Newspaper Page Text
0 CITY RKM. KS'fAl fc FOB H A L.K.^ Oatrsl. (IVITHOCT MONFY IK IMPBOVBD.-TWO 10 FOOT Im wr rn side Madison avenue, bftwttn Kuhtr third ftnd hmhty-lourtn streets. >11 ready tor Mulder, ? onrtidld loffttmn; or will exrlianse lor Flat or cheap yytfjiUU*. Advise eltb H. KII.KATHU K J'JO Third sr. Kant side. ri FATR OKKKR FOB THRPK KTORT Hrfllf STOOP it brick House and Lot No. ?U Kust Fifty-third meet. twiweeii and Third at amies, will not be ft meted. Address tne owner. W. h. . I.Vt Prince street. I4TOK 8ALK?AN KI.KUANT R?BI DEMOB; FOI R r otorvlir wn Monc French root. handsomely frm ivied, oil modern Impiovemeulv i ntio gulden sdloiu . an. :*>xli>2 ; one block trom Central Park 10k j. est nuYeMy-eiglitli street, between tour'h and Lexington rife (Due. Jti lard iftftrontt T>Fit, R-TATE dAI.K. KS.lH.AMOB AND I.OAS J V office, adjoining I A' 'isige Kftifar.ioia 111 Uroad ?. it. i ? ? -n .' ~Knrr Bums in.-. In city and suburban I'oeft rlt and Farm l amia; aiso leaneaaaa, Coal Iron and Ituibcr Lands, owners and burer* alwavs we 1 UKOKi.K W. HUM. I. V N PROI'KltTA - run JsVT.K AVD TO I.KT LX? NALK-HPILDIN'd PLOT. hOXIOO. NORTH WK.-T X corm r II, w?? street and Maroy at .-nuc Hrootlvn. f. i>., by J. IIKN TZ, savings bans'. Broadwav, corner or' Fourth street. Brooklyn. rpO I.KI?THE LAROR ROUSK rSIXtlni, IS KOOV4 J UN W a innTton Atreei. Hrooalyur .Apply to owtter, 2.W 1-ultoli ?treel, New for*. A1 AVK8T( IIK>TKR ('OI'MI PIUirKHn FUR KALE ARiD TO RENT. AGRKAI BARGAIN.- FOR SALE. A liKNTLh MAN'S counter r. iiatiirr on high and very healthy ground 111 lull vie i ot the Hudson, near Tarrvtuwn Location tiuau. w? ?.oil. I welve acre* ul beautiful land In nam. a Ami lawn;' and rhrubt cry In abunuancc; g>>od I hum., stable. . aruaue house and ice house. J hu property I* ufrr.-tl at one naif it* present value on eaa.v tar >.a n un hutvi, i airmge*. luraiture and evorythmg Q?c>*?ury to carry on tin- |>iacc. Apply to \ ivAlbiiu 80S', ?)I Sixth avenue, Sole Agent. T TABRYTOWN. NEAR THK DEPOT.-TO LET. ... imuilUle po-?f ?loii, a lartre, iit-wly furnished Tlouar. '25 room*; gas. hot aud cold water, bathe. Ac.; aia-cotugc and etubic : nice grounds; fruu and ahado In abundance season or year; -uitable fur a large tamily or bearding home. 8 KMBEEMON, 8M r-lith av. t I IT.NTRV SEIT or 27 ?OilKS FOR SALE?It* JV mile iroin Mount Vernon Weir Haven Railroad; a nd niiihuii-a ihrr .ichord* of gratied Irnlt; tg utile Jrotii oa road . land high aiol under good cultivation: no no aiu' lauce. Address but ltd >l?uut Vetuou S. V ; l'oai tffl-e. \bu?.. us i m n acred, nTvuv sing -1tig and i roton Oain ; good orchard, build in. ? an i tc ??? pric w an t term* eat*. T OL1TI ;; in: ri- k :*? Nassau atroet, room 11. rrw> LET?A VRRT Pt K A^ a NT PART OF llOl'SE, 6 I room-. " 'h owner. $18 per nmntli. IT minute.* from F ri. ecoiid sir ul, t* hole or Pai la of liomu-a from $ Id !?> J.dpcr in.-toll. R. I. BROWN, iff7tu*treei. *orri?ania depot. Sew York. A yru LET?AT \RW BOCUBLLE. A FINE ItERlDENCE, 1 iik? ly lurmshert tor three or tour months; also ?v era1 ilhrniihiot House*, to rent, low Address or apply I Pll LAMBD..N, New Rochelie. N. Y. ri'o rpvi ?st Scarborough ns rnr. wrodON, 1 - ear l arvytown a benntiiul Residence. fully fur c-h I three acres of greund Ac., tor the sea*nn or until day Ural. $S0 llii- I* a luoat luvt-ly place. J.aMK.* K. j.ow suns No. lie west Tweety -teirrt street flHi RENT-FURNISHED HOUSE, NEAR PORT L Chester; tltlcsl locution on tin Sound , perfectly health) , with In* beach w jlLktt iiRON?0\, *) Exi liauge pUce. SiW-rt ? WILL RENT. POK THE SEASON, NEW IIoum fully liiruiened. including use ot lior-e i:.d nigs- '? mil'-- front Tarrytown. 2t? mile* from White Plain* P. 1.Ll? A HOYT, Se. J Park place. PBOPKKTT Ol T OF THE llTl FOR ialb oh to um. VAI.lAlli.h B-li.H v.. -ME AT BhRfU.S Pelet will be disposed nt at a ascriflce |e a cash . uMonirr; Im-a ion ursl claas. Addre-a HAMILTON. box T LU IKraki other AT PUSHING ? FOE FaI.K OK TO LET, rtfit ,\ nisbtid. II.ihm end iuriiiture both now and tire c ias?. ilouw cuBtavns 12 ruofua. ha- heater, bath and { waul.tubs, Ktaimuorv lutein- louatluu the beat. Ave .a.u ua> iroiu u?-pof over he train- dailv also an unfur | m-li'il IE.ii*i- 12 ric 'o? '. luipr it-mctitt. mi a?ii:?rd avenue . both very choice. App y to I. U STE.E.Lt, PhmtiuiK. I- I. A- rOL'STKV R?3ll?E.V( E._*i M I s L'TiS I ROM _'\ ctty. eieht maiutc.s by plank walk (roin depot. om ? enteal Eailr-ad ot Sea .leriwy; rommuAtinu 12l, ceutaeach way , houae Wac?irU ro. i. 11 r?uitii?. with Earn lor ? >or Oorw? earnagt tnui-e hen Imu-e and a ri ? i lawn and garden, gruunda. walk* aud drivca beantt- ! flatly laid . u' piat tiiully -haded aud ie perfect order; j till* pill'-e Ia biuaied on tlie hiiuimil of a high eieraLon: retet fuii pm naufith ; lew than hall real value, will sell I ,r $e,ou> hat' c>i-ti Apply to owner, go uti 5 7 imes ItHtldiHg. i Park row. or tu JOHN iiOlrXAS, Weak field, S. .1. ? Mt IWu siOKY AND bl. ATS MANSARD .? Uouw : hi larue r.ivia- utarble uiautela: all in i>er turt order, ha Ifio I * *?' leet ' wo bha-kairom tlie demd. A> m.iiute- iroui Nr? lortt; will aall ui a great aar-iliee. MiMt L rw-to *u:t. AI.BX sIM'UAlit, 1 lb Jlulta rr? -f et S . \ ? k VMAi.Nl Iid.M ERIII ASH GRAIN FARM? A ereat bargain 4Vi acraa auoer er land. 1L? itul-a tiuatt two 1 oura irmu Hailituore or Wushiog U<ua. aiae b. itr* iroin New York . 1, "?*! Iwxnog peacb Hid T .y apple an 1 peer ire-a. . ale* nt peachc. hi in7 8i,tMi. $?' o res mi* In corn in m heat. in oura. iwt.taai hiila ? dioiiaoc. iarg' brick Uimiw. with Hue al.adcd lawn O'ai gar-Jen turee leoant Hou*.--, vcr? ami le ..mbniid. up-. ?o?d ifu. e? p:?t with halt >f crops and ample -|T. k and larin impleinen'-. ?'?i per a.-re; $-i??c?.b ? ??utre..: tio properly iakeu ui cxciunwa. Address box t-'? uat < Rk'< . SBi.aj- .iu. Nil ? otrAT Bargain.-roTTAGE. mns and w a. rea to "et. for SI' monthly one hour fr.. m citr. neat station -pteisdui wne-r reioil Ofld I- Hi DM.U i soar 67 Kast Tenth atre-1, Sew N ork Dairy. KCOSONT Is WEAL 1H ?FOB SAME, AT i'Kll K? to o'll the tiioea ait on oa?v icruis. weeiai ft ? en tire'- m w Hull-n^s lor genteel lan.iiie., onanrpe-ard la archi'e, rural lira a y end atvle airangwt biiaicoib ii.?#I #u-i. wtlh alt imalera csmiv.-iimh'ew as- water At . end t'Uilt 111 Uie post p.. -ibie maimer bv day's w. rt. Tb" gr< cii is contain tr.irn Ul my laite u? aavsrel aree* pSgri-ed wi?h -hade anj nma melius! ire ea and ?Uu6* ,a rile rt plot he!a*d In. rr.ujuel g| oeiols. la wu. r -ad-aail -?alka; tin ?treot. planted wiUi ahaiia tioss. is flcetjr giad*d curbed, luft-ted with ga-. and tlie side walks laid with flattstonca. in farL everything has been done to - ,nip'* a al* d< -irabM ctnulorta c- mlunlng eitv ?Od eoeutrv lt'e Location ia perfectly healthy. In the geniLcb s poriiiie ui Iter keose-k, 12 uide- iinra New York arm- wail e!?Ttted givln. a spier, iin v,e? of the s.rer'anndlnea aeir hree depots. < uiveutrnt to*' niches and sebowl-. and rre* rrom if p.-eetblc hanee I oine anrea cisti" ? an be wen at and o-ruiits and inr'her In lormation Will be ga?n by ti ILLIAM f. UlS'Rn, W l*l'-e at- tt New Vork i,wjb BM.r os rant TEKMii?ritlhisg rites r and tvnee Front, lor fn tories r,u rt> inwa A Sons' yopr ri r. A.kru, a .an Lot, at 1 .so'AS', sua flu l-ben irame and hrli * Hwn*e? from $J **? upw ir?: also 1 tsel'ins llonsea and I'arta ol houses to lei eteinwar A r<wW saw inii' imti MrndfT and metal works, also Wil liam* A FrtckeD ? veneer la' o.ry. a*e on the ground In fill operati n dtrtiiway's large tils bo fa* tor v will tas removed to the p*ef$iaea. and otb?r IBCo.rte- are now b?ii>C ere ted Uie new b..r?e ralltoad from Thirty r 'isrta street aod lanma -lip retries, threukh Kave** Wobd tu A.-Uirl*. loads direr lijr to the ab uiwsv pr -perty . which le but I\ miles Aatorta ferry, need tor nr etuar. with .le ri a, t. u and ma , i ' proper Apply to NTF.INWai <1 e"V- Foarlee nth etreat. Nets York. ? AI.K?AT RbRJTRN rflfNT. t roRSER PLoT ui >.r .uiwJ. 7:. lees trostt ub s ea .* p 1C leel sa Niaeweriut ?.,.ey tsrw.b. wii-i; alei- e will he soM very losr. fur tort ier paiLcalara address ? I. bua kbw Poet off. .o now York. F'OU HAI.K?At \ ll-AO Ft'lNT. IA> NO I-I.A N'l>, neer Orcen .tt, a iarui of umt if*, acr' a, wits mrae sutserf DwelPng-. f.nlahed la hardwood* *ei Jens and farm houwa.. upia alley, icehouses, hentieries. OTiteei of grai.r.r ie- and ucsue ouaouibuildings with -.ate rr.ofa; a large t art under "nit ,a'f-ij. vieldiug paechrs prsia a- g*epe* and vegetatitag crt a'l alnds. the hathlug. fl?btnt and shooting are ue*';rpa*aed . tsao rsltroed tralaa ess-* ds* vtes-n'-o t tw|.e s erek Will be told et a great ja rill' e by HKNKV A. dnfr 71 Hrotdwey. L""'R 8AT.R?T<5 rArfTALIdTH-arf RNJIID fS VRST r men: ? ire to d- -ible ?E.iegaa; Villa .direa. oe lhal*?o River, on* r: i'e of rt vwr fr?tit S?i acr?? a*' or snv pert a.-etiers mAgnttlceah ARplv te HUMKK MiiKUAN. Su. ?J Pine F'OK H i 1 I. t 'K r<> tatANK?TMh ?Rsr LOCATION oe the fl ider.n g'ver fee "egrnrsiue gr nnds" in the ce itr* r.t the Mgi.U de 1 taiie ap is w?et Petnl end 11; ro lie-above'"old prin*. N. V For pat 'k-ilart address O t tiARKlSUM, (,amaon'a H. v., ur J II. J'JsKKY. ('old cprtng. N. T. L'l -TU RENT. PART OF A GENTLE. I in*n'? ttea denoe, eveeaaihte hf steam or berwi ?srs. fruit, shade A- rent E? Monthly tlf Nasaae street. *> ? , r .1 flo - rrw m I# MONK LAIR. URANOF. *"1 NTilN.? TO LP.T, COS. i 1,'fsge of ll l>, ins Iirliulisi '"rwrker*. Pismc A* , green-; Belt acre, stable, tre wtiuules from ?I- p..I $ ' Oi.U'lll If' iW Is A r*RJti>e. 7$ Cedar sheet. New Tork. NRAP. IJYNO BRANJH AT REM RANK. ON THE Hhrewshery.?A deai-abie llespfearie to let, tnr ?i.-hail - >r lb* ra-.a shade gardens, .ia or at. piaasi, A- will pet re.iae any r*e? aable offer. Appl< to ?wear, tor is., dart, at J-U 1'itih tvitta er tof. 1. RT 11 PA-ON, II Pine street crti'NDtn oairy farm, nkar ocaeertowie .a I', .a . -.a, ? ? '* II' ise '-I,..d *raat\ie U 'laur fl'.'i-e anj first el ite Mam-. the farm . *?? '?< fatwghl reaannaaiV: ? timet eg SffSM ryf water pa -ea through ihe i remises and soil er excelleui qnalltv. rpp.y to the pi -pr ? ui, Rtckusadiuwe, Pa. J. T. RRROEK AJTAMFORD ?PARMh. DWELfslNWa ANI> MCII.D s > ing ana* ler sale, er fiirauaed and unfurnished U nites let. .see Jilll Ha'at 11 A li (' BR A Kb ? Reel F.s'ate offlre RMiwi.ird Gene 'P ? T.'T-IN rOC.NTRT. LAf^E HOI'dR, FI-'P I I'tlied : shad v iral's. ouibui d(agi greenhouse Jer ae i r rural Nai'rnad one mile from depot AditeaaMf. 11JOM A-*. bex 4 AM Post office. New Vork. 'pd l.i r p. ?. w JIIMT l HOI ? PR'm CIT1 ? I /a il use. k fsaMi large garden, trult and ahxde trees, very ttaslslii rent very ex-i-rglg. *6 Ireta ?. rt RoLI.IMso* p, s Ml Sew VerN Putt offi e. VpO LET-a FviK.ION OS A BUOlsE. IN Nfit" fH I firauge. n j ; laii'iabed e?*v t'esas t^ the etty. A ldre a o , AV kliilt. esauuo. New York. rnORIAT-k RAIIAT4X.A EPRIN08, A NKWAND I hnn'trowelv fhrrHbad Mouse ui llroarlwas tor the summer it. iuire at JoUS * liAKh, No. ft Warr*B at eel, *>?? York. fl'O ItAM-il k EMIT. M. J.. A f.AKOR aliiRK. Of. I |*>aiie ih-i star -r.. wttfi f'wei, , ? ^it,. ogp.isi tneetiou fur heaineea. Aps'y to AKt U lHaL.I> UEAcIE, r pp .aise 'lis sts lull II' ESI P K T, Kff.l. To KEN f. FINK HOU-R, 'V part's if furnl-t ed beeelltel gr-iunda faesltby I * alloe. g941.1 tailing sal hsBingani near 'ha depot J'l.' loginoli at ofllcs Hi.P It A MoTt. No. ? i'erk I-MMW itKAL KDi'ATI TO UK HiUiUa A Virginia and rwiimvANU p a km am> valuable Mer> liHiidiae to exoha nge: Lienors lo ex ejxiige fur truck Hoo-esand llor?>' and ilmeerr Wason. W. R. MO OLo, 91 Liberty ?tro?u AHNK CORNER STORB, IN THR LOWKK PART ot lb* city, rented Inr $10 (SHI per year, fnr sale. or would uko low priced Lot*. if# and clear. In part pay nient. joil.s I>AVlH I'ark id a ?. AIUNDSOMR THREK 8TOItV HRlt'g HOUSE IN Brooklyn; 11 room*; convenient location; price $9,000; mortgage $.\i00s to exchange for Farm or i oun trj- Residence. Address EXCHANGE, box 177 lleraiil olnee. _ __ A DAIRY KARM, 100 ACRES, ON 11 A RI.EM KAIL road, with Stock, Ac, complete; and 135 acre# Farm south Oystui Bav, L. 1.; to exchange lor New A ork or Brooklyn Prwpertr. T. Oc,lVtR OARri-K, .V9 Nassau street, room II. ANRIi K HOUSE AIX IMPROVEMENT*, W I I'll stable. Hue location at Newhttrg N. V , for Lot* or Improved Properly oi Jlcrtnaadiw. Apply atlS7 Bruud way. room 1? A DESIRABLE $ IAOO.I DWELLING AND (I BOON OR, ou riliiton avenuo, Brooklyn, to exchange for a $H,(K):j I'welling and (?round', on Htnlyou liner. Address JACOB V. D. W Yt'KoFF, ?># Hue *ti'?et._ flZCH.ANUK-IM ACRE FARM: IS ACRBS OATS. 01 i tons Hay, 2 Horses, H C'attie Poultry, Punning Im plements, A, ; ovary thing complete; price $\UU>. Owner at CI KLKY'rl, 13 Centre street IjtXOIIANCE-FOR UNE.NCl MBI.RKD COUNT** j Property, two tine Houses. on Bedford avenue, Brooklyn; U rooms each; price $lti,nui; mortgage $s uttO. D. P. Cl'tll.fY, 12 Centre street. New York. 17XCH 4NQB?M E ROHAN DISK .AND PERSONAL Id Properly; also u goo. I Business, tor Real E-utr. M 1,. BYRN, 49 Na?san street, rcmi 9. pX08AIOt.-BOm AND GROUNDS tr ABLtNG Fa lou, do nunuU'i :rout city, in New Jeruiy. and u first Mortgage on roo<1 property, to exchange for tluusf in Brooklyn. l>r. BYIIN", 49 Nassau street, roout *J. F-'OR SALE OR EXCHANGE?A DESIRABLE COI'N trr seat, free und Clear, in a thriving lu*o in New Jersey, one hour Iroin the eit.v; two acres of land, well Improved and laid out. with fountain, truit, (lowers, Ac.; two story fran;e Cottage, barn, carriage houre Ac wi'h good supply ot wa cr ; location perleoily h-althy, with fine scenery will ?-ll luw liir casll or exchange lor trn provad property in this 'tlr not heavily mortgaged. Apply to WII.LT.AM K. IIAW8, No. 5 Pine street. FfOIt SALE GR EXCHANGE-TWO NKW FIVE story Tenements and Stores, lully occupied; annual rental $6,0W. Apply at No. 4 Hag atreot, roogi 19 tlllEK AND CLEAR LOTS AT JAMAICA FOR 1M proved city Propert or nearby Farm. 0. U. WAYLAID A AYMAK. Ifil Fulton street. N. Y. House and lot-lightly mortgaged: also Lola, true and clear; also valuable Broadwav Prop erty to exchange lor Merchandise. liAallNGS. 9511 Broadway, opposite ItKalb avenue, Brooklyn. I 07 WANTED?IN E\< IIaNOK V >P. vN F.sTAH J ILslieil Business, one that can he made to pay large profits, value about il.OltO. Address HAMILTON, ilur aid ofilce. VTEWPORT-FoR b ALR OR EXCHANGE FOR CITY In Ileum itie tine Residence, lorinerly owner', and oc copied py Mr. HatghL Photograph at our efflc#. BKF.U A HO Yl', No. 3 Park place. I1"14 EVENING TELEGRAM HAS MORI. AND l.tlKi: NtW.t TONIGHT. TO FX' HANOE K'l; iTIY OR BROOKLYN PROP erty?Only on a cash ba?ui, a heaatiful fin-acre farm, !*' miles tr / u the city; butldinirs first class, flue abadc, choice truit; splendid water, running t-rook A.SINQLaIK. 116 Mulberry strret, New York. 'Pit I xrtl t\CE? A F1V : STORY TENEMI M HOI -! 1 on an avenue, lightly enentnbered. for several Lots and gooa Dwelling <>r a stnsll Country seat in West cheater county: price not to exceed $3\0fi0. HUGO O IISOH, No, s Rtvington street, corner o! Bowery. lilll dwellings AND HOl'SBtL RENTED BOB loo $gi? ? to exchange, separate!: or together, tor unencumbered eotlBtry Property, Lota or Securities; al?o .'vrge Dwe lings wanb.i for ?m?i oD'-xIn New lork. and large Brooklyn Dwellings to trade lor rented small Houses or S ores. - JACOB V. D. WVOKOFB, No. 5>, Pine street. he^l estate avavtku. U'ANTBP?:(i Bl v. a HOOiil AND LOT on SOCTM ?idu of lb: Mrimt, between Thirtieth and J'.ftivui atracta and peiwren F .urih and Seventh avanma Ad dre>f wall ma particular* ALMEItf JAM Eh, nauua H. AA'A.NTKU?TO fCRCHAIE. BE I W l.f \ TAKKI J.lnw" *n'1 v*w Hamt uri, mtlier aide 1.1 river, well rviilt Hoine . laundry, bath room, Ac ; abundance ol I *??r indi?i'eu?al,ie; land fertile, from -ix to tight ) ? r?a; te.uu moderate A dtea. It. LOUS. (fi ?iit j tiahf-clil'i -irert N. ? y.rh. " IVANTrH-A AM A 1.1. TARN, KITH GOOD BI'ILD '? lug*. Mar city, plica not < ver ti'J.OAl; will nay i part ea?h and paUio ? m de-iiahle lota. I I.r.Ht*lXAriSK A rii. HoMaN. No. 8 Pint atraeU AI' AN* f I I' r ?. ! F AHK Ml K ? AN I T Af TPR!*G V? purnuv-t. . EuiMihh or good shed. eovrruiP about twoc.ty lota; poailbiutv of ext-nding desirable; cn watvrtront preferred. A.'drrta 0. A. P.. Herald offl.e. TOI.l.T EOU BI PI KI'IISES. ARI -TAl RANT ASH BAKKOuM TO I.BT? iV) twi.ple to mnply : all buainea-of rraiisiort hoime te'nin'it Taut,?rt and Wihiatu turtle, at lenttoxuit ! A *K<P,St?WAr I tiKSHR HToliK TO I.ET-L'tCA a"*. t*m between Tarentv-Uurd and fhirtv lourth i ? mV"! tf ***""* BttOADWAT O.KsfcK J Mr raid I ptown Branch ofhre. \ *??>* IO LET -H AS BEEN p It B * 1 .<hed flee y<-art; no bonus asked I'-eated onn.eute M*th averin* depot; real reatunable to . de- rable party. MARK LEW, J e" *'2 *T?nn?. eorner Forty r. jrtn street j fPO LRT-WITM ok WITHOIT bTKAN POKE I ; I Loftem Not ILV 117.119 and 121 Kaet Hi oVnih Street and lit , A,t ronr.eenih at reel, Ivr* gh. m.oortc I Rrw5rast,,*?? ?' 'wrtaas. rLET-S.i I7< en AMBERS STREET TUfITtokF and Lofts '? *I, t: r"?? |,,w I N \ I H AN IKI, HOI, VartfR T?* ?K*WMr STREET A SIX STORT A r aetorv ; tat ?team power or will *e|| the Rnihlir.e ? ? ? "?IM aNH i. Roe ?? V.rtck tSwai ' T??d5Ti7H.0?lt5 soa8 I,I,RD street, orpomrr J Hrv ! * a -in,I*. Rant. iieairaM,. f, r i,u??, M i ,*'l owt'h^t M,PU ,0 ,OH S B ULK^ xiw r. :cn7,% Mr* - . . - l)M KI.LIM4 IIOI NEla 'T(| l?KT. Rtralthtd, I A ft RSI-HBO BROWS STo.NL Hot -? jut ' ?. P"' ia.r miplel.- r rder. loeatloo t ear ?ur : o?Cca . raa< 52.2UII; ouatit It btiuic Uiit uwarirtahed . u IIM - S?,.\ A EElK E??S Hroadway. near E??rly- 'ouru, eireet 'no LPi-A erivatk iioi se. no .tij Bast mviii i 1 afreet three atorI ba-eia-nt and attit will, all Im I roremenu fhrnisbed <-r ?nfarn.ehrd, writ le ,,r in li. .r. "n ueofK AfTbL. BW:.a.tN,ntl. "neat I ii'nrnlOoil. A ?J2?T = HOI'St TO I d\ icf inMirm tfiiproirrmcau. t*5? :irf> monin.? r.tkt I off to a r-od tenant. Praot ort lFon*e. Jtu W'liMan, ?t Mr. sHiri. I A 5,,M,'L Sl ro LET-NEAR TM-1 ST .1 AMPd 1 1* D?l*E Apply at So m Weal Twenty ttatB ttrt". j A -?mirablb pwelusos to llt-uth -IBM near *th avenue fl I fl. ?lat ? mar "h a?. nue^i.i',, j?.tl .,r?u near oth avenje ? *th war'iM*inr ' e'anua. Stih atreei, ?,ar Br. a l ? e B 'iOoilILt A ( O I _ So A A e*t Twentr tturn alreet, Kifth Avenue Hdtel. 'V" *1**1 -17"" V NKOWn STONf. BOCEE r .ra w nVd ??M ""I4** ?"* fit" ' MoVr Ti S'oJdwa *r>" A , rro fET l'mpi'ksisrbd?a rort rrnir 7th.ii h?*r" 1Woiie'iottee, ail ru.-daiu unyroveiuenia i ?n pert, et and "e?ent?oeder. with . mtiete Jf,, rit,. ,!? r. ia'lnn anejepj.tioitAhle ; tuoewlon Irnite.lltir Aa JndToHT.Tk'***' k*"' T",*",EBin,h tceet tin wee- It I IT"'' "^i "Mi To irt. iif east twki rrrt nHHtndroar'h ?4.(m,_nie e" tint Howoe parior fl?.r Mee?ie<t, e, naiwiav of II rnoma rinifDSr^'!ri^k^,wrfce' er"r-,eruM ! iR'ln ^ ?f>*T??nrO STfiRT ASH Ba-*'?<-\P "lLn,"M wah ?" ""?"^t?5? ?<t. o <- Igl 'r. ?eeoltd a>reef between awe nee A ai<4 R Apim* ett I ? rdMMffl or ?? MM?, m I a. e ?r;.y, ^ EI'BAISIIRII IHHIRe IAD APART MKNTM TV LBT. A Et tSlnHln EI.OtlR it, I e I lv A PRiVjiTK A fawi f. r.l?t Saeand tven u,r;..m, \ ' HBMdHEH ROOK a El EST ! ;,V* E" ?-? ?" OW.BI. iate tae ??h i' i 'Iff ">T Indtaen.en ? i,,,- Pranklort flouae. corner r,f e rankfort and Wtlltam aireett ? """ ^ A ?,Hah a HASHSOMPLY Pl'K ^ prirai? tit i?uin ?tr??( A NASImodM.Y rLKNISHKO TIRB ? BTOKT lurd H,?.i,rri im,"'*1 tnr m%ft *" 1 ?l" if da baCT7. A'.JI.*w4KT?J'?7M ^Bt-,'Tt StA-tiM, oru. 92, 4iiu lin# from Ra ?, aH.|.i ? _ cr iwogeotlemru Urii? ,u#,|,"45* m' 'UtU'?l* ATkmfJT^l.nlfKr>"'t KIIPIP ATI?: ER/VAfB /* hClfip fljrr.f?hcrf Konnif f^r ni?#r jr.> ( r Koiua Evlti). Ma,iijus a vt nut. c.,rut, of i .?ht., tiadi at. tel /iomeortaiil* fcrsr<nKtt It, r.w, TO .f s Witbnul '.I.ard, fo pn.'i.tti ,,f tainillei ?> ia.1 Ninth eirael, iw,neea Bro^.., an., i mv.rLly pW? RAWT ,L'MEK!*'" RTRhBI, lE.lvp.KT LAH. fc Pj .runt Kn ta tor two gantlaaMa ? tia?etin? wiiu i ?n I r. ..tu . larta M/e * Kno t with n.,t and co'd water buuaa ban feomriv niriiiahad, ifjMt* in aeratA j I iAsn-(,MEi.r Efpsisiirt? Ronw, ni% ltr\ Ma\'i'nTr't?-,<ir.rt,?it;;ret.,,,,-'lr '? Pr""" ?| l/Ki *.N'J "ASDRfiJIKI.f ?( RMSHE.dToImA . rabl7?? 1"?*"' ,"nU I'WAHrtt, verr dt ninthVeet ?rm?ir.- at U. W..t i,v. ,tJ ; \ Tl KAIhMKD RofiRJ UtHfl ANH eMail *r?akmi,afit;!I Pt HAIKUKU HOOMH I1D Al'.VBTMKBTS TO LET. N-l< KLY H RNISMKU BOOMS T,' LKT-TO 01 N ttenen or geMteax n and ?'.*??. bath ami gaa. tot Weil Forty second ulicat, mm Sixth avenue fpo I KT?A NEATLY KURNI .IIKO HAM. HBDROoW, I for a gentleman 2S2 Seventh avenue, between Twen ty-third uu.l Tweuty-Iolirik street*. fro LET?A LARGE AND A SMALL I-1 KVTnHF.D 1 Room in a private house nicely situated fill KMt Eleventh street. lull Found avenue. rih. LET FURNISHED?FOB LIU H i HOUNEKKEP 1 Ing. a r, rv p'ea-ant front Room and Bedroom. nit Hi v tloor, wi h gaa and water. Mo. tW Math avenue, near Thirty ninth street. C;.; PER WEI K FOK A VRHV FLKa?UNT AN!) yfi neatly tarnished front hall Room: top doer: bath, Ac.; private Ientity. 326 l-.ast Fourteenth atreet, near see. Hill HVI'IIIIC. .-Til ATBNU8. M.-ELfcflASTLi Fl'UNI-HPD PAR *' lor Floor in let to gentle men, without hoard; alao Rooms, an suite or alngly. at summoi prioca CM AVEMTE 161. NK IK TWENTY KIR-T SITU I-. I'? U FuruiaheU Rooms. single or entire Hour; baths on earn atorv : raicrencoa required. , 'Til AVEVrr, OPPOSITB MADIHON SQUARE-, ?' Elegant suit ol Kooiuv. heautiluhy iui ulshe I, aceoiiu atory. froiniiiu Fit li avenue and Broadway, at summer | pi o ? ? rail and vca them ; retarenco exchange l. No. 2U6 II Wr.sT TWENTY-SIXTH STREET (FORMKKLY* I I occupied by St. Jautei lluiel/.?Mute and single Hums at auuihter prices. I EAST SIXTEENTH STREET, BEI WHEN BHiTAD 1.' way ami Fifth avenue. ? Desirable furuiahed Rooms, en suite or singlv. without boitnl, to gentlemen, or by the Wi eit or inontn ; terms reasonable. nEAHT SEVENTEENTH STKlKT, BETWEEN liiloh square and Filth avenue.? Furnished Hooius to let, to getiileiiicti only, (tciereuees. 4)Q WKVT W ASH INGTON PL APR.?11 ANDaOM KLY ? t i nr iil-lo I Ho in,, huge and small. ? on second, thirl and lourtli tlo.onear corner ut Mxth uv<mun; very convenient locality; gentlemen only; suouuur prices, t'aliaudseu. 4 ?> EAST I IIIK I KK.NTH PI RKET,?TO BENT, 7 1 ?! H. oius. lurniahed or uulurnlshed; good lor tailor or ary pusiiiu-w. Apply to IIAVr.N. naxt duur (4D. r BOND SI REhT.-M'RMSHKD HALL ROOMS TO >J to ict at $3 mid $4 per we ex to gentlemen outy. 1 /17 WK.v'f till Kl> b"TUKKT, BETWEEN 8ULLI 11/ I vim ,ii 1 Va eiloagal street*.? Parlor f loor to let, nicely turiiished, with gas, closets, hot and cold water. .)i) 4 WEST FORTY- EVKNTH SIK -ET. BEAR ? ? r Hro id e a v.?A lady, having nitre room than she de?ire?. would let <?uc or two well ihruialied Room,. 1 n axia-t ; to gentlcmWI or gentleman and wife. or I WEST I'Wi VI Y-F1R4T STREET -MCrLY ?'l | furnished Room*. with closets, hot aud cold water, to let. without boarl. 41-'7 WEST KIT TI E N III STREET, BETWEEN si?)| ""eveu'h *n<l lghth areoties. ?Furnished llooin. g?s hath, hot anu cold water, gentleman or gentleman a id w lie, nghl house,-.coping St per week. Q(W\ WEPT TWENTY-FIFTH STKKKT.?T'> LET, ? MM' handsomely turnohed Rooms,suitable lor light housekeeping - 111*0 single Room- lor geiilletuea. I .M'tHMDIIEU* AMU Al'AKT N1KTS TO I.ET. ? ?UNFURNISHED SH'OMl AND TOP FLOORS .\ . to let. loatlher or separate, lor light housekeep ing. iu Hprirate family; ull modern improvements; rent moderate Nix IW5 west Tsrentv-aecond street. T 152 THIRD AVENGE.?8FOOND FLOOR, SIX . room*, all connecting, rent $4$} also thre?? Rooms $ld, same house; all nice mder; also other Apartments. GONDII'. 1.1 J Last Twelfth street. A' i| FLAT TO LET.-144 EAST FOORTSKNTH .\w street .a bowse complete', oti fourth floor, opposite the Academy ct Music: six rooms; dumb vrauer; central ligation. Apply to the janitor. ? FIRST TLA Sit FRENCH FLAT TO LET-IN ,V brown atone house on lexlugton avenue; second floor. ?ix roani" and P.-ithroom; newly paanted; rent re duccu o f jjanitor in bouse Apply at P6 West Forty ihnd straot. IIANUEOME SEt'OND FLAT?PRIVATE HOI'RE; browu stone front; tt rooms and bath; all improve street; rent $iV. TItil's n A moots Vt. F >rtf 1 bird pll 1.1,468 ttroann ay , near Forty-Saurth street. 4 ?LOWER PART UK) LAST FIFIT-FIRST KfKELT. /I . n'-ar Lcxingioii uv< nue; front and back Parlors, Ease'mi nt. halt Bedroom on aecond tloor, Stu per month; two neat r loors, Pin I r, Klt< nen and three Bedrnoma, each ass llxturea. inarhio mantles, Ac., $25 and $Yi \ sEt'OSD FLOOR IN PRIVATE UOGSK. WITH J\. gnc, bath Ac , newly punte.1 and papart-d ; rent, fit .'41 East SOth st. Pet ween 2d and Ad a vs. L'I.EOA.NT FRENCH H.aT, OVER THE KQGITARLR Fs Savings Institution, sixth avenue, corner el Twelfth street; *u le. t deep b iront rnumt; rent rednceu. In quire at hi Wcat Twelfth street. H^IRST FI AT IN Bl'l.L'S HEAT) BANK SGILDINO: moderate rent to an seceptalile party, ?ee it. Apnty t-i s. K 11 PATRICK, 3U0 Third avenue. fPO LET?414 A M--AI HUGSM. FRONT AND RACK 1 Parlors, bars Basement and pantrtca, In ibe n-m-e with the owner only, irom the iat Juiv; all improve men Is Br.SJAMIN A LHRO, 351 West Thirty -six; n at. rpo LET?SECOMD FI.imir, I NFCRNI.SHBD. THREE J roomx to a r spectable. small American family ol aliilt" loeati -ti oen rat; bs-h and gax i 10 East Elev enth strcst. near f our.h avenue. rpo LKI-I PART OK Hoi NK OCCUPIED B I ?mu'i family In Iweniv second street, m ar Fi evate Pidiuid and lwenty-tltird atreet ataves; moderate run Addresa A. M. A., AO- West t wenly third street. TO KF.NT LOW To DK%1K\BLR TF.NAjiTF? First Floor and Baactnenl olx rimmai 1 nglish i.aenirnt bouse. .44 East Ui'Lh atreet. apply ,-n preui rs or id Broadway. 47 OBfllR fOPHRR BTRF.) T, OPPOBITR WaVRR. T I lev place. ?Part ol the home, unoirmahed : gin and wafer; 6 or 7 rooms; re ut $4d, only three in tastily in ihe oner part. 100 AND I'd WEST TWENTY-KIOHTIl STREET, corner Mxth avenue. ? ! bree Hat?; every Itu i-roveamnl, and small House, with parlors carpeted and looking glaaa. Impure ot Kb H, 74 Murray atreeL IIUI'NKN, RPOMS, BBC"., HAYTEI). In thla lily and II rook I yn.* 4 Niri.LV FGRNIHHFD Boc-K FOR BISIVES* 21 trnrpoaea. near ltr,.e-!way, between fourtreuth and IP, n second enetu. bv lady troin t hicago. en ml particulars to F. P. U., box 137 llerald I pt-rwu Branch ONK OR TWO LOKTft WANTKD-FOK MANPVAC luting Bfiow rhamber* and w??i ot Wiloam Adlrmt, matin/ -pare and rent, l\ a. I'liAKMAv EC Adlreat. matin/ -pare and rent, TK'Ali CO.. !?*? reutre ytw. U tNTKn-IIV A GENTLEMAN AND WIVB, A 'I iiii.'II, writ turni-ned llou-e, liM-ated l>'t?een Fourteenth and Piftv-eeventh IttMUan ? Park and Sixth a?e' ar? Attn rem. etatihtf I' O.itl >u auJ term*. L. B , bot I4>? Herald uptown Brant a oillra. I yANTED?FIBA^ FLOOR AMD CELLAR. STEAM Power, centrally tituaied; mo.lei ate real. Ad drea* ABC, Herald nfflc TV A ?ThD?BY A O hNTl,KM AS AND WIPE. AN t'N Y?. furnubed Flr?t Floor, with balh. An . below lw?n tt fiitli ? reet and lie. ween ecc.nd and Hath aveuura Addreta K n, t?i* l*e Herald other. i- (IRtKNWini ST FET-\ ltP.sPLl'TABLK German w.enan witor- to take charge of a < .m ule ol h"U?e? i r ufflcie. with Iter and oac child ; t eat rei-ietniiiendatlooa can Mfitta TflK I.RFTl'RK MF.ANIIN. LKfTCRR F.YRRY EVENING.' At MUHT . o'Ci'" *. on "N't rro i? fetidly an I ?-(tnctal Id. ra*e?. at Or KaIIN"- Muwiim flememner the ?l drea, 6-a Broadway, near Tonrth mreet The lar/eat and mod magnificent mite am in the world Adai.ttnin. A M) rent". t L'Ctril F.VKRT NIGHT At 8 O'CLOCK ON ?Y "Manhood and Cauae of It? Premature fiecline* althaNew tork Mnieum of Anatomy 611 Bra i way, liet* en Imnaton and Bleeeker street* I.VaTHI (Tltii, T $h>?BOOK KBlvPINO FOR BtHINhds MF.N ? A If - on llOLHc.AK l.m Broadway. leatlt double eutry a* uard in the iiem New Tore Louie, and make good twvnaKeeper* la a tew private lei on.. thev ..... remove .tiflneaa or tr< lokiini an I make ele ganl tuaincat wrtiera. open das and eremnr. all mm uicr. AT M. WRITING. MONTHLY; H<>< >h K KKPI NO. Writing. Arithme Ic, Uriuntiar, spelling i ouar terlr; nam ward neraona no/nt privately FAIN e 'A Hnatam* I'o.lega. */ Bowery. Aatabil.betl i*ep la hi | qualified lor bamneaa. AFKP.Nt'tl TRAP H F.R BMMMV UNO A PA It lit loepnid the "tim.uer with. Addrag. P. tt., Herald Uptown Branch ofBra. FIRRRCR LANdTAGF.?PROPRS ,OR A DaRBKT, 41 Greenwich avenue, will give private leaaone dnrtng the eummer varauon. V% ATtllKH, JKWFd.Hr, AC. t MFRICAN OFFIi'F?g7"> Otl' ?r f NK D|? MOM/A. i\ Wall.het. Jewelry Silverware. India Soawl*. Vain ' It" Ac . 'i.iiaht. hie Heat poanhle ertree paid, aleo time pnrrbAMt r Dec ted \ e?tat>lutiied I it. J. 11 BaKRINoPR, 7AS Broadway. AT 77 BLRECKRR STRrBT, KFaK BKOADWAY.? Libera; advanr at apoa ? lamoudt. Wa:<be?, Jew elrv. Piano* A r 'be eane r. agVt; *.?? Pawa Irohere l icktia tc.tight al 77 Hl< ?> kcr *tr*et, up alatra. hlAMOND.-i. WATi llKt. JF.Wh, RY, SILVKRWARR I and other artirlee bon/t.i and add heck when (iealre-1, at a ?-rr etnah ad vance, ii OKOK C aI.Li-.N. ?leweiier. I.IPl Broadway, near twenty-ninth erect. NI1LK AND (KKAN. Ne I? WOO (-Ml I.I, A CO 79 TO M NOK1 II , Moore eireet. ? r ore < ream delivered to auy part <>r saw York, Brooklyn or Jeraey City, and ehiiipe.i. paexed in ica. to any town between Boaton and wa-b Irigton. V\ I.VIKU lu HI KIIIAM* U'ANTt D?sIX LOOKING OLAsdF ! Ft.R A SMtr.I hotel. Call at or atldrex 771 lltul<on ?treel MF.DM II.. ^ ?MMF.. MAIWPLL MIDWIFK, RfsIDLNOK Ui .Ii hA?t leu-it tueui, near i iir l Ascoue. -DR. AND MME. VAN HI KUtK KKSlDKNCh ? IM Laet JSUi ?L, between At and lieaimrtoii ivt -PR AND MMK ORE N i1L rli Kh ALL COM ? plaint*. J6yaar* prac^ire r?. n y tiitnat ? MMK II (i -Tl. Lie. XI III A | r K si sr.{|fll. NO. i e Fa*t FIfty-ite.-oii l "trau . I1rttdf?ir from Filth av. TTkNTION -DR. .fACOHV (LATH Of PBCSRIA) - L Coueuiiatloa tree, private i fllce Ml Mltwo/er at rem OPI IINAL l>R AND MM WK.1T OOfll'S AL .oiapiautu aawceeefally. a nieeeaer tc. aaar B' ea> ehkopban htkamsuim. rvtSST wksti ?V" O .vrgAMHHIP LINK. NKW YORK TO KlBToL (hSGL\N'? DIRECT, sailing from pier id, East Uiver. m follows:? CORN W all. stamper HaiurJar, Juno 16 .V>M RSET. We-tern Tuesday. July 6 Cabiu pjasige, $70, mui mediate, >0; atearAge, 930, currency ; ex itrsioii tii nets, *l.D Apply tu W. D. MOKGA \ Ageui, 70 "oath street TA7 ILSON'S LINK Kui< BOG TH A UPTON AND HULL, 'I u oe despatched from nur 44 hast Rlvor: Ol'HKLLO Juin1 Oil! >L iMBo July 10 To follow I l-.l.DORADO .To follow First calun, 9,0. currciicyj second cabin, 94% cm r? ncy. Through tickets li-sund to continental and Baltic porta. Appiv Mr mil partmrtart to ' ! s C Wf * " OIl.vK LB* L. WKlHHI A CO, fl South street. Most direct and kc nomkiaL route to Holland. Belgium, The Rhine, Switzerland, Ac., via KOTt lUjaII. Steamer BCHOLTKN June 24 Steamer July d Iht-se beautiful eteainers, c.n rvmg the l imed States mail to the Netherlands, ar,- well known tor tho regular ity of their trips- sates of passage lew. ..... " PUNCH, Kt'VK .t CO., L. W. MoRUIS, Oem-ral Agents- 60 Hyad way. OTA IE LINK. O N W tO UK TO GLASGOW, LIVKRPOOL, lil'lll,IX, it hi. PAST AO LUNDOnD .KRY, Sailing from pier No 3# Norib River, as follow-:? STATU or UMM.-IaNA Wed., June 30 .NTA.h 01 INDIANA .Wed.. Ju v 14 STATE OF GKUKGIA Wed., July 2< and every Wednesday thereafter. first cabin. 97t. 9'0 and 900; return tickets. 9140 Second oubm $50i roturn til kete, $VJ. Steerage at lowest roles. Apply to AU TIN B EDWIN A CO.. Agent*. No. 72 Broadway, New York steeruLe . fllco, 46 Broadway. CtUNAKD LINK? B. AND N. A. a M S. P. CO. NOTICE. With a view to diminishing th# of collision the steamers oi tins line taxe a specific course tor all sea aoiis o! i be year. On tbe outward passage Queonatnwn to New York or Beaton. crossing in the meridian CO at 4.1 latitude, or nothing to .he norib ol ti. on the home a ard passage crossing Die meridian ot 80 at 42 latitude, or uotuing to the uurih ot It FiomNIW YORK (or LIVE POOLund ?U EKN'STOWN. ?St'YTHlA. ..Wed.. June 931 ?HU.mlA Wed., June M CHINA. hat. June'J# | *BO i itNl a... Wed . July 7 Steamers inarXei! ? do not carry stoerare pusseugers. Cabin passsge, 9*0. $u0, 91#), gold, according to ac eoidiuoUklioii. Kuura liokeluon isvorab'e terms. Steerage ttckeis o and ir.un s i part, of hurope at low est ra-es. hi eight and cabin office. No. 4 Rowling Ureen. bteerage office, 111 Hroa iway (Irlni'y Building). I H A It I.ES O. FBAMCIC Y\', Agent, and P. H. DU VLKNKT. corner ot Clark and Randolph streets, Culoago. PASSENGERS PER STEAMSHIP SCYIHIA embark irom the Canard wharf. foot of Grand street. Jersey City, at 8:90 A. M., on wet tic si lav, June na, 1376, t 11A It l KS U. EBAo.CKl.YN, No 4 Ureen, Nt w York. NMAN LINK.-FIXED SDUTHt.BLY COURSE. Royal Mail st-timers are appointed to sun a? follows:? FOB Ul KENS.OWN AND 1,1V KPOOL. CITY OE RICHMOND u.ur iav. June M. at 11 A M. t'llY t>F BRUSSELS sa,unlay, Ju.y 3. at 3 P. M 10, at CITY OE < II t sTKJt Saturday, July 10. at II A. M. t 11Y OF PARIS Saturday, .?uty IT, at A P. M. CJTY OE BERLIN Saturday, July 24, at 'J A. M. C 'BIN PARBAUK, AH) and 91)., gold. .stkkkahE, to and from a.I p unts at reduced rales. Cabm and general office. No 16 Broadway. Steerage offices, J3 Broadway and pier4j North Rtyer. John u haLk, Agent iNLY DIRECT LINK O FRANCS. 0N THE GENERAL TRANSATLANTIC COMPANY'S MAIL ITAABSHIPB BnYWEEN Ntw I YORK AND HAVRE The splendid resaelton thm favt?riie rouie lor the Con tinent (hoing more southerly than any other), will sail from nier No. 80 North Kivur, as follows: ? I kKANL'h (J ruoeiie. Saturday, June i? I V1LI.E Dh PARIS D acliesneAl sa.urday. Juiy i) A vt K.. KjCE (. onxila) Baturday, Juiy 24 ,;K C" - - . PUD K OF PsSnAUK IN UOLD (including wiuoj, First Cabin. 9 Sec,ml. 9US 'Thi.-d.b90. Return llckets at reduced rates. Steerage, fl:. with suporior accoinmodations and in cluding ail uecessanea without extra cbarga. ohoitiir. .MACKENZIE. 6S Broadway. HA MB RG-AMEUICAN PACKET CO kip A NT'S LINK tor PLYMOUTH. CHERBOURG aud HAMBURG. St'r.VlA June 24 I f IMBRIA July 3 HERDER July I I KLOPBTOC - luly 16 Kates ot p*s?ag i to l'l>-nt"Uth. Ig>ttdon, Clierb,-urg, Hamburg and all points in England, Scotland and . Wales:? Cabin, first saloon, gold 9hf Cabin second .shIuoii, gold (0 fcteeraee. currency 3D KINHARI'T i CO., 0. B RICllAilil A BOAS, Generui Agents, General Pas cnger Agouti t>l Broad street. New York. 01 Bro. Iway, New York. 1,17 kite stak link. >> FUR yUKK.VVIOWV OR LIVERPOOL CARRYING THE UNITED KIAt'EB MAID REPUBLIC June S , at 10: ? A. M BID I ANMC July .1, at 4 P. M. GERMANIC Jul * lu, at 1J- *? a, M I AD 1.1 A ID ' luiy i7. atSP. M 1 CELTIC July 24, at 9:4) A. M ? From the Wiute Star Doeke, pier 62 Narth Kiver. Rstes-s,c en( $a i an I 9 00 in gold; rcturu licaeta on favorable terms. Steerage at low rab a. saloon, staterooms smoking and bath rooms are placed ainidahiiis. where the noise and motion are leaat, affording u degree ot comfort hitherto unattainable at aea . For inspection of plana and-other information apply at the company * office, 12 Broad war, Near York. R. J OfIRTIS. Agent. ORT n OH RM AN Li ovn._ ^>1 SlfcAMSllIP LINK HKTWT-KN NEW TORE, NOVTWAMPTON ANI? BIlr.MKN, Company's pier, toot ol tteonl street. Hobohen. RHKIB tune St I N r.i'K Arl fulyM ODER July Si MO.-hl Jul- 1/ Rates of passage from New Tor* t> bvuuiamplon, Havre or Bremen:? ? . First cabin. tin gold ? eecond ' ?t>in. *0J golJ Moorage, *3u currency. Return ticket* at reduced rate* Prepaid 81'Brage Cert "rate,, ltd currency tor in .flit i r pas-ago apply to O. LRlCHK .*j No 2 Howling -reoU. NATIONAL LINK. 1 roui Piers Not 44 anl 17 North River, full LONDi.v DIRECT. HOLLAND I hursdar. Juno 14. at l a M HI .Ni l i V, Ju.y 1 at J f. M P;K LIVERPOOL AND gtiKh.NrtlOWN ENOLAND. June St, loJLM. I rMRUO K.N.Juirlo 10AM EOVI't . JucyS Sr. M |?I'aIN lulv IT II' h Cabin pas-a.r, ?7u anl ?H>, currency Mo* rape at greatly redu -ed pii es Keiurn lldtets at reduec i rates. Prepaid ateeruge tirketa from i Iverpooi at the lowest rate*. Apply at the compsn v'*nf?r? ?? Broadway. y. w. J. HOHtr, Manager. a Ni iior link, A C.vKRM.No THF. PBITEP STAT S MAIL Raw YORE AND CiLAbOOW. I TOPIA .aaii* HatuiNlay June H A, M. ETHIOPIA sail* Materia), July 8, If. 8. BOLIVIA aai't ? Satiirdsy, July 18, II A M. hl.t si A sails, .-aiu.-lsy. Jul* 17, Si' M, TO GLASGOW. LIVKRPOiifc, l.ON DoMlhKKY, t|l' K KN TOWN UU BEl.PAB r Cabin, $7fi to ?W), currency, according to aecomiuod* 1 l>1"' INTKRMKDIATR ANI> STLKKAUE * as low as any , tb.-r first class line Drafts tasued tor sny amount at loweat rates. HK.NDhKeo.N HhOH , Agent*. Ns? 7 Howling Ori?n. VM1.KICAN link weeki* mail eteamshin aervlce Setweaa PIII LA Dr. I. I'll I A AND LIVc.lll'ODL, calling ut yuccnatown. sal'lng ererv I bora lay Horn I'hl.adelphU and ?ailing every Wctnetdav tr.ini Liverp.-nl. The i - n.wmi sitameri are appointed to aail from I" I o1-l|iln i : ? I', N NMl i.Ts.MA . .June il ? OHIO JlllV II INDIA * A luly I 11.1.1 N t>l ? Inly a ?aMMoi-HI-oRD .. July 8 I ?Kr.MLWoKi ll Juiy ? PltlCa OP I'AeeAGK I.N CI HIIKV'T. Cabin. ?n*i tsteerare and Interm -diale U lets to and from all points at lb-- lowest rates Mi aim ra insi s> i wttb a star da not carry jnterma diate ' I'aasenter aeeowni.sdatioes for ail e.lasacs un?arpas*" i for passage, rates ol freight and oUiur iiiiorioatiua apply to OP.Os W. COLTON. Agent, 42 limed s rest. New Ynr*. JOHN MCDONALD Passen.'er Agent, No. 8 Battery Place, saw York. PF.TEH WRIOH r A s NM General AceiitA ,BT Walnut Street. riulsiMnhia Richardson. Spruce A ?o,i N A J tuinmm* a Br*, l l crpooL | Queenstown T V SITED STATES MAIL LINE- r AM TO Q' KENS T<>WN AND I,IV RPOOL* bailing every uesilay from pier to North i iscr. Maahat'aii..Jatso .2. P. M i Wyi.ming .lulv IS. S P. M. Wue-inslii.. .Ill y Ml' H ! Llano .. ..JiitW. TP M. Cabin intermediate and steerage a: low*A rales Prei a d tickets at low raP-s Pss-engcr- booked io ai d trotn ''art* Hamburg. *? r wavano wen'n. Ac urain >n Ireu.el hngiand, France ausl Germani at lowest rates A pi, to w il.Ll a M- A til li'.N, 29 Broad war. S1 . _ si.I.- M s .N Ha I i a*, tilling lor tpi*. nstotvo an I Liv erpool on leeaday.June 2J. Will oarrr a limited number ot aecoa I eiasg paeanngara at *? ? "a h. I be rooms eon tain lour persons r.verv rc'iuiflt Is provide I >upe ri"t ac otnmudatl .il lor sucr ige |.?s-engers at law rate*. Apply to W'l 1,1.1 AM.* A tit ION, 29 Broad Way. rtOOI'l TOCRIUT TtOEBTB ARK nOLO TO ALL s J pari* ot r.iir.ipe and America at re .uctiaiis ranging from 10 in 4', per cm below ordinary isres. I bey do not require their holders to navel In large partto*. tine Hereon can u?e them by any train or any sleaaior Iri-h and bcn'r.h nek. w must b* pna-.nred ta Aioenea. ?CoOv's K icursi,,nisi. ' pro ? I" emu bi null, ha* par ticulars and lares of over l.u" tours to firm md rivand the World Cook' AmencaB Prnaramm.i." go ma par ticulars .>t liver l .**1 cneap antl | lesaa it routes in inter lea. can be had upon ap''l" au?n. Irtl.of charge lay mail ID ceatai. CGO eON A Ji ,NK|N -, corner flroadway an i Warren ?treet O'DORdTAN ROMa. km CHATHAM PIJITaRR. t'heaoest Passage office In New ?ork. Htesu.e-t ey?rr day lor ' "fk, IJyeroool. 'llasg >w. ierr. I *11 b- lore haying uck<-t? elsewhere Drsita payable * 'ory vvherr CD48TWHK 8TK/IHIMHM. IRACirir MAIL bTRAMnlllP LI N I -PGR C A LfroK. ma Japan and ? IDia. ir..m uier 41 Nor.h Hirer port AoPlNWAI.L A' API'I < ?? Inne M. II M < ? nnecting l r ill i cn ral Ain'rtcsn and Par tie uori* ?'l M mv PBaHCIoCO POR JAPAN CITT i<i?lo lulv L ror fraight or passags apply at nle- 41 p. rth River II J HI Li.Af. fiupai intoudenb t' SIT' D KTATRS AND BRAZIL MAIL 8TRAMSIHP ,1 CON PAN V. PGR bT TIIOMAN AND BRAZIL. Tim elegant screw steam-hip ONTARIO, JWfl ton* har den, C.iatain Georga B. piuoatn. will aaii for I. Tti mnn, lars rem i run tiro, Haiti* and Rio d* Janeiro u ?Vedneaiai .inn* 2', at I o'oloeh P. M., Duo* pier 4* North Hirer ka i Usiwling Ore,en. N? v ir tv iNa and mkiioaN Mail aa r.iwi - . stammer* leara pt?r> North River ltd p. m. kok Havana DiMBor. i ITT OK M, Xifiii .iueadar, June 71 s II V GK VERA < RI'Z ? IhursJar Jin- 2i CUT 01 Nc.W yiirk Tui sdav Jna- Tl KOK VfKA I MUZ AND N K.W OBLEiBA, c iiling at tiavsnn Prn?reso ( ampeji uy Tuapaiiaiid lample* Uif "K **a?Od Turaday, June H Kor ire.gbl or pa-tam app y to _ v. Ai.r.x MpnK A 8(>nh Ji and tt Broadway eta*wrs will leave New Gylran 'lino JB aid July H, (vr Vara Crua aad all 'ha ahnva uori* OOASTWin BTBAmiim. Ntw TOHK AND HAVANA DIKKOT HAIL LI** TJMM first claw .stoarnshlns will Ml I At 3 P U. ftota Mar 1J North liivor, loot M Cedar street, ti?r Ua*aua dlrotrt as lollo w? SfJ'.tUUi <-'??? ?ia T. 8. Ourtla. Thursday, June 17 COI.hMHl's t liKwilaT. Juna it rpr trelght or passage. having unsurpassed accommo dations. apply to wm. f. ciiVUK. A CO., No, ? Bowling dreeu. MaKeller. Luliug A Ova, Agents in BlfMA fl'K t AH I.I N K Of OALVrHTON I KAMKBH, TO! OH I Iiik at Key Wrat, carrying the I n lied Htatos Malt ? 8m .mar U. VT CLYtiis, i*a l'i uniugton. will loave Bier ?( Fast Klver, on Haturdav, .luun nil. al :l P. M. Tnrouvh lull* ..I lulling gi\ en to all points on (He H. ami T. IS. I and O. II 11. and II an.* i. 11. ami a a. Ks It. No charge for forwarding in New York, for freight or paj..a,y, liauna superior ai com nodntlotli, apply to O. 11 BALLON* .t Oil., 1 :i-Maiden lane. W. P. Ci.YliK A CO.. 119 W?ll sirenl IflOK NKW ORlKANS DIK80 .T The Oram welt .steamship I Attn. The steam snip KMOKKukoOkBK, Captain Ketnbla, Will leave pier No. P North Itiyor on Saturday, June -6, at 3 P. M. Fwiaht received aaUy. Through rates alven to Galveston, lndisnola. Rookport or Arania> Wtrirf, lira* is. SiiiMiago, St. Louis ami Mobile. t'ibiii pas sage, $3); steerage. $.?. for freight or passage apply to CLAKK. A F AM AN. K6 West street WKSK1.V FLORIDA LINK lor Port Royal, 8. O. i Pernandlna. Fla ; Bruns wick, Ga. 'Hn favorite an I well Known steamer MUMTUOMRK Y, Faircluih. Master, having superior acooDHBodatlons tor passengers, will soil June .4 frotn pier No. 3 North River, at 4 I'. M i >r ah.-ve porta, making connections P. all points South and south west, via Port Royal, the Florida aud Brunswick railroads. First class passage?To Kornandlna, $29: to Jackson Title, $32 50; to Augusta, $20. Through tickets issued to all points South and South west The IIUNTHVILL , Chester Master, wilt follow Juii 1. For passage anil freight apply to lliiilM. UELPCKK, No. 6 William street. ________ Ol.D DOMINION 8IEAMSH1P DOM PAN Y, Hulling troiii pier .'fir North Klver. For Norfolk. City Point and Kirntnomi Tuesdays, Thursuuys and oaturdava, at i P M.. connecting with the Virginia nod i one-sue Air Line, ll .ntic ' oast 1. ne. P edmnnt Air Line. Chesapeake and Ohio Kail road and with the company's steam lines to tatcrlor points in North i arolma and Virginia. Newborn ami washing on. N. 0. (via Nortolkl, eyery Tuesday, ihursday and Saturday. Baltimore -aturdavs. at i p. m. Connecting with Bal timore and Ohio Kailroad. - leww, Del., Mondays. W dnesdsys and Fridays, at I P. M Con icctuig a tlh Delaware and Maryland railroads. Pas-ouger nrcouimo tations unsurpaaeed. Through paeeave tickets sod hills ol lading to all points at lowest rates. Insurance to Norfolk. Ae.. >? per cent, freights received da ly at pier 37 North Klver. Ut uoral olllies, 107 Greenwich street. New York. N. L. MoCRKADY, President. TR.lVEIiLER$' UVIDB. N I AH AIIA PALLS' SUNDAY TRAIN. TU..OUUH IN KLBVaM HOURH NEW YORK IJBRALD SPECIAL LIQHTNINO Nhi WnPAPKK TRAIN LEAVES 'I UK tiRvND CENT AL UK POT EVKBY SUNDAY MOKN1NU. at l:|J, COVtM.-NOLNu ON BUN DAY. JULY 4. M vKLvit OONMhCTION AT BUFFALO ATI P M. WITH I- B. AND M H II. K. FDR ALL POINTS WEST AND 'OUiHWKHT. THEREBY EN All UNO Pa.nSF.NHKRS TO KKAUU CHICAGO AT 8 A. M , MONDAY >,OKMMJ AI.sO CONNECTING AT EU PENSION BRIDGE AT I .44 P. M . SUNDAY, WITH TUK GREAT WEST KN RAILWAY OK i AN ADA FOR ALL POINTS NORTH AND WEST. ATI ALH ED TO THIS TRAIN WILL UK .WO PaBSENOKR COACHES, AND A LIMITED Nl.MR'R OF PAH H.INGKRS WILL UK KmKIVKD K OR TUK FOL LOW 1 NO PLACES:? ALBANY, PALATINE BRIDGE (SHARON 8PRINOS) CTICA, SYRACUSE, ROCHESTER. KA1AVIA, BUF FALO, NIAGARA FALLS AND SUSPENSION BRIDGE. This will enable passenger* to reach all point* north west or aouU.weat from .1 to SI hour# earlier than by any other train. The New York Cenlrhl is a four-truck mid all *ie. I rails) nail (he IIKKALD TRAIN baa the right of way over till other*. Passenger* by the. night boats from New York can connect at Albnuy at wo clock A. M Sunday. BY Till.-. TRAIN TIME TABLE LEAVE NEW* YORK OR AND CENTRAL DEPOT 1:3# A. M. ALBANY a: M A. M. PALATINE BRIDGE 7:'HA. M. UTICA }M A * SYRACUSE H.Xil a. M. ROCHESTER II :1) A. M. IT \ I'AVI A )*:* P. M. FAST BUFFALO II:H P. M BUFFALO ... I: 0 P. M. NIAGARA PAI.LH 1:0 P. M. ARRIVE?SUSPENSION HKII'GK 1-45 P. M. TICKETS PAN" RF PURCHASED ONLY ON THE Train or at the office of the new York herald. If B.-XO BAGGAGE cXiT ATTACH ED. A.- . A?- aT nortii SHORE STATEN III.and FhltltY, for New Brighton. Son* Harbor, West Brighton ami Port Rlchmonl. B-.auteave Whitehall street it loot of Broadway, dally, Wt 6:Y). 7:.*l. 89). ?iT0. TO:?0 A. M. II \i, llM, IsS?. 4:10. 3:30, 6 Maud 7:? P. M. Sundays, at lia'f-pail every hoar IromiiM A. U. Kara 10 cents, Aster Il-.uae .-nrt I^H Veer sn-*t for lemr. Al.'ltM A t) TROY BY DAVLIOIir. ?D AY BOATH C. VIBBAKD and DtMKI. DREW leave Vestry etreet, pier St). North River, dan? L-uiidir* r tnepiodi, at N :I4, and Twenty fourth it root at V A.M. landing at Weit Point. ? omwill, Newburg. i'onghneep.ste. ohrie beck, CabtkIII itnl Hudson. ticket* on wle lor paints Nortn and Wet' trip tickets to Was. Point. Corns*all and Newburg. returning isnia da?. Si ra cial tnini to an I ir?nt Saratoga To aratoui. f t It): rcand trip, f40 A?A.?"PPDSITION CATS KILL MNh. , Kteatnare A D IF W II \RDFR, Cap lain J. n. Pent*: J. B WO HUT l.KR. I'iptainT l>. >.a..c?x leava rranklin ?.raat, pier 6 North Fiser. ever? day t imtlayi r tc. pleJi, at ? P. M ATTE.NTU.N * LAll.RDAD I DMPA NIKh t--PUNCH Slip* or T rip Tick-ii printed cheaper and on better board nt'he V F i K ipoLI Fa s PRINTING EBT ABLfsH MK.M?, llrrald Suil-lin*. New York thin anywhere aloe / S ATSKI I.I.. ? Rt ?A TS CP TDK t' It RK. K, NEW C IAV. \J pinn and Waiter BreD, dai'y i -ondai axcoptadi, from Uanal street, 4 P M Para Mi rent*. / MT1ZK.N t' LINK l)F STKA MBOATS FDR TROY. CON I.' ne< Bug with all railway linn North and Went: tars b> Otitis, d. ck . cabin pa?*g?. including berth. $1 hie ganl ?t? o-a*r aallv. Satnrday* excepted at ? P. it., tri.m bier 4? North River, lo.-l ol l.*roy atieet, 1 broach lick eta wold over all connecting liuee. Fvf-R WEST POINT. NKWBCRU I'DIG H K FKP.-.I K. 1 KondoUl. King-ion. I'OWM1, Uwrnwa.LMlPon.Mew liambu-g and hy ferry'- '"lie W ?RY POWELL leave* Vetiry ilreot. pie. p?N It . daily, at J:SU P. M. JNaLL RIVER LI\K TO BOSTON. 1 via Newport and Fa,I R.yer. ? Ihe world-renowned steamers BRl t<>i. and PROVIDE*0M (car* pier !A North River f.?ot >'t Murray street, daily, MinJay*. June 17 to August .'> I*. M through ttrketi aotd at all princi pal hem I t in the < Hy. tlall'* Baud engaged lor the eeaeoit. HaRI.KM IMI NEW TOR* NAVIGATION COM. panv'a Munniar arrangement for 1*4. commencing June I ) Boats i.avW i eck a.IP awry half ..our, ir?m It 9 A M t> T . J P. M , wit.i the exception of tne four trine from halt p**t ten o'clock to hair paet two o'clock, which will he hourly. See timo Utile ?t landings. J. f. Tali.M an. superintendent 1>K N N s VI.V i N t A RAILROAD. Ihe Orcat trunk Lin* end United States Ball Boats. Train* Leave New Voik, from feot of Deebroeees end Courilen H at reds, as fo.low*:? F.xpie** mr Harruhnrg. Pittaburg, the Writ and "oath, with PulintAn Pvlic* f.'ir? aunched.frj) a M, 5 and R: ? P M .-nnday. It and ? A) P M. For Wtliiarr.sp..rt and lock Haven (via Philadelphia and rle Division conneetlnt at Philadel. phiei. II:*1 A M. For Willi?m?port. Look Havea, Otrry ami Krie. A ?) P M.. connecting at Corry for rtlnsyille, Petro'enm t'enter and the oil Region*. For Baltimore, Waahiugton and the sonth, " Llmitel Wasl.tiigron *ApreA*'' ol Pullman Parlor Cars daily, except sun iav. *:M A. M.. arrive Waehiugloa 4tide I*. M. *i A to A M. J and 9PM snnday. ? F M. Fxpree* p>r Pld'a lrlphis. 7 7 IB *:4t>. 9iU A. M.. U w \ , 4, 4 lot, 4>"*I. ... r. s :.w, 9 p. M. and I: tug,it. Sunday. 4 i\ j and 9 1', M. I.migrant and -econo c!a*n 7 For I4#w?ri at d, I V, 7, T :4Jk A. 1 l\ll A. M., II M . I, 1 2 91 1 IB, T tt ( 10, 4:*l, It Alt, ?:?? A ?:iR 4;i). f 7:91 A:l?. .1'. II Jh P. M, enl II mgat. oundey. b.-dd, 7 and n id P. M For K lixebetlt. d, Ut 7. 7 40, *. I. IB A. M , If M.. I, I, J.?. T J.I, ?:4iL 4 IJ 4JB, 4 :Jt ?.?I. 4;to, (, R 10, 6:t0, 7, I 7. h. n UI. It'll :WPManlli Bight suaday. &: Jut 7 and 4:10 P. M F .r hah way. 6. ? ?J. 7. S4i? *, 10 A. M., It M . 1. f, ?:T\ ' 3 If!. 1:41. 4 :li). 4 iH 4 :V), i ll, i II. 4 i ;lo g Tg. f, ?:l), It) I*. M. and UntghL nuiidav, 4:*) and I p. M. For Woodbriuge, p.-rth vnib<y and douih Anaboy.i and IDA M.I: VI 4 ..Ml and 4 P. ?l - For New, " ami 4?A-W ? " " ? L'A *:W, 6:10. 7 PM an I L' night. Minder, ff k For E**t Millstone. Id noon, Tand ?ril P. M. For Kingston and R.^kv Hill. 4:4) A M. ail 4:1) P M For Princeton, 7, 4 :4i> A. M., Wi:bl. I 4 :1U arid 7 P. M. For Lainberlville, 9 Nl A. M..2, T, 4 lu and ? P. M. For F I .nmgtou. Phillipsburg lid Bolvldere. 9:1) A H, land J P. M. i For Mereerand Voni?rrl Branch, .4 P. M. i For iren'on Hordentuwn. Burlington and Camden 7 j and 9 ?) A M 1; t , 1. I, ft an ! 7 P M For K reehold. 7 A M I an i IjW P M For Farmlngdale and rbpian, 7 A M. and I P M For ilithtstnwn. I'emhertoM an.lCamden, via IMrth Arn hov. ttf) P M. : For fllghtstnwn nd Pemlwrton, ( A. M. I Train* arrive as follow*?From ITtiahorg, %-A\ and l):T) I A M an.l 9:*> p. M daily ; 10:4 A. M and 4 JO P. M deity eirent Monday From Wishing.on and Rettt (l M A M. t ia 5:14 end .0:17 P. M Sun.ieybtiJ A M. and I.till P. M. From Philadelphia, 5:lil,4|.v>, A 54 14:14 II i> II M A. M., 2:14. 4: .< 4 IV R:'f ?:V? 7 bo. ? -.44, 9:10; III. 7 P. M. mindav.f.lO fril, 1WV H i<4 A M.,f-it ? ? and 11)117 P. M. .Ticket Offees, 5A end #tt Hr .alway. No. l Astnr Hoijsn. an.l loo* ol Desiirossot an I C .urllanat atreet* N'o 4 Uonrt strnet. Mr.?t)ilyni No#. UK Ib> an.l 114 Uud?o> atreet. Ifohnke* Knugrant Tivkot DBce, N?- i Bauory Tim* rtg D. W. BDYD. J*., Oenoral Manager. (ieneralM'asaenger kg eat N KWMIIRO. WEBI POINT, C .y.gKNs' HOTEL I'OI K ai'Si v?!"1 'U,!r ( avoegte-l., f,f alcani I .a a iVm i. i ii 1 ovcrpyej. aiea.n k^o .Hv.V k. o' ''"nir""ncjng Wednea.i?y, June a. Irom Kullon street, at (till A M. Vcs'rp-atrect I Eew York, 9:i0 I we.niv l.uirtli street ?:.U. landing at MnnheiUnvijij, fd|; Yonknra. 10:14 Dol.tia* terry, lu Nyeck and Ur.yo.wo (by ferrynwe'), ll.-M. Retain i"t'rLra^"WJ',u7 * ? ranching New York al ? Jland Brooklyn al7 E. M. |>MOVIDEN< K AND KTDMMITtiN a TV, ,t M.-tltl P CO A NKW ) D It K AND BUS ION. u., . .. ? SIDiNlNDroN LINK. From pier tl North River, loot <U .lay street, the e|e ganlI strainer* rhodf. m.,and and NarkAt>A.N.4Ktt dany (eaoapt siinl .vj ei 6 i' m ? _ _ - ? trovidsnhk line. ? I rnm niar s^.^nrth Hirer, fo..t ot RoMnmn strseK (he ?.'i<l4j#'it?kK|iIRA ,n,< (JALA,Kt dailj (4M*ft IFROPLK'S Link for almanv and saratdoa a $ P M f*iii<i*yi ??',?{? i Ii If' ii* pltt it >t/rUi Uivor. Ik mmvnMToxn. ^ FIN * KIOIiKHJoi p KOOtl A MM K THIS WEEK. Jarrett <k Palmer's superb palace steamer PLYMOUTH BOOK. THIS TUESDAY, JUNK 22. LATE AFTERNOON TKlr to 8ANDY HOOK and tfi? ATI.ANTIC OOKAN. -plendid view of the tioatt of the Atlantic yacht squadron coming m OQ the homo ?treUli Itoat leaves toot of Twenty third street. North lllver, at 3 1". M : foot of Murray sftraot North River. at 3:101*. M. FARE, rouud trip, #1. Children hail pi h e. TO-MOKCOW, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 23. AI.T. I)AY iKIPto tho CITY OF BRIDGEPORT. Af fording oxcur-donlsrs panoramic pl<-lures of llm greut metropolis, tho island* oi tho hast ltivor. Hurl dale, the torts, oeacons, town* uml villtges ou either side of loo Sound. Aid pit* time will he allowed lor a vl it to the monster sowing machine. carriage and other fa-tonc* with wiiloh the l.uautitul cltv abound, aud the excursion promise, to he one ot the incit Interesting of the season. M -at leaves foot of Murray street. North Kiver, at 8 :S0 A. M., anu tool of Twenty-third street, East River, at U o'clock. 1'AKK, round trip, 91. Children hah price. THURSDAY, June 24, MIDDAY TRIP up the HUDSON, for ladles and children. FRIDAY, dune 2ft. afternoon trip to Sandy Hook Light ship an I ATI,AN 110 OCEAN. FRIDAY EVENING. MOONLIGHT EXCURSrON to W I -, i POINT. Ducks cleared for dancing, leaves city at 8 o'clock. SATURDAY, June 28, GRAND AQUATIC MATINKR CONCERT EXCURSION up me SOUND. SAIURDAY MINING, Juno 26. MID8UMMR* NIGHT'S FESTIVAL on tho HUDSON. Dancing. Leaves at 8 o'clock. NEXT SUNDAY, June 27, GRAND EXCURSION to w itsx Point. A MUSICAL ENTERTAINMENT ON ALL EXCUR. biONS. BY CHIMES OF CHURCH BELLS, MO/. A RT GLEE CLUB, CHOIR OF MaDKIO.M. BOYS. CATHEDRA I, ORGAN, STRING ORCHESTRA, Gil,MOKE'S MILITARY BAND. Refreshinents of all kinds ut reasonable rates, TICKETS AT USUAL Pi.AGES AND THE BOAT, Attention?excursionists. special. THE PLYMOUTH ROCK will uiakc one of the finest r.acarslons season to BRIDGEPORT, ( ONN? WED.Ne.SDAY, JUNE 23. 1^5. ALL THE GKE?T MUSICAL aTIKACTTONR. Host leaves Foot of Murray street. North River, at..... 3 A. M. Dork struct wharf, Brooklyn, at 8:30 A. M. Fool of Twenty-third street, Hast River, at..,. 9 o'clock. Tickets round trip. ONE DGLI.A t', children lialf price. Fuil details in long advertisement iii this column. ^ ?FISHING BANK", REGULAR FISHKRMBJPi ... boat; Tuesday, dune 22, ihurvlny. 24, Friday, 28 und Sunday, 27. sea steamer Setli Low. leuvlug Uurri aon street. North River. ?t 6:10 Eighth street, hast River, al 7; I'ioi 27, East River, at V :l?: Tenth street. North River, at 7:4U; Pier 8, North River, nt 8 A. M. Ticket* 91. N. K ?On aud alter Monday. June 23, will make dailv trips. aL U FOSTER. Manager. A?DAILY EXCURSIONS TO CONEY ISLAvD.? . 1 ho favorite Medcnfc* AKROWSjII 1 H will leave an loliows;?Twenty-fourth street. N. R. at SI A. M., 12 M. and 3 P. M.; West Tenth street,'". 8., at 9:10 A. M., 12:19 ami .H:iu P. M.; rrauklin street, N. K., nt 9:20 A. M., 2:29 and 1:2ft P. M.; pier 2, N. R., at 9:10 A. M.t 12:30 and 9-.30 P. M. A?EAST RIVER Bi: AT; DAILY EXCURSION'S TO . Coney island The iavorite steamer MONITOR Coney island. - ? . wul leave as follows:?highlit street, hast River, at 9 A M . 12 audi P. M.: pl.-r 27 East River, at 9:10 A. M.. 12:19 unit 3:10 P. M.. and Fuitou ierry, Brookiyu, at?:39 A M . 12-80 und 1:30 P. M. A -FOR EXGUK IONS, SALOON STEAMER WY . ouiing (Willi new boiler) and others; burgea Re pu lie, ( hlcngo, earah Suiith, l alitdouia and Anna; Oriental, Race,aiur, Esaieawo-si, Cold spring and loua Island Groves to lot. OfUce I I West street, opposite Christopher street ferry. Open evening!.. 11MB. UHOH8KTT. DAiiI f.X,:l,RS,0N,i,TO KOCKAWAY BP.AOH. * tie flt?*aiitcra A MK it I('lTS ami Ni.VKInisk will ? ."uow.T-' B',0U a""-v (SuuJ->< _ . , . AMaKUTB. I?.n?yw"",r,S Korth Kiver, 6 30 A.M. and 1 IS y? *?10,vh North Kivor. h:t> A. M. and 1> U if I H?rel"y * reel, Aorlli Klvcr, il A'. M and 1 -uj I. M., Fulton lorry, Hrm.klni 9. 10 A. M and 2 1* M ? ... ? _ ? JihVKKslNjr ^ "*? v M.; South Sixth fh Wl 'tanwt.urrf, ha.M and 12:45 F. m : Grand at k i i'k p ?' "Y" ? M i ,i"'r ?' *? ^:3J A *? mi ?? i ? i 1 u,'"rr.v- Brooklyn. H :45 a. M. and 1-31 in? il ? M r"i ."r ,,oa.u. 'u*\? KoCkawav Beacli at 1> :JU an I II A. M. 1. 5 an J 5:!5 I. M. Fare 35c.: excursion tlcteli, 6Uc., Kuod on either boat IjlXC'CfttflOffs OF THE STEAMER ,x , a,a ar WlleLlAM V (H I K. ; Jl'Sh m, thia elegant and favorite ?oV? ? return e liur regular excursion^ a* fob 76ol 'n A- Atlantic Ocean. Pare, round trip, 7^>IOMDAYB, 10 A. M., foil a Inland. Fare, round trip, KKundfe'il' k"*y ?! "OU" al l"e br""^ *??'! ^."round Zib.lX10'1 Mu"n"' **>?? pi?iurn to the city on each of the above day* at 6:39 ftarfiMt TwentT-tonrth street, N. R.- nler 20. k'irriiM ?tieeL N R., and Fulton Ferrv dock. Brooklyn ' board * 'Slu,h keBin,JUt Kelrekbmeote ,.u Rroollrn m ?l?orf. He wrt ami wan tor ih" WiiiiutM A ?W? *?? i-urJou. IjtXCl'KBION T(l SA KAT04I A. ^ ?**<e ' Al l.l.M. .Tlineuienl. "DXVVMlOMa >1 iTlAHMAI akmfvia Daily ^^"ntUja excepted) iro.n \?-W ioKK A.No UK>M)i. M 1"" J?B" *'? through the IMllll.tMH and XF.W ,?t HU BAY to wnjT opporttuiit> of ???i niiQg three hottr* at the unrivaihMl la another < um, *'*' i<IM >? -^oriuweni TG^XCI USlON.S,?THK KtVOKItK HTK.VVFRS WVf or kinrtlkk- kLt.tln y"1"'wi,tl '??riw ?ud Me itnhmits ??f all klncth, KariUn Hearn ^unnv HMe, Will ,*- lUrAn Fleaeant Valley and Inua latand Gweat ali? the eeaant eieani vachi ' Annie l.auiir," >|virm1id|v iju t"! '**"" l,"rtJe* Apply to ( II AKI.rS klt'kVt. ltd Wen atieet. corner <d 1 iberty. ? LUM1LT KXUIKHION Td skt CI.IFA * (Men t'ove and (J|en Wood. ' Steamer OKNiKal m k ih? auk win leave aier ?? fc. R. (ieck elip , daily teiinday* exccpteoi. at h-M a ?i Retnrniag lr.,ve? ?> en Wood ai >:U: tlea Clill t den "r' ' * landinx at Ihtrtv third atreet. ' pw RXCi-nsinxg-rilK LA tGK, firkt ci.ahs. >L yhFk HIILLOW now calla^ TIIK LGMiJ B> t A. ,|. ( ?KTaMOA V ? derney. Hprlns Mill, Mycr*', Alnine and looa liaaf Urovoa wi.n Barae* and lioatenfall kin l. . mrn'rui Morton an I Wc?t atreeK Fu5.HeVM ,J'LKA>AN' vam.kt am. mw ai,,I nT M ? 2 kind %"? r-'TT' , r"/i -'""Ut at ?, lu X ft i ana T Ii' ?? ti i .. - *nrt rt"'lv k. W . *!.??*? ?"? J w I. .VI.. Uudliig at I went v-iuurll. mi 102?-daday. tea .nmutai (rkrA.;Jorer,'TAS,'riK. ' R,,, TO xVw MAVKxTmB V* return ? The nonnlar ateainer l.o ??? BRANCH win ?L*A 1?***> pncaralou. 1.11 rhortday il . W kiV"*i Tw,"n?V third etreet. .North niyer at ?A. Pfrln* atraet. North itiver, at Jtai; tnlvoti leri* Brooklyn, at It; t.ran i atreet Kaat Itiver at tdy ana Twenty intrd atreet eaaf Klrer at 9ill a nrai'rVl2 roaad trtp ^ *? ??"udaac?. Tltkeu.orute is.^atrnw? # Jdft, 5; (I, ft:lo ati'l 7: 0 F. M., IanUntr at lirimi c^'^r,!":?? l1"* Aatoria. Mtndaya?^Boau leave every ?3 vninntea KRGUI.AR TIF.BItAV RXrntsfON TM NKW J5JT? rf^urni fornm?*iirlr?f 1 yesday, Jane 2p #??/* Hie laei and popular ateainer ?/. eunejj. . M?Ni> Hit ami: II, leaving Franklin atreet, Norili River. 8;i* A. Ik ? tlaiml. ton a venae ?rr> Brooklm. mlt A. M.; Fn ton terrv llrnoklva. ?:U A. fc.; tiramt .trret, ha?t Rivrir ') A l/' Twenty uurd etreet, Fa.t River, ?dd AM ' ... Lent'a favorite Band. Fare round trip >1. ^ ^ rhildren hair price. (JTFAMnOAT* AND HaKi.K.4 FOR KZOOHRIOMa tit p Ranlan Beach. Bnnnv Bile, Olenw.n,, anl vkiill-/ Haven Grove. kAKII v A BAeKHLTlTl MUiZtcST^ fJIO'THK HAI.OON nTKAM FR MAT1ANG I for excurvlona. picnU nartlea and Bnaday achoolx ~ T? <'?arTKR FOR KXOrKBIOKB?TIIK NKwTotr I preasure propeller ReMteea, lor -mall partita m lm tSBSfSXlV? '? w- *UI1 fpllF, ST?AMKR HKTH LOW WILL I.R tVK~FOR fiiR ,H*',*!t froln 'lie foot or Lcroy .tree! on Mednearlay. tune 23, at A A M. .harp aareoi, on WAT Wl MOT U|w A RKMFKC'TARLR UhXTLKMAX BTRANtiRR t?r J\ wialiea the aooMiataure of a reale. Uf, a ? "A,tR? IB WING, Arila|ton;llouae, Fourteenth at : " ? ? HII.I.IAKD.M. A 1 -SIA!I-PA*P AMKIUI-AV I.FVM, JUl.i.tARD il IML I r*i!i tl'uT^v ?? ce lepra ted Comhination .hi.i, M vi n n tTafi/L i T ,hr m?naiAr:iin>r ati I patentee. M^wLr*"w\^,efeWt,r to * &*** A'WMW"" MK V h Hl> 1 \KlTfcT a. w,l? I'ttiwriisy m wtr? cushion^ ?ttlclr tint i m ait' champ onabip auJ mateh gam'M, ?ecood iianl rahle. ?t treat bargains W. n gig Frr'rii A "op" few, a Pe?2H? ?H?Mard Tables?with r, drokitb eorrted edged uu.hlona; have taken drat t remiuui medal ai* veara in MecewW For aiie oniv byKDhCK KA < G.. , ?rner ? ma! an I C?iro sir, eht IFIIKLAJI'A BILL! \ R|) TARI.F.d FUR WALK OnVt I hf IIBOROK K I'll'LAX W R?*( f oiirt-entl. , MdwVora: 923 Oneatnut Street Fhtiadelphia * DK.VTIMTHY. A P<>*AL RUBBKR ??T OP I , Kilt | , ruitRM -,r-.^0Ur*,"^'npr*-4',i<"1 ,I,e forenoon, leeil, a ternoon. Tluriy-fourth atreet. near SrMdwav aol Math avenue, t oral rubber, very airong hV. , o?i V ! Foil aet4. piaUna aeta whalebone rnhherael. ???!,, onen ironte. l ip Littere. i.ip Hvpreawra hloiVu? I ' tiirout ogidei>. i,?? fr -n Ilrand atreel lerry, ?t eUth ! S way care. Oetoffat Thirtr fourth -ire?t M!l , HFWhmii till, u* \\ c,t riiirti fourlh vtreet. * BeOUITBL* I AI3LK. - KRr Ml "aAn n.,,T nJmV"u J$in''""dSHiJ',X*".' .fjfiblaj Rb l^lmenlb MtteM. ^t.WGh'Ui A Bl' warrai! ' ' ' '' M 1 h 1" "INi'I.H - " avenue, corner Miteonm atreot witl? ii**ri ,o' ? "0? guirameed. reelh il St ppr ..vVeW^r * ? bond Hit t, Net t>r>