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RAPID TRANSIT. The Rapid Transit Ccmmiiiioum Probably Tu Be Appointed ou Tuenday. PRESSURE UPON THE MAYOR. Iho Third Avenue Railroad Sounding the First Alarm?IleneraJ Preior-'uee for the Elevated Plan. topld transit 1* ondoubtedly the queenec of the hour. The Beeober cane may poshes* more sensa tional chartna lor (he tnorbwi and prurient perilous ?r the public, hut to all 'be thinking men of tne ?ommunity wno nave the welfare 01 their city at Peart rapid transit la oy lar the most Important, the most inter.-stum piohietn now waiting solu tion. Tne sudden advent of extreme beat 'ias ?one oo tittle to increase the eagerne>a or tne pub be lor Ha realization and their deliverance irotn the discomforts of an hour's and an hour and a hall's ride in the overciowded, musty street cars. Hence It is th tprobby at no time within the lest ten years has the public been so thoroughly aroused to the vital necessity and to tne olee.nngs that are certain to flow from raj id transit as tlivy are now. It is no exaggeration to say that tue eycsoftbe populailon 01 S -w York are turned toward Mayor W.ckham, In whose hands the tlrst Important step ton ard a s. lution 01 the question has been placed, and tnat probably no other ap pointments have been loosed iorward to with each general anxiety as are those of the dve Bapld Transit Commissioners. URKAT PRKSst'llE UPON THE MAYOR. The past week was a "rapid transit week," as far as the Mayor was concei uad. Ever since ttie ?tgning of the bill by Governor Ttlden he has been literally besieged by deputaiious iroui the various rapid transit association. Uelega'ea from otner ass'clatlous repres-n iug the interests of prop ?rtv-hol lers in this matter, originators 01 all sorts of new schemes, capitalists interested in tins or that project, aspirants for the position of com missioner willing to serve tncir city even f?r tue beggarly pittance of $10 a day, directors of tue rapid transit c. mpanies alread. iu existence, and, In 'act, by a perfect army of people having an In terest in rapid transit and a stul larger army or those "having an axe to grind." it was a remark able fact its at every representative oi an associa tion as well as oi every scheme hau a list of Ave gentlemen to present, whose appointment was urged on the cronud of their being the onlv ones woo could possibly save the great proolem from a lailure. vquite a number of capitalists ?alied also upon the Mayor, declaring themselves perieetly ready to tarnish money If only their (fiends were appointed and suco or sncn a pet acneme of theirs adopted for tne benelit of ibe caty. TDt MAYOR'S FIRM ATTtlXDR. The Mayor's reply to ail these multitudinous ?tilers was very much the same. To all tbo*e pre senting to him tceir own schemes and urg in a tnem uion his favorable coo'larrauon isyor W.ckham uni.ormlv r piled that ii was ?oi.? oi his basiusss to decide upen me form iu wolcb the prob.eui or rspul transit was to be ?oived, and mat ue woupI icave tuat unty entirely to tne Commissioners upon *a ra it w n.o law twily devolve. Mayor vvp-kbam tnus bulled n any Who thought they might succeed iu converting bim to their own patriotic auu wise views. To (hose whu came to urve upon him the appoint ment of feir friends tue Mayor replied cour teous y but flrmiy teat these Commissioners would be appointed uy oiau lor the oeiieflv oi tue'city at Urge and not lor peseta or political reasons of any character whatever, lu spue of tat- O.m at titude oa the question oi those aneeintm. tus, however, tne list of aspirants nas swelled to pro portion a oi great ma.-n.tade, and "still tney ?on e." It Is really ? comfort to krow. aid bo Mount tre Mayor appreciates It only, that mere ?re still enoug i disinterested patriots willing to serve ttietr city lor the moderate remuneration of lib a Oav. MR. HART neTKRVIkWS THK MAYOR. The vai tons rapid transit association* nave, no ?onbt, done well in presenting too names of good ava.ia e citizens to the Mayor, anu have shown rreat i tvity in that regard during the last week, moug tuose who couierred wi h ths Mayor on the au Jeet were also representative* oi tne Breenwlch Street Elevated Railway, woo assured him that the work of extending that roa-1 to th* rorti-second street depot and to KUty-uintn street would oe pushed forward as rapidly ?s poesioie. The irienns "f rapid tianatt, aitb ugh thsy mustered in large namoers In tas Mayor's ?nice, were n t toe only onea. however, who have Uaue themselvea beard; hat us enemies?both spen anu disguised?ha ve raced their voices too. Do Friday Mr. Hart, tne principal stockholder, and Hr. PhLUPet, tne superintendent ai the third Avenue Horse Railway, upon tne Mayor for I.,* purpose oi expressing tbetr aiarm and concern Bt the possibility oi the Commissioners locating Ibe route over the Third avenue. hey did nut ?ay they were enemies of r?p d transit?oh, dear, bop on the contrary, they prove seed to t>e its most ardent frier,e-, omy tney aiun't want rsD'd on tue T hird avenue. Tne conversation took a numoroua tarn, as the Mayor, in a qtnet way, pokeo un at them and expressed tue i.ope tn*t, w tue roete wnat It n ay, tney would ear nestly par iclp.>ie m the movement. He argued witn them to tne eiTeet tsat t eir interests won.l be advai red in common with taoae of the t urn mumi* av targe, and, as lar a* the route was cen ?e ued. ne woo.d leave that enurely to the (.om* mi-Moncrs. Tie representatives of tue Third Ave ? ur Railway leit with au expreaaioa of ta-cou d.igUS', phkkebinc* ran tbk *lkt*tkd STWEir. An important act ga-uered iron tne views ex pre?K?'<i 10 toe Major t>j tne various delegations who eipearea be ore him is tool toe dn? ol p p ?iar o, mon undoubtsaiy inclines toward an eie waied raiiwaj. me underground schemes One out ?ery little support beyond toe narrow circle of those apeciany inrer< ?-ed in them, it ?"-mt to be generally admitted tliat one 01 toe ma n require ments or success ischtapneac, t. at toe roM must be a cheap ens in order to par ant t at capitalists will lav *t t*?ir fnnd< in an ex ,-ti*,ve tueme. 1 terr la no doubt in tne minds o an w ,o we smdied he subject nat toe elevated plan d be I,.r cheaper, even If it p messed do other ode, ntagex. Mr. Harrison, toe Motor's efficient secret.rj. state* yesterday (in tie anecu-e (Jf Mr. Wicknam wuo Bad (one to bta coun'rjr seat to remain antii Men 'ay wurmngi tna: aim ?t all aae p ans arged open toe M > cr -mbodied eie Ttteh ratiwa s lu one form or ggotnwr TM writer, wno conversed yesterday a laige ?uinner of lea"ing c; lzeo-, lonnd tola view con firmed by tiie general pteiereur* given to tb? ele cted plan. THE Hi tor will trtorrr door WEV. Mr. Ila r.son saya tnat Mayor MicaOaui Oil had the subject of tneae appointment unoer cUn*i<t ?rs'iou during tao whore wee*: that ne oas given n.urn serious thought aos study to it, aoi mat tne result would oe sacn as to *atl? y tne noolic ?t large. The appointment* wouid probablv be stan Lb red on Tuesday, arid there was no doubt taat me Major would appoint do can whowa* la in any sci.eme, out on./citi/ena woo would b? eure to discharge frielr wcy eaetgeti caily, fairiy at.d without predilection ior aav j ar tictnar route, ecbeuic or iorm ui rapid traueiu <mc o tie Ave commissi' ncfs, Mr. Harrison s.itd, wou d protmb.y be from the aaneaeo, a* It was one to the p ipui itb n u ost vifudy iuier sned ia rapid trans.t to give them a reoreneDia tlon m tne c luiuihslon. In answer to the ques tion whether the j)or 'letirvid i?l- movement would re-u:t in liie oi a rapid transit vnad, Mr Harrison mid, ? Ine Mayor nope-> <>r the best; his oniy anxiety as to a p .sirne defeat 0! rapid transit being mat Hie ? urnnieaion may adopi a oo exp? plan, huco an error would be :aui." tt*w<i or kcnya mator lrwth. Acting Mayor oewis vesterday expressed tits dsep ? .? for a tat?aiacu?rj aviutioa oi the great rap.d transit proo.em. oae oi tos tdasons why oe regarded its accon.puai in ut an iradgnt with me gi esteat beocQ's to ? r.e ent re commu nity was that it would greatly reduce taxa tion by enlarging tne area o tar vaiuao.e taxable Jiropertv. As soon as people soouid oe convinced tea. tad road Would remits be oiii't, and I M Bar em rou.d be reached in thnty minutes irotn I the battery, tne op uwn property woaid Imtne-' dlafeiy re improved, hou-es would ? e erected on the h n iredsof lots Bow vacant, and tuus taxa tion w. old se extended tn tnat district sad tee { grievoiia burden imposed npon tne o-arr portions ?t it ? my maieria.iy iigntcned. "inina aieo,'1 exclaimed Mr. Lewis, "oi trie millions end mill ions o; dollars wnlca h?ve been mid id improve *" fits o' Jersey and Long Island, and woien might ksvi gone toward bean if) mg an I enlarging Sew Tori, it we had only had a raput transit road " bow Mr. Lewia and Mr. Morris, wno may oe c n sid red the leading members at the Hoard oi Al derrm n are iu favor of toe *ievate? plan, and this predilection te shared by toe majority #( the City lather?. A PATHETIC OCCURRENCE. Jf?tlie Wallace, a little daughter of officer Wel Tdoe. of the Teirty tlrst precinct, was run over by a lager beer wagon yesterday, in U.lta sts -et, near First avenue, and insiantiy allied. Her isiner was rlanding on ine auiewuis ucar oy at the uiue, hai did uot discover i ts ami's danger tin it was too Ute to rescne her, although ne iuad? a ? ??*ner Bie eflori, to do so. son eon ttus-eli, th> turirsf tin wa?ra. was arrested, and win bp held to sea ? hue KH.i ui .eiyucr Weitinaa> SMUGGLING. ITS m?W AND DANGER IH KIW YORK?COR- I BTTPTION Q( Till AI'PKAINKKM DEPARTMENT ? 1 TOE HIGH TARIFF THE RUIN OF MEKCHANTS AND AN INCENTIVE TO CHIME. as a necessary outgrowth of the high tariff laws of this couuiry we nave tied a suocbmou of sii ui{ gitng scandals, the exposure of which navs not only appalled the community, bat bi ought disiu-y and disaster to the bouest importers who huve depended on dealing as fairly with the govern | meat us wi h turir customers. the hardens of < suca firms have been Heavy indeed. iir-t tbey ; nave had to contend wnii tbe fluctuations in our ; paper currency, wnich not only dieci tminatea ' against our own merchants In every country, but also with a tariff ibe provisions of wueh are said to i e corruptly administered. One of the largest Importers in thu oi?.? did not heltate to say to a Hkhai.d representative last week that not only were the iui|>or;ations of silks, ribbon* and cranes unde; valued habitually, but tnat he was prepared to move CORRUPTION IN THE APPRAISER'S DEPARTMENT > of the most stupendous ciaricter. He added that j the government a< Washington was only trifliru In the matter of tbe lecerit examinations, and the sending of experts irom dint nt points ami t ie exposure of a few flagrant ca*es of nun :r valuatton were on y intended to blind the ere u lons public. However tnis may be, some 01 the requ.rements of the revenue laws sein to oe ab surd, wneu, for instance, it is de manded that the m reliant desir na to purchase c eap goods ot tered tn open market shoul 1 go behind tne auction sates of importe . faorics and r-qtuiv the custom home voucners as an evidence of good laith, seems contrarr to law. usage and the whole rou 1 tin.' 01 general busine-s. Ii the rr usuiv special agenrs see lit to en er I stictinii ho ises ana wholesale stores and s-ize or ! over.iHUi goods tnar i,re se.llng at low prices tney. | nerhups, have ti e right to do so, but it is an ar bi rary proceeding, and should he contest d ny everv rgbi minced and h norabie business man. It is a matter history that wneu rhu laws tempt raeu to be dishonest liter wn. .e so. wne.htr If iw to m iggle ITench brandy into Virtuous England or to bring into America KIBIIONS PACKED IN watch CASES. Of late tnere has been a great stir in revenue c!re,e aver a few ca^ s, an' the istu as c Cpe valuations or experts oi tne goods said to he nndervu ued by >-ctn11 toif A Co. tias thoroughly exposed two lacs: one hat ttie m-rcUai.ta ara wi.tiihy ignorant of the foreign value of goods in wnich they deal, and anotner thai it merch nt c?ii t>e ruined iu ere iIt Hn'i iwiMue-s b? a '.ihii er oi ihe revenue "flic is. Ihc fl in uien lonid, Uov lng Inten neiriy t,a ? krup'ed by an interruption in their business, and then vin nc ited by a report or tne autuorities, nod t. ein.elv 's suudcnl.r r llrvcd of all duo edit, but uwaksoed to the fact that their basin ess is mined. Use mi noli suffered ye^terdav; It may oe Clnflln or Jaffiei or Arnold A C 'ttstaole to-morrow. Last week one of tlie nin-t renut tbie firm* near Cauat street bad thetr goods seized ON SUSPICION OP UNDERVALUATION. It was true it was ouiv one case oi lancv ribbons and ko sc. ris, bat the aamer to their cred.t and ou-ine-u w.s turn nent. It is cnar-ed tnat since tne exposure <>l Pollock's exploits lu ueiraud lug ihe cnsi np, swindling lias gone on upo i a large scale; that laces, silks, alpcus, woulens, CiOihing, perinuterv, fans. Jewelry and find tuetr way into this great meicautue em porium. PRICE* IE?8 THAN COST. A dry good- journal, in commenting rn these tac'A, says:?"tot two years auini< n has b-en called to the offerings at auction oi lines ol al pacas, moos rs and si.xs, and lnqalt y tnaoe as to ttie consignees. At last the llgnt is le.egietm. Ihe Lawrences, G affs, Des Aogea and tie exist ence of such a clique here, with its con e< eraies In Europe am u? spies at every i cint. explain why our .rnporra thotign smaller than u-uai. nave a much bigher guid premium to contend ?l(u. It woulu not do ro tuse bills oi exchange lor such foreign indebtedness. the gold must ne bought and snipped. It nas he^n seen by the flnanciers that s<mei:n!ng unusual was it workiu advancing the prentium, yet they were scarcely prepared to anribute It to tin: a<dnal cause. But is toe expose tuat mast shortly shake tbe foukdatiiibs of the Custom House nod An- \ pra.ser's Stores to be wondered ?f T Co ? pare ine amines of tne importing Iis'ijcs mat tie a<ur tn business w th those mat were an ornament to tne commercial pro ession d tor to l*?i. I'he uorchauta wne twenty to fifteen rears ago occu pied he lower portion oi Broadway, Broad street asd ?sxenange place, were men who diu business becau-e there wui honor stunned to it. but nsvo mostly been compelled lo retire sunpiy because of the dishonesty oi the new comeis and me means tbey eaiptoy to get tnetr goods in st a less qu v than tney should t>av. Wno.esa e swindling oi tne revenue c mpels nonsst merchants to re shipstmli r gojds ,o Lurope auu sell them there rarner than n cet tee loss t ry wou d have to submit to here. Co o t e Apprai-ei's I>< parr meat and but lilt e eailsfactton ran be obtained. He a oust rat*, as one party did, wuen he w s quietly tDforiues by a irknd, It was to no par pose, as lta or:cis nave too many spies la tnetr 1 employ, and thirty misutes any com filaiuta, either at the Custom Hou-e or Appraikci 'a leuartmcnt. would be laid in detail oelore the . smugglers.' M It Is co. questioned that the pres nt officers of the rev nuat tots port?Coili ctor Arthur, klr. Lydecker, Mr. Plicips, Appiut-er Itariisf and other heads o: burcans?are men i.e oml ap proach ana laltnfni servants ot tne government, but that tnerc are some Uark pluccs. in s wnica tlu light may w? .i bt le:. is co longer douhltul. As the lang.ed mcts arc de^elupea iu tnls grave subject the Ui:>o.u wiil euueovor to unravel the el BOY THIEVES. "OUMMr boootbi.acks, "ut matt" nfwbboth AND UUllilD AND MAiiSJCT RATS OP Tr.Mu.E AOX. Con-tint complaint ftas neen m^ le of late to the diaereut ponce station house* to tbe cry la re g ir-l to * certain class of young thieves, who, though quite young in /ears ana wearing inno cent face*, are nothing mo e or lea* wian oepre (lalOis on an; movable or portable proper/ tnat ma/ come tneir reach. Tm* clan* of boys, it u notorious, miest ever/ publio ma. ket in the cite, an I in no p:* '? is there a worse gang than at ana around Union Market, nearly at tbe root of ?aai Houston street. Ttiere are some twenty or thirty bova who hang around thin market early in the morning and frequent Grand street ferry as well In me inte hours ol tns nurht, and It is said tnat theae tads, whs are an irom tae Dry Dock region, nnd who sleep in cellars, eld can si bonis nnd snip yards, are led by n young desperado named '?Jiuitny fal len," anas the "B <y Schneider," wt.ose people, it 1* said, live In Williamsburg. This "Boy Schnei der" is not over seventeen years 01 age, and Is not known to the police, aitni.ugh when captain Wil liam Murpr.y was in eommmn of tbe I utua Mar ket or Kleveatn precinct police be k?pt the yaung tblevea in some sort ol -abjection. But nt present t?e gang is in the bahlt of depredating at their own iree will In tbe Eieveetn ward, east or ave nue A and Its vicinity. A well known resident of tsis ward s ates tnat a ntimber of the boys are to be luund si eping in the yards connected with Jubn Roach * Bon*' ironworks, foot of Nintn stieet. and that they steal a great deal of old iron and varl us moos of metal irom tbe yards In the neighborhood. Owing to tbe tact that ibare are so It w men at work at present lu these yards, and being deserted lb toe daytime, there te mucn m re opportunity for tee boya to steal than at ittgut. wuee it is supposed Utat the nig t watcb jLiiau i* uu tue lowkout. WASHLNU10N MARKirr SOT THIbVgW. The writer spoke to a numiier oi mat ket gar deacis wuebre usually to oe leund uietriouiew at an eaiiy ouur wi me evcuink ?? Washington, Vesey, Msru.ay. Greenwicu, fulion, tun and otuer streets adjacent to Washing on Market, it is cuaioa.ary *un t ese gardener* io wring into the city ai er dark targe country wagons mil 01 gareou trues ? vegetables carnage*. onions, po au es, tomatue* <uiu produce of e Had, and tfcey may uave to wait until tae *aie an J de liver) ol tseirioai*, which oiten doe- not tase p<ace before io.-r, Ave and ? x o'clock in the morning. A large number oi these people, alter tneir horses aie ptac*. in line, so that tusy can n .1 run away, do out tear to isave tiieir w tg .n* to p ay a game of dominoes or card* in some night uouse or to take a drink w iiio waiting 10r tbe aoinieg to appear. And tno-e who do not feei like cards, dominoes ur uquor may possibly nave tne west in'M A wciug too eau,/ put to s.eep oy tne god, and hey are liable to i.rep off In a quiet way aud be io-1 to u mory dear in a few ui.nutee uO lop oi tews wagons, lteb it is that ins jouug uiaiset rat eppt at* from between tue of .he richly laoen viy .ua sou a few bead oi cabege, a pecs o pnatoea, it . ring ei union* or any mug eiee ikat ran lie eaten is made to die a..pear wits tee usual rapidity of a New i r* coy ? pvi.orio,ince. Many a titular in lost to tbe larme.s' proQi* in tins way, aad it 1* aitnost im possible to catch one uf the yoang rascai* who inane* off Attn ins petty p.ui.der as .uo as ne c> a tones It and wlin.ui ths im.? cJ*e vf tue aicspiag ruaiic a ibe top oi tns wa*ou. pi. uu r so.iT si.a, km There is no su n precinct m t*? cltr, however, for uoy iDieves anu juvenile pmiidercrs as of tue fcurtn aim ..ocnnd preeiucts, no t comoiurd, and nas io its < ta ..under captain Wn; who i? 10 enongri to snow of the puuiofvue young thieves wium uu junaJictluD Around Fulton market sod 'he npper and tower part* oi Aim Btn nt tie "wood* ar? lull" 01 in.i-e aieiup-., him a Kuitou marker butcher aud pro VI* o.. tnai-r toi l a IIhh.w.p reporter l?si uiglit luat il t ap.alti* wou.d oulj tali up .at an i laze policemen to leave the street walker- alnuu him only keen arssit ia tre juvenile Vh'evee, ue would have hi* l and* as ?< ell as hi ? sianou house in Oak street IUi 01 i names*. Many 01 these uuru lad* are ?apposed lo ba ne*-ui vs. but u Is invariably'lie r ae thai they have old pipers toaeu. and have lit t got the journal winch la asked tor hy a p *ser-uy. Uui some oi the la t* are very expert thieve*, olid "go through" a crown standing ar.uiuJ u nulltiln in lesa tune tliun the writer wouid oe ab e to attempt lo neacrloe It. All the tunc wiule lUcv are coiumiuiug roLberiea of waicuea, rin.'H or pot keibimk* or even bandker ctiiein tn ;y are odteuaioty heard v 'ud iir ana cry imr their new*p i|>ers wrweli 'he.v pretend to buve lor sale. 'iue bo> bootblack* ?;.o do not w an to wear out their puma ny iiii-d work, ills ? rari.v bogus blacking boxea, and tney merely make a show ui tneso articles, but aever w.,nt to cle.ui any shoes. But mey wul toon hud a com anion who uoea know now to btuckeu shoes. ami he will quickie tike i^pi job and Uud couvers.i'on or boys' bad mag" tor the stranger wno is g'-itu.g in* shoes cleaned, until Iue cuun uq t-o tn am has lime to empty ms poeke h. When tils is doue seme booibiacks will create as tnu h coufu-lui. as poa-noe by aiaiiug thai t. eatraiger. * no is much con usen thereat, 1* enui'uvotum i< cheat i is pit on of tne pav nieui i r toe ien cent " sine." These are a lew o the "iricks in irate" by wnicn a very lame and v Icion* portion of tue juvenue desae, adoes of the cuy evaue work uud secure a turn iu^ exist aucu. TWEED AND TUB SJIE1UEF. TV.V. QCFRTTON or BAIX?ITS pkobabie TFDUC TI'N?1'HX CASK OF JETKICRSON DAVIS CITKD? I POWliRS OF KHKJUKT CONN KB. The question oi bull in ttio civil f=ults against William M. Tweed is a very loipurtant one, A motion will be made In the Supreme Court to-mor row lor a rcunctiou of the amount heretofore fixed. Tweed Is now absolutely lu l,ie custody of Sheriff Conner. If It were the wish of that omctal ae could accept auy reliable bail t?ai may d* oil era i and let the prisoner go free. But then Mr. Couuer would oe responsibly for Tweeu's appear ance whenever required under civil process of the Court. lln> non appearance would prove entirely ruinous to ihe Sheriff. unless the sureties lie ac- j cepti o on the bail bouas were suosiaatlal. The castoi y aud guardianship of Will am M. Tweed is , unoer tne direct supervision oi Order of Arrest i Deputy Wi Ham H. Qulncy. This g-ntlemuti has now enure c.nitioi of the inovetncuta oi Tweed as far sa the civil suits are concerned. Burettes and b tl bonds will be scrutinized e.oeely by him. Ilia official po. iiloii gives bun great txp nonce in this m .iter oi bail. A Iiruau repre entative met Major Quiucy at bts office in the M t Court House yesterday, when the lullowing conversation en sued relative to the interesting subject as affect ing tne case oi his fatuous prisoner:? Hkportkk? Major Quiacy, what do you think of j the imprisonment oi William M. Tweed, under proce s of the civil suits, and the amount cf Lai1 demanded by the courts f Major yuiNCT?I triiuk the ball required ts en tirely excessive. It is necessary, eveu tn a free coautry, to art est a persou upon preper authority In order to bring him to trial. It is also neces sary, lor tre safety aud protection of the people, that he shouiu be laipriauned In the ev?ut oi his la.lure to bail?that is, 11 tue offence with wuich ho It charged, Is a bailable one. To gate harshness every fiee nauou guarantees tne principle oi b-liloa in uli cases in wuich the loss ol the ba I 'd sum m .y be considered a more aertous evil than the posslnle puuisninrnt. Tne amount oi t an sbonld dej end upon the serious ne-s oi ihe eha gc aud th* means of toe chatged per si n t j luftitsh It, ou it siiuuid never be nor Uitaut or excessive, li so, it is contrary to tue cousu; uiton ox the land. TIIK Al'TirOtUTTK.k. Rwortkk?Can you give tne authorities tor the p..*,ii u \ "u sate a .suuieu Lu this ua.ter of Tweed's u*il? Maj?i tjt t\ct?Yes. Arttcl" 8 of amendments to in* constitution ssja:?"Kxcesalve bail snail not be required, cor ex e?mve une? imp. aed. nor cruei anu uuu-uai puu.tUmenia nilicled." 11 judges drmand exorbitant ir excessive oail tney ue eai '.ue action ol this principle sad trnmpls u ..u anu di?re?ara tu- cuu*ti(uti Lai ngnts of the citigeB. It v at enacted in tne M si year of Ml: lam and Mary, and haa ueen adopteu in ail our Mate rnuaiituiio s. as tai as 1 can leiueuiber, no 'excessive ? an" snail ue required. Prao cis ueoer, in ins work oh -civil Lioerty and Neif Uoverniuents," na* well *a d, "Liberty rcun rea iia.L, and ihat 1* be cxttnde i ts iar a* possible, but nev r iu such a mnj?r a* to aer or ojerate <>u tne accused party harshly or u?coastliuuoa atiy." tiie sheriff's iowehs and duties. RkPOiiri K Wuat at - tne principles aa.i powers regulating tue Saeiill's control oi prisoners as to ba 1 ? Major Qt'lSCT-? Under the law a priaotier in oor I sous ba* a tight to give ball atsuy time, aud must nave iea*< naele < pjeiriunity to do so. It is u.-ual and proper ior the officer omding tne war rani oi couiuiitui'nt or tue tfeaca warrant to allow the pusouer such lime a*, unurr to- cir ro nstauces > f the ease, may be tie-in -a reasonable to. lulu to secu.e uri per sureties. It is not ouiy reaso i b e aud jusi, but it is law laid uowd and austiiued uy ail aurhorittes on sues waiters, i weed has asked ior Hits pruticge, au l it win, no dontd, ue accorded to turn. 1 do not t- ink ta*ra ? li.,i? any difference of opinion ou tfclu suoject ao-ong lawyers. TWSLD'S KMDAKRAkfLMEMT IN PKOCrBINd RtrU Kki oRi ktt?bss I * ceo nan an) oppo.tauiiy as yet o j?rocur iiail for his release f MajorMttiNcr.?None It lsnokmall matter to iniLlsh ball to the am omit of ido.neo. T weed caute into cur cusiody at one o'clock oa trie day or Uls arrest on in civil process, aa i was placet in l.uJlow street Jail bcier dveo'o.eek oi tue aume day, ?o ilia he has has but lour hours to u , anjiumr. No part of tu-iiui? was, a* tar as 1 know, cevoted re iht* purpose, ft wa* aiter business hour* and he c ul i not tnea coin mu'iieate wita nis trienus. I do not ne ieve it la his pu .UN loeudeavor to erocur- ban untdalter an effort has been ma. e to reduce th CHA>< IIS OF REDTCTIOK, I believe that tm? ??.rrort will U? attended with succes- icr several reaeOM. In tne first olaee the bait 1* exeeesfve. ana hence, in niy opium a, un uu.ioiiBi. In tue a-cond place it de.caia in# very purpose or intent.or. of me taw giving the prisoner the ngi.t to iuru.sU nan an.) a rcasoaao.e opi ? . to do ao, ior the privilege to ao an linpoasioie thing a no yrtvnev> at ail. it la s.rapiy ou, <>i the |,owrr of i weed and uis frienus to lur ni*u Ui * auioubt of ball, lie uuignt as we.l but ue. commutei. wltnout that privilege, lu tne tuud pi .o-, iiis property has been attached aa isr a* p. M*ioie. luti-oKica?It has been rumored that TWkXU WAS blkN PKJVIRQ AKOIND the city witn one ol your deputies, is tnat so ? Major C/i im v?No, s.r. It is my opiuion tnat T??..S would not escape If oe had t..e opportu nity, aud we tn e not ins sngute-i i of such a tiung: yet we Would not permit him io move out , of two reacn oi reuabie. care'ui. a i re*ponaioie offlc-is. 1 uinst a,s o rei.s ais wast 1 nave si ready said, mat the bal, ought to be very nioch ! reduced, it was hel l u? tne S'liniuiairauon aud i pcop.e oi tae -Sort generally tnat jsrrt.a*oN daw* w*s the greatest offender known to the world or recoguixed ta tne calendar oi crime; yet tee amount of b*il requl ed in hi* eaae old aot, I ihiux, exceed tloo,imm>. I,, my snow ed e no *nch sntn a* I MN?,?U was ?ver required here.ofore. The (aigest am unt ol bail I have ever bees called to take since I have men connected with the hheritt's office wa* tidh,Ouo. This wa* in tae Case ol Kben Wart against Joel Lswrence. The nrgueient ?.n ti e no ion to vacate the order Of arie-t or rednee the ail wi'l be n-arn to inor- i row. The motion to quash the indictments win ! be made en tne*day. MUNICIPAL NOTKa. toiynr'a Matmal Kelly granted .hi tlrrr. <ea during tat paat wee*, aud recmtea ibereXor H,fcM Comptroller Or?e? um remiTed K. n. caie, CW* in trie ogi'e 'or the Collection ot Arreare ot Personal Taxea. Mr. (.ale i> one ot th Tammaay Halt Genera committee and a peraoaa friend of Mr. ionn keiir. Par* ComroiM'onerr Ptebblne ?M O'Doaohoe eaii'-o at the Major'j -.ffler ?? -terday ia relation to the pmp?e^i new parale ground la the upper part ol the Inland. The Mayor being aneeni, ine gruiietnea pr^m^e i to call again a; ten o'clock on M 'no*y mom tag. .via or Hart, cuief of tb? Fermi' rurean of the Ma*or'* office leeuert SUA perai ? during tue paat Wf? and r?ceiv d lor th ? ?unie |.H1. M,tt"t W' Aoarn wa? rtHtm1 rojs me office ree terday. A leiuuu L?*u ill it M ai a< nng Mai or. AT i EM PI ED HUICJDE. Frederic Eiadi, ag d aerenteen jeer*, lmng at No. iiic> Part atreet, attempted auielde yeater <!*y afternoon. be taking a 1 *e of tmctore of arafra. Ihe need piompte-i by u?*tiiuMoa. be vae eent to b? erue Hoepitai. h T( LLlfc lit DKUW.xINU. At about r'X o'c' ck y terday rooming en nn ar .w m n, aged about forty vcare. five feet four locnr* ia neigh'. we?rtog a hiaefc coa atid cap. ? uuipe<i irmn nr New fork while a e w . making a tup to kfti * ja Mm otwlj baa out jet oaeit letoveieu? THE ANTI-TAMMANY WAR. \\ Ut the Oppciilionixts Mran to Do at Their Ceding To Morrow Eveuiog. THE TAMMANY MEN'S POSITION. There w? no regular meeting y Committee of*even who have been chargedI with tne duty of making arrangements (or the con - on. Assembly districts. whlcn ts to be heid at iin Cooper institute to-morrow evening. A ew or the members of the committee, however, bad inlurmal meeting to revise ifce list of those persons who have consented to oe pres ?, cooler.!,... T.?.???. tno cornrotttes tad reconsidered their deter ml ration not to I sve a call Issued to tnc deu,0"arl? voters, but tlut, no matter what hai period, tne Committee would not of Itself msue a rail, but leave that psrt of the work to whomsoever would he chosen to-morrow night to ACT PUR i'UB VARIOUS DISTRICTS. It is said that the ronlerence will not be a pnth He one. and .hat, in order to prevent any annuo interference with the deliberations Jro bo ?i?. ?? mission will be obtained only by ticket. 0me.hun dred and fifty representative democr.,ta.they Bay, will he <.n hand, and every Assemoly dm rlct rep resented by at least four persons, in conv"BJ tlon with one of the leaders in the nt*?OT^e^ tus Hbrald reporter was informed tnataibor ougu canvass is being made of the d'"lIdc" aJ mat tnsy felt certain so iar that the laboilr g chT-ses were, by a large majority, in fhv..r of an opposition to lam in any. Us CuDieadeJ that it W"?d be * U8PlCM ! . now lor Tammvny to try to get u of rhe difflculty the redaction of the wages of^the laborers who are in the city employ her in II the democratic AUlermcn, he said, were rtal'v in earnest in .us declaration the, had made ov resolution against the reduction the only t onest way In which they could manliest real sentiments on the subject would oe to leave Tammany Hall. That would prove to the workwomen that they meant to practise wnat they nreuc ed. Ail the oppoeitionists as.-crt that the woraingmen not In tbo employ oi tne city have already discussed the reduction *nC8,*?nt? tbfl ? -union" meetings, and that they, one and at, have determine l to make it a subject for concerted ac tue oppu ?*if iti rnos? iiaru times toe city, j WTtV!ntuTammarny^eople add that the Mayor will rciuse to sign the ^fp*n8c city work Aidermeu requeHung tjm M ,Md sUQdard. tngmea to be resiorea * cooper Ins ttute Tney say mat the meettug acDa0c:aUc voters on M-nday wilt five H* ??? au w!llctl evidence of the M> u Tamniany has been the movement . thorough represen ?U[ln?Vhe ne wap#m w.ll be organized oy election tation. the nee. psrtv, t lnrec iei)re. districts, eschdi'iirict t o n a rkllll?t,0 y of over ncnwUvee, wiiic: i t m V|jeir power to mole men, wDo will D?ve 11. m?? ? ? mom en u-' a sn this point, "lammany , li.usisstic oppositlon'8 ,_ reDre,eut the demo Had to-day does not ""'Tn^ hU?s Convention craile voters, and st tno next . t-iw ?? ,n W"b aewa?nHs'to sUow8t..e usn.oer.tsrt "?# flats such a way as io buv ?ipc:ef orlmarlly ac tuai i.ei ociegates ar con cording M t"e,0',M tns clilci grounds that vetitlous. _ . ,.?ainst Tammany at tns will he uri>e^ i,? taut ner general com- . c. n ven tlon, ae.'!d d ^ eat are of a secret society. "VrteTv"' owns^tne' ?.gB-?rssf&tf iv^oT a ueueral uommiit e.wo?Kiu^ op,,oglUOBt of 'JmT to\et hack i"J?? $hlJla.^SnMnu^'olook pVlie" rr.?critic vo-ers for year* past; tnat wnen eiov''rt1^"n^keep up to mike p eeges whicSi wu? p?? ^cteU> .luey tke r grssp and , . .. ral tlme masv point to the lact teat at tne pre ent w? . of the menus and IWi dSSwS? ta lion whK-b cared for in me Ooatom K.rv;:ri??? r;Voi -?r?a ? to defeat the r"p"b ' th.,'.i,Jw know of every Tatnmasy leavers -ay^lUJ "??? ?? np Uiovs of tue uustion. tUcir motives sud snti-t amnianf orgsntssuoii . r?p(.r um their haal plans, and ibs ae(..|0UD^ workings corns, Ol tMIT ' iney win make rlt. reading. f (n 0f ,nv weight i asa'CtatKUS* taJea'ss.a tn. flrsi step fbi.p the Morrifrjrr ow. Mr Keiiy, they claim, ban honestly earned and retains the good will ol the masses ol lea detuo era ic psny, k"d vhf friendshipolQerirmx ilibra to i.oiti, ana tuai an ae i 01 rata, even tuosa aba dnler on minor lasus*. believe tuai be ban Joue and U oomg all that can be done to make the pariy in litis worihi of piDllc c nlldenee and-upp?rt; that h- haa act hi* .ace against ti.e appoiu'uient o uuwoitoy men to offl..e. and tbat nia deter tni>iaii >n to k>ep oat ol Tammany Ual c nam p-rson* who only disgraced the Jem >c> atic party In tue past it me sole cause for the present gi uni h'litif of the aoretieada and their periodical aU leiup.s to ueie?t lauiinauy. "it," aatd en? of the Sacuein?, yesterday, "?uy one of tne individual wno are trying to null inai down can anuw aa good a record an lie can. or that truy ever did mora lor trie ham tit ol tne party than ha haa done, 1 would lika to tea the uiau who can point turn ant." THE CASE OF CAPTAIN BURDEN. Acting under a recent resolution of the Police Board authorising him to Inveatigate charges made again*! number* ol the department, ftnper tntenaent Walling yesterday examined ex-OOcer Martinoit, who gave ancn damaging teauraony against Captain Borden neiore the A-seinidy In ? <>>mm.ttee. Mr. Martinoit declined being subjected to a minute examination tor tne present, cat promised 10 produce N Monday the u a nit a ot several re?P' etabie persona woo womd corroaorate bis testimony. MARTINOT'ti EVIDENCE CONTRA DICTED. To thu Knrron op mi Uniai.D: Wlll yon ho Kind enough to extend your nsoal courtesy to tne undera.gned by allowing tsem to correct the misstatement# of one Marti not, who testifled (oefort the Aaaemhty Coim ttee en the Prevention of crime) that the saloon on toe northeast corner of sne Bowery and Hester street, kept by Trmnor A Boyivoo, la tne resort of thieves? The undersigned deny tne above auttem*ai tn toio, and beg to state tnat their saloon la open lor me inapecioa ol tbe public ai all ttmes, tnat it is on* of 'he rules, posted in a consul nous part of tne saloon, that no tdiera are allowed in or shoot tne premises; and. former, ihe undersigned wou.d wish tne pintle to kn< w in it aioee tbey onve been 11 o, rietors of tae saloon nefore mentioned mere has never neen an arrest made In said place lor any cause whatever. As to Mr. Msrtinot, he will i tie property caned on by our connsel lor an ex pli?a ion of tie siarein 'ot* made ny Dim before tue >a mmCtee, and on h.a latliug to tnake one ue win be d ait wun aa tue law provides. Tours, , very respectiOily, 1RA1M0K k nut CHUN. THE BARROOM TRAGEDY. An inquest was held by coroner woilman at tne coroners' offl o, yeste>day, la tbe case of Arthor CrawmrJ, wao died last Monday from ine effects ot injuries received tne day previous In a reran rant at tne corner of.Tntrd avenue and Nine teeu'h street. It will be remembere I tbat Ciawfora nnd another ronrig rough tinned yumi in. fresh from the Plate Prison, went Into the restaurant, an I, alter having got drinks, picked a quarrel with tli'* name per, Joseph .H? < uity, wnoio tney had airot.iv ^eiused to pay, ? bmi McCinty was try in/to i et them to go Into 'ae street < rawiord time ,i Ikoiit on turn, put had it wrctcued ir?u> I htm by the latter while ne wee In the Ml ef 1 opening It. Ciawford and Quintan were both drunk at ihe time. Alter taIciuk "ie knife iroia Crawford mcGiuty pushed mm obi of the door, when he (ell 011 Die Hue again** a stone step with sucn force an to rupture ui? apleeu and cause In ternal nemoi rhnge. Tt.e jury rendered a verdict in accordance with these iaet<, and added that the injury Indicted by Mobility was wholly uuinteutiunal. Mefimty was required tu lurtiish ball to the amount <?t $1,000 tor ids appear >oce m-fure me <ii anu Jurv. should tie be caaea upon, which, bow ever, ta very improbable. A LETTEB FliOM Mllb. TJMPLETON. To thh Krrrott or the Herald:? I can no louger remain quiet in my ntter help lessness and endure the wicked misrepresenta tions of my enemies, and I teet it incumbent upon me to place a correct statement beiore the publio 01 my true position. In last Sunday's Herald It was reported that, "1 stood conv cted, from ont of my own month, as being an undt person to have the care of my own child." During ail the long, wearisome and sad trial of Duuean Templeion's attempt on my life and also of my getting my child nothing has been proved against me, from tne day of my marriage up to tbe present mo ment, bat an admission (on my part) that an abor tion nad been produced n ou me by Duncan ism pieiou, and tbeu by threats 01 violence and while 1 was uuuer the root 01 tin people, and alter the birth of my present cnlid Widie. 1 have simply withdrawn tne suit for the preseut. on account of inces over which 1 had uo oontrul, and not Iroiu le ir or too consciousness that 1 am or could be proved otherwise tnau J the most dt and tho only rightful pro tector of my owu ouild. 1 am out a woman, per secuted auu de>euceiess, and appeal to tue publio 1 loiiejusiiu 1 heir holier and to remember that 1 am a cruelly persecuted i.nd misjudged woman 1 and mother. It is said "tue mills u> Uod grind e owly, yet they grind exceeding small," ana, be ; Uevnig in that higher Power, I leave all in ills hands to deal with me as seemeth good In iiih sigut. Yours, most respectfully, IDA MAUOB TEMPLETOM. MARRIAGES AN"D DEATHS. MARRIED. Ai.rxw?Dodw.?On Thursday, June 24, at the remdeuce 01 tue bride's parents, by the Rev. Dr. Kroteil, Johm O Alfks, Esq., to MUs Maoihk a. Done, Do lit 01 tbis citv. lJAViud?Sravi'it.? On Wednesday, June 23, at the res dence 01 the bride's parents, by tbe Rev. J. V. Ostertiont, Peter T. Davids to Olivia b.'icyi'R, all 01 New York. Denver?Uoensteim.? On Sunday, Jane 20, at the residence of the bride's parents, by the Rev. IK. Huet an, ass sted or ll-v. Mr. Welsn, Rena, 1 daughter 01 Henry Horns tula, to Solomon Dan ZKit, no'a of this city. French?^mith.?At Brloksbnrcr, 5. J? June 24, 1 1870, at tbe residence 01 tue's parents, bv tne Rev. A. 1). Wiilafer, gsokok A. French, of I N >w lork, to Isa M., daughter 01 James O. bmith, Lsq., formerly 01 Brooklyn. Moeudi Hi.Bii ro?Steers.?on Weoneadav, June 23, ! Charles E. IIebua unto Isabella, seoond daughter 01 the late James T. Steeis. No cards. Kikier?lloKOan.?January 17, by the Rev. W. I ft. Merteo, Mathias Kikkkr to Maroarkt Mow oan, daughter of John C. Morgan, 01 New lorn. MedLICOTT?Vsi. 1.KN.?On Thuisday, June 24, by the Rev. Dr. Muisit, at the oride's re?iden?e, James Medlioott, late of Cambridge, to Jans Emma Mhllbn, ail of this city. kicCAttTKN? McLean.? On June 23, 1*75, at St. Augustine's church, King .mug. uy me Rev. Joseph i aui./be.i, assisted uy tho Revs. John S. Colon anu John P. Lynch, vhchaki. K. McCartrn, of this cut, to Mart, daughter of Thorn a* McLean, Esq., of Sing siug, N. Y. Tree?price.?on Tuesday. June 2?, 1873, at La faiefe avenue Presbyierl.m church, by iue Rev. Theodore L. Cuyier, Lambert K. Tkbr and Isa bella Prick, daughter of the tate Jotepn u. Price, all 01 Brooklyn. wiriTEMAN?Kooar.?On Wednesdir. June 23, at 1 he residence of the bride's parcnta, by tne Rev. Isaac H. TuttlO. Lm IS f. WMH'EMAN to L1KV.1S D. Eimjau, all of this city. DIED. v?A,?r>RrR'T(>B Jnn" -*? (' n., on;* child of Nar-,?ni-i a. and Rtchol T. Andrui axed 1 year 10 m<>titns anu 2 day*. *Je", i he friend* of the family are re*Deeffnii? m h!aeVra*filend? 'DB*ral, from the r>:nil?u^4 of nth grandmother, Mrs. H. N AnHrut n,! o-li o"ocafd *tr#el' 1411 <Suaa*f) afternoon, at three ^ AR*ss.?Thursday, Jnne 54, .Per a ?hnr# oimu."Lirtf.'t re,,d6#n?f ?f ?'? Srandmiither Ckoiu.b, eldest son of Robert ana the iate u' Lo^!Tfr,B *rDfV*M 11 'ea" * mittths ?. . ,ana ,r,eT10*?re invited ro it'end the iHUST on SuB',Br- June 27, at two o'clock from Ne^Dor*' "!*'tTuu> iae Moravian enorch, Bttopur.'-On .Saturday, Jane 2*. Re?. Patricc j Bkocht. in the 33d year of nu a**. *r?"Ck *? Trie reverend cieriy or tut arcndior^?* ?na relative, and trienda are lnvitei to attend n? funeral oDa-qaies, el the Church of the fraU a! figuration, Men atreet, on Tu<*?i.iv morning *t fn ca vlVrcemeterV rem*U* wUl ^ lni8'"< ?Me.r:^.Vren,t\ S.UI2 wsffarr"4"u bl,t' iu# bei?>cj *"?" Toe relatives and friend* of the family ar* re. ?proilally invited to attend the inncra; oa Mon OAT, June 28. at ten o'clock A. from her ate | &"??oPhu3TV * c,l?L*tn. Delano, ,n toe wiSfJjfi? "B(1 ,r,e?<i"of "?? family, alao Dennia . lattery, eo.i-m law, and Cnrutopiter Cunning, ham, brother-in-law. are respectfully Invitedf? attend bia Ihneral, from hte late residence 103 Uli tStt"tUyj n04***'-'(,n,frl(l*r, Lopis Pattbrt. ton of Henrr B. aod Anaia B. Carey, in the tug year of hi* aire i-uuera service* win tie t?.,a at the Church^f St. 1 raneii Xavier In sixteenth street, on Mon day morning, the -am iusr.. at nine o'clock wuica ihe reiativca and iruuda of iae family'are invited to attend. ???iij are Lo.'TKi,Lo.-^bn Prlday, Jane 75, Wilmav on r and i moAnt *UJ MarU Co#taUo' **eJ * '<?' Relatives and frlendi of the lemur are frrlfed to attend the luorr.i, ,rom the re.'dVace o! h2 PHiCptu1,ILK"" TV'T flretHt.eef, at La*.w? Cemetery 2:'a ""^thence to Calvary c'Roaix.?On Jnne it 1*75, Robert Cronin formerly or Annadaie, 8taten mund. ' thinr?.irt51a8?L,Uj ?*??'? are invited to afrend th? funeral, on Sunday. Jnne '..'7, roui; Fn ion avenue, Brooklyn. at two P. M. ru.ton Darf. ?Suddenly, Bluanor v'a* Braay Dak*. her?af'e * * Saa4nel ?- ,n iae J*ar of Keutirea and ffdenda are reanectfniiv invited tn ?Mend to. _fnnerai, irom Ko-e JUii a-iruu rne nin-rai, irom Koie Bltf Metaodlat Kpiai o, al chorch, Tweuty>eerontn a:r"et t?? ?M*oVtoSp? S?a Tniraa,M0". on Banday, at DavtNroBT. ?In Brooklyn, June id, caTnimrva Foocrri aerrtce at St. Thomaa' rhnreh corner or 3 J lj"^r''S'h"l?I*d 1010 rM' Bt Burlington. N. J., June M, Rear Atim'ra jobs l)a Oiar rn/Jd 1t-tr- Nary, m the uth year "? b,JVie ' LBltca The filend* of the family are mvitaii m hi. mneral. irom 8-. Pe.erV" oVn Romat \wn S. JL. m Monday, June 2a, at Ubd^mi on." mwi Albany napera ntenae ocpy. Aii'l^ro"8 re(''*,n9 or cbakmw Tawct.a Dtx, who died at Rom ', Jtaiy, March 11, IS73, were receive J ? TT.VwT.m.'t1:1'4, rro,n ,-a/l, 'rn' -?J laired oniy tiein j preieau ?0 ,0# iu8k' U""> ?'fsrxR,?on the 21?tn (nut., RntTir Tor* oniv j;rr. r'a;,"r irtDi* ^*i*J*r' ' year, & nioatha and 23 day* Koneral from the residence 01 ui* parent* or jAv.rley , uc, um day (Sunday," a, Hanav.?Tn Brooklyn. Jnne 55 after a woiarn< Plneea, Wjaua. Daoak, 1. tue iut yJ.^o. Lm i ??. /* relative< and friend*. a)*o the ra?mhera of the Count* mod avian social dab, are respect ?ni' rt0 hu 'uneral, on Sund?. at ?treet*. irooryn.^"" COurl "d IUi.u-.At E i/,ab?th, W, J., on Satnrday Jane H Sara t, Hai.l, axed 4R years, witml? friend* or the family are In '?* 10"erai. Irom the remdenee of her brother, .M?rtim?r o. Bail. (23 a ia?i* avai.u* 1 on Tuesday, the JOi. Imc. at three P M *' .n~A?'!'T~s'~0H Vni**< June 35, Nki.*ow, omy son 01 Jame* and snsie Nelson Uamiuoa axed 2 year* and 8 raontha. 888(1 ' Puncral irom the re*Menc? of bia parent* 4*? Lynch atrceA Brooklyn, R. u., tnu tsuudayi alter noon at two o'clock. 1 aittr OB *?* ??*?., at noon 1 ^.at.,clKU?VfR?01',a lh8 k"a f84r of hi* age ffuda are reipectiudr Invited ;o attend nw Mineral, from st. Anu'a ouurch Ki?h teentn atreet, near Filth avenue, on Monday A il?f* 'l,,trrnent at Woodiawn. Is Baliimore. ou the 24th in*t enddeniy, conkad 0. H*rnicerlj., brother of a.' I d. A. Ilarnickeii, of Mia oily. *? ?JyVKSlIf?- ,,>ar,eour c??reh. corner Hlnton ^ atreet*, Brooklyn, ou Sunday, tue , 2,in ln*t.. at three o clock f. if. ' hayward,?un Priday morntnx, 55th ln*L oV'"clt hfwrnocn, *t halPpaat two HsATttER, The fnneral service* of Fasivt L. niATHRit will tako place from bur >ate home, the re*ldenoe 01 Oeorge M. Brewn Svuth Orange, N, J., on -,aj June 2J tt four o*cioo* P. M. Take iturabont Thom P. War, foot of Hurciaj si met, at ten A. M., meeting horso cam or aou'u orange, N. J. Additional funeral services of .ibove ?ill take place at the house of uer cousin, John P. Reynolds, Ni>. 216 K'-KloiU at eat, Greeopomi, L. L. St ouo o'c.oes P. M. on Monday. June 28. New Havon p tpt-rs tueaso copy, Kbi.lim.ku. na Friday, the 25th lnsv., after a lingering illness, William Kelungsr, a?ed 711 jt'ttr*. a mouths and .1 d if*. I ne relatives and nei'is or the family are re spectfully invlteu to attend tee luneru , irotu in* lesitfence ot h.s a u lu a.v, I liomas t mornings. No. 4i?8 Grand street, Williamsburg, on simday afternoon, the 271a mat.. at two o'clock, without further noticu. i.k clairk.-?On Jun? 25, of Brnrbt's disease of the aidneys, TiioMAS Lii claUW. aeod 58 years Relatives and triends are reapectiully Invited to attend tee funeral, on Hun lay. tne 27th, at half past two > 'clock, from ula late re*iJ?uoo, Ho. 325 East Fourteenth street. l.iiiDLi.? On Saturday, June 2?, Davip H., son of David aim Ruth Laid ?, in Tie ltd y ar of Mm ago. Ttie relatives ami friends of tne family arc re spect ully In vit.d to at enu the luneral, on Mon day, the 28th lust., at t ro P. M? from the resi dence of r>is parent', tie At.ainio avenue, Brooklyn. Lyons.?on Saiurdav, Ju ie 2d, Ann wde , oC Michael Lyons, aged 30 years. The relatives an t frieuue are respectfully In vlied to attenl the luneral, irom tier late resi dence, 304 Klvington street, on Monday morning, at half-past uiue uVook; thence to St. itoae ol Lnca church, Laumm sireet, where a solemn mass of requiem will :>e sung f<>r the repose of her auul; thence to ua vary Cemetery. tiisiiKi.iiAL'M.? Sudueaiy, in CUicago, on Tues day, June 22, J a co li Ma.NPCLOatJM, late oi the llrua or Lemon Matideioauui A < o., o. tins city. id a Relatives an* menus oi tne ismiiy and members Of Pucenix Lodge, No. l, D. 0. B. M., are respect fully invited to attcud ttie itinera:, from his late res,dance, No. 442 Last Kiity-elghth street, on Sunday, June 27, at tw<> P. >i martin.?in ~ew Brunswick, N. J., at early dawn of Juue 24, Fmra Ross, true of Johnsou Martin. The relatives and mends or the family are in vited to attend the fuuertii, irom her late real deuce, on Coi.eae avenue, at half-Mat two o'clock, on Monuay, June 2-. wit >oiu fan her notice. Moore.?At Hari' .'i. on fnursdav, June 24, Marv Hahckll Moors, (laughter oi George ana Mamie Moore, aged X year. The relatives and friends are respectfnlly in vlteu to attend tne luicrai. irom the reaideiice of her parents, MO K& * I24tu street, liariem, ou Sunday, at one o'cl ck. Molio well.?On too 10th of Jnne, 7875, in Psrld, Prance, klj/.ahrth Lovejoy 51oUowrll, daughter of the latu OOlouel J B. Brant, oi St. Louis, Mo., 17. s. A., sad true oi James McDowell, Esq., of | Virginia. ! mcUowan June 25, Bridobt, relict of rhilip ! Mctiowun, a native of in parish or .Manor ilauiil ' ton, counry Leu rim, Ireland, after a lingering Ill ness, in the 59ln year ol her age. Funeral from tier late ie.siueuce. 29 Park street, | on Suuday, ttio 27 n mat., at nail-past, one P. a. l'ne friends of the u ully and those ol her son, i John P., are invited to attend the laneral. [ 5ii llai it.?on Friday. June 25, Louisa Ada. daughter of John .tod Annie aicUaie, aged 4 years, I 8 months and 25 days. I tier remains win be taken from the residence ot her parents, 553 West rorty-urst street, to the Method st MpUcepai church, Tuiru-flith street, near Tenth aveuae, where che funeral services will be held, tuts any. at one o'ciock P. M. The mem hers of Coaiaioiiwc. il n Lodge, No. 409, P. aud A. M.;siSO tSe member' of K oral Chapier, No. 28* Order of the Eastern Star sra cordially invited. MoNbilt.?On Frtdiiv, June -26, Walter Franc un McNeily, sou o. willu? sua Fanine L. Mo Neitj, sgeu 3 years, 8 montiia and 21 nays. Frieuda of the tamily tire respectfully invited to attend tau luncrai, on Sunday, 27tn itist., at ou? o'clock. irorn the restuouce oi uta parents, 410 West Twenrv-flftli street. wiinuat further notice.. Niven At No. 62 1 leventu street, Bruokuo. uu Saturday, *8th tust., Mrs. Ansa -Nivkn, in tue 67ia year of her age. Funeral sei vices at Greenwood Baptist chnreh, on Monday, 28tii at ha/i-past tiro l*. M. Friendo and members oi Fraukitn Division, sous oi lew perauee, and coriuimau leuipio of Honor are in vited to attend. O'UuiKN.- Oa Friday, June 23, Jambh O'Brien, aged 34 years. Relatives and friends of tbe family are lnvltrft to attend the luner.i:, on Sund iy, Juno 27, at twc o'clock P. M.. Iro.u Die late residence, 10 Hamilton street, New Y?ns. Pool*.?Oa Friday, June 25, Elizabeth, beloved wife of David Poole, aged 4) tears. Kelativea and friemis hth respectfully Invited to attend the funeral, at nali-pa-t one o'clock, iron 119 East Houston stroiL. Members of tue Aucieut Br,tons' Society inviied to attend. Prkhk. -On sat unlay. June M, after a sbort 111 ne?* Kosanna Pre tN, in the 53<J year of tier age. t'he lelative* and iro udsui me lamlly are respect full? invited to attend i s iua?rai. ,rutu ner resi deuce No. 203 Muuroe street, tins (nuudav) after* n ?on, at half-pA-t one o'ct ck. Kkku.? Ou 1 nar-iay. June 24, at his residence, <wj West Forty-UiUUi street, cuaulas p. Hasp aged 53 years. funeral at two o'clock P. M. on Sunday. Jane 27. His friends and toe uietnuers ul Cyrus Lodge, No. 208. F. and A. M., are resp-.otruny inri'.ed. Kkili.y.?uu Frid.i morning, 25.n lust.. Jamby, a n.itlvs of Mdliowu, county Uavau, Ire Utud, aged 58 vear.-i, 7 in utbn an i 14 daya His mends ana those of ms oroiners Bernards llugli and Jt hit are re-pectiuliy invited to attend his tuueral, oa Monday mot mug, at nal -past nine o'clock precise)?, irom ins late residence, ooa 0 eenwicu street, to bt. joeepn'e churou, Sixth avenue, wnere a soiemn mass of requiem win be cneorstsd for tne re out a ul m soul; tneace to Calvary Cemetery /or iutermeot. iuii.iT. ? anke hLi/u, only uaugbter of Jame* and Harriet Koi ey. lite wi.l take place from tbe residence 01 her pa. cats, 233 iweuty-fiita street, ou Mou> day. June 28. at ene o'c ock snarp. Rones.?Catuki.ini., beiovoa wile of John n. Ri.uue, on Juur 24, iu the 28th tear of ner age. Funeral retvlce* at bt Jonu's cuurrn, CUrls toptier street, ou ?inday. Juue 27, at two o'clock p. M. I'rieudi of tue Umi.y are re?pecuuily in vited to attend.*.?At Hot>o*en, H. J., Jnne 24, 1875, kaulia bitANNOV, the neloved wiio of Joseph suaniion. or i.ougiircs, cuuty Uaiway, Ireland. lhi! relatives and irieod. of me lainily are li> ?Ued to attend ins f tneral, ?n 8 nun ay. Jon# 27. at one o'clock, from tier late resideuce. curoei Fcrrv and Madison streets, llonoaen, N. J.; tneuce to Cslv.try Cemetery r??r tuoTment. Sniaav.?cathbrimc Droved wife of Patrick Sherry, oi AugUuaciuy, county i'yroue, Ireland, on June 24. 1875. t tesus and acquaintances are requested to at tend t ie luuertU /root her late resideuce, 140 We*i Nineteenth street, oa buuday, Jane 21, 1276, at one o'clock P. M. MMir.-in Brooklyn, on Jone 25, Jawb H., sot of Henry aud Catharine K. buidt, aged 18 years, I tseiiiss aud 1 day. Relatives and friend' are respectfully invited t< attend at* innerai. irom nu iae resideuce, MM oi Ucvoe and Lorimer streeta. on bun da; tue 27tl iit-i.., at two o'clot it. Taylor.?On May *0, at Dresden, Germany, Alios Maria, <iau<u er of John ano Kilsaootk N. T.yior, lormerly oi New Tors, aged 12 veara. the relative? and friends oi tue family are ra ?pectin,ly invited to H*s.-mt>:e at 8'snuen Mer rill's. No. 210 Kigntn aveuue. tuts (8uouaj) mora. lug, at baif-paet ten o'clock. Kematus will be taken t<> Gre-u w, u for luterme a. iif?any.?At l,u?ning. us rridav, June 25, of dipin h*ria, Wm. Ciiat ;m ir, only ^on oi i.ymanaud i iirsny, iu tue Uta year o; sis age. itcist.ves end friends oi the family are Invited to attend toe iiiodiai, irom tn? res,deuce oi bis parents, Lawrence street. Pm-ning, on Monday, at a quarter to eleven AM. li,>atsle,ve lbirij fourtn street ferr? si 9:44. connecting wttn Flush ing and Norm bide Kaoroad. returning at 12 M. Vaii Ou Juae 28. at a quarter pa-t eight O'clock A. M.. John Vaii, of the parten o< R iiahahey, county Cork. Ire aud, In tue 47ta yeat of hie age. ai Monday, 28th tnsk, at tvoo'elockF. M? at No. 9 Mu oerr. atrtct. California papers p.ea.-e eopv. Vaj KNTiwa?on Frm.iv evening, Jnne ?A Jons v*lhnti*k. yoauges. son oi John . aud Kuzaoetl it, Vatentine. aged I years II ouths and 20 days. Tbe relatives and friends of tne family are re. ?pec Auly invited to attend toe funeral, irem tut resin-nce of nls parents, 173 Henry street, on Moa ner aliern' on 28in inec, at two o'clock. Walsh.? uu the 25th met., at tue residence et nls father, 368 him avenue, Kr ok yn. I,. I . Haui Wit,vai.l Walsh, eldest son ot F. w. Waisn. Funeral froui inn bouse on ho iday, June 27, a? three o'clock P.M. AU reuuvea and ineuda are Invited. Boaton paoers please copy. Wardlow.?At Jersey ( |iy HelehUi, on W>dne?. day, w. m. War plow con-p -H?r age J 37 ye ire. liis rem-in- win tie removed 1 mi ins Isle feet oence, Newark avenue, uetween Maldwin and Cueitoot aveuue*, on bunda.r, in- 27m mat., M tw<< p. M.. lor interment iu ? ypre<e Hills. Hepast (Ireiind) pai?< rs puase copy. WiEst*.?On June 24, ai tue : end-ace of her parent*. No. 42 lteiu-i-n *ire*i, Brooalyn, Awnih Atiaua, eldsst daughter ol Otto til aud Asua H. Wierum. Funersi serrfes from her l*te residence, ht four o'clock P. M., oa bands} Juue 27. Wise. ?E.trHaa, tUs ueuved wue ol Hearv Wise, In htr 4.iii year. , . Funeral mis (Rnndav) morning, at nlus o'cloek from her ihte resideujc, No. 34i West Tuirty-first ?lreel- .. . in# membert of the litdies' Bioknr Cboilm Ro ctety are uerebr in 01 mod o, tne dumise of one of th-nr most active dn e tors And coiaoorei s in the work or chariiy. Mr.*. Esther Wise. Toe taaies are respect,oily lumen to a.tend tne funeral, at nine o'clock A. M. this day, irom her late residence. No. 141 Wc?t Tairty-0r*l streat, to reader tie ia 1 trioute of respect to her whose 10 s we deeply iriou n. Mrs. D. LEVl.SUN, Prt-ideut. Norirn.?1The member* ol feinpn; Beth El tre re quested to attend tne lunerai ol Mr*. Ilinr? Wine, from nor itte residcoct, No. Weil iiiirtf fl ti streot. at nine A. M. By order of tne President ' t?. N. JUbAFUdON, secro nry. Wrioht.?On Friday, June 2.,, 117 5, ol tuioule pnonoionla, John Wriohi, in tut Mtu y?r ol hii ^Funeral thlsSnadav, 27'h mst., at tanr o'elee? F. m , irom ins late r**ideuce, No. 844 Hudson street. I'se reinaiiis wui no taken to Faluiyra let luierment. WRPiiir.?On tie 26th inat Nyack, Mart A., wiocw oi .lo in A riibt, aael 47 'ear*. rue relative* ann fr ni.ds are mtited to *tteni the fuoeral, ?< ceu ti Memodist Kplscopa , nurcn, b?ve-,m avcrii . Fourteenth streot, 01 Mondav morniug, at oitven o'oieck.