Newspaper Page Text
? w iiiT7~D?FK HALKS. Cooks, ?Vc . BAST J2D ST.?A LADY WISHES TO PRO. cure situations lor her two servants. altera who Java lived wiUi her two year*; one an cook nucl the other a? chambermaid and wattle.*; good washers aud Jroners n reqnired. ?11Q East ISTn ST.?a LADY wishes to find a J in situation lor a colored woman either as gen era! cook or pantrv cook; perfectly competent to fill ^nher situation, and in every way a valuable woman. 1 9A WEST 24TH ST.?AS FIRST CLASS FRENCH .1 j'r cook In a private lainily; understands her busi ness in all tla Prauchfcs; good reference. Call for two days. IFtl WEST 2STH ST.?A UKSPf CTABLK WOMAN '?-j as first class cook; will assist in washing aud ironing ; no objection to the e.iuutry; best city refer ence. Call on Monday, m the store. ICQ WE-T IS I'll ST., I IRST FLOOR. ?AS FIRST i/t) class cook; iiiidi i'-t.iiida French, English nud American coining ; best reference. Can be seen from 9 till 1 o clock. 4)i)(\ 1ST AV., BETWEEN 1STII AND HTH ST?. ?A Z>i</ good cook, washer and Iroucr; would engage by the dav or week or do housec leaning; good city ret ence. Call or address lor two ilnvs. flCQ WE-T 47TII ST.?A REXPECTABLE COLORED to woman wish. ; to go out by the day or week to cook, or to clean bouse aud wash ami Iron; good refer ence^ QAO KA8T S5TH ST.-A RESPECTABLE WOMAN OvJ?j as first class cook; fully competent In all the branches; city or country; no objection to it boarding JUousc ; good city reference. .Call for two dnvs. Q I 7 WEST 4JD ST.?AS EXCELLENT COOK ; GOOD *)1 I bread arid biscuit maker; understands all kinds oi l astry: no objection to assist witli tho washing and Ironing or to Jo the whole washing in .t small family; no objection to go a small distance in the country ; good city reference. TUB METROPOLITAN PRINTING ESTABLISHMENT i? at 21S Broad way, In the Herald Building. f\\T A NTBD?SITUATIONS, BY A WILOW WOMAN ,1' lor herself and daughter, in a small private fam ily; one us cook and >he other to do light waiting and Assist with 'he care of children if necessary; noobjec ttootoa short distance in the country;' reicr encc. address (J. U., Ueruid cilice, or call lor one week At 13 Qocrck sL Dressmakers ami Seantstreueeg. 7] (VI ORF.KNE ST.?A FRENCH BEAM -TRESS TO J. r" A go out by the day dressmaking; Parisian modes. Call or address. one EAST NINTH ST., SECOND FLOOR.?A RE spcctuble young woman as seamstress; good operator. OJl 3D AV.?AN EXPERIENCED DRESSMAKER Zil by the day or week; thoroughly competent to cut. fit and trim ladles' dresses. Address, stating where .to call, GOLDEN. Terms moderate. A~l A 7TII AV., IN THE FANCY STORK.?A GOOD ?*rl'? dl dressmaker to work by the day in families; city reference ; eitv or country. A I 7 WEST KID ST.?A FIRST CLASS DRESSMAKER *T L I wishes n few mom engagements hy the day. Leave ypur address; I will call fn the evening. A COMPETENT DESIGNER AND TRIMMER IS open for an engagement (.fall season) as foreman in wholesale or retail millinery. Address DKnlG.NER, 71 Broadway, room 50. AYOCNO AMERICAN LADY OF BXPRRWNCB AS family seamstress, desire* an engagement at imd- , trate prices, extending over some time (country pre ferred;; would take ? shorter engagement or go to the P. elite coast If satisfactorily assured of proper care; good references. Address 1,. W. T , Herald office. A SITCATION WANTED?AS SEAMSTRESS, BY A J\ respectable young wi,m in who understands dress making. M. 11., Herald office. General Housework, dec. Ifi GANSBVOOBT 8T.-A GIRL LATELY LANDED. J" to do general housework or chamhcrwork. aud take cure ot children. Can he seen for two days. T/lQ WEST 418T ST.?A RESPECTABLE GIRL TO do house work tor a small private family ; good cook, washer aud irouer; excellent city references. Call PL Monday. Housekcei eri, die. t) 7 BOND ST., FRONT PARLOR (DON'T RING).-A X i young ladv. speaking l rem h, as housekeeper lu a widower's lam Ily; refcrencus exchanged. Q7 WK-T 21 ST ST.?A LADY OF REFINEMENT AS O I housekeeper, or would take charge, of a lions- for the summer; reference given and ^ Address. OQQ WEST 40TH Sf -A YOUNG LADY AS HOUSE O keeper in a widower's family ; none but tbnsu c i nivunt ucod apply. Gail on or, lor lour days, J. B. 248 WEST 22D ST., THIRD FLOOR, BACK housekeeper. A THOROUGHLY COMPETENT ENGLISH. LADY 01 energy and ability as housekeeper in a hotel ,,r frirute family; satisfactory reterencea Addreas CUM 'ETbNT, box ISO Herald Uptown Branch office. A I-ADY, AGED 50, REFINED AND CULTIVATED, whose connections are ?! the best, would like a po sitlon as bonaekceper with a party ot means; highest testimoniala Address Mr*. VYILMOTU, Herald Uptown Branch office. XUANTED-BY A HIGHLY RESPECTABLE WIDOW IT ladv. with u child, five years old. a situation ae housekeeper; will give services lor small comnaiiaatiou; best reference. Addreaa BIRANGLR, Herald Uptown Lranch office. i^ianirtuM. <>0 WBttT 10TII ST.?A LADY GOINO TO ETROPK j-tLd is anxious to secure good oituaiions for two most excellent kiviuii. a UatdrtM nu chambermaid ml waitress. uoM seen at resident e. OA WKW washinoton Flack.?LACK CCR ??U tains, window shades, fnrotture covering, hand some dresses and tine laces don* equal to usw on reason able terms. A dd re-a Mrs. V a UN. on WEST 12T11 ST.-DOMKBIT0 LAUNDRY. OK*. I) I tlemen's and ladies clothes dsn* in the dni'?t "dnintstio" style, collars sad cuff* 3#e. per duscu ?or durs promptly executed. Til WEST UTH ST.. ONE FLIGHT. REAR.?A RK J II speetabie woman to do wash nig. ironing or house cleaning by the dsy. "JOfT WEST IfTH ST.. KKAH.-A RRcpfct TABLE 1 ? ?' woman to go out by the day to do waalung, iron ing end house cleaning. U.O FAST ?3D ST., CRN R SD AV.. FIRST J t'O floor, back ?A respectable Woman t<>doairw uiore fsmilies' waahiug at 7Se. per do/, n no fluting. Call all week. Mrs. C All I Li.. <11 A WEST 29TH ST. ?LADIES', (I1NTIKMKN S eil r end families' washing wanted bv the doa*n, week or month, br a competent colored laundress. ad drass Mrs HYATt. ? ?>0 A WKST :7rn ST. BETWKEN 7TH A!*D 8TH ava?a very respsctabl# woman to do washing and Ironing at her own residence! unders ands all klmls i t puffing and fluting; best city relcreuce. Call on or adt.ress Mrs. ('A It I IN OOA W! -T 90TH ST ? A Wts!l WOMiN WI?HRS gsssU family washing or wa-hing by Ih* dozen : dut li.r and puffing done n the best manner, call ou or address Miss CARKon. WEST 27rH ST.-A FIRST CLASS SOI THERM laundry; clothe* done up intlist clas? style; particular attention paid to tatnily washing, tint ins es pecially. ?. s t?.M 1TH. EAST :ai) ST. ?A REoPLOtABcE WOMAN TO do soma washing. 1304 baandresses, <kc. A O PERRT ST., IN TlIE RFAt. FOURTH STORY - tO A raspactabia woman to go out by the day wa*h Ing and . la u good washer and ironor. Call lor two day. ?11 ft WltST tint ?T., FIRST FLOOR. BACK ?>J'/ rooms?a ro?pectabic widow Woman wishes, 11n:ilic?. ladles' or gentlemen's washing; Is a first class laundress; p ifing and fluting don* neatly aud wora jr.on id ly aMeodtd to; best oity reierenee*. QtUl JOTII sr.. BF'TWfEN l^T AMD JDAVS.-A ? JL*v respectable Protestant wishes logo out br the dar or weak to wash, truU or buuaoclean; best city rt i? re uco. * AS) WEST S2D ST.?A TOCNO WOMAN AS COM 'I potent laundresa; no objociion to ih? country, goid city rtferenct. f'lQ EAST 1ST!I ST.-A RESECTABLE WOMAN UIO w ishes gentlemen - ,r 'ado' t' wasblng at74cents perdu/eii.or would go out by :ba day. Caii uu of ad dress Mrs IiLaKE. 1 fV-17 01,1 SV.-A FRENCH WOMAN DOES THE J.I/O I best of washiug,, Ac., tor first class uptown partiea 1 1?I7 JD AV, SECOND FL'iOR, SACK Ri'OM. l.lsJI Washing ot all descriptions taken >u tho house; fluting, ae.. attended to. 1 A7*-t il? AV . BETWEEN 81ST AND 82D STR.. l.Ulo third tloor.-A respoctahle lady to go out I y tec day washing and Iron tug; taruis itasoiisb.o; or aouid do it iu bar own hoaaa. Nwraea, <vc. >7 GREENWICH ST.-A RESPECTABLE BoMW s_ | as wet nurse; fr> eh'.resit of tailk; no objection ti tho country. Call lor two dsya ?J- WEST S4TII ST-A RCsPEiTABLR COLORED Ot/ girl as nurse or chambermaid in a private family; s. eaks dor man aud Baglish , best city rolereu o. Apply for two days. '1 WR** i**ll ST.-A RESPECTABLE FRENCH lt/Vy woman as wet nurse;Jbabv ovt^woeks old. 00 A ITH AV, IN TUB STORE.-A REsPK'TAHLB, a- ? r steady wsmsu in a small family, or as nor.-* to On invalid iauy to tiavel.or to tako cars of *n infant, from lis binb it necessary, or to fill any position of trim, whers honesty sobriety and Industryjre ap preciated : city re.erencs. Call < T address, float to A, M, ion1 M., on Monaay and 1 ueslay. 997 BAST 11TU 8T.-AS NUWK IN ANV kind AiAif of sickness; no objection io k lady or gemie man .r ?traysl; bast referenco. 019 WBST tarn ST.-A RKSPBCTABLR YOUNG ?'Tw person (Scotch), lately landed, as nurse tor chil dren out of arutrf. or ts chambermaid ui a urivata laiu Ly. Oall tor ibres days. r<;9 WEST84T1I sr.-a married woman, 1 "7 w,'h R fresn -treast of mill as wet nurse iu a first claaefamily. Call lor Mrs. Fckkis. A N AMERICAN OIRL, lb YEARS ol,r>, AS CHIl.D'R, J\ nor* and to do debt wora; is a good plaiu sewar7 ?o objsouou to Aba country. Address lOHlb-R, lUdoit A N EKFERIRNCKD KNLIIH NPRSR DESIRES T< nil a few raeancies with laoies wko are la want 0 U tnsnthiy nurse; higbe?t reierenees iroui first clas Phydoisns Address fc.NOLInU NL' K.Nt, Herald Up Isvtt hxoaoA oOuuH MTU ATION VKTRD-r nnALiKS. Mliicclianeou*. 1Q FORSYTH ST., ROOM IS.?WORK WANTED BY J ?j a woman, at carpet sewing, altering, fitting ami laying: mattresses made aud made over. Address Mrs. prmnkoXS IOC MACDOUGAL IT.?A LADY, from MAINE, 1?J?) a n?at and experienced housekeeper, patient with invalids, desire- a postilou. Call before 3 P. M.. Or address Mrs. O., Herald office. QIO EAST 60TH ST. ? A fROTE.-TANT WOMAN TO Ol _ g., to Europe with a ladv; would tro tor lo r pas sage if desire I : can wall on a I idy or take care of chil dren; best reference. Call on M- nlay. A FRENCH LADY OF KXPRRIKNOK OFFER- IIER l\ services gratis as lady's maid or companion to a la iv ur family going to Franca; unexcepti mabie refer enc'as. Address Madams M. R., Herald Uptonu Brunch otllcc. FROFUmilUNAL N1TI I AT IO.\S WANTlil) FKMAI.KK, A | LADY OK EXPERIENCE DESIRES A POSITION as governess or companion ; would not object to travel or go 111 the country. Address Major A. H.,llurald office. AI.Al Y WILI. OIVE INSTRUCTIONS IN FRENCH, music ami I osip ii for a homo during the summer. Addri-'S TKaCHKR, M Christopher st A N KNiBlISH LADY OP CLASSICAL EDUCATION. *\ desires omp'o ment. Address LINGUIST, box 171 Herald Uptown Hram h office. A EUROPEAN LADY LINO I 'ST DF.FIKKS A HO .T. sitlon us interpreter or companion with some fam ily travelling to Europe and back: reference* vx r!,.:n; ed. Address M. K., box HI Hi raid Uptown Urauch OffiC 5. A YOUNO WIDOW OF HOOD ADDRESS WOULD Jx like coin lug to do at home, or would accept a posi tion aj housekeeper to a widower. Address ALoNE, box lfW, l.iOS Broadway. By a young lady of education and rk tlnnment, a position in a gentleman'* taniitv, to su perintend, making hcr?e|f generally useful: capable of Instructing in vocal and nstrumenral music; llrst class reference. Address (?., box l?) Herald office. A. HELP WANTK1K-FEMALES. T. STEWART A CO. WANT FIRST CLASS DRESSMAKERS. FIRST CLASS AV Al S I' MA KERB. None nned apply except those accustomed to work oa high co>i dresses. Steariy employment and liberal pnv Apply at NINTIT STREET ENTRANCE, bclore 9 A. M., Broadway and Tenth street. AN EXPKKIRNCED WOMAN, WHO THOROUOIII Y understands branching. ami Is capanle ol buying, flowers and leather* lor a citv establishment wanted. Ad I for three nays, FLOW! RS, box No. ltll Ilcrald office. A GOOD LaUNHRIl.sS, UNDERSTAND I Ml HKR i business n nd a young girl, under 18. to mind chiL i nrcn. Call, with references, at 227 East 12th et. Achancb.-mijn, wombn, boys and orui.s learn telegraphy and take positions. THOMPSON'S Oolleeo. 20 4th ?>?., opposite Cooper Institute. Teleg raphy tiught practically, with lustrumenis. No vaca tion. 1 FIRST CLASS COOK WANTED?AT THE COT.F i* man House, Far Rockaway. Address, stating wuges and reference. AOOODOERMAN OR AMERICAN GIRL WANTED? as coox, washor anil Ironer. a short distance in the country. hPBNOKK. 117 West at Dressmakers vvanted?first ci.ass hands only Address, by letter or personalty, Mine. C. DaY, corner Main and Bell its., Orauga, N. J. FOREWOMAN wanted?op experience, in r the paper pattern business; must be able to write lescrlptiout of laahtons. None other need apply, 298 Umadwav. second floor, between I'd and 2 P. J(. Monday. IADY AGENT* WANTED?TO INTRODUCE OUR J ce'ebrnted nnd f*?t-selllng arti'des qf merit, ahso lutely required in every famllv. Money made rapidly. Apply at 90 Chambers st, up stairs. i.VBTRY COOK WANTFD, FOR SUMMER HOT? L?A and |el ies. Apply to C. J"tlNSON, No, 218 West 23d st., Monday, between loand 12 M. WANTED-A OOM PETLNT WOMAN TO TAKE | charge oi an ar'ifl ial (lower factory. None but such need apply at -Vl ProMway. D. KLEIN A CO. TV 'ANTED?A FIRST CLASS LAUNDRESS, nt 1U0 East 14tb at. Wanted immediately?first class drees ?? maker*. Oul? those who are accustomed to the best of yvork need app'v lo J IIYM ANN. W West Hth -t. liranted?two ladies of rf.finrmknr and ?r education, to so icit and oolleul tor charitable gnrposes. midotibted references required. Address S. . EC, Herald Uptown Branch office. TITANTRD?AT LIRERAL WAGES. A LADY'B MUD, h thorongblv competent and of good disposition ; be a tlr?tcisM- Wheeler A Wilson operator; family wiiuout children; country duringsumiuer. Address D., Leralu office. WANTFD?GERMAN OIKL FOR OFNERAL " hoim-w. rk ; good wuitier an 1 ironer ami plain cook. Gall Monday or Tuesday al 3 a Last 13d <L "t 1 ""AN f ED?EXPERIENCED HANDS ON HADE UP >> la-e work. Apply to RKNNKT A SWiZKf, ?J Prince it. "IA'ANTKD?A GERMAN OIRL, ONE TIIAT Sf'KAKS vr English, to do gem i al housework one that Is will lug to u.n - hereeit generally useful; no other* need ap ply. 2 8 West tilth st. iriRTHM CAParj.K MILLINER AND TRIMMER YY for first cla?city trade: it satia'ae'ory the mint tiottWill b? permanent. Address MILLINER, nui Na 131 Herald < fflco. for three days. WANTED-AN accomplish Kl> and kbuned YY voting la ly, from 111 in t? to travel as vo'ing lady'* companion . engagement permanant in tiie toll, if srree aide to both parties t.e?t reference* given and required. pdwii Mn M.. llerald office. TirANTRD-A IIBST CLASS bKtRT TRIMMRB: ORE T? accustomed to tench wore; only the beat need aptilv ; also errand alrl Apply, between S aud do'eknk A. V, At IHItt av. RiRjbelHwlcn. _ WANTED-A GIRL TO W ASH AMD IRON WELL anJ assist in genera! housework; no cooking; farm* SlJ per Call lor tw o day a at aiJ Wed -Uth atrvet. TA/AlTXD-aA YOUNG IaI>Y WHO WRITFd A if plain bnn4 and of genteel appearance, to do copy ing ami light office work. Address C. r. a., box .'.7 Herald office ANTED-A FIRST RATE DESIGNER OK FINK fancy work. r. W. BRAC11KR. 77 Greene atiset. W'ANTED?A GIRL, FRi >M II TO 14 VK ABS OF ft age. to ran errands in a dregs iMkine establish ment; beat reference required. No. 2f Beat flat ft Vf'ANTED?PR A''TIC A L GIRL FOR GENERAL f? houaaaaaiA; ?mul Uimlv; wage* moderate. Apply at li'l Wet tui at, Monday, between a aud i o'clock. Ring tnird bell w CliEHK> AMD RALEkRET. BITTATIOMB WA.1TED- H ALff*. ASITVATI'tM WANTED?As WATCHMAN; TI lRT class reference from la-t employer. Adores* D. D., Iicrald Uptown Itrancti office. ATOUNO MAN Of EXPERIENCE WISHES A situation an bartanaor: can op< n oyster*; would *o in the country: thr*e r?r-' reference from !a?t 'in piovcr. AddreaeW. II., bos I3U llcraul L'ptowu Breach 111.i"i _ __ AfOl'Nts COLORED MAN DR-IRK* A SITUATION ns wntcr in n private lamlly or -o work In a at. re; reierencer irom u*t employer. Addreae a. 1., box Herald office. ANA NO. I B4KKHI PER MUST HAVE EMPLOY /V meet; hurst anil indualrlonai nneseep tlonebie references; not afraid oi work, will work cheap. Addreaa tolklBIT, bos IU8 Herald office. A SITUATION IN ANT CAPACITT IS WANTED?BY I a v .ting in.i i who oan mrnian reiereneo aud aucurl ty. Address EX I BOY, bos lii Herald office. A O ILORFD MAN WlBHPfl A SITUATION AS F1RBT J\ clan* oak in the elyr or country. Call on or ad drew, lor three iltjiy J. w.. ft7 Woat ZDtls at., tn the rear. ARKFPLCTARLE YOUNG MAN AS WAITER: UN. dcrat in la bis hosier** id All It* branches, haa un. exceptionable city references. App v *?. 143 Ma if- n av \ YOU BO MAN IS. AN AMERICAN. WISHES A altuatlon In either city or (ouiitry to Work around a gentleman'* p.ace; can Use care of horses. Cell el67 Wcat 1- h at kMARKIED MAN WI4HE8 A Fill ATION IN TUB country ; thoroughly mtderauuda the care ?f suck ; la a good milker, i all on or addreaa C. PaDDO.N, ,\u. Mb Weet at. CBORTUAND?12S WOBDS P-.R MI V UTE.-WANTED. O employment by the adverUaer, who la also ? penman aalarr lea* an oijec; than ratru *r practice. Address W R. M., Herii'.l I pigwn Hi'mik h office. SITUATION AS WAITKB WANTED SY A FRENCH inan; apeaka German and f.ugiflh. hotel or restaur ant Ad.lreaa fei. Z., No 4 >orih Snore at UITI'ATION WANTBn-AS KARKHRI'KR RT A MID i' die-aged man . thoroughly understands the i.uauo ?* in all Ita brancliea: beat rulereuce*. Audreaa .'ILAHLtn, has .00 Heraid eflice. THE METROPOLITAN PRINTING K-T ABLISUMEnT laatTIS Bread way. In tboJUrald Building. TVA?rBD-A PWfliTlON AH FIRST CLASS WAITER; | ff beat of cltv refertnea. Address -aMl'UL, Hura.d Uptown Hranch office. No 1 764 Broadway. 117 ANTED?A POSITION AS MANAOER OF A " flrat claa# hotei. t> a yonng tu ?n of ten years' e* perlei c . can give the beet ot reference*. AUdieuJ. K., Herald office. ATIIOROI'OHLY EXPRK1ENCED SaLEBMAN wen ed? Io tasc charge ol aulta and dlcaks: perma nent p oi ion and liberal pay la offered Addreae, by letter only, B. aLT'IaN A CO., mi and CU 6'h av. No apnlicatloii enterteined nnlaaa suutg wbtre mateiu. ployed and relerencas. ALIRBRAL SALARY WILti RR PAID TO AM esportenced irevellcr In the clothier*' nnd tail .r*? trimming line; also wanted, a young man tu iearu tha lUiinasA Address 0. U, Herald oillce. AFRACriCAL SOOkKEKfF.N AND TIIOROUOU huamcisi man. often year*" elty espnrienee, wants a tltnaiiori. will commence for small aalary. Addreaa M. box 164 Herald office. As assistant salesman or porter in a* wnoMaale grocery or liauo' store, u emit ao ouainted with htitiuess: best referencna. Addre is (X ft, car* f ha rice ocliluter, it6 Brootnc .At A THOROUGH BCSINRSS MAN (JF.wrSH), HAA in > a pood Northern and Wi stern intlit ierv trade, da ?tres a aitaaiion iu an importing or ioootng nous*, rctcr euvu lUat waaA AaU.U* S. A., Ugraid aUlCA A to to connect with h.lAI ion nii'i ooflVc wholesale gro rv house. Address X. X. X., Herald office. CLERKS A Yli SALKSMEK. PRACTICAL BOOKKEEPER DBSIRKH A I'O 1 tlon; seven years' experience ; beat references. Address (i. K.. Herald office. A?STERN PROS. WANT A YOUNG MAN, COMPB. ? taut to take cbargo of their delivery department. Only one experienced in the fancy dry good* business and having had charge of such need apply, by inutl, stal ing references and salary, !W 6th *v. A FRENCH BOOKKEEPER (AGE S'0 WISH MS A situation in an American business house: will make hirasolf generally usclul. Address letters to E. A., Her ald office. AVOCNO DRY SHOPS CLkflK (AN IRISHMAN preferredi can have a steady situation at $5e week and hoard. Address, stating age and reference. CEN TENNIAL. box 126 Herald office! 4 FIRST (List ACCOUNTANT. WHO UNDER A stands all the intricacies of bookkeeping, and tvho-o services in the past have commanded the t> 'st ol posi tions. wants work oven at the foot ol the ladder. Ad dress SPENCER, 11.1 Eust 10th st ? SALE-MAN, LAKOKLY At Ol VIM ED WITH -fx. the New Vork and Hrooklyn grocery trailc. would like _ - . . eerv i A YOUNG MAN WANTS A SI 1 UATION A - l>RUO elerk; has three years' experiiuce in Philadel phia; best reterenoe cau b? lu.-iiishod. Addrvs- Ai7 3d av., Harlem. A YOUNG MAN WANTED IN AN OFFICE TO XX. write uao . and slim books and make liiinteli geu erally useful. Address PUBLISHER, oo.\ 147 Herald office. STUN 00 R API I Ell WANTED (A OF. RM AN PRE lerredl?About -'< years ol age, who writes both German ami English in a good, legible hand bouts # A. M. to 0 P. M. Address, specifying references. ,|ualitl cations pad salary, box 783 New Y,>ru Post office. t\evti8Tn Wanted?foe offices here and in 1 ' Europe: also clerks desirous to learn the protesslou utile to pit v their way until competent to earn waged. 169 Howt-ry. DRUGGIST.?WANTED, A JUNIOR OJLKKK. APPoY at 2U9 Bleeckcr st. OFFICII CLKliK WANTED, 16 TO 19 YEARS 0I.I>, intelligent, industrious. well educated and with good home training. Address lKt>N AND STEE1-, Herald office. QITUAT10N WANTED?BY A YOUNO MAN; WHO l? id a first class bookkeeper, speak- fluently German, French and Italian, also a little English; highest city references ; expects little snlary to commence with. Ad dress M. G? box 143 Herald office. Books and accounts investigated, bal anted nod classed by an efficient accountant; terms fixed by job or day Address H.. box 3.4.W Post office. Drug clerk ashist ant?op character and integrity, wanted at Grand Union Drug Store, 117 hast 42,1 st. New York. Ty S. J AFFRAY A I'O. HAVE ROOM FOR ONE OR ?!? two thoroughly experienced travelling salesni-n ; a knowledge ot linens, white goods, lacos. embroideries. Ac., liidlspcnsahic. Salesman wanted?a yocno man who is well uosted in the tea and entree trade, to call on stores, Ac. Address TEAS, box 3,354 Post office. Salesman wanted-in a first class piano establishment in thl? city. Addresa, wltli rciorcnces. terms and address, PIANO WaRKIHjOM . box 3,507 Post office. A rrtRAYELLING SALESMAN OF TACT AND KXPBRI x ence in generui merchandise desires an article of universal sale to fell on com mission. Please address, Willi relercnce, l.ox 4,41'J Post office. TIT ANTED?IALKSMBN, HV A LINEN AND WHITE ?t goodsjobbing house, to travel In Ohio. Itidiuuu. Il linois. Pennsylvania, New York and Vermont. Apply, by letter, to $/. E. H.. Herald offlcn. Y1TANTED?ONLY O NTLKM AM Y SALESMEN OF TT ability for a ?neciallty; m lis ut sight, large nrotit; no humbug agents admitted. MoNHONADE, 306 Broome st WANTED?SITUATION BY A GOOD PENMAN, truck an I uccurute. aged 21; five years' experience as bookkeeper, cashier aod correspondent; Irtgbeatrel erences; willing to leave city. Address H. P. T., 479 Mucon st., Hrooklyn. 117ANTED?AN HNTRY CLKKK IN A WHOLESALE ?? hardware house; none but those having a knowl edge ol the business ami are good and rapid accountants Ite.-d sppty. Addrt.-s X. Y.. I ox 154 lierald office, with references. TXTANTED? A TOUNu MANTil LEARN UPHOLSTERY ?' goods; one who ha* sumo knowledge of bookkeep ing and to become a salesman. Address, with rotervnee, box 131 Iteisid office. TXT ANTED?A YOUNO MAN AN SALESMAN IN " tailor'- trimmings: one that understand* hook keeping and can bring first eios-. uty retorene ? will be noticed Address with reference and salary expected, M. L., box 185 Herald Uptown Branch office. TANTED?GOOD SALESMEN AND CANVASSING agents. Apply at No. 595 6th a v. v\ COACHMEN AND GAHDKNKKS, A FlR-TCIkSfl COACIlMAN?NKV EN Yh.VR.slN J\ Ids present placo; can be highly recumiut udod; married; no chllaruu. Apply ut itl West nth >l A COLORED MAN Wl NTH A SITUATION?AH coachman; is a fir?t class one; city or couutry; 7 years'reference. 79 King st, in th( mar of Leroy. A slNGLB PROTESTANT WANTS A SITUATION AS roachmau or groom; good reference trooi last em ployer. Address 1. W. T., Herai l office. AH COACHMAN AND OXOOM-BY A RELIABLE young married Scotchman; no eacumbraues: will tt'.me highly rec.unmended; city or country, xddrcts COACHMaN, box !3f> Herald Uptown Branch office. A GENTLEMAN WHHm A SITUATION M)R HIS coachman, whom lie can blgnly reeniameud. cttr or country. tan be men at i>re??.-nt employer's, i'tf Wrst <7 tli *1 \ COACHMAN'S HIT CATION WAN r KD BY A 2Y thnn u,-iilv <-nmpetemt m hi in every iHtleilir; highest reference alyen or capability the hum at I*in. n ? m tin' city. Adireu COACliMiJi, Mr. Brow ?tor'a. t'oroer 17tn -I. and Mb a*. ASITI'AMUN WANTED-AS IDACIIMAS. BY A Scotchman U ? good groom. temperate nod hoi oat j vcr.v Mat reference* aOdruaa E. B? 109 uul ill Lust 4 IODNO GkftMAN MAM AS COACHMAN; CAM 7\ milk <? wa and da garden work ami woatd mako himself generally usetul; good reference ii'-ru ISAAC Bi tllA." AN, No. V Wort 17th it. V SITUATION WANTED?BY A CD 11 II MAN; . 12 ve in' ilrrt Class city r? tereucex Adtire.-s I.. K.., cart Wood Gibson, TUB Broadway. (tOACHMA.Ni SITUATION WAMTED-BT A BR J apeotabla mnu, (tcriunn. Anglei understands tna business pertcefiv. also gardening; will he round handy , to uu anv kind of w?irk . tlrai class reference*. Address It. B. boa 11. Herald I iit.< ? n If. alien ill- r SITUATION WANTED-BY A SINGLE I.1 vooni man; heat city r.'ference. Call on or add re a E , II Kart 37; ii at. /T04CHMAN tNl> OhoOM'SHITfATION WANTED ? \J By a single man; I* a go. il garin-ner U reuqlred; thoroughly uiuernaoja both l.r<t class eitv a ml eoti i. try rriaronce Address CO ACHM AN, 26 Krcior *t. Mam and wieb wanted?as under gar dener <*c.. and dra* class cook. Ad resa, ataiinr ri iorencaa. nationality and age*. M. A, box ,55 tiers.J ofllea. SITUATION WAN TED?AS CO AC 11M AM AMD GROOM, by an RngHahoiU; r ivrnrn unexc-ptio i*M ? ; ? ??plovers giving up carnage and home*. ?. rve-ei m, Linear regal red; oeer twenty yrara In iart piao?. tail on or addreni J. C. K. 15 l-r?t Add at. THE METROPOLITAN Rill WIND KS UHLlSHMKNT, HI Broadway hare unniri ii.r I tacillbe* !.>r doing all kind* oi I'riuung with unosual promptiM ?? aai at moderate prioea HELP WUTKU-nALi:?. A CUANCK. ?MEM, WOMEN, BOY? ANO GIBL4 J\ learn telegrapa . and tat c muiti- Ds. THOMI'.-O.VS Cowcrc, I' 4th ay., opposite C'?op.-r Institute. Teh g. rniihy iiaugbt practically, with instruments. Novaca iiuu. A GERM AM STENOGRAPHER WANTBD-ABOUT 25 reare -.1 age. wno writer bn'Jl German an I Bug Hah In a good, legible bawd; boon 9 A. M. to a P.M. ta dri-.p specifying refcrencs. qua,locations and aaUlry, box 7Se New York fort olflce. a YOUNG LAHY WANIBD-EOND Of TRaVl L J\ ling with aaaxhlbttioa; wii be tnnrht to go in the stage if de?tred. Add rear I P., box 113 UeraM olflce. 1 BTOIT, ABLE-BODIED YOUNG MAM. AS AT A. ? - -? * ? - - 21 prt nil e In the drtlg bmin<-?i; one mnu the onun lr?, not a'raid of work, preferred- board hi the (.unity. Apply, in person or by letter before July 1, to VIItaNT A Co., 117 Broadway, i.rooalyu, E. D. A" GENTS W4NTVD. ?FUSINK'-SLf Nil MEM, TO tell tea to hotela, lauiillt* and largo cousumers In town an I country greatest inducement*. Apply to uRBAl AMcRICAX RtECMUC ll.A CDMPANf, 7o Barclay at. " A GENTS WAM' ITT AND CDr.NTRT, TO SELL i t le v* to tjtn: ie? and large ct>iiennieri< trt a;t-?t la dncameiita. Camon TK\ Company, 1 toBB.a i.bei-.t. C1AHVASSBR WANrED-roR A RBsPONSIBLR ) printing i oneerii -. m ilt be ihorotnm'y ponied and able b> give e?t nwit-a re.miner - UvU bberai and proBipt Addrew K. box It- lleraol oftce. (TOOD CAN V ASS N KS OM BIROS Of NOkri! I Ainerint; aplcnlld new ?el>eeriptlo? book; tarn paid. JAMi;> SilRRIIY, IH Harolav at. Net Vti, Jl Baltimore at,, baltimor*, 613 7tn at , Waaliinttoti. STEWARD WAMTRD-OM A YACHT OP 36 TONh| nun took iii I leml a hand on deck; wa tea pel mont'i and clotbea lound. Apply to Mr. TAYLOR, 56 Broadway. TO TAILORS.?W A NTH l>, RY A YOUM? MAN. AM eutiigt-tni nt, as panta and rtat -cuuer; ? u ing to All up time in oamu; nol particular aa to towuor country. Ai.dress E. L 0.. HerGd oiHce rrwo grmti.bmbm ok kxpkrienob to solicit 1 tiuaun if for a netv pibtica ion in fbc in'erests of the g.ats and I* an he n ware manufacture, a Audrcaa u. A E.. Herald office. TIT ANTED-I BOY A10CT Itt YKAM OR AG's. ONE Tf who writc? a good bnaineaa haul and t an come well recoinmeulcd may addreaa A., box. liil He.aid office. t-aUr- $i per week. WAMTED-A MAN COOK KOB RESTAURANT; rau.-tt understand the bnaineaa. Apply Ulia day 1M Washitigtni. itrert. New York. OTaETBD?EXfBRlKBUEB ADLHT9, TO 8RI.L iPA TT to families and large eonaituiera, term* Liberal. Apply at V ttoade *t YITANTBLI-TWO TIRsr CLA>S GROCERY AGENTS; ? f noac bnt experience* poraona an i Uioea well ac quainted with the trade oeedaupl/. Call uu Monday, at 29 New Bowery. Atltr ten A.M. <?20 A DAY GOOD AGENTS CAN MAKE BY SELL ln? "Maraliill'a Patent Extension Door Mep Seata;" smn -thina new ?ii readily at msM AddreVa KXTKNSimi BEAT COM I'A NY, box i.M _ , >?w torn Tvat oflk% i THE THAOKI1. AN UPHOLSTERER WANTS WORK IN A HOTEL I or private house, In cliy or country, heat relerence. Call at 2110 West 36th st * FIRST CLASH CUSTOM SHIRT Cl'TTKB 18 OPEN A tor an engagement. Alareou BROADWAY, Herald office. OII1KT AND DRAWER Ct ITING.?THE ART 47 taught In a practical und scientific manner, and pupils ???on ijuuliUi'd to llll tlrst class situutioaa; attend ance evening! only, trom to In; graduated Patterns furutshed the traua. BuGALDU 767 Broadway, corner 9lh at., rootu Ul rpo PHOTOGRAPHERS.?WANTED, A YOUNG MAN L or lady to retouch and tin *u photographs; perma nent situation. Apply to J. Wi 'OD, 20- Bowery. \\f AN I KD? l COMPOSITOR FAMILIAR WITH JOB ?? printing; one who haanpustneaa acquaintance and can make i lair uoe ol his bratu power. Address. Haling qualification! an I rctureucoa, W. P. v., box 331 Herald otRce. w ANTED?A CUSTOM SHIRT Of'TTKR OP KXPKR ieuco. Address HURTS, Herald office. ElftOPEA!? 8TKAJVISHIPH. A M ERICA N LINE MKMurr 1* 8TPAMSHIP SERVtCR ULUVeRN PHILADELPHIA AND LIVERPOOL, u CAE LI Mi at QCEK.NSTOWN. -2, i Biv'Trry ' htiredav from J'hila lelphla and sailing ?r, s ? V, nesday troin I.iverDool. PhlUilefphia6teamura uro appointed to sail from July 1 I ILLINOIS., July 21 ' limn FORD July s I ?K fcNILWORTH.... July 29 OHIO Juiv IS ! P.C.NN8VLVAN1 t .Aug. 5 PRICE OF PASSAGE, IN CURRENCY, Cabin. flOU Steerage and lntertu diale ticket! to and Irom all points at the 1' west rates. steamers marked with a star do not carry intcruiO' (hate. Passenger accommodations Tor all classes uusur paased. Fur postage, rates of freight and other intoriuation apply to RICHARDSON. 8PENCR 4 CO.. Liverpool; N. Jt .t. CUM-VtlNn A BROS., Quae us.own. GEO. W. COLTO.N, Agent, 42 Broad street, N. Y. ( JOHN UcDONalii, Passenger Agent, No. 8 Battery puce. New York; PETER WEIGHT A SONS, Oeaeral Ageuta, 3(J7 Walnut street. rhiladelplilR. WILSON'S LINK pott SOUTHAMPTON AND HULL, ?T to ha despatched from nier <4 East River:? COLOMBO But, July 101 ELDORADO To lollow NAVAItl.NO To follow f First uahiu. S70, curroncv; aecuud cabin. $45. cur rency. Through tickets Issued to OoutiuonUtl and Baltic poru. Aoply for lull particulars to CHARLES L. WRIGHT A CO., 56South afreet STATE LINE. NEW YUP.K TO GLASGOW, LIVERPOOL, DUBLIN, BELFAST AD LONDONDERRY, Failing Irom pier No. 36 North River, as follows: ? STATE OK LOUISIANA Wed., June 50 STATE OF INDIANA Wed., Ju.T 14 STATE OF GEORGIA Wed.. July 28 and every Wednesday thereafter. Sirst cabin, $7U. $80 an: $90; return tickets. $140. Second cabin, $40; return tic .eta, FDA Steerage at lowest r iles. Apply to au. tin Baldwin * co.. Agent*, No. 72 Broadway, New York. steerage ifflce, 46 Broadway. UNITED STATES MAIL LINE?-TEAM TO QUEENS TOWN AND LIVERPOOL. Sailing every Tuesday from pier 46 North lllver. Wisconsin ...July ti, 1 P. M. I Idaho Jnlv20. TP. M. Wyoming.July IT, I;3IP. M i Montana luly Ji'.noou Cabin. Intermediate and steerage at lowest rates. Prepaid tickets at low rates. Passengers booked to and from Paris, Hamburg. Nor way and .-wedsn, Ac. Drafts ou Ireland. England. France aud Gormauy at lowest rales. Apply to WILLIAMS A GUION, 29 Broadway. /TU.NAUD LINE.?B. AND N A. If. M. S. P. CO. Vf NOTIt K. With a view (o dlminishiug th- chances of collision the airunicrs ot this Hue take u specific course lor all sea sons oi the year. ? On the outward passage from Queenatown to New Turk or Boston, iu crossing in the mcridiau 50 at 4 ! latitude, or nothing to the north ol 4i. On the Fuinie waul p i-saga crossing the uiarldtau of 50 at 43 latitude, or nothing to tin- north of 42 From NEW YOKE lor LIVERPOOL and QUEKN8TOWN. ?RUSSIA .... Wed. June m | A BY-81 MA... Wed. July 14 ?BOTHNIA .... Wed July i | ALGERIA v\,.,| jfty 21 j stramsra marked * do cot carry steerage passengers. . t'.iPin passage. ?H>. il ;>. $(J>, gold, at curding to nc- S eomtnodaiioii. Heturu tickets tin lAVoralile terms. Sec rage tickets to ami from all parts ol Europe at lowest rates. Freight an l eabtn office. No. 4 Bowling ! Gra. u. Steerage office. Ill Broadway (Trinity Building' j CHARLR ? fl. Fit A M' K L y .v Agent, and 1 P. H DU VEIlNET, corner of CUrk and l.andulpli streets, Chicago. J ) ED STAR LINK. Appointed to carry the Belgian and United States mails. The following steamers are appointed to aallt? FOil ANTWHhP. From New York. From Philadelphia. gT ATE OK NKVADAJune 28 VAUKRLAND .Mr*\ >wVr/.KBL.VNU u y 20 ^?EllLA-SU FRO^I ANTWERP- SfwYork. # V A DKp MOriS* 'OF ' PARH AGK IN tURRKNi Y ^33!tckV? mand/rom fcn.s^d Knars 3 apply i? roi.TOK. Agent, ? *? T JOHN MCDONALD, ^j^.^' Y. PETER WRIGHT^ MreJC'Pmuoe'lpCio B. VGSDER ^'European Agent. Antwerp. _ Y* REaT WESTERN IT 8TE A MS (1 IP LINK. NEW YORK TO BRISTOL (KNGLA*D? DIRECT. salBng trom pe r 18, East L.ver, as follow*; ? ?OHERNk r. We "tern i Ikuh lav July & aRAGgN. - ? I. Thoralay, July 2k t ahin passage. $7u. lnieriuro.aiu, $46; ateeragc, $31, cnrrency; excarsi n tick eta. $i2u. Apph t., W D. M'ifloAN, Ag'nt. 70 Ronfh street 0 NLi DIRECT LINE TO PRANCH TUK GENERAL TRANJATL.O flC COHPARTt MAIL 31E A MS II IPS BKTWl FN NEW YORK Ai D 11 4VItK. The sp'en lid vesaela on this favorite route for tne Con tinent (beiag mora southerly tlMii a ay other). wBl sail from pier No. .4J aorlh River aa lollows: ? vie. h Dfe PAllis, Lachesna* raiurday. July 10 AM RIQITI . Pousota Saturday, Julv j4 PERE1KR, Dauae Saturday, August 7 PltlCE Or i'ASSAGK Is GOLD 111 ludlllg wine). Fli St Cabin. $100; see nd. $&>. Iliird.$$l R? turn I'leketa at reduced rates. Rteeraae $22. witii superior m e i,oiiio.;a ions and In cluding all necetines without extra charge GEORGE MAIKk.MfL Agent. 6' Broadway. N ational line. From rNo*. 44 and 47 North River. K' >it LONDON D1 HI-.CI. VRAM' ?' .Thuraday. J111 v I, it SI*. M. DaNMARK rtiurwlny, July A. al 9!? A. M. FUH LIVERPOOL AN.> - vCfcKN'-UHVN EUTPT lulv 1 P. M. [SPAIN . ...duly 17. Y P. M. TnK QUKKN July III. 10 \ M ! ERIN Ju.v 24. S f V. Cabin laiwigc. $70 aud $??, current y. Ste< ra,'c at fieatiy reduced price* Return ticket* at reduced ran ? repaid *t e- tar tickets trotu Liverpool at the loueat rui?.a App v at the company * off < e. <19 Broad wa v. k ya J lit Rer. Manager. N'ORTll Or.RMAN LLOYD. g'TBAMsUIP LINK BETWEEN \KW YORK, noil Hampton ana brkmbn. Company's pier, tool of Second street. Mobofn. ODER .. .July S I MO Mi I July 17 SI lit K4K Julv Id | In ?N At* July -J4 Bate* oi pannage trom New York to ruuurawpton, Havre or Bremen ; ? First Cabin, A.c.i gold: Second Cabin, ??Ugold; .Steerage. 92* t urren> y. Return ticket* at reduce l ratea Prepaid .-uoreee t'ertlAcatea, S74 cnrrency. For ircipbt or pa ?>?*,*_ aicplv to ufcLK.t lla A CO., No. 2 Howling green. UAMBf K0- \SK l; Iff AN PACKET COMPANY'S Li.NE Inr PLY Mot III. ClItBUOl KO and UaMBUICiI. , 11KRI'I. II .Julv I 1 K .OKSTUC* July IS 1 CIMHMA lulv A I FKIRIA.... lulv 22 Kale* m pumuutv to Plymouth LoodoR, ri,erb.i?uv, 11ainfill It and ail points in England, Scotland aud R'?le? ? ,, ? cabin, flratanteon. (Old 9b" i Cabin aeoond ni.inin, gold flu feteeraee'i uri encv .. 3U Ii NHARDT a co.. c. b men vni? a boas, Oeuerai Agents, Oeneral Paa oneer Agents 41 Brand street, New York. 61 nro.d way, New York. MOST DIRhCr AND ECONOMICAL ROCJB TO Holland. Belgium, the Rhine, RwiUitfland, Ac., vln K4JII r.KDAM. Steamer P.oTTKRda.M 'air t b.earner < Al AND lulv 22 I hi re beautiful steamers. earrving the United State* ma,l to the Sutherland*, am well known for the regular ity uf their trip*. Rate* wl pa-sagc h.w. FINOli, KDYK A C~ r ? " L. Vf. M 'RRIS, Uen.ral Agents. su Broadway. NMAM LINB-FLXED SOUTHERLY COURSE. i.oyai Mail Strainer* are appointed to ?nl a* r<dtows:? ruK ui i.lvNHTuW.N A>1) UVr.UPOOL. CttJ or HRCeshLB Saturday. Jill 3. at 4 P M. C FY vf cilr sri-.R ..situr lay, July 10, at II v m. ?TV nt "*K1H gaturduy. July 17, at * p. m. CITY OF rfh.' 'N Saturday, July 24. at J v. M. CI I Y OF R1CH?.OMj Saturday. July *1, at 3 P. M. cahin pa "SAUK?99> and 9I0B gold. ? i KKRAOE- To aad from ai: point*, at reduced ratea Cabin and general iflVee No. ID Broadway. Iteerage office*. 33 breed war ?ti i pier *.y North River. JOHN O. 1) A l.h, Agent WHI rs star i inf. Vf FiiR Ql'tKNslOWN OR LITRRBOOL. CA ft 14 YIN0 114 K UNITED STATES BaIT? Bnil ANNIC fitly 3, ,t t P. M, OK.CRANIO July 10. at loao .v M. ADRIATIC luly 17. Ml 4 P. M. CELTIC Julv 24. at 9^0 A M, RKJ'I'MMC July 9i. at i P. .a. Fr?.iu to* white Star Dock*, pier 52 North Btrer. Raiee?saloon, $?*) au.l |l? lugola, return uckeuoa favor.i bin term*. Steerage. 9 .A .-ai?.on, eta i room*, smoking and bath rooma are placed amidships, w here the md*e and motion ere lea-t, shunting a degree ol comfort unattainable al HA For ln*peetion of plan* and other information apply et the company's office, 19 BioaJway, New York. K. J cok i is, Agent. ITROPEAN TltAVI T.L' Hs WILL FINDTItrNKS FOR 2 itateroom* and Continental travel. Chair* am! Rug* for the iieaiuer*, Ac . ai Juil * caTTnaa'H'S, 7* Broad way, near a?u>r > .* ? ireuiuved irotu uurner t>i Broud* way and Wall atreeo. npoCBIST TTCKBTS ISSUED TO ALL PARTE OF X Kiir. p* ami America u reituotton* raiuriiia from Id t.< 4f per cent lielow r nnary fare* rney do aot ranuire tli'tr bidder* to travii in larve par'ie* Oood on any tram. Meamer or dingenoe, rtr*tnr aecond ctaae> Iriah and ecotcli t okata inue: ha procured in An.erica. "(v.ok'i Bxruiiioumt," price id cent# bv man. Iiu? particular* *nd fare* of ovar l.OUU tear* to Larcpe and round the World. ?loo*'* Ainerioas Programme." giving particular* ol over l.dU'cheap and piea?ant route* in America, can he . a,J upon application, ire* ol cliarae (ny mail in caatai. cook, son a JSnkins, comer Broadway and Warren street. OJIXlNOfAN ROMA, l? CHATHAM SQUaRE. Cheapcat Pa--age ><9ce In New York. Hteaine * everv dav for Cora, Liverpool, tllaagnw, Derrv. Call he tore buying ticket* tlaewburb. JU|alt* uayabiu ev?ry ~>h*r<9 COASTWISE STEAMSHIPS. PACIFIC MAIL STEAMSHIP LINK?FOR OA LI FOB Uia. J.ipau alii I hina, from pier Li North River. Poit a.-pin wall ACAPIJLCO June SO, 12 M. Connecting lor all Central Amerh ..n and Pacific units. FROM HAN FHANC1MOO KUK JAPAN AND CHIN A CITY OK TDK ID July L Kor height or passage apply al pier (2 North River. 11. J. STL LAY, Hiipcniiteudent. "VMIW YORK AM) HAVANA DIRECT MA1I, I.INK - if These lirat class steamships will rail at 3 P. M from pier 13 Nyrtti River, loot of t odur street, lor Havana direct as loiloWs :? GKOKGlA Captain T. S. Curtia. Ihursdav, June II COLUMBIA Hi r tay. Jurfc ?><) Kor lreight or passage, having unsurpassed accommo dation*. apply to u w, i?. CLYDE, A CO., No. 0 Howlmg Greeu. McKellcr. Luling A Co., A gouts m Uav iua. ^ tjfOR NEW ORLEANS DIRECT. JT The i r<.in well steamship Lino. The steamship CORTKH. Cupt <lu Freeman. will leave Pier No. D North River on ., July 1. at 3 1 M. Freight received dally, Through rule, given to Galves lon, iudluiiolu. Hockport or Aruizas W larl Hra/os Sun uago. St. Loiiih and M- Idle. Cahiu passage, ?.?. steer ux?. ii&. Kor freight or passago Apply to CLaRK a nLAM.iN, 6.1 Wert street. LKJK TURKS ISLAND. I'oUTii PLATA, HAM AN A 1. nml st Domingo City. ?tinted States mail steamship rYHllE, Captain W. II. Car liner, will leave pier 15 Last Kivu'oU Monday, Juno -o, al 3 o'clock Freight and passage payable In (told At New York. For particulars apply to L. DEL MON TE. 5J Exchange place. New Ycrk. rpKXAS LINE (IK GALVESTON STKvMKRS. TgIR II A lug at Key Weat, carrying the I'uiio.i siao a mail.? Hteauier L LY ,'E, Captain Kennedy. \v,il leave pier 20 East River on Saturday. .Iniv3, at.t P M. through hills ol lading given to ull points on the 11 and T. c. L and <J N., G. 11 and H. an I G. II. and S. A. K. K. No charge lor lorwarding in New York. Kor freight or passage, having superior accommodations, apply to C. II MALLOBY A Co., 153 Maiden laws. W. P. CLYDE A Co.. Ill' Wall street. XTEW YORK, HAVANA AND MEXICAN M .11. 1> STEAMS HIP LINK. Htciimcrs leave pier 3 North River at 3 P. M. FOR HAVANA DiRECr. CITY OF NEW YORK Thursday Julv 1 CITY OF HAVANA. Tuesday, Julv 13 CITY OF VERA CRUZ Thursday. Julv 13 FOR VERA CRUZ AND NEW ORLEANS, calling at Havana, Progteso, Gampcachy, Iuspan und Tampleo, CITV OF HAVANA Tuesduy. July 13 For treignt or pussagc hdpIv to F. ALEXANDRE A BONH. SI and .33 I'roadw.iv. Steamers will leave New Orloatli June'.8 and July 17 lor Vera Cruz and all the above porta WEEKLY FLORIDA LIRE ?? lor Fort Kuyul, S. C.; Fernandina, Fla.; Bruns wick, Gu. The favorite an I well known steamer IJI NTHVILL' , Chester. Master, having superior accommodations for passengers. will sail July I flrotu pier No. 3 North River, al 4 P. for ub -ve ports, inakiug connections to all points South and southwest, via Port Royal, the Florida ami Brunswick railroads. First class passage?To Feruaudlna, $20; to Jackson ville. $22 50-. to Augusta, $2Jl Through tickets issued to all points South and South' west. The MONTGOMERY, Faircloth. Master, will lid low Jiiu 3. For passags and freight apply to ilEltM. GLLPCKK, Nu, 5 William struct "Iff' i It N ASS A I', N. I'. J} Regular Mail steamship l.ino. nudcr contruet with the Bahama government, and carrying the United State- nniiis. 3 he departure* Irom New Yorg tor the ensuing four mouths will be a. billow*:? July 22, Aueust 26 September 23 and Octobrr 14. Steamship CI I Y OF NKW YORK, July 22. For tnrther particulars applv to Murray; ferric a co.. Agents, 62 South street New York. OLD DOMINION SIEAMslllP COMPANY, Sailing troin pier 37 North River. For Norfolk, City 1'otut and ltlrnniond, Tnesdavs, Thursdays uud suturduvs, at 3 P. M.. Ci uileeting with the Virginia and leiinessn Air Line, ftlmtic Coast Line, Piedmont Air Line, Chesapeake and Ohio Rail road and with the company's steain linos to interior point* hi North Carolina and Virginia. Newborn and Washing,on. N. C. ivla Norfolk). every Tuesday, Thursday and Haturday. Haituuore Saturdays, at 1 P. Ju Connecting wtth Bal timore and Ohio Railroad. ? Lewes, DeL. Mondays. W dnesdays and Fndavs, at 1 P. M. Connecting with Delaware ami Maryland railroads. Passenger accommo lutioti* unsurpassed. Through passage tickets and lulls ol lading to all points at lowest rata*. Insurance to Norfolk Ac., '4 per cent. Freights received at pier 37 North River. General ulllces, 1117 Greenwich street. New York. N. L. MoCHKADY, President. (f fKAMKIIIP Cn VI I'AN IKS USING LARGK QCANTI kc tie* of prinlin,: will ilnd it advantageous i ideal wi ll flic METROPOLITAN PRINTING KSIABLUHMENr, No. 216 Rroadwuv, as Its faoilltles lor doing every kind of work are unsurpassed, while m promptness, neatness und cheapness U offers sp-oial in lueeuienu. Hills of Lading (shipping Receipts, Ticket*. Mauih-sts, Passenger Lists, Circulars, Posters, Carils Waybills and every special lorm used in the transaction ol business carefully prepared and printed. TR A V K LLE EU' Ol I l>E. N TIAUAKA FALL*' SUNDAY TRAIN. riiuotuu in eleven hours. NEW YORK HERALD SPECIAL LIGHTS'I NO NEWSPAPER TRAIN LEAVES I or: tiR '.Mi t'ENTKAL IIKI'ol EVERY SUNDAY MORNING. AT 2t39, CO M M r, N ?' I AU ON 81 N DAY, JULY 4 MAKING CONNECTION AT BUPPALO AT 1 I*. M WITH L. 8. AM) M S. K. K, PUR ALL p.hnts west and >ol rawi-sr. thereby en ABLIN'U Pa.SEN OF. IIS TO REACH CHICAGO AT j! A M MONDAY CORNING. AI.SO ( ON NKCTINU SU PENSION BRIDGE AT I ISP. M SUNDAY, WITH THE GKhAT WEST RN RAILWAY Of , A > ADA For ALL POINTS NORTH AND WKST. ATTACHED TO THIS TRAIN WILI. HE IVVO PaSHRNGKB CO All IRS, and A LIMITED Jfl YIBUt op PajJ. s: no::us will he received ton hie rul Lowing PLAi ES:_ ALBANY, PALATINE BRIDGE {SHARON SPRINGS) CnCA, SYRACUSE, ROCHESTER, ?ATAVIA, BUF PALO, NIAGARA PALLs AND SUSPENSION BRIDGE. This will run m- nasnetii-.-rf to reach all do *>? North West or sonthweat from 21 to SO hour* earlier than by i any oilier tram. Tne Naw York Centra, is a fouriraoA road .all atari rails) ami the llEKALD TRAIN has the right of ??y ov. r all outer*. Pasaaagrra i>v tin night boata from New York can connect at Alb my at A j i"Ck a. M. Suuday. BY TU1- TRAIN SARATOGA, LAKE GF.OKO& SHARON SPRINGS, ! RICIIflE .D SPRINGS. TUB t'A I SKII.LS. WKST P-HNi. coi'NWaL: .'AND ALL TOWNS ALONG TUB HUDSON RIVER WILL Hi! SUPPLIED WITH THE NEW YORK HERALD REFORM BREAKFAST TIME. TIME TABLE LEAVE NEW YORK GRAND CENTRAL DEPOT 2:30 A. M. I ALBANY a: M A. M. palatine bridge 7:t?A. m. I riCA S SIS A. M ?TRACCSK 9.30 4. M. not IIKsTKR II -22 A. M. UAIAVIA 12: S P M. EMI HI PPALO 12:3'' P M. BUFFALO. IrW P. M Niagara palls t:w p. m. (AJtRIVK?HI'S PENSION BRIDGE 1AS P. M. TICKETS ( AN BE PURCHASED ONLY ON ifIB TRAIN "R at THE OFFICE OP TUE NEW YORK HERALD. . N. B.-NO UAOGAOK CAR ATIACIISD. I EXCURSION TO SARArOGA. J see HAY LINE a Is. rtlaemcnt.. A." north shore si a ten island ferry, for New Brighton, Snng Harbor, Weat Briirbtoa and Port Riebmou L Boata leave Whitehall (treat at foot of Broadway. dally, at t kiTTTi, 8:34. iOi, UtAS A. M. 12:43, Jit), 3:30, 4:30, 3:30. tT~nnl7:J0 P. M. Ruudayi, at ba't'pasl evesy hour troatStl) A. X. Fare 10 cents. Actor llodae ear* leave Veary itreet for ferry. Eii/ai.. It). A, 6:3), 7 7:11 \ a. If, V. V . 12 M. 1 I 2:30,3:1.1, 3i4tl t.l 1 - JO, 4: ?3:211. ?* :T'. 6. ?>: H 0:30. 7. 7-..ft). 8:10. ill, II -JO P. H. and 12 uigiil. Sunday. &M, I PoMtaliw*)-. ft. ?:'0. 7, 7:4,). 8. I) \. M., 12 M 1,1 St*), %10 1:44 .lb, 4:30, 4:30. 3 -0. 3 4). ?, ft 10, 8:39,7, 8 M 10 P. M. an.1 Unlgtit. Sunday, ft:A> and 7 p. M. For Wondbricte, I'-riii Am hoy and >vuUi Ambor. I and Id A. M . 3 to). 1:30 an til P. N F<.r New BrniMWick, . and RA.M . 12 M., 1 3:13, 4:10, 3:1a, 6:10. 7PM ant 12 n lit tit .unlay. 7 P. *. for Kart Millstone, 12 noon :t *t..l:2d P. *. For Kingston and Itocfcr Hill. 8 A. M. and 4:1) . M. f,.r Princeton, 7. ? hi 4 M.. U:3?, 2. ?:!dnml 7 IV M, For Laiiiliertvllle 9 i\ t M 2. 3, 4 1? ami ft P. IB. Albany asii thgy by daylight.?day boats 0. VIBBAKD ami DAN 11 L DREW leave Vestry atreeft. plei 39. North Kiver. li.inv ,'. excepted), ai ":3A and Twenty fourth st-c.-t at 9 A. M.. landing at Weat Point, i ornwait, Newborn, PongbheepGe, Rhine back. CuUkUl and Uodaon. llcaeU on sale lor points North and )Yest. frig ticket. to Weat Point. Cornwall an I Nrw burg, returning a line d.iv. >1 Sp .rial tr mis to and tr.'iu Sara toff a. io -irain-i. $123; r .unJ trip, S3 td attention railroad coxpabikri?puncw A Slii,? ,,r t rip Ticket* printed cheaper and on Ivi-.t - "IBfKopf * "? hoard at tha MKfRiPOLlI s S PRiN ting kst vBLI-H MEM. Ilcruld ..u tiding. New York, than anywhere else Pennsylvania railroad. The Great iruuk Line and United -'tawn Mall Rofft?. Train, Leave New York, trout of Dtmbroatea and Conrtlandt street*, follow* t?? ^ _ Bxpre** t--r Harrlabarff, Plttabnrff, the \to4t and Booth, with Pullman PaUeeCare atiaic-ed, psjj a- M , 3 and 8: U P. M Sunday. Sand S M I* M. For WilUameport and Lock iiavrn. tvia Philadelphia and Erie Railroad DiviGon. Mnnecttan at Pnilad-L plna,.9:3U 4 M, For W-Iliain-p rt. Lock Haven, Gqrry ami Brie. ?:?) P. M.. conueci nu ?t i ? rry for Tiiuayii.o, Petroieuiu ( enter and the till Rreiona For Baltimore, Warhington and the Month, Limited Washington Rxprais" ot Pnllmaa carlo.' Oar? dai.y. asceptsnn day. 9:3) t, M., arrive Waahtntrton * ib P. M. Bagnlar at 8:48 a. M.3an.l IP M SondJ/. ? P. *L Eit-reaa lor Phlla-l-lphla,7, 7:"*). -:?<). tt*l A M 12 *1 3, 4,4:10. IA 5, 7, 8!W. ? P. M. ami 12 Bight. Snrntav, I >1. ft. 7. and :? P. M bnugrant and aacoud claaa,/ For N-'ewark att A 7. 7 HOl ?. 9. in. It A. ? * .1, ?, 2*311, 3:10, 3.-PA 4.10, 4:.U. 3. I 2i:#0. ft. ftdU, 6:3). 7. few, 8:1(1, 0. II .30 P. M.. an 1 Ualgbt. .-unday. ftti^ 1 and e Id p M. For K - ruing'oil. f'hitiip-' urg and Balvidor :, i JJ . 2 and 8 P. M. . _ ? . , _ ? For IL-reer and Somerset Branch, 3 P. |. For I ronton, Horrt.' i o au, l. irlinglon and Lam >:i, 7 and 9 :J8 \ M , I. In. A ? ? and / P.M. For Kreeh. Id. 7 A M . 2 and 4 Id P M. For Farming lal, an.' -? nan, 7 A M and - P. M For iluiiotown. Peiuiwrum andCaudeu, m Perth A? Fnrljlshtut iwn n l I'erol-erton, 8 A. M. Train* arrive a* t.How* From Pltubttr*. ?JnandlDdp A M and'1:3) P. M daily. 10:13 A Mr mil ),:'>0P ?tally, except .Monday From tVa.rhiiuiou ?nd Balti more ? 3: A 4 13, 6 15 ami 10.27 P. K SiUHlajr B-.? Z M. and tt'i'27 P. m Prom Philadeiplria. Ftin,#:i), ?tIB, 10:13 il'.n II I A. M? 2:13 4.13. 3 15. ft 0, 6 AO 7 33, s 14, 1:20. w:.'7 P M Sunday, 5.1H e.JG, ftifci, l| l34 A M ?, k 11.2!) and 1(1:27 P M. V . . Ticket OfBcoa, A.'J and 9i? Hmadwav. Na I Anor Houae. and im>4 ot De?hr xae- an I t'our.lannt <?r,>eta: No 4 Cnnrt-treet. Br ..klvn No*. 114 Hi, ami lift Hod. a street, H,.token. I.migrant Ticket OflWo, Nad B*uary Vk'anK THOMSON I) M. BOYD, J a., lacuvrai Mauegci, Otucral PaaMURvi Affftut. TRAVBLLRRI* GOT1WB. HaKLRM AND NEW TORS NAVIGATION (OK i any s summer arrangement lur 1878. commencing Juno 10 Uu*li leave Peek sUb evejy half nmir, from 6: it A vl i. 7 :.5 P M, with tne exception of tn- lour trip* 'r un hall pi?t '' ii o'clock to half-past two o'clock, which will be hourly Sr. lime 'aloe al landing J. F. TaLI.IIaX, superintendent f)BILADKI.FHIA VIA LONG BRANCH AND T1IB M'.w jkr it ?ou HKit.s railroad. Furs from New York to Phita 'elphl* ,,nly $2 25. Couiinenctnj .>u .? 'in, i-;\ a L i. i .. a hi V i . a# It Ii... am a KXGDRSIOW*. pi.VR ill II ROCK J4X< 1 R-IO.NS. PROGRAMME OK 'J lib PRESENT WEEK. ?IARKBTT A PALMER atrlbute the excelVn-e ? onlet t! a. prevail* on these pleasure trip*, contributing ?u in G -I i illy to tins in lull* -t enjoyment oi their guest*, in tlie- discipline ot Hits nitid is noil crew auti atioclics generally, nil oi wiiotu are in uuitoiiu. THIS iSU.NDAY) KulIM G, June 27?Up the Hudson, Ian.In* it WKs POINT: boat leave* loot of Mur ray -ire- i, North River, at lH.SJ uoil loot of. TwviU.v-tbird ?tre<-t, N rtit Kiver at 11 o'clock. WlirillllK, le I . e. W'eat t'oiut at 4 o'clock, reach the city before dark TO-MoltltOo .MgNDaVi, June 28. and next THURS DAY, .luiv I. I V r:114 III'D.-ON, a. far a* WEST POINT. Lvuvcs loot ol Murray at reel Kail Kiver line Iiler., at 1:. i o'clm k. au . tool oj Taeu'.y tlurd alreot. North kiver at 2 o'clock. TUESDAY. Jtim 2J ami next f KIDAY, JuIn lute a ter tiooi trip or i i nil. hkgah Atlantic. i'artieuiai? in future adverliat .lu-ut*. W DM SDAV, Juu ? 10?LP LONG I.-.LA' 1? HOUND, WEDNESDAY EVENING, June 3u?MIDST'MM Kit WIGHT'S FRHUVaL on the lovely Hudson. IhimTna on the nial.i deck. SATUItHAY Julv.WrO i HE i.OMT Bk ANOR RACES, two Trips. I.eavi ? loo! "I Murray street, Nt -tr* Kiver, at lb o'clock A M.. loot ut Tweutj thlril atreet. North kiver. at lii:3o, and pier 8. North Uivtsr at 11 o'clock. Afternoon leave* fool of Mill- ay street at li: 0, toot ot I wcnt.v-third street, North Rivet. at 3 o'clock, and pur e. North River, at ;t :so o'clock, SENT si Mi vV, July 4?Tu NEW TT tVEX. All the MUSICAL aI'TKai TiuNS ou every Excur sion CHiMltS OF CHURCH BELLS MADRIGAL BOYS, mgZar: g/.ki: it.ih, grand piano anlORiAN. GlEUUgli.,' M I LI 1'AkV BAND Tickets for ruuud trip, any cm uraion .ONE DOLLAR > hiidreti halt prici Refreshment* of all kinds at iv a tollable rates. A?DAILY EXCURSIONS TO CONEY ISLAND ? the favorite ateutuer ARBOWSM1 fll will leave a* tollows.?Twriity-lpurtti street. N. l!., .it J A. M , 12 M. and S I' M.: West Tenth street, N. K.. at9.10 M . r.' id and 3till P. M.; Krai)kiln street, V. R nt 9:20 W 2.2) ami 3:20 P. M.; pier 2, S. K., at 0:30 A. M., and 3 240 P. M. 4 ?EAST RIVER BOAT: DAILY EXCURSIONS TO J\ . Coney lalan.l. I'lio favorite stesn'.er MONITOR will leave as follows:?EWhth street. East River, at 9 A. M, 12 and 3 P. M.: pir'27 Kaet Hlver. at 9:10 A. M.. I2:li and 3:10 P. M.. and Kuiton icrry, Brooklyn, ul0:30 A. M , 12 30 and 3:30 P. M. A REGULAR SUNDAY MORNING BOAT FOR New burg,-anding at Yonkera Luta Island. k>?t PollH. Culd Spring ana Cornwall. The favorite ktcatucr LuNG bra nch (formerly the-*ioep> Hollow), Captain John Lynch, leaven Kuitoii lerrv, Brooklyn, at 8 A. >1 , W ? *t lentil atreet. North kiver. at riid, und Twenty tli:ri! street. North River, at 9 A. M., tare lor thu excur sion, ?1. A? FIRMING BANKS REGULAR EVERY DAY. . iSstumavs excepted); sea steamer sBTII Low. leaving llurrison street. N. it., # !?"); Eighth street, E. R'. 7; pier 27. E. It.. 7:ia tenth ?in ot, S. it. 7i id; pier ejN. R.,8 a. M.; uckit*, ?L _AL. G Foster, Manager A LBANY AND TROY ?SUNDAY EVENING BOAT. .1 conneulttu with tn.u inug train* lor the North und West. Fare, hi cents deck: culilu paaeaft*, luc.ludtuc berth, pi. ihc la i .ui.l elegant steamer T'UiiMAd POWe I.L leaves pier tU Nortli Kiver, foot Lerov street, St ii P. M. Through ticker* *uld Ulul ba.iguge chucked to destination. A -FOR EXCURSIONS. SaLOUM kTBAMER WY . ot.ilng (with new l> 111-r) and I'thora; bar-'e* Re public, I hicago, Mtrah smth. Caledonia an 1 Auua; Urientkl, Excuikioi, Eaeleawnod, Coin spring ami Inland Grove* Offlcc 334 Weal street, opposite Christo pher street ferry. II B. cROSRKTT. TxAILY EXCLUSIONS To BOCKAWAY BEACH J t the iRsmi'm AMP. It I < I - and NT VEftSlNK will imkc < kfurauvns t.i Rockaway Beach dally vSuaday* lucludcd.. leaving ua fol,.u , - AMEBIC!'?, Twenty fourth street. North River, 82*) A M ami 1:15 P M.: West renin street. North IGver, a. M. and ltif P. M.: itarnav street, v < rt Ii River. :? A M. und 1 ;ij P. M.: Fultuu ferry, BrookU u, 9: si a. m. and 2 1'. M. NBVBKsINK, Ninth street. East itiv r. 7:4". A. M. and 12:10 I*. M.; boiilh -IxtU stri-et, Willi.mist.u-p. s A. >l and I2:.."i P. M. ; Grand street. Hast River, via A M unit I P M.; pier 27, East River, *:3ii A. Nl ami I:lJ I' M Fulton terry. Brooklyn 8:46 a. M. and 125" P. M. Keturiititg boats leav. Koekawuv Beach at 1 :<0 ami II A. M . 4:4j and 6:6 1*. M. Fare 38c.; exeSTMuu tickets, jJc.; tickets go...' i n cither boaL EtxcuRHIOKH BY BTBAMBOAT ARMENIA. DAILY * (Sunday* excepted) tn m NKW YnRK AND BKi'OR LYN. throngh the UiGHLANDH and Nr.W UKGBAYto NEWiU llu wi'Ij opportunitv ?.t *pe ultng three Imure St the anrivatiiul lueuic gr- und* >: Ion a isr.tND.or two hour* at CoZZKNH' HOTKT OR W EST POINT. Bee eiiverti* in.'iu lMtoothur colttm.i. LNURT LKB, PLEASANT VALLEY ANI) sH.VDY F Side boats leave Canal street everv .Sunday at 9, b> arid II A M, L 2, 3 ami 8;W I*. M, ami dally et 10 A. M, 2, 6:18 end 7:13 I' M.. landing at lwenty-iourth an) 1'birty-fourth street* daily, and Sunday, ten minutes later. Fare 16c. EK)ll BXCUKMtONg-rUR LA-'iGK. PIRST CLAMS, r favorite steamboat*SLEEPY lioLLoW, now - aiiei THK l>ON<I BRANCH, and MKT.kMOKA: Uuill-v'a. Al derney, sprinar Will, Myers', Alpine an I Groveu, Barar< alia Ho u* of all kinds. J. A E. MYKIir, coraer n Mortou mil Wcat nrerti fjtOB OB ART Kit?THE 8ALOOB HTKAMKK M A TTANO r lor -xcui-ioiu, uinUy eoto-ds and utruie parties at reasonable ralea Apply to Jona> PMllil a -_o., di Ho mil street. /8RAND KXCCB ION TO HIGHLAND* AND HKD IX Bank. N J ?The ?troov ana . .mini. ton* steamboat SKA HI KI? leu- r* pier 36 !..<?? ..| Kraokiiii street, North River, Mm,lay morning. 27 th tnat, au/clink, return ing leaves lted Hank at 2 P. M. Hwil.hV. MORKISANIA AND II1GH BHIOOK. 1 he Palace steamboats IIaRLKM, KURSI-aKU ami HADY -IDK leave Pulton M -rkrt Blip at c V>. 7 45, Rita, F U 9:45,10:13. litis A. M : 12 1 U 8: A 3:W, t, 4 Z*., 5: 5, 6, 0:ld ana 7 '0 I*. M. tan tlur at Grand "treat, Mntb street. Twenty-tfclrd atreet ami Aatoria. Bee tioia cards lor particular*. . unri*???Boat? leave every 4.5 intuit**. N'EWBl'RO. CORNWALL, WK8T POINT, CUUKKS' liolel ilnk, l<>na I aland d.illv (Sundai - excepted), by steamboat AKWKN A. from Brekvi. Futtun itrwt, at ? M 4. II.; Vritry street, Bee >.,rk 9:111; livrnty. |. urth street. 8: "'. landing at Manhattanrilia. ?5i; Yoflkera. !?? 5 Dnbbaf Fcrr-, II; Nyark and Tairv. rerryooat). 111- Katnrntn* in m Newtuyg at i i) l'. M., r *t hmg New York at 0:W and Brooklyn at 7 T. M. KKi). LAB St" vlliY BOAT F ?R ELIZA llBTH PORT? Leaving Verey street. titer 21. North r.vrr, at ?A M., . I2M., ifWP. B..faave L Una be th peri , au. A. M., 2 and < I*. M. REGULAR s I Ml > Y Bf iR M > i i K-.iT FOB IKY. port.? 1 he lavorit ? ataamhoai ol.Y i'UA N f. t uptatis William Hankliuret. kirn tmit ol Baielav ? treot. ;li A. M , land.iic at t ilaabeihport, Cnion, kuei Hie and Perth Aialwy tare to Kvynorl U ceutw. all vav isrwuug* 25 cents. hiouiiuui-U Uaie lour hours at key port. tjeuvlau tcksday morning boat tw li NEW II A) L.N AMI K . I It.N, HI BAM.-.R LONG BRANCH, leaving PraakHu -arret. North Hirer. s.? A. M.; Ptmnii lei rv, Brooklyn, J A. M.; Grand atreet, Kaat liner ? IS A h. ; Twenty-third street. )ac Hirer, A. M Faro, round trip 91. Lent'a tavorite Hand. SUNDAY BOAT FOR NEWARK.?OB AMI) AFTER 0 Sunday June 18, the ateaaabokt fit- Bin P WaY f ill m.iae U.e toll w..i* Sunday trip* be ween New . r* ant V Murk, itoppmz at Berfe-i I'oiat ca- h war. I^eaie Uarelay atraat. New York.. ..~.. I0..VIA. M. L avo Newark - A. M anil 2 F. M. Leava lor fcea 1 ill. Bar- ay afreet ?:*) P M 01 in 1 atreet, a a 5 p. M" Twenty-tour-h atroel, E. R 1:18 P. M' ejus ait t xcubsIonb" io""b akin jT^ABiT"?iro* C5 ria, landin* at Bro vie ?tra. t. KlerenUi vtieev A? i..r:.?, UUH: meet. : al.enit"lii " Park, -a. h *iv -Tha kh ainera."YL\ an DEi.L. sylvan ol . ana sVi.v a,N Mi hkaM will co.uuiencc tin lollo win* irlpt on suatav. Jane *.M7?t-Boata leava lUrleni-d:*!. ?. 10, 11. 11 is V. B.i 12 ;:w. 1 A 2 J t, 8:19. 41. h .1.8. 6,89.7 V I" * Boats ieavc Peek altp?8:15. 1", l> ?.ll:? AM ; 12:33. I.La 3, 8.42-. 9:.P, 1.14. 4:tt, i:??, 9:i4, 7:14, 7aki. SJu I". M. N. B. ? Boat" c( nnert with boat." fni flich Brnl.e Plc ni - ties ao. a-houU Ukeu on week Jit- uii reaa-u ui-le ierni". TABb. 14 CENTS ON SCNDAYN. J. F. TALLMAM, HnparintenlnnL CTTBABBOAfS A NO BaROES FOR fXCCRSloNB TO O Baritan Beach, WH.ow t in o, Hannynde ami on n wo?l orovea NaIITIn A KisKEt.L 111 South (trcct. UN PAY KXt"Fll?r,oN. -T iE S IE A MKH TWILIOUT wrl leave p-er f-h.t Twenty f-oirUi "ireet. N0--ih K.yer, -iindav, June .7 at -J M. . pier #. N -rth River, -o.l Rortnr atreet. >.t 9vm A M . n?e. inj a* s*?,;y >. . a with tram for llijlilan <. Hen Hriaht au-1 Lop* Brunch, returning :- a-e i.onc Branoliati P M arriv. l-ill in N-'w York at ? P. M. Fare to I- qr l-reuch and return. 91 Mk W. 8. UNBURN. General Manager. CI'NDAY~IxciRsioNS FOR ULhN COVB AM> M R-.?i-u landing at t ollego Point, -iren Neck. C.'y island. Sand 1 Point and Oi en wood. ? I no elegant steamer -BAWAMlAKA will loave pi-r It, Kaat t.,vct ireca "iipi.^in Sunday. June 27. at 8 a M., Ntaih atreet 9:39 and Tbirtr ihi-d street East Kiv- r. at i IV lor the above lap-ling* ami reiu-ning to tne city about ?? P.M. Uinm-r and refrevhmenta na b- ar-t wS CCNDAY DAY H1AT ? ALBANY AND TROY, I.ANO 1~ ing Manhatta ivill*. lona Isian >ewt.urg. Pottgh he spate, Khiiiabe k.CaUktil a:H arfirmj New York sin.e ,av. Sch-ivier, FrankHn atreet. pier 15 Nor-h riser. I i M : TwantV third ?-re-t *;I.V Pare, lima Island and Nawf.irg. TBcenta; ottwr poLltt, $1. Lx- ur? aiou t.cketa. Albany and Iroy. 8 .V. QCNPAY EX- CRM ions to raklbm. morrisani Z ki I'hrut's Park. Karl'a Pnrk add HUh BrIdM-'. Jkudllig ai Orn .8 atreet. S in h atreet, Aa oris and fl98u ?tre-t eneri way fbe palace aaamiroata MORRIS s n i a. iu it I.EM and SH ADY HtDB Will lease, on runday, June 27, Knltori >1 irket lock. 8:8u. 10:14, 11. 12 A. M.. 12:15, I ..w. 1:15, .1. 3:4.1, 4 J. .1 Jft 9iW. 7 P. M.. Morrisauia. H 15. 9:19. ?:Jd. W;T>. 11:15 A. NL. 12 nooa, 1, 1:4*, 2 JO, J t .8 :15, 4. 7 P M. B. B.? Th" t, tad 7 o'clock trips Ian I a; Twenty-third street Gigu Lrnlge boat* connect With ovtry Dip. Fare, I5centa, C. H. LUM1-TREET, Eoparlntendeitf. fl'O CHARTER?TUP. 8TRAMEOAT FORT LK* J for cxcuraioiM. pi,-ilea, parties at -i achooj. Aj-ph at No. 17 ? s ract, in tha afivrn-.on. n-IIP. FHBPKLI.OR OOVBRNUB'H I8LAND LBAVf .1 1, theCnstotn lou*a pier at 'he Battary. every bout daflv, me -uintays, lor Governor a ikamL Muaio by ihe haul iu the afternoon, ioi.,-we-l by drew parade TCKRTs, ClFCtn.ARH, IBYirATTONS, POST BUS. . an 1 ail aoc *?arv Prlattnc for ei- irBora, parttea. ba-la. A- , done nttha tM-.l.tvla aae allow ruu-. ai the MHTItOf'- >1.1 FAN PRINTING HM AilLI 11 M I..N I, 219. Broadway. Now York. Fa# Otlte* AdvertlsewekM C?i?f Tl?iB a?kdlk? JDlrnWrXf 4 T