Newspaper Page Text
THE NEW YORK HERALD. WHOLE NO. 14,187. NEW YORK, SATURDAY, JUNE 26, 1875.-TRIPLE SHEET. PRICE FOUR CENTS. DIRECTOR! FOR ADVERTISERS* AM UeEM KNT.3?flrcOND PMW? Flrat column. ASTROLOGY?TwKLrrii Pack?sixth coiumu. BILLIARDS?Saroxh Paok? Kourlh Column. BOARDERS WANTED?Firat Pack?Finn column. BOARD and LODGING WANTED?Fm?T Paga?Fifth column. liROOKLl N REAL KM I'ATE Full BALE?SK00RD I'AQK? .second column. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES?NlBTH Pace. Business NOTICES?Skvkkth Pack?sixth column. CITY REAL ESI'ATE FOR BALE?Hiccond Paub? Heroin! column. CLERKS AND SALESMEN?TwxLrtH Pack?Socond col umn. COACHMEN AND GARDENERS?Twxtrrii Pack?800 oml column. COASTWISE ST F.AM. HIPS?Twkia-tr Pagk?Third and fourth column*. SOPaRI N EllsIIIRS?Ninth Pagk. OUNTltY HOARD?1'Tkst Pack?Fifth and sixth col umn. DENTISTRY?Second Pace?Fourth colntnn. DWELLING HOUSES TO LEI. FURNISHED AND UN FURNISHED? Sscoku Paub?Third column. EUROPEAN STr.AMSHIPS?Twhmtm Paua?Third col umn. _. . EUROP'.?Skcond Pace?Ulth column. EXCHANGE;?TAvKi.rrn Pack?Sixth column. kXL'UKSloNS?I'VKinn Pace?Fltth auu aixth col umns. FIN an u 1 AD?Ninth Pack. FOR HAM.?SBfOxn Pack?Fourth column. FURNIsH El) ROOMS AND APARTMENTS TO LET? second Pack?Third column. FURNITURE?Twki.ittu Pack?.-lxth column. HELP WANTED?FBMALK8? I'wKLrru Pack?Second column. HELP WAN TED?MALES?TwuLrrn Pack?Second col umn. HORHP.s, carriages. AC.?Phut Pagi?Third, fourth aul flfh columns. HOTELS?Fiust Pauk?Fifth column HOUSES, ROOMS, AC., WAN i'ED?SWORD PAOB? Third column. INSTRUCTION?Hbkt Pack?Sixth column. JERSEY CttY, UOBOKKN, 111 DsON CITY AND UKROFN REAL EST All'. FOR SALE? SlflOOND Pack?Second column. LECTURE SEASON?ocoxd TAur?Fifth column. LEGAL NOTICES?Skcosd Pace? FittD column. LOnT AND !? Ol n D?Fiust Pack?Set uim column. MACHINERY?Skoond Pagk?fourth column. MARBLE MANTELS??Bl)OND Pace? Fourth column. maiKTMONIAL?Skcond Pack?Second coiumu. MEDICAL? Pack?Sixth column. MISCELLANEOUS ADVl'.KTIahME.NTS?1Tenth Page? sixth column. MU.-ICAL?Bki'oku Pagk? Fifth column. NEW PUBLICATIONS?.ntvKNrii Pack?Sixth column. PhltSuNAL?First Pack?Kir.-t and -rcond column*. PIANOFORTES, ORGANS, AC.?secokd Pack?Fir?t column. _ TOST OFFICE NOTICE?Second Paok?Filth column. PROPOSALS?Bxco.nd Pack?Third column. PROFESSIONAL SITUATIONS W AN'TKD-KP.MALTHS? Twelfth Paqr?second column PROPERTY OUT OF THE CITY FOR SALE OR TO RENT?Skcokd Pack?Second column. REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE?Second PAaa-Seoond column. REAL ESTATE WANTED?Shcokd Pack?Second col until. RKLDHoUS NOTICES?First Page?*econd column. RE WARDS?First Pack? second coiumu. BALES AT AUCTION?Twki.itii Pack?Sixth oolumn. (SITUATION* WA N'TF.D?FEMALES?1'WKLrru Page? Ftr-t and second coltiinns. SITUATIONS \vAN'lT.ti?MALES?Twelfth Pagk-Soc oud etiiumn. SPECIAL NOTICES?First Pack?Second and third col umn*. BPORT1NQ?DOGS, BIRDS, AO.?First Page?Third col umn. STOKauK?Twelfth Fagf?Sixth column. BUMMER RESORTS?First Pack?sixth column. THE TRADES?Twrltth Pack?second column. THE TCKF?First Pack?Third column. ft) LET FOR BUSINESS 1'URPOSEB?SECOND Page? Third column TRAVELER.RS' OCIDE?Twelfth Pag?? Fourth col umn. UNFURNISHED ROOMS AND APARTMENTS TO LET?-rrosn Pack?Third column. WANTED TO PURCHASE?Iwklktxi Pack?Sixth col umn. WATUHES, JEWELRT, AC.? Sscowd Pagi?Fourth column. WBBTCI1 ESTER COUNTY PROPERTY FOR SALE OR TO LET?second Pack?Secoud column. YACHTS. STEAMBOATS, AC.? Second Pagi- Fltth column. HKWKTT BllIiDIAU. jDKNHBTI HU1LDINU. A FEW MORE OFFICES TO LET, DIRKClORY. Rooms BA-FMKNT. 1?Lawreact * Co., Banker*. 2?.1 N risvre, OtDllnisn'i Furnishings J? O. W. Sraitn. Law Book-. 4? Thomas M. Ljai'li, Winw La win L. Irion. Cigars. 8?A B Davenport, llaiitr. ft?Baum 1 Friedman, Tailors. FIRST XTORY. Unlet Very clhtiMe lor Ranking and Insurance. SECOND STUB*. 1?Mc Ration A Mono Lawyers, g?W. it. o'bwyer, Lawyer John Fvnr, Lawyer. Row A Kenny. Heal Estate. 5?J Herrirk Henry. Lawyer, j J F,. Ludden. Lawyer. 6?Northwestern Life Insurance Company. L. K. BtfteduX Agent 7?Homer A. NeHoti, i.awyer. F.t.??tns t'oose. La spy it Francis B. Mckcwaii, Lasryar. Will'AnaO. Cook#. l awyer Nathaniel .4. Binlth, Lawyer. B-Ait.eri M Card. Lawyer. John rowler. Jr.. Lawyer. .* I Chamber of Lite Inanranee, ( Charlton T. Lewie, aooretarr. II? McCarthy A Chalmers. Lawyers. IN?Cook A Nss-au. Lawyers. II B kerguson. Lawyer. J. M i avstiauah. Lawyer 14?M W Weld lawyer. coiiactinn Association, c u. Derrickaon, Lawyer. Til I Kb HTOKY. 11 Judge Sutherland. 'ill M Xcott. Lawyer. 3? Fettrltch A Card wall, Lawyers J .4. li:tiiton. Lawyer. ?? K H. Benn. Lawyer iindley L. .lames. Lawyer E 1> Jsnies Lawyer. 5?tierldan Bonynae a MePwen, Ftcnographors ??E lull a Bloomer, itea: hataie. u II Cook, Real fcatnte. 7?Bntsrs A fellows Lawyers J. B. Altken. Lawyer. Si?W ( Iraphaceo. Lawyor. C. Ratttiuws, I.awver. * II. livan, Lwwy or. E I. Gardner, Lawyer. L <> W 11 son Lawyer. W Durank. Lawyer. %? I Vote. 10?Wi>kiii*nn A Peter*. Trustee < of Beta to of White. It i IfarrUon A strong. Lawyers.* ? yjotm Cotter, ManogrnpMF. 1.1) A I. WiHslruff. Lawyer. 14? * it BerglioU. ? I* it I ngtneer Pel nam ami Portclwster Railroad Company. ?UCKri STORk. I?Thornton A Earle. I.awver*. 2 i l.dgai Kctchum. Register hi Bankruptcy. St Fdgar Kefhuin Jr. Lawyer. 4?lii nrv Well la Lawyer. 8. Miflan lawyrr. M Fuehrer. Lawyer. I?Russian American ManafSctnring Company. D. T. ? iariluer, Pres.dent. ??Harmen it Whllberk. Lawyer. 7?H is in? A Crook. Lawyers Put rot a But/el. Lawyers. <i II Ba' Lawyer. ?-t rarv Wfiier A Bcaenck, Lawyers 1 1 "llrlen. Lawyer. ??c II Wilti.atn* l.awrer. Nf?' haun'" v Shaffer. Lawyer. 11?c it. (Jlnver. Lawyer Fred. W Kenny vt'orney snd Conntcllos j!1 I orkw mil A Croshv, Lawyers Rtililer, Lawyer. FIFTH STORY. I?L ftlitmsrs, Lawyer. John t? ( 'ire J? >tu\ve?*n: Hank Receiver. I.Wakcmai s I ailing. l awyers 4. T B W ikrman i uwter. flj B Koe lawyer a-lotcrnatton.ii i ublishing Company. IiiIck lisrr 7?Fit h A Filch, Lawyers ii Fuller. Lawyer. k^BitcsU A stetson, Lawyers fc U ttedman. Lawyer. 9?icty mr Rctormatton of Juvenile Deimnnents to-s II Steele. I.awver. U II k ins. I.awver. II?1 P A J. A. r. e l. Lawyers II?Bvrne Everett A Co.. Lawyers }j' ? WaUh. Ilalbert A Lckoraau, Lawyers MX III NTQftT. I?John Towashenii, Lawyer. A. N ichnltoii W ii Coventry n Wad Jell. General Agslrnee in tank ruptcr. ai t ol i .UKreseof ml J?n i.ajni scotch tiranite Muunenh. a& ?V?i W i aroenter, I awver. 4 i 'tis T Halt, I aw vef If. ;? w ? ?ter. l.awrer. ?icderma i laia. Lawyer. ? I I. iiri I,. Knight. 7? ' ,i i It or. 5 i 'I F Fllee, |,j w?ef. til A Lane I.awver. Bum A Dean, City -nrvtvors 10 1 ? WL Y#i Bieien. lawyer. 11 f It. Baldwin I is' er. 12) i itarles D. Barrow. Law rer. Penton Rockwell, i.awver. J a Lydeeker, Be Lsusto. t h . ydccaer lawyer. IS. Henry A evi, l.astvcr ll t II K Carting', n l awyer L iV lumps in*. Lawyer. I II Milne r. Lawyer, two passenger e!ev?tortr?nnlitg al! 'he time. PKHSONAI.. Brother hofn^-i think it i n kind of you no', to write and speak to me. when our time ex fires vie ue.iiv next. Please com- euu lay, sty time; " i ill in prevent you njw, or send message whero I can ho.I von. Kver. MARtlUEBITB. / 1A Ll..?M R JOHN IIF.NDKRBO.R, BKOTIIRR of VJ Thomas Wilhelm Henderson, is hereby requested to A") I hi) adores* to KltMT HEKTsl., No 2N River avo nun xlli ghanv at the latter hae to ttitorm nim ot the nil ot his to other and other important matters T.f ii. ?Comb to new yukk. k. ash b laatcK. Tj. h t'RANR RI.NC.DoM?no NOT FEAR TO covF, J1 home, or write to relieve yottr mother's anaJety. Address U CIs ugh ton Mr?, Hirkennead, England |i*(|R ADOPTION-A CUII.D FROM IIS BIRTH, OF JL respectable parents Address A., Herald oiBce. /1f.(inr,K w brcwn.-aTttll tonoch maker \J s wise head. Yon have a hard road to travel some ?ne has talked too mm h. Is It yont IMNHF fetlitve tt, but look nut. I liny already riatstruit you *ud biame you t'er what has happened. |F rn . MR. tiioup D.H JTII i nr upif.D p. iom 1 No ISA oh the ?teamhoat Frovldenct on hsr trip to Fail River. Saturday, .Minn 5, win eommnnlokte with Mi S p Rlae leu, No. 51 William Itrtvt New Tot a, a* | wiu ceatsr a t ? <?r PERHON\i>. ^ JACK?AM GOING TO PHILADELPHIA TO NIOUT. Will ?ce you whenever you want next wutt Am well. Loft't worry. CSADO. MARGUERITE.?WILL LKAVE EVERYTHING TO rou. Let me know as soon at possible about the Fourth. Am unite checrlul. Newport. Hope vmi are happy, tny darling. RS. H.? RKMEMBKR TO-StUIIT: OII.MORh'S . Hau'l. dancing, ami those pretty little tables In the dining room ol tlio Plymouth Hock. GL'STAVK. rpHK LADY PROM STATES ISLAND, ONE O'CLOCK I bout . Thursday, please permit the gentleman. who snt opposite her la the Broadway stage to inako ac quaintance. Address W. W.. box 147 Herald ofllce. rniiK nieces or this latk jaj ks kulton, who A resi led at the corner ol White and Centre streets, are requested to call on JOHN 11. UARNKTT, 'J*') H road way. TIUI.-CAN I SKIS OR HEAR FROM YOU BKFORKI leave? Important. OKU. f|3H U BHD AY AFTERNOON TRAIN 10 ELISABETH? A Will somebody who alighted, stopped turned hack and bowed hh train was leaving excuse this teeming rudeness. but send nddrcat. mentioning circumstances, ONE, TWO, TUBES, box 111 Herald Uptown Branch office ? UriLL THE LADY WHO TOOK FOURTH AVENUE car at Tw? ut,v eighth%treet, Friday morning, who noticed gentleman in buggv, and who sa ?v her after ward at Ninth street, please send addre>s to W. ROB ERTS, Hlurtovant House t UqOQII WELCOMES "BABY" HOME, BUT BE C JO grots (hat so many hour* must pass before meet nc How about Sunday? Canuot M. communi cate in time with W. RELIGIOUS NOTICES. ALL SAINTS' PROTESTANT KriMOPAIi CHl'RCH, Rev. William N. Dunuell, rector. Henry street, cor nor of Sea m mo I, New York.? services every Sunday morning at lOAi and evory Sunday evening at 7J6. The rector will preach. A SPIRITUAL CONFERENCE IS HELD AT THK Harvard Rooms, Reservoir square, Sunday at 2'? P M. Ladles apoak at 7)i, All Invited. No morning mooting. AT FREE TABERNACLE METHODIST KPIsCbPAL Church. Wont Twenty-fourth street, between Seventn ana Eighth avenue Rev. J. Junx pastor, will preach Sunday morning 10:30. evening 7:t.V Sunday School Concert (young people's meeting), #:33 P. M. Seats l'rec. All wyslcotne. At fifth avenue baptist church, west Forty-sixth street, morning. l'ljd o'clock. Rev. Dr. Pnttoo will ortlciiito and Kev. Dr. Dowllng at 7Jt P. M.; Sunday school OA. M. BKF.KMAN HILL METHODIST EPISCOPAL 0 '* PBCH, East Fit tic (h street, between First and Second ave nues.?Preaching by the pastor. Rev. William H. Thomas. Morning subject. ''Inheriting the Earth;" evening subiect, "Pro-penty that Destroys." /IHURCH OF THK STRANGERS, MERCER STREET, v near Waverley place.?Dr. Deems will preach at 10k A. M. and A P. N. The morning subject?"The Song of Moses and ol the Lamb. ' All seats free and ushers to receive strangers. CdALVAUY BAPTIST CHURCH. TWENTY-THIRD J street, between Fifth and With avenues ?Rev. Ik a. MacArthur, uaslor, preaches morning ami evening. Baptism will bo administered. Strangors invited. DISCIPLES OF CHRIST, TWKNTV EIGHTH STREET, near Broadway.?Preaching morning ana evening bv the pastor. Itcv. D. R. Van Buskirk. You are cor dially Invited. CURST REFORMED EPISCOPAL CHURCn, MATH r don avenue, curlier Forty-seventh street. Rev. Wil liam T. Sabine, rector.?Sunday school at 9 o'clock A M.: children's church at t o'clock P. M.; divine services Idi'U A. M. and 7:tAJ? M. TPOURTH PKKSBYTRltlAN CHURCH, THIRTY r fourth street, near Broadway.? Kev. Cyras Dickson. P. D , will preach in this church to-morrow morning at 10 :33 and afternoon at 4. LEXINOTON AVENUE METHODIST EPISCOPAL church, corner Fifty second street.?Preacning bv the pastor. Rev. J. W. sifleek, on sabbath at 10k and 7J?. MRU, F. 0. HYPER, INSPIRATIONAL STEAKER. loctnros for the Society' of Progressive spiritualists at lOJa A. M. and 71* P. M.. al S3 West Iriirty-third street. < hildrcn's Picnic at Christ Park, 133d street, Third avenue, Monday next. . 1JILORIM BAPTIST CHURCH. THIRTY-TIIIRD I. street, near Eighth avenue, Rev. J. Spencer Kennard Bastor. ..Morning?'Charity." Evening. at 8? "Celling ut into the World." All welcome. RKV. CHARLES R. HARRIS, PASTOR OF ALLEN afreet Methodl-t Episcopal church ibetwoen De lam cv and Kivington street*), will preach at 10 90 A. M. ana 7-3) P. M. Subject for the evening?"Tho Young Woman Wanted tor the fimex" Seats iree. IIL'SBIAN GREEK CHAPEL. MOk .051 SECOND AVE t nuc between fiftieth and Fiftv-first streets.?Divine service during the summer every Sunday at 9:30 A. M. All cordially invited. RF.Y SAMUEL M. HAMILTON. PASTOR OF SCOTCH Presbvteriau cnurch. Fourteenth street between Filth and eixtli avenues, wdl preach to-morrow at 10 JO A M aud ? P M. Rev. a. r. van nest, d. d.. late of italy, will preach in the South Rrfnrme I church, Fifth avenue ami twenty-first street to-murrow. atlOJJA. M and 4 P. M. ^CTr^inetn in c i nn n a in or i -1 v#*a l$ U church. between First end Second avenues. ? PreaeB ins. I OH A. M., bT Rev. J. 8. Willis, 7* P. M.. by the pss tor. Rev. J. II Ltzbtboura. tvsuia* subject?"Man All Immortal." Seats iree. CjKVKNTH STRICT METHODIST iriMOPAI. 17 Church.?Sahhath morning. He*. J. H. Ltrhtbourn, of Seventeenth street church. Sabbath evening. Rev. J. >. Willis, pastor. Subject. "Spiritual Shuttling, or An Kffort to A void Responsibility." OT. JOHN'S METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH. 17 Piftv third street, neer Broad way?services et I0H A M nml P. M. Morning siibi?ct "Ihe fountain of l.i'uig W sfere." Rev. James M King pastor. Ail are welcome. Tabernacle baptist riirRcn. second ave. nue. between tenth ami hieveuth streeta ?Rev, James Board man llawthorno pa<ior Morning, at In 30, The Modern Pharisee." livening sermon by Ilev Pope pnihiani Rfinttiin after At tiinac an rmnn itieii Teaman* Baptism after aveuing sermon, .oung men e ml strangers invited. \I-ASniNHTON SQUARE METHODIST EPISCOPAL vt church. Rev. H llliam Lloyd.?horning, "ihe of Oud Orct'er than e Mother's" Fwntut, "A Pur rbase All -Imuld Make and None bell Again.' 1 QTIt STREET METHODIST Fi'iSCOPAL CTIURCH.? I O M >. Trrry. pastor. Services at 19-30 A. M end 7 41 P. M. Morning sutijcot, "Llghlln Dartuexn;" even ing. "Among Thieves." IsONT AMD POUND. oat OR STOLEN, Hie July, 1171, January, 1978. and J?ly. 1ST*, Coupons on the tntlowtM govrrnnienA bonds; - 179,ROD I'onMM ?'?. 1*1. No. . 30,971 to K.ftNi inch. RKlea. |Vt ' ?i Cuuimn ?' ?>. 1*17, No*, 4.15:.* to 4 dOllnel., ? ilea. Is Ismiui onpon V2R UU7. No. IM.ouJ to Ifl.Mtacl..8 tneg. . |jo< $50. (AM Coupon AMI. 1897. Nos. to IK'Mluol . RWca. {It'Si, nwt, 97 914, 1 5:no; St * Inelnstve. J ca. Payment on the above has been stopped at the United S ak-a AVasary oHln;i A ten l"?t threet otieena flrnm |V*l bon-ie of Peterson cttv, called "llonntv Bonds," Nos. 44A. Mil, 999; and mun gl.lXuhcii i of Long Dock Company. \n IOT\ A reward of*1 will lie paid for Ihe rrn.vrrr of the ? b,vr and no questions asked, an,: lu proportion u.rany par' ttir-eoC AJdrro b .i 1,211 Poet olBoe. New York. 1 OBT-ON Tt'ESDA T FVKNIViy, A it Civil IN IJ leather Pan. in Oentrai Park Harden or Broadway to 1 hirty ninth street, finder will te rewarded by re turning it to tO Heat Thirtymath street r <>? T?SF< KLAt'E AND LOCKET, ON 8ATCKDAY Ji evening; rained as a memento. Please return to Mr DIXdn. yiT Washington street. Brooklyn, receiving thanks and libera! reward. No questions. IOUT?POCKKTBt ?OK. Con r AISI NO NOTHIira t'f J v a'.ue lu any one but the owner. The flnder w,ll bo rewarded bv retarniag to 29 Matden tan*, op *fslr* I ONT-ON PEIDAY AFTFRSOOE, OK BROADWAY, J J Draft, drawn bi J. A J R uari A t o on John stuari A Co. Manrliesisr. England. lavor linn, Enu A i a., for CI17 Its W. Merlin,. The tinder wilt be rewarded br leaving it at No ?u Broadway. Y CRT?A LADY'S SiI.K I'MBRKl.LA IN OOIMT la from Broadway and Perty-flfih .ir>-?i to I'irth eve t.ue an t Forty eiiht'c street I'ltiJer by returning seme l, 319 West Foriy-foerth street, will ba suitably re warded. HKWAED9. d>Q RTTYVRD FOR A PATH OF O IID F.YK sji?> masses lost to d*-.- bei..w Barclay street lunmrs 3! If. I . I 0 Barclay street. - RKWARD.?LOST, ON THURSDAY, 4 SMALL Black and Ian Bitch; little liunc lu left hind :?g. ease return lo No. 748 Ninth arentie. T I HI R vL REWARD.?8TOLKN FROM TI1K Si'tt- i 1.2 seriti?r at Men leu. Conn., on Mand* v, June 21, 1*7.1. I * day Mare, 9 ve*rs old. thin la flesh. ?<:..rrcd on near hln-t tea; -visa a l ban ton lined with blue, brown run | n ot with narrow vsllow stripe, body hluak, maile by ; Krockett A Inttle ; the shove were taken hy a man sritit ,1ar* hair light mustache, red tor.-, height! feet 4 or .1 I Incite*, about 23 veers ot ago. a liberal reward wltl He i Said lor the recovery ot ihe property by JOBRPU H. fcDON AI.D I w cat MerMen, Conn.. Jone 21 NPKI IAI. NOTKI',8, A-DF.liII.lir RROl'OUr ON BY INDIBCRRTIONH * sud all klm'red diseases ni men ?oe;-dily and radi cally r tired hv H F.N BY a. DANIEL*. M IV, IH I** tngton svsnue, near Twenty-nlnlh street. onlce hours train dto :i. I -ISAAC O. RUYCK. 2t7 BROAHVAY, LAWYER. V . Notarv, Commissioner UiYjrresni tallied prompiiy ithont publicity, > auses? Desertion. IncumpatiMlltV h*> itnel drunkenness, infidslity. inhuman treatment, conviction of leiony. Pasjports ohtalr.c 1 \ -Rf'VAL HAVANA IXJTTERV AND GERMAN i\. Government Ltotsrtss. Prize* cashed *nt iortnntioti given. WACHdMANN A CO., Banker* 7>a d 77 Nassau street. Post olhi e box :i,SIB. A - KLVri C'KY SINiILK NUMBER LOTTKRV. sf\ ? UrAWiiig HatiirJAy, J tine 2S. Whole tickets. *IU; halt, pi QsAiter, 741 German iiovcrtitm at 7 otter lea. Povel Havana lottery. r ye- qiH.-z bo ? r.mmuie ia'uarb lie S'aiu street. A SPECIAL fOTICES. LA HAM A STATE LOTTERY. crout drawing, class 6, July It, 1875. In public at Mo bile, Ala. rapitnl prize $50,000, and prize* amounting ti> $-00,000: prize* paid at once uuou thedrawlua takingplace. No postponement Tickets, 3Id; halves, $6; quarters, 9- (SO. eighths, *l IS. Far orders and iniormation adflrpss McOfWK A CO.. box 8,420 Post office, New York. Alabama state lottery. Single number Havana plan. Draws every month at Mobile. Ala. Only AS,008 tickets. 3,880 prizes, amounting to $2.0.000 1 prize of 900.000 1 prize of 20.000 1 prize oi lo.oun 2 prizes of 95,000 each lu.nOO in p ru ?? of $2.uuoeaclt 2u,ono '-'5 prizej of $1,000each 25.000 40 prizes ol SHOO each 30,000 Whole tickets. $10; halves, S5: quarters, 92 50; nth,lis, $i s-\ Circulars, with full parilru'nrs, sent tree. P. C. DEVLIN A CO., General Agents. 30 Liberty street, New York. A-OFICIAL DRAWINGS OK THE KENTUCKY ? Btute and Shelby College Lotteries:? KHirrcoar, run i class 639-junk 25, 1875. 12, CO, -KJ. 10, 59, 68, 45, 25, 33. 57, II. 7 17. SURt.UY, EXTRA CLASH 155?JUSK 25. 1875 28, 10, 39, 43, 33, 47, 74 2, 37. 06. 60. 60, 15. KK.3TUCKT. CI.ASS 640?J CSS 25 1875. II, 8. 70, 10. 9, 39, 66, 16, 75, 54, 6, 11, 70. snai.ay, class 458?JUNK 24, 1375. 21. 29, 18. 72, ?5, 17, S, 76, 4. .56, 78, 66, .11 J. 8. SMITH A CO.. Managers, Covington. Kv. ; Port Office box 2,751, New York. A?PARKS, F.MERSON A CO., A H K NTS FOR . Kentucky Mate Lotteries, drawn daily. Royal Havana Lattery, tlrawu every 17 da vs. Kentucky Single Number Lottery, drawn June 26, 1875. Prizes cashed. Itilui malum furnished and circular* rent bv addressing PARKS A CO., 180 Broadway, room t Post Mile-, box 5,272. Private offico attached. Office hours 7 A. M. to 7 P. M. 4 ?ROYAL HAVANA LOT 1KBY AND HERMAN ix? Oovernment Lotteries. Prix is cashed and in iorniation given. WAClis.M ANN A CO., Hankers, 76 and 7/ Nassau street. Post office box 3.316. Diseases of men and important medical and Surgical Cases a specialty. HENRY A. DANIELS, M. i/., 144 1 oxiagton avenue, near Twenty ninth street Office hours from 8 tu 3. Dk. Manfred nervous diseases and nf.u ralgla. 0J east Ninth street, near Broadway. Hours 9 to 12. 2 to 5, 7 to 8, H avana lottery.-*sio,ooo in prizes every is nays, as follows h irst prize of $100,000 First prize of 60,000 Second prizes, ot $35,000 each 50,(XX) 8.5 prizes, amounting to 310,000 Prizes cashed. Circulars ot Information free. J. B. Martinez a CO., Bankers, 10 Wall street, roar base incut; Post office box 4,884. New York. T HEREBY (ilVR NOTICE THAT I WILL NOT PAY 1 any debts cou'racted by my son, PaLstnn Cox. a minor. DOKSKY COX, Gernuantowu, Philadelphia, June 23. K? $30u.'JtX> CASH GIFTS. Whole Tic set*. $10. Kentucky State Finale Number lottery, on the Royal Havana plan, draws June 26, 1S73. Prizes paid in lull. Circulars sent t'ree. Adores*all orders to J. OLITTE. authorized Agent 01 all legalized lotteries for the past 3D years. 2W Broadway, room 6. Box 4,969 Post office. It ?$800,WW CASH GIFTS, k. Whole Ticket*, $10. Kentucky State Single Number Lotwrv. on the Havana plan, draws June is), 1373. Prizes paid la lull. Circulars sent tree. Address all orders to PARKS, EMERSON A CO., authorized agents ot all legalized lotteries tor the past 10 years. 180 Broadwav, room 4. Box 5.?72 Post offieo. K -OFFICIAL DRAWING OF THE KENTUCKY 5 Slate Lotteries. SIMMONS, DICKINSON A CO.. Managers. KKNTCCKV, ?*T It A CI.ASS HO. 330?JONK 25, 1873. 12, 14. IT. 29. 18, 33. 19, 4.t, 2, 28, 00, 33. unvctr. ciAss so. wo?jonk 23, 1878. it, 73. 51. 5b. 38. ?3, 56. 22. OJ, 37. 27. 1. ni'Kity, riTRA class so. 485?junk 25. 1875. 41, 50. 74. 35. 55. 17, 21. 48, 63. 28, 74, 7X USURY. CLASS OIL 400?Jl?E 25, lo7S. 63. 13. 40, 16, 74. 46. 27, 17. 70. 41. 53. 76. Full information by applying to or addressing J. CLUTE, 2oo Broadway, first door, rear office, or Post office box 4>69. y ?SIMMONS, DICKINSON A CO.'S GRAND Jv. monthly distribution of the Kentucky state Lot tery, on the Havana plan, to be drawn June 26; also Royal Havana ot Cuba, drawn June30. Fall iii.'orinitiou by applying to or addressing J. CU. IK. authorized agent. 210 Broadway, or Post office box 4.9.9. OWNER WAN fKD? FOR A GOLD HUNTING CASE Watch, Adolph Langn (Dresden). maker. Apply, between Id and 11 o'clock A. M., at 19ft Kowery. R. SIMPSON A CO. IJRINriNO OF EVERY DESCRIPTION PROMPTLY J. done at very moderate prl'-es bv the MFTROPoLI TAN PRINTING ESTABLISHMBNT, Herald Building, 218 Broadway, New Yor*. UOYAL HAVANA LOTTERY. $510,OUO diatributed in prizes every ISdays. Next drawing June 10. 1 Prize of $l(il iWi J Prize of... ao.ikW t Prizes ot $25,011) each fld.UOO 1 Prize of K'.OUO 1 Prae 3,t*W H Prizes of $l,0i?each 'JSjMO 730 other Prizes, amounting to. .... 212,(Ml M I'lbar rrises, amounting to 2<2.(Mi Circulars ot information furnished tree. Order* tilled. Prizot cashed. Spanish Bank Bills. Doubloon* and Gov ernment! purchased TaYLOR A CO., Bankers, 11 Wall street, New York. (inn -KENTUCKY state lottery. VtWV.UUUi Draws Jun- 16. Single No. plan. Wholes, $10; Halves. $5. Vusrters. $2 50; f ight... $1 25. P. C. DEVLIN A Co.. General Agent*. 30 Liberty street. Sew York. 8P41RTI$<4-DOON, III It OS, A( , TIIK TI MF. A ?AUCTION AND FP.KNCIl POOLS .'.old f.ykky J\ ? morning and evening at Thomas' Exchange. 1,23s Bruadwav.on Hie great International Kill# Map n. OLIVER L MARSHALL. Auctioneer. Auction and French pools sold untilt o'clock to-day at JOHS809'* Pool room, corner iweuty-etglith street and Broadway, oil the llaileiii Regatta. W. H. A T. B. JoHNnON. VucrioN pools sold at joiinbON'a pool Kr.oui this aOern-Kia en trot* at Boston; also Bos ton va Athletic, at Philadelphia; Chicago vs. Pnlladel plus, at Chicago; Hartford vs. Red .'footings, at St. Louis. P. II. t-BIBKKT. BUTLER'S celebrated mangf cure and flf.a I Exicrminator; Dog Oil, for ennaumpiton ; Dog Pills. Ac., for sale at MICHAEL* A EVERTS'. No. 6 Peel slip. POOLS FOLD TO DAT AT II O'CLOCK. AT HAR lem. on the regatta, The flret heat tor the diamond ?culls will tie started promptly at I. T. F BAKED 4 UCTION AND FRENCH POOL? NOW OPF.N AT JX. Johnson's Pool Room, com-r Broadway end Iwen ti elgbtb street. o;: all trotting event.. a lea aa the Inter, natmnel l.tde Match. between 1'ie American and Irish teams; lull returns received by telegraph direct W. II. A T. B. JOHNSON. 4 UCTION AND FHKM II POOLS SOLD THIS u v evening si the New York Tiirl Exchange. 13 West Twentv-eizlitli street, on the trot* at Park. Bo* ton ; al*o on the INT* RNA l IONAL fcll'LK MATt H. which takes place on Tue.dav, 59th ittat. KELLY. BLISS A CO. Yallman, Sxperln wn dent5JtlN*qng,,T j JEW DORP CLUB OROI ND, STATEN ISLAND. \ Saturday. Ju>v J. 1873.? Pur?c tor $1(J0 ; $61 to flret. ! L> to second. $13 to third; three quarter track heat, | -at three in Ave, to harness, open to all horse* that ?ver beat three minutes; entrance to he made to the ; roprteior, In writing, with to per cant, on or betore i onday, June 28, at 9 u clock P. M. D. R. RTERfl, Proprietor. PLAIN FIELD DRIVING PA RK ? PU1HK $100, FOR 7 ;r4l class ; $55 to first, $10 to second. $13 to third Pnr-e $100 tor 2 *t rlas* . $M to first $W t" second. $13 to third, fo be trotted Monday, Julr K Entries to clov Monday, .tunc ? at 9 o'clock P M . at kgbcrtsoii" atanle. Address EI.LIP A. CAMI'BKL, owner. Of fpolk driving park, HI MINOTOX, L. I ? O ot $!;*). for horse* that n< ver beat 1 mttinres; $*> to 0r?t, ??ti to serond. $10 to third Pan* ot $iUO. tor hot*-'* tli st never best ItW; $8"/ to first. $10 to second. *110 to third : to be trotted Monday, July .V, 18711, entries close at Johnson's Kooin* and at North side Hotel, Huntington tatlon. on Saturday evening. June 26 at'.(o'clock P. M : entrance tnotiei must accompany each nomination; Ave to enter end three to start. O w. BiOus, Manager, rrilK METROPOLITAN PRINTING KsTARLI'HMVNf I it i. . have unsurpassed facilities lor d ung ni 't rau-pr eln'l,W * unusual promptness and at J \\-r. T BIDE DRIVING PtKK. SATURDAY. JUNK T? 26. J P. M?Pnr*? $106: tn'le heat*, three in five. In harness; $N? to flrit, $33 to socon l. $15 to third horse. W. Mevor* enfei-s b. ni. Carrie Meyers.rA V Wbitnon en ter* b. g. Jim. Peter Manee enter* h. g Busang*, Thonias Ms her enters Red oandcr. ti. M Homan enters It. g. Emperor. K. Kernan enter* h m Katie. H. (iarduer on lers b, m. Lailv Washington. Same day?.Match race for $114), mile heats, three In five, ihotnsa Matter cater* h. m. Hlaw.'ly Maiil. II. Water*on enter* i?r. m. Li ;ztn. Fain# dav?Match race for $lis); tntie heats, three in five in liarive**. owner'* g m. Fannie, owner's blk. g. Judge II. Adinigaton. 33eenU. MtKPUY A llr.NDT.R.dON, Proprietors. IIOHNFtF, ( AHHI4GP.!*, .?? UCTION HOl's'F. OF VaN I'A'SFLL .* KEARNEY", k no and lis LAST i IIIP.TKESTH SlRI.KI, NEAR FOURTH AVENUE. NdIHE. w;: B'"(, TO IN FORM TIIK riBI.IC THAT fiWTNO fo the groat length of nor -ales an i in order in IM'.vor to our p.itrnns their good* 111 tltna for shipping ?ur sal- * m futora will begin at ? 10 O'CLOCK, Instead of 11 n'ciook ??in the past a BE KTIIAl d HAS JUST ARRIVED FROM LEV i\ Ington Ky . with IS young trotters, which he oilers tor sale at reason*Ota prices Can ha avail at ?8 East Twenty-fourth street. A?4:ar;iIAGKS.-TW(( ni< k ktylp.s depot ? Wagons, second hand road and top wagooi, Rock iwav?, iutnu seaw, tour and *1* Ie4i PhaeVous; *1*0 a uatiiisoiiie wagonette, to carry oignt it M -III ERA Its b> l?i East itiiriv (IrrU'.raeV HOUSES, CARRIAGES. ?C. At barker a son's CITY AUCTION MART AND N T. TATTERS ALL'A, corner of Broadway aud Thirty-ninth street. M ajor CHA.S. W. BARKER, AUCJIONEKR. REGULAR hAL' S of ; Horse-, ('arriuge.s, Ac., every ?Wednesday and Saturday, AT 11 O'CLOCK. T\v KNTY-POCR hours allowed tor trial on avery horse -old under warranter. THIS I. THE only auction mart m the State having the proper facilities for -bowing horses on salu?viz., a large Driving Track entirely undercover and pleutv of room for examination. CATALOGUE DE SALE THIS DAY, AT 11 O'CLOCK, commencing with THE ORE AT EVENT, CAPTAIN Ol'.OItOE D. il ANNA'S lot Bourbon county. Kentucky) FOURTH AND POSITIVELY LAST OK EAT. EXTRAORDINARY SAl.K OF THE FASTEST CI KEEN TROTTERS AND MOST elegant ALL OAITKD SADDLE HORSES, JUST arrived iro-.n Kentucky, AND COMPRISING seventeen hca>1. consisting of SORKKL GKLDINO GENERAL Bt'EOKD. by Colo man's Messenger. 1534 high. loalod 1S70: can (rot 111 1 minutes; brown Mure MARION, by fcrteaaon, Wtj hlifh, toaiod 1870; can trot in 3 minutes; sorrel Gelding HAR DIN (II II.F. bv Denmark. 10 high, foaled 1868; a prem ium saddle and hnrnuss Iior.-e ; brown Gelding HVlUtl SON. by Hying Clouil, Jr . 15*4 hmb. toaled 1869; can trot in .:10; brown Mure GRACE I E W18, by Hen 's Mam hrino I'atolien, I5'u bign. foaled I67U; can trot In 2: 5; roan Gelding KeNTON, by Kookwood. 15-14 high. loaled 1369; eau beat 2: 0; bay fieldiug KIsKR. by Normitu Temple. 15V. tilfrh, foaled 1869; can trot in 2:45; bay Geld ing UNION BOY, by Alexander's Hald Chief, 15)4 blah, foaieil 1868; can beat 2:15 and goes all falts under saddle; sorret Maro CLIFTON GIRL, y Alexander's Norman, 15,'4 high. foaled 1887, ran trol in 2 .-40; brown Gelding 7)LDHaM, by Den mark, 15'. high, foaled 1869, nil elegant saddle and bar ness horse; bay Gelding LOCKYER. by Sam Patehen, 16 high, foaled U?7, tine coupe or match horse; bay Del lug M ATE, by Sam Patehen. 14 high, foaled 18-17; Loekyer ami Male make a' fine pairtogetber ; bay Gelding* PARIS CHIEF and PRIDE OF BOURBON, full brothers hy Alexan.ler's .Norman. 15Vj nigh, foaled 1897 and 1-68 (cau trot together in 2:30. and singly either can beai 2;ii), are without exception one ol the uiustextraordlnary trotting teams to he found bav gelding NE.D CaKi.OL'-, by LcgalTeuder. 16 high, loaled 18 9, can beat 2:90; bay Geld ing AC IOC RAT, hv Ericsson, 16\ high, toaled is69. rati trot in 3 minute*; gray Mure LILLY RU'ilAKDS, by Maiubriiio Patehen, 15>i high, loaled 1867, can trot In 2:35 . all are wurrumed sound and kltul. tktlRI.NU THE past two days this stock has been rid den and driven by a large number ol gent cnicn. who have all expressed themselves as being more than satis tied with the correctness ol Captain lLuu.i i repre sentation. t atalogucs, with full particulars, nt sale. 151 MEDIATELY AFiEK above WlU be disposed ot HANDSOME AND SPEEDY b.n Trotting Guiding, got by Major Kdsalt; bred in Oran - county; 15.15 high. 7 years old; us line, game, prompt and easy a .uriver as can be ioiiml; trotted last October 111 2:38 jo top wagon ; goes In line stvlu ami drivos without booting; his dam was a mare ol great lasting power and was got by a son ol Ohio Eclipse ard ceuld heat 2:35; is sold to close the estate ol the late c. It. Johnson, and is warranted sound and kind. THE BEAUTIFUL young sorrel Trotting Gelding Allen Bov, got ov Ethan Allen, tirst dam by Toronto Chief, second daiu Dy Young Morr.l; is 15la high. 7 years old; Is, without exception, one ot the finest, safest and most agreeable drivers ever hitched; has never been ban died hut about a month last season and showed trials in from 2:46 to 2:49; can heat 2:50 to-day, ettner singly or to the pole, and can lie driven by a lady at speed ; basu t a fault nor a vice; i? sold only on account ot owner's departure for Elurope, aad Is warranted sound and kind. ELEGANT BLOOD bay Hambletonlan Trotting Geld ing, got hy a son ot Bonnor's Edward Everett, li/f, htgu, 7 vears old -, can irot tour boats inside of 2:45, and is one of the rileasalitest, most amiable horses in the state; drives well up on the hit, without pulling or lugging; flue Mowing mane and tail, anu warranted sound and kind. FORTY TOP and no top Road Wagons, Park anil Pony PhaetoiiN, hooka ways, Victorias, Express and Business Wagons, Ac. NEW aND second hand Harness. Horse Clothing, Saddles. Bridles, Whips, llaltera, Ac. MKVKR.YL OTHER Horses FULL DESCRIPTION at sale. SALP^ Ni.VEK postponed on account of weather. A great sacrifice.?one double set light Harness, three sets, heavy, suitable for hacking: good condition, city nuke; been used private Apply 164 East Fitly-seventh street.', MAD". BY BREW8TER. AND IN GOOD order, lor sala cheap. Apply at DUFFY'S stables Forty-third s reet, between Third and Lexington avs. A?TI1F. FAST BLACK TROTTISO COLT BARNEY, . Kentucky bred, got by Ralsora, 15>4 high. 5 years old; can beat 2 :46 and Is untrained; warranted sound 1 and kind; will be sold this day (Saturday, at 11 o'elocx, 1 at BARKER A t-ON'S, corner ot Broadway and Tblrty ntnta street. A?THREE HORBES, YOUNG AND SOUND, FIT . for butcher, grocer, express, farming. Ac.; 570. 893, $116; also two Express Wagons: must tell; no work. No. 7 Bayard street, grocery Auction sale or new and bkcond hand B iggies, Kockaways, Phaeton*. Business Wagons, several Horses, Harness. Robes, saddles, Ac., thlsdav, at 11 O'clock, by COLE A Ml UPUY.379 Fulton street, Brooklyn. A [.AXDAI', S350; hlX-SK XT PHaETON. ?i*l; TWO ?XMOfion tup Phaeton*. half price ; Pony Phaeton, little u id, 10 others, ut bargains. J. W. t'i l NEY. 4eu Third avenue. A ?l GENTLEMAN GOING AHROAD-WILL BKLL, VERY heap. Ins side bar top Koad Wagon and Pouy Phaeton, both ucitrly new, and light Harness. ~ LmAH'I Tal.LM a.N'S stable, 47 Great Jones street A CO HON PALE-THIS DAY. AT 10'j O'CLOCK. AT .1X4 and U6 VA ost fourth street, corner of Eighth avenue, two Truce Horses, sold tor bill ot keep. By order el W. B. Hanson. J. W. CAMPBELL. Jr., Auctioneer. AGRKAT STOCK OK KOAD AND FAMILY Horses. Road and top Wagons, single and double Harness, bunk,-Li. Ac.: best makers, good as new. Pri vets stable No. fl West Xinstuenili street, near Fitth ave uuo stable to let. A -.FOR BALK. THR BEAUTIFUL BAY IIOR.nS . Young Henry. ISS bands. 6 yeare. cau trot in 2 AO; single or double, and the best gaited horse in the State; lie is Matnbrino Kentucky stock; with a beautiful top Koad Wagon and flue set single Harness. Lap Duster. Dress Blanket. Mat aud Whip ; also a tingle suat Trotting Wagon and Phaeton; ail as good as new; will sen separ "" hi ate or together, inquire ol the coachman ROBERT,at 9 East Fifteenth street, uear Fifth avenue Will still cheap for cash, on account ol leaving the city, also a set of fine double Harness. 4 -$175 WILL BUY A FIRST CLASS 9HIF1IMG i\? top gentleman's Itoad Wagon, built to order last sprint;, cost 1450; a fine liaruess, f."0. cost SI lit; a Black hawk Horso. t'i U. trots tn i :40. 6 years old. IS1, hands; warranted sound and kind, at private stable No. 3: East Twelfth .street, near Uuiverstty place. /A Al'.RI AGES, NEW AND SECOND HAND. V' Coaehes, Clarences, l.andaus. Ooupes, Bretts, Baronchea. four and six scat extension top Phaetons top, Koad. Depot and Express Wagons: Park, basket, top snd doctor's Phaetons, from $?? up; Coup*, light and Mx-*eat Kockawaya, from f 1*) up; light Victorias, two wheel Cart. Miisles; among mv assortment I have P.rewster's, Silvers'. Duseubur>'s. Wood s and other first class makers'; no Broadway expense,: sett lower rent for fhe season; Harness, all styles and prices; wheels, Ac. WM H. tiRtV, 2U and 22 Woostor street. /"10UN TRY CARRIAGES.?SEVERAL CARRIAGES. V eight pawenger. ?ix p?"enjrer. four and t? o seats, 1 soiled ana out ot fashion, will Ik- sold at halt price MaM'FaCII RF.R-' INIHN. ST.' Hroadwav L'OORTEEN second hand BREWSTER A CO. flip HKdgMt; 8i Ri.GT' SIDE HSH AND FULL SPRING W.YOOH. FLANDEAi . 373 an 1 374 Broome street, old stand o: Hrew-tei A < o TJI1RS7 CLASS PONT FHAKIONH, WITH AND F writhout :ops, at cos', to make rvom . slso t iriorle, Pol" snd StisfTs, equally low LVO Broadway, corner ot Fortv-sixth street. FAOR SALE?KOI R DOt'ELS TRI CKS IN GOOD running order. Will take an* leasotiaoir "(Tar. as we have no use for tbciu. Can he seen At -I 1 bird street, near Bowers. F?OR >AIJC?ON AC' ol NT Or OWN: K i.uINO abroad, a handsomely matched Carnage Team, I Kentncav hre-t. Hi', hands high dai k bj,s. v uli black fonts, tine tails ami manes have good action ami are ' perfectly sound and mud. eiihee single or dounie. (lie i be seen at private stable SIM Eighth avenne. If?OK SALE-SIX MILKS; ALSO TWi, LARGE 1 Wagons; suitable tor brewer's or express com pa tiy s use. Apply to P. LoRILLAKD A CO., Id chambers street. New York, or Washington and rirst streets, Jersey City. _____ tW>K BALK?A HAMBMOME KKNHCkY ..SADDLE r Marc, thoronghlv well trained and gentle. Apply at It Broad street, room 4A, CHiR SALE?A FINK PAIR OF HOU'X PIlAFrON U and Harness Apply at 143 West Tin, tr-eighth et. LV?R SALE-A VERY 8i Y 1,1*11 BAY COCPl ?ORSF. r l>.1. hands huh; s, utrl and kind In all harness and can tn t clus" to ! minute'. HO West Tenth street. UK)r Mi.R?roR want or CsF fh with F ton Koad Wagon, three double sets Harness, tn perfect order, well worth the attention of pern n? wf o vratd to btir rtnc srtn !es Cheap. Apply at pr'v *t? stribla SI East Ililrty third street. V'H: VM.-YN ELEGANT sQCARI. Rf't DV.i'n: T W i.: on little use! first class maker, sold for v-aut of u? . inquire at the offlcs ot stnnevam llous* price L'OR >ALt AT A SACRIFICE?THE I,RANK. .?TfX K L and Fixtures ol a promincot comer grocery i-nt (fill pet month: a good chance to bny atieajk Arptf'i the premises, 714 lenth avenue. New York. JtiiH -ALP i HEAP?TWO BLACK MaRBS ISIltNDS ; high tit for farming or eoontr? ns?; also twe top leno n x Wagons, It we? Tenth etreei ^"?"K -sALK CHEAP-TUN HAND.-omNFT SLACK . Hawk Mar - in the Hy ; I , h?n i ? high. * yosrs old . sonn I, kind and reliable u alt harm: ,s has been rnidea anddriv-n by a to lv; has no superior is a 'Male horse; ais > a 1 i orgs Wilkes In own Colt. .A is ir, old, 15'j hands; broken to all harness and warranto 1 kind sou sound At 2Bt <,roeiie street TsTfiR d.VLF.-t TI.L SIAF. CLARKNCK. IN PERI': CP | P aider, snd the handsomest team ot bay Hor.-es, p.-r Eict ' < iin i v,,no.- kind .<i d tine, with a vet ol fine , double lli is.s Almost rev ; Blankets. KobCs, Whips A. ; also :I Victoria with not ? and stlA'ts. Afota wt ot double Hamese. alt III good order. lobe ageit .<? stah'e 70 a'ci 7.' ; rim ? street. nARNKo.q -Tllr C1IK VP sr Nc.v York ; good Buggv H i (nod Gfoecr's Harness. $A: <{?< ST HAUNEJS STORK IN aru"s, hand -nado, ?:7; good Milkman'' Harness, iai; g >.,.! 'double frii: k flurncs*. ??'. a >od fitanta Rlan ke;., f 8> Piease call and exatnliie for yourselves. FHItKR i OSHORNE, 71 Rarc.lai s:re?t, New York. Harness, harnkss. harness.?tuk i-owKxr price Harness m oe in New York. Li ok at the i prices. Good buggy Haraeau bsnn marls, frou? a 15 to ?Wmi sat. goaigrooors llarnafi, fM. pood milkmen's II,ii net', $JA: gno t d' nblA trnck llsine.s, ?h A'so all kind* ot single anil double Harness at prices r ;?e- cant tie low an, otliti hone,'. An examination o' goods and ariaes will prove it. c. B. y, Manntsctuiar, it Munay si rest, hst ween ibtucU strset aai Oyliore pt-VWv Now Tor*. __ HOR8K8, CAR1UAHK!!, C(. HABKRSN. f?ARNK*S-DAMAO?D AND -'?>!!. r: > auitablc for city and country; al?o large lotion hand: Karnes* for sale at bargain*. at CaKKIaiiK manitpagtu ukks' union repository, no. m Broadway. HARNESS. RIDING SADDLE*, LI MEN AMD WOOL len Horse Clothing. I-at> Duatere. *<?.; large atocl, freat variety anJ the lowest ptmlblt prices. E. UART ?ETT. 6'2 Wnrrcn street. cornei College place. KENTUCKY THOROUGHBRED, YOUNG AND VKKT handsome; very gentle: destined to l>e a great favorite, pedigree given. Private stable 17 Waat Forty fourth street Alao Pur A Phaeton lor sale. QECOND HAND CARRIAGES, O hr B11KWA1KK, of Twenty-fifth street. Wagonette, citv maker. Liind tu. on C springs. Curtain t oach, uear.y uew. Lanctaulette. our >wii make. Top and no too i.'oad Wagons. MKTRt'POLrrAN PRINTING ESTABLISH I MENf No. (14 Broadway. are prspared to do every variety ot Printing, Wixxl Eugr-tvinx and Lithograph* at very low rates. WANTED-A MEDIUM SIZK LIVERY STABLE, Ill *' exchange isr one ot the hest 25 aer~ Farm* in New Jeregv; no encumbrance; 3^ miles train Madl?ou station. Address B. e., box 1*1 Post other, Morrlstown, N. J. irA.3TED-A GOOD SECOND HAND TOP W AlKiS ft or Phaeton; must be client) tor cash. -Address, ?t*tillX price, W K. K.. MeraM office. T\rAN TK D ?T<) BUY CHEAP. A SECOND HAND TT Depot Wagon, with bow top and curtains - must t>e in good order anil well built. Address WAOON. box S,8,'12 New York Poat office. WANTED TO PURCHASE?A HEAVY TRUCK YT norse. State age, weight and where to bo teeo. Add re as X. 1'.. Herald omce. d>1 RA KOK A NEW TOP EXPRESS i?K DELIVERY ylov Waaon, worth $225 to any person who ha* us* tor It; new Express Harness, hand'made, $2a No. 12A West Nineteenth street. $? HOAKUKilh WASTED. 1ST HOUSE STCYVKSANT PARK, 215 BAST FIK L teenth street ?Handsomely luriushe t Rooms, with excellent tahle, for a tew select Board-rs; a perlect home ; tirmi reasonable; very tine, quiet neighborhood. 4tl "ill TO PK,t WAY, *<i TO $12 PER WEEK ? ?PL ?IV1 Fine Rooms, with excellent uble. families and singly, at 174. 17d and 174 Bleaukor street, near Broadway. Croquet grounds. 0 OR 3 OBNTLKMliN CAN HAVE ROOMS, BREAK ?. fhst and Tea, at 137 Washington street, Jorscv City, two blocks tram terry; private lamil.v; diuuer Sunday; price $5. 9 OH 3 HANDSOMELY FURNISHED COOL ROOMS, aw Including piano*, tine suit, on uarlor door: terms from ?s to $21), Including superior Hoard. 44 West Twenty-sixth -street, near Madison square. " TO $ii PER we: K.?BOARD, WITH NIC P. . ) Rooms: a-iso tahle Koan; bath, hot and cold water: English family. 33S West Thirty-fifth street <?./? TO $li A WEEK. ?PARLOR AND THIRD dpn floors: house well kept; Uhlo unexceptionable: transient and dav boarders; hall Rooms. 124 West Twenty-ninth street near Sixth avenue and Broadway in wayrrlry plaor, near broadway J-"7 Pleasant iront Rooms, $'4 and $14 for two per sons, with Board; transient people $2 per day , also tahle board. $4. 1 ,~TH STREET, NO. 42 WB8T.?ROOM8 FOR FAtfl 1?J lies and single gentlemen, at very attractive prices, by the week or month, with Board, lablo Board re duced Irom $4 to $4 per week. 9?>D STREET. 129 EAST.? HANDSOMELY FUR S.O nlshed Rooms, with first class Board, tor tamides or gentlemen ; all home comforts; summer prices , flrst class neighborhood and location; also Jay boarders. 9-Til STREET, 54 EAST, NEAR MADISON SQUARE ?a private family is desirous ot renting, with su perior Board, a lew handsomely tarnished Rooms, to a ainilr or single gentlemen; references. n MADISON AVENUE.?VERY DH8IRABLE ROOMS to let, singly or on suite, with first class Board; also hall Koouis: terms very moderate lor the summer; reten-uces exchanged. ISO EAST FIFTEENTH STREET.?FIRST AND HO Second Floors, furnished, with Board; would suit a parly ol gentlemen or geutleinau and wits ; term, moderate. ill\A WES I TWENTY FOURTH STREET.?TO LET. gjlfU with or without Board, handsomely furnished Room', c .niaiiiliig ail improvements; also table Board. Qiyi VKIT FOURTH STREET.-NICELY FUB g?UU nisbed Rooms to lot, with Board; terms $5 and $fi per west. ? >91 East FIFTY-EIGHTH street.?BI,KSAKTLY u.i furnished hick Parlor and Bedroom, with Board. Ilia respectable Jewish fsmuv; teruis moderate. ?97 THIRD AVENUE. MIDDLE FLOOR A Omj I newly furntahe.l front Room to let. to ooe or two gentlemen, with or witoout Board, in a smalt pri vate lamily, or a man and his wile. Board bills, wash bills and pkintino suitable for hotels and boarding house* may be ob Uinei at low prices troiu tne METKOPOLI T x Ji PRINT INO EaTABLUHMKNT. No. 214 Broadway. BOARD A NO LOIIDI4U V\ ANTED. A Board. plain but substantial. wtib a Jewish famllj merer Office. YOUNG MARRIED COUPLE DESIRE FULL Hoard, plain but substantial, wliti a Jewish family; references exohuoge I, Address MODERATION, 11 a raid BHOARD WANTED?BY A MARRIED COUPLE; NO othsr boarders; terms not aborc $12 per waak. Ad dress L.. box 117 Uerald Uptown Branoh oAca. Board wantkd?tor a young couple, in a geuteel tatDllv; tront and hack Rooms, second or third Boor . In a good location, from Fourteenth V> Fit tietli street, between Second and Seventh avenues, state price lor each room, which must be low, AMERI CAN, Herald Uptown Branch otttce. HOTELS. A ROOM to YOURSELF, MC? m AMI M t M ati l $2 M par week gentlemen and tunlltes. Frankfort House, corner ot Frankfort *ud Wiiiiam streets open all night. AT s! MMF.R PRIi RK?LARGE AND ELEGANTLY fttrnisheil Rooms tor translentor permanent nartie-; no extra charge tor private tab,# family resiauraiit connected. Rohtnson Hall, Sixteenth atreat. pear Broadway. HOTEL BR ANTING. MADISON AVENUE. CORNER of Filtr eighth street ?Coolest p'ace In the city; elevator aun all improvement*; ttr?t clan: table d'liofe. terms moderate. \rBlf CURLED HAIR BBt?8 IN CLEAN. AIRY i\ Rooms at radured prices pv the week, fr >m $( to fit: transient, br ftie day. 7Sc. to $1 V Park Hotel, corner Beekman and Nassau streets N'F.W ENGLAND HOTEL. CORNER BOWERY AND Ba'ar.l streets.?hW light, *trr Room* new|c fur nished ; lodgings Vi and cents: for gentlemen,only. A COUNTRY H<fyi???. i KKRI.Y HOC BE, KOHTBPORT. L Lv-FLEAf _ _ antly situated ? n the finest harbor on Long Island ; good still water bathing, rowing, -.sung .*?- : q.i bar lorm? $4 per week JaME.s Alkr.ul.V. Proprietor. 11 *K A t i IFF. 1.. I.-MRS. E. UOYI. DAVIS.I EN .'V lenfe.i and improved her new h.-u-- on euniniit |v enu . near the kreat Tabrrnacle and .i few utes' walk ot the dock, is now ready to rece'ie boar-ler* hv the season or nav: accommodations and Board tirat cla-w. term* uiv. leraic. a L till WlaHES TO TAKE A FEW BUMMER A hoarders in a heauMiu'. term honsa a short distance, from the city. Per partirnlar* inquire at 14 Deber 0?<I place. Brooklyn, or at Mrs. CI R.N a, 117 F.aet Tlnr tecnth street. New York. AN AMF.Rlt AN OIRL AC.KD 24 I >K- I .: F. - T-. FN gage Kosrd with a private fnniil. in the ,-onntry . would assist lit light Housework in consideration Ad dress M L M . Herald otttce. AT PA88AIC. N. J.-iOABD, $4 TO $4 PER WEEK: house tare* and Hire : gas and water food table; ,'ibundant shade and grounds: Ave inp-atei troni jepot. Address PaoB ill-', tmx 14$ Herald otttco. AIH't.KIflTrUT. IIOMF. ON fOUTU RHEf WNBUET River: bathing, t-oating. eta tiling Ac. , superior Hoard: highest retereuces given and required. *i o v at 141 lYeet I ortv fourth street or .W7 F.ast brven'eenGi at, BOARD AT LONG MARCH ?EI.Fi; an I mrr toy. ti e lull.ules trom Mansion House beach: suu?rl> views: ?ha<1e: exeellent table, moderate rates ; ptabllng nc. .?mmodatlons for flvo horses. AJdrves <>r atiplv to Mrs. >l It. eTKAlL. Taoti Cottage, Chelsea sveauo. Long Branch IJO t RD f IN RE OBTAINED AT A FARM HOC BE. Ji m .stillii en ( oil.Itr; ii-rmi $7 and $4 per w.-ck . p'?B J i-r milk, eggs, poultry, fruits .t<- . goo I drives and nstiing: accommodation for hor?os: rj? w.iv to New Yirkilailr. Ar.plv to Mr ALinfr Euvver street. New York, or address W. II. CALDWhl.L .rt. Sullivan ooonti N Y 1JOARD-ON a FARM I.N K'? KLAN'li COON I T ONE IJ mile trom depot, one hour and a hall nv relt: ho* ? ing end For particular* eglt at IM ?wt Twenty-sixth street UOARD WANTp.D-FoR A FAMILY f'CRtNO JULY, at a term house, with mouniain air ot at vea shore Jersey preterred ; children ha-e whooping oough. Ad drevs A Hoi.*P, lierald oftt. e. Board at willow lakk-in bvert way ilrst eln-s. nlpc large rooms, t ontin* onthetjxe; a.-coiniitodatloM foe carriages: it is one oi i- a ritiostresi. il-nces In Queens c.iunir. Address It R'tUKKd, Locuat i allet .1.1 FARftON * FARM OrVRIOOKINf. THE liCD ?.oi?Hlgn and ?he ly grotinde naif mile 'ro il J -put; miles from !><>*? lahdtn-r A ldrr? i> R , bo* -a grstra* Post uRtce, Wocxlan-I co-mtT, W. T; B I >o.\Pit ON CORNWALL IlKMHTS?1!? MILES l> trr-td the Hudson an > l.kF, feet a*- nr ti '#-.v?ier; view ?nsurpa.sscil in tlie Siaiea. pr.os $* to lie {x-r wecg For parti- .tiara address /. i ? OOD, Cvrti wait ? m :hs H ltd spa. N. Y. BO\RD!P.o WANTED?t.ARGK nOCel BFA'TL Ptl shade, splendid 'o-atloa ' PTilng ana bathing, t'i mde , t:-oiii >en York, 1 liitia* from -f?pot terms m >d ernte. For rofnrenee ? A llliam ft Evans I'? Wllltnm 'l!?ec,. New York, or hdilre?s JOHN A Mel.ran. Put nam Vailer. Putnam count* N Y / tot NTPX HOtBP A 1 NTED-BF: I Wt I f YON KERB V and Fort Washington. ' ?r gentleman sal wife. Address O RR 4NKL1 *. No* 1*? Iferald ittti a CYOU*TRY HOARD AT TARRYTOWE-A FAMILY J will let* lie r*fj ct. c?lc-* Reims with Board, to i?sir?i>le parties, high, ?! ady grounds, a tow uiinu'oe ir-sus l-isut luiutt* ?? .s'ursrpou, At. Nkattolas ''. COCJfTHY BOAKO. YNQLNTBY BOAKD WAKTBD-NKAR CENTRAL \J Railroad ol New Jersev. lor gentlvmau and wtt*. Address HOWARD, box Kt Post office. C10UNTRY BOARD?AT MODERATE COAT, ON A / (Arm IS nules from Boston. on Providence Kailros I; plenty of shade: Ireeli inilk Ami vegetables; siry room*} rct? i amage to anil troiu depot. Address oox 101 Post office, rftoilgtllOD. Mas* CNOUN'TRY BOARD WANTED?FOR TWO OR THERM J months, at Flushing. L. I., hr two young gentlem >n; near water preferred; relarences required and givcu.' Ad'lrca* P. ft. box 14!) lierald ottioe. pOBXTBT BOARD?WITH PRIVaT* FAMILY IN \_y Wosichester. one hour from city on New York and New Haven Railroad; healthr location, comfortable hnusu: fruit and shade tree*; near station and Houut; boating, bathing and fishing: stabling on premises; refuruuee* Address box 63 Post office. Rye. N. Y. CTOUNTRY HOARD WANTED?FOR FAMILY OF t lour: good location, within one or one and a half lade of City Hall: statr terms accommodation, Ac. Ad dress M. T., box 5,438 New York Post office. ljURM HOUSE. NRAROOSBKN. ORANGE COUNTY ? I Hood tahle, plenty milk and butter: large connect, ing rooms, suitable tor good sized family: tarota ntodo FARM HOffR, D4 HOURS' TRAVEL, CENTRAL Railroad of New Jersey, 13 minutes trotn depot? ? first class Ruard. large, well furnished Rooms, pure mountain air: no mosquitoes, fine roads and inagiuft cent scenery ; terms moderate. Address BUXTON, North Branch, Somerset countv, N. I. CNOOD BOARD AT $T PER WEEK ON A FARM T quarter of a mi'.e from the seashore : r mitij large; well furnished. For particulars adores* SIDNEY STOP PING, Bridgehauipion, Suffolk county. Long Island. PR ARAN T ROOM s?TO ACCOM MODATR SI* PER solis, , .in be ua l at Ellraiieth, N. J., live minutes' walk Rom depot Riders to K. P. Hatnpaou, E<>] . SB t ortlalidt street. C. P. CHENEY, Domestic Uulldliig, fourth floor Pleasant accommodations can he obtained at a farm house in Orange oounty. Address J. OOF FRY, Turner's, Orange county, .V Y. IYICIIMOND TKRKACR, NEW HRtOllTON, N. I.?IN t private family, two large, delightful Rooms to rent, with tlrst class Board, to two or more gentlemen: boat lag and battling; terms mo fence references exchanged. Address C J., -4ft Brond war, room I I, New York, or ap ply at Ki' timond Terrace, corner Hamilton aveoue. New Brighton. QUMMER BOARD.?THE CHAPPAQUA MOUNTAIN i J Institute, under the care of tnc Society of Friends, will accommodate a l> w families du ring its vacation at moderate rate* Address THEODORE VAIL, Suporiri tendent, cn i|ip.i,iu?. Westchester county. N Y., err EF FINGHAM COCK.. No') Pine -ireet. New York. YJfANTK D?BOARD AT TARRYTOWN, ENULK vl wood or Kid gt fie IB Park, for lady, two Utile girl* (five and eight years) and nurse, :n n boarding house or private lamlly ; slate terms an 1 full particulais. Address UEoBUE, box ill Herald office. YTr ANTED?BY A YOUNG GENTLEMAN AND WIPR, YY Country Board In a proale taniily in or near Whttestone or Aitorla preierrej Address box 3,573 New York Post office. iSji o -First claba hotki, board-, boat* and bathing house lr?e: Forest l-awu Hotel; new house, new furniture: Cold spring, L. L; by cars or steamer Sappho, Peck slip. J. BANVARD, Jr., Proprietor. SCMMBR RESORTS. -JRHKIVBOVB HOTKL, HIGHLANDS, N. J.. ? win uc open for IUe reception of uueuU June 15. " J A M i',8 JiiNKlN.suN, i'roprtetor. A? I'REMlrt POINT HOUSE NOW OPBN; 19 ? minute* ride from New It,u-heilu depot by New lUlirgad.delightfully mtuato.l <n Sound, fl " ?a* 1ba hlng, boating. fl?hlng; no cbllla and f?er; So ?Lvtf*?nK ?P?lT V l*oll,L or- bv Ie,,er- ?? A C PLIMPTON, 2i bust'i ,t OQI-Mr Madiaon ?T. AT.IX:'mi"rP- rR,V!,?v h> o;on.-dk J\ Itghtful ,?ummer Board, shade, breezy: modern w Unt tr?Viu.'r'r sc,n"ry; 8 totontw from depot; conve? tsssngass si SSrt!i?"? "" "?o BELLKVUE villa STILL has Hoom roR A PEW inore ituest^i ?;nd for circular*. AddreM A. fc. HAS. an.(JL IK, iijjflilaBd. L lst4?r county, V V. BBLMONT HALL. 9CHOOLKT'6 MOUNTAIN MIV eral Sprinu.v .Morrl* connty, N J.?This fashionable ?utnmorretreat will open dune |. Sipertor'a? olj aSV'ind^ ? *,;.par? to0"'114'" *"? Plenty ol'Misdo CBOWKLL 'iU Kor Pnrt'tulsr. addre** D. A /1ATSKILL MOUNTAINS.?GRANT HOUSE, SITU. .CI,r?lu ,lhe landing, with aceoamoda 5 .. .V,!, guest*. Parties v. uhinj to eng.igo Rooms ? apl'ly early. Par tuniu. Aa., addreat A. J. (iftANT, Ffjprlitor.UUfcill, N. Y. /"1AT8SILL MOUNTAINS-SUMMIT HILL HOUSE , _ _on,t w'f Utoiu i.atskill. is uow open ior Boarder. ', terms itoin bd to $id par week temperance . f M. ooi.rcitius. Proprietor. "LIAOLESWOOD PARK HOTKL?DB.LIG 1ITKU L1,V .ol! V" ,^."ra "t Perth Autbov. N. J. -. t> till. -i. . tT- < ortlandt or D**bro?*p?. tare* 2V to A* ; groves, lawns, tine drive-. romantic waits. mlnera. sprlugs: bathing. boating, an tlia ?armi^imU'h!'"*nUU ftl" Hou,?*. w,th "r't class table; Kk\r pT'"'I ?""? ?r *CI"' taT t-'irca'ar li 8 square. NeWTork.' Twaoty.thlrd street. Madieou I l?,,u,LR,,'OOD. *? J.?TO RENT. PULLT PUR ^.. r2r,l_'?L *^MO? or >'*r- ? ?ue Cottage Honse I ^.r r,. pi,ti contain* Id r mm*; aii in good i ' on* 'urge la*n. pien v of : tartan m aplaadid condition cap fir* Li'medyale pqswutou: terms raaaxtabta. AddreM D boa 142 Pint office. Knglewood. K. J. ? I K U*i) L s K' i9"1"'* HARBOR," OS i k . Nonnd; hour* (Tout New Vork: gat. telegrann I ??*!}?& SAilnu: B?? mo? . A p*?r dar ; $|<) I LoSaon Oonn < ,rcul,r* A^Jru" ortica Saw I UARL COTTAGE. NF.WPORr R. I-nHLIUIIT 1 w mt1!^ *'*uatad near the cnflN and bathing beach; ! * f?W <,',eo, txsirdera; flrst oU*i ac* I comm-alatlon. Addren bo* dAI Newport (It. I.i PoaT CJ.LRN HOCsK. NEW HaMPnlllRE -lHlS KATolt I ite rewiri open from dum, I* to Octoiler 1. H7.i | R 4 I'. R. kIuilkRK, Proprietor? I? N OTKL PBNIMOKR. CdtlPRRSTOWN. N. T. open fbr tlie aea<on J AM bd BUN 1 AX. Proprietor flAOABA. Mont Rar'e IJ->aao, i , Stupe nylon Bridge, x. f. i Tin* houae t* now ooen and i unu.ual inducemenia ; gV"u:",1elr,r,ri-'.v^r,rN.wcU*eVf, ! w=g;i?::^:r^A^ pAf?,.KVB ru'ifi'l roI'-v1 RV SHOUfU J LR A ? K 1HKIK DIRKI IIOX AT TI1H urftrc OP TIIK hVg.M.NG TbLKGKAM Mi; aNN iTkPKT ANO HAVK A UOPk OP Tiifc I .A S f E i I IT ION WITH ALL I IlK LATEST M I' R... aK NT Ti> ivr AOIIKKSS IN the united statsJ OR Canada por rii- r\ cknr.> a month, post prepaid. UIT' R viewVplkasant ROOMS and MOoi J l table : c*ten*ire lawn, with plenty of ihaPe: or'ee* Vl'ud^n nT" Ad Jr*" TAPi aoCaK, Coriiwiii. *a K"! "r!I- hotkl. NortTH V'.ipros a as.~ Partita# ot America."?Jbimit Lmd Open Mar l iwrnu reaeonahle; great indu^em-mf. ior .pring rail ae' Winter Semi ?tamp for "Tourists' Guld* " 1)CsBELL HOUSE. IN THE CAT^KILL^IuVrEii JV alior. the h-re! afthe Hudaon -KUJrt %i per w" daily mail "nd *taze* to and troni boaia and car* Apply New Vora I otter'* Hollow. Albany county, CUMMER BOARD ?PKBSUNS DKA1 RIBT .SUMMBJt W\ N K'f?inlni'ii.-CVr'.mmTltl''1 t,T ?TP'Tins !o OEO Wi>KO<?r. I ilcnviiln, viMmtf, N. Y T?iii ai"1?.^. 'I Tbo A'iore, toot of the i *tektu Mnnotain*. UN, mile* from the Uatskitl Monntain lloua? Trout Aahiny, tre*h le.uo milk, butter, Ac; ternn rca. il'i . io'torther intonnanon ad 'rna* *? aboro or apply at the otflce of the Atlantic Virtaa! imu-.oei Company. No si Wan itrect norner WtUlitn rre*t> New Tork; at UB Willow .treat, Br.>oklyn. and at S, < "i wi'r" f; ? !*ew,r* avenue. d*r*ay Utfy, 0r ol Mr A klha, M Wal! nrcet, room ."5 * COUTH SIDE HOTEL AM ITT TIL l,K ~L~ OvTiiT IJ looking til* great South Bav i* nnw ipen' tor the reception >1 gucsij: good boat n?. b otitng ?nd n.liing sail boatt attached to tbo hyns- tor the accotnmo.1 r,Ja Ol g(l?*tA a'(? 11'ioi7hrs Mor*f ar * nnmin"ar?.""???:WTr"7*kr torboanjer* I: tn the S'.lh of Jum 'ai moderate orv?*. UWitc.Ai (?; m lit Nr. Proprietor W -ItlN-; II " -I- Kit HPir.l.D SP ;. s .. - ; O hr I. ft I'Kot'TOK. proprietor. > . ;ebratei| su'niior ' ll'L Ifo"'?/'' Thos<- deuroig rmin< pleat- Vt fr-?* I M. Pi. II. its. I Iiut Avenua Uot-l. i- Dreei te Springi Self iimtbl. firp. island.' " - ? l? bow .pen. fbranch tie <*:a ami aac/ag -o.e. <e., from Ne e t >rk I br tentral Railroad irom Jara.-i ?itt> at I a m .o,t a ; IV M . and Thlrty-fonrtb oreet. ^ pt ?. y and 4 :o P i aiaoby Son'hrrn KailroaJ. ft-am .tract s.-w' Tork.acu.AS a M. aud.iriaP M. '*w * ?? ??- skMMIo. Propnetoe | fltlipMPsON A WALLlNil e ATl.aMli PaVII id'aT 1 I IllghUivl.of Narewnk. N. ,l s ?w ?mi ?M i. ri I vorlte teatid* resort, fire utile. l-|?w Saody Hook , ! large.l and refli.arabaJ alnce liat sea sou . cellar and lar der'uppiled with the tost. amiM. .t.blini Tor hje^i I and e.irl^r#*; Btcamboal* tncroliig and tP.ernoon irom H-aSKHn Atfet and pier tutSvlh Rlvnr Thao.,,?f for past ikror*. we hope to maril then cooitnnAii ? ! roOMrsON A WALLIN ; ! TMfc BNitkd states hotkl. at far roomV a way. l. I., i* now open ;ur th" reeaation of en mi*. * MULRV. Prw.ftitoi T"Ji BRR y.'/.R IIOlleR, Yi KST TISBUrY" 1 Martha * t inerarl. w..i be ajatn open, tuiv t i,,i i butooier Boarder*: te< ma'rom $> to $* per e uak 'ImiViusanu Island hotsr, alkxaWrTa I "ay. N T. on the ItiTer St. Lawr.eee, |q ;h? rn ne : ,i? vicinity at the Thoutan.l (alAtiil*.??>??it jua,. i IW>; (1n? boatlnj. tl.hlfiB and neautttnl ae?ti7ry Sen^ tor guide book to STAPLES A NOTT Managura. i T"lJir. !!1l>T''1' \V rAK "OCRSWAT. IS NOW J open for th? reeeptien >t gaeat.. jnj will nmna | open tor tha remainder oi th* atMML r,w*' J- PORs. Praarietor__ TTf,!7inD HOTEL, SARATimIa RPRINOi*, .V nViliff".."T rrr,h"Oil of .Inn* I, 1*75 t AH Mnt ^ apHW.^^10'- w,b ? iitstrittios. ~ ( IKEOAIIAV iNSrirUTM?fOK fnUMW LADtEe ANN " ' bo.rihw and Jay ecliool, l.*lta Kugti?e French; Franeli t. tha laogu*gr the taitii'y Voir D HKtiVtM.f, 1,177 ami i>f? irrue. rtwi Pttiic-lgiph a. Pa