I ottery. drawn everv 17 day". Kentucky Hingie .vumber Lottery, drawn June 20,137& Prize* cashed, liitorinatinn turnished ami circulars sent by addressing I'AitK.s A CO., 180 Broadway, room i Post office box 8.272. Private office attached. Office hours 7 A M. to 7 P. M. i LABAMA HI'ATE LOTTERY. J\. Single number Havana plan. Druws everv month at Mobile, Ala. OUl.V 43,003 tickets. 3,680 Driz"s. amounting to $200,000 1 prize of . $60,0)0 1 prize of 2i1 is () 1 jir.z ' it in,OtW 2 prizes bf S6.00O eaell 10,UK) 10 prtz -s of 20,nut) 23 prizes ol $1,0 . ... .000 each 28.1W0 40 prizes ol $500 each 2O.000 whole tickets $ <): halves, v6: quarters, $2 80; eighths, $i 26. i .irculars. with lull parllcu'ars, sent tree. 1'. C. DEVLIN A CO..General Aden's. 30 Liberty street. New York. A?WYOMING LOTTERY, LEGALIZED BY ACT ? ol Legislature: draws June 30 : 70.7.6 prizes, amounting to *200,000; capital prize $3".00). T!eketa$l( six lor S3. Prizes cashed m lull, circulars sent tree. ALLr.N A- CO.. 79 Nassau street, New York. A -K STUCK* STATE LOTTERY, SINGLE NUM hcr. tlraws June 2d; $.30.,COO cash gilts; wholo tickets, $1_U; haives, $5;^ guart'Jrs. $2 63; eighths $11 2>; circulars free. P. C. DEVLIN, Stationer and Agent, 30 Liberty street. New York. A-DEBI ITY BROUGHT ON BY INDISCRETIONS ? slid all kindred diseases ol men meodily and radi cally cured by IIKNKY A. DANIELS, M. IX, 144 Lex nietoii avenue, near l weuty-niulli street. Office hours trom 8 to 3. A?!D YAL HAVANA LOTTERY, NEW SCHEME, . now rcadv; $'10.00 cush gilts; next drawing Juno 30 circulars, with lull particulars, tree. P. C. DEVLIN, Stationer an General Agent, 30 Liberty street, N. Y. Boiler explosion*.?almost hvbry day this ?ail store is repeated, millions of property destroved annually and thousands i t lives sacrificed. Must tins continue always? Is there no remedy 1 Ifso.whvlait not applied? Who ol us stands readv to assume the rc BpiitiMbili. v of ilioic fearful risks you un<t I. in common withal our fellow c.itizens, are taking, while beneath the street* uud alxis of our cillca are submerged thou sands ol tlicac terrible engines of death and destruction over Which .vc walk everv day and hour. Why has not the law Intel poach? What right have we to out in peril the lives an i property ol ottr neighbors! What ex use tor such criminality, when then is a remedy, safe, sure and complete! low one who has lelt tnc tortur- of fear and suspense lor years, afbyr * happy release, to ask you to as-iut hlui in removing the a- internal ma chines (die:i boilers! from among us, by substituting the newly liuptovcd ''wrought iron sectional safety Ho It," durable ecooomloal, stmpie and sale, inauutarHtred only lijr AH KuROI'U A trijul Ma it it lac luring Gout pany, Grcenpunl, L. I. "? driven hundred now la n.-.v " Books and accounts investigated, ral onced and classed by an efficient accountant; terms tixeil hi lol> oritnv. Adores* K., box 3.t 2 l'ost office. /ILAIII-.T WINBa?J0IT RECEIVED, AN invoice V ' iii J.t hu c?> a ot rest coou at. JutioB Bi irdeaux i Wine; prico $4 lor case of one dozen bo tiles; NRil.O. 1>. to any pan of city or com;t ? " B. EL ? ? Ili.Ni. Y 1> ELI i R. 7oMl Br.,ad' ay. New York. I A18EAHES OK MEN AND IMPOIt AN I MK DICAL I ! aud Funtieal t'aaes a specialty, henry DANIEL-. M 144 Lexington avenue, near twenty ninth - trei-t. Office hours IriMM 8 tu 3. HaXALL MILLS, Rkuvo.vp, Va.. June 17, 1875. N tu ice: Is hereby gnen that we have the exclusive right to use the word "HAXALL" on MMkagea containing flour; that such word is our trade tnurk and is so registered at the t inted States Patent office. Accordingly we hereby warn all persons uga.oM putting said trade mark on packages containing tluur or M'.liug tiour marked '11 AX ALL'' und not manu factured by us. a? we ihail hold them liable for Infringe ment of our rights 11 AX ALU CRENSHAW A CO. Havana l.otteky.-$mmmIN prizes every u days, us fotlowa ? First prlz- Of $lt?.0(W First prim ol WGUI Second prizes, of $26,0110 each,. ? 50,000 8 8 prizes. aiiiouitting to ? 3IO.t*W PriC" cashed. Circulars rl It; urination tree J B. MaHTINi.Z A CO.. Bankers, 10 Wall street, rear bane mi-til; Post office box 4.6H>. New York. K ENTUCl.Y STATE LOTTRRY, SINGLE NUMBER SCHEME (Authorized by special aclot the Legislature . lor the beneffi of the University ol Paduc vh. $300,000 to be distributed among the holders of tickets. FIRST PRIZE. $80,000. The drawing to take place at Covington. Ky., JUNE 26. \iln> No discount In Prize a?Every PrUe paid in fuiL 8IMMUX,*. DICKINSON A CO., Manager*. * 8CIIH ME. 1 Prlie 01 ?.vt.non <a $.V>,00) 1 Prime of ZO.IUI la 1 Priac oi 38.W0 1* Ift'Mi 4 pri* a ill 5,'WU are m.t?? 10 Prima of 2.900 are 25.nnu 40 Prime* of 1.000 are V.DO SO Prixea of MM are 23.880 90 Prime* of 1*0 are IS .908 .00 Primes of WO are 20,0)0 APPROXIMATION PHIZES. 4 ot H<*1? approximating tu 950.UM) are >00 4 ot LT7-I approximaung to annulare .V-dQ 4 *.f l.nuO api>r<-x.mating to 10.two arc t.iul 9.0 0 Pri?* of 910 are V) ? 00 K V, I?| ? W'l a, ???? ??* ra, i?. SO ? mattes v. tun mo. 39.'?jm* il, i?7s 20. 66. *. 9. 14, 24 . 63. IS. 9S 22. 49, 7. 0. 477?4Al 21. 1979. Ax) Broadway, or Post office Ik>x 4.999. T 11K _ EVENING TP.LEORAM HAS MOTIK AND LATKR NKW.4 TONIGHT. POST OPPKR ROTKE. ?lav*' 1) 0 A. 31., auti en Saturday at Sand 11:3(1 A U. 1.L. JaMI-.s. master. 5,17") Primes, amounting to 83>-\(Ha Whole tickets. $ o Halve*. 83; (Quarters. $2 9). Remember tial every Prime la rawn, an I nav.ihle In full Without deduction. Ilicae Drawing* are ncvei po*t a polled but hike place rcaularly the laat ? aturdsy i f. ncli month, fend tor circular. Addresa all order* to 11MMOX8, DICK IN ON A CO.. Covington. Ky. K -8300,09) CASH OirTS. , Whole Ticket*. tiO. Kentucky State Muglr Number I ottery, on the Havana plan, draw* June 26, 1878. Prixea paid In lUlL Clrcolaraacnt free. Addre*aall orders to PARKS, F.MER-o.n A CO . autburiaed Ageuts or all legalised lotteries lor the past 40 yeura 180 Broadway, room A Box 3,272 Post office. -OrPIClAL DRAWINO OP THE KENTUCKY , Stale Lotteries, SIMMONS, DICKINSON A CO.. .Manager*. aiMUt'K. axraa (lass mo 391?scma 21, 187-* 64, 9. 73. 5'. 67. I, 36, 17. 71. II. Itl. IS. mammy, kxtbs i La** mo. 23. 941, 22. S\ 41, SS 74. 41, .3, 96, 73, S. nxxav etas* mo. 47S? ji-nm 21, 1873. 87. 33, 26. 74, 38, II. IS, 68, 53, ?. 43, 7. Full inlormallon by applying to or addreaeing J. CLUTfc. 20 Broadway, first Boor, rear office, or lost office box 4,969. K -SIMMONS, DICKINSON A CO.'S OR'AND ? monthly distribution of the Kentucky State lot tery. on the Havana plau. to lie drawn June 26;aleo Royal Havana nl Cutis, drawn June 31. l ull information by applying lo er addrcaali^i J. CLI'TK. authorized agent, Q~ peers county agricultural society. Grand Horticultural Exhibition ami Market Sales lair oi Horses, Cattle, Ac.. WfcDNlMDAY, 23d, and THURSDAY, 24th Inst. The arrangement* of the managers this your wi'l In sure the most varied and attractive exLtlutPin ever given by ilie society. Among the numerous attractions may lis noted the loUowlug;? A grand show of riowers. Prulta. Vegetable*. Ac. A series of Ploughing Matches lor valuable prise*. A Market sales Pair, to continue both oars. A Base Hall Tournament lor the society'* silver ball. A Bench show of Dugs oi all breeds. A premium ol 8ICU will be given for the best road horse, the trial to lake place at two o'clock on fhur* day. A Ladles' Festival will he held during the continuance of the exhibition, under the auspices of tno la'dies of gueen* county, und a band ot music will be In attend ance each diiy. Royal Havana lottbky. 8 10 nun distributed In rrlzes every IS days. Next drawing June 30. 1 Prima of 8110 OOu 1 PrlzBpbf 60,UW 3 Prizes ot $25.ou) each an. oo 1 Prime ot H'.HUU l rrize of. B.ino '43 Pnxes of 81,000each ... 28,900 sy) other Prizes amounting to li2.0,4) Circulars ol information furnished tree. Order* flllod. Prizes cashed. Spanish Bank Bills. Doub'oons and Gov ermnents purchased Taylor A CO., Bankers. II Wall street. New York. I >0--T OFFICE NOTICE. 1 he until* b.r I uk pc for Ihc week ending 8atmd.iv, Jane24, '"7.Y will close at this office a? follow#:?On Tuesday at 12 M. on W. dne.dav al 5:30 A V , on Thuri SPORTING?DOGS. BIRDS, SC, - A-for hale-all kind.-. OF FANCY DOGS. . Birds, Ac Medicine- lor all discuses, Prepared Food Hor Booking liirdi, at B. G. DOVliV'H, No. 3 Greene street, near Canal. AT AUCTION, Tl'F.SDAY, JUNK 22, AT 11 O'CLOCK, BY VAN TASHELL 1 KEARNEY, AT TBBIK MART, 110 mid 112 East Thirteenth street, SPORTING DOGS?JACK, A ULl) IkISH SETTER, broken ou ?U km Is of came; Nora, a Webster Better, out of Fowler's Duke, dam an Imported Hcote.h setter ; ulao Sport and Flora, out ol Nnru, by Prince; an elegant iiluck and tan Gordon Hotter, bred Ami Laiburhe's (of county Dublin) famous stood, and lined by an imported black and tan now owned by the Hloomingriale Fowl Association. Nora is well broken and a splendid rcirterer on land or water she was two i ears old last March and her pupa will be tbree mouths old June 30k Alto, AVERACK SET IKK Dot], HIRED BY DAH1I, owned by Scott Hodman, ot Montelair; is two reara old and well broken on English snipe and wood cock. A- FOR SAl.B. A FINE LOT OP DOOR, MAL . te*e Cats ana Kittens. Guinea Pigs, Fcniirrels, Par rots, Ac.; Medicine for all diseases. L. N. MEYERS, No. 3 West i street, near Broadway. "I JIG RONS. ?60<'. PER PAIR WILL BE PAID FOR 100 .1 pairs of pigeons, or less number. Apply at Uie Eureka stables. No. CC East 1.5th street, ilarlein. No t<|uabs wanted. TUB TURK. Auction and french tools sold at john. SON'S Pool Room, corner Broadway and Twenty eighth street, every afternoon and evening this week oil the trots at Huston. Each lieat received by telegraph as soon as Doited. W. II. A T. B. JoHNHON. A ?AUCTION AND FRENCH POOLS SOLD EVERY j'V . morning and evening at Johnson's Pool liootn, corner Twenty eighth street and Broaiiwur, on trots at Boston; full returns by telegram; office at the rooms. W. 11. A T. B. JOHN BON. Auction and French pools hold at the New York I'urf Exchange, 1ft West Twenty-eighth street, this etoniug. and every morning and evening during the meeting, on the trots at Beacon Park. I >.sU>n. Entries and result by Western union Telegraph. Tele graph office m the pool room. KELLY, BLIsn ft CO. D ekerfoot driving park. Bummer Meeting, 187ft. First Day?imadly, June 29? Purse 1200, for 3 JO class; ft 2nd lor 2 <8 class. Hccond Day?"Aodnesday, June 30?Purse ft2t'0, for all double ti'u'.us, ?2isi lor 2 ;i3 clusa. Tnlrd day?Thursday. July 1 -Purse $2<0 for2:50clns?; Sit'0, lor 2sB3 cisss. To he governed by the National rule, ntrics will close at Johnson's Pool Rooms, Twenty eigllth street and Broadway, and at John T. rtlauc's, near Fulton ferry, Brooklyn, on Friday, June 2S, at 9 P. M. i' ntrance III per cent, and inns: aoooinpanv nomina tions in all cases. Purses divide 1 at secoud spring meet ing. WM McMAHON, Proprietor. IDLliKTWOOD PARK T TROTTING COURSE." By order of the Supreme Court, under foreclosure, FLEETWOOD PARK 1 KoTTiNG COURSE will Ire sold at El'BHC AUCTION, under the direction ot B. E. Mc Cafferty, reluree, At the Exchange Salerooms, 111 Broadway, New York citv, on WEDNESDAY, June 23, 187ft, at 12 o'clock noon. Particulars at the office ol the Auctioneers, ADRIAN 11. MI LLER A HON, No. 7 1'ine street, or of the referee, at so. 9 Fine street INLKET.WOOD PARK, TCESDAY, JUNE 21. AT 8 1 o'clock? sweepstake ft .to, mile beats, beat Sin & T.'ss. v Marry of the West. H. A. Bennett's g. m. Alice, in harness: II. dyers blk. g. Captain Jtuks, to wagon. JOHNBuN BROJ., Proprietors. fTROTTING AT PATBRSON, N. J., JUNK 22d-PrRSE 1 ftflOtt, 3 minute class, B tith, Mingo. Pat McCsDn. Rotie, E.fflo Dean, Maud, Katie W#t-on. Purse ftJUO, 2.34 class, Lottie, Zephyr, Lady Woods, Lady Hours. Uotn ineiice* a' 2 o'clock Erie Railroad trains 11:9), via New. arm and 12 M. main lino run to track. liGIDiEs, CAIUtlAGES, <SC, * -MAJOR CHAR. W. MAKKEK. AUCTIONEER. J\. to-day today to-day IT TAK-H PLACE. IT TAKES PLACE. THE EVENT OF A LIFE ilME. NO SUCH 8A K EVER HEARD OF 11 Kr'ORB. we Have been to the track and SHOWN THE TIME UNDER THE WATCH. Mmor BARKER announces the most extraordinary en'o of tin* fastest i rotting Htock in America WITll oU i UKCoKds, lately arriven and the property ol n. .1. U icon, K?|.. ol Carringtou Stock Farm. Moid gmnurv Post office, irigg couutv, Ky., to be this da.v (Tuesday, June 22>, at il o'clock, at BARKER A BOVeVhy Auction Mart and *ew York I'attersali's,cor in r of Broad war and Thirty ninth street. 'HIE SiOCK comprises 12 lieu 1 mat can trof fu'l uidgus in from three iniiiuUs down to 2 J&, and includes tnWct ot tyxclnguer. Blood Chief, Ac. NR. bacon would relcr to Colonel s. D. Bruce, of the inrl, Field and i-ariu. and the lulluvins New York firiiis?viz.. Blai.euiorc. Mayo A Co #3 broad street; Norton, slaughter A Co.. ll Broad street; M. Itoder ft Hon, 113 PesiI street ftc., to all m?bing reifcrencc. CaTALOOUKH iA'\ be ha;l at the Spirit and Turf Oiflccs or at t .e Mm I. HALE Po ITIVK slid do posiponetnenL A?MAJOR C. W. BARREL'S OKEaI niu.l'LAK sale of TROTfhits, t;OAhHTKKS, ? untlly, BUSINESS and WORK lior.t'-; TOP jiil NO rol*Rnlil VV lie ml j, UK POT, EXPRESS and huslue.*s Wagon i C A It KI AUKS, HARNESS, Ac., TAKKs PLACE to morrow, WElJNK' i'AY, June kit, ul 11 o'clock, A ) HAlth hit A SuU?. CI1V ACCTION Mart and Sew York laltcrsall'*. CORNER OK Broiidwav and Ihirty-ninth street. SEE I. VTA Lull UE in to miirro'v's lleraiil. Ammt BAFFLE AT JOHIMOX HR ?.? POOL ROOMS, June 11, 167,. at 6 o'cloc* P. M , tor six llorm * (trot tiuj utiH.'K); cash valuation. $.1 nun: tickets, H'J cacti, entitling the hoi t? r to a chance In each of the fo'low , iig tive prlz.-s:? Highest rathe wins a t>xIr ot Hamblctuulm m ire*, lull maters, tired by Kysdyae'l old horn.'. <lnm Initialed Mes*etiger Mock; lowest radle win* a vuntie galling. Cen?or Drew, sired by Censor, liall brother to Kentucky, dsm Hiram Drew stock: re coin highest rait" win* u fldy, slack Haw* sto'k, Lntta. sired by Milter's Black Hnwi. dam booted stock it atsier. lor inc rlv owned by Hou ston aocon t lowest radio wins a vourut gelding. 'St Patrick sired by Censor Drew, dam by K> styl.e's old llauibl -ton an; third blith est radio wli sa young tllly, Lula, -tre t by Censor Urew, dam by Kvadvke's old II inibieloman. Ticket.- io lie had at John "in Bros.' Pool Rooms. I'wen v eighth street and Broadway, and at Brown and Lode's. 1.1 Broul street, room 27. Horses on exhibition at haalc Club stables. 109 West Ihlrtieth street W COST, TO Cf.OSK Rl'SISK-ts?MV KINK STOCK ot Carriages, ot my own make, now in repository 141 A West Broadway, store must he vacated by July A . CIIA RLE s f IR U BK. At a sacrikicl, to close an account-light extension top Phaeton, two-seat Ba*kei Phaeton anil a line C soring Basket Pliaetuu. J CULVER A Co., S9t Hroa tway. A?kor bale, one black trottino horse, . lit lor gentleman or doctor to drive; warranted to trot a uilte tn 2:JJ; ai-o, tour (oilier Horw-s lit for larni Ing. express or any oilier buGiies*; young and sound ', must be sola at a sacriilce; good trial allowed. No. 4UU Uraml street, near ciinton. A -LANDAC. BY HAM. CO.sT $I,MW. Kill fl.lm, ? Landaus, Clarences, tour and six si-at Phaetons, Depot Wagons Ladies' Phaeton*. ta .en in exchange. HAM. 10 East Koar.n street. A 8TIVERH PATENT COMBINATION SPRING. j'V been io>e>l a tew times: 1 Berlin Coach, I BaroneT.u it tctnriai, 1 six seat Park I'haetn-, 1 Curtain Coarh. by Hiiwstrr; I extension lop Phaeton, lop ami open Pony I'baeloits. olall stvlca. .- ulkie- and skeletou*, bv Coffey ; Depot Wauiins, Puekaways ot all strles; '.*0 lop ami open P.oad tt aeons, by the best city makers; top and open Express Wagons, I slide seat: Harness, blanket*, Sheets. Ac. VV. 11. ORaY, 2d and 21 Wooster street. A SIN ,LE SEAT ROtli WAG'iN K- iR SALE j'\ cheap.?Built bv Waterman and has not been used a dozen tune a laqul-e at .-1 Perry atreet. ? N Attl.Y NEW SIDE BAR TOP Hl'OUY IN EX ,V change lor Dry Hoods, Groceries, Hardwire, Paints, Oils, at net prices. Ad lrss# K., box 141 Herald once. Ahorse and wagon, with for sale; the llorne 6 years old sound aud kind; will be sold separate or together; tit lor any uae. Ill Bowery. A -FOR sale cheap, extension top park . Phaeton*, side liar Buggies, second band and n?w tup ami u i top express. Uroeery, Base r and lignt Bust* noes Wagons. .'SI Hudson street \-l OR hale, one very stylish road OR ? family Horse: he Is very speedy nnd can be driven by a lady: he Is young ami warranted in every respect. Also ,C"iii of Work Horses, to tic sulci together or sep arately; they are 6 am 7 years o.d and wairanted sound. Apply at 77 Grand street, n ar Wooster ? VERY KINK. LAR'iK YOUNG BAY COl'PK OK jA family Corse , also black Indv's carriage and saddle Tony, to he sold st half price for want ot u-e; also two sent Cabriolet, pole and shalts, and Top Buggy at half value owner. 141 Weal Korty-iourth street A ?KOR SALK-A LaDY'H TL'RNOC Tt IIORHE |ji^ hands; nan trot in 3 minutes; the most stylisn Horse in the cii.v; Is perfectly s ife lor lady to ride or drive; also top spring Phaeton and cold mounted Har ness; will be so d very low for ra-h, sepai ate or to gether; also a p*rk Phaeton to seat four. Can be seen at 146 West Thirty-ninth street, near -eventh avenue. A?KOR HALE, TWO CHUNKY HI'ILI IIORSKS; . aiso two Horses. Ot tor any business; they are young anJ sound and will be sold cheap. Inquire at 476 Canal street. _ A BARGAIN GIVEN.-TAKEN FOR DEBT, SIDE b*r top Koaii Wago-j ami top runy I'haeton, goo<l as new, latest style, made to order, ialluiau'a siablu, 47 Great Jones street. \ CHANCE SELDOM OFFERED?IHHKK HORSES that i/lnst be sold to-day, fit lor any business and will sell cheap; goofl paper not relused. Inquire at M South Kilth avenue. A -TWO SORREL HORSES, SOUND AND KIND; . suitable lor larmer, grocer, iniuilyttsc or lor a truck. Ac.. |7daii'l?l0U, no decent offer refused. No. S Harrison street, neer Hudson street. A WELL TRAINED GOAT FOR BALE-ALSO WA (on. silver pla ed Harness, Whip* and Cushion; everything complete; will be sold low ? J. W. CLARK, 3/9.-Ixth avenue. A FINE SADDLE AND HARNESS FONT KOR sale?13!? hands. 6 years old; flowing mane and tale: has been used bv a sick lady; will atanil by xtcatn cars, also Phaeton and Harness, almost new . best city maker , sold lor want of use ; will give trial; warrant* I sound; ires from all vice. Apply at private (table, 161 East Twenty ighlli street. A PRIVATE TURNOUT.-A TEAM OF HORSES, dapple gray ami hay, WUhanJj high. 6 year* old, warranted sound ana kind; also a Wood Bros.' Coupe lete; tin* Harness. GORDON. sl?bl?? 3 HRli ft \\ <f?t Thirteenth street HOItMKN, VABHUSm, ?C. VCOtlO.N llOl'SK (IF AIICII, JOHNSTON date Johnston A Van Taisetl), office 57 Libert)' street (Evening Post Bullillng). Tint HORHK AUCTION BRANCH OF OUR HOUSE, lU TO 26 THIRTEENTH STREET, NEAR UNIVERSITY PIACK. BALER OF HORSES AND CARKIA0E8 AUK HELD EVERY TUESDAY AND FRIDAY AT 1(1 O'CLOCK. 24 to 48 hour*' trial on horc?t warranted sound. PARTIAL CATALOGUE 6V THIS DAY'S cTl'ES DAY'S) SALE AT 10 O'CLOCK. ELEGANT FAMILY TURNOUT. SUPERB CLARENCE, brown satin lined, used but a few times, uy one of the belt buiUleri in the VERy'fI'nk' bay CARRIAGE Team, 16 hand", 7 yeari old; kind and true in all harness; free from vice ; very stylish driven, and warranted sound. FINE ENGLISH MADE nAIINKSS, NEARLY NEW. ELEGANT TROTTING ESTABLISHMENTH. BLACK DIAMOND ?BEAUTIFUL TROTTING llorse. 16 liandi high, 7 yeura old, kind and true In all harness, extra flue and ttyltlh driver, level, open gait; ran trot a mile in 7.40; one of the iinest roadsters in the country. Warrautcd sound. ELEGANT LIGHT TROTTING Wagon-new, to or der, hr Bradley Pray A Co. WOOD GfBSON HARNESS, nearly new. Alio, Blanket, .-.jiecta, Robe, Ac. Sold on account of the intended absence abroad of the owner lor a long fiuie. SADDLE HORSES-ELEGANT DARK SORREL Saddle Horse. 16^ hands high. 7 years old ; verv stylish; thoroughly eve: y gait; very rapid, smooth racker; without vice or blemish. Warranted sound. ENGLISH DOG CaRi, lu gooJ order, by J. R. Law re nee. BEAUTIFUL BLACK COUPE HORSE, lti bands, 6 years; kind In ull Harness; line, tree, showy, stylish driver; without lault, trick, vice or blemish' la in every way perfectly reliable lor family or anv use; warranted sound. TWO-SKA I BA.sK.ET PHAEtON, nearly new, set Harness, Ac. DAPPLE GRAY HORSE. 16); hands, 8years; kind In all harness; free from vice: has been usod In . city and country as family and business horse ; I p; ls not ulinld of anything; nuy one can drivel him, ami Is reliable in every way; also set 3 double Harness Ac. 2 TOP FIDE BAR ROAD WAGON, in good order, by ? Brewster, ol Broome st to GRAY SADDLE MAKE, 16)4 hands, 9years; broken I 3 to harness; Bee from vice; vety gentle and re I ^ liable in every way: has every gull known te saddle horse; perfectly safe lor ladies and chll-1 dren ; wnrruuted sound. IS BAY' PONY HORSE, lt?4 hands, 7 years; kind in all 5. harness; free from vice; good under saddle; I o can trot in 4 minutes: sold for uccount whom I n it muy concern, to pay charges, keep. Ac. VICTORIA, very light, in good order, by J. R. Law- I rence. I _ SORRKl. PONY HOUSE. ir.i? hands, 9 years; kind ? in all harness; tree troui vice - trota in 4 minutes ' - sure; is a good lamilv or business horse ; (old for want Of use ; also Hue Humes* NO TOP W agon, In good order. DAPPLE GRAY HORSE Harry. 15', hands, 6 years', kind in all harness; free from vice; has trotted in 2:6j; ran trot in 2 minutes every davuud is in everv respect a nrst class roadster , "also SIDE BAH ROAD WaOON, In good order, by R. M. .-tivcrs. TWENTY-TWO OTHER HORSES. Description time of rale at V ARCH JOHNSTON'S MART, Nos. 19 to 25 Thirteenth | street, near University place. Weather never interferes with ours lea ? SALE COMMENCE 4 AT 10 O'CLOCK. A I OTION HOUSB OF VAN TASSKLL A KEARNEY, 110 and 112 EAST THIRTEENTH HI BEET, NEAR FOURTH AVENUE. REGULAR SAJ.E OF IIORSr.H AND CARRIAGES EVERY TUESDAY AND FRIDAY. Twenty.four to forty eight hours giveu to purchasers to tes* warrantees. Horses, Carriages, llarn -ss Blankets, Robes, Ac.,always on ban 1 at private sale. CATALOGUE OF T IS DAY'S (TUESDAY) SALE Al 11 O'CLOCK. FAMILY ESTABLISHMENT?TEAM BRIGHT BtY Horses, 111 hands high, 'J and 10 years old ; kind and true in all harn"ss; tree from viro; verys'vllah; fast trarellcrs ; have endurance; are la every wav a tlr?t clu-s lunnfv te sin SET GOLD MOUNTED HARNESS IN GOOD ORDER. LANDAU LET, BUT LITTLE USED, BUILT BY WELLS, Criiten leu A Co ELEGANT TEAM BAY ROAD HORSES, 15 HANDS high, 6 and 7 year.-" old, Kind and true In all h ir nesa, tree from vice; superior roadsters; can trot in better than 3 mtuuiea together and much luster single; are very rtvIIih and bandsoine. lear noth ing, can he driven,bv any one; warranted sound. SET ENGLISH 11A R.N K.-S, NEARLY NEW. TOP PHAETON, WITH RUMBLE SKAT, BUILT BY Brewster A Co . ol Broome street. DARK B\Y THOROUGHBRED HORSE, U-K HANDS high. 8 years old; kind ami true lu nil harness; tree troni vice; superior under saddle; a tree, prompt and stylish driver; fears nothing, and warranted sound. SET HA'IN ESS. MADE BY DUNSCOMB AND fOP WAGON, Hl'lLT BY BREWSTER A CO., OF Broome s;r?st BLACK I ROTTING HORSE, SIRED BY AHDALLAH. dam an Abdullah mare U Li** hands nigh. 6 years old : kind and true in all htiriie-s; free troui vice , very stvlHli and handsome; has never been bandied lor speed, but can trot In 3:46 any dav, aud with but little handling will trot much faster; tears nothing; can be driven by any one, and wart anted sound. CLARENCE, NEARLY NEW. BUILT BY DUNN. hLhUA.N I DARK BAY Col'PE IIORSK. 16'? HANDS high. 7 years old; kind and true 111 ail harness; free from vice; very stylish and handsome; a fast traveller: tears nothing; one of the finest coupe or carriage horses lit Hie elty, aud warranted sound. SET COUPE HAKNE-S, IN GOOD ORDER: AND COUPE. IN PERFECT ORDER, BUILT BY WOOD If roe. TI-AM KAY HORSES. 16 IIANDH HIGH, S YKAR-i old. Kind and true In all harness: free troui vice; have line style and action; fast travellers and In every respect a first class family .team; also act Harness and VICTORIA, IN GOOD ORDER, BUILT BY BREWSTER A Co.. of Broome street. BLACK JIOKSK. 1.1,'i HAND* HIGH. 8 YEARN OLD; kind and true in all liacneM anil under saddle, tree Iroin vice or trick; has been used by a ladv for riding and driving, and Is in everyway sate and reliable; also set Harness and TOP PONY PHAETON. CI TY BUILT. BAY MARK, I6?y HANDS HIGH. 7 YKtRflOLO: KIND and true in all harness: tree from vice; extra lino under saddle; can be driven by any one, and Is an extra flue family animal. ROAD WAGON, NEARLY NEW, BUILT BY DUSKN hurt A Nelson. GRAY HOUSE, i\', IIAND8 lUAtll, 6 YF.AKR OLD; kind and true In all harncir; free from vice: a prompt and plearant driver; trots cloee to 3 min utes and warranted sound TOP I'OnY PHAETON, IN GOOD ORDRR. SORREL HORSE. 16 HANDS HIGH, 6 YEARS old; kind and true In all harness: free from vice; a fast stepper; tree and atviish driver; tears noth ing; a first else* family horse. Also set of Mar EXTENSION' TOP PHAETON, NEARLY NEW. BLACK TROTTING HORNS, I6?f HANDS HIGH. 8 years old; kind ana true In all harness: tree from vice; an extra fine roadster; I rots In three min utes; has great endurance, auu can bo Jrtvcn by a lady. * DOO CART, IN G<?OD ORDER. Bl'lLT BY WOOD Hroa. TEAM TRUCK HORSES. 15!< HANDS HIGH. <t AND 10 years old : kind and true In all harness and a first Cl iss wi.rk team, alto set Harness and Truck, lu good order; sold to foreclose a mortgage. KIGIII OTHER FIRST CLASS TRUCK HoRSKF. Full description time of sale. FINE SUPERIOR HINTING DOGS. FOR FULL PAR tirulars S'-e Sporting column. SIDE SPRING WAGON, built by Miner A Stevens; cost | 'SO, icvsr used. Dog - arts. Ko< kaweye, Phaetons, Road Wagons, Ex press Wagons. A'., Ac. SALE CoMMkNCRm AT II O'CLOCK t L'CTJON. i jl, Second hand Brewster A Cu. tot Broome sir set) side-bar aud lull r prin^ Wagon*. A. H. VI, A ADR A T, .17i an<l 174 Broome street (old stand oi krew.tvr A Co.) I EXPKPHd. OROCKRY, HIMNK'H, ??KKR.^ ^\. mil*, vender, delivery and platform spring Waip unv new and second hand, from $An to ?17j; one single Truck. $9". At ?16 spring street. \ BEAUTIFUL LOW TOP KXPRKSH OR DBLIVF.RT Wagon for $I.Vi. worlh $?t5 to any perron who hai ii?e lorTl Can be (ven at livery atable 134 West Nine U'enili street. ^ OENTLKMAli'tl TURNOUT WILL BE SOLD AT A j. ?. sacrifice: handsome Kentucky hay Mare. MS humls bull, 6 year* old; very stvlish and pleasant driver; warranl-d sound and kind. shirting top ltuggv and Hame??; also a beautiful top pony I'bacton, at & hast l welllli street t BARGAIN?GENTLEMAN SELLING OUT TEAM JY bright hay Morgan Mares; ran trot In .1 minutes; hand 7 years old, sound and kind; Ktban AUen hay Horse. 15', hands high; can trot In 3:90; sound and kind: 7 years old; Mde bar top and lull spring top Wagons, Poles and shafts, single and double Harness. Blanket*. Ac.: heat city makers; good a* new. Apply ar private stahlss No. 0 West Nineteenth street near Viftti avenue. t WELL Bl'ILT SIDEBAR T<1P WAGON AND A A. Coupe Rocks way, very little n*ed. t an he seen at 110 West Fortieth street. B LtCK DIAMOND TROTTING BhTABI.ISIIMKNT. PI LL CLARRNCB, nearly new, by Bradley. Pray A Co. TOP N. B. ROAD WAGON, by Brewster, of Broome street MIX KB AT. EX TENSION TOP PHAETON, by Wat son. of Philadelphia. SIDE BAR ROAD WAGON, by Bradley, Pray A Co. KNULI8tl DOG CART, by J. R. Lawrence. TOP ROAD WAGON, hy Miner A Stevens. VICTORIA, very light, by J. K. Lawrence. THREE GERMAN TOWN RUCKAWAYB. hl.EGANT TEAM BAY HORSES. iWENTY-iWo Horses (description lime of sale) this day, at ARCH. JOHNflTO.Vn Mart 13 to 31 Thir teenth street, near University place. Weather never intcrferetjrith our sale^ SAI.K COMMENCES AT 11 O'CLOCK. See catalogue above. and take panic nlar note of the 'Family Turnout" and the Trotting Establishment See catalogue at 10 o'clock. hi IN K CARRIAOES. We have now at nnr warerooms. In the latest de signs and IInest ftnlsh, the following seasonable Car nagea in great variety. iiantlaus, Four pas*, no top Wafcnna, L.indou'cts, Low and high door Rock Cahnnlats, away*. T i arts, Conpe Roeaawaya, E A tension top Phae'cn*. Rumble I'nny Phaetons, l-.xtenslon top Cabrioicis, Canopy top rbaotons, Brctts, Buggy top Phaetons, Corning Wagons, llowell Gig Phaetons, II..;,. . tVa?T.?a Ph. siatang' flitr l?i us* Brliton Wagons, Physicians' Gig Phaetons, Depot Wagons, Buckingham Phaetons. Four pass. Pony Phaetons, Brougham.'. ?Aiso a mil assortment of R"A I> WAGONS and Pleas ure Vehicles, comprising every style used in town and country. a ", flandrad. 37: and 374 Broome street fold stand of Brewster A Co.) [A0E8ALB-A Hcr.HK AND 1'Vf WAGON, III VEST I. order. At 333 a? ring lUttt HOKSKS, VA KH1AGKR, ?C. IfOR SALE-SIX Mi I KS, AL'O TWO LARGE WAG 1 ons, suitable tor business or express company. Apptv to P. LORILLABD A CO., Washington and Pint streets, Jersey City. FtOR SAL.8?A VKKY STYLISH AND HIGHLY BRKD English Cob; blood Day .met black point*; is guar anteed perfectly nouns, gentle ami weU-gaiteJt mice $150. inquire ot Mr. BLA8BON, of Dick el's ttidiug tr-clmol, corner of Fifth avenue and Thirty-ninth street. |lOR KALE?SINGLE TRUCK, GOOD AS NRW, $100; one double truck, in good order, $IU0 also a good truck Horse, $I5U Inquire at 202 DclsiiCay street, la rtsli store. FOR SALE?a CLARENCE MADE BY J. B. BRF.W iter a Co, lias la-en In use tor some time Apply at private stable No 49 East Fiftr-sccond street, belorc 1) in Die morning und alter 4 in the uftcrnoon. IilOB SALE?BY A GENTLEMAN LEAVING KOR Europe, a Brougham, a Stanhope Phaeton and a Top Wagon, laiwreuce1* and Brewster's make, all ill good OondtUon. Apply at stable No. 6, West Seventeenth st. fTtOR SALE?A BROWN MARK, lift, SUITABLE FOR l1 road or carriage work, i an be seen at Grand Cen tral Boarding Stable, 1|4 to 130 Weet Kurt} -sixth street FIOR SALE?AT A BARGAIN. ONE DOUBLE I'nAE. ton und one Uglit top W agon. To be seen, for three days, at stable 321 West rwenty-seeoud street I TOR SALE-AT LOW FIOURF.R, A STYLISH l'AIR 1 Of Mal e 1 U>H hands high, S rears old ; sorrel and bay ; sold separately if desired ; last and em luring travellers; ind and kind; a Do ? Quo Dog Cart, W< * " " ke; Brewster single seat Road Wagon, Can be aeen at 140 West Thirty-filth street. For rale-a handsome black hawk mark, 7 years old; warranted sound ami kind; safe lor ladies or children to drive; free from vice or triea; would take In trade a lull spring square body top W. U. H.. New York Dye shitting Wagon. Address Wood Extract, Ac., Company, Grccnpolnt, I- I. IjtOR KALE?A OOOD HORSE AND WAGON AND 1 Express Ruu'c. App y at PARK'S hardware store, 334 Slxtli avenue. JjlOR SALE-BAY, BEAUTIFUL llAMHI.F.TONIAN m. Horse Yellow Bov; all black points; 1A3>2 high, six years old; Bound, uo. outstyled by any horse; lust trot tor; very ambitious, but safe; lowest price $330. North west corner Seventv-flfih street and Western Boulevard. For SALE?four double trucks in good running order; will take any reasonable offer, as wo have no use tor them. Can be seen at 21 Third street, near Itowerv. TjIOR SAL??A GOOD FAMILY HOR K, 7 YEARS I? old , warranted s.mnd Hint kiod and free from all vice Can tic arm at 329 West Forty second street, in teed store, tor two days. FOR PALE?A STIVERS SIDE BAR TOP WAGON; first class order. Apply to BRADLEY A CO., No. 8 East Thirty-tirst street ? FOR RALlt?a PONY BUILT BLACK HORSE. 15 hands. Rr.eara; tit for any use : price $95; sold only tor want of work. 37 Greenwich aienue, corner Charles street. ITtOR RALE?A BEAUTIFUL CANADIAN PONY, $65, 1 handsome for a boy or business wagon; one power ful draft llorse, $75; 1..V1U weight. 84 Ne w Chambers st. T.TOR SALE CHEAP?LADIES' TURNOUT; DAPPLE r gray Horse. 15 hauaa high, 6 years old ; kind hihI true; very stylish and is warranted sound ; also a set ot fine Harness and uo tup Poiiv Phaeton, inquire in pri vate hoti -c 352 East Sixty sixth street between First and Second avenues. For sale cheap?rwo sound horses, wagon and Harness; fit for butcher or grocery. 424 East Ninth street bakery. piRST CLASS PONY PHAETONS, WITH AND WITH .. out top-, at cost to make room; aDo tine Victoria, pole and shafts, equally low. 1,339 Broadway, corner or Forty-sixth street _ Harness.?the cheapest harness store in Now York ; good Buggy Harness, hand made. $ 17; rood Grocer's Harness, $35; good Milkman's Harness, $30; good double Truck Harness, $3J; good Stable Blan kets, $1 St Ph ase cull and examine for yourselves. FISHER A OSBORNE, 71 Barclay street, New York. Kentucky thoroughbred?young and very handsome; very gentle; destined to be u real favor ite pod I tree given Private stable, 17 West Forty-fourth street. Also Park Plneton for sale. SECOND HAND CARRIAGES. D by BREWSTEB, of Twnnty-flfth Strti ? Wagonette, city maker. Landau, on C spring*. Curtain Coach, nearly now. I.arilniiletic, our own make, r.-:? ami notion Koad Wagons. MMITIl'S IlO.MtKOPATAIC VETERINARY CHART, tl wlin illustration* shoffilng the part* ol the hur-e, disease.*, Ac., with plain direction* lor the uic of reme dies. I<v mail jiostpuid. lor SI. SMITH'S Hotuuiopathie Pharmacy, 107 Fourth avenue. New York. rpo LET?I-OR THF. Sl'MMKR. TO GO INTO TIIR i country?An cleg iitt Team ot Bay Horse*. Hi Haiti!* high, with new hiirne<i* and new landau, with a caictul and experienced driver To he *rcn at 1311 Broadway, 3Sth atrcut Term* reasonable. riio FARMERS.?FOR SALE, A MARC IS FOAL; 1 ulao to cheap Uor.-es; will salt any business In quire of HURTS ELL, at the old Third Avenue Kailroad depot. U1 ANTED?TWO KM AM, SHETLAND P0NIF8, young and tound: state price. Addrc** M., bog 3 088 Pout office. Wanted-a well trained no at, with Wagon and Harneae. Addreaa A. P.. ill West ?treat. New York. tlfANTKD?A HORSE OK MARR NOT OVER MOHT ?? year* old, perfectly conn J and kind too olhet will aniwerhthat can go to the track and show four heat* each in 2 :'t5 or under; uiily tho*e who wlib 10 sell cheap rcou reply; * fancy price wtU not b? paid Addreaa, gtrlng lull particular* and loweit cash prick, K. C. Ik, Herald Uptown Branch office. WANTED?A TOP BUGGY WAGON AND PHAETON, but little used. In exchange tor four Lot*, at Itah war, N. J , and cash. TEALEY A MOR1SON, .it Liberty street. AC PRR MONTH.?BEIT OP PASTURE, WITH ?P?I plenty of water: horses called for and returned. Apply to E. S. NOKKIS, M Newark avenue, Jersey City. op 1 or FOR A STIVER i SIDE BAR TOP. IN 1 _ ?) fine order, another (Brewster). $129: Jump real, B1IJ: enuue llorso, t-'.H); trotting Mare. ISUU; last old Horse, $.VI. HOV.'.t Mtulile. 124 Wsst Nineteenth si. ditirr/k FOR A VI BY HANDSOME. HTYI.ISII Brolt bv Brcwater, and a flue double Har ness. nearly new. Call Hi Ar cnal stables, 149 West Ihirty-flMi street. (fe'-HWl WILL PURCHASE A FINE UORSB, TOP iJOuil Muggy, Harne.-i. Robes. Ae.?Offered at the a ho ye price a* owner ha* left lor Mouth America. Call, before 9 A. M or atter 5 P.M., at 45 Jefferson (tract, near Bedford avenue. Brooklyn. <J> -on WII.L PURCHAMK A WHOLE TURNOUT, ?J>?Jvrv consulting of a fine bay Horse. 16,'. hand* high, ( years old; sound, kind and safe for a lady to drtvs; Dusenburv * Vanduscr top Wagon. Kemblc Hlruh Robes, Blanket*, Bsll*. Ac. Call and examino at S3 l'crry strest. FOR 8ALK. A FIRST CLASS DISTILLERY LIQCOR STORE; good lease and cheap rent. Apply at 649 East Thir teenth street 4 A FIRST CLASS LIQUOR STORE. ADJOINING A Jersey ferry, with live rear*' lease, at very low rent, for sale on very reasonable term*. LLOYD, 29 Broadway, A GROCERY STORE FOR SALE-FIRST CLAMS location or will take a partner to fill the place ot retiring member of the flriu. MALONE's Store Agency, 121 Naaiau strsst. A FINK CORNER GROCERY STORE IN BROOK. Ivn for sets a bargain; also Bakerlea, Commission Bakeries. Milk Depots, lea More*. Meat Markets, Coua try Bakers. MITCHELL'S Store Agency. 77 Cedar if. A -FOR MALB. CORNER LIQUOR STORKS, DOWN . town sample Rooms. Restaurant#, Cigar stores. Lunch Rooms, Roadside Hotels, Country Hotels; also Restaurants to let. MlTt'HKLL'S Store Agencr, 77 Cedar street i FIRST CLASS SAMPLE AND LUNCH ROOM, A near stock Exchange, doing good trade under a small rent; can be bought reasonable. See LLoYD, *y Broadway. _ * A GOOD CIGAR STORE AND SODA WATKR stand In Nasaau (treat, near Post office, for sals, much below its value; other business cause ofselllng. LLOYD. 2v Broadway. AN OLD ESTABLISHED BAR AND RESTAURANT, on the best part of West strset, for sale cheap; owner retiring atter M yoars In hu?uies?. LLOYD, 29 Broadway. ASPLRNDII) PAY1NO CIGAR 6TORR NEAR principal terries; obi sund; elegant fixtures ami Qae stock, at sacrifice; rare oppoituaity. JOHN CALLAHAN, attorney. 12 centre street A?FORHALK, ON ONE QpTHE BEST 1HOROUGH , fare* in the city, near ferries. / cheap Liquet store: must bo sold, owner slot; will be sacrificed. LLOYD, No. 29 Broadway. A N OLD ESTABLISHED LIQUOR STORE, LEA SB, A ' to?-k and Fixtures, on amount ol the de ith ef the proprietor. Southwest comer of Eighty first street sou Third avenue. A FIRST CLASS LIQUOR RTORE FOR SALE Polac a good business, near Washington Market Inquire or Mr. itr.NKEN, corner of Dey and West eta. A""VERY PROFITABLE LIGHT BUfltNE88?R8T.AH Itailed ten years: clears over fiut weekly i can be Increased: for sale ror half cash. Address M , box 111 Herald office. AN OLD AND WELL ESTABLISHED FIRST CLASS Liquor Store for aaie cheap, oh Ureenpolnt avenue, near the ferries. Apply to THOMAS (1AFFNEY, Auc tioneer, 17 centre streat i WOOD AND WILLOW WARE nToRF. FoR SALE A doing good city and nearby trade, all o*?h; tour years eitablt?hed ; good renaona lor ?e|||ng, *tn.t!l capi tal. John MPS lU'tMEBY, 442 Greenwich street. AOREAT BAKGAI^A FIRST CLAMS LAGER Beer and Billisnl Saloon, in a good location; real cheap. Apply atM West thirtieth ?treet. A HOTEL, WITH 4i) NICELY FURNISH If ROOMS for sale, or wfii lease the flue corner Ltqnor Rtore and Ke?t*ur*nt separately, a* the owner U iVk; very little os*:: wanted Inquire at drug fore corner of Fitly fifth direct and Ninth areim* _ A -FRUIT C-ONTECTIONERT sTORF FDR BALK; ^\ , i?s.ti.... ?v*> GBOtlaiPen's Furnish in,'. Orocfrlei, llijunr, Cftirtr ^ampi? R<WKI?. fctmuuratt* % Water Hti?iut'ts. l.ntry Ptablti, LK BruAdway. hlMUAti A v'J-, Bi'vUt hAvKfchs. K?K SA1-P-. * -FOR 8ALE, a FIRST CLASS CORNER C.RO J\ ? eery Store: 19 coruer Liquor Mure*. torn* In Br.toklvn, near the feme*; 22 iiuall Grocery Store*, Confectionery and Candy, Stationery stores. Cigar*. Laser Beer Mloona, Bakeries, Boarding iiouac*, ranc.v Goo J a Store*; City Muritum to <x change( downtown Liquor Store and more wanted P. UAFFNBt, 1-7% Bow. ry. \ SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY?THE ME^T LOCATED JX Uutciier Shop nod hull Market ou Sixth avepue i Uxture-i the ueweit make: will bo let low during the summer hakk LEV Y, coruer Fort} lourlL ?tract and Sixth iivcauc. DRUG STORK for SaLF.-^ON BEST TUOROrfill lare lu eily; established 14 rear*; dally receipt* $35; price 8t> 5*?cash, s, it. VAN Li 2Ell. Wholesale Druggist, 35 U*r?l*y street. TJRUO STORE FOR BALE $600; <.LANS LABBLLBD 1J bottle*; complete slock; will tie -old on premise* 1,460 Second uvenuti at 11 o'clock, Yuesduy, 29J, at auc tioo. sTttlt'KLAJiD, No. 36 Beekinau street D RUG STORK For kaLK. APPLY TO jOHr U. STEAD, 2J Ileekman itrcet. DRUG STORE FOR BALK?AS THE OWNER 14 leaving the citv: well tlttod . well stocked ; well lo cated; terms ea-y. Inquire or STRICKLAND, corner of William and Beekman streets. Distillery liquor stork for sale at a bargain?Doing a good retail buslnoas; paving well; humbug. Apply to THOMAS GAFFN'hY. i7 Centre st uo BdOR SALE?MARBLE SODA WATER APPARATUS, all style*, at a creat reduction; Ottawa Itccr Foun tains and Extract. J. M. WHITFIELD k HON', ware, rooms 261 Water street. For sale-a first class orockry stork, ix Brooklyn. Apply to II. OFFEHMAN, 240 Washing ton street. New York. For sale?furniture, srocic and fixtures of an rid established hotel, situated In oneoftnd most beautiful towns on the lino ol the New York and a term rest st. ..eiu.iiui mniia on Ills 11110 Ol .UO .XW lun New Haven Railroad; property can bo 1-asej lor a of years. Apply to 0. it. towSsend a i o., 161 W< F OR SALE?A PATE$T FOR 17 YEARS, A VERY fine article for ladla*. Apply at 243 West Thirty filth street fNOR SALE?THE LEADING GAS FITTING ANIl 1 Plumbing Establishment in a rapidly growing Western city of 30,000 Inhabitants; a rare opportunity lor a good busine-s man with $5.1)00; ex. changed. AddrcssUAS FITTING, Herald office. l?OR SALE-A YOUNG BOA CONSTRICTOR. ABOTT I four feet long Apply at 33 aleeckor street .new number), basement. For sale-good will and furniture of a' t lub House at a watc lug place: eighty members? yearly duos $5. can act ilJ next year, fifteen rooms; new furniture; everything that cohsWts of u club hottser in general; present owner lias other business. Apply to" L. K. HUBBARD, Adams House, Providence, it. L TDOR SALK-A FIRST CLASH LIQUOR STORE. LO I rated in West street, between European lines of steamer*. Inquire of FRANK GLOVER, importer of Honors, 39 Peck slip. 17?OR SALE?A CORNER LIQUOR srORB, DOING Ji J? good business ; will he sold for : essv terms, ply. irom lu to 12 o'clock, to J. C. KAVANAGI1, 57 Broad, street X<U>R SALE?A GOOD CORNER LIQUOR 5TORF, -F Tenth avenue, with Lease ; cuiblished 11 years bv the preaant proprietor. Apply at southeast corner leant avenue and Forty third street. TOOR SALK-A RMHTAURANT, WELL FITTED VP. I? Wilh Dwelling, doing a tair business; all In good running order; best location In the city lor an all night house; rent cheap. For particular* address, for Hire# days, H. W. <4., station D. FOR SALE?OLD At FRUIT AND TOBACCO STORE: large business in mineral waters; best location: AI customers, very low rent; prtco II.SUjcash. For particu lars address, lor eight davs, box 12U Post office. Ho boken, N. J. IDOR SALE?A FIRST CLASS OLD FSTABLIsnEO r Grocery and Feed Store, with a good Stock. Fix lures. two Horses. Wauons, Ac., on the hejt location It) Jersey Citv Height*. Inquire at corner of Bergen ana Communipnw avenues. Jersey City Heights. For sale?a first class saloon, with four fnrnlsh"d Room* attache I: will ho sold cheap ag] the owner waul* in leave the cit v. Call and see It. L. M ALLAH AN, corner !lou*tou and CroghT ttrcef a TjMIK KALE-AX OLD ESTABLISHED CORNER r Grocer/, and Feed store attached, on a good avenue ; doing a large trade ; or a partner might be ac cepted. Apply to THOUAFP.NKY, Auctioneer. IT* Centre street. TDOR SALE CIFEAP?A FIR*T CLASS LIQUOR 6TORlf I and Fixture*, doing a good business. Call oa or Ad drees No. <32 Nlntn avenue. Foe sai.k cheap?a first clas^ corner Liquor Store, the stoek and Fixture* and seven year-.'Leas-. Apply til SIR West Eltv. utb street. OT tf S11 OS. GAFFNKY. II Centre street. pon bale oheap for cash-bar and bil Hard Saloon: old stand1 good run of customers; owner wishes to retire Apply ott the premises, 156 Hudson street, near BrOotne. ICE BCBfKBM FOR SALE-CHEaP. ONB I'll AT IB good paying; wlnt' tt>?l Forty street good paying; winter route GEORGE GRATE, 561 ?1 Forty street 1AUNDRY FOR 8ALK?DOING A GOOD BCHINKfi' i Call at the laundry 42.1 Mx:h avrnuc, over the fist market. N ews depot .Confectionery and toysiobb, wltn Paper Route,^good location ; sold on account nt sickness; price only $1*): also Kjitauraut and Din. ing saloon, doing a splendid busiuest: great bargain. JAMES DENNIS A CO., 116 Nassau street , "|> Ll'MBlNO, STEAM, GAS FITTING BUSINESS J for ?ale? Doing good businei-; horse, wagon and! all facilities. rent tree; owner leaving the city. Ad dress PLUMBER, box 907 Herald office. PHOTOGRAPH OALI.ERY FOR HALF?OIf ON* of the leading aveuue*; established over 20 years! going <>ut of the business. Address ARTIST, Herald U?" town Branch office. Cafes cheap for cash -herring's, marvi.v$, i* Wilder'*, all stzes; jewelers', ellk and house Pales; Lille's Improved Kales st roduced prices: saret repaired. LILLTE SAFE COMPANY. SI Maiden lane. $125 WILL BUT A GOOD LIQUOR AND LAGER I ?i> I Beer Baloon, on a uool thoroughfare, down rn. first door Apply to TIIOS. OAFFNET, AucluQ ?, 17 Centre Streat. $500 WILL PURCHASE A GOOD PAYING RES* taurant and nine furnished Roinn*; room* pay the rent : or_ wljl^ se^rcjiauraut >eparat?, tthel business; must selL LLUYD, 29 Broadway. $800 the stock, rnrr*** ... l^llYy'th. beat In L^tT^AdT^ MAC HINKRT" VOt 8 A LB, AT SM WATKR WTRNRT ? GRKAT BAR r gain, 'd-horee Engine. 1**30. ran six montlx; hu cutoff; first claae; comfa.4#>; price $900. a. CR.APT. Malt KILL wantf.d-or rollers that covlb ho used for cradling grain. Addrea* box It* Brook Irn Post office. THR BHAPLRY BTEAM IXOIVI; rOMPI.fTR powtr; h??t an* cheapest: from A t>> 15 horse power. R. W, WILDR, aole agent. Ma A) tortlandt street TTTANTED-A SMALL-SIMl) TAPPING MACniNR, Vt with countershaft, second hand. Addrea* TAP 1'RR, box 3,#11 Pott office, with price, $&. _ \17 AjfTBD?A SMALL SECOND HAND PL ATX KB, TV Engine, I aths, Drill and Milling Machine. Must be In first clan order an 1 not much need. Oln mil de acrlptloB, where they ean be teen, an I loweet caab pricn* Addrea* machinery, station r, citjr. _____ YETANTED TO PURCHASE-TWO OB THREE COP ?T per plate Preeaet. plank about W inch**. Addreag CoPPKRrLATE, box 1m Herald office DRY GOODS. .-tARPfcTS. CARPFTS ? _ V Oreat bargains In Carasta. 'dieloth*. Window shade*. Lambrequin* Matt, Netting Ac., at rare low trill* English Velvet, at $1 79 par yard. . renestry BriL**?it. at $1 loperyar!. Three pi), atfl >5 per vm? Ingrain, at Sac.. ?0c. aad ?to. par ear A All other gooda at equally low in eta A large stock or Furniture. 10 per eant ctieapar than anjr other houte in the city. _ . _ All good* ahlpped fra*. .R_*Itl?T. (succeaeor to U. O'tarrell), 611 and 61* Rlghth arena*. between Tlnrir-flfth and Thirty-alxUi street* miLUTKHT AMD DRMRMAKITO,^ A dressmaker, who oak mark thb most atyll?h and dilRenlt work, will make amta at mod erate prices and short notice at hat place of bunlne**. Sample* of work to bt seen at M Weet Twantr eighth street.corner at Math e venue. Mr* Runtime. AISOK WALTON, MS BBOADW AT, ABOTB UNION In Bonnets and Jar A < o , K*. Hat at the tea ion. MAISON WALTON, MS BRO ADW AT, A square.?Importers ol noreitiei In ronnd Hata; Mourntog Ooods from W 0. gent (treat, London i "La Talliar*,'' the I YACHTK, HTEANBUATK dfcf. A nVcB CATBOAr POR RALR-IN 0<>OD ORDER and ready for use ; price $M0. Inquire at ess Ba*t 1AI (treat ? _ ASTRAM LAUNCH-IN COMPLETE OhDRR, NEM boiler aad euginf; high and low pressure , aait ten intics. fan be eeen by applying at If# Columbia atreet, Brooklyn. * and fcarbor towing; 78 (bet iong, 10 icct heam I NOR SALE-A NEW PROPRLLKR, BC1LT POR 1 sea and barbor towing; 76 leet long, ISirctbaam and 8 fret hold; cylinder. I*t, diameter, I7>* stroke. Apply to P. J. O'OONNtiLL A < <>. Basin. south Brooklyn, or HIGOINH A OUTRAN i?KH, I'll Waikartraet, r equipped; warranted sound and Apply to l\ A. R. Pill! LON, 234 South ?<t)R BALK?TACRr VESTA, AM TONS; FPL1* ' K-und and will bo told low. "i street. INOR CHARTER?TUB FIRST CLAM STDKWHKEL A sloamer CITY POINT, ?uitabl? tor Sound or rtrer navigation. Apply t* CIIARLKB C. LEAKS', 7.1 William street THE METROPOLITAN PRINTING hSTABLISHMENP 1 la altll Broadway, In the Herald Building. . fTH'OBOAT?CYLINDER 17X18. NOW RCNNIJUl IN 1 harbor, recently overhauled and painted; will b* sold low. _Artdraas r. C. BROWNELi'. IbjMoth afreet A"PWl -rt)Ft HALR?STEAM YACHT SiOll, v.-?: '?*?,-,{ Will e?rrr 8 to 10 per sons; ,D spli'n.lid order and the '???-" If-JVi'Ll* fit Of. AUkif * A!UAM, Wsb iw#?t. KRM ?"?? .